Sample of recommendation letter for citizenship


2012.09.12 05:38 Wikkd1 /r/Sororities

A Reddit community where initiated sorority members, people interested in joining a sorority, and folks who want to know more about sorority life can talk about Greek-letter women’s organizations.

2009.07.18 17:57 ThePowerOfGeek A Song of Ice and Fire

News and discussions relating to George R. R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" novels, his Westeros-based short stories, "Game of Thrones" and "House of the Dragon" TV series, and all things ASOIAF - but with particular emphasis on the written series.

2014.09.14 12:21 daiyuesen Let's fight back against student loan debt servitude

Student Loans Defaulters

2024.05.19 14:29 Blueredreditor Advice for Prospective NUS Business Student

Congrats on choosing and making it into NUS Business School! I previously wrote here: on what are some factors when considering between NUS, SMU and NTU business school. For better or worse, you'll be stuck here for the next 4 years so here's some broad advice on making the best out of it.
1. Put in effort to draft out your own Study Plan; Future you will thank you
What is a study plan? Essentially, it's an outline on what modules you'll be taking throughout your 4 years in University. Especially for a business student, a study plan should go beyond "what majospecialization/double majominor". Yes, figuring what major (or majors) that you want to eventually take is the first step. The next step is also considering whether you intend to take a gap semester (i.e. leave-of-absence) to do internships (which is becoming increasingly more common place; maybe not 1 gap sem but possibly even 2!). The unfortunate truth is that many biz student realize late in Year 2/3 that they might not be as competitive as their peers and usually then seek out LOA internships and end up delaying their graduation (whether its a good or bad thing is debatable). Besides gap semesters for internships, there are student who do credit bearing internships (which counts for some credits/MCs) or even do a part-time internship during the semester while studying (Do modules on Mon and Tues, FT work of Wed, Thurs, Fri). Not every student get's their desired summer internships, and often student then have to compensate by applying for Off-Cycle LOA internships.
In your study plan, you would also have to take into consideration possibly going on overseas semester exchange or even the 6M to 1 Year long NOC program if you're interested! Overloading more modules earlier in your Uni (Y1 and Y2) gives you more flexibility to adapt to changes in the future. Of course, you need to gauge yourself whether you're able to cope with the workload. (Overloading in earlier sems, mean being more free in later sems to do internships/explore other modules or minors).
Additionally, most higher-level modules have pre-requisites (mostly ACC1701). If you delay taking these pre-requisite modules, your whole study plan can be delayed by a semester. My advice is to take ACC1701 (and consequently FIN2704) earlier rather than later, because these two mods open up the other majors/specializations available to you. You'll also figure out whether you'll want to to take the finance major after taking these two modules.
  1. CCAs
There's a ton of CCAs available NUS-wide or Business School related. I strongly encourage you to take multiple CCAs (importantly taking into consideration what you can manage and your workload) so that you're able to meet new people and learn new skillsets. NUSC/RCs/Hall activities also count here. The unfortunately truth is that portfolio does matter in business school, and simply being good in academics (which can be competitive in itself) isn't enough. You GPA/CAP allows you to have your foot in the door; your portfolio and experience allows you to enter it. Consulting CCAs in general are great an improving your eye of aesthetic and detail which I recommend. You'll be surprised that many biz kids are outright bad and atrocious at making PowerPoint slides even at Year 4... I would say that the CCAs you join do shape your uni experience in a large way.
  1. Group Mates
Find good friends and group mates! Those in NUSC/RCs/Halls have an easier time for this. For most of your basic core 1k modules, you group is usually randomized and you have no say on who you're working with. It is during these randomized group that you'll figure out the pain of having poor group mates, and things get worse if you're taking higher level and tougher modules alone. On this note, try to find friends that will do various modules together with you! Having friends doing the module together with you is a huge advantage, from extra resources, dead line reminders, doing quizzes/tests together etc. 5 brains working on a problem set is always better than 1 brain by itself, these 5 ppl will often get a better grade than the one hardworking individual working alone. Implicitly, those who stay on campus have a huge edge over those who don't.
  1. Business is ultimately not a technical degree
Controversial to some, but business school at the end of the day doesn't really teach you much, we cant code, cant stats and no domain knowledge outside of finance). The only thing that it does teach is showmanship (and even then sometimes not taught well enough). Business School arguably teaches you how to carry yourself well, make fancy PowerPoints, use some excel, working with people (?) etc. Many of the more relevant things you learn, you learn them in your internship and your own experiences outside of the classroom e.g. CCAs. To me, doing well in Biz School is focusing on everything outside of academics (ensuring that you have some baseline CAP/GPA).
5. Figure out early whether you prefer Excel or Power Point.
The corporate world only runs on two applications, Excel and Power Point. Dabble in both, figure out early which application you prefer more and find a relevant internship/role/job that you enjoy decently that uses one over the other. Truly, Excel and PPT are the only takeaways when you leave the university. Great consultants are adept at handling PPT, navigating through them quickly with many templates in their desktops. Finance peeps do a little more excel work and have to do them well, fast and creatively. Even at the end of uni, there are still many students who can't use excel proficiently at a high level.
6. Internship Hell is real for those who care
Internship application period in itself can be a full-time commitment (for those that care). When internship applications open, you can will going through your own interview prep, doing several recorded interviews, applying to new internships etc. Many moving parts to juggle and a lot of ground work to be done. From preparing for interview questions, writing cover letters, tailoring your CV etc alot of the hell you experience in Biz school actually comes outside of academics contrary to popular belief (as Jean-Paul puts it, "hell is other people", bad group mates im looking at you). For those applying to more technical roles, you might also need to prep extra for technical questions e.g. IB 400 questions, consulting cases, market sizing brain teasers etc.
7. Not so much of an advice, but rather a plea from me to you
I really hope business students can be more code literate and savvy i.e. being able to read (and to a lesser extent implement) coding e.g. python or SQL. ~90% of the biz population are code illiterate (having only taken just 1 "coding module"). In a normal corporate workplace, you'll never have to code. But being able to think computationally, knowing the steps you can take to automate your task, time and workflow brings you more benefits than you can imagine when most corporate work that people do and typically repetitive and administrative.
In conclusion, do your best in biz school. I think effort correlates strongly to how well you do here. You don't need to be smart (it makes life easier) but with enough forward thinking and future planning, you'll be able to grow through the next 4 years (and hopefully be worth it).
Feel free to ask any question in the comments, or for any seniors to elaborate and share their own experience! Left out a lot of controversial views not wanting to trigger anyone or NUS. Edit: I'm a graduating student from Biz, later they dont let me grad
Some extra links:
  1. An event calendar regularly updated by NUS Careers, usually has lots of interesting and relevant events, competitions, webinars (if that's your thing):
  2. Grading rubrics to apply for SEP, there is an actual rubrics to secure an SEP, please refer for those wanting to go:
submitted by Blueredreditor to nus [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:15 Fresh_Wheat Advice Needed: Pros and Cons of Doing a Master's Degree at the Same School as My Undergrad

