Low monocyte count hiv

How likely is it to still get PCP after being undetectable for over 4 years?

2024.05.19 18:21 janetthroaway How likely is it to still get PCP after being undetectable for over 4 years?

As the title says, I’ve been undectable for some time and have had a stable CD4 count (700-800)
About a week ago, I developed this weird cough whenever I try to catch my breath. I also have shortness of breath sometimes, but I don’t hear any wheezing.
I’m obviously going to get this checked out, but I’m wondering if it’s maybe PCP? I’ve heard it’s common for HIV patients to get this and some people have died… and I’m a little nervous. Has anyone had PCP while being UD and with a stable cd4? Is there anything I should be concerned about?
submitted by janetthroaway to hivaids [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:15 Consistent_Bit_3295 Current systems are enough for ASI. Here is my simple take(discussion is open):

People keep ignoring that the best LLM's are 0.1% the size of the human brain, trained on 0.1% of the data of the human brain, largely trained on 1 modality, we have 5, and given no time to think. A house mouse brains is literally bigger(1 trillion synapses) or at least comparable than the best models.
Now GPT-4o has been released, it has more modalities, way faster and even better. When will people realize?We can add even more modalities to it like:Video(continually embedding images/pixels only which fluctuations), 3D(possibly utilizing gaussian splatting), Weather(herein: temperature ,wind ,pressure, air quality(several molecules), sea level, gravitational waves, amino acids, protein structures, .video games(each video game can kind of count as its own modality, and can help both as simulators, embodiment, but also as learning to think) and I can keep going. Some might seem crazy but they are not they all help make the models converge to a perfect world model, as well as thinking and reasoning about abstract representations.
These models can compress huge amount of data down to a much smaller size, you don't just do that magically, u need to create abstract representation(like how light shines and bounces) to utilize and chain together to create stuff like a specific image. These models learn similarities between all kinds of stuff, even stuff we might never have thought of, which is why a huge amount of data and different modalities are crucial, even if a modality might seem unconventional.
We have all the data in the world. The best models are trained on 15 trillion tokens which is 44GB tokenized, but YouTube has 1.500.000.000GB of data alone.It is all about how much is enough now, not if it is possible, but of course these systems will start gaining superhuman abilities before we reach full ASI, and many tasks don't need anything near human-level intelligence.
There are skeptics that I respect the opinion of like Yann Lecun. I don't have any problems with object driven ai, and think Jepa is both really promising for world model building as well as efficient search, but he admits it himself(in Lex Fridman podcast), the problem is really just that generative architectures is a very inefficient way, and has several problems. But still generative architectures def. have perks in how easy it is to modify, utilize, RL etc. Still there are many things being worked on that will help it, even simple ones like multi token prediction or token level search, and still these are just efficiency gain and not a bottleneck. Q* is of course one such attempt, which is why ASI might be closer than it appears :).
Also confabulation/hallucination are just discrepancies in the dataset, and models have very low certainty for predictions of names and similar, so you can indeed look at the models percentage accuracy of prediction to infer its certainty. Everything lies between certainty and uncertainty to an intelligent observer, there are no facts, as you cannot trust your brain. Like how people with dementia are certain of an occurence that has not happened before. The dataset could say that unicorns exist on the moon in the dataset, and without anything directly stating it can still say they don’t like if they have read fantasy books they won’t say necrophages exist, so in a way confabulations are what make them great.These things will improve with scale, RL, thought etc, and interpretability could give a number of the model certainty on certain stuff.
Reasoning isn’t a pretty prevalent in biological brains, generally only in mammals, and specifically really just Humans. There are so many shortcomings to develop high reasoning and cognitive capability through evolution. Human brains have so many biases and are not wired to be math experts, doctors, and computer scientist. Most importantly we have no text modality, making us remarkably inefficient at obtaining knowledge, and matching patterns in huge data sets. Remember ai doesn’t have the same constraints; it doesn’t matter if it takes several trillion dollars, tera-watts, hectares of datacenters, 10+ modalities and Exa-Bytes of data.
With the current post training paradigms I think a Mixed-Modal, Sparse-MoE utilizing XOT will get us there in under 2 years.
submitted by Consistent_Bit_3295 to ArtificialInteligence [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:13 FreqRL [Build Guide] Conflagrate Barbarian

[Build Guide] Conflagrate Barbarian
I made this build at the request of u/NovaSkilez. Als want a skill/character build? Let me know in the comments :)
Conflagrate (I'm really going to type this wrong many times) Is an interesting skill because it has a relatively unique mechanic. It doesn't deal damage on its own, but instead makes nearby, already-burning enemies explode and deal damage around them. It deals quite low base damage, and has a long cooldown, so it takes some serious investment to get going, but it can deal pretty significant damage.
Please note: When I did this build I actively neglected the damage of other skills and effects in this build. I wanted Conflagrate to be the "main character" and didn't invest in damage for other skills or into burning damage. While the following build guide works fine for Conflagrate, its not "performs well" build, but rather a "this skill is cool" build. It might not perform as well as others.

The Build

Have some AoE to apply quick burns and debuffs. Use quick swing skills to get buffs going. Build massive amounts of Increased Area (in general and for Flame Wave + Conflagrate).

Core mechanics

The main skill is Conflagrate. It doesn't do much on its own, but can have pretty serious impact once you get the area of effect (AoE) high enough. If you hit 2 enemies with the skill, but they are also within range of each other, each of them will instead be hit 2 times. But if you can get enough AoE to get 3 targets, all of them are now hit 3 times. This is exponential growth. 2x2=4, 3x3=9, 4x4=16, etc. Building on that:
If you get your AoE high enough to hit most of the arena, well... Everyone is now hitting everyone. Example: 50x50 = 2500 times the damage. At least, that's the theory.
A problem with Conflagrate is that the animation that your character emits is very clearly visible, but the detonation around an enemy when you hit them isn't very visible at all. This makes it very hard to tell if you are actually hitting very many enemies or not. I'm operating under the assumption that I was at least hitting most of them, because that's the only way I can explain the damage it deals compared to my other skills:
These numbers aren't necesarily impressive, but they show Conflagrate can dish if you build it right.


This skill uses the Skill Mastery rune to add fire skills to the Barbarian skill pool.
Skill Selection
Since this build is all about Conflagrate, this main skill of this build Conflagrate. Weird, I know. Conflagrate doesn't have any built-in scaling, debuffs or buffs on it, which makes it a tough choice for a main skill. It basically does nothing unless we make it do something. That makes this the main skill of the build that really isn't the main skill of the build.
The rest of this build is very flexible. You really just need some quick skills to trigger Conflagrate often and a reliable source of burn. The build and skills below are more like a representation of what can work, rather than what is best.
I chose Flamewave as my second skill, because it applies burn in a large area and also inflicts the Shattered debuffs, which reduces enemy armor. Flamewave also fits nicely because it shares all 4 of its tags with Conflagrate: Fire, Area, Burst and Magical. This makes Flamewave scale along pretty easily without needing any investment.
Eventhough I didn't select it in my example, I recommend taking Scent of Blood as your 3rd skill. I took Firestorm but it honestly wasn't doing much for me, and due the synergies of this build I was able to get get quite some Finesse, which would have been enough to make Scent of Blood a much better fit.
Conflagrate, Flamewave and Scent of Blood/Firestorm have pretty long cooldowns, so we want some quick skills to chain-cast them with. I chose thrust skills since I recently already did a build that used swing-skills, but either would have fit well here. The important thing is to have multiple skills that are quick and apply the same buff (at least 2 skills per buff), otherwise you won't get the synergy passives (I learned this only recently).
I went with On Guard, Quick Strike and Sharp Spear. These skills combined grant Form, Haste and Bulwark, and also apply the Exposed debuff. Once you get synergy into Bulwark, that will count as your second source for the bulwark buff, which will let you chain it into Aptitude.
As always, skillchaining is the main way to scale the build, as it allows you to bypass the long cooldowns. The only one that is relevant is Thrust-to-Fire. If you go for the Scent of Blood approach, it might be worth getting Thrust-to-Swing or Fire-to-Swing at least once, to get around the long cooldown, though this probably doesn't work as well if you went for Swing skills instead of Thrust skills.
As previously mentioned, synergies are a big part of this build. Any buff-synergies you can find are great, though I'd be careful about getting too much Haste. Movespeed is nice until it isn't, and having 400%+ increased movespeed can feel quite janky. You could try and take the synergies for the burn-into-slow-into-disarray (I might have this connection wrong), since Disarray is quite powerful, but it will take a bit to get there and add a lot of new passives to your pool that you might not want.
Area of Effect
Area of Effect is super important to this build, since it essentially is what makes Conflagrate not be a bad skill. For reference, my combined area of effect (so base + skill-specific) in the run I did was about 600%, which is is a pretty crazy amount. Think of Area for Conflagrate is a big damage increase, and it'll feel more natural.
Why Barbarian?
Why not? Barbarian is great and has good skills available for chaining (Thrust/Swing). Additionally, if you get the passives that increase the rage you gain up to its maximum of +50%, you'll be able to keep your Barbarian rage up 100%, which is a pretty serious buff. The only real alternative is to bring Barbarian skills to the Pyromancer, but then I'd recommend Swing skills, since those cover all 3 of the quick skills and Scent of Blood.

Rune choice

Versatility Runes:
It's the usual combo of Endless Refill and Reroll Mastery to get easy skills selection, and we need Skill Mastery Fire to add the neceary skills to the Barbarian's skill options. You can probably drop Reroll Mastery for a material gathering rune, though it might be a bit harder to get your skills up and running properly.
Tenacity Runes:
The most important one by far is the Divine Legacy rune, which is (in my opinion) easily the best rune in the game. By cleverly saving and using your locks only at every 25th level, you can get 3 legendary passives every 25 levels, which is just crazy. This is probably true for almost every build, so you'll see this section in a lot of my builds.
Synergetic is super important for really getting the most out of the buffs you get from your skills, as is the case for any build that focuses heavily on buff or damaging debuffs. In this case, it can also make getting the Disarray debuff a lot easier.
Searing Intensity is probably best as the last choice (even though I didn't take that for my run). If you want more tankiness (like I did) you can take the War Tank rune, and pair it with the Critical Mastery rune.

