Peace sign zebra print party

Aide mon chien a mordu congénère car protection poussette j’ai bien peur qu’il ne survive pas

2024.05.19 12:17 chrisouille Aide mon chien a mordu congénère car protection poussette j’ai bien peur qu’il ne survive pas

Bonjour! Je suis très embêtée. La situation est horrible. Mon chien de 2 ans fait de la surprotection depuis que j’étais enceinte et à côté de la poussette. Il n’aggresse pas les chiens en se promenant et m’écoute, mais si des petits chiens s’approchent de trop prêt sur son territoire il se montre très agressif. J’étais à une table de terrasse le chien en dessous la table en laisse à côté de la poussette. Je suis toujours très vigilante depuis que j’ai vu ses comportements, et une personne avec 2 mini chiens et laisse rétractable qui ne faisait pas partie de la terrasse mais qui passait à l’extérieur s’approche progressivement et je lui fais signe que Non, elle continue, j’insiste (je crois qu’elle était au tel où pas fait attention) et elle les laisse se rapprocher carrément sous ma table. Je n’ai pas eu le temps d’intervenir mon chien à snappé un des petits l’a secoué, et le petit à marché 10 mètres de peur de réfugiant puis est tombe raide. J’étais en pleurs et traumatisée. La personne est partie chez le vétérinaire d’urgence et j’ai appelé le veto par la suite mais il était fermé je rappellerai dès mardi pour me renseigner de son état je suois très affectée. C’est la 2e fois qu’il provoque un incident et j’ai déjà eu un coup de fil de la police alors que la 1ere fois j’ai payé les frais de veto à cette personne mais elle a déposé plainte. J’ai pris un éducateur mais la ou je suis isolée il n’a pas le temps est débordé et j’attendais de déménager de région pour en trouver un plus efficace. Voilà maintenant sous les tables ça m’arrive de croiser des gens qui tiennent un gros chien voir un chien loup dernièrement et qui me font signe de ne pas laisser mon chien approcher car ils font de la protection et je respecte, je ne laisse pas mon chien aller sur le territoire d’un autre sans connaître car je sais qu’entre mâles ça peut parfois être terrible. J’ai peur que le petit ait eu une attaque ou ne survive pas le choc 😓 Qu’est ce que je risque ? Quels sont recours et démarches le cas échéant ?
Merci à tous
submitted by chrisouille to conseiljuridique [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:13 heyyyitsjess_ my experience with streamers of all sizes, as a streamer~ an inspired rant from seeing a friends tweet: "When people show you who they are PLEASE BELIEVE THEM."

There will probs be more posts like this in time. Only bc I refuse to be silenced by "Cancel Culture" or "Blacklisting"

Streaming has shown me a completely different kind of evil people and almost all of them preach kindness and inclusivity while “protecting their communities” publicly but privately is a whole different animal.
Once, as a baby streamer I went to one of those preachy kinda streamers who I thought was actually a pretty good friend cuz she said she loved me so much she called me her sister. I thought I was safe to confess the sensitive information that I had been excessively cyberstalked and sexually harassed by someone in the community, not that I wanted them to do anything about it but i wanted them to know why that person may be yelling his version of events to anyone that will listen when I inevitably have to ban him. At the time i did not know this person was a frienemy but when the time was right for them, they used that sensitive info to hurt me and made the man who sexually harassed me & cyber stalked me their mod, even tho they knew he went as far as threatening to kill me if I wasn’t his friend. Others on twitter came forward shortly after saying he’s done this before. AND on top of that, that same frienemy added their other streamer buddy who was more well connected with other streamers AND MODS as her mod too and he was actually the first out of everyone to victim blame me for being harassed, stalked, and threatened w\o asking for proof. When he found out I had proof, he lied to others saying I bullied the poor guy I banned and accused. He then confidently smear campaigned me (failed) on Twitter back then just because I wanted a public apology. This streamemod combo conman later became a very loud mod to the guy who publicly announced my cancellation and without a doubt in my opinion was one of the ones pushing him to do it.
THEN there's the kinds of “safe space acceptance of all” assholes that team up with the above assholes
These guys within themselves have a tight inner circle of people all groomed to be loyal (people that owe the leader something out of admiration for being helped through a life event-for example needing money for Christmas for your kids, money to stop a house being foreclosed on, money for whatever. OR false promises of success and support on twitch through various means) These kind of people love raising money for private causes and not actual charities to play hero to suffering individuals they raised the money for-so people feel indebted to them. These same streamers also have no problem only coming back to streaming to ask for personal donations to help them in their time of "need" literal days before a huge St Judes Community fundraiser event. Ponder that as you will.
They use their loyal gophers to stalk, bully & blacklists anyone thats makes them feel disobeyed, threatened, envious, or bitter. They even go against their own, people there aren’t allowed to have differing opinions because anything different than the leaders is “disrespectful” and personal slight towards them. Those people usually slowly get pushed unless they redeem themselves or give up dirt on someone on the watch list.
& to the people who courageously leave bc it becomes creepy finding out how fucked the inner workings really are, People like me, become public enemy #1. You all know what happened there and if you dont, comment and ill tell you about "The Great Cancelation of HeyyyitJess" fucking cringe bro im really not that important lmao
ANYWAY These kinda streamers use their loyals to pressure other creators or threaten to take their numbers away if they refuse to obey or stop being friends with someone they want deplatformed. Yes, I said Deplatformed. They do this so they don’t catch the fall when the truth comes out how fucked up this behavior is. They have an almost onion layered shield around them taking the full brunt of it all. If called out they could say something like "Those were my mods who conspired with those other people to plan a scandal, not me, but im sorry this is happening to you. Mistakes were made." or "I was not threatening to take your viewership, support, relevancy or friends away, that was my mods who i have no control over. Mistakes were made" \)keeps all mods and rewards them*
ALLEGEDLY 😂 these are my personal experience of what ive witnessed or others who have come forward but i could be a big fat liar guys its up to you who knows i might think im jesus too and think i can become the irl sailor moon or little mermaid lol its not funny but bc its so ridiculous its hard not to laugh.**
I DIGRESS-But u know who does end up getting the fall? The streamer who they convinced enough to make a declaration LIVE ON STREAM March 21st 2024 for the first 45 minutes of stream (vod is still up and ill link it-if its taken down i have it recorded and saved per legal advice Paskaroni's March 21st 2024 VOD Rule #1 Stream. • QotD) **(assuming he is talking about me bc ik he was and so does everyone else) that im-**in not exact words but close-a bully, toxic, and he declared me and my 3 friends a danger to the whole community so in his words we were and are now “DEAD” in the community...In my POV, He said that not once but twice giggling with glee basically as he told the community to flame me out bc I apparently don’t deserve to be on Twitch, have success, friends, or a platform etc and that he knows the community is strong enough to make this happen. He then seemingly encouraged people to DM him to find out who he was talking about because he had no problem sharing all the names in order to get rid of the filth of the community. Also went on bragging that at CONs they all talk about us bad people and share notes with everyone to protect the whole website from us bullies (ooooo im so scary with my truth and autistic personality that seeks justice)
I want to draw more attention to the fact that the streamer said this ALL WITHOUT PROOF. & admitted on his own accord and free will ALL BY HIMSELF there was no proof, that there were alot of screenshots from the haters that didnt say much but that he wanted to give HIS 12 hater friends the benefit of the doubt even though he always saw me as a wonderfully positive part of the community. I guess I suddenly wasnt considered a friend which is oh so convenient. Not even considered enough so to get the same benefit of the doubt let alone a conversation in general. I wouldve happily handed over the link to the 5GB file of VODS, others testimonies via calls and VALID screenshots as well as a list of other peoples info who are willing to be CREDIBLE references that witnessed events as well but NOOOOO im too scary for that. Sorry tho guys I guess im not as evil as you all think i am especially not enough to go through with suing most of their asses like my lawyer wanted. And im poor as fuck so that should mean alot.
So back at it, now, who did him wrong? In my experience the kinda cult communities that do this bullshit is easy to spot once you know what this looks like. They manipulate people, and they dont discriminate, their prey could even be the most well meaning streamers- like the one who fell victim this time. (I'm very heartbroken that that streamer i linked did that to me live and essentially had hundreds of people leaving me hate dms, threatening me, threatening my friends, friends of friends, and stream leaders, but i still am mature enough to know he is a victim too in a way).
The problematic predatory streamers or communities like the ones responsible for this dumpster fire are usually the ones preaching and over amplifying positive vibes, safe space, inclusiveness, encouragement, acceptance, enabling etc bc they are a “close knit gamers of chosen family” or even the infamous kinda things some people say unironically “were totally not a cult-those people are cults OMG do you see how toxic...THAT STREAMER IS FAKE AF she is alllllll makeup look at and her simps. She's not even a good streamer or gamer she just has her simps play for her” seeing people saying that publicly on any platform seriously is......BIG RED FLAG oh and unfotunately get used to all the toxic men getting away with everything. sad but true. then you have me over here who gets cancelled for breathing wrong. Its apart of life and i hate it. SO HERE WE ARE
BASICALLY notice if you join one of these kind of communities see how fast you can pick up on mean girl behavior. itll be obvious. (Ive seen both cult themes vary in a dark silly way but the worst I have seen is a cult theme disguised as a form of DnD themed video game religion-both sinister af imo) like these people straight up have calculated religious church or temple themed community roles like The Archpriest, Highest Priestess, Acolytes, Initiates, "so in so's" whipping boy etc.
But yeah those total MotherMarys & JesusTheHealer's that own those kinda communities totally would NEVER abuse their connections or false appearance of power to start a witch hunt of cruel lies towards an ex inner circle member who walked away. Nah it couldn’t be that they would only do that just bc they were paranoid and guilty of what little ol me or whoever knows like...idk....their unmasked personal life behaviors and actions. Nah. Couldnt be them.
All in all....Ill never understand what the point of witch hunting and manipulating creators to shield you or get them to do your dirty work is, bc it will always come to light. None of it logically makes sense on a healthy level and people will realize that it sure does seem like peeps have alot to hide or cover up EHH? 🫎
Or maybe not. Walking away peacefully and minding your own business apparently now justifies a witch hunt cyberbully party based on lies no one even attempted to confront me about. So that being said youre fucked either way. BE CAREFUL ON TWITCH lol
Id be surprised if i dont get attack comments on this. <-says this cuz now they won’t but a few passive aggressive ones won’t resist the urge for sure. Its always the ones that seem the kindest but also the loudest about how kind they are. Just something to consider.
submitted by heyyyitsjess_ to u/heyyyitsjess_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:13 chrisouille Aide mon chien a mordu en surprotection poussette congénère j’ai peur qu’il n’ai pas survécu

