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2024.05.19 10:26 Difficult_Trash_2776 AITAH for not reimbursing my girlfriend after I caused us to miss our holiday?

I live in the UK and my partner and I had a holiday booked for yesterday which we were really looking forward to. Last week I had an uncomfortable feeling in my right side.
I had a doctors appointment for something else anyway so I mentioned this and they said it is likely to be nothing and to let them know if it gets any worse.
For a day or two it was still there but quite mild and not worse than before. It was more of a discomfort. I phoned 111 just to get a second opinion and they agreed with the doctor.
They just said to take paracetamol and if it gets worse to get it checked. The day before our flight it got worse and I was in horrible pain. I was advised to go to A&E as it was possible appendicitis.
I went to A&E and it was a 5 hour wait which meant I was in awful pain for the full thing and also we missed our flight since it was an early flight and we were supposed to be staying over at an airport hotel.
When I saw a doctor they did an ultrasound and felt my stomach and side. They said it wasn't appendicitis but they weren't sure what it was.
They prescribed me some painkillers and sent me home. One of the first comments my girlfriend made was "well there's the holiday ruined" and she mentioned that we'd lost our money.
I pointed out I could hardly have just ignored the fact I was in pain and she just said I can't exactly expect her to be fine with losing money and missing out on the trip.
I told her the least she could do was show some compassion and she just said that we still could have went since the doctors didn't do anything. I just repeated she could at least act like she cares and that I could hardly help being ill.
She just said I was wrong for expecting her to just be fine with losing the money and missing out and that I should be reimbursing her but I just told her I’m not going to pay her just because I had to go to A&E.
AITAH for causing my girlfriend and I to miss our holiday and refusing to reimburse her?
submitted by Difficult_Trash_2776 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:24 Difficult_Trash_2776 Am I wrong for not reimbursing my girlfriend after I caused us to miss our holiday?

I live in the UK and my partner and I had a holiday booked for yesterday which we were really looking forward to. Last week I had an uncomfortable feeling in my right side.
I had a doctors appointment for something else anyway so I mentioned this and they said it is likely to be nothing and to let them know if it gets any worse.
For a day or two it was still there but quite mild and not worse than before. It was more of a discomfort. I phoned 111 just to get a second opinion and they agreed with the doctor.
They just said to take paracetamol and if it gets worse to get it checked. The day before our flight it got worse and I was in horrible pain. I was advised to go to A&E as it was possible appendicitis.
I went to A&E and it was a 5 hour wait which meant I was in awful pain for the full thing and also we missed our flight since it was an early flight and we were supposed to be staying over at an airport hotel.
When I saw a doctor they did an ultrasound and felt my stomach and side. They said it wasn't appendicitis but they weren't sure what it was.
They prescribed me some painkillers and sent me home. One of the first comments my girlfriend made was "well there's the holiday ruined" and she mentioned that we'd lost our money.
I pointed out I could hardly have just ignored the fact I was in pain and she just said I can't exactly expect her to be fine with losing money and missing out on the trip.
I told her the least she could do was show some compassion and she just said that we still could have went since the doctors didn't do anything. I just repeated she could at least act like she cares and that I could hardly help being ill.
She just said I was wrong for expecting her to just be fine with losing the money and missing out and that I should be reimbursing her but I just told her I’m not going to pay her just because I had to go to A&E.
AIW for causing my girlfriend and I to miss our holiday and refusing to reimburse her?
submitted by Difficult_Trash_2776 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:18 Specific-Volume5652 My experience with a PTSD spouse

I (M42) and my spouse (F40)
I just had the shock of my life, and possibly the most dramatic upheaval imaginable. I'm scared, concerned and i wonder if anyone else has a similar experience. This is concerning my soon to be ex-wife. Not an easy read or even to type, but strap yourselves in. We were married for 13 years, had known each other for 23. She was a child that grew up in a war in her home country, and was effected by it more than she let on. During the last 4 years of our relationship, she started developing incredible anxiety and depression. She would become like an exposed nerve, and every perceived slight became something she would ruminate on for days at a time. We had some events in our marriage that were incredibly stressful. Our son was born prematurely, our daughter when she was born was also traumatic. She was always highly strung when i knew her. i was very much the calming influence to her and it was a role that developed in our dynamic. i would be her rock and safe place. Things started to change, and dramatically so. I travel with work and she would look after the kids. i would be home large parts of the year, but i would have to go away sometimes for 4 weeks at a time. When covid hit, we were both home for a better part of 18 months, and i started to notice things that concerned me. She began to become incredibly paranoid about neighbours. She was certain they were spyi ng on us somehow (even though they were 80, and not at all interested in us). This spiraled from the neighbours commenting on the length of our grass. It effected her, and she became fixated. Any new neighbours she instantly distrusted, and she believed they all spoke badly of her.none of it was true, but in her state of hypervigilance, she was misinterpreting signs. A strange look, or half glance was enough to make her feel unsafe and scared. This slowly devolved into her being fearful of being spied on in the shower, people who walked dogs the same time each morning past our house were doing it to spy on us, etc. I could see it was draining her, and making her very ill with stress so we discussed maybe going to therapy, which she did. During the years we were together, she had been on various anti-depressants to cope with depression. I always chalked it down to post natal depression and the stress being a mother brought to her, especially when i went away. She attended therapy, but would stop when it became uncomfortable. She then opened up to me one day regarding it. It turns out that she was molested as a child by a family friend, and had buried it. that coupled with seeing her childhood friend die from an explosion (which i knew about) had effected her more than we knew. The therapy seemed to make it worse, and since that point things took a massive nose dive. She was an incredibly bubbly, happy and cheerful person to everyone. or so i thought. She would sometimes drop the mask at home, and i could see the turmoil developing. I hate to admit it, but i was blind to it for many years. she had masked it from the very beginning. Her paranoia got worse and worse. she came off of her antidepressants and started using weed vape pens to be able to cope with the incredible anxiety. I watched her drift apart from me over the last two years, her kindness towards me vanishing and almost a resentment towards me. She would complain about the new house we had bought and that she hated it because of the neighbours. We discussed moving, but she realised in her more lucid times that the issue would follow her whereever she went. The last year together she would speak about moving to another country. I said i would, but after my parents, who are old, passed. i didn't want them to not see our children in their final years. We had grown apart, she had this strange push-pull dynamic with me. One day she'd love me and be this caring person, the next cold and distant. I tried incredibly hard to pull us back together whilst dealing with her delusions of paranoia that were still ongoing, but the more i tried (and at some points i was quite combative and forceful) to get her to communicate, the more she pulled away. There was hardly any intimacy, which i yearned for and would comment on. She would initiate it sometimes, but for me, i'm ashamed to say, i complained about it a lot. She would have sex with me on occasion, and then if we argued later say "i didn't really want sex, it was like rape". This hurt me to my core, and made me bitter about how we were. The arguments became worse and worse. She started resenting me for trapping her. That was her reality. i had trapped her in the relationship. It wasn't true, but she was upset i travelled with work and could escape when she couldn't. It was never escape for me, i travelled because i had to. Her and the kids were all i wanted to be with. Travel to me was a chore.
Slowly she withdrew more. The more i tried to help and talk, the more she withdrew. All the time she was still paranoid, and now believed the neighbours were spying on her with cameras in the garden. the "cameras" were garden lights.
After three years of constant paranoia and her anxiety, it was starting to effect me. We couldn't go out in the area as she hated the neighbours. Yet to their faces she was bubbly and happy, smiley and almost overly kind. Yet when we were alone, the mask would slip and all her thoughts about them would spill out. Our social life started to be affected,
Anything i said was misunderstood or taken in such a way that i was insulting her. If i said she was silly for thinking in a certain way, i was calling her stupid. Anytime i tried to logic something out with her regarding the neighbours (for example she believed they were watching her shower) it was dismissed. I actually showered and told her to ask if she could see me from the garden. She was confused when she saw she couldn't.
The delusions became worse, and she became more and more paranoid. The textured glass in the bathroom was the wrong way around in her eyes, so people could see in. The motion activated light at the bottom of the garden was a camera, for sure. things like this.She withdrew more and more. I had to go away on a work trip, and the day before i left she asked for a divorce. I was hurt, but said "we can talk about it when i get home" when i arrived at the destination i was working across the world, i messaged her. No response. I tried multiple times until eventually i got a text "The kids will be taken away from me, and i will be sent back to my home country" I rang my father who lived very close to us to find out what was happening.
She had asked him to take her to the police station. She said to report the neighbours for spying, which she did try to do. they obviously didn't listen. She was taken to hospital by my father as she was having a mental breakdown and behaving strangely. I told my boss i had to fly home as something was happening. he booked me the earliest flight and i flew back. I was arrested from the plane. She had accused me of Rape, Control and coercion and ABH. Things i would never do. I was arrested, questioned and told not to go back to my home or to contact her. In one day i lost everything. I was in shock and was an emotional wreck. Worst of all i was concerned and scared for my wife and kids. She blamed me for her emotional state. said i had caused everything and had abused her constantly for years. After a week of staying at my friends house, social services got involved as the kids were missing school. It turns out she was taking the kids to hotels because she was terrified of staying at home. The kids told me later that "mummy thinks men are after her" instead of telling any authorities this, she said it was because she was scared of me. Social services believed everything she said. I was under investigation for the allegations, although not charged. The investigations were ongoing for three months, and in that time i wasn't allowed to contact her at all. Unfortunately in my fear i contacted her repeatedly. She had me arrested for harassment, and i was charged and convicted. I wasn't ever abusive in the texts, but i did contact her a lot.
I secured access to my children through a rushed family court order. I also placed a block on her leaving the country without seeking my permission with the children, as she had taken my passport details to apply for the kids passports without my knowledge. I did this due to her erratic behaviour and i knew she wasn't stable. My father thought i'd over-reacted, but my ex was so good at masking she hid how she really felt even to him. Oscar level masking.
Looking back i realise how bad it was. She ran from her home country at 18 and always ran. she always wanted to move jobs if something went wrong. She would cut off long term friends in an instant if she felt any pressure form them. Her first instinct would always be to flee anything. Any littlle insignificant thing or slight would become something she'd chew over for weeks, often applying the worst case scenario that would then become her reality. The truth was she was constantly afraid. I think at the end i became something she was afraid of too. My determination to keep us together and keep her from falling apart became too much for her. I wasn't always kind and was exasperated a lot. I was too demanding on someone that was exhausted, anxious and clearly unwell. Unfortunately i didn't realise this until too late. I still see the children, but have zero contact with her. She filed a restraining order due to the harassment conviction which i will adhere to. I'm currently going through family court again to secure further rights. She applied for full custody and has said some very terrible untruthful things at court to almost destroy me and remove me from her life. I'm a broken man because of it all, but staying strong for the kids.
I hope there will be some sort of resolution in the future, but i realise that she's scared of me now as she is scared of everything. She told me near the end that she trusts nobody. This broke my heart. The court on the last visit realised that something wasn't right. they have ordered a investigation into our family, and it will hopefully be reported in June when we go back to court. Her medical documents have been re-visited and statements taken. My father witnessed some very strange behaviour and has reported it. We just have to see what happens. She has requested to sell the property we lived in, and i'm slowly watching the life we built implode. She also has asked for the order that stipulates the need for permission to leave the country lifted. June will be the crunch time.
submitted by Specific-Volume5652 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:00 Longjumping_Chain338 AITAH for moving on quickly after the break-up

