Angermanagement behavioural charts

yansim mandela effect?

2024.05.19 03:35 Aerwxyna yansim mandela effect?

ok i feel like im going crazy here because istg i remember stuff coming out about pedodev back in 2018. he also had a crowdfunding site where he made about 10k off his patreon. i remember because i looked it up and found some charts and stats of it dropping after his 2018 allegations.
i stopped following the game after that but got this sub recommended to me a few months ago, and was pretty surprised to find out he was only talking about crowdfunding recently? and that people are surprised about his behaviour? i thought the whole community knew at some point, because i swear it was such a hot topic for a while, but it seems so new online.
im not trying to be one of those “i knew before everyone” people im genuinely just really confused because i cant find his old crowdfunding stuff anywhere (at least the last time i looked) was the whole thing smaller than i thought? or was it really deeply buried and then forgotten. pls help hahaha
submitted by Aerwxyna to Osana [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 12:43 OkGoose3905 6 year old boy toileting issues (#2s)

Asking for any advice, help, tricks, suggestions to help because me and my husband are at our wits end! Our recently turned 6 year old boy has always had trouble with going number two and having lots of accidents (any day that he doesn't is a huge surprise). We've seen a paedician roughly 3 months ago who has put him on a daily laxative drink to help keep things moving and easy to excrete (ew, sorry for that word lol), but he is still constantly having poo accidents. He is completely dry and clean overnight, so I've always sensed it to be a behavioural thing, but I just don't know what to do. We do stickereward charts, encouragement etc, and have tried the opposite side of things like getting him to do his own dirty laundry from said accidents (feeling guilty mum moment even saying that out loud). But nothing has seemed to work.
I guess I just feel really alone and like this sort of issue should be fixed by his age as I don't see any of his peers suffering from the same thing.
Please no judgement, as I'm already judging myself enough wondering where I'm going wrong :(
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by OkGoose3905 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 11:13 octopusintell Simplifying Competitive Intelligence For Effective Market Insights Without The Complexity

Weekly Winning Strategies
There’s a common oversight among those striving to use competitive intelligence. They believe delving into complex thinking, specialised databases, and fancy platforms is the key to competitive intelligence. However, this approach might not be as effective as they think. So, simplifying competitive intelligence. Those new to competitive intelligence constitute a significant portion of the market. This presents a substantial opportunity to generate simple intelligence reports that provide basic yet crucial insights. These reports can serve as a first step into understanding market dynamics and competitor behaviours, offering readers just enough to get started without overwhelming them or smashing their budgets before a single piece of intelligence is revealed. Even the more experienced in competitive intelligence need to simplify things. When crafting content to release the analysis, simplicity is paramount. Here’s why and how you can avoid common mistakes in creating intelligence reports for beginners:
Mistake 1: Overcomplicating The Information
Using too much jargon or complex terminology can turn off your audience. Consider the impact of a report filled with dense industry-specific terms. Compare it to one that uses clear, accessible language. The latter is far more likely to engage and retain interest. Helping the reader grasp fundamental market analysis concepts without frustration. A simple presentation of analysis allows the reader to understand quickly. So then ask better, more relevant questions. Then, challenge the competitive intelligence expert’s findings. That’s maybe why some do it. So they won’t ask difficult questions!
Mistake 2: Information Overload
Bombarding the reader with too much information in one go is counterproductive. They need help connecting the dots and understanding how to apply the insights practically. More likely, they need more time to think and read through the document. Instead, focus on one key insight or data point per report. This means that the content is more digestible and allows for a series of reports that can gradually build up their knowledge base. Imagine you are a CIA briefer and have a 20-minute briefing with the President of the United States. You must be to the point and present only the information they need. A 20-page PowerPoint with ten graphs doesn’t cut it.
Mistake 3: Lack Of Actionable Takeaways
Competitive intelligence beginners (and anyone else) need clear, actionable advice on how to use the information you provide. Each intelligence report should conclude with straightforward steps or recommendations. This aids in practical application and empowers your readers to make informed decisions, increasing their reliance on your reports for future learning. Mistake 4: Don’t Subscribe To That Database Or Platform Straight Away Reliance on costly competitive intelligence tools overshadows the need to ask the right questions. Use simpler resources like Google and expert conversations. Engage directly and think resourcefully, often revealing deeper insights than premium databases alone — without the hefty expense. The actual basis of the research will also bring more questions and ideas to the table.
Simplifying Competitive Intelligence So it is important to:
Use Simple Language: Write in plain, accessible language to ensure clarity and comprehension.
One Core Insight Per Report/Chapter: Keep your focus narrow to avoid overwhelming your readers. Per chapter if it’s a multi-question report. A summary of the insight at the front of the report
Good Formatting: Use bullet points, headers, and white space to enhance readability. Don’t add graphs or doughnut charts to look clever. Only add them if they add to the message.
Clear and Concise Conclusions: Ensure your readers know what to do with the information they’ve received.
Simplifying Competitive Intelligence For Effective Competitor Insights
Adopting these strategies in your reporting transforms how those new to competitive intelligence (and those not so new) perceive and interact with your content. Position yourself as a valuable resource. Foster loyalty and establish authority in your field. It’s a cornerstone in your strategy to grow your audience and influence competitive intelligence.
We Find The Answers To Beat Your Competitors
#competitiveintelligence #marketintelligence #competitiveadvantage #competitoranalysis #strategicanalysis
Competitive Intelligence Solutions
submitted by octopusintell to competitiveintelligen [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 21:23 Adept_Spirit1753 I love garmin algorithms.

Recently I observed some strange behaviour from my garmin device.
Yesterday I did zone 2 easy run which I did slightly too hard, but I was still mostly below 160bpm (my threshold is 176bpm but I have to test it again).
Today I did 80/20 speed play run: So 5min z1 5min z2 Then 6x(1min in z5 then 2 min in z1) Z1 cooldown So basically intervals. I left something in tank, that's for sure, I have to did it harder next time. And yeah, I did recovery phase quite well, so I was stationary to lower my hr, then I proceed to walk or jog to keep it from dropping below z1. But to the essence. My easy run was labeled as threshold. My interval run was labeled base run.
There's a question in my head: Why? I mean, even if I did intervals too easy, it should label it at least as tempo.
I'm confused. Garmin training effect chart with examples doesn't help.
But I have to say that other than these 2 workouts, it was pretty accurate.
submitted by Adept_Spirit1753 to Garmin [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:38 faizi_ahmad Handling multiple requests for an API originated by multiple time change of a state instantly

I am developing a dashboard in react with multiple charts and the results of these charts can be updated based on filters (e.g. date control).
The charts useEffect hook has a depency on date state set based on date control.
I am facing multiple issues
  1. if a user change the date very quickly then multiple requests are originated. How can this behaviour of multiple requests be avoided? I mean, does it make sense to disable filters till all the requests from different components of charts has been processed.
If yes, then how can it be achieved?
  1. Currently, to handle multiple responses for single chart, I found a solution to get the data of last API call, using the logic below, is it correct or is there some better solution. I get this idea from -> "when to use custom hooks".
In case of multiple request the result of previous requests will be ignored.
useEffect(() => {
let ignore = false;
.then(response => response.json())
.then(json => {
if (!ignore) {
return () => {
ignore = true;
}, [country]);
submitted by faizi_ahmad to reactjs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:57 Gioxx7 Worst week of my trading career

First of all, I apologize in advance for my English, I’m from Italy but I hope you can still understand me and get my point. I’ve been trading for almost three years (I know it’s not that much) and using ICT concepts since March 2023, a year basically. The last two months have been the best ones for me, I got funded with Topstep trading NQ futures and with another propfirm trading cfds in the London Session. I finally had a clear model to follow and thought “everything will be fine, I did it and I’m set for life.” This week I suddenly started gambling like never before, almost lost my hard earned funded account and I’m currently in the worst mood I’ve ever been in. I was also influenced by others in terms of bias and started doubting my analysis because of what others were saying. And the irony is that the one who got the bias right was me but I didn’t manage to follow it because I was influenced. I know what I have to do but I don’t do it and most importantly, can’t do it. I can’t sit in front of a chart and not taking a trade, I feel like I have to rush it but deep inside I know it’s a marathon. And last but not least, I know I can trade, I proved it to myself a lot of times, and that’s why it hurts, because you know you have a good model and a good understanding of the market behaviours but still get trapped in my mind like a newbie. It’s so hard…if anyone is in the same situation I would really appreciate to talk to you. Thank you all and be safe, God bless you!
submitted by Gioxx7 to InnerCircleTraders [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:37 C0nd0rX Clips of wisdom

