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2024.05.16 19:45 Lanik111 AITA for not having sex with my husband?

My husband(38yr old male) and I (39yr female) have been together for 22 years. We have 3 teenage sons. Our relationship has not been great. We've been through multiple separations due to issues arising from alcohol abuse on his part(he is now mostly sober). Before covid we were living apart and had an open marriage. He was paying child support and doing what he could to help me financially. It was so wonderful for me. I felt so peaceful and happy and was healing from all that he put me through. I was working a part time job that paid pretty poorly but it worked with my kid's schedule so I stayed at that job for 7 years. Then when covid hit he ended up moving back into our house. I wasn't happy about this at all but also didn't want to keep him from his kids plus I really had no choice since we both own the house and we were not legally separated. I would often feel overwhelmed by caring for the children and keeping up with the house that we bought together. We've owned it for 10 years at this point. I have expressed my need for him to contribute to keeping the house up for literal years. It's now 2024 and while he doesn't drink anymore and we do get along well I still have no romantic feelings for him, he's my family and I love him but that's it. He's constantly wanting to have sex with me even though I have told him l that I have zero interest. I tell him that I am so overwhelmed with the state of our house and his lack of help that I have no desire to have sex. I feel like if my needs aren't met why should I meet his need for sex? He works from home and has his own business. Last year he allowed me to quit my crappy job and now I feel like he holds that over my head. Like because he makes all the money that it's the only thing he has to do. The business that he built pretty much runs itself and he has plenty of time during to take care of other things. There is mold in our bathroom, trim falling apart on the windows outside, actual windows falling apart, everything is a mess and I cannot keep up. My 3 sons also don't clean up after themselves so I feel like I'm constantly surrounded by mess. Dirty dishes, dirty laundry, pee on the toilet seat ect. I have no access to money, only to a shared credit card that I'm afraid to put big purchases on like a new window or whatever. We do not have a joint bank account although he will send me money to my bank account to pay some bills(car insurance, streaming services, pet food ect). Most of the time it's just enough to cover whatever bills I have although sometimes I do get extra. He holds all the power in our relationship and I'm just so tired. I feel like I've been a good, supportive wife and good mother but of course I am not perfect. I had horrible parents growing up. He doesn't seem to understand that he can't just buy what I'm asking for from him. We have conversations about what I need from him and he admits that he needs to do more but then doesn't act on it. Like he's just telling me what I want to hear so I'll have sex with him. It takes effort to have a connection with me and he puts in no effort. I don't want to make him sound like a monster, he's not. He doesn't yell at me and we have great conversations. I can go out and see my friends or whatever. He'll cook dinner if I tell him I don't want to do it that night. We very rarely fight and he's never physically abused me ever.
We don't have an open marriage anymore and I want so badly to be in love with him but I don't know what to do at this point. In January he allowed me to buy a puppy(we have 2 other dogs) and is paying for all of her care/training classes. I have started entering her in shows(she won one of them!!) which he obviously pays for. He tried to say that because he bought me a puppy and I'm happy that I should have sex with him...Being happy about my puppy doesn't mean I'm suddenly in love with him again. Just this morning he said that my childhood trauma has caused everyone in the house trauma and that hit me SO fucking hard because I have tried with every fiber of my being to not let my trauma effect my family. I asked him what he meant by that but he didn't elaborate. Then said he was joking when I asked if he was being serious. It felt like he was trying to blame me for the way things are. Throughout our relationship I have tried so hard to be a good person, I am a good person dangit and yes I do have trauma from my childhood but I don't see how that is what caused him to drink and drive, drink so much he'd miss work, or drink so much he slept at work, lie to me about being drunk, drink so much it ruined our relationship. I have in the past had too many animals. For example I had chicks in our basement that made a HUGE mess and it took me a long time to clean it up...but I did. Before that I had a hobby fish breeding business and had a bunch of fish tanks in our basement. When the cost of the electricity was too much for us to handle I sold everything and took the fish room down. He tried to tell me back then that I was an animal hoarder even though all of my animals have always been well taken care of and always had appropriate vet care. That really hurt me as I love animals and would never do anything to hurt them.
I have tried to divorce him in the past but at the end of the day I don't want to break my family up. I want to be with my children and him but I can't do this by myself and I feel so fucking alone. There's so many details I'm leaving out here because I don't want this to get longer than it is but lately I've been thinking that maybe I am the asshole here...I dunno :(
submitted by Lanik111 to AITA_Relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:45 I_am__Negan Zack Snyder is doing great contributions to cinema.

