Green smoke vaporizer liverpool

Any issues with my load order? I am constantly crashing after a few seconds on the main menu, and i have reinstalled and redownloaded both the game, and all these mods at least six times. Thanks for any help.

2024.05.28 03:20 LordRicardios Any issues with my load order? I am constantly crashing after a few seconds on the main menu, and i have reinstalled and redownloaded both the game, and all these mods at least six times. Thanks for any help.

0 0 Fallout4.esm
1 1 DLCRobot.esm
2 2 DLCworkshop01.esm
3 3 DLCCoast.esm
4 4 DLCworkshop02.esm
5 5 DLCworkshop03.esm
6 6 DLCNukaWorld.esm
254 FE 0 ccBGSFO4044-HellfirePowerArmor.esl
254 FE 1 ccfsvfo4001-modularmilitarybackpack.esl
254 FE 2 ccawnfo4001-brandedattire.esl
254 FE 3 cctosfo4001-neosky.esm
254 FE 4 ccBGSFO4115-X02.esl
254 FE 5 ccBGSFO4116-HeavyFlamer.esl
254 FE 6 ccBGSFO4110-WS_Enclave.esl
254 FE 7 ccBGSFO4096-AS_Enclave.esl
254 FE 8 ccacxfo4001-vsuit.esl
254 FE 9 ccFSVFO4007-Halloween.esl
7 7 cctosfo4002_neonflats.esm
254 FE a ccBGSFO4046-TesCan.esl
254 FE b ccSBJFO4003-Grenade.esl
254 FE c ccOTMFO4001-Remnants.esl
8 8 Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
9 9 ArmorKeywords.esm
10 a WorkshopFramework.esm
254 FE d XDI.esm
254 FE e PPF.esm
11 b SS2.esm
12 c SS2_XPAC_Chapter2.esm
13 d SS2_XPAC_Chapter3.esm
14 e AmericaRising2.esm
254 FE f Arbitration - Resources.esm
254 FE 10 Automatron Special Defense Assembly.esl
254 FE 11 Munitions - An Ammo Expansion.esl
15 f InstituteTechnologyOverhaul.esm
16 10 CWPointLookoutFO4.esm
254 FE 12 JamaicaPlainPathing.esm
254 FE 13 Skb_MachinegunsRebirth.esl
254 FE 14 Zapgun.esl
254 FE 15 SSTRagsPirates.esl
254 FE 16 SSTTomsBruisers.esl
254 FE 17 SelectRevolver.esl
254 FE 18 CWPointLookoutFO4Patch.esl
254 FE 19 Balisong.esl
254 FE 1a CROSS_VertibirdFlightsuit.esl
254 FE 1b DanseHelmet.esl
254 FE 1c F4MS.esl
254 FE 1d FOLON_ChinesePistol.esl
254 FE 1e FOLON_Lewis.esl
254 FE 1f SelectAssaultRifle.esl
254 FE 20 SelectPowerArmor.esl
17 11 Games.esm
18 12 BarstoolGames.esm
19 13 Homemaker.esm
254 FE 21 IDEKsLogisticsStation2.esl
254 FE 22 ImmersiveTeleportation.esl
254 FE 23 Munitions - Vanilla Ammo Addon.esl
254 FE 24 NPSShopping.esl
254 FE 25 PickaxeWeapon.esl
20 14 Retro_Style.esm
21 15 Robot Home Defence.esm
254 FE 26 RunningWithHandsAnim.esl
254 FE 27 SelectBlaster.esl
22 16 SettlementKeywords.esm
254 FE 28 SwimmingAnims.esl
23 17 TacticalReload.esm
24 18 EthreonMasterPlan.esm
254 FE 29 Tenpines Buff A fortified village.esl
254 FE 2a The Mechanist's lair - Robco's rebirth.esl
254 FE 2b TheCircleSS2.esl
254 FE 2c ThrowMoneyAtSS2.esl
254 FE 2d UNDRCVR_SimplySettledMechanistLair.esl
254 FE 2e WarwickHomesteadContestBuildTake2FGen.esl
254 FE 2f WG Point Lookout Stlmts Pack ESL.esl
254 FE 30 ZJ PerfPlan - Sanctuary.esl
254 FE 31 PPF-NeonFlats-CR.esm
254 FE 32 PPF-HeavyFlamer-CR.esm
254 FE 33 SS2 Fortress Commonwealth - Croup Manor Lvl3 ESL .esl
254 FE 34 sanctuaryWG.esl
254 FE 35 Reina_Vault88-SS2.esl
254 FE 36 Reina_Starlight2022Masters.esl
254 FE 37 RedRocketFoundry.esl
254 FE 38 MurkFactory.esl.esl
254 FE 39 MechaTown_CityPlan_MechanistLair.esl
254 FE 3a Marina.esl.esl
254 FE 3b Home plate.esl
254 FE 3c Holy Sanctuary.esl
254 FE 3d HangmansvaultSS2.esl
254 FE 3e Gris- Hangmans Alley Outpost (Fort Halley).esl
254 FE 3f GavMan_Zimonja_Cityplan.esl
254 FE 40 GavMan_Vault88_CityPlan.esl
254 FE 41 GavMan_RedRocket_Outpost_CityPlan.esl
254 FE 42 Gavman_MurkTreesMAY21_Cityplan.esl
254 FE 43 GavMan_LongfellowsJun21_CityPlan.esl
254 FE 44 GavMan_Egret_CityPlan.esl
254 FE 45 GavMan_CroupMar21_CityPlan.esl
254 FE 46 GavMan_CastleMar22_CityPlan.esl
254 FE 47 FortSomerville.esl
254 FE 48 FortifiedCroupManorHub.esl
254 FE 49 Fort Starlight V1.0.esl
254 FE 4a CSC_NoirPenthouse_Base.esl
254 FE 4b CSC_NeonFlats_Base.esl
254 FE 4c Castle Restoration Project.esl
254 FE 4d BunkerHillbyWG.esl
254 FE 4e Bunker Hill Mega City.esl
254 FE 4f Abernathy Stronghold.esl
254 FE 50 Dank_ArmorOverrides.esp
25 19 BeastWhisperer.esp
26 1a Phase4DLC.esp
27 1b SS2Extended.esp
254 FE 51 IHO - Immersive Hunting Overhaul.esp
28 1c RED.esp
29 1d SuperMutantRedux.esp
30 1e OutcastsAndRemnants.esp
31 1f virgil.esp
32 20 Depravity.esp
254 FE 52 CombinedExpansion4.1.esp
33 21 Stm_DiamondCityExpansion.esp
34 22 0BVB_OLD_V1.esp
35 23 Eli_MarlboroughHouse.esp
36 24 AA FusionCityRising.esp
254 FE 53 WCLI_North_Point_Park.esp
254 FE 54 StoryWealth-SS2-DEP-Patch.esp
37 25 AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp
38 26 An Office Fit For A Mayor.esp
39 27 Relic Space Marine.esp
40 28 The Space Marine.esp
41 29 Vertibird Faction Paint Schemes.esp
42 2a PhaserLaserGun.esp
43 2b CombinedArmsNV.esp
44 2c CombinedArmsEXPack.esp
254 FE 55 Dank_LEO.esp
45 2d Flashy_CrimeAndPunishment.esp
46 2e g2m_Workshop_Nexus.esp
47 2f InstituteSettlements2.esp
48 30 RD_Technologies.esp
49 31 Flashy_CrimeAndPunishment_GunForHire_Addon.esp
254 FE 56 GunForHire-eXoPatch.esp
50 32 MilitarizedMinutemen.esp
51 33 Snappy_HouseK.esp
52 34 Backpacks of the Commonwealth.esp
53 35 functionalobjects_vanilla.esp
54 36 M2_Flamethrower_2.2.esp
55 37 tdow_lc.esp
254 FE 57 BuildingGroundFix.esp
254 FE 58 Dank_ECO.esp
254 FE 59 Fallout 4 AI Overhaul.esp
56 38 SKKSynthVision.esp
57 39 InstituteTechnologyOverhaul - FULL.esp
58 3a SS2_FDK_TinyLiving.esp
59 3b Eli_Armour_Compendium.esp
254 FE 5a CROSS_InstituteExpeditionarySuit.esp
60 3c MW1Mike4.esp
61 3d 1CAS_ServiceRifle.esp
62 3e AEWS.esp
63 3f Fleshsmith.esp
64 40 battletech.esp
65 41 ProjectValkyrie.esp
254 FE 5b GrayGardenIdles.esp
254 FE 5c FPVertibird.esp
254 FE 5d FPV_Armored.esp
254 FE 5e MechLairPathfindingFix.esp
66 42 0006___SkyLight_Bunker - PV2.esp
254 FE 5f 3dscopes-wmsr.esp
67 43 3dscopes.esp
68 44 [BFV]Kar98k.esp
69 45 AttachPack.esp
254 FE 60 CROSS_MojaveManhunter.esp
70 46 CROSS_PlasRail.esp
71 47 M1918nv.esp
72 48 SPR300.esp
73 49 MK18.esp
74 4a SS2-Jampads2.esp
75 4b PoliceWeaponPack.esp
76 4c M1Garand.esp
77 4d SS2WastelandVenturers.esp
78 4e UniquePAFrames.esp
79 4f [SS2 Addon] SimSettlements SuperStructures.esp
80 50 BerettaM9FS.esp
81 51 LeeEnfieldNo4MkI.esp
82 52 GtN_SettlersatPlay.esp
83 53 Cho1_SS2_Encv_Plots.esp
84 54 DakVintageRepeater.esp
85 55 DakGrenadeAPW.esp
86 56 DakSwedishK.esp
254 FE 61 Firelance1.0.1.esp
87 57 DakBAR.esp
88 58 DakWin1907.esp
89 59 InstituteArsenalOverhaul.esp
90 5a RU556.esp
91 5b MTs255.esp
92 5c DT_MercOutfitPack.esp
254 FE 62 Mercenary Outfit Extreme Overhaul.esp
93 5d ALSID.esp
94 5e DakPoliceShotgun.esp
95 5f F4NVSingleActionArmy.esp
96 60 DakFAL.esp
254 FE 63 Castle Helipad.esp
254 FE 64 SS2-Ch2-CR-NeonFlats.esp
97 61 DakRugerRifles.esp
98 62 DakFR2.esp
99 63 DakSW59.esp
100 64 WestTek.esp
101 65 DakHomemadeVityaz.esp
102 66 PigAAMDeag.esp
103 67 PigAAMBeretta.esp
104 68 DakDeagle.esp
105 69 DakM202.esp
106 6a AranLaserCarbine.esp
254 FE 65 CROSS_BreakActionLaser.esp
107 6b Dak20mm.esp
108 6c InfiltratorSMG.esp
109 6d Disruptor.esp
110 6e DakBowieKnife.esp
111 6f SS2_Addon_NWE.esp
112 70 SelectRapidMG.esp
113 71 SS2_STRA_Support_Buildings.esp
114 72 SS2_STRA_Buildings_and_Skins.esp
115 73 SS2_ruined_simsettlement_addonpack.esp
116 74 SS2_Addon_R2R.esp
117 75 Cho1_ss2_Barmod_Conversion.esp
254 FE 66 SS2_Addon_Favelabulous.esp
118 76 GavM_SS2Addon_Buildings.esp
254 FE 67 DownTime2_SS2_Addon_Des.esp
254 FE 68 SS2_ruined_plotapalooza_messhall.esp
119 77 SS2_Addon_PSC_Plots.esp
120 78 SS2_Addon_FHE.esp
121 79 BMW_ALA.esp
122 7a JunkTownTwo.esp
123 7b GarageHomesAndSensibleSecurity.esp
124 7c DZK_1x1_Pack.esp
125 7d SS2-PraRandomAddon.esp
126 7e Schotel22.esp
127 7f tumba_CaravanSecurityArmor.esp
128 80 tumba_bountyhunter.esp
254 FE 69 tumba_SynthCourserArmor.esp
254 FE 6a Sten.esp
129 81 Kar98k.esp
254 FE 6b Springfield M1903.esp
130 82 AX50.esp
131 83 DaksCombatRifle.esp
254 FE 6c ODW - Winchester Model 1873.esp
132 84 WWII - SOV Nagant Revolver.esp
133 85 G43.esp
134 86 IFC Complete.esp
254 FE 6d TacticalReloadVanilla.esp
135 87 P90.esp
136 88 Cyberpunk 2077 Malorian Arms 3516.esp
254 FE 6e [BFV]P08.esp
254 FE 6f AdvBubbleTurretSet.esp
254 FE 70 AdvBubbleTurretSet-RHDSKPatch.esp
254 FE 71 AdvSettleTurretSet.esp
137 89 AEAR01.esp
254 FE 72 AEWS_NukaWorldPatch.esp
254 FE 73 AFT_Allow_Piper_Face_Presets.esp
138 8a MilitarisedMinutemen_PatchesAddon.esp
254 FE 74 AFT_Allow_Preston_Face_Presets.esp
254 FE 75 AFT_Allow_X688_Face_Presets.esp
254 FE 76 AFT_Alt_Names_Pack1.esp
254 FE 77 AFT_Use_Original_Spouse.esp
254 FE 78 AFTSpouseTweaks.esp
254 FE 79 AlexSleevePatcher.esp
254 FE 7a AmazingFollowerTweaks_XDI_FIX.esp
254 FE 7b AnotherMoleratDiseaseCure.esp
139 8b AR2 Attachment Pack Patch.esp
254 FE 7c Bullet in the Chamber.esp
254 FE 7d Arbitration - Button Lowered Weapons.esp
140 8c AssaultPhaser.esp
141 8d Archimedes-II.esp
254 FE 7e Attach Pack Mod Description Fixes.esp
254 FE 7f RemoteExplosives.esp
142 8e AutoMines.esp
143 8f autoweapons.esp
254 FE 80 AWKCR - Mod Power Armor Engine Glitch Fix.esp
144 90 AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp
145 91 BarstoolGames_FH.esp
146 92 BarstoolGames_NW.esp
254 FE 81 Bastion.esp
147 93 battletechfootstep.esp
254 FE 82 BeastWhispererTreats.esp
148 94 BetterSettlers.esp
254 FE 83 Live Dismemberment - BrutalNoHeadshots.esp
254 FE 84 Live Dismemberment - LiebermodeNoHeadshots.esp
254 FE 85 Live Dismemberment - RegularNoHeadshots.esp
254 FE 86 Below-the-belt.esp
254 FE 87 Better_Notes.esp
254 FE 88 BetterSettlersCleanFacePack.esp
254 FE 89 Lots More Facial Hair.esp
254 FE 8a Lots More Female Hairstyles.esp
254 FE 8b Lots More Male Hairstyles.esp
254 FE 8c BS NS BFS Merged Patch - Mortal.esp
254 FE 8d BetterSettlersMortalPack.esp
254 FE 8e BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp
149 95 BogartNick - Hazel Stubble.esp
254 FE 8f CBBE.esp
150 96 CF_AtomicWarlord.esp
151 97 Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul.esp
254 FE 90 CGOsoundsplugin.esp
152 98 SKKFastMinutemen.esp
153 99 Colt1911.esp
154 9a Companion - Chris Fathom.esp
254 FE 91 CovenantCitadelLayoutV1.6.esp
254 FE 92 CROSS_BrotherhoodRecon.esp
254 FE 93 CROSS_CoA.esp
254 FE 94 CROSS_CourserStrigidae.esp
155 9b CROSS_GoreCrits.esp
254 FE 95 CROSS_GoreCrits_FarHarborPatch.esp
254 FE 96 CROSS_ReducedLaserSmoke.esp
254 FE 97 D13SynthSpyDetectionElimination.esp
254 FE 98 DakFR2-TR.esp
254 FE 99 Dank_ArmorOverrides_DLCCoast.esp
254 FE 9a Dank_ArmorOverrides_DLCNukaWorld.esp
254 FE 9b Dank_ArmorOverrides_DLCRobot.esp
254 FE 9c Dank_ECO-INNR.esp
254 FE 9d Dank_ECO_DLCCoast.esp
254 FE 9e Dank_ECO_DLCNukaWorld.esp
254 FE 9f Dank_ECO_DLCRobot.esp
254 FE a0 Dank_INNRoverride.esp
254 FE a1 Dank_LEO-Automatron.esp
254 FE a2 Dank_LEO_ChipCraft_Free_ECO.esp
254 FE a3 Dank_LEO_DLCCoast.esp
254 FE a4 Dank_LEO_DLCNukaWorld.esp
254 FE a5 Dank_ECO-LEO.esp
156 9c DarkestHourRemastered.esp
157 9d Deeper Male Protagonist Voice - Type A3 - DLC1-Automatron.esp
158 9e Deeper Male Protagonist Voice - Type A3.esp
159 9f Deeper Thoughts - Expressive Curie.esp
254 FE a6 Edit_Hancock.esp
254 FE a7 BetterSettlersCCAPack2.0.esp
160 a0 ESPExplorerFO4.esp
254 FE a8 F4NVSingleActionArmy_TR.esp
161 a1 Family Mauser.esp
162 a2 FineZoom.esp
163 a3 Flashy_CommonwealthFishing.esp
164 a4 Flashy_CommonwealthFishingFarHarborAddon.esp
254 FE a9 Flashy_CrimeAndPunishment_CrossMM_Patch.esp
254 FE aa Flashy_GunForHire_NamesPatch.esp
254 FE ab FPVCorrectMinigunAmmo.esp
254 FE ac FPVBoSPilot.esp
254 FE ad FPV-Paintjobs.esp
254 FE ae FPVTrackingModule.esp
254 FE af FPVPilotCommands.esp
254 FE b0 FunctionalDisplays-Collectibles.esp
165 a5 FunctionalDisplays.esp
254 FE b1 FunctionalDisplays-Patch-DLC-ALL.esp
254 FE b2 FunctionalDisplays-MISC-Vanilla.esp
254 FE b3 GammaGunRedux.esp
166 a6 Gammaremesh_AttPackPatch.esp
254 FE b4 GhastlyHancock.esp
254 FE b5 GunForHire-AmericaRising2.esp
254 FE b6 Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp
254 FE b7 Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects.esp
254 FE b8 FPV_IHO_Loot_Patch.esp
254 FE b9 Dank_ECO-IHO.esp
254 FE ba ImmersiveAnimationFramework.esp
254 FE bb IAF - Far Harbor & Nuka World.esp
254 FE bc ImmersiveTeleportation_lessPower.esp
254 FE bd ImmersiveTeleportation_lessRads.esp
254 FE be ImmersiveTeleportation_quickstart.esp
254 FE bf Infiltrator - Lockpicking Overhaul.esp
167 a7 KSHairdos.esp
168 a8 KSHairsFemsheppingRadbeetle.esp
254 FE c0 3dscopes-leeenfield.esp
254 FE c1 lewismunitions.esp
254 FE c2 LongerPowerLinesInf.esp
169 a9 WeaponDisarm.esp
170 aa PIP-Pad.esp
171 ab LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp
254 FE c3 LooneyLongfellow.esp
172 ac M1 Carbine.esp
254 FE c4 M14.esp
254 FE c5 3dscopes-m14.esp
254 FE c6 M1Garand-2xDMG.esp
173 ad M1Garand - AWKCR.esp
174 ae ManufacturingExtended.esp
175 af ManufacturingExtendedFH.esp
176 b0 MG69.esp
254 FE c7 MilitarisedMinutemen_ScarvesFix.esp
254 FE c8 MMSREP.esp
254 FE c9 MMSREP_PatchesAddonCompatibilePatch.esp
254 FE ca MilitarizedMinutemenImmersionFix.esp
254 FE cb MinutemenEnforcer.esp
254 FE cc EnforcerCrafting.esp
254 FE cd MiscHairstyle.esp
177 b1 Modern Military Pack.esp
178 b2 Mosin.esp
254 FE ce 3dscopes-mosin.esp
254 FE cf Munitions Manufacturing.esp
254 FE d0 Munitions-Additional Ammo.esp
254 FE d1 Munitions Manufacturing - Additional Ammo Expansion.esp
254 FE d2 Nability - IAF Fusion City Rising Patch.esp
254 FE d3 no_pipboy_light.esp
179 b3 OCDecorator.esp
254 FE d4 OMEGA - CommonwealthFishing IAF Patch.esp
254 FE d5 OMEGA - IAF CoA Overhaul Patch.esp
254 FE d6 OMEGA - IHO IAF Patch.esp
254 FE d7 Nability - IAF Outcasts And Remnants Patch.esp
254 FE d8 Flashy_CrimeAndPunishment_OAR_Depravity_Patch.esp
180 b4 Ozzys_MCPR-300.esp
254 FE d9 Ozzys_MCPR300_TRPatch.esp
254 FE da P90NPC.esp
254 FE db PAUP_TargetingHUD.esp
254 FE dc PAVertibirdDockFix.esp
254 FE dd Backpacks of the Commonwealth - FPV Patch.esp
254 FE de personalvertibird.esp
181 b5 PhotonDisruptor.esp
254 FE df PIP-Pad_LMCC.esp
254 FE e0 PlatinumCurieV2.1.esp
182 b6 PWR.esp
254 FE e1 PWR_SKE.esp
183 b7 RED-CAP.esp
184 b8 Relic Space Marine - Raven Guard.esp
254 FE e2 40K_Relic_Space_Marine_Craftable_Armor.esp
254 FE e3 40k RSM Carcharadons Paint.esp
185 b9 Remote Explosives CTD fix in Workshop.esp
186 ba Retro_Style_World_Distribution.esp
254 FE e4 3dscopes-ru556.esp
187 bb SelectMarksman.esp
254 FE e5 SelectPhoton_ITOinjectPatch.esp
188 bc SettlementMenuManager.esp
189 bd HomemakerMenuFixer.esp
254 FE e6 SexyHancockEveryHancockDepravity.esp
190 be CabinInTheWoods.esp
254 FE e7 SimpleAttackReactions.esp
254 FE e8 SimpleCombatGrabs.esp
254 FE e9 SimpleFinishersRE.esp
191 bf SimpleSmokes.esp
192 c0 Skitarii.esp
193 c1 SKKRESystemManager.esp
194 c2 SKKSettlementAttackSystem.esp
254 FE ea SpotlightFix-300-Shadow.esp
254 FE eb SPR300_LvlList.esp
254 FE ec SPR300_TacticalReload.esp
195 c3 TacticalMods.esp
254 FE ed TacticalModsDLC.esp
254 FE ee TacticalReloadDLC.esp
196 c4 The Eyes of Beauty Looking Stranger.esp
197 c5 The Eyes Of Beauty.esp
254 FE ef HCFB_Maccready_smooth.esp
254 FE f0 The Ultimate Piper - nexus release.esp
198 c6 TheEyesOfBeauty.esp
254 FE f1 TheKite_Railroad_Handmaiden.esp
254 FE f2 TheKite Handmaiden - Triggermen.esp
199 c7 Thematic and Practical.esp
200 c8 Thematic and Practical - DLC.esp
254 FE f3 There It Is x Perfectionist.esp
201 c9 tumba_SynthCombatArmor.esp
202 ca tumba_EnclaveCombatArmor.esp
254 FE f4 tumba_mysterious_stranger.esp
254 FE f5 Ultimate Cait.esp
203 cb United Security Contractor.esp
204 cc Vault-Tec Workshop Overhaul.esp
205 cd VertiBirdRetextureProject.esp
254 FE f6 WCLINPP_FastTravelFix.esp
254 FE f7 WeaponDisarm - Dismemberment+Groin.esp
254 FE f8 Dank_ECO-WestTek.esp
206 ce WestTekTacticalOptics.esp
254 FE f9 Wireless Workshop Items.esp
207 cf WorkshopPointLookout.esp
254 FE fa TheRedoubt.esp
208 d0 SS2WastelandReconstructionKit.esp
254 FE fb SS2CityPlanGunForHireModOfficeofRelaxation.esp
209 d1 SS2CaravanSnatex.esp
254 FE fc SS2C2PoliceWeaponsPatch.esp
254 FE fd SS2AOP_VaultTecTools.esp
254 FE fe SS2Addon_MS_BareEssentials.esp
254 FE ff SS2_XDI Patch.esp
254 FE 100 SS2_WestTek.esp
210 d2 SS2_WastelandDefense.esp
211 d3 SS2_SIMPDDDD.esp
212 d4 SS2_MsB_PlainPlans.esp
213 d5 SS2_CityPlanPack_RiseOfTheCommonwealth.esp
254 FE 101 ss2_caravanshipment.esp
254 FE 102 SS2_AFT.esp
254 FE 103 SS2_Addon_ShazbotsCots.esp
214 d6 SS2_Addon_BrickNClay.esp
254 FE 104 SS2-AUR-HangmansAlleyCityPlan.esp
215 d7 SS2 Settlement Management Terminal.esp
254 FE 105 SS2 Sanctuary Green Hills.esp
254 FE 106 SS2 Junk Storage Capacity.esp
216 d8 SS2 Excess Resource Manager.esp
254 FE 107 SS2 Better Outfits.esp
254 FE 108 SimSettlements2_AddOnPack_ApocalypticAdditions_SirLach.esp
254 FE 109 SimHomestead2.esp
254 FE 10a Sim Settlers 2 Go Shopping.esp
254 FE 10b Reina_SS2_Plotapalooza_SigTrg.esp
254 FE 10c ProjectValkyrie-SS2-Patch.esp
254 FE 10d PrasPlotapaloozaEntry.esp
217 d9 ohSIM_Sim2_Settlements_Scrappers_Addon.esp
254 FE 10e Murkwater Manor.esp
254 FE 10f MS SS2 Camera Takes Screenshots.esp
254 FE 110 Lyudw_NorthPointPark_CityPlan.esp
254 FE 111 JunkTown2 - EXTREME.esp
254 FE 112 JunkTown-FENCES2.esp
254 FE 113 IT_SS2.esp
254 FE 114 IDEKsLogisticsStation2_SS2_Patch.esp
218 da GtN_SettlersatWar.esp
254 FE 115 CountryCrossing.esp
219 db Cho1SS2FlagsMod.esp
254 FE 116 [SS2] BBVault 88.esp
254 FE 117 [SS2] Ad Vic.esp
254 FE 118 WW2SmockEN.esp
254 FE 119 WWII - German Smock - v1.0.esp
254 FE 11a WWII - USA Paratrooper Uniform.esp
254 FE 11b WWII - USSR Coat Uniform - v1.0.esp
220 dc WWM Gear Pack.esp
254 FE 11c zz_Automatron_Robots.esp
254 FE 11d Crafting Ammunition.esp
254 FE 11e Crafting Components.esp
254 FE 11f Crafting vanilla chems and drinks.esp
254 FE 120 Crafting vanilla grenade and syringe batch sizes.esp
254 FE 121 Crafting vanilla signal.esp
254 FE 122 Grenades - No sort and weightless.esp
254 FE 123 New Chems - No sort and weightless.esp
254 FE 124 New Devices - No sorting.esp
254 FE 125 Syringer Ammunition - DI - No sort and weightless.esp
254 FE 126 Syringer Rifles and Pistol.esp
221 dd SKKFastStartNewGame.esp
222 de WorkshopRearranged.esp
223 df Vault-Tec Workshop Overhaul Redux.esp
254 FE 127 PRP.esp
254 FE 128 Thuggysmurf_Optimization.esp
254 FE 129 OCsV81TradeCamp.esp
254 FE 12a OCsV81TradeCampGrassReduced.esp
254 FE 12b WCLINPP_Previs.esp
254 FE 12c OCsv81TradeCampInstantUnlock.esp
254 FE 12d PRP-SS2.esp
254 FE 12e GavMan_V81TC_CityPlan.esp
224 e0 Eli_Faction Housing Overhaul - AiO.esp
225 e1 Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp
226 e2 Mechanist Lair Overhaul SEC.esp
254 FE 12f Pip-Boy Flashlight.esp
254 FE 130 PIP-Pad_Pip-BoyFlashlight.esp
submitted by LordRicardios to Fallout4Mods [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 03:16 urban_lime [US-CA] [H] Matrix 8xv3.0, Matrix Vita, hiney Ladybird, Nunu, GMK Rainy Day, GMK Dualshot r1, GMK Olivia no.3, JTK Photo Studio, JTK Royal Alpha bundle, lots of artisans [W] PayPal

