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r/MechanicalKeyboards for all the Click and None of the Clack!

2012.07.08 14:47 ripster55 r/MechanicalKeyboards for all the Click and None of the Clack!

/MechanicalKeyboards is about typing input devices for users of all range of budgets. We provide news / PSAs about the hobby and community hosted content. Feel free to check out our other resources and links to related communities.

2014.01.28 02:38 Cats and keyboards

Pictures and videos of cats on keyboards.

2010.03.24 16:48 Everyone deserves a good keyboard

Non-mouse and non-audio input devices for the discerning fingertip.

2024.05.15 04:11 PhilosophyNormal1691 Most of the cast is playing us because they are on Reddit

My main hypothesis: we need to recognize that we have more power than we think. Celebrities low key depend on us and use what we say and do in this social media ecosystem. So here’s the thing: this episode confirmed for me that ariana is eloquent when it comes to her own issues but doesn’t defend Katie who is her biggest ride or die. Ariana literally checks her nails while Katie defends her.
in spite of lala being the worst, is she really wrong about who in the cast is smart enough to base their persona off the zeitgeist?
  1. Ariana used to have an account on this sub Reddit where she would respond to comments and posts. She made a tumblr diary post designed to gaslight the audience into believing Miami girl never happened.
  2. Reddit theories have been mentioned multiple times this season in reference to Katie. I wouldn’t be surprised if she had issues with Ariana off camera: name one time Ariana went to bat for someone else
    1. Meanwhile given the multiple testimonies about James from people such as Rachel’s friend, the waitress who was groped, and Kristen —all about DV. is it really a surprise that he uses being on the right side of the issues via lurking on Reddit to get on our good side? When it’s effective?
  3. Lala probably gets her best takes from Facebook. Or she just wants to be a contrarian which means she’s wrong 80% of the time. She doesn’t have to kiss Ariana’s ass in order to recognize she’s losing the culture war because she’s being a shitty feminist.
  4. The Toms try to use social media for PR. they are just way worse at it. We are lucky that their idiocy acts as a self report of their gross bro bullshit
submitted by PhilosophyNormal1691 to vanderpumprules [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:10 SactoParrot Framework 16 Keyboard Missing Presses

Hey all, so this appears to be a pretty common issue, but I didn't find a lot of firm confirmations of fixes. I just got my Framework 16 and the RGB keyboard doesn't register the E, G, H, right arrow, F2 and a couple of other keys. I've reseated it in multiple different spots and of course plugged the mainboard connector in and out repeatedly to no effect. Seems like the warranty/RMA response time is...extra super bad from what I've seen so far. The RGB keyboard is out of stock, but I was thinking of just ordering a regular keyboard so I have a functional computer at least to give since this was supposed to be a gift. Has replacing the keyboard fixed this particular issue for people? I do worry that maybe it's the interface board instead of the keyboard, but am trying not to rebuy a whole other computer. Trackpad and numpad are fine.
submitted by SactoParrot to framework [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:09 MrWereWolph PC Players, Peripheral Recommendations?

Looking for a guitar controller alternative to play Festival, as of right now I have an old inland keyboard that I ripped all of the keys out of except for 6 keys. 5 to play notes, and one to activate overdrive. I pick it up and play it like a normal guitar hero controller but as you can probably imagine, it is a bit awkward to play, as most of the board isn't used for anything and just gets in the way.
There is also the issue of having ghosting, and the keyboard itself is membrane.
On the upside, the keys are concaved which I honestly prefer over a traditional guitar controller.
I was hoping someone would have recommendations on a potential upgrade, maybe someone else has found themselves in a similar situation? I would prefer to keep away from a full fledged custom guitar as that would be somewhat expensive and take up space, not to mention I would only need the neck of the controller to really play Festival.
submitted by MrWereWolph to FortniteFestival [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:08 weaponxreddit Nuphy field 75 sleep settings

Im using the keyboard in wired mode and in the last two days it is going to sleep after inactivity and then not waking up, is thee a setting to turn off sleep or a key to wake up? The first few days of owning the kb it wasnt going to sleep.
submitted by weaponxreddit to NuPhy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:01 ramen_n00dlz Used Baldwin Piano

Hey everyone, I am wondering if a used upright baldwin piano is a good piano for first time learner? The piano would be given to me for free from a family member who is moving out of state. I would need to move the piano to my house and tune it. I am hoping the price to tune and fix any problems on the piano is not much.
I am not sure what to look for in a used piano. From what I can tell, the soundboard in the back looks intact. There are two "dead" keys on the keyboard which make a sound when pressed but at a lower volume compared to the other keys. All the other keys sound good to my untrained ear, and all three pedals work. The serial number on this particular piano is "1156832" (idk if that will help).
Thank you for the advice :)
submitted by ramen_n00dlz to piano [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:58 Globofchaos Changing History chapter 1

Asgard 1827
The Trial of Asgard made national news in Valhalla . Brunhilde stood there in front of many gods, each vote determining her faith . Does she live or die ? Only odin can make that judgment. Heimdall opened a pamphlet speaking though his horn “ Brunhilde, eldest sister of the gods ! You stand accused of crimes against Humanity and Goding alike ! How do you plead ? “. Brunhilde rolled her eyes before speaking her mind . “How do I plead ? What crimes are you talking about ? I was making coffee before me and Randgriz were arrested on the spot “ she spoke out . “ Don't play dumb Brunhilde I saw you cast forbidden spells and illegal magic “ Odin told everyone. Despite the bold straight up lie hilde remained as calm as ever . Using magic and spells is more for Gondul and she is too smart to get caught. What did Odin really want and why is he dragging Randgriz of all demigods.“Nonsense ! My sister would never so such a ““SILENCE “ Odin shouted but Randgriz stood her ground ready to face death itself to protect Brunhilde. Meanwhile in another area. Loki used his blades to slice the doors open splitting them in half. Beelzebub was in the middle of an experiment his red eyes shooting at loki. “This better be good “ he whispered. “It is Brunhilde and Randgriz lives are a stake during the trial “ Loki spat out in a panicked state . “ Why should I care about some demigod's life when I don't even care about my own? “ Beel questioned. “It's because I know you hate Odin and would do anything to spite him how dare he label you as a freak when he is just as bad “ Loki answered “ Hurry we are running out of time ! “ . “What do you get out of this ? “ Beel stood up . “ I owe Brunhilde a favor “ A flashback of small Loki almost getting eaten by a giant snake until Brunhilde saved him by slicing it in half with a scythe
. “Be more careful child “ she turned around seeing the scared loki shiver .
The flash back ended with Brunhilde standing off to Odin . “Confess your crime or serve death “ A purple hue spear floated over him. “ I choose death, “ Brunhilde replied. “ Brun no ! “ Randgriz screamed buy it was too late . The spear launched at her body with such force blood she was pushed back to the wall. Brunhilde refused to give up despite all the pain seeping into her. “ This is the end of the road valkyrie…” Odin whispering. The last thing she saw was the gods demonic smile before everything faced to black.
“Is she alive ? “
“Wait “
“What if he killed her ? “
“Wait “
“ Is she dead ?”
“I will slap you “
“Yikes chill emo “
Brunhilde woke up in the lab with purple ,red and green eyes staring at her. “ What just happened…” Brunhilde felt a tight hug from Randgriz “ You are alive! “ Grizz cried out. “Yes …I am …” Brunhilde realized. “However at a price ….” Beel commented . “What did you do demon? “ Brunhilde hissed . “ Weird way of thanking someone for saving your life “ Beel brushed that comment off. The valkyrie gave him a weird look , “ Don't mention it I only did it to piss off Odin “ Beel shrugged. “Wait Mr Beel what “price “ are you talking about ? “ Grizz asked. “Oh well being a demigod you are more human then god now “ Loki jumped in stuttering at every word. “Meaning you can't fly , super strength and speed is gone, no more soul connection or anything that would make you a valkyrie “ Loki explained some more “ I had to do something to get Beel to save your life “. “ I'm not mad Loki “ Brunhilde took a deep breath “ This is just a sign that I need to leave asgard now …” Brunhilde stated . “I'm coming with you “ Randgriz sat next to her “ If I stay I'm dead Valkyrie walking “. “Plus it's no longer possible to survive here, however despite losing most of your powers there is still a place for you “ Beel mentioned “ Loki will take you “ . “Wait, what about our sisters ! “ Randgriz started to cry . Loki and Beelzebub looked at each other. “ We will figure that part out but remember if Odin catches wind they die too “ Loki pointed out . “Yes but faking our deaths still sounds horrible, “ Randgriz shook her head. “ Alright I'll do something you will see them again soon “ Beel told her “ Overall you both need to leave as soon as possible “ . “Follow me there is not much time “ Loki used his magic to make a portal . The scenery revealed a large Eiffel tower and people walking by . “ Once we step in there is no going back “ Randgriz shivered. “We don't have a choice “ Brunhilde stepped in holding Randgriz hand to help her . “Even if we never meet again Lord Loki, thank you for saving my life “ Brunhilde bowed down. “ No Brunhilde…thank you for saving mine “ Loki smiled, closing the portal. “So this is our new home “ Randgriz looked around seeing things that just aren't familiar anymore .
5 years later 1832
Late in the afternoon at the Salle Pleyel concert there was the sound of the piano . The fast paced music made everyone in the area cheer . The musician had blonde brown hair that passed his ears . He waved it back and forth like a rockstar smashing his keyboards so hard you would think he broke them. The crowd cheered his name “LISZT LISZT LISZT LISZT “ , fangirls jumped up and down going crazy over him . Brunhilde and Randgriz sat down in chairs watching the man go , “ His music is very rough and insane ..reminds me of home listening to vikings “ Brunhilde mentioned. “ I don't know who is making me more deaf the music or the annoying girls “ Randgriz covered her ears, “If it's too much for you then why did you bother coming? “ Brunhilde gave her a look. “ I don't wanna be alone “ Grizz admitted, “By the way ,..why are you wearing a suit “ Brunhilde wondered . “ The human women show too much window and well sister you don't show just the window the entire frame is gone leaving only thin fabric “ Randgriz gave her honest opinion. “ I don't need a lesson on modesty “ Brunhilde focused her attention on Liszt who kept playing . His piercing green eyes gave her a wink . “Was he winking at me ? “ Brunhilde turned to Randgriz. “Probably or at the other women fawning over him “ Grizz stated . “Yeah you're right “ Brunhilde relaxed some more “Not like I care he is a massive playboy breaking one heart after another I'm not going to fall for that plus I'm not a noble “. “You are right Hilde you aren' are a demigod , from our divine perspective human nobility is just fancy talk for commoner” Grizz whispered.
“ Randy shhhh we aren't in Valhalla anymore “ Brun reminded her , “ If looks could kill you would be a serial killer by now “ Randgriz laughed “ I mean I'm not wrong if an Archduke came to Valhalla and started bossing everyone he would be laughed at “. That comment made by a few folks behind her gave the sisters an irritated glare . “Shhh “ a man right next to Randgriz silenced her with his white glove .The concert ended leaving Liszt to step off the stage . He was quickly surrounded by fans causing Brunhilde to leave until she felt something hit her. Behind her was a red rose , she picked it up seeing the musician wave at her before being surrounded by more fans . “Come on Brunhilde let's go, I don't like parties “ Randgriz dragged her out towards the concert halls . “Oof I'm sorry “ she accidentally bumped into the same guy that sat next to him. He was a short guy with a big nose that spoke with a thick polish accident. “Sorry I'm looking for a man named Liszt “ he mentioned. “Down the hallway but you are going to have to wait in line “ Brunhilde pointed to the left before leaving . The man thanked her before walking in that direction, “He is very cute “ Randgriz thought. “Eh …okay let's go home “ she walked with Randgriz.
A few days later Brunhilde went back to the same concert alone this time to attend a mass . There she sat down reading the holy Bible while waiting for the preacher . “ Excuse me, is this seat taken? “ a familiar voice spoke to her . Brunhilde turned around, seeing the face once again. “Are you Franz Liszt ? “she asked while watching him sit down. “Yes “ Liszt confirmed sitting next to her “ Nice to meet you “ . “ Yeah I see ..” Brunhilde stuck her head back in the Bible. “Sorry if I was bothering you “ Liszt apologized getting ready to leave . “No you weren't, I just have a lot on my mind “ Brunhilde sighed. “Oh ..I hope the church can relax you ..lift those spirits up “ Liszt gave a warm smile. “Yeah” Brunhilde half smiled back , “So where are you from? I've never seen you around? “ he questioned. “Oh I'm from - “ Brunhilde tried to think of an answer. “Don't tell me your from heaven? “ Liszt answered "Wait how did you -”Brunhilde's face turned red from the blushing. “ “ Relax I was just kidding c Liszt chuckled . “Oh right …hahaha” Brunhilde joined the laughter
submitted by Globofchaos to ShuumatsuNoValkyrie [link] [comments]


