Free printable phonics worksheets on silent consonants

Super Teacher Worksheets' Subreddit

2014.10.14 17:47 superteacherwks Super Teacher Worksheets' Subreddit

A subreddit for Super Teacher Worksheets news, recommendations, comments, and questions. All conversation related to elementary education topics are welcome.

2024.05.19 08:27 fluffytale1 Empower Young Learners Through Interactive Online Phonics Classes

Empower Young Learners Through Interactive Online Phonics Classes submitted by fluffytale1 to LearningPhonics [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:07 Automatic-Campaign-9 English-Romanized Snippet

This is my response to my own post from about 1 month ago:
K'maddiikoffuu astəh ktɨta sah'ii esslok't'ɨh mniifeh e'ottameh ottmoh addarii ah'ləhmassii'eddəh nkott'a.
/k'ma.ɾi.kɔ.fu as.tʌ ktɯ.ta sa.xi ɛ.slɔ.k't'ɯ mni.fɛ ɛ.ɔ.ta.mɛ ɔ.tmɔ a.ɾa.ɾi a.xlʌɛ.ɾʌ nkɔ.t'a/
To romanize something for an English audience, I looked for the sounds in the table <spelling-to-sound correspondences)>, and chose a representation which could be consistent, and not too misleading if used consistently. This is more helpful than the <sound-to-spelling correspondences>.
I chose initially to approximate /ɯ/ as /u(h)/, but since it is spelled with just as /ʌ/ is in English, I thought I'd simplify and just use a novel letter. As it is, on testing on myself and family, back unrounded vowels sound more like front vowels and front rounded vowels sound more like back vowels, i.e. roundedness trumps location, so I use <ɨ> and not some variation on . To indicate /ʌ/ I use ə, which seemed 'unintuitive' by itself, so I added to induce a 'grunt'-like sound. did not work because it produced the CUP vowel except at the end of words.
As is used in English as a 'silent letter' to indicate long pronunciations of other vowels - which I do not want, I use it here only in ways where it would be pronounced as the 'checked vowel' /ɛ/ - I double consonants after it to create closed syllables and add after it at the end of the word. The same treatment applies to , as I don't want the free-vowel pronunciation.
/i/ and are indicated by doubling and , because this is unambiguous.
To mark two vowels in a row, <'> is used. It is also used to mark ejective consonants, which the reader may or may not pronounce as such.
/a/ receives no special treatment, as, with the other rules it should always be pronounced [a].
/x/ is written as alone, after a consonant, and doubled orthographically as .
/ɾ/ is written as when alone, after a consonant, and
when doubled orthographically.
No two consonants can have opposite glottalization. When an ejective consonant is doubled orthographically only the first symbol is doubled; in two-ejective onsets both consonants take <'>.
As for the previous entries, I think chrsevs and AJB2580 made a good crack at it.
I am no longer singling out previous entries in new posts.
submitted by Automatic-Campaign-9 to conlangs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:29 agkking We have a new ESL Worksheets & Printables section at!

Hey everyone!
First of all, I sought approval from the moderators to post this announcement and they gave their consent, so thank you very much for allowing me to share this with you all!
I just wanted to share some exciting news for anyone involved in learning or teaching English as a Second Language (ESL)., a leading resource for English language learners and teachers, has recently launched a brand-new section dedicated to ESL worksheets and printables! 🎉
You can check it out here:
This new section is packed with printable worksheets that cover all sorts of topics, from grammar and vocabulary to pronunciation and practical English usage. Whether you're teaching beginners or an advanced learners, there's something here for you.
Here's what I think makes this new section so great:
  • Launching with 518 ESL Worksheets: These worksheets were painstakingly written by Richard Flynn, co-founder of, who sadly passed away in February. This is a fitting tribute to him and a great example of some of his work that’s available on this site.
  • A Diverse Range of Topics: Whether it's grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, or practical English usage, our worksheets cover the essential skills needed for effective communication in English.
  • Ease of Navigation: The section is organised to help you find exactly what you need quickly, whether looking for something specific or browsing for inspiration.
  • Presented as Printable PDFs: Each worksheet is available as a PDF for convenient printing, perfect for classroom activities or home practice.
  • Corresponding Online Quizzes: Every worksheet is also presented as an online quiz, meaning that learners can practise their skills interactively and get immediate feedback, making the learning process even more effective and engaging.
  • Corresponding Answer Sheets: To enhance the learning and teaching experience, every worksheet comes with a PDF answer sheet - ideal for self-checking or facilitating classroom discussions.
  • Free Access: True to our commitment to the ESL community, these invaluable resources are offered completely free of charge.
We are excited to launch the ESL Worksheets section. We look forward to it continuing to grow and become an indispensable tool for English language learners and educators worldwide (if you like what you see, please consider helping us by sharing it with interested friends and colleagues).
So, if you're an ESL teacher looking for new materials for your students, head over to and explore this new section. It's live now and ready for you to dive in!
Happy teaching!
submitted by agkking to OnlineESLTeaching [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 12:19 hellopriyasharma Best Alphabet Worksheets in Nursery English for Simple Learning

Best Alphabet Worksheets in Nursery English for Simple Learning
The foundation of early childhood education, particularly in mastering the English language, begins with understanding the alphabet. Nursery English Alphabet Worksheets are crucial tools in this learning journey, providing young learners with the opportunity to grasp the basics of the language in an engaging and interactive manner. This guide highlights top worksheets designed for easy learning, ensuring that each child can progress at their own pace while finding joy in the learning process.

The Importance of English Alphabet Worksheets

Before we delve into the specifics, it's essential to understand why English Worksheet for Nursery and Pre-school Nursery English Worksheets play a pivotal role in early education. These worksheets offer a structured approach to letter recognition, phonetics, and the development of fine motor skills through writing practice. Moreover, they lay the groundwork for reading and spelling, which are critical components of language acquisition.

Key Features of Effective Worksheets

  • Engagement: Worksheets should capture the interest of nursery-age children with colorful illustrations and interactive elements.
  • Simplicity: The layout and instructions should be straightforward to avoid overwhelming young learners.
  • Repetition: Activities that encourage repetition, such as tracing and letter matching, reinforce learning.
  • Variety: Incorporating a mix of activities keeps learning fresh and exciting, catering to different learning styles.

Recommended Nursery English Alphabet Worksheets

1. Alphabet Tracing Worksheets

Tracing worksheets are excellent for beginners, helping children practice letter formation. They often include dotted lines where children can trace each letter of the alphabet, improving their handwriting skills and familiarity with each letter's shape.

2. Letter Recognition Worksheets

These worksheets are designed to help children identify each letter of the alphabet within a mix of other letters or in the context of simple words. Activities might include coloring, circling, or matching letters, which enhances visual discrimination skills.

3. Phonics Worksheets

Phonics worksheets focus on the sounds that each letter makes, a crucial step in learning to read. Activities can range from matching letters to pictures that start with the corresponding sound, to simple sound identification exercises.

4. Coloring and Craft Worksheets

Combining art with learning, these worksheets allow children to color letters and related images (e.g., A for Apple), making learning a creative process. Some worksheets also include craft activities, like making alphabet collages, which reinforce letter recognition in a fun way.

5. Find and Color Worksheets

Engaging and interactive, find and color worksheets encourage children to spot a particular letter among a group and color it. This activity not only reinforces letter recognition but also enhances focus and attention to detail.

6. Beginning Sounds Worksheets

These worksheets help children connect letters with the sounds they make at the beginning of words. Identifying the initial sounds in words is a foundational skill in developing phonemic awareness.

Utilizing Worksheets Effectively

While worksheets are valuable educational tools, their effectiveness greatly depends on how they are used. Here are some tips for parents and educators:
  • Interactive Learning: Worksheets should be part of a broader, interactive learning experience. Engage with children by discussing the worksheets, offering guidance, and providing positive feedback.
  • Consistency: Regular practice is key. Incorporate worksheets into a daily or weekly routine to build and reinforce skills over time.
  • Combining Resources: Alongside worksheets, use other resources like books, educational apps, and school parent app to create a holistic learning environment. These platforms can offer supplementary activities and allow parents to track their child's progress.