Stat priorities

These are the priorities for "basic" stats. Skill chain, type-synergies ( like "more damage per ice skill for non-ice skills", and legendary rewards are almost always better.
Prioritize in order:
Cast Frequency
You need relatively high amounts of cast frequency to get all 3 of your quick skills at 0.5s cooldown or lower. You can also get skill-specific cast speed to enhance them even further. When you reach the point where all three of your skills are at 0.5s or lower, it no longer becomes worth investing into Cast Frequency.
Area of Effect
Area of Effect is really one of the most important stats for this build, though you don't necesarily need to take each one. You can skip the low-tier versions without much issue, and focus on higher tiers or skill-specific versions. There's also the Legendary version that grants +50% to all Magical skills, which is a very effective way of scaling.
All sources of damage are pretty good for this build, including the version that reduces your movespeed. Your cast frequency and multicast will result in an easy 300+ Haste stacks, so don't worry about becoming too slow to properly dodge enemy abilities. Damage for Physical Skills doesn't matter. Focus on Magical, Fire and Conflagrate itself.
At this point, you can take whatever feels right. This build gains a lot of base power from Buffs and debuffs, so be aware that you might be better of banishing some passives that overlap with them. Movespeed and Crit Chance aren't very interesting to this build, and other stats might also fade into irrelevance once you get enough synergies going.

That's the build!

Conflagrate honestly did a lot better than I thought it would. I fully expected it to be a dud and not even worth pursuing after just the first map, but it did surprisingly well. It might take some time before you'll see it rise to the top of your damage list, because it really does have a minimum threshold that you need to pass over before it starts to feel good.
I'll repeat once more that this build wasn't about optimization, but rather an exploration of how you can make Conflagrate work. This probably isn't the best way to do it, but it worked for me. Let me know what you guys think of the build, if you have any suggestions or if I missed anything, any questions, etc :)
If you haven't seen it, please have a look at my previous build, the Arcane-Holy Paladin.
submitted by FreqRL to SoulstoneSurvivors [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:13 SacredGround5516 Lean pcos

FSH 7.11 LH LH 2.71
Hi y’all! I’ve been trying to sort out some health issues for years and think I might have pcos? I went to a new gyn who showed concern about the above labs. She ordered an ultrasound and imaging along with bloodwork to test for insulin resistance. The thing is, my only real symptoms are an irregular period and low sex drive. Sometimes my nipples hurt like crazy but that’s it. I’m 5’4” and 154 lbs. never really struggled too much with my weight but I do count calories to stay at my current weight along with exercise.
Sorry for what might be a dumb question, but did anyone else have these levels and end up having pcos? Worried about what’s causing this and not sure where to ask while I wait for my next appointment.
submitted by SacredGround5516 to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:13 Fearless-Concert-117 What do I do?

Im 29 yro (f) So I've been what I consider recovered for over 8 years, I had a small restricting relapse about 3 months ago due to the loss of my boyfriend of 8yrs and I was able to get myself together and get back on track. I'm at a healthy weight right now but3 months ago during my relapse I was teetering on the low end of healthy. I ended up going home because I lived 5 states over and needed a break and to be around family and not by myself. My mom has been shoveling food down my throat and I'm having soooo many intrusive thoughts about restricting that it's getting scary and I don't want to end up back in my ed. What can I do to make the thoughts stop? It's constant calorie counting, every time I feel hungry I start debating should I eat or not, I'm starting to like the empty feeling again and it's quite frightening because I know where this leads me. I have been looking at old pictures and longing to be back thin while also being disgusted at how unhealthy and sick I looked. I just am tired. What do I do?
submitted by Fearless-Concert-117 to eatingdisorderrecover [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:12 Plain_Jane8675309 Kylea Gomez does want to be Drue Basham 😳

Kylea Gomez does want to be Drue Basham 😳
Omg y’all weren’t kidding when you said Kylea wants to be Drue. I never followed Drue, so I didn’t know anything about her until Kylea posted about her like they have been BFFs forever. After I checked out Drue’s TikTok I couldn’t believe how identical it is to Kylea’s. This is some serious “Single White Female” 💩😬🫣😆
submitted by Plain_Jane8675309 to KyleaGomezsnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:09 Fearless-Concert-117 I dont know what to do.

Im 30 yro (f) So l've been what I consider recovered for over eight years, I had a small restricting relapse about 3 months ago due to the loss of my boyfriend of eight years and I was able to get myself together and get back on track. I'm at a healthy weight right now but three months ago during my relapse I was teetering on the low end of healthy. I ended up going home because I lived many states over and needed a break and to be around family and not by myself. My mom has been shoveling food down my throat and l'm having soooo many intrusive thoughts about restricting that it's getting scary and I don't want to end up back in my ed. What can I do to make the thoughts stop? It's constant calorie counting, every time 1 feel hungry I start debating should 1 eat or not, I'm starting to like the empty feeling again and it's quite frightening because know where this leads me. I have been looking at old pictures and longing to be back thin while also being disgusted at how unhealthy and sick I looked. I just am tired. What do I do?
submitted by Fearless-Concert-117 to Eatingdisordersover30 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:47 suspiciousyeti VO2 max getting dumped from trail running

I did an easy 3 on trail today as a recovery run. My HR was low (120 average) and pace was pretty much sassy pace because I’m nursing a couple angry body parts from my last long run (half marathon training). My watched dumped me on VO2 max. Is there a way to just not have it count against you on trail? After my June race I go back to ultra training which is harder terrain and slower paces and I don’t want to tank my VO2 every time I go on technical trail. Is jacket mode the only way?
submitted by suspiciousyeti to GarminFenix [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:40 Rude-Bend713 Is it possible to speed up sda approval (living on the street)

so only recently was my SDA application put it took ages to get the OT and everything to do the stuff for it but its in. Anyway im wondering if there anything i can do to speed it up or that my suppot corrindator can do. I have been homeless sleeping on the streets for over over 2 months straight (since i had to leave my rental)(minus the week I spent in hospital)
I've been on public housing waitlist for over a year however because I have special requirements for housing due to my disability meaning I need a house with certain features or without certain features it means it is taking a very long time for one to be available. So I am disabled and without support at the moment because i cant get support living on the streets and because my funding is like 10 dollars left and I have been waiting 6 months for my change of circumstance put in a complaint for that and had MP contact them twice but still not done anything yet. Every services turns me away for reasons including
Apparently sda can take like 12 months so am I just meant to try to not die on the streets in this time? Also winter is in like 10 days. I literally just be laying on the ground most of the time. Because im disabled and cannot go far can barely make it to the store to get food and get so lost trying to find it and end up like dropping my money all over the store floor and then cannot find what i am trying to find and then end up dropping my food on floor while trying to check out and its just so hard. I have alot of serve food allergies too which is hard when you cannot cook anything. And I can only shower every few weeks when I go to public beach shower (i went to homeless organizations that are meant to offer showers but got turned away for being a girl even tho there is nothing on their website saying its not allowed). I have not had clean clothes for over 2 months either. I have alot of hard time getting places and carrying stuff and buying stuff because i just drop all my money on floor and cannot really count it.
Not sure how I am going to not die soon?? Also I am not even on medicine anymore because it is too complicated for me to take myself and i lost it. when I had like the hospital social worker and stuff (I came in because i was having medical heart emergency so a ambualnce just took me) they were like oh well you have been homeless for ages now so you can just wait for public housing and continue what youre doing. I go into public housing and they just tell me to wait for SDA and when I have contacted NDis they tell me to just wait for public housing as apparently it will be quicker. Hm
also I have 0 family or friends so.
Im in sydney if reveleant
help appericated.
submitted by Rude-Bend713 to NDIS [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:39 sayknn [H] Crypto(s) (BTC, LTC, etc.) & PayPal & Cashapp [W] Amazon GCs & Best Buy & Apple & Lowes (75%) & Home Depot (75%)

Please comment before PM.

Click here to start a trade.

If you prefer to send chat messages please use the start trade link first.
The gift cards I'm looking for with their rates:
Card Crypto Rate1 (Ł) Cashapp & Paypal F&F Paypal G&S Rate
Amazon US (receipt preferred) 60%-65% 67% 70%
Best Buy 55% 55% 60%
Apple/iTunes US 45%-60% 55% 60%
Lowes ($100+) 70% 70% 75%
Home Depot ($100+) 70% 70% 75%
Target 55% 60% 60%
Walmart 55% 60% 60%
Steam USD 60% 60% 65%
Starbucks 40% 45% 45%
T.J. Maxx 40% 45% 45%
1The rates shown above are for Litecoin (Ł) only. For trades with Bitcoin (₿), the rate decreases 1-2% depending on the amount.
submitted by sayknn to giftcardexchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:39 sayknn [H] Crypto(s) (BTC, LTC, etc.) & PayPal & Cashapp [W] Amazon GCs & Best Buy & Apple & Lowes (75%) & Home Depot (75%)

Please comment before PM.

Click here to start a trade.

If you prefer to send chat messages please use the start trade link first.
The gift cards I'm looking for with their rates:
Card Crypto Rate1 (Ł) Cashapp & Paypal F&F Paypal G&S Rate
Amazon US (receipt preferred) 60%-65% 67% 70%
Best Buy 55% 55% 60%
Apple/iTunes US 45%-60% 55% 60%
Lowes ($100+) 70% 70% 75%
Home Depot ($100+) 70% 70% 75%
Target 55% 60% 60%
Walmart 55% 60% 60%
Steam USD 60% 60% 65%
Starbucks 40% 45% 45%
T.J. Maxx 40% 45% 45%
1The rates shown above are for Litecoin (Ł) only. For trades with Bitcoin (₿), the rate decreases 1-2% depending on the amount.
submitted by sayknn to GCTrading [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:30 HistoricalIndustry77 First time sex did not peneterate

Hello this might be bit long i hope i can find some help here , sorry for my bad english. I am 22 yo male i have done sports (rugby and weight training) in the past , 4 times a week for a 1.5 - 2 years , i had a high sex drive if you count jerking off everyday in shower . Then I changed countries with an exchange program .After few weeks i get into a depression stopped any kind of training ,stopped eating ,stopped going school, did not leaved my room, got drunk couple times a week alone in my room, lost weight .I was in a bad situation for like a at least 2-3 months untill i met my first ever romantic/sexual partner . I think am Bisexual but i mostly like feminen bodys , most porn i watched was trans girls . My partner is trans guy (has vagina). First time we tried i was high on weed and i couldnt peneterate , i tought being high (my first time) or condom might be the problem , everytime i put on a condom i lost my erection we tried multiple times and i wasted like 5-6 condoms . Another time we tried condomless, i was getting hard but we run out of time and so i couldnt try to peneterate . At that point i was pretty sure that my problem was the weed or the condom . We hadnt seen each other for a week and i tried to masturbate , it was still hard for me to get hard it was worrying .I had never had problems like this before and my cum looked very watery not thick . Even my partner is very very good person and supportive its very demoralizing for me , i remember getting hard just by thinking and i now couldnt get hard while i had a watery vagina on top of me . I tought my trans porn addiction , weed or condom might be the problem but i dont think they explain my watery not thick cum . I also have very low motivation, low drive and smaller pair of balls if i dont make things up . Now i think my T levels dropped hard .I started going out and exercising again , eating good . Anyone has a similar experience or any comments about my situation that can help me or help me to understand it ? How long it would take me up for me to boost my T levels up ? Any comments would be helpful
submitted by HistoricalIndustry77 to erectiledysfunction [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:25 GroovyNoob Am I crash dieting?

