Credit card expense report form

Credit Repair - Improve your credit, your score, and understand how to manage your credit

2008.12.05 06:42 Credit Repair - Improve your credit, your score, and understand how to manage your credit

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2010.07.18 08:51 Enforte Digimon - Digital Monsters

Welcome to /digimon - a place to talk and share things about Digimon: the animated series, the manga, the video games, the card game, and the movies! Please read the rules and FAQ prior to posting:

2012.12.10 22:29 Ghostofazombie Churn, baby, churn!

A place to learn and talk about credit card rewards

2024.05.19 21:32 GredoraYGO The Master Duel Steam Forum is.... something.

The Master Duel Steam Forum is.... something. submitted by GredoraYGO to masterduel [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:31 AppleWatchingyou My kids broke the TV again!!!

Things haven’t been great financially. We live off of one income and with everything going up in price we have been really struggling.
In December our oldest kid (10m) was playing with this bouncy ball some kid at school gave away for their birthday and bounced it into our TV breaking it. We ended up going to the store and getting another one as we use the tv a decent amount. My husband and I had to use our reward points from our credit cards to pay for it because we don’t have money for luxuries anymore. Now a few months later my middle child decides to purposely through a toy at it while I was cleaning the fridge to see if it’s strong enough (it wasn’t). I feel so upset and sad and don’t know how to tell my husband. He’s going to be upset as well! Ughhh
submitted by AppleWatchingyou to breakingmom [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:31 adulting4kids BPD

