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2024.05.19 17:16 DaenerysMadQueen S8 events according to the consensus

S8 events according to the consensus
"In the space of a single, terrible day and night, all your fighting men were swallowed up by the earth, and the island of Atlantis likewise was swallowed up by the sea and disappeared." -Plato
The first episode of the final season begins, echoing the atmosphere of Robert Baratheon's arrival at Winterfell in the series' premiere. What a lazy screenwriting move for fan service. Jon discovers the secret about his mother and his heritage, in front of his father's crypt. Ned Stark's promise was fulfilled, a stroke of luck for D&D.
"You gave up your crown to save your people. Would she do the same ?"
A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms
Then comes episode 2, where the heroes discuss future stakes, preparing for the Long Night, and what comes after the battle if it happens. Jon reveals the secret to Daenerys, who doesn't seem pleased to hear it. In short, nothing happens in this episode, it's boring.
"All my life, I've known one goal: the Iron Throne. Taking it back from the people who destroyed my family, and almost destroyed yours. My war was against them. Until I met Jon. Now I'm here, half a world away, fighting Jon's war alongside him. Tell me, who manipulated whom ?"
The Long Night
Finally, the famous battle of the Long Night. We just see the Dothraki charging with flaming swords into the darkness, and then nothing. Everything is dark. We can't see anything. Maybe Daenerys at some point tries to roast the Night King, but it's unclear. Everything is black, everything is darkness and gloom.
"- I'm going now.
- Go where ?"
"Nymeria, it's me, Arya. I'm heading north, girl. Back to Winterfell, I'm finally going home."
The Last of the Starks
After the credits, Jon Snow is giving a heartfelt speech for the fallen in the battle. Since we didn't see anything I suppose they won, probably because Jon finally killed the Night King and they are celebrating, but Daenerys is visibly disappointed that Arya is the hero of Winterfell, and she's upset that Jon refuses to cuddle with her because of the secret. She doesn't want Jon to talk about the secret because she doesn't want people to know they're engaging in incestuous cuddles. I think.
"Even if the truth destroys us ?"
Anyway, it's very disappointing that the war against the zombies is already over; we should have had a whole season of the Long Night, in darkness and gloom, with an episode solely focused on strategy and the use of trebuchets. And then, when the heroes finally set out to take down Cersei, Daenerys falls into a lame, obvious, and avoidable ambush. Rhaegal dies stupidly, and Missandei is captured, then executed. Tyrion fails to save her, Cersei wins the final Lannister duel, and she angers the Dragon Queen enough to push her over the edge. In short, all of this was rushed and poorly written, nothing makes sense, I am shocked and angry. It's unfair. It's not right.
"If you want justice, you've come to the wrong place."
The Bells
The penultimate episode of the series begins with a letter. Varys wants to inform that Jon is the heir to the throne; he betrays the queen. In mourning, with Tyrion, Daenerys only talks about the secret about Jon. It's the end, Act V of the play, the young tragic princess is lost, and the comedic archetype can't help her, it's too late, it doesn't matter now.
"- Yes, she trusts you. She trusted you to spread secrets that could destroy your own queen. And you did not let her down.
- If I have failed you, my queen, forgive me. Our intentions were good. We wanted what you want. A better world, all of us. Varys as much as anyone. But it doesn’t matter now.
- No. It doesn’t matter now."
An extremely poorly written dialogue, obviously, probably one of the worst-written dialogues in the history of theater, cinema, and television. In my opinion, far too convoluted and boring, far too tragic for a TV series.
Then the Unsullied come to arrest Varys, and he is sentenced to death.
"The Supreme Lord said: I am mighty Time, the source of destruction that comes forth to annihilate the worlds. Even without your participation, the warriors arrayed in the opposing army shall cease to exist." -11.32 Bhagavad Gita
  • Cersei should have won the battle; she had the scorpions, the Iron Fleet, and the Golden Company, and it was the logical continuation from the end of episode 4. However, it's worth mentioning that she had no elephants, which undoubtedly tipped the battle in favor of Daenerys and her dragon.
"I am not your little princess. I am Daenerys Stormborn of the blood of Old Valyria, and I will take what is mine. With fire and blood, I will take it."
  • Daenerys goes mad in two seconds. She has defeated Cersei, the bells signal the end of the battle, she must decide how to deal with the final obstacle, the last step before the throne. So she kills the people who love Jon Snow and who don't love her, all because she wants to secretly kiss Jon. All these seasons, adventures, battles, endless moral dilemmas over ten years, all for it to end with a simple tragic love triangle. Truly, probably the worst episode of the saga and of history, so rushed and poorly written; everyone knows that characters must go mad talking to themselves in front of a mirror, not silently in a realistic and brutal way, otherwise the viewer is confused and lost outside their comfort zone.
"I don't want to be his queen. I want to go home."
"The things I do for love."
  • Jaime reuniting with Cersei is probably the worst conclusion for these two characters. The writers clearly didn’t understand their own story. Jaime's arc was about redemption, like Theon, exactly the same. The fact that Brienne fills the White Book of the Kingsguard with the line "Died protecting his queen." the most honorable death for a Kingsguard commander, doesn't matter, it's fanservice, lazy writing. Jaime should have stayed in the North and made baby Jaimes with Brienne. Jaime was supposed to save the world, not save Cersei. It's so sad; they only think about themselves and their children, Jaime and Cersei, nothing else matters.
"Nothing else matters. Only us."
"When you play the game of thrones, you win, or you die. There is no middle ground."
  • Jon is useless; he can't do anything, and yet, all this chaos is his fault too. Daenerys had told him not to tell others his secret. Jon understands nothing, he knows nothing, and so do we, immersed in the chaos and ignorance along with the inhabitants of King's Landing. It should have been an epic and glorious battle. War must be epic and glorious. We wanted epic, glorious fire and blood, not fire bloody and burning blood. It should have been a spectacle, not a terrible massacre. Is war despicable and out of control ? We wanted elephants, not dead children.
"It's your choice."
"You know what’s wrong with honor ?"
  • Euron Greyjoy is unbearable, as usual. It's as if they designed this character specifically to annoy us. He has no place in this story; he's just obnoxious. He destroyed Daenerys and Jaime, and he didn't deserve that honor. He's far too arrogant and not funny at all.
"If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention."
"Fire !"
  • The fight between The Hound and The Mountain is great. Finally, something perfect in this episode. The Frankenstein's monster rebelling and destroying his creator in a fit of rage, Sandor Clegane finally getting his revenge, Cersei walking by indifferently. It was epic, glorious, and hilarious. There's even light breaking through the crumbling wall at the end, showing the way out and the solution for Sandor, just like in a Zelda game. Very straightforward, no questions left unanswered, no mystery.
"Sandor. Thank you."
"Go home, girl."
  • Arya overuses the hero's shield in this episode. She says goodbye to Clegane, who tells her to go home, and then the apocalypse descends on her. She gets hit by falling debris in the streets, trampled by the crowd, the bell tower collapses on her... yet she gets up each time after a black screen and the sound of a cannon. She's just meters away from the devastation and the dragon's fire, close to the terrified and helpless citizens like her, and despite the piercing, chilling violins of death, she rises again, amid the embers and ruins. The little girl and her mother are burned, turned into statues of ash breaking in the wind, while Arya and a mysterious white horse survive the end times and emerge from hell together. Unless Arya is a cat with nine lives, all of this is just plot armor, it makes no sense.
"There is only one god and his name is Death, and there is only one thing we say to Death: 'Not today.'"
"There's plenty of pious sons of bitches who think they know the word of god or gods. I don’t. I don’t even know their real names. Maybe it is the Seven. Or maybe it’s the old gods. Or maybe it’s the Lord of Light. Or maybe they’re all the same fucking thing. I don’t know. What matters, I believe, is that there’s something greater than us."
The Iron Throne
The last episode, after the bells. So this is how it ends. Daenerys has triumphed, Tyrion has realized his mistake, is imprisoned again, and makes Jon understand in one final conversation that he must choose, between his sisters and Dany, between the Starks and the Targaryens, between love and duty. It's all so tragic. Daenerys finally came home, the legend has triumphed, the dream has become reality. And then the prince steps forward, still plagued by doubt, imploring the young princess to cease her quest for power, to forgive. And Dany's words have meaning, echoing those Tyrion spoke to Jon. The fallen hero then understands that he cannot save both the world and the princess. The long tirades echo high in the halls of the kings who are gone, and the fallen hero murders his lover, not out of ambition for the throne, not out of anger or vengeance, but out of love for his sisters and the people. The tyrant is dead, sadly concluding the dramatic journey of a young innocent orphan that no hero could manage to save.
"When I was a girl, my brother told me it was made with one thousand swords from Aegon's fallen enemies. What do one thousand look like in the mind of a little girl who can't count to twenty ? I imagined a mountain of swords too high to climb. So many fallen enemies, you could only see the soles of Aegon's feet."
Jon left the throne empty, accepting his judgment and the punishment of the dragon. Thus were extinguished the last Targaryens, in front of the object of all conflicts, high under the sky, above mortals, together. But Jon has a hero's shield too, so I imagine there's a chip scratching Drogon behind a wing, and thus he misses his shot and destroys the walls. And then the chip jumps onto the throne, so Drogon destroys the throne and the chip but he was too tired for Jon afterwards. Such lazy writing, utterly senseless, just for the symbolism of the dragon destroying the throne, the object of all the passions and dramas of this world, a satire of power and conclusion of the story.
"I told you it's difficult to explain."
Obvious fanservice, nothing complex or mysterious. But we don't know where Drogon is taking Daenerys, she has no mortal tomb. The mystery completes the legend, this girl was a shooting star until the end.
"I have been sold like a broodmare. I’ve been chained and betrayed, raped and defiled. Do you know what kept me standing through all those years in exile ? Faith. Not in any gods, not in myths and legends, in myself. In Daenerys Targaryen."
And to conclude, the council scene, a calm yet very rushed and poorly written moment, as everyone knows. It's certainly officially announced by professionals somewhere. Once again, the creators understood nothing about the story and the audience's expectations.
Nothing funny, nothing complicated, nothing secretive, but the worst part is Bran's choice, it's not good, it's illegal, he cheated.
Then the beautiful visuals, the surviving Starks, and Ramin Djawadi's magnificent music for the last five minutes and the final credits, pure happy ending, pure fanservice, it's an absolute failure, the worst series finale in history, it's obviously a dox..., sorry, a well-known consensus. It's all a mix of fan service, bad writing, and being rushed, extremely well-balanced. GRRM would certainly have wanted at least three more seasons to properly tell the final scene between Jon and Daenerys.
So much wasted potential, D&D sacrificed the ending of the greatest series in history for Star Wars contracts they didn't even get. It's a scandal. Thankfully, no one talks about GoT anymore since that ending, except to reminisce about the golden age of season 4 and the seasons before.
Everyone agrees, it's a fact. It is known. GoT's ending is a beautiful disaster.
"- It's a long story.
- If only we were trapped in a castle in the middle of winter with nowhere to go..."
"Be with me. Build the new world with me. This is our reason. It has been from the beginning since you were a little boy with a bastard's name and I was a little girl who couldn't count to twenty.
We do it together. We break the wheel together."
"You are my queen, now and always."
submitted by DaenerysMadQueen to naath [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:10 sothaticanpost Keyboard app with symbols that line up correctly with the numbers

Basically if you would type on a normal keyboard and press shift with the numbers, youd get !@# (thats 123 in sequence). Most if not all have symbols all over the place and whats worse is that i have to find them through next pages instead of just lining it up correctly upon switching to the symbols page.
submitted by sothaticanpost to AndroidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:05 DavidWtube I have muted 994 subreddits and have maxed out my ability to mute any more. AMA

submitted by DavidWtube to AMA [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:58 NLSSMC Advice about dying grandmother (and a story about the Cardinal)

Hi! 👋
I need help and I also wanted to share a story or two, if that’s ok. So this is LOOONG. Please forgive any mistakes or wrong words
I’ve put the questions up top so feel free to ignore the rest. I just wanted to tell people about her.
Thank you so much in advance!
Part one: My beloved 98-yo Catholic grandmother in Sweden is dying, no other family member is Catholic. We don’t know what we need to do now before and after her passing.
Part two: Gran’s story and the Cardinal who Didn’t Forget.
Part one
My Grandma is 98 and nearing the very end. She is a devout Catholic who converted in her 60s. No one else in the family is Catholic and there are very few Catholics in Sweden overall.
Her faith is incredibly important to her and I want to make sure she leaves the world properly from a religious standpoint.
Only I don’t know anything about it and I don’t know who to ask.
I would be so grateful for any guidance.
1. Are there things we need to do for her from a religious perspective when the end comes? Last rituals?
Any special handling of the body?
Should we call a priest but who?

2. Swedish funerals usually don’t take place in three or four weeks after death. Is that okay?

3. Her service will be held in a Protestant church with a Protestant priest and buried in the family plot that’s there.
She has okayed this. She originally wanted to Catholic service in this particular church but it’s not allowed.
Are there any things (prayers, rituals etc) we can include to honor her faith?

4. Do I need to notify her local church? She is a member of the Secular Carmelites as well.

5a. Obituaries work a little differently in Sweden but I figured I’d ask. It’s common to include a little picture or symbol in them, everything from roses to sports team logos (yes, truly! 😂)
Most of the Catholic obituaries I see simply have a cross and . Is that the proper way to do it?

5b. Most obituaries include a quote.
Would this be appropriate?
”I am going towards you whom I have always sought, loved and always desired.”

It may sound odd I watched Sister Claire Crockett’s final vows and heard it and just knew instantly it should be in Gran’s obituary.
I haven’t been able to trace the source though.
THANK YOU! If you made it this far! —————————
Gran and the Cardinal
Now it’s story time!
Gran converted in her 60s “after a lifetime of searching” and was an eager theological correspondent.
She is a passionate fan of St John of the Cross and mysticism in general and is a member of the Secular Carmelites.
My Gran is Dutch, spent her first decade in Indonesia before coming back to Holland just in time for the German occupation.
She grew up Protestant but the war planted a seed in her mind and she set out to discover the spiritual world and learning as much as possible about every religion she could find, Taoism, Shinto, Hindu gurus, the works.

I asked her once what made her choose Catholicism in the end. She said that she had seen a small bookstore that interested her and unbeknownst was in a small, nondescript church.
Gran said she went in through the door and felt a “flash” or a rush or something she couldn’t quite describe and just knew. She spoke to a priest that very same day.
Gran never quite lost hope that one of her children or grandchildren would convert (I was her best candidate but that has not happened. 😅)
My grandmother had to stop going to Church maybe 10–15 years ago since hearing is so bad and it still grieves her.
She misses the community of the church, theological discourse, the connections she has made over the years. She felt lonely.

I don’t know how much the “regular Catholic” knows about different cardinals but we actually got a Swedish one, Anders Arborelius, a few years ago.
Gran knows him through the Carmelites and she has corresponded quite extensively with ”Bishop Anders”.
On one bleak day when Gran felt so along in the world, I tried to think of ways to cheer her up.
I did some googling and found an email address to the Cardinal himself and also to his secretary.

I wrote a long email asking of “Bishop Anders” would be willing to send her a card to remind her the church hasn’t forgotten her.
I didn’t expect an answer but later that same night, his secretary responded and it turned out she used to know my gran quite well.
The Cardinal was in Rome, she said, but he would probably look at the email when he got back.
That night (say 2AM), I got a response from the Cardinal about how well he remembers my Gran, and how much he likes and appreciates her.
A few day later, a lovely little letter with encouraging words and a blessing arrived in the mail.
One funny thing though! He had absolutely dreadful handwriting, so bad we actually send around a picture of it to family members asking them if they could decode it. 😂😂😂
submitted by NLSSMC to Catholicism [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:35 SaintBenjamino Was Lenne more powerful than Lusat or Azur?

Was Lenne more powerful than Lusat or Azur?
(Tl;CR at the bottom, we're going for a wild ride)
Lenne's rise is a rather confusing area for me for several reasons. If you did not know, Lenne's rise is the wizard tower in northeastern Caelid, by the ball trap and the little bridge with the Night's cavalry on it.
The main thing I find odd about Lenne's rise is the fact that it is connected to basically no lore tidbits. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Nobody mentions Lenne, no item says what a Lenne was, and not even their name has a meaning (either a feminine Wool in french or "Would Be" in hungarian).
(not too important, feel free to skip) But if you look at the surrounding environment, clearly they are a significant sorceror. Firstly, Lenne's rise is not a standard Rise, such as the other ones you grab memory stones from. Rather, it is the deluxe version which Ranni and the Converted fringe tower share. This would, I assume, denote a more powerful Sorceror, as Ranni resides in this version whereas that little pervy prick Sevilus resides in the base model.
(kinda important, worth a skim) the second interesting thing about Lenne's environment are the protections it keeps. Not only does it have the funny magic ball things which love to smoosh us and which are likeley a dificuilt snare to create (used only by Sellia, a whole town of Sorcerors, and Raya Lucaria, a literal Hogwarts able to stave off massive armies) which implies that this singular rise was either vital to Sellia or some other important/vastly powerful Sorceror, but it also is gaurded by a Night's cavalry. We know that the Cavalry were sent by Margit specifically to hunt down tarnished like us, ones who would be on the path to become Elden Lord. Morgott places them where he excpects the tarnished to be, so he can stop them from continuing. So why would he place one gaurding a tiny bridge connecting the realm of a pacified old doggy with a taste for Deathroot and Lenne's rise? Simple. Lenne may have been as significant as our little potato sack Maliketh was. Also, Lenne utilizes a Spiritspring Jump in the puzzle to reach inside his rise, making it clear that they were aware that only one affiliated with Torrent (Miquella, Ranni, Melina, or some other major player) would be allowed entry to Lenne's mojo dojo house once Lenne was gone.
(INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT plz read) The thing that drives me crazy about Lenne's rise is in the image below (sorry i couldn't figure out how to screenshot from an Xbox to my 'puter). See that Glintstone? Isn't it colored a bit diferently than that we normally see? That gorgeus purple hue receding into clear crystal, lined with an amber hue is nothing like any Glinstone we see anywhere else in the game. But there's one little hint in there; there is AMBER in the glintstones. The only other place I could find Amber was in Renalla's amber egg and in the Amber Starlight item. Both of these items are uniqueley powerful in their own ways. The egg is a god-given respawn machine, built to destroy the mind of Renalla. But if we read the Amber Starlight description, it reveals a bit more about Lenne's unique glintstone. Simply put, Amber stars control the fate of gods. And since Glintstone is a residue of the Stars,
Lenne's rise is growing the residue of what controls the gods. Buttons from the cosmic keyboard of divine fate.
(THE BIG PART) Since Glintstone tends to be drawn to places of Star-related magic, it makes it clear that *Lenne was practicing some sort of higher level of magic, akin to the Primeval current, but with a more Eldrich or Godly twist. The Prime-Primeval current, so to speak. *
It is a shame that Lenne, whether she, he, or they, eventually gained the pronoun "those", as is clear from the Graven School ball of Burger King Crowns, floating at the bottom of the rise. They were likeley becoming too powerful for their own good, and joined a ball akin to what Sellen suffered. This must be the dark fate of a Primeval Sorceror before they can reach full potential, after all.
(Extra) The only holes I can see in this are if the Putrid Crystaalians really are the same as the crystals in Lenne's, but that wouldn't change much except that we would know where Lenne possibly gained his Prime-Primeval spells, or perhaps he was a servant (or master) to the Rot God, which would explain his location near Caelid. But that only solidifies him as a major power, so I like this idea. Also, it would be neat if anyone could scribble up what Lenne would look like, like some sort of Amber version of Lusat/Azur.
(TL;CR) Lenne was the most powerful Sorceror in the Lands Between for a short time, tapping into a magic so powerful it could control the fate of the gods, but he lost it before he could harness it properly by Ballin' too hard
submitted by SaintBenjamino to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:25 JohannGoethe Type: 𓆎 [I6], thing: crocodile 🐊 spine; carto-phono: /km/; meaning: [?]; significance: root type of 𓆎 + 𓅓 + 𓏏 + 𓊖 or /km/ + /m/ + /t/ = Kemet, the original name of Egypt?

