Sample letter for denial of scholarship

Political Compass Memes

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Political Compass Memes

2009.07.18 17:57 ThePowerOfGeek A Song of Ice and Fire

News and discussions relating to George R. R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" novels, his Westeros-based short stories, "Game of Thrones" and "House of the Dragon" TV series, and all things ASOIAF - but with particular emphasis on the written series.

2014.07.13 19:41 umlilo Jordan Peterson: Descensus ad inferos

Welcome to the discourse! This forum is dedicated to the work associated with Dr. Jordan Peterson: a public intellectual, clinical psychologist, and professor emeritus of psychology at the University of Toronto.

2024.05.07 09:50 Theologydebate God divinely inspires liars, forgers and promotes works of deceit


The bible and more specifically in this topic, the NT claim to be 'divinely inspired' by professing Christians of most walks. Without even getting into the discussion of what it means for a text to be divinely inspired it denotes some amount of involvement by God in its authorship.
I would like to bring up the issue over the authors of the New Testament books. For all intents and purposes I will stick to using terms that most appropriately fit. So hence the definitions
Pseudepigrapha: A work which is falsely attributed to an author whilst the the text may or may not claim it was written by said author
Forgery: A work which is falsely attributed to an author while the text claims it is written by said author (a lie)
Now these are obviously similar for example a work can be a forgery and a pseudepigrapha both at the same time it can be claimed to be written by x and attributed to x author despite the claim for it being widely disputed from evidence. So for all intents and when I use the term Pseudepigrapha I will refer to a work which is falsely attributed an author WITHOUT the text claiming it was written by said author and forgery I will use to refer to a work which is falsely attributed to an author WITH the text claiming it was written by said author


When it comes to the New Testament Cannon we can look at the gospels; Mark, Matthew, Luke and John. Many evangelical fundamentalists believe the names of the gospels are the actual disciples of Jesus who wrote them and this is never specified in the text so we can get that out of the way.
In fact in the gospel of Luke we get an endorsement of this viewpoint and an acknowledgement that the good news was first and foremost a circulating oral tradition
Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. With this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught. - Luke 1:1-4
Furthermore we get the catechism of the catholic church which seems to acknowledge the authorship as such
The written Gospels. "The sacred authors, in writing the four Gospels, selected certain of the many elements which had been handed on, either orally or already in written form; others they synthesized or explained with an eye to the situation of the churches, the while sustaining the form of preaching, but always in such a fashion that they have told us the honest truth about Jesus.
2nd edition CCC 124:3
So by in large these works are pseudepigrapha. They do not claim to be written by said authors even if in common parlance they may be thought to be. The only exception here is John, where it claims to be written by a John but not John of Zebedee (an apostle) a common name so that is at least plausible. In the case the gospels do not contain misinformation or lies about authorship.
Once you get to the Pauline epistles things get messy.
I'll be drawing a lot from Bart Ehrmans works here, the go to source for this is Forged, or Forged and Counterforged.
To skip the riff-raff see this video by Dan Maclellan on why the Pastoral Epistles are widely doubted even amongst critical scholars, even amongst those with a faith commitment.
The consensus approximation: Link to an article and the image
As we can see not a single scholar things that Paul wrote Hebrews and less than 25% believe that he wrote 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy and Titus and >50% believe he did not write that while the rest are uncertain.
And before anyone rejects this as secular liberal 21st century scholarship, this is an opinion that has been in circulation since the start of the 19th century and widely accepted amongst scholars before the turn of the 20th century

Evidence for non-Pauline authorship

Heres a summarised list of arguments for the non-Pauline authorship
1 Timothy
2 Timothy
There is also Ephesians

Evidence of Intentional Deceit

So far I have only built a case for pseudepigrapha at the very least. From now on I will add context that allows me to make the assertion that this is not only pseudepigrapha but is intentional deceit in writing hence a Forgery
1, 2 Timothy, Titus, Ephesians all start of from the directly presented as letters from Paul the Apostle to Timothy and to Titus in the opening texts. I cant be bothered pasting them all but you can search for yourself to confirm. The author does not claim to be a disciple of Paul or one of Pauls students the author explicitly states he is Paul and that he is writing to said audience. These claims are LIES and there are no two way around it. You cannot claim to be someone who you are not, if you do you are lying and it does not matter if you are in actuality the student of someone (withstanding the fact we have no evidence the author ever met Paul).
Bart Ehrman points out (and other scholars) that 2 Timothy is littered with verisimilitudes, that is the author claiming to be Paul continuously barrages the reader with biographical detail in excess that is commonplace in forgeries. Just read through 2 Timothy and contrast it with something like Romans or Philemon. Paul constantly appeals to his backstory and status whereas his other letters are straightforward and to the point assuming that whoever on the receiving end knows who he is for granted.
Refuting Objections
The most commonplace: objection is that pseudepigrapha was commonplace in the Christian world therefore not deceitful. First of all just because something is commonplace it does not change the fundamental fact that a lie is a lie.
Also this is just patently false and is actually rejected by Paul himself!
In 2 Thessalonians 2:2 and 3:17 a book that a majority regard as authentic to Paul, he warns of those false teachers who may use Pauls name. Something the Pastorals and Ephesians clearly do which is rebuked by Paul himself. This also goes against everything and anything we know about Early church tradition as there is an entire list of books that were rejected by the early Church fathers due to their message and authorship, this includes works such as 3 Corinthians which was correctly identified to be a forgery as well as the Epistle of Barnabas. We have surmounting evidence that false attribution of texts was viewed as a horrific action by early Jews, Christians and Paul himself. People who state that this practice was well accepted have nothing but apologetic nonsense with no real world evidence to back it up.
We also have evidence that scribes who lie when recording matters of faith disobey God and commit sin as well as taint the message and the law to be followed to the believer(s).
How can you say, “We are wise, for we have the law of the LORD,” when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely? Jeremiah 8:8-9
Hence we know that even within Jewish thought this practice is a great evil.


There are works in the Biblical cannon that are forgeries littered with deceit, many of which begin the text by stating a lie and claiming a false author.

Unless one can surmount a case that not only refutes a plethora of data and facts that univariably point towards forged authorship of works that are falsely attributed to Paul as well as long withstanding academic consensus for other a century, the believer has to accept one or more of the following as they naturally follow.
  1. God lies and promotes lies and liars through divine inspiration.
  2. The work(s) of the New Testament are not divinely inspired
  3. Only some of the New Testament Canon is divinely inspired, the forged texts are not
  4. God divinely inspired both Authors (2 at a minimum) Paul and the author of the non-Pauline letters to write about matters of faith including directly contradictory passages where Paul affirms and recognizes the role of women in church whilst simultaneously having pseudo-Paul reject a woman to teach in church. Not even mentioning contradictory views on charisma, faith, the flesh and works between Paul and Pseudo Paul.
  5. Last but not least, the most simple conclusion. None of it is divinely inspired whatsoever
submitted by Theologydebate to DebateReligion [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 07:29 beauxaz Scholarship Application Website Problems

The website will not allow for me to submit my application for a scholarship. From the first letter that I type, the text box turns red and says, "Please note, in order to submit your request, you have to elaborate on the reason you’re asking a financial aid, min of 500 characters."
My text is shorter than 500 characters, yet the box is still red, and won't allow me to submit the application. I tried different browsers as well, but nothing seems to be working...Anyone know what the trick is?
submitted by beauxaz to UoPeople [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 07:16 HinduVoice Macaulay's Minute on Education, February 2, 1835

