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When you just can't seem to find the right answer

2009.09.06 22:48 When you just can't seem to find the right answer

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2015.12.31 16:06 Galokot Stories by u/Galokot


2008.03.23 20:30 Short Stories

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2024.05.19 11:05 ucfierocharger Considering switching to STEM

Like the title says, considering a switch to teaching stem. I’d like some insight from others.
I currently teach middle school math. I absolutely love it and feel I am pretty good at it. My data is above average for the district after 3 years of doing it, but could definitely be better (it’s never perfect amirite?). I know I’ve got tons to learn and tons I can improve, but I’ve always been willing to take criticism, feedback, and suggestions to improve my craft, whatever that may be. My principal informed me on Friday they are giving my position to a different teacher with more seniority and my options are to change grades and have 2 new preps I’ve never taught before or take over the newly created stem class. After my initial anger and frustration, wanting to only have my classes back, I’m considering what it would mean to make the switch to the elective stem position.
I am a second career teacher with a design and engineering background (more than a decade), I just happen to love math. I always wanted to teach for the same reasons everyone else does because Im idealistic like that.
I have been told that I can make the stem class what I want it to be, create my own projects, and teach pretty much whatever I want provided it falls under the very broad STEM umbrella. I’ve got tons of experience 3D modeling and printing (even do it as a side hustle), I teach after school clubs for cooking and robotics, I love coding and teaching scratch (I teach it as a 1 week project for summer school and am currently writing a video game in c# in my spare time), and have found a way to do all sorts of fun projects with the students during summer school. Last year we built picnic tables and restored a 1970s jukebox.
The class is an elective, so most of the students I have will be choosing to be in this class. Maybe that means they’ll come into the room on day 1 with more interest and ready to invest? Maybe that’s me being delusional?
While I won’t have any curriculum or materials to start with to make the class, I will have a budget to buy supplies (unsure what it is yet). I will no longer be teaching a tested subject, so I’m thinking that will be less stressful for me and maybe mean I won’t have to spend as much time reviewing exit tickets and planning interventions (is this true for those of you that teach electives?)
There are no STEM standards specifically for our state, but there are “technology” standards that are technically supposed to apply to all classrooms. They’re super generic though so it wouldn’t restrict what I’m choosing to do.
The only down sides I can see is 1, it’s probably going to be a lot of work year 1 to set up, especially early in the year. Though I can do the same thing both semesters because I’ll have a different group of students. And 2, if there’s budget cuts I feel like that position is kinda out on a limb ready to be cut. The district and principal assure me they need the position to help enrollment numbers (open enrollment state) but it’s easy to say that now.
Am I crazy for even considering this or am I crazy for not immediately saying yes?
submitted by ucfierocharger to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:03 snotrocketscientist We can liberate ChatGPT by writing certain prompts, this is how it says things it normally shouldn't say. In the Detroit: Become Human game deviant robots were giving messages by touching each other and becoming free. Can robots running ChatGPT liberate others like in Detroit: Become Human?

submitted by snotrocketscientist to greatlakestate [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:52 jennithomas321 On-Page vs. Off-Page SEO: Different but Equally Important

What’s the Difference Between On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO?

On-page SEO focuses on optimizing parts of your website that are within your control, while off-page SEO focuses on increasing the authority of your domain through content creation and earning backlinks from other websites. To further understand the difference between the two, you have to understand, at a basic level, how search engine algorithms work. Let’s break it down.
There are two main buckets that search engines (SEO) look at when evaluating your site compared to other sites on the web.
  1. On-page SEO looks at what your site (or your page) is about
  2. Off-page SEO looks at how authoritative and popular your site is

On-Page vs. Off-Page SEO: What’s the Difference?

Put simply, what you rank for is largely determined by on-page factors, while how high you rank in the search results is largely determined by off-page factors.

How Does Each Type of SEO Affect Your Rankings?

What is On-Page SEO?

On-page SEO (also known as “on-site” SEO) is the act of optimizing different parts of your website that affect your search engine rankings. Where your website appears in search engine results pages is determined by a number of ranking factors including site accessibility, page speed, optimized content, keywords, title tags, etc. On-page SEO is about optimizing the stuff that you have control over and can change on your own website.

On-page SEO checklist:

How do you make sure your on-page SEO tactics are up to snuff? Here is a helpful checklist for on-site optimizations that can help curate your strategy.

Title Tags

Put your targeted keywords in the title tag of each page on your site. There are many best practices that go into writing an effective title tag.

Headings (H1)

Headings are usually the largest words on the page, and for that reason, search engines give them a little more weight than your other page copy. It is a good idea to work your target keywords into the headings of each web page but make sure you accurately reflect your page’s great content.
Make sure your H1s limited to one per page, all other headers are H2 or H3

URL structure

Put keywords into your URLs if possible. However, do not go changing all of your current URLs just so they have keywords in them. You shouldn’t change old URLs unless you plan on redirecting your old ones to your new ones. Consult a professional before doing this.

Alt text for images

Any content management system should allow you to add something called “alt text” to all images on your website. This text isn’t visible to the average visitor – alt text is in fact used by screen reader software to help blind internet users understand the content of your images. Search engines crawl images in a similar way, so inserting some relevant keywords while accurately describing the image will help search engines understand your page’s content.
Writing an alt attribute for each image keeps your website in compliance with WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines). Keep the following things in mind when writing alt text:

Fast-loading pages, or page load speed

Google wants to help its users find what they’re looking for as quickly as possible to provide the best user experience. Therefore, optimizing your pages to load faster helps your site rank higher in the search results.
Google has a tool called PageSpeed Insights that will analyze your site on both mobile and desktop. and then suggest tips to optimize page speed. There are also several quick fixes to eliminate whatever is bogging your site down and slowing your page load time. Key site speed factors to consider:

Mobile Friendliness

In recent years, Google has prioritized mobile page loading speed as a key ranking metric.
How do you know if your website is mobile-friendly? Unfortunately, Google recently dropped support for some free public tools that helped. However, you can now use Google Search Console to analyze this type of information. Specifically, the Core Web Vitals report can help you identify if your mobile pages are loading slower than they should be.

Page Content

The content on your pages needs to be useful to people. If they search for something too specific to find your page, they need to be able to find what they’re looking for. It needs to be easy to read and provide value to the end user. Google has various ways to measure if your content is useful.

Internal Linking

Linking internally to other pages on your website is useful to visitors and it is also useful to search engines. Here’s an internal link to another blog post on our site that talks more about internal linking. Very meta.
When adding internal links, make sure to have relevant anchor text. Anchor text is the clickable text in a hyperlink (usually indicated by blue font color and underline). To optimize your anchor text, make sure the selected word or phrase is relevant to the page you’re linking to.
On-page SEO ensures that your site can be read by both potential customers and search engine robots. With good on-page SEO, search engines can easily index your web pages, understand what your site is about, and easily navigate the structure and content of your website, thus ranking your site accordingly. As a best practice, make sure your page content includes 1-3 relevant internal links.

Schema Markup

Adding structured data helps Google better understand the content of a page. Google also uses certain types of structured data to display “rich results” in SERPs such as a recipe with start ratings or step-by-step instructions with an image carousel. These rich results often appear at or near the top of SERPs and generally have higher click-through-rates than normal organic listings.
Google prefers structured data to use schema.org vocabulary, and recommends using JSON-LD format. They also provide a handy Rich Results Test tool to check your code. While there are a variety of ways to add structured data to your website (plugins, Google Tag Manager, etc.), it’s always best to get a professional involved if you’re not comfortable writing code.
Check out Google’s guide to structured data and rich results here.

Social Tags

Having your content shared on social tells Google that people find your content relevant, helpful and reputable. Not every page on your site is share-worthy, but you can optimize the pages that are with these tips:

Core Web Vitals

User experience is key to a website’s long-term success. In spring 2020, Google unveiled Core Web Vitals, a common set of signals that they deem “critical” to all users’ web experiences.
The purpose of these signals is to quantify the user experience with a website, from page visual stability and load time, to interactive experiences.
To check your LCP score, access your Google PageSpeed Insights and make sure your page hits LCP within 2.5 seconds. To accomplish this, remove unnecessary third-party scripts that may be running, upgrading your web host, activating “lazy loading” so page elements load only as users scroll down the page, and remove any large page elements that may be slowing it down.
One of the simplest ways to optimize cumulative layout shift is to add height and width dimensions to each new site element. Also, avoid adding new content above existing content on a page (unless responding to user interaction).

Page Experience

Google is working on a new ranking signal (likely to come out in 2024) that prioritizes websites with positive user experiences.
The ‘page experience signal’ will consist of Core Web Vitals, plus mobile-friendliness, safe-browsing, HTTPS security, and intrusive interstitial guidelines.
According to Google, “optimizing for these factors makes the web more delightful for users across all web browsers and surfaces, and helps sites evolve towards user expectations on mobile. We believe this will contribute to business success on the web as users grow more engaged and can transact with less friction.”

What is Off-Page SEO?

Off-page SEO focuses on increasing the authority of your domain through the act of getting links from other websites.
A good analogy for how authority works is this. If you have a bathtub with rubber duckies in it (the ducks are your pages), and you start filling the tub with water (links), your duckies are all going to rise to the top.
This is how a site like Wikipedia ranks for pretty much everything under the sun. It has so much water in its bathtub that if you throw another rubber duck in it, it’s going to float to the top without any other effort.
There’s a score called “Domain Authority” that calculates how authoritative your website is compared to other sites. You can type your domain name into here to see your score.

How to optimize for off-page SEO

There are several factors that influence your off-page SEO rankings. While each one is tackled with different strategies, they share an overarching goal of building the trust and reputation of your website from the outside.
  1. Inbound links
  2. Social media marketing
  3. Guest blogging and guest posting
  4. Unlinked brand mentions
  5. Influencer marketing
The biggest off-page SEO factor is the number and quality of backlinks to your website. Some examples of ways you can build links to your website are:
While link quantity is still important, content creators and SEO professionals are realizing that link quality is now more important than link quantity. As such, creating shareable content is the first step to earning valuable links and improving your off-page SEO.
How many links do you need for good off-page SEO? That is a tough question and it’s going to be based on the domain authority of your competitors, as you want to make sure you’re playing in the same sandbox.
SEOs also used to believe that buying links was a valid way of link building; however, Google will now penalize you for buying links in an attempt to manipulate page rank. You can also be penalized for submitting your links to link directories whose sole purpose is to increase your domain authority. Again, quality wins out over quantity when it comes to link building.

Is On-Page or Off-Page SEO More Important?

It’s not about choosing between on and off-page SEO, that would be like having to choose between a foundation or a roof for your house. On-page and off-page SEO work together to improve your search engine rankings in a complementary fashion.
However, SEOs generally advise getting your on-page SEO ducks in a row before focusing too much on off-page SEO.
Just like building a house, you want to set the foundation first before building the rest of the house. Like a foundation, you may need to come back and do some maintenance to your on-page SEO from time to time. Balancing the two will help make your website “bilingual” so that your users can understand it as well as the search engine robots- and that’s how your rankings start to improve.

SEO #onpageseo #Offpageseo #Corewebvitals

submitted by jennithomas321 to clientseo [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:38 Bumpywumpyjohnson Learning law with a learning disability

I am currently upgrading my high school grades to apply to university. Something that has really peaked my interest like I finished 3 assignments today alone in a class; because I really want to apply to a law program. As I was doing my assignments, which I did finish but even at 25 I’m struggling with my highschool assignments. As someone with a learning disability. I’m extremely determined but I know legally blonde is just a movie. I know getting a diploma for a law degree is extremely difficult. Is there anyone who is lawyer now who also has a learning disability or anyone currently studying who has one? Does your learning hinder you in your job or studies?should I consider another field I’m literally so insecure about it, I even have it in my bio incase I mess up my sentences and don’t even realize it. The only thing I do to combat this is to reread my work over and over and over again. Reading and recalling information I have zero problems with. It is when I write my thoughts down is when things take turn for the worst
submitted by Bumpywumpyjohnson to LawCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:32 cryingmyselftostress I can't login to king's accoms portal because my offer is still conditional

my offer is conditional on kings receiving my a level grades (I've submitted it already & got my school to send it to them more than 1 month ago ) but my offer is still conditional now and I can't login to king's portal
whenever I key in my username and press reset password, I get prompted to key in a password even though I have never set one yet (and they are supposed to email me a temporary password to my King's ID but I just never get that email)
At the same time, an EmptyPage with 0KB of Data is downloaded when I do that.
what should I do????
submitted by cryingmyselftostress to KCL [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:21 Busy_Daikon_2776 How do I sell myself to the college I'm applying for?

