Qvc shawn is she married


2009.11.23 04:28 /r/French

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2017.04.01 12:10 kevin32 Where Are All The Good Men?

In response to niceguys, this sub is dedicated to exposing all the women who complain about wanting a "good man", to show what happens when women reject decent men for jerks and promiscuity, along with showing the unreasonable standards many women have while offering little to no value themselves.

2021.04.15 06:15 Marathonracer GauriKhan

Gauri Khan is a prominent Indian film producer and interior designer, best known for her work in Bollywood. Born on October 8, 1970, in New Delhi, India, she pursued a degree in history from Lady Shri Ram College and later studied fashion design. Gauri married Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan in 1991, and the couple has three children. Her career in interior design has been marked by high-profile projects and collaborations with various international artists and designers.

2024.05.19 18:21 zzzzzzzzzzzzplz How do I find out if my mom hurt my sister?

I (f 30) am the youngest of two. My older sister (f 36) lives in the same state but a few hours away. She never came home after college because she was in a relationship. When we were younger she was a total mother's girlie girl and I was a daddy's girl. With that dynamic you can conclude that me and mom (f 55) weren't very close back then. When my sister went to college and it was just me and mom, we clashed all the time. I couldn't wait to go to college and be free. Unlike my sister, when i graduated from college I went back home and lived with my mom. While in school she found out she had cancer and I realized how important she was to me, during the summer I would take care of her. I became super protective because my dad (m 60) had died the second part of my freshman year. I guess realizing you only get one dad and mom did something to me and our relationship changed. Strangely, while in college I transformed into a girlie girl with all female roommates that treated me like a toy by dressing me up and taking me to parties. So, when I came home I started working right away. Had some messy relationships and crappy jobs, but my mom always supported me. From what I seen my mom and sister were still close, even with the distance. When Shawn would come home her and mom hung out, sometimes she would stay with us, sometimes not but they talked often. Note, I don't know if it was the age difference or what but me and my sister never got along. Somewhere in my 20's I realized that we were never going to be "those sisters" and called it for what it was. We are blood, but not friends, and I know if we weren't related we would never befriends on purpose. Don't get me wrong, I love her and if Shawn was hurt or in trouble I would help her but for now, for my mom's sake I talk to her on major holiday's and important family matters, but not to just catch up or anything. I honestly don't care. Sadly, if other family member didn't ask "how is your sister", I could probably go years without thinking about her. Anyways, it started off slow, like Shawn would come to town not stay with us, then she would come to town and not reach out until she was leaving, and then we wouldn't know she was in town at all unless she called my grandmother or posted something on social media in a familiar place. It was weird because they would always link up. Shawn loves mom's cooking and would come home just for that. Mom would go visit her and go to work events with Shawn, at the last one mom said they got into an argument because she was tired from driving 5 hours, going to the event without a nap and being on her feet all night. After the event mom just wanted to go back to Shawn's apartment and rest, but there was an after party she wanted to go to. Not wanted to go to the after party mom just wanted her to walk her back to the apartment and then Shawn could go. Shawn wanted mom to go with her and said they wouldn't be there long, but mom was tired. She was trying to convince her that she would only stay for 30 minutes, but we both know when Shawn is in a room she will talk to everyone and 30 minutes could turn into 3 hours real quick. When mom put her foot down and asked her to take her home Shawn got upset and started yelling "this is mom's side of the story", you never want to do anything, ugh, why can't you just have fun, ugh..... She said Shawn was just yelling her on the corner of the street while people were walking. Shawn stays in town where a lot of people walk and everything is close by. Then she agreed to walk mom back but walked super fast and mom couldn't keep up. She is shorter than me and my sister. When they got back, she let mom in, changed her shoes and went back out. When mom came home and told me what happened I was so confused. It isn't like them to argue. I guess you can say this was the beginning of the end. Shawn stopped calling her as often, went out of the country and said nothing about it until the day of. There were just a lot of things she was doing without communicating with mom, it came to a head when our phone plan bill went up 100's of dollars. See, the bill is in Shawn's name but mom pays the bill, well she use to until Shawn got an iPhone and added the cost of the phone to the bill. Mom and I have Samsung's. She did this without telling mom and because the bill was automated it took mom while to notice. When she did, she told Shawn to start paying the bill for the portion of the phone itself. She agreed but wouldn't pay it on times, there were times that my phone was off but didn't notice because I was always near wifi. Somewhere in the middle of this she got another iPhone and the bill went again. Shawn didn't know that just because she got another phone didn't mean she wouldn't have to pay off the other one. They went back and forth on the phone one day arguing, Shawn claiming she paid and mom asking her to go through the payment history and tell her where...... the arguing ended when she started yelling at mom, saying "you're triggering me, you're triggering me" my mom just stared into the phone in disbelief... We're black and raised in a very much black household so for those who know, know those are words that we just don't say..... Well that was last week and this past weekend was mothers day and Shawn didn't call mom.... We have a family group chat of about 23 people and she said it there but not directly to mom or sent a card or anything.... I asked her the Thursday before if she would be sending mom something on mother's because we usually work together to get her something or she send me money and I get her something and Shawn will send a card. But nothing. She didn't even call our grandmother.... I went to my boyfriends house after then mother's day dinner at my grandmother's house, where I stay most weekends and while there she called me. Mom calls when she says things are too much to text. bet she went home and found a package with a 15 pound weight in it and a note saying "I hope your mother's day brought you some joy",.... Um what??? I want someone to tell me why she picked this as a mother's day gift.... and just one ... one 15 pound weight, not a set. Mom works out but already has a set for 5,10,15, and 20 pounds weight that I know Shawn knows she has. Mom was really sad and she isn't the super emotional one of us 3, the emotional one is me. If there is one thing I hate is my mom feeling bad, but then for it to be caused by her own child was different. Shawn NEVER answers the phone like NEVER, I had to tell her our dad passed away via text after calling almost 100 times. Mom sounded like she wanted to cry and just kept asking me " Brit, what did I do wrong, I don't know what I did wrong". Dang, that broke me. Now I'm the bigger of the two of us, and my sister knows me well enough that she don't want these problems so instead for even calling I sent a long text, basically saying I was disappointed to call her my sister and she should be ashamed of how she is treating our mother because when she got fired and unemployment wasn't paying enough to cover her bill's mom paid. Shawn never paid her back. Over all she is one of the most selfish people I know. I just asked her how hard is it to say happy mother's day or send a card. I didn't expect a response, but she did, in only 15 minutes. She said " I appreciate your concern and believe me, this runs much deeper than a phone bill. I don't have the same relationship with mom as you. You only know what you experienced and what happened to you. So, I'm not going to try and explain the various dynamics between mom and I that led to where we are now. It maybe hard for you to understand today. Pls don't blame it all on me. I love you. " I don't even know what that means. I responded something like other than physical, emotional, or mental harm i don't know what could have happened so bad that she couldn't call and say happy mothers day though. I can't imagine my mom doing any of those things. but again she gave some therapy like response and asked me to give her time to heal.... Mom has no clue what various dynamics she is talking about. I'm asking for advice because I feel like she is going down the same path she did with our dad. After our parents marriage ended and we were living with dad, mom still came over 3 times a week and cooked, had us on weekends. It was like she never left the only difference was she didn't sleep at home. When the arrangement changed, dad came 2 weekends in a row. then every other weekend, then once a month, then we were lucky if we saw him at all. It broke my heart in high school when a boy in my class told me to tell my dad that he would be late for practice. I was confused and bugged him all day to explain what he meant. I found out that my dad was coaching baseball across the street from our subdivision about 3 times a week with games on the weekend. So, he could see random boys at my school almost everyday for at least 3 hours and couldn't come over before or after to see his own kids? I actual walked over to the park one day because I refused to believe it, but there he was. We never talked about it. I just started walking there and sitting in the dugout to be near him and he would drive me the 2 minutes back home. All of the players lived in our neighborhood and dad had a flat bed so he would drop them off too. When Shawn graduated high school she never talked to our dad again after that day. She never told me why. He also developed cancer while I was in college and was very sick, when he got better he tried to get back in our lives and I let him in mine, called him on holidays but he did some messed up stuff to me my first year of college so I pushed back a little between that dad would call me and tell me to call my sister on 3 way, if she answered she was forced to talk to him. She wouldn't say much and would always say she was busy or had to do something to do and promise she would call him back and never would. So, now .... as part of my trying to figure out what my mom did, I reminded her how she cried when she found out our dad passed and she just kept saying she thought she had more time and who would walk her down the ail when she gets married and never got a chance to fix things. I would hate for that to happen with our mom too. I know because of our relationship once mom passes away we will most likely not talk or see each other ever again. So, I asking what did my mom do to her? What can I do to help fix this or should I even try? Anyone have any suggestions or ideas, also sorry for the typos or misspelled words or if its hard to follow, but I ask for anyone's input if they have experience this type of situation? Side note, idk if this helps but when Shawn came to town the last few times she stayed with our Aunt Carla. She has baby of the family syndrome, where she thinks she had hard but was actually spoiled rotten and believes all her sisters and brother and their wives are jealous of her. It's total BS but once when mom and I weren't getting along and I stayed with her, she told me some crazy stories about mom sleeping around, getting drunk, trying to fight her and someone else and some other stuff. This was when I was in college and I believed what she said mom and I continued to be on the outs for awhile before I found out about her cancer and became her protector and caregiver for a while. I don't believe those stories so much now be her and mom had issues before, Carla has actually had issues with all her siblings at one point and finds the need to the the main character of her own story and everyone else's. Simply she's a "One Upper". Aunt Carla getting in Shawn's ear is one idea I believe, also Shawn's friend have ummmmm "other people problems" like mellow dramatic soap opera drama and she maybe internalizing their issues. But yeah help, where do I go from here?
submitted by zzzzzzzzzzzzplz to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:17 AllLipsNoFiller I feel bad for Shawn

What a terrible situation for him to be in: the man he's been in love and in a committed relationship with is now living life as a woman. After a lifetime of pretending to be a straight man, actually marrying a woman and living his life as a hetero couple, Shawn finally broke free, met Douglas and began to live his life as an openly gay man - only to have the rug pulled out from underneath him by the circumstance of Douglas wanting to fully transition to Alliya. I just felt a lot of compassion for Shawn when he was talking about not being ready to grieve Douglas and fully embrace Alliya. I can't even imagine how hard this is for Shawn - and it doesn't seem like Alliya is giving him much empathy about it. She's just like, "this is who I am now - no more Douglas, only Alliya - deal with it." I also wonder about Alliya's commitment to transitioning on any level deeper than aesthetically. She seems to really like to look at herself as a woman, wearing the clothes, makeup & jewelry, but I've yet to hear her say that she feels she's always been female at her core. She said she'd always felt FEMININE, which to me is more about how she presents outwardly, but not about who she feels she is internally.
Shawn clearly adores Douglas/Alliya and is trying to reconcile finding himself back in a relationship with a woman after having finally come out as a gay man. His affection seems genuine to me, and so does his struggle to come to terms with the situation he now finds himself in.
submitted by AllLipsNoFiller to 90dayfianceuncensored [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:12 porcelain_queen Off the Vine with KB featuring Maria Georgas - RECAP

Maria's Storyline/Edit on the show
Talking about Maria wanting to go on the show
Jenn as Bachelorette
Maria being offered the bachelorette/KBs time on the bachelor
Random off show stuff/One Direction???
Would Maria date someone in BN?
What is a period of Marias life where she was at rock bottom or experienced a lot of growth
submitted by porcelain_queen to thebachelor [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:21 rxssel My 5 month Fincuck Experience (10 Dec to 11 May)

I’ve always been the type to spoil the people that I date, I just find great satisfaction in making them happy. But recently I’ve taken this “spoiling” about 100 steps further and gone absolutely all out. 5 months ago I came out to my girl about being deeply interested in Cuckolding and Findom. Since then, my girl has had a 100% free pass to meet and mess around with whoever she wishes. She also has 100% control over my wallet and finances. Our current relationship consists of me working as many hours as I possibly can while she doesn't work at all and just enjoys and spoils herself. I find it extremely thrilling knowing that I am slaving away at work all day while she's off enjoying herself, draining my wallet and "cheating" on me. She's enjoying herself, buying whatever she wants and having sex with new guys. She regularly sends me updates when she's with her guy friends and I get constant notifications on my phone every time she uses my card.
This is from 5 month of progress, but I'll hopefully be posting monthly updates from here on out. I get so thrilled and horny every time I see a new charge on my card pop up. I love the idea that my girl is using me for my money and spoiling other guys with gifts and sex. I'm keeping track of everything because I love seeing it all accumulate into a bigger and bigger number over time. Feel free to check out the spreadsheet to see how I’m doing so far. After rent and other necessary expenses, I’ve determined that my annual limit is somewhere between $60-70k ($165-192 average per day). I’ve told my girl this, but I’ve also explained that going into debt is okay as well.
For context, my girl has been with 7 different guys since we began back in December. Here is some background on each of them:
submitted by rxssel to paypigsupportgroup [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 19:47 OShaunesssy Book report guy back and I just read a book written by Bret Hart's ex-wife Julie and she has some crazy accusations of physical abuse and heavy drug use by both her and Bret, and shows a more shameful side of Bret than his own book depicted.