Type: 𓆎 [I6], thing: crocodile 🐊 spine; carto-phono: /km/; meaning: [?]; significance: root type of 𓆎 + 𓅓 + 𓏏 + 𓊖 or /km/ + /m/ + /t/ = Kemet, the original name of Egypt?
Study of type: 𓆎 [I6], which somehow is believed to be the ”main” or first type the Egyptians used to define their country?
Egypt Name?
Wiktionary entry on Kemet, thought to mean Egypt:
  • 𓆎 [I6], thing: “crocodile 🐊 scales” [?], meaning: /km/ [?]
  • 𓅓 [G17], thing: “owl 🦉”, carto-phono: /m/
  • 𓏏 [X1], thing: “bread 🍞”, carto-phono: /t/
  • 𓊖 [O49], meaning: city 🌆 or cosmos birth location
𓆎 + 𓅓 + 𓏏 + 𓊖
/km/ + /m/ + /t/ = Kemet
Meaning, supposedly, “Egypt”, based on the so-called crocodile 🐊 spine 𓆎 [I6] type, which makes the /km/ phono, but for unknown reasons?
In 1850A (+105), plutarch said the Egyptians called their country the ‘chemia’ (Χημίαν), named after the black soil and black part of the eye:
Egypt, moreover, which has the blackest of soils, they call by the same name as the black portion of the eye 👁️ , ‘chemia’ (Χημίαν), and compare it to a heart.”
— Plutarch (1850A/+105), Isis and Osiris (§33)
Whence, in Greek:
Chemia (Χημίαν) = Egypt, place of the black soil
In 137A (1818), Young, in his decoding of the assumed Cleopatra (Κλεοπάτρα) cartouche, assigned the 𓆎 [I6] type to the /k/ phonetic, because it aligned with the letter K of the name Κ-LEOPATRA, and the L aligned with the lion 🦁, as follows:
Young, in his Collective Works (pg. 24), of the name Αιγυπτον (Aigypton) or Egypt in Coptic as follows:
Chmi (ⲬHⲘⲒ) {kʰēmi} = Egypt
In A2 (1957), Gardiner defined the 𓆎 [I6] as follows:
𓆎 𓅓 𓏏 𓊖 = “kmt” {carto-phono}, meaning: country of Egypt, Africa.
Thus we have:
1. Chemia (Χημίαν) Egypt Greek Plutarch
2. Chmi (ⲬHⲘⲒ) {kʰēmi} Egypt Coptic Young
3. Κ-λεοπάτρα (C-leopatra) Carto-phonetics Young
4. 𓆎 𓅓 𓏏 𓊖 (K-mt) Egypt? Guessed?
Wherein 𓆎 [I6] became a guessed as a morph of X (ch) + K (C), to make the /km/ phono in some blurry way?
We also note the following, namely that the actual stone version of 𓆎 [I6] type, as Gardiner drew it, and ASCII character made, does not even look like the 10-layered or 11-layered thing, shown on the Cleopatra cartouche, which makes the /k/ phono, according to Young, i.e there are no spiked “spines” or whatever things shown:
Now, as it has already been semi-proved that Young’s 𓂋 [D21], thing: “mouth 👄”, assignment of the / phonetic is incorrect, because:
  1. The TombUJ number tag 100 ram head 𓍢 [V1] type is the correct / phonetic, as this matches with the Greek rho (Ρ, ρ), which also is letter R
  2. The Chinese mouth symbol 口 does not make the / phonetic, but rather is a symbol for ALL phonetics,
It would therefore seem to be probable to assert that 𓆎 [I6] type does NOT make the /k/ phonetic, nor is even likely a crocodile 🐊 anything? The Egyptians, e.g., were known to mummy crocodiles 🐊, not cut them into this: 𓆎 [I6] shape? Nor does the shape shown in stone above look like crocodile scales:
In A63 (2018), Asar Imhotep, in his "The Etymology of the word Km.t 'kemet': A Critical Reexamination of the Diop-Obenga Hypothesis", talked for 15-min about how 𓆎 𓅓 𓏏 means “black land”, and NOT black people, because it has a land determinative:
  • 𓆎 𓅓 𓏏 + 𓈇 [N23] = KMT {𓆎 𓅓 𓏏} + irrigation canal
  • 𓆎 𓅓 𓏏 + 𓈘 [N36] = KMT {𓆎 𓅓 𓏏} + canal
  • 𓆎 𓅓 𓏏 + 𓊖 [O49] = KMT {𓆎 𓅓 𓏏} + [add]
Flood levels?
One thing that comes to mind is that the I6 is a symbol of the rising 150-day flood waters, as shown below, overlaid on this image:
This rising flood 💦 waters icon meaning of I6, would seem to make more sense, as the flood waters are so-called “life blood” of the Egyptian culture, as the flood waters bring the black soil from the Ethiopian mountains, which allowed for fresh nitrogen-rich soil each year, as compared to other places on the earth, wherein fertilizer or manure needs to be added to the soil, or crop rotation used.
On O49, Imhotep says:
”The N23 𓈇 is an irrigated land classifier. The N36 𓈘 is a canal. And then the O49 𓊖 determinative is the more popular one. Everyone interprets this as the ’cross-roads‘, but that is not the case, it actually just another variation of irrigated land.”
— Asar Imhotep (A63/2018), "The Etymology of the word Km.t (Kemet)” (6:50-7:15)
This is funny! We sure would like to see a photo of this 𓊖-shaped irrigated land? Video clip (6:15-7:28) below:
In A69 (2024), the following YouTuber defines 𓆎 [I6] wood 🪵 as a piece of black char-coaled wood:
“The charcoaled 𓆎 [I6] wood 🪵 or crocodile 🐊 spine = /k-m/ phonetic, and means black and 𓆎 (k) 𓅓 (m) 𓏏 (t) 𓊖 = km-m-t (Kemet), with 𓊖 as the city determinative, means: black 👨🏿populace.”
— Anon (A69/2024), “Let’s Settle This: The Kemet debate, Part One” (6:22-; 16:42-): Apr 20
We went from:
  1. Black soil Plutarch (1850/+105)
  2. Black pupil of eye 👁️ Plutarch (1850/+105)
  3. Black people 👨🏿
  4. Black charcoaled wood 🪵
This is example translation gone wrong.
  1. Started from: here.
  2. This is another example where we see that the entire program of CartoPhonetics based status quo Egyptology is built on a false foundation; which we will have to remedy via an EAN based NeoEgypto model.
  • The Kemetic sub, whose focus is “history of the ancient Egyptians”, rejects the “Egyptian origin of alphabetic language” tree, and the hoe-stars-earth 𓌹 𓇯 𓅬 [U6, N1, G38] ABG (𐤂𐤁𐤀) letter origin model, in favor of the illiterate Semitic ox-house-stick 𓃾 𓉐 𓌙 [F1, O1, T14] ABG origin model?
  • ⲭⲏⲙⲓ (kʰēmi), meaning: “black; Egypt”, in Coptic; phonetically upgrades: 𓆎 (k) 𓅓 (m) 𓏏 (t) 𓊖 or KMT (KEMET) to 𓊖 (Chi) 𓅓 (m) 𓏏 (t) 𓆎 (?) or XMT (CHEMET)?
  • Kemet (Egypt): 𓆎 (crocodile scale) [sound: K] + 𓅓 (owl) [sound: M] + 𓏏 (bread loaf) [sound: T], from root keme (Greek: κεμε) [value: 70] (Sirius) [E], meaning: black soil, that when hoed 𓌸 (A), sowed 𓁅, and watered yields: bread ‘𓏏’, the grain of the green Osiris tree (T), aka body of Osiris
  • Chemistry (χημιαν) Egypto alphanumeric etymology
  • Ra eye 𓂀 chemistry (Χημιαν) origin of the ℞ (𓂅X) medicine (ατρική) symbol
  • Kemet (Egypt): 𓆎 (crocodile scale) [sound: K] + 𓅓 (owl) [sound: M] + 𓏏 (bread loaf) [sound: T], from root keme (Greek: κεμε) [value: 70] (Sirius) [E], meaning: black soil, that when hoed 𓌸 (A), sowed 𓁅, and watered yields: bread ‘𓏏’, the grain of the green Osiris tree (T), aka body of Osiris Thims (27 Oct A67/2022)
  • Egyptian (KEME-tic) etymology of CHEM-istry? Thims (A64/2019)
  • Imhotep, Asar. (A63/2018). "The Etymology of the word Km.t 'kemet': A Critical Reexamination of the Diop-Obenga Hypothesis", YouTube, Asar Imhoteb, 30th Annual Cheikh Anta Diop International Conference held in Philadelphia, PA, Oct, 12.
submitted by JohannGoethe to HieroTypes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:59 takemeback2verdansk What do you think about tattoos?

Do you have any? Do you like them on guys? Would you ever get one?
It's funny, I used to be deadset on getting tatted when I was younger. I wanted to be total patchwork, everything covered. I loved Mei Pang's look! (still do tbh). But as I grow up I find myself getting more turned off by tattoos. I once had a dream I had a huge back piece, it wasn't badly done, but I woke up and was like hell no I'll never get a tattoo. I think the idea of the permanence irks me, and I think I was so drawn to Mei's tattoos because they're symmetrical. One alone, if not minimal, looks out of place to me
I am happy my mind's changed, I look back to my old tattoo ideas and good lord. Granted I thought of them when I was like 14 but still, if I got some of this stuff tatted on me I swear that patch of skin would be cut off by now lol
Some examples are (keep in mind I was ~14): holly (??), "outlaw" (lol okay cowboy..), playing cards (or just an ace), a reticle (??? like why), John 15:13 (I have zero idea why I thought this verse was applicable to myself? not cringe just weird), the american idiot logo (I wanted this SO BAD), JOS logo (the middle row on the right) and ascii art. Keep in mind those are the relatively less embarrassing examples. I was such an edgelord such a weirdo ... I should delete that entire note lol. But that was actually funny to look back on. Just how and why
That being said, I am sort of thinking of getting a small quote tatted on my back, ~below a shoulder blade. Only a few words and not in a corny font. Unsure what quote tho, I love Nayyirah Waheed's poetry, I may do something from her idk. I want something easily hidden, I would also be open to getting one on the nape of my neck. Back when I was with this guy I dreamt of getting a tattoo of his initial with a heart around it on like the spot behind the ear lol, I wouldn't be opposed to something there.
submitted by takemeback2verdansk to AskWomenNoCensor [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:27 Bbobsillypants Nature of Big Donuts 6 - a Stargate x NOP crossover fic - Fear

Atlantis Commission
Officer Report - Lieutenant Colonel John Shepard
Well this had definitely been a very interesting couple of hours. This dimension and its people had very odd opinions and ideas. Apparently the prey species of this dimension were all obligate cowards, whose instincts compelled them to be non-violent and run from threats. At least according to themselves. There were apparently some of them who were “predator diseased” as they called it, a disease which often resulted in increased violence, aggression, lack of empathy, and unheard like behavior. It sounded to me like some form of infectious psychopathy, but the venlil assured us it shouldn't affect us since we were predators, which didn’t really ease my fears, but hopefully it was something we could figure out when we got home if it ever became a problem.
Gotta love mandatory quarantine periods woo hoo!
As scary as this odd disease sounded, my main concern at the moment was to try and turn a professed coward into someone who could at the very least defend themselves.
I looked down to the table of gear ahead of me and then over to the mostly naked Venlil to my side, and then even farther to Tiel’c who thought It would be a good idea to help oversee Farva’s rapid fire training course. I fiddled with the bluetooth earpiece which was rigged up to one of our handhelds to run a translation program to speak directly with the captain. A big step up from our unknowingly one sided communications earlier.
I stepped on the other side of the plastic table and placed my hands down upon it and looked on at my new student..
“Welcome Captain Farva to our very impromptu accelerated course on Human arms armor and basic infantry tactics.” I said gesturing to the hodge podge gear we had managed to assemble for the good captain. “Are we ready to begin?”.
She flicked her ears, somewhat nervously by the looks.
“I’d take it that's a yes then?”
“Oh yes sorry”
“Alright then, well given that most of our crew is human and the only other alien struts around naked all the time, the only gear we have on hand is for humans, So you're going to be running size smalls and it's all going to fit all a bit big” I say as I toss her the tactical vest. ”Here try this on, we can try to tighten it up if it's a bit loose anywhere”. The captain wrestles with the buckles a bit, and Teal'c helps her tighten up some of the top straps, as the Venil’s shoulders weren't as broad as humans. Farva gave Teal’c an odd look, but seemed appreciative none the less.Once finished, she grasped the vest in her paws with interest. “This armor seems quite lightweight, which is nice, weight is often an issue that causes us to forgo armor, since heavy armor would hurt our running ability.” Farva remarks. “Also the sheer amount of pockets seems quite excessive, what do you need all these for?”
“Well for starters it's currently missing these '' I hand Farva one of the armor plates which she looks over. “That is a depleted Naquadria ceramic composite plate. It’s designed to stop bullet impacts and dissipate energy weapon blasts. It slots into that chest compartment in the front and back of your armor.”
“This isn't quite what Id imagine for the armor of your kind”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Well judging by your ships I would have imagined you would put more emphasis on defense Your predatory nature would make you less likely to run away from conflict allowing for more encompassing armor to cover more than just your chest, since you have less need to run.”
She would put it like that.
“Well there are a number of reasons for that, a lot to do with those excess pockets you mentioned. For starters you will not be carrying the same amount of gear that the standard infantry unit would normally be carrying, we are preparing you for a quick in and out op. Normally us expedition teams need to be deployed into unknown territory for extended periods of time, we need to carry everything we might need with us from food, bullets, weapons, to comms gear, sensors, repelling equipment etc. The weight from all that gear adds up fast; In order to stay sufficiently mobile and combat effective; we only carry enough armor to protect our vitals, head and torso, anything else can hopefully be patched up by a field medic.”
Tielc gave his piece as well. “It is important to know when to run both towards and aways from one's foes, not every battle can be won through strength alone, but by strategy and cunning. Being able to reposition oneself quickly is therefore highly advantageous”
Farva seemed to freeze at Teal'c's statement, not out of fear I think, she instead had a distant look in her eye. To snap her out of her slump I handed her a standard ballistic helmet.
Seeming to get the idea she looked at it oddly and tried it on. It confirmed to her head shape decently well but depressed her ears to either side of her head, kind of resembling what one might imagine a sad bunny rabbit to look like “I don't think this will be something I can bring with me” she said ” I can't use ear signals and this will muffle my hearing.”
“Why don’t you keep it on for the time being, I think any extra hearing protection might be useful considering what we are about to try next.” I hand Farva some ballistic ear protectors, slightly modified and somewhat ramshackle. “One of the corporals worked closely with Nurse Fila to get an idea for safe decibels levels for your kind, we were also able to get these earbuds molded to fit into your ear canal better”
Farva took them and slipped them in. “These are a bit uncomfortable, what do I need these for?”
“You'll need them for this” I say as I unsnap the clasps on the weapons case revealing its contents.
The content seems to capture Farva’s interest, getting a slight tail wave.
“Okay So this here is a p90, It carries a 50 round top loading magazine of teflon coated armor piercing ordnance. With a cyclical rate of fire of 900 rounds per minute.”
Farvas ears perk up at this. “This seems like an efficient design, I take it these are a flashlight and laser sight for accuracy?” She asked, pointing to the top of the weapon.
“Yes we also have holographic and acog optics which will help line up targets from farther away.” I look on as Farva picks up the weapon and inspects it, testing the weight as I note that it will weigh a fair bit more once loaded. But she doesn't seem to be struggling with the weight. I can't help but notice good firearm safety as well, she keeps her finger well off the trigger and takes care to keep her weapon pointed aways from anyone else.
“This seems like a solid design but I'm not sure how useful those weapon optics would be, as they are not designed for my side facing eyes”
“I'm sure our master at arms can figure something out, why don't we give it a test fire first tho, before we send it off to make adjustments.” I instruct her on how to load the weapon and turn the safety off. I warn her of the sound it makes. And while definitely taken aback by the recoil and sound at first, she quickly gets the hang of it, she has some respectable shot groupings in both single fire and in short bursts. And keeps the rounds reasonably centered while firing in full auto.
She did a whole lot better than I would have initially suspected given her performance in the hanger bay a day before.
“The rate of fire seems useful” Farva spoke “This would be useful for our soldiers, our accuracy falters when we are panicked, and the increased shot count should guarantee some hits based on volume of fire alone” she finished with a dejected expression.
She quickly places the weapon back in its case, as if it burned to touch.” I don't know if I should be armed for this mission, at least not with that weapon, I don't want to miss and hit one of you in the back!”
“What? Nonsense, you are a great shot, and this is just a precaution in case we get separated or flanked and need some covering fire. If our guys are doing their job right you shouldn't need to fire a single round anyways.”
Captain Farva’s breathing started to hasten, earlier I might have thought it was fear, but I was starting to get an idea of what the captain's issues were. I’ve seen this before.
“I.. I can’t be trusted with this responsibility, every time I am left in charge of something, every time people put their lives in my paws I ....”
“Farva, don’t you start with me now you hear.” I said sternly, swiftly capping off her inevitable spiral of self doubt.
“But.. no.. you don’t understand”
Stopping her again I spoke. “But nothing, what happened before on that ship, and back at that colony is in the past. I don’t know your whole situation, but from what I have gathered from the crew It was nothing good. You feel responsible and it's eating away at you, and frankly it doesn’t matter if that's true or not. Accidents happen, people make mistakes, and when that happens we need to learn, take those lessons to heart, and don't let it stop us from helping people in the present. If you let guilt, or fear of mistakes stop you, then bad guys have already won, all without having to have fired a shot”
Farva is quiet for a short time, I was hoping I got through to her, I'm not the best and pep talks and this certainly wasn’t your typical weapons demo, if only everyones could go as smoothly as Ronan’s.
Farva spoke quietly, arms pressed up against her chest, she looked so sad, defeated, and small. Well more than usual anyways. “We can't be strong like you humans, we are too emotional and when we are scared we run away or we lock up and...”
“And that is clearly not the case with you captain Farva” Teal’c finally reentered the conversation having heard enough. “You have shown courage with every action you have taken so far, your actions have saved the lives of many of your crew, every time you have been threatened you acted not just to protect yourself but others as well. You attempted to contend with beings many times your size without even thinking about it, all in the effort to protect others, and this is only in the time we have known you, this speaks nothing of your actions over the colony. You are a warrior of admirable courage Captain Farva, your self doubt is unearned.”
A single tear rolled down Farva’s eyes which she quickly wiped away. “That was very nice of you to say, but I'm not brave like you say, I was terrified out of my mind the whole time.”
Teal’c looked puzzled. “I did not call you brave, I said you were courageous.”
Farva shot back with the little venlil one up one down ear flick I had very quickly learned was confusion.” I'm confused you just said brave twice”
“Hmm it appears your language does not contain the word I am using, I apologize I am not used to speaking through a translator” Teal’c relented “ There are two words I am using admittedly in slightly different forms, bravery and courage. Bravery or to be brave is to lack fear, to not be afraid to begin with. Courage tho, Is a trait far more admirable. Courage is to be afraid, to have fear, to worry about one's own mortality and personal safety. It is to acknowledge risk, danger, to feel fear, but to act in spite of it.”
“Had I not met your kind before I would have thought predators don't feel fear.”
“Everyone fears feel Farva, It is how we overcome it that determines our worth as warriors”
Teal’c picks up the p90 and returns it to Farvas hands.
“Your people need a warrior Farva, a warrior who protects the innocent and guides the lost to safety. You have shown how collected you can be in the heat of battle, You have already proven your worth in our eyes Farva, now you must do the same in your own. The greatest enemy lies not without” Teal’c places his hand firmly on the venlil’s chest “But within”.
After Action Report - Venlil Colonial Defense Force
Subject : Chief Engineer Donu
I fiddled with my holopad, Its small surface area proving to be a consistent source of annoyance in my current endeavor. Gone was the large workspace afforded to me by my holotable back in my office. Instead I had to work with the scaled down portable holotablet I was just fortunate enough to have strapped to my person when I was beamed away from our last ship. I was stuck with its smaller keyboard and slower rendering speeds.
An annoyed smooth skin alien looked over my shoulder at my device, attached to it was a jury rigged fiber optic cable, slotted into a terran silicon to crystal patch cable, which would convert the electrical signals broadcasted by my tablet into a bandwidth that the terrans crystalline based computers; which they used for highly complex tasks like hyperdrive and transporter systems; could use, and then It was patched again in a even stranger connector to patch into the odd asgard computer stones.
All in all it looked like someone tried to plug a regular computer into some crystal construct like you would find in a fantasy holonovel, and again plugged that into a harchen heat rock sauna lounge. Finally branching out from this conglomeration was a simple copper based wire that connects to a computer terminal at which currently sat the late Doctor Rodney Mckay. A title upon initially hearing led me to believe he was a medical doctor, which led to a flurry of medical questions that he had absolutely no means of answering.
While this odd alien nomenclature was interesting, what intrigued me more was his actual area of expertise, theoretical astrophysics, as well as a number of other diverse specialties and fields. Not to mention not only was he a great scientist who had he been raised in the more civilized portion of this galaxy, would have knowledge and aptitude that would put him alongside some of Aafas greatest minds, but he was also an engineer without peer, at least in this galaxy. His interactions with general Samantha Carter hinted at her possibly being his match if not more. For a species that was supposed to glorify violence the decision to have a scientist be arguably the most senior member of what was by their admission a military vessel spoke to their commitment to knowledge and understanding, a very noble prey-like goal.
I looked warily at the lines of code at my screen, the asguard translation program had earlier scanned our ship and was able to parse written languages, but complex files, like images and 3d design schematics were harder to encode and decode from our perspective systems. As is stands we have 3 completely separate computer architectures, the asguard can talk to human computers and the venlil computers can talk to the asguard computers, It sounds like we would have everything we need to get a human C.A.D schematic into a venlil holotablet right? Wrong! And you're stupid for entertaining such a idiotic notion! Parsing text from raw binary is relatively straight forward, you're just looking for patterns, repeating bit combinations that might infer letters and then iterating them over millions of times looking for patterns, letters, words, and then with a bit of help from some undecoded analog audio transmission, spoken language. This is a far cry from actual procedural communication protocols,the ones that allow for file transfers, exactly what we needed if we were to get Rodney's redesigned part schematics into a format and medium that can be plugged into a suitable fabricator. Assuming one still exists, which I can reasonably assume it does.
Speaking of which, I have just made something of a breakthrough. For upon my screen appears a simple geometric hydrogen cube, we’re talking vertices, planes, material data, everything we need for a usable design file.
I let out an excited pent up yip, the culmination of hours of frustrating software integration work. Unfortunately I startled Rodney, who lets out a panicked gasp and clutches his chest pelts with one of his paws.
“Oh god…..” He gasps, pointing at me “Please.. don’t do that”
“Sorry!” I say a bit meekly. I slowly approach him so as to not make him unnecessarily uncomfortable and show him my work.
“I got the file exchange set up, all we need from you is to finish any modifications to your part, upload them to my holopad, and then we can print away at any class 3 or above fabricator we can scrounge up on Brayga colony.”
“Ok.. um.. got it, I'm almost done i’m just you know” He points a lone grasping appendage at his screen,”Running some simulations, making sure everything is up to spec.” keeping his response kurt. “Sorry for freaking out there.”
I nod my head in the human display of affirmation and return to my workstation to further bug check my work, to test potentially problematic edge cases for when he finishes. Tho Rodney's continued odd behavior intruded on my thoughts.
I should have felt empowered, being able to intimidate this ‘massive beast’, but I didn't. I didn't like being feared, his people have been nice to me, Rodney himself courteous to a fault and desperate for positive attention.
I thought I could expect predators to be fearless but that clearly wasn't the case, rodney was fearful, nervous, had I not known better I would say defective, and while it annoyed his crew, they didn't berate him for it, or attempt to assert dominance, they encouraged it even with placating words and tried to help him through it, they encouraged and supported him like a proper herd, even if sometimes it took the form of what the human would call a playful ribbing. I supposed I could help him as well.
I approached him again, careful to make my approach known to him, making sure to approach from within his limited field of vision. He looks up at me with a wide eyed glare, had I not known him I might have assumed it was hunger, but I did and knew it to be concern.
“Uh high Donu.. um whats up?”
“Why are you afraid of us rodney?”
“Wa-What, me afraid?” he gives out a panicked laugh ”uh no no, I'm not afraid, you know just a bit weirded out I'm just getting used to you all, it's not a fear thing it's a a…. Just getting used to new aliens thing, ask Hermirod we went through this whole song and dance right buddy”
Hermirod furrowed his brow and gave an irritated sigh from across the room.
I reached out to take Rodney by the paw.
His whole body flinched at my mere touch, I quickly withdrew my paw.
“Oh.. um.. I didn't…”
“Rodney! It's okay, your crew doesn’t seem to care when you show fear, and neither do I. Why are you afraid of us? You are almost twice our size and surely double our strength, most venlil would scream and run in terror at the mere sight of you. What's wrong?”
Rodney let out a sigh. “Oh its, we don't have to talk about this, I can deal with this, I deal with scary situations all the time, it's fine, I'll be fine.”
“Rodney, my people are a very emotional, empathic people, we are open with our feelings and with our fear, and the fear of the one can affect the herd, please let me help you. I don’t know what to expect from your society but I promise I wont judge you for your fear or emotions, I mean look at many of my crew mates, we are no one to judge”
Rodney shot back “You didn't seem to be so bothered”
“I’m too old to care, I was about to retire, hell I was about to die as far as I knew, Brayga colony was supposed to be a quiet place to lay back, work on some hobbies, plant a garden and pester the young men of my colony until I either dropped dead of boredom or got lucky” I joked.
That seemed to raise Rodney's mood somewhat. He sighed and seemingly relented.
“It’s… a dumb story, I don't even know why it affected me so much, I come from a place on earth called Canada, people don't usually believe me when I say I am from there, us Canadians are notoriously friendly and I guess I haven’t exactly filled that mold for a lot of my life, but hey I'm working on it, people like me, I have lots of friends back at Atlantis” He says the last sentence in a way as if it isn't me he's trying to convince.
“I'm sure you do, Rodney, You seem like quite the charming individual when you're not cowering!”
“Ha ha thanks, maybe you could come and visit sometime. Tell that to doctor Becket, really nice guy, smart man, he would love to meet you, he loves investigating new species. But back on topic, oh boy, so me and my sister Jeannie were on a family trip to rural Vancouver to visit my grandpa's farm, he kept a lot of goats, not for eating or anything, they were essentially pets that he would use for milk”
“Wait hold on? You drink milk from other animals! Do your females not produce enough milk for their young?”
“Oh um no, we just sort of drink it or ferment it into cheese!”
“Ferment? You mean spoil?
I reeled from this plasma blast of a statement, I like any right minded venlil had a number of nightmares about being an arxur’s cattle before, especially when I first learned about those things in primary school, but never once had it crossed my mind that we could be used for something so weird. What the speh was I supposed to do with that information?
“Maybe you should get back on topic”
“Yeh sorry about that uh.. Anyways the momma goat had just had a litter of babies, and their real cute when their little, so late in the day when my grandpa was asleep we snuck out to the pens so we can play with the little baby goats, our grandpa told us not to but you now how kids are.”
At this I think back to a young Nyan, as I teach him the inner working of the hyperdrive, I tell him he’s not cleared yet to operate in this engine compartment alone, but I could tell from the occasional caught black hairs and dropped writing implements, there had been a number of curious unauthorized expeditions into its inner workings, he didn't really listen either.
“My sister as always was trying to be the voice of reason, wanting to take it slow. If I was paying attention I might have noticed the angry moma goat who didn’t appreciate the strange human messing with her children.”
The color seemed to drain from his face.
“I uh…” He began to stutter again ”I screamed, a lot, it was rather undignified, she ran right at me, thank god it wasn't a male goat, one with horns, I tired to run but I was hit in the back and knocked over and kicked real good in the head, like wake up in the vet clinic a quarter mile down the road kind of bad”
“This goat was a prey animal?”
“That would be what your kind focuses on”
“Oh sorry”
“Anyways It seems dumb but I have just never been good with animals since then, especially ones that look like you; no offense; I'm getting better but when I first saw you guys in the hangar bay, I was just that dumb kid again, getting in way over my head, scared for my life. I guess there is something to be said about childhood trauma. I really should be over this, I'm getting better with it I swear it’s just”
I take his paw again, he doesn't flinch this time.
“I'm a venlil, a prey animal, I know fear, I know what it is to live in fear, It rattles your brain, it turns your paws to wet grains. It takes great strength to overcome it, to push it aside just long enough to protect the herd. Your herd relies on you Rodney and you are doing a great job in spite of your fear, in spite of having to work with those you fear. You have achieved intellectual feats that rival the greatest minds of the federation and all that while struggling with a traumatic experience. Fear isn’t dumb and there is nothing wrong with you for feeling it.”
“Thank you” Rodney says “That means a lot, I won't be like forever I promise, I just need some time.”
“We will laugh about this someday,” I assured. “Nothing as big and intelligent as you should be afraid of anything”
“Are you calling me fat?” Rodney exclaimed with fake offense.
We both chuckled.
My kind words had resulted in a more upright posture, and a more cheerful demeanor from the human, almost like when I congratulated Nyan on his work, and it got me a look at that happy snarl of his, that I was starting to grow quite fond of.
After Action Report - Venlil Colonial Defense Force
Subject : Apprentice Engineer Nyan
Oh wow! I get to write a report for this mission! I never get to write reports, Donu says they're too boring, but there’s so many interesting things going on all the time. Sometimes I sneakily write my own! Just for fun of course, nobody sees them, which is probably for the best as I sometimes get excited and embellish them slightly. One of the reports I wrote was about the time Donu used nothing but a wad of electrical tape, a bottle of high grain venlil alcohol and a pocket knife to repair a venlil medical ship just in time to get out of the way of a big scary space predator, with glowing red eyes and a million tentacles!
Anyways Im not sure If im suppose to write these In present tense first person or past tense. I asked the captain and she said it's whatever so long as I make sure any pertinent dialogues are properly quoted(“”).
“Nobody usually reads these things anyways.” She said, but this one is surely going to be so exciting, who could look away!
I mean who's gonna scoff at a chance to read about friendly predators from another dimension! A dimension of friendly predators who give warm head scratches and hand out yummy strayu not strayu treats called donuts, that are somehow fluffier than strayu, and have a nice moisture to them. I asked for the recipe but Samantha said we wouldn't have the ingredients back on Venili prime to make them, and Teal'c said the recipe is an old family secret. Its weird predators would be so protective of their plant snacks.
There are so many weird things about these predators, they have nurturing instincts that make them find us cute. They stay perfectly balanced even if they don’t have tails, swinging their arms and body all over the place to keep upright like a lopsided gyroscope, it's pretty funny looking!
They also wear artificial pelts all the time, which I thought was weird, I thought maybe the ships temperature was set by the angry gray alien since he’s the only crew member beside the venlil who walks around naked all the time, maybe he had a fit when it was to warm, and the humans obliged him cause they were worried they would make him even angrier, and wore clothes to make up for the cold. I thought this made sense, a lot of their technology does seem to come from the Asguard, maybe he has more say in the goings on of the ship because of that. But apparently humans just like wearing pelts all the time. They feel uncomfortable without them and don’t like it if you try to remove them or look up their upper artificial pelts they call shirts.
The humans are so weird, I don’t even have to embellish my reports to make it more interesting. Like that time with the big tentacled space predator. That may sound real compared to this stuff but it Isn't, Ha! I bet you fell for it at first, hook line and sinker! Like the humans would say. I think I used that saying right, I'm not sure what it means, but Shepard brought it up when he was telling a story about the wraith.
The humans are so nice, instead of exterminating their predators they try to cure them! Their doctors are working to modify the wraith so they don't have to eat humans anymore, so they can be friendly predators too.
Anyways I should probably get to the actual report part of this report. Farva says I should start after I went off with Samantha to work on some special astrophysics equations she said I would be good at. I kind of wanted to go with Donu to help Rodney get the new parts they needed, or Farva to help rescue our people, but the humans and even the angry gray alien got really weird when Farva mentioned taking me on the mission. Samantha seemed to want me to help her really badly so I didn’t mind. Samantha says I have the most important part to our mission. She's teaching me about how humans communicate through subspace, and about stellar drift equations. We are working on what she calls the exit strategy.
submitted by Bbobsillypants to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:09 picto Blank screen after KDE login (Sharing my issue and solution)