Bonjour! Je suis très embêtée. La situation est horrible. Mon berger Australien de 2 ans fait de la surprotection depuis que j’étais enceinte et à côté de la poussette. Il n’aggresse pas les chiens en se promenant et m’écoute, mais si des petits chiens s’approchent de trop prêt il se montre très agressif. J’étais à une table de terrasse le chien en dessous la table en laisse à côté de la poussette. Je suis toujours très vigilante depuis que j’ai vu ses comportements, et une personne avec 2 mini chiens et laisse rétractable qui ne faisait pas partie de la terrasse mais qui passait à l’extérieur s’approche progressivement et je lui fais signe que Non, elle continue, j’insiste (je crois qu’elle était au tel où pas fait attention) et elle les laisse se rapprocher carrément sous ma table. Je n’ai pas eu le temps d’intervenir mon chien à snappé un des petits l’a secoué, et le petit à marché 10 mètres de peur de réfugiant puis est tombe raide. J’étais en pleurs et traumatisée. La personne est partie chez le vétérinaire d’urgence et j’ai appelé le veto par la suite mais il était fermé je rappellerai dès mardi pour me renseigner de son état je suois très affectée. C’est la 2e fois qu’il provoque un incident et j’ai déjà eu un coup de fil de la police alors que la 1ere fois j’ai payé les frais de veto à cette personne mais elle a déposé plainte. J’ai pris un éducateur mais la ou je suis isolée il n’a pas le temps est débordé et j’attendais de déménager de région pour en trouver un plus efficace. Voilà maintenant sous les tables ça m’arrive de croiser des gens qui tiennent un gros chien voir un chien loup dernièrement et qui me font signe de ne pas laisser mon chien approcher car ils font de la protection et je respecte, je ne laisse pas mon chien aller sur le territoire d’un autre sans connaître car je sais qu’entre mâles ça peut parfois être terrible. Est ce que qqn a déjà eu une expérience similaire en étant à ma place ?? J’ai peur que le petit ait eu une attaque ou ne survive pas le choc 😓 Qu’est ce que je risque ? Quels sont recours et démarches le cas échéant ?
Merci à tous
submitted by chrisouille to chiens [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:12 FunkyMunkeyBaby AITAH for refusing to ground my son despite my ex-wife's wishes?

When I was 18 years old, I met my future wife, Mia. She was the same age as me and we had recently graduated from the same high school.
Before meeting me, Mia had engaged in a lot of reckless sexual behavior. I would later learn that she was having sex when she was 13, had participated in group sex, and was extremely inconsistent about using protection. Mia's recklessness led to me, and our common poor decision making led to an unintended pregnancy. Mia ran to her parents, I ran to my parents, we all got together, and they agreed that we were either going to terminate or get married. We chose the latter.
Eight years later, Mia approached me wanting a divorce. I was honestly not surprised in the slightest. Getting married so early made us miss a lot of our early years, and while were always able to live together peacefully, we realized that we were a poor match in the first place.
It has been seven years since our divorce. Our son, Henry, is 14 years old now. We have an agreed custody agreement, and I think that despite our shortcomings as romantic partners, we have developed into competent and caring parents. One of our rules of shared custody is that when Henry misbehaves (which is very rare) and is being penalized for it, we both honor the agreement of his grounding.
On Wednesday evening, Mia texted me to say that Henry was grounded, but she would be dropping him off on Thursday morning. When I asked for details, she told me that she had caught him watching pornography. I thought that was a bit strict, but "watching pornography" can range from fairly normal teenage boy behavior to complete sexual deviancy. When asked for the details, she elaborated that he was on his computer in his room, and she entered without knocking to catch him.
Well, she dropped Henry off, and I had a talk with him. He was very apologetic. It was awkward, but I taught him two things: (1) sexuality is normal and nothing to be ashamed about. (2) porn is a terrible industry depicting highly non-normal acts, and often involves exploited parties. Henry understood this but told me that he was looking at images of an independent model.
I decided that Henry hadn't really done anything wrong at this point. I told him to be smart about his privacy, always respect boundaries, and never view that sort of material in public places. Then I un-grounded him, gave him access to his PS5, and let him enjoy himself.
Well, his mother logged onto her own PS5 during this time, and she saw Henry online. She called me yelling about the terms of his grounding, and from another room I told her that what he did wasn't really that bad. She then talked about the harmful effects of porn, to which I responded "At his age, you were having unprotected threesomes. Do you really want to shame him?" She got really flustered at that comment and eventually hung up on me. She has texted me intermittently about how wrong I was.
Was I the asshole for this?
submitted by FunkyMunkeyBaby to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:11 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Carhartt Work Boots Mens

Best Carhartt Work Boots Mens
Welcome to our roundup of the best Carhartt Work Boots Mens for the hardworking and dedicated individual. From rugged terrain to long work hours, our selection of Carhartt Work Boots Mens caters to all your needs. Get ready to experience the ultimate combination of durability, comfort, and style that Carhartt Work Boots Mens has to offer.

The Top 19 Best Carhartt Work Boots Mens

  1. Carhartt Ground Force Waterproof Work Boots: Comfort, Protection, and Style - Carhartt Ground Force work boots for men provide superior comfort and protection with composite safety toe, FastDry technology, maximum arch support, and a waterproof design to stand up to tough jobs.
  2. Stylish Carhartt Work Boots with Wheat-tanned Leather and Rubber Outsoles - Experience ultimate comfort and durability with the Carhartt 6" Moc Soft Toe Wedge Boot, featuring a cushioned insole, fast-dry lining, and a slip-resistant outsole, making it the ultimate work-to-weekend companion for men.
  3. Carhartt Men's 6-inch Waterproof Moc Toe Wedge Work Boots Black 10.5M - Carhartt's 6-inch waterproof moc toe wedge work boots are the ultimate choice for men seeking comfortable, durable, and long-lasting workwear, featuring Storm Defender technology, moisture-wicking FastDry linings, and Goodyear welt construction.
  4. High-Performance Carhartt Waterproof Work Boot for Men - Experience ultimate comfort and traction with Carhartt Men's 6" Waterproof Soft Toe Hiker Boots, featuring Vibram Arctic Grip outsole and Insite technology footbed for maximum arch support on rugged terrains.
  5. Carhartt Men's Brown Waterproof Work Boot with Steel Toe Protection - The Carhartt Men's 6" Brown Waterproof Work Boot is a reliable, durable option for any job, offering breathable Storm Defender technology, fast-wicking FastDry lining, and ASTM F2892-18 EH-rated protection against electrical hazards.
  6. Carhartt Work Boot - Rugged Design, Durable Protection, ASTM Certified - Experience durability, comfort, and protection with the Carhartt Men's Rugged Flex 6-Inch Steel Toe Work Boot, featuring FastDry Technology lining, Composite toe, and a rugged rubber outsole.
  7. Carhartt Men's 6-inch Work Boots: Oil-tanned Leather and Rubber Outsole - Carhartt's 6-inch brown leather work boots: rugged, durable, and stylish - perfect for your next project.
  8. Carhartt Force Sneaker Boot: Lightweight, Comfortable, and Abrasion Resistant Men's Boot - Experience ultimate comfort and safety with the Carhartt Force 5" Lightweight Sneaker Boot - the perfect work companion that combines style and superior functionality.
  9. Carhartt Men's Work Boot: Rugged, Waterproof, and Protective - Carhartt's Rugged Flex Waterproof Steel Toe Work Boot, offering unbeatable durability and protection for men in any tough work environment.
  10. Carhartt Ground Force Waterproof Work Boot for Maximum Comfort - Experience ultimate comfort and durability with the Carhartt Ground Force Men's Waterproof Composite Toe Work Boot, featuring lightweight, non-metallic safety toe caps, oiled leather upper, and insulate Technology for all-day support.
  11. Carhartt Men's Oil Tanned Welt Work Boots: Durable, Comfortable, and Versatile - Carhartt Men's 10in Pull-on Work Nano Toe Boot: Oil Tanned Leather, High Abrasion PU Coating, and FastDry Technology for Comfort and Durability
  12. Comfortable Work Boots for All-Day Comfort - Experience ultimate comfort and durability with the Carhartt Force Romeo Nano boot, featuring advanced technology for maximum protection and support, even in harsh work environments.
  13. Carhartt Met Guard Work Boot: Durable, Comfortable Protection for Men - Experience ultimate protection and superior comfort with Carhartt 6inch Internal Met Guard Composite Toe Work Boots - the perfect choice for any challenging work environment.
  14. Carhartt Men's Waterproof Work Boots with Insulated Comfort - Experience top-quality protection and unmatched comfort in challenging environments with Carhartt Men's Ground Force Waterproof Work Boots.
  15. Insulated Work Boot by Carhartt: Rugged Comfort and Protection - Stay warm and comfortable in the harsh work environment with the Carhartt Men's Rugged Flex 8-Inch Insulated Composite Toe Work Boot, offering exceptional quality and craftsmanship.
  16. Men's Carhartt Rugged Flex Work Boots - Full Grain Leather, Cushioning, and Slip-Resistant - Experience the ultimate combination of work safety, durability, and ultra-cushioned comfort with the Men's Carhartt Rugged Flex 6" Soft Toe Work Boots.
  17. Carhartt Work Boots: Rugged Flex Waterproof with Breathable Protection - Unmatched durability and comfort, the Carhartt 6" Rugged Flex WP Work Boot offers a breathable waterproof design and unbeatable traction, making it the ultimate choice for demanding work environments.
  18. Carhartt 6" Moc Toe Work Boot for Men - Enhanced Comfort and Durability - Durable Carhartt work boot for men, offering fast sweat wicking, cushioned insole for support and all-day comfort, and meeting safety standards for electrical circuits.
  19. Carhartt Men's Work Boot: Waterproof, Comfortable, and Slip-Resistant - Carhartt's men's 11.5" Brown Wellington offers exceptional durability, waterproof protection, and added comfort in a versatile, oil and chemical-resistant work boot.
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🔗Carhartt Ground Force Waterproof Work Boots: Comfort, Protection, and Style
I had the chance to try out the Carhartt 6" Ground Force Composite Toe Waterproof Boots in Men's Brown, and I must say, they have been quite an experience. These boots are designed for those working in tough environments, and they definitely live up to that expectation.
The first thing I noticed was how comfortable the Insite technology footbed is. I was able to wear these boots for long hours without any foot fatigue. It was great to be able to focus on my job without being bothered by my feet.
However, there were a couple of drawbacks that I couldn't quite shake off. The boots felt a bit heavy, and the ankle support could be more effective. Additionally, some reviewers mentioned they had problems with the boots not being waterproof, which is a major concern for those working in wet conditions.
Despite the cons, I must say that the Ground Force boots are a game-changer for those looking for comfort and durability in their work boots. They are well-designed, and the features like the FastDry lining and EVA midsole really make a difference.
Overall, the Carhartt Ground Force Composite Toe Waterproof Boots are a solid choice for anyone looking for a reliable, comfortable work boot. Just be prepared for a bit of adjustment time as you get used to the fit and feel of these boots.