As it seems to be the opinion of some of the gentlemen who compose the Committee of Public Instruction that the course which they have hitherto pursued was strictly prescribed by the British Parliament in 1813 and as, if that opinion be correct, a legislative act will be necessary to warrant a change, I have thought it right to refrain from taking any part in the preparation of the adverse statements which are now before us, and to reserve what I had to say on the subject till it should come before me as a Member of the Council of India.
It does not appear to me that the Act of Parliament can by any art of contraction be made to bear the meaning which has been assigned to it. It contains nothing about the particular languages or sciences which are to be studied. A sum is set apart "for the revival and promotion of literature, and the encouragement of the learned natives of India, and for the introduction and promotion of a knowledge of the sciences among the inhabitants of the British territories." It is argued, or rather taken for granted, that by literature the Parliament can have meant only Arabic and Sanscrit literature; that they never would have given the honourable appellation of "a learned native" to a native who was familiar with the poetry of Milton, the metaphysics of Locke, and the physics of Newton; but that they meant to designate by that name only such persons as might have studied in the sacred books of the Hindoos all the uses of cusa-grass, and all the mysteries of absorption into the Deity. This does not appear to be a very satisfactory interpretation. To take a parallel case: Suppose that the Pacha of Egypt, a country once superior in knowledge to the nations of Europe, but now sunk far below them, were to appropriate a sum for the purpose "of reviving and promoting literature, and encouraging learned natives of Egypt," would any body infer that he meant the youth of his Pachalik to give years to the study of hieroglyphics, to search into all the doctrines disguised under the fable of Osiris, and to ascertain with all possible accuracy the ritual with which cats and onions were anciently adored? Would he be justly charged with inconsistency if, instead of employing his young subjects in deciphering obelisks, he were to order them to be instructed in the English and French languages, and in all the sciences to which those languages are the chief keys?
The words on which the supporters of the old system rely do not bear them out, and other words follow which seem to be quite decisive on the other side. This lakh of rupees is set apart not only for "reviving literature in India," the phrase on which their whole interpretation is founded, but also "for the introduction and promotion of a knowledge of the sciences among the inhabitants of the British territories"-words which are alone sufficient to authorize all the changes for which I contend.
If the Council agree in my construction no legislative act will be necessary. If they differ from me, I will propose a short act rescinding that I clause of the Charter of 1813 from which the difficulty arises.
The argument which I have been considering affects only the form of proceeding. But the admirers of the oriental system of education have used another argument, which, if we admit it to be valid, is decisive against all change. They conceive that the public faith is pledged to the present system, and that to alter the appropriation of any of the funds which have hitherto been spent in encouraging the study of Arabic and Sanscrit would be downright spoliation. It is not easy to understand by what process of reasoning they can have arrived at this conclusion. The grants which are made from the public purse for the encouragement of literature differ in no respect from the grants which are made from the same purse for other objects of real or supposed utility. We found a sanitarium on a spot which we suppose to be healthy. Do we thereby pledge ourselves to keep a sanitarium there if the result should not answer our expectations? We commence the erection of a pier. Is it a violation of the public faith to stop the works, if we afterwards see reason to believe that the building will be useless? The rights of property are undoubtedly sacred. But nothing endangers those rights so much as the practice, now unhappily too common, of attributing them to things to which they do not belong. Those who would impart to abuses the sanctity of property are in truth imparting to the institution of property the unpopularity and the fragility of abuses. If the Government has given to any person a formal assurance-nay, if the Government has excited in any person's mind a reasonable expectation-that he shall receive a certain income as a teacher or a learner of Sanscrit or Arabic, I would respect that person's pecuniary interests. I would rather err on the side of liberality to individuals than suffer the public faith to be called in question. But to talk of a Government pledging itself to teach certain languages and certain sciences, though those languages may become useless, though those sciences may be exploded, seems to me quite unmeaning. There is not a single word in any public instrument from which it can be inferred that the Indian Government ever intended to give any pledge on this subject, or ever considered the destination of these funds as unalterably fixed. But, had it been otherwise, I should have denied the competence of our predecessors to bind us by any pledge on such a subject. Suppose that a Government had in the last century enacted in the most solemn manner that all its subjects should, to the end of time, be inoculated for the small-pox, would that Government be bound to persist in the practice after Jenner's discovery? These promises of which nobody claims the performance, and from which nobody can grant a release, these vested rights which vest in nobody, this property without proprietors, this robbery which makes nobody poorer, may be comprehended by persons of higher faculties than mine. I consider this plea merely as a set form of words, regularly used both in England and in India, in defence of every abuse for which no other plea can be set up.
I hold this lakh of rupees to be quite at the disposal of the Governor-General in Council for the purpose of promoting learning in India in any way which may be thought most advisable. I hold his Lordship to be quite as free to direct that it shall no longer be employed in encouraging Arabic and Sanscrit, as he is to direct that the reward for killing tigers in Mysore shall be diminished, or that no more public money shall be expended on the chaunting at the cathedral.
We now come to the gist of the matter. We have a fund to be employed as Government shall direct for the intellectual improvement of the people of this country. The simple question is, what is the most useful way of employing it?
All parties seem to be agreed on one point, that the dialects commonly spoken among the natives of this part of India contain neither literary nor scientific information, and are moreover so poor and rude that, until they are enriched from some other quarter, it will not be easy to translate any valuable work into them. It seems to be admitted on all sides, that the intellectual improvement of those classes of the people who have the means of pursuing higher studies can at present be affected only by means of some language not vernacular amongst them.
What then shall that language be? One-half of the committee maintain that it should be the English. The other half strongly recommend the Arabic and Sanscrit. The whole question seems to me to be-which language is the best worth knowing?
I have no knowledge of either Sanscrit or Arabic. But I have done what I could to form a correct estimate of their value. I have read translations of the most celebrated Arabic and Sanscrit works. I have conversed, both here and at home, with men distinguished by their proficiency in the Eastern tongues. I am quite ready to take the oriental learning at the valuation of the orientalists themselves. I have never found one among them who could deny that a single shelf of a good European library was worth the whole native literature of India and Arabia. The intrinsic superiority of the Western literature is indeed fully admitted by those members of the committee who support the oriental plan of education.
It will hardly be disputed, I suppose, that the department of literature in which the Eastern writers stand highest is poetry. And I certainly never met with any orientalist who ventured to maintain that the Arabic and Sanscrit poetry could be compared to that of the great European nations. But when we pass from works of imagination to works in which facts are recorded and general principles investigated, the superiority of the Europeans becomes absolutely immeasurable. It is, I believe, no exaggeration to say that all the historical information which has been collected from all the books written in the Sanscrit language is less valuable than what may be found in the most paltry abridgments used at preparatory schools in England. In every branch of physical or moral philosophy, the relative position of the two nations is nearly the same.
How then stands the case? We have to educate a people who cannot at present be educated by means of their mother-tongue. We must teach them some foreign language. The claims of our own language it is hardly necessary to recapitulate. It stands pre- eminent even among the languages of the West. It abounds with works of imagination not inferior to the noblest which Greece has bequeathed to us,-with models of every species of eloquence,-with historical composition, which, considered merely as narratives, have seldom been surpassed, and which, considered as vehicles of ethical and political instruction, have never been equaled-with just and lively representations of human life and human nature,-with the most profound speculations on metaphysics, morals, government, jurisprudence, trade,-with full and correct information respecting every experimental science which tends to preserve the health, to increase the comfort, or to expand the intellect of man. Whoever knows that language has ready access to all the vast intellectual wealth which all the wisest nations of the earth have created and hoarded in the course of ninety generations. It may safely be said that the literature now extant in
that language is of greater value than all the literature which three hundred years ago was extant in all the languages of the world together. Nor is this all. In India, English is the language spoken by the ruling class. It is spoken by the higher class of natives at the seats of Government. It is likely to become the language of commerce throughout the seas of the East. It is the language of two great European communities which are rising, the one in the south of Africa, the other in Australia,-communities which are every year becoming more important and more closely connected with our Indian empire. Whether we look at the intrinsic value of our literature, or at the particular situation of this country, we shall see the strongest reason to think that, of all foreign tongues, the English tongue is that which would be the most useful to our native subjects.
The question now before us is simply whether, when it is in our power to teach this language, we shall teach languages in which, by universal confession, there are no books on any subject which deserve to be compared to our own, whether, when we can teach European science, we shall teach systems which, by universal confession, wherever they differ from those of Europe differ for the worse, and whether, when we can patronize sound philosophy and true history, we shall countenance, at the public expense, medical doctrines which would disgrace an English farrier, astronomy which would move laughter in girls at an English boarding school, history abounding with kings thirty feet high and reigns thirty thousand years long, and geography made of seas of treacle and seas of butter.
We are not without experience to guide us. History furnishes several analogous cases, and they all teach the same lesson. There are, in modern times, to go no further, two memorable instances of a great impulse given to the mind of a whole society, of prejudices overthrown, of knowledge diffused, of taste purified, of arts and sciences planted in countries which had recently been ignorant and barbarous.
The first instance to which I refer is the great revival of letters among the Western nations at the close of the fifteenth and the beginning of the sixteenth century. At that time almost everything that was worth reading was contained in the writings of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Had our ancestors acted as the Committee of Public Instruction has hitherto noted, had they neglected the language of Thucydides and Plato, and the language of Cicero and Tacitus, had they confined their attention to the old dialects of our own island, had they printed nothing and taught nothing at the universities but chronicles in Anglo-Saxon and romances in Norman French,-would England ever have been what she now is? What the Greek and Latin were to the contemporaries of More and Ascham, our tongue is to the people of India. The literature of England is now more valuable than that of classical antiquity. I doubt whether the Sanscrit literature be as valuable as that of our Saxon and Norman progenitors. In some departments-in history for example-I am certain that it is much less so.
Another instance may be said to be still before our eyes. Within the last hundred and twenty years, a nation which had previously been in a state as barbarous as that in which our ancestors were before the Crusades has gradually emerged from the ignorance in which it was sunk, and has taken its place among civilized communities. I speak of Russia. There is now in that country a large educated class abounding with persons fit to
serve the State in the highest functions, and in nowise inferior to the most accomplished men who adorn the best circles of Paris and London. There is reason to hope that this vast empire which, in the time of our grandfathers, was probably behind the Punjab, may in the time of our grandchildren, be pressing close on France and Britain in the career of improvement. And how was this change effected? Not by flattering national prejudices; not by feeding the mind of the young Muscovite with the old women's stories which his rude fathers had believed; not by filling his head with lying legends about St. Nicholas; not by encouraging him to study the great question, whether the world was or not created on the 13th of September; not by calling him "a learned native" when he had mastered all these points of knowledge; but by teaching him those foreign languages in which the greatest mass of information had been laid up, and thus putting all that information within his reach. The languages of western Europe civilised Russia. I cannot doubt that they will do for the Hindoo what they have done for the Tartar.
And what are the arguments against that course which seems to be alike recommended by theory and by experience? It is said that we ought to secure the co- operation of the native public, and that we can do this only by teaching Sanscrit and Arabic.
I can by no means admit that, when a nation of high intellectual attainments undertakes to superintend the education of a nation comparatively ignorant, the learners are absolutely to prescribe the course which is to be taken by the teachers. It is not necessary however to say anything on this subject. For it is proved by unanswerable evidence, that we are not at present securing the co-operation of the natives. It would be bad enough to consult their intellectual taste at the expense of their intellectual health. But we are consulting neither. We are withholding from them the learning which is palatable to them. We are forcing on them the mock learning which they nauseate.
This is proved by the fact that we are forced to pay our Arabic and Sanscrit students while those who learn English are willing to pay us. All the declamations in the world about the love and reverence of the natives for their sacred dialects will never, in the mind of any impartial person, outweigh this undisputed fact, that we cannot find in all our vast empire a single student who will let us teach him those dialects, unless we will pay him.
I have now before me the accounts of the Mudrassa for one month, the month of December, 1833. The Arabic students appear to have been seventy-seven in number. All receive stipends from the public. The whole amount paid to them is above 500 rupees a month. On the other side of the account stands the following item:
Deduct amount realized from the out-students of English for the months of May, June, and July last-103 rupees.
I have been told that it is merely from want of local experience that I am surprised at these phenomena, and that it is not the fashion for students in India to study at their own charges. This only confirms me in my opinions. Nothing is more certain than that it never can in any part of the world be necessary to pay men for doing what they think pleasant
or profitable. India is no exception to this rule. The people of India do not require to be paid for eating rice when they are hungry, or for wearing woollen cloth in the cold season. To come nearer to the case before us:-The children who learn their letters and a little elementary arithmetic from the village schoolmaster are not paid by him. He is paid for teaching them. Why then is it necessary to pay people to learn Sanscrit and Arabic? Evidently because it is universally felt that the Sanscrit and Arabic are languages the knowledge of which does not compensate for the trouble of acquiring them. On all such subjects the state of the market is the detective test.
Other evidence is not wanting, if other evidence were required. A petition was presented last year to the committee by several ex-students of the Sanscrit College. The petitioners stated that they had studied in the college ten or twelve years, that they had made themselves acquainted with Hindoo literature and science, that they had received certificates of proficiency. And what is the fruit of all this? "Notwithstanding such testimonials," they say, "we have but little prospect of bettering our condition without the kind assistance of your honourable committee, the indifference with which we are generally looked upon by our countrymen leaving no hope of encouragement and assistance from them." They therefore beg that they may be recommended to the Governor-General for places under the Government-not places of high dignity or emolument, but such as may just enable them to exist. "We want means," they say, "for a decent living, and for our progressive improvement, which, however, we cannot obtain without the assistance of Government, by whom we have been educated and maintained from childhood." They conclude by representing very pathetically that they are sure that it was never the intention of Government, after behaving so liberally to them during their education, to abandon them to destitution and neglect.
I have been used to see petitions to Government for compensation. All those petitions, even the most unreasonable of them, proceeded on the supposition that some loss had been sustained, that some wrong had been inflicted. These are surely the first petitioners who ever demanded compensation for having been educated gratis, for having been supported by the public during twelve years, and then sent forth into the world well furnished with literature and science. They represent their education as an injury which gives them a claim on the Government for redress, as an injury for which the stipends paid to them during the infliction were a very inadequate compensation. And I doubt not that they are in the right. They have wasted the best years of life in learning what procures for them neither bread nor respect. Surely we might with advantage have saved the cost of making these persons useless and miserable. Surely, men may be brought up to be burdens to the public and objects of contempt to their neighbours at a somewhat smaller charge to the State. But such is our policy. We do not even stand neuter in the contest between truth and falsehood. We are not content to leave the natives to the influence of their own hereditary prejudices. To the natural difficulties which obstruct the progress of sound science in the East, we add great difficulties of our own making. Bounties and premiums, such as ought not to be given even for the propagation of truth, we lavish on false texts and false philosophy.
By acting thus we create the very evil which we fear. We are making that opposition which we do not find. What we spend on the Arabic and Sanscrit Colleges is not merely a
dead loss to the cause of truth. It is bounty-money paid to raise up champions of error. It goes to form a nest not merely of helpless placehunters but of bigots prompted alike by passion and by interest to raise a cry against every useful scheme of education. If there should be any opposition among the natives to the change which I recommend, that opposition will be the effect of our own system. It will be headed by persons supported by our stipends and trained in our colleges. The longer we persevere in our present course, the more formidable will that opposition be. It will be every year reinforced by recruits whom we are paying. From the native society, left to itself, we have no difficulties to apprehend. All the murmuring will come from that oriental interest which we have, by artificial means, called into being and nursed into strength.
There is yet another fact which is alone sufficient to prove that the feeling of the native public, when left to itself, is not such as the supporters of the old system represent it to be. The committee have thought fit to lay out above a lakh of rupees in printing Arabic and Sanscrit books. Those books find no purchasers. It is very rarely that a single copy is disposed of. Twenty-three thousand volumes, most of them folios and quartos, fill the libraries or rather the lumber-rooms of this body. The committee contrive to get rid of some portion of their vast stock of oriental literature by giving books away. But they cannot give so fast as they print. About twenty thousand rupees a year are spent in adding fresh masses of waste paper to a hoard which, one should think, is already sufficiently ample. During the last three years about sixty thousand rupees have been expended in this manner. The sale of Arabic and Sanscrit books during those three years has not yielded quite one thousand rupees. In the meantime, the School Book Society is selling seven or eight thousand English volumes every year, and not only pays the expenses of printing but realizes a profit of twenty per cent. on its outlay.
The fact that the Hindoo law is to be learned chiefly from Sanscrit books, and the Mahometan law from Arabic books, has been much insisted on, but seems not to bear at all on the question. We are commanded by Parliament to ascertain and digest the laws of India. The assistance of a Law Commission has been given to us for that purpose. As soon as the Code is promulgated the Shasters and the Hedaya will be useless to a moonsiff or a Sudder Ameen. I hope and trust that, before the boys who are now entering at the Mudrassa and the Sanscrit College have completed their studies, this great work will be finished. It would be manifestly absurd to educate the rising generation with a view to a state of things which we mean to alter before they reach manhood.
But there is yet another argument which seems even more untenable. It is said that the Sanscrit and the Arabic are the languages in which the sacred books of a hundred millions of people are written, and that they are on that account entitled to peculiar encouragement. Assuredly it is the duty of the British Government in India to be not only tolerant but neutral on all religious questions. But to encourage the study of a literature, admitted to be of small intrinsic value, only because that literature inculcated the most serious errors on the most important subjects, is a course hardly reconcilable with reason, with morality, or even with that very neutrality which ought, as we all agree, to be sacredly preserved. It is confined that a language is barren of useful knowledge. We are to teach it because it is fruitful of monstrous superstitions. We are to teach false history, false astronomy, false medicine, because we find them in company with a false religion.
We abstain, and I trust shall always abstain, from giving any public encouragement to those who are engaged in the work of converting the natives to Christianity. And while we act thus, can we reasonably or decently bribe men, out of the revenues of the State, to waste their youth in learning how they are to purify themselves after touching an ass or what texts of the Vedas they are to repeat to expiate the crime of killing a goat?
It is taken for granted by the advocates of oriental learning that no native of this country can possibly attain more than a mere smattering of English. They do not attempt to prove this. But they perpetually insinuate it. They designate the education which their opponents recommend as a mere spelling-book education. They assume it as undeniable that the question is between a profound knowledge of Hindoo and Arabian literature and science on the one side, and superficial knowledge of the rudiments of English on the other. This is not merely an assumption, but an assumption contrary to all reason and experience. We know that foreigners of all nations do learn our language sufficiently to have access to all the most abstruse knowledge which it contains sufficiently to relish even the more delicate graces of our most idiomatic writers. There are in this very town natives who are quite competent to discuss political or scientific questions with fluency and precision in the English language. I have heard the very question on which I am now writing discussed by native gentlemen with a liberality and an intelligence which would do credit to any member of the Committee of Public Instruction. Indeed it is unusual to find, even in the literary circles of the Continent, any foreigner who can express himself in English with so much facility and correctness as we find in many Hindoos. Nobody, I suppose, will contend that English is so difficult to a Hindoo as Greek to an Englishman. Yet an intelligent English youth, in a much smaller number of years than our unfortunate pupils pass at the Sanscrit College, becomes able to read, to enjoy, and even to imitate not unhappily the compositions of the best Greek authors. Less than half the time which enables an English youth to read Herodotus and Sophocles ought to enable a Hindoo to read Hume and Milton.
To sum up what I have said. I think it clear that we are not fettered by the Act of Parliament of 1813, that we are not fettered by any pledge expressed or implied, that we are free to employ our funds as we choose, that we ought to employ them in teaching what is best worth knowing, that English is better worth knowing than Sanscrit or Arabic, that the natives are desirous to be taught English, and are not desirous to be taught Sanscrit or Arabic, that neither as the languages of law nor as the languages of religion have the Sanscrit and Arabic any peculiar claim to our encouragement, that it is possible to make natives of this country thoroughly good English scholars, and that to this end our efforts ought to be directed.
In one point I fully agree with the gentlemen to whose general views I am opposed. I feel with them that it is impossible for us, with our limited means, to attempt to educate the body of the people. We must at present do our best to form a class who may be interpreters between us and the millions whom we govern, -a class of persons Indian in blood and colour, but English in tastes, in opinions, in morals and in intellect. To that class we may leave it to refine the vernacular dialects of the country, to enrich those dialects with terms of science borrowed from the Western nomenclature, and to render
them by degrees fit vehicles for conveying knowledge to the great mass of the population.
I would strictly respect all existing interests. I would deal even generously with all individuals who have had fair reason to expect a pecuniary provision. But I would strike at the root of the bad system which has hitherto been fostered by us. I would at once stop the printing of Arabic and Sanscrit books. I would abolish the Mudrassa and the Sanscrit College at Calcutta. Benares is the great seat of Brahminical learning; Delhi of Arabic learning. If we retain the Sanscrit College at Bonares and the Mahometan College at Delhi we do enough and much more than enough in my opinion, for the Eastern languages. If the Benares and Delhi Colleges should be retained, I would at least recommend that no stipends shall be given to any students who may hereafter repair thither, but that the people shall be left to make their own choice between the rival systems of education without being bribed by us to learn what they have no desire to know. The funds which would thus be placed at our disposal would enable us to give larger encouragement to the Hindoo College at Calcutta, and establish in the principal cities throughout the Presidencies of Fort William and Agra schools in which the English language might be well and thoroughly taught.
If the decision of His Lordship in Council should be such as I anticipate, I shall enter on the performance of my duties with the greatest zeal and alacrity. If, on the other hand, it be the opinion of the Government that the present system ought to remain unchanged, I beg that I may be permitted to retire from the chair of the Committee. I feel that I could not be of the smallest use there. I feel also that I should be lending my countenance to what I firmly believe to be a mere delusion. I believe that the present system tends not to accelerate the progress of truth but to delay the natural death of expiring errors. I conceive that we have at present no right to the respectable name of a Board of Public Instruction. We are a Board for wasting the public money, for printing books which are of less value than the paper on which they are printed was while it was blank-for giving artificial encouragement to absurd history, absurd metaphysics, absurd physics, absurd theology-for raising up a breed of scholars who find their scholarship an incumbrance and blemish, who live on the public while they are receiving their education, and whose education is so utterly useless to them that, when they have received it, they must either starve or live on the public all the rest of their lives. Entertaining these opinions, I am naturally desirous to decline all share in the responsibility of a body which, unless it alters its whole mode of proceedings, I must consider, not merely as useless, but as positively noxious.