Only shipping to USA addresses at the moment. International buyers with a proxy are ok, but I take zero responsibility for anything that happens between you and your proxy. All prices are PayPal G&S and include shipping costs unless otherwise stated. Buy bundles to get a discount.
Traveling for the weekend and posting this from a hotel, so requests for more pictures can't be addressed until Monday. Please read my disclaimers at the end of the post regarding prioritization.


Label Info Price Available
Matrix 8xv3.0 WKL light blue ano with brass weight, comes built with 65g MX clears on Peppa Pig alu plate. some patina on the brass weight, peppa pig plate has scratches from use (sandblasted but not anodized), but no flaws that I can find on the case. includes original plate, extra solder PCB, gaskets (not applied to case), dampening, and extra daughterboard pack. all will be packed in original box. $475 shipped yes!
Matrix Vita nebula coating, currently built with SP stars and Durock stabs (how the board was delivered to me). no flaws that I can find on the board. purchased this after mildly regretting selling my Vita, but I somehow forgot that I had this lying around. includes two extra screens. $600 shipped yes!
hiney Ladybird red WK, BNIB but opened to check if all contents arrived safely. includes 2 h60 RGB PCBs, alu full plate, smoke PC full plate, O-ring (don't know duro rating, don't ask), and carrying case. price is MUCH less than what I paid during GB to arrive at my doorstep. $375 shipped yes!
Nunu burgundy Nunu w/copper accent. no flaws from what I can find. includes two PC plates (pink and white), CF plate from CBBplanet, two Mechlovin Adelais PCBs (one desoldered and one BNIB), one small-batch PCB based off of projectKB's Alice PCB (lubed stabs included), and carrying case. priced less than what I paid to get everything $300 shipped yes!
GMK Rainy Day bundle includes base, hangul, and spacebars kit. hangul WASD and 6.25u spacebar have some early stages of shine, but otherwise in great condition. i know r2 GB is live, but it's either getting a keyset now or waiting for the new run to be made and shipped. $200 shipped yes!
GMK Dualshot r1 bundle includes base and novelties. has some shine from what I can remember. I bought it, threw it into a container after receiving it, and never used it. ships in bags $180 shipped yes!
GMK Olivia no.3 APL dark base kit. opened and thrown into storage box, never mounted $120 shipped yes!
JTK Royal Alpha BNIB, includes base and green spacebars. ships in trays, but can knock off $10 to ship in bags. $50 shipped yes!
JTK Photo Studio bought this out of nostalgia since it was the first set I bought on aftermarket and let go of years ago, but i haven't used it since I got it. exhibits very early stages of shine, but nothing noticeable in normal lighting. ships in trays, but can knock off $10 to ship in bags. $50 shipped yes!

All artisans pictured in timestamp are $30 shipped.

Not accepting trades at this time.

Sales are not FCFS. Please please please include relevant payment info to be prioritized for the item you want, especially if you would like to offer a lower price.

If there are two people interested in the same item, but one is willing to pay no questions asked while the other has questions or wants to see more pics, I'm 100% selling to the person who will pay no questions asked. Requests for additional pictures will also take longer than you think, so please consider that when trying to secure an item.
Please understand that if you as a buyer and I agree on a price and you back out of the purchase right after I send the invoice, I will refuse to sell anything to you in the future (yes, that includes if you offer me something like $300 on something that I'm selling for much less).
Do not use the chat function, I honestly don't know how you are taken to the chat function when the bot's verification post gives you a link to PM sellers. I will ignore you and you won't be in consideration for anything until you send me a PM. I will also ignore you if you do not comment before sending a PM.
Thank you for your time.
submitted by urban_lime to mechmarket [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 02:52 sapphirebone 30 [F4R] US/Wherever - Am I the only one that worked today?

And I actually loved it, one of the quietest days I’ve had lately. I’m a girl whose jobs requires a lot of talking so my free time is usually spent in solitude to recoup, but after a failed dating attempt in winter I realized quickly how much I enjoy the company from the right person as long as we start as friends first. Trust is essential to me - I like a slow burn. I guess it’s all relative, but to narrow the scope I’ll give you some quick stats that allude to my winning personality:
What I like to think are green flags: 1) I’m very chill, almost to a fault. It takes a lot to rile me up. (Yes I smoke a good amount of greens… and may have before writing this) 2) I’m an animal lover, also almost to a fault. I still shed a tear about a little box turtle I encountered in summer 2022 that had been hit by a car and I’ve stopped my life to bury more than one wild animal I’ve come across 3) I’m a very independent lady……and I’m discovering a theme here because I actually have almost taken myself out on numerous occasions taking on 2+ people jobs myself
*The above are henceforth to be considered both possible green and red flags 🚩 as they go either way… wait does this make them yellow flags? I’ve lost the plot so I’m calling it here
My final attempt at a good sell is summarizing myself in emojis, as follows: 🐈‍⬛ ❤️‍🔥 😶‍🌫️🐚💫🧘🏻‍♀️🆒🛶🔮💌🏁🖤📚🎨🍃🎉
Message if you dare!
submitted by sapphirebone to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 02:36 Improvised_Excuse234 Malicious Compliance

Fallout Themed RP: Play as either side, don’t be a dick.
Context: After capturing a BoS Knight, Aux and his crew prepare to return their high-value individual at the request of a furious local chapter of Brotherhood of Steel. After sending the retrieval location, Aux surprisingly agreed to their demands, but the BoS may find that simply rolling in and taking their missing member back would be no simple task.
RP: Acoustics bounced and echoed around Main Street; Aux drummed his fingers to the beat as he waited patiently, his eyes watching over the forest overgrowth as it slowly but surely reclaimed the territory nature lost when humanity had developed the land into a sprawling and bustling city. His eyes drifted over lush mutated greens of trees loaded with red, orange, and yellow leaves fluttering in the wind.
The town smelled of dry rot, exposed foundations crumbled under their exposure to the weather, and neglected over the years after the bombs fell. “Least it didn’t smell like rotting meat.” He thought to himself while his eyes drifted towards a t-shaped intersection where a singular figure sat in a folding chair out in the open beside a table underneath a worn umbrella. With a nuka cola, yum yum deviled eggs sat beside them, sometimes tiny pinpricks of light from the breeze glanced over the items. Beside him, glistening in the sunlight, was a complete suit of power armor, standing idly by as if it waited for a pilot to commandeer it again.
“Tabbi? How’s our boy doing?” Aux grumbled, and a figure sat up from an upper floor. Old papers shifted as a head draped in a light blanket reared its head up. A short-haired blonde woman peeked up, bringing a pair of binoculars to her head, and peered through it.
“He looks unbothered, in the shade, has his snacks, relaxed, listening to some music, minding his business, in his element; we even gave him his power armor back.” A woman said hoarsely before reaching for a can of purified water. “Aside from looking like he’s beaten to shit, he’s doing better than us.” She reported, and she took a sip from the can.
“That’s all superficial; I sure hope that dumb asshole knows what he’s doing,” Aux added with a chuckle. He adjusted his spot in the second-story corner of a dilapidated building, long since having fallen into disrepair. “Look at him; we gave him food, water, shade, music, beautiful outside, the weather isn’t bad. Hell, we’re the best damn babysitters the brotherhood could ask for.” He craned to peer around the various buildings dotting the city street.
“Damn straight,” Tabbi said flatly before the sound of verified engines slowly drifted into earshot. “I’ll admit, I expected Donavan to tap out well before they showed up. He’s a trooper, alright.” She sighed. “Ah, it’s about time.” She mumbled and pointed behind Aux. “Three…scratch that, four…challengers approach on winged steel beasts.” She added as Aux sniffed and fiddled with his pockets. He clutched a remote control, rotating the dial counterclockwise. The volume of the stereos died down, filling the town with an eerie silence.
“Sound the alarm,” Aux ordered flatly as he peeked over at the equipment beside him. Tabbi nodded and brought up her arm to reveal a weathered pip-boy attached to her arm.
“Coming right up, boss,” Tabbi answered quickly as she twisted the dual and pressed a button. “Sticks all yours, boss.” She said as he dialed up the volume. The intro verse to “Atom Bomb Baby” echoed throughout the streets, signaling to the others that the time to steel their nerves and get into position was now. “You know, I like this song. It's charming.” Tabbi added as the vertibirds approached. She risked looking up at them, a piece of black plastic tubing over the barrels of the binoculars, small slits cut into the center of the improvised lens caps to mitigate light reflecting and giving her position away.
“Looks like a gunship; that’s going to be a problem. It's splitting off with one other bird.” Tabbi muttered. Aux only shrugged, not sweating the extra detail.
“It is just an easy detail.” He commented as the engines grew louder. “Come and get him, you bastards,” Aux growled to himself as the remaining two vertibirds lowered their altitude to only twenty meters off the ground. The nearby trees shook and rippled as the rotor wash dusted off the uneven pavement. “That’s not a bad choice, and I like Dion, though “The Wanderer” has this appeal to me I can’t quite pinpoint, but…whatever,” Aux added as Tabbi raised an eyebrow.
Several hulking figures descended from each troop bay, the birds shaking and rising quickly as their weight and balance shifted and changed. Power armor suits landed with a thunderous sound as ropes descended from the edge of the vertibirds. Scribes and initiates fast roped down as the paladins secured the landing zone, waiting for the rest of their team to put their boots on the ground, bringing their laser and assault rifles up as they fanned out to take cover.
“Oh, very professional.” Aux thought to himself as they slowly made their way towards the lone figure in the intersection, now struggling in their seat, gagged, bound, helpless to warn their allies. “We have two squads approaching from one direction and one other converging down the other avenue…eh, shouldn’t be an issue.” He thought to himself as the heavy footsteps and hissing hydraulics lumbered into earshot. The gunship circled overhead, its deadly shadow casting an ominous dark spotlight on the land.
“Oh, man…” He groaned as he dared not move from His vantage point. The towering armored behemoths crept into view; uncertain and skeptical initiates stayed close to the only source of mobile cover. Once he was sure the gunship no longer had a direct line of sight to him, Aux slowly reached for a detonator set off to the side. He delicately motioned for Tabbi to hold briefly as the group inched closer to exactly where he needed them to be. He signaled to her with a short, subdued hand wave, and the music suddenly cut out. One of the Knights stopped, holding their hand as the entire element halted immediately.
Aux lowered the volume to not blow out the speakers as Tabbi selected a second song. The world was suddenly filled with the opening to “Runaround Sue” by Dion, kicked off to welcome the Brotherhood of Steel foot soldiers to the worst mistakes of their lives. He cranked the volume to the maximum, blasting a deafening tune across the local area as the music picked up.
Aux clicks the clacker several times, ducking down as he grits his teeth. A car lining the side of the street, closest to three Paladins, and a cluster of lightly armored scribes and imitates erupted into a miniature nuclear fireball. The force of the blast lifted Paladin off their feet and tossed them through the air as the forward-most member in power armor staggered to the side. The unarmored troops were enveloped in nuclear fire, some disintegrating into wet red pieces, others vaporized where they stood.
A secondary explosion detonated quickly, knocking the paladin off balance and propelling them into a nearby department building with a raucous clatter. Tabbi stood upright, a launcher firmly planted on her shoulders as she fired two rockets into the collapsing building. Aux poked his head out of cover, wielding a light machine gun, centering the buckhorn sight on a beleaguered group of unarmored initiates and scribes.
He let loose a devastating burst of eight-millimeter mauser, cutting down several initiates as the music picked up. The engines of the Vertibird zipped overhead as the gunship navigated into a firing position overhead. “Oh shit.” Aux thought to himself as Tabbi let loose another short salvo. The ship turned its broadside to face them; he saw the Knight operating the heavy door gun and angling its rotating barrels toward the two Raider's firing position. “Oh, Shit!” He cursed again before a rocket arced from the broken church steeple.
submitted by Improvised_Excuse234 to OriginalCharacter_RP [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 02:29 Ok_Coconut_2560 Noodles

My family has always been of great minds. I hated it. Growing up and having to study day and night to try and live up to them was extremely exhausting when I couldn't care how things worked as long as I was happy. I gave up but somehow everything kept turning out to be true.
Over my lifetime I have become the Gorden Ramsey of the science world. Known for my temper and also for huge things like curing world hunger using play-doe and cancer with baby powder I got in a back street ally while drunk.
To get my family off my back I started making random ideas so they could see me as a failure and leave me alone but...they keep working. And soon people started to praise me. Fame has left me with nothing but more and more attention. So today I plan to make sure that everyone can just think I'm insane and leave me alone and not some king.
I chuckled like a kid who was opening a Christmas present as I heard the crowd of people chatting and talking loudly as I hid behind my stage in a grey tight suit that my sister had picked out. I sighed and was ready to walk out and make a fool out of myself but my brother stopped me.
" Jack... I just want you to know how proud I am of you. Dad would have loved to see you right now. "
I thought it was ironic because last night while chilling on the couch watching TV and eating chips I made this theory up. He dusted off my shoulders held them tight and looked me in the eyes taking in the moment.
" go give them hell man. "
He had a goofy smile just like Dad but spoke with confidence.
" you got it, man. "
I heard my name being called onto the stage and the uproar startled me for a second but I collected myself and headed out after giving him a nod just to entertain him.
The lights were blinding as I grabbed the mic and looked at the table in front of me with a small box with the ingredients I needed and a chalkboard behind me.
After I stood still for a minute the crowd died down. I had not told anyone what I was presenting so the whole world was watching without a clue of what I was doing this time.
"Hello everyone. Today I believe I have my most important presentation yet..."
The crowd grew silent and hung on every word. And I heard my voice around the room through the speakers.
" Today I have with me a box...and inside is spaghetti I had for breakfast. "
The crowd laughed thinking it was a joke
" shut up "
The crowd grew silent once more
"Behind me is a chalkboard and I will now present my new findings to all of you...I have found out how to make portals to other worlds. "
A man in the far back of the audience yelled bullshit in a heavy Indian accent but he was so far it was a faint sound for me. I smiled at that thinking I had finally found something that would make me lose my title and I could go ahead and live a life without people making me feel like an evil man for not helping others.
I opened the box got a handful of the noodles and threw them at the chalkboard. I then grabbed a paper towel on standby to clean myself.
The noodles hit the board and slowly moved and rested on a spot on the board. I made eye contact with my brother backstage and he had a look on his face showing he believed in me.
I spun the board dropping the noodles to the ground I then grabbed the chalk and drew around the sauce and noodles that stuck to the board then drew my attention to the others that had fallen on the floor and drew an outline of that.
After it finished I threw the chalk in the crowd violently hitting an old lady in the face.
" Quickly I want a show of hands who thinks I'm a crazy guy "
Everyone raised their hands and I laughed to myself
I then went behind the board and laid it horizontally. I grabbed a small knife in my pocket and poked my finger with it. The crimson blood fell and hit the chalk and then as more and more blood hit the chalk it started glowing.
" you have got to be joking. "
I said out loud as it started to spark an orange glow and it slowly grew color to the rest of the chalk in orange sparks.
Once the symbol was fully sparking with orange the sauce began to swell and move around in a counterclockwise manner. I stepped away from it in shock as small parts of the blood in my finger began to float to the parts where it fell on the floor I drew my outlines on and started sparking those as well.
It started to smoke and hiss as if lightning could whisper and the orange began to take shape and the sauce made a doorway. The parts that were not on the board began to grow ice around them and started to make designs on the floor circling me and the board. Suddenly it grew in size and a large booming voice was heard through the portal as I felt panic of people start to set in.
A huge claw came out and scrapped the sides of my table trying to crawl out from the world it had been trapped in. Cold winds hit me as they cut my skin and threw around my clothes. As I saw the table was now melting from its touch.
A slimy green claw with mucus like a face-hugger egg from the movie Alien carved through the floor and pulled the rest of its body out slowly. A beast stood at 12 feet tall adjusting to our world as goop grew and shaped its body as people screamed, ran, and stood frozen in fear.
As it looked around it locked its spider-like eyes and swerled around coming out from the portal and twisting and turning around the body as it made its way to its head finding a place to rest. It then locked its eyes with me and its jaw twisted slowly from an ant-like maw to mine and slowly shrunk and it soon took the shape of me and knelt on the floor and spoke to me.
" master. "
I stood in shock as everyone seemed to calm down and watched to see what I would do.
"...umm "My family has always been of great minds. I hated it. Growing up and having to study day and night to try and live up to them was extremely exhausting when I couldn't care how things worked as long as I was happy. I gave up but somehow everything kept turning out to be true.
Over my lifetime I have become the Gorden Ramsey of the science world. Known for my temper and also for huge things like curing world hunger using play-doe and cancer with baby powder I got in a back street ally while drunk.
To get my family off my back I started making random ideas so they could see me as a failure and leave me alone but...they keep working. And soon people started to praise me. Fame has left me with nothing but more and more attention. So today I plan to make sure that everyone can just think I'm insane and leave me alone and not some king.
I chuckled like a kid who was opening a Christmas present as I heard the crowd of people chatting and talking loudly as I hid behind my stage in a grey tight suit that my sister had picked out. I sighed and was ready to walk out and make a fool out of myself but my brother stopped me.
" Jack... I just want you to know how proud I am of you. Dad would have loved to see you right now. "
I thought it was ironic because last night while chilling on the couch watching TV and eating chips I made this theory up. He dusted off my shoulders held them tight and looked me in the eyes taking in the moment.
" go give them hell man. "
He had a goofy smile just like Dad but spoke with confidence.
" you got it, man. "
I heard my name being called onto the stage and the uproar startled me for a second but I collected myself and headed out after giving him a nod just to entertain him.
The lights were blinding as I grabbed the mic and looked at the table in front of me with a small box with the ingredients I needed and a chalkboard behind me.
After I stood still for a minute the crowd died down. I had not told anyone what I was presenting so the whole world was watching without a clue of what I was doing this time.
"Hello everyone. Today I believe I have my most important presentation yet..."
The crowd grew silent and hung on every word. And I heard my voice around the room through the speakers.
" Today I have with me a box...and inside is spaghetti I had breakfast. "
The crowd laughed thinking it was a joke
" shut up "
The crowd grew silent once more
"Behind me is a chalkboard and I will now present my new findings to all of you...I have found out how to make portals to other worlds. "
A man in the far back of the audience yelled bullshit in a heavy Indian accent but he was so far it was a faint sound for me. I smiled at that thinking I had finally found something that would make me lose my title and I could go ahead and live a life without people making me feel like an evil man for not helping others.
I opened the box got a handful of the noodles and threw them at the chalkboard. I then grabbed a paper towel on standby to clean myself.
The noodles hit the board and slowly moved and rested on a spot on the board. I made eye contact with my brother backstage and he had a look on his face showing he believed in me.
I spun the board dropping the noodles to the ground I then grabbed the chalk and drew around the sauce and noodles that stuck to the board then drew my attention to the others that had fallen on the floor and drew an outline of that.
After it finished I threw the chalk in the crowd violently hitting an old lady in the face.
" Quickly I want a show of hands who thinks I'm a crazy guy "
Everyone raised their hands and I laughed to myself
I then went behind the board and laid it horizontally. I grabbed a small knife in my pocket and poked my finger with it. The crimson blood fell and hit the chalk and then as more and more blood hit the chalk it started glowing.
" you have got to be joking. "
I said out loud as it started to spark an orange glow and it slowly grew color to the rest of the chalk in orange sparks.
Once the symbol was fully sparking with orange the sauce began to swell and move around in a counterclockwise manner. I stepped away from it in shock as small parts of the blood in my finger began to float to the parts where it fell on the floor I drew my outlines on and started sparking those as well.
It started to smoke and hiss as if lightning could whisper and the orange began to take shape and the sauce made a doorway. The parts that were not on the board began to grow ice around them and started to make designs on the floor circling me and the board. Suddenly it grew in size and a large booming voice was heard through the portal as I felt panic of people start to set in.
A huge claw came out and scrapped the sides of my table trying to crawl out from the world it had been trapped in. Cold winds hit me as they cut my skin and threw around my clothes. As I saw the table was now melting from its touch.
A slimy green claw with mucus like a face-hugger egg from the movie Alien carved through the floor and pulled the rest of its body out slowly. A beast stood at 12 feet tall adjusting to our world as goop grew and shaped its body as people screamed, ran, and stood frozen in fear.
As it looked around it locked its spider-like eyes and swerled around coming out from the portal and twisting and turning around the body as it made its way to its head finding a place to rest. It then locked its eyes with me and its jaw twisted slowly from an ant-like maw to mine and slowly shrunk and it soon took the shape of me and knelt on the floor and spoke to me.
" master. "
I stood in shock as everyone seemed to calm down and watched to see what I would do.