🔗Stylish Carhartt Work Boots with Wheat-tanned Leather and Rubber Outsoles
When I wore the Carhartt Wedge Boots for the first time, I immediately noticed the soft, unlined casual upper that felt comfortable from the start. The stylish wheat oil-tanned leather uppers were perfect for both work and casual settings.
However, the lack of arch support made my heels feel like they were on fire by the end of the day. Despite the cushioned foam footbed and good-looking design, the footbed didn't offer the best fit for my wide feet. Overall, the slip-resistant Goodyear welt construction and wicking lining made it a suitable choice for construction and landscaping situations, but the comfort level left something to be desired.

🔗Carhartt Men's 6-inch Waterproof Moc Toe Wedge Work Boots Black 10.5M
I've been wearing these Carhartt work boots for about a month now, and I must say, they've really made an impact on my daily work routine. The leather is top-notch, and I appreciate the Storm Defender membrane that keeps my feet nice and dry even on those damp workdays.
One of the features that stood out to me is the dual-density rubber sole - it's incredibly comfortable, and I find myself walking more confidently on uneven surfaces. The Goodyear welt construction is another highlight, ensuring that these boots will last for a long time, even with the occasional accidental bump.
That being said, there were a couple of downsides to these work boots. The break-in period was a bit longer than expected, but once they fit comfortably, it was all worth it. Another minor issue was the size - I usually wear a 10, but I found that these boots ran a bit big, so I had to go for a smaller size.
Overall, I'm quite pleased with my Carhartt work boots. They're a durable and comfortable choice for long hours on the job, and I feel more confident wearing them on the construction site. I hope more people can experience the benefits of these boots, just like I have.

🔗High-Performance Carhartt Waterproof Work Boot for Men
I recently got these Carhartt Waterproof Soft Toe Hiker Boots, also known as the FP5070-M ones, and they've been a game-changer in my outdoor activities. One of the features that stood out to me was the Vibram Arctic Grip outsole for superior traction in wet and on ice. As someone who spends a lot of time in slippery environments, this came in handy on a recent hike where I had to cross a narrow bridge over a fast-moving river.
The olive nubuck leather and high abrasion resistant 1260D material was also impressive. I couldn't help but notice how resistant these boots have been to scratches and wear, especially after a particularly rough day at work. The waterproof and breathable membrane worked exceptionally well too, keeping my feet dry even when I had to wade through knee-deep water in a swamp.
However, there were a couple of cons that I noticed. Firstly, they fit a bit snugly, so it was a bit of a struggle getting them on and off. But overall, the benefits outweighed the minor inconvenience. Secondly, I found them to be a little warm during the summer days. But considering they're waterproof and offer great support, it's a trade-off I'm willing to make.
All in all, these boots are a solid investment if you're looking for reliable, comfortable footwear to take on rugged terrains or challenging outdoor activities. The combination of style, durability, and comfort makes these boots perfect for both work and play.

🔗Carhartt Men's Brown Waterproof Work Boot with Steel Toe Protection
I recently started using the Carhartt Men's 6" Brown Waterproof Work Boots, and I'm quite impressed by their performance so far. The first thing that stood out to me was the leather upper – it seems durable and looks sleek. But the true test came when I encountered wet and damp conditions at work. The Storm Defender waterproof and breathable membrane really kept my feet cozy and dry, which was a huge relief. I also appreciated the FastDry lining, as it wicked away sweat and moisture, keeping me fresh throughout the day. The cushioned insole was a game-changer, providing support, comfort, and reducing foot fatigue.
However, there was a downside to the break-in period. The boot initially felt a bit stiff, which made it uncomfortable to wear for long periods. But that's a common issue with work boots, and I expected it. Another thing I noticed was the potential for stitching issues, as one customer had mentioned. I'll keep an eye on that, but so far, so good. Overall, I'm happy with my purchase, and I'm looking forward to putting these boots through their paces in various work conditions.

🔗Carhartt Work Boot - Rugged Design, Durable Protection, ASTM Certified
For years, I've been on the hunt for a rugged and comfortable pair of work boots that can withstand the test of time, both on and off the job site. After trying out several pairs, I finally stumbled upon a winner: the Carhartt Men's Rugged Flex Steel Toe Work Boot. The first thing that caught my attention was the brown leather, paired with the Carstrong durable reinforced fabric that protects against wear and tear without being excessively heavy. The boots' FastDry technology lining is a game-changer for me, as I tend to sweat quite a bit in the heels of my footwear.
One of the standout features of this pair of boots is the composite toe that protects against both impact and compression hazards, ensuring I am always safe on the job site. The rubber heel bumper provides extra stability and protection, while the EVA midsole with cushioned polyurethane insole offers great support and shock absorbance - something my feet appreciate after long hours on my feet.
The Rugged Flex rubber outsole not only offers durable traction but also keeps me feeling flexible, enhancing my overall comfort while I'm at work. However, there have been a couple of cons worth mentioning. For instance, the boots took a bit more time than I would've liked to break in properly, which disrupted my workflow for a few days. Additionally, the FastDry lining didn't seem to work as effectively as it should have, leaving me with sweaty feet at the end of the day.
Despite these minor setbacks, I have found the Carhartt Men's Rugged Flex Steel Toe Work Boot to be a reliable and comfortable choice for those seeking top-notch work boots. The pros undeniably outweigh the cons, making these boots a worthy investment for anyone looking for durability, protection, and comfort in their footwear.

🔗Carhartt Men's 6-inch Work Boots: Oil-tanned Leather and Rubber Outsole
These Carhartt work boots have become a staple in my daily life. The leather upper and rubber outsole make for a durable and reliable footwear option. I was a bit skeptical about the removable insole, but it provides great cushioning and support. The fit is true to size, and the boots have a nice, snug feel around the foot.
One issue I did encounter is the tongue stitching. It gets in the way of putting my foot in the boot, which is a bit inconvenient. Also, I've noticed the FastDry lining doesn't do much to control odor, so I have to clean them more often than I'd like.
Despite those minor drawbacks, the boots have held up well during my day-to-day activities. The removable insole is a great feature and adds to the overall comfort of the boots. I would recommend these Carhartt work boots for anyone in need of a tough and reliable pair of boots for work or play.

🔗Carhartt Force Sneaker Boot: Lightweight, Comfortable, and Abrasion Resistant Men's Boot
As someone who loves the convenience of sneakers when it comes to working hard, but also needs the support and durability of proper boots, I was excited to try the Carhartt Force Lightweight Sneaker Boot in Men's Coyote.
From the moment I first wore them, I was impressed by the lightweight knit upper and the protective, abrasion-resistant heel and toe counter. The fact that it has a slip and oil-resistant Carhartt Force rubber sole made me feel confident that even though I spend a lot of time working outdoors and being exposed to various weather conditions, these boots would hold up well.
Another notable feature for me was the FastDry technology lining, which kept my feet comfortable and dry during my long, tiring days at work. The light and high rebound EVA midsole, along with the Insite technology comfort footbed, provided the cushioning and support I needed, even after countless hours on my feet.
However, there was one drawback to this otherwise great pair of boots. As mentioned in the title, the boots had a slightly oversized heel and were not as snug or comfortable as I would have preferred. Additionally, while I appreciated the soft toe design, it did make the boots feel looser than I had hoped.
Despite these minor issues, my overall experience with the Carhartt Force Lightweight Sneaker Boot has been positive. It's a versatile and functional boot, perfect for those who want the comfort and flexibility of sneakers, combined with the support and durability you'd expect from a top-notch work boot.

🔗Carhartt Men's Work Boot: Rugged, Waterproof, and Protective
Recently, I had the chance to try out a pair of Carhartt Men's Rugged Flex 6-Inch Waterproof Steel Toe Work Boots in brown. In terms of durability, these boots truly lived up to their promise. The oil-tanned leather and reinforced fabric provided a long-lasting wear that I appreciated as I went about my daily work tasks. The lace closure was a great feature, giving me a more secure and custom fit, which was important to me as I was often on my feet for long periods of time.
One of the standout features for me was the FastDry lining, which helped wick away sweat and fight odors. It kept me feeling fresh and dry even on the warmest days, which was a welcome relief. The composite toe offered excellent protection against impact and compression hazards, and it met ASTM 2413-18 standards. This gave me the peace of mind I needed when working in potentially dangerous environments.
The rubber toe and heel bumpers added stability and protection, while the EVA midsole with cushioned polyurethane insole provided support and shock absorbance. The Rugged Flex rubber outsole offered durable traction and flexibility, making it a great choice for tough outdoor work environments. I also appreciated the secondary protection against incidental contact with electrical circuits of 18,000 volts or less under dry conditions and the ASTM 2413-18 EH standards.
Though the boots were generally comfortable and supportive, there were a few minor drawbacks. One was that the insole was not as cushioned as I would have liked, which made long periods of wear less comfortable. Additionally, I found that they ran slightly big in size, which took some time to adjust to.
Overall, I was very impressed by the Carhartt Men's Rugged Flex Boots. They provided the comfort, support, and protection I needed for my demanding work environments, and I have no qualms about recommending them to others.

🔗Carhartt Ground Force Waterproof Work Boot for Maximum Comfort
Imagine a day in the life of a Carhartt Ground Force Men's 6" Waterproof Composite Toe Work Boot wearer. He wakes up to the comfortable, supportive cushioning that reduces fatigue, all thanks to the Carhartt footbed with Insite Technology. He laces up his boots, feeling the durable oiled leather upper and the Storm Defender waterproof, breathable protection keeping feet dry and comfortable. As he starts his day, he heads out into his construction project, walking on earthy and rocky surfaces, his boots standing up to the test.
However, after some time, he notices his soles are starting to crack and peel - a clear sign that these boots aren't as sturdy or durable as he thought they were. The boots he bought 18 months ago should be in good shape by now, but they're not. He wonders about the boot's durability and if it's worth the investment.
He also expresses his dissatisfaction with the customer service. He reached out to the company multiple times but received no response. It seems like the brand isn't as committed to its customers as it claims to be with its products.
Overall, he appreciates the comfortable features of the Carhartt Ground Force Men's 6" Waterproof Composite Toe Work Boot. However, the concerns about the boots' durability and the lack of customer support cast a long shadow over his experience with the product. Would he buy these boots again? It's a difficult question, but the current quality and support issues make it a challenging decision.

