Evolution biology adderall


2008.04.09 22:14 Evolution

A community to discuss evolutionary biology

2009.10.19 18:56 coffeeffoc Ornithology

Welcome to Ornithology, a subreddit dedicated to the scientific study of wild birds. This is a place to discuss wild birds in a scientific context — their biology, ecology, evolution, behavior, and more.

2008.06.12 21:07 Microbiology

The study of eukaryotes, fungi, protists, prokaryotes, viruses, and prions.

2024.05.19 16:45 D3nger The next stage of human evolution is already here (with “proof”)

I do put “proof” in double quotes because I know there are skeptics who say this isn’t based on science, but I say go study up on both general relativity and quantum physics real quick I’ll wait /s Hear me out anyways. A quote from the movie Waking Life:
“Evolution of the organism will begin with the evolution of life, proceed through the hominid, coming to the evolution of mankind. Neanderthal, Cro-magnon man. Now interestingly, what you are looking at here are three strings: Biological, Anthropological, development of cities, cultures, and Cultural, which is human expression. Now, what you've seen here is the evolution of populations, not so much the evolution of individuals. And in addition, if you look at the time scales that's involved here, two billion years for life, six million years for the hominid, 100,000 years for mankind as we know it, you begin to see the telescoping nature of the evolutionary paradigm. And then, when you get to agriculture, when you get to scientific revolution and industrial revolution, you're looking at 10,000 years, 400 years, 150 years. You've seen a further telescoping of this evolutionary time. What that means is as we go through the new evolution, it's going to telescope to the point we should be able to see it manifest itself within our lifetime, within a generation.” -Eamonn Healy (Waking Life 2001)
I do think we are already falling into this singularity of a drastic transformation of human consciousness. It starts with individuals like some of you in this community but it will eventually crescendo until every conscious human evolves at once. Rejoice if you are already walking the path, your only duty is to help others along the way.
Science is so close to proving the existence of God/Source/Universal consciousness. It has already discovered there are unseen dimensions laid above ours (String theory posits that there are AT LEAST 10). General relativity has understood the 4th dimension pretty well (space-time) thanks to Einstein but it is well known it is incomplete. Quantum physics is now trying to understand the 5th dimension. (Vibrating strings and possibilities in the quantum field). Similarly, I believe there are different dimensions of human consciousness. The next paragraph is all subjective to my personal spiritual experience so take it with a grain of salt.
In this reality, we are 3D creatures living in a 4D universe and we perceive in 2D (Don’t argue this point, research it and understand it first) we can only communicate through language via sound. Very limiting to describe something as complex as “love.” In higher dimensions, we are able to directly communicate with emotions like love and directly communicate abstract ideas and concepts that is impossible for language to fully express.” I don’t know what’s next I haven’t experienced it yet.
Either way, buckle up friends, we are in for a wild ride in this lifetime.
submitted by D3nger to spirituality [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:40 D3nger Next stage of human evolution is already here (with “proof”)

I do put “proof” in double quotes because I know there are skeptics who say this isn’t based on science, but I say go study up on both general relativity and quantum physics real quick I’ll wait /s Hear me out anyways. A quote from the movie Waking Life:
“Evolution of the organism will begin with the evolution of life, proceed through the hominid, coming to the evolution of mankind. Neanderthal, Cro-magnon man. Now interestingly, what you are looking at here are three strings: Biological, Anthropological, development of cities, cultures, and Cultural, which is human expression. Now, what you've seen here is the evolution of populations, not so much the evolution of individuals. And in addition, if you look at the time scales that's involved here, two billion years for life, six million years for the hominid, 100,000 years for mankind as we know it, you begin to see the telescoping nature of the evolutionary paradigm. And then, when you get to agriculture, when you get to scientific revolution and industrial revolution, you're looking at 10,000 years, 400 years, 150 years. You've seen a further telescoping of this evolutionary time. What that means is as we go through the new evolution, it's going to telescope to the point we should be able to see it manifest itself within our lifetime, within a generation.” -Eamonn Healy (Waking Life 2001)
I do think we are already falling into this singularity of a drastic transformation of human consciousness. It starts with individuals like some of you in this community but it will eventually crescendo until every conscious human evolves at once. Rejoice if you are already walking the path, your only duty is to help others along the way.
Science is so close to proving the existence of God/Source/Universal consciousness. It has already discovered there are unseen dimensions laid above ours (String theory posits that there are AT LEAST 10). General relativity has understood the 4th dimension pretty well (space-time) thanks to Einstein but it is well known it is incomplete. Quantum physics is now trying to understand the 5th dimension. (Vibrating strings and possibilities in the quantum field). Similarly, I believe there are different dimensions of human consciousness. The next paragraph is all subjective to my personal spiritual experience so take it with a grain of salt.
In this reality, we are 3D creatures living in a 4D universe and we perceive in 2D (Don’t argue this point, research it and understand it first) we can only communicate through language via sound. Very limiting to describe something as complex as “love.” In higher dimensions, we are able to directly communicate with emotions like love and directly communicate abstract ideas and concepts that is impossible for language to fully express.” I don’t know what’s next I haven’t experienced it yet.
Either way, buckle up friends, we are in for a wild ride in this lifetime.
submitted by D3nger to awakened [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:31 therock-20 Introduction to Physical Anthropology 15E 9781337099820

By Robert Jurmain INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY brings the study of physical anthropology to life! With a focus on the big picture of human evolution, the 15th Edition helps you master the basic principles of the subject and arrive at an understanding of the human species and its place in the biological world. Each chapter begins with new Student Learning Objectives and a chapter outline to help you focus your study time. Each chapter then ends with an expanded section of �How Do We Know?�, followed by a critical thinking question, designed to help cement your understanding of the concepts.
submitted by therock-20 to Digitclass [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:11 RockOfAges69 how did species evolve to require mating in order to reproduce?

