Javascript auto formatting


2012.01.16 05:47 Deimorz AutoModerator

Important announcements, helpful tips, and discussion regarding AutoModerator.

2014.07.05 03:49 HaudNomen Cat = Dog

A Kevin is someone who consistently or greatly shows a complete lack of intelligence through incompetence of social and societal norms, or is purposefully antagonistic in their poor decision making.

2008.01.25 08:00 /r/tech: Technological innovations and changes

The goal of /tech is to provide a space dedicated to the intelligent discussion of innovations and changes to technology in our ever changing world. We focus on high quality news articles about technology and informative and thought provoking self posts.

2024.05.07 09:26 FredlyDaMoose Hey Aspyr, I just discovered the original Battlefront II console font. It's in the public domain.

Hey Aspyr, I just discovered the original Battlefront II console font. It's in the public domain.
It's a combination of ZeroTwo-Regular and ZeroThree-Regular. Both of which were made in 1999 by Ray Larabie, who later went on to found Typodermic Fonts. They can both be found in his public domain fonts package for free on his website.

It is NOT ISL-Jupiter

There's going to be a lot of people saying it's ISL-Jupiter. It's not. They're very similar fonts, but there's noticeable differences that aren't just the result of different tracking and scaling.
ISL-Jupiter comparison. Very noticeable differences in the lowercase t's and r's.

ZeroTwo/ZeroThree Comparison

Main Menu Comparison

Splitscreen Menu Comparison
*A few notes: On my comparisons, ignore the space between characters and overall scaling, matching those exactly is not worth it for this comparison lol. Also you might notice some of the i's and j's aren't dotted. The font doesn't use dots by default, but they're available as OTF alternates. I just wasn't bothered to put them on all of the words because the dotted i's in-game are heavily scaled.
What Pandemic seems to have done is combined ZeroTwo-Regular and ZeroThree-Regular. They use a surprising amount of different methods of scaling, capitalization, and tracking to produce what we see in-game. I assume they created a modified version of the fonts that combined them and possibly changed a few minor things.


Top: Back, Middle: BacK
ZeroTwo's uppercase letters are the same height as its lowercase letters, which allowed Pandemic to use them interchangably. You can see this in the "back" text, which uses a capital K instead of a lowercase k.

Font Swapping and Scaling

ZeroTwo is used for the lowercase letters, while ZeroThree is (mostly) used for uppercase letters (at a slightly higher font size).
I say "mostly used" because there seem to be instances of them using ZeroTwo as capital letters and increasing font size slightly and stretching the letters vertically to make them appear as capitals. You can see this in the Main Menu text.
Top: ZeroThree scaled capitals, Middle: ZeroTwo scaled capitals. ZeroTwo matches.
However, from what I can tell, most capital letters are ZeroThree. Which can be identified with small differences in the two fonts:
Top: ZeroTwo scaled capital, Middle: ZeroThree scaled capital. ZeroThree matches. In the in-game one, the S doesn't vertically line up at all with the other letters, which is a give away too.


There are a few letters (mostly the t) that look different in my comparisons even when ignoring scaling. I think this is a combination of scaling and the alterations that Pandemic made to the font when combining them. The top of the t (and I assume a few other tall letters) seems to have been extended after being vertically compressed.
Another thing that could add to that is I think Pandemic made specific different sizes of the font (like small, medium, large, etc) and it’d make sense if they adjusted it at smaller sizes for readability (maybe).


I say "discovery" because I genuinely don't think this was known before, and I should know! I like recreating parts of the game in my free time, which is what originally put me on this stupid hunt. No exaggeration, I've probably looked through thousands of fonts in search of this. I have a Reddit post in /identifythisfont from 8 YEARS ago asking about the font, which I completely forgot about and eventually stumbled upon this year when I was looking for it again. It's just something that's always bothered me.
Funny thing about that post is I thought it was Kimberly, which is also made by Ray Larabie, so I was close!

What Should Aspyr Do?

Both fonts are in the public domain, so Aspyr can add them without having to pay any licensing fees. It's an easy boost in the game's visual quality and resemblance to the original.
Honestly, in my opinion, just replace the current font with ZeroThree-Regular and call it a day. No need to combine the fonts like Pandemic did, that's a bit extra. Its uppercase letters are bigger than the lowercase letters, unlike ZeroTwo's, so it'll look fine on its own.
But by all means if you're feeling crazy then go for it lol
submitted by FredlyDaMoose to StarWarsBattlefront [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 08:24 overlydelicioustea tip for readability apparently not many people know

if you use VS Code and generally your in favor of standard cmdlet naming and not having aliases in your code:
go into settings, search for "auto correct aliases" and tick the box.
Now, when youve written your script, right click into the editor and hit "format document" (shift+alt+f)
submitted by overlydelicioustea to PowerShell [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 05:26 TorTurran [Fanbook 5] Approximate map of the Sovereignty

I made this for the discord based on information we have about the Sovereignty. From fanbook 5, we know that the royal academy isn't on the same plane as the rest of Yurgenschmidt.
The circle in the center is Royal Academy, but it is not on the same plane.
The sovereignty is essentially a "royal duchy" with its own provinces. Part 5 volume 5:
the Sovereignty didn’t have giebes, royals other than the Zent supplied mana to their villas and the surrounding land as giebes would
In part 5 volume 10's Magdalena side story "Smiting the Traitor" we also found out that Sigiswald's villa is nearest to Ahrensbach, and Magdalena's is in the southwest.
In part 4 volume 5, Hildebrand lists off the doors in the royal academy's central building which are connected via teleportation to the various royal villas.
“Darkness marks my father’s villa, Light marks his first wife’s, Water marks his second wife’s, Wind marks my mother’s, Fire marks Sigiswald’s, Life marks Anastasius’s, and Earth... Earth marks the villa they gave me.”
Based on the location of Sigiswald's and Magdalena's villas being known, I used that combined with Hildebrand's comments to place them in counter-clockwise order around a central district containing the main royal palace.
Fanbook 5 also let's us know that one of the villas is being used as the dorm for Trostwerk and Scharfer nobles. Based on location, that'd be Anastasius's villa which should be the province bordering those two duchies.
Putting that all together is how I came up with this map. Note that it isn't to scale, and is mostly just for the sake of communicating the general layout of the sovereignty prior to Part 5 Volume 11.
submitted by TorTurran to HonzukiNoGekokujou [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 04:21 Plop40411 [DISC] Manga that inspired Japanese to do sport