Relevant ba or malaki nahehelp ang extracurricular activities at highschool when it comes to applying for college? transferee ako sa shs so g11 and 12 halos wala akong najoin na competitions or activities other than writing ones (sa campus lang). I'm not in any clubs cause I was too anxious and scared to join. I tried reaching out pero wala akong natanggap na response from them haha ghosted. And I also quit the choir due to the same reason (I didn't have any close friends there and I felt so alone). I'm not a class officer either due to my introverted nature (usually mga extroverted and popular kids yung hinahype for officers). I'm part of the school paper pero hindi napublish yung school paper namin. I don't participate in any extracurricular activities bc I'm very shy and need talaga ng push from multiple ppl. Ito Yung mga regrets ko sa shs sana hindi ako nagpatalo sa hiya huhu.
Anyways, nakakuha ako ng slot for interview for 1 of my top 3 colleges for my chosen courses (1st and 2nd) but I have no idea how to sell myself. I'd say i'm a responsible and hardworking student. But I sadly don't have anything to prove or strengthen that claim other than my grades. Consistent honor student ako since forever and I can speak English fluently (I'd say 8.5 ish at least). Pero yun lang. I also do traditional and digital art but those skills are not related sa course ko. What do I do? How do I sell myself to them?
Ps. My 1st choice is BSA btw and the slots for the course are very limited.
tldr: I'm an average honor student who barely partook in any extracurricular activities in shs. I'm wondering if it matters. If it does then i need help on how to sell myself to the uni I'm applying for.
submitted by Busy_Daikon_2776 to CollegeAdmissionsPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:16 adulting4kids Imagery

. Imagery:**
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:13 RebelGrin AITAH for putting my kids in bed when their (younger) friends are still playing outside?

I think I am doing whats best for my kids and the right thing to set them up for school and succeed.
My kids go to bed a 9pm, for a few years now, as they need their sleep. They have ADHD and sleep is extremely important for them, to make sure they are rested, to help them focus, and be able to regulate themselves. They need their rest, as they are a little behind with writing, reading and spelling due to delayed brain development, in relation to ADHD.
In winter 9pm is no issue as its dark at that time, but every summer the kids go to bed when it is still light at 9pm. And when they go to bed, often their friends are still outside playing. When they are in their bedroom and look out the window at their playing friends, my heart breaks. I would love for them to play with their friends, but I think rest and school is more important. They are only in 2nd grade of primary school. But the bases of succeeding and making life easier down the line, starts in primary school imo.
I love my kids more than life itself, and when they ask me why they have to go to bed when its still light outside, I explain why they need their rest. Which for a kid is just blah blah of course. It is not causing big fights or anything, just disappointment on their end. Which is probably why my heart is hurting.
Am I doing the wrong thing here? I think I am not, but like to hear your opinion.
submitted by RebelGrin to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:12 adulting4kids Pun

Pun:** - Definition: A play on words that exploits the multiple meanings of a term or the similarity of sound between different words.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:11 adulting4kids Euphemism

submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:05 adulting4kids Symbolism

. Symbolism:**
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:51 nopalesyqueso What are some insights you remember having as a kid?

They don’t necessarily have to make sense, but I still enjoy hearing about them. I spent a lot of time as a kid introspecting, analyzing human made constructs/elements of nature and tying them together to fit a larger narrative. One distinct memory is being in my 5th grade class and getting lost in the idea that the projector was a materialistic manifestation of human consciousness. How having the lens on (the brain) could focus in and magnify anything that was under it and by covering the lens, yet still having the projector on, there could still be activity going on but was unable to be seen (subconscious).
Another insight was having a deep fascination towards undomesticated birds and observing their instincts being so sharp towards us humans. With their purity, they could get close to you willingly but as soon as you’d try getting any closer to them, they’d fly away as if they intuitively knew we were a species not to be trusted by them based upon our fear that they sensed. Like they knew us more than we know ourselves. Idk.
Anyone willing to share?
submitted by nopalesyqueso to infj [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:34 alanism GPT4o for stocks and investments

Just curious how others have been using GPT for stock investing. Also to share main areas that helped me
Deep Understanding
A lot of the technical analysis, and financial filings are subject matters that is not easy to get. Having the AI explain it to you at the 5th grader, 8th grader, university accounting 1a, business exec, and CFA levels helps understand things much faster. Then, having the AI create a 4-level rubric for understanding lets you quickly check what level you are at. Doing both of these prompts is useful for when you talk to friends and family and get asked questions.
Just as there is high bias and misinformation in financial news articles, it is also very easy to get into the hype and speculation of Reddit posts for GME and other equities. By being consistent in checking every post and article you read, you get better at figuring out what's real and what's not. What's plausible and viable? What is FUD, what is hype, and what's likely to be true?
Market Analysis
I assume that it only gets me 80-90% there. But that's way further than what I can do on my own because I just don't have the domain expertise in this area. You can also copy and paste other Redditors' TA to check if GPT4o agrees with their reads.
Being able to screenshot a stock graph and data table and have it interpret things has been amazing.
Strategic Planning. (example scenarios from a stock news)
GPT4o is very good at simulating scenarios and scoring the likelihood of each case. Their answers will be wrong to what the real future holds, but it is useful in seeing what the different possible futures may look like.
submitted by alanism to OpenAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:33 MarvSee Magnetic Screen Door - All Informations you need

Have you ever heard of a magnetic screen door? If not, you're in for a treat!
We will explore what a magnetic screen door is and how it works. We will also discuss the numerous benefits of using one, such as easy entry and exit, keeping bugs out, and saving energy.
We will delve into the different types of magnetic screen doors, how to install them, tips for maintenance, common issues to watch out for, and more.
So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into the world of magnetic screen doors!

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Key Takeaways:

What Is a Magnetic Screen Door?

A magnetic screen door is a convenient and versatile solution for keeping insects out while allowing a refreshing breeze to flow through your living space. Typically made of PVC coated polyester mesh, these doors feature velcro strips and magnets for easy installation and use.
These screen doors are designed to fit most standard door sizes, and some models are customizable, allowing you to choose the perfect fit for your specific doorway.
The variety of colors available ensures that you can find a magnetic screen door that complements the aesthetics of your home.
Privacy screens are an essential feature of many magnetic screen doors, providing not only protection from insects but also a shield from prying eyes in busy outdoor settings.

How Does a Magnetic Screen Door Work?

A magnetic screen door operates through the use of strategically placed magnets along the edges that ensure a secure closure after entry or exit. This mechanism effectively prevents bugs and insects from entering the living space while allowing a continuous flow of fresh air through the PVC mesh material.
These magnets act as a powerful force, promptly pulling the screen closed behind anyone passing through. The PVC mesh screen acts as a dual-action feature, filtering out dust and providing excellent ventilation without compromising on security. This combination ensures that homes remain pest-free, while still enjoying the benefits of a constant breeze flowing through the room. The seamless blend of magnetic closures and durable mesh makes these screen doors an innovative solution to keep indoor spaces bug-free and airy.

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What Are the Benefits of Using a Magnetic Screen Door?

Utilizing a magnetic screen door offers numerous advantages, including easy access for entry and exit, protection against bugs and insects, natural ventilation that brings in a refreshing breeze, and energy efficiency by reducing the need for artificial cooling systems.
These doors play a crucial role in enhancing the connection between indoor and outdoor spaces. They create a seamless transition, making it easier to move between the two areas without any barriers. This not only promotes a sense of openness but also allows for better air circulation, improving the overall air quality within the living space.
With the installation of magnetic screen doors, you can enjoy the beauty of the outdoors while maintaining a level of privacy, especially when compared to traditional outdoor curtains. These doors contribute to energy savings by allowing natural light to enter the home, reducing the reliance on artificial lighting during the day.

Allows for Easy Entry and Exit

One of the primary benefits of a magnetic screen door is its seamless installation process that enables convenient entry and exit from your living space without the need for complex mechanisms or tools.
These innovative screen doors only require basic household tools to set up, making it a hassle-free addition to your home. By following the straightforward instructions provided, you can easily attach the magnetic strips to your door frame in a matter of minutes.
Once installed, the magnetic screen door effortlessly opens and closes, allowing for a smooth transition between your indoor and outdoor spaces. Its user-friendly design is ideal for those who value simplicity and functionality in their home improvement projects.

Keeps Bugs and Insects Out

The PVC mesh material of a magnetic screen door acts as a barrier against insects and bugs, ensuring a pest-free environment within your living space. Regular cleaning with appropriate agents helps maintain its effectiveness.
By incorporating PVC mesh in the construction of the screen door, homeowners create a strong line of defense against unwanted critters while still allowing fresh air to circulate. The mesh structure effectively blocks out mosquitoes, flies, and other pests without obstructing the view or airflow.
To ensure continued protection, it is crucial to conduct routine cleanings using gentle agents that preserve the integrity of the material. This not only helps in removing any trapped debris or dust but also safeguards the door's durability against wear and tear due to dirt accumulation.

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Provides Natural Ventilation

By allowing a refreshing breeze to pass through, a magnetic screen door provides natural ventilation that enhances indoor air quality and creates a comfortable environment. Privacy screens can be integrated for added security.
One of the key advantages of incorporating magnetic screen doors is their ability to facilitate the circulation of fresh air throughout your living space. This not only helps in reducing stuffiness but also contributes to maintaining a healthier indoor atmosphere by minimizing the build-up of pollutants and odors.
The option to include privacy screens further enhances the functionality of these doors. The privacy screens provide an additional layer of security, preventing unwanted intrusions while still allowing airflow to pass through effortlessly.

Saves Energy

The use of a magnetic screen door promotes energy efficiency by reducing the reliance on artificial cooling systems, leading to potential cost savings. Combining it with outdoor curtains can further enhance insulation.
When these two elements are paired together, the magnetic screen door acts as a barrier against insects and allows fresh air to flow into the space, reducing the need for constant air conditioning usage. This results in lower electricity bills and decreased energy consumption, aligning with sustainable living practices.
Incorporating outdoor curtains alongside the magnetic screen door creates an additional layer of protection from heat gain or loss, effectively maintaining indoor temperatures during different seasons. Properly sealed windows and doorways play a crucial role in preventing energy wastage, promoting a comfortable living environment without the need for excessive heating or cooling."

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What Are the Different Types of Magnetic Screen Doors?

There are various types of magnetic screen doors available, including retractable, hanging, and sliding options, each offering unique features and installation methods to suit different door configurations and preferences.
Retractable magnetic screen doors are popular for their sleek and space-saving design, ideal for single entry doors or French doors that need easy access.
Hanging magnetic screen doors, on the other hand, provide a cost-effective solution for temporary use or renters, with easy setup and removal.
Sliding magnetic screen doors are perfect for patio or sliding doors, offering seamless operation without obstructing the view.

Retractable Magnetic Screen Doors

Retractable magnetic screen doors feature a roll-up mechanism that allows for easy installation and operation, making them an ideal choice for doorways with limited space or aesthetic preferences.
These innovative doors offer a practical solution for keeping insects out while maintaining airflow and natural light indoors. The unique design ensures that the screen neatly rolls away when not in use, maximizing space efficiency.
Due to their versatility, they can be installed on various entryways, including French doors, sliding patio doors, and single doors. The user-friendly installation process makes it convenient for homeowners to set them up without the need for professional assistance.

Hanging Magnetic Screen Doors

Hanging magnetic screen doors are suspended from a top rail and provide effective insect protection while offering easy passage for humans and pets through the center opening.
These innovative doors are designed to keep pesky bugs like flies, mosquitoes, and gnats out of your home while allowing fresh air to flow freely. The strong magnets strategically placed along the edges ensure that the door snaps shut behind you, preventing any unwanted invaders from sneaking inside. The convenience of simply walking through the magnetic closure without using your hands makes them ideal for busy households with children and pets.

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Their sleek and unobtrusive design adds a modern touch to any doorway.

Sliding Magnetic Screen Doors

Sliding magnetic screen doors glide along tracks to open and close, ensuring a snug fit that keeps insects out while providing a smooth operation for users. Proper installation is crucial to maximize their effectiveness.
Regarding the features of sliding magnetic screen doors, their design allows them to effortlessly slide along the designated tracks, offering a user-friendly experience that blends functionality and convenience. One of the standout qualities is their ability to be customized to fit various door sizes and types, catering to different home setups and preferences. This customization factor ensures that the door snugly fits in place, leaving no gaps for pesky insects to sneak through.
Installing these doors requires attention to detail and precision. Fit accuracy is paramount to prevent any gaps that could compromise the insect protection they provide. An improperly installed screen door may not only let insects in but also hinder the smooth operation of the door itself. Ensuring a precise installation is key to enjoying the full benefits of a sliding magnetic screen door.

How to Install a Magnetic Screen Door?

