Printable birth certificate for dogs

Ask Astrologers

2012.12.10 18:08 astrologue Ask Astrologers

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2009.01.07 17:38 all things adoption-related

For adoptive families, birth families, adoptees, current and former foster youth, and other interested individuals to share stories, support each other, and discuss adoption-related news.

2015.06.17 01:15 Achievement_Bear_Bot Amazing achievement certificates!

Achievement_Bear_Bot distributes printable awards to redditors who achieve high comment scores or do other amazing things.

2024.06.09 10:34 Apprehensive_Newt227 What do I do?

I have been taking care of my son for almost 7 years. Biologically he is not mine the sperm donor has never met him he dipped out before he was born. He only ever asks about him to his mother when he's trying to get to her pants and then blocks her when she tells him no. I am on the birth certificate but I have no idea where to go from here cuz I want his rights terminated so he can't flip around and try to get rights to a child he has never met and has never helped with in the past 7 years.
submitted by Apprehensive_Newt227 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:56 SallySmallpox Found a baby's birth certificate

I googled what to do and found a post on almost exactly this situation, but the responses were unclear. Give it to an Alberta Registry? Give it to the police? Anyone know for sure?
Found a baby's birth certificate in a parking lot last night, the baby was born back in February of this year. The mom's name is on it, but when searching the name on Facebook all I find is a teenage girl, who could very well be the mother but I just don't feel comfortable messaging a random teen about this.
submitted by SallySmallpox to Edmonton [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:37 OutsideFunny8067 Needing Help! What Do I Need?

Hi! I'm flying to England for the first time, and just traveling outside the country (The U.S.) for the first time. I'm 16 years old, and going to be staying with my boyfriend's family for about a week. This is the first time I or my family has ever done anything remotely similar to this and the internet isn't much help. (So what better way to get a proper answer from Redditors, right?)
I'm flying with United (And British, technically), from Arizona to Heathrow. I have my ticket, my passport, ID, birth certificate, and consent forms to fly as an unaccompanied minor. What else do I need to be allowed to fly/into the UK? Any and all help is so very appreciated, thank you!
submitted by OutsideFunny8067 to uktravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:34 bivvini Update to last post

Hello, I’m not very familiar with using Reddit so I hope I’m doing this right but a lot has happened! Something new that’s happened— I turned 18 woo! Thank you everyone who helped me in my last post regarding my stepdad and my mom and I can say I moved out (sorta). A few weeks ago, everything really came to a head when I had another argument with my stepdad and he laid his hands on me. What had happened was that I had gone out twice a weekend and my stepdad very much did not like that and got very upset with me. I can’t really explain why he got mad because I genuinely don’t know why either. I went to Target with my friends on Saturday. Then I went out Sunday with my friends for K-BBQ. That’s literally it. Maybe he was upset that I came home late??? But idk. Things really escalated when I insulted him (which I will take fault for because that was really disrespectful of me) and he proceeded to sock me in the stomach and got on top of me and repeatedly slapped me and screamed at me (mind you I am 5’2 about 95lbs while my stepdad is about 5’10 and a lot heavier than me). A couple of days later, I moved out but my parents absolutely refuse to give me my social security card, my birth certificate, and basically all of my belongings. I’m currently staying at a friend’s house for the time being which is great because I love their family and I feel really safe and overall happier here. I’m planning to come back home when neither of my parents are home to hopefully get my ss card, birth certificates, and as many of my belongings as possible. Hopefully everything works out and I will try to keep you all updated. Again, thank you everyone who’s helped me in the comments of the last post!
submitted by bivvini to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:30 7pm_95degrees Am I being reasonable?

My husband ( whom I am separated from currently) and I have a 4 year old and a 8 week old son. We currently do one week on and one week off with our oldest. We separated because he asked me to abort our second (did not know he was cheating at the time) and even gave me money to do so. I didn’t follow through and suffered emotional and mental abuse. I left knowing I would be doing this alone.
He was not allowed at the birth, did not come to any appointments and didn’t meet his second son until 2 weeks. He is also not on the birth certificate. He had visited our son maybe 4 times in the 8 weeks he has been here. He will say he wants to see him and not show up at appointed time and no call no show.
He has asked for a dna test etc to embarrass and punish me for leaving. I have refused because he has not been involved and I know I never cheated.
He is now asking to come to my home and work in the am and spend time with the baby during his work hours or for him to have him at his house 8am 12 pm any day of the week that I alllow.
I have been offering visitation from 5pm to 8pm any day of the week at my home that he has only used 4 times. My mom would be the facilitator as I prefer to not be around him due to him being emotionally manipulative and playing victim. Our son is breastfed.
Am I a jerk if I deny him that much access to the baby by taking him or working from my home during the am. My mom would not be available and I’m uncomfortable being around him alone.
Anyone with such a small baby care to share their custody plan.
submitted by 7pm_95degrees to coparenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:12 EKAY02 How to find adopted great grandmother's family?

Hi all! My GGmother was adopted as a baby from Alabama in 1925 and raised in Georgia. At 16, she was told she was adopted (it didn't go over well), and she was given her birth certificate. That is lost now, but we know her birth name(s). My mom, brother and I all have ancestry DNA. I've looked at my mom's DNA and tried the Leeds method of identifying matches, but I always get confused and find nothing. Literally every single person I can track back another line. It was to the point that I was considering whether or not she was adopted in a sort of family affair within the family, and that's why nothing is showing, but I'm chalking it up to my being ignorant of DNA lines.
Here's the rundown on what I know and have:
DNA is probably the first and best step, so my first question is if anyone has any video recommendations or suggestions for sorting matches in the best way or something that makes it really easy for me to understand. I'm open to any help, suggestions, websites, etc!
The second question is, what else can I do or look at? I have tried to find her potential birth family via her last name but have not found anything. It sort of felt like a needle in a haystack situation. Alabama is strict with records. Is there anything else I could potentially look for that could lead to some answers?
My GGmother loved her parents, but she kept her birth certificate in her purse until she died. I think it was something she'd really have loved to know more about. I appreciate any suggestions or tips! It's the only adoption we have in the family, and it just has thrown me for a loop. Thanks!
submitted by EKAY02 to Genealogy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:57 Magnificent_Ninja Kismat.

I was born on 31 october... But just cuz of a mistake in birth certificate ( showing dec 28) i am one year older. I would have written adv 2023 according to my actual dob, but cuz of this mistake i had to write all my exams on 2024.. rank inflation on peak. Most say 2024 adv better than 2017, but if u exclude the bonus in 2017, its obvious that 2024 has the worst cutoff yet for adv. Tough paper with high cutoff is never expected. iit was already excluded from my life since i was born.
submitted by Magnificent_Ninja to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:56 OceanlabGirl SSDI for Disabled Child - First Check

I was told that I was approved for presumptive payments for SSDI for my Autistic son for six months until I get official approval.
I took in his birth certificate to the social security office and they told me that I was approved for presumptive payments. They told me they couldn’t tell me the amount I’d be receiving and I would receive a letter with more information soon. I got a check in the mail today in the mail by itself with no paperwork for a little over 2k.
I never got any mail saying what my monthly payment would be, but this absolutely seems too low for it to be backpay but also too high to be the monthly payment. If anyone has any insight I would greatly appreciate it.
submitted by OceanlabGirl to SocialSecurity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:48 Satvik_atheist How you guys deal with street dogs in Ahmedabad ?

I've lived in Ahmedabad since birth, but as a child, I rarely went out unless necessary. Now, as an adult, I've overcome my fear of street dogs but in the past few weeks, I've noticed a new trend: people walking large, aggressive dogs on the streets. Due to the summer heat or some reasons, these dogs always seem irritable.
You might say there's no need to fear pet dogs, but I've often seen them attack people for no reason due to improper care from their owners. My family doctor even advised my dad to exercise at home after encountering numerous patients who were bitten by street dogs while jogging in the morning. So it's not that I have phobia or something the problem is real.
submitted by Satvik_atheist to ahmedabad [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:44 Pleasant_Secretary44 Translators or Historians (Russian Empire History)-NEED HELP

Translators or Historians (Russian Empire History)-NEED HELP
Hello! I’m working on a family tree for a loved one and I found an Austrian birth certificate. The parents appear to have been born in Russia in 1875 and 1884. However, I cannot for the life of me decipher which Russian town/city. Anyone know?
submitted by Pleasant_Secretary44 to AncestryDNA [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:19 ObsidianNight102399 I ruined my wife’s life.