Conclusion: Building a Foundation for Future Success

Nursery English Alphabet Worksheets are more than just paper and pencil activities; they are stepping stones towards literacy and a lifelong love for learning. By carefully selecting and incorporating English Worksheets for Pre-Nursery into the educational journey, educators and parents can ensure that children not only learn but also enjoy the process of learning. Remember, the goal is to foster an environment of curiosity, engagement, and growth, where each child can confidently navigate the path to reading and writing proficiency.
In conclusion, kindergarten students can have a fun and fulfilling experience learning the English alphabet with the correct worksheets. We can give our youngest students the strong foundation they need for future academic achievement by emphasizing engagement, repetition, and variation and by utilizing resources like school parent apps for enhanced learning experiences.
submitted by hellopriyasharma to preschoolwithpriya [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 06:12 peace_maker007 Free Marathi Activity Sheets (for Foreign Spouses & NRI Kids)

In today’s Digital age, it is easy to find an endless supply of learning material online, but keeping the momentum and enthusiasm going can be tricky. Engaging activities and regular interaction with a native Marathi speaker is essential to strengthen your grasp on the language.
Here’s where Speak Marathi steps in! We’ve understood the challenges faced by those new to the language and have developed a treasure trove of FREE downloadable worksheets specifically designed for Marathi language learners.
From Basics to Beyond: A Buffet of Learning Activities
  • Master the Fundamentals: Our worksheets get you started with the building blocks of the language. Learn to write the Marathi alphabet and numbers with ease.
  • Romanized Advantage: Don’t know how to read Devanagari script yet? No problem! Many of our worksheets are presented in a romanized format, making them accessible from the very beginning.
  • Verbs & Adjectives Made Easy: Take the confusion out of grammar with engaging exercises focused on verbs and adjectives.
  • Everyday Marathi: Learn how to tell time, identify fruits and vegetables, and navigate the different parts of a house – all in Marathi!
  • Spark Creativity: We have fun coloring and finger painting sheets to keep your young learners enthusiastic.
  • Memory Boost: Solidify vocabulary with interactive opposite sheets and memory card games.
Why Choose Speak Marathi Worksheets?
  • Designed for Foreign Learners: Our worksheets cater specifically to the needs of those new to Marathi, with clear explanations and engaging activities.
  • Free & Accessible: Simply register on our website and unlock a world of learning resources, completely free of charge.
  • Variety & Progression: We offer a diverse range of worksheets, catering to different learning styles and progressing from basic to more advanced topics.
Courtesy -
submitted by peace_maker007 to marathi [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 06:02 anny_t_ka Cracking the Grammar Code: Gamified Tactics for Mastering German Like a Boss

Cracking the Grammar Code: Gamified Tactics for Mastering German Like a Boss
Ah, German grammar — the looming, Frankensteinian beast that haunts the dreams of even the bravest language learners. With its daunting case systems, mind-boggling compound nouns, and delightfully tongue-twisting consonant clusters, getting a solid handle on the rules can feel more daunting than scaling the Matterhorn in lederhosen.
But what if we told you there was a way to tame this frightening grammatic franken-monster? By harnessing the power of interactive, gamified learning strategies, you could potentially reprogram your brain to absorb and apply the intricacies of German grammar like a slick Teutonic machine.
Now, we know what you’re thinking — how could something as humdrum as grammar drills ever be considered “fun”? But stick with me here. These aren’t your garden-variety fill-in-the-blank worksheets destined for the recycling bin. We’re talking full-blown immersive brain-training that hooks your competitive drive and transforms tenses into adrenaline-packed battles to the language victor’s podium.

Digital Duels and Quest-Based Conjugation

Thanks to technology, innovative apps and online platforms are transforming esoteric grammar concepts into epic story-driven campaigns. You’ll find yourself leveling uprie, verb tables as you progress through German language quests. By personifying grammar rules as mythical characters or fierce opponents to be conquered, even the dreaded Akkusativ and Dativ cases take on an irresistible video game sheen.
Better yet, many programs now integrate speech recognition, soarmed enemy figures on-screen will hurl gendered nouns at you to properly pluralize or identify the linguistic warriors lurking within compound word fortresses. Talk about immersive!

Board Games That Let Nouns and Verbs Mingle

On the flip side, plenty of old-school analog activities can still add some spice to textbook tedium. Board and card games offer clever physical mechanics for visualizing and internalizing syntax, article usage, gender agreements, and more.
Envision verb math races where you blurt out perfectly conjugated forms while hurtling tokens around the board. Or collaborative card-based storytelling that incentivizes creativity while organically reinforcing vocabulary alongside grammar lessons. All happening amid raucous laughter and friendly trash-talking that ups the learning ante.

When Screen-Free Still Means Interactive

Even without digital frills or gamified bells-and-whistles, there are plenty of hands-on methods for getting your grammar groove on. Engaging classroom antics like drillithons — where students take turns verbally firing off grammar challenges — can harness peer competition and social dynamics for primo retention.
Or get your inner theatrical flair on through tools like grammar songs and cheeky skits acted out with exaggerated emphases on proper noun cases and verb conjugations. The sillier and more ridiculous the scenario, the more those foundational grammar tenets will solidify.
At the end of the day, injecting playfulness and immersive participation into the dreary process of grammar study accomplishes something truly magical — it goads your brain into processing linguistic patterns as familiar systems and symbols rather than ethereal academic constructs. Whether battling furry German mascots or clashing word warriors, those foundational grammar concepts become intuitive pieces of an irresistible gamified experience you’ll hungrily crave more of.
So ditch the dusty textbook for tech-savvy adventures, physical challenges, or straight-up ludic linguistic lunacy. Treat your brain to those sweet, sweet grammar gratifications it didn’t even realize it craved. The more you make grammar acquisition feel like indulging in German Gesamt levels of fun and competition, the more hardwired those pesky rules and exceptions will become.
And who knows — maybe with enough gamified grammar-geddon breakthroughs, you’ll find yourself actually looking forward to flexing those new hard-earned skills as you Anschluss to conversational mastery of this once-monstrous language.
So, what gamified techniques have worked best for your personal language triumph quest so far? Or if you’re still seeking the ideal immersive grammar hack, what’s your preferred learning style — app gaming, tabletop theatrics, good old-fashioned grammar games and stories? We’re all ears for new tactics to try, so hit us with those interactive German grammar secrets in the comments!
Read our blog on How to count in German
submitted by anny_t_ka to voccent [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 18:41 Opalescent_Lion I count vowels and consonants in words, and more

When I was in school I made multiple “worksheets” of numbers until I reach some thousands, 1,2,3…12,456; 12,457; etc and I know that I didn’t make any mistake, because I checked the series two or three times! ☺️. Also through my life (M46) I’ve found myself giving value to words: counting in my mind the vowels and consonants of words in a sentence, the vowels would have a value of one point and the consonants two points, the capital letters 2 points, and the small ones, 1 point, even accents (1 point) (in Spanish they are very common) and I sum it all and give a total final value to the word, then compare words, and I would repeat it in loop even in the same words. I also count, sometimes and without being a burden in my life, the squares or triangles or any pattern I find in the floors but not in my home, I do it in airports, or sidewalks in the streets, etc. or while I’m with a friend, I count whatever pattern calls my attention in their blouse or purse, etc.
Never put attention seriously in this. When I told my psychiatrist last month he just asked me how many minutes I did this and he didn’t show any further interest in giving me feedback.
Is this common in ADHD or is it something else and is not ADHD? I think it sounds OCD, but this doesn’t complicate my life or relationships, I move on when is necessary, it happens when my mind is free, bored or distracted, I do not think it or decide when to do it, it just happens.
Do someone find this relatable?
submitted by Opalescent_Lion to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 17:31 CatWatt April 22nd Special Days - Featuring Earth Day Freebies!

April 22nd Special Days - Featuring Earth Day Freebies!

April 22nd is... Earth Day (1970)
-- Our planet and our homes are being neglected. Climate change continues unabated. There is a new ecological disaster happening almost every day. This Earth Day, it's time to mobilize our planet from the ground up to send a message the Earth won't wait!

Free Printables, Coloring Pages, Activities, and Crafts:

🌎 Earth Day Freebies and Offers
🌎 What to Expect From Earth Day Deals in 2020
🌎 Earth Day Sales, Freebies and Deals
🌎 Endangered Species: Save Our Species Coloring Book
🌎 Earth Day Printables
🌎 Earth Day Projects for Homeschool Families
🌎 Earth Day Activities For Everyone
🌎 - give and get free stuff - Free membership
🌎 7 Fast Activities for Earth Day and Free Printables
🌎 Earth Day Theme Activities and Printables
🌎 20+ Free Earth Day Printables for Kids Totschooling
🌎 Earth Day Archives Woo! Jr. Kids Activities
🌎 LEGO Earth Coloring Pages Little Bins for Little Hands
🌎 Celebrating Earth Day at The Holiday Zone: Printable Puzzles
🌎 Earth Day Archives - Buggy and Buddy
🌎 Home Composting – A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Started
🌎 Earth Day Bingo - Wondermom Wannabe
🌎 Earth Day Posters NASA
♻️ Herman the Composting Worm's Fun Place
♻️ Backyard Magic - The Composting Handbook
♻️ Recycling Worksheets for Kids
♻️ Free Composting Printables and Worksheets
♻️ Composting 101 {+ FREE Printable} - Stacy Risenmay
♻️ Do the Rot Thing: A Teacher's Guide to Compost Activities
♻️ Composting Goes to School
♻️ A Kids' Guide to Composting
♻️ 31 Day Zero Waste Challenge - For Kids! - Going Zero Waste
♻️ 100Tips - Zero Waste Home
♻️ Composting for Kids - C.R.A.F.T. with coloring page
♻️ EEK! - Nature's Recyclers Coloring Book
♻️ KIDS: COLORING PAGES – Ottawa Valley Waste Recovery Center
♻️ Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Resources for Students and Educators
♻️ Caring for Earth and Earth Day Activities Printables, Worksheets, and Lesson Plans
♻️ Top 20 Earth Day Coloring Pages
♻️ 22 Earth Day Activities to Help the Planet
♻️ 8 Ways to Keep the Earth Clean
♻️ Quick and Easy Eco-Activities
♻️ Earth Day Resources and Activities
♻️ 25 Recycled Crafts Inspiration
♻️ Help Clean Up Your Neighborhood!
♻️ 11 easy ways you can help save the planet this Earth Day
♻️ FREEBIE: Learning about the Environment (ALL)

Earth Day Recipes:

🌎 Earth Day Cookies
🌎 50 Ways to Eat Green
🌎 Eat For The Planet This Earth Day With These 10 Recipes That Are Sustainable and Delicious!
🌎 Earth Day Cupcakes With A Surprise - Simply Today Life
🌎 Earth Day Food Ideas - 9 Best Snacks and Desserts for Kids and Party
🌎 Earth Day 2021: Tips To Make Your Kitchen Zero-Waste
More: April 22nd Special Days - Featuring Earth Day Freebies!
submitted by CatWatt to FrugalFreebies [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 20:10 CatWatt April 21st Special Days - Featuring Railroad Freebies!