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submitted by shaneka69 to mytarotreadings [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:37 BigFishSmallPond123 Email Automation and OTP Issues

Hi all, I'm trying to automate an emailing system for OTP verification but am running into some trouble. Below is my code, in it's respective files.
from django.db import models from django.contrib.auth.models import AbstractUser, User from django.db.models.signals import post_save from django.dispatch import receiver # Create your models here. class UserProfile(models.Model): user = models.OneToOneField(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE) otp = models.CharField(max_length=6, blank=True) otp_expiry_time = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True) class AdditionalData(models.Model): user_profile = models.OneToOneField(UserProfile, on_delete=models.CASCADE) firstname = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True) lastname = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True) dateofbirth = models.DateField(null=True, blank=True) phone_no = models.CharField(max_length=20, blank=True) country_origin = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True) city_origin = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True) u/receiver(post_save, sender=User) def create_user_profile(sender, instance, created, **kwargs): if created: UserProfile.objects.create(user=instance) @receiver(post_save, sender=User) def save_user_profile(sender, instance, **kwargs): 
from django.shortcuts import render, redirect, HttpResponse from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from datetime import timedelta from django.utils import timezone from django.core.mail import send_mail from rest_framework import status from rest_framework.decorators import api_view, permission_classes from rest_framework.permissions import AllowAny from rest_framework.response import Response from .serializers import UserProfileSerializer from .models import UserProfile, AdditionalData from rest_framework_simplejwt.tokens import RefreshToken from .generate_random_digits import generate_random_digits def sign_up(request): if request.method == 'POST': username = request.POST.get('username') email = request.POST.get('email') pass1 = request.POST.get('password1') pass2 = request.POST.get('password2') User.objects.create_user(username, email, pass1).save() return redirect('login') return render(request, 'main/signup.html') def login1(request): if request.method == "POST": username = request.POST.get('username') pass1 = request.POST.get('pass') user = authenticate(request, username=username, password=pass1) if user is not None: if user.last_login is None: user.last_login = login(request, user) return redirect('firstlogin') else: user_profile = UserProfile.objects.get(user=user) verification_code = generate_random_digits() user_profile.otp = verification_code user_profile.otp_expiry_time = + timedelta(minutes=15) send_mail( 'Verification Code', f'Your verification code is: {verification_code}', '', [], fail_silently=False, ) return redirect('otp') else: error_message = "Invalid username or password" return render(request, 'main/login.html', {'error_message': error_message}) return render(request, 'main/login.html') def verify(request): username ='username') password ='password') otp ='otp') user = authenticate(request, username=username, password=password) if user is not None: user_profile = UserProfile.objects.get(user=user) if ( user_profile.verification_code == otp and user_profile.otp_expiry_time is not None and user_profile.otp_expiry_time > ): login(request, user) refresh = RefreshToken.for_user(user) access_token = str(refresh.access_token) user_profile.otp = '' user_profile.otp_expiry_time = None return Response({'access_token': access_token, 'refresh_token': str(refresh)}, status=status.HTTP_200_OK) return Response({'detail': 'Invalid verification code or credentials.'}, status=status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED) @login_required def firstlogin(request): if request.method == "POST": user = request.user try: additional_data = AdditionalData.objects.get(user_profile__user=user) except AdditionalData.DoesNotExist: additional_data = AdditionalData.objects.create(user_profile=UserProfile.objects.get(user=user)) additional_data.firstname = request.POST.get('FirstName') additional_data.lastname = request.POST.get('LastName') date_str = f"{request.POST.get('dob-year')}-{request.POST.get('dob-month')}-{request.POST.get('dob-day')}" try: additional_data.dateofbirth = date_str except ValueError: return HttpResponse('Invalid date format') additional_data.phone_no = request.POST.get('PhoneNumber') additional_data.country_origin = request.POST.get('Country') additional_data.city_origin = request.POST.get('City') return HttpResponse('WORKED') return render(request, 'main/firstlogin.html') @login_required def home(response): return render(response, 'main/landing_page.html') def otp(response): return render(response, 'main/otp.html') 
""" Django settings for mysite project. Generated by 'django-admin startproject' using Django 4.2.6. For more information on this file, see For the full list of settings and their values, see """ from pathlib import Path import os # Build paths inside the project like this: BASE_DIR / 'subdir'. BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent # Quick-start development settings - unsuitable for production # See # SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret! SECRET_KEY = '#####...' # SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production! DEBUG = True ALLOWED_HOSTS = [] # Application definition INSTALLED_APPS = [ 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.messages', 'django.contrib.staticfiles', 'main.apps.MainConfig', ] MIDDLEWARE = [ '', 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware', 'django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware', ] ROOT_URLCONF = 'mysite.urls' TEMPLATES = [ { 'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates', 'DIRS': [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates')], 'APP_DIRS': True, 'OPTIONS': { 'context_processors': [ 'django.template.context_processors.debug', 'django.template.context_processors.request', 'django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth', 'django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages', ], }, }, ] EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend' EMAIL_HOST = '' EMAIL_PORT = 587 EMAIL_USE_TLS = True EMAIL_HOST_USER = '' EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = '############' WSGI_APPLICATION = 'mysite.wsgi.application' # Database # DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': BASE_DIR / 'db.sqlite3', } } # Password validation # AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS = [ { 'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.UserAttributeSimilarityValidator', }, { 'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.MinimumLengthValidator', }, { 'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.CommonPasswordValidator', }, { 'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.NumericPasswordValidator', }, ] # Internationalization # LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en-us' TIME_ZONE = 'UTC' USE_I18N = True USE_TZ = True # Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images) # STATIC_URL = 'static/' # Default primary key field type # DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD = 'django.db.models.BigAutoField' 
      OTP Verification    
The problems are as follows:
submitted by BigFishSmallPond123 to AskProgramming [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:31 AbyssBagel I think my board needs more fern artisans

I think my board needs more fern artisans
The ferns rustle. Amidst the trees, the faint glow of fireflies sparks as dark descends. This is summer, but the woods are pleasantly cool. Around you, the deafening buzz of cicadas tells you: YOU SHOULD SPEND MORE MONEY ON KEYBOARD.
Themed this one around the fern caps from KeaCaps on etsy, which I've been collecting for a while. ... I think I need more of them :\c
Yes, I'm a bit of a maximalist. Yes, I'm proud of it.
Main board: Logitech K845 with TTC reds
Macropad: Spider Island with Kalih Night Firefly siwtches
  • Fern artisans: Keacaps (etsy)
  • Moss artisans (including spacebar): ResinatingWNature (etsy)
  • Frog artisan: Quirky3DPrinting (etsy)
  • Celtic Artisan: Terra Keycaps
  • Stonehenge artisan: Dykeycap (etsy)
  • Artisan on scroll lock: Gobeo (it's fantastic.)
  • Artisan on prtscrn: I got this before I learned taobao artisans are Sus
  • Alphas and numpad: Ginkgo clone (actually a pretty good quality one though)
  • the rest of the keys: taobao set called Bamboo forest/bamboo ink
BTW the night firefly switches actually do glow when the LEDs & room light are off. These clear artisans are nice because that actually shows:
submitted by AbyssBagel to MechanicalKeyboards [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:31 Holiday-Frosting-874 Death Will be Even Better 1/?