I am not OOP. OOP is u/Constant_Barnacle992
Posted in TrueOffMyChest 2 months ago-
Update #1 to add more context in same post as first post.
Update #2 in the same post as the first.
Update #3 posted in TrueOffMyChest 5 days ago.
I (m43) try to do my best to provide for my wife (f38) and 2 kids (3,5) as well as my MIL and would like to think I am doing a decent job. Over the years, I worked to improve our family’s living situation, not only did I complete another bachelors and recently masters in a STEM related degree, I at the same time worked 2 full time jobs (while completing my 2nd bachelors) and put my wife through school as well. She completed a degree where she could make good money (~60-70k/yr) in a healthcare field that always has jobs available. But with the birth of our 2 kids, she has since “gave up” on her career to be a SAHM for the time being. At first it was a struggle while I was finishing up my masters. Once I completed it, after our youngest turned 3 my career took a jump up and we are now able to afford our single income household in a more feasible manner. We’re far from rich but do ok for a single income family of 4 (a little north of 150k base+ bonuses). The past year life was overwhelming per my wife, so even though I now work 75% from home, I budgeted to hire a daytime nanny to help her around the house with 1 child while the other is in school now
My day starts everyday around 530-6am. I get the house ready for the day before the nanny comes at 8am, I get our oldest up and ready for school, breakfast made, and plan out my day, bring our oldest to drop off, and be home in time to let the nanny in. My most recent task at work has me grounded for the next 2 months meaning I am now 100% WFH, while this is nice, I am busy in meetings all day as my role manages teams on a global scale as I oversee projects from my industry. For the past 1 ½ months, I realized… my wife as much as she says her life is stressful at home… starts at 10am. I asked my MIL and nanny if this was always the case after a week or so of wfh, and they both responded more or less… sometimes earlier sometimes later. My wife literally wakes up and cooks and then scrolls through her phone or shops from home… which brings me to my gripe.
I am glad I am able to provide her that sort of life since we both grew up lacking in means. I get the possibility of postpartum depression, the stress of having kids, the feeling of being unfulfilled, the fact that I probably am a shitty husband… but for what it’s worth… everything is taken care of and then some.
I manage the houses finances (she claimed she was too busy to do so), pay all the household bills, I pay my own personal bills, I pay her bills, track and perform all the upkeep of our house appliances/cars/pets/etc., and I also “help” pay for my MIL’s medical bills and car note.
…but apparently my life is on easy street compared to hers. I can't decompress to her because it seems like she always feels the need to 1 up me. I had a bad day… but she had it worse cause I’m lucky I got to go away and work… My feet hurt from walking all day during work travel, which is nothing compared to her standing and cooking with a child clinging to her. For the past 2 or so years… I’ve been told I ruined her life, her opportunities, etc… but when I reminded her of what she says, she denies and dodges accountability. My MIL has brought me aside and stated she’s noticed a change in both myself and my wife. I have a greater attachment to my kids and hell… I’ve hugged the dogs and talked to them more about my life than to my wife. I honestly feel like I am in emotional survival mode as I’m one step from moving up the career ladder and one step away from finding love and comfort from the bottom of a whiskey bottle.
I’m sure I’ll be hearing from the manly men of reddit about how I’m simping… but I’m not a machine. I just want to know and feel that someone I prioritize aside from my kids appreciates and loves me for what I do… I’m sure I’ll hear from the stay at home moms of reddit… which is fine. I grew up in a single parent/mother household. It’s not easy… and honestly with the help of her mother and a nanny Mon-Fri, for one toddler while another child is at school… Can you honestly tell me she’s having the typical SAHM experience? Because neither my friends or colleagues who are single parents can say she is. I’m sure the masses of holier than thou redditors will consider this a poorly written fanfic, but it is what it is.
TL;DR Long story short, It feels as if my wife has checked out of our marriage… we’re only roommates where she can still reap the marriage benefits. I’m not asking for her to throw herself at me all the time and let me do whatever I want… I really just want to be told I’m doing good and just offer me some form of emotional comfort as simple as a hug, but I guess as the man who ruined her life, I deserve it.
Update #1 in same post.
*Thank you for the replies. To add more context:
  1. Never cheated. I do work in an industry that has a large female population, but I’m literally an open book with work, name colleagues and staff under me, she has access to my work agendas and correspondence if she really wanted to snoop, but on that note she still doesn’t know what exactly I do for a living at this time…
  2. We as whole family her parents and mine have tried to get her to go to therapy but she refuses or skirts around the issue.
  3. Aside from my coming from a single mother household perse, my biological dad was present in my life. She has had both parents in a reportedly monogamous marriage for over 40 years.
  4. I have tried to talk to her about everything and my own feelings but again… 1 upmanship tends to be the trend here.
  5. What I am getting out of the marriage was asked… now, aside from my 2 beautiful kids, I’ve been asking myself that same question. We have a near nonexistent sex life mainly since last year. I always figured maybe it’s part of depression or whatever she may be going through… maybe I’m just not attractive enough or just horrible in bed because of my health conditions… I’m not some super model husband but temptation and opportunity does knock and I can perform still but I never give in, because as cliche as it sounds I honestly do love my wife and want to only be with her.
  6. I’ll give credit where credit is due as I don’t want to sound biased: when I say she wakes up and cooks she cooks for everyone in the house. Myself, kids, MIL, and even nanny. Aside from breakfast she cooks all meals and snacks. I typically fast until lunch time and our oldest tends to eat a small simple breakfast incase they don’t like what school serves that morning. She does load both the kids and her laundry… but seldomly folds and puts them up. I typically do my own and the rest of my clothes I dry clean because they’re work clothes. She does keep track of our pantry and fridge? But after she makes the list I’m the one who goes out and buys everything if not delivered. She does clean our bathrooms and house 50% of the time, the other 50 is done by either MIL or myself or sometime nanny if she feels like being extra helpful.
  7. Prior to nanny, my MIL was the main help for my wife up until she had unexpected medical needs. So I opted to hire a nanny to help them both, more so when MIL is having treatments and recovering.
Update #2 at the top of same post.
UPDATE 06May2024. Not sure if anyone would read this, but thank you for those who have reached out and chit chatted. While I know I’ve kept my newfound friends here updated, I figured I just update my post and keep it short.
I showed my wife my post the following weekend and she read it and all the comments. Long story short, argument, she left our house to stay with her sister, and I’ve been a “single parent” since.
It’s sad to say, aside from the goodnights to our kids it’s all pretty much the same routine.
Nothing much else to say other than thank you for all the kind words of encouragement.
***just need to add, this post got bigger than I expected from a venting post but I’ve responded to a few comments. Nonetheless, thank you for the comments and DMs… and more so for the offers to let me ruin your life ha. It’s been the highlight of my day/night as I sit here drinking with my dog while everyone else is asleep.
It feels depressingly sad that I feel that I have to turn to random internet strangers for some sort of validation in my rant. My apologies in advance as I try to keep this as vague as possible.
Update 3 posted in TrueOffMyChest 5 days ago
**First off, thank you for all the comments and DMs. Some context and clarification since admittingly my post was emotionally charged since I typed it up after another argument. **
Post birth, our kids pediatrician’s office gave my wife those PostPartum Depression screening forms and during the time of both she scored pretty high and was suggested to see a therapist. With our second child she scored significantly higher and we or I should say I made an effort to get her the help she needs. She refused, so entered mother-in-law and nanny for support… I know what people will say/think, but this is one of the reasons I am not 100% ready to just give up and file our life together away.
Also, I know silently suffering in the near and long run of our kids' future will not add to a healthy atmosphere, but neither would a bitter and hate filled divorce. I know some have compared it to the ripping off a bandage, saying it’ll hurt at first but that pain goes away but I’d rather try to spare my kids thinking that their parents ended up hating each other because of them or something along those lines.
I’ve told a few ppl I talk to in DM since my last post, a little more insight on my personal life, prior to my promotion I was a PM managing teams and budgets so out of habit I plan for a lot of “what ifs.”. That being said, I made a number of contingency plans if sadly things went south. So, yes I:
Have talked to a lawyer, 3 actually. Know our rights and what each of us are entitled to. Have a draft settlement created and on hold until I feel I need to use it. I know what I want and am willing to offer more than what is fair for our kids' well being, but also have a plan if we end up going to court.
It’s 100% on me that I’m suffering in silence, but I’m too stubborn to just give up so while I am venting, I don't expect anyone to “feel sorry for me”. I endure it to keep the norm our kids know, ensure my MIL’s treatments go uninterrupted, and of course the hope my wife would finally be open to give therapy a shot and climb together to a better place.
Thank you all again.
I just wanted to update those who have been kind enough to check up via DM and comments. Apologies in advance for the lengthy post. It’s a bit of irony and coincidence that I made a follow up from the update on 06May2024 I made on my original post during men’s mental health awareness month but I could really use another outlet outside of my therapist. My apologies if this isn’t the story book ending/destroying of a relationship people were hoping for…
To save you a read. Wife left. Came back like nothing happened. She made it about her. Nothings changed. I’m continuing to be suffering mentally knowing nothing will change while trying to keep it together for our kids. Lots of take out.
The day after she packed up and left, my wife attempted to come back and take the kids with her to her sister’s. Naturally I was against this and thankfully so was her whole family including said sister. Not only was it not fair to our kids for her to sweep them away into a home that’s not theirs but to put that financial and housing stress on the rest of her family since she doesn’t work and her sister and her family (husband and 3 kids) stays with their dad in the house they grew up in.
After a little over a week of being away, I guess she cooled off so she just decided that it would be fine if she walked in the door with her bags as if she just came back from Target. She came into my office while I was working and angrily stared at me while I sat on a conference call meeting with my team and I couldn't just jump off as this is a busy time of the quarter for us. I guess that didn’t sit well with her because once I took off my headset and closed my laptop she started yelling at me about how much I really don’t care about her and her well being overall. At that moment I couldn't do anything more than look at her and just shake my head. Mother in law came in after hearing my wife yelling and pulled her away, telling her to not bother me, while our nanny kept our youngest away from it all on the other side of the house.
That night after the kids were put to bed, I sat in my office by myself with a drink as I have been doing for the past nights and my wife came in. We talked. We argued. We cried. We drank. One thing led to another and we were in bed. I wish I could say that was our making up but the next sobering morning as we laid there, she went on about how hard it was for her the time she was gone. Literally… it was about her struggles staying at her family house in her old room with her dad and sister’s family. How lucky I am to be able to stay here and do this and that and buy this or do that and not stress as much as they did.
How easy MY and everyone else's in our family lives are compared to hers even though we had similar upbringings…
My mind and heart broke that morning. I’ve been spiraling down since then and this last week I made another attempt to reconcile and talk things out, but I was met with a shouting match while trying to express my current stress and anxieties with life and work in general:
Wife: ”... well do you know how hard this is all for me? You’re supposed to help me be happy.” Me: “So when it comes to my happiness, stress, needs, and overall well being… fk me get over it right? ” Wife: “ We all have our own problems, you need to figure it out and get over them.”
I don't know who the woman I am at home with is but that wasn’t the woman I married and vowed to spend my life with and raise our kids together. Since that conversation, I’ve been noticeably distant with her. I’ve been sleeping in my office or on the couch or with my kids in their bed after putting either one of them to sleep. Still doesn't change her starting her day at 10am… and sitting on her phone talking to her mom groups between cooking meals with the kids in both mother in law and nanny’s care.
Nothing has changed and I doubt that anything will change. Sadly, I think even if we got a divorce, nothing would change or feel different anyway since during my wife’s leaving the days seemed like any other day except with a little more take out than usual. My main fear there isn’t that I wouldn’t just lose my wife, I’d lose my kids in the process.
So I guess it’s sad to say the grand finale to my story with like alot of men and some women I’ve talked to here, I’ll just continue to smile and suffer in silence.
EDIT: Now deleted comment history found by a commenter.
From his comment history
I've been struggling with ED in my later 30's early 40s, for a while I thought I had low testosterone or it was due to my health. I got "healthier" (lost the weight, lowered my blood pressure, got off the meds) and when that didn't work I got consultations from a few urologists and endocrinologist. I did test for low T... so I got on hormone therapy. It somewhat worked... but a few of the urologist highly suspect I have a penile venous leak. After talking to quite a number of experts in the field and looking for alternatives... I actually found a combination of both medication (Trimix) and device that honestly made me harder than in my 20s- early 30s. Even though this combination gets me good to go within 10-15 minutes which is usually focused on foreplay with my wife. For the last of 2021 and early 2022 we were having some of the best sex of our marriage almost daily... then one day after sex she tells me she doesn't feel happy with it because it's "unnatural" that I have to take these steps to just make love to her. She then compared me to her ex in bed... I laid there next to her in silence and just turned away. My brain broke that night.
submitted by ObsidianNight102399 to BORUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:50 Cyrusk4 A Conversation With the Earthworm Spirit of Ancient Terra - Important Warnings and Condemnations

