Thong hunter

Combat and Charavter Design, WuWa Vs Genshin

2024.06.01 07:10 MordethKai Combat and Charavter Design, WuWa Vs Genshin

While it is too early to have a conclusive discussion on this since it will take time to fully explore WuWa's systems, I do feel there is still plenty to dive into. For me, to a surface level comparison between WuWa and Genshin is like comparing Monster Hunter to Nier. Monster Hunter is slow and deliberate revolving around moment to moment decision making while Nier is faster, more stylish, and revolves around split second timing and reflexes. WuWa is flashier and faster than Genshin, and the combat is more complex making the action more exciting while Genshin has more depth and strategy than WuWa.
In Genshin there are five 4* characters that everyone builds, not because of their own numbers, but because of how they enable elemental reactions, but I don't see a similar case for WuWa 4's being used over 5's. Genshins elemental reaction system adds so much depth and flavor to both the combat and the characters, I don't see anything in WuWa that competes with it, they just expanded the core fundamentals like basic attacks and evasion, which is good but it's no substitute. I hope they don't resort to cheap gimmicks but WuWa needs a little something to spice things up.
WuWa having 3 instead of 4 characters puts more pressure on the performance of individual characters, which I believe will result in a greater demand for high numbers than Genshin. In Genshin some of the best teams are nothing but 4* supports that do nothing but proc elemental reactions at a high frequency. For WuWa, while you can pass things like buffs and shields to other characters I'm not seeing any more depth to team building beyond that. In WuWa I feel like the gameplay doesn't change much from character to character in a similar manner to FF XIV, for those familiar with that game, where despite having different rotations and gimmicks it still feels the same switching from one class to the next, or in WuWa's case, one character to the next. I can't quite put my finger on the root of this samyness, but I feel like WuWa's longevity will be tied to solving it.
I know this seems like I'm ripping on WuWa, but I honestly believe most of the differences in combat will come down to personal preference. WuWa is more exciting to play because of it's fast pace, but Genshin has more strategic depth because of elemental reactions, they are fundamentally different experiences despite the similarities and satisfy different itches. For myself, even though I think Nier is the best game ever made I still prefer Monster Hunters combat, and while I prefer the depth and strategy of Genshin, WuWa is enjoyable.
With that said, one thing that makes me think WuWa is inferior; the excessive handholding. This is a constant problem with the entire experience with WuWa, but with combat specifically I'm referring to things like attacks aiming automatically and causing damage to targets that aren't even physically hit by the attacks. Right now I play Jianxin who seems to aoe with most attacks, which isn't the experience I want with martial arts characters, (I want to punch things in the face) but I also see this when playing other characters like Jiyan. While auto-targeting is a problem in Genshin, as anyone who mains Yoimia will tell you, I don't constantly struggle to get melee characters to focus the correct target like I do with WuWa. WuWa almost feels like the game plays itself sometimes, and that is the one thing that, for me, makes it an inferior experience. Everything else is preference.
Character designs:
Unfortunately WuWa has bad voice acting for the main characters. Oddly enough, there are plenty side characters that do have decent voice acting, but the playable characters sound like their lines are being read off a page, and they probably are. This really hurts how characters feel. I'm also not feeling WuWa's story as it seems like wannabe edgy chuni crap and I eventually just started skipping everything (but at least it didn't 'current year' me, so better than modern AAA), which is pretty important for selling the characters. For example, in Genshin I thought Klee was a bland boring design until I encountered her in the story, then she became a must pull. Then I saw Chiori actually wore pantsu using the hose workaround so I pulled, then hated her because of her snooty personality. How characters play out in the story is half the recipe for a character design, the other half split between appearance and kit depending on which you care more about, but their personality and place in the story is king. So far it seems like WuWa is trying to hard in all the wrong ways and falling flat.
As for the character designs and outfits I feel like there's a lot of bias towards the male characters in both games, but this is probably the result of standardized censorship. For those who don't know, bikini outlines are not allowed in China which results in modesty shorts. In Genshin, Ayaka was originally designed with proper underwear and very briefly flashed them on certain animations, but this was replaced with bloomer modesty shorts. While less cultured people might think this only matters to pervs wanting to see underpants it actually limits what outfits a character can wear quite a bit. For example, modesty shorts would absolutely ruin a cheongsam because even though you would never see the underwear you will see shorts and they would be an eyesore. It's a bit like what would happen if cleavage was similarly banned, no more bar maids, no v-necks, no halter tops, half of all fancy ball gowns would get cut and so on Male characters, on the other hand, could walk around in nothing but a thong and no one would care and no censorship would be required, which allows better male designs. Even though none of the men walk around completely bare chested in WuWa, the creative freedom to do almost anything results in more appealing designs. This is why Nikke beats them both by a huge margin even if you only consider the modest designs like Noise, Dorothy, Diesel, Sugar, D.Killer Wife, and I could go on. With that said, WuWa doesn't have the same issue Genshin has with large busts which leads me to believe Sony is likely the cause of Rosaria's nerf etc.. As a man of culture who hates censorship on principle, neither Genshin nor WuWa will ever get any money from me. Nikke, on the other hand, gets all my play money (despite having the scummiest monetization of the three by a landslide) cuz I vote with my wallet, and I'm a single issue voter.
On the whole Genshins designs are better overall because of characterization, but I like where WuWa is going. At the very least it seems like WuWa wants to satisfy the waifu market while Genshin seems to have mostly given up trying. Husbando lovers are eating well with either game.
submitted by MordethKai to WutheringWaves [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:23 MysteriousPassage523 Any "Panty Hunters" out there?

Hey, I'm new here. I was wondering if I am the only one that actively hunts for used panties "in the wild". I mean, I don't know other places, but in my city I usually walk to work and find 2-3 used thongs/bras, monthly, just lying on the streets wating to be picked up quickly. In fact in the last 3 days I found 2 thongs (Which I picked up) and a panty (Which I didn't but I plan to). I have some "regular" spots where people trash all kinds of clothes and I usually find some stuff around those places (But I keep an eye out everywhere just in case)
My theory is that people just discard those in the garbage cans. They are smelly, attracting the attention of street dogs. They sniff them, then break the garbage bags (many street dogs here and most people just do not have or do not use garbage storages), they grab them and walk away, like 100 or 150 meters, probably believing it's something they could eat. When they find out it's not they just leave it there. Usually when I spot one there's a very big chance I will walk by a ruptured garbage bag later (or before)
I always wash them, disinfect and keep them collected to have fun with them.
Some Bras can double as a garter Belt. I never found a garter belt but I'd love too. That and some pantyhose would be like the holy grail of a panty hunter.
So, anyone? Any questions?
submitted by MysteriousPassage523 to pantyjerking [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 14:08 JoshAsdvgi Flying Wonder

Flying Wonder
A certain man and his wife had a beautiful daughter and three sons who were excellent hunters.
The girl was so beautiful that she attracted many suitors all of whom, however, her father dismissed because they could not surpass his sons in hunting.
One day while his sons were out hunting a stranger entered the camp and said to the father, “I should like to remain with you and work for your daughter’s hand.”
“What is your name?”
“Flying Wonder”.
“Well, you may stay,” said the father; “but you cannot marry her unless you excel my sons in the chase”.
Flying Wonder lived with them for several months; hunting with the three youths and killing even more game than they did.
Having proved his skill, he asked the eldest son for permission to marry his sister.
The youth consulted his parents, and the entire family sat in council over the matter.
“He calls himself Flying Wonder,” said one, “but we neither know who he really is nor where he comes from”.
“That does not matter,” replied another.
“He has shown himself an excellent hunter.”
They decided to let him marry their sister.
Without delay he set up a tent under a large pine tree close by and the girl moved into it.
They were no sooner married, however, than Flying Wonder seemed to change.
He treated his wife so cruelly that at last her brothers became indignant and said to their father, “We shall have to get rid of him.
The next time he abuses her let us kill him.”
The very next evening they heard their sister sobbing and the voice of her husband mocking her.
Inflamed with anger, they rushed over and hewed him to pieces.
Then they scattered his body in every direction, abandoned the camp, and erected a new one several miles away.
Being now short of food, the three brothers went hunting again and sighted a large herd of caribou.
They approached them cautiously and were almost within bow shot when suddenly a raven flew over their heads and croaked.
The caribou then looked up in alarm and fled.
The same thing happened the next day and the day following.
At last they understood its meaning.
The spirit of their dead brother-in-law had become a raven and was avenging itself on them. They tried several times to shoot the bird, but it always flew beyond the range of their arrows.
Soon the family was starving.
The youngest son proposed a device, saying, “Lay out my body as if I were dead, and abandon the camp.
The raven will think one of us has already died of starvation, and it will fly down to devour me.”
The others agreed.
They covered the youth with brushwood that concealed all but his face, abandoned the camp, and set up a new one some distance away.
The raven appeared again, flew over their heads, crying ‘kak kak’ and sighted the pile of brush.
It circled above it, swooped down, settled on the ground a few yards away, and inspected the supposed corpse.
The youth made no movement.
Still suspicious, the raven hopped around him just beyond his reach.
When even then the youth did not move, it drew closer and tried to peck out his eyes.
He caught it in his hands, hacked it to pieces, and, kindling a large fire, carefully burned every fragment.
He even collected the bones after the fire died down and pounded them into dust.
Then, satisfied that he could do no more, he followed his kinsmen’s tracks to their new camp and told them what had happened.
As they sat round their fire that evening, a man entered the camp — Flying Wonder himself. He said to them, “You cannot kill me, for you do not know where I conceal my heart.
But I repent now of my misdeeds and promise that I will conduct myself better hereafter.
So let me remarry your sister.
If I ill-treat her again, I will tell you where my heart lies and you can kill me.”
The family had no choice, for they were starving and could kill no game as long as he was hostile.
Flying Wonder kept his word and treated his wife kindly.
He joined his brothers-in-law again in their hunting and filled their camp with meat.
One day they sighted a large herd of caribou, and twisting some roots the three brothers constructed a long fence from which they suspended snares of rawhide thongs at regular intervals.
Flying Wonder then suggested that they fasten an extra snare to his body and hide him in the bush.
They agreed, fixed his snare, and left him in concealment near the fence while they rounded up the herd.
Every snare caught a caribou, but the snare fastened to Flying Wonder caught the biggest animal in the herd. Unable to hold it, he shouted to his companions as it dragged him away, “Have I no relatives to come to my rescue?”
But the three brothers were so busy slaughtering the other trapped caribou that they did not hear him; and when they looked for him afterwards, the thong had already cut him in two.
“Fit me together, and I shall be whole again,” cried his head.
But the eldest youth said to his brothers, “No, let him remain as he is.
He brought this fate on himself.”
They left him there and skinned their caribou, still pondering what they should do.
Finally the eldest youth suggested that they should dig a deep pit and bury the head, leaving the rest of the body where it lay.
So they buried the head and returned with their hides and part of the meat to their camp.
The next day, with fear in their hearts, they carried all the meat to their camp and hung it up to dry.
Flying Wonder did not come near them.
Only after all their meat was dry and stored away in a cache did they hear the raven call again, and this time his call came from high up in the sky.
The brothers gazed up at the bird contentedly and said to one another, “Let us not trouble ourselves about him anymore.
He can no longer harm us.”
And they added, “It is never wise for a man to allow his daughter to marry a stranger.”
submitted by JoshAsdvgi to Native_Stories [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 20:58 Lupac427 Another Dogs in a Pile Opinion

Genuine question: What am I missing? Saw them this past weekend. Sure, the musicianship and jams were solid. But IMHO, this sub has wildly over hyped them.
And the lyrics and songwriting. I mean it sounds like they’re writing songs for Nickelodeon. One hook was, “Craig! Craig! Craig! Craig has a head” or something like that. I get they’re young and they don’t have to be Robert Hunter but give me something more lol. I enjoyed them but they have a long way to go obviously.
Side rant: Don’t get me started on Andy Frasco and the UN (headliner). Basically a sloppy drunk overpaid wedding band with mega frat boy energy. Came out and immediately admitted he was trashed. Come on, man. At the end of the day you’re a professional and I spent my hard earned money to see you perform not good off for two hours. Just very messy, crowded, and loud.
It may have been fun if I was shit faced but I don’t want to have to be plastered to enjoy a show. After they covered “This is How We Do It” and “Get Low” by Lil Jon and the Eastside Boys (and not in a cool way — it was a bunch of their friends in thongs acting like male strippers and sloppily singing), I was hard out. Call me a grouch idc, but I want music not nonsensical theatrics. It’s not cool to me if you crowd surf to the bar to take a shot, it’s cool if you play a piece of music that moves me or gives me chills. I’ve seen ppl claim “so high energy!!” but after seeing them, I’m not buying it anymore. Ppl will swoop in and call me a hater. Not really though, just a brutally honest assessment.
submitted by Lupac427 to jambands [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 04:10 DarkTower7899 DarkTower7899's List of games that will run on the GTX950, GTX1050, rx560, or faster. Over 3000 games!

Dark Age of Camelot

Heli Heroes

America's Army

Live for Speed

Medieval: Total War

Paradise Cracked

Konami Collector's Series: Castlevania & Contra


One Must Fall: Battlegrounds

Premier Manager 2002/2003 Season

Line of Sight: Vietnam


Enter the Matrix

Pure Pinball

Colin McRae Rally 3

MotoGP 2

Midnight Club II

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004: A Century of Flight

Republic: The Revolution

AquaNox 2: Revelation


No Man's Land

Homeworld 2

Conflict: Desert Storm II

Gun Metal

Halo: Combat Evolved

Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne

MTV Celebrity Deathmatch

Bionicle: The Game

Battle Engine Aquila

Dead to Rights

Need for Speed: Underground

Gladiator: Sword of Vengeance

Hot Wheels World Race

Premier Manager 2003-04

Armed and Dangerous

Beyond Good & Evil

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

Legacy of Kain: Defiance

Airborne Troops: Countdown to D-Day

Crazy Taxi 3: High Roller

Kill Switch

Bad Boys: Miami Takedown

Battlefield Vietnam


Colin McRae Rally 04


Crusader Kings


CSI: Miami

Beyond Divinity


Pac-Man World 2


Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy

Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising

Codename: Panzers - Phase One

Asterix & Obelix XXL

Ground Control II: Operation Exodus


Kreed: Battle for Savitar

Puyo Puyo Fever

Chaos League


John Deere: American Farmer

Army Men: Sarge's War


Chessmaster 10th Edition

Medieval Lords: Build, Defend, Expand

18 Wheels of Steel: Pedal to the Metal

Conflict: Vietnam

Chris Sawyer's Locomotion

Full Spectrum Warrior

Kohan II: Kings of War

Colin McRae Rally 2005

Evil Genius

Myst IV: Revelation

Aladdin Chess Adventures

Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude

Counter-Strike: Source

Club Football 2005

LMA Professional Manager 2005

Ford Racing 3

Men of Valor

Axis & Allies (2004)

Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault


Nexus: The Jupiter Incident

Children of the Nile

Need for Speed: Underground 2

Project Freedom

Pool Shark 2

Hot Wheels: Stunt Track Challenge

MTX: Mototrax

Half-Life 2

Half-Life: Source

Fire Department 2


PC Fútbol 2005

Armies of Exigo


Prince of Persia: Warrior Within

Bad Mojo Redux

Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone

Battlestrike: The Road to Berlin

Garry's Mod

Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure

Bratz: Rock Angelz

Garfield's It's All About Thinking Skills

John Deere: North American Farmer

Living World Racing

Playboy: The Mansion

Country Justice: Revenge of the Rednecks


Project Snowblind

MVP Baseball 2005


GTR - FIA GT Racing Game

Act of War: Direct Action

Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30


Freedom Force vs. The 3rd Reich

Close Quarters Conflict

CT Special Forces: Fire for Effect

Elite Warriors: Vietnam


Cold Fear

Dynasty Warriors 4: Hyper

Lego Star Wars: The Video Game


Guild Wars

Dungeon Lords

Maniac Mansion Mania

7 Sins


Imperial Glory

Delta Force: Xtreme

Boiling Point: Road to Hell

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Cross Racing Championship 2005

Earth 2160

Area 51 (2005)



Battlefield 2

Lula 3D

Fantastic 4

Midnight Outlaw: 6 Hours to SunUp

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)

Brian Lara International Cricket 2005

Codename: Panzers - Phase Two


Battle of Europe

Dead to Rights II

Dungeon Siege II

Night Watch

Neuro Hunter

JetFighter 2015

Conflict: Global Terror

Evil Dead: Regeneration


Fable: The Lost Chapters

Myst V: End of Ages

Dungeons & Dragons: Dragonshard

Bet on Soldier: Blood Sport

Day of Defeat: Source

Asterix & Obelix XXL 2

Ed, Edd n Eddy: The Mis-Edventures

Garfield: Saving Arlene

Blitzkrieg 2

Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood

Battlestrike: The Siege

Black & White 2

Rag Doll Kung Fu

GT Legends

Age of Empires III


Adrenalin: Extreme Show

Call of Duty 2

Namco Museum 50th

Chaos League: Sudden Death


Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire


Law & Order: Criminal Intent

Need for Speed: Most Wanted

Peter Jackson's King Kong

Peter Jackson's King Kong Gamer's Edition

Operation: Matriarchy

Combat Wings

Knights of the Temple II

Gene Troopers

Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones

Hard Truck Apocalypse

Onimusha 3

Pac-Man World 3

Hammer & Sickle

Liquidator 2: Welcome to Hell


DMZ: North Korea


John Deere: American Builder Deluxe

John Deere: American Farmer Deluxe

Kabus 22

Rat Hunter

MX vs. ATV Unleashed

25 to Life

Curious George

L.A. Rush

Bode Miller Alpine Skiing

Classic British Motor Racing


Midway Arcade Treasures Deluxe Edition

Galactic Civilizations II: Dread Lords


Dungeons & Dragons Online

PSI: Syberian Conflict


Ice Age 2: The Meltdown

Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45

Commandos: Strike Force

Act of War: High Treason

Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth

Blazing Angels

Fire Department 3

Condemned: Criminal Origins


Desperados 2

Over the Hedge

Evolution GT

Heroes of Might and Magic V

Darkstar One

Hitman: Blood Money

Half-Life 2: Episode One


NFL Head Coach

Micro Machines V4

OutRun 2006

Devil May Cry 3

FlatOut 2

Outlaw Chopper

CivCity: Rome

Pac-Man World Rally

GTI Racing

Reservoir Dogs

Call of Juarez

Faces of War

Cabela's Big Game Hunter: Alaskan Adventure

Caesar IV

Age of Pirates: Caribbean Tales

Company of Heroes

Broken Sword 4: The Angel of Death

Neon Genesis Evangelion: Girlfriend of Steel Special Edition


Combat Wings: Battle of Britain

Ford Street Racing

Jaws Unleashed

LMA Manager 2007

El Matador

Mage Knight: Apocalypse

GTR 2 - FIA GT Racing Game

Barrow Hill: Curse of the Ancient Circle

Heroes of Annihilated Empires

Death to Spies

Battlefield 2142

Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties

Microsoft Flight Simulator X

Dark Messiah of Might and Magic

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance

Ankh: Heart of Osiris

Anno 1701

Neverwinter Nights 2

Dynasty Warriors Online Z

Paris Chase

Alarm for Cobra 11

Planet Alcatraz

Deal or No Deal

Made Man

Left Behind: Eternal Forces

D.I.R.T.: Origin of the Species

Arma: Armed Assault

Medieval II: Total War

Bionicle Heroes


Happy Feet

Bass Pro Shops: Trophy Hunter

RACE - The WTCC Game

Harley-Davidson: Race to the Rally

L.A. Street Racing

Rayman Raving Rabbids

Alpha Prime

3D Instructor

Cinema Empire

Limbo of the Lost

Petz Horsez 2

Mr. Robot

Arthur and the Invisibles

Europa Universalis III

Ascension to the Throne

Battlestations: Midway

Chess Titans

Purble Place

Little Britain: The Video Game

Maelstrom: The Battle for Earth Begins

Redneck Kentucky and the Next Generation Chickens

Myst Online: Uru Live

Marine Sharpshooter 3


Jade Empire: Special Edition

Resident Evil 4

Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved

Bus Driver

Brian Lara International Cricket 2007

Left Behind: Tribulation Forces

Alvin and the Chipmunks

Ancient Wars: Sparta

Cellfactor: Revolution

Day Watch

Halo 2

Adrenalin 2: Rush Hour

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End


Bet on Soldier: Black-out Saigon

Hospital Tycoon

Colin McRae: DiRT

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Driver: Parallel Lines

Lost Planet: Extreme Condition



Dead Reefs

Nitro Stunt Racing

A Tale of Two Kingdoms

Mountain of Faith

Need for Speed: Carbon


7.62 High Calibre

Exodus from the Earth

Knytt Stories

Fantasy Wars

Blackwell Unbound

Medal of Honor: Airborne

ObsCure II

BMW M3 Challenge

Fortress Forever


Ducati World Championship

Everlight: Of Magic & Power

Diabolik: The Original Sin


Half-Life 2: Episode Two

RACE 07 - Official WTCC Game

Rail Simulator

Hard to Be a God

Chessmaster: Grandmaster Edition

Hired Guns: The Jagged Edge

Bee Movie Game

Clive Barker's Jericho

Nostradamus: The Last Prophecy

Escape from Paradise City

Cars Mater-National Championship


Painkiller (all)

Hellgate: London

Empire Earth III

F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate

Gears of War

Dusk 12

BlackSite: Area 51


Crysis 1, 2, 3

Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock

Kane & Lynch: Dead Men

Need for Speed: ProStreet

Petz Catz 2

A Farewell to Dragons

Hot Wheels: Beat That!

Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights

Ankh: Battle of the Gods

Deal or No Deal: Secret Vault Games

Flying Red Barrel: The Diary of a Little Aviator

Černaja Metka

Oval Office: Commander in Chief

FSR: French Street Racing

Conflict: Denied Ops

Kiss Before Midnight

John Deere: Drive Green


Hour of Victory

Harvest: Massive Encounter

Operation Thunderstorm

Ninja Reflex

Lexus ISF Track Time

Dracula 3: The Path of the Dragon

Assassin's Creed


Europa Universalis: Rome

Citroën C4 Robot

Dream Pinball 3D

King's Bounty: The Legend

Project Torque

Elements of Destruction

Iron Man

Dracula: Origin

Ascension to the Throne: Valkyrie

Lost Planet: Extreme Condition Colonies Edition

Mass Effect


Nikita: The Mystery of the Hidden Treasure

Race Driver: Grid

Kung Fu Panda

Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures

Rayman Raving Rabbids 2

Edna & Harvey: The Breakout


Petz Horsez 2 (2008)

Alone in the Dark (2008)

Happy Tree Friends: False Alarm

Nancy Drew: The Phantom of Venice

Beijing 2008

Devil May Cry 4

Dynasty Warriors 6

Marine Sharpshooter 4: Locked and Loaded

American McGee's Grimm

Drakensang: The Dark Eye

FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage

Euro Truck Simulator

Bionic Commando Rearmed

Premier Manager 09

Code of Honor 2: Conspiracy Island

Enemy Engaged 2: Desert Operations

Mercenaries 2: World in Flames

Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals

Mount & Blade

Crysis Warhead

Ford Racing: Off Road

Lego Batman: The Videogame


Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway

Guitar Hero: Aerosmith

Dead Space

Bully: Scholarship Edition

NHL 09


Fallout 3


Petz Horse Club

007: Quantum of Solace

High School Musical 3: Senior Year Dance


Petz Sports

Call of Duty: World at War

Evil Resistance

Left 4 Dead



Need for Speed: Undercover

Neopets: Puzzle Adventure

Chronicles of Mystery: The Scorpio Ritual

Crash Time 2

A Vampyre Story

Grand Ages: Rome

Grand Theft Auto 4 & 5

Prince of Persia



Cooking Academy 2: World Cuisine

Mirror's Edge

District Wars

Burnout Paradise

F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin

Art of Murder - Hunt for the Puppeteer

Art of Murder - Cards of Destiny

Puzzle Quest: Galactrix

Armed Forces Corp.




Empire: Total War

Codename: Panzers - Cold War

Men of War

Command & Conquer (all)

Hidden Target

Faerie Solitaire

Dark Sector

Monsters vs. Aliens

Ferrari Virtual Race

Elven Legacy

Hannah Montana: The Movie


King's Bounty: Armored Princess



Close Combat: The Longest Day

Mozart: The Conspirators of Prague

Death Track: Resurrection

Age of Pirates 2

Battlestations: Pacific

Killing Floor 1 & 2


Restaurant Empire II

AI War: Fleet Command


Delta Force: Xtreme 2

Light of Altair


Ghostbusters: The Video Game

America's Army 3

Arma 2

Anno 1404

Overlord II

Battlefield Heroes


Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Kodu Game Lab


Battlestrike: Shadow of Stalingrad


Divinity II: Developer's Cut

Guitar Hero: World Tour

Bionic Commando (2009)

East India Company

Ashes Cricket 2009

Death to Spies: Moment of Truth

Hearts of Iron III

100% Orange Juice!

Darkness Within: In Pursuit of Loath Nolder

Code of Honor 3: Desperate Measures

Nation Red

Champions Online: Free For All

AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity

Drawn: The Painted Tower

Dawn of Magic 2

Pirate Hunter

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

Batman: Arkham Asylum

Mini Ninjas

Need for Speed: Shift

Red Faction: Guerrilla

Madballs in Babo: Invasion

Majesty 2: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim

Resident Evil 5

Kitty Play

18 Wheels of Steel: Extreme Trucker

Black Mirror 2

Premier Manager 10

Pat & Mat


NBA 2K10

Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga


CSI: Deadly Intent


Barbie and the Three Musketeers

League of Legends

Painkiller: Resurrection

Ninja Blade

Men of War: Red Tide

Manhunt 2

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 1 & 2

GM Rally

Dark Fall 3: Lost Souls

Lego Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues


Left 4 Dead 2

King Arthur: The Role-Playing Wargame

Crash Time 3

Metal Slug Collection PC

Musou Orochi Z

James Cameron's Avatar: The Game

Colin McRae: DiRT 2

Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword

Chronicles of Mystery - The Tree of Life

Greed: Black Border

Disciples III: Renaissance

Armored Hunter Gunhound

MechWarrior: Living Legends

Lethal Crisis

Combat Zone: Special Forces

Phase Shift

Pixeline: Jungleskatten

German Truck Simulator

Dark Void

Bob Came in Pieces

Mass Effect 2

Cursed Mountain

BioShock 2

Aliens vs. Predator (2010)

NecroVisioN: Lost Company

Arsenal of Democracy: A Hearts of Iron Game

Napoleon: Total War

City Car Driving

Disco Tycoon

Disney Fairies: Tinker Bell's Adventure

Alice in Wonderland

Battlefield: Bad Company 2

Assassin's Creed II

Double Spoiler

Metro 2033

Mount & Blade: Warband

Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West

Dark Void Zero


Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City

Beat Hazard

Pac-Man Pizza Parlor

Eschalon: Book II

Collapse: The Rage


Alpha Protocol

Darkness Within 2: The Dark Lineage

Puzzler World

Altered Beast (Genesis)

Ecco the Dolphin (2010)

Hotel Collectors Edition

Alien Breed: Impact

Jolly Rover

Nehrim: At Fate's Edge

Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands

Puzzle Dimension

Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4

APB Reloaded

Nelson Tethers: Puzzle Agent

Moonbase Alpha

Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck's Revenge


Blacklight: Tango Down

Alien Swarm

Need for Speed: World

Rabbids Go Home

RefRain - Prism Memories


Fairy Wars

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days

BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger

Black Sails - The Ghost Ship

Mafia II


Ferrari Virtual Academy

King's Bounty: Crossworlds

Patrician IV: Conquest by Trade

Alien Breed 2: Assault


Arthur and the Revenge of Maltazard

Lost Horizon

Dead Rising 2

Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light

Final Fantasy XIV Online (2010)

Axel & Pixel

Front Mission Evolved

Agricultural Simulator 2011

Arcania: Gothic 4

Lost Planet 2

Medal of Honor (2010)

Fallout: New Vegas


Lego Universe


Bit.Trip Beat

James Bond 007: Blood Stone

Emergency 2012

Gray Matter

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit

Alien Breed 3: Descent

Poker Night at the Inventory


MX vs. ATV Reflex

DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue


Disciples III: Resurrection

Bejeweled 3

IREM Arcade Hits

Greed Corp

Back to the Future: The Game


Crash Time 4: The Syndicate

Pet Hotel Tycoon

18 Wheels of Steel: Extreme Trucker 2

Crimzon Clover

Kaptain Brawe: A Brawe New World

Monday Night Combat

Dead Space 2

Luxor 5th Passage


Duty Calls: The Calm Before the Storm

Bird Assassin


Gemini Rue

Men of War: Assault Squad

Painkiller: Redemption

Bit.Trip Runner

Crazy Taxi (2011)

Dragon Age 1 & 2

Battle: Los Angeles

Cloning Clyde


Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

Infinity Danger

Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars

MIA (Mission in Asia)

Planet Stronghold

Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game

Dino D-Day

Anomaly Warzone Earth

Black Mirror 3

Portal 2

Cargo! The Quest for Gravity

Operation Flashpoint: Red River

Hector: Badge of Carnage!


Fortix 2

Faery: Legends of Avalon

Hydrophobia: Prophecy

Battle vs. Chess

Fable III

DiRT 3

Hunted: The Demon's Forge

Red Faction: Armageddon

Dracula: Love Kills

Duke Nukem Forever

Alice: Madness Returns

Dungeon Siege III

F.E.A.R. 3

Fruit Ninja

Puzzle Agent 2

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

Breath of Death VII: The Beginning

Cthulhu Saves the World

IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover

Game Stock Car

E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy


Pirates of Black Cove

Drakensang Online


Acceleration of SUGURI 2

Ether Vapor Remaster

Age of Empires Online


From Dust

El Rock de tu Vida

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Galaxy on Fire 2 Full HD

Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes

Enigmatis: The Ghosts of Maple Creek

Driver: San Francisco

Dead Island

Call of Juarez: The Cartel

Men of War: Vietnam

Hard Reset

Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad

Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes

Nuclear Dawn

Go! Go! Nippon! ~My First Trip to Japan~


Blackwell Deception


Orcs Must Die!

Costume Quest

Dungeon Defenders

Payday: The Heist

Airline Tycoon 2

Arcania: Fall of Setarrif

Disney Universe

No More Room in Hell


L.A. Noire

CastleMiner Z

Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7

Nitronic Rush

Jurassic Park: The Game
Anno 2070

Moto Racer 15th Anniversary

Batman: Arkham City

AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome

Postal III

Afterfall: InSanity

Agricultural Simulator 2012

English Country Tune


Fractal: Make Blooms Not War

Assassin's Creed: Revelations

City Racing

FlatOut 3: Chaos & Destruction

Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon

Final Combat

7554: Glorious Memories Revived


Lethal Crisis ProtoSphere

Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code

Doom & Destiny

Haunted Memories

Bridge Constructor

Metal Dead

Insane 2

Oil Rush


King Arthur II: The Role-Playing Wargame

Law & Order: Legacies

Analogue: A Hate Story

Gotham City Impostors

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

Jagged Alliance: Back in Action

Crusader Kings II

Dear Esther

Alan Wake


Painkiller: Recurring Evil

Mass Effect 3

Mutant Storm: Reloaded

Lone Survivor


Rayman Origins

Captain Morgane and the Golden Turtle

Blacklight: Retribution

Legend of Grimrock

Men of War: Condemned Heroes

Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet

Disciples III: Reincarnation

Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart

Blades of Time

A Valley Without Wind

Binary Domain

Nexuiz (2012)

Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage

Port Royale 3: Pirates & Merchants

Odysseus: Long Way Home

Diablo III

Game of Thrones

Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City

Alan Wake's American Nightmare

Agricultural Simulator: Historical Farming

Disney Princess: My Fairytale Adventure

Mad Riders

Home (2012)

Max Payne 3

AFL Live

Brave: The Video Game

Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes


Beware Planet Earth

Ice Age: Continental Drift - Arctic Games

Blade & Soul

Endless Space

1953 - KGB Unleashed


Howlville: The Dark Past

Anna - Extended Edition

Prototype 2

Cut the Rope

Orcs Must Die! 2

A Virus Named TOM


BANZAI PECAN: The Last Hope for the Young Century

Darksiders II

Final Fantasy VII (2012)

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition

Jagged Alliance: Crossfire

I Am Alive

Intrusion 2

Borderlands 2

F1 2012

Jet Set Radio

Dogfight 1942

Castle Crashers

Half-Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax Ultimate Boy

Little Racers Street

Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit

Cook, Serve, Delicious!


Retro City Rampage

Blood Bowl: Chaos Edition

Of Orcs and Men

R.A.W. Realms of Ancient War

submitted by DarkTower7899 to Craptopgamingadvice [link] [comments]

2024.02.29 21:29 Fearless-Obligation6 [Excerpt: ghazghkull prophet of the waaagh] The Older Ways

During the interrogation of the Grot Makari being carried out by Inquisitior Falx and her old Rune Priest companion aboard a vessel of an Ordos Xenos, one of the inquisitor's retinue Cassia was murdered by a Bloodaxe Ork by named Biter. After finding the bloody scene and processing the shock of it Falx turns to her old friend:
The ork had escaped.
Brother Hendriksen should have howled in frustration, or torn a steel table from its mountings, or manifested his fury as a storm of unfocused psychic energy. But he did none of those things. Instead, the shaman took a long, steadying breath, shook his head as if to clear it, and pulled out the last of the synth-bird. It was Falx, then, who lost her temper.
‘Pox you rotten, Rune Priest! How can you be so callous as to eat, at a time like this? She’s dead, Hendriksen. Dead. Does that mean nothing to you beside your damned appetite?’
Hendriksen swallowed, wiped his hands on his thighs, and then began to walk slowly towards her. After the messy confrontation that had forged their bond, all those years ago, Falx had always thought twice before speaking to the wolf in anger. And now, as his eyes locked on hers, shining with a deathly, cold stillness, she remembered why.
‘Never presume what I do, or do not feel,’ he warned, in a voice soft as a predator’s steps in snow. ‘I will mourn. But before that, there will likely be violence. My body is large, it must be fuelled. This is not some merry feast, Lord Falx. This is me maintaining my capacity to kill.’ Falx swallowed hard, and pressed her heels against the steel of the deck to will herself against stepping backwards from the psyker.
‘Of course, Brother Hendriksen,’ she said, nailing down her temper. ‘I misspoke.’
‘Forgiven,’ said the Space Marine, but the ice did not leave his eyes. ‘Now, the grot. Unless our escapee has also found time to tinker with our monitoring systems, the creature remains in its cell.’
‘You intend to kill it?’ asked Falx, wanting nothing more now.
‘No. I intend for us to finish interrogating it. This is a vessel of the Ordo Xenos, inquisitor. Let us do what we do best.’
Although the cell had been left open, and the prisoner’s restraints had been cut, they arrived to find the grot sitting cross-legged at the foot of the interrogation chair. And despite its shattered arm, its smashed nose, and the great gouge where its flesh had been cut away for the Cupbearer, it was grinning. It did not look afraid to die. If anything, Falx thought, it seemed faintly crestfallen as Hendriksen did not move to strike it, but entered the room with no regard to the creature, and set down the heavy roll of fur he had fetched from his quarters.
‘I hate to ask the obvious,’ ventured Falx, as Hendriksen untied the thongs securing the bundle, and unrolled it on the cell’s floor. ‘But how are we going to interrogate the thing, if it doesn’t know a word of Gothic?’
‘There are older ways,’ said the Rune Priest simply, and began to strip out of his shipboard overalls. Seeing the collection of items laid out on the unrolled fur, Falx began to realise what the shaman had in mind. There were bundled herbs, pitch-blackened animal skulls, and horn vessels stoppered with plugs of crude wax. There were runes formed from the twine-fastened bones of infants, and strips of desiccated, evil-looking meat. And at the centre of it all glistened the long, cruel sharpness of a kraken’s tooth.
He really does mean old ways, she thought. And despite herself, the fascination for all things alien which had led her into this disaster of a life flared anew.
The paraphernalia on the pelt had nothing to do with the Emperor’s light. These were things from the long darkness of the Fenrisian winter; unguents that had glistened in firelit caves long before the Master of Mankind had ever come to bring His hunters back to heel. But they had never been forgotten. And for all that Hendriksen had espoused the discipline and doctrine of sanctioned Imperial psykers – he had been trying to set a good example for Cassia, she only realised now – he had always kept these eerie relics to hand.
The Space Marine was fully naked now, and his body was terrible to look upon. Falx had never been particularly interested in male bodies, but even if she had been, she would have found little to relish in Hendriksen’s. It was masculinity amplified into nothing but a weapon: something constructed, with all the accidental grace of nature stripped away, and replaced with the monolithic brutalism of an armoured vehicle. As Hendriksen grabbed a pot of some reeking oil, and began smearing it over a torso pocked with scars, scalpel-seams, stretch marks and the angry welts of embedded socket ports, Falx found sudden insight into why the Astra Militarum’s main battle tank had been dubbed the Leman Russ.
Hendriksen’s tattoos, she saw now, had been inked when he had still been human. They were warped now, stretched over the places where bones had been rebuilt, and where hillocks of muscle had been forced to grow. In their contortion, you could almost see the ghost of the boy he had once been, stretched out over the frame of a monster, and Falx felt a moment of pity for Hendriksen as he traced over their lines with a fingertip dripping with rancid tallow. When his body was prepared, Hendriksen took up the kraken’s tooth, whispered what was either a prayer or a curse, and began dragging its point across his chest, thighs, forehead and shoulders with nothing but coldness in his eyes. The wicked fang was guided by ancient ridges of scar tissue, where it had bitten the Rune Priest in years long past, and blood sprang hungrily from the reopened wounds. Repulsed by the grease the shaman had applied to his runic markings, the flow parted around the tattoos, so they continued to shine as blue as his eyes did, through the dark red sheen of gore.
Clothed now in nothing but his own blood and his ancestors’ words of power, Hendriksen walked forwards in a trail of sopping red footprints, beard dripping as he approached the prisoner. Makari was not grinning any more.
‘Ghazghkull left Armageddon,’ he stated, as he crouched down and squatted until his eyes were level with the creature’s. ‘He built up his forces, in preparation for a broader war, and for a long time, he evaded pursuit. But not forever. He was hunted down, grot, wasn’t he? By Ragnar.’
As the bloodied apparition said the name of his former Chapter Master, Makari’s eyes widened in recognition – and in hatred. The creature hissed between wet, blackened teeth.
‘You saw the fight, didn’t you?’ continued Hendriksen. ‘I know you did. I see it in your xenos eyes. I smell it on you.’
Those last words emerged as a growl that made Falx’s scalp pucker around the skullplate at the nape of her neck, and while she opened her mouth to speak, she could not find the words to express her unease. Hendriksen’s head snapped round anyway, fixing her with those horrible, expressionless eyes in their mask of cruor.
‘Cassia always held that a picture spoke a thousand words, did she not?’ said the shaman.
‘So I shall do this thing to honour her. We have heard enough of this wretch’s words. Let us see what is in its mind directly, at last.’
Turning the blood-matted, shaggy immensity of his head back to Makari, the Rune Priest reached forward with a dripping arm, and in a motion too fast for the gretchin to react to, clamped his hand around the beast’s skull.
‘Vihss-megh Krongar,’ he commanded, in some archaic version of his native tongue. His voice was wind whipping through bare black branches. It was the creaking grind of sea-ice, tightening around the timbers of a ship. It was a blizzard, and Falx became lost in it.
I always love Nate Crowley's depictions of the Astartes, he really captures just how monstrous and deeply sad they are. Children ripped from their homes, torn open with carving knives and turned into monsters whose sole purpose is murder and war, it's truly heartbreaking when we strip back the heroic vaneer.
He also shows how terrifying the Rune Priests of the 6th can be without the need to show off any flashy psyker abilities, there are "Older ways" indeed...
submitted by Fearless-Obligation6 to 40kLore [link] [comments]

2024.02.14 20:38 DTEnthusiast Rachel Hunter in her awesome one-piece thong and the other girls are great too

Rachel Hunter in her awesome one-piece thong and the other girls are great too submitted by DTEnthusiast to RetroFitnessBabes [link] [comments]

2024.01.29 12:15 PretendConfidence888 Can someone help??

Can someone help??
I started reading The Neverending Story to my girlfriend, only to discover tonight that there is a page missing/torn from the book!!! Does anyone have a copy they could take a pic of said page/s and share it with me? (Chapter 2 pages 39/40) pics added for reference.
submitted by PretendConfidence888 to Theneverendingstory [link] [comments]

2024.01.27 08:05 Temporary-Country669 Something I'm proud of

Something I'm proud of
I used the thongs/flip flops whatever you call them underneath the Hunter outfit from this season and it makes this really cool effect on the shoes making it seem it has a different coloured layer, I just wanted to show this to someone :3
submitted by Temporary-Country669 to SkyGame [link] [comments]

2023.12.27 02:35 Fallisforlovers Hunter's family

Serious question. Is Hunter's family just as weird as Julia's family? Julia's family seems disconnected from the real world. We already know Julia is wacky. Her dad gives me weird vibes. I remember him looking at Julia when she wore a too small thong bikini on the beach. I wouldn't feel comfortable walking around like that around my dad let alone any family member. Her mom seems cold. I don't know anything about her other sisters.
submitted by Fallisforlovers to havens_jh [link] [comments]

2023.12.24 08:28 Revolutionary_Key325 What the EFF?