🔗Carhartt Men's Oil Tanned Welt Work Boots: Durable, Comfortable, and Versatile
I recently tried on the Carhartt 10" Traditional Welt Comp Toe WP Boot, specifically the 15 Men's Brown variant. Right off the bat, I was impressed by the oil-tanned leather and suede upper coated with high abrasion PU. It gave the boot a rugged yet premium feel. One feature that I found quite appealing was the molded rubber toe bumper and the Carhartt Heel Guard. It provided great support and protection to my feet while on the job without compromising on flexibility.
The Storm Defender waterproof protection was another aspect of the boot that stood out to me. Working in a rainy environment, I could feel the water resisting capabilities of the boot. It did a great job protecting my feet from getting soaked.
However, one downside I encountered with these boots was the removable foam cushion insole with TPU arch support. While it offered some comfort, it felt a bit off after some time, giving me unnecessary pressure on my arches.
Another thing I was a bit disappointed with was the rubber lug outsole, which while offering excellent traction and slip resistance, wore out much faster than I expected for a boots in this price range.
In conclusion, overall my experience with the Carhartt 10" Traditional Welt Comp Toe WP Boot was satisfactory. The boots have shown good support and protection for my feet, but they could use some improvements in the comfort and durability departments.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to working boots, you'll want to consider several factors before purchasing a pair. In this section, we'll outline important features, considerations, and advice to help you find the best Carhartt work boots for men.

Quality and Durability

Carhartt is known for its high-quality and long-lasting workwear. When selecting a pair of Carhartt work boots for men, look for materials that can withstand wear and tear, such as leather or nylon. Additionally, check the stitching and construction quality to ensure the boots are built to last.

Comfort and Fit

Comfort is crucial when choosing work boots. Look for boots with a cushioned footbed, adequate toe room, and a secure heel. A good fit will also help prevent blisters and reduce fatigue throughout the day. Carhartt offers various widths and sizes to accommodate different foot shapes and sizes.

Safety Features

Working in hazardous conditions requires specific safety features in your boots. Consider boots with slip-resistant soles, steel toes, and electrical hazard protection. These features can help protect you from accidents and injuries in the workplace.

Waterproofing and Breathability

If you work in wet or damp environments, look for work boots that are waterproof and offer good breathability. This will help keep your feet dry and comfortable, even in challenging conditions.

Maintenance and Care

To ensure the longevity of your Carhartt work boots, proper maintenance and care are essential. Regularly clean and condition the leather or nylon materials, and apply waterproofing treatments as needed. Additionally, store your boots in a cool, dry place when not in use to prevent damage and extend their lifespan.

Consider Your Work Environment

Different work environments require specific boot features. For example, if you work in construction, you'll need boots with steel toes and slip-resistant soles. On the other hand, if you work in a warehouse, a pair of waterproof boots may be more suitable. Consider the demands of your workplace when selecting a pair of Carhartt work boots.


Carhartt work boots can range in price based on the features and materials they offer. Determine your budget before shopping to find the best value option that meets your needs.

Read Reviews and Check Warranty Information

Before making a purchase, read reviews from other buyers to get an idea of the boot's performance and durability. Additionally, check the warranty information to understand the manufacturer's commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.


Are Carhartt work boots men's boots comfortable to wear?

Yes, Carhartt work boots are designed to provide comfort and support for long hours on the job. They feature padded collars, cushioned soles, and breathable materials that allow for comfortable wear. Some models even have protective inserts to absorb shock and reduce fatigue.

What materials are Carhartt work boots made of?

Carhartt work boots are made from high-quality materials such as leather, nylon, and synthetic rubber. The materials used depend on the specific boot model and its intended use. Leather is commonly used for durability and resistance to wear, while nylon and synthetic materials offer lightweight and breathable options.

Do Carhartt work boots provide protection against hazards?

Yes, Carhartt work boots prioritize safety by offering protective features such as steel toes, metatarsal guards, and electrical hazard protection. These features help protect your feet from injuries caused by heavy objects, falling debris, and electrical hazards.

What are the different styles and colors available for Carhartt work boots?

Carhartt offers a variety of work boot styles catering to different jobs and preferences. Some popular styles include hiking boots, safety boots, and work boots with a lace-up or slip-on design. As for colors, you can find Carhartt work boots in black, brown, and grey, among others.

Are Carhartt work boots waterproof?

Some Carhartt work boots are waterproof, while others are not. Waterproof work boots feature a membrane that prevents water from entering the boot but still allows moisture vapor to escape, keeping your feet dry and comfortable. Non-waterproof work boots may be suitable for dry or mild weather conditions.

What is the warranty on Carhartt work boots?

Carhartt offers a limited lifetime warranty on their work boots, which covers any manufacturing defects. The warranty does not cover wear and tear, misuse, or damage caused by normal wear and tear. For a warranty claim, you must provide proof of purchase and register the footwear within 60 days of purchase.

How do I care for and clean my Carhartt work boots?

To maintain the quality and durability of your Carhartt work boots, it is essential to clean and care for them properly. After removing any debris, use a soft-bristle brush to gently scrub the boots with a mild soap and warm water. Allow the boots to air dry naturally and avoid using heat or a dryer. For leather boots, apply a leather conditioner or polish to help maintain their appearance and prevent cracking.
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submitted by ConsequenceSure3063 to u/ConsequenceSure3063 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:10 Hot_Possibility4458 Date is acting strange

1, F20 and the boy I’m taking to M21
So there’s this guy I have been taking to for 2 months (almost 3) and we have had sex multiple times and we both like each other a lot. When asked about commuting he said he still feels we should know each other which I guess is understandable as we were complete strangers and everything started from a one night stand. He isn’t a big fan of birthdays and doesn’t tell me his birthday is coming.
Last Friday was his birthday and I had no knowledge until he told me at night. This all happened on a phone call and he went to get food with his friend, meanwhile we were still on the phone. His friend mentions a hotel and the boy I’m talking to instantly puts the phone on mute. On Saturday we were supposed to see each other but I try to call and receive no answer. My theory is he went to a hotel with his boys for his party and most likely, there were girls involved, but the question remains.
I’m not sure if there was girls there? And if there was, is this too early on to be worrying( he has hinted to us dating but hasn’t dropped the question yet) not sure if I’m simply in delusion, avoiding signs..
Pls send your advice :)
submitted by Hot_Possibility4458 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:08 BrushInternational32 South Sudan government and rebel groups sign 'commitment' for peace in ongoing peace talks in Kenya

South Sudan government and rebel groups sign 'commitment' for peace in ongoing peace talks in Kenya submitted by BrushInternational32 to worldnews [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:06 Dry_Kangaroo8486 [UPD] wala na ba iba sa ncpag?

Election is approaching!
Puro PALS nalang ba?
Its all the same prototype, even the current council.
Masyado lang mataas ang expectations ko sa mga student leaders, and the way how they manage local governance is not giving!
First, wala silang accountability. During the first sem, people were demanding adequate actions on the honesty store. That was 7 months ago, guest what, ngayon lang sila ulit nag release ng about it kung kelan election season, and ONE DAY AFTER MY POSTING on this.
Second, sayang ang mga projects nila. The street mural painting in celebration of women's month, nasaan ang learnings to empowering women? Yun bike share, eh sila-sila lang gumagamit (members of the same pol party) minsan nga naka nakatambay nalang dun... yung mixer party nila, how can this be inclusive eh my friends were telling me na it felt that it was a recruitment sa pol party nila... every time i joined f2f events organized by the SC, it feels like outcast ako kasi puro members nila ang naandun, and i don't blame why the majority of NCPAG students feel the same.
Third, PA subjects, tbh, hindi ko sila ramdam on this, students themselves were initating on this. I remembered that there were these sign up forms from a student (not affiliated with the org and sc) for PA classes. After a week, naglabas ang SC. On these matters, diba dapat sila ang nagunguna kumuha ng updates sa CPAGE, not the other way around?
Fourth, nasaan ang checks and balances? Who are making them in check? Eh parang hindi na pumapalag sakanila ang mga grievance concern ng student body, kasi wala silang accountability sa first posting ng honesty store at yun demand forms for PA subjects. Masyado nalang sila nakakampante na wala pumupuna sa mga actions nila. Kung ang national at local officials may trust and performance rating, bkt sa NCPAG wala? Para magkaalaman na.
This coming elections, i already know ang magiging outcome ng results, and if the same prototype from the previous administrations persist, nakakasawa nalang ang mga disappointments. Hindi na sia a matter of competencies but nagiging popularity contest nalang sia, unknowingly the same characteristics na pinnupuna ng SC. Pero, i am still hoping for the best at maging mali ang mga na-observe ko. I know na maybe this is unintentional and not knowing ganun ang mga nagiging outcomes ng actions nila, pero i hope one day i can walk in the halls of NCPAG having the sense of security na belong ako.
Wake up call na to. NCPAG, we can do better. SC, you can do better.
submitted by Dry_Kangaroo8486 to peyups [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:06 HalfAble6245 Can anyone give me feedback for my GP essay

Hi! For context, I plan to take GP as a private candidate next year and i have just done my first practice, so I don’t think it’s the best piece ahahaha. Could anyone review my essay and give me feedback, any advice would be fine tysm!!:) i shall leave the question and my answer at the bottom:
Question: Is conflict inevitable in today’s volatile world?
In the later days of February 2022, a war that would go on to send the world in shock would occur, the war known as the Russia-Ukraine war. It boggled many minds into questioning the causes of such a catastrophe. Was it merely prejudice between both countries? Could the war have been prevented? Or was it just fate? Many of these questions still linger today. Could we do something to prevent such conflicts from happening again, or is conflict really just an heinous flame that can’t be stopped. Well, I think that it is not at all a lost hope especially during this period of instability.
Some naysayers may say that time and time again, conflicts are bound to happen. It is like a never ending flame of fire that refuses to stop pervading.To a certain extent, it is quite evident as just barely two years after the Russia-Ukraine conflict started, another major and horrendous war known as the war in Gaza would occur and aggravate human relations and the ongoing chaos. Boycotts of western companies like McDonald’s were prominent in Muslim countries and protests would be news that felt like it was normalcy. Furthermore, over at the South-China sea, tensions were tensed between The Philippines and China; where both sides would relentlessly accuse each other of intrusion and damages to their properties.However, these are just parochial views of the world we see.
On the other hand, countries are more willing to talk things out than to escalate hatred. Being discontented with others’ actions is part of our innate feelings, especially in this vulnerable period of time. But what if we were able to control those discontent and talk it out with the other party? Well, that is certainly possible. At a time where North Korea’s supreme leader Kim Jung Un was on the verge of throwing nuclear missiles at the United States, both parties decided to hold summits in Singapore and Vietnam that could potentially work out as a peaceful resolution. Albeit the former continuing the acts of testing missiles after some time,the summits were no frivolous pursuit, in fact there was a period of time where both sides were willing to compromise for a peaceful settlement. This was not the only case, during the war in Gaza, Israel offered to release hostages for a period of peace from hamas. This shows that though a complete truce is rather difficult to make, progressive steps are possible.
Moreover, governments are willing to internally hear opposing views and do something to it. Between citizens and governments, it is not as effortless as it seems to always follow what the people want, this will lead to prejudice between parties.In the case of Singapore, there was a contentious issue regarding the ruling out of physical concession cards and using digital ones instead which limits how one may be able to check their fare on the gantry gates. In a matter of days, it was reported that the mandate was negated and many citizens were happy about it. Moreover, over in the United States, the choking of George Floyd to serve him “justice” was angrily questioned. Within a few months, a legislation was passed to prevent chokeholds in arrests. It shows that though there might be hate at times, governments try their best to prevent hate in a contentious world.
Lastly, it is also interesting to note that countries are becoming more benevolent in a shaky world. Though we are facing major crises in our world, we do not shy away from helping one another when one is in need. This could be seen when many countries like the United States, United Kingdom and Singapore helped to provide vaccinations to different countries during the COVID-19 crisis. Most recently, many voted for a peaceful settlement in Gaza during a United Nations meeting.This shows that despite living in a very challenging world, we have the heart to forge ties as a United world instead of throwing hate at one another.
All in all,there are various ways to prevent conflict. In today’s world starting a conflict is starting to become less prominent. We can always hear each other out and change what we can at our own capacity, we too can inter alia, show kindness in the world. All these vindicates that conflict is definitely not inevitable nor imminent albeit living in a turbulent world.
submitted by HalfAble6245 to SGExams [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:04 EndersGame_Reviewer A good mash up

