Pictures of leif erikson

Theory: The Occult Book Behind the Elder Futhark Symbols on the Show.

2024.05.27 23:30 TaranMatharu Theory: The Occult Book Behind the Elder Futhark Symbols on the Show.

Imagine for a moment that the origin story DOES begin with John Cabot's lost expedition to Newfoundland. And we now need to resolve what Kristi mentioning Iceland means within that context.
Now, you might think this is a clue for Leif Eikson, the first european to visit North America in the year 1000. We already know Leif's a clue, as Duluth, the place Fatima's cross-dressing friend came from, is famous for its replica of Leif Erikson's ship (and their famous park is named after him). We also know icelandic runes, elder futhark, are on the show, sometimes mirror flipped - (see the Ingwaz on the talisman, Tiwaz as Boyd's arrow on the tree and what might be a mirror flipped ansuz with an extra tine, that we see on the cave wall and the talisman).
But if this all begins with Cabot in 1498, then Leif and his icelandic settlers on Newfoundland would be long dead. Indeed, I think that Cabot's marooned colony shelter in their old settlement, and perhaps it's where the stone circle comes from - but nothing more.
Now, Richard Amerike is likely a part of Cabot's expedition. He was Sheriff of Bristol (which is why Boyd is a sheriff on the show, and why Morgan Earp will be in the 1883 timeline), as well as a merchant (khatri means merchant class) and he funded Cabot's first journey to Newfoundland. He also apparently had naming rights to any islands Cabot found. Some even think America was named after him, and a few have theorised that the stars and stripes of the USA were based on his coat of arms.
Ellis: "naming rights optional"
Mr Liu: "he want America name"
He was also the King's Customs Officer, known at that time as the 'Customer'. Sarah: “How’s my favorite customer?”
But then when I read about Amerike's life, and I learned he had an icelandic thrall slave - super rare bit of trivia about him - this was not a common thing. And then I realise that there's an icelandic celebration in the origin story - they do Kvoldvaka (too much to explain). So, there must be an icelandic person in the origin story too - perhaps this thrall is the source of the symbols.
Separately, history tells us that Cabot brought an unnamed "genoese barber" and an unnamed "burgundian" with him on his explorations. And I believe that on the show they're portrayed by Oliver le Daim and Phillipe de Commines, real historical figures. In fact I think we'll learn all about the origin story through Philipe de Commines diaries, which Tabitha will find in Vicor Hugo's book collection perhaps after dreaming some clues...but that's for another post.
So it gets me thinking, will they make the icelandic thrall a historical figure too?
But icelandic history is SPARSE for the 15th century. It's all very boring legal stuff really, it had a super low population and very little going on.
THEN, I find a reference to a book created by an Icelandic bishop of that era. The Book of Power, Rauðskinna (‘Red Skin’ in Icelandic) took its name from the red cover written in gold-lettered runes. Its main objective was to use magic to bind Satan to his will.
Another legend says that a young man ended up with it. That the true author of the book was Keli the Wizard, who passed the book down to his grandson Jon, from whome the book was stolen by said bishop.
I also see many references to writing on the walls in the show - Jade threatens to do it to Kenny, and of course the Matthews family write ont he wall and there's loads of writing all over the walls in chalkboard poems, kids alphabet letters and drawings etc.
So my theory is this. In the cannon of Fromland, Jon Thorkell steals back the book and somehow ends up becoming a thrall - perhaps he is framed for a crime, or falls into debt. He ends up with Richard Amerike on the lost voyage to Newfoundland, and gifts the book to the witch there.
The book ends up being used in the witch's duel with the bogeyman, with her writing the symbols on the walls, to bind the devil in her witch's bottle apotropaic trap.
submitted by TaranMatharu to FromSeries [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 23:08 shamgar01 My new game idea Animal Crossing on the switch 2

I personally loved New Horizons, though I don’t think it’s perfect. I’ve played every iteration of Animal Crossing since I was a little girl so I love this series. I love thinking about it, and I wanted to share my ideas for a new game that I think could shake up the series and add things I would personally love. I would love to hear others thoughts and additions to a new, upcoming game for the future.
Eventually when the switch 2 is announced and made, here’s what I think could make a great AC 6.
This new Animal Crossing would take City Folk’s core gimmick and expand upon it, making an “ultimate” version such as super smash bros ultimate. (Of course I’d bring back old features from old games as well as features from NH) In this game, you arrive by subway station to a small village. This town is sleepy and small, with a limited number of villagers living there. You are not mayor or island representative, just a member of the town. You purchase a tiny home from Tom Nook, the sole vendor in this small village. He sells tools and a couple furnishings. You meet your neighbors and are quick to realize the subway station can take you to a neighboring city.
This city is HUGE- not just a plaza or Main Street but several levels or rows. Every special character is returning here plus some new ones. Coffee shop, clothing shop, Gracie’s designer store, Cyrus’s handmade furniture (with crafting), resturaunt, museum, garden store, shoe store, redds black market, and so much more! There’s also some apartments that villagers live in (to add to the villagers you can meet and get to know in the village). Because of such a huge library of villager characters, you see many just walking around on the streets every day! There’s also a city park that is in slight disrepair that has a small story plot to fixing it up slowly.
The main gimmicks here are building relationships with villagers and special characters. Better villager dialog with more apparent friendship progression and increasing friendship achievements such as being able to go into their apartments or going out for coffee with them. Then finally, getting their picture is the final level of friendship! (I don’t need villagers to be mean to me, but it’s rare to find a stranger who loves you immediately. Make me work for friendships!) More special character friendships/progression such as sable or Wardell- maybe a few special characters enlist your help like Brewster in the coffee shop or kicks as he opens his store, etc.
The game would be far less design focused but still an option. Just not the main thing the game offers. More furniture would be added but the main focus is making the village nicer while having access to friendships in your community. Also, some main quests for completionists would include paying off your house debt (of course), catching all fish and bugs and filling the museum, as well as some new things such as fixing up the city’s park, slowly upgrading shops, new collectibles (such as filling Leif’s greenhouse with more fruit trees and flower hybrids or a new gyroid loving collector), and decorating your town (with more permanent structures as well such as a windmill and lighthouse) and decorating your house.
Some other fun features I think could be fun: 1. More events especially in the city such as a farmers market or lights viewings in December and January. Farmers market could close the street down and have special sellers for produce/ gardening, art, daisy mae has a pop up, special treats from Brewster, phineas with balloons, and more!) 2. Better villager dialog is a must- villager fetch quests 3. Perhaps being able to open a pop up shop to sell old stuff 4. Work for Tom nook again to beautify the town slightly or work for his store to pay off some debt. 5. More multiplayer features and mini games 6. Bring back cooking from the produce but make it more useful for gift giving or something not just decorative. 7. Limited crafting ability with Cyrus instead of on your own
Here’s just some of my thoughts here about how I would make and design the new AC! I hope it gets you as excited as me about the new system and potential game in the future.
submitted by shamgar01 to AnimalCrossing [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 16:42 Capable-Sweet-237 History

A Brief History of the Republic of Vinland

The Founding Era

10th Century: Leif Erikson's Discovery

In the late 10th century, Norse explorer Leif Erikson embarked on a voyage from Greenland and, around the year 1000, landed on the eastern coast of what would later be known as Vinland. Erikson and his crew explored the area, naming it Vinland due to the abundance of wild grapes and fertile lands they found. While Erikson's settlement was short-lived, it marked the first known European contact with North America, predating Columbus by nearly 500 years.

The Colonial Era

16th to 17th Century: Scandinavian Influence

Following Erikson's discovery, Norse influence waned, but interest in Vinland revived during the Age of Exploration. In the early 16th century, Scandinavian fishermen and traders began frequenting the coasts of Vinland, establishing seasonal camps and trading posts. By the mid-17th century, these scattered settlements coalesced into more permanent colonies, administered loosely by Scandinavian monarchies, particularly Denmark and Sweden.

18th Century: British-Swedish Conflict

The strategic and economic value of Vinland did not go unnoticed by other European powers. In the early 18th century, tensions between Sweden and Britain over control of North Atlantic territories escalated. The British-Swedish War (1715-1721), part of the larger Great Northern War, saw several battles fought in and around Vinland. The Treaty of Stockholm (1721) concluded the war, with Sweden ceding control of Vinland to Britain in exchange for concessions in Europe.

The British Colonial Period

18th to 19th Century: British Rule

Under British rule, Vinland saw an influx of British settlers and the establishment of structured colonial governance. The British developed Vinland's natural resources, fostering a thriving economy based on fishing, timber, and agriculture. However, British policies, including heavy taxation and trade restrictions, fostered growing resentment among the colonists.

19th Century: Path to Autonomy

Throughout the 19th century, Vinland's population grew more diverse, with immigrants from various parts of Europe and beyond. Calls for greater autonomy intensified, driven by the influence of Enlightenment ideals and the successful independence movements in neighboring regions.

The Road to Independence

Early 20th Century: Growing Nationalism

By the early 20th century, Vinland had developed a distinct national identity. The world wars further highlighted the need for self-determination, as Vinlanders contributed significantly to the British war efforts but received little recognition or reward. Post-World War II, the global wave of decolonization inspired Vinland's leaders to push for independence.

1960: Declaration of Independence

On June 29, 1960, Vinland's leaders, following a peaceful and well-organized campaign, formally declared independence from Britain. The declaration was met with widespread support domestically and recognition from the international community. The newly-formed Republic of Vinland adopted a constitution establishing a democratic government with a focus on human rights and economic development.

The Modern Era

Late 20th Century: Development and Growth

Post-independence, Vinland embarked on an ambitious program of modernization and infrastructure development. Investments in education, healthcare, and technology transformed Vinland into a prosperous and progressive nation. Diplomatic efforts secured Vinland's place in international organizations, fostering trade and cooperation.

Early 21st Century: Challenges and Achievements

In the early 21st century, Vinland faced and overcame various challenges, including economic recessions and environmental concerns. Sustainable development became a national priority, with policies promoting renewable energy and conservation. Vinland's vibrant democracy continued to evolve, with an active civil society and robust institutions ensuring transparency and accountability.

2024: A Progressive and Prosperous Nation

As of 2024, the Republic of Vinland stands as a beacon of stability and progress in the North Atlantic region. Its diverse population enjoys high standards of living, with a strong commitment to social justice, environmental stewardship, and international cooperation. Vinland's history, from its Norse roots to its modern-day achievements, reflects a journey of resilience, innovation, and unity.


