Puffy areola pictures


2011.12.13 20:54 Showerbeer

Work soft. Showerbeer hard.

2014.03.12 05:00 ohmygod_ I Tried to Eat a Bee: a place for bee eater mishaps.

This is a subreddit dedicated to posting pictures of your pets and friends that have had a puffy run in with a bee.

2019.06.20 01:06 oceanatlas Florence Pugh

Welcome to the subreddit for fans of actress & sometimes musician Florence Pugh! Pugh Project Release Schedule: • Dune - Part 2 (March 1, 2024) • Marvel’s Thunderbolts (TBD) • The Pack (TBD) • East of Eden (Netflix, TBD) • We Live In Time (TBD)

2024.06.09 10:42 confusedlem0n_ Why is my bichon so massive? (swipe for scale 👀)

Why is my bichon so massive? (swipe for scale 👀)
Any tips on weight loss / weight management?
The vet told us Bichon Frisés typically weigh up to a maximum of 8kg (~18 pounds), but his weight has crept up from 11kg a year ago to 13kg (28 pounds) now. Is this a grossly unhealthy weight for a dog his breed?
See picture of when he was a puppy (around 5/6 months old) - he's always had quite a "long" body for his breed so I wonder if he just grew into it? He's 3 years old now.
We've tried the "feeling the ribs" test and there is a fair layer of meat lining his ribs so we can't feel them that well, but his puffy fur makes it hard to tell. He also doesn't seem to have any obvious flab along his body.
He was also fixed quite early (at 5-6 months old) on the advice of our vet.
Food: We used to have him on kangaroo kibble but that's impossible to find now that we've moved to France. We switched him to Orijen a year ago which is mainly chicken and fish, which I assume has contributed to his sudden weight gain. Are there other specific kibble that you'd recommend that's available in Europe that has less fat content?
Treats: Very limited; only celery and yak stick 20 minutes per week for his teeth.
Exercise: He gets a decent amount of exercise; he runs around a big garden and goes on two 15-30 minute walks a day. This is more than he used to do before we moved to France. He also hasn't showed any signs of slowing down / excessive panting compared to before.
Any advice is appreciated!
submitted by confusedlem0n_ to DogAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:59 rdk67 Spring Day 81: Celestial Objects Churning the Earth Beneath Us

I walk across town to the farmer’s market, to table with Don and Jane about the petition to limit the police budget, realign spending with human need. The day is a big slice of what the market is all about, and people drift past as couples and families, some with balloon animals and some without, more than a few eager to sign the petition. A determination appears when people have a chance to sign their name to the cause of justice, put their shoulder to the wheel of change, a metaphor farmer’s markets know well, and when they lay down the pen, they smile with more than one satisfaction – I am part of the urge to ease suffering and endorse peace in our time, yes, but I also just affirmed same by staining sheets of pulped paper with the point of a pen. What a troop of upright hominids are we! I search for a tree to climb, that my voice might carry further.
I cruise through the rest of the market, look for a free secluded spot to eat a scone, finding none, eat it on the way home by pinching off little pieces and stuffing them in my mouth. In a couple of hours, I’m meeting with my political representative to the city council, to talk about policing and the budget associated with it, which is an extension of the question of authority. I practice my argument about prison abolition – imagine young adults of a certain age, unable ever to be incarcerated – how would we see things differently if there was no plan b involving the police? Now imagine an adult leaving prison after a 30-year sentence, moving in next door – would you rather they endured the passing of time in a condition of abject torment inside a state-sponsored industrial prison or living and learning inside the kind of architecture that preserves humanity?
Later in the afternoon, I take a lap around the commons area, get spotted by a baby posing for pictures taken by her mom. She has mastered the art of sitting upright, and her mom steps forward, turns her a bit, then steps back and starts snapping pictures with her phone, which is the sort of phrase that would have blown my mind as a kid – one day we will all take pictures with our phones, no big deal – send them to each other at the theoretical speed of light, minus a certain amount of head scratching in the global microelectronics biome. Not to give away any secrets the future may or may not be keeping from us, but there is definitely going to be a new technologically mediated relationship with simultaneity that is, at present, in low-earth orbit, negotiating a splashdown. When it arrives, that new relationship with simultaneity will create
a higher technology, accompanied by a new catalogue of phenomenologies based on ubiquitous media that renders locality and nonlocality indistinguishable and intertwined, in the workplace and at home, when you sleep and when you wake, and solitude will become a doctor that still makes house calls, and solitude will press its ear against our spine, ask us to breathe, listen close to the atmosphere rush in and out. Solitude will have us say ah. I sprawl in the grass, imagining the mystery of a baby’s gaze captured by an optically sensitive computer chip and preserved for all eternity. The sky is overcast, but the clouds are the puffy kind that aren’t likely to drop rain, holes here and there, and the sky a valorous blue, a blue urging us onward, reminding us it is no less than another ocean, the one above. One more: no less than another ocean, the one above.
I drift into a trance state in which my listening becomes inverted, and I feel a thrum of the earth, which passes into my body through ribbons of grass. The ground really does rise and fall twice daily – crustal tides, they’re called, based on the moon and the sun’s gravitational pull, and my body feels cut from cardboard – from a big box, who knows what was inside – and I float on the grass like a raft in a stew, contemplate the eternal question – do you know of where you stand? – on the matter of peace and otherwise? After some astonishing bout of internal debate, possibly centuries later, I feel a breeze sweep across my body – an affirmation, even more the case due to how difficult it is to ever imagine a breeze like this just randomly blowing through my bedroom window. A wind born of spirit – that’s what I felt there in my bed, on a pallet in a peace church.
Then I realized I was in the grass – still in the commons area – feeling celestial objects churning the earth beneath me, and what a moment that is – of a mind bare of context, in a trance in the grass, imagining the remarkable – a public nudity really. I open my eyes the way a moth opens its wings, observe a magnetic field in the sky, a twinkling grid seeming slightly to breath, which is probably just my breath, just me, but the vision persists, a sky drawn with ley lines. One, two, three birds zip past, and I half expect a clap of thunder, wonder if the day yearns for something I can give. I sit up, spot a square of bright gold foil – the remains of a condom package. Did they do it there? In that very patch of grass? Passion uncontained, they call it. Occurring everywhere at once in a way. A baby who has mastered the art of sitting upright, poses for photos by phone.
submitted by rdk67 to MetaphysicalWeather [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:19 Geolassie Feedback please! 2 weeks in France in late June/early July

Feedback please! 2 weeks in France in late June/early July
Hi all! I’ve been reading this sub with great interest the past couple of months and now my long-awaited first 1 bag trip is just 2 weeks away! Please give me your thoughts on my clothing choices.
My husband and I will be spending the 1st 6 days near Carnac in a series of hotels and are attending a wedding that weekend. I’m planning the purple and black chiffon dress for that. Week 2 will be spent in Paris at an airbnb with laundry available.
My bag is a 39L travel pro rollaboard
Shoes: Roxy sneakers, worn on plane Chacos Black wedge sandals
Not pictured: 7 pair of panties, 1 of which is period panty 4 pair smartwool footie socks, 1 pair tall socks, 1 pair compression socks for the plane 1 nude bra, 1 black bra Bikini top and 2 bikini bottoms Bike shorts for PJs and/or chub rub
Pants: Yellow gauze palazzos Red overalls Deciding between navy linen capris and navy Athleta pants or bring both? Jeans (worn on plane and not pictured) Should I bring a pair of linen shorts?
Tops: Black tank and red tank Red linen tee Navy cotton V neck tee Yellow eyelet tee Yellow gauze tank - the one pictured is not exact. The real one is made of the same gauze as I made the palazzos from and appears to be a jumpsuit when worn together Black ribbed tee with ribbons on the sleeves OR black rayon drapey top - the tee is a poly blend, so I’m not wild about it for travel, but the drapey top is pretty old…maybe skip both and get a black Woolx tee?
I got the daffodil rayon to make a little raglan sleeve top to add, but I haven’t yet. That would go with all my bottoms but the overalls. I have enough I could make it into a (short) skirt instead.
Layers: Denim jacket Swimmer button-up - should I swap this out with something plainer? Or warmer?
Dresses: Chiffon dress (mentioned earlier) Blue and white tea-length cotton sundress
Questions: Should I bring the 1-arm knit dress? I culled it but I’m having 2nd thoughts. I’m not a scarf-wearer in my home life, but should I bring one for added variety/warmth/modesty? Do I need a raincoat? Should I bring my puffy coat just in case? I was thinking of getting some kind of knit topper that I can wear as a bathrobe (one hotel has a shared bathroom), swim coverup, or just layer but idk what item that might be?
Thanks in advance for your help and wisdom!
submitted by Geolassie to HerOneBag [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:07 Oday-Dolphin [TOMT] Website or blog post where a couple tests the “dead zones” in various microwaves using some kind of tortilla

I don't remember if this was a single blog post or had its own site. They used a particular type of tortilla that puffed up exactly where it got hot. There were a lot of pictures of the tortillas laid out in a sort of flower shape on the plate, with various patterns of puffiness illustrating the "hot zones" of each microwave. I probably first saw the site in the 20-teens but it could have been older.
submitted by Oday-Dolphin to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:57 aikopetite Define safe community for black girls ?

My cousin got surgery for breast reduction and no it was not back pain related she’s just 5’5 weighing 110 and didn’t want to walk around with such big boobs on her small frame. Her breast were saggy and she’s yet to even have kids. She hated how they looked, complained often about her different areola sizes, and sweat from underneath them. She just did not like them. She liked a smaller c cup and went and got her breast augmented to her liking. Guess who supported her ? ME. I loved her big boobs hell I want big boobs too BUT it’s not about me it’s about what makes her feel confident and sexy.
My bestie gave birth last year and had a very loose skin saggy stomach 2 years after despite working out and decided to get lipo and added in a breast lift . She looks like and upgraded versio of her before self and HAWT as ever.
I had a neighbor confide in me about her toe extension bunion removal surgery. I didn’t even know that was a thing until she told me last month. She was so happy to share her results with me because she hated how uneven and unattractive her toes looked before. Guess who gassed her up and told her they LOVED THEMMM? ME. Did I think her toes were fine before ? Yes . I didn’t even notice the one small bunion. But again is it about me ? NO. She felt her toes were ugly and went and got them extended to make them even and herself feel more confident and now she is ! Her being happy makes me happy.
Why am I saying all of this ? I saw someone post something (I will update this post when I find it again) 2/3 days ago relation to plastic surgery (her nose specifically) and it was deleted followed by a mod commenting “post that promote self-hate and anti blackness are not allowed here”. Excuse me ? 66% of plastic surgery patients are CAUCASIANas in white. While 32%is shared by Asian black and Hispanics. I dont see anyone telling white women “this is anti-white”.
Before someone says the post above is specifically anti black because of a rhinoplasty. Ask yourself if you and all your black family members have the same nose ? The answer is NO. There are black people with long, short, wide narrow, thick, thin, defined, and/or non defined noses. Black people are diverse features same as white people have different noses. you ever seen ones with the big hump ? Yeah they don’t all have a skinny thin Disney nose. If someone wants a rhinoplasty that DOES NOT make them anti black. These are black women who all still look very black after their rhinoplasty and I’m sure you all know someone who looks like their after picture that is black and has never had a rhinoplasty. Hell someone could want a nose that looks like their moms instead of their dads. Change doesn’t always equal WHITE and wanting to change something about how you look doesn’t mean you hate yourself.
I feel we must learn to support black girls even when their likes defers from that of our own. Can plastic surgery be taken too far at times? YES. That’s the case with everything else though . Moderation should always be key in everything we do including plastic surgery. Black women shouldn’t be shunned or shamed around the topic. Everything isn’t anti black.
submitted by aikopetite to blackgirls [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:09 More_Conclusion6912 Red inflamed skin-30y female