I like it when movies retell the same story
To be clear I do not mean remakes like Disney’s lion king or cash grabs sequels movie studios tend to do. I mean actually retelling a story.
Movies like Babylon, Rebel Moon, poor things. These movies are great because they retell told stories. Good stories should be retold and reimagined. It’s what we’ve been doing for ages. Ulysses one of the greatest works of literature in the English language, for example, in a way it is the Odyssey retold, a story whose story structure has become a trope onto itself. The lion king was a retelling of hamlet, 10 things I hate about you is taming of the shrew. It doesn’t have to be just literature 300 is a retelling of the legend of the 300 Spartans and despite the fact we know this battle happened as a historical fact, the story tells the legend, it’s the legendary actions of the great warriors of old.
Humans like retelling stories. How many King Arthur and Robin Hood movies and shows are there? How many King Arthur and Robin Hood books have been written since the year 900?
We like retelling, making stories suit our personalities, our era, our new generations. That’s why fanfics are a thing. Personally I’m not a fan of fanfic, but I understand and appreciate that it’s the love of a story that drives these creative minds to write terrible “romantic” fan fiction (fucking 50 shades of gray) and entire sub genres like steam punk are basically just jules vernes fanfiction. Lord of the rings being Norse mythology fan fiction and high fantasy being Lord of the rings “inspired”.
Star Wars was a retelling of westerns and samurai movies (also the fall of the roman republic). Rebel Moon and the Mandalorian are retellings of Star Wars. Metropolis is very much inspired by Frankenstein and Poor things is very much inspired by metropolis. Babylon retells the story of singing in the rain but retells it from behind the curtain of Hollywood and adapts it to our Modern sensibility.
Some stories are just so good they deserve a retelling. Some were good that one time in the 80s and 90s and shouldn’t be retold in the 2020s.
Star Wars needed to be retold by Lucas in the prequels and clone wars and then by the guys running the tv shows now. But most people don’t like how Disney is handling their IPs. That’s why I’m glad rebel moon exists, it’s telling the story of Star Wars from outside the clutches of Disney.
And I’m not saying this as an edge lord Snyder fan who considers the man as an absolute genius and libtards can shut the fuck up.
Zack Snyder is not one of the great directors. He’s a good one but not a master. He does not have the finesse of Kubric or Hitchcock, he doesn’t have the dynamic dialogue and art direction of early Tarantino or the self awareness of later Tarantino. Or any other director you personally consider to be a master of the craft.
But I respect the hell out of the guy to telling the stories he likes the way he understands them, his determination on having creative control on any project. His charisma when treating cast and crew. His intent on adapting works faithfully and the way he interprets them (with the exception of murder Batman).
His take on superman is an interesting one. A more apathetic superman. Compared to homelander and other evil supermans, it’s one that describes the time Cavil was Superman. An apathetic time, not as divided, but on the way to division through apathy.
His take on Watchmen. More grounded and realistic than Moor’s version, but is still faithful. He understood that watchmen as written by moor is unfilmable and needs to be properly adapted.
And 300s faithfulness speaks for itself.
But he’s no genius adapter. The superman he wanted to bring back was the one who died in the 80s. He tried to right the mistake of death of superman. He messed it up in the beginning. Corrected it in Batman v Superman and landed it in the Snyder Cut. But he had to course correct very hard.
Now. Rebel moon. The retelling of Star Wars.
Blending the tone of the prequels and the story of the original trilogy with that Snyder touch.
To that I say keep going Zack. The direction your movies have taken so far has certainly been rocky at times but you got a second chance in the Snyder cut and this new shift is doing well so far. Keep telling the stories that you like the way you see them.
submitted by I_am__Negan to FIlm [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:45 Lulumum Please help! Toddler won’t nap- desperate parents!

Please help!! For the past 6 weeks our 18 month old daughter has started fighting all her one daily naps and we’re at our wits end! She’s not ready to drop it so is absolutely miserable the rest of the afternoon then come dinner time she is so hysterical she won’t eat, and then she’s so hungry and overtired she won’t sleep through the night!
We feel like we’ve tried everything! If we leave her in the cot she just screams and screams and will not settle down (we tried CIO) so it’s not like we can leave her to just have ‘quiet time’ instead as she is so distressed.
She is at nursery 3x times a week and they manage to get 30-40 minutes out of her on most days. When she comes home from there she happily goes down to bedtime at 7pm and then sleeps through the night. But on the days she’s at home with us it’s a very different story.
Our schedule is: 7am wake 1pm nap 7pm bedtime
It feels like we’ve tried everything! Including an earlier naptime of 12pm/12.30pm but it’s like she’s not tired enough and is outraged we’ve put her down, but then after 1pm she seems overtired and hysterical!
We have the same routine for naptime as bedtime - blackout blinds/white noise/ books/ sleeping bag etc. she’s my only baby so gets all my attention and lots of outdoor activity before the nap so she should be tired!
If we’re lucky we’ll get a nap in the car or the buggy, but if we try a cot nap and it doesn’t work that’s game over- nothing else will work.
I should add a few months ago she would happily sleep in her cot, lying down and smiling at me as I turned the light off and left the room napping for 2 hours+. I don’t know what has changed.
We really don’t know what to do- it feels like we’re stuck in a vicious cycle we can’t break out of. It’s so frustrating and heartbreaking to see her so miserable when she won’t nap and I’m worried the lack of daytime sleep will start to impact on her development.
Please help and thank you 🙏🙏
submitted by Lulumum to sleeptrain [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:43 TooShyTo- Upgraded to RTX 4070 Ti Super help

Upgraded to RTX 4070 Ti Super help
Before the upgrade, I was using an RTX 3070 Ti, and everything was working flawlessly. However, after the upgrade, all of the popular stable diffusion UIs like a1111, SD. Next, and ComfyUI show the same error:
RuntimeError: CUDA error: an illegal memory access was encountered CUDA kernel errors might be asynchronously reported at some other API call, so the stacktrace below might be incorrect. For debugging consider passing CUDA_LAUNCH_BLOCKING=1. Compile with `TORCH_USE_CUDA_DSA` to enable device-side assertions. 
I tested everything with the newest GPU graphics drivers, both studio and game-ready. I reinstalled all of my favorite UIs with their dependencies, but it still didn't work. So I thought reinstalling my Windows 11 would help, but it didn't.
I've got:
Up to date Git
Python, I tried using both 3.10.9 and 3.10.11 (added to path)
Cuda 12.1 (added to path)
Visual Studio 2022 with the C++ PC enabled
And newest GPU graphics drivers
All of it was working on my previous GPU, but after the change, it stopped and persists on a clean Windows 11 installation. I'm throwing this out here because maybe someone had this problem
submitted by TooShyTo- to StableDiffusion [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:43 KaIidin Lubber is back!

