37 weeks pregnant with frequent diarrhea

Dark red blood/ Spotting at 16 weeks and normal ultrasound at ER. OBgyn not calling back [on]

2024.05.16 22:24 __spacebabe Dark red blood/ Spotting at 16 weeks and normal ultrasound at ER. OBgyn not calling back [on]

I am 16.5 weeks pregnant and it’s my first pregnancy I’m considered low risk and everything has been ok so far. Two days ago I had two gushes of dark red blood while I was out running errands with mild cramping. I went to the ER to get it checked out and the US was all normal. I have since been trying to reach my OBGYN but have been unsuccessful. I did not get any call back. The answering machine says it can take up to 48 hours to get a response. I received no answers as to why this happened from the ER doctors. I am still spotting. I’m thinking I would need to go back to the ER for any care or follow up, which I find wrong. I am not originally from Canada. Is this a normal wait time for an OBGYN to call you back? Is it too late to switch to a midwife service?
Thoughts or experience with any of this would be helpful.
Thank you.
submitted by __spacebabe to BabyBumpsCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:21 Suspicious_Middle310 I feel like I'm going crazy

Whiplash from the lies
Trigger Warning: Pregnancy Loss
I really need to vent. Sorry, kind of long. There's a lot of history here.
There's a girl that I used to be really close with. But she turned out to be super crazy, obsessive and narcissistic. It's irritating though cause she's so good at playing innocent until she gets what she wants. And I just don't see how people don't see through her facade. Anyone that has stood up to her gets a massive smear campaign so much so, that she becomes scary and sends people to intimidate you to your house and even where you work.
Anyway, she loves to make up stories to get attention. She once told me she had 12 miscarriages in year (how do people fall for this?). But she also supposedly got pregnant in high school but her boyfriends best friend beat it out of her. "Coincidentally" it just happened to be the same time when her BF tried to break up with her and his best friend was very supportive of the breakup. I've got many MANY stories of situations with her. She likes to shock people so in high school she "got pregnant" from one time but now that she's married she "keeps miscarrying". It's odd and ironic. And people keep giving her money and gifts. Her then best friend even had a GoFundMe going for her for IVF but then suddenly the GFM disappeared and they were no longer friends. But that's not the only time she's received money for her miscarriages.
She also likes to "Coincidentally" copy and claim other people's struggles as her own. But she's so good at these stories that everyone believes her! It's so annoying! I had lost a baby in my 2nd trimester and ended up hospitalized and sure enough, she posts a story a few months later nearly identical to mine. Many things in her story don't add up. I just need to see I'm not the only one that sees through her and how awful it is to use this terrible experience to gloat and get attention. I've copied and pasted her story (which she posted as a public post) which will make this post a novel, but it's worth it, I promise.
Also note, she can't keep a job, her husband doesn't work and they have no insurance and live rent free under the roof of her husband's parents second house. His family has a little money but not a ton. How is she even affording any of this?
Here it is:
“This is going to be a multiple parts post. As this story is long and word limit sucks.
This past year with IVF and life in general has been one of the most stressful trying times in my life.
Back in 2019 my husband and I suffered our 6th miscarriage. The miscarriage happened in such a way that even though the fetus stopped growing at 6 weeks 3 days, my body still thought that I was pregnant.
We found out in January shortly after my Grandfather Gary lost his 20+ year long battle to cancer. We had so many miscarriages by this point that I was scared to be happy. So I made an appointment with an OBGYN. At our first ultrasound the tech said she found the gestational sac but no fetus. The doctor then came in and told me to get ready to miscarry.
I then went up to UofU for a 2nd ultrasound. There they had better tech and they might be able to tell me what's wrong. They found a small fetus inside the gestational sac that measured 5 weeks. So we just thought that I got my dates off by a week. We went home with happy hearts.
A week later I returned to UofU for a 3rd ultrasound. They couldn't detect a heartbeat. They told me to get ready to miscarry. I was devastated just last week I went through this. And I thought we had overcome it. We went home with heavy hearts.
A week passed and there were no signs of me starting to miscarry the pregnancy so I returned to UofU they did a 4th ultrasound and nothing had changed. The baby measured at 6 weeks but no heartbeat detected. They told me to return 3 days later for a D&C.
3 days later I went back up to UofU for a 4th time this time to have my baby removed from my uterus. But as they were putting me under for the procedure I heard "WAIT THERE IS A HEARTBEAT!"
I came a little while later and the doctor told me that she found a heartbeat and didn't do the procedure. She said the baby's heart rate was 101 which was slower than normal but still there. She sent me home with instructions to rest.
Cont. In post part 2 miscarriage
Part 2 cont.
After sending me home with instructions to rest I returned a week later and a different Dr did my ultrasound. He told me that the heart rate had dropped to 60 beats per minute. He told me that the pregnancy was dying and that I should just do the D&C now. But in my heart the baby was alive as it had a heartbeat so I would wait until we were sure that the baby was dead in all aspects.
It took 2 weeks for the heart to finally stop. When I should have been around 13 weeks on April 5th I went in and had the D&C done. They did not put me under this time. They just lightly sedated me. Worst. Experience. Of. My. Life. I remember every agonizing moment. Every cramp. Every pull. I blacked out a few times from the amount of pain I was in.
They sent the fetus to be tested with the hope we could find out why I had 6 miscarriages with 0 living children over my 7 years of marriage. I can say we were finally able to find answers. Just in the worst way possible. I suffer from a condition where my body contributes to many chromosomes to the fetus. This is called trisomy. Sometimes babies can live with this. Like trisomy 21 is downs syndrome. But my body did 16 which is not viable with life.
After the consultation with my OB and the genetasist we came to the conclusion that IVF with embryo testing called PTG-A would be our best best to be able to have a healthy pregnancy with hopefully minimal hardships.
I was worried about the financial and physical consequences of IVF but I came to find out that my Grandfather (who helped raise me from age 7 to 14) left me an inheritance that was just enough to cover the cost.
Summer 2022 came and the last of my inheritance from the sale of my grandparents house allowed me to pay for the IVF and we started the process.
Cont. In post 3
Part 3 comes with a TW
The summer of 2022 we started the IVF process
To start with we had to get my body ready for the egg retrieval. To do this I had to do 6 weeks of twice daily injection in my lower stomach along with taking oral hormones.
The day of egg retrieval itself was relatively easy as they put me under general anesthesia. So I was OUT. they were able to retrieve 11 eggs. The aftermath of the retrieval? BRUTAL I felt like I was in labor or something similar for the next 3 days. I couldn't walk around without doubling over and having to lamaz breath to get through the pain and cramps. It was awful and I pray that I never have to do the egg retrieval process again as I do not want to go through that again. The thought makes me wanna cry.
The day of the egg retrieval they did assisted fetus hatching. This gave us 9 fertilized embryos from the 11 eggs retrieved. They then scraped the outer part of the embryos then flash froze them and sent the scrapings off to be genetically tested.
Tangent: during this time other things in my personal life imploded and I'm still having to clean up that mess. And the stress from the implosion probably contributed to what happened next...
At the beginning of December we got the results back. Out of the 9 embryos 2 were genetically viable both were little girl embryos. Shortly after Christmas I started a new set of injection hormones. This time to get ready to transfer one of the embryos in January. The transfer itself was the easiest part of this whole process!! I went in laid down they inserted a clear catheter got the embro out thawed it and plopped it into my uterus and then began the 2 week wait. Which sucked as I was on bedrest and the cabin fever was REAL.
The transfer was successful as 2 weeks later I got that much hoped for double pink line and my HCG levels were perfect 💜 The ultrasound pictured was taken when I was around 5 weeks gestation and I couldn't have been happier!
But it wasn't to last.... Cont. In post 4
Part 4
After confirming my pregnancy we couldn't have been more excited to meet our little girl. We started thinking about names and talking about future plans.
I went in for my 7 weeks ultrasound and the universe in its ever sarcastic sardonic dumb dumbness hit the "repeat 2019 miscarriage"button. There was a gestational sac but no fetus. Get ready to miscarry.
A week passed and no signs of miscarriage (see where this is going yet?) Then one night around 9 pm I started hemorrhaging but thank goodness I had a best friend who wasn't squeamish because she drove me to the ER at midnight and proceeded to help me though one of the most traumatic experiences I've been thru bearable. She made sure to make me laugh and was a true friend.
A few days after the ER visit I went back to UofU and met with my Dr where I found out that there was still pregnancy tissue. So she had me take a pill to re-induce the miscarriage to get everything out. With my luck. It. Didn't. Work. So my last option? Another D&C. Yay. Me.
I told the Dr that this time I needed to go into the OR and be put under. She was understanding and that is what we did. So here I am 1 year into the process and preparing to start the transfer process for a second time. This time? I'm bringing y'all with me.”
I just needed to vent. And the story doesn't add up. Please let me know what you think. Thank you!
submitted by Suspicious_Middle310 to obgyn [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:20 greenshorts22 Why do Early Induction Due to Fetal Growth Restriction?