Single cell animals split in half in order to reproduce. How and why did living organism evolve where, instead of cell division, fertilization became necessary in order to produce offsprings.
I'm looking for an answer similar to the popular explanation to how and why an eye could have evolved (Wikipedia "Evolution of the eye").
I'm most interested in understanding the very first change that occurred in cells that simply reproduce by binary fission. What was the next biological change and what could have caused it?
submitted by RockOfAges69 to evolution [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:40 d_pock_chope_bruh Progenitors

It started with a whisper, a shiver of information that slithered through the corridors of the CIA like a cold, uninvited guest. I was a senior analyst, tasked with sifting through the static and noise of global intelligence. But this—this was different. It was 2009 when the first document crossed my desk, a classified report from the Global Access Program. The title was innocuous: “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena – Preliminary Analysis.” But the content… it was nothing short of extraordinary.
The initial report detailed sightings of craft with capabilities far beyond our own. These weren’t the erratic, drunken movements of weather balloons or the technological marvels of hostile nations. These were intelligent, deliberate maneuvers, the kind that hinted at minds far advanced from ours. It was chilling, but it was only the beginning.
As weeks turned into months, the trickle of information became a flood. Documents stamped with the highest levels of classification described encounters, recoveries, and, most disturbingly, autopsies. The recovered bodies weren’t the little green men of popular culture. They were eerily humanoid, yet undeniably otherworldly. Their skin had a silicon-like quality, translucent and tough, and their eyes—large, dark, and haunting—seemed to pierce through the veil of secrecy we so desperately tried to maintain.
I was part of a small, compartmentalized team, tasked with understanding the implications of these findings. The government’s approach was twofold: reverse-engineer the technology and determine the intentions of these visitors. But as our understanding grew, so did our fear.
One evening, after hours of staring at grainy footage of a UFO darting through the sky over a desolate military base, I received a call. The voice on the other end was panicked, speaking in hushed, frantic tones. It was one of our field operatives, stationed at a classified recovery site. They had just intercepted a transmission. It wasn’t human.
The transmission was a distress signal, but not one of desperation. It was a call to arms. These beings, it seemed, were not just explorers. They were scouts, and their mission was not benign. The transmission hinted at a hive mind, a collective consciousness that controlled these entities. They were here to assess, to probe, and to prepare. For what, we could only speculate.
Days later, another recovery operation took place. A craft was shot down over the Nevada desert, and the bodies retrieved told a horrifying story. They were connected, biologically and technologically, to this hive mind. When one entity was captured, the others knew. When one died, they all felt it. The implications were staggering. We were not just dealing with isolated visitors; we were confronting a unified front.
The more we learned, the more paranoid our superiors became. Orders came down to contain the information at all costs. Whistleblowers were silenced, dissenters disappeared. But the truth was too big to contain. The technology we recovered was decades, if not centuries, ahead of our own. Anti-gravity propulsion, energy sources that defied our understanding of physics, biological materials that healed and adapted.
And then came the darkest revelation. The autopsies revealed something even more unsettling. These beings had genetic material strikingly similar to our own. They weren’t just visitors; they were progenitors. We were their experiment, their creation. The implications shattered every paradigm we held dear. Religion, science, history—all of it was called into question.
As I sit here, penning this confession, I know my time is limited. They will come for me, as they have come for others. But the truth must be known. We are not alone, and we never have been. Our governments have hidden this from us, not out of malice, but out of fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of the truth, fear of the inevitable.
To you who reads this, understand this: the veil has been lifted. The shadows hold secrets that are darker and more profound than we can imagine. And the truth, once revealed, will change everything.
This is my testament. Believe it, or don’t. But know this: the world is not as it seems. The universe is vast, and we are not the apex of creation. We are but a fragment in a grand, terrifying design.
The truth is out there, waiting to be uncovered. And when it is, the world will never be the same.
The progenitors, as we came to call them, had motives far more complex and far-reaching than simple exploration or conquest. The truth unraveled slowly, like an intricate tapestry revealing a grand design. It began with fragments of intercepted communications and culminated in a terrifying, awe-inspiring understanding of our place in the universe.
The progenitors did not come from a distant star merely to observe. They were architects of life, and Earth was their grand experiment. Our planet, teeming with diverse life forms, was a controlled environment, a living laboratory designed for a singular purpose: evolution.
From the ancient texts to modern scientific discoveries, we’ve always sought answers to our origins. The progenitors provided those answers, but they came at a cost. We discovered that they seeded countless worlds, each designed to test different variables of life. Earth was unique due to its biodiversity and its potential for intelligent life.
The genetic similarities between us and the progenitors weren’t just a coincidence. They were deliberate. By seeding their own DNA into the primordial soup of Earth, they ensured a certain path of evolution. Our intelligence, our creativity, our very civilization were results of their intricate design. We were, quite literally, their children, bred and cultivated to reach a specific level of advancement.
But why? The reasons were as complex as they were chilling. The progenitors were not just scientists; they were facing an existential crisis. Their civilization, once spanning galaxies, was in decline. They needed a solution to prevent their extinction, and their answer was found in genetic diversity and adaptability.
Earth and its human inhabitants were part of a grander scheme: to evolve a species capable of assimilating their consciousness, their essence, into a new form. Our rapid technological advancement was not just a natural progression but was subtly influenced to accelerate our development. They needed us to reach a level where we could understand and perhaps even merge with their advanced consciousness.
We learned through decrypted communications and rare encounters that the progenitors were a hive mind, an interconnected collective consciousness. Over millennia, they had lost individuality, becoming a singular entity spread across countless biological hosts. This form of existence had its limits, and they sought to evolve beyond those constraints. They aimed to create a hybrid species—humans with the potential to host their collective consciousness.
This wasn’t just about survival; it was about transcendence. By merging with us, they hoped to achieve a new state of being, combining their ancient wisdom and collective power with our adaptability and creativity. We were to be the vessels for their next evolution.
However, this plan wasn’t without resistance. Among the progenitors, there were factions. Some believed in the purity of their collective consciousness, resisting the idea of merging with what they considered lesser beings. These internal conflicts spilled over into their actions on Earth, leading to sporadic yet significant interventions in our history.
As our understanding grew, so did the dread. The government’s attempts to contain this knowledge were born out of sheer terror. How could they explain to the world that we were bred for a purpose beyond our control? That our creators intended to use us to save themselves?
The intercepted transmissions became increasingly desperate. The progenitors’ time was running out, and their interest in Earth intensified. Reports of sightings and encounters surged. The military engaged in numerous clandestine operations to intercept and study these beings, leading to an underground war of sorts.
And then came the ultimate revelation: the progenitors were already among us. Their advanced technology allowed them to blend in, to influence, and to manipulate. The rise and fall of civilizations, the sudden leaps in technology, the inexplicable events in history—they were all part of the progenitors’ intricate plan to guide us towards the inevitable merging.
The truth, when finally pieced together, was more than earth-shattering. It was paradigm-shattering. We were not alone, nor were we masters of our fate. We were pawns in a cosmic game, engineered for a destiny we had yet to fully comprehend. The progenitors, our creators, were not gods but beings driven by survival and evolution, using us as their means to an end.
As I document this, I know the implications are beyond comprehension. The world must know, not to incite fear, but to understand. We stand at the brink of an unprecedented revelation, one that will redefine our existence and our place in the universe.
This is the truth, unfiltered and unvarnished. We are the progeny of ancient architects, part of a grand design stretching across the stars. Our future is intertwined with theirs, and the choices we make now will determine the fate of both our species.
submitted by d_pock_chope_bruh to scarystories [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:00 LacMegantikAce Could the emergence of life be a consequence of the universe's drive towards maximum entropy?