Tried to post this with a picture to show what I’m talking about but ig I can’t till tomorrow… I’ve always had a lot of redness in my t zone and a lot of texture and large pores. I stopped wearing foundation and concealer bc it just emphasizes it (also extremely oily) I have a decent skin care routine, I’ve been through a lot of trial and error to finally get soemthing that doesn’t get me as red. Started seeing a dermatologist recently and she prescribed me tretinoin, benzoyl peroxide wash and these wipes I think called clindamycin which I don’t use because they smell so strong like alcohol and get scared it’ll make it worse. My skin is so sensitive, I’ll get red inflamed raised skin for most products. I’m always doing research before trying new things to make sure they’re suitable for me. I just want my skin to not be red and puffed up. I get large pores and texture is normal but it’s so puffed. Only in the morning when I freshly wash my face and skin care is it less puffy till about 10 mins later it puffs up.
submitted by More_Conclusion6912 to 30PlusSkinCare [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 10:03 Turbulent-Street-598 My family can't find what's wrong with my almost-1y/o cat's eyes & I'm scared

My cat, Tee-Tee, is a boy born on July 12, 2023. He has 2 sisters & a brother, but we gave away the oldest, so he lives w/ his mama, Oreo (~1.5y/o tuxedo), his sister Rolo (I think might be a Turkish Van?), & his brother Beebs Jr./B.B. (also maybe Turkish Van, I think they have a different daddy than Tee-Tee). My family also has 3 other cats we've had much longer than them, Callie (~9y/o tortoise shell), Beebs (~12-14y/o), & Arthur (~13-14y/o Maine Coon-Long Hair mix). I'm the youngest human in the house, I have an older sister, & we live with our Grandma & Papa. My whole family loves animals, especially cats. Right now we have 7, my Aunts' have 5-6 cats, 2 dogs & 10 rabbits, & I couldn't count all my cousin's pets on all my limbs. Animals always favor my sister or grandma over me (we call my sister the cat whisperer becuz no matter where we live strays will always find us), but for the first time, I was a cat's favorite to cuddly with, Tee-Tee's. I promise I don't have a favorite, but he does require more attention & jumps up in my bed to cuddly with me, while most of the cats dislike or are indifferent to being held or cuddled with. To make a long story short, over the summer we took in an obviously pregnant stray, Oreo, & she had 4 beautiful babies, Tee-Tee was the 2nd-born. Tee-Tee's always been a handful (his name was Tweety until we started calling him Trouble/Troublemaker, which turned into Tee-Tee). When he was born, Oreo struggled, & my grandma had to help pull him out. When he was finally out, my grandma was crying out of fear he wouldn't make it. We're pretty sure the kittens were born a little late, but there's no way of knowing. When they were all born they were a little bigger than other litters, my grandma said, we assume it's because they got extra baking time. Because Oreo was a "sort of" a stray & there was a big problem with all the "strays" outside kept getting pregnant, so there's a possibility that at least Tee-Tee, if he does have a different dad than his siblings (which is possible, & even in humans too, tho is very rare), is inbred. We even had a problem w/ Beebs Jr. getting on top of Oreo when she was in heat, until we got him fixed. It was so frequent that I even had a nightmare about the chance of inbred-kittens. His health problem could be related to the possibility, but other than that him & his siblings r completely normal, silly cats that love to play & cuddle together (the boys r also massive pigs, tho Rolo doesn't eat very much wet food). Tee-Tee's also never used the litter box, we've tried swapping out litter for chips, we have 2 boxes in the living room, one covered one not, & he's still never used it on his own even now. That's unrelated, but thought that maybe someone could give tips on that as well? Anyway, when Tee-Tee was about 6 months old, he got fairly bad eye-crusties, nothing too severe, tho my anxious ass worried about it frequently. Those eventually went away, but in December he started getting this green-ish blue goop or mucus from his eyes. Half a year later & it's still bad. It starts with his right eye getting gooped-up, but then after a while his left eye will get goopy, then both eyes will get leaky w/ a orangey-red color (I don't think it's blood??), & the left eye will get even worse. On the right the mucus is typically a blue-ish green, but on the left it's more of a green-ish yellow color, same texture & consistency tho. Around his left eye will get stained, since that's where his fur is white, & it'll have this orange-y color around it, & get a little puffy, but not excessively. We wipe his eyes with clean tissues, clean toilet paper, or clean & damp paper towels. We took him to the vet a while back, & the vet prescribed him w/ oral antibiotics (the kind you administer with a syringe inside the mouth) & eyedrops. They seemed to help him, though admittedly we didn't give him meds as frequently as we should have becuz we're quite busy, with me & my sister's school, Papa's work, & my sister's job. Plus, my grandma has chronic pain & sleep problems, so she can't give him meds by herself. When we give him meds, we wrap him up/swaddle him into a towel or blanket, then while I hold him & his arms down so he doesn't fight, my grandma shoots the oral antibiotics into his mouth (carefully, not aggressively, becuz we don't want to scare him). Then she pulls his eyes open (which he heavily resists), & give him 3 drops per eye (prescribed dose). Then we unwrap him & give him a treat or extra food (he really likes Boinker's cat lollipops, highly suggest, 5/7 cats approve). After that he usually runs off. After a while he starts getting skittish becuz he doesn't want to get meds, so we make sure to give him plenty of love & treats when we're not giving him meds so he won't run away from everyone all the time. He's very social normally, & very, VERY stupid, but I love him. The vet said that once we finished all the meds, the eye problems should have disappeared. Soon, though, they reappeared after we ran out of the oral meds. The eyedrops don't help nearly as much. We took him to get fixed & again to get his eyes checked out, & the vet prescribed more oral antibiotics, 2 types of eye drops, & my grandma bought this maple-flavored thing to put on cat's paws for them to lick, it's supposed to support their immune system. Once again, it worked, & we would switch up w/ eye drops we gave him. We ran out of the orals, & one type of eyedrops. We're worried sometimes, though, the eyedrops might burn becuz of how resistant he is? Anyway, guess what's back!? The whole thing starts all over: the right goops, the left goops, they leak, his left is all orange-y, his left eye also looks kinda red, the transparent layer on the eye that opens kinda vertically?? Idk what it's called. We're poor, & have 4 humans & 7 cats to take care of. We can't afford to keep buying him meds (I want to get a job over the summer to help pay for Tee-Tee's vet & to get Oreo spayed). My Grandma & Papa keep bringing up getting his eyes removed, & while it sounds like they're half-joking, my grandma assured me they're seriously considering it. Idk if they can get his eyes removed, how expensive that'd be, etc. All I know is I don't want Tee-Tee to be hauled back to the vet, be but under anesthesia, then wake up scared & lonely becuz he can't see anything or anyone. I'm worried about how he'd navigate through the house, interact & play with his siblings & the other cats, etc. He's a sweety & I can't stand the idea of it. I love him more than anything, & I know cat owners always say that, but I would kill & die for my cats if I needed to. They're the most important thing in the world, & the best thing that's ever happened to me. I start crying looking up what the hell the problem could be with his eyes, which is understandable. Who could look at all these pictures of cats w/ uncomfortable-looking eye conditions, yet none of them match my kitten's eyes enough. All these charts & descriptions of different cat eye discharge & infections & illnesses, but none match. One eye's discharge (right, surrounded by black fur) is a blue-ish green color with a mucus-like texture & consistency, not sticky tho. The other eye (left, surrounded by white fur) gets green-ish yellow goop, same consistency. It's typically in the outer corner of his eyes, inside the lid, but it builds up quickly. We wipe his eyes multiple times a day to keep his face from getting messy, or possibly obstructing his vision, or whatever. When he was little we thought he got scratched in his right eye playing with his brother, but when the left eye started acting up I guess we scrapped that theory. I'm so desperate, begging anyone's assistance, advice, support, comfort, please. Getting rid of him or any of the cats isn't an option. I'll try attaching a picture of him here, but I don't have any of his eyes "gooped up". If you think it'd help to take & add some here, I'll try to take some though. Thank you for the help, I'm desperate. He's been extra skittish & weird lately, tho maybe that's just him being a silly little baby weirdo like he always is.
submitted by Turbulent-Street-598 to cats [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 09:11 srhkhavari Meaning of weight shifting/more weight on the lower cheeks

I noticed some changes in the weight on my face. I never had round or puffy lower cheeks, it's weird to notice that change now in pictures. I am overweight, but I feel like this change has other significance. I've tried googling, but not much luck there, the search results are too general. What do you guys think about having fat lower cheeks? What does that mean?
submitted by srhkhavari to facereading [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 00:12 BjSaWgDoG Kingdom Hearts: Path of The Key. ( fanfic)