submitted by HinduVoice to IndianHistory [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 07:13 markfromminn Deep Sixing Board Decision Granting Me TDIU

So it seems that the VA has deep sixed a board decision granting me TDIU. My inquires to the board haven't been helpful, as the board just defers to the RO, saying it is all out of the board's hands. At this point, I've come to believe a board decision is as good as toilet paper if the board itself doesn't implement it.
Here's the situation. I filed for TDIU in 2018. The RO denied my TDIU. Based on correspondence from the RO, I felt the RO didn't adjudicate my claim fairly or objectively, so I appealed the denial. It took until July of 2023 (i.e. last year) to get a hearing with the VABVA. After getting a chance to speak to somebody and present my case, the VABVA apparently agreed with me, as they issued a decision in November of last year granting me TDIU. To be clear, they granted, not remanded.
As it was explained to me at the time, they send the decision back to the RO for the RO to implement the decision, which would involve the RO verifying my income going back to 2018. The way the RO has done me in the past, I even told people that with my luck, I have a favorable decision but will end up without a favorable result.
The VABVA decision is dated November 17, 2023. We got into December and I hadn't heard anything. I called the VA toll free number. First person I speak with tells me it shouldn't take long for the VA to implement the decision. Another few weeks go by and we get into January. I call the toll free number again and speak to a different person. I ask about the RO implementing the decision. Person I speak with tells me there is no decision! I tried to explain I have a copy of the decision and there most certainly is a decision from November. He said that isn't a decision, and that all that did was start a brand new claim. That really had me concerned.
Shortly after, I get a letter from the VA instructing me to fill out 4192s and an 8940. Being asked to fill out a 8940 made me concerned that - whether intentionally or unintentionally - the VA would count it is a brand new claim for TDIU. Wanting to get another set of eyes on this, I decided to go to the DAV and make the DAV my representative. Up until that point, I had been representing myself. So I brought what I got from the VA and showed it to them. I had my VABVA decision letter from November in one hand and the correspondence from the RO telling me to submit a new application for TDIU in the other.
The people at the local DAV office even thought that was weird. It was as if the RO was going to re-adjudicate TDIU all over, like it was a brand new claim, making me re-prove everything. Of course, if I was already denied by the RO, why believe the RO would do me right another time? Not to mention, starting over would cause me to lose badly needed back pay.
So I express my concerns to the people at the DAV. They contacted the VSO at the RO, and then re-assured me that it would be fine, and that it was all part of the process for the RO to implement the board's decision. So I submitted the 8940 back in January. Next thing I knew, when I logged into, it showed a claim for TDIU dated January 26, 2024, and it says New Claim for TDIU. I contacted the VA, and I went back to the DAV office pointing that out, and each time I was re-assured that this was all part of the claim going back to 2018 that the VABVA already decided. Periodically, I would go online to submit information about my income as well as request the decision be implemented and ask the VA why they weren't asking for information that would help them verify my income, as it seemed like the VA wasn't trying to implement the VABVA's decision at all. I did all that under the belief that everything I was submitting under that claim was all part of the RO's implementation of the VABVA's November decision granting me TDIU.
Then we get down to the end of April, beginning of May. Nothing has happened. It seems to me it shouldn't take longer for the RO to implement a decision the VABVA already made than to adjudicate a brand new claim, yet when I go onto, it tells me the average number of days to adjudicate a brand new claim is 159 days. So I contact my Congressman's office and let them know what is going on, saying that it seems like the VA isn't implementing the RO's decision. I also explained that I was asked by the VA to submit a new 8940, and it seems like that was used to generate a brand new TDIU claim rather than do anything to implement the VABVA's decision.
Well, guess what? My Congressman's office writes me today to tell me that yes, they see the VABVA's November decision granting me TDIU, and, yes, the VA created a brand new claim for TDIU which is a moot claim, because of the VABVA decision. My Congressman's office tells me they are on it and will make sure that the VA doesn't make the decision disappear. I will say, though, that based upon how the VA has been to me up to this point - trying to deep six the decision, giving me different answers each time I call - I am not confident I will get the right amount of back pay, if the VA even implements the decision.
So, I sit here wondering what good a VABVA decision is? It seems the decision they made for me isn't worth the paper it was written on.
submitted by markfromminn to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 05:43 WonderfulCamera1148 UCONN vs. Clarkson

hey, I'm a bit indecisive between which college to attend. A little background info. I come from a low income family, parents making $51k per year and my SAI is 1500. I was accepted to some great schools but looking at finances these are the 2 I'm looking at. UCONN or Clarkson University UCONN Civil Engineering Major, Quantum Computing Minor Pros: 1. Ranked #44 for engineering 2. $12k per year scholarship 3. Great social life for a school in the middle of nowhere 4. Have some family friends living in Connecticut Cons: 1. $40k student loans Out-of State 2. Starting pay $55k 3. Have to attend Summer BRIDGE Program inorder to enroll but I have to pay $1995. Might get $2000 scholarship 4. On-campus housing isn't gauranteed for 4 years 5. Hard to find much info about their engineering program opportunities
Clarkson University Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering Minor Pros: 1. Starting pay $69k 2. Borealis Scholar Only 3 students selected for payed Bioeng research, payed $4k stipend to attend summer BRIDGE, payed up to $10k both freshmen and sophomore year to do year-long research, join Honors Program Junior & Senior year and get payed up to $12k those years, and lastly, have a mentor assist me throughout my undergraduate years. More info 3. Most alums go to great grad schools(Duke, Brown, UPENN etc.)
Cons: 1. Ranked #95 2. 100k debt after graduation 2. In the middle of literally nowhere and very cold winters but have connectors between building 3. Not much social life except Hockey, terrible dinning(based on what I've heard) 4. Can't find much information about the college via Reddit but I've reached out to few alumni
Personally feel like Clarkson is a better school even though it has a low ranking and isn't quite popular. Most of their Professors went to Top10-20ish schools at some point in their career, same thing with UCONN. Also, I feel like I can get more aid considering how responsive and supportive the Borealis Program has been after my acceptance(just have to finalize my letter and send it off tonight or tomorrow morning). Lastly, I feel it isn't ranked high due to its location and its major focus only research.
On the other hand, UCONN seems to be widely known and has more "Prestige" but I can't find much info about their resources since you need student logins to access them or the webpages are outdated. My older siblings are telling me to got to UCONN which I was until I found out about my acceptance to the Borealis Program at Clarkson.
Also, I got waitlisted for my state school(NC State). A little trauma dumping = My dad was mad at me and told me to make sure I get into a school thats willing to cover my cost of attendace. I'm not sure if he would be okay with the idea of me going all the way to NY because he was already against me going to UCONN even without him knowing the financial aid package, so now idk.
Please share your insights, should I go to UCONN or Clarkson.
submitted by WonderfulCamera1148 to UCONN [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 05:41 WonderfulCamera1148 160k debt vs. 100k debt

hey, I'm a bit indecisive between which college to attend. A little background info. I come from a low income family, parents making $51k per year and my SAI is 1500. I was accepted to some great schools but looking at finances these are the 2 I'm looking at. UCONN or Clarkson University UCONN Civil Engineering Major, Quantum Computing Minor Pros: 1. Ranked #44 for engineering 2. $12k per year scholarship 3. Great social life for a school in the middle of nowhere 4. Have some family friends living in Connecticut Cons: 1. $40k student loans Out-of State 2. Starting pay $55k 3. Have to attend Summer BRIDGE Program inorder to enroll but I have to pay $1995. Might get $2000 scholarship 4. On-campus housing isn't gauranteed for 4 years 5. Hard to find much info about their engineering program opportunities
Clarkson University Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering Minor Pros: 1. Starting pay $69k 2. Borealis Scholar Only 3 students selected for payed Bioeng research, payed $4k stipend to attend summer BRIDGE, payed up to $10k both freshmen and sophomore year to do year-long research, join Honors Program Junior & Senior year and get payed up to $12k those years, and lastly, have a mentor assist me throughout my undergraduate years. More info 3. Most alums go to great grad schools(Duke, Brown, UPENN etc.)
Cons: 1. Ranked #95 2. 100k debt after graduation 2. In the middle of literally nowhere and very cold winters but have connectors between building 3. Not much social life except Hockey, terrible dinning(based on what I've heard) 4. Can't find much information about the college via Reddit but I've reached out to few alumni
Personally feel like Clarkson is a better school even though it has a low ranking and isn't quite popular. Most of their Professors went to Top10-20ish schools at some point in their career, same thing with UCONN. Also, I feel like I can get more aid considering how responsive and supportive the Borealis Program has been after my acceptance(just have to finalize my letter and send it off tonight or tomorrow morning). Lastly, I feel it isn't ranked high due to its location and its major focus only research.
On the other hand, UCONN seems to be widely known and has more "Prestige" but I can't find much info about their resources since you need student logins to access them or the webpages are outdated. My older siblings are telling me to got to UCONN which I was until I found out about my acceptance to the Borealis Program at Clarkson.
Also, I got waitlisted for my state school(NC State). A little trauma dumping = My dad was mad at me and told me to make sure I get into a school thats willing to cover my cost of attendace. I'm not sure if he would be okay with the idea of me going all the way to NY because he was already against me going to UCONN even without him knowing the financial aid package, so now idk.
Please share your insights, should I go to UCONN or Clarkson.
submitted by WonderfulCamera1148 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 04:51 wombie1277 Ignoring them? What’s next?