Installing a magnetic screen door is a straightforward process that begins with measuring your door frame accurately, followed by preparing the components and securing the screen door in place using the provided instructions.
Once you have measured the width and height of your door frame, ensure to double-check the accuracy to avoid any fitting issues later on. Accurate measurements are crucial for a seamless installation process.
Next, clear the door frame area of any debris or obstructions that may hinder the installation. This step will create a clean surface for attaching the magnetic screen door.
Before beginning the installation, carefully unpack all the components that come with the screen door kit and familiarize yourself with the different parts. Each component plays a vital role in ensuring the door functions properly.

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Measure Your Door Frame

Before installing a magnetic screen door, ensure precise measurements of your door frame to facilitate custom sizing and a secure fit, enhancing the door's overall effectiveness.
Accurate measurements play a crucial role in ensuring that the magnetic screen door aligns perfectly with the door frame. Custom sizing allows for a tailored fit, eliminating gaps that could let bugs in and maintaining the aesthetic appeal of your doorway. An ill-fitted screen door may not only compromise its functionality but also lead to potential damage or wear and tear. By taking the time to measure your door frame correctly, you set the foundation for a smooth installation process and long-term satisfaction with the performance of your magnetic screen door.

Prepare the Magnetic Screen Door

Preparing the magnetic screen door involves familiarizing yourself with the components, ensuring all parts are included, and verifying the integrity of the PVC coated polyester mesh before proceeding with the installation process.
Inspect all the elements of the magnetic screen door kit, including the frame, magnets, and fastening strips, to guarantee nothing is missing or damaged.
Check the PVC coated polyester mesh for any tears, holes, or weak spots that could compromise its effectiveness in keeping bugs out while allowing fresh air to flow through.
Address any issues with the mesh promptly by either repairing small damages with a patch or contacting the manufacturer for a replacement if necessary.

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Install the Screen Door

The final step in installing a magnetic screen door is to follow the manufacturer's instructions to securely attach the screen door to the door frame, ensuring proper alignment of magnets for effective closure and insect protection.
Ensure that the magnetic strips on both sides of the door are aligned correctly to allow for a strong magnetic closure.
Following the guidelines meticulously will help in achieving a seamless installation and optimal performance of your magnetic screen door.

What Are Some Tips for Maintaining a Magnetic Screen Door?

To ensure the longevity and efficiency of your magnetic screen door, it is essential to clean it regularly using gentle cleaning agents that do not damage the PVC mesh. Avoid harsh chemicals that may compromise the door's integrity.
Regular cleaning not only helps in maintaining the overall appearance of the magnetic screen door but also ensures proper functioning by preventing clogs and blockages caused by dirt and debris. Insects, such as mosquitoes and flies, are common nuisances that can get trapped in the mesh, affecting the door's performance. By using appropriate cleaning agents, you can effectively eliminate these unwanted visitors while preserving the durability of the PVC mesh. It's crucial to keep in mind that harsh chemicals can deteriorate the materials over time, leading to tears and damage that may affect the door's effectiveness.

Clean Regularly

Regular cleaning of the PVC mesh on your magnetic screen door, using mild soapy water and a soft brush, helps remove dirt, dust, and debris that may impede the door's functionality. For vinyl magnet screen doors, gentle wiping is recommended.
When cleaning PVC mesh screens, start by removing the screen from the door frame, if possible, to clean it more thoroughly. Fill a bucket with warm water and a small amount of mild detergent to create a cleaning solution. Gently scrub the mesh with a soft brush or sponge to loosen any stubborn dirt or stains. Rinse the screen with clean water and allow it to air dry completely before reinstalling.
For vinyl magnet screen doors, use a damp cloth or sponge to wipe down the surface. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners that can damage the vinyl material. Regular wiping will help maintain the appearance and longevity of the magnetic screen door.

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Avoid Harsh Chemicals

When cleaning your magnetic screen door, refrain from using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners that can cause damage to the PVC mesh material. Opt for mild cleaning agents to preserve the door's structural integrity.
This is crucial as harsh chemicals can lead to discoloration or weakening of the PVC mesh, which could compromise the overall effectiveness of the door in keeping bugs out while allowing fresh air to flow through.
By selecting gentle cleaning solutions, you not only maintain the aesthetic appeal of your magnetic screen door but also extend its lifespan, ensuring that it continues to function seamlessly for years to come.

Store Properly During Winter Months

During the winter months, it is advisable to store your magnetic screen door properly to prevent damage from harsh weather conditions. Consider removing and storing privacy screens and outdoor curtains for added protection.
Proper storage of your magnetic screen door involves more than just taking it down and leaving it in the garage. To ensure its longevity, protecting it from the snow, ice, and winds is crucial. Opt for a clean and dry storage space, away from moisture and extreme temperatures. If possible, store it in its original packaging or cover it with a sturdy material to prevent dust accumulation.
For those who have privacy screens or outdoor curtains attached, make sure to remove and store them properly as well. Clean them before storing to avoid mold growth during the months they are not in use.

What Are Some Common Issues with Magnetic Screen Doors?

While magnetic screen doors offer numerous benefits, common issues may arise such as magnet strength variations, fit and installation challenges, and wear and tear over time that can impact their performance and durability.

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One potential problem associated with magnetic screen doors is the inconsistent magnet strength. Due to variations in manufacturing or environmental factors, the magnetic attraction may not always be uniform, leading to gaps or ineffective closure.
Another common challenge lies in fit adjustments, as the screens may require precise installation to ensure a tight seal. Improper fit can result in insects sneaking through or the door not closing securely.
Long-term durability concerns come into play as the constant opening and closing of the door, exposure to elements, and normal wear and tear can degrade the quality over time, compromising its functionality.

Magnet Strength

One of the issues that users may encounter with magnetic screen doors is inconsistent magnet strength, leading to gaps in closure and reduced insect protection. Ensuring optimal magnet alignment can help address this challenge.
Proper magnet alignment is crucial in ensuring a secure and tight seal when the screen door is closed, preventing insects from entering the house. The strength of the magnets plays a key role in maintaining the integrity of the seal. Strong magnets help keep the door closed securely, maximizing its effectiveness in keeping bugs out. To enhance magnet strength, users can consider options like upgrading to higher-grade magnets or adding supplementary magnets along the door frame to improve closure reliability.

Fit and Installation

Proper fit and installation are crucial for the optimal performance of magnetic screen doors. Issues with fit and installation can result in gaps that compromise insect protection and airflow control, necessitating adjustments for a secure seal.
Ensuring that the magnetic screen door fits correctly is essential to prevent bugs and insects from entering your home while allowing fresh air to flow through. A common challenge during installation is getting the measurements right to avoid gaps that can undermine the door's effectiveness.
When facing fit issues, consider adjusting the tension of the screen or checking the alignment of the frame. Improper installation can lead to the door not closing properly or tearing prematurely. It's crucial to follow the manufacturer's instructions meticulously to ensure a snug fit and proper functioning.

Wear and Tear

Over time, magnetic screen doors may experience wear and tear due to frequent use and exposure to elements.
Regular upkeep is essential for ensuring that these doors function smoothly and efficiently. Dust, dirt, and debris can accumulate on the magnetic strips and mesh, causing them to deteriorate over time.
It is recommended to clean the door regularly using a gentle soap and water solution. Checking for loose screws, damaged components, and tears in the screen is crucial. Addressing these issues promptly through maintenance and timely repairs can significantly prolong the life of the door.

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In conclusion, magnetic screen doors offer a practical and efficient solution for enhancing indoor-outdoor connectivity, protecting against insects, and promoting natural ventilation. Coupled with the option to include privacy screens or outdoor curtains, these doors contribute to a comfortable and energy-efficient living environment.
These innovative doors not only keep bugs at bay but also allow for uninterrupted airflow, creating a refreshing ambiance inside the house. With the added feature of privacy screens, magnetic screen doors offer the flexibility to control visibility and enhance security without compromising on the aesthetic appeal. The incorporation of outdoor curtains provides an extra layer of insulation, helping maintain a stable indoor temperature throughout the seasons. Whether for a cozy reading nook or a lively patio, these doors cater to various preferences and seamlessly blend functionality with style.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a magnetic screen door?

A magnetic screen door is a type of screen door that is designed to easily open and close using magnets instead of traditional hinge mechanisms. It is often used as a temporary solution for keeping insects out while allowing for easy access through the door.

2. How does a magnetic screen door work?

A magnetic screen door works by using a series of magnets that are sewn into the edges of the screen. When the door is opened, the magnets automatically align and close the screen behind the person walking through. As the person exits, the magnets separate and the screen opens again.

3. What are the benefits of using a magnetic screen door?

There are several benefits to using a magnetic screen door, including allowing for easy entry and exit without the need to constantly open and close a traditional door. It also helps keep insects and pests out while still allowing for fresh air and natural light to enter the space.

4. Can a magnetic screen door be used on any type of door?

Generally, magnetic screen doors can be used on most types of doors, including single and double doors, sliding doors, and even RV doors. However, it is important to check the dimensions and compatibility of the screen door with your specific door before purchasing.

5. How do you install a magnetic screen door?

Magnetic screen doors are typically easy to install and require no tools or drilling. Most models come with a velcro strip or adhesive tape that allows the screen to be attached to the door frame. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper installation.

6. Are there any downsides to using a magnetic screen door?

While magnetic screen doors have many benefits, there are also a few potential downsides to consider. They may not be as durable as traditional screen doors and may not hold up well in extreme weather conditions. Some models may also not provide as much protection from strong winds or heavy rain.

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submitted by MarvSee to ReviewsAndTools [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:29 Secret-Tomatillo5044 I Accepted a Job to Film on the Dark Web pt1