Lubber is back!
I tried a really fun build that I saw Jeef do. It was fun and successful. Lubber- Peggy - pirate that gives attack for spells - pirate that gives attack for spending money. Flexible after that. Really fun and refreshing. Stay on 4 and go. The 7 gold pirate spell makes it work. Cycle and try and get as many of those as possible.
I didn’t want to get Leeroy that high. Just never found anything else to replace it. I had to sell some things late to beat Devine shield shellemental.
Golden Peggy would have been huge. The pirate the gains healthy with stats would also work just fine.
Got the swipe pretty late and was still able to buff it quickly
submitted by KaIidin to BobsTavern [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:42 IRemain28 (WTS) Surefire, Cloud Defensive, Scalarworks RMR, Carry Handle, Meadow Creek Shotgun Mount, Arisaka

Surefire m300 FDE w/ UE tail cap- minimal salt. Works as advertised. $180
Surefire ST07 w/ Cloud Defensive LCS- used but no visible salt. $50
Cloud Rein dual switch FDE- Upgraded to new switch released this year and have no use for this anymore. Maybe a tiny cable cover frey directly under switch- pictured. Works as advertised. Used for ~6 months and saw maybe 200 rounds. $50
BCM carry handle- doesn’t even look like they sell these anymore. Sat in a parts bin for nearly all its life. Saw maybe 200 rounds. Can confirm Elevation works great out to 500M. $60
Scalarworks RMR Mount SW0410- no visible salt just some residual loctite. Works great but switched to aimpoint micro footprint mount now. $90
Meadow Creek RMR shotgun rib mount- mounted once but never used. Not my style on a shotgun. $40
Arisaka offset mlok scout mount- again just some residual locttite otherwise in good shape. $30
All Prices Shipped. PP F&F preferred but have Venmo as well. No Notes. PM only no chats.
submitted by IRemain28 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:42 Seeker-2020 Dealing with fomo - any advice?

Fomo - fear of missing out.
Dated my now husband from 17 to 25 where we lived in different countries and had a long distance relationship. We went through many ups and downs to move to the same country and finally get married. Together for 13 years now. We didn’t want kids at all. Somewhere down the line he changed his mind, and then we started trying and figured out we have issues. At 38, we are still unsuccessful but we hope to resolve it by this year. If not, we will close the door on trying.
The thing is, the last 4 years has put enormous strain on us. We are very suited. We have passions. We have drive. We are economically reasonably successful. We communicate, we work on our shortcomings individually and together. We have a community around us and are respected. A nice home. Jobs we care about. Supportive families. Literally sounds like the dream. People envy us for our compatibility.
But now am having fomo. What if I settled too early? What if I don’t want this suburban life and want to travel the world? What if I am not meant for a married life? What if I want to move to the ocean or a mountainside and my husband doesn’t want to? Am I wasting my life by compromising?
Call it a mid life crisis- or maybe the pressure of the infertility journey - I feel like am cracking. He understands. He is ok to be without a kid. But now I can’t even look at him the same anymore. I am feeling mostly frustrated and hopeless and empty and angry. I am feeling like a failure and am tempted to throw away the whole marriage. But I know I will never have it this good in terms of an understanding partner.
I guess what am really looking for is some perspective. Thank you.
submitted by Seeker-2020 to AskOldPeopleAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:42 Fazr_Nikon 29 [M4A] USA/Anywhere - Who is your video game crush?

I’m a pansexual hopeless romantic 29 year old man in central US. I’m just searching for something with someone I could consider special. Starting platonic is genuinely the most amazing feeling, but hopping right into being lovey-dovey doesn’t sound so bad either.
By day I work for a large Aerospace Engineering company, it’s pretty boring honestly but it pays the bills.
Well, outside of that I have a ferocious beast of a cat, his name is Beans, and I consider him my roommate (sadly no longer have a dog anymore. I have been playing through Dragon’s Dogma 2 lately. But I'm always open to anything:) I primarily game on PC, but also have a Switch and PS5. I'm pretty active outdoors wise, I mountaineer, hike, and looooove meditating outdoors (if the weather permits). I love Sci-fi, horror (especially 80s - 90s slasher). Above all I'm just a big cheese ball. Anything else you'd like to know I'm an open book. hope to hear from ya!
submitted by Fazr_Nikon to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:42 Jessie_2411 Is this a blood clot or a miscarriage? TMI

Hi there, I’m looking for a little bit of advice. For context I started the depo injection on 15th April and didn’t wait until the 7 days were up so I had to take the morning after pill 5 days into the shot and it’s now been a month. Ever since we’ve been taking advantage of the injection so it’s not entirely impossible I could be pregnant. Yesterday I started having really bad cramp (I’ve had cramp most days on this injection but this was another level) and when I got home I had brown ish blood on the panty liner I was wearing. Anyways fast forward to the night and I’m still experiencing bad cramp. Come this morning and it’s way worse- hurt to walk and all I wanted to do was crawl in a ball. I can usually deal somewhat okay with cramp because I get it pretty bad but this it felt way worse. However is it because it’s my first period since I was on the shot??? Anyways, When I go to the toilet I pass this clot like thing. It’s mostly white and had a tail like feature that’s dark red almost black. I usually pass blood clots on my period to start with but never this big or white. I’m worried that it could be a miscarriage but I was unaware I was pregnant? I took a test 3 hours after this and it was negative but I’m unsure on how it all works. I know you can have ectopic pregnancies and not have any symptoms. Any advice would be great
submitted by Jessie_2411 to period [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:42 TheRealJamesHoffa Has anyone’s company gone through a dramatic and sudden culture shift?