"I am going to be 48 years old in a few weeks. I have been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder since I was twenty years old. Much of my life, I have met all of the criteria of this disorder, and I have had a long, hard road ahead once it dawned on me that it was true. I have a fundamental dysfunction in my personality. I cannot cope with the world because at my core, I am unable to maintain stability as a functional adult for long periods of time due to my impulsive nature and my ability to forgive and love unconditionally. I don't know how to reconcile those traits with a healthy and successful life. My relationships are 'ride or die,' with me as the enabledoormat/reactionary drama queen. I tend to date men who need constant, obsessive attention and servitude, with them being the dominant to my submissive, their ego to my down-to-earth, and they are the Narcissist to my Borderline. I don't want to romanticize like so many JokeHarley memes, but this has been the way that it has gone for far too long.
My upbringing wasn't even close to being abusive. I was the only child, and my parents stayed married. I was sheltered, with no physical or sexual abuse; both of my parents were good people who loved me. It wasn't easy; we lacked money but never love. We struggled, but there were so many things that were different than for most people, in cool ways and in ways that were not cool. But never was I considered 'normal.'
One of the challenges of being Borderline is the difficulty in being our own therapist. Not because of this new 'favorite person' misinformation, but because we struggle with justifying anything. We see very little wrong with the way we are; we just need to know how we can make others understand that it's okay that we are intense, unpredictable in a predictable way, and humanly sensitive to everything that affects us. We insert ourselves into everything so we can let it all affect us. We claim that we didn't realize that we're supposed to change because we see no problem with the way we are; it's other people who are concerned, and we are not concerned with what people think (except when we are). So why do we have to change? It's our life, the one that is unmanageable and dysfunctional, and giving us unhoused vibes. This is still our life, and it's not easy to get through that we need to act accordingly because we don't care about your self-esteem; why do you care about ours?
So, we are often pushed into admitting that we can potentially be a little bit much. We are painted into the roles of the serial killer and the horrible Narcissistic Personality Disorder twin flame that nobody trusts because we follow our hearts (and we tend to hold grudges). Our dynamics are different, but we all follow astrology. Our sign is 'complete psycho' most of the time. I have been trying to figure out how to make it so we can get along with the world and it is not our enemy...but people keep messing up the whole situation.
People with borderline personality disorder may exhibit fear of abandonment through intense and unstable relationships. They might go to great lengths to avoid real or perceived abandonment, such as clinging to others, becoming quickly and intensely attached, or displaying extreme reactions (anger, panic, or depression) when they anticipate abandonment.
Abandonment fears can lead to impulsive actions to prevent separation or worse, therefore it's important to seek professional help for a comprehensive understanding and support. Additionally, individuals with BPD may engage in frantic efforts to avoid abandonment, such as making frantic, impulsive gestures to maintain a connection, even if those actions are not in their best interest. They might experience intense feelings of emptiness when alone and may go to extremes to fill that void. These behaviors can strain relationships, making it challenging for individuals with BPD to establish and maintain stable connections with others. Therapy, particularly dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), is often recommended to help manage and address these challenges.
Patterns of instability in borderline personality disorder (BPD) refer to consistent and recurring disruptions in various aspects of a person's life. This instability typically manifests in the following areas:
  1. Relationships: Individuals with BPD often experience tumultuous relationships marked by extremes of idealization and devaluation. Their attitudes and feelings toward others may change rapidly, contributing to a cycle of intense, yet unstable, interpersonal connections.
  2. Self-Image: BPD can involve an unstable sense of self. Individuals may struggle with a fluctuating self-identity, feeling uncertain about who they are, their values, and their life goals. This instability in self-perception can lead to a lack of direction and purpose.
  3. Emotions: Emotional instability is a hallmark of BPD. Intense and rapidly shifting emotions, such as anger, anxiety, and sadness, can be challenging to regulate. Mood swings may occur in response to external events or perceived threats to relationships.
  4. Impulsivity: Impulsive behaviors in areas like spending, substance abuse, reckless driving, or unsafe sexual practices are common in individuals with BPD. These actions often stem from a desire to alleviate emotional distress or avoid perceived abandonment.
These patterns of instability can significantly impact a person's daily functioning and relationships, making it crucial for individuals with BPD to seek professional help for effective management and support. In the context of borderline personality disorder (BPD), impulsivity refers to engaging in behaviors without careful consideration of the consequences. Individuals with BPD may display impulsive actions in various areas of their lives, such as:
  1. Spending: Reckless and impulsive spending, often beyond one's means, is common in individuals with BPD.
  2. Substance Abuse: Engaging in impulsive and risky behaviors related to substance use, including alcohol and drugs.
  3. Sexual Behavior: Unplanned and impulsive sexual encounters, sometimes without regard for potential consequences, can occur.
  4. Reckless Driving: Impulsive and risky driving behaviors, such as speeding or dangerous maneuvers.
  5. Self-Harm: Engaging in impulsive self-harming behaviors as a way to cope with intense emotions.
Impulsivity in BPD can be driven by a desire to alleviate emotional pain, boredom, or to avoid perceived abandonment. Developing coping strategies and emotional regulation skills through therapy, particularly dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), can be beneficial in managing impulsive behaviors associated with BPD.
Identity disturbance in borderline personality disorder (BPD) refers to a pervasive and unstable sense of self. Individuals with BPD may struggle with a coherent and consistent understanding of who they are, which can manifest in several ways:
  1. Self-Image Fluctuations: A person with BPD may experience rapid shifts in self-perception, ranging from feeling exceptionally positive to extremely negative about themselves. This can occur within short periods.
  2. Uncertainty About Goals and Values: Individuals with identity disturbance may have difficulty establishing and maintaining long-term goals or consistent values. They might struggle with defining their life direction and purpose.
  3. Chameleon-Like Adaptation: Some individuals with BPD may adopt different personas or behaviors in different social situations, often as a means to fit in or avoid rejection. This can lead to a lack of stable and authentic self-expression. Intense Fear of Abandonment: The fear of abandonment can exacerbate identity issues, as individuals may shape their identity based on the perceived expectations or desires of others, leading to a lack of a stable core sense of self.
Addressing identity disturbance in BPD often involves therapeutic interventions, such as dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) or psychodynamic therapy. These approaches aim to help individuals explore and develop a more stable and authentic sense of self.
Dissociation in borderline personality disorder (BPD) refers to a coping mechanism where individuals disconnect from their thoughts, feelings, memories, or sense of identity. This disconnection can occur as a response to stress, trauma, or overwhelming emotions. Dissociative experiences in BPD may include:
  1. Depersonalization: Feeling detached from oneself, as if observing from outside the body.
  2. Derealization: Perceiving the external environment as unreal or distorted.
  3. Amnesia: Gaps in memory, especially related to stressful events or periods of intense emotion.
  4. Identity Confusion: Momentary lapses in awareness of one's identity or feeling unsure about who they are.
Dissociation serves as a way for individuals with BPD to manage distress, particularly when emotions become too overwhelming. However, it can interfere with daily functioning and contribute to difficulties in relationships. Therapy, especially approaches like dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) and trauma-focused therapy, may help individuals develop healthier coping mechanisms and address dissociative experiences.
Certainly, here are some examples of dissociative experiences that individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD) may encounter:
  1. Depersonalization: Feeling as though you are watching yourself from a distance, almost like being an observer rather than an active participant in your own life.
  2. Derealization: Perceiving the external world as strange, unreal, or distorted. You may be on a heavy trip off mushrooms and wandering around the closet park in the middle of the night feels different when you are over 40. It hits different, and you can get in a lot more trouble than experimenting teenagers. You're not holding a job long under these circumstances.
  3. Amnesia: Having periods of time where you cannot recall significant details or events, especially those associated with heightened emotional states or trauma. If you are being sedated for trying to call the same number over and over at three am because you desperately need to move to
  4. Identity Confusion: Brief moments of not recognizing oneself or feeling uncertain about personal identity, values, or goals. Taking in the attributes of your signiotg
It's important to note that dissociative experiences can vary widely among individuals, and not everyone with BPD will necessarily experience these examples. If you or someone you know is experiencing dissociation or other symptoms associated with BPD, seeking professional help from a mental health practitioner is crucial for appropriate diagnosis and support.
Suicidal ideation in borderline personality disorder (BPD) involves persistent thoughts about death, dying, or the desire to end one's life. Individuals with BPD may experience varying degrees of suicidal thoughts, ranging from fleeting notions to detailed plans. Some aspects of suicidal ideation in BPD include:
  1. Frequency and Intensity: Suicidal ideation can be a chronic feature, with thoughts occurring regularly or intermittently. The intensity can range from vague thoughts to detailed plans.
  2. Impulsivity: Individuals with BPD may be prone to impulsive behaviors, and this impulsivity can extend to suicidal acts or self-harming behaviors during periods of emotional distress.
  3. Sense of Hopelessness: Suicidal thoughts in BPD can be linked to a pervasive sense of hopelessness, often fueled by challenges in relationships, identity, and emotional regulation.
  4. Coping Mechanism: For some, suicidal ideation may serve as a coping mechanism, providing a perceived escape from emotional pain or a means to regain control.
Addressing suicidal ideation in BPD requires immediate attention from mental health professionals. Therapeutic interventions, such as dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), can be effective in helping individuals manage intense emotions and develop healthier coping strategies. If you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts, it's crucial to seek help from a mental health professional or a crisis hotline immediately.
Mood swings in borderline personality disorder (BPD) are characterized by rapid and intense changes in emotional states. These fluctuations can occur in response to various triggers or even without apparent cause. Key aspects of mood swings in BPD include:
  1. Intensity: Emotions can shift from one extreme to another rapidly, with individuals experiencing intense feelings of joy, anger, sadness, or anxiety.
  2. Instability: The duration of mood swings can be brief, lasting only a few hours or days. This instability contributes to the challenge of predicting or managing emotional states.
  3. Triggered by Interpersonal Events: Mood swings in BPD often correlate with interpersonal stressors, such as perceived rejection, criticism, or the fear of abandonment.
  4. Impact on Relationships: The intensity and unpredictability of mood swings can strain relationships, as others may find it challenging to understand or respond to the rapidly changing emotional landscape.
Therapeutic approaches, particularly dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), focus on helping individuals with BPD recognize and regulate their emotions, providing skills to manage mood swings effectively.
The term "Cluster B" refers to one of the four personality disorder clusters outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Cluster B personality disorders share certain features, including dramatic, emotional, and erratic behaviors. This grouping includes the following personality disorders:
  1. Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD): Characterized by instability in relationships, self-image, and emotions, along with impulsive and self-destructive behaviors.
  2. Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD): Involves an exaggerated sense of self-importance, a preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, and a lack of empathy for others.
  3. Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD): Characterized by a disregard for the rights of others, impulsivity, deceitfulness, and a lack of remorse after harming others.
  4. Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD): Involves a need for attention, dramatic and seductive behavior, and intense emotions that may be perceived as shallow.
These personality disorders within Cluster B share some common traits, such as difficulties in forming and maintaining relationships, impulsivity, and emotional dysregulation. However, each disorder within the cluster has distinct features and diagnostic criteria. The clustering is a way to organize and understand patterns of personality pathology for diagnostic and treatment purposes.
Diagnosing borderline personality disorder (BPD) typically involves a comprehensive assessment by a mental health professional. Several tools and methods are used to gather information, including:
  1. Clinical Interviews: A mental health professional conducts thorough interviews to assess the individual's symptoms, emotional experiences, and history of relationships. These interviews may involve discussions about mood, identity, impulsivity, and interpersonal difficulties.
  2. Diagnostic Criteria: The assessment often involves evaluating the individual against established diagnostic criteria, such as those outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Meeting specific criteria is essential for a formal diagnosis.
  3. Structured Interviews: Mental health professionals may use structured interviews designed to elicit specific information related to BPD symptoms. These interviews help standard ize the diagnostic process.
  4. Self-Report Questionnaires: Individuals may be asked to complete self-report questionnaires designed to assess various aspects of personality, emotional experiences, and interpersonal functioning.
  5. Collateral Information: Information from family members, close friends, or other relevant sources may be considered to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the individual's behavior and relationships.
It's important to note that a diagnosis of BPD should be made by a qualified mental health professional based on a thorough assessment. Early diagnosis and intervention are crucial for individuals with BPD to receive appropriate treatment and support.
Here's the continuation of the edited text:
Cluster B Personality Disorder #clusterb #clusterbs #bpd-dbt #dbt #fearofabandonment #linean
This revised version addresses spelling, grammar, and ensures clarity in expression. Let me know if there are any further edits or adjustments you'd like to make!
  1. **
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:30 tommycnuthatch Entered info on fraudulent website