I am a 46w and was bought up by nps but only just come to this full realisation! So late in life!it was truly a shock to read about NPS his group has been a godsend.
My 3 brothers who I love a lot all went low contact years ago and clearly figured this out before me - while I tried to forgive and build some relationship over the last 15 years when I had kids despite my mum saying she wasn’t interested in the kids, crazy childhood trauma and ongoing issues in adult life with my off the wall father who has serious untreated, undiagnosed mh - mum also suffered terrible abuse but chooses to ignore, placate, deny and is a crazy narc herself. As she has chosen her lot in life she expects us to fall in line. We all live a long way from them.
Last week my family (long suffering of them spouse and 2 kids) drove the 10 hours to visit for a few days. They weren’t happy to see us from get go yet expect a yearly visit as they are so ‘old and isolated’. Day 3 there was a public incident when my dad embarrassed us all - my husband, 14yo daughter and I all characterise it as sexual harassment to a stranger. We told him to stop at the time but he kept going.. I made the error of mentioning it before we left to go home (in front of my mother) because as usual my father triggers me to respond to his crazy ranting - he is truly an insufferable person and most ppl avoid him. But he needs to tone the public comments down so I thought I was trying to help.
He responded in the usual way - denial, there’s much worse abuse, gaslight me, nothing wrong, he is a kind and perfect person, let’s leave on bad terms, you’ve attacked me, sulking. All the while my mum yelling how bad I am to not ‘make allowances’ Frankly I have been making them my whole life and suffered huge mh issues.
Mother has followed in two days later with the most toxic cover email and letter - they would have written together but from her - gaslighting and denying the whole incident, attacking my entire person, how dare I criticise, they want to speak to our daughter to set things straight as I am terrible parent, and again - Im never make allowances. Two of my brothers were shocked at how bad it was. My husband described it as poison.
She’s since rung and texted.
My partner and two of my bros are urging me to Not reply on any level - I’ve held out for 10 days! A record!
What happens next friends?
Also Mother’s Day is stressing me as I would ks always call.
submitted by wombie1277 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 03:56 justarussian22 MBTA electrification requirements

I recently posted about the mbta looking into electrification of their commuter rail system. Digging through the docs I was able to find their requirements. It definitely is a detailed request which is good since it minimizes the chance of something being missed. Being thorough is great since they really seem to want to get this right. This isn't a half assed thing. With this info, what can we deduce from it in terms of companies qualified to meet the requirements? For example is this something keolis could handle or would an outside company be better suited? I can't answer that but also take this time to debate about it. It is a ton of info so it's no surprise things will take a while to make progress.
"MBTA is issuing this Request for Information (RFI) to gather views on the potential contractual arrangements to be implemented on expiry of the current contract, and to deliver the Regional Rail concept. The main potential roles which could be procured separately or together as part of a Regional Rail contract or contracts would be: • Passenger service operations • Legacy rolling stock maintenance • New rolling stock provision, maintenance and finance/leasing • Infrastructure management (including O&M and dispatch) • Delivery, finance, and long-term maintenance of major capital works including electrification In response to this RFI, MBTA is seeking input from those who have experience as and are interested in undertaking a role as any or all of the following: • Passenger service operators • Infrastructure managers/Operations and Maintenance • DBFOM/DBFM Investors/Developers • Rolling Stock Maintainers • Rolling Stock Lessors • Rolling Stock manufacturers (OEMs) MBTA is issuing this RFI to engage with the market as a first step in informing the development of its future procurements and contracts. Through this process, MBTA aims to develop procurements and contracts that align with current market expectations and delivery capability, attract sufficient interest during the bidding process, and lead to a modernized railroad. 2. Requested Information (RFI Response): Please provide a response to the questions below. Supplemental material or appendices are not included in that limit. Responses should be submitted and should address the following. A. Cover Letter (1 page) Please provide a cover letter which includes the name, title, phone number and email of a single contact within the organization or team of organizations responding to this RFI, for the receipt of all subsequent questions regarding this RFI. B. Interest and Experience (3 pages maximum) Please answer the following questions: 1. In what role(s) in a Regional Rail future operating model would your organization be most interested in participating (whether or not such role is described above)? 2. Is your organization interested in that role as part of a joint venture/team or solely under a direct contract? 3. Does your organization have experience in any role of modernization (such as significant frequency or infrastructure improvements) of existing rail services? 4. Has your organization previously been involved in a major project to decarbonize or electrify a new or existing railroad? 5. Has your organization previously undertaken work in an environment with multiple different operators, such as passenger and freight rail operators? 6. Please describe any recent, relevant experience your organization has of performing any of the above role(s). A one-page illustrative summary is sufficient. 7. Are there any contract delivery models that your organization would or would not be interested in participating in? 8. Does your organization have a history of including Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) or Environmental, Sustainability, or Governance (ESG) commitments as part of contracts? Please attach either your DEI or ESG statements if you feel it is appropriate. 9. Would your organization be interested in sharing your views in more detail at a confidential one on one meeting? 10. MBTA would like to attract sufficient interest in the next contracts to ensure the bidding process provides good value to the taxpayers and the riders. Are there any specific topics (such as risk transfer, asset condition information, project financing, etc.) that may influence your decision to bid, and which you would like to discuss in more detail at the confidential one on one meetings? Additional more detailed questions will be asked as part of the confidential one on one meetings. Example questions can be found at the end of this RFI. C. DEI, ESG statements and Marketing Materials (no page limit) Please enclose any DEI, ESG statements or marketing materials you believe are relevant. 3. Next Steps Upon receipt of responses, MBTA may request more information at one or more in person or virtual one on one meetings with your organization or team of organizations. Responses to this RFI and any one-on-one meetings will be used to assist MBTA to understand current capabilities, market appetite for contract structures and to evaluate the respective merits of moving forward with one or more procurements. 4. RFI Calendar
Procurement Activity Date RFI Published March 15, 2024 Deadline for RFI Responses April 19, 2024 at 2pm EST Request for One-on-One meetings Week Commencing April 21, 2024 Timing for One-on-One Meetings May 2024
5. RFI Format 
Please submit RFI responses in MS Word, or Adobe PDF formats. (MS Word version must be Microsoft Office 2010 or later and Adobe formats must be version 10.0 or greater). Please do not use embedded or nested documents within other documents. 6. Conditions The information and views contained in this RFI are preliminary in nature and are subject to change in the future. Responses to this RFI will not be scored or evaluated in connection with any procurement. Information submitted may be subject to disclosure. Any specific aspects of any response that a respondent believes to be confidential should be marked accordingly. MBTA will endeavor to keep any information marked as such confidential, to the extent permitted by law. MBTA's receipt or discussion of any information related to this RFI or responses to this RFI, does not impose any obligations whatsoever on MBTA. Response Form The below form is provided for your convenience but is not required for the response. 1 In what role(s) in a Regional Rail future operating model would your organization be most interested in participating (whether or not such role is described above)?
2 Is your organization interested in that role as part of a joint venture/team or solely under a direct contract?
3 Does your organization have experience in any role of modernization (such as significant frequency or infrastructure improvements) of existing rail services?
4 Has your organization previously been involved in a major project to decarbonize or electrify a new or existing railroad?
5 Has your organization previously undertaken work in an environment with multiple different operators, such as passenger and freight rail operators?
6 Please describe any recent, relevant experience your organization has of performing any of the above role(s). A one-page illustrative summary is sufficient.
7 Are there any contract delivery models that your organization would or would not be interested in participating in?
8 Does your organization have a history of including Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) or Environmental, Sustainability, or Governance (ESG) commitments as part of contracts? Please attach either your DEI or ESG statements if you feel it is appropriate.
9 Would your organization be interested in sharing your views in more detail at a confidential one on one meeting?
10 MBTA would like to attract sufficient interest in the next contracts to ensure the bidding process provides good value to the taxpayers and the riders. Are there any specific topics (such as risk transfer, asset condition information, project financing, etc.) that may influence your decision to bid, and which you would like to discuss in more detail at the confidential one on one meetings?
Sample One on One Meeting Questions The questions below are a sample of the questions that will be discussed as part of on the follow up one on one meetings. The questions are divided by potential roles, acknowledging that there will be overlap depending on which roles any given organization is interested in pursuing. General Questions • Do you prefer an unbundled approach? Is this based on any specific experience? • What term do you think the contract should be? • How long would the contract need to last to transfer asset management risk effectively? • How should bonding be structured to give MBTA protection in the most cost-effective manner? Passenger Service Operators • Are you willing to share revenue risk? What control would you need to manage that risk? • Do you think new rolling stock should be procured by the operator? • Where do you see the responsibility split between train operator and OEM/Lessor? • How would you see a relationship with an infrastructure operator working e.g. delay causes? Infrastructure Managers/Operations and Maintenance Providers • Are you willing to assume risk delivering or integrating electrification work? • If so, are you open to being part of a DBFOM partner joint venture or do you prefer project delivery partneintegrator role? • Do you have experience implementing asset monitoring systems and in their use to enable preventative maintenance programs to reduce cost and increase safety? In you experience what approaches have provided best value? DBFOM/DBFM Investors/Developers • What are you views on a P3 approach that includes rolling stock and the necessary electrification infrastructure and support facilities (like RSSOM)? In that case how would you ensure the input of the train operator is cost effectively incorporated in the design/performance requirements? • Do you have appetite for systems integration risk? • What do you believe is best practice to manage the competing needs for track outages for construction and passenger service levels/reliability with a DBFOM project on an operational railroad? Rolling Stock Maintainers • How much appetite do you have for refurbishment work on legacy rolling stock? • How practical/ cost effective would a move to predictive maintenance be with the legacy Diesel fleet? Rolling Stock Lessors • What factors determine whether and how much residual value risk you are prepared to take on a fleet? • If the train operator were the lessee, are you prepared to consider novation to a subsequent operator if the MBTA provided a continued lease guarantee/commitment to act as lessee of last resort? Rolling Stock Manufacturers (OEMs) • Do you provide lease financing or prefer to work with financial lessors? • Do you provide Technical Support and Spares Supply Agreements for long-term contracts (such as up to midlife)?"
submitted by justarussian22 to transit [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 03:55 Queenbreha Season 7 Episode 11 Santa's Secret Stuff

Lorelai is pacing waiting for Rory to arrive from London. She starts shouting the Red coats are coming and gets Gigi all excited. Lorelai is ranting about why she couldn't pick Rory up at the airport and the logical reason is Rory's car was parked there. Chris and Gigi come out to greet Rory and Gigi is very excited and attaches herself to Rory's leg. I feel bad for this kid she didn't get Christmas because her stepmother is mean. and wants to make a four year old wait for a twenty two year old who wouldn't care. Lorelai is saying she did not allow any Christmas. Rory admits she had some Christmas
Chris is bringing the leftover Christmas tree. Lorelai and Rory are talking up the sad tree. They bought seven trees for a dollar a tree. Lorelai shows Gigi an ornment Rory made as a kid, she's polite but not impressed but then Lorelai says she used to do Santa's dry cleaning Rory found her antlers and Gigi came over, took them and galloped away. They are telling Chris about their Christmas traditions that he sadly knows nothing about. Red and Green M&M's they get Peppermint coffee at Westin's.. Chris has brought them new fancy stockings. I will say the ones Rory originally had is exactly like mine as a kid.
Luke comes to the Dragonfly and Michel is annoyed that he is there. He wants to talk to Lorelai. He asks if she will write a reference for him. He tells her Anna wants to move April to New Mexico and she won't let him see April. He tells her he is fighting for custody. I will say Lorelia is gorgeous in this purple outfit, it really brings out her eyes.
Lorelai is trying to figure out what to write for the character reference. She is talking to Sookie and it's stressing her. Sookie knows it's about her feelings for Luke but Lorelai is in denial. She is stalling, stalling, stalling.
Someone asks Lane if she is carrying twins. She snaps at them about being a plus size woman with weight in her belly, then she tells them she is pregnant.
April sneaks to the diner to see Luke. It is tragic that Anna is such a terrible mother. Luke says he has to take her home but he is so happy to see her, they exchange gifts.
Lorelai is nice to Gigi and tells her to be careful with her needle, then she is talking to Rory about how she can't write the letter. Lorelai compliments Gigi that she has a lot of cranberries and a little popcorn. Rory is one for one but then she tells Rory hers is pretty too. Lorelai realizes her mind is insane Rattlesnake, Monkey Monkey Underpants.
Lorelai asks Rory to write it for her and she refuses and says she has to write it herself. They tell Gigi it's a letter for Santa and as soon as Chris comes home Lorelai changes the subject. Chris comes home with Santa's Secret Stuff
Zack and Mrs. Kim are talking about the vegetables they bought. They are talking about all the foods that Lane can't eat. Zack is very up on Lane restings, asks her how many times she urinated and needs compression stockings. Mrs. Kim is upset because Lane is not taking her pre-natal vitamins Zack has put Lane's drums away and put the crib in it's spot.
Lorelai is upset that Candy Cane Coffee stops being served the day after Christmas. She is melting candy canes into it and it's not helping. Lorelai tries to charm the waitress to get some candy cane coffee but she sticks to her guns Christmas is over.
Rory is telling Lorelai she is lying to Chris. Lorelai says it's too complicated, it will put him on edge. Rory tells her she doesnt have to create a Christmas illusion if everything is not okay.
April is telling Luke about the Swim team and Luke tries to talk up New Mexico. He gives her the present, it's a rock polisher but she got one from Grandma. Luke is again talking up New Mexico.
Lorelai is hiding her letter from Chris. She says it's Santa's Secret Stuff.
Lane insists on band practice. Brian is amazed at the size of Lane. Zack is holding his mandolin the same way he should hold a baby. Zack is teaching Brian. Gil brings his son because the sitter flaked. Gil is thrilled about the breast pump. That one was gentle on his wife. He says for baby number two they did formula.
Lorelai can't figure out what to buy Chris she and Rory are buying everyone's presents. They see Luke and April in the Science store April says Luke was a great gift giver. Luke reminices all the bad presents he bought Rory over the years.
Lane is being stubborn about the pregnancy. Zach appreciates how helpful Mrs. Kim has been. Lane says she is sick of her Mom and being an incubator. Zach is being the mature one and Lane is lamenting she had just a peephole into being a person. Zach talks Lane into letting her mother come on weekends and to carry the grocery bag.
April is trying to come up with a way to see Luke. He tells her she can't lie to her mother. She asks if he has a good lawyer because her evil mother hired a shark.
Lorelai is typing up the letter for Luke. Christmas music is in the background Chris, Rory and Gigi are decorating cookies and are going to watch the movie Christmas in July and Lorelai goes out to mail the letter
There is a lot I like about this episode but Lorelai making a four year old not have Christmas in the house she is forced to live in and feel like a guest is so wrong. I know a lot of people say their families hold Christmas till all family is assembled but just have multiple celebrations. In my family one member often had shift work and would be working on Christmas. We sometimes had Christmas early doing everything Christmas Eve but we never once had it late.
submitted by Queenbreha to WholesomeGilmoreGirls [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 03:54 justarussian22 Electrification requirements.