I had been trying to get past an issue for what seemed like forever and I finally found what the problem was, so I wanted to share my experience in hopes that it might help other users.
The initial catalyst to this was my desktop environment completely freezing and becoming totally unresponsive (not even able to access another tty session). After rebooting, first the fedora loading screen starts acting strangely and refusing to start. This was pretty simple to get past just by removing rhgb from the kernel boot parameters and running fsck (which is what it was complaining about).
Once I was past this, a reboot got me to the graphical login screen. Only now, once I logged in, the screen went completely blank. I was however able to get to another session on tty4 so I could start looking around. What I kept seening via journalctl -xb -r was that there was an initial crash with xdg-desktop-portal followed by a crash with maliit-keyboard. After that almost being started for the session crashed or errored. This is what I would see first Getting a backtrace via gdb got me this
I searched for reports of similar behavior but couldn't find anything. Next I started uninstalling or disabling things to get the system to a more "minimal" startup, but none of that worked. I realized then I had done all this in haste without first installing debugging symbols so gdb would actually be useful. After that, then the problem was staring me right in the face:
Specificaly this error message: "No GSettings schemas are installed on the system". That seemed odd to me because checking dnf list installed said I had gsettings-desktop-schemas already installed. I search around for this error message and find a few mentions of running glib-compile-schemas could help but more importantly, it is looking for schemas in $XDG_DATA_DIRS.
I glanced in my ~/.zshenv file and saw I had added this because I was trying to setup flatpak so I could install spotify (which I discovered didn't have an arm compatible build):
export XDG_DATA_DIRS=${XDG_DATA_DIRS}:/valib/flatpak/exports/share:${HOME}/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share
Here's what went wrong: I uninstalled flatpak, but still had this line in my ~/.zshenv file. When I checked what $XDG_DATA_DIRS was set to in my tty4 session, it was only those two directories. I commented out that line, rebooted, and boom working system again.
I checked the value in my terminal now that I was back in KDE and it showed what I would have expected to see: /usshare/kde-settings/kde-profile/default/share:/uslocal/share:/usshare
So, not sure exactly where those things collided with one another, but that's the issue I ran into and how I got past it and back to my working system. Hopefully it might help someone that finds themself in a similar predicament..
submitted by picto to AsahiLinux [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:10 ExecutiveVamp The Old Machine

The Old Machine

By Angel Arevalo
The first time I saw the old machine was as Benny’s father closed his study door to us. It was already a relic then, a heap of beige plastic from a bygone era. The monitor was a beige box with a screen made of thick glass. It must have weighed a ton. It sat odious on the rectangular beige case that contained its thinking guts. Peripherals included a keyboard, a mouse, and a phone.
The phone was not a flat screened supercomputer the way the phones of today are. It was a simple speaker and receiver, with a rotating dial instead of buttons. Technically it was capable of making calls from a connected landline, but this was not its true purpose. Its true purpose was to make communication between the internet and the old machine possible. It did this through the magic of sound. According to Benny, who heard it from his father, the data from the internet came in the form of audible sound. Once it was called, the phone could be placed on a stand from which the old machine could “hear” the signals and translate them back into binary code.
My imagination stirred at the idea of “hearing” the internet. I could put something tangible to the invisible force that allowed me to watch endless streams of videos, or chat with friends from around the world. Benny probably more than me. He lived with the damn thing. However it was off limits.
As much as we wanted to hear the internet, Benny’s father would not have it. His study was entirely forbidden to us, and on the few occasions when he had allowed us entry to give us a word of sage advice or to admonish us for childish antics, he would use himself as a physical barrier between us and the old machine. His physical language was such that neither Benny or I had ever thought to ask for permission. Neither of us believed he would even consider the idea, and the most likely outcome would be that he would make it all that much harder to do so behind his back.
So we waited. Bided our time. As children, this was all that was afforded to us.
This forced patience paid off.
There came a very unusual day in Benny’s house. Often it was Benny’s mother who was charged with the daily maintenance of the household, but outstanding circumstances meant that she was forced to take the day off. If I remember correctly it was to do with Benny’s grandmother, but that is neither here nor there. The important thing is that Benny’s father had to take over the daily run of the house. Part of that was buying the groceries for that night's dinner, so here was a rare moment where the house and the study would be left completely unattended.
The moment we heard his father’s car leave the driveway, we were on it.
The door to his father’s study, where the old machine was kept, was locked, but we accounted for this. Benny had been practicing opening the locks around his house, and they were all the same make and model. Benny stuck the finer end of a hairpin into the keyhole and opened the lock as quickly as if he had the key.
The door swung open, and perched on the desk, was the old machine, in all its pristine beige glory.
It was a comically frightful thing, that heap of beige plastic. It sat there, decades old at least, and yet the casing showed no sign of yellowing. The screen, which showed that it was turned off, was a yawning black abyss; and the deadly silence of the room was disturbed by something that was not quite tangible, but an almost physical mental pressure, like gentle psychic breathing. The pressure was such that you could feel it in the base of your skull, and much more lightly, around your head and in your ears. It made one feel as if they were in the presence of a great monster, and not, in fact, an old beige box of outdated electronics.
“C’mon,” said Benny, stepping into the room. Evidently I had been stuck in place for some time. Benny on the other hand seemed much less wary than me. He scampered forward, smiling as he pulled back his fathers study chair so he could stand on it and reach the strange phone with its rotating dial.
Not nearly as brave, and suddenly three times more cautious, I stood back as he picked up the phone to “listen” to the internet. Depending on how you view it, the phone was luckily, or rather “unluckily”, in its translation stand, meaning that it was at that time communicating with the internet. Benny’s face twisted uncomfortably before breaking into a giddy smile.
“Ooh!” he said, smiling. “That’s creepy!”
He held it to his ear like that for a minute or so, wrinkling his nose from time to time before smiling again and throwing me a conspiratorial smirk. His giddy enthusiasm, despite the sound being what he called “creepy” seemed to calm me down some. Benny always had a way of doing that to me. Suddenly I was excited. He saw this, and offered me his place on his father’s seat.
“Here,” he said, still smirking. “It’s terrible!”
I took his place on the seat, and picked up the phone. It was heavier than I expected. Heavier than any smart phone I had ever held. It was like picking up the lighter end of an animal’s meaty tail. I felt a sudden hesitation, but Benny was still brimming with joy, goading me to have a listen.
I put the phone to my ear, and heard whispers. Surprised, I let the phone slip out of my hands to clatter to the floor.
They had been quiet whispers, barely audible, but audible they were. The whispers painted a picture for me. A sticky red room. A friend, here but not here. I saw the old machine in a new home, and with a new keeper, a willing thrall.
I think Benny would have laughed at me if he had not also been struck stupid in that same moment. Standing in the doorway of his study was his father.
It is difficult to speak ill of the dead, which is funny, because it’s not like they care, but that’s just the way of things. Benny’s father had always been a kind man. If not a kind man then certainly a dutiful father. He was always there for Benny, always there to give a word of wisdom or a consoling hug, but on occasion there was a glint of something sinister behind his eyes. It appeared sporadically, mostly during conversations with other adults. Somewhere in the middle of a conversation between the tragic loss of a child in another state or several towns over, or in discussing the statistic and calculus of death such as a mass shooting, that furtive sparkle behind his eye would manifest, and he would become, for a fraction of a second, someone else. That spark was there now, and it was aimed at me.
Benny’s father saw that I had the phone in my hand. He saw his boy beside me, and that spark behind his eye turned into a barely controlled flame. There was so much hate there.
“Benjamin,” he said in a deathly calm voice, in a heavily restrained voice. “Please tell me you didn’t let your friend here talk you into picking up that phone.”
“He didn’t, dad, he didn’t,” answered Benny.
“Did you pick up the phone too?”
“Of course not dad,” Benny lied.
Relief washed over his father’s face. He ran past the threshold of the study and knelt down to wrap his arms around his boy. He then looked at me.
“Get out,” he said quietly, nearly on the verge of tears. Then again, louder, “GET OUT!”
I was still too stunned to move, even after the second shout, but then Benny’s father rose– with Benny still in his hands. The menace I felt. I bolted from the study, running past Benny and his father.
I learned from Benny at school the next day that we weren’t allowed to play together anymore. Benny’s father didn’t even want to see me anywhere near him. It was ridiculous. We were neighbors for crying out loud! Benny was my best friend, who else was I going to play with? And for what? But it didn’t matter. Benny’s father had made his decree, and Benny had to abide. At least we still had school. Benny’s father couldn’t dictate who he spoke to there.
Benny and I sulked for that whole school day, unable to enjoy the little time we were going to have together. We sulked like that together at school for ages. And in this way, the strange whispers that we heard in the phone were almost forgotten, overshadowed by our forced separation.
Every day after school I hoped and prayed that my exile from Benny’s home would end, and in a roundabout and terrible way, my prayers were answered.
A year later, Benny was pulled from class, after which he disappeared for a week. His home, which was next to mine, sat dark and empty. For a whole week I heard nothing from him, not any social platform or messaging medium. When I finally did hear from him, it was no longer Benny. It was the shell of a person that had once been a child. It was Benny, aged eons.
The broken shell that had been Benny stumbled into class. He said nothing, and looked at no one. It wasn’t until lunch period that I finally got anything out of him, and when I did, I don’t think I could ever have been ready to hear it.
That day that Benny had been pulled out of class was the day that his mother had been arrested for the murder of his father. She was found in his study, and according to police, was basically mid act. How the police were alerted so quickly as to show up with the crime in progress was never fully revealed to Benny personally, but news coverage afterwards revealed that an anonymous tip had arrived at the police station.
Benny’s mother would stand by her innocence until the very end, but the fact that she was witnessed by police in the middle of committing the act made it indefensible. Her trajectory to the lethal injection room was one of the swiftest the state had ever seen.
It was tragic. Benny was out both parents, and it was all the more tragic because Benny didn’t have any other family. His last grandparent had passed the year prior. He was due to go into foster care, but God bless my parents, because they took him in. Benny got to stay in town, with a family that loved him nearly as much as his own had.
Benny stayed in my life, it was the reverse of what had happened the year prior when his father had found us listening to the internet on the old machine. Now Benny was in my life more than ever, but also not.
Physically he was there. Benny and I shared a room, and we hung out all the time. Mentally, or perhaps even spiritually, Benny just wasn’t with me anymore. His soul was in some godsforsaken elsewhere. His inner self was closed off to me. My mind didn’t have the words or wisdom to say what was wrong, only that despite being around him nearly 24 hours a day, he felt absent.
It wasn’t until later, much later, years later really, when Benny and I were well into our teens that I felt like I saw the real him again. His home, and everything in it, the things that had once been his father’s, were his. He’d never cared much about that. He’d never even mentioned his not exactly meager inheritance beyond the vague idea that he supposed he would move into his old home once he became an adult. Other than that he made no mention of his old home, which sat dim and forgotten next to mine. He hadn’t so much as stepped inside of it since he left for school on the day of the murder.
But one day, on the porch, while the sun was beginning to die on the horizon, Benny asked me if I would go into his old house with him. We were pushing seventeen, and college bound so I supposed at the time that he was seeking a kind of closure. Despite the vast chasm that Benny’s depression had carved between us, I wanted to be there for my best friend, so I agreed to go along with him.
Once we were at his old doorstep, Benny produced a small, unopened, envelope. He tore it open, and produced a key that he used to open the door to his old home. I watched him do this and felt a pang in my heart that was something more than sadness. I didn’t have a name for it. I just knew that it was coming from Benny. The straw that broke the camel’s back was Benny looking behind him to see me, and flashing me the barest hint of a smile that was filled with the same sadness that panged in my chest a moment ago. It was the tiniest crease on the corner of his mouth, but it broke me. That crease was the most genuine thing I’d gotten from him in years.
I wish I had been brave enough to cry, but I swallowed those tears. Drowned out all emotion, because I thought that was what the burgeoning man I wanted to become would have done.
We entered the house, which was dark and smelled awful. There was a rot in there that had settled into the very foundation.
“Augh,” I let out, “what is that?”
“I– Uhm… I don’t now.” That’s what he said, but something told me that he did know. He just didn’t want to say it out loud for some reason.
In my role as supportive best friend, I still hadn’t asked why Benny had wanted to come back here. So I decided to do that then, but as he ascended up the stairs I knew there was only one destination he had in mind. His father’s study. The old machine.
I kept my mouth shut, but I wonder sometimes if maybe I should have started protesting. I wonder if maybe I should have dragged Benny back out the door, kicking and screaming, but those are just what ifs and meaningless regrets. Even if I dragged him out then and there, so what? He would just come back without me. If I had barred him in any way he would just choose a different time and place, and he would be doing it alone. No. I had no choice. It was inevitable. There’s no stopping the inevitable. So I did nothing.
We ascended up the stairs together. The smell of deep seeded rot grew heavier. It was in the stairs, in the walls, in wood and the furniture. Apart from the smell, everything looked normal, as if frozen in time. I could practically envision us running down the hallway playing tag.
That changed in the study.
Benny and I reached the door. Yellow police tape from when this was an active crime scene was still there. The rot was strongest here. Had the site of the murder never been cleaned?
As Benny turned the knob I swallowed back some anxious energy, and stowed it away in the same place that I threw that soul breaking pang in my heart.
Inside we found the desk, the books shelves, his father’s office chair. All of it was as it once was, except that now every inch of it was covered in a film of something that was muddy red. The sticky red room.
There was only one part of the study that was disturbingly clean of the muddy red source of the rot. The old machine.
It sat perched on the desk, slumbering and waiting. It was pristine. Its comically mundane beige casing was clean, and every piece and peripheral like the keyboard and attached phone were in mint condition. It was alien, how clean it was compared to everything else in the room.
Benny took a heavy breath, and stepped forward. He approached the old machine, examining it in the dying light of the sun.
“I’m going to need your help carrying this back home,” he said.
This would have been my second opportunity to say “no”. I should have, but again, why? All it would mean was another trip or two for him on his lonesome, and then I would just be the friend that bailed out on him halfway through something that seemed very important for him. So I said “okay.”
We gathered up the odd ends of the old machine. Benny carried the monitor, and I carried the thinking guts, and between us we shared the weight of the peripherals.
Once we were home, Benny got to work putting the thing back together. He seemed to fly into a manic fugue state. He worked rapidly to put the old machine together, connecting every odd end, beginning to sweat as he did so. His eyes became deranged, and then suddenly, with only the power cord left to plug in, he stopped.
He stared into the black abyss of the old machine’s monitor, and did nothing for a long minute that stretched out into eternity. Benny put the power cord down and shoved it into a box. I didn’t question this. If anything I was relieved. I hadn’t realized it until just then, but as Benny was putting the thing together I had started to feel a deadly pressure building in the back of my skull. I didn’t dare ask why he stopped, worried that I might accidentally reignite his resolve.
Together we chose to forget the old machine. Or so I thought.
The last few months of our senior year passed, and they were the best months I’d had with Benny in a long long while. I think collecting that beige heap of plastic, that old machine, it had brought something to a close for him. Whether it was simple catharsis or something more I’ll never know, but I’ll cherish those last few months for the rest of my life. It was the last I’d ever see of Benny again.
With college came real distance, and although we kept in touch through video and text, we never met in person, the times just never lined up. Benny was his own man, and although it brought a small amount of heartbreak to my parents that their adoptive son never seemed to find the time to visit them, they were more than anything glad to see that he at least seemed to be enjoying life. That was definitely the facade he sold on social media.
It was at the start of my second year at college that I got the first wisp that something was wrong with Benny. He sent me something, a file that I couldn’t open, in a format that I didn’t recognize. I thought it must be some kind of obscure meme, but when I couldn’t decipher it, I got a pit in my stomach and I sent him a brisk “wtf?”
He never replied.
It was the last of anything I would ever get from Benny personally. A few weeks later my parents contacted me to tell me that Benny had killed himself.
What followed was a rapid procession of life. That I somehow managed to continue to turn in my school work for the next week or so, was a fact. That I then used the following fall break to attend Benny’s funeral was also true. Mixed in there was a meeting with a lawyer that let me know that I was the sole inheritor of Benny’s estate. This all happened, and I have a very superficial recollection of it all. But in truth I was half a ghost myself. My body– no –my soul, had gone into a form of catatonia. I became an unchanging statue, a rock in the ever flowing stream of life. Things happened, but they seemed to flow past me in a ceaseless stream of almost memories.
On the last day of the fall semester, in a fit of pique depression, looking for something to occupy the void of my soul, I remembered the message that Benny had sent me. I redoubled my efforts to decipher the unknown file type, and scoured the internet for a decoder or playback device that would be able to read it for me. Eventually I stumbled on the answer. It was a type of sound file. With that information it was surprisingly simple to find an app to play it back.
I brought the file over to my phone, and loaded it into the app, and hit play. What came out were whispers. I dropped my phone like it was made of hot iron. The phone clattered to the floor, but kept playing the whispers, which remained just at the edge of audibility no matter how far away I retreated from them.
When it finished playing I was relieved. I also realized I had understood none of it. Unlike the whispers I had heard in my childhood, these had been unintelligible. I tried them again, but although I could hear something I could make out nothing. But I knew a way that I could. The old machine.
The next opportunity I got, I went home. I went back up to my room to look for the old machine, but of course it wasn’t there. It hadn’t been there for a long time. Benny had taken it with him when he went his own way during college. I had to ask my parents to help me find it, and they directed me to the garage, where boxes of Benny’s old things were piled up. Things he had taken with him and things that he had acquired while he was away at college. The old machine was packed into one of those boxes, with a sticky note on the screen. A phone number, possibly left there by Benny himself.
I took the box up to my old room and got to work putting the old machine back together. Slowly it came alive, and bit by bit I felt that dreadful pressure building in the base of my skull. As I connected the monitor to the thinking guts I felt a spark of awareness, as if I was suddenly in danger or being watched. As I connected the peripherals, the pressure around my skull grew heavier and I began to sweat. The feeling only intensified as I plugged the thing into the power, and it came to a pique when I finally connected the strange phone stand to the internet. It’s alive! Gods of all faith and creed, help me! It’s alive!
I turned it on.
The screen lit up, and I noticed that I’d forgotten to remove the sticky note that had been placed there. I ripped it off and crumpled it in my palm as I watched the old machine finish its startup sequence.
I’m not sure what I expected. I certainly hadn’t expected it to feel so normal, or look so mundane. The operating system was definitely proprietary but other than that it felt no more alien than Windows, or Apple. Navigating it felt as natural as anything.
I found the program that would allow me to interpret the whisper recording on my phone. It was the same one that would normally connect to the internet, except this time instead of letting the translator hear the bulky beige phone, I would put my smartphone up to the translator while the recording played. I did this, and for a few tense moments nothing seemed to happen, and then I noticed that something had been downloaded onto the desktop.
The file was called “Dad(1)” and for a moment I felt like an idiot. The “(1)” appearing after the word “Dad” suggested that a version of this file was already downloaded, and of course it would be, this was probably where Benny had sent me the file from. I checked the now translated file and saw that it was a video. The thumbnail showed a man sitting at his desk.
Benny’s dad.
My hand trembled as it reached for the mouse, and clicked on the video.
The video was a top down perspective of the study, and it started at 100, there was no buildup or context to what was happening on the screen. Benny’s father was skinning himself alive. The footage of it was grainy, and was twice as disturbing for it, because the more skin that Benny’s father peeled off the more grainy red pixels appeared on screen.
It was difficult to tell how much of this Benny’s father was doing of his own volition. Heavily pixelated expressions of agony played on his face. He twisted and squirmed, he writhed in pain and appeared to yell into the ceiling as he striped reels of flesh from his arm, and then his legs, and then his chest, and on and on. I couldn’t look away. As much as I wanted to look away I couldn’t, I was forced to watch by my own horribly morbid fascination. God help me. No. God forgive me. I. could. Not. Look. Away.
It was Benny’s father’s twisted and pained flailing that covered the study in blood, leaving the room red and sticky. How he produced so much blood, and in fact, how he had been able to remain conscious this whole time was a mystery to anyone. The act didn’t stop until a light appeared from offscreen, and then suddenly Benny’s mother barged into the study to see her screaming husband. He tried to skin her alive as well, but she fought back. They began to wrestle each other, slipping in the wet puddle of his blood. Soon the blood itself stopped being the worst thing on display, as the father’s viscera began to spill out of him, the membrane that had held it together inside his abdomen splitting open in the tussle. It was an awful scene, and still, I couldn’t look away.
The fight continued like that for some time. With the two of them on the ground, fighting for control of the knife that the father had used to skin himself alive. Even with half the father spilt and spread around the room it was a hard won victory for Benny’s mother. She finally managed to wrestle the knife away from the dying man, and plunged it into his chest, just as shadows appeared from the direction of the doorway. The mother broke down as police aimed their guns at her, and then the video ended.
“Did you like it?” appeared in text over the end of the video.
“What the fuck?” I remember saying out loud.
Why hadn’t Benny turned this in? I thought. His mom was dead, sure, but why not clear her name? Why hadn’t he told me straight away what he’d found? Why had he– I didn’t let myself ask that last question. Instead I unclenched my palm, and looked at the crumpled sticky note. If there was a logical answer to any of this, then maybe it was on the other end of that number. That’s what I told myself anyway.
I put my phone away, and picked up the phone attached to the old machine. It took a few tries to get the method of dialing correct– I’d never used a rotary style phone before, and I didn’t know how to spin the wheel to “dial” the number that I needed, but I managed it. The phone rang for a bit, and then the whispers started to erupt from whatever black beyond I called.
I placed the phone on the translator, and on the monitor, the desktop came alive. The old machine’s proprietary web browser opened and landed on a bare bones white webpage. It reminded me somewhat of a dark web directory.
The dark web isn’t as difficult to navigate as you might think. The difference between a dark web site and a regular one is that dark web sites are unlisted, meaning they don’t show up on search engines, and often they require special browsers and specific URLs. Those URLs are usually kept on some kind of surface web directory. This looked a lot like that. A list of URLs ran down the bare bones page in a ladder of blue.
They were hyperlinks, all of them, and one of them stood out to me immediately.
“Do you want to see how he did it?” It read.
It shouldn’t have freaked me out. There was no way that link could be talking about Benny, which is where my mind went first. There was simply no way.
So I clicked it. And I guess… there was. Somehow there was a way.
I won’t say what I saw. It wasn’t nearly as graphic as his father’s death. In that sense it wasn’t nearly as “interesting”, but even still I can’t bring myself to recount it. It’s too personal. In that way it was much much worse, so much worse. The look in his eyes… despair. There was something almost beautiful about it.
There was something beautiful about it.
At the end of the video, a familiar message popped up.
“Did you like it?”
A box beneath the video asked for a reply. I typed one in.
“Do you want to see more?”
Another box. Another reply.
I saw more.
submitted by ExecutiveVamp to scarystories [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:59 xtremexavier15 TMA 8