I am doing the CQM again as a nosferatu. A while back I noticed that Heather was not around anymore and I read that it is "part of the story" which confuses me because there is no Hell at the Hollowbrook in CQM. In the vanilla version, you have to turn helet her go before you get the Giovanni mission I think or you have to have her with you at all times. I went back a couple of save points and did a bunch of stuff over with her following me at all times because I wanted to turn Heather into a Nosferatu just to see what she looked like and then go back to the save point and let her go. Stupid, I know, but I'm curious. To make matters even more WTF, I had gotten Yuki too, I took them both to the Giovanni mansion and they were both with me when I defeated the monks, standing in the sarcophagus area. When I get to Ventrue Tower, they're gone. Fine, to be expected that ghouls and hunters wouldn't be in there.
But now they are both gone!!!! WTF?! WTH?! You mean I put up with her annoying getting in the way, mysteriously vanishing when I get into some fights, blocking doors, and wondering why she won't keep up with me just for her to be killed anyway? And where's Yuki? This shouldn't even apply to her since you can only get her as part of the comp mod which according to modmb is part of the CQM! I looked it up online and found some cheat-g.heather_inside 1 but that didn't work no matter how I tried it so I don't know if it only works in Vanilla or something. And it doesn't appear in the console at all. I flipped through the cheats and didn't find it. It only has commands starting with g_ (underscore) not g. (dot)
So I'm ticked off. Especially since I went back to a prior save point after my last game (before this thing with Heather) to re-play my nosferatu as a cammie instead of a sabbat. Because it occurred to me that since I played sabbat I never got to see what my nosferatu clan quest was. And since I am now playing in East LA as a cammie, and I already rescued Barabus, Mack gave me the quest to get someone to "fill Ariana's Mexican thong" (vomit) in order to free her and I can't get the girl at the knock-off Taco Bell to be Macks new "girl" since she just screams and runs away. Heather and Yuki never gave me a chance to tell them what to do other than "change your outfit, open the backpack, stop following me, travel with me" but still it might have popped up if they were with me in East LA, but now it won't because they are gone!! What do I do? How do I complete the mission? Not to mention the fact that LaCroix had just permitted me to turn someone and then she's gone! UGGGGHHH! I'm never going to sate my curiosity! I was going to make a save, turn her then go back to the save and turn Yuki, just to see! I was going to upload both pictures. :(
submitted by Revolutionary_Key325 to vtmb [link] [comments]

2023.12.08 15:58 kenUdigitt Novel Chapter 291

Disclaimer: I do not speak Korean. This is purely translated by machine with a lot of cleanup afterward. With that in mind, I am open to criticism to improve these translations. Enjoy!

Chapter 291

"What happens when you roll a snowball the size of a fist down a hill? Anyone know?"

At my question, Song Song offered a derisive snort.

"Even a kindergartener could guess that."

"Then guess."

"It would obviously get bigger as it rolls down, right?"


"Because. It's collecting more snow from the hill, obviously."

"Right, just like my feelings for you."

"Ugh, gross!"

She's got a taste for melodrama.

Undeterred, I pressed on, Song Song's exaggerated sounds of disgust providing background music to my words.

"What Song Song just said is correct. But the premise is different here. This isn't a snow-covered hill, but one where the snow has melted. Even if you roll it with all your might to the bottom, the snowball won't grow much."

"The snowball you're talking about represents Mana, right?"

"Team Leader Choi is quick on the uptake. Yes, it's the same with the Mana Cultivation Technique. If the core is just a speck of dust, no matter how much you roll it, it remains a speck of dust."

"The lower the grade, the more limited it is. Is that what you're saying?"


There's a saying that an F-rank is forever an F-rank.

It implies that escaping from a predetermined rank is a Herculean task.

However, there are those who defy the odds and accomplish this task.

Second Awakeners. That's what they are called, and it's the mask I'm currently wearing.

"After my Second Awakening as a C-rank Hunter, the effects have increased exponentially. It was only then that some snow began to accumulate on a hill that had none."

"Thinking back, the results at that time were…"

"Mana capacity of a C-rank. But even then, control ability was of an A-rank. You know why?"

"Jin Family's Cultivation Technique."

A groan escaped Mr. Choi.

"It wasn't a mistake by the Association then."

As I became famous and my past deeds came to light, that part was concluded as a measurement error.

Because of that, the Bucheon Association, which had conducted the re-assessment at the time, got a lot of flak. They must have felt quite aggrieved.

"Team Leader and Butler Kim, what you refer to as the Mana Cultivation Technique has two effects. The first is the increase in mana quantity. And the second is………"

Butler Kim seamlessly reclaimed the thread of our discourse.

"Learning mana control."


Mana, also known as internal energy or Qi, varies immensely depending on how one utilizes it.

The Jin Family's Cultivation Technique is a peak martial art. Though it accumulates Qi slowly, its stability rivals that of some transcendent techniques.

"Just learning it will lead to tremendous achievements. For now, the newbies should just observe... Only those present here should focus on learning the Jin Family's Cultivation Technique. Ah, and of course, it should proceed in strict secrecy."



Their silence spoke volumes.

An oppressive hush descended upon the hospital. A quartet of bewildered gazes fixed upon me.

"You’re saying... you’re going to teach us the Mana Cultivation Technique?"

"Not the Mana Cultivation Technique, the Jin Family's Cultivation Technique."

"Yes, yes. The Jin Family's Cultivation Technique."

Mr. Choi's eyes blinked rapidly.

"You’re going to teach that to us?"

"Of course. Do you think I brought it here just to brag?"

I looked around as I continued.

"As you all know, with our current level, we won’t last long. Lee Jeong-Ryong won't bother us for now due to recent events, but it's only a matter of time. But... what if we had the Jin Family's Cultivation Technique?"

Mr. Rough Guy, who had been gaping, suddenly shouted.

"Jin Family's! Cultivation! Technique!"

"Ah, I like the enthusiasm. Anyway, it's a decision I've made after careful consideration, so for the time being, please follow my instructions without fuss. Understood?"

The four present were to be the vanguard, subsequently joined by the freshly initiated Hunters.

Their selection will be stringently curated, and my vision is to forge them not only into Hunters but warriors within the martial realm.

Powerful enough to handle two or three Hunters of the same rank with ease.

"Now, then..."

I scanned the still half-stunned group in turn and then pointed toward one person.

"Let's start with Team Leader Choi."

In that instant, a holographic interface emerged above his bewildered face.


- A quest, [Show Me Your Back! Let's See Your Back!] has been generated!


Somehow, I feel a sudden reluctance seeing that title.

* * *

[Show Me Your Back! Let's See Your Back!]

- Unlike the martial world, it had been a peaceful modern life.

- But reality is a cesspool!

- Feeling a sense of crisis about such reality, you have decided to impart martial arts to your trustworthy friends.

- Whether this choice will be a poison or a benefit... that depends on your decision and ability.

- I wish you martial fortune!

- Rank: Peak

- Restriction: Jin Tae-Kyung

- Mission: Guide the acquisition of [Jin Family's Cultivation Technique] (Incomplete)

- Reward: A substantial amount of experience points

- Repeatable Quest

- ???

- Failure: In the worst case, falling into [Qi Deviation]


Which bastard came up with this quest title?

The necessity to demonstrate the energy flow towards the Mingmen point, located on the lower back, is clear. Yet, confronted by the title's whimsical nature, I’m suddenly besieged by an inexplicable hesitance.

"Um, Team Leader Choi."


"Your back."

"Excuse me?"

"No, never mind. Please assume the posture I am about to teach you. Butler Kim and the others, make sure no outsiders can enter the infirmary. Especially, no one should lay hands on our bodies. Understood?"

"Of course."

Butler Kim acquiesced with a decisive nod and commenced his enchantment. With every pass of his staff and murmur of incantation, a veil of secrecy unfurled, sequestering the infirmary from the prying eyes of the world.

Meanwhile, Mr. Choi, having shed his upper garments, adopted a somewhat clumsy lotus position, his back now presented to me in a state of readiness.

"What are you planning to do with me now?"

"…You sure have a strange way of phrasing things."

The mere thought of Qi deviation sent a stream of silent curses through my mind.

My palm came to rest gently on Team Leader Choi’s Mingmen point.

From this moment on, utmost care was necessary. In such moments, even the mightiest warriors within the martial realms find themselves vulnerable, their defenses laid bare in the act of Qi cultivation.

"Now, close your eyes and focus on the mana within your body. No matter what happens, you must endure. Do you feel any discomfort at the moment? Tell me now if you do."

"There's a slight... on the right shoulder blade area..."

"Does it hurt?"

"It's ticklish."

"…Hah, I'm going crazy. Here?"

Scritch, scratch.

As I reached out and scratched it for him, Mr. Choi's voice relaxed.

"Yes, right there. That's really refreshing."

"My nickname used to be 'Filial Son's Hand.'" [Note: "Filial Son's Hand" is an actual product that you can buy from Walmart for back scratching.]

"And, my underwear is a bit tight..."

"Are you crazy? You should adjust that yourself. Did I put handcuffs on you?"

"Oh, right. I didn't think of that. I'm just a bit tense right now."

"It's okay. I'm sorry for getting unnecessarily excited."

"It's not your fault, Jin Tae-Kyung. I should have worn a thong if I knew this was going to happen."

Does this guy know how to wear underwear...?

With calm restored to my voice, I issued a firm caution to Mr. Choi, whose anxiety seemed to loosen his tongue.

"From now on, if you open your mouth, you're done for. Focus only on how and where the mana flows."


"Even if your shoulder blade itches or your underwear feels tight, you endure it. Got that?"

"May I ask what exactly we're about to do?"

"I'll be using Pure Qi Guidance to move your mana. Then, following the intricacies of the Jin Family's Cultivation Technique, we'll perform the Minor Heavenly Circuit, and conclude with the energy circulation and breath regulation." [Note: The guidance technique here could have been directly translated to "True Qi Guidance", however, the Qi being referred here is an unaltered, original, and potent form of Qi. So I decided to use the word pure instead of true. Also, Minor Heavenly Circuit refers to a concept related to the flow of Qi through the body's meridians in a specific pattern: a loop that runs from the front of the body down to the perineum and up the spine to the head, then back down the front of the body.]


"Did you roughly understand? Be honest."



After a brief silence, Mr. Choi responded.

"I was lost after Pure Qi Guidance."

"Then just close your eyes and keep quiet. If you start fussing about something stuck in your underwear, shaking your hips, I swear I'll take you down before I die."

"I will bear that in mind."

His answer was full of determination. The tension that had held Mr. Choi rigid began to yield, giving way to a gentle ease.

He stood on the threshold of a domain foreign to him — the enigmatic world of martial arts.

It didn't matter how much social experience Mr. Choi had accumulated, how many languages he was fluent in, or what kind of knowledge he possessed.

"Then, let's begin."

Everything depended on me now.

After steadying my breath, I mustered the Qi from my dantian, guiding it delicately through my palms into the Mingmen point of Mr. Choi.

Gently. Meticulously.


The moment the heat of the Scorching Yang energy invaded his body, the system, as if it had been waiting, fired off a signal.


- Initiating [Pure Qi Guidance].

* * *

Recollections surfaced of the time when I purged the accumulated impurities from my mother and Hayeon.

Those endeavors, however, were trivial when cast against the task at hand.

Pure Qi Guidance entails the precision of directing internal energy along its rightful course within another's body.

The Qi within Mr. Choi was not only abundant but of a quality far surpassing the average individual.

'And cleaner than expected.'

No, correction. Not just cleaner than expected, but if it's this clean, it's at an excellent starting place.

He had strong muscles and tendons, and his meridians, like an early morning expressway, were clear of any significant waste.

'What's going on? He said he hadn't learned the Mana Cultivation Technique.'

Mr. Choi held a B-rank Hunter's license. The energy I usually felt from him matched exactly that rank.

If there was something that set him apart from an ordinary B-rank Hunter, it would be his clever combat sense utilizing his sharp intellect and the power of premium equipment.

'Truth be told, for being the only lineage of Cheon Tae-Min, there were areas that left something to be desired.'

A leader of exceptional caliber, endowed with keen intelligence and decisiveness.

Yet, his talents were overshadowed, diminished.

Any luster would dim when juxtaposed with the heroic legacy of Cheon Tae-Min, savior of humanity.

But my perspective was now undergoing a subtle shift.

'With this level... with a bit of help, he could quickly ascend to a higher realm.'

An A-rank Hunter? No. Not just an A-rank Hunter. I planed to turn Mr. Choi into a Peak Realm martial artist. The basic 'hardware' he possessed was too good to waste as it was. [Note: although Peak Realm and A-rank are somewhat interchangeable, I think it is to be understood here that a Peak Realm martial artist should, in general, be able to whoop a couple of A-rank Hunters simultaneously.]

'If only the others were even half as good as Mr. Choi, this would be easy.'

Buoyed by this reassuring notion, I persisted in directing the Scorching Yang energy. In due course, a robust tide of potent Qi began to navigate the channels of his inner circuits.


I could feel the body under my palm twitching with the shock. By now, he must be feeling a heat like he's never experienced before in his life.

I remained unfazed, herding the errant Qi within him, navigating through the myriad meridian pathways.

This would be a journey Mr. Choi had to engrain in his memory, a journey he would undertake alone countless times henceforth.

'Once the body remembers, the rest is easy.'

The transformation occurred astonishingly fast.

Swiftly, his Qi ascended by half a level, and any residual impurities were incinerated in the wake of the Yang energy's zeal.

'Now for the last part.'

With the Qi now consolidated, the next step was to anchor it in the dantian. Completing this cycle of energy would herald his inaugural step into the martial fraternity.

But then...

'What's that?'

Upon reaching his dantian, my advance halted, arrested by an unforeseen discovery.

A colossal wellspring of energy dominated half of the dantian's expanse. Simultaneously, the system broadcasted an unexpected alert.


- A sudden quest, [I'll Only Take Half of the Energy You Digested] has been generated.

- Would you like to accept?


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submitted by kenUdigitt to u/kenUdigitt [link] [comments]

2023.11.18 07:55 nomorelandfills The Emily Ruckle attack in Delaware - part II, The Hospital (2014) very comprehensive newspaper piece from 2016, tracking the attack and the efforts to save the victim's arm