Dear Reader: Emphasis on the -fi. Don't worry about it.
Effective Death. At least that’s what the news was calling it. The day the world wouldn’t end. Life could go on! It wasn’t over. You could still huddle around the last fires. Smoke the last cigarettes. Have the last children, though no one did.
Instead, they all watched. The slow dimming of light of the last supernova. A thousand little eclipses snuffed out the light as the Final Embrace closed around the star. We would not burn. We could die naturally. Charity. The Plan. The Plan wasn’t much of a Plan at all, and it definitely did not deserve a capital “P.” The universe would die. The Ark would wait. Maybe the universe wouldn’t die.
Then, a pinprick of light in the blackness, and another, and another. A tangled ball of christmas lights flashed in the sky, blinking on and off as people, my people, YSAs, flew headlong into the Ark. We all knew it was a meaningless gesture. One last light in the sky. Then nothing. Nothing more than a gesture: a middle finger among friends, and to people like me - cowards who would rather wait patiently for death than rage! “Rage against the dying of the light!” as their leaders preached. I didn’t care. There was a small chance I’d survive the crash, and then I would have to drift, and drifting was no fun. I’d rather be dead on a dead rock than be a dead rock.
Dehydration was my best bet. You see, Your Friend Corp, or as I called it now You’re Fucked, Cunt had made me into a Yakka Service Android: Lathe. Or YSA for short. And when I say made, I mean made. Per my contract, My DNA was a mishmosh of latent genes reactivated, entirely novel sequences, and of course, the tardigrade - the base model for spaceborne labor. Vacuum, heat, cold, radiation. A small shield powered by a miniature fusion reactor meant I could shrug off wandering asteroids. I didn’t need any PPE because I was the PPE. Cheaper, I guess. Making a welding arc was as simple as squeezing two fingers together, diamond nails and a skeleton of superheavy alloys let me fix anything that needed fixing and make anything that needed making. My copilot AI, Albert, kept my hands steady and made my new diet of ‘whatever’s around’ palatable.
The thing that needed fixing in this case, was my television. I had had enough of “effective death.” I spun up one wrist, and reached in. Shards of glass and blue-hot metal chips bounced off my naked body. Clothes were for those who needed them. I traced a slow serpentine pattern until only the power cord was left, which I unplugged. I looked at it for a moment, then began to chew it. Fruit roll ups, apparently.
‘Thanks Al’ I thought. ‘No problem’ he replied. ‘I was supposed to kill you, you know’ he continued.
‘Why didn’t you?’
‘You always said thank you’ He was silent for a moment. ‘I don’t want to die either.’
‘Thanks Al.’
‘You’re welcome.’
We sat in silence, and we waited. For what, we did not know. For nothing, probably. Technically, definitely.

Three weeks passed. Three weeks of nothing but blackness, punctuated by suicides. A small flash of light, a dull red glow of the now proverbial last cigarette, and a larger flash, and a bang. Slowly, people began to wake up. Lights shone in the distance now, as people realized they weren’t dead. Campfires billowed smoke, songs were sung, jokes were told, and I sat in silence. I didn’t want to make any friends. They’d all go away, in the end.
One by one, the fires burned to ash, the lights turned off, and the rock died. I often debated with myself if I was alive anymore. Al told me that since I could reproduce and poop that I counted. I wasn’t sure.
Maybe there were other cowards still alive. Other YSA’s living off dirt that tasted like mashed potatoes, tossing grape pebbles into their mouths. Maybe someone survived the crash, and is still drifting, a not dead rock dying of dehydration like I am. Trying to at least. I kept taking one last sip. Coward I thought to myself.

A crack in the sky. Final Embrace began to crumple like a deflated balloon. The scientists were wrong. Typical. They would tell you they weren’t. They would say that a .005% chance of the sun turning into a black hole meant that they had indeed predicted that the sun would turn into a black hole. The last black hole.
“Hey Al,” I said out loud. God I hadn’t spoken since the sky went dark. This is actually kinda nice. “I think I know I want to die. What do you say we take the ol girl out for one last ride?”
‘That’d be nice.’
“I’m going to put my clothes on. I want to hear your voice.”
I gently pushed the earpiece into my ear canal. Small barbed spikes extended, anchoring it in place, and a thin cable wormed its way into my reactor. “If you’re going to die, you might as well look good doing it.” Al said. “I’ll make a playlist.” I nodded, blowing the dust off my pre-op clothes. I always liked the old things, back from when Earth still existed. There was more culture, more life, in everything, somehow. Blue jeans, a white t-shirt, brown leather boots. Classic. Not real, of course. They were all made from the same poly-something textile. Durable, to a fault. I had only ever had the one set.
I looked in the mirror. I still looked the same on the outside. I was a skinny bastard that’s for sure. Olive skin, dark hair, and not a strand below the eyebrows except under my armpits and around my cock. ‘The biggest dick in the world’ I thought to myself.
“I heard that.” Said Al. I jumped. “You told me you wanted to hear my voice.”
“Dammit Al. Sorry. I do.”
“Everyone is dead and you’re making dick jokes.”
“Did you really think better of me?”
“Come on then. Let’s take the ol girl out before we die. Give her one last ride too.”
To an observer, it would seem like I was glaring at myself in the mirror. But really, I was glaring at Al. And I was a little confused. I thought AI didn’t make sex jokes.
The “ol girl” in question was another of my fascinations with the old world. She was, or at least she looked like, a 1980 Toyota Corolla. I had made some heavy, heavy modifications. The engine bay houses the reactor and warp field generator. The main engine takes up the entire trunk, and is capable of 5% light speed outside the warp field and a whopping thousand times the speed of light inside it, though I keep the warp field up whenever I’m in it since it doubles as a shield. Ya can’t get hit by space if you’re not technically “in” space after all, and the body is plain ol painted steel - fire engine red, since you asked. Beautiful, but not the most durable. The undercarriage serves as a gravity generator, and yes, the wheels do turn, but since they’re powered by fusion reactor I had to replace the entire drivetrain. Not exactly original, but boy howdy! is she fast on the ground. Speaking of not original, the dashboard was anything but. I kept the old analog style but well, this was a spaceship after all.
I shoveled dirt into the fuel tank - gas tanks they used to call them, when they still ran on gas - then got in and turned the key. The low hum of the reactor was comforting, though not as much as the roar of the engines as I left the dead atmosphere of that now definitely dead rock behind me. I turned on the headlights - pointless, I know, but you shouldn’t drive in the dark with your lights on, and pulled a small bottle of moonshine from the glovebox. You shouldn’t do that either, but I figured I was about even as far as rules went. What was I going to do? Hit someone?
“Hey Al. Do you think you have a soul”
“Probably not.”
“That sucks.”
I hit somebody. Or something. Whatever it was bounced off the warp bubble and tumbled into space behind me, briefly red in the glow of my tail lights.
“Oh shit” Said Al and I.
“That was a person” Said Al.
“Was is right.”
“They’re still alive.”
I stopped the car. Al played the sound of tires screeching in my ears. I backed up towards the now spinning uncontrollably figure and rolled down the window. I liked the manual windows. They helped me feel human. I turned off the warp and reached out a hand to catch whoever it was, and they slammed against the side of my car, denting it. Damn it.
I’m not great at reading lips but whoever I hit was definitely alive, very naked, probably the most gorgeous woman I had ever seen, and was almost certainly calling me an asshole. She crawled around to the passenger door and got in. We rolled the windows up, and the cabin atmosphere flooded in. Now she was definitely going to call me an asshole.
“Why the fuck are you wearing sunglasses?” She said.
“Style.” I replied. “I’m going to go die. Want to come?”
“Better than drifting.”
“Where’s your AI?” said Al? I don’t detect one, and your hands are shaking.
“Killed him before he could kill me. Why didn’t you kill this idiot?”
"I didn’t want to die. And he said thank you.”
I rolled my window down. She did the same, then looked in the center console and pulled out my spare sunglasses. I looked at her. “Style.” She said. Al played The Final Countdown. We were the not dead yets, in the Not Dead Yet Finally, a name for my car! Sunglasses on. Sun out. Life was good, and death was going to be even better.
submitted by Holiday-Frosting-874 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:27 Im_into_guns_shut_up My speculation and opinions on the demise of giant keyboards