I’ve done keto, I’ve done low calorie, I’ve done IF. I’ve seen good temporary success with the first two, but despite this, for the better part of my life I’ve been obese.
Recently decided that I need to get serious for my kids and started calorie counting again. I’m eating between 1500 and 2000 calories a day, feeling good, eating healthy, no problems. The issue is, I’m dropping weight really quickly, to the tune of >1lb/day. I initially chalked it up to water weight, but we’re going on three weeks without slowing (except a couple cheat days) and my wife thinks it may be too fast. Cursory research online says 1-2 pounds a week, but all their examples of crash dieting are ~800 calories a day. Then they sent me to a BMR calculator, which put my minimum at 2670. So, I’m not sure what to think.
Does anybody have resources or experience that can help me figure this out? I think it’s in my flair, but for reference, I’m 6ft 34yrs male at 340lbs.
Thanks buddies!
submitted by GroovyNoob to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:24 it_rains_blue_here [F4A] Snuggling with your wurm girlfriend in her pillow fort [reverse comfort][thunderstorm][ditzy speaker][hit in the feels][“What is lightning made of?”]

A wurm is an earth dragon, with a lower half like that of a lamia. She can't fly, and she's a little ditzy, but she's plenty lovable.
Guide to the script:
(words in italics): Suggested sound effects
(words not in italics): Voice cues and narration
Uaagh: Sleepy wurm
Eeeek: Happy wurm
It's okay to monetize this script, make minor edits to it and genderflip it. Please note that the sound effects are optional.
Script length: About 1.5K words
It's strange. I used to read a lot of monster girl stories before I got into ASMR. I don't do that anymore, but on some days, I'll remember a scene or a sentence from one of those stories. And then I'll want to write.
For the listener:
You return home from work to see your wurm girlfriend coiled up by herself in her ‘pillow fort’. A cold, fierce storm is raging outside and you know how much the thunder scares her. So the two of you snuggle up together and gossip, just the way things should be.

(Thunderstorm ambience. Rain and low rumbling of thunder are heard.)
Uaagh. Where were you?
I was worried you were stuck somewhere. I was about to go look for you, but you told me not to go outside on my own.
I know. People are afraid of me. Because I can smash through buildings. But I was worried. What took you so long?
Oh. The trains got delayed because of the thunderstorm?
Are you alright at least? (Sniffing) I do not smell any injury on you.
Good. Will you help me sleep? I couldn’t sleep because of the thunder. And I wanted snuggles. I missed you.
I get stressed when I can’t coil around you. And when I get stressed, I get hungry. So I ate all the chicken we had. But I still can’t sleep.
(Ruffling of sheets and pillows)
Yay! Let me coil around you. I can already feel your warmth.
(Coiling sounds)
Mmnnh. You’re so warm. How do you do it? How are you so warm?
Oh. Because humans are warm blooded. Yes, you told me earlier. But I forgot. Sorry.
Yes. You also told me not to apologise. Sorry.
Hmm? Why are you shaking your head? Is there an enemy present in this room?
That’s it, isn’t it? Where are they? I cannot see them. Are they hiding in the wall? Should I tear it down?
Oh. I did tear it down last week. But that’s because I thought you were trapped inside! I heard you calling from the other room but your voice was so faint and you were taking so long. I thought you needed help!
Are you mad at me?
(Sighing) You always say that. That you can never be mad at me. But I am not sure. You never take me outside with you. This morning, I saw some pigeons on the lawn and I went to say hi to them. I even used the doorknob this time instead of smashing through the door. I was really gentle. But the pigeons all flew away when they saw me coming.
It’s not just the birds. I wanted to know why the pigeons were scared of me, and so I asked a human who was walking outside. I only asked him why the birds flew away. But he ran away from me too. I just scare everyone away.
I don’t scare you?
Yeah*. (Coiling tighter)* You’re the only one who doesn’t run away from me. Even though I’m a monster.
No. I am a monster. I attacked you when we first met. I shouldn’t have done that. Friendly wurms don’t attack people.
I know. It was....instinct. That’s the word you used. When I saw you outside my cave, I-I wanted you. I’d never seen anything like you before. And so I just took you. I wouldn’t let you out of my coils! I know it was scary for you. I am sorry.
Yeah. I did agree to move into your house after that. Because I didn’t care as long as I had you. And because you said there’d be chicken. I like chicken.
Eeeek! I like it when you stroke my hair. It’s so soothing. It makes me want to snuggle up closer to you.
(Coiling sounds)
Thank you. For holding me. I don’t like thunder. The sound scares me. I can’t go to sleep when there’s a storm outside. Unless you’re with me.
Yeah. The thunder can’t hurt me. Because it’s far away. And because I’m a wurm. Wurms are strong! I think I’d be okay, if I was in my ancient form. Then I’d be an earth dragon as big as this house! But the thunder still scares me.
What causes thunder?
Lightning? You mean those bright flashes in the sky before that horrible noise?
Oh. I didn’t know they were called lightning. What is lightning made of?
Plaaz-ma. Ion….Ionized air. I don’t know what they are.
I saw those flashes of light before I met you, of course. I thought it was another dragon challenging me to a fight. And I was terrified of its roar. But I still tried looking for that dragon every time there was a thunderstorm.
Yeah. Because I thought that dragon could be my mother. Maybe she could fly and she was calling me to join her in the sky. But I don’t have wings.
Wurms can’t fly. But I didn’t know anything about mother. When I hatched, I was alone in the wild. There was nothing that looked like me. And there were no humans. No one to teach me how to fend for myself. I went hungry for the first few days and it was cold. It would rain often. I’d hide under a bush but my tail would still get wet. But the thunder was the scariest thing of all. I’d cover my ears with my claws but I’d still hear it. I didn’t know what to do.
Human, why do you look sad? That expression means you’re sad, right? You taught me that. Did I get it right this time?
You’re sad for what I had to go through? But it’s okay. It made me a strong wurm! I learnt how to catch prey, and how to protect myself from the weather by curling up in a cave. And if there was a spring deep inside the cave, then I could also stay warm!
Eeeek! You’re brushing my hair again. That feels nice. I’m so glad I met you in the forest. You’re the first human I ever saw. You’re special. You taught me how to use cutlery, and that I shouldn’t eat the plate along with the chicken. I’m sorry it took me a while to get that one right.
I forgot. You told me not to apologise. I’m sorry.
You’re sighing again. That means I messed up somehow, didn’t I? But I did as you asked! I didn’t leave the house today. I didn’t go outside because I didn’t want to scare any more humans after the first one ran away. I know I can be a burden. I’ve seen how people look at you when you try to defend me. It’s not much different from how they look at me when they think I’ve eaten their chicken or silverware. But I don’t do that. Not after you taught me it was wrong.
I wish I could go outside with you. I wish I wasn’t such a burden.
(Sighing) I know. You always say I’m not a burden. And you get really sad when I keep insisting. I don’t like seeing you sad.
It is true though that I don’t think like a human. I’m not as smart as most humans. But I....I’m not dumb. You always tell me I’m not dumb. And maybe you’re right.
I know if you have money, then you won’t be hungry. I know if you help strangers for free, then you’re kind. And kind people make for good friends. I know a good friend doesn’t leave you alone when it rains and thunders. I know the property of rain is to wet my scales, and of the sun to dry them. I know it gets dark at night because there is no sun, and pigeons can fly because they have wings. And I know something inside me hurts when you leave the house, but the hurt goes away when you come back to me.
I have to hide during the day because I’m not human. People are scared of me. But at night, when no one is looking, I can go outside with you. Slither beside you. Really quietly. And we can count how many streetlamps there are.
I do not know what face you’re making, human. I didn’t make you sad again, did I?
Eeeek! That must mean no. Are you happy with me? Do I make you happy?
Eeeeeek! You make me happy too. I want to try brushing your hair like you brush mine. One of these days....
No, I’m not cold anymore. You always keep me warm. And in the morning, all the pillows smell like you (giggling). Thank you for teaching me how to build a giant pillow fort! It’s just like my cave, but even comfier.
(Yawning) Uaagh. I think I can go to sleep now. The thunder can’t hurt me. (very softly) The thunder can’t hurt me. I have you with me.
You won’t run away from me, right?
(A brief kiss, as the listener reassures her)
I like it when you kiss me. Eeeek! You make me the happiest wurm in the world! I’ll...I’ll always protect you, okay? I won’t let anyone invade our pillow fort.
Good night. Can we get more chicken tomorrow? I want to eat chicken tomorrow.
Yay! I’ll go with you to the market. The shopkeeper gave us extra last time when he saw me. I don’t know why. I was hungry but I wasn’t going to eat him.
Yeah. I really do feel sleepy now. Good night, human.
Dar....Darling. Sweet dreams.
I love you too. Eeeek.

submitted by it_rains_blue_here to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:22 Making_flowers [US-MD] [H] MORE KEYS, MORE PRICE DROPS, MORE INVENTORY, including ASM, X-Men, Batman, Wolverine, DC, silver age, golden age, horror, you name it I have it. MUCH easier navigation, too! [W] PayPal

