Printable zebra stripes

Done by me🥰 the pallet and the nails♥️ kinda reminds me of the zebra striped gum lol this set took me 6 hours

2024.05.07 20:46 iceyspiceyx3 Done by me🥰 the pallet and the nails♥️ kinda reminds me of the zebra striped gum lol this set took me 6 hours

Done by me🥰 the pallet and the nails♥️ kinda reminds me of the zebra striped gum lol this set took me 6 hours submitted by iceyspiceyx3 to Nails [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 21:27 luketimhill Why do zebras have stripes?

Why do zebras have stripes? submitted by luketimhill to YouTube_startups [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 02:24 trenzterra Base layer, weird lines

Base layer, weird lines
Hi there, I just upgraded my Neptune 4 Pro to linear rails on the X axis. Printing is fine but I decided to print a base layer. It turns out generally well - PLA, 210 degrees and 60 degrees bed, 0.2mm - with minimal gaps and no "zebra lines* but for some reason, I notice some "striping" artifacts at certain areas which seems to match the direction of the extruder. On closer examination it seems that certain lines are slightly more squished together than others. I tried adjusting flow both upwards and downwards with no noticeable improvement.
The only other thing I did recently was to change filament brands to one that is cheaper (although reviews seemed good). I am not sure if it is linked to the filament change but I was getting good base layers before this.
I noticed the problem is less noticeable when I lower temps to, say, 190 degrees, but perhaps it's also because the print turns out to be less shiny.
Has anyone encountered such issues before and if so, how did you resolve it?
submitted by trenzterra to FixMyPrint [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 08:19 YesNOOOOOOO_ Why are zebra and tiger stripes vertical instead of horizontal?

submitted by YesNOOOOOOO_ to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 20:56 hfeproductions What'd the weirdest thing you want next in Sims 4?

i want more mailboxes. and more mailbox colors. black, gray, and white don't do it for me. i want rainbows and zebra stripes and stuff that makes my mailboxes as colorful as my houses. or to add some flair to an otherwise regular-looking home.
my neighborhood has fish-shaped mailboxes. cats and dogs gives you... cat and dog shaped mailboxes, but i want more fun shapes. or even stylish mailboxes like that cute one from seasons.
submitted by hfeproductions to thesims [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 19:57 drmoskato Lip-Sync Moskato's Drag Race: S6 E9 - "Queens of Talk"

Lip-Sync Moskato's Drag Race: S6 E9 -
Racers, some of your talk show pilots went well, and others are never seeing the light of day. Now, let's get into the judges' critiques.
Kelly Heelton, you were undoubtedly the best interviewer on the stage. However, let's talk about this bear look... can we keep rewarding mediocrity and fashion faux pas on the runway? We're getting down to the wire... can you give us what we want to see?
Jasmine Kennedie, which cat are you? We love all of these pieces separately, but it's not giving true Animal Kingdom, you know? In the interview, you didn't allow Tina to get any words out between questions, and you spoke like a child to Blue. She's 12.
Alexis Mateo, this leopard print is eating up the girls tonight! However, this look could use a few modifications to improve the quality. Tina and Blue seemed to love you in the interview because you asked them questions about them, not Beyoncé. You were a breath of fresh air.
Mayhem Miller, I love how you made some of your face and the nails striped to match the zebra print from the dress. You did well in the interview but focused more on Mama Tina than Blue, who sometimes looked bored, but you made her laugh a lot.
Tayce, my fashion queen! Oh, you really are one of the "goats!" This fur, the hooves, you took it to another level! In the interview, however, you got a little cheeky and profane in front of the guests. There's a time and place for certain conversations.
Angele Anang, this outfit is very inspiring and definitely the best of the night! I love the elephant motif and the story relating to your Thai culture. You initially seemed a little nervous about the talk show, which is understandable because you've impersonated Beyoncé many times. Despite that, you picked up the pace and got to know Tina and Blue, making a great interview!
Gigi Goode, anyone call for a peacock? Your whole look is very well-thought-out and gorgeous overall! As far as the talk show goes, how many times did you have to mention that you met Beyoncé? It was almost as though you wished she could be there and not your actual guests, who you only asked one question about themselves.
Racers, I've made some decisions...
Mayhem Miller, you're safe.
Alexis Mateo, you're safe.
Angele Anang, in the challenge, you showed heart, and on the runway, you were unSTOMPable! Condragulations, you're the winner of this week's challenge!
Kelly Heelton, you're safe.
Jasmine Kennedie, you're one wild child, but this week, you were eaten alive! I'm sorry, my dear, but you are up for elimination.
Gigi Goode, on the runway, you're a sickening, sexy peacock! Unfortunately, on the talk show, you laid an egg.
Tayce, your runway caused a rumble in the jungle! Or should I say mountain? In the talk show, you put your high-heeled foot in your mouth.
Tayce, you're safe.
Gigi, I'm sorry, my dear, but you are up for elimination.
Racers, prior to tonight, you were asked to prepare a lip-sync to "Vibeology" by Paula Abdul. Two queens stand before me. The time has come for you to lip-sync... for your life! Good luck, and don't fuck it up!
submitted by drmoskato to RPDRfantasyseason [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 16:13 Buoje Juat unboxed this, whats the overpay like on such a perfectly centred Angel?