Previously posted in discord by multiple group members.
Still WIP Megaphone pattern Focus Ignorance breeds emotion The Central Banker's Bankers Bullflags bottoms - dead bodes - told you so Consumer sentiment 1 Consumer sentiment 2 Foresight minded Thought preceeds action - graph is a behaviour losses are set and potential cost of doing business study the losses overvalue - undervalue - value governed by law of substitution learn to fish - learn to think for yourself and have conviction Herd mentality 1 Herd mentality 2 arbitrage of perception Housing Price Mechanics - yield - prices What causes SPY gaps disappering ppl from the eco Sector subdivision sympathy Never bet against the trend if you found one Don't fomo - think and plan Brics VS West 1 Brics VS West 2 Inflation - like water in the pool Fear is a mind killer Psychology of trends and bullflag Be proactive, be vigilent Pusshing buttons -> take a breatherPusshing buttons -> take a breather Expected earnings surprise - perception arbitrage 1 Expected earnings surprise - perception arbitrage 2 Being active is a habit most people don't have - most people are lazy Keep progressing, constantly become your better version Fractal analysis - add context and sentiments Manage risk and increase capital systematically manage emotions - make plans - quantum paths Be mechanical - have a business plan Price is people attention span - Organisation is everything - consistency - life pattern Government spending is the driver of the economy Drift is Real - can happen to all of us Perspective matters - 2 sides of the cup Fed fighting inflation by preventing labour force from having pricing power over wages. no one is in - AAPL gets to ATH because no one is ever in it. #AppleEvents The habits for career trading is not something that everyone has. when it seems too bullish pause and reflect on that world basket index if it's free, you are the product - People are the product in free to trade brokers Markets about a few making money -- value is about scarcity and utility -- universe hates socialist Watch other sectors for catch up mode on SPY flag rotation Not trading is a trade price has memory Sentiment damage at he bottom of the bull flag led to the arch. No one wants it till ATH. - major sentiment damage in the bottom Duration of the bottom rotation mind fucks people Fed derisking market == sending people back to work Fed derisking market == sending people back to work --2 Dxy index and what it is inflation / deflation = water illustration inflation / deflation = water illustration - 2 inflation / deflation = water illustration - 3 Long attention span important for planning on macro resolutions synchronicity, Objective analysis - observing without judgement observe without judgement - twitter greatest sample of population FED is the Market memo - never bet against the fed Information bigotry - system to system Cycles of the Presidency in US part #1 Debt base Economy explanation, government spending under Democrats Professional trader habits When you cant manage the data flow, you cant use it memo Memo on good idea is seldom and value requires scarcity and utility Sentiment on rotation to the top memo - nobody wants it Best of breed What the crowd does Japan - The carry trade and why we watch the YEN Economists are clueless Tesla - Arc & Probably needs consolidation Unity - Been a Long Time Rotation of sentiments of crowd and marketing phase smart money (e.g. goldman sachs in this clip) bullshitting the crowd TM_HMC_japan - don't sleep on Japan Bias & People deleting information Bias & People deleting information - emotion and ego Detecting Emotions within self is a skill to develop and how we correlate like a school of Fish. SPY Emotional Levels - box ranges 1/atometh memo - defi 1/atometh memo second part Where bad ideas come from... memo on behavior! - dunning kruger effect, empty bell makes the most noise BTC & ETH not targeted by SEC memo on planing for breakout, localised monopoly free and clear. Price is people 💀 - mass shootings Sympathy plays 🔮 darth maul move after fed announcement How misinformation spreads among people Media writers are the point of value in the sea of shit and are clueless about the market Dow/Gold ratio -- using the ratio to track how Bob Pisani misleads the crowd quad witching day is noisy - caution Close Emotional Extremes and Interaction backwadation explained How bias works - deletion of information Darth Maul rule explanation managing information - focus, plans for years All you need is in the price, footprint in Price, Good TA will put you in the same place as FA - smartest guy leaves a footprint in price Volatility Dynamics Heart of darkness - self sentiment read Fomo Lack of confidence - you are a superstar in your own world gratitude and mental state to see abundance - foreseight, perspective Crypto: Solution Looking for a Problem. Part 1 Crypto: Solution Looking for a Problem. Part 2 In markets, Trigger Fundamentally, Enter Technically - trading perceptions Installed Optimism, Why only Long ? Part 1 Installed Optimism, Why only Long ? Part 2 - information tilt The Market Cycle, The Arbitrage of Perception Part 1 The Market Cycle, The Arbitrage of Perception Part 2 x / y Tingz: Outcompete yourself ! Controlling emotions and being consistent - move like a boss Consistency - rare habit concentrate mental horsepower on a few things - can't trade every single asset -> king of none How to hedge clones ? - protect NFT asset base Sentiment Damage It doesnt matter what might happen, it just matters what really is Proper Position-sizing Only have a small watch list to increase hit rate and focus Manifest your own reality by being the biggest fan of your own capacities - get negative self talk out Importance of having goals to understand what to work on - what is the ultimate plan Don’t measure yourself against others as it isn’t a apples to apples comparison - energy flows where attention goes You are the worst enemy - introspection is key to fight that enemy Apple Moves counter to Other Names Market is always speaking - listen to Market's Message, not only price structure No one is really looking to be outclassed by anybody - happy family of equally stupid dow (risk on) vs gold (risk off) Maximum leverage of risk assets vs risk off assets Similar sentiments to Dow/Gld ratio pump People sleeping on 100% btc pump Japan's macro overview Be patient, plan around the indexes and macro. dont go digging in the dumpster, just be in the asset that gives you the move Play best of breed, can make a career trading few things Looking what the world is doing. Looking what the world is doing. Part 2 - nowbody knows it's a bull market when it begins Valuable information is always around us and need to pay attention Bruce lee philosophies - reason to participate Bruce lee philosophies -- 2 Market mood with Low Viewer Count Sympathy plays definition Murder cluster analysis Macro shooting cluster analysis Kaz's calls Charting murder clusters Charting murder clusters 2
submitted by C0nd0rX to WinternomicsTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:16 aether-unsolicited How can I stick with a uni course without getting overwhelmed?

How can I stick with a uni course without getting overwhelmed?
I started studying a university course (in naturopathy / health science) online in mid February this year with the intention to face and heal the psychological challenges that come up for me each time I attempt to study a uni course. As predicted, I've been spiralling into dysfunction around it this year, however this time around I have more conscious awareness of the seriousness of these challenges. Returning to an academic environment to me is like opening my own personal Pandora's box of internalised conditioning, trauma, wounds, and compulsive behaviours haha, yet it feels important to me to do this shadow work to become a freer version of myself.
The main challenges I've been experiencing this year around studying are dissociation (finding it hard to connect emotionally to the course or experiencing it as 'real'), mentally 'rebelling' whenever I try to move towards the coursework haha, and being so consumed psychologically with my ideas of (and relationship to) study that my daily routines are all over the place.
The paradox is that I'm very passionate about the topics I'm learning about and I care about doing well in this area of my life - it's just the emotional/psychological obstacles around uni study that make it very difficult for me to continue moving towards it.
I've been thinking that maybe it's necessary for me to study physically in person (instead of online), but I live rurally, so to study my course at a uni campus would mean moving to a city (which isn't really my style tbh) or switching to a local university with a lower quality course, so if I'm able to make online study work I'd definitely prefer it~
So YEAH, all of this to say, I'm really just hoping and looking for any perspectives on this issue in relation to my chart.
tl;dr: How might it be possible for me to overcome/heal/release these emotional and psychological obstacles? What's the deal with the oh so many squares to my moon, and is there a way for me to work with these? Do you have any deeper or general insights into this experience for me?
Much gratitude in advance ~
submitted by aether-unsolicited to astrosignature [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:51 scrutinizer1 After the 115.11.0 ESR Update All My Settings Are Gone, No Way Back

I've just updated from 115.04esr to 115.11esr for macOS to the heap of unwelcome troubles. This experience is extremely unfriendly and annoyingly brazen on part of the Firefox developers.
  1. Every time I launch the browser it starts up from its default profile, not mine. I lost access to all my themes, extensions, history, devices and settings as a consequence, and cannot regain it.
  2. All efforts to launch FF from another profile resulted in a dialog nagging me to move the app to /Applications upon opening of a new instance, even though I always kept it in a subfolder of my choosing, and intend on continuing to do so. Refusing to submit opens the default new Firefox profile in every instance.
  3. Closing Firefox instances is impeded by a Chrome-like first-after-installation closure prompt to have the browser warn me every time I'm closing the browser. Repeatedly rejecting the prompt makes no difference.
The flatly blunt and pervasively arrogant manner, in which the new Firefox forces its way, is off the charts and is unacceptable.
Is there a straighforward way of restoring the old behaviour and telling it to honour my settings?
submitted by scrutinizer1 to firefox [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:15 Tyains Tableau Lastfm Dashboard!

Hey guys!
Recently I created a dashboard in Tableau Public using my own Lastfm data! Link to dashboard
This dashboard provides a bunch of insights and as features such as:
I also have all my code used available in my GitHub, as well as a step-by-step guide on making use of your data with this dashboard, if you ever want to get insights out of your own listening habits! :)
Hope you guys like it! Please let me know your feedback and questions!
submitted by Tyains to lastfm [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:54 Free-Selection-3454 Observations after changing schools. Is it just me?