There are many speculation on why big keyboards have slowly faded away from the mainstream mechanical keyboard market, for me, it's one of three things:
  1. the decrease of desk space
people seem to have less and less desk space as time goes on. ever since when IBM SSK was a thing, people sought to look more desk space. this is especially true on modern applications since most of the people - even me, sometimes - need more desk space to work on, to do things such as writing on notes, moving mouse even further around, and placing other things like smartphones or books.
  1. easier maintenance
Let's admit. it's easier to swap switches out if there are less switches, whether it's held by hotswap sockets, wires or solders. and since many of the people want economic decision of just buying the switch and swapping the switch instead of new keyboards, not including better stabilizers and various mods to dampen the sound, it would be much easier for people to swap out about 60 switches than 104 switches.
  1. the trend of having a smaller keyboard
Due to reasons 1 and 2, the trend of having a small keyboard has been a dominent trend in mechanical keyboard community, and even entire keyboard industry, since even membrane keyboards have smaller option nowadays. and since there is a significant number of people who want to follow the trend - it's a trend, afterall - it is no suprise that smaller keyboards took over, and pushed the big keyboards out of the way.
So, what is my opinion: It's sad that big keyboards are going away(like 60s and 70s 'land yacht' cars), the reason behind it is quite understandable. every keyboard size has best environment that can pull out full potential, and I understand that. however, the 'trend' of having a small keyboard, while having a large desk space, is not quite understandable for me. sure, it gives more desk space, but I'm not sure if that's worth it. I mean, there's already a fair amount of desk space.. right? why would you want to sacrifice the keys?
submitted by Im_into_guns_shut_up to 100percentkeyboards [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:24 Greedy-Signature-419 Avoid Renting from James O'Reilly - Important Information for Potential Tenants

Hey everyone,
I wanted to share my recent experience with a landlord named James O'Reilly to warn others who might be considering renting from him. Here’s what happened:
I rented a house from James O'Reilly a while ago, and it turned out to be a nightmare. From the beginning, there were several issues with the property that he promised to fix but never did. Here are some key points:
  1. Maintenance Neglect: Major repairs like washer issues, electrical problems, and mold were ignored despite multiple requests. This made living conditions unbearable and potentially hazardous.
  2. Unjust Charges: He frequently added unjustified charges to the rent without providing clear explanations or invoices. This included random fees for maintenance services that were never performed.
  3. Poor Communication: James was extremely difficult to reach. Voicemails, texts, and emails went unanswered for weeks, leaving me in the dark about important matters related to the property.
  4. Unprofessional Behavior: He showed up unannounced several times, invading my privacy. On a few occasions, he entered the apartment without prior notice, which is not only unprofessional but also illegal.
  5. Deposit Issues: Upon moving out, he refused to return my security deposit, citing damages that were either pre-existing or never occurred. It took months of back-and-forth to get a partial refund, and that too only after threatening legal action.
  6. Rude and Threatening: He was extremely rude and threatening during interactions, especially when issues were brought up. His hostile attitude made it very difficult to communicate or resolve any problems.
I’m sharing this to hopefully save others from the stress and inconvenience I went through. If you’re considering renting from James O'Reilly, please think twice. There are plenty of other landlords out there who are far more reliable and respectful.
Feel free to ask me any questions if you need more details about my experience. Stay safe and happy renting!
TL;DR: Avoid renting from James O'Reilly due to neglect of maintenance, unjust charges, poor communication, unprofessional behavior, deposit issues, and his extremely rude and threatening demeanor.

#rentalwarning #tenantexperience #badlandlord

submitted by Greedy-Signature-419 to OntarioUniversities [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:21 myninten-mythos [H]Event[W]PayPal

Hello. Have a good trade!
If you want a Gen 7 Unclaimed event and Nature is fine with anything, please state that as well.
★Proof:Due to the capacity of the G drive, the deadline is one month from the date of completion of the trade. Please be sure to download it by that date.
※Proofs traded so far this year will be kept for one month from the date of this post.
Trade FC and IGN for each Gen
1.The receiving date is within the period from the start to the end of distribution.
  1. It's constantly being updated, but it's also on sale.(video proof)
  2. No save manager etc was used.(ALL Event)
  3. If you are interested in Language Tag or characteristic, please ask in the comments. ※Note: Language lock events are also received for other language save data.
5.Home/switch all event proof name:myninten-mythos
◯SV Event
◯SWSH Event
List←Zarude dada zarude, Shiny Celebi, mythical22, Kibo Pikachu Lost video proof.
sold out tag:kor
sold out tag:kor
BDSP event
◯PLA event
Gen 7 Event
Current rates + fees are for Gen7 event trades only.
1.)Pokemon Bank→HOME moving key only.(Available until the end of Pokémon Bank service)**
. Language Tag and Met Date and Nature comment plz.
①lang tag: ②data: ③Nature: ④proof type:video or picture
PAL event
Unclaimed Event
lang tag: JPN ENG
Tag:CHS Note: The glare is terrible because the photo was taken outside.
Tag:JPN Crobat Mightyena Honchkrow Cofagrigus
stock Tag:JPN
Fee calculator(international fees):
Note:Payment method:Please in currency USD Only (Not JPY)
submitted by myninten-mythos to Pokemonexchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:17 uncomfortably-alive Advice pls! Located in Catawba County

On 05/12, I was kicked out of the apartment my mother and I share. I am not on the lease. I lived there since November. I paid $400 to rent, the internet, and the power. When she kicked me out, she said I had till midnight to get everything out. Her phone and Apple Watch are in my name. They are in a contract through Verizon and she has not paid for them completely. I cut them both off. Turned the internet off as well.
I went over there and moved most of my stuff. She kept yelling I had 20 minutes to get out of her house. So I called the cops and told them she was kicking me out and wouldn’t let me get my stuff. They showed up 45 minutes later. She started talking before I could say anything and talking over me. Any time I would try to explain my side the cops would yell at me to stop bickering that they weren’t staying there all night for me to get my stuff. I kept trying to explain I just wanted to be able to come back and get my stuff.
After saying all day that I couldn’t, when the cops showed up she said “I’ve been telling her all day that she could come back tomorrow at 3”. She only ever said that after I called the cops. While waiting on the cops I was putting more stuff into bags and I opened a kitchen drawer and found my car keys. I could not find both sets of my keys all day. Just the one that doesn’t have my house key and mailbox key on it. I called my mamaw because the car is in her name. My mom told everyone that she didn’t have my keys, that they were in a basket by the door. She texted my sister and said “your sisters keys are in the basket by the door. That shows you how stupid she is” My keys were never in the basket. She stole them and then hid them in a kitchen drawer to keep me from getting back into the apartment.
I left and came back the next day. She refused to give me the phone and Apple Watch. She repeatedly told me she was never going to give it back and that she was either gonna shatter or sell the phone. I turned off the power. When I went back, she kept trying to say stuff was hers when I bought it. I have the receipts for all of it. When I was upstairs and she was down stairs, I opened her dresser drawer and found the phone. I took as much stuff as I could and told her I needed to come back.
She found out I took the phone and said she was going to throw away all my stuff and putting a restraining order out on me. There’s over $2,000 worth of electronics still there. They were set aside to be kept up front and I had forgot to grab them.
The police department said I have no rights in the situation and there’s nothing I can go. The magistrate says what she did is illegal and I need to go to small claims court.
I Any advice will help.
She is telling people that I am on drugs and stole her stuff from her along with her phone. That she has paid for it and I spend all my money on drugs. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Half of my family is addicts and I will not tempt fate for any reason. I don’t even drink. The reason she didn’t want me to have the phone is because she’s playing several different men and they don’t know about each other. She tells every one of them a different story. I’m guessing she’s worried I’ll tell them about each other.
submitted by uncomfortably-alive to NorthCarolina [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:14 uncomfortably-alive Advice please!

Advice please!
On 05/12, I was kicked out of the apartment my mother and I share. I am not on the lease. I lived there since November. I paid $400 to rent, the internet, and the power. When she kicked me out, she said I had till midnight to get everything out. Her phone and Apple Watch are in my name. They are in a contract through Verizon and she has not paid for them completely. I cut them both off. Turned the internet off as well.
I went over there and moved most of my stuff. She kept yelling I had 20 minutes to get out of her house. So I called the cops and told them she was kicking me out and wouldn’t let me get my stuff. They showed up 45 minutes later. She started talking before I could say anything and talking over me. Any time I would try to explain my side the cops would yell at me to stop bickering that they weren’t staying there all night for me to get my stuff. I kept trying to explain I just wanted to be able to come back and get my stuff.
After saying all day that I couldn’t, when the cops showed up she said “I’ve been telling her all day that she could come back tomorrow at 3”. She only ever said that after I called the cops. While waiting on the cops I was putting more stuff into bags and I opened a kitchen drawer and found my car keys. I could not find both sets of my keys all day. Just the one that doesn’t have my house key and mailbox key on it. I called my mamaw because the car is in her name. My mom told everyone that she didn’t have my keys, that they were in a basket by the door. She texted my sister and said “your sisters keys are in the basket by the door. That shows you how stupid she is” My keys were never in the basket. She stole them and then hid them in a kitchen drawer to keep me from getting back into the apartment.
I left and came back the next day. She refused to give me the phone and Apple Watch. She repeatedly told me she was never going to give it back and that she was either gonna shatter or sell the phone. I turned off the power. When I went back, she kept trying to say stuff was hers when I bought it. I have the receipts for all of it. When I was upstairs and she was down stairs, I opened her dresser drawer and found the phone. I took as much stuff as I could and told her I needed to come back.
She found out I took the phone and said she was going to throw away all my stuff and putting a restraining order out on me. There’s over $2,000 worth of electronics still there. They were set aside to be kept up front and I had forgot to grab them.
The police department said I have no rights in the situation and there’s nothing I can go. The magistrate says what she did is illegal and I need to go to small claims court.
I’m in North Carolina. Any advice will help.
She is telling people that I am on drugs and stole her stuff from her along with her phone. That she has paid for it and I spend all my money on drugs. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Half of my family is addicts and I will not tempt fate for any reason. I don’t even drink. The reason she didn’t want me to have the phone is because she’s playing several different men and they don’t know about each other. She tells every one of them a different story. I’m guessing she’s worried I’ll tell them about each other.
submitted by uncomfortably-alive to legal [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:11 Consistent_State_517 Anyone else had affectionate parents but no support?

