Sheva alomar hentai

It would be fun they said

2024.05.17 04:33 t61493 It would be fun they said

It would be fun they said submitted by t61493 to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:42 GamingHearts1 Resident Evil 5- 15 Years Later

Resident Evil 5- 15 Years Later
Resident Evil 5 is a survival-horror game that came out fifteen years ago on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Resident Evil 5 was the sequel to the critically acclaimed RE4 game from ’05 its a controversial game that Capcom fans have been outspoken about for many years. The story for Resident Evil 5 was not nearly as good as RE4 but there has been a ton of praise for the game’s co-op multiplayer game mode. The graphics for Resident Evil 5 looked great by late 2000’s PS3 standards but one of the biggest issues RE5 had involved the racial undertones that were presented in the game. While Capcom may not have intended RE5 to appear racist with black zombies being killed by Chris Redfield and Sheva Alomar but unfortunately its apart of what has defined the game over the past decade. Albert Wesker also was presented in a more unfavorable light in RE5 compared to the earlier entries in the series. The idea of using the Uroboros Virus for the purpose “global saturation” did not make too much sense especially since Wesker had an opportunity to kill Chris in Resident Evil: Code Veronica.
Resident Evil 5 also saw the return of Jill Valentine who was brainwashed by Wesker and eventually rescued by Chris Redfield. However, Jill Valentine eventually became an afterthought following the conclusion of Resident Evil 5. In some ways RE5 ruined Jill Valentine a character who was the main protagonist of Resident Evil 3 back in 1999. Following the events of RE5 Jill Valentine’s status has been a mystery and she did not appear in any major installments following Resident Evil 5. Despite, Resident Evil 5 getting good reviews following its release and selling more than 14 million copies the series began to decline in popularity during the 2010’s decade. The decline in Resident Evil series during the 2010’s decade has been blamed more on RE6 from 2012 than RE5. However, Resident Evil 5 was not nearly as good as RE2 or RE4 and it seems that Capcom is somewhat hesitant about remaking it. Resident Evil 5 might be a bit too controversial for today’s society in America considering the “wokeness” that exists today. There is also the argument that in order for a Resident Evil 5 Remake to work the story would have to be rewritten by Capcom altogether.
submitted by GamingHearts1 to u/GamingHearts1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:54 SiegeWarior501 Should Bravas Elite Skin in R6 be Sheva Alomar from Resident Evil🤔

Should Bravas Elite Skin in R6 be Sheva Alomar from Resident Evil🤔
I think it should be (let me know)
submitted by SiegeWarior501 to u/SiegeWarior501 [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 22:29 harriskeith29 Who should be the Resident Evil universe's NEXT main protagonists and why?

