Wisconsin ey25w carburetor

My Collection of Silly Band Names (and the title of their biggest hit song!)

2024.01.03 22:32 smaugchow71 My Collection of Silly Band Names (and the title of their biggest hit song!)

I'm so happy to have found this sub. I actually created my own sub for this, but never had a single visitor before they shut it down for inactivity. Many years ago I started a document and just let my brain flow with weird ideas for band names. I would add to it whenever the muse inspired me, and it wound up being a few pages long. I offer these to you now. I hope you find a chuckle at least. In many cases the "hit single" is just as viable as a band name. Enjoy!

Band Name – Hit Song Title
Jack Meehof and the Crank Wankin' Spankers - The Double Entedre Blues
Excremental Orgy – Just Say No
Jake Sweat and the Acne Archers – Root Canal Riot
Gnarly Charly and the Paint Huffers - Does This Look Infected To You?
Dick Cheney and Borg - Resistance is Futile
Fat Freddy and the Angina Boys - Lard Flavored Ice Cream
The Tiger Woods Trio - Suck My 7-Iron
McCauley Culkin and the Ass Masters - Jacko Touched My Pee Pee
Pink-eyed Pariah - Fiddlesticks On Fire
Gleep Wurp - Don't Bite My Eye
Drunken Sex - Why Does My Finger Smell Like Poop?
Creamy Beaver Cheese - Post Mortem Mambo
Yahoo Serious - Please Give Me A Job!
Wisconsin Wankers - Manglin' the Mackerel
Mega Maid - Suck to Blow
Underpaid Overachievers - Put that thing back where it came from or so help me…
Pernicious Pineapples - Part-Time Amputee
Nitro Nick and the Nipples - Asfing Tersay Swat
Ignorant Savant - Five plus Five is Toledo
Streptococal Studmuffins - Throat Culture Blues
Bonesaw McGraw - Bloody Splinter Blues
Horny Harry and the Happy Haikus - Buttsteak for Breakfast
Toxic Assets - Burn Down Your Bank
Obnoxious Rob and the Noisome Nerds - Orgasms in Space
Arrested Ted - Pepe Made Me Do It.
Arson Party - Screw you, Nancy!
Stupid Steve and the Strap-on All-Stars - Stupid is as Stupid Does.
Argent Arsehole - That's Gonna Leave A Mark.
"Turkey Gizzard" Gus - The Asparagus Blues
The Old Farts - What's That, Sonny?
Arch Nemesis - Boiled in Oil
Creepy Uncle - Don't Touch Me There
Silicone Sally and the Implants - Carburetor Canoli
The Puss-filled Eyeballs - Palestinian Pinata Party
Elrond and the Blowfish - Chillin' in tha Wood
Jimbo "Schwang" Doodly - Dick Jokes Are Funny.
Sloppy Joe and the Hot Grease Injection - The Saturated Fat Tango
The Snot Farmers - Ugly, Stupid and Easy
The Aluminum Assholes - Chugga Chugga Chugga
Russian Roulette Runner Up - That Stings.
The Moldy Muffins - Canker Sores From Mars
The Spurious Sponges - Linger Fickin' Good!
Googolplex - Large Number Theory
X-ray Pecs - Oompah Loompah Luau
The Shirt Burglars - Penny For Your Thighs
The Existential Extension Cords - Funky Crucifixion
Bocephus Buttsteak - Tin Can Cooter Blues
Codpiece Farmers - Jesus Lanced My Boil
The Well Hung Monks - Home Depot Ate My Baby
The Angry Ankles - Metacarpal Stew
Jaywalking Johnny and the Throbbing Clocks - Wesley Snipes Ate My Radio
The Nostril Gnomes - Sinusitis Shindig
The Crusty Bug Munchers - Flagellation Nation
Uncomfortable Ted and the Heebee Jeebies - Sux 2 B U
Funk Monkey Stew - Songs About Funking
The Australian Paraplegic Choir - Who Needs Legs?
Pablo Ulcerito - The Botched Vasectomy Blues
The Fargin Bastages - I put you bells in a sling!
The Crucified Crickets - I can see your house from here
Pitchfork Orchestra – Pitch a Tent
Seth Gecko and the Vampires - Asshole on My Elbow
The Elbow Collectors - Priapism Polka
Bone Saw Brigade - Lateral Meniscus Tear
The Jigglers - Purple Nurple
Skeezer McWheelie - Dimestore Dipstick
Ishkabibble Kibble - Toxic Milkshake
Pussy Wrecker - Smell My Finger
Toejam Orchestra - Don't do this to a family of badgers!
The B'wanga Boys - B'wanga my B'walls, B'witch!
Razorblade Buttplugs - Puss Runs Cold
The Whangdoodlies - Tattoo Targets
Stump Thumpin' Uglies - The Squirming Sphincter Blues
Schnauzer Rocket – Stairway to Van Halen
Slappy and the Hos - Pimping Midgets
Evil School Teachers - Flunk the Fucker
Extra Curricular Orgasms – Erogenously Zoned
Random Banjo – Feral Futons
Hangnail Hanky Panky – Egregiously Greased
Karly Kerosene – Ankles in the Air
Insomniac Zombies – Braaaaaains…and Coffeeeee
The Enormous Schwanzstuckers – Somewhere, Nowhere, Don’t Care
Larry Lickerpuss and the Dental Dams – Mmmmm! Salty!
The Disappearing Fat Men – Slap Me In The Butt
Billy Bob & the Superfluous Teeth – Are Congratulations In Order?
Betty Barsoom and the Feckless Bureaucrats – You Don’t Use a Hammer on Finger Nails
The Cancer Dancers – Tie It In A Knot And Shove It Up A Monkey’s Ass
Karl Marx and the Berlin Drag Queen Choir – Medically Induced Decapitation
Sister Megalodon – Prehistoric Panty Raid
Friendly Bob and the Fictitious Freckles – Erratic Erotica
Mary McGee and the Hypothetical Hookers – Tish I’m Tea
The Canker Sores – Herpe Highway
Spalted Beaver – Scratch That Itch
The Irregular Rhythmatists – Tracheotomy Trilogy
Corgi Cannibals – Torn to Bits
Willy Nilly – Brain Dead
Mr. Squirrel & The Bastard Doors – Don’t Care Anymore
The Weaponized Waffles – Women With Hairy Armpits
Festering Maw – Flying Shards o’ Broccoli
The Snowblowing Hobos – No Mo MoJo
Mini Minnie and the Short Jokes – Tall Enough to Kick Your Ass
Unlikely Mikey – Sexy Air Conditioner
Skroodly Voo and the Sticky Nipples – Back That Ass Up
Wally Wahoo – Westbound Easterners
The Load Bearing Timbers - Touchy-Feely Fandango
Tommy Cuckold and the Canooter Valves – I’ve Got A Bad Feeling About This
Arrogant Arugula – Torches and Pitchforks
Tea Party Terrorist – Line ‘Em Up, Mow ‘Em Down
Gunga Dim and the Challenged Chihuahuas – Cripple Buffet
Rump Raider and the Stinky Pinkies – Deadly Flatulence
The Prancing Nancies – Mui Macho!
Say It Like You Mean It - Coffee Can Full of Gunpowder
PTSD – IED in my BVDs
Fisted Sister – She Was Asking For It
June Fartoony – Cactus-flavored Bubble Gum
Marshal Law and the Dick Taters – Because I Said So
Stalin’s Bloody Moustache – Binge & Purge & Purge & Purge
Holly and the Holy Hellraisers – Ripsnort
The Perseus/Hercules Project – Horny as a Minotaur
Clyclopean Hopscotch – Depth Perception is for Pansies
Tim Benzadrino and the Oxycontin Cowboys – No, I’m Not High, Why Do You Ask?
Bob “Luftwaffe” Jones and the Map Coordinates – Is It Safe?
The Fuzzy Nuts – Nair Bear, Bare Bear
Bulbous Betty – Around the House
Twitchy Jim and the Booze Hounds – The 9mm Solution
The Kung-Fu Kangaroos – Kicking Ozz.
The Sexxy Trekkers – Bend Over Uhura
The Bad Apples – Ipad Enema
The Impacted Molars – Bicuspids are Assholes
Vikings on Holiday – Rape & Pillage that Salad Bar
Motorboat Bob and the Cleavage Cravers – Heavy Hooter Heaven
Bitchy Mitch and the Glitches – At a Medium Pace
Flexible Felix and the Split Tails – Bend Over, Rover.
White Noise Generator – Sssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Data Dump – Android Poop
The Skinny Bimbos – Chicken Leg Cha Cha
Kermit Noel – Stop! Just Stop!
Gangster Preschool – Playskool Pimp
The Languid Lumberjacks – Meh, Maybe Tomorrow
The Economic Indicators – Raise My Primary Rate
Hard Candy Mandy – Lick it Again
Stalker Bob – Sack full of Duct Tape
The Large Hardon Colliders – Adam Smashers
No Kill Shelter – Here Kitty Kitty Kitty!
Big Donnie and the Trumps – Bend Over, Baby!
The Noxious Few – Scared and Hateful
The Sacred Eyebrows – Enigmatic Energies
Go Hang a Salami – I’m a Lasagna Hog
Blubber Goblin – This Is Going Down Hill
Free Willy – Five Bucks
Hateful Ate – Hangry
The Oddly Specific Oglers – Fanfare for Dan Sullivan of Catrpenterville IA
The Nonsequiters – Paradiddle Nipple
Short Morty and the Bad Sports – Floor Length Pubes
Batman’s Ex-girlfriend – It’s Not Called the Bat Cave Anymore
The Sexy Nuns – God’s Getting Lucky Tonight
Illiterate Lucy – Burger Flippin’ Blues
The Booger Collectors – No, I don’t have a girlfriend, thanks for asking
The Nubby Stubs – Bloody Bandsaw Blues
Foolish Frank – I stuck my dick in crazy
Juggs McGinty and the Double D’s – My eyes are up here
Argyle Kyle and the Drafty Kilts – Mulligan Man
The Three Eyed Toads – Clownfish Custard
The Red Headed Stepchildren – Extra Beatings Tonight
Dumpster Headrush – Lick It
Steroids & Speed – I’LL KILL YOU ALL!!!
The Italicized Italians – Yo, emphasize THIS why don’cha?
Lies and Asparagus – Bonfire in My Apartment
Bitchy Messiah – You could have brought some Bactine, Peter!
Brussel Trout – Fish Fart
Barely Alive – Mostly Dead
Artisinal Fisticuffs – Fancy Fighter
Techno Gringo – The Salsa Verde Tango
French Nostrils – You got a better idea?
The Unionized Amish – Not My Job, You Button-Wearing Heathen
The Conjoined Twin Arch-Enemies – Damn, I Hate This Guy
Broken Haiku –
Hardcore Hegemony – I Don’t Know What Hegemony Means
Bingo Bango – Lard Fandango
Slow-mo Gringo – Mucho Dinero
Sideburn Sally and the Handlebars – Ride, Snookie, Ride
Random Pants – Caught in the Zipper
Artfully Ostracized – GTFO
The No-Show Bimbos – Rhyming is Hard
Eight Pounds of Tongue – Porno Barbecue
Here it Comes – Take it Back
Ground-up Ground-hog – Lick it and Stick it
Extry Effort – Work it, Twerk it
Elmo and the Slow-mo Homos – Slow and Stinky
Archipelago Applesauce – Icky Micky Made Me Sticky
Wooley Wantons – Soup Flavored Nuts
Gilda the Ghost and the Sexy Specters – How Do You Get a Condom on a Ghost?
Minnie’s Unmentionables – E-ticket Ride
The Near-Sighted Nose Doctors – Elective Surgery Regrets
The Boob Jobs – Buy Two, Get the Third Free!
The Free Jazz Highland Pipers – Fucking your ear-holes all night long
The Bad Ideas – Chewing Tinfoil
Chubby Chuck and the Chum Dumpers – The Shark Bait Blues
The Uncosolable Arachnophobes – WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!?!?!?!
The Long Tail Cats – Whores in Church
Wise Willy and the Eternally Enlightened Monks – Never Get the Cheapest Whore
Eagle Dick – Pre-chewed Chucklenuts
Boom-Skittles and the Slightly-Effeminate-Five – COVID Cartwheels
Torque McGee and the 500 Horsepower Trio – Burnout Turnout
Splendid Suspenders – Hike ‘em Up
Bad Kitty – Feed Me, Bitch
Pry Mary Key and the Secondary Indexes – Thrash My Database
submitted by smaugchow71 to Bandnames [link] [comments]