I am 29 weeks pregnant and baby is measuring in the 2nd percentile. Today's appointment was a bit of a blur due to feelings of fear, shock, etc. (he went from 11th percentile, to 8th, to 2nd). and I realized I never got an explanation as to why baby's are induced early when they have severe fetal growth restriction without any other issues. Basically in my situation everything else looks normal - fluids, fluid exchange, movement, etc. Even my fundal height is tracking spot on (not that that's super accurate). My doctors think baby is small because I am 4'10" and my husband is also on the smaller side - so while other issues could be at play like genetic issues, it really also could just be that we are small people with a small baby. I did message the doctor asking this question as well, but sometimes reddit can be faster haha. I completely understand why they induce early if there are signs of stress, placenta failure, or s/s of pre-eclampsia (this happened with my first baby)- but if none of that is happening and baby is just small, why induce early? TIA!
submitted by greenshorts22 to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:18 Any-Garbage9270 First time on birth control

Today I was prescribed birth control (vyLibra) to try out. I have never been on birth control but kinda considered it because not getting pregnant is always a plus LOL
However, I read some reviews about vyLibra and nearly all of them are negative! Is this specific brand that bad? I know all birth controls are shitty in their own way, but is vylibra that bad? It makes me terrified to start it.
I have no issues with my period currently. It's always been regular for years and I get little to no break outs every cycle. PMS is a little wild and it makes my anxiety skyrocket during that one week but after I start my period everything is fine again. The only reason why I considered birth control was for contraceptive reasons only.
Should I talk to my doctor about switching from vyLibra? Or should I give it a chance? I'd rather stay within the oral contraceptives, I do not want any other form.
submitted by Any-Garbage9270 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:18 hotdogs55 Used to dislike my hair. Now I'm in love with my curls!

I've been growing out my hair since mid-2022. My hair, which is naturally curly, used to be a major source of gender dysphoria. I wanted length so badly that I thought a lot about moving away from curls.
But I decided to stick with them and now I'm so glad that I did! Idk what it is. But in recent weeks, I've had a lot of people gushing over my curly hair and asking for my routine. Not that it's really about what other people think, but it's given me a lot of confidence as I work toward my hair goals!
So I wanted to share that bit of positivity, along with my routine. I'm also open to any suggestions 😊
Wash day (typically every 3 days): Detangle with detangling brush before shower Garnier Fructis Sleek & Shine shampoo, conditioner (scrunching hair), and leave-in (scrunch again). Directly after showering: part hair with fingers and apply Cantu Shea Butter wave whip curling mousse (scrunch once again). I finger-twirl anything that isn't in a nice, neat curl. Allow hair to air dry.
Bedtime each night: I apply a tiny bit of leave-in conditioner, mostly toward my ends. I let that settle in while I wash my face, brush my teeth, etc. Then I pineapple my hair with a coil tie and throw on a bonnet.
Refresh day: Remove bonnet and ponytail. I have a tiny spray bottle where I mixed a little bit of my leave-in with water. I spritz that through my hair. I gently bat around any bunched up curls. Then I carefully run a wide tooth comb along any curls that are still bunched up. With any curls that came undone, I apply a tiny bit of mousse and then finger twirl. Finish with refresh spray: Cantu Shea butter comeback curl
When needed: OGX extra strength tea tree mint scalp treatment: Luckily needing this a lot less frequently than I used to since my other products have helped my scalp stay hydrated. Garnier Fructis Sleek & Shine anti-frizz serum: I try to use this as rarely as possible. I really only use it on bad hair days when I wake up with widespread frizz, or when im styling for special occasions.
submitted by hotdogs55 to curlyhair [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:18 dopaminewellbeing Advancing Spiritually