Original artist (far left): DemonLeon3D
Since their debuts, Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, Leon Kennedy, and Claire Redfield have retained their status in the fandom's general consensus as R.E.'s primary leads. Rebecca Chambers, Barry Burton, and Ada Wong have historically gotten the occasional spotlight but most often been regulated to supporting roles. One hit wonders like Carlos Oliveira and Billy Coen have yet to return after appearing in only one canonical title. When the majority hear "Resident Evil", the first faces that come to mind tend to be one or more of the main four.
Source: Resident Evil: Death Island (2023)
Thankfully, these veterans of the war against bio-terrorism are still far from retiring, with Jill's aging having conveniently been permanently slowed thanks to Wesker's experiments on her in R.E. 5. Capcom's apprehensiveness to shake up the status quo too drastically ensures that we can look forward to seeing our OG heroes for many years yet in some capacity, be it in playable leading roles or at least brief cameos. From a marketing standpoint, they're simply to valuable to get rid of anytime soon (for better or worse).
But the lore has expanded to fan favorites beyond them over the decades. The progression of time has introduced a new generation of characters that are able to compete with the big four: BSAA member Sheva Alomar, the now adult DSO agent Sherry Birkin, superpowered mercenary Jake MulleWesker, TerraSave member Moira Burton, USSS agent Helena Harper, and Chris' latest protege Rosemary "Rose" Winters.
Not everyone cares for these new additions, but I personally find the decision to introduce new blood into R.E.'s horror meat grinder a positive one (provided the characters are well-executed, of course). On top of offering more creative variety to the roles players embody, it allows fans to get a larger POV on how different people from various backgrounds have been affected by the series' events. Moreover, it increased Capcom's willingness to do something the main games previously almost never indulged: Main characters dying.
Before Ethan Winters whose death was given perhaps the most emotional payoff of any series entry to date, the only other instances of a main or supporting character being killed off with any ceremony were probably R.E. 4's Luis Serra or Code: Veronica's Steve Burnside. Since the beginning, Resident Evil has rarely ever indulged in emotional moments or taking itself seriously, wearing its Hollywood B movie influence on its bloody sleeve.
Sources: Resident Evil- Code: Veronica (2000), Resident Evil 4 (2005), Resident Evil: Village (2021)
For a mythology built around a world plagued by outbreaks of pathogens that have taken several millions of lives at this point, death is something our main leads rarely even come close to facing outside of the iconic, gory Game Over animations. With the soft reboot of R.E. VII giving new life to the series, the writers have been given greater freedom to create stakes that actually have a lasting impact on the protagonists, including the possibility of their plot armor running out. Rose's goodbye to her father was a particularly tear jerker moment.
Source: Resident Evil: Village: Shadow of Rose (2022)
This heavier emphasis on characters' mortality has also helped players to care more about what happens to them. With the Winters' story concluded and Capcom reportedly planning to push the universe forward in some major ways with R.E. IX, the question becomes: Who can or should lead the new generation in battling bio-weapons if/when the day comes that Chris, Jill, Leon, and Claire are no longer on the front lines?
Who are the most appropriate choices to fill their combat boots as Resident Evil's next big four? I don't have a definitive answer myself but can recommend at least one candidate out of our current options. Part of the challenge is determining who is most likely to remain on active duty in this series for the foreseeable future. More importantly, who would be consistently fun to play and interesting enough to carry a whole campaign?
Unfortunately: A) Not all of the new heroes we've played up to now have the incentive to go on further combat missions. B) From a narrative POV, they're not all compelling enough to be main lead material. C) They don't all have sufficient room to develop further as characters after everything they've already been through. Even at their most over-the-top, part of what helped fans invest in the OG protagonists was that they all had reasons for repeatedly coming back into the center of the action that made sense and were endearing.
After the first couple-few games, it wasn't enough to simply want to get justice for Umbrella's crimes or protect the world from bio-terror anymore. The writers had to put more meat into the games' narratives to prevent players from growing bored of stagnating plots. Jill was traumatised by Wesker's experiments + guilt over being brainwashed into trying to kill her former partner & best friend. Chris struggled through survivors' guilt over continuously failing to save people under his command, which he tried to numb via alcoholism.
Leon faced similar survivors' guilt as a cop who only managed to save two lives in Raccoon City (Claire and Sherry), descending into suicidal thoughts as he became demoralized over whether his efforts made any difference. Even the strong-willed Claire, despite her devotion to helping others, had moments of her resolve being shaken and needing someone to help her pick herself back up. This cycle of suffering, growing, and overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds is a big part of what makes any R.E. hero memorable.
My top candidate for the Resident Evil franchise's new main face to lead the next generation would without a doubt be: Sherry Birkin. My reasons why are as follows:
Original artist: SnakeLee
1) She's a Raccoon City survivor.
This is an automatic point in the character's favor for me. In my opinion, no matter the generation, Resident Evil should ALWAYS have at least one active protagonist with some connection to this defining event of the series' history. A character with a link to that incident is like someone with a link to a World War.
That lore lends more weight to their position as a main lead, especially when we've known this particular survivor since early childhood and saw firsthand what Hell she experienced at such a young age even before the outbreak (unlike the other protagonists who were already adults at the time). In some ways, Sherry had a more tragic life than all of the OG protagonists (her parents' neglect & experiments, losing her family in Raccoon City, being detained by the govt. who contemplated "disappearing" her for knowing too much, etc.).
Original artist (far right): SnakeLee
2) She has a strong personal motivation.
As someone whose entire life was influenced, manipulated, dictated, and destroyed by the business of bio-weaponry, Sherry has more motive than most anyone in the current generation to stop organizations like Umbrella from putting anyone else through what she endured. Her admiration for her saviors Leon & Claire also gives her a strong feeling of loyalty to live by their example and persevere to make sure what they (and Chris and Jill among others) have fought for wasn't in vain. Sherry wasn't fated to go down this path either.
Source: Resident Evil 2 remake (2019)
3) She honors her predecessors as a legacy character while being a positive influence on new leads.
Without the proper influences in her life, she could have easily come to hate the world, blamed everything on her parents + Umbrella, and grown into a selfish person who only looks out for herself no matter the consequences to others. We see this in Jake whose initial personality could reflect how she realistically may have ended up without a positive figure. She not only saved his life but was integral to his character arc.