A Conversation With the Earthworm Spirit of Ancient Terra - Important Warnings and Condemnations
An important conversation with "The collective consciousness earthworm spirit" which has been helping various members of our community via mental syncing.
These nature spirits are known by ANY Native American in my state who also communicate by syncing. Syncing / mental communication is quite easy. I talk to the ant spirit, earthworm spirit, cricket spirit, etc. Even the fly spirit, which are maggots, are very powerful divine beings, as is all true nature.
"Greetings, we would like to share something unprecedented within the spectrum of nightcrawler communications, of which there are few or none publicly: The first is, your planet is oppressed to a point of distrust, disbelief, and laughter at nature. Why? Evil forces on Planet Earth - one planet among endless millions of human planets - wishes to denigrate the existence of Holy Nature which was borne through Intelligent Design and NOT random mutation. Connecting to our power structure will eliminate unholy forces in one's life, as per Grand Design of Creation. So why do you think Wall Street bankers and evil scientists who run publications like 'Discover' wish to destroy our presence? Same reasons they wish to keep the planet non-integrated about contact from beyond Earth, or to keep people disbelieving in the 'supernatural.' It is the same terror. They would say nature is random mutation. Who would say this? Dawkins would. That it [nature] therefore means nothing, and man is superior. Great evil."
"The next great evil I want to discuss, in an absolute fashion, as the Spirits of the Earth of all the multiverse, is Buddhism."
"All teachings that relate to 'transcending the Realm of Polarities', for example love / hate, fear / love, pain / pleasure, are teachings derived from imposter beings on Earth that are so evil, it would be bad enough to warrant higher celestial forces to destroy this planet."
"There is no such thing as transcending polarity. For you see, if you were to scalp the mind of the evil factional representatives of Buddhism, you'd never find a clear answer about the preferred alternative from emotional, energetic, resonant, empathic existence. At least none that makes any sense."
"One of your prominent authors is an evil man named Jurgen Ziewe with whom Cyrus, with divine nature tutelage as a budding medium, banned from his community. Why? Jurgen preaches to remove ALL attachment to emotions to find the ultimate goal which is 'peace and serenity.' This is not a goal."
"No holy person is in a state of anti-peace, anti-serenity from feeling love, emotions, and The Great Spirit. it shall not occur. All true wise beings, and we CAN speak of elders of the Apache who sometimes guide Cyrus, including the man Geronimo, whose age spans the birth of creation, exist within a spectrum of a Holy Foundation. As should you, as should all."
"A holy foundation means to experience anger is of a righteous variety, and sadness becomes sorrow from the heart."
"All life manifests this way."
"Meanwhile, the Buddhists of realms like China are content to slaughter earthworms and use psychic energy to try (unsuccessfully) to replace us with fake replications. This occurs under direction by Xi Xinping as earthworms hurt their psychic espionage network."
"The philosophy of the false guru, Jurgen Ziewe, would seek the ruination of your planet. The destruction of the empathic, holy existence of all, to be replaced by a grand, false premise known as 'Pure Consciousness.' In all eons, in all realities, the path of 'Pure Consciousness' is KNOWN as the path of what this planet calls the Satanic. The anti-spectrum whose UNDERLINING motivation is jealousy against other's righteous existences, including YOUR righteous existence. Jealousy or anger at your loving relationship with your dog or cat. This was a motivation behind Mao's entire civilization of New China. Yet it is kept SECRET, and HIDDEN, the real motivation of the unholy and perverse."
"All Buddhists who therefore spread this message are upholding an evil philosophy known as the Path of the Sociopath. It shall be your ruin forevermore to adopt it."
"We shall say the man Jurgen, with whom Cyrus would share presentations with or stay in his home, is fallen for believing these elements. All is revealed in a book we'd dare not suggest to read known as 'The 10 Minute Moment' as he encounters the end result of Pure Consciousness. The end of his goal... Annihilation."
"The work that pertains to the study of the astral plane is also ruinous and calamitous as the astral plane is often the realm of minds of humans who also hide from the power of nature. To encounter the Annalid spirit within the realms of the psyche would entail a true and holy reality. But the Annalid spirit would dispel and destroy any astral state that harbors fictions of heaven, which includes Jurgen's realities where humans are creating what THEY want as paradise while escaping Jurgen's other teaching - self responsibility and hell - which Jurgen was famously known to righteously uphold before he was fallen."
"Realms of hell and punishment exist by any definition among a human population that chooses the perverse and selfish through free agency. To object to this means one is in defense of it. In all circumstances. Perhaps we speak to you directly, Nigel Sheldrake [a conflicted man from our community in opposition to non-utopian ideas]."
"As you can see, we make things very clear, which is why civilizations, including even forsaken Tibetans, forsaken Burmese, many more, would forbid the communication with nature spirits. The Japanese, in great fear of us, erect shrines to us in the name of Shintoism to appease us. This is very funny."
"You will never escape divine nature, divine wrath, origin creation. We exist eternally. We shall hunt the non righteous eternally, into the very dirt where is our elemental domain."
"We are the Annalid great spirit. We hold back no words for a dying planet. We wish to say finally: Study all elements of wisdom with great purpose. You are the Earth plane. Your afterlife is the 5D cosmos as explained thusly on this community. Vast ethereal, physical worlds. The unholy spectrum demands physicality end as they are often jealous of sex."
"5D vast races including the Pleiadians of Erra and the forces of the Aldebaran system and many more are expected to eventually arrive to Ancient Terra to liberate it. This is done to prevent destruction at your own hands due to your tainted social structure. When it occurs, it will not be the rapture, it will simply be the Galactic Federation demanding standards among forsaken planets."
For more communications, see: The Multiverse Institute at
submitted by Cyrusk4 to AfterlifeTopics [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:35 ContentKaleidoscope4 Second guessing

We’ve had the name Stella picked out for 6 months now (due next week!). It has ties to both my husband and I. I’m driving myself crazy second guessing because it seems everyone is naming their dogs Stella!! Is this a reason to change it or am I overreacting? I’ve bought so much stuff with her name on it and we both love her name so much but just worried about the reactions/comments when we announce her birth and name.
submitted by ContentKaleidoscope4 to namenerds [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:22 Spritepage Narcississtic Stepsister

Hi, Let me start off by saying that I've never writen here before but need help in what to do. My story starts off with a father who has been my Rock and hero all my life. I was born to a mother and father who never married because my father's mother didn't think my mother was good enough for her son and did everything including threaten to disown him if he didn't marry the woman she wanted him to be with. My mother had to prove paternity thru the friends of the court in getting a DNa test done because she stated the he denied me being his at first and this was due to my fathers mother and his current wife and once paternity was established It was proven that he was indeed my biological father. He never denied me but his name was never put on my birth certificate. I'm 52 so back then if you were not married and getting help from the state the fathers name wasn't put on the birth certificate if the father didn't sign. Let's skip to today where I have a brother who is the only connection to my father and a (so-called stepsister- no relation) someone who my father helped raise but he never adopted her because her father was still alive. My father was going thru a health scare where he needed heart surgery but kept prolonging to get it done. During one of his stays at a rehabilitation center he told me he wanted to give me Power of Attorney. That's when I was told my Brothers son stole my Dad's credit cards and linked them yo a cashapp account and bought a car while stealing alot of money from my father. I was livid. I spoke to Sherry who told me that she had taken Dad to the police station to file a report then to his bank to make a fraud report. I spoke to her and told her my plans and she hurriedly ran down to Probate court and put in for gaurdianship over my father. It was until my father asked me to get him a lawyer I didn't find out until 3months later that she had gotten guardianship. She was very sneaky and slick about it. So I moved in going on a year with my father and took care of him making sure to keep him safe, fed and making sure he took his medicine, going to doctors appointments and just being his daughter who enjoyed spending time with him. I made it clear to my nephew who had stolen from my father the sum of $26,000, if he ever stole anything else from my father again I would make his life a living hell and he said it was all a misunderstanding. I told him there was no misunderstanding stealing from someone I love. The look on my face made him realize I was serious and wasn't dealing with his shit. It was bad enogh my brother had beat up on Dad because Dad wouldn't supply him money for his drug habit. My brother would stand over Dad with weapons and terriorizing him where he could sleep. All he would do is sit up on the side of the bed a sleep sitting up. My Dad was completely traumatized from all that abuse. See this didn't just start with my brother my older sister stayed in the house for 25years and didn't do anything to help but be verbally abusive to him and moving her out of the house was the best thing that he did. Well moving forward in July my father finally got his living will and Revocable Trust done which names me as the executor over his estate and she was listed a a patient advocate and to make sure that all of his bill were paid after he passed. She was not to recieve anything because she was not an heir. My father had children including myself which makes it 3 biological children and 2 step kids which were not adopted but thru marriage he claimed them. One passed away and that left (Let's use Sherry as her name) Well she didn't sign her part to the Living will until September 8th. Moving forward his wallet came up missing and his phone when she came over. Then she'd text me and ask if I'd seen his phone which he had just used talking to her that morning. I had reminded her of needing help because Dad was getting to the point he was using the bathroom on himself more and more. I was continuously cleaning up floors and clothes and bedding but I knew it was something that had to be done. I told her multiple times that I would need help with a caretaker fro 12am-8am she took her time getting someone. She kkept saying she was looking for someone. Now I guess your asking why didn't I get someone? Well she had stated enough times that she was his gaurdian and she would be taking care of anything dealing with him medically. But she continued to do things like trying to get him to sign over power of attorney so she could get inyo his bank account. Thanksgiving came around and Dad wanted to go over to his friends house which was his ex-wife's sisters house when his wallet came up missing gor a second time. He wasn't able to go yo the bank or do anything Little did she know my father was up on her games so he told me that he was signing over the car to me and did but I didn't file the trasfer until the begining of the next year. I had taken care of my father for the whole year with no help except when he fell a cpl of times and had to ask a co-worker to come by and help me get him up. Sherry would only come by maybe once out of each month oe twice if she was begging for money. So December came in thats when everything hit the fan it was late December when she came over to take him to his doctors appt. She told me 3 days before she was going to get her cousin to take him but then she asked me to use the car. I told her no because I had important things that needed to be taken care of and I couldn't not attend. She got upset and thats when the 1st threat in about she would be putting in for me to be put up out of my home. I asked her what made her think she could put me out of my home because of not using the car. I asked her was she sure making threats was what she wanted to do? She said yeh and I don't care how you take it. Then she made an even bigger threat by telling me just cause you have a gun I have one tok and I will use it on you. I said ok I want you to remember that you made these threats. Now picture someone just showing up to your house and all of a sudden your sleep and they've hired someone to come in and clean out a space that my Dad used as his bedroom which was full of valuables,clothes,important papers and things my father treasured. But also your stuff that you've stored in the space. Now this happened on New Years Eve. I called Sherry to find out why my stuff had been thrown out and she said I'll call my cousin and we'll be over on New Years day to get everything back in the house. I knew just from the conversation that wasn't going to happen so I had to hurry home from work to get all my stuff that was thrown out.. I was beyond pissed to say the least. But the next thing to happen was the human society was called on me to get my dog taken away from me. When they arrived they said they recieved a call that the aminal had been living in dangerous and abusive conditions. I laughed and invited them in so the could see the dog. They burst out laughing when they say the dog and said that my dog was spoiled and loved the heck outta me. Then while they were leaving said they'd write in their report that this was a false report. I thanked them. About a couple of days later my Dad ended back in the hospital because he refused to take his medicine and his body started swelling up and retaining water. So during this time Sherry and her crew were showing up knowing that I worked midnites and kept opening up doors and window and it was cold as heck outside also making alot of noise.They were trying to piss me off to say I would move. I just kept my door closed but then it came to a point in February that I had had enough and told the Since Dad wasn't here they didn't need to be here in the house. I had to change the locks also. I realized then just how things were going downhill fast with my Dad. When he did make it home for the last time Sherry had invited church and friends of my father over and decided to tell me that she was upset with me because I got Dad an attorney which he asked for to get his will done. She was yelling so loudly that everyone was stunned but when I asked her what she was really upset about she said that You shouldn't have gotten him a lawyer to do any estate planning cse she should have been the one doing it. I told her that Dad asked for an attorney and he didn't want anyone being a part of what he wanted in his will he gave her a part to play and she wasn't satisfied with that answer she she stated closing in on me into my personal space to yell in my face about her not getting anything. I told her you are not an heir Dad had 3 kids and he had every right to do his Will the way he wanted. Sherry had been calling the estate lawyer trying to get him to transfer everythong into her name. She just kept on harassing him and having Dad call him even though he was in full blown dementia. Dad had told me he didn't want her having access to his bank account and wanted me to follow everything to the letter. Right after having this talk Dad was right back in the hospital 5 days later. So I called Sherry the nite before because she said that there would be someone here to watch Dad so my thieving nephew showed up. I really didn't want him there in the house but I couldn't call off from work so I had to leave Dad in his care. So when I got off work my nephew who had stolen the money from Dad who was watching Dad said Dad was changed and good but hurried out the house. I walked into my Dad's room and my heart broke because my nephrw let him sit in Urine which had travel from the back of hos head down to the calf's of his legs and I mean the smell told me my nephew hadn't done anything he claimed. I just broke down crying and had my co-worker who came home with me to be a witness helped me get Dad cleaned up and helped me tak the bedding off the bed to was. I couldn't kerp it together. I cried my heart out. I was glad to have help that morning. Then Sherry's cousin and daughter came over to help out with Dad the Sherry showed up and while in my room I kept hearing whispers tgen I heard let me know if she comes out. I was on the phone speaking with a friend when I decided to look out my side window when I saw Sherry taking the license plate off my car. I went out to say something but she had jumped into her car and drove off very fast. Then Dad's nurse showed up and quickly told me to call the abulance to get him to the hospital because he wasn't getting better he was getting worse. I hurried up and called an abulance then called Sherry to let her know but she didn't pick up. She did however call back 10 minutes later. I was in the midst of me giving the emt's Dad's medicines Sherry arrived and gave the gaurdianship paperwork to get him to the hospital. After the abulance left I got in the car and went straight to the police station to report my license plate was stolen by Sherry. I walked in one day and Sherry had turned the electricity and heat off in the house. I had them turned back on. Then of course she did the same thing with the water. Dad never made it back home from Rehibiltation or the nursing home. She texted me and lied by saying that she was putting him in 2 different nursing homes the said he was going to the nephews house that had stolen the money but she wouldn't give me the address. I asked her for it and text my nephew both of them wouldn't answer me back. I put in to modify the guardianship but it was adjourned for a week when we got to court finally and the judge listened to her side and I never got a chance to say what has been going on. So Sherry lied so much on me during the zoom court meeting and then stated that I was a danger to my own father. I was so taken aback by this statement. She also said she went and got another will done 1-2 months before Dad passed which was May 1, 2024 the will stated that he wanted me to arrange his funeral. Sherry had obituaries printed with my Dad's name being incorrect and also as a last result to get me to act out at the funeral put in the obituary that I wasn't even his daughter but his God-Daughter. I knew it not to be true so it didn't bother me. Her family and Dad's friends walked up to me and kept apologizing for my lost and also apologizing for the way Sherry had treated me and what she put in the obituary. My Dad had a great send off because of his Lodge brother giving him a sword sulute but I couldn't stay because I knew I would say something. Then after that my oldest son started calling me asking about his aunty. I kept telling him she was no kin to him but because he's stuck on stupid and parked on dumb he believes anybody who will give him money. He called and told me that his kids mother and tge kids needed a place to stay and I told him no because he had stolen from me before and was disrespectful about it and ft nobody should say anything to him. Look when your child tells you after he has stolen from you that your just some B-_+# out in the street and he doesn't care if he stole from you. You tend to learn to separate yourself from tge turmoil of chaos in their life so you don't get caught up. So he thought calling Sherry was going to help his plight. He has been warned several times to not get close to her because she is a narcissist. If she can't get what she wants and control you, she will do and say anything to get you on her side so that you have no one to listen to you. Right now I'm in the process of trying to get the house turned over into my name since Dad said in his will the house goes to me. What would you do to handle someone who doesn't care about anything but money and anything that they can do to throw you in a bad light?
submitted by Spritepage to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:21 Spritepage Narcississtic Stepsister