2023.04.01 17:56 jacgod777 Oil question

Oil question
I just picked up a 50s motor and wanted to know if I’m using the right stuff. What do you guys think?
submitted by jacgod777 to boating [link] [comments]

2023.02.02 04:51 assessment_bot [1 Minor] [May 18 2021] FLIGHT DESIGN GMBH CTLS, Racine/ WI USA

NTSB Preliminary Narrative

On May 17, 2021, about 2000 central daylight time, a Flight Design GMBH CLTS, N521CT, was involved in an accident near Racine, Wisconsin. The airplane was destroyed. The student pilot received minor injuries. The airplane was operated under Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 as an instructional flight. The student pilot stated that she departed from Batten International Airport (RAC), Racine, Wisconsin, at 1741, enroute to Burlington Municipal Airport (BUU), Burlington, Wisconsin, for a solo cross-country flight. The flight to BUU was uneventful until the student pilot reduced engine power in the BUU airport traffic pattern and encountered a severe engine vibration. The student pilot returned to RAC and attempted three landings on runway 14 but initiated go-arounds due to excessive airspeed and the vibration that occurred when the engine throttle was reduced. The student pilot stated that during the fourth landing attempt, the airplane touched down with too much energy and bounced several times on runway 14. The student pilot aborted the landing and attempted a climb by adding full engine power, but the airspeed decreased. The student pilot then headed toward a field to land the airplane, but it hit trees, a powerline, and a house. The airplane came to rest inverted, and the pilot was able to egress from the airplane without further incident. The airplane was destroyed by impact forces that resulted in numerous fractures through the composite fuselage, damage to the wings, and damage to the empennage. Postaccident examination revealed that the throttle cable leading to the right carburetor was fractured and separated at the carburetor’s throttle control arm. The throttle cable leading to the left carburetor and a cable that interconnected the right carburetor throttle control arm to the left carburetor control arm were intact and secure. The carburetor’s throttle control arms were spring loaded to the full open throttle position if a cable failure occurred. The left carburetor control cable could be swiveled at its throttle control arm attachment. The right throttle control cable could not be swiveled on its throttle control arm attachment. The right carburetor throttle cable appeared to be crushed near the fracture, which was at the aft/cockpit side of the throttle control arm. Metallurgical examination of the separated portion of the control cable that remained attached to the throttle control arm clamping bolt revealed deformation to the cable consistent with the clamping location along the cable having been adjusted at some previous time. The act of clamping the control cable to the throttle lever imparts deformation and bending to the cable when it becomes squeezed between the bearing surfaces of the clamping bolt head and captive washer. Close examination of the bearing surfaces on both the clamping bolt head and the captive washer revealed that there were imprints of the cable’s wires depressed into the bearing surfaces. The interference between the control cable and the bearing surfaces of this fixation design resulted in a tightly focused clamping force on the cable where it entered and exited the cross-drilled hole of the clamping bolt resulting in deformation of the cable and its individual wires. This deformation of the wires reduced their diameter and created stress risers that were susceptible to the formation of fatigue cracks. Scanning electron microscopy of the fractured ends of the throttle control cable revealed fracture features exhibiting crack progression marks consistent with fatigue fractures.

Aircraft and OwneOperator Information

Category Data Category Data
Aircraft Make: FLIGHT DESIGN GMBH Registration: N521CT
Model/Series: CTLS Aircraft Category: AIR
Amateur Built: N

Meteorological Information and Flight Plan

Category Data Category Data
Conditions at Accident Site: VMC Condition of Light: DAYL
Observation Facility, Elevation: KRAC, 674 ft MSL Observation Time: 1953
Distance from Accident Site: 1 nautical miles Temperature/Dew Point: 59°F / 52°F
Lowest Cloud Condition: CLER, 0 ft AGL Wind Speed/Gusts, Direction: 3 / 0 knots, 100°
Lowest Ceiling: 0 ft AGL Visibility: 10 statute miles
Altimeter Setting: 30.21 inches Hg Type of Flight Plan Filed: VFR
Departure Point: Burlington, WI, USA Destination:
METAR: KRAC 180053Z AUTO 10003KT 10SM CLR 15/11 A3021 RMK AO2 SLP229 T01500111

Wreckage and Impact Information

Category Data Category Data
Crew Injuries: 1 Minor Aircraft Damage: DEST
Passenger Injuries: Aircraft Fire:
Ground Injuries: Aircraft Explosion:
Total Injuries: 1 Minor Latitude, Longitude: 424513N, 0874817W
Generated by NTSB Bot Mk. 5
The docket, full report, and other information for this event can be found by searching the NTSB's Query Tool, CAROL (Case Analysis and Reporting Online), with the NTSB Number CEN21LA222
submitted by assessment_bot to NTSB_database [link] [comments]