Cleaned up the inventory into folders on an easy to navigate Google Drive and added direct links on each issue below. Click on the issue to be taken directly to the folder with that issue's photos. You can scroll below the inventory list for more details on condition and key facts. I’m always open to bundle deals and reasonable offers. Let's talk, I need to make room.
I’ve also taken on a lot of random fillers as I fill inventory, so I’ll be including a random comic valued around $10 (legitimately, not junk) in each order.
These prices include shipping (Gemini mailers whenever possible). I've tried to provide condition explanations, photos of everything (even the ones below $100) and detailed photos.
Again, all images are now organized much better in individual Google drive folders.
Inventory with pictures (new items since last post in bold, scroll below list for details on each):
Marvel Heroes
Condition and Key Details:
X-Men #39 - 1967 - Debut of the new X-Men costumes: $85
This is an awesome book. It’s absolutely beautiful with just a little bit of wear to the outside edges in spots. Great colors, solidly attached. I love this one. Another one I’m only selling because I have it in a higher grade now in my PC.
X-Men #221 - 1987 - First Appearance of Mister Sinister: $70
Awesome condition. Just a couple of minor spine ticks. Other than that, beautiful. See photos.
X-Men #4 - 1992 - First Appearance of Omega Red: $20
Awesome condition. Not even any spine ticks. See photos
Wolverine (1988) #1 - 1988 - Can’t have the 1982? Take this instead!: $65
Also in awesome, gorgeous condition. Very, very clean. See photos.
Amazing Adventures #11 - 1972 - First furry beast: $100
In awesome condition. Minor, tiny blemish (possibly a tape pull?) on the bottom of the A on cover. See photo, but very tiny blemish.
Amazing Adventures #13, #16 & #17 - $42
Good to great condition on these Beast issues, including the Juggernaut vs Beast cover. Bundle with Amazing Adventures #11 (first furred Beast) and I'll give you a great deal.
Amazing Spider-Man #29 - 1965 - SLAB CGC 4.5 - Second Scorpion: $135
Slabbed. See photos.
Amazing Spider-Man #33 - 1966 - Classic story and iconic cover. You know it, I know it.: $180
This iconic book is in good to great shape, see the photos for the details. Solidly attached and great colors. Needs a press.
Amazing Spider-Man #40 - 1966 - Origin of the Green Goblin, Iconic Cover: $175
Looks great, clean, bright colors. Complete and solidly attached. See photos
Amazing Spider-Man #64- 1968 - Romita Spider-Man vs. Vulture Cover: $84
Great condition. Bright awesome colors.
Amazing Spider-Man #72 - 1969 - Shocker cover: $35
Is worn and the centerfold is detached (see photos). But it is complete and still has good colors on the interior.
Amazing Spider-Man #121 -1973 - Death of Gwen Stacy: $190
Lower grade since the cover is worn, has some holes but despite that the staples are attached, colors are good, and everything is attached and complete. The inside looks good, too. See photos for details.
Amazing Spider-Man #136 -1974 - First appearance of Harry Osborn at the Green Goblin: $48
Great looking book. Has some non-staining dirt on the back cover that can be easily cleaned. Solid, beautiful colors especially on that cover. Love this story and cover
Amazing Spider-Man #361 9.4 Slab - 1992 - First full appearance of Carnage: $110
High grade slab.
Amazing Spider-Man #361 Newsstand - 1992 - First appearance of Carnage - Slice at top, $38
Here's a tragedy. This otherwise beautiful high grade major key book has a clean scissor cut at the top through the whole book. Included photos and closeups.
Spider-Man vs. Wolverine #1 - 1987 - Death of First Hobgoblin: $19
Awesome condition. Pressable non-color breaking crease on back cover. See photos
Marvel Team-Up Annual #2 - 1978 - Spider-Man & The Hulk team-up: $25
In awesome condition. No spine ticks, creases, color breaks or bends.
Batman #191 - 1967 - Much like this post, Bat-Auction! Everything Must Go!: $18
Good shape, some wear. Clean exteriors.
Batman #209 - 1968 - KITTY!: $18
Good shape, minor wear, clean but worn.
Batman #217 - 1969 - Iconic cover art by Neal Adams: $38
Great shape, some wear on the cover. Solid book, great art and interiors.
Batman #357 - 1983 - First cameo of Jason Todd, 1st full appearance of Killer Croc: $62
Controversial 1sts aside, CGC counts it that way so who am I to quibble? Anyway, this one is in great shape. Back needs a press and thee is some minor wear to the edges but its a solid book with great interiors.
Batman Annual #14 - 1990 - Iconic Neal Adams Two-Face Cover, Origin of Two-Face: $15
Amazing condition, almost unused. See photos.
Detective Comics #259 - 1958 - First Appearance of Calendar Man: $175
Worn but expected for its age. Solid staples and fully attached. Great colors.
Detective Comics #324 (1964) and Batman #410 (1987) - $32
324 in good condition but could use a clean and press. Batman 410 is in awesome condition, but considering the prices of these I figured I’d just throw them together.
Detective Comics #355 and 2 copies of #375 - $25
Some classic old Batman. Good but a cleaning is needed on 355, two copies of 375 one clean and great condition one worn in but complete and attached.
Marvel Heroes
Incredible Hulk #250 (Newsstand) - 1980 - Iconic Hulk vs. Silver Surfer cover: $38
Awesome condition. See photos.
Marvel Feature #1 - 1971 - Origin & First Defenders: $49
I good condition with fantastic colors throughout. Has tape pull on cover, subscription crease color break (see photos)
Tales of Suspense #94 - 1967 - First appearance of M.O.D.O.K.: $55
In pretty good condition, with a little edge wear and marks on the cover in places. Other than that it has bright clean pages and good colors.
Captain America #110 - 1969 - Rick Jones dons Bucky Costume, first appearance of Madame Hydra: $50
Iconic Jim Steranko cover and art. In OK condition, a bit worn, could definitely use a cleaning. See photos.
Journey into Mystery #125 - 1966 - Iconic cover and last Journey into Mystery before Thor title change: $49
Very good condition, has a small chip out of the bottom left cover but other than some cover wear it’s just a solid book with great colors.
Invaders #31 - 1978 - Frankenstein is a Nazi. Come on: $17
In awesome condition. Also did I mention Captain America fights Nazi Frankenstein?
Daredevil #157 (Newsstand) - 1979: $15
Awesome condition. No spine ticks, creases, color breaks or bends.
Daredevil #164 (Newsstand) - 1980 - Iconic Cover: $50
In awesome condition. Great colors on cover despite all the white. No spine ticks, creases, color breaks or bends.
Daredevil #184 Newsstand - 1982 - Iconic cover: $22
In fantastic condition. Newsstand variant that has been very well kept.
Astonishing Tales featuring Dr. Doom & Kazar #1 - 1970 - First issue in series: $15
In great condition. Great colors and quality. Doctor Doom.
Sub-Mariner #15 and #31 - Silver Age Namor bundle: $22
Great colors and interiors. Fading on spine cover on #15, #31 in great condition, see photos.
Fantastic Four #150 - 1974 - Wedding of Crystal and Quicksilver: $25
In awesome condition. No spine ticks, creases, color breaks or bends.
Tales to Astonish #58 - 1964 - Silver age Giant Man: $19
Worn condition but complete and attached. See photos.
Green Lantern #59 - 1968 - First appearance of Guy Gardner: $115
Worn but complete. Attached at top staple, bottom staple detached.
Flash #113 - 1960 - First appearance and origin of the Trickster: $75
This one looks good until you realize it has tape up the spine holding the loose staples on. Included pictures of the staples and tape. It is complete and has good colors otherwise, but still low grade because of the tape/staple issue.
Flash #129 - 1962 - First team-up of golden age Flash and silver age Flash; first appearance of golden age Green Lantern and JSA in silver age: $90
Good condition! Very solid, great colors, complete and attached.
Flash #147 - 1964 - Second appearance of Professor Zoom: $90
Good condition! Very solid, great colors, complete and attached.
Aquaman #11 - 1963 - First appearance of Mera: $90
Worn condition but solid, complete and attached.
Action Comics #263 - 1960 - Last appearance of Bizarro world. End of Bizarro world not told. Not good deal.: $33
Cover has pen on it and is worn but interiors are good, complete and attached and colors are great.
Frankenstein #1, Marvel - 1973 - Fist appearance and origin of Frankenstein in Marvel comics: $35
Worn but complete, attached, and cool as all hell. See photos for condition. Could definitely use a cleaning. A hard to find book at this price.
Werewolf by Night #4 - 1972 - Introduction of the Darkhold: $20
Low grade, heavy wear on the cover front and back. Get a key at a steal!
Werewolf by Night #8 - 1973 - Has Mark Jewelers insert included: $26
Is in great shape and includes a Mark Jewelers insert making this regular issue a little more rare.
Werewolf by Night #18 - 1974 - $22
Worn condition but great colors. See photos.
Tomb of Dracula #18 -1974 - First battle of Dracula & Werewolf by Night: $32
Nice shape. Needs a press but is solid and colors are good.
Tomb of Dracula #27 and #63 - $23
Non-key issues in great condition, just throwing together to move.
Strange Tales #73 - 1960 - First appearance of Grottu, first appearance of ‘Frank’ who later becomes Ulysses Bloodstone. Great old horror in low grade: $20
Book is beat, see photos. But it’s an awesome piece of Marvel monster history. I’m only selling because I recently got a high grade copy and I’m selling at this price in hopes someone wants to give it a home in their PC.
Beware! #1 - 1973 - First issue reprints horror stories from Menace, Spellbound and Tales of Suspense: $25
Overall good shape. Solid book, some wear on the cover. But firmly intact and a great 1st issue.
Early Man-Thing lot: Astonishing Tales #13, Adventure into Fear #11-13: $80 (willing to split this lot up)
First cover appearance of Man-Thing, and 3rd appearance overall in awesome condition. The Fear 11-13 are in good condition, but a little more worn than the Astonishing.
House of Secrets #91 - 1971 - Iconic Neal Adams cover: $32
Book is in great condition. There is some minor chipping on a portion of the bottom edge of the cover but other than the wear on the cover it is a beautiful book.
Giant Size Chillers #1 - 1975 - John Romita art: $20
Not the more valuable 1974 with Drac but this is in awesome condition and still some great classic horror.
Tower of Shadows Annual #1 - 1971 - Romita cover and Neal Adams art: $25
Great condition. Good colors, solid book.
Dead of Night #1 - 1973 - Romita art: $35
Really great condition, with a minor color rub or stain or something (can’t tell what) to a spot on the bottom of the front cover and top of the back. Fantastic colors, white pages.
Mystery in Space #68 - 1961 - 10c Comic Goodness: $25
Cover is detached, but hey, it’s a 10c comic. Otherwise good colors and pages.
Strange Adventures #138 - 1962: $18
Good condition, good colors.
Golden and Silver Age Lot of 12- $85
Came into a lot of worn golden and silver books I know little about. Would like to offload them all together, so take a look at the album. Includes Little Lulu, Cheyenne Kid, the Flintstones, Tarzan, some other Gold Key and Dell stuff and an Adventures book from 1945. Did some research to get prices, take a look.
Star Spangled War Stories #113 - 1964 -Bruh, they’re fighting pterodactyls: $17
In good shape. Some wear to the back cover and minor wear on the front. Great story and art.
submitted by Making_flowers to comicswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:20 Runopologist Super Squats Beginner Progress/Results and Program Discussion