Source: Resident Evil 6 (2012)
Thankfully, Sherry grew up to be the best of Leon & Claire molded into one powerful, caring, responsible young woman with a big heart and incorruptible sense of duty toward defending the innocent. I would 100% support an older, more experienced agent Birkin starring in a future main game (without her screen-time being shared among so many other playable characters), perhaps following in the old guard's footsteps as a mentor to a newer, younger survivor. Granted, ability-wise, she's not the most physically capable protagonist.
4) She's already become a badass and still has room to mature further.
Original artist: Rusalka74
While plenty badass in R.E. 6, she was portrayed to still be somewhat of a rookie whose track record as an agent had yet to build much of a reputation. Her strength, speed, and hand-to-hand skills don't match that of Jake, Chris, Leon, or Ada. She doesn't have Jill's decelerrated aging. Her firearm experience, when compared to other main leads, is nothing special. Overall, she still has rich potential to improve as an action-hero.
Nonetheless, with or without Jake by her side, Sherry's more than capable of tackling survival horror on her own. She wouldn't have been assigned to acquire & protect someone as important as Jake in the first place if she wasn't trained enough handle herself. Since the events of 2013's C-Virus crisis, the canon's timeline would put her around her mid-late 30s by now. That's far more than enough time for her to hone her martial arts to the same league as Leon or Ada. The level of stunts she performs is ultimately up to Capcom.
And of course, the G-Virus' effects gave her the advantage of a superhuman healing factor, allowing her to endure and recover from an exceptional array of injuries that would kill normal humans. Depending on what the writers decide, it's possible that her regeneration would strengthen as she gets older and sleeps bonding with the G-Virus on a genetic level. An interesting dynamic to keep her vulnerable would be if abusing this power negatively impacted her health, meaning she heals slower if too much damage accumulates.
Source: Resident Evil 6 (2012)
When all these factors are considered, I can't personally think of any character at present who's more qualified, narratively driven, and thematically appropriate to carry the torch of Resident Evil's big four into the future. She's more than earned it. As far as who would fill out the other three slots in the roster alongside her, aside from Jake, I can't really say. Sheva hasn't been seen since 5 and is less likely to cross paths with Sherry due to her duties with the BSAA's African branch. Unless Sherry's sent there, they probably wouldn't meet.
Source: Resident Evil 6 (2012)
Helena Harper is another small possibility, but I just don't see her being on a field mission like what she & Leon went through when her job was in the Secret Service. She only fought alongside Sherry briefly before when their groups joined forces against Ustanak. Now that Helena's name has been cleared for her role in Simmons' plot, I can't think of a reason off the top of my head how/why she'd meet Sherry in the field again. Any team-ups that happen only by chance are scenarios that would need more effort in the writing to justify.
Original artist: kaelwolfgang
Moira Burton is even less likely to get involved with field missions combating outbreaks, as she was never a very experienced fighter to begin with. It wouldn't make much sense for her to be taking on hordes of monsters like in Revelations 2 because TerraSave is more centered around relief efforts and medical aid than a militaristic organization like the BSAA or top secret govt. operators like the DSO. Claire was an exception, as she was trained to fight by her brother which is what helped her survive Raccoon City.
Source: Resident Evil: Revelations 2 (2015)
Comment below, what do YOU think? Do you agree with my candidates and reasons? Feedback is welcome, but please respect each other's differences of opinion and preferences.
submitted by harriskeith29 to ItsAllAboutGames [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 07:56 harriskeith29 Who should be the Resident Evil universe's NEXT main protagonists and why?
Since their debuts, Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, Leon Kennedy, and Claire Redfield have retained their status in the fandom's general consensus as R.E.'s primary leads. Rebecca Chambers, Barry Burton, and Ada Wong have historically gotten the occasional spotlight but most often been regulated to supporting roles. One hit wonders like Carlos Oliveira and Billy Coen have yet to return after appearing in only one canonical title. When the majority hear "Resident Evil", the first faces that come to mind tend to be one or more of the main four.
Thankfully, these veterans of the war against bio-terrorism are still far from retiring, with Jill's aging having conveniently been permanently slowed thanks to Wesker's experiments on her in R.E. 5. Capcom's apprehensiveness to shake up the status quo too drastically ensures that we can look forward to seeing our OG heroes for many years yet in some capacity, be it in playable leading roles or at least brief cameos. From a marketing standpoint, they're simply to valuable to get rid of anytime soon (for better or worse).
But the lore has expanded to fan favorites beyond them over the decades. The progression of time has introduced a new generation of characters that are able to compete with the big four: BSAA member Sheva Alomar, the now adult DSO agent Sherry Birkin, superpowered mercenary Jake MulleWesker, TerraSave member Moira Burton, USSS agent Helena Harper, and Chris' latest protege Rosemary "Rose" Winters.
Not everyone cares for these new additions, but I personally find the decision to introduce new blood into R.E.'s horror meat grinder a positive one (provided the characters are well-executed, of course). On top of offering more creative variety to the roles players embody, it allows fans to get a larger POV on how different people from various backgrounds have been affected by the series' events. Moreover, it increased Capcom's willingness to do something the main games previously almost never indulged: Main characters dying.
Before Ethan Winters whose death was given perhaps the most emotional payoff of any series entry to date, the only other instances of a main or supporting character being killed off with any ceremony were probably R.E. 4's Luis Serra or Code: Veronica's Steve Burnside. Since the beginning, Resident Evil has rarely ever indulged in emotional moments or taking itself seriously, wearing its Hollywood B movie influence on its bloody sleeve.
For a mythology built around a world plagued by outbreaks of pathogens that have taken several millions of lives at this point, death is something our main leads rarely even come close to facing outside of the iconic, gory Game Over animations. With the soft reboot of R.E. VII giving new life to the series, the writers have been given greater freedom to create stakes that actually have a lasting impact on the protagonists, including the possibility of their plot armor running out. Rose's goodbye to her father was a particularly tear jerker moment.
This heavier emphasis on characters' mortality has also helped players to care more about what happens to them. With the Winters' story concluded and Capcom reportedly planning to push the universe forward in some major ways with R.E. IX, the question becomes: Who can or should lead the new generation in battling bio-weapons if/when the day comes that Chris, Jill, Leon, and Claire are no longer on the front lines?