Hi everyone,
I'm seeking advice on whether to pursue a master's degree at the same university where I completed my undergraduate studies. I've heard mixed opinions, and I'd like to get more perspectives on this.
  1. What are the pros and cons of staying at the same school for a master's degree?
    • I appreciate the familiarity and existing relationships with the faculty.
    • I'm curious if staying might limit my exposure to new ideas or opportunities compared to studying elsewhere.
  2. If I apply to my alma mater, can I ask for letters of recommendation from professors in the department?
    • One of my favorite professors, who is also the director of graduate studies, would be an ideal person to ask. Is this common practice or could it be seen as a conflict of interest?
Any insights or personal experiences would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance for your help!
submitted by Fresh_Wheat to GradSchool [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:04 Fresh_Wheat Advice Needed: Pros and Cons of Doing a Master's Degree at the Same School as My Undergrad

Hi everyone,
I'm seeking advice on whether to pursue a master's degree at the same university where I completed my undergraduate studies. I've heard mixed opinions, and I'd like to get more perspectives on this.
  1. What are the pros and cons of staying at the same school for a master's degree?
    • I appreciate the familiarity and existing relationships with the faculty.
    • I'm curious if staying might limit my exposure to new ideas or opportunities compared to studying elsewhere.
  2. If I apply to my alma mater, can I ask for letters of recommendation from professors in the department?
    • One of my favorite professors, who is also the director of graduate studies, would be an ideal person to ask. Is this common practice or could it be seen as a conflict of interest?
Any insights or personal experiences would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance for your help!
submitted by Fresh_Wheat to GraduateSchool [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:41 Alifer9 Letters and Abmeldung

I will spend most of the summer in my country, and my rent contract ends at the end of this month. I am also interested in a flat; thats contract will begin in October. So, it looks like great timing to not pay for approximately 4 months of rent. I planned to put my fridge and clothes (with luggage). in a rentable container or storage room. I can even bring the clothes back with me and sell the fridge.
But the question is, what happens with the "Anmeldung"? I can't do an "Ummeldung" since I won't have a flat. Then I should do an "Abmeldung", but when i do what, does my residence permit get affected? Or what about the letters i supposed to get, For example, I am waiting for a letter from the police, and I don't want to miss that.
Do you have any recommendations for my situation?
submitted by Alifer9 to germany [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:36 chaoszeroomega Can I get tips for improving my 'voiceline asset creation' workflow?