Hi, Let me start off by saying that I've never writen here before but need help in what to do. My story starts off with a father who has been my Rock and hero all my life. I was born to a mother and father who never married because my father's mother didn't think my mother was good enough for her son and did everything including threaten to disown him if he didn't marry the woman she wanted him to be with. My mother had to prove paternity thru the friends of the court in getting a DNa test done because she stated the he denied me being his at first and this was due to my fathers mother and his current wife and once paternity was established It was proven that he was indeed my biological father. He never denied me but his name was never put on my birth certificate. I'm 52 so back then if you were not married and getting help from the state the fathers name wasn't put on the birth certificate if the father didn't sign. Let's skip to today where I have a brother who is the only connection to my father and a (so-called stepsister- no relation) someone who my father helped raise but he never adopted her because her father was still alive. My father was going thru a health scare where he needed heart surgery but kept prolonging to get it done. During one of his stays at a rehabilitation center he told me he wanted to give me Power of Attorney. That's when I was told my Brothers son stole my Dad's credit cards and linked them yo a cashapp account and bought a car while stealing alot of money from my father. I was livid. I spoke to Sherry who told me that she had taken Dad to the police station to file a report then to his bank to make a fraud report. I spoke to her and told her my plans and she hurriedly ran down to Probate court and put in for gaurdianship over my father. It was until my father asked me to get him a lawyer I didn't find out until 3months later that she had gotten guardianship. She was very sneaky and slick about it. So I moved in going on a year with my father and took care of him making sure to keep him safe, fed and making sure he took his medicine, going to doctors appointments and just being his daughter who enjoyed spending time with him. I made it clear to my nephew who had stolen from my father the sum of $26,000, if he ever stole anything else from my father again I would make his life a living hell and he said it was all a misunderstanding. I told him there was no misunderstanding stealing from someone I love. The look on my face made him realize I was serious and wasn't dealing with his shit. It was bad enogh my brother had beat up on Dad because Dad wouldn't supply him money for his drug habit. My brother would stand over Dad with weapons and terriorizing him where he could sleep. All he would do is sit up on the side of the bed a sleep sitting up. My Dad was completely traumatized from all that abuse. See this didn't just start with my brother my older sister stayed in the house for 25years and didn't do anything to help but be verbally abusive to him and moving her out of the house was the best thing that he did. Well moving forward in July my father finally got his living will and Revocable Trust done which names me as the executor over his estate and she was listed a a patient advocate and to make sure that all of his bill were paid after he passed. She was not to recieve anything because she was not an heir. My father had children including myself which makes it 3 biological children and 2 step kids which were not adopted but thru marriage he claimed them. One passed away and that left (Let's use Sherry as her name) Well she didn't sign her part to the Living will until September 8th. Moving forward his wallet came up missing and his phone when she came over. Then she'd text me and ask if I'd seen his phone which he had just used talking to her that morning. I had reminded her of needing help because Dad was getting to the point he was using the bathroom on himself more and more. I was continuously cleaning up floors and clothes and bedding but I knew it was something that had to be done. I told her multiple times that I would need help with a caretaker fro 12am-8am she took her time getting someone. She kkept saying she was looking for someone. Now I guess your asking why didn't I get someone? Well she had stated enough times that she was his gaurdian and she would be taking care of anything dealing with him medically. But she continued to do things like trying to get him to sign over power of attorney so she could get inyo his bank account. Thanksgiving came around and Dad wanted to go over to his friends house which was his ex-wife's sisters house when his wallet came up missing gor a second time. He wasn't able to go yo the bank or do anything Little did she know my father was up on her games so he told me that he was signing over the car to me and did but I didn't file the trasfer until the begining of the next year. I had taken care of my father for the whole year with no help except when he fell a cpl of times and had to ask a co-worker to come by and help me get him up. Sherry would only come by maybe once out of each month oe twice if she was begging for money. So December came in thats when everything hit the fan it was late December when she came over to take him to his doctors appt. She told me 3 days before she was going to get her cousin to take him but then she asked me to use the car. I told her no because I had important things that needed to be taken care of and I couldn't not attend. She got upset and thats when the 1st threat in about she would be putting in for me to be put up out of my home. I asked her what made her think she could put me out of my home because of not using the car. I asked her was she sure making threats was what she wanted to do? She said yeh and I don't care how you take it. Then she made an even bigger threat by telling me just cause you have a gun I have one tok and I will use it on you. I said ok I want you to remember that you made these threats. Now picture someone just showing up to your house and all of a sudden your sleep and they've hired someone to come in and clean out a space that my Dad used as his bedroom which was full of valuables,clothes,important papers and things my father treasured. But also your stuff that you've stored in the space. Now this happened on New Years Eve. I called Sherry to find out why my stuff had been thrown out and she said I'll call my cousin and we'll be over on New Years day to get everything back in the house. I knew just from the conversation that wasn't going to happen so I had to hurry home from work to get all my stuff that was thrown out.. I was beyond pissed to say the least. But the next thing to happen was the human society was called on me to get my dog taken away from me. When they arrived they said they recieved a call that the aminal had been living in dangerous and abusive conditions. I laughed and invited them in so the could see the dog. They burst out laughing when they say the dog and said that my dog was spoiled and loved the heck outta me. Then while they were leaving said they'd write in their report that this was a false report. I thanked them. About a couple of days later my Dad ended back in the hospital because he refused to take his medicine and his body started swelling up and retaining water. So during this time Sherry and her crew were showing up knowing that I worked midnites and kept opening up doors and window and it was cold as heck outside also making alot of noise.They were trying to piss me off to say I would move. I just kept my door closed but then it came to a point in February that I had had enough and told the Since Dad wasn't here they didn't need to be here in the house. I had to change the locks also. I realized then just how things were going downhill fast with my Dad. When he did make it home for the last time Sherry had invited church and friends of my father over and decided to tell me that she was upset with me because I got Dad an attorney which he asked for to get his will done. She was yelling so loudly that everyone was stunned but when I asked her what she was really upset about she said that You shouldn't have gotten him a lawyer to do any estate planning cse she should have been the one doing it. I told her that Dad asked for an attorney and he didn't want anyone being a part of what he wanted in his will he gave her a part to play and she wasn't satisfied with that answer she she stated closing in on me into my personal space to yell in my face about her not getting anything. I told her you are not an heir Dad had 3 kids and he had every right to do his Will the way he wanted. Sherry had been calling the estate lawyer trying to get him to transfer everythong into her name. She just kept on harassing him and having Dad call him even though he was in full blown dementia. Dad had told me he didn't want her having access to his bank account and wanted me to follow everything to the letter. Right after having this talk Dad was right back in the hospital 5 days later. So I called Sherry the nite before because she said that there would be someone here to watch Dad so my thieving nephew showed up. I really didn't want him there in the house but I couldn't call off from work so I had to leave Dad in his care. So when I got off work my nephew who had stolen the money from Dad who was watching Dad said Dad was changed and good but hurried out the house. I walked into my Dad's room and my heart broke because my nephrw let him sit in Urine which had travel from the back of hos head down to the calf's of his legs and I mean the smell told me my nephew hadn't done anything he claimed. I just broke down crying and had my co-worker who came home with me to be a witness helped me get Dad cleaned up and helped me tak the bedding off the bed to was. I couldn't kerp it together. I cried my heart out. I was glad to have help that morning. Then Sherry's cousin and daughter came over to help out with Dad the Sherry showed up and while in my room I kept hearing whispers tgen I heard let me know if she comes out. I was on the phone speaking with a friend when I decided to look out my side window when I saw Sherry taking the license plate off my car. I went out to say something but she had jumped into her car and drove off very fast. Then Dad's nurse showed up and quickly told me to call the abulance to get him to the hospital because he wasn't getting better he was getting worse. I hurried up and called an abulance then called Sherry to let her know but she didn't pick up. She did however call back 10 minutes later. I was in the midst of me giving the emt's Dad's medicines Sherry arrived and gave the gaurdianship paperwork to get him to the hospital. After the abulance left I got in the car and went straight to the police station to report my license plate was stolen by Sherry. I walked in one day and Sherry had turned the electricity and heat off in the house. I had them turned back on. Then of course she did the same thing with the water. Dad never made it back home from Rehibiltation or the nursing home. She texted me and lied by saying that she was putting him in 2 different nursing homes the said he was going to the nephews house that had stolen the money but she wouldn't give me the address. I asked her for it and text my nephew both of them wouldn't answer me back. I put in to modify the guardianship but it was adjourned for a week when we got to court finally and the judge listened to her side and I never got a chance to say what has been going on. So Sherry lied so much on me during the zoom court meeting and then stated that I was a danger to my own father. I was so taken aback by this statement. She also said she went and got another will done 1-2 months before Dad passed which was May 1, 2024 the will stated that he wanted me to arrange his funeral. Sherry had obituaries printed with my Dad's name being incorrect and also as a last result to get me to act out at the funeral put in the obituary that I wasn't even his daughter but his God-Daughter. I knew it not to be true so it didn't bother me. Her family and Dad's friends walked up to me and kept apologizing for my lost and also apologizing for the way Sherry had treated me and what she put in the obituary. My Dad had a great send off because of his Lodge brother giving him a sword sulute but I couldn't stay because I knew I would say something. Then after that my oldest son started calling me asking about his aunty. I kept telling him she was no kin to him but because he's stuck on stupid and parked on dumb he believes anybody who will give him money. He called and told me that his kids mother and tge kids needed a place to stay and I told him no because he had stolen from me before and was disrespectful about it and ft nobody should say anything to him. Look when your child tells you after he has stolen from you that your just some B-_+# out in the street and he doesn't care if he stole from you. You tend to learn to separate yourself from tge turmoil of chaos in their life so you don't get caught up. So he thought calling Sherry was going to help his plight. He has been warned several times to not get close to her because she is a narcissist. If she can't get what she wants and control you, she will do and say anything to get you on her side so that you have no one to listen to you. Right now I'm in the process of trying to get the house turned over into my name since Dad said in his will the house goes to me. What would you do to handle someone who doesn't care about anything but money and anything that they can do to throw you in a bad light?
submitted by Spritepage to AITA_WIBTA_PUBLIC [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:39 SuspiciousDog007 Julia Valenti Update: Grief Grifter?