Who are the most appropriate choices to fill their combat boots as Resident Evil's next big four? I don't have a definitive answer myself but can recommend at least one candidate out of our current options. Part of the challenge is determining who is most likely to remain on active duty in this series for the foreseeable future. More importantly, who would be consistently fun to play and interesting enough to carry a whole campaign?
Unfortunately, A) Not all of the new heroes we've played up to now have the incentive to go on further combat missions. B) From a narrative POV, they're not all compelling enough to be main lead material. C) They don't all have sufficient room to develop further as characters after everything they've already been through. Even at their most over-the-top, part of what helped fans invest in the OG protagonists was that they all had reasons for repeatedly coming back into the center of the action that made sense and were endearing.
After the first couple-few games, it wasn't enough to simply want to get justice for Umbrella's crimes or protect the world from bio-terror anymore. The writers had to put more meat into the games' stories to prevent players from growing bored of the narrative. Jill was traumatised by Wesker's experiments + guilt over being brainwashed into trying to kill her former partner & best friend. Chris struggled through survivors' guilt over continuously failing to save people under his command, which he tried to numb via alcoholism.
Leon faced similar survivors' guilt as a cop who only managed to save two lives in Raccoon City (Claire and Sherry), descending into suicidal thoughts as he became demoralized over whether his efforts made any difference. Even the strong-willed Claire, despite her devotion to helping others, had moments of her resolve being shaken and needing someone to help her pick herself back up. This cycle of suffering, growing, and overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds is a big part of what makes any R.E. hero memorable.
My top candidate for recommendation would without a doubt be Sherry. For one, she's a Raccoon City survivor which is an automatic point if her favor for me. In my opinion, no matter the generation, Resident Evil should ALWAYS have at least one active protagonist with some connection to that defining moment of the series' history. A character with a link to that incident is like someone with a link to a World War.
That history lends more weight to their position as a main lead, especially when we've known this particular survivor since early childhood and saw firsthand what Hell she experienced at such a young age even before the outbreak (unlike the other protagonists who were already adults at the time). In some ways, Sherry had a more tragic life than all of the OG protagonists (her parents' neglect & experiments, losing her family in Raccoon City, being detained by the govt. who contemplated "disappearing" her for knowing too much, etc.).
As someone whose entire life was influenced, manipulated, dictated, and destroyed by the business of bio-weaponry, Sherry has more motive than most anyone in the current generation to stop organizations like Umbrella from putting anyone else through what she endured. Her admiration for her saviors Leon & Claire also gives her a strong feeling of loyalty to live by their example and persevere to make sure what they (and Chris and Jill among others) have fought for wasn't in vain. Sherry wasn't fated to go down this path either.
Without the proper influences in her life, she could have easily come to hate the world, blamed everything on her parents + Umbrella, and grown into a selfish person who only looks out for herself no matter the consequences to others. We see this in Jake whose initial personality could reflect how she realistically may have ended up without a positive figure. She not only saved his life but was integral to his character arc.
Thankfully, Sherry grew up to be the best of Leon & Claire molded into one powerful, caring, responsible young woman with a big heart and incorruptible sense of duty toward defending the innocent. I would 100% support an older, more experienced agent Birkin starring in a future main game (without her screen-time being shared among so many other playable characters), perhaps following in the old guard's footsteps as a mentor to a newer, younger survivor. Granted, ability-wise, she's not the most physically capable protagonist.
While plenty badass in R.E. 6, she was portrayed to still be somewhat of a rookie whose track record as an agent had yet to build much of a reputation. Her strength, speed, and hand-to-hand skills don't match that of Jake, Chris, Leon, or Ada. She doesn't have Jill's decelerrated aging. Her firearm experience, when compared to other main leads, is nothing special. Overall, she still has room to grow and improve as an action-hero.
Nonetheless, with or without Jake by her side, Sherry's more than capable of tackling survival horror on her own. She wouldn't have been assigned to acquire & protect someone as important as Jake in the first place if she wasn't trained enough handle herself. Since the events of 2013's C-Virus crisis, the canon's timeline would put her around her mid-late 30s by now. That's far more than enough time for her to hone her martial arts to the same league as Leon or Ada. The level of stunts she performs is ultimately up to Capcom.
And of course, the G-Virus' effects gave her the advantage of a superhuman healing factor, allowing her to endure and recover from an exceptional array of injuries that would kill normal humans. Depending on what the writers decide, it's possible that her regeneration would strengthen as she gets older and sleeps bonding with the G-Virus on a genetic level. An interesting dynamic to keep her vulnerable would be if abusing this power negatively impacted her health, meaning she heals slower if too much damage accumulates.
When all these factors are considered, I can't personally think of any character at present who's more qualified, narratively driven, and thematically appropriate to carry the torch of Resident Evil's big four into the future. She's more than earned it. As far as who would fill out the other three slots in the roster alongside her, aside from Jake, I can't really say. Sheva hasn't been seen since 5 and is less likely to cross paths with Sherry due to her duties with the BSAA's African branch. Unless Sherry's sent there, they probably wouldn't meet.
Helena Harper is another small possibility, but I just don't see her being on a field mission like what she & Leon went through when her job was in the Secret Service. She only fought alongside Sherry briefly before when their groups joined forces against Ustanak. Now that Helena's name has been cleared for her role in Simmons' plot, I can't think of a reason off the top of my head how/why she'd meet Sherry in the field again. Any team-ups that happen only by chance are scenarios that would need more effort in the writing to justify.
Moira Burton is even less likely to get involved with field missions combating outbreaks, as she was never a very experienced fighter to begin with. It wouldn't make much sense for her to be taking on hordes of monsters like in Revelations 2 because TerraSave is more centered around relief efforts and medical aid than a militaristic organization like the BSAA or top secret govt. operators like the DSO. Claire was an exception, as she was trained to fight by her brother which is what helped her survive Raccoon City.
Comment below, what do YOU think? Do you agree with my candidates and reasons? Feedback is welcome, but please respect each other's differences of opinion and preferences.
submitted by harriskeith29 to survivalhorror [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 14:58 Rastifan Sheva Alomar showing off. (Rastifan)