Hey, so I've been using FL Studio in order to create more dynamic mumble-speak esque voicelines for my games (for those not familiar with the specific term, it's the Banjo Kazooie 'every letter is a different toned SFX' approach). I originally did it this way so I could manually create a few specific 'audio phrases' using the SFX of choice, pitched up and down to communicate mood and intonation.
However, I want to go a little further, and I'd like advice on how I should go about this, as an amateur audio engineer.
Right now, I've mostly just been importing the 'voices' of specific characters into FL studio, fiddling around with the settings until I like it. However, I don't really like how my 'voicelines' are just one note/tone, and I wanted to add more into the mix. I want to do this by effectively, getting more samples from whatever I was using as the character's 'voice' and thus creating different syllables for them.
Problem is, I'm not sure how I should go about this more efficiently in FL Studio's workflow. I've previously just used one track per voiceline, but I'm not sure how I can coordinate multiple different instruments on the same track as I'm very inexperienced with music/sound software.
I'm not even sure if it's possible to have multiple instruments on the same track - but the process of switching back and forth on the instruments to try and coordinate it sounds like a really tiring affair, as if I want to make even the most minute change, I'd have to flip between two tracks over and over to make adjustments. Am I missing something? Either way, I hope someone can point me toward a better approach.
submitted by chaoszeroomega to FL_Studio [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:15 DrunkBiker How to get 100% scholarship for undergrads in business in USA?

my_qualifications: 12th Commerce with Maths. I have very average scores from 9th to 11th. I have a documentary which i made and i have also started a beach clean up initiative, i am also volunteering for other NGOs. Can social work get me scholarship? (Letter of recommendation from the NGOs or civic body wont be a problem as i have done work so i can ask for it)
submitted by DrunkBiker to Indians_StudyAbroad [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:12 Charlie_London747 Disputing Insurance

I found out I was pregnant in October 2022, and in July 2023 I’ve delivered my little girl the whole time I had my insurance from my employer that I had had for years. My husband had picked up insurance on me as a secondary insurance. I had no problems with billing the entire time I was pregnant. I had to see specialist have extra scans, bloodwork, etc. anytime I had anything to pay out of pocket. I did so in office and then after my daughter was born, I went for my check up. I was told I had an outstanding balance, which didn’t make sense because I always paid so I followed up and come to find out my primary insurance that had paid all my bills had unpaid everything. I had never heard of this so I I tried to get a hold of the insurance company, but I had already terminated the insurance as I did not go back to work after I gave birth. They did not want to speak with me because I no longer remember and give them my information. Finally I found my member number. I was able to talk to someone explain the situation to them. They argued with me. I told them that this was my primary it always has been. Why would they pay my bills? I never got any answer they told me they would put it down as a dispute And a request for repayment, but I was never sent a letter or informed them paying any bills. They’ve never told me if they are going to cover any of the bill. I’ve tried to call back and talk to someone but I just had to keep telling the same story over and I never get anywhere. I’m getting bills and collection notices for other doctors offices. Come to find out they have unpaid every bill. They have paid from the date that I took a pregnancy test at the doctor, but I was never informed of anything. Just bills and collection notices. How should I resolve this? Should I reach out to a lawyer or should I write them a letter? If so, would anyone have any sample letters? I could try to follow my credit score is in the 805 have worked very hard to get it there and I don’t want the years worth of medical bills piling up. Also, my daughter is 10 months old now I’m worried that my insurance is going to tell me. I’ve waited too long to dispute this, but I’ve tried to contact them over the phone several times and I get nowhere with them.
submitted by Charlie_London747 to everything [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:34 magic_fetus_5792 Deco manga penpal (18 Belgium)

.. • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆. . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆.
♡ hi hiiiiiiiiiiiiii ♡
I'm looking for a penpal that's down to mail each other those heavily decorated letters! I'm talking about those ins - ta - gr- am accounts and those p - in - te - re - st posts. I'd love to start one of those accounts myself actually!
I'm an artist myself and I'd love to share little pieces of art, share some stationary and share my love for decorations!
♡ Now a bit about me!
♡ What I'm looking for in a penpal :)
. . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆. . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
submitted by magic_fetus_5792 to penpals [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:26 FanaticalXmasJew For Boston area brides, a buyer beware

I hope this is allowed—mods, please let me know. I had a very bad experience a week ago, and the more I think about it, the more upset I get, and wanted to post a buyer beware for other Boston-area brides about L’Elite Bridal on Newbury St.
I went in with what I thought was a budget that could easily accommodate plenty of the dresses there, even if it was an upscale bridal. I don’t really feel comfortable posting my budget publicly but can DM anyone interested; suffice to say I knew I wouldn’t be buying an Oscar De La Renta but I still felt there would be plenty of options they could show me.
They were entirely disrespectful of my budget. They asked me to show them dresses I liked, I showed one, and she told me it was much higher than my budget then took it off the rack to bring it to my dressing room to try on, despite my obvious discomfort with the idea (because of course I don’t want to fall in love with something I can’t afford). She also showed me multiple other dresses well outside my budget.
The dress I liked the best was the one above, about twice my budget at MSRP. She offered to sell me the sample at a discount because it was an older season dress, and the final price was still over 3K above my budget (!). She was pushy about it and pulled me aside by the elevators on our way out to offer me a payment plan for it. I just felt upset and embarrassed at that point.
By contrast, I had a fantastic experience at Vows in Watertown where I finally found THE dress (I highly recommend them! I had a great experience). I mentioned the experience at L’Elite to my consultant at Vows, who told me that she has heard many other brides say the same, with some brides saying L’Elite even showed them dresses three times their budget.
I just thought I’d post a buyer beware. If you have a completely open budget and can afford dresses in the 15-25K range, go wild. But if you come in with any idea of an actual budget for the dress, I wouldn’t recommend L’Elite.
submitted by FanaticalXmasJew to weddingdress [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:24 Imaginary-Storage909 French passport problem