Juat unboxed this, whats the overpay like on such a perfectly centred Angel? submitted by Buoje to ohnePixel [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 07:10 MandatoryNuisance I find it frustrating to cross a road as a pedestrian. How can I deal with this?

I was wearing bright green fluoro safety vest and was waiting at a marked pedestrian zebra striped crossing with a slight elevation or bump. Which I believe is to slow down the cars. By law, Cars should giveway to pedestrians with intent to cross the road on a designated crossing. I hope I am absolutely right, there. No dramas? I'm not entitled person. It's only my legal right under the law.
I followed prudence, caution rules. I stopped and waved at the car. pointing across the road. This pickup truck slowed down, I start to cross. But he Revved his engine and accelerated. and I was scared and I back off. His mirror of the truck bumped into me.
This is unsafe! Why is it so difficult for him to follow the rules. I made myself very clear and obvious and I didn't wear black as well. The time was midday on a sunny day too.
I can't even walk across the road in peace and safety to the job search office and social welfare office. How can I work, if the very society tells me that I have to go outside and face my fears. Is this what I have to face, a warfare battle, every single commute?!?!
submitted by MandatoryNuisance to Agoraphobia [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 07:06 MandatoryNuisance I find it frustrating to cross a road as a pedestrian.

I was wearing bright green fluoro safety vest and was waiting at a marked pedestrian zebra striped crossing with a slight elevation or bump. Which I believe is to slow down the cars. By law, Cars should giveway to pedestrians with intent to cross the road on a designated crossing. I hope I am absolutely right, there. No dramas? I'm not entitled person. It's only my legal right under the law.
I followed prudence, caution rules. I stopped and waved at the car. pointing across the road. This pickup truck slowed down, I start to cross. But he Revved his engine and accelerated. and I was scared and I back off. His mirror of the truck bumped into me.
This is unsafe! Why is it so difficult for him to follow the rules. I made myself very clear and obvious and I didn't wear black as well. The time was midday on a sunny day too.
I can't even walk across the road in peace and safety to the job search office and social welfare office. How can I work, if the very society tells me that I have to go outside and face my fears. Is this what I have to face, a warfare battle, every single commute?!?!
submitted by MandatoryNuisance to RoadRage [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 21:19 AutoNewspaperAdmin [World] - Striped, not spotted: Missing zebra on the lam in western US France24

[World] - Striped, not spotted: Missing zebra on the lam in western US France24 submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 21:17 AutoNewsAdmin [World] - Striped, not spotted: Missing zebra on the lam in western US

[World] - Striped, not spotted: Missing zebra on the lam in western US submitted by AutoNewsAdmin to FRANCE24auto [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 14:44 wellybob38 Looking for swaps

Looking for swaps
Asking on behalf of someone else! They are looking to swap the sunhat for same texture or zebra stripes but with a yellow band. Pref standard or shiny
submitted by wellybob38 to WildHorsesIslandsRbx [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 23:28 ILLnoize Help Identifying this insert

Help Identifying this insert submitted by ILLnoize to soccercard [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 02:18 Fair-Wallaby-3842 Gonna need a Zoo🦓

Gonna need a Zoo🦓
Has anyone ever seen this before ?! Just opened my game and my main char has like zebra stripes?? 😂 Not sure if it’s a cc conflict or maybe from her wife who’s a werewolf but I see no injury buff.
submitted by Fair-Wallaby-3842 to thesims [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 14:41 bleeding_electricity Many diagnoses are actually a singular phenomenon -- evolutionary mismatch. We are living uncanny, alienating lives... and it's killing us.