2023.01.30 03:50 Rscpt Steno stuff2

aggressoragonyanalysisanalyzeanotheranyany ofany of theany of usanybodyanybody elseanybodyanyplaceanythinganywayanywhereanywhere elseas far asat the presentat the present timeenableenablingenoughfluoridatedgazettegratuitiesgratuitousinin ain ain factin herin hisin itin orderin ourin theinabilityinsideinsofar asinspectinspectorininkneeknewknobknotlitanylogomottonailnarrownaturalnaturallynaturenaughtnaynearnearbynearlynecessarynecessitatednecessityneednegatenegatingnegativenegativelynegativityneglectnegotiatenegotiatingneighborneighborhoodneighborhoodsneithernetnewnewspapernicenicetiesnightnonobodynoisenopenornosenot at the present timenotenothingnoticenoticednoticesnownumbernumbersnursenutson heron hisoutsiderespectSchlessingersizablysnapsuspectsuspectsunableunable tounderstoodunlessuntilwith respectwith respect towith respect to thezagzapzerozigzigzagzipzipperzipzoonowherein order toin order to benaturallyanything elseanalyzesanalysesinsideroutsidernowhere elsenothing likenothing like thatsnowsnipesneersnaresnarlsnoresneezenobody elsenothing elsewith all due respectso far asas farnowhere elseSnoopysnoopingsnipernaughtycoffee, now,respectedinspectedsuspectedrespectingso farnightlysniffZorronicelyanalyzedsnagsnaggedsnugsnailsZeusaboveachieveachievedalivealmostamamalgamambiguitiesammoamountamountedamountsand he needed to haveand he needs toand I amand I needed toapprovalapprovearguablyarmarrivalarriveassimilatingassumeat itsat meat mybecause he needed to gobehavebehaviorbeliefbelievebelieversblamecalmcamecameracemeteryclaimcomecomingcould havecould have beencould have hadcovercrimecriminalDaviddeliverdeliverydelvedeviatedevildid you havedid you meandid you need todo I need to dodo you havedo you meando you needdo you need todrivedriverdriveremptyemulateepidemicevereveryeverybodyeverythingeverywhereevidenceevilfamiliarfamilyfamousfarmerfarmfivefor itsfor mefor myforeverforgiveformformalformerfrom itsfrom mygamegavegiveHarvardhe needed tohe needed to behe needed to dohe needed to gohe needshe needs toheavyherbicidehimhomehoweverhumorhumorousI amI haveI have aI have beenI have hadI meanI needI need toI need to beI need to doI need to goI need to haveI needed toI needed to doI needed to goI needed to haveif you haveif you have beenif you have hadif you need toif you needed toif you needed to doI'mI'm aimmaterialin myincludeinclusiveit needsit needs toit needs to beitemI'veI've beenI've hadivyleavelet melevellive (long i)live (short i)lovemadammemomemorandummovemovienamenavigateneedneed toneed to beneed to doneed to goneed to haveneededneeded toneeded to doneeded to goneeded to haveneedsneeds toneeds to benervousnervousno neednormnormalnormallyobtrusiveof meof myon itson meon myoverover 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ayou have beenyou have hadyou meanyou needyou need toyou need to beyou need to doyou need to goyou need to haveyou needed toyou needed to goyou needed to haveyou'veyou've beenyou've hadzombiesthievesdeviousevidentfirearmformallyformerlyforemanforemenresumepresumememorandahimselfargueargumenthow manytoo manygive meget mereversallet me knowforgaverevolverevolverrevolvingwould you havecould you haveremainedremainderTomwhat do you meanwhich meansit meansthat meansretrievalretrieveroverlyhad you everhad you ever beenhas he ever beenhas he evereverything elsefamiliar withwhere you have beenthat you have beenthat you have hadshe meansso manyAmazonmurderaromabehaviorallovelymoversachieverarrivingdeviatingsecretivelyseverelysubstancesbalmpsalmpalmschemingroomingteamingslammingtimingblamingswarmingswimswimmingswimmerwarmingif I amthat I amamountingI assumeassumingitemsare you familiar with, I mean,materialwarmerarguableeverybody elseargumentativeif we haveif we have beencould havecould have 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neverknowledgelargelargelylargerlegitlegitimateleveragelinguinimagicmagicalmajormajormalfeasancemarriagemarginmarriagemessagemonetizemy friendsneverno goodnoddingon thisoriginoriginaloriginallyoriginatepackagepagepanaceapercentagepassagepatronpercentagepinnacleragerejectrendezvousreprehensiblescheduleseasonseasonalshe neverso badso thisspringsubjectsummersurgethat happenedthat happensthat neverthat theythat thisthat you ever hadthey happenthey've seenthievesthis happensthis neverto thistoo badurgevagranthave you ever seenvaluablevaluatevaluevamanosviolatevanvariabilityvariablevariousvariouslyvaryvasevaultventverbverbalvergeverifiableverifyverisimilitudeveritableveryvery badvery farvery fewvery goodvery wellvetvicariouslyvicevideovideotapeviewviolenceviolentvividvoicevoidvolumevotevowvowelwageswe neverwere theywere you everwhat happenedwhat happenswhat theywhat thiswhen theywhere theywinterwith thisyou nevermajoritytext messageregistermortgageindividualevaluatelegitimacyvariancevariancesinvolveinvolvedelevatorvariantvery manyviolateventureveteraninvoicesausageluggagein advanceavoidanceinvolvingvery biglegiblelegibilityprojectrepaginateejectmajority ofmajority of thethe majority ofthe majority of thehave to gohave to havea fewtoo bigindependentindependencemy friendelevatenever mindvendorknowledgeablevenerablebandagebaggagebadgeallegeallegedoutrageoutrageousbeverageveneratedveneratingregionregionalhave you beenindividuallyhostagemergedid you ever godid you ever sayshe happenedhave you seenescalateescalatorhave to dohave to sayconsonantconsonantsneverthelessThanksgivingChristmasmassageaccidentaccountaccountabilityaccountableaccountantaccountingaccountsactactingactoractressaffectaffectingagoaircraftalikeAmericaancillaryand you cananxietyanxiousapplicantaspectattack attackingattacksattractattractingautomaticautomaticallyaxebackbackgroundbacksbackwardbakebarksbecamebecomebecomingbicyclebikebillBillbinocularsblackblockblocksbludgeoningboxbracketbricksbrokebrokenbuckcharacteristiccharacteristicallycharacteristicscheckcheckschickcircuitclairvoyantclickclicksclockclockscockamamiecollectcollectingconcludeconductconductingconnectconnectingconstructconstructingcontactcontactingcontextcontradictcontradictingcontradictoryconvolutedcorkcorrectcorrectingcorrectlycrackcreakcreekcyclosporadawnDawndeductdeductingdetectdetectingdetectivedictatedictatingdirectdirectingdirectlydisingenuousDondonduckducksductecstaticeditrixeffecteffectingeffectiveelectricelectricalelectricityelectronicelectronicsencyclopediafactfactorfactoryfaxfixflexfocusfocusedfocusingfolksfoxfracasfrequencyfrequentGandalfgolf coursehackshaircuthe canhe can'theadacheheckhieroglyphicshoaxhow canI canif he can'tif I could if we can'tif you canif you can'tif you could incomeincontrovertibleindexinjectinjectinginstructinstructinginstructor; is that correct; is that right; isn't that correct; isn't that rightit canit can'tJackjackkicksknockknockslikelike alike tolike to belikedlikelylikeslocatelocatinglockslogiclogicallooklookingluckluckilylurkmakemake amakesmarkmarketmasculinitymaxmaximummechanicmechanicalmechanicallyMikemikemixmotorbikemotorcyclenextnincompoopokayontologicalpackpacksparkparticularparticularlyperpendicularpickpicketpicketingpickspicturepocketpracticalpracticallypredictpredictabilitypredictablepredictivepretextproductproductiveprospectprospectiveprotectprotectingprotectivereactreactingrecollectrecollectingreekrelaxrelaxedrestrictrestrictingRexRickrocketrockssacksackssecondsecondlyselectselectingserendipitousserendipityshe canshockshockssicksixslacksslicksneaksneakerssocksspeakspeakerspokespokenstacksstarkstatisticstatisticalstatisticssticksticksstockstocksstruckstructuralstructurestucksuckstalktalk abouttalk about ittalk about thetalkedtalked abouttalking abouttalkstalks abouttangentialtantrumtaxtaxabletaxedtaxestaxingtechtechnicalTelemundotextthat can'tthat couldthat he could that is correctthat is rightthat's correctthat's rightthickthis canticketticketingtracktrackstraffictrayTreytricktrickstricycletrucktrucksunadulterateduniquevehiclevehicleswalkwaxwe could weakweekweeklywhat canwhat couldwideningworkworkerworkersworkforceworkingworking onwrecksyou canyou can'tyou could Americancharactercharacterizemischaracterizeelectperspectivework onquicklytalking about thetalking about itcookiehurricaneforecastbroadcastchocolateaccidentalpoliticspoliticalincome taxokay.techniquetechniqueslike to doworked onattractivecollectivecollectivelyconnectiveconstructivecorrectivedictatorreactivereactornuclearrestrictiveselectiveselectivelyaccidentallydedicatededicatedfolkclairvoyancestaticin additionin addition toin addition to thebank accountchecking accountsavings accountpicnicacreattackerstatisticallytechnicallyaccentuateacquireonetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineten11121314151617181920233037404850516066707380859094‘70‘72‘80‘87‘90‘96‘99third~,~~.