Tracy grimshaw weight loss

Hot flash?

2024.05.19 18:23 KSamIAm79 Hot flash?

It’s a hit embarrassing asking about a hot flash when I’ve had them but here I am and I need your opinions please.
For context. I am in the beginning of my journey so it’s probably peri but either way here we go. I have thyroid problems so I know what a hot flash feels like. I had them in my 20s until I got my thyroid under control.
All weekend had situations where my heart rate raises over 100 bpm while I’m standing up + sometimes I have little heart flutters and then out of nowhere I get a hot flash. I do intend on having my thyroid levels checked at my annual appointment in July. With that… also it’s hard to know if this is even connected to that I know that I am in perimenopause because I’m 45 years old and my periods have slowed down. But… I’m also taking a GLP1 for weight loss so that further complicates things.
So basically, I don’t know if it’s my thyroid, peri, or Tirzepatide.
I think the easiest way to summarize this is have you felt this way from a hot flash?
submitted by KSamIAm79 to Menopause [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:23 Key_Initiative_9120 bmi of 28.9

hi! i’ve been in a calorie deficit (tracking on lose it app) and working out 4 times a week. i’ve only lost 5 lbs in total. i also believe i could have pcos and will be getting a full work up in july. does anyone know if i can be accept with my current bmi? from what i’ve read about most weight loss injections its 30+ or 27+ with a pre existing condition. it’s very discouraging because i have friends and family around me becoming healthier feeling better about themselves and i’m not seeing any results with what i’m currently doing, and i don’t meet most requirements for the medicine even though i’m right at the line. pls leave any suggestions for me. i’m at my wits in. i can’t look in the mirror anymore at myself and it’s affecting my life (mental health).
submitted by Key_Initiative_9120 to Semaglutide [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:19 Icanneverpickthese That poor thing is going to pick up something before she's fully vaccinated!!

That poor thing is going to pick up something before she's fully vaccinated!! submitted by Icanneverpickthese to KyleaGomezsnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:17 Suebeehoney86 Zepbound Journey Week 1

Zepbound Journey Week 1
This is my first week on Zepbound and I’ve been trying to think of where I want to document this journey for myself in a way that could also benefit others so here I am.
Im a 37 year old female.
Here are my starting stats:
Bust: 54 Waist: 58 Hip: 61 Weight: 302.7
I took my first shot of 2.5mg on 5/16. It is now 5/19 so I’m 3 days in.
So far, no complaints. My only side effects have been muscle soreness, which went away after 24 hours, and a slight bit of stomach discomfort but nothing debilitating. Im a regular user of weed so that has helped the mild stomach discomfort Ive been experiencing. I have also noticed Ive been a little extra tired as well. Overall, I would say I am one of the lucky ones as far as side effects go.
It has greatly reduced my appetite. I could eat once a day on this and be totally fine, but of course, I’m keeping track and making sure I eat enough. The first day on it, I was running late and had no food in the house so I went to dunkin and got a breakfast sandwich and a coffee. I ate that at around 8:30am and didn’t start to feel hungry until 4:30 that afternoon. And even at that, I wasn’t really hungry, but I knew I had to eat something. It has been like that every day since taking it.
A bit on my background: I have struggled with my weight my entire life and have been obese since I was a little kid. I have PCOS which I know plays a part in the fact that I haven’t been successful in losing weight other than one time in my life when I starved myself and went to the gym two hours a day.
To be honest, I was a bit hesitant to try this drug at first, with good reason. Back in 2021, my father was prescribed Ozempic for his diabetes. At first, he did great on it, but this did not last. In February of 2021 he became so sick from the side effects that he almost died. He ended up in the hospital for over a month. Two weeks in the ICU, and the rest of the time on the floor. Because we were at the height of covid we were not allowed to visit. This was one of the hardest and darkest times of my life. I still deal with the fear and dread of what it would be like to lose my dad. He is doing well now, but it took a very very long time for him to recover and even at that, he has never been the same as before this happened.
For this reason, I thought I could never take Ozempic. When I started seeing all the news about the miracles it was working for weight loss I wondered how many people were going through what my dad experienced. There was no way I was ever going to try it.
But here we are in May of 2024, and here I am trying Zepbound, which essentially does the same thing. I rationalized that I am not a 70 year old man with diabetes and other comorbidities and while I was nervous to go this route, I knew I had to try it. It was actually the Oprah special that helped me to make this decision. Seeing her take ownership of the harm she’s caused millions of women who struggle with their weight was really powerful to me and then hearing testimonials and researching the drug itself all got me to this point.
The most convincing piece that got me here, however, was that my recent blood work came back prediabetic and my cholesterol has been riding just south of 300 for years. If I don’t do something now, my life will be cut short by heart disease or diabetes.
Anyways, thanks for reading if you made it this far. I’m happy to answer any questions you may have. ☺️
submitted by Suebeehoney86 to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:14 Shot-Wrap-9252 3 month update