Does anyone know what’s going on with this person? She seems to be having a meltdown and locked comments on YouTube after her last video. During her last Live, there were several people asking questions she couldn’t answer about the dogs, how they work, and I mean these were some basic technical questions about the dogs, not the case. She just read from a book and showed videos of other people’s dogs…not hers…except for a couple 5 second clips of her dog walking next to her or supposedly finding something she placed on a car.
There’s no evidence of her having any certifications in search and rescue, tracking, or cadaver detection dogs even though she wants to pretend to be an expert. She just deleted a bunch of posts from her socials dating back to April of this year, which included alleged certifications, but there have been no certification trials for her region this year. The only one was cancelled. She had a membership card to USPCA, but that’s not a certification either. What the hell is going on?
There’s also reason to believe she may not actually be in TN, but I don’t know how that came up? Now she’s got an Amazon wishlist and allegedly her movie actor coworker and her cousin are dropping everything to drive that stuff from PA to TN and mail out stickers to her followers?
Idk…I think she’s batshit crazy. What do you think?
submitted by SuspiciousDog007 to SebastianRogers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:33 LoneWanderer2287 this is sooo cute!!

this is sooo cute!!
I didn't know they had small birth certificates for the mini ones! 🥹
submitted by LoneWanderer2287 to buildabear [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:29 jos-eph-29 Proof of Syrian decent

How would I prove at the border that i’m of Syrian decent and get a Visa upon arrival. Both parents were born in Syria. I was born in USA. My mom and I visited back in 2011 and we want to visit within the next couple of months (She has a Syrian and American passport, I only have American. How would I be able to get a Visa? Let me know if you have any other questions about me or my mom or need some clarification about my question.
Could I try to enter and show American birth certificate with my mother and father’s name on it? And apply for citizenship there?
I’m 18 and male and the only son, so would I have to sign something to be exempt from military duty?
submitted by jos-eph-29 to Syria [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:09 ysl_kazakhstan Denied Entry to U.S from Canada Because I couldn’t prove I live in Canada

Today I was denied entry from U.S to Canada at Point Huron I am a Canadian citizen and my girlfriend is a U.S Citizen from Michigan. The officer in the booth asked us if we ever had any problems crossing into the U.S (which we did) so he sent us inside to be questioned.
The officer inside just asked me the basic questions like how long I’m, where I’m going, where I came from etc…. He then asked me if I can prove if I live in Canada, I was confused because I had already shown him my drivers license, my passport and my birth certificate (which are ALL VALID)
I then asked him how I can prove it and he kept repeating “it’s not up to me, it’s not up to me” I was getting a little frustrated by I stayed calm and just told him my address is in my license and my passport and he kept telling me that it looks like I’m living in the U.S. I had no way to prove it because I do live with my parents still and don’t rent my own place.
(In April I stayed there for 6 weeks and had a problem getting in because I am legally unemployed but I make money doing music production.)
The border officer started grilling me because I’m 22 and he said I should be providing for myself and that I shouldn’t be living at home at that age,
my girlfriend got really upset and said out loud to me “this is bullshit” then another officer stepped in and yelled to her “Watch your language if you don’t calm down we’re going to bring you into a room that you’re not gonna like” which was super weird and uncalled for but she apologized and he calmed down
Then they took my fingerprints and asked if the address on my license was my parents and I said yes then he says “Okay that’s all I needed to know” we sat down for around half an hour while he was on the phone almost like he forgot about us or something
I asked him again how I can prove I live in Canada but he kept saying “it’s not up to me” then about 10 minutes later he handed me a list of all the things I can show to prove I live in Canada (?????) and told me I was denied entry into the United States
I even asked him to explain one of the points on the list he handed me and he couldn’t hahaha
I’m really confused I don’t feel like I did anything wrong can someone explain?
submitted by ysl_kazakhstan to uscanadaborder [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:56 Ok_Consequence7140 Not sure if it's the right place to ask.

Hello,sorry if I have asked this question,in either the wrong place, or im sounding like I am stupid,apologies. My mother and step dad (as far as I'm concerned he was/always will be my dad,he passed 10 years ago)were married in 2001,and in 2004 I legally changed my surname to match.Im in the uk,and on my birth certificate,my surname is that of my biological fathers. I never wish to be associated with that person,he left when I was 6 (49 soon)walked away never came back.My question is,when I pass away,I'm petrified the fh etc,will use my previous birth name on my funeral,coffin the whole lot. I do have legal papers with my surname change,but its really been getting to me recently. Thank you for any help I receive.
submitted by Ok_Consequence7140 to askfuneraldirectors [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:50 Sankin2004 This is a very rough draft of a personal fan fiction I am writing. I'm sharing here to get ideas, suggestions, and overall feelings. I did the best I could with editing so everyone can see and read it now. Please excuse any spelling or editing mistakes they will be ironed out in a later review.

Age of Legends
Prologue(Death and birth of a dragon)

Rand was happy, there wasn’t much else he could say about how he felt right there at that specific moment. Lying there in bed wearing nothing but his small cloths and a silk shirt half buttoned. Beside him sleeping so peacefully was one of his beautiful wives, Elmindreada, though she hated that name and preferred Min. Thinking back on many long years of peace and growth, yes he was fated to break the world, and he had. Though the prophecies never mentioned the creation and growth he would also leave behind. The creation of the black tower and the worldwide acceptance of male Aes Sedai, his crown and epitome of success the cleansing of saiadin. That and the discovery of ancient knowledge to confirm anyone should be able to learn to touch at least a small part of the true source, at least most people could. Those two things alone would have vast and far-reaching consequences for the good. The covers beside him shifted as his wife turned over in her sleep showing him her short curly hair. Thoughts drifting again to convincing the Aeil and Tu’athan(the tinkers he thought fondly still) to make peace, them taking it a step further and settling in the two rivers. The tinkers, the wondering people and followers of the way of the leaf, coming to terms with the Aiel spear wielders and settling in one place, that one place being his boyhood homeland. Perrin was there, as well as all the Emond fielders, what’s more they set him up like some king and started calling the place Manetheren.
Mat even came back and settled down to retire with the remainder of his family after his wife the empress died. Rand frowned because that wasn’t a happy memory, her battle with some kind of internal growth that even the best healers couldn’t fix, it was slow and painful. She was tough and knew enough to put things in order so there wouldn’t be any war for succession, but after her death and with no children not adopted, Mat just had no pull to stay. He came back and Perrin gave him an estate where he spent the rest of his days carousing in taverns even if no one would play dice with him again. The rest of his days were not much however, less than two years after his wife Mattrim died of a heart attack. The same strange fox head medallion he wore around his neck that had saved him so many times from enemy power wielders, due to its powers of absorbing any of the one power used against the wearer, was strangely the main cause of his death as there had been an Aes Sedai capable of healing close by. Rand wondered what ever became of that medallion. Trying to shift his thoughts back to happier things he thought of Elayne another of his wives and queen of the region this new “kingdom” was growing. Or at least she was. Having not one but two kingdoms to run was taxing her, especially when one played that awful game of houses so much, as if it were breathing. She actually willingly gave that area to Perrin, that and more besides. “Having friends at your back, especially friends who know they owe you can only help.”, he remembered her saying when he asked her.
He laughed remembering how her cute golden-haired little face grew so stern while she rounded on him for not caring about his friends and shouldn’t they also get something for all the help they provided at the last battle. Of course, it also had nothing to do with being such close friends with Perrin’s wife Fail. Manetheren though, when asked Perrin just shrugged his huge shoulders saying one name is as good as any, and it was the one that everyone agreed on.
Min groaned softly beside him still wrapped in the silken bedding spread. His laugh seemed to have disturbed her, he quickly stifled it and glared at the lavish bedroom they slept in as if that were the fault for his mirth. Lying on top of the silken covers because he never quite got used to sleeping on feather mattresses. It really was a lavish bedroom, filled with rugs and wall coverings, paintings, not one but two large dressers with mirrors, a matching and equally large wardrobe, currently opened showing two other mirrors on the inside of the doors, smaller than the dresser mirrors, and a neat array of blouses and trousers with floral embroidery(Min’s things). Otherwise, there was also a washstand with another small mirror, a desk and one chair slightly askew and away from the desk. On the desk are several stacks of books, and an open notebook with a nearby quill and ink pot. There was a lone unlit lamp also on the desk gilded in gold, as well as several gold gilded wall lamps also unlit around the room.
Sighing softly as Min settled back to comfortable sleep, he stared back up at the bland whitewashed ceiling above him and thought about the schools he had patroned. So many new ideas and inventions were springing up and with traveling prevalent they all spread to the world almost as fast as the ideas can be thought up. This would hopefully lead to a golden age for the world, and his schools were even branching off on their own into new learning institutes. These alone seemed to keep the peace between all the nations. Rand couldn’t tell if he was trying to be modest or humble. Yes he patroned and started the first few schools, but it was not all him coming up with any of the ideas and inventions, many of which had become marvels in and of themselves. Transportation, communication, education These would be left behind and he would be known for that as well as the other.
Breaking the world to make it whole, and his victory with that world’s armies at the last battle. He fought the dark one while the armies of all the nations fought the shadowspawn and darkfriends and dreadlords. Despite everything against him, including it seemed sometimes even the creator, he not only won the battle, but he survived it, he survived it and had a nice long life. The world was at peace, headed to a golden age which he would get credit for, and so Rand was happy. His eyes closed and his thoughts grew that sort of muffled feeling they get just as they start turning into dreams.
PAIN! Rand knew pain, he was no stranger to hurts, especially from a half healed old wound in his side, but that was not the same thing right now. For some reason panic started rising up in him, this was something new, this was something worse. A sharp pain again, in his chest, his body wildly spasmed up kicking his sleeping wife awake.
“Ow you bloody tall buffoon, if you think you can kick me out of bed you have another thing …” Min trailed off as another spasm of pain racked through Rand. Her face contorting with fear as she watched him clutching his chest nearly double over with the pain spasm. He tried to tell her he would be alright, but all that came out was a groaning grunt. He tried lifting his hand to show her it would be alright, but he couldn’t get it to move. Suddenly a hand hit him in his face, it was his hand. He couldn’t feel his hand or his arm. Fear started creeping in as another spasm of pain caused him to let out another groan and clutch at his chest with this hand he couldn’t feel.
“Creator shine his light on me, of course you would choose to die when you’re with me.” Min started shouting hysterically. “For the love of light you bloody wool head, you hang on until I can get Aviendha to come heal you, she’s not far, just hold on damn you.”
Rand vaguely had an impression of Min running towards and out the door. Another spasm of pain, except somehow this was less. He knew it should hurt just as much, but it didn’t. He must have found the void so it wouldn’t hurt as much, that was it. Rand thought about his third and final wife Aviendha, how she would likely come in to find him as healthy as a bull and upset his stomachache disturbed her wise one’s practice. Stomachache? Wasn’t it his chest that was hurting him? Another very small spasm, yes its his chest, but he was also feeling decidedly nauseous too, and that was the greatest issue right? Sleep was all he needed, he would sleep, and everything would be fine in the morning, tomorrow he had to get up early to sheer the sheep.
The void completely surrounds and envelops Rand. As he fades away he hears a sinister voice in his head, “YOU WON THIS ROUND DRAGON REBORN BUT WE WILL COME FACE TO FACE AGAIN” The dark one, what, again? No, the dark one is dead, am I dead, wake up you light blinded fool. There was nothing but the void, not even the light of saiadin could be seen. Rand listened as hard as he could, he thought he heard something, something almost familiar. There it was again, soft but rhythmic, sounding not exactly far, but muffled as if listening through water. Thump Thump and it hit him, that’s the sound of a heartbeat, but who’s heartbeat his? Sleep, that’s what he needed, a really good nights sleep and he would feel better in the morning. Rand drifted off into a dreamless sleep listening to the heartbeat, Thump Thump.
Thus did the dragon reborn die after seeing the end of one age turned into the beginning of another. The people of the land wept at his passing, they swore they would remember him forever and always. Time however is not a kind mistress, when an age is gone it starts to fade from existence, times deeds even people change in the telling’s of the years and centuries. Eventually when the wheel goes round and gives birth to the age again all details have been forgotten, muffled, or contorted.