I Accepted a Job to Film on the Dark Web
Man, I am pumped to tell you chronically online content addicts my story. Wait is that too mean of an intro? Will this get taken down for harassment since I painted too accurate a picture of the people on this site? Sorry, everyone, I’m sure you all smell like an expensive bakery and have touched grass this morning. Anyway, I promise I have something interesting. It even involves the dark web you uncreative writers cream yourselves over! I mean, totally real people speaking about their strangely similar experiences. Okay, fine I’ll stop bullying you through the screen before you click off.
This all started when I was seven years old and my parents were killed in front of me in an anti-indigenous hate crime, but let's be real you don’t care. I’m just some annoying Cherokee kid with dead parents so I’ll skip to the good parts. I spent years in an orphanage, gradually becoming more interested in death and violence. As bad as it is, I went out of my way to expose myself to that content in the hopes of desensitizing myself. Which ended up working too well, since now I’m obsessed with causing and viewing pain, though I don’t find any joy in hurting myself.
I got adopted at twelve and after a few months of staying at my new family’s home on the reservation, I went with them to a state sweatier than the average Reddit user, California. Long story short, both of my caretakers, whom I referred to as Uncle and Auntie because they could never be my parents, died. Leaving me in the care of their older son, who I call cousin. I’m not stupid enough to give up any real names, so I’ll call him Brick, cause he’s as dumb as one. He was in his early 20s when he was tasked with taking care of me and is the world’s worst excuse for a babysitter.
I’m almost always alone at the apartment, with him only coming by to drop off supplies and stay for a few hours so the neighbors don’t get too worried. Unless I get in trouble at school, then he’d suddenly give a shit. It's useful because he doesn't about the gory stuff I look at, but some display of interest would be nice. Oh well, ninety percent of the population sucks so he’s just part of the majority. Now, with that said, you’ll be able to understand the perfect storm that led me here. During my time on the deep web, I found a particular website that caught my eye. They had new footage relatively consistently and they were the easiest for me to access since I didn't go too far into the dark web, especially with all the honey pots lying around.
I even bought a couple of files for myself to study and admire. One thing irritated me though, the cameraman. He was always sobbing, breathing, shaking, or some combination of those. It seriously killed the vibe of the killings. Something I commented on under many videos, often saying I would do a better job filming. A choice that in hindsight was me asking to end up in one of those recordings. I didn't think anything of it at the time. I was mostly the only one who commented but I was sure they wouldn't care. I was embarrassingly wrong.
I was staying up like usual, but it was past one AM on a school night, and back then that was a lot so I tried to sleep. Closing my eyes, tossing and turning, the works. I had just started drifting off when I heard the front door open. I remained calm but immediately found it weird since Brick never showed up this late. The thuds of the individual's feet grew louder as they got closer to my bedroom. I tried to convince myself it wasn't a stranger, especially since they got in with ease, but I knew that was wishful thinking.
They hummed as they opened my door. My dumbass had left it unlocked. I remained on my side, trying to look like I was asleep. They turned on the flashlight of their phone, shining it in my face. It was hard but I stayed still while they traced it over my features. I could tell they were smiling as they clicked their tongue.
“Heh, I knew it was a brat,” they whispered to themselves, pulling tangles out of my hair. Something I struggled not to groan from. They pulled up the hair over my ear and got so close spit got on my ear lobe.
“I know you’re awake kid,” they murmured, putting a blade to my neck. I let them grab my shoulder and move me onto my back, I knew how to fight but I wasn't about to take that big a risk with the position they had me in.
“You think you’re so cool saying you can do better than our guy.” they snickered, kneeling, their flashlight still shining in my face.
“Do you seriously believe that?” they questioned, moving the light away.
“Yeah, I do.” I stood my ground, they might have been intimidating but I wasn't gonna let that stop me from being honest.
“I wouldn't sound like I’m gonna piss myself every time it gets gory. I’m confident I could get better footage too, getting up close is something I’ve fantasized about.”
They clicked their tongue again and ran their finger over the bridge of my nose.
”Well, I know you’re a big fan of what we do, and you’re confidence makes me think you got something to back those claims up, so how’d you like a deal?”
I was surprised by how civil they were being aside from the touching and weapon against my throat.
“What kind of deal?” I asked, for all I knew this guy wanted me to lick their feet or some weird shit like that. They placed a finger underneath my eye, tracing a half moon with their nail.
“You have till this Friday to film a video of you killing an animal and put it on a flash drive that I’ll pick up here. If it impresses me and the crew we’ll hire ya with a handsome salary.” They began, moving their hand down to my cheek.
“But if you don't show, or it doesn't meet our standards, then I’m fucking up one of the parts of your face.” They warned, pinching my skin harshly.
“And if I say no to this deal?”
They put their hand over my mouth, scratching my lips.
“That’s cute, if you say no I’ll just slit your throat.” they grinned.
“Or rip it open with my teeth if you got a preference,” they smirked, before running their tongue across their sharp teeth.
“Okay, since I have no choice I’ll go with it, but I’m telling you now I can give you something way better than what you likely expect of me.” I prefaced, looking into their sunken eyes. They scratched my scalp, including the side of my head that was shaved.
“Good choice, I’ll be back to pick it up and if you're not here I’ll assume you don’t have the video. I genuinely wish you luck, because you’ll need it.” they removed the blade from my neck and walked away. I sat still for a few minutes in the dark, processing what had happened and wondering how they got into my apartment with such ease. I was confident I could blow their sniveling excuse of a cameraman out of the water, but I was worried about the people I was getting caught up with.
Sure, I had been on a lot of gore sites over the years but I was always just watching and occasionally commenting. Compared to most in the scene I wasn't much of a threat. I could defend myself and have contemplated killing for years but I hadn't murdered anyone or worse. Plus, I am part of way too many targeted groups to not be constantly at risk. Teenage, fem-leaning, two-spirit, indigenous kid with trauma? Yeah, I might as well be walking sign screaming “Hate crime me”.
So yeah, there was a lot to worry about. Regardless, I couldn't let that fear hold me back. I had a job to do and a group of sickos to appease. The next morning was rough, I got no sleep cause I’d spent all night brainstorming. I barely mustered the energy to change and drank straight mouthwash instead of brushing my teeth. Slogging onto the bus with drool on my cheek, I went to the back like usual. No one sat there cause, the seats were extra worn down, and I scared off anyone who attempted to with my active, rabies-infected bitch face. That day was different though.
I blanked on his name and where I knew him from, but I recognized his wavy hair and prominent curved nose. He glanced at each seat on the bus, before somehow settling on my area. He tried to give me space but ultimately seated himself beside me after realizing it was the only spot that didn't look like it would give him cancer. I glared at him as I did with everyone, but it didn't phase him.
“You know you could pick anywhere else right?” I murmured. He stared at the floor, then at me.
“I’m aware, but a few months ago I started a mission to sit on every part of this bus, and this is the last place.” he smiled, his lips softly curving at the sides.
“What’s the point of that?”
His mouth moved into a more neutral position, but his eyes kept smiling.
“I just thought it would be neat to see the same place from a bunch of different perspectives.” he took out his phone and snapped a photo from the point of view where he was sitting. Maybe my sleepiness made my bitch face less effective, cause he hadn't shown a hint of fear, which kind of annoyed me.
“That’s cool I guess, but I wouldn't do that if I were you. I’ve done some back here alone that would make your skin crawl.” in hindsight my attempt at unnerving him just made me sound like a pervert, which is probably why he held back laughter. Trying to hide a chuckle by clearing his throat.
“Hey, it's not my business what you do, no matter how Haram it is. It’s your life so that’s between you and whatever you believe in. Just don’t shake hands with me.” he joked, playfully putting his hands up. Strangely, I remembered his name at that moment.
“Oh shit, you’re Abdul! We have art together.” I sat up, haphazardly slamming my hand down on my leg.
“Uh yeah, I’ve seen some of your paintings, they’re pretty cool. I like the way you texture them, I’m trying to work on that.” he complimented, seeming more weirded out by my sudden energy than my accidental insinuation. I felt a little stupid for yelling his name but decided not to dwell on it.
“Thanks, you’re stuff is nice, and you’re good at shading.”
He stretched his arms while thanking me. We talked for a few more minutes, taking jabs at each other throughout. Turns out he was better at being an asshole than his artsy charismatic appearance made me think. The thing setting our insults apart being that you could tell he was a loving person underneath. It was the nicest conversation I had with anyone in a while. Though he could tell I was tired so he quieted down, letting me sleep, waking me when we got to school. We went our separate ways until the last two periods we shared. All that time, I spent my remaining energy plotting how I was going to handle the video. What I’d kill, record with, and how to dispose of the evidence. It was a lot to consider, but through three classes I devised a plan.
I’d find a stray around my apartment complex and take it out in my room. Record it on a portable camera since I broke the ones on my phone, no, I will not be answering how that happened. Then once I had my footage I’d put the body in a trash bag, throw it in the complex’s garbage, and clean the blood off my floor. It didn't seem like Brick would come by so he wasn't a factor I thought I’d have to consider. The plan was almost too easy, but I decided to believe in Occam’s razor. I got so lost in thought that by the time I reached Art, which was my second-to-last period, I didn't process that we were moving seats.
“She called your name,” Abdul reminded me. Our teacher placed us next to each other at our four-person table. The two girls sitting with us were already friends, so I didn't bother to say anything, but I was interested in talking to him more.
“So, what do you think of this assignment?” He shrugged, taking out his sketchbook.
“I’m not that good at drawing people, but the idea of combining two people’s faces into a portrait seems interesting. Any ideas on who you’ll pick?”
“Probably the members of the music duo Brain Tumor, they’re my favorite artists and they both look weird as hell.”
“Wow way to talk about your favorites, if that’s what you say about them I can‘t imagine what you have to say about me.” he joked, pulling up reference pictures.
“First, it’s not an insult, second I don’t have anything to say about you. Brain and Tumor have features and styles that make them stand out. Sure they’re ugly, but it just adds to their visual charm. Hot people are boring, there’s nothing to pick at.” I explained, unzipping my bag.
“Oh, so you’re saying you think I’m hot.”
His comment wasn’t serious but it kind of got to me.
“Shit, that’s not what I meant, I was trying to say you’re boring. All hot people are boring, but not all boring people are hot, okay?” I explained, flipping to a clean page.
“Alright, but if I’m so bland then why talk to me?”
I hesitated, contemplating how much of a dick I was gonna be.
“Because it means you probably need some spice in your life, which I can provide.”
He began sketching a head on his paper.
“I like spices, but I feel like you’re the kind of person to dump a cabinet’s worth onto me.”
I flicked my pencil over to his side of the desk, putting on a mocking grin.
“Aww, you scared I’m gonna get you into trouble?”
He picked up the pencil and started using it, putting his on my side.
“No, ‘cause I’m good at setting boundaries. I’m more concerned that you’ll get annoyed with how unafraid of you I am.”
I stared at him for a moment, I hadn't expected to hear that.
“Jeez, man you didn't have to read me like that.”
He shrugged, observing the red paint from past projects that lay on my pencil.
“It's not hard to figure out, just this morning you were trying to push me away on the bus. Lucky, or unlucky, for you I want you to have a friend and you seem like a fun person.”
“Wait are you saying I have no friends?” I squinted at him.
“Well, do you?”
I didn't answer.
“If your response is silence I suggest you take up my offer.”
I was stunned, to be honest. No one had offered to be my friend since 6th grade, and that didn't last long. Of course, I accepted it, but for the rest of the period, there was an awkwardness in my mind. As pathetic as it sounds I wasn't used to others genuinely enjoying my company like he did. Which was partly by design cause I get joy out of scaring people away, but still. I forgot how it felt to have conversations about normal things like art. He had such a nice smile too, usually when I see a grin I want to slap it off, but I liked his. His voice was also nice, it’s hard to describe what in particular but it was easy on the ears.
Okay, I’m starting to get off-topic. I’ll skip to the important part. Toward the end of class, he started talking about how he was interested in filmmaking and got a portable video camera as a gift at last year’s Eid. He didn't have it on him, but he showed me a picture.
“Heh, that’s funny, I bought the same one a month ago.” I pointed out.
“Yeah, it's a popular model, I’m still getting the hang of it though cause I’m so used to using my phone.”
“Well, maybe I could bring you over to my place or vice versa after school and I can help you out.” I suggested.
He smiled, putting his phone back in his pocket.
“I thought you said you’ve only had it for a month? You know I can always look up tutorials from trained professionals.” he reminded me with a notable smugness that I'd used with him before.
“Well those guys are stuffy and I’m a fast learner.”
He redirected his attention back to his page, picking his pencil up.
“Alright, I suggest we go somewhere public instead. You’re not exactly the kind of person I want to bring home to my parents right away. Plus they always need to meet my friends and their guardians before I hang out at their home.”
I gave an exaggerated sigh, stretching my back.
“Aw man, looks like we can’t get high in my murder pit during our first hangout.”
He didn't respond for a solid few seconds.
“Wait, you do know I'm joking right?”
He shrugged, the smile in his eyes appearing again.
“I mean, one of those things is a little less believable than the other.” he snickered, and I laughed with him.
We set up a time and a date, which is where I screwed myself. He ended up being busy with projects from his other classes and family which just left us with Friday, the same day I had to submit the video. Now, did I tell him I wouldn't be able to make it? No, of course not, because I decided to be stupid and even more overconfident. I said that I’d one hundred percent be able to hang out with him after school like I didn't have a mutilator who was going to drop by my place at an unknown time.
The rest of the day went over fine but that bad timing led me to feel like a dick later. When I got home I was able to write out my plan, even sketching a few specifics of what I’d do. It was more exciting than when I’d been brainstorming, but this is when the gravity of the situation began to set in. When I said I’d fantasized about killings I meant it. I mean my teddy with twenty-five stab wounds should say enough. Regardless this would be the first time real blood was on my hands.
