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apuestas copa libertadores

2024.05.15 13:31 Ashamed_Cobbler_9723 apuestas copa libertadores

apuestas copa libertadores
Calendario copa libertadores
La Copa Libertadores es uno de los torneos de fútbol más prestigiosos de América Latina. Cada año, los mejores equipos de diferentes países compiten en este apasionante campeonato en busca del ansiado trofeo. Para que los aficionados estén al tanto de los emocionantes enfrentamientos, se crea el calendario de la Copa Libertadores.
Este calendario es crucial para los equipos y seguidores, ya que les permite conocer las fechas y horarios de los partidos, así como los encuentros más destacados. Gracias a esta planificación, los fanáticos pueden organizar sus agendas para no perderse ni un solo minuto de la intensa acción que ofrece este torneo.
El calendario de la Copa Libertadores incluye la fase de grupos, los octavos de final, los cuartos de final, las semifinales y la gran final. Cada etapa representa un desafío para los equipos participantes, ya que solo los más fuertes y consistentes lograrán llegar a la instancia decisiva y levantar el trofeo de campeón.
Además, el calendario de la Copa Libertadores también determina cuándo se jugarán los partidos de local y visitante, lo que influye en la estrategia y el rendimiento de los equipos. Los enfrentamientos de alta intensidad y la pasión de los aficionados hacen que este torneo sea uno de los más emocionantes del fútbol mundial.
En resumen, el calendario de la Copa Libertadores es fundamental para seguir de cerca este apasionante torneo y disfrutar del talento y la competitividad de los mejores equipos de América Latina. ¡Que viva la emoción del fútbol!
Cuotas apuestas libertadores
Las cuotas de apuestas son un elemento fundamental en el mundo de las apuestas deportivas, y la Copa Libertadores no es la excepción. Al igual que en cualquier competición deportiva, en la Copa Libertadores los apostadores tienen la oportunidad de analizar las cuotas ofrecidas por las casas de apuestas y realizar sus pronósticos en base a ellas.
Las cuotas de apuestas en la Copa Libertadores suelen variar en función de diversos factores, como el desempeño de los equipos, lesiones de jugadores clave, el historial de enfrentamientos previos, entre otros. Es importante para los apostadores tener en cuenta estos factores al analizar las cuotas para realizar apuestas informadas y aumentar sus posibilidades de éxito.
Es importante recordar que las cuotas de apuestas no solo reflejan la probabilidad de que un determinado resultado ocurra, sino que también incorporan el margen de beneficio de la casa de apuestas. Por lo tanto, es fundamental comparar las cuotas ofrecidas por diferentes casas de apuestas para encontrar el mejor valor y maximizar las ganancias potenciales.
En resumen, las cuotas de apuestas en la Copa Libertadores son un aspecto clave a tener en cuenta para los apostadores que buscan disfrutar de la emoción de apostar en uno de los torneos de fútbol más prestigiosos de América Latina. Al realizar un análisis cuidadoso de las cuotas y considerar diversos factores, los apostadores pueden aumentar sus posibilidades de obtener ganancias y vivir una experiencia emocionante durante la competición.
Equipos favoritos copa libertadores
La Copa Libertadores es uno de los torneos de fútbol más emocionantes y prestigiosos de América Latina. Cada año, equipos de todo el continente compiten en una batalla épica por el codiciado título. En esta competición, los equipos favoritos suelen ser aquellos con una larga historia de éxito y una base de seguidores apasionados.
Uno de los equipos más exitosos y queridos en la historia de la Copa Libertadores es el Club Atlético River Plate de Argentina. Con un total de 4 títulos en su haber, los "Millonarios" son conocidos por su estilo de juego ofensivo y su fiel hinchada.
Otro equipo destacado en la Copa Libertadores es el Club de Regatas Vasco da Gama de Brasil. A lo largo de los años, el "Vasco" ha logrado conquistar el corazón de sus seguidores con actuaciones memorables en el torneo.
El Club Nacional de Football de Uruguay es otro de los favoritos en la Copa Libertadores. Con 3 títulos en su vitrina, los "Bolso" son conocidos por su garra y entrega en cada partido que disputan.