April 21st Special Days - Featuring Railroad Freebies!

April 21st is... Railroad 1st Crossed the Mississippi River (1856)
-- The first railroad bridge across the Mississippi River crossed the river from Rock Island, Illinois, to Davenport, Iowa, and was finished being built on April 21, 1856. The first train crossed on April 21, 1856. On April 22nd, Rock Island Railroad president Henry Farnam and guests were the first to cross the new bridge. On May 6th, the steamboat Effie Afton, traveling from St. Louis to St. Paul, lost control and struck one of its piers. The boat was destroyed by fire, and a portion of the bridge also burned.

Free Printables, Coloring Pages, Activities, and Crafts:

🚂 Train Printables
🚂 Train Coloring Book
🚂 50+ Train Activities and Crafts
🚂 Train coloring pages
🚂 Felt Board Train Song and Patterns
🚂 Free Railroad Worksheets and Printables
🚂 Kid's Page Train Activity Sheets - the Hagerstown Roundhouse Museum
🚂 Train and Railroad Coloring Page Sheets
🚂 Train Party Ideas - Kara's Party Ideas
🚂 Train Coloring Pages (Free PDF Printables)
🚂 Steam and You! How Steam Engines Helped The United States
🚂 Train Coloring Pages, Worksheets, Games, More
🚂 Train: Coloring pages, Reading and Learning, Free Online Games, Videos for kids
🚂 26 Best Train Coloring Pages
🚂 Surviving Steam Locomotives in the USA
🚂 TrainPlayer Game Armchair Model Railroading Unlimited Free Demo
🚂 Train Sim APK realistic train simulator suitable for both adults and kids
🚂 FREE Steam Train Number line 0-30 Early Years (EYFS) Printable
🚂 Steam Train Craft with Colouring and Gluing
🚂 Printable Train Number Matching Card Game
🚂 Steam Train Dream Train Busy Bag
🚂 Top 20 Thomas The Train Coloring Pages
🚂 On The Train Printable Book for Early Readers
🚂 Steam Locomotive Worksheets and Printables
🚂 Spane the Train Conductor – How to Make a Train Conductor Hat
🚂 14 Train Crafts and Art Ideas
🚂 19 Train-Themed Free Printables
🚂 Train Ideas and Printables Making Learning Fun
🚂 Printable Railroad Crossing Sign
🚂 Train Kids Print Out Activity Pack
🚂 Railway Timetables: you can print
🚂 Free HO Scale Printable Paper Buildings and Structures
🚂 Free Printable Shipping Containers/HO_Containers.htm)
🚂 Free Printable Model Railway Card Building Kits
🚂 Rail Nation: Free strategy train game

Railroad Recipes:

🚂 Last call to dinner Classic Trains
🚂 Dining on the Rails: Railroad Cake!
🚂 Official Railroad Cookbooks Railroad Dining Car Archives
🚂 Official Railroad Cookbooks
🚂 Railroad Classic Recipes For the Holidays
🚂 Railroad Pie
🚂 Railroad Dinner Deluxe
More: April 21st Special Days - Featuring Railroad Freebies!
submitted by CatWatt to FrugalFreebies [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 19:05 CatWatt April 20th Special Days - Featuring Marie Curie Freebies!

April 20th Special Days - Featuring Marie Curie Freebies!

April 20th is... Marie and Pierre Curie Isolated Radium (1902)
-- On April 20, 1902, Marie and Pierre Curie successfully isolate radioactive radium salts from the mineral pitchblende in their laboratory in Paris. In 1898, the Curies discovered the existence of the elements radium and polonium in their research on pitchblende. Since its discovery, radium has given names like radium A and radium C2 to several isotopes of other elements, which are decay products of radium-226.

Free Printables, Coloring Pages, Activities, and Crafts:

🔬 Marie Curie For Kids
🔬 How to Make a Marie Curie Lapbook – free printable
🔬 Marie Curie Unit Study for Grades K-3
🔬 Fundraise for Marie Curie Download useful materials
🔬 Madame Marie Curie Free Online Jigsaw Puzzles
🔬 Marie Curie Printables, Classroom Activities, Teacher Resources
🔬 Marie Curie Printables and Worksheets
🔬 Madame Curie Biography Worksheet – Free Printables Hidden Words Game Science
🔬 Marie Curie Resource and Activity Book
🔬 Step by Step Drawing tutorial on How to Draw Marie Curie
🔬 Marie Curie - Famous People Lessons
🔬 Marie Curie Word search
🔬 Marie Curie Coloring Pages Surfnetkids
🔬 Marie Curie – Color Cut and Glow Lab
🔬 Marie Curie Coloring Page
🔬 Famous Scientists: FREE Printables and Resources About Marie and Pierre Curie
🔬 Pierre and Marie Curie Coloring Page

Marie Curie Recipes:

🔬 Marie Curie Inspired Butter-Sugar Pull Apart Bread
🔬 Recipes for your Blooming Great Tea Party
🔬 Marie Curie recipes: Jelly and ice cream
🔬 Victoria’s sandwich finger cakes for Marie Curie
🔬 Simple Sourdough Starter
More: April 20th Special Days - Featuring Marie Curie Freebies!
submitted by CatWatt to FrugalFreebies [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 14:50 CatWatt April 18th Special Days - Featuring Paul Revere Freebies!

April 18th Special Days - Featuring Paul Revere Freebies!

April 18th is... Paul Revere's Midnight Ride/Paul Revere Day (1775)
-- Paul Revere (Late December 1734 – May 10, 1818) was an American silversmith and a patriot in the American Revolution. On the evening of April 18, 1775, Paul Revere was summoned by Dr. Joseph Warren of Boston, to be given the task of riding to Lexington, Massachusetts, with the news regular troops were about to march into the countryside northwest of Boston.

Free Printables, Coloring Pages, Activities, and Crafts:

🐎 Paul Revere Facts and Worksheets
🐎 Paul Revere Word Scramble
🐎 The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere DLTK's Poems
🐎 Paul Revere Crossword Puzzle Printable
🐎 Listen to Paul Revere's Ride - Historian Jayne Triber reads Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's Paul Revere's Ride
🐎 The Revere Express - Bi-weekly blog posts keep you up to date with all things Revere related
🐎 Facts and Printables About the American Revolution
🐎 Paul Revere's Ride - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
🐎 American Revolutionary War coloring pages Paul Revere's Ride
🐎 Paul Revere unit
🐎 Paul Revere Lessons
🐎 Paul Revere Craft Ideas for Children
🐎 How to Make an Americana Lantern Craft Warehouse
🐎 So you want to look like Paul Revere?
🐎 Timeline Worksheet: April 18-19, 1775, Paul Revere and the American Revolution
🐎 Paul Revere's Ride Stories Podcast
🐎 Free Paul Revere Printables and Worksheets
🐎 How to Make Colonial Hats Out of Paper

Paul Revere Recipes:

🐎 Paul Revere Potato Salad Recipe
🐎 Paul Revere Coconut Cake
🐎 Paul Revere Baked Beans Recipe
🐎 Paul Revere Chicken Recipe
🐎 Virtual Traditions of the Season at the Paul Revere House Recipes
🐎 Paul Revere's Kitchen - Colebrook Historical Society
🐎 Paul Revere's Mule Recipe
More: April 18th Special Days - Featuring Paul Revere Freebies!
submitted by CatWatt to FrugalFreebies [link] [comments]

2024.04.15 22:52 CatWatt April 15th Special Days - Featuring Titanic Freebies!

April 15th Special Days - Featuring Titanic Freebies!