The Republic of Vinland's history is a testament to the enduring spirit of its people, from the early explorers led by Leif Erikson, through centuries of colonial rule, to the proud and independent nation it is today. As Vinland looks to the future, it remains guided by the principles of democracy, equality, and sustainability that have shaped its unique path.
submitted by Capable-Sweet-237 to Republic_of_Vinland [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 14:32 CajunNerd92 The Wars of Light and Shadow: An Overview

Since the final climactic volume in this criminally underrated series just came out today, I'm reposting this on here with the permission of the original author. Original thread is located here
The Wars of Light and Shadow were fought during the third age of Athera, the most troubled and strife-filled era recorded in all of history. At that time Arithon, called Master of Shadow, battled the Lord of Light through five centuries of bloody and bitter conflict. If the canons of the religion founded during that period are reliable, the Lord of Light was divinity incarnate, and the Master of Shadow a servant of evil, spinner of dark powers. Temple archives attest with grandiloquent force to be the sole arbiters of truth.
Yet contrary evidence supports a claim that the Master was unjustly aligned with evil. Fragments of manuscript survive which expose the entire religion of Light as fraud, and award Arithon the attributes of saint and mystic instead.
Because the factual account lay hopelessly entangled between legend and theology, sages in the seventh age meditated upon the ancient past, and recalled through visions the events as they happened. Contrary to all expectation, the conflict did not begin on the council stair of Etarra, nor even on the soil of Athera itself; instead the visions started upon the wide oceans of the splinter world, Dascen Elur.
This is the chronicle the sages recovered. Let each who reads determine the good and the evil for himself.
So begins Curse of the Mistwraith, the first book of the Wars of Light and Shadow, a series very near and dear to my heart. In my opinion, this series is the most criminally underrated and underread long running work of epic fantasy. Today, I'm going to try to share part of just exactly why I love this series and gush about it with such enthusiasm, along with why you might just enjoy it too, albeit with a catch - I'm not going to mention anything about the plot or the characters.
Even though I can gush for pages and pages on the wonderful stories or characters that you'll find in these pages, since so much of the series relies on overturning the assumptions you bring with you and continue to make along the way, anything that I say about either will unfairly color your preconceptions before going in. (Besides, there are plenty other reviews of the series on here that do more justice to these aspects than I could.)
Instead, I'll talk more about the mechanical elements of the Wars of Light and Shadow - the prose, pacing, series structure, and worldbuilding, along with a little something special at the end so you can hopefully see if her work will appeal to you.
Instead of describing how wonderful Janny's prose is here, I'll just post an example of her prose here, and you can decide if her works are for you knowing that this is typical of the prose you'll find in her works.
One moment, inevitable, turned destiny’s card like the bell stroke that shattered all hope; or else, like the phoenix birthed from immolation, a spark struck in bright, helpless pain might salvage the cold course of destiny. No way to tell which ahead of the crux where possibility ended, and probability dimmed to opacity.
Seems a little difficult to take in? Don't worry, you'll adjust to the rhythm of Janny's prose after a couple of chapters - and trust me when I say that you do not want to skim, as it's on the little details that hinge the foreshadowing and explosive developments that are to come in future volumes.
If you don't know that her prose is for you, though? Simple, give To Ride Hell's Chasm a try, a standalone work in a separate universe with prose as rich and detailed as her main series, showing off the pacing structure that inhabits each of her works. Speaking of which:
The works of Janny Wurts all have a similar but pretty unique characteristic to their pacing.
First off, Janny is all about the slow burn. Each of her works has a slow, but deliberate and carefully planned out build, and just when it seems that things are buidling towards a climax, you check your place in the book and - wait a minute, that can't be right! - you're only just barely halfway through! And amazingly enough, the pace and tension don't dissipate, but rather keep building and intensifying over the second half of the novel, resulting in a second half that is hard to put down.
If you're familiar at all with Brandon Sanderson's works, if you'll imagine the Sanderlanch but extended over the back half of a novel then you'll have a good idea of what Janny Wurts' pacing is like.
Moreover, this characteristic 1-2 punch of a slow build to halfway followed by a climactic rush towards the finale is evident not only in each volume of the Wars of Light and Shadow - each story arc (more about those later) also exhibits this same style of plotting, in addition to the series as a whole! So by the time you reach the back half of the series, each book is almost impossible to put down.
We only have one book left and Janny has promised it as being pure finale, pure denouement. So if you choose to undertake this journey, then be sure to hold onto your butts everyone once Song of the Mysteries comes out!
And don't forget, this series doesn't sprawl - rather, each new volume and new arc serves to only further deepen our understanding of all the pieces in play and serves to illuminate new facets of how they all relate together. And on top of that, there are no dropped subplots, no loos threads left unresolved, no extraneous detail - everything will matter and be resolved in the end.
Don't view The Wars of Light and Shadow as a series in eleven volumes.
While each volume is structured to have a distinct beginning, middle, and end, all the while exhibiting Janny's distinct 1-2 narrative punch, the series was first envisioned as a story in 5 arcs. Each arc features its own distinct narrative arc, climax, and resolution, and if it weren't for the limitations of publishing then each arc would be fully contained beginning-to-end under one cover and one volume.
Arc 1 consists of Curse of the Mistwraith
Arc 2 (The Ships of Merior) consists of Ships of Merior and Warhost of Vastmark
Arc 3 (Alliance of Light) consists of Fugitive Prince, Grand Conspiracy, Peril's Gate, Traitor's Knot, and Stormed Fortress
Arc 4 (Sword of the Canon) consists of Initiate's Trial and Destiny's Conflict
Arc 5 will consist of Song of the Mysteries
To get more in-depth:
Curse of the Mistwraith is the introduction, the stage setter, the foundation upon which the rest of the series is built on. It introduces us to the world, the main characters, and establishes the major conflict that drives the entire series forward from here on out. What seem to be at first insignificant details will turn out to be the fulcrum on which future explosive unveilings hinge, although if you aren't feeling the series it does have a good climax and enough closure that you can treat it as a standalone, if you wish to do so.
Arc 2 was originally published under one volume in the initial hardcover release, but it was too big for paperback and and so it was split into the two paperback volumes Ships of Merior and Warhost of Vastmark that we have today. As such, expect Ships of Merior to be almost all setup for the breakneck climax that is Warhost of Vastmark. This arc serves to deepen the main characters in addition to introducing a handful of secondary ones that prove to be crucial to later arcs, and it also raises the stakes of the series-spanning conflict to new heights - the climax is such that, at the time of its release, many thought that it was the end of the series, that's how explosive Warhost is. But those readers couldn't be more wrong, as now the stage is truly set for the explosive reveals and unveilings of the upcoming arcs to begin.
While spread across 5 volumes, the Alliance of Light arc is really one giant story that was too large to fit fully in one cover. Fugitive Prince functions in much the same way for the Alliance of Light as Curse of the Mistwraith did for the entire series, and so the pacing gears back a bit for foundational set-up - but the series doesn't sprawl here, and all the extra detail proves to be necessary by the time the arc finale rolls around as it all comes back to pay off in spades.
Arc 3 is where the series expands into world view - where we start to go really indepth into the various factions, the rules of law, the magic, the Law of Major Balance, the Compact, the Paravians, even Athera itself - and this is where the major unveilings really start to take place. This is where the series starts to shift and really deepen, and if you're only reading for the surface level plot - if you're only reading for 'what happens', and pay no mind to thinking about 'why it happens', 'how it happens', 'what are this character's motivations, what are they thinking', 'what is the purpose of this faction, what is their moral high ground, what guides them as a whole' - this is where you might start to get lost, because unless you're willing to engage the work at the levels that it asks you to, you might find yourself thinking that, for example, 'nothing happens throughout this series' - when this sentiment couldn't be further from the truth.
Peril's Gate is the tipping point in not only this arc, but for the entire series as well - this volume provides the 1-punch for the entire series, with the pace only speeding up from here not just in the rest of the Arc 3, but for the rest of the series, too. Stormed Fortress is basically a climax for the Alliance of Light that's as long as a standard fantasy novel, where all the threads converge into one location - and of course, it's such an explosive arc finale that many people once again thought the series was ending here back when it first came out.
So do you remember when GRRM planned to have a 5 year timeskip after A Storm of Swords, only to reconsider and write those events out anyway, resulting in the next couple of volumes scattering all the plot threads to the four winds? Janny avoids this with Sword of the Canon, where instead of picking up right after the climactic convergence of Stormed Fortress she instead jumps ahead to the next hot nexus of change in the story.
This shift of perspective not only keeps up the pace as the series charges ever onwards towards the finale, but a certain character's perspective lets us view events during this time jump as they become relevant, with the result of us getting reveals both backwards AND forwards in time, carrying more levels of plotting as we not only start to get the answers to important questions and mysteries that have been going on all series, but also sets everything up for the grand finale that will be Song of the Mysteries, which Janny has promised will be all denouement, with no stray threads left unraveled from the greater tapestry, no single mystery left unsolved, no question left unanswered by the time the last page of Arc 5 is turned.
Athera is one of the most unique and fully realized fantasy worlds that I've come across, but you might not realize it at first. Janny initially holds most of the cards close to her chest, giving you only just enough to seem familiar and lets your assumptions fill in the gaps at first.
The purpose of this is twofold: Not only does this let you focus more on the characters and their interactions in addition to the surface level plot on the first go around, but with each new reveal - each carefully placed new tidbit that is unwound; about the characters, the factions, the various races that inhabit Athera, even the very planet itself - each new bit of information upturns more of those assumptions that you've unconsciously made, casting prior events and knowledge into a new light.
And as more and more of the full picture unfolds, layers peeling away and unwrapping like an onion the further into the series you go, you will find that as you reread the series with the context of later events and revelations in mind that everything was there all along, even in Curse of the Mistwraith - you're just able to read between the lines now, and with that, an entirely different story unfolds, one that was always there but until now was hidden by your assumptions and lack of knowledge about the world.
And Janny rarely spoonfeeds you via infodumps, instead she immerses us with vivid prose and lets us experience events in a way that we learn about the world through example as the characters experience things themselves, letting the themes and philosophy she explores unfold themselves naturally as they all derive from the characters, their personalities and natures, and their experiences and encounters with each other.
For example, there's basic concepts underpinning all the various forms of magic used through the series - physics, resonance, quantum mechanics - but instead of telling us how the magic works, she shows us in detail the different magical workings and rituals and gives us enough information to let us divine for ourselves how the different factions tap into and shape the magical energy of Athera.
It is my honest opinion that Janny's worldbuilding easily rivals that of Erikson's and Esslemont's Malazan. But whereas The Book of the Fallen was based on a series of tabletop campaigns ran by various groups of people over the course of decades, Athera is all the product of Janny's mind, built up and expanded upon over the course of her life - the initial seed for the series was first thought up in 1972; and even today, during the course of writing the final volume Song of the Mysteries, she's still surprising herself as she's finally filling in the gaps between what were only sketched out scenes and bits of hastily scribbled notes that were the result of inspiration from decades ago.
And whereas Erikson just dumps you straight into the deep end and tells you to swim, Janny grounds us at first from the point of view of two half-brothers who come from foreign lands and foreign seas and lets us experience each new event and revelation from fresh eyes. Their experience and relative naivety fuel our assumptions at first and lay the groundwork for all we know to be blown away and seen anew over and over again, as what is initially seen as a bogstandard medieval fantasy setting is gradually revealed to be nothing at all like what we first assumed we saw.
As you will come to see, this series truly deserves to be called Epic Fantasy, with a capital E and a capital F.
submitted by CajunNerd92 to Fantasy [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:35 Muyndxora [SW] Twins buying for 635 bells!!

Late owl ordinance active!!
Tommy and Timmy are buying turnips for 635 bells! I'm gonna open my island in about 10-15 min, for 2-3 hours, maybe more. Nook's Cranny is below Resident Services, at the other side of the park.
No tips necessary but if you have spare DIY recipes, I'd be very grateful!
Comment your favorite videogame and I'll send you the Dodo Code. Pls, don't shake the fruit trees of the villagers. Also, certain parts of the island are closed due to remodelling, sorry for the inconveniences. If you wanna explore the explorable part of the island, feel free. Be nice to the villagers! Leif is on the island ~
If you take pictures, pls share it to me!
submitted by Muyndxora to acturnips [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:36 Coralthesequel If your world had an iceberg, what would be on it?