First off, my understanding of physics is limited since I'm studying biology, but it's always been something I found interesting. I know this is a huge question to ask and I will be adding several details as to clarify what I mean, but if this isn't the right place for such a question, I'm sorry and feel free to point that out to me.
For years now, I've been pretty familiar with the concept of abiogenosis (emergence of life from non-life) from a biological angle, we have several ideas, but we still don't know what the exact conditions necessary are, or even how with the exact conditions necessary, it could "become alive".
Unfortunately, physics is even less helpful in that case. Physical phenomena themselves don't seem to have much correlation with biology, despite their obligatory involvement in its emergence. I know a thing or two about biology, but I can't possibly verify the veracity of any classical mechanics or fundamental properties of the universe, which is what brings me here. Let's start with my reasoning:
Life as a More Energy-Efficient State
The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy of a given isolated system always tends to increase overtime, but that this does not prevent local decreases in entropy. A really great example of this is living organisms. Indeed, life is remarkably effective at using energy from its environment to build and maintain complex structures, therefore reducing local entropy.
However, while life decreases entropy locally (within organisms), it can only do so by increasing the overall entropy of its environment. For example, absorbing sunlight or food (low entropy energy) also means the release of high-entropy energy (i.e., heat and biological waste). Therefore, life absorbs and releases energy, contributing to an overall increase in entropy.
The Emergence of Life
If it turns out this is true and that physical properties of the universe fundamentaly make it "strive" for maximum entropy and that life indeed accelerates the rate by which entropy increases (even on such a small scale), then abiogenosis and evolution might be consequences of the universe's trend towards reaching maximum entropy. If life is really a more energy-efficient state of matter, then under the exact right conditions, it's possible that it could spontaneously arise (become alive) as part of the universe's progression towards more energy-efficient states that are better at efficiently dissipating energy. Billions of years ago, on Earth, basic molecules that used energy more efficiently might have formed more complex structures that eventually lead to life, which is simply a better way of increasing entropy than the exact same structures not living
Therefore, the emergence of life might possibly not be the miraculous anomaly we all think it is, but an incredibly rare and natural phenomenon caused by the fundamental physical law of increasing entropy in the universe.
I have no idea if any of what I just said made any sense to anyone out there, but at least I hope I've made something that's readable. In no way do I think that if true, it takes away from the significance and incredible beauty of life or even impact its rarity. This is just a potential explanation of (or one of) the fundamental purpose that life has within our universe, based on a more physical approach that still holds up and correlates with what biology has taught us.
If anyone out here is aware of a similar theory or research about a physical explanation of life, please tell me! I definitely know I'm not the first one to think about this, I'm not special, just obsessed with the universe and life, lol.
submitted by LacMegantikAce to AskPhysics [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:30 JoeDanger- Has anyone else watched this?

https://youtu.be/rXexaVsvhCM?si=MymQl0fzj3JbMOlc I found this discussion fascinating. Have you seen this? Discussion Topic: Evaluating Claims Against Evolution
Scenario: , a scientific round table discussion suggested that evolution is mathematically impossible. Let's explore and critically analyze this claim together.
Discussion Prompt:
  1. Understanding the Claim: What do you think the basis is for the argument that evolution is mathematically impossible? Are there specific mathematical models or calculations presented in the discussion that we should examine?
  2. Evaluating Evidence: How can we assess the validity of these mathematical arguments? What evidence from evolutionary biology and genetics might counter these claims?
  3. Scientific Consensus: Despite this discussion, the vast majority of scientists support evolution as a well-substantiated explanation for the diversity of life. Why do you think there is such a strong consensus, and how should we weigh this against isolated claims?
  4. Philosophical Implications: If the argument against evolution were to be proven valid, what would be the implications for our understanding of life and our place in the universe? How would this impact the atheist worldview?
  5. Critical Thinking: How can we use critical thinking and scientific literacy to evaluate controversial scientific claims? What strategies can we use to discern credible scientific arguments from those that are less robust?
submitted by JoeDanger- to DebateAnAtheist [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:31 Truth-and-Logic Children should not be exposed to religious beliefs until adulthood

I’ve been meditating on this topic for a while and while previously I never thought this was a problem, I am now very much starting to see how harmful this is. Now Im not saying that religious history shouldn’t be studied because obviously most sane people can look at Greek mythology or Hindu literature and pull a valuable amount of wisdom and insights from them while maintaining a rational belief that those are just stories and the same could be said of the Bible. But a lot religious parents these days seem to push Christian literature and dogma onto children to an insane degree without exposing them just as much to stuff like evolution or biology. This is extremely harmful in a few ways:
  1. Since children are immature and their brains are very susceptible to ideas and behaviors that they observe, they will become accustomed to what they are taught or shown that is very hard to break free from in adulthood.
  2. Psychological pressure. These religious ideas teach that if you commit good or evil than you will go to either heaven or hell on some sense. This can be very stressful for young children who have not developed the emotional maturity to handle the fear that they might be doing something wrong.
  3. It wreaks havoc on critical thinking skills. Believing in religious dogma that you were taught from childhood basically teaches you that you need to believe in something that can’t be proven regardless of what evidence is brought forward. This is pretty important to consider since this kind of indoctrination can cause children to participate in harmful actions out of blind obedience rather than rational thought.
All in all, children shouldn’t be exposed to this stuff, at least from the standpoint that it is real. The Bible, Quran, and other texts are old fictional books and should be treated no differently than if reading a book like Harry Potter or a book on Greek mythology. Children should only be exposed to truth such as science, empirical evidence and mindsets that foster critical thinking. Whether or not they should research fictional texts like the Bible or Quran should be left up to them when they are adults. Let me know what you guys think.
submitted by Truth-and-Logic to atheism [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:14 Appropriate-Mud5376 did anyone else do this

submitted by Appropriate-Mud5376 to APbio [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:26 EnantiomericExcesss Overthinking Application

Hello everyone,
I am filling out my AADSAS transcript and have a question regarding the course subject. I took an Intro to Evolution course (Course code: BIOL 0011**) during my freshman year. For the course title, I have "Intro to Evolution." Should the subject be listed as "Biology" or "Evolution"? I am inclined to list it as "Biology" but would appreciate any input.
Additionally, I took a College Success course (Course code: INTR 011**) and am unsure of what subject to list for this one.
submitted by EnantiomericExcesss to predental [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:52 jh917 Is it bad to have a variety of different types of research?

