Cheap monofin

Traveling to Dahab with a monofin, how ?

2024.05.06 21:05 lovesongsforartworld Traveling to Dahab with a monofin, how ?

Hey divers,
I'm going to Dahab, by plane with Pegasus, for the first time, in june. I would like to take my big ass monofin with me but can't find an adequately sized suitcase.
I would like to keep it cheap, up to the point I'm starting to think about making a custom case with some wheels i have hanging around the workshop
How should i go about it ?
Thank you in advance!
submitted by lovesongsforartworld to freediving [link] [comments]

2023.07.02 23:11 Loumosmaxima Monofin for beginner (Europe) ?

I'm a french mermaid lover wanting to take the next step. I'm really beginner and I'd like to know if you have some monofins to suggest.
I've read few things but most of the time it's either super expensive and/or doesn't ship to France. I'm not against the idea to pay 150€ for a monofin but first I'd like to try to see if I really like the sensations ect.
So i'm on the hunt for an a good and affordable monofin that I can use to try as a first monofin, but still kind of quality and safe to swim in. I'd like to avoid the super cheap not quality one we can find on some market places online....
Thanks a lot for your help !
submitted by Loumosmaxima to mermaiding [link] [comments]

2021.06.21 10:36 spicyamphibian My feet are tiny!!!

Hello my fellow mers! I have a very big issue and I'm looking for a solution. My feet are deformed. They look normal for the most part, aside from a very dramatic arch. That being said, they failed to develop correctly and they're very small. I wear a size 3 in kids shoes and I'm in my 20s. They haven't grown at all since I was in the 3rd grade. I recently made the jump from cheap fabric tails to a amertailor Whimsy 3. I ADORE this new tail and the monofin is beautiful and an absolute dream to swim in. However, my tiny feet slip in and out of this monofin way too easily. I ordered the fin in the smallest shoe size available and it's still 2 or 3 sizes too big. My previous monofins were adjustable so I had no issues, but with this one there's no way for me to tighten the fin. I was thinking of creating some sort of insert for my fin that would snug my feet up in it to stop me from slipping right out of it but I'm not too sure where to start. If anyone has any ideas on how to safely and effectively secure my feet into my monofin I would love to hear any suggestions that you may have. Thanks so much for reading! Happy swimming!
submitted by spicyamphibian to mermaids [link] [comments]

2019.02.11 18:33 nicolaiiiii EM tries nearly drowns me trying to take my $300+ mermaid tail