I am a 20-year-old guy. I was in a long-distance relationship that got very toxic, and we broke up in April. My girlfriend (19) was preparing for her exams, and I was also looking for jobs. I got a good internship at a good company, but she was still struggling with her preparation. I always helped her with her math. We were having so many fights; she always brought up breaking up and blamed me for everything in our relationship.
Just as I was about to start my new internship and move to a new city, we got into another fight because I wanted to talk to her, but she didn't and just went to sleep, ignoring me. After that fight, I tried to fix things, but she kept saying we couldn't stay together and that we were not compatible. Similar things had happened in the past, where we had a break just before I started my previous internship, and I cried for 10 days straight, telling her I was sorry. In the end, she said, "I love you, let's give us another chance." Due to that experience, I didn't want to repeat the same for this opportunity too. I said, "Fine, let's break up," because I was so devastated and had tried everything to fix our relationship. At that moment, I felt like I couldn't do anything alone. She was also worried about her exams, and I didn't want her preparation to be affected by me, so I said let's take a break.
As days passed, I avoided contacting her. Then a situation arose on my end: my university was having problems with me switching my internship, and they said they were going to detain me for the semester. It got very serious, so I had to work from home and travel quickly to my university. I told her about this, but she was very cold and showed no reaction. I thought she would say something different, but she didn't. I booked a flight immediately and traveled that night. On my way after the flight, my phone got stolen in the metro. At my university, the situation was also not good. Despite all this, I thought she would call me and speak with me, but she didn't. I didn't want to disturb her because her exam was in two days. I waited, thinking I would talk to her after her exam.
My university was pressuring me so much that I couldn't do my work. I didn't have a phone, and my university was not listening to me. There was no solution at that time, and I was feeling very down. The day of her exam came, and I texted her to ask how it went. She said, "Not so good." I told her it was okay and not to worry, that she tried her best, and I motivated her. She thanked me, and then I asked if we could talk. She said no because she wasn't in a good mood, and I wasn't either. I insisted that we should talk to avoid things getting worse between us, but she refused. We had a call where she wasn't paying attention to me. When I told her I wasn't fine and needed to talk, she said nothing. My phone's battery drained very fast, so I texted her how much I wanted to talk to her and how much I needed her, but she didn't reciprocate.
I eventually gave up and texted her some harsh things to get a reaction out of her, and she finally started replying, which was kind of funny. I apologized immediately and continued to apologize the next day and the day after that. I suggested taking a break and then getting back together, but she said no to every possibility. I concluded that it was over.
I felt like, what's the point of this relationship if she can't help me in such a situation? I was there for her, but she was not there for me.
I waited a week, hoping she would message me, but she didn't. Then I thought I should visit her next month after getting my salary. I was very anxious at that time. I tried to speak to her, but she again said no. After that, I was very confused. A friend of mine told me, "Bro, do whatever gives you peace." At that moment, I realized that even if I visited her, things wouldn't change because I was ready, but she was not. I realized I had been dumped, and I had anxiety attacks and other issues. I also had to perform at my job, and everything was very messy. She blocked me during all this time.
After two weeks, I realized I should move on. I started talking to a girl I met on a dating app. We had night-long calls, and she seemed cool. She was into art, and I felt like I wanted to learn art to express myself. I thought of dating her to see where things would go. For our first date, she invited me to her place, which was weird, but I didn't think much of it because if something bad happened to me, I would be fine with that (I was suicidal). We watched a movie, and before I left, she moved close to me, and we kissed. After that, I asked more about her past relationships, which were not that great.
I suddenly realized what a mistake I made because I knew I wasn't going to stay with her long. On our second date, I conveyed this to her, and she said it was fine. She also didn't want any attachments and just wanted to go with the flow. We made out again (no intercourse). After the second date, my guilt got to me, and I told her I couldn't be physical with her if we weren't going to be together because I didn't want that. She said, "Chill, it's okay, we're both having fun," but I stopped talking to her. However, the guilt of moving on too quickly and the realization that I wasn't going to be with my ex ever hit me hard.
I felt like I had lost all my chances. My ex was the love of my life, and now I realize she just needed time to work on herself. If I had been patient, everything might have been fine. After a few days, I had a call with my ex, breaking the no-contact rule, and it turned into an argument. The next day, she called me, apologizing for her mistakes. After that call, I started having feelings for her again. I got desperate and forgot all the bad things that had happened in the past. But I didn't have the courage to tell her what I had done in the meantime. I told her I was very confused and wanted her back, even though I hated her a few days ago.
I was getting very messy. She told me we couldn't be together, that she didn't want to give me hope, and that we should work on ourselves and see what happens. I agreed. We both had an unspoken plan to meet after 3-4 months once she got into college. But the guilt of making out with another girl got to me, along with the hope of getting back with my ex and the thought that she might not change.
I wanted to kill that hope. At first, I thought I would confess to her when we met, but I didn't want to be stuck on that thought for months. One day, she messaged me, and I told her everything. She hung up the call and blocked me. The next day, I called her from my friend's phone and apologized. I said I was very confused about what I wanted and that I didn't know what I was doing. I asked her not to think of me as a bad person and to forgive me. She said I should have waited and that I am the kind of person who moves on easily. She hung up the call again. And here I am.
TLDR: Am I the asshole for moving on from my girlfriend who wanted me to move on from her? She said lots of heartbreaking things to me at the end, and I gave up and moved on too quickly, which I regret now.
submitted by Longjumping_Chain338 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:55 Practical-Ad-9289 25M Looking for a Genuine Longterm Friendship

I'm a 25-year-old medico hailing from the colorful tapestry of India, standing tall at 5'11" with a heart as big as the cosmos itself. If you're scouring Reddit for a friendship that transcends space and time, then look no further, because you've stumbled upon the right post!
Now, I know what you're thinking, "Why is this med student turned aspiring pediatrician looking for friends on Reddit?" Well, my friend, let me tell you that the internet is a magical place where friendships can blossom in the most unexpected of ways. And hey, who wouldn't want to be friends with a guy who can converse in English, Hindi, Urdu, and even Klingon? (Okay, maybe I'm still a bit rusty on the Klingon part, but practice makes perfect!)
So, what's in it for you, you ask? Besides a quirky sense of humor and a knack for diving deep into the rabbit hole of fandoms, I bring to the table a plethora of interests that range from dissecting the complexities of the human body to unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos. Whether it's discussing the latest comic book releases or debating the implications of quantum physics, I'm your go-to guy for all things nerdy and beyond.
But wait, there's more! When I'm not buried under a mountain of textbooks or binge-watching the latest sci-fi series, you can find me lost in the pages of a good novel or battling it out in the virtual realm of video games. And hey, if you're up for it, we can even study together and conquer the academic challenges that lie ahead!
Now, let's talk about friendship. They say that friends are the family we choose for ourselves, and I couldn't agree more. Whether you're across the globe or just a few clicks away, let's embark on this journey of friendship together and create memories that will last a lifetime.
As promised, here are a few friendship quotes and lyrics to set the mood:
  1. "Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one.'" - C.S. Lewis
  2. "I'll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour." - The Rembrandts
  3. "A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." - Walter Winchell
  4. "You've got a friend in me." - Randy Newman
So, if you're a fellow explorer of multi-verses, a lover of all things nerdy, and someone who believes that true friendship knows no boundaries, then what are you waiting for? Drop me a message, and let's embark on this adventure together.
Who knows, maybe we'll discover our own version of the Avengers or the Justice League within our circle of friends. And hey, even if we don't, at least we'll have each other's backs through the ups and downs of life.
Can't wait to connect with you..
submitted by Practical-Ad-9289 to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:55 Practical-Ad-9289 [25/M] Looking for A Genuine Longterm Friendship

I'm a 25-year-old medico hailing from the colorful tapestry of India, standing tall at 5'11" with a heart as big as the cosmos itself. If you're scouring Reddit for a friendship that transcends space and time, then look no further, because you've stumbled upon the right post!
Now, I know what you're thinking, "Why is this med student turned aspiring pediatrician looking for friends on Reddit?" Well, my friend, let me tell you that the internet is a magical place where friendships can blossom in the most unexpected of ways. And hey, who wouldn't want to be friends with a guy who can converse in English, Hindi, Urdu, and even Klingon? (Okay, maybe I'm still a bit rusty on the Klingon part, but practice makes perfect!)
So, what's in it for you, you ask? Besides a quirky sense of humor and a knack for diving deep into the rabbit hole of fandoms, I bring to the table a plethora of interests that range from dissecting the complexities of the human body to unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos. Whether it's discussing the latest comic book releases or debating the implications of quantum physics, I'm your go-to guy for all things nerdy and beyond.
But wait, there's more! When I'm not buried under a mountain of textbooks or binge-watching the latest sci-fi series, you can find me lost in the pages of a good novel or battling it out in the virtual realm of video games. And hey, if you're up for it, we can even study together and conquer the academic challenges that lie ahead!
Now, let's talk about friendship. They say that friends are the family we choose for ourselves, and I couldn't agree more. Whether you're across the globe or just a few clicks away, let's embark on this journey of friendship together and create memories that will last a lifetime.
As promised, here are a few friendship quotes and lyrics to set the mood:
  1. "Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one.'" - C.S. Lewis
  2. "I'll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour." - The Rembrandts
  3. "A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." - Walter Winchell
  4. "You've got a friend in me." - Randy Newman
So, if you're a fellow explorer of multi-verses, a lover of all things nerdy, and someone who believes that true friendship knows no boundaries, then what are you waiting for? Drop me a message, and let's embark on this adventure together.
Who knows, maybe we'll discover our own version of the Avengers or the Justice League within our circle of friends. And hey, even if we don't, at least we'll have each other's backs through the ups and downs of life.
Can't wait to connect with you..
submitted by Practical-Ad-9289 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:54 Practical-Ad-9289 25M Looking for a Genuine Longterm Friendship