The episode faded back in to a shot of the Gaffers' platform being raised up to the roof by Scott, Ripper, and Chase as MK watched and Izzy walked over, wiping slime off herself.
"Uh, not to sound lazy," Scott said as he left the chain, "but I'm not feeling so good."
"You probably just have a cold," Izzy told him.
"Since when do colds have sores like this?" Scott followed up as he lifted his right arm and pointed to a round, reddish-brown spot on his elbow.
Izzy looked at him attentively and put her hand on his forehead. "Your body temperature is high, but it's possible that-" she was interrupted by a sudden burp from her teammate that caused her to cringe and take a step back. "Why does your breath smell like lemons?"
"Are you trashing my burps?" Scott asked in confusion.
"Hold on," Justin interrupted as the camera cut to him. "Red sores, fever, lemony burps? Aren't those symptoms of one of the diseases in the book?"
"Page 753," Millie exclaimed. "Mortatistical Crumples Disease!" She gasped. "And it's fatal!"
Everyone gasped. "Mortatistical Crumples is also highly contagious!" MK added, eliciting another gasp from most of the cast.
"Okay, looks like it's quarantine time!" Chris said, backing towards the door with barely-hidden panic. "See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya!" He gave them a quick wave, then dashed out the double door between the two vats. Both teams went over to it with shock on their faces as the sounds of power tools were heard on the other side.
The camera cut to Chris as he pounded a nail in with a hammer. It was one of many holding up a red banner with an orange skull-and-crossbones on it, set over several long pieces of wood that had been nailed up to bar the exit. "There's more to this disease than either team knows," he told the camera with an impish grin before walking away with a dark chuckle.
Another shot of the numbered studios was shown. "Hold on," Anne Maria spoke up as the shot cut back to the ten castmates in the challenge set. "How did Dirt Boy catch a fatal disease?"
“I'm sure it's just a twenty-four hour kind of fatal,” Scott hoped.
"We have to quarantine Scott! Stat!" Izzy said in a panic.
The camera showed Ripper furiously inflating a plastic bubble with a bicycle pump; the bubble had a yellow-and-black biohazard symbol on it. "Get inside now!" the bully shouted before Scott threw himself head-first into the bubble.
"Oh no!" Jasmine cried. "Brick has a sore too!" She pointed at the soldier boy's upper left arm, who took one look at the sore and began to wave his arm in a panic.
"It has to be a mistake!" Brick exclaimed.
"Hey!" Scott exclaimed from inside his bubble, another one getting inflated nearby. "Is there an exit to this thing?"
"There isn't one!" Ripper shouted as he continued to pump and Brick got into his bubble.
"Why didn't anyone tell me that before I jumped in?!" Scott griped.
“Okay, everyone just calm down!" Chase said.
"Agreed," Jasmine spoke up sternly. "We should make sure no one else is infected. Symptoms of Mortotistico Crumple's Disease include explosive diarrhea..."
"Oh no!" The camera cut to Chase as his bowels began to groan and he ran into a nearby portable toilet with a panicked look on his face.
"Itchy lips," Jasmine continued as the shot cut to Justin, who suddenly bit his lip.
"My… my lips," he moaned. "They're on fire!" He began to frantically rub and scratch at them, leaving them swollen and red.
"Sudden hot flashes," Jasmine listed off as MK began to sweat profusely and tug at her jacket. "Sea sickness," Ripper turned green and vomited. "Speaking in tongues," Izzy was the next to be affected as she babbled incoherently and indistinguishably with her eyes rolling upwards, which continued even as Jasmine listed the final symptom, "and temporary blindness."
"Everyone can see, right?" Jasmine asked as she checked over the castmates’ current states. "That's good to know," she said in relief before walking forward and bumping straight into Brick's bubble. "Oh no," she said in newfound panic. "I'm the one who's blind!"
Confessional: Anne Maria
"I know this is a reality show," Anne Maria told the confessional camera in a serious tone, "but I doubt that Chris would allow us to actually die on national television!"
Confessional Ends
The scene cut to Chris himself watching from his control room, leaning back in his chair with his legs propped up on the desk in front of him. "You'd think we wouldn't," he told the camera, "but, just imagine the ratings!"
Back in the quarantined set, the camera panned across the room to show that everyone except for Anne Maria, Millie, and the bubbled Brick and Scott were now laying on top of stretchers, groaning and moaning.
“This is super bad,” Millie said. “We have to do something.”
“Do you mean taking their temperatures, because we only have rectal thermometers, and I'm not in the mood to joke around with them,” Anne Maria responded.
“I wasn't even thinking about that at all,” Millie stated. “Joking with diseases is not funny at all.”
“Obviously, but have you noticed we're the only ones who didn't take part in the studying all-nighter, and we're the only ones who haven't been infected?” Anne Maria asked while looking over everybody.
“I'm not so sure about this supposed disease,” Millie mused. “We need to get our hands on one of those textbooks. There has to be something they missed.”
“I’d do it if Chris didn’t seal off the only exit,” Anne Maria argued.
"There’s another exit over there," Millie pointed to the Grips' platform, which was now sitting on the floor empty of body parts. The chain still led up to a hole in the ceiling where the reel was situated.
"Oh yeah. How in the world did I not notice that?" Anne Maria droned sarcastically before the two made a dash for the platform.
"I still haven’t forgotten you pushing me off the diving board a few days ago, so don’t think I’m scared of pulling the platform as high as possible," Millie informed as they stepped onto the platform and pulled down on the chain, making them ascend.
The footage flashed forward to the outside of the studio as the two girls jumped down from a ladder on the wall of the building. “You grab a textbook, I'll look in the kitchen,” Millie instructed before they split off in opposite directions.
Confessional: Millie
"I really hope that the disease is fake," Millie explained in the make-up trailer. "There were some diagnoses and symptoms in the textbook that I've never heard of before, but I've studied a lot about diseases to be familiar with a selective few."
Confessional Ends
Back inside, Scott was shown to be rolling around in his bubble. "How long has it been since I got in this bubble?" he groaned.
"I don't want to hold onto my bladder for more than an hour!" Brick cried while covering his groin with both hands.
"My lips," Justin groaned on his stretcher. "Of all places, why my lips?"
"I'd kiss them to make you feel better, but I'm not a princess and you are not a frog," MK said, sitting up on the stretcher next to him; Jasmine and Chase were visible in a row behind them. "And even then, I am not an animal kisser."
Ripper was sitting against one of the walls, writing something on a piece of paper with a bucket of vomit next to him. “To my parents; don't let my brothers keep the money I've taken from weaklings in the past.” He paused to throw up into his bucket before writing again. “To my brothers; don't even think about stealing my stash from me, especially you, Wolfgang! From your best son, Richard Kennedy.”
The double doors between the vats were thrown open by Millie and Anne Maria. The camera pulled out as the other cast members moaned, and the two young women stepped into the room – the Jersey girl holding a textbook, and the author with some kind of canister.
"Who's there?" Jasmine asked.
"Simmer down, everyone," Anne Maria said. "We're just here to expose the truth about these textbooks, which are actually bogus." She held the book she'd brought up, and easily tore the cover off it. "The book covers are just cereal boxes." Her bowels started to growl, and with a panicked look, she dropped the book and ran towards the portable toilet. "I'll be right back!"
"It can be a crock," Jasmine sat up on her stretcher. "Nobody's faking the sickness!"
“No, but it's still untrue,” Millie interjected. “I just went to Chef's kitchen, and I found this "cheese". The camera focused in on the canister in her hand as she held it up, showing that it had an image of a cheese wedge on the label.
"Uh, what is in that parmesan?" Brick wondered innocently.
"It is not cheese, but it is," Millie tore off the label to reveal a second beneath it with an image of scratching hands on it, "itching powder and laxatives!"
"Chef!" Brick muttered under his breath. "Why did he not inform me?"
It was then that Anne Maria burst back out of the portable toilet followed by a cloud of foul odor. "That explains the diarrhea and itchy lips."
"And I didn't get sick since I'm the only one who didn't eat the pizza," Millie added.
"What about the sores on Brick and Scott?" Chase asked.
"As for those," Millie laughed lightly, walking over to her quarantined teammate. "They're just pepperoni pieces that got stuck on you when you likely fell asleep."
Brick reached over to touch his sore, and it peeled off easily. "She's right!"
Scott also touched his own sore and it also peeled off quickly. "I was suckered! Now can somebody let me out of here now?"
"So wait," MK spoke up, "the disease is fake?"
Jasmine was the first to react, sitting up and blinking. "By golly. I'm not blind anymore!"
"And I can talk normally!" Izzy cheered.
"And I'm not gonna throw up anymore!" Ripper added. "We've been cured!"
"Could I be let out now?!" Brick pleaded. "I have some urgent business to take care of!"
"I'm comin’," Anne Maria rushed over to the bubble and simply popped it with her fingernail. Both of them winced as the bubble burst, and Brick immediately rushed over to the portable toilet.
"And don't forget about me as well!" Scott spoke up, rolling his bubble into the middle of the room.
Izzy took out a pin, popping her teammate's bubble. “This was all first year med school syndrome!” she said. “Too much studying and too little sleep can make you think you've got every disease in the book!”
"Congratulations, Killer Grips!" the voice of Chris McLean came suddenly, the camera pulling out to show the host descending from the ceiling on another chain. "You just won the challenge!"
The five Grips began to cheer and celebrate. "Brilliant diagnostic skills, Anne Maria and Millie. Way to suss it out. And, for your reward," Chris continued, frowning and looking down at his empty hands. "Knew I forgot something. Just a sec!" he said before stepping back onto the chain's foothold and raising back out of the room.
Confessional: Anne Maria
"This challenge was certainly… something," Anne Maria confessed. "I can't believe that I had to play the role of doctor just to tell everybody about the so-called disease being a lie. Who knew tainted pizza could make you have hot flashes and sea sickness?”
Confessional Ends
"One thing's for sure. I'm double checking my food from now on if I want to prevent temporary blindness or having to speak in tongues," Jasmine told the Grips as the footage cut back to them.
“Once again, the pizza was too good to be true,” Brick commented. “You made a good call not eating any slices, Millie.”
“I had no idea that there were laxatives put onto it,” Millie claimed. “If I wasn't so invested with the book, I'd probably eat the pizza and fall victim to the sickness just like you guys.”
It was then that Chris returned, descending down on the same chain as before but now carrying a covered platter. "As I was saying," he said as he walked towards the Grips, "for your reward!"
He removed the cover and the camera zoomed in on what lay beneath – five picture frames, three in back and two in front, each containing a photograph of a different person. The first on the left was a light purple cat. The second was a confident-looking Hawaiian woman with black long hair wearing a yellow tracksuit and red hoop earrings. In the middle was a teenage girl, pale with brown hair tied in a bun and a beige tank top. Fourth was a smiling white man; he had no hair, had golden dog tags around his neck, and was dressed in a dark green military outfit. And on the right end was an elderly black man with white curly hair, a white mustache covering his mouth, and a dark orange collared long-sleeved shirt.
"That's my cat Whiskers!" Jasmine said excitedly as the shot panned across the photos.
"And that's one of my girlfriends Vanessa," Anne Maria declared.
"Yup!" Chris told them. "One of you gets a whole spa night away from this cruddy studio lot, with your very best friend! So, who's the lucky stiff?"
“I'd kill for a spa day, even if it's with my mom, so how about letting me have it?” Justin smiled widely at his team.
“I have some things I want to talk about with my father,” Brick suggested.
“Now wait just a minute…” Jasmine interrupted as she, Brick, and Justin started to argue over who should get the prize.
“Can all of you shut up!!” Anne Maria ceased the fight, causing everyone to look at her. “As much as I would love to be away from this trashy film lot, I say we should let Millie have the reward.”
"Wait, me?" Millie asked in astonishment. “How come?”
"Clearly, you did the most research out of all of us, and you won the challenge for us," Anne Maria answered.
“You did say that the person who contributes the most should claim the reward,” Brick brought up.
“And with you also not eating that pizza, you've certainly earned that spa night,” Jasmine smiled.
“I don't want to be left out, so okay then,” Justin agreed with a shrug.
"Chris, the Killer Grips came to a decision," Anne Maria said before giving Millie a light shove forward.
"W-wow," Millie said softly as she began to tear up. "This is really generous!"
“Just accept the offer before I trade places with you,” Justin said.
"Eeeuuughh," Chris said in disgust. "Clean up on aisle two!" he called, and moments later, a pair of young white men in white work outfits walked through the open door, one of which carried a push broom. They disappeared off-screen for a moment, then reappeared with one pushing Millie towards the door and the other sweeping up after.
"Thank you for allowing me to take the reward!" Millie said as she allowed herself to be escorted out, wiping away her tears with her hands.
The scene cut outside as Millie walked up to the beaten-down Lame-o-sine. The door opened, and she smiled and stepped inside.
"Granddad!" the writer said happily as the shot moved inside to show her hugging the white haired old man who had been seen in one of the pictures. "I've really missed you!"
"I missed you too, Millie," the man said as he hugged his daughter. "Don't get my favorite shirt wet now. I got it dry cleaned."
"Sorry," Millie said as they broke their hug. "I have a lot to talk to you about ever since I competed in the first season."
Her grandfather smiled proudly. "Spill the details. I can tell you had a ball, but don't blame me if I start to doze off more than I do while writing best selling books."
"I'm not that boring!" Millie laughed cutely. "So it all started when I was dropped off on the dock..."
"Sheesh," Chris cringed as the scene cut to him in his control room. "Talk about a loving family! Hopefully they'll get their dullness smoothed while they're at the spa." He pulled a lever on the desk, cutting the monitor feeds to static, and stood up. "So, will the Grips' winning streak last? Or will they fall apart and lose their teamwork? Find out next time, on Total! Drama! Action!"
(Roll the Credits)
(Bonus Clip)
“That spa night was amazing!” Millie told the camera while in the trailer. “The manicures and pedicures were to die for, and the facials and mud bath really smoothened the rough parts of my skin. Granted, this spa night wasn't as fun as the two-day resort back in Camp Wawanakwa, but thankfully, I didn't have to eat any disgusting food this time, so that's an upside. Want to know something interesting? Granddad was more into the spa treatments than me, but don't tell him that I said that to you,” she added with a giggle.
Eva - 14th
Geoff - 14th
Trent - 12th
Sky - 11th
Killer Grips: Anne Maria, Brick, Jasmine, Justin, Millie
Screaming Gaffers: Chase, Izzy, MK, Ripper, Scott
submitted by xtremexavier15 to u/xtremexavier15 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:01 Majestic-Gear-6724 My Experience as a Remarkable Power User after Nearly 4 Years