Searched for Keen sandals. Clicked on one of the top links (below sponsored ads). Everything looked very legit (e.g., clicking on items showed multiple photos, descriptions, etc just like regular site). Sale prices were low (too low in retrospect). Input name, address, and credit card info. Clicked pay and card was declined. Double check and submitted again. Same - declined. Then looked closer and saw that the website was keenfootwears dot net. Checked with official website (keenfootwear dot com) and they confirmed they only have one website. So far, no charges to credit card. Called bank to cancel card and get new card/number. Anything else to do to help prevent identity theft?
submitted by tommycnuthatch to IdentityTheft [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:30 xMysticChimez Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle by Chris Hedges

🌿 Detailed Overview:
Critically examines how modern society is increasingly dominated by superficiality and illusion, at the expense of literacy and genuine knowledge. Hedges argues that the pervasive influence of spectacle in media, politics, and culture is leading to the erosion of critical thinking, undermining democracy and creating a populace more susceptible to manipulation and control.
🔍 Key Themes and Insights:
Triumph of Spectacle: Hedges explores how contemporary culture prioritizes spectacle over substance. He illustrates this with examples from reality television, celebrity culture, and sensationalist news, showing how these forms of entertainment overshadow meaningful discourse and critical thought.
Decline of Literacy: The book discusses the decline of literacy and intellectual engagement, attributing this to the dominance of visual media. Hedges argues that the ability to read and think critically is being replaced by passive consumption of entertainment, leading to a more ignorant and easily controlled society.
Illusion of Happiness: Hedges critiques the culture of instant gratification and consumerism, suggesting that it creates an illusion of happiness while masking deeper social and personal issues. He discusses how this illusion is perpetuated by advertising and mass media, promoting superficial values over genuine well-being.
Corporate and Political Manipulation: Examines how corporations and political elites use spectacle to manipulate public perception and maintain power. Hedges argues that by focusing on trivial distractions, these entities divert attention from significant social, economic, and political issues.
Impact on Democracy: Warns that the triumph of spectacle undermines democracy by eroding the informed citizenry necessary for its functioning. He discusses how the media's focus on entertainment over substantive reporting weakens public debate and accountability.
Culture of Illusion: Delves into the creation of a culture of illusion, where the distinction between reality and appearance is blurred. Hedges explores how this affects various aspects of life, including education, relationships, and personal identity.
Resistance and Hope: Despite his bleak assessment, Hedges offers insights into how individuals can resist the culture of illusion. He emphasizes the importance of fostering literacy, critical thinking, and authentic human connections as ways to combat the pervasive influence of spectacle.
Philosophical and Historical Context: Hedges situates his critique within a broader philosophical and historical context, drawing on thinkers like Aldous Huxley and Neil Postman to highlight the longstanding concerns about the impact of media and technology on society.
Audience Takeaway:
"Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle" is a powerful and provocative critique of contemporary culture. Chris Hedges' analysis provides a compelling argument for the need to prioritize literacy and critical thinking in an age dominated by spectacle and superficiality. This book is essential for readers interested in media studies, cultural criticism, and the defense of democratic values.
💌 Your Experiences and Reflections:
Have you observed the impact of spectacle on public discourse and personal life? How has Chris Hedges' analysis in "Empire of Illusion" influenced your perspective on the role of media and culture in shaping society? Share your reflections on the challenges and opportunities for fostering literacy and critical thinking in an age of spectacle. Let’s discuss the insights and actions necessary to resist the culture of illusion and promote a more informed and engaged citizenry.

submitted by xMysticChimez to MeditationHub [link] [comments]

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submitted by Next_Research_186 to Studentcorner [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:28 ReallyCoolManatee [fnv] mods cause crashing and bugs