I'm a 25-year-old medico hailing from the colorful tapestry of India, standing tall at 5'11" with a heart as big as the cosmos itself. If you're scouring Reddit for a friendship that transcends space and time, then look no further, because you've stumbled upon the right post!
Now, I know what you're thinking, "Why is this med student turned aspiring pediatrician looking for friends on Reddit?" Well, my friend, let me tell you that the internet is a magical place where friendships can blossom in the most unexpected of ways. And hey, who wouldn't want to be friends with a guy who can converse in English, Hindi, Urdu, and even Klingon? (Okay, maybe I'm still a bit rusty on the Klingon part, but practice makes perfect!)
So, what's in it for you, you ask? Besides a quirky sense of humor and a knack for diving deep into the rabbit hole of fandoms, I bring to the table a plethora of interests that range from dissecting the complexities of the human body to unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos. Whether it's discussing the latest comic book releases or debating the implications of quantum physics, I'm your go-to guy for all things nerdy and beyond.
But wait, there's more! When I'm not buried under a mountain of textbooks or binge-watching the latest sci-fi series, you can find me lost in the pages of a good novel or battling it out in the virtual realm of video games. And hey, if you're up for it, we can even study together and conquer the academic challenges that lie ahead!
Now, let's talk about friendship. They say that friends are the family we choose for ourselves, and I couldn't agree more. Whether you're across the globe or just a few clicks away, let's embark on this journey of friendship together and create memories that will last a lifetime.
As promised, here are a few friendship quotes and lyrics to set the mood:
  1. "Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one.'" - C.S. Lewis
  2. "I'll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour." - The Rembrandts
  3. "A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." - Walter Winchell
  4. "You've got a friend in me." - Randy Newman
So, if you're a fellow explorer of multi-verses, a lover of all things nerdy, and someone who believes that true friendship knows no boundaries, then what are you waiting for? Drop me a message, and let's embark on this adventure together.
Who knows, maybe we'll discover our own version of the Avengers or the Justice League within our circle of friends. And hey, even if we don't, at least we'll have each other's backs through the ups and downs of life.
Can't wait to connect with you..
submitted by Practical-Ad-9289 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:54 Practical-Ad-9289 25M Looking for a Genuine Longterm Friendship

I'm a 25-year-old medico hailing from the colorful tapestry of India, standing tall at 5'11" with a heart as big as the cosmos itself. If you're scouring Reddit for a friendship that transcends space and time, then look no further, because you've stumbled upon the right post!
Now, I know what you're thinking, "Why is this med student turned aspiring pediatrician looking for friends on Reddit?" Well, my friend, let me tell you that the internet is a magical place where friendships can blossom in the most unexpected of ways. And hey, who wouldn't want to be friends with a guy who can converse in English, Hindi, Urdu, and even Klingon? (Okay, maybe I'm still a bit rusty on the Klingon part, but practice makes perfect!)
So, what's in it for you, you ask? Besides a quirky sense of humor and a knack for diving deep into the rabbit hole of fandoms, I bring to the table a plethora of interests that range from dissecting the complexities of the human body to unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos. Whether it's discussing the latest comic book releases or debating the implications of quantum physics, I'm your go-to guy for all things nerdy and beyond.
But wait, there's more! When I'm not buried under a mountain of textbooks or binge-watching the latest sci-fi series, you can find me lost in the pages of a good novel or battling it out in the virtual realm of video games. And hey, if you're up for it, we can even study together and conquer the academic challenges that lie ahead!
Now, let's talk about friendship. They say that friends are the family we choose for ourselves, and I couldn't agree more. Whether you're across the globe or just a few clicks away, let's embark on this journey of friendship together and create memories that will last a lifetime.
As promised, here are a few friendship quotes and lyrics to set the mood:
  1. "Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one.'" - C.S. Lewis
  2. "I'll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour." - The Rembrandts
  3. "A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." - Walter Winchell
  4. "You've got a friend in me." - Randy Newman
So, if you're a fellow explorer of multi-verses, a lover of all things nerdy, and someone who believes that true friendship knows no boundaries, then what are you waiting for? Drop me a message, and let's embark on this adventure together.
Who knows, maybe we'll discover our own version of the Avengers or the Justice League within our circle of friends. And hey, even if we don't, at least we'll have each other's backs through the ups and downs of life.
Can't wait to connect with you..
submitted by Practical-Ad-9289 to InternetFriends [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:54 Practical-Ad-9289 25M Looking for a Genuine Longterm Friendship

I'm a 25-year-old medico hailing from the colorful tapestry of India, standing tall at 5'11" with a heart as big as the cosmos itself. If you're scouring Reddit for a friendship that transcends space and time, then look no further, because you've stumbled upon the right post!
Now, I know what you're thinking, "Why is this med student turned aspiring pediatrician looking for friends on Reddit?" Well, my friend, let me tell you that the internet is a magical place where friendships can blossom in the most unexpected of ways. And hey, who wouldn't want to be friends with a guy who can converse in English, Hindi, Urdu, and even Klingon? (Okay, maybe I'm still a bit rusty on the Klingon part, but practice makes perfect!)
So, what's in it for you, you ask? Besides a quirky sense of humor and a knack for diving deep into the rabbit hole of fandoms, I bring to the table a plethora of interests that range from dissecting the complexities of the human body to unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos. Whether it's discussing the latest comic book releases or debating the implications of quantum physics, I'm your go-to guy for all things nerdy and beyond.
But wait, there's more! When I'm not buried under a mountain of textbooks or binge-watching the latest sci-fi series, you can find me lost in the pages of a good novel or battling it out in the virtual realm of video games. And hey, if you're up for it, we can even study together and conquer the academic challenges that lie ahead!
Now, let's talk about friendship. They say that friends are the family we choose for ourselves, and I couldn't agree more. Whether you're across the globe or just a few clicks away, let's embark on this journey of friendship together and create memories that will last a lifetime.
As promised, here are a few friendship quotes and lyrics to set the mood:
  1. "Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one.'" - C.S. Lewis
  2. "I'll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour." - The Rembrandts
  3. "A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." - Walter Winchell
  4. "You've got a friend in me." - Randy Newman
So, if you're a fellow explorer of multi-verses, a lover of all things nerdy, and someone who believes that true friendship knows no boundaries, then what are you waiting for? Drop me a message, and let's embark on this adventure together.
Who knows, maybe we'll discover our own version of the Avengers or the Justice League within our circle of friends. And hey, even if we don't, at least we'll have each other's backs through the ups and downs of life.
Can't wait to connect with you..
submitted by Practical-Ad-9289 to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:53 Practical-Ad-9289 25M Looking for a Genuine Longterm Friendship

I'm a 25-year-old medico hailing from the colorful tapestry of India, standing tall at 5'11" with a heart as big as the cosmos itself. If you're scouring Reddit for a friendship that transcends space and time, then look no further, because you've stumbled upon the right post!
Now, I know what you're thinking, "Why is this med student turned aspiring pediatrician looking for friends on Reddit?" Well, my friend, let me tell you that the internet is a magical place where friendships can blossom in the most unexpected of ways. And hey, who wouldn't want to be friends with a guy who can converse in English, Hindi, Urdu, and even Klingon? (Okay, maybe I'm still a bit rusty on the Klingon part, but practice makes perfect!)
So, what's in it for you, you ask? Besides a quirky sense of humor and a knack for diving deep into the rabbit hole of fandoms, I bring to the table a plethora of interests that range from dissecting the complexities of the human body to unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos. Whether it's discussing the latest comic book releases or debating the implications of quantum physics, I'm your go-to guy for all things nerdy and beyond.
But wait, there's more! When I'm not buried under a mountain of textbooks or binge-watching the latest sci-fi series, you can find me lost in the pages of a good novel or battling it out in the virtual realm of video games. And hey, if you're up for it, we can even study together and conquer the academic challenges that lie ahead!
Now, let's talk about friendship. They say that friends are the family we choose for ourselves, and I couldn't agree more. Whether you're across the globe or just a few clicks away, let's embark on this journey of friendship together and create memories that will last a lifetime.
As promised, here are a few friendship quotes and lyrics to set the mood:
  1. "Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one.'" - C.S. Lewis
  2. "I'll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour." - The Rembrandts
  3. "A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." - Walter Winchell
  4. "You've got a friend in me." - Randy Newman
So, if you're a fellow explorer of multi-verses, a lover of all things nerdy, and someone who believes that true friendship knows no boundaries, then what are you waiting for? Drop me a message, and let's embark on this adventure together.
Who knows, maybe we'll discover our own version of the Avengers or the Justice League within our circle of friends. And hey, even if we don't, at least we'll have each other's backs through the ups and downs of life.
Can't wait to connect with you..
submitted by Practical-Ad-9289 to chat [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:52 Aiheki PDF of "Fratelli" by Carmelo Samona

I'm trying to find a pdf of an Italian book for a friend's college project.
I tried internet archive and a dozen of other sites but this book legit seems to not exist in a pdf version anywhere.
They don't want to order the book since international shipping is annoying and expensive.
submitted by Aiheki to find [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:51 CuriousAnachronism 24 [M4F] Germany/Europe/Online - Fiat iustitia, et pereat mundus


Hello and welcome to my post. I will subdivide this into two large parts. One will cover my thoughts, feelings, my hopes and dreams...While the other will tell you the specifics of how I pass the time, what topics interest me, what passions do I posses. I believe that at the end of this leap into my inner world, you dear reader, will have all the necessary information to judge whether we are compatible or not.

Part I
I am writing this in the hopes of finding something that I lack. Lately I have had this feeling, this tinge of melancholy within the dephts of my being, this yearning to find a kindred spirit, another Soul, much like mine, to form a bond with. Perhaps Loneliness is the right word for what is bothering me, but to use it seems to carry with it a connotation of ungratefulness. Ungratefulness for the people that I do have in my life, although none of them, of course, have the connection to me that I seek here.

I have found it increasingly necessary to seek in this Life a sort of purity of thought. What I mean is, I have began to undestand what ideas and concepts are ultimately compatible with my inner most Self, ergo what guidelines I have to follow to feel the most whole. Naturally I have likewise realised what I cannot add to my Self and what I will henceforth reject with all the power that I posses.