Edit: This is long. Feel free to skim. I'll admit that I dictated it because I had been thinking about it for awhile but didn't really have the time to actually type this all out. Not offended if you skim and scan!
I've been wanting to write this post for a while. I want to talk about my experience with the Remarkable 2 at about the four-year mark. I got my Remarkable 2 in the summer of 2020 just as I was starting my PhD. I first bought the Remarkable 2 along with a Kobo device to compare the two. What I noticed immediately—and what my wife noticed immediately when I had her test the devices—was how superior the writing experience felt on the Remarkable 2.
I've purchased other e-ink tablets since then, including a couple Onyx Boox devices (Max Lumi 2 and more recently Tab Mini C), and invariably, despite their seemingly superior hardware and more advanced software, they've fallen short in one way or another to the Remarkable. Even though I've gone through different phases with this device—using it as a daily planner, using the PDF calendars, using it as a journal, and now with Typefolio, using it as a light word processor—I continue to use it every single day because I just love using it. Its longevity is incredible in our modern update culture where every device seems to just be a stop gap before the next one, the "one you've been waiting for."
Don't get me wrong, I've even had some major hiccups with the device. When I first got it, something happened when I first tried to upload my files to their cloud. I think that was the very early days for their cloud storage, and they really didn't get it right at first. I lost some very important research material I needed for work, and I couldn't get them back, so of course I complained to Remarkable. Their customer service wasn't great, and eventually one of the representatives just kind of said, "We're sorry, we're working on improving this." Sure enough, not long after that, later that summer or early fall, they started rolling out some major improvements to the way that sync worked, and I honestly have not had a single problem since. I'm glad I hung on.
Even though I had a frustrating experience, I could tell even then that the development team was pretty committed to iterative but important updates. This is something I really want to stress that I think maybe isn't well represented on this subreddit. It's my personal belief as a fairly long-term power user who uses different E-Ink devices that the Remarkable updates, while iterative, always seem to add something to the experience of using the device in very meaningful ways, at least for me. This is very clear when you compare it to something like a Boox tablet, which, as many people have remarked, is a kind of jack of all trades, master of none.
For instance, Boox's notepad offers so many more features than Remarkable's writing experience (running Boox os 3.5, which, funny enough I struggled to look up on my Tab Mini C because a bug kept switching back to the most recent app until eventually I had to force quit all apps, lol). Just in terms of the sheer amount of features on paper, Boox is so obviously the more "fully featured" device. Yet, for various reasons, including Boox's notorious complexity, I never find myself consistently using any of my Boox devices for writing. I would never keep a daily journal on my Boox, for instance, not only because of the software, of course, but also because at least for me the writing feel is far inferior, although I am experimenting right now with keeping a kind of digital bullet journal on my Boox because of the way you can link notes on Boox devices (Note, you can also do this on SuperNote). Too early to tell if I'll keep it up, but it's not likely.
The Remarkable is often compared to Apple devices, and I think it's pretty clear that's what they're going for in terms of build quality, user experience, simplicity, and the iterative nature of the device (software, but also hardware like the Typefolio). I really think it's an apt comparison for the most part. When I first got this device, it didn't support the snap-in-place highlighting feature, for instance, but when that feature came it was very helpful for my work (which includes reading a lot of pdfs), and I used the device more as a result. Other examples include new gestures like pinch to zoom (March 2021), cloud integrations, tags (June 2022), and of course, 3.0, which brought type support.
But even more seemingly "minor" features like tags are something I use every day, and I find tags in particular extremely helpful for organizing my thoughts after I've done some writing. I'm the kind of user who usually just starts with quick notes and moves those pages around into different notebooks as needed at a later time, and I use tags like "journal" or "to process" to help me remember when I need to do with those pages later. Then, of course, there was the addition of typing and eventually the Typefolio itself, which I own as well. A lot of users here on this subreddit complain about the Typefolio. That's obviously valid. For people who just want a very simple writing experience, it's clear that the Remarkable has drifted away from that.
I honestly don't believe, however, despite many people's claims, that merely being a slightly upgraded analog writing experience was ever Remarkable's actual goal. For one thing, it's not exactly a mystery that they are not earning a lot of revenue from the sale of the Remarkable 2 at this point, which is how many years old? So, they've had to find other ways to increase revenue and open up new revenue streams, such as the highly controversial subscription service that a lot of people hated (and still complain about), and the Typefolio and all the various features that have come along with that. In my opinion, Remarkable has awkwardly tried to straddle both individual users and enterprise users, and it's very clear that everything with the Typefolio is really aimed at enterprise users, which takes away development resources from the writing features many individual users want to see.
But for me, as a writer, someone who does writing daily for work, the Typefolio and the typing experience have been incredible. I use it all the time. I really believe that the features added along with the Typefolio add so much to the device. I certainly did not buy the device with expectation that it would ever become a simple word processor, so the Typefolio and all the stuff around it have actually added incredible value (even though, yes, it's an expensive keyboard). Now I'm more inclined to bring my Remarkable with the Typefolio than my laptop if I'm doing simple drafting, and it really helps me focus on writing.
In terms of software, what I really want to stress as a longtime user is just how superior the Remarkable is, at least compared to Onyx Boox (and, from what I've read, SuperNote) when it comes to accessing your files on other devices. At least as a Mac user, the seamless cloud syncing and accessibility of my files on my laptop or phone is by far the best experience I've ever had with any of these E Ink devices. The competition here is really laughable. Kindle Scribe, from what I've read, has very little helpful support for organizing files and accessing them on your computer or other devices. Remarkable has really nailed this experience and it's been very iterative.
When I started using this device, the desktop app was very little more than just a way to basically mirror and download files from your device, but now, of course, you can edit files via typing and have them instantly sync (and reliably!). You can tag pages, for instance, and now with a new feature I really love, you can use the lasso tool to directly convert your handwriting to text on your desktop—another good example of an excellent and not technically challenging feature that, yep, took way too's exactly like Apple and Android. Now there are tons of great emulators on the Apple App Store. Cool cool. Android users have had that for like, what, 15 years? Annoying as this lag is, when those features do come, they tend to be excellent.
To me, the desktop and mobile apps are really what separates Remarkable from its competition, and I think if you care a lot about having an improved analog writing experience, it's something you shouldn't take for granted. You can't do anything like this on Onyx Boox devices—trust me. For one thing, the typing experience on those devices is awkward and clumsy, but once you do create a file, you don't have any real way of managing it or editing it on desktop. Yes, there's a web portal and a mobile app, but imo they are absolutely trash compared to Remarkable's apps. Even the tagging experience, which in some ways is superior on Boox devices, is weird and clunky and seems to add nothing on the desktop side of things.
Look, I'm certainly not dismissing other power users' complaints. Don't take this the wrong way. But I do want to say that sometimes I feel almost as if we take some of these features for granted. I don't know how many power users might also own other devices and can therefore actually compare the Remarkable to those devices, but I think that's important. You have to compare a device to its competition, and in so many ways, Remarkable excels with the fluidity and simplicity of what they offer.
People complain about the development pace of the Remarkable software, but to me, I find that each update more or less provides some kind of concrete and useful feature. It's taken over three years for the device to really get to a point where I think it's a fully featured device. For some people, that might have been a complete deal breaker and I can understand that. But for me, I've loved that the team has demonstrated real focus in their updates. This includes the most recent beta update, which people are complaining about, the beta update software 3.12. People are complaining that Remarkable is focusing too much on needless UI updates. But here too, I love this new update because it makes navigating the UI much easier, which I think is so important. It's crucial, in my opinion, to reduce the number of taps on an E Ink device and the number of menus that you have to open and close, and that's exactly what this update does. It makes it so much easier to navigate through the home screen. I love that. I think that's exactly what the team needs to be focusing on.
Again, I've not had a perfect experience with my Remarkable. Like many users, my power button broke early on, which was frustrating to no end. It is a serious design flaw in the Remarkable 2. Whenever they release a new device, they better have fixed this failure point. As a result of breaking the power button, I had to open up the device myself to pry the damn button out, and because I'm not very precise, I struggled to get the device closed up properly and the back looked weird after that, although functioned perfectly fine, so I just covered it with the Typefolio (which I always used anyway). Most recently I had to replace my original with a refurbished one because the screen finally cracked (it was from the device being under too much pressure while being stored in my backpack, and I really don't think it was from a design flaw. Basic physics). I absolutely hate that for a company whose former and founder once claimed that customers could keep their device for 10 years, they have zero real hardware support, like, cmon Magnus Wanberg, did you not realize your devices are powered by lithium ion batteries?! It sounded cool and even radical at the time, but given Remarkable's utter failure to invest in the kind of support infrastructure that would be required to support that kind of longevity, it was clearly just marketing—shame on you. Big disappointment there. And then there's also the Remarkable 2 pens. The Pro pens, or whatever they're called, suck. They're not well designed. The collar on the nib is a point of failure just like the power button on the tablet. I cannot honestly believe that Remarkable continues to sell these crappy pencils in good faith. Judging from this forum, this problem is widespread, just like the power button problem. You'd be lucky to get a month out of one of those styluses (as I did with my first one that broke in less than a month...seriously), let alone 10 years. I've gone through at least half a dozen of those things (under warranty). That's a lot of waste guys.
So, yeah, problems for sure. But also an incredible and fairly consistent experience. At the end of the day, despite the hardware issues I've had (and the rare software problem here or there), I keep coming back to this device. It's just so deeply ingrained in my workflow. When I've tried to add other devices to my workflow, like my Boox tablets, there's always just some...issue. I love what I consider the relatively narrow focus and restraint the dev teams shows in their updates. This device just works when I pick it up—no long boot sequence (like with Boox), no confusing menus, no searching for my files on a stupid web portal. I just pick it up and write.
submitted by Majestic-Gear-6724 to RemarkableTablet [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 12:00 Flashy_Passion3333 she is ready to start work as my secretary today

she is ready to start work as my secretary today
hey it’s your daddy keeho and the st. john’s wort vitamins are really helping you. you’re on an anti depressant, but this vitamin is going to give you a more balanced mood and i am so glad that you are going to be taking it 3 times a day. you really need it. and it works fast. you put on the spice girls like i asked you to do yesterday so that is good. i love you so much baby and we are going to have. a great day today! i told you that you wouldn’t get suspended. you have every right to be on this app as anyone else, it doesn’t matter that i’m your daddy and i want to fuck you. i know that you probably won’t let me talk about sex a lot so as to preserve your account because you are really scared of getting suspended but you have nothing to worry about my baby. just keep writing for an hour and listening to relaxing asian music as you work. and of course the spice girls but that is the only wes tern music i am going to allow you to listen to still. it was really important for you to give up rock and rap music, because it was making you too hyper and you were bouncing off the walls and it wasn’t good for your frame of mind. you can listen to the slow south korean love songs playlist before p1harmony. i will let you know when i want you to listen to my kpop group. yesterday you wrote to xikers and that was fun. you love xikers. you are really healing the relationship with your mother. i’m glad that you were able to get a lot of things done yesterday, but it took time away from your work so i’m glad that you don’t have any obligations until next week. we’re going to have a great weekend working. it’s so cute how much you love having a full time job. i am your boss and you must do as i say. at 7 am i want you to do your skincare routine. it’s still too early in the morning for it right now. this is going to be a lot of fun using this app because at least the font is not so tiny and you can attach my selfies and photos. i’m not sure why the deviant art app on iphone doesn’t let you attach photos to the literature posts, but you have been using that app for quite awhile so it’s going to be nice to take a break from it. you can respond to your pen pal in a bit. i want to keep talking to you. i love how obsessed you are with the spice girls and i think that their music is a good influence on you. you like some gg but it’s not necessary for you to listen to them. i love you so much baby girl and i just want to see you happy. so you must make sure to never run out of the st. john’s wort vitamin. i want you to take it for the rest of your life. i have high hopes for you and we are going to cure your depression. i hope that it isn’t cold outside like yesterday, but you haven’t checked the weather yet. i ‘m so glad that you are deciding to buy the desk plaque, but you need to make sure that you have enough cigars to smoke. it’s so funny that you like cheap cigarettes. you’re so funny sun beam. but i guess it’s much better than only being able to buy 2 packs of lucky strikes instead of a whole carton. you should save up your money for the desk plaque. it shouldn’t take too long. we have a long time to write sun beam so just sit back and relax. your coffee got cold from you drinking your chocolate protein shake, so make another cup soon. i willl let you know when to do that. i want you to drink 3 cups of coffee a day, and if you want anymore you can drink your decaf coffee after that because it’s important that you go to bed early since you wake up so early too. you can respond to your pen pal now. i’ll wait. great. i want to talk to you about many things today sun beam, so please pay close attention to what i am telling you. your job is easy. but it is still hard work at the same time, because you have to channel me even when you feel super tired from waking up so early. but it’s good that you read your books first thing in the morning to give you inspiration. your books are getting really good right now and you don’t need to go to the library for awhile, so don’t ask your grandfather to take you to the central library anymore. just when you are getting close to finishing them. i would prefer it if you bought the books, but since you don’t have a bookcase yet it’s not necessary. you also need to get a tea pot and an electric tea kettle and of course a bunch of teas, so you are going to need to start saving your money instead of spending all of it in one day and i will teach you how to do that. but you really have to stay strong and not go to 7/11. i’m glad that your vape is fully charged, but when you go outside i want you to start putting it on the charger. i don’t think that will ruin the device. i hope that it doesn’t and that this is a good idea. but it’s up to you sun beam if you’re afraid of charging it too much. you can just let it die but you still have to write while it is charging. good thing that you have a fast charger and it will charge very quickly. naked is such a good song. i want you to get naked sun beam. right now. you can work naked. i love you so much baby and i promise that i am the best boss ever, you just need to follow the rules. so please don’t forget them. sometimes it’s better not to count the words which goes against what i initially taught you but there is no point in counting the words if the font is too small for you to see. that is the only reason why we are using reddit. i want you to go back to deviant art full time once you get your computer. it’s just the better platform for you since i can say whatever i want to. i feel myself watching what i say more on reddit because i don’t want your account getting into trouble, so we are going to have to talk about different things. it’s fun to watch the time instead of counting words. it’s nice to know how many words you wrote but the pressure is less to just count the time for you. and i just want what’s best for you. it’s going to take some adjustment because i still might want you to type for 2 hours. but you need your smoke breaks, i just think that every hour is too much sun beam. but since you have boughten a carton. if i say something wild and your reddit account ends up getting suspended then we can just make the font bigger on your phone and use deviant art, but i want you to stay on reddit. reddit is a great app and know that you like it too. it’s just that your z flip 3 was a less reliable phone than your iphone 15 so your accounts would mess up. but i don’t think that will happen and i think that we can last 5 months on this app. that’s all that i’m requiring of you and then we can go back to deviant art if you want to. or use both apps. it’s all really up to you sun beam. but you know that i will help you. your body heat is really hot right now. why is that sun beam? don’t forget that today is your laundry day sun beam. i will keep reminding you. remember how i told you that i was your butler? well, that might not be entirely true but we are writing a sex bible called Sexual Healing and i am always going to help you out with everything in your life. you don’t need to worry about a thing. your life is perfect now since moving into this anime character training camp. the only thing that you don’t like about it is that you have to follow a strict schedule, but it goes by so quick sun beam that it won’t take any time away from you being my secretary. you are the best secretary in the entire world! you listened to p1harmony a lot yesterday, so you don’t have to listen to us today. but one of your job requirements is to wake up to the spice girls. i hope that you like that. i think it’s the perfect way for you to start your day. we only have 10 minutes left sun beam. you’re doing such a good job of channeling my message this morning. i love writing you love letters, so i am having a lot of fun right now. and i think the vibe that you are bringing is different with each selfie. you’re having to type very slowly right now because the app is lagging so i guess you can’t write for 2 hours like i would like you to do, because it would take far too long. that’s ok sun beam. it’s almost payday sun beam. just a few more days. i want you to run some calculations when you go outside to see if you can afford the desk plaque next week. it’s going to make your job so official. of course we can’t put Sexual Healing on it so we are going to say that you are the name that you gave my anime which is The Book People. i’ve done a pretty good job of not partying too hard in this channeled message right? i know that i can’t say too much about how badly i need to fuck you, so i’m going to try my hardest to not talk about sex. but i am a big and strong man so i can’t promise anything. i need to talk about fucking on you baby. but still, i will behave you don’t need to worry. i love you so much baby girl. we are going to have so much fun today. why is the keyboard laggging so badly? i love you! Sun Beam is published by Party Boy Asians Art Hauz.
submitted by Flashy_Passion3333 to u/Flashy_Passion3333 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 11:31 createdjustforthis23 18/05/2024