Sheva Alomar showing off. (Rastifan) submitted by Rastifan to SFW_Rule34 [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 13:24 Admirable-Camp1099 Two types of survivors that doesn't deserve to own the game at all.

Two types of survivors that doesn't deserve to own the game at all. submitted by Admirable-Camp1099 to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 01:31 ItsLegion I'm sure the developmental talent appreciates the spotlight on the preshow

I'm sure the developmental talent appreciates the spotlight on the preshow submitted by ItsLegion to FantasyBookers [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 01:47 WhiteL_BLM Sheva Alomar (Vexonair)

Sheva Alomar (Vexonair) submitted by WhiteL_BLM to SFW_Rule34 [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 09:09 SpectrallGamiing My two characters! One I did completely original, the other I used Sheva Alomar from RE5 as a reference. Whaddya think? I originally posted this in r/riseoftheronin but was told to post here instead.

My two characters! One I did completely original, the other I used Sheva Alomar from RE5 as a reference. Whaddya think? I originally posted this in riseoftheronin but was told to post here instead. submitted by SpectrallGamiing to Glamurai [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 21:08 queenzektra101 Help with head removal

Help with head removal
Hello everyone! I was recently given a Resident Evil Sheva Alomar figure from Hot Toys. She is over 15 years old and I am worried on how to take off her head.
Deterioration has gotten the best of her. The fake leather on her boots is peeling and I've had to glue multiple things back on her. So I'm kind of scared to do anything. All I want to do is put her necklace on.
Is there any safe was to remove her head? The internet said to use a hair dryer but I was afraid to do so since on the instructions in the manual said not to expose her to hot temperatures. Any advice? I appreciate any help!
submitted by queenzektra101 to hottoys [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 00:26 ItsLegion FCW COOL. PEOPLE. FIGHTING. 2015. And also the Report and a Question for whoever reads this.