So for context: I’ve been at my company for nearly 3 years now. The company, A, is pretty big and somewhat regularly acquires other smaller companies and their software. Around a year ago our team randomly received meeting invites to “new hire onboarding” sessions for a much smaller company we had acquired, B. But the thing is the communication from leadership was basically non-existent as to what expectations are and what direction we were heading in.
This was literally the first we ever heard of it. My manager didn’t even know this was happening at the time or what company B was.
During these meetings it became clear very quickly that the people leading the onboarding session actually thought we were all brand new employees who needed to be trained on their technologies at company B. They were treating us like subordinates and asked us to all turn our cameras on, which none of us did because we never do and who the hell were these random people giving us orders like we’re new here? It was genuinely so strange.
Over the next months we began incepting new epics for integrating the two companies’ products, but it became even more clear very quickly that company B had a much “stronger” culture (more dominant personalities basically). They were joining our meetings and essentially telling us how to do our jobs and driving things with their standards. There was definitely some push back at first, but then the team got split up by leadership seemingly strategically to kinda put a wedge between those who were more standoffish about the changes. B also didn’t seem to understand that A was a much larger company essentially made up of a bunch of smaller companies, and that there was a really big dead-sea effect going on. There were no real code owners or domain experts for lots of our tech the way they had for their smaller pool of products. But leadership doesn’t really understand nuances like this and just expect that more resources = more production.
There are some really, really overbearing personalities from company B who now work with us regularly. I know I’m not the only one bothered because I’ve had coworkers reach out to me privately basically just to vent about all of this, which I totally agree with. Some of the things company B does are definitely better, but they seem to think they can do no wrong and will often argue about things passive aggressively. They also don’t realize that scaling up the way they did things at their smaller company doesn’t really work by just forcing people into roles they were never hired for.
This whole thing somehow very quickly went from a “let’s integrate these two products” to an entire engineering culture shift. Leaders have been let go and also resigned, our managers and even our manager’s managers are seemingly as lost as we are. One of our senior architects literally said in a meeting to us privately “I really have no clue what they’re expecting from us for this.” a few weeks ago. B has imposed their culture from a much smaller company onto the dozens of other dev teams now somehow. Now all of a sudden cameras on is a soft requirement in meetings, but there’s a pretty clear divide between those who don’t bother to follow this rule and those who originally worked for company B. Our SDLC has also completely changed. The high up leaders speak about this as if it’s “so much more agile and efficient”, but really it’s feeling incredibly forced and driven by a small minority of engineers.
The biggest problem is that I find myself kinda just totally caught in the middle. There seems to be this expectation from B that I and the other members of A are experts on all products from the A side of things, which is so far from reality. There is so little documentation and testing in place, and lots of our previous efforts had been towards just kinda cleaning up the mess others had left behind. A is a huge company with lots of individual products. I was already struggling to stay up to speed with all of those, and now I also have to be an expert in B’s side of things as well and how to tie them all together. It’s like, if any of this was discussed with anyone actually working on the software it would be really apparent how big of an issue it is, but that has been completely ignored because the culture shift was a “success” for leadership despite things moving at a snail’s pace now. They just see all these big changes and fancy presentations and are expecting revenue to follow, but it hasn’t so far. I was already kinda one foot out the door before all of this, but now I’m really feeling undervalued, underutilized, and under-appreciated. I barely get any real work done because every week I’m having to get up to speed on a new thing, which feels way above my pay grade tbh. It has been super demotivating, which has unfortunately been a theme throughout my career so far. I know the job is meant to be about problem solving, but I’d also love just a tiny bit of stability.
submitted by TheRealJamesHoffa to ExperiencedDevs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:42 Novice89 [QCrit] Adult Science Fiction - GOD PARTICLE (111k words, FOURTH attempt, + first 300)

Hello , this is my fourth submission after getting some rough but honest feedback from the third attempt. I spent several hours working on this version, and I'm sure it's not perfect but hopefully it's heading in the right direction?? Before I was trying to summarize the entire manuscript, but kept it to the Act 1 and the first half of Act 2 so I think that helped a lot.
I would love some more feedback so I know if it's still garbage or if I'm on the right track. I hope to start querying asap, so please don't hold back, I'm open to any and ALL criticism and feedback. Thank you in advance!
[First Attempt](
[Second Attempt](
[Third Attempt](\_adult\_science\_fiction\_god\_particle\_111k/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button)
[Dear Agent]
Asaju is a skilled detective whose authority is absolute. Nothing happens in New Nauru she doesn’t know about. Or so she thought. After spotting hackers ID scrubbing in real time her fear of death is brought to life when this simple arrest turns into a blood bath. Her cybernetic enhancements keep her alive long enough to meet their leader.
Helel, known to a handful as the devil of Nauru, prefers to speak in languages lost to time. When hearing Asaju speak Latin he spares her for her interest in the past in a world where everyone is obsessed with the future.
Asaju is recruited by the Intelligence Division to join the hunt for the man that now haunts her nightmares. During her investigation she learns the world is not what she thought it was. Corporations control everything. Murder is swept under the rug, and terror attacks are reported as accidents, all to maintain the illusion of a perfect world.
For centuries Helel has engineered a plan to save humanity from itself. To this end, Helel is willing to undertake great evil, for a great good. Hijacking a new station he promises to change the world in six days. Asaju and the Intelligence Division move in but find themselves ensnared in his trap. Asaju sacrifices herself so the others can escape, but the devil always gets his due.
Asaju is drugged with a mind altering hallucinogen that leaves her questioning everything. Who is she? What’s her role in this? Are these thoughts even her own, or is she just clay being shaped by the hand of the devil? As she struggles with her own sanity and tracking down Helel, Asaju realizes there are fates worse than death.
GOD PARTICLE is an adult science fiction novel in the cyberpunk subgenre complete at 110,000 words. It combines the futuristic world of (insert comp I'm still looking for, I may just pick up a cyberpunk 2077 No Coincidence, but at someones suggestion I have to go over books 1 & 2 of the Murderbot Diaries as they may fit quite well. I forget where book 1 ends and 2 starts though so I need to reread them), and the mind bending and detective elements of Blake Crouch's, Recursion.
I graduated with a bachelor's degree in Cinema with an emphasis in Screenwriting from [insert uni name] before I transitioned to writing novels six years ago and am so exciting to be sharing my debut novel with you. (insert brief reasons why I think they would be a good fit to represent God Particle).
Thank you for your time and consideration.
FIRST 300:
Detective Asaju watched a kaleidoscope of colors dance above the street. The glittering holos moved against each building trying to entice partiers inside with every attraction imaginable. Asaju secretly envied these people. To her the swirling mosaics were beautiful, but unappealing. She once heard a spaced raver describe them as “unicorn barf,” which perfectly summarized how she felt about them.
She stood beneath the holo of a shield that read, DigiSafe, behind a neon green phrase, NOT SAFE ENOUGH, and a laughing face. No one paid it any attention. Here in the entertainment district it was normal for everyone to be in their loudest outfits wearing the flashiest augments money could buy. Graffiti or not, the holo was too tame to be noticed by anyone. Ironically, it was Asaju who garnered the most attention. In a sea of color her plain gray jacket, dark jeans, and black shirt couldn’t have stood out more. Thankfully no one paid her more than a cursory glance before continuing on their way.
“How we lookin, Garcia?” she asked scanning the crowd with her thick rimmed police issue EyeDent glasses. The lenses brought up the ID of every face that walked by. Almost everyone’s tag above their head was green, with only a few yellows sprinkled here and there. Most were unpaid tickets for overtuned cybernetics or unregistered solicitation. None of it worth the paper work or hassle of bringing them down to the station. Seeing nothing of interest, Asjau rubbed her wrists as she watched a woman with an augmented chest that looked like it had been dipped in a vat of pink satin walk past.
“Wired in now,” Garcia shouted over the crowd.
“I’m counting on you to find something I can follow up on,” Asaju said looking down at him.
submitted by Novice89 to PubTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:41 CommissionSea2695 negative balance