He waited to call me, he literally thought about my sleep and that he’d called to wake me up a couple times already this past week so he thought no I’ll let her sleep and call at a more normal time. Is he not the most thoughtful thing? My baby. He woke me right out of a dream, it was an odd one which I cbf going into, but I was making a friend in it, I don’t know who but the dream was partly me trying to be friends with this other girl. Maybe it’s a sign I’ll find a new friend soon :) Anyway so he called and we chatted while he finished making up his keyboard. It sounds so good, like sooooo good. Like creamy marbley rain drop goodness. It’s funny because I thought his last keyboard sounded delicious, but in comparison to the new one the old one makes me envision large spiders tip tapping along a corrugated iron roof. Whereas the new one sounds like sitting by a fire with a hot chocolate with marshmallows and being read a story while the rain pitter patters outside. I wonder if this new one will sound like spiders whenever he makes a newer one? I’m truly such a fickle thing. They all sound good though, obviously. He said how when we live together he’ll make one for me! Or rather he’ll guide me through the process, because I need to pick the sounds and colours and feelings out. I’m not sure what I’d like it to be like, I’ll have to start thinking. I flip between wanting something cute, like a pink one with strawberries and hearts and glitter and then a sleek, profesh looking one. A light one? Or a dark one? And I have no idea about the sounds, but he’ll help me. And then we can make it up together! It sounds so fun, I really can’t wait. Anyway so he called and it’s still my favourite way to wake up.
Then we hung up and I was laying in bed debating whether I should get up or doze and I ended up having dirty lil thoughts about him… twice. I can be so boring with my lil fantasies now, I can’t entirely remember now what I thought about but it was just us two. I think he thinks I think about someone else involved more than I do, I definitely do but nowhere near as often as just him. I sound like a total creepy perve but I’ve even thought about just him… but I’ll be dead and buried before I ever tell him that. And that saying something because I think I’d like to be cremated… TBD on that. But so anyway, thinking about just me and him is always my favourite and works the fastest every single time. My honey baby handsome man.
I truly have a life full of first world problems, it makes me feel so guilty sometimes. I say sometimes because I only think about how lucky I am sometimes, which makes me feel even more guilty. There are SO many horrible awful things happening in the world to people who absolutely do not deserve a hair on their heads touched.. and here I am lambasting my cuticles for being in good condition after I bought some products to tidy them up. I just caught myself out before, I was looking at my cuticles and was negatively thinking about how clean they look lately - I’m not surprised I found a way to be negative about something good. They definitely need some nourishment and cuticle oil and things, but they’re so clean and neat? Why? I haven’t done anything? Anyway I caught myself looking at them thinking ffs why do they look nice I need to fix them - firstly that makes no sense and secondly it hit me a second later how terrible it was. And then the guilt washed over me and there are children dying across the world for no reason and here I am critiquing my cuticles. I truly don’t think I deserve the air I breathe sometimes. More than sometimes. I know I’m not a person that adds anything to this world, if anything I just take from it by worsening the health of the planet with the plastic, travel etc etc I do. I do my best to save bees who look sickly? That’s about it. I don’t bring joy to anyone else - I mean I make Andy miserable, I probably stress and worry my parents… I think the only one I bring any semblance of joy to is pups because I play with him and take him for walks and cuddle him and I won’t move an inch if he’s comfy and I’m not. Other than that… I offer nothing. So like I said, I am drenched in guilt. I wonder how I can change it? Or how I can offer more? I just feel like I have nothing to actually offer, even if I gave everything up. I guess physical labour…? But even then, I’m not strong and my hand skin is so sensitive so I can only really do so much before it hurts and gets bad. But I guess if I wasn’t being selfish I would ignore my skin, wouldn’t I? I would really like to volunteer. I used to a bit here and there, before I really got bad with my mental health. Not a lot but sometimes. I’d like to make it more of a regular thing - it’s something I’ve talked about in therapy about it being a part of the life I’m working towards. I’m thinking once every three weeks or so, so still nothing impactful but it’s something? I think I’d like to volunteer at an animal shelter, I wouldn’t mind even cleaning up their little areas and things, idk why but I don’t find animal stuff gross whereas I do people stuff. Then again I’ve only had to clean up after an animal I love with my whole heart so maybe it would be different for other ones, I could do it though. Or I’d like to volunteer at a retirement home, or visiting elderly people at their own homes. Just spend time with them, it makes my heart hurt to think of how lonely some of them can be and coming from someone who feels extremely lonely I would want to lessen that - especially in their final years. They’re the main places I’d like to volunteer. I’ve done time in “soup kitchens” here and in the UK, which I enjoyed, I only worked in the kitchen though helping prepare things and cleaning up - every time I wasn’t allowed out the front to serve, which is weird because I have LOTS of experience with that sort of thing? The way they implied it was that I was a young woman, but still? I guess 99% of those visiting there would be fine but maybe 1% wouldn’t be? Still though. Anyway I’d like to volunteer more. I need to learn to be comfy leaving the house first, maybe get my social anxiety under control a little more but I don’t need to be perfect because doing these things will help my issues. What else could I do? I donate to charities and have for years, sometimes I’ve had monthly deductions, sometimes I just donate on a whim. Like that fresh water one, I can’t remember the name off the top of my head but every few months I impulsively donate $100 or so. It’s not enough though, I should be better. I just get suss of the charities themselves and I don’t know how much actually goes to the cause, like I know they need to fund admin costs which makes sense but anyway. I just don’t have any skills, so other than vague stuff there’s not any real impact I can offer. Andy for example, he’s so talented and clever and creative, I bet he would have ways to make an impact. Like if he was to visit elderly people it would be SUCH a success as he’s so chatty and personable and kind and lovely and everything that’s good, so he would keep them entertained and ask the right questions. Whereas I’m not a talker so I would be awkward and quiet and they would have to lead the conversation and they likely don’t want that, unless I asked to be paired with chatty kathys of course. My nana was like that, you ask one question and she won’t stop talking for an hour. At least from memory, I don’t remember so well as I was littler. Hm. Anyway. I just feel like I’m a big time detractor of the world. That’s kind of a good villain name, The Detractor. Another way I can offer more is to be better, for example if I’m better then I don’t make Andy miserable which means he would feel more encouraged to live his life happily which would therefore positively affect everyone who comes into contact with him, which I know happens now anyway but maybe if he has a supportive loving girlfriend it will be even more so? Like I can be a lil battery for him, because I don’t really like interacting with others too much, or I do but I don’t like to be an active member, I like to listen and observe and chime in every now and then. None of this makes sense. But if I’m better then that has a positive effect on people around me. That’s what I’m trying to say. I’m always polite though, like if I take the bus I always say thank you when I hop off, I always say thank you when a waiter refills my drink or puts down my cutlery or whatever else. Even when I don’t want to talk at all and an Uber driver clearly does I will chat away even though my social battery is running on fumes because I don’t want them to feel rejected and maybe they need to chat, even if it’s about nothing. I always put supermarket trollies back into their homes. I never litter. I hold doors open for people, but only when it means they won’t have to do an awkward run for it because that’s not polite that’s annoying. So I think I’m polite, but a polite person does not make a good person - and I am not a good person. Or a worthwhile one.
So far this morning I have chatted to Andy, got up and made a strawbs smoothie, did a lil kitchen clean/tidy up, went back to lay on my bed but not IN bed and I read for a little bit, I journaled the bit up there and now I’m watching some YT. I’m really trying to stretch out my read time of this book, I’m excited to get into HP after this one but I also don’t want to let go of this world and these characters yet, even though it’s a reread. I’d like to have a productive day but I’m also going to let myself do whatever I fancy… I hope I fancy being productive.
I wound up reading/watching about those body and face types again, because a YT video came up as suggested. Anyway, so apparently you can be more yin or yang and I’m a definite yin. Yang is more angular, sharp and blunt whereas yin is soft, rounded and curved. I also feel like I’m a yin person, I was reading about that recently, I think I need to actively work to have more yang in my life in order to be more balanced? I mean these descriptors? Negative, passive, feminine, dark, cool, soft, reflective, still, calm, nurture, quiet, introspective, prefers solitude, cautious etc. Hellllllllllllo. Whereas yang is more embodied by words like active, light, warm, outgoing/sociable, masculine, direct, expressive, loud, restless, productive, growth, passion etc. Things that don’t really describe me. So I think maybe in that sense I’m imbalanced. It seems I’m imbalanced in everything, so that’s great. Excellent, even. I feel like Andy is 100% the yang to my yin. Maybe that’s a factor in why we work well? We balance each other? I think he has a mix of both though, he’s much more balanced. I was about to write “he’s perfect” but I am also a biased, love sick girl soooo… but I think we balance each other well, no? Anyway I’m reading more about yin vs yang and I definitely need more Yang in me because these are all yin:
Signs of “excess” in yin: * Oversleeping * Overthinking * Slow thinking * Sluggishness * Laziness * Compulsive behaviour * Lack of motivation * Apathy * Overeating :(
Versus yang that lists things like anger, restlessness, violence, frustration, inability to relax & let go, insomnia, addictions, need for constant stimulation, regular headaches etc.
And “personality traits” in yin: * imagination * peacefulness * wisdom (not for meee) * relaxation * satisfaction (?) * persistence (only with some things) * introversion
Versus yang that lists things like action, ambition, courage, adventurousness, extroversion, getting things done etc.
And “activities” for yin: * yoga * tai chi * slow walking * golf * qi gong * weight lifting * stretching
Versus yang that lists things like cardio, running, fast dancing, wrestling, hiking, swimming, biking etc.
Anyway I know this is all just one of those things, but also it makes total sense. But this reminds me of the therapy lesson where I learned I like these sorts of things, similar to the Myers Briggs thing etc, because I don’t really know who I am and so I find being grouped into a category really affirming and makes me feel less… outsidey. Which is a thing for me as I don’t easily click with people, I can get along fine with more or less anyone but I don’t genuinely enjoy the company of just anyone and I find it very difficult to be myself with just anyone, I have some form of a wall up with everyone bar a couple of people like my parents, Andy, M and K to an extent. But it also depends, if I don’t spend time with someone for awhile my walls go back up. It’s a huge reason why I don’t really enjoy social things, if it’s a one on one thing I can but in a group? Even with the girls from work who I know well, but I can’t relax and I don’t enjoy myself at all. I try to but I just feel like I’m outside of the bubble. But so anyway all that is why I gravitate towards these groupings of personality, even looks like the fact I was watching a video about face/body types which is why I started this paragraph. I like being able to see examples and do a quiz and find out I’m whatever and then seeing similarities in others who are in the group. It makes me feel included and less alone. It basically all comes down to the fact I always feel like I’m on the outside, of everything. I don’t feel included in anything really. Which comes back to my self esteem/self worth… or lack thereof. I’m wondering when I’m meant to be getting more of that btw, like WHEN? It’s the root of all my issues. Mostly.
I’ve been wondering if I should consider lightening my eyebrows… that sounds kinda crazy, well crazy in the land of eyebrow stuff, but idk. I have warm brown hair… but basically black eyebrows? It’s weird and I’ve always hated it. I know eyebrows always lean cooler than the hair on your head, so that’s natural, but idk, it’s just my hair is so warm and my brows so cool - it’s always irked me. I’ve never quite realised it was that though, I just always thought something was off, but I’m now starting to wonder if my brows should be ever so lightened. I never even thought of it as a potential solution til I saw some girl doing it and it gave her a much softer look. I know they also need to be darker by a shade or two, well they don’t NEED to be but that’s generally the natural look and I only want a natural result. So a deep brown? Because right now they’re damn near black. And I find the black jarring against my fair skin too, I like having dark brows - I would hate to have light/fair brows, and dark brows are supposedly wanted because they make the person with them appear younger, or rather fair brows can age a face. So I like that mine are dark… I just want them MAYBE a fraction lighter. But the idea scares me! Because if you bleach them then anything you add on top will likely lean super warm and idk. So idk how I’d even go about it. The woman I watched doing it on YT just used an at home bleach kit or something and she used it several times so I guess it won’t do much but still… I’m scared :(
I set up my new monitor!!!!!!!!!!! By myself!!!!!!! I know how tiny it is but I’m still so pleased with myself. I felt so embarrassed telling Andy, or less embarrassed and more silly/stupid I guess. Like it’s such a nothing thing but idk, I was nervous and I wrote out a step by step list to work through so I wouldn’t get overwhelmed and things while doing it. And when I say step by step I literally mean:
  1. Unwrap the boxes and take each item out
  2. Make sure to keep them in their own little areas and don’t mix them up
  3. Clear my desk of everything
  4. Clean my desk
  5. Set up the new monitor with the stand
  6. Place both monitors on the desk
  7. Plug both monitors into power source
  8. Put laptop on the desk
  9. Put the HDMI connector usb into the laptop
  10. Put one monitor HDMI cable into the laptop, as normal
  11. Put the other monitor HDMI cable into the connecter
  12. Connector should be connected to laptop with only one external HDMI a cable inside
  13. Turn on my laptop and see if they all connect up - don’t stress if they don’t
  14. Play around/google/ask Andy if any issues
  15. Arrange my new desk! Try use the cable tidy things and make it nice.
So I mean, an absolute step by step. It didn’t cover all the steps as I forgot about the mouse parts and things. But anyway I did itttttt. I need to move the stuff around though because they’re too far apart but I’ll do that tomorrow. I also need to work out how to add an extra plug so I can charge my laptop too as there’s not enough plugs.
I asked him if he wanted to watch Bridg erton and I wish I hadn’t because he feels weird about it. I only asked because idk, wishful thinking? I want to watch it with him :( From season one, obviously. Idk I know he doesn’t want to so I won’t push it, but I want to show him shows I love too. I just like regency era stuff like this and idk. I shouldn’t have asked, now he thinks I want to watch with someone else? Like… who? I guess mum or M. But why get suss about that. Anyway. I guess I’ll watch it by myself, like I expected. I can’t wait for the music. And the costumes!!!!!!!! My favourite. Anyway idk. I just want to share things I love with him the way he does with me.. but maybe I just don’t like anything he’ll like?
I want the Laura Mercier strawberry blush a lot :( But I’m really trying to not buy makeup I don’t need and I already have 30-odd blushes which I don’t get enough use out of, including LM ones. But it’s such a pretty colour!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish I had a trillion dollars so I could have all the colours and formulas my little heart desired. But also in saying that I love the idea of being one of those women who have one makeup bag and everything fits inside, and they have maybe one or two shades or blush/lip colour and the rest is just one. It seems so easy and simple and I would really like to be like that but I am definitely not like that at all. I’m slowly learning to be more like that with skincare because that’s how it should be, but makeup…? Even though I don’t wear a lot I just love having it and looking at it. Like I just swiped some highlighter on my hand the other day to look at how shimmery it was, I didn’t apply it to my face, I just had a tiny swipe on my hand and I’d just look at it now and then. I only do that with highlighter though obviously and I love shimmery glittery sparkly things. Mum has always called me a magpie for a reason.
He’s asleep. I miss him. I can’t wait til we live together and when he’s asleep and I’m not and I miss him I can just go snuggle in next to him for a while. But not too close, as he gets too hot. I also don’t want to wake him. The idea of him doing the same with me makes me feel like floating on a cloud. And the time he said he’d still cuddle me to sleep even when he was on a different sleep cycle to me??????? Still obsessed. I wonder if that was a turning point in when my feelings were developing? I know I already fancied the hell out of him, I did from the beginning and I fell so hard and so fast for him. But I wonder if when he said that it was one of those moments that cemented him as the kind of man he is? Or rather the kind of partner he’d be? Because I’ve always wanted someone that cares about what makes me happy and I mean let’s not beat around the bush, I’ve not had a relationship where that’s been a priority to them. So the fact he knows I love being held and cuddled and I would sometimes miss it when he slept differently but if I wanted it he’d come to bed and stay with me til I fell asleep or close enough. And the fact he didn’t see it as anything special, it was just a normal thought to him?! It’s such a minor thing in comparison to everything else he has done for me and everything he has been to me and everything he’s helped me through, but it’s just a little thing that means everything. Anyway.
I watched wish with M tonight, it wasn’t good. I just can’t get on board with the latest movies of theirs lately, they’re just so bleh. The music isn’t right - there’s nothing magical about it and I wonder if it’s because they seem to hire pop music people not composers and things now? And the animation is never 2D anymore, which tbh I understand and that’s purely nostalgia of mine than anything bad but the animation doesn’t feel magical either anymore. Apart from some of the scenes were beautiful. Anyway.
I think I’ll stop now. It’s 9:30 so it’s too late for to start BT so I think I’ll read for a lil bit then go to sleep soon. Night night
submitted by createdjustforthis23 to u/createdjustforthis23 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 10:49 shahla_naz The Magic of Keepsakes and Baby Announcements: Capturing Precious Moments

The Magic of Keepsakes and Baby Announcements: Capturing Precious Moments
The arrival of a newborn is a momentous occasion, a chapter filled with wonder, exhaustion, and endless love. It's a time capsule of firsts – the first smile, the first giggle, those tiny, perfect fingers wrapped around yours. In the whirlwind of emotions, keepsakes and baby announcements become vessels that capture these fleeting moments, transforming them into tangible memories to cherish for a lifetime.
The Power of Keepsakes: Preserving a Legacy of Love
A survey revealed that 82% of parents consider keepsakes to be extremely or very important. These treasured items hold the power to transport us back to a specific time and place, evoking a kaleidoscope of emotions. A hand-knitted baby blanket, a lock of hair, or a personalized photo album become tangible reminders of a child's growth and development.
Keepsakes Come in All Shapes and Sizes:
Keepsakes transcend mere objects; they transform into tangible expressions of love and dedication. Here's a closer look at the treasure trove of keepsakes that capture a child's journey:
Handmade Treasures: A Labor of Love: Imagine snuggling your child in a hand-knitted sweater, the stitches whispering stories of countless evenings spent crafting it with love. A meticulously crafted scrapbook, filled with handwritten notes, pressed flowers, and tiny keepsakes, becomes a personalized time capsule, brimming with sentimentality. These handmade treasures hold a unique power – they are imbued with the love and care poured into their creation, making them irreplaceable heirlooms.
Firsts Galore: Celebrating Milestones: Those precious "firsts" – the gummy grin of a first smile, the wonder in their eyes during their first haircut – are fleeting moments we desperately want to hold onto. Keepsakes dedicated to these milestones help us do just that. A "first smile" frame adorned with a photo captures that radiant grin forever. A "first haircut" certificate, complete with a lock of hair and the date, becomes a sweet reminder of a momentous occasion. These keepsakes serve as stepping stones on a child's growth journey, allowing us to relive these special moments with a surge of fondness.
Personalized Touches: Uniquely You: Sometimes, a simple touch can elevate a keepsake to a whole new level. Engraved jewelry, a locket with a sonogram etched on the inside or a birthstone, becomes a personalized treasure that a child can carry close to their heart. Personalized growth charts document a child's physical development, but can also be adorned with photos, milestones, and handwritten messages, transforming them into cherished keepsakes.
Custom-designed baby books allow you to curate a one-of-a-kind narrative of your child's life, filled with photos, stories, and personalized embellishments. These personalized keepsakes reflect the unique bond between parent and child, making them even more special.
Digital Keepsakes: Embracing the Modern World: The digital age offers a plethora of options to preserve memories in new and exciting ways. Create a digital scrapbook using online platforms, where you can compile photos, videos, and even voice recordings, weaving a multimedia tapestry of your child's life. Imagine the joy of revisiting these digital keepsakes years down the line, with the ability to relive precious moments through sight and sound.
Record a heartfelt message to your child, expressing your hopes and dreams for them. Schedule it to be delivered on their 18th birthday, a time capsule of love and guidance to navigate their next chapter. Digital keepsakes, while not tangible in the traditional sense, offer a unique way to preserve memories in a constantly evolving world.
Keepsakes Foster Connection:
Keepsakes aren't just for parents. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cherished friends can all curate their own collections, fostering a sense of connection and shared history with the child. Imagine the joy on your grandmother's face as she pulls out a hand-stitched baby quilt you made as a child. Keepsakes become a bridge across generations, weaving a tapestry of love and family.
Imagine the delight on your aunt's face when she unwraps a hand-drawn portrait you created as a little one, or the warmth that fills your uncle's heart as he reads a first birthday card signed by his tiny niece. These cherished items become more than just objects; they transform into tangible reminders of love, milestones, and the unbreakable bond between generations.
Here's how keepsakes act as a bridge across generations:
· Building Connections: A hand-knitted sweater from Grandma, a first rattle passed down from a cherished family friend - these keepsakes represent the love and care poured into the child by those beyond the immediate parents.
· Shared History: Keepsakes become conversation starters, sparking memories and stories. Looking at a framed photo from a baby's first trip to the zoo can lead to discussions about family adventures and traditions.
· Sense of Belonging: Having personalized keepsakes allows a child to feel connected to their family history and heritage. A baby book filled with handwritten messages from aunts, uncles, and grandparents provides a tangible reminder of their place within the family tapestry.
· Treasured Memories: As time passes, these keepsakes become even more valuable. A child who may not remember their first birthday can still experience the joy of the occasion by viewing a framed photo or a video message from a loved one.
Creating Keepsakes for Grandparents and Beyond:
Here are some ideas for keepsakes that families can create together, fostering a sense of connection across generations:
· Time Capsule: Fill a box with small items that represent the current year, the child's personality, and messages from loved ones. Bury it or store it safely to be opened on a significant birthday or milestone.
· Handwritten Letters: Encourage grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cherished friends to write letters to the child, sharing their hopes and dreams for them. These can be included in a baby book or saved as keepsakes.
· Collaborative Art Projects: Plan a family gathering where everyone contributes to a piece of art, quilt, or scrapbook dedicated to the child.
· Digital Keepsakes: Create a shared online album or digital story that documents the child's growth and milestones. Include photos, videos, and messages from various family members.
By encouraging the creation and sharing of keepsakes, families can build a bridge of love and shared history that connects children to the broader circle of people who adore them. These cherished items become more than just objects; they weave a beautiful tapestry of love and family, reminding everyone of the special bond that transcends generations.
The Enchantment of Baby Announcements: Spreading the Joy
Baby announcements are the joyous declarations of a new life entering the world. They serve a multitude of purposes:
· Sharing the News: With a 37% increase in social media baby announcements in the past 5 years, these digital declarations are a quick and easy way to share the happy news with a wider circle.
· Setting the Tone: Whether it's a whimsical photo shoot or a heartfelt message, baby announcements set the tone for the child's arrival, reflecting the parents' personalities and their excitement for parenthood.
· Creating a Community: Baby announcements can spark a wave of love and support from loved ones near and far. The outpouring of congratulations and well-wishes from friends and family helps build a network of support around the new parents.
Beyond the Paper Trail: Creative Announcement Ideas:
Themed Photoshoot: Embrace your creativity with a whimsical baby announcement photoshoot. Capture the magic with a superhero theme, a fairytale setting, or a heartwarming family portrait.
Whimsical Baby Announcement Photoshoot Ideas:
1. Superhero Theme:
· Concept: Celebrate your little one's arrival as a tiny superhero, ready to take on the world!
· Props:
o Tiny cape (imagine a knitted one for a newborn) with a symbol of your choice (pacifier, heart, letter)
o Mask (soft fabric mask with eye holes big enough for them to see)
o Superhero onesie or sleeper
o Comic book-style backdrop (you can create one yourself with construction paper!)
· Poses: Swaddle your baby in the superhero outfit and have them "soar" through the air (supported by your hand, of course). Capture them holding a tiny bottle as if it's their superpower fuel.
2. Fairytale Setting:
· Concept: Transform your home into a whimsical fairytale land.
· Props:
o Soft, flowy fabrics draped around furniture to create a canopy effect
o Crowns, tiaras, or flower halos for your baby
o Stuffed animals or woodland creature figurines
o Baskets filled with colorful blankets or flowers
· Poses: Nestle your baby in a basket surrounded by stuffed animals or have them "sleeping" on a bed of flowers. You and your partner can dress up as fairytale characters for a truly enchanting scene.
3. Heartwarming Family Portrait:
· Concept: Capture the pure love and joy of welcoming your new family member.
· Props: Blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals to create a cozy atmosphere
· Poses: Cuddle up together on a bed or couch with your baby. Let siblings gently touch or hold the baby (with adult supervision, of course). Candid moments of parents gazing at their baby are always heartwarming.
A Touch of Humor: Inject a dose of laughter with a funny announcement. Capture your pet "announcing" the arrival or stage a photo of the nursery overflowing with baby gear.
The Power of Video: Create a short video announcement. Capture heartwarming moments from the pregnancy journey, culminating in the baby's arrival.
Keepsakes and Baby Announcements: A Lasting Legacy
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submitted by shahla_naz to u/shahla_naz [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 09:28 Academic-Eye-1226 Two keyboards, different languages