Hi all,This year I moved to a new school after 7 years in a previous school (Catholic college - primary and secondary). I left due to 2 colleagues I once admired, respected, enjoyed working with and called friends either bullying, excluding and/or undermining me in front of my students and theirs across the whole school year.Moved to a new school (Catholic and systemtic) and am finding many of their ways of operating very foreign, adding to my work and time and am constantly frustrated by lack of consistency, lack of standards and zero acknowledgement of my noticeable student progression and improvement since my arrival.
A few factors that are frustrating and aggravating:
-Apart from myself and one other staff member, ALL other staff (teachers, Teacher Assistants, the Deputy, office admin, specialists) are ALL part-time in the primary campus. In and of itself this is not a problem, however it leads to a lack of consistency and stability for me as I am constantly playing catch-up due to the rotating nature of the year-level team. It affects student behaviour (not so much mine, but the other classes) due to no consistency with teachers. Seems to be a high level of rotating teahers on LSL (short stints) and staff on and off from parental leave. No staff nmeeting I have been to yet has had all staff there.
-Behaviour of students is atrocious when compared to other schools in the area and previous schools from my decade + experience. Students are verbally rude, cannot settle and focus and there are often physical altercations in the playground. I've spent a term and a half really breaking down behaviour expectations, routines and standards. I am making progress, but there is so much stacked against us.
-Parent copmmunity is INTENSE. Moreso than I have ever experienced. Teachers are consistently told their "tone"when talking to parents is rude/negative/insert critique here, parents are constantly emailing teachers to complain about other children and flat out ignoring any and all comunication about their own child. When I asked leadership about this, the reasoning given is either, "Parents at this school have always been like this" or "It's the culture of the area. We get families from all over"meaning the greater metropolitan area. I persoinally do not think this argument holds up as previous schools I've been at have accepted students from relatively large areas in terms of distance.
-EVERYTHING is done as a team." While this sounds great on the face of it, it adds so much to personal workloads when reporting, individual lesson planning, unit planning, NCCD work, resouirce development and/or sourcing, sending emails to parents, responding to emails from parents and more all has to be done as a committee of 7 people. Nothing gets done efficiently or within a desired timeframe.
-Classes - For each year level (double-stream), we routinely mix and match students. Not just for programs (e.g. Spelling) but for ALL subjects and curriculum areas. This means that in theory, I have a class of 31 (e.g. my roll call list), however in any given lesson I could be receiving students from the next-door class. Sometimes the classes stay the same (students) but we (teachers) swap. This makes assessing and reporting a nightmare, as it is unproductive, inefficient and there is no consistency.The reason for this has nothing to do with student learning, outcomes or development. It occurs "to stop parents complaining about which teacher they do/do not get for their child," "to stop parents emailing and complaining about if child x or y is in their child's class."It also means that due to the way the "team-teaching" works, I will never teach certain subjects (e.g. Science or Geography) this year. I have been given subjects the other teachers on Year 5 do not want: Religion, History for example
-Students miss out on opportunities for growth, e.g. in Science as we need to fill out risk assessments for items like using the school oval outside of lunch times and for simple, basic Science experiments (e.g. mixing two liquids - liquids that are not hot, cold). EVERY science experiment of any category needs a risk assessment.I came in so excited about subjects like Science... no more. Can't take the class outside for a brain break as we'd have to book the oval and fill out a risk assessment.
-Class sizes are 31+ and the school has a high volume of EAL and students with various diagnoses. In a class of 31, 20+ are either EAL and/or have a diagnosis (e.g. autism, ADHD, etc)-Zero autonomy. I have to go through 3 supervisors just to respond to a parent email (even if it is wholly positive), I am told what kind of visual aid posters I can/can't have in my room (e.g. a times table chart or a poster on English contractions).
-Release time a joke. I have to sit in my class cupboard as this is the only place in the school that is:--Free of gossiping staff--Free of staff talking in general--The only place staff and/or students will not interrupt me.-Staff are friendly (cheerfully greeting/seeing how my day is/was, seeming interested in me as a person and educator) but there is so much gossip about each other and parents/families. I could go to a staff member with a purely work-related question (e.g. planning or how a school process works) and the conversation almost always ends up being twisted to a poorly behaved student/complaining/gossiping. Even after I have point blank made it clear I do not engage in gossip and find it fractures teams/colleagues and do not have the time for it.
-Multiple duties each day of the week (as we are únderstaffed'' - same as every other school in Australia)-Duty roster (playground) changes every single week due to the high volume of absent staff, staff with multiple roles, etc So no stability or consistency there either.-Foced to pay money into a school social club each week for amenities (e.g. milk/coffee/biscuits) which I never use in a staffroom I never visit or for gifts of departing/retiring/staff going on parental leave.... Yet every time a staff member fits these categories, we get emails from leaders asking if we would like to choose to put towards a gift.... so unsure why I was told the social club goes to gifts. Tried getting out of it in writing (I pay more being one of the few full-time staff) only to be told, "In your contract, you signed that you will be paying money into the social club." Nothing in my contract at all, and I asked the state union to have a look just in case I am blind and having a man's look. They too clearly stated there is nothing in there.
My question is, after 7 years in a school I enjoyed (apart from the aforementioned 2 colleagues changing how they interact with me) is this the norm in Australian Catholic schools (primary and/or combined primary/secondary colleges). I used to be so effective, productive and built strong and positive student relationships. I am now ineffective, unproductive, my time and experience is wasted and my experience seems to be for naught.
*Is this the new normal?
*Is anyone else so utterly heartbroken, soul-crushed and demoralised (and I guess, angry and frustrated) by red tape/inefficiency/unproductiveness, etc?
Any thoughts? Cheers, legends.
submitted by Free-Selection-3454 to AustralianTeachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:04 Important-Box-8316 My 4 year journey trading Qullamaggie's breakout setup

My 4 year journey trading Qullamaggie's breakout setup

I thought I would share the journey I have taken in following Qullamaggie, and the various paths I have explored. The sole purpose is to offer some suggestions which I hope you find useful, and to highlight things which I have discovered along the way that really helped me out.
This is simply a selection of things I have discovered and advise which I would have benefited from when I first started out. I hope you find it helpful.

My background:
Background in finance, started my own trading firm which I sold and now I trade for myself. I wish I had discovered Qullamaggie sooner!

The Start:
My journey into this strategy started 4 years and as instructed by Qullamaggie, I did nothing but look at charts. I spent well over 1,000 hours studying charts and just focusing on the breakout chart pattern. This is the only thing people new to this strategy should be doing. Do not open any broker accounts or place a single trade until you have completed this task first.
1 – It is hard work, which is what it takes to be successful.
2 – It is boring at times. much like trading. There will be long periods in trading where there is nothing to do.
3 – Through this process you will learn if you are committed and will succeed, or not, without placing a single trade or risking any of your own money. Do not risk your own money until you have done this. It is hard to earn money in this world, look after it and look after yourself in the process.
Please note – the art of being successful is finding a strategy that fits your personality and lifestyle. Some will fail trading breakouts but succeed at day trading, some will fail at day trading but succeed with Fair Value Gaps (ICT), or algos, or scalping etc. You get the idea. There are hundreds of different trading styles to explore.
Success is a combination of finding what style strategy works best for the type of person you are. So do not be disheartened – keep exploring, but do so without risking any money whilst you learn.
I watched all of Qullamaggie’s live Twitch streams, they were great to experience. I have also watched all of his YouTube content too, learning as much as I could along the way.
I use OneNote because it was included in the MS Office bundle. I started with TradingView, and still use it to this day, and slowly started building up my own database. You learn so much from doing this, and because you make each discovery yourself, it stays with you and automatically becomes part of your trading thought process.
When trading, be it paper trading as part of your back test, or live trading, log as much information as you can.
-What % move up did the stock make before consolidating
-How long did it consolidate for
-What % move did the stock make once it broke out
-Did it continue moving up after the position was closed
-Were the EPS and Revenues of the company increasing or decreasing QoQ
-What is the Relative Strength of the stock – it is outperforming the index, the sector
-What is the stock market doing
-What are the different sectors doing
By seeing and capturing this data for each trade your understanding will explode, you will see how Market Awareness is key to taking the signals with the highest probability of success.

Universe of stocks:
The best place to start is the NASDAQ. In addition to what Qullamaggie said about high ADR stocks, the fact is that AI is the new driver for tech stocks. The combined market cap of Google, Amazon and Microsoft is larger than the GDP of Japan. That’s quite significant and won’t change anytime soon.
Only trading quality stocks will also help increase the probability of a successful outcome.
NASDAQ is going to provide some of the best opportunities for some time to come. Only diversify when you are well established. I still only trade NASDAQ. No signals = day off 😊 Less is More.

Scans are critical. Your ability to understand the market and reflect this in your scans will create a natural edge and increase the probability of each trade.
The choices that are available are improving all the time. TC2000 is good, I used it for almost 2 years, but there are so many more choices to consider now.
See the Useful Resources section at the end of this post for a list of alternative solutions.
A lot of time is spent trying to find good setups. I have evolved the way I scan for setups. I decided last year to learn how to code in python. This allows me to refine and improve the scans to give the best possible setups. This was based on what I had learnt by capturing as much data as possible when back testing. I started by downloading a universe of several thousand stocks and filtered out those with low liquidity and low price. This is refreshed automatically each month. This leaves me with around 1,500 stocks to run my scans on.
Using python I download the data for free each day from Yahoo Finance. I just use EOD data to identify potential Breakout setups, then add them to TradingView and use real-time alerts to notify me when to consider taking a long position as and when the stocks move. I run 2 breakout scans and one combined scan for the 1, 3 and 6 month gainers.
I add high probability stocks to my watchlist in TradingView and set alerts, and then ‘stalk them’ as Qullamaggie says.
I have tried lots of different ideas. For example, scanning for stocks that met the criteria and were breaking out above an upper Bollinger Band level just to see if this made a difference. Always research different ideas and keep looking for ways to improve.