FCW COOL. PEOPLE. FIGHTING. 2015. And also the Report and a Question for whoever reads this. submitted by ItsLegion to FantasyBookers [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 01:53 Baritones_101 Resident Evil 4 Boxart Question

Resident Evil 4 Boxart Question
So I recently got RE 4 as part of my ever growing Xbox One collection and I've never played a resident evil game before.
Is the box art for the 4th installment real? I've looked online and have found a lot of RE 4 box arts that look like the other games. But this one is either fake or a reprint. It stands out in comparison to the other games. Even the dude on the back with the chainsaw looks pixely, anybody got any info on this?
submitted by Baritones_101 to residentevil [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 21:19 blackcondorjr Exhaustive timeline of Survivor/Killer arrivals in the realm

Get ready for a lot of "____ is taken into the Entity's realm"
Please note that time doesn't flow linearly with the DBD multiverse and also there is no single world that the Entity draws Survivors and Killers from. All dates and events are best estimates based on charactelocation pages from the DBD Fandom Wiki, as well as certain respective licensed Fandom wiki sites (e.g. Silent Hill, Resident Evil). Additional credit to AZHYMOVS' video on the topic for filling certain gaps. For certain characters, if a specific timespan is not designated and the vibes match, I determined them as being taken from the year that their chapter was released.
~3100 BC- Pharoah Eddie is taken into the Entity’s realm.
~1700 BC- Adiris becomes the High Priestess of Babylon during a deadly plague, eventually succumbing to sickness herself. After praying for salvation, she enters the Entity’s realm and accepts the Entity as her new god.
600-500 BC- The Minotaur is taken into the Entity’s realm.
~19 BC- Charon, the Ferryman of the Underworld, is taken into the Entity’s realm.
~845 AD- An Armored Titan is taken into the Entity’s realm from the Attack on Titan universe.
~854- A War Hammer Titan is taken into the Entity’s realm from the Attack on Titan universe.
12th Century- The Krampus is taken into the Entity’s realm.
1300- The events of Army of Darkness take place.
1391- Vittorio Toscano desperately draws sigils on a dungeon floor to provide an escape to a "world of endless peace and compassion", where he's taken into the Entity’s realm. As Tarhos Kovacs and his Guardia Compagnia (Alejandro Santiago, Durkos Malecek, and Sander Rault) lay waste to an attacking army, they are taken into the Entity's realm. Additionally, The Draugr is taken into the Entity's Realm.
17th Century- Victor Deshayes is seemingly reanimated by the Entity and he is taken into the Entity's realm, only for his sister Charlotte Deshayes to follow suit to protect him.
~1755- The Baba Yaga is taken into the Entity’s realm.
1840-50s- Talbot Grimes scrawls his research regarding the "soul chemical" into the floor and walls of an opium den before being taken into the Entity's realm.
1850-60s- Kazan Yamaoka embarks on a journey to kill a lord who called him "Oni-Yamaoka". Hordes of angered townspeople attack Kazan and leave him to die inside a stone mill, where he is taken into the Entity’s realm.
Samurai Eddie is taken into the Entity’s realm.
1870s- Caleb Quinn and the Hellshire Gang storm Hellshire Penitentiary. After vengeance is taken on the new owner and the warden, Caleb enters into the Entity’s realm.
1871- The Jabberwock is taken into the Entity’s realm from the Alice in Wonderland universe.
Post WWI- Having gone mad inside the Crotus Prenn Asylum and asphyxiated every patient within her ward, Sally Smithson is taken into the Entity’s realm.
Anna survives in the Red Forest and ambushes anyone who wanders within her territory; after many encounters with German soldiers in her woods, Anna is taken into the Entity’s realm.
1920-30s- Evan MacMillan helps his father lead over a hundred miners into the tunnels to their deaths; after presumably killing his father, Evan is taken into the Entity’s realm.
1960s- Otto Stamper leads a cult on the Garden of Joy called the Fold, manipulating his followers until they collapse into violence; their collective hidden hatred and fears amalgamate into “the Dredge”, who eventually enters the Entity’s realm.
1972- Max Thompson Jr. takes revenge on his neglectful parents, slaughtering them as well as any free-roaming animals on Coldwind Farm before being taken into the Entity’s realm.
1973- The events of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre take place; Bubba Sawyer AKA Leatherface is taken into the Entity’s realm after his family's killing spree.
Late 1970s- While drifting across the United States and luring victims in by pretending to be part of traveling circus groups, Jeffrey Hawk is taken into the Entity’s realm. Presumably, Kate Denson is also taken into the Entity's realm within this time period.
1978- The events of Halloween take place; Laurie Strode is taken into the Entity’s realm after surviving Halloween night in Haddonfield, only for Michael Myers to follow her.
1980s- Naughty Bear is taken into the Entity’s realm.
Philip Ojomo discovers his boss tricked him into killing people via the car crusher at Autohaven Wreckers; for this, Philip throws his boss in the crusher and after taking his spine, he is taken into the Entity’s realm.
1981- The events of The Evil Dead and Evil Dead 2 take place.
1983- The events of Stranger Things season 1 take place; the Demogorgon is taken into the Entity’s realm before being disintegrated by Eleven.
While conducting "experimental interrogation" methods under Otto Stamper's guidance in the CIA’s MKAwakening program, Dr. Herman Carter is taken into the Entity’s realm after lethally torturing the entire Lery's Memorial Institute staff (even Stamper).
The events of Silent Hill take place; Lisa Garland and Cybil Bennett are taken into the Entity’s realm.
1984- The events of Stranger Things season 2 take place.
1985- The events of Stranger Things season 3 take place; Nancy Wheeler is taken into the Entity’s realm when trying to investigate Hawkins National Laboratory. When Steve Harrington and Jonathan Byers go looking for Nancy, they are also taken into the Entity's realm.
1987- The events of Hellraiser take place.
1988- The events of Child’s Play take place.
1990- The events of Child’s Play 2 take place. Charles Lee Ray AKA Chucky is taken into the Entity’s realm while pursuing Andy Barclay in a toy factory.
1993- Danny Johnson reads his article about his previous Ghost Face killings in Roseville, Florida, where he delightfully accepts the Entity's invitation into its realm.
The events of Silent Hill 2 take place; Pyramid Head, James Sunderland, and Maria are taken into the Entity’s realm.
1996- The Legion (Frank Morrison, Julie Kostenko, Joey Lavoie, and Susie) venture into the Entity’s realm after burying a body at Mount Ormond Resort.
1998- The events of Ringu take place.
The events of Child’s Play 3 take place.
The events of Bride of Chucky take place. Tiffany and a reconstructed Chucky are taken into the Entity’s realm.
The events of Resident Evil 0 take place.
The events of Resident Evil take place; Chris Redfield is taken into the Entity’s realm upon entering a mansion while escaping monstrous dogs.
The first half of Resident Evil 3 takes place; Jill Valentine and Carlos Oliveira are taken into the Entity's realm while escaping the Nemesis-T Type, only for the Nemesis and two zombies to follow her inside.
The events of Resident Evil 2 take place; HUNK and Dr. William Birkin are taken into the Entity’s realm.
The second half of Resident Evil 3 takes place; Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield are taken into the Fog upon investigating the Umbrella Corporation in Raccoon City. Rebecca Chambers is also taken into the Entity's realm while in an underground Umbrella facility.
2000- The events of Silent Hill 3 take place; three months later, Cheryl Mason receives a strange phone call while working in a crisis intervention center and is taken into the Entity’s realm.
2004- The events of AVP: Alien vs. Predator take place; a battle-damaged Xenomorph is taken into the Entity’s realm after avoiding being hunted by a Predator.
The events of Resident Evil 4 take place; Ada Wong is taken into the Entity's realm after crippling Los Illuminados.
The events of Saw take place; Detective David Tapp is taken into the Entity’s realm before succumbing to his gunshot wound.