April 15th is... National Titanic Remembrance Day (1912)
-- This day is dedicated to the memory of the Titanic, a British passenger liner, and the over 1,500 people who died that day. On this day in 1912, the Titanic sank in the icy waters of the North Atlantic Ocean after colliding with an iceberg during her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York City.

Free Printables, Coloring Pages, Activities, and Crafts:

🛳️ Titanic Jigsaw Puzzles Free Onlne Jigsaw Puzzles
🛳️ Titanic Deckplans - Download the RMS Titanic blueprints
🛳️ Titanic Resources for Teachers
🛳️ Titanic Word Search
🛳️ Learn All About the Titanic (FREE Printable Pack)
🛳️ Printable Titanic Bookmarks
🛳️ Titanic Activities for Children Printable Coloring Pages and Worksheets
🛳️ Free Titanic Worksheet Superpack
🛳️ All About the Titanic
🛳️ FREE! - The Titanic Colouring Pages
🛳️ Titanic Lessons, Experiments, Activities, and More!
🛳️ Remembering the Titanic Videos, Games, Maps, and Interactives
🛳️ Titanic - Free Printable
🛳️ 33 Rare Titanic Sinking Photos Taken Just Before And After It Happened
🛳️ Step by Step Drawing tutorial on How to Draw Titanic Sinking
🛳️ Cardboard Titanic Model
🛳️ Titanic Integrated classroom resources - Squarespace
🛳️ 30 coloring pages of Titanic
🛳️ Titanic Boarding Pass Activity Fill in your own - RMS Titanic WebQuest
🛳️ Titanic Passenger List
🛳️ Titanic Facts • 1,000+ Fascinating Facts and Figures
🛳️ Titanic - printable MURDER MYSTERY
🛳️ Titanic Printable Papercraft Model
🛳️ Researching the Wreck of the RMS Titanic

Titanic Recipes:

🛳️ Authentic Recipes Served on the RMS Titanic
🛳️ Complete First Class Titanic Menu - Dragon's Kitchen
🛳️ Titanic Recipes
🛳️ Titanic's 3rd Class Cabin Biscuits KeepRecipes
🛳️ Titanic Salad with Iceberg Lettuce Recipe - Spark Recipes
🛳️ 11 Items From 'Titanic’s' Final Menus
🛳️ Titanic Dessert: Peaches in Chartreuse Jelly
More: April 15th Special Days - Featuring Titanic Freebies!
submitted by CatWatt to FrugalFreebies [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 18:39 CatWatt April 14th Special Days - Featuring Dolphin Freebies!

April 14th Special Days - Featuring Dolphin Freebies!

April 14th is... National Dolphin Day
-- Dedicated to dolphins, to educate people about dolphins and how they help protect the oceans. Dolphins are cetacean mammals related to whales and porpoises, ranging in size from 4 feet to up to 30 feet. Dolphins are found worldwide, preferring the shallower seas of the continental shelves. Focusing on the worldwide plight of the dolphins, with many awareness meetings and gatherings happen around the globe.

Free Printables, Coloring Pages, Activities, and Crafts:

🐬 Dolphin Free Printable Templates and Coloring Pages
🐬 Dolphin Printables Word Search, Vocabulary, Crossword, and More
🐬 Printable Dolphin Worksheets, Coloring Pages, Games, and more
🐬 Free Dolphin Worksheets and Printables
🐬 Dolphin: Coloring pages, Free Online Games, Drawing
🐬 Dolphins worksheets - ESL Printables
🐬 Dolphin Coloring Pages Surfnetkids
🐬 22 Dolphin Dot to Dot printable worksheets
🐬 Preschool Dolphin Dot Art Activity
🐬 Dolphin Cupcake Decoration Printables
🐬 KidZone: Learn about the amazing world of whales and dolphins with interactive animations and activities
🐬 Jumping Dolphin Paper Craft Free Printable
🐬 Weekly Workboxes–Dolphins (with printables)
🐬 Discover Dolphins Dogs of the Sea
🐬 FREE Dolphin Life Cycle Printables - About a Mom
🐬 Kids Dolphin Craft All Kids Network
🐬 Learning About Dolphins: Activities for Kids and Free Printable
🐬 Dolphin Crafts for Kids: Make Dolphins with the following
🐬 10 Fun Dolphin Crafts For Preschoolers

More Free Printables, Coloring Pages, Activities, and Crafts:

🐬 June 11th Special Days - Featuring Jacques Cousteau Freebies!
🐬 July 30th Special Days - Featuring Snorkeling Freebies!
🐬 July 14th Special Days - Featuring Shark Freebies!
🐬 September 26th Special Days - Featuring Whale Freebies!
🐬 April 8th Special Days - Featuring Zoo Freebies!
More: April 14th Special Days - Featuring Dolphin Freebies!
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2024.04.13 18:34 CatWatt April 13th Special Days - Featuring Scrabble Freebies!

April 13th Special Days - Featuring Scrabble Freebies!

April 13th is... National Scrabble Day
-- April 13th is the day Alfred Mosher Butts was born. Alfred gave the world an iconic board game, now played worldwide. The amateur artist and unemployed architect developed the word game during the Depression. Originally named Lexiko and then Criss-Cross Words, Alfred eventually settled on Scrabble. Everyone loves Scrabble, so why not spend National Scrabble Day with someone you like in a friendly battle of words and wits?

Free Printables, Coloring Pages, Activities, and Crafts:

📖 is a scrabble helper website
📖 How To Make Scrabble Tile Christmas Ornaments
📖 The Old Scrabble Board Game Printable
📖 Free Online SCRABBLE Sprint game
📖 Downloadable Worksheets, Exercises, and Activities to teach Scrabble
📖 Printable Scrabble MommyMadeThat
📖 Ottawa Scrabble Club - click on Score Sheets, Resources, Study
📖 Free Printable Scrabble Letter Tiles Sign
📖 Scrabble Maker
📖 School Scrabble (Free Resources) -- scroll down
📖 The Best Scrabble Tile Crafts You'll Want to Try
📖 Two Dozen DIY Scrabble Tile Crafts that You Must Try!
📖 Scrabble Wall Art – Easy and Fun DIY Home Decor Project
📖 Free Scrabble Printables and Worksheets
📖 Printable Scrabble Score Sheet
📖 Printable Scrabble tiles worksheet
📖 Scrabble Word Finder Home of the Official SCRABBLE® Players Dictionary
📖 Unscrambler and Scrabble Word Finder
📖 Scrabble Rules - Scrabble Official Rules
📖 Printable Scrabble Tiles Board
📖 How to Make Scrabble Tile Coasters
📖 Make Your Own Scrabble Tile Pendant Necklaces
📖 Scrabble Letters and Tiles (Free Printable SVG Patterns)
More: April 13th Special Days - Featuring Scrabble Freebies!
submitted by CatWatt to FrugalFreebies [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 18:52 CatWatt April 10th Special Days - Featuring Golf Freebies!

April 10th Special Days - Featuring Golf Freebies!

April 10th is... Golfer's Day/Golf Day (1916)
-- Some believe the word golf is derived from Gentlemen Only, Ladies Forbidden. The modern golf game originated in Scotland in the 15th century. The first written mention was by James II, who banned the game in 1457 because it became a distraction from learning archery. However, a game called paganica was played by the Romans in the first century BC. They used a bent stick and a stuffed leather ball. The Chinese played a similar game with a small ball called chuiwan between the eighth and 14th centuries. The first professional golf tournament was held on April 10, 1916.

Free Printables, Coloring Pages, Activities, and Crafts:

🏌️‍♂️ Fairway Solitaire A challenging solitaire card game full of beautiful scenery and gopher hijix!
🏌️‍♂️ The Geometry Of Miniature Golf
🏌️‍♂️ Putt Worksheet - TeachEngineering
🏌️‍♂️ Golf Theme Units abcteach
🏌️‍♂️ Miniature Golf Scorecard
🏌️‍♂️ MiniGolf Instructions - ThinkFun
🏌️‍♂️ Golf Coloring Pages - Best Coloring Pages For Kids
🏌️‍♂️ Free Printable Word Search Puzzle Golf
🏌️‍♂️ Make Your Own Mini-Golf Course: Free Printable Instructions
🏌️‍♂️ Elf Miniature Golf Printables
🏌️‍♂️ Free Mini Golf Teaching Resources
🏌️‍♂️ Free Golf Party Happy Birthday Banner - Mini Golf
🏌️‍♂️ Golf Cupcakes {Free Flag Printables}
🏌️‍♂️ How to Make a Mini-Golf Course with Pictures
🏌️‍♂️ Mini Golf Online Learning Games for Kids
🏌️‍♂️ Online Golf Games
🏌️‍♂️ Gusto Golf Coloring Pictures
🏌️ Golf's New Rules Downloadable Resources
🏌️ Free Printable Gift Certificate Golf Template
🏌️ Golf Week Magazine Free Digital Edition
🏌️ Printing Golf Scorecards
🏌️ Printable Golf Warm-Up Exercises -
🏌️ Free Golf Worksheets and Printables
🏌️ Golf Printable Printing Scorecards
🏌️ The Ultimate Mini Golf Date Night - The Dating Divas
🏌️ Golf coloring pages
🏌️ 10 Best Golf Coloring Pages
🏌️ Printable Golf Scoresheet
🏌️ Golf Card Templates - print and customize for your favorite athlete
🏌️ Free Golf Gift Printable for Dad
🏌️ Golf dot-to-dot printable worksheets
🏌️ December 14th Special Days - Featuring Miniature Golf Freebies!
More: April 10th Special Days - Featuring Golf Freebies!
submitted by CatWatt to FrugalFreebies [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 00:01 CatWatt April 8th Special Days - Featuring Zoo Freebies!