The Emily Ruckle attack in Delaware - part II, The Hospital (2014) very comprehensive newspaper piece from 2016, tracking the attack and the efforts to save the victim's arm
Todd Ruckle thought he was driving to Philadelphia to pick up his daughter’s body.
He had seen 8-year-old Emily as she was being loaded into a helicopter at A.I. duPont Hospital for Children in Rockland to go to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Her skin had turned yellow and clammy, and all he could think about was a corpse in a casket.
An hour earlier, Emily had been attacked by a 100-pound pit bull named Frank that lived with her half-brother in the family’s Newark home. Her right arm was left hanging by a strip of flesh, and she bled profusely.
A.I. immediately transferred her to Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
Emily’s parents, Todd and Maria Ruckle, were stunned to learn their child had been savagely attacked while they attended a wedding. Drowning in guilt, they screamed at each other while speeding along I-95, searching for directions to CHOP on their smartphones.
Word spread fast about the attack, and family and friends peppered their cellphones with inquiries about Emily. Each ring turned off the GPS, and they got off at the wrong exit in Philadelphia.
"It was just pure chaos," Maria said of Saturday, Sept. 27, 2014.
Finally around 3:30 p.m., two and a half hours after Emily was horribly mauled, Todd and Maria rushed into CHOP's surgical waiting area still dressed for the wedding —Todd in a tuxedo, Maria in a sparkly red dress.
Emily was already in surgery. Her sister, Megan, who had been with Emily when the dog attacked, had left A.I. duPont Hospital and was now at a friend’s house in Newark. Maria's son Jack had met them at A.I. duPont when Emily arrived, but he returned home to clean up his room and throw out his mattress, covered in Emily's blood.
Todd sat by his parents in CHOP's surgical waiting room. He blamed his wife for bringing the dog into their home. He blamed himself for not being able to protect Emily.
He and Maria sat on opposite sides of the waiting room slumped over in chairs, their cellphone batteries now dead.
"He wouldn’t even speak to me," Maria said. "I sat in that waiting room by myself."
Todd doesn’t remember it being that dramatic. He said he sat by a computer so he could have contact with the outside world.
On television, Todd and Maria could see Philadelphia news stations airing reports about the attack. On the screen appeared a picture of their home, cordoned off with yellow crime tape. Maria's ex-husband was interviewed about his pit bull named Frank, which two months earlier came to live with the Ruckles when the ex moved out of town.
Anxious waiting stretched into the evening. Todd stripped down to an undershirt, and Maria kicked off her heels.
Every two hours they got updates from Emily's surgical team. Late in the evening they were told that Emily would survive, but her arm might not be salvageable.
Todd and Maria took to Facebook to keep family and friends informed:
Todd, 5:20 p.m. Sept. 27, 2014: My daughter is alive and will survive. She has 4 to 6 hours of surgery with three different teams of surgeons. We are praying we can save her arm. I am truly in need of love and support. Please send every ounce of positive thoughts right now.
Dr. Ines Lin, a reconstructive and plastic surgeon, was at her Bryn Mawr home 30 minutes from CHOP when she got an emergency call about a bad dog bite to a child's upper arm.
Lin, who was eight and a half months' pregnant on the day of the attack, raced to the hospital.
"This is by far the worse one I have ever seen," she said.
Lin usually talks to the family before operating. But with Emily's life imperiled, there was no time.
Dr. Joy Collins, a trauma surgeon at CHOP, led the team of doctors and nurses that prepped the 8-year-old, wrapping the wounds in gauze. Two IVs were placed in Emily's left arm because the right arm couldn't support an intravenous line. The team's top priority was ensuring that Emily was breathing and able to survive the surgery.
“We were worried about blood loss,” Collins said.
Emily was assessed for rabies and given a shot to ward off infection. By the time Lin saw Emily, orthopedic surgeons had pinned her fracture together with two bolts — but the arm was a cool, light blue color, indicating a lack of blood flow.
Lin had to act quickly or Emily would lose her arm.
A complete amputation is easier to reattach because doctors can cool the extremity. Cooling prevents tissue damage and gives surgeons more time to operate.
When a severely damaged limb is still on the body, it’s more challenging to maintain blood flow. If muscles and nerves don’t get blood flow within six to eight hours of a major trauma, tissue could die. And even the most delicate surgical movements can harm existing vessels and tissue.
Lin was worried.
"There were definitely times I wasn’t sure we were going to do it," she said.
Out in the waiting room, Todd and Maria had finally stopped slinging recriminations at one another. Their daughter would live, and they knew they needed to be a team for their little girl. At midnight, Emily was still in surgery.
Todd, 12:10 a.m. Sept. 28, 2014: We are waiting patiently. Thank you again for all your prayers.
Doctors had to cut through muscle and tissue to find Emily’s brachial artery, located near the armpit and feeds the arm and hand. When they finally found it, they realized part of it had been shredded and was dark red — a sign of clotting.
To keep blood flowing, doctors tried twice to hook a 12- to 14-centimeter vein from Emily's right thigh to the artery in her arm to rebuild the area damaged by clots. Using a microscope Lin and her team made small sutures, or stitches, about as thin as a strand of hair to sew the vein to the artery. The second time took.
Lin also performed a fasciotomy, a procedure that involved cutting tissue and skin surrounding the arm muscles to allow swelling. That way the muscles would not be restricted when the blood began to flow again.
The surgeon can't remember precisely when, but Emily's arm gradually moved from blue to pink, a sign the blood was flowing.
Yet that created another problem. To stop the clotting the team gave Emily blood thinners. Now the side effect was excessive bleeding, which had to be contained.
An 8-year-old's body contains only about 2.3 liters of blood, less than a gallon of milk. But during surgery Emily lost 8 liters of donated blood, meaning she essentially bled out four times in the first 12 hours after the dog attacked.
To Todd, it seemed like everything went wrong. But finally they got good news.
Todd, 2:16 a.m., Sept. 28, 2014: Emily has two more hours in surgery. She will not lose her arm, however, she will most likely losemost use of it. In time and a few more surgeries she may have some movement. I am beyond happy she is alive and I hope to see her soon.
Surgery finally ended around 4:15 a.m. — 13 hours after the dog attacked. But no one was celebrating.
Todd, 7:24 p.m., Sept. 28, 2014: Tonight is the critical night. There are issues with fluid in her lungs from all the blood transfusions. Her heart rate isalso too high. She continues to be in a medical coma. They are still picking up a heartbeat in her hand which is good news. If she has no issues tonight she will be going through a second surgery tomorrow morning.
When Todd and Maria saw Emily, her face was swollen and bloated, her brown eyes shut. She was hooked up to nine machines including a ventilator, respirator and feeding tube. Her chest thumped so violently it looked like her beating heart could crack her ribs.
White gauze was draped over her arms, shielding most of the surgeons' work. Metal rods stuck out of her right arm in open cuts still fresh with blood.
Maria held her little girl's hand while the couple prayed. Maria stayed up all night watching the pulsometer register Emily's blood pressure, anxiously breathing when the numbers dropped.
Emily didn’t open her eyes until dinner time two days after the attack, when she heard her brother Jack's voice.
Maria, 6:34 p.m., Sept. 29, 2014: She's responding by nodding and shaking her head. So happy!
Todd dreaded what Emily would say when she could talk. He expected her to feel guilty because she knew he did not like her handling Frank.
Still struggling to breathe, she said softly and slowly, drawing out each word, "Daddy, I'm so scared. And I'm so ... sorry."
"I lost it," Todd said. "I couldn't stop crying."
The couple didn't leave the hospital for days. Friends brought toothpaste, shampoo and food. Three days later, friends finally convinced Maria to get out of her sparkly dress and into the shower. Her son Jack had hurriedly grabbed clean clothes, for which Maria was grateful.
"But I'm in sweat pants and a thong," she recalled. "I told him next time, 'Grab the granny panties, please.'"
During the first seven days in October, Emily was in and out of the operating room for three surgeries and to have her wounds cleaned to prevent infection.
Maria, 7 a.m., Oct. 1, 2014: Overnight her temperature dropped — we had to put her in a warmer — but it could be a sign of infection. Won't know for about 24 hours until the cultures come back. She's much more responsive, but she's getting worked up about wanting to go home, not wanting to miss school and she's thrashing.
Todd, 5:17 p.m., Oct. 1, 2014: Emily is coming in and out of consciousness. She wakes up and she does not know where she is. We explained about 50 times where she is and she says how scared she is. She said she feels trapped in a house. She still cannot breathe on her own.
Todd, 8:32 p.m., Oct. 1, 2014: By the end of the night I figured out that she is reliving the attack. She keeps screaming I do not want to die. I am no longer me. All we can do is tell her she is safe and we love her.
Intravenous lines were placed on the top of Emily’s feet and the top of her hands, and she screamed every time the lines were changed. As she improved, the equipment she had been tethered to was removed.
But her damaged right hand began to spasm, prompting fits of screaming.
Maria, 10:21 p.m., Oct. 6, 2014: I have never felt more helpless in my life
Yet, at times, Emily was still Emily. She could still beat her dad in a game of Go Fish. She demanded a cheeseburger or chicken sandwich and a vanilla Frosty with fries.
By Oct. 7, Emily was well enough to move to CHOP's fourth floor in a private room with a cot and bathroom. Mom and Dad took turns spending the night on the cot.
The Ruckles made friends with the family of a little girl down the hall, who also was in for a long stay. She lived with a congenital condition that caused deformities in her chest. Maria and her mother would walk the floor or go down to the cafeteria to grab coffee.
Doctors kept Emily pumped with painkillers, resulting in "morphine mumblings," Maria recalled. The little girl thought she was in Minecraft, an online adventure game she adores. She flip-flopped between giggling and having panic attacks. She would screech, "No, no, no, no, no," and then demand, "How do I get out of this room?"
Once Emily looked over and saw Todd sitting by her bedside.
"Dad, you are bouncy," she said. What about her brother Jack, her parents asked. Both men are broad-shouldered and stocky.
She called Jack "Earth," a name that stuck for a while.
Nurses came in hourly to check Emily's vital signs. They equipped her with a Nerf gun so she could shoot the orthopedic resident and sometimes her dad. To get her to take her medicine, another nurse joked she would sit on her if she didn't do as instructed.
Emily's right arm was immobilized in a white sling, with braces on her wrist and elbow and tape on her upper arm and shoulder. Every three days her arm was washed, suctioned and dressed in moist gauze.
Little victories meant a lot. Todd and Maria cheered when Emily could finally sit up on her own.
Megan, Emily's half-sister, occasionally rode the train from Delaware to visit. But Megan mostly coped by focusing on school, trying to forget the dreadful day of the attack. She got straight A's on her report card.
Emily's hospital room overflowed with teddy bears, Auntie Anne's pretzels and visitors. A family friend gave her a hot-pink blanket with the words written in purple thread: Emily Warrior Princess.
She was a warrior then and will forever remain one, her parents say.
Emily had been in her private room only a few days when Lin began to consider surgery to restore connections between the nerves in Emily’s shoulder and arm. She worried it was too soon after restoring her blood flow, but she knew she had to try.
Emily’s posterior nerve cord, which stretches from neck to shoulder, survived the attack. That was fortunate because the cord controls movement of the triceps muscle, and some movement in the fingers and wrist.
But three major nerve branches were damaged: the median, musculocutaneous and ulnar nerves. Median nerves help control the small muscles in the hand while the ulnar gives sensory and motor function to muscles in the elbow and some fingers. The musculocutaneous helps with motion to flex the biceps and elbow.
Lin sees nerves as cables that must be connected for a signal from the brain to activate the muscle or appendage. The ideal way to fix nerves is to sew them back together. But if the nerves can't be directly hooked together, doctors must find cables to reconnect the circuit.
The gold standard is to surgically remove nerves from somewhere else in the body and transplant them to the injured limb. But Lin said that's always a tradeoff: If doctors take a nerve from the ankle, for instance, it will have less function.
Emily needed two sections of nerves in her arm — one 11 centimeters long, the other 14 centimeters. Lin ruled out taking that much nerve function from another part of the body.
Instead, she turned to frozen, donated cadaver nerves. Cells are completely stripped from the cadaver nerves, but proteins are left so that a patient’s own nerve cells can regenerate once they are stitched to the cadaver nerve.
This would be the first time Lin used cadaver nerves for a child. She was worried the procedure would be risky because she had to work around the reconstructed artery and blood vessels. There was a chance she could damage them and set back Emily’s progress.
"If it worked then it was a bonus," Lin said.
Fourteen days after the pit bull attack, on Oct. 10, 2014, Emily was set for nerve graft surgery.
It took about 15 minutes to thaw the cadaver nerve; the surgery itself took more than five hours.
First surgeons sewed together four pieces of cadaver nerves — two to make the 11-centimeter nerve bundle and two to make the 14-centimeter nerve bundle.
Finding Emily's existing nerves was an arduous process. Surgeons cut into her shoulder and lower forearm. They used sutures with glue to attach the cadaver nerves to Emily's nerves, nestled between muscles and arteries.
Surgeons then transplanted skin from her right thigh to cover the wounds in the back of her arm and around her shoulder.
The surgery went well. A surgical fellow who sat in on the procedure described it as a miracle. Nerves in Emily's right shoulder opened up like fingers saying, "please attach me," the fellow told Todd.
Yet Lin was hesitant to call the procedure a success. It takes one month for nerves that have been completely severed to regenerate 1 inch.
For an injury like Emily's that reaches a shoulder, regeneration could take up to three years, Lin said. Doctors prepped the family for the worst, saying it would be unlikely Emily will ever regain the lost nerve function.
Maria felt sick.
Maria, 1:34 a.m. Oct. 11, 2014: Todd expected her to be waking up moving her fingers, but that won't happen for months, if ever. I'm overjoyed that she's alive, but I'm mourning the loss of my Emily. Her young life will never be the same. She will never be a gymnast, or compete insports, or play the guitar that sits in her room. She probably won't be able to hold her child without help.
Emily's nerve graft surgery marked the halfway point of the girl's 32-day hospital stay at CHOP. Todd and his wife had started taking turns driving home to settle medical bills and go to work.
The medical bills climbed to about $3 million. However, the family qualified for Delaware's Children's Community Alternative Disability Program, which helped supplement Emily's hospital bills after she was discharged from the hospital. It saved their home and financial future. They happily paid more than $10,000 out of pocket for services such as therapy, bandages and medication.
Todd, 11 a.m., Oct. 13, 2014: It was gut-wrenching leaving Emily this morning. I cannot wait to get back to her tomorrow morning. This morning right before I left she spiked a high fever.
During the final weeks of October, Emily had more surgeries on her right arm — bringing the total to nine.
Eventually, she could get out of bed to play games, walk and Skype her third-grade classmates at Newark Charter. She enjoyed visitors. But her parents were worried about the four-legged variety. A pet therapy dog, a golden retriever named Hunter, came to visit. Her parents watched anxiously. Emily swallowed him in one-armed hugs, Hunter's nose nestled in her neck.
Thirty-two days after she was admitted, on Oct. 28, Emily went home. She had a police escort and visited the Newark Police Department to pick up trading cards with pictures of the officers.
Four days later, Dr. Lin gave birth to her second child, a daughter.
Emily's trauma wasn't a clean injury, like a cut with a sharp knife.
"This was a mauling, so the lacerations weren’t clean," said Tracy Shank, Emily's hand therapist at A.I. duPont Hospital for Children. "There were puncture wounds. You don't expect those recoveries to be good."
Emily needed to rest in the first three months after her hospital stay so the blood vessels and tissues could heal. That meant limited movement — difficult for a child with a lot of energy.
To improve her range of motion and to regain sensation in her arm and hand, she needed therapy to retrain her brain. If the nerve and brain are not in sync, over time motor function decreases as well.
"You almost lose the impulse to want to use the hand," Shank said. "The brain's image of the hand has shriveled."
Emily would ultimately see Shank nearly every week at A.I. duPont, but all agreed to wait until after the holidays to begin therapy.
Emily returned to school. Todd and Maria went back to selling homes.
On Thanksgiving 2014, the family took time to reflect.
Todd, 8:26 a.m. Nov. 27, 2014: I am so thankful for my daughter still being with us and everyone that helped us through this journey. Thousands of people prayed for her and our family. So on thisThanksgiving I want to say thank you to everyone. Hug the ones you love and tell them how you feel. We are only here for such a short period of time.
On Christmas Eve, the family received a particularly special gift. Emily began to feel hard touches to her arm.
By January she had a breakthrough: During her first session at A.I., her right arm snapped back at the elbow and flew toward her, smacking her hand against her face.
She had no control, but she had movement.
"I was laying down, and it went like this," Emily demonstrated one day last summer, making a goofy wide smile and twisting her arm so her hand slapped her face.
She worked so hard and made progress fast. Lin was shocked when she saw Emily for her six-month follow-up.
Todd and Maria recalled the doctor saying, "'Nothing I did did this. This is her body reworking.'"
To which Emily responded: "I'm a kid!"
submitted by nomorelandfills to BanPitBulls [link] [comments]

2023.11.10 21:01 CricketBooth Lore for Beelen, Nordland

Lore for Beelen, Nordland
[By request, the lore to go along with the map. A compilation of ideas mainly from our amazing GM Ryan and the rest of our party. Discord names below:
Produced by: GM Ryan (Thornquill) Contributors: Buffman, CanSpice, mrjreefer & Jefferoo (u/CricketBooth)]

Initial Concept for Beelen
Beelen is a hamlet along the Middenheim-Erengrad road, and within 5 miles of the Kreideklippe Bight not far from the coastline of the Sea of Claws.
The Bight is a small bay close to the Ostland border to the east, with high cliffs and secluded coves. The village of Kreideklippe has been the only village to manage to establish a somewhat permanent location on the Bight’s coastline of the Sea of Claws, benefiting from the protection of the natural harbours offered by the rugged coastline, rocky elevation and abundance of fish caught to sustain the village and trade.
The largest habitation in the area is Norden, a sizable town at the mouth of the River Hilf. Norden benefits from both, its proximity to the Middenheim-Erengrad road and access to the Sea of Claws for ocean access.
Beelen falls equidistant between two larger settlements, Schuten and Salzmorast, also both along the Middenheim-Erengrad road. Both are much more sizeable than Beelen, benefiting from there access to natural resources and advantageous location along the traderoute.
Schuten, the larger of the two, is a popular stop with traders of all sorts. Providing access to the River Hilf, traders have the opportunity to unload their cargo onto barges bound to Norden or upriver, through the Bramble Hills and Forest of Shadows to settlements beyond. To protect such a trade route, Schuten has defences, including a town guard. Travellers are made comfortable with the popular and famous Brombeerstrauch Inn.
The smaller of the two, Salzmorast is on the banks of a shallow salt lake. From this, it benefits greatly by being able to harvest the salt from the area and trade it as a luxury good. They have also been successful, to the chagrin of Beelenians, in producing enough passable wool for trade, creating another reason that caravans using the road would simply pass through Beelen, not bothering to stop to admire their wool products.
While Beelen may not directly benefit economically from its location, it certainly has avoided threats of Norse raiders for years, with Kreideklipper and Salzmorast providing more lucrative targets. The town of Norden, its fortifications and small fleet, are a deterrent to coastal raids. Not to mention the natural geography of the coastline being difficult to navigate, to all but the most able of captains.
On such a traversed road means that there is plenty of caravans and, while they may not stop, there are plenty of armed personnel ensuring the goods are safe and the banditry is kept to almost none.
Finally, the Bramble Hills and the Forest of Shadows lie at least 7 miles to the south of Beelen, which is a long walk for even the most determined of Beastmen or Forest Goblin.
Beelen (not Beilen, as often mistaken by non-Nordlanders, as ridiculous as that is), is home to approximately 75 souls. In times of plenty, the hamlet can trade in grain and wool, but this year is not one of those times.
What remains scarce in Beelen is their access to metal of all sorts. This means that if wooden or stone tools cannot be substituted, then Beeleners must either find a way to support a journey to Schuten to procure the metal items that they need or depend on the merchants passing through to have the items they need. As merchant caravans are not in the habit of carrying bulky farming tools, an annual trip is usually put together to procure the metal implements Beeleners need. Either way, metal items regularly cost 10% or more above their usual cost for Beeleners.
There are nine or so able-bodied people willing to arm themselves in defense of the hamlet, but such action has not been necessary for years. At most, they have been called upon when villagers have felt that they are being cheated and have needed support or when someone has reneged on a deal or promise to a neighbour.
The area of Kreideklippe Bight is in the region under control of Baron Ottmar von Neurath. It is commonly known that the Baron is an absentee landlord who has not been seen for years. This has not stopped his tax collectors from coming around with maddening regularity. There is already concern amongst the Beeleners about how they will be making their payments come sheering and harvest seasons.
There are mixed feelings toward this type of noble governing the region. Some are in favour of it, enjoying that their noble lord is “hands-off” and stays out of their business. This makes it easier to promote and hide some of the more unique elements of the hamlet. Others get upset, suggesting that there could be vast improvements in the infrastructure and development of the hamlet if the Baron only cared about the rest of the region as he did for his villa in Altdorf.
Beeleners are equal parts mystified, proud and secretive about some of the unique features of the region. While most are boons, providing elements and resources that can be used by the local population, most are limited in what is able to be gathered and produced, making them unsuitable for anything but local consumption or specialized trade.
Flooded Grotto
Outside Beelen, within walking distance is a flooded grotto, quite unusual this far from the coast. It lacks a proper name, but the Beeleners are fairly certain that it was flooded purposely by their ancestors hundreds of years ago. The reason why this may have happened has most likely been lost to the inability to read and write that afflicts most Beeleners, but there is no shortage of stories accounting for why the grotto is flooded.
Each family has their own story of why it was flooded and what may be buried within the grotto. The commonality they all hold is the focus on keeping curious children away from such an obviously dangerous place. Stories containing treasures are followed with them being ill-gotten and cursed. Other stories are about the heroics of the regions ancestors, and they flooded the grotto to thwart a necromancer, or Norse raiders, or Beastman throng, or Greenskin army, and what lies buried will do the explorer no good to find.
To an outside observer, stories such as the latter make little sense, as the grotto would have to be much larger than what could be deduced from the outside. The seedruid/storyteller tells a longer story of a piece of Morrslieb crashing to earth and creating a tear in the earth, hollowing it out, only to have it flood with what was once a river on par with the Hilf, drawing all of the water out, leaving the Silberbach [Silver Creek], a small tributary to the River Hilf. Most families do not encourage this telling as the moral of staying away seems unclear to all but the eldest children.
The rock around the grotto looks scorched and the years have brought a lush, green, uncommon vegetation back to surround it. What is visible inside the grotto are a series of stones and carvings, but what is legible have been scoured off.
There is one family, the Pumzen’s, who have been “mining” the grotto for a couple generations now. They pull a green rock out of the grotto, which the locals call Gruner Felsen. The Pumzen’s then turn the stone over to the Reinhild Hofbaur, who has made a craft of it to carve and shape the rock into various forms and included it into jewelry.
Twisted Copse of Trees
Just outside of Beelen exists a twisted copse of trees. Known by the locals as The Shadowweave, the trees found here are an enigmatic and haunting sight, especially to those from outside the village. The shape and features of the trees make them unrecognizable as any of the other local varieties and species.
Looked at too long, the gnarled and twisted forms of the trees can be deeply unsettling, as their branches coil and interlace in unnatural ways. This has prompted many stories around the origin and purpose of these trees. Depending on who you ask, villagers will spin tales that they are the trees left by the protective magics of wood elves, some say that the trees were infested with malevolent spites, jealous druids, bitter dryads, or perhaps what was left over from the taint of a darker magic used in the area.
Another tale, more worthy of a ballad or campfire story, involves a powerful wizard who once lived in the area. According to this legend, the wizard twisted the trees using his immense magical powers to entangle a malevolent giant that terrorized the region. The twisted trees were meant to keep the giant confined and prevent it from wreaking havoc on the village and its people.
Those that are more positive and practical believe that the trees bring a protective quality to the area, after all it has been a long, long time since Beelen suffered from Beastmen, Greenskin, or Norse attacks. The trees also demonstrate qualities that are beneficial to Beeleners, such as their smoke creating Allund’s Prize, a flavourful delicacy, and the ability to weave their bark into a variety of useful implements.
Regardless of the different stories, the twisted trees remain a potent symbol of the village's history, as they have stood for as long as anyone can remember. Beelener’s have learnt to keep quiet about these stories and The Shadowweave itself, lest their twisted forms create too much interest with those zealots of the Empire, who are not as openminded to the mysteries that shape the world and capture the imagination.
Mushroom Field
Just off one of the hunting paths, toward The Forest of Shadows, a large mushroom field has recently been discovered. The mushrooms resemble other local varieties, but also holds a rare, white truffle that has Beelen abuzz with the potential of such a delicacy.
Such a truffle could be lucrative, being sold to gastronomes who can afford it, but how would Beelen entice their visitation? It carries a robust, earthy flavour.
Harvesting and getting the word out about such a truffle could bring some much-needed prosperity to the town, but there are questions about who should be responsible for its procurement, sale, and profiteering.
The fact that Norden, the most populous and active trade port in the area, is not allowing anyone in also proves an unforeseen challenge.
Along the Silberbach [Silver Creek], a tributary to the River Hilf, that runs close to Beelen, is a bend in the rivestream/brook that holds an ever-churning vortex.
Dubbed “Manann’s Embrace,” the water continuously spirals inwards, pulling everything caught in its grasp down into the depths. Sometimes items pop back up randomly and find their way into the regular, much more sedate flow of the river, heading out toward the Sea of Claws. Other things can disappear for days before resurfacing. Still others never resurface at all. Occasionally, items pop up that have no business being in the river at all.
The intensity of the whirlpool seems to vary according to the weather and tides, with storms amplifying the turmoil the most. It is usually avoided easily, due to the strange formation of riverbank around it, but fishers and rowboats give the whirlpool ample distance to avoid any chance of being pulled in by a random surge.
The banks around the whirlpool are strewn with wreckage of various sorts, particularly after a storm. Some Beeleners have made a habit of venturing close to the whirlpool to salvage “that what Mannan has provided” and, while usually not immediately valuable, villagers have worked them into various creations.
The common opinion is that this whirlpool brings the people of Beelen a bit closer to the ocean and the powers of Mannan. Isolde Sternenbach, a priest of Manann, has suggested that worshipping the sea god at that location may prove as powerful as if they were on the coast or even a ship, but has also cautioned about sharing its presence or location as others will become overly interested and may want to claim the area for themselves.
There is much talk about where the waters of the pool end up or come from. The most common understanding, however, is that the whirlpool demands respect and caution, and, like the sea god himself, remains mysterious, dangerous, and representative of powerful forces of nature that often cannot be explained.
The village of Beelen houses several notable elements that are important to the hamlet and villagers. Some are special only to the villagers; others are notable enough that those that travel through take notice. However, Beeleners have discovered that whatever they are showing to passers through, depending on what it is and who is experiencing it, the element is equally as likely to bring positive or negative reaction. Outsiders may also suggest that all of these things are exactly the reasons that Beeleners remain the epitome of the hinterwäldler [“hicks”] of Nordland.
Beelen houses a communal smokehouse, usable by anyone of the village. Everyone, then, is expected to chip in and keep the fire appropriately stoked and maintain a healthy supply of wood by the smokehouse for said task. Families usually make a morning or afternoon of it, bringing everyone in the household by, checking on the contents of the smokehouse, placing their own meat inside to cure, chopping wood and piling it neatly.
Loggers will occasionally, at the direction of the local druid/eldeherbalist, bring over wood sourced from The Shadowweave. On such occasions, families rush over to use the wood for smoking as it creates a unique taste, as well as a unique, if repulsive, smell.
For the locals, there is no better smoked delicacy than a river eel, stuffed with the local variety of mushrooms. Beeleners refer to this local delicacy as “Allund’s Prize” [Aal und Pilze – eel and mushroom], after the surname of the family that was so desperate to smoke the two together.
The ingredients of Allund’s Prize intensify the smell and flavouring of the wood used and trigger the consumer’s gag reflex. While Beeleners have adjusted and come up with a way of consuming their prize without inhaling the smell, thus avoiding bringing their treat right back up, those not from the area that are invited to try it clearly have not. Very often a first-time eater will not make it outside the smokehouse to vomit, prompting the placement of a bucket right by the door that has carved in it, “Southern Lunch Special.”
In addition to lending a unique flavour and nauseating odour to the smoked eel, the bark from the gnarled trees makes for excellent fiber for weaving, when prepared correctly.
The preparation process is arduous and working with the fibers taxes even the most skilled weaver, but the result is resilient cloth-like material, which takes its name, Shadowweave, from the copse of trees from where the wood is sourced.
This name not only describes the dark, ominous woods with its interlacing branches that seem to cast shadows in all directions, but also the natural colour of the fibers produced from the wood, which have the unusual effect of playing tricks on the eyes of those unfamiliar with the fabric, as if the wearer was cloaked in shadow when worn close to the skin, even on the brightest of days. The added benefit of water resistance makes this a highly sought after item for local hunters.
The weavers have not managed to refine a technique that completely eliminates the smell, however. Wearers of a Shadowweave garment must make sure that they are downwind of whatever prey they are stalking, and need to take the garment off before entering enclosed common spaces. And the weavers themselves, while highly respected, are not popular in close quarters as it takes days for the smell to leave their own clothes and hands.
Production of said cloth has been limited due to the careful felling of the trees in the Shadowweave. This is a source of debate amongst some Beeleners.
Nestled along the bank of the Silberbach, there stands a modest tannery known as the Driftwood Tannery, run by Landriche Fünten and her family. Unlike bustling tanneries in more prosperous regions, this establishment does not thrive on a steady supply of local leather. Instead, it has adapted to the challenges of its location by developing unique techniques to process leather from a variety of animals that the Beeleners slaughter, mainly sheep, and from whatever washes up on shore from shipwrecks caused by the enigmatic whirlpool, Mannan’s Embrace.
The Füntens have also expanded their trade to include smaller items, such as archery bracers, jewelry thongs, to utilize whatever amount of leather that they are able to produce from their limited supply. Supplemented with findings from the whirlpool, the Füntens utilize whatever they can find to craft it into something they can sell.
Despite the limited supply of leather, the artisans of the Driftwood Tannery take great pride in their work. Each item is meticulously crafted, and the Füntens produce a variety of products, including rugged footwear, tough outerwear, weather-resistant clothing, and finely tooled accessories. To make their creations truly unique, they often incorporate elements from what they find, such as polished wood, metal accents, or decorative remnants from the vessels. The resulting products showcase the artistry of the tanners done with a local flare.
The tannery's exterior is weather-beaten, blending seamlessly with the coastal landscape. It consists of low stone walls constructed from stone from the nearby ruins, a roof made from a mix of driftwood and tarpaulin, and a central courtyard where the tanning process takes place. Surrounding the main building are makeshift shelters and storage areas constructed haphazardly from a variety of materials.
The techniques and materials used by the Driftwood Tannery are a closely guarded secret. While sociable enough to other Beeleners, the Füntens are not very talkative with what they are creating, or where they found it. This has not prevented families from providing their pig or sheepskin to the Füntens for processing, but there is no explanation for the decorative materials that are found to be a part of it when the process is finished.
With a limited market and Beelen having fallen on some hard times, the Füntens have taken to creating trinkets to offer passersby. With and increasing connection and dependence on the outside world, Beeleners have started talking more about where and how the Füntens have been so successful with finding the materials they craft with. Many find this success and willingness to interact with outsiders disquieting and believe that it could be upsetting their connection and balance with Manann through Manann’s Embrace. Some have gone so far as to whisper that the family gives offerings or performs special rituals to guide them to these trinkets. Thankfully, these jealous voices have not become too persistent, yet.
The Great Cesspit
The Great Cesspit is a large underground sewage disposal system in the village. Originally built for expected growth that never happened and in an effort to avoid polluting Manann’s Embrace, a cleverly devised a system of channels and filters was created, demonstrating Beelen’s commitment to environmental stewardship and maintaining a harmonious relationship with the divine forces.
Over the years, buildings and movement have befuddled any memory of the design and destination of the disposal system. Beeleners are at a loss when it comes to remembering where their waste is drained into or where it goes. For now, they celebrate that they have not had to worry about digging another latrine or creating a midden pile for decades, bringing an expanded relief beyond just the “stroll of relief”, or “Der Spaziergang der Erleichterung”.
The nearby ruins pre-date the town by hundreds, if not thousands of years. No one really knows when they were first erected or what purpose they served. Were they simply buildings of a long-lost town or were they more specific in nature, perhaps the site of some unholy rituals.
What is known is that the stone used to construct these ruins has unique qualities. The stone itself is quite resilient, showing little weathering, but when heated, becomes malleable and can shaped with little effort or skill. This has allowed the town to repurpose several of the buildings to more practical needs, but they stand in stark contrast to the rest of the village's structures comprised of wooden planks and thatched roofs. Only the buildings of most import are deemed worthy of the limited supply.
This contrast in building types and architecture is what the folk that pass-through Beelen most remember about it. This and the nauseating smell, if they are passing through while Allund’s Prize is in the smokehouse. Puzzling to the town's inhabitants is that there are no known deposits of this stone in the area nor any indication that it was ever quarried here, raising questions as to how and why it came to be.
A cynicism has developed in the wake of a disappointing trial. Traditional ways, those that look to one invested member of the community for decisions and guidance are being questioned as never before. There is open conversation about the relative inequalities of the distribution of wealth, especially when it comes to the artisanal community.
There are increased grumblings and distrust being directed toward the relative wealth of the artisans, such as the Füntens of the Driftwood Tannery, Reinhild Hofbaur the carver and the Shadowweaver(s). It is being said that they are not sharing equally with the community, hoarding profits.
Of course, the artisans argue that coins are not all that makes wealth, and they will still be in a position of having to feed themselves, while the farmers will not. The farmers continue the argument by stating that the crops are no good if there is nothing to harvest.
Urban Eichklein, head elder, is trying to heal the division and argument by showing the value in both sides and that only together can a community exist. He is looking to the other elders to put their differences aside for the good of the community and present a unified and amicable display.
Mutants, Mutations
Recently, a fish was found on the banks of the Silberbach, relatively close to Manann’s Embrace. Odd to find a fish out of water, odder still that it had two mouths.
Urban Eichklein has not offered any sort of opinion as of yet. Others are talking about mutation and worry about fishing in the Silberbach for fear of what else they will find. The alarmists are pointing to having upset the powers that be somehow and are making connections to the failure of crops in the area. What does it mean for livestock? Gisela Schauer is pregnant, what if the babe comes out a mutant?
submitted by CricketBooth to warhammerfantasyrpg [link] [comments]