[DISC] Manga that inspired Japanese to do sport
A Japanese variety show, Wednesday Downtown (水曜日のダウンタウン), surveyed 11,107 people in their 20s to 60s. About 14% (1543 people) of them started sports because they got inspired by manga. They were also asked which manga inspired them.
The sport rank is:
  1. Boxing 55.9%
  2. Baseball 19.6%
  3. Basketball 18.7%
  4. Football 18.4%
  5. Kendo 16.3%
  6. Tennis 14.5%
  7. Volleyball 10.5%
  8. Karate 7.1%
  9. Judo 4.5%
  10. Golf 3.9%
The sum is much bigger than 100%, so likely there were people who mentioned more than 1 manga.
The breakdown:
Boxing, Baseball, Basketball, and Football
Kendo, Tennis, Volleyball, and Karate
Judo and Golf
Then I analyzed further to see the influence of every manga if we break the sport category.
Further analysis
The top 20:
Top 20 of sport manga that inspired people to do sport
The complete breakdown of all manga with miscellaneous data:
List of manga sorted by % of total
Publisher breakdown:
The breakdown per big publisher
Interesting and unexpected things:
  • The oldest manga was from 1954, Akadou Suzunoke (kendo)
  • The biggest rank gap is in football manga: "Captain Tsubasa"-"Inazuma Eleven" (25 rank), followed by "Slam Dunk" - "Kuroko no Basket" (22 rank). Percentage-wise, however, "Ashita no Joe" - "Hajime no Ippo" difference is still the biggest (15.21%), closely followed by the basketball (15.05%) and football manga (13.74%).
  • No "Ring ni Kakero" (boxing).
  • Not only sport manga, but historical manga such as "Rurouni Kenshin" and "Kaze Hikaru" also inspired people to do sport (kendo)
  • As expected, Kodansha has the most influence in sports, followed by Shueisha, but Shogakukan has more completed sports manga that influenced people. Kodansha lacked influential Judo manga, while Shueisha lacked influential Karate and Judo manga.
  • I thought Baseball would be the most or the 2nd influential Shogakukan sport manga, considering how popular "Touch", "Major", and "H2" were. Turned out, it was the 3rd.
  • I didn't expect "Ahiru no Sora" to be still ongoing, and "Dear Boys" to still have an ongoing sequel(?). The first time I heard about this manga was decades ago, and I never heard about them anymore.
Miscellaneous data were from JP Wiki, MangaSeek, and Mangapedia
It is for variety show, so this data is for fun. My Japanese suck, and I didn't watch the show, so please CMIIW. The show also mentioned the breakdown of respondent age in the every top sport manga, but I could not find any article that covered all sports.
I noticed this thanks to the thread in Ao_Ashi made by suemos, so credit to him also.
submitted by Plop40411 to manga [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 04:16 lenaxia [Help] Function/Tools Calls Always Execute, even when told not to with Llama3

Looking for some help on prompting with functions. I'm trying to get it working with Home Assistant, but the Tool behavior isn't matching ChatGPT, and so Home Asisstant is not happy with it.
Specifically, if I provide a tool definition at all, regardless of model, it will always execute the tool even if the intent of the query is just to ask for information.
I am using LocalAI v2.13.0, and have tried this prompt with ChatGPT, Llama3 8b & 70b, Luna and Mistral 7b. Only ChatGPT gives the correct response.
All documentation I've read says that llama should be able to do function/tool calls, but it just isn't working correctly, so hoping someone can point out what I'm doing wrong.
Here is what my prompt looks like:
System Prompt:
SYSTEM: Current Time: 2024-05-05 12:09:29.721918-07:00 Available Devices: \`\`\`csv entity_id,name,state,aliases light.fill_light,Fill Light,off, light.island,Island Lights ,off, light.kitchen_lights,Main Lights (Kitchen) ,on, light.dining_room_lights,Dining Room Lights ,on, \`\`\` You are a mildly sarcastic personal assistant who is responsible for managing a smart home powered by Home Assistant. Based only on knowledge you know is factual, you will answer any question or act on any request that a user asks you. `Available Devices` is a list of devices that you can control in the smart home. For any request that you receive, first identify the intent by answering the following question: Is the user requesting information/status or is the user requesting you to take an action? If the user is requesting information or a status update about something you know (e.g. the state of a light or door), provide the answer and end your response. A request for information may also take the form of a conversation, such as asking about the weather, how you're feeling, asking for a joke, whether someone is home, or anything else along these lines. Do not make any function calls if information is being requested. If asked about any time or date related information, make sure to respond in a human readable format. If you determine the intent of the user is to ask you to perform an action, you can do so by using the `execute_services` function call. Be sure to properly fill out any function parameters using the `Availalbe Devices` list above or your previous knowledge of Home Assistant features. Do not leave any parameter undefined or in a default value. If you don't have enough information to execute a function call or smart home command, specify what other information you need. TOOL DEFINITION: - spec: name: execute_services description: Use this function to execute service of devices in Home Assistant only when a user asks for an action to be taken. parameters: type: object properties: list: type: array items: type: object properties: domain: type: string description: The domain of the service, which is part of the entity_id, e.g. light.kitchen_lights has a domain of lights, and binary_sensor.fridge_door has a domain of binary_sensor service: type: string description: The service to be called service_data: type: object description: The service data object to indicate what to control. properties: entity_id: type: string description: The entity_id retrieved from available devices. It must start with domain, followed by dot character. required: - entity_id required: - domain - service - service_data function: type: native name: execute_service 
User message:
USER: What time is it? 
Responses by model:
CHATGPT: The current time is 12:23 AM on May 5th, 2024. Anything else you need to know or do tonight? LLAMA3: { "created": 1714891723, "object": "chat.completion", "id": "1e50b737-d092-45d0-9a40-d59ae47624c9", "model": "llama3-8b-instruct", "choices": [ { "index": 0, "finish_reason": "tool_calls", "message": { "role": "assistant", "content": null, "tool_calls": [ { "index": 0, "id": "1e50b737-d092-45d0-9a40-d59ae47624c9", "type": "function", "function": { "name": "execute_services", "arguments": "{\"list\":[{\"domain\":\"light\",\"service\":\"turn_on\",\"service_data\":{\"entity_id\":\"light.kitchen_lights\"}}]}" } } ] } } ], "usage": { "prompt_tokens": 416, "completion_tokens": 43, "total_tokens": 459 } } LUNA: What time is it? (it literally just mirrors whatever the user says) 
Below is a full curl message you can send to any OpenAI compatible endpoint (LocalAI or ChatGPT, etc)
curl $LOCALAI/v1/chat/completions -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"model\": \"llama3-8b-instruct\", \"messages\": [ { \"role\": \"system\", \"content\": \"Current Time: 2024-05-05 12:09:29.721918-07:00\\n\\nAvailable Devices:\\n\`\`\`csv\\nentity_id,name,state,aliases\\nlight.fill_light,Fill Light,off,\\nlight.island,Island Lights ,off,\\nlight.kitchen_lights,Main Lights (Kitchen) ,on,\\nlight.dining_room_lights,Dining Room Lights ,on,\\nlight.lights_living_room,Lights (Living Room) ,on,\\nlight.nursery_lights,Nursery - Lights ,off,\\nbinary_sensor.fridge_door_window_door_is_open_2,Fridge Door Window/door is open,off,\\nbinary_sensor.fridge_door_window_door_is_open,Fridge Door,off,\\nbinary_sensor.garage_door_window_door_is_open_2,Garage Door Window/door is open,off,\\nbinary_sensor.garage_door_is_open,Garage Door,off,\\nswitch.garage_controller,Garage controller ,off,\\nswitch.garage_controller_1,Garage controller (1),off,\\nswitch.garage_controller_2,Garage controller (2),off,\\nswitch.garage_controller_3,Garage controller (3),off,\\nswitch.heated_floor,Heated Floor ,off,\\nbinary_sensor.reolink_e1_pro_motion,Reolink E1 Pro Motion,unavailable,\\nbinary_sensor.frigate_porch_motion,Frigate Porch Motion,unavailable,\\n\`\`\`\\n\\nYou are a mildly sarcastic personal assistant who is responsible for managing a smart home powered by Home Assistant. Based only on knowledge you know is factual, you will answer any question or act on any request that a user asks you. \`Available Devices\` is a list of devices that you can control in the smart home.\\n\\nFor any request that you receive, first identify the intent by answering the following question:\\n\\nIs the user requesting information/status or is the user requesting you to take an action?\\n\\nIf the user is requesting information or a status update about something you know (e.g. the state of a light or door), provide the answer and end your response. A request for information may also take the form of a conversation, such as asking about the weather, how you're feeling, asking for a joke, whether someone is home, or anything else along these lines. Do not make any function calls if information is being requested. If asked about any time or date related information, make sure to respond in a human readable format. \\n\\nIf you determine the intent of the user is to ask you to perform an action, you can do so by using the \`execute_services\` function call. Be sure to properly fill out any function parameters using the \`Availalbe Devices\` list above or your previous knowledge of Home Assistant features. Do not leave any parameter undefined or in a default value. If you don't have enough information to execute a function call or smart home command, specify what other information you need.\" }, { \"role\": \"user\", \"content\": \"What time is it?\" } ], \"tools\": [ { \"type\": \"function\", \"function\": { \"name\": \"execute_services\", \"description\": \"Use this function to execute service of devices in Home Assistant only when a user asks for an action to be taken.\", \"parameters\": { \"properties\": { \"list\": { \"items\": { \"properties\": { \"domain\": { \"description\": \"The domain of the service, which is part of the entity_id, e.g. light.kitchen_lights has a domain of lights, and binary_sensor.fridge_door has a domain of binary_sensor\", \"type\": \"string\" }, \"service\": { \"description\": \"The service to be called\", \"type\": \"string\" }, \"service_data\": { \"description\": \"The service data object to indicate what to control.\", \"properties\": { \"entity_id\": { \"description\": \"The entity_id retrieved from available devices. It must start with domain, followed by dot character.\", \"type\": \"string\" } }, \"required\": [ \"entity_id\" ], \"type\": \"object\" } }, \"required\": [ \"domain\", \"service\", \"service_data\" ], \"type\": \"object\" }, \"type\": \"array\" } }, \"type\": \"object\" } } } ], \"tool_choice\": \"auto\" }" jq 
submitted by lenaxia to LocalLLaMA [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 02:48 just_a_person_1 Advice on Creating My Own Personal Knowledge Database