Chapter 1: Into the wonders
As a bright red ship sailed through the stars, a young boy with spiky brown hair awoke from the bunk. As this lonely boy put on his yellow boots he took out a picture from his pocket. He glared at the two other kids with him. An older moody gray haired boy and an fair skin cheery girl that was the same age as the boy that had the Key. “ Don’t worry Riku and Kyrie I promise I will find you,” said the goofy little boy as he grinned at the picture. “ Soar we need a move to our next world,” quacked the high temperature duck from the front of the ship. “I’m ready Donald,” answered Soar as a large gleaming silver Key blade appeared in his hands. “ Gosh Donald he is just a kid,” joked a slacking dog with a light armored chest plate. “ Goofy he’s the kid that is his destined to open the door to kingdom hearts,” stammered the blue hat and robed duck as the Keyblade slammed onto an copper seal with the mouse emblem.
The mouse emblem comes from their king that Donald and Goofy are trying to find. Their king did leave a note that I found in the bathroom one time.
It read,” dear Donald, I’m Sorry that I had to leave without saying goodbye but all the stars are blinking out. I Sense trouble is brewing and I have to figure out what’s going on. PS: find the key.”
As Soar picked up the note, the ship shook to a landed. “ Goofy you made me crashed the ship again,” squawk Donald as the ship remain mostly intact. “Sorry Donald I thought that we have to find the king as soon as possible,” stated the relaxed Goofy from his chair as he picked up his shield from the floor. “Hey guys are you ready to explore this world,” said Soar as the key blade appeared within is hand.
“Find let’s go and see,” stammered Donald as he pressed the comically larger button that teleported the group to a yard full of giant flowers. “Whoa look we who have here,” said the red female rose as she pointed her right leave at the three of them . “I’m so sorry for Rosetta’s rudeness, she jut bloomed,” rectify a smiling Daisy as a cricket hopped of her head. As Goofy scooped, the cricket up, he asked,” Jiminy what you doing all the way out here”. As the well dressed cricket steady with his cane in hand, Jiminy answered,” Well my old chum, my world disappeared and I’m looking for my boy Pinocchio. “ Geez you’re world is gone to,” said Goofy as Donald yanked him down by the ears. “You shouldn’t have told anyone about that, Worlds order remember Goof,” muttered Donald into the floppy dog ears. “Oh yeah the Worlds order is very important but there are many immigrants that have lost their worlds, like a little girl with a strange blue haired dog,” informed Jiminy as Soar remained loss with all of this back and forth between the three anthropomorpes. “Well Jiminy you could help us with finding our friends and we can help you,” suggested Soar as the cricket happily jumped up onto his shoulders. “That’s a jolly good idea my boy, I could join you three on this journey and write it down in my journal,” chirped Jiminy as he pulled a small notebook of his hat.
As they all left the flowers behind, a young girl in a blue dress was surrounded by shadow creatures. “The heartless are in this world two,” shooked Donald as the silver key appeared within in his hand. “Come on, we got to help are,” said Soar as the the three of them jumped into battle. As Soar slashed into the monsters that took his friends away, Donald casted lightning from the sky. As Goofy ran into the last remaining heartless, Soar pulled the girl up by the hand. “ You’re safe now,” said Soar as the girl patted off her puffy blue dress. “Oh, my named is Alice and thank you,” said the little girl as she curtsied. “You’re a lot kinder then that silly cat,” fussed Alice as a purple cat appeared in the tree with a wide smile like the moon.
Oh my what a joyous day, we have three new visitors today,” crowed the cat as he balanced on a twig of a branch with only one front paw. “ Cheshire what is the riddle today,” yelled Alice as the cat hopped onto laying on his back on the branch. “No riddles for you my dear but what about our new friends,” Said the Cheshire Cat as he stared his bright yellow eyes at Soar. “Find do you know where the key lock is,” asked Soar as the cat disappeared from the tree. “ A key lock you say, you would know once you look in heart. That is the key,” snickered the Cheshire as only his faint face quickly appeared and disappeared into thin air. “See like I told you a silly cat,” said Alice has she also disappeared behind the tall grass.
As the three of them traveled down the freshly patted trail, a white rabbit hurriedly bounced along his way. “Oh my, Oh my, I’m going to be late, late I say,” stammered the rabbit as they follow him to a castle. A castle decorated to the brim with hearts of ever size and color. Even the throne where the large queen sits was a red heart. “My Queen here’s your club,” stuttered the short king as he hand a pink flamingo club. As the Queen stood up from her throne and hit the ball, Alice appeared from the large hedge maze. As the ball bounced off the golfer and hit the garden flamingo, the queen went as red as her face. “Off with her head,” demanded the Queen as a red aura emerges from her.
As a slender figure appeared with a giant Heart shaped chest and many hats on top of his head, Donald yelled,” It’s an emotion bound heartless.” “You three called me heartless. Off with you heads as well,” roared the queen as the three of them jumped into the fray. As Soar welded at the unexpectedly nimble heartless, Donald cast fireballs at it’s heart shape chest . As Goofy charge at the heartless, the creature failed on the queen and vanished. “Sorry ma’am, my friend was trying to say that creature was called a heartless,” said Sora as the Queen’s redness faded away. “Fine fine you heads will not be off today,” commanded the queen as a large key lock appeared from behind her throne. “Yes the first key hole,” yipped Soar as he aimed the key at the lock. As a beam of light shot out the gleaming key blade and towards the floating lock, it disappears with an explosion of light. 
As the three of them teleported back to their ship, Donald pulled the comedically large lever and rocketed into the opened zone. “Gosh Soar what’s wrong,” asked Goofy as Soar slumped in his chair. As the Keyblade disappeared, Soar said,” It’s just that we’re no closer to finding Kyrie or Riku.” “Oh Soar, If the king is out there, you’re friends are too, comfort Donald as their ship blasted off into deep space.
submitted by BjSaWgDoG to KingdomHearts [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:29 jaylinrenee Seeing Progress 2 months in!

Seeing Progress 2 months in!
I don’t really weigh myself cuz I don’t want to obsess over the pounds (knowing myself I will) so instead I’m taking pictures of the progress. While I’m definitely still large and in charge, I feel a lot less puffy! I also just travelled all over Europe and never needed a seatbelt extender on any of the flights which was another huge win.
submitted by jaylinrenee to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:06 Future_Ad_3485 Planet Decay Part Twenty Seven: A Freeze to the End!