Hi gainers,
I have just finished running Super Squats by Randall J. Strossen and wanted to share my results. There are plenty of discussions of this program out there already, but I figured sharing my experience with the program can't hurt and can hopefully be interesting, or maybe even useful to someone. This was my first time running a "proper" program (i.e. one designed by a prefessional) and it has been by far the most productive training block I have done so far. Since I am a beginner, I'm not calling this a review (I don't have the training experience to offer any kind of expert opinion). This post is meant rather to show my results as a beginner on the program and to share some of my thoughts about it.
[Before, 82kgs, 10 April 2024](https://imgur.com/a/super-squats-before-82kg-10-04-2024-PvPBvIl). NSFW. Pics taken the day after the first workout.
[After, 86kgs, 18 May 2024](https://imgur.com/a/loPa07y). NSFW. Pics taken the day after the last workout.
M30, 6'2", no athletic background. Typical denizen of this sub in that I could always eat loads and not put on weight blah blah blah. Worked out in my teens with weights in my room but never maintained a consistent schedule long enough to see significant results. Fast forward to 2 years ago when I started doing bodyweight workouts at home and making an effort to gain weight. Had some success and then started going to the gym at the start of this year. Did a 4 day/week UppeLower split with some success. My weight had fluctuated between a very skinny 67kgs to around 73kgs throughout my twenties. Prior to running Super Squats I had already bulked from 74kgs at the start of December to 82kgs at the start of April (I started taking creatine in January which definitely contributed to this weight gain).
The Program:
Super Squats is a book, which is short (less than 100 pages) and contains everything you need to run the program. Although the book was written in 1989, the routine it outlines is based on old-school squatting programs utilized by strongmen from the 1920s onwards. A chapter is devoted to this history of squats, the "master exercise". There are a couple of anachronisms (my favourite is referring to the hamstrings as "thigh biceps") but overall it is well-written and presented.
The program itself is a six week full-body routine, with the choice to run it 2 or 3 days per week. I won't spell out the whole program here (just buy the book), but the core of the routine is, of course, a single set of twenty heavy squats, with the trainee taking at least three deep breaths between each rep. The squats are supersetted with a set of light pullovers or Rader chest pulls to stretch the rib cage. The starting weight for the squats is a weight you can do for 10 reps (and yes, you really do twenty reps with that weight) and the program stipulates that you must add at least 5lbs/2.5kgs every single workout. The program is fairly light on volume (especially if you run it 2 days per week like I did) but what it lacks in volume, it more than makes up in intensity.
There is no way around it: heavy, high-rep squats are deeply, profoundly, brutally unpleasant. There is no stipulation for rep cadence or how long the set should take, you can take as long as you like, but completing 20 reps with good form will require having the bar on your back for at least 3-4 minutes. From week 2 onwards, the single set of squats always took me more than 5 minutes (and it always felt much longer).
Performing warm-up sets slowly and deliberately was crucially important. Before I even got to the warm-up sets I performed a few reps of touchdown-squats on a box, and a few more of goblet squats with a light kettlebell, opening my hips against a resistance band to prime my glutes and quads.
Super Squats is the embodiment of "mind over matter". The book has a whole section on mindset and positive visualization to help trainees to manage the seemingly impossible task of squatting a 10-rep weight for 20 reps. It sounds stupid, but by the second half of the program, I had gotten into a ritual of giving the bar a firm slap, as a jockey would slap his racehorse, before I started the set, cementing my effort to view the bar not as an enemy to overcome but as a friend helping me to achieve my goals.
Reps 11 and 12 were usually the hardest. By the time I got to ten reps my legs were already trembling. My whole body was drenched in sweat, the weight of the bar impossibly heavy resting on my traps, crushing my whole body into the ground. Time had slowed to a crawl, and the thought that I was only half way would be enough to sap my resolve if I let it. Once I got to rep 13, comfortably more than halfway, I no longer had to think about breathing. I was sucking in great lungfuls of air automatically and heaving them out so hard I sprayed the mirror in front of me with droplets of spit (yes, of course I wiped it down afterwards). Once I got to rep 17 I knew I had the set in the bag. No matter how tortuous those last three reps, no matter how long they took, no matter how many heaving breaths I had to take, I could do 3 more reps.
During week 2 I had what I think is the closest I've ever had to an out-of-body experience. It was as if I was watching someone else perform the agonizing reps while I talked myself through the rest of the set: "Breathe, good, deeper, you've got this, next rep, nice. Keep going".
Breathing is the key. The book talks at length about the importance of deep breathing throughout the set. Pretty quickly, I found that deep breathing was the only way to keep from passing out or collapsing mid set, though as I said, deep breathing becomes automatic about halfway through the set (there's simply no other way to stay upright with the weight on your back). A very helpful tip from the book is to suck in an extra gulp of air on top of your already full lungs for each of the last reps.
If all this sounds a bit exaggerated, try the program and see for yourself. But I'm not trying to put anyone off with this description, quite the opposite! The great thing about Super Squats is that the difficulty of the squats is directly proportional to the feeling of giddy elation upon completing the set. I always felt great after the set, and rode the feeling of accomplishment for the rest of the day. The program really pushes you beyond the boundaries of what you think you can do.
My Progress:
I started the squats at quite a low weight of just 40kg. The book recommends erring on the side of starting too light, and then adding more weight if needed, so that is what I did. Remember, the program stipulates a minimum increase of 5lbs/2.5kgs per workout, but there's nothing saying you can't add more. Once I realized the weight was too light (I managed 21 reps for the first workout) I simply increased the weight by 10kgs on the second workout and continued with the 2.5kg increases from there.
Before starting Super Squats I had had a two week break from training due to illness, so I started with too-low weights (I exceeded the target rep range on all exercises). So I increased the weight by 5-10kgs depending on the exercise for the second workout. The program has varying set numbers and rep ranges for different exercises. As a general rule, I increased the weight once I could hit the target rep range for the first two sets of each exercise, but I did not stick to this rule every workout.
The only thing I stuck to was the minimum increase of 2.5kgs for the squats every workout. I managed this consistently until the final week, when I failed on the eccentric of the tenth rep with a weight of 77.5kgs (a 5kg increase on the previous workout). My legs just gave way and I could not get back up. I did two more sets to make sure that I at least performed more total reps than the previous workout. Then, in the last workout, I amazed myself by succesfully performing all 20 reps with the same weight. Definitely the hardest set I have ever done, and I was completely finished afterwards, but the highlight of the program for sure.
Other ups and downs: I lost reps on Bench and Bent-over Rows on both workouts of week five, but got them back in week six and set new PRs on both. A good reminder that progress is rarely linear. My left knee started hurting in the last week, but thankfully the pain hasn't persisted. I guess my form might have broken down a bit too much in one of the last workouts.
The book's diet advice is very simple: lots of calories and protein, with the majority coming from healthy whole food sources. Nothing surprising there. The book has two recommendations in addition to meals for achieving these goals: milk and shakes. The book doesn't use the GOMAD acronym, but that's basically what it boils down to: a recommended minimum of 2 quarts (about 2 litres) per day in addition to meals and snacks, with a recommendation to increase to up to a gallon (nearly 4 litres) per day if you can.
I was somewhat surprised to see that the book recommends home-made mass gainer shakes for trainees who struggle to eat enough solid food (the book refers to them as "blender bombs" which I think sounds much cooler).
I am not vegetarian, but I don't eat meat very often. I live with my fiancee, who doesn't like meat, and since we eat dinner, the main meal of the day, together, we eat a lot of plant-based meat substitutes. I did, however, eat meat more often than usual during the program. My typical diet looks something like this:
Breakfast: Usually muesli, with seeds, fruit (apple or banana), yoghurt, and a scoop of unflavoured whey protein.
Lunch: Usually eggs, fried or scrambled in butter, served with wilted spinach on wholemeal toast or with pasta and pesto. If not eggs then leftovers from last night's dinner. My local supermarkets do a rangle of reasonably healthy frozen meals and during the program I ate these a couple of times per week, always going for chicken dishes with plenty of vegetables.
Dinner: Something based around the aforementioned meat substitutes. Favourites include spaghetti bolognese (with plenty of cheese of course), chili with black beans, sour cream and guacomole served with rice, and burgers with fries for a "junk"/"dirty" option.
I don't count calories but I do roughly track protein, aiming for 2g per kg bodyweight and topping up with whey protein as needed.
During Super Squats, I upped my creatine dosage from 3.5g/day to 5g/day, added extra snacks to the above diet (nuts, dark chocolate etc.) and also milk and shakes as the book suggests. For the first three weeks I had a daily shake consisting of whey protein, milk, cocoa powder, banana, peanut butter and oats. The shakes helped with weight gain, but they proved unsustainable, as they led to some, er, digestive issues. Ok, they gave me explosive diarrhoea. See [this review of Super Squats](https://empire-barbell.com/2021/07/23/super-squats-review-of-the-legendary-20-rep-squat-program/) in which the author recounts ingesting a shake according to the book's recipe before starting a work shift and shitting himself during the shift, lol.
I hadn't really drank milk for several years prior to the program (I tend to prefer oat milk with my muesli) but I did increase my milk consumption slowly over the six weeks. For most of the duration I drank a couple of glasses per day, totalling only about 500ml -1 litre. Only in the last week did I make a serious effort to drink at least 2 litres per day. Turns out it's really easy to drink a lot of milk, and a very cost-efficient way to get lots of extra calories and protein. Who knew haha.
Rest and Recovery:
I've been having trouble sleeping lately, which was the reason I opted to do the program 2 days per week from the beginning (the book recommends starting with 3 days and dropping down to 2 if you find you can't recover sufficiently between workouts). I was a very deep sleeper as a child but those days are long gone and these days the slightest noise seems to be enough to wake me. My fiancee gets up early for work during the week (her alarm goes off at 4:45am), ivariably waking me before it does her, and we have a cat, who tends, as cats do, to go crazy in the small hours (her new favourite thing is scratching frantically on the closet doors). I've tired everything I can think of short of getting rid of the cat, which I'm not willing to do for the sake of gains. Hopefully she will mellow as she gets older. If nothing else, I guess it's good practice for when we become parents lol. Suffice to say it's rare that I get an uninterrupted 8 hours of sleep.
I tried to do everything within my power to get as good sleep as I could (making an effort to get to bed earlier, playing with the cat to tire her out, etc.). I still made good gains despite overall poor sleep, but there were definitely some days when I could have gotten to bed earlier.
What I liked about the program:
Super Squats is a simple, easy-to follow program which is practically guranteed to lead to growth. The non-negotiable nature of progression from workout to workout gives a strong incentive to eat enough and get enough rest. I seriously can't see how someone could follow this program, increasing the weight as prescribed, and not grow.
Another thing I liked was making significant progress over a short timeframe while only training 2 days per week, leaving more time for life outside the gym.
By far the biggest benefit of the program, hower, is the lessons it imparts and the mental toughness it inculcates. Lessons you can only learn by standing under the crushing weight of the bar for 20 reps. Put simply, you are capable of more than you think you are, and this program teaches you that in a way that words never could. I feel that I now inderstand intensity as a training variable far more deeply than I did before the program. After running Super Squats I understand why it is so often recommended to beginners.
What I didn't like about the program:
The individual workouts took far too long. This was by far the biggest thing I disliked about the program. The book claims that the Basic Routine should take less than an hour to complete, but I found that I rarely completed a workout in less than 90 minutes, and several times it took me a full 2 hours. Granted, this was partly due to training in a busy McGym, where waiting for equipment is often a factor, and I feel like I spend half my life searching for locking collars, but even so, the long workouts were grinding. Another big factor is just how exhausted you are after that set of squats. I often felt like I was moving in slo-mo, with the stiff-legged deadlifts (themselves no easy exercise) and calf and ab work still to get through.
The other main negative factor was how daunting the squats are. I rarely looked forward to workouts, and often actively dreaded them. I really had to psyche myself up to go to the gym on this program, despite knowing that I would feel great after my workout. That next set of squats was always looming ahead menacingly.
What I would do differently:
The biggest thing I would change is doing the milk properly from the beginning. By "doing the milk" I mean drinking at least the recommended 2 quarts per day. I would also probably leave the shakes out, and make an effort to eat cleaner. I kind of gave myself free reign to cut corners and do what it takes to gain on the program (spooning peanut butter from the jar and ice cream from the tub, eating "junk" meals like burgers and fries or frozen pizzas a couple of times a week, etc.).
I would have chosen a different abs exercise. I did hollow-body crunches, but since these can't be loaded (as far as I know) I had to resort to adding extra reps and then an extra set to add progressive overload. It would have been smarter and more time-efficient to simply choose a weighted abs exercise and increase the load each workout.
I could have been more diligent about consistenly increasing weight/reps on all exercises other than the squats. I feel my progress on the other lifts could have been better.
The book does not mention cardio, and in fact states that trainees should move as little as possible outside of training to allow for maximum recovery. I will definitely add some light cardio in the form of walking the next time I run the program (thanks to u/MythicalStrength for pointing out that since the program is based on old-school principles, it is likely assumed that pretty much everyone would have been doing a fair bit of walking before lifestyles became so sedentary in developed countries). Over the weekend between weeks five and six my mother came to visit, and in the course of showing her around my city I did a lot of walking that weekend (15k steps each day). I think this may have contributed to the failure on the first workout of week 6 by eating into my recovery. Ideally, I would just do, say, a 30-40 minute walk on off days throughout the program.
Most of all, I would trust the process. Of course this is easy to say with hindsight, but there was a point in weeks 3-4 where I got quite demotivated, felt like I coudn't notice the program working (of course not - visual changes take longer than a couple of weeks!) and felt quite tired out from all the eating, so I ended up eating a bit less for about a week in the middle of the program, which quite possibly contributed to the strength losses in week 5. Again, progress isn't linear, but if you stick to the program over six weeks it will pay off.
Conclusion/Next Steps:
Running Super Squats over the last six weeks has been without a doubt the most physically and mentally challenging thing I have ever done, but the payoff has been well worth it. 4kgs gained in 6 weeks and invaluable lessons learned. I'm going to have to go clothes shopping and replace most of my wardrobe. Shirts and T-shirts that were loose are now tight, and my old slim-fit T-shirts now look comically small. Even my straight-leg jeans are now tight fitting (my fiancee said the other day, "Those jeans are a bit tight on you now, huh? But your bum looks great!").
Being on the taller side, I still have quite a lot of frame to fill out, and I still have a lot to learn about training. I will definitely be running Super Squats again in future. I am especially interested in running the Abbreviated Program, consisting of only the squats, pullovers/Rader chest pulls, bench, and bent-over rows. This would solve the problem of workouts being too long, but I imagine it would be extremely challenging, since you should increase the weight on all exercises each workout, not just the squats. With bench and bent-over rows offering less overall muscle fibre recruitment than squats, and 2.5kgs being the smallest weight increase logistically possible (in my gym, anyway), I imagine that this would be challenging in the extreme.
The book suggests running a strength-building training block after the 20-rep squat program, consisting of more sets with lower rep ranges. It even suggests alternating between six weeks on the 20-rep squat program and six on the strength-building program, extending Super Squats well past the initial six weeks. While this approach is intriguing, I want to try something different, and I would rather have more training days in the week in return for shorter individual workouts.
I've ordered a copy of 5/3/1 and will probably run 531 for Beginners, and then see which template I run after that. I have my eye on the BBB Beefcake 3 Month Challenge, but I'll see when I get there. For now, I'm going to dial back on the eating, to around maintenance levels, for at least a couple of weeks (I need a break from stuffing myself all day).
In the meantime, I can't recommend Super Squats enough! You will surprise yourself on this program.
Well, that turned into a huge wall of text. Thanks very much for taking the time to read if you got this far!
submitted by Runopologist to gainit [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:05 fearsomefrights High Beams