April 8th Special Days - Featuring Zoo Freebies!

April 8th is... National Zoo Lovers Day
-- A day for all who love visiting the zoo and seeing all the unique animals who call the zoo home. A day when the world celebrates the education and awareness brought by zoos worldwide. Zoos allow us to observe these animals in their habitats and learn about their habits. Zoos also will enable us to help protect endangered species through research and reproduction in captivity. In the U.S., an estimated 175 million people visit one of the nation's 350 zoos annually.

Free Printables, Coloring Pages, Activities, and Crafts:

🐵 Monterey Bay Aquarium Live Web Cams
🦁 The Cincinnati Zoo: Around 3 p.m., the Zoo holds a daily Home Safari on its Facebook Live Feed
🐺 The Chicago Shedd Aquarium shares some pretty adorable behind-the-scenes footage of their residents
🐪 National Aquarium: Walkthrough tropical waters to the icy tundra in this floor-by-floor tour of the famous, Baltimore-based aquarium
🐼 Atlanta Zoo: The Georgia Zoo Panda Cam Livestream
🐸 Zoo Animal Picture Cards
🐧 Georgia Aquarium: Sea-dwellers like African penguins and Beluga Whales live cam
🐨 San Diego Zoo Live Cams: lets you switch between koalas, polar bears, and tigers in one sitting
🦏 Zoo Printables at Preschool Printables by Gwen
🐘 Houston Zoo Live Cam: There are plenty of different animals you can check in on, including watching the playful elephants.
🐵 Zoo Animals Theme Activities and Printables
🦁 Free Zoo Worksheets and Printables
🐺 Folding Paper Zoo Animals
🐪 Zoo Animals Counting Mats
🐼 Live Webcams! See what the animals are up to right now - Dublin Zoo, Ireland
🐸 Printable Zoo Scavenger Hunt Book
🐧 Safari Theme Zoo Date and Printables - From The Dating Divas
🐨 Zoo Board Game Free Printable Papercraft Templates
🦏 Crafts and Activities San Diego Zoo Kids
🐘 Zoo Animals – Dramatic Play Activity
🐸 My Trip to the Zoo {Free Printable Booklet}
🐵 Zoo Animals Coloring Pages
🦁 Family Outdoor Activities for Winter: Zoo Bingo Printable
🐺 Zoo Scavenger Hunt Printable
🐪 Zoo First to 20 and First to 50 Maths Game
🐼 Zoo Scavenger Hunt FREEBIE
🐸 Free Zoo Printables and Crafts Themed by Animal Species
🐧 Zoo Color by Numbers
🐨 Zoo Name Puzzles
🦏 Printable Animal Puzzles {Busy Bag}
🐘 HUGE Printable Zoo Pack
🐵 Zoo Animals: Tracing Lines for Fine Motor Skills
🦁 Zoo Animals Roll and Move Printable Game
🐺 Dear Zoo - Play Ideas + Printables For Preschool
🐪 Put Me In A Zoo Craft

Zoo Recipes:

🐺 Hummingbird Nectar Recipe - Smithsonian's National Zoo
🐪 Zoo Animal - Recipes
🐸 Zoo train cake - Taste
🐧 RECIPE: Goin' to the Zoo Snack Mix Fox 59 -
🐨 Shortbread Animal Cracker Cookies – Baked by Rachel
🦏 Zoo Cookies- Giraffe, Lion, and Elephant Cookies The Bearfoot Baker
More: April 8th Special Days - Featuring Zoo Freebies!
submitted by CatWatt to FrugalFreebies [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 23:32 CatWatt April 9th Special Days - Featuring Unicorn Freebies!

April 9th Special Days - Featuring Unicorn Freebies!

April 9th is... National Unicorn Day
-- The perfect day to remember how tales of magic and enchantment influenced your imagination as a child. Unicorns have been a popular mythical creature since ancient Greek times when people believed they lived in India. Originally, unicorns were considered fierce, powerful animals that were not to be meddled with. But now, they are seen as a symbol of love, purity, enchantment, and magic.

Free Printables, Coloring Pages, Activities, and Crafts:

🦄 Unicorn coloring pages Free Coloring Pages
🦄 Free Sleeping Unicorn Pony Crochet Pattern
🦄 How to make unicorn eggs
🦄 How to make an Elmer unicorn
🦄 Unicorn Jigsaw Puzzle Free Online Jigsaw Puzzles
🦄 Unicorn Printable Worksheets and Coloring Pages
🦄 Unicorn Kinetic Sand
🦄 75 Magical Unicorn Coloring Pages for Kids and Adults
🦄 The Nuff Activity Kit - includes 10 pages full of coloring sheets, a maze, a word search, crafts, and activities to spark creativity, positivity, and confidence-building.
🦄 Unicorn Jazz children's books series - Scroll down for Free Curriculum and Activity Guide with Free Coloring Pages
🦄 Unicorn Printables Halegrafx - thank you cards, Water Bottle Labels, bookmarks, Cupcake Toppers, party invitations, Valentine
🦄 64 Unicorn Coloring Pages
🦄 DIY Printable Unicorn Party Decor -- Everything You Need - Lia Griffith
🦄 Unicorn dot-to-dot printable worksheets
🦄 74 Unicorn Coloring Pages (Free PDF Printables)
🦄 Free Printable Unicorn Fact Book
🦄 Magical Unicorn Printable and 4 Ways To Use It
🦄 Free Unicorn Party Printables and Cut Files
🦄 Printable Unicorn Bookmarks
🦄 Pin the Horn on the Unicorn Free Printable
🦄 Unicorn Bathroom Wall Art Free Printable
🦄 10 DIY Unicorn Play Date Ideas That Are Incredible!
🦄 Free Printable Unicorn Calendar 2019
🦄 How to make a unicorn horn headpiece
🦄 Free Unicorn Printables Activity Pack - Made With Happy
🦄 Rainbow Unicorn Accordion Paper Craft
🦄 Unicorn Head Printable Tube Craft
🦄 Unicorn Free Printables - In Good Company
🦄 5 Magical Unicorn Crafts for Kids Play Ideas
🦄 Ravelry: Unicorn Mane Headband pattern by Mallory Miles
🦄 DIY Unicorn Pillow With Free Pattern
🦄 12 Magical Unicorn And Rainbow Costumes For Kids

Unicorn Recipes:

🦄 11 Recipes for Magical Unicorn Food
🦄 50 Magical Unicorn Recipes That Will Surely Make You Smile
🦄 Unicorn poo meringues
🦄 Add a little bit of magic to your kid's lunch with these colorful unicorn recipes
🦄 Unicorn Cookie Recipe - scroll down
🦄 How to Make Unicorn Pizza
More: April 9th Special Days - Featuring Unicorn Freebies!
submitted by CatWatt to FrugalFreebies [link] [comments]


What the heck are Chat Mats, also called Conversational Maps or Language Place Mats?
Chat Mats were originally started to help people connect. What a great idea! Remember being single and going into an establishment, seeing a cute somebody and realizing it would be impossible to meet him or her because, well, you just don’t walk up to people you don’t know and talk to them?
And what about retired people who live alone? How do they connect with other humans?


When they go to a café and feel the need for company, they ask for a Chat Mat. They turn it to the green side, which means, “Say hello and have a chat.” If they leave the red side showing, it means, “Not today.”
Such a good idea is too good not to be used for instructional purposes. Chat Mats have now expanded into the area of education to encourage written and oral communication in a second language.
Chat Mats provide the necessary vocabulary words to help students create language in all three modes: interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational communication but are most often used to aid in practical conversation. Hence, the name, “CHAT mats.” To continue reading the blog post, click on the following link:
submitted by Angie_Sherbo to SpanishTeachers [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 03:14 LetsPlay30k Do Americans pronounce the word "debt" with a stop T if followed by a consonant?

For example, debt release and debt free.
I don’t think I heard the t sound when I listened to an ads. And based on what I know it should be a stop T if followed by a consonant in order to make it sound natural and smoothly. However, ChatGPT told me otherwise. So I’m confused.
Edit: After reading the comments, I'd like to say that I know b is silent, but that's not the point. I've figured it out that what I heard is a stop t which is an unreleased t like "hot dog". It seems like many people never heard of the term "stop t", I apologize for that, I got the term from a YouTube English teacher.
submitted by LetsPlay30k to EnglishLearning [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 22:21 CatWatt April 6th Special Days - Featuring Barney and Friends Freebies!