A little stuck and wondering if anyone has an idea. Basically, a now-dead mother was French. Her living daughter (70y/o) should be eligible for French citizenship. We have literal centuries of proof for the family history up until this dead mother, who was slightly nuts and unhelpful in life.
We have a French citizenship attorney who says all we need (beyond all the other stuff we have) is a record of the dead French mother’s French passport. The French consulate in the UK has said they can’t help. The passport would have been issued in the 1950s.
Does anyone know where one should start to find this missing French passport or a record of its existence? The dead mother was definitely French (born in Paris to French parents) and 100% had a French passport; it just wasn’t among her belongings when she died. (She married an Englishman, got a British passport, died abroad.)
If you have any recommendations for a fast & responsive genealogist based in France, please let me know.
submitted by Imaginary-Storage909 to Genealogy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:02 Soggy-Pin-1936 Some Questions about LMU Munich Physics bachelors

I am gonna start my studies this 2024 winter for BSc Physics program.
I have some questions if anyone of you studying at LMU or even TUM Can answer based on their experience
(1) How hard is coursework at LMU for Physics bachelors? do you get any free time
(2) my Maths and Physics from high school is good enough (got 2A* in Physics and Maths A level). but I know that uni physics degree is something else. what should i do beforehand to make sure I don't fall behind and score good grades
(3) how are the professors like, do they teach their course well or not?
(4) Are there any classes in English or not (I am at C1 level, but still would want to improve)
(5) how tough are the exams and what sort of prep u need to do. i am sure the exams don't come from. profs. script. it most likely comes from a whole big books only. what do you do to get top grades
(6) will it be hard to complete the bachelors in 6 semesters or if we plan good and study more. can we complete in 6 sems (or highly unlikely I know, even less than 6 sems)
(7) do you get student research jobs or not ( i believe they look good on CV and you get good letter of recommendation from your profs for master)
(8) do students who complete their Bachelors and then masters have chances for any good jobs or not?
(9) although my last question can make u think otherwise, i am mostly interested to go into Research field. so if any of you know, how good is the Masters of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (TMP) program by TUM and LMU jointly for further PhD prospects or I would want to go to Cambridge's Part III masters or Oxford MMathPhys masters course (1 year). any suggestions for both if you can ( I can't afford the bachelors even if i got into Oxford or Cambridge)
(10) is it easy find friends as international (I am from India), so that we can make study groups with them (which is obviously good to have)
(11) I also have offer from TUM as well btw, so if anyone of studied at TUM, you can answer the questions based on that as well. also what would you recommend more? TUM or LMU (only bachelors for physics). state some reasons too
(12) How would you compare the bachelors here in LMU or TUM compared to other great places like Cambridge, Oxford, ETH, EPFL and Imperial College London. is the course here in Germany more or less rigorous than these other great institutions
if anyone of you want to/can share, then pls tell the books your profs use or u yourself use for studies for Physics bachelors. I can use those in free time to have a easy time when i eventually start my uni
submitted by Soggy-Pin-1936 to Munich [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:54 MrRaccuhn If you like 80s Martial Arts movies you need to see THE LAST KUMITE

If you like 80s Martial Arts movies you need to see THE LAST KUMITE
It's a love letter to 80s martial arts classics like Bloodsport, Kickboxer, No Retreat, No Surrender etc. It's got lots of inspiring training montages. Great fight scenes that are choreographed, shot and edited like back in the 80s. A wonderful, despicable villain played by genre legend Matthias Hues. Speaking of legends, the movie is full of them: Billy Blanks, Cynthia Rothrock, Kurt McKinney, Michel Qissi, Abdel Qissi and of course Matthias Hues. The legendary music composer Paul Hertzog (Bloodsport, Kickboxer) came out of retirement to score the film. And the music is simply amazing. It's inspiring, gets your blood pumping and it sounds exactly as if it's straight from the 80s. Stan Bush also contributed 2 songs to the film. He also did the songs for Bloodsport and Kickboxer. And they sound great in The Last Kumite. This is a movie made by fans for fans. A true passion project, done on a very tight budget, which actually adds to its B movie charm. Loved it. 7/10 for sure. Highly recommended to everyone who loves these classic 80s martial arts films.
submitted by MrRaccuhn to movies [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:47 cuBLea "Dark" MR: Memory Reconsolidation for Fun, Profit, and Psychosocial Manipulation (partial essay)