Hey all. I recently posted about the mbta looking into electrification of the commuter rail system. Digging through the docs I was able to find their requirements. It definitely is a detailed request which is good since it minimizes the chance of something being missed. Being thorough is great since they really seem to want to get this right. This isn't a half assed thing. With this info, what can we deduce from it in terms of companies qualified to meet the requirements? For example is this something keolis could handle or would an outside company be better suited? I can't answer that but also take this time to debate about it. It is a ton of info so it's no surprise things will take a while to make progress.
"MBTA is issuing this Request for Information (RFI) to gather views on the potential contractual arrangements to be implemented on expiry of the current contract, and to deliver the Regional Rail concept. The main potential roles which could be procured separately or together as part of a Regional Rail contract or contracts would be: • Passenger service operations • Legacy rolling stock maintenance • New rolling stock provision, maintenance and finance/leasing • Infrastructure management (including O&M and dispatch) • Delivery, finance, and long-term maintenance of major capital works including electrification In response to this RFI, MBTA is seeking input from those who have experience as and are interested in undertaking a role as any or all of the following: • Passenger service operators • Infrastructure managers/Operations and Maintenance • DBFOM/DBFM Investors/Developers • Rolling Stock Maintainers • Rolling Stock Lessors • Rolling Stock manufacturers (OEMs) MBTA is issuing this RFI to engage with the market as a first step in informing the development of its future procurements and contracts. Through this process, MBTA aims to develop procurements and contracts that align with current market expectations and delivery capability, attract sufficient interest during the bidding process, and lead to a modernized railroad. 2. Requested Information (RFI Response): Please provide a response to the questions below. Supplemental material or appendices are not included in that limit. Responses should be submitted and should address the following. A. Cover Letter (1 page) Please provide a cover letter which includes the name, title, phone number and email of a single contact within the organization or team of organizations responding to this RFI, for the receipt of all subsequent questions regarding this RFI. B. Interest and Experience (3 pages maximum) Please answer the following questions: 1. In what role(s) in a Regional Rail future operating model would your organization be most interested in participating (whether or not such role is described above)? 2. Is your organization interested in that role as part of a joint venture/team or solely under a direct contract? 3. Does your organization have experience in any role of modernization (such as significant frequency or infrastructure improvements) of existing rail services? 4. Has your organization previously been involved in a major project to decarbonize or electrify a new or existing railroad? 5. Has your organization previously undertaken work in an environment with multiple different operators, such as passenger and freight rail operators? 6. Please describe any recent, relevant experience your organization has of performing any of the above role(s). A one-page illustrative summary is sufficient. 7. Are there any contract delivery models that your organization would or would not be interested in participating in? 8. Does your organization have a history of including Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) or Environmental, Sustainability, or Governance (ESG) commitments as part of contracts? Please attach either your DEI or ESG statements if you feel it is appropriate. 9. Would your organization be interested in sharing your views in more detail at a confidential one on one meeting? 10. MBTA would like to attract sufficient interest in the next contracts to ensure the bidding process provides good value to the taxpayers and the riders. Are there any specific topics (such as risk transfer, asset condition information, project financing, etc.) that may influence your decision to bid, and which you would like to discuss in more detail at the confidential one on one meetings? Additional more detailed questions will be asked as part of the confidential one on one meetings. Example questions can be found at the end of this RFI. C. DEI, ESG statements and Marketing Materials (no page limit) Please enclose any DEI, ESG statements or marketing materials you believe are relevant. 3. Next Steps Upon receipt of responses, MBTA may request more information at one or more in person or virtual one on one meetings with your organization or team of organizations. Responses to this RFI and any one-on-one meetings will be used to assist MBTA to understand current capabilities, market appetite for contract structures and to evaluate the respective merits of moving forward with one or more procurements. 4. RFI Calendar
Procurement Activity Date RFI Published March 15, 2024 Deadline for RFI Responses April 19, 2024 at 2pm EST Request for One-on-One meetings Week Commencing April 21, 2024 Timing for One-on-One Meetings May 2024
5. RFI Format 
Please submit RFI responses in MS Word, or Adobe PDF formats. (MS Word version must be Microsoft Office 2010 or later and Adobe formats must be version 10.0 or greater). Please do not use embedded or nested documents within other documents. 6. Conditions The information and views contained in this RFI are preliminary in nature and are subject to change in the future. Responses to this RFI will not be scored or evaluated in connection with any procurement. Information submitted may be subject to disclosure. Any specific aspects of any response that a respondent believes to be confidential should be marked accordingly. MBTA will endeavor to keep any information marked as such confidential, to the extent permitted by law. MBTA's receipt or discussion of any information related to this RFI or responses to this RFI, does not impose any obligations whatsoever on MBTA. Response Form The below form is provided for your convenience but is not required for the response. 1 In what role(s) in a Regional Rail future operating model would your organization be most interested in participating (whether or not such role is described above)?
2 Is your organization interested in that role as part of a joint venture/team or solely under a direct contract?
3 Does your organization have experience in any role of modernization (such as significant frequency or infrastructure improvements) of existing rail services?
4 Has your organization previously been involved in a major project to decarbonize or electrify a new or existing railroad?
5 Has your organization previously undertaken work in an environment with multiple different operators, such as passenger and freight rail operators?
6 Please describe any recent, relevant experience your organization has of performing any of the above role(s). A one-page illustrative summary is sufficient.
7 Are there any contract delivery models that your organization would or would not be interested in participating in?
8 Does your organization have a history of including Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) or Environmental, Sustainability, or Governance (ESG) commitments as part of contracts? Please attach either your DEI or ESG statements if you feel it is appropriate.
9 Would your organization be interested in sharing your views in more detail at a confidential one on one meeting?
10 MBTA would like to attract sufficient interest in the next contracts to ensure the bidding process provides good value to the taxpayers and the riders. Are there any specific topics (such as risk transfer, asset condition information, project financing, etc.) that may influence your decision to bid, and which you would like to discuss in more detail at the confidential one on one meetings?
Sample One on One Meeting Questions The questions below are a sample of the questions that will be discussed as part of on the follow up one on one meetings. The questions are divided by potential roles, acknowledging that there will be overlap depending on which roles any given organization is interested in pursuing. General Questions • Do you prefer an unbundled approach? Is this based on any specific experience? • What term do you think the contract should be? • How long would the contract need to last to transfer asset management risk effectively? • How should bonding be structured to give MBTA protection in the most cost-effective manner? Passenger Service Operators • Are you willing to share revenue risk? What control would you need to manage that risk? • Do you think new rolling stock should be procured by the operator? • Where do you see the responsibility split between train operator and OEM/Lessor? • How would you see a relationship with an infrastructure operator working e.g. delay causes? Infrastructure Managers/Operations and Maintenance Providers • Are you willing to assume risk delivering or integrating electrification work? • If so, are you open to being part of a DBFOM partner joint venture or do you prefer project delivery partneintegrator role? • Do you have experience implementing asset monitoring systems and in their use to enable preventative maintenance programs to reduce cost and increase safety? In you experience what approaches have provided best value? DBFOM/DBFM Investors/Developers • What are you views on a P3 approach that includes rolling stock and the necessary electrification infrastructure and support facilities (like RSSOM)? In that case how would you ensure the input of the train operator is cost effectively incorporated in the design/performance requirements? • Do you have appetite for systems integration risk? • What do you believe is best practice to manage the competing needs for track outages for construction and passenger service levels/reliability with a DBFOM project on an operational railroad? Rolling Stock Maintainers • How much appetite do you have for refurbishment work on legacy rolling stock? • How practical/ cost effective would a move to predictive maintenance be with the legacy Diesel fleet? Rolling Stock Lessors • What factors determine whether and how much residual value risk you are prepared to take on a fleet? • If the train operator were the lessee, are you prepared to consider novation to a subsequent operator if the MBTA provided a continued lease guarantee/commitment to act as lessee of last resort? Rolling Stock Manufacturers (OEMs) • Do you provide lease financing or prefer to work with financial lessors? • Do you provide Technical Support and Spares Supply Agreements for long-term contracts (such as up to midlife)?"
submitted by justarussian22 to mbta [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 03:22 l1axel0 Really upset at myself for losing 3k scholarship over bad work ethic.

I am currently taking a fifth/extra year of high school and my goal was to raise my grades enough to get into uni, however I have yet to tame my ADHD and figure out how to manage my work flow yet.
Most of my grades are good enough to get but my english mark was failing which is likely to warrant a denial from all my university applications. This sucks because I just found out I was selected to win a scholarship but the application said it's reliant on getting accepted into university so there's a chance I won't recieve it.
I'm just extremely sad about the fact ONE of my marks prevented me from such an achievement. I'm also really scared about breaking this to my principal and teachers who were really rooting for me to get this award. It would be so disappointing for them to find out I can't get the scholarship because of a dumb problem I caused myself.
While I haven't been explicitly denied admission to university nor do I know how lenient the scholarship board might be with my circumstance, I did not work hard enough for either and I really feel like a failure.

submitted by l1axel0 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 03:04 megumisslvt Lack of Skin Color Diversity

Lack of Skin Color Diversity
It’s no surprise that make-up brands are gravitating towards expanding their shade ranges, especially for our dark skinned beauties. But what about our sephora beauty advisors??
I went into a store today, in hopes of finding a sample for of foundation now that my favorite foundation has been discontinued. A worker followed me down severasl isle before approaching me and asking to help. I only asked if they carried a specific brand and they did. She kept insisting to help me find my shade, but I repetitively denied her saying that I didn’t want to be color matched because of the lack of shade ranges used in their “skin scanner” algorithm and that I had a full face of makeup on. Besides sephora app recommends shade based on previous purchases, so color matching wouldn’t be necessary. Despite my denial she pressed her phone against my jaw while I was looking at another item and took the scanner pictures anyway!
I was shocked, and she acted as if nothing happened. Then instead of allowing me to pick my sample, she packed up a foundation that is 2 tones darker than my normal shade and has a totally different undertone. I told her this isn’t what I wanted but she said that since it’s a free sample to just take it, then she left. Like come on sephora? Train your employees to color match better, or update your system to include more ranges!
And to not violate customers!
submitted by megumisslvt to Sephora [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 02:41 KamikazeGhost Denied C1 Venture after pre-approval. Need advice

I just applied for the Venture card after having a pre-approval notification on my account for the last few weeks, and was instantly denied. The reason for the denial was: "Based on your credit report from one or more of the agencies on the back of this letter, length of credit history." They did offer the Venture One with a $2k limit but I declined that offer.
Of note: I applied using a friend's referral link (I now know that the bonus wouldn't have worked anyway since I'm not a new C1 cardholder) and didn't use the link from my pre-approval email -- does this matter?
My long-term goal is to use the C1 duo (Savor One + Venture/Venture X eventually), so now I'm left wondering what my next steps should be. Should I go ahead and apply for an easier card now? Or should I wait a few months before applying for any new card? Should I just keep my current card only and wait x months and then apply for the Venture again? What length of credit history is normally required for the Venture? Should I avoid opening more new cards since my end goal is the Venture X and C1 doesn't like applicants with a lot of cards? Would I have been approved for Venture if I used my pre-approval email link instead of friend's referral bonus link?
Any advice is much appreciated.
submitted by KamikazeGhost to CreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 02:20 Due-Appearance-8118 low gpa and taking the mcat for the 4th time,,am i screwed?

So basically,,i had a horrific junior year where I was dealing with the aftermath of a series of traumatic events (SA, death, etc). it affected my gpa and mcat. i’m applying with a 3.18 gpa and studying for the mcat on 6/1 so hopefully I get a good score to kinda balance out my gpa. Before junior year (5 Cs) I only made 2 Cs and I did have a 4.0 for a bit my freshman year. However my senior year I got all As except for 2 Bs. So that’s kinda an upward trend I guess? I do plan on explaining this in my hardship essay because it was so bad i lost my scholarship and almost withdrew for a semester. I definitely have shown an upward trend in my mcat scores but this attempt has to be really good (510 ish) so I can have a shot. I also have a really fantastic job where i get to help in the OR and i have some solid rec letters for my application. just want to know, do yall think i have an okay chance this cycle? i know there’s a lot more info yall would need but im researching my schools so just wanted to see what reddit has to say
submitted by Due-Appearance-8118 to premed [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 01:54 Old_Raccoon_9319 I am Steve. This is my letter to Adam.