A thirteen year old Ali stumbled into my training room, fresh bruises and cuts covering her skin. Tying her waves into a bun, there was no light in her eyes. Someone had stolen the sparkle and I had a clue who. Mumbling an apology under her breath, her body twitched at the slightest of touch. Blood soaked the back of her tank top, a quick lift of her shirt revealing fresh whip marks. Bowing her head in shame, this genius of an officer had gotten her pilot’s license a year ago. Shame should have never been felt, a simmering rage boiling in my eyes.
“Leave it alone.” She mumbled brokenly, tears splashing onto the grass. “I deserved it for god knows what this time.” Shaking my head, my strong hands guided her to the one bench. Using a wave of ice to bring me the medicine kit, her fingers dug into her legs with every dab of alcohol on the fresh wounds. Moving onto an ointment I created specifically for her, her next words broke my heart.
“Why do I have to be her punching bag? It isn’t enough that everyone hates me.” She sobbed uncontrollably, wiping her tears away. “Doesn’t she get that it freaking hurts! Ignore me, master!” Pulling out the gauze to wrap her up, her tenacity made that an impossible task. A fit of hearty laughter had her wet eyes meeting my jolly smile, my goal from now on being to make her as happy as I can.
“No way in hell, kiddo!” I announced with another big laugh, my eyes catching the commander glaring down at me. “Let’s get some ice cream as a reward for all your good work.” Popping to her feet, her eyes reminded me of a child for the first time in a long while. Pressing calloused palms together, the hard work showed in where they were. Smiling brightly, I flipped off the commander behind my back. She wouldn’t dare punish me, a sly grin danced across my lips. Shrugging as I guided her out of my training room, our boots echoed down the empty halls of the academy. Weeping next to me, she flashed me an exhausted smile. Wiping away her tears, panic twisted my features. Tugging at my worn leather vest and pants, embarrassment colored her cheeks. Our future would be bleak if she defected but for now I could bask in her warmth. Bouncing her fist into her palm, her smile brightened to her genuine smile.
“If I could be president tomorrow, then I would bring us all together!” She chirped cheerfully, spinning around before her smile faded. “Like that would ever happen. People would have to stop calling me a mutt first.” Ruffling her hair, the loose strands of her hair floated up with the return of her real smile. Such a sweet girl and the world was shattering her to pieces. Stepping into the ice cream shop, everyone stopped to stare at her. Throwing slurs her way, an ice cream cone splattered inches from her feet. The corner of her lips quivered, her body disappeared into the crowd. Berating everyone before I left, my boots bounced off the sleek streets. Shoving my way through the different aliens, our society’s view needed to change desperately. Hours passed of me searching, the crowds dwindling. A familiar scream shattered the silence, the sound sending me in the direction of an alleyway. A busted up Ali lay in a growing pool of blood, a few gang members leaping over the nearest fence. Struggling to sit up, several stab wounds dotted her body. Grasping at her pants, her puffy and bruised face met my twitching snarl. How dare they hurt my student!
“Could you kill me already!” She pleaded desperately, screaming into the sky. “All anyone else but Jack and you want to hurt me. I love Jack and I love you like a father. Everyone else hates me for something I can’t control, damn it! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” Crouching down to her level, my hands cupped her face. Wiping her tears away with my thumbs, a thirteen year old should never feel like this. Pushing me to the ground, a golden light sealed her wounds shut. Struggling to her feet, she limped away from me. Glancing back in my direction, a sad smile quivered on her lips.
“No one must hear what I said. They might hate me more. The last thing I want is for you guys to get burned in the line of my fire.” She choked out through another flood of tears, her facial swelling dying down. “I promise that I will be fine.” Jack called for her in the distance, her real smile illuminating her features. Her voice calling for me to wake up had me fading in out of my memory.
Sucking in a deep breath, Ali was standing over me in the winter version of her space suit. She doubled in my vision, her smile reminding me of that day. Coming into focus, her hand rested on her hip. Grinning ear to ear, the harsh atmosphere of my planet howled outside of my ship. Leaning forward with a big grin, her thick brown leather gloves contrasted the fluffy winter coat.
“When I said I loved you like a father that day, I meant it.” She proclaimed while spinning around, her hands landing on her hips. “You treated me like a human being and stitched me up when the commander ordered the nurse to stop treating me. You strayed a bit which we all do. I know that you care a lot about me. You took me out for ice cream to make me feel better. You crouched down to my level to wipe away my tears. You listened to me rant about how I wanted to die. Also, it might be an honor to be the first person I said I love you to. Keep that in mind when you are feeling down.” Touched by her words, silent tears danced down my cheeks. Undoing my harness, her dream was about to come true. All of the officers had been gathered and the informant in my village had the location of Solomon for the next few days in exchange for the extermination of an ice bear. Tucking her staff into the new golden case that the group had gifted her, a tired depression had her face falling.
“Can I be open for a second? A deep fright has me scared that I can’t bring the peace that I want to.” She admitted freely, making her way over to the door. “Bogs might be wrong about me.” Fighting back tears, she moved a thick scarf over her mouth. My heart broke for her, her hand dropping to her side. Choosing not to finish her thoughts, her trembling fingers had the door hissing open. Stepping into the howling landscape, my footfalls echoed behind her. Locking up the ship behind me, her bag of supplies bounced off her hips. Crunching up to her side, the leather groaned as she clenched her fists. Hiking into the sea of glowing brick homes, her downtrodden expression spoke of regret.
“I miss my girls.” She sighed tiredly, her bond with her snakes speaking of her kindness. “They would curl around me but even I know that it is too cold here for them.” Frozen tears exploded against the snow, my arms yanking her into a bear hug. Shivering in my arms, uncontrollable sobs wracked her body. Staring ahead into the place I used to call home, her fingers dug into my space suit. Snores echoed in my ear, her emotions sweeping her away to a rough slumber. Carrying her into my parents’ home, I placed her on the couch. Noting her dark bags, the lack of sleep must be the problem. Getting the fireplace going, I locked my door on the way out. Sprinting into the blizzard, the bear problem could be solved by me. Following the tracks, a tall ice cave towered over me. Sneaking into the shadows, a roar had my palms gripping the wall. Fighting my fear, terror rounded my eyes at the enormous ice bear lumbering past me. The bastard said he was five foot tall not twenty feet tall, my powers wouldn’t suffice. A sharp whistle had me crying for Ali to get out of the way, a golden glow hiding her body. Steam hissed in the air with every violent clash, something else felt off. Solomon came out of the shadows, the rest of the team coming in on the other side of her. Lasers dotted the night skies, our ships battling his ships. Spinning her staff in her palm, golden energy swirled around her. Wondering what woke her up, the bit of rest was now a thought of the past.
“The jig is up, captain.” He laughed maniacally, raising his staff in her direction. “Time to die like the mutt you are.” Her hair floated up, his eyes twinkling with malice. Surprise rounded my eyes at the bear bowing in my direction, a low growl begging for me to pet it. Scratching behind its ear, low rumbles shook the ground. Shrinking down to my height standing, he slid me onto his back. Running my fingers through his fur, the colors reminded me of the Northern Lights. More ships surrounded Solomon’s fleet, his face falling at the sight of our allies outnumbering him. Calling into his radio, his orders to attack fell on deaf ears. Shrieking louder and louder, his composure began to slip, a deep voice sending him over the edge.
“We quit!” The voice spoke simply, his electricity growing wilder. “Your tyrant ass is done! Go get them, president!” Silent tears stained her cheeks, determination blooming in her eyes. A fit of laughter burst from her lips, her hands cupping her stomach. Too stunned to speak, electricity blossomed into lightning. Realization dawned on me at the rubber on the heels of everyone’s boots but his own, golden energy melting a large circle. Ordering us to cover her, her laughter paused abruptly.
“Don’t you see. We had your officers acting as secret agents.” She explained calmly, watching him flip in the air. “Your reign of terror is done.” Leaping off my new friend’s back, her snakes hissed to get the bear into the safe zone. Checking my boots, this was the first time I noticed the rubber on the heels of my boots. Grinning ear to ear, a wave of ice prevented him from striking her in the head. Hopping onto a ledge, her order for us to get out had chills running up my spine. The broken smile she donned had Jack shouting at her not to do it, his tears cascading faster and faster. A blast of golden energy knocked us into the safety zone, a thicker dome of golden energy preventing us from getting to her. Her hair floated up, golden scales popping up on her skin. Her pets hissed wildly, Solomon floating up in the air, his electricity searing off his scales. He would burn her alive if she got too close to him, her feet pushing off the ledge. The two were balls of light and lightning, the balls bouncing around. Horror rounded my eyes at her splashing into the water, a river of blood pouring from her lips. Jack banged on the outside, the others pleading with her to move. Angling his staff for her head, the crack had us crying out at once. Ratalia and Ratonia slithered up to my side, the two of them curling around me for comfort. Actual tears dribbled onto my head, the creatures screeching out in pure loss. Her fingers twitched, Solomon taking a step back in horror, her bloody hands pulling her to her feet. Leaning onto her staff, several blows had destroyed her organs. Spitting out blood, her body swayed. Wondering what she was doing, the last of her power was building around her palm. Jack pleas continued to fall on deaf ears, the glass ball in her pocket ringing. Disbelief rounded my eyes at her picking up with the brightest smile she could muster. Scampy asked repeatedly if she was coming home, her tears splashing onto the surface. An eerie silence came over everyone, Solomon preparing for his next attack, her words breaking our hearts into pieces.
“I don’t know but I am going to do my best. I love you with all of my h-” She wept openly, his lightning breaking their communication device. Dropping her staff, she pulled her fist back. Aiming for his chest, blood painted each other’s face. His staff sank into her chest, her fingers ripping out his heart. Broken shock birthed a tense silence, his dead body splashing into the water. Dragging herself onto the ice, his lightning cooked his body into ash. Rolling his heart into the ash, the organ didn’t last long. The dome glitched out, Jack and Valentia rushing over to treat her. Arguing with each other, her hands cupped his shaking hands.
“I am sorry but I didn’t see another way.” She wheezed, all of us surrounding her while sobbing uncontrollably. “I apologize to you guys as well. You made a hell of a team. Every time I look at all of you, I see you as family. The type of family every orphan dreams of.” Valentia shook her head, Jack pulling her onto his lap. Ripping the staff from her chest, blood ran like a river into the crackling water. Holding her hand like her life depended on it, time slowed as it hit the ice. An ungodly wail burst from Jack’s lips, Ratalia nudging my pockets. The last of my miracle potion grazed my fingertip, something always telling me to hold onto it. Plucking it from my pocket, the key to her living rolled in my palm. Valentia caught it in her palm. Her last day couldn't be today, not if I had anything to do with it.
“This is your famous miracle potion. You can’t even find the ingredients anymore.” She uttered in disbelief, the navy liquid sloshing around. “You might need this.” Waving my hand around, my daughter needed it.
“I think we need it.” I choked out through a wall of tears, dim hope burning in my heart. “We need her. Save her for all of us. Please?” The corner of my lips quivered, her head nodding. Popping the cork, she poured the liquid down her throat. A bright light blinded us!
Epilogue: Alisandra’s view
Sitting at my president’s desk, my fingers traced the angry burn scar on my chest. Wondering how six years had passed so fast, the universe seemed to be running like a well oiled machine. My emerald mechanic’s suit hugged my baby bump, my third child was on the way. Taking in the wall of my hangar, I wouldn’t have my capital anywhere else. Rising from my chair, pictures of the past years covered the walls. Today was a special day, the incident from six years nearly taking my life. His staff narrowly missed my heart, my eyes resting on my severely scarred hand. Hissing had me perking up, my eight foot girls slithering up to me. Making my way down the stairs, a broken smile lingered on my lips. Beautiful sunshine bathed my face, sand crunching as I made it to the cemetery with the lilies I grabbed on my way out. Finding Bogs grave, the sand met my knees as I laid the lilies on the top. Pressing my palms together, the little boy growing in me would be named Bogs in his honor.
“Hello old friend and my fallen comrades. I came to tell you that an unprecedented peace has come over the universe.” I wept honestly, pressing my forehead to the sand. “I have another little boy on the way and my family has grown quite a bit over the years. Catz is on her fourth child with your brother, Officer Smatters. Kids can run free like never before. Not a fear can stop their smiles. Although, I wish I could smile more. I wish I could say I was happy but the bite of depression remains. Why can’t I be happy? I mean I stopped the bad guy right and here I sit crying like a little bitch.” Wiping my tears away, a familiar set of fingers playing with my ears had me glancing up to meet Jack’s loving gaze. Sitting down next to me, his commander's suit looked sharp on him. Resting my head on his shoulder, his lips grazed the top of my head.
“Whatever it is, we can all work through it together. You are the president after all.” He pointed out with a proud smile, his finger lifting up my chin with his finger. Kissing my lips tenderly, time slowed down. Popping to his feet, he placed me onto his back. The people of the capital waved, Tenty running towards our favorite place to meet. Skidding into the noodle shop, my family shouted hello. Setting me down, Jack took his place at the head of the table. Ratalia and Ratonia played with Icy’s bear, Scampy smashing into me. His thirteen year old boy was a far cry from the one I rescued. Every day was filled with his laughter, his six year old and three year old sister bouncing around him in their matching mechanic’s suit. April, my three year old girl was the miniature version of me. Scooping her up, her golden snake eyes met mine with the greatest love. Forgetting my sorrow for a tender moment, the restaurant owner set our orders onto the table. Scooping up Basy, we took our seats next to Jack. Scampy scooted close to me, his hand holding mine for a second. Remembering the blackness for a second, Bogs told me that it wasn’t my time. A bright light threw me back into the arms of life, my second chance was one that I would never squander. Someday Bogs would greet me in Heaven. Sinking into our usual conversations, Scampy rested his head on my shoulder. Icy called my name, his leather jacket reminding me of the olden days when he took care of me. Calling for me to chat with him for a second, Jack took April for a second. Basy cozied up to him, the others watching as Icy met me outside. The streets looked cleaner than when I showed up, the buildings looking worn but in good shape. Fishing around his pocket, his shaking hand placed a black box into my palm. Opening it up, my hand covered my mouth. A piece of Solomon’s staff hung off of a golden chain, his hands picking up the piece of jewelry.
“Remember when you said you wanted to be president, I had faith in you from the spot.” He gushed with fatherly admiration, my life always being owed to him. “I managed to get a piece of what nearly killed you before it got destroyed. I want you to know that I was always proud of you.” Dropping it over my head, a few words caught my eyes. Reading them, the words to my favorite warrior had fresh tears cascading off my chin.
“Thanks for saving that day. The depression sucks ass but every time I see what we accomplished together, the pain was almost worth it.” I cried softly, his arms pulling me into one of his bear hugs. “Do you think we could get ice cream later with my kids? They want grandfather time.” Ruffling my hair as he let me go, scarlet colored his scales. Pretending to mull it over, Basy smashed into his legs. There goes my little girl, her sweetness sure to win him over.
“Ice cream! Did you say ice cream?” She chirped cheerfully, her waves bouncing round with every jump. Caving into her puppy dog eyes, his arms scooped her up. Entering the noodle shop with them in tow, I took my seat at the head of the table. This was my tainted happily ever after, the sorrow of what occurred haunting me like a beautiful shadow.
submitted by Future_Ad_3485 to DrCreepensVault [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:18 Badtimes8 Extensive revision soon

This is my original post with more context and pictures. Hi, I just wanted to post an update and to say thanks to the couple of people who donated to me. It genuinely gave me a lot of hope to see that people who don't know me at all wanted to help me fix things, your kindness meant a lot.
Anyway, I had to sell some of my things and budget a lot (like only eating rice and beans every single day lol) but I got to book the procedure. It's next week.
From what I'm told it'll be a skin removal with diagonal incisions (also removing a bit of painful internal scar tissue) and a buttonhole technique to position the nipple areola complex in a more normal spot. I'm having my pre op appointment next week to check how everything's going to be done. Also found out that it's incredibly likely that I have hEDS(which explains a lot) and the issue with collagen production and skin quality might've played a part on skin not healing the way we would've predicted lol.
I'm still trying to raise a bit of extra for the ubering and medications I'll need, but I'm sure it'll be fine. Thank you for reading, some of you guys have helped me feel a bit less alone.
submitted by Badtimes8 to TopSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 08:32 throwaway786554 20M - read description please