En resumen, la Copa Libertadores es un escenario donde los equipos favoritos despliegan todo su talento y pasión por el fútbol. Ya sea en el mítico Estadio Monumental de River Plate o en el Estadio de São Januário del Vasco da Gama, los aficionados de estos equipos están siempre listos para apoyar a sus ídolos en la búsqueda de la gloria continental. ¡Que comience la emoción de la Copa Libertadores!
Mejores casas de apuestas libertadores
Las apuestas deportivas son una forma emocionante de disfrutar los partidos de fútbol, y la Copa Libertadores es una de las competiciones más prestigiosas de América Latina. Muchos fanáticos del fútbol buscan las mejores casas de apuestas para apostar en los emocionantes partidos de la Copa Libertadores.
Al elegir una casa de apuestas para apostar en la Copa Libertadores, es importante considerar varios factores. Uno de los aspectos más importantes es la seguridad y confiabilidad de la plataforma. Es fundamental elegir una casa de apuestas reconocida y regulada para garantizar la protección de tus datos personales y financieros.
Además, es importante buscar casas de apuestas que ofrezcan una amplia variedad de mercados y cuotas competitivas para la Copa Libertadores. Esto te permitirá encontrar las mejores opciones para realizar tus apuestas de manera informada y estratégica.
Algunas de las mejores casas de apuestas para la Copa Libertadores incluyen Bet365, Bwin, Betfair y William Hill. Estas plataformas son conocidas por su amplia cobertura deportiva, sus opciones de apuestas en vivo y sus bonos y promociones especiales para eventos importantes como la Copa Libertadores.
En conclusión, al apostar en la Copa Libertadores, asegúrate de elegir una casa de apuestas confiable, con una variedad de mercados y cuotas atractivas. Con la emoción de la competición y las opciones de apuestas adecuadas, podrás disfrutar al máximo de cada partido de la Copa Libertadores. ¡Buena suerte en tus apuestas!
Estrategias de apuestas libertadores
Para los aficionados a las apuestas deportivas, la Copa Libertadores es uno de los eventos más emocionantes y concurridos. Esta competición de clubes de fútbol de América del Sur atrae a millones de seguidores y apostadores de todo el mundo, deseosos de disfrutar de partidos llenos de pasión y emoción.
A la hora de apostar en la Copa Libertadores, es importante tener en cuenta algunas estrategias clave para maximizar las posibilidades de éxito. Una de ellas es investigar a fondo a los equipos participantes, analizando su desempeño en ediciones anteriores, su plantilla actual, su rendimiento en competiciones locales, entre otros factores relevantes.
Otra estrategia importante es diversificar las apuestas, evitando poner todo el capital en un solo resultado. Apostar en diferentes partidos y mercados puede ayudar a reducir el riesgo y aumentar las posibilidades de obtener ganancias a largo plazo.
Además, es fundamental gestionar de forma responsable el bankroll destinado a las apuestas, evitando apostar más de lo que se está dispuesto a perder. Establecer un presupuesto y mantener la disciplina son aspectos clave para disfrutar de la emoción de apostar de manera segura y consciente.
En resumen, las estrategias de apuestas para la Copa Libertadores requieren investigación, diversificación y gestión del bankroll. Con un enfoque metódico y prudente, es posible disfrutar de este apasionante torneo y obtener beneficios con las apuestas deportivas. ¡Que empiece la emoción de la Copa Libertadores y las apuestas!
submitted by Ashamed_Cobbler_9723 to u/Ashamed_Cobbler_9723 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:37 Wild_Yesterday_7402 Préstamo personal

Les cuento, tengo desde hace mucho tiempo una cuenta con BBVA, hace 5 meses me ofrecieron una TDC oro con una línea de 32 K (la cual acepté para formar historial crediticio), ahora me ofrecían un préstamo, pero al querer aceptarlo, este simplemente no procedió. No tengo cuenta de nómina, mis ingresos son más bien por remesas y no siempre llegan a este banco. ¿Hay alguna institución que facilite un poco más los préstamos personales ?
Creen que sea buena idea dejar algo de dinero en la cuenta de este banco para esperar que ofrezcan de nuevo el crédito?