With this new context in mind, I now follow on the path of self improvement. I will now begin to mold my Self into my perfected idea of how the Self should be. This is certainly a significant undertaking, one that will not be easy to follow through on but one that I ultimately have to do. To me such context is essential. It is akin to a Guiding Star shining in the night. I will follow this Star for without it I am lost in the vast Darkness.

Looking back at my life, it was suboptimal, especially if one compares the way it molded me to how I will now mold myself. I suppose I must look on with a hint of regret at all that time which one might consider to be lost. Still... I try to stave off such decisively negative interpretations, after all, I have ultimately came to these conclusions. That means that somewhere along the line I had to have picked up on enough of such ideas for them to become so cemented in my consciousness. Well, either that or I was always like this, but in that case I can at least thank my life up to this point for not being able to supress such manifestations of my inner most Self.

To add to the topic of my life, I must admit that not all the battles have yet been won, not all the Demons vanquished, not every Mountain climbed. I want you to keep such things in mind when deciding whether or not to approach me. Many will shy away, I undestand that much, but the pursuit of true Companionship is just another such battle. Having said all that I do believe that being able to overcome hurdles together carries with it a certain appeal. That is to say, what's the fun in joining once the Game is already over?

I don't shy away from such challenges, perhaps to a fault. Certain troubles that I faced in the past carry with them a long shadow over my current health and well being. Still, I intend to change little in this regard other than the proficiency with which I will clash the current of my Will against the cliffs of Life.
Part II
In this part of my post I will tell you about my interests and hobbies, I will try to be thorough, commonality in this regard is rather important to build a relationship
History. I have had an interest in history for almost a decade now, it started back in school and developed from there. Well, now that I think about it one could argue that it started even earlier in my life as I liked watching the odd historic documentary or film aired on television but it wasn't regular back then, I never actively sought it out. I am mostly interested in European history in the period between the 18th-20th century but I sometimes branch out to other time periods and other parts of the world. I watch various channels related to history and read articles and sometimes books. I have recently got a few books on the German revolution of 1848/1849 and a historical magazine on the Thirty Years' War. Besides that I try to visit museums sometimes.
Literature. Especially old novels. I like to immerse myself in the Worlds of these books, I tend to read them while listening to thematically fitting music and take my time with them. One time you are following a troubled Youth in his quest for spiritual understanding of the world, another you see the aged and decrepit Doctor gambling his very Soul on the promises of abtaining satisfaction in earthy pleasures, then again your olfaction notices the most pleasant scent known to man even as the one eminating it has the appearance of a revolting Frog. These and many other stories open up to you once you decide to set foot into the literary World.
Languages. I know three, with one being a bit rusty. I am currently working intently on strengthening it. I believe that if I continue to apply myself in this regard then I should be able to finally conquer it. What language am I working on? Well, if you were to stack all the major works in it they would be as tall as a house... It is fun to go through different works in multiple languages, the same goes for film, games and such.
Games. I recently played Cyberpunk 2077. Well as recently as I played any major story centric game. Now that the dust has settled and the bugs mostly removed...It's not that bad. The main questline at least. Besides that I tried Fallout 76 (Very average, I'm dissapointed with what they made the "RPG" system) and I might give Deus Ex Manking Divided another spin (since it's somewhat similar to Cyberpunk when it comes to its aesthetics). Dark Souls is one of my favorite series, I still haven't beaten Elden Ring though. When it came out I wasn't in the right mindset to invest a hundred hours into it, with all those bosses and difficult locations. I think I'll only consider playing it if I am streaming it to someone. I am generally interested in either streaming games or having the person I am talking to stream them to me. To be specific I mean streaming to a single person while being on call. Besides that I'm a big fan of Paradox strategy games, especially Europa Universalis IV and Heats of Iron IV, I tend to only play single player since I find multiplayer with many people to be rather stressful but on the other hand I have nothing against a co-op game. I'm not the best player though, despite the ammount of hours I have in them. Another great game I would mention would be Dragon's Dogma. A very underrated RPG. I recently beat it again and it was an atmospheric and interesting experience. It is one of those games that feel like they have an endless ammount of depth and constant new secrets to discover.
Anime and Manga. In recent times my interest in them has waned but I still watch the occasional series here and there. Like Cyberpunk Edgerunners (Which I found to be rather mediocre) and the very good first season from the new arc of Bleach. Some of my favourite series include: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Death Note, Fate;Zero, Psycho Pass, Code Geass and Attack on Titan. I wouldn't mind if you were to introduce me to some new series, maybe based on the ones I mentioned. My favourite Manga is Berserk which I still follow, althought I am still not certain on the direction that the new author is taking. I suppose it really is a matter of contention whether a somewhat (or considerably warped) vision is better than an unfinished work. One could argue that a few novels remain unfinished and possess a macabre appeal to them as such.
Music. Classical music has a very special place in my heart. A few of my favourite pieces would be: Clair de Lune, Nocturne Op. 9 No.2, Devil's Trill Sonata, Danse Macabre, Valse Sentimentale, Symphony No. 7 in A Major, Op. 92: II. Alegreto (by Beethoven) and Suite from Swan Lake, Op. 20a: I. Scene. Moderato. There are more but these ones always invoke something in me when I listen to them. Besides Classical I also enjoy listening to Synthwave, old Western pop and J-pop, both modern and from the 20th century.
Esotericism. I am interested in things spiritual, mystical, magical and esoteric. I have read religios texts, magical grimoires, introductions to various schools of thought. It is interesting to me.
Hopefully I was able to cast the spotlight upon my inner World in a clear and unequivocal manner. I feel the need to add to the aforementioned that I am rather introverted, which means that I tend to dislike large social gatherings. I managed to condition myself to be able to endure the presense of large groups of people but it isn't something that I would seek out in most cases. Besides that I am neurodivergent and suffer from certain issues with mental health. I have to take medication to keep myself under control. They work well enough but certain days are harder than others. I respect the struggle that others have with mental health but in the context of a relationship I have my limits, no one with BDP for instance. I am also not looking for anything casual. I understand than one cannot demand depth and meaning from a conversation with an absolute stranger, that is akin to trying to build a sand castle right before the waves strike but I ask at least that you enter with a mindset that this might become something of significance. I also do want to say that I am completely Monogamous. My preference? The sickly, pale, intellectual who watches rain droplets slide down the window in Autumn. Lastly, if I enjoy the company of a person I tend to not want to let them go.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post and have a good day. I ask that you send a DM instead of a chat and that you give the English translation of my title as your own.
Goodbye...Or perhaps untill we meet again
submitted by CuriousAnachronism to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:45 PatientFrame5052 Am at the same place i was a year ago, physically and mentally, how to win against my own brain??

Sorry for the long paragraph. I don't know which community is right. I am new here.
just to give you a bit of background, yes I changed it a little,
I would appreciate it if any of you take the time to read it. it took a lot to share my problems.
So, um when I was in class 8. We have a board exam that year. So I kinda started my year with a banger. I was studying more attentively. I was being more present in class. I was answering questions. I never answer unless the teacher picks me, which rarely happens. I am a good student. This makes me a bit arrogant, cuz if I got such decent results by not even properly studying, I don't need to stress. So yeah. My year was going super good. And boom covid fucking started. And even tho I was super studying. I am way too lazy too. Now that we were in lockdown. I completely abandoned my books. Forget studying. I was on my phone all day. Like actually all day. To give a bit more info. Class 8 has a board exam. Class 9,10 are studied with the same books, it's where we choose majors like science, commerce, and arts, I was a science student. 11,12 is college and we still have majors like science, commerce, and arts, still choose science. After that is uni. Class 8,9 went like this. Then in class 10. We finally went to school. Like I said classes 9, and 10 are the same book. Soo, I didn't touch my book for a year now I know nothing. That went like this. In the class sitting helpless cuz I know nothing. Then my sister told me about her tutor, so me and my friend went to him. He, we will call him C, introduced us to his friend, and we'll call him K who also became our tutor. Side note, I got comfortable with K, way more than C. K was kinda of my motivation, I wanted to make him proud, but I didn't, I failed. I haven't called him in a year. I am so sorry. I didn't want to disappoint you of all people. But I did.
I think since all I did during lockdown was be on my phone I am still kind of stuck at that age in some ways, mentally. I am almost 18. I was 13 when COVID started. Me and my mum were in some bad blood at that time, probably she asking me to study, but I not. Other than studying for my tutor's homework. I didn't touch my books enough. Suddenly it was exam time. It was a fucking board exam. It would decide my college. To be honest, even at that point I don't think I ever realized the importance, the gravity of the exam. I was prepared I'd say 60%. And yeah. when it was exam time, she became all affectionate. Bringing me milk, stay with me at night. You better believe I fucking hated that. I wanted to be alone. she didn't leave me alone. She was in my room. I hated her sooo much at that time. Just leave me alone na. So just to fucking spite her I didn't study until she was here. I would be on my phone and phone and she still wouldn't leave so I went to study at around 1 or 2 at night. In case you couldn't tell I was heavily dependent on my phone at that time just to well forget what's happening in my life. I kinda got addicted, maybe. So even if I was watching videos I was making plans about how I would study and all. In my head. I was preparing myself mentally. Guess who it took to crash all of this down. Yes, my one and only mum. While I was encouraging myself and all, my mum would come and be like you don't study, look at the maid's daughter doing much better than you ever will. My luck was this bad that I was your mum and all that shit. My maa always talks about how she didn't have to worry about me ever cuz I did everything myself. I don't understand what she thinks this will make me feel. Maybe I didn't want to do shit alone. Now that I truly want to be left alone, yall up my ass.
You think I will study now. Hell, nahh. So I didn't. Some day I went to my exam after barely reading the book at around 8. My exam starts at 10. Yeahhh. good times. It went like this all exam season. Of course, I didn't do well. I got a GPA of 4.52. Of course, I wasted all my free time for 6 months after the exam. I bed rotted the whole 6 months and more. I put on a lot of weight. Soo, I got very insecure. So when me and my friends went to the same tutor I also went there. But suddenly everything was new. I couldn't get past if I went like I was before. I went for a month maybe. I got behind them. I got so scared and insecure. All of them got into the government college there. Only I didn't. I got more insecure being there. I felt like I couldn't catch up even if I tried. So I did what I am best at. Run away. The college started with me bed rotting. I put on a lil more weight. I got even more insecure. It's been almost a year since then, I can count the times I went. Not more than a week. And the half-yearly exam, I failed it's my fault. I didn't study. Only time was passing by. I still am where I was a year ago. In my bed rotting. I haven't touched them, my textbooks, I mean it, they are still brand new. Now my final is in a month. I am still in my bed rotting. I just am soo insecure with my weight and study now. I can't bring myself to study. I feel like I already failed. More my mum started staying with me cuz it's hella hot. I felt like me studying would make her win. I would lose the battle I started. My brain is like unless someone tells me step-by-step detailed instructions on how to do life, I can't do shit. What do I do?? I am so lost mentally. I am just soo scared that I will be the one left behind. I mean I already am. My friends are not mine anymore. I am just one of many of theirs. I fear I would be left behind to rot. I know I am not some saint. I know what I am doing isn't what I of all people should be doing. But how do I win against my brain? It's like if I can't catch up with everyone in a day then it isn't worth trying. If I can't lose that weight, it isn't worth trying. What do I do?? I can't go to a gym. Can't jog or stuff. My mother becomes angsty if I starve. What do I do? Sometimes I just want to disappear for a while.
truth be told, I have no motivation. I don't have anyone, I am willing to work for, not even myself, parents, a better life, everything I dreamt of, future, nothing seems worthy. the only thing I can do is daydream. I understand I am not hardworking as much as I should be. I am quite privileged in life. but I don't know what to do. I am like a sponge, I am all my environment is. I don't want to do this anymore. I hate myself like this. I want to change. I like studying. I like knowing things. I just physically can't bring myself to do the necessary things. it feels like I already lost, I can never catch up. it's upon me to get into a good fucking university, even if I plan to go abroad for higher study.. see I have soo many dreams, yet I can't bring myself to work for them. it's like I am being physically stopped. I am just waiting for something to happen that will be the push I need, but I fear it will be too late then. it's my life I don't need a reason to change myself, especially when I know that this version is doing me more damage than good. I guess it seems from the fact that others know this version, and change is terrifying, especially when you are alone. I am always jealous of the people that have somebody to look up to. I have a lot to add. But I just need to do this it's been 2 days since I wrote it. Sorry if there are any typos. Thank you, if you took the time to read all that. -♡♡
submitted by PatientFrame5052 to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:36 hereiam58 Available - M: Information Systems, 7th Edition - Author - Paige Baltzan - ISBN - 9781266489945 1266489940