so i never really used paypal a lot but ive had an account for i wanna say a few years, maybe last year or two i have gotten this negative balance, how? i honestly have no damn clue. i think i got hacked, i had a security problem with a lot of my account a 2 years ago, and now my balance is negative 878 i didn’t really deal with it because i never used it and didn’t realize til they had contacted me. i kinda forgot to deal because i have my own life and forget about stuff. they had just sent me this email
“Date: 16 May, 2024, 6:30 AM Washington DC (GMT-4) Order ID -850856277 Invoice Status -Completed It was successful to complete your PayPal online transaction. We got right to work on your order as soon as we got it. "PayPal Coinbase Inc." will notify you of the money taken out within twenty-four hours. Description of the Invoice. Description Item Price+Tax included Ethereum (ETH) 850856277 Auto Debit 16 May, 2024 $878 Item Transaction Id. Payment Mode Date Total Amount Please contact our customer support staff at any time with queries about your purchase. We are available at this time. 24*7 @ TOLL FREE +1(888)404-5614 For Your Help, The Billing Team Office address: 3741 West Chapman Avenue, Orange, California 92868, United”
i have no idea how to deal with this, can someone or all help?
submitted by CommissionSea2695 to paypal [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:41 Adorable_Audience733 isolating myself is so comforting yet so painful

so right now, i’m out of work and have been since i lost my job late last year. i have a boyfriend who i love and 2 friends who i see sometimes, im terrible at replying and i feel awful for this but for some reason, being in constant conversation with someone, even over text just drains me.
it was honestly actually a relief in a way when i lost my job, every single day i would constantly be obsessing over small interactions with coworkers, the smallest thing makes me so angry, if i feel disrespected or not listened to, it invokes a rage into me that i know i absolutely cannot show at work. i am completely unable to be ‘diplomatic’, i will let resentment build until i can’t take it any longer and fly off the handle, using anger as a way to voice how i feel. i feel i literally cannot explain to someone that they’ve upset me, unless im angry. of course, this is very unhealthy and has led to a lot of situations where im the one having to apologise for my reaction, rather than addressing why they upset me in the first place. this behaviour haunts almost every relationship i have. the ones id doesn’t impact, are the friends which i make sure i don’t get too close to, in order for this behaviour to not ruin our friendship.
i am thinking of doing some voluntary work one day a week so im getting out my apartment more, but honestly the thought of being around a group of people, even just 1 day a week, fills me with dread and anxiety. its the same thing every time, i start a job, its the best job ever and everyone and everything is perfect to begin with, then a few months down the line, i become paranoid, i find out someone has said x about me behind my back, now i absolutely hate them, they’re a horrible person and no one can convince me otherwise. at every job i look back on, and this may sounds really silly, but it actually feels like i’ve been through some kind of social trauma due to the way i obsess, hyperfixate and catastrophize every slight miscommunication, every comment, every look. i sit in my room for hours thinking and obsessing, sometimes sending me into panic attacks about the way people are treating/perceiving me. i start getting suicidal thoughts, feel as though everything is fcked, i am fcked, my whole life is fcked forever. it is honestly draining. i actually amaze myself at how much i drain my own energy literally just by *thinking.
i’m in a trauma based therapy right now for sexual abuse i went through during my teens by my step father. i hope it helps because honestly i don’t know how much longer i can take living like this. isolation is comfortable, yet so lonely. i tell myself i would like to be alone, yet every time i am left alone in my apartment for a few days, i turn to drink, drugs and self harming because i feel so lonely. i thought i loved being on my own, so why do i always feel like this when im on my own? i feel like every single emotion and feeling i feel, conflicts another. if im around people, i can’t handle it. if im on my own, i also can’t handle it.
i dont want to be this way. i want to do things with my life, i wanted a career and i want healthy relationships yet, it all seems so out of reach. every social interaction feels like the mental equivalent of someone poking at an infected wound, whether it’s a genuine interaction or not. my brain will always tells me its negative, that people are out to get me, that people are conspiring against me, using me, that they hate me, they are repulsed and disgusted by me and i feel such deep, deep shame about myself.
sometimes, i look back on the times before the trauma during my teens happened. and i am so envious of the little girl i was, who trusted so willingly, who loved so freely, so openly, without fear of consequence. the girl who wasn’t constantly ashamed, angry, frightened and paranoid. i wish i could go back and tell her how lucky she is.
sorry for the rant. i am so tired of feeling this way and if anyone else feels the same, i hope soon enough we can find a way to work through these dreadful feelings and soon become people that will make that little girl/boy inside of us proud. and thank you for taking the time to read my rant :)
submitted by Adorable_Audience733 to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:41 catrasca2021 I am new in the community, i am creating a protogen and i need your help.