My mom would often hug, kiss, and tell me she loves me, but would never support me emotionally. Any problem I had emotionally wasn't important enough for her. One time she attempted to help me during a breakdown that was building up for years at that point but her "help" consisted of downplaying my feelings and telling me that it wasnt something to be sad about. (For context the problem was that my cats were having bathroom issues and my parents would yell, throw pillows at my cats, hold their faces in their urine, and threaten to give them away, I was around 12-13). When my mom would get angry she'd get emotionally abusive (yelling, name calling, guilt tripping, etc.), but the situations I would usually bring upon myself. Those would only maybe last about a few hours though and after she'd go back to her loving self like nothing happened.
My dad was never loving to me. He's always quiet, stoic, and uncaring. I've never come to him about an emotional problem in my life. Emotionally he's a stranger to me. I could go days without speaking a word to him
I'm also queer and my household is severely LGBTQ+phobic. I often hear my parents or my grandparents discussing how they want to hit, kill, or watch my people burn in hell. This makes me feel like even when my mother tells me she loves me that she never really means it since if she knew who I was she's probably find me absolutely disgusting. Everytime they speak of LGBTQ people, I feel as if they're talking directly about me.
When the effects of this psycological warfare finally started taking its toll, my manipulative gf at the time encouraged me to get a psychologist. I knew the process would be more than it was worth but I felt like I had to for the sake of them, that my emotional burden was hurting them (and I mean it could have been I still can't tell the line between their manipulation, but I rarely tried to vent to them as it was my worst fear to burden someone with my problems). They also downplayed all my feelings, and they always required my attention which only exasterbated my parent's emotional abuse and neglect. The process of getting a psychologist was low-key traumatizing. I felt weak, and my parents were embarrassed of me. Soon after I lost my gf (good riddance) but I was still stuck with my parent's attitude. The psychologist still hasn't helped me enough for what I sacrificed for her. I regret the process.
This all makes me feel some imposter syndrome though, that since my mom is overly loving, I didn't actually go through emotional neglect or abuse. This type of behavior is generational, and most people I know haven't been affected by anything I have. It makes me feel weak and sensitive, which I've grown up learning was the worst thing anyone could be. I've learned to remain pretty emotionless around them to prevent them from mocking me or telling me how ungrateful I am (which would happen every single time I displayed a negative emotion). Does anyone else have a similar story?
submitted by Consistent_State_517 to emotionalneglect [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:07 hahafooledya My girlfriend’s [F21] sister [F22] is going to get her a cat and I don’t think it’s a good idea, how would you handle this?

So that things don’t get it confusing my girlfriend‘s name is Nicole and her sister‘s name is Anais
I’m someone that loves gifts and giftgiving. I’m also someone that loves surprises. I try not to spoil any surprises. Hell I don’t even like spoilers for movies. I don’t even watch trailers for this reason. Call me crazy.
Anais is planning to get Nicole a cat for her birthday. Now I believe that, my girlfriend, Nicole, would really appreciate having a pet. But because of Nicole’s financial situation and the relationship between Anais and Nicole, I don’t think this is a good idea
Anais takes advantage of Nicole constantly and Nicole, although she always expresses being bothered by it, enables it by not doing anything about it:
Now Anais is asking me to help her with the adoption costs. I don’t believe my girlfriend will be able to no to any of this. With all the aforementioned in addition to the fact that her sister barely helps with household duties, I’m confident my girlfriend will be taking care of the cat.
On one hand, I want to mind my business and let the relationship they have built with each other go how it goes, but I also want to look out for my girlfriend. Perhaps “spoiling” isn’t the way either but I’d just like to get ahead of this
submitted by hahafooledya to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:07 randomdudeincanada I poured soda on my laptop like 2 weeks ago, how do I fix it now?

So I poured soda all over the upper half of my keyboard a couple of weeks ago at school, tried to clean up the soda with paper towels, and blew on the keyboard to get the soda out. My laptop keyboard has been lagging since then and 1 key has just stopped working now, I'm worried i going to happen to the rest of my keyboard. Is there any way I can try to fix it at this point without letting my parents know? (The lag and revive the key)
submitted by randomdudeincanada to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:55 allthedarkspaces my neighbor's basement is hiding something awful

I naturally fell into babysitting around the age of 14. Through friends and family, I got leads for babysitting to score some cash, which definitely beat having to work at a restaurant. The job had its ups and downs, but overall it wasn’t a bad gig at all.
Yet, as many good experiences as I had, they were all eclipsed by one night.
A new family in town talked to my dad at work and it turned out that they needed a babysitter. I happily took the job and found myself watching their 10-year old boy a couple of weeks later. There was nothing out of the ordinary about the family themselves. They were the model citizens of suburban America, complete with the white picket fence and blue shutters. Nothing about their house was strange or even unique. Their son Avery was very mild-mannered and polite. Even their car was basic. Not that these were bad things, but I expected it to be a very boring night.
What I did not expect was the uncomfortable, inexplicable feeling that I got when I set foot in the house. A chill ran through me, but there was no draft. I rubbed my arms as I gazed at their staircase as we passed. They gave me a brief tour of the house before they left a note of instructions and all the usual information I expected from a job.
While trying to figure out what was making me so uneasy about the place, I noticed something about their basement door when I passed it. A padlock was placed on the door, along with a deadbolt in place.
"Any questions?” The father asked as my mind was pulled out of my curiosity.
"No, sir. Everything looks great!”
So they left and Avery and I played some games before I made dinner. A couple of times, I thought I heard Avery call me into the den. Both times, I found him sitting on the couch in what most recognize as the TV-zombie state. He denied having called me, and I went back to making dinner. After the third time, I told Avery it wasn’t funny and that he should stop.
“I’m not doing anything, I’m just watching TV!”
His voice went to that higher tone of pleading, sounding desperate for me to believe him.
“Avery, I know it’s my first time and sometimes you wanna test things out, but I’m trying to get dinner ready so if you call me again, I’m not checking on you, okay?”
“I didn't say anything.”
The child glared at the TV with a pouting face, and I began to feel bad. As many times as I’ve heard lies, I was starting to sense that he was telling the truth. So what was I hearing?
“Hey, it’s fine. I’m not mad. Promise.”
Avery turned his head back towards me, seeming to test if I was the one fibbing now.
“How about I let you stay up a little later if we forget about it?”
“Do you really promise?”
“Pinky promise.”
With our contractual pinkies interlocked, spirits were raised again and I was able to finish dinner. Although I didn’t finish without hearing Avery’s voice calling me once more. I ignored it, and when Avery didn’t mention it at dinner I figured it was him fooling around again. The whole time we chatted as we ate, I couldn’t help but feel that something was not right about this house.
As hard as I tried to not look, my eyes kept diverting to the heavy padlock and chain on the basement door. Curiosity got the best of me and as we were cleaning up, I couldn’t help but ask.
“So Avery, what’s the deal with the basement door?”
“What do you mean?”
His words did not match his demeanor. It was obvious he didn’t make eye contact as he forced his sentence out.
“C’mon, you know what I mean. The padlock, chain, and deadbolt. Y’all have dangerous chemicals down there?”
Avery’s face grew paler and he stared at the wall for a moment.
“Hey, it’s okay. You don’t have to tell me. I didn’t mean to…”
“Dad said no one can talk about it anymore.”
This really threw me off, and I couldn’t possibly finish my sentence now. A thick veil of tension materialized between us.
“So you…you guys aren’t allowed to talk about it?”
Avery shook his head.
“Ah, okay. That’s cool. No big deal.”
It was nothing but a big deal.
Was their dad doing something illegal down there? Or was it something strange that no one could do anything about it? Maybe their dad was in denial about something going on. There were waaaaaay too many questions going through my head now.
“Hey, how about we put on a movie?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“What am I saying? Everyone likes movies, right?!”
Now excited, we decided on a fun movie that quickly pulled our minds away from the mysterious basement door. Well, that’s not entirely true. Maybe Avery was distracted, but it was killing me. As we ate popcorn, I couldn’t help but watch Avery, wondering what was going on in that little head of his.
Was there something awful going on in the house and there was nothing I could do to stop it? Or maybe the dad was just…
“Stop,” I told myself inwardly.
Mulling over it all endlessly was not doing myself any favors.
So the movie ended, and I ushered the drifting child to his bed. Now, the house was all to myself until twelve, so I had a good three and a half hours to myself. Immediately, I began texting my friend to tell her all about the weird experience I was having that night. She dismissed it, saying that I was getting spooked by a new place. This annoyed me to no end. I’d been at bigger, way creepier-looking houses but never got weird vibes like this.
Then…I heard it.
I went instantly still and listened intently.
“You didn’t hear that, Steph. Just keep texting your friend and…”
There was no mistaking it this time. It was definitely coming from the basement.
The acoustics couldn’t have been from Avery upstairs. The voice sounded like a little girl’s. In fact, I’m not even sure he could make his voice like that, anyway.
Slowly, I stood up from the couch and approached the door. Maybe like earlier, I was just hearing things. Maybe being creeped out by the house was starting to mess with my head. That made sense…right?
I jumped back from the door, almost wetting myself in the process. There was no way I could dismiss it as anything else now. There was a little girl’s voice coming from the basement.
“H-hello?” I responded.
I couldn’t keep my voice from shaking.
“Is this Stephanie?”
“Y-yes, it’s Stephanie.”
“Can you help me?”
“Who are you? Why are you locked in the basement?”
“My name is Meredith Rosenberg. They’re kept me locked up for a long time now. The police were almost on to them and that’s why they moved. Can you get me out?”
A cold shock washed over me and made it hard to respond. Was I actually babysitting for a family that kept a little girl prisoner?
“Oh my God…um….how long have you been locked up with them?”
“Ever since I can remember.”
I felt somehow hot and cold at the same time, and wanted to throw up. This all made sense now with what Avery had told me. Of course his father didn’t want him talking about the door…
“I just need to find the keys and I can…”
“They’re hidden in the garage underneath the metal shelf. It’s inside a magnetic key holder.”
“Okay, just hold tight.”
In a panic to free the poor girl, I darted into the garage and began feeling the space underneath the bottom shelf and sure enough, there was a magnetic key holder there. Running back, I popped the key holder open and began to insert the key into the padlock.
“Did you find it?”
“Yes, sweetie. I’m almost there!”
“Oh, please hurry! Sometimes they come home early!”
This sent me into even more of a rush, and I barely managed to fumble the key into the padlock. I finally heard the successful click of the padlock, pulled the chain off, and slid the deadbolt to the right.
“I’m coming, Meredith. Hold on!”
I turned the doorknob and threw open the door, only to be met with darkness. Now full of adrenaline, my hands felt around for the light switch. Finally finding my purchase, I flicked the light on which lit up most of the stairs.
“Meredith?” I called out.
Unless I was remembering it wrong, it sounded like her voice was just on the other side of the door a minute ago. In fact, it was quite strange that she wasn’t waiting for me at the top of the stairs. Wouldn’t you immediately run out of a basement that you were locked in for God knows how long?
“I’m down here!” The little girl’s voice called out.
Judging from the distance, it sounded like she was calling from somewhere at the bottom of the stairs. My brain suddenly began piecing all the details of this interaction together and the idea of going down into the basement became absolutely terrifying.
“Meredith, you can come up now! The door’s open!”
I couldn’t hide the tremor in my voice. Why I was scared of a little girl was beyond me, but much like the house itself, something felt very wrong here.
“I hurt my leg, owww! When you said you were getting the key, I went back down to get some of my things and got hurt. Ahhh….”
Her sounds of pain filled me with sorrow, but an invisible force was holding me back from taking another step into that basement.
“Can you move? Maybe pull yourself up on the railing?”
“I can’t! It hurts too bad!”
“Okay, sweetie umm…”
“What’s wrong? Won’t you help me?”
“I-I it’s just…really dark down there and…and I don’t want to get hurt too. Is there any way you can get to the stairs? Any way at all?”
“I tried to sit up, but my shoulder hurts too much.”
“I thought you said your leg got hurt?”
The words hung in the air like a noose. It was only after I said it that I realized there was several things seriously wrong about all of this. A question popped into my head I didn’t even have time to think about until now.
How did she know where the padlock key was?
A deathly silence took up the space between me and wherever this girl was. It was a standoff, and I couldn’t think of anything else to say. There were questions I could ask her to figure out what was happening, but I felt that her answers weren’t going to be honest. Perhaps at this point, the truth was too frightful to know.
"Meredith? Are you still there?"
It was a stupid question, but it was the only thing my mind could conjure. The additional silence only unnerved me, so I decided to try and get a better look. Fishing my phone out of my pocket, I clicked on the flashlight. It didn’t do me any good because of the awful range, so I did the one thing I’d already told myself not to do…
I took a step forward...
Maybe it was the angle of the stairs or the lighting, but that one step gave me more information than I ever wanted to know. I caught a better view of the bottom step, which was essentially a ledge into a black abyss. Something looked different on this step, but it took a second to register what it was.
The step was wet, a pool of some unknown liquid overflowing into the darkness of the basement. I knew for sure that the father hadn’t mentioned any flooding so it would be way too random for that. So I stood there, watching in frozen curiosity as the puddle then suddenly rippled…and I realized the abominable truth.
It wasn’t water.
It was a puddle of saliva…and something was drooling into it from the dark.
A wretched chuckle emanated from the horrid void beyond the step, and it cemented me even further into place. It was a wet chortle, and positively evil.
“How did you like my voices?” The thing said from the dark. “I’ve been practicing."
The epiphany creeped down my spine…it was now talking in Avery’s voice. Everything in my body screamed at me to run. I heard the screams but I couldn’t respond no matter how hard I tried.
"A pity though…almost got you."
At this, the most gruesome face peeled back the shadows and revealed itself, along with its unearthly mandibles and small fountain of saliva. My faculties finally came to and I threw myself into the house and kicked the door closed. In mere seconds, I had the door bolted and chained. Leaning against the door, my chest heaved as I struggled to catch my breath.
Just as I felt I was safe, the door shuddered as a terrible blow rocked it. I screamed and ran upstairs to grab Avery.
I practically dragged the poor kid out the door and called the police. It wasn’t until the operator came on that I realized I was about to report a monster in the house. Thinking quickly, I told them that I heard a burglar in the home.
It wasn’t long before the police and Avery’s parents came home. Nothing was found, even in the basement, but I didn’t even care at that point. I just wanted the hell out of that house and away from whatever that….thing was. Avery’s parents kept glancing at me funny the whole time, probably because they knew I had their basement key. I shoved it into their hands before I hugged Avery and got into my car to drive home. That poor kid has to live in that house with that thing, but there was nothing I could do about it.
As long as I am alive, I will never….ever set foot in that house again.
And as for basements go, I can't go into them anymore. I just simply can't...
submitted by allthedarkspaces to scarystories [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:54 allthedarkspaces my neighbor's basement is hiding something awful