Python Dashboard:
I must admit, I got a little carried away with my adventures in python and used streamlit to build my own dashboard. Streamlit is a free library to allow you to create a web based dashboard without the need to learn html. I integrated all the scans as well into one place. Here’s what it looks like;
I was pulling in stock data, news, fundamental data including EPS, Sales and Revenue figures. I also tracked sector performance correlations to identify relative strengths.
However, after 2 months of creating this dashboard I realised that all the charting was better in TradingView, which already has EPS, Revenues and Dividend Dates. Now I just run my 3 scans which automatically create watch list files to upload each day. It was a fun exercise however, there are free or cheap solutions readily available that work just as well.

Market Awareness:
Very important, after scans. Part of what I run to understand the market / situation is simply compiled within Excel. Here is what it looks like;
When I get a signal I cross reference to see what is happening to the stocks sector and market, to see if this adds to the probability of it being a profitable trade.
Finviz also provides a free map of which stocks are showing relative strength and outperforming the market, see the Resource section at the end for the link.
Progress so far in 2024:
So how is this working out? Am I making money in the current environment (May 2024)?
Here is my Equity Curve since the start of the year, up 43%. There have been 93 trading days year to date.
This Equity Curve represents over 1,000 hours of studying charts, of testing different ideas, new platforms etc. Always be searching for ways to increase the probability of a trade being profitable. Needless to say, my first year did not look like this! 😊
You absolutely can increase the probability of trades being profitable if you study and understand the market behaviour. Then you start to trade with confidence and without emotion.

3 Lessons I have Learnt:
1 – Study, constantly. Look at charts, make notes and log all this somewhere. I use OneNote and Excel to capture this every day.
2 – Focus on quality scans, searching for the best setups.
3 – Be inquisitive. Try lots of different ideas to improve your edge and increase the probability of profitable trades;
-Filter out illiquid stocks from your universe
-Don’t trade stocks < $5 as these can be prone to pumps
-What difference does increasing volume make?
-Do increasing EPS figures improve the outcome?
-What if I scan for stocks breaking out above an upper Bollinger Band instead?
-What different types of news has the best positive influence on a stock price?

When you have spent time asking and then answering these types of questions, and have studied as much as is required, you will know that you are ready to start to risk your hard earned money. And you will have a positive expectancy of a profitable outcome.

I hope this of use to people.

Useful Resources:
Here are things I have found which I hope you find useful. These are all useful tools to help you as you study, but will not negate the need to study.

TC2000, of course
Finviz is a great place to start if you aren’t using TC2000
TradingView has some basic core features you can use for scans is a better option and includes built in Qullamaggie scans
Python – Jupyter Notebook or Spyder, video on how to get started. Lots of content on "python finance" on YouTube:
Finviz sector map:
Listen to others who just post quality setups, not guff about their life, or offer courses. There are plenty of people out there who are very quietly providing great content, for free, to encourage others. Here are just a few:
A detailed breakdown of the strategy for new people, useful video explaining how it all comes together;
Very useful indicator for TradingView:

submitted by Important-Box-8316 to qullamaggie [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:47 Sea_Pea6271 My sister cut me off after years of “abuse?”

My sister has a history of being somewhat psychologically abusive to me. I’m just learning how bad it actually has been this year. At least I think this is psychological abuse, I need help understanding it. It’s really a mind maze. I was always made to believe I was the abuser though I had no memory of ever being abusive, I’m not an abusive person at all, people will tell you I’m very kind, I cry over hurt animals on tv, and I run a nonprofit. Abuse is outside of my nature.
Her abuse started with creating mental health issues I do not have and spreading lies about me having those mental health issues to try to tarnish my reputation, even going so far as trying to convince me that I’m crazy or imbalanced when I’m actually quite rational.
I’ve been in therapy for over 15 years and I’ve been consistently medicated for over a decade. I’m very stable. Im diagnosed with bipolar disorder and anxiety PTSD. I’ve been diagnosed and rediagnosed by multiple professionals. That is all I have. Nothing more nothing less.
She and her wife have spread that I am a paranoid schizophrenic, borderline personality disorder, a narcissist, a sociopath, delusional. Their “diagnosis” changes depending on what they need it to be in the moment.
She has used moments where I actually have had mental health issues against me, she left me in a mental hospital for up to 9 days by myself in LA twice while simultaneously destroying my reputation behind my back so when I came out of the hospital everyone treated me like a nutcase. I was ignored, avoided, talked down to by her friends. She would invite me to come over then later tell me all the mean things her friends said about me when I wasn’t there, kicking my confidence into the dirt. This was at a time when I was already in an abusive relationship and had no one on my side. I spent time with my sister because she was all I had and I was desperate to be loved by someone, I was desperate for approval.
10 years ago my sister was living with me. I had a mental breakdown after a miscarriage and I tried to kill myself. She took my suicide attempt and my tragedy and turned it around and used it to make herself a victim and made up a story about how I abused her during that time, simultaneously taking all the attention that I needed to heal off of me and putting it on her. I spent that year being battered by family about what an abusive person I was, never understanding where it came from, thinking I must be some horrible monster that blacked out whole swaths of memory while my sister soaked up pity. I hated myself for a long time. And I worked to win my sisters approval. She refused to speak to me for the next year, and I walked on eggshells around her for fear I’d be accused of abuse again.
While I was in treatment she was supposed to be caretaking my house. She brought a film crew into my home to film a movie, damaged stuff, then abandoned my home and I had to drop out of treatment early and go home because she bailed.
We got along for a few years and even got close for a little bit but there was some weird stuff
She dragged my parents into a family therapy session I wasn’t invited to where the therapist accused me of elder abuse and told my dad he needed to have me arrested. My parents were confused and disturbed. My sister thought it was funny. After that she switched therapists… and started seeing MY therapist. She poisoned my own therapist against me. For over a year I had no relationship with my therapist because I couldn’t trust her to open up to her because she was also seeing my sister. Now I have a new therapist and I’m learning that there are all kinds of notes in my chart that don’t make sense from my sister that my new therapist is now trying to fix.
10 years and a lot of therapy later I have learned while working with my new therapist that no, I didn’t black anything out. And no I didn’t abuse anyone. Those stories were most likely made up by someone who was jealous because I was getting attention. I had to have a therapist break it down for me. When I realized the pettiness of it I was shocked at the amount of bullshit I have been tolerating from my own blood for the last decade.
Two Christmas’s in a row she showed up to Christmas, brought gifts for everyone but me and my boyfriend, handed them out to everyone in front of us and had them open them, and then turned to us and said “sorry we don’t have anything for you.”
I’m a musician and she showed up to my show and walked out in the middle of my performance.
After that I lost my temper with her and went off on her about how selfish she is and she blocked me and cut me out of her life and has not spoken to me since. The new lie she is spreading is that I’m dangerous and I’m a threat to her safety. She had to cut me off because I was threatening her. She turned her wife’s whole family against me. I’ve been called deranged, delusional, unhinged…
Since then she has started demanding all family events be held at her house which prevents me from being there. She’s set up surprise family events and invited everyone but me.
She’s guilt tripping anyone who doesn’t show up to her events by literally breaking down in tears about feeling left out if I’m there. And everyone in my family is afraid to tell her to knock it off because they’re afraid of being cut off too.
Am I off base in thinking this looks a lot like narcissistic abuse and behaviour?
submitted by Sea_Pea6271 to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 06:02 Choice_Evidence1983 AITA for not wanting my wife to do surrogacy?