Having read a comprehensive book detailing the Hart Family/ Stampede Wrestling, as well as books by Bret Hart, Bruce Hart and Dynamite Kid, I can say it was great to hear from someone who was spoken about in all those books. It is fascinating to see all the intersecting points of view when it comes to anything Hart Family related.
Bret Hart book
Bruce Hart book
History of Stampede Wrestling book
History of the Hart Family as documented in various books
Dynamite Kid book
This book was short and a quick read, but you could tell it was written with honesty and truth. She doesn't shy away from her own mistakes and issues while detailing the own POV on a relationship where most people have only heard from Bret.
As always, it's done in chronological order. I hope you find it as interesting as I did...
Julie had a truly wild and horrific youth experience between being sent to juvenile detention centers and dealing with genuinely abusive step parents. She is honest and critical of her own behaviors as well and doesn't like the choices she made. I grew up in the area where she spent her teenage years, and I can confirm that the seedy ghetto areas of Saskatchewan are genuinely gross and terrifying places to be when you're young and directionless.
She talks about how she was r*ped while hitchhiking as a teenager and got pregnant. She gave the baby up for adoption and tried to press charges but got cold feet and ran to another neighboring city. She was afraid the man who assaulted her would escape the charges and come after her again. She was young and naively thought that if she had just switched towns, she could escape everything. When a cop found her, he accused her of running because she was lying about the assault. This type of bullshit is why women don't come forward.
Julie was working in Regina, Saskatchewan, at the arena where wrestling was held when it came in town. That's where she first saw Bret Hart, and Bret saw her too. He ended up asking her boss Gil to introduce the two. Bret spoke about this in his book, too, how Julie caught his eye while he was in the ring. Gil later warned Julie that dating a wrestler is risky because they have a lot of "stops on the road." Julie didn't understand that Gil wasn't criticizing or accusing Bret of anything, but how he knew how wrestlers were on the road, in terms of meeting women.
Julie speaks favorably on how Bret treated her younger sister Michelle (the future wife of Dynamite Kid) but I remember in Bret's book, him describing in detail how attracted he was to the underage Michelle when he met her. Julie says Bret treated her like a sister, and her book came out after Bret's, so I'll take her word for it.
Julie moved in with Bret in Calgary just a few months into their relationship and she remembers being a wreck of nerves and anxiety ay the start, unable to cook or even attend the big Hart Family Sunday dinner. Eventually, Bret got her out to the Hart house where she met Stu and Helen Hart. Helen was a sweetheart, but she remembers Stu eying her up and down, with Julie saying, "He gave me the once over." Adding, "Stu judged women on their teeth and legs." She said Stu stared at her teeth and legs as if she were a race horse he was inspecting.
Julie remembers how Stu would turn any conversation into something about wrestling. She mentioned being a Saskatchewan Roughrider fan (Canadian football team), and Stu went on a rant about Gene Kiniski, who briefly played for the Edmonton Eskimos This made me chuckle as Stu and Gene had a but of a rough relationship since Stu gave up on Gene when he was a rookie and hurt his knee. Gene went to Toronto where "Whipper" Billy Watson essentially turned Gene into the big name star he was known for.
In Bret's book, he described the first night Julie came to the Sunday Hart dinner and when Julie passed on the salad, Bret's sister Diana Hart snapped on her saying, "What, you're too good for fuckin' salad!?" Bret says his mom responded by saying to Julie, "So you met Bret's sister Diana." In Julie's book, she describes this event as well but doesn't mention the funny line from Helen. She says Bret just took Julie and decided to leave immediately. Bret's other sister, Georgia, followed them outside and apologized on behalf of Diana and excused Diana by pointing out how pregnant Diana was at the time.
Julie actually puts over Diana quite a bit and says she actually came to admire Diana for how outspoken she was. She says Diana had a great style and was a gifted artist. After reading so many Hart related books, it's refreshing to hear something positive about Diana. Diana is the "Black sheep" who married "The British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith. Diana would write a scandalous and legal minefield of a book in 2001 called "Under the mat." It was quickly pulled from shelves after Owen Hart's widow Martha threatened legal action over what was said about her and Owen. Bret and Bruce Hart also denounce the book, calling it mostly lies, but not everything can be written off as fiction, including stories, some wild stores about Dean Hart. I desperately need this book.
Julie said she never got over the sight of Bret Hart eating an avacado as if it were an apple.
While Bret was in Japan wrestling with his brother Keith, Julie said she spent a lot of time with Keith's girlfriend. It was Keith's girlfriend who smartened Julie up to how wrestling works. Up to this point, she believed it to be legit, and even Bret had been selling it like this to her. She was furious, and when Bret called, she told him they were done and hung up on him. The next day, Bret's older brother Bruce stopped by to help her understand kayfabe and how silly it all was. Julie says she ended up feeling bad for reacting like that and yelling at Bret, but she says he forgave her immediately. Bret tells this same story in his book, adding details of how Julie would worry and stress about Bret Hart being brutalized every night.
Here's something I dont remember from Bret's book. He knocked up Julie very early into their relationship, and Julie got an abortion. She said they both weren't ready for being parents, but Julie says she was deeply saddened by their choice. She never expressed these misgivings with Bret, and assumes Bret was relieved, she didn't make it any more difficult on them. To Bret's credit, maybe he didn't mention it in his book for Julie's benefit. Or he did mention it very briefly, and I missed it.
Julie remembers accompanying Bret on a trip overseas where they went to a freaky sex show place where they had "baby tigers and lions and torture rooms."" She says at one point Bret got tied up on a table and was playfully whipped.
On this trip, Julie remembers a woman hitting on Bret right in front of her and had to yell at her to back off while Bret laughed. Julie was pissed and made them go back to the hotel. Once there, Julie was mouthing off to Bret before he grabbed her and "bodyslammed" her into the flower bed. He offered to help her up afterwards but she told him to fuck off.
A week later Bret came home smelling of perfume and Julie says she just snapped. She said she grabbed him and dug her finger nails into his face and eyes. She says Bret later would tell her that he never saw her the same after this incident. I don't remember Bret describing Julie ever getting physical like that in his book, but he did describe a lot of shouting matches.
Julie says she and Bret got married after her younger sister and Dynamite Kid. She says they got married in secret because Bret didn't like his siblings much and said they didn't deserve to be part of it.
When Julie was pregnant again this time they felt ready to start a family. Though Bret made Julie not tell anyone for the first 5 months of her pregnancy and when he "told" his parents, it was through a letter he left on their bed before he left for a wrestling tour. Julie remembers feeling hurt by this because Bret would say his parents always wanted their children to start families with someone who had money, a significant name and an education. Julie had none of those things and while she doesn't say it, you get the feeling that she thinks Bret was ashamed or embarrassed by her.
When she got pregnant again, she says Bret was mad at her for not being more careful with birth control. She says she became very irritable and bitchy throughout the pregnancy and always found something to be mad at Bret for. She is super critical of her behavior here and doesn't excuse it.
The night she gave birth, Bret left to go out for drinks, despite Julie asking him not to in case her water broke. When she woke up at 5am to her water breaking, she was furious that Bret didn't come home yet and had to call a friend to get her to the hospital. Bret was a no-show for her entire delivery and missed his second child being born. Julie says she was furious and seriously considered divorcing him then.
When Bret started touring with WWF, he was gone for much longer periods of time and this strained their marriage. Working for WWF really put a strain on Bret and filled him with confidence issues as well. She said between his self doubt and her loneliness, their marriage was barely holding on.
She remembers how Bret would call from the road and bemoan about how lonely he was. I'm reminded of his book, how he would complain about feeling lonely, then complain that the guilt of cheating on Julie was too much.
Julie says she got a literal itch and went to a doctor who told her that she caught "something" from a public washroom. A suspicious Julie went home and threw all her bedding in the garbage and then thought to check on her suspicion. She looked through their phone bills to find that Bret was placing a ton of calls to a girl from New Jersey and that he even kept the receipt for a Christmas present he bought this girl!
Julie describes how Bret called and she just screamed "I want a divorce!" Before she hung up and ripped the phone cord out of the wall. Eventually she agreed to go meet him and they started yelling at each other in a parking lot after a show. She says at one point Bret through a can of budweiser at her head, hitting her! She says wrestler Les Thorton got between the two and tried to calm them down. She remembers screaming how she won't get in the car with Bret and Bret yelled back, "Don't be stupid, get in the car! Your embarrassing yourself!" She says Bret later said the girl meant nothing to him and Julie should be greatful that Bret isn't addicted to drugs. Wild. At one point when they were back in the hotel room, a girl called the room asking for Bret and Julie snapped, breaking a lamp.
In Bret's book, he described how he decieved both Julie and this girl from New Jersey, neglecting to tell this side girl that he was married until she was head over heels in love with him. Bret talks about how tough this was for him and says that Stu and Helen Hart talked Julie out of leaving him.
Julie says their relationship was never the same after the affair. She couldn't trust him again.
Julie says when her grandmother died a few months after the affair, Bret was calling her everyday to check in but she said "I couldn't have cared less about those calls."
Julie says it was around this time that she and Bret started to regularly do cocaine. She said the coke helped her not think about the affair and how she would ask Bret to score some if she couldn't get it out of her head. She said she would do coke and sleep in the car just to avoid Bret. She suggests this all slowed down when Vince started cracking down on coke use with drug tests.
She speaks highly of Vince McMahon, this book was written in 2013, and she is greatful for what Vince was able to provide for her family and the opportunity he gave Bret. She says when she first met Vince, he was wearing a suit and sneakers. When she asked Bret why he wore sneakers, Bret said "so he can get around." During the show she noticed Vince was all over the place during matches, never sitting still and always running around from one person to another.
Julie remembers meeting Ozzy Osbourne at Wrestlemania 2 and "marking out" because he was her idol as a teenager. After the show, she says Ozzy was present as everyone had drinks at the hotel and Dynamite Kid spiked her drink. She said she could barely stand and Dynamite just laughed at her the whole time.
Julie notes how devoted Bret was to making sure his kids had the best toys, and how Bret would drive to every toy store before Christmas and find what the kids wanted. She appreciates this but also wishes Bret didn't miss so many plays and dances and activities due to his schedule. She was starting to really resent wrestling and wanted Bret to quit. She hated having this big house that felt empty most of the time without Bret home. In Bret's book, he wanted her to get a job to fix her loneliness.
She says her 3rd pregnancy was easier than her second and Bret was very sweet to her and praised how good she looked.
Julie brings up how devastated Bret was when his brother Dean died in 1990. She remembers watching him wrestle the next night at Survivor Series ppv and seeing the pain on his face. Bret talks about how tough this was in his book and how much shame he felt. Dean needed a kidney transplant and none of the Hart brothers stepped up. Bret didn't want to derail his career. Though you can't blame anyone more than Dean himself, who was stubborn and often went against doctors orders, so even with a mew kidney, Dean may have still died.
Julie talks about continuing her partying and drug lifestyle into the early 90s when she would party with a local band and inviting them to live at her house. She said Bret was very understanding and never pushed her for details on those nights out. Some nights Bret would watch the kids all night while Julie was getting fucked up and partying.
On of those musicians, Marc, was very close with Julie and while Julie never says she hooked up, she does say her younger sister Michelle did hook up with Marc, a bunch of times in secret. She doesn't specify if this was before or after Michelle left Dynamite Kid, but she says Marc did move in with Michelle and help her with the kids. This would have been after Dynamite went back to UK, since I'm sure Dynamite would have kicked the door down and attempted to murder Marc if this were in the final months of of Michelle and Dynamite's marriage.
Julie's brother committed suicide and Julie didn't have the support system around to prevent her from spiraling into heavy drinking.
In 1996, Bret Hart was filming a movie (Sinbad) in South Africa and halfway through, asked Julie to come join him. Julie is very honest about how she was self sabatoging her life at this point but was still deeply in love with Bret. She was excited to read an early draft of some Shakespeare work that was at a museum, but Bret couldn't be bothered to go with her so she went by herself.
She says her and Bret shared a perfect moment watching the sun set, but Bret got mad at her when she decided to record it.
Julie describes sneaking cigarettes because Bret didn't know she picked the habbit up again.
The trip ended when Julie was asking Bret something but he just ignored her several times in a row. When she finally looked at what had his attention, she saw he was gawking at a topless sunbather on the beach. She stormed off to the hotel room after telling Bret to show her more respect than that. Julie says Bret followed her to the room, with him saying she always ruins these trips. When Julie started packing her bags, she says Bret pushed her hard onto the bed. She started spewing insults at him, before, she says, Bret grabbed her by the hair and threw her from the bed and onto the floor! Julie says she started crying and demanding that Bret get her home immediately or else she would find someone who would. Bret screamed at her "Get the fuck out! I've had it with you! We're fucking done! I will put you on a plane tonight, but don't expect to win me back!"
Having read Bret's book, he does mention the trip to South Africa where he filmed the Sinbad movie. But Bret makes no mention of inviting Julie on the trip and instead points out how it coincided with a WWF tour in South Africa at the same time. Bret does talk about how the Dutch found the area and how beautiful itnwas there, which was something Julie mentioned as well that Bret talked about. Bret does mention getting a lot of ladies phone numbers on the last few days of the trip and seeing a drunk Yokozuna swapping spit with some South African PR woman when they were both very drunk. Bret makes no mention of Julie being there or how he got physical with her.
The Hart's always try to shy away from controversial truths, just ask any one of them where Bruce Hart met his wife. They will all say at a wrestling show, and neglect to mention how Bruce Hart was a 33 year old substitute teacher who knocked up his 17 year old student. Gross. (I'll never not bring this up when talking about the Hart's btw)
Julie talks about Mathew Hart, Georgia and BJ's son who died in 1996 from Necrotizing Fasciitis, a legitimate flesh eating virus. From everyone's account, the poor boy suffered for 2 weeks until he died. Julie says she and Bret took their kids on vacation when the poor kid died. A lot of people act as though the Hart Family curse started at the Screwjob in 1997, but really it started with Dean in 1990 and Mathew in 1996.
Julie remembers how gleeful Bret was when he called her up and bragged about giving a drunken Vince McMahon his tag team finishing move. Julie warned Bret that Vince wasn't the type to forget that and she suspects that it played a part in the screwjob. This sounds silly imo but what do I know, I found it an interesting and unique take if nothing else.
Julie remembers the morning of the 1997 Survivor Series ppv, someone warned Bret that Vince and Shawn were seen the night before talking and getting into an elevator together.
Julie says she and her lawyer were sitting somewhere in the arena as the Montreal Screwjob happened. Julie says she got up, looking at the monitor and said, "Holy shit, that's not supposed to happen!" And her lawyer, also shocked, said, "No, it is not."
Julie says she and the layer had to sprint to catch up to Bret and Vince and she describes her scolding of Triple H and Shawn Michaels, saying the words just poured out of her. It's maybe the most memorable scene of that documentary, watching Triple H and HBK shrink into children as Julie dresses them down.
Julie says the 1997 holidays were anything but cheerful and says she was boozing a lot and doing coke "from time to time."
Julie wanted to get a nanny or house keeper but Bret refused and put his foot down on the subject.
Julie says Bret asked for a divorce in early 1998 and she handled it poorly. She is critical of her immediate response to run away from home and stay at a hotel. When she returned home for clothes, her confused daughter asked her what was going on and a rageful Julie said "Your dad wants a divorce and I can't stay in the same house as him anymore! Julie says she was so blinded by her anger she didn't see the damage she was doing then.
Julie says that the Wrestling with Shadow's documentary crew needed Julie and Bret to reshoot something that didn't come out right when they originally shot it. So Julie and Bret had to pretend to be a in a marriage again talking things out about Bret's career. Julie says her and Bret slept together after they shot the scene and she was hurt when Bret said afterward, "One for the road, I guess."
The next time she heard from Bret, he told her to get a lawyer because he had one already.
Julie says she and Bret spent many nights yelling at eachother over the phone, with Bret calling her a whore and saying he didn't take all those bumps so Julie to take all his money. This is a statement Bret would repeat a lot to Julie over the years of them fighting. He would call her a money grabbing whore and how he didn't take a bunch of bumps so Julie could end up with the money.
Just as Julie was ready to sign custody papers, Bret's personal assistant contacted Julie and told her that Bret had been seeing some girl in the States for months. The assistant said she felt guilty arranging their meetups behind Julie's back. Julie said she later told Bret that she isn't signing shit and she needed to contact her lawyers with the new developments. She said Bret first tried denying it, calling his assistant jealous and a liar. Then Bret blamed Julie because Bret said he "couldn't get past her traumatic past." What the fuck Bret, I'm pretty sure he is referring to Julie being sexually assaulted as a teenager. (He makes this clear later in the book) Then he bragged about his new girl looking better than Julie and being younger than Julie, with Bret also saying the kids will love the new girl. Bret even later said Julie was getting heavier and letting herself go.
Pretty wild story here. Julie says that Bret started neglecting the kids, even when he was in town, and often skipped out on seeing them altogether. For Canada Day 1998 Bret promised to take them out and to the fireworks. Julie says they waited all day, expecting a fun evening with their dad. But Bret didn't show up with their friend Dean, until after 9pm, (stoned and drunk according to Julie) after Julie tried to call Bret repeatedly and got no answer.
Julie isn't proud of this, but says before Bret arrived that night, Julie had sat the kids down and told them Bret was off smoking pot with a new girlfriend. Julie knew immediately she shouldn't have said it, she saw her kids starting to cry and knew she tarnished how they look at their dad.
Bret was pissed off that Julie decided to take the kids to the fireworks, and when Julie had herself and the kids in the car, an enraged Bret started punching the drivers side window until Julie agreed to get out and talk.
Bret grabbed and dragged her off around the corner of the house where Julie defiantly told him that the kids know he smokes pot and is seeing someone else.
Julie says Bret snapped, slammed her hard up against the wall and yelled, "You bitch! I hate you! I hate you!" Then Julie claims that Bret grabbed her by the throat and slammed her on the ground where he continued to choke her until their son Blade came around the corner and screamed at Bret to get off his mom!
As Julie was catching her breath, their friend Dean, who was still there and in shock, tried to help Julie up. Bret took off with their son Blade and a panicked Julie called the police. She foolishly said to the 911 opperater that her husband pro wrestler, Bret Hart, had taken her child againt her will. The police arrived and seemingly didn't know who Bret was, tried to get Julie to press charges. The police were able to call Bret and convince him to bring the kid to the police station, so the cops could bring him home. Bret makes no mention of this in his book.
Julie says Bret stopped by the next day and apologized and tried to ask her to sit down for coffee. Julie explained how they scarred their children for life the night prior and she wasn't interested in speaking to him in friendly terms yet.
Julie defends Bret a bit by saying she could see in person that she wasn't the cause of his anger and that he was just deeply angry and disappointed with things. This would be 1998 and even Bret describes how bitter and despondent he was at this time. Julie says he stopped being around the kids and it hurt them, especially their boys Blade and Dallas who started getting a chip on their shoulders and seeking conflict. One time Julie asked Dallas about Bret and Dallas said, "He never calls and is never around."
Julie says things were getting stable but she and Bret started secretly sleeping together again and complicated things. She says Bret would pick her up and drove to a seedy part of town before casually dropping her off at home after. She says she was initially amused by this but eventually began to wonder how many other women Bret does this with. It made her feel uncomfortable to say the least.
One time as she was being dropped off, Julie asked Bret if he was happy. Bret said no and that he couldn't get happy. Then Bret asked if Julie was seeing anyone, but didn't let her answer, he just said "of course you are." Julie realizes now that Bret was suffering some deep depression and at the time she mistook codependency for love.
Eventually Bret's other girlfriend caught wind of his and Julie's rendezvous and made Bret break things off. Julie could hear the woman on the other end of the line when Bret called to inform Julie that they need to set boundaries in their relationship now.
Julie says Bret once called her to say he tested for hepatitis and that Julie should get checked out as well.
Julie later found out that the girl Bret was seeing was nearly the same age as their daughter.
Julie says her and Bret continued to sleep together behind his girlfriends back though, with Bret always asking for "coffee" before making a move, which Julie always reciprocated.
Bret would break up with his girlfriend near the end of 1998 and ask Julie if he can spend the holidays with her and the kids. Julie relents, and soon they seem to be trying to salvage their relationship with Bret more present then he ever has been.
Soon after the new year, Bret and Julie take a trip together to Hawaii. Julie finally builds up the courage to ask Bret what he thinks of them getting back together, and Bret says he doesn't want to get "trapped" again. Julie snapped and said, "That's it I'm done, I can't keep playing these games with you!"
During this conversation, as Julie was walking away, Bret randomly said, "My therapist said that sometimes girls, like the ones your age when all that stuff happens to you, they like it." Julie burst into tears and ran out of the room. What the fuck Bret, to imply that that when his wife was a 16 year old girl, she liked getting r*ped!
Helen Hart died a few weeks after 9/11 in 2001. She was from New York, and Julie remembers how devastated Helen was following the September attacks. Helen went back to New York a few weeks later to visit her sister, but due to the border concerns, she was held up for hours after her plane landed back in Calgary. She wasn't able to reach her insulin and eventually went into a coma.
Helen was on an off ventilation a few times while at the hospital, and one day Alison (Bret's sister) called and told him to come visit asap, because Helen was back on a ventilator and it wasn't looking good. Bret thought Alison being an alarmist and decided to visit the next day. Julie says she wishes they had visited that night, because Helen passed away a few hours later.
One afternoon, Julie came home to find her son Dallas on the phone, when she asked him who he was speaking to, Dallas said, "It's dad, but he sounds drunk." Bret told Julie that he fell off his bike and couldn't get up. He wasn't speaking clearly and couldn't properly explain where he was. Julie and her daughter Beans, drove around looking for Bret based off his perception and directions.
Julie and Beans found him laying casually in the grass, as if he was resting. She said one of Bret's eyes was wide open and the other was closed, and half his mouth was dropping. She struggled to move him as he slurred his words and insisted he was fine. Eventually an ambulance was called and Bret was loaded in.
Julie says the stroke changed him, made him mooder and more depressed. She isn't casting judgment, just pointing out changes she noticed as she spent every day at the hospital with him, helping to feed and cloth Bret, even helping him to the bathroom.
Julie remembers one night that Bret confided in her that he feared he got a stroke as punishment for all the bad things he done. He told her that the morning he got a stroke, he was planning on signing the divorce papers.
Several months later, with Bret moving aorund more, he spent Easter with Julie and the kids, but Julie found an email from some woman in Italy, directed to Bret and it suggested some heavy sexual stuff. Julie felt stupid and used again. When she confronted him on it, he denied anything and she reluctantly believed him.
A week later as Bret prepared for a trip, she found a plane ticket to Italy, when she asked Bret where he was going, he said England. Julie drove him to the airport and told him to get the fuck out.
Bret went to Italy to be with a fan he met at a contract signing, who was obsessed with him since she was a little girl. Julie says she is exactly what Bret needed to feel like the Hitman again. After reading Bret's book, this assessment is completely accurate.
The Italian woman's name was Cynthia and she was also just a year older than Bret's daughter Jade. Julie said Jade had the hardest time accepting Cynthia, whom Bret was determined to integrate into the family.
When Bret's dad Stu died, Julie remembers how she, Bret and Stu's granddaughter Jenni all stood by the bed and watched as he passed. She remembers how she kissed his cheek and told him he could go see Helen now, he didn't need to be here and longer. I remember the speech Stu gave at Helen's funeral, with one line in particular staying with me, "I'm glad for the time I had with her," he said full of love, but his pain was on display too, "Ill never get over this" he finished solemnly, "I don't have enough time."
Julie remembers one day that their son Blade called her from Bret's house, begging for her to pick him up. Blade and Bret started arguing about Cynthia, with Bret saying to his own son, "Don't make me pick between you and Cynthia, because I'll pick Cynthia! And if you don't like it you can get the fuck out!"
Julie started calling Bret "Hitman" when he acted like this to his children, with Julie telling them that their father still loves him and not to worry about what The Hitman says, because it's coming from a broken mind.
One day after Julie bought a house, Bret randomly showed up with a turkey and tried to hit on her. Julie found it amusing and asked him if Cynthia knew he was there. Bret tried to make a move on her but Julie made it clear that won't happen so Bret left. As he left, he told Julie, "I still have cravings for you and I'm not sure I'll ever get over them." To which Julie just cooly responded with, "You will."
After Bret left that day, Julie called his assistant who confirmed that Cynthia was literally on a plane back to Italy right then. Julie laughed at how pathetic it was for Bret to say goodbye to Cynthia and then an hour or two later, show up at Julie's with a turkey and looking for sex.
Bret secretly married Cynthia and months later told the kids after the fact. Their son Blade was so furious he could barely speak to Julie when he got home and eventually blurted out, "Dad married that girl!" Their other son Dallas was also furious and explained how Bret callously told the kids "tell your mom, make sure you tell your mom." He was clearly trying to hurt Julie and used the kids to do so.
When Bret was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2006, Julie insisted on going and told Bret if he doesn't find a way for her to be there, then she would call Vince McMahon herself and arrange it. Bret promised her she would be there but asked her to be discreet about it.
Julie got asked to do an online interview leading up to the Hall of Fame, and she let slip that she would be at the show to support Bret. Later, an irate Bret called her, yelling about how she was supposed to be discreet. Julie clued in on the fact that Bret didn't tell his new wife yet about Julie coming and now he was in hot water. In the end, Bret refused to allow Julie to come to the Hall of Fame to support him.
In Bret's Hall of Fame speech, he just talked about his new wife and how Cynthia was there for him after his stroke and just put her over big. He didn't mention Julie and only mentioned 2 of his 4 children. She says her children were extremely hurt by this and calls it the ultimate betrayal.
Julie started running low on money in 2008 and even attempted to be on a reality show. It was all a BS scam though and she had to invest money into it and eventually it all fell through. She speaks of this with a bit of shame while framing it as something she learned from.
Julie was facing bankruptcy and foreclosure on the house, so as a last resort, she called Bret. She asked him for 9 grand to cover 3 mortgage payments so she can sell the house. Bret chastised her for having money problems before ultimately saying no. He suggested that she rent the house out or have the kids pay rent. As they left, Julie warned him that if she loses the house, Bret may need to take the kids at him place. She doesn't say what he said to this, but she does say, "His response was too cruel to put into writing." Good lord, considering all she told so far, I wonder what Bret said that was so bad, Julie didn't want to even write it down?
Julie does point out that Bret didn't owe her a damn thing and she was in this situation by her own doing. Julie felt like she was letting her kids down most of all.
Julie would move in with her daughter Beans where they split the rent together. She got a job making $14/hour working as a janitor at a local middle school and Julie notes that she was living well below the poverty line.
Julie remembers how absurd it was for her to show up to her janitor job driving a Lexus.
Julie ended up selling her Lexus to her daughter Beans, and Julie bought herself a 1999 Sunfire. It was the first car she ever bought with her own money.
Julie's father died in 2012 and Julie says she wrote a letter to him, promising to make him proud, and stuffed it inside his coffin.
Julie says she spends most of her days being a grandma to Jade's daughter and how grateful she is to be close to her kids still.
Bret can't say the same, Julie notes how he travels alone or with his wife and never offers invites to his kids. She says it breaks her heart to see how far Bret drifted away from their children, even if all her kids insist that they don't care. This was in 2013, so potentially Bret and his kinds could have a better relationship by now.
Julie spends the last several pages of the book detailing her kids and all the ways she loves them. You can tell she is a mother first and foremost, you can tell she loves them unconditionally. Jade, Dallas, Beans and Blade, weird names for kids but I also have a weird name so I can't judge.
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2024.05.11 04:47 OShaunesssy Book report guy back with the Bryan Danielson 2014 book. Its got some solid dirt and backstage stories on his time in WWE and other companies.