This is my letter to a boy that, despite liking him, I avoided all my life and treated him as if he doesn't exist; even if he's right there at arm's length.
Hi, I know you probably don't even remember me anymore, heck I don't even remember much about you; except that I used to like you alot despite our differences.
We were in a religious school, of course it's gonna be Adam and Eve—not Adam and Steve.
Unlike most LGBT stories with happy endings, I'm sorry this will disappoint you.
I just want to deeply apologise for treating you as if you aren't there for 8 years that we spent together inside the classroom.
I know you did nothing wrong. I know I've been unfair and unreasonable. You probably haven't even thought about it that much, but it is eating me up all these years. I felt guilty at every waking moment.
Unrequited feelings are heavy. All the what ifs and overthinking of weighing down how things should've been if I chose differently. However, I am a sand castle blown by the wind. I'm not brave enough to express myself—especially because we're in a school run by nuns; in a town as small as how they set the norms.
Now, about 15 years passed since our first meeting. I've dated guys, I've felt all the spectrum of emotions. I've been more open with my sexuality.
Now, I've reconciled with the past. Even though I've always been a mountain height away from you, I've always been happy for you; that's all I could ever do even if I'm not the one making you beam in ecstasy.
Deep inside, I've always known I can't make you happy. That is why I distanced myself. I left your world that I couldn't even set foot in the first place. I completely isolated myself to never cause you further embarrassment.
I know you never once ever treated me as a friend or someone significant, of course you don't have any reason to even consider me as such. However, I've always got a soft spot for you. I can't help but just give a bitter-sweet smile.
It's funny how contradicting it is. You're someone very special to me, but I don't want to involve myself with you so that I wouldn't cause you discomfort. I also think that somehow, you hate me to the core—probably because I'm Steve.
Honestly, this has become too lengthy. However, with all my unsaid feelings for 15 years—words couldn't be enough.
I just want to say that I'm sorry for treating you as no one, for avoiding you all these years. I didn't do it because I hate you, I did it because it was what felt right back then.
This is my confession and my good bye. I gave up on you long before. I've accepted that it is what it is. I like you and I'm sorry for everything. I want to finally and officially let all my feelings go.
You may never read this but with a thorned rose, I will always and forever be proud and happy for you. I'm still in denial, or I just got confused.
I've always thought that I loved you. However, as I get older, I realised alot of things.
Love shouldn't hurt. It shouldn't cause anyone to feel pain. Now, I've dated a guy who made me feel what reciprocated love truly is. It is sweet, it is peace, it is love. We recently just broke up, of course it left me devastated and alot of things to think about. However, we ended in a civil manner and I'm truly grateful to him for that.
I am confused if I really loved you back then. Can an unrequited feeling be considered as love? It hurts every second I think about youand that's why I distanced myself from you.
Ughhh now I'm just yapping away. I'm sorry. I can't sort things out anymore. The thing is, I'm sorry, I like you but I don't want to be in your life anymore—not like you want me to. I'm sorry.
submitted by Old_Raccoon_9319 to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 01:39 chartingequilibrium My experience applying for disability benefits

Hi all, thought I'd share my experience applying for disability benefits in hopes it would be helpful for another ME/CFS sufferer.
What I applied for: I'm located in the US, and applied for SSDI. There are two federal programs for disability in the US, SSDI and SSI. Some states also have additional disability programs; I have not applied for any of these. I also was not covered by long or short term disability at the time I became unable to work.
Application overview:
- I became unable to work in October 2020, after suffering from milder ME/CFS symptoms for years. I did not apply for SSDI immediately, because I was dreading the application process and also hopeful that my health would improve enough for me to be able to work again.
Summary: It took about two years from the date of application, and it was a sometimes frustrating, emotionally taxing experience, but I was eventually approved for SSDI. I hope this helps anyone who is thinking about applying for federal disability benefits in the US, and I am happy to answer questions about my experience if anyone has 'em!
submitted by chartingequilibrium to cfs [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 00:07 ar_david_hh Armenia and U.S. launch regular defense talks \\ Ex-regime's Tavush rally continues \\ Analyst on Russian economic retaliation scenarios \\ Armenia-Hungary develop ties; New agreements \\ Yerevan's public transport reforms; New Veolia contract \\ Economic & inflation stats \\ Shushi trip \\ And more

15-minute read.

update: Border Commissions and expert groups from Armenia and Azerbaijan have installed 40 border markers on the state border in the Tavush-Gazakh section


the former regime-organized rally continues to march from Tavush to Yerevan

Context in Saturday news. An MP from ARF/Kocharyan party and an opposition churchman Bagrat Galstanyan organized a march in an attempt to "gather 50,000" protesters in Yerevan.
The organizers say "Religious Armenia will defeat Real Armenia", in reference to PM Pashinyan. Archbishop Bagrat was a participant in Robert Kocharyan's 2022 rally during which he made a similar statement: "The church will defeat the street and dux". Street & dux = Pashinyan's 2018 revolution. On Sunday Bagrat said "at this time" their demand is not Pashinyan's ouster; they want to stop the border delimitation because they believe it's "illegal". A week earlier the ARF/Kocharyan faction unsuccessfully promoted a motion to essentially declare the use of 1991 Almaty borders illegal and to rely on the 1993 "de facto" borders instead.
Archbishop Bagrat said he has received the permission and blessing of the church leader Garegin B to hold this rally. "He is our father, our leader."
Along the way, the organizers encountered supporters who brought them water and food, and opponents who called them "idiots" and "sons of donkeys".
MIKA BADALYAN (pro-Kremlin blogger, ex-regime activist): I can't imagine the condition Pashinyan is in right now. He has to meet Putin on May 8, and just a day later Archbishop Bagrat will reach Yerevan, and he won't just arrive there, but will launch a battle that will be Nikol's final one. Get drunk, Nikol, get drunk. Be prepared, Armenians around the world! Each one of you must take part in this battle. //
In related news: Mika Badalyan is accused of assaulting a journalist Zhirayr Voskanyan from a pro-Western media outlet on Sunday. According to authorities, the victim refused to pursue charges on the spot after the incident. An investigation was launched nevertheless. In a video uploaded after the incident, the victim said he plans to visit a police station.
ARTUR SAKUNTS (Helsinki NGO, about the church's role): Let's say the political resource is so low and bankrupt that you have to involve the church to achieve your political goals, but why mythologize the role of the Apostolic Church in Armenian history so much? Have you at least read the works of Leo, or a more modern author and historian Hamlet Davtyan, or the works of monumentologist Samvel Karapetyan? Are you familiar with the positions of the church during the Kingdom of Cilicia? After all, any thought and idea should be based on facts, analysis, and conclusions. There can be no salvation built on myths, it will lead to another defeat.
REPORTER (to Robert Kocharyan, 2022 protests): Would you be open to the idea of being appointed as the President?
ROBERT KOCHARYAN (2022 protests): The best candidate right now would be a respected member of a church. There are such people. They are both respected and driven by national interests. That's my offer. And on that offer, yes, it can be negotiated. //
Armenia's H1 public TV ran a segment describing the attempts to sabotage the border delimitation process as being beneficial for Russia and Azerbaijan. "Some forces do not want to turn the line of contact into a stable state border." Russia has been critical of the Tavush delimitation process and called it a Western plan, and some Armenian analysts believe Russia is afraid of losing all influence in the region if Armenia and Azerbaijan establish stable and peaceful relations. There is also criticism towards the church for "not holding a similar march to the Lachin Corridor to demand Russian soldiers to open it" in 2023. The H1 report also shows several residents of border villages who do not oppose the delimitation process. "Their voices were intentionally drowned out."
video, source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source,

Q&A with Parliament President Alen Simonyan

REPORTER: What is the likelihood of a peace agreement at this phase?
SIMONYAN: There has been an opportunity to sign a peace agreement since late 2023 but Azerbaijan hasn't displayed political will. The ongoing delimitation is a signal that a peace agreement is possible and it must be signed ASAP.
REPORTER: The Azerbaijani president says the peace agreement document is fully in line with Azerbaijan's interests.
SIMONYAN: The document is fully in line with international norms, which Armenia shares. There are some disagreements, hence the back-and-forth exchange of proposals. We must ensure that all formulations are very clear and both parties understand what the language says because the Nov. 9 agreement and its bargaining by certain countries [Russia] should not happen again.
REPORTER: Do you plan to respond to the letter sent by [Russian Senator Matvienko]?
SIMONYAN: I have not received a letter from Duma. My colleague Sarkis Khandanyan, the recipient, responded within 1-2 days of receiving it. Perhaps it wasn't convenient for [Russian MFA Spokesperson] Mrs. Zakharova to acknowledge it during their usual staged press conference.
REPORTER: But the letter was directed at you, about your speech [in Spain].
SIMONYAN: I stand behind my statements and I represent Armenian voters. If in certain countries [Russia] the government doesn't represent the people, it's their problem. In Armenia, the ruling and opposition parties represent the people.
REPORTER: Does PM Pashinyan plan to attend Putin's inauguration ceremony?
REPORTER: What's your assessment of the march originating from Tavush? Is their demand just or unjust?
SIMONYAN: I don't know what their political demand is. They are against the delimitation of state borders.
REPORTER: [Opposition] political parties have joined this march. Do you see a political context here? Is a change of power likely?
SIMONYAN: Not likely until the 2026 elections. How many different people is the ex-regime going to use to attempt to replicate our 2018 success? Can they come up with something new? Who has welcomed the rally so far? In the end, they are going to present the Banani Mihran Poghosyan, Kocharyan, Serj, Vazgen Manukyan, and Vanetsyan Artur [figures who have endorsed the rally].
REPORTER: But anyone can use the technologies you used in 2018. It's not your personal property.
SIMONYAN: Who said it's our personal property? Let them use it. Let them use it. They keep failing because the real actors remain the same and they only change the face of the process. Today they are playing on the emotions of the population.
REPORTER: Are Kocharyan, Serj, and others behind Archbishop Bagrat?
SIMONYAN: Are you seriously asking this? What media outlet do you represent? Is it Azatutyun? I understand your question now. I wonder, the interests of which forces does Azatutyun represent? Sometimes I wonder that. Let's say you receive your funding from international organizations, from foreign structures, do you represent their interests?
REPORTER: Will Pashinyan leave if the opposition gathers many supporters in Yerevan?
SIMONYAN: Will the opposition lay down its parliamentary mandates if they fail to gather more people than they did last time? We are confident that the public supports our effort to delimit the state borders, wants to establish peace, doesn't want a war, doesn't want the return of ex-regime, doesn't want to live in a religious theocracy, and sees through the attempts by politicians to manipulate with the use of religion and emotions. The public is wise.
REPORTER: Do you see a foreign trace behind this rally?
SIMONYAN: I see bloggers financed from various centers [Russia], and statements praising this process by figures located mostly in a single country [Russia]. So of course I see a foreign trace. Do you really not understand what's happening?
REPORTER (Azatutyun, still upset about being called an agent): If it is maybe obvious to you that doesn't mean it is for the general public. You must clarify so the public can know.
SIMONYAN: Yes, and I know what the public knows and what it doesn't know because, unlike the ex-regime, I speak with the people. I know their complaints towards me and their support towards our policies.
REPORTER: Which country is meddling in this process?
SIMONYAN: Can you guess?
REPORTER: Will PM Pashinyan take part in the EAEU (economic bloc) session [on May 8]?
SIMONYAN: Armenia holds the presidency of EAEU and I believe it's the right thing to participate in it. [Pashinyan will take part in the EAEU meeting and will meet Putin as well.]
video, [other video,](source, source,

Armenia has stopped financing CSTO and has frozen its participation in CSTO activities, while simultaneously developing relations with NATO and EU: Putin's assistant Yuri Ushakov


ruling party MP accuses Russia of deceiving Armenia's opposition parties and Nagorno-Karabakh leaders

MP VAHAGN ALEXANYAN: We have to revisit the events of 2023 because the organizers of "Operation Nagorno-Karabakh" are attempting the same operation from Tavush. Let me be clear: the organizers are not located in Armenia.
Pashinyan announced that the international community [West] will support if we lower the bar [not de jure independent republic] for Nagorno-Karabakh's status. This was welcomed by our international partners. There were also international partners who, with the efforts of Armenia, attempted to organize a Stepanakert-Baku dialogue on the European platform, including in Sophia. Everything was ready for the NK-AZ meeting to discuss the safety conditions that would allow 100,000+ Armenians to continue to live in NK.
But the "owners" [Kremlin] of Armenia's opposition parties prohibited NK representatives from flying to Sophia. Simultaneously, the organizers [Kremlin] worked with its puppets in Armenia -- politicians and opposition-owned media outlets -- to convince them that Russia plans to remain 30+ years in NK. They encouraged the opposition to go shout "Nikol traitor", "QP Turks", "you are land givers", this and that. The opposition followed their orders and did those.
"Let's save Nagorno-Karabakh," they said. Today, the parliament building of NK is sadly demolished because of their idiocy. The [pro-Russian] NK forces gathered in that building with maximalist speeches. We knew where it was all headed. We knew there was a circle in NK that believed that Russian peacekeepers would not only protect the remaining parts of NK but would allow them to recapture the lost territories, "if we could only remove Nikol in Armenia".
We warned them that they were being deceived with a false sense of security; we urged them to negotiate with Azerbaijan in Sophia. They refused. "Not a step back from full independence. Who are you? Azgadavs!"
So they removed the NK government [President Arayik was open to Sophia meeting]. You know the names of those who demanded Arayik's removal. Sadly, some of them are currently in Baku jail. But these people removed Arayik and installed a figure who was the most favorable figure for the presence of Russia in NK. Then you know what happened.
After Azerbaijan launched a massive attack on NK, several public figures and politicians began to reveal the things they were told at the Russian embassy in Armenia. A figure named Nairi Hokhikyan claims he was told in the Russian embassy that Russian peacekeepers planned to remain 30+ years in the region and that he believed them and "took their bait". It's fair to say he wasn't the only person in Armenia who took this embassy's baits. There were even forces in Armenia that actively distributed those baits.
When it became obvious that Russian peacekeepers wouldn't do anything, when they stood and watched the forced displacement of 120,000 Armenians, when they watched the killings of NK civilians, it became obvious to everyone, including those who took the bait, what exactly happened.
Armenia, in turn, said that since its allies do not plan to help, it is better for Armenia to establish peace with all of its neighbors and have stable delimited borders. This was a huge psychological shock for some, especially the aforementioned forces because the clarification of Armenia's borders and the adoption of an internationally legitimate stance would open an opportunity to have excellent relations with the US and EU. Armenia with legitimate borders and Western partners is more difficult to attack than Armenia without those; it's a lot more difficult under those conditions to present Armenia as a gray zone and swallow it.
And swallowing Armenia is what this is all about. None of this was about NK. Armenia was the end goal. Robert Kocharyan said he was open to the idea of Armenia joining the [Russia-Belarus] Union State, while Serj's party leaders [Sharmazanov] announced that it's necessary to give Azerbaijan a corridor through Syunik.
Today we have a rally coming from Tavush. On the left side of its leader, we have a politician representing a force that wants Armenia to join the [Russian] Union State, and on the right side, it's a representative of a force that wants to give a Zangezur corridor to Azerbaijan.
Forgive me for saying this, friends: this latest Russian march is also destined to fail. It will fail because the Armenian population won't follow politicians who do not recognize Armenia's 29,743 km2. Foreign forces will fail. Armenia will remain independent. //

Russia continues the withdrawal of soldiers from Nagorno-Karabakh

A column of vehicles left from Ivanyan airport to a railway station before heading to Russia, through Azerbaijan.

foreign ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan will meet in Kazakhstan on May 10 to discuss the peace process

The agreement was reached last week after the visit of the Kazakh president to the region.