I am NOT OOP, OOP is u/LittleBear1053
Originally posted to AITAH
AITA for not wanting my wife to do surrogacy?
Trigger Warnings: verbal abuse, PPD, domestic abuse, depression, mentions of self-harm, possible controlling behavior, domestic violence
Original Post: April 30, 2024
My (34m) wife Olivia (32f) was asked by her sister Sofia (29f) if she could be her surrogate. Sofia has struggled with infertility for years, and she and her husband have been wanting a kid for a long time. Olivia and I have four sons (10,5,5,3) and don’t plan on having more children. Olivia wants to do this for her sister and already agreed to it before discussing it with me. After Olivia gave birth to our youngest, she suffered from postpartum depression. I’m worried that this might happen again, and not to mention the toll it will take on her body.
I talked with her and told her my concerns, but she got defensive and began yelling at me, telling me that I’m a horrible person for not wanting to help Sofia and her husband after they’ve struggled for so long. I told her that I wanted them to be able to have a kid, but there were other options that didn’t involve her. She shouted some more and stormed out of the house and didn’t come back until the morning.
I messaged Sofia’s husband, Dean, as he and I get along really well. I told him how I felt about the situation, and he completely understood and told me he’d talk to Sofia. He messaged me later that night and told me that he had tried to change Sofia’s mind, but she wouldn’t listen.
When Olivia came home from work that night, she stormed up to me and slapped me. She told me that Sofia said Dean didn’t want to follow through with the surrogacy because of me, and Sofia was really upset about it. Olivia called me selfish and told me to get over it because she’s doing it regardless of how I feel.
I've given up talking to her about it because I don’t want her to get more angry. She’s been sleeping in the guest bedroom, and I’m pretty sure she’s only staying at the house because of the boys. We barely talk, and she doesn’t even look at me.
I got a message from Dean saying they’ve got an appointment later this week to begin the process.
I don’t know what to do anymore. I don’t want to see her go through what she did again. I guess there’s nothing I can do though, she’s already made up her mind.
AITAH has no consensus bot, OOP was NTA
Top Comments
textonic: Dude, I think your marriage has bigger problems that your SILs pregnancy desire...
Bigpare: Help or not, i would be more worried about your wifes behaviour towards you. You expressed conxern, she turned to anger and physically assaulted you. This is not good behaviour towards a loved one. NTA for expressing your concerns
Top-Bit85: The slap alone would push me to a divorce lawyer. Not to mention all the shouting. This is what she'd like when she'd NOT suffering from PPD? A friend of mine did this for someone, the hormones they put her through so she could carry the embryo were brutal. Her moods were off the chart. I'm sure she expects you to cater to her every passing whim.
This doesn't sound like something that should happen without both married partners agreeing.
Update: AITA for not wanting my wife to do surrogacy?: May 6, 2024
I’ve been reading the comments on my first post for the last several days, and I’m feeling a mix of emotions from them. There are things I need to address, so I’ll do that now before I get into what’s been happening since that post.
To start off, many people have noticed that I haven’t replied to anyone’s comments and are calling me out for it. To be honest, I didn’t plan on answering any comments. I’ve seen posts where the OP doesn’t reply to anyone, so I didn’t think it was a big deal. The comments were very overwhelming as well.
I’ve seen a lot of comments saying that this is fake, and honestly, I wish it was, but it isn’t. I would never lie about something like this. I'm not the type of guy to do that. And the reason my account is new is because I didn’t want to post anything on my main account.
There have also been messages I’ve received that have been less than kind and haven't helped in the slightest with what’s been happening. The things people have sent me are really hurtful and disgusting.
And I’ve noticed people calling me an asshole for going behind Olivia’s back and talking to Dean. The reason I spoke to Dean was because any time I tried to talk to Olivia, she would ignore me and walk away. Sofia wasn’t even an option. She hasn’t liked me since Olivia and I began dating. I have no idea why, but she’s always been rude to me, and I knew if I talked to her about this, it wouldn’t go well.
And the thing that everyone has been talking about. The abuse. So this wasn’t the first time Olivia has hit me. This started a few months before our oldest was born. It happened out of nowhere. I talked to her about it, and she promised it wouldn’t happen again, but it did. Every time she would hit me, she’d apologize afterwards, but soon, she stopped apologizing. I did try to stand up to her, but whenever I did, she hit me harder and said she’d scream if I did anything. I told her I’d go to the police, and she said she’d claim it was self-defence. She then began to mock me by saying that no one would ever believe me, and they’d all side with her, and I’d never see my boys again. It just got worse as the years passed. I know a lot of people will call me weak and that I need to grow a pair, but I was terrified. I didn’t want to lose my kids. They mean everything to me. And if I had to put up with the abuse to be with them, then I would. Olivia has never touched the boys. I asked her one time if she had, and let’s just say that didn’t end well. I’ve checked them for marks and have seen nothing. And the boys are hardly out of my sight, and I haven’t seen anything amiss. She has also never hit me in front of them. She always does it when they’re not around.
My two older brothers, Sam and Jack, figured out what was happening and begged me to go to the police, but I couldn’t. I asked them not to say anything, but my oldest brother, Sam, has a friend who’s a lawyer, and I found out only recently that they’ve been talking to him about it and have been secretly telling him when they notice I have a new mark or when something happens.
Back to the main problem, though. I hadn’t seen Olivia for almost two days, and when she came back, I asked if we could talk. The boys were with Jack for the day, so they weren’t in the house. She went to walk away again, but I stepped in front of her and said that we needed to talk. This was the first time I’d stood up to her in years, and I was scared as hell. She looked shocked, but then she put the scowl back on and huffed out a fine. I had my phone beside me and recorded the conversation.
We sat on the couch, and I told her again how I felt about the surrogacy. She kept rolling her eyes and scoffing every time I said something. I told her I was worried about how it would affect our family. I brought up the PPD again, and she got angry. She started yelling at me, telling me it was my fault that she had it and that I should never have gotten her pregnant. Every kid except for our oldest (Who wasn’t planned) was her idea. That’s not to say that I didn’t want my boys, I did, but I didn’t have a say about it. She called me a horrible father and husband and said that I should support her. I said that if she goes through with the surrogacy, I won’t be supporting her as it’s not my kid. She got mad, hit me, called me an asshole, hit me again and left the house.
I called Sam, asked if he could come over and waited for him to arrive. When he got to my house, I just broke down. I told him everything about what’s been going on. The abuse, the surrogacy, the self-harm and suicidal thoughts. He hugged me and told me it would be alright and everything would work out. This is when he told me about his lawyer friend and how he and Jack have been talking to him. I told him I recorded the conversation with Olivia, and he said he’d send it to his friend, along with a photo of the bruise from when she hit me before, and a few other marks as well.
I had given up years ago, and my kids were the only thing keeping me going. I’ve suffered from depression and self-harm (Which I still do), and I think if I didn’t have my boys, I wouldn’t be here.
I’m finally standing up for myself, and it feels really good. I’m going to divorce her and go for full custody. I just hope the courts won’t take her side.
And I just want to thank everyone who has been really kind about this, especially the people who messaged me. I haven’t replied to all of them, but just know that I appreciate it so much.
Top Comments
x-bacool-x: Next time try to install hidden cameras or something for video proof but good luck and I hope you win the custody
AngelsOfLust: Finally! Go to the police, get a restraining order and serve her with divorce papers.
Ironmike11B: NTA. You should do 2 things:
1- gather evidence. Hide a camera(s) in the main areas and/or you bedroom. Document EVERYTHING. 2 - Make an exit plan. Get all your important documents together. Create a emergency fund. Find a place to go.



submitted by Choice_Evidence1983 to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 19:38 neo_neptune How can I improve my life based on my chart?

How can I improve my life based on my chart?
How can I improve my life based on my chart?
This can be any input ranging from habits to implement, to behaviour changes, routines, etc.
submitted by neo_neptune to astrosignature [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 19:37 neo_neptune How can I improve my life based on my chart?

How can I improve my life based on my chart?
How can I improve my life based on my chart?
This can be any input ranging from habits to implement, to behaviour changes, routines, etc.
submitted by neo_neptune to astrologyreadings [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 16:25 LolBatmanHuntsU Habitually 2.0 - New Update

With Habitually, your everyday life becomes a journey of self-discovery. Log your life, track wellbeing, and gain knowledge. It’s more than tracking - it’s about understanding your lifestyle, its impact on your wellbeing, and aligning it with your aspirations.
The Journey
Habitually had a tough start to its life as a side project where its PMF was lacking and no apparent value for people. With valuable feedback from the Product Hunt community and early contributors, it has evolved into a tool that offers unmatched value. I have currently spent over 400 days journaling 200 actions/habits and tracking my well-being in Habitually. With my own experience leading to the optimising of Habitually to be as powerful as Excel but quicker and easier to operate. And all of this achieved in close to 5 minutes of usage daily.
About Habitually
Habitually is a Fast, Intuitive Journal & Well-being Tracker that is currently an Android Application. It enables you to journal your everyday life and track your wellbeing, creating new knowledge in how your lifestyle impacts your wellbeing. As well as creating the space for reflection on the life you are living and whether it meets your wants and expectations.
New Logo
I am undecided about changing the logo. What do you think about this as the new logo for Habitually? While it nods to the arrow style of the previous logo, it now features a caterpillar at the bottom and a butterfly at the point, symbolizing the journey of growth and evolution. Should I commit to this design?
What's New in Habitually v2.0: The Re-Habit-ening
Your Feedback
Your feedback has been instrumental in shaping Habitually. From data ownership and opt-in encryption for data privacy to smarter UX/UI. Have an observation or idea? Don't hesitate to message me at: [](
My Story (so far)
The pivotal moment that sparked this journey occurred in 2022 when I filled my second journal. The thought of losing all these memories and daily reflections weighed heavily on me. I was captivated by the concept of a learning journal, where each day’s knowledge builds upon the previous, to be used in the present. After watching a video by Veritasium, I was inspired to bring this idea to life using Naïve Bayes in a journaling and well-being tracking app. Thus, Habitually was born.
On reaching one year of Habitually from its MVP, I made a celebratory post on dataisbeautiful. What soon became a particularly stressful experience as it garnered 2 million views and hundreds of comments within 48 hours. One benefit coming from the experience was finally realising the tangible value Habitually can offer to people. The first value is the sheer speed of using Habitually and its ability to integrate seamlessly into my life. The second value is the enhanced sense of accountability and awareness that comes with journaling inherently. This is only amplified by Habitually’s format, which allows for tracking almost every aspect of my day, be it exercise, people met, water intake, coffee or tea consumption, social media usage, work, or even the meta of developing Habitually itself. In fact, I wrote a blog post detailing all of this. You can read it here:
Welcome Offers for New Habitually Users For the first 14 days of using Habitually, there are some deals:
20% off on the Lifetime Subscription 1/2 Month Free on the Monthly Subscription 6 Months Free on the Annual Subscription
These offers are valid only for the first 14 days, so don’t miss out!
Thanks for reading :) Feel free to reach me at []( I spent a year making something that I liked, and I'm excited to improve Habitually for everyone.
submitted by LolBatmanHuntsU to HabitualImprovements [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 00:04 Eastern_Excuse4542 What are some “go to” BS threats/consequences created by workplace bullies?