2004/2005- The events of Saw X take place.
2005- The events of Saw II take place.
The events of Saw III take place; Amanda Young is taken into the Entity’s realm before bleeding out inside the Gideon Meat Packing Plant.
2009- The events of Resident Evil 5 take place; Albert Wesker exposes himself to Uroboros, where he is taken into the Entity's realm. Sheva Alomar is taken into the Entity’s realm while trying to stop Uroboros from being unleashed.
The events of Left 4 Dead take place; William “Bill” Overbeck is taken into the Entity’s realm before dying to a zombie horde.
2010- The events of A Nightmare on Elm Street take place; shortly after his "death", Freddy Krueger kills Nancy Holbrook's mother and later Nancy herself. Despite Quentin Smith's best efforts to stay awake, Freddy pulls him into the dream world-- only for the two to be taken into the Entity's realm.
The events of Alan Wake take place.
2013- The events of Evil Dead take place.
2015- The events of Ash vs Evil Dead season 1 take place.
2016- Dwight Fairfield goes on a company retreat in the woods, only to awaken alone; he is taken into the Entity's realm while trying to find his way out of the forest.
Meg Thomas goes on a jog through the woods, only to be taken into the Entity's realm.
Claudette Morel ventures into a nearby forest, where she is taken into the Entity's realm.
While living in the woods, you'll never guess what happened to Jake Park.
The events of Ash vs Evil Dead season 2 take place; Ashy Slashy is taken into the Entity’s realm.
Lisa Sherwood is captured and tortured by Backwater Swamp cannibals, using the last of her energy to etch symbols into the floor; the symbols give her the bloodlust necessary to take violent revenge upon her captors and the Entity takes her into its realm. Ace Visconti is also presumably taken into the Entity's realm within this time period.
2017- The Mordeo is taken into the Entity’s realm from the Crypt Monster Universe.
As Feng Min's professional gaming performance slips, she develops a drinking habit-- eventually awakening in the Entity’s realm.
The Birch Witch is taken into the Entity's realm from the Crypt Monster Universe.
The Look-See is taken into the Entity’s realm from the Crypt Monster Universe.
David King is taken into the Entity's realm, disappearing without any explanation.
2018- The events of Ash vs Evil Dead season 3 take place. Ash Williams is accidentally sent into the Entity’s realm after mispronouncing Sumerian rites.
Adam Francis is taken into the Entity’s realm before being killed in a train accident. Later, Rin Yamaoka is viciously attacked by her father with a katana, nearly killing her; her growing rage causes her to accept the Entity's invitation to its realm.
On a nostalgia trip, Jeff Johansen visits Mount Ormond Resort to check out the mural he painted decades ago, only to be taken into the Entity’s realm.
2019- After a botched televised interview, Jane Romero drives toward her father's house while drowsy, awakening in the Entity's realm.
During a street race, a mysterious Fog surrounds Yui Kimura's scooter and she enters into the Entity’s realm.
2020- Zarina Kassir tours Hellshire Penitentiary while investigating the "Mad Mick Massacre" and is taken into the Entity's realm once she reaches the dead warden's cell.
A collection of Robbie the Rabbit costumes from the Silent Hill universe is given to the Legion.
Felix Richter revisits an abandoned opium den where his father among others had been taken by the Entity, only to enter its realm himself after seeing his father reappear within a Fog.
Elodie Rakoto searches a catacomb for the engraved skull belonging to Charlotte Deshayes' mother, only to be taken into the Entity's realm.
2021- Ji-Woon Hak subdues Yun-Jin Lee and other Mightee One Entertainment board members with nitrous oxide, mutilating everyone but Yun-Jin to use their cries of pain as instrumentals; as Ji-Woon prepares to kill Yun-Jin, they both are taken into the Entity’s realm.
Pinhead and the Chatterer are summoned into the Entity’s realm after Dwight Fairfield solves the Lament Configuration.
Mikaela Reid is taken into the Entity’s realm while onstage reading a horror story, baffling witnesses; her disappearance is believed to be a result of her investigating the Unknown. When Sable Ward tries to investigate her disappearance, she is confronted by the Fog and chooses to enter the Entity’s realm to find her friend.
Nea Karlsson is taken into the Entity’s realm while trying to tag Crotus Prenn Asylum with graffiti.
A hooded figure attacks Carmina Mora, cutting off her hands and tongue in retaliation for her activism; as a murder of crows devour the figure's flesh, she is taken into the Entity's realm. Jonah Vasquez is also taken into the Entity’s realm after deciphering a number sequence that led him to the Forsaken Boneyard.
2022- Yoichi Asakawa investigates the disappearances of a few of his students, believing Sadako Yamamura's curse is behind them; while approaching the coastside resort, a storm sweeps Yoichi into the Fog and frees Sadako-- taking them both into the Entity’s realm.
Haddie Kaur investigates an allegedly haunted WWII bunker and sees a vision of her parents' car accident before being taken into the Entity’s realm.
The uniforms belonging to Eren Yeager, Hange Zoe, Levi Ackerman, Mikasa Ackerman, Annie Leonhart, Armin Arlert, Historia Reiss, and Kenny Ackerman from the Attack on Titan universe, are given to Dwight Fairfield, Zarina Kassir, Jake Park, Yui Kimura, Meg Thomas, Felix Richter, Kate Denson, and Ace Visconti respectively.
2023- Thalita Lyra and Renato Lyra witness Adriana Imai mercilessly kill a "survival tour" guide, leading Adriana to make them her next prey; during the chase toward the beach, they are all taken into the Entity’s realm.
Nicolas Cage is lured by Pauline Stamper to a remote island under the guise of filming a movie called “Descend Beyond”, where he is taken into the Entity’s realm.
The events of Alan Wake 2 take place. In an attempt to escape the Dark Place, Alan Wake writes an ending where a mysterious Fog allows his protagonists to escape; as the Fog manifests itself, Alan runs into the murkiness-- out of the Dark Place, into the Entity's realm. Saga Anderson and Rose Marigold are also taken into the Entity’s realm.
Tubarão is taken into the Entity’s realm from the Rainbow Six Siege universe while sailing on his family boat; additionally, the uniforms belonging to Blitz and Wamai are given to Felix Richter and Adam Francis respectively.
2024- An amalgamation of Eddie the Heads is taken into the Entity’s realm.
Iron Maiden tour shirts are given to Dwight Fairfield, Meg Thomas, Claudette Morel, Jake Park, Nea Karlsson, Ace Visconti, Feng Min, David King, Kate Denson, Adam Francis, Jeff Johansen, Jane Romero, Yui Kimura, Zarina Kassir, Felix Richter, Elodie Rakoto, Yun-Jin Lee, Mikaela Reid, Jonah Vasquez, Haddie Kaur, Vittorio Toscano, Thalita Lyra, Renato Lyra, and Gabriel Soma.
The Unknown tries to claim another victim while she researches its history in addition to the Entity's activity, only to be taken into the Entity’s realm against its will.
Slipknot masks are given to Philip Ojomo, Caleb Quinn, Dr. Herman Carter, Jeffrey Hawk, Max Thompson Jr, Talbot Grimes, and Evan MacMillan; a Slipknot-inspired outfit is also given to Frank Morrison.
2050- Stranger Eddie is taken into the Entity’s realm.
2089-2093- The events of Prometheus take place.
2104- The events of Alien: Covenant take place.
2122- The events of Alien take place; Ellen Ripley manages to eject a Xenomorph from her escape pod into the vacuum of space, where the Entity takes it into its realm. As Ellen rests inside her hypersleep chamber, she too is taken into the Entity's realm along with Jonesy.
2179- The events of Aliens take place; a Xenomorph Queen is taken into the Entity’s realm.
The events of Alien 3 take place.
2313- HUX-A7-13 slaughters the human crew on Dvarka, where Gabriel Soma manages to escape its clutches by igniting its body; as HUX chases after Gabriel, they both are taken into the Entity’s realm.
2379-2381- The events of Alien Resurrection take place; Ripley 8 and a Xenomorph clone are taken into the Entity’s realm.
Feel free to add or correct anything I have listed here, enjoy!
submitted by blackcondorjr to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2024.03.30 00:37 ItsLegion FCW's First PPV of 2015 & Report