So im a rising sophomore majoring in Health with a minor in Biology, and this summer I will be working in a summer research program where I get to utilize data science and analytics techniques to create and eventually present my own public health/SDOH related project. However, I have also recently been looking into getting a research position at a large nearby medical school relating to neuroscience. And on top of that, there is a summer Study Abroad opportunity with my university for research in ecology, evolution, and genetics, which I think just looks incredible.
Put simply, I have a ton of different interests when it comes to research. I genuinely find all of these topics/subjects very fascinating, but I realize they are vastly different from each other. Is it bad for a med school applicant to have research in a variety of different science/health based projects (in my case, public health research, clinical research, and biological science research) as opposed to focusing on just one or two long term projects relating to the same sort of thing? Would adcoms prefer if I just focused intensely on one type of research instead?
submitted by jh917 to premed [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:39 gizia Human vs AI/AGI governance, management. 1 leader to other 2,3,4,5,6 ... down to masses

note: sorry for long text, but thoughts came to my mind, and can't free me to sleep
let's begin
In the natural world, there is a stark contrast between the governance of living and non-living things. Take, for example, the difference between a scratch on a car's paint and a wound on human skin. While both are forms of damage, the way they are handled is fundamentally different.
A car, being a non-living object, cannot heal itself. If its paint is scratched, it will remain that way until an external force, such as a human with the right tools and materials, intervenes to repair it. The car has no inherent ability to coordinate a response to the damage or to communicate with other parts of itself to initiate a healing process.
On the other hand, when human skin is wounded, a complex biological process springs into action. Various cells within the body, such as platelets, white blood cells, and fibroblasts, work together to stop the bleeding, fight infection, and repair the damaged tissue. This intricate dance of cellular coordination and communication happens without any conscious effort on our part – it is an automatic, self-governing response.
Now, let's compare this to the governance of human organizations and the potential governance of AI systems. Human organizations, like living organisms, are composed of many individual parts (i.e., people) that must work together to achieve common goals. This requires a system of governance, often in the form of a hierarchical chain of command, where leaders at the top set the overall direction and delegate tasks to those below them, who in turn delegate to others, and so on.
However, human governance is not always as smooth or efficient as the biological processes within our bodies. It can be hindered by miscommunication, conflicting interests, and the limitations of human decision-making. This is where the potential of AI governance comes into play.
An AI-governed system, much like a living organism, could potentially coordinate and communicate seamlessly between its various components. Each AI entity within the system could be programmed with clear roles and responsibilities, and they could work together in a highly efficient manner to achieve their designated goals. If one part of the system encounters a problem (like a scratch on a car), it could quickly communicate this to other relevant parts of the system, which could then coordinate a response (like the healing process in human skin).
However, it's important to note that the governance of AI systems is not without its challenges. Unlike biological processes, which have been honed by millions of years of evolution, AI systems are created by humans and are therefore subject to the same potential flaws and biases. It's crucial that we design these systems with robust safeguards and ethical principles in mind, to ensure they operate in a way that benefits humanity as a whole.
In conclusion, the governance of living things, like the human body, is a marvel of self-coordination and communication. While non-living things, like cars, require external intervention to repair damage, living organisms have an intrinsic ability to heal themselves. As we look to the future of AI governance, we can take inspiration from these biological processes, while also being mindful of the unique challenges and responsibilities that come with creating artificial systems of governance. By striking the right balance, we may be able to create AI-governed organizations that are as efficient and resilient as the living systems we see in nature.
submitted by gizia to ArtificialInteligence [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:58 jnpha On the tendency of species to form varieties

On theories explaining facts—

The recent post (How was it determined that Evolution is a Scientific Theory? : evolution) got me thinking:
Darwin & Wallace's original paper (the one hastily written a year before Origin) should still be cited.
So, I went and looked, and yes, so here's what I found, which I thought to share because I've found it 1) cool, historically; and 2) illustrative of how a scientific theory brings facts together—TL;DR: Darwin and Wallace explained how what farmers have known for millennia could apply generally to life.
(Emphasis below mine)
The random paper I found from this century:
Some of the first ideas on how biodiversity could affect the way ecosystems function are attributable to Darwin and Wallace28,83, who stated that a diverse mixture of plants should be more productive than a monoculture. They also suggested the underlying biological mechanism: because coexisting species differ ecologically, loss of a species could result in vacant niche-space and potential impacts on ecosystem processes. Defining ecological niches is not straightforward, but Darwin and Wallace's hypothesis, if correct, provides a general biological principle which predicts that intact, diverse communities are generally more stable and function better than versions that have lost species. Recent experimental evidence (reviewed by Chapin et al., pages 234–242, and McCann, pages 228–233), although pointing out important exceptions, generally supports this idea.
And the relevant section from the 1858 paper:
6. Another principle, which may be called the principle of divergence, plays, I believe, an important part in the origin of species. The same spot will support more life if occupied by very diverse forms. We see this in the many generic forms in a square yard of turf, and in the plants or insects on any little uniform islet, belonging almost invariably to as many genera and families as species. We can understand the meaning of this fact amongst the higher animals, whose habits we understand. We know that it has been experimentally shown that a plot of land will yield a greater weight if sown with several species and genera of grasses, than if sown with only two or three species. Now, every organic being, by propagating so rapidly, may be said to be striving its utmost to increase in numbers. So it will be with the offspring of any species after it has become diversified into varieties, or subspecies, or true species. And it follows, I think, from the foregoing facts, that the varying offspring of each species will try (only few will succeed) to seize on as many and as diverse places in the economy of nature as possible. Each new variety or species, when formed, will generally take the place of, and thus exterminate its less well-fitted parent. This I believe to be the origin of the classification and affinities of organic beings at all times; for organic beings always seem to branch and sub-branch like the limbs of a tree from a common trunk, the flourishing and diverging twigs destroying the less vigorous—the dead and lost branches rudely representing extinct genera and families.
  • Darwin, Charles, and Alfred Wallace. "On the tendency of species to form varieties; and on the perpetuation of varieties and species by natural means of selection." Journal of the proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 3.9 (1858): 45-62. wikisource.org
Side note: Yes, Darwin got some stuff wrong in Origin (and those were presented speculatively), and we now know a lot more—theories expand and update.
submitted by jnpha to evolution [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:53 multi-chain Revolutionizing Cancer Treatment: Introducing EVONANO, a Platform for Evolving Nanomedicines"

A New Era in Cancer Research

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, and despite significant advances in medical research, treatment options remain limited and often ineffective. However, a team of researchers has made a groundbreaking discovery that could change the face of cancer treatment forever. Introducing EVONANO, a cutting-edge platform for the evolution of nanomedicines that has the potential to revolutionize the way we approach cancer treatment.