We were not meant to live this way.
As I look across the vast landscape of mental health diagnoses and their attendant suffering, I begin to see that many of our distinct psychosocial phenomena are actually parts of a whole. So many mental and emotional issues are actually byproducts of living in a fundamentally hostile way towards human evolution, which takes thousands of years to adjust. We have reinvented what it means to exist on a day-to-day basis so many times, and our very DNA cannot keep up with the pace of change.
Look no further than the restless pre-teen, writhing in their desk at school from ADHD, and eventually given amphetamines so they can do high-level mathematics. For 99% of human history, that child would be outside during these formative years, not languishing under the fluorescent lights of a cinderblock building. We call that child "mentally ill" or "disabled" or "special needs," when children have largely remained the same -- it's their environment that keeps shifting around them. 500 years ago, they'd be in fields. 200 years ago, they'd be in factories. Now, they're in calculus class.
The same could be identified in many depressed folks, toiling away in Excel spreadsheets all day and being given SSRIs when they need sunlight, movement, meaning, and connection. Our economy saddles enormous amounts of adults with work that is antithetical to the human design. From call centers to Amazon warehouses and beyond.
The same could be acknowledged in the chronically anxious teen who is trying to navigate the treacherous waters of social media and modern life, when their brains were developed for small tribes, not 10,000 anonymous followers on Instagram. We blame the device in their hand, when the very life we have built for them is uncanny and unlike anything a teen has faced in all of human history. They are being bombarded with 4K footage of the entire globe's worst moments online, and we wonder why they don't have hope for the future.
Although autism is more complex, I believe that the same lens could be applied to this as well. How did autistic individuals exist and manage for the bulk of human history? How did they operate as hunter-gatherers, and how did they function during the agrarian era? Without a doubt, the modern era is a sensory nightmare and a social obstacle course unlike any other.
A zebra's stripes serve them well in their native environment. Place that same well-honed physiology in the tundra, and the results may vary. Our modern psychological paradigm would try to dose the zebra into feeling less pain and discomfort at their maladaptation, instead of trying to find larger solutions. Modern psychiatry would work hard to convince the zebra to accept the tundra and become lobotomized to its conditions. Is modern psychology no more than a mechanism to launder societal issues into individual failings? Is psychiatry the machine that converts massive evolutionary problems into individual flaws? We have to find a better way, because this isn't working for huge swaths of people.
And make no mistake, I am not pining for the yesteryear of primitive life. Yes, antibiotics are good. Ample food supply is a life-saver. Modern conveniences are great. But in our mad dash from hunter-gatherer to agrarian to industrial to post-industry technological cyberscape, have we crashed headlong into something that destroys the human psyche? If so, then we should be wary of quick solutions that promise in a capsule what we used to derive from our entire way of existing.
Am I missing something here? What do you think of this framework?
submitted by bleeding_electricity to social_model [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 10:19 somerandomassdude404 [WP] Jeff you are the most troublesome cat I have ever encountered. My grandfather and his father before him hanged you. The executioner sighs before fastening the noose. Why do you keep doing this to yourself?Just like a zebra can’t change its stripes I can’t stop killing.Jeff replies nonchalantly.

submitted by somerandomassdude404 to WritingPrompts [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 09:41 eurovision #Eurovision2024: Rehearsals Day 4 - Live Blog!

#Eurovision2024: Rehearsals Day 4 - Live Blog!
TL;DR: This is the LIVE BLOG from Day FOUR of Eurovision rehearsals in the Malmö Arena – please share your thoughts, predictions and questions in the comments! Here's the schedule for today:

Stage ETA Photo Gallery TikTok Clip
10:30 / 🇱🇻 Latvia link link
11:10 / 🇸🇲 San Marino link link
11:50 / 🇬🇪 Georgia link link
12:30 / 🇧🇪 Belgium link link
14:10 / 🇪🇪 Estonia link link
14:50 / 🇮🇱 Israel link link
15:30 / 🇳🇴 Norway link link
16:10 / 🇳🇱 Netherlands link link

Here's the link for tomorrow's first AMA - don't forget to add your questions!
And here's a link for the second AMA - please make sure you add your questions to the right one!