NOTE: I drafted this before reddit slashed its allowable post size and decided it was unpublishable at that point. A friend strongly recommended I post whatever reddit will allow and if people wanted to see more, I could post more of it. So here's the first segment of it.
Therapeutic memory reconsolidation has a dark side. It's not something typically discussed outside of the coffee rooms of the lab-rat and clinical-practices sets, where the tedium of the current work occasionally gives rise to darkly humorous dystopian speculations.
This dark side is not simply the stuff of mad-science speculation and dark fantasy. In fact, its existence predates even the discovery of the MR process itself. And it has already resulted in mild-to-catastrophic negative consequences for hundreds of thousands of people. (Depending on your perspective, it's conceivable that the current victim count could be in the tens or even hundreds of millions ... we're notorious for undercounting casualties of previously-unrecognized catastrophes. Fair disclosure: I'm one of those casualties.) It's an aspect of MR that I believe is worth knowing about for anyone seeking to exploit MR in therapy either as a practitioner or as a client.
For almost as long as the transformation (i.e. MR) phenomenon has been recognized, there have been tales of sordid applications of this effect. Religious sects, particularly the charismatic ones, have been exploiting the MR phenomenon for thousands of years, typically labeling it as either divine healing or proof of faith. Not that the results aren't beneficial for the individual. In most cases they are. But reconsolidation is only a part of the whole process of restoring health to old psychic wounds. The inducement of therapeutic MR in an individual not ready for the experience can be among the most brutal tortures imaginable, but most of the harm that comes from misapplication of the MR phenomenon can be traced to opportunistic exploitation of the setup for, and aftermath of, the transformational experience, and it's my belief that most of this harm is done by individuals and/or groups with little or no sense of the risks involved in
Keith Raniere's NXIVM organization is probably the most widely-known example of a cult founded largely on a MR-consistent methodology bent to less-than-humane ends. It made national news for years in Canada based on allegations of financial wrongdoing and sexual scandals, its leader was indicted in the US in 2018 and was sentenced to 120 years, and in 2020, not one but *two* major exposé miniseries/docuseries aired on streaming services.
"The Vow" (Mark Vicente's story)
Vicente's series orients around his involvement in the growth and promotion of NXIVM, and isn't afraid to get into the weeds around how Raniere strategized and developed the organization's techniques and tactics.
"Seduced: Inside the NXIVM Cult" (India Oxenberg's story)
This series centers more around IO's personal journey with the cult, and the people who were caught up in its darkest aspects.
"The Vow", first to be released, was not a fun watch for me. Thirty years prior to this, I had been ensnared by another cult, closely affiliated with the Unity Church of Today in Warren, MI at that time. Both of these cults exploited phenomena surrounding therapeutic memory consolidation as their primary lures years before we even knew that MR had a scientific footing.
The two organizations had shockingly similar modi operandi. So similar, in fact, that I still suspect that NXIVM's founder might have gotten much of his basic training from CoT's Pavillon resort in Quebec, whose month-long "therapeutic retreat" programs were a clever and completely unabashed cult indoctrination program. Ok ... well ... nearly completely unabashed ... during the month that I attended, we were only told that we were being groomed for the cult on the third-to-last day, by which time they surely knew who was ripe for the picking and who wouldn't be swayed, and were pretty confident of no open objection to such an announcement.
I want to make clear that this is not a word of exaggeration. The head of the "clinic" literally told us that if it felt to any of us like we were being recruited for a cult, he assured us that yes, we were. Nobody gasped, nobody even giggled. And as if to prove that this wasn't just dark humor, the director assured us that it was all fair play on their part since his was "the only cult that matters". That is exactly how confident Pavillon were of their methods. (Or at least they were in mid-1989 ... Pavillon appears to have vanished in the mists of history. Not every great cult idea grows up to make it to the big leagues.)
Neither "Seduced" or "The Vow" actually get under the hood and explain the psychology underlying the cult's success, let alone in context of therapeutic memory reconsolidation. In fact, I'm pretty sure that MR was never mentioned in either series. But right from the introductory/demo sessions presented in the first episode of "The Vow", most readers of this sub will instantly recognize that NXIVM leveraged the benefits and relative simplicity of MR-consistent transformational therapies to capture the attention, loyalty, and ultimately the wealth of prospective cult members.
But that's not nearly enough to lead us to a real understanding of how this happens. If either of these series' had been able to achieve that, this post could effctively end here. It's my belief that those of us who are consumers of MR-consistent services, or who work with consumers, do need this understanding. When the mechanics of the seduction are understood, it doesn't just help us to identify how malignant influences were brought to bear on potential victims, or provide us with a degree of immunity from those influences. It can also help us to better identify and relate to individuals who may be particularly vulnerable to these influences, and not just in therapy cults, but in all cult-like cultural groups, and get a better sense of how we can best communicate with people living under less-than-virtuous influence.
Fortunately, it doesn't appear to be all that difficult to acquire this understanding. Simply knowing basic MR theory and therapeutic application takes you halfway to mastery in a world still largely ignorant of how transformative change works. And the successes of Pavillon and NXIVM, coming as they did well before the general public even knew that MR was a "thing", pretty much proves it. But solving the remainder of the problem appears to involve first understanding how the application of MR-consistent methods could lead to cult exploitation in the first place.
MR-consistent transformational phenomena were relatively common knowledge back as far as the early 1980s in new-age/psychotherapy circles, and were even well-understood by certain inner-circle dwellers. And it was clear at least a decade earlier that certain disciplines practiced in a certain way were capable of producing remarkable therapeutic effects, even if no one could quite explain how or why. All Raniere and Pavillon needed to do was to refine techniques already known to be highly effective and they could reproduce those results. Which is exactly what happened, and this gave these two groups a powerful enticement, or a free sample product if you prefer, for people interested in living better, happier lives. Whatever else they did that we would likely view as objectionable or even evil, they both figured out how to get people to transformational moments in ways which were a lot easier than Erhard Seminars Training (EST), more efficient than religious or mystical practices (Transcendental Meditation, kundalini yoga, visionquesting, etc.), and less exclusive/expensive than a stay at Esalen or a year or two of the "talking cure".
So whatever we may think/feel about their methods, credit where due: they knew a good thing when they saw it and they got the transformational part right. So how did techniques which we rely upon to free us from exploitation by our own nervous systems become tools for THEIR exploitation? On the surface it seems like using MR to coerce and enslave people makes about as silly as trying to poison someone with multivitamins. But there's a clever logic to it, and to understand this we need to look beyond the bounds of MR and the transformational phenomenon, and at how the entire transformation process is managed. (And there's the operative word: managed, not facilitated.
We know MR as the process that underlies transformation. But transformation isn't healing, but only a subprocess within a greater restoration process. Healing doesn't usually even end the process, either. Following transformation, stress must be managed until the subject's next full sleep cycle or treatment efficacy is substantially impaired. Even beyond that, the structure of post-traumatic adaptation leaves the individual vulnerable to retraumatization in the wake of treatment, meaning that in perhaps a majority of cases, the triggers which activate PTS symptoms need to be kept to a
submitted by cuBLea to MemoryReconsolidation [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:45 Meeples17 Boomer Cant Accept We Dont Shout and Scream when we Dont Get our Way