Let me start off by saying mermaids are real people... Sort of. Kind of. Ish.
This is something that happened literally within the last week or so. A few months ago I purchased a silicone monofin (think diving flippers except fused into one piece and shaped like a big fish tail) and a pretty fabric skin for it. When I got them in late fall, I had no where to use them due to the cold, but we had a family trip to Cuba planned for this February and I was excited to break it out in the ocean.
The fam and I get onto the beach and my brother and I head out into a quieter area to hang out and swim. We get out into the water, I put on my fin and have a great time, I forget that I probably look crazy. As we head up the beach and hang out in the shallows, my brother heads back to grab a drink and I stay put for a bit where I can just sit and enjoy the water and sun.
This is when entitled mom heads over with her child, a cute little girl who looks to be about six. At first she starts speaking to me in French, but then switches to English when it's clear I don't understand her. She compliments my tail, her daughter babbling that she's never seen a real life mermaid before. (EM=entitled mom, LG=little girl, ME=guess who)
EM: So where do you rent those things?
Me: Oh, no, this is mine actually! I brought it from home.
EM: What? You're kidding haha! They must have somewhere to rent them. Is it near where you get on the boat trips?
Me, trying to laugh off the awkwardness: No, I really brought it from home, sorry!
EM seems surprised by this, but then reaches into her fanny pack and pulls out a few pesos.
EM: Well, we'll just rent it from you! Here, go get yourself a drink and we'll give it back when we're done!
Me, flabbergasted: Uh, I'm sorry ma'am, I don't rent it out. I just have it for my own use.
EM, starting to get frustrated and thrusting the pesos at me: No, no, it's fine. My daughter wants to be a mermaid too.
Now a little something about monofins/mermaid tails: they can be extremely dangerous if you aren't careful. They're big and awkward and your legs are stuck together so you have less control while swimming. I myself had practice with another fin for a long time before this one, in a pool where things are more controlled and I never used it without another person around just in case something happens and I need rescuing. The only reason I was alone at this point was because I was sitting in shallow water and my brother would be back within a few minutes. Another thing, they are EXPENSIVE. After price, shipping and exchange I paid well over $300CAD for mine and that's CHEAP. (Side note, pretty sure she was trying to pay me like 5CUC which converts to something like $4, but w/e)
I try to explain this to EM, along with the fact that my tail is adult sized, both in the fabric skin and in the feet pockets, and that this makes it even more dangerous for her much smaller child, but she is having none of it. When I finally give her a final, firm NO, all hell breaks loose.
EM: Just let her use it for five minutes! I'll pay you!
She proceeds to grab the end of my fin and pulls. It wasn't very hard, but I fall back into the water, flailing ironically like a fish out of water, getting salt water up my nose and in my mouth. EM drops my fin, embarassed.
LG, screaming in terror: Mommy stop! You're killing the mermaid! (Or at least this is what my limited understanding of French leads me to believe she said)
Me, coughing up salt water: What the hell is your problem lady?!
EM, knowing she's made a fool of herself: Well... If you had just let her use the stupid thing this wouldn't have happened!
All of the commotion alerts a man who I believe is her husband who comes rushing over, apologizing rapidly in French. He scoops up their daughter and nearly drags his wife away while she sputters in embarrassment.
My brother returns, asking what happened as he had seen the man hauling ass to get his family away from me.
I'm left dripping and shocked. The least they could have done was pay for my next mojito.
TL;DR entitled mom can't take no for an answer, nearly drowns me trying to rent my mermaid tail so her daughter can play too.
submitted by nicolaiiiii to entitledparents [link] [comments]

2019.02.06 02:55 LifeguardMermaid99 Compilation of E.P at the pool, brought to you by a Lifeguard

Okay, so since my last post about entitled parents got so many comments asking me to share more, I decided that I'll make a quick little compilation of about 3 occasions. They all happened pretty quickly, but they were also over with even quicker because what they wanted directly conflicted with the pool-rules, and you cannot. argue.with.the.rule-board.
Okay, so Story 1 happened at a pool that did not allow donut-floaties of any sort. Only life-jackets, and those new-arm-vest-float-things. And just because we had so many complaints about it, (as it was a new rule established by the new property manager) we asked for clarification on it.
We were told by the property manager herself that they were not allowed, no acceptations. And those small ones used for babies? Nope, not allowed.
Okay. Got it. Don't understand the reason for it, but okay.
So in comes this lady with her baby and an uninflated baby-donut.
Here's how that goes:
Me: Hello! How are we doing today? (That's the normal greeting I usually give, so please excuse the repetitiveness of it in future posts)
E.P: *shortly* Fine.
Okay, she's already not in a good mood. Well... this is going to be a fun experience.
Me: Cool, cool. Okay, well, I just thought I'd let you know about the new rules about the donut-floaties. Property management has decided that they no longer would like them in the pool-
E.P: I'm sure they only meant that for adults. It's for a baby.
She gives me the *are-you-blind-and-stupid* look, and points to her child.
Me: Oh, I'm sorry, but it's for everyone.
E.P: Well that wasn't the rule last year! And he's a baby What's he gonna do? Swim?
Me: (*internally* that's what I literally just said... it's new... shmrr? Also, were just planning on letting him float away on a floatie anyways? He should be next to you at all times in the first place.) It was implemented at the beginning of this season, I'm really sorry about that! If it helps any, you aren't the only one with complaints against it. I know me and the other guard think that the rule is kinda dumb-
E.P: *being snippy again* Okay I'm talking to the property manager about this then. How about that?!
Me: Yeah, sure, not a problem! Their office is just down that sidewalk, first door to your left, and up the stairs, and the door at the top-
E.P: *angrily* I know where it is! Have a nice day!
Me: Ma'am, I'm really sorry-
E.P: *now putting her hand in my face* Yeah, whatever, goodbye.
I take that as my que to walk away, and I won't lie, I made a face at her when I had my back turned to her.
I walk away up to the stand where the other guard is watching.
When you work together with a co-worker that you like, and for so long, you kind of create a telepathic connection. This is what ours sounded like just based solely on expressions.
Me: You would not believe the attitude.
Guard 2: Girl, I believe it. She looks like she wants to talk to a manager with that hair cut.
Me: She's going to.
Guard 2: Let her. It's the rules. Bet she won't even go.
Me: Lmaooo
The lady and her child ended up having a great time anyways, and she never went to the management. I mean, if you're going to threaten it, at least follow through.