Here are 100 Tips to Advance Spiritually on Your Recovery Journey
  1. Start your day with prayer, asking God for strength and guidance.
  2. Read the Bible daily, focusing on verses about healing and recovery.
  3. Join a Christian recovery group where you can share your journey with others.
  4. Memorize Scripture that speaks to overcoming temptation and maintaining faith.
  5. Keep a journal of prayers, insights, and daily progress.
  6. Attend church regularly to worship and connect with a faith community.
  7. Practice gratitude by thanking God for three things every morning.
  8. Offer your struggles to God in prayer, asking for His help to overcome them.
  9. Serve others through volunteer work, which can shift focus from self to service.
  10. Share your testimony with others to encourage them and strengthen your own faith.
  11. Find a mentor or spiritual director who exemplifies Christian living.
  12. Participate in Bible studies to deepen your understanding of the Scriptures.
  13. Practice forgiveness, letting go of old grudges and asking for forgiveness from those you’ve hurt.
  14. Avoid triggers and situations where you’re tempted to relapse.
  15. Maintain healthy boundaries in personal and professional relationships.
  16. Stay active to help manage stress and improve mental health.
  17. Eat a balanced diet to help stabilize mood swings and improve overall health.
  18. Get adequate sleep to ensure your mind and body are well-rested.
  19. Practice humility by acknowledging your weaknesses and asking for help when needed.
  20. Celebrate small victories in your recovery journey, recognizing God’s hand in each.
  21. Seek professional counseling if you struggle with underlying issues contributing to addiction.
  22. Pray for others facing similar struggles, which can deepen your empathy and connection.
  23. Participate in retreats focused on spiritual growth and recovery.
  24. Practice patience, recognizing that recovery is a journey, not a destination.
  25. Engage in regular self-reflection to assess your growth and areas needing improvement.
  26. Stay connected with supportive friends and family who encourage your recovery.
  27. Use your experiences to advocate for recovery support in your community.
  28. Develop a personal creed or statement of faith that you can turn to in times of temptation.
  29. Learn to recognize God’s presence in everyday life and lean on Him during tough times.
  30. Set realistic goals for your personal and spiritual growth.
  31. Practice mindful meditation focused on biblical truths and God’s love.
  32. Join a service project at church or a local charity.
  33. Educate yourself about the physiological aspects of addiction to better understand your body’s reactions.
  34. Encourage someone daily with a phone call, text, or email.
  35. Make amends where possible, as part of your healing process.
  36. Limit exposure to digital distractions to enhance your focus on recovery and spiritual growth.
  37. Read Christian literature that supports recovery and spiritual well-being.
  38. Create a peaceful home environment that supports your recovery.
  39. Attend workshops or seminars on Christian living and addiction recovery.
  40. Practice the art of listening to God and others, enhancing your empathy and understanding.
  41. Engage in creative activities like writing, painting, or music that express your journey.
  42. Develop a routine that includes time for work, rest, and spiritual practices.
  43. Seek opportunities to share your skills and talents with your church or community.
  44. Maintain a spirit of joy, finding reasons to smile and laugh each day.
  45. Dress modestly and respectfully, reflecting your dignity as a child of God.
  46. Be honest with yourself and others about your struggles and successes.
  47. Respect your body as a temple of the Holy Spirit by avoiding substances that harm it.
  48. Cultivate gentleness in your interactions with others.
  49. Take responsibility for your actions and their impact on others.
  50. Participate in community prayer groups or start one if none exists.
  51. Commit to lifelong learning about your faith and how it relates to recovery.
  52. Use technology for good, such as subscribing to Christian podcasts or recovery channels.
  53. Support others in their recovery, offering your time and presence as a mentor.
  54. Engage with nature, appreciating God’s creation as a source of peace.
  55. Maintain a clean and orderly living space, which can improve your mental clarity and peace.
  56. Honor your commitments to others, showing reliability and respect.
  57. Seek silence regularly, allowing God to speak to your heart without interruption.
  58. Pray before meals, thanking God for His provision.
  59. Participate in fasting as a form of spiritual discipline and focus.
  60. Practice saying “no” to non-essential demands that may lead to stress or temptation.
  61. Develop financial discipline, using resources wisely and avoiding debt.
  62. Attend a different community’s church service to experience the broader body of Christ.
  63. Watch or listen to testimonies of other Christians who have overcome addiction.
  64. Plan for challenging situations by having a strategy to maintain your sobriety.
  65. Participate in communal worship, such as singing hymns or contemporary Christian music.
  66. Adopt a spirit of perseverance, knowing that every day with God is a step toward recovery.
  67. Educate others about addiction, breaking down stigma and spreading hope.
  68. Take time off when needed to maintain your mental and spiritual health.
  69. Pray with and for your family, strengthening bonds and spiritual connections.
  70. Celebrate religious holidays with true spiritual fervor, focusing on their Christian significance.
  71. Visit historical Christian sites or take pilgrimages to deepen your faith.
  72. Incorporate Christian symbols in your home to remind you of your faith.
  73. Give anonymously to those in need, practicing the gift of giving without recognition.
  74. Join or form a support group specifically for Christian addicts in recovery.
  75. Use Christian apps that provide daily scriptures and prayers.
  76. Hold regular family devotions, integrating faith into your household’s routine.
  77. Teach a Sunday school class or small group, sharing your knowledge and faith.
  78. Partake in communion regularly, remembering Christ’s sacrifice and promise.
  79. Invite friends to church or spiritual events, sharing your journey and community.
  80. Maintain a prayer list, regularly updating and praying for the needs of others.
  81. Reflect on the lives of saints and other Christian figures, drawing inspiration from their faith and perseverance.
  82. Practice hospitality, opening your home to fellowship and community building.
  83. Engage in spiritual warfare prayers, recognizing and combating the spiritual roots of addiction.
  84. Forgive yourself and others, releasing bitterness and focusing on God’s mercy.
  85. Decorate your living space with verses and Christian art, creating an environment of faith.
  86. Observe a Sabbath rest, dedicating time each week to rest and spiritual renewal.
  87. Speak words of affirmation and faith to yourself and others.
  88. Consult with your pastor or spiritual leader regularly to stay on track.
  89. Embrace modesty in thoughts, words, and actions, focusing on purity.
  90. Conduct a weekly review of your spiritual and recovery progress.
  91. Be proactive in your church community, taking part in its activities and outreach.
  92. Learn to manage stress through faith-based practices like meditation and prayer.
  93. Teach about addiction and recovery in your church, spreading awareness and support.
  94. Maintain a balance between work, rest, and play to support your overall well-being.
  95. Create a vision board that includes your spiritual goals and inspirations.
  96. Participate in ecumenical gatherings, recognizing the unity of the broader Christian community.
  97. Implement a “media fast” periodically to focus more on your spiritual life.
  98. Pray for global issues and missions, broadening your spiritual concern beyond personal needs.
  99. Set up a prayer corner or altar in your home, dedicating a space for spiritual reflection.
  100. Routinely update your mentor or accountability partner about your progress and struggles.
submitted by dopaminewellbeing to ChristiansAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:15 oliverames My Experience with the Kia EV9 So Far