Nurse bullying is some psychological shit. I can’t filter through all of it and sometimes I just take their advice to heart when I shouldn't. Critical thinking for patient care is hard enough. Rifling through advice from a senior colleague trying to figure out if they’re genuine or just fucking with your work has been tough. I do my due diligence, research my errors and genuinely answer the why’s. I won’t sleep at night otherwise.
I’ve noticed some common lines when I have coworkers that are belittling me. They end it with the passive threat/reminder: “It’s your license.”
Or “if this goes to court, it won’t look good.” Even though they’ve never been to court themselves.
Also hear: “It’s your practice, do you really want it to be this way?” This one really screws with me cause I feel the need to genuinely reply, and so it infiltrates. Usually over something I never knew, or something like double charting that I’m not comfortable with, or if I make a decision like holding a med after an assessment. I’d been dealing with a colleague who was after me over my “short” notes. My handwriting is small, so it looks like less information than it actually is. Genuinely had someone targeting me over this and I compared their note to mine and counted the amount of words and found I had the same amount, if not more information and more words in my assessment notes. When it’s computer charting, it’s evident I’m writing enough and covering my bases so I have no issues in a facility with computer charting.
Recently been hearing: “I’m here to do my work not get along with my coworkers.” Essentially excusing their poor behaviour and touting it as a characteristic of a good worker. This nurse sat for an afternoon talking shit with another nurse on a busy day. I made sure my overworked colleagues were getting breaks. Maybe my making sure coworkers have something in their stomach/sit down after 6 hours of standing is a little overkill but I believe having a healthy and rested coworker will make MY work a lot easier too. I only do it when my pot is full. She saw it as me promoting laziness.
What other BS have you heard/believed from someone that brought on unnecessary stress in your workplace/schooling?
submitted by Eastern_Excuse4542 to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 21:37 Empty_Care9667 Behaviour Management KS1

Working in a relatively small primary school - I worked there on temporary cover in KS1 back in Autumn and have returned as permanent this term with the same class. Their behaviour seems to have only gotten worse and I don’t really think their attainment has increased as it should’ve done. When I was temporary cover, I had a TA. Now I don’t.
I’ve tried all sorts of behaviour management: over-the-top positivity, use of sticker charts (which had already been implemented), separating those who are disruptive from the class so that they can not take part in engaging activities, following behaviour policy to the book (1st, 2nd warning, missed break), making everyone miss break due to a majority of the class misbehaving. Nothing works!
I’ve also kept to the typical “I’m waiting”, “it’s not my time you’re wasting”, “I just feel sorry for… because they are sitting patiently waiting for you to finish your conversations”. The children just end up mimicking me and then they get warnings too!
Lessons are made worse by the fact, out of 30 in a class, I’ve got no true GD, 14 children who are attaining below and about 6 children who are just about at expected. I can’t get around every child because if I leave the lowers, they do nothing all lesson. I can’t live mark, so I’m getting in at 7am and leaving at 5pm.
These children do not seem to care about the consequences of their actions and I don’t know what to do about it.
Any advice?
EDIT: The teacher last term also has the same feelings - I’ve been to SLT and they just say to follow the behaviour policy to the book, which I’ve been doing and it’s not working.
submitted by Empty_Care9667 to TeachingUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 03:07 dolparii Managing reactivity before trying behaviour modification question

Hi all,
I was trying to read about behaviour modification with dog reactivity and came across this Is anyone applying similar steps to this?
'Your reactive dog’s ideal mindset is in the green zone. Whenever possible, they should be able to sniff, take your treats, follow your cues right away and keep their leash completely relaxed. A reactive dog that is far enough from their threshold does not look reactive at all. This is important to keep in mind! You should not push your dog to have an explosive response.
If your dog is in the yellow zone of the reactivity chart, they may still be able to train relatively successfully. Small amounts of stress are not counterproductive. The key here is the word “small” – your dog should still be able to take treats from you. They should not be straining towards the trigger.
A dog in the orange zone in our reactivity chart is just moments away from “blowing up”. This is not a state of mind in which your dog can make new, positive memories. All they are going to remember is the stress. You should get out of there while you still can!
Finally, a dog in the red zone has escalated their reaction. They are not able to respond to or even acknowledge any cues from the hander. They are lunging, barking and might even consider to bite if pushed too far.'
For example my situation is that my dog is usually at the red zone level of barking/lunging level where focus is lost and it takes some time of trying to get him to focus back on me and follow a command. It is heightened if the other dog also reacts or if owner continues to lead them where we are too. We usually try to turn away and create a safe distance from the dog, then try and manage the situation and get him to concentrate on a sit and observe the dog as the dog ignores him and walks away.
During times that I can, I try to use a clicker (he is good with a clicker and that the clicker sound is when a something is good) when he focus on the dog (trying to teach him that seeing other dogs is not a bad thing), but in between this its straight to reactivity but I would try and click again when his focus is back to me. Anyway this is in ideal situations but sometimes the environment isnt right and I don't have enough hands!
However yesterday, just before I saw a dog coming towards our direction from a distance (I think I saw the other dog before he did which surprised me), I diverted his path and we jogged the other way (he seems to enjoy jogging / light running (on a lead next to me)).
At this stage, should I make him /see/ the other dog, press the clicker while diverting / jogging / running away for now, click once his attention is not on the dog, then stop once we are clear give him something like a high value treat and praise?
I feel like even seeing the dog gives him some stress still, so not sure if I should just keep him always at the greenzone and just try spotting dogs before he does but I can't think of how to progress from there if I am always spotting dogs before than him (also not always possible for me to have a 100% success rate in spotting dogs before him).
Other notes: Also not as important, but yesterday after 5 months he consecutively ate more treats while on a walk. He is not the most food/treat motivated in general, especially in outside / new environments.
Not toy motivated.
He seems to light up when there is peanut butter (thinking of making high value treats with this) and seems to respond well to praise.
If I keep using a distraction like running away, I'm hoping running away doesn't become the normal thing ? 😭😆
Does anyone have any tips or feedback on how to go about this or anything that could be im doing wrong? Thank you!
submitted by dolparii to reactivedogs [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 09:29 book-press-release 22 Tips To Start Building a Press Release Distribution You Always Wanted

22 Tips To Start Building a Press Release Distribution You Always Wanted
In today's competitive digital landscape, effectively distributing press releases can significantly boost your brand's visibility and credibility. A well-crafted press release can catch the attention of journalists, influencers, and potential customers, driving traffic and interest in your business. Here are 22 essential tips to help you kickstart your journey towards building a successful press release distribution strategy.

Understanding Press Release Distribution

Definition and Purpose

A press release is a written communication directed at the newsin media for announcing something newsworthy. The press release distribution services involves disseminating these releases to journalists, bloggers, and other relevant media outlets. The primary purpose is to generate publicity and media coverage for the subject of the release.

Components of a Press Release

A typical press release includes a headline, dateline, introduction, body paragraphs, boilerplate, and contact information. Each component plays a crucial role in conveying information effectively to the audience.

Benefits of Effective Press Release Distribution

Press release distribution is a valuable strategy for businesses to gain visibility and achieve various marketing objectives. Here are key benefits:

Increased Brand Visibility

One of the primary benefits of press release distribution is increased brand visibility. By distributing press releases to targeted audiences through media outlets, online platforms, and news syndication services, businesses can expand their reach and raise awareness about their products, services, or announcements. Increased visibility helps establish brand recognition and credibility among potential customers and industry stakeholders.

Improved SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Press releases can contribute to improved SEO efforts when optimized with relevant keywords and strategic links. When distributed through reputable platforms, press releases can generate backlinks from authoritative websites, which enhances search engine rankings. Additionally, press release service that appear in search engine results pages (SERPs) can drive organic traffic to your website, leading to increased online visibility and potential customer engagement.

Media Coverage

Effective press release distribution can lead to media coverage, providing valuable exposure for your business in newspapers, magazines, online publications, and industry-specific journals. Journalists often use press releases as sources for news stories, interviews, or feature articles, leading to additional media exposure and credibility for your brand. Media coverage helps amplify your message and reach a broader audience beyond your direct marketing efforts.

Tips for Starting Your Press Release Distribution

Launching a successful press release distribution campaign requires strategic planning and execution. Here are key tips to get started:

Creating Newsworthy Content

Craft press releases around newsworthy events or developments within your organization, such as product launches, partnerships, awards, or industry insights. Ensure that your content is timely, relevant, and offers valuable information to your target audience. Focus on presenting a unique angle or story that captures attention and generates interest among journalists and readers.

Identifying Target Audience

Understand the specific audience you want to reach with your press release. Identify key demographics, interests, and industry sectors that align with your message. Tailor your press release content and distribution strategy to resonate with your target audience's needs, preferences, and pain points. By understanding your audience, you can craft a more compelling and impactful message.

Choosing Distribution Channels

Select reputable distribution channels that align with your target audience and industry. Consider using established press release distribution services like pr newswire, Business Wire, or GlobeNewswire, which offer broad reach and access to relevant media outlets and journalists. Evaluate distribution options based on geographic coverage, industry specialization, and multimedia capabilities to maximize the visibility and impact of your press release.