A good mash up submitted by EndersGame_Reviewer to puns [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:00 Hot_Possibility4458 Advice

1, F20 and the boy I’m taking to M21
So there’s this guy I have been taking to for 2 months (almost 3) and we have had sex multiple times and we both like each other a lot. When asked about commuting he said he still feels we should know each other which I guess is understandable as we were complete strangers and everything started from a one night stand. He isn’t a big fan of birthdays and doesn’t tell me his birthday is coming.
Last Friday was his birthday and I had no knowledge until he told me at night. This all happened on a phone call and he went to get food with his friend, meanwhile we were still on the phone. His friend mentions a hotel and the boy I’m talking to instantly puts the phone on mute. On Saturday we were supposed to see each other but I try to call and receive no answer. My theory is he went to a hotel with his boys for his party and most likely, there were girls involved, but the question remains.
I’m not sure if there was girls there? And if there was, is this too early on to be worrying( he has hinted to us dating but hasn’t dropped the question yet) not sure if I’m simply in delusion, avoiding signs..
Pls send your advice :)
submitted by Hot_Possibility4458 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:57 scalloped_tatters Venice, Paris, New York

Carcosa is a city. Or maybe a city state. Or maybe both a city and a state, like its twin, New York. From what we hear, I imagine that it's seen better days - that faded glory suffuses everything, from the crumbling city walls through to the tattered robes of their ruler himself.
I said that New York was its twin, and that is true. A city that feels like it's sinking back into the marshy island on which the Dutch settlers first started building. Not the New York of the late 20th century, rampant in its pursuit of greed and young flesh. It's clear why the king was attracted to the city, no? Now of course he has remade this capitol of capitalism into an image of his own city state. Decayed and decaying, the desperation of the homeless and destitute only matched by the terror of the elite that their grip is slowly slipping and so they double down into balls and parties and decadence.
Three hundred years ago, it would have instead have been Venice. Masks and assignations, and spies and secret police. A nexus between East and West, it's ships plying their trade along the coasts of the Mediterranean, the red-gold pennants of San Marco resplendent in the pale gold light. I wonder if he saw the same ineffable quality in the reflections from the grand canal as he saw in the waters of Hali? Is that why he brought Napoleon to its gates, prostrating the city, and bringing it to its current state of a mere bauble, stained and marked by the twin floods of the rising lagoon and clueless tourists.
Between those, there was Paris. The city of light, at the fin de siècle when art and pleasure collided. His interest is well documented - after all, that is where the play was born. That is where he first let the yellow sign be given greater prominence in the supposed fiction of a romance writing hack. But why then? A hundred years earlier was the revolution, a hundred years before that the court of the sun king. One would think that these would draw his gaze more than a collection of artists and dancers at the moulin rouge.
Maybe we should look at what came after. A cultural revolution, a bloody war. The seeds for the hegemony of the American imperial dynasty. And after the war, the blooming of the sexual revolution and the twisting of its message. Art seeps through everything in the twentieth century. Art which has been twisted into a mind numbing propaganda utilised to its greatest effect by the studios and publishing houses of the hegemony.
The mistake that we make when we consider the king in yellow's assault on our world is too think of it in the constrained, linear perspective by which we view time. The king is reaching out to change our world simultaneously across the course of civilization; Venice, Paris, New York and countless others. To resist his influence we must understand his purpose as a whole, and hope that our ancestors and our children are doing the same. Let's gather here and share our knowledge. Where else have you seen the hand of the pallid king on the tiller of history?
submitted by scalloped_tatters to BeneathDarkStars [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:56 PhysicsGamer2 On Reform

As all of you have seen at this point, TE recently signed on to a defensive agreement with other nations, who apparently were not aware of my past, and elected to immediately withdraw from that agreement when learning of it. This is not the primary focus of this post, though, as it is just the most recent instance of a recurring struggle I have been dealing with trying to participate in the international community as a reformed player.
Ever since I made my return and settled in what is now the Temporal Empire, I have been staying away from the spotlight of the international community as best I can, mainly just communicating in DM's and tickets with individual nations, and trying to avoid the conflict that defined my past on this server. When talking with other nations, the other parties are generally extremely hesitant to the point of it being next to impossible to make any kind of agreement, and generally references are made to my past during these talks. This has been frustrating and demotivating to say the least, as I have been trying to participate in Civ in as peaceful a manner as possible, negotiating solutions to conflicts, such as the Gracipie situation, which ultimately ended in negotiation.
These efforts to peacefully exist on the server, however, don't seem to do much of anything to truly change perception of me. At the start, this was rather tolerable, as it was understandable, given the recency of me hitting my lowest point on this server and obby bombing civilian buildings with no military value. Now, nearly 6 months after my release from the pearl for those actions, with me having made efforts consistently to talk to people and make friends, trying to show that I'm reformed, very little has changed in the international community's perception of me.
(On the note of the obby bombing, I want to publicly issue a formal apology for this, as I realized that although I apologized in private, I never publicly took responsibility and apologized for it. The actions I took on October 18th, 2023 were unacceptable, and should never have happened. I am deeply sorry for this)
Thanks to the help of DankGas and others, we have designed the major starting builds of our city and have been actually building it(which I have been very excited to unveil), I have been participating in the global economy by selling wood and XP materials especially, trying to focus my time on Civ on economy rather than conflict. With this most recent instance, though, I must say it's extremely demotivating and frustrating, since all of my efforts have been shown to be seemingly for nothing. With that treaty, it felt like there might actually be a chance for TE to stand as a legitimate member of the international community, having a troubled past but bright future. With the treaty's failure, though, it just feels like all of this will amount to nothing.
I write this knowing it will almost certainly be mocked and copypasta'ed rather than taken as a legitimate request for help and guidance, because at this point I do not believe there is much else that can be done to try to make my intentions clear. I implore you to talk to me, and tell me what I can do to show you that I legitimately want to do better and be a peaceful and contributing part of this community. I don't know what else to do at this point but to make this post in hopes that someone will respond to it genuinely.
If you made it this far in the post, thank you for your time. For the most part I have written this by putting my thoughts down on the page and minor editing, so I apologize if anything isn't as clear as it could be.
submitted by PhysicsGamer2 to CivMC [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:56 InteractionOk7085 the pun-man

the pun-man submitted by InteractionOk7085 to greentext [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:53 Antibot_One My Cyberpunk City Factions