I just passed 3 months last Thursday. I was reflecting about them and thought I’d post here.
Basically, this story starts in 2017 when I (at the time 315 lb 49 F) had a health challenge and changed to a low carb unprocessed (also no sugar no grains ) way of eating. I went from 315 lbs at five foot one to about 203 and then maintained that loss for about three years before the effects of plateau and regain started. Over the next 6 years I regained about thirty pounds which is a miracle considering any other time I’d lost weight, I regained it all and more in months not years.
I educated myself and realized that since only about 2% of people can maintain a weight loss of 10% of their body weight for a year because of the body defence of the higher weight. Hormones make people think they are hungry and need to eat more so they don’t starve to death even though they aren’t starving. These concepts are ones that appear in peer reviewed literature from several sources so I’m not making it up.
While I was a unicorn because I was able to maintain for several years, I believe because with the low carb unprocessed diet, I wasn’t also having high/low blood sugar - this is my theory based on a discussion with a dietician that told me a theory about some people and how they don’t have to be actually hypoglycaemic to have the effects of it ( ie. eating compulsively to bring up sugars). Still, the odds were greatly against me maintaining this loss. When I started experience difficulties in reversing little weight gains, I asked for a referral to a bariatric clinic so I could try things other than lifestyle changes.
Bariatric assessment process wasn’t good for me but in the end it was established that I’m not a good candidate for drugs, there was no point to optifast since I’d already made drastic lifestyle changes, and that my options were probably regain and surgery.
Since I had not screwed up my lifestyle changes, but was battling my body trying to get me to eat more, surgery became the obvious answer.
I was warned that I might not lose much more weight than the amount I’d regained since that amount represents almost thirty percent loss from my former top weight.
Now I’m 56 and post menopause. I was ok with this as long as I was able to maintain my loss more easily. I did not relish the idea of aging as a three hundred plus pound short woman ( getting shorter). I don’t need to be skinny either. I honestly don’t care at this point about my body size since even with my regain my mobility wasn’t hampered and my chronic health issues stayed resolved. Honestly , I haven’t even really noticed my weight loss in any meaningful way because I was already living better. I believe the meaning of health at any size means this. My body size only matters to the extent that I think it does and that includes that I don’t have to be a size zero to be healthier.
I had RNY surgery three months ago. Weight loss has been relatively slow but I’m happy to say that despite some small hitches like throwing up in the early days and low hemoglobin post surgically which has since resolved.
I was completely grossed out by protein supplements so the two weeks following surgery were tough. My surgeon encouraged me to eat according to textures ( which isn’t what the handbook says).
I had no pain after the day of surgery, or since . Things are going pretty well. I’d hoped to have more of a hormonal change to regulate appetite but despite feeling overfilled constantly, I’m losing weight, hitting protein goals with real food and the learning curve is getting less steep. My pre-surgery weight was 232 and this morning I was 194 so obviously it’s working for weight loss. I’m not under any illusion that this has been a perfect solution, but I’m happy to have my stress level lowered daily since my desire to eat is much curved and even if I want to eat, the threat of puking keeps me in line.
Weird things since:
As an Orthodox Jew who keeps kosher I’m having weird cravings for nonkosher foods which includes seafood ( which I’m allergic to!).
I hadn’t eaten sugar or artificially sweetened foods in almost 12 years and now I’m craving keto type sweets which I know affect my cravings. I’m not saying I’m indulging regularly but it’s odd to have the cravings.
Chicken strongly disagrees with me while red meats and lamb don’t.
I was mostly carnivorous prior but I often choose non-meat protein food items more now. I don’t really like beans but the other day I told my husband if he made a chickpea curry I’d eat it. BIZARRE. I am 100% getting all my protein in but beans are higher in carbs which worries me because my original health crisis seven years ago was diabetes related and I’ve been sub-clinical for 6 years. For me, I don’t actually believe in the concept of moderation so it’s disconcerting to say the least.
What’s really interesting is my general disinterest in food and eating. I know I have to eat and I know I have to prioritize protein. I have cravings regularly but ultimately I mostly eat to fill the hunger and don’t much care what as long as it fits the ‘get your protein in first’ model. In the end, since I don’t eat grains or other sweet things, this ultimately ends up looking like a diet of primarily animal protein, with vegetables and a bit of fruit thrown in. I’ve eaten a couple of keto protein bars but it’s not regularly.
For context, I used to be a serious foodie and a food professional and when I went low carb I cared much less. As long as my food was delicious and low carb and I wasn’t hungry, I didn’t care. Since surgery, some of the things i really enjoyed low carb have become sort of icky to me so I’m constantly revisiting what I like and don’t like. It’s a process 🤷🏻‍♀️.
Anyway, I have lots of homework to do ( one of the changes that happened seven years ago when my chronic health issues resolved, was my doctor suggested I go to nursing school) so I’m going to sign off but I wanted to share that though this is an imperfect process, it is one which I’m not sorry to have gone through. I sort of regret not doing it 20 years ago but on the other hand I guess I would not have been mentally ready had I done it much sooner than my health crisis, subsequent sustained weight loss and then learning how obesity actually works. On the other hand, I’m glad I was confident in my new lifestyle before I did it because i understood on a gut level what that meant.
If you read this far, thanks. Feel free to AMA.
Starting Weight 2017 was 315 Surgery weight was 232 ( Feb 2024) CW 194 GW- don’t really have one. I guess it was 203 since I was told I might not lose more than I regained.
submitted by Shot-Wrap-9252 to BariatricSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:13 s32323 Ok...guess he's done