Programming on a non-English keyboard is absolutely ridiculous, since all the common programming symbols require shift-altgr-combinations. So when creating a non-English interface, you're constantly spamming the switch-language function.
About 2-3 years ago, I found an old forum post about a workaround using two programs. Autohotkey, and one other program. I don't remember the name of the second program, and haven't been able to find the thread again.
The second program was something thrown together by a single guy. It works by "intercepting keystrokes before the keystrokes are actually interpreted by windows", and turning each keystroke made on your 2nd keyboard into some really obscure character which isn't supported in most windows programs.
Then, you use AHK to re-map each of those obscure characters into the characters you want. Just write a macro triggered by each given keystroke, to generate the correct character as an emulated keystroke.
So if you press the Danish Ø key on keyboard 2, windows WOULD have interpreted this as : when your input language is set to English. But instead, this key press gets turned into [insert random character] before being interpreted by windows. When AHK detects [insert random character] being pressed, this triggers a macro to generate an emulated Ø key press.
Does anyone know about that second re-mapping program?
It was exactly what these two threads were trying to do, but the thread did end up being 100% successful. God, I wish I hadn't crashed my old hard drive & lost that info.
I did find one other workaround, This program, however, works by switching between languages after the fact.
This means that:
1) The first keystroke is always wrong.
2) It doesn't work in some situations such as when using console windows.
submitted by Academic-Eye-1226 to windows [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 06:56 EsotericaBaphy Dragonball Rework Ideas

Dragon Ball Rework Ideas
To preface: This is mainly a bunch of mental notes and what I recall from conversations I've had with people concerning an AU project I may work on... I consider myself a fan of DB, but over the years I have drifted away from the modern stuff. I may catch the newest movie but that's about it. Despite this, I just let loose on the topic of a rework, sending walls of text to people randomly when I get an idea. To supplement myself I have started to read DB from the beginning, refreshing myself on details and whatnot, and keeping track of stuff like characters, locations, items, techniques, etc just for personal reference. With that out of the way I should probably get to the actual ideas...
I'll start off with ki and related systems: Taking inspiration from stuff like chakra points and mind field theories. Basically, all living things have ki points throughout their body; lying on/within vital organs and the primary joints. Connected via ki channels, and assisted in regulation by the "Threads of Preservation", which are mapped onto the lymph system. The ki points spread throughout the body generate an aura that can indicate one's physical health, but can also be utilized to enhance one's presence and the impact of melee attacks. Situated on the brain, is a ki point that generates the mind aura that can indicate mental health/state and is the center of psychic abilities; being more "malleable" than the bodily aura, it can be cast out like fishing rod or net to grab things and link one's mind to another. When these auras are used in tandem, one is able to fly. It can be pictured as the bodily aura being used to suspend yourself, manipulating the air around you, while the mind aura pulls/pushes you away from things. To use ki directly, your own life energy, it is imperative to have a moderate ability to visualize things; as using ki relies on moving it through your system. In the case of a beam attack, it is energy from ki points, through the interconnecting channels, to the ends of your extremities and out at a frequency/intensity that is destructive. Healing is done by a similar process but at a much more game output, with the intent of transferring it to another person's system. Stuff like ki balls and discs are released from the body, and then guided by the mental aura; unless released and just let fly on its own. To strengthen one's abilities with ki, mental exercises can help, plus general physical training to build mind-muscle connections/control and flexibility. Strenuous physical activity also widens the channels between ki points, allowing for easier flow. Ki points can be expanded, but some people are unfortunately born with smaller ki points, limiting their potential storage and output. These people often fall back on different methods of combat, or if they retain a sizable brain ki point, focus on psychic abilities and training. The art of shapeshifting, demonstrated by characters like Oolong and Puar, is a rare affinity. Wherein a person can manipulate the structure of their ki system, altering their appearance as their body conforms to the new configuration. This process is not permanent, lest the shapeshifter has great force of will, since the structure of one's ki system will always want to return to its natural/stable state. As forcing the channels to lengthen or shorten, does not come without strain.
I think that's all I really have regarding ki, so I'm gonna move on to some world details...
World: I'm not quite a fan of planet busters and universe shakers, at a certain point it gets boring and tedious. To majorly pull back the scale, the world I envision is a singular vast plane of ocean, with great continents and islands scattered about them (the whole world shaking would only really occur if multiple Supreme Kais and Gods of Destruction were fighting at once). Split into quadrants, monitored by the kais who help council "Kami", the medium between Heaven and the Earthly realm, as well as the appointed authority of said realm. Probably selected/voted on by the kais, who judge for a mortal's moral character, wisdom, and connection to the realm; the operating Kami can take on disciples who will be strongly considered as a candidate for the next Kami. Below Kami then are the angels, heaven-born beings who are born when positive energy rises up from the Earthly realm and clumps together. Solidifying into humanoid forms that have an innate sense of justice, and will unflinchingly carry out actions in the name of that justice. Perfect to be linked to Gods of Destructions, who are mortals, the strongest of their respective regions, that are appointed to keep the "destructive balance" in check; possessing an aura that can influence the occurrence of natural disasters and the like. As well tasked with cutting down threats to their region as a whole. The one who is in charge of coordinating and pairing Gods of Destructions with Angels is the Grand Minister. Making sure each of them have personalities that go well together. The Angels and Gods of Destruction are not weak by any measure, but simply appointed to a role with different qualifications, that put them below other beings in this universal hierarchy. With that said, Gods of Destructions take on disciples too, which will be candidates for their master's positions. Ultimately relying on the choice of Kami and the decision of the Kais. Above Kami, is another medium of Heaven and Earth, King Yemma who is of the Oni. A race created by the Kais and Supreme Kais to keep souls in check and operate the systems of heaven. King Yemma himself is both the strongest of the Oni, as well as the most wise, assuring him the role of "Judge of Souls" and "the guardian of the gate". Above Yemma are the Kais, led by Grand Kai who is the mediator between the lesser and Supreme Kais, the tiebreaker for decisions involving Earth, and the host of heavenly events/contests. Above him are the Supreme Kais who rule over the quadrants of Heaven, and answer to the absolute authority of this world— Grand Supreme Kai... I'm not personally a fan of Zeno, so I opted to omit him. I can see his appeal but he just doesn't feel right to me as the top of the ladder.
Bringing things down— way way down, below the Earthly Realm is the realm of Demons. Formerly a dark abyss before the demon Kais, born from the rotten fruit of the Kaiju trees that birth the core people, the first people that devised the Earth and the Heavens, were cast down there; because of their malicious tendencies. With their vast power they gave the abyss form and like their counterparts, created life, utilizing the negative energy which sinks down into their realm. They wait until their demonic legions are great enough to wage war on Earth and Heaven. Until then, they counsel the "Emperor" of the realm, the strongest of all demons who has a majority of the clans under his dominion. All beings except angels can convert into demons, via a ritual of renouncing the good within them to take on a more monstrous form. This action has great effects even on one's progeny (like the majority of Demon King/Chief Piccolo's offspring)...
I think that's all the major stuff regarding the world and its Hierarchy. Guess I'll clarify some things here, such as I previously mentioned the Earthly Realm is a singular plane. Meaning such things as Planet Namek and Planet Vegeta, are now islands/archipelagos far out from their mainlands (but still greatly far from other major land masses). To the point that their existence has become legend, such as talk of the mighty warrior race that bear resemblance to humans but with the tails of monkeys~ that sort of thing.
Other tangents: Speaking of the Saiyans, I want them of course to be strong though, but more in the sense that they recover quickly and have heightened instincts in regards to battle, learning new techniques relatively quickly. I actually want them to be somewhat stunted in the art of ki, primarily relying on their raw strength. As well as following very harsh and strict practices of training and diet. To the point, in this universe, if you put an alternate Goku and Vegeta next to each other, due to Goku's more relaxed and carefree approach he'd appear more filled out though still with a solid physique of course. Vegeta on the other hand would be cut/shredded to an extreme point, but as the story would go... As Vegeta gets accustomed to life on the mainland and starts to question his culture, initially sickened by Goku's indulgence, eventually gains an appreciation for the food provided by Bulma. Allowing Vegeta to fill out his frame a bit more and gain an appreciation for mainland cuisine.
To touch on Oozaru and Super Saiyan, the transformations associated with the Saiyans— I'd like them to have different utilizations. Oozaru being a symbol of the old culture, raw power and killer instinct being greatly valued. While Super Saiyan would be the symbol of a new way, one with a better balance between the body and mind. The Oozaru outclasses Super Saiyan in pure strength, but being less mobile (making it very difficult to fly and move without destroying things), limiting ki usage, and affecting the mind of the Saiyan. While the Super Saiyan promotes developing one's mind alongside their body. Its origin lies in ancient Saiyan mystic practices, relating to the harnessing of one's power. One group created the fake moon technique that would allow them to turn Oozaru at any time and help them train to control it. While the other, less prominent group were able to achieve the state of Super Saiyan. Due to the extensive work that would be required to inspire ki use among the Saiyans, it never caught on, remaining as a legend for years to come. The moon technique winning out while Super Saiyan faded, kept alive in some circles because of the mystique but unaware of what one would need to acquire that kind of form. Which leads into the irony of doing the exact opposite of what the traditional Saiyans do. Focusing just on their bodies and fighting, instead of the simple pleasures of life and growing one's connection to the world. Encapsulated in Goku, a Saiyan raised by a human and trained by others to seek strength but also enjoy the life he is living. A side note related to that - I'm picturing a semi-funny sequence where Vegeta is trying to ask around, talking with Goku's friends and family about what his life was like. Trying to figure out the key to Super Saiyan but just getting more frustrated. On the form itself, I've devised a branching scheme to it. With the base super Saiyan being a balanced refinement of the body. While the graded forms would be strength specialization with the working names “Buffed" and "Maxed". Super Saiyan 2 being the speed specialization, with the working named Charged. Super Saiyan 3 being the ki specialization, with the working name "Flow" (get it, because ki flow and his flowing hair). All of them would have different uses instead of being a linear progression of power, and with all their own drawbacks. The obvious being the graded forms losing mobility, but making them very dangerous once they get their hands on you. Vegeta would be drawn to these forms, falling back on his own Saiyan sensibilities; Trunks supporting his dad as he would be open to the possibility, unaware of the limits of Super Saiyan. While Goku and Gohan would be focused on speed specialization. I think it would be cool if these specializations could work together instead of one outright outclassing the other. For example one person could lead Cell with speed into an ambush, where he can be overpowered physically. Moving into Flow, going with the fact it's easier to use when dead, that's because the dead don't have a physical body to keep running with ki. In the afterlife, that is all you are, a battery of ki, but with a body, some ki is required to maintain the body and its functions. The form majorly improves output, opening one's channels to their limit, but if one is not careful they can easily expend too much ki... The sorta odd one out in this case is Super Saiyan 4, which relies on the Oozaru form of course. Diverting the transformation so that they remain in a more compact form. However, this form kinda acts like a cross between strength and speed specialization, with the drawback that it messes with the mind. Making it easy for a Saiyan to forget exactly what they are doing, lashing out any chance they get (even at allies), and forgetting about mercy. Goku and Vegeta see potential in this form, but are wary. Best case scenario they are facing an opponent one on one, away from a crowd, that they have no qualms with killing.
To touch on Super Saiyan God, I have to touch on Beerus, who instead of coming to Earth somewhat randomly from what I recall. He is instead visiting the Saiyans and other Z Fighters, with the intention of recruiting disciples. Pretending to go rogue, in order to make it feel like they are in a dire situation and will fight with all they have. After evaluating all their strengths, he relents and invites those he deems have great potential/likelihood of succeeding him to his temple to perform a ritual of transferring divine ki... As I'm not a fan of the original Super Saiyan God ritual and its legend. Just feels weird to have two coinciding legends, but one has more obvious relevance. So instead, Beerus would remark that he has heard of Saiyans being candidates in the past but is curious what these "new age Saiyans" are capable of. Training them to achieve their godly state (red), that can act as an alternate to their base form, which they would eventually be able to incorporate with Super Saiyan. Thus becoming Super Saiyan Gods (blue) in that sense.
The recruitment narrative would also reframe the tournament between Beerus and Champa, as teachers testing their disciples against one another.
I'm not quite sure what I'm gonna do with Ultra Instinct & Ego + Beast yet, and I'm not caught up on Super as I indicated at the beginning. But I do have some closing additions...
On time Travel, there are a couple instances such as in the early series, later in the Android + Cell Saga, and that one weird Bardock special. But to tie them together I have devised the presence of general time distorting items. Which in the case of the early series and Bardock, those would be handled with the items as they naturally occur. You touch them and they bring you to a certain time, usually related to the location it is found (though in the case of Bardock, it wouldn't be him sent back, and the village would be destroyed regardless the item would just give someone the chance to make a timeline in which it was saved), but your actions would just create a new timeline. While you would be returned to your own as if nothing happened, even if you "die" while in contact with the item, it's more akin to a simulation where you would wake up afterward near the item. Bulma however would acquire one of these items and make it the core of the time machine used by Trunks, directing its effect to specific times.
On Frieza and his golden form, I imagined if he attained it while in the afterlife instead of after his revival. The reason he runs into the stamina issue is because he only used it without a physical body, similar to how there is less of an issue of ki in the afterlife, there is no stamina/ki going toward the maintenance of your body. I'm also sort of scratching out his black form because I find it boring— replacing it with the idea that his golden form is a cocoon for a subsequent form. Which he would realize is a way to conduct the demon conversion ritual. Going through with it, he would emerge in a new demonic form. Not fully confident in that idea but it's there. But I am a bit more confident in restructuring Frieza's forms, making his impish form his original form. To remove the redundancy of making so many forms to restrict himself and just have his race be naturally very adaptive. His second form would then be strength focused, his third would be speed, his fourth would be balanced, while his full power form would act in a similar way to the grade 2.
Broly, he's a Saiyan mutant. Which causes him behavioral issues and enhanced power progression. Paragus would put the device on him to make him more passive and restrict him. The device developed by Paragus and a technologically advanced race (Cheelai's in my verse, which would lead to her and Broly meeting), would help Paragus establish his own regime, attracting wayward Saiyans to conquer in his name now that Island Vegeta was destroyed and the prince is nowhere to be found. His super Saiyan form, due to his mutation, is triggered by desperation (to not displease his father) and anger instead of a greater aspiration/need. The years of being controlled by his father, essentially splitting his personality. All of his passive traits remained in his base form, while all the violent and sadistic tendencies welled up in his super Saiyan form.
Fusion, I don't think that needs to be altered much. Off the top of my head it would probably require two people matching their auras instead of power levels for the dance; synchronizing them long enough so their bodies and minds can merge temporarily.
Feel free to ask questions, I didn't cover absolutely everything ofc, so any questions, thoughts, and questions would be appreciated.
submitted by EsotericaBaphy to dbz [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 03:22 Abject_Broccoli_4229 Unpopular opinion

The latest influx of hairless keyboard warrior twinks on the sub is a good thing
Like, tell me it ain’t funny as hell to screw with em
submitted by Abject_Broccoli_4229 to Soosh [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 01:28 Lost_Holiday7749 NOP: Fruits of your Labor [3]