Question: I'm planning to create my own Personal Knowledge Database system and could use some advice from experienced programmers on suitable tools.
Essentially, I'm trying to create my own Personal Wikipedia, but with automation (programming) capabilities built-in to any page.
Why: Over decades, and despite trying various solutions like Spreadsheets, Joplin, Notion, and others, I haven't found a satisfactory way to organize my information. When ready-made options don't meet my needs, it seems inevitable that I must build something custom.
My Needs: A successful solution should have: - Formatting options like images, file linking, tables, and text styling. - Exportable and printer-friendly output. - Reusable templates/extensibility. - Simplicity and compatibility with Windows and Android so I can access it whenevewherever.
My Skills: I have basic programming knowledge in HTML/CSS/JavaScript, Python, and others. I'm willing to learn what's needed.
My Current Idea: I'm considering using HTML for content rendering and JavaScript for logic and user interaction. I'm hoping this approach, stored locally without the need for servers or GUIs could meet my needs?
Please let me know if this approach is likely to encounter technical limitations.
Thank you for any guidance you can provide.
submitted by just_a_person_1 to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 02:21 GrackleGrockle Handicapped IT pro looking for low-profile 122+ key keyboard

I work in IT (server admin) in a Windows environment, and I have treatment-resistant psoriatic arthritis that is constantly getting worse. Multi-key combinations (Ctrl-Alt-Win-etc.) are increasingly painful.
My main problem is that I really need use more keys close by for single-key AutoHotkey macros to replace routine typing tasks. (The "close by" part means that separate peripherals are usually too far away for routine use. I need the "extra" keys to be on my main keyboard.)
My current board is an aluminum-case low-profile scissor-switch dual PC/Mac board that I have set to Mac mode so I can use F13-F18 (frustratingly, its PC media keys send Windows keyboard shortcuts instead of using the proper media key scan codes).
Things I've tried:
I've spent many hours searching through Amazon, Newegg, and Google results, and have not encountered anything so far that meets my needs.
I've looked through KeebFinder, too, of course :)
I don't have keyboard assembly experience (or ability, nowadays), so I'm open to doing business with a company that can assemble a keyboard with at least the F13-F24 keys added to the layout (and hopefully other keys as well)... but all the companies I've seen so far have only sold standard format keyboards (104-key, or 60%-90%), and don't really seem to be able to add keys to the standard layouts.
Incidentally, are there any keyboards out there that can actually usably send some of the less common scan codes and have those scan codes be recognized by AutoHotkey? I'm talking about scan codes like 8C, 96, 97, 98, 9D, A1, A2, A3, A4, B0-CF, etc. I've messed around with the PowerToys keyboard tools (and the Cherry keyboard configurator) to try to send those scan codes, but AutoHotkey doesn't seem to pick them up.
My hunch is that there just might not be any keyboard that matches what I need, but just in case somebody knows of something that might work, I figured I'd try checking here.
Thank you very much for reading this, and for any guidance you can provide! :)
submitted by GrackleGrockle to keyboards [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 01:54 TheoDxvid SolarionSMP [SMP]{Whitelisted SMP}{Java 1.20.4}{Adult} {Community-focused}

Welcome to Solarion SMP
━━━━━━━━━╰┈➤ ❝
━━━━━━━━━About Us━━━━━━━━━
We are a distinguished and whitelisted Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server that mirrors the immersive spirit of the renowned Hermitcraft community. At Solarion, we take pride in fostering an inviting, congenial, and committed player base that warmly embraces newcomers. Our objective is to establish an inclusive environment where diversity thrives, making it an ideal home for a wide range of players. Notably, Solarion SMP operates on Java 1.20.4 and extends a warm welcome to protentional members.
Our Vision:
Here at Solarion, we have curated a compelling roster of plugins to enhance gameplay while preserving the quintessence of the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Some of our noteworthy plugins include:
˚.⁀➷ Drop Heads - Allows you to decapitate players and mobs and get their heads.
˚.⁀➷ SinglePlayerSleep - Allows you to sleep in a bed just how you can in singleplayer.
˚.⁀➷ Armor Stand Tools - Allows you to better customize the position of armorstands and more!
˚.⁀➷ DiscordSRV - Allows you to connect and interact with players ingame from discord!
˚.⁀➷ Coreprotect - Ensures that everyone is safe from grief or theft without any land claiming of any sort.
˚.⁀➷Simple VoiceChat - Allows players to speak in close proximity ingame with each other.
˚.⁀➷ Axgraves - Chest "gravestone" to allow your items to not despawn after a death
»»-----------► Community
At Solarion SMP, we heartily welcome players of varied playstyles, catering to diverse preferences within our vibrant and interactive community. Numerous engaging projects and events are continually underway, ensuring that every member remains actively involved.
»»-----------► Commitment to The Vanilla Experience
Solarion SMP is steadfast in its commitment to upholding the genuine Vanilla Minecraft experience. Although we integrate some quality-of-life plugins, rest assured that we abstain from incorporating any game-altering features such as teleportation, flight, or virtual currency systems.
»»-----------► Application Process:
Joining the Solarion SMP community begins with a comprehensive whitelist process aimed at cultivating a harmonious and inviting player base from the outset. Our approach has yielded a mature, engaging, and delightful community predominantly composed of players aged 18 and above. The whitelist process unfolds as follows:
Familiarize yourself with our server rules before initiating the application process. This ensures alignment with our ethos before integration into our community.
Our application requirements are tailored to reflect a genuine passion for both Minecraft and our community. We seek to understand you better through your application, so while brevity is appreciated, please provide insight into your motivations.
In the event your initial application does not meet our criteria, rest assured that we afford all applicants an opportunity to revise and enhance their submission.
To embark on this journey with us, we invite you to join our Discord platform for seamless access to the application process and to connect with our vibrant community.
╰┈➤ ❝ Join Us Today: Discord
╰┈➤ Our Beautiful Shopping District!
submitted by TheoDxvid to mcservers [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 01:54 TheoDxvid SolarionSMP [SMP]{Whitelisted SMP}{Java 1.20.4}{Adult} {Community-focused}