Ok...guess he's done submitted by s32323 to KyleaGomezsnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:13 Fearless-Concert-117 What do I do?

Im 29 yro (f) So I've been what I consider recovered for over 8 years, I had a small restricting relapse about 3 months ago due to the loss of my boyfriend of 8yrs and I was able to get myself together and get back on track. I'm at a healthy weight right now but3 months ago during my relapse I was teetering on the low end of healthy. I ended up going home because I lived 5 states over and needed a break and to be around family and not by myself. My mom has been shoveling food down my throat and I'm having soooo many intrusive thoughts about restricting that it's getting scary and I don't want to end up back in my ed. What can I do to make the thoughts stop? It's constant calorie counting, every time I feel hungry I start debating should I eat or not, I'm starting to like the empty feeling again and it's quite frightening because I know where this leads me. I have been looking at old pictures and longing to be back thin while also being disgusted at how unhealthy and sick I looked. I just am tired. What do I do?
submitted by Fearless-Concert-117 to eatingdisorderrecover [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:09 Fearless-Concert-117 I dont know what to do.

Im 30 yro (f) So l've been what I consider recovered for over eight years, I had a small restricting relapse about 3 months ago due to the loss of my boyfriend of eight years and I was able to get myself together and get back on track. I'm at a healthy weight right now but three months ago during my relapse I was teetering on the low end of healthy. I ended up going home because I lived many states over and needed a break and to be around family and not by myself. My mom has been shoveling food down my throat and l'm having soooo many intrusive thoughts about restricting that it's getting scary and I don't want to end up back in my ed. What can I do to make the thoughts stop? It's constant calorie counting, every time 1 feel hungry I start debating should 1 eat or not, I'm starting to like the empty feeling again and it's quite frightening because know where this leads me. I have been looking at old pictures and longing to be back thin while also being disgusted at how unhealthy and sick I looked. I just am tired. What do I do?
submitted by Fearless-Concert-117 to Eatingdisordersover30 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:08 downright_awkward Long journey but I’m 25lbs down!

In October 2022, I was 200lbs. I knew I had to make changes, so I cut out cokes/sugary drinks. No diet/zero sugar drinks, just water.
In December 2022, some of my family mentioned they were considering running a half marathon. I figured why not, that would give me some motivation. I began training mid-January. Watched what I was eating, and by race day, I was down about 10-15lbs.
In April 2023, we ran the half marathon. I got injured at I think around mile 7-8. I finished the race but that injury has plagued me since. I haven’t been able to run more than a mile or two without it hurting, so I haven’t run at all really.
From April 2023 until December 2023, I continued the no cokes but would occasionally get a lemonade/juice. I also stopped watching what I ate as much. I maintained my weight around 185lbs (though I’m sure some of it was muscle loss).
I took a new job in January 2024 and began bringing my lunch to work. I would occasionally go out to eat with some people though.
Now, in May 2024, I’m continuing to bring my lunch/snacks (I work a 12 hour shift and try to bring healthy and/or portion controlled snacks). Again, I’ll occasionally go out to eat with coworkers. As of this past weekish, I’ve stayed at or just under 175lbs which was my goal weight two years ago.
TLDR; went from 200lbs to 175lbs in 1.5 years. It’s not a quick loss by any means but I’ve built some solid habits over the process. Rather than losing weight quickly, focus on building small habits over time. They compound and make keeping the weight of much easier in the long run. That should be the goal - a healthier lifestyle overall. If you lose 25lbs in 3-4 months but then gain it right back, you’ll have to do the work twice.
submitted by downright_awkward to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:02 nutshellupd 5 "Bad" Drinks You Shouldn't Avoid for Weight Loss, According to Dietitians

5 submitted by nutshellupd to nutshellupds [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:01 Adept-Gur-1726 Never realized the relevance of insta followers in a boxing match

Never realized the relevance of insta followers in a boxing match submitted by Adept-Gur-1726 to boxingcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:00 rachieeroo918 Bad breath?