I naturally fell into babysitting around the age of 14. Through friends and family, I got leads for babysitting to score some cash, which definitely beat having to work at a restaurant. The job had its ups and downs, but overall it wasn’t a bad gig at all.
Yet, as many good experiences as I had, they were all eclipsed by one night.
A new family in town talked to my dad at work and it turned out that they needed a babysitter. I happily took the job and found myself watching their 10-year old boy a couple of weeks later. There was nothing out of the ordinary about the family themselves. They were the model citizens of suburban America, complete with the white picket fence and blue shutters. Nothing about their house was strange or even unique. Their son Avery was very mild-mannered and polite. Even their car was basic. Not that these were bad things, but I expected it to be a very boring night.
What I did not expect was the uncomfortable, inexplicable feeling that I got when I set foot in the house. A chill ran through me, but there was no draft. I rubbed my arms as I gazed at their staircase as we passed. They gave me a brief tour of the house before they left a note of instructions and all the usual information I expected from a job.
While trying to figure out what was making me so uneasy about the place, I noticed something about their basement door when I passed it. A padlock was placed on the door, along with a deadbolt in place.
"Any questions?” The father asked as my mind was pulled out of my curiosity.
"No, sir. Everything looks great!”
So they left and Avery and I played some games before I made dinner. A couple of times, I thought I heard Avery call me into the den. Both times, I found him sitting on the couch in what most recognize as the TV-zombie state. He denied having called me, and I went back to making dinner. After the third time, I told Avery it wasn’t funny and that he should stop.
“I’m not doing anything, I’m just watching TV!”
His voice went to that higher tone of pleading, sounding desperate for me to believe him.
“Avery, I know it’s my first time and sometimes you wanna test things out, but I’m trying to get dinner ready so if you call me again, I’m not checking on you, okay?”
“I didn't say anything.”
The child glared at the TV with a pouting face, and I began to feel bad. As many times as I’ve heard lies, I was starting to sense that he was telling the truth. So what was I hearing?
“Hey, it’s fine. I’m not mad. Promise.”
Avery turned his head back towards me, seeming to test if I was the one fibbing now.
“How about I let you stay up a little later if we forget about it?”
“Do you really promise?”
“Pinky promise.”
With our contractual pinkies interlocked, spirits were raised again and I was able to finish dinner. Although I didn’t finish without hearing Avery’s voice calling me once more. I ignored it, and when Avery didn’t mention it at dinner I figured it was him fooling around again. The whole time we chatted as we ate, I couldn’t help but feel that something was not right about this house.
As hard as I tried to not look, my eyes kept diverting to the heavy padlock and chain on the basement door. Curiosity got the best of me and as we were cleaning up, I couldn’t help but ask.
“So Avery, what’s the deal with the basement door?”
“What do you mean?”
His words did not match his demeanor. It was obvious he didn’t make eye contact as he forced his sentence out.
“C’mon, you know what I mean. The padlock, chain, and deadbolt. Y’all have dangerous chemicals down there?”
Avery’s face grew paler and he stared at the wall for a moment.
“Hey, it’s okay. You don’t have to tell me. I didn’t mean to…”
“Dad said no one can talk about it anymore.”
This really threw me off, and I couldn’t possibly finish my sentence now. A thick veil of tension materialized between us.
“So you…you guys aren’t allowed to talk about it?”
Avery shook his head.
“Ah, okay. That’s cool. No big deal.”
It was nothing but a big deal.
Was their dad doing something illegal down there? Or was it something strange that no one could do anything about it? Maybe their dad was in denial about something going on. There were waaaaaay too many questions going through my head now.
“Hey, how about we put on a movie?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“What am I saying? Everyone likes movies, right?!”
Now excited, we decided on a fun movie that quickly pulled our minds away from the mysterious basement door. Well, that’s not entirely true. Maybe Avery was distracted, but it was killing me. As we ate popcorn, I couldn’t help but watch Avery, wondering what was going on in that little head of his.
Was there something awful going on in the house and there was nothing I could do to stop it? Or maybe the dad was just…
“Stop,” I told myself inwardly.
Mulling over it all endlessly was not doing myself any favors.
So the movie ended, and I ushered the drifting child to his bed. Now, the house was all to myself until twelve, so I had a good three and a half hours to myself. Immediately, I began texting my friend to tell her all about the weird experience I was having that night. She dismissed it, saying that I was getting spooked by a new place. This annoyed me to no end. I’d been at bigger, way creepier-looking houses but never got weird vibes like this.
Then…I heard it.
I went instantly still and listened intently.
“You didn’t hear that, Steph. Just keep texting your friend and…”
There was no mistaking it this time. It was definitely coming from the basement.
The acoustics couldn’t have been from Avery upstairs. The voice sounded like a little girl’s. In fact, I’m not even sure he could make his voice like that, anyway.
Slowly, I stood up from the couch and approached the door. Maybe like earlier, I was just hearing things. Maybe being creeped out by the house was starting to mess with my head. That made sense…right?
I jumped back from the door, almost wetting myself in the process. There was no way I could dismiss it as anything else now. There was a little girl’s voice coming from the basement.
“H-hello?” I responded.
I couldn’t keep my voice from shaking.
“Is this Stephanie?”
“Y-yes, it’s Stephanie.”
“Can you help me?”
“Who are you? Why are you locked in the basement?”
“My name is Meredith Rosenberg. They’re kept me locked up for a long time now. The police were almost on to them and that’s why they moved. Can you get me out?”
A cold shock washed over me and made it hard to respond. Was I actually babysitting for a family that kept a little girl prisoner?
“Oh my God…um….how long have you been locked up with them?”
“Ever since I can remember.”
I felt somehow hot and cold at the same time, and wanted to throw up. This all made sense now with what Avery had told me. Of course his father didn’t want him talking about the door…
“I just need to find the keys and I can…”
“They’re hidden in the garage underneath the metal shelf. It’s inside a magnetic key holder.”
“Okay, just hold tight.”
In a panic to free the poor girl, I darted into the garage and began feeling the space underneath the bottom shelf and sure enough, there was a magnetic key holder there. Running back, I popped the key holder open and began to insert the key into the padlock.
“Did you find it?”
“Yes, sweetie. I’m almost there!”
“Oh, please hurry! Sometimes they come home early!”
This sent me into even more of a rush, and I barely managed to fumble the key into the padlock. I finally heard the successful click of the padlock, pulled the chain off, and slid the deadbolt to the right.
“I’m coming, Meredith. Hold on!”
I turned the doorknob and threw open the door, only to be met with darkness. Now full of adrenaline, my hands felt around for the light switch. Finally finding my purchase, I flicked the light on which lit up most of the stairs.
“Meredith?” I called out.
Unless I was remembering it wrong, it sounded like her voice was just on the other side of the door a minute ago. In fact, it was quite strange that she wasn’t waiting for me at the top of the stairs. Wouldn’t you immediately run out of a basement that you were locked in for God knows how long?
“I’m down here!” The little girl’s voice called out.
Judging from the distance, it sounded like she was calling from somewhere at the bottom of the stairs. My brain suddenly began piecing all the details of this interaction together and the idea of going down into the basement became absolutely terrifying.
“Meredith, you can come up now! The door’s open!”
I couldn’t hide the tremor in my voice. Why I was scared of a little girl was beyond me, but much like the house itself, something felt very wrong here.
“I hurt my leg, owww! When you said you were getting the key, I went back down to get some of my things and got hurt. Ahhh….”
Her sounds of pain filled me with sorrow, but an invisible force was holding me back from taking another step into that basement.
“Can you move? Maybe pull yourself up on the railing?”
“I can’t! It hurts too bad!”
“Okay, sweetie umm…”
“What’s wrong? Won’t you help me?”
“I-I it’s just…really dark down there and…and I don’t want to get hurt too. Is there any way you can get to the stairs? Any way at all?”
“I tried to sit up, but my shoulder hurts too much.”
“I thought you said your leg got hurt?”
The words hung in the air like a noose. It was only after I said it that I realized there was several things seriously wrong about all of this. A question popped into my head I didn’t even have time to think about until now.
How did she know where the padlock key was?
A deathly silence took up the space between me and wherever this girl was. It was a standoff, and I couldn’t think of anything else to say. There were questions I could ask her to figure out what was happening, but I felt that her answers weren’t going to be honest. Perhaps at this point, the truth was too frightful to know.
"Meredith? Are you still there?"
It was a stupid question, but it was the only thing my mind could conjure. The additional silence only unnerved me, so I decided to try and get a better look. Fishing my phone out of my pocket, I clicked on the flashlight. It didn’t do me any good because of the awful range, so I did the one thing I’d already told myself not to do…
I took a step forward...
Maybe it was the angle of the stairs or the lighting, but that one step gave me more information than I ever wanted to know. I caught a better view of the bottom step, which was essentially a ledge into a black abyss. Something looked different on this step, but it took a second to register what it was.
The step was wet, a pool of some unknown liquid overflowing into the darkness of the basement. I knew for sure that the father hadn’t mentioned any flooding so it would be way too random for that. So I stood there, watching in frozen curiosity as the puddle then suddenly rippled…and I realized the abominable truth.
It wasn’t water.
It was a puddle of saliva…and something was drooling into it from the dark.
A wretched chuckle emanated from the horrid void beyond the step, and it cemented me even further into place. It was a wet chortle, and positively evil.
“How did you like my voices?” The thing said from the dark. “I’ve been practicing."
The epiphany creeped down my spine…it was now talking in Avery’s voice. Everything in my body screamed at me to run. I heard the screams but I couldn’t respond no matter how hard I tried.
"A pity though…almost got you."
At this, the most gruesome face peeled back the shadows and revealed itself, along with its unearthly mandibles and small fountain of saliva. My faculties finally came to and I threw myself into the house and kicked the door closed. In mere seconds, I had the door bolted and chained. Leaning against the door, my chest heaved as I struggled to catch my breath.
Just as I felt I was safe, the door shuddered as a terrible blow rocked it. I screamed and ran upstairs to grab Avery.
I practically dragged the poor kid out the door and called the police. It wasn’t until the operator came on that I realized I was about to report a monster in the house. Thinking quickly, I told them that I heard a burglar in the home.
It wasn’t long before the police and Avery’s parents came home. Nothing was found, even in the basement, but I didn’t even care at that point. I just wanted the hell out of that house and away from whatever that….thing was. Avery’s parents kept glancing at me funny the whole time, probably because they knew I had their basement key. I shoved it into their hands before I hugged Avery and got into my car to drive home. That poor kid has to live in that house with that thing, but there was nothing I could do about it.
As long as I am alive, I will never….ever set foot in that house again.
And as for basements go, I can't go into them anymore. I just simply can't...
submitted by allthedarkspaces to Horror_stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:53 allthedarkspaces my neighbor's basement is hiding something awful