The Power of Simulation and Machine Learning

EVONANO combines advanced simulation capabilities with machine learning algorithms to optimize nanoparticle design and treatment strategies. The platform includes a simulator to grow virtual tumors, extract representative scenarios, and simulate nanoparticle transport to predict distribution. This allows researchers to identify the most effective anti-cancer treatments and optimize nanoparticle properties for maximum impact.

How it Works

The EVONANO platform works by simulating the growth of virtual tumors, taking into account various factors such as tumor size, shape, and microenvironment. The simulator then extracts representative scenarios from these simulations, which are used to test the efficacy of different nanoparticle designs and treatment strategies. Machine learning algorithms are then applied to optimize nanoparticle properties, such as size, shape, and surface chemistry, to maximize their effectiveness in targeting cancer cells.

Personalized Cancer Treatment

The EVONANO platform has been demonstrated in two examples, showcasing its ability to optimize nanoparticle design and treatment to selectively kill cancer cells in a range of tumor environments. This personalized approach has the potential to revolutionize cancer treatment, improving patient outcomes and reducing healthcare costs.

Breakthrough Implications

The EVONANO platform has far-reaching implications for cancer research and treatment. By leveraging machine learning and simulation, researchers can:
The Future of Cancer Treatment
This study marks a significant milestone in the development of personalized cancer treatments. As the EVONANO platform continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative applications in the fight against cancer. With its potential to transform the way we approach cancer treatment, EVONANO is poised to make a significant impact on the lives of millions of people around the world.
What do you think about the potential of EVONANO to transform cancer treatment? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
submitted by multi-chain to Nanotherapy [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:52 multi-chain Introducing EVONANO, a Platform for Evolving Nanomedicines"

A New Era in Cancer Research

Imagine being able to tailor cancer treatments to individual patients, maximizing their effectiveness while minimizing side effects. A team of researchers has made this vision a reality with the development of EVONANO, a cutting-edge platform for the evolution of nanomedicines.

The Power of Simulation and Machine Learning

EVONANO combines advanced simulation capabilities with machine learning algorithms to optimize nanoparticle design and treatment strategies. The platform includes a simulator to grow virtual tumors, extract representative scenarios, and simulate nanoparticle transport to predict distribution. This allows researchers to identify the most effective anti-cancer treatments and optimize nanoparticle properties for maximum impact.

Personalized Cancer Treatment

The EVONANO platform has been demonstrated in two examples, showcasing its ability to optimize nanoparticle design and treatment to selectively kill cancer cells in a range of tumor environments. This personalized approach has the potential to revolutionize cancer treatment, improving patient outcomes and reducing healthcare costs.

Breakthrough Implications

The EVONANO platform has far-reaching implications for cancer research and treatment. By leveraging machine learning and simulation, researchers can:
The Future of Cancer Treatment
This study marks a significant milestone in the development of personalized cancer treatments. As the EVONANO platform continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative applications in the fight against cancer.
What do you think about the potential of EVONANO to transform cancer treatment? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
submitted by multi-chain to Nanotherapy [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:03 tinybee007 How to become the scientist I want to be ? Help !!

Hi !! I'm a high-school senior, and I know I'm going to work into some field in biology (probably starting with a bachelor's in bio and hoping to get a PhD someday).
My dream would be to become a researcher, studying animals and humans at their more primal level, as well as evolution and ecosystems.
Thing is, I'm not sure what degrees I need for that. Pure biology seems to broad, zoology too risky, ecology doesn't feel like it'll give me the qualifications I need, and environmental science just plain boring. Any advice on bachelors and master's programs ? I know I need a major that'll provide me with a safety net cause my plan is a bit risky. Thank you :)) Edit: also, money is kind of really important to me, as in I kinda wanna eat 3 meals a day lol.
submitted by tinybee007 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:34 aspiringeverythingg The start of my epic sci-fi novel - feedback would be appreciated

Before the conception of the universe we now know, there was a single species, alone among the stars, the planets, the moons, isolated in their ways - or so they thought. From nothing, they became something: biological beings built with the construction of a sense for purpose and longing. For millions of years their kind thrived, the only living beings in relative perimeter with the cognitive function high enough to talk, build technology and abuse that technology, power-mongering creatures born with the gift and curse of consciousness. As they evolved through the ages, their greed also grew as they saw possibilities of what their world could be. After centuries of impressive technological advancement, it all came to a swift end when technology began to construct existence and evolution turned into the anarchy of mind-rotting individualists ready to reach for the universe. They knew no other than what they were and when their inevitable downfall came after many years of near self-destruction, nobody was there to save them.
The planet they lived on, earth, crumbled in animosity and war after tension grew too high, falling off the pit of existence. The most intelligent of their kind, specially gifted scientists deemed smart enough to continue the human race, were able to escape the planet before its decimation. They were tasked with the voluminous challenge of settling down on the planet TS-19, that had tested successfully for compatibility, a century before. There had previously been many attempts at colonization on other planets, but all had failed due to human greed and corruption. Now there was nobody there to spurt the weakness of the previous failures. The team of fifty scientists managed to settle down on TS-19, taking five decades longer than they had originally estimated, although not mattering much due to the incubation chambers they had developed on earth before. Settling down on the planet, almost 1.5 billion light years away, the scientists discovered a rich and conditioned atmosphere where civilization would be able to thrive.
For the first time in ages, a sense of hope was restored as the future looked brighter than it ever had on earth. The scientists discovered not only the inspiring potential for life but a profound new energy source, found in the rich soil of the planet, which had previously gone undetected in their research. The newfound energy source, named soldane, a purple clay like substance, was discovered to dramatically increase cognitive ability, improving the function of the mind by over 300%, allowing for abilities and ideas that were previously unable to be conceptualized and thought to be unattainable. The fumes of the soldane alone were enough to initiate this function partly and explained the purple tint of the planet, which was accompanied by a fluorescent glow beaming from the oceans which covered almost seventy percent of the planet.
The scientists, in awe of the world they had discovered that was seven times larger than earth, which we now know today as concord, examined the soldane closely, discovering when consuming it, that it gave a new perception of reality than what they had known it before, changing the way they thought, the speed at which they thought at, as their neurotransmitters rapidly sped up, connections and impulses within the mind moving close to light speed. With this also came the ability to live for hundreds of thousands of years without even showing a wrinkle and instead of abusing this and trying to prevent another possible collapse in existence, the scientists decided to give life another chance, genetically modifying preserved embryos they had taken from earth and injecting them with small amounts of liquified soldane to start their breeding program. Although risky, the results were successful in creating Generation 0, the first generation of concordions. This new species, genetically enhanced and smarter than humans in every way, thrived as their advanced intelligence grew to heights above the scientists who had enabled their life. Their skin, a shade of light purple and their eyes, entirely black, were the future of all endless possibilities and everything that could come after.
The scientists who had come a long way from their original plan, raised the new species as pets to experiment on. Not learning the consequences of containment and violation from earth, the scientists met a miserable fate when after only a few months of development, the oppressed beings lashed out from their cages, ripping the scientists to shreds with their bare hands. And so forth, the new species was born, concordians, they called themselves, idealistic in their nature and relentless in their will to build a new world. From the ashes of civilization, ruins that bore no sign of reformation, the entire planet was built up slowly, soldane being utilized to create the perfect paradise, as the concordians matured into experienced and extremely sophisticated individuals, fascinated by the idea of life.
submitted by aspiringeverythingg to StoryWriting [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:33 aspiringeverythingg The start of my epic sci-fi novel - feedback would be appreciated