~$~hundred1002003004005001022343464545251200thousand600070008000900010millionone milliontwo millionthree millionfour millionfive million billionsix billionseven billioneight billionnine billionten billiontrillionone trillion two trillionthree trillionfour trillionfive trilliondollar dollarshundred dollarshundred-dollar1006007008009001200thousand dollarsthousand-dollar10002000300040005000million-dollarmillion dollars$6 million$7 million$8 million$9 million$10 millionbillion dollars$1 billion$2 billion$3 billion$4 billion$5 billiontrillion dollars$6 trillion$7 trillion$8 trillion$9 trillion$10 trillion123456789010121314152050463324351647382961122334455667788991002004005001500230072008400310011002200440066001000200030009000150002500011000220007700099000107710020003400630001st2nd3rd4th11th22nd25th30th41st75th1000025000090000070000023000080000~,000and I went toand wentapartmentapproachas muchas much asas suchat whichatticback doorback homebackyardbasementbatchbathroombeachbedroomblackoutboundarybreachingcabincabinetcatchingceilingcellarclosetcoachcockycondocondominiumcreaturedaisyditchdownstairsdrivewayeachestatefaultyfeatureflagrancyfor whichfoyerfreebiefrom whichfront doorfront yardfuturefuzzygaragegardengiddyGlenmorangiegloomygrannygreasygutsyhe wenthe went tohe went to thehow muchI wentI went toI went to theicyif you wentif you went to thein and outin suchin whichinasmuch asincalculableincalculablyit went to it went to theitchingJennyJimmyjuicyKatiekitchenlaundryliving roomloftloftylot of theLouielousymacaronimatchmommymortgagemuchmuddymurkynannyneedyof whichofficeon whichpatiopeachpennypitchpitchedpoliticpreachpremisespropertypurchaseraconteurreachreachesreachingreal estateresidenceresidentialrestroomrichrosyrubyscratchessealingshe wentshe went toshe went to theshinglesidewalkso muchso much asso you went to thespeechstretchstudiosuchsuch asuch ansuch asswitchteachthat went to thethey wentthey went tothey went to thetizzyto whichTomTommytoo muchtouchtouchytrickyunder whichup and downupperupside downupstairsvernacularvery muchVinnywarywatchwatchingwe wentwe went towe went to thewentwhen he went towhen I wentwhen I went towho wentwho went towho went to theWilliewitchwith whichyou wentyou went toyou went to thesandwichcrosswalkdining roomin and out of thepretty muchfreewayhighwayexpresswaythat muchand whichspeedwaystitchesalongamongbangbankbanksbelongblankbrinkbunkchangechunkcrankdangerdangerousdid you thinkdo you thinkdo you think sodrankdrinkdrinkerdrinkingdrunkdunkfingerfrankfringeganghanghe thinkshonkhow longI don't think soI thinkI think soif you thinkjunkkingKinglengthlengthylinklinkslonglongerlungno longerorangepinkplankprankpunkrangrangerankringsankshrinksingsingssinkslangslinksongstrangestrengthstrengthenstringstringsstrongstungsunkswingsynctankthankthank youthank you very muchthanksthey thinkthey think sothingthingsto thinktoo longtrunkvery longwingwinkwrongyou thinkyou think soyoungFranklength of timeI can't thinkyankmonkeyamong usI don't thinkwhat do you thinkwhere do you thinkdonkeyanklebargainlingerclinicclinicalwhy did you thinkstrangerrangerchangerdon't thinkyoungerwhy do you thinkblanketspongestrongerpanictrinketclinicallyhunkblinkblinkedI didn't thinkHank11th12th1313th14th15th16th17th18th19th20thachieveachievementacknowledgeacknowledgementactuallyagreeagreementailmentand sheannouncementapartapartmentappointappointmentashashesassessmentassignassignmentassortassortmentastonishedattachattachmentbasementbashbathbecause shebeneathBethbirthbothbreathbreathebrushbushcashcherishcherishedclothconscienceconsciouscrashcrucialdashdeathdegreedepthdepthsdetachdetachmentdid shedishdominancedominantdominateearthefficientefficientlyeighthelementelementaryenvironmentenvironmentalequipequipmentespeciallyessentialessentiallyfacetiousfactualfactuallyfaithfatuousfermentfifthfilthfinanciallyfinishfishflashfor sureformallyformerlyforthfourthfreshgoshgrowthhealthif sheinitialinitiallyinitiateinitiativeinsatiableinvolveinvolvementinvolvingis sheissuejudgmentKeithlamentlanguishmake suremathMattmeasurementmethmethodmomentmomentousmomentummouthmovementmythmythologicalninthoccasionoccasionaloccasionallyofficialofficiallypartialpartiallypartypathpatiencepatientpavementpaymentpermitplantar fasciaPollyannishpotentialpotentiallypreciouspunishpunishmentpushreasonablyreimbursereimbursedreimbursementrequirementretirementrushRuthsacrificesacrificialsegmentselfishselfishnessSethseventhshipmentsixthslashedslushSmithsmoothsouthspaciousspatialspecialspecializespecialtystashstatementstatisticallystealthsubconscioussubstantialsubstantiallysuccessfullysufficesurreptitioussuspicioustantamountteethtenththat shethirdtoothtransittrashtrashytreatmenttruthultimatelyultimateunconsciousunusualunusuallyusualusuallywashwasheswealthwealthywhat shewhen shewishworthworthlesswrightWrightwritheyouthefficiencyworthycasualefficacyefficaciousfor aboutfigmentpigmentsignatureclotheclothesclothingnorthhealthyPatcasuallyessentiallypatientlydisagreedisagreementmonumentmonumentalmake sure toconscientiousunconscionableagreeabledisagreeableanthropologicalanthropologyconsciousnessmashspecioussubconsciouslysmashartificialartificiallyboothcrushblushstealthystealthcautiouscautiouslyemptyaccomplishaccomplishingaccomplishmentadjustadjustedadjustmentagingangstanimosityantihistaminesarguearguingargumentarrestarrestedartistbackingbeggingbellyachingbelongingsbestblockingbookingsboostbraggingbrakebrakingbreakbreakingbustcastcastigatedcentristschargingcheckingchestChristcoastcongestingcookingcostCostellodiggingdrinkingdusteastenvironmentalistfastfastidiousfestoonedfinishingfirstfishingfreakingghostguesthanginghostincestuousjokingjustkickingknockingLancasterlastleakingleastlikinglistlostmakingmakingsmarkingmarkingsmastermasteringmistmockingmolestmostmostlymustmysteryneedingneighborhoodsneighboringorderorderingorganizeorganizeorganizedorganizingpackagingpackingpastpickingsplasterpostpostulatedpreposterouspublicitypunishingpushingrankingrelaxingrestringingrobbingrockRostenkowskiseekingshellackingshockingshrinkingsingingsmokingspeakingstabbingsstockingsstunningsuckingsuggestsuggestingtalkingtastetesttestingthankingtrackingtrashingtrustunbeknownsturgingvastveracitywaistwalkingwashingwastewestwishingworstwringingat leastfastermust havemust have beenmust have hadmake antremendoustremendouslyfastingwastingrestingtrustingmust bejust likemost of youmost of usmost ofmost of theampbumpcampchimpclampcompdampdumphumpjumplamplimplumppumprampromprumpshrimpslumpstampstompstumpswamptamptemptrumpumpwimpcrumblecrumblinggamblegamblinggrumblejumblemumbledmumblingnimbleramblingscrambleshamblesstumblethimbletrampletrembletremblingassembleampledimpledumplingssamplesimpletempletrampletramplingcrumpleamblefumblehumbletumbleresemblerumbleI reallyyou reallythat reallyit reallyto reallyhe reallyshe reallycampusrampantbumperjumperassemblysimplyrumpleaggregategratuitygratuitousminimizeobituaryobnoxiousobsequiousrealmsolemntemperaturetemperatehelmDumpstermust beI can't reallyI don't reallyI didn't reallyI couldn't reallytampertamperingPresident TrumpTrumpPresident ObamachimpanzeechimpanzeesplumparchchurchlurchmarchparchparchedperchporchscorchsearchstarchbenchbranchbrunchbunchclenchclinchcrunchdrenchedfinchesflinchFrenchhunchinchlaunchlunchpinchpunchquenchstaunchstenchtrenchwinchwrenchresearchresearchersearchingtorchsearchera bunch ofsquare inchlaunchingpinchedranchdaylightflashlightheadlighthighlightmoonlightsearchlightspotlightstarlightstoplightsunlighttaillighttwilightgreen lightred lightyellow lightstreet lightsunlightsignal lightBuickCadillacChevroletChevyChryslerGMGeneral MotorsHondaHyundaiJaguarKiaLincolnMercedesNissanToyotaVolkswagenaccelerateacceleratorautomobilebackseatbrakesbumpercarburetorconsoleenginefront seatgasolinehelmetmirrormotorbikemotorcyclepassengerpickup truckrear-view mirrorseat beltspeedometersteering wheelSUVvehiclewindshieldmiles an hourmiles per hourneutralPlymouthsedanBMWAudiLexusFordRolls-Royceair bagscooterreverseDodgeHarleybatterydashboardblackboardpickupMercedes-Benzteacherpreachera whole buncha whole bunch offloorboardPorschePontiacYamahaSuzukiMitsubishiyour vehiclethe vehicleKawasakisignalHarley-DavidsonMazdabrake lightsgas stationtemperbarfdwarfNerfscarfserfsmurfsurfsurfingturfwharfcarvedcurvedwarvesnerveservestarveswerveconservepreservereservebasicbaskbaskingclassicclassicalclassicallydeskdiscdiskduskflaskfriskhuskhusksmaskmusicmusicalmuskriskriskingtasktuskhistoricplasticspecifictoxicserversscarvesservesbasicsbriskhistoryhistoricalspecificallyactiveactivelyactivityactivismactivistcarvehistoricallydrasticdrasticallyterrifictrafficriskybasicallybasketconservingpreservingreservingserveractivatedactivatingmosquebattlebeetlebottlebrutalcattledentalfatalgentlehotelhurtlekettlemaritalmentalmetalmortalmotelpetalportalrattlesettleshuttlestartlesubtletattlethrottletitletotalturtlevitalhotelstitlesbottlesrattledbattledstartledlittlebridalbundlecandlecoddlecradlecuddledoodledwindlefeudalfiddlefondlehandlehuddlehurdleidlekindleladlemedalmiddlemodelmuddleneedlenoodlepaddlepedalpiddlepoodlepuddleriddlesaddlescandalstraddleswindletidalvandalcuddlescandlespaddlesmodeledhandledsaddledmetalmetalsmedalsmedaledmeddlemeddlesmeddledfutilebridlepeddlein thatabout thaton thatfor thatto thatwith thatall thatdo thatand thatand that'sa littlelittle bita little bithow littlein a littleso littletoo littlevery littleabout thatall thatand thatdo thatfor thatin thaton thatto thatwith thathow thatso thatand that'sall that'sbecause that'sif that'sit'llthat'llthat thatorientorientalOrientalincidentincidentalincidentallyincidentsincidencesubmitsubmittalsettledtotallysocietysocietiessocietalbattlesmodelsso it'safter thatupsetAlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareFloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyomingWashington, D.C.orientedorientingsandalfundamentalfundamentallysubtletyfertileall of thatall of thisso that I wasso that he wasn'tso that you wereso that weso that we wentso that you hadfertilitydoes thatgentlyaccelerationaccumulateaccumulationacetylationactactionactionsactivateactivationadditionadditionaladditionallyadministrateadministrationadmissionadmitadmittanceadulationaffiliateaffiliationalliterationamalgamationamplificationappleAppleappreciateappreciationassertassertionassociateassociationat that particular timeat the presentat the present