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2024.03.15 22:31 Salt_Addition_6993 Are articles like this being published now just outrage bait?

Are articles like this being published now just outrage bait?
It seems like there’s been a shift where articles like this seemed to be legitimately, trying to appeal to more social, conscious people, even if it was a little bit pandering but now it seems like they are not even trying to make any good points or care about arguing in good faith. Sites come up with something you liked is no longer woke, and you should feel bad ever liking it outrage bait for the YouTube channels to get some content out of.
submitted by Salt_Addition_6993 to saltierthankrayt [link] [comments]

2024.03.15 17:50 FeanorOath IGN calls Capcom and Resident Evil 5 a racist game

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2024.03.11 19:56 ContributionOk4879 Sheva Alomar in her Tribal Costume by Shashi92

Sheva Alomar in her Tribal Costume by Shashi92 submitted by ContributionOk4879 to residentevil [link] [comments]

2024.03.10 19:34 Difficult-Cancel-723 Biggest Issue with Resident Evil 6

I actually enjoyed Resident Evil 6 for what it was. It was brainless fun, and it was cool seeing characters I like shining again and interacting with one another. But this game is FAR from perfect, or even from the other games, and there are many reasons. One of my biggest issue, other than the one I am about to get into, was the fact that, like 5, it was a huge departure from what the series was like before. 5 and 6 leaned too much into the action and movie-like set-pieces, whereas the others were focused more on horror, survival, and puzzles. 5 wasn't as bad as 6, though, since 5 still had puzzles and the plot was pretty decent. I also really liked Sheva Alomar and Albert Wesker, with 5 being his best showing in my opinion.
But my BIGGEST, and PERSONAL, issue with 6, other than the one just mentioned, was the lack of certain key characters. Resident Evil 6 is an ensemble story, with almost all the major characters still living showed up. Chris Redfield, Leon S. Kennedy, Ada Wong, Sherry Birkin, Albert Wesker (through Jake), and Hunnigan (through Leon) all played a role in this grand and world-spanning story. But the story also excluded Claire Redfield, Jill Valentine, and Sheva Alomar, and I have NO idea why.
I understand that Jill was still recovering from the events of Resident Evil 5, even though she seemed to be doing fine in the finale of 5 when she showed up in the helicopter to give some minor support to Chris and Sheva. But excluding one of the most major characters of the series in this ENSEMBLE game is just strange to me. Certain new characters, like Piers and Jake, just didn't really do it for me, except like one scene with Piers. Either of them could've been replaced with Jill and it would've made the story significantly better from both a writing and a fan-service angle. Just because she is recovering doesn't mean the writers couldn't have come up with a way to include her. I mean her best firend Chris is risking his life, and the entire world is at risk more so than ever before, yet JILL VALENTINE is sidelined??? I mean come on, their reasoning is weak and they could've worked around it. It isn't real life, it's a story, they could've changed it to include her. It also would've been nice to actively see this main character of the series deal with the trauma of 5 instead of just mentioning it in a file in another game she isn't even a part of. It would've been awesome seeing her struggle and rise from the trauma stronger than ever. Maybe not as Chris's partner, but Jill could have easily had her own campaign.
Sheva Alomar being excluded also doesn't make much sense, even less so than Jill's. Sheva is an active member of the BSAA, meaning she could have easily been roped into the plot. I understand she works for the African branch and the story takes place more so in Asia, but that doesn't mean she should've been shafted the way she was. Her and Chris clearly bonded, it wouldn't have been unbelievable if she requested a temporary transfer to help him or to be a part of the plot. The threat in 6 threatens the world, including Africa, so for her to just be sidelined despite being a part of the organization just makes no sense. Sheva is such an UNDERRATED character in my opinion, and 6 could've been her time to shine independently, or even alongside Chris once more. Sheva, or Jill, could've been the one to help Chris out of his depression. I think Sheva would have been better for it, despite Jill and Chris's relationship, because Jill is already dealing with her own baggage. They could've risen out of it together, which would have been thematically awesome, but I would have understood if Chris and Jill had their own separate arcs, which is why I think Sheva would have been better to help him. Having a new character play this role in Piers just took away from the impact for me.
Claire Redfield also being excluded is crazy to me. I understand Revelations 2 has overlap with Resident Evil 6 in terms of the timeline, or whatever. But this could have easily been avoided, changed, or retconned. Claire is an aid worker, so her being active in the battle would have been a little odd, but she could have AT LEAST played a supporting role. Not faceless like Hunnigan was, for the most part, but an active supporting character. Appearing in Leon's story would have been great since they were in Raccoon City together, the same applying to Sherry Birkin, and this could have opened up some great scenes and development for them. Interacting with Jake after facing his "aunt" Alex Wesker in Revelations 2, or the other way around depending on how the timeline may have theoretically been reworked, would have opened some interesting dialogue and development there as well. And OF COURSE, helping Chris would have been the best. The two are siblings, the only family either of them really have. Claire's biggest thing for two out of the three games she appears in, not including the Chronicles games because they're terrible, was looking for her brother, yet they only interact for a handful of minutes in Code Veronica. Seeing them interact a lot more in this Resident Evil 6 rework would have done wonders for both of them, especially for Claire.
Also it would've been cool to see an older Ashley Graham. I can definitely see her joining TerraSave after the events of Resident Evil 4 in which she was actively a victim of a bioterroism plot. Having her use her resources as the president's daughter to help TerraSave would have thematically and narratively made sense for her development. She is another who could have at least been a supporting character in this. Would've been nice to see her being active for a change, too, instead of just a damsel in distress. It worked for 4 since she was young and inexperienced, but seeing how the event developed her character woulda been great too.
I understand that it might've been very fluffy if all these characters showed up, and if the writing was bad it would have just been WORSE to have all these big names throwing down together. But this game is clearly an ENSEMBLE piece, so to exclude such major characters feels like a disservice to the franchise, the characters, and the fans. Like imagine if the Avengers movies didn't include Thor, or Hulk, or Black Widow, it would've just felt like these characters were thrown to the wayside despite this clearly huge world-spanning event.
This was much, MUCH longer than I intended. I just wanted to share my thoughts. I'm passionate about this franchise, have been ever since I was little. Just wish the writers cared as much.
submitted by Difficult-Cancel-723 to residentevil [link] [comments]