-I am creating my protogen based on this video:
i assambled everything the right way, with good connections and soldering, tested with a multimeter on continuity, its all right, based on this schematics:
i tested it and it doesn´t work, the leds dont light up, i bought new and better leds, hoping that the max 7219 chips on the old leds were broken, but i have the same result, they dont do a thing
this is the code:
thanks for reading.

submitted by catrasca2021 to FursuitMaking [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:40 After-Gap-5215 Is this a histamine thing?

Everytime I get a “flare up” I get anxiety, irritated, brain fog, hives, and worst of ALL constipated, but it’s not the like dry stools constipation. My stools are not the problem, it’s my actual intestines. Everything just slows down. My sister took a stethoscope and listened to the speed of my digestion in each quadrant of my abdomen, and it’s very fast in my upper quadrants but it’s very very slow in my lower quadrants. Taking stimulants doesn’t work, neither does stool softener. I still can’t poo, and when I do (when I wake up) it’s not a full evacuation and it’s just diarrhea. This can go on for a couple hours, and as SOON as I take vitamins C (which hasn’t been working recently) my whole body calms down and I have the urge to suddenly poo right after. What is this?
submitted by After-Gap-5215 to HistamineIntolerance [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:40 Night_of_Stars0468 AITA for making my parents and younger brother mad when discussing pick-up arrangements from prom?

I (17F, 11th grade) and my brother (16M, 10th grade) are going to prom for the first time. Normally only 11th and 12th graders go to prom in most schools, but my school is a small school and they need enough people for the prom venue, so underclassmen are allowed to go too.
Our prom is this weekend, and I wanted my parents to let me drive myself to prom. I’ve had my driver's license for a year now. The reason I want to drive myself to prom is because I don’t want to have to leave prom at the same time as my brother.
My brother generally doesn't do too well at events like Prom or Homecoming because of the loud music and all the people. He’s only going this time because his friends are going. However, because he doesn’t like the loud music and all the people too much, he gets tired and wants to go home early from events like this. The issue I’ve had with him in the past about this is when the two of us went to homecoming last school year(Sept 2022). Homecoming and Prom are both from 8-11 pm. I wanted to stay all the way until 11, but around 10:30, my brother got tired and wanted to go home. My dad came to pick him up and then they called me because they wanted me to leave homecoming and go home as well. However, I was having fun and didn’t want to leave early. Eventually I gave in and left because my brother kept yelling at me over the phone to make me leave. I was bitter that I had to leave early, and I thought that he ruined the fun night I had by forcing me to leave with him. The following morning, we got into a big fight about what had happened that night.
Last homecoming(Sept 2023) we coordinated pick-up arrangements better and had my parents pick us up separately from Homecoming so we could both go home when we wanted to. This went well and my brother and I were both satisfied by this arrangement.
I was bitter about him ruining my fun 1 ½ years ago, and I don’t want it to happen again for a significant night like Prom. I mentioned what happened during the homecoming last school year, and that I got mad at him because he forced me to leave early when I didn’t want to. He got mad at me for bringing it up because last year’s homecoming is a sore spot for both of us. My parents got mad because I kept bringing it up, and they thought I was making too big of a deal about it.
Now that I have my drivers license, I want to drive myself to prom so I can leave when I want to leave. However, my parents are reluctant to let me drive because it will be dark when I come back, and there is construction on the roads from our house to the venue. My dad said that he’s fine driving two times to the venue and back to pick my brother and I up separately, but I don’t want to inconvenience him. Eventually the rest of my family told me to drop the topic, because we had to get ready for school while my parents had to get ready for work.
AITA for making my parents and younger brother mad by asking about prom and bringing up bad past experiences?
submitted by Night_of_Stars0468 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:40 Pretty-Explanation47 AITAH for not giving my partner my locations (Life360)

I (F29) feel like I’m falling out love with my fiance (M34) how do I decide something so difficult?
I want to try not to make this long. Our relationship of 7 years and 3 kids later…. Is just in shambles.
We fight, violently, we say horrible things to each other. We have broken things, smashed things, basically tortured each other. He has lied, and talked to other females. I’m not sure who is the narcissist, me or him? Doesn’t matter. I just don’t feel in love anymore.
He used to love bong me after every fight. It worked for awhile. But anymore, it’s exhausting for me and I hate it…
I just don’t feel it anymore. My kids (mainly my oldest who’s 9) simply doesn’t want us together anymore. I feel like the relationship is taking a huge toll on her mentally. And she doesn’t like us together, and she’s told family members this.
Apart of me just wants to be done, call it quits. Then another part of me just can’t handle seeing him with someone else, or treating someone better than he ever did me. It’s conflicting, because I know I deserve better. My heart breaks just thinking about it. I love my kids and I want to say I would do anything for them. But I’m still having a hard time walking away from this.
What should I do? He says he wants to work on things, be serious about it. But we both do this every single time. And I’m so tired, like soooo tired. I feel like he’s just gonna blow up in a couple weeks and the cycle repeats. I just wish I knew how to go through this and feel my heart break everyday and feel that depression.
This weekend my friends asked me to go out downtown. I got a babysitter and agreed for once. I usually let him go out and do what he wants whenever he asks. Which is most weekends. But this time I’m doing it. When I asked him he said “well I want Life360 on your phone” and “why couldn’t we meet up down there?” It’s like I’m not even allowed to get away and think or try to be myself.
submitted by Pretty-Explanation47 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:39 rasalghularz CMV: You can be Pro-Palestine and Queer.