Mariann Jo’sheen Sedai was old. She had a proper last name once if she could just remember. It had been so long ago since she had last thought of it, a life in the white tower could do that, and Sedai was as good a last name as could be for formality. Just saying Mariann was old was an understatement though, being a woman with a stronger channeling ability, and having sworn on all 8 Life Oath Rods, a prerequisite to becoming Amyrlin of the tower, that she even has any grey hair showing means she must be well past 800 years old, and to show the amount of age she did it must be closer to past 900 years. She was still sharp in mind mostly, at least anything from the last 100 years or so she could recall as sharp as if it happened yesterday. Had it really been longer than a hundred years since she last though of her family name, having long lasted past the last of her lineage, her family long gone or married into others.
She thought even harder surly she had been at her last relative’s funeral, when was it, it was a great aunt she remembered, and the surname was …, she thought really hard. She was in the Amyrlin’s bedchamber reserved for the current leader of the white tower. That said like most of the past Amyrlins before her she kept the bedroom nice and simple. The single window held a cooling fan with right below it a heater coil. The other wall held a closed door which led into her bathroom, the next wall holding another door leading out of the bedchamber into the office of her role. The last wall held the only other furniture besides the plain brown four poster bed she was laying on. A white nightstand with built in mirror and matching white clothed chair. The bathroom was large and would hold her wardrobe of clothes along with the indoor plumbing necessities.
Mariann thought back to each of the eight oaths she took on the life rods, trying to remember which one she had last taken when she attended her aunt’s funeral. Small cylindrical devices no longer than her arm, when you take an oath on one your life actually increases by a standard lifetime or roughly 100 years depending on the person, those stronger in the one power given slightly more. Really giving any oath at all would do for the increasing your life, the only requirement being you channel Saiadar while making your oath and someone else that can also channel does so to activate it. However each specific Ajah required you to take a specific oath, and the eighth oath rod was solely for those like her who have taken the Amyrlin seat after having have pledged on the other seven, again a specific oath.
“I will say no word that is untrue”. Eight oath rods, and eight times this is spoken to ensure you do not offer a false oath, as if anyone would think of lying so many truth seekers everywhere.
“I will faithfully serve as Amyrlin to all of my children for the rest of my days”. The Amyrlin seat was a lifelong position and would not open again until her death. Serve all her children, it was said that the ancient honorific Amyrlin meant something like mother to all, it means that she was a servant to everyone in the world, matter it not she was the leader of the white tower. That first part about serving faithfully as Amyrlin could leave some wiggle room depending on how one viewed the title of Amyrlin, the last however left no wiggle room for anything.
“I will treat everyone with fairness and justice as is prescribed by the dai’shan aiel of the grey tower and the Aes Sedai code of ethics”. Those were binding stronger than time itself. The grey tower first because only the dai’shan aiel more than anyone can decide what is fair and right, they were and are the original truth seekers among so much more. You would also have as much power to reach the moon as you would to get the Aes Sedai code of ethics changed. First it would take a proposal from either of the leaders from the white or black tower. Either the Amyrlin of the white tower or the Pope of the black tower has to make a suggested change, which then needs to go through each Ajah/Faction and receive 90% approval, then it gets sent to the other tower to make its way up through the chains until it finally ends with the other towers leader. If it passes all of that it gets sent to the grey tower for approval again 90% before finally appearing before the first servant leader of the grey tower for final approval, and at any stage it can be stopped if it doesn’t pass.
That wasn’t it though, no she was not Amyrlin at her aunt’s funeral. Before then was the Blue ajah, which was closer. But still too recent, what level was she? The sleeping shift she wore was one of the new fads called a one piece. It was literally one garment that covered both legs and torso. It had several convenient buttons for keeping it on or taking it off. It was grey cotton all one solid color, and it was bunching up at the knees. Mariann distractedly Jerked it back into position. Her thoughts drifted too far back to when she had her very first foretelling which was that she would one day become Amyrlin seat. She was a young girl of only 16 years, and she knew without a doubt. It came in bursts though and it was not something she could control.
This vision came on stronger than any she had ever encountered before. So strong it jerked her body stiff as a board and slammed her down thankfully into the bed she was already laying on. An Evil shadow of a man, a giant taller than mountains, and blacker than the darkest shadows on a moonless night, peering down at the world smiling, that smile turning your blood to jelly and freezing you in place with its ill intent. A great serpentine beast came flying from the other side of the world, Long and scales glimmering like diamonds with talons made of pure gold but sharper than the sharpest knife, fire trailing from its partially open moth off its gleaming sharp teeth. It was equally large as the malevolent shadow man and flew on giant tornado causing wings straight at the other. They fought a great battle against each other, but in doing so caused so many deaths as swaths of their destruction ravaged the world. A flash of light and Mariann was staring at the grey tower as if just a few hundred yards away. She started walking towards it only to watch in horror and bewilderment as the tower before her cracked and collapsed as if a mirror or glass shattered. Another flash of light and she saw a baby boy, but he aged so fast right before her eyes until he died as an old man. She couldn’t remember much, but she knew deep down that he was in some way related to the other visions and this man, for it was definitely a man, was likely the cause of them.
Opening her eyes to stare at the brown four poster cloth above her and remembering every detail about her vision she distractedly spoke to herself . “Goshin is my sur name and I last heard it at Aunt Maragel Goshin’s funeral while I was at the green level”. She shook her head, that wasn’t important anymore if it ever really was. She quickly sat up in her woolen one piece swinging her feet over the side of the bed and hurried to her nightstand. Sitting in the chair she reached in one drawer to get paper and another to get an ink pointer. Channeling a single small strand of fire into a swinging glass bulb above her bed brought light into the room. She hastily started scribbling down every detail from her vision, she was grateful she always kept ink and paper nearby to do so.

Mr. Telamon was a nervous wreck while sitting in the hospital waiting room. He somehow knew, sensed something was wrong with his wife’s delivery. Dai’shan aiel were everywhere; as were nurses, patients or close kin waiting, Every once in a while a doctor’s assistant would come out and call a name ushering someone to see a doctor. Really bad cases would be taken in through a separate entrance known only to the healers. It didn’t matter, and he got confirmation as those doors opened up and not the assistant, but the doctor who had taken his wife looked around the room first at the dai’shan, then at him. A group of three of the white clad figures started moving towards him even before the doctor did. They felt his grief or rather the grief he was going to feel, even before he himself felt it. That and they knew it would take three of them to calm him down. Tears were streaming from his eyes before the doctor even started speaking.
“There was a complication during the pregnancy, your son is ok, your wife however did not make it, I’m so sorry. She did manage to tell us a name before she passed. Lews, Lews Therin after her father. Is that what you would like on the birth certificate?”
Baby Lews’s father numbly nodded, and the doctor walked away as uncontrollable sobs started emanating from the man. The three dai’shan aiel circled around him arm in arm and started singing a song of comfort and peace and mourning.
Rand Al’thor was asleep soundly when something woke him up, but he couldn’t tell what or where, or even anything for that matter. It was like the void, nothingness, but a sound, not a feeling, a heartbeat. The heartbeat was much faster than it was and suddenly something pushed him hard in the head. Go away he thought I’m trying to sleep. However the push came back stronger than before, this time managing to flip him upside down, upside down?, he could tell direction in this floating nothingness. Really awake now Rand tried to remember, remember?, remember what? Again the push and he was being squeezed to death and suddenly he remembered something about the dark one. A voice, a word, a sentence, the dark one wanted him dead. Was this the dark one trying to kill him, again push, again very tight squeeze, this time a light as if from a tunnel. It wasn’t the only light though, Rand went to the real void, and he saw it, Saiadin. He reached out with all his might to grab it and it came like a flood. He couldn’t control it, he had no strength, and his memory was foggy, he just expelled it to get out the other light and away from the pushing and death squeeze.
As Saiadin left him so did more and more memories, he tried to shout that he killed the dark one, sealed the bore so it could never be open. All that came out of his mouth was a scream. No blood and fire no I did this already, I won, I’m done. And with that last thought Rand Al’thor fell deep deep asleep into the furthest recesses of the brain. Lews took a deep breath and let out another scream wanting his mother or anyone to come pick him up and sooth his little soul.