U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan visited occupied Shushi after "two months of preparations"

He was earlier criticized by the Azerbaijani regime for not visiting the occupied parts of Nagorno-Karabakh. The Ambassador said he didn't visit Shushi in the past because he didn't want to take part in "someone's shows".
During this Shushi trip, the Ambassador met state officials and local teachers who were enrolled in the embassy's English classes. The Ambassador said the U.S. will continue to cooperate with Azerbaijan for as long as there are "partners in Azerbaijan who are willing to work with the U.S."
source, source,

the armed forces/MOD of Armenia and United States held their first annual talks

US Embassy in Yerevan: Last week, representatives from across the US European Command and the Armenian Ministry of Defense participated in the inaugural Annual Staff Talks to discuss bilateral defense priorities, develop areas for further cooperation, and outline military engagements for the coming years.

Informed Citizens NGO chief about Armenia's economic ties with Russia and the cost of breaking free

IOANNESIAN: Russia's leverage: Gas, supply of uranium for NPP, disposal of nuclear waste generated by NPP, and Upper Lars cargo traffic. I don't think Russia will attempt to "punish" Armenia unless they achieve a major success in Ukraine, but it can't be ruled out. Let's analyze some possible scenarios.
(1) Gas. If Russia doubles the price for Armenia to $300, which is the realistic upper limit according to experts, your household bill would likely increase by 20%. The $300 is also the price of Iranian gas. If Russia raises it above $300, Armenia will have other more economic sources of energy. I doubt household bills would double because there are a host of steps the government and West could take to remedy or even partly subsidize the cost.
(2) Uranium for NPP. This is easier. Ukraine has replaced Russia with others. Kazakhstan is also a source of uranium. It's important to have decent AM-KZ relations. Our relations have always been toxic despite never having any direct problems with one another. At some point, Kazakhs realized having great relations with Azerbaijan doesn't mean they can't build relations with Armenia. Armenia displayed the same pragmatism. There is an opportunity to move forward.
(3) Export of products. This will be difficult because a significant share of goods MADE in Armenia are exported to Russia. These are real factories, real workers, real wages. The food production industry will face issues because let's be honest, their standards are generally very low. They wouldn't be able to export to Europe today. European countries may love you but they care about the health of their citizens more. We need to raise the food standards, first and foremost for us and our health. I'm aware that the Armenian government is taking steps for a long-term solution, and as a short-term solution they are exploring the possibility of increasing exports to the Middle East and other states to reduce reliance on Russia. The government will face pushback from unhappy businesses that will no longer be allowed to dump a bag of harmful chemicals on crops. The Middle East is a mixed bag. Some countries could have standards higher than the EU, while others don't care at all. Armenian manufacturers of "fake" and lowest-quality alcohol, the type of alcohol that's even unacceptable for Armenians, are exporting their goods to some Middle Eastern countries today.

Armenia and EU discuss education reforms

Education Minister Joanna and EU Ambassador Maragos met on Monday to discuss the ongoing introduction of new state standards in public education, the upcoming bills, STEM and labs, refugee teacher assistance, and AM-EU dialogue.

Armenia and Hungary sign agreement on economic cooperation, will continue to restore diplomatic relations after termination in 2012

FM Mirzoyan is in Hungary to discuss AM-HU and AM-EU relations, a week after media wrote that Hungary is blocking the EU's $10 million military aid to Armenia.
Armenia and Hungary restored diplomatic relations in 2022, and in 2023 they appointed non-resident ambassadors.
HUNGARIAN FM: It's great to see Armenia's flag in this building after so many years. Today we agreed to form a working group to develop economic relations. Last year our economic turnover reached 70%. Our pharmaceutical companies are more active in the Armenian market today. We have agreed to open embassies in the capitals of Hungary and Armenia; today we have consulates. Starting this July, WizzAir will hold direct flights between the capitals of Armenia and Hungary. Hungary will provide humanitarian assistance to families [presumably Nagorno-Karabakh refugees] who begin their lives in Armenia. Some 1,200 Armenian children and parents will receive an opportunity to enjoy their vacation here in Hungary. Armenian students will receive scholarships. We have also allocated funds to help the 4,200 Armenians residing in Hungary maintain their Armenian identity and culture. Ahead of Hungary's presidency of the EU, we were able to take steps to develop AM-EU relations. We plan to develop the AM-EU Partnership Agenda [aka CEPA+]. We also plan to launch a dialogue on visa liberalization between the two parties [unclear AM-HU or AM-EU]. My 2023 visit to Yerevan and your visit to Budapest marks a successful launch of our cooperation.
ARMENIAN FM: This is a result of a process we launched 1.5 years ago, a process to start a new phase of AM-HU relations based on historically warm ties and common values. I'm glad to see the result of this process today. Today we are talking about opening resident embassies. Today we signed agreements on political consultations between foreign ministries of two states, on economic cooperation, and on the formation of an intergovernmental commission. We recently saw a business conference where they discussed possible joint projects. Personal visits are important so it's great to hear about WizzAir's direct Yerevan-Budapest flights. Armenia wants to be part of international economic projects. The CoP project aims to lift the blockade on all transport and passenger connections in the South Caucasus and to streamline the West-East connection. Under the same context, we consider the supply of Armenian renewable energy to Europe [through the Black Sea]; we will soon hold discussions on their implementation. Armenia wants to take part in all of those. Peace is a prerequisite for economic development. We have launched a process to bring Armenia significantly closer to the EU, and vice versa. On the table, we have a package of proposals and here we hope to receive Hungary's support during your EU presidency so the plan will confidentially advance under your presidency as well.
REPORTER: What disagreements remain around the AM-AZ peace treaty?
MIRZOYAN: I hope the agreement reached by border commissions on April 19 will be reflected in the peace agreement as well. That would place us very close to a final resolution of the AM-AZ conflict. Another disagreement is around the unblocking of transportation links in the region. Armenia wants to unblock all routes with full respect to the sovereignty of states. I'd like to thank Hungary for its contribution to humanitarian issues. As you remember, several Armenian POWs were freed with the help of Hungary. These efforts continue.
source, source, video,

starting next week Yerevan subway will operate until midnight, instead of 11 pm


Yerevan municipality will add 50 bus shelters, some of which will come with ticket purchasing terminals and bus arrival timetable

MAYOR AVINYAN: This year we plan to launch the new transit fare system and install 50 bus shelters, which will have arrival timetables. We'll receive 171 new 8.5-meter buses and 15 new trolleybuses. The new bus pricing system goes into effect after all of this is done.

Yerevan municipality wants to review the contract with French water giant Veolia

MAYOR AVINYAN: The recent floods caused issues in transport hubs, tunnels, and streets. The city has a contract with Veolia Jur to service the surface, gutter, and rainwater networks. We receive many complaints that go unaddressed. The residents do not care about the details of the contract with Veolia, although I'm confident there are objective reasons behind these problems. This year we must come to a new agreement with the Government and Veolia because the municipality itself can't chase the sewers in each backyard. We need a company that will assume the responsibility for the entire network. We must understand what the cost of this service is. Last year the city was forced to build 14 kilometers of sewers but I don't even know if we had the right to do it because it's a state property, but it had to be done so we did it. We need to make changes to the Veolia contract.

VIDEO: heavy hail lasted several minutes, turning the streets of Yerevan white and damaging trees and properties


inflation YoY

January -0.4%
February -1.7%
March -1.2%
April -0.7%

... food prices are still lower compared to last year (April YoY stats)

Food and non-alcoholic beverages -4.5%
Non-food -0.5%
Services +3%
Alcohol and tobacco +7%
Clothing -1%
Utilities -0.1%
Household goods & appliances -1%
Healthcare -0.2%
Transportation +8%
Communications +0.3%
Recreation -0.2%
Education +5%
Restaurants & hotels +4%

country of origin of tourists who visited Georgia in Q1 2024

(1) Turkey 255K
(2) Russia 215K
(3) Armenia 192K

the most popular last names in each country: MAP

submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 23:38 kokonut_cocoa Tips from a Mediocre dude who passed

I am sharing tips unique to me, so it might not be helpful to everyone. But I hope it could provide insight to many people.

My Stats

  1. First Timer. Studied Full-Time
  2. Themis
    • MBE
      • UWorld MBE average = 69% (roughly 1600 questions)
      • Themis MBE average = 64% (roughly 1860 questions)
      • Average Time per Question = 1 minute 15 seconds (I ended the actual bar exam, one-hour early, for both morning and afternoon MBE sessions.)
    • MEE
      • Graded Essays ranged 55-65%
      • Graded CPT = 60% or 65% I don't remember exactly.
    • Completed 82% of Themis Program
  3. GPA
    1. 3.7 for Undergrad
    2. 3.7 for Graduate School
    3. 3.3 @ Unranked, ABA-accredited law school that often gets ABA compliance letters.

Exam Day

  1. Bring your PR study guide on Test Day.
    • Most likely, PR will be on the exam.
    • Essay day is divided into two sessions: Morning and Afternoon.
    • If PR does not come up in the morning, I know PR will be on the afternoon. So, review PR notes during lunch if that happens.
  2. Bring a clock to the exam.
    • If you follow bar exam subreddit(s) often enough, you’ll find that some testing centers reportedly did not have a clock. So, bring a clock: (this is not a referral link). Run White-Out through the logo if you're worried about proctors who lack sound discretion.
    • Set the dial to 12 o’clock before you start the exam, both in the morning and afternoon sessions.
    • When 1 o’clock hits, I should move onto essay two. Then 2 o’clock, 3 o’clock… you get the idea.
  3. Know your digestive needs and food reactions
    • I did not want to waste time using the restroom during the exam, so I avoided caffeine.
    • I never get diarrhea whenever I drink Atkins milkshake. So, I drank Atkins milkshake for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for two days. The only food I had other than the Atkins milkshake was OJ in the morning.
    • Side note: I noticed that women deal with more inconvenience than men. Like some ladies in my study group talked about using birth control for the exam . . . I have no idea how that stuff works (or why) . . . but it sounded very important to prevent test day interruptions. Know your biological demands. Be prepared.
  4. Avoid booking first floor and/or front side of the hotel
    • People come in-and-out of hotels, day and night. Avoid any area where high foot-traffic is likely. Sleep is incredibly important to optimal performance.
    • I hate spending money. But this is not the time to save money by booking a motel.
    • I booked a backyard crib via Airbnb. I read the reviews, of course.
    • There are thousands of test-takers. It's better to book early than later.

MBE (Multiple Choice)

I scored in the 145-150 band (see NCBE website). NCBE says about 30% of people scored higher than 145 in 2019 (source). According to this source and this, 145-150 translates to scoring roughly 69-74% in the MBE. Flexing in these ranges would be dumb, so I am not flexing here. But I will say this: 69-74% is about where I scored during practice. As you can see below, I scored 64% on Themis and Barbri. And 76% on Quimbee:
Vendor Average Score Total Solved (estimate)
Themis (Paid by School) 64% 1860
Barbri (Floating 2019 stuff) 64% 180
UWorld (Paid by School) 69% 1600
Adaptibar (Paid by School) 90% 10
Bar Prep Hero (Free Sample) 73% 112
Quimbee (Free Sample) 76% 66
Wait, Koko! 64% is less than 69%
Some people say that Themis and Barbri questions are more difficult than the NCBE questions. I agree. And I think even Themis indirectly admitted here:
Source: Official Themis message to students
I started out as one of the most underperforming MBE test-taker in the beginning. I don't mean to sound self-depreciating. That's an objective fact. I scored 0 on the first 10 question set:
As you can see above, I generally scored between 0-40s on the first two weeks (any score above 60 is a small set). I was psychologically fucked up at this point. Each dot represents a battle. One battle per day. I gave it 100%
Luckily, over time, gradually but surely, my score increased and became less scattered. I started scoring above 60s and 70s. Sadly, scoring a consistent 80+ was really hard.
All that said, I always had the following in mind when solving MBE during practice.
  1. Be honest with your assessments
    • At times, I thought about looking up my rulebook. I had to stop myself whenever that happened. Don't do it. If you reference rules before selecting an answer, that's just cheating. Whatever excuse that comes out of my mouth is a way to calm the cognitive dissonance. Only with honest assessment, I can be confident later on that my performance statistics most reliably predicts the real thing. There is no guarantee of course. But I will take honest stats over manufactured predictions any day.
  2. Take one step at a time
    • I solved about 30 MBE questions a day. It took about half a day reviewing these questions. That's because I review ALL questions–correct or incorrect. I think quality learning is more important than half-hearted quantity.
  3. Develop peer mentors
    • This is unorthodox I suppose. I was a part of discord study group. Of the seven CA test takers (🥥🏹🧈🦅🐳🐻🍼), six of us passed in Feb 2024. Maybe there were more, but it sure was higher than 34% passage rate. Oh, we were strangers when we met on discord.
    • Most of us interacted with each other, on a daily basis, for one reason or another. Personally, I found it extremely helpful to bounce off ideas on MBE questions, which was wayyyy more beneficial than Themis Q&A service.


  1. Find a method that works for you
    • Forget what Koko says, what another Redditor says, or what Bar Prep guru says. Find a method that works for YOU.
  2. Focus on Analysis than BLL
    • Most of your scores in essays come from analyses than rule statements.
    • Every time I "used the facts," I crossed out facts in the paper copy. At the end of the essay, I made sure to cross out every fact in the hypo. I don't know if I connected the dots properly, but I am stacking points.
  3. Memorize Outlines
    • Instead of memorizing BLL, I memorized outlines so that I do not miss issues. I don't care if I miss BLL. But I refuse to miss issue statements. That's because if I miss an issue statement, I will miss an entire section of analysis. That's a lot of points.
    • Like, who cares if I don't write "Offer" in BLL. It's better to write a shitty rule statement than to miss any entire section in Applicable Law, Offer, Termination, Acceptance, Consideration, Defenses, Breach, Condition, Remedies.
    • Make stuff up. Manufacturer BLL and run with it. If you have wrong BLL, then you get some points. If you miss an issue, you miss accompanying analysis, which is bulk of the points. If you're crunching time, memorizing outlines >>> memorizing BLL.