Before the conception of the universe we now know, there was a single species, alone among the stars, the planets, the moons, isolated in their ways - or so they thought. From nothing, they became something: biological beings built with the construction of a sense for purpose and longing. For millions of years their kind thrived, the only living beings in relative perimeter with the cognitive function high enough to talk, build technology and abuse that technology, power-mongering creatures born with the gift and curse of consciousness. As they evolved through the ages, their greed also grew as they saw possibilities of what their world could be. After centuries of impressive technological advancement, it all came to a swift end when technology began to construct existence and evolution turned into the anarchy of mind-rotting individualists ready to reach for the universe. They knew no other than what they were and when their inevitable downfall came after many years of near self-destruction, nobody was there to save them.
The planet they lived on, earth, crumbled in animosity and war after tension grew too high, falling off the pit of existence. The most intelligent of their kind, specially gifted scientists deemed smart enough to continue the human race, were able to escape the planet before its decimation. They were tasked with the voluminous challenge of settling down on the planet TS-19, that had tested successfully for compatibility, a century before. There had previously been many attempts at colonization on other planets, but all had failed due to human greed and corruption. Now there was nobody there to spurt the weakness of the previous failures. The team of fifty scientists managed to settle down on TS-19, taking five decades longer than they had originally estimated, although not mattering much due to the incubation chambers they had developed on earth before. Settling down on the planet, almost 1.5 billion light years away, the scientists discovered a rich and conditioned atmosphere where civilization would be able to thrive.
For the first time in ages, a sense of hope was restored as the future looked brighter than it ever had on earth. The scientists discovered not only the inspiring potential for life but a profound new energy source, found in the rich soil of the planet, which had previously gone undetected in their research. The newfound energy source, named soldane, a purple clay like substance, was discovered to dramatically increase cognitive ability, improving the function of the mind by over 300%, allowing for abilities and ideas that were previously unable to be conceptualized and thought to be unattainable. The fumes of the soldane alone were enough to initiate this function partly and explained the purple tint of the planet, which was accompanied by a fluorescent glow beaming from the oceans which covered almost seventy percent of the planet.
The scientists, in awe of the world they had discovered that was seven times larger than earth, which we now know today as concord, examined the soldane closely, discovering when consuming it, that it gave a new perception of reality than what they had known it before, changing the way they thought, the speed at which they thought at, as their neurotransmitters rapidly sped up, connections and impulses within the mind moving close to light speed. With this also came the ability to live for hundreds of thousands of years without even showing a wrinkle and instead of abusing this and trying to prevent another possible collapse in existence, the scientists decided to give life another chance, genetically modifying preserved embryos they had taken from earth and injecting them with small amounts of liquified soldane to start their breeding program. Although risky, the results were successful in creating Generation 0, the first generation of concordions. This new species, genetically enhanced and smarter than humans in every way, thrived as their advanced intelligence grew to heights above the scientists who had enabled their life. Their skin, a shade of light purple and their eyes, entirely black, were the future of all endless possibilities and everything that could come after.
The scientists who had come a long way from their original plan, raised the new species as pets to experiment on. Not learning the consequences of containment and violation from earth, the scientists met a miserable fate when after only a few months of development, the oppressed beings lashed out from their cages, ripping the scientists to shreds with their bare hands. And so forth, the new species was born, concordians, they called themselves, idealistic in their nature and relentless in their will to build a new world. From the ashes of civilization, ruins that bore no sign of reformation, the entire planet was built up slowly, soldane being utilized to create the perfect paradise, as the concordians matured into experienced and extremely sophisticated individuals, fascinated by the idea of life.
submitted by aspiringeverythingg to AspiringAuthors [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:33 aspiringeverythingg The start of my epic sci-fi novel - would appreciate feedback

Before the conception of the universe we now know, there was a single species, alone among the stars, the planets, the moons, isolated in their ways - or so they thought. From nothing, they became something: biological beings built with the construction of a sense for purpose and longing. For millions of years their kind thrived, the only living beings in relative perimeter with the cognitive function high enough to talk, build technology and abuse that technology, power-mongering creatures born with the gift and curse of consciousness. As they evolved through the ages, their greed also grew as they saw possibilities of what their world could be. After centuries of impressive technological advancement, it all came to a swift end when technology began to construct existence and evolution turned into the anarchy of mind-rotting individualists ready to reach for the universe. They knew no other than what they were and when their inevitable downfall came after many years of near self-destruction, nobody was there to save them.
The planet they lived on, earth, crumbled in animosity and war after tension grew too high, falling off the pit of existence. The most intelligent of their kind, specially gifted scientists deemed smart enough to continue the human race, were able to escape the planet before its decimation. They were tasked with the voluminous challenge of settling down on the planet TS-19, that had tested successfully for compatibility, a century before. There had previously been many attempts at colonization on other planets, but all had failed due to human greed and corruption. Now there was nobody there to spurt the weakness of the previous failures. The team of fifty scientists managed to settle down on TS-19, taking five decades longer than they had originally estimated, although not mattering much due to the incubation chambers they had developed on earth before. Settling down on the planet, almost 1.5 billion light years away, the scientists discovered a rich and conditioned atmosphere where civilization would be able to thrive.
For the first time in ages, a sense of hope was restored as the future looked brighter than it ever had on earth. The scientists discovered not only the inspiring potential for life but a profound new energy source, found in the rich soil of the planet, which had previously gone undetected in their research. The newfound energy source, named soldane, a purple clay like substance, was discovered to dramatically increase cognitive ability, improving the function of the mind by over 300%, allowing for abilities and ideas that were previously unable to be conceptualized and thought to be unattainable. The fumes of the soldane alone were enough to initiate this function partly and explained the purple tint of the planet, which was accompanied by a fluorescent glow beaming from the oceans which covered almost seventy percent of the planet.
The scientists, in awe of the world they had discovered that was seven times larger than earth, which we now know today as concord, examined the soldane closely, discovering when consuming it, that it gave a new perception of reality than what they had known it before, changing the way they thought, the speed at which they thought at, as their neurotransmitters rapidly sped up, connections and impulses within the mind moving close to light speed. With this also came the ability to live for hundreds of thousands of years without even showing a wrinkle and instead of abusing this and trying to prevent another possible collapse in existence, the scientists decided to give life another chance, genetically modifying preserved embryos they had taken from earth and injecting them with small amounts of liquified soldane to start their breeding program. Although risky, the results were successful in creating Generation 0, the first generation of concordions. This new species, genetically enhanced and smarter than humans in every way, thrived as their advanced intelligence grew to heights above the scientists who had enabled their life. Their skin, a shade of light purple and their eyes, entirely black, were the future of all endless possibilities and everything that could come after.
The scientists who had come a long way from their original plan, raised the new species as pets to experiment on. Not learning the consequences of containment and violation from earth, the scientists met a miserable fate when after only a few months of development, the oppressed beings lashed out from their cages, ripping the scientists to shreds with their bare hands. And so forth, the new species was born, concordians, they called themselves, idealistic in their nature and relentless in their will to build a new world. From the ashes of civilization, ruins that bore no sign of reformation, the entire planet was built up slowly, soldane being utilized to create the perfect paradise, as the concordians matured into experienced and extremely sophisticated individuals, fascinated by the idea of life.
submitted by aspiringeverythingg to KeepWriting [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:32 aspiringeverythingg The start of my epic sci-fi novel - please give feedback