20M - read description please
20M - Read description, please
Hi everyone, not intending to make this a crying post but I feel like I have to vent a bit. I feel like I got shorthanded a lot in genetics. My older brother and younger sister are both models, they are absolutely stunning and constantly model for smaller luxury brands. They are perfect in any way you could think of. Of course they‘re always in relationships too, get vacations paid by agencies and on and on. My parents are both very tall - 6‘3 and 6‘. I ended up at barely 5‘9“ though. My sister and brother are 6‘1 and 6‘3. They model together a lot as well. I started thinking I might be ugly when I was at my sister‘s graduation and the photographer asked me to step out of the picture. When I didn‘t, he re-touched me out of the image and gave my family both versions of it. I essentially caught all genetic diseases my family has, none of which are fatal, but it all of them aren’t exactly desirable (my siblings are both 100% healthy). I have bad thyroid issues which I‘m being medicated for, heart issues, extremely bad eyesight and my face is constantly puffy from medication. On top of all of that I‘m balding pretty badly (rip, at 20) and can only grow a patchy neckbeard. Still, my hair is probably the only thing I like about myself, so I‘m kinda self conscious about it, but I recognize that I‘m going to either have to cut it short or shave my head entirely quite soon. I‘m in a major depressive phase right now because my family also tends to exclude me on some occasion (some of them are in fashion, they don’t invite me, but they do invite my siblings). I go to the gym recently, but I can only do cardio right now since I had a pretty bad accident 4 months ago that destroyed all my progress. Any ideas…?
submitted by throwaway786554 to amiugly [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 21:45 Comfortable_Sir_2283 TIFU by getting kicked out of my friend group because I called one their babies ugly

I never thought I'd be in this situation, I lost 3 of my 4 friends because I called one of their babies ugly. It wasn't an intentional insult.
My friend, I’ll call her Elizabeth, she's been posting pictures of her baby all over Instagram. To put it bluntly, her baby isn’t very cute, his nose is very big and he has very puffy eyes,
At first, it was cute and I was happy for her. But over time, the constant flood of baby photos started to wear on me
During a group hangout, No one talked about anything other than Elizabeth’s baby, I already was in a bad mood and this made it worse. out of frustration, when she was showing us the photos that she already posted on her instagram, I blurted out, "Not every baby is cute, and honestly, yours isn't." I meant it more as a comment on the constant oversharing, not an outright judgment on her baby, but it came out completely wrong. Everyone went silent, and my friend was visibly hurt.
Since then, she hasn't spoken to me. I've tried reaching out to apologise and explain, but she blocked me. 3 of my friends called me a jerk and said they didn’t want to talk to me, Elizabeth decided to kick me out of their WhatsApp group chat as she is the admin, now only one wants to hang out with me,
I feel terrible and I regret my choice of words. I miss my friends and I wish they could understand where I was coming from. I hope they forgive me and let me hang out with them. Has anyone else been in a similar situation? How did you handle it? Any advice on how I can fix this?
TL;DR: I lost most of my friends because I called one of their babies ugly due to frustration over constant social media posts. I feel awful and want to make amends, but she blocked me.
submitted by Comfortable_Sir_2283 to tifu [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 18:22 InitialUpstairs4258 Bug Bites?

Have lived in Vegas for 30 years and I know we are recently beginning to have more mosquito activity. This past Saturday night, we had some friends over and hung out in the backyard for a few hours. One of my friends said that he felt like something bit him on his ankles a few times, so we had everyone spray themselves with insect repellent just to be safe for the rest of the evening. We also just had a hot tub installed a few weeks ago and I got in the hot tub later that evening. I am assuming the insect repellent may have washed off by this point, but when I woke up on Sunday morning, I had no less than 15 bug bites on my body. I am not sure if they are mosquito bites or ant bites, fleas? The unsettling part of it is that I have bites on my areola and on nether regions…they don’t itch, but resemble mosquito bites. They also feel painful to the touch or if they rub against clothing. The bites aren’t in any sort of pattern per se, and they are pretty random. I have checked all of our outdoor furniture to make sure there were no bugs there, I have also checked all of the furniture inside of our house to make sure it wasn’t bedbugs. I’m very confused by this because I’ve lived in the same house for almost 10 years and have not experienced this at all. We also just had our backyard remodeled on top of this, and have noticed that some type of aphid or the like may have been transported on the rocks or plants that were put into our backyard.
Sorry it’s so long, I just wanted to include as much detail as possible. I’m honestly at a loss, because the pictures on the Internet and the websites all have varying opinions on what these bites could be. The one on my breast is the most swollen and sensitive, and that’s sort of what prompted me to post here. We live in the Spring Valley area, and are used to ants and scorpions, but is there anything else that this could be, that bit me all over my body, including underneath my clothing? My friends that were here, including my husband only have one or two bites but that’s it.
submitted by InitialUpstairs4258 to vegaslocals [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 17:58 willwork4chocl8 [REVIEW] It’s not Brown, it’s COGNAC! LV LOW KEY HOBO MM

I already tempted you all with my buttery Loewe Flamenco, now I will try to tempt you with a sip of my Cognac LV Low Key Hobo!
Disclosures: No special discounts, incentives or payments. All ideas and writing are my opinions alone.
Whatsapp: +447743038638
Instagram HyperPeter7
Price: 1520 cny + 240 cny (Shipping using Fedex, plain large box along with my buttery Flamenco 480/2)= $243
Shipping: I shipped it using Fedex.
Payment method: Wise
Timeline: messaged 4/26 / Paid 4/26 / Delivered 5/31, no psps requested, but I am totally satisfied with the bags I got!
· My Photos : https://imgur.com/a/akz4Tsq · Factory https://imgur.com/a/qxHVqre
· no psps requested
· Authentic also check this video for references to the details, she shows the different parts of the bag
Quality Assessment : Top Marks
Luxurious Thick Leather:
On the opposite spectrum of my soft and buttery Flamenco is this more robust, pebble grained calfskin that’s definitely thicker than the delicate lambskin leather of my Loewe. While both bags are very soft, I would say this LV Hobo just feels a lot more dense and substantial. It’s a large slouchy bag without appearing cheap or flimsy because of the weight of the leather. The simple silhouette slouches and drapes gracefully and despite being a hobo, you will never look frumpy carrying this beauty! The cognac color is rich and inviting, making it a standout accessory.
Hardware Weight and Density:
The hardware strikes the perfect balance: it’s substantial enough to feel high-end but not overly heavy. The brass tone of the gold hardware and lockset is spot-on, matching the authentic LV hardware of this bag. The lock clasp operates smoothly, adding both functionality and style to the adjustable strap that works for shoulder, hand carry or cross body!
Sensible Slouch:
This bag's has an understated yet undeniably elegant look to it that embodies the Low Key name. While it’s true that there are a lot of hobo variants in the current quiet luxury market, I feel LV’s version does not over do it with embellishments (the Loewe Squeeze comes to mind, no offense to those who love it!) nor does it go the opposite direction and remain too plain Jane (Park tote?!) The padlock may not be for everyone, but its quite functional in both a literal sense playing with the “low key” name and also in serving as the gatekeeper of the adjustable function of the shoulder strap.
Interior Suede:
The interior suede is where this bag truly shines. The high-quality suede lining feels plush and indulgent. It’s a pleasure to reach inside and retrieve your belongings. The small pouch (an ode to the classic monogram style) is perfect for organizing small essentials during those odd occasions when you just need to run out with your purse (it fits an iPhone 13).
Accuracy Assessment (only compared to the auth since I didn’t have factory pics to compare to) Pretty much Nailed it
Leather Texture and Feel:
The leather on this bag is exceptional. It’s supple and soft, reminiscent of the authentic Louis Vuitton calfskin leathers I have tried on in store. When you touch it, you’ll appreciate the luxurious feel against your skin. The cognac color is rich and is the perfect shade of brown/tan. Honestly, in reality this bag screams luxury just by the color and appearance of the leather. The way the leather folds and drapes completely captures the way the auth Low Key hobo looks and feels. The leather texture mimics the authentic LV Low Key Hobo MM. The pebbled grain pattern adds depth and character, also resulting in a more scratch resistant bag. Whether at work or on vacation, this bag adapts effortlessly.
Adjustable Shoulder Strap:
The strap design is thoughtful and is well captured in this rep. One end is slightly wider and then tapers to the side with the padlock, this is also the side with the evenly spaced adjustable holes and the side leather tabs that hold the strap in place. The padlock deploys smoothly with the press of the side button. Inside, there is a rounded gold knob that fits into the strap holes. The interior of the lock has LOUIS VUITTON engraved inside and it aligns perfectly to lock the strap in place. The strap is wide enough to prevent slipping off your shoulder, and you can wear it either as a hand held, shoulder bag or crossbody. The adjustable buckle allows you to customize the length. However, be mindful of the buckle’s weight, as it can cause the strap to droop if the bag stands upright for too long. The one good thing about this bag is that you can “hide” the padlock under your arm (it kind of falls under the armpit depending on how long you wear the strap) so while it is a defining feature of the bag, you can still be discreet about it if you desire (thank God it’s only on one side of the bag). The opposite side has a puffy chap that sort of reminds me of the chaps of a Neverfull.
Brand Logos and Engravings:
The logos and engravings on the hardware are impressively accurate. I was initially worried about the darker color of the LV insignia on my rep padlock, but upon checking the non website pictures and videos, I realize that the ones in store are actually the same as mine, the font is dark, almost black. Also all the ‘louis vuitton’ engravings on the d-rings, both sides of the lobster clasps, all four metal feet, the interior of the padlock and the back of the padlock metal plate all mirror the authentic very well. From the Louis Vuitton gold embossed stamp on the front of the bag to the interior leather brand logos in the hobo bag and the interior of the monogram pouch, everything aligns perfectly. The only thing I do see that could be a small discrepancy is the shine of the padlock. I believe the auth has a tiny bit more sheen/gloss.
Measurements and dimensions:
I measured out 31L x 34H x 18W cm. I believe this is pretty much as close as you can get to a slouchy rep of the auth bag. The shape looks just like the auth, just as slouchy with an easy going demeanor. The interior is one big roomy chamber that fits my 14 inch laptop easily and can still hold more! The reinforced base allows for the bag to have some slight structure and I do appreciate the flat base because sometimes hobo designs have too much rounded base causing it to just flop down, not an issue with small bags but for bigger bags like this, it can be troublesome.
Strap drop is adjustable from 16 cm on the shortest setting to 39 cm to the longest setting, enough for crossbody wear.
Detachable Monogram pouch:
Ladies and gents, the interior of this pouch is SUEDE! It’s an amazing combo and very unique to this bag! I love how both the pouch and the strap can be removed from either end (here’s lookin at you Goyard), and I really feel the design elements of this simple bag were well thought out. As usual Hyper Peter’s monogram shines in terms of color (not too brown or orange) and the strap leather is soft and not flimsy!
To me, the LV Low Key Hobo MM is a versatile companion. It accommodates a surprising amount of items—all my chargers, a water bottle, umbrella, and my 14-inch laptop—without bulging. I don’t mean for this to be a work bag, more of an every day tote since I tend to be chained to my laptop so it’s nice to have a bag that can fit it easily. The soft leather against your arm feels delightful, and it pairs well with various outfits. Because it’s so easy to throw my whole life into this bag, I need to avoid overloading it, as the base is not stiff and can be prone to deformation.
Rep Satisfaction
Am I satisfied?! How can I not be? Hyper Peter hit both bags out of the park and when I unboxed this haul I literally cried tears of joy from the feel of both leathers. I love the feel and look of both my bags. While I can’t say I can mindlessly pet this bag (unlike my little Loewe lamb), I do feel the softness of this bag balances out the thick luscious leather. I can’t imagine having a thinner more delicate leather for this bag because of how it will be used. While the Flamenco is more of a date night bag, this one is the bag that will accompany you on your trips to the store and be your ride or die tote companion. Again, definitely a keeper for my purse collection and one for the books in terms of incredibly high quality leather! Also that color is unmatched, my pursuit for the perfect brown shade is over!. 👜✨
Seller Satisfaction (basically copied pasted from my Flamenco review from the same haul)
As always, I’ve had consistently positive experiences with my purchases from Peter. While there tends to be a gap between placing an order (after payment) and receiving the item, I’ve come to accept this as Peter’s standard operating procedure. Managing expectations is key, and knowing that I’ll eventually receive a high-quality bag makes the waiting process more bearable. This patient approach applies to all my sellers—I never demand immediate responses because I understand they have other clients. Overall, adopting this attitude has made replica buying less stressful, allowing me to appreciate each new addition to my collection as it arrives in its own time. I hope you find this review helpful!😊
The Wrap up – I’m so thrilled and completely satisfied with both my bags this time around and I would absolutely wear both into any high end designer store. For this LV, I would be brave enough to wear it in, but would likely hide my padlock under my arm. I have no doubt about the color and texture of the leather, but the hardware might be the slightest bit different (that doesn’t stop me from sauntering in there though!).
Author experience- I am no stranger to reps, but I post few and far in between. I’ve been itching to get back into writing and since my last "HOW TO LV PATINA" post, I have been inspired to give back to the community by writing more reviews! Hope this helps anyone interested in that little beautiful black bag that's missing in their collection!
submitted by willwork4chocl8 to WagoonLadies [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 22:33 Bored_Girly2124 share your breast augmentation experiences