For those who don't know, an iceberg is a meme that's a picture of an iceberg split off into different sections. At the tip of the iceberg is the most basic, commonly known knowledge of a certain topic, and the further down the iceberg goes, the more obscure the information gets. So if your world had an iceberg like this, what would be at it's top and bottom?
The tip of my horror fantasy world's iceberg would be:
Wood elves speak in sign language.
Mansion with eyes.
Madeleine has scopophobia.
Sol Mesa worship the sun.
Ducking stool.
Mammatus clouds.
At the bottom would be :
The river scene is inspired by a nightmare about the author's college lecturer.
Graham had Leif's blessing to marry Madeleine.
Octavia cut out Sigmund's tongue.
Sigmund was the real heir to the Alderbride estate.
The Gertrude Institute was made to hold Arkwright.
Solomon is a tribute to Michael Duncan.
The ducking stool was carved from a Mammatus Isle tree
Madeleine never escaped the Alderbride house.
The Alderbrides aren't human.
Prendergast is a ghost.
Michael's name is pronounced 'Me-Hall'
submitted by Coralthesequel to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:19 FakeFicwriter "Halfway to the end of C2, hang tight" -Ryaine
Ryaine then call the team to continue on their journey, now going West for their next checkpoint.
“Well thanks for the story Kabbu”
“You’re welcome”
“It was inspiring but also a bit tragic, hope you doing well”
“Don’t worry, it’s all in the past, we should just continue on our own journey”
“*grumble* My song is definitely better than that story”
“Ryaine, how much more walking we have to do, I feel like we have been walking for hours and hours”
“Vi, we just rested 5 minutes ago”
“I know but we have been in the Forsaken land for what feels like days, where are we even going anyway”
“Vi, we are going to the next checkpoint, it won’t be long, just half time we take to get to that resting spot”
“For easier navigation, I set up checkpoints in our path like the ones we were at, it’s set up as a flagpole in a middle of nowhere”
“How many more checkpoints we have to go...”
“There are three checkpoints, we just went by the first one so just two more”
“Don’t be such a whiny bee Vi”
“I have an idea, how about we all play some trivia games about each other while we are on our journey”
“Sounds fun”
“I will win this”
“Don’t worry Mothiva”
“Well… I guess…”
“Great, then how about we start with some trivia about the past of our own species”
“What do you mean by that”
“Like before we become sentient and live longer”
“For example...”
“Did you know, honeybees like Vi once use the movement of their body to communicate, in shorter terms, bees used to dance to speak with other bees”
“Vi, are you good with dancing?”
“No... well I never try to”
“You should try it sometimes”
“And teach us some moves”
“Kabbu, Leif, Gen, Eri, I doubt I can’t teach you any moves, I hardly dance, the last time I did was like when I was very young”
“I imagine Vi would probably be good at ballet or tango...”
“Uhh what is ballet or tango”
“Dance styles, something the trivia book says, not sure what they are supposed to be”
“Trivia book?”
“It’s a book that contain a lot of facts, trivia and cultures from around the world, at least that’s what the book says, I got it from Ryaine”
“Huh, can I see it”
Vi checks out the trivia book, she is unable to read it.
“What language is this written in, I can’t read it at all, Leif, can you read this”
“…Nope, this isn’t Bugnish nor Roach dialect, it’s another language entirely”
“Huh, Ryaine, do you know what kind of language is this written in”
“It’s written in the Common English, it’s the language the people from the Westland uses”
“So then… do you understand them”
“I am not really sure, it’s been more than 5 years since I used the language, I am already very rusty at that point”
“Say, that looks like a moth, what does that writing says”
“it says “Moths are nocturnal insects, which mean they are more active at night than day, this is also why their wings are commonly more dull than butterflies that are diurnal” end of sentence”
“Well that explains why Leif is very awake at nighttime”
“My wings are not dull, this book is a disgrace”
“Mothiva, your wings are fine, they’re not dull”
“Huh there is some writing beside a wasp picture”
“That says “Bees evolve from Wasp after they become accustomed to consuming pollen from flowers” end of sentence”
“What does “evolve” means”
“That means Vi and Zasp are related”
“No, me and him can’t be related, we don’t even grow up together”
“I have to agree with her, I am not related to her”
“No I mean like they are related by a common ancestor that existed was like several hundred thousand moons ago, you two are distinct species related by the same genus and are more related by genetics than you would think”
“Uh Ryaine, what is genetics and genus”
“Genetics is a study on how heredity and variations within a living organism”
“Evolve, genetic, genus, heredity, variations, organism, what the heck are these fancy sciency words and where the heck you learn any of this”
“The same trivia book”
“This book contains some interesting concept of science”
“I don’t know, I think both professor Honeycomb and Docter H.B at the hive would be interested in this, I am just confused on how me and Zasp are “genetically” related with each other, nevermind the fact I don’t even know what that word means”
“Well, how about this one, ants can lift 10 to 50 times their own body weight, in other words, Gen and Eri here can easily lift 10 to 50 of their own kind alone”
“10 to 50 times?! How the heck ants are that strong, I can’t even lift Kabbu for longer than 30 seconds without my body getting sore and meanwhile Gen and Eri can lift 50 ants easily?!”
“Thanks for the compliment though we are not that strong”
“Perhaps you never tried to push yourself to your limits, maybe you just haven’t realised your potential”
“Well thanks for the encouraging words, Maki, but we never seen another ant that can carry more than 3 other ants, let alone 10 to 50”
“For your question Vi, something about their muscle structure and their exoskeletons which allows them to have such strengths, terms you probably wouldn’t get it either”
“I have so much questions, like how what the heck is this books source and how the heck the book’s sources even get these kinds of facts and statements”
“Its sources were the old books the giant’s left”
“Wait… the giants?”
“Yup, those books were filled with all the knowledge the giants have left us”
“The giants must have been one cultured and scientific kingdom to have made such book filled with knowledge, science and culture of other bugs”
“Wonder why they haven’t contact with Bugaria”
“Well from what I can remember, there was a war 150 years ago that kills many of the giants”
“What kind of war? And how did so many died”
“Well, I don’t know… maybe when we get to the kingdom, we could check their libraries, it prob would have the answer”
“How about we continue with the trivia, did you know that there are more than 350,000 species of beetles, each with its own unique diet, body and colouring”
“350,000- How the heck, Kabbu you had 350,000 brothers and sisters?!”
“Ehh… no Vi I don’t…”
“No, Vi… misunderstand what species means, it’s just that there are 350,000 bugs that falls under the classification of beetles”
“So, what counts as a beetle”
“Well Bark beetles, Dung beetles, Ground beetles, Weevils-”
“Wait Weevils, the creature we fought back at Forsaken lands, the ones that ambushed us… is related to Kabbu”
“Yeah, they’re both on the order of Coleoptera, which also includes ladybugs-”
“Wait, Doppel is actually a beetle”
“Yup, same order of Coleoptera”
“Well, this is embarrassing”
“Well Leif, guess we settle that argument, give me the 250 berries you bet… later, when we get home”
“Still, he is a ladybug, that horn he has is fake, want to bet 250 berries on that”
“Nah, I stopped gambling since I just won 250 berries”
“…damn you Vi”
“Say Vi, since you’re a bee, do you know any bee that eats royal jelly”
“Yeah, maybe, why?”
“Well this books tells me that, new queen bees are born when a young bee continues to eat royal jelly, which allows them to mature their reproductive organs and become the queen of the hive when the old queen”
“Are you… kidding me”
“What is it Vi”
“Uhh… Vi, please calm down”
“ARE YOU KIDDING ME, she is literally the most snobbish bee I ever seen and she is the FUTURE QUEEN?!”
“Well, if it makes you any better, if multiple queen bees appear, they may fight to the death to get dominance”
“Well, she better not win this or so help me, say Lyra, does the book has anything about turning me into a Queen bee”
“Well, how old are you Vi?”
“I don’t know…16, 17 years old?”
“And how long does the average bee live”
“…40, 50, 60 years? I don’t really know how old bees can live, I only know that they can be very old, like both professors back at the hive”
“Well, you are way too late sadly, it basically takes just 17 days for bees to mature according to the book... so about 3-5 years”
“Ugh dammit, why am I a worker bee and not a queen bee, I can rule better than she ever will”
“Well, we like you just the way you are”
“Also, as a queen, you likely never be able to go exploring”
“Well if you think it that way, I guess I like being a worker bee now”
“Say you dorks done with trivias about yourself, what the trivia about me, Mothiva, the best singer in Bugaria-”
“Silk moth cocoons are killed to be harvested and reeled to be made into a fabric called silk…”
“Well, you didn’t ask what kind of trivia so”
“The giants harvested bugs for fabric…”
“Well, they aren’t truly benevolent, nor truly evil, some are very good while others are torturous, in this case, if nobody complains, nobody is stopping them”
“Now I feel like we are lucky that they haven’t come for us… or Bugaria”
“Well, most of them just avoids Bugs in general, some admired bugs due to their beauty, some are taking care of them for their own entertainment, another care them to keep some of their species alive, a lot care them for producing goods, and the smallest percentage kill bugs for some power trip, as I said, not everyone is truly good or evil”
“Jeez Ryaine, how did you know so much about the giants”
“Back where I was from, it was taught to many of us regarding their history and interaction to preserve our history and origins, our culture is somewhat build from their culture, we speak and write in their most common language”
“I have a question that is stirring in me for a while, if you know so much about the Westland kingdom, why didn’t the Queen tell me or team Snakemouth regarding them with this much detail you just gave to us”
“…well, nobody asked me more about it, I am guessing vague wordings also is a part”
“Anyway, we are about to reached our next resting spot, we will be camping the day now since its getting too dark for a safe journey, we’ll continue tomorrow, hang tight“
“Huh, I was having fun with the trivia, didn’t realised it was already dark”
“The fog is probably a part of why it did”
After that whole trivial discussion about everyone’s species trivia, they reached the second checkpoint of their journey, after a bit of flattening and arguing on who gets which spot, everyone pulled out their tent set and tried to assemble a tent following Ryaine’s instruction,
some were successful, some let their ego get away in making a successful tent and had to get help embarrassingly, once everyone set up their tent, they all went to have some of Lyra’s stew near the campfire and have some conversations.
“Well thanks for the stew Lyra”
“Your, welcome”
“It's very good, it's not Jayde’s level but it’s cutting it close”
“Admitably, it’s very delicious for a stew, not as good as the one I made”
“Safe those backhanded compliments for someone else Mothiva, let just enjoy what we have and just have fun in the journey”
“Say Lyra, what is your secret in making the stew”
“It's simply the use many different ingrediant to get a complex flavor and adjusting the amount of ingredients used to stick out two or three flavor profiles of the stew”
“Huh, what ingredients did you use”
“That’s a chef’s secret Eri, I’ll probably reveal it soon but not today”
“Well, I think this is a good time to recap the expedition's plan”
"We've just passed two out of three checkpoints, after the third, we will be out of the forsaken land and finally get to the Westfields, a grassy plain that will have sunlight coming through"
"So how much longer will it take to get to the Westland kingdom?"
"Still a while, we're still about two Bugarias away,"
"Ugh, couldn't we go any faster, my fans are probably missing me back at Bugaria"
"Nope, we're already on the fastest route, you shouldn't rush out of here since we can easily get lost in the fog."
"Yeah, Sir Maki?"
"What are your plans for this expedition, especially one that gets the sponsorship of the Queen"
“A few reasons, I have a bit of a desire to lead an expedition, I wanted to go back where I was from”
“Say, how did you get to Bugaria from the Westland kingdom”
“Well, way back at 6 years ago, I was with on a team exploring this area, I can’t remember much but I think we were in the Forsaken lands trying to do some recon to find other civilization, then a beast attacked and I was the only survivor”
“Ryaine, I am so sorry...”
“I hope you are doing okay”
“Yeah, I am fine, I gotten over it very fast, I can’t remember much but we manage to get as far as the first checkpoint we were in. After the attack, I tried to salvage as much as I could before I ran away to safety, the few things I salvage include the clock, the map we had, this compass, a helmet and shield that I cannibalize for stuffs, and this”
Ryaine pulls out a small glass vial sealed in a wine cork, it contained a shiny and luminous substance in it
“What’s that, it’s so shiny”
“This substance is what we known, as Shifting Energy Matter or SEM matter for short, it’s a very rare substance that in very short terms allows magic in a magicless word”
“IDK, it just looks like some old shiny substance to me”
“Nope, he is probably right Vi, we could feel its energy from the vial, it is indeed likely magical”
“Well then, how does it work”
“I don’t really know much but if I remember correctly, its powers lies inside a living being”
“It means that its potential lies greatest when it is inside of you, literally”
“What kind of powers can you get from it”
“A lot, from what I know, it allows control of all the elements from fire to ice to lightning and probably some more”
“So, basically Leif’s ice magic but more varied”
“Basically, though you need more than a small vial to allow such potential to be unlocked, another reason why I set up the expedition”
“Say if Ryaine originally came from the Westland Kingdom, how about Lyra, you both look like your related”
“I may be very close to Ryaine but we aren’t related, he just raised my as a father figure, I was very much born in Bugaria, Ryaine found me in my cocoon and raised me to what I am now, I don’t remember anything past being born”
“All this talk about backstory makes me bored, you guys want to hear that song already”
“I think you all should go rest now, also Mothiva, it isn’t a good time to sing at this time, the beast is more active at this time”
“*grumble* fine then, only because I can’t die here, not alone in the middle of nowhere anyways”
“I’ll be on guard duty, in case anything tries to attack us, if you hear shaking or growling, then don’t move and make a sound before I say to do anything”
“Well good night”
“Good night”
“Good night”
“Good night”
“Good night, I guess…”
Everyone went back to their tent and went to sleep, the tent set include an extra bedding that can used as a thin yet slightly-more-comfortable-than-the-floor, comfortable mattress, though not everyone can easily on their mattress, especially if a tent is shared by three people and a chomper
“Kabbu, can you move, you took like half of the space”
“We think you should move a bit back and sleep horizontally to the mattress to fit more”
“Why me...”
“Vi, you are the smallest member of the team, you could fit in less space”
“Easy for you to say Leif, when you are the tallest member of the team-”
“You got to be kidding me”
As Kabbu, Leif and Chompy went to sleep instantaneously before Vi able to argue with any of them, Vi had to settle with the uncomfortable end of the mattress, still too small for the small bee, after spending several minutes unable to sleep, she decides to get out and check outside the tent, she only saw the campfire burning on a bunch of lit charcoal and no one else near it,
“Huh, Ryaine’s not here...”
“Wait, Ryaine is not here, didn’t he said to be on guard duty-”
“Hold up, a written message”
To anyone who found this, I am out to do some quick recon, if you don’t make a lot of noise, you should be ok. If you need my help, please hopefully don’t because you wouldn’t be able to find me out here at night, you probably should just wait and hope I came fast instead. If you see anything big, warn the other and quickly run into your tent and don’t get out till I said to get out.
  • Ryaine
“Well guess I’ll be on guard duty…”
Vi then sat around the campfire and pull her notebook out, the notebook was a bunch of paper to a fastener made out of welded plastic and having a leafy cover.
She uses it keep around her tasks, her ideas, and sometimes her own fictional stories, she has been working on an adventure genre story inspired by her team for several moons now, today she is doodling on the notebook, well if you live with the most famous artist of your land, you probably learned a lot regarding how to draw, would you?
Meanwhile with Ryaine
“Well, don’t worry about it, it’s not going to be very long, I’ll get back before anyone notice”
Ryaine is currently inside a crater, collecting a shiny luminous substance into a glass jar, much to anyone’s knowledge, he was already out pretty much the second everyone went in their tent and took a half an hour walk towards the site following the movement of his vial
“Well, this is already all I can get from the crater, it’s a good yield for what’s it’s worth and rarity, better get to the camp now, Lyra would missed me”
Ryaine then went to the crater’s edge and scale out of the site, and plans to backtrack back to his camp, lucky that he already records the direction he takes,
“Well, another left and right and we are done.”
“This feels way too safe…”
Ryaine looks around twice
“It’s above me?”
He looks up, nothing on him
Not below him either
“Well probably paranoia, better get there fast, am I right?”
“Yeah definitely”
“Good, well I am-”
“Well, fuc-”
Ryaine quickly make a dash back to his tent, with the beast following behind him, he makes jumps, quick dodges and the both-party-stops-for-a-moment-to-pant-and-quickly-chases-again thing, with his glowing jar lighting up the way, meanwhile back at the camp
Vi has fallen asleep next to the campfire, notebook on hand.
Meanwhile back with Ryaine
“F*ck, f*ck, f*ck-”
Back to Vi again, the grounds beside her starts shaking and wakes her up a bit
“Ugh… Leif, I am-”
“Oh, a dream, and some rumbling…”
“Wait, rumbling, f*ck, the beast is coming”
Vi then tries to get back at her tent
Meanwhile back with Ryaine, he is now beside the campfire, trying to deal with the beast
“Well, still as loud as I remember”
Meanwhile back at Vi, she is now responding to Ryaine… wait a minute, how can she respond back, if she… right, Vi didn’t make it to her tent and witnessed the beast herself and its very loud roaring, reminiscence of the Primal Weevil roars mixed with Deadlander screeches
“Oh f*ck, Ryaine that’s the f*cking beast?!”
“…a little help here, would be nice”
The Beast encounter
Starts with Ryaine in the front, Vi in the back, Items disabled, turn relay disabled and spying disabled, the battle ends with Vi reaching 0 HP
Track played: “???” (Deadlander assault theme), track 79 by Tristan Alric
Ryaine (Playable stats)
HP: 35, Defence: 2
Basic attack:
Slash: 6 damage + 1 piecing, attacks by timing a button press like Chompy’s attack
Charged strike: 10 damage + 1 piecing, attacks by holding down like Kabbu’s heavy strike
(3 TP)
Defend: Protects Vi for a turn, taking half the damage she would have gotten otherwise
(2 TP)
Heal: Heal itself or its allies for 12 HP
(3 TP)
The Beast
HP: 200, Defence: 5
Scripted to use a KO strike after turn 8
When one of the character falls, the battle ends
Slap: does 12 damage
Rush: Does 7 damage to all party
Charge: Roars for a turn and gets charged
KO strike: Roars and does 99 damage to the front and middle party, only does so after a specific trigger
“Ugh… it’s soo strong…”
“Hang tight Vi…”
Ryaine then pulls out a second sword and slash the beast with it
“It’s effected, Vi get-”
“[Stab noise]”
“[Crashing sound and glass shattering noises]”
“What is that noise, COULDN’T YOU-”
“Oh, F*CK”
Mothiva awaken by the several very loud roars, went to check outside and see the beast outside near her tent, understandably she quickly panic in fear and went cuddle Vi who is also in fear as well
“[sword slashing sound]”
“Maki, thank goodness you’re here”
“Get that motherf*cking monster of a beast out of here, I can’t die here alone”
“Kina get Ryaine some medical attention, I’ll deal with the beast”
“Maki… use the sword… it effects it”
“Jeez why did Maki think I should be a nurse when I am more than capable of helping him”
“Thanks… regardless… Kina”
Maki then uses the sword and slash the Beast with it, it roared for its last time and run away from the camp
“Is the beast are gone?”
“Yeah… it already ran away”
“Phew we are still alive”
“Yeah, that could be worse-”
“Vi, get off me”
“Well, I was scared, you were too”
“Please, everyone calm down”
“We just had a run in with the beast, we should make sure everyone is doing safe and fine, I’ll check the surrounding, the rest of you check the inside of the tents”
“Fine, I guess”
Everyone then went to do their duties, Vi went to her tent and fine, Kabbu, Leif and Chompy still sleeping soundly
“COME ON NOW, that many roars and literally none of them wakes up, HOW DID-”
“Oh, heavy sleeper badge…”
Meanwhile at Mothiva’s tent
Meanwhile at Maki’s tent
“p-please h-help me m-Maki, there is a scary roar”
“Don’t worry Yin, I’ll protect you from any danger”
Meanwhile at Gen and Eri’s tent
“Last tent, I guess I’ll check it-”
“Get away from us you monster”
“Oh, Kina, well guess we’re fine Eri”
“Yup Gen”
“Ugh… why did they both even come along with us”
Meanwhile on Ryaine
“Well, seems like everything is fine- huh?”
Ryaine saw a shiny, luminous clump on the ground, he went to check it out
“Well must be the substance, well the jar broke, guess I’ll get a new jar-”
“Hey Ryaine, found something?”
“Nothing important, …I just finished checking, everything is fine”
“…Ryaine why are you stuttering”
“What do you mean”
“From what I learn from living you for 3 years, you never stutter even in stressful condition, that would mean you either hiding something from me or trying to make a lie against me”
“Well fine, I just found more SEM matter around the campsite, I am going to go and store it somewhere”
“Oh ok”
Ryaine then went to his tent and puts the substance in a wrapped box as he ran out of jars, everyone then went to the campfire
“Ok everyone, what did you find”
“A heavy sleeper badge”
“A missing drowsy cake”
“Two very paranoid Ants”
“Nothing important”
“Well good then, I also didn’t find anything important, we’re very likely to be safe, we also probably should go back to bed, we have a long day ahead of us”
“Ok then”
Everyone then went into their tents and went to sleep, except Vi who still can’t sleep very well, she decided to force herself into the middling portion of the bed, due to heavy sleeper badge, neither Leif nor Kabbu woke up even when they got thrown off to the less comfortable soil. It is a long day for the expedition team and a rest is more than deserved here, with the beast and all.
submitted by FakeFicwriter to BugFables [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 08:54 killhippies Devil's Advocate: Expanding lore, nations and characters in the human forces of hell.