Book report guy back, with the Bryan Danielson book from 2014 and it has some fun backstage stories from his time in WWE!
Solid wrestling book, though not super memorable in my opinion. Some solid detail and dirt like you expect, but honestly it felt like he was holding back.
As always, it's in chronological order as best as I could do that. Hope y'all enjoy!
Bryan is a weird dude, while describing his adolescence, he casually says that he has a lot of weird hypothesis on various subjects, and we should ask Nigel McGuinness about Bryan's theory on how a penis grows. He doesn't expand on this more. He just says that and moves back to talking about his childhood.
Bryan rants a bit about how modern medicine has stunted human evolution because kids who would have died off got to live and reproduce and pass their "defects" onto the next generation. He says that he is one of those defects, sick all his childhood and sick a lot as an adult. He says that his wife Brie is also a "defect" but says she can share the details in her own book if she ever writes one.
When Bryan was 16 years old, he contacted Dean Melanko's wrestling school and was told it would cost him $2,500, but he needed a $500 deposit to secure his spot. Bryan was scared that there were hundreds of people on the waiting list and worked extra shifts at McDonald's in order to get the cash together asap. He put $500 deposit down for a wrestling school he couldn't go to for 2 more years.
Three months before Bryan graduated high school, the Melanko Wrestling School contacted to inform Bryan that the school was shutting down permanently. When Bryan asked for his $500 back, he was told that they no longer had it and that he was SOL.
While watching Monday Night RAW, an ad flashed advertising a 900 number (an old pay-per-minute phone concept that was always a money drain on the caller), and it advertised Shawn Michaels opening up a wrestling school. After an expensive phone call, Bryan was told to pay $20 more for a package to be mailed to him with more info. He did, and when he got the package, it detailed how Michaels wrestling school would cost $3,900 dollars, and it had another 900 number to call if you're interested. Bryan was demoralized and almost didn't call. When he did, though, he was speaking to Shawm Michaels mom, who was helping Shawn run it. Bryan's mom ended up doing all the talking, and the two mothers helped Bryan get set up with a place in San Antonio where the school was. They agreed to let Bryan pay monthly to help him with the finances.
Bryan's first day of wrestling school went exactly like everyone else's first day of wrestling school, with 90% of the students gassed and vomiting. Bryan said out of the 10 guys there, only he and Lance Cade didn't end up vomiting.
Bryan remembers how much Shawn Michaels prioritized his training to Lance Cade. One of the first days, Lance did a basic jump and got so much air that Michaels loudly proclaimed, "I smell money!"
Even though it was Shawn's school, the primary instructor was Rudy Boy Gonzales, a pretty insignificant wrestler from the 80s and 90s. Bryan puts over Rudy as a passionate trainer who motivated him to try harder. Bryan said Rudy would show Bryan anything Bryan saw on a tape and wanted to try.
Bryan says that he and "The" Brian Kendrick became friends immediately as they were both around the same size in the training and had the same level of passion for wrestling.
I always heard that Shawn Michaels wasn't very present for this school, but Bryan tells a different tale, putting Shawn over as someone who was always around and always showing them how to be better.
Bryan does remember some days that Shawn would come in with his sunglasses on, sit at the back of the class, and then dip out early. Bryan didn't realize then that Shawn was in deep with a bad painkiller addiction, and so some days he wasn't as present. Since Bryan grew up with his dad's addiction issues, Bryan says seeing Shawn actually kick the addiction fully put Shawn on a pedestal in Bryan's eyes.
After a couple of months, Shawn was telling the students to start thinking of ring names, and when Bryan couldn't come up with one, he asked Shawn about using his real name. Shawn thought about it for a second before adding "The American Dragon" to it. When Bryan asked why that name, Shawn said it's because Bryan wrestled like a Japanese guy. Bryan took that as a massive compliment.
Bryan didn't tell Shawn, but Bryan initially hated "The American Dragon" name.
Bryan had trouble being expressive and emoting in the ring, so Shawn had him wrestle under a mask.
On October 4th, 1999, Bryan wrestled his first ever match for Shawn Michaels' small promotion, Texas Wrestling Alliance. His opponent was Brian Kendrick (then known as Spanky), and Bryan says as rotton as it was, everyone in the back was super excited for their performance, including Shawn.
Bryan confirms that Kendrick called himself "Spanky" as a masturbation reference.
Shawn arranged for Bryan and Lance Cade to head over to Japan and wrestle for Frontier Martial Arts Wrestling, a bit of a "mudshow" wrestling promotion. Shawn got Bryan and Lance a spot on their card by agreeing to referee a match for the company.
Bryan remembers seeing one guy shove a bottle rocket up his opponents butt and light it off at that FMW show. So yeah, some pretty outlaw stuff.
Bryan describes attempting a moonsalt to the outside of the ring during this Japan tour, but he slipped and cracked his head on the cement. Bryan says, "When I came to, I didn't even know where I was" before describing how he stumbled his way through the match. He notes how concussions have always been a problem for him.
Lance Cade was invited back to FMW later for a 2nd tour, but they didn't ask for Bryan back. That's when Bryan realized that at his size, he needs to get much, much better.
In February 2000, HBK got Bryan, Lance Cade, Brian Kendrick, and another student named Shooter Shultz, a dark match on an episode of Smackdown. He says they planned for a 15-minute tag match before being told last minute that it's been cut down to 6 minutes. Bryan says HBK went and yelled at some people about "his guys" until he got it bumped up to 10 minutes.
Bryan says he got his first documented concussion that match, because they weren't used to a literal ramp, and Bryan cracked his skull on it, doing a pointless dive. He says the WWE doctor backstage told him to just make sure he doesn't fall asleep.
Bryan says when they got backstage after their match, HBK was excited and pumping them up, telling everyone backstage that they should sign all 4 guys immediately. This was on Tuesday, and by Thursday, when WWE still hadn't contacted them, Shawn called them up and threatened to take the 4 to WCW where Kevin Nash would make sure they were signed. Bryan says WWE quickly offered all 4 guys developmental contracts for $500 per week. Bryan says HBK was a great guy to have in your corner.
Shortly after getting the developmental contract, Bryan and Kendrick wrestled a main event ladder match for Shawn's TWA promotion. At the time, Bryan believed that in order to stand out, he would need to wrestle a more daredevil style, so he did some dumb stuff in this match. He did some ridiculous spot that ended with Bryan separating his shoulder. After the match, he took a table bump that legitimately knocked him unconscious for a full minute.
A week or 2 later, the teams had a rematch in a steel cage where all 4 agreed to blade for the first time. Why is he doing this dumb shit right after being offered a WWE contract?
Bryan says those ladder and cage matches made him realize he needed to change his style up and become more mat based. He wouldn't have had a long career if he kept getting hurt. At this point, Bryan has only been wrestling for 6 or 8 months and already suffered maybe 3 concussions. At least 2 for sure.
Bryan Danielson, Lance Cade, Brian Kendrick, and Shooter Shultz all moved to Memphis, where WWE's development primarily opperated out of at the time. William Regal was also a developmental system at the time, trying to show he had kicked his addiction issues.
Memphis Championship Wrestling was the territory they wrestled for, and Bryan remembers wrestling in all sorts of crazy locations like a WalMart parking lot once.
Although Shawn eventually took the mask off Bryan in TWA, the guys at MCW immediately put the mask back on Bryan.
The only time Bryan thought he might get called up to the main roster was in January 2001, when he heard rumors that WWE wanted to start up a cruiserweight division and use Danielson and Kendrick That didn't happen, though, and Bryan never heard another rumor or wiff of him being called up.
In June 2001, someone from WWE talent relations came down to evaluate talent. Brian was let go and told that despite his talent, they just had no plans for him.
In October 2001, Bryan was offered a spot in California based All Pro Wrestling's annual King Of The Indies tournament. Danielson would beat Kendrick in the first round, and after the show, Nick Bockwinkle, who was there watching, loudly told promoter Roland Alexander, "If you don't put that guy over." Bockwinkle said while pointing directly at Bryan, "You're crazy!"
APW head trainer Donovan Morgan was scheduled to beat Bryan in the second round and go on to win the tournament, but promoter Roland made the call to have Bryan win instead.
Bryan says this that while this really pissed Donovan off, what really upset the guy was when Roland offered Danielson and Kendrick trainer positions alongside Donovan.
Kendrick turned the offer down, but Bryan took it and moved to California in January 2002, where he became the head trainer. Though Bryan says he was a lousy trainer and no good at motivating anyone.
On February 2002, Bryan sat down with Gabe Sapolsky, who, after being inspired by the Super 8 tournament Bryan won, wanted Bryan part of his new promotion, Ring of Honor.
Bryan remembers both William Regal and John Laurinaitis said they would try to get Bryan an in to Japan, but both came up short, and both eventually stopped returning Bryan's calls.
In March 2002, Bryan Danielson, Christopher Daniels, and Brian Kendrick got a tryout with New Japan in Santa Monica. Antonio Inoki was actually there to oversee, but he literally had his back turned to the ring while Danielson and Kendrick wrestled. Inoki never bothered to turn around and watch them, instead watching someone stretch, Bryan says. Bryan later heard that New Japan never intended to hire anyone. They just wanted their dojo to look full for press.
After the "tryout," Bryan says that Inoki fell and had to be helped up by a bunch of people. Only the three of them didn't get up to help, with Kendrick saying loudly, "serves the motherfucker right."
Bryan kept making trips to the Santa Monica dojo every couple of weeks until Shinya "Togi" Makabe told him that if Bryan really wanted to be taken seriously, he had to be at the dojo every single day. Bryan took the advice seriously, quit his training job and moved to Santa Monica.
Bryan says he was offered to come tour with New Japan after only training at the dojo full time a few weeks. It was on this tour where Bryan first wrestled in the Tokyo Dome.
In May 2003, Bryan wrestled another Tokyo Dome show, where Bryan, Rocky Romero and TJ Perkins were all pulled aside in the hotel after the show, by Justin Cully. Cully literally slapped each man across the face, saying the slaps are from Inoki, who was disappointed in their proformances that night. Apparently Inoki expected them to wrestle more of a shoot style fight and was very upset.
In March 2004, Bryan won his first title with New Japan, the IWGP Junior Tag titles with Christopher Daniels, and Bryan would spend the majority of the year with New Japan where he wrestled 8 different tours.
Bryan pitched a 3 hour long match to Gabe Sapolsky for a ROH show and is disappointed they didn't go the full 3 hours.
Going into 2005, Bryan expected to wrestle his whole career in New Japan, but was startled when New Japan didn't get his visa renewed for the January tour like they always do. He was told it was a mistake and he would be back for March tour, but again he was told last minute they didn't have a visa for him. In May they contacted him last minute inviting him for a tour, but at a ridiculous pay cut down to $500 per week. Bryan turned the offer down and never went back to that Santa Monica dojo or work for New Japan again. He later heard that he was used as a pawn in a power struggle with the Dojo and New Japan.
In mid-2005 Bryan got an email from CM-Punk about a rumor suggesting that both WWE and TNA were interested in Bryan, Punk and Samoa Joe. Joe would quickly sign with TNA after this and Punk took a developmental deal with WWE. Bryan never heard from either company, and a few months later Gabe Sapolsky told Bryan he wanted to build ROH around Bryan but wanted a promise that Bryan wouldn't just leave to WWE or TNA. Great timing Gabe, because Bryan immediately said yes.
After winning the ROH World title in September 2005, Bryan says his title reign was falling flat until he started being cocky and cutting those "best in the world" promos. Bryan even shades Jericho and Punk a little by saying at the time no one else was saying it and that's why it worked so well for him.
Bryan puts over his matches with Nigel McGuinness in summer of 2006, but points out one in particular he regrets. Nigel had the idea for Bryan to pull Nigel's face into the steel ring post 3 times to get real blood. After 3 attempts and no blood, Nigel yelled, "One more time!" They got blood on the 4th time, and gave Nigel a severe concussion.
Five minutes into an hour long match with Colt Cabana in August 2006, Bryan landed bad on the outside of the ring, where he separated that same right shoulder as before and tore two tendons.
Three weeks later, Bryan defended his ROH title against KENTA of all people, who legitimately targeted his hurt shoulder all match. Then Bryan went to tour Japan with Pro Wrestling Noah where he and KENTA had a rematch.
Bryan would finally drop the ROH title in December 2006 and then take nearly 4 months off. This is the first time he took off since he started wrestling in 1999.
After doing a tour of Japan with Pro Wrestling Noah in April 2007, Bryan was excited to come back to ROH and signed a 2 year contract.
In June 2007, Bryan and Nigel wrestled an extremely physical match that featured a spot where the two traded headbutts. The match didn't air until September that year and in the mean time, the Chris Benoit double murdesuicide happened and the talk of concussions and safety concerns changed completely. The match was not recieved well and Gabe later told Bryan that they shouldn't have aired it at all.
ROH struggled after the Benoit incident and most everyone had to adapt and tone down their styles. Bryan wasn't one of those people, and actually refused to tone down his style. Later in 2007 he would rupture his ear drum exchanging open palm strikes with KENTA and he would suffer a detached retina in a match with Takeshi Morishima. To this day, he has trouble hearing from his left ear and has trouble with vision.
Bryan remembers being super late for a show and not even being able to meet his opponent beforehand. To Bryan's suprise, his opponent, who despite being green, was great to work with and the two had good chemistry. That was a young Jon Moxley.
In Summer of 2008, Shawn Michaels was fueding with Chris Jericho and they incorporated Lamce Cade on Jericho's side, since Shawn trained Lance. Shawn actually reached out to Bryan about also joining the WWE and being involved in the story.
Bryan met with Vince McMahon and remembers how taken back Vince seemed when they first met, and thinks it was because of Bryan's size and how plain he looked. Bryan also didn't sell himself well in the meeting, saying he is "just okay." Head of talent relations John Laurinaitis told Bryan that they would call him, but he never did.
When Bryan returned from a Japan tour in October 2008, he was shocked to find Gabe Sapolsky had been fired by ROH and replaced by Adam Pearce. Bryan details that while Gabe liked to book long shows with everyone on the card trying their hardest to steal the show, Pearce booked shorter shows and had the lower card guys preform well, but not to try everything under the sun to outshine the main event. You can see why Jim Cornette and Adam Pearce get along so well.
Bryan notes how he was fueding with Claudio Castignoli when Gabe was fired, but Pearce immediately ended that program to which Bryan says he and Claudio were disappointed.
After another failed attempt to get into WWE I'm early 2009, Bryan refocused his energies by moving to Las Vegas where he started training in kick boxing and other forms of mixed martial arts.
Bryan trained religiously for months under a former MMA fighter Neil Melanson. Neil is the one who taught Bryan the LaBell Lock.
When Bryan's ROH contract expired in May 2009, he called John Laurinaitis and left a message, but never heard back.
Bryan says in mid-2009, he was talking to Gabe Sapolsky about starting up a new promotion that would become Evolve. Bryan says that Paul Heyman was even involved with these talks.
Brian Kendrick called Danielson up to pitch Danielson coming to WWE as Kendrick's tag partner. Danielson even went and filmed a bunch of promos with Kendrick and fel optimistic. Unfortunately, Kendrick was fired just a few weeks later before any of those vignets aired and that opportunity was gone as well.
Bryan had given up ever going to WWE when John Laurinaitis called him in September 2009 offering him a main roster contract. Bryan was so excited he didn't have to go to developmental, that he would be right on the main roster immediately. Or so he thought, I guess they didn't bother telling Brilyan about NXT at that time, even though it sounds like he was signed with that in mind.
Nigel was also signed at the same time (probably also meant for NXT) but before either man could start, they had to pass WWE medical tests. They asked them both about past injuries, and Bryan just lied, saying he never had anything wrong and was fine. Didn't mention his shoulder being separated twice, or the detached retina, or any concussion. Nigel on the other hand, was very honest about his injuries, including a torn bicep that he didn't get worked on, he just rehabbed it. Nigel figured he was a lock and didn't see the need to lie.
WWE was concerned about Bryan's elevated liver enzymes, and wanted Nigel to get surgery on his bicep before they would sign him. Both guys were wrestling a farewell tour with ROH and both genuinely concerned they wouldn't actually be leaving. In their last match for ROH, Bryan accidentally gave Nigel a concussion, because apparently these guys only know how to wrestle at one speed!
Nigel couldn't afford the bicep surgery and his own doctor was telling him he is fine, so Nigel went to TNA instead. Nigel would only wrestle for another year before his body would break down too far on him and he would retire.
Bryan signed his WWE contract on October 2nd, 2009, nearly 10 years to the day of his debut match. William Regal actually told Bryan, "Your wrestling career came before this and is over now. Anything else that happens now is a bonus."
William Regal came up with the name "Daniel Bryan" for Bryan to use in WWE. Brian tried arguing to Laurinaitis to use his real name and citing John Cena as an example, Laurinaitis simply told Bryan, "We don't do that anymore."
In early 2010, Bryan and seven other guys were told one day about the NXT concept and how they would be used. Bryan found out who his NXT "pro" would be just like everyone else, when WWE posted it on their website. Bryan initially legit wanted Regal as his "pro" but soon realized being paired with Miz gives him a story immediately.
Bryan describes his time in NXT as the most unusual of his career. The "rookies" all legitimately didn't know what was going to happen on any show and everything they did was 100% unscripted and improvised.
The first night in NXT, all the "rookies" were told 15 minutes before the show, that their "pro" would cut a promo on them and they needed to react accordingly. Bryan had no idea that his pro, the Miz was going to tell him to head to the ring and cut a promo on himself, literally telling him on live TV to make the fans care about him. Bryan had no idea what to say, no real direction he was given to go in, and no tome to plan or rehearse. Miz also told him to come up with a catchphrase, and Bryan said he always hated catch phrases.
In the ring, Bryan cut a generic promo where he said he lost his train of thought and was super greatful when The Miz came out to finish the promo off. Bryan didn't know that would happen and Bryan definitely didn't know Miz was going to slap him at the end. Bryan says that later, The Miz confided to Bryan that he was worried Bryan would try to fight him over the slap.
Bryan credits Chris Jericho for getting him over in his first WWE match, and says that neither he, nor Miz knew that Miz was to beat up Brian after the match. Apparently, Miz was informed during the Jericho/Bryan match that he was to attack Bryan after the finish. Wild how much "flying by the seat of their pants" that WWE did with early NXT.
After the show, Jericho told Bryan that Vince was impressed, though he noted how Vince said, "Ugh, but he doesn't even eat meat!"
Bryan describes promo class with Vince as kinda insane to be honest. One time Bryan accidentally spilled a water bottle, and Vince asked everyone how that made them feel about Bryan. Stuff like that.
Bryan says the NXT rookies weren't allowed to use the regular dressing room and had to use some tarped off part of the backstage area.
Bryan notes how most of the NXT season, the NXT rookies never really knew what was going to happen. The 2nd week Bryan lost to Wade Barret and wasn't told that Chris Jericho would be attacking him after the match.
Bryan says his initial storyline with The Miz wasn't a losing streak idea, but something where each loss had meaning and was being built with purpose. Miz was very hands on with each show and helped to put over Bryan and the storyline, but when Miz missed 2 weeks in a row, the producers left in charge basically just turned it into a losing streak storyline, which Bryan says, "never works."
One time on a plane, Ezekiel Jackson asked "which rookie has an isle seat?" Bryan raised his had and Ezekiel said, "Not anymore." Bryan stood his ground and refused, offering his seat to anyone but Ezekiel. Ezekiel got pissed but William Regal came over and chastised Jackson, saying Bryan is like a son to him and how Bryan has more talent in his pinky ginger than Jackson has in his whole body.
Bryan says the NXT "Pros Polls" were legitimate voting done by the pros. That's why Bryan ended up in first place, despite losing every match.
A week after Wrestlemania in 2010, NXT's direction and purpose shifted away from being serious to silly, and Bryan says they were suddenly doing dumb game show competitions and putting over how demoralizing it was.
Bryan says Skip Shepfield (Ryback) was the only rookie taking the competitions seriously and trying to win each game. Sounds on brand for the big guy.
Bryan says he was trying to be humble when asked who should be eliminated and he said himself. He figured since he lost to everyone he didn't have a right to say any of them. Backstage Miz told him he made a mistake and shouldn't have put that perception out there.
A week later they liked the rookies up on TV (an hour before it goes live) and informed Bryan and fellow rookie Michael Tarver that they are both eliminated, without telling them beforehand. Bryan felt this validated all the warnings guys like Colt Cabana and other gave him about WWE.
Right after Matt Striker interviewed him backstage and when asked an insulting question, Bryan snapped and started talking down about "Daniel Bryan" and started to put over "Bryan Danielson!" Bryan says he could hear Vince screaming into Striker's ear piece and apparently Vince threw his headset when Bryan said his real name.
They made Bryan retape the interview without saying that, but still aired his original interview.
Bryan was surprisingly called back to NXT the following week to start a rivalry with Micheal Cole, who had been verbally obliterating Bryan on commentary since Bryan debuted. Bryan seems to be greatful for that program since it kept him on tv and made him confident that he would keep his job.
The RAW after NXT season 1 ended, all the rookies were pulled into Vince's office and told about Nexus and the attack in the main event. They were told not to tell anyone or else they will be fired. Bryan says he even lied to William Regal, when asked why he was dressed to wrestle.
They were supposed to attack John Cena and Rey Mysterio in the main event, because WWE let the fans vote on Cena's opponent and they assumed Rey would get it. Surprisingly it was CM Punk, and Bryan isn't sure how much Punk was told about the angle.
Bryan legit choked Justin Roberts during the melee, leaving red marks on his skin with his tie. Bryan said he doesn't trust non-wrestlers to sell good so he did it for real, with Justin going purple on Tv. Later during the brawl, Bryan was grabbing a cable to choke someone else when a cameraman told him "no choking!" Bryan does note that he thinks Justin Roberts found it pretty cool to be involved. And later Heath Slater grabbed the dismantled ring ropes to choke Cena, but Cena told him as well, "No choking."
Cena told Bryan before the angle, "It's not the hit you do that's important, it's what you do before the hit that matters." This is why Bryan spit in Cena's face before kicking him in the head.
Backstage, Bryan was reprimanded twice, for choking and spitting. Two days later Vince McMahon personally called Bryan to tell him he was let go and apologized to Bryan for it. Bryan, arrogant as all hell, responded with, "Don't apologize, I'll make more money this year on the independents than I would have working for you."
Bryan called John Laurinaitis to clear up details and Laurinaitis was shocked to hear Bryan was fired. Apparently Vince didn't tell anyone, just called Laurinaitis up and asked for Bryan's number. The comment Bryan made about money seemed to get to Vince since Laurinaitis called Bryan back and asked about it. Laurinaitis actually told Bryan that he can start working independent dates immediately if he wasn't on TV.
After working several shows and making good money off merchandise for several weeks, Bryan was shocked when John Laurinaitis called him in August and asked him to come back for a big angle leading into SummerSlam. Bryan sheepishly asked for a raise and made sure he could make all his already planned independent bookings.
Bryan says Nexas should have won at SummerSlam, noting how they went from dangerous to jobbers in one night.
Bryan remembers a taped RAW after SummerSlam where he did an angle with The Miz. When he got backstage Vince was so mad at how it came off that he made Bryan and others go back out there and do it again. It was the first time Bryan ever had to redo something like that and he said he felt humiliated.
Bryan didnt seem to see much value in being US Champion outside of how it would keep him on tv and maybe monthly ppv matches.
At Hell in a Cell 2010 ppv, Bryan had a good match with Miz and John Morrison, but was scolded after that match for a spot where Bryan threw Miz's stoog Alex Riley off the stage where he landed on cameraman. They showed the two guys the footage and accused them of doing it on purpose to get themselves over. Bryan started regretting coming back and really hating his time in WWE.
Bryan was paired with the Bella Twins in a storyline he hated, that was based on the Twins confusing the word "vegan" for "virgin" and competing to sleep with Bryan. Despite how bad that storyline was, Bryan and Brie would develop a relationship and would start dating in February 2011.
Sheamus was given a choice of Wrestlemania opponents that year between Rey Mysterio and Daniel Bryan, and Sheamus chose Bryan. Bryan was greatful but concerned Sheamus chose wrong and their match would be cut but Sheamus wasn't worried at all. A week before Mania they were informed their match was on the pre-show at a meeting with literally every other wrestler. Bryan says Sheamus buried his face in his hands and remembers how Rey Mysterio got on the card in a match with Cody Rhodes. Bryan says Sheamus picked the wrong guy.
Bryan got some details in his book messed up where he talks about Miz winning the WWE title off Cena at Wrestlemania 27 and he talks about how Miz was WWE Champion going into Over The Limit ppv 2011, but Miz lost the title by then. It's notable because he says he pitched hard for a "Rocky style" storyline where he would challenge Miz for the WWE title at the Over The Limit ppv.
Bryan says the 2011 Smackdown Money in the Bank winner wasn't decided until the day of the show but it was always between Wade Barret, Cody Rhodes and Bryan. He says despite winning the briefcase, his tv time tricked down and eventually he was spending weeks off tv, until he was randomly inserted into the World title program between Mark Henry and Big Show in late 2011.
Bryan was being left at home and off shows, even watching Survivor Series 2011 from home and was suprised when WWE had him come to the December TLC ppv show, last minute. The day of the show he was told he was cashing in and winning the title and the only direction Vince McMahon gave him was to act like he won the superbowl, so that's where Bryan's over the top celebration came from. He didn't even tell his girlfriend Brie Bella about the plan and says she was shocked when he came backstage afterwards.
The only direction Vince gave Bryan as champion is to celebrate every appearance like he won the lottery, saying, "there is no too over the top here."
Bryan said he adapted his "Yes" chants from MMA fighter Diego Sanchez who was celebrating in a similar way at the time.
Bryan's favorite moment from that first world title run was the closing sequence in the 2012 Elimination Chamber match with him and Santino Marella.
Bryan originally expected he and Sheamus to get 15 minutes or so at Wrestlemania for their match, but was shocked when Chris Jericho told him he heard it would be 8 minutes, including the pre & post match stuff. A week later Arn Anderson confirmed to Bryan that he would lose a 1-move match, dropping the world title to Sheamus at Wrestlemania that year. Bryan and Sheamus were both pissed, to say the least.
Sheamus expressed concern that the short match would turn fans against him as a new champion. Smart man.
Bryan says a bunch of guys came up to him after his Mania loss and were pissed at what they did to Bryan out there. Great Khali even came up and told Bryan that it was bullshit in his broken English.
Originally Sheamus was planned to move into a fued with Alberto Del-rio right after Mania, but the crazy crowd support for Bryan forced them to extend they story another month. Bryan says his Extreme Rules ppv match with Sheamus in 2012 is one of his favorites. Mine too!
Bryan acknowledged the weird booking of Punk as champion in 2012, noting how heels would face John Cena, lose, then be sent to face Punk with no momentum. Interesting take on the situation.
Bryan mentions how when he and Punk fueded in 2012, they never got main event spots outside of non-televised events. One time at a house show, Bryan and Punk veered too far into comedy and after the match John Cena chastised Bryan by pointing out that they didn't wrestle a "main event style" match. Apparently the next house show, Cena was moved into the main event spot with Punk/Bryan being before the intermission. An enraged Punk went and yelled at people until he got his main event spot back. This time, no comedy spots were done and they stayed the main event for the circuit.
Bryan had brand new, edgier gear made up prior to Money in the Bank 2012 and didn't tell anyone backstage. He wore shorts over his trunk and hid the jacket until he had to go out. When he got to the ring, the ref told him to lose the jacket, because I guess Vince was in gorilla position freaking out over how Bryan looked. Dean Melanko was the producer for the match, and Bryan felt bad when Vince blamed him for allowing Bryan to wear it.
Bryan was originally planned to wrestle Charlie Sheen at SummerSlam 2012 in a celebrity match, but Charlie "bailed" as Bryan put it.
Bryan was trying to be "Mr Small Package" by winning matches with Small Package and then boasting about how he has an "inescapable small package!" It didn't get over.
Bryan thought his anger management vignets with Kane and Dr Shelby were going to be terrible.
The only reason they stopped using Dr Shelby is because he had limited days off from his regular teaching job.
Bryan and Kane really wanted their team name to be "Team Friendship" and they even had shirt ideas but Vince let the fans vote and he always kept those votes legit, so their team name was "Team Hell No" which Bryan brings up a good point about. He said as a team primarily appealing to kids, a name with "Hell" in it would be hard to sell merchandise to those kids.
The plan was to break up their team so they could have a good heated fued together, but they were so popular that they kept teaming for 9 months.
Bryan says his first good Wrestlemania experience was in 2013 when he teamed with Kane.
One night after Mania in 2013, when Bryan tagged with Kane and Undertaker to face The Shield, Vince McMahon told Bryan that he would pay him several thousand dollars if he could get Undertaker to hug Bryan in the ring. After the show Bryan got on the mic and tried his hardest to get the hug but couldn't quite do it.
Bryan says that both he and Kane agree that teaming together was some of the most fun in either man's career.
Bryan was scheduled to win the biggest match of his career up to that point, he would be beating Randy Orton clean on RAW. Bryan would botch a dive that left both arms nunb and him unable to stand. He got feeling back in one arm but eventually the doctor called the match off. Backstage Bryan started screaming at Triple H for calling the match and called him a hypocrite for doing so, citing his own injuries in matches. At one point Orton tried to calm Bryan down, but Bryan snapped at him and Orton started yelling too. Brie got Bryan away to calm down, but when Vince came to talk to Bryan, the shouting started again. Much later, William Regal advised Bryan to apologize to both Vince and Triple H, to which Bryan took his advice. The next week, Bryan would get his win over Orton and he says that that drama over everything made that win matter more.
An MRI showed that one of Bryan's disks was pushing into his nerves and eventually he would need surgery. With his momentum starting to rise, Bryan opted to put surgery off.
John Cena pitched facing Daniel Bryan at Money in the Bank 2013 ppv. When Vince asked why, Cena said because it's the biggest match they could do at that time. Vince ended up agreeing, but deciding that it belongs at SummerSlam that year instead!
As proud as Bryan is of the build to and match with Cena at SummerSlam, he acknowledges that the ppv didn't do good numbers, nor did the house show business the following 2 months when Bryan was the main protagonist. He thinks a lot the the Authority promos on him stemmed from some truth.
Bryan isn't satisfied with the quality of matches he was putting out in the latter half of 2013 amd he specifically calls out the series of bad finishes he had with Randy Orton in ppv main events. From the fast counting crooked ref, to that terrible one with Big Show knocking everyone out, and then to Shawn Michaels betraying Bryan at Hell in a Cell ppv.
Bryan initially thought he was getting a Wrestlemania match with Shawn Michaels after that Hell in a Cell finish, but after talking with HBK, it was clear that was never in the cards.
Bryan feels he failed as a main eventer in the 2nd half of 2013, regardless of match quality. He didn't move business and that's all that matters.
The Slammy's were fan votes and Vince didn't think Bryan would win and almost laughed when Bryan asked him what he should say if he does win. Vince said, "whatever you want." I wish I could have seen Vince's face when Bryan won later that night.
When Bryan started fueding with Wyatt Family in late-2013, Bryan was pitching for him to be "brainwashed" and join the group. He suspects that his rising popularity in early 2014 is what convinced WWE to have Bryan turn on Bray and leave the group. At the time, Bryan was hoping to stay with the group and be involved in the planned Cena/Wyatt Wrestlemania program since Bryan had no plans for Mania at that time.
Bryan says he was disappointed when Vince told him he would be facing Sheamus again at Wrestlemania 2014. No disrespect to Sheamus, but Bryan felt he belonged in a higher spot.
Bryan felt bad for the way Rey Mysterio was boo'd at the 2014 Royal Rumble.
When Punk quit WWE after Rumble that year, Bryan remembers how plans didn't change too much for a few weeks, and he assumes Vince expected Punk to come back and for Batista to win the crowds over, and neither happened.
Triple H was being vocal about wanting to face Bryan at Mania that year, but Bryan was trying to not get his hopes up since he had seen Triple H try and fail to get his ideas on screen.
Bryan and Brie only agreed to let Total Divas shoot their wedding, because Total Divas agreed to pay for the whole wedding! Hard to say no to that!
Bryan is very satisfied with his matches at Wrestlemania 30 and says he was so focused between matches that he missed Undertaker losing to Lesnar. He heard the ring bell and looked up at the monitor in shock. He says they cameras should have filmed the guys and girls in the back because their reactions were wild, apparently.
Five days after Wrestlemania 30, Bryan and Brie got married, but 2 days after their honeymoon ended, Bryan's dad unexpectedly passed away at the age of 57. Bryan was devastated and described how he was crying still as he was writing about it.
The book ends on a complete downer, very unlike most other wrestling books. Bryan says that as long as he wrestled when asked if everything he was missing or sacrificing was worth it, Bryan always said yes. He assumed he would have more time when he was done and could catch up on what he missed, but his dad is gone and Bryan openly admits that it wasn't worth it. If he could, Bryan would change a lot of his decisions if it meant more time with his dad.
He says he is still wrestling though because he literally doesn't know what else to do or what comes after. This is especially depressing 10 years later, when Bryan is still wrestling despite having started a family of his own. I hope he doesn't regret any time missed with his daughter.
He ends the book by describing the last time he saw his dad, on Christmas in 2013, where his dad dressed up as Santa. Fuck. I'm sad now.
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2024.05.11 04:45 OShaunesssy Book report guy back, with the Bryan Danielson book from 2014 and it has some fun backstage stories from his time in WWE!