"...umm "

Part two of the noodle demon.
Now that this creature knelt before me I realized that the room I was in was so terrible quietly you could hear everyone's ass get tight in anticipation of what would happen next.
" ...what...are you. "
I spoke carefully to the being that had taken the shape of myself. It still took my breath away and my throat was dry.
The beast was a deep green. The color mixed with shades of grey streaming from it. The longer I looked at it I could see it getting closer to what I looked like shaping itself.
From small flowing green tendrils to an arm they grew as they twisted and made bone then muscle and finally skin.
It locked eyes with me and it smiled deeply at me. As it formed the face finally.
" Your vassle. "
My eyes had not moved to the crowd at all but even though the lights hit the stage so hard it was enveloped in smoke.
The creature's eyes glowed as it answered brightly, not figuratively. This thing's eyes were glowing.
"To serve you, We are bound by blood magic. I am a reflection of your desires, Master, " it said, its voice now a whisper in my mind.
It began to stand up as my grey suit began to form on it and by the time it stood fully up it had copied what I looked like.
" let me explain everything. "
My body frozen in fear woke up with adrenaline as I blinked and a flash of green smoke covered my vision as he teleported right to me face to face.
Its body turned to smoke and went into the slits of my eyes. I felt visions follow me in my peripheral vision but surprisingly no pain followed power filled me and it felt like one hell of a drug.
My body and mind altered.
I was now in a very dark place with no walls or light except my reflection on the floor which waved like water.
I took a step back looking around and back to the reflection of me on the ground.
Soon the water rippled and my reflection fell through the floor like gravity was inverted. he flew upright and water fell off of him as he looked at me as he now stood straight ahead of me. He was just reflecting in the water but now eyed me down.
Collecting my nerves.
I begin to speak.
" what do you want..."
He was still in my form and stood perfectly straight. Now with water dripping from hair.
Slight stubble with hair that hung down and my hazel eyes were not present within him but I was greeted with a swelling acidic green that doubled the size of my pupil.
" to serve you. "
He made no other movement than putting his hands behind his back like a soldier at ease.
I could not tell if it was lying or not.
" that it? "
" I am the embodiment of your fear desires and brilliance. You have shaped me. Your desire for solitude birthed me. I will aid you in shaping the world how you see fit. Your reality becomes mine. "
There was a slight echo in the room as he spoke.
" wait...where are we "
I questioned haphazardly
" your mind. "
An awkward silence was in the air until I spoke
" I just standing on the stage not making a sound? "
He gave me a concerned look.
" no...time has frozen outside for you. You may sleep here without having to in the real world so to others you look as if you never rest and you may think and plan what to do in battle here. For them, it will be about two you not have any knowledge of what I am? "
Suddenly I felt bad like I had encountered someone famous and I had no idea who they were. A slap in the face like a popular kid meeting someone who had never heard of them. Ego shattered.
" ok sorry no. I...don't go around reading about...monsters?"
I felt like was I saying the n-word of the demon realm not knowing if that word was offensive.
He folded his arms a little upset.
"Are you not a warrior? "
" I...just watch TV and cook here and there- "
The demon cut me off
" weak. "
" excuse me? "
" look. I am an immortal being and after a while you get bored. So I'm sorry if I may be a little upset after being bonded with some nobody. "
I got quiet and I was a little annoyed that I was being roasted by some demon that I just met.
Its form wavers and eyes begin to open on its skin. Cheeks forhead etc.
"After being a god for so long it's fun to play with limitations. Makes things extremely exciting. "
" what do you mean by that? "
" look. You can only be so entertained by the same things. Life gets boring and are going to help me with this. I get to have pure entertainment while you get every wish you could ever want. A mutual bond no? "
He then closed his eyes annoyed and the other eyes meshed back to his skin.
" though... the TV is not that is what gets the blood pumping"
I felt the need to quickly change the topic
"Are there others like you? "
The room began to take shape very slowly as the water floor turned to wood and walls went around us.
" of course. You may meet them one day "
Confused and curious I pressed.
"Meet them? "
" yes. Summoning one of us is considered a threat to them. "
He spoke while opening and closing his newly found hand except backward.
" that don't look right "
I quickly responded
" Wait! How is doing that a threat! "
"Well, one doesn't just accidentally Summon one of us to suddenly get powers beyond human control. "
I thought back to how I summoned him by accident with some food I made.
" well...funny story but I summoned you using my breakfast..."
I had never regretted speaking so much as in that moment.
" What... "
Acid dripped from his words. Literally. His pupils split in half and his bottom jaw ripped open like an ant and curved giving sharpness to the bone.
"Please don't kill me. "
The room began to look like a cozy cabin with a fireplace and he slowly went back to normal.
" I would if I could. I've never felt so disrespected. We are bonded by your blood. If you die...I die. "
Suddenly I felt at ease by this new information.
Then a thought came to my mind
" ...God's can die? "
" you did hear me, right? "
The SAS from this guy was unneeded and I was starting to miss him being on his knees as weird as that sounds.
" so...all that power gone.... in an instant... "
" actually God's powers don't just disappear they transfer to whoever killed them...wait...hold up."
He suddenly had an epiphany.
A smile grew on his face and he grabbed my shoulders
" you! You are going to help me kill the other gods! "
He sounded proud but I let him down.
" ha! No. "
" oh come on! Don't be like that. "
He did a pout.
"Look, man. I'm not killing gods for you. Just because you are bored. "
" hey...they might send people to kill you because you bonded with me. "
"What did I ever do to them? "
"They have a system to this stuff. They like to build and watch things play out. You're a problem. That can mess it up. So...they kill be honest, I don't know any other way to explain it, man. You know people normally just use my power to kill people and become a king and know this already. "
"This is outrageous. "
" bro. Look if you do this I will be able to get their powers and you will be able to do so much more than what I offer "
I tilted my head
" what can you do? Know what never mind. I will just talk to them and figure things out. "
He groaned and his form melted down sagging and it shot back up reforming
"Is there not anything that you want? Anything in the world? Gods don't put themselves in physical forms. They give people power and can make beings to hunt you. And if they care enough to come down themself. Ha, good luck."
I stopped and thought about it trying to weigh the options of pissing off higher beings.
Suddenly. I found something.
"Can you bring back the dead..."
He stopped confused.
" "
" then I don't want anything "
" wait! "
He threw his arms out pleading
"I don't...but another God does..."
He crosses his arms smiling. He had left the question hanging letting me reconsider his offer.
I stopped and thought for a while before looking back up to him.
I let out a sigh and looked him in the eyes
" are going to help me get my father back. "
The demon smirked.
submitted by Ok_Coconut_2560 to dontmindthis9 [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 02:17 Migraine_Brain_123 Lots of strange symptoms spanning multiple specialties Neurology, ENT, GI, ...

I suspect that all of my symptoms are connected, but they span lots of different specialties and it's impossible to get all my doctors together to go over things. So I'd like to know what you think and in particular answers to any of these questions:
I have a hard science background, a graduate degree in physics, and some undergrad chemistry and biology, so I'm interested in more detail than I'm getting from my doctors here. I'm hopeful that understanding can lead to some better treatments, but I am also just interested academically.
Everything listed here I have had since I was an early teenager, all starting around that time. None have had any particular identifiable trigger.
Sorry this is a bit long, I'm trying to be comprehensive.
39M, 160 lbs, 5'11", white, in okay shape. Don't drink, smoke, or do drugs. I eat fine, don't eat out, and drink plenty of water. Drink a few cups of green tea per day, occasionally a coffee in the morning. Rarely drink soda. Generally take care of myself.
It's about 50/50 constipation/diarrhea. I have symptoms from it every day. I'd say about 1/3 of the time its not that bad, 1/3 moderately bad, and 1/3 severe.
I have significant pain and bloating when it's acting up. Pencil-thin stools. Sometimes diarrhea and constipation at the same time, like I have to strain to get very liquidy diarrhea out.
There is also very significant distention. When it's not bothering me, my stomach looks flat, and when it is I can look fairly overweight, like a beer belly. I've never found anything that helps with this.
I've tried every elimination diet known to man, and nothing has helped. I haven't found any food triggers or other specific triggers. But just eating or drinking can trigger it. Sometimes I'll feel fine and take a sip of water, and a minute later I feel awful.
The IBS symptoms feel significantly different than "normal" GI problems, I can't describe how, but it feels more "wrong" than regular constipation, bloating, diarrhea, etc.
50mg of CBD 2x/day, and it's the only thing that's ever helped with the IBS pain.
Pepcid 1x/day from acid reflux, presumably from the IBS.
Imodium, few times a week.
In the past I've tried tricyclic antidepressants, Bentyl, and some other stuff I don't remember, which weren't helpful.
IBS aura
Sometimes in the morning I will have a strange dream-like experience. It's not a dream per se, but I'm asleep, and it feels like one, but with no imagery or anything. There's an intense feeling of unreality and dissociation that comes along with it. I'd describe it as kind of similar to the strange feeling that comes with a migraine aura, but much more intense and much much weirder.
When I wake up, I feel extremely sleepy and confused for a few moments, but physically completely fine. Then after about a minute, I'm overwhelmed with sudden, immediate, incapacitating IBS pain. The pain will last all day, and is by far the worse IBS pain I get. It happens once or twice a year. And always exactly like this (e.g., never when I'm awake, or after a nap.)
I don't get anything like that "aura" preceding normal IBS symptoms.
Migraine with aura
The aura is a dark spot starting on the lower-right of my field of vision which increases to fill about 1/3 of the lower right-hand side. Random smaller dark spots appear across my field of vision, and sometimes small point-like scintillating spots.
Pain is also localized on the right-hand side just behind my eye, extending backwards for a bit, and I'd typically describe as throbbing.
The migraines come and go. I might have them every day for weeks, then none for months or years. But typically it's several a month.
I also have frequent regular headaches, several a week.
Neurological workup is fine otherwise.
Cymbalta 60mg 1/day, as a preventative. It works okay.
Sumatriptan, when needed. Also works okay, both together make a migraine tolerable but still bothersome.
Eustachian tube dysfunction / objective tinnitus
In both ears, but primarily the right ear, I have Eustachian tube dysfunction. The tubes are closed most of the time, like I have a cold. I do the Valsalva maneuver several times a day to help. There's no fluid buildup though.
Often I hear a rumbling sound in my ears that is nearly identical to what you hear when you yawn. When this happens, by placing my finger just in front of my ear I can clearly feel something twitching, there's significant movement. Pressing with moderate force typically stops it.
It's extremely irritating and distracting, but doesn't seem to hurt my hearing. AFAIK nothing triggers the rumbling, and the only thing that stops it is pressure. It's mostly bothersome at night. I've been tested for allergies, and didn't find any serious ones.
Very occasionally, my ears ring for a few seconds or minutes. Sometimes the background "tone" changes, like when a bad movie cuts from one person's dialogue to someone else's and it feels like it doesn't match.
Deviated septum
A year ago I had a septoplasty and inferior turbinate reduction to correct a deviated septum I'd had since I was a kid, making it increasingly hard to breathe out of my right nostril. Covering the left nostril and breathing out of the right would make me feel like I was suffocating. AFAIK there was no trauma that caused this.
CT scans didn't show any sinusitis or inflammation and septal deviation was "moderate."
Surgery went great and it's much better, but the right-hand side still feels like there's less throughput. I can feel this clearly if I block one nostril and exhale out the other. The ENT says that there're no obstructions or other reasons he can see for this and doesn't know why it's happening. I'd say the right nostril has like 75% of the throughput of the left one.
I've also been diagnosed with ADHD, the inattentive type.
Also anxiety and depression. As a teenager they were more severe, now they're more manageable. Saw psychologists for years but don't anymore.
I've tried several SSRI/SNRIs, and none of them have helped at all. But they have had sexual side effects of significantly decreased libido and difficulty maintaining erections. I still get erections in the mornings fine. Without the drugs I've never had these problems. They also made me pretty anhedonic in the long-run.
I take Vyvanse 40 mg, a few times a week for the ADHD symptoms. I'd take it more frequently, but it causes the same sexual side-effects as the SSRI/SNRIs. For some reason the Vyvanse almost completely eliminates my anxiety within about an hour of taking it.
Cialis 5mg, for sexual side-effects, but it's only a little helpful.
Weird symptoms
I haven't had a diagnosis associated with any of these. I've had these all since I was a kid/teenager.
Minor weird things
Probably not related to anything, but for completeness. I've also had all of these since I was a kid/teenager.
Family history
I've had so many tests I can't think of them all. They always come back normal, with the exception of low vitamin D (19).
I had lots of tests for IBS as a teenager, including uppelower GIs, and a bunch other I don't remember.
Recently had comprehensive metabolic panel, thyroid tests, testosterone test, estradiol test, and a bunch of STD tests. All normal, but Glucose is in the high 90s (but it's always been < 99) and cholesterol is a little high.
Blood pressure is on the high end of normal, resting heart rate is in the 80s.
My Apple watch says my EEG is fine, SpO2 is fine, and sleep is fine with no interruptions and no drops in SpO2 or respiration rate.
Other daily medications
Fexofenadine, multivitamin
submitted by Migraine_Brain_123 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 02:07 Working-Economy-7600 Alien love story

I smoked a bunch cause my neighbour died and I stole his stash and then I went on a walk. I stumbled upon a big white box in the middle of nowhere and it smelt super bad. I opened the side door because it was pouring rain and ran in. There was a big stair case leading up to the top floor and I was so tired but there was a weird sound coming from the top door. Once I got to the top I opened the door to a room that kind of looked like a morgue. I opened one of the sliding drawers and a lengthy green figure lay on the trey and then sat up. I was weirdly not scared and then it held my hand. I think it was mind controlling me cause I lay down on it’s morgue drawer and then it ripped off my pants. I was tired and didn’t feel like moving but then I think it might have fucked my bum? It then closed the morgue drawer and it went dark. I heard alarms and the next thing I knew I was awake on my table at home. I know it wasn’t a dream and the cube road was blocked off the next day. Am I pregnant with aliens? Am I in danger? #cube
submitted by Working-Economy-7600 to newbrunswickcanada [link] [comments]

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submitted by dR_ExpLiciT to OculusReferralLinks [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:46 Ok-Perspective4266 As I Sit By The Sea"

"As I Sit by the Sea"
-by Danny Wayne Evans
dedicated to Ernest Hemingway
"Every day, people make history"
As the old man sat by the sea, he felt his mind and thoughts drift in and out, as if on the tides of night, to days that happened oh, so long ago. He loved sitting here on his porch, with only his smokes and drink to keep him company. As he would watch the tide come rolling in for the night, he loved to watch the water, a neverending delight to him; as, with each splashing pass, it would come creeping ever closer to the porch, yet never ever coming quite close enough. The old man would watch, as the tide rolled it's endless song back into the ocean, as if to greet the next, oncoming wave. He watched as the sand would glisten in the pale moon's glow, as it's top skin sucked it's way back into the sea. The old man supposed that, eventually, with time's strange eons, all things returned back to the sea; but he had never seen the water ever creep closer to what he called "the mark"; except when hurricane season would set in; then he would just merely batten down the hatches, wait out the storm's fine and wild fury until it finally abated, and then, next morning, go out to see what the ocean had given back to the lands of men. One time, he had found a long string of green sea kelp, strung attached to the eaves in the roof of the porch. He remembered clearly that the storm that night had been relentless in it's fury, shivering the timbers and beams of his home. Another time, he had found an ancient mast from some long ago, forgotten ship that had must have sunk far off in the past; cast up on the dunes very near his house, as if the sea had paid pale tribute, yet cried pardon for the souls of men she had claimed; yet still too proud to say but with a sea's silent cry; forgiveness for the taking of the children of the earth, but their temerity brought them thus. Yet, another time, he had gone out amidst the sun's first light, and found that the porch had been covered with a high layer of sand. It had taken him and hour and a half to finally clear the porch, but in the last patch of sand he cleaned away, he found with glee a single gold doubloon, no more, yet no less. He had it then strung on the finest gold filigree chain he could find; his own personal "pearl of great worth", as it was; which he supposed he would wear until his dying day; which he would then bequeath to his son, in remembrance of him. Sometimes, much like tonight, he would just merely sit on his porch, and listen to the hush-hush of the surf, as the waves gently slap onto his beach. He would watch as the daylight's last glimmer faded off into that foamy, faraway horizon; as if the sun was crossing some strange nether regions of space on a bridge made of starbeams of night; to shine once more again in the lands of faery; where silvan bells would peal forth, and the songs of forgotten gods and kings would sing forth their praises of their dawn; strange, unknown, unheard enchanted music; only to be heard by men and women with aching hearts that strived for something more than this life, and died with the music still on their lips; sung only to others in dreams. Today, he remembered he had come out somewhat earlier than usual, pleasantly melancholy, (and a slightly bit drunk), just in time to see the wind wash afar off the last remnants of a summertime drizzle just a few miles off from his house, the water eventually returning back to the sea. He could actually see where the path of the wind took the rain, like some strange aurorae borialis of the waves; it was like at times, the sky bent to kiss the sea. As he watched and listened, here in his own private night, the stars smiled and whispered and twinkled down from the heavens; forgotten photographs of light years away. He found himself amazed, like a small eight year old boy, to think that the first drop of water to have ever fell from heaven was still out there somewhere, maybe mingling in the depths of the sea, maybe playing gently in the lap of the reef, maybe even up there kissing the sky back in some high, far-flunged cloud, or maybe it could be somewheres in the tears that slowly tricked down his cheek; as he closed his eyes, 
and smiled...
He was still smiling, when the boy who usually walked the beach in the morning found him. "It was just so strange." said the investigating detective to his wife later that night. "That old man must had died sometimes during the night, but the smile he had on his face made him look just like an eight year old boy." 
"There, there", his wife cooed to him, as she tucked and snuggled to covers close to his face for him.
"That must be what it's like to die in peace...", the detective mummered, right before sleep took his mind away; leaving his body there, all alone, though his wife lay close by his side. As he slept, far off into the night, a single tear trickled down his face, like the first drop of water to ever touch dry land. Afar off the beach where the old man had lived and died, on a outcrop spar of land, a lonely lighthouse touched it's beams on the the bellysides of the clouds above, which raced inward from the sea to once again kiss the land. The lightbeams struggled mightily to convey a most important message to the skies above; yet strove more to remember the message it once had to convey.......... 
submitted by Ok-Perspective4266 to stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:44 Plastic-Guava-6941 Never let a human escape : One Shot Short Story

Never let a human escape : One Shot Short Story
Mike Samson jolted awake to a blinding light flooding his studio apartment. He shielded his eyes as crackling arcs of blue energy danced across his body, every nerve suddenly detonating in anguished fire. Paralysis gripped his muscles even as he tried to cry out.
Looming figures materialized amidst the electrical flare - grotesque bipedal reptilians with leering crimson eyes and taloned hands. Their lipless maws stretched wide, lolling forked tongues scenting the air as they surrounded Mike's prone form. Guttural alien words were hissed back and forth, the meaning opaque but dripping with malign intent.
Mike's world became a whirlwind of thrashing limbs and piercing shrieks as he was wrenched from the safety of his apartment. His fingernails raked futilely across floorboards until the reptilians pinned his flailing appendages, injecting him with an insidious inky ichor. Sedation flooded his mind in cloying chemical shockwaves, subsuming him into a lightless gulf of terrified delirium.
When consciousness sputtered back, he found himself entombed in a claustrophobic metal chamber. Tubes and cables snaked across his naked bruised body, adhering to his flesh with osculating mouthparts that pumped calibrated chemistries through his bloodstream. The chamber's curved walls throbbed with alien energies and holographic readouts scrawling reams of data in indecipherable xenolinguistics.
Mike retched in breathless cycles, his throat burning from acidic expulsions. Liquid terror coursed through his veins as unfathomable implications slowly crystallized. He'd been aliens...for reasons his traumatized psyche refused to countenance. Test subject, lab rat, biological curiosity - none of those roles offered any shred of consolation as the chamber's atmosphere toxified with soporific aerosols and dragged him back into oblivion's void.