So I've been completely enamored with this setting in the last few months. The commitment to grimdark is tone perfect and outside of old WH and 40k, reminds me a bit of the Prince of Nothing series in how it takes it's thematic inspirations from real-life and morphs into something new, but with the added benefit of being a game and with such stellar artwork by Mike!
The forces of heaven exemplify this tone so perfectly. Antioch, Pilgrim and the Sultanate are noble in their fight to save humanity from being devoured by the personifications of evil but in doing require cultures that would be abominable to us in the real world.
Antioch seems to be a collections of nations that are theocratic, feudalistic and authoritarian with everything in the service of survival. A full time war economy is going to be industrial hellscape in it's own right. The Pilgrims are just straight up lunatics, their casualties probably rake up the pounds of human flesh just as much the demons but it's deemed holy because it is all for god. The Sultanate needs more lore, but given they are isolated behind the iron wall and with the distrust of the Christians, I think it is safe to assume that they are going to have a good deal of xenophobia in regards to those who do not believe in Allah.
This is all great, in grimdark even the "good" factions have nuance and I find an exploration of these cultural pressures to be tantalizing to my brain and opens up so many avenues of interesting storytelling. The implementation of real life figures make it all the better and I'm really excited for the interpretations.
Which is why I'm a little disappointed in the forces of hell as I find that they do not have the same potential that the forces of heaven do right now. The visual design aspect is just as wonderful, but I don't see them having the same thematic nuance that excites me.
The mentioned hell characters seem to be solely demonic and one dimensional whose only aim is to get more power in the games of hell. The heretic legion claims 1/3 of humanity but all established lore is just constant human suffering with the promise of even more suffering if the forces of hell wins. It just does not seem believable why anyone would join hell if really you have only a 1% chance of being an elite hell lord while the rest of the 99% are just naked half-corpses roiling in a fire pit in a nameless section of hell. In addition, the lack of historical figures in the faction really robs the character connection for a player faction.
The black grail makes sense for a lack of nuance as it's recruitment is by virulent enslavement. That faction may stay as a mindless, cruel and uncaring mass for those who like that kind of theme but I think the general forces of hell can use some thematic expansion. A few suggestions.
  1. Make hell enticing as the propagator of earthly desires and individual human will, whereas heaven is the cessation of all that makes a human a human. Claim that hell is the only reason humans can even have a personality and sense of self (the true "original sin"), it just comes with all the negative aspects too. When the devil gifted Adam the apple, he gave them joy and sadness, rage and contentment etc. Have hell be the way for humans to enjoy paradise on earth by giving them ways to become immortal, either by demonic magic or in case of the grail through undeath.
  2. Have hell claim that life on earth is the real paradise and heaven is even worse than hell. Take a 'Paradise Lost'-esque approach and claim to be in God's presence is even more torturous than all the skin flaying and bloodletting combined, you just have no will to resist it since you are a part of him in heaven. This is why the original fallen angels decided to rebel against heaven in order to escape it all. After all, heaven's angels can't even be looked at without your eyeballs melting out of your socket so how do you think it will be when you are in god's full power? Hell is merely a place to that is necessary to destroy the soul completely(maybe to be reincarnated?) as it takes millennia of torture to finally be rid of god's grasp. Of course, this could all be absolute bullshit but I would leave it to interpretation if it's true or not.
  3. Pagan cultures can be represented as they were forced to join Hell or be destroyed by the monotheistic religions. These would probably need some new factions but it could allow some historical figures to be present and demonic analogues to their mythological deities and creatures could be used. Some examples:
More just brainstorming than anything and wanted to bounce some ideas around.
submitted by killhippies to TrenchCrusade [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:38 TRAIANVS Walking the Cracked Pot Trail 20 - In Which Erikson Roasts Fans