[fnv] mods cause crashing and bugs
I've been having problems loading fallout nv, when i start it it crashes once it shows the first credit screen
Any time it does work characters walk weird, rex(who I have as a companion) starts folding in himself and floats above the ground and sometimes text will go ontop of each or not show at all
Note: The game works without any mods enabled
I will comment the mod list
here is my error message:
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: NVDLC04WPNSMMGReloadBoxEject" frame 11 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hlreloadg.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: NVDLC04WPNSMMGReloadBoxSlide" frame 20 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hlreloadg.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: NVDLC04WPNSMMGReloadBoxInsert" frame 47 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hlreloadg.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: NVDLC04WPNSMMGReloadBoxSlam" frame 71 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hlreloadg.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: (AttackLoop) too many blend values in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hlattackloop.kf". Blend 1, BlendIn 1, BlendOut 0
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDLC05AlienCannonReloadPt1" frame 1 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hhreloadf.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDLC05AlienCannonReloadPt2" frame 34 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hhreloadf.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNGatlingLaserReloadPt0" frame 1 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hhreloadc.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDLC05AlienCannonJam" frame 1 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hhjamf.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDLC05AlienRifleReloadPt1" frame 1 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hrreloadh.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDLC05AlienRifleReloadPt2" frame 17 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hrreloadh.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNShotgunDoubleBarrelReloadPt1" frame 1 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hrreloadg.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNShotgunDoubleBarrelReloadPt2" frame 24 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hrreloadg.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNShotgunDoubleBarrelReloadPt3" frame 40 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hrreloadg.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNRifleRailwayOpen" frame 12 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hrreloadf.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNRifleRailwayInsert" frame 42 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hrreloadf.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNRifleRailwayClose" frame 57 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hrreloadf.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNCombatShotgunDrumOut" frame 13 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hrreloadd.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNCombatShotgunDrumIn" frame 46 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hrreloadd.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNCombatShotgunCock" frame 62 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hrreloadd.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDLC05AlienRifleJam" frame 1 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hrjamh.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNShotgunDoubleBarrelJam" frame 1 in "Characters\_1stPerson\2hrjamg.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNPistolHowdahOpen" frame 16 in "Characters\_1stPerson\1hpreloadk.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNPistolHowdahInsert" frame 43 in "Characters\_1stPerson\1hpreloadk.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNPistolHowdahSnap" frame 60 in "Characters\_1stPerson\1hpreloadk.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNMesmetronReloadPt1" frame 1 in "Characters\_1stPerson\1hpreloadi.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNMesmetronReloadPt2" frame 34 in "Characters\_1stPerson\1hpreloadi.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNMesmetronReloadPt3" frame 68 in "Characters\_1stPerson\1hpreloadi.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNPistolChineseOpen" frame 10 in "Characters\_1stPerson\1hpreloadc.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNPistolChineseInsert" frame 47 in "Characters\_1stPerson\1hpreloadc.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDartgunPull" frame 15 in "Characters\_1stPerson\1hpreloadb.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDartgunInsert" frame 50 in "Characters\_1stPerson\1hpreloadb.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
No object name at index 9 for sequence 'Holster'.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDLC05AlienCannonReloadPt1" frame 1 in "Characters\_Male\sneak2hhreloadf.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDLC05AlienCannonReloadPt2" frame 34 in "Characters\_Male\sneak2hhreloadf.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNGatlingLaserReloadPt0" frame 1 in "Characters\_Male\sneak2hhreloadc.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDLC05AlienCannonJam" frame 1 in "Characters\_Male\sneak2hhjamf.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDLC05AlienCannonReloadPt1" frame 1 in "Characters\_Male\2hhreloadf.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDLC05AlienCannonReloadPt2" frame 34 in "Characters\_Male\2hhreloadf.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNGatlingLaserReloadPt0" frame 1 in "Characters\_Male\2hhreloadc.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDLC05AlienCannonJam" frame 1 in "Characters\_Male\2hhjamf.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDLC05AlienRifleReloadPt1" frame 1 in "Characters\_Male\sneak2hrreloadh.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDLC05AlienRifleReloadPt2" frame 16 in "Characters\_Male\sneak2hrreloadh.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNShotgunDoubleBarrelReloadPt1" frame 1 in "Characters\_Male\sneak2hrreloadg.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNShotgunDoubleBarrelReloadPt2" frame 24 in "Characters\_Male\sneak2hrreloadg.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNShotgunDoubleBarrelReloadPt3" frame 40 in "Characters\_Male\sneak2hrreloadg.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNRifleRailwayOpen" frame 12 in "Characters\_Male\sneak2hrreloadf.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNRifleRailwayInsert" frame 42 in "Characters\_Male\sneak2hrreloadf.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNRifleRailwayClose" frame 57 in "Characters\_Male\sneak2hrreloadf.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNCombatShotgunDrumOut" frame 13 in "Characters\_Male\sneak2hrreloadd.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNCombatShotgunDrumIn" frame 46 in "Characters\_Male\sneak2hrreloadd.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNCombatShotgunCock" frame 62 in "Characters\_Male\sneak2hrreloadd.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDLC05AlienRifleJam" frame 1 in "Characters\_Male\sneak2hrjamh.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNShotgunDoubleBarrelJam" frame 1 in "Characters\_Male\sneak2hrjamg.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDLC05AlienRifleReloadPt1" frame 1 in "Characters\_Male\2hrreloadh.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDLC05AlienRifleReloadPt2" frame 17 in "Characters\_Male\2hrreloadh.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNShotgunDoubleBarrelReloadPt1" frame 1 in "Characters\_Male\2hrreloadg.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNShotgunDoubleBarrelReloadPt2" frame 24 in "Characters\_Male\2hrreloadg.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNShotgunDoubleBarrelReloadPt3" frame 40 in "Characters\_Male\2hrreloadg.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNRifleRailwayOpen" frame 12 in "Characters\_Male\2hrreloadf.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNRifleRailwayInsert" frame 42 in "Characters\_Male\2hrreloadf.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNRifleRailwayClose" frame 57 in "Characters\_Male\2hrreloadf.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNCombatShotgunDrumOut" frame 13 in "Characters\_Male\2hrreloadd.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNCombatShotgunDrumIn" frame 46 in "Characters\_Male\2hrreloadd.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNCombatShotgunCock" frame 62 in "Characters\_Male\2hrreloadd.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDLC05AlienRifleJam" frame 1 in "Characters\_Male\2hrjamh.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNShotgunDoubleBarrelJam" frame 1 in "Characters\_Male\2hrjamg.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNPistolHowdahOpen" frame 16 in "Characters\_Male\sneak1hpreloadk.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNPistolHowdahInsert" frame 43 in "Characters\_Male\sneak1hpreloadk.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNPistolHowdahSnap" frame 60 in "Characters\_Male\sneak1hpreloadk.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNMesmetronReloadPt1" frame 1 in "Characters\_Male\sneak1hpreloadi.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNMesmetronReloadPt2" frame 34 in "Characters\_Male\sneak1hpreloadi.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNMesmetronReloadPt3" frame 68 in "Characters\_Male\sneak1hpreloadi.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNPistolChineseOpen" frame 10 in "Characters\_Male\sneak1hpreloadc.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNPistolChineseInsert" frame 47 in "Characters\_Male\sneak1hpreloadc.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDartgunPull" frame 15 in "Characters\_Male\sneak1hpreloadb.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDartgunInsert" frame 50 in "Characters\_Male\sneak1hpreloadb.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNPistolHowdahOpen" frame 16 in "Characters\_Male\1hpreloadk.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNPistolHowdahInsert" frame 43 in "Characters\_Male\1hpreloadk.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNPistolHowdahSnap" frame 60 in "Characters\_Male\1hpreloadk.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNMesmetronReloadPt1" frame 1 in "Characters\_Male\1hpreloadi.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNMesmetronReloadPt2" frame 34 in "Characters\_Male\1hpreloadi.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNMesmetronReloadPt3" frame 68 in "Characters\_Male\1hpreloadi.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNPistolChineseOpen" frame 10 in "Characters\_Male\1hpreloadc.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNPistolChineseInsert" frame 47 in "Characters\_Male\1hpreloadc.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDartgunPull" frame 15 in "Characters\_Male\1hpreloadb.kf".