Story 2:
Okay, so different pool, but same basic EP story.
Just to keep in mind, this pool is a bit fancier than my other ones. It's bigger, has a great view of a river, we actually have a break room, and you can't get in unless you have the code to the gate, or a pass that you swipe that unlocks the gate.
So it was the 5th of July, I remember that because the reason we had to keep the pool closed was because some ash for the fireworks blew into the pool. Well, amongst other things.
Here are the reasons we had to stay closed, just for you all to keep in mind:
-Ash in the pool
-Chemical imbalance
-Nearly a foot of water had evaporated
The pool was closed on Independence Day, and on the East Coast in the summer, you can lose a lot of water in a pool, even after just a day of not filling it up.
So we normally open at 10 am, but due to all of this, we wouldn't be open until at least 1-2 p.m, which isn't bad considering we close at 8.
At about 12, a lady comes up with her two grandkids behind the gate.
Now I've seen this lady (entitled grand parent: E.G.P) here before.
She comes in at the beginning of the day, never has her pass (but she shows her I.D so we know that she has an apartment there), falls asleep on one of the chairs with a book over her face, and doesn't leave till closing, but then takes FOREVER to actually leave. Like, at least 30 minutes.
I've seen the grandkids around too, but with their dad who lives around the area. They're good kids, but they both have a bit of a bratty streak.
Anyways, back to the story.
So she comes up to the gate, and begins shaking it to let me know she's there.
I'm already leaning on it. She could have just said 'hey, I'm here'.
So here's how this rolls over:
Me: Hey guys! How's it going!
E.G.P: Well, we want to swim.
Me: *smiling nervously* Yeah, about that, so, the pool is going to be closed for a while right now. There's a lot of water that evaporated over the past day, and there's a bit of an issue with the chlorine.
E.G.P: Well how long?!
Me: Well, we plan on re-opening at around 1-2, but we can't really be sure. Chemicals are a bit weird when the water isn't all there. (that's the basic explanation, but I was not about to spend 10 minutes explaining how the Chlorine and Ph levels work)
E.G.P: We aren't even allowed on the deck?!
Me: No, I'm really sorry. We've been instructed to not let anyone in because it could be hazardous to walk around.
E.G.P: Well this is outrageous! We want to swim! I took my entire week off on break just so I could swim in this pool! Where is *property managers name... let's say Anne*?!
Me: She's not in today. But I can give you her number?
E.G.P: I pay good money to live here, and the pool is closed?! Do you know how hard it is to get ready to spend the day at the pool?!
I look down at my suit, just to make sure I'm wearing the right one.
Yep, look at that. The universal 'lifeguard cross' is right there.
Just as it is on my hat.
And my shorts.
And my bag.
And my badge.
Me: I mean, I do work here... I do it every day...
E.G.P: But you don't have KIDS!
Me: *internally* no, but you bring yours here everyday, for me to watch cause you think that I'm your free fucking babysitter, so you don't have to pay attention to your own kids.
Me: *externally* Well, you're more than welcome to come back in an hour or two to see what the progress is? It should improve by then-
E.G.P: Why can't we sit on the DECK?!
Me: Well, there's still some ash from the fireworks laying about-
E.G.P: Why haven't you picked it up yet!? I swear, you're always sitting down when I come over here!
Me: Ma'am, my job is to watch people from a bird's-eye-view-
E.G.P: That's it, I'm calling ANNE!
Me: Okay, yeah. Sure, do you want me to give you her number-
E.G.P: What's your name?!
Oh here we go. That's the phrase we've all been waiting for. There it is.
Well, long story short, she called the Property manager's office phone and didn't realize it until 3 days later. She also came back 4 hours later, and was mad that we were going to close at the normal time, because:
"You two were just sitting on your asses for the first part of the day! You should stay open later to make up for the inconvenience!"
We didn't. Because that's bullshit. And dumb. And I don't get paid enough to deal with her for longer than 9 1/2 hours.
She ended up coming back everyday after that, without her grandkids, and as always, she never set foot in the pool, and always complained about how all we ever did was sit down all day, even though it's LITERALLY my job.