I wanted to share my detailed experience with the Kia EV9, which I purchased on January 3rd. I had eagerly anticipated this vehicle for years, and it topped my list due to my admiration for the Kia Telluride, even though I never owned one. I appreciate the direction Kia has taken over the past decade, and I was excited to support a company other than Tesla. I previously owned a Ford Mustang Mach-E, which I traded for the EV9, primarily for its larger size and superior features compared to the EV6, which I still own. Although the EV6's interior felt cheaper than the Mustang, it excelled in nearly every other way.
For some context, I purchased the very first EV9 in Vermont, making me the only owner in the state at the beginning of the year.
Here’s a detailed look at my service history with the EV9:
  1. Climate Control Screen Issue:
  2. Back-Right of Driver's Seat Movement:
    • Problem: I felt movement in the back-right of the driver's seat during left turns, which was difficult to isolate.
    • Solution: The first dealership couldn't find the issue, but the second one did. It took about two months to receive and install the seat-track assembly, which resolved the problem.
  3. TPMS System Warning Light:
    • Problem: A warning light indicating that the TPMS system needed to be checked kept appearing. Initially, the TPMS sensors were communicating correctly, but the issue persisted.
    • Service Visits:
      • First Visit: The dealership verified that the TPMS sensors were properly communicating and ruled them out as the issue.
      • Second Visit: They removed the negative and positive terminals from the battery, connected the leads to each other (thereby removing the battery from the loop), and created a complete 12-volt circuit to discharge any stored power in the car’s capacitors. They left it this way for 20 minutes, which caused the error to go away temporarily.
      • Follow-Up: I avoided a third visit by speaking with the technicians over the phone. They submitted a follow-up case to Kia TechLine, which recommended replacing the Body Dynamics Module (BDM). However, Kia placed a freeze on shipments of this part due to a known defect. This means it could be weeks or months before a replacement is available as the part needs to be potentially redesigned and shipped from Korea to the United States. In the meantime, I found that removing the black wire from the 12-volt battery for a few seconds can reset the issue temporarily oai_citation:3,Kia EV9 Forum Kia EV Forum oai_citation:4,Error Message: Check Tire Pressure Monitoring System Kia EV Forum.
Despite these issues, I absolutely love the EV9. The climate control switches, infotainment system, phone integration, seats, and seven-seater layout are all fantastic. It's frustrating to see a warning light on the instrument cluster of a car I've desired for so long, but I'm hopeful for a permanent fix soon.
For context, my experience with the EV6 was very similar. It had a bunch of issues during the first few months of ownership, but since those were resolved, it has had no problems.
I find these issues completely unacceptable in a brand-new vehicle. However, at this point, Kia has put in around $6,000 to $10,000 of work into this one car. They have really worked through things quickly. I suspect most EV9s out there have at least one of these problems, if not all three. So getting it replaced and going with a lemon law situation isn't really in my best interest, since I would just purchase another one of these vehicles anyway, and then that one might have these problems. The dealership, and particularly the service center, said that I was a real early adopter, to which I responded that I was just dumb for buying two EVs, well, three if you include the Mustang, very, very early in their release cycle—realistically, only a month after they'd been released. So the next time I buy a car, I'm probably going to wait. Although, I will probably buy another EV9 when I turn in the four-year lease on this one. By then, I suspect they may even have a refreshed, facelifted version.
Long story short, I love this car. I wish it didn't have these initial problems. But alas, it is literally the perfect car for me, and I want it to be perfect. And it will be. Plus, Kia Customer Service plans to compensate me generously for my troubles, as they did for my EV6.
submitted by oliverames to KiaEV9 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:15 Xodnil Struggling to Gain Mass Despite Years of Training: 37 Years Old Guy

I'm 37 years old, weighing 60kg (I've been this weight since my mid-20s, sometimes adding 4 or 5kg extra depending on how much I'm eating, and I'm assuming it's due to muscle mass fluctuations). I'm 5'7" tall.
I have two issues. The first issue is that my endurance is ridiculously high, and I tend to do 8+ sets, with each set maxing out at 20-30 reps. I usually go for medium weights and incrementally increase them 2 days later (e.g., I start with 45kg for leg extensions, then increase it 2 days after).
The second issue is that I need to know how to gain muscle mass with the routine I'm enduring. Let's take the leg extension as an example; I'll do:
  1. 45kg x 40 reps
  2. 55kg x 25 reps
  3. 65kg x 15 reps
  4. 65kg x 15 reps
Then I break for 3 to 5 mins.
  1. 35kg x 40 reps
  2. 55kg x 15 reps
  3. 55kg x 15 reps
  4. 55kg x 15 reps
Do I need to just start at 55kg and incrementally increase with each set until I cannot do any more (this week, I maxed out at 75kg, and I barely did 4 reps properly) and do 10 reps max for 5 sets or something?
I think I burn around 1500 calories just by not doing anything, like sitting idle in front of the laptop or something (without eating), so I'm certain my body's finding it difficult to gain proper mass.
Any information or advice would be immensely appreciated, as I've been experimenting with my body for over a decade.
submitted by Xodnil to bodyweightfitness [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:11 ballsjumpman Alternative to Polymarket