Something often repeated by “liberal” pro-Israelis is “Queers for Palestine” is wrong because Palestinians stone gay people to death and every queer person should be Pro-Israeli as it is the “only pro-LGBT” country in the middle east.
  1. First of all, yes. There is no recognition of same-sex marriage (although decriminalised in the West Bank) and most Palestinians are overwhelmingly anti-LGBT.
But this doesn’t change the fact that:
A. The Israeli government routinely house arrests or deports hundreds of homosexual Palestinians have fled to Israel. And some of them are being blackmailed to become informants for Israel. It was only in 2022 that Israel began issuing work permits for gay Palestinian refugees, who had been granted asylum but I think we all know the treatment of Palestinian refugees in Israel today especially after 7/10.
B. Netanyahu’s government (prior to the war cabinet) is in alliance with far-right parties notably Bezalel Smotrich (who said he has a problem with LGBT culture and appeared to compare gay marriage to incest.) and also Itamar Ben-Gvir.
C. A Pew Research Report which showed that 56% of Israelis oppose same-sex marriage. (Report was posted in Nov. 2023 btw).
D. Lastly, a point to be noted is vast majority of Israelis support a Two-State Solution or a general peace process where both can live in peace. It is the often the Far-Right Israelis who actively call for genocide and annexation of West Bank and Gaza, the same people who happen to be the most opposed to LGBT rights.
  1. Yes, Palestinians are anti-LGBT but the fact is people’s ideologies are shaped by the place and time they live in. 57.9% of West Bankers and a staggering 65.4% of Gazans are under 24. Most are kids who grew up under the views of their parent’s generation and their moral views.
Most of the Women’s Suffragette movementof the late-19th and early 20th century was extremely racist towards non-white people and was against Civil-Rights. Does that mean the then black women supporting equal voting rights were wrong and stupid? No, that movement was a product of it’s (racist) time. It was only after voting rights were passed, Civil Rights were fought for.
  1. If Queers for Palestine is “Chickens for KFC” then why are queer-Palestinians chanting Free Palestine? What about the hundreds of queer Gazan people being bombed by Israel? Read this TIME article (In Gaza, ‘Queering the Map’ Shows Heartbreaking LGBT Notes TIME)
  2. Last point not specific to this post but a lot of people support the Israeli bombings by saying, “They voted for Hamas.” Let me remind you, last elections happened in 2009 succeeding in a civil war. The only opposition to Hamas is PLA. A corrupt government that is supported by Israel and USA. When the only choice is between a corrupt government that sold its people to the countries that are bombing them and a terrorist organisation that at-least appears to fight for your rights. It’s unfortunate but most will support the latter.
People also conveniently forget how Gazans routinely were jailed and tortured for protesting against the Hamas dictatorship. Most Palestinians either are being forced/have no choice but to support Hamas.
Also, I’ll just keep this link. How Benjamin Netanyahu Relies on Hamas - Johnny Harris and ‘Buying Quiet’: Inside the Israeli Plan That Propped Up Hamas - NYT
submitted by rasalghularz to changemyview [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:37 Particular-Extent107 Need advice ! Family owned agency decreasing benefits, pay, and over looking seniority.

Need advice ! Family owned agency decreasing benefits, pay, and over looking seniority.
I 24 have been working for a family owned agency for about 3 years. Started at 17 an hour with a matched 401k. Off weekends as a csr. found interest in getting licensed. The benefits at the time out weighted so I dived in.
We are an independent brokerage working with about 5 standard carriers and access to over 30 non standard carriers. We primarily handle P&C as well as all court ordered bonds. We have some goals I believe around 10k a month in premium. But they rarely do checkins or accountability.
Over time I was I given additional tasks outside of my original duties of answering the phone and servicing clients. Just before passing my insurance exam I was taking care of all of the service work for all of the agents that work in our agency (3) as well as essentially being a personal assistant to our agency principal from scheduling meetings, over seeing his schedule, and even attending networking meetings in his place. as well as handling the surety bonds billing, filing, and notating.
After a year I received a dollar raise to 18. Shortly after I was officially licensed in P&C. I was then beginning to receive lists of quotes from our agency principal and expected to completely quote renewals with explanation on the coverages and why I chose certain endorsements for “ practice and experience” but no compensation for helping. On top of all of the additional day to day work.
Eventually I began building my personal book of business and this was becoming impossible to juggle.
This carried on for months until October of 23 when our principal finally decided to hire in for my position and move me to a full time producer roll. ( there was only me handling all things insurance and bond related for almost 2 years)
Now I am building my book of business while still running quotes for my supervisor with no additional percentage for helping.
They have me networking twice a week.
Tuesdays and Wednesdays I spend 3 hours straight driving around and stopping into spaces to get leads. They tried to convince me that it’s better to claim the mileage on my taxes at the end of the year than to receive a stipend for gas. I am not sure what the standard is so I didn’t say anything
This move changed me to a salary and commissioned producer. This is where my issues really begin. I am salary but making less due to the consideration of commission. I was at about 1200 every two weeks and now I am about 800. Which has been tough because my commission isn’t stable. Also After switching and because I am being paid differently I was kicked from the 401k program.
No 401k and no insurance. They have been “ trying” to get things set up but that was back in October. It’s now may and I haven’t accrued any additional retirement.
They are additionally making changes to our vacation and personal time in our handbook. Bringing my vacation time down to only 5 days a year. also removing pay from personal time and only 3 sick days for a whole calendar year!
To top it all off they have hired in two additional part timers that start soon with raises after 6 months, starting at 22 dollars an hour. The one girl monitors the agency principals application work for him and the other part-time marketing cultivation sending out letters and making calls.
I am looking for additional opinions on how I should self advocate regarding my pay, workload , and time off. I feel that it is long over due but because I struggle with ADHD and I am on the spectrum self advocating can be a huge challenge for me.
Outside of getting a percentage of commission for call ins. There doesn’t a seem to be many benefits staying with the agency.
submitted by Particular-Extent107 to Insurance [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:37 rasalghularz A rebuttal to “If you’re queer, how can you support Palestine?”