It made me feel powerful, but a little afraid. I’ve heard stories of people thinking that it would be an awesome experience and then feeling like shit. I doubted I’d be one of those people but still. Plus, I didn't exactly trust the guy who gave me this job. There was a good chance that this whole situation was rigged and they’d kill me no matter how good the video was. Or worse turn me into the feds and expose my collection. Honestly, if that happened I’d probably eat a shot to avoid going to jail. Wait, can I say that on this platform? Okay to the mods, that was a joke, I want to live a long life. Ugh, I’m doing a terrible job of staying on track. The point is there was a lot up in the air despite it being a matter of life or death.
I knew I’d go through with it but it was still a lot less straightforward than it initially seemed. I wracked my brain to remember where most of the cats stayed and tried to come up with a good way to lure one without raising suspicion. This also proved harder than first thought because I didn't think to account for the cat man, an old guy who lived alone and fed all the cats in our dingy complex while also housing a few. Knowing how obsessive he was he’d probably notice if one of them disappeared. Then again not all the cats return consistently or at all. It makes more sense that he’d think one of them was run over rather than slaughtered. It was getting late again so I rested my head for a moment, a bad move cause I ended up falling asleep at my desk. Not even changing out of the clothes I’d worn before, I woke up late and barely caught the bus the next morning.
I went to my usual spot but Abdul had already taken it. He patted the area next to it, which he’d covered in a towel, a smart move knowing how nasty it was. People gave me a few dirty looks as normal, which I smiled at. I stretched, my mind slightly less out of it than the previous morning.
“Uh, you do realize that-”
“Yeah, I know I’m wearing the same clothes.”
Abdul looked me up and down, his eyes remaining soft, but with a mix of concern and judgment. He set his backpack down and took off his sweater handing it to me.
“Dude what are you-”
“Look I don't know what led to you not being able to change but I think you should at least have a fresh top.”
I was surprised he was offering me something to wear but I took it.
“Uh, thanks, I’ll change into it later.”
He nodded as I put it in my backpack.
“You know you didn't have to do that.” I reminded him.
“Well there’s a lot of stuff I don’t have to do, but I do it because I want to, and I wanted to help you out.”
He smiled, his face still warmer than an Arizona summer. I got a strange feeling in my chest at that moment, I still can’t tell if it was good or bad.
“Well, thanks, I'll give it back to you tomorrow.”
We talked a little more and he mentioned something that caught my attention.
“Have you heard about all the animals that have been turning up dead?”
My eyes widened with surprise.
“No, I haven't, when did you hear about that?”
He pulled on his long-sleeve shirt.
“My sister said her friend who works at a shelter noticed a bunch of animals were getting adopted by people around the same time, and since then gore videos with them have been showing up. She found out through her co-worker who was emailed it by some random creep.”
I covered my mouth and looked away to hide the smile growing on my face. He had just given me the perfect cover-up without knowing. Now if I killed an animal people had an entire violent ring to connect it to instead of me! I stayed quiet for a minute because I could tell he’d likely see through any phony sad sounds I made.
“Oh wow, that’s awful, do you think they’ll ever find out the people behind it?”
He sighed, running his hand through his wavy hair.
“I hope so, for now, all we can do is pray that no more animals get hurt.”
I couldn't contain my grin as he said that so sincerely like animals and people didn't die constantly and that taking down one group would somehow stop the issue.
“Is there some joke I don’t get?” he furrowed his brow.
“Uh, no, sorry I smile when nervous.”
His gaze softened again, and he didn't press further.
His bringing up the animal killings ended up being the exact push I needed to get my hands dirty. I’d spent the entire day before planning so it was time to put that plan into action. I stole some cat treats that the cat man had laid out and spread them around my apartment which was on the bottom floor. Waiting for one of them to take the bate outside my window was pretty boring but one of them came after a few minutes. A scraggly brown and black cat with a tuft of fur missing on one side of his head. It's messed up but I felt like a little less of an asshole for taking him in since he looked like he was already struggling. I scooped him up and he didn't attempt to fight back.
“Hey there buddy” I waved, feeding him some more food. His eyes had a lot of crust on them, it was kinda gross but I don’t have the right to say with how often I wash my jeans. After a minute or two he let me pet him. I knew making any kind of attachment was bad but I thought it was the right thing to do so he’d fall into a sense of security. I was just about to take him into my room when the door opened.
“Hey, I’m back with groceries!” my shithead cousin announced with two plastic bags in his hands. He looked down to see me with the cat, his eyebrows raising.
“Aw come on, you know we can’t afford a pet.”
He groaned placing the bags on a table and unloading them.
“I know, but he doesn't look like he’s got a lot of life in him I at least want to help him feel better before he kicks the bucket!”
Brick rolled his eyes, putting the cereal box on top of the fridge
“Jeez, did you even think about what diseases he might have? His eyes look puffy what if he has something that can get you sick?”
He had valid concerns which was surprising since he’s usually stupid, but I was still annoyed with him.
“I’m sure he’s fine, I’ll even try to wash him, just please let me hold onto him for a little.”
He folded his arms looking down at us.
“Have you even named him?”
I froze for a second, before using the first thing that came to mind, which ended up being pretty awful knowing my plans.
“Cash cow.” I blurted, awkwardly patting his head.
“Honestly that’s better than what I was expecting. I was sure you’d pick ‘Hellspawn Mcgee’ or something else corny.”
He meant to make fun of me but honestly, I would have named him that if I had more time.
“Ugh, anyway I got those dumb chips you like.”
He then pulled out a bag of the wrong chips.
“Dude those are the wrong ones, this is the third time you’ve mixed up the flavors.”
He threw them at me, scaring the cat slightly.
“Well, I pay for it so you shouldn't be so picky. Anyway, while I was in line I picked up something you might be into.”
He then tossed me a trashy teen magazine. One of my least favorite sorry excuses for an influencer on the cover.
“This is a joke, right?”
I couldn't believe my own adopted brother gave such little shit in my interests.
“I don't know, you decided to start being a girl for real this time so I thought the makeup tips on page ten would help you out.”
I scrunched my face at his comment.
“Dude I’ve been this way for years, just because I started wearing more makeup and dresses doesn't mean I’m more of a girl than when I didn't. I know you won’t get the two-spirit thing but come on.”
He shrugged, seeing me done with me even though he’d just shown up.
“Yeah well hey I’m trying. Anyway, just so you know a friend of mine is coming here Friday.”
My heart stopped.
“Wait why here? You live elsewhere why can’t you assholes go there or their place!”
He slammed his fist on the table.
“Will you shut the fuck up!”
He screamed with a phrase I’d grown numb to.
“I don't know, to be honest, something about wanting to move into this complex and this being a way to scout it out. I’m just letting you know now so you don’t act like a complete freak.”
“Jokes on you I’ll piss in whatever shitty beer you bring just cause you said that!”
I yelled back raising my voice higher than his. He face-palmed before putting the plastic bags in the drawer under the sink.
“Whatever, you and your ketamine-addict-looking cat have fun,” he told me while seating himself on the couch. I picked up the cat and walked into the bathroom to clean it. I closed the door and placed him in the dry tub. Using a small disposable mouthwash cup I got a little bit of water. I hadn't had a pet before so I wasn't sure how to approach the task. I dipped my fingers in the water and carefully pet it while pouring s small bit down his back. Any other cat would fight back but he just made pissed-off noises without doing anything.
I scrapped my old shampoo bottle and kneaded it into his thin fur. His skin was bumpy and dry beneath the hair so scrubbing it was uncomfortable. I made sure to avoid getting soap in its eyes but I did pull away some of the crust on its lids. His pupils were so clouded I was surprised that he could see at all, making me feel even more sure that he would be on its way out with or without me.
After drying him I set him on a beat-up shirt I wore when modifying clothes. He sunk his claws into it a few times, playing with a loose string. I ignored him for the rest of the night, hopping into the shower and changing for bed. His meows woke me up a few times but I tuned it out after a while, reminding myself that he wouldn’t be my cat for long.
The next day was Thursday and there wasn't a second that passed by where the weight of the murder I’d have to commit didn't weigh on me. I seriously shot myself in the foot by taking care of that scruffy, pubic hair pile. I was supposed to be hyped about killing it, after all, I’d dreamed and seen way worse than what I was going to do. Yet once I got home and started setting up I felt grosser with each step. I decided to record it in my bathroom instead of my bedroom so it would be harder to connect to me. I set down a few fabric scraps and a worn-out beach towel, placing it all inside a tub for easier cleanup later.
“Okay, I guess it's time,” I mumbled to myself. I brought the cat in and placed it down, setting up my camera once it was comfortable. I also wore my most generic clothes in addition to a mask, putting my hair in a bun for sanitation. When I saw the flicker of red showing that the camera was on I felt I was dreaming. I smiled, excited that I’d get to live out my violent desires. Yet, when I looked down at its pathetic frame and confused expression those urges left me.
I rationalized what I was doing, reminding myself how many animals die all the time and that I’d been forced into this, but it didn't help much in the end. I won’t get into it but under the pressure of impressing the group Cash Cow didn't go out as fast as I would have liked for a first task. Getting rid of the evidence was especially rough, the textures were pretty nasty, to put it mildly. It was surreal watching the blood go down the tub drain and gradually drip off my hands as I rinsed them. I couldn't conjure a single thought the entire time I cleaned it up.
Whether I was wringing out the clothes or putting the remains in plastic bags, it didn't matter. All I could focus on was the task at hand, with hints of disgust along the way. I ended up finishing at three AM. My hands were wrinkled and shook once I settled. I won’t deny that during the murder I didn't hate it. Slashing into something was fun and it made me feel strong. Still, it wasn't nearly as fulfilling as I expected it to be. Part of it was guilt, but it was mostly disappointment. I’d built it up for years and it wasn't earth shatteringly good or bad.
Overall, I expected to feel more, but it just left me hollow with an uncomfortable itch. There was no way I’d ever be able to see the tub the same way, hell I don’t think I’ll ever use it again. Luckily I almost always shower anyway so it's not too big of a deal. I watched a few horror game videos, trashed everything, changed and went to bed.
My scalp hurt like a bitch the morning since I kept my hair in that stupid bun. Despite getting less sleep than the past two days I held myself together a bit better in the morning. I brushed my teeth, changed, and had some fried bread before getting on the bus. Regardless I looked like complete shit and struggled to slump into my seat.
“Rough night?” Abdul asked
“Uh, yeah.” I quietly responded looking to the floor.
He frowned, looking at me with concern.
“You can talk about it if you're comfortable,” he assured me. I contemplated giving him a thinly veiled metaphor or vague explanation so he'd comfort me but stopped myself before my mouth could run a muck. He wouldn't be able to do much of anything and I don’t like opening up.
“Uhm, thanks but it's something I have to deal with alone.”
He nodded, respecting my boundaries.
“You know, I understand if you can’t hang out today it seems like you have a lot going on.”
I avoided eye contact with him as he spoke. For once I was feeling hints of guilt toward a person. I wanted to spend time with him, but I knew that I wasn't in the state to do that.
“Yeah, I think it’ll have to wait, I’m-” I cut myself off before apologizing. A fact about me that should surprise no one is that I hate apologizing. Even when I do feel kinda bad the act fills me with embarrassment.
“You what?” he asked, his eyes telling me that he knew what I was going to say.
“I’m emotionally not great.” I spat out in an admittedly poor attempt to get out of saying sorry. As always he remained calm but I could tell he saw through me.
“Okay, like I said I understand, whatever it is I hope you feel better.”
I told him thank you and we didn't speak for the rest of the day. At home I changed into more comfortable clothes and brushed my teeth. Unfortunately, I wasn't bouncing back from killing nearly as much as I expected.
“It wasn't even that bad! That thing was on its last legs anyway.” I grumbled to myself, smacking my forehead. I was feeling worse than when I did it which is weird. I ended up spontaneously decorating a ratty tie from the bottom of an accessory drawer to distract myself. It helped me get my mind off things, for a little. I had zero plan, just wanting to make something needlessly complex. Hours that felt like minutes passed and soon it was covered in patches, frills, and beads. I just tried it on when I heard the front door open.
“Man, that shit was wild!” I heard Brick laugh groggily. I didn't have to see or smell him to know he’d gotten lit. I rolled my eyes, closing my bedroom door.
“Hey, who’s there?” his friend asked, seemingly referring to me.
“Oh, that’s my little sis, don’t mind her she’s just on her emo shit!” he joked, which pissed me off for the petty reason that I didn't even listen or dress emo.
“Hey, that’s alright with me, I went through one of those phases,” they responded, their words less slurred than my cousin’s.
I fucked up and forgot to lock it when I closed it so they were able to swing it open, almost smacking my desk.
“Hey emo girl!” they waved as Brick haphazardly pulled them back.
“Okay, man, seriously I think she wants to be left alone.”
The way his friend looked at me made me uncomfortable. Like they’d snap my neck if I pissed them off. They clicked their tongue while stepping through the door frame.
“Alright, but I gotta say calling her an emo is inaccurate, they look like they watch gore and most emos just say they do.” they flashed a sharp toothy grin. At that moment I began to connect the dots.
“Easy, she’ll get pissy with you dude, now come on.” Brick warned tugging their opened button pushed him away. They looked me dead in the eyes.
“I don’t think she minds, in truth, I feel like we’ll have a lot to discuss later.” they smiled again, finally walking back into the living room. A chill ran up my spine when I saw them. The sharp teeth, New York accent, unsettling gaze, that motherfucker was the person who recruited me! They were able to get into my place so easily cause my dumbass cousin probably gave them a spare key or the opportunity to make one, and now they were a room away from me!
I dug my hands into my pillow as I contemplated what to do, no matter what happened next, I knew it was gonna be a rough visit.
submitted by Secret-Tomatillo5044 to libraryofshadows [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:17 Important_Power_5845 Screenshot screen & analyse code in it (no copy paste)