timeattentionattractattractionauctionauctionedauctioningbeaglebogglecalculatecalculationcan you tell mecaptioncautioncelebratecelebrationcertificatecertificationcharacterizationchucklecirclecollectcollectioncommissionconceptconceptionconclusionconnectconnectionconsiderationconsultconsultantconsultationcontinuationcontritioncooperatecooperationcorrectcorrectioncorruptcorruptioncould you tell mecreatecreationcultcycledeductiondestinationdestinydetectdetectiondirectdirectiondiscriminatediscriminationdiscriminatorydocumentdocumentationdonatedonationdonoreagleeducateeducationeducationaleliminateeliminationemancipationevaluateevaluationevolutionevolutionaryfacilitatefacilitationfacilityfacultyfashionfatalityfractionfrecklefrictionfunctionfunctionalgenerationgogglesGooglegoogolgraduate (noun)graduate (verb)graduationgratificationgurglehacklehaggleheckleignitionimaginationin additionin addition to thein the casein this casein this particular caseinclinationsinculcationindicateindicationindicativeinforminformationinseminationinspectioninstructinstructioniterationiterativejugglejunctionjusticejustificationjustifyknucklelimitlimitationlocatelocationMacMac~MacintoshMackMc~McDonaldMcDonald'smentionmentionmentionedmentioningMickmissionmortificationmotionmotivatemotivationmotivemultiplemultiplicationmultiplynationnecknegotiatenegotiationnickNicknickelnotificationnotifynotionobfuscationobjectionobservationobsessionoceanoperateoperationoperationaloppositionoptionorganizationorientorientationparticipationpassionpassionatepensionperceptionperfectionpermissionperpetuationpollutepollutionpopulatepopulationportionpositionpredictionpreparationpresentpresentationprestigiouspresumepresumptionproductionprojectprojectionpromotepromotionpromulgationproportionproportionalproportionatepropositionpropulsionprotectprotectionqualificationramificationsrationrationalrationalerationalizationrationallyrationedrationingreactreactionrecitationrecitationsrecognitionrecommendationrectificationrecyclerecyclingregisterregistrationregulateregulationregulatorregulatoryrejectionrepercussionsrepresentrepresentationresignationrestrictrestrictionresumeresumptionretaliationrevolutionrevolutionarysatisfactionsatisfysectionselectselectionsensationsessionshacklesituationsituationalsnugglesolutionstarvationstationstragglestrugglesubjectionsucklesuspiciontackletaxationtelevisiontensiontheoreticiantickletoggletractiontraditiontraditionaltraditionallytransactiontransactionstranscripttranscriptiontransmissiontransporttransportationtricklevacationvaluatevaluationvariationversionviolateviolationvisionwiggleassumeassumptioneditionclaritycalculatorcircularnationalnationalityidentifyidentityidentificationtransmittransmittaltransitionadministeradministeringadministratorregularregularityfiction~ificationtransactbulgebucklesignificantlysickleartificialtransitionalsatisfactorysignificanceassertiveelectionelectpossessionsuspicioustransmittingI appreciateI appreciate itdocumentaryeliminatedoccasionoccasionalemotionemotionalregulationstransactingsignificancebugledejectdejectiondistributioncontributiongenerateejectejectedejectionapplicationamplifiesanecdotalanecdoteascendassureastigmatismattractiveavoidedblindblindedchasmconstantcrowdcrowdeddescenddigitizingeffectiveEisenhowerenchiladaensureevidenceevidencedexpandexpandedexpanseexpansionexpansiveexpediencyexpenseexpensiveexperienceexperiencedexperimentexperimentalexperimentationexpertexpirationexpireexpiredexplainexplanationexplanatoryexplodeexplodedexploitexploitationexplorationexploreexplosionexplosiveexportexposeexposedexposingexposureexpressexpressedexpressingexpressionexpressiveexpulsionfundfundedguardguardedhandhandedhaphazardhas tohas to behas to dohas to gohas to haveheadheadedhealth carehealth insuranceincentiveinformativeinsaneinsectinsertinsightinstallinstallationinstanceinstantinstantlyinsteadinstead ofinstead of theinstituteinstitutioninsulateinsulatedinsulationinsultinsultinginsuranceinsurance companyinsurance policyinsureinsuredinsurerlandlandedloadloadedmissmissingobjectiveperplexedreactivereminiscingrespectiverisquésanitizerschismseparateseparatesseparationskepticismsoundsoundedspasmspidersubjectivesupersuperiorsuperioritysupplementsupplementalsuppliersupplysupplyingsupportsupportersupportivesupposesupposedsupposed tosupposed to besupposed to dosupposed to gosupposed to havesupposedlysupposingsuppresssuppressionsupremesurpasssurplussurplusessurprisesurprisessurroundsurroundeduninsuredusableused toused to beused to doused to goused to havewoundwoundedchild careassuranceinsanityexpedientexpedienceinspireinspiringinspirationinspirationalexplorerextensiveextensivelysentenceconstantlysurroundingsurroundingsseparatelyascendedascendingdescendeddescendingascentdescentday careassuringassurancessurprisinglyexpendsuspendsurprisedrespectivelyeffectivelyinstitutionalinsertioninceptionaccompaniedaccompanyalligatoranimalapostleappraisalarousalbeagleblood vesselbristlebuffalocaninecastlecausalchickenchimpanzeechiselcolossalcompactcompanioncomparablecomparativecomparativelycomparecomparisoncompassioncompatibilitycompatiblecompelcompellingcompetecompetedcompetencecompetentcompetingcompetitioncompetitivecompetitorcompilecompilingcomplaincomplaintcomplementcompletecompletelycompletioncomplexcompliancecompliancycompliantcomplimentcomplycomponentcomposecomposedcomposingcompositioncompoundcomprehendcomprehensiblecomprehensioncompresscompressioncompressorcomprisecomprisingcompromisecompulsioncompulsivecomputecomputercomputerscoyotecrocodiledazzledieseldinosaurdonkeydorsaldrizzleelephantexacerbatedexacerbationexactexactlyexaggerationexamexaminationexamineexaminerexampleexceedexceededexceedingexcelexcellenceexcellentexceptexcept forexceptionexcerptexcessexcessiveexcessivelyexciseexciteexcitedexcitementexcitingexecexecutiveexemplarexemplaryexemptexemptionexerciseexertexertedexhaustexhaustionexhaustiveexhibitexileexistexistenceexitexpectexpectationexpectedextendextendedextensionextensiveextensivelyextentexteriorexternalextinguishextinguisherextortextortionextraextractextractionextractionsextrasextremeextremelyextrudeextrusionextrusivefelinefrazzlefrizzleglossalhamsterhazelhippopotamushustleincompetentincompleteincomprehensibleinspectjostleleopardlionlizardmenopausalmissilemonkeynasalnozzlenuzzlepenguinperusalponypuzzlerabbitrazzle-dazzlerecusalreprisalreptilerespectrhinocerossizzlespousalsquirrelstreamstreamedsuspectswizzlethistletigertrestleturkeyturtleunaccompaniedunexpectedvesselveterinarianveterinaryweaselwhistlewolfwrestlezazzlezebracompensatecompensationmammalamphibiancompilationmusclecomputationcompartmentExhibit Numberincompatibleexaggerateexaggeratingextraordinaryextraordinarilypistolcomposercompassionateincompetenceexertionexhibitioncomprehensivecomplexitycomplicatecomplicatedpolicyincompatibilityexceedinglycomplimentarycomplementaryextractingblood pressureexcisioncomprehensivelycomplicationcomplicationscomplexionansweredcan hecommacommandcommandercommandingcommencecommencedcommencementcommencescommendcommendingcommentcommentedcommentingcommercecommercialcommissioncommissionercommitcommitmentcommittedcommitteecommitteescommittingcommodecommoncommonalitycommonlycommotioncommunecommunicatecommunicatingcommunicationcommunitycommutecommuterconferconferenceconfessconfessionconfideconfidenceconfidentconfidentialconfidentialityconfidentiallyconfidentlyconfidingconfigureconfineconfinementconfirmconfirmationconflictconformconfoundconfoundedconfoundingconfrontconfrontationconfrontingconfuseconfusingconfusionconvectionconveneconvenienceconvenientconventconventionconventionalconvergeconvergenceconversationconverseconverselyconversionconvertconvertibleconvexconveyconveyorconvictconvictionconvinceconvincedconvoyconvulseconvulsionconvulsiveinconvenienceinconvenientqueenqueensQueensconfigurationcommandmentconformationcommodityconventional wisdomconfectionconfectionscommerciallyeconomyeconomiceconomicaleconomicallyeconomisteconomicscommendedsubcommitteecommodiusconformityconfrontationalcommunalconflictingconflict of interestcommunicativeconfidedconversationalascentcontributecontributingcontributiondeceaseddeceitdeceivedeceivingdecencydecentdeceptiondecidedecideddecipherdecisiondepartdeparteddepartmentdependdepend ondependencedependencydependentdependingdepending ondependsdepends ondepictdepictiondepletedepletiondeplorabledeploredeploydeploymentdepodeportdeportationdeposedeposingdepositdepositeddepositiondepositsdepraveddepravitydepreciatedepressdepressingdepressiondeprivedeprivingdescentdescribedeservedesigndesignatedesignateddesignerdesiredesirousdesperatedesperatelydesperationdespitedespite thedespite the factdestructdestructiondestructivedisabilitydisableddisagreedisagreementdisappeardisappearancedisappointdisappointeddisappointmentdisapprovaldisapprovedisarmdisarmingdisassembledisassociatedisassociationdisasterdiscerndisciplinediseasedisgracedisgracefuldisgustdisgustingdishonestdislikedisloyaldismantledismaydismissdismissaldisorderdisowndisparatedisparitydispatchdispeldispensedispenseddispersaldispersedispiriteddisplacedisplaydisposabledisposaldisposedisputedisregarddisrespectdisruptdisruptingdisruptiondisruptivedissectdissentdisservicedissipatedissociatedissociationdissolvedistancedistantdistinctdistinctivedistinctivelydistortdistortingdistortiondistractdistractiondistraughtdistressdistributedistributingdistributiondistributordistrictdistrustdisturbdisturbancedisturbingdizzinessdizzydoesdoes adoes hedoes he godoes he havedoes itdoes notdoes shedoes thedoes thisdoesn'tdysfunctionalfunctional
submitted by Rscpt to u/Rscpt [link] [comments]