ANIMATION: Bad note string "Sound: WPNDartgunInsert" frame 50 in "Characters\_Male\1hpreloadb.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\bodymods\falloutnv.esm\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\facemods\falloutnv.esm\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\bodymods\falloutnv.esm\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
mis05:0 Geometry has parallax flag set, but no height map for parallax. mis05:0 Geometry has parallax flag set, but no height map for parallax. mis05:0 Geometry has parallax flag set, but no height map for parallax. mis01:0 Geometry has parallax flag set, but no height map for parallax. 
MODELS: Bad skin name 'Cassskin:0' on 'Scene Root'.
Failed to find body mod texture '0013A9DFModBodyFemale' for 'CaucasianRaider' (0004BB8D). Creating from scratch.
MODELS: Could not find parent node extra data for 'Fhelmet02'.
MODELS: Could not find parent node extra data for 'Fhelmet03'.
MODELS: Could not find parent node extra data for 'red_beret'.
No object name at index 37 for sequence 'Idle'.
FORMS: Unknown form type 'IDLE' encountered in AddFormToDataHandler.
ANIMATION: 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' should NOT be a looping animation.
ANIMATION: 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' should NOT be a looping animation.
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
Audio: Attempted to play multi-channel sound (data\sound\fx\sprint\male\sb\3.wav) in 3D. Forcing 2D playback.
Audio: Attempted to play multi-channel sound (data\sound\fx\sprint\male\sw\3.wav) in 3D. Forcing 2D playback.
Audio: Attempted to play multi-channel sound (data\sound\fx\sprint\male\sw\2.wav) in 3D. Forcing 2D playback.
ANIMATION: 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' should NOT be a looping animation.
ANIMATION: 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' should NOT be a looping animation.
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
Audio: Attempted to play multi-channel sound (data\sound\fx\sprint\male\sb\1.wav) in 3D. Forcing 2D playback.
MODELS: LoadFile retrieved model Characters\Hair\HairMessy01.NIF with a zero ref count
Audio: Attempted to play multi-channel sound (data\sound\fx\sprint\male\sb\1.wav) in 3D. Forcing 2D playback.
MODELS: Could not find parent node extra data for 'CowboyHat'.
Audio: Attempted to play multi-channel sound (data\sound\fx\sprint\male\sw\3.wav) in 3D. Forcing 2D playback.
ANIMATION: 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' should NOT be a looping animation.
ANIMATION: 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' should NOT be a looping animation.
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' should NOT be a looping animation.
ANIMATION: 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' should NOT be a looping animation.
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
Audio: Attempted to play multi-channel sound (data\sound\fx\sprint\male\sb\1.wav) in 3D. Forcing 2D playback.
Audio: Attempted to play multi-channel sound (data\sound\fx\sprint\male\sb\5.wav) in 3D. Forcing 2D playback.
Audio: Attempted to play multi-channel sound (data\sound\fx\sprint\male\sw\3.wav) in 3D. Forcing 2D playback.
ANIMATION: 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' should NOT be a looping animation.
ANIMATION: 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' should NOT be a looping animation.
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' should NOT be a looping animation.
ANIMATION: 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' should NOT be a looping animation.
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
Audio: Attempted to play multi-channel sound (data\sound\fx\sprint\male\sb\3.wav) in 3D. Forcing 2D playback.
Audio: Attempted to play multi-channel sound (data\sound\fx\sprint\male\sb\4.wav) in 3D. Forcing 2D playback.
Audio: Attempted to play multi-channel sound (data\sound\fx\sprint\male\sw\1.wav) in 3D. Forcing 2D playback.
ANIMATION: 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' should NOT be a looping animation.
ANIMATION: 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' should NOT be a looping animation.
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
MODELS: LoadFile retrieved model Characters\Hair\HairMessy02.NIF with a zero ref count
Found invalid swap index.
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: LoadFile retrieved model Characters\Hair\HairMessy01Child.NIF with a zero ref count
MODELS: LoadFile retrieved model Characters\Hair\HairChildMBase.NIF with a zero ref count
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\tuxek\fallout4\ghoulhead\males\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\tuxek\fallout4\ghoulhead\males\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: LoadFile retrieved model Characters\Hair\HairMessy03.NIF with a zero ref count
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\diffuse\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\normals\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\diffuse\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\normals\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\diffuse\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\normals\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\diffuse\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\normals\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\diffuse\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\normals\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\diffuse\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\normals\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\diffuse\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\normals\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\diffuse\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\normals\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\diffuse\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\normals\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\diffuse\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\normals\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\diffuse\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\normals\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\diffuse\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\normals\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\diffuse\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\normals\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\diffuse\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\normals\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\diffuse\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\normals\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\diffuse\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\normals\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\diffuse\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\normals\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\diffuse\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\landscape\lod\freesidenorthworld\normals\
MODELS: LoadFile retrieved model Characters\Hair\HairChildMShort02.NIF with a zero ref count
MODELS: Could not get file for Meshes\Tuxek\Fallout4\Ghoul\Hair\Newhairghoul01NoHat.egm.
MODELS: Could not get file for Meshes\Tuxek\Fallout4\Ghoul\Hair\Newhairghoul01Hat.egm.
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\tuxek\fallout4\ghoulhead\males\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\tuxek\fallout4\ghoulhead\males\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: Could not get file for texture textures\characters\mouth\
MODELS: Bad skin name 'ArmChildFemale01' on 'Scene Root'.
Found invalid swap index.
3D for Ref '' (001730CB) does not support external emittance but ref has explicit emittance data
MODELS: Bad skin name 'Cassskin:0' on 'Scene Root'.
ANIMATION: 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' should NOT be a looping animation.
ANIMATION: 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' should NOT be a looping animation.
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
Audio: Attempted to play multi-channel sound (data\sound\fx\sprint\male\sb\3.wav) in 3D. Forcing 2D playback.
Audio: Attempted to play multi-channel sound (data\sound\fx\sprint\male\sb\7.wav) in 3D. Forcing 2D playback.
Audio: Attempted to play multi-channel sound (data\sound\fx\sprint\male\sw\3.wav) in 3D. Forcing 2D playback.
3D for Ref '' (001730CB) does not support external emittance but ref has explicit emittance data
AI: Actor being moved is Disabled he has no process
ANIMATION: 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' should NOT be a looping animation.
ANIMATION: 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' should NOT be a looping animation.
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Trying to SpecialIdleFree an animation 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' that just started.
ANIMATION: Trying to SpecialIdleFree an animation 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' that just started.
ANIMATION: Trying to SpecialIdleFree an animation 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' that just started.
ANIMATION: Trying to SpecialIdleFree an animation 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' that just started.
ANIMATION: Trying to SpecialIdleFree an animation 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' that just started.
ANIMATION: Trying to SpecialIdleFree an animation 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' that just started.
ANIMATION: Trying to SpecialIdleFree an animation 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' that just started.
ANIMATION: Trying to SpecialIdleFree an animation 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' that just started.
ANIMATION: 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' should NOT be a looping animation.
ANIMATION: 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' should NOT be a looping animation.
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file.
ANIMATION: Trying to SpecialIdleFree an animation 'Meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\Sprint\2ha\SpecialIdle_Sprint_1st.kf' that just started.
ANIMATION: (SpecialIdle) End frame is less than or equal to Start frame in "Meshes\Creatures\Dog\IdleAnims\MTSpecialIdle_LookLeft.kf".
ANIMATION: Animation group note problem. See C:\Users\pc\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV_Epic\Warnings.txt file
submitted by ReallyCoolManatee to FalloutMods [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:26 hotdog55556 Got Denied