Has it been hours? Days? Weeks?
Mike drifted in and out of muddled consciousness, his bearings unmoored from any sense of time's passage. Periods of lucidity were fleeting islands amid an endless ocean of drugged delirium. The only constant was the steady throb of his heartbeat reminding him he still clung to life.
Alien machinery burred and chirped all around him in a maddening industrial symphony. Icy metal restraints bit into his wrists and ankles with every feeble twitch of struggle against their corrosive bite. Mike's throat was raw from bellowing until his voice gave out - hoarse howls of mutinous fury directed at his unseen jailors.
Visions flickered at the peripheries of his sedation-blurred mind. Arcane readouts and holographic displays bathing him in eldritch kaleidoscopic hues. Twisting shapes moving just outside his field of vision, forms that struck primordial chords of terror within his fraying psyche.
Where was he? What fresh abomination had he been submitted to by these...things? His memories were scorched ashes swirling in mental windstorms, cyclones of delirium peeling back each successive layer of reality until only the stark existential core remained - survive, escape, or die.
Each agonizing return to lucidity saw Mike renewing his struggles against the restraints with snarling desperation. He could feel his body's resistance to the sedatives gradually building, his flashes of cognizance persisting for longer intervals before the soporific tsunami dragged him back under.
He pulled at the bonds until his wrists ran with blood, snarling through clenched teeth as his muscles screamed in agony. Every iota of leverage was exploited, his frame bowing into a tortured arch as tendons and ligaments strained in rebellion against the metal's embrace.
Something had to give. He could feel the integrity of his bonds slowly compromising. A hairline fracture caulking, threads sheering apart with each explosive exertion. The acrid tang of his own sweat and desperation flooded Mike's nostrils, lending visceral momentum to his thrashings as sanity ebbed.
With a scream of cathartic ferocity, one strap's corroded links finally severed under his single-minded throes. An arm broke free, flailing wildly as it summited its shackled peak. Mike's roars achieved a galvanizing fervor as realization blossomed - his escape was now inevitable, even if it meant shredding every tendon and dislocating every bone.
He needed to escape. He needed to get back home.
The chamber reverberated with the wail of klaxons, their shrill cries cutting through the air like banshees unleashed. Warning lights pulsed in a frenzied dance, casting eerie shadows across the metallic walls.
They knew he was free.


The stench of burning insulation seared Mike's nostrils as he clawed his way free of the shattered alien wreckage. Jagged shards of metal sliced deep into his palms, warm blood streaming over his trembling fingers. He sucked in a ragged breath of toxins and smoke, instantly doubling over in a fit of rasping coughs that lasted until spots clouded his vision.
Disoriented, he dragged himself across a carpet of mangled bodies and severed limbs. The dead seemed to leer at him with glassy eyes, their jaws frozen in forever-screams of agony. He retched uncontrollably at the sight, vomiting up streams of sour bile until his abdomen clenched with painful spasms.
Get up! His mind screamed the command like a slaver's lash. Trembling, Mike rose to his feet, nearly collapsing again as his gaze fell upon the ruined wasteland surrounding him. The alien craft's hull had been torn asunder, scattering twisted wreckage across a desolate clearing. In the distance, a verdant alien jungle extended in every direction, its dense foliage seeming to pulse with threats undiscerned.
His first urges were to curl up and expire like the corpses at his feet. Let this nightmare claim him. Perhaps in oblivion's void he might find merciful respite. But a more primal drive recoiled within him - the ingrained human compulsion to persevere, no matter how hopeless or harrowing the circumstances.
Stumbling through the burning wreckage, Mike became a scavenger parsing through the leavings of carnage. A sharpened length of metal shearing became his first weapon, still streaked with the fluorescent blood of its alien former owner. Strips of insulation were wrapped around his lacerated palms as makeshift bandages.
Clutching the blade, he forged on into the unknown depths of the jungle, its shadows and stifling humidity seeming to swallow him whole as he ventured heedlessly forward with no clear destination. All that mattered was putting distance between himself and the haunting mass grave of the alien craft.
Days stretched into sole-lacerating weeks as Mike wandered the primordial arboreal maze, slowly surrendering vestiges of his former life with each agonizing step. The blood-sodden layers of his tattered clothing gradually fell away until he moved through the jungle's gloom entirely nude and feral. His fair skin was sunburnt and leathery, his once pampered hands transformed into gnarled claws.
While the sustenance of unfamiliar alien vegetation helped slake his thirst, hunger remained his constant goad and tormentor. He eyed the scurrying forms of reptilian creatures with the raptor focus of a starving animal until the will to survive eclipsed all human compunction.
Using his sharpened metal shard, he dissected and consumed his first kill like a ravening beast, slurping up morsels of glistening flesh and shredding hide with his bare teeth. The act was a sordid rebirth, irrevocably severing him from his former existence. With each hunt, each successful skirmish against the jungle's myriad lethal threats, he lost more of whatever lingering humanity still persisted.
When at last he encountered the giant bipedal alien hunters, Mike was all but unrecognizable. His filthy, emaciated form was caked in dried sweat, grime and ichors of past kills. His salt-encrusted hair hung in matted cords over eyes that no longer showed anything beyond the desperation of a starved predator.
Armed with an arsenal of bone spears and crude blades fashioned from discarded alien tech, he fell upon the hunting party with such ferocious savagery that they initially mistook him for a member of their own reptilian species. Bellowing wordless screeches of fury, Mike decapitated and eviscerated with the unreasoning violence of a rabid animal.
Only after painting his entire body in the vibrant ichor of his slaughtered adversaries did his primal frenzy begin to abate. He stood in the sanguine entrail-strewn aftermath like a feral pagan idol of warfare. Gone was any glimmer of the man he had once been before his ordeal. That identity was dead, replaced by a nameless, savage demigod whose only purpose was to endure.
As Mike submerged himself back into the jungle's leafy shadows, a mad bark of laughter escaped his cracked lips. He was no longer a prisoner to this world - the worlditself was now the shackled captive, unable to extinguish the indomitable spark of his will to survive. No depredation, anguish or madness could extinguish the raging furnace of his need to persevere at any cost.
He was the alpha and the omega of this blighted untamed hell. All else that cross his path would be subsumed by the remorseless riptide of his existence. Reason, mercy, and hope were antiquated relics he'd gladly use as tinder to stoke the inextinguishable bonfire of his will to endure unto forever. His metamorphosis was complete.

The air hung thick and fetid in the Cenmeri rainforest, a miasma of rot and desperation. Tchir's leathery nostrils flared as he scented his prey - the sweet, cloying musk of human fear. His massive tail lashed back and forth, crushing underbrush with each powerful swing. Wicked talons as long as daggers flexed, eager to rend flesh from bone.
Tchir signaled his hunting pack with a guttural hiss. Six hardened killers fanned out in formation, their bodies adorned with jagged scars and ritualistic markings. They moved with a predator's graceful menace through the gloom.
Up ahead, the mutilated remains of a previous team littered the jungle floor like obscene blossoms. Entrails painted the foliage in garish streaks of crimson. One corpse hung crucified from a tree trunk, its sightless eyes already being consumed by rapacious insects.
A low, bestial growl rumbled from Tchir's gaping maw. The human was close. He could taste its acrid stench of terror, Could hear its feeble heart hammering like a war drum. His obsidian claws dug into the loamy soil as he inhaled deeply, triangulating the fear pheromones saturating the air.
Without warning, bloody carnage erupted. One hunter pitched backwards, impaled by an impossibly long metal spike that seemed to appear from nowhere. Another's head detonated in a crimson mist as something unseen moved through the jungle with blurring speed. Tchir roared in fury, the sound shaking leaves from the canopy.
His packmates opened fire blindly into the vegetation, high-caliber rounds chewing through wood and pulping anything in their path. For a suspended moment, the forest held its breath, hunkering in dread anticipation.
Then it began anew - dismembered limbs and viscera raining from the treetops in a foul deluge. Tchir felt white-hot agony erupt across his back as he spun, jaws snapping at his invisible tormentor. A handful of razor-edged flechettes protruded from his armored hide, punched there by immense force.
One by one, the hunters fell, their anguished screams abruptly truncated. Only Tchir remained, crouched in the greasy mulch, stunned and alone. He snapped his head from side to side, searching in vain for any trace of the human.
Without warning, it was there - a blur of movement depositing itself atop Tchir's barrel chest, knees pinning his arms. The stench of its fear had transformed to a feral musk of hatred. Tchir snarled up at his attacker, hideously deformed jaws stretching wide in a futile attempt to disembowel the human.
It leaned in close, pupils glittering like polished obsidian. It smiled mirthlessly, lips pulling back to expose teeth augmented to keen points. In its hands it held a gleaming blade, its mirrored edge seeming to swallow all light.
The human's sardonic voice was a slithering whisper: "You should not have brought me here."
With a solitary, fluid motion, it drew the blade across Tchir's jugular. Boiling green ichor geysered from the gaping wound as the hunter's mighty body shuddered and fell still. The human rose, drenched in Tchir's lifeblood, yet seemed utterly apathetic to the horrific violence it had committed.
Vkralt hissed in frustration as the holographic tactical display flickered through the latest reconnaissance imagery. More of his kinsmen's corpses, strewn like butchered meat among the mangled wreckage of their insertion craft.
Around the dimly lit command pavilion, his fellow elders shifted in agitated silence, their armored tails lashing behind them. They knew the implications as well as Vkralt - another extraction team had been massacred by the human fugitive.
"This cannot continue," Vkralt finally growled, spiked tongue flicking out to taste the tension in the air. "That mammalian's vendetta has already claimed over fifty Karrthaz lives. We are hemorrhaging our finest warriors to equatorial folly."
"What choice remains to us?" One of the elders finally rasped. "We cannot allow such an abomination to range unfettered across the jungle, consumed by hatred and seeking indiscriminate vengeance."
"And we cannot solicit intervention from any of the greater civilized worlds," snapped another. "To do so admits we attempted sentient species ! We just short of confess we broke the intergalactic Rites of Observation."
"Perhaps..." a raspy voice joined the discourse, every head turning to regard the withered form of Kalrax the Ancient.
Eyes filmed with cataracts, the wizened elder nonetheless fixed the gathered throng with a stare that demanded deference. "Perhaps we have underestimated the magnitude of consequence should we fail to excise this human remnant."
Akralt lowered his head in solemn obeisance. "Enlighten us, Ancestor."
Kalrax worked his jaws slowly, every word feeling carved rather than spoken: "We have already borne witness to the damage one solitary human is capable of perpetrating. With only the basest tools and primordial wrath as weapons. Now ponder...what if this human is allowed to escape and interface with its terrestrial hive-kin? What if a unified human force, augmented by their burgeoning technologies, took offense at our violations and sought unconditional retaliation?"
A horrified susurrus passed through the assembled Karrthaz as the implications reverberated. Raising a single gnarled talon, Kalrax silenced them and continued in a voice gone deathly quiet:
"If a lone, nameless terrestrial is capable of such devastation...what horrors would befall the Karrthaz lineage should we face the combined wrath of its entire planet? We Risk Extinction..."
I dub this StoryBait.
If you liked this one shot and want a more complete story then try my Amazon Novel. Available on Kindle Unlimited You can also access Exclusive one shots and my entire ongoing novel series on Patreon
If you have a one shot story Idea you want me write, let me know and I will try my best!
submitted by Plastic-Guava-6941 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:35 Middle_Astronomer824 Help. Green/brown substance in smoked pork shoulder.

Help. Green/brown substance in smoked pork shoulder.
Green/brown substance on a smoked pork shoulder. I’m definitely no expert but I’ve done a few of these and have never seen anything like this colotexture wise. Pictures aren’t great. No off putting smell but the color has me thinking I should toss it.
submitted by Middle_Astronomer824 to BBQ [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 23:56 Bromageddon Diagnosed with hiatal hernia couple times, not sure if these symptoms are related. Trying to narrow down a cause, because I am MISERABLE.

Good morning folks. I might be in the wrong subreddit but as my docs have diagnosed me with GERD and a hiatal hernia as an actual medical condition, I figured I would try here and the GERD subreddit.
I am experiencing the following symptoms/feelings on an empty stomach:
  1. Some sort of intensely uncomfortable movement every few minutes, it FEELS like gas moving through my actual upper stomach area but rarely does it turn into a burp. Imagine a xenomorph baby moving through your stomach areas. I can force this movement by flexing my diaphragm, and it will occur when moving/twisting the abdominal region of my body.
  2. An internal squelching/gurgle sound and sensation when the movement in #3 occurs. This triggers immediate mental irritation and intense feelings of disgust.
  3. Symptoms/sensations return an hour or two after eating a medium to full size meal. After which I have to tolerate it or snack until my next full meal.
These symptoms only go away if I eat a medium to large meal.
I am currently down to a fodmap diet, essentially eating white rice, chicken, beef, a few types of vegetables (green beans, peas, broccoli), and potato based bread.
I am fairly sedentary. Walking is my main exercise and I only do about 20km of that a week on average.
These sensations are especially intense in the morning, even occurring within an hour after eating.
I do not snack while sleeping at night.
I've determined through the fodmap diet that it's not food causing this, and highly doubt it could be since the sensations in the morning are happening some 12 hours after my last meal.
I've quit smoking weed entirely and do not do any other recreational drugs (I don't even drink alcohol) so that also is not a cause.
I drink plenty of water and rarely eat sugar.
This has been going on for several years and current medications are not a factor.
I am miserable. This is taking over my life. I have a terrible relationship with food due some intolerances, and this situation happening every morning and an hour or so after every meal is making that food relationship even worse. I crave eating and snacking to kill the pain/cramps/squelching but I can't just mindlessly eat snacks every day.
I've been to several doctors over the past couple years, gotten a couple of endoscopy and colonoscopies, trace tests, allergy and diabetes tests. So far nothing can point out what's causing this highly specific sensation.
If anyone has taken the time to read this and has any experience or knowledge of this situation, please DM me or reply to this post. Anything I can take to my doctors or do for relief will be welcome information.
Thank you for reading, have a nice day.
submitted by Bromageddon to HiatalHernia [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 23:11 AEGISAlliance CSL Plasma: Get 5,000 iGive Rewards® points ($50) after five donations for new donors! (Plus new donor bonus money) Using the CSL Plasma app! Referral Code: ZULMHXXVCB Solid advice for new plasma donors included! Thank you!

Link to download app:
I have advice for new plasma donors who may be considering to try it out and earn extra money:
  1. Eat a meal high in protein 2-3 hours before donating, but your plasma protein levels depend on what you ate the day before.
  2. Drink plenty of water and/or non-caffeinated juice before donating to stay hydrated.
  3. Avoid caffeine such as in coffee or soda before donating or you may get nauseous and vomit or faint during your donation.
  4. No alcohol 24 hours before, and for a little while after donating.
  5. No exercising for at least 6 hours after donating as it can put too much stress on the vein.
  6. Some people get away with smoking or vaping nicotine before and after donating, but it's recommended not to for 2 hours before and after. The nicotine can raise your heart's pulse rate.
  7. If your pulse rate is 100 or above, you'll be able to do a vitals retake after a 15 minute wait. But if it's 100 or higher again you'll be deferred for the day. If your pulse rate is an issue, listen to "Pink Noise" or "Green Noise" at a low volume before donating which may help reduce your pulse rate, along with its effect on lowering your blood pressure.
  8. There is a risk of getting a blown vein if the worker is having a hard time finding your vein when they're sticking you with the needle or if you have small veins. You may get deferred until your vein heals if that happens. But it's ok, your body is able to regenerate your veins with a process called Angiogenesis.
  9. There is a risk of blood clots, but when your blood is constantly moving through the machine it prevents that from happening.
  10. You may be subject to drug screening. The drug screening tests for methamphetamines, cocaine, and heroin. Certain pharma prescription meds may show up as a false positive so you'll want to let the plasma center know what meds you're taking. Testing positive for these drugs can result in a permanent deferral from donating plasma.
  11. A sample of your blood will be drawn periodically to test for certain sexually transmitted infections (STIs). A positive test will result in either a temporary or permanent deferral from donating plasma. If you've ever been diagnosed or received treatment for HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B (HBV) or Hepatitis C (HCV) you will be permanently deferred from donating plasma.
Donating Plasma with Managed Diabetes
Individuals with well-controlled diabetes can contribute to plasma donation, but certain criteria need to be met:
Absence of Complications: This means no existing diabetic complications affecting your kidneys, heart, blood vessels, or eyes.
Insulin Independence: If you rely on insulin for diabetes management, a three-month waiting period is required after using needles for non-prescribed medications. Additionally, you must be free of symptoms or treatment needs related to blood sugar fluctuations (high or low) for the past three months.
  1. Healthy Feet: Active foot ulcers requiring medical attention will disqualify you from donation.
  2. Steady Balance: You shouldn't experience dizziness or lightheadedness upon standing.
  3. Type 1 Consideration: For Type 1 diabetics, eating within two hours of donation is mandatory.
Link to download app:
CSL Plasma: Get 5,000 iGive Rewards® points ($50) after five donations for new donors! (Plus new donor bonus money) Using the CSL Plasma app! Code: ZULMHXXVCB Thank you!
submitted by AEGISAlliance to TheCSLPlasma [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 23:07 AEGISAlliance CSL Plasma: Get 5,000 iGive Rewards® points ($50) after five donations for new donors! (Plus new donor bonus money) Using the CSL Plasma app! Referral Code: ZULMHXXVCB Solid advice for new plasma donors included! Thank you!

Link to download app:
I have advice for new plasma donors who may be considering to try it out and earn extra money:
  1. Eat a meal high in protein 2-3 hours before donating, but your plasma protein levels depend on what you ate the day before.
  2. Drink plenty of water and/or non-caffeinated juice before donating to stay hydrated.
  3. Avoid caffeine such as in coffee or soda before donating or you may get nauseous and vomit or faint during your donation.
  4. No alcohol 24 hours before, and for a little while after donating.
  5. No exercising for at least 6 hours after donating as it can put too much stress on the vein.
  6. Some people get away with smoking or vaping nicotine before and after donating, but it's recommended not to for 2 hours before and after. The nicotine can raise your heart's pulse rate.
  7. If your pulse rate is 100 or above, you'll be able to do a vitals retake after a 15 minute wait. But if it's 100 or higher again you'll be deferred for the day. If your pulse rate is an issue, listen to "Pink Noise" or "Green Noise" at a low volume before donating which may help reduce your pulse rate, along with its effect on lowering your blood pressure.
  8. There is a risk of getting a blown vein if the worker is having a hard time finding your vein when they're sticking you with the needle or if you have small veins. You may get deferred until your vein heals if that happens. But it's ok, your body is able to regenerate your veins with a process called Angiogenesis.
  9. There is a risk of blood clots, but when your blood is constantly moving through the machine it prevents that from happening.
  10. You may be subject to drug screening. The drug screening tests for methamphetamines, cocaine, and heroin. Certain pharma prescription meds may show up as a false positive so you'll want to let the plasma center know what meds you're taking. Testing positive for these drugs can result in a permanent deferral from donating plasma.
  11. A sample of your blood will be drawn periodically to test for certain sexually transmitted infections (STIs). A positive test will result in either a temporary or permanent deferral from donating plasma. If you've ever been diagnosed or received treatment for HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B (HBV) or Hepatitis C (HCV) you will be permanently deferred from donating plasma.
Donating Plasma with Managed Diabetes
Individuals with well-controlled diabetes can contribute to plasma donation, but certain criteria need to be met:
Absence of Complications: This means no existing diabetic complications affecting your kidneys, heart, blood vessels, or eyes.
Insulin Independence: If you rely on insulin for diabetes management, a three-month waiting period is required after using needles for non-prescribed medications. Additionally, you must be free of symptoms or treatment needs related to blood sugar fluctuations (high or low) for the past three months.
  1. Healthy Feet: Active foot ulcers requiring medical attention will disqualify you from donation.
  2. Steady Balance: You shouldn't experience dizziness or lightheadedness upon standing.
  3. Type 1 Consideration: For Type 1 diabetics, eating within two hours of donation is mandatory.
Link to download app:
CSL Plasma: Get 5,000 iGive Rewards® points ($50) after five donations for new donors! (Plus new donor bonus money) Using the CSL Plasma app! Code: ZULMHXXVCB Thank you!
submitted by AEGISAlliance to CSLPlasmaReferrals [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 23:06 TheEnd725 [WTS][WTT] Niche Sample Lot(Decant)
the number is the amount of ml left in the sample
Vilheim mango skin 1.7
Bois 1920 Oltremare 1
Chanel no 19 2
Matiere Premiere Parisian Musk 0.5
Tabaco Coqui Coqui 1
jaques fath green water 2
Les indemoables Oriental Velours 3
rubini odenature 1
fillippo sorcellini unum lavs 1
$30 shipped for the whole lot. open to split
submitted by TheEnd725 to fragranceswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 22:59 fuzzycjo [WTS] Lots of decants- feminine, unisex, masculine, designers, cheapies, niche (decant)