I’m sure many of you are familiar with Polymarket, a prediction market dapp on Polygon that’s become quite popular lately for the wild markets they get up (CZ sentencing, Trump in Jail, etc.). However this week SX Bet, the biggest decentralized betting platform launched a user-created markets program for their dapp, which is a cool alternative to Polymarket.
They’ve basically offered users the chance to submit a request for anything they want to bet on that has a clear resolution source and settles within 30d. If your request meets the basic guidelines, they’ll put the markets up and you can offer or take liquidity from either SX Network or Arbitrum.
The coolest part of this feature is that they return 0.25% of the all the trading volume on the market back to the creator in $USDC bet credits. Markets on Polymarket frequently do $100K+ in volume, which would yield $250 in credits to the creator if it were on SX.
Going to be trying to create some potentially viral markets myself. SX has done hundreds of millions of dollars of betting volume through their dapp, lots of potential to earn here lads.
submitted by ballsjumpman to dapps [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:10 Independent-Ad-8789 Newborn routine?

First time mom here that is exclusively pumping! We are obsessed with our 2 week and 2 day old! He is a dream baby and very low maintenance, eats great, he goes down in his bedside bassinet with 0 fussing as long as he's fed and happy, and sleeps the majority of the day. At our 2 week ped appt we were cleared to let him start sleeping in 4-5 hour stretches at night as long as we were meeting suggested feeding numbers during the day. Previously we were waking him every 3 hours if he didn't wake on his own (this only happened maybe 50% of the time, with some nights being more frequently) Obviously every night with a newborn is a new and unexpected adventure... I guess my question is - is there any point in trying to establish a routine this early? Is that just adding additional stress we don't need? We are happy to go with the flow but wanted to hop on and ask if anyone had any advice of what worked for their family during the day/night to try and hit those 4-5 hour stretches overnight. I feel like the majority of resources l've come across basically say you're on your own for the first few weeks.
submitted by Independent-Ad-8789 to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:09 AlarmingAccident4659 Weird smell in my flat driving me mad

So I'm 6 months pregnant with twins and this last week a weird smell has appeared in my hallway and I'm starting to smell it in my older children's room we live in a high-rise building I've never come across anything like it and no one else seems to be smelling what I'm smelling their room is a typical kids room their 9 and 12 and their room is connected to the hallway we're the mystery smell began I've gone through everything in both rooms and there's nothing that could be producing the horrible smell it makes me sick everything I pass through the hallway which is unavoidable because the bathroom is also connected to the same hallway I feel like I'm loosing my mind over it and it honestly getting to the point I want to strip the walls and floors because no amount of cleaning is getting rid of it could it just be me or am I really smelling something and should keep searching I'm honestly scared it's going to spread to other rooms and I won't be able to stand being there any advice or ideas would be welcome
submitted by AlarmingAccident4659 to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:08 Reinfeldx Solutions for automatically updating meeting agendas with ever-changing work items?

I work for a public agency (a Microsoft shop) and my office has very little in the way of formal project management workflows/systems. We coordinate our work by looking at our draft board meeting agendas and talking through status once a week.
The agendas are simple Word documents with hard-coded times for each agenda item, and we frequently cut items from one meeting agenda and paste them into another, then manually update the overall time for each meeting. This process is pretty messy and inefficient.
I'm looking for suggestions on a better workflow. I used to work in software development, so I'm familiar with project management systems like Jira, Trello, GitHub Projects, etc.; I haven't tried Microsoft Planner but I know my organization has access to it. I need something ultra-user-friendly for non-technical people.
I'd love to set up a system that could:
  1. Easily move items between agendas
  2. Track overall time for each agenda automatically as items move around
  3. Automatically update a Word document that represents printable draft/final agendas (this probably is a long shot)
Any thoughts? Outside the box is good too. Thanks.
submitted by Reinfeldx to projectmanagement [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:08 Substantial_Cry8228 Hi help! Ibs? Scared

24F 220lbs Duration: A couple years or so on and off
So I'm a 24 year old female and last year over the summer I struggled so much with constipation. I had struggled with it on and off before that and got super worried it was colon cancer or something terrible. It lasted months and finally after taking some fiber and relaxing my BMs went back to normal. However this year I started struggling with constipation with tenesmus and incomplete evacuation. Then my stools were soft but still felt incomplete. Then I had an episode of extreme watery lime green diarrhea that passed after an afternoon. I was going somewhat normal again but my anxiety was high so I was pooping small about every couple hours. Always undigested and bright yellow. I finally calmed down AGAIN when I started fiber again but I passed a little but of pink bloody mucus and went right back to being afraid. I had fiber but I had a panic attack and just had jelly like diarrhea fu of undigested fat. It took me a day to recover from the panic and my stools are small hard pebbles again. Please advise, I'm scared it's colon or rectal cancer and I don't know what to do. I had a doctors appointment in 3 weeks and I'm just so nervous. Is this likely IBS and hemmheroids or is it possible this is CC? Please help. Also to mention now when I go its like I have a deep ache in my rectum and my pelvis when I push and strain.
submitted by Substantial_Cry8228 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:07 shawnax19 What’s your kids genders?!

Just found out i’m pregnant with our third (and probably last) baby. I’m only about 5 weeks. Our first was a boy, second was a girl and i’m HOPING for this one to be a girl. I know it’s basically 50/50 so wanted to see how everyone elses were! Hoping for (BOY, GIRL, GIRL)
submitted by shawnax19 to AskParents [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:05 belle4567 SAHM sister