I have this book available immediately in searchable converted pdf form and original publisher epub for $7.
I offer a book-finding service for $7 for the first book and $3 for each additional book in the same transaction, as long as I have them, so if there are any others, I will do them cheaply if I can find them Upon your agreement that you will pay the $7, I will create a sample that includes the cover up to the first page of chapter 1, and then pages 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500. You can then pay via PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, Wise, or debit/credit card.
Upon payment, I will provide you with the book in a permanent Google Drive folder.
submitted by hereiam58 to Textbooks_for_CHEAP [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:34 ginjor071614 Can't remember the name

This book came across one of those apps you pay per chapter. It's about a young werewolf girl who lost her parent after that her pack throws her in a dungeon. Makes her take pills to stop her wolf beats and uses her as a slave. She finds out the alpha is her mate who rejects her. She is let out to put together a party/ball for all the werewolf es. She runs away and ends up in a trunk of a fancy car falls a sleep. Wakes up opens the trunk and is at the alpha kings castle who is her 2nd chance mate.
submitted by ginjor071614 to Findabook [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:33 sky-builder I interviewed someone generating $10k/month making Ai apps, here is what we can learn

Hello, Idris here from indieniche.This week I interviewed a Product Engineer generating $10k/month building AI apps and this are the things I learnt
You can find the full case study here

Q: Hello! Who are you and what product are you working on currently?

I'm Daniel Nguyen. I'm an entrepreneur based in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. I've been building multiple products: KTool, BoltAI, PDF Pals

Q: What is your backstory and how did you come up with your idea? Do you have any partners?

I've been a product engineer for more than 12 years. Then one day, I discovered Indie Hacking and found it fascinating. I quit my cushy job to start building in public.
I decided to learn more about generative AI & OpenAI API and hopefully find a good freelance gig. I did land a couple of interesting gigs, but what is more interesting is I found a new product idea: BoltAI - a better way to use OpenAI & other AI services on macOS. I started it purely to learn more about SwiftUI development & OpenAI app development (the so-called "AI wrapper"). It's now my top revenue-generating product.
While building BoltAI, one customer asked about the ability to chat with PDF natively on Mac (another "AI wrapper" idea). I found it interesting and so I decided to build it. PDF Pals recently reached 700 paid customers (about 23% of my total revenue in 2023) And finally, I built ShotSolve as a lead magnet for BoltAI (engineering as marketing, or side project marketing). It was welcomed by many Mac users and so far, has brought 1500 visitors to BoltAI.

Q: Take us through the process of building the first version of your product MVP.

When I started, I didn’t expect BoltAI to be commercially viable. It comes from my pet peeve of switching back and forth between ChatGPT web UI and native Mac apps like Xcode or Apple Notes. Unlike VSCode, there is no Copilot for XCode and I have the habit of writing blog posts in Apple Notes so I figured I need a tool to invoke ChatGPT right within these apps. So I decided to build the MVP in a weekend. The app was ugly but I managed to ship it anyway.

Q: How did you get your first customers for your product (Free or paid users)

I tweeted about it, and posted it to multiple communities asking for feedback: IndieHacker, Reddit, WIP… It went semi-viral and early adopters started to use the app. I got valuable feedback and improved the product accordingly. Some of them converted to paid customers.

Q: Since you launched your product, What has worked to attract customers

Doubling down on what works mostly. That's social media (X/Reddit), email newsletters, and paid ads.

Q: How is your product performing currently, and what are your plans for the future? Can you share your current metrics and revenue figures?

BoltAI is doing great. I plan to support business customers better, and will kind of "pivot" into B2B. Currently, most customers of BoltAI are prosumers: freelancers, developers, or content writers. I believe it would be much better if I could sell directly to businesses.
Read the full case study here
We put several hours into this research and it covers mostly all aspects:
This story inspired me a lot, I love growth and building profitable businesses, so I hope you will feel the same energy from it! If you find this a lot useful , Let’s connect togetherto read more when I interview founders like this
submitted by sky-builder to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:29 dacin826 [REQUEST] Psychology, 6th Australian and New Zealand Edition

I really need a PDF of this book for a report and the only 3 copies in my library are all on loan, please help!
submitted by dacin826 to textbook [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:28 marcospartout E-reader that meets these specifications?

Hi! I'm planning on buying my first e-reader and I'd like it to have the following features, if possible:
submitted by marcospartout to ereader [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:23 kiwasabi LGBTQ+ The Plus Stands For Pedophile: The Illuminati is coming for your kids with Drag Queen/ Groomer Clown Story Hour, books in elementary school libraries which depict and normalize sex between children and adults. Transgenderism is pushed because Baphomet possesses both breasts and a male phallus