Saludos !
submitted by Wild_Yesterday_7402 to MexicoFinanciero [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:17 HourHoney3770

🎰🎲✨ ¡Obtén 500 euros y 200 giros gratis para jugar juegos de casino con solo un clic! ✨🎲🎰
Mejores casas de apuestas deportivas
Las casas de apuestas deportivas son cada vez más populares entre los aficionados a los deportes y a los juegos de azar. En la actualidad, existen numerosas opciones en el mercado, pero algunas se destacan por encima de otras por sus características y servicios ofrecidos.
Una de las mejores casas de apuestas deportivas es Bet365, reconocida por su amplia cobertura de eventos deportivos, excelentes cuotas y variedad de mercados. Con una plataforma intuitiva y fácil de usar, Bet365 se ha ganado la confianza de millones de usuarios en todo el mundo.
Otra casa de apuestas destacada es Bwin, que se destaca por su patrocinio de grandes equipos y eventos deportivos. Con una amplia oferta de deportes y mercados, Bwin brinda a sus usuarios una experiencia completa y emocionante.
Por su parte, William Hill es otra casa de apuestas de renombre, con una larga trayectoria en el sector y una sólida reputación. Con excelentes promociones y bonos para nuevos usuarios, William Hill se posiciona como una excelente opción para quienes buscan apostar en eventos deportivos.
En resumen, las mejores casas de apuestas deportivas se caracterizan por su variedad de deportes y mercados, cuotas competitivas, plataformas fáciles de usar y promociones atractivas. Antes de elegir una casa de apuestas, es importante comparar las diferentes opciones disponibles y seleccionar la que mejor se adapte a tus preferencias y necesidades. ¡Apostar con responsabilidad y disfrutar de la emoción del deporte nunca ha sido tan fácil! ¡Buena suerte en tus apuestas!
Consejos para apostar en línea
Apostar en línea se ha vuelto una actividad popular en todo el mundo, proporcionando emoción y entretenimiento a los apostadores. Sin embargo, antes de embarcarte en esta experiencia, es importante seguir algunos consejos para asegurarte de tener una experiencia segura y gratificante.
Primero, es fundamental elegir un sitio web de apuestas en línea confiable y seguro. Asegúrate de que esté autorizado y regulado por una entidad competente para garantizar que tu dinero y datos personales estén protegidos.
Además, es importante establecer un presupuesto y ceñirse a él. Apostar en línea puede ser muy tentador y adictivo, por lo que es crucial apostar solo el dinero que estés dispuesto a perder. Nunca apuestes más de lo que puedes permitirte perder.
Otro consejo importante es informarte sobre el deporte o evento en el que vas a apostar. Conocer las reglas, estadísticas y tendencias puede aumentar tus posibilidades de éxito y ayudarte a tomar decisiones más informadas.
Por último, es fundamental mantener la calma y la objetividad al apostar en línea. No dejes que las emociones influyan en tus decisiones y evita perseguir pérdidas. La disciplina y la paciencia son clave para tener éxito en el mundo de las apuestas en línea.
En resumen, al seguir estos consejos para apostar en línea, puedes disfrutar de esta actividad de forma segura y responsable, maximizando tus posibilidades de ganar y evitando posibles problemas. ¡Buena suerte y apuesta con responsabilidad!
Pronósticos y análisis deportivos
Los pronósticos y análisis deportivos son herramientas fundamentales para quienes disfrutan de las apuestas y seguir de cerca eventos deportivos. Estas predicciones y estudios permiten a los apostadores y aficionados acceder a información clave que puede influir en el resultado de un evento deportivo.
Los pronósticos deportivos se basan en el análisis de diferentes factores, como estadísticas de equipos, desempeño de jugadores, historial de enfrentamientos previos, condiciones climáticas, lesionados, entre otros. A través de un análisis minucioso de estos elementos, los expertos pueden realizar predicciones informadas sobre el posible resultado de un partido, carrera o torneo.
Es importante tener en cuenta que, si bien los pronósticos deportivos pueden ser de gran ayuda, el azar también juega un papel fundamental en el mundo de las apuestas. Siempre existe un margen de error e imprevisibilidad en el deporte, lo que añade emoción y adrenalina a cada evento.