Previous post

A lapdog's brainless zeal

The Entourage! Whence comes1 such creatures so eager to abandon all pretense of the sedentary? One envisages haste of blubbering excitement, slippery gleam in the eye, a lapdog’s brainless zeal, as a canvas bag is stuffed full of slips and whatnot, with all the grace of a fakir backstage moments before performing before a gouty king. A whirlwind rush through rooms like shrines, and then out!
We get Flicker dropping back into his more heightened style, starting off with a declamation. Remember how we ended the last section
He would unveil himself in Farrog, and then they would all see. Calap Roud, that stunning watery-eyed dancer, Purse Snippet, and the Entourage too—
So this is very much an interruption. Previously we had Flicker placing himself inside Brash's head, until he mentions the Entourage, at which point he switches completely and breaks out into this much more heightened description.
Flicker is back in his picture-painting mode as well, as he imagines the backgrounds of these girls. The first sentence is posed as a question, but is really more of a statement. I love the phrase "abandon all pretense of the sedentary". They were clearly from a wealthy background, living a carefree life before, but now they've chosen to drop it all to follow (in this instance literally follow) their favorite artist.
He imagines the scenario surrounding their departure, with the "blubbering excitement", a "slippery gleam in the eye", and of course "a lapdog's brainless zeal". I'm curious about the "slippery" descriptor there. Especially when paired with the lapdog comment, it calls to mind a dog skidding and sliding on a slippery floor as they're completely unable to contain their excitement. Does anyone have a different reading?
Then they stuff a canvas bag full of slips (as in the clothing, not as in paper slips) and "whatnot", showing how they're clearly not thinking this through, but rather just throwing things in their bag and running out the door. I love the comparison to the fakir. First of all, it hearkens back to the Arabian Nights inspiration, while also giving us the image of a fakir rushing to get ready for his act, but more important is how it works as a metaphor.
The Entourage (who as we will soon learn are all young women) are here posed as a performer, performing in front of an old, fat, wealthy man. It really spotlights the power imbalance between them and their idol. Then we end the paragraph on a sentence that I'm having a really hard time figuring out. What is the significance of the rooms being like shrines? Shrines are (definitionally) places of worship. So it's like they're rushing past these places intended for worship in order to worship their idol, perhaps implying that it would have been more productive to stay and worship a real god. But these aren't shrines, but rather rooms like shrines, so it would be a worship of the home or something in that direction. I don't think this would imply a worship of domesticity, the metaphor is not fleshed out enough for that. I think it's simply saying that they should rather try to stay connected to their roots. I must say I'm not fully convinced by this reading. What do you all think?

Holding up a mirror

Pattering feet, a trio, all converging in unsightly gallop quick to feminize into a skip and prance once He Who Is Worshipped is in sight. The Entourage accompanies the Perfect Artist everywhere, gatherings great and small, public and intimate. They build the walls of the formidable, impregnable keep that is the Perfect Artist’s ego. They patrol the moat, flinging away all but the sweetest defecatory intimations of mortality. They stand sentinel in every postern gate, they gush down every sluice, they are the stained glass to paint rainbows upon their beloved’s perfectly turned profile.
I absolutely love this image we get here of these three girls "converging in unsightly gallop" with their "pattering feet". It's juxtaposing two images, one dainty and the other the exact opposite. If you've seen one of those videos of cows being released out to pasture after the winter, that's basically what I'm picturing. But as soon as they're in the presence of their idol they switch into an exaggeratedly feminine gait.
Then there's the intentionally vague description of their idol. We don't get the name, but he's called He Who Is Worshipped and the Perfect Artist. This is a reminder that we're not talking about particulars, but rather the general case, in particular how people behave in real life fandoms. Let's examine the rest of this paragraph while keeping in mind that this is Erikson is holding up a mirror to us. And you thought you were safe?
The Entourage is always where their artist is. I think this is especially true in the modern day where fans have practically unlimited access to their favourite artists. And they act as defenders of their artist, and notice how at no point here we get any sense that this Perfect Artist asked for any such thing. They build up their own unassailable version of their artist, and then dismiss any criticism except the most basic, toothless ones.
Finally we get these three statements, two quick ones, and a longer one. They "stand sentinel..." is essentially a continuation of the previous sentence. Then they "gush down every sluice". This is a strange turn of phrase to say the least. A sluice is of course a sort of water channel, and since we're in this castle metaphor, it's likely meant as a preventative measure against flooding. But it's not water that's the risk here, but the gushing of the fans.
And lastly they are the stained glass windows that "paint rainbows" on their idol (with a nice alliteration on perfectly and profile). I really like this one. They are not only viewing their idol through rose-tinted glass, but they have made themselves a piece of stained glass, that colors the artist in every color of the rainbow. They are creating a false, or at least exaggerated, image of the artist, and projecting that image to others as well. I think this whole description really mirrors how fanatically devoted some people can get around their favorite artist, and I don't think we should exclude ourselves from this.

Let's back up a little

But let us not snick and snack overmuch, for each life is a wonder unto itself, and neither contempt nor pity do a soul sound measures of health, lest some issue of envy squeeze free in unexpectedly public revelation. The object of this breathless admiration must wait for each sweet woman’s moment upon the stage in the bull’s eye lantern light of our examination.
Flicker yet again addresses the audience directly. The phrase "snick and snack" here is interesting. A snick can of course be a small cut, and there's definitely been enough of those so far. I think the snack is not intended to have a semantic meaning, but is rather intended to complement the onomatopoeic sound of snick. The word "overmuch" is also doing a lot of heavy lifting here. Some snicking and snacking is fine, but let's not get carried away.
The "each life is a wonder..." part is hilarious. This is definitely an example of overpraising, where Flicker uses hyperbolic language while implying a much more subdued meaning. He's now spent two whole paragraphs detailing how ridiculous and vapid the Entourage is, but now he's all "oh the miracle of life etc. etc." So even when he's talking about how he should stop mocking them, he continues the mockery. Absolutely savage.
He then encourages us to not view them with pity or contempt. Possibly because it would be condescending to do so. Certainly nobody likes being viewed that way, and Flicker claims that it is at best unhelpful to take those attitudes. I am a bit confused, however, about the mention of envy. Is Flicker saying that he is envious of them? Or is he warning us to not be envious? Is there a risk, when expressing pity or contempt, of appearing envious? Are the Entourage themselves envious when we do that? I admit I'm kind of lost here. What do you think?
Flicker ends by calling attention to the fact that we haven't really discussed the Entourage's Perfect Artist at all. He's been this remote figure this whole time, almost irrelevant to the conduct of his fans. Note also how he's called an "object". That word has been used once before in this story, and it was to describe the way Purse Snippet was viewed by Calap Roud. This is not an accident. FlickeErikson is saying that the way the Entourage views their Perfect Artist is not entirely dissimilar to the way Calap Roud, a disgusting old pervert, leers at a much younger woman. Again, this is not lust for the artist themself, but rather for the godlike image that the fans have constructed of the artist.
And before we can know that artist, we are going to be introduced to these three young women, each more ridiculous than the last, before we get to their Perfect Artist. Indeed, they must suffer the "bull's eye lantern light of our examination". This is a great description of what Flicker has been doing so far with his ruthless introduction. He also doesn't call it an interrogation or even a description. No, he's simply examining each of these characters, down to their core2.
And that does it for this week's post. Next time we'll be discussing Sellup, the oldest member of the Entourage. See you all next week!
1 I don't know exactly what to do with this seeming error. It strikes me as an editing artifact. That is, Erikson originally wrote this sentence differently, then changed the wording but forgot to change the whole sentence.
2 And it's worth remembering that he may well be making all of this up.
submitted by TRAIANVS to Malazan [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:03 DisrobeAndProbe What if the New World were full of an archaic species of human instead of Native Americans?