09:35 CEST: Ready for Day Four?
Hej everyone, and welcome back to Day Four of Eurovision rehearsals! We’re back in the Malmö arena for another day and another eight first rehearsals, which start as usual at 10:30 CEST. Today will wrap up the performances in the second Semi-Final, and then on Thursday we move on to the Big 5 and Sweden. Expect sneak peeks, exclusive photos, links to TikTok snippets, and important cube updates!


10:05 CEST: Your daily reminder!
No need to read this if you’ve been here before. But if not, some useful info:
How rehearsals work:
  • Each country has half an hour to rehearse – that’s usually enough time to run through their performance three times.
  • If there is any pyro (smoke, flames, fireworks) they will be rehearsed in the final run-through. So we’ll add that information at the end.
  • Usually the costumes worn in the first rehearsal are the ones you’ll see in the Semi-Final – but not always (example: Kaleen’s two different coats yesterday). We’ll try to share this info up front, but to be honest we don’t always know. Which leads us to…

How the Live Blog works:
  • We are seeing all these performances for the first time, and usually have no idea in advance what to expect. So we watch the first run-through with the laptop closed, then try to describe something inherently visual in words that fans from all across the world can understand. It takes time, and when staging is complex it can take even more time. We always want to do the performances justice, so please be patient ❤️
  • Likewise photos and TikTok clips take time – we want to pick the best bits and make a nice edit. We’ll get them up as soon as we can.
  • We are a digital content team of very talented writers, photographers, videographers and editors, but the ‘we’ of writing this liveblog is actually one person - so it can be hard to stay on top of your questions. Happy to be here, grateful for your support, please join in and we’ll try to keep up!


10:30 CEST Rehearsal 1: 🇱🇻 Latvia – Dons - Hollow
First up today is Latvia’s Dons – he’s a musical icon in his home country, so he’s no stranger to a big stage. His soulful power-ballad Hollow swept up both jury and public votes at Supernova, and its position in the running order (sandwiched between an Armenian folkbop and a San Marino rock anthem) feels like a soul-stirring vocal masterclass.
The staging for this features a huge circular prop (maybe three or four metres in diameter) - it's HOLLOW, so Dons performs the first half of the song standing inside it. It doesn’t move or spin or light up, but it does create a really powerful focal point on stage.
Dons is wearing his trademark royal blue sleeveless pantsuit (but with added robot abs), and he’s backed by an LED wall of gently pulsing lights and circles. The lighting effects are actually really clever – lots of slow-moving blue spotlights in the verses that kick into much brighter, whiter lights in the chorus. They feel like searchlights, and it gives this whole performance a MOOD.

Latvia first rehearsal Eurovision 2024. Credit: Corinne Cumming/EBU


11:10 CEST Rehearsal 2: 🇸🇲 San Marino – Megara – 11/11
Have we had enough coffee this morning? Not yet. Does it matter? Also no. Because Megara from San Marino are waking up the whole arena with their rock anthem 11:11. Their rehearsal started at 11:13, which is one of those things we will all just have to learn to live with.
Megara are still in the pink and black fur we saw at Una Voce per San Marino, but a slightly different design with added zebra stripes. The LED wall shows a pink and black animation with lots of spooky trees and dragons that feels like a fairy story – the whole thing comes together as a really cohesive bit of staging that feels fun, uplifting and very LOUD.
There’s a really fun dance routine that runs through this whole performance, which we don’t usually see with big rock bands, but Megara are definitely here to entertain – there’s even a moment at the end where Kenzy takes off her fur coat to reveal a new outfit featuring pink PVC armour with a dinosaur spine. We’re also happy to report that the flamenco dance break from the official video has made it to Malmö, with Megara’s two dancers shedding their fur coats to reveal skeleton bodysuits and fur boots.
🔥 PYRO UPDATE: smoke AND flame balls, with a huge fiery finish. If you have tickets for the arena standing area, dress for warm weather.