Writing an Effective Press Release

Crafting a compelling press release involves several key elements that ensure clarity, engagement, and impact:

Crafting a Compelling Headline

Write a captivating headline that grabs attention and clearly conveys the main message of your press release. Use action words, intriguing phrases, or a unique angle to entice readers and journalists. The headline should be concise yet descriptive, providing a snapshot of the news or announcement.

Structuring Your Press Release

Organize your press release using a clear and concise structure that includes the following components:
  • Headline: The title of your press release that summarizes the news in a compelling manner.
  • Dateline: Include the city and date of the press release for immediate context.
  • Lead Paragraph: The opening paragraph should provide a concise summary of the news, answering the who, what, when, where, why, and how questions.
  • Body: Elaborate on the key details of the announcement in the body of the press release. Use short paragraphs to maintain readability and clarity.
  • Quotes: Incorporate quotes from key stakeholders, executives, or experts to add credibility, insight, and a human element to the news.
  • Boilerplate: Provide a brief company overview or background information about the organization at the end of the press release.
  • Contact Information: Include relevant contact details (name, phone number, email) for media inquiries or further information.

Incorporating Quotes and Statistics

Enhance the credibility and depth of your press release by including quotes from key stakeholders or experts. Quotes should offer valuable insights, endorsements, or perspectives related to the announcement. Additionally, incorporate relevant statistics or data points to support your claims and provide context for the news.

Optimizing Press Releases for SEO

Optimizing how are press releases distributed for search engine optimization (SEO) can significantly improve their visibility and reach. Here are key strategies to optimize press releases for SEO:

Using Keywords Strategically

Identify relevant keywords related to your news announcement and incorporate them naturally throughout your press release. Place keywords in the headline, subheadings, and body content to improve search engine visibility. Avoid overstuffing keywords and prioritize readability by integrating them seamlessly into the narrative.

Including Backlinks

Insert relevant backlinks to your website or other authoritative resources within your press release. Backlinks not only drive traffic to your site but also enhance SEO by establishing connections with reputable websites. Ensure that backlinks are contextually relevant and add value to the reader's understanding of the topic.

Formatting for Readability

Format your press release for readability by using bullet points, subheadings, and short paragraphs. Organize information logically and break up content into digestible sections to improve user experience. Clear formatting not only enhances readability but also signals to search engines that your content is well-structured and user-friendly.

Leveraging Multimedia in Press Releases

Incorporating multimedia elements into your press release publishing can significantly enhance their effectiveness and engagement. Here are key strategies for leveraging multimedia:

Adding Images and Videos

Enhance the impact of your press release by including compelling images and videos. Visual content not only captures attention but also conveys information more effectively. Use high-quality visuals that complement the story and provide additional context to your announcement. Videos can feature interviews, demonstrations, or product showcases, adding depth and personality to your press release.

Embedding Infographics

Present complex data and information in a visually appealing format through infographics. Infographics condense information into easy-to-understand visuals, making key insights more accessible to your audience. Use charts, graphs, and diagrams to illustrate statistics, trends, or comparisons related to your news. Infographics can effectively convey detailed information in a concise and engaging manner.

Enhancing Engagement

Encourage interaction and amplify reach by incorporating social media handles or hashtags into your press release. Include links to relevant social media profiles or invite readers to join the conversation using specific hashtags. This strategy not only encourages sharing but also facilitates direct engagement with your brand across various social platforms. By integrating social media elements, you can extend the reach of your press release and foster community engagement.

Building Relationships with Journalists and Media Outlets

Establishing strong relationships with journalists and media outlets is essential for successful pr distribution services and media coverage. Here's how to cultivate meaningful connections:

Researching Relevant Contacts

To begin, conduct thorough research to identify journalists and media outlets that align with your industry or niche:
  1. Industry Focus: Look for reporters or editors who specialize in covering topics related to your business, such as technology, healthcare, finance, or lifestyle.
  2. Publication Type: Identify the types of media outlets that are influential in your industry, including newspapers, magazines, online publications, and blogs.
  3. Social Media: Utilize social media platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn to follow journalists and engage with their content to understand their interests and coverage areas.
  4. Media Databases: Use reputable media databases or PR tools to access comprehensive lists of journalists and media contacts.
By targeting relevant contacts, you can increase the likelihood of your press releases being noticed and considered for coverage.
best press release distribution,

Personalizing Outreach

Once you've identified key contacts, focus on building authentic relationships through personalized communication:
  1. Tailored Pitches: Customize your press release pitches to each journalist's interests and preferences. Highlight why your story is relevant to their beat and audience.
  2. Engage Authentically: Reach out to journalists with genuine interest in their work. Comment on their articles, share their content, and offer valuable insights related to their coverage areas.
  3. Offer Exclusives: Provide journalists with exclusive access to news or insights that align with their interests, fostering a sense of collaboration and exclusivity.
  4. Follow-Up Respectfully: Follow up on pitches with polite and respectful reminders, respecting journalists' busy schedules and deadlines.
By personalizing your outreach efforts and demonstrating genuine interest in building relationships, you can establish credibility and trust with journalists, increasing the likelihood of media coverage for your press releases.

Utilizing Press Release Distribution Services

Choosing the right press release distribution service is crucial for maximizing the impact of your press releases and reaching your target audience effectively. Here's how to navigate this process:

Comparing Platforms

With numerous best pr distribution services available, it's important to conduct thorough research and comparisons to identify the best fit for your needs:
  1. Assess Features: Evaluate the features offered by different platforms, such as distribution reach, targeting options, multimedia support, and analytics capabilities.
  2. Consider Reputation: Look for reviews and testimonials from other users to gauge the platform's reputation and reliability.
  3. Budget Considerations: Compare pricing plans and assess the value provided relative to your budget constraints.
  4. Customer Support: Prioritize platforms that offer responsive customer support to address any issues or queries promptly.
By comparing platforms based on these criteria, you can narrow down your options and select the most suitable press release distribution service.

Choosing the Right Service for Your Needs

Once you've narrowed down your options, focus on selecting a distribution service that aligns with your specific objectives and audience targeting requirements:
  1. Audience Alignment: Choose a service that specializes in reaching your target audience, whether it's industry-specific journalists, bloggers, or general media outlets.
  2. Geographical Reach: Consider the geographic reach of the distribution service to ensure coverage in your desired markets.
  3. Measurable Results: Look for platforms that offer comprehensive analytics and reporting tools to track the performance of your press releases.
  4. Integration with Strategy: Select a service that integrates seamlessly with your overall PR and marketing strategy, enabling consistent messaging and branding.
By prioritizing alignment with your goals and audience, as well as the ability to measure outcomes, you can make an informed decision and leverage the chosen service to amplify the impact of your press release distribution efforts.

Measuring Success and Analyzing Results

Effectively measuring the success of top press release distribution services involves tracking relevant metrics and leveraging data insights to optimize future strategies. Here's how to approach it:

Tracking Metrics

To gauge the impact of your press releases, monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with your goals:
  1. Website Traffic: Measure the increase in website visits attributed to press release distribution.
  2. Media Mentions: Track the number of times your press release is picked up and mentioned by media outlets.
  3. Backlinks Generated: Monitor backlinks from reputable sources to assess the press release's SEO impact.
  4. Social Shares and Engagement: Analyze social media metrics like shares, likes, and comments to evaluate audience engagement.
By tracking these metrics, you can quantify the reach and influence of your press release campaigns and identify areas of success.

Making Adjustments

Data analysis plays a crucial role in refining press release distribution strategies. Here's how to leverage insights for continuous improvement:
  1. Identify Trends: Look for patterns or trends in the data to understand what aspects of your press releases resonate most with your audience.
  2. Assess Effectiveness: Evaluate the performance of different distribution channels, messaging approaches, and content formats.
  3. Address Weaknesses: Identify underperforming areas and brainstorm strategies to address them, such as refining targeting or enhancing content quality.
  4. Iterative Optimization: Implement iterative changes based on data insights to optimize future press release campaigns.
By making data-driven adjustments, you can enhance the effectiveness of your press release distribution strategy, maximize ROI, and achieve desired outcomes.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When crafting news distribution service, it's important to steer clear of common pitfalls that can diminish their effectiveness and impact. Here are key mistakes to avoid:

Overly Promotional Content

Press releases should inform and engage, not merely advertise. Avoid the following pitfalls:
  • Excessive Hype: Refrain from using exaggerated or sensational language that can undermine credibility.
  • Hard Selling: Focus on delivering valuable information that educates and resonates with your audience.
  • Lack of Objectivity: Maintain a balanced tone and avoid overly biased or self-promotional statements.
By prioritizing informative content over overt promotion, you can build trust and credibility with journalists and readers alike.

Neglecting Proofreading

Typos and grammatical errors can detract from the professionalism and reliability of press releases. Take these steps to ensure accuracy:
  • Thorough Review: Allocate time for comprehensive proofreading to catch spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes.
  • Use Tools: Leverage grammar and spell-check tools to identify and correct errors efficiently.
  • Seek Feedback: Have colleagues or peers review the press release for clarity and accuracy before distribution.
A polished and error-free press release reflects positively on your brand's attention to detail and professionalism.