I come from a generally abusive upbringing and I just went No Contact with my Family.
I put TLDR at the end. It is alot.
I think Narcicism is part of their entire generational culture after the break with all my Family Elders.
I moved away from home and in with a kind fun loving man. I became stable! I got an amazing job. Best of my career.
My Family couldnt stand it, I wasnt desperate or needy and available for their game playing.
My Dad got angrier and angrier on every phone call. Shouting abuse at me about decision. I should not ever order takeout! I havent got a sizable retirement plan. Dont take a loan on a decent car. You dont have a house. Its a waste. He owns million in real estate and never runs AC in his own house. If he does it for a guest hell tell them how its a big deal. He believes in saving…
The derision continued until I confronted him about hus behaviour. It was a careful well thought out conversation. Complaints are unwelcome in my Family. I told my Dad directly. You are losing your temper everytime were on the phone and Im worried about you. This could be early stage dementia. Will you please see a Doctor?
When I was on disability he loved playing kind supportive Dad. Now Im flying on my own and he is losing his mind.
My criticism led to a years worth of drama. It was a slow creep. He would ask me about work. I thought we were being civil. And then I started getting emails from his Sister. Shes worried about me. His Brother makes a trip to Montreal and he says three different reasons why hes here. I feel checked up on. My Sister calls and reminds me gently. Be careful ya know youre “Special”.
Im legit making 87k a year in a Unicorn Startup. Its amazing.
I lose my job during a round of layoffs. Budget cuts. Didnt make sales targets. Im low hanging fruit. Im going to collect max EI. The company is generous and gives me a months notice so I can jobhunt.
This is my Dads big moment. Hes on the phone checking in and he moves to destroy me. Oh honey! You dont have to lie. You got FIRED! That happens sometimes. Listen. Why dont you move back? Plenty of part time jobs here. Less stress. This always happens to you… (It does not)
I get off the phone shaking. Wtf is this trash. I have two letters of recommendation and lifelong contacts and the launch of a career.
To cut to the chase. He had gone behind my back and started rumours Im doing drugs and lying to the Family constantly. He said my new bf is a drug dealer. He cant understand why I left my Husband (actual drug addict)
Total assault on my character and ran me right out of the Family. Im honestly glad to never talk to any of my 18 Cousins 8 Aunts and Uncles or 6 Sisters and Brothers ever again. None of them believe a word I say anymore. They want that Old Family Money.
Im officially unsafe. And its shocking but. Get wreckt. My Dad thinks hes the King and I MUST worship and faun over him. Puke. I have an opinion.
TLDR. I offended my Father when I called him on his bad behaviour for the first time. So he convinced my entire Family Im in a DV situation and using hard drugs. Noone cares what I say because he pays a lot of their bills… and takes them on vacation around the world.
For Reference see. Crabs in a Bucket. Or. George Carlin. There might be something wrong with you. You might be surrounded by ash holes.
submitted by Meeples17 to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:38 bereginya_ Spring empties

Spring empties
I’ve been collecting quite a few skincare/makeup empties lately.

2 pic

🧴Caddy’s Lip balm, does its job and is inexpensive 7/10 🧴Missha Essence SPF 45, used it every day under makeup 8/10 🧴Pacifica Vitamin C Serum, I liked it 7/10 🧴Balea Makeup remover 10/10 🧴Estée Lauder moisturiser, would repurchase 10/10 🧴Elf Hydrating drops, not sure what these do to be honest 6/10 🧴FaceD face mist 7/10


Completely panned this Catrice concealer, it got very dry towards the end. I might repurchase it in the future, but right now I’m using a replacement I had previously bought. It took me 6 months of daily use to finish this.