Para aquellos que desean incursionar en el mundo de las apuestas deportivas, es fundamental consultar pronósticos y análisis de expertos, así como mantenerse actualizado con las últimas noticias y novedades del mundo deportivo. De esta manera, podrán aumentar sus posibilidades de tomar decisiones más acertadas y disfrutar de una experiencia más enriquecedora en el ámbito de las apuestas deportivas.
Bonos y promociones exclusivas
Los bonos y promociones exclusivas son una forma atractiva que muchas empresas utilizan para atraer a nuevos clientes y fidelizar a los existentes. Estas ofertas especiales suelen brindar beneficios adicionales a los usuarios que realizan una compra o se registran en un sitio web.
Algunas de las promociones exclusivas más comunes incluyen descuentos en productos o servicios, envío gratuito, regalos sorpresa, acceso a eventos VIP, entre otros. Estas ofertas limitadas pueden ser una excelente manera de motivar a los clientes a realizar una compra o participar en una determinada actividad.
Los bonos y promociones exclusivas también pueden ayudar a las empresas a destacarse en un mercado competitivo, diferenciándose de la competencia y ofreciendo un valor adicional a sus clientes. Además, estas ofertas especiales pueden generar un sentido de urgencia en los consumidores, impulsándolos a tomar decisiones rápidas para aprovechar los beneficios exclusivos.
Es importante que los usuarios estén atentos a las promociones exclusivas que ofrecen las empresas, ya que pueden representar una oportunidad única para ahorrar dinero o disfrutar de ventajas adicionales. Subscribirse a boletines informativos o seguir las redes sociales de las marcas son formas de estar al tanto de las últimas promociones y bonos exclusivos que puedan estar disponibles.
En resumen, los bonos y promociones exclusivas son una estrategia efectiva para atraer y retener clientes, ofreciendo beneficios adicionales y creando una experiencia de compra más gratificante.
Métodos de pago seguros
Los métodos de pago seguros son fundamentales en la actualidad, especialmente con el auge de las compras en línea. Garantizar la seguridad de las transacciones es crucial para proteger la información personal y financiera de los usuarios.
Uno de los métodos de pago más seguros es el uso de tarjetas de crédito con tecnología chip. Estas tarjetas generan códigos únicos para cada transacción, lo que dificulta considerablemente la posibilidad de fraude. Además, es importante asegurarse de que el sitio web donde se introducen los datos de la tarjeta sea seguro, identificado por el candado en la barra de direcciones.
Otro método de pago seguro son las plataformas de pago en línea, como PayPal. Estas plataformas actúan como intermediarios entre el comprador y el vendedor, protegiendo la información financiera y ofreciendo opciones de reembolso en caso de un problema con la compra.
Asimismo, las transferencias bancarias y los pagos en efectivo al momento de la entrega son opciones seguras, ya que no requieren brindar información sensible en línea. Es importante verificar la reputación del vendedor y asegurarse de utilizar conexiones seguras al momento de realizar pagos en línea.
En resumen, existen diferentes métodos de pago seguros que pueden utilizarse para proteger los datos financieros y personales al realizar compras en línea. Es fundamental elegir opciones confiables y estar atentos a posibles señales de fraude para garantizar una experiencia de compra segura y tranquila.
submitted by HourHoney3770 to u/HourHoney3770 [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 08:35 Fit_Tumbleweed5552 pronosticos

🎰🎲✨ ¡Obtén 500 euros y 200 giros gratis para jugar juegos de casino con solo un clic! ✨🎲🎰 pronosticos
Mejores estrategias de apuestas deportivas
Las apuestas deportivas son una forma de entretenimiento que cada vez gana más popularidad entre los aficionados a los deportes. Sin embargo, para maximizar las probabilidades de éxito y minimizar las pérdidas, es importante contar con ciertas estrategias bien definidas.
Una de las mejores estrategias en las apuestas deportivas es la gestión del bankroll, es decir, la administración adecuada de nuestro capital destinado a las apuestas. Establecer un presupuesto fijo y no apostar más de lo que podemos permitirnos perder es fundamental para evitar caer en la adicción al juego.