San Marino first rehearsal Eurovision 2024. Credit: Corinne Cumming/EBU


11:50 CEST Rehearsal 3: 🇬🇪 Georgia – Nutsa Buzaladze - Firefighter
Time for Georgia to rehearse, with Nutsa Buzaldze singing her dance track Firefighter. She’s competed in a singing competition or two, including American Idol in 2023, where she made the final. Yes, actual American Idol. She did a duet of Can’t Get You Out Of My Head with Kylie Minogue. This feels like a Eurovision fever dream, but there’s video evidence and everything.
Anyway, we know from pre-party season that Nutsa has some powerhouse vocals, and she’s definitely brought them to Malmö. She starts alone on stage on a raised plinth, under a red spotlight and backed by red smoky graphics. At the end of the first verse she’s joined on buy four male dancers in black (with shirts) – it’s a VERY polished, high-energy dance routine with the LED graphics building through the song into sparking balls of flame.
Nutsa’s costume is a shiny gold mini-dress paired with boots – she doesn’t miss a note, despite the energetic routine. Pyro update (surely? SURELY?) and photos coming soon!
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 PYRO UPDATE: SO. MANY. FLAMES 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Georgia first rehearsal Eurovision 2024. Credit: Corinne Cumming/EBU


12:30: Rehearsal 4: 🇧🇪 Belgium - Mustii - Before The Party’s Over
Time for Belgium’s Mustii now, rehearsing his dramatic ballad Before The Party’s Over. Mustii is a well-known name in Belgium - he’s a singer, actor and judge on Belgium’s version of Drag Race.
This performance brings a lot of the intense, slow-build mood we saw in the official video, with a circle of microphones on a smoky platform that slowly turns, and lots of cloudy graphics on the wall and floor. Mustii is wearing an open white shirt with a gem-encrusted top underneath that catches the arena light – it’s giving North Macedonia 2021 vibes, but more glam rock and less disco ball.
For the final section Mustii moves to front stage and lifts the roof off the arena – backing vocals for this song are provided by hundreds of Eurovision fans, so it’s very much a United By Music effort. The pounding drums at the end vibrate through the arena floor until you feel it in your chest - definitely another hold your breath moment from this year. Photos coming soon!

Belgium first rehearsal Eurovision 2024. Credit: Sarah Louise Bennett/EBU


13:00 CEST: Time for lunch! 🥗
The arena team is taking a break right now, but we'll be back at 14:10 CEST for Estonia, Israel, Norway and Netherlands. Enjoy whatever you're eating, and we'll see you back here soon!


Rehearsal 5: 🇪🇪 Estonia - 5MIINUST x Puuluup - (nendest) narkootikumidest ei tea me (küll) midagi
Ready to beat the post-lunch lull? No problem, because Estonia are rehearsing on stage next, and bringing plenty of their trademark energy.
We’ve seen some fun and eclectic collaborations at Eurovision over the years, and this year’s entry from Estonia is no exception - 5MIINUST are a well-known pop/hip hop group in Estonia, and Puuluup describe themselves as ‘a zombie folk duo’.
Note to Eurovision fact fans - this song has the longest single-language title in Eurovision history - (nendest) narkootikumidest ei tea me (küll) midagi, which translates as ‘we (really) don’t know anything about (these) drugs’.
The band all look very stylish in black suits with varying quantities of sleeves. The whole performance is a heady and joyful mix of thumping beats, traditional talharpa melodies and the 5MIINUST x Puuluup aerobic dance routine. We will definitely be recreating this in Euroclub next week.
Also the CUBES are down, lit up with more cube graphics that change colour through the performance to match the LED wall behind. A neon cube extravaganza, and a LOT of fun. Photos coming soon!

Estonia first rehearsal Eurovision 2024. Credit: Corinne Cumming/EBU


Rehearsal 6: 🇮🇱 Israel – Eden Golan – Hurricane
Next up in the Semi-Final running order will be Italy’s Angelina Mango, who isn’t rehearsing until Thursday. So instead we’re skipping straight to 20-year-old Eden Golan from Israel, singing her power-ballad Hurricane.
Eden isn’t just a talented singer - she’s also a songwriter, composer, producer and dancer. She won Israel’s biggest talent show HaKokhav HaBa (‘The Next Star’) back in February, along with the chance to represent Israel at Eurovision.
On stage we have our second big circular prop of the day – it’s the same style as Latvia’s, but smaller, lit up with neon and featuring a built-in wind machine. It’s also has ladders each side, so it can be used as a support for five dancers - three male, two female – who take their complex contemporary dance routine from around the circle to the front of the stage.
The dancers’ costumes are off-white and grey, to complement Eden’s long flowing dress. The whole performance has the same aesthetic as the official video – and as you’d expect for a song called Hurricane, the LED wall features lots of swirling colour. Our second big ballad of the day, with huge vocals to match. Photos soon!