Solid wrestling book, though not super memorable in my opinion. Some solid detail and dirt like you expect, but honestly it felt like he was holding back.
As always, it's in chronological order as best as I could do that. Hope y'all enjoy!
Bryan is a weird dude, while describing his adolescence, he casually says that he has a lot of weird hypothesis on various subjects, and we should ask Nigel McGuinness about Bryan's theory on how a penis grows. He doesn't expand on this more. He just says that and moves back to talking about his childhood.
Bryan rants a bit about how modern medicine has stunted human evolution because kids who would have died off got to live and reproduce and pass their "defects" onto the next generation. He says that he is one of those defects, sick all his childhood and sick a lot as an adult. He says that his wife Brie is also a "defect" but says she can share the details in her own book if she ever writes one.
When Bryan was 16 years old, he contacted Dean Melanko's wrestling school and was told it would cost him $2,500, but he needed a $500 deposit to secure his spot. Bryan was scared that there were hundreds of people on the waiting list and worked extra shifts at McDonald's in order to get the cash together asap. He put $500 deposit down for a wrestling school he couldn't go to for 2 more years.
Three months before Bryan graduated high school, the Melanko Wrestling School contacted to inform Bryan that the school was shutting down permanently. When Bryan asked for his $500 back, he was told that they no longer had it and that he was SOL.
While watching Monday Night RAW, an ad flashed advertising a 900 number (an old pay-per-minute phone concept that was always a money drain on the caller), and it advertised Shawn Michaels opening up a wrestling school. After an expensive phone call, Bryan was told to pay $20 more for a package to be mailed to him with more info. He did, and when he got the package, it detailed how Michaels wrestling school would cost $3,900 dollars, and it had another 900 number to call if you're interested. Bryan was demoralized and almost didn't call. When he did, though, he was speaking to Shawm Michaels mom, who was helping Shawn run it. Bryan's mom ended up doing all the talking, and the two mothers helped Bryan get set up with a place in San Antonio where the school was. They agreed to let Bryan pay monthly to help him with the finances.
Bryan's first day of wrestling school went exactly like everyone else's first day of wrestling school, with 90% of the students gassed and vomiting. Bryan said out of the 10 guys there, only he and Lance Cade didn't end up vomiting.
Bryan remembers how much Shawn Michaels prioritized his training to Lance Cade. One of the first days, Lance did a basic jump and got so much air that Michaels loudly proclaimed, "I smell money!"
Even though it was Shawn's school, the primary instructor was Rudy Boy Gonzales, a pretty insignificant wrestler from the 80s and 90s. Bryan puts over Rudy as a passionate trainer who motivated him to try harder. Bryan said Rudy would show Bryan anything Bryan saw on a tape and wanted to try.
Bryan says that he and "The" Brian Kendrick became friends immediately as they were both around the same size in the training and had the same level of passion for wrestling.
I always heard that Shawn Michaels wasn't very present for this school, but Bryan tells a different tale, putting Shawn over as someone who was always around and always showing them how to be better.
Bryan does remember some days that Shawn would come in with his sunglasses on, sit at the back of the class, and then dip out early. Bryan didn't realize then that Shawn was in deep with a bad painkiller addiction, and so some days he wasn't as present. Since Bryan grew up with his dad's addiction issues, Bryan says seeing Shawn actually kick the addiction fully put Shawn on a pedestal in Bryan's eyes.
After a couple of months, Shawn was telling the students to start thinking of ring names, and when Bryan couldn't come up with one, he asked Shawn about using his real name. Shawn thought about it for a second before adding "The American Dragon" to it. When Bryan asked why that name, Shawn said it's because Bryan wrestled like a Japanese guy. Bryan took that as a massive compliment.
Bryan didn't tell Shawn, but Bryan initially hated "The American Dragon" name.
Bryan had trouble being expressive and emoting in the ring, so Shawn had him wrestle under a mask.
On October 4th, 1999, Bryan wrestled his first ever match for Shawn Michaels' small promotion, Texas Wrestling Alliance. His opponent was Brian Kendrick (then known as Spanky), and Bryan says as rotton as it was, everyone in the back was super excited for their performance, including Shawn.
Bryan confirms that Kendrick called himself "Spanky" as a masturbation reference.
Shawn arranged for Bryan and Lance Cade to head over to Japan and wrestle for Frontier Martial Arts Wrestling, a bit of a "mudshow" wrestling promotion. Shawn got Bryan and Lance a spot on their card by agreeing to referee a match for the company.
Bryan remembers seeing one guy shove a bottle rocket up his opponents butt and light it off at that FMW show. So yeah, some pretty outlaw stuff.
Bryan describes attempting a moonsalt to the outside of the ring during this Japan tour, but he slipped and cracked his head on the cement. Bryan says, "When I came to, I didn't even know where I was" before describing how he stumbled his way through the match. He notes how concussions have always been a problem for him.
Lance Cade was invited back to FMW later for a 2nd tour, but they didn't ask for Bryan back. That's when Bryan realized that at his size, he needs to get much, much better.
In February 2000, HBK got Bryan, Lance Cade, Brian Kendrick, and another student named Shooter Shultz, a dark match on an episode of Smackdown. He says they planned for a 15-minute tag match before being told last minute that it's been cut down to 6 minutes. Bryan says HBK went and yelled at some people about "his guys" until he got it bumped up to 10 minutes.
Bryan says he got his first documented concussion that match, because they weren't used to a literal ramp, and Bryan cracked his skull on it, doing a pointless dive. He says the WWE doctor backstage told him to just make sure he doesn't fall asleep.
Bryan says when they got backstage after their match, HBK was excited and pumping them up, telling everyone backstage that they should sign all 4 guys immediately. This was on Tuesday, and by Thursday, when WWE still hadn't contacted them, Shawn called them up and threatened to take the 4 to WCW where Kevin Nash would make sure they were signed. Bryan says WWE quickly offered all 4 guys developmental contracts for $500 per week. Bryan says HBK was a great guy to have in your corner.
Shortly after getting the developmental contract, Bryan and Kendrick wrestled a main event ladder match for Shawn's TWA promotion. At the time, Bryan believed that in order to stand out, he would need to wrestle a more daredevil style, so he did some dumb stuff in this match. He did some ridiculous spot that ended with Bryan separating his shoulder. After the match, he took a table bump that legitimately knocked him unconscious for a full minute.
A week or 2 later, the teams had a rematch in a steel cage where all 4 agreed to blade for the first time. Why is he doing this dumb shit right after being offered a WWE contract?
Bryan says those ladder and cage matches made him realize he needed to change his style up and become more mat based. He wouldn't have had a long career if he kept getting hurt. At this point, Bryan has only been wrestling for 6 or 8 months and already suffered maybe 3 concussions. At least 2 for sure.
Bryan Danielson, Lance Cade, Brian Kendrick, and Shooter Shultz all moved to Memphis, where WWE's development primarily opperated out of at the time. William Regal was also a developmental system at the time, trying to show he had kicked his addiction issues.
Memphis Championship Wrestling was the territory they wrestled for, and Bryan remembers wrestling in all sorts of crazy locations like a WalMart parking lot once.
Although Shawn eventually took the mask off Bryan in TWA, the guys at MCW immediately put the mask back on Bryan.
The only time Bryan thought he might get called up to the main roster was in January 2001, when he heard rumors that WWE wanted to start up a cruiserweight division and use Danielson and Kendrick That didn't happen, though, and Bryan never heard another rumor or wiff of him being called up.
In June 2001, someone from WWE talent relations came down to evaluate talent. Brian was let go and told that despite his talent, they just had no plans for him.
In October 2001, Bryan was offered a spot in California based All Pro Wrestling's annual King Of The Indies tournament. Danielson would beat Kendrick in the first round, and after the show, Nick Bockwinkle, who was there watching, loudly told promoter Roland Alexander, "If you don't put that guy over." Bockwinkle said while pointing directly at Bryan, "You're crazy!"
APW head trainer Donovan Morgan was scheduled to beat Bryan in the second round and go on to win the tournament, but promoter Roland made the call to have Bryan win instead.
Bryan says this that while this really pissed Donovan off, what really upset the guy was when Roland offered Danielson and Kendrick trainer positions alongside Donovan.
Kendrick turned the offer down, but Bryan took it and moved to California in January 2002, where he became the head trainer. Though Bryan says he was a lousy trainer and no good at motivating anyone.
On February 2002, Bryan sat down with Gabe Sapolsky, who, after being inspired by the Super 8 tournament Bryan won, wanted Bryan part of his new promotion, Ring of Honor.
Bryan remembers both William Regal and John Laurinaitis said they would try to get Bryan an in to Japan, but both came up short, and both eventually stopped returning Bryan's calls.
In March 2002, Bryan Danielson, Christopher Daniels, and Brian Kendrick got a tryout with New Japan in Santa Monica. Antonio Inoki was actually there to oversee, but he literally had his back turned to the ring while Danielson and Kendrick wrestled. Inoki never bothered to turn around and watch them, instead watching someone stretch, Bryan says. Bryan later heard that New Japan never intended to hire anyone. They just wanted their dojo to look full for press.
After the "tryout," Bryan says that Inoki fell and had to be helped up by a bunch of people. Only the three of them didn't get up to help, with Kendrick saying loudly, "serves the motherfucker right."
Bryan kept making trips to the Santa Monica dojo every couple of weeks until Shinya "Togi" Makabe told him that if Bryan really wanted to be taken seriously, he had to be at the dojo every single day. Bryan took the advice seriously, quit his training job and moved to Santa Monica.
Bryan says he was offered to come tour with New Japan after only training at the dojo full time a few weeks. It was on this tour where Bryan first wrestled in the Tokyo Dome.
In May 2003, Bryan wrestled another Tokyo Dome show, where Bryan, Rocky Romero and TJ Perkins were all pulled aside in the hotel after the show, by Justin Cully. Cully literally slapped each man across the face, saying the slaps are from Inoki, who was disappointed in their proformances that night. Apparently Inoki expected them to wrestle more of a shoot style fight and was very upset.
In March 2004, Bryan won his first title with New Japan, the IWGP Junior Tag titles with Christopher Daniels, and Bryan would spend the majority of the year with New Japan where he wrestled 8 different tours.
Bryan pitched a 3 hour long match to Gabe Sapolsky for a ROH show and is disappointed they didn't go the full 3 hours.
Going into 2005, Bryan expected to wrestle his whole career in New Japan, but was startled when New Japan didn't get his visa renewed for the January tour like they always do. He was told it was a mistake and he would be back for March tour, but again he was told last minute they didn't have a visa for him. In May they contacted him last minute inviting him for a tour, but at a ridiculous pay cut down to $500 per week. Bryan turned the offer down and never went back to that Santa Monica dojo or work for New Japan again. He later heard that he was used as a pawn in a power struggle with the Dojo and New Japan.
In mid-2005 Bryan got an email from CM-Punk about a rumor suggesting that both WWE and TNA were interested in Bryan, Punk and Samoa Joe. Joe would quickly sign with TNA after this and Punk took a developmental deal with WWE. Bryan never heard from either company, and a few months later Gabe Sapolsky told Bryan he wanted to build ROH around Bryan but wanted a promise that Bryan wouldn't just leave to WWE or TNA. Great timing Gabe, because Bryan immediately said yes.
After winning the ROH World title in September 2005, Bryan says his title reign was falling flat until he started being cocky and cutting those "best in the world" promos. Bryan even shades Jericho and Punk a little by saying at the time no one else was saying it and that's why it worked so well for him.
Bryan puts over his matches with Nigel McGuinness in summer of 2006, but points out one in particular he regrets. Nigel had the idea for Bryan to pull Nigel's face into the steel ring post 3 times to get real blood. After 3 attempts and no blood, Nigel yelled, "One more time!" They got blood on the 4th time, and gave Nigel a severe concussion.
Five minutes into an hour long match with Colt Cabana in August 2006, Bryan landed bad on the outside of the ring, where he separated that same right shoulder as before and tore two tendons.
Three weeks later, Bryan defended his ROH title against KENTA of all people, who legitimately targeted his hurt shoulder all match. Then Bryan went to tour Japan with Pro Wrestling Noah where he and KENTA had a rematch.
Bryan would finally drop the ROH title in December 2006 and then take nearly 4 months off. This is the first time he took off since he started wrestling in 1999.
After doing a tour of Japan with Pro Wrestling Noah in April 2007, Bryan was excited to come back to ROH and signed a 2 year contract.
In June 2007, Bryan and Nigel wrestled an extremely physical match that featured a spot where the two traded headbutts. The match didn't air until September that year and in the mean time, the Chris Benoit double murdesuicide happened and the talk of concussions and safety concerns changed completely. The match was not recieved well and Gabe later told Bryan that they shouldn't have aired it at all.
ROH struggled after the Benoit incident and most everyone had to adapt and tone down their styles. Bryan wasn't one of those people, and actually refused to tone down his style. Later in 2007 he would rupture his ear drum exchanging open palm strikes with KENTA and he would suffer a detached retina in a match with Takeshi Morishima. To this day, he has trouble hearing from his left ear and has trouble with vision.
Bryan remembers being super late for a show and not even being able to meet his opponent beforehand. To Bryan's suprise, his opponent, who despite being green, was great to work with and the two had good chemistry. That was a young Jon Moxley.
In Summer of 2008, Shawn Michaels was fueding with Chris Jericho and they incorporated Lamce Cade on Jericho's side, since Shawn trained Lance. Shawn actually reached out to Bryan about also joining the WWE and being involved in the story.
Bryan met with Vince McMahon and remembers how taken back Vince seemed when they first met, and thinks it was because of Bryan's size and how plain he looked. Bryan also didn't sell himself well in the meeting, saying he is "just okay." Head of talent relations John Laurinaitis told Bryan that they would call him, but he never did.
When Bryan returned from a Japan tour in October 2008, he was shocked to find Gabe Sapolsky had been fired by ROH and replaced by Adam Pearce. Bryan details that while Gabe liked to book long shows with everyone on the card trying their hardest to steal the show, Pearce booked shorter shows and had the lower card guys preform well, but not to try everything under the sun to outshine the main event. You can see why Jim Cornette and Adam Pearce get along so well.
Bryan notes how he was fueding with Claudio Castignoli when Gabe was fired, but Pearce immediately ended that program to which Bryan says he and Claudio were disappointed.
After another failed attempt to get into WWE I'm early 2009, Bryan refocused his energies by moving to Las Vegas where he started training in kick boxing and other forms of mixed martial arts.
Bryan trained religiously for months under a former MMA fighter Neil Melanson. Neil is the one who taught Bryan the LaBell Lock.
When Bryan's ROH contract expired in May 2009, he called John Laurinaitis and left a message, but never heard back.
Bryan says in mid-2009, he was talking to Gabe Sapolsky about starting up a new promotion that would become Evolve. Bryan says that Paul Heyman was even involved with these talks.
Brian Kendrick called Danielson up to pitch Danielson coming to WWE as Kendrick's tag partner. Danielson even went and filmed a bunch of promos with Kendrick and fel optimistic. Unfortunately, Kendrick was fired just a few weeks later before any of those vignets aired and that opportunity was gone as well.
Bryan had given up ever going to WWE when John Laurinaitis called him in September 2009 offering him a main roster contract. Bryan was so excited he didn't have to go to developmental, that he would be right on the main roster immediately. Or so he thought, I guess they didn't bother telling Brilyan about NXT at that time, even though it sounds like he was signed with that in mind.
Nigel was also signed at the same time (probably also meant for NXT) but before either man could start, they had to pass WWE medical tests. They asked them both about past injuries, and Bryan just lied, saying he never had anything wrong and was fine. Didn't mention his shoulder being separated twice, or the detached retina, or any concussion. Nigel on the other hand, was very honest about his injuries, including a torn bicep that he didn't get worked on, he just rehabbed it. Nigel figured he was a lock and didn't see the need to lie.
WWE was concerned about Bryan's elevated liver enzymes, and wanted Nigel to get surgery on his bicep before they would sign him. Both guys were wrestling a farewell tour with ROH and both genuinely concerned they wouldn't actually be leaving. In their last match for ROH, Bryan accidentally gave Nigel a concussion, because apparently these guys only know how to wrestle at one speed!
Nigel couldn't afford the bicep surgery and his own doctor was telling him he is fine, so Nigel went to TNA instead. Nigel would only wrestle for another year before his body would break down too far on him and he would retire.
Bryan signed his WWE contract on October 2nd, 2009, nearly 10 years to the day of his debut match. William Regal actually told Bryan, "Your wrestling career came before this and is over now. Anything else that happens now is a bonus."
William Regal came up with the name "Daniel Bryan" for Bryan to use in WWE. Brian tried arguing to Laurinaitis to use his real name and citing John Cena as an example, Laurinaitis simply told Bryan, "We don't do that anymore."
In early 2010, Bryan and seven other guys were told one day about the NXT concept and how they would be used. Bryan found out who his NXT "pro" would be just like everyone else, when WWE posted it on their website. Bryan initially legit wanted Regal as his "pro" but soon realized being paired with Miz gives him a story immediately.
Bryan describes his time in NXT as the most unusual of his career. The "rookies" all legitimately didn't know what was going to happen on any show and everything they did was 100% unscripted and improvised.
The first night in NXT, all the "rookies" were told 15 minutes before the show, that their "pro" would cut a promo on them and they needed to react accordingly. Bryan had no idea that his pro, the Miz was going to tell him to head to the ring and cut a promo on himself, literally telling him on live TV to make the fans care about him. Bryan had no idea what to say, no real direction he was given to go in, and no tome to plan or rehearse. Miz also told him to come up with a catchphrase, and Bryan said he always hated catch phrases.
In the ring, Bryan cut a generic promo where he said he lost his train of thought and was super greatful when The Miz came out to finish the promo off. Bryan didn't know that would happen and Bryan definitely didn't know Miz was going to slap him at the end. Bryan says that later, The Miz confided to Bryan that he was worried Bryan would try to fight him over the slap.
Bryan credits Chris Jericho for getting him over in his first WWE match, and says that neither he, nor Miz knew that Miz was to beat up Brian after the match. Apparently, Miz was informed during the Jericho/Bryan match that he was to attack Bryan after the finish. Wild how much "flying by the seat of their pants" that WWE did with early NXT.
After the show, Jericho told Bryan that Vince was impressed, though he noted how Vince said, "Ugh, but he doesn't even eat meat!"
Bryan describes promo class with Vince as kinda insane to be honest. One time Bryan accidentally spilled a water bottle, and Vince asked everyone how that made them feel about Bryan. Stuff like that.
Bryan says the NXT rookies weren't allowed to use the regular dressing room and had to use some tarped off part of the backstage area.
Bryan notes how most of the NXT season, the NXT rookies never really knew what was going to happen. The 2nd week Bryan lost to Wade Barret and wasn't told that Chris Jericho would be attacking him after the match.
Bryan says his initial storyline with The Miz wasn't a losing streak idea, but something where each loss had meaning and was being built with purpose. Miz was very hands on with each show and helped to put over Bryan and the storyline, but when Miz missed 2 weeks in a row, the producers left in charge basically just turned it into a losing streak storyline, which Bryan says, "never works."
One time on a plane, Ezekiel Jackson asked "which rookie has an isle seat?" Bryan raised his had and Ezekiel said, "Not anymore." Bryan stood his ground and refused, offering his seat to anyone but Ezekiel. Ezekiel got pissed but William Regal came over and chastised Jackson, saying Bryan is like a son to him and how Bryan has more talent in his pinky ginger than Jackson has in his whole body.
Bryan says the NXT "Pros Polls" were legitimate voting done by the pros. That's why Bryan ended up in first place, despite losing every match.
A week after Wrestlemania in 2010, NXT's direction and purpose shifted away from being serious to silly, and Bryan says they were suddenly doing dumb game show competitions and putting over how demoralizing it was.
Bryan says Skip Shepfield (Ryback) was the only rookie taking the competitions seriously and trying to win each game. Sounds on brand for the big guy.
Bryan says he was trying to be humble when asked who should be eliminated and he said himself. He figured since he lost to everyone he didn't have a right to say any of them. Backstage Miz told him he made a mistake and shouldn't have put that perception out there.
A week later they liked the rookies up on TV (an hour before it goes live) and informed Bryan and fellow rookie Michael Tarver that they are both eliminated, without telling them beforehand. Bryan felt this validated all the warnings guys like Colt Cabana and other gave him about WWE.
Right after Matt Striker interviewed him backstage and when asked an insulting question, Bryan snapped and started talking down about "Daniel Bryan" and started to put over "Bryan Danielson!" Bryan says he could hear Vince screaming into Striker's ear piece and apparently Vince threw his headset when Bryan said his real name.
They made Bryan retape the interview without saying that, but still aired his original interview.
Bryan was surprisingly called back to NXT the following week to start a rivalry with Micheal Cole, who had been verbally obliterating Bryan on commentary since Bryan debuted. Bryan seems to be greatful for that program since it kept him on tv and made him confident that he would keep his job.
The RAW after NXT season 1 ended, all the rookies were pulled into Vince's office and told about Nexus and the attack in the main event. They were told not to tell anyone or else they will be fired. Bryan says he even lied to William Regal, when asked why he was dressed to wrestle.
They were supposed to attack John Cena and Rey Mysterio in the main event, because WWE let the fans vote on Cena's opponent and they assumed Rey would get it. Surprisingly it was CM Punk, and Bryan isn't sure how much Punk was told about the angle.
Bryan legit choked Justin Roberts during the melee, leaving red marks on his skin with his tie. Bryan said he doesn't trust non-wrestlers to sell good so he did it for real, with Justin going purple on Tv. Later during the brawl, Bryan was grabbing a cable to choke someone else when a cameraman told him "no choking!" Bryan does note that he thinks Justin Roberts found it pretty cool to be involved. And later Heath Slater grabbed the dismantled ring ropes to choke Cena, but Cena told him as well, "No choking."
Cena told Bryan before the angle, "It's not the hit you do that's important, it's what you do before the hit that matters." This is why Bryan spit in Cena's face before kicking him in the head.
Backstage, Bryan was reprimanded twice, for choking and spitting. Two days later Vince McMahon personally called Bryan to tell him he was let go and apologized to Bryan for it. Bryan, arrogant as all hell, responded with, "Don't apologize, I'll make more money this year on the independents than I would have working for you."
Bryan called John Laurinaitis to clear up details and Laurinaitis was shocked to hear Bryan was fired. Apparently Vince didn't tell anyone, just called Laurinaitis up and asked for Bryan's number. The comment Bryan made about money seemed to get to Vince since Laurinaitis called Bryan back and asked about it. Laurinaitis actually told Bryan that he can start working independent dates immediately if he wasn't on TV.
After working several shows and making good money off merchandise for several weeks, Bryan was shocked when John Laurinaitis called him in August and asked him to come back for a big angle leading into SummerSlam. Bryan sheepishly asked for a raise and made sure he could make all his already planned independent bookings.
Bryan says Nexas should have won at SummerSlam, noting how they went from dangerous to jobbers in one night.
Bryan remembers a taped RAW after SummerSlam where he did an angle with The Miz. When he got backstage Vince was so mad at how it came off that he made Bryan and others go back out there and do it again. It was the first time Bryan ever had to redo something like that and he said he felt humiliated.
Bryan didnt seem to see much value in being US Champion outside of how it would keep him on tv and maybe monthly ppv matches.
At Hell in a Cell 2010 ppv, Bryan had a good match with Miz and John Morrison, but was scolded after that match for a spot where Bryan threw Miz's stoog Alex Riley off the stage where he landed on cameraman. They showed the two guys the footage and accused them of doing it on purpose to get themselves over. Bryan started regretting coming back and really hating his time in WWE.
Bryan was paired with the Bella Twins in a storyline he hated, that was based on the Twins confusing the word "vegan" for "virgin" and competing to sleep with Bryan. Despite how bad that storyline was, Bryan and Brie would develop a relationship and would start dating in February 2011.
Sheamus was given a choice of Wrestlemania opponents that year between Rey Mysterio and Daniel Bryan, and Sheamus chose Bryan. Bryan was greatful but concerned Sheamus chose wrong and their match would be cut but Sheamus wasn't worried at all. A week before Mania they were informed their match was on the pre-show at a meeting with literally every other wrestler. Bryan says Sheamus buried his face in his hands and remembers how Rey Mysterio got on the card in a match with Cody Rhodes. Bryan says Sheamus picked the wrong guy.
Bryan got some details in his book messed up where he talks about Miz winning the WWE title off Cena at Wrestlemania 27 and he talks about how Miz was WWE Champion going into Over The Limit ppv 2011, but Miz lost the title by then. It's notable because he says he pitched hard for a "Rocky style" storyline where he would challenge Miz for the WWE title at the Over The Limit ppv.
Bryan says the 2011 Smackdown Money in the Bank winner wasn't decided until the day of the show but it was always between Wade Barret, Cody Rhodes and Bryan. He says despite winning the briefcase, his tv time tricked down and eventually he was spending weeks off tv, until he was randomly inserted into the World title program between Mark Henry and Big Show in late 2011.
Bryan was being left at home and off shows, even watching Survivor Series 2011 from home and was suprised when WWE had him come to the December TLC ppv show, last minute. The day of the show he was told he was cashing in and winning the title and the only direction Vince McMahon gave him was to act like he won the superbowl, so that's where Bryan's over the top celebration came from. He didn't even tell his girlfriend Brie Bella about the plan and says she was shocked when he came backstage afterwards.
The only direction Vince gave Bryan as champion is to celebrate every appearance like he won the lottery, saying, "there is no too over the top here."
Bryan said he adapted his "Yes" chants from MMA fighter Diego Sanchez who was celebrating in a similar way at the time.
Bryan's favorite moment from that first world title run was the closing sequence in the 2012 Elimination Chamber match with him and Santino Marella.
Bryan originally expected he and Sheamus to get 15 minutes or so at Wrestlemania for their match, but was shocked when Chris Jericho told him he heard it would be 8 minutes, including the pre & post match stuff. A week later Arn Anderson confirmed to Bryan that he would lose a 1-move match, dropping the world title to Sheamus at Wrestlemania that year. Bryan and Sheamus were both pissed, to say the least.
Sheamus expressed concern that the short match would turn fans against him as a new champion. Smart man.
Bryan says a bunch of guys came up to him after his Mania loss and were pissed at what they did to Bryan out there. Great Khali even came up and told Bryan that it was bullshit in his broken English.
Originally Sheamus was planned to move into a fued with Alberto Del-rio right after Mania, but the crazy crowd support for Bryan forced them to extend they story another month. Bryan says his Extreme Rules ppv match with Sheamus in 2012 is one of his favorites. Mine too!
Bryan acknowledged the weird booking of Punk as champion in 2012, noting how heels would face John Cena, lose, then be sent to face Punk with no momentum. Interesting take on the situation.
Bryan mentions how when he and Punk fueded in 2012, they never got main event spots outside of non-televised events. One time at a house show, Bryan and Punk veered too far into comedy and after the match John Cena chastised Bryan by pointing out that they didn't wrestle a "main event style" match. Apparently the next house show, Cena was moved into the main event spot with Punk/Bryan being before the intermission. An enraged Punk went and yelled at people until he got his main event spot back. This time, no comedy spots were done and they stayed the main event for the circuit.
Bryan had brand new, edgier gear made up prior to Money in the Bank 2012 and didn't tell anyone backstage. He wore shorts over his trunk and hid the jacket until he had to go out. When he got to the ring, the ref told him to lose the jacket, because I guess Vince was in gorilla position freaking out over how Bryan looked. Dean Melanko was the producer for the match, and Bryan felt bad when Vince blamed him for allowing Bryan to wear it.
Bryan was originally planned to wrestle Charlie Sheen at SummerSlam 2012 in a celebrity match, but Charlie "bailed" as Bryan put it.
Bryan was trying to be "Mr Small Package" by winning matches with Small Package and then boasting about how he has an "inescapable small package!" It didn't get over.
Bryan thought his anger management vignets with Kane and Dr Shelby were going to be terrible.
The only reason they stopped using Dr Shelby is because he had limited days off from his regular teaching job.
Bryan and Kane really wanted their team name to be "Team Friendship" and they even had shirt ideas but Vince let the fans vote and he always kept those votes legit, so their team name was "Team Hell No" which Bryan brings up a good point about. He said as a team primarily appealing to kids, a name with "Hell" in it would be hard to sell merchandise to those kids.
The plan was to break up their team so they could have a good heated fued together, but they were so popular that they kept teaming for 9 months.
Bryan says his first good Wrestlemania experience was in 2013 when he teamed with Kane.
One night after Mania in 2013, when Bryan tagged with Kane and Undertaker to face The Shield, Vince McMahon told Bryan that he would pay him several thousand dollars if he could get Undertaker to hug Bryan in the ring. After the show Bryan got on the mic and tried his hardest to get the hug but couldn't quite do it.
Bryan says that both he and Kane agree that teaming together was some of the most fun in either man's career.
Bryan was scheduled to win the biggest match of his career up to that point, he would be beating Randy Orton clean on RAW. Bryan would botch a dive that left both arms nunb and him unable to stand. He got feeling back in one arm but eventually the doctor called the match off. Backstage Bryan started screaming at Triple H for calling the match and called him a hypocrite for doing so, citing his own injuries in matches. At one point Orton tried to calm Bryan down, but Bryan snapped at him and Orton started yelling too. Brie got Bryan away to calm down, but when Vince came to talk to Bryan, the shouting started again. Much later, William Regal advised Bryan to apologize to both Vince and Triple H, to which Bryan took his advice. The next week, Bryan would get his win over Orton and he says that that drama over everything made that win matter more.
An MRI showed that one of Bryan's disks was pushing into his nerves and eventually he would need surgery. With his momentum starting to rise, Bryan opted to put surgery off.
John Cena pitched facing Daniel Bryan at Money in the Bank 2013 ppv. When Vince asked why, Cena said because it's the biggest match they could do at that time. Vince ended up agreeing, but deciding that it belongs at SummerSlam that year instead!
As proud as Bryan is of the build to and match with Cena at SummerSlam, he acknowledges that the ppv didn't do good numbers, nor did the house show business the following 2 months when Bryan was the main protagonist. He thinks a lot the the Authority promos on him stemmed from some truth.
Bryan isn't satisfied with the quality of matches he was putting out in the latter half of 2013 amd he specifically calls out the series of bad finishes he had with Randy Orton in ppv main events. From the fast counting crooked ref, to that terrible one with Big Show knocking everyone out, and then to Shawn Michaels betraying Bryan at Hell in a Cell ppv.
Bryan initially thought he was getting a Wrestlemania match with Shawn Michaels after that Hell in a Cell finish, but after talking with HBK, it was clear that was never in the cards.
Bryan feels he failed as a main eventer in the 2nd half of 2013, regardless of match quality. He didn't move business and that's all that matters.
The Slammy's were fan votes and Vince didn't think Bryan would win and almost laughed when Bryan asked him what he should say if he does win. Vince said, "whatever you want." I wish I could have seen Vince's face when Bryan won later that night.
When Bryan started fueding with Wyatt Family in late-2013, Bryan was pitching for him to be "brainwashed" and join the group. He suspects that his rising popularity in early 2014 is what convinced WWE to have Bryan turn on Bray and leave the group. At the time, Bryan was hoping to stay with the group and be involved in the planned Cena/Wyatt Wrestlemania program since Bryan had no plans for Mania at that time.
Bryan says he was disappointed when Vince told him he would be facing Sheamus again at Wrestlemania 2014. No disrespect to Sheamus, but Bryan felt he belonged in a higher spot.
Bryan felt bad for the way Rey Mysterio was boo'd at the 2014 Royal Rumble.
When Punk quit WWE after Rumble that year, Bryan remembers how plans didn't change too much for a few weeks, and he assumes Vince expected Punk to come back and for Batista to win the crowds over, and neither happened.
Triple H was being vocal about wanting to face Bryan at Mania that year, but Bryan was trying to not get his hopes up since he had seen Triple H try and fail to get his ideas on screen.
Bryan and Brie only agreed to let Total Divas shoot their wedding, because Total Divas agreed to pay for the whole wedding! Hard to say no to that!
Bryan is very satisfied with his matches at Wrestlemania 30 and says he was so focused between matches that he missed Undertaker losing to Lesnar. He heard the ring bell and looked up at the monitor in shock. He says they cameras should have filmed the guys and girls in the back because their reactions were wild, apparently.
Five days after Wrestlemania 30, Bryan and Brie got married, but 2 days after their honeymoon ended, Bryan's dad unexpectedly passed away at the age of 57. Bryan was devastated and described how he was crying still as he was writing about it.
The book ends on a complete downer, very unlike most other wrestling books. Bryan says that as long as he wrestled when asked if everything he was missing or sacrificing was worth it, Bryan always said yes. He assumed he would have more time when he was done and could catch up on what he missed, but his dad is gone and Bryan openly admits that it wasn't worth it. If he could, Bryan would change a lot of his decisions if it meant more time with his dad.
He says he is still wrestling though because he literally doesn't know what else to do or what comes after. This is especially depressing 10 years later, when Bryan is still wrestling despite having started a family of his own. I hope he doesn't regret any time missed with his daughter.
He ends the book by describing the last time he saw his dad, on Christmas in 2013, where his dad dressed up as Santa. Fuck. I'm sad now.
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2024.05.10 20:05 shaneka69 Numerology Of Hailey Bieber