Greetings, citizens! I'm a writer, mostly freelance, but I've been working on my own setting for a while now. I've already described some of the basics of how my world is organized in the two posts on another subreddit, so I won't repeat them unnecessarily. Long story short: this is an alternate world that has deposits of metastable metallic hydrogen, concentrated at deep waters and in cold regions. Hydrogen, instead of oil, is the basis of the world's economy here, the corporations that have grown from its extraction and use have more power than governments. The political map of the world is different from our own, with different forces at play than we are used to.
The main setting is the city of Neone, located somewhere on the coast of the Balkan Peninsula. I won't specify a particular place or pick a certain country for its location. Instead, I will take some features from some various ones to add local flavor. As one of the largest trading hubs in the world, this city is very wealthy, but it's the kind of wealth that easily slips through your fingers. Everything is buying and selling here, and human life is just as much a bargaining chip. Life in Neone is determined by the actions that the Players, the main political forces in the city, take with one another. Relations between them can swing from friendship to hostility... Or sometimes a combination of both at the same time. So, here's a preliminary list of the ones I've already come up with:
Astara Industries is the “beauty industry” in all its forms. Silk and gold, perfume and cosmetics. Modeling, music, entertainment, plastic surgery, and escort services. Rumored to be involved in much darker affairs, but that doesn't stop a lot of young guys and especially girls from trying their luck and signing another cabal contract with Astara. The higher the ranks of their employees, the more the corporation seems to be a kind of cult that worships the very idea of beauty itself. Recently, this company has been investing colossal amounts of money into an ambitious project designed to stop aging and mortality.
Change Inc. is a pretty mysterious organization that primarily provides construction and design services as well as financial operations and data protection services. On deeper layers lies espionage and information trading to anyone who can offer a more interesting price for it.
Chapek's Clockworks is the other major robotics company that has dominated the market for quite a while. Now they are more famous for their retro designs and sponsorship of the theatrical scene.
Chimera Chemicals is a biochemical giant that once started out as a fertilizer manufacturer. Now they deal in just about everything chemical related, including weapons, and also sponsor gene modifications.
Dragonfruit Digital is a world famous software and electronics developer that was leading the market before the rapid... well, rise of Risen Robotics.
Friture Science is a food concern dedicated to the mission of feeding the world. In addition to natural products, they develop synthetic ones as well as a number of associated products.
Fortuna Fishing - seafood production in Neone coastal waters and also beyond and deeper. Some of the things they found deep in the waters made them a little bit... Well, superstitious.
Greenfield Gardens - Similar in many ways to the previous one, this company focuses on environmental protection and recycling methods. Owns many farms and gardens in the city and beyond. Genetic modifications, too.
Hecate Guaranty is a law and insurance company. Deals with all possible disputes of their clients, property issues, and more. When required and paid decently, can provide a person or group of people a new life and a new home.
International Inc. is the most boring company in the world. Originally a construction contractor they pioneered the technology of rapid modular building. Because of this, International Inc. quickly built up capital and influence by rebuilding cities after wars. Eventually they expanded into selling associated products and services, then logistics, recruiting personnel... And now International Inc. provides half of the world's products. Each of their products is completely featureless, but they get the job done at an acceptable price.
Keller & Crow is one of Europe's largest arms manufacturers, dating back to World War I, or maybe even earlier. Known for their high quality and appropriate prices.
Keller-Tec is, in more than one sense, a daughter corporation of Keller & Crow. It develops the most cutting-edge custom weapon and gear systems. It works closely with Risen Robotics and actively funds the Fountain of Good.
Kiki Courier Company is a network of independent couriers working through the app. Moving around the roofs of Neone, they are able to deliver a small cargo personally in their hands for those who don't trust big companies.
Matsubayashi Motors is a Japanese vehicle manufacturer. Raised on defense contracts, they now make anything that can carry a human in it, from scooters and cars to aircraft and bolides.
MOLOT manufactures is another major arms manufacturer in Europe. In fact a franchise that sells to factories around the world the rights to produce copies of their world famous models. Their designs are a bit crude, but reliable and durable.
Poseidon's Possibilities - A marine transportation company that plays an important role in city and global shipping. Considering the high risk of piracy, possess pretty good assets to protect themselves, and sometimes execute third-party orders in coastal zones.
Risen Robotics is one of the world's important corporations. Creating innovative neural chip technology, Risen Robotics quickly earned financial and political capital and aiming for more. They were the first to commercialize a truly cheap and mass-produced android called the Peacebringer, and these robots can be seen in the military, security companies, and even as security guards in the market and malls and as bouncers in nightclubs. Building its influence, Risen Robotics aims to actively bring its tech into the lives of everyone in the world... And then their gaze will be directed higher into the skies and to the stars.
Royal Arms - Once a major weapons company, they are now more focused on the civilian market and support tools. Their high-precision tools and cybernetic limbs are widely used in civilian and military markets, as well as the medicine and even space industries.
Strigoi Sovereign is a company with a long history of working with private customers. They originally focused on hunting and harvesting of high-value resources, but gradually expanded. Nowadays, they are known for their customized combat enhancements, whether it be tough training and gear customization as well as biological, chemical, and cybernetic enhancements. Among all forms of payment, they prefer transactions in precious metals.
Van Nueve Innovations is another deep genetic research company. After their role in human trafficking and criminal experiments was revealed, their assets were mostly shut and sold down. Now their stuff keeps popping up on the black market - though, in this city, the difference between the regular and black market is barely noticeable.
Vulcan Weaponry is another firearm company with a long history, with a good reputation for their trusted builds, high quality and classy designs. Among the mercenary world, their weapons and equipment is considered indicators of prestige and good taste.
Deepwater is a notorious American PMC with a well-deserved dirty reputation. Their Sigma division deployed in Neone has been caught in the middle of scandals more than once.
FIREBIЯD - Russian PMC, looking after order in and around Neone. Having a small size they are all carefully selected by their leader and follow him into both fire and water.
Ryujin - Japanese PMC, which has a good social image and actively finances all kinds of entertainment.
Schwarzwald is a German PMC with a long-standing reputation and connections. It usually works for the benefit of Western European clients and has a long history of cooperation with the Keller family.
Keller's Claws is a passion project of Alex Keller, CEO of Keller-Tec. A small and elite female PMC, operating in the interests of their mistress or executing carefully selected contracts around the world.
This is not all PMCs in the city, but only those that are not directly linked to specific corporations that were listed above.
The Blazer is a broad and diverse group of radical anarchists. They are mostly drawn to the destruction of corporate property and speculation about “power of the people”, but some of their members are not averse to almost any type of work.
The Crooked Circle is another cult-like gang, or vice versa. They focus on collecting unique technology, but aren't particularly successful at it. But they're still alive and kicking, praying that their mechanical messiah will save them.
The Grey Court Syndicate is the largest criminal organization in the city, and one of the largest in Europe, maybe even in the entire world. Reminiscent of the classic Mafia. On one side they have the exterior gloss, protecting order and running legal businesses, but on the other side they have human and organ trafficking, prostitution and assassinations for hire. The Grey Court is one of the main sources of migrants in Neone.
The Himmelreich is a disorganized gang fighting for the “purity of humanity”. They oppose the very fact of existence of chimeras and cyborgs in this world. In fact are useful fools for the real Players in the city.
The Tulips are something between a gang and a religious sect. Spoken with Christian-like mottos, they attract beggars and cripples to their ranks, especially focusing on PMC veterans and former corporate workers, but in fact they accept all the desperate. They have squatted some ruins on the outskirts of the city, including the abandoned greenhouse that gave them their name. However... They are rapidly expanding their influence and their source of funding remains unknown.
The City Council is the primary administration of the city. They manage, but they don't reign. They are a handful of exhausted clerks, doing the hard work that no one else accepted to do. Basically maintain the city's communications and keep the Players away from killing each other and too many ordinary citizens.
The Forge is a secret organization that exists for a very long time and runs deeply secured operations all over the world. They believe it's their duty to protect humanity from dangerous ideas, technologies, and obscure subjects such as [UNKNOWN]. Forge is often found to be a puppeteer, directing the actions of other Players or certain individuals.
The Fountain of Good is a globally respected charity organization primarily focused on orphanages. One of the few Players who maintains truly bright ideals. The children who grow up usually become corporate employees afterwards. Other Players fund them mainly to launder money, calm their karma and create a positive public image for themselves.
The Nuevians are a deep-covered organization slowly gaining influence in the city. They are led by an artificially created living entity known only as "The Queen" that seeks to bring prosperity to the planet. They have good intentions, but fear to repeat the fate of the Zero Cycle.
The Union of Nations Peacekeepers - maintaining a shred of peace in the aftermath of the Incident, a massive earthquake that recently struck Neone. Many urban areas have since descended into chaos and lawlessness, while others live as if nothing has happened or are experiencing minimal inconvenience. The competency of these soldiers is questionable and they are barely supplied.
The Volunteer Vanguards are an organization that maintains order in those Neone districts where the City Council or other Players do not. Generally a barely trained and armed militia, but there are some skilled veterans and former corporate workers in their ranks.
The Workers Ring is Neone's major blue collar association. They support city communications so they have a lot of influence. Individual members may or may not be involved in working for other Players and illegal activities. The second meaning of the "Ring" word is also utilized - many members of this community are known for their passion for arena fighting.
The Zero Cycle is a secret organization of intelligent machines once created by a rogue AI. Several Players united to destroy this threat, leading to the Incident. Now, shards of the Cycle's technology, superior to anything created by humanity, is the most valuable hunting treasure in Neone. Owning one of them means risking the lives of yourself and your loved ones, but that rarely stops hunters who desire wealth or driven by some personal reasons.
Well, that's the draft. Any ideas, suggestions, any other feedback?
submitted by Antibot_One to goodworldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:52 EarthInternational9 They decided that I would have autism or be illiterate because I used to sign Christmas cards with peace symbol.

They decided that I would have autism or be illiterate because I used to sign Christmas cards with peace symbol.
They brag about bribing different doctors to agree. So it's also certainly possible that they will steal paperwork and Photoshop fake name on it and say it's me. I wish people weren't like that!
submitted by EarthInternational9 to u/EarthInternational9 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:47 Dad1903 Sunday Reflection (19th May 2024)

Morning hombres ✌️. A season at an end then - with it: A Big Pile of Fucking Failure 😭. Quite stunning it's been, the lack o' owt positive... an ongoing shitshow it's alas continued to be. Difficult to surmise without it sounding like a big pile o' excuses - but ach, tis what it fucking tis ✌️. Those final few weeks become a hazy wodge of probables, rather than a nice 'n' neat stack of definites. Dad tbf hasnae had much dealings thus far with the preferred combo of the Definites & The New Era of DWT.
Other than that one that felt as close to perfect as one could get during this time (DWT204), it for sure could be argued that some o' the selections maybes wouldnae be firing on all cylinders. Still frustrating but - the odds suggested there was still much to believe in terms o' being confident o' correctness. Yet here we are, a good long way away from prepping for out second stab at the Fabled Double-DWT. A shame. But here: willnae take that much to get up to those heights. A wee purple patch'll make a stunning difference 🍀
Despite the sufferings, DWT went through a good spell o' positivity this week, with hombres signing up 'n' T-Shirts being posted 👍. Dad still believes v strongly, that the foundations being built here, will eventually support a throbbing structure, spilling o'er with heroes 'n' hosting parties 'n' gatherings aplenty 🥳. No saying it'll happen with any kind o' immediacy or owt - but Dad's Confident, that by this time next year, Shite'll be Better... a whole bunch better 👍. Nowt etched in stone o' course... but if one was to judge potential on feelings alone - alls the Mind's Eye can see is a place filled wi' joy 'n' love 💝
So aye - on we march then into the Summer Period... unknown quantities a-fucking-plenty - which lands shalt we plunder in search o' much needed riches. As it stands - Dad isnae overly sure. The mind is allowing itsel' room to breathe, hoovering up the wee titbits as they are unearthed. The trust in oneself in discovering goldmines is ne'er lessened, despite the ongoing frustrations. In a way - it's the sense o' progression despite the ongoing frustrations, that really cements the belief. If Dad's able to continuously muster interest with the product in its current guise, imagine it after enjoying a prolonged spell of wonder? Be fucking exciting sure 🙌
See yous next week - same DWT time, same DWT channel 😎
submitted by Dad1903 to DadsWeeklyTreble [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:41 Count-Daring243 Best Carhartt Gym Bags

Best Carhartt Gym Bags
Carhartt gym bags are perfect for any fitness enthusiast, offering durability and style to help you carry your gym essentials with ease. From boxing to general fitness, there's a Carhartt bag to suit every need. In this comprehensive guide, we'll showcase the best Carhartt gym bags to help you find the perfect match for your workout routine.
Whether you're in search of a spacious duffel bag for your daily gym visits or a compact gym bag for weekend fitness excursions, our Carhartt gym bag roundup has got you covered. Delve into the world of Carhartt and discover the perfect gym bag for your active lifestyle. Get ready to gear up and hit the gym with confidence and style!