April 6th Special Days - Featuring Barney and Friends Freebies!

April 6th is... Barney and Friends debuted (1992)
-- Barney was created in 1987 by Sheryl Leach of Dallas, Texas. The idea came to her while considering TV shows that she felt would be educational and appeal to her son. She brought together a team that created a series of home videos, Barney and the Backyard Gang, which starred actress Sandy Duncan in the first three videos. One day in 1991, the daughter of Connecticut Public Television executive Larry Rifkin rented one of the videos. Rifkin pitched the show to CPTV president Jerry Franklin, whose preschool son also loved it.

Free Printables, Coloring Pages, Activities, and Crafts:

🥰 Barney Coloring Pictures, Worksheets for Your Child
🥰 Free BARNEY Coloring Pages and Book for Download (Printable PDF)
🥰 Barney Party Bag Thank You Hanger Tags - Barney Printables
🥰 arney Themed Birthday Party
🥰 Barney Party Free Printable Mini Kit
🥰 Barney: Free Printable Original Nuggets or Gum Wrappers
🥰 Barney: Free Printable Photo Frames
🥰 Download Word Search on Barney The Dinosaur
🥰 44 Barney and Friends pictures to print and color
🥰 Barney dot-to-dot printable worksheets
🥰 Behavior Charts with Barney
🥰 Barney Trivia and Quizzes
🥰 Anti-Barney Songs
🥰 Barney Birthday Party Decorations and Name Tags
🥰 Barney and Friends - Official Order - All Seasons - TheTVDB
🥰 10 Cute Barney Coloring Pages For Your Little Ones
🥰 Barney and Friends Quotes_100549)
🥰 Barney and Friends dot-to-dot printable worksheets
🥰 Barney Wallpapers
🥰 Barney on Facebook
🥰 Barney Birthday Party Ideas

Barney and Friends Recipes:

🥰 Barney's Purple Hummus Dip Pbs Kids Sprout Diner Wiki
🥰 Coolest Homemade Barney and Friends Cakes
🥰 How to make a Barney and Friends cake
🥰 Loving Creations for You: Barney the Dinosaur Brown Sugar Cookies
🥰 Pan Roasted Pork Chop with Dried Plums Recipe - Home Chef
More: April 6th Special Days - Featuring Barney and Friends Freebies!
submitted by CatWatt to FrugalFreebies [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 05:52 Jazzlike-While4818 Felt like I got trapped into tutoring

Hi guys,
Hope you’re all doing well! I just wanted to post this, and potentially seek advice because I am kind of frustrated. Posting this from my burner account just in case lol
So I work for a middle school, and this past winter vacation deskwarming period, my colleague wanted to practice English with me and I thought that was a good idea because I wanted to brush up on my Korean skills. It was a good way to pass time from the boring deskwarming.
Flash forward to a week before the new school year started, and my coteacher comes up to me saying that they heard I have been practicing Korean with that said colleague. My coteacher then said that they could help me with Korean and teach me for one free class period a week if I wanted to. I said yes, sure! Because I would love to learn as much korean I can while living here. (only if they really wanted to! But they seemed eager about it)
That was the end of the conversation, and then about an hour later… my coteacher comes back up to me and basically asked me to teach their daughter on the side because she needs help with phonics. They basically said it as, “since I’m helping you with Korean, I think it would be nice if you could help with my kid..” I felt like I was put in a very awkward position, and couldn’t say no but I said every other weekend.
So now, I teach her on every other weekend for a couple of hours… but, my coteacher called me randomly last night and said nicely that she found the last time boring, and that he would bring his materials with them for our next session.. and it just made me think ‘why am I even doing this then if we’re going by your rules?’
Keep in mind, I am a newer teacher. I am used to a middle school age group, and also am very used to a big class setting, and they always seemed entertained in my class and very active with my activities… not very young elementary students, with a one-on-one setting (my coteacher is with us)
So, I’m kind of at a loss of words because I didn’t really know how to respond to them? They aren’t the type of person to really take no for an answer… I asked them if they still wanted to meet because I want the best for their daughter, and I don’t think my teaching style is aimed for younger elementary students. But, I also feel kind of awkward because we have this silent trade-off of them teaching me Korean and I teach their daughter.
I’m just politely asking for advice for how to approach this situation. Such as in how I can calmly call this off, or even if any elementary teachers have activities/games for teaching phonics. I want what’s best for my co-teacher’s daughter and her education even if I’m not in the picture.
Thanks in advance.
submitted by Jazzlike-While4818 to teachinginkorea [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 19:59 VeryUnluckyDice Changing Times Ch2 - Pedal Tones