My sister had her first child over a year ago. She has chosen to be a stay at home mom. I work four days a week and she constantly expects that I spend my day off with her and her baby. I think she doesn’t actually enjoy being a mom and gets lonely. So I don’t mind sometimes spending my day off with her or babysitting but I need that day for my own things some weeks too. I recently decided I need to pick up a side job on that fifth day as my husband and I are preparing for a child if our own and I need to save for unpaid maternity leave. I told her I’d be working 5 days now but did not say that my husband and I are planning on getting pregnant soon, as I feel this is just between us as a couple and also we have not decided for sure on timing yet. She sent me this whole long text lecturing me that I shouldn’t do that and I should work as few hours as possible because when I get pregnant I’ll be so exhausted and I’ll have so many doctors appoints I’ll just have to take off for anyway. Then at the end she wrote plus I and nephew need that time with you. I felt like this was a really selfish and insensitive response. She has a lot of money , her husband makes well over six figures (even though she acts like “oh we have no money too”), and is a SAHM. I will never have that privilege. My husband and I work a ton and both have masters so it’s not lack of effort but I have to save for my own maternity leave then put my child in daycare. I’m really irritated by her telling me about how I should handle pregnancy and working. How do I respond to make it clear that I don’t 1) have a choice and this is what works for my family and 2) you’re way overstepping. She’s so emotional and sensitive plus repeats everything I say to my mom.. it’s hard to have these conversations. To add to this, I am the first women in my family that will be a working mom. So there is definitely going to be pushback I need to prepare for with my family as a whole
submitted by belle4567 to FamilyIssues [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:04 ProfessionalWave9657 First long car trip since potty training

We’re on week 3 of potty training my LO who will be 3 on May 23. We did the 3 days commando, followed by just undies for about 5 days, now doing sweatpants and undies. She is doing okay- typically she says she needs to potty and has already peed a small amount in her undies. When having fun/distracted she is very likely to forget. We have not used small plastic potties just an insert on the regular potty. We have only been on outings a handful of times. We are going on a 3.5 hour car ride (to celebrate her bday with family) at the end of the week. What are your suggestions for the car ride? Should we do a pull up over undies? (We have been doing pull ups for naps and overnight) No pull up? Bring a plastic potty for emergencies? I will plan to ask her frequently (every 30 min) if she needs to go and limit her water during the car ride as well as put a waterproof mat in her car seat in case of accidents.
submitted by ProfessionalWave9657 to pottytraining [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:03 NeckSea8973 What causes flare ups for you?

3-4 months going through cervical disc bulge (while pregnant) and still learning what helps/makes it worse.
So far:
Helps: Walking Cervical traction Good posture Frequent movement
Hurts: I used heat the first 2 months because my pain was so bad and when I’m not in a flare up I’m able to ice to help with inflammation (since I can’t take any NSAID)
Not sure/potential hurts: Colds? I feel like when I’m sick it increases my pain
Since my options are so limited I’m now going to try to focus on an anti inflammatory diet. I’ll take any tips on supplements or ways to avoid flare ups. It’s so heartbreaking
submitted by NeckSea8973 to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:03 jpsonny119 how often are delays of changes

Okay, this might be a silly question since this might depend on person or locations, from your experience, how often are Southwest flights delayed or have changes in schedule? I possibly have to so ldr this Fall bc of college, and I am gonna fly every weekends. I am worried if delays might be frequent to the extent where it could impact my schedules and relationships, since my experience with other airlines(United specifically, they didn't even give refund for 4 hours delay last week) has been terrible in America. I appreciate any words.
submitted by jpsonny119 to SouthwestAirlines [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:02 ManuelaNathalie Quiet quitting because of toxicity.

Hi! So im a pgy-2 in Urology in France. To summarize my experience so far: Ive been a slave (like surely most of us feel), worked my ass off. I do 90-100h/week, somedays with 33h shifts. My department consists of 16 urologists. There are two women that were one of the first women to be residents there. One (my tutor) is two years older than the other. There was a woman in the middle of the two but the younger one "surpassed" her and I dont know what happened but the older one has told me that she convinced my boss to let her go else where. This woman works in another hospital and hates my department.
Also there has been drama even between these two ladies. When the older one got pregnant and came back to work, she began operating again and in a case the patient died because a Vessel lesion that she couldnt repair.the younger one said behind her back: see? "You cant Just stop working and come back because your skills would be off. Females surgeon have to be comited to their career and not have children.". She began telling her boss about the older one mistakes, printing in papers what the other wrote in consult and the boss would reprimand her. The older one (my tutor) got into depression. Because they need support from each other because they are the Best surgeon on the team they get along now. Also: all the urologists younger than the younger woman didnt prospere (they didnt let them do surgery...) and only do consults with an ocasional turb.
So, im starting to do more surgically (previously i was a floor, emergencies and ultrasound slave lol) and my tutor is súper positive and says that im very smart and she wants to progress in oncourology and is letting me (female) and an older male resident do a lot of procedures. When im with other attendings everything goes well (im not perfect, im starting, but they are normal People and understand and support me). This younger female attending however is súper pissed when im with her in the op room and Ive seen that she blames the helping resident for her mistakes like: YOY PERFORED THE RECTUM BECAUSE YOU ARE HARSH (she perfored it herself... That was with another resident).
Today i had a robotic prostatectomy with her and similar things happened, she couldnt stop screaming the entire surgery and when it finished she went to my tutor and badmouthed me (my tutor told me she remembered her of mistakes ive done and told her i didnt listen to her during the procedure). I did listen to her the whole time and followed her instructions. My boss (which previously had been amazing with me) now looks and speaks at me badly. He has given me harsh quarrels the last weeks about cases and im sure she has told him. In one of these cases i said that patient is very aggresive when he comes to the clínic and she said That patient has told me a doctor treated him badly...... With a smug face. I told her did he mean me? And she nodded smugly...
How do you handle work place toxicity that tries to belittle/destroy you? Im scared of badmouthing and rumors. Im keeping a low profile but even so she doesnt stop..
Ps: i was so scared during the prostatectomy because i thought how she was blaming everything on me (she ripped the urethral and said it was me) that if some serious complication arised (dead, rectum lesion ...) that she would blame it on me and I would be destroyed forever...
I love my speciality but im currently thinking of finishing residency how i can and switch hospital because i dont think i could work with this person.
submitted by ManuelaNathalie to Residency [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:00 Puzzled_Trade4220 Coercive control?