LGBTQ+ The Plus Stands For Pedophile: The Illuminati is coming for your kids with Drag Queen/ Groomer Clown Story Hour, books in elementary school libraries which depict and normalize sex between children and adults. Transgenderism is pushed because Baphomet possesses both breasts and a male phallus
To anyone with eyes that are able to see, it's very obvious that LGBTQ+ is a social engineering and mind control propaganda weapon being waged against all of humanity by the Illuminati. There are many reasons for this endless onslaught of pushing and overnormalizing everything that is gay, trans, and pedophilic. The Illuminati itself is comprised of around 13 bloodlines which are all hereditary incestuous and pedophilic families. So when you hear their puppets telling the joke "The Aristocrats" (LINK) which consists of so called comedians telling the most disgusting tale of an Aristocratic bloodline family having sex with each other and ending with "And they're called The Aristocrats", you'll know they're utilizing Revelation of the Method and putting it right out in the open as a "joke".
The Illuminati utilizes Satanic Ritual Abuse and pedophilic incest in order to deliberately cause trauma to their progeny so that they can split their personalities and then program and control the new personality. This is called Project Monarch Trauma Based Mind Control. It was under Josef Mengele and the Nazis where this hereditary incest form of mind control was scientifically studied using the child prisoners of Auschwitz, most commonly with twin girls. After World War 2 and the fall of the Nazis, via Operation Paperclip, 1400 Nazi scientists and engineers were saved from the Nuremberg Trials via the Vatican Rat Line and were smuggled out of Germany into the United States, where they would go on to form the backbone of the Central Intelligence Agency and continue their Monarch Mind Control research. What's left out from the history books is that Josef Mengele "The Angel of Death" was also smuggled out of Nazi Germany and continued his horrific mind control research on twin girls for decades in the United States.
What does this all have to do with LGBTQ+? Well, basically that joke "The Aristocrats" is the endgoal and endgame for all of Earth humanity. It's my theory that The Illuminati wants to normalize pedophilia to the point where a parent is required to encourage their children to engage in sexual relationships with grown adults. And if the parent pushes back on this abomination, The Illuminati wants to be able to take possession of the children via CPS Child Protective Services, "for their own safety" of course.
One of the reasons in which the Illuminati is so obsessed with the unnatural concept of transgenderism is because their demon god Baphomet is generally depicted as possessing both female breasts and a male phallus. On public statues of Baphomet such as at Satanic Temples, he (or is that he/she?) is depicted without breasts due to public decency laws. Once you understand that The Illuminati worships a transgender demon god, then you'll understand why they want your children to be gay and trans. Oh yeah, and did you notice the American Medical Association symbol coming out of Baphomet's crotch? How did that get there? Now does it make sense why it has wings as well?
Now does it make sense why Target was selling a LGBTQ Transgender children's sweater with the Baphomet symbol on it? (LINK)
When I was growing up, I do recall reading some books such as Catcher in the Rye which did contain some sexual themes and profanity. However, in recent years the sexualization of children has been thoroughly ramped up via LGBTQ propaganda in the form of sexually explicit school library books. Children are still trying to figure out who they really are as a person, and by indoctrinating them with gender confusion propaganda at such a young age we are ensuring they will be steered in the wrong direction. Which is of course exactly what The Powers That Be really want. By the way, when I was searching for examples of LGBTQ books with sexual content, I had to scroll through 3 pages of LGBTQ apologist articles decrying about all these "banned LGBTQ books". What's interesting is that all of these CIA Mockingbird Media propaganda articles always say the books are being banned for their LGBTQ content, not for their explicit sexual content (which doesn't necessarily have to be gay or trans in any way). For instance, ABC News"Report: LGBTQ content drove book banning efforts in 2023" (LINK) and NBC News "More than half of 2023's most challenged books have LGBTQ themes" (LINK). Note how they're obfuscating the sexually inappropriate content by calling it "LGBTQ themes" instead. Perhaps this is The Illuminati actually revealing the truth out in the open, that "LGBTQ content" actually means sexually inappropriate content which is directed at children? Let's call LGBTQ elementary school library books what they really are: the sexualization and grooming of children by predators and pedophiles.
Sexualizing Schoolchildren: Classroom and Library Books (LINK)
"Parent and Child Loudoun reviewed and listed hundreds of age-inappropriate, sexually confusing, explicit, objectionable, and profane books that were placed in schools in classrooms and libraries in their district. Here are just a few examples:
  • When Kayla was Kyle, by Amy Fabrikant – An elementary school picture book about a boy who “transitions” into a girl.
  • Teach Me, by R.A. Nelson – The “young adult” (YA) novel tells the story of a 16-year-old girl and her seduction and statutory rape by her male high school teacher.
  • All Out: The No-Longer-Secret Stories of Queer Teens Throughout the Ages by S. Mitchell – The book in middle and high school libraries contains sexually explicit and homosexual content.
  • Dear Rachel Maddow,by A. Kisner – Another YA novel where the lesbian-identified protagonist, from a troubled home, writes emails to the stabilizing force in her life – MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow*. Contains some sexual content and more than 100 uses of profanity."*
Dearborn parents assail LGBTQ books with sexual themes at school hearing (LINK)
"The books in question are largely teen and young adult stories involving romance or sexual abuse, often with LGBTQ themes. Several were critically acclaimed. They include:
  • Eleanor & Park” by Rainbow Rowell, about a romance involving two 10th-graders. The girl lives with domestic violence at home and both teens struggle with traditional gender roles. The novel contains profanity.
  • Red, White & Royal Blue” by Casey McQuiston; a novel about a romance between the U.S. President’s bisexual son and a gay British royal*, both in their early 20s.* The book has some sex scenes and coarse language.
  • This Book is Gay” by Juno Dawson, an irreverent, nonfiction handbook on growing up LGBTQ, addressing issues like coming out, sex apps and sexually transmitted disease."
Target Sells Trans Clothing to Children Designed by Satanic Transgender (LINK)
A clothing line as part of Target's LGBTQ children's products was designed by a Satanist female to male transgender named Erik Kallen, under the brand name Abprallen. There were only three products being marketed by the Abprallen brand, and none of them depicted the blatant Satanic imagery that was shared around the internet as part of a hoax with AI generated images (LINK). However, as I pointed out above, one of the sweatshirts in the collection does contain the Baphomet symbol. And it doesn't take much exploring of Abprallen's Instagram profile to find some unsettling content (LINK). Erik Kallen made a statement saying, "My work was likely pulled following false accusations of being a Satanist and marketing my work to children, both claims have been debunked numerous times but members of the religious right refuse to back down".
Claims that you were a Satanist were thoroughly debunked, you say? Which "Guardian Angel" (Demon) is a transgender again? Oh yeah, Baphomet. And what were you doing at the Satanic Flea Market in London? Also, I thought you said "Satan Respects Pronouns"?
"I'm gay, trans, and a secret third thing..." Does anyone care to guess what is meant by that? "I support gay wrongs", "Gay supervillain", "Make More Gay Horror Movies".
Take "Poppers" to open your "Third Eye" (Hint: He doesn't mean your pineal gland....he means your butthole"). Illuminati confirmed.
As far as I'm concerned, all the claims about Erik Callen being a Satanist and marketing products to children have been thoroughly UNDEBUNKED just based on his products and post history on Instagram. This to me is clearly a case of classic bait and switch. Market some seemingly innocent "trans inclusive" clothing to children, get them hooked on the Abprallen brand while they're young, then "transition" them to the more seedy and shady product offerings. Based on the products and images shown above, can this really be considered a gender identity? Or is this more appropriately categorized as a mental illness and a cult? The embracing of confusion. The final culmination of the "Nothing is real" mind control psy op social engineering. Now literally GENDER ISN'T REAL. And "Men can get pregnant".
As I previously posted, Arnold Schwarzenegger was replaced by an imposter in a mask wearing heavy facial prosthetics in 1990 (LINK). As part of the Illuminati's ongoing Ritual Mocking of the Victim / Humiliation Ritual against the name and image of Arnold Schwarzenegger, in 1994 the fake Arnold Schwarzenegger was placed into a travesty of a film called Junior (1994). As you can see from the film's poster, "Nothing is inconceivable". What a funny pun, right? They mean "conceive" as in conceiving and giving birth to a baby.... Except by a man. Ten years before that in 1984, Bob Saget was already joking about how, "men can breast feed", but at least he admitted he made it up (LINK). Once you understand that a core tenet of Satanism is to reverse the natural order, you'll understand why they want to normalize the completely unnatural idea that, "Men can get pregnant". This is a direct attack on women, men, children, and humanity as a whole. This is an attack on motherhood and gender roles. This is an attack on the family. This is a direct attack on your sanity. And as I've shown here, this has been planned for at least 40 years. The movie Junior from 1994 is a prime example of the Illuminati Revelation of the Method, where they put out their plans right in the open and as long as we laugh and don't consciously object to them, then it means we have subconsciously accepted them.
Junior is also a prime example of why the Illuminati would be motivated to replace an actor with an imposter. Here we have a movie that the real Arnold Schwarzenegger absolutely never would have signed on to star in. But since the real Arnold was killed and replaced, he was unable to object to his name and likeness being used in this atrocity of a film. Thus, Arnold Schwarzenegger was used against his will to push an evil agenda of the Illuminati while simultaneously being ritually humiliated by giving birth to a child and essentially being turned into a woman on screen. Notice the screenshots where he has let his hair grow out and he's wearing a pink outfit (dress?) with glasses and pearl necklaces. Does anyone really believe that Arnold Schwarzenegger would have ever stooped this low at the peak of his career?
On June 13th 2018, a user on Tumblr created a flag for the NOMAP (Non Offending Minor Attracted Person) community. (LINK) Around June 12th 2018, an artist named Daniel Quasar updated the LGBTQ to add the colors light blue, light pink, and white to represent the Transgender Pride Flag colors. (LINK) These added stripes to the LGBTQ flag do not represent transgenderism. They represent pedophilia. Light blue represents attraction to young boys. Light pink represents attraction to young girls. The white stripe represents attraction to virginity. Coincidence theorists will have a field day on this one.
I've really liked this idea of no longer referring to them as "Drag Queens", but instead as "Groomer Clowns", since that's what they really are. Also, these people do not reproduce, which is why they are forced to recruit instead. Drag Queens at a march in New York were recorded as chanting "We're here, we're queer, we're coming for your children". In Florida, a Gay Pride parade was cancelled after it was made illegal to perform adult lewd performances in front of children. If they aren't coming for the children, then why the need to cancel the Gay Pride parade when the Groomer Clowns couldn't perform in front of children? Finally, the third link is about a homosexual couple who raped, filmed, and sex trafficked their two young adopted sons to other pedophiles.
Video of Drag Marchers Chanting 'We're Coming For Your Children' Goes Viral (LINK)
***"***A video showing people chanting "we're coming for your children" has gone viral, sparking outrage on social media. New York City kicked off the last weekend of Pride Month with its annual Drag March on Friday". (LINK)
Hundreds of drag performers marched through Manhattan's East Village in elaborate costumes on their way to the iconic Stonewall Inn.
Video showing some of the march's participants chanting, "we're here, we're queer, we're coming for your children"
Gay pride parade canceled in southeast Florida after anti-drag show law passes (LINK)
"Officials in a southeast Florida city have canceled a gay pride parade and restricted other pride events to people 21 years and older in anticipation of Gov. Ron D. signing a bill meant to keep children out of drag shows.
The Florida House sent Ron D. a bill Wednesday that bans children from adult performances, a proposal aimed at the governor’s opposition to drag shows.
The legislation, which awaits the governor's signature, would allow the state to revoke the food and beverage licenses of businesses that admit children to adult performances. The Ron D. administration has moved to pull the liquor license of a Miami hotel that hosted a Christmas drag show, alleging children were present during "lewd" displays."
Gay couple charged with molesting their adopted sons also pimped them out to pedophile ring, report claims (LINK)
"A gay couple from Georgia charged with molesting their two adopted sons and using them to record child porn also allegedly pimped them out to members of a local pedophile ring, according to a disturbing new report.
A months-long investigation by Townhall revealed that William Dale Zulock, 33, and Zachary Jacoby Zulock, 35, allegedly used social media to prostitute their two elementary-aged sons.
William Zulock, a government worker, and Zachary Zulock, a banker, were indicted in August 2022 on charges of incest, aggravated sodomy, aggravated child molestation, felony sexual exploitation of children and felony prostitution of a minor.
But the shocking investigation reveals in more detail the sickening abuse the boys suffered.
For the first time, it was revealed that the men allegedly pimped out their older sons, now 11 and 9 years old, to two other men in a pedophile ring.
One of the men, Hunter Clay Lawless, 27, told investigators that Zachary — whose Instagram bio describes him as “Papa to our two wonderful boys” and an “activist” — invited him “multiple times” to take part in sexually abusing the boys, Townhall reported."
Homosexuality and Child Sexual Abuse (LINK)
***"***Homosexuals are overrepresented in child sex offenses: Individuals from the 1 to 3 percent of the population that is sexually attracted to the same sex are committing up to one-third of the sex crimes against children.
Homosexual Pedophiles are Vastly Overrepresented in Child Sex Abuse Cases
Homosexual pedophiles sexually molest children at a far greater rate compared to the percentage of homosexuals in the general population. A study in the Journal of Sex Research found, as we have noted above, that “approximately one-third of [child sex offenders] had victimized boys and two-thirds had victimized girls.” The authors then make a prescient observation: “Interestingly, this ratio differs substantially from the ratio of gynephiles (men who erotically prefer physically mature females) to androphiles (men who erotically prefer physically mature males), which is at least 20 to 1.”[17]
In other words, although heterosexuals outnumber homosexuals by a ratio of at least 20 to 1, homosexual pedophiles commit about one-third of the total number of child sex offenses.
Similarly, the Archives of Sexual Behavior also noted that homosexual pedophiles are significantly overrepresented in child sex offence cases:
The best epidemiological evidence indicates that only 2 to 4 percent of men attracted to adults prefer men (ACSF Investigators, 1992; Billy et al.,1993; Fay et al.,1989; Johnson et al.,1992); in contrast, around 25 to 40 percent of men attracted to children prefer boys (Blanchard et al.,1999; Gebhard et al.,1965; Mohr et al.,1964). Thus, the rate of homosexual attraction is 6 to 20 times higher among pedophiles.”
Parasite Pill 2.0
For those who really want to do some serious research, there's an 181 page document titled Parasite Pill (version) 2.0 which goes in depth about a theory that pedophilia may be linked to a mind controlled parasite such as toxoplasmosis. And that the parasite basically has a better chance of survival when infected into a younger victim with a still developing immune system. Plus the parasite breeds within the intestines. So it's theorized that this is why sodomy with children may be preferred by the parasite for reproduction. Also it's speculated that essentially the parasitic elites are LITERALLY PARASITES, as they are being mind controlled by brain parasites and this is why they all engage in sodomy with one another. The initiation ritual of being sodomized by all the upper ranking Illuminati members may also serve the purpose of ensuring that the cult's respective parasites are all passed on effectively to new recruits. Oh yeah, and the real reason they don't want anyone taking Ivermectin is because it destroys the parasites which are our secret masters.
Elon Musk’s X now treats the term ‘cisgender’ as a slur on the platform (LINK)
On June 20 2023, Elon Musk tweeted out that the term "cisgender" would now be treated as a slur on Twitter / X. On May 15th 2024, this promise was made into a reality. Attempting to post with the word "cis" or "cisgender" results in the user being given a warning and the option to delete the tweet.
This event today was what got me to finally sit down and pump out this post which has been sitting in my brain simmering for years. This also made me think about the real meaning of the term "Cis" which basically means "Normal" or "Same Gender As Assigned At Birth". "Cis" is pronounced the same as "Sis" (Sister), and can be expanded to "Cissy" / "Sissy" (Wimp). Also, "Cis" backwards is "Sic" or "Sick". So basically when you're called "Cis" gender, you're being called a woman, a wimp, and sick, all because you chose to remain a heterosexual during this assault on what it means to be a human. "Cis" is a CIA Tavistock style social engineering term which is meant to discourage you from being straight, and it's trying to bully you into the LGBTQ lifestyle (or is that "death style" since they don't reproduce?). "Cis" is an abnormal and weaponized term which was created to make what's natural seem unnatural, and to make what's normal sound abnormal. I would argue terms "gender normative" and "breeders" are also similar weaponized social engineering terms meant to covertly psychologically wage warfare against heterosexuality.
A recent study of 139 dysphoric male children who were monitored from age 7 up until age 20 showed that 87.8 percent of the boys grew out of this phase and reverted back to identifying as their birth gender by the time they were adults. And in other related news, a couple in Montana have claimed that the Montana CFS (Child and Family Services) have taken custody of their 14 year old daughter for refusing her gender affirming care. So now does it make sense why The Illuminati has to "get them while they're young"? Does it make sense why The Illuminati is pumping out so much gender confusion and LGBTQ propaganda into the brains of young and impressionable minds? It's because they are DELIBERATELY confusing children about their gender, and while they're still young and impressionable, they seek to prey on their confusion by pushing them to "change their gender" AKA mutilate their genitals, which is an irreversible procedure. Also, the powers that be are setting the precedent that parents who are not being "inclusive" and "open minded" by letting their children mutilate their genitals, that the state can then physically repossess your child from you, by saying it's CHILD ABUSE that you won't let them MUTILATE THEIR GENITALS. The Luciferians seek to reverse all that is natural, and they want us all to be like their demon god Baphomet. They are coming for your kids, and you'd better push back.
Vast Majority of Gender Dysphoric Boys Desist, Long-Term Study Finds (LINK)
*"*A long-term follow-up of male children with gender dysphoria has found that most study participants desisted over time and accepted themselves as boys. The groundbreaking study used the largest sample to date of boys referred to clinics for gender dysphoria. “A Follow-Up Study of Boys With Gender Identity Disorder” was published in the peer-viewed journal Frontiers in Psychology, and the research protocol was reviewed and approved by Clarke Institute of Psychiatry (now the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health) and the University of Toronto. Study participants were 139 male children assessed in the Gender Identity Service, Child, Youth, and Family Program at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) in Toronto between 1975 and 2009. 63.3% of the boys met DSM-III, III-R, or IV criteria for gender identity disorder (GID), while the rest of the 36.7% were subthreshold for a DSM diagnosis. Researchers first assessed the children at approximately age 7, following up with participants when they reached adolescence and again in early adulthood. At follow-up, researchers classified participants as persisters (which the study defines as “boys who continued to have gender dysphoria”) or desisters (boys who did not continue to have gender dysphoria), and deduced their sexual orientation based on fantasy and behavior. Researchers found that 17 (12.2%) of the participants persisted in their gender dysphoria, and the remaining 122 (87.8%) desisted."
Montana parents say they lost custody of daughter after opposing 14-year-old’s gender transition: report (LINK)
"Montana family claims they lost custody of their 14-year-old child after opposing her interest in changing genders — and while the governor’s office defended the move, it stressed to The Post that the state does not remove minors to provide gender transition services.
The state’s Child and Family Services (CFS) reportedly took custody of the teen from her father, Todd Kolstad, and stepmother, Krista, this month, leading the parents to speak out about how the action has “destroyed” their family and “trampled” their rights.
They showed up at our home to serve us with papers to take Jennifer out of our care,” Kolstad alleged. “They told me the reason was that we were ‘unable or refusing to provide medical care.’ That’s just not true.”
Jennifer returned in September to a Montana youth facility, where she remains. Earlier this month, a court put the teen in the custody of CFS, Reduxx reported.
“We were told that letting Jennifer transition and live as a boy was in her ‘therapeutic best interest’ and because we aren’t willing to follow that recommendation, the court gave CFS custody of Jennifer for six months,” Kolstad told the outlet."
Transgender and nonbinary people are up to six times more likely to have autism (LINK)
This article title really says it all. There's a clear link between autism and transgenderism. So now does it make sense why autism is deliberately created via aluminum in the vaccines and in deodorant, chemtrails, etc? Autism also makes a person more compatible with Artificial Intelligence according to a book called The Autism Epidemic: Transhumanism's Dirty Little Secret (LINK). Supposedly the type of brainwaves produced by an autistic brain are more similar to how Artificial Intelligence processes data than a normal brain. Basically the endgoal of the entire Illuminati LGBTQ and transgender agenda is transhumanism, which is the merging of humans with technology. Part of that agenda ties into transgenderism since if they can get you to mutilate your genitals and get you to change your whole gender identity, then getting you to put a neural chip implant in your head isn't much further to go. The endgoal of the New World Order is to turn you into a gay genderless cyborg who is completely mind controlled by brain microchips. This is why when you choose to support the woke agendas and official narratives, that you're literally choosing The Matrix, because merging us with machines, mind controlling us and creating a completely false reality in our heads is exactly where the woke rabbit hole leads.
"We're here, we're queer, get used to it". We did get used to it. And then we let you legalize Gay Marriage, but still you wouldn't stop pushing us. So how far does the Satanic LGBTQ agenda have to push us before they will leave us alone? Well, they aren't planning on leaving us alone. LGBTQ is a major component of the New World Order. The end goal of LGBTQ is to openly normalize pedophilia, incest, bestiality, and all other sexual perversions since this is what "The Aristocrats" (The Illuminati families) actually take part in themselves. And they bully us into compliance by using terms like "Inclusive" and "Tolerance", which are weaponized social engineering terms that are used to beat us into submission of their depraved agendas. You're no longer straight or heterosexual, you're now "Cis" (Sis/Sick/Sissy), "Gender Normative" and a "Breeder". The Illuminati has made it a thoughtcrime for any person to remain straight and normal in this times of great deceit. Is it any wonder then that nearly 30 percent of all Generation Z adults now identify as LGBTQ? (LINK)
This post is the culmination of my years of research on multiple topics which all tie into pedophilia, LGBTQ, transgenderism, autism, transhumanism, and the New World Order. I hereby pass onto you all the knowledge I currently possess about this agenda, and I hope that you will consider it from a logical perspective and utilize it appropriately. By the way, I do not have a problem with gay or transgender people whatsoever so long as they would just please leave the children alone. They're just children and they're young and easily impressionable by LGBTQ gender confusion propaganda. Let them be kids, and if they still want gender affirming care when they're 18, then they are legally adults and are able to make that decision themselves. Stop encouraging children to make irreversible permanent alterations to their body just to serve an agenda of "inclusiveness" and "tolerance".
Also, this goes without saying, and it goes to all people not just LGBTQ: stop sexually abusing children. This is the most unnatural sexual depravity you can possibly take part in. You're destroying innocence and you're destroying lives. And you're just continuing the cycle of abuse, since it does appear that many pedophiles were also sexually abused when they were children (Jeffrey Epstein got really uncomfortable and refused to answer when he was asked about his own sexual abuse as a child).
Finally, I will again reiterate that there's no problem with being gay, lesbian, bisexual, non binary, transgender, etc. However, the specific group called LGBTQ is an extremist organization of The Illuminati which is pushing Satanic agendas as part of the New World Order. I recommend that no matter how you identify yourself, that you are able to identify a predatory social engineering mind control agenda for what it is.
submitted by kiwasabi to conservatives [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:04 osakan Yen Press is actually doing a decent job.