Welcome to Solarion SMP
━━━━━━━━━╰┈➤ ❝
━━━━━━━━━About Us━━━━━━━━━
We are a distinguished and whitelisted Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server that mirrors the immersive spirit of the renowned Hermitcraft community. At Solarion, we take pride in fostering an inviting, congenial, and committed player base that warmly embraces newcomers. Our objective is to establish an inclusive environment where diversity thrives, making it an ideal home for a wide range of players. Notably, Solarion SMP operates on Java 1.20.4 and extends a warm welcome to protentional members.
Our Vision:
Here at Solarion, we have curated a compelling roster of plugins to enhance gameplay while preserving the quintessence of the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Some of our noteworthy plugins include:
˚.⁀➷ Drop Heads - Allows you to decapitate players and mobs and get their heads.
˚.⁀➷ SinglePlayerSleep - Allows you to sleep in a bed just how you can in singleplayer.
˚.⁀➷ Armor Stand Tools - Allows you to better customize the position of armorstands and more!
˚.⁀➷ DiscordSRV - Allows you to connect and interact with players ingame from discord!
˚.⁀➷ Coreprotect - Ensures that everyone is safe from grief or theft without any land claiming of any sort.
˚.⁀➷Simple VoiceChat - Allows players to speak in close proximity ingame with each other.
˚.⁀➷ Axgraves - Chest "gravestone" to allow your items to not despawn after a death
»»-----------► Community
At Solarion SMP, we heartily welcome players of varied playstyles, catering to diverse preferences within our vibrant and interactive community. Numerous engaging projects and events are continually underway, ensuring that every member remains actively involved.
»»-----------► Commitment to The Vanilla Experience
Solarion SMP is steadfast in its commitment to upholding the genuine Vanilla Minecraft experience. Although we integrate some quality-of-life plugins, rest assured that we abstain from incorporating any game-altering features such as teleportation, flight, or virtual currency systems.
»»-----------► Application Process:
Joining the Solarion SMP community begins with a comprehensive whitelist process aimed at cultivating a harmonious and inviting player base from the outset. Our approach has yielded a mature, engaging, and delightful community predominantly composed of players aged 18 and above. The whitelist process unfolds as follows:
Familiarize yourself with our server rules before initiating the application process. This ensures alignment with our ethos before integration into our community.
Our application requirements are tailored to reflect a genuine passion for both Minecraft and our community. We seek to understand you better through your application, so while brevity is appreciated, please provide insight into your motivations.
In the event your initial application does not meet our criteria, rest assured that we afford all applicants an opportunity to revise and enhance their submission.
To embark on this journey with us, we invite you to join our Discord platform for seamless access to the application process and to connect with our vibrant community.
╰┈➤ ❝ Join Us Today: Discord
╰┈➤ Our Beautiful Shopping District!
submitted by TheoDxvid to MCVanillaServers [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 01:54 TheoDxvid SolarionSMP [SMP]{Whitelisted SMP}{Java 1.20.4}{Adult} {Community-focused}

Welcome to Solarion SMP
━━━━━━━━━╰┈➤ ❝
━━━━━━━━━About Us━━━━━━━━━
We are a distinguished and whitelisted Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server that mirrors the immersive spirit of the renowned Hermitcraft community. At Solarion, we take pride in fostering an inviting, congenial, and committed player base that warmly embraces newcomers. Our objective is to establish an inclusive environment where diversity thrives, making it an ideal home for a wide range of players. Notably, Solarion SMP operates on Java 1.20.4 and extends a warm welcome to protentional members.
Our Vision:
Here at Solarion, we have curated a compelling roster of plugins to enhance gameplay while preserving the quintessence of the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Some of our noteworthy plugins include:
˚.⁀➷ Drop Heads - Allows you to decapitate players and mobs and get their heads.
˚.⁀➷ SinglePlayerSleep - Allows you to sleep in a bed just how you can in singleplayer.
˚.⁀➷ Armor Stand Tools - Allows you to better customize the position of armorstands and more!
˚.⁀➷ DiscordSRV - Allows you to connect and interact with players ingame from discord!
˚.⁀➷ Coreprotect - Ensures that everyone is safe from grief or theft without any land claiming of any sort.
˚.⁀➷Simple VoiceChat - Allows players to speak in close proximity ingame with each other.
˚.⁀➷ Axgraves - Chest "gravestone" to allow your items to not despawn after a death
»»-----------► Community
At Solarion SMP, we heartily welcome players of varied playstyles, catering to diverse preferences within our vibrant and interactive community. Numerous engaging projects and events are continually underway, ensuring that every member remains actively involved.
»»-----------► Commitment to The Vanilla Experience
Solarion SMP is steadfast in its commitment to upholding the genuine Vanilla Minecraft experience. Although we integrate some quality-of-life plugins, rest assured that we abstain from incorporating any game-altering features such as teleportation, flight, or virtual currency systems.
»»-----------► Application Process:
Joining the Solarion SMP community begins with a comprehensive whitelist process aimed at cultivating a harmonious and inviting player base from the outset. Our approach has yielded a mature, engaging, and delightful community predominantly composed of players aged 18 and above. The whitelist process unfolds as follows:
Familiarize yourself with our server rules before initiating the application process. This ensures alignment with our ethos before integration into our community.
Our application requirements are tailored to reflect a genuine passion for both Minecraft and our community. We seek to understand you better through your application, so while brevity is appreciated, please provide insight into your motivations.
In the event your initial application does not meet our criteria, rest assured that we afford all applicants an opportunity to revise and enhance their submission.
To embark on this journey with us, we invite you to join our Discord platform for seamless access to the application process and to connect with our vibrant community.
╰┈➤ ❝ Join Us Today: Discord
╰┈➤ Our Beautiful Shopping District!
submitted by TheoDxvid to MinecraftServer [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 01:54 TheoDxvid SolarionSMP [SMP]{Whitelisted SMP}{Java 1.20.4}{Adult} {Community-focused}

Welcome to Solarion SMP
━━━━━━━━━╰┈➤ ❝
━━━━━━━━━About Us━━━━━━━━━
We are a distinguished and whitelisted Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server that mirrors the immersive spirit of the renowned Hermitcraft community. At Solarion, we take pride in fostering an inviting, congenial, and committed player base that warmly embraces newcomers. Our objective is to establish an inclusive environment where diversity thrives, making it an ideal home for a wide range of players. Notably, Solarion SMP operates on Java 1.20.4 and extends a warm welcome to protentional members.
Our Vision:
Here at Solarion, we have curated a compelling roster of plugins to enhance gameplay while preserving the quintessence of the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Some of our noteworthy plugins include:
˚.⁀➷ Drop Heads - Allows you to decapitate players and mobs and get their heads.
˚.⁀➷ SinglePlayerSleep - Allows you to sleep in a bed just how you can in singleplayer.
˚.⁀➷ Armor Stand Tools - Allows you to better customize the position of armorstands and more!
˚.⁀➷ DiscordSRV - Allows you to connect and interact with players ingame from discord!
˚.⁀➷ Coreprotect - Ensures that everyone is safe from grief or theft without any land claiming of any sort.
˚.⁀➷Simple VoiceChat - Allows players to speak in close proximity ingame with each other.
˚.⁀➷ Axgraves - Chest "gravestone" to allow your items to not despawn after a death
»»-----------► Community
At Solarion SMP, we heartily welcome players of varied playstyles, catering to diverse preferences within our vibrant and interactive community. Numerous engaging projects and events are continually underway, ensuring that every member remains actively involved.
»»-----------► Commitment to The Vanilla Experience
Solarion SMP is steadfast in its commitment to upholding the genuine Vanilla Minecraft experience. Although we integrate some quality-of-life plugins, rest assured that we abstain from incorporating any game-altering features such as teleportation, flight, or virtual currency systems.
»»-----------► Application Process:
Joining the Solarion SMP community begins with a comprehensive whitelist process aimed at cultivating a harmonious and inviting player base from the outset. Our approach has yielded a mature, engaging, and delightful community predominantly composed of players aged 18 and above. The whitelist process unfolds as follows:
Familiarize yourself with our server rules before initiating the application process. This ensures alignment with our ethos before integration into our community.
Our application requirements are tailored to reflect a genuine passion for both Minecraft and our community. We seek to understand you better through your application, so while brevity is appreciated, please provide insight into your motivations.
In the event your initial application does not meet our criteria, rest assured that we afford all applicants an opportunity to revise and enhance their submission.
To embark on this journey with us, we invite you to join our Discord platform for seamless access to the application process and to connect with our vibrant community.
╰┈➤ ❝ Join Us Today: Discord
╰┈➤ Our Beautiful Shopping District!
submitted by TheoDxvid to PlanetMinecraft [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 01:54 TheoDxvid SolarionSMP [SMP]{Whitelisted SMP}{Java 1.20.4}{Adult} {Community-focused}