I'm a 29 year old male and i will try to summarize the horrendous situation I find myself without leaving to many crucial details out. I was with my ex girlfriend for nearly 6 years. The red flags were present fromn the beggining but looking back I had no way to understand what they were at the time partly due to my young nievete and partly due to the fact that coming from a emotijallyabusive household I had normalized many of the more subtle behaviors and therefore they fell within a blindspot of my cognitive distortions at the time. From the very start she would begin punching herself in her own head if i ever became upset with her in any way or during any attempt to verbally work a problem out. I thought she was just a bit flippant and intense. Dare I say I almost found it attractive in a strange sense. She was and still to this day, stunningly beautiful and menacingly seductive and knows how she can have a significant effect on males especially without doing very much in the way of actions. Fast forward she unknown to me at the time discontinued her birth contorll pills while still assuring me she was taking them and ultimetly lied by telling me she had just to fund out she had become pregnant herself after missing a period. We were both in our mid to early 20s still more or less financially dependant on our parents and were living on public city streets in our tow behind rv with our 2 dogs. She was idealizing me and to be frank I remebr this period of time as the happiest iv been eever before and up untill now. This memory of "happiness" I think was the biggest reason it took me so long to finally start trying to advocate for my self respect instead of hanging my head and just ignoring the abuse so that I would get the sweet reward of psedo- intimacy with her a few times a week. Despite my fond memories looking back I see now what could only be described as patterns if coercive control that seriously escalated over the 5 years we were in a relationship with each other and included her beggining to cheat early on and the resulting systemic lies and relational damage from needing to formulate and bend the nature of reality around those lies. Her hot and cold treatment of me with any postive(hot) behavior usually at least in the last few years being exclusively sexual in nature and cold behavior usually manifesting as her stonewalling me and or simply disappearing for multiple days at a time sometimes. The day my son was born i accompanied her to the hospital and sat with her the entire time helped her push ans enouraged her with love. She treated me with indifference and disdain. Once our wonderful little boy came along this a became even worse. The sense that she was making it about him and her vs everyone else including me was strong. She became quite introverted secretive and "cliquey" with my newborn and at the same time seemed to loose all desire to be physically or emotionally intimate with me. (Of course i gave her plenty of time and space right after she gave birth amd was understanding that it might be a while before things were back to normal).it was almost like she had a new partner-our child. she refused to fully move in to the apartment my grandparents had spent a huge amint of money on to give us a chance at raising our soon in a healthy environment. She would start random and seemingly pointless arguments often escalating into her screaming mean things at me innfront of our 3 month old son like she ****ed me and then raging followed by quickly slamming the door and taking our infant son backto her mother's house where she would stonewall me for a few days then send me. A message that emotionally blackmailed me into taking full blame for the rupture and apologizing profusely. In addition she did not trust me with our son but had no reason not too and as a result gatekept him in an extremely overcintrolling and damaging(for him and for me) manner. to this day (he is 3.5] I have never spent the night alone with him and have had him 1 on 1 dad and son time signifigantly less than I should have and not for lack of trying on my part. Despite her overcontrolling coercive sabatoging and alienating actions my son and I formed a loving and beautiful bond that up untill I saw him last a few months ago has amazingly endured through the storm. The tradegy goes on and on but to wrap up ultimitely she purposefully betrayed me by starting a relationship with my good friend and had him suggest to me that he should move in so he became my roommate all the while lying to my roommate that I ht her and simultaneously having him report back to her on my whereabouts at any Givin time and the things I said about her when venting after a prticulringly humiliating attempt to see my son or similar interaction and also give her info about what I was doing during the day. He became quite controlling himself and severed to further isolate me from people that weren't trying to ruin my life. They started to play mindgames with me that ibsee now attempts to gage how much I knew or suspected about what was going on. Mind you my son who was around 2 at this point was privy to the whole thing it was only kept a secret from me and due to this my son was coached to not tell me about it although what was actually said I will never know. Eventually a mutual friend of my roommate and I reached out and told me he had seen my roommate "playing dad" with my girl and son at dollar tree that day. I remebrr that day I sat at a local park in my car sullen and confused having been led on via sms from her only to randomly stop responding and never managing to get any time with my son. This sort of thing had become a regular occurance She then began withholding my son all togethar simply not answering at all or lying about him being asleep ridiculously early in the afternoon etc etc. My own parents failed to suppprt me and are still failing to show any sort of care other than somehwat monitarily. In fact my mom and her were two peas in a pod and my mom activly participated in the emotional abuse partly becauee of being manipulated by her partly because my mother is emotionally abusive. If I had better support or access to court resources at the time I'm confident things would have gone much differently but I was so isolated and lonely and in a deep state of despair at this point and the only thing I still was enduring for was the brief and inconsistent times i got with my boy whom I love more than life itself. I managed to get a hold of her via phone at this point and said i was going to go to court and pursue custody since she seemed unwilling to value my valid role as father. Her mom and her immediately became overly nice and invited me over where they sat me down and offered to make a visitation schedule and kindly suggested I dident go to court. It wasent much but it was signifgantly more respect than I had been shown any instance prior so I gobbled up the manipulations and left feeling invigorated and hopeful. The schedule was never adhered too and within a few days it was back to me not even be able to get a hold of her let alone see my son. The final day I saw him before things blew up I went over to her house in the evening. My son wanted to play hot wheels so we began to line them up on the floor but my ex was hovering over us with a hostile air. I asked if we could have some space or if at least she could sit down and play with us and she just kept standing there glaring at me. This made me uncomfortable and my son noticed this by sayig daddy play with me! Upon hearing this she in a angry tone said "play with your effin kid isent that what you wanted to do soooooo badly" right in front of him. I asked not to be spoken to in front of him like that and she went and got her mom and started whispering abut me to her mom in the hallway while they watched my son and I. I got up and said I'm leaving this is innappropriate and she said "wow that checks out you harrass me to see your son and then you don't even wanna see him. how pathetic and typical" " you just want to stress me out dont you" you don't actually give 2 you know what's about him" right in front of my son again. I speechlessly went to leave and my son comes running after me begging me to wait. I'm on the verge of tears and i picked him up cherishing how warm he was and how lovingly he was clinging to me. I tentatively requested I be allowed to go for a walk with him around the block and her mom this time dismissively says ya go and shoos us out the door. I get down the driveway and my ex comes sprinting out of the house tears streaming down her face and a look of rage and starts hitting me while I'm holding our son. Amazingly he start4d pushing her away saying mommy stop mommy stop. She says you have 5 minutes or I'm calling the cops and goes back in. I walk him around the block and say "mommy's feeling sad right now but it doesn't mean that either one of us loves you any more or any less than we used to and it's absolutely not your fault." I go back inside and without saying anything I walk up to her and give her a hug wich my son joins in too. All the sudden she is happy again and trying to speak to me in a casual tone but I basically just leave without saying much else. After this a week of no contact with my son occurs which at the time was the longest we had gone apart I felt like I had no choice but to confront her and assert my rights AGAIN although looking back I feel terribley silly for thinking she was going to repsect me at that point. Keep in mind i ALWAYS was extrmely respectful of her space and never would just show up at her moms house even though our relationahip by many accounts was more than informal ennough to make an occasionaI drop in to say hi. In addition she on Many occasions had told me that I could just come by if she didn't Answer her phone or simular situation arose. I texted her I was coming by to say goodnight to my son and phrased it as a statement not a question or request. I was already on the way when I sent the message and so I arrived (unintentionally)before her being able to fully respond to it to see my romate come running out of the front door (this is when I first had proof ab about all the stuff I mentioned earlier about their secret relationship) and go hide in the bushes, her poke her head out the door and then shut and lock it and turn all the lights in the house out and close the blinds. I walk up to the door and knock to no avail and so I confront her about what i know and saw via sms. She directly denies all my proof and accusations and then after calling me crazy and a stalker blocks me on all channels of communication. I go back to my car and collapse in tears and ultimtly fall asleep. I wake up to see her quickly shoving a duffel bag and my son into her moms car and her and my roommate get in and she pulls quickly away. Upon passing me on her way to the main road she becomes aware that im still there in my car and she burns rubber and begins driving extremely fast and erratically. In a moment of panic I knew she was probably trying to go into hiding with my son to prevent me from evrr seeing him again and I fearing for the safety of my son and our relationship I regrettably felt compelled to follow. We got on the freeway where she initiatied speeds of 100 plus miles perhour weaving in between semi's and this sort of thing continued d for an hour in the interim I had called 911 and also she had pulled up too a gas station casually got out and pumped gas upon her getting back in the car I witnessed my roommate making derogatory and taunting sexual gestures referring to my ex and also what i can only describe as cuddling with my son in the back seat and became enraged and made some threatening motions with a large wooden shovel handle while standing next to her car that were directed at my betraying friend and I feel terrible for doing in front of my child but in the moment I was so desperate and upset by the psychological torture i had been through it clouded my normally good judgment. In the end the police couldn't locate us due to my 911 call continually being transfered fron highway patrol dispatch back to whatever city we were in at the times dispatch. Also ultimetly no physical harm or even any other attempts happend or anything to anyone of the people involved and eventually I gave up and drove back to my hometown. She immediately filed for a domestic violence restraining order and used a recording she took of me looking aggressive and threatening outside her car as proof im abusive and violent even though i have never been either of those things. Especially not violent. I may not have been the most mature or experienced or attentive partner for some of our relationship but anything I did was truly a far cry from the serious emotional anguish I have ben subjected to here and not abusive. I did not lie, cheat,manipulate, gaslight, trick, triangulate, turn family againts or ever feel superior or entitled to harm or use her in any way. I loved her and she did all those to me and now is trying to steal the most precious thing I have left in the world from me so she can emotionally scar him with her idea of what good parenting is which in truth is emotional abuse.. She moved my old roommate in to her moms house full time the very next day and from what I hear they both are abusing meth and who knows what else currently plus this guy is not somone that is safe around my son to that degree. He is not a healthy safe adult for such a young boy and in addition he is vindictive and dislikes me mostly because my ex told him I hit her and abused her which are absolutely complete lies. I'm facing a situation now where I have to sit by and watch my son turned agsints me and withheld from me and abused and eveyone treats me like im the abuser. I have tried to contact every dv organization in my local area and as soon as they hear what happend it's almost like I can Feel the switch flip and in the moment it's evident that all the abuse that I had recounted surviving through doesn't matter because I'm some "unhinged abusive guy that chases people down the freeway" eveyone I have reached out to locally has invalidated me and berrated me for "what I did" and successfully pathologized what I consider to be a huge mistake that I feel very regretful for loosing my composure but also a rather understandable emotional reaction to severe mistreatment and fear for my son. I'm beggining to feel so isolated riding the emotional Rollercoaster of self doubt and powerlessness that this abuse at the hands of my ex but dare I say worse yet the abuse by way of victim blame and invalidation from these people and organizations that exist to help dv survivors has caused me. which because I reacted I'm not worthy of being included as a survivor. Cn you offer any advice or support or suggestions? I'm terrified for my sons wellbeing currently and haven't been able to see him in going on 2.5 months now clear and to be clear the domestic violence restraining order is still temporary. I have the final hearing in August.i
submitted by Puzzled_Trade4220 to Manipulation [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:00 SweetChainzz How to deal with pregnancy depression