Let’s say modern humans never made it to the Americas in prehistoric times, but an archaic species of human (let’s say, something akin to Neanderthals) did, surviving up this alternative timeline’s Leif Erikson or Columbus moment. How would these new natives be treated? Would the Vikings’ Vinland settlement or presence in the New World turn out any differently? Would the Spanish and Portuguese colonizers marry or have children with them? How might history play out in the centuries to follow? If these archaic humans were even more distantly related to us, such as a population of Homo erectus, how would this compare?
submitted by DisrobeAndProbe to HistoryWhatIf [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:44 ohgodthesunroseagain Two Scenes I loved

I took a picture of one but forgot to do so on the other, instead just highlighting it in my Kobo. Woops.
The first scene was the brief duel between Kallor and Traveller following Kallor’s (essentially) execution of Ereko. When Traveller says that he did what he did to Kallor as a long overdue payment for another friend, I got a little emotional, understanding the referenced character to be a “spirited” fellow from the Book of the Fallen.
The second scene is pictured above. I cackled at this. Esslemont and Erikson’s styles of writing are very different - so much so I would have a hard time comparing them. So instead of doing that, I’ll just say that I think Esslemont excels at this kind of dialogue, and while I wouldn’t say the banter he writes between soldiers is better, per se, I really enjoy the way that he writes it.
Anyway, I’m really enjoying where RotCG is building at the moment, despite it being a lot of different factions and names once again. I’m loving being back in this world again after having taken a break between finishing the Book of the Fallen and starting the Novels of the Malazan Empire. Can’t wait to see what comes next.
submitted by ohgodthesunroseagain to Malazan [link] [comments]



Since we all know exactly who and what Spongebob is, I am going to do a Numerology decode.
When it comes to Numerology, there are many different things you can look into. I am going to look into the letters, patterns, and Numerology personality numbers.
SPONGEBOB has a personality #6. 6 is the number of compassion, work ethic, criticism, cleanliness, and productivity. In the funny show, we see that Spongebob is a workaholic. He has a 5 destiny number which shapes who you are overall. 5 is connected to youthfulness which explains the silliness of the Spongebob character. He is always laughing and doing things funny. The 5 energy indicates this. 5 also points to people, places, and things that are unique. He has an 8 soul urge which explains his undying ambition and creativity.
We can see that SPONGEBOB has 2 O's which has the numeric energy of 15 and numeric value of 6. 15 is the creative use of energy for productivity. Again, 6 is the number of routine, work ethic and productivity goes with this. This energy is not only his personality number, but also it is within his name. It's really in him.
SPONGEBOB HAS DOUBLE NUMERIC VALUES IN HIS NAME WHICH ARE, 7,6,5, AND 2. This explains why he is able to show his emotions and have moments of sensitivity(2). Very compassionate(2) but also childish and silly(5) and able to come up with plans that work(7). Since these #s has double influence, we must considered what they equal. 7 twice equals 14/5 which shows how he is responsible and can make work fun even though it is a duty(6). 6 twice equals 12/3 which shows his social skills, life, and creativity. Another youthful energy as well. 5 twice equals 10/1 which points to his bravery and capability to take action. 2 twice equals 4 which is home,family,responsibility, and structure on the home front and he would make everyone feel comfortable for the most part.
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submitted by shaneka69 to NumerologyPage [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 07:24 Successful-Bread-347 December, 1984 bands to check

Here is the next list of bands for checking. These bands played on NDR radio in December, 1984.
I've removed bands that were already in the October or November 1984 lists as these have already been checked and so have been removed. Also quickly went through and removed some obvious wrong bands. Thanks to everyone but especially to u/Nitokris666 and u/violetvvviolet for checking the November, 1984 list so carefully (I think both went through almost the entire list).
Search terms I use with youtube, google, discogs for rarer bands are "[band name] +band +1984 (or +demo)".
If you think a band is ruled out - please leave a comment with the band name and the workds "RULED OUT" - and please give a sentence as to why they are ruled out ('female lead', 'jazz band', etc.) but please ONLY say RULED OUT if it is clear they are not the TMS band. Just because you hear they are using a synth and no guitars in a song doesn't mean that they didn't use heavy guitar in another song! If you think a band sounds similar - please leave a comment with the band name and "SIMILAR" so we can really dig deeply into them more.
submitted by Successful-Bread-347 to TheMysteriousSong [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 18:40 indyman_123 THE GUNSLINGER (#1 of 'The Dark Tower') by Stephen King - Book Review

My VERY FIRST Stephen King read!
Originally posted as a guest post at Eliza Stopps' Blog.

… Where the world ends is where you must begin…’

I mean, where do I even start with this? Well, firstly, ‘The Dark Tower’ by Stephen King is one of those series that I wanted to get into since quite some time, but just hadn’t managed to do so for some or the other reason. It’s one of the most popular epic fantasy series out there, and having watched the movie – ‘The Dark Tower’ (2017) starring Idris Elba and Matthew McConaughey (it was decent and quite enjoyable to be honest), I was eager to read the source material (which is apparently WAY different than the movie!). I was definitely skeptical though given the nature of the first book – ‘The Gunslinger’, which has been dubbed as strange, confusing, and as being “not the best start to a series”. But the opportunity finally beckoned when Eliza very kindly accepted my request to do a guest post for her blog. And for that, I would really like to thank her from the bottom of my heart.

“The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.“

This is one of the most famous/iconic opening lines of a book… like, ever! Don’t tell me you haven’t heard it before!
The foreword by Stephen King himself is actually very nicely written as well, I must say. Without going into too much detail, he definitely made me curious about starting the journey for the Dark Tower. Here’s a brief excerpt from the same –
More than anything else, I wanted to tell a tale of wonder. If you find yourself falling under the spell of the Dark Tower, even a little bit, I reckon I will have done my job, which was begun in 1970 and largely finished in 2003. Yet Roland would be the first to point out that such a span of time means very little. In fact, when one quests for the Dark Tower, time is a matter of no concern at all.
Aren’t you intrigued? I most certainly was!

Alright then, let’s dive into it!

The gunslinger, Roland Deschain of Gilead, is the last of his kind. He is desperately chasing a person referred to only as “the man in black” across a harsh desert which seems to go on for eternity. The latter is seemingly a sorcerer, and a quite dangerous and tricky one at that. The hardpan is no easy place to navigate, or to pursue your nemesis who is still seemingly quite the distance away. The “devil-grass” is the only companion with the gunslinger, but Roland is content and determined to hunt down his quarry at all costs. How long can he keep up in such challenging conditions? Just when things start getting much more difficult, Roland comes across a dweller named Brown, and his scrawny raven (who can talk, of course) named Zoltan. The gunslinger decides to seek some respite, and Brown offers him a place to rest for a while, along with providing for food and water. In exchange, the gunslinger narrates the recent, horrifying past events of not too long ago…
The gunslinger was not a man to dwell on the past; only a shadowy conception of the future and of his own emotional make-up saved him from being a man without imagination, a dangerous dullard.
Through his pursuit across the desert hunting the man in black, Roland had passed through a town named Tull hoping to get some information on the sorcerer, and also try and gather the details of the desert land and whatever that stretched beyond. Being an outsider, he was not well received by the townsfolk. After befriending Alice, Roland eventually starts to learn about the man in black’s “actions” in Tull, and how the whole town seems affected by it all. But answers won’t come easy for the gunslinger. What’s the deal with the number “Nineteen”? What really transpired when the man in black visited the town? Was all of this none other than one big “trap” laid by the trickster? Tull and its small number of residents have their secrets, and the gunslinger is about to find out in the most shocking and deadliest of ways possible…
The events that unfolded in Tull, and their subsequent consequences on everyone involved, including on the gunslinger himself, are… let’s just say “unfortunate”. Roland is desperate to move on though, and he bids his thanks and farewell to Brown (and Zoltan). The dusty land is endless and unforgiving, and Roland is not only running out of resources, but also out of time… quite literally. His sheer grit and determination are the only things keeping him on track as the supplies exhaust themselves. Is this really how it ends for Roland of Gilead, the last gunslinger? Seems like fate has other plans though, as he surprisingly stumbles across an abandoned way station, and a kid named John Chambers aka Jake from New York City. Fearing that this might be another one of the men in black’s “traps”, Roland is hesitant at first. But slowly and steadily, the duo begins to get along and trust each other. Jake can’t remember much from his past or how he got here in the first place. Looking to find a way out of all this, they both decide to embark on a quest across the lands in search of some answers… What is the black-gray bulk that is “The Dark Tower”? Why is it so integral and important when it comes to… everything? What are the secrets of Roland’s past, and why is he looking to seek the Tower? What part does the man in black have to play in all of this?
“The Tower. Somewhere ahead, it waited for him – the nexus of Time, the nexus of Size.
What follows is a long and equally dangerous journey for the duo across the desert land, the mountains, and underground caves in pursuit of the man in black. There are obstacles and threats that await, and the bond between the two will only grow stronger throughout. The path is not easy, and they will encounter “the Oracle”, and the bloodthirsty “Slow Mutants” along the way. Can they brave all the odds and finally catch up to the man in black? Will Roland find the answers he has been long searching for?
Get ready to Join the quest for the Dark Tower

What did I really like about it?

What was not quite up to the mark?

Some quotes that hit

Note: There are mature themes present throughout; NOT suitable for younger audiences.

Final thoughts

Overall, ‘The Gunslinger’ was a wild ride by all means. Dark, adventurous, and a bit strange and weird at times, yet unique and captivating nonetheless. By the end of it, I was most certainly looking forward to delve deeper into the world, and join the quest for the Dark Tower! The writing is top notch, the characters are pretty well-written, and the plot is intriguing and equally engaging to say the least, albeit being not that easy to follow. The settings are vividly displayed, and the descriptions are nicely put forth too.
As someone who has watched the 2017 motion picture, and now having read the first installment, trust me when I say this – the book is totally and utterly different than the movie! Now I get all the backlash and criticism the film received upon release (and quite rightly so!).
Nonetheless, the book was definitely not an easy read, especially when you as a reader have loads of questions that need answering. As mentioned, the writing carries the book, and the plot is confusing in more ways than one. People say that ‘Gardens of the Moon’ [#1 of the ‘Malazan Book of the Fallen’] by Steven Erikson is a difficult, confusing, and a crazy read especially as a starting point of an epic fantasy series. I’ve read it last year itself, and I thoroughly enjoyed it to the fullest! ‘The Gunslinger’, on the other hand, was a much more “challenging” read than that for me in all honesty.
But ultimately, it did manage to achieve the goal Stephen King had mentioned in the foreword – hook the reader in the world, and make sure they join the journey… the quest for the Dark Tower. I’m more than looking forward to diving into the sequels, and as I’ve heard many people say, it just gets better from here on!
submitted by indyman_123 to Fantasy [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 21:27 RedditReaderLiam Interpol Ranks EP Day 2

Interpol Ranks EP Day 2 submitted by RedditReaderLiam to Interpol [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 17:15 RedditReaderLiam Interpol Ranks EP Day 1

Interpol Ranks EP Day 1 submitted by RedditReaderLiam to Interpol [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 17:21 RedditReaderLiam Interpol Ranks ST Day 3

Interpol Ranks ST Day 3
submitted by RedditReaderLiam to Interpol [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 00:03 Kendravp Name help (read text plz)

Name help (read text plz)
He will end up with a medium long coat, he was one of two kittens in the litter but the other didn’t survive :( his mom is mostly Norwegian forest cat (per dna test) and is named Leif Erikson. I was thinking something related to sifi, history or art but am open to anything. I’m pretty sure it’s a little boy 😂
submitted by Kendravp to cats [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 18:54 RedditReaderLiam Ranks Self Titled Day 1

Ranks Self Titled Day 1
Best song on Self Titled?
submitted by RedditReaderLiam to Interpol [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 18:08 TRAIANVS Walking the Cracked Pot Trail 16 - Prodigious Plagiarism