Hailey Bieber Numerology Reading

Before becoming the wife of Justin Bieber, she went by the name of Hailey Rhode Baldwin. Firstly, her first name being her main name and being Hailey, let's see what that usually indicates on a general level.
Being someone who holds the first name, Hailey means that you appear either quiet, mature, or shy amongst others. You likely have an impression that can strike others as strong, serious, mean, or relaxed, depending on other factors. The name Hailey holds no double numbers, so it is a good balance of energies, but there are still general lessons people with the name Hailey has. This name holds the energy of 8,1,9,3,5,and 7. The numbers we don't see is 2,4 and 6. This could be why people with the name Hailey may not seem easily approachable by many people, but certain people may be drawn to this energy and won't notice anything off balance. Hailey names give people naturally embedded strength and some form of power, even if it is subtle. They may not always have a simple love life because with 2, 4, and 6 missing, these women/females can struggle sometimes with commitment or close intimacy and could have been too independent or avoidant at one point when someone was trying to love them. The name Hailey makes someone complex because on one hand, they a serious regarding their disposition(8) because they want to appear structured and well received by the public (1) or it makes them feel good to be well put together. They are naturally independent which could sometimes come off as distant(9), but they just want to explore and learn continuously(3). These are not initially people who place importance of romance.
Even if she is into relationships, she would likely not trust easily because of her name ending with the energy of 7 from Y which equals 25 before it is reduced to seven. This can make her a little cautious or strategic with her approach to any type of connections in her life because she want to make sure she can trust these people before she fully opens up.
Now as we look into her being Hailey Rhode Baldwin, this give her a lot of 5 energy. She has a few repeating numbers in her full name which are 8 twice which is good because she isn't overbearing, bossy, or mean, but she has tenacity and ambition most likely. Her capability of dedicating herself could be very strong. She can be obsessive, but it won't be too intense with the 2 8's balancing each other out. In other cases, this could cause her to overthink sometimes or have trust issues.
1 twice as well which emphasizes her not being a bratty type of woman because 1 and 8 can give someone a mean complex if there is enough of it. 1 is about being bold and taking the initiative.
9 three times in Hailey Rhode Baldwin's name which gives her emphasized 9 energy which is about power, authority, popularity, maturity, and travel. One thing she will likely always make time for is travel and learning. Could be into cultural knowledge as well.
Skipping to the fact that she has four 5's in her name, this is the energy emphasized the most. This equals 20 and then 2 making her appear soft, calm, loving, or sensitive. She could be very emotional with this energy and most likely have to perfect her emotional well-being.
Being HAILEY RHODE BALDWIN gives her the Destiny #4, soul urge #9, and Personality #4
Destiny #4 is the same as Halle Bailey. Destiny 4 people are private, especially about things they value and things they see as important and dear to them. It's serious. These types of people are naturally capable of withstanding or handling responsibility. They are evolving into mastering a life that is in order. Don't force these types of people out of their shell if they are not ready. Once these Destiny 4 types feel safe around you, their personality expands and show clearer.
As a soul urge 9, Hailey Bieber is a natural at quick learning and experience. She may be someone who could see something once and would know the ins and outs after that first time learning or practicing. 9 is mastery and wisdom.
As a personality #4, this makes Hailey a cautious person. She will not do or say anything if she isn't feeling comfortable to do so. She takes calculated steps and won't do anything she considers risky or stupid. She has to warm up to environments before she allows herself to be part of the festivities. Likely not too big on parties as an importance.
April and May of 2024 were very romantic times for Hailey Bieber which makes sense that she is now pregnant with Justin Bieber's baby.
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submitted by shaneka69 to NumerologyPage [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 01:54 stephv3 My fiancé (M28) has been keeping his relationship with me (F28) a secret from his coworker. What should I do?

I (F 28) am feeling completely unnerved right now. The short story is I went through my fiancée’s (M 28) phone and found some devastating text messages. For context, we have been together for about 10 years, and we are planning on getting married next year. For those who may ask why this has been such a long relationship, we have both been pursuing post-graduate degrees and wanted to have stable incomes before starting a legal life together. Recently, I noticed my fiancé has been a lot shorter and quite distant with me. I chalked it up to our hectic work schedules. However, he made a comment that didn’t sit right with me. He said something about playing tennis, which we usually do together. But we hadn’t been yet this spring. So I asked him when he went. He said he went one random morning by himself to practice his serves. That also seemed off to me because his racquet needed to be restrung. I just said okay, but I couldn’t let it go. So I went through his phone. I recognize it’s a terrible thing to do and a violation of privacy. However, in doing so, I found only one thing of note: a string of texts to someone named “Shawn.” In reading these texts, Shawn often tells my partner she misses him, and asks him to hang out. Her messages are accompanied by heart faces and kissing emojis. My partner was flirty back, but he declined every attempt to hang out. What got me was the text about where he was one weekend in January. The one where he said he went to “visit some friends in Michigan.” You know? The trip where we celebrated our engagement ALONE. It became clear to me that he was keeping our relationship a secret from “Shawn.” In looking up “Shawn’s” phone number, I can see that this person has a very different, much more feminine name. So I suppose the name change was so I didn’t ask questions when her texts popped up. I have so many questions to ask him, and I want to confront him. I guess I’m posting here to ask if there is any advice on how to go about this without it getting nasty? Or without him knowing I went through the phone to begin with. Additional info: we just signed a lease together for a new place.
submitted by stephv3 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:13 offingmoot Intro & HFBO / High-Fat/Beef-Only

Hello all,
I have not been as active in this community as I should be, yet I have interacted with many in DM's, most from seeing my posts and reaching out to me to hear more of my story. I'd like to introduce myself, tell my story as quickly as I can, and most importantly, see if there's any others out there that do beef only at a high fat percentage for mental health. I need others in my life on the same path to keep me accountable. Also, helping others helps me greatly.
I urge you to take a few minutes and read what I have written. I know it is long, but it just may be worth it and make a difference in your day or even your life.
I am a male, 47, 5’6”, 150lbs, married with one kid, living in NJ. I have suffered mental health issues since I was a kid, but started my first treatment at 13, which was for my most recurring and prominent symptom: anger. My other prominent issues are irritability, depression, and a sense of wanting to die, but not actually kill myself, just yearning for my suffering to end.
When I am off, I am a huge jerk, I yell at my kid and our relationship is greatly strained, I am mean to my wife, I procrastinate and can’t start projects, and if I do, I don’t finish them; if a stranger in a parking lot who glances at me for a split-second pisses me off, I want to know what the F they are looking at and wanna go kick their you know what. Life can feel impossible, and I hate it and myself so much.
When I am on, I am happy and calm, I handle my kid’s issues with ease and we are best buddies, I am friendly to my wife, and that same passerby in a parking lot gets a smile from me and I am super-friendly. I tackle a to-do list with vigor and do everything from start to finish. Best of all is life is so easy and I am excited for every minute. I love living and myself!
From age 13 until now, I have suffered substance abuse, attended two separate IOP's (intensive outpatient programs), done many, many years of therapy, and taken all the available drug types. The only meds that ever worked were seizure drugs, and Lamictal was the best for me. I also started smoking pot when I was 16, which was the only thing that ever made me feel ‘normal.’ Unfortunately, I am a huge addict, and I did lots of other drugs for a long time, but pot was always my main drug of choice. It took me a long time to realize the anti-seizure effect is why deep ketosis works for me. The pot strains that worked best for me are the ones used for seizures, then add in Lamictal, and the diet; they all work in similar ways. Had a major light-bulb moment when I put that together.
As for my diet, I was vegetarian/vegan for 20 years, the last few were raw vegan. As I ate more plants, and less animals, my physical and mental health declined, but I just thought I needed to find the right plants or supplements. I started to add meat back about 10 years ago, but still ate mostly SAD, and because I smoked pot to feel well, I’d eat massive amounts of carbs, mostly late at night before bed. For a few years my annual blood checks showed I was prediabetic, Fasting glucose was 96, then 104, with 106 being my highest.
When my kid was born in 2016, I was powerlifting heavily and eating low-carb to attempt to stay lean and get stronger, but I didn’t really know what low carb was back then, I just knew when I tracked my food intake and kept my carbs below a certain amount, I felt better and didn’t gain weight. Those of you who know, having a kid changes everything, plus, two months after she was born, I had a nasty fall off a ladder, dislocated my hand, and shattered my wrist; it was severe enough that they considered fusing my hand to my arm, which would mean I could no longer bend my wrist. Luckily, I am fully recovered, and it does not bother me or hinder me in any way; that’s a whole other story.
It took 2 years to recover from that injury, and during that time, we were tight on budget, so I was eating pasta and homemade sourdough bread every day. In addition, I couldn’t exercise how I wanted to. This all led to putting on 40lbs, having terrible skin, eye, and other issues, and I was angry, miserable, and wanted to die. Man, I still miss the process of making sourdough, I was 2-years in at that point, made two loaves every week, and the starter was like my baby.
Anyway, in 2019, I had enough of feeling so terrible and remembered that lowering my carbs helped in the past, so I started that. I removed bread and pasta, tracked carbs, and I lost 20lbs quickly, and felt much better. I naturally got myself down to what might be considered paleo, and ate things like meat, eggs, avocado, nuts, and cheese. I vividly recall hearing Vinny Tortorich, the NSNG guy, on Adam and Dr Drew’s podcast talking about a carnivore diet, where people ate only meat. It sounded like the most ridiculous and impossible idea, but the thought stuck in my mind. As I began to eat more meat and less plants, I couldn’t ignore that I felt so much better, and life was getting better and easier. So, I followed that path.
Within 6-8 months, I was almost full meat-only, with some butter and cheese and maybe other little things added in. I lost another 20 pounds and felt awesome mentally. However, this is when I started having electrolyte and energy issues. I discovered I needed more fat and started buying fat trim from my local butcher. This is also when I started to see a carnivore presence online and listening to Paladino, when he was still actually a carnivore, not the carnivore-ish thing he does now, lol. Because of him though, I began to eat organs and seek out as much of the animal as I could. I still regularly eat liver and heart, and marrow and brains for their mostly-fat content.
I don’t want to bore anyone with too much detail, so I’ll skip ahead. I’m passing over so many details of my journey, and if anyone is interested in chatting about it, please feel free to reach out. Over the next 4.5 years, until now, I have been experimenting heavily and have found that beef only, at a fat ratio of around 90%, or higher, is what works best for me. Digestion and skin are perfect, and mood is bliss. Dairy, wheat, and gluten, cocoa, and sweeteners like monk fruit and stevia are some of my worst offenders. If I eat those items, within 48 hours, my anger and skin issues return, along with many other symptoms including pain in my healed wrist and other body parts. When I add in pork or chicken, even pasture raised, I will have some type of issues and it is less than optimal. This is how I found my HFBO path.
I have had periods of time where I felt the best I ever had in my life. I am a different person when doing this right, and can be a great father to my kid, which is the most important thing to me. I am not perfect, and I am still figuring things out and stumbling along the way, but I have a formula that works very well for me, only if I stick to it.
Here’s my key ingredients for success:
1. HFBO / high-fat beef-only, 90% fat, at or above maintenance calories so I do not lose weight. Ketones at or above 1.2.
2. Beam minerals, both electrolyte and trace mineral liquids, the capsules, and the sprays.
3. Physical activity and sunlight, with sprinting as my main exercise. (shout-out to Dr Shawn O’Mara)
4. Enjoy life and have fun.
Currently, and for many years, I do what is called OMAD, oh how I hate names and labels for everything. I was doing OMAD loooong before I knew it had a name and was a thing. I didn’t wake up one day and say, yeah, I think I’ll try OMAD next, I just naturally gravitated towards it. I had a 6-month period 2 summers ago where I did rolling 48s, and I have done many extended fast of 3-5 days with my longest being a few hours shy of 6 full days.
Unfortunately, I don’t always stay on track. Sometimes all it takes is a cold and being tired for my body to crave more energy, and if I am not careful, I either eat too much meat/protein, which, yes messes me up, or I eat carbs. Last week, this happened, and I had two days of eating stuff I shouldn’t. My remedy to get back on track is fasting. I started fasting on my own, before I knew it was a thing, then I found Cole Robinson and the snake diet. I love the Cole of 5-7 years ago when he was calmer and did hour long videos with so much info.
So right now, I am 90 hours fasted, and I feel amazing. This has been my best extended fast to date, and I have done lots of them. I credit Beam minerals for this, so anyone with electrolyte issues, like cramping or headaches, please check them out. I am full of energy and about to ride my onewheel for an aggressive 20 minutes on some trails, which, for those who don’t know, is physically demanding, then I will kayak as exercise on our local creek.
Check out my glucose and ketones numbers from the last few days, measured on a keto mojo:
Sunday morning, last day of eating crap:
Monday, after a 24 hour fast and working hard in the sun:
Wednesday evening, after 72 hours fasting (lowest glucose reading ever):
Thursday morning, after 85 hours fasting:
Plus, I am down 6 pounds, back to my weight before I ate way too much and too much junk for a few days.
Ok, let me wrap this up. I have met some incredible people here. One guy is close to me in Long Island, and I have become great friends with him, we talk all day every day. I love this dude, and while he is brand new, and is just starting to carve his path, he helps me more than he could ever know. Another guy I just met from Ca, is amazingly just like me and eats HFBO. We just spoke on the phone yesterday, and I can sense a great friendship building there. There’s a woman in Canada who does beef only, and we have spoken, but not as much as I’d like.
The LI guy and I have discord servers set up to bring us together. For him, he’s in need of others just staring out. I am there and willing to mentor and help in anyway I can. For myself, I want to interact with people that are trying to do what I do, and also expose the community to a version of metabolic therapy that has done amazing wonders for me. I don’t see anyone talking about HFBO as an option, and I feel it could be a major game-changer for many suffering people. So, let’s get the word out and bring like-minded people together! Feel free to reply here or DM me.
As a side note, my child also suffers similar symptoms and we have tried several meds. It was the typical med experience and only work somewhat for some of the time. She’s only 7 and suffers greatly. The next move by her neuropsychologist was to put her on SSRI’s, but my wife and I agreed we didn’t want that, especially after some terrible med experiences with her already. With the help of her neuropsych, she’s been on a therapeutic ketogenic diet since the start of school year and has experienced so much improvement. We keep her fat 75-78% and she still eats up to 50g/carbs a day, sometimes more. We track her ketones on a Biosense breath meter 2x/day. If anyone is interested in chatting about that, hit me up. My kid and I are starting a YouTube channel to share our experience along with the other typical social accounts. I see a void in the community for this content and feel we could help many people.
If you made it this far, I sincerely thank you. Writing this post has helped me and you reading also helps.
Edit: I have my socials setup and my handle is @MT4MH on Instagram, Facebook, and X. Same on YouTube, where I posted my first video, which is me narrating this intro with extra content added in. My email is
MT4MH = Metabolic Therapy for Mental Health
submitted by offingmoot to NutritionalPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 13:49 Few-Consequence7299 Woman trafficked from India to be a slave in Three Rivers

Well this is one of the most horrific stories I have heard in our area for awhile.
The woman came to the United States with the thought that she was marrying into a loving family. Instead, she was forced to work in her husband and in-law's liquor store.
For years the victims abuse went unseen and unheard until one day in 2020. That is when officials said the victim found herself in a hospital bed after being beaten by her husband.
submitted by Few-Consequence7299 to kzoo [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 16:01 Ill-Investment3471 AITA for leaving a dinner party after a girl sat on my husband's lap?