So I’m just checking in to see if anyone else is experiencing this. I started taking my weight loss seriously end of January and have lost about 27 pounds! (Woohoo!). I’ve noticed that my breath tastes really bad and only recently put 2 and 2 together that it could have something to do with my weight loss. I googled it, and “keto breath” came up a lot, but I’m not really doing keto. Has anyone else noticed bad tasting breath and if so, does anything make it better? My boyfriend said he doesn’t smell it at all so I’m not sure if it’s just a taste thing? I still have good oral hygiene and have some mints during the day but it’s pretty temporary.
submitted by rachieeroo918 to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:56 Danceshinefly Semaglutide and ARVs?

Does anyone have any experience with using weight loss medications (like Wegovy, Ozempic, etc.) at the same time as using ARVs? Any feedback or insights? The weight gain from Biktarvy has been really challenging for me and diet and being active isn’t quite helping the way it should. I’m curious about whether there are any interactions or possible dangerous Sid effects of using them together and also what happens if you decide to stop it.. (just trying to get back to my original weight pre-Biktarvy and then maintain that)
submitted by Danceshinefly to hivaids [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:55 HeavyMetalRoadTrip Exercise as a trigger?

I've been having attacks since 2013 but was recently diagnosed with CH so now I'm going down the rabbit hole doing a bunch of research.
I've read that exercise can be a trigger but have also read that it can help? I've been on a weight loss journey over the last year (down 129lbs) and I notice the only day I'm usually headache free is Sunday, which is my rest day from exercise.
Anyone have any input on this one way or another? Really hoping it's not a trigger for me because that would make the last 33lbs all that much harder to lose!
Thanks in advance
submitted by HeavyMetalRoadTrip to ClusterHeadaches [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:51 Hippopople Low score but a pass!

I just wanted to make a quick post for anyone who has test anxiety or has low scores on exams because that’s what I was looking for while on Reddit for motivation. I barely based step 1 and step 2ck but Im a bare minimums kinda guy so I was good with just passing on the first try.
Current pgy1 so finding time to study was really difficult when you’re getting used to residency with the steep curve that it is. About 4 months into residency I probably started doing 10q’s a day and made anki cards on ones I missed. I’d review maybe 10-20 while I was working on down time but I wasn’t strict about it, would do it just here and there.
Fast forward into March I took UWSA1 got a 180 and obviously freaked out knowing my step 3 was in the end of April, but then realized UWSA1 is a horrible practice exam with barely any correlation, so that made me feel somewhat better.
I also tried to take days off and do things that would de-stress me, (even days close to exam) I’m big into wellness and taking care of oneself; some days if I didn’t think I had the energy to study I wouldn’t. But that’s just me.
Then in April I finished uworld (58%) and started CCS cases. I never understood biostats for any usmle’s so I decided I would just take the loss on that as I usually do, and focused on CCS. 2 weeks before the exam took NBME 6 and got a 432 so my confidence went up and I felt ready. 1 week before exam took NBME 7 334 which made me concerned but it was still a pass I guess so I decided to go for it, all I needed was a pass.
I took day 1 and I surprisingly felt ok except for biostats, I knew I got all those wrong. I had about 7 days between day 1 and day 2 so in that week I only focused on CCS. I also decided to do free 137 or whatever it’s called and got a 68% which I think was good? Regardless I continued with CCS. When day 2 started I felt it was harder even though seemed like everyone said day 2 was easier; I came out feeling like I failed tbh. Waiting for my score I honestly did not feel good, but I guess that’s normal too. So after waiting a couple weeks I got my score and passed 209. It isn’t high but all I needed was a pass and now I can move into pgy2 w/o having this weight on shoulder. Very freeing feeling. Good luck guys, hope this helped anyone who is in the same boat as me and if I can do it you can too.
submitted by Hippopople to Step3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:47 bkirby1 Hello all