2023.10.18 00:01 muscleboyfitness200 Operation NOS4A2 / I am a Bad Girl working with a Secret Global Agency to hunt down Vampires! -A Sci-Fi Space Story

Author-muscleboy fitness 200


It is the year 3000. The United States has an enormous, off-world space colony the size of the planet Saturn on the cold, blue planet of Oron V.

This blue planet is huge and cold. But it is a beautiful photographers dream. Looking like the American State of Alaska in its landscape and climate. It has vast wilderness and artic zones. With much coastline and rich marine life and forest life. Along with mountains and a lot of beautiful waterfalls. Oron V has four seasons. Spring and summer come carefully to this planet and are brief. Usually around 40 to 70 degrees. Fall and Winter weather are never far away and are the usual climate here, which is 18 to 30 Fahrenheit.

Oron V also has a huge, maximum penitentiary for men and women. The women have a separate prison called "The Early Grave Penitentiary for Women." Guarded well by armed prison guards and enormous Caucasian Shepherd dogs and German Shepherd dogs!

"The Early Grave Penitentiary for Women" houses the worst of the worst female criminals from planet earth. Ages range from 18 years old to 70. Now housed and contained here on the planet Oron V. Some are on death row awaiting execution. Crimes range from Murder, burglary, arson and even pedophilia. They made these prisons in Oron V to protect law abiding citizens on earth. Thinking it would help some to ship the worst criminals to a far-away space colony. So far, this plan has worked pretty well. Even though there is still some killing, burglary and pedophilia still going on in earth. It's not as much as before with the huge prisons for male and females on the planet of Oron V.

On Oron V executions can be swift. You can be executed a week after your sentence has been handed out. The executions are all held outside the maximum-security women's prison in an execution yard. With barbed wire fence on top of the wall.

There is a big, strong and tough, Matronly Lady in charge of executions. She wears a black mask over her head and uses her Blaster rifle to blast you into oblivion. The Blaster rifle works for all types of beings on the blue planet of Oron V, Humans, cryptids, cyborgs, and other extraterrestrial beasts. All fall dead to the blaster rifle.

One blast from the executioners' rifle and you are not coming back to life. It's a quick and efficient death.

The planet Oron V has also dangers outside of its prison walls as well. In the wilderness, mountain and artic areas. It has Elk, Deer, Caribou, Moose, Bison and Musk Ox. Even a tribe of Bigfoots that keep to themselves and are rarely seen. But There's even bigger dangers. With the once thought extinct, Prehistoric, large Smilodon cats. Better known as Sabre Toother Tigers. Along with Black Bears, Grizzly Bears, Polar Bears and Orcas. All of these things are an ever-present danger to your very life! The Prehistoric cat is present on earth as well!

Oron V has a mix of various beings. 60% humans and the rest of the 40% are a mixture of Cyborgs and Extraterrestrial beings of many different cultures, colors and languages.

The wealthy and well to do from earth and other planets travel in their spacecrafts to the blue, cold planet of Oron V to enjoy their winter activities. Like skiing, ice-skating and bob sledding and buy souvenirs in their villages. They have plenty of restaurants and bars to enjoy too. Plus, a large Prostitution house. On most clear nights, you can see the enormous, cold, blue planet of Oron V when you look up in the night sky.

Recently at "The Early Grave Penitentiary for Women." A very beautiful but deadly female vampiress, named Vampyra Dread has escaped killing a prison guard while being transferred to another part of the prison. Vampyra was on Death row already for killing an off-duty "Operation NOS4A2"- agent when robbing a blood bank.

Vampyra Dread was at least a few centuries old with long black hair and penetrating blue eyes. With a curvaceous figure. She always dressed in a black mini dress. She loves to bite people necks and rob blood banks. Killing many people as she goes along.

This is where I come in. My name is Nova Starling. I am a special agent in "Operation NOS4A2". Named After the Vampire "Nosferatu", which is an old Romanian term for Vampire and meaning something unpleasant. This Secret Government agency is an international network based on Hunting down Vampires around the globe. I happen to work in the New York based area of this organization. The Head base of this agency is located in Washington D.C. Since a vampire was involved in this crime in New York I has been assigned to this case. I am an attractive, female Cyborg.

In the morning I fly in my "Operation NOS4A2" space cruiser to "The Early Grave Penitentiary for Women". I get out of my cruiser and walk up to the huge prison. I show my agency badge and inform the prison Warden and her officers I wish to speak to female inmate number 1313, named Andromeda X.
Andromeda X is a former friend and accomplice to the escaped Vampyra. They were both actually on Death Row for killing an "Operation NOS4A2" agent while robbing blood banks for Vampyra.

Even though Vampyra did the actually killing of the "Operation NOS4A2" agent They have a felony murder rule here. If you rob somebody and somebody gets killed in the act, you both go down. So, Vampyra and Andromeda X both go down for the killing and are both awaiting execution on Death Row. Now that Vampyra has escaped the women's prison I need her former partner in crime Andromeda X to help me get her back to prison and to face justice on what she has done.

The female Warden Galia leads me to the inmate named Andromeda X. Andromeda is already sitting down and waiting for my visit behind the glass prison wall. I then look at Andromeda and she looks at me. I am wearing a black baseball cap that say's the initials "ONA" which stands for "Operation NOS4A2 Agency" in big white letters in front and a black military top and coat over it that say's "ONA" in big white letters as well. Along with black pants and black boots.

Looking at Andromeda X. She is a very lovely blonde human, 25 years old, with a busty and curvaceous figure at five foot seven in height. She is wearing black and white prison stripes that the female has to wear in this prison and black prison boots. We give our greeting through speakers on the side and introduce each other as we start to chat. Andromeda X looks at me smiling." Weren't you the "ONA" who killed the Vampire who was a mass killer a few years ago"? she asks. "Yes, I am. He was a tough one, but I am glad The Agency brought him down. He will be killing no more." I reply seriously. Andromeda X just smiles and nods her head at this impressed. "You are a very good vampire hunter indeed. But vampire Lestat from "Interview with a Vampire" fame is still on the loose." Andromeda X laughed, throwing her head back in laughter. "Please be quiet Andromeda. I have something important to say to you." I tell her with a frown on my face. I then tell Andromeda X the situation that we need her help in bringing her former accomplice and friend to justice who has just escaped prison. Her name is Vampyra Dread.

I then ask Andromeda X why being a human does she help a female Vampire rob blood banks. Andromeda X replies "I knew Vampyra for a long time and we both like robbing things without paying for them. So, I help her rob blood banks from time to time". I then look at her curious. "ONA" Nova Starling. You do not have the criminal mind set like we do. So, you would never understand the thrill of robbing things without paying for them." Andromeda answers with a serious look on her lovely face as I nod my head in agreement.

I then look right into Andromeda X's eyes. "So, Andromeda will you help the "Operation NOS4A2 Agency" in capturing the escaped felon Vampyra Dread?" I ask politely. Andromeda say's nothing, then gives a sly smile at me. But does not seem interested. "Good day." she simply says nodding her head to me as she starts to get up from her chair. I inform her that if she doesn't play ball her own execution will go down as scheduled in a few days from now. Remarkable she is still not interested as she gets up with a Female prison guard and leaves the room.

In the meantime, the best special agents still cannot find the missing Vampyra. I reluctantly go to the female prison again and summon for Andromeda X help. This time I mention to her that I can try to get her off death row if she can help me in bringing her former friend and boss to justice. "Dead or Alive?" Andromeda asks as I nod my head. "Even if I help you, you cannot guarantee you can get me off death row, can you?" she asks a little worried but at least I got her talking. "No, Andromeda. I cannot. But I can try my hardest and speak to the Govenor to get you off Death Row for helping us capture Pandora." I reply seriously looking her sincerely in the eye.

Incredible Andromeda X still wants to think about it as she gets up again out of her seat and the prison guard takes her back to the death row cell. I do warn Andromeda that her execution date is coming up soon and she needs to play ball with me if she wants to live. And also, the more time she waits in her cell Vampyra Dread could be killing other people as well. I then watch Andromeda go back to her cell handcuffed. With the officer without saying another word. "Wow! was Andromeda X a hard nut to crack." I thought to myself as I watched her leave.

The very next day with the execution of Andromeda X looming on the horizon I go back to the women's maximum facility to talk to her one last time. I see Andromeda and tell her about some very sad news for her. I tell her that Vampyra Dread has escaped in a flying escape pod and has reached earth, and she has since robbed another blood bank. And not only was she successful she killed a blood bank driver as well. "So why is that sad for me?" Andromeda asks not seeming concerned at all.

I tell her that perhaps in anger for you leaving her Vampyra went to the daycare afterwards and murdered your daughter, Luna X in cold blood. Sucking all of her life's blood out of her with her long fangs. As I then held up a photo of Andromeda X's cute, five-year-old daughter with braided brown hair. Under the glass I give Andromeda the photo of her now dead daughter Luna. I tell Andromeda that I know all about her life. I know that you had a husband on earth, but he died early, leaving you a single parent. Your child when living was really a ward of the state until somebody adopted her as their own. Since you are going to be executed soon.

"Now the worst for you has happened Andromeda. Your daughter was brutally murdered by your former accomplice in crime and your set to be executed in a day from now. Cannot get any worse than that." I said to her. This time as I hoped Andromeda X let out a wail of anguish over her daughter's murder and now wishes to help me bring Vampyra to justice and to also avenge her daughters' murder.

I then look at Andromeda X seriously. "Remember, this mission does not exist. Nor will it ever exist. " As Andromeda Nodded her head silently in agreement.

The next day Andromeda X and I talk in prison. She tells me she is sorry my fellow "Operation NOS4A2" Agent was killed by Vampyra. She also tells me that was not necessary. Since they already had the blood from the blood bank and all, but Vampyra was really crazy and just told the "ONA" to kill her own self. Vampyra can make people kill themselves with her trance like eyes. Amanda X said " Vampyra just had to kill somebody. But I am guilty too." she states." I was with her when the robbery took place, and the officer was killed." Andromeda also tells me that she is sorry that Vampyra killed the prison guard and the blood bank truck driver as well.

Andromeda X seems sincerely sorry about all of these deaths, as I put my arm around her. As I told her that I was sorry her poor daughter Luna X was killed as well as she gave me a teary-eyed smile in return. I then tell Andromeda X to shower and change out of her prison stripes. So, she could join me in capturing the fugitive, Vampyra. Andromeda X then nods her head and leaves the room.

When Andromeda X comes out, she is wearing a pink thong Bikini and sandal high heeled shoes on her feet. I just looked at her in surprised shock. "You are not wearing that are you when we look for Vampyra?" I asked watching her pose for me in every single angle imaginable. "No, I am going to wear this for the beach if I ever get out of prison. I just wanted to show it off for you. I have never worn it before." Andromeda X replies as she flashed a great big smile and struck a sexy girl pose for me. I must admit This Bitch was drop dead gorgeous, stacked to the max with long legs. She was as curvy as fuck! "You look fantastic girl. Now let's change into an outfit you are going to wear and let's go.' I said as Andromeda leaves again to change her clothes once again.

This time Andromeda X comes out wearing a blue bikini top, blue tiny, short shorts and high heeled shoes. Not wearing much more clothes on than she had before. I then roll my eyes. Seeing me roll my eyes at her Andromeda X remarks "Hey! it's still warm weather on earth. I want to be comfortable, ok Nova?" "Ok, Andromeda X. Whatever you say. let's go girl, ok?" I ask politely. "Allright" Andromeda X replies smiling.

I then look at Andromeda X. "By the way girl what did you usually wear when robbing blood banks?" I ask. "Usually this is what I wear. I like to be girly and comfortable. It also gives me a sexual thrill robbing while wearing very little on." she replies smiling with a wink. I then look at Andromeda. This lady was beautiful and sexy but was as crazy as a shit-house rat!

I then decide to concentrate on the mission at hand in capturing Vampyra Dread. Not what Andromeda X was wearing. As we walked together out of the prison and into my VHI space cruiser.

In the huge, "Operation NOS4A2 Agency" building back in New York on the planet earth I introduce Andromeda X to my boss, "Operation NOS4A2" New York Chief, Artemis Apollo. Artemis looked and sounded like the character actor Joe Turkel who played Eldon Tyrell in the movie "Blade Runner" and the ghostly bartender in the Jack Nicholson movie "The Shining." Chief Artemis Apollo still dressed in vintage 1940's style clothes with his black double breasted, pinstriped suit and red bow tie. With center-parted black hair. He was with his second in command, The lovely green in color Alien lady, Athena Moon. They both greeted Andromeda X warmly knowing that she could help "Vampire Hunters international" capture Vampyra Dread.

I then led pushed a red button leading Andromeda X to another room. It's the "Operation NOS4A2 Agency' s" weapon room. Inside the room, I go over the various type of weapons as I hand Andromeda X a big cross bow weapon with pointed Stakes too to kill the Vampire Vampyra Dread with.

When Andromeda X and I were walking out of the huge "Operation NOS4A2" International vampires hunters building in New York. I did notice many male special agents ogling Andromeda X in her sexy little outfit as we went by. Wolf whistles abound echoed through the hall. Finally, Andromeda X and I were both in my "ONA" cruiser and headed towards earth to try to capture Female Vampire Vampyra Dread dead or alive.

I flew Andromeda X back to her house. I told her I wanted her to be fresh in the morning at 8 o' Clock when we start looking for Vampyra Dread. When the next day arrived Andromeda X got into my space cruiser wearing an even skimpier outfit than she had on before. If you could even imagine that. I tried to remind myself just stay focused on the mission at hand. Not on what Andromeda X is wearing.

When I am flying my space craft with Andromeda X in New York City looking for Vampyra Dread it comes to pass that I get a radio message from my chief, Artemis Apollo that Vampyra has teamed up with identical twin sister accomplices in crime. No other than the notorious, Orlok Twins-Named Jezebel and Drusilla.

These twins, like Vampyra are also Vampires and on the "Operation NOS4A2 Agency's" most wanted list. They bite people's necks and rob blood banks. Interestingly enough they like the taste of Ice Cream too. Both are good-looking, Vampire Girls. With powder white skin, black eyes, black lipstick and long black, center parted hair-with black braids on each side. They are 18 years old in matching black dresses.

I thank my Chief for the information and think we can kill three birds with one stone if we can catch or kill all of them. I relay the information to Andromeda X as we continue our search now for not just Vampyra but the Orlok Twins as well.