Israel first rehearsal Eurovision 2024. Credit: Sarah Louise Bennett/EBU


Rehearsal 7: 🇳🇴 Norway - Gåte – Ulveham
Two more rehearsals to go today, and next up Is Norway! Gåte have been performing together for over twenty years - their sound is a mix of rock and Norwegian folk. Their song, Ulveham is a folk tale about a maiden with an evil stepmother who is banished to the woods, transformed into a wolf and ordered to kill her brother. We are not expecting a dance break.
What we ARE getting, however, is the whole dark, witchy mood of this song, very similar to Gåte’s performance at Melodi Grand Prix but on an epic Malmö scale. A low, slow-spinning platform with some rocks and trees, like a goth terrarium, backed by spooky swirling graphics, lots of atmospheric lasers and green spotlights.
We’ve seen lead singer Gunnhild in lots of amazing outfits over pre-party season - today she’s wearing dark green wide trousers with a matching top that designed to look like she has leaves woven across one shoulder. In the final chorus guitarist Magnus throws his guitar high into the air, then catches it – we can only imagine how many guitars have been sacrificed for this big finish.
This is one of the harder performances to describe today because it’s pure atmosphere – a mix of pounding drums, building vocals and Gåte giving it everything.
PYRO UPDATE - lots of low swirling fog has been added to the stage in the final run-through.

Norway first rehearsal Eurovision 2024. Credit: Sarah Louise Bennett/EBU


Rehearsal 8: 🇳🇱 Netherlands - Joost Klein - Europapa
Our final rehearsal for today is from musician, writer and artist Joost Klein from the Netherlands, who will be wrapping up the second Semi-Final with his banging dance track Europapa. Come for the high-energy rave and the lyrical tour of Europe, stay for the bit at the end where it goes full happy hardcore.
Fans of Joost will be delighted that his signature dance moves and giant blue shoulder pads have be shipped to Malmö, along with a keyboard player dressed as a fluffy blue and yellow bird – presumably to represent both the EU flag but also conveniently repping Sweden. The LED wall is a manic visual tour of the lyrics, and the whole thing is three minutes of infectious dance energy, with Joost flanked on stage by two dancers in white tracksuits.
Thank you for wrapping up Day Four with your pure positivity, Netherlands. We definitely need a lie down. Photos coming soon!

Netherlands first rehearsal Eurovision 2024. Credit: Corinne Cumming/EBU


16:50 CEST: We are DONE for Day Four!
That’s Tuesday’s schedule done (bar a few remaining links) - only one day left of first rehearsals, for the Big 5 and host nation Sweden. That kicks off at 15:40 CEST on THURSDAY, with the running order currently United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, France, Spain, Italy.
Tomorrow we’ll be moving to the arena studio, and inviting each artist to join us for an AMA once they’ve completed their second rehearsal. So please add your questions in the links below, and we’ll see you tomorrow!
AMA round one!
AMA round two!
Thank you all for joining in, and we'll see you back in the arena on Thursday!


submitted by eurovision to eurovision [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 03:48 GM556 [PS1?][Mid-to-Late 1990's] A 3rd person beat-em-up extremely similar to SpikeOut, but for a home console instead of Arcade