Otra estrategia clave es la investigación y el análisis antes de realizar una apuesta. Conocer en profundidad el deporte en el que vamos a apostar, así como las estadísticas de los equipos o jugadores involucrados, nos permitirá tomar decisiones más informadas y aumentar las posibilidades de éxito.
Además, es importante diversificar las apuestas y no centrarse en un solo tipo de apuesta. Apostar en diferentes deportes, mercados y eventos nos ayudará a minimizar el riesgo y a aprovechar oportunidades más lucrativas.
En resumen, las mejores estrategias de apuestas deportivas incluyen la gestión adecuada del bankroll, la investigación previa y el análisis de cada apuesta, y la diversificación de las mismas. Siguiendo estas recomendaciones, podremos disfrutar del emocionante mundo de las apuestas deportivas de manera responsable y exitosa.
Análisis de cuotas para apuestas deportivas
Al realizar apuestas deportivas, es crucial entender cómo funcionan las cuotas para poder tomar decisiones informadas y aumentar las posibilidades de éxito. Las cuotas en las apuestas deportivas representan la probabilidad percibida de que un evento ocurra, pero también determinan la cantidad de dinero que se puede ganar.
Existen diferentes tipos de cuotas utilizadas en las apuestas deportivas, siendo las más comunes las cuotas decimales, fraccionarias y americanas. Las cuotas decimales son las más utilizadas en Europa, donde el número representa la cantidad que se ganaría por cada unidad apostada, incluido el capital inicial. Por ejemplo, una cuota de 2.50 significa que se ganarían 2.50 por cada euro apostado.
Por otro lado, las cuotas fraccionarias son comunes en el Reino Unido y se presentan como una fracción, donde el numerador indica la ganancia y el denominador la cantidad apostada. Por ejemplo, una cuota de 3/1 significa que se ganarían 3 unidades por cada unidad apostada.
En cuanto a las cuotas americanas, estas presentan un número positivo o negativo que indica cuánto se ganaría con una apuesta de 100 unidades. Un número negativo muestra cuánto hay que apostar para ganar 100 unidades, mientras que un número positivo muestra la ganancia con una apuesta de 100 unidades.
Analizar las cuotas de las apuestas deportivas es esencial para evaluar el riesgo y la posible ganancia de una apuesta, así como para gestionar de manera efectiva el bankroll. Con un conocimiento sólido de las cuotas, los apostadores pueden tomar decisiones más fundamentadas y mejorar sus resultados a largo plazo.
Consejos para pronósticos deportivos acertados
Los pronósticos deportivos son una forma emocionante de participar en el mundo de los deportes y agregarle un element adicional de diversión y emoción a los eventos deportivos. Sin embargo, es importante recordar que hacer pronósticos acertados requiere de cierta estrategia y conocimiento. Aquí hay algunos consejos útiles para mejorar tus pronósticos deportivos.
En primer lugar, investiga antes de hacer un pronóstico. Conocer el desempeño reciente de los equipos o atletas, así como cualquier factor que pueda influir en el resultado del evento, te dará una ventaja al hacer tu predicción.
Además, es importante mantenerse informado sobre las probabilidades y cuotas de apuestas. Comprender cómo funcionan las cuotas te ayudará a evaluar el riesgo y la posible ganancia de tus pronósticos.
Otro consejo importante es no dejarte llevar por las emociones o preferencias personales al hacer un pronóstico. Es fundamental ser objetivo y analítico al evaluar las posibilidades y tomar decisiones fundamentadas.
Por último, es recomendable diversificar tus pronósticos y no apostar todo tu dinero en un solo evento. Distribuir tus pronósticos en diferentes eventos te ayudará a mitigar riesgos y aumentar tus posibilidades de éxito.
Siguiendo estos consejos y manteniendo una actitud responsable y consciente, podrás mejorar tus pronósticos deportivos y disfrutar aún más de la emoción del mundo deportivo. ¡Buena suerte!
Reseñas de casas de apuestas online
Las reseñas de casas de apuestas online son una herramienta fundamental para los apostadores en línea. Estas reseñas proporcionan información detallada sobre las diferentes plataformas de apuestas disponibles en internet, lo que permite a los usuarios tomar decisiones informadas al elegir dónde apostar su dinero.