Hi all!
Decanting my and my husband's collection of 160+ scents.
I've got a little bit of everything, feminine, unisex and masculine, designers, cheapies, niche and a few indie.
Shipping is $6 Oregon> CONUS + AK, $50+ free shipping (will consider shipping for actual shipping cost to HI, PR, Canada, UK, buyer assumes risk, F&F only, please ask). Orders will ship no later than 2 days after payment received, but I often ship next-day. (Weekends excluded)
Pricing is in USD
CashApp, Venmo, PayPal, Zelle, if using G&S, please cover the fee.
I will meet or beat any legit gray market decant site, must be same scent and size.
Scroll to the right on mobile
Decants: (Click link for pictures)
House Scent 3ml 5ml 10ml
Armani Code EDT $9 $14 $21
Mania EDT (disc) $24 $32 $55
BDK Gris Charnel EDP $12 $20 $28
Gris Charnel Extrait $14 $22 $32
Rouge Smoking EDP $9 $14 $26
Bond No. 9 Gold Coast EDP $14 $22 $32
NoMad EDP $14 $22 $32
Calvin Klein Euphoria Men EDT $5 $10 $15
Carolina Herrera Good Girl EDP $12 $18 $25
Good Girl Blush $12 $18 $28
Good Girl Blush Elixir $12 $20 $28
Dazzling Garden $12 $20 $28
Good Girl Gold Fantasy $12 $20 $28
Good Girl Gold Supreme $12 $20 $28
Good Girl Legere $12 $20 $28
Very Good Girl $12 $20 $28
Clean Air EDT $5 $10 $15
Cool Cotton EDT $5 $10 $15
Fresh Linens EDP $5 $10 N/A
Chloe Chloe EDP $12 $18 $25
Coach Dreams $8 $12 $20
Poppy Citrine Blossom $8 $12 $20
Creed Green Irish Tweed $12 $15 $26
Silver Mountain Water $12 $15 $26
Demeter Earl Grey $5 $7 $13
Gingerale $5 $7 N/A
Green Tea $5 $7 $13
Lychee $5 $7 $13
Sheerest Musk $5 $17 $13
Thunderstorm $5 $17 $13
Dior Miss Dior Parfum (2024) $12 $20 $28
Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue EDT (Women's) $8 $12 N/A
Light Blue EDT (Men's) $5 $10 $15
The One EDP (Men's) $5 $10 $15
Donna Karan Cashmere Mist EDP $8 $12 $20
DKNY Be Delicious $5 $7 $13
Dua A White Milk Gourmand Escape $10 $13 $22
Arena $10 $13 $22
Cardamom Chai $10 $13 $22
Casino Elixir $10 $13 $22
Floral Explosion of Orchids $8 $12 $20
Greatness $8 $12 $20
Sweet Twists! $8 $12 $20
White Freesia $8 $12 $20
White Milk $8 $12 $20
Escentric Molecules Escentric 01 $8 $12 $20
Molecule 01 $8 $12 $20
Molecule 01 + Black Tea $10 $13 $22
Molecule 02 $8 $12 $20
Molecule 05 $8 $12 $20
Glossier You $10 $15 $23
Gucci Flora Gorgeous Gardenia $10 $15 $23
Guilty (Women's) EDP $10 $15 $23
Imaginary Authors Whiff of Wafflecone V1 $10 $15 $23
Initio Musk Therapy Extrait $18 $30 $
Jeroboam Insulo Extrait $25 $25 N/A
Ligno Extrait $25 $25 N/A
Jo Malone English Pear & Freesia $12 $20 $28
Ginger Biscuit $12 $20 $28
Myrrh & Tonka $12 $20 $28
Poppy & Barley $12 $20 $28
Scarlet Poppy $12 $20 $28
Wood Sage & Sea Salt $12 $20 $28
Juliette Has a Gun Juliette $7 $9 $18
Not a Perfume $7 $9 $18
Pear, Inc $8 $10 $18
Kilian Born to be Unforgettable $14 $22 $32
Sunkissed Goddess $25 $35 $65
Mith Thai Tea $10 $13 $22
Maison Margiela Jazz Club $8 $12 $20
Replica By the Fireplace $8 $12 $20
Mancera Cedrat Boise $10 $13 $22
Instant Crush (Screw Cap) $9 $14 $21
Tonka Cola $9 $14 $21
Marc Jacobs Daisy Dream EDP $10 $15 N/A
Daisy Eau so Fresh EDT $10 $15 $23
Daisy Wild $10 $15 $23
Montale Intense Cafe $8 $12 $20
Mango Manga EDP $8 $12 $20
Mugler Kryptomint (disc.) $15 $25 $32
Nest Citrine $12 $20 $28
Golden Nectar $12 $20 $28
Indigo $12 $20 $28
Lychee Rose $12 $20 $28
Sunkissed Hibiscus $12 $20 $28
Wisteria Blue $12 $20 $28
Nette Thé Vanille $12 $20 $28
Nishane Ambra Calabria $12 $20 $28
Wulong Cha $12 $20 $28
Outremer Cola $9 $12 $20
Tea $9 $12 $20
Philosophy Amazing Grace Magnolia $10 $15 $23
Falling in Love EDT $10 $15 $23
Field of Flowers Peony Blossom $10 $15 $23
Fresh Cream $10 $15 $23
Radiant Grace EDP $10 $15 $23
Prada Candy $8 $12 $25
Candy Sugar Pop $8 $12 $23
Paradoxe $9 $14 $26
Ralph Lauren Romance EDP $8 $10 $18
Romance Le Parfum $8 $12 $20
Sand + Fog Amber Rose EDP Oil $9
Jasmine & Cedarwood EDP Oil $9 $12
Pistachio Dreams EDP Oil $6 $10 $19
Santal & Cardamom EDP Oil $9
Vanilla Musk EDP Oil $9 $12
Violet Sandalwood EDP Oil $6 $10 $19
White Vanilla EDP Oil $6 $10 $19
Snif Soda Snob EDP $10 $17 N/A
Taskeen Caramel Cascade $6 $8 $12
Valentino Donna Born in Roma Green Stravaganza $12 $18 $25
Uomo Yellow Dream EDT $10 $13 $22
Versace Bright Crystal Absolu $8 $12 $23
Dylan Blue EDP $8 $12 $23
Dylan Purple EDP $8 $12 $23
Dylan Turquoise EDP $8 $12 $23
Yellow Diamond EDT $8 $12 $25
Viktor & Rolf BonBon EDP $10 $15 $23
Spicebomb Infrared EDT $10 $15 $23
Xerjoff Dama Bianca EDP $12 $20 28
Erba Pura $10 $17 $27
La Tosca EDP $12 $20 $28
Naxos EDP $10 $17 $27
1888 Casamorati $14 N/A N/A
YSL Black Opium $9 $10 $20
Black Opium Illicit Green $10 $13 $22
Click here for the full list
Smaller sizes (1ml, 2ml available, heavy glass for 10ml +$3)
Please comment on the post before sending a chat request. Verifications are appreciated and returned!
Full list is regularly updated with any new inventory. Lots of samples, cheapies, some decent clones available as well.
Happy to answer any questions, provide any pictures etc...
Freebies included with any order of $20+ (and sometimes less.)
Thanks for checking out my post!
submitted by fuzzycjo to fragranceswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 22:56 Spicyliloxtail What are the best fragrances with unique notes?

I’m looking to add some new fragrances to my growing collection and would love some suggestions and steers in the right direction
I love fragrances with unique notes especially ones that surprise you as they dry down different from the opening
Some notes I love are: Incense/Smoke (especially when paired with rose), amber, green (leaves, moss), aquatics, patchouli, bergamot, pink peppercorn, tobacco (when paired with vanilla)
Also has anyone tried the noteworthy website where you take a quiz and make your own custom scents? If so I’d love to hear your experience
submitted by Spicyliloxtail to fragrance [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 22:41 chillylamb Smokefire EX4 constantly failing E3 or E6

I have had my SmokeFire EX4 grill for a little over a year. I have yet to be able to complete a long cook (4+ hours). I always come out to the message that grill has shut itself down.
I've gone through Weber support twice now, and followed their instructions. Burnpot, replace glow plugs, clean the auger, checked for damaged auger, empty all pellets, use only Weber pellets (for troubleshooting), etc.
It will work for shorter 1 hour cooks like clockwork, but if I leave it alone for longer, it fails.
Here are the pics I sent to Weber last time:
I'm truly on my last bit of patience with this. Luckily, I have a Green Egg to transfer my food over to, because otherwise I wouldn't be able to smoke anything.
Does anyone have any advice before I just punt and get another brand? Do I just have a lemon?
submitted by chillylamb to smokefire [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 22:35 Greenshardware [WTS] Discount soft goods (Spiritus, Osprey, WTF, Cobra, etc.), AK furniture, AR bits, M951, winter camo.

All prices shipped.
Automatic $5 discount for multiple items exceeding $25 total to give you some shipping back.
Paypal FF or Cashapp only.
Dibs rules. I’m present for a while after posting, feel free to make offers, seconds, or ask questions.
For safety, please PM me first after commenting here.

Osprey IV MTP, take the whole set for $50
Ammo Pouch (double SA80/AR) x3 $12 Ea
SA 80 (single mag) x1 $12
Smoke Grenade x1 $12
9mm Pistol x2 $9 ea
Commanders Panel x1 $13

WTF RG Modular Accessory Panel 00 $22
WTF RG 3 Column Expander Wing $16
WTF RG 4 Column Expander Wing $22
DIY Chest Rig. Honestly not sure how I ended up with so many, but they’re pretty sweet.

Esstac MC 7.62 Double Tall w/ 2 black and 2 brown WTFix $37
Esstac MC Pistol Single w/WTFix $17
Esstac RG 7.62 Single Tall $17

TREX MC Chest Rig Adapters $16
Chase Tactical MC Joey Pouch $40
Haley MC Hanger ol’ salty has initials here and there $22

WTF RG M4 Double $20
Direct Action RG Tac Reload (Tripple AR) $40
Spiritus RG MK 4 $60
Spiritus RG Half Flap $15
Spiritus RG TKO Pouch $20
Condor Green M Inner Outer Belt $17
Spiritus Insert 2x Pistol $10
8492 insert 1xM4 $10
Helikon Coyote Belt Molle Adapter $10

TT Brown Malice Clips x4 $10 set
TT Black Malice Clips x4 $10 set
TT Malice Wavy Style x2 $10 set
Condor Coyote MOD straps x10 $10 set
AustriAlpin COBRA 1.75” $20
AustriAlpin COBRA 2” $ 25

Complete Surefire M951 $200
Sig Romeo MSR complete $50 Free low mount
Faxon 300 BLK 6” 1:4 $120 Tiny nick on shoulder from removing stubborn crush washer, still shims concentric.
Zhukov S AKM Stock $50
Century AKM stock set $30
B5 Coyote Grip $13
Tactical Link PDW Grip $13
308 Carbine Buffer with spring $25

Polish wz. 93 Parka with liner 104/178 fits like a large $40
M05 Winter Sarma TST L3 Wind Anorak Medium Regular $90
M05 Snow Origopro Camo Jacket Medium Regular $90
submitted by Greenshardware to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 22:33 ImNotHalberstram Where to move in England from NI?

I've decided to move to England!
I'm not sure where to yet, further research is needed (maybe you guys could help me out), but I've decided today to start saving up to move out of my family's house in NI and move over to the mainland. I've given myself a year to save up enough, and I'm really looking forward to it.
I don't really have a preference, but ideally somewhere quite cheap enough for a single person to live by themselves. Where do you guys reckon would be best?
For the record: I don't drink/smoke so I'm not entirely fussed on having a massive social life so nightlife isn't a huge pull factor to me, more access to nature/green spaces/nice cafes etc
submitted by ImNotHalberstram to AskUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 21:39 nahimavegan (Selling) Huge List Of 1100+ Movies! Lots Of New And Rare Titles!