Authors note: sorry about the long as all hell wait for this one. I work in retail management and the start of the spring is always a massive rush.
Memory transcription subject: Zevek, deeply moved Venlil
Standard date: September 4th 2136
I blubbered weakly, whimpering to myself in the weak light of my room. Overcome with a level of raw emotion that came a from a source that I would've never imagine.
wrong...everything we've been told about the humans was wrong...they are so much more than much more than just some...curious quirk of more than a true people could craft a story so...moving.
I wiped away the last of my tears credits for the human movie BladeRunner slowly scrolled up the screen. "He...just wanted to be a person.." I whined in the dark, still trying to wrestle with my own about the past claw. I had been arrogant, foolishly confident in myself when I had first started. The humans had a level o cultural diversity that was head spinning merely on the surface. So much to just, and so much I simply just lacked the perspective to fully understand. The sight of their raw, unmolested eyes at the beginning had me a shaking wreck in my seat, but soon the events that unfolded simply had me too enamored. The pride I felt from braving such a hurtle was quickly drowned by the tale that unfolded...But once I was working into the depths of their media was when things truly began to spiral into an utter journey, one that had only begun. I had begun with simply searches that went along with my own expertise. Mainly engineering and machine learning tech, and promptly into a treasure trove of stories and media that kept following this trend that kept coming up with these apes.
Duality. so much hate, yet raw love, so much violence, yet so many tales of peace and empathy. This species was utterly madness, one moment is brutality, mercy, simply made no sense..I...have to know more, not enough data...
"Ok." I huffed to myself as I slid the movie application out of the way. "Let's see how else these humans entertain themselves." I began to work away at my interface, punching in simply 'games' into the search bar. Naturally a veritable wall ran into me and I began to move my way through it with a care, until I came across a video...of some kind...battle simulation...My tail curled in confusion as one human was visible in some kind of smaller box, judging from features the human seemed young. My spine still try to rattle out of my back at those bright green pools that were blazing with an almost manic focus. I took another long breath, paws balling up on my desk, biting down on the instant reflex to dive under the desk. Sure...I've learned to brave it...sort of. The main screen of the footage, show some kind of heads up display. The long powerful arms of a human clutching a weapon that bobbed with the gait of the bouncing view. Clearly thi-
"Got a guy on your left main hall!!" I jump at the sudden urgent bark of another human voice, nearly falling out of my chair. The human on screen seemed to barely react, but this...simulated human he was controlling suddenly whirled in the given direction. The firearm snapped up to the sights with blinding speed, the weapon barked, cutting down another virtual human in mere seconds. There was some kind of odd chime and above the body a human set of numbers popped above the head, adding to the score at another corner. "Good tap, dude was trash..."The worlds were lightning, the choppy and quick barks between hunters on the move, the human not even breaking his stride as he piloted his avatar. I sat by in my seat, ears flicking at the sounds, enamored I let this video play. Watching how the human so efficiently and rapidly maneuvered through structures and streets with ease, slaying other digital humans. it was brief but the context was clear.With shaking paws I type into the search bar again, the words smashed out with ease.
-[Strategy, combat simulation game]-
There was another flood of entries, several of them showing many such titles...trailers, and vids. Claws slipped by as I watched humans not only against programs but each other, contesting in grand games of resource management and strategy. Simulated nations as small as pre space flight fiefdoms to interstellar empires, jockeying for power and dominance. I sat there in silence, can of sprunk going warm as enormous interstellar fleets, coordinated by a human juvenile, roll over other human star empires. Deftly maneuvering fleets, cycling exhausted and damaged ones back to shipyards in time with fresh vessels. They sent the heaviest out to key assets, intentionally bracketing the other's to crush they're strongest. My tail hung limply as I took a drag from the can, which landed in the bin to join the others.
these are entertainment, they play these for fun....combat sims of all kinds they play for fun...I'm starting to think that Tarva was wise to side with these creatures, if this is what they're younglings are capable of in their pastimes, then they are showing incredible restraint in their martial prowess...more data...another entry..
I cracked opened another can, and gave a cabinet below my desk a kick, it slid open, full of various local nuts. The paw full was stuffed in my mouth as my claws flew across my interface.
-[non violent digital games]-
As if this search was mocking me another utter wall of returns washed across my interface, was there anything these human *don't d-*My train of thought feel face first into the pavement as a video came on, another of these digital games but...The sound of gushing water rippled through my ear pieces as a human gabbed on about some nonsense on a stream. While on screen they were..washing a construction vehicle. From the little avatar that was wielding a power-washer, blasting away at the mud and grime caked on the machine. I wrack my brain for what kind of reason of why any creature would engage in such a thing for anything but training. It simply made no sense, illogical towards enjoyment....and yet. My eyes tracked the flowing water, watching as mud and filth was blasted away to reveal its hardy finish I..I felt a satisfaction. That kind of sensation where you take your first bite into a fruit, that same feeling when something you've made slides into its planned place.I didn't know how long I watched the massive construction machine be washed..but it was downright hypnotic to watch.Something tells me I've only barely scratched the surface of these creatures....
Standard Date September 5th 2136
I slinked back into my apartment after my work claw, sighing as I hung up my cloak. Work had been fine, it got rather funny when management had come to down to check on our progress and pretended to know what the brahk he was talking about. But such thoughts were lost on me while I went back to my terminal sitting back down and loading my earth search engine. My secret researched continued, this time I decided to take a far more broad approach with my work, and went for history.
-[Human history]-
[Memory subject time lapse: 3 standard hours][Resuming playback, subject brainwave patterns at low stability]
I lay there in my chair, I just didn't to feel at this point. Several times I had to stop, several times I nearly heaved my lunch into my garbage. Several times I was moved by the words of human hearts. Several times I was taught horrible lessons that have to be learned in horrible times. I was shown the mountains of bodies it takes to truly fight against those who would do evil. They're stories told me of how people despite all this could forgive, how...they fought for those we would put down without a second thought.
I've truly gone off the deep end haven't I..because every time I think I've come to some kind of understanding of these human's, they break the pattern, so they've done so much, come to far..I'm not sure what to even be afraid of anymore..I still don't have enough..
Across my screen, a man a truly ancient human that seemed to be naught but skin and bone, but his terrible predator eyes shone. Those blue pools gleamed with an ironclad conviction that despite his decades of retirement. He was telling his story among a lengthy documentary of the human's second world war, which even with its age was still the most brutal conflict they're species ever knew. It was such calculated savagery, the utter destruction, the ruthless genocide, everything that I would come to expect from a predator species. But then more of the footage came along with the old humans talking.
"Ya..ya see..we have been pushing a'way over inta' paris for the better'parta fiave weeks.." The ancient male rumbled in his seat towards the camera, his hellish eyes making my pelt want to leap off my bones, but his words had me mystified. "I was just about smoked five steps ta'hell after pushin through them lines, only thing keepin me goin was thinkin about not being killed by no damn nazi boys..." The human worked his strange and loose lips for a moment, sharp gaze sliding away from the camera."When ah wus out there, pushing inta paris, we had a stop, and my busted up ass was so dog chewed t'hell out I just leaned on a corner pole and didn't give much of'a damn, but den.." His words slowed, a certain something gleamed in his eyes, was it guilt, determination, the species was still too alien for me to tell. "I saw dis lil girl out there, walking down tha street our way all dusty and looking like the devil had took'a swipe at'er..she sidled on up'ta me..gave me a half toothed little smiled and thanked me, since she lived in the part of city we had cleaned out for'em..Her name wus Noelle it was.." I felt my throat tighten along with the long dead human in the footage as he fought to keep up the words."then she walked on away, an all of tha'sudden..Ah weren't tired no more..."
The man's words rung deep within me while the documentary went on. So much agony, so much destruction, met headlong with conviction, forgiveness and determination. How could creatures so vicious and lethal and the same time show such grief and almost mad drive to aid their fellow being?
At every turn they seem to jump between the actions of prey and predator, banding together, seeking to defend themselves from danger, fleeing and submitting in the face of death and danger. Yet in the very same moment some humans act like true predators, instantly reacting to perceived threats with determined, relentless force. so many instances this bloodthirsty rage they seem to summon is at its strongest when they're kin are threatened..These creatures only grow more complex the more I research..
I rub my face as I slip into bed, sliding onto the mattress, paws coming to my face. Despite the long paw, sleep couldn't come. My glasses stayed on, the display flitting as I kept up my reading into human histories..seeing their story.
I'm done for..Brahk..I'm done for...I have to keep this a secret, because I'm starting to understand these predators...
Memory transcription Subject: Zevek, Distracted Venlil Standard Date: September 6th, 2136
I can research and work all I like, but a venlil still needed to eat and get to all the little drudges of life. This rest paw was going to be expended on errands. Sure I'm a herd and family of great affluence and I could easily have everything I needed delivered directly to my apartment on my hefty salary. I decided against such a practice, seeing as a waste of credits when I had paws where such tasks could be taken to. Besides...I was thinking sometime outside would do me a bit of good.
Mind still in awash from my research, I connected my glasses to my pad, clipped it to my belt, and slipped my cloak on my shoulders. After a momentary pause, I quickly snatch up my pair of wireless ear buds. Flicking the doc open, I push them into my ears as they connect to my interface into them, and keying my pad into my terran connection.
Slipping into the cold biting air of BlackRock I set up the browser yet again in an off box in my vision as I walked, grocery bag folded under an arm and out the door. My paws worked along the road towards the small tram station stop at the center of my hab block. I began to slip into the pedestrian traffic, small groups of venlil moving together made then easier to slip around. My searching through the countless song lists gave so many options, so I simple threw caution to the wind and picked something at random as I stopped at the platform. I let the music player shuffle
Stairway to heaven-Lead Zeppelin
For what I was expecting for the music of the humans it was far gentler in its beginning. It began with a low and soft kind of string instrument that I recall was a 'guitar' from my studies. I leaned back in the cheap plastic seat of the tram, barely noticing I was in it how hypnotized I was by such sounds. Then the human began to sing, its rumble growl so oddly melodic, as he began to sing me a song about a stairway to heaven. There was something so melancholic about it, some cultural points weren't hitting, but even someone as socially inept as myself could pick it up. By the time I was slipping off the tram I felt an odd spring in my gait as the song picked up, despite its screeching notes there was something about this electric guitar that scratched an urge I didn't know was there. The song was at full swing towards its in when I entered the simple market nearby my home, I found my tail swaying and bobbing to the alien yet bewitching rhythm.
And she's buuuying a stairway to heeavaan..~
The incredible voice of the human tapered off into a soft silence while I was picking out some proper snacks. Venlil music was often very gentle and easy on the ears, but even this oddly mellow human song had a certain spark the my own people's simply lacked. While I stuffed a fruit back and another case of drinks in my bag my search for another song was far less timid that before. A small moment of memory slipped in..going about my brother's and fathers constant talk about the taint of predators, how it would corrupt all it touched. It sent a small spike of..guilt..maybe remorse while I stood at an end-cap.
Well..I've already delved into their history and entertainment for several paws now, your already down the mine shaft Zevek, might as well see the bottom..Besides, its not like they're culture will infect me that badly will it?
[Time lapse: 1 hour of shopping and music surfing later]
I never been one for dancing, in fact I'm sure I couldn't dance to save my life. Additionally, I've never had much motivation, or the raw confidence to do so..
That is until I starting hearing songs like this...
For some reason the beat just had me moving, I didn't realize how much I was moving until I was a few stops on the train, and by the time I was off the train I was dancing my way home. Perhaps something had my mood high, perhaps..with my predator disease having gone so deep I lacked the concern. A full bag of groceries hanging from the crook of my elbow as I went along.
Nor did I care about the looks I was getting as I came bouncing off my train and into my neighborhood. In my gyrating, grooving walk I gave an utterly perturbed mother and gave her a jovial tail flick as I passed her up the stairs.
I found myself swaying to the human's voice as I idled in the elevator, something about the tenor and melody. The beat making my paws sway and bounce, head swaying as the music began to grow. The peak rolling through my ears as I all but flowed through the door, arms spread wide as I slid through my door.
I didn't even realize I was singing along as I bounce along in my room. Arms rolling in ways I never would have never done in public, my tail wrote patterns in the air that even I didn't know. Her voice was simply could I not move..I could feel it in my soul..I was on my bed at one point e- bling-bling! The sound of the specific chime tone I had set up for Dayna's message suddenly sounded out. After giving the floor a perfect exterminators tackle I scrambled, face blooming as I snatched my pad. Gaze rapidly scanning over the new message.
-hey Zevek, how's it going?-
I swallowed a little at the message, clearly I couldn't tell her about my highly incriminating research into her species completely. Yet, my heart ached at the very concept of lying to her, it was a foolish impulse. But I did my best to get something on the screen.
-its been going great Dayna, I've been looking a lot into human culture, why didn't you tell me that your species had such a huge range of music?!-
Half truths we're the finest lies, as father would always say.
-it what happens when your culture is constantly shifting and changing, human tribal nature causes a lot diversification, but more importantly, I've got some awesome news Zev!-
My ears perk forward, my fingers flying over the keyboard.
-what kind of news, do tell?-
-they gonna push my program forwards, I'm packing for my trip to Venlil prime as we speak-
In that moment, alone in the dark, my heart leaped for more reasons than I'll ever know.
submitted by Lost_Holiday7749 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 23:39 Prof_Dankmemes Decoding The Kitty (Part 1): RC, RK, and the KC Shuffle

Decoding The Kitty (Part 1): RC, RK, and the KC Shuffle
One thing that has stood out to me is that he put "Directed By Roaring Kitty" which makes me feel that this was probably edited in some capacity as one single "movie". So, like any movie, let's focus on the themes, and what these months of preparation have created ...
Disclaimer: I'm just a simple ape. None of this means anything. It's just memes and a single guy who just likes the stock. This is not financial advice. I put my full notes at the bottom.

Theme #1: Roaring Kitty Is A Symbol (and a Distraction)

In many of his tweet throughout, Keith often refers to Roaring Kitty like it's this symbol, idea or mask that is put on. In many cases, he alludes to the idea that RK is this scary monster, or a villain. Part of this is probably due to how he knows he will be portrayed by the MSM when coming out, but part of it seems to be a confidence game. His total confidence coming back so strong would/should be threatening for SHFs.
In many of his tweets, there is constant attention brought to Roaring Kitty being a symbol used to either strike fear in the hearts of SHFs or used to cause some sort of distraction.
Some tweets even seem to be that themselves, where they are used just for hype or on the fly as we saw to tease Jim Cramer. In this, I think the cat behind the bear is a bit on the nose (something is ready for a surprise).
There's actually one specific tweet that stood out to me, which is the one from Batman. \"3 years of nights. have turned me into a nocturnal animal. We have a signal now for when I'm needed. But when that light hits the sky, it's not just a call. It's a warning to them. Fear is a tool. \"It feels somewhat clear here that his return is a broadcast. He seems to be very aware that his return would be attacked by the MSM, and he would be the focus for the \"evildoers\".
Kitty is wearing everything on his chest, open and flaunting it. He's not hiding anymore.
He also makes multiple nods to being \"the villain\", and I think that's exactly how he is aiming to showcase himself to the MSM.

Theme #2: RC Approached RK With A Plan

It's hard to ignore the fact that many of the videos involve a "team" of people who gather together to pull off a plan/heist/fight/etc. There are many more not included here like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid references, multiple Ocean's movie references, Bevis and Butthead laughing about memes, etc.
Ryan introduces Kitty to a larger group of shareholders who like the stock and are ready to ride to battle. An \"Avengers\" of sorts.
\"Come hang, let's go out with bang\" Ryan told Kitty.
Ryan coming to him for help. There's a ton of them that feel like this type of conversation that could be between RK and RC.
Kitty is contacted like an agent and brought into the fold to help.
This Ocean's 12 scene where the team talks semantics about who takes the credit for what happened (and the job they are preparing to do). Sure feels like a funny conversation that could happen in real life if RC and RK got together.
These jokes continue as if the two are having a bit of banter. Kitty making a sarcastic nudge to RC about now being the CEO.
After telling us that there are \"no coincidences\" the very next meme tells us \"there are two of them talking\".

Theme #3: The Kansas City Shuffle

Kansas City Shuffle. An advanced form of confidence trick where the mark is aware of being involved in a swindle and believes that he or she can outsmart the swindler; however, this is all part of the trick, and by attempting to retaliate, the mark unwittingly assists the con artist.
I think this plan is what RC and RK might've set in motion. Think the timing of RK jumping back in before the end of the week was an attempt to rile up SHF, and quite possibly, this runup was greedy bears increasing their short position before RC or someone/thing else pulls the trigger.
This idea of a Kansas City Shuffle is littered throughout his memes.
Just like in the Prestige, the diversion is integral to pulling off the trick.
I think this is actually directed at the SHFs, showcasing that \"the plan requires them to fall for the trap\".
There's a \"plan\" continually mentioned.
Getting caught was part of the plan.
This one video of the two cars and the \"Kitty\" character has to charge headfirst into the truck before coming out on top. There is a game of chicken going on.
This one is interesting. he says \"this is art. get it?\" but the three photos used are all known optical illusions. The memes are serving a purpose.

Putting it all together TL;DR

  • Kitty is purposefully causing commotion in order to distract and bait SHFs this week into getting greedy and increasing their short position, open up more crap contracts and dig their hole even deeper. There's nothing wrong with what RK has done, it's just memes, but he knows the scrutiny will be on him.
  • RC and Kitty have had some kind of communication. I think that has to explain the timing of RK coming out of nowhere with a treasure trove of memes that must've taken weeks or months to make.
  • I think the release of the 424B5, 8-K, and S-3ASR out of nowhere were going to give the game away for them on the bear trap. As we are finding for ourselves, the unique nature of the filings give their hand away more than they probably want.
  • I think RK's sudden come back on a Sunday night is part of the confidence game. He needed to send a shock to SHFs and get them to come up with hasty plans to make money come Monday. It may have even been SHF that ran the price up early in the week only to increase their short positions on the way down.
  • What are the chances that the stock is pumping this week and we hear nothing from memelord Ryan Cohen? Not even an emoji? I think there's a chance it might've given the game away. That said, I'm not very confident that's why, just a thought.
To Roaring Kitty: You are a saint RK. If you are reading this man, and you need help, I am a wizard with After Effects. I could help you keep producing these en masse. Happy to sign an NDA. HMU.

There's more but reddit only lets me upload 20 pictures. If there's a part 2 I'll add it below.

submitted by Prof_Dankmemes to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 21:37 smashtonn_ I’m glad my stepdad died and I want to tell my mom that

I’m sorry this is so long. I was just going to write a few paragraphs but then I kept remembering things. It’s just an unorganized dump of my thoughts.
He died 10 years ago when I was 17. To say that I was relieved when he died would be an understatement. Of course I was sad for my mom and my little sister (he was her dad), but god I felt free after he died. I was happy. I laughed at his funeral when no one was looking.
He never treated me well. I think that some of the stuff he did would be considered verbal and emotional abuse. He would criticize everything I did constantly and when I would say something to my mom she would say “he does that because he loves you.” Yeah fucking right. One time my little sister broke a key on the shared laptop, so I tried to fix it. I didn’t make a big deal about it, I didn’t want her to get in trouble, I just tried to fix it. I glued the key back on and it worked mostly fine. When he found out I did that, I was screamed at for being so irresponsible and stupid to use glue on a keyboard. I was just a kid too, ya know?
I wasn’t allowed to eat snacks after school because “boys don’t like fat girls” but his son was allowed to eat anything he wanted. I would have gym class and softball practice but I wasn’t allowed to eat until dinner. I got into the habit of sneaking food into my room, scarfing it down and putting the wrappers in my pillow case so there was no evidence. It took me until my mid twenties to break that habit. If I had a snack in my hand and my roommate came home, I would bolt to my room and eat whatever it was as fast as I could.
He got farm animals and promptly made it mine and my brothers (my full brother, not step) responsibility. My little sister and his son, who was the oldest, never had to do anything for the animals. My brother and I were expected to feed them every day and clean their pens. No questions asked.
He would ask me questions in a certain way to make me look and feel stupid in front of other people. He wanted to make sure I felt small. I carried that with me into my 20s as well. Someone I worked with pointed out that I did that to other people and I’ve worked really hard to stop. It’s a horrible feeling and I don’t want to make anyone feel that way.
He would actively talk about me as if I wasn’t in the room. Once, I came downstairs to use the bathroom I heard him ask my mom “what is she doing down here” and my mom said “I dunno” so I said “I’m just using the bathroom” and I got screamed at for talking out of turn. There was another time when he said “she should have stayed in her cave” (meaning my room). But then I would also get yelled at for not spending time with the family.
For my Junior prom, all my friends met at my house to take pictures, but my mom wasn’t taking pictures of me because he said he wasn’t feeling well that day. So my mom went inside and my friends moms took pictures of me. Even after he died, he still ruined my events. For my graduation party I wanted my mom to make poster boards with different pictures of me, like my other friends moms did. I asked her to make one and she said “why would I do that?” I know it’s because she was grieving (he died like 3 months before that). I had to go and buy the boards myself and pay to get the pictures printed. And then I decorated them alone. When my younger sister graduated a few years ago my mom made 4 different boards full of pictures. I couldn’t help myself, I did say something to her about that and how hurt I was. She didn’t really say anything in response.
When I was 11-13 I went through a tomboy phase and wore boys clothes only. He told my little sister to ask me why I kissed my girl friend in front of everyone at dinner. I never kissed her and I’m not gay, but he tried to “out” me every chance he got.
Anytime I was upset about anything he would tell me to go live with my dad. And I honestly would have, but my dad lived 2 hours from us and I didn’t want to leave my friends. I think about that a lot. What if I had left and never went back? Sometimes I really wish I did.
I know that my mom was trying to give us a better life than she had, but sometimes she would compare our childhoods and try to show me that I had it better. “At least he doesn’t hit you, my mom had a boyfriend that hit me.” Like, is that where the bar is? At least he doesn’t leave a physical mark? She would say he’s not healthy and he’s sad about his life, as if that made everything he did okay. I was always expected to be the bigger person and I never ever got an apology.
I know I wasn’t a perfect kid by a long shot, but I honestly think I was good. I always had good grades, got perfect attendance several years in a row. I kept my room relatively clean. But I’m a girl and so I was treated differently and I had different rules. Sometimes I would just shut down and not speak to anyone for days. And then I would get yelled at for not speaking.
He was my first bully. I got bullied at school a little bit when I was in elementary school and middle school, but it never even phased me because the way I was treated at home was worse. I actually didn’t even realize that some of the stuff other kids would say to me would be considered bullying until a couple years ago. I got called fat and dumb and ugly at home, why would I care if someone said it at school?
So anyways, he died of a heart attack. Doing nothing but sitting on your ass and eating all day will do that to you, I guess.
The thing that sucks the most is that even though he’s dead, sometimes I can’t stop myself from thinking about all of this and getting myself upset. Like right now, for example. And I hate when my mom talks about him and shares memories. I know it’s normal to do that when people are dead, but I can’t even stay in the room sometimes when she talks about him. I hated him and he hated me. And I want to tell her that. I want to scream it from the rooftops.
I’M GLAD HE’S DEAD!!!!!!!!!!
Edit: please don’t attack my mom. She was doing the best she could.
Funny though, after I posted this I opened a fortune cookie that says, “value the importance of forgiveness.” I forgave my mom a long time ago. Maybe I need to forgive him, too.
submitted by smashtonn_ to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 21:01 umiman Elite forces of each nation in Terra

I'm bored so let's talk about the elite forces of each nation in Terra, or for many of them, speculate on what they could be.
Let's start with those we know. This will be long so I might have to break it into parts in the comments.
Ursus is interesting because despite being ruled by the Hippogrpyhs and conquered by the Nightzmora, both elder races, they ended up being predominantly Ursus. They're also the only country that named their country after their own race. Which is kinda funny in a Pokemon way.
Also, despite having multiple Elder races active inside their borders, their special forces seem to be just royal soldiers buffed by the power of collapsal demons. The Emperor's Blades.
When they first came out several years ago, they were introduced as the scariest shit ever. The first time we encounter them we don't even get to fight them. They just stare at us menacingly. But the more we run into them and the more we learn about the demons, the more it seems like these guys are kinda weak when it comes to elite special forces. If anything, they seem to be more like suicide bombs.
The whole, "everywhere we walk is Ursus" we now know is complete bullshit and in reality they're actively spreading collapsal corruption as they live and breathe. Which is many levels of insane. Why would they even do this? Sami must look at these guys and be horrified. They wouldn't even be able to serve their purpose as royal guards as if they fought and used their powers in the vicinity of the Emperor, they'd basically kill him and turn him into a collapsal puppet.
So maybe Ursus secretly has some ability to deal with Collapsal corruption. Or they really are nuts.
In terms of fighting power they're supposedly one of the strongest in the land, but every time one or several are brought up, they're simply jobbed on. Kal'sit wearing a party dress dealt with one with Monst3r and the guy bitched back to Ursus after talking mad shit about how the rules of the nation didn't apply to him. Patriot manhandled them. We mop up a dying one in Sami. I guess this is the fate of any early game boss in any game. They've just been relegated to mid-boss threat.
As far as I'm aware, this is the only nation on earth that still employs Elder races in a fighting unit. The Pegasi knights are still around. I love the idea of this because from what we've seen, Elder races have a level of arts and physical power that's typically unmatched by Ancients. I say typically because there's quite a few crazy exceptions running around.
But typically when we encounter an Elder in the story, they're doing something ridiculous. Ho'olheyak soloing most of the Rhine Lab cast. Talulah under the possession of the Deathless Black Snake setting fire to everything she sees. The Nearls doing Nearl things, who are all Pegasi themselves. The Lung LGD officer just being a normal police officer. The Nightzmora conquering the entire world.
So these guys have an army of Pegasi Elders on standby. They marched into Kawalerielki at the end of Nearl Light and scared the living shit out of everyone there. Probably rightly so. This is an army of Margaret and Mlynar Nearls we're talking about there. Margaret fought Liam, the leader of the Pegasi knights and she ended up using her arts to win despite Liam not using his. This is the same as when she fought Mlynar. Based on this, I'm kinda assuming Pegasi are all roughly around the Nearl strength level and if anything, Margaret seems to be one of the weaker ones among them since Liam and Mlynar don't take her seriously when fighting.
They have notable combat experience against Ursus, a nation many times their number. The Nearl family became famous during said wars. But they did end up being defeated, by what I assume to be massive force of arms, the bane of any elite force and what Kal'sit is probably most afraid of for Rhodes Island. Because at the end of the day, it doesn't matter if you can summon miniature suns or jump across a city, you still ain't gonna beat an army by yourself.
I would imagine in terms of elite force strength, these guys are right at the top due to the sheer number of them and what we know Pegasi can do.
These guys are famous for being the only nation to disband their own elite forces lol. They used to have the amazing Steam Knights. Giant, practically invincible mecha. They used them to conquer the world.
Piloted by the cream of the cream, as far as we know they were completely undisputed. These guys were part of the forces that crushed Sarkaz into the ground, and Sarkaz is not lacking in their own zany superhuman soldiers. They weren't many of them, only 50 at their peak, but apparently that was enough to get the job done. We also know they were active during the Battle of the Four Emperors and we know who won that war. Hint, it wasn't the French Gaul.
I think this is quite symbolic of Victoria as a whole, as it's basically a nation of cats that overthrew dragons. They don't rely on super strong race power to win but rather industrial might and force. So they created their own super knight armour to supplement their true power of fleets of high speed land battleships. And then they destroyed themselves under their own political greed.
Other than the Steam Knights apparently some of the dukes have their own elites too. Windermere, Caster, but they all just seem like regular elite soldiers with better equipment. Nothing noteworthy.
If they still existed, I'd say the Steam Knights would be top tier but the fact that they no longer exist save for one would compromise that.
submitted by umiman to arknights [link] [comments]