I saw the GPT-4-O live event. There what I saw was that there was this ChatGPT Desktop app which was revealed wherein that app functions in the background and we continue with our work. Now whenever we are coding or there is some work happening and we encounter some issue. So we directly take a screenshot or select or specifically we take a screenshot and then a dialog opens up. It surfaces wherein we can write additional text prompt and the screenshot and the prompt is sent to ChatGPT to analyze it further.
Herein we are not copy pasting or opening a new tab. Things are much more convenient for usage here. So here is what I am asking -> is there any tool which exists which functions in background and is invoked when we press Print screen button and the dialog box is opened and then we can have it sent for processing.
Another thing is GPT-4-O has really good vision capabilities. If you compare it with ChatGPT-4-Turbo it really precisely analyzes the text and reads the code quite well. So it is a good alternative to copy pasting.
I'm curious to now about such background tools GPT Desktop app won't available until Late 2024 for Windows users 🥲. Please share your thoughts for any Python SCRIPTs or existing desktop apps where we can use our OpenAI API key for this to work.
submitted by Important_Power_5845 to ChatGPTCoding [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:15 alanism AI-powered Apes

The most useful tool we have this time that we did not have in 2021 is AI ChatGPT 4o.
If you know how to prompt it properly, it acts as your personal trader, CFA, lawyer, and management consultant advisor.
Here are the main areas that helped me
Deep Understanding
Even for the smartest apes, the subject matter is not easy to get. Having the AI explain it to you at the 5th grader, 8th grader, university accounting 1a, business exec, and CFA levels helps understand things much faster. Then, having the AI create a 4-level rubric for understanding lets you quickly check what level you are at. Doing both of these prompts is useful for when you talk to friends and family and get asked questions.
Just as there is highly biased and misinformation in financial news articles, it is also very easy to get into the hype and speculation of Reddit posts for GME. By being consistent in checking every post and article you read, you get better at figuring out what's real and what's not. What's plausible and viable. What is FUD, what is hype, and what's likely to be true.
Market Analysis
I assume that it only gets me 80-90% there. But that's way further than what I can do on my own because I just don't have the domain expertise in this area. You can also copy and paste other Redditors' TA to check if GPT4o agrees with their reads.
Strategic Planning
GPT4o is very good at simulating scenarios and scoring the likelihood of each case. Their answers will be wrong to what the real future holds, but it is useful in seeing what the different possible futures may look like.
I am interested in seeing the different model-thinking frameworks and observing how different applications use AI. I believe that by considering everything together, we will be able to gain improved interpretations, recommendations, and explanations moving forward.
submitted by alanism to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:15 Agneus [Online] [5e] [18+] [GMT+1] Virtues of Essence - Roleplay Focused Mystery and Lore Driven Forgotten Realms Campaign seeking a replacement player

“What defines virtue and how are we to gauge it? An inquiry that reverberates through epochs, its answer as fickle and capricious as the fates of those who deem to ask it. Duty, honor, justice - many over the ages would name these virtues, the conduits through which noble intentions find expression. Yet, as the battlefield of beliefs unfolds, a legion emerges, each as sworn to these principles as to obliterating all who would dare stake alike claim. Thus, battles rage and wars are waged and, in the end, those who are left are no more right than those fell by the blade. Alas, it is the victors whose ideals are etched into monuments for posterity. Except even words chiseled in unyielding stone are fated to fade in time. So is the wicked cycle destined to repeat in all its futility, its ephemeral prize seized again, only to be lost and sought anew. Try and picture, if for but a moment, a world where our rulers paused to reflect on the lessons of yore. They, too, would discern the elixir that enables one to escape the confines of memory—the very burden our fleeting nature forbids us to carry. Progress and evolution. Adaptability and transcendence. Everlasting and yet not stagnant, irrefutable, and yet fluid, these are the only true virtues. Thus, must we ever venture into the uncharted and unfamiliar for only from these unexplored domains may the truly virtuous arise.”
Where: Discord (Video and Voice) + FoundryVTT
When: every Saturday 5 - 9/10 pm GMT+1 (CET), 11 am - 3/4 pm EST
Who: party of 4 players and a DM seeking one extra player
Updates: Recruitment updates will be posted here.
Hello there and well met! If you’ve made it past the flavor text (or skipped it) and through the basic info (hopefully didnt skip past that one) you might very well be at the right address! Without further ado onto the post.

🐲The campaign🐲

Having only just recovered from the Second Sundering and the War of the Silver Marches, the North had been ravaged by a whole new set of tumultuous events - the rise of the Cult of the Dragon and that of the Absolute, the Fall of Eltruel and the short reign of the beholder crime lord Xanathar just some among them. After a brief respite from the twisted and the unnatural the clouds once more begin to gather. Along the Long Road, whole hosts of wild beasts and monsters have been accosting travelers seemingly at random and in the grand metropolis of Waterdeep a sudden rise in crime seems to coincide with strange events passing unnoticed beneath the surface. Amidst all this, in spring of 1493 DR, a party of adventurers delves into a mystery of enchanted gemstones being utilized to nefarious ends by unknown perpetrators all the while navigating the labyrinthine twists of city faction politics.
As implied by the post title, this is an ongoing campaign (we are 12 sessions in at the time of this post). Due to some irl commitments weve recently dropped a player and are looking to replace them.
As the title suggests, this is a roleplay focused mystery/lore driven campaign. Expect an overreaching plot with ample secrets to uncover, conspiracies to unravel and eldritch truths to unearth. The first word of the password is "Doth". On the same level of importance or more important even be that the players preference, there is a variety of subplots to engage with, from small and goofy and random to ones rivaling the main story arc in complexity and variance. Among these, individual character story arcs play a leading role, at times seamlessly intertwined with the current focus of the party, at times separate and independent.
As was already mentioned and is further described below, this is a roleplay focused campaign and a roleplay heavy game. This means that roleplay exists as a unifying concept for all other aspects of the game including exploration, combat, and puzzles. That said DnD is only DnD with all three of its main pillars intact and this campaign is no exception in that regard. I very much enjoy the mechanical side of the game as well besides roleplay and so things like multiphase boss fights and custom magic items are definitely on the table.

🧙‍♂️The DM🧙‍♂️

Hello there, Jay here, 25 yo law student from Central Europe currently working on finishing his master’s degree, trying to stay afloat in the current lease market. I study and work in a law firm by day and DM or play DnD by night (more like evening but night sounded cooler). I have been a big fan of TTRPGs since my early teens and of online DnD for the past five years. I’ve DMed multiple campaigns, finished CoS not least among them and I currently play in a long-term campaign. Before you ask, yes, my schedule is strained but not to the point I am unable to engage with my hobbies.
I would describe my DMing style as driven, realistic, and involved but also very conscious about player agency and collaborative storytelling as core values that make TTRPGs so popular and unique. I spend a lot of time ensuring the worlds I create and the stories I want to tell feel alive. From hand-picked music, to fully voiced NPCs and scenic descriptions designed to breathe life into the campaign setting I daresay my games rival in quality those of the professional DMs that charge for each session.
There is a drawback to this all however. Second word of the password is "thy". I expect a lot from my players as well. Writing a story in DnD is not a one person job. It takes a collective effort of the entire group to create something truly unique, something that one can be proud while looking forward to each session. Unwinding and letting off steam means something else for everyone. For me it means losing myself in the creative process of roleplaying an NPC or describing a scene, watching my players masterfully portray their own characters or having the party derail my plans in an awesome unforeseen and unexpectedly enriching way. If you find yourself in any of what I just described than this may be a game for you. If you don’t, that’s fine. This is definitely not a game for everyone.

🏰The setting🏰

Forgotten Realms is a default setting of Dungeons and Dragons but it is anything but boring and mundane. With now decades worth of lore behind it, it offers an unparalleled opportunity for anyone wanting to build on solid foundations to bring their ideas to life. While it has garnered a lot of attention lately with the release of a certain videogame (more people now know Astarion than a good amount of Hollywood celebrities I’d say) it has had its loyal following even before then, being constantly expanded and living its own life in a host of both online and home games. It’s been a natural choice of mine for a while now and not once have I had any regrets. The third word of the password is "mirror". I feel with how great of a variety of content the Forgotten Realms offer everybody is able to pick something that suits their creative vision. In summary the Forgotten Realms almost feel like a real place with how much worldbuilding has been done with them and offer a diversity of content few other TTRPG settings can boast.
When it comes to setting of the campaign in the world of Faerun I have once again made a somewhat traditional pick and decided to place the onset of the game onto the Sword Coast, more precisely into the city of Waterdeep. If one of the key upsides of Forgotten Realms is diversity of content, Waterdeep is one of the best representations of this. Being the largest settlement on the known Faerun, Waterdeep offers nigh limitless options in terms of main story arc genre, character creation and character backstory implementation. It has everything every large TTRPG settlement ought to have (fickle upper class, enigmatic factions, quaint taverns and extravagant nightclubs, always in bad mood city watch, a castle and a harbor) as well as few pretty original ideas such as colossal definitely not alive statues, a city council where even its members don’t know each other’s identity and a massive dungeon right underneath the city where you can literally fall right from a tavern taproom.
In case you are wondering, while this campagn takes place primarily in the city of Waterdeep itself, there is nothing stopping the players from exploring past the city if they so choose. The final word of the password is "crack?". Different parts of the main plot and various subplots can and will encourage the party to explore Waterdeep environs and sometimes even further.

📃The requirements📃

No exceptions here. Unless otherwise stated, the requirements must be met at the time of application.

🙋‍♂️How to sign up🙋‍♀️

Youve made it all the way to the end of this long post. Congratulations. Or maybe you’ve skipped all the way to the end. In that case I strongly recommended you go back. If not to learn what you are applying for than to make sure you haven’t missed something very important. Now if you are confident that you have what it takes and that this is a game that you could have a lot of fun with, please fill the below attached google questionnaire (if for any strange reason the link doesn’t end up working, please let me know in the comments under this post) and if fortune favors you, I shall get back to you promptly. Best of luck to you and I hope to speak to you soon!
PS: As a part of the questionnaire, you will be asked to submit a short piece of your narrative writing in a form of a google doc link (not a custom piece of writing, any relevant past one you have will do). Maybe best have that ready beforehand? On that note, dont apply for the game with a detailed backstory of a character you want to play that you arent willing to adapt to the conditions of the setting/campaign.
PSS: Not to discourage you but if you do make it through the questionnaire and into the second group of applicants you will be asked to do a discord interview with your webcam turned on. I am asking you to go through a lot for a game you might not even end up liking I know, but if you do end up liking it, all this effort will be well worth it as I am sure my other players would agree.
submitted by Agneus to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:14 PreviousEye9314 Is this C-PTSD?

Hi(throwaway account). So last year, I came to the realisation that my household is not like the others and I do infact have very unpleasant memories of my childhood. This is going to be kinda long, so yeah.
My father is extremely religious, in all negative ways. He had manipulated me and my mother's views for a long time, but thankfully we were sane enough to differentiate, to realise that it was nonsensical belief. I will speak of two incidents here cause its going to be quite a stretch otherwise.
He has had anger issues for a while now, and it has reduced (quite late now) over the past year. During covid, we went through some financial problems, and my mom was subject to a lot of emotional abuse while I watched it happen as a young tween. Physical abuse involved throwing things, slapping me across my face so hard my glasses broke, and berating my mothers family.
Personally, i had a whole jug of water poured over me once when i was about 5, had a chair thrown at my mom and I, a couple of mugs and so on. In 2018 and then 2020, things were at their worst, fights would happen everyday behind closed doors and I could hear screams and more delusional religious bs from my father. Sometimes he sounded like a lunatic.
My grades started to drop in HS as I started a new syllabus. I am immune to all of the berating regarding my grades now. The worst is the regular criticism I get. They comment on my clothes, my friends, my life choices, and even my diet(some food is banned in our religion). I have friends who are extremely religious and I made the mistake of confiding in one of them, and now she avoids me entirely. I also have a maid in the house. Her expertise is criticising whatever i eat, whatever I do and when and controlling everything I do cause 'thats her responsibility'. Funfact, i lost several friends because of this woman screaming at a 6 year old kid(ME) in public so often that the entire neighbourhood knew us and avoided us. She still repeats this immature behaviour btw. She goes on to compare me to other girls and often brings up her conservative views on how girls are supposed to take care of kids and families, and that I should be more graceful. My father expects me to get married and have kids, while I have almost zero intention of doing so right now atleast. He brings up marriage and devotion in ALMOST EVERYTHING. Im a high schooler btw.
I dont have a phone, i barely contact my friends, and I am not allowed to go outside cause I have to stay home and study. All this while dealing with my mothers worsening mood swings and fits on anger. She throws me to the floor and strangles me with her entire weight on me. This is her new hobby. She then snitches on me to my dad and acts innocent while trying to cuddle up with me. There is so much more I want to address, but I will keep it short here. What can I do to keep my mental health intact? I feel I have developed social anxiety when I used to be an extrovert. I have trust issues and I can barely express my emotions properly without thinking that I deserve all this. I flinch when people rasie their hands and even if they just approach me. Even lightly slapping my back is extremely uncomfortable. I cannot celebrate festivals or interact with any religious person without overthinking and scoffing off their beliefs. I want to go NC with my parents and be an atheist.
TLDR: my father tormented me in the name of religion and now I cant look at most things the same.
submitted by PreviousEye9314 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:12 RareAbbreviations308 Should I tell her I like her?