I’m very new and learning. How do I determine how many ounces or grams of each food type I need? Trying to do this for weight loss. Do I just follow the recommended serving size on the package?
submitted by bkirby1 to mealprep [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:46 whateverwhy007 Weekend bummer

Hey! I am 30 F, 142 cm and weigh 59 kgs. I started my weight loss journey last month (21st April) by being calorie deficit and walking approximately 4-5 hrs per week. Since, then I've lost 2.5 kgs. My goal weight is 50 kgs. The problem is during the week I try my best but during the weekends I eat little higher than my maintainance calories. The problem is I feel super guilty about it. I don't know how to stop this.
submitted by whateverwhy007 to caloriedeficit [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:45 TightRoll464 6 year old cat diagnosed first with IMHA and newly discovered liver tumour

We have a 6 yr old domestic short hair ginger cat named Edward. Always been a big guy (20+ lbs) but had noticed sudden onset of lethargy, weakness and weight loss. Took him to vet who did a complete bloodwork up and discovered he was anemic but could not single out a cause so settled on an IMHA diagnosos (immune mediated hemolytic anemia). Gave him an immunosuppressant shot and said come back in 2 weeks for repeat bloodwork. New results fared slightly worse so they then did an x-ray and discoveded a liver tumour. Vet can't be sure but based on ongoing symptoms assume it is cancer and recommend we euthanize him. Only other option they think is to take him to an internal specialist in another province (we are in Nova Scotia) but that this might only buy a bit more time and he might suffer. Right now they feel he is not in pain just very tired and weak. He is still interested in eating and drinking a bit but rarely moves and sleeps much of the time at this point. This came on fast and was unexpected as he is young and has so much personality so we are of course devastated and unsure what to do so came here for some advice. Thanks in advance.
submitted by TightRoll464 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:44 lordlemming Burning off the weight

submitted by lordlemming to Ooer [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:43 KaleidoscopeCrazy719 MIL seems concerned about my weight

I need help! I had an arrange marriage with a girl from my community a year ago. At the time of our engagement the girl mentioned i had time till our marriage to loose our weight. After my marriage to her, whenever I spoke to her about trying to loose weight she’d tell me you are married now and it’s not a big deal anymore.
She’d tease me calling me i had man b***s , even her mother at one point said my tummy was out.
October of last year i lost my job, i took that as an impetus for a change and worked out and ate right. i went from a 229 lbs to 190 lbs.
in the past i had shared this info with my wife however, she did not seem interested.
My mother once clicked a photo of me and sent it to my wife’s aunt, showing off that i had lost weight. from then on i have been told by everyone from my mil, to my bil, my wife about how i am dieting and i dont need to loose this weight. i dont look good anymore, it does not look healthy. i went from 229 to 190 lbs.
my bil also told me now that i have lost weight it appears i have more confidence.
literally every time i am on a call with her mom, my weight comes up and on a recent call with her brother, he asks me i am not dieting anymore, am i?
how should i respond to this incessant calls on my body and weight loss journey? i have told them that i am working on building my body now and even that does not seem to be enough to back off. i am happy about my body why is it a group issue.
tl;dr arrange marriage and now my mil and bil are nagging me about weight loss.
submitted by KaleidoscopeCrazy719 to motherinlawsfromhell [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:42 BuddySevere7585 Friend wont stop flaunting her skinniness

My friend has been making so many skinny jokes about herself almost fantasizing the idea about how much she loves being skinny. She knows i have an ED yet she keeps making “skinny queen” jokes. She also has adhd and one of her medications made her lose her appetite and she lost like hella weight within 1 week (cant say the exact number to avoid trigger warnings). She talks about her weight loss in the context of it being a bad thing but her tone sounds like she was trying to flex her starvation. Every time i hang out with her, i starve the next day because of how much she makes being skinny her personality. Shes a good friend of mine and ive spoken abt this to her before but she just keeps flexing her skinniness. Its not good for me because i envy her skinniness. Before i realized i developed Atypical Anorexia, i was working out and eating right so i worked hard to lose my weight. Yet shes naturally skinny. Im not as skinny as her. Its not fair. I just dont know what to do because shes a good friend of mine but her quirky skinny queen jokes are bothering me
submitted by BuddySevere7585 to AnorexiaNervosa [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:41 TheChocolateIce Not losing weight

I am a 19 yo 6’4” 383 lbs m and I just started my 7.5 doses yesterday. So far I have seen zero progress as far as weight loss. I feel as if my hunger has been suppressed but not enough and I have almost been eating around the shot. Is this normal for some? Do some need higher doses to actually see results?
submitted by TheChocolateIce to Zepbound [link] [comments]