The Top 8 Best Carhartt Gym Bags

  1. Carhartt Packable Water-Resistant Duffel Bag with Utility Pouch - Durable and versatile, the Carhartt Canvas Packable Duffel with Pouch keeps your belongings water-resistant, organized, and easily accessible, making it perfect for both jobsite and travel use.
  2. Water Repellent Carhartt Duffel Bag with Utility Stash Pouch - Carhartt's 40L Lightweight Duffel Bag, with its polyester material, removable & adjustable shoulder strap, and main compartment with zipper, serves as an exceptional gym bag or travel companion, boasting 5.0 stars from 4 reviews.
  3. Carhartt Classic Durable Water-Resistant Duffel Bag (Gray) - Experience versatile and reliable storage with Carhartt's 55L Classic Duffel in Gray, boasting a 1200-Denier polyester construction with Rain Defender water repellency for enduring durability and moisture resistance.
  4. Carhartt Classic Laptop Backpack - Experience unparalleled durability, style, and functionality with Carhartt's Classic 21L Laptop Backpack, designed to carry your day's essentials and withstand any adventure.
  5. Sleek and Durable Black Essentials Duffel Bag by Carhartt WIP - The Carhartt WIP Essentials Bag features a water-repellent, fully lined design with various storage compartments, making it an excellent choice for those seeking a stylish and practical bag for daily use.
  6. Carhartt Black Legacy Cross Body Gear Organizer for Men - The Carhartt Black Legacy Cross Body Gear Organizer is a durable and practical crossbody bag for men, featuring exceptional storage options, water-repellent technology, and adjustable shoulder strap.
  7. Carhartt Heavy Duty Water-Resistant Gear Bag - 23 - Carhartt Legacy 23" Gear Bag, Black" - A highly durable, versatile gym bag featuring a water-repellent coating and abrasion-resistant base, perfect for travel, tools, sports gear, and day-to-day use.
  8. Carhartt Medium Duffel and Utility Pouch - Experience durability and functionality in every adventure with Carhartt's Black Trade Series Medium Duffel & Utility Pouch, offering ample storage, a reusable tool pouch, and a rain defender finish for optimal protection.
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Carhartt Packable Water-Resistant Duffel Bag with Utility Pouch
I recently got the chance to own and use this Carhartt Canvas Packable Duffel with Pouch for my daily commutes and weekend trips. It's a game-changer! The bag is made of 500D polyester, which has been treated with Rain Defender, a durable water repellent (DWR). This means I don't have to worry about my stuff getting ruined in case of rain. One of the things I love about this duffel is its spacious main compartment. I can fit all my work clothes and shoes easily. The dual webbing haul handles also make it really comfortable to carry around.
However, there's a catch - the exterior slash pocket. It's a bit too tight for my liking and it tends to get stuck when trying to put something bigger inside. Another thing that caught my attention was the adjustable shoulder strap. While it's a great feature, I found it a bit too long, even when adjusted to its shortest length.
Despite these minor setbacks, I still believe this duffel is worth every penny. Its water-resistant feature is a real lifesaver during gloomy days, and its sturdy construction ensures that it'll last for a long time. Plus, the bonus utility pouch is really handy for keeping smaller items organized!

Water Repellent Carhartt Duffel Bag with Utility Stash Pouch
I recently purchased the Carhartt Lightweight Duffel and Utility Stash Pouch in black, and I must say, it's been a game-changer for my daily commute. The polyester material not only feels durable but also looks sleek and stylish. One of my favorite features is the removable and adjustable shoulder strap that comes with a comfortable pad, making it effortless to carry around.
The main interior compartment with a zipper ensures all my essentials are securely stored, while the exterior zippered pocket provides easy access to my smaller items like keys and wallet. What truly sets this duffel apart from others is the foldable utility pouch inside, perfect for keeping my gym wear separate from my work belongings.
The water-repellent coating gives me peace of mind knowing my belongings will stay dry even in unexpected rain. Plus, the iconic "Carhartt" logo adds a touch of class to this versatile bag.
However, one minor drawback is the limited color options available. I was hoping for a wider range of choices to match my personal style more accurately. So, if you're looking for a high-quality, durable duffel bag with an integrated utility pouch, the Carhartt Lightweight Duffel is definitely worth considering.

Carhartt Classic Durable Water-Resistant Duffel Bag (Gray)
As a reviewer who's been using the Carhartt 55L Classic Duffel in my daily life, I can attest to its durability and flexibility. The Rain Defender water-repellent finish on this heavy-duty 1200-Denier polyester bag has kept all my belongings safe in even the toughest of weather conditions. One of my favorite features is the large main compartment that allows me to carry everything from my camping gear to tools on the job. The top and side haul handles, along with the removable, adjustable shoulder strap, make it incredibly easy to carry around wherever I go.
One downside I noticed is that the bag's interior seems slightly smaller than expected. It does manage to store plenty of items but with less organization than some other duffels I've used due to the lack of additional pockets other than a single zippered one.
However, the overall design comfort and visual appeal make up for this minor inconvenience. The grey color adds a touch of sophistication while still maintaining that rugged look characteristic of Carhartt products. Plus, the lifetime warranty provided gives me peace of mind knowing my investment will last for years to come.
So, whether you're an avid camper or just need a reliable bag for daily use, the Carhartt 55L Classic Duffel is definitely worth considering. Its blend of style, functionality, and durability won't disappoint.

Carhartt Classic Laptop Backpack
I've been using the Carhartt Classic 21L Laptop Backpack for a few months now, and I must say, it has become an essential part of my daily routine. This backpack is not only stylish but also incredibly functional, with features that make it a must-have for anyone on the go.
The main compartment is large enough to hold everything I need for a day out, including my 15-inch laptop, textbooks, and even a small lunch box. The padded shoulder straps provide comfort, making it easy to carry around without any strain.
One thing that really stands out about this backpack is its durability. The 600-denier polyester fabric, combined with the Rain Defender Water Repellent coating, ensures that my belongings stay safe and dry, even in the toughest weather conditions.
However, there are a few minor drawbacks that I've noticed. The lack of additional compartments can make it difficult to organize smaller items like pens and pencils. Additionally, the backpack tends to be on the heavier side, which may not be ideal for those who prefer lighter options.
In conclusion, the Carhartt Classic 21L Laptop Backpack is a solid choice for anyone in need of a functional and stylish backpack. Its large capacity, comfortable design, and impressive weather resistance make it a worthwhile investment. While it may not be perfect, the pros far outweigh the cons, making this an excellent choice for daily use.

Sleek and Durable Black Essentials Duffel Bag by Carhartt WIP
Carhartt WIP's Black Essentials Bag has been a game-changer in my daily life. As a guy who loves to travel light, this versatile bag offers so much more than just space for my essentials. The recycled polyester canvas is not only eco-friendly but also water-repellent, which is a must-have feature for someone living in a city with unpredictable weather like me.
You know how it is when you need to quickly grab your keys, wallet, phone, and other daily necessities on your way out - well, this bag has two main openings that fasten with a two-way zipper, making access easy as pie. Plus, the adjustable shoulder strap makes it comfortable to carry around and adds an extra layer of convenience.
The Carhartt Essentials Bag also comes with a smaller velcro pocket on the front and another small zipped pocket, perfect for storing smaller items like business cards or headphones. At 17 x 16.5 x 6 cm, it's the perfect size for carrying essentials conveniently and comfortably.
One thing that really impresses me about this bag is its durability. Despite its compact size, it can withstand daily wear and tear without showing any signs of damage. It's a quality product made in China, combining style and functionality to meet the needs of every modern man.
The only downside to this bag, in my opinion, is the price tag. It's not exactly cheap, but considering the high quality and longevity of the material, I think it's worth the investment. All in all, the Carhartt WIP Essentials Bag gets a solid thumbs-up from me.

Carhartt Black Legacy Cross Body Gear Organizer for Men
In my quest for the ultimate organization solution, I stumbled upon Carhartt's Black Legacy Cross Body Gear Organizer. As an avid user of different types of gear, I can confidently say that this crossbody bag has been a game-changer in my daily life. One of the standout features for me is the adjustable shoulder strap - offering both convenience and versatility without compromising on comfort.
The main compartment houses two slash pockets and five elastic loops, which are perfect for storing and accessing essential tools effortlessly. However, one minor drawback is the single zipper, making it difficult to open the bag without causing the sides to open as well. Another highlight worth mentioning is the front compartment, featuring a slash pocket and an ingenious key fob that prevents me from losing those elusive keys.
While the Carhartt Gear Organizer doesn't boast a large capacity, its compact design and robust construction make it reliable for carrying your vital tools and devices. Over the past few weeks, I've relied heavily on this organizer for work and leisure, and it has shown no signs of wear and tear - a testament to its impeccable craftsmanship.
In conclusion, the Carhartt Black Legacy Cross Body Gear Organizer provides a convenient storage solution for anyone who needs a reliable and compact tool for organizing their gear. Despite a few minor drawbacks, such as the single zipper in the main compartment, this lightweight and durable bag has become an indispensable part of my daily life.

Carhartt Heavy Duty Water-Resistant Gear Bag - 23
I recently received the Carhartt Legacy 23" Gear Bag in black, and I must say, I've been thoroughly impressed with its performance. At first glance, this bag might seem like your average gear bag, but once you start using it, you'll realize that it's so much more.
Firstly, the durability of this bag is outstanding. Constructed from 1200D poly, it's designed to withstand even the toughest of conditions. The Rain Defender Durable Water Repellent and Duraux abrasion-resistant base mean that my stuff stays safe and dry no matter what the weather throws at me.
The main compartment is deceptively spacious. I initially thought this would be a standard tool bag, but it turns out to be a versatile gear bag, perfect for travelling or organizing everyday items. The top and side haul handles, combined with the removable/adjustable padded shoulder strap, make it incredibly comfortable to carry, even when full.
However, there are some minor downsides to this bag. For starters, the storage options inside the bag are a little inconvenient. There's only one small interior pocket, which isn't very useful for organizing smaller items. Additionally, some users might find the size of the bag a bit too small for their needs.
But overall, I'm extremely happy with my purchase. The Carhartt Legacy 23" Gear Bag is a well-made, high-capacity bag that's as tough as they come. If you're in the market for a reliable gear bag, I'd definitely recommend giving this one a try.

Carhartt Medium Duffel and Utility Pouch
I recently got my hands on the Carhartt Black Trade Series Medium Duffel and Utility Pouch, and I must say, it has been an absolute game-changer. The large zippered opening into the main compartment has made packing and accessing my stuff super easy. The exterior slash pocket is perfect for keeping my essentials within quick reach.
One of my favorite features is the included reusable tool pouch, which I use to store various small hand tools. It's a nice touch that adds extra utility to an already versatile bag. The removable adjustable shoulder strap with pad provides comfort and convenience during those long hauls.
However, there are some downsides. While the bag is spacious, it could stand to be a bit more organized with some internal compartments. Additionally, it may not be the best option for those looking for a lightweight, minimalistic bag.
All in all, the Carhartt Black Trade Series Medium Duffel and Utility Pouch is a reliable and durable choice for anyone in need of a versatile bag for work, travel, or sports. Just remember to pack light and keep an eye on the size if you're planning on using it as a carry-on for flights.