Finished my favourite perfume, Jo Malone Poppy and Barley. 10/10 would recommend despite the fact that it doesn’t last all day. Plus two samples of Miss Dior.


Finished my Clinique Chubby Stick, it’s a good tinted balm but I wouldn’t repurchase it because the packaging gets really messy and there was a lot of product left in the base. Bonus: 💄MAC Syrup, my absolute favourite lipstick right now 10/10 would repurchase 💄Dior Addict Stellar Shine, nice but wouldn’t repurchase 7/10 These are almost finished and I can’t wait to have the Dior out of my collection as I’ve had this for at least 4 years!
submitted by bereginya_ to PanPorn [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:17 Galvantula42 Advice for Pursuing Grad School?

Hi everyone. I graduated last year with a BS in chem, concentration in biochemistry. I want to pursue a grad program (PhD) for inorganic chemistry, but got rejected this time around (only applied to 3 UCs due to cost/no job yet so I went 0/3). What can I do to strengthen my chances next time? Here is my criteria from before.
Overall GPA: 3.11. Major GPA is similaslightly higher.
1 year of research work (did not start until senior year due to Covid shutting down school’s research for several years). Started a new project with professor, more so falls under analytical chem. Still ongoing, will be published once completed. Presented it at school seminar.
3 letters of recommendation from faculty whom I had lab courses with, one of which I had also done research work with.
About half a year working for a water company. I test water for various inorganic analytes such as iron and bromate among other things, though it offers no research work (currently looking for a more lab oriented job).
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Galvantula42 to chemistry [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:54 Pineapple33333 Referees didn't respond to my request for reference letters

Hmmmmm, basically two of my referees didn't respond back to my request for reference letters. They should be reachable through email, but they are not responding. I am not sure if I should take this as a "no."
If I would like to write a follow-up email and see if they are willing to do this for me, any recommendation in how I should format this email? How should I word myself?
submitted by Pineapple33333 to premed [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:46 Galvantula42 Advice for How I May Pursue a PhD in Inorganic Chemistry in the Future?

I’m at a bit of an impasse right now. I want to pursue a graduate degree but I’m worried that I’m not of the caliber to be accepted into any program so I’d appreciate anyone’s advice on what I can do to try to realize this goal. I’ll try to be concise.
So I’m a recent graduate, receiving a B.S. in Chemistry with a concentration in Biochemistry. For many years I’ve known that I wanted to pursue a graduate degree in chemistry. I’m very passionate about chemistry, especially inorganic chemistry from group theory to bonding theories such as crystal field theory I can’t get enough of it.
As for why I yearn for a graduate degree, well I’m am very drawn to research and teaching which are both present in academia. I love the challenge of research and participated in research during my senior year where I started a project with one of my professors, while I am also drawn to teaching because I simply feel joy from helping others understand chemistry, especially when they’re students who feel that chemistry is too hard or “beyond them”. I’ve gone out of my way many times during my undergrad program to help classmates understand our material.
My academic record is mediocre/acceptable. My overall gpa was 3.11 and I’d say my major gpa was similar or slightly higher which I think is hurting my prospects. I faced financial strife on several occasions during my undergrad degree, the first time I had to withdraw while the second and third times I had to move mid-semester due to renters selling their property, but i still kept up with my studies (I’ve never failed a course). I also had to care for a terminally ill family member during my juniosenior years but never felt like I couldn’t keep up with the coursework though I do feel that I may have gotten higher marks if I hadn’t faced these issues.
Following graduation, I did try to apply for a few inorganic chem programs at some UC’s in California. I had no issue getting enough Letters of Recommendation from my professors and I did make mention of my research work, including what I presented at my university regarding it. However I was rejected by every program that I had applied for, though I was only able to apply for 3 due to the cost of application fees (I hadn’t found work at the time so money was limited). I have discussed this with my professoresearch advisor, who seemed surprised that I only received rejections. I suggested to him that maybe I pursue a MS instead first but he seemed to want to dissuade me from that, and suggest that it wasn’t necessary. I shared one of my personal statement drafts with him and am awaiting feedback on if it was perhaps poor.
Other than that I am aiming to apply to many more next time, including programs out of state, but I am beginning to doubt myself and question if I am meant for a graduate program. For those familiar with graduate level chemistry, is there anything I can do to strengthen my application in the future? Will having job experience in industry help me? I really do not want to give up but I feel that I’m just at a loss regarding what I can try to do.
submitted by Galvantula42 to gradadmissions [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:31 Hairy_Insurance2632 PIP Claim - Supporting Evidence