Quick story on Arrogance and Failure

Hold up, Koko. Don’t be calling people arrogant.
I get it. It’s not in good form or taste to call people arrogant. But wait y’all. Please read my story first.
On our last semester, my cohort took a mandatory pre-bar-prep course. There was this one dude who bragged that he can just "wing" the bar exam without studying because "[I am] smarter than the average law student." Yes, those were his words. And he said this out loud, multiple times, in front of everyone.
Then he went on talking about how he winged the LSAT and still "made it." Some of us shared our thoughts later, and we all concluded that this guy is a complete dumbass who doesn't know that he is a dumbass . . . like bruh you're at an unranked law school where 75 percentile LSAT = 153. What exactly are you flexing here . . .
Needless to say, this guy failed July 2023. I typically sympathize with retakers. I could have been a retaker myself if things went south. But I cannot sympathize with this guy. Notably, he still says the same thing to this day I hear. But he did not retake in February 2024. Like Einstein said (the actual smart guy), “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” So, maybe he is more insane than stupid.
Sadly, this was not the first encounter meeting someone with false confidence. While anecdotal, not a single person I’ve met who projected false confidence passed the bar exam. It was only when they corrected their behavior (learned humbleness), the outcome changed for the better.
2 out of 3 people failed the CA bar exam this February. This is a hard exam. It's difficult to pass. Ego is not worth risking the embarrassment and fiasco. Stay confident without the attitude. Study. Put in the time. This exam requires your 110%

And Remember: You can do this.

If you ever doubt yourself, please think of me. I was the dumbass who scored 0s in the beginning. If I can pass the CA bar exam, so can you.
submitted by kokonut_cocoa to CABarExam [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 23:10 Cheap-Education-4895 Really struggling trying to find a job

I have a B.S. degree in environmental science and I haven't been able to get any jobs at all in the field. I have 7 years of prior work experience on my resume, although they were mostly low paying customer service jobs while I was still in school, before I had a degree.
I tried all I could to edit my resume and make it look professional. I wanted to fit it all onto one page, so I used really good formatting and organized it all neatly to look good. I have my degree, schools, work experience, a profile section, volunteer experience, and skills and software.
Over the years I've applied to several hundreds of jobs in my field. Entry level positions related to soil testing, water sampling, land surveying, junior planning, GIS data entry, and forestry. I apply and apply and apply, positions local and all over the country, and I get nowhere. I have something like 120 job rejection letters from the past 2 years and that's not counting the several other companies that just ignored my application. I've been through the song and dance of going through numerous rounds of interviews with companies only to hear nothing back.
I could maybe get a min wage job at McDonalds if I wanted to, but that salary isn't enough for what I need. I'm fortunate to not so desperate for a job that I need to scrounge up whatever I can get. I really want to do something related to what I spent 4+ years in university for. I've since landed a few customer service jobs, but I'm really sick of doing that type of work, getting harassed by customers and dealing with really cold management and getting paid very little. The reason I went to college was so I wouldn't have to be stuck with those jobs anymore.
Overall I'm really struggling, it seems like every time I apply for a job it just falls into the void, sending out application after application and not getting anywhere. Any advice?
submitted by Cheap-Education-4895 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 21:41 PomegranateWest620 Chance me!! Barnard Pls

Hi, Hi People. I haven't received any decisions yet, but I've come to terms with the possibility of staying at my current school for an additional year or semester if necessary. However, my top choice is Barnard, although I also applied to Columbia and NYU. I currently go to a 4 year private in NYC. English major
High School GPA: 3.4/88 (I didn't prioritize academics but maintained mostly As and Bs and was involved in several extracurricular activities, including starting clubs.most schools i got into were 40% acceptance rate) College GPA: 3.8 (1st semester: A, A, B+, B, P -- 2nd semester: A, A, A, A, A)
Awards: Annie Eaton Scholar, Dean's List, National Honor Society, First-Year Honor Society
This summer, I am enrolled in two classes at Columbia taught by Barnard professors and was chosen with 6 others as a Visiting Student Ambassador, where I represent Columbia and create blogs and vlogs for the Columbia website and social media to enhance student applications. I will earn a focus area certificate from Columbia in Arts and Culture at the end of summer from my cohort
My essay discussed my perseverance in creating opportunities at my current school due to limited options. I also discussed my leadership skills, my relationship with my twin brother my openness to learning from diverse perspectives, how if I were to teach a course, it would be literature with the humanization of the people in books and students in class, and my aspirations for traditional publishing, and my appreciation for my college experience at my current school.
Here are my current extracurricular activities:
I have three strong letters of recommendation (two from professors and one from my advisoresearch position employeprofessor..long story but she went to Columbia). I know my recommendations are great. Additionally, I was accepted to Columbia and NYU for visiting student summer programs and will be attending Columbia.
But I'm still stressed, so lmk what you think and what I should do next year to make my app better.
submitted by PomegranateWest620 to TransferToTop25 [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 21:31 MJL_16 $BBBY $BBBYQ 📝 Shareholder Survey Update 📅 31 Weeks Post Share Cancellation

$BBBY $BBBYQ 📝 Shareholder Survey Update 📅 31 Weeks Post Share Cancellation

5/6/24 - Bed Bath & Beyond Retail Investor Survey Update:


  • Due to low engagement I will be reducing the frequency which I update this survey and will simply make it a weekly refresh.
  • What I hoped would be a quick/easy way for the community to substantiate the large holdings I THOUGHT we had, it has been rather surprising to see this be such a divisive topic over the past few months.
  • For a community to continually advocate for market reform, ending naked short selling, transparency in reporting/data, and encouraging others to "DRS your GME!" it has been extremely disappointing to see the exact opposite sentiment despite it being the PERFECT scenario to PROVE synthetic shares exist.
  • It is also very interesting to see the "community leaders" not only refuse to participate, but openly mock and make disparaging comments for weeks/months about the importance of this effort.

Shareholder Letter - Equity Committee Request:

  • This will also be my last inclusion/reference of the Equity Committee LetteTemplate within the Survey Posts as I would like to keep them separate workstreams.
  • One thing is abundantly clear - if we were going to do this WHOLE THING over again the #1 thing retail investors should have done right at the inception of bankruptcy is petition for a Equity Shareholders Committee. It might be too late for that now, but I adamantly believe we should still try.
  • I sent my letter in on 4/8/24 and it is viewable on Kroll Docket 2991:
  • Please refer to the following X-Article that provides info for how to send your own Community Motion for Relief - Request for immediate implementation of an Equity Committee:
  • I will be making one more Equity Committee Request related post - just to update a few items and will continue to emphasize I feel it is ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT A DOUBT something that SHOULD have occurred.

Survey Disclaimers:

  • Any/All info provided to me will not be shared with ANY party. No personally identifiable info is being requested - there are four survey questions that speak to IF/WHEN we MIGHT want to attest to positions, but it is completely optional at this point.
  • The DTCC, brokers, and everyone else KNOWS how many shares of $BBBY $BBBYQ existed, but we do not. They've had 180+ days since cancellation to settle all the trades and rollup all the totals. In my opinion it is EXTREMELY VALUABLE for us to want to know what our holdings are as a community.
  • Data is extremely powerful. Market makers use PFOF because data is lucrative and advantageous to those who have it. As a group of household investors, we are completely in the dark relating to our own data. Market makers, brokers, and the DTC know exactly how much retail holds for every single security on the market.

Shareholder Survey Results:

If you wish to participate please DM me on X!
Sample of the responses from the community.
Reminder: PaddlingUpShitCrick's survey through Aug23 (I will keep this stat on this post prospectively so people are aware):
  • Total: ~114m shares from ~2k responses (57k avg).
  • DRS Total: ~2.6m shares from 55 responses (48k avg).

Summary of Responses (Combined):

Summary of Responses (Separated):

Survey Highlights:

  • 52.3m shares owned by 472 survey participants, an avg of 111k/response.
  • 10.6m shares DRS'd by 166 participants, an avg of 64k/response. We have MORE THAN DOUBLED Docket 219 from May23, which was the ONLY directly registered shareholder list ON COURT RECORD. It showed a mere 4.97m DRSd by ~2,500 people - an avg of ONLY 2k/holder.
  • 250 individuals owning 36.4m shares (avg of 145k/response) provided their cost basis which came to an average of $0.87/response. These household investors spent $31.6 MILLION (an avg of $126k/investor) of their hard earned money for this investment. This is a substantial sum and in my opinion is an important metric to track.
  • 63 individuals representing 17.9m shares (avg of 284k/response and 34% of all responses) have answered the 4 questions at the top of the survey example.
  • 37 individuals representing 15.8m shares (avg of 427k/response and 30% of all responses) have answered the 4 questions AND provided their cost basis. A total investment of $17.9m!
  • 22 people have responded that they also own $13.3m of the Sr. Notes.
  • The following is a quick comparison of the survey responses to what a reduced hypothetical TSO looks like:

What is the "Final Total Shares Outstanding" for Bed Bath & Beyond?

What do we know so far?
  • Docket 219 shows a total of 781.4m Common Stock (776.4m Cede fast acct + 4.97m DRS) compared to D2631's 701.3m, there is a reduction of 80,085,133 shares that we never heard anything about.
  • Docket 2631 from 10/18/23 was Equiniti's final report as-of 9/29/23. It specifically states "CEDE & CO BALANCE". Not "Fast Account" or any indication if it includes directly registered shares or not. IN MY OPINION this 701.3m Common Stock balance INCLUDES DRSd.
  • 🚨 9/14/23 8K: "The Company has no preferred shares issued or outstanding and has 782,005,210 shares of common stock issued and outstanding as of July 20, 2023."
  • 🚨 D2631 Equiniti reported as of 9/29/23 that Cede held a balance of 170 Series A Convertible Preferred and 1.2m Warrants
  • The 9/29/23 POSASR stated the company "terminated all offerings where shares were registered but not yet sold"... The company never disclosed that there were registered but unsold securities - or quantified how many this represented.
  • The Registration Statements included in this POSASR are the Jeffries and B Riley Offers consisting of over 500m shares of common stock. We NEED to know the quantity that was registered but not sold and ultimately terminated.


"Legally Demand Answers for the BBBYQ and BBBY Community" THIS SEEMS LIKE A GREAT IDEA

Please share and encourage others in the community to participate and THANK YOU everyone for the continued support!

submitted by MJL_16 to Teddy [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 20:56 Conscious_Remove4776 Is law school worth it for me and is practicing really that bad for most attorneys?

Hey everyone! Not sure if this is the exact right place for my questions but just looking for some general advice/perspective. So I just graduated from undergrad about a week ago and I’m gearing up to begin my LSAT prep. My plan is - and has been for the last four years - to graduate from college, take a gap year and work full time to save some money, pay down some student loans, and take the LSAT/apply to law school. My grades are decent (mid 3s), as I kind of shit the bed in my freshman year, however I really turned things around and made deans every semester after sophomore year. I plan to write addendums for the semester or two I screwed up in, and am at least thankful I have a significant upward trend in grades. I have 3 letters of rec lined up, and I’ve also written a draft of my personal statement. I’ve come to this thread and a few others a few times, just to gain some perspective from practicing attorneys. The thing is, I feel like every single lawyer on reddit is so negative about the profession. I’ve worked under several lawyers for internships (PI, family, Criminal Defense) and have family members who are lawyers and all seem to enjoy the profession about as much as anyone else enjoys their job. To be clear: I don’t have unrealistic expectations about being a lawyer. I understand the hours can be long, the pay for starting attorneys is bimodal, and it’s not a golden ticket to becoming insanely rich. To that point, I don’t think any profession is the “golden ticket,” except for maybe medicine which requires 7 additional years post undergrad. I’m not looking to get rich. I’d like to live a comfortable life where I can maybe have children in the future and do meaningful/interesting work.
Also, I see many lawyers say that unless you have a burning passion to be a lawyer and cannot see yourself doing anything else, then you shouldn’t go to law school. To be transparent, I’m not sure that I have a BURNING passion for any traditional career path. However I’m definitely interested in law FAR more than any other profession. I graduated with a poli sci degree and have no interest in working in politics, running for office, etc. Most job offers I've gotten have been in sales/sales consulting and while this is probably what I'll do during my gap year, I have no real interest in it.
I have always been interested in law as I grew up around lawyers and have always been interested in pursuing higher education after undergrad as I know it can both increase earning potential and be intellectually challenging/fulfilling. Reading, writing, critical thinking, analyzing data, have all been my strong suits through undergrad and I feel like (please correct me if I'm wrong) these are important for law school and being a successful lawyer. I’m interested in employment law as I’ve had some really unpleasant work environment experiences and also wouldn’t mind the corporate/business side of law as I’ve always wanted to live in a big city for at least a couple years. I also am just not 100% on what type of law I’d like to do. I feel like so many people in this thread had this clear cut path to law school which makes me feel like I might not be cut out for it. For example, some are really passionate about public defense or working for the government and while I commend those people, I’m just not 100% of the practice area I’d like to end up in.
Lastly, I know law school is insanely expensive and I’m aware that it can be a trap. If I do poorly on the LSAT and can’t get scholarships, my path might change as I’m paying for law school myself. I’m just looking for some perspective. Is it really that bad? Do I not have the right reasons for wanting to attend law school?
Sorry for any grammatical errors I’m typing this in a rush. Thank you in advance :)
submitted by Conscious_Remove4776 to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]