Before the conception of the universe we now know, there was a single species, alone among the stars, the planets, the moons, isolated in their ways - or so they thought. From nothing, they became something: biological beings built with the construction of a sense for purpose and longing. For millions of years their kind thrived, the only living beings in relative perimeter with the cognitive function high enough to talk, build technology and abuse that technology, power-mongering creatures born with the gift and curse of consciousness. As they evolved through the ages, their greed also grew as they saw possibilities of what their world could be. After centuries of impressive technological advancement, it all came to a swift end when technology began to construct existence and evolution turned into the anarchy of mind-rotting individualists ready to reach for the universe. They knew no other than what they were and when their inevitable downfall came after many years of near self-destruction, nobody was there to save them.
The planet they lived on, earth, crumbled in animosity and war after tension grew too high, falling off the pit of existence. The most intelligent of their kind, specially gifted scientists deemed smart enough to continue the human race, were able to escape the planet before its decimation. They were tasked with the voluminous challenge of settling down on the planet TS-19, that had tested successfully for compatibility, a century before. There had previously been many attempts at colonization on other planets, but all had failed due to human greed and corruption. Now there was nobody there to spurt the weakness of the previous failures. The team of fifty scientists managed to settle down on TS-19, taking five decades longer than they had originally estimated, although not mattering much due to the incubation chambers they had developed on earth before. Settling down on the planet, almost 1.5 billion light years away, the scientists discovered a rich and conditioned atmosphere where civilization would be able to thrive.
For the first time in ages, a sense of hope was restored as the future looked brighter than it ever had on earth. The scientists discovered not only the inspiring potential for life but a profound new energy source, found in the rich soil of the planet, which had previously gone undetected in their research. The newfound energy source, named soldane, a purple clay like substance, was discovered to dramatically increase cognitive ability, improving the function of the mind by over 300%, allowing for abilities and ideas that were previously unable to be conceptualized and thought to be unattainable. The fumes of the soldane alone were enough to initiate this function partly and explained the purple tint of the planet, which was accompanied by a fluorescent glow beaming from the oceans which covered almost seventy percent of the planet.
The scientists, in awe of the world they had discovered that was seven times larger than earth, which we now know today as concord, examined the soldane closely, discovering when consuming it, that it gave a new perception of reality than what they had known it before, changing the way they thought, the speed at which they thought at, as their neurotransmitters rapidly sped up, connections and impulses within the mind moving close to light speed. With this also came the ability to live for hundreds of thousands of years without even showing a wrinkle and instead of abusing this and trying to prevent another possible collapse in existence, the scientists decided to give life another chance, genetically modifying preserved embryos they had taken from earth and injecting them with small amounts of liquified soldane to start their breeding program. Although risky, the results were successful in creating Generation 0, the first generation of concordions. This new species, genetically enhanced and smarter than humans in every way, thrived as their advanced intelligence grew to heights above the scientists who had enabled their life. Their skin, a shade of light purple and their eyes, entirely black, were the future of all endless possibilities and everything that could come after.
The scientists who had come a long way from their original plan, raised the new species as pets to experiment on. Not learning the consequences of containment and violation from earth, the scientists met a miserable fate when after only a few months of development, the oppressed beings lashed out from their cages, ripping the scientists to shreds with their bare hands. And so forth, the new species was born, concordians, they called themselves, idealistic in their nature and relentless in their will to build a new world. From the ashes of civilization, ruins that bore no sign of reformation, the entire planet was built up slowly, soldane being utilized to create the perfect paradise, as the concordians matured into experienced and extremely sophisticated individuals, fascinated by the idea of life.
submitted by aspiringeverythingg to FictionWriting [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:18 aspiringeverythingg The start of my epic sci-fi novel - please give feedback