It was half past nine when my shift at the diner ended. It’s not any place specifically you’d know, though you’d be forgiven for confusing it for a Waffle House given the abundance of cheap, greasy food and drunk clientele. The only thing distinguishing our location was that our doors closed at ten.
It was a cold night in October. The winds felt out of place for the fall season with the sharp way they bit into my skin. Usually, the low temperatures in Grant tended to hover around the mid-fifties. Tonight felt particularly frigid even bundled up in the warm confines of my jacket.
I hurried through the lot outside the diner, passing by several vehicles. When I made it to my car at the far end, I was quick to put the key in the ignition.
My car was a special edition Subaru Legacy. The only thing special about it was that it was only by the grace of God that my radiator and engine were still operational given the car was a little over two decades old.
When you turn the key, the engine would knock. My father said it was indicative of worn-out bearings. Could be an engine getting ready to declare sayonara before it crapped out one final time and departed for car heaven or perhaps car hell given its rough condition.
I knew little about that though; all I knew was that as a poor college student I was having a difficult enough time as is scrambling to make ends meet with a part time job at a diner. Regardless, whatever the solution, the answer involved money. Money I, notably, didn’t have.
The smart thing to do would be to purchase another used car; though in this economy that sort of thing is far easier said than done.
An even harder task than figuring out the financing for a replacement vehicle was getting this stubborn thing to turn. The engine threatened to exhibit life but would stop short of properly starting.
It was about the fifth round when my engine found the energy to fight the good fight on this frigid night. The engine knocked fiercely, reverberating inside the hood for a few seconds before the noise steadied itself.
I sighed in relief and backed out of my parking spot in the back of the lot.
As I left, I couldn’t help but notice something out of the corner of my eye. A man, a very rugged specimen of the male sex adorning a blue baseball cap and a grizzly beard, was approaching my vehicle at a brisk pace. Where I was the only one stationed at the back of the lot, it seemed odd he was coming my way.
I turned my head to acknowledge him. That’s when he began to break out into a full-on run.
My heart raced almost as fast as my car. I slammed the pedal down and sped out of the lot, the tires screeched loudly along the pavement as I veered to a sharp right.

I was lucky the road didn’t carry heavy traffic around this time of night. Where my eyes were focused on him, I was damn near lucky I hadn’t plowed directly into someone.
I sped along the highway and tried to rationalize why this lumberjack looking fellow had charged me. News reports of human trafficking came to mind, but it wasn’t really anything you heard much about in a place as remote as Grant Alabama.
For crying out loud, we physically were so remote one of the miniature cities within Grant was called Bucksnort. We were about as far from the Big Apple, or any real semblance of civilization, one could get.
After a minute of driving, I slowed down, especially when I heard something in the engine rattle. This car wasn’t designed for no races or wild chases. Not with the amount of age it carried.
Besides, I was alone. Safe.
At least that’s what I thought before I heard the blaring of a truck horn. An eighteen-wheeler was coming up behind me. Given I was the only other soul visible on this lonely two lane stretch of highway, it was clear they were honking at me.
I prayed to God and kept moving.
The big rig followed closely. We went down the road for two miles when suddenly my vision was obscured in a bright light.
The trucker was flashing his high beams. I could barely see when he hit me with them. I nearly swerved off the road when he did it.
After a few seconds the mounted flood lights on his vehicle relented and the blinding rays ceased their assault on my eyes.
I moved my car to the right lane to let him pass. He had no intention of doing so. His signal made that clear when he merged behind me.
Drops of rain began to pour from the sky lightly tapping my windshield.
Plop…plop, plop…plop.
My car didn’t handle well with slick roads. Fortunately, I wasn’t too far from home. Maybe another seven miles.
The fiery orange glow flooded the cabin of my car and I yelped.
I fumbled in my purse. One hand on the wheel, one digging desperately for my phone. With my visibility being periodically robbed, I was already a hazard on the road. Might as well risk compounding the issue if it meant I could get in contact with the police.
When the high beams vanished, I managed to pull out my phone and dial 911.