Just to be clear, I'm not working for Yen Press, and I have no interest in boosting their sales. I've seen a lot of criticism of Yen Press' localizations, especially for Overlord. While they're not perfect, they're not doing as terrible a job as some suggest.
Here are a few issues people have raised recently, along with my thoughts:
Bad Translation For example, in this Reddit comment. Yen Press' translations aren't perfect, but they're more accurate than they're given credit for. The example user xshot40 mentioned was off the mark. They would be correct if the Japanese version used "Mahou" (魔法王), but it didn’t. The word used in Ainz's title was "Madou" (魔導王). It combines “Ma” 魔 (which can mean evil or monster) and “Dou” 導 (which can mean leading). As proposed by Cocytus in the novel, “Madou” means the art of sorcery but can also be understood as “leader of the monsters.” This crucial element was completely lost in "Sorcerer King." Translating Overlord is a complex and challenging task. The author is a master at world-building, and the details in his crafted world are extensive. Many tiny, ambiguous details later become significant in the bigger scenario, so the translator must ensure nothing is missed to avoid inconsistencies. In fan translations, the translators have the advantage of being able to go back and fix mistakes later, allowing them to focus on flow and rephrase sentences for smoothness. This, however, isn't true for official translations.
Hard to Read An example can be seen in this Reddit comment. The Japanese version of Saga of Tanya the Evil (Youjo Senki) is one of the hardest books I’ve ever read. The language frequently shifts according to the protagonist's mental state, sometimes becoming unhinged or deranged. Add to that the complex fantasy military lingo and historical events from different countries (mostly during WWI) but in a magical setting. If the English version is hard to read, it's just faithful to the original.
Yen Press isn't changing their localizations "to appeal to the modern audience" (as far as I'm aware) In this day and age, I believe that’s a valuable quality.
We need to support the authors so they're willing to create more masterpieces for us to enjoy Fan translations are usually passion projects and can sometimes be better than the official versions. However, they don’t benefit the creators of the original material other than by providing exposure. While you can critique or prefer fan translations, I don’t think it’s appropriate to actively encourage people not to buy the official localizations. Such actions harm the authors and publishers, and in the end, we, the fans, suffer the consequences.
submitted by osakan to overlord [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:02 Few_Two_1731 Regarding the theory that Marco and Toffee are connected