Story 3
So this is at the same pool as above, but with a different parent. Same kids, but this time it was with the mom.
This little girl (around 9-10 years old), as sweet as she was, had a bit of a bratty streak, and I learned who she got it from that day.
That day, she came in with one of those cheap little spandex mermaid tails, with no monofin.
(for those of you who don't know what that is, it's basically flippers, molded into one fin that you put both of your feet in. And in mermaid tails, they are REQUIRED because without it, it is just fabric binding your legs together, impairing your ability to swim, and thus resulting in a drowning incident.)
So she, her mom, and her brother all walk in and her mom starts to sign them all in on the sheet.
I saw her carrying it over her shoulder, and decided to just ask her if she had one, to which she said no. Now me, thinking that she probably doesn't know what a monofin is, I turn to ask her mom instead.
Me to the E.P: Does she not have a monofin for that, or does she just not know the name of it?
E.P: What's a monofin?
Okay, so she doesn't have one.
Normally if you have a monofin, you know what the name of it is. Or at least call it 'flippers' or something.
Me: Oh, the thing that goes inside of the tail so she can actually swim in it.
E.P: NO, she has nothing like that.
Me: Ahh, that sucks! *now speaking to the girl* Sorry sweetie, but you can't swim in that unless you have the flippers. It just won't be safe.
E.P: Well why not?
Me: Well, without it, it's just a piece of spandex wrapped around her legs, and if she goes into the deep end and runs out of breath, or energy, she won't be able to bring herself back to the edge.
E.P: Well she's done it before! She's been fine!
Me: I mean, accidents can happen at any time, especially in the water.
E.P: Okay, yeah, OR, you just don't want her to have fun.
*insert deep sigh here*
Here we go.
Me: Ma'am?
E.K: Yeah! You're just jealous that you don't have one!
E.P: I've seen you watching these kids! You're just nasty to them all the time because they're having a great time, and you're stuck on the land!
Me: No, Ma'am, I'm sorry if I come off that way, but that's not what it is at all! I just don't want any accidents to happen! I take my job very seriously!
E.P: Why can't you just be like the other guard? He lets her do it!
(Okay sidenote: Please never be that person that says this. the whole 'But the other guard lets me do -----' because it never works. We aren't the 'other guard' and saying stuff like that won't make us suddenly compliant with whatever you want to do. And I have a story for THAT on another day. You would not believe how many times I get THAT one. There should be a subreddit for it, cause I know Lifeguards who have had that said to them on more than one occasion, but I digress.)
Me: *knowing full well that the other guard does not let her do that* Well he's really not supposed to, and I'll have a talk with him about it, but for now, I can't let her swim in that thing without the flippers.
E.P: *Now glaring at me through her glasses with lips pursed angrily*
Me: Look, once she gets the monofin that goes inside of it, I'll be more than happy to watch her swim around the pool in it, but for now, I'm gonna have to tell her not to.
E.K: Mom's gonna call Miss.Anne then! (the property manager. switched the names, see story 2)
Me: Yeah, that's fine! And I'll be happy to explain the risks and dangers that come with having your legs tied together while being underwater.
Look, this little girl may be a bit of a brat, and the mom might be the 'I'd-like-to-see-a-manager' type, but they don't scare me. What does scare me, is the thought of a kid drowning while on my watch, because of something that I could have prevented.
I'd much rather face the wrath of a property manager, or a pool manager than have this little girl drown because she didn't have the right equipment to swim around in this tail.
I would rather get fired, than have someone die on my watch.
So yeah, I'm not letting this little girl put on a mermaid tail without a monofin, and jump into my pool, and risk having her drown. No ma'am.
(okay, I'll get off of my preachy-high-horse now lol)
submitted by LifeguardMermaid99 to entitledparents [link] [comments]