2022.12.23 17:05 penkster Does warming up your car damage the engine? I'm skeptical.

So this is making the rounds today. An article from a car dealership in Wisconsin is sayin....
Warming up your vehicle can actually shorten the life of your engine, by letting your vehicle idle in the cold you are actually stripping away oil from the engine’s pistons and cylinders each time you do this. While you may wonder where this myth came from since it’s not true, it’s because it was once based on facts. Jake Scheafer the Service Director at Smart Motors’ says before cars and trucks were equipped with fuel management systems, they relied on carburetors and simpler fuel system management which did need significant time to warm up. He also stated “Vehicles manufactured post-1980 have fuel management systems designed to heat up the engine fairly quickly. Under normal wintertime circumstances, idling your car or truck for about 30 seconds is all it takes to get the engine above 40 degrees; ideal for typical operation.”
To my mind, this seems to be making some ridiculous statements, like "an engine idling is stripping oil off the cylinders" - rough for anyone stuck in traffic or sitting at a traffic light?
This article has made it into a couple fact checkers saying "YES, IDLING YOUR CAR TO WARM IT UP CAN DAMAGE YOUR ENGINE" - and I'd like to get some other perspective on this.
My gut feel is the article is wrong, and is making some poor conclusions. Yes, fuel systems are better now, and you don't need to 'warm up the engine' as much as you used to to let it run well. But that doesn't mean idling an engine is damaging for a few minutes so you don't freeze your ass off before leaving for work.
What do folks think?
submitted by penkster to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2022.01.31 03:12 Kuzmaboy PSA for old, entitled customers…

Just because we sell a product in our store, doesn’t mean we’re going to always carry replacement parts and accessories for it.
I work at a Wisconsin based retail company (rhymes with charm & sleet)
Had a fine gentleman come into work today at the small engines service desk at work (I’m the automotive associate, but I’m trained in small engines assistance). And he was looking for a replacement piece for his ice auger
We carry the simple replacements for small engines parts (solenoids, fuel lines, carburetor kits, etc) he was looking for a specifc part for his engine, which is gonna be a special order from an outside source
He tells me that it’s for a strike master Ice auger, which we don’t carry blueprints for, so I cannot order this part.
“But you guys sell their products, so you should sell their replacement parts!!!”
-we also sell John Deere merchandise, yet JD strictly sells their replacement parts through John Deere specific stores. Turns out this is the case through strike master, who sells their parts through their parent company, Rapala.
Before I could explain any more info, he interrupts me with a “I’ll take my money somewhere else!!!”……and good riddence.
submitted by Kuzmaboy to retailhell [link] [comments]

2021.08.18 14:56 bous_clan carburetor on wisconsin vh4d throttle arm hitting exhaust manifold gasket is in place but still won’t fully close or fully open how can i fix this

carburetor on wisconsin vh4d throttle arm hitting exhaust manifold gasket is in place but still won’t fully close or fully open how can i fix this submitted by bous_clan to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2021.03.11 00:30 Savager_Jam Roadside repairs to practice

Hey everybody!
This summer I intend to take my '77 standard (Carburetor Converted) on the northern half of the Lake Michigan Circle Tour with my younger brother, as well as a few other short camping road trips.
The route leads up through the U.P. through some fairly sparsely populated areas of Wisconsin and Michigan, and I want to be prepared to deal with mechanical failures when they happen.
I've got a decent sense of the tools I should be carrying, but I want to familiarize myself with the procedures to correct the most common issues so that I can practice them until I'd be able to do them at night, in the rain, etc...
From your experience what are the most common things to have to repair on road trips that I should practice, and are there any preventative things I should be doing in preparation?
submitted by Savager_Jam to beetle [link] [comments]

2020.10.09 13:05 guns_n_gardenias Custom Word List of Commonly Mispelled (yes, that was on purpose) Words!