The operator answered after two rings. “911, what’s your emergency?” The man that answered the call sounded bored out of his mind, like he’d rather be anywhere else on a Saturday night.
I didn’t care if he was bored, entertained, playing with himself. As long as he could send someone out that’s all I cared about in the end.
“There’s a maniac tailgating me,” I said.
The operator’s voice clipped. Though from what I could understand of the roboticized sound coming out from his end of the line, I could tell from his tone he remained unenthused. “Ma’am, you’ve called an emergency line.”

“Y-you don’t understand! I was leaving work and this man started chasing me. I-I think he’s trying to hurt me.”
The operator fell silent for a few seconds. For a moment, between the rainy weather and the flaky signal, I thought I’d lost him. His voice reemerged seconds later. “Where are you?”
I rattled off the highway number I was driving on and told him my home address.
“I’ll get an officer dispatched in the area. ETA should be around ten minutes.”
Ten minutes. Six hundred seconds. Toss whatever metric you wanted to use to measure it out, with that big rig riding close behind me and the driver intermittently blinding me when they felt like getting their rocks off, it might as well have spanned an eternity. I was going to be lucky I didn’t crash into a guardrail or land myself in a ditch.
“Make that around fifteen minutes,” the operator clarified, his crackled voice twisting the knife deeper into me with his update.
I made the turn off the two-lane highway. I didn’t signal when I did it. I was hoping the sudden movement would have had my unwanted friend in the big rig blow past me.
For a moment, I believed it worked. No more blinding lights. The only sound was the operator fishing for a response and the pitter patter of rain on my windshield.
My sigh of relief became a choking noise lodged inside my throat as I saw the eighteen-wheeler backing up. It didn’t turn on a dime, but he was moving fast enough.
The road up ahead winded with hairpin curves. I didn’t know how long I’d have until those lights were upon me. Till he was upon me.
The phone clicked and the call abruptly ended.
I cursed under my breath while my engine knocked like an irate person trying to beat down a door. My Subaru was rapidly approaching its limit. I had to think fast.
These were my options: I could risk speeding and hoped the engine would hold out till I made it to the house, or I could continue driving at a steady pace. If the first option proved successful, he might not see where my vehicle would vanish. If it didn’t, my car might leave me stranded. That’s assuming I didn’t wreck myself taking a turn too fast.
The other option would be safer, but I’d be visible to him. Though with some of these curves I feared if he hit me with the high beams again, I’d be at risk of crashing. Where the area of road ascended, one wrong turn would mean a long journey down.
It would mean certain death.
Taking a sharp intake of breath, I pulled out my phone and called my husband. The only answer I got was his voicemail urging me to leave a message at the tone.
“Billy, there’s a lunatic after me. I’ve called the cops. Please…please be ready. I’m only two minutes away.”
It wasn’t the most inspiring call to action. My husband wasn’t Billy Badass. He was more like Billy the Stamp Collector. Benign hobbies. Soft spoken. Wouldn’t hurt a fly.
Still, I was counting on his presence to deter Mr. High Beams behind me. It was a desperate ploy, but it was all I could think of on such short notice.
I made the turn into the dirt trail that led to my driveway. As I was pulling in the porch light flickered to life. Maybe. It might have been those high beams. They illuminated my cab in a flood of light once more obscuring my vision.
The door to the house opened and a figure ran out of the entryway. My husband from what I could discern of the silhouette. Our dog Jasper, a black schnauzer with more bark than bite, darted out the door. I couldn’t see the little guy, but I heard him.
I stopped the car and shoved open the door. I bolted out of the seat, nearly tripping over my own feet with my frantic departure.
Jasper started barking up a storm, even before the big rig came to a standstill.
The door of it opened and the bearded man stepped out of the vehicle.
Strangely, my dog paid the trucker little mind. Jasper’s eyes remained fixated on my Subaru. He began to snarl.
“Get away from the car,” the man bellowed. He pulled out a gun and pointed it at an angle, almost like he was aiming at my vehicle.
Was this how my life was going to end? Shot dead when I was at the finish line, where I was supposed to be safe?
My husband Billy babbled. “S-sir, please. You don’t have to do this.”
The trucker shook his head. As he did, the sound of sirens began to blare in the distance. He didn’t answer us. Instead, he lowered his gun into his holster and stood still as a statue all while my dog continued snarling and barking at our vehicle.
When the police came, guns drawn, he remained calm.
“I’m not the one you want,” he said. “The car. Search the car.”
Even to this day, I still remember in vivid detail what happened. When the police opened the rear driver door, there was a gaunt looking man back there crouched in the floorboard with a knife clenched in his hand. The wide, manic look lingering in his eyes remained far colder than the frigid winds blowing around us.
The trucker explained later that he saw the man inside my vehicle wielding the blade. He must’ve snuck inside before my shift ended. Once the driver realized what was going on, he’d tried to intervene.
Every time the person in the backseat had attempted to overpower me, to harm me, the trucker turned on his high beams. It scared my unknown passenger. The sight of the light made him hide.
The police hadn’t offered much in the way of details concerning who my stowaway was; given the six inches worth of blade he held, not much imagination was needed to map out what the strange man planned to do to me.
I learned on that cold, lonely October night to never judge a situation wholly by appearances. I was grateful to that truck driver. If it weren’t for his persistence, I would probably not be alive today to share my story.
submitted by fearsomefrights to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:00 Jawaz12 Parabolic dish for satellites

Parabolic dish for satellites
Hi was just wondering if could use my hackrf with this parabolic dish ( it's called a zehnder Rittling AX 40 ) for capturing images from the NOAA or meteor satellites (a picture of the specs from the manual is attached) Or possibly with some other SDR. Thanks
submitted by Jawaz12 to amateursatellites [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:54 Parzival812 School List help needed, applying MD/ pHD

Hello, MD resident here, MCAT: 513, GPA: 3.86, ORM, received pell prant so low SES but haven't mentioned in my essays or PS (Should I?)
Research interest in biostructural work, virology/ oncology but all focused on understanding the disease models which can later be used to develop SMI if possible.
Research: ~3500 hours between two labs, about 500 in the first cancer research lab and the rest in a biostructural lab working on HIV-1 viral genome. Tutoring: 3820 hours TA: 320 hours Non clinical work: 2000 hours Clinical exp: current: 20 hours US physician, 300 hours, international physician (india) projected hours: 500 Volunteering (non-clinical): 750 hours Volunteering (clinical): projected: 400 hours
Publications: 1 from a undergrad lab class Posters: 4, 1 more coming up in June.
no awards or prestigious scholarships
big on photography, 10000+ hours working as a professional since 2019.
PS. I know I am not qualified from columbia but it is my dream school and I okay with giving them my $100 donation lol. And thank you so much for your time.
List: Columbia U Vagelos Coll of P&S University of Michigan Med Sch U Rochester SOM & Dentistry Alpert Med Sch of Brown U University of Maryland SOM University of Colorado SOM Georgetown University SOM Pennsylvania State U COM St Louis University Sch of Med Emory University Sch of Med Albany Medical College U Wisc. Sch of Med. & Pub Hlth Sidney Kimmel Medical College Virginia Commonwealth U SOM Albert Einstein Coll of Med Cooper Medical School of Rowan Rutgers New Jersey Med School Ohio State University COM Drexel University Coll of Med LKSOM-Temple Chicago Med Rosalind Franklin U Chicago Pritzker Sch of Med
submitted by Parzival812 to premed [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:51 ConsciousRun6137 The Grim Global Harvest; The Onslaught of Parasites That Destroy Liberty