Welcome to Solarion SMP
━━━━━━━━━╰┈➤ ❝
━━━━━━━━━About Us━━━━━━━━━
We are a distinguished and whitelisted Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server that mirrors the immersive spirit of the renowned Hermitcraft community. At Solarion, we take pride in fostering an inviting, congenial, and committed player base that warmly embraces newcomers. Our objective is to establish an inclusive environment where diversity thrives, making it an ideal home for a wide range of players. Notably, Solarion SMP operates on Java 1.20.4 and extends a warm welcome to protentional members.
Our Vision:
Here at Solarion, we have curated a compelling roster of plugins to enhance gameplay while preserving the quintessence of the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Some of our noteworthy plugins include:
˚.⁀➷ Drop Heads - Allows you to decapitate players and mobs and get their heads.
˚.⁀➷ SinglePlayerSleep - Allows you to sleep in a bed just how you can in singleplayer.
˚.⁀➷ Armor Stand Tools - Allows you to better customize the position of armorstands and more!
˚.⁀➷ DiscordSRV - Allows you to connect and interact with players ingame from discord!
˚.⁀➷ Coreprotect - Ensures that everyone is safe from grief or theft without any land claiming of any sort.
˚.⁀➷Simple VoiceChat - Allows players to speak in close proximity ingame with each other.
˚.⁀➷ Axgraves - Chest "gravestone" to allow your items to not despawn after a death
»»-----------► Community
At Solarion SMP, we heartily welcome players of varied playstyles, catering to diverse preferences within our vibrant and interactive community. Numerous engaging projects and events are continually underway, ensuring that every member remains actively involved.
»»-----------► Commitment to The Vanilla Experience
Solarion SMP is steadfast in its commitment to upholding the genuine Vanilla Minecraft experience. Although we integrate some quality-of-life plugins, rest assured that we abstain from incorporating any game-altering features such as teleportation, flight, or virtual currency systems.
»»-----------► Application Process:
Joining the Solarion SMP community begins with a comprehensive whitelist process aimed at cultivating a harmonious and inviting player base from the outset. Our approach has yielded a mature, engaging, and delightful community predominantly composed of players aged 18 and above. The whitelist process unfolds as follows:
Familiarize yourself with our server rules before initiating the application process. This ensures alignment with our ethos before integration into our community.
Our application requirements are tailored to reflect a genuine passion for both Minecraft and our community. We seek to understand you better through your application, so while brevity is appreciated, please provide insight into your motivations.
In the event your initial application does not meet our criteria, rest assured that we afford all applicants an opportunity to revise and enhance their submission.
To embark on this journey with us, we invite you to join our Discord platform for seamless access to the application process and to connect with our vibrant community.
╰┈➤ ❝ Join Us Today: Discord
╰┈➤ Our Beautiful Shopping District!
submitted by TheoDxvid to MinecraftSMPs [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 01:08 zennez33 Are breaks worth it?

Just tried my first break and it was just garbage.
The pick your fighter format. I bought 27 different fighters and the break was 2 cases of Select Blasters, so 40 blasters.
24 cards in a box 960 cards minimum and I pulled nothing of value.
I know the autos are 1 a case but I expected something numbered or higher than base.
My first chrome blaster 24 got me some solid rookies, the A and G Pereira, sepia rookies, and some okay inserts.
Is this common?
The top fighters, and of course the most expensive buy ins, just kept hitting. Tiger, elephant, numbered.
submitted by zennez33 to ufccards [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 01:00 livia2lima Day 2 - Basic navigation


Most computer users outside of the Linux and Unix world don't spend much time at the command-line now, but as a Linux sysadmin this is your default working environment - so you need to be skilled in it.
When you use a graphic desktop such as Windows or Apple's macOS (or even the latest Linux flavors), then increasingly you are presented with simple "places" where your stuff is stored - "Pictures" "Music" etc but if you're even moderately technical then you'll realize that underneath all this is a hierarchical "directory structure" of "folders" (e.g. C:\Users\Steve\Desktop on Windows or /Users/Steve/Desktop on macOS - and on a Desktop Linux system /home/steve/Desktop)
From now on, the course will point you to a range of good online resources for a topic, and then set you a simple set of tasks to achieve. It’s perfectly fine to google for other online resources, refer to any books you have etc - and in fact a fundamental element of the design of this course is to force you to do a bit of your own research. Even the most experienced sysadmins will do an online search to find advice for how to use commands - so the sooner you too get into that habit the better!