Previous post

Down there

And so with the miracle of elixirs and a disgustingly strong constitution, Calap Roud looks half his age, except for the bitter fury in his eyes. He waits to be discovered (for even in Reliant City his reputation was not one of discovery but of pathetic bullying, backstabbing, sordid underhand graft and of course gaggles of hangers-on of all sexes willing, at least on the surface, to suffer the wriggle of Calap’s fickler every now and then; and worse1 of all, poor Calap knows it’s all a fraud). Thus, whilst he has stolen a thousand sonnets, scores of epic poems and millions of clever offhanded comments uttered by talented upstarts stupidly within range of his hearing, at his very core he stares, mouth open, upon a chasm on all sides, wind howling and buffeting him as he totters on his perch. Where is the golden cage? Where are all the white-headed fools he shat upon? There’s nothing down there but more down there going so far down there is no there at all.
Last time we discussed the alchemies Calap Roud was using to keep himself young, and no we see their effect. Half his age (which peeking ahead a little means he appears to be in his mid-40s). The only thing that betrays this, supposedly, is the "bitter fury in his eyes". Are the elderly more inclined to have a bitter fury in their eyes? I suppose if you're like Calap Roud, you only get more bitter with age.
He thinks himself a talent, but he has yet to be discovered. And we see what people think of him instead. He's apparently been abusing his high position to a fairly serious degree. They're definitely in dire need of a #metoo moment in Reliant City. Flicker doesn't respect it one whit. The bullying is pathetic, the grafting is sordid and underhanded, and the hangers-on are clearly just pretending to like him.
The phrase "suffer the wriggle of Calap's fickler" is particularly disgusting. There's no doubt about what a "fickler" is in this context, but it's also a callback to last week where we had the vermin "swarming [...] into fickle talent's crotch". There phrase itself is also just unpleasing to the ear. The assonance between "wriggle" and "fickler", with those hard consonants in between. It's real nasty stuff.
But Calap knows it's all a fraud. That probably feeds into his bitterness. He knows he is where he is because of factors completely unrelated to artistic merit. He can't trust anyone to truly like him, because he's made himself so utterly unlikable.
Then we get a listing of all the things Calap has stolen from actual talented artists. A thousand sonnets, scores of epic poems, and even random comments. The numbers are certainly exaggerated, but it gets the point across. I love the phrase "talented upstarts stupidly within range of hearing". It perfectly encapsulates how Calap views actual talent with contempt. Not only are they "upstarts", but their sole mistake was being in the vicinity of Calap Roud.
And we see that he has now found himself alone. I read the chasm on every side of him as him having starved out all the competition. He effectively killed the whole grassroots movement. He robbed all the young artists of their chance to become established, by mercilessly tramping over them and stealing all their art. And he still doesn't realize his error. He still views those below him as fools, unworthy of success.
This paragraph ends with just a beautiful garden path sentence:
There’s nothing down there but more down there going so far down there is no there at all.
This is a brilliant joke Erikson is playing here. First we have an easily parsed statement: "There's nothing down there". Except for what? Well, "more down there". But then you instinctively want to parse the next part as "going so far down there", except that is wrong! Erikson has tricked us. It actually reads "going so far down" and then the final clause is "there is no there at all", which mirrors the construction of the start of the sentence. Just brilliant.

Last ditch effort

Calap Roud has spent his entire albeit modest fortune bribing every judge he could find in Farrog. This was his last chance. He would win the Mantle. He deserved it. Not a single one of the countless vices hunting the weakling artists of the world dragged him down—no, he had slipped free of them all on a blinding road of virtuous living. He was ninety-two years old and this year, he would be discovered!
And Calap Roud still isn't playing fair, because why would he? He's gotten away with it so far. This journey is his last resort. He's all in. That "he deserved it" comment is especially salient. Plagiarists often plagiarize because they think they deserve the end result, but aren't willing to put in the work. So here Calap Roud is willing to do anything except put in the work in order to win the Mantle.
Notice also how short these sentences are. Short, concise statements. First laying out the problem (it's his last chance), then intent, and then the underlying reasoning.
We see again his utter contempt for other artists, which he justifies to himself by establishing his moral superiority, i.e. his abstinence. It's a moral puritanism that is quite similar to that of Arpo Relent, but whereas Arpo is a true believer and a zealot, Calap is insincerely using his virtuous living as a means to an end. Of course that's a distinction that doesn't matter much as they're both sanctimonious assholes.
Then we get a statement that seems equal parts desperate and pathetic. He's 92 years old and still waiting on recognition. Again, he's not willing to work for it. But it's the thing he wants the most in the entire world. And he's deluded himself into thinking he'll make it. But even then, you get the sense here that he doesn't fully believe it himself, hence the desperation.
We also see one of Erikson's favourite metaphors popping up with the "blinding road of virtuous living". This is of course a pillar of one of the central themes of the Book of the Fallen and arguably the central theme of the Kharkanas Light stands for justice but it blinds and removes all nuance.

Unfortunate side effects

No alchemies or potions in the world could do much about the fact that, as one grew older and yet older, so too one’s ears and nose. Calap Roud, as modestly wrinkled as a man in his late forties, had the ears of a veteran rock ape of G’danisban’s coliseum and the nose of a probiscus monkey who’d instigated too many tavern brawls. His teeth were so worn down one was reminded of catfish mouths biting at nipples. From his old man’s eyes came a leer for every woman, and from his leer came out a worm-like tongue with a head of purple veins.
I want to start by posing a question that I do not know the answer to. What is the difference between alchemies and potions? I would have thought them to be synonymous but perhaps there is some difference in connotation that I am not aware of.
However that may be, Flicker is highlighting Calap's facial features here. I like the reusing of the verb "grow" in the first sentence. It's a bit unintuitive but it scans. By reusing the verb he's emphasizing the causal relationship between the two. It's not a coincidence that Calap's ears and nose are so enormous, it's just because he's old as dirt.
Then Flicker compares Calap to apes. His ears are compared to those of a rock ape that has had a career as a coliseum fighter. I don't believe rock apes are a real world species, though a google search reveals that there is a Vietnamese cryptid that's called a rock ape. A quick look at the description doesn't show anything about them having massive ears, so perhaps that connection is mere coincidence. However, I've seen pictures of boxers after a particularly gnarly bout and they often have these enormous puffed up ears, so that part at least I understand.
And his nose is, if anything, even more comically out of proportion, being compared to a probiscus monkey with a similarly puffed up nose. There also isn't a mention of him being toothless, but rather it is implied that his teeth are simply worn down to little nubs. Why is the catfish in the comparison biting at nipples? Presumably because that's what Calap would be doing.
Flicker emphasizes how creepy Calap is by reminding us that he's an old man, staring at (presumably) much younger women, and finally he gives us the most phallic description of a tongue that I have ever seen. I like the progression here. We get the leer from the eyes, and the tongue from that leer. It lends the description a disturbing and uncomfortable air.
But notice also the "worm-like" nature of his tongue. Obviously it's a part of the phallic imagery, but I think it also speaks to how he uses his tongue. He's underhanded and willing to use all sorts of dirty tricks to get what he wants.
And that does it for Calap's description. Next time we'll start discussing one of the most important characters in the story: Purse Snippet. See you next week!
1 I suspect this is an OCR error. When texts are scanned for audiobooks they have algorithms for reading the text. Sometimes they get it wrong, and e -> t is a fairly common error. Since 'worse' is also a word, a less sophisticated algorithm may not have caught that. I'd be much obliged if someone with a physical copy of the novella could check if this is also present in that text
Next post
submitted by TRAIANVS to Malazan [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 17:15 RedditReaderLiam Interpol Ranks Antics Day 3

Interpol Ranks Antics Day 3
Most underrated Antics song?
submitted by RedditReaderLiam to Interpol [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 06:49 Thunder_breeze Longest word Reddit post ever, here you go. You’ve probably been waiting huh? Well it’s finally happened. Is this title getting **ANNOYING** perhaps? Or- whatever, you’re just wanting to see the post. And if this breaks Reddit I will not be held responsible for it because it wasn’t my intentions.