In a secret safe house on earth Vampyra Dread talks to Jezebel and Drusilla Orlok. "With me killing the "Operation NOS4A2" agent and prison guard and blood bank truck driver. "Operation NOS4A2" and the police are going to come after me really hard. It's good I have you two on my side." Vampyra said to the twins. "Yes, don't worry. Whoever comes after you. We will make them dead really quick!" The Orlok twins replied together. A habit that they did quite often. As they ate their Vanilla Ice cream cones and licked it at the same time. "The "ONA" are after us as well. Don't forget for blood bank Robbery and murder too. "The twins said together again as Vampyra nodded her head in agreement. "We just have to protect each other as we knock off more blood banks." Vampyra said smiling. "Glad you broke out of "The Early Grave Penitentiary for Women." Jezebel said. "Yes, you were looking at execution in a matter of days." Drusilla chimed in. "Yes, You Twins are great. You have not been in prison yet." Vampyra said smiling. "We do not ever intend to be." The twins said in unison once more. "That's good girls. Neither do I. Now let's plan our next bank robbery, shall we?" Vampyra said as the Twins nodded their heads happily in unison. Licking their Vanilla ice cream cones at the same time.

A few days later The Orlok Vampire Twins raid an Ice cream Parlor and kill the ice cream man behind the counter. As they prepare to leave without paying for the ice cream. "Well, he is dead. Let's go Drusilla." Said Jezebel Laughing wickedly. "Yes, Jezebel. Let's go now and rob a blood bank. It's fun to shed blood and drink it." Drusilla answered just as cruelly. "Blood is the life!" They both say in unison as they both laugh at the same time and start for the exit door out of the Ice Cream parlor.

The Orlock Vampire twins then suddenly look up towards the exit door as they both see a stunningly, gorgeous female holding a weapon of mass destruction in her hands. "Hi girls!" Andromeda X say's in her sexy, little girl voice smiling at them. "Who the hell are you?" The Orlok twins say in unison as their vampire fangs grow larger and eyes turn blood red. Shocked and anger at what they are seeing. A very beautiful, young woman looking like an unstoppable force. Holding a huge cross bow in her hands with a very sharp, pointed wooden stake at the ready. "That's the last ice cream cone you will ever get for free in your life." Andromeda X say's as she shoots her weapon as one stake quickly goes into Jezebels heart and as quick as lightning another stake goes into her sisters Drusilla's heart. Both sisters look at each other sadly with a stake through their hearts knowing that Andromeda X has killed them, as they instantly turn to dust!

Andromeda X looks down as the Orlok Twins whose bodies are nothing but dust now. As she then looks at her cross bow weapon. "Wow! Ok, then. This is some weapon. I am a weapon of mass destruction in myself. Am I not?!" Andromeda thinks smiling happily to herself at her work. "Two bad girls down. One bad girl to go!" Andromeda X say's. "Some people will say what I just did was a murder. But I am doing a job for the "ONA" and The Orlok Twins got what they deserved!" As she then whips out her phone and relays what happened to "Operation NOS4A2" agent, Nova Starling who is very pleased to hear this information. Very pleased indeed!

The opposite is true back in her safe house, Vampyra hears the news on her huge wide screen TV set. Vampyra is very angry that her partners in crime. The Vampire Twins Drusilla and Jezebel Orlok are now dead. Vampyra is also surprised that the "Operation NOS4A2 Agency" has recruited her former friend and accomplice in crime Andromeda X to help catch her. "Well, my dear "ONA", Nova Starling and Andromeda X too can play the tracking game." Vampyra say's evilly to herself.

Day's pass and there is no word where Vampyra is hiding. Agent Nova Starling walks to her home late one night when she is suddenly knocked unconscious. She wakes up to find she is in some kind of a safe house she does not recognize, and she is tied to a chair. She then looks up in horror to see Vampyra standing triumphantly over her. "I have been following you Miss "Operation NOS4A2" agent Nova. I saw your I.D. And know who you are. She snarled. "You will not get away with this Vampyra. You are already in hot water for escaping prison and killing many people including an off-duty agent." Nova replied back toughly. Vampyra did not seem scared at this reply. But held a phone to Nova's face.

"Now you call Andromeda X to this safe house that she knows very well. And when she comes, I will kill her and then I will kill you. I want you to watch me kill her first." She laughed wickedly as Nova then made the call to Andromeda X to come to the safe house.

Andromeda X soon comes to the safe house at midnight. But unknowingly to Vampyra comes through the back window taking her heels off so as not to be heard. As she silently sneaks up from behind Vampyra in her bare feet as she raises her cross bow. There is a huge, round full moon out as Vampyra howls at the moon like a werewolf just as Vampyra fires her cross-bow weapon who's pointed wooden stake goes right through Vampyra's heart killing her instantly. As she turns into nothing but dust.

Andromeda X than quickly frees Nova Starling from her binds. "Thanks for saving my life, Andromeda X." Nova says as she hugs her briefly. "What now?" Andromeda X asks curiously. "We have to go back to the planet Oron V so I can explain to the Governor there what happened here to at least reduce your death sentence. Which should happen since you worked with me to single handedly kill Vampyra Dread and the Orlok Twins too. Not to mention saving my life in the process" she replied smiling.

A couple of days later It all worked out great for Andromeda X. Not only was she off death row on "The Early Grave Penitentiary for women" on planet Oron V But was going to be immediately released as well.

On Oron V Andromeda X says goodbye to her prison buddies at "The Early Grave Penitentiary for Women." And then outside to "Operation NOS4A2" agent Starling as the the agent points to the Space Pod Andromeda X can use to get back to earth. When Andromeda X enters the pod, she sees a shock of her life it's her daughter Luna X alive and well sitting on a chair waiting for her. "Mommy!" she yells happily" with her arms outstretched waiting for a hug from her mother Andromeda. Excited and confused Andromeda X lifts up her young daughter in her arms and looks back at agent, Nova Starling.

"Sorry Andromeda X "The Operation NOS4A2 Agency" had to lie to you that Vampyra killed your daughter so you would get mad enough at her to help us catch her. You did not seem like you wanted to help. So, this was our last resort. You see Andromeda X we both get what we want. "The Operation NOS4A2 Agency" get Vampyra Dread and the Orlok Twins, and you get your daughter back alive and well. Sorry we had to do it this way, but it ended up for the best. Goodbye and be well Andromeda and Daughter Luna X. Be sure to stay out of trouble this time girl and thanks for your service to "The Vampire Hunters International" Nova Starling said as she smiles and waves goodbye.

Andromeda X then nods her head and smiles back at Nova understandingly, as she then gets into the Space pod with her daughter. "I know I cannot be a bank robber ever again. But Wow! I am still young and attractive. I think as soon as possible I will hire a photographer, put a big picture portfolio together and put in a resume to become a swimsuit model. Maybe that and be a Vampire huntress working for "The Operation NOS4A2 Agency" as well! That will surely give me a sexual thrill to take the place of the thrill of robbing blood banks. Plus, I wonder if Agent Nova Starling needs a partner in hunting vampires. I think I will ask her later." Andromeda X thinks quietly to herself with a great big smile on her face. As her Space Pod approaches the planet earth to start a new and law-abiding life there.
The End?
submitted by muscleboyfitness200 to DrCreepensVault [link] [comments]

2023.10.08 17:25 Thinh_ What are the chances of enemy team getting this team comp?

submitted by Thinh_ to ARAM [link] [comments]

2023.10.03 00:52 thefulgorah #1 Final Time of every Season 1 Punch King class in Reboot (as of 10/02/2023)

#1 Final Time of every Season 1 Punch King class in NA Reboot, two weeks after my original post.
Edit: Final times for Hero, Phantom and Cadena updated thanks to Lycanthropod (thanks for the help).

Sorted by Best Time:
Going down the list, I've listed the current placement (the first number) as of the ending of the events last buffs, compared to their old placing (the second number; top 5 stayed the same, for example).
  1. (equal 1st) Night Walker - 7.28 -- Shapaz
  2. (equal 2nd) Ark - 7.37 -- Misuse
  3. (equal 3rd) Night Lord - 8.28 -- Howurd
  4. (equal 4th) Kain - 9.38 -- Yuel
  5. (equal 5th) Buccaneer - 11.17 -- JustPally
  6. (up from 7th) Mercedes - 11.77 -- gtrpro
  7. (down from 6th) Xenon - 11.95 -- Hyuna
  8. (up from 15th) Wind Archer - 12.46 -- Barey
  9. (equal 9th) Adele - 12.86 -- Kasawn
  10. (down from 8th) Demon Slayer - 12.86 -- Grunde
  11. (down from 10th) Pathfinder - 13.72 -- Life
  12. (down from 11th) Hero - 14.09 -- Dark
  13. (down from 12th) Cadena - 14.59 -- ChickenCdena
  14. (up from 16th) Cannoneer - 14.77 -- Saiyans
  15. (up from 19th) Evan - 14.86 -- Felp
  16. (down from 14th) Hoyoung - 15.00 -- Shulk
  17. (up from 20th) Shadower - 15.20 -- Dubsly
  18. (down from 13th) Dawn Warrior - 15.21 -- iFallenDawn
  19. (up from 21st) Wild Hunter - 15.27 -- Selenik
  20. (down from 18th) Aran - 15.30 -- ThongTen
  21. (up from 22nd) Blaster - 16.09 -- Blâstin
  22. (down from 17th) Kinesis - 16.57 -- Richan
  23. (up from 25th) Dark Knight - 17.13 -- BladderStone
  24. (equal 24th) Thunder Breaker - 18.04 -- Snizze
  25. (up from 28th) Dual Blade - 18.24 -- Tummy
  26. (down from 23rd) Paladin - 18.65 -- Chan
  27. (down from 26th) Marksman - 19.67 -- Auroa
  28. (up from 31st) Phantom - 20.17 -- Zelgenubi
  29. (equal 29th) Kanna - 20.30 -- tacosjeans
  30. (up from 36th) Angelic Buster - 20.67 -- Solunazrael
  31. (down from 30th) Bishop - 21.71 -- Jaepy
  32. (down from 27th) Demon Avenger - 21.77 -- Executizer
  33. (up from 34th) Hayato - 22.76 -- 0x4f6e65
  34. (up from 37th) Shade - 22.84 -- pelix
  35. (down from 32nd) Kaiser - 24.46 -- Xerhu
  36. (up from 43rd) Mechanic - 24.69 -- Sentinelese
  37. (up from 41st) Battle Mage - 25.41 -- Ezrl
  38. (equal 38th) Illium - 25.50 -- Dehgun
  39. (equal 39th) Corsair - 25.86 -- ØØHoho
  40. (down from 33rd) Blaze Wizard - 25.96 -- Thievie
  41. (down from 35th) I/L Mage - 26.91 -- Sizuruu
  42. (down from 40th) F/P Mage - 28.91 -- ColdMayo
  43. (up from 45th) Bowmaster - 29.30 -- Fearcely
  44. (equal 44th) Zero - 29.71 -- búnz
  45. (up from 47th) Luminous - 34.03 -- Lapy
  46. (down from 42nd) Mihile - 34.31 -- SereneZest
  47. (down from 46th) Lara - 36.02 -- QingQing
  48. (equal 48th) Beast Tamer - 37.74 -- BTBest
  49. (equal 49th) Khali - 57.05 -- Splooki [newer class at the time, 10/02/2023]

Sorted by Class Group:

Cygnus Knights:
submitted by thefulgorah to Maplestory [link] [comments]

2023.09.29 02:45 muscleboyfitness200 Voyage into Darkness/ Mysterious Island story.

Story by Muscleboy Fitness200

I begin these captains' logs to write about the Terror and the Hardships that my submarine crew faced on a mysterious and far away Island. May the great Lord above help us all.
Captains Log: May 3, 1896.
I am holding a huge conch seashell up to my ear. I can hear the ocean. I have always loved the sound of the ocean. It takes me places. It takes me places far far away. Since my younger days I have always loved sea-faring tales like "200,000 Leagues under the Sea" and "Treasure Island". Maybe that's why I became what I am.

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is James Smith. I am the captain of the submarine named "The Iron Fish". I am fifty years old with a white head of hair and a trim white beard. I am six foot tall. My lovely wife Mary Smith is my age with ocean blue eyes and a white bun of hair. She is five foot seven in height and loves to model her elegant Victorian gowns for me. We met and fell in love at Yale University in Connecticut in the United States. Mary was a cook on the submarine "The Iron Fish".

Another member of my submarine crew and my Second in Command was Ervolino Reginald Kent Brantley the Third. Simply known as Errol. Errol had short black hair and a black mustache. He was a childhood friend of mine and went to Yale University too. Errol was an adventurer. He looked like the handsome swashbucklers of silent movies and books. He was an African safari, Hunter. In his estate, had many trophy animals stuffed, including a big bull elephant. Errol, Mary and I were all of British decent from Connecticut and wealthy.

Chang Lee was born in Shanghai, China and was 18 years old. He was five foot ten in height. His father was dead, and his mother moved to New York becoming a maid for wealthy white people there. Chang Lee had an extremely, musclebound, Mr. Olympia of the Gods physique. His arms were as thick as tree trunks and looked like high mountain peaks when he flexed them. His biceps were 22 inches. It was not surprising he used the submarines exercise room the most. Even though we all used it to keep in shape.

Chang Lee had a Naturally hairless body from his bald head down to his toes, which was good because it showed off his muscles more. He did not even have to shave his face. Much like the American Indians in the 1600's to the early 1900's-until they intermarried with white and black people. These are facts about the American Indian I have read in my history books.

Anna Farnsworth was a wealthy 18 years old lady from New York. Like the Vanderbilt family, her family was wealthy in the Railroad industry. Anna had long blonde hair with a bosomy and slender figure at five foot seven in height. Anna first met Chang Lee when he was showing off his muscles wearing his swimming trunks at Coney Island Beach to the lovely wealthy ladies there. These young Victorian aristocrat ladies, all looking beautiful in their elegant Victorian dresses and hats, holding their parasol umbrellas.

After Chang Lee's muscle show Anna introduced herself as did, he. She flirted heavily with him and won him over. Even offering him a ride in her new Renault motorcar to take him home. Which he accepted. Chang Lee was impressed that Anna had a motorcar because very few people had them. It was mainly horse drawn streets and people usually had to walk or take streetcars from place to place. Some people of this age disliked the new motorcars because they scared horses, and they were bad smelling. But Anna knew that this was the dawn of a new era. When someday motorcars would replace horses.

When Chang Lee got in her car, she looked at him adoringly. "Why walk or take streetcars. When you can ride in my motorcar." she said. "Yes, Thats true." He answered nodding his head smiling at her. Anna then smiled "Mirror mirror on the wall who is the most muscular man of them all? Is it Samson, Hercules or Chang Lee?" I think it's Chang Lee." Anna said as she and Chang burst out laughing. Chang liked this lady. Not only was she beautiful but funny too. Before Anna drove Chang Home, she made a few detours. She drove him first to a short, silent picture show that she and Chang liked. As they watched the flickering images move across the screen. Then she drove Chang to a fancy hotel where they had dinner and enjoyed a bubble Bath and sex.

Chang Lee and Anna Farnsworth returned to Coney Island Beach and amusement park quite often. Enjoying "Sea Lion Park" which was built in 1895. The rides there included Shoot-the Chutes, an old mill ride and of course a sea lion show. Most people looked at Anna Farnsworth and Chang Lee because they had amazing physiques. But some frowned on them because interracial romances were not loved by all back then. But through Anna's fabulous wealth. She got Chang into many public places and high society places as well. And eventually her parents accepted him too.

Even though Anna was a high society girl she was growing tired of all the boring social engagements and parties her parents subjected her too and so was Chang Lee. They both wanted adventure and became crew members aboard my submarine "The Iron Fish" with Anna as a nurse and Chang as a seaman. My Submarine crew was now set. We were a small but elite submarine crew that fought for American interests from one side of the globe to the other. We recued many people in trouble too.

The submarine "The Iron Fish" rivaled Captain Nemo's "The Nautilus" Submarine for what it had inside of it. It had nice rooms and bathrooms. My wife Mary and I roomed together, Chang Lee and his girlfriend Anna Farnsworth roomed together, and Errol had a nice room alone. The boat also had a nice dining room, exercise room, ball room, and library, which I also used as my office. Anna even tried teaching Chang to dance but this was still a work in progress. Haha.

Everyone on board had a colt revolver handgun and rifle. Chang had his big cross bow instead of a rifle. The boat had a side hatch with a rowboat that could seat all. It also had two big torpedoes ready to fire at the enemy when needed. the boat went quickly through the water at 40 miles an hour. My wife and I's great wealth built this submarine, and it was ours. We spared no expense.

My wife and I were both admirers of our new President of the United States William McKinley and admired the Great British Monarch. Queen Victoria as well. In the late 1800's Britain was the world power but America was growing into one as well. We were all proud of our young nation.

May 6, 1896
My Wife Mary calls everybody to the great dining room for dinner. We are having Ham, green vegetables, sweet potatoes and rice, along with brandy on the side. After we finished dinner, we had our dessert of pie and ice cream. When we were all finished with our meal, I tell my crew that we have another mission. "What is it Captain?" My friend Errol asks. I tell Errol and the rest of my crew that the mission is to find and save the famous explorer George Wilson. "Where is he?" My wife Mary asks. I tell her that the explorer went missing on a mysterious island he has been to before putting cannot get off of it now for some reason. "What is the name of the island captain?" Chang asks. I tell him I do not know. It's a mysterious island off the coast of Africa and we should be there in a few days. "Wow! I hope We can find him alive." Anna said worriedly as everybody nodded their heads in agreement.

I also tell my crew that the island is the home of the Komodo Dragon, and its dinosaur sized. It could kill us easily and swallow us whole. The Island also has some Tyrannosaurus Rex and Viceraptors too called raptors for short. So, it's good that we are well armed to take them on. I say to all, my crew members as I hand them photographs of the Komodo Dragon, Raptors and T-Rex. Anna looks frightened seeing the giant lizard photos as her boyfriend Chang puts his arm around her to comfort her. I then looked at everybody sitting at the large dining room table and reminded them that this mission was confidential and do not tell anybody about it when you get back as they all agreed and went to bed.

May 11, 1896.
I look through my periscope and find an island as huge as Greenland in the horizon and I know this must be the mysterious island that the missing explorer disappeared. I tell my submarine crew "The Iron Fish." Soon we were all ready to go. We were all dressed in our African safari hunters wear and pith helmets, except Errol who wore his African safari fedora hat. We were all armed. As soon as the submarine was above water the side huge hatch opened up and we start rowing our large boat to investigate the island first to see where to land. While we look for the missing explorer George Wilson.

The powerful Chang Lee rows our boat through the thick and lush tropical unknown jungle filled with many colorful birds and monkeys. I tell my crew to be on guard for anything in the forest. Even though the jungle was beautiful it was filled with dangerous creatures everywhere no doubt. There were so many things that could take your life here besides the Komodo Dragon, Raptors and T-Rex like, Python snakes, poisonous -spiders, snakes and frogs. The boat then passes a clearing and we see a frightening sight. We see about ten Dinosaur sized Komodo Dragons feeding on a carcass of a Brontosaurus with Raptors trying to steal some of the meat like Hyenas do to Lions in Africa. But then my crew and I see a frightening sight. There is a huge roar as we see a huge Tyrannosaurus Rex chase The Komodo Dragons and the Raptors away from the carcass and start feeding on it alone. Good thing Chang Rows fast we were back in the thick jungle canal before the T-Rex knew we were even there.

Soon I look up in the dense jungle forest and see a huge open mouth of a cave just above the trees with a place below to hide our submarine while we look for the missing explorer. I tell my crew this and soon we are set up in our new cave campsite home for a time. My crew was lucky because there was a stream with salmon, trout and cod to eat with wild deer and boar to hunt in the woods for meat. We also had a small livestock of goats for milk, and chickens for eggs. Even a large Dodo Bird too for eggs.

That very night we all discovered how dangerous the island could be. We were all awoken from our sleep to find a huge python wrapped around Chang Lee's body trying to make him it's next meal. Chang had other ideas though as he took the snake by each side of its mouth and kept opening its mouth wider, wider and still wider ultimately breaking Its jaws and killing it. The snake immediately uncoiled from around Chángs body falling harmlessly to the floor dead. Anna then ran to Chang side and hugged and kissed him happy he was ok. Errol told Chang that he was like Hercules killing the serpent trying to kill him in his sleep. We all laughed at this. It gave us some relief from this dangerous island. We all knew we had to be careful. There was danger at every turn on this mysterious island.

May 16, 1896
My submarine crew had a full week of searching and failing to find the missing explorer George Wilson. We were all very tired. It was very hot in the jungle too. So, My wife Mary besides being a great cook was also a great clothes designer. So, she made Chang a leopard skin bathing suit and Anna a leopard skin thong bathing suit. They looked like Tarzan and Jane from the jungle books. Chang's swimwear was very skimpy, and Anna's top barely held her Titanic breasts and her thong back was barely visible. Mary then threw up her hands. "Kids today!" she said throwing up her hands in pretend disgust. "What are we going to do with them? Look what I just created." We all had a merry laugh to this as well as Anna and Chang. But we all knew that these type outfits are what they wanted made for them and Mary was nice enough to do it for them.

As for the rest of the submarine crew. Mary wore her light summer dress, and Errol and I wore our short sleeve African safari tops, pants and boots. We were all much more comfortable this way.

As was mentioned before it was sweltering hot in the jungle, so we enjoyed the beach in our leisure time. My wife Mary brought along her Kodak camera she bought in the year 1888 as she took picture after picture of all the crew members. But especially with Anna and Chang. Who loved posing for sexy beach photos. "How about this pose?" Chang said happily as he lifted up Anna off of her feet and cradled her in his arms like a baby as Mary took their picture. I knew as the weeks passed that Anna was especially having a great time at the beach, laying in her hammock, enjoying the beach swing that Chang made for her, and riding down the beach on a wild white horse.