Ignoring Formatting Guidelines

Visual presentation plays a critical role in capturing and retaining audience attention. Here's how to optimize formatting:
  • Clear Structure: Organize content into distinct sections with headings, subheadings, and bullet points for readability.
  • Consistent Style: Adhere to brand guidelines and industry standards for font, spacing, and layout.
  • Visual Elements: Incorporate images, infographics, or multimedia to enhance visual appeal and convey information effectively.
Following formatting guidelines ensures that business wire press release are visually appealing, easy to navigate, and aligned with professional standards.

Staying Updated with Trends in PR

In the dynamic field of public relations (PR), staying abreast of emerging technologies and industry best practices is essential for optimizing press release distribution strategies and maintaining competitiveness.

Emerging Technologies

Technology continues to reshape the landscape of PR and press release distribution. Here are key areas to focus on:
  1. AI and Automation: Explore how artificial intelligence (AI) and automation can streamline press release distribution processes, from targeting relevant media contacts to analyzing performance metrics.
  2. Multimedia Integration: Embrace interactive content formats like videos, infographics, and virtual reality (VR) experiences to enhance the impact of press releases.
  3. Data Analytics: Leverage advanced analytics tools to track press release performance, identify audience preferences, and optimize content strategies.
  4. Distribution Platforms: Stay updated on innovative press release distribution platforms that offer targeted reach and measurable results.
By harnessing emerging technologies, PR professionals can amplify the effectiveness of press release distribution and adapt to evolving communication trends.

Industry Best Practices

Adhering to industry best practices is fundamental for delivering impactful press release campaigns. Here's how to stay ahead of the curve:
  1. Continuous Learning: Engage in ongoing education and training to stay updated on PR trends, strategies, and ethical guidelines.
  2. Networking: Participate in industry events, conferences, and forums to connect with peers and exchange insights on best practices.
  3. Benchmarking: Study successful business wire news campaigns from leading brands and adopt strategies that resonate with your target audience.
  4. Adaptation: Remain flexible and adaptable in response to changing media landscapes, consumer behaviours, and regulatory environments.
By integrating emerging technologies and embracing industry best practices, PR professionals can elevate their press release distribution efforts, enhance brand visibility, and achieve measurable impact in today's competitive PR landscape.

Creating an Editorial Calendar

An editorial calendar is a valuable tool for organizing and scheduling press release distribution effectively. It helps streamline communication strategies and ensures consistency in engaging with your audience.

Planning Release Dates

One of the primary purposes of an editorial calendar is to plan release dates for press releases. This involves:
  1. Setting Timelines: Determine when press releases should be distributed based on upcoming events, product launches, or industry milestones.
  2. Aligning with Marketing Campaigns: Coordinate press release schedules with broader marketing campaigns to maximize impact and reach.
  3. Considering Audience Timing: Choose release dates and times that are optimal for reaching your target audience, considering time zones and peak engagement periods.
By planning release dates in advance, you can strategically time your press releases to coincide with key business initiatives and ensure maximum exposure.

Ensuring Consistency

Consistency is key to maintaining a strong presence and fostering audience engagement through global news wire. Here's how to ensure consistency:
  1. Establishing Frequency: Determine how often you want to issue press releases—whether it's weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or aligned with specific events.
  2. Sticking to Schedule: Adhere to the editorial calendar by consistently releasing press materials according to the planned schedule.
  3. Maintaining Quality: Prioritize quality over quantity by focusing on delivering valuable and newsworthy content in each press release.
  4. Monitoring Results: Track the performance of press releases to assess audience engagement and adjust the editorial calendar as needed based on insights.
Consistent press release distribution reinforces your brand's presence, builds credibility, and keeps stakeholders informed about your latest developments.

Understanding Legal and Ethical Considerations

When engaging in press release distribution, it's crucial to navigate legal and ethical considerations to maintain integrity and compliance with industry standards. Two key aspects to focus on are copyright and fair use, as well as disclosure requirements.

Copyright and Fair Use

Copyright laws protect original works of authorship, such as written content, images, videos, and more. It's essential to respect these laws when using third-party content in press releases. Fair use allows for limited use of copyrighted material without permission for purposes such as commentary, criticism, news reporting, or educational use.
To ensure compliance:
  1. Seek Permission: Obtain permission from the copyright holder before using their work in press releases, especially for significant portions or commercial purposes.
  2. Attribute Properly: When using copyrighted material under fair use, clearly attribute the source and author to give credit.
  3. Limit Usage: Use only the amount of copyrighted material necessary to achieve your intended purpose and avoid infringing on the creator's rights.
By adhering to copyright laws and fair use guidelines, you can avoid legal issues and respect intellectual property rights.

Disclosure Requirements

Transparency is key in press release distribution, especially when it comes to disclosing affiliations or relationships that could influence the content. Relevant affiliations may include partnerships, sponsorships, or financial interests related to the subject matter of the press release.
To ensure transparency:
  1. Identify Relationships: Clearly disclose any affiliations or relationships that could be perceived as influencing the news release content.
  2. Be Specific: Provide detailed information about the nature of the relationship, including the extent of involvement or financial ties.
  3. Maintain Integrity: Avoid misleading or omitting information that could impact the credibility or objectivity of the press release.
By disclosing affiliations and relationships openly, you build trust with your audience and demonstrate a commitment to ethical communication practices.
In summary, navigating legal and ethical considerations in press release distribution involves respecting copyright laws, adhering to fair use guidelines, and maintaining transparency through proper disclosure of affiliations. By integrating these practices into your press release strategy, you can uphold ethical standards and foster credibility with stakeholders and the media.

Maintaining a Professional Online Presence

Maintaining a professional online presence is crucial for effectively managing your brand's reputation and engaging with stakeholders:

Monitoring Feedback and Engagement

Regularly monitor feedback and engagement resulting from your press releases to gauge audience sentiment and assess the impact of your communications. Pay attention to comments, shares, and interactions on social media platforms and news articles where your press release is featured. Use insights gained from monitoring to refine your strategy and tailor future communications to better resonate with your audience.

Responding to Queries

Promptly address inquiries and respond to questions related to your press release sites. Engage with stakeholders, including journalists, investors, customers, and the public, in a timely and professional manner. Demonstrating responsiveness and transparency helps build trust and credibility, fostering positive relationships with your audience. Ensure that responses are clear, accurate, and aligned with your brand's messaging and values.
By actively monitoring feedback and engaging with stakeholders through responsive communication, you can strengthen your brand's online presence, enhance reputation management, and foster meaningful connections with your target audience.

Get in Touch

Website – Mobile: +91-9212306116 WhatsApp – Skype – shalabh.mishra Telegram – shalabhmishra Email - [](
submitted by book-press-release to u/book-press-release [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 06:09 impinion Peak ADHD is wearing this therapist down

(Context - I am a psychotherapist in a Canadian province, where only folks with SMI or great connections "have" a psychiatrist, iykyk. I cannot "consult with someone's psychiatrist." I work in community mental health and private practice, so see folks from all walks of life.)
Looking for gentle guidance here. I'm not sure I want to work with clients with this diagnosis anymore in my private practice, but that would mean losing all of my business. Truly looking to get a clear-headed perspective, paper, anything about what ADHD is and is not.
After several years in practice, I have noticed that ADHD seems to much more reliably predict a client's demographics than their symptoms. I can spot a prior or sought-after ADHD diagnosis a mile away at this point.
Client must be very comfortable using English-language internet AND any 2 (or more) of:
  1. BMI >= 23
  2. Born in Canada/US after 1982
  3. Interests that align with being often online (usually sufficient in itself)
  4. Past or current cocaine use
  5. High expressed emotion in sessions
  6. Past or current eating disorder
  7. Wealthy/comfortable-SES family of origin
Friends, peers: This is disappointing and tiring to me.
The "ADHD filter" is tough to work with in therapy sessions.
Discussions about social difficulties are discussions about their rejection sensitivity dysphoria.
Discussions about binge/purge are discussions about how undiagnosed ADHD made them binge.
Discussions about excessive phone use are discussions about how "my brain won't let me do anything slower than that."
Suicidality is because of how miserable they felt before they were medicated and felt "normal".
I want to validate their experiences, but I am not sure how to do this in a way that is consistent with psychiatry as it is today.
EDIT: I had substantially cut down the length of this post before posting it so that it appeared coherent, but in the interest of making this post more useful to myself (and hopefully others?) I will paste the remainder below:
The flip-side of this is that clients I see in community who seem to be unaware that adult ADHD exists, and that treatment could be beneficial. They fall outside of the above demographic.
Things that appear irrelevant to diagnosis/awareness of adult ADHD among my clients, which I would expect these to be stronger predictors than, say, emotional lability and internet usage:
  1. Difficulty sustaining employment for performance reasons
  2. Lack of educational attainment due to problems with focus
  3. Visible restlessness (squirming, fidgeting)
I always have at least a couple folks on my caseload who exhibit these issues, but who are low SES and not tech-savvy, or with parents who were the same. And they will almost never have ADHD on their charts. A client who dropped out of community college, with parents who didn't care, is incredibly unlikely to come to me with this diagnosis.
Ultimately, what is troubling to me here:
We have a wildly effective treatment option for this condition, but its qualifying criteria appear to cut much more widely across psychological/behavioural factors than demographic ones, making me skeptical at times that this diagnosis is maintaining its validity.
Stimulants are a separate issue to me - I have no inherent problem with them, and in fact wonder if they could or should be more often prescribed off-label, but this is well outside my scope.
submitted by impinion to Psychiatry [link] [comments]