**Prices firm, but I take off $1.00 for every $10 spent (multiple items)*\*
**I accept PayPal, Venmo, & Cashapp*\*
**Codes are always split/dual portion where applicable, & have no DMI*\*
**Only redeem the portion you pay for!*\*
Birds of Prey HD/MA $3.5
Scoob! HD/MA $3.5
Wonder Woman: Bloodlines HD/MA $3.5
New additions
2000s 10-Film Bundle (The Departed 4K, I Am Legend 4K, Pan's Labyrinth 4K, The Hangover 4K, A History of Violence HD, Best in Show HD, A.I. Artificial Intelligence HD, Mystic River HD, Ocean's Eleven HD, Letters from Iwo Jima HD) HD/MA $30
48 Hrs HD/VU $6
65 HD/MA $4.5 or SD/MA $2.5
80 for Brady HD/VU $5
976-Evil HD/MA $5.5
A League of Their Own 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
A Monster Calls HD/MA $3
A Most Violent Year HD/VU $4.5
A Simple Favor HD/VU $4
Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter HD/MA $3.5
Addams Family '19 4K/IT $4.5
Afflicted HD/MA $4
Aliens 4K/MA $6.5
Almost Famous 4K/VU $5
American Psycho 4K/VU $5.5
American Society of Magical Negroes HD/VU $9.5
Angels & Demons 4K/MA $6
Ant-Man & the Wasp Quantumania HD/MA $5.5
Anyone But You HD/MA $7.5
Aquaman & the Lost Kingdom HD/MA $7
Armageddon Time HD/MA $4.5
As Good as it Gets 4K/MA $6
Asteroid City 4K/MA $6.5
Atlantis Lost Empire HD/MA $5
Atlantis Milo's Return HD/GP $4.5
Avatar The Way of Water HD/MA $4.5 or HD/GP $4
Back to the Future Trilogy HD/MA $10
Bad Boys 4K/MA $5.5
Bad Boys for Life 4K/MA $5.5
Bad Guys HD/MA $4.5
Bambi HD/MA $4
Banshees of Inisherin HD/GP $3.5
Barbie HD/MA $6
Battle for Terra HD/VU $4.5
Beast HD/MA $4.5
Beguiled HD/IT $3
Beyond Re-Animator HD/VU $4
Big Chill 4K/MA $5.5
Big Eyes HD/VU $4
Billy Lynn’s Long Half Time Walk HD/MA $4
Black Adam 4K/MA $5.5
Black Phone HD/MA $4
Blockers HD/MA $3.5
Blood Father HD/VU $3
Bloodshot HD/MA $4
Body Double 4K/MA $5.5
Boogeyman HD/MA $5.5
Book Club Next Chapter HD/MA $5
Book of Life HD/MA $3.5
Bridget Jones’s Diary HD/VU or IT $4
Broken Hearts Gallery HD/VU $4.5
Bros HD/MA $4.5
Bullet Train 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Burrowers HD/VU $4
Call Jane HD/VU $4.5
Cannibal Cabin 4K/VU $5
Charlie's Angels '00 4K/MA $5.5
Cheech & Chong's Up in Smoke HD/VU or IT $3.5
Christmas Classics 4-Film Set (Miracle on 34th Street '94, A Christmas Carol '84, Home Alone, Jingle all the Way) HD/MA $12
Cinderella '15 HD/MA $3.5
Cinderella '50 HD/MA $4.5
Cobweb 4K/VU $7.5
Cocaine Bear HD/MA $5
Colossal HD/VU or IT $4
Contagion 4K/MA $6.5
Creature from the Black Lagoon '54 HD/MA $3.5 or 4K/IT $4
Creed 3 4K/MA $6.5
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 4K/MA $6
Counselor HD/MA $4
Da Vinci Code 4K/MA $6
Dagon HD/VU $4
Dark Skies HD/VU $3.5
Dear David 4K/VU $6
Dear White People HD/VU $3.5
Den of Thieves HD/IT $3
Devil's Workshop 4K/VU $5.5
Devil's Workshop HD/VU $4.5
Devotion 4K/VU $6 or HD/VU $4.5
Diary of the Dead HD/VU $4
Dig 4K/VU $5.5
District 9 / Elysium Bundle HD/MA $7.5
Dora & the Lost City of Gold HD/VU $3.5 or 4K/IT $4
Dragon Blade HD/VU $3.5
Dr. Strangelove 4K/MA $5
Dragonheart 5-Film Set HD/MA $13
Dreamland HD/VU $4.5
Dream Scenario HD/VU $7
Drive HD/MA $4
Dumb Money HD/MA $6
Dune Part 2 HD/MA $9
Easy Rider 4K/MA $6
Emperor HD/VU $3.5
Equalizer 3 4K/MA $7 or HD/MA $5.5
Equalizer Trilogy 4K/MA $15
Escape Plan HD/VU $2.5
Evil Dead '13 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Evil Dead Rise 4K/MA $6 or HD/MA $4.5
Evil Under The Sun HD/VU $4
Exorcist (2-cuts) 4K/VU $6.5
Exorcist Believer 4K/MA $7 or HD/MA $5.5
Expendables 1-3 Set 4K/MA $10 or HD/VU $7
Expendables 1-4 Set 4K/VU $15 or HD/VU $11
Fall 4K/VU $6 or HD/VU $4.5
Fast & the Furious 10-film Set 4K/MA $30 or HD/MA $22
Fast X HD/MA $5
Feast (Unr) HD/VU $4
Fifth Element 4K/MA $5.5
Fifty Shades 6-Cut Set (Thea & Unr) HD/MA $12
Fighting /w My Family HD/IT $3
First Purge HD/MA $3.5
Five Nights at Freddy's HD/MA $6
Fool's Paradise HD/VU $6
Force of Nature '20 HD/VU $3.5
Forger HD/VU $3
Forrest Gump HD/VU $4 or 4K/IT $4
Freeheld HD/VU $4
Friendsgiving HD/VU $4
Front Runner HD/MA $4
Frozen '10 HD/VU $4
Funny Girl 4K/MA $5.5
Gandhi 4K/MA $5.5
Gateway 4K/VU $5.5
Gattaca 4K/MA $6
Ghostbusters Afterlife HD/MA $4
Ghoulies Go To College HD/VU $3.5
Glory 4K/MA $6
Godfather 3 Coda HD/VU $4
Godzilla '98 HD/MA $4
Good Boys HD/MA $3.5
Good House 4K/VU $5.5
Goodnight Mommy HD/VU $4
Goosebumps 2 HD/MA $3
Gran Turismo 4K/MA $7 or HD/MA $5.5
Grand Budapest Hotel HD/MA $4
Grease Trilogy HD/VU or IT $9
Green Knight 4K/VU $5
Green Room HD/VU $4
Groundhog Day 4K/MA $5.5
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 HD/MA $5.5
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner 4K/MA $6
Hail, Caesar! HD/VU or IT $2.5
Hammett HD/VU $4
Halloween Ends HD/MA $4.5
Halloween Kills (Ext) HD/MA $4.5
Halloween Trilogy (2018, Kills, Ends) 4K/MA $15
Harriet 4K/MA $6 or HD/MA $4.5
Hex 4K/VU $5.5
High Tension HD/VU $4.5
Hellbenders HD/VU $4
Hellraiser: Judgment HD/VU $4
Hobbs & Shaw HD/MA $4
Home Alone 1 & 2 Set HD/MA $6.5
Hook 4K/MA $6
Hot Tub Time Machine 2 HD/VU $3.5 or 4K/IT $4
Hotel Transylvania 2 HD/MA $3.5
How to Train Your Dragon HD/MA $4
How to Train Your Dragon Hidden World HD/MA $3.5
Hunger Games 4-Film Set 4K/VU $15
Hustlers 4K/IT $4.5
Ice Age Continental Drift HD/MA $3
I, Frankenstein HD/VU or IT $3
I Saw the Light HD/MA $4
Ice Age HD/MA $3.5
Identity Thief HD/IT $3.5
If Beale Street Could Talk HD/MA $4
Imaginary HD/VU $9
Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade HD/VU $4 or 4K/IT $4.5
Inhabitant HD/VU $4.5
Insidious 4K/MA $5.5
Insidious The Last Key HD/MA $3.5
Insidious Red Door HD/MA $5
Iron Claw HD/VU $6.5
Jay and Silent Bob Reboot HD/VU $3.5
Jaws 2 4K/MA $5
Jerry Maguire 4K/MA $6
Jesus Revolution HD/VU $4.5
John Wick 4 4K/VU $6.5
John Wick 4-Film Collection HD/VU $13
Journey to Bethlehem HD/MA $5.5
Jumanji '95 4K/MA $6
Jungle Book '67 HD/MA $4
Jurassic World 6-film Set HD/MA $18
Jurassic World Dominion (Thea & Ext) HD/MA $5
Kandahar HD/MA $5.5
Karate Kid '84 4K/MA $6
Kiss the Girls 4K/VU $6
Knights of the Zodiac HD/MA $5
Kramer vs Kramer 4K/MA $6
Last Action Hero 4K/MA $5.5
Last Christmas HD/MA $4.5
Last Night in Soho 4K/MA $5.5
Lawless HD/VU $4
Leprechaun 8-Film Set HD/VU $15
Liar Liar HD/MA or IT $4
Licorice Pizza 4K/IT $5
Little Mermaid '23 HD/MA $5
Long Shot HD/VU $4
Lost Boys 4K/MA $6
Love Again SD/MA $2.5
Lucky Number Slevin HD/VU $4.5
M3GAN (Thea & Unr) HD/MA $5
Ma '19 HD/MA $4
Madame Web HD/MA $8
Mamma Mia Here We Go Again HD/MA $3
Manchester by the Sea HD/VU or IT $4
Manodrome HD/VU $5.5
Marsh King's Daughter 4K/VU $5.5
Martyrs HD/VU $4.5
May HD/VU $4
Mean Girls '24 HD/VU $10
Meg 2 4K/MA $7
Memories of Murder 4K/MA $6.5
Menu HD/GP $3.5
Meryl Streep 8-Film Set HD/MA $22
MIB International HD/MA $4
Mickey's Christmas Carol HD/MA $4
Midnight Meat Train (Unr) HD/VU $4
Migration HD/MA $6
Miller's Girl 4K/VU $9.5
Miracle on 34th Street HD/MA $4
Missing HD/MA $5
Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning Pt 1 4K/VU $7.5
Mist 4K/VU $6.5
Mitchells vs the Machines HD/MA $4.5
Monster High Electrified HD/MA or IT $2.5
Moonfall 4K/VU $4.5
Moonrise Kingdom HD/MA $4
Mortal Kombat Legends Cage Match HD/MA $5.5
Mr. Holmes HD/VU $3.5
Mulan '98 HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 HD/MA $5.5
My Girl 4K/MA $6
National Champions 4K/IT $5
New Mutants HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Night at the Museum Secret of the Tomb HD/MA $3
Night Swim HD/MA $8
Night Train to Lisbon HD/VU $4
No Good Deed HD/MA $3
No Hard Feelings HD/MA $5.5
Nope HD/MA $4.5
Nun 2 HD/MA $5.5
Ocean's Trilogy 4K/MA $16
Old 4K/MA $6 or HD/MA $4.5
Office Space HD/MA $4.5
Oppenheimer HD/MA $6
Other Side of the Door HD/MA $4
Out Of The Blue HD/VU $4
Overlord 4K/VU or IT $4.5
ParaNorman HD/IT $4
Parental Guidance HD/MA $2.5
Parents HD/VU $4
Parasite HD/MA $4
Paw Patrol Mighty Movie HD/VU $6.5
Pet Sematary Bloodlines HD/VU $5.5
Peter Pan Return to Neverland HD/MA $4.5 or HD/GP $4
Philadelphia 4K/MA $5.5
Pick 1 (Black Christmas '18 4K, Dog's Purpose 4K, Sparks Brothers 4K, Raw, Agnes Bourne, Antz, Being Frank, Loving, Don't Let Go, Kicks, Final Account) HD/MA $4
Pinocchio '40 HD/MA $4
Pitch Perfect 3 4K/MA $5
Pixels HD/MA $3
Plane 4K/VU $5.5
Poor Things HD/MA $7.5
Pope's Exorcist HD/MA $5
Prey for the Devil 4K/VU $5.5
Priscilla HD/VU $6
Punch-Drunk Love 4K/MA $6.5
Purge 4-Film Set HD/MA $12
Queen & Slim HD/MA $4
Quick & the Dead '95 4K/MA $6
Rambo First Blood HD/VU $4
Rambo First Blood Pt 2 HD/VU $4
Rango HD/VU $3
Real Genius 4K/MA $5.5
Red Rocket HD/VU $4
Red Sparrow HD/MA $3.5
Renfield HD/MA $5.5
Requin HD/VU $4.5
Resident Evil Welcome to Raccoon City HD/MA $4
Robin Hood '73 HD/MA $4
Rosemary's Baby 4K/VU $6.5
Rhythm Section HD/VU $3.5
Ruby Gilman Teenage Kraken HD/MA $5.5
Rudy (Dir Cut) 4K/MA $6.5
Rudy 4K/MA $6
Run Lola Run 4K/MA $6.5
Saint Maud HD/VU $4
Samurai Jack Complete Series HD/VU $40
Saw 8-film Set (Unr except Jigsaw) HD/VU $20
Secret Life of Walter Mitty HD/MA $3.5
Shaun of the Dead HD/MA $4 or 4K/IT $4.5
Shaun the Sheep HD/VU $3.5
Shrek 6-Film Set (1-4, Musical, Puss in Boots) HD/MA $19
Skiptrace HD/VU $3.5
Scorpion King 4-Film Set (1, 3, 4, Book of Souls) HD/MA $12
Scream 3 4K/VU $5.5
Scream 5 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Scream 6 4K/VU $7 or HD/VU $5.5
Sharktopus HD/VU $3.5
Shazam 2-film Set HD/MA $8
Shazam Fury of the Gods 4K/MA $6 or HD/MA $4.5
She Said HD/MA $4.5
She's the Man HD/VU $3.5
Sin City HD/VU $4
Silver Linings Playbook HD/VU $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Sisu 4K/VU $6
Sixteen Candles HD/MA $3.5 or HD/IT $3.5
Sleepless in Seattle 4K/MA $6
Smile HD/VU $4.5
Social Network 4K/MA $6
Sometimes They Come Back...Again HD/VU $4
Sometimes They Come Back...For More HD/VU $3.5
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 4K/VU $5.5
Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse 4K/MA $7 or HD/MA $5.5
Split HD/MA $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Spoiler Alert HD/MA $5
Spy (Unr) HD/MA $3
Star Wars A New Hope HD/MA $4
Starship Troopers 4K/MA $6
Step Brothers 4K/MA $6.5
Stillwater HD/MA $4
Studio 666 HD/MA $5
Sum of All Fears 4K/VU $5
Supercell HD/VU $4.5
Super Mario Bros Movie HD/MA $5
Superfly HD/MA $4
Suspiria (2018) HD/VU $4
T2 Trainspotting 4K/MA $6
Talk to Me 4K/VU $6
Talladega Nights 4K/MA $6.5
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Out of the Shadows HD/VU $3.5 or 4K/IT $4
Thanksgiving 4K/MA $7.5
The Batman 4K/MA $5.5
The Bay HD/VU $4
The Color Purple '23 4K/MA $8 or HD/MA $6.5
The Creator HD/MA $6
The Descent (Unr) HD/VU $4.5
The Flash HD/MA $5
The Last Dragon 4K/MA $5.5
The Natural 4K/MA $6
The Other Guys 4K/MA $6
The Professional (Ext) 4K/MA $6
The Space Between Us HD/MA $4
The Super '17 HD/VU $4
Ticket to Paradise HD/MA $4.5
Titanic 4K/VU or IT $6 or HD/VU $4.5
Top Gun Maverick HD/VU $4
Toy Story 3 HD/MA $4
Trading Places 4K/VU $6
Transformers Rise of the Beasts 4K/MA $7 or HD/VU $5.5
Trolls 3-Film Collection HD/MA $12
Trolls Band Together HD/MA $6.5
Tusk HD/VU $4.5
Umma HD/MA $4.5
Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent 4K/VU $5
Underwater HD/MA $4.5
Unfriended HD/MA $4
Universal Monsters 4-Film Set 4K/MA $17
Up '09 HD/MA $4.5
V for Vendetta 4K/MA $6.5
Vanilla Sky HD/VU $5.5
Velvet Goldmine HD/VU $4.5
Venture Bros Radiant is the Blood of the Baboon Heart HD/MA $5.5
Violent Night HD/MA $5
Walking Dead Season 9 HD/VU $7
Watchmen Ultimate Cut 4K/MA $7.5
Waxwork 2 HD/VU $3.5
We Summon the Darkness HD/VU $4.5
Welcome to Marwen HD/MA $4.5
Welcome to Monster High HD/MA or IT $3
Whiplash 4K/MA $6 or HD/MA $4.5
White House Down HD/MA $3.5
Whitney Houston I Wanna Dance w/ Somebody HD/MA $4
Wicker Man 4K/VU $5.5
Wish HD/MA $7
Witch HD/VU $3.5
Woman King 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $4
Woman Walks Ahead HD/VU $4
You're Next HD/VU $3.5
X-Men 1-4 Set SD/MA $7.5
Zombieland Double Tap HD/MA $4
All other movies (A-Z)
10 Cloverfield Lane HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
101 Dalmatians '61 HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
13 Hours HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
14 Blades HD/VU $3.5
1917 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
2 Guns 4K/MA $4 or HD/MA or IT $2.5
21 Jump Street HD/MA $3
22 Jump Street HD/MA $3.5
3 Extremes HD/VU $4
3 From Hell (Unr) 4K/VU $4 or HD/VU $2.5
3:10 to Yuma 4K/VU $5
31 HD/VU $2.5
47 Meters Down HD/IT $3.5
47 Meters Down Uncaged 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
47 Ronin HD/MA $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
600 Miles HD/VU $3.5
71 HD/VU $3.5
A Christmas Story 4K/MA $6
A Dog's Purpose HD/IT $3
A Good Day to Die Hard (Ext) HD/VU $2.5
A Journal For Jordan HD/MA $4
A Quiet Place HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
A Walk Among the Tombstones HD/IT $3.5
A Wrinkle in Time HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
A.C.O.D. HD/IT $3.5
Abominable 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
About Last Night HD/MA $3
Ad Astra HD/MA $4
Adaptation 4K/MA $6
Adverse 4K/VU $5
After Earth HD/MA $3
Aftermath HD/VU $3
Air Force One 4K/MA $6
Aladdin ‘19 HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Aladdin ‘92 HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Alien HD/MA $4
Alien Covenant HD/MA $2.5
Alfred Hitchcock 4-Film Set Vol 1 4K/MA $18
Alfred Hitchcock 5-Film Set Vol 2 4K/MA $21
Alien 6-film Set HD/MA $16
Alita Battle Angel 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
All Eyez on Me HD/VU or IT $3
All is Lost HD/VU $3.5
All the Money in the World HD/MA $3.5
Allied HD/VU or IT $3.5
Amazing Spider-Man 2 HD/MA $3.5 or SD/MA $1.5
Amazing Spider-Man HD/MA $3.5 or SD/MA $1.5
American Assassin 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
American Hustle HD/MA $3.5
American Ultra HD/VU or IT $4
American Underdog 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Anatomy of a Murder 4K/MA $5
Anchorman 2 HD/VU or IT $2.5
Angel Has Fallen 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Angel Heart 4K/VU $5.5
Angel of Mine 4K/VU $5.5
Angry Birds Movie HD/MA $3.5
Anna Karenina HD/IT $3.5
Annie ‘14 HD/MA $3.5
Annihilation HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Antebellum 4K/VU $5
Antlers HD/GP $3
Ant-Man & the Wasp HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Ant-Man HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Apache Junction HD/VU $3.5
Apollo 13 4K/MA or IT $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Arctic HD/MA $4
Arrival HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Art of Self-Defense HD/MA $4
Assassination Nation HD/MA $3.5
Assassin's Creed HD/MA $3
Assignment HD/VU $4
Atomic Blonde 4K/IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3
August Osage County HD/VU $3
Avengers Age of Ultron HD/GP $3
Avengers Endgame HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Avengers Infinity War 4K/MA $4 or HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Baby Driver HD/MA $4
Backdraft 4K/IT $5.5
Bad Grandpa HD/VU or IT $2.5
Bad Words HD/MA or IT $3
Bandslam HD/VU $4
Bank Job HD/VU $3.5
Barb & Star go to Vista Del Mar HD/VU $4
Barbie & Her Sisters in the Great Puppy Adventure HD/IT $3.5
Bart Got a Room HD/VU $4
Battle Royale HD/VU $4.5
Battleship 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3
Beauty & the Beast ‘17 HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Beauty & the Beast ‘91 HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Bedknobs & Broomsticks HD/GP $3.5
Before I Fall HD/VU or IT $3.5
Begin Again HD/VU $3.5
Beiruit HD/MA $3.5
Belly 4K/VU $5.5
Ben-Hur ‘16 HD/VU $3.5
Between Worlds HD/VU $3.5
Big Hero 6 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Big Lebowski 4K/MA or IT $5.5
Big Short HD/VU $3.5
Big Wedding HD/VU or IT $3
Billy Elliot HD/MA or IT $4
Birdman HD/MA $4
Black & Blue HD/MA $4
Black Christmas '19 HD/MA $4.5
Black Panther 4K/MA $4.5 or HD/GP $2.5
Black Panther Wakanda Forever HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
BlackKklansman HD/MA $4.5
Blacklight HD/MA $4
Black Widow HD/GP $3
Blackhat HD/IT $3.5
Blair Witch Project ‘99 HD/VU $4
Bleeding Steel HD/VU $3.5
Blindspotting 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Blood Money ‘17 HD/VU $3.5
Blood Ties HD/VU $3.5
Blue Jasmine HD/MA $3.5
Blue Ruin HD/VU $4
Blues Brothers HD/MA $4 or 4K/IT $4.5
Bob's Burgers Movie HD/GP $3
Body Cam HD/VU $4
Bohemian Rhapsody 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Bombshell 4K/VU $5
Book of Life HD/MA $3.5
Boss Baby HD/MA $2.5
Bourne Identity 4K/IT $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Bourne Legacy HD/VU $2 or 4K/IT $2.5
Bourne Supremacy HD/MA $3.5 or 4K/IT $4
Bourne Ultimatum 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Boy ‘16 HD/IT $3.5
Boy & the World HD/IT $3.5
Braven HD/VU $4
Breakfast Club HD/MA or IT $4
Breakthrough HD/MA $3
Brian Banks HD/MA $3
Bridge of Spies HD/GP $3.5
Brothers Bloom HD/VU $4.5
Bumblebee 4K/VU or IT $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Butler HD/VU $3
Cabin in the Woods HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Cake HD/MA $4
Call of Wild 4K/MA $4.5 or HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Calvary HD/MA $4
Candyman '20 4K/MA $6 or HD/MA $4.5
Candyman 3 HD/VU $4
Captain America Civil War HD/GP $2.5
Captain America First Avenger HD/GP $3.5
Captain America Winter Soldier HD/GP $3.5
Captain Marvel 4K/MA $4 or HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Captain Phillips HD/MA $3.5
Captain Underpants First Epic Movie HD/MA $2.5
Carol HD/VU $4
Cars 3 HD/GP $2.5
Casablanca 4K/MA $5.5
Case for Christ HD/MA or IT $2.5
Casper HD/IT $4
Celebrating Mickey HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Chaos Walking 4K/VU $5
Chappaquiddick HD/VU $4
Chasing Mavericks HD/MA $3.5
Chicago HD/VU $4
Child 44 HD/VU $4
Children ‘08 HD/VU $4
Christopher Robin HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Clerks 3 4K/VU $4.5
Clifford the Big Red Dog HD/VU $4
Cloverfield 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Coco HD/GP $2.5
Cold Pursuit 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Collection HD/VU $3.5
Collide ‘17 HD/VU or IT $2.5
Colma The Musical HD/VU $4
Colombiana (Unr) HD/MA $4
Colony 4K/VU $5
Come & Find Me HD/VU $4
Commuter 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Company of Heroes HD/MA $4
Conspirator HD/VU $4
Contraband HD/IT $3
Contractor HD/VU $4.5
Cooler HD/VU $4
Cool Hand Luke 4K/MA $5.5
Cooties HD/VU $4
Cotton Club Encore 4K/VU $5.5
Countdown ‘16 HD/VU $3.5
Courier 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Craft Legacy HD/MA $4.5
Criminal HD/VU or IT $3
Croods HD/VU $3.5
Cruella HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Crypto 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Daddy's Home HD/IT $2.5
Daddy's Home 2 HD/VU or IT $3
Damsel HD/VU $4.5
Dangerous 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Danny Collins HD/IT $3.5
Dark Crimes HD/VU $4
Darkest Minds HD/MA $4
Dark Places HD/VU $4
Dark Tower HD/MA $3.5
Darkest Hour ‘17 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes HD/MA $3.5
Deadpool 2 (w/Super Duper Cut) HD/MA $4
Deadpool HD/MA $2.5
Death of Me HD/VU $4
Death on the Nile HD/GP $3
Death Wish '18 HD/VU $3
Deepwater Horizon HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Deliver Us From Evil HD/MA $3.5
Dentist 2-Film Set HD/VU $7
Despicable Me 2 HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Despicable Me 3 4K/MA or IT $4.5
Despicable Me 4K/MA or IT $4.5
Detroit HD/MA $3.5
Devil Inside HD/VU $3.5
Devil's Due HD/MA $3.5
Die Hard HD/MA $3.5
Die Hard 5-film Set HD/MA $18
Die in a Gunfight 4K/VU $5
Dirty Dancing 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Disney Animated Short Films Set HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Disneynature Monkey Kingdom HD/MA $3
Django Unchained HD/VU $3
Doctor Strange HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness HD/GP $3
Dolittle HD/MA $3.5
Dom Hemingway HD/MA $3.5
Don Verdean HD/VU $4.5
Doorman HD/VU $3.5
Doors 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Downsizing HD/VU $2 or 4K/IT $2.5
Downton Abbey A New Era HD/MA $4
Downton Abbey The Movie HD/MA $3.5
Draft Day HD/IT $3.5
Dragged Across Concrete HD/VU $3.5
Dragonslayer 4K/VU $5.5
Dream a Little Dream HD/VU $4
Dreamkatcher HD/VU $4
Dreamworks 10-Film HD/MA $25
Dredd 4K/VU $4 or HD/VU $2.5
Dying of the Light HD/VU $2.5
E.T. Extra Terrestrial 4K/MA or IT $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Early Man 4K/VU $5.5
Earth Girls are Easy HD/VU $4
Eddie the Eagle HD/MA $4
Edge of Seventeen HD/IT $3
Edward Scissorhands HD/MA $3.5
El Chicano HD/MA $4
Elysium HD/MA $3.5
Emoji Movie HD/MA $3
Empire of Light HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Empire State HD/VU $3
Encanto 4K/GP $3.5
Enough Said HD/MA $3.5
Enter the Dragon 4K/MA $6
Epic HD/MA $3
Equalizer HD/MA $3.5
Equalizer 2 HD/MA $3.5
Escape From Planet Earth HD/VU $3
Eternals HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Everest HD/MA $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Everything Must Go HD/VU $4
Evil Dead 2 HD/VU $3.5
Ex Machina HD/VU $3
Exodus Gods & Kings HD/MA $3.5
Expired 4K/VU $4.5
Fair Game (Dir) HD/VU $4
Fantastic Four ‘15 HD/MA $4
Fast & Furious 4 4K/MA $5
Fast & the Furious 8-film Set HD/MA $17
Fast & the Furious 9-film Set HD/MA $19
Fast Color 4K/VU $5.5
Fatale ‘20 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Fatherhood HD/MA $4
Fault in Our Stars HD/MA $3.5
Fear of Rain 4K/VU $5.5
Fences HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Ferdinand HD/MA $3.5
Field of Dreams 4K/MA or IT $5.5
Fifty Shades Darker (Unr) HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Fifty Shades Freed HD/MA $4
Fifty Shades of Grey (Unr) 4K/MA or IT $4
Finding Dory HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Finding Nemo HD/GP $3.5
Finest Hours HD/GP $3
Firm 4K/VU $6
First Man HD/MA $4
Flashback ‘20 HD/VU $4
Flight HD/VU or IT $3
Florence Foster Jenkins HD/VU or IT $3
Footloose ‘11 HD/IT $3
Forbidden Kingdom HD/VU $4.5
Ford v Ferrari HD/MA $4
Forest HD/IT $3.5
Forever My Girl HD/IT $3
Fortress HD/VU $3.5
Fortress Sniper's Eye HD/VU $3.5
Fox & the Hound 2 HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Foxcatcher HD/MA $4
Frank & Lola HD/VU or IT $3
Free Guy HD/GP $3
French Dispatch HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Friday the 13th 4K/VU $5.5
From Here to Eternity 4K/MA $5.5
Frozen (Sing-Along) HD/MA $2 or HD/GP $1.5
Frozen HD/GP $2
Frozen 2 HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Frozen Ground ‘13 HD/VU $3.5
Fury HD/MA $3.5
Future World HD/VU $3.5
G.I. Joe Retaliation HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Gambit ‘12 HD/MA $4
Gambler HD/VU or IT $3
Gamer 4K/VU $5.5
Gemini Man 4K/VU or IT $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Get Out 4K/MA or IT $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Ghost in the Shell ‘17 HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Ghost in the Shell ‘95 4K/VU $5
Ghost Team One HD/VU or IT $3.5
Ghostbusters ‘84 HD/MA $3.5
Ghostbusters (Thea & Ext) ‘16 HD/MA $3
Ghostbusters 2 HD/MA $3.5
Gifted HD/MA $3
Girl on Train HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Girl w/ All Gifts HD/VU $4
Giver HD/VU $3.5
Glass Castle 4K/VU $5.5
Glass HD/MA $4
God Bless The Broken Road HD/VU $3.5
God's Not Dead 2 HD/MA or IT $2.5
God's Not Dead 3 HD/MA $3
Gods of Egypt HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Gold ‘16 HD/VU $2.5
Good Dinosaur HD/GP $2.5
Good Kill HD/VU or IT $3.5
Grease 2 HD/VU $4
Great Wall 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3
Greatest Showman HD/MA $3.5
Green Book HD/MA $4
Grey HD/VU or IT $3
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 1 HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 HD/GP $2
Guilt Trip HD/VU or IT $3
Gunman HD/MA or IT $3
Guns of Navarone 4K/MA $5.5
Hacksaw Ridge 4K/VU or IT $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Halloween ‘18 HD/MA $3
Hammer of the Gods HD/VU $2
Hannibal S.1 HD/VU $5
Hansel & Gretel Witch Hunters (Unr) HD/VU or IT $3
Hard Luck Love Song 4K/VU $5.5
Hard Target 2 HD/IT $1.5
Hardcore Henry HD/VU or IT $3.5
Hate U Give HD/MA $4
Hateful Eight HD/VU $3.5
Heat (Director's Cut) ‘95 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Heaven is for Real HD/MA $3.5
Hercules ‘14 HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Here Comes the Boom HD/MA $3.5
Hereditary HD/VU $3.5
Hidden Figures HD/MA $3
High Note HD/MA $4
Highlander 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Hitchcock '12 HD/MA $4
Hitman Agent 47 HD/MA $3
Hitman's Bodyguard HD/VU $3.5
Hocus Pocus HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Home HD/MA $3
Home Again HD/MA $3
Home Alone 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Homefront HD/MA or IT $3
Homesman HD/VU $3
Honey 2 HD/VU $3
Hostiles 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Hotel Transylvania 3 HD/MA $3.5
Hot Fuzz HD/VU $4
Hotel Mumbai HD/MA $4
Hours ‘13 HD/VU $4
House of 1000 Corpses HD/VU $4
House of Gucci 4K/IT $5.5
House w/ a Clock in Its Walls sHD/MA $4
How to Train Your Dragon 2 HD/MA $2.5
Hugo HD/VU $3
Hunt for Red October 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Huntsman Winter's War (Ext) HD/MA $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
I Can Only Imagine HD/VU $3.5
I Feel Pretty HD/IT $2
Ides of March HD/MA $4
I Know What You Did Last Summer 4K/MA $5.5
Imitation Game HD/VU $3
In a Valley of Violence HD/IT $3
In Secret ‘14 HD/VU $4.5
In the Blood HD/VU $4
Incredibles 2 HD/GP $3
Independence Day ‘96 HD/MA $4
Independence Day Resurgence HD/MA $2.5
Indiana Jones & the Raiders of the Lost Ark 4K/VU or IT $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom 4K/VU or IT $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Indignation HD/VU $4
Indivisible HD/MA $3.5
Inferno HD/MA $3
Initiation 4K/VU $5
Initiation HD/VU $3.5
Internship HD/MA $3
Interstellar 4K/VU or IT $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Interview HD/MA $3.5
Into the Woods HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Invisible Man '20 HD/MA $3.5
Invisible Man ‘33 HD/MA $3.5
Iron Man 3 HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Iron Man & Hulk Heroes United HD/GP $3.5
Iron Mask ‘19 HD/VU $4.5
It Follows HD/VU $3.5
It's a Wonderful Life HD/VU $3
Jack & Jill HD/MA $3.5
Jack Reacher 4K/IT $4.5
Jack Reacher Never Go Back HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit 4K/IT $4 or HD/VU $2.5
Jacob's Ladder HD/VU $4
Jane Got a Gun HD/VU $4
Jason Bourne HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Jesus Music HD/VU $3.5
Jexi HD/VU $3.5
Jobs HD/MA or IT $3.5
Joe HD/VU $3.5
Joe Kidd HD/IT $4
John Wick 1 & 2 Bundle HD/VU $4
John Wick 3 Parabellum 4K/VU $4.5
John Wick Chapter 2 HD/VU $3.5 or 4K/IT $4
John Wick HD/VU $2 or 4K/IT $2.5
John Wick Trilogy 4K/VU $13 or HD/VU (#3 4K) $9 or all HD/VU $8
Journey to the West Conquering the Demons HD/VU $3.5
Joy HD/MA $3
Judy 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Juliet, Naked 4K/VU $5.5
Jumanji Welcome To The Jungle HD/MA $2.5
Jungle Book ‘16 4K/MA $4.5 or HD/GP $2.5
Jungle Cruise HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Jurassic Park 3 HD/VU $3.5 or 4K/IT $4
Jurassic Park 4K/MA or IT $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Jurassic World 5-film Set HD/MA $14
Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom 4K/MA $4.5 or HD/MA $3
Kama Sutra HD/VU $4
Kick-Ass 2 HD/MA $3.5
Kid ‘19 HD/VU $3.5
Kid Who Would Be King 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Kill Zone ‘05 HD/VU $4.5
Killer Elite HD/IT $3
Killing Gunther HD/VU $4
Kin ‘18 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
King Kong ‘05 4K/MA or IT $5 or HD/MA $3.5
King of Staten Island HD/MA $4
King's Man HD/GP $3.5
Kingsman The Golden Circle HD/MA $3
Kingsman The Secret Service HD/MA $3.5
Knives Out HD/VU $3.5 s Knowing 4K/VU $5.5
La La Land HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Labor Day HD/VU or IT $3
Lady Macbeth HD/VU $4.5
Lady of the Manor 4K/VU $5
Lair of White Worm HD/VU $4.5
Lake Mungo HD/VU $4
Lara Croft Tomb Raider 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Last Dragon HD/MA $4.5
Last Duel HD/GP $3.5
Last Exorcism HD/VU $4
Last Knights HD/VU $3.5
Last Man ‘19 HD/VU $4
Last Vegas HD/VU $3
Last Witch Hunter 4K/IT $3.5
Lawrence of Arabia 4K/MA $5.5
Legends of Oz Dorothy's Return HD/MA $3.5
Leprechaun 7-film Set HD/VU $12
Let's be Cops HD/MA $3.5
Let Him Go HD/MA $4
Life ‘17 HD/MA $3.5
Life of Crime HD/VU $3.5
Life of Pi 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA or IT $3.5
Light of My Life HD/IT $3.5
Lightyear HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Like a Boss HD/VU $3.5
Lilo & Stitch 2 HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Lion HD/VU $4
Lion King ‘19 4K/MA $4 or HD/GP $2
Lion King ‘94 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Little HD/MA $3.5
Little Mermaid ‘89 HD/MA $4
Live Free or Die Hard HD/MA $4
Locked Down 4K/MA $5.5
Logan HD/MA $3
Logan Lucky HD/MA $3.5 or /IT $4
Lone Ranger HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Lone Survivor HD/VU $2.5
Longest Week HD/VU $3.5
Looper HD/MA $3.5
Lorax HD/MA or IT $3
Lord of War 4K/VU $5.5
Lords of Salem HD/VU $4
Lost World Jurassic Park HD/MA $3.5
Love & Mercy HD/VU $3.5
Love the Coopers HD/VU or IT $4
Love, Simon HD/MA $3.5
Loving HD/VU or IT $3.5
Luca HD/GP $3
Lucy 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3
Lyle, Lyle Crocodile HD/MA $4.5
Madagascar 3 HD/MA $3
Magic Mike's Last Dance HD/MA $4.5
Magnificent Seven ‘16 HD/VU $3
Maleficent HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Maleficent Mistress of Evil HD/GP $2.5
Man Who Fell To Earth ‘76 4K/VU $5
Man Who Shot Liberty Vance 4K/VU $5.5
Marauders HD/VU $3.5
Marksman HD/MA $4
Martian HD/MA $3.5
Mary Poppins ‘64 HD/MA $3.5 or ‘64 HD/GP $3
Mary Poppins Returns 4K/MA $4.5 or HD/GP $2.5
Mask of Zorro 4K/MA $6
Mauritanian 4K/IT $5
Max Steel HD/IT $3
Maze Runner HD/MA $3.5
McKenna Shoots for the Stars HD/IT $2
Meatballs HD/VU $4
Memory HD/MA $3.5
Men HD/VU $4
Men in Black 3 HD/MA $3
Men in Black 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
MI-5 Spooks '15 HD/VU $4
Mickey & Minnie 10 Classic Shorts HD/GP $4.5
Mid-Century 4K/VU $5
Midnight in the Switchgrass 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Midway 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Mile 22 HD/IT $3
Million Dollar Arm HD/GP $2.5
MindGamers HD/MA or IT $3.5
Minions 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Miracles from Heaven HD/MA $3.5
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children HD/MA $3
Mission Impossible 3 4K/VU $5
Mission Impossible 6-film Set HD/VU $17
Mommy HD/VU $4
Moneyball HD/MA $3
Monster High Electrified HD/IT $2.5
Monster Hunter HD/MA $3.5
Money Monster HD/MA $3.5
Monster Trucks HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Monsters University HD/GP $3
Monuments Men HD/MA $3.5
Moon 4K/MA $5.5
Morbius HD/MA $4
Morgan HD/MA $4
Mortal Engines 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Mortal HD/VU $4
Mortal Instruments City of Bones HD/MA $3
Mortdecai HD/VU $3.5
Mountain Between Us HD/MA $2.5
Mr. Peabody & Sherman HD/MA $3
Mulan ‘20 4K/MA $4.5 or ‘20 HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Mummy ‘17 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3
Mummy ‘99 HD/MA $3.5
Mummy 4-Film Set (Mummy 1-3, Scorpion King) HD/MA $12
Mummy Trilogy 4K/MA or IT $14 or HD/MA $9 4K/IT
Muppets Most Wanted HD/GP $3
Murder on the Orient Express HD/MA $3.5
My All American HD/MA or IT $3.5
My Best Friend is a Vampire HD/VU $4
National Lampoon's Vacation 4K/MA $5.5
Nebraska HD/VU $3
Need for Speed HD/GP $3.5
Needle in a Timestack 4K/VU $5.5
Nerve HD/VU $3.5
News of the World HD/MA $4
Night at the Museum Trilogy HD/MA $11
Night House HD/MA $4.5 or HD/GP $4
Nightmare Alley HD/GP $3.5
Nightmare Before Christmas 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
No Time to Die 4K/IT $4.5
Noah HD/VU or IT $2.5
Non-Stop HD/VU or IT $3
Norm of the North HD/VU $2.5
Nostalgia ‘18 HD/MA $3.5
Now You See Me 2 4K/IT $4
Now You See Me HD/VU or IT $2.5 or SD/VU $1
Nutcracker & Four Realms HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Oblivion 4K/MA or IT $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Occupation ‘18 HD/VU $3.5
Occupation Rainfall HD/VU $4
Office Christmas Party 4K/IT $3.5
Olaf's Frozen Adventure HD/GP $3
Oliver! 4K/MA $5
On Chesil Beach HD/MA $4.5
One Ranger HD/VU $4.5
Onward HD/GP $2.5
Open Water 2 Adrift HD/VU $4
Open Water HD/VU $4
Operation Avalanche HD/VU $4
Ouija HD/MA or IT $3.5
Our Kind of Traitor HD/MA $4
Outlander S.1 Vol 1 HD/VU $5
Overboard ‘18 HD/VU $3.5
Oz the Great & Powerful HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Pacific Rim Uprising HD/MA $4
Paddington HD/VU $3.5
Pain & Gain HD/VU or IT $3.5
Paper Towns HD/MA $3
Paradise Highway 4K/VU $5
Paranormal Activity 3 (Ext) HD/VU or IT $3
Paranormal Activity Ghost Dimension (Unr) HD/VU or IT $3.5
Paranormal Activity HD/VU $4
Paranormal Activity The Marked Ones HD/VU or IT $3.5
Passengers HD/MA $3.5
Patriot Games 4K/VU $5
Patriot's Day HD/VU $3
Paul Apostle of Christ HD/MA $3
Peanuts Movie HD/MA $3
Penelope HD/VU $4.5
Peppermint HD/IT $3.5
Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters HD/MA $3
Perks of Being a Wallflower HD/VU or IT $3 or SD/VU or IT $1
Pet Sematary ‘19 HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Pet Sematary ‘89 HD/VU $3.5 or 4K/IT $4
Peter Rabbit HD/MA $3.5
Pete's Dragon ‘16 HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Phantom Thread HD/MA $4
Philomena HD/VU $2.5
Pirates of the Caribbean 5 HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Pitch Perfect 2 4K/MA $4 or HD/MA $2.5
Pitch Perfect HD/MA $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Pixar Short Films Set Vol. 3 HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Planes Fire & Rescue HD/GP $3
Planes HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Planes, Trains & Automobiles 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Playing w/ Fire HD/VU or IT $2.5
Poltergeist ‘82 4K/MA $5.5
Poltergeist (Ext) ‘15 HD/MA $4
Pompeii HD/MA $3.5
Power Rangers ‘17 HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Predator ‘18 HD/MA $3
Predator ‘87 HD/MA $4
Pride & Prejudice & Zombies HD/MA $3.5
Primal HD/VU $3.5
Promise HD/MA or IT $3.5
Protege HD/VU $4
Proud Mary HD/MA $3.5
Psycho 4K/MA $5
Pulp Fiction 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Punisher War Zone 4K/VU $5.5
Purge Anarchy HD/MA $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Purge Election Year HD/MA $3.5
Purge 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3 or
Push 4K/VU $6
Quantum of Solace HD/VU $4.5
Quarry 4K/VU $5
Quartet HD/VU $4
Queen of Katwe HD/GP $2.5
Quiet Ones HD/VU $3.5
Rambo ‘08 HD/VU $4
Rambo 5-film Set HD/VU $18
Rambo Last Blood 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Ran ‘85 4K/VU $5.5
Raya & the Last Dragon HD/MA $3.5
Rear Window 4K/IT $3.5
Rebel Without a Cause 4K/MA $5.5
Reclaim HD/VU $3.5
Redline ‘10 HD/VU $4.5
Reign of Assassins HD/VU $4.5
Replicant ‘01 HD/VU $3.5
Replicas HD/VU $3.5
Rescuers Down Under HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Rescuers HD/MA $4.5 or HD/GP $4
Reservoir Dogs HD/VU $4
Resident Evil Retribution 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Retaliation ‘17 HD/VU $4
Revenant 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Ricki & the Flash HD/MA $3
Riddick (Unr) HD/VU or IT $3
Ride Like a Girl HD/VU $4
Right At Your Door HD/VU $4
Right One 4K/VU $5.5
Rio 2 (Sing-Along) HD/MA $3
Riot HD/VU or IT $3
Risen HD/MA $3
Rob Zombie Trilogy (3 From Hell, House of 1000 Corpses, Devil's Rejects) HD/VU $8
Robin Hood ‘18 HD/VU $3
Robocop ‘14 HD/VU $2.5
Rocketman ‘19 HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Rocky Horror Picture Show HD/MA $4
Roman J. Israel Esq HD/MA $3
Ron's Gone Wrong HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Room '15 HD/VU $3.5
Rough Night 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Run The Race HD/MA $3
Runner Runner HD/MA $3.5
Rush HD/IT $3
Safe HD/VU or IT $2.5
Same Kind of Different As Me HD/VU or IT $3
Samson HD/MA $3.5
Santa Clause HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Santa Clause 2 HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Santa Clause 3 HD/GP $2.5
Sapphires HD/VU $4
Sausage Party HD/MA $3.5
Saving Mr. Banks HD/GP $3
Saw (Unr) 4K/VU $4.5
Saw 7-film Set (Unr) HD/VU $16
Saw HD/VU $3
Scarface HD/MA $4 or 4K/IT $4.5
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark 4K/VU $4.5
Schindler's List 4K/MA or IT $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Scream '96 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Scream Trilogy HD/VU $11
Secret Garden ‘20 4K/VU or IT $5.5
Secret in Their Eyes HD/VU or IT $3
Secret Life of Pets 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3
See No Evil 2 HD/VU $3.5
Serenity ‘05 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Seriously Red HD/VU $4
Sex Tape HD/MA $3.5
Shallows HD/MA $3.5
Shang-Chi Legend of the Ten Rings HD/GP $3
Shape of Water HD/MA $3.5
Sherlock Gnomes HD/IT $2.5
Shivers HD/VU $4
Show Dogs HD/MA $3.5
Sicario HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Sicario Day of the Soldado HD/MA $4
Sicario, Wind River, Hell or High Water HD/VU $7.5
Side Effects HD/IT $3.5
Silencing HD/VU $4
Silent Night, Deadly Night 3-Film Set (3-5) HD/VU $7.5
Silk Road 4K/VU $5
Sing ‘16 HD/MA $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Sing Street HD/VU $4
Sinister HD/VU $3
Skeleton Twins HD/VU $4
Skyfall HD/VU $2.5
Skyscraper 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Sleeping Beauty ‘59 HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Sleepy Hollow 4K/VU $6.5
Smokey & the Bandit HD/MA $3.5
Smokin' Aces 4K/MA $5.5
Smurfs The Lost Village HD/MA or IT $3
Snitch 4K/IT $3 or HD/VU $2.5 or SD/VU or IT $1
Snow White & the Huntsman (Ext) 4K/VU or IT $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs ‘37 4K/MA $6 or HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Snowden HD/MA or IT $3.5
Snowpiercer HD/VU $4.5
Solo A Star Wars Story HD/GP $3
Son of God HD/MA $3
Sonic the Hedgehog 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Soul HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Source Code 4K/VU $5.5
Southpaw HD/VU $3
Spectre HD/VU $3.5
Spider-Man 2 (Thea & Ext) HD/MA $4.5
Spider-Man 3 HD/MA $3.5
Spider-Man 4-Cut Set (Spider-Man 2 w/ Thea & Ext) HD/MA $11.5
Spider-Man Far From Home HD/MA $3
Spider-Man Homecoming HD/MA $2.5
Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse HD/MA $4.5
Spider-Man No Way Home HD/MA $4 or SD/MA $2
Spies in Disguise HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Spinning Man HD/VU $4
Spiral 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Spontaneous HD/VU $4.5
Spy Who Dumped Me 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
St. Vincent HD/VU $3
Stand Up Guys HD/VU $3.5
Star Trek 3 Search for Spock 4K/VU $5
Star Trek Beyond HD/VU $3
Star Trek Into Darkness HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Star Trek The Motion Picture ‘79 4K/VU $5
Steel Dawn HD/VU $3.5
Still Alice HD/MA $4
Straight Outta Compton (Unr) HD/MA $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Strange World HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Suburbicon HD/VU $3 or /IT $3.5
Super 8 4K/VU or IT $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Sword in the Stone HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Taken 2 HD/MA $3.5
Taken 3 (Unr) HD/MA $3.5
Tangled HD/GP $3.5
Ted (Unr) HD/MA or IT $2.5
Teen Spirit ‘19 HD/MA $4
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ‘14 4K/VU or IT $4.5 or HD/VU $2.5
Terminator 2 Judgment Day (Special) HD/VU $4.5
Terminator 2 Judgment Day 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Terminator Genisys HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Texas Chainsaw ‘13 HD/VU $3.5
Thanks for Sharing HD/VU $4
The Heat HD/MA $3
The Impossible HD/VU $3.5
Think Like a Dog 4K/VU $5
This is the End HD/MA $3.5
Thor Dark World HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Thor Love & Thunder HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Thor Ragnarok HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri HD/MA $3.5
To Kill a Mockingbird HD/MA $3.5
Toll HD/VU $4.5
Tomorrowland HD/GP $3
Top Gun ‘86 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Total Recall ‘90 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Touched w/ Fire HD/VU $4.5
Toy Story HD/GP $3.5
Toy Story 4 4K/MA $4 or HD/GP $2
Training Day 4K/MA $5.5
Transformers Age of Extinction HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Transformers Dark of the Moon 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Transformers The Last Knight 4K/VU or IT $4 or HD/VU $2.5
Trust ‘16 HD/VU $4
Tucker The Man & His Dream 4K/VU $5
Tulip Fever HD/VU $4
Tumbledown HD/VU $4
Turbo HD/MA or IT $3
Turning HD/MA $4
Ugly Dolls 4K/VU or IT $5.5
Unbreakable HD/GP $3.5
Uncharted 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Uncle Drew HD/VU $3.5
Underworld Awakening HD/MA $3
Underworld Blood Wars HD/MA $3
Untouchables 4K/VU $5.5
Us ‘19 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Valerian & the City of a Thousand Planets HD/VU $3.5
Vampire Academy HD/VU $3.5
Vanishing ‘18 HD/VU $4
Venom 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Victoria & Abdul HD/MA $4
Virtuoso 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Vivo HD/MA $4.5
Voices ‘14 HD/VU $4
Voyagers 4K/VU $5
Walk HD/MA $3.5
Wall '17 HD/VU $4
War for the Planet of the Apes HD/MA $3
War of the Worlds ‘53 4K/VU $5.5
War on Everyone HD/VU $4
Warcraft 4K/IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3
Warhunt 4K/VU $4.5
Warning HD/VU $4
Watch HD/MA or IT $3.5
Wayne's World HD/VU $4.5
We Die Young HD/VU $3.5
Weekend HD/VU $4
Werewolf The Beast Among Us (Unr) HD/MA or IT $3.5
West Side Story 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
What We Did on our Holiday HD/VU $4
When the Game Stands Tall HD/MA $3
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot HD/VU or IT $3
Why Him? HD/MA $3
Widows HD/MA $3.5
Wild Card HD/VU $3
Willow HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Wilson HD/MA $3.5
Winchester HD/VU $3.5
Winnie the Pooh Springtime w/ Roo HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Wolf Hound 4K/VU $4.5
Wolf of Wall Street 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU or IT $3.5
Wolverine (Unr) (w/Thea) HD/MA $3.5
Woman in Gold HD/VU $3.5
Won't Back Down HD/MA $3.5
Woodlawn HD/MA or IT $3.5
Wraith HD/VU $4
X-Men Apocalypse HD/MA $3
X-Men Days of Future Past HD/MA $3
XXX Return of Xander Cage HD/VU $2 or 4K/IT $2.5
Z for Zachariah HD/VU $4
Zero Dark Thirty HD/MA $3.5
Zeros & Ones HD/VU $4
Zootopia HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
submitted by nahimavegan to DigitalCodeSELL [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 21:27 mareks05 [Store] [selected. ★900+Skins★] Karambit SAPPHIRE,Vice,AWP Prince,Poseidon,Butterfly RUBY,Kara Fade 98% 0.008,Kara F&I,Hedge Maze 0.16,Fire Serpent,BFK Tiger&Slaughter,BFK Gamma,M4 Jungle,M4 Howl,Talon RUBY,Skeleton Fade,AK Gold,Skele Crimson,M4 Phosphor,AK Case Hard (iBP Holo Kato14),AK CH (#670)