This mysterious Island was so isolated and remote. I do not think any humans really knew it existed. Except the Vikings of old, The missing explorer George Wilson and us. This was the lost world that time forgot with all the prehistoric beasts here. The jungle was beautiful, and the beach had High rocky cliffs with towering mountains surrounding them. All of this made for a good privacy barrier. It was so private that Anna and Chang often removed their clothes becoming nudists. With Chang racing after Anna down the beach sand and into the big waves of the ocean.

My wife Mary told me that one day she was looking all around for her Kodak camera and thought she had lost it. Until she looked down from the cave campsite and saw Anna doing a sexy girl pose in the nude on the beach. As her boyfriend Chang took her picture. Mary said she just rolled her eyes and walked away. I had to chuckle to myself at this. Even though I knew that Mary was exasperated with Anna's and Chang's behavior. But we all knew that They were still young, and we put up with it!

On the huge beach we also saw a dinosaur sized red Fiddler crab, but it minded its own business and did not bother us. Sometimes Anna and Chang swam out to play with the resident dolphins, as the seagulls and pelicans flew lazily overhead.

June 10, 1896.
This morning my Submarine crew leave the cave campground for another search for the missing explorer, George Wilson. We were only in the jungle forest for a few minutes when Anna and Mary screamed pointing upwards as I look up to see a Tyrannosaurus Rex glaring angrily at us as it starts to give chase. Chang Lee fired his crossbow arrow at it that missed as Errol, and I shot our rifles at it to no affect. We had a good head start of the beast, but it was coming fast. So, I told Chang and Errol to light a bunch of Dynamite sticks on the jungle floor and when the T-Rex comes to it he will explode. When the dynamite goes off.

After they lit the dynamite, we all hid in the forest waiting for the T-Rex. We did not have to wait long. Soon as the T-Rex came up to the dynamite it went off and exploded all around him making a huge hole he fell into. My wife Mary gave me a hug thinking the dinosaur was dead. But I was not so sure and had to check it out first.

When my crew came up to the smokey hole we heard a roar as the T-Rex climbed out of the hole and gave chase again. We were racing through the jungle forest for our very lives when Errol pointed to some quicksand and came up with an idea to cover it up with leaves and brush for the T-Rex to fall through. When we finished doing this and hid. The T-Rex fell through the brush right into the quicksand. The T-Rex was doomed. The more he struggled the deeper in the quicksand he got. Soon he was no more, and we breathed a heavy sigh of relief and continued on our trek to find the missing explorer.

My crew then went quickly over a huge log bridge that went from one side of the cliff to the other. But when we went over a hill, we saw dinosaur sized Red Warrior Ants looking for food. Red Ants were more aggressive than the black ants. As soon as they saw us, they gave chase. We quickly all ran back over the big log bridge. Anna said "What are we going to do the ants will follow us over the log bridge. "Oh, no they won't honey." Chang Lee replied as he lifted up one end of the heavy log with his Hercules like strength and tossed it aside. As the log fell to the rock's way down below. Now the ants had no bridge to use to follow us and they were angry.

One ant tried to jump to reach us and fell to his death way down the canyon rocks very dead. When the ants started to turn back, they were surprised to see a pack of Komodo Dragons looking ferocious and hungry as the two titan beings started to fight each other on the jungle floor. We were not waiting to see who won the fight as we headed back the other direction. We were almost to the cave camping grounds when Anna screamed once more as we all saw a huge Komodo Dragon racing towards us from behind. We all shot a volley of bullets at it hitting its mark as the great Dragon fell dead to the jungle floor. Killing of the Dragon was the only thing good thing that happened that day because the explorer was still not found.

June 15, 1896
The men all go out early to look for the missing explorer as the ladies stay behind to take care of the livestock we had. Mary told me later, but she said when she was tending to the chickens, she looked up to see a giant T-Rex looking angrily at her as it started to give chase. Mary had no time to lose she knew that Anna was tending to the goats and chickens just around the corner as she grabbed her hand and told her what was happening. The ladies were lucky because the stone steps were hidden by the brush. So, they could climb up to the top of the cave without being noticed by the angry T-Rex.

When the ladies got to the top of the cave, they looked out to see the angry T-Rex still looking for them but not knowing where they went. Frustrated the dinosaur went back into the jungle forest as Anna then hugged Mary and thanked her for saving her life. On the way back to camp us men folk were attacked by a bunch of Raptors. But we were prepared as Errol, and I shot a bunch of them, and Chang got several too with his deadly cross bow. The Raptors seeing that we were no easy targets quickly ran back into the jungle again.

When we got back the ladies told us what happened with the T-Rex and we told them our story about the Raptors. We were all glad everybody was all right. This jungle was beautiful but there was danger at any given moment.

It was good to have our submarine "The Iron Fish" near the cave campsite isolated and hid from the dinosaurs. Because we could go down to it whenever we wanted. We could make repairs on it. Or other things. Chang could still lift his weights in the exercise room with Anna who liked to work out with him. I could get my library reading in, dance with my wife Mary in the Ball room, or fence with my chum Errol on the other side of the vast exercise room.

June 21, 1896
In the morning right after breakfast we decided to search for the missing explorer but at the far side of the beach we had not really explored yet. When we got next to the end of the high rocky cliffs, we noticed Skeleton bones and a wallet. Mary picked up the wallet and looked inside to discover the missing explorer, George Wilsons photo inside of it. We had finally found him. But unfortunately, he was dead. Mary handed me the photo of George Wilson so I could hand his widow the photo and tell her what happened. We then heard sweet, feminine music as we all looked up in the cliffs and saw a beautiful Siren singing and smiling at us. "It's Oceanna the Siren. She may have lured George Wilson's ship to crash on this rocky island and he died." Anna said very frightened. As my crew nodded their heads in agreement.

That night I tell my crew that we will be leaving this island in the morning because we found George Wilson, but he was dead. So, there was no reason to stay anymore. An hour later Mary then called everybody for dinner. All arrived hungry and ready to eat except Anna. everybody was wondering where she was. Her hammock was empty, and she was not seen anywhere. So, we armed ourselves and decided to look for her.

We then heard a female cry for help that was recognized as Anna's. As we all rushed to where George Wilsons skeleton bones were found. We did not notice before but at the end of the rocky cliffs there was a dark cave we all entered. It was very damp in the cave with seaweed all around. Wet big and small rocks covered the place. Had to be careful some were sharp and jagged.

I did not hear Anna's cries anymore as I told my crew to push forwards into the cave. I put my flashlight on the caves walls and saw some strange writings that were not Egyptian or Chinese. The writings were not Turkish either. I just could not make it out. We went further on through the cave to find something on the wall that was startling. It had a Jackal headed Pharaoh holding two knives in his upraised hands as he defended his home from Hyena like Invaders, while his wife looked on in horror in bed. Another picture on the wall showed the Jackal headed Pharaoh and his soldiers on War Elephants fighting their foes who were behind a wall firing arrows at them. Another photo showed the Pharaoh once more. This time in Gaza with the Pyramids and the Sphinx appearing to talk with shorter Grey Alien beings about the architecture of the Pyramids. As they looked on the Pyramids together. Walking further on more strange writings that I could not decipher.

We then turn a corner and see a big drawing of the pharaoh and his queen on monarch chairs with beautiful Leopards flanking them. The last picture, at least in this cave section had the pharaoh inside his harem, concubine room with all the lovelies striking different sexual poses for his approval. So, he can pick them out for his choosing it seemed. I suddenly felt a small chill go up my spine that became a big chill. These ancient pictures on the walls chilled me to the bone.

This Island was beautiful but full of danger and mystery. I think I would have to live two lifetimes at least to understand the meanings of these walls. We then turned a corner of the cave to see another frightening sight. It was Oceanna the Siren dead on the floor next to a huge Six foot eight, shaggy brown ogre with horns on the side of his head and a beard ready to finish off Anna with his own bare hands. I ordered my crew to shoot as we all blew the Ogre away with a hail of rifle bullets and an arrow from Chang Lee. With the huge Ogre dead. Anna then rushed over to her boyfriend Chang and gave him a hug as she thanked us for saving her life.

The huge Ogre killed The Siren, Oceanna and was going to kill Anna as well before we saved her. After we got Anna to safety and back to the cave, we decided to pack up immediately and leave this mysterious island for good and go home. Which we safely did.

August 18, 1900
Anna Farnsworth and Chang Lee get married in my submarine "The Iron Fish" with me the captain marrying them. The whole crew was there along with Anna's parents and Chang Lee's mother. Soon afterwards Anna and Chang quit being crewmembers aboard my submarine but remained close to us. Chang Became a professional winning Bodybuilder and his wife Anna became a famous and lovely Fashion model for my wife Mary who became a fashion designer. Anna modelled Mary's designs so elegantly for her and was Mary's top model, among many other models in her modeling industry.

My childhood friend Errol Brantley quit my submarine crew soon after Anna and Chang did and went on to do some more of His African safari hunting and other adventures. Even bagging a huge polar Bear in the artic and mounting it up too in his estate. I became a professor at Yale University teaching the students about Submarines and boats. Errol kept in touch too and we all remained close. I would love to forget about that mysterious island. But the more you want to forget the more you remember. But I do not think I could even find it again on a compass. Best left forgotten. This is former Captain James Smith of the submarine "The iron Fish" signing off.

April 9, 1912
Anna and Chang Lee Take a vacation to Southhampton, England in 1912. They are enjoying a hotel together. "Hey, honey I am waiting in bed nude for you to come out. What is taking you so long?!" Chang Lee said smiling. Finally, Anna Lee finally comes out of the bathroom wearing her pink bathrobe and a beautiful Necklace around her neck. "What are you wearing around your neck dear?" Chang Lee asked. "This is a Hope Diamond Necklace. It's worth millions of dollars. I actually found it on that mysterious Island back in 1896. But kept it as a secret. Sorry." Anna replied looking down and admiring her necklace. "Oh, I see. It's lovely and makes you look even lovelier, more youthful too! my dear!" Chang replied smiling happily.

Anna smiles back and thinks very wickedly to herself. I did not really find it Chang. I killed the Beautiful Oceanna myself. Oceanna was really just an innocent sea nymph and not a Siren. I just told that tale to make her sound evil and hateful. Oceanna's diamond Necklace was so lovely. I never saw anything like it before and I had to own it for myself. But her bodyguard attacked me as soon as I killed Oceanna and that's when you thankfully killed him. Thank you dear. You see the giant Ogre you saved me from was Oceanna's Bodyguard not a killer at all, I killed Oceanna myself letting you think her guard the Ogre did it. Now I have the Hope Diamond Necklace all to myself.

Anna smiles thinking more to herself. You see my dear Chang I have always come across as a nice, sweet girl but I was born evil. I am all black and darkness inside. Psychologists say that you cannot be born evil. That is why people like me born evil always win. Because nobody believes anybody could actually be born this way! They would kill me if they ever found out how evil I really am! But I will never tell you or other people this my dear Chang. I Hide it so very well from others.

Anna then laughs evilly to herself. Now I have everything. Fabulous wealth and beauty, the muscular man of my dreams, and this Fabulously, lovely Hope Diamond Necklace around my neck.

The beautiful Anna thinks all these things to herself. As she quickly drops her pink bathrobe to the floor, leaving only her glittering Hope Diamond Necklace around her neck. "Wow! Anna, you look just as beautiful as Helen of Troy." Chang say's astonished on how lovely she looks.
Indeed, Anna has never looked more beautiful and radiant, and impossibly growing even more so wearing her sparkling Hope Diamond Necklace. Which is great since she is now a world-famous fashion model. As she jumps into bed with her muscleman. "Come on Big boy I want you to ravish me while I am just wearing this Hope Diamond Necklace. It's our last night here after all. We leave the docks of Southhampton, England Tomorrow at noon for New York City on the maiden voyage of the ocean liner "The Titanic! "

submitted by muscleboyfitness200 to DrCreepensVault [link] [comments]

2023.09.20 21:59 oRamafy 7-28-2023 to 9-7-2023

28/7/2023, 9:16 PM
It’s useful to think of my mind as pursuing the answer as to what is the average state of consciousness, iow, what is a useful description of what it’s like to be conscious as an entity that would be conscious for all eternity. As well as developing a system for improving it.

Checked out Homegirl cafe. Food was mediocre, but the salsa and pineapple cucumber juice were good. Homeboy bakery was just a tiny display case on the side; I didn’t get anything.

29/7/2023, 8:50 PM

My sandals were stolen last night. Likely related to visiting Homegirl cafe. My tire popped too. Slept all day. Ice bath at night.

Checked out mine and Nicolette’s HD channels. 🔮

30/7/2023, 2:16 PM
Had my car towed to JC’s Tires bc Yelp said they were open, but they were not. I’ll get it fixed tomorrow.

Watched two episodes of Suits before driving to work.

Brought my HD book with me and read about Nicolette’s and dad’s crosses. Nicolette’s is to live in a healthy body and show others how that is the true basis of happiness. Her sacral, gut-based intuition functions by answering yes/no questions with visceral responses. 🔮

Asked Nicolette if she and her hubby started as an affair, and they did not, and she said that it was the most interesting question anyone has ever asked her. They started seeing each other the day of her husband’s breakup with his ex. She moved in with him at 1mo, got engaged at 2mo, and married in 6.5. Told her I had an affair and intend to rekindle the relationship with my mistress. 🔮💕

Watched Suits before bed.

31/7/2023, 3:22 PM
I’ve demonstrated twice today that by blocking out everything else’s input, I can quickly and easily become a radiant source of love at my command.

Stopped by Seiwa and Sprouts before Yaquelyn’s. Picked up ingredients for Chanko Nabe, fish, and snacks.

Lead the chanting with Mina and Ezawa-San tonight. 🙏

Finished my 3-day dry fast. Broke it with Martinelli’s cider and Vietnamese ground beef rolls.

Saw a woman with Down’s syndrome at Walmart during break. Don’t quite remember why I believe they have a special relationship with the 5 elements and humor. 🦇

Lead the chanting again with Toshiko, Ezawa-San, Kumiko, and Mina. They approved and I might lead some chanting at the temple. 🙏

Got Pho Thinh after work, the place that opened on Feb 3rd, my wedding anniversary. It was great. Watched Suits before bed. 😘

2/8/2023, 1:01 PM
Watched Suits before work, picked up a cucumber lime rock star on the way.

Saw dad in the evening.

5/8/2023, 12:19 PM
Took Maple out and Bim called me. His # is registered in Yorba Linda, and his number changed from 7144630705 to 7144620705, which explains why he hasn’t been responding recently.

Read Shindoin volume II.

6/8/2023, 9:51 PM

PFT with Temple in the morning. Said I’d invite dad to the temple during August. Talked with Satoru and some others. Told him about my temple origin story including Joe. He did guard duty at Oyasona as a college student in Japan. They have at least 4 guards every night. 🙏

Had black store’s Viet coffee before the temple, exceptionally strong. Made chanko-nabe and natto on toast, both were great.

As I was leaving MM, I said “later Mannie.” Kyle said “later Mannie” with a laugh, extremely reminiscent of David, AaNg’s brother.

Nicolette told me about seeing Masked Singer in person. 5 hours standing, no water or snacks, but she had fun. I told her about the beautiful nice experiment, and she correctly guessed that some of the mice turned cannibalistic.

Watched Black Mirror at night. It had Star Fleet and that guy from Breaking Bad, where he was the asshole-God in the VR world he programmed. The guy kinda looks like Garrett.

9/8/2023, 9:36 AM
Thought a bit about the properties of the devil/Satan/Lucifer, and which properties I associate most strongly with each label.
Devil: temptation
Satan: Mimic and competitive advantage
Lucifer: solving guilt
The idea is that each name refers to the same entity, and consequently has all the same properties, but each name has its own rank-ordering of most strongly associated properties. People do the same thing with their own names.
Bao, Cao, Tran.
Justin, Bim, Quan.

Seems like by definition, members of a collective consciousness have signed over their executive function to an entity that they feel can exercise it more effectively than they can. Garrett can represent the asshole-God, as depicted in Black Mirror.

10/8/2023, 9:37 AM
Last day with ThDo. Talked about Oumuamua, Arcturians, and the 75/25 female/male alien race. And how the best way to pass along information to the other alien race connected to Oumuamua would be to think of Oumuamua, then think of what you want to tell them. 🎓

Quin and Tran joined me for NaNg. Tran has 7 weeks left in her pregnancy; she’s having a boy. Quin gave me 2 buy 1 get 1 free coupons for 7-Leaves. When I look at Quin, it’s like my eyes are held pried open. P

11/8/2023, 6:48 PM
It might be that the defining difference between system 1 and system 2 is the difference in wavelength and frequency of their signaling capacity, namely system 2 utilizing longer wavelengths.

Watched the Arkangel episode of Black Mirror with mom. Also watched the new Transformers movie with her in the evening.

Went to Giang’s parent’s place to pick up mail and see Maple. Took her to Liberty Park. The mail was just a $30 check bc TurboTax charged me. 😘 🍁

Went to 7-Leaves in the morning. Mom declined a drink, so I got a mint coffee and a summer mint tea with aloe Vera, recommended by Quin. 🎓

Made a grilled cheese with mom’s leftover cheese and some raspberry jam. Also finished the first chanuka nabe I made, finally.

New definition of consciousness: awareness of experience. This might necessarily imply a capacity for feeling, or preference.
Energy can be thought of as a way of quantifying change. 11:10 PM

12/8/2023, 1:59 AM
In the same way one can think of language as a means of preserving memory, we can think of religion as a praxis serving the same purpose.

Went to Gen with Greg, Mina, Ezawa-San. Chatted with Greg about dieting. Nathan’s living in Rancho Cucamonga with his gf.
Went to Keen Coffee afterwards, got a Chai and a vegan almond bar.

13/8/2023, 12:19 PM
The Planck length is 1.616 x 10^-34, the golden ratio is 1.618
The Planck time (AKA Danana or Brianiel) is 5.39 or me minus Bri) x 10^-44
The Planck energy is the amount of energy released during the combustion of fuel in an automobile fuel tank. Wonder why my kids are car-obsessed.
Note: 2*22=44

Talked about Planck units and a little other physics with PhTr. 🎓

15/8/2023, 8:01 AM
Talked about Planck units with ThDo. 🎓
Hate can be a measurement of the injustice the object of hatred has committed.

Wrt length, atom:human ≈ human:solar system ≈ solar system:galaxy

Nolan’s height is 2% off the golden ratio when converted to meters
Mile->km is 0.6% off

Diameter of universe / age of universe / 6.66 ≈1.0135. The “expansion of space” is why the diameter of the universe is greater than c*age.

Planck’s son was executed for his role in the July 20th plot — an attempt on Hitler’s life.

Max Planck was baptized as Karl Ernst Ludwig Marx Planck.

It’s likely that the reason why dad felt like our futures were set in stone from the age of 4 is that my primary client, AaNg, was 4 years old. I spent 5 days a week with him, 17.5 hours/week from 9-12:30 during the summer. 🎓

Nolan told me about his convolutional network masters thesis. It’s a network that learns feature engineering by itself, and “domain-specific-based” feature engineering is considered obsolete in visual and speech processing. 🦇
Also texted him that 6.66x is 1% off the difference we would expect from the diameter of the universe given (c*age of universe) is the intuitive way to calculate its diameter. Also, his height is 2% off the golden ratio if you convert imperial to metric. He sent me a wiki on Gaussian noise. It’s noise with a normal distribution, and he used it in his thesis to corrupt imaging.

I smelled like enchiladas during NaNg’s session, he said I smelled. So I went and got Michoacána enchiladas and asada after work.

16/8/2023, 12:14 PM
Cream Pan in the morning. Coffee for me, strawberry croissant for mom. Then Doom Patrol. Crazy Jane temporarily aka Dr Harrison created a cult of the Re-creator, to combat the Decreator. She assigned a special role to one member, and when asked what she wanted the other cult members to do, she replied “dance.” Now I know why Nicolette and I talked about medieval dance fever. The black man in asylum also recommended having the sacred text inscribed onto a dog. 🔮

Read a little of After Babel by Jon Heidt. Some people wanted to build a tower that would reach heaven. Apparently, God disliked this, stating that they’ll be able to do anything they set their minds to, so he chose to scramble their language in order to confuse them. 😈
He also says that 2012 is the year there was a wide switch from “social networking systems” to “social media platforms,” and credits this switch for the disruption of society’s ability to communicate.

Shading, size, and detail can convey depth. Detail came from PhTr. He’s also a 15m walk from Liberty Park. 🎓🍁

Dad thinks he took me to a Garbage/Nelly Furtado concert when I was 10ish, but it was somebody else.