Playing By Ear
Bloodhound Saga
Wakeup Super
Author's Note: For those that are returning readers from PBE, which I imagine most of you are, I'm transitioning to the canon interpretation of translators that pull meaning from words without actually changing the sound. I'm not going to replace the translator portrayal in PBE, but I won't be abiding by it going forward.
First Next
Memory transcription subject: Lanyd, Venlil Music Student (Second Term) White Hill University
Date [standardized human time]: October 24th, 2136
Dr. Jacobson's eyes peered at me through the screen, filled with the warm understanding that he typically exuded. I’d grown quite accustomed to his visage, just as much as Cora's. Having walked so many Humans around White Hill, I no longer had any reservations about the binocular gaze. I'd heard Humans refer to eyes as windows to the soul, and I could understand why they might believe.
I’d been surprised, when I first saw the doctor’s face, that the top of his head was furless, yet fur grew around his chin reminiscent of some of the other Human males. Did he really have an easier time growing it down there than he did on his dome? Human hair was strange.
Yet, for all the weirdness, his appearance only made me feel welcome to share.
“And you find that this feeling is different somehow?” Dr. Jacobson asked. “Unfamiliar?”
I'd just finished recounting the tour Bonti and I gave the paw before. It had gone well for the most part, but I found myself feeling oddly troubled near the end. And, in fact, this feeling was appearing more often. The strange thing being, I couldn’t really discern where the unease actually came from. Typically, determining the source was part of my process, but this was like a building sense of wrongness that I couldn’t find the root of.
“I just d-don’t know what caused it,” I couldn’t help but stutter. “Everything in my life has been improving, b-but…it's like something is just gnawing at me. I’m scared that it’s always g-going to be there, that I’ll never really be able to get past it…”
Dr. Jacobson's gaze somehow softened even more.
“You've been facing negative thoughts for a long time. It's only natural that there are fragments of that mentality. The path of healing isn't a straight shot. There will be trials and moments of triumph.”
I get up. I get down.
I quietly sighed and put my ears flat against my head.
“I know, but it f-feels like there's more to it than that. It’s like I'm still…m-missing something, and it’s holding me back.”
Dr. Jacobson took a moment to scribble something in his notes.
“Was there anything in particular that you think might have caused this feeling to flare up?”
“I c-can’t really think of anything specific. It’s been getting worse lately, though. Yesterpaw, it was the most p-potent it's been so far. I was s-scared I was going to b-break down during the tour. What w-would everyone think-”
“Lanyd, breathe.”
I fell back on the practiced exercise, taking in a lengthy breath, holding, and releasing with a slow exhale.
“S-sorry. I'm just worried about this. I don't need any new issues to arise. I already feel so b-broken.”
It's just another internal problem for me to figure out. Why does there always seem to be a new obstacle?
“Well, I'm sure we can get to the bottom of this together,” Dr. Jacobson assured me. “Our minds are complex things to navigate, but with good practice, we can better understand ourselves. For now, I can only ask that you exercise patience. There’s a lot of exciting changes coming up, yes? How are you feeling about the new term?”
“I'm a little nervous,” I replied, managing to shake my stutter. “Not for the classes, but for everything else. I'm going to have to work with all these new people. Part of me wishes I didn't take the scholarship offer. I didn't even need it, but everyone else was doing their part for Human integration and…I just wanted to help too.”
“It might have been better to take things slower, but your willingness to help is still admirable. You've been making progress regardless. As long as you don't overdo it, the tours and such may accelerate your socialization.”
“I hope that will be the case, but part of me feels like I'm just stuck, like every time I make a stride forward, my fear pulls me right back into place.”
“Well, you appear noticeably more comfortable to me. I think you should give yourself a little more credit.”
“That's what Bonti says too.”
“He seems like a good friend, and it sounds like you have several of those now.”
“It's true. I…really don't know where I'd be without them. Probably just hiding away at my flytser all the time. Stars, sometimes, I still do that…”
Dr. Jacobson lightly shook his head.
“Remember, patience.”
“Right. Sorry.”
“It's okay. Just give yourself some time to process these things. Your life has been rapidly changing, and you still need to adapt. The brain needs to rewire itself for new circumstances and processes. That can only physically happen so fast.”
An alarm sounded behind Dr. Jacobson, grabbing his attention.
“Sorry, Lanyd, I've got another patient’s session scheduled shortly, so we’ll have to wrap things up for now. Just keep your exercises in mind and keep writing things down. You really are making progress, even if you don't see it.”
“I’ll need to be somewhere soon as well. This is a good point to wrap things up. I’ll do my best moving forward. Thank you, Dr. Jacobson.”
The call disconnected and I rose from my flytser seat. Despite all the progress I’d supposedly made, I still only really felt comfortable having our sessions behind the instrument. It helped protect me from the runaway anxieties that usually festered in my brain. But, I still didn’t like just how tied to the flytser I was. It was a crutch and I knew that.
I placed my pad down on the new keyboard piano I'd set up just a few tail tufts away. According to Kila, there was a lot of demand for the electronic instruments. I was not the only one to request one, though I was one of the first to receive.
Just as soon as I'd set my pad down, it began to ring. I picked it up again and checked the caller ID.
I accepted the call immediately.
“Hey!” The dark-furred Yotul appeared on the screen. “Feeling any better after yesterpaw? I know you were struggling with the tail end of the tour.”
Bonti had been very vigilant to check on me, especially after the bombing of Earth. I…hadn’t taken that whole ordeal well, terrified for Cora’s safety. He’d definitely seen me at my lowest point, obsessively playing my flytser just to keep the awful thoughts from turning me into a trembling mess.
Still, I was thankful that Bonti was with me during that time. He made sure I was eating well and staying hydrated while I was glued to my flytser. I owed him a lot for that, yet he acted like it was nothing, saying I’d already done my part by letting him stay with me while his housing situation was up in the air.
To be honest, that hardly felt like anything special. Why wouldn’t I let him stay with me? Bonti was one of the few people in the world that didn’t have any reservations about my condition. Waking up to his cooking each paw, having his plehr accompany my flytser playing, walking with me as we gave the tours…
It was just nice having him around, even if I still needed my alone time.
“I’m doing better,” I assured him. “I just finished a session with Dr. Jacobson, and I’m about to head to Haeli’s home for my piano lessons with Grace.”
“Sounds like a hell of a busy paw to have right after we gave a tour. You want me to walk you over there, or are you okay going alone?”
Despite the fact that he’d moved into a campus-provided apartment of his own, he offered to escort me around quite often. In truth, I didn’t like how willing he was to derail whatever he was doing just to walk me somewhere. But, it did feel good to know he supported me that much.
“I’ll be fine,” I replied. “Really, I’m doing much better today. It shouldn’t be an issue.”
“Alright, just let me know if you think you need a helping paw. Things are about to get busier, so don’t overdo it.”
I giggled and swayed my tail in amusement.
“It’s funny how often you and Dr. Jacobson echo each other. What kind of doctor are you trying to be again?”
“Only the best!” Bonti answered proudly. “The best take care of people, and that includes you, physically and mentally.”
“Well, I do feel well taken care of. You’ve been a big help, but really, I’ll be okay this paw. Don’t worry about me.”
“Fair enough. Enjoy your lessons then.”
“I will! Goodbye!”
The call disconnected. Once more alone in my dim living room, I felt the weight of everything starting to sag on me again. It was always noticeable after speaking to someone just how isolated I often was. Even though I needed the time to recharge by myself, I didn’t enjoy that ever-present sense of loneliness that permeated my life, the knowledge that this was normal.
Still, I didn't like the idea of pulling Bonti away from his own responsibilities just for my comfort. I'd spent many cycles trudging through things alone. I didn't need his presence to survive, and I knew my own presence only proved cumbersome for him.
An alarm on my pad let me know that it was time to head out, so I grabbed my bag and made for the door. It would take some time to arrive at Haeli’s place given I usually took a roundabout way to avoid the crowds. I’d do well to start my travels sooner rather than later.
[Fast-forward transcription: 30 minutes]
The walk was, thankfully, uneventful. I skirted the edge of campus, taking quiet paths that bypassed the brunt of the wandering students. White Hill was lively with the new term starting, but that proved to be more of an obstacle for me than a heartwarming sight. I didn’t need any extra stimuli to drain my already meager social battery.
Soon enough, I was at my destination. Haeli’s home was fairly quaint; many of the houses near campus were. When I first saw it, I understood why she was able to house only Grace after the attack on Earth. But, it was still a large enough space for the Human refugee to teach her instrument of choice.
I’d personally been interested in the piano since I first saw it. The flytser was a bit of an oddity amongst the many instruments in the Federation. How ironic that it was the Humans that had the closest equivalent. When Grace mentioned in the group chat that she would be giving lessons while she was living on Venlil Prime, I was the first one to sign up.
There were several reasons beyond my initial interest. Firstly, I wanted to get more practice socializing with people I was already somewhat comfortable with. Secondly, I thought it might help me break my dependence on the flytser. Even with all the similarities, I liked to think that the slight differences would broaden my coping mechanisms a bit. Thirdly, I wanted to know more about Human music as a whole. Their twelve-tone ‘octaves’ differed from our twenty-four-tone sets. It seemed to affect their entire approach to composition. I wanted to understand their methods.
I rapped my paw on the door and waited. After a few moments, the knob turned and Professor Haeli swung the door open. She waved her tail in greeting, prompting the same action from me.
“Good paw, Lanyd. Grace is just wrapping up a remote lesson with another student, but please come in.”
I obliged, stepping inside as she closed the door behind me. As described, Grace was seated at her keyboard in the living area, a mask covering her face as she looked slightly off to the side of the pad propped up in front of her. It was a shame that she had to take such measures to not frighten her students, but I expected things to change with time. As she continued giving these lessons, maybe she’d get more in-person students like me.
It's ironic that I'm one of the few showing up personally.
Grace looked up at me and raised a single digit to signal that she'd be with me in a moment. Haeli led me into the kitchen as the sound of Grace's teaching faded into the background.
“I was just making some tea if you'd like some,” Haeli offered while sifting through the cabinets for mugs.
“Sure, I'll have some,” I replied. “Thank you.”
“Actually, there's something I wanted to ask you about. I know you're already quite busy, and the new term will do no favors for your scheduling, but I've been trying to find some musicians willing to play for the new jazz lounge. The flytser could be a substitute for a Human vibraphone, and with you learning piano, I figured you could get some practical experience with that as well.”
A jazz lounge? I suppose I could play, but I’m just learning piano. Would I be good enough? Could I fit this in my schedule? What about my social battery? Stars, why do I keep taking on all these new responsibilities? What if it all goes wrong? What if-
No. I just need to breathe. She’s only making an offer. It’s my choice to make. I should hear her out at least.
“H-how often would the performances be?” I asked. “It sounds like a b-big responsibility…”
“Eh, not really. I'm asking upperclassmen to contribute as well, so there will be coverage if you decide you can't be there. There’s lots of folks requesting keyboard pianos from Kila’s club after the concert. That’s why Grace has been able to give these remote lessons. It’s really not a big deal if you’d prefer not to participate. Just thought it might interest you.”