Platform(s): Nearly positive it was on PS1, but there's a slight possibly it was on a Sega Saturn or another 5th-generation console. I really don't think it was an N64; I would have remembered the controller.
Genre: 3D 3rd-person Beat-em-Up, camera angle looked down on the action from above and to the side, and didn't seem to be focused on the player character. The camera was somewhat zoomed out, but not quite a bird's eye view - maybe a little closer than the large rooms in Resident Evil 1, but unlike RE1, the camera did pan along to follow the scene.
Estimated year of release: Mid to Late 1990's
Graphics/art style: As stated in the title, 100% I thought it was SpikeOut, but it turns out that SpikeOut didn't have a console release at the time period, from what I could find.
I remember a very dark alleyway or sewer (nearly black) with enemies that appeared to me at the time to be human. There was a chain-link fence and the scenes did not look like they were pre-rendered. I remember a slightly larger humanoid enemy appearing wearing urban camo or zebra-striped clothing of some kind, and the person playing the game said "He's the boss, I can't fight him yet." This boss character seemed to not notice the player character until he entered his proximity or line of sight, and then was beat up and lost.
It seemed like the setting was supposed to be contemporary, not sci-fi or fantasy. It had a very typical mid-1990's anime-adjacent present-day/near-future action game vibe. Like I said before, SpikeOut was so close to my memory, that I almost thought it was the game.
Notable characters:Other than the urban camo/ zebra striped boss character, I remember very little - not even what the player character looked like. There were 2 to 3 enemy types, all I think wearing mostly monochromatic outfits of either bright yellow, purple, or possibly red. I think I remember some baggy pants.
Notable gameplay mechanics: I unfortunately cannot remember anything other than walking around and defeating enemies. There may have been weapons the player could pick up. It seemed like you could back track a bit. The "boss" seemed to patrol a little section of the level. I believe the person playing was looking for health pickups or something to beat the boss. I don't think there was an inventory system. It also might have been multiplayer; I vaguely remember a discussion about letting me play, but I was so young and shy, and the controller seemed intimidating to me with all the buttons, so I didn't play myself.
Other details:I saw this game at my Dad's friend's house. His son, who was a few years older than me, was playing this game and I was watching. It as the mid-to-late 1990's, and I was probably about 6 or 7 years old. I didn't own any video games at the time, so that's why I didn't play and barely remember anything at all. I tried my best, but this is all I got.
submitted by GM556 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 03:09 Fantastic_Advice5418 SET QUESTION

What colors would fit her? I have no clue right now she’s in zebra stripes but it’s getting kinda of old.
submitted by Fantastic_Advice5418 to WildHorsesIslandsRbx [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 18:37 Candid-Capital714 Zebra is black with white stripes or is it white with black stripes?

I have been wondering about this since I was a little girl and it continues to bother me, maybe you can help
submitted by Candid-Capital714 to ask [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 17:57 Outside_Opinion2001 Changing Tastes

Just an observation, but I have noticed that when in a manic state, my clothing style is vastly different than when I’m not in a manic state. As an example, my most recent manic episode brought with it zebra stripes, cheetah print, a red velvet jacket, and saddle shoes.
My usual style is quite different though. I normally have a preference for military inspired clothing and rugged clothing such as cargo pants, solid quick dry shirts, tactical polos, and boots.
Does anyone else experience such swings in personal preferences? Not just clothing, but also music, food, etc. Just curious. Thanks in advance for your response.
submitted by Outside_Opinion2001 to bipolar [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 05:04 bstsales [FS] [USA] 🔥 Trusted Seller Personal Liquidation DISCOUNT STEALS 🔥 NKE J1 BRB SI GCCI BLCG YZY TB GCHY

Tagged photos + Timestamp:
I am vouched so accepting Zelle or PayPal FF. Please use Reddit chat instead of a PM if possible.
All items are brand new with tag in bag. Shipping depends on location (most likely $5 for West $7 for East). I strive to be the nicest and most professional seller on BST. All of my buyers can vouch for the quality of my service and products. Thanks for supporting me!
Item Price Size Color Photo
SI Tech Shirt $20 S/M Salmon
BRBY Socks SOLD Plaid
BRBY Socks SOLD Striped
BRBY Socks SOLD White
BRBY Socks SOLD Black
J1 $59 EU 40 Mocha
J1 $59 EU 40 Obsidian
J1 $59 EU 40 Purple
YZY 350 $59 EU 40 Refer to picture
YZY 350 SOLD EU 40 Zebra
OW NKE ARMX 97 $59 EU 40 White
GCCI Belt T Shirt $45 S (oversize) White
BLCG Paris Rue De Sevres $45 S (oversize) White
OW Rainbow $45 S (oversize) White
BLCG Mode $45 S (oversize) Gray
YSL Shirt $45 S Gray
BLCG Mode $45 S (oversize) Black
BLCG Mastercard $45 S (oversize) Black
GCCI Belt Shirt $45 S (oversize) Black
MNCLR Polo $45 S Green
BLCG 4 Shirt $45 S (oversize) Light Blue
BLCG Paris Rue Shirt SOLD S (oversize) Black
GVCHY Hoodie $55 S (oversize) Black
TB Sweats (lightly used) SOLD S (oversize) Gray
TB Sweats $49 S (oversize) Gray
TB Sweats SOLD S (oversize) White
Key words for automod: tagged photos PayPal invoice only timestamp
submitted by bstsales to FashionRepsBST [link] [comments]