I got denied recently, not entirely sure why. I have a 732 credit score, my average credit history is 1.5 years and work a corporate finance job with a solid income. I’m thinking it’s because I put that I have no monthly rent, as I live with my parents currently but am moving out in a month (hence why I applied for the BILT card)
Any advice as on what to do? When can I reapply? Is there a viable customer support line?
submitted by hotdog55556 to biltrewards [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:25 thowra_crzy Would it be better to bring cash or just link my credit card?

I’m going on a 5 day western Caribbean cruise. I was thinking about just taking $400 in cash to use and not linking my credit card. I’m not really a drinker. I might have 1 or 2 per day if that even. I don’t really plan on buying any souvenirs or going to the casinos or anything. I don’t have any excursions planned. On port days I just planned on hanging out at the beach in the water and stuff, so the cash would really just be for drinks, food at the ports and tipping. With that being said, is $400 enough, or would I be able to make due with $200? Do I have to the put the cash on my sail card for anything? If so, I was going to just put half on my sail card and keep the other half in cash for tips. I don’t plan on having my credit card or anything linked. I just want to lock it and forget about it for the week lol I’m strictly limiting myself to $400.
Also how do gratuities work? I did not prepay, so are they going to charge the gratuities at the end of the cruise? Should I bring an extra $200 for this?
submitted by thowra_crzy to CarnivalCruiseFans [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:25 HumbleInterest The Tragic Implications of Debling's Interest in the Northwest Passage

“This book is on voyages to the North, where Lord Debling intends to travel.”
“Miss Featherington, are you reading about the fabled Northwest Passage?”
(S3 E4 11:16)
Hi everyone! I posted a comment about it right after season 3 dropped, and I have seen a bit of interest in the Northwest Passage on here recently. I thought that for those of you who didn’t learn about it extensively in school in the small corner of Canada that I did, I’d put together a little informative post on the extremely brief (and perhaps even inconsequential!) reference to the Northwest Passage in Episode 4. I’ll provide an overview of the Passage and its history, touch on some characteristics of travel to this region, and conclude with some completely speculative comments on the literary purpose of evoking the passage in this scene in Season 4.
A quick note on the colonial nature of this post: Throughout this short post, I refer to several colonial expeditions to the land many of us call Canada. Although I attempt to be cognizant of my language, it is important to note that the Inuit people who live in the arctic regions that I reference have navigated the sea ice for thousands of years (Panikkar et al., 2018) and that the written history of this region are often hegemonic and euro-centric narratives that were formed within colonial frameworks.
More information on the Inuit and their culture, language, and traditions can be found here:
References are at the end. If you like this post, you might also like the speculative post I made about the influences of the Eros/Psyche quote in the Polin sub which is also endless academic yapping.
Exploring the Northwest Passage- a bit of context
In August of 1820, Lieutenant Edward Parry, a member of the British Royal Navy observed the dense ice and snow of arctic land and sea that was thought to be the location of the mysterious Northwest Passage. From a simple look, he knew that no ship in existence would be able to pass through ice sheets of such a great thickness and that extended for such a long distance (Brandt, 2011). Despite his pessimism, by Parry’s time, British sailors and explorers had been explicitly seeking the passage for hundreds of years (Williams & Costley, 2010; Day, 2006, p. xxiv), dreaming of exploiting the desirable economic prospect of a Western route from Europe to burgeoning Asian markets.
First encounters: When European sailors first encountered North America, it was in pursuit of a route west to Asia. They were, of course, incorrect about the location of Asia. And although a great deal of interest shifted to mapping the new continent, there was also an acknowledgement that there would be great economic benefits to finding a way around this newly encountered landmass (Day, 2006). Over time, the reasons and methods of locating the Northwest Passage changed and evolved, but interest never truly went away.
Renewed British interest: Notably, at the end of the 15th century, when the Ottoman Turk’s empire extended into the Mediterranean and eastward, European merchants were no longer allowed to move and trade freely (Day, 2006). Seeking new routes for the Pacific, European (and especially British) explorers turned West. The Northwest Passage was a concept, a theoretical possibility, for European explorers. It was seen as a potential commercial sea route to the trading markets that were already established and burgeoning in Asia. The Passage was a route with phenomenal economic potential, especially as European consumers sought spices, materials, salts, and woods from foreign markets (Williams & Costley, 2010).
Based on their knowledge of the Southern Hemisphere and the potential geography of the world, many believed that a similar passage would be reflected in the earth’s northern pole (Day, 2006). As a result, there was a massive potential for financial gain for colonial governments and individuals, should such a passage ever be found.
Public fascination: The passage became a point of national fascination for many members of the public. In pursuit of this fascination, many enthusiastic researchers “persuaded persons of influence and wealth to send out discovery expeditions” (Williams & Costley, 2010, p. xv). With governments in Europe stabilizing, the emergence of an economy of cheap labour (lower class men who were willing to take on the dangerous work at sea), and the rapid development of ship technology, the 1600s was a prime time to set out on expeditions.
The fascination with the Passage continued for 300 years until a passage was finally navigated by sea in full in the 1900s. Over the course of history, Anthony Brandt describes the fascination with the Passage’s discovery as a tragedy (2011). He writes: “hubris, an all-too-human arrogance and pride that triggered a particular calamity” (p. 5) as being the tragedy of the exploration for the Passage. Despite the fascination of the public with it, the ice “remained intractable, impenetrable, and, for those who challenged it, a kind of fate” (p. 5) George Malcom Thomson reported that the Passage did not exist where popular imagination speculated it must be (Day, 2006). He noted: “the whole enterprise was founded on a misapprehension, a geographical fiction, a fairy-tale … and downright inventions that scholar manufacture to amaze themselves” (p. xxv).
The danger of the passage: Voyages to and in search of the passage were fraught. Many never returned, and those who did survive faced immense physical and mental challenges. There were, of course, significant difficulties with massive ice drifts and shelves. However, the relative location of the expeditions to the north pole led to issues with magnetic variation for compasses. Fog further complicated travel (Williams & Costley, 2010).
There were also extreme mental dangers to pursuing the NWP. MooSmith’s expedition in the mid-1700s reported “potentially murderous quarrels between officers” (Williams & Costley, 2010, p. xvi); John Franklin noted that the things that occurred on his ship “must not be known” (p. xvi); and it was noted that on the McClure, Beckler, and Collinson expeditions, “tensions” erupted “as captains and subordinate officers exchanged threats of court martial, and some officers spend years under close arrest on their ships” (p. xvi).
In the time of Bridgerton: The end of the Napoleonic Wars in 1815 allowed for greater expeditions by the British Royal Navy (Day, 2006). This would have included surveys of a large portion of the global north and the Arctic. There were a large number of “successful” (depending on how you define it) land expeditions that had made progress in producing surveys and maps of the region. Despite significant ongoing interest in discovering the Passage, in particular, little progress had been made. Later still, despite more advanced mapping by the Hudson Bay Company and expeditions by many notable sailors, there was still no route by the 1820s (Day, 2006).
What does it signify? If a character in Bridgerton was voyaging to the Arctic, it could take them less than a year to reach areas of the Hudson Bay that would be suitable for a scientific voyage. That in itself is not overly dangerous. However, the reference to the Northwest Passage is an interesting literary point. Of all of the places to voyage in the Arctic, even at the time, it would have been an immensely dangerous trip to set out on. The persistent lack of success for a solid 30 years after this season takes place may reference the fact that this is a voyage that Debling is unlikely to ever return from.
It doesn’t help that Debling’s odds are really stacked against him. He does not eat meat, one of the only renewable sources of food for arctic expeditions. There is little to no fresh naturally occurring produce (during the Coppermine expedition, the surviving crew members famously ate lichen to survive once they lost the favour of local indigenous groups and fur traders) and did not do well.
Certainly, it lends a very tragic potential element to the story. The Arctic, if mentioned alone, is not necessarily an overly dangerous location to travel to. Yes, marine travel in the 1800s was still a dangerous endeavour in its own right, let alone in an area as unnavigable by sea as the Arctic. However, the North, in many regions, had active whaling expeditions, Indigenous populations that were willing to trade and work with sailors, and (in some areas) active fur trades. If the purpose of Debling’s travel was only to highlight his unique interests and sense of purpose, the show had many methods of doing so. The choice to reference a notorious and dangerous Northwest Passage, there is an extremely interesting element of danger that is introduced.
What would this potential marriage mean for Penelope? Of course, Penelope’s name is a reference to the wife of Odysseus, who unwillingly takes ten years to return home after the Trojan war. In contrast to Colin, who returns with a steadfast conviction, Debling may represent a kind of eternal limbo for Penelope, should she marry him. Although Debling’s trip is set to take 3 years, it would be hard to prove his death. Likely, she would be a widow for years, if not her entire life, before they were able to locate his ship. The HMS Terror was famously lost in 1845 and not located until 2016(!). As a result, Penelope would likely be stuck at home, awaiting his return, in the same tragic fashion of her namesake in Greek mythology.
As such, not only is there a potential tragic reference to Debling’s future, but there is also a dark illusion to what Penelope’s life may look like as his wife. Of course, this is all based entirely on implication, but it is an interesting act of speculative foreshadowing.
Thanks for reading!
Brandt, A. (2011). The man who ate his boots: the tragic history of the search for the northwest passage. Anchor.
Day, A. (2006). Historical dictionary of the discovery and exploration of the Northwest Passage (Vol. 3). Scarecrow Press.
Panikkar, B., Lemmond, B., Else, B., & Murray, M. (2018). Ice over troubled waters: Navigating the Northwest Passage using Inuit knowledge and scientific information. Climate Research, 75(1), 81-94.
Williams, G., & Costley, S. (2010). Arctic labyrinth: The quest for the Northwest Passage. University of California Press.
submitted by HumbleInterest to BridgertonNetflix [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:24 Vinashakam Mobikwik Cashback 75 to 50