I am 10 weeks 5 days pregnant with my first and ever since finding out I was pregnant I have gone through a lot of depression. My pregnancy was definitely a surprise to me and my husband, but we are excited about it nonetheless. I have been depressed, angry, annoyed, and anxious the most of my pregnancy so far, especially at work and I’m so tired of it. I feel guilty too because I know it’s not good for baby and I have thoughts of “ I don’t even want to be pregnant right now” but this is the situation and I don’t know what to do. Does it get better or is it just something I’m going to have to learn to regulate better ?
Also to note: I’ve struggled with depression and anxiety for the majority of my life and I’m wondering if that is a contributing factor for the new intense feelings. Before I felt like I had a good handle on it.
submitted by SweetChainzz to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:58 sadworn he want me to get abortion

hi, first of all i'm french so sorry if my sentences might be confusing
One week ago i did a pregnancy test and the result is: im pregnant since one month now. i've always dreamed to have kids; and I already abort once last summer, and it destroyed me mentally, im still getting trough it. I talk with my boyfriend about it and it started to get really mad cause he always have been very careful so I don't get pregnant. I told him that I might want keep the baby, and since that he is awful with me. He said that the baby won't be happy because his situation is not good enough. And I understand. But for me I'm totally ready to have a kid. Why I feel like it's him who have the absolute right to decide for me? If i want to keep the baby, does it make me a bad person? Why should I choose to be traumatized and unhappy because he wants me to abort? I'm so lost and at this point I wanna die, if I abort a second time i would not survive.
please help me, i'm alone and lost. :(
submitted by sadworn to self [link] [comments]