17/8/2023, 1:47 PM
Gabby joined me for ThDo today. 🎓

In November 2018, astronomers reported that the extragalactic background light (EBL) amounted to 4×10^84 photons. —Wiki on Observable Universe

Atom:grain of sand as man:Earth

Tran wrote the number 42, and only 42, for NaNg to identify. Later, NaNg’s dad said he was #1 today, and he responded that he wants to be #2. 🎓

Perhaps we get defined as our “opposites” by those that are within the redshift zone.
Turns out The Republic is written about Socrates and Plato’s brother, Glaucon, having a dialogue.

Heavy duty meditation at night.

18/8/2023, 7:50 AM

Fat people don’t have emotional authority, they have emotional mass. Authority would be granted to those by those that have deemed them worthy of it, predominately by demonstrating an understanding of emotions and the role that they play in our lives.

Seems like Grant copies Garrett.

Started using my nicotine Vape instead of smoking today.

Got a massage then donuts.

Bday dinner at Santa with the family.

Mom has a very strong expectation of me to remember her life (she expected me to remember some chicken fingers she brought back from a restaurant months ago, for example) and what’s going on inside her own head. She’s often talk about something without identifying what she’s talking about, then condescendingly imply that I should have already known when I ask her.

20/8/2023, 8:59 AM
The body does not track the owner’s judgement, but others’, likely weighted by the attention received by the other. Consequently, the feelings associated with that body are never directly the consequence of the owner’s actions. It gives us information about others’ minds.

Much of the female imagination is fueled by non-reality, an example being my mom thinking she could beat up a guy because he was short.

Picked up a Nudae dirty chai and bacon and chive croissant before MM. There’s a bjj place with a chess king on its sign, which I told Nicolette and its association to Joe Rohan saying bjj is like chess. Nicolette told me about her step-daughters dance tryouts, one for ballet which she was comfortable with, then one for jazz which is more difficult for her as it’s new. Sounds like she didn’t make the jazz tryout. She also told me about her daughter’s dentist trip where she was traumatized, screaming as she got 6 crowns. Told her about the Canadian man who was jailed and fined $30k for misgendering his daughter. Also told her about my trans cousin Daniel, and that I’m the only straight sibling. 🔮

21/8/2023, 9:09 AM
My phone undid my work alarm, on its own. It was saved. Ended up 30m late to work so I stayed an extra 30m.

I said “so you want me to more animated” to Tran, and ThNg said “yeah,” in a low tone, in response. He is very non-reactive to pain from pressure applied by me, but only demonstrated noncompliance while eating, similar to what NaNg used to do. He is notably larger than AaNg and stands up to pee. He also gave me a thumbs-up, maybe today. 🎓

Went to Starbucks between clients, and met Paul Bryant. A bald, homeless man with blue eyes, a bicycle, and quite fit, especially for 60 years old. Wouldn’t talk about where he grew up. Said he had over 100 unknown children and 48? grandchildren. Also a singer song-writer that plays the base. We talked until I had to leave for work, and he said a prayer for me before I left. We also shared my nicotine vape.

PhTr showed me that Indonesia and Poland have mirrored flags. 🎓

22/8/2023, 5:40 PM
Told ThDo about the Japanese astronomers that sent a signal 40 years ago and hoped to get an alien response today. NaNg smiled big and wide when I thought about my dad giving women the right to torture their unborn children. I told NaNg that I remember what it was like to not have memory. He started breathing nervously and asked to change the subject. 🎓

I was angry and told NaNg’s mother that he was causing problems. He peed his pants.

23/8/2023, 7:50 AM
As I was waking up, I could see images of other people writing their dreams in this app.

I thought something about Danny, and ThNg’s face reacted with great dismay and he shook his head. 🎓

23/8/2023, 11:21 PM
When I woke up this morning, I unplugged my iPad, but it was not charged. I plugged it in again tonight with the same charger, and it shows it is charging.

Chatted with PhTr. There was a mistake in the Mantis math, so I’ll have to return to that. I did the math at Starbucks between clients. 🎓

Hung out with dad. He mostly talked about Dianna. He mocked me when he asked me if I approve of their relationship, and I told him I think he’s being naive about their long term potential. Told him about the love-note Saundra dream. Also about Nolan’s Golden Height.

Remembered in bed that in addition to global reconditioning, the rave babies are all quad-right as well. Saundra’s mother is basically the first rave baby, that I’m aware of at least.

24/8/2023, 11:00 AM
Gabby joined me with ThDo. ThDo went outside independently, then immediately peed in the backyard. I was thinking about Arcturus immediately beforehand. Arcturus has the same mass as our sun, but 25x the volume and 170x as bright. Likely feels like a stupid, emotional bully to our sun. Mass is a measurement of access to information. Peak mass measures one’s total lifetime exposure to information , with weight loss representing a loss of access to it, but not ownership of it (ala a landlord renting his property). Density is a measurement of the rate that one is capable of reaching that information.
I am less dense but more massive than typical asians. I am more dense and less massive than typical Americans. My family is extremely average. 🎓

Neanderthals were quad-right, whereas Homo sapiens were quad-left. This changed with the introduction of projectors and us as 9-centered beings in 1781, when we discovered Uranus. When a quad-right pushes their brain to focus, they develop thyroid problems. Their passive brain needs a “correct” dietary regimen, aka PHS.

Vietnam:America as Venezuela:Mexico(Brazil?)

Included peach in the legend for coloring with NaNg today. He found it and used it without asking anybody for help. I had NaNg answer “who fixes toilets” with “plumbers.” He then asked if plumbers are a community. Even if I don’t intentionally lie, the technology will publish false information anyways. 🎓

It was Ezawa-san’s bday today, and they told me during chanting. I said happy birthday, then I heard them both repeating “don’t care,” as if they were estimating or copying my alleged response. The next day, I had therapy with Mina, and she had no recollection of doing so and it made no sense to her. We had already been talking about negative spirits, so I told her the only explanation needed was that the negative spirits could send information through a body without the host being aware of it. Positive could do the same though. Greg showed me around to get ready for cat-sitting afterwards. The cat likes me. 🙏

25/8/2023, 12:01 PM
Mary morning. Stopped at 7-11 on the way, got Indian for lunch. They serve pizza as well. Chris was replaced by another homeless man with a bicycle.

Chimp empire has a chimp that planned a coup by grooming the alpha with a friend of his and taking over. This chimp then suspected that the same thing might happen to him, so he tested the loyalty of his troop by attacking another troop and seeing who would fight for him.

Watched Doom Patrol the morning.

26/8/2023, 1:42 PM
A reality is a set of perceptions and/or observations, whereas the universe is the set of all possible and/or experienced realities, or the union of all realities. Multi-verse is better phrased as multi-reality. So Mina’s reality did not include her and Ezawa-San saying “I don’t care,” but mine did, as did our universe. 🙏

Took Maple to Liberty Park. Saw Giang in her car, we waved. Said hey to her brother, he used the same phrasing as me. Her mom recommended a new tea for the liver, and I bought it. 🍁😘

I was unaware that Thorn Zealot automatically killed the champion if there was only one option. This simple lack of awareness of a piece of information that does not change anything about the choice to be made was punished with a notable slice inside the back of my head. I had been remembering that Mina’s chanting felt like sharpening steel inside my head. I wonder who is dependent on my explanation of the downstream affects of my choices. 🙏

Perhaps the original souls attached to the bodies are going to be observing from a third-person perspective, while my mind-copied will be playing first-perspective inside the body.

27/8/2023, 11:49 AM
The second preferred choice for each soul across the globe becomes the first choice for the next generation. Devil then God. 😈

Seems like my Nutella cap magically disappeared at night.

28/8/2023, 1:43 PM
Grabbed some Dunkin Donuts coffee then went to the FVPD to report my iPad and wallet stolen. Asian cop was nice.’s elite fund’s reward level caps at the exact level that I happen to be at when I bought it today.

Quin joined me for PhTr today. Told Quin about how I fixed AaNg’s towel-pulling behavior by visualizing myself picking him up and flying away. She asked me if he got that, and I said that he received the message. Quin had earlier asked me if Jenny had joined me for ThDo at any point, and I told her no. Jenny was the one that was explaining the difference between Mentalism and Behaviorism to Gabby, with me in the room, at PhTr’s place. 🎓

I think of repetition as training, and memorizing something as training something else to bring you the information when you want it.

29/8/2023, 8:21 PM
Got an apple crisp coffee from the Starbucks inside Albertsons first. The cashier had been working a month and was very nice and commented on my rosary. There was another worker there that ran out of her alkaline water bc it was so hot.

Had lunch with Andrew. He brought up Nikola Tesla, whom I was just talking about last night with PhTr. Donald Trump’s uncle owned the hotel that Tesla died in and had a lab in the basement. Andrew also told me that Tesla got funding from a robber baron, I forget which, and created a tower that powered a light bulb without a wire. The baron buried the idea, unable to find a way to profit from it. Later that night, a guy on IG invited Andrew to join the Illuminati.

Texted Nolan about the “I don’t care” event with Mina and Ezawa-San. Also brought up spirits, competition for attention, Heaven saying she can forget her losses as well as looking at me and telling another man she loves him. Another way of thinking of the competition for attention is a competition for explanatory factors of your experience. More attention = more intelligence focused on you. 🦇🙏

Jason had NaNg copying a sentence with incorrect grammar. I had previously told NaNg that he needs me for grammar. 🎓

30/8/2023, 3:40 PM
Told mom about Andrew and the Illuminati invite, she laughed. She then brought up Mitch and 9/11. I told her about the teacher teaching the kids “kite, melt, steel” when Bush was there and got the call about 9/11, but I said “hit” instead of melt at first. She questioned the word kite over airplane, and I told her I’m sure she can find the similarity between the two. I told her it said something about collective consciousness and how we get thoughts. She then asked how that connected it to a government conspiracy, and I said that it connected it to the occult instead. Then I remembered the word was “melt,” not “hit,” and a key component of the conspiracy is that the steel beams shouldn’t melt at the typical burning temperature of jet fuel. I also noted I’m not an engineer and have no idea if that’s true.

31/8/2023, 4:43 PM
Washington DC called while NaNg was asking me about the Columbia. When I asked him what he should do if he finds his dad lying on the floor, he said to play a loud guitar. I’ve never seen a guitar in this house, but my dad plays one, and I also consider him my God of Music. 🎓

On a hilariously related note, my 5 y/o Viet client denied being Viet and said that Viet people sound like poison. To be fair, I did call their house Hell’s Kitchen until their family got rid of the 2nd kitchen.

1/9/2023, 7:47 PM
I think of Jesus as a rubber man, due to a resistance to electrical current. Maybe related to dad’s guitar string plucking spirit.
Update 14/9/2023, 11:36 AM: he may be a teeth-stealing man.

Miranda’s (a Crazy Jane persona from Doom Patrol) boyfriend gave her a necklace that is nearly identical to the one Nicolette gave me. Also, Dorothy’s woodland creature friend’s name is Manny. 🔮

2/9/2023, 8:23 PM
Watched Knights of Swing with mom.

Chatted with the neighbor Linda a little. I asked her how long she taught preschool for, and when she couldn’t answer, her eyes and scalp started glowing vibrantly.

3/9/2023, 4:37 PM
Went to Sizzler for brunch with mom and Mitch. On the way there, we saw a homeless woman in front of Carl’s Jr. I thought she was wearing shorts at first, and mom thought she was naked; turned out she was wearing only a thong. Told Mitch about Trump wanting to execute drug dealers, and he said he tends to say wild things and tone it down later. He also quit smoking, cold-turkey.

Two new employees at MM. one is the daughter of another coworker, 17 y/o and can’t recall her name. The other is another Myanamese girl named Julie. She’s a student at OC studying environmental engineering, but is thinking about switching to data science.

4/9/2023, 12:15 PM
To unlock the Flames of Misspell in Vampire Survivors, I have to unlock Avatar first. To do that, I have to use the birds in the inverted Inlaid Library. He costs 666 to unlock. I told PhTr that it was useful to have other associations with 666. You could also unlock it by using the secret “kalvasflam.”🎓
Gav et-Toni is an Italian turtle unlocked on the Japanese map. His weapon, Mille Bolle Blu, can be unlocked with a secret associated with an Italian song by the singer Mina. My friend Mina’s neighbor has an Italian flag on their house. 🙏

Messaged Saundra on IG about her voice and her being Gaia. ❤️

Had some thoughts about our inner child being mis-guided on my way to McDonalds. Typo’d Mia just now a couple times; they always got McD’s for breakfast. Our temple calls new recruits guiding children. Maybe they guide us to/through the womb-space, maybe also known as time-space. 🎓

5/9/2023, 4:20 PM
NaNg’s mother said something, and NaNg responded “I said no talking!” And she said “okay sorry” with her head tilted down.

Alternate subconscious definition: the consciousness of the sum total of information you have collected.

While texting Saundra, my phone said I spelled Fountain wrong. The phone was wrong. ❤️

The speed of c likely has something to do with a presently uncertain limit of the eyes.

6/9/2023, 2:16 PM
Fried eggs with pickle salt and celery juice for breakfast. DD coffee.
First day of taking care of Mina’s cat. Having trouble with the lock. Looked up directions to PhTr’s place; he’s also exactly 22 minutes away from Mina, just like ViTr (but PhTr is 29m from the Temple, ViTr is 22). 2022102 and 201202 are their passcodes, respectively. 🎓🙏

Played the Matador variant of Dominoes with PhTr. Earlier today, noticed that Mina’s neighbor has an Italian flag outside. No, that was not why I chose Matador; I had already picked that variant during our last session. I scored 16 points to reach exactly 100 for the winning hand. I also talked to him about the hunting system. [that last line was edited in by someone else]. 🤜🎓🙏

Found out Saundra works in non-profit affordable housing. ❤️

PhTr used to have very crooked teeth, but we’re fixed naturally and effortlessly. He also used to visualize bad memories pulled away from him (“popped out”). We also talked about hints. I brought up his mention of the Ninja Turtles names’ being a big hint, and he had doubt that he said that. I assured him with absolute certainty that he did. I then talked about Avatar from Vampire Survivors, his being unlocked by using a bird in the library, his cost being 666 and myself having said in the past that it’s useful to have alternative associations with that number, the fact that Nolan was complaining about a shy employee when I first started working with PhTr and that shyness was the only emotion we were working on together, his weapon named Flames of Misspel, and that Nolan’s and my spelling ability was vastly different as kids. Also, when I told him about Giang’s dad showing interest in only one piece of technology, mind-reading book-writing AI, I said that he can assume people are writing books from our thoughts during session. He took it in stride; as it was a matter-of-course. We talked about dyslexia as well. 🎓

7/9/2023, 1:56 PM
Unlocked Sammy in Vampire Hunters and some weird stuff happened. An arcana got stolen mid-game. A bunch of pickups were just being deleted when I walked over them. Sammy is the best farmer.

Mid-secret, the dog’s weapon stopped healing the plants in Vampire Survivors. You have to heal then for 100k to complete the secret.

Mom showed me the card she got for Duy. It’s a chicken singing the chicken dance song. I was just doing the chicken dance in bed a week ago. It had something to do with Nicolette. 🔮

NaNg asked me if my dog was named Oreo today. Mom bought me some Oreo bark in the past, then I found an Oreo-colored chicken at a neighbor’s place. Their chickens and horses are gone now. 🎓

Heard that Yaquelyn and Saundra were the two women that Giang most liked imagining herself as. 😘💕❤️
Walked to Cream Pan with mom. They didn’t have a whole cheesecake, so she drove to Albertsons instead. I was about to get the azuki bun, but noticed they had their lemon tart for $4.20, so I got that instead. The nice lady cashier asked me if I was the one they talked to before that said they made lemon tarts, and I said no.

Celebrated Duy’s bday with Pickle. Bri was exactly 1 minute late. I like to shoot for 2 minutes late. I was also born 2 minutes later than Brianna. 🤜

I said “Timmy’s my friend” to myself and Rita Farr donned an extra pair of spectacles. I was demonstrating that friend connotes non-family members. The denotation does not necessarily exclude them, but when we want to say that we enjoy spending time with them, we typically use another phrase instead of the word friend. An example would be “I have a good relationship with my brother.”🦕

Asked Brianna if her linguistics classes ever discussed the structure of definitions, and they have not. So I used “dog” as an example to explain genus and differentia. Brianna told me about morphology. I looked it up later on wiki, and they use tree-related words for their stems, and included “cellar door” in the article on Compound words, a reference to Donnie Darko. Also caught a disapproving look from Duy when I said something about something important. 🤜

Watched some Doom Patrol. I discussed Orthotropics with PhTr on Wednesday, and today, there was face-related stuff with Cyborg on the TV. 🎓
submitted by oRamafy to oRamafy [link] [comments]

2023.09.18 22:53 thefulgorah Season 1 Punch King Reboot Final Top Times (4:00pm 09/18)

#1 Final Time of every Season 1 Punch King class in Reboot
Edit: These are as of 4:00pm EST 09/18; I will continue to check for updates before each reset until the end of the event for the final rankings
Sorted by Best Time:
  1. Night Walker - 7.81 -- Shapaz
  2. Ark - 8.03 -- Misuse
  3. Night Lord - 8.86 -- Howurd
  4. Kain - 10.21 -- Yuel
  5. Buccaneer - 11.33 -- JustPally
  6. Xenon - 12.38 -- Hyuna
  7. Mercedes - 12.51 -- SNWorm
  8. Demon Slayer - 12.86 -- Grunde
  9. Adele - 14.17 -- Kasawn
  10. Pathfinder - 14.64 -- Life
  11. Hero - 14.77 -- Steele
  12. Cadena - 14.86 -- MirrorBees
  13. Dawn Warrior - 15.61 -- iFallenDawn
  14. Hoyoung - 16.00 -- Shulk
  15. Wind Archer - 16.25 -- bob1595
  16. Cannoneer - 16.51 -- Saiyans
  17. Kinesis - 16.57 -- Richan
  18. Aran - 16.70 -- ThongTen
  19. Evan - 17.37 -- Felp
  20. Shadower - 18.79 -- Shox1eJ3S...
  21. Wild Hunter - 19.42 -- WillyJ
  22. Blaster - 19.70 -- Yisz
  23. Paladin - 19.73 -- Chan
  24. Thunder Breaker - 19.89 -- Snizze
  25. Dark Knight - 20.25 -- Ornstein
  26. Marksman - 20.31 -- Uguu
  27. Demon Avenger - 21.77 -- Executizer
  28. Dual Blade - 21.87 -- Tummy
  29. Kanna - 23.33 -- tacosjeans
  30. Bishop - 23.70 -- Jaepy
  31. Phantom - 24.33 -- Zelgenubi
  32. Kaiser - 24.46 -- Xerhu
  33. Blaze Wizard - 25.96 -- Thievie
  34. Hayato - 25.99 -- Gintoki
  35. I/L Mage - 26.91 -- Sizuruu
  36. Angelic Buster - 27.32 -- LIFESUCCS
  37. Shade - 27.85 -- pelix
  38. Illium - 27.99 -- Baligant
  39. Corsair - 28.22 -- ØØHoho
  40. F/P Mage - 28.91-- ColdMayo
  41. Battle Mage - 29.31 -- Ezrl
  42. Mihile - 34.34 -- SereneZest
  43. Mechanic - 34.47 -- Sentinelese
  44. Zero - 34.69 -- Orvius
  45. Bowmaster - 35.45 -- Fearcely
  46. Lara - 36.02 -- QingQing
  47. Luminous - 36.69 -- Zero
  48. Beast Tamer - 41.53 -- BTBest
  49. Khali - 97.15 -- HugeChakr... (only 3 entries)

Sorted by Class Group:

Cygnus Knights:
submitted by thefulgorah to Maplestory [link] [comments]

2023.09.12 15:31 global_cat_wizard The Jungle [Episode 16: Finale]

The Jungle [Episode 16: Finale]
This is the discussion thread for The Jungle [Episode 16: Finale]
YouTube links:
[ poster ]
Rendezvous is the name of a secret bar located somewhere in Thong Lo. It's the gathering place of The Jungle, a group of good-looking young men often out on the hunt. They don't love and don't form attachments.
Hunter (Mix Sahaphap) is Rendezvous' feared bartender. Lead by leader lion Pine (Off Jumpol) are: jaguar Phethai (Lee Thanat), viper Nannam (Nanon Korapat), tiger Nanfah (Nanon Korapat), wolf Nathee (Luke Ishikawa) and tarantula Hack (Krist Perawat).
MDL page
Previous threads:
submitted by global_cat_wizard to GMMTV [link] [comments]

2023.09.11 15:32 global_cat_wizard The Jungle [Episode 15]

The Jungle [Episode 15]
This is the discussion thread for The Jungle [Episode 15]
YouTube links:
[ poster ]
Rendezvous is the name of a secret bar located somewhere in Thong Lo. It's the gathering place of The Jungle, a group of good-looking young men often out on the hunt. They don't love and don't form attachments.
Hunter (Mix Sahaphap) is Rendezvous' feared bartender. Lead by leader lion Pine (Off Jumpol) are: jaguar Phethai (Lee Thanat), viper Nannam (Nanon Korapat), tiger Nanfah (Nanon Korapat), wolf Nathee (Luke Ishikawa) and tarantula Hack (Krist Perawat).
MDL page
Previous threads:
submitted by global_cat_wizard to GMMTV [link] [comments]