It is I, back with another custom word list, inspired by the many misspellings I make while playing skribbl! Feel free to add or subtract as you please. Some of these are taken from grammar websites, some are just misspellings of my own, hehe. Have fun!
P.S. I'm sorry if I misspelled anything on this list.
P.P.S. This is in American English. British people, don't @ me, make your own list if you're not happy about it :(((
Word list:
aardvark, apparel, accommodate, adultery, aggressive, affidavit, acceptable, accelerate, accomplish, accumulate, acknowledge, acquaintance, aficionado, axle, accordion, apology, anointment, accidentally, assess, acquit, allele, a lot, achieve, acquire, across, address, advertise, advice, amateur, atheist, among, apparent, argument, athlete, awful, balance, basically, becoming, barbed wire, barbiturate, beginning, barbecue, beautiful, buttress, broccoli, bookkeeping, balloon, before, beginning, believe, bellwether, benefit, breathe, brilliant, business, careful, camouflage, cantaloupe, candidate, chaos, carburetor, calendar, changeable, collectible, coliseum, commemorate, congratulations, cache, cousin, cacophony, coolly, colonel, column, coma, comma, committed, capital, conscience, conscious, consensus, category, chauvinist, cartilage, ceiling, cemetery, certain, chief, citizen, canceled, consequences, coming, competition, convenience, criticize, daiquiri, defendant, defiant, desiccate, diminutive, dilemma, desperate, deterrence, development, diorama, dying, dumbbell, drunkenness, decide, definite, deposit, describe, desperate, develop, difference, decision, dilemma, disappear, disappoint, discipline, does, during, easily, eight, ecstasy, especially, either, embarrass, environment, equipment, exaggerate, except, exercise, existence, expect, exhilarate, exceed, experience, experiment, explanation, electoral, espresso, familiar, favorite, focaccia, fricassee, fascinating, fiery, finally, foreign, forty, fluorescent, fourth, flotation, fulfill, flabbergast, forward, friend, fundamental, gauge, grateful, generally, government, guttural, gross, grammar, giraffe, greenery, guarantee, goggles, guidance, harassment, hierarchy, handkerchief, hypocrisy, horrific, happiness, heroes, humorous, hygiene, identity, imaginary, imitation, immediately, incidentally, independent, intelligent, interesting, interfere, inoculate, incommunicado, intelligence, indispensable, interpretation, interruption, invitation, irrelevant, irritable, ingenious, irascible, ingenue, island, jewelry, jealous, judgment, kernel, knowledge, labeled, llama, lightning, lollipop, liquefy, laboratory, leisure, length, lesson, liaison, library, license, loneliness, losing, lying, laying, maintenance, maneuver, mnemonic, medieval, memento, marshmallow, misogyny, missile, mauve, mayonnaise, moot, millennium, mischievous, misspell, marriage, mathematics, medicine, miniature, minute, mysterious, naturally, necessary, neighbor, neither, nauseous, nocturnal, noticeable, occasion, occurred, official, often, omission, operate, optimism, original, onomatopoeia, ought, paid, parallel, pastime, personnel, playwright, pronunciation, parliament, parentheses, peninsula, processor, principal, publicly, particularly, peculiar, perceive, perform, permanent, physical, piece, pigeon, pistachio, preferable, plagiarize, propagation, pollution, Presbyterian, prescription, persevere, personally, persuade, picture, piece, planning, pleasant, political, possessive, possible, practical, prefer, prejudice, presence, privilege, pneumonia, probably, professional, promise, professor, proof, psychology, quantity, quarter, questionnaire, quarantine, quiet, queue, quite, realize, receive, recognize, receipt, raspberry, resume, refrigerator, remembrance, renowned, recess, ridiculous, referral, reference, recommend, religious, repetition, restaurant, rhythm, ridiculous, sacrifice, schedule, salary, savvy, sincerely, sandal, seize, sandwich, suffragette, septuagenarian, sheriff, siege, silicone, special, sergeant, supersede, safety, subtle, scissors, separate, shining, sleepless, similar, sincerely, soldier, speech, spaghetti, stopping, strength, studying, succeed, successful, surely, surprise, tariff, triathlon, tongue, tomorrow, taffeta, tattoo, tomorrow, temperature, temporary, they, their, threshold, tyranny, through, toward, tries, truly, twelfth, until, unusual, using, ukulele, upholstery, underrated, usually, vicious, veteran, vacuum, village, withhold, weird, welcome, whether, weather, whet, writing, welfare, yacht, Caribbean, Colosseum, Dalmatian, Fahrenheit, Pharaoh, Alzheimer's disease, Antarctica, Arctic, February, Philippines, Mediterranean Sea, Morocco, Columbia, Colombia, Connecticut, Google, Johannesburg, River Thames, Versailles, Stonehenge, Marseille, Macchu Picchu, Leicester, Cincinnati, Ottawa, Wednesday, Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Albuquerque, Tennessee, Mississippi, Worcestershire, Kathmandu, Marrakech, Croatia, Scotland, Reykjavik
submitted by guns_n_gardenias to skribbl [link] [comments]

2019.04.13 02:46 RGallagher28 Help- Wisconsin 3 wheeler engine.

Can’t find a belt for a Wisconsin ey25w 120012, anyone know what it might be?
submitted by RGallagher28 to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2019.02.23 21:44 assessment_bot [ Non-Fatal ] [ 01/19/2019 ] Stinson 108, Keshena/ WI

On January 19, 2019, about 1130 central standard time, a Stinson 108-1 airplane, N97969, impacted trees and a road while executing a forced landing near Keshena, Wisconsin. The pilot and one passenger sustained serious injuries and two passengers sustained minor injuries. The airplane sustained substantial damage. The airplane was registered to a private individual and was operated by the pilot under the provisions of Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 91 as a visual flight rules personal flight. Day visual meteorological conditions prevailed at the time of the accident, and no flight plan was filed. The local flight originated from the Waupaca Municipal Airport (PCZ), Waupaca, Wisconsin, about 1100.
The pilot reported that the purpose of the personal flight was to travel to Ford Airport (IMT), Iron Mountain, Michigan. While in cruise flight, the engine sustained a momentary and substantial loss of rpm. The pilot applied the mixture to the full rich position, activated the carburetor heat, and switched to the right fuel tank. The engine recovered and the pilot left the carburetor heat on for about 3 minutes and then slowly turned it off. About two minutes after the carburetor heat was turned off, the engine ceased producing power. The pilot reported that once the engine stopped, it did not "windmill."
The pilot activated the starter and it did not engage. The pilot observed an asphalt road surrounded by trees on both sides to execute a forced landing. During the landing, the airplane impacted the trees and bounced on the road, coming to rest upside down on a snow-covered embankment. The occupants were able to egress without further incident.
The airplane sustained substantial damage to the fuselage, both wings, and the empennage. The airplane was removed from the accident site and transported to a secure location.
Category Data Category Data Category Data
Event Id: 20190121X01656 Investigation Type: Accident Accident Number: CEN19LA060
Event Date: 01/19/2019 Location: Keshena, WI Country: United States
Latitude: 44.883611 Longitude: -88.632500 Airport Code:
Airport Name: N/A Injury Severity: Non-Fatal Aircraft Damage: Substantial
Aircraft Category: Airplane Registration Number: N97969 Make: Stinson
Model: 108 Amateur Built: No Number of Engines: 1
Engine Type: Reciprocating FAR Description: Part 91: General Aviation Schedule:
Purpose of Flight: Personal Air Carrier: Total Fatal Injuries:
Total Serious Injuries: 2 Total Minor Injuries: 2 Total Uninjured:
Weather Condition: VMC Broad Phase of Flight: Report Status: Preliminary
Publication Date: 02/21/2019
submitted by assessment_bot to NTSB_database [link] [comments]

2019.02.13 06:00 assessment_bot [ Non-Fatal ] [ 01/18/2019 ] Piper PA24, Beechwood/ WI