🔵 Feel free to send me an offer or add me ! 🔵
🔥 I am also BUYING and SELLING skins for cash/crypto and on Marketplaces, add me to discuss ! 🔥
🔵 Discord : selected.
🟩 Not everything is listed, check out my inventory for all new skins !
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler - FN RUBY
★ Karambit Doppler - FN SAPPHIRE
★ Talon Knife Doppler - FN SAPPHIRE
★ Talon Knife Doppler - FN RUBY 0.007
M4A4 Howl - MW
★ Sport Gloves Vice - MW 0.12
★ Sport Gloves Hedge Maze - FT 0.16
M4A4 Howl - FT - x2
★ Butterfly Knife Gamma Doppler - MW Phase 2
★ Karambit Fade - FN 98.8% 0.008
AK-47 Fire Serpent - FN
AWP The Prince - FT 0.26
★ Specialist Gloves Emerald Web - MW
AK-47 Gold Arabesque - FT
★ Butterfly Knife Slaughter - FN 0.010
★ Butterfly Knife Autotronic - MW 0.08
★ Butterfly Knife Tiger Tooth - FN 0.007
M4A1-S Welcome to the Jungle - MW
★ Skeleton Knife Fade - FN - x2
★ Karambit Marble Fade - FN - x2 Fire & Ice
Boston 2018 Cobblestone Souvenir Package -
AK-47 Case Hardened - WW (#670)
★ Bayonet Case Hardened - FN 0.0010 (4# in the world)
StatTrak™ AK-47 Case Hardened - MW (iBUYPOWER Katowice 14 HOLO)
AK-47 Case Hardened - BS (#265)
AK-47 Case Hardened - BS (#4)
AK-47 Case Hardened - WW (#764)
AK-47 Case Hardened - FT (#169)
AK-47 Case Hardened - MW (#65)
AK-47 Redline (4x mousesports Foil MLG Columbus 2016)
AK-47 Predator (Virtus.Pro Holo Dreamhack 2014)
AK-47 Redline (Virtus.Pro Holo Dreamhack2014)
StatTrak™ Glock-18 Bunsen Burner (4x Titan Cologne 2015)
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler - MW
★ Falchion Knife Doppler - FN
★ Falchion Knife Doppler - FN BLACK PEARL
★ M9 Bayonet Vanilla
AK-47 X-Ray - MW
★ Bowie Knife Gamma Doppler - FN
★ Bowie Knife Gamma Doppler - FN EMERALD
★ Nomad Knife Fade - FN 96% 0.01
★ StatTrak™ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web - MW 0.070
M4A1-S Hot Rod - FN - x2
★ StatTrak™ Nomad Knife Fade - FN
★ Karambit Black Laminate - MW
★ Karambit Black Laminate - FT
★ Skeleton Knife Slaughter - FN
M4A4 Poseidon - MW
★ Bayonet Fade - FN 97.5% 0.01
★ Sport Gloves Slingshot - FT 0.240
★ Skeleton Knife Slaughter - MW 0.09
★ Butterfly Knife Stained - WW
Glock-18 Gamma Doppler - FN
Glock-18 Gamma Doppler - FN EMERALD
★ Karambit Night - MW
★ M9 Bayonet Damascus Steel - FN
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - FT
★ Gut Knife Doppler - FN
★ Gut Knife Doppler - FN RUBY
★ Flip Knife Fade - FN 97.6%
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Crimson Web - BS 0.54
★ Stiletto Knife Doppler - FN
★ Bayonet Doppler - FN
M4A1-S Blue Phosphor - FN
★ Karambit Night - FT 0.18
★ Butterfly Knife Urban Masked - FT
★ Classic Knife Fade - FN
★ Karambit Rust Coat - BS
★ Ursus Knife Fade - FN 99.2%
StatTrak™ AK-47 Case Hardened - MW
★ Nomad Knife Slaughter - FN
AWP Lightning Strike - FN
★ Bayonet Tiger Tooth - FN
★ Karambit Scorched - FT
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web - BS
★ Karambit Urban Masked - FT
★ Karambit Scorched - WW
★ Flip Knife Doppler - FN - x4
★ Navaja Knife Doppler - FN
★ Navaja Knife Doppler - FN SAPPHIRE
★ Talon Knife Vanilla
★ Ursus Knife Doppler - FN - x2
★ StatTrak™ Talon Knife Case Hardened - BS
★ Bayonet Lore - FT - x2
★ Stiletto Knife Tiger Tooth - FN
★ Nomad Knife -
★ Talon Knife Ultraviolet - MW
AK-47 Vulcan - MW - x2
★ Flip Knife Slaughter - FN
★ M9 Bayonet Boreal Forest - FT
UMP-45 Fade - FN
★ StatTrak™ Talon Knife Crimson Web - FT
Sticker mousesports Katowice 2014 -
AK-47 Fuel Injector - FN
★ StatTrak™ Nomad Knife Case Hardened - MW
★ Stiletto Knife -
★ Bowie Knife Fade - FN
★ Survival Knife Fade - FN
★ Bayonet Case Hardened - FT
AK-47 X-Ray - WW
★ Flip Knife Slaughter - MW
★ Huntsman Knife Slaughter - FN
★ Skeleton Knife Case Hardened - BS
★ StatTrak™ Ursus Knife Marble Fade - FN
Sticker Virtus.Pro Katowice 2014 -
★ Flip Knife Tiger Tooth - FN
AK-47 Case Hardened - FN - x2
★ Specialist Gloves Fade - FT
★ StatTrak™ Kukri Knife Stained - MW
★ Specialist Gloves Lt. Commander - MW
★ Nomad Knife Blue Steel - BS
★ Bayonet Freehand - FN
★ Skeleton Knife Stained - WW
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - FT 0.162
MP5-SD Oxide Oasis - FN
StatTrak™ M4A4 The Emperor - FN
★ Moto Gloves Blood Pressure - MW
Sticker Flipsid3 Tactics (Holo) Katowice 2015 -
StatTrak™ AK-47 Case Hardened - WW
★ StatTrak™ Bayonet Blue Steel - BS
★ Driver Gloves Imperial Plaid - FT - x2
Desert Eagle Emerald Jörmungandr - FN 0.007
★ Bowie Knife Slaughter - FN
★ StatTrak™ Huntsman Knife Tiger Tooth - FN
★ Specialist Gloves Marble Fade - FT
★ Specialist Gloves Marble Fade - FT 0.15
★ Driver Gloves Crimson Weave - FT - x2
★ Hand Wraps Cobalt Skulls - BS
AK-47 Case Hardened - MW
★ Bowie Knife Autotronic - FN
Desert Eagle Sunset Storm 弐 - FN
★ Driver Gloves Imperial Plaid - WW
★ Huntsman Knife Tiger Tooth - FN
★ StatTrak™ Shadow Daggers Crimson Web - MW
★ Stiletto Knife Stained - FT
StatTrak™ M4A1-S Chantico's Fire - FN
★ Shadow Daggers Doppler - FN
AWP Oni Taiji - FT
★ Bowie Knife Slaughter - MW
★ Nomad Knife Crimson Web - BS
★ Talon Knife Safari Mesh - MW
★ Paracord Knife Slaughter - MW
★ Survival Knife Slaughter - FN
★ StatTrak™ Bowie Knife Tiger Tooth - FN - x2
StatTrak™ M4A1-S Printstream - FT
AK-47 Case Hardened - FT - x2
★ Huntsman Knife Autotronic - MW
Souvenir M4A4 Eye of Horus - BS
ESL One Katowice 2015 Legends (Holo/Foil) -
★ Sport Gloves Omega - BS
★ Specialist Gloves Crimson Web - FT
AK-47 Jet Set - BS
★ Skeleton Knife Urban Masked - BS
★ Kukri Knife Safari Mesh - MW
★ Navaja Knife Fade - FN
★ Bowie Knife Tiger Tooth - FN
Souvenir SG 553 Integrale - MW
★ Skeleton Knife Safari Mesh - FT - x2
★ StatTrak™ Kukri Knife Forest DDPAT - FT
★ Specialist Gloves Foundation - WW
StatTrak™ AWP Asiimov - FT
AK-47 Vulcan - FT - x3
★ Flip Knife Damascus Steel - MW - x3
AK-47 Fuel Injector - MW
★ Moto Gloves POW! - FT
★ Bowie Knife Lore - MW
★ Bayonet Night - BS
★ Ursus Knife Case Hardened - FT - x2
★ Survival Knife Case Hardened - MW
StatTrak™ M4A1-S Player Two - FN
★ Driver Gloves Black Tie - FT
★ Driver Gloves Imperial Plaid - BS - x2
★ Bowie Knife Stained - FN
★ Stiletto Knife Night Stripe - FT
★ Specialist Gloves Marble Fade - WW
StatTrak™ AK-47 Red Laminate - MW
USP-S Target Acquired - FN
★ Flip Knife Freehand - FT
★ Huntsman Knife Damascus Steel - FN
★ Stiletto Knife Forest DDPAT - MW
★ Survival Knife Crimson Web - FT
AK-47 Asiimov - FN - x2
★ Driver Gloves Rezan the Red - MW
★ Gut Knife Marble Fade - FN
★ Broken Fang Gloves Jade - MW
StatTrak™ AWP BOOM - MW
★ Falchion Knife Case Hardened - WW
★ Survival Knife - - x2
★ StatTrak™ Bowie Knife -
★ Moto Gloves Polygon - FT
★ Falchion Knife Blue Steel - MW
AK-47 Case Hardened - WW
★ Flip Knife Night - FT
Glock-18 Gamma Doppler - FT - x3
★ Hand Wraps Overprint - WW
AK-47 Case Hardened - BS - x4
★ Ursus Knife Case Hardened - WW
StatTrak™ AK-47 Bloodsport - FT
★ Moto Gloves Blood Pressure - FT
Souvenir Desert Eagle Fennec Fox - FT
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - BS
★ Flip Knife Stained - BS
★ StatTrak™ Falchion Knife Freehand - MW
Glock-18 Twilight Galaxy - MW
★ StatTrak™ Flip Knife Rust Coat - BS
★ Navaja Knife Marble Fade - FN
★ Gut Knife Slaughter - MW
★ Ursus Knife Blue Steel - WW
★ Nomad Knife Urban Masked - FT
★ Sport Gloves Big Game - BS
M4A1-S Printstream - FT - x2
★ Huntsman Knife Stained - FT
★ Nomad Knife Scorched - FT - x2
★ Bowie Knife -
★ Falchion Knife Freehand - MW
★ Moto Gloves Smoke Out - FT
StatTrak™ P90 Asiimov - FN
★ StatTrak™ Flip Knife Forest DDPAT - FT - x2
★ Specialist Gloves Marble Fade - BS
StatTrak™ AWP Wildfire - MW
★ Huntsman Knife Black Laminate - MW
M4A1-S Golden Coil - FN
★ Flip Knife Forest DDPAT - FT
★ Gut Knife Lore - FT - x2
AK-47 Panthera onca - BS
★ Classic Knife Scorched - FT
★ Falchion Knife Freehand - FT
AWP Graphite - FN
★ Specialist Gloves Crimson Web - BS - x3
★ Bowie Knife Night - MW
★ Shadow Daggers Lore - MW - x2
M4A4 Asiimov - FT - x2
★ Paracord Knife Stained - MW
AWP Containment Breach - MW
AK-47 Inheritance - MW
AWP Graphite - MW
★ Shadow Daggers -
★ Specialist Gloves Field Agent - BS
★ Bowie Knife Bright Water - FN
Souvenir SSG 08 Death Strike - MW
AK-47 Bloodsport - FN
AK-47 The Empress - FN
★ Falchion Knife Stained - FT
AK-47 Vulcan - WW - x2
★ Bloodhound Gloves Charred - FT
AWP Asiimov - FT
★ Bloodhound Gloves Snakebite - MW
★ Moto Gloves Eclipse - WW
★ Sport Gloves Bronze Morph - WW - x2
★ StatTrak™ Falchion Knife Forest DDPAT - MW
StatTrak™ Tec-9 Decimator - FN
StatTrak™ AK-47 The Empress - MW
★ Falchion Knife Ultraviolet - WW
★ Shadow Daggers Case Hardened - BS
★ Classic Knife Safari Mesh - FT - x2
★ Huntsman Knife Ultraviolet - BS
★ Moto Gloves Polygon - BS
AK-47 Fuel Injector - WW
★ Huntsman Knife Urban Masked - WW
★ Broken Fang Gloves Jade - FT
StatTrak™ M4A1-S Cyrex - FN
★ Bowie Knife Ultraviolet - FT
★ Survival Knife Stained - WW
★ Huntsman Knife Scorched - FT
★ StatTrak™ Gut Knife Freehand - FT
M4A4 Temukau - FN
StatTrak™ AWP Asiimov - BS
★ Falchion Knife Night - FT
★ Bowie Knife Bright Water - FT
AK-47 Bloodsport - MW - x3
★ StatTrak™ Falchion Knife Forest DDPAT - FT
★ Bloodhound Gloves Guerrilla - MW
USP-S Printstream - FN - x2
★ StatTrak™ Ursus Knife Safari Mesh - FT
★ Driver Gloves Diamondback - WW
M4A1-S Printstream - BS
StatTrak™ CZ75-Auto Victoria - FN
★ Survival Knife Night Stripe - FT
★ Survival Knife Night Stripe - WW
MP7 Teal Blossom - FN
★ Driver Gloves Rezan the Red - FT - x2
★ Gut Knife Freehand - FT - x2
ESL One Cologne 2014 Legends - - x3
★ Navaja Knife Blue Steel - MW
★ Shadow Daggers Autotronic - FT - x2
Sticker rox (Holo) Antwerp 2022 - - x2
★ Bowie Knife Urban Masked - FT
★ Gut Knife Ultraviolet - FT
★ Hand Wraps Constrictor - MW
AK-47 Aquamarine Revenge - FN
Desert Eagle Hypnotic - FN - x2
★ Paracord Knife Boreal Forest - FT
FAMAS Prime Conspiracy - FN - x2
★ Driver Gloves Overtake - FT
★ Shadow Daggers Damascus Steel - MW
★ Navaja Knife Damascus Steel - MW
AK-47 Redline - MW
★ Survival Knife Forest DDPAT - WW
★ Gut Knife Rust Coat - BS
★ Survival Knife Boreal Forest - FT
★ Specialist Gloves Forest DDPAT - BS
★ Paracord Knife Scorched - FT
★ Paracord Knife Safari Mesh - FT - x2
Desert Eagle Cobalt Disruption - FN
★ Paracord Knife Forest DDPAT - BS
★ Survival Knife Scorched - BS
StatTrak™ Five-SeveN Case Hardened - FN
★ Shadow Daggers Damascus Steel - FT
Desert Eagle Printstream - FN
StatTrak™ M4A4 The Emperor - MW
StatTrak™ Desert Eagle Printstream - MW - x2
★ Hand Wraps Badlands - BS
StatTrak™ M4A1-S Player Two - MW - x2
★ Shadow Daggers Urban Masked - WW
StatTrak™ M4A4 Neo-Noir - FN
★ Moto Gloves Eclipse - BS
★ Gut Knife Boreal Forest - FT
StatTrak™ AWP Wildfire - FT
★ Shadow Daggers Bright Water - MW
AK-47 Inheritance - FT
AWP Containment Breach - FT - x2
★ Navaja Knife Scorched - MW
SSG 08 Bloodshot - MW
Souvenir SSG 08 Death Strike - FT
AWP Wildfire - MW - x2
★ Shadow Daggers Night - FT - x2
★ Shadow Daggers Rust Coat - BS - x2
★ Driver Gloves Queen Jaguar - FT - x2
StatTrak™ Desert Eagle Kumicho Dragon - FN
★ Driver Gloves Rezan the Red - BS
★ Navaja Knife Boreal Forest - FT
MAC-10 Case Hardened - FT
★ Broken Fang Gloves Unhinged - FT - x2
★ Navaja Knife Night Stripe - FT
★ Navaja Knife Urban Masked - BS
★ Navaja Knife Scorched - WW
M4A1-S Dark Water - MW
★ StatTrak™ Navaja Knife Boreal Forest - FT
★ Navaja Knife Scorched - BS
M4A1-S Dark Water - FT
USP-S Dark Water - MW
★ Specialist Gloves Buckshot - FT
★ Shadow Daggers Black Laminate - BS
★ Shadow Daggers Forest DDPAT - BS
★ Hand Wraps Duct Tape - FT
★ Shadow Daggers Safari Mesh - FT
★ Shadow Daggers Boreal Forest - FT
★ Navaja Knife Safari Mesh - FT - x2
★ Shadow Daggers Safari Mesh - BS
★ Moto Gloves 3rd Commando Company - FT - x3
AK-47 Leet Museo - FN
★ Hand Wraps Desert Shamagh - FT
StatTrak™ AK-47 The Empress - FT - x2
★ Driver Gloves Convoy - FT
★ Bloodhound Gloves Snakebite - FT - x2
AWP Asiimov - BS - x3
Sir Bloody Miami Darryl The Professionals - - x2
StatTrak™ AWP Man-o'-war - MW
StatTrak™ AK-47 Aquamarine Revenge - FT
USP-S Kill Confirmed - MW
ESL One Cologne 2014 Challengers - - x3
Getaway Sally The Professionals -
★ Hand Wraps Constrictor - WW
★ Hydra Gloves Emerald - FT - x2
★ Moto Gloves Transport - WW
M4A1-S Moss Quartz - FN
★ Hand Wraps Desert Shamagh - WW - x2
★ Hand Wraps Giraffe - BS - x3
★ Hydra Gloves Mangrove - FT - x2
AK-47 The Empress - MW - x2
AWP Redline - MW - x2
FAMAS Waters of Nephthys - MW
Souvenir MP9 Setting Sun - FN
★ Hydra Gloves Rattler - FT - x2
StatTrak™ Nova Hyper Beast - FN
★ Broken Fang Gloves Unhinged - BS
AWP Wildfire - FT - x2
StatTrak™ M4A4 龍王 (Dragon King) - FN
★ Hydra Gloves Emerald - WW
AK-47 Asiimov - MW - x2
MAC-10 Gold Brick - FN - x2
★ Hydra Gloves Rattler - BS
M4A1-S Hyper Beast - MW - x3
StatTrak™ AK-47 Head Shot - MW
StatTrak™ USP-S Printstream - WW
AWP Chrome Cannon - FT - x2
AWP Hyper Beast - MW - x2
StatTrak™ AWP Hyper Beast - FT
AWP Containment Breach - WW
Glock-18 Pink DDPAT - FT
AWP Electric Hive - FN - x2
StatTrak™ Desert Eagle Printstream - FT
USP-S Orion - FN
StatTrak™ USP-S Caiman - FT
StatTrak™ AK-47 The Empress - WW
USP-S The Traitor - FN
Souvenir MAC-10 Case Hardened - FN
StatTrak™ AK-47 Asiimov - FT
AK-47 Jaguar - FT
M4A1-S Player Two - MW
Glock-18 Gamma Doppler - MW
USP-S Business Class - FN
USP-S Whiteout - MW
M4A4 Asiimov - BS
StatTrak™ USP-S Serum - FT
Howl Pin -
StatTrak™ USP-S The Traitor - MW
AK-47 Neon Rider - FT - x2
Sticker TSM Kinguin (Foil) Katowice 2015 -
Cmdr. Davida 'Goggles' Fernandez SEAL Frogman - - x2
Desert Eagle Printstream - MW
Sticker Epsilon eSports (Holo) Cologne 2014 -
USP-S Orion - MW - x2
StatTrak™ AK-47 Nightwish - MW
Sir Bloody Loudmouth Darryl The Professionals -
Souvenir Five-SeveN Fall Hazard - FT
Glock-18 Gamma Doppler - WW
P90 Death by Kitty - MW
Cmdr. Frank 'Wet Sox' Baroud SEAL Frogman - - x2
StatTrak™ USP-S Monster Mashup - MW
AK-47 Leet Museo - MW - x3
USP-S Ancient Visions - MW
Number K The Professionals -
Five-SeveN Fairy Tale - FN
Desert Eagle Ocean Drive - MW
USP-S Kill Confirmed - FT - x2
P250 Undertow - FN
M4A1-S Moss Quartz - MW
M4A1-S Decimator - FN
StatTrak™ AWP Hyper Beast - WW
AK-47 Wasteland Rebel - MW - x2
StatTrak™ Desert Eagle Kumicho Dragon - MW - x2
AWP Redline - FT - x2
StatTrak™ Glock-18 Water Elemental - FN
StatTrak™ AK-47 Neon Revolution - WW
StatTrak™ AWP Electric Hive - FT
M4A1-S Golden Coil - WW - x2
StatTrak™ SSG 08 Dragonfire - MW
USP-S Road Rash - MW
StatTrak™ M4A1-S Decimator - MW
StatTrak™ M4A1-S Nightmare - MW
AWP Containment Breach - BS
Dual Berettas Cobra Strike - MW
StatTrak™ M4A1-S Mecha Industries - BS
AWP Chrome Cannon - WW
M4A4 Hellfire - MW - x2
StatTrak™ AK-47 Redline - FT - x2
StatTrak™ AWP Neo-Noir - FT
AK-47 Red Laminate - FT
Souvenir P250 Apep's Curse - MW
Glock-18 Bullet Queen - FN
AWP Electric Hive - MW
USP-S Monster Mashup - FN
StatTrak™ AK-47 Point Disarray - MW
M4A4 Cyber Security - FN
SSG 08 Blood in the Water - MW
StatTrak™ Sawed-Off The Kraken - FN
FAMAS Waters of Nephthys - FT
StatTrak™ M4A1-S Basilisk - FN
USP-S Kill Confirmed - WW
AWP Man-o'-war - MW - x3
P90 Asiimov - FN
MAC-10 Propaganda - MW
USP-S Printstream - FT - x2
Souvenir Galil AR Cerberus - FT
Sir Bloody Darryl Royale The Professionals -
AWP Neo-Noir - FN
StatTrak™ Zeus x27 Olympus - MW
AK-47 Black Laminate - MW - x2
Desert Eagle Printstream - FT
Desert Eagle Kumicho Dragon - FN - x2
P90 Death by Kitty - FT
Desert Eagle Code Red - MW
Five-SeveN Nitro - MW
AWP Wildfire - BS
StatTrak™ P250 Mehndi - MW
AK-47 Asiimov - FT
AK-47 Head Shot - MW
MAC-10 Fade - FN - x2
StatTrak™ AK-47 Cartel - BS
StatTrak™ USP-S Jawbreaker - MW
AWP Electric Hive - FT
StatTrak™ M4A4 龍王 (Dragon King) - MW
MAC-10 Propaganda - FT
FAMAS Afterimage - MW
Vypa Sista of the Revolution Guerrilla Warfare -
StatTrak™ SSG 08 Dragonfire - FT
AK-47 Frontside Misty - MW
StatTrak™ M4A4 In Living Color - MW
M4A1-S Mecha Industries - FT - x2
Souvenir MAC-10 Indigo - FN
AWP Hyper Beast - FT
StatTrak™ AK-47 Frontside Misty - FT
Sticker Virtus.Pro DreamHack 2014 -
StatTrak™ Desert Eagle Kumicho Dragon - BS
Glock-18 Sand Dune - MW
Sticker MOUZ (Foil) Stockholm 2021 -
StatTrak™ USP-S Blueprint - MW
M4A1-S Bright Water - MW
StatTrak™ AWP Fever Dream - FN
Desert Eagle Crimson Web - MW - x2
M4A4 Zirka - FT
M4A1-S Black Lotus - FN
AK-47 Black Laminate - FT
M4A4 Modern Hunter - FT
USP-S Monster Mashup - MW - x2
StatTrak™ AK-47 Legion of Anubis - MW
Sir Bloody Skullhead Darryl The Professionals -
StatTrak™ Galil AR Chatterbox - BS
AWP Neo-Noir - MW - x2
M4A4 Global Offensive - MW
Souvenir M4A4 Tornado - MW
USP-S Road Rash - FT
Souvenir Galil AR CAUTION! - MW
AK-47 Wasteland Rebel - FT
& more