2016.04.21 22:40 ejchristian86 Swimming Questions

I've heard that swimming is great exercise for pregnant women, and it's something I've always enjoyed. I used to swim a few times a week but have let that lapse for a while now. I had been planning to use this summer to work on my mermaid swim routine, though now that I'm pregnant I won't be able to fit in my tail :( So instead I just want to work on overall strength and endurance and get back into the habit of swimming 2 or 3 times a week.
I'm probably going to buy a cheap(er) monofin to practice in, buuuuut there is no chance in hell I'll fit into my pre-pregnancy swimsuit. The boob area was already nigh-indecent before and now that I've gone up 2 cup sizes (at least), it just wouldn't be very family-friendly to wear to a public pool.
So question 1: Where can I find a decent, cheap, one-piece maternity swimsuit? I've found a few online but this is the kind of thing I'd really rather try on in person to make sure the girls won't bust out.
Question 2: How safe is prolonged underwater swimming while pregnant?
Monofin/mermaid/dolphin swimming is IMHO the most fun and easy when you're totally underwater. I'm not talking great depths here, since my lung capacity isn't that great yet (and I'm not planning on doing breath hold or free dive training while pregnant). More time-wise. I usually try to swim midway between the surface of the pool and the bottom, then come up and breach to catch my breath, then dive back down. I take a short break after each lap, since my endurance still needs work. I can't really hold my breath for very long before I need to surface, but I'm worried that my dive/breach/dive routine might ... I dunno ... suffocate Miss Fergus?
Question 3: What about chlorine?
There's one pool in my area that's saltwater, but that one is always super busy. If I swam for say 30-40 minutes 3x a week in a public pool (they always have higher chlorine dosage than private pools), does that pose any risk to the baby?
submitted by ejchristian86 to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2014.07.26 18:02 saucedog Anybody know anyone with a monofin?

This is a monofin. They're unreasonably expensive (the cheap ones have particularly bad reviews) and apparently zero physical stores sell them in Houston so it's impossible to test the fit / sizing before buying. I really want to use one regularly at the pool in my gym through the week. So if anyone knows somebody who has one around here (I'm Galleria-ish) who would let me check sizing or even use it regularly or buy it off of them for less than a fortune, I'd really appreciate it.
It's obviously a long shot, but I thought I'd ask. I've researched making my own to an extensive degree, but it's even more expensive. Alright. Thanks for reading and have a good weekend.
Edit -- Adult men's size 9.5 foot but I have no idea how that translates to monofin size
submitted by saucedog to houston [link] [comments]

2013.08.05 19:13 KazOondo Swimmers of Reddit, I'm on a mission: to know as much any human being can what it's like to be a cetacean. Help me!

It was always my childhood dream to be able to shapeshift into an orca, dolphin or some such. Now that I'm in my mid twenties I've begun to doubt whether this is actually possible. But I've been needing exercise lately so about a month ago I decided I'd see just what I could do and picked up a monofin, something I've wanted to try for years but never got around to. I haven't regretted it at all. I never used to actually swim all that much, but now I go to the pool almost every day.
I believe I've got the motions down well enough, though I still have trouble maneuvering underwater since it tends to get up my nose. I've seen people use plugs or clamps of some sort, so my next step will be to pick up one of those. I also just today bought a cheap snorkel. I've yet to try it but I'm hoping it will let me resurface without having to keep my head up to breath, which will be both super convenient and possibly a bit more realistic.
What else should I consider? I haven't come across any other equipment that looked that helpful besides maybe handfins. Scuba gear doesn't seem like what I'm after, and I'm not certified. A wetsuit will someday be essential, but seeing as all I've got right now is a small apartment pool to fool around it doesn't seem worth the cost and hassle right now. So what would you do? What techniques or routines would you suggest? What gear, even if only something fun to be part of the costume? Would it be worth it to rig up a mock dorsal fin, and how might I go about doing that?
Thank you all so much in advance.
submitted by KazOondo to Swimming [link] [comments]