The Grim Global Harvest; The Onslaught of Parasites That Destroy Liberty
You need to understand that you and your family are targets of some of the most powerful corporations and dangerous tech that exists on earth. Yes. Your life is being stolen, and your personal electrical energy harvested. That’s what the controlling powers behind wetiko do, and the pressure is on right now to do this at warp speed. Life has become a never ending stream of psychological operations of deception. Whether any of us like it or not, the enemy is feeding on us. I’ve covered this idea at some length in this series on wetiko. [1]
Those of us in the know realize that the system is working very hard to use the slavery of the past as “permission” or “authority” to use us for what is essentially human batteries. Do you want to admit that you are being farmed like cattle (chattel)? This is a challenging concept, even though so many us that have awakened to the true plight of humanity and how we have been manipulated to believe in the illusion of our freedom. It’s nothing but a sham. We’ve been fed a broth of propaganda from the time we were babes, and most of us blindly accepted this for decades or more. Most of us are still under that power. Humanity remains firmly under the influence of “invisible” wetiko as slave master, through government and all power structures concocted by man and “archon.”
Under the continual influence of these “archons,” government, business and religion have been used for increasing subliminal programming of all humans for power and advantage. Of course, some are more sophisticated and harmful that others, but the mental and emotional entrainment are real. You are being used. That includes the energy that humans create and expend as finances.
Instead of being fearless, through continual battering and psychological operations, most of humanity has adopted a heads-down position to sustain an easier life, in an attempt to avoid trouble. For generations, even millenniums, most of us have taken this wetiko hook, line, and sinker even though it has been right in our face. We’ve been induced to internalize the negative energy placed upon us, caving in to regulations and orders that tear at freedom continually. Evil has been banking on fear winning the day. Yet the truth is, no matter how filled with wetiko many of these monsters are, they’ve been taking this a step at a time because of their own fear and hesitations, seduced by their own needs as they foist their poison agenda on the world of men, women and children. Wetiko needs psychopaths and the mentally ill to foist its collective will upon humanity. They also need technology (whatever tech available) to keep an iron grip on “the lesser” through every mind control technique available to them.
In most cases, our personal identities have been stolen, and we’ve accepted the thievery along with the chaos, distraction and reaction to the mayhem. They’ve hijacked the minds of multitudes throughout history to focus intently on elements of identity to divide and conquer.
Last post, I began to reveal how this massive mind control operation was being accomplished in physical minds, and how the minds of humanity were being affected and why. Yet, this attack is so pervasive and has been in place for so long, that removing the veil while having you able to understand what is being done might not be possible because of the degree of evil being pushed.
All of this hides a larger operation currently underway that is being worked through wireless towers that carry smartphone and other wireless signals. It’s part of an insane plan to track and count everything on this planet, which of course, consumes more and more energy. The insane power mongers operate as parasites, now through “wireless body area networks” and “medical body area networks.” Where will they get increasing amounts of this needed power? That power comes from you as an electrical physical being. It’s absolutely heinous, and the bastards think your silence is your consent, because that is the way they “legally” operate as part of their system of power. Your insurance company is even involved in the plot as they work to reign you in, even surveilling your physical home and surroundings under the illusion of providing health care. All this information is being used to subdue and control you, to produce data about you with the idea to control. It’s all a magic act of masterful deception. Humans are a major source of energy creation, as are all living creatures on this planet.
Biological parasites are real. Nano synthetic parasites are a new problem. Realize that you are being influenced on all levels through parasites, vampires that drain you at every opportunity to feed from you. Others work to poison you in a “war against humanity” to profit themselves.
Recent testimony to Congress proves the reality. Our government has been torturing people electronically by remote means using EMF radiation. Their campaign has been effective. Just as they used military families to test the “vaccine” and reap the results of an 82% abortion rate and declining health. The big lie was that the “vaccine” was not mRNA as biological material. The mainstream shots consist of synthetic materials using cesium 137 that make you a synthetic hybrid. The reverse transcriptase within will continue to poison generations to come. Shocking, even hard for many to believe.
You are being had if you are not awake to the cold reality that is being dealt, and then open to the idea of being badly used. Could your smartphone and other tech be used to feed on your electrical energy in a two-way information exchange? What other tech could be used? Time to think, open your mind and evaluate your options.
The evidence is clear. The pathological crime is underway. For example (in the States), a synthetic brewer’s yeast protein that is highly toxic (“pathogenic”) is being placed into all shots, including approximately 470,000 medications. This toxic “kinase” depends on a natural ability as an electrical parasite to the host body, promoting cancer and other chronic disease. Enter the famous “covid jab” of 2020. All inoculations turn the human body into an effective power source for technology to use as the “tech gods” see fit. This isn’t science-fiction folks. It’s a massive two-way surveillance tool. What’s worse: if you received the “vaccine,” you are genetically-modified chattel that belongs to the patent holder. Arguably, you are not human based on the legal niceties. Nice, huh? This detail is the real pandemic. You’ve been officially “owned” by their procedures and rules.
As electrical beings, we are susceptible to EMF radiation, and this is well documented. Research indicates that EMF radiation can be used to modify human behavior, depending on the frequency used. Frequency is everything, as we are creatures of frequency. For example, Bill Gates has turned people into computing nodes and use as a power source (Patent 2020060606, see image) to mine cryptocurrency. This patent harnesses the wireless body area network (WBAN). It probably hooks up to Windows computers and your router in ways you would never have imagined either. You really are the commodity, a servant to the “tech gods” for their empowerment and profit. The wetiko nightmare is real. The vampires are here and draining you, sometimes pretending to pay you something of value for the use of your biorhythms and personal data. It’s part of the carbon credit tracking agenda. You are being bought and sold based on biorhythms.
Over the decades, they have been able to track all humans by analysing cesium 137 contamination they placed in the food supply, which turns the human body into a two-way communication node. The gross large clots from the covid jab are flexible antennas, filled with the same cesium 137. Your privacy and health mean nothing to these mental monsters. Enjoy that reality if you can.
Wireless mesh networks, using low-energy bluetooth on smartphones are now tied into the vaccinated with 16 digit mac addresses for information harvesting on Android devices. It’s so ubiquitous that the IEEE (electrical engineers) have developed standards grounded in years of data. Based on these standards, our “benevolent overlords” have even decided that they might decide not to harness the energy of most children, and perhaps not the disabled. You can see the wetiko that Google and the business world have stooped to in a rush to the bottom in working through governments of the world. Business is simply another component of government creation and placement, such as in the case of Google. Android has made people cloud-computing nodes on the mesh network, soon to be followed with IOS. Tying this mesh network into satellite is in process. Starlink is a dual system, part of the harvesting plan with 30,000 satellites that the cover the earth with 5G. Most of this care and support of the Beast is being done under the pretense of “health monitoring” for the time being, in line with the health emergency declaration. The technology in place is two-way, in that “authority” has the ability to shut you down with disease, whether in the hospital or walking the street. Never before has killing someone anonymously been so easy, and it will get easier as this is normalized.
Last post, I discussed some positive things that you can do to heal, to fight the power of wetiko in your life. Now you can see that humanity is in a fight for its very life, and there are less of us that can do so as the global death cult attempts to take humanity down. Now we need to be involved in taking these towers of life-destroying power down, or stopping them from being erected altogether. It all starts on the local level with getting to know your local law enforcement, and through real-life contacts. You still have power to think and choose for yourself
submitted by ConsciousRun6137 to u/ConsciousRun6137 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:50 Foxsworn 《Epilogue》18+ - 𝓒𝓾𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓶 𝓛𝓸𝓻𝓮 - 𝓜𝓲𝓭-𝓕𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓼𝔂 - 𝓓𝓲𝓬𝓮-𝓑𝓪𝓼𝓮𝓭

Server Wipe/Season 2 Just Started!

Epilogue is an established roleplaying server designed for people who enjoy writing and rolling dice over mechanical PvP. Our world, Haethis, takes place in a time of civilization closely compared to the real-world’s mid 1700s, where humans, elves, and few oddities work closely together to preserve their existence. Lavenir, our server’s meticulously crafted and scripted hub is beautiful and immersive, with RP Jobs and tasks offered to those interested in employment. The city/hub itself has a low-fantasy feel, where characters are expected to refrain from heavy magick use, and to disguise themselves from affliction.
🌹 Specs & Info: Server IP: (Query Port: 17271) Server Location: New York, USA (East Coast NA) Max Level: 300 Discord: https://discord.gg/Epilogue Guild Tag: https://conanexilesrp.guildtag.com/forum-thread/18------------/309257/ Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1968456337 Lore/Wiki: https://epilogue-ce.fandom.com/wiki/Epilogue_Wiki
🌹 Our Many Features ➺ Hub Housing - Noble houses, regular housing, and innrooms all rentable (personal landclaim still available if you rent). ➺ Settlement Reputation System - Earn rewards like additional build count for growing your clan. ➺ Noble House System - Compete for rankings with other players, make choices for the server's story via voting. ➺ Of Kings & Men - Nobility & Settlement System ensures that players actually earn their titles. ➺ Custom RPR System - Afflicted characters have consequences for lack of maintenance. ➺ Welcoming Community - A place for supportive/friendly adults just looking to write; staff is kind and compassionate. ➺ Easy Access - Warps/waypoints, build kit, level 60 boost (max level 300), starting gear, vendors selling building materials. ➺ Casual Players Unforgotten - Daily quests to earn ingame currency, get paid to roleplay. ➺ Writing First - Focus on storytelling and writing for a positive and immersive experience. ➺ Indepth Lore/World - A rich and enticing world with ethnicities/cultures, political structures, religion, regions, and more. ➺ Mid-Fantasy - Based on the real-world 1700s/Baroque time period. No fantastical potions, handwaving illness/wounds through magick, guns. ➺ Consent is Sexy - All questionable themes require OOC consent. ➺ Events and Filler Scenes - Political intrigue, investigations, sellswording, merchantry, entertainment, overarching and minor server story-lines. ➺ Immersive Hub - RP Jobs with optional story prompts, daily/weekly quests, political voting to change IC rules. ➺ Recovered Goods - New seasons/wipes allows you to replenish your levels, money, and selected items/feats. ➺ Shown Dedication - Continuous growth and attention applied by staff members for over 1 year.
🌹 Mods We Use: ➺ Isle of Tir na nOg (Summer) ➺ Pippi, Tot !Chat, !Customize, Roleplay Redux, New Faces, Wonderbody ➺ Evil’s Cabinet, Crabby’s, Immersive Armor, Agony's Attic, Dark Decention Barber ➺ ExilesExtreme, Beyond DecoRustic, Dude’s, Shani’s, SvSE, Basements
🚫 Prohibited Concepts: ➺ IC/OOC bleed, metagaming godmoding. ➺ First-person, second-person, and voice roleplay. ➺ Pure PvP-focused/non-roleplayers. ➺ No minotaur, angels/demons, non-humanoid, nor offensive/fetishized concepts such as futanari.
submitted by Foxsworn to ConanExilesServers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:50 Parzival812 Need help/ opinion with school list

Hello, MD resident here, MCAT: 513, GPA: 3.86, ORM, received pell prant so low SES but haven't mentioned in my essays or PS (Should I?)
Research interest in biostructural work, virology/ oncology but all focused on understanding the disease models which can later be used to develop SMI if possible.
Research: ~3500 hours between two labs, about 500 in the first cancer research lab and the rest in a biostructural lab working on HIV-1 viral genome. Tutoring: 3820 hours TA: 320 hours Non clinical work: 2000 hours Clinical exp: current: 20 hours US physician, 300 hours, international physician (india) projected hours: 500 Volunteering (non-clinical): 750 hours Volunteering (clinical): projected: 400 hours
Publications: 1 from a undergrad lab class Posters: 4, 1 more coming up in June.
no awards or prestigious scholarships
big on photography, 10000+ hours working as a professional since 2019.
PS. I know I am not qualified from columbia but it is my dream school and I okay with giving them my $100 donation lol. And thank you so much for your time.
List: Columbia U Vagelos Coll of P&S University of Michigan Med Sch U Rochester SOM & Dentistry Alpert Med Sch of Brown U University of Maryland SOM University of Colorado SOM Georgetown University SOM Pennsylvania State U COM St Louis University Sch of Med Emory University Sch of Med Albany Medical College U Wisc. Sch of Med. & Pub Hlth Sidney Kimmel Medical College Virginia Commonwealth U SOM Albert Einstein Coll of Med Cooper Medical School of Rowan Rutgers New Jersey Med School Ohio State University COM Drexel University Coll of Med LKSOM-Temple Chicago Med Rosalind Franklin U Chicago Pritzker Sch of Med
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