On January 18, 2019, about 1520 central standard time, a Piper PA24, N6497P, registered to a private individual, sustained substantial damage during a forced landing after a partial loss of engine power near Beechwood, Wisconsin. The private pilot, who was the sole occupant, sustained minor injuries. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed and a flight plan was not filed. The personal flight was being conducted under the provisions of Federal Code of Regulations Part 91. The flight originated at 1430 from the Burlington Municipal Airport (BUU), Burlington, Wisconsin, and its destination was the J Douglas Bake Municipal Airport (OCQ), Oconto, Wisconsin.
Before takeoff from BUU, the pilot fueled the airplane with 24 gallons in the left tank, and 12 gallons in the right tank. After a pre-flight and runup, the pilot took off for the flight to OCQ. The pilot was cruising at 3,000 feet MSL when he noticed the carburetor temperature gauge moving through the yellow arc (cooling) toward the red arc (getting colder). About the same time, the engine was beginning to loose power and RPM's were dropping. The pilot pushed the mixture to 'Full Rich', pulled the carburetor heat 'ON', switched fuel tanks, and switched magnetos. After the application of carburetor heat, the engine roughness became worse. The pilot then turned off the carburetor heat and the engine seemed to run smoother, but was still losing power and dropping RPM's. The pilot pulled the carburetor heat 'ON' again and the roughness returned, so he turned off the carburetor heat. At this point, the airplane had descended down to 1,200 feet. With only partial engine power, the pilot selected a filed for a gear-up forced landing. During the landing the airplane sustained substantial damage to the forward part of the fuselage and the pilot exited with minor injuries.
The airplane wreckage was transported to a local facility.
Category Data Category Data Category Data
Event Id: 20190119X05628 Investigation Type: Accident Accident Number: CEN19LA071
Event Date: 01/18/2019 Location: Beechwood, WI Country: United States
Latitude: 45.606389 Longitude: -88.109167 Airport Code:
Airport Name: N/A Injury Severity: Non-Fatal Aircraft Damage: Substantial
Aircraft Category: Airplane Registration Number: N6497P Make: Piper
Model: PA24 Amateur Built: No Number of Engines: 1
Engine Type: Reciprocating FAR Description: Part 91: General Aviation Schedule:
Purpose of Flight: Personal Air Carrier: Total Fatal Injuries:
Total Serious Injuries: Total Minor Injuries: 1 Total Uninjured:
Weather Condition: VMC Broad Phase of Flight: Report Status: Preliminary
Publication Date: 02/11/2019
submitted by assessment_bot to NTSB_database [link] [comments]

2018.10.31 20:50 therekaps Moped smokes like crazy, sounds really bad, and almost dies when stopped

First off, I should mention that I live in Wisconsin where the weather is 35-50 degrees every day. But, I purchased a used 2009 50cc Buddy moped a few months ago and I have been having so many problems with it since. It first started with it dying out on me mid-drive which was fixed by replacing the oil/hooking it back up. Then, a week later it started to rev really fast on startup without touching the throttle and it began sputtering out of the exhaust really bad when I both accelerated and decelerated it. I again took it to the shop and they replaced the spark plug. It didn't sound great after this but I didn't know what else to do. Then, the day after I got it back from the shop, I started it up and drove it only a block and it completely died on me when I was accelerating. I got it working just enough to get me back home but then a few days later it was sitting outside in the cold for 2-3 hours and when I tried to start it, nothing happened. It made no noise and was as if the battery was dead (but the moped shop just charged the battery up), and I had to walk it home. After all of this, I took it back in for the third time and they cleaned the carburetor and replaced the choke. I just got it back and NOW it is blowing out a huge cloud of white/blue smoke from the exhaust when taking off (which it never did before) and it sounds again really bad with the sputtering and it is almost dying at stops to the point where if I don't rev it constantly at a stop it'll die. Additionally, I've recently noticed that it doesn't accelerate smoothly at all and to take off I have to twist the throttle more than I think I should. I've never owned a moped before so I am new to all of this stuff, but it just doesn't sound right. Please help me!
submitted by therekaps to scooters [link] [comments]

2016.10.06 14:32 assessment_bot [ Non-Fatal ] [ 10/04/2016 ] CESSNA 172K, Wilmot/ WI

On October 4, 2016, at 1511 central daylight time, a Cessna 172K single-engine airplane, N46377, impacted a cornfield during a forced landing following a partial loss of engine power while maneuvering near Wilmot, Wisconsin. The commercial pilot, who was the sole occupant, was not injured, and the airplane sustained substantial damage to the right wing. The airplane was registered to 696 Corp, Grayslake, Illinois, and operated by a private individual as a Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed at the time of the accident and a flight plan was not filed. The flight departed the Burlington Municipal Airport (BUU), Burlington, Wisconsin, about 1450.
According to the pilot, while maneuvering after takeoff from BUU, the engine began to lose power. The pilot then switched fuel tanks, applied carburetor heat, full rich mixture, but the engine remained at low power. The pilot attempted to land at Westosha Airport, Wilmot, Wisconsin, however, he overshot the runway. The pilot then decided to execute a forced landing to an adjacent cornfield. During the forced landing, the right wing impacted the corn, and the airplane came to rest upright.
Category Data Category Data Category Data
Event Id: 20161005X10124 Investigation Type: Accident Accident Number: CEN17LA006
Event Date: 10/04/2016 Location: Wilmot, WI Country: United States
Latitude: 42.511667 Longitude: -88.208889 Airport Code:
Airport Name: N/A Injury Severity: Non-Fatal Aircraft Damage: Substantial
Aircraft Category: Airplane Registration Number: N46377 Make: CESSNA
Model: 172K Amateur Built: No Number of Engines: 1
Engine Type: Reciprocating FAR Description: Part 91: General Aviation Schedule:
Purpose of Flight: Personal Air Carrier: Total Fatal Injuries:
Total Serious Injuries: Total Minor Injuries: Total Uninjured: 1
Weather Condition: VMC Broad Phase of Flight: MANEUVERING Report Status: Preliminary
Publication Date: 10/05/2016
submitted by assessment_bot to NTSB_database [link] [comments]

2016.06.29 01:37 MSchumi101 Help with starting briggs Animal kart racing in the midwest

Hi karting I have a couple questions to ask of you about my first racing kart, here is a little background on me, skip to the TL;DR to get straight to the questions:
I have an old Margay kart from around the early 2000's that has a Briggs Animal engine on it. The kart was run by my Uncle and his buddy about 10 years ago, but has since been in hangar storage. About 5-6 years ago my friend and I got it running and have messed around driving it in a sort of "autocross" course we set up with cones, timing ourselves around the property. We ran it a handful of times each summer, repairing small things that have broken along the way. I am an engineering student at University of Wisconsin-Madison and have been helping my dad work on cars my whole life, so I've kept the kart well maintained when I've used it up until this point.
Racing has always been my passion and I have a couple of friends that kart-race at Badger Kart Club up in Wisconsin, and they have invited me out to race with them and help me out. But my friends have only run 2-stroke and have no 4-stroke experience. I have acquired all of the needed driver safety gear and looked at what spec tires need to be run at the track (Bridgestone YDS or YLC, depending on weight). I am 21 now, so I will be competing in Animal Senior, which seems to have a decent showing there for club races based on the online results.
I am looking to start by testing the kart on track days, and then advance to racing the kart at Badger club races. Eventually I would like to try to expand to other Midwest race tracks in the next year or so. My Uncle races full size Vintage Cars and hasn't been karting in over 10 years, but he has helped me out along the way providing me with a spare Briggs Animal engine with carb and a Kart stand. My kart is almost all ready to go, I just have to go through and safety-wire/double nut a few bolts and it should be all ready to go. The only thing missing is a plastic rear bumper, so here begin my questions:
(TL;DR I have an early 2000's Margay with a Briggs Animal engine in need of a rear bumper and some carburetor rules clarifications/advice and some track specific tuning advice (Badger Kart Club, Dousman, Wisconsin))
-I need a plastic rear bumper for the kart, I have found a couple options online, but between the bumper and mounting devices, the prices add up quickly. I'd like to be as cost effective as possible. Has anyone ever used this device? I see that it is intended for a 30mm frame, I have yet to check my frame diameter with calipers, but will do so soon when I see the kart next. I want to know which bumpers it is compatible with? Comet has a couple different types listed, and I would like to stick with a one-piece bumper. The bracket says its for CIK only, and there aren't many bumpers listed that say they are CIK. So would the bracket be compatible with the cheapest option? It would save me $48 over the recommended mounting system.
-The Briggs Animal that I have been running in the kart was set up for Gasoline use. As I understand the engine can be run on methanol as well. The Carburetor on the current engine has a 1/4" fuel line input jet. My uncle gave me a spare Animal engine and carb. I figured the carb would just be a direct swap between the two engines, but the spare engine's carb has a smaller diameter fuel line input jet. Is this spare carb setup for methanol use with the smaller jet? Can I easily replace the jet with a larger diameter? Is the size of this inlet jet restricted by WKA rules? (I don't want to have to pay for a rulebook to try and find one small little piece for an occasional club racer)
-Lastly, if anyone has raced 4stroke, preferably Animal over 206, at Badger kart club, what is the gearing that you ran for the sprocket and hub? My friends can't help me out here as they run 2 stroke. Also looking for gearing at other Wisconsin/Illinois/Indiana area kart tracks (Road America, Shawno etc.)
-Additionally, if anyone could tell me more about the kart (like around what yeamodel) that would be appreciated. Feel free to ask any additional questions and Thanks so much, any help is appreciated. :)
submitted by MSchumi101 to Karting [link] [comments]