hey everyone,
my name is liz and i’m hoping to get a breast augmentation within the next two years. i was born with tuberous breasts which basically made my boobs grow in a conical shape with very minimal breast tissue and large puffy areolas. i don’t like how they look on me, they also are asymmetrical as well so that also annoys me. but i was just wondering if anyone here can share their experience with getting breast implants. Or if someone also had tuberous breasts here and got them done, what was your experience like too? I’ve heard all sorts of side effects like breast implant illness and everything but i’m wondering what people’s experiences actually were like.
submitted by Bored_Girly2124 to PlasticSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:25 Straight-Garage2627 fine, stringy hair makes my life hard

fine, stringy hair makes my life hard
LEFT: what it looks like after combing my hair
RIGHT: what it looks like approximately 15 minutes after my hair has been combed and the rest of the day (I combed only the left side for this picture)
I'm honestly tired because I don't know what's wrong with my hair. I've got layers because I had such thin hair and it looked weird when it was long and without any styling, but now it just separates into strands and looks even weirder, and I can't just go around combing my hair every second of the day for it to look puffy and pretty
Any advice is appreciated!
submitted by Straight-Garage2627 to Hair [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:09 TriBiscuit Occupation Hazard [39]

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Memory transcription subject: Reno, Yotul Weapons Specialist
Date [standardized human time]: December 4th, 2136
The sun of Sillis was starting to cast its first rays across the landscape of Tepisil, and the hatchery before me was still standing. My legs still hurt. My paw still ached. My mind was tired from everything, but it was like my body refused to listen.
I could feel the wounds in my legs now, quietly throbbing. The foam Dusty had stuck inside them was wondrous, but apparently its numbing effects were starting to fade. It stung slightly to walk, but I could run if I needed to.
Luke had wanted me to get rest, but I flatly refused. He wasted a lot of effort trying to change my mind. I knew I wouldn’t get any sleep after what almost happened to me. Hell, I hadn’t even felt tired since I came out of that bloodied, overturned van.
I felt disgusting. Even though I was able to wipe myself off with a rag, I didn’t have access to any running water to wash myself of the misted blood. It was still on me. Its claws were still in my wrist, holding me up, its eyes looking at me like I was nothing more than a meal. My own blood had left stains, sickly lines of green that traced down my limbs.
Every time I thought about it, my legs throbbed with pain. Each time I closed my eyes, I could only see its slitted gaze. My arm still felt wet from its fetid tongue. Even laying down only reminded me of sitting on awkward corners of the weapon crates, its horrid maw inches from my leg.
If I had been a single second slower, I would be dead.
That is what they are scared of. For centuries, they’ve been in this war… Born into it with no choice…
A voice startled my thoughts. “Damn, you’re still awake?”
I cocked my head at Luke, who was in the doorway. “Yeah. What did you think?”
“I thought you would’ve passed out a little after Dusty did.”
“I said I wasn’t tired.”
“And now I have no reason not to believe you.”
“So you stayed up to keep an eye on me?”
“Hey, do you blame me? You’ve got two holes in your legs.”
“I do blame you.”
“Alright. Well, just pretend I’m not tired either. How about that?”
“That works.”
He smirked, taking a spot on the floor next to me. “Hell of a view you’ve got here.”
Luke was right. The building we were in was almost twice as tall as the previous one around the now vacant Bunker Four. It offered us a view across the roofs of the buildings in the medical complex, only interrupted by the slightly taller buildings on every side of it, creating a sort of bowl with the complex in the center. The view stretched into the farther and less grand outreaches of Tepisil, now all being painted yellow and orange by the blooming daylight. It revealed all of the clouds in the sky in a brilliant way, giving each one a slightly different gradient. It was almost enough to inspire hope.
Moreso, it served as a reminder that we were still stranded on this planet after an entire night with two bunkers gone. The UN still hadn’t responded to any of our calls, and any information about what was happening in orbit was limited to what little ground communications we had.
I tilted my head. “It would be a lot better without everything else.” Without me.
“Lots of things would be,” Luke responded. “Are your legs and arm feeling better?”
“No. The numbing agent wore off.”
He shrugged. “Better off than the bastard with a hole in his chest.”
“It’s not something to celebrate,” I spat. I shut my eyes, drawing a shaky breath and reliving that moment for the hundredth time. “I barely managed it in time. It… held me up. It tasted me.”
Understanding washed across his features as the mood quickly plummeted. “They… didn’t even wait?”
His face seemed to shift through several different emotions, none of which I could decipher in time. “I’m… so sorry.”
“I’d rather not talk about it. Just be glad I’m here.”
“Damnit, no. I should’ve been there. Shit, if I didn’t just assume everything was going to work out, that wouldn’t have even happened.”
“It’s not your fault,” I muttered. “We were going to run into some grays eventually.”
“That’s not the point. You almost died, and there was something I could’ve done to prevent it. I wasn’t there.”
“The monster got a fucking hole put through his chest, and now we’re safe. That’s all I care about.”
He let out a sigh. “Alright, I’ll take the hint.”
I forced myself to nod. “Good.”
His frown didn’t leave his face. His gaze wandered across the buildings and landscape, his eyes catching unfeeling light and reflecting them with a dour mood. “So, um… What was on your mind? Before I… y’know.”
“Why do you think anything was on my mind?”
“I mean, you’re staring at the sunrise. And given everything else that happened, it would be crazy if you weren’t thinking about something.”
“If you were seconds away from being eaten just a few hours ago, what would you be thinking about?”
His face tightened, and his gaze drifted down.
My ears drooped. “Sorry, I didn’t mean… Just change the subject for both of us.”
“No, it’s fine. I should’ve… whatever.” He shook his head. “I’ve… uh, actually been wanting to hear more about what it was like, before the Federation came.”
“Why? You grew up with so much more than anybody on my planet. There’s nothing interesting about having to walk outside the house for water.”
He pursed his lips. “I haven’t told you about camping, have I?”
“...No, you haven’t.”
“Basically, some people find it fun to go out into the wilderness, the mountains or wherever, and spend a few nights living out there. Completely away from civilization.”
I twitched an ear. “That… doesn’t make any sense. What joy is there in manual labor? Having no proper shelter? That’s worse than what I lived like.”
“Not worse. Different. It’s fun to get away from ‘proper’ living for a while. Makes you feel alive. At least for me, and a lot of other people.”
“It… would be nice to get away from the Federation for a while…” To feel alive for once.
“I guess it applies to that, too. We would start a campfire every night. Oh! You should try a marshmallow some time. It’s basically a puffy ball of sugar.”
“Why am I not surprised?”
He chuckled. “It comes in spreadable form, too. Heh, shit, I remember trying to suck some of that crap through a straw once.”
I tilted a confused ear. “How thick is it?”
“Very. I tried for a good few minutes and only managed to get it halfway through the straw.”
I let out an amused puff of air, imagining the human trying to suck his form of sugar syrup through a tiny tube, with his flabby cheeks all puckered. “Why would you do that?”
“I dunno. Why not?”
I shook my head. “I… guess you have a point.”
“You ever do anything dumb like that?”
“No. I’m not a deranged primate.”
He snorted. “Go to hell. Seriously, though.”
“I don’t think so.” I felt my ears droop. “I didn’t really… get to do much stuff like that.”
His smile faded, the mood quickly dropping. “Right.”
I absently scanned outside the windows. There was no movement, no signs of life at all. Luke had distracted us both for a short time, only for a harsh snap back to reality at my own doing.
“I still remember the first day they came,” I started. Luke remained silent, but I could tell he was listening. I debated saying more or not, but it wasn’t like I had anything else to lose while I was on this planet.
I took a deep breath. “I was in town with my father when I saw one of their ships. It was as big as the buildings around it, resting on the ground like it had been there for years. Before I even got close to it, it flew away like gravity didn’t exist. It wasn’t much different from plain magic, what they could do. I had so much… wonder about them. A whole galaxy, full of species and things I could never imagine.”
“I can imagine that feeling. It lasted for all but a week before we learned what the Federation really was.”
“We weren’t given that mercy. They hid their true intentions. Unlike me, my parents were apprehensive, and so was my brother. It got worse with time. I’m sure you’ve wondered how I became a so-called ‘weapons specialist’?”
A frown had already formed on his face. “I have, but I don’t know the whole picture.”
“I left to learn what the Federation had to offer. They showed me amazing things, hiding their real intentions under the guise of ‘advancement’ and ‘progress’. Out of everything, out of all of the things that might as well have been magic, I gravitated towards their weapons. I guess they made more sense than anything… I don’t really remember why.”
“Did you do good with them?”
“Too good for my own wellbeing. I wanted to prove myself, and they… fucking shipped me off to some place. I… made my own model, far more suited more for a Yotul than what they ever showed. You can guess what those fucking colonizers thought about it.”
He kept his eyes on mine, waiting for me to continue.
“Then I made the only mistake they would allow me. I ‘acted like a predator.’ That’s when they shipped me off with a bottle of pills I had to refill every so often.” I took a shuddering breath. “After that… I-It all becomes a blur. Teaching people, managing stock, and whatever else the bastards had me do for them.”
“What happened once the Federation was forced from Liern?”
“For me? I went straight to the only people who could ever get back at them.”
“What… What about your family?”
I took a deep breath. “My f-family never knew where I went.”
“Your dad… You mean, never?”
I flicked my ears. “When the Federation came, they didn’t see what I saw. Rather, I didn’t see what they saw. I was so stupid. One day, I just ran away. And the Federation didn’t care about it one bit. Neither did I, until it was too late.”
“You never talked with them afterwards?”
“Why would they want to? After what I did? Once they learned of what I did for the Federation? What I did to the younger Yotul who didn’t know any better? They hated the Federation, and I worked for them.”
Luke was quiet for a moment, thinking. “Do you know that for certain?”
“What do you mean? Of course I do.”
“You know for certain that they would never want to talk to their son who simply vanished one day? They wouldn’t want to know he’s alive?”
“If they wanted to, they could’ve found me.”
“After twenty years? With how the Federation took over your planet?”
“Not in the beginning,” I spat. “They could've eventually.”
“Do you think the Federation would’ve helped them find-”
“Fine! You want to know the real fucking reason? It’s shame. First it was because of the fucking medication, and then… everything I did while working for those bastards… I couldn’t bring myself to even… try to look for them once I was free of it. It shouldn’t surprise you. Once again, it’s my fault.”
Luke pursed his lips. “You have a nasty habit of blaming the wrong people. The Federation sedated you for twenty odd years, and you expect to just jump right back into things like that never happened?”
“I joined the stupid exchange program, didn’t I? It was basically the first thing I did. I tried my chances with aliens before I even thought about my family. Just like I did the first time.”
“Your second chance still isn’t gone.”
“Look around you.”
He shook his head. “You look around. We’re still alive, and I intend on keeping it that way.”
“Yeah, sure.” I wiped my eyes with a huff. “It’s too fucking late for that. For any of that.”
“Reno, I’m going to make you a promise. When we get off this rock, we’re going to find where your family is, and we’re going to go see them.”
“You s-say that like I’ve already agreed to it.”
“And you say that like you haven’t disagreed to it.”
I buried my face in my paws. “I… T-They think I’m dead.”
“Then what a welcome surprise it will be.”
“H-How can I face them after so long? They w-won’t even recognize me. W-What if-”
“I couldn’t tell you how they would react. What if… you think about the good memories. About you and your dad making those grain chunks. Anything else like that. Would they want to see you again, even just the smallest amount?”
Would they even accept what you’ve become? All of the choices you made? Would they look at you now and see their son, or a corrupted vessel of the Federation’s fear and hatred?
Moments turned into minutes where a few quiet sobs broke free. It would've been easier to let the ruminations take control, but I didn’t want to. I couldn't. I'd been pushing my problems away for so long, and it only put me where I was now.
I slowly pulled my paws off my face. “I… M-Maybe…”
Luke nodded. “And we are getting off this planet. No matter what happens with that hatchery down there.”
I looked out the window. That cursed building, the one that started all of this. Or am I blaming the wrong thing again?
Luke suddenly stuck his outstretched hand at me. “So? What’ll it be?”
I regarded his hand. “A deal? What will what be?”
“You gonna make me spell it out? We help each other get off this planet, and we go to Leirn.”
I slowly shook my head. “Let’s just… stick with the first part for now.”
He shrugged. “Deal?”
With a flick of my tail, I gingerly stuck my paw into his grip. “Fine. Deal. Though I still don't get why you put so much effort into me. We both know this is a one-sided relationship.”
He shrugged again. “Maybe. Not from my perspective. Maybe it’s just the fact that I’ve put in too much time into you to quit now.”
“You joke, but I’m serious. Why?”
“Maybe it’s easier to talk about someone else’s problems. Or maybe, find something where nothing is.”
“You’re being subtle.”
An empty smile tugged at his lips. “Didn’t I ever tell you I was born in New Brunswick? Moved around a lot after I joined the UN, but a lot of my family used to live there. Visited them when I could.”