Something often repeated by “liberal” pro-Israelis is “Queers for Palestine” is wrong because Palestinians stone gay people to death and every queer person should be Pro-Israeli as it is the “only pro-LGBT” country in the middle east.
  1. First of all, yes. There is no recognition of same-sex marriage (although decriminalised in the West Bank) and most Palestinians are overwhelmingly anti-LGBT.
But this doesn’t change the fact that:
A. The Israeli government routinely house arrests or deports hundreds of homosexual Palestinians have fled to Israel. And some of them are being blackmailed to become informants for Israel. It was only in 2022 that Israel began issuing work permits for gay Palestinian refugees, who had been granted asylum but I think we all know the treatment of Palestinian refugees in Israel today especially after 7/10.
B. Netanyahu’s government (prior to the war cabinet) is in alliance with far-right parties notably Bezalel Smotrich (who said he has a problem with LGBT culture and appeared to compare gay marriage to incest.) and also Itamar Ben-Gvir.
C. A Pew Research Report which showed that 56% of Israelis oppose same-sex marriage. (Report was posted in Nov. 2023 btw).
D. Lastly, a point to be noted is vast majority of Israelis support a Two-State Solution or a general peace process where both can live in peace. It is the often the Far-Right Israelis who actively call for genocide and annexation of West Bank and Gaza, the same people who happen to be the most opposed to LGBT rights.
  1. Yes, Palestinians are anti-LGBT but the fact is people’s ideologies are shaped by the place and time they live in. 57.9% of West Bankers and a staggering 65.4% of Gazans are under 24. Most are kids who grew up under the views of their parent’s generation and their moral views.
Most of the Women’s Suffragette movementof the late-19th and early 20th century was extremely racist towards non-white people and was against Civil-Rights. Does that mean the then black women supporting equal voting rights were wrong and stupid? No, that movement was a product of it’s (racist) time. It was only after voting rights were passed, Civil Rights were fought for.
  1. If Queers for Palestine is “Chickens for KFC” then why are queer-Palestinians chanting Free Palestine? What about the hundreds of queer Gazan people being bombed by Israel? Read this TIME article (In Gaza, ‘Queering the Map’ Shows Heartbreaking LGBT Notes TIME)
  2. Last point not specific to this post but a lot of people support the Israeli bombings by saying, “They voted for Hamas.” Let me remind you, last elections happened in 2009 succeeding in a civil war. The only opposition to Hamas is PLA. A corrupt government that is supported by Israel and USA. When the only choice is between a corrupt government that sold its people to the countries that are bombing them and a terrorist organisation that at-least appears to fight for your rights. It’s unfortunate but most will support the latter.
People also conveniently forget how Gazans routinely were jailed and tortured for protesting against the Hamas dictatorship. Most Palestinians either are being forced/have no choice but to support Hamas.
Also, I’ll just keep this link. How Benjamin Netanyahu Relies on Hamas - Johnny Harris and ‘Buying Quiet’: Inside the Israeli Plan That Propped Up Hamas - NYT
submitted by rasalghularz to IsraelPalestine [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:37 e-monster-555 Feeling resentful of my boyfriend right now

Hello everyone,
I’m going through a really frustrating situation and I just want to start by saying I truly love my boyfriend and we have been together for over a year, I’m even close with his family and he has met mine. However, since his car was totaled for about a year now and we live in a city without reliable public transportation that does not travel to my neighborhood- you absolutely need a car. He works at the same place as his roommate so they drive together everyday. Every weekend I visit him at his house and it’s about a 30 min drive there and 30 min back. I hate driving in my city and it’s starting to affect how I feel about him. I understand that he is still making payments on his totaled car and with inflation and all it’s really hard for him to pick up a second car payment (he was also hit by an uninsured driver). If we do anything or go anywhere I have to drive my car and I feel like a masculine woman right now. I pay for my gas, tires, and I hate asking for help and he doesn’t offer to help either. I feel like it’s a lot on me to drive back and forth and I’m just so over it. I feel like a bad person if I bring up how I feel because I don’t see how things can change.
submitted by e-monster-555 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:37 Pandawithacam Is it a good time to build a PC tower now?

Howdy folks, hear me out here! There's always new releases coming out for PC tech and I'm well aware that "timing the market" isn't really a thing... but I'd like to try.
6-7 years ago, I got an intel 8700K + normal mobo, 32gb DDR4, 1080Ti... and I've been using that for gaming ever since. Granted, the 1080ti from 2017 has REALLY held up so far, even allowing 1440p gaming on medium graphics nowadays... I suspect that the thermal paste on the CPU / GPU has come and gone as it's been giving me some overheating issues recently. I still can play on 1080p with low graphics and helldive with my friends often, I just wish that the game wasn't looking so muddy lol.
The reason I haven't been looking at much of the gaming PC building world is because during the covid period, I completely transitioned over to a Macbook Pro workflow for my photo/video full-time work. Back then, I couldn't wrap my head around spending even more money on a rig just for gaming, as I didn't need the pure processing power for my work exports/rendering on a windows machine.
What I want to do:
Now with the overheating issues and the fact that I have some ✨diSpOsAbLe iNcoMe✨ I'm thinking of getting a new tower to do some more graphics intensive gaming. Think 1440p / 4K gaming in cyberpunk2077, Helldivers2, Starfield etc. I have SGD2-3k (1.4k - 2.2k USD) to get a new tower, and hopefully it can last me 5-6 years of gaming before becoming a potato.
When should I take the plunge?
Someone told me that with Computex around the corner, it would be a good idea to wait it out and see. Would that be a fair point, considering that I am willing to wait 3-4 months? I've heard good things about AMD and their value proposition and am likely to go with them. If anyone has any build recommendations on items i should definitely buy / anchor in the build, I'd be happy to listen! Cheers folks!
submitted by Pandawithacam to PcBuild [link] [comments]