Mobikwik Cashback 75 to 50
Just noticed that Mobikwik reduced the cashback for full payment of credit card. While 250Cash coupon now works for amount 10k+
I also used one time 15 Rs Supercash to pay CC bill, although they mentioned to not allow.
submitted by Vinashakam to CreditCardsIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:22 Windmagegarr 39/PST Looking ideally for gaming friends

Hey there,
Ideally looking for a friend that enjoys online gaming.
I play most nights from 7pm-12am (ish) when I have someone who wants to dive into a game. Ideally I'd love to find someone who wants to tackle an MMO on a regular basis, or some form of adventure/RFP. But I do love playing things that are more conducive to competitive games.
My favorites right now:
Helldivers 2
Victoria 3
Total War: Warhammer
But I have a variety of games on standby. Thinking Diablo 4, Civ 6, League of Legends, Baldur's Gate. Was very into FFXIV and GW2 for a long time but would like do something a bit more new rather than continue exploring the same worlds.
Outside of gaming, I love tabletop and card games, am a big Star Wars Unlimited player right now. Work a standard 8-5, love chatting history/sci-fi/etc.
submitted by Windmagegarr to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:21 Sure_Fishing_1302

Sup guys, I just recently found this Shop with ow prices and they accept credit Card.
They are based in Europe so maybe one of you guys can profit from faster shipment.
I will keep an eye on that maybe you have some experience with them and can tell us more.
Love y'all
submitted by Sure_Fishing_1302 to kaspa [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:20 iSpider_Pro NBME Shelf exam anki/anking tags?

Heyo, starting the journey of shelf exams now and was wondering if there were any decks out there for the individual NBME shelf forms? Just took Psych form 7 and theres a bit on there that I'd love some cards on.
submitted by iSpider_Pro to medicalschoolanki [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:20 KyraaaB Trying to get credit together while about to get new apartment