I am still so shook with everything so sorry for my rambling. My husband (Jake) and i have been married for 3 years and from the begining he was very close with his best friend's sister (cindy) (18f). Well my husband would often talk about her and tell how he had seen her grow up throughout the years. Cindy is always very bubbly and seems very fond of Jake as well. I remember when we were dating she would ask to come along on our dates a lot. I never really said anything as i liked spending time with her as well. She was like a little sister to me. When we announced our engagement she asked to my husband to "better not forget her" after being a married man and to still hang out with her.
Well we got married and i even made her my bridesmaid. Soon we moved to a different state and kind of lost contact. Now Jake's best friend came to stay with us for sometime and cindy came along as well. Now the moment she saw us the first thing she said was how hot my husband has gotten and she was glad he didn't look like those boring married men. Then throughout their stay cindy would just ignore my presence and will be way too close with jake. I told jake that it was looking a bit inappropriate and to ask cindy to tone it down, but he said that cindy is just a bit childish and is that way with everybody.
Well at their last day we decided to host a dinner party for everybody. During the party i was with jake when cindy came and told me "oh i need to steal ur husband for a while" and before i could say something she grabbed jake's hand and took him for playing games. I ignored it since it was their last day, but then throughout the dinner she was getting way too close with jake and would just drag him away whenever i would be around while giggling at me. When everybody sat for dinner i sat beside jake and cindy came last. She then said "oh there is no seat" and then just went and sat on my husband's lap. Everybody was surprised and jake's said laughing "cindy stop acting like a kid, u r not a kid anymore". Cindy started laughing saying it was a joke and got up and sat on other seat while giggling at me. Yeah i was so angry with the disrespect, and with the fact that Jake was so cool with it, but i didn't wanna say anything bad so i excused myself took my car and went out. About 1hr later jake called me asking where i was. I told him i am going to my friend's house and i will come after cindy has left. I know what i did was terrible but i was so angry at that time that if i had stayed there any longer i would have probably started fighting or crying. I came the next day and cindy and her family had left.
Jake was very pissed and said i took things too far. I started crying and told him how everything made me feel. He said i was horrible to think such things about cindy and that she was like his siter. I told him that i was not doubting his intentions but i was hurt by how disrespectful cindy's behaviour was and he was enabling her by not saying anything. He started saying that i sound ridiculous and couldn't even take a joke (referring to the sitting on lap incident). I said regardless i don't want her in my house again.
To top it off cindy sent a message saying that she was sorry about making me so insecure in myself, and that she would make sure to make me feel better, but i should not have left as it was pretty childish and kind of spoilt the mood. It felt so backhanded, i didn't reply anything to her.
I just told my husband he needs to maintain a distance with cindy. He asked if i was giving him an ultimatum, i said if he will go as far as disregard and disrespect my feelings for cindy? This really rubbed my husband the wrong way and he said since i have such disgusting thoughts in my mind, and is giving him an ultimatum anyways, then he might as well leave because he cannot leave with such an insecure person who has such disgusting thoughts about him. He packed a bag and left to his mother's place. I have tried apologising numerous times, telling how sorry i am for everything, but he is ignoring my texts and calls.
Later cindy's brother texted me and called me a bunch of names to think like that about his sister saying jake should just leave me and a disgusting person like me deserves to be alone. I could not stop crying after that. Idk how to fix this. Is there a way to even come back? Was i so wrong to deserve this? Idk anymore.
Edit- People who are asking our ages, we are 25 yo, just months apart.
Update- Thank you all for responding and people who gave me good advices in personal messages. I couldn't read all the comments, but now i know my feelings are valid and boundaries were crossed by cindy. Now during the dinner there was cindy, her brother shawn and his gf, and their cousin derek (also a good friend of my husband) with his bf. So i called derek and asked about the situation and what happened after I left. He was sympathetic and said that after I left at first they thought i would come back after sometime however things were really awkward, but when i didn't come, shawn's gf told cindy that she was so disrespectful for doing that. Derek and his bf also said the same thing. To this cindy started crying saying they didn't have to corner her and attack her over a silly joke, that she didn't know it would get so out of hand. She then left the room while crying. Jake didn't know what to say and everybody left early the next day.
Derek also told that cindy has always had issues with boundaries and when he introduced his bf to everybody cindy would get too close and would joke that she was just checking if he was really gay. They were really uncomfortable with it as well so derek confronted her, to which cindy rolled her eyes and said they can't take a joke and eventually stopped. This all sounds so bizarre, idk what's going on with cindy. Shawn's gf also texted me saying she was sorry for what happened. I told him how shawn's message was inappropriate, but she had no idea about the text, so i sent her a screenshot and asked her to tell shawn to not harass me again. She was very apologetic and said she would talk to him.
Now my mil called and asked what was going on as jake didn't tell her and only said we had an argument, i was a bit hesitant to tell but eventually told everything. She was furious at my husband. She said they will be coming to have a talk. So yeah i am just waiting for them to arrive and really nervous. Idk if what i did was right or wrong but we will see. As for people saying my husband is some pedo or they are having an affair, i know this is furthest from the truth. I never questioned his intentions, but what hurt me was the lack of respect from cindy towards me.
UPDATE2- So my mil came with my husband and well the "talk" happened. There were a lot of things but i will try to summarize. Basically jake apologised to me first and tried to explain his pov. He said that he was angry because (a) I left without saying anything for the whole night when he was literally trying to just diffuse the situation and tried to laugh it off because it was so awkward he didn't know what else to do, but instead of communicating i just left him in that weird situation. He was meeting his friends after such a long time, and just wanted the dinner to be peaceful and cindy was going back anyways and we would most likely never meet her again. (B) He acknowledged cindy was indeed overstepping boundaries but he didn't know how to bring it up since he has literally seen her growing up and she is like a little sister to him, also she acts like that with everyone. He thought that it was just for a few days and he wanted no drama during their stay so he would just brush it off. He did acknowledge he was wrong about not saying anything. (C) He was already really worried and sad because how i just left with no explanations. Even after i came not once i asked how he felt. He was also very overwhelmed with everything and felt i was accusing him for not doing anything when he literally pushed her off as politely as possible when she tried to sit. He felt i was attacking his character and even gave the ultimatum, which made him so sad as he felt if i thought that less of him. It wasn't about cindy, but about how easy it was for me to question his sincerity. He said after that dinner he was going to go extremely LC with her anyways. (D) he apologised for not speaking up about the disrespect cindy was showing towards me and for also leaving like that.
Then after jake said everything mil explained jake about the situation from her perspective. She scolded him a lot as well. In short, she told him that as a husband it was his responsibilty to make me feel like i am his priority, and that he disappointed me the moment I had to come to him to ask for establishing boundaries. As a husband it was his duty that i never would have to come to him about this in the first place. She also asked him how he would have felt, had it been a guy on my lap, and he had no answer to it. She told him how what i did was an eruption of suppressed feelings and as a husband it was his duty to go afer me and never let me leave in the first place. There were a lot of things said by her and jake seemed to realise and sincerely apologised for his actions. She told him if he ever pulled such stunt ever again, then to not expect her to take him in.
Later, she took me for a walk. It was just the two of us, and there she explained some things to me as well. She said that she is sorry for everything, but told that even at her house jake was distraught. He didn't tell her because he most likely knew he was wrong too but was overwhelmed about everything as well. She said she in no way excusing her son's behaviour, but would hope that i would forgive him. She also said that in no circumstances i need to leave my house as it was my house and my family. She said i shouldn't be afraid in speaking my mind if anything makes me uncomfortable, and to talk to her if jake does something stupid again and she will "set him straight". She hoped we work it out since she has seen our love for each other, and it would be sad to see us split up due to some disrespectful brat (her words). She said she cannot have a say in our issues, but suggested that we should get counselling to understand each other better. She even bought ice cream for me (i know its a bit childish but she said sweet things work as a charm when people are upset, and well she was right😅)
Well it was awkward at night. Jake came to our room and we didn't know what to say. After a while we talked and both apologised to each other. However i did tell that i was angry at him to tell everything to shawn and was deeply hurt by the text he sent me. He said he didn't know what i was talking about and i showed him the texts. He said he didn't tell shawn about our fight, and only told him that he was at mom's place. He called shawn and well it turns out shawn told cindy and told her how she went too far at the party. Then cindy made a huge sob story about how i was passive agressive with her the whole time, how i would always try to question her character, and act insecure and jealous. She even went on to say that i was always like that with her even when she was a kid and that i never liked her and always tried to manipulate people into thinking i was an angel while she was a sl*t. Well that made him angry to think how i have been treating cindy and he sent those texts. Jake and I were baffled by such accusations and he tried to explain shawn how it wasn't true but then jake just let it be and decided to go no contact with cindy and extremely LC with shawn. Jake apologised again and we just cuddled and slept. Well cindy is out of our lives for good now and we have decided to go counselling for better communication in future. Let's see how everything goes in future but yeah we are not getting divorced. I know a lot of you people wanted me to show jake this post, but he was so sad and got scolded a lot already, so i decided to not show him for now. Maybe in future. Sorry for all this rambling😅. Have a good day people.
EDIT- I read people saying we should be NC with shawn too, and i felt that it would be best to let that friendship go as well, so i talked to my husband about it, and he agreed. So he sent a text to shawn stating we could not be friends with him and then blocked him as well. To clarify, I have somewhat forgiven jake for his action but i told him he needs to rebuilt the trust i had, so i know i can rely on him in situations like that. He agreed and we will get couple's counselling as well. That you all for your advice, u all made me feel less lonely in all of this.
submitted by Ill-Investment3471 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 06:47 Much_Yesterday_4403 Lucinda Nicholson Eliminated! Favorite Antagonist Round 19: Follow the Link to Eliminate Your Least Favorite Character

Lucinda Nicholson Eliminated! Favorite Antagonist Round 19: Follow the Link to Eliminate Your Least Favorite Character
Vote here:
Brandon meets Lucinda at the gym and they immediately start flirting. Neither of them run away when they find out their ages - Lucinda is 27, Brandon is 18. Once he finds out that she’s married, to his professor no less, he puts a stop to it but not before he gets blackmailed by D’Shawn.
After Lucinda divorces, she and Brandon restart their relationship. They immediately run into problems - namely, Josh Richland, CU’s investigative reporter and Lucinda’s willingness to do anything to get grant money, including trying to sleep with Dylan. Kelly tries to call her out during Lucinda’s seminar, but she defends herself with some nonsense about following natural sexual impulses.
We see Lucinda one last time in Washington DC, where both she and Clare aggressively pursue Brandon only to have him spend the weekend with Kelly.
submitted by Much_Yesterday_4403 to BeverlyHills90210 [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 06:19 themusicfanman I’m The Music Fan Man • Infotainer’s Introduction

I’m The Music Fan Man • Infotainer’s Introduction

I’m The Music Fan Man Infotainer’s Introduction

2021 12-28

Who I Am

Hi. I am The Music Fan Man. At the Music Or Lose It channel, I make various videos: commentaries; interviews; and reviews of songs.
It is my pleasure to be acquainted with you online. Feel free to ask me questions in the comments section.

What Sets Me Apart

I review songs from the perspective of an ordinary music fan. When I was getting into music as a teenager in the late 90s, I’d buy music magazines. I felt the reviewers wrote about music in a way I could not at all relate to. When I created Music Or Lose It in 2022, my goal was to discuss music in a manner I feel is utmost connecting. Rather than get into the technical details of a song I’m reviewing, I prefer to discuss how it connects with me personally. If a song reminds me of something personal, I can share that. For example, when I reviewed the song “The Actor” by Alt-J, I began crying while thinking about how drugs had impacted my life as someone who’s always been sober and drug free yet significantly impacted by family members’ addictions. Only I have my specific life experience that’s going to impact how I connect with a song.

First Music Memories

I remember having a cassette player and cassette tapes as a little kid. I had a Jackson 5 album. I’m unsure which one. I also remember having the 1984 album “Stay Hungry” by Twisted Sister with their song “We're Not Gonna Take It.” I must have been around 4 years old still living in southern California where I was born.
By the time I was of preschool or kindergarten age in the 80’s, my family had moved to northern California. We initially lived in a small town named Sutter. In either preschool or kindergarten, at school we sang a song as a group. The boys, in masculine kid’s voice, sang “Abraham Lincoln” and the girls would follow with “Gerrrrrrrrroge Washington.” Doing an online search I’m unable to figure out what that song was.
I remember being exposed to a physical record of children singing "On Top of Spaghetti." Doing research for this post, it appears to have been from the album “On Top Of Spaghetti” by Tom Glazer And The Do-Re-Mi Children's Chorus. I am concluding this because the Discogs website entry for this album shows a version of “Puff (The Magic Dragon)” was included in that album. At around that age, I remember hearing that song too. I feel like my parents must have gotten me a record player and that album. Then again, maybe it was just available at school.

When I Became A Fan Of Music

As a teen living in the Yuba-Sutter region, I remember my mother listened to a lot of FM radio. She also seemed to turn on cable channels VH1 and CMT which primarily aired music videos back in the 90s. There was a weekly show called VH1 Top 21. Click here to see a clip appearing to be from a 1994 episode. I must have started intentionally paying attention to music in 1991. I remember the eventfulness of the music videos for the album “Dangerous” by Michael Jackson. I also remember the 1991 video “I Can't Dance” by Genesis in which Phil Collins does parody of Michael Jackson dancing.

First Music I Bought Myself

The first music I bought myself was probably in cassette singles form, spending allowance money given to me from my parents. I was around age 12 or 13. Any one of the following 1993 songs could have been the first single I bought: "Another Sad Love Song" by Toni Braxton; "All That She Wants" by Ace Of Base; or "I'd Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That)" by Meat Loaf. I also remember owning the above-mentioned 1991 “Dangerous” album by Michael Jackson. I can’t remember if I bought “Dangerous” or if it was a gift to me.
I kept wanting a CD player so badly. Before my parents bought me a CD player, I bought myself my first CD. It was the 1993 self-titled album from a band named Dig. I eagerly wanted to own the album’s song “Believe.” I remember going to the mall at Yuba-City and buying it at the music store. It was the only song I enjoyed of the 12 songs from that album. “Believe” wasn’t very popular. By then I was watching MTV and they didn’t play it often. I especially wanted to own the song so that I could listen to it whenever I wanted to. It wasn’t until much later that I finally got a CD player sometime in 1994 or 1995. I was so happy!

Music Influences

Sometime around 1994 or 1995, I began listening to FM radio. I can’t remember my hometown’s local FM station call letters. I think it was nicknamed “Cool 104.” It appears not to exist anymore. The station played VH1-type pop music. I could also access Sacramento’s very popular KSFM 102.5FM which played rap, hip hop, and R&B. Most of all, I listened to Sacramento-based alternative rock station KWOD 106.5FM and their Shawn & Jeff Morning Show.
I started writing my own Top 20 Songs Of The Week countdown around this time. It was written on paper that I kept mostly for myself. I did this because too often I disagreed with the MTV, VH1, and CMT top 20 countdown selections. I also usually disagreed with the Billboard Hot 100 chart posted at the local music store. I am an only-child. I was a closeted-gay teen at a time when American society was still mostly unaccepting of homosexuality. I was awkward in junior high. That is when and where I awkwardly met a girl my same age. She became my greatest friend. We bonded over sharing music together. We became nearly inseparable. Despite having told her my secret of being gay during our teen years, we were both in denial. She became my wife at the age of 20 in 2000.
From 1994-1998 I made my own fictitious music awards show. It was hosted by me in 1994; my childhood friend Jeremy in 1995; a high school classmate named Angie in 1996; a coworker named Robert from my first job at Montgomery Wards (I unloaded trucks) in 1997; and lastly my parents in 1998. I initially used a broken, handheld cassette player. I’d watch all of the music award shows on TV and recorded the acceptance speeches onto blank tape. If any of the award shows’ winners matched my winners, I’d use those acceptance speeches. If not, the host of my award show would say something to the effect of, “They’re not here. I’ll accept the award on their behalf.” I also recorded live music performances from MTV and VH1 to use for my fictitious awards show. Later when I got my CD player, it also played cassettes and had a radio built in. Around 1996 I somehow figured out that my home’s cable could connect to the back of the CD player enabling me to record onto blank cassettes directly from MTV and VH1 broadcasts. Yet those recordings were staticky. I didn’t even own my first computer at this time. Recording the fictitious awards show was simply a hobby for my own enjoyment.
For a 1996 high school economics class group project, we had to make a commercial for a fictitious business. I led the group. We made a commercial for our store “Music World.” In the video I explained, “…when you go to Music World, you’re not gonna say ‘Can I find The Presidents of the United States of America CD?’ and they’re gonna tell you to go register to vote somewhere else.” Sometime in either 1996 or 1997, I discovered one of my school’s staff members had an unofficial class teaching students how to play music on a large speaker-system. He had some type of promotional CDs with all current songs available. If I passed his quiz regarding how to use the equipment, I was told I’d be allowed to play music for the school in the social areas during lunch. I passed the quiz yet somehow - I can’t remember why - the Lindhurst High School officials decided against allowing lunchtime music.
In 1998, for a required “senior project” research presentation class, I learned about publishing songs. I wrote a song with my later-to-be-wife. I was aided by a music teaching mentor. She was the wife of a science teacher from my high school yet she didn’t teach a class there. The song was titled “I Used To Be Insane.” It seems I no longer have a copy. Nothing ever became of it. I did however pass the class. California standards being as low as they are, despite mostly getting Cs and Ds, I graduated class of 1998. Regarding college, I only took one class in 2000. It was a public speaking class. I got an A.
The Music Fan Man In 1998
The Music Fan Man In 1998
I wanted to become a DJ on the radio at the local Cool 104 station or at Sacramento’s KWOD 106.5. Yet somehow I let the dream die. I became employed as security guard and never found the time to pursue my goal of being a radio DJ. In 2023 I made a radio newscaster demo. I intended to use the demo to apply to be a news reader or DJ for local station 1600 KUBA AM. I don’t remember if I ever followed through or not.
In July 2023 life took me in an entirely different direction. By then I had come out of the closet. On 07/05/03, I started the first LGBT group in the Yuba-Sutter region. By October, my marriage was over. I led the group until the end of 2007. In 2008 I became employed with the “NO on 8” campaign attempting to preserve the freedom to marry for Californian same-gender couples. This remains one of the largest political campaigns in United States history. This took me out of my hometown for the first time. I worked at the “NO on 8” headquarters at the Castro in San Francisco. Being from the small town Yuba-Sutter area, it was surreal to find myself working for such a high-stakes political campaign in a massive city. In October of 2008 I moved to the campaign’s Sacramento office. Prop 8 passed unfortunately. The good news is marriage equality eventually prevailed due to a 2015 Supreme Court ruling.
The Music Fan Man In 2008
In 2010 I made the bold decision to buy an SUV and live out of that. This was years before vanlife became trendy. I was renting a room in Concord, CA, while employed as a security guard. I was scheduled full time hours making decent money. Yet despite living modestly I was never able to save up money. Before moving into the SUV, I decided in the future I would live minimalist. Therefore I needed to transform my papers, photos, and home movies into digital files. I bought a cord to connect my VCR to my computer. The connection enabled me to transfer VHS-C home movies into MP4 files. The cord was part of a package that included a video editing program. This changed my life. I learned how to edit videos. In 2010 I began making political videos from the perspective of an independent. By 2011 I created my first channel on YouTube. Initially I was uploading political interviews and also vlogs about living out of my SUV. I kept up at it and ended up interviewing numerous famous people. Click here to see some screenshots of my celebrity interviews. Videos I made were featured by Huffington Post, The Advocate, and Good Day Sacramento.
The Music Fan Man’s Celebrity Interviews During The 10’s
By the end of 2017, I was in Los Angeles. I had been living out of my SUV on and off. My already-substantial medical conditions worsened. I had also become burned out covering politics. I then took a long hiatus for several years living very reclusively. During this time, I changed my political channel to Roadside Resident in anticipation of buying a van to live out of. Thereafter I made only a few videos updating my subscribers of my intent to upgrade from living out of a SUV to living out of a van.

When I Decided To Try Making A Living Enjoying Music

Around 2019 or 2020 (I guesstimate), I discovered music commentary channels Grady Smith and Professor of Rock. The more I watched their videos, the more I realized I wanted to make videos discussing music. The long-dormant wannabe radio DJ within me awakened.


In the fall of 2020, I finally bought a van to live out of. I sometimes rented a room and I sometimes lived out of the van full time. In July 2022, I relocated the seldom active Roadside Resident channel to its own separate, new channel on YouTube – remodeling the existing channel with the premiere of Music Or Lose It. To summarize, my original channel from January 2011 showcasing my political interviews was briefly renamed Roadside Resident probably in 2019 (the exact date is uncertain). Then in July 2022 the channel was given a third embodiment: Music Or Lose It. Only time with tell if transforming my channel twice was a bad or good idea. In any case, it was such a joyous occasion to finally unleash the inner DJ inside of me in the form of a commentator, interviewer, and reviewer. Unfortunately, medical conditions hindered me from making videos on a consistently frequent basis. By February 2024, ailments necessitated returning to housing again.
My Music Or Lose It channel on YouTube struggled to get views after the July 2022 launch. In contrast, when I uploaded to my political channel back in 2011, my videos would automatically get lots of views. Back then I had a steady flow of new subscribers. YouTube then changed drastically becoming mostly corporatized. YouTube’s leadership seems intent on looping viewers to already-famous celebrities and “YouTubers” who built up their audience before the corporatization. I’ve watched tons of “how to succeed on YouTube” videos. Citing vague gibberish regarding algorithms, those videos are almost always unhelpful. There’s no meritocracy when audience reach is dictated by algorithms. The tools to build an audience as a no-name in a bedroom seem to have removed by big tech venues. At least my videos at the Music Or Lose It channels on Rumble and TikTok get a few thousand views.

What Keeps Me Going

I am encouraged to keep trying to succeed despite seemingly impossible odds. I see a vision of what Music Or Lose It can become and I love what I see. I visualize connecting music fans discussing wonderful new songs together. As I build up my success, I see an opportunity to uplift a lot of neglected music creators making human-uplifting, soul-moving music.

Moving Forward

I am presently seeking a standalone house to rent in Las Vegas. After moving in, I will get set up to film and podcast. Until day 1 of recording begins, I won’t get too excited. I don’t celebrate prematurely. If I can stay steady living where all my filming equipment is at one place, I feel hopeful I can regularly make Music Or Lose It videos.
What’s more, I have a bold idea to unite creators struggling to attain decent amounts of views/listens. After I get settled in the Vegas house, I will unveil the idea. In an era where big tech does so little to help lesser known creators, uniting into groups with a plan to attain success seems to be the way of the future.
The Music Or Lose It subreddit community was created in January 2022 and was dormant until October that year. This online community significantly expanded in 2024, hitting both the first 1k members milestone in January and then the first 2k members milestone in March. Also in March, just for fun, I began organizing a community vote for the Best Song Of The Month contest open to lesser known music creators. It is indeed a lot of fun. The subreddit community motivates me to keep going with my overall Music Or Lose It goals. I am tremendously motivated by the talented music creators who kindly share their personal art. I am especially inspired by the community’s thoughtful music fans who share their interesting perspectives in the comments section. I am a believer in "a rising tide lifts all boats" philosophy. In anticipation of a return to making Music Or Lose It videos, I am imagining how I can merge the subreddit community into my world of videomaking. I must figure out how to increase my viewership. I am confident I can do it. Videos about music superstars like Beyoncé, Taylor Swift, and Kanye West will get more views than a video about a lesser-known creator. That’s reality. Yet it’s my goal to figure out how to merge my video discussions about the superstars with discussions about the amazingly-talented yet lesser known creators I’m meeting at this musicorloseittv community.

The Wildest Dream

My goal is to earn a living making my Music Or Lose It videos. I want my music discussion channel to be as successful as Professor of Rock and Not For Radio Podcast. I hope to eventually have 1-2 cohosts. I want it to be a go-to venue for music entertainers when they're promoting new projects.
I grew up experiencing poverty more often than not when I was younger. I remember the monotony of eating rice and beans for dinner night after night for a long time. Around my teen years, my parents became more equipped to treat me to allowance. This enabled me to buy cassettes and CDs. Their generosity enabled me to become a music fan. Yet a clear path how to succeed was not provided to me. I graduated from high school with only Cs and Ds. Into adulthood, despite living out of a sports utility vehicle with serious medical conditions, I taught myself how to edit videos. I ended up interviewing very famous celebrities. At my best, despite being a no-name from a small northern California town, I was gaining notable media attention momentum. Despite so many odds being against me, I have persevered.
I am determined to keep persevering. I will do everything within my power pursuing the success I envision for myself. Just as I gave my all to unite people by creating community when I led the first LGBT group in my hometown, I will give my all to uniting lesser known creators chasing our dreams together.
Thank you for reading.


• Song: Dirty Vegas - Human Love
2004, Lyrics
• Music Video: Airship - Algebra
2010, Lyrics

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2024.04.28 05:17 Efficient-Ball7995 Putting random songs into different Danceverses

Melosia Realms
Sun Horizon
submitted by Efficient-Ball7995 to JustDance [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 19:22 moondog151 For entirely unknown reasons, a man would suddenly murder his mother with a machete. Afterwards, he ran out of his home and aimlessly attacked several other passerby including children and a dog before being shot dead by police.