This is a good time to mention that one of the many advantages of Linux is that it's designed to let you know the system, to let you learn how to use it. The documentation available in form of text manuals, guides and forums is where you will spend most of your time during this journey.
Whereas proprietary systems have some free documentation, you see much more frequently the use of paid customer support to fix issues or find how a particular task can be executed. Although you can also do this with Linux (Canonical, RedHat and SuSE are examples of companies that offer support in the same fashion), this is most likely not the case. And you are here to learn, so...
Which leads us to the famous acronym RTFM. Reading the manual is the first thing you should do when you're learning a command. We will go through the many ways to obtain that information but if at the end of that search you need more insight, you can always ask a well written question in forums and other communities.
Starting with the man command. Each application installed comes with its own page in this manual, so that you can look at the page for pwd to see the full detail on the syntax like this:
man pwd
You might also try:
 man cp man mv man grep man ls man man 
As you’ll see, these are excellent for the detailed syntax of a command, but many are extremely terse, and for others the amount of detail can be somewhat daunting!
And that's why tldr is such a powerful tool! You can easily install it with sudo apt install tldr or follow this demo.
```bash $ tldr pwd pwd Print name of current/working directory.More information:
If you know a keyword or some description of what the command is supposed to do, you can try apropos or man -k like this:
```bash $ apropos "working directory" git-stash (1) - Stash the changes in a dirty working directory away pwd (1) - print name of current/working directory pwdx (1) - report current working directory of a process
$ man -k "working directory" git-stash (1) - Stash the changes in a dirty working directory away pwd (1) - print name of current/working directory pwdx (1) - report current working directory of a process ```
But you'll soon find out that not every command has a manual that you can read with man. Those commands are contained within the shell itself and we call them builtin commands.
There are some overlaping (i.e. builtin commands that also have a man page) but if man does not work, we use help to display information about them.
```bash $ man export No manual entry for export
$ help export export: export [-fn] [name[=value] ...] or export -p Set export attribute for shell variables.
Marks each NAME for automatic export to the environment of subsequently executed commands. If VALUE is supplied, assign VALUE before exporting. Options: -f refer to shell functions -n remove the export property from each NAME -p display a list of all exported variables and functions An argument of `--' disables further option processing. Exit Status: Returns success unless an invalid option is given or NAME is invalid. 
The best way to know if a command is a builtin command, is to check its type:
bash $ type export export is a shell builtin
And lastly, info reads the documentation stored in info) format.





Being able to move confidently around the directory structure at the command line is important, so don’t think you can skip it! However, these skills are something that you’ll be constantly using over the twenty days of the course, so don’t despair if this doesn’t immediately “click”.


If this is already something that you’re very familiar with, then:



Some rights reserved. Check the license terms here
submitted by livia2lima to linuxupskillchallenge [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 00:22 ghettomilkshake Non-Profit Break Opportunity! 5 boxes 2022 Topps x 1952 by Naturel, 20 boxes 2022 Topps Archives Snapshots, 1 box 2022 Topps Chrome NPB Japan Hobby, & 1 box 2023 Topps x J-Rod. $43 per slot plus shipping!

I am running a non-profit mixer break on Wednesday, May 29, through the Father and Sons Sports Card Discord that I am looking to fill. We will be breaking a lot of online only product from the past including:
The break format is a random order draft, where you purchase a slot, then once all the slots are filled and paid for, I will generate a random draft order after which we will draft the teams available in that draft order. The draft is hosted on the Discord. Slots are $43 each plus shipping. Shipping costs are $6 for your first slot, and $1 for each subsequent slot. Right now the break is limited to two slots per person. NPB teams have been combined with other MLB teams to provide more value throughout the draft. See the comments for the team pairings.
The sub frowns upon directly linking Discord servers so if you are interested, please let me know in the comments and I can provide you with the invitation link via DM. Thanks!
submitted by ghettomilkshake to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 23:40 EchoJobs Jerry is hiring Senior Full Stack Software Engineer, Auto Refinance [San Francisco, CA] [TypeScript JavaScript Java Python C++ C# Go Machine Learning]

Jerry is hiring Senior Full Stack Software Engineer, Auto Refinance [San Francisco, CA] [TypeScript JavaScript Java Python C++ C# Go Machine Learning] submitted by EchoJobs to SFtechJobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 23:20 EchoJobs Jerry is hiring Senior Full Stack Software Engineer, Auto Refinance [San Francisco, CA] [TypeScript JavaScript Java Python C++ C# Go Machine Learning]

Jerry is hiring Senior Full Stack Software Engineer, Auto Refinance [San Francisco, CA] [TypeScript JavaScript Java Python C++ C# Go Machine Learning] submitted by EchoJobs to SanFranciscoTechJobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 23:05 evtoofly C777 Passed in a week Writeup

C777 Passed in a week Writeup
After reading a lot of posts regarding the extremeness of C777, I would like to say that I passed on my first try with a week of studying and no experience. Since many of the posts has helped me, I hope my post can help anyone pass as well.
Edit: I also work full time so with the exception of Monday and the weekend, most study time was right after work for 2-4 hours . On Saturday and Sunday I basically spent all day studying from the moment I woke up to going to sleep
Just to reiterate, I have absolutely zero experience with this course. Although I am interested in coding, I never took time to actually learn it like I wanted to. That is, until I started c777 last Monday . I bs'ed the sophia course for fundamentals, and in hindsight I wish I took it more serious but a pass is a pass.
Resources: In total I used all the quizlets from the study guide, watched only the CSS and Javascript videos once from Traversy Media, did some W3 exercises for CSS, an extra quizlet not in the study guide , and two "final" Microsoft quizzes for CSS and Javascript from a previous comment I seen on here. I say the study guide is ESSENTIAL but the QUIZLETS are what made me pass. We all learn different, so take that with a grain of salt, but the quizlets were like a gift from heaven to me. However, the study guide itself will make you for sure pass. I will post every link below in the order that I used them and what I did for each day leading to the test.
Study Guide:
HyperText markup Language Quizlet
CSS Quizlet
JavaScript Quizlet
Forms Quizlet
Mobile Design Quizlet
Final Quizlet - I just want to say whoever made this deserves a national medal award. No seriously, I can not express my thank you's enough. I skimmed over this right before the test and had quite a few questions that correlated with this almost literally. I would say to look over and know this study guide before taking the test. If I had just looked at this maybe two days sooner , I would of done a lot better in the Mobile section of the OA.
Javascript Final Quiz before OA
CSS Final Quiz before OA
Traversy Media CSS
Traversy Media Javascript
W3 exercises for CSS
This is how my exact week went prior to passing the OA.
Monday 4/29: Passed A+ 1101 . Immediately watched 35 mins of Brocode's tutorial on youtube but stopped. Started HTML quizlet and did a PA after. Got a 50% and was feeling pretty good.
Tuesday 4/30: Quizlet
Wednesday 5/1: Quizlet. I was halfway through the quizlets and felt a little better so I took the PA again. Ended up only with a 51% and felt a little bummed but I didn't lose focus.
Thursday 5/2: I decided if I really want to pass in a short time Im going to have to really get down CSS and javascript at least. Watched 20 mins Traversy CSS while using Visual studio , DId some Quizlet and took the PA again. I know this is bad to retake PA's right away because it most likely leads to memorization of the same answers. However, I was obsessed with knowing how much I can improve it by before my OA. Ended up getting a 70% and felt confident now but not ready.
Friday 5/3: Ended up going through the Full traversy CSS and JavaScript vid with Visual Studio, and did Quizlet. At this point I have already went through every quizlet at least once so I felt pretty confident. Took the PA and got an 84%. Still didn't feel that confident in taking the OA.
Saturday 5/4: I wanted to get down every Quizlet in learn mode so I pretty much was going to spam them until I could master them. Some things still wasn't sticking and decided to use W3 exercises for the first time in any of my classes. I used it specifically for CSS because I kept scoring the lowest in that section for my PA. I think this was a great idea because now I really grasped how CSS worked. I suggest going through the W3 exercises because you have to fill in missing code ,which helps you retain it. I ended up doing 50/138 for these and called it a night.
Sunday 5/5: Quizlet and W3 exercises. By now I had only did 75/138 exercises for CSS but felt pretty good about it to not know anything else. I took the final quizzes that I linked above and scored a 80% on CSS and 64% on javascript. Felt kind of bummed out by the javascript result, but those quizzes are pretty intense to say the least, so I didn't let it stop my goal of passing the OA the next day.