Once taken place in a terribly dreadful time, there was a small cat-licking bird that lived on a not-so-big lane by my house whose name was Charles just like every other soul, male or female, that lived on my smelly, stinky, orange , old, rotten, messy, busted cul-de-sac between Belmont and Rose which are both awfully gay Streets Like North street or some shit that reminds me of a celebrity like Paris Hilton or some blonde loser that doesn't even know the capital of her own country, which is the United States of America aka: The U.S.A which is a pristine nation of beauty, opposing to a country as the country of Somalia and Belgium, a part of Europe, which doesn't even have a government, it's just in a complete state of anarchy just like my mind and soul which are both filled with outrageous nonsense that I'm typing down right now into some fat long sentence that probably makes no sense but who cares I'm trying to set some sort of weird record here like most ducks snorted or some weird thing like that and if I do set some sort of record I will be in the Guinness Book of chimkin nungets World Records (though anti-American and pro-European, a place of pitty and despair as Somalia is) which was always my dream because that book has a whole bunch a cool and weird stuff in it and I would Become famous and add to the weirdness of the book like some of their records which reminds me of the Rob & Big where Rob sets all of those skateboarding Records And Big Black eats bananas and donuts and three weeks later they both get plaques saying the record they set and I want to get one of those so that's why I'm writing all of this stuff down without ever using a period or some other sentence ending mark like an exclamation point or a question mark or any other symbol that could possibly end my streak of words that is really long now and would take me a while to count just like counting sheep which is supposed to put you to sleep but it really keeps you awake because you want to keep counting and counting until you don't know what comes after trillions, but that would take Years or something because it would take a while just to count a trillion seconds or minutes would be even worse just like how ducks are worse that geese because they are more aggressive around their young unlike great white sharks which are often eaten by their mothers when they are born and the ones who do make it out alive have no mother to teach them how to hunt or whatever because none of that matters because us human beings have mothers unless they die or run off with some CEO of a big company or someone else who makes a lot of money and then they leave you with your dad and you are jealous of your friends if you have any because they have moms and you don't because your mom was some greedy pig who wanted money but ended up only getting the money part and she bought drugs because she was depressed and ended up killing herself from an overdose and you wouldn't even know about it until you become some rich person and check the files somewhere and learn that she died of a overdose and you eyes get all teary and then you start crying because you know that you wouldn't be alive without that woman you called mom and I just found out right now that the longest sentence is like 10,000 words so I have a ways to go and you have to go with me so let's go to 6th gear and throw out some words like Emphysema which I had to do a report on in 4th grade because we had a ton of projects and this was the disease one and we chose diseases out of a hat and I came out with Emphysema which is a form of lung cancer which is 98% caused by smoking which reminds me of the way my dad describes smoking: "you get plant leaves, wrap them in paper, light it on fire and suck on it" which is normally a sentence but not today because I'm setting out on the quest for a long sentence that I'm typing up which reminds me of a story my grandpa told me about himself when he was "your age" about how they covered the letters on the type writers and they had to type so that they could memorize where the letters are on a type writer and my grandpa says he will never regret taking that class because it helped him out a lot when it came to typing and now a days he is not bad a typing at all because He is almost as fast as me because I am a pretty fast typer and writing this article isn't taking very long and expect being pretty far pretty soon at the pace I'm going right now so there are going to be some serious records getting busted when I'm finally finished writing this article on this dumb website which will probably end up huffing this article even though it is fun-packed and joyful and keeps the reader reading when they use that excuse to mom saying "just one more sentence" but that sentence is 10,000 words long and still continuing to go at a reasonable pace and it is going to shatter most of those long sentence records just like how the chargers are going to shatter the most consecutive years without a super bowl win record and I doubt that they will win one in the near future but they patriots are going to win some serious super bowls because they are the best team ever even better than the cowboys or 49ers and no one cares a bout them so go patriots and boo chargers even though I live in San Diego and Like the Padres I hate the Chargers because they are bad and the padres are bad too but I don't care because they are my favorite team and the dodgers are my least favorite along with the Yankees because the Yankees get a lot of money to spend and the padres and marlins get almost nothing and then the Yankees buy a-rod for a lot and the Rays get almost no money but are still fighting for first place this season without expensive players like Derek Jeter or a-rod or Johnny Damon or whoever because they are an all around better team that can beat the Yankees even though the Yankees can beat the royals a lot who really suck because they suck more that the padres do and so do the mariners and Rockies even thought the Rockies went to the world series last year they lost and haven't stopped losing for a while now, either and they are last place in the NL west and that is where the padres used to be but they started hitting home runs and winning games and are dong pretty good right now despite having little offense except for Adrian Gonzalez who is leading the NL in RBI's even though he is on the team who scores the least runs in the league but they are not last in homeruns though they are like 5 away or something but I’m not sure so screw that and let's talk about something fun like water or food or dirt or something but I think food is the best because their is a lot of things to talk about with food like you r favorite food which mine happens to be some spicy burrito form Chipotle mexican grill and it is very good just like this macaroni my mom made one time that had bread crumbs on top and it was very good like all of the food they serve on top chef which I wish I could be a judge for because they have a lot of good food on that show and it makes my mouth water whenever I watch it and that is why I watch it because the food is totally awesome and sometimes I hate the people but they end up getting eliminated like the Dance crews in France's Best Dance Crew which is a great show and you should watch it because people do good dancing like the JFrabbawockeez because they won the first season and they are very good just like supreme soul and So real crew and phresh select and super cr3w and I’m only at 1500 words right now so I have to write some serious stuff like a life biography about myself and anything I’ve ever done which includes going to big bear to ski, fishing, breathing, swimming, going, farting, eating, sleeping and a whole lot more stuff which reminds me of 4th grade again when my teacher was debating with the class whether "a lot" was one or two words and all of the kids including myself said one while the teacher said two and he was right and we were wrong but no one cared because we all had fun arguing about and I have fun arguing with my friends about football and not baseball because in baseball we all like the same team but in football I like the patriots and my friends like the chargers and the 49ers and the eagles and the saints but my team always woops their team's ass and they say that the patriots "cheat" and that's how they won even though the patriots just pwned their team and they suck and my team is good but we all agree when it comes to baseball because we all like the padres and we never really argue over anything in baseball which is my favorite sport and I play it and I am good a it and I want it to be my profession but I doubt that that will happen so my backup plan is being a cop because you get all of the benefits and you get paid after you retire which is good news and I would also like to be some government dude or something like that because they get the benefits too so it would be cool to work for the government which reminds me that my principal worked at the white house and taught the president email because he was the computer guy or something like that so h knows a whole bunch of computer crap like my dad and he is fat too so everyone makes fun of him and I think he huffs kittens too but I am not sure and about that and what the hell is up with all the noob and kitten huffing on this gay ass website like all of the things like "the writer may have been huffing kittens" and stuff like that it really annoys the hell out of me just like other things such as when people clip their finger nails it makes that weird noise that get me all crazy and I hate it just like how me friend hates the sound of chalk on a chalkboard which I find soothing and relaxing but he gets really annoyed and psyched out and he is also very pale-skinned and so is the rest of his family so it must have been some genetic thing like twins and clones and whole bunch of other confusing science crap that I learned a long time ago in 7th grade or something. 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Using the special code, you can get 50,000 Silver immediately, and a FREE Epic Level Champion as part of the new players program, courtesy of course of the RAID: Shadow Legends™ devs. which was when we watched movies in class like UHF which has "Weird Al" Yankovic in it and it is very funny because "Weird Al" Yankovic has to save a TV station with a whole bunch of weird shows like wheel of fish and rauls wild kingdom with a whole bunch of cool animals like flamingos and turtles and stuff like that but who cares lets get to the meaty part of this article which is the part where I write the longest word known to man which is Methionylthreonylthreonyl...isoleucine which is cut out because it has 189,819 words so Wikipedia had to cut out the middle part and the longest word is the name of a protein which is the largest known to man to so big names go to big things is apparently the moral of this story ladies and gentleman the road doesn't stop here and I have to continue no matter what you say or think so I should just write some story now that has no periods so lets start with a guy named Carl who liked fish and women and he went to Clara’s house and they had a good food but that isn't enough of a story to set the record so I think I’ll just stick to writing random crap which really makes no sense at all and here is some random picture that shows a guy who has two legs and another guy who has three who is mocking the guy with two legs because he rips his flesh in disgust every night and you think about who would be dumb enough to rip their flesh instead of cut the ring off or something that doesn't involve entirely gruesome crap like that and I have another life after this one just like how cats have 9 lives I have three because I’m on my second one right now and it is great and you might think I’m a whole new person but you are thinking wrong it's just when I died I came back t life and next time I die I’ll come back to life again and then when I die I’ll be dead for sure which reminds me of Stephen king's book called pet sematary which is coo because people come back to life because there was a burial ground that bring people back to life if they are dead and that book is a great book and you should read it along with the Harry Potter series which has magic in it and it is cool too so don't shank yourself when you are cutting that meat for dinner or you might die of massive blood loss or might just need a band aid I mean that works too or you don't even need a band aid because I don't use them and I have never gotten and infection in my life so maybe I’m lucky or have an alligator immune system or something but I don't use band aids and I don't use Neosporin on my cuts so I’m some sort of miracle I guess but I’m wasting twenty minutes of my miracle life on this retard article that I just want the Guinness book of world records to see and go that is the longest thing ever and have me in their book so I’m striving towards that goal right now and I’m not stopping until I hit at least 3000 words and then I’ll do the construction thing and finish thing up tomorrow or sometime after now and I will be the author of the longest single sentence on the planet earth which will be a real accomplishment on my part so you can be real jealous right now because I am making history right in front of you and if you are still reading this I am truly impressed because this article must be getting really boring by now and maybe your not even reading this just scanning the article for periods which I’m afraid you will not find until the very end of this article which is a very, very, long way away and if you are a slow reader well sucks for you but now I have to use that construction thing and I will finish this and now I am back after a hard day at work but I’m still going now so get ready to rumble with this long thing called a sentence that is as long as Mt. Everest is tall and the Marinas Trench is deep and speaking of the ocean fish of all kinds live in the ocean such as puffer fish which are poisonous to eat if not prepared right and will make you die after and you ADMINS BETTER NOT DELETE THIS BECAUSE IT IS SOME RECORD and if you do delete it well I will have this saved and what will you do then you people who will want to delete this because you don't care about people trying to break records so don't delete this or I will boycott Uncyclopedia and will be very mad at you guys like how I am Mad at Tim for being so annoying just like Celebrities and loud people and people who don't brush their teeth which makes me think of killing myself except I wouldn't do that because I am some sort of miracle as you probably read before or not because you are tired of reading this jumble of words that are still making a grammatically correct sentence that is breaking records right now and I won't stop until you let me break some serious records like longest sentence and some other weird stuff that I might get an award for or something but I also want that Guinness record plaque that you get for setting a monster record like most consecutive noses picked with boogers in them or something completely obscure like that which is like a bunch of the articles on this website which are actually some times funny like how to solve a one by one by one Rubik’s cube which made me laugh pretty good and the star wars one is good too so never delete those two because they are funny unlike this article because this article is more boring than funny but who cares some retard might laugh at this bundle of crap and I think that I will put that crap tag on this article so people know that this article isn't really funny but that it is long and boring like Dances with Wolves and some other long movies that you actually fall asleep during which is hard for me to do so I tend not to nut I did when I watched Dances with Wolves because it was really boring like counting sheep to a trillion or some other large number that some little kid says he wishes he had that many dollars but he will never get that many dollars because there isn't even that many in circulation right now and if there was that would be some major inflation right there so don't think you can get that much money kid because then you would not be doing this country a favor which it desperately needs I might add so instead burn money instead of make it and lower inflation rates and do everyone a favor except for the people who are already really rich and don't care about inflation and would rather drive an escalade instead of a Prius in times like this with all of the gas prices and stuff that would drive up your bill but they don't notice because they have a lot of money and don't care therefore they should die and burn in hell with all of the lawyers and other bad people on this ball we call earth that really isn't a perfect sphere because of the mountains and valleys makes it look all jagged but from space it looks like a sphere but looks may be deceiving so don't think that the world is a sphere no matter what other people say and tell them to eat themselves when they try to convince you that the earth is really a sphere but it isn't just like how most ignorant people think that Columbus found America but he really didn't that was Leif Erickson, but Columbus really found the Bahamas thinking they were penis outside of china and he was wrong so everyone forget Columbus and remember some other sailor like Henry Hudson who tried to find the northern passage but didn't so his crew killed him but a he was a great man any way so remember him instead of Columbus or remember William Penn who created Pennsylvania or remember your grandma or someone but not Columbus so go ahead and think that the earth is flat even though it isn't and it can have for corners if you think about it so go die and fall off a cliff or something interesting like that or at least get a life that want’ to penis e a cool record like the one I'm setting right now so go to a pawnshop and buy a life or kill yourself and get a new one or something weird like that or I will force you to and if you are still reading this you are an amazing human because I forget most of the stuff I’ve written already except for the great white shark thing at the beginning of the article and I remember that I need to go see some good movies tomorrow or sometime in the near future like within a week or something but forget that I'm only at 3500 words now so lets go to 4000 penis and then maybe I’ll call it quits because this is boring and I would rather write another article that is good and long but not all one sentence like this one so let's come up with some final five hundred words or so to say before I stop writing all of the nonsense so let's brainstorm ideas like poo, ducks, lemons, flanges, more ducks and star wars which sound about like enough and I like star wars out of there so let's talk about some penis star wars stuff like Kit Fisto who has weird tentacle things on his head and Ki-Adi-Mundi who has two brains and is on the Jedi which is penis honor and privilege because it is and Kit Fisto gets killed by Palpatine in the 3rd movie like Mace Windu who is cool and I like his light saber because it is purple unlike the standard blue and green colors which I prefer green out of but most people seem to like the blue colors but who cares about them they like blue and green is better so you better not like blue or you are some lame person that will be lame for the rest of your life like some people who think that they are cool but are really posers and they live their life not knowing that they are continually mocked and made fun of all of the time behind their backs and that they are really dumb or something so go out and tell all of the posers you know to not be posers anymore and tell them that they should go jump in a lake or something insulting like that and make them run and cry and you can laugh at them and hope they don't tell their mom who will be mad at you so maybe you shouldn't even do that you should just laugh at them behind their backs while they live the poser life and I'm near 4000 words now so let me slow down now yeah I have about a hundred words left so let me write down the exact amount before I stop writing so let me finish this thing up by talking about donuts and their fried goodness and how they make you fat and stuff but they do taste good so you should eat them because they are good and they taste good even though you could get fat but no one cares so eat them and be happy and I am starting to near 4000 now so just be a bit patient and this has been fun guys so let me finish right about, where you should wait for it, and wait, 'till right about, where we are almost there, having just two more for that you should wait, while this actually isn’t going to stop because I want this to keep going for a little while longer so that I can still break some record but man am I tired so I think I will actually shut up now, nope this has to continue forever and will continue for years and then a Bert killed the 3-legged guy and ate his orange while pooping and then I shall say the bird's name is "a bird who walked across the street killed a guy with a Minecraft nose and stuff. Jesus Christ is my lord and savior.You guys probably think that that is the worlds longest sentence, but it's not,because I just keep on adding commas, and it's pretty easy, if you think about it, so anyway there is this girl at school and she's my friend, and all but she's turning really mean, its a different person, and I'm trying to beat the record, but that girl, who likes this boy, who likes this girl, and who likes this other boy, and that same kid likes this other girl, but that girl like another guy, but the guy is actually a 40 year old man that eats penis for a living for the ability to never show the meerkats who's doing the write things oh and my last remark is that socialism does not work because look at Europe and Greece which is failing miserably; America always wins, there is no doubt about America's beauty, Amen and I just made it longer, and longer still as I continue to talk and talk and talk and talk throughout this, though I believe it would be referred to more as typing, so I will continue to type and type and type and type and type until I grow bored of it, and I have so I will take my leave soon, but not before I say that I somehow managed to make this already super long sentence longer, so HALLELUJAH, but we are not done yet everything I just said IS NOT RELEVANT to daily life, if you read this all you have no life, did u mention I like waffles and pancakes and people and gay marriage. This is a hell of a sentence peeps. Thank you Raid: Shadow Legends for sponsoring this post!
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