For entirely unknown reasons, a man would suddenly murder his mother with a machete. Afterwards, he ran out of his home and aimlessly attacked several other passerby including children and a dog before being shot dead by police.
EDIT: I made an error in the title
(So as mentioned I'm working through my backlog of cases or finding new ones to try and go through every country A-Z by continent. This time I'm finally covering the actual case I chose for this series. I figured this also wouldn't have enough information for a dedicated write-up but a YouTuber named "Jay Faith" dug through old newspaper archives at the time providing more sources so I could cover this case after all
However, her video and this write-up use the same sources (my knowledge of this case does predate that video's upload though) and there aren't really any other sources about this case either so the information is going to be mostly the same. The only difference is how it's presented, worded and maybe a few extra pieces of extra information. And I did watch that video to try and make sure I didn't end up plagiarizing her by accident. )
Hubert Headley was born on May 30, 1961, in the rural village of Buxton, Guyana, the third of 4 children. He had a relatively uneventful childhood and attended St. Anthony's Roman Catholic School for his education. After his graduation, he enlisted as a soldier in the Guyana National Service where he played in the service's bands as a drummer in Cove and John. In 1981, during his time in the service he met a woman and soon the two formed a relationship and had a child. The relationship was only temporary as they swiftly broke up since Hubert was almost never around. After a 2 year stint, he left the service. After he left the service he started smoking marijuana and later got addicted to more extreme substances such as crack cocaine.
Hubert Headly
Likely on account of his rampant drug use, Hubert's mental health entered a vest decline. By 1983, his mental health had deteriorated so much that he began acting like a child, a baby even which led to locals nicknaming him "Baby Arthur". He had seemingly forgotten how to take a bath so at age 22, his brothers had to bathe him for him. When his mental illness wasn't causing him to act like a toddler he was in fact even worse since he'd threatened to rape his 48-year-old mother which was the final straw. Hyacinth Headley. In 1984, with approval and encouragement from his brothers, He had her son committed to a psychiatric ward in Guyana's capital, Georgetown.
Hyacinth Headley
His stay in the psychiatric ward lasted only two short weeks as after that time, he had managed to escape and find his way back to Buxton. He didn't get much help during those two weeks or any medication so he continued his rampant drug use resulting in his already diminished mental state to decay even further. During the next three years, he continued to threaten his family, especially Hyacinth and would even wander around Buxton and make death threats toward the residents and sometimes he'd venture into the neighbouring village of Friendship and threaten the locals. The police were called on numerous occasions but seldom did they ever show up, and when they did respond to the calls, they would say that because Hubert had not actually committed any crimes he could not be arrested.
By 1987, his outbursts had become so much more frequent and violent that the old Hubert everyone knew was for all intents and purposes dead. He would make threats and even attempted to sexually assault many women in the area. In one instance a woman was walking home when she came across Hubert who pulled down his pants and waved his penis at her. Once he entered a house so he could tie up and gag the young woman occupying it with the intent of raping her but for unknown reasons he seemingly changed his mind. He threatened a friend of his mother who often came down to visit with violence and called him a "Bourda rat". Eventually, for his own safety, Hyacinth told him to stop visiting their home. Lastly, in 1987 he once grabbed a cutlass (or machete, Caribbean-based countries tend to use both to describe the same thing) and hit her on the head with the dull end causing her to lose consciousness, although she did survive. Even after all of this, Hyacinth was determined to try and help her son, once even tracking down the dealers that sold him his drugs and even going up to other known dealers and begging them not to sell anything to Hubert.
By 1994, Hubert had somehow managed to get a job finding employment with the Guyana Telephone & Telegraph Company, after only a month he left that job and went to work as a security guard instead, making some extra money on the side by picking and selling coconuts, begging his mother for money and selling her belongings without her permission to fund his drug addiction. He began keeping a journal which he would only write in while high and his writings were incomprehensible saying things like "I got Jieasus on my mine Who you tink would bie comeing" or "Warry murder Berbice you rum shop". Lastly on the bottom page of his personal bible would write down "homiside". He also began walking inside the home constantly dressed in just shorts and fully erect.
Hubert had befriended two brothers addicted to the same substances as him named Goat and Errol. In November 1994, one of them, albeit the exact one isn't specified, was found dead in a home with foul play involved in the man's death. By then this mother and brothers had moved out for the time being to live with Hyacinth's daughter-in-law as they had grown that afraid of Hubert.
At 5:00 p.m. on December 9, 1994, Hubert aimlessly wandered the outskirts of the village and came across a child named Adesima Henry, Hubert grabbed him and attempted to impale him against a cast-iron fence Adesima fought back and managed to escape with only injuries to his finger. After Adesima escaped, he got on a bicycle and rode all the way to the rail line where someone was selling coconuts and thus had a machete to split them open. Hubert stole the machete but left the salesman unharmed and then resumed his aimless wandering.
He next came across a 40-year-old, married father of six named Dennis Joseph. His family was in Canada and he was meant to visit them in a few weeks. He was sitting on a bridge connecting Buxton to Friendship when Hubert walked up to him from behind and swung the machete once, decapitating him before Dennis could even notice him.
Dennis Joseph
Next, he wound up crossing paths with 16-year-old Shawn Sullivan who had just left his home and was on his way to visit his cousin. He saw Hubert approaching him and sensing his intent, he began to run away. Due to the long boots he was wearing Shawn kept tripping allowing Hubert to catch up with him so as a last-ditch effort, Shawn jumped into a trench deep enough that he figured it would deter Hubert from following him. Instead, he jumped in after him and kept repeatedly slashing him with the machete until he finally passed from the blood loss.
52-year-old Maude Hatton was just loaned money from a friend and was on her way to a store to purchase kerosene when she was seen by Hubert. Hubert was still on his bicycle but when he noticed Maude he instantly jumped off and charged toward her and swung the machete at her head once causing her to fall to the ground. Maude was still alive but Hubert decided to leave and find another victim. Neighbours rushed to try and help Muade and tend to her wounds, using a towel to stop the bleeding but they all fled after seeing Hubert return. Very weakly, Maude asked why Hubert did this to her, to which he responded seemingly surprised "You ain’t fucking dead yet?" before slashing her throat.
Tragically, his next two victims would all be children beginning with 7-year-old Melissa Valentine. Her father had given her money and sent her to a shop to buy him cigarettes. With no hesitation, Hubert began running toward her with Melissa running away and screaming for help. An elderly woman was sitting outside on her porch when she heard the screams and saw the 33-year-old man with a machete chasing after a 7-year-old girl. She was of too advanced an age to effectively fight and defend Melissa so all she could do was scream at Hubert and beg him not to harm her. Hubert ignored her and continued chasing even after he himself kept tripping. Melissa ran to the gate of the woman's house but it was locked which allowed Hubert to catch up and sadly take her life.
2-year-old Semple Peters was playing in the yard of his parent's home when Hubert suddenly ran toward the fence, jumping, climbing over it and swinging at Semple before running away just as suddenly as he had appeared. Semple was still briefly alive but fell unconscious and passed away at the home's back door. His parents were not home and was being watched by his older siblings but in an act they regret to this day, they left him home alone and one of them forgot to lock the door which is how he got outside and thus seen by Hubert.
To conclude his rampage, he climbed into his neighbour's yard and through there climbed into his own backyard and broke into his home where Hyacinth was alone with Hubert's 9-year-old niece Islene Barrat. He grabbed Islene rubbed the machete across her hair, specifically the braids and cut them off and left a scar on the back of her neck. Islene began screaming which alerted Hyacinth who had just finished bathing herself and was still wrapped in a towel.
Islene Barrat
As soon as Hubert saw his mother, he forgot about Islene, letting her go and running into the house after Hyacinth. He would slash at her while they ran cutting her across the back a few times but Hyacinth kept running away until her son caught up to her at their fence and kept repeatedly slashing her with the machete over and over and over until she finally died.
Hubert would attempt one more attack, going to a neighbouring house but changed his mind as everyone who lived there was home at the moment, saw him before he began any attacks and lastly, one of the occupants armed himself with a machete of his own. Hubert would not leave their house without claiming at least one victim. The family dog ran toward Hubert who decapitated it with one single swing of the machete.
Hubert was announced dead at the scene after having butchered 6 people with a stolen machete and wounding two others. The police were criticized for repeatedly ignoring all the various warning signs even disregarding a phone call made to report him the morning of his rampage and in the days leading up to it he would repeat to himself while drooling "Ten to one is murder! Ten to one is murder!". The police were especially criticized for not returning him to the mental hospital he had escaped from. It was left unknown what finally set Hubert off and led to him initiating this attack in both Buxton and Friendship.
After the massacre, a woman who had lost her son to drugs 5 years prior attempted to organize a protest march against drugs but the march failed to get off the ground. Many of the residents were afraid to be seen at the march and face retaliation from the drug dealers.
In 2015, a reporter for the Guyana Chronicle went to Buxton for a retrospective and learnt that 21 years after the massacre, many of the residents were still living in fear. They also learnt that on October 19, 2004, one of Semple's brothers was tragically caught in a firefight between police and an armed robber and died at age 15. One detail revealed in this article that wasn't a part of the initial reporting was how the only victim to not be decapitated was Semple
This case remains one of the most infamous in Guyanese history and is often brought up when discussing other mass murder cases in Guyana. This December will mark the 30th anniversary of this case.
Sources (In the Comments)
submitted by moondog151 to TrueCrimeDiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 19:54 surrealphoenix Audio Commentary: "Black and Tan: A Crime of Fashion" S2E15

CreatoExecutive Producer: Steve Franks
Executive Producer: Kelly Kulchak
Executive Producer: Chris Henze
Series Star: Dulé Hill
Series Star: James Roday Rodriguez

- Directed by Mel Damski
- Written by Steve Franks and James Roday Rodriguez
- They asked not to have a flashback in this episode and were denied.
- They wanted to do something sexy and a little edgy.
- They started with the concept of Gus absolutely not working on his birthday and what complications might ensue if a case was brought to them on his birthday.
- The scene filmed outside the club was right around the corner from Dulé’s apartment.
- James noted that this episode is one of Dulé’s finest moments. James was in stitches from Dulé’s antics the whole episode.
- The idea of Gus knowing who Berlinda Desidovicz came from one of Steve’s old buddies, Dean. Once upon a time, Dean could recognize all of the Laker Girls.
- Steve and James spent weeks trying to come up with how you might identify someone with bulimia. Someone finally gave them the note that the fingers might be chafed.
- The names in the episode caused a bit of a stir with the network. James sent them a document listing the names of about 30 real supermodels that were all multisyllabic challenges to justify names like “Berlinda Desidovicz” or “Ciaobella Masterson.”
- Amanda Pays is the actress who plays Sue B. She and Corbin Bernsen have been married since 1988. Corbin was giddy that he got to work with his wife all week.
- Originally, the arcade scene was going to be Shawn and Gus eating pancakes in a diner with “The Girl from Ipanema” playing in the background intercut with scenes of exciting policework. But they were already way over budget for the episode, and the arcade was cheaper.
- “I’d rather shower with a bear” was James’s line. Steve says that it is one of the lines that gets quoted back to him a lot. (I’d love to hear what line[s] fall into that category now.)
- Ciaobella is played by Amanda Detmer, who is a good friend of James. “Props to my dear friend, Amanda, for letting herself look like this.” - James
- Everyone attempted to take the pillow fight out, but James stuck to his guns; he was adamant the pillow fight make it in the episode.
- They had to make giant cuts to this episode because they were so over budget. Originally, we were supposed to see the models in an oxygen bar.
- The limo scene was directed by James.
- Emily Bloom is played by Melanie Lynskey. At the time the season was airing, Melanie was married to Jimmi Simpson, our very own Mary Lightly. They divorced in 2014.
- The breakfast scene used to contain a conversation about Sigrid being a vampire in which the other models really start breaking down the logistics to debate this theory.
- Katie Isabelle (Katharine Isabelle per IMDB) played Sigrid. In the interrogation scene, she was a total pro and was able to produce real tears for every take.
- Melanie Lynskey is from New Zealand, and they let her use her normal speaking voice for the role of Emily Bloom. The only reference to Emily being from New Zealand is Lassiter calling her “our little Kiwi ladder-climber” after questioning Sigrid.
- James received a nice letter and t-shirt from PETA for the scene in which Emily is ending animal testing at Ciao. Steve did not receive anything from PETA.
- In one of the drafts, Emily actually let Juliet have the clothes she tried on at Ciao, but James and Steve were shot down. Something about “bribery”….
- There was some confusion on the commentary regarding the scene in the Psych office. “The question is: Why does Gus have his pants off? There is no reason for him to have his pants off!” – Dulé. Kelly notes that Gus was wearing pants at the beginning of the scene, and Dulé responds, “Yeah. And I put the same pants back on.” James points out that Gus is still wearing socks and shoes as well. Socks and shoe, but no pants. What exactly was Gus doing?
- The painting in the scene with Henry and Sue is Caitlyn Jenner (at the time, Bruce Jenner) as a fish. Steve and James scripted it…so the prop people went and had it painted.
- Lassiter’s new tie is a Thomas Pink tie (callback to “Cloudy with a Chance of Murder”).
- Initially, they were planning to kill Emily off as well, but the network said no, so Emily got to live.
- The painting we catch a flash of when Henry is on the phone in the restaurant, just as Sue comes up, is Gandhi as a fish. The artwork theme of the restaurant was celebrities as fish.
- They knew from the start that, at the end of the episode, there would be no living culprit, so they just worked backward from that.
- Dulé said he was crying-laughing while Shawn’s breakdown of the crime[s] was filmed.
- When Shawn calls Sigrid Gregor’s “vampire mistress” during the breakdown, that is a callback to the cut vampire conversation.
- Steve wrote “Treat a woman like a person and then a princess and then a Greek goddess.” James added, “And then a person again.”
submitted by surrealphoenix to psych [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 05:45 Busy-Big8178 I got it omg !!!

I got the marriage one with max , Oakley is my OG and even though I didn't do anything other than kiss & cuddle max oh and a massage when in Casa I went all in for max when I got back to the villa stayed in bed to flirt and do bits even though Oakley slept downstairs 😅 I just concentrated on max!
I also still outted Sienna and jin without dropping theo in it but tbh I think that might appear on movie night I reckon but I can't stand the plastic barbie so still made her life hell even though my m/c is all Max lol he's kinda stole my heart ngl I even backed him up when him & Oakley was arguing I snogged and married him so I'm guessing that's how you can get the marriage one by not flirting with anyone else and concentrating on him 🤭
I'll probably re start it at some point over the weekend still cause I tend to get bored whilst waiting but I think max route is definitely going to be my main one for now may even try a theo route but bring back Shawn instead cause I can't hurt max lol !
Also the snakey snide of jin don't suit his whole persnality I swear but tbh luna can't be too mad she did the same shit with Kyle ! I'm looking forward to movie night next week haha !
submitted by Busy-Big8178 to fuseboxgames [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 08:33 Loveonethe-brain I think one of the worst things that Dan did was shown in how he sexualized the underage characters on screen, but most tween/teen shows do that and I want to discuss how it’s a big problem

Okay so I was actually watching a “what’s wrong with Girl Meets World” YouTube video by Tronn and it talked about how weird it was that they were justifying basically grooming between Maya and Josh (characters who were a middle schooler and a junior in high school). But what spiked my spider senses was when a short clip showed of Riley spraying her love interest with a hose, and after just watching quiet on set show Ariana being sprayed with water I was kinda on high alert. Now it is important to say the boy was fully clothed and not in a bikini like Ariana but it really got me thinking. One of the biggest issues with kids shows is how love interest are portrayed and how it lends to inherent sexualization of minors and puts the child actors in danger.
Since boy meets world is already discussed here I wanted to talk about the character of Shawn and Rider strong. Shawn was made to be attractive and it is shown in a lot of dialogue of him being a ladies man at the age of 12. Which is odd but whatever, the issue is that they have scenes of him shirtless or making out with Angela and it’s like “um okay”. And then the whole thing with rider being a minor making out with the actress who was almost 30 at the time. Then we can talk about topanga. The moment she developed she was really really sexualized and yes by the time they got married the actor was an adult but think about it from a writing perspective. You’ve been writing this girl since she was 11-12 and seen her grow, now the moment you turn 18 you are writing scenes begging for the character to show her butt, or her implied to be nude waiting to have sex???? Weird.
Let’s go back even further to saved by the bell. My sisters got really into it because the way thought both of the main boys were cute but it was difficult for me because that main girl was so clearly taken advantage of by the fact that the actress parents didn’t have an active role in her life. There is no reason that a poster of a little girl in a bikini should be on a show. It’s weird.
Disney also has its problems. Remember when London and Maddie made a “now strip” joke and they played an oooooohhh sound from the audience. Remember when they had Selena Gomez at 16 kissing a 27 year old on another Cinderella story. Or fast forward and young Ross lynch is shirtless for a lot of Austin and ally (and yes they were set in Miami on a beach but the other male characters who was not meant to be gawked at had his shirt on the entire time). Or even more recently with HSMTMTS, Olivia Rodrigo being a minor in a relationship with an adult (yes he was 19-20 but still) that translated into real life and negatively affected her (see driver’s license). I blame this all on the company.
As someone who was a child before and only watched shows for guys I think are cute, you don’t have to have slow motion shots or suggestive jokes to make kids tune in. You shouldn’t cast a kid for sex appeal. You shouldn’t talk about real children’s body parts. You shouldn’t have kids be partially nude, particularly for “fan service”. You shouldn’t have kids kissing adults for romance (HSMTMTS learned their lesson and didn’t have the next underaged girl kiss the lead until she was of age and people still loved the ship and it didn’t hinder the story much). Do better Hollywood
submitted by Loveonethe-brain to QuietOnSetDocumentary [link] [comments]

2024.04.15 17:37 mindue505 Boyfriend's ex is dating our close friend/bandmate- to get at my bf?

My (42f) boyfriend (37m) and I have been together over a year now, we live together, and we're musicians in 2 bands together.
My boyfriend's ex (34f) was some chick he dated mannnnny years ago (15 years ago) and unsuccessfully tried to spark up something w her again recently (jan-feb 2023) before we started dating (mar 2023). In short, they went on a couple dates and both decided to "remain friends" as to which my boyfriend basically grew tired of her games and decided to give dating me a chance.
This chick- let's call her Tori - seems like a narcissist, talks shit about people, and has a history of leading men on and not committing, which was some of the numerous valid reasons why my boyfriend dislikes her so. In fact, when he finally gave up dating her, he was done w the whole friend group she associates with, even though they were mostly his friends first. While she friendzoned my bf before we started going out, she found out a few months later he moved on w me and confronted him. I saw the conversation, and it was pretty hilarious. It was basically like a "how dare you date someone when I told you that we could be friends"?
His ex Tori brought a "date" to one of our big/important shows last Oct (Oct 2023) and was all over her date that night, as if to spark some jealousy on my boyfriend's behalf and ruin our night. Nothing happened, and my boyfriend (and I) both thought it was pretty crazy of her to try and elicit a response from my bf, especially after we had been together several months at that point.
Fast forward a few months to current...
Tori was NEVER a musician prior, but recently started up a band as the lead singer, mostly consisting of men she's dated and/or slept w in the past. She also enlisted our drummer twice over (Joey) on her project, and had to choose the very same night we jam with our rock project, therefore imposing a curfew on our drummer to stop jamming w us at a certain time every Sunday in order to get over and jam with all them.
And now our bandmate/friend (and band leader of our metal project) Shawn is dating her (!!) as they've been friends for a decade, and he's crushed on her. Shawn even dumped his last gf for a chance w Tori, even though according to my bf, she always talked shit about our bandmate Shawn. Shawn came on super strong to Tori in Feb this year, and supposedly she claimed she was never into Shawn until he "lovebombed" her for her bday, so now she "thinks of him differently". IMO if you're friends w someone for 10 years, the spark of attraction is either there or it isn't- I've experienced this first hand in my past. For her to never have been attracted to our bandmate Shawn prior, then all of a sudden, they're like a happily married couple a month later lol - seems sus 100%.
Now Tori comes to most of our shows, and my bf and I get a lot of flack by choosing not to attend parties at our bandmate's house in order to avoid his ex Tori and the group of disloyal immature friends who worship her.
Am I tripping to think that this Tori chick is being all "single white female" on us? Hanging all over her date at a show, then starting up her own band (when she never was in a music project prior), and now dating our bandmate Shawn and locking up most of our band leader's attention and time.
Honestly? Some days, I feel like I should just give up on my relationship - and both bands - since this Tori chick is stopping at nothing to interfere and cause drama in our lives, and I hate soapbox drama bs. It seems like no one ever rejects her, and since she perceives my bf did- she has some nefarious plan to ruin our lives/bands/friendships. Furthermore, I even wonder if my bf and I would even be together if she didn't friendzone him? She's younger and thinner, but that's where she stops winning against me.
Any thoughts? Advice? Lol
submitted by mindue505 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 11:33 nuraman00 The Beverly Hills 90210 Show Podcast: Episode 123: Take Back The Night.

This covers the "Take Back The Night" podcast, and the additional podcast episode with Andi Chapman.

Editor Jerry Frizell is a guest host.
Andi Chapman (Angela Rhodes) also comes on.

Andrea and Dan clip:

[Black and white flashbacks between Steve and Laura]
John Sears, Dylan, Kelly:

Andi Chapman (Angela Rhodes) interview:
submitted by nuraman00 to BeverlyHills90210 [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 23:50 OShaunesssy Book report guy back again! I just read Jim Ross's 1st book that he wrote and gathered all the interesting stories I could fit on 1 post...