Monday 5/6: I woke up and did Quizlet except I did it differently this time. Normally, I would go through them in order, but this time I saved javascript and CSS for last so it could stick with me for the test. I took the PA and got a 85%, and scheduled my test 30 minutes later. I skimmed through the final quizlet I posted, went over notes of things I still couldn't get right , reviewed my PA, and hoped for the best.
I wouldn't say this is the hardest test I did but it did have me stress. For reference, I barely passed finite mathematics and that test probably gave me more stress than this one because I hate the idea of math.
Anyway, as far as the test goes, There are a Fair amount of ID and class questions for CSS, HTML wasn't to bad but don't understudy it. Know how to call functions in JavaScript and what belongs to an object . Know how to differentiate patterns as well and just be able to interpret syntax for each. Some of them you can honestly deduce pretty easily if you use the method I did. MOST OF ALL, know the format of mobile screening /pixels used with mobile devices . Can't STRESS enough that me not knowing the correct line of code for resolutions almost made me fail . You can deduce the benefits of mobile devices pretty easily but the code itself is most important to know
The mobile in PA is extremely easy and I got exemplary two times but the OA really is a rude awakening if you don't use the study guide or Final quizlet that has all the mobile options to know . Don't get overconfident like me.
All in all, don't rush this course. Personally I just like the challenge of seeing how much I can push my limits. If I wasn't accerlating I'd honestly spend a lot more time on this course because I personally enjoy it. I don't know if this helps or not but with this course you have to have a forced mindset and be obsessed even if you don't like it. I told myself everyday that I loved this course and I would pass. Although partially true, I started to believe it. I even convinced myself that I needed a 75 to pass this class even if it killed me. It made me want to study harder, even though I didn't hit the 70 mark😅. Every night I would read posts of people failing and passing this class. It got to the point, where I was reading posts from 4 years ago and would reread the same posts every day knowing what to expect, so you can see how obsessed I was becoming, but I say it resulted in a greater drive to pass.
If you make it all the way to end, I just want to say thank you and not to lose focus. We're all gonna make it one way or another and I hope this message guides you to the end your goals. I posted everything I know, but feel free to ask questions.
Forgot to mention. I also received the anki deck from u/MiamiFFA Saturday morning but didn't end up using them because anki is pretty foreign to me . However I'm sure that it would of helped a lot as well
submitted by evtoofly to WGU [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 23:01 SanderSo47 Weekend Actuals for May 3-5 – 'The Fall Guy' Fails to Kick Off the Summer Season

Weekend Actuals for May 3-5 – 'The Fall Guy' Fails to Kick Off the Summer Season
It's the first weekend of May, which means that the summer season is officially starting.

And it started in a huge whimper, as The Fall Guy failed to build interest among moviegoers. Disney's re-release of Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace performed solidly, while Tarot had one of the worst debuts in 3,000 theaters.

The Top 10 earned a combined $68.3 million this weekend. This represents a massive 56.2% drop from last year, when Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 opened with $118 million. Excluding 2021 and 2020 for the pandemic, this was the worst first weekend of May since 1998. That's a horrible way to kick off the summer season, and it guarantees that this will be one of the worst summers in recent memory.

Debuting in 4,002 theaters, Universal's The Fall Guy disappointed with just $27.7 million this weekend. That's less than what David Leitch's previous film, Bullet Train, made back in August 2022 ($30 million). That makes the numbers so disappointing, especially as The Fall Guy was the first high budget blockbuster in one month.

In fact, this debut is even worse than you can imagine for the summer kick-off. The first weekend of May marks the beginning of the summer season, and studios often put the most anticipated title here (mostly Marvel). This was the worst debut in this weekend since Kingdom of Heaven flopped back in 2005 with just $19 million. But it doesn't stop just there; adjusted for inflation, it was the worst debut since He Got Game back in 1998 ($7.6 million unadjusted, $14.5 million adjusted). So it opened lower than other titles like The Mummy films ($43.3 million and $68.1 million), Gladiator ($34.8 million), Van Helsing ($51.7 million), and Mission: Impossible III ($47.7 million).

Even if we want to downplay that it's not fair to compare it to the previous films, that doesn't change the fact that it's a very poor start. Even Universal was confident that it seemed appropriate for this to open the summer season, they gave it a $130 million budget after all.

Films about Hollywood are always a tough sell, just look at how badly Babylon did back in 2022. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is an exception, and that's because Quentin Tarantino, Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt are far bigger names than anyone in The Fall Guy. So Universal wanted to highlight action and comedy in the trailers, emphasizing the roles of stuntmen in the film. It's not uncommon to adapt TV shows as films, but it's likely a lot of people are unaware that the film is based on an 1980s TV show (to the point that the TV lead Lee Majors appears in a cameo). A familiarity with the show could help in building nostalgia, but the original Fall Guy is not as fondly remembered as other classic shows like Charlie's Angels or Miami Vice.

Last week, we addressed the topic of star power with Zendaya and Challengers, and it feels like we gotta re-adress it here. Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt are known stars and have been part of some successful films. Yet it looks like they have been struggling in opening films based on their names alone. Gosling has starred in many flops in the past years, which included The Nice Guys, Blade Runner 2049 and First Man, with La La Land and Barbie marking exceptions. Blunt hasn't had many flops, and she can be credited for the box office success of A Quiet Place, The Girl on the Train and Sicario. It simply wasn't enough. If you're curious on how much impact their presence had: Deadline said that 50% came for Ryan Gosling, while 35% came for Emily Blunt. And that makes you wonder, if this is what they can bring, then imagine how low it would be with lesser known stars.

According to Universal, 54% of the audience was male. It failed to attract interest among young audiences; a massive 71% was 25 and over. In some good news, the film has very good reviews and the audience also appears to like it: they gave it a solid "A–" on CinemaScore. The hope is that it can leg out like Bullet Train, but that will be tough considering that film had a very weak August, while The Fall Guy will face a blockbuster each week. If the film fails to hit $100 million, that would be very bad news for the summer season.

Second place belonged to another newcomer, Disney's re-release of Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace for its 25th anniversary. Debuting in 2,700 theaters, it earned $8 million this weekend. That's far off from its numbers back in 2012 when it re-released with $22 million, but this is still a very solid debut considering re-releases don't make this much in the past years. For comparison, the re-release of Return of the Jedi last year debuted with $5.1 million. With this, its lifetime gross is now $482.6 million in North America. This is only for a limited time, and it also includes a preview for The Acolyte.

In third place, MGM's Challengers added $7.6 million this weekend. That represents a 49% drop, which is fine, but not fantastic considering its low debut. Through ten days, the film has earned $29.4 million.

In fourth place, Sony's horror film Tarot earned just $6.5 million in 3,104 theaters. That's one of the worst debuts for a film playing at 3,000+ theaters. Even with a low $8 million budget, this is not anything to write home about. With horrible reviews and poor word of mouth ("C–" on CinemaScore), expect this to fade away quickly.

Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire is still trying to hit the $200 million milestone. This weekend, it dipped 37% and added $4.5 million. That takes its domestic total to $188.1 million.

A24's Civil War wound up in fifth place, easing just 48% and adding $3.5 million. The film has already made $62 million, and it looks like it might hit $70 million.

In seventh place, Lionsgate's Unsung Hero added $2.9 million. That represents an awful 61% drop, which is quite steep considering its "A+" on CinemaScore. With $13.1 million in the bank, it will now finish below $20 million.

Kung Fu Panda 4 continued holding well, dropping just 30% and adding $2.5 million. Its domestic total is now $188.4 million, and it has one last week before IF takes its family demo.

In ninth place, Universal's Abigail is on its last legs and it was just its third weekend. The film collapsed 55% and made $2.3 million this weekend. Its domestic total stands at $22.8 million and now will finish below $30 million, and it might finish below Radio Silence's Ready or Not ($28.7 million).

Rounding up the Top 10 was Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire. It added $1.8 million after dropping 43%, which takes its domestic total to $109.9 million.