Hello, I am 22F and I’m about to start applying for new apartment with my boyfriend 25m Here’s my situation
I make: 61,740 (due to my recent raise, I use to make 54,090)
My credit score just dropped again to: 486 My boyfriends credit is in the 600
The only reason my score is this low is due to me not paying my credit cards down and I had a $242 collection from an apartment which is paid in full now but doesn’t do much for my credit.
I have two capital one credit cards total is: 1,399.05 My other credit cards are at: 1st one: :169.09 - paying this off next week 2nd one: 659.34
Total in credit card debt is: 2,227.48 (I will be able to pay $900 dollars off next week) I also have $1,500 in student loans And $3,422 in auto loans
Capital one restricted my account and on credit karma reported it as closed account which also lowered my credit. I haven’t gotten in touch with capital one to see what we can do.
I worried I will be denied for a new apartment due to my score being low and having technical “2 closed accounts” I can pay all my credit card off by next month but the only reason I can’t do that is because next month savings are going towards the new apartment we get. I have to be out of my current apartment by July 14th.
The reason for us moving is due to my drive to work being a 37-50 minute drive and it’s too much. We plan on living 15 minutes away from my job. I just don’t know what I should do. I was thinking about getting a loan to pay all the debt and just pay month on that but I don’t know if it will boost my credit? Also my boyfriend makes 2400 in monthly dues and this will be his first time renting even tho his credit is 600 I don’t know how much it will help the approval odds. This is my first time renting with someone else and actually putting their name on an application/lease. I need some sort of advice. I don’t know maybe I’m being a little dramatic but this whole thing gives me anxiety.
submitted by KyraaaB to CRedit [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:19 Sure_Fishing_1302

Sup guys, I just recently found this Shop with low prices and they accept credit Card.
They are based in Europe so maybe one of you guys can profit from faster shipment.
I will keep an eye on that maybe you have some experience with them and can tell us more.
Love y‘all
submitted by Sure_Fishing_1302 to BitcoinMining [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:19 MARIOZDUDE Looking for various ambient songs to play for a creepy board game with friends.

Looking for various ambient songs to play for a creepy board game with friends.
I’m not usually in subreddits like this but I figured maybe it might help (especially since the subreddit for this game is dead lol.) I’ve started playing Betrayal Legacy with my friends. It’s based on the board game Betrayal at House on the Hill, which sort of plays out like a horror movie where a small group of people explore a house until one person turns evil in the Haunt. Betrayal Legacy plays the same way woth the players exploring a creepy mansion in the remote countryside, except the events and choices you make in one game may affect the game the next time you play, and so on and so forth for about 14 games. The games are segmented with various time jumps starting in 1666 and ending in 2004. Since the two main phases of the game are an “exploration phase” where people trek through a creepy abandoned house and a “haunt” phase where evil is more present in some form, I was thinking of putting together a playlist of songs themed around the year for both phases in each game. If anybody has any suggestions I’d be very appreciative, and im sure my friends will as well. I’ve attached a photo of each year that the story takes place. If you know of any songs that would fit the vibe of either phase of the game for any given year on the card, it would help a lot. Thank you!
submitted by MARIOZDUDE to musicsuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:19 captainNova_12 Inclusion of Relatives in DS-160 Form: A Query

Hello everyone,
I am in the process of filling out my DS-160 form for my U.S. visa application and I have a question regarding the section about relatives.
I have three uncles (my mother’s brothers) who are currently residing in the U.S. Two of them are on H1B visas and the third one is in the process of obtaining a green card. However, I do not receive any financial assistance from them and my university is not located near any of them.
My question is, do I need to mention them in my DS-160 form under the relatives section? I am unsure about this and would appreciate any guidance or advice from those who have gone through a similar process.
Thank you in advance for your help!
submitted by captainNova_12 to f1visa [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:19 Windmagegarr 39/PST Looking to make a friend or two

Hey there,
I play most nights from 7pm-12am (ish) when I have someone who wants to dive into a game. Ideally I'd love to find someone who wants to tackle an MMO on a regular basis, or some form of adventure/RFP. But I do love playing things that are more conducive to matchmaking.
My favorites right now:
Helldivers 2
Victoria 3
Total War: Warhammer
But I have a variety of games on standby. Thinking Diablo 4, Civ 6, League of Legends, Baldur's Gate. Was very into FFXIV and GW2 for a long time but would like do something a bit more new rather than continue exploring the same worlds.
Outside of gaming, I love tabletop and card games, am a big Star Wars Unlimited player right now. Work a standard 8-5, love chatting history/sci-fi/etc.
submitted by Windmagegarr to GamerPals [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:18 Fieri_qui_es Platinum, Gold (Delta), Purple, Platinum (Delta)

I have all these cards currently. Fortunately, I've been able to rebuild my credit. Unfortunately, the fees for all those are nuts.
Do the platinum cards give different benefits or do they over lep? Eg do I get two companion tickets or is it per family?
Has anyone ever negotiated renewal fees with them?
Any advice?
submitted by Fieri_qui_es to amex [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:17 First_Web5434 THREATENING TO BREAK UP ONCE AGAIN

Me (21M) and my girlfriend (20F) have been dating for 4 years. She was diagnosed with BPD 6 months ago and is medicated along with therapy. I'm blessed with ADHD and depression. So basically the last 2 years she has come to her real form after I stopped providing for her expenses. While paying for her expenses, I would tell her that it's temporary and I'm only helping out as she badly needed it. But she still carried that expectation after her financial situation got better. When we started living together and I asked her to pay rent, I would be met with shouting and screaming and she would behave badly with me. She would always complain about us doing 50/50 in expenses even though she was paying 35% of the rent. Then the attacks on my personality and mental disorders. She would say that she needed someone who could do laundry and clean dishes at a time when she used to do 60% of the housework or above. Call me autistic multiple times despite me requesting her not to. She went from idolizing me to constantly threatening to break up with me. Her condition also got worse and I know unlike narcissists they don't try to hurt others.
Long story short probably for the 100th time this year, she is again breaking up with me. The context is her work contract ended and I started working for the first time. She is going through terrible splitting because of the changes in her life. Lots of screaming and shouting over little things, and I was expecting some support during that time. The interesting thing is when she started working I was extremely supportive, something to which she agreed as well so naturally I expected that from her. Forget about support she expects me to apply for her jobs and makes me clean the house after I come home. I understand that she is feeling depressed and it's tough for her to do things but what I don't get is how that gives her the right to treat me like shit. Her reaction to finding out I'm in this group was very interesting as she told me to not be here as false propaganda is preached lmao. She's the victim when she started work, and a victim when I did. She also self-harms in front of me something which bothers me a lot. Now she is searching for houses and going out all the time. I feel a bit insecure since it's a lot easier for her to replace me. Badly need some support rn if anyone is willing to help a brother out.
I know what happened to me is abnormal and I'm not looking for validation. I need some good advice regarding how to get out of this situation.
submitted by First_Web5434 to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:16 YMZ1620 Available credit not updating after large early payment cleared

I have a 5k limit USBAR card, which I maxed out and made a premature payment of the full 5k to use again. The available credit still says $0.00, but the payment is under the “completed” section of the transaction history. Oddly enough, I’m still using the card with no issue. It all seems normal except for the fact that the available credit says 0. When can I expect the app to update this?
submitted by YMZ1620 to USbank [link] [comments]