Book report guy here. This book was a fun read, with JR being very nice to most everyone but still attempting to be honest.
I'll have a link at the bottom to his 2nd book, which I did a post on a year or so ago. Anyways, it's in chronological order as always. I hope it's a fun read...
In the early 1970s, JR was recruited to a couple of fraternities in college, and after a chaotic flag football game in 1974 that got some negative press, his fraternity was ordered to do community service While most guys were organizing car washes and bake sales, JR wanted to put on a wrestling show. He didn't know where to start though, and basically just called the local promotion up, and in possibly the most shocking things I've ever read in one of these books, JR says his one phone call led to not only getting front row seats to an NWA World title match between Harley Race and Bill Watts, but JR got a meeting with Bill Watts and his partner Leroy McGurick to pitch his idea!
JR's meeting with Cowboy Bill Watts was fast, and all JR said was they got free radio time to advertise before Watts laid out the groundrules. JR pays for pretty much everything, including a $250 fee for one of Watts guys to haul the ring over. JR supplied the venue as well as paying for security and ensuring there are two locker rooms for heels and faces. (Though they kayfabed JR and said it was for everyone's safety) Watts said he would supply 8 wrestlers plus a referee and he will give them a good card. JR could keep all concession stand money, but 80% of the gate goes to Watts, leaving 20% for JR. JR agreed immediately.
JR didn't get Bill Watts himself on the card for that show, but he got his idol Danny Hodge! JR got a ton of radio spots and recorded them himself. The show was such a success that they sold all 2500 tickets!
It was so successful that they did it again a few months later with another sellout, and this time, Bill Watts was on the card. Bill actually asked JR before the show, "How are you pulling this off?" And when JR explained his radio and newspaper deals, Bill told him they would talk more after the show.
JR was surprised when the Bill Watts main even match only went 10 minutes with some big power moves, while Danny Hodge's main event at the previous show went half an hour with a series of grapples and lots of back and forth offence. Bill told JR after the show how the main attraction Heavyweights don't go that long unless it's a special attraction. JR noted how both shows were received well with no one disappointed by the length of Watt's match.
After the show, JR described his buisness tactics and impressed Watts, who told JR that they weren't even doing some of that stuff in his main territory. Watts told JR that once he finished college, to come find Bill for a job. JR instantly quit school and decided he was going to work in the wrestling industry in some capacity.
Bill Watts hired JR as Leroy McGurick's gopher, telling JR it was his job to pick up Leroy every morning, take him to the office, run any errands for him and take him home. Leroy was legally blind in both eyes, and JR found himself taking notes in all the big NWA and other promotional meetings. JR also says Leroy needed liquor and cigars every morning, and it was his job to make sure he was presentable every Tuesday for tv tapings, which Leroy was the commentator for. JR is super nice about it, and puts over Leroy's wrestling acumen, but it's clear Leroy was a drunk most of the time who struggled to keep himself dressed, let alone running a wrestling promotion.
The drive to TV tapings would be 3 hours in the car with the drunken and blind Leroy, and while most of the time, it was driving in silence as Leroy would pass from drinking. Often times though, JR would have to listen to Leroy bitch and moan about what or whom ever pissed him off. JR was the babysitter.
JR says Bill Watts paid him about $125 per week, and Bill noted how he appreciated JR's discretion, since JR sat in on some pretty significant meetings. JR says wrestlers would routinely try to get him to spill those secrets, and JR knew that if he does, he wouldn't be valuable to Watts anymore.
JR says he would also referee matches at this time as well, since most of the refs from that Era were getting older. JR was told to ref every match like a shoot, that good heels wouldn't get caught and if he had to DQ someone, to not hesitate and let Watts deal with the pissed off wrestler in the back after the match.
Before his first referee match, Harley Race asked JR to demonstrate how he makes a 3 count. When JR did, Harley nodded and told him to maintain the same cadence and timing for every single 3 count. It seems guys were familiar with the counting speed of each referee. That's pretty fascinating imo.
JR reminices on all the wild things he learnt from these legends while driving in cars with these old time legends like Danny Hodge and such. JR notes how he hilariously learnt how to roll a joint while steering a car with his knees.
JR's hero was Danny Hodge and JR says Hodge was the best driving companion and JR learnt a ton from him.
JR recalls the Canadian "Bruiser" Bob Sweetan taking advantage of JR when Danny Hodge was traveling elsewhere. JR says Sweetan would rip him off on card games when they drove together and how Sweetan would "accidentally" hit JR in matches when JR was referee. JR says one time Sweetan busted his nose. JR says Hodge roughed Sweetan up when he returned to their circuit.
With a wife and child on the way, JR nearly quit the business altogether until 1975, when Bill Watts randomly asked him to try commentating out alongside the blind Leory McGurick. Watts gave him $100 and told him to buy a suit fit for TV, but Watts did later ask for the receipt and change.
JR studied Gordon Solie almost every day since he started working for Watts. On his first show, when JR started doing his best Solie impression, Watts cut him off and said "If I wanted Solie, I'd just hire him." Watts then told JR to find his own voice. JR remembers Leroy snickering at that.
JR stayed as mostly a referee over the next several years, with the odd commentary job when he was randomly needed.
In 1976, JR remembers Dick Murdoch getting fined his "entire paycheck except one dollar." JR says he saw the check out to Murdoch for literally just $1. Murdoch's hilarious plan to get back at Watts for the fine, was to never cash the check. He laughed as he told JR that Watts would never be able to balance his check book and Murdoch hoped that Watts would kill himself out of frustration.
In 1979, Bill Watts and Leroy McGurick's partnership deteriorated to the point where they split the territory. Leroy took the Northern half, so Oklahoma as well as a few towns in Arkansas, Northern Texas and Southern Missouri. Watts took Louisiana and Mississippi, the states that would form the core of Mid-South Wrestling.
Despite being a "Watts guy" JR stayed with Leroy in Oklahoma, because he lived there and was currently going through a divorce. He didn't want to lose contact with his daughter.
JR remembers "Bruiser" Bob Sweetan once saying "I could make her purr like a kitten" while talking about a 12 year old girl. Sweetan was good friends with Jake Roberts dad Grizzly Smith. JR says just thinking of this makes him feel genuinely sick.
JR left the wrestling buisness for a couple of years from 1979 - 1982, where he moved home and attempted to run the local mercantile store he grandparents had owned. JR was miserable and it failed. He found out after filling for bankruptcy that his mother secretly leveraged her own mortgage to help secure JR the loan for the store. This only compounded JR's feeling of failure.
When JR's second marriage got rocky, JR remembers his dad saying, "maybe marriage isn't for you."
In the years that JR was out, Bill Watts had absorbed Paul Boesch's Houston promotion, and after Watts finally bought Leroy out of Oklahoma in 1982, Watts called up JR asking for his help with advertising. JR was working for a local radio station at the time, and jumped at the opportunity to get back into the wrestling business.
Bill Watts would eventually hire JR as Director of Marketing in 1984 after JR started his own radio marketing business. JR desperately wanted back in the broadcast booth and saw this as a possible avenue.
Bill would ask JR to do commentary work almost immediately and JR says when Bill Watts worked out a trade for wrestlers with Mephis, Jerry Lawler came to a Mid-South show and did color commentary alongside JR. I didn't realize they did a show together in the mid-80s. JR says they worked great together even then, and noticed how Jerry was scanning the crowd checkling out the ladies. Though JR does say that the number of women in the audience is a good indicator of how over the babyface is.
JR was shocked when Watts asked him to not only be the on camera interviewer for all the promo tapings, but Watts literally put JR in charge of the tapings too. JR remembers being terrified that he was gonna have to be the "boss" pf a bunch of wrestlers at promo tapings.
JR remembers one particular taping with Jim Cornette, who cut a scathing promo ripping into JR for a minute or two. Afterwards Bill Watts chewed out Cornette with a tirade of profanity and insults, because all Cornette did was build up a program between Cornette and JR. And since Watts had zero intention of that ever being a program, he made Cornette redo the whole promo and told him to actually talk about the teams. Cornette was only a couple years into the business, but JR noted how impressed he was by Cornette who took it all on the chin, didn't take it personally and then did it exactly like Watts told him to.
JR remembers when Muhammed Ali stood in the corner of Eddie "Snowman" Crawford when Eddie faced off against Jake "The Snake" Roberts. JR says Roberts wasn't thrilled to have to work with Ali or sell for him. JR says that when. It came time for their physical altercation, Jake didn't sell like he had agreed to and stayed awake. He was supposed to get KO'd but JR suspects Jake was trying to save his own credibility, which was needless since it was Muhammed Ali of all people who was supposed to knock him out. Jake would have lost nothing.
JR spent some time with Muhammed Ali and says one time while at Ali's home, JR made an excuse to call his mom because he wanted Ali's number to show up in her machine. He never used it or gave it to anyone, but he thought it was super cool to have Muhammed Ali's home phone number.
By 1985, JR was working non-stop and surviving off "crown royal and a little bit of Marijuana everyday" to get him through the routine. Even with a six figure salary, JR was getting burnt out and seriously neglecting his parental responsibilities. He says outside of being financially responsible for his kids, he wasn't really there for him. I always appreciate when these guys are honest about their own parental shortcomings in these books.
With the National expansion of pro wrestling, JR remembers how Crockett Promotions and Mid-South Wrestling were both briefly on the Turner stations. Crockett Promotions was averaging 4 million viewers and Mid-South was averaging 5 million. JR was secretly hoping the 2 companies would join forces to challenge Vince McMahon and the WWF, but that wasn't in the cards.
After Turner kicked Watts and Mid-South off their station favor of Crockett Promotions, Bill Watts was pissed and desperate to compete nationally with Crockett and more importantly, the WWF. Watts rebranded Mid-South Wrestling as the United Wrestling Federation, or UWF with hopes of competing on a bigger scale.
By 1987, the UWF was struggling in every department except ratings and JR could sense that Bill Watts was as burnt out as JR, if not more. JR randomly asked Bill if he would sell UWF to Crockett Promotions and for a split second, JR couldn't tell if Watts would respond positively or negatively. Watts almost immediate said "Two Million. You get us two million and I'm out."
JR said he stood to make 5% of the sale price, and he was ready to negotiate his heart out. So JR was a little shocked when Jimmy Crockett asked "How much?" immediately. JR said four million, ready to negotiate, but it seems Crockett was happy with that deal. JR suspects he just didn't want to give Vince and the WWF another promotion to buy out.
JR later says that he heard Crockett paid less than 4 million and after months of hounding Watts for his 5% cut, JR got a check for ten grand.
JR decided to stay on working for Crockett, but now it was solely as a broadcaster. For the first time, JR was only an on-air talent with no office responsibilities, and you can tell he loved that.
JR criticizes the Ronnie Garvin NWA World title win over Ric Flair in 1987, saying it had zero buildup and bad follothrough. I remember Ric Flair feeling similarly about it in his book as well.
In 1988 JR got to call his first ever prime time event on TBS, the Clash of Champions show. JR had been working the B-level shows alongside Bob Caudle while David Crockett and Tony Schiavone were calling the big shows. JR had made it his immediate objective to get on those main shows.
As WWF continued to pick up momentum and Crockett Promotions continued to struggle, JR remembers looking at Jimmy Crockett and seeing the same look that Bill Watts had a few years earlier and within months on 1988, rumors started into circulation suggesting that TBS was either looking to bail Crockett Promotions out or buy them outright.
JR remembers being crushed when his parents split up in 1988, and his dad quickly moving in with a new woman. JR confronted him once but his dad cut him off quick and made it clear that they wouldn't be discussing this. In hindsight, JR seems to accept this as something he can't help. But in the moment, this was devastating to him.
JR remembers being excited when Crockett Promotions sold to Turner and was rebranded as WCW. He had a salary, corporate benefits and a retirement package. Not a bad climb from a guy who started off by fetching whiskey for and old drunken, blind man.
Like everyone else in the wrestling business, JR has nothing really positive to say about Jim Herd, who was made Vice President of day to day operations for WCW following the Turner purchase. JR suggests he only got the job because no one in Turner wanted it and he was drinking buddies with the guy in charge of finding someone to run it.
JR says Dusty Rhodes was removed from the WCW booking committee after he bladed heavily when he was told "no blading."
JR remembers one time he was drinking with Flair, who whipped his penis out for a couple of ladies that Flair was chatting up. Flair got the ladies back to his limo before pulling his pants down, and both ladies screamed and ran from the car. When JR asked Flair why he did that, Flair said because it "works 50% of the time and that was 50% more of a chance than you had before." Flair claimes that move was to get JR laid.
JR says one time Dick Murdoch showed off his own KKK member card. JR was confused why Murdoch was showing him and expected it to be a rib of some kind. But Murdoch just walked off and no one jumped out laughing.
JR remembers how he was the middle man between Jim Herd and the rest of the WCW booking committee and he would catch heat from the boys and the office when there was a disagreement. JR defends Herd's point of view, saying that Herd learned from working for Sam Muchnick in St Louis. St Louise didn't do much interviews or promos and Herd thought that's how all wrestling should be, despite having guys like Terry Funk or Jim Cornette who could talk people into the buildings.
Interesting point here, JR says he wanted to pull the trigger on Sting in 1989 and said he was trying to talk Ric Flair into it. JR believed Flair didn't need a world title and they could have 2 top draws in Flair and Sting. JR says that some on the booking committee opposed this, and alludes to Flair himself opposing it. In Flair's book, he presented it as if he was the only one pushing for Sting and that he had to fight Herd in order to drop the title to Sting. Odd discrepancy here and I'm inclined to side with JR. JR never out right says Flair opposed it, but says everything but that and points out how Sting's push had to wait while they placate Flair's requests.
JR requested a meeting with Herd so he could discuss a raise for himself and Tony Schiavone and not only did JR and Tony both get a 50% raise, but JR was given Tony Schiavone's spot calling the TBS shows, but Tony was demoted to syndication where JR was. JR knew this hurt Tony and argued to switch roles but Jim made it clear this wasn't a discussion amd ended the meeting. JR says Tony took a job for WWF a week later.
JR's broadcasting idol Gordon Solie was unceremoniously removed from broadcasting in 1985 in favor of Tony Schiavone and David Crockett, but he was brought back for a small idea in 1989. Solie would record 2 or 3 minute responses to angles as a sort of analytical role for the viewer. They had the first one scheduled for later in the evening and JR was shocked to get a call informing him that Solie was drunk. JR didn't want to scold or embarrass someone he respected so much, so he sent him to bed and made sure all future recordings would be in the morning to avoid this. Gordon Solie was well known to be a bit of a drunk by this point.
JR remembers on the rare occasion they would have Solie call an entire shoe with JR, they would have a cooler full of orange juice and vodka so Solie could sip screwdrivers for the 4 hours he would be stuck there.
JR has nothing but praise for Terry Funk working as color commentary with him, saying Funk would listen and respond to JR similarly to how he listened and responded to the crowd in the ring.
JR says it was George Scott's idea to bring Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat to WCW in late 1980s.
JR remembers being suprised when Tony Schiavone came back to WCW in 1990, though JR had heard that the moving the family up to New York area wasn't working out to well for him.
JR seemed to enjoy Ole Anderson being made booker of WCW in 1990 and liked having a voice in charge. He also liked how hands off Ole was with announcers, so JR could just do his job.
JR says Ole Anderson wrote the main shows, while JR and Tony Schiavone wrote the secondary shows.
JR says Lex Luger, while nice enough, came across as arrogant and more concerned with his looks than anything else. JR also pointed out how all the flip flopping from heel to face and back again, made it impossible for Lex to get comfortable in a role.
JR remembers being frustrated by the RoboCop angle they had to incorporate. JR said that the RoboCop suit was too cumbersome to run and too restricting to climb in the ring or even throw a punch, so they had to figure out how to incorporate a guy stuck in a full body cast.
Again, JR says the company was ready to pull the trigger on Sting when he came back from blowing out his patella tendon at the Clash show. But JR says it was Ric Flair putting the breaks on it, with JR saying "He didn't like the idea of not being associated with the big gold belt." Flair's book put Flair over as Stings biggest advocate backstage, with Flaor saying he flat out refused to lose to anyone but Sting.
JR notes how Ric Flair put the breaks on JR's idea to bring in The Great Muta to run a program with Flair. It's funny how Flair insisted in his book that "what was best for the wrestling business is best for Ric Flair." But we have JR here pointing out how political Flair was in protecting his spot. I'm not suprised, just fascinated after reading Flair's book last month.
Another discrepancy from Flair's book compared to JR here. Flair placed all the blame for the "Black Scorpion" angle on Jim Herd. In Flairs book, he said "Jim Herd knew what he was doing," implying that Herd used the Black Scorpion angle to hurt everyone involved and make them all look bad. But JR points out how it was 100% Ole Anderson's idea, and even Ole's voice when they needed The Black Scorpion to talk in a promo package. JR remembers asking Ole what the endgame is for the angle and Ole made it clear he didn't have one and they would figure it out when they got there.
JR does point out how much Flair openly hated the angle and how Flair wanted nothing to do with it. Ultimately Ole put his foot down and ordered Flair to go our there and reveal himself as the Black Scorpion.
JR met his future wife Jan on a plane ride with Ric Flair. Jan was their flight attendant and had to deal with Flair hitting on her the whole flight. When JR readied his business card for her as the plane landed, Flair was trying to talk him out of it, saying that JR didn't stand a chance if she wasn't interested in Flair. To both of their suprise, Jan handed JR her own business card and told him to call her.
Having read his second book which delves into her heartbreaking death, I can confidently say that JR's love for Jan is truly next level and it's so fucking sad how their story ends. The link for the 2nd book report will have more on that and spoiler warning, it made me openly weep and ugly cry. Not many wrestling books have ever made me cry before, let alone bawling to the point where I had to put the book down.
In 1990, Paul Heyman clashed with Ric Flair to the point where JR says that "Flair had Paul sent home" where he sat for 6 months. Heyman says he was still under contract but not getting paid, and JR worked to bring him back as a mananager. Heyman initially said no but then asked who he would be managing. When JR said "Mean" Mark Calloway, Paul said "Oh, he's money." before accepting.
JR says none of the WCW office wanted Paul Heyman back, JR even quoted Jim Barnett as saying "What if we brought him back and beat the shit out of him on air? That would shut him up." JR says Paul Hayman once called Jim Barnett "a flamboyant, evil son of a bitch; a cross between Truman Capote and Darth Vader."
JR pushed for Paul Heyman to have a bigger role and broadcast alongside of him, and always asked Heyman to drive. That was because JR had his drivers liscence suspended after a 2nd DUI.
JR has high praise for his chemistry with Paul Heyman on commentary, saying they always knew what the other one was doing.
JR remembers how Ole Anderson said Marl Calloway would "never draw a dime." JR says he advised Mark to head to WWF and soon after JR saw him debut on WWF TV as The Undertaker.
JR heard Ole Anderson was fired as booker, but he also heard that Ole had quit. So he isn't really sure. Either way, Dusty Rhodes was brought back in to replace him.
JR got to do commentary with Dusty Rhodes and calls him one of the easiest guys he ever worked with.
JR says Jim Herd angrily told him one day that Flair was gone from the company. Then, JR remembers Herd asking if JR had ever heard of someone leaving with the championship belt. When JR asked why, Herd said "No reason."
JR thinks Herd didn't even know about the $25,000 deposit Flair had put on the belt. JR doesn't go into detail, but according to Flair, the bone of contention came down to how Flair was a 10 time champion and never asked for the money back between title reigns, so he felt he was owed interest. Flair claims to have gotten that extra cash ontop of the 25 grand.
JR says Jim Herd quit shortly after Flair left, citing frustrations with Dusty Rhodes and WCW office. Herd was replaced by K. Allen Frey, someone with a law degree who knew nothing of wrestling. JR says he was easily manipulated by the roster and didn't know how to manage them.
JR says K. Allen Frey was the first to introduce WCW's guaranteed contracts.
JR expands on this more in his second book, but he doest express regret for how poor a broadcast partner he was to Jesse Ventura in 1992. JR was jealous of how much Jesse got paid and purposely made it difficult for Jesse when they called matches together.
JR says K. Allen Frey resigned in frustration in May 1992 and JR decided he should try for the job. JR was shocked when he went to pitch his name, but instead found "Cowboy" Bill Watts has already secured the job.
JR says Watts was hired with the expectation of cutting costs across the board and got a bad reputation with the wrestlers from the start.
JR says he got heat from the wrestlers because JR was knows a "Watts guy" but he didn't warn anyone Watts was coming in.
JR doesn't go into much detail with Watts time in WCW, possibly out of respect, but does say Watts had "unpopular ideas" and was angry a lot at work. JR said he knew from the start that Watts wouldn't have worked long term in that role.
In Flair's book, he said he was mortified by Bill Watts "old school" behavior in the WCW offices, saying he was shocked to find Watts at the Turner offices wearing workout pants and tshirts, putting his boss Bill Shaw in a headlock, laughing at everyone else wearing suits and not taking it seriously.
JR doesn't go into detail on why Watts was fired, but does the same thing Flair did in his book on the subject, pointing out how Watts had pushed several black wrestlers in the past like Junkyard Dog and Ron Simmons, and how Watts "wasn't a racist".
The incident that JR doesn't go into detail on is that Watts did an interview where he said, "If you own a buisness why shouldn't you be able to discriminate? Why should I have to hire a f@g if I don't like f@gs? If I don't wanna sell fried chicken to blacks, I shouldn't have to. It's my restaurant." Watts resigned shortly after when his boss Bill Shaw questioned him on it.
JR says being known as a "Watts guy" essentially killed his career at WCW and ostracized him after Watts did that interview.
JR has nothing nice to say about Bill Shaw in the book, and suspects he had hand sanitizers installed at the WCW offices so he could "wash the stench off" when he left.
Eric Bishoff was named Watts replacement, and JR thinks it's because Bishoff sold himself as the opposite of a wrestling guy, who Turner were tired of dealing with. In Flair's book, he says that Ole Anderson was in contention for this job again and that Flair's recommendation gave it to Bishoff. In Bruce Hart's book, he claims to have interviewed for the job as well and came up in 2nd place.
JR says Eric Bishoff made it clear he didn't want JR calling his shows.
Bill Shaw decided to punish JR for being a "Watts guy" by making him decide between being suspended with pay for 6 weeks and taking a more prominent office job or just handing in his resignation. JR took the vacation and the office job, where he said he got to do some broadcasting jobs on the side as well. But he was removed from doing the thing he loved most in the business.
JR says he did a weekly report for a WCW 900 number which made a "small fortune" that he never saw a dime of.
After being asked one too many times why he wasn't on TV anymore and feeling humiliated, JR quit WCW and decided to try his hand in the WWF.
JR called Bruce Pritchard, whom he knew from their days together in Mid-South. JR notes how Bill Watts never liked Bruce, but Bruce did get JR a meeting with Vince McMahon. Vince said he couldn't match WCW salary, but he could get close and offered JR a 50 grand signing bonus.
After WCW had moved reassigned JR's position, they technically voided out the contract so JR was allowed to jump to WWF immediately and with no issues.
JR had operated a small radio show for years in which he used to promote WCW. When he signed with WWF he got Vince McMahon to do an episode with him and he remembers the WCW office freaking out. They thought they owned the radio show and were shocked to find JR owned 100% of it and could do as he pleased.
JR's first show was Wrestlemania 9 where he called the show alongside Randy Savage and Bobby Heenan. JR says Randy was "challenging to work with" but notes how he doesn't mean that as a negative. JR has huge praise for Bobby Heenan and says he was easy to work with all the time.
JR says Vince hired him without telling anyone and that he found he was pretty unpopular right off the bat backstage.
JR became the driver for Gorilla Monsoon. JR has nothing but positives on Monsoon, but notes how in the 10 months since his son died, Gorilla had deteriorated a bit.
JR says Lord Alfred Hayes treated him poorly from the start, until he was smartened up by Gorilla who always had JR's back. JR also notes Bobby Heenan as being a good friend from the start.
JR remembers one time Randy Savage was ribbed by someone into thinking JR was responsible for his fucked up schedule and bookings. So Savage grabbed JR and threatened to beat him up until Gorilla Monsoon made the save.
JR married Jan on October 13, 1993 and he calls it the best day of his life.
JR says it was Vince's idea for him to start wearing a cowboy hat.
JR remembers not getting much broadcast work the first 6 months in WWF, and was wondering if something was wrong.
In early 1994 JR got his first Bell's palsy attack which left half his face paralyzed. He was told by the doctor he should recover in 6 - 8 weeks.
2 weeks after his Bell's palsy attack, JR was told by head of human resources that he has to come into the office asap. His face was still paralyzed and when he sat down with Vince, the head of human resources was also there. With 4 months left on his contract, JR was fired right then and there. Vince just told him that JR was no longer in the company's plans.
JR met with Eric Bishoff who straight up told him that WCW would not be hiring him back.
Jim Cornette paid JR $300 to come tape two one-hour shows for his new promotion, Smokey Mountain Wrestling. Between the drive and everything else, it sounds like JR didn't really make any money but he enjoyed doing it.
WWF called JR back to work while Vince dealt with the steroid trial, but that wrapped up quicker than expected. With Vince back, JR was out again since Vince was the lead broadcaster on RAW.
JR did on and off work for Jim Cornette in Smokey Mountain Wrestling, but knew he wanted back in the WWF.
Four months later in mid-late 1994, Vince called JR and offered him the position of JJ Dillon's assistant in Talent Relations. JR immediately accepted.
Vince told JR he was not hiring him as an on air talent and JR was not to leverage his position into being one. JR accepted that his on-air career was done and committed 100% to learning from JJ Dillon in talent relations.
JR says soon he was producing Vince every RAW and was the voice in his ear during the show.
JR has a wildnstory about riding with Vince, who was doing 90 miles an hour and literally dancing in his seat or taking his eyes off the road to scare JR.
JR says Vince gave him the "Good Ol' J.R." nickname and JR really didn't seem to like it or wearing a cowboy hat.
In 1995, JR says "Cowboy" Bill Watts was brought on to oversee the wrestling shows while Vince was transitioning into more of an executive role.
Bill Watts wanted to give the name "Buck Johnson" to the young rookie Tony Norris. Vince McMahon apparently viewed this as Bill trying to recreat Junkyard Dogg or Ernie Ladd, overruled this decision. Vince decided to go with the name "Ahmed Johnson."
Bill Watts only lasted a couple of weeks before clashing with that same head of talent relations who would have him removed from the company.
JJ Dillon would often send JR to meet with potential new talents to gage their personality. One such talent was a young Dwayne Johnson, who told JR in that first meeting "I'm going to be your top guy one day."
JR remembers how a big part of his and JJ Dillon's job revolved around dealing with talent issues caused by the Kliq. (Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Triple H) JR says he would often just talk to Triple H about the issue, since he was easiest to deal with.
JR suspects Vince saw a bit of himself in the Kilq and that may explain why he gave them sow much leeway.
In July 1995, JR was randomly put back on tv, doing color commentary with Jerry Lawler and Vince McMahon, with no explanation ever given to JR.
JR puts over his 3 man booth with Vince and Lawler, saying he had fun doing it. And JR says it was a blast to do commentary work with Curt Hennig, who helped JR navigate away from terms and talking points that Vince hates.
JR knew the fake Diesel and fake Razor characters were dead on arrival.
JR says his "shoot" promo about being fired for having Bell's palsy was all Vince's idea and that Vonce thought JR did a great job with it.
In 1996, JJ Dillon quit after getting a pay cut but given more responsibilities. Dillon also had a special needs son at home, whom JJ wanted to focus more time on. Bruce Pritchard was offered the talent relations role, and JR remembers Bruce being very scared and hesitant to accept it.
JR says Bruce didn't last an even short amount of time in the role before Vince put him back on the creative team. Vince then offered JR the role of "Senior Vice President of Talent Relations" and gave JR full autonomy on hiring any talent he wanted. Vince told JR "I trust your judgement completely."
JR took over the payroll side of things for Vince too, and after that freed up a lot of time, JR says Vince's wife Linda McMahon hugged JR and thanked him for giving her husband his weekends back to spend with her.
While filming vignets at Bret Hart's home, JR says a bored Stu put JR in a hold and nearly choked the life out of JR.
JR notes how Bret Hart was often late and that reminds me how Bret said in his book that when negotiating a contract with WCW, he got in writing that he could he late sometimes.
JR says his only issue with the Hart/HBK Mania Iron Man match, is that the sudden death/ overtime concept was never spoke about prior to the show and he felt it came out of left field.
JR says Roddy Piper was a "little high maintenance." JR remembers how emotional Roddy got when he asked and was given Ford Bronco they used in his Wrestlemania match with Goldust in 1996.
JR says Goldust/ Dusty Rhodes was his first major recruites.
JR remembers how they tired to reposition Brian Pilman into a broadcaster after his bad motorcycle wreck that permanently fucked up his ankle. But Pilman insisted on being a wrestler and it wasn't long before JR was getting reports of Pilman passing out backstage at shows and acting irrationally. They eventually drug tested him and found he needed serious help.
JR remembers sending Vader and Yokozuna to weight rehab to get them healthier. Both would pay off orderleys for food or sneak out to fast food joints. JR says Vader eventually got to make return but they had to fire Yokozuna, who would die just a couple months later.
When JR brought Mick Foley in, he remembers Vince allowing him to do so because he wanted JR to "learn how it feels to have your heartbroken" and said Foley was the shits.
JR remembers how Steve Austin was pissed following his famous "3:16" promo because he was being paid peanuts. JR went to Vince and they agreed to tear uo Austin's contract and offer him a much better one.
JR finally gave in and started wearing the cowboy hat at the Royal Rumble 1997 ppv. He didnt want to admit it, but he felt it immediately completed his look and character.
When Owen Hart accidentally broke Stone Cold's neck, JR made sure he was sitting at Steve's bed when he woke up.
JR says Owen Hart was guilt ridden over this and often asked JR for updates on Austin's health, but thinks Owen didn't know how to properly reach out to Steve and thinks Owen was ashamed.
JR remembers being devastated when Brian Pillman passed in fall of 1997. On the plane ride after the funeral, Vonce said to JR, "When I said you were going to get your heart broken. I meant to not get too close to the boys." JR says Linda McMahon gave him a similar warning, "Don't get too close to the flame."
JR says that once it became clear Bret Hart was leaving, JR's responsibility ended and as talent relations, he stopped needed to work with Bret. He says he was 100% not involved in the Montreal Screwjob.
JR remembers him and Jerry Lawler looking at each other in shock as the Screwjob happened.
Immediately after the match and show ended, JR says Vince McMahon ordered JR lock himself in Vince's office for his own safety. He sat and heard the commotion next door between Bret and Vince. Eventually, Vince was helped by his son Shane and Sgt Slaughter. They all sat in silence for a few minutes before Vince said to no one in particular, "I had to let him have a free shot. I owed him that much."
JR says he once asked Vince what the difference was between the real Vince McMahon and the tv character Mr McMahon, and Vince struggled to think of an example.
JR said he hated the Brawl For All concept immediately.
JR says that after he pushed to sign Dr. Death Steve Williams, it was used against him after Dr. Death suffered a bad injury in the Brawl For All.
JR says when they eventually had to let Dr. Death go, that this strained their 20-year friendship. Dr. Death thought he never got a fair shot in the WWF.
JR says most of the boys in the back assumed JR pushed for the Butterbean vs. Bart Gunn match as revenge for Bartt knocking out Dr Death. JR vehemently denies this and says if he was asked, he would have pushed against the match.
JR says Butterbean wanted to get into wrestling and asked JR before his Mania match if anyone would be upset if he knocked out Bart Gunn in the first round. JR told Butterbean to treat it like a real competition but secretly mocked the idea of Butterbean not taking Bart Gunn seriously.
JR says a lof the boys bet on the fight, and most had Bart Gunn picked to win. JR and everyone else were shocked to when Butterbean KO'd Gunn in under 40 seconds.
JR says he legit thought Mick Foley died at the 1998 King of the Ring ppv when Undertaker threw him from the top of the cell. JR says all his words, and there are 100% real.
JR says he had a serious talk a few days later with Mick Foley about never doing that again and how Foley can't support his family if he is crippled.
In December 1998, JR was oversees with WWF when he found out his mom died. He opted to stay on the tour and do the shows. The next night, however, as he called the show with Jerry, he was hit with a 2nd Bell's palsy attack, and this time, it was worse. He powered through the show and made it home where Vince set up an appointment for JR to get checked out.
JR spent weeks at home, depressed from losing his mom, and suffering from Bell's palsy. Half of JR's face was sagging now, and he was convinced his on-airncareer was over. He moped around for weeks until Vince sent him a hand written letter, essentially telling him to get the fuck back to work, how much Vince loved/ respected JR and that there was a $5000 cheque waiting for JR on his desk at work.
JR says he briefly tried being an on-air heel managing Dr. Death, but JR calls that a disastrous attempt, and he was coming back too soon.
JR says that both Stone Cold and The Rock personally requested he call their 1999 Wrestlemania match, and so Vince randomly told JR to buy a suit because he would be calling the main event.
The book ends with JR being optimistic about his future behind the broadcast booth, calling matches.
His second book details 1999 -2019, and it'd be a very good read. It will make you hate Vince McMahon and break your heart when it comes to how his wife Jan passed away.
Jim Ross 2nd book
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