The dragon is born!

Chapter 1
16 years later
The wheel of time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the fifth age by some and the first by others. An age yet to come, an age long past, a dark icy wind arose from about as far north as you can get. The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the wheel of time. But it was a beginning.
A steam vent in an icy mountain let out a puff of sulfur like particles riding the wind. High and fast the dark tainted wind rode across the Nym fields, high enough to escape the notice of the Nym, ever vigilant in their desire to protect the world. Over the borderlands of mankind, given graciously by the Nym when mankind needs more space to grow. Still high in the sky the dark wind blew through wild wilderness where only the Nym, the Ogier, the dai’shan aiel, and the Aes Sedai were allowed to travel if at some risk. The wind started descending as it traveled into the warmer southern air. Up ahead in the distance was a magnificently large tower made of stone black like obsidian, but much stronger. Along the northern wall of this Black tower were several windows, most open hoping to catch some of the cool breeze which it did nicely.
It was into one of these windows the dark wind blew, a classroom, though filled only with boys. The tainted breeze flew around several students, all dressed in black school uniforms and sitting at wooden desks on little rickety stool like chairs with just the barest of backrest. The flow of air flew so close to the face of one student he gave a start, finally going up the next nearby student’s nose just as he took in a deep breath.
Lews gave such a start at the intrusion, and he stood up sneezing loudly, the rancid smell still strong in his nose. Taller than most of his peers he certainly stood over everyone’s head while they were all sitting down.
“What are you doing, you look like a dork, hurry and sit down before anyone notices.” His best friend [Ishamael]() tried to warn him. However, it was already too late for that, most of the class was now looking at him which made him self conscious even if the women all said he looked like a dream. Worse, the teacher at the front of the class in a very similar black colored uniform was looking at him expectedly.
“Yes Lews, do you think you know the answer?” To Lews’s horror he realized he had been spending most of the class in a daydream about being the most powerful weaver ever. It was important that distinction, woman channel men weave. Saiadar and Saiadin, two halves of the same whole, both apart of the one power the true source. Everyone could learn to use it, or at least almost everyone. The dai’shan don’t channel or weave for all the power of their songs, not one of them it’s a law to join among other things. Other people might be so weak in the power it should be they don’t have it at all, there are objects which can amplify or temporarily give someone use of the one power, those with so little power that resort to using these transcognative devices were often socially outcast. Transmogs they were called when someone was being nice.
That didn’t help him now, he was in history class, and definitely not studying Transmogs. Lews desperately wracked his brain trying to remember what they were discussing. The teacher’s slight smile was starting to droop to a slight frown. Nym’s that was what they were discussing, what about Nym’s? Desperately looking around for some hope, he finally remembered. It was a question about the first Nym, what was his name?
“Goak him jim knee?” Lews answered with a rightfully apologetic look on his face. Sighing the teacher said “close, Oakhimgimee. At least he was close!” The teacher got progressively louder while giving the rest of the class an evil eye. The laughter that had started quickly quieted. Just at that particular moment a loud bell decided to ring calling an end to that class period.
As the other students started standing up, talking, and starting to head for the door, the teacher weaved a small weave that produced a louder voice reminding the class they had the test coming up at the end of the week.
Lews slowly grabbed his bag and followed the steady stream of students leaving the class.

submitted by Sankin2004 to WoT [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:41 Sankin2004 This is a very rough draft of a personal fan fiction I am writing. I'm sharing here to get ideas, suggestions, and overall feelings. I did the best I could with editing so everyone can see and read it now. Please excuse any spelling or editing mistakes they will be ironed out in a later review.

Age of Legends
Prologue(Death and birth of a dragon)

Rand was happy, there wasn’t much else he could say about how he felt right there at that specific moment. Lying there in bed wearing nothing but his small cloths and a silk shirt half buttoned. Beside him sleeping so peacefully was one of his beautiful wives, Elmindreada, though she hated that name and preferred Min. Thinking back on many long years of peace and growth, yes he was fated to break the world, and he had. Though the prophecies never mentioned the creation and growth he would also leave behind. The creation of the black tower and the worldwide acceptance of male Aes Sedai, his crown and epitome of success the cleansing of saiadin. That and the discovery of ancient knowledge to confirm anyone should be able to learn to touch at least a small part of the true source, at least most people could. Those two things alone would have vast and far-reaching consequences for the good. The covers beside him shifted as his wife turned over in her sleep showing him her short curly hair. Thoughts drifting again to convincing the Aeil and Tu’athan(the tinkers he thought fondly still) to make peace, them taking it a step further and settling in the two rivers. The tinkers, the wondering people and followers of the way of the leaf, coming to terms with the Aiel spear wielders and settling in one place, that one place being his boyhood homeland. Perrin was there, as well as all the Emond fielders, what’s more they set him up like some king and started calling the place Manetheren.
Mat even came back and settled down to retire with the remainder of his family after his wife the empress died. Rand frowned because that wasn’t a happy memory, her battle with some kind of internal growth that even the best healers couldn’t fix, it was slow and painful. She was tough and knew enough to put things in order so there wouldn’t be any war for succession, but after her death and with no children not adopted, Mat just had no pull to stay. He came back and Perrin gave him an estate where he spent the rest of his days carousing in taverns even if no one would play dice with him again. The rest of his days were not much however, less than two years after his wife Mattrim died of a heart attack. The same strange fox head medallion he wore around his neck that had saved him so many times from enemy power wielders, due to its powers of absorbing any of the one power used against the wearer, was strangely the main cause of his death as there had been an Aes Sedai capable of healing close by. Rand wondered what ever became of that medallion. Trying to shift his thoughts back to happier things he thought of Elayne another of his wives and queen of the region this new “kingdom” was growing. Or at least she was. Having not one but two kingdoms to run was taxing her, especially when one played that awful game of houses so much, as if it were breathing. She actually willingly gave that area to Perrin, that and more besides. “Having friends at your back, especially friends who know they owe you can only help.”, he remembered her saying when he asked her.
He laughed remembering how her cute golden-haired little face grew so stern while she rounded on him for not caring about his friends and shouldn’t they also get something for all the help they provided at the last battle. Of course, it also had nothing to do with being such close friends with Perrin’s wife Fail. Manetheren though, when asked Perrin just shrugged his huge shoulders saying one name is as good as any, and it was the one that everyone agreed on.
Min groaned softly beside him still wrapped in the silken bedding spread. His laugh seemed to have disturbed her, he quickly stifled it and glared at the lavish bedroom they slept in as if that were the fault for his mirth. Lying on top of the silken covers because he never quite got used to sleeping on feather mattresses. It really was a lavish bedroom, filled with rugs and wall coverings, paintings, not one but two large dressers with mirrors, a matching and equally large wardrobe, currently opened showing two other mirrors on the inside of the doors, smaller than the dresser mirrors, and a neat array of blouses and trousers with floral embroidery(Min’s things). Otherwise, there was also a washstand with another small mirror, a desk and one chair slightly askew and away from the desk. On the desk are several stacks of books, and an open notebook with a nearby quill and ink pot. There was a lone unlit lamp also on the desk gilded in gold, as well as several gold gilded wall lamps also unlit around the room.
Sighing softly as Min settled back to comfortable sleep, he stared back up at the bland whitewashed ceiling above him and thought about the schools he had patroned. So many new ideas and inventions were springing up and with traveling prevalent they all spread to the world almost as fast as the ideas can be thought up. This would hopefully lead to a golden age for the world, and his schools were even branching off on their own into new learning institutes. These alone seemed to keep the peace between all the nations. Rand couldn’t tell if he was trying to be modest or humble. Yes he patroned and started the first few schools, but it was not all him coming up with any of the ideas and inventions, many of which had become marvels in and of themselves. Transportation, communication, education These would be left behind and he would be known for that as well as the other.
Breaking the world to make it whole, and his victory with that world’s armies at the last battle. He fought the dark one while the armies of all the nations fought the shadowspawn and darkfriends and dreadlords. Despite everything against him, including it seemed sometimes even the creator, he not only won the battle, but he survived it, he survived it and had a nice long life. The world was at peace, headed to a golden age which he would get credit for, and so Rand was happy. His eyes closed and his thoughts grew that sort of muffled feeling they get just as they start turning into dreams.
PAIN! Rand knew pain, he was no stranger to hurts, especially from a half healed old wound in his side, but that was not the same thing right now. For some reason panic started rising up in him, this was something new, this was something worse. A sharp pain again, in his chest, his body wildly spasmed up kicking his sleeping wife awake.
“Ow you bloody tall buffoon, if you think you can kick me out of bed you have another thing …” Min trailed off as another spasm of pain racked through Rand. Her face contorting with fear as she watched him clutching his chest nearly double over with the pain spasm. He tried to tell her he would be alright, but all that came out was a groaning grunt. He tried lifting his hand to show her it would be alright, but he couldn’t get it to move. Suddenly a hand hit him in his face, it was his hand. He couldn’t feel his hand or his arm. Fear started creeping in as another spasm of pain caused him to let out another groan and clutch at his chest with this hand he couldn’t feel.
“Creator shine his light on me, of course you would choose to die when you’re with me.” Min started shouting hysterically. “For the love of light you bloody wool head, you hang on until I can get Aviendha to come heal you, she’s not far, just hold on damn you.”
Rand vaguely had an impression of Min running towards and out the door. Another spasm of pain, except somehow this was less. He knew it should hurt just as much, but it didn’t. He must have found the void so it wouldn’t hurt as much, that was it. Rand thought about his third and final wife Aviendha, how she would likely come in to find him as healthy as a bull and upset his stomachache disturbed her wise one’s practice. Stomachache? Wasn’t it his chest that was hurting him? Another very small spasm, yes its his chest, but he was also feeling decidedly nauseous too, and that was the greatest issue right? Sleep was all he needed, he would sleep, and everything would be fine in the morning, tomorrow he had to get up early to sheer the sheep.
The void completely surrounds and envelops Rand. As he fades away he hears a sinister voice in his head, “YOU WON THIS ROUND DRAGON REBORN BUT WE WILL COME FACE TO FACE AGAIN” The dark one, what, again? No, the dark one is dead, am I dead, wake up you light blinded fool. There was nothing but the void, not even the light of saiadin could be seen. Rand listened as hard as he could, he thought he heard something, something almost familiar. There it was again, soft but rhythmic, sounding not exactly far, but muffled as if listening through water. Thump Thump and it hit him, that’s the sound of a heartbeat, but who’s heartbeat his? Sleep, that’s what he needed, a really good nights sleep and he would feel better in the morning. Rand drifted off into a dreamless sleep listening to the heartbeat, Thump Thump.
Thus did the dragon reborn die after seeing the end of one age turned into the beginning of another. The people of the land wept at his passing, they swore they would remember him forever and always. Time however is not a kind mistress, when an age is gone it starts to fade from existence, times deeds even people change in the telling’s of the years and centuries. Eventually when the wheel goes round and gives birth to the age again all details have been forgotten, muffled, or contorted.