Knives - Bowie Knife, Butterfly Knife, Falchion Knife, Flip Knife, Gut Knife, Huntsman Knife, M9 Bayonet, Bayonet, Karambit, Shadow Daggers, Stiletto Knife, Ursus Knife, Navaja Knife, Talon Knife, Classic Knife, Paracord Knife, Survival Knife, Nomad Knife, Skeleton Knife, Patterns - Gamma Doppler, Doppler (Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, Phase 4, Black Pearl, Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald), Crimson Web, Lore, Fade, Ultraviolet, Night, Marble Fade (Fire & Ice, Fake FI), Case Hardened (Blue Gem), Autotronic, Slaughter, Black Laminate, Tiger Tooth, Boreal Forest, Scorched, Blue Steel, Vanilla, Damascus Steel, Forest DDPAT, Urban Masked, Freehand, Stained, Bright Water, Safari Mesh, Rust Coat, Gloves - Bloodhound Gloves (Charred, Snakebite, Guerrilla, Bronzed), Driver Gloves (Snow Leopard, King Snake, Crimson Weave, Imperial Plaid, Black Tie, Lunar Weave, Diamondback, Rezan the Red, Overtake, Queen Jaguar, Convoy, Racing Green), Hand Wraps (Cobalt Skulls, CAUTION!, Overprint, Slaughter, Leather, Giraffe, Badlands, Spruce DDPAT, Arboreal, Constrictor, Desert Shamagh, Duct Tape), Moto Gloves (Spearmint, POW!, Cool Mint, Smoke Out, Finish Line, Polygon, Blood Pressure, Turtle, Boom!, Eclipse, 3rd Commando Company, Transport), Specialist Gloves (Crimson Kimono, Tiger Strike, Emerald Web, Field Agent, Marble Fade, Fade, Foundation, Lt. Commander, Crimson Web, Mogul, Forest DDPAT, Buckshot), Sport Gloves (Pandora's Box, Superconductor, Hedge Maze, Vice, Amphibious, Slingshot, Omega, Arid, Big Game, Nocts, Scarlet Shamagh, Bronze Morph), Hydra Gloves (Case Hardened, Emerald, Rattler, Mangrove), Broken Fang Gloves (Jade, Yellow-banded, Unhinged, Needle Point), Pistols - P2000 (Wicked Sick, Ocean Foam, Fire Element, Amber Fade, Corticera, Chainmail, Imperial Dragon, Obsidian, Scorpion, Handgun, Acid Etched), USP-S (Printstream, Kill Confirmed, Whiteout, Road Rash, Owergrowth, The Traitor, Neo-Noir, Dark Water, Orion, Blueprint, Stainless, Caiman, Serum, Monster Mashup, Royal Blue, Ancient Visions, Cortex, Orange Anolis, Ticket To Hell, Black Lotus, Cyrex, Check Engine, Guardian, Purple DDPAT, Torque, Blood Tiger, Flashback, Business Class, Pathfinder, Para Green), Lead Conduit, Glock-18 (Ramese's Reach, Umbral Rabbit, Fade, Candy Apple, Bullet Queen, Synth Leaf, Neo-Noir, Nuclear Garden, Dragon Tatto, Reactor, Pink DDPAT, Twilight Galaxy, Sand Dune, Groundwater, Blue Fissure, Snack Attack, Water Elemental, Brass, Wasteland Rebel, Vogue, Franklin, Royal Legion, Gamma Doppler, Weasel, Steel Disruption, Ironwork, Grinder, High Beam, Moonrise, Oxide Blaze, Bunsen Burner, Clear Polymer, Bunsen Burner, Night), P250 (Apep's Curse, Re.built, Nuclear Threat, Modern Hunter, Splash, Whiteout, Vino Primo, Mehndi, Asiimov, Visions, Undertow, Cartel, See Ya Later, Gunsmoke, Splash, Digital Architect, Muertos, Red Rock, Bengal Tiger, Crimson Kimono, Wingshot, Metallic DDPAT, Hive, Dark Filigree, Mint Kimono), Five-Seven (Neon Kimono, Berries And Cherries, Fall Hazard, Crimson Blossom, Hyper Beast, Nitro, Fairy Tale, Case Hardened, Copper Galaxy, Angry Mob, Monkey Business, Fowl Play, Anodized Gunmetal, Hot Shot, Retrobution, Boost Protocol), CZ75-Auto (Chalice, Crimson Web, Emerald Quartz, The Fuschia is Now, Nitro, Xiangliu, Yellow Jacket, Victoria, Poison Dart, Syndicate, Eco, Hexane, Pole, Tigris), Tec-9 (Mummy's Rot, Rebel, Terrace, Nuclear Threat, Hades, Rust Leaf, Decimator, Blast From, Orange
submitted by mareks05 to Csgotrading [link] [comments]