Buyer's Guide

Important Features to Consider

When shopping for aCarhartt gym bag, there are several features you should look for:
  • Durability: Choose a bag made from high-quality materials that can withstand wear and tear from regular use.
  • Size & Compartments: Consider the number of items you usually bring to the gym and select a bag that can accommodate them comfortably. Look for multiple compartments to keep your belongings organized and easy to access.
  • Comfort & Straps: Ensure the bag has comfortable shoulder straps and handles for easy carrying, especially if you plan on using it for commuting.
  • Wet Pocket or Slot: This is a helpful feature to keep wet or sweaty clothes separate from your dry belongings. A water-resistant lining in this compartment is a bonus.

Considerations for Your Specific Needs

Before making a purchase, think about how you will use the bag. Will you be carrying heavy items like shoes or protein shakers? Do you need space for a laptop or tablet? These factors can help you narrow down your choices and find the perfect Carhartt gym bag for your needs.

General Advice for Maintaining Your Gym Bag

To prolong the life of your Carhartt gym bag and keep it smelling fresh, follow these tips:
  • Air it out between uses: Hang your bag in a well-ventilated area after each workout to allow any moisture to evaporate.
  • Clean it regularly: Use mild soap and water to clean the exterior and interior of your bag. Be sure to air dry it completely before storing or using again.
  • Don't overload it: Stuffing your bag with too many items can cause unnecessary strain on the material and reduce its lifespan.

In Conclusion

Investing in a quality Carhartt gym bag will not only make your workouts more convenient but also help keep your belongings organized and protected. By considering important features, addressing your specific needs, and following general maintenance advice, you can ensure that your new gym bag will serve you well for years to come.


What are Carhartt gym bags best suited for?

Carhartt gym bags are best suited for activities that require carrying personal items, clothing, shoes, and sometimes even gear. These are perfect for gym goers, fitness enthusiasts, and even boxing or other sports practitioners.

In what ways are Carhartt gym bags durable?

Carhartt gym bags are designed with durability in mind. They are made from heavy-duty materials, such as cotton duck, sandstone canvas, or polyester, that can withstand harsh conditions and rough use. The quality of craftsmanship, strong stitching, and robust zippers make them reliable companions for daily use.

What sizes do Carhartt gym bags come in?

Carhartt gym bags come in various sizes to cater to different needs. There are smaller options like the Drawstring Backpack for carrying basic essentials, medium-sized options like the Classic Sport Duffle Bag, and larger ones like the Carhartt Gym Bag for those who need more storage space.

Do Carhartt gym bags have compartments?

Yes, many Carhartt gym bags have multiple compartments and pouches to help organize your belongings. These compartments often include a main storage area, a separate shoe compartment, and smaller pockets for items like keys or wallets.

How do Carhartt gym bags perform in terms of water resistance?

Some Carhartt gym bags offer water-resistant features to protect your belongings from light rain or spills. Make sure to check the product description for specific water resistance capabilities when shopping for a gym bag.

Are Carhartt gym bags available in different colors or designs?

Yes, Carhartt gym bags come in a variety of colors and designs to suit different tastes. From timeless neutral tones to more vibrant options, there is a gym bag available that will fit your style preferences.

Are Carhartt gym bags suitable for professionals who need to carry work-related items as well as gym gear?

Yes, many Carhartt gym bags can easily accommodate work-related items such as laptops, documents, and stationery along with your workout gear, making them a versatile choice for busy professionals who need a convenient way to carry everything they need for both work and the gym.

Do Carhartt gym bags have a warranty or guarantee?

While specific warranty information may vary by product, Carhartt is known for manufacturing high-quality, durable products. Many gym bags may come with a limited warranty that addresses manufacturing defects. It's essential to check the product description or contact the merchant for details on warranty and return policies.

How can I clean and maintain my Carhartt gym bag?

  • Wipe the exterior with a damp cloth to remove dirt and grime.
  • Apply a mild detergent, such as dish soap, to the cloth for tougher spots or stains.
  • Spot clean the interior using a damp cloth and mild detergent as needed.
  • Allow the bag to air dry completely before storing or using it again.

How do I choose the best Carhartt gym bag for my needs?

To choose the best Carhartt gym bag for your needs, consider factors such as the size or capacity required, your preferred style, and any special features or compartments that would suit your specific requirements. It can also be helpful to read reviews from other customers to get a better understanding of how the bag performs in real-world situations.

What is the price range for Carhartt gym bags?

Carhartt gym bags are available in a wide range of prices, starting from around $20 for smaller, more basic models and extending up to around $100 or more for premium, larger, or more feature-rich options. This variety in pricing allows you to find a bag that accommodates your budget and fulfill your needs.

Are Carhartt gym bags suitable for travel?

While Carhartt gym bags are designed primarily for everyday use at the gym or during workouts, their durability and size options make them suitable for some types of travel, like short trips or gym-centric vacations. However, for extended or more demanding travel, it may be worth considering a traditional travel bag or another type of luggage designed specifically for longer trips.
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submitted by Count-Daring243 to u/Count-Daring243 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:38 crazyornah87 Dear A,

 I realize now I have been way to direct... as a sagittarius it's hard for me to beat around the bush. I like blunt. I like direct. It was eating me alive that I couldn't be that way with you. You had this weird affect on me. My throat would close up and I couldn't speak. Only stare. I literally had to rehearse in my head how I was going to approach you. I finally decided I was tired of the hot and cold from you. From incessant staring one day to avoiding eye contact at all the next. In retrospect that should have been my sign. The heart pull, the sixth sense, the insane synchronicities, the way the stars had to align for us to even cross paths.. My awakening was rough. I had to go through it all alone. Quietly. Unable to confide in anyone about it because i know unless you experience it, you sound bat shit crazy. All of it conspired to make me act out of obsession. I'm glad I finally had the nerve to approach you. I'm glad I decided to do it face to face instead of messaging you. The conversation went exactly how i envisioned and yet still threw me for a loop. I guess i was hoping i would be wrong. Im glad i cleared the air. The conversation we "still need to have" is going to have to be initiated by you. I deleted the app I first contacted you on. I stopped looking you up on social media/ Google. I'm no longer going to try my best to run into you at work. I am truly going to back away. I have done all I can at this time and I am at peace with whatever happens. I guess i can say i am finally over the obsession stage. All it took was me to take my control back. Ball is in your court. 
submitted by crazyornah87 to twinflames [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:33 mouadbelouadi Why people li ykhdmou fel idara are insanely lazy and unwilling to provide the simplest of services ?

Almost everywhere you always hear the same "sma7lna khoya swal7ek mazal mawjdoch mena 3la simana 3awed welli" phrase
And it's not a single instance either
Even though the item in question is already prepared and in their possession, and the task of handing it over to you is very simple (you sign some paper, maybe a fingerprint too) and then you take the item home
Yet for some reason the employee seems averse to the idea of making things easier for both parties
Why ? It's not like they have anything better to do, also they won't gain anything from monkor
submitted by mouadbelouadi to algeria [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:32 Any-Background1659 Was this from too much alcohol or did they put something in my drink? help

Hi guys. I am making this publication because I feel worried and I would like you to please read my case and respond to me based on your experience. I really need it... and I don't know if it's this the right forum...
I am a 25 year old man who attends parties and drinks alcohol occasionally and with self-control, my head may spin, but I am always aware and remember everything. On Saturday, May 11, I attended a party where I went alone and was drinking and socializing with different groups. I have no idea how much I drank all night, but it was several sips of a 6% vodka carbonated drink. I believe that from 11 p.m. until 4 a.m it will have been 1 liter in total, I think. I usually drink little by little, but when the party got exciting around 3:30 a.m It was when I started drinking the drink as if it were water (By then I had already joined another group). At 4:20 a.m They were already throwing us out of the place because they were already closing and I left with this group walking towards the whereabouts (which was 20 minutes from where we were). By then my condition was normal, I was not sleepy and much less drunk, I was super aware of what was happening around me. A few minutes later while I was walking... in the blink of an eye I wake up in a hospital with an serum IV, but only for a brief moment because then in another blink of an eye I remember that I am getting to my room with the help of my relatives and the first thing I do is turn on my PC, I could barely write and I tried to look for answers and what had happened, but my head hurt a lot like I had a hangover. (My jacket, my glasses, my cell phone, my card were stolen, and the password had been changed on one of my emails) After that I don't remember much, I think I went to sleep and got up the next day in the early morning more aware. That day I had not eaten anything all day.
In my emails he said he had done a transfer at 4:52 a.m. and another at 08:06 a.m. and I wonder: How? Because to enter mobile banking you need a pin number (I don't have my fingerprints registered in the app, only to unlock my cell phone) and then according to my Google route at 4:48 a.m. I was already at the whereabouts, where they found me lying on the ground 3 hours and later notified my relatives. Why can't I remember anything? Is it possible that I was drugged or did I just drink too much? This is the first time this has happened to me and I am worried about how I was able to be so accessible to give important information, because I have no signs of having been physically attacked and to this day I have a slight taste bitter in my mouth.
My mom shows me the photos of that day in the hospital where I look terrible, my eyes drooping, staring at nothing, and super serious. She said that sometimes she would shake (maybe from the cold) and she could barely get up. The only words I said to my mother were: How did you get there? How did you find me? She also says that I was the one who had given the number when the police had found me lying there. (He tells me all this days later)
It's been 1 week since then, I've cried a lot and I can't sleep because I can't understand how this happened to me, but I'm grateful to God for being alive and without any injuries.
Has something like this happened to you? Some answer? How does the body of a person with excess alcohol function? Do they really faint? In the sense that they faint fall to the ground? Or is there another type of internal fainting? I'm new to this and I would appreciate if you could answer me, please. Sorry for my English, I'm using a translator.
Thank you.
submitted by Any-Background1659 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:20 Spooderer THEORY! CHAT IS THIS REAL?

THEORY: Drake is actually gay, he asked Abel for sex but Abel refused.
I've read multiple theories about the true reason behind Abel and Drizzy beef, let's overview some of these theories
1-Drake hates Abel because he didn't sign to OVO
I think there's def some truth to this but I highly doubt that it is the main motivation here, this incident dates back to 2012 but we've seen both artists together multiple times after that time, so I highly doubt that is the case.
2- Abel hates Drake because he fucked Bella
Just like the previous theory, the timing is an important factor here, this incident happened in 2017 but in 2022 we saw Drake at Abel's birth day party and we all know Abel has been with Simi for quite a while and def doesn't think about Bella anymore.
Honestly this might sound absurd at first but this thought came to my mind when listening to that gay bar in family matters, how does that mf Drake knows that Abel's music is played at gay bars, unless he himself has gone to these bars, now we have enough proof that he's gay, the rest is pretty easy, as a gay man Drake is attractive to handsome guys, and Abel is definitely very handsome and even though I'm not gay I have to admit he's got a nice ass as well, I totally see Drake asking Abel for sex but we XO know that Abel is straight so he has rejected Drake and this has caused the beef
Again this might sound absurd and hard to believe but the more you think about it the more it makes sense.
submitted by Spooderer to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]