Do you remember the theory that Marco and Toffee are connected? It is a theory with a lot of negative opinions, but I tried my best to think about it.
Marco and Toffee have a planned and meticulous personality. I think... their gestures are sometimes similar. https://www.tumblr.com/frmacnac/723950017044512769/marco-and-toffee-are-like-mirrors-each-other-or
Marco with purple items is something ominous. The monster arm emits purple liquid, and when Marco is involved in magic, he often wears purple things. The skin color of Marco's corpse in the Blood Moon nightmare is purple, The purple cloth he wears at before beach day has nothing to do with magic but look at the shape.
Besides, The following are the ones that appear in Toffee's first appearance episode.
Star's penstand with holes. This is similar to the symptoms of victims of Solaria's magic. Dead End signs, Star and monsters. A fortune cookie message that Toffee sent to Star says "Love is always the answer". Toffee say that "You're not the only one who is the victim of magic".
What if these are things that imply something? Toffee said he knows the future. What if Star, her friends, and monsters are killed by Solaria's magic? What if Toffee is related to Marco's monster arm? So, Marco may have been shapeshifted to Septarian by dark magic of unicorn and time-traveled to the ancient Mewni. (It might sound stupid) Glossaryck may be involved in it, He may have created a weird time loop. Toffee may be Adult Marco who comes from such a bad future timeline.
Toffee knew that he would be killed as Star's first enemy, so he probably decided to give Star the idea of destroy the magic for change bad future, but in the process, probably he entered Realm of Magic and went crazy. And he may died like "Toffee" on his timeline. and, Glossaryck may have seen Marco as Toffee's childhood. When they first met, Glossaryck said he wouldn't let Marco read magic spells book, and Glossaryck disliked Marco until the day Star rode a bicycle.
Toffee may be a character that assumes as Marco in his thirties. Marco at Neverzone is a child with an adult body. too childish. Star and Toffee's mental age is too far apart, for Toffee, Star will be like a sibling? "Surprise" is a word when the Diaz family celebrates Star every day, so it may be a symbol of friendship and family love. Even if Marco was influenced by the monster arm, he is not necessarily evil. In this case, Toffee wouldn't kill Comet, but his subordinates would do it at their discretion.
Toffee has existed since he was a teenager. The reason why he was shocked when Marco said, "You're boring" would because he had too short time to live as his true self, and he forgot what he was like when he was living as himself. On the other hand, he may have despised his past self who had no power or knowledge to protect the important things. Toffee's last words were probably a warning to his past self, and were probably the answer to what he was told to be "boring". He manipulated Ludo, but it made Buff Frog a Star's friend. It triggered that Star wants Mewni to stop the monster abuse. Marco is the type who is into the role he plays, and he is good at hiding his emotions. If he had felt responsible for the death of Star's grandma, he couldn't have been able to tell the truth. He may have been acting like a crazy, cruel man to Star on purpose.
But how can Marco be so dark and conspiratory?
I think Marco knew very little about monster abuse in Mewni. Marco will be angry if he knows that, and Marco will try to protect the monster from Mewman as one of the earthlings because he knows Mewnians were earthlings, and will be thoroughly research magic and Mewni's history. And Marco's charisma will be gather the support of Septarian. In order to protect the existence of Star, he may had to keep Butterfly family alive while dealing with the monster's hatred for Butterfly family, and he would have been afraid of losing the support of the monsters. Marco was once unable to oppose it for fear of losing the support of the princesses in St. Olga. He may have been bound by his past as Septarian and had limited things to do. I think he has reason for hating Glossaryck. Glossaryck made Star's ancestors, the colonists of Earth, into Butterfly family and Mewman.
"The code name is Sailor V", a spinoff of Sailor Moon came to my mind. The villain in this story was just a soldier who wanted to become a knight to get closer to the princess of Venus, Minako's previous life. However, after everyone died in the war and the queen of the moon reborn everyone with magical powers. He was helping Minako's growth as her enemy but he died while doing fortune-telling that Minako was destined to kill the person she loved. Minako will ended up killing her boyfriend who became an enemy. Daron loves Sailor Moon, and Mina's name is taken from Minako, but Minako looks like Star.
Well, Marco is just a boy from the earth, but he tried to become a knight because he wanted to get close to Star, the princess of Mewni. And what if Marco's Blood Moon's nightmare warn his fate that he will be killed by Star when he falls in love with her? Toffee lives in Star's past, and Marco lives in Star's future. Star and Marco, who are tied by the Curse of Blood Moon, will be bound in a weird time loop forever.
I think the Dark magic that Toffee was melting in Realm of Magic will strengthen the desire for revenge. Toffee may have wanted to neutralize MHC and Moon because them empower Mina's rebellion. What if the magic and Star's family destroyed his life? What if magic doesn't exist? What if the colonists from Earth, the ancestors of Star, didn't go to Mewni? What if Star was born as an earthling? What if Marco chose Jackie instead of Star? His purpose in S1 would to protect Star, but his purpose in S2 may have changed to save Marco's life from Star. The reason he was so obsessed with his lost finger was probably because it was the only point of contact between his past self and his present self. The motivation in that case will be self-love. Realm of Magic will not kill Star, but it will make her suffer. He may have locked Star there to teach her his suffering, instead of telling her who he is.
If Marco's fate is related to magic, it would be right for Star to destroy the magic for Marco. Toffee was watching Star's decision to destroy the magic, and he screamed "surprise". The only person who spoke to Star from the tapestries was Toffee. If the bad future changed, if the timelines merged, would be a happy ending. Will Toffee/Marco trace the fate of Heinous/Meteora?
submitted by Few_Two_1731 to u/Few_Two_1731 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:51 VolarRecords New Paradigm Management Group - Was a Whistleblower killed recently? Is this why Lue Elizondo made his statement?

Happened to see this tweeted by astronomer Beatriz Villaroel, who gave a presentation at the SOL Foundation Conference back in November regarding astronomical plates from July 19, 1952--in the middle of the DC UFO flyover of that month--in which three bright points of light in the sky vanished in less than an hour.
Here's her article published, along with other authors, December 01, 2023 in the Oxford Academic Royal Astronomical Society, a month after the SOL conference:
Here's info on the 1952 DC UFO flyover event:
Here's her presentation at the SOL Conference:
She'll be the guest on tomorrow's u/thegoodtroubleshow with Matt Ford:
Here's her tweet about yesterday's New Paradigm Media Group's (not to be confused by the New Paradigm Institute) post about the supposed recent killing of a whistleblower (could this be tied to Boeing?).
Here's that post from New Paradigm Media Group:

Paying the Ultimate Price for Disclosure.

May 17 -- Written By Digby Furneaux
In a recent and stirring statement to “The Good Trouble Show” with Matt Ford, Lue Elizondo, a prominent figure in the UFO community, ignited a wave of concern and curiosity. Elizondo, known for his involvement with the Pentagon's Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), spoke candidly, via written statement, about the dangers he and other whistleblowers face. His words left many wondering: what exactly is happening behind the scenes in the clandestine corridors of “the Program”?
Elizondo’s revelation was startling. He expressed a genuine fear for his safety, the safety of his family, and the safety of those poised to expose long-held secrets about UFOs. These whistleblowers are not merely fighting for recognition; they are risking their lives to unveil truths that have been shrouded in secrecy for over 80 years, if not longer. The question arises: are these threats real, or are they a ploy to draw attention to Elizondo’s forthcoming book?
Having rekindled my passion for the UFO topic last year, I have had the privilege of connecting with remarkable individuals who possess behind-the-scenes knowledge. Building these relationships takes time and trust, which must be earned on both sides. These are not just “trust me bro” sources; these are real people whose lives have been profoundly impacted by “the Program.” For them, this is not a game. It is a serious endeavour to bring the truth to light.
Most of us have the luxury of researching UFOs from the safety of our homes. We can indulge in our fascination without fearing for our lives. However, for those with first-hand knowledge, the reality is starkly different. This is a battle, a fight to disclose the truth to the world, not for fame or fortune, but because it is the right thing to do. These courageous individuals are being silenced, picked off one by one, because of what they know.

I can confirm that Elizondo and others like him are taking these threats very seriously. Recently, a whistleblower who came forward with crucial information lost his life.

From my own knowledge and from multiple reliable sources, I can confirm that Elizondo and others like him are taking these threats very seriously. Recently, a whistleblower who came forward with crucial information lost his life. One of these heroes, driven by a commitment to truth and transparency, has paid the ultimate price for your right to know. This untimely death is more than a tragedy; it is a stark reminder of the high stakes involved in the fight for disclosure.
This incident sends a chilling message to those contemplating stepping forward: the risks are real, and the consequences can be dire. To the family of this brave soul, I offer my deepest condolences and heartfelt sorrow for the loss of such a courageous individual. The sacrifice made by this whistleblower underscores the immense dangers faced by those who dare to challenge the veil of secrecy surrounding UFOs.
The reality is that these individuals are not seeking fame or fortune. Their actions are driven by a profound sense of duty and the belief that the public deserves the truth. However, the threats they face—from intimidation to potentially lethal consequences—are formidable obstacles. How can we protect those waiting in the wings? How can the world hope for full disclosure while “the Program” still holds the cards?

It is essential for us to recognize and honour the bravery of those who risk everything to bring hidden truths to light.

The journey towards uncovering the truth is fraught with peril. It is essential for us to recognize and honour the bravery of those who risk everything to bring hidden truths to light. These whistleblowers are not just fighting for themselves; they are fighting for all of us, for our right to know and understand the mysteries that have long been kept from us.
As we continue to seek answers and push for transparency, it is crucial to support these courageous individuals. Their sacrifices should not be in vain. By standing together and demanding accountability, we can help create a safer environment for future whistleblowers and pave the way for the long-awaited disclosure that humanity deserves.
submitted by VolarRecords to UFOs [link] [comments]