Mariann Jo’sheen Sedai was old. She had a proper last name once if she could just remember. It had been so long ago since she had last thought of it, a life in the white tower could do that, and Sedai was as good a last name as could be for formality. Just saying Mariann was old was an understatement though, being a woman with a stronger channeling ability, and having sworn on all 8 Life Oath Rods, a prerequisite to becoming Amyrlin of the tower, that she even has any grey hair showing means she must be well past 800 years old, and to show the amount of age she did it must be closer to past 900 years. She was still sharp in mind mostly, at least anything from the last 100 years or so she could recall as sharp as if it happened yesterday. Had it really been longer than a hundred years since she last though of her family name, having long lasted past the last of her lineage, her family long gone or married into others.
She thought even harder surly she had been at her last relative’s funeral, when was it, it was a great aunt she remembered, and the surname was …, she thought really hard. She was in the Amyrlin’s bedchamber reserved for the current leader of the white tower. That said like most of the past Amyrlins before her she kept the bedroom nice and simple. The single window held a cooling fan with right below it a heater coil. The other wall held a closed door which led into her bathroom, the next wall holding another door leading out of the bedchamber into the office of her role. The last wall held the only other furniture besides the plain brown four poster bed she was laying on. A white nightstand with built in mirror and matching white clothed chair. The bathroom was large and would hold her wardrobe of clothes along with the indoor plumbing necessities.
Mariann thought back to each of the eight oaths she took on the life rods, trying to remember which one she had last taken when she attended her aunt’s funeral. Small cylindrical devices no longer than her arm, when you take an oath on one your life actually increases by a standard lifetime or roughly 100 years depending on the person, those stronger in the one power given slightly more. Really giving any oath at all would do for the increasing your life, the only requirement being you channel Saiadar while making your oath and someone else that can also channel does so to activate it. However each specific Ajah required you to take a specific oath, and the eighth oath rod was solely for those like her who have taken the Amyrlin seat after having have pledged on the other seven, again a specific oath.
“I will say no word that is untrue”. Eight oath rods, and eight times this is spoken to ensure you do not offer a false oath, as if anyone would think of lying so many truth seekers everywhere.
“I will faithfully serve as Amyrlin to all of my children for the rest of my days”. The Amyrlin seat was a lifelong position and would not open again until her death. Serve all her children, it was said that the ancient honorific Amyrlin meant something like mother to all, it means that she was a servant to everyone in the world, matter it not she was the leader of the white tower. That first part about serving faithfully as Amyrlin could leave some wiggle room depending on how one viewed the title of Amyrlin, the last however left no wiggle room for anything.
“I will treat everyone with fairness and justice as is prescribed by the dai’shan aiel of the grey tower and the Aes Sedai code of ethics”. Those were binding stronger than time itself. The grey tower first because only the dai’shan aiel more than anyone can decide what is fair and right, they were and are the original truth seekers among so much more. You would also have as much power to reach the moon as you would to get the Aes Sedai code of ethics changed. First it would take a proposal from either of the leaders from the white or black tower. Either the Amyrlin of the white tower or the Pope of the black tower has to make a suggested change, which then needs to go through each Ajah/Faction and receive 90% approval, then it gets sent to the other tower to make its way up through the chains until it finally ends with the other towers leader. If it passes all of that it gets sent to the grey tower for approval again 90% before finally appearing before the first servant leader of the grey tower for final approval, and at any stage it can be stopped if it doesn’t pass.
That wasn’t it though, no she was not Amyrlin at her aunt’s funeral. Before then was the Blue ajah, which was closer. But still too recent, what level was she? The sleeping shift she wore was one of the new fads called a one piece. It was literally one garment that covered both legs and torso. It had several convenient buttons for keeping it on or taking it off. It was grey cotton all one solid color, and it was bunching up at the knees. Mariann distractedly Jerked it back into position. Her thoughts drifted too far back to when she had her very first foretelling which was that she would one day become Amyrlin seat. She was a young girl of only 16 years, and she knew without a doubt. It came in bursts though and it was not something she could control.
This vision came on stronger than any she had ever encountered before. So strong it jerked her body stiff as a board and slammed her down thankfully into the bed she was already laying on. An Evil shadow of a man, a giant taller than mountains, and blacker than the darkest shadows on a moonless night, peering down at the world smiling, that smile turning your blood to jelly and freezing you in place with its ill intent. A great serpentine beast came flying from the other side of the world, Long and scales glimmering like diamonds with talons made of pure gold but sharper than the sharpest knife, fire trailing from its partially open moth off its gleaming sharp teeth. It was equally large as the malevolent shadow man and flew on giant tornado causing wings straight at the other. They fought a great battle against each other, but in doing so caused so many deaths as swaths of their destruction ravaged the world. A flash of light and Mariann was staring at the grey tower as if just a few hundred yards away. She started walking towards it only to watch in horror and bewilderment as the tower before her cracked and collapsed as if a mirror or glass shattered. Another flash of light and she saw a baby boy, but he aged so fast right before her eyes until he died as an old man. She couldn’t remember much, but she knew deep down that he was in some way related to the other visions and this man, for it was definitely a man, was likely the cause of them.
Opening her eyes to stare at the brown four poster cloth above her and remembering every detail about her vision she distractedly spoke to herself . “Goshin is my sur name and I last heard it at Aunt Maragel Goshin’s funeral while I was at the green level”. She shook her head, that wasn’t important anymore if it ever really was. She quickly sat up in her woolen one piece swinging her feet over the side of the bed and hurried to her nightstand. Sitting in the chair she reached in one drawer to get paper and another to get an ink pointer. Channeling a single small strand of fire into a swinging glass bulb above her bed brought light into the room. She hastily started scribbling down every detail from her vision, she was grateful she always kept ink and paper nearby to do so.

Mr. Telamon was a nervous wreck while sitting in the hospital waiting room. He somehow knew, sensed something was wrong with his wife’s delivery. Dai’shan aiel were everywhere; as were nurses, patients or close kin waiting, Every once in a while a doctor’s assistant would come out and call a name ushering someone to see a doctor. Really bad cases would be taken in through a separate entrance known only to the healers. It didn’t matter, and he got confirmation as those doors opened up and not the assistant, but the doctor who had taken his wife looked around the room first at the dai’shan, then at him. A group of three of the white clad figures started moving towards him even before the doctor did. They felt his grief or rather the grief he was going to feel, even before he himself felt it. That and they knew it would take three of them to calm him down. Tears were streaming from his eyes before the doctor even started speaking.
“There was a complication during the pregnancy, your son is ok, your wife however did not make it, I’m so sorry. She did manage to tell us a name before she passed. Lews, Lews Therin after her father. Is that what you would like on the birth certificate?”
Baby Lews’s father numbly nodded, and the doctor walked away as uncontrollable sobs started emanating from the man. The three dai’shan aiel circled around him arm in arm and started singing a song of comfort and peace and mourning.
Rand Al’thor was asleep soundly when something woke him up, but he couldn’t tell what or where, or even anything for that matter. It was like the void, nothingness, but a sound, not a feeling, a heartbeat. The heartbeat was much faster than it was and suddenly something pushed him hard in the head. Go away he thought I’m trying to sleep. However the push came back stronger than before, this time managing to flip him upside down, upside down?, he could tell direction in this floating nothingness. Really awake now Rand tried to remember, remember?, remember what? Again the push and he was being squeezed to death and suddenly he remembered something about the dark one. A voice, a word, a sentence, the dark one wanted him dead. Was this the dark one trying to kill him, again push, again very tight squeeze, this time a light as if from a tunnel. It wasn’t the only light though, Rand went to the real void, and he saw it, Saiadin. He reached out with all his might to grab it and it came like a flood. He couldn’t control it, he had no strength, and his memory was foggy, he just expelled it to get out the other light and away from the pushing and death squeeze.
As Saiadin left him so did more and more memories, he tried to shout that he killed the dark one, sealed the bore so it could never be open. All that came out of his mouth was a scream. No blood and fire no I did this already, I won, I’m done. And with that last thought Rand Al’thor fell deep deep asleep into the furthest recesses of the brain. Lews took a deep breath and let out another scream wanting his mother or anyone to come pick him up and sooth his little soul.

The dragon is born!

Chapter 1
16 years later
The wheel of time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the fifth age by some and the first by others. An age yet to come, an age long past, a dark icy wind arose from about as far north as you can get. The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the wheel of time. But it was a beginning.
A steam vent in an icy mountain let out a puff of sulfur like particles riding the wind. High and fast the dark tainted wind rode across the Nym fields, high enough to escape the notice of the Nym, ever vigilant in their desire to protect the world. Over the borderlands of mankind, given graciously by the Nym when mankind needs more space to grow. Still high in the sky the dark wind blew through wild wilderness where only the Nym, the Ogier, the dai’shan aiel, and the Aes Sedai were allowed to travel if at some risk. The wind started descending as it traveled into the warmer southern air. Up ahead in the distance was a magnificently large tower made of stone black like obsidian, but much stronger. Along the northern wall of this Black tower were several windows, most open hoping to catch some of the cool breeze which it did nicely.
It was into one of these windows the dark wind blew, a classroom, though filled only with boys. The tainted breeze flew around several students, all dressed in black school uniforms and sitting at wooden desks on little rickety stool like chairs with just the barest of backrest. The flow of air flew so close to the face of one student he gave a start, finally going up the next nearby student’s nose just as he took in a deep breath.
Lews gave such a start at the intrusion, and he stood up sneezing loudly, the rancid smell still strong in his nose. Taller than most of his peers he certainly stood over everyone’s head while they were all sitting down.
“What are you doing, you look like a dork, hurry and sit down before anyone notices.” His best friend [Ishamael]() tried to warn him. However, it was already too late for that, most of the class was now looking at him which made him self conscious even if the women all said he looked like a dream. Worse, the teacher at the front of the class in a very similar black colored uniform was looking at him expectedly.
“Yes Lews, do you think you know the answer?” To Lews’s horror he realized he had been spending most of the class in a daydream about being the most powerful weaver ever. It was important that distinction, woman channel men weave. Saiadar and Saiadin, two halves of the same whole, both apart of the one power the true source. Everyone could learn to use it, or at least almost everyone. The dai’shan don’t channel or weave for all the power of their songs, not one of them it’s a law to join among other things. Other people might be so weak in the power it should be they don’t have it at all, there are objects which can amplify or temporarily give someone use of the one power, those with so little power that resort to using these transcognative devices were often socially outcast. Transmogs they were called when someone was being nice.
That didn’t help him now, he was in history class, and definitely not studying Transmogs. Lews desperately wracked his brain trying to remember what they were discussing. The teacher’s slight smile was starting to droop to a slight frown. Nym’s that was what they were discussing, what about Nym’s? Desperately looking around for some hope, he finally remembered. It was a question about the first Nym, what was his name?
“Goak him jim knee?” Lews answered with a rightfully apologetic look on his face. Sighing the teacher said “close, Oakhimgimee. At least he was close!” The teacher got progressively louder while giving the rest of the class an evil eye. The laughter that had started quickly quieted. Just at that particular moment a loud bell decided to ring calling an end to that class period.
As the other students started standing up, talking, and starting to head for the door, the teacher weaved a small weave that produced a louder voice reminding the class they had the test coming up at the end of the week.
Lews slowly grabbed his bag and followed the steady stream of students leaving the class.

submitted by Sankin2004 to wheeloftime [link] [comments]