Used to. My ears drooped as I understood. “That was… one of the cities, wasn’t it?”
“It was New York they were targeting, but… the blast radius was big enough.”
“Why don’t you ever talk about that? I… I never meant to-”
“I’ve thought about it. A lot. Every night when I go to sleep, I think about it. I guess I really am lucky, in that respect; it doesn’t bother me, not negatively, not as much as it could. Sometimes I think I should be more bothered by it, but then I look at you.”
I angled my ears. “You see what hatred does when you look at me.”
“No!” he waved a hand. “Not at all! That’s what Dusty is for. Hell, even she’s not even a tenth as bad as some others… nevermind. What I see when I look at you is someone who makes it all worth it.”
“I still don’t follow your logic. It’s my fault we’re here.”
He furrowed his eyebrows together in thought. “It’s hard to describe… I know I’m running away from the crater in New York, from all that death, and trading it for more death. You were one of the first people I actually talked to after Earth. It’s like… if I never moved on, I never would’ve met you.”
I opened my mouth, but he caught me before I could put a word out. “And before you say ‘look where it got you,’ that was before Sillis, even. And now I know more about you, and we’re here, that feeling isn’t gone really, but it is distinctly different. A week ago, a month ago, you were a reminder that I should move on, that there are small pieces of hope in the stars. Now, after everything, knowing what you’ve gone through, you’re a reminder that I need to keep on moving. Even if that means that I’ll only make the tiniest of differences.”
I sniffed, shaking my head. “I-I still don’t understand. I-I’ve done so little for you.”
“You’ve helped me through it, more than you think. Hell, more than I think, probably… It's weird. It’s like you remind me of someone I’ve never met. You make me laugh, smile, all that. You’re smart, sometimes. You’re a stubborn asshole. All the qualities of a good friend.” A small smile tugged at his lips for a split second before it faded.
“That was before I caused us to be stranded. I can get you not wanting to leave me for dead, but I’m not worthy of your friendship.”
“That’s fucked up, I could never just drop you like that. You're as stuck to me just as much as I’m as stuck to you, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Yours might be green, but we share the same blood.”
“You humans are loyal to a fault.”
He shrugged. “It’s gotten us this far.”
I allowed my ears to twitch with a flicker of amusement. My head felt like mush with all the chemicals I wasn’t used to feeling pumping through my skull. I was beyond tired at this point, but still, my body refused to listen. My legs felt restless, thoughts still lingering. I owed Luke almost everything I had. Nothing I said would express that, and even less would show my regret.
“Luke… for what it might be worth, I’m sorry.”
His face softened. “Sorry for what?”
“My mood earlier, and the things that don’t need to be said.”
“You can apologize once we make it out of this. If you need to hear the words, I forgive you.”
I flicked an ear. “You don’t sound convinced.”
He shook his head. “It’s been a long day. I doubt I sound convinced of anything at this point. Besides, of all the people to be stranded with, you might be one of the best considering our current position.”
I shook my head. “I can’t offer anything other than my aim.”
“You put yourself in a room full of exterminators. I can’t imagine that was easy for you.”
“I did it because I didn’t want to ruin anything else. I hate them.”
Now who doesn’t sound convinced?
Luke sighed. “I don’t blame you one bit. How do you think I felt, walking into their office? I wish I could just tell you to forget it, even just until we make it out of this, but you probably shouldn’t. Not saying to dwell on it, but to just… accept it.”
I was painfully aware of the pit in my being. “How? How can I accept what happened? Nothing was right. It should’ve been different, all of it.”
“It isn’t, and you can’t change it now, so-”
“What’s the difference between accepting what I did now, and what happened twenty years ago? Would you be able to? To just accept the twenty years of watching your planet be stripped of everything that made it unique? Accept what I did to myself? I look at them and… everything’s so fucking messed up!”
“That’s not what I’m saying. You, them, me. We’re all just… victims of the Federation in one way or another. I understand how badly we want to put a face to all the evil. You have to be careful who that face is. More often than not, it’s the wrong one.”
“I… I thought I should’ve felt good. You always tried to avoid violence. I was waiting for the opportunity. I didn’t even want to give those exterminators a second thought after I killed them. They didn’t have lives, or feelings. They were evil. They were the Federation, the same ones who did this to me. And that’s what I tricked myself into thinking, all because I wanted to have a sense that I wasn’t the one responsible for my own tragedy.”
Luke’s eyes were watering. “Reno-”
“I hate the Federation. I want to see it burn to the ground, but then people like Von, or Herq, or whoever the hell just go and fuck it all up! The rest of the bastards want to kill us on sight, but they just—” I hissed through my teeth in frustration, my leg thumping violently, the pit in my soul raging.
“They’re good people-”
“It shouldn’t matter! They didn’t try to kill us, but they still share responsibility. I hate them, but they’re trying their best to change it, and… I don’t fucking know!”
“It’s a clusterfuck,” Luke admitted. “Nobody is expecting you to like them. Hell, the bugs are hardly even tolerating us humans. Just… go easy on them. And more importantly, go easy on yourself.”
I tried to calm my thumping leg. “It… was so much simpler before everything.”
“You have more in common with them than you might think. Their culture was completely erased. They used to eat meat before the Federation did their thing.”
“Don’t compare me to them,” I hissed, pinning my ears back. “They know the truth as well as you and I do, but they still hold onto lies.”
“They’re trying. Just remember the person.”
It was easier when I didn’t.
I had nothing else to say. The weight on my mind was still heavy, the pit still as deep as ever. And Luke had made his promise.
Another thing I don’t deserve. I’ve ruined every chance I’ve been given, and the last one I’m offered is an impossible task in the middle of an invasion, soaked in blood and hopelessness.
Luke’s radio suddenly cackled with Frankie’s voice. “Hey, Luke. We’re about a block away from your building.”
Luke scrunched his eyebrows together, reaching for the device. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier? How did the final group go?”
“Just like the others. Our truck is quite empty now.”
“No Arxur? Really?”
“Oh, they’ve seen them alright. No cattle ships, though the last team had some… bad news about Dirlsil.
Luke sighed. “So I’ve heard.”
“We’re pulling up to the parking spot now. We’ll be up shortly… floor eight, right?”
“Correct. Talk soon. Out.” Luke hung up the radio.
I flicked an ear. “Dirlsil… Even with all the weapons the UN left behind.”
“It’s just the one team for now, and nothing concrete.”
“You’re grasping at empty air.”
He shrugged. “I’ll grasp at whatever I can as long as we don’t have any of the bastards to deal with on our end.”
Luke got up and waited at the stairwell. We had made sure they were blocked, as we did in our previous building. The extra levels offered a greater buffer against any intruding Arxur and a higher vantage point for sniping. Combined with the traps, the Arxur would have a rough time getting to us, and an even rougher time trying to get into the hatchery unharmed with our vantage point.
It didn’t take Frankie long to get up eight flights of stairs. I faintly heard the ruckus of chairs and desks being moved around. I propped myself against the door frame once Frankie emerged from the stairwell, hardly winded and holding two crates. Herq came up shortly after, practically huffing and puffing. I noticed his exterminator vest was gone, only his belt remaining.
“Mornin’ Reno.” Frankie greeted me.
“Dusty asleep?” he asked.
“Yeah. In the room over there.”
He yawned. “Gosh. Think I might join her. Long night.”
Luke waved a hand. “Go ahead.”
The burly human shuffled off, while Herq stood awkwardly.
“Damn, it’s late. Or early. Whatever.” Luke yawned, turning to me. “Reno, you wanna try to get some sleep?”
I shook my head. “I'm still not tired.”
“Welp, I tried. If you're absolutely sure, I'm going to join Frankie and Dusty.”
“Fine by me. I'll keep an eye out, as usual.”
“Good.” He clapped my shoulder. “Nighty night. Even though it’s morning.”
I offered him a nod and watched as he left. I walked back to where I was beside the window and sat down, heaving a heavy sigh. I was only given a few moments to myself before Herq tepidly came in and settled on the opposite side of the room. Apparently, he wanted to be alone with me.
He pointed an antenna. “I take it you aren't tired, either?”
He awkwardly clicked his mandibles. “Yeah… I don't know how they can sleep after everything that happened.”
I hated that I agreed with him. “Neither do I.”
“Sometimes I wish we could go back to simpler times.”
I held my tongue. Easier times, he means. The times he could have watched humanity die without a scrap of emotion.
His antennae drooped in my silence. “I would like to apologize for earlier. Tensions were high. I shouldn't have pressed it as far as I did, after what you went through.”
I lowered my ears. “What I went through? You have no fucking idea what I went through.”
“...I was talking about the Arxur.”
My gaze shot to my bandaged appendages. Of course he was. “The hell do you care? A few days ago you would've been fine seeing every human dead. The only reason you're here is because they're your only chance at making it out of this alive.”
“Wouldn't you do the same? And don't think I'm so selfish. When… Poccel was sending people away, I turned to humans, because they were the only ones who could make a difference. The situation now is no different.”
“You turned to humans because you’re a coward that can’t fight for yourself, or even others. I don’t give a shit if you’re comfortable around their scary predator eyes, you still haven’t done anything.”
“Those words are truer than you might think… I feel completely useless to everything. I’m doing what I can.”
“What has ‘doing what you can’ amounted to, so far? Have you actually done anything except hide behind Frankie?”
His mandibles clicked with frustration, but he steadied himself before replying. “I’m here because I wanted to offer you an apology.”
“And I’m telling you to spill your empty words on someone else.”
“I haven’t done anything to you, and this isn’t even about anything that might have happened more than a few hours ago.”
“Then you clearly don’t remember what you said.”
“I didn’t mean to insinuate anything-”
“I don’t fucking care. I’m not taking any shit from you or any other stupid Fed.”
He pulled himself back into a more guarded position. “The Federation is evil. It makes me sick to think that I’m associated with it.”
I took a moment to steady my discordant thoughts. “That’s exactly the fucking thing. You were still complicit in it all, weren’t you? You can’t just say a few words and have all that shit magically disappear.”
“I’m doing what I can. Do you believe it is fair to ask more of me?”
“With how much your people have done? Of course it is.”
Herq lowered his antennae ashamedly. He stayed quiet for a while, like he was expecting something.
“The hell are you here for?” I snapped. “I won't mirror your worthless apology, if that's what you're waiting on.”
His antennae twitched. “I wasn’t, though I guess… it’s easy to see why you wouldn’t.”
I snorted. “Sillis isn't even half of it.”
“I did listen to what you said… about the medication for twenty years.” He paused for a moment, as if expecting a reaction. The gesture, whatever it meant, made me want to crack his chitin. “I’m realizing more and more the extent of the Federation’s influence… I know any apology I could offer would be less than empty, for many reasons. I could offer you sympathy, but I’m sure that means very little coming from me. I guess… I can be here to listen.”
I rolled my eyes in a human gesture. “Do you want to listen to more insults? I have plenty.”
“If… that is what it takes.”
“The hell do you want from me?”
“It’s clear how much hatred you hold for the Federation. Not long ago, I was happy to go along with it all… but we both know what has happened. My intention is to show you that I regret the things the Federation did.”
Dwelling on the past will accomplish nothing.
I ignored the intrusive thought. “Then why don't you do something? Even now, when you say that you’ve seen through all the lies, you circle right back around to wishing for ‘simpler times’. Rather than trying to right your wrongs, you cower in fear of everything you've done. It’s fucking pathetic.”
He shrunk back, his antennae lowering dishearteningly. “Some wrongs are impossible to right.”
My voice caught in my throat, though I didn’t let myself dwell on his words for long. “You just want to ease any tension to make things easier. Seeing as how you’ve stuck yourself to Frankie to survive, that shouldn’t surprise me.”
“You’re oversimplifying it, I-”
“So you can feel slightly better about yourself? That’s cute, but no thanks.”
“I want to be better than them,” he hammered out. “I don’t want to freeze or run away anymore. This… is how I want to start. I want to face past mistakes.”
What you do now is what’s important.
I pushed the nagging voice aside once more. “Nothing you do can change what happened.”
His antennae sagged. “I… understand.” His voice dripped with sadness and sincerity. As if he actually took what I said to heart. As if the words he spoke weren’t completely empty.
The exterminator got up and slowly made way for the door. I found my voice, right as he was exiting. “Herq.”
He paused in the doorway, tilting an antenna.
“I…” My voice caught in my throat.
Thoughts were racing by at light speed, and I couldn’t settle on any one thing. It was like a dozen people were all shouting, trying to satisfy a hundred different emotions, trying to acknowledge thousands of days of pain and fix a lifetime of mistakes with a single statement.
Nothing I say to him will fix anything.
“…I don’t want anything to do with you. You’re here because Frankie and Luke want you here. If things were any different, you’d be dead with the eleven others. And I wouldn't have cared at all.”
He flinched when I said that. I instantly felt a sharp stab of regret, realizing too late the harshness of my words. Even if I didn’t truly mean it, the result was still the same.
At least it will drive him away from me. It’s better if he puts his effort into someone who deserves it.
A moment later, I was alone in the room, and my only company was the sun. Staring back at me. Waiting.