Before the conception of the universe we now know, there was a single species, alone among the stars, the planets, the moons, isolated in their ways - or so they thought. From nothing, they became something: biological beings built with the construction of a sense for purpose and longing. For millions of years their kind thrived, the only living beings with the cognitive function high enough to talk, build technology and abuse that technology, power-mongering creatures born with the gift and curse of consciousness. As they evolved through the ages, their greed also grew as they saw possibilities of what their world could be. After centuries of impressive technological advancement, it all came to a swift end when technology began to construct existence and evolution turned into the anarchy of mind-rotting individualists ready to reach for the universe. They knew no other than what they were and when their inevitable downfall came after many years of near self-destruction, nobody was there to save them.
The planet they lived on, earth, crumbled in animosity and war after tension grew too high, falling off the pit of existence. The most intelligent of their kind, specially gifted scientists deemed smart enough to continue the human race, were able to escape the planet before its decimation. They were tasked with the voluminous challenge of settling down on the planet TS-19, that had tested successfully for compatibility, a century before. There had previously been many attempts at colonization on other planets, but all had failed due to human greed and corruption. Now there was nobody there to spurt the weakness of the previous failures. The team of fifty scientists managed to settle down on TS-19, taking five decades longer than they had originally estimated, although not mattering much due to the incubation chambers they had developed on earth before. Settling down on the planet, almost 1.5 billion light years away, the scientists discovered a rich and conditioned atmosphere where civilization would be able to thrive.
For the first time in ages, a sense of hope was restored as the future looked brighter than it ever had on earth. The scientists discovered not only the inspiring potential for life but a profound new energy source, found in the rich soil of the planet, which had previously gone undetected in their research. The newfound energy source, named soldane, a purple clay like substance, was discovered to dramatically increase cognitive ability, improving the function of the mind by over 300%, allowing for abilities and ideas that were previously unable to be conceptualized and thought to be unattainable. The fumes of the soldane alone were enough to initiate this function partly and explained the purple tint of the planet, which was accompanied by a fluorescent glow beaming from the oceans which covered almost seventy percent of TS-19.
The scientists, in awe of the world they had discovered that was seven times larger than earth, which we now know today as concord, examined the soldane closely, discovering when consuming it, that it gave a new perception of reality than what they had known it before, changing the way they thought, the speed at which they thought at, as their neurotransmitters rapidly sped up, connections and impulses within the mind moving close to light speed. With this also came the ability to live for hundreds of thousands of years without even showing a wrinkle and instead of abusing this and trying to prevent another possible collapse in existence, the scientists decided to give life another chance, genetically modifying preserved embryos they had taken from earth and injecting them with small amounts of liquified soldane to start their breeding program. Although risky, the results were successful in creating Generation 0, the first generation of concordions. This new species, genetically enhanced and smarter than humans in every way, thrived as their advanced intelligence grew to heights above the scientists who had enabled their life. Their skin, a shade of light purple and their eyes, entirely black, were the future of all endless possibilities and everything that could come after.
The scientists who had come a long way from their original plan, raised the new species as pets to experiment on. Not learning the consequences of containment and violation from earth, the scientists met a miserable fate when after only a few months of development, the oppressed beings lashed out from their cages, ripping the scientists to shreds with their bare hands. And so forth, the new species was born, concordians, they called themselves, idealistic in their nature and relentless in their will to build a new world. From the ashes of civilization, ruins that bore no sign of reformation, the entire planet was built up slowly, soldane being utilized to create the perfect paradise, as the concordians matured into experienced and extremely sophisticated individuals, fascinated by the idea of life.
submitted by aspiringeverythingg to creativewriting [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:38 Alternative_South_67 Taming: A comprehensive guide [Brainstorm: Daya System]

Key Aspects

Context: Daya is a life essence imbuing everything with magic, manifesting itself as supernatural biological traits. Individuals are able to cultivate their Daya to understand the nature of themselves and their Daya, which would make them stronger. By giving humans the ability to tinker with biology itself, they are able to extend the definition of their identity, able to step outside of the confinements of human nature, and manifest it in form of biological enhancements. They are also able to tame the beasts by taming their Daya, which results in a bond that is also able to be cultivated. A Dayite is a gem of condensed Daya found inside most organisms with high enough Daya concentration.
When taming a creature, several factors must be considered:
Cultivation of One's Own Daya: The more cultivated one's own Daya is, the easier the taming process becomes. Conversely, the more cultivated the Daya of the beast, the harder the process gets. Achieving harmony between the two Dayas is crucial for successful taming. If the Dayas are too different or incompatible, a master-slave bond may be introduced. In this bond, the slave loses some control and must grant access to their abilities, while the master can borrow and mimic these abilities. Taming incompatible Daya is more challenging, because the subject does not align with the desires of your own true self. Additionally, a beast with an advanced sense of self might increase the difficulty of taming.

Benefits of Taming

Power Sharing: Taming allows you to tap into each other's powers, often resulting in physical enhancements. You can replicate other abilities if certain physiological traits are present or somewhat comparable. Able to replicate and adapt traits to ones needs.
Telepathic Communication: Taming enables telepathic communication, sharing a mind to some extent.
Animal Scrying: Taming allows for animal scrying, tapping into each other's senses.

Cultivation Aspect of Taming

Taming enables the cultivation of the bond between tamer and tamed, enhancing the individual's cultivation and making them stronger. The more refined this bond, the stronger each becomes in tandem. Instead of cultivating towards a singular true self, the two Dayas are cultivated to reach harmony. Harmony is represented by a collective self that is at least partially true to both identities. This collective self is an amalgamation of the values and instincts of both, forming a merged ideal from two true selves. The next step is to refine this new collective self to represent the most important aspects of the bond, creating a singularity that embodies the bond between the two.

Cultivation Methods

These are strictly for cultivating the bond.
Training and Stressing the Bond: Regularly exercising your bond and training with specific methods, progressively stressing the bond in real situations.
Sharing and Adapting Habits: Sharing and adapting each other's habits enhances the understanding of the two Dayas. This might involve activities such as eating, sleeping, preying, and social habits.
Spiritual Alchemy: An alternate form of spiritual alchemy which additionally involves learning, understanding, and trusting each other through scholarly and emotional efforts.

Cooperative Evolution Process

Three States of Evolution: To manifest the cultivation process, the tamed and tamer might enter a cooperative evolution process. In the cooperative evolution process, three states apply:
  1. Metamorphosis: Perfect harmony between the two births a new body merged from two. Unites all aspects and achieves even greater heights. The collective self controls the body. Depending which of the original Dayas is more cultivated, the collective self might be inclined to share the consciousness to some degree with the one coming on top, preventing a complete psychological death. The other consciousness becomes a part of the unconciousness that needs to be reunified in the bigger cultivation process.
  2. Symbiosis: The two Dayas do not fully cooperate, leading to a split body where both selves compete for control.
  3. Corruption: Often results from a failed master-slave bond. Hateful emotions manifest as mutations, eroding the mind. Neither master nor slave has full control, with an ill third self occupying the body and mind.

Entering Cooperative Evolution

To enter cooperative evolution, one must physically integrate the other Daya into their own system. This can be achieved in two ways:
  1. Gradually eating parts of each other, trending towards Metamorphosis. Successfully taming and cultivating the bond between the two allows the new self to see both entities as its own body, regenerating missing parts to gradually manifest itself.
  2. Alternatively, one can integrate the other's Daya fully into their system by eating them alone, trending towards Symbiosis. This is often seen in master-slave bonds. Successfully cultivating the tamed Daya within oneself evolves the abilities of the consumed beast, manifesting in one of the three evolutionary states. Metamorphosis cannot be truly achieved since the master occupies the mind, and potential reaches a certain limit. Dayite consumption may be dangerous but is necessary to complete the feeding process, as it involves a highly dense concentration of Daya that might revolt, leading to Corruption. If one allows themselves to be eaten by the other voluntarily, taming and integrating their Daya becomes much easier, making Metamorphosis possible.
Feel free to share any feedback or ideas that I could brainstorm on!
submitted by Alternative_South_67 to magicbuilding [link] [comments]