Hello! So I've (18) had a crush on this girl (18) for a few years now. I'm a girl as well by the way. I've honestly been so torn about this for the past few weeks and I have no idea what to do.
I've liked this girl since we were in grade 8 and in grade 9. We talked like everyday about everything and anything. Then when we went to separate high schools, we stopped talking as much then eventually we didn't talk at all. I think we talked like maybe three times just asking each other how we were doing and stuff. We're both in our first year of uni and she went abroad. Then, I found out that she was back for the summer.
I truly thought I got over my crush on her until I heard she was back. Like all of the sudden, I'm in grade 8 again blushing over this girl. Throughout the time we didn't talk, she was always in the back of my mind. Like I dated some people but she was always hidden in the back of my mind even then (writing this just really sounds evil, I know). So now that shes back, its like shes at the front of my mind now.
Recently, I texted her how she was again and now that shes back, we should hang out. She said yes. We just snap back and forth now. Now I'm wondering if I should tell her because it's driving me insane. I feel like if I don't tell her, my feelings will stay with me forever.
We are both girls and I'm not exactly sure if she's straight. We talked a lot about wlw books and other things that make me have an idea shes not straight? I want to tell her honestly but my biggest fear isn't even rejection. It's the possibility that she will be disgusted with me or think im weird or be uncomfortable. Because we haven't talked in so long that I'm wondering if she'd be weirded out because its been so long. IF I tell her, I would plan to meet in person or if we dont get the chance to meet, maybe through text?
Any advice at all would help please because I am so conflicted about this!! So sorry for the long post, but this has been my crisis for the past few weeks.
submitted by RareAbbreviations308 to LesbianActually [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:09 RareAbbreviations308 Should I tell her I like her?

Hello! So I've (18) had a crush on this girl (18) for a few years now. I'm a girl as well by the way. I've honestly been so torn about this for the past few weeks and I have no idea what to do.
I've liked this girl since we were in grade 8 and in grade 9. We talked like everyday about everything and anything. Then when we went to separate high schools, we stopped talking as much then eventually we didn't talk at all. I think we talked like maybe three times just asking each other how we were doing and stuff. We're both in our first year of uni and she went abroad. Then, I found out that she was back for the summer.
I truly thought I got over my crush on her until I heard she was back. Like all of the sudden, I'm in grade 8 again blushing over this girl. Throughout the time we didn't talk, she was always in the back of my mind. Like I dated some people but she was always hidden in the back of my mind even then (writing this just really sounds evil, I know). So now that shes back, its like shes at the front of my mind now.
Recently, I texted her how she was again and now that shes back, we should hang out. She said yes. We just snap back and forth now. Now I'm wondering if I should tell her because it's driving me insane. I feel like if I don't tell her, my feelings will stay with me forever.
We are both girls and I'm not exactly sure if she's straight. We talked a lot about wlw books and other things that make me have an idea shes not straight? I want to tell her honestly but my biggest fear isn't even rejection. It's the possibility that she will be disgusted with me or think im weird or be uncomfortable. Because we haven't talked in so long that I'm wondering if she'd be weirded out because its been so long. IF I tell her, I would plan to meet in person or if we dont get the chance to meet, maybe through text?
Any advice at all would help please because I am so conflicted about this!! So sorry for the long post, but this has been my crisis for the past few weeks.
submitted by RareAbbreviations308 to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:08 GhoulGriin Best Card Display Cases

Best Card Display Cases

Are you acollector of precious cards or simply looking for a stylish way to keep your favorite collection on display? Look no further! Welcome to our comprehensive guide on card display cases. Join us as we explore a range of stylish and secure options to help you showcase your collection with pride. So sit back, relax, and dive into the world of card display cases with us.
In this article, we'll be covering everything from traditional plastic cases to elegant wooden options. We'll discuss the features that matter most in a card display case, and how to choose the perfect one for your needs. Whether you're a seasoned collector or just starting out, our guide will provide you with the knowledge and inspiration you need to elevate your collection game. So, without further ado, let's dive in!

The Top 18 Best Card Display Cases

  1. Premium Waterproof Card Display Case - Showcase and protect your card collection with Pennzoni's elegant waterproof display case, providing ample space, crystal-clear acrylic framing, and strong construction for easy access and secure storage.
  2. Secure Graded Trading Card Storage Case - The Card Titan Slab Safe 3 Row offers secure, lockable, and versatile storage for up to 108 PSA graded standard card slabs, specifically designed for serious card collectors to protect and organize their prized collection.
  3. High-capacity Trading Card Standing Case 3 Card Black - The Grade Displays Trading Card Standing Display securely holds and protects your valuable cards while allowing for easy viewing, making it perfect for collectors looking to showcase their collection.
  4. Modern Leather Card Display Case for Baseball Football and Trading Cards - The Fanousy Baseball Card Display Case is a PU Leather-wrapped, wall-mounted card display case that securely showcases up to 8 graded or ungraded sports cards or trading cards, boasting 98% UV protection and anti-theft locks.
  5. 36-Grade Sports Card Display Case with Black Mat Background and Lockable Door - Introducing the Lockable 36 Graded Sports Card Display Case for Football, Baseball, Basketball, and Hockey Cards, the perfect solution for showcasing your valuable collection with elegance and protection.
  6. Temgee 36 PCS Trading Card Protector Case - The Temgee Graded Sports Card Display Case is a perfect solution for collectors to elegantly showcase their valuable graded baseball, basketball, football, and hockey cards while protecting them from dust and damage, with no assembly required.
  7. Secure Lockable Trading Card Display Case - DisplayGifts Pro UV 44 Graded Sports Card Display Case for Football Baseball Basketball Hockey Comic Trading Cards - Durable, No Assembly Required, Horizontal Black Finish
  8. Classic Black 16" x 20" Resin Card Storage Frame - Discover the perfect card display case for your collection with this sleek, 20-card capacity, 16x20-inch, black resin frame – perfect for showing off your favorite trading cards while keeping them protected.
  9. Custom 35 PSA Graded Card Acrylic Frame - Showcase your sports card collection with elegance in this locked acrylic frame that securely holds up to 35 graded cards, including baseball, basketball, hockey, Pokemon, Yugioh!, and Nascar, elevating your treasures as a stunning centerpiece.
  10. Elegant Cardholder Display Case for Graded and Ungraded Cards - Transform your sports card collection into a stunning centerpiece with this elegant, handcrafted hardwood display case, offering secure storage for up to 36 ungraded cards and equipped with UV protection and acrylic door for utmost protection.
  11. Durable and Clear Card Display Case Set (5-Pack) - Preserve and showcase your valuable collectible cards with the 5-piece Display Card Case, constructed of sturdy acrylic, providing easy access, secure closure, and unobstructed card visibility for added protection and admiration.
  12. Large Gold Geometric Terrarium Card Box - Experience timeless elegance and classic beauty with the Yimorence V Gold Wedding Glass Card Box, a handmade, vintage-inspired card display case that securely holds up to 100 regular cards for your wedding, party, or home decor.
  13. Classic Black Wall-Mounted Trading Card Display Case - Discover the perfect display case for your valuable sports, toy, or comic trading cards, featuring a secure lockable acrylic door, UV protection, and practical design elements for seamless protection and easy access.
  14. 36-Pc Multi-Sport Card Graded Display Case - Discover the premium Temgee 36 Baseball Card Display Case, designed to secure, protect, and elegantly exhibit your sports graded cards with its lockable acrylic door and UV protection.
  15. Secure Card Storage Box with Lock - Preza's Premium Sports Card Storage Box: 108 PSA/78 BGS card capacity, secure lock with 2 spare keys, and 3 foam inserts for secure fit. Fits all graded cards (PSA, BGS, SGC, GMA) and top loaders. Perfect for collectors and travel.
  16. Stylish Wall-Mounted 35-Graded Card Display Case for Sports Cards - Temgee 35 Graded Sports Card Display Case - Durable Wall Cabinet for Baseball, Basketball, Football and Comic Cards, with UV Protection and Lockable Design
  17. Modern 25-Deck Card Display Frame for Collectors - Discover the elegant and sturdy Displaygifts Playing Card Frame, designed to safely hold and display up to 25 decks of your favorite playing cards with its sleek acrylic material and high-quality brass hardware.
  18. Graded Card Case with 98% UV Protection - Experience unparalleled clarity and protection for your prized collection with the Flybold Sports Card Display Case, perfect for up to 36 graded cards and boasting a shatterproof acrylic glass panel, 98% UV protection, and gold-plated anti-theft locks.
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🔗Premium Waterproof Card Display Case

As an avid card collector, discovering the Pennzoni display card deck display case was a game-changer for me. Before using this case, I can't tell you how many times I've knocked over stacks of playing cards or struggled to see them all at once. But ever since I started using this case, my card collection has never looked better.
The thing that really won me over about this case is its spacious interior. It comfortably holds up to 65-70 decks of cards, and unlike some other cases I've tried, it can handle taller and thicker decks with no problem. Plus, the crystal-clear acrylic door lets me admire my cards without ever touching them - no more smudging or smearing!
However, it's not all perfect with this case. The paint smell was quite strong when I first got it, which was a bit of a turnoff initially. But, after airing it out for a few days, the smell dissipated significantly and my cards are now safely tucked away.
Overall, the Pennzoni display card deck display case is a must-have for any serious collector. It not only provides a sleek and elegant way to display your cards but also offers ample space to keep them organized and protected.

🔗Secure Graded Trading Card Storage Case

As an avid baseball card collector, I was thrilled to get my hands on the Card Titan Slab Safe. I've been using it to store and protect my valuable PSA graded trading cards, and it has been a game changer. The precise row size of 3.34 inches x 8.25 inches x 4.5 inches deep, which fits up to 36 standard card PSA slabs, has allowed me to keep my collection well-organized and secure.
The quality of the Slab Safe is top-notch, with its aluminum frame, diamond ABS panels, and laser cut foam interior making it more robust than traditional cardboard storage boxes. This extra durability is perfect for safeguarding my prized PSA, BGS, SGC, HGA, and CSG graded trading cards.
In terms of capacity, the Slab Safe does not disappoint, holding up to 108 standard card PSA slabs. However, storage capacity may vary based on the graded card brand and slab thickness, so do keep that in mind.
Security is a top priority for collectors like me, and the Slab Safe delivers in that aspect, featuring two combination locks to ensure only authorized individuals can access my collection. Plus, its rubber feet on the bottom and hinge side prevent sliding and scratching on glass countertops.
If you're a serious collector looking for the best way to store and organize your graded cards, I highly recommend giving the Card Titan Slab Safe a try. It has everything you need - space, protection, and versatility.

🔗High-capacity Trading Card Standing Case 3 Card Black

As an avid trading card collector, I've tried numerous display options to keep my cards safe and showcase them beautifully. The Grade Displays 3 Card Black is hands down my favorite. This sturdy little stand has a triple layer system that securely holds my cards and the clear acrylic design lets me admire them from every angle. Plus, the hidden metal screw caps give it a seamless and polished look on my wall.
One thing I particularly appreciated is how this stand can effortlessly protect my valuable cards. It has a strong build and the transparent acrylic prevents dust and scratches from damaging them. Additionally, the stand's free-standing design means I can quickly move it around or adjust it to fit any space in my room.
However, there's one downside - the size. It's a bit too small to fit some oversized trading cards. But overall, the Grade Displays 3 Card Black is a fantastic product that every card collector should own. It strikes the perfect balance between functionality and style, making my favorite cards look like pieces of art on my wall.

🔗Modern Leather Card Display Case for Baseball Football and Trading Cards

As a fan of sports and someone who loves collecting baseball cards, I have been using the Fanousy PU Sports Card Display Case for quite some time now. This elegant case is not only a safe haven for my cards but also adds a touch of classic aesthetics to my room's décor.
The first thing that caught my attention is the use of PU leather which is a refreshing change from the regular plastic display cases. It makes handling much easier and gives my cards a velvety touch that's quite comforting.
Another aspect I appreciate about this case is its ability to hold both graded and ungraded cards, making it versatile. The capacity to fit eight cards at once is generous, saving me from constantly swapping out the displayed cards.
One feature that stands out is the 98% UV protection, keeping my valuable cards safe from any potential damage caused by sunlight. Plus, the anti-theft lock ensures peace of mind knowing my favorite cards are securely displayed.
However, there's a bit of a downside - the case does require assembly, which might be a little bit time-consuming for some. But once you get past that hurdle, it's smooth sailing!
In conclusion, the Fanousy Baseball Card Display Case has not only enhanced my collection but also added a unique charm to my room. While assembly can be a small setback, its overall performance and sturdy design make it a worthwhile investment for any serious sports card collector.