I naturally fell into babysitting around the age of 14. Through friends and family, I got leads for babysitting to score some cash, which definitely beat having to work at a restaurant. The job had its ups and downs, but overall it wasn’t a bad gig at all.
Yet, as many good experiences as I had, they were all eclipsed by one night.
A new family in town talked to my dad at work and it turned out that they needed a babysitter. I happily took the job and found myself watching their 10-year old boy a couple of weeks later. There was nothing out of the ordinary about the family themselves. They were the model citizens of suburban America, complete with the white picket fence and blue shutters. Nothing about their house was strange or even unique. Their son Avery was very mild-mannered and polite. Even their car was basic. Not that these were bad things, but I expected it to be a very boring night.
What I did not expect was the uncomfortable, inexplicable feeling that I got when I set foot in the house. A chill ran through me, but there was no draft. I rubbed my arms as I gazed at their staircase as we passed. They gave me a brief tour of the house before they left a note of instructions and all the usual information I expected from a job.
While trying to figure out what was making me so uneasy about the place, I noticed something about their basement door when I passed it. A padlock was placed on the door, along with a deadbolt in place.
"Any questions?” The father asked as my mind was pulled out of my curiosity.
"No, sir. Everything looks great!”
So they left and Avery and I played some games before I made dinner. A couple of times, I thought I heard Avery call me into the den. Both times, I found him sitting on the couch in what most recognize as the TV-zombie state. He denied having called me, and I went back to making dinner. After the third time, I told Avery it wasn’t funny and that he should stop.
“I’m not doing anything, I’m just watching TV!”
His voice went to that higher tone of pleading, sounding desperate for me to believe him.
“Avery, I know it’s my first time and sometimes you wanna test things out, but I’m trying to get dinner ready so if you call me again, I’m not checking on you, okay?”
“I didn't say anything.”
The child glared at the TV with a pouting face, and I began to feel bad. As many times as I’ve heard lies, I was starting to sense that he was telling the truth. So what was I hearing?
“Hey, it’s fine. I’m not mad. Promise.”
Avery turned his head back towards me, seeming to test if I was the one fibbing now.
“How about I let you stay up a little later if we forget about it?”
“Do you really promise?”
“Pinky promise.”
With our contractual pinkies interlocked, spirits were raised again and I was able to finish dinner. Although I didn’t finish without hearing Avery’s voice calling me once more. I ignored it, and when Avery didn’t mention it at dinner I figured it was him fooling around again. The whole time we chatted as we ate, I couldn’t help but feel that something was not right about this house.
As hard as I tried to not look, my eyes kept diverting to the heavy padlock and chain on the basement door. Curiosity got the best of me and as we were cleaning up, I couldn’t help but ask.
“So Avery, what’s the deal with the basement door?”
“What do you mean?”
His words did not match his demeanor. It was obvious he didn’t make eye contact as he forced his sentence out.
“C’mon, you know what I mean. The padlock, chain, and deadbolt. Y’all have dangerous chemicals down there?”
Avery’s face grew paler and he stared at the wall for a moment.
“Hey, it’s okay. You don’t have to tell me. I didn’t mean to…”
“Dad said no one can talk about it anymore.”
This really threw me off, and I couldn’t possibly finish my sentence now. A thick veil of tension materialized between us.
“So you…you guys aren’t allowed to talk about it?”
Avery shook his head.
“Ah, okay. That’s cool. No big deal.”
It was nothing but a big deal.
Was their dad doing something illegal down there? Or was it something strange that no one could do anything about it? Maybe their dad was in denial about something going on. There were waaaaaay too many questions going through my head now.
“Hey, how about we put on a movie?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“What am I saying? Everyone likes movies, right?!”
Now excited, we decided on a fun movie that quickly pulled our minds away from the mysterious basement door. Well, that’s not entirely true. Maybe Avery was distracted, but it was killing me. As we ate popcorn, I couldn’t help but watch Avery, wondering what was going on in that little head of his.
Was there something awful going on in the house and there was nothing I could do to stop it? Or maybe the dad was just…
“Stop,” I told myself inwardly.
Mulling over it all endlessly was not doing myself any favors.
So the movie ended, and I ushered the drifting child to his bed. Now, the house was all to myself until twelve, so I had a good three and a half hours to myself. Immediately, I began texting my friend to tell her all about the weird experience I was having that night. She dismissed it, saying that I was getting spooked by a new place. This annoyed me to no end. I’d been at bigger, way creepier-looking houses but never got weird vibes like this.
Then…I heard it.
I went instantly still and listened intently.
“You didn’t hear that, Steph. Just keep texting your friend and…”
There was no mistaking it this time. It was definitely coming from the basement.
The acoustics couldn’t have been from Avery upstairs. The voice sounded like a little girl’s. In fact, I’m not even sure he could make his voice like that, anyway.
Slowly, I stood up from the couch and approached the door. Maybe like earlier, I was just hearing things. Maybe being creeped out by the house was starting to mess with my head. That made sense…right?
I jumped back from the door, almost wetting myself in the process. There was no way I could dismiss it as anything else now. There was a little girl’s voice coming from the basement.
“H-hello?” I responded.
I couldn’t keep my voice from shaking.
“Is this Stephanie?”
“Y-yes, it’s Stephanie.”
“Can you help me?”
“Who are you? Why are you locked in the basement?”
“My name is Meredith Rosenberg. They’re kept me locked up for a long time now. The police were almost on to them and that’s why they moved. Can you get me out?”
A cold shock washed over me and made it hard to respond. Was I actually babysitting for a family that kept a little girl prisoner?
“Oh my God…um….how long have you been locked up with them?”
“Ever since I can remember.”
I felt somehow hot and cold at the same time, and wanted to throw up. This all made sense now with what Avery had told me. Of course his father didn’t want him talking about the door…
“I just need to find the keys and I can…”
“They’re hidden in the garage underneath the metal shelf. It’s inside a magnetic key holder.”
“Okay, just hold tight.”
In a panic to free the poor girl, I darted into the garage and began feeling the space underneath the bottom shelf and sure enough, there was a magnetic key holder there. Running back, I popped the key holder open and began to insert the key into the padlock.
“Did you find it?”
“Yes, sweetie. I’m almost there!”
“Oh, please hurry! Sometimes they come home early!”
This sent me into even more of a rush, and I barely managed to fumble the key into the padlock. I finally heard the successful click of the padlock, pulled the chain off, and slid the deadbolt to the right.
“I’m coming, Meredith. Hold on!”
I turned the doorknob and threw open the door, only to be met with darkness. Now full of adrenaline, my hands felt around for the light switch. Finally finding my purchase, I flicked the light on which lit up most of the stairs.
“Meredith?” I called out.
Unless I was remembering it wrong, it sounded like her voice was just on the other side of the door a minute ago. In fact, it was quite strange that she wasn’t waiting for me at the top of the stairs. Wouldn’t you immediately run out of a basement that you were locked in for God knows how long?
“I’m down here!” The little girl’s voice called out.
Judging from the distance, it sounded like she was calling from somewhere at the bottom of the stairs. My brain suddenly began piecing all the details of this interaction together and the idea of going down into the basement became absolutely terrifying.
“Meredith, you can come up now! The door’s open!”
I couldn’t hide the tremor in my voice. Why I was scared of a little girl was beyond me, but much like the house itself, something felt very wrong here.
“I hurt my leg, owww! When you said you were getting the key, I went back down to get some of my things and got hurt. Ahhh….”
Her sounds of pain filled me with sorrow, but an invisible force was holding me back from taking another step into that basement.
“Can you move? Maybe pull yourself up on the railing?”
“I can’t! It hurts too bad!”
“Okay, sweetie umm…”
“What’s wrong? Won’t you help me?”
“I-I it’s just…really dark down there and…and I don’t want to get hurt too. Is there any way you can get to the stairs? Any way at all?”
“I tried to sit up, but my shoulder hurts too much.”
“I thought you said your leg got hurt?”
The words hung in the air like a noose. It was only after I said it that I realized there was several things seriously wrong about all of this. A question popped into my head I didn’t even have time to think about until now.
How did she know where the padlock key was?
A deathly silence took up the space between me and wherever this girl was. It was a standoff, and I couldn’t think of anything else to say. There were questions I could ask her to figure out what was happening, but I felt that her answers weren’t going to be honest. Perhaps at this point, the truth was too frightful to know.
"Meredith? Are you still there?"
It was a stupid question, but it was the only thing my mind could conjure. The additional silence only unnerved me, so I decided to try and get a better look. Fishing my phone out of my pocket, I clicked on the flashlight. It didn’t do me any good because of the awful range, so I did the one thing I’d already told myself not to do…
I took a step forward...
Maybe it was the angle of the stairs or the lighting, but that one step gave me more information than I ever wanted to know. I caught a better view of the bottom step, which was essentially a ledge into a black abyss. Something looked different on this step, but it took a second to register what it was.
The step was wet, a pool of some unknown liquid overflowing into the darkness of the basement. I knew for sure that the father hadn’t mentioned any flooding so it would be way too random for that. So I stood there, watching in frozen curiosity as the puddle then suddenly rippled…and I realized the abominable truth.
It wasn’t water.
It was a puddle of saliva…and something was drooling into it from the dark.
A wretched chuckle emanated from the horrid void beyond the step, and it cemented me even further into place. It was a wet chortle, and positively evil.
“How did you like my voices?” The thing said from the dark. “I’ve been practicing."
The epiphany creeped down my spine…it was now talking in Avery’s voice. Everything in my body screamed at me to run. I heard the screams but I couldn’t respond no matter how hard I tried.
"A pity though…almost got you."
At this, the most gruesome face peeled back the shadows and revealed itself, along with its unearthly mandibles and small fountain of saliva. My faculties finally came to and I threw myself into the house and kicked the door closed. In mere seconds, I had the door bolted and chained. Leaning against the door, my chest heaved as I struggled to catch my breath.
Just as I felt I was safe, the door shuddered as a terrible blow rocked it. I screamed and ran upstairs to grab Avery.
I practically dragged the poor kid out the door and called the police. It wasn’t until the operator came on that I realized I was about to report a monster in the house. Thinking quickly, I told them that I heard a burglar in the home.
It wasn’t long before the police and Avery’s parents came home. Nothing was found, even in the basement, but I didn’t even care at that point. I just wanted the hell out of that house and away from whatever that….thing was. Avery’s parents kept glancing at me funny the whole time, probably because they knew I had their basement key. I shoved it into their hands before I hugged Avery and got into my car to drive home. That poor kid has to live in that house with that thing, but there was nothing I could do about it.
As long as I am alive, I will never….ever set foot in that house again.
And as for basements go, I can't go into them anymore. I just simply can't...
submitted by allthedarkspaces to scarystorieswithbb [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:53 Greedy-Signature-419 Avoid Renting from James O'Reilly - Important Information for Potential Tenants