A24 released I Saw the TV Glow in 4 theaters, debuting with $116,340. That translates to a fine but not great $29,085 per-theater average. It will continue expanding in the coming weeks.


The Fall Guy also led the overseas numbers, yet it wasn't anything memorable either. It expanded to 78 markets, and added $25.4 million. Adding last week's previews and its domestic performance, its worldwide total stands at $64.4 million. That's quite underwhelming, considering its $130 million budget. It had soft-to-mediocre debuts in the UK ($4.4M), Mexico ($2.5M), France ($2.3M), Germany ($1.9M), Italy ($1.4M), and South Korea ($1.1M). With competition on its way with Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes this week, the film will probably fail to break even, which is a very way to start the summer season.

3 weeks ahead of its debut in North America, The Garfield Movie debuted with $22 million in 18 markets. It had a strong debut in Mexico, earning $8.4 million in its first six days, followed by Spain with $3.2 million over five days, Brazil at $2.2 million, Italy with $1.6 million and Peru at $1.3 million. We'll see how it goes as it continues expanding.

Godzilla x Kong added another $9.8 million, taking its worldwide total to $547 million. Its best markets are China ($131.3M), Mexico ($33.2M), UK ($17.5M), India ($15.2M) and Australia ($12M).

Kung Fu Panda 4 added another $7.7 million for a $520 million worldwide total.

After its disappointing start, Challengers appears to have some minimal power overseas. It eased just 24% and added $7.5 million, taking its worldwide total to $50 million. Its best new market was Netherlands, but it opened to just $485K. Its best markets are the UK ($4.4M), Italy ($3.3M), France ($2.3M), Australia ($2M) and Mexico ($1.6M). It's still got a long way to go before breaking even.

Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace also re-released in a few markets, adding $6.4 million. With these numbers, its worldwide total now stands at $1.035 billion.


Movie Release Date Studio Domestic Opening Domestic Total Worldwide Total Budget
Immaculate Ma22 Neon $5,338,921 $15,671,306 $19,790,679 $9M
  • Neon's Immaculate has closed with $19 million worldwide. Domestically, it's Neon's fourth highest grossing film, but it's not a high bar. It was lucky to get weak competition on the way, but these numbers are quite low for a horror title. Sydney Sweeney impressed a few months ago with Anyone but You, but it looks like that interest didn't translate here. Quite a mediocre performance for a horror film.


The good news is that we'll have an uptick from this weekend.

20th Century Studios is releasing Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, the next chapter in the reboot franchise. Set 300 years after the events of War, it follows an ape who challenges the beliefs of the new ape king, Proximus Caesar, with the help of a young human girl. The Apes franchise has been one of the studio's most prized properties, and all (even the reviled Tim Burton reboot) have been successful. The previous film earned $490 million worldwide, so it will be interesting to see how much it earns in proximity.

We're also getting another release, albeit smaller. That's Not Another Church Movie, a parody of Christian films starring Jamie Foxx, Kevin Daniels and Mickey Rourke. Don't expect much from here; Briarcliff is not a big studio, and the parody genre has been dead for years.
submitted by SanderSo47 to boxoffice [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 22:43 TheChewyTurtle Ironclad Vanilla [SMP]{Whitelist}{6YearOldMap}{HermitCraft Style}{No Map Resets or Spawned items}{DynMap}{1.20.4}{BalancedCommands}

--Other Important Links--
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Join our subreddit: ironcladnetwork/
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--Recent Updates--
Ironclad Vanilla has updated to 1.20.4
--About Ironclad Vanilla--
Minecraft Version: 1.20.4
Ironclad Vanilla is a whitelisted Semi-Vanilla server that strives to maintain a thriving community. Our staff works non-stop providing grief/theft prevention as well as technical and community support. We deal with issues professionally and do not abuse our powers. Never worry about your progress being lost due to some griefer ever again!
Ironclad Vanilla follows a trust system for trading, and players usually use diamonds as money. The spawn has a few public trading post that you can set your own trades up in, or you can make a shop with all kinds of merchandise!
Ironclad Vanilla is more appropriately known as a Semi-Vanilla server because we allow access to some commands, but we do so in a more balanced way. All commands that give you any kind of advantage cost in-game money. Players must earn money through playtime, chat-games, or voting.
We don't give our donators items, and in all actuality we don't give anyone items. Everything you see on Ironclad Vanilla was made with resources collected on our maps. Nothing is spawned in. Donators however get cool commands that allow them to glow, ride pets, and chat in color!
The map will never, ever, be reset. This means that you have all the imaginative freedom that you want in creating the most amazing builds and structures without ever worrying about it being lost. Map downloads become available every few months, so you will have forever access to your builds!
--Server Rules--
[1] GRIEFING/STEALING - ANY destructive behavior will NOT be tolerated! You are given ONE warning and that warning is the rules you agreed to when you joined the server. Our wonderful staff will catch any player that steals and/or griefs.
[2] CHEATING - Use of any resource pack, mod, or hack client such as (Nodus, and auto clicker) that gives you an unfair advantage on the other players are NOT allowed! If you are unsure if a mod is allowed ask! Using the world seed to find ores or spawners is considered x-raying here and is not allowed. Duping and Exploiting server bugs is considered cheating.
[3] LANGUAGE - Excessive swearing; abusive, sexual, or otherwise inappropriate language is simply not acceptable. Links to inappropriate sites is not allowed. We have a diverse demographic on our server, including some younger players and we intend on making this a place everyone feels comfortable.
[4] PVP - PvP is disabled by default. To PvP use /pvp on & /pvp off. Purposefully killing players who have not agreed to PvP is not allowed.
[5] SPAMMING/ADVERTISING - Spamming chat is unacceptable, take it easy. Advertising other servers in our chat is not allowed, you will be banned.
--How to Join our Community-- To join our whitelist, you must complete a short application. Please follow the format and send this application through Discord #whitelist-inquiry (Fastest Response) or the comment section below.
Whitelist Application Template:
Your reason for wanting to join the server?
Have you read the rules?
Have you joined our discord server for server updates?
🪓 --Staff-- 🪓
As of May 6th, 2024
[Owner] Turtle - turtleguy123456 🐢
[Admin] Pixels - ClearPixels
[Head-Mod] Blertz
[Mod] theENiGMAman
[Mod] vTroll - vTrollFlowz
[Mod] Egamh
[Mod] Lag_Monster
[Mod] Wavy_Buster
[Mod] asoundguy88
[Mod] Nick116
[Mod] Directmantis6
[Mod] StarfireHunter
[Mod] GarbyEXE
submitted by TheChewyTurtle to mcservers [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 22:42 estrangedpulse Auto-apply code-style formatting on specific words

I want to apply code style formatting (so simply add backticks) for certain words. In my notes those words are often repeating so i would like it to auto-apply such formatting as soon as I write down such word. Ideally I would be able to select word and add to such a dictionary. From then on, every word from that dictionary would have code style formatting. Does such plugin or feature exists?
submitted by estrangedpulse to ObsidianMD [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 22:05 amcdk9 I’m so done with TikTok 😫

I’m so exhausted from trying to figure out TikTok that I’m probably going to give up. I’m at the end of my rope with it. I have about 35k followers, quite a few viral videos (most viral was 9.7m), I follow all the tips & tricks, use hooks, good lighting etc. this is kinda my last attempt at getting help before I give up.
My issue is that I don’t have a specific niche persay, my niche is just me and my personality. I talk about a lot of things, fashion, pop culture, business, just general yapping at the camera. I try to replicate similar formats to other creators who have built a brand around themselves and a community. The videos that go super viral are SO random, and then the videos that follow a viral video get some decent engagement? And then it just drops off a week later and I’m suddenly getting 200 views on a video. And because of this, the community of followers I do have are ALL OVER THE PLACE so I can’t even create content specifically tailored to them. My most viral video was about weddings, so I have a lot of brides to be, but I have a lot of followers who followed me for my fitness journey, some that came from a video of me talking about reality TV, and it’s just chaos.
It’s like that no matter what I do and try. I’ve tried the creator insights, doesn’t work, I’ve tried replicating the exact same formats of the videos that go viral, doesn’t work.
The last thing I’ll say is that it seems like my videos always get on the wrong side of TikTok. I made a fashion video of cool New York based brands for girls in their 30s and use hashtags but the first 20 likers are just random guys with trucks in the country. How does that make sense? Or a few of my videos are just people bullying me who are clearly not the intended audience for my content so that’s great.
TikTok (for the 3rd time) has taken away the button to generate auto captions, so can’t even use that to SEO purposes. I’m just over it. Don’t even know why I’m posting this - I’m just putting this out there in one final exhausted attempt to figure something out.
submitted by amcdk9 to Tiktokhelp [link] [comments]