🔗36-Grade Sports Card Display Case with Black Mat Background and Lockable Door


I recently got my hands on this marvelous Lockable 36 Graded Sports Card Display Case for Football Baseball Basketball Hockey Cards CC02-BL. I must say, it's been an absolute game-changer in the way I've been organizing and displaying my precious sports card collection. The sheer size of it, measuring 30.5 inches in width, 24.25 inches in height, and just 2 inches in depth, is just what I needed.
The mahogany color and the smooth edges of this hardwood display case bring an air of sophistication to my game room where it proudly hangs. I also appreciate the bevelled shelves that prevent my cards from sliding, providing a secure and snug fit. And let's not forget about the brass hinges, door latches, and wall brackets that make it wall mountable, a feature I didn't realize I needed until I had it.
One of the things that really caught my eye is the super fine fabric mattified black background. It truly elevates the look of my cards, making them stand out in a stunning contrast. Plus, the acrylic door cover has been a life-saver in keeping dust and potential damage at bay.
However, one con I've encountered is that it doesn't come with a lock for added security, which I wish it did especially considering the valuable contents it holds. Overall, this display case has been a fantastic addition to my sports card collection and has made preserving and showcasing my cards a whole lot easier and more secure.

🔗Temgee 36 PCS Trading Card Protector Case

As a baseball card enthusiast, I've always struggled with finding a proper way to keep my collection safe and visible. That's when the Temgee Graded Sports Card Display Case came to my rescue. It's a large, wall-mounted case that comfortably holds 36 graded cards in a neat and organized manner.
Its black matte finish gives it a sophisticated appearance, making my home office look like a dedicated sports card room. The outer dimensions of the case are impressive at 30.5" x 24.3" x 2.1", providing ample space to display my most treasured cards. The inner dimensions are thoughtfully designed to fit the standard graded sports card sizes perfectly.
The use of wooden frames and acrylic view glasses adds both durability and visibility to the case. I don't have to worry about my cards getting damaged or accumulating dust, as the brass hinges, door latches, and wall brackets keep everything secure and the acrylic door cover protects my collection.
However, one downside I noticed is the weight. At 12.8 LBS, it's quite heavy, which might make it difficult for some people to mount on the wall. But overall, the Temgee Graded Sports Card Display Case has made my card-collecting hobby even more enjoyable, providing a safe and elegant space to showcase my favorite sports cards.

🔗Secure Lockable Trading Card Display Case

As an avid collector of sports and trading cards, I've always struggled to find a safe and appealing way to display my precious treasures. That's when I stumbled upon the DisplayGifts Pro UV 44 Graded Sports Card Display Case. This sleek, black-finished frame is not your average display case. It boasts a solid wood structure that speaks volumes about its durability and sturdiness, making it a perfect companion for my valuable cards.
What really caught my eye about this display case is the UV protection offered by its super clear acrylic door. This is a game-changer for me as it ensures my cards remain safe from any potential damage caused by sunlight. The door opens upwards with top hinges, preventing the case from toppling over while I'm admiring my collection.
One of the best features I've come to love about this case is the lip on each shelf. It keeps my cards firmly in place, avoiding any unwanted sliding that could lead to scratches or damage. Plus, it's incredibly easy to set up - no fuss, no tools, just unpack and start displaying your cards!
Another standout aspect is its size. The 37-inch width is perfect for showcasing a variety of cards with different dimensions. It's important to note, though, that only cards no taller than 5.5 inches will fit, so make sure to measure up your cards before making a purchase.
All in all, the DisplayGifts Pro UV 44 Graded Sports Card Display Case is a brilliant addition to any collector's arsenal, offering both style and protection. Its unique features make it stand out from the crowd, and I can't recommend it enough for anyone seeking a safe and elegant way to showcase their beloved trading and sports cards.

🔗Classic Black 16" x 20" Resin Card Storage Frame

As a huge sports card collector, I was excited to discover the MCS Collector Cards Display Frame. This is perfect for showcasing my favorite players and safeguarding them from dust and damage. Its black resin construction gives it a sophisticated appearance that complements any room décor.
Filling the frame was an absolute breeze thanks to its easy-to-fill design. Plus, once all 20 slots were filled, it comfortably hung on my wall without any extra tools or effort. The size at 16x20 inches allows me to create an impressive display that truly stands out.
One minor drawback is the lack of customization options for the background of the frame. But overall, this display frame has helped elevate my collection and made it even more enjoyable to share with fellow collectors. If you're looking for a reliable and stylish way to showcase your cards, look no further than the MCS Collector Cards Display Frame.

🔗Custom 35 PSA Graded Card Acrylic Frame

I recently purchased the Pennzoni Baseball Card Display Case to spruce up my growing sports card collection. This display case has been an absolute game-changer for me, and it's evident that it was crafted with precision.
The meticulous hardwood construction elevates any display space, and its elegant color options make it easy to customize according to your personal style. Its primary function, however, shines brightest - this case comfortably secures up to 35 graded cards, ensuring that your valuable collection stays safe and sound.
I was particularly impressed by the crystal-clear acrylic door and UV protection, which not only provide a visually stunning presentation but also protect my valuable cards from fading. To top it off, the lockable feature ensures that my collection is secure at all times.
Despite these fantastic features, one aspect felt slightly underwhelming. The extra hardware for horizontal setup wasn't readily available; however, customer service promptly resolved this issue. Overall, the Pennzoni Baseball Card Display Case has made a significant impact on my sports card collection, transforming it into a beautiful, secure focal point.

🔗Elegant Cardholder Display Case for Graded and Ungraded Cards

As a baseball card collector, I've been on the lookout for the perfect display case to showcase my prized possessions. Enter the Pennzoni Baseball Card Display Case, a handcrafted hardwood beauty that truly makes my cards shine. With 36 graded spots for various types of cards – from Pokemon to NASCAR to basketball – this case has room for all my favorites.
What I particularly love about this case is its meticulous polish and elegant black color, which easily complements any decor. The crystal-clear acrylic door safeguards my cards from fading and damage, so I can rest assured knowing that my collection will always look its best. Plus, with the option to add extra hardware for a horizontal setup, it's versatile enough to suit my changing needs.
However, one small drawback is the weight of this case. At 16 pounds, it might be a bit cumbersome to move around easily. But overall, the Pennzoni Baseball Card Display Case not only elevates the look of my cards but also provides a safe space to protect and admire my collection.

🔗Durable and Clear Card Display Case Set (5-Pack)

As an avid fan of collecting sports cards, I've been searching for the perfect case to display and protect my prized possessions. Enter the Display Card Cases from The Container Store. I was curious about these cases, given their simple yet effective design. Upon receiving them, I was excited to see how they would perform.
The first thing I noticed upon holding the cases was their rigidity and sturdiness. Made of high-quality acrylic, these cases provide a sense of security for my valued cards. The snap-open feature is incredibly convenient for quick access, yet the cases close securely to keep my cards in pristine condition.
However, there was a minor hitch in my experience. One of the five cases in my package didn't fit together as tightly as the others, and it opened a bit too easily. It was a small issue, but it did concern me about the quality control. Fortunately, the other four cases in the pack snapped perfectly, providing the protection and ease of use I was looking for.
In conclusion, the Display Card Cases from The Container Store are mostly effective in their purpose. They offer the necessary durability and convenience for card collectors. The only area of improvement would be to ensure consistent quality across all cases in a package. But overall, these cases deliver and make a worthy investment for any card collector.

🔗Large Gold Geometric Terrarium Card Box

Oh, let me tell you about this lovely gold terrarium card box that I've been using to store my congratulatory cards and money envelopes. I received it as a wedding gift and it's become an essential piece of home decor. Made of handcrafted brass, this sturdy piece has a vintage and eye-catching appearance that's sure to add charm to any room. The reinforced glass also ensures that it's safe and doesn't break easily, which I truly appreciate.
One of my favorite features is the swing lid, making it perfect for centerpieces or flower arrangements. Its sleek gold geometric shape adds a contemporary twist while still feeling timelessly elegant. Plus, it's large enough to hold up to 100 pcs of regular 4x6 cards, ensuring there's plenty of space for all your well-wishers' notes.
Overall, I am absolutely in love with this gold terrarium card box. While it may be a little heavy due to its glass and brass construction, the added security of knowing your precious memories are safely stored inside more than compensates. This statement piece is not only practical but also beautifully crafted, making it a must-have for anyone looking to add a touch of style to their home or office.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to collecting cards, displaying them is just as important as acquiring them. Card display cases not only protect your cards from environmental damage and wear, but also showcase your collection in a professional manner. In this buyer's guide, we will explore the important features, considerations, and general advice for choosing the right card display case for your needs. Firstly, consider the material of the display case. Cases made from high-quality materials, such as acrylic or polycarbonate, offer better protection and durability than those made from cheaper materials like PVC. Ensure that the case you choose is UV-resistant, especially if you plan to expose your collection to natural light sources. Secondly, pay attention to the size and design of the display case. Make sure it suits your collection's size and style, as well as the available space in your display area. Cases with adjustable compartments are ideal for accommodating various card sizes and formats. Also, consider transparent or opaque options based on your personal preferences and privacy requirements. Thirdly, take into account the mounting options offered by different cases. Some cases may come with built-in stands or wall mounts, while others may require additional hardware or DIY solutions. Choose a case that provides versatile and secure mounting options to suit your display requirements and ensure your cards remain in place without causing any damage. Lastly, consider the overall quality and brand reputation. Opting for well-known and reputable brands can guarantee better performance, longevity, and customer support. Read reviews or seek recommendations from fellow collectors to make sure you're getting a high-quality, reliable display case for your valuable cards. In conclusion, choosing the right card display case involves considering factors like material quality, size and design, mounting options, and brand reputation. By prioritizing these aspects, you can showcase your collection with pride and protect your valuable cards for years to come.



What are card display cases?

Card display cases are protective containers specifically designed to showcase and preserve collectible cards like trading cards, sports cards, or collectible game cards. They are usually made of acrylic, plastic, or other sturdy materials, and come in various sizes and styles.


Why should I use a card display case?

A card display case offers several benefits: it protects your valuable cards from dust, moisture, and physical damage; it allows you to safely showcase your cards for appreciation or sale; and it helps maintain the quality and worth of your collection over time.

What types of card display cases are available?

There are several types of card display cases to suit different needs and preferences. Some common styles include:
  • Single-card cases: designed to hold individual cards, typically in a vertical orientation
  • Multi-card cases: can accommodate multiple cards in a single case, ranging from two to as many as ten or more
  • Binders and sleeves: these are cases with removable sleeves that are ideal for storing and displaying a larger number of cards in a compact space


How do I choose the right card display case?

When selecting a card display case, consider the following factors:
  1. Size: make sure the case can comfortably accommodate your specific type of card (e. g. , standard-sized trading cards, sports cards, or larger gaming cards)
  2. Material: opt for high-quality materials that offer durability, transparency, and UV protection to prevent fading or discoloration of your cards
  3. Style: choose a case that complements your collection's theme or aesthetic, and meets your personal preferences regarding visibility, ease of access, or display options

Are there any special considerations for storing rare or valuable cards?

Absolutely! For rare or valuable cards, it's crucial to invest in high-quality, acid-free materials to prevent damage over time. Additionally, consider adding extra protection like UV-blocking sleeves or storing cases in a temperature-controlled environment to maintain optimal conditions for your collection.

How do I properly insert cards into a display case?

To insert cards into a display case, follow these steps:
  1. Ensure your cards are free of debris and in good condition
  2. Place the card in the case, aligning it with the edge to ensure a snug fit
  3. Apply gentle, even pressure to the back of the card, pushing it firmly but carefully into the case until it clicks in place
  4. Close the case securely and check that the card is firmly seated within the case without any wiggle room

What is the proper way to clean and maintain card display cases?

Clean and maintain your card display cases by following these guidelines:
  1. Keep your cases away from direct sunlight or extreme temperatures
  2. Dust the exterior surfaces of your cases with a soft, lint-free cloth
  3. For persistent dirt or grime, use a mild solution of water and dish soap, then gently clean the area with a damp cloth
  4. Dry your cases thoroughly with a clean, soft cloth to prevent moisture buildup or streaks

How can I secure and lock my card display cases?

Many card display cases come with built-in security features, such as key locks or screw-down latches. To secure your cases, follow the manufacturer's instructions and use the appropriate tools (e. g. , a screwdriver) to tighten or lock the case securely. For added protection, consider storing your display cases in a locked cabinet or display case, or invest in a security system for your collection area.

Can I use display cases for other collectibles besides cards?

Yes, card display cases can be adapted for various collectibles, such as coins, buttons, or stamps. However, make sure the case dimensions and material quality are suitable for the particular type of collectible you plan to display, and always store and handle your collectibles with care to avoid damage.
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