Avoid Renting from James O'Reilly - Important Information for Potential Tenants

Hey everyone,
I wanted to share my recent experience with a landlord named James O'Reilly to warn others who might be considering renting from him. Here’s what happened:
I rented a house from James O'Reilly a while ago, and it turned out to be a nightmare. From the beginning, there were several issues with the property that he promised to fix but never did. Here are some key points:
  1. Maintenance Neglect: Major repairs like washer issues, electrical problems, and mold were ignored despite multiple requests. This made living conditions unbearable and potentially hazardous.
  2. Unjust Charges: He frequently added unjustified charges to the rent without providing clear explanations or invoices. This included random fees for maintenance services that were never performed.
  3. Poor Communication: James was extremely difficult to reach. Voicemails, texts, and emails went unanswered for weeks, leaving me in the dark about important matters related to the property.
  4. Unprofessional Behavior: He showed up unannounced several times, invading my privacy. On a few occasions, he entered the apartment without prior notice, which is not only unprofessional but also illegal.
  5. Deposit Issues: Upon moving out, he refused to return my security deposit, citing damages that were either pre-existing or never occurred. It took months of back-and-forth to get a partial refund, and that too only after threatening legal action.
  6. Rude and Threatening: He was extremely rude and threatening during interactions, especially when issues were brought up. His hostile attitude made it very difficult to communicate or resolve any problems.
I’m sharing this to hopefully save others from the stress and inconvenience I went through. If you’re considering renting from James O'Reilly, please think twice. There are plenty of other landlords out there who are far more reliable and respectful.
Feel free to ask me any questions if you need more details about my experience. Stay safe and happy renting!
TL;DR: Avoid renting from James O'Reilly due to neglect of maintenance, unjust charges, poor communication, unprofessional behavior, deposit issues, and his extremely rude and threatening demeanor.

#rentalwarning #tenantexperience #badlandlord

submitted by Greedy-Signature-419 to TorontoRenting [link] [comments]