How many years worth of Medical Reports / Consultants Letters do you recommend sending as Supporting Evidence for a PIP Claim?
My 19 y/o daughter was diagnosed with Epilepsy in September 2019, we have retained every LetteReport and Hospital Discharge Form plus (obvs) her Care Plan. I also have her Seizure Diary going back to 2019.
The most informative Medical Letters and Reports, however, are from April 23 onwards when she was transferred to the primary care of an Epileptologist at the National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery in London.
Would appreciate your views.
submitted by Hairy_Insurance2632 to BenefitsAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:47 Slithan Struggling with difficulty 7-9 bots? Try these tips

I've been playing a lot on Helldiver difficulty, specifically on bots and I've noticed a lot of players struggling and dying a bunch, often leading to a failed mission. Poor spawns happen, and getting overwhelmed does too, but if you're at 10+ deaths on a mission, it's time to learn some new strategies to ensure you stay alive long enough to spread that sweet, sweet liberty.
Having completed a number of full Helldiver difficulty missions with 0 deaths, let me cover a few of my bot related tips that help keep me alive and make sure that I'm able to continue to spread democracy to those who need it.
  1. Heavy armor is your friend - You'll be taking hits, no doubt about it. Unlike with the bugs, light armor often doesn't cut it anymore, especially vs rocket devastators. I typically take the 50% explosion resistance armor to deal with rocket devastators, cannon towers, factory striders, and the smaller rocket bots that would otherwise one-shot me.
  2. Smoking is cool - Smoke grenades (and other smoke strategems) can get you out of some pretty hopeless situations vs bots, especially when you're out with no cover. Diving, followed by tossing a smoke grenade in front of you, then getting up to run after it's gone off is a pretty solid way of breaking away from pursuing clankers.
  3. Orbital Lasers aren't just for enemies anymore - Unlike with bugs, many bot objectives have either mounted turrets, or fabricators attached to them that will spawn enemies that will draw the laser and cause them to explode, either finishing or significantly aiding in the completion of some pretty tough objectives.
  4. Blow some bubbles - Nearly useless on bugs, the shield generator relay can make some seemingly impossible objectives doable, and on a short cooldown. Need a few more seconds on that sample drill while surrounded by bots? Shield relay. Factory strider dropped within sight of extraction with 30 second to go? Shield relay. Chased by bots across an open field and low on stims? Shield relay, drop a resupply and unload on them from safety. The uses are endless, and only 1 team member can usually cover the whole team.
  5. Choose your moments - Don't engage every patrol or base, and when you do, try and let your teammates know so they can join you. Many times, if you go together, you can clear the patrol before reinforcements are called, or at least clear one safe path into a base with very little resistance. The alternative is a protracted firefight with a LOT of reinforcements on higher difficulties.
  6. Be Bait - When you have the attention of a bot with a weak spot, let your team know, and try to keep it's attention (from cover) by potshotting it every so often until they've dealt with it. Be careful of doing with the rocket devastators, and know their "ready to fire" stance well.
  7. Dive, dive, dive - It's a lot harder to hit a target that is parallel to your direction of fire, so get on your freaking belly soldier! They'll eventually adjust, but you can spam the dive button to get up more quickly, then dive to a new spot, hopefully behind some cover. Remember, even small rocks can be enough to cover you if you're on the ground.
  8. Hellbomb schmellbomb - Taking out a number of bot objectives requires the use of a hellbomb, unless you're awesome and brought a 500kg bomb or two with you. A well placed 500kg can save a ton of time and headache when dealing with some of the more annoying bot objectives.
  9. Autocannon - Well known by nearly all, the autocannon can take out fabricators as well as gunships and is a great choice on blitz missions especially. AMR is a solid alternative choice.
  10. Scorcher - I don't think there is any other weapon other than pre-nerf slugger that I would prefer over the scorcher. The explosive damage makes so many bots a joke, and even the little striders can be taken out by 2 leg joint hits. Highly recommended.
I hope this helps you in your journey to spread democracy across the galaxy and spill oil against Super Earth's sworn enemies. If you have your own tips or suggestions, leave them in the comments!
submitted by Slithan to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:31 Southern_Bunch_6704 3.1 172 LSAT 7 years WE

I’m trying to come up with a realistic list.
3.1 gpa 172 lsat 7 years WE in finance (great names on the resume) I’ve been wanting to go to law school but honestly never had time to study for the lsat. Pandemic, had time and said fuck it lets roll with the 172
Went to prestigious undergrad. Great letters of recommendation from professors. Mexican so, URM right? First gen, all that first shit that’s me. Incarcerated parents then orphaned.
Not lgbt but for the right price, see me in the back of the room 👀
I’m trying to reduce the list but also add some safeties. Any help is appreciated.
submitted by Southern_Bunch_6704 to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:22 Hatchling_DM The Power of the Quickstart

We’ve never made a quickstart guide for any of our RPGs, but from now on, it will be our priority! Since releasing Cryptid Creeks on and DriveThru a few days ago, we’ve had over 3k downloads, with many visitors willing to drop money on this PWYW sample. But more than this, it’s achieved a number of secondary opportunities, such as interest from streamers, players already contacting us with their homebrew ideas, and just a wonderful buzz in the air before the full game is published next month.
I strongly recommend making a quickstart your priority, and best of luck with your creations!
submitted by Hatchling_DM to RPGdesign [link] [comments]