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Thanks to u/WCR_706 for proofreading. And, of course, thanks to SpacePaladin15 for the wonderful universe.
submitted by TriBiscuit to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:23 stressedNobsessed_ i’m the ugliest girl in the world

I hate my life and hate myself because of how horribly ugly I am. I'm an 18 year old girl or woman I guess but I look uglier than most middleschoolers. It's like Im stuck in that awkward puberty stage except I never grew out of it and Im so fucking old now. I never look or feel pretty or grown up in away way. I hate my face so much and I just feel so depressed and miserable seeing any form of picture of myself. I hate it and I wish I could be pretty like every other girl I've ever seen. I have never met anyone as ugly as I am!! Ever!!! There's some element to my face that takes me from beyond plain or any other attribute that other girls who maybe aren't "pretty " have and makes me uniquely repulsive. Everyone must be so embarrassed when I talk or do anything because of how repulsive my face is. It's not even anything I can fix! I wear so much makeup and dress nice and still look out of place and gangly and like a 13 year old. Everyone I know has grown up and I'm stuck looking absolutely terrible. I don't want to go to college because it's so goddamn embarassing how awful I look. I know looks aren't everything but it truly feels like they are because I can't stand living in a world where I don't get to live as a normal person and no one could ever imagine seeing me as pretty. I'll always be treated differently too, no one treats me like an adult or a woman and I am treated like a freak or a child even by people my own age. Literally everyone treats me as stupid or below them and I know it's because of my appearance. I think I'm so ugly I present as developmentally disabled or something even though I am neurotypical. I don't want to live like this and I don't want to accept that I can't ever be pretty or even cute and definitely not beautiful. There's so many things wrong with my face I would need thousands and thousands of dollars of plastic surgery to fix because no amount of grooming does anything. I could write an extensive list of every permanent problem that disfigures me. I have incurable disgusting acne on my face and body, my jawline is receding and almost nonexistent while my neck is awkwardly long and my posture ogre-like. My face is permanently puffy and fat no matter how skinny I am and my forehead is gigantic!! my nose is enormous and my hair is frizzy and unkempt no matter what. my eyes are assymetrical my lips are too small etc etc. Being alive is so embarrassing and I'll only look worse as I get older so I want to just die.
submitted by stressedNobsessed_ to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:50 Concerned_Penguin My So Quiet Kenny?

Remember when Citadel was tweeting like your drunk ex texts you?
Remember when Mayo Lips was on every finance show looking puffier than an Italian pastry?
Remember when the media gushed about Bedpost buying his 69th mansion?
Remember when the whole gang got an all expense paid trip to take photos with some liberal arts major in a mouse suit?
Remember when Pencil D was honored as the most successful fund manager of the year?
Where has this golden boy of finance gone - We of course know where, we actually watch his little toy plane fly around on a map with a colored line behind it for fun - but he’s no where to be seen. Why is this?
This is my guess. He’s in a sauna. Tears mixing with his puffy faces sweat. While he stares at a foggy picture pane that shows faintly a kitty with a red bandana. And boy is it getting hotter.
You’ll burn out of sight like the cockroach you are, but we’re going to celebrate your demise all the same Kenny boy. Sleep well tonight 💋
submitted by Concerned_Penguin to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:19 KeepthePeaceHumanity Tips on how to refresh 2nd, 3rd day hair?

I have trouble with finding a good method on how to refresh my hair.
I have a short curly fro and when I wake up and take my bonnet off, it’s all matted down and all over the place.
I usually the start the day off with a wash and go. I use SheaMoisture Manuka Honey & Mafura Oil Intensive Hydration Shampoo, then go in with the Blueberry Curls Blueberry Bliss Reparative Leave-In Conditioner, after that I apply the Kinky-Curly Original Curling Custard Natural Hair Styling Gel. Afterwards I seal everything in with argan oil, I apply all these products my raking/smoothing it into my hair from the ends to the root of my scalp.
What I have trouble with is properly refreshing the hair the next day off the wake up without messing it up and making it look nappy and puffy in a sense.
I have a mist spray bottle that contains water mixed in with leave-in conditioner then I shake it. I spray it on my hair then I just rub my hair back and forth all over, is there a better way to kind of refresh your second day curls properly for hair like mine? Here’s how my hair looks after I take the bonnet off.
Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4
Maybe applying castor oil to your hands and emulsifying it then rubbing it back and forth is a good one? Appreciate any pointers
submitted by KeepthePeaceHumanity to curlyhair [link] [comments]