En las reseñas de casas de apuestas online, se suelen evaluar diversos aspectos como la variedad de deportes y eventos disponibles para apostar, la calidad de las cuotas ofrecidas, la seguridad y fiabilidad de la plataforma, los métodos de pago disponibles, el servicio al cliente y las promociones y bonificaciones ofrecidas a los usuarios.
Al leer reseñas de casas de apuestas online, los apostadores pueden comparar diferentes opciones y encontrar la que mejor se adapte a sus necesidades y preferencias. Además, estas reseñas también suelen incluir opiniones y comentarios de otros usuarios, lo que brinda una visión más amplia sobre la experiencia de apostar en cada plataforma.
En resumen, las reseñas de casas de apuestas online son una herramienta valiosa para los apostadores en línea, ya que les permiten tomar decisiones informadas y maximizar su experiencia de apuesta. Es importante investigar y leer varias reseñas antes de elegir una plataforma de apuestas, para así garantizar una experiencia segura, divertida y satisfactoria. ¡Apostar con conocimiento es clave para disfrutar al máximo de esta emocionante actividad!
Cómo mejorar tus pronósticos en apuestas deportivas
Para mejorar tus pronósticos en apuestas deportivas es importante seguir algunos consejos clave que pueden aumentar tus posibilidades de éxito y maximizar tus ganancias.
En primer lugar, es fundamental investigar a fondo sobre los equipos o deportistas en los que desees apostar. Conocer su historial, desempeño reciente, lesiones y factores externos que puedan afectar su rendimiento te dará una ventaja al momento de realizar tu pronóstico.
Además, es importante establecer un presupuesto y ser disciplinado al gestionarlo. Evita apostar más de lo que puedes permitirte perder y no te dejes llevar por la emoción del momento. Es aconsejable dividir tu presupuesto en diferentes apuestas y no jugártelo todo en una sola.
Otro consejo útil es diversificar tus apuestas. No te limites a un solo tipo de apuesta, como el resultado final de un partido. Explora otras opciones como hándicap, apuestas en vivo o combinadas para aumentar tus posibilidades de acierto.
Por último, es recomendable estar al tanto de las cuotas y compararlas en diferentes casas de apuestas. Busca las mejores probabilidades para maximizar tus ganancias en caso de acertar tu pronóstico.
Siguiendo estos consejos y manteniendo una actitud responsable y analítica, podrás mejorar tus pronósticos en apuestas deportivas y disfrutar de una experiencia más satisfactoria y rentable. ¡Recuerda que la suerte es importante, pero la información y la estrategia son clave para tener éxito en este emocionante mundo de las apuestas deportivas!
submitted by Fit_Tumbleweed5552 to u/Fit_Tumbleweed5552 [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 05:21 jackboyjonny 13 DAYS IN ADULUSIA

hi everyone, i’m traveling in a couple of weeks to adalusia and wanted to get thoughts on my intinerary / route. a bit of background on my goals. i’m solo gay male traveler who will be renting a car once i leave seville for the remainder of my trip. i want to experience adalusia in a very endless summer vacation kind of way. beautiful beaches, towns, hotels, restaurants, etc. i’d love to explore the history of the area in a relaxed pace and immerse myself in beautiful settings and hidden parts the region has to offer. i’d love recs for restaurants, hotels, places to visit, etc, and i’m completely open to changing / rethinking my schedule. since i’m solo traveling i’d like the possibility of areas where i could meet people but it’s not necessary, i mainly want this to be a true off the grid holiday.
if a place is listed, i arrive to that area that day and would plan to spend the night there. a few key points are gibraltar vs tarifa? cordoba? more or less time in any of these areas?
MAY 20 - CADIZ (time in Sanlucar de Barrameda)
MAY 21 - CADIZ (time at Bolonia or Valdevqueros or Punta Paloma)
MAY 22 - GIBRALTAR (stopping at Vejer de la Frontera)
MAY 23 - MALAGA (stopping in Estepona for lunch)
MAY 24 - MALAGA (with time in Ronda)
MAY 25 - MALAGA (with time in caminito del rey)
MAY 26 - GRANADA (stopping in Nerja on the way)
submitted by jackboyjonny to GoingToSpain [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 02:