That doesn’t sound so bad. Maybe it’s worth considering?
“I'll k-keep it in mind. I do need more experience actually performing...”
“Feel free to spend some time thinking on it,” Haeli handed me a mug of tea. “The first performance is coming up soon, but I can always cover it myself if I need to.”
It could be good practice, I suppose. I'm still new to the piano though…
“Hey, Lanyd!” Grace called from the other room. “Last lesson is over, love! Let’s get started.”
“R-right!” I replied before turning to Haeli for a few more words. “Thank you for considering me for the jazz lounge, professor. I’ll give it some thought.”
“It’s up to you, Lanyd,” Haeli assured me. “I won’t keep you from your lesson. Go on.”
I made my way back to the living room, placing my tea down on the nearby table, and sitting down at Grace’s keyboard piano. It was a high-end piece of equipment, a sign of her professionalism, and the most valuable thing she brought from Earth.
Although, she’d recounted that she had an authentic piano back home that put this electronic instrument to shame. Unfortunately, her home had been reduced to a pile of rubble. The sadness in her voice when she spoke of it told me that the piano meant as much to her as my own flytser did to me.
I couldn’t imagine what it was like to lose everything like that.
Still, it was hard to believe that she’d lost her home given her current demeanor. There was such a tremendous amount of passion behind her teaching, and it helped to bring her optimistic side forward.
Grace removed her reflective mask and gave me a warm smile.
“Timely as ever, aren’t you? You got here early.”
I just didn’t want to sit around at home…
“I d-didn’t want to be late,” I replied.
“Punctuality is a good quality to have. I won’t fault you for it. Okay, where were we at again? Think of Me with Kindness, was it?”
Indeed, my recent learning material was a suggestion from Brad. I’d somehow become his ‘progressive rock buddy’ given I was more receptive to the subgenre than Mezil for whatever reason. Brad was especially tickled by that fact due to…my gender? Apparently female prog rock fans were a rarity amongst Humans.
I could discern any particular reason for that.
Regardless, he’d sent me a song recently by a band called Gentle Giant. It wasn’t quite as intense of some of the prog tracks I'd heard before. In fact, when I first played it for Grace, she decided that it would be good practice for me. I’d spent some time picking the tones out with my ears, trying to transcribe it both in Venlil and Human music script. At this point, it felt like I could play it semi-confidently.
Now, it was time to show it.
I spread my paws across the piano keys. It was a familiar sensation, even though the placement was different to the flytser buttons. If anything, these keys were actually easier to press consistently.
I started at the low end of the instrument, working up a lengthy B flat scale and back down since that was the key the song opened with. Grace nodded approvingly, satisfied with the fluidity of my playing.
“Quite nice. Your improvement in such a short time continues to impress me. God, I wish I improved half as quickly when I first began!”
Her praise reminded me of Dr. Jacobson, and everyone else. It always seemed like they were impressed with me, though I was so far behind the curve. I knew they were right, objectively, in believing that I was developing fast. But, they didn’t know about all the doubt, all the constant effort it still took to try and even appear halfway normal.
“I still have a ways to go,” I muttered. “Even with these simple scales.”“Well, love, that’s why we’re here, innit?” Grace began to tap away at her pad. “I took the liberty of making a little backing track for the song devoid of piano. This way, you can play along without having to try and impose yourself over the actual recorded part.”
She went through all that trouble?
“Thank you very much. You didn’t need to do that.”
“Nonsense! It’s not like I have much else to do. Transcribing this piece has been a good distraction from…well…never mind that. Let’s get you started then.”
Grace toggled on a metronome to count out the eighth notes. The piece had several small time changes, so there was no accented beat. She hovered her finger over the play button on the backing track.
“I’ll count you off with seven eighth notes to match the first measure. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven…”
I began to play. The piece opened calmly, a quiet piano melody laid over a simple bass line. The time signature changed immediately between the first 7/8 measure and the second 4/4 measure. As I played, Grace began to sing lightly overtop.
Why am I using words, no more to say without you
Close the door, put out the lights and go
I minded the little changes in time signature, keeping my playing low and subdued. The goal was to support Grace’s singing, adding small flourishes underneath her voice.
Late at night, in the night your shadow falls between us
Nevermore, I’ll never know
There, memories are sorrow,
When there's no tomorrow
With the last line, the drums leapt into action. All of the instrumentation rose in volume including my own, breathing energy into the reserved atmosphere and letting it flow freely. I began to hammer out stark, powerful chords that seemed to march proudly through the arrangement before diminishing.
Sleep while the sweet sorrow wakes my daydream
Sleep while you think of me with kindness
Please remember former days
Sweet the song that once we sang, the silent parting ways
And you know, and you know
And you know, long ago when first we made our promise
Empty words, I wonder did you know
A bright, melodic brass part began to soar over the rest of the band in place of the vocals. It sounded like a trombone, which was probably why Brad favored the piece so. Organ sat underneath my piano part as well, making the sound full and rich.
But, just then, the piece took an unusual turn, leaning into less consonant intervals and a staggered 11/8 section.
The laugh that love could not forgive
Is gone and tells no call to live
And we who look in beauty's love
Must now, through all, think back on before
For a brief moment, the triumphant sound returned, only to give way to the tense section once again.
The tears that first I cried, no more
Your love has come and gone, no more
And we who look in beauty's love
Must now through all think back on before
We quickly slipped into another marching segment, though it quickly drifted into the dreamy atmosphere just as well.
Sleep while the sweet sorrow wakes my daydream
Sleep while you think of me with
Kindness, please remember former days
And you know, and you know
Then, we charged forth, full force once again.
And you know, when we two parted in tears and silence
Lost the days, the parting ways
Fare thee well, fare thee well, you
That was once dear to me
Think of me with kindness
Think of me
As the last piano tones disappeared. The metronome continued to fill the silence. Realizing that Grace had yet to turn it off, I moved my attention to her. The Human’s stare seemed almost vacant, pointing at the wall unblinking. Her brown eyes glistened just a bit.
She suddenly snapped from her stupor and looked at me.
“Ah, sorry about that, love. Just got stuck thinking about…someone I knew back home. You sounded quite good, I must admit! It’s hard to believe you started learning the piano such a short time ago. Not once have I seen someone take to it so naturally.”
“W-well, there’s a lot of similarities to the flytser,” I replied, trying not to sound too flustered. “Still, some sections are still giving me a bit of trouble. I get the feeling that they were written for five fingers, not four claws.”
“Yes, that might be the case. Still, I didn’t notice any glaring flaws. As we improve your coordination across the keys, I’m sure those larger jumps will become easier for you. There may be some chords you’ll be barred from playing naturally, though they’d probably have repeated notes just for voicing purposes. You could get by without them.”
“Those aren’t the only elements that need work,” I sighed. “It’s hard to feel satisfied after pouring most of my life into the flytser. I’ve forgotten what it’s like to be so…amateur.”
“Well, yes there’s always room for improvement, but I fail to see how that is a bad thing. I’d be more concerned if you believed that you were already a master of the instrument.”
“I know. Everything’s just been overlaid with some kind of…darkness lately. I d-don’t know how to describe it, but s-since the attack on Earth…I don’t d-deserve to be so put off by it when others lost everything, when you d-did-”
“It’s okay, love. We’re all working through a lot of feelings right now, but that’s why it’s good to receive some kind words here and there, to have friends to help us through. In my opinion, you should be proud of how far you’ve come in every regard.”
Even if I were proud of those changes, it wouldn’t fill the gap that I feel. There’s something still missing, and every kind word just seems to make the hole more pronounced…
“R-right,” I hesitantly replied, not wanting to dump anymore of my issues on the already recovering Human. “Well, there’s still things I can work on, so maybe we should run through the song again?”
“By all means, love. Let’s take it from the top.”
[Fast-forward transcription: 30 minutes]
We spent the rest of the lesson drilling the piece through and through, going over the tougher sections repeatedly, and even experimenting with some extra flourishes that didn’t exist in the original recording. Grace began playing the vocal part on her MIDI controller keyboard to give her voice a rest, and she even had a bit of fun playing around with some of the VSTs to try and make it sound humorous.
I’ll admit, I found myself giggling at some of the absurd vocal replacements.
Soon enough, it was time for me to go, so I thanked Grace for the lesson and Haeli for the tea before going on my way. My social battery was nearing its limits, so I began to walk back the way I came, around the edge of campus. Even as the paw grew later, the school was still bustling with excited students, crowds of unfamiliar faces I didn’t want to place myself amongst.
It’s not the fastest way, but at least I can avoid attention on this path-
“Excuse me, miss!”
My ears snapped up towards the source of the sound. I hadn’t even noticed him, but there was a campus exterminator flagging me down. My muscles tensed and my breath grew shallow. I hadn’t done anything wrong. Why was he stopping me? Did he realize that I was avoiding the herd? Did he suspect me of having predator disease? My social battery was already so drained from the therapy session and piano lesson. I couldn’t afford this!
Oh, Stars. Nononononono. I'm so far from the herd. He’s going to know there’s something wrong with me…
The exterminator quickly strode over to me. I tried to keep the fear from my features, but I felt my legs quivering. I couldn’t avoid him. There was nothing I could do-
“Your bag is open, miss,” The exterminator said, motioning towards the open pocket.
He just…wanted to help me…
“Oh…th-thank you, sir. I d-didn’t notice.”
“Are you alright?” He asked, looking me over. “I know it might be scary to be away from the herd with Humans on campus now. If you’d like an escort, I can provide one.”
“N-no, that’s fine,” I forced out the reply. “I’m almost where I n-need to be, anyway.”
The exterminator kept his attention firmly on me.
“Have I…seen you somewhere before?”
“P-possibly. I’m in a b-bit of a hurry, sorry.”
“Right. I won’t keep you. Have a good paw, miss!”
With that, I waved my tail goodbye and quickly strode away. The last thing I wanted was to be alone with an exterminator. They didn’t usually patrol so close to the edge of campus. I wasn’t prepared to face one. Did he have any suspicions? Did it even matter with Humans on campus now?
Breathe. One…two…three…four…
I used Dr. Jacobson’s breathing exercise as I walked, trying to focus my troubled mind. When I finally made it back to Gold Landing, I all but threw myself onto my flytser seat, shaking with a queasy feeling in my gut.
Even as the anxiety started to leave me, I couldn’t shake the unease bubbling beneath everything. A thought crossed my mind, though I'd told him that he didn't have to worry…
“It’s good to receive some kind words here and there, to have friends to help us through.”
Should I even bother him? I’m home. I’m safe. There's no exterminator here, no massive herds…

I retrieved my pad from my bag and tapped Bonti’s contact. Even with my social battery drained as much as it was, I wanted to hear his calming words.
“Everything okay, Lanyd?”
Of course, when he answered, he didn't express any annoyance at my pestering. As usual, his concerns went straight to me. I tried to use his voice as my anchor, but the wrongness inside me wouldn't fully disappear no matter how long we spoke.
This haunting feeling…what was I going to do about it?
I’m still missing something. I just…can’t tell what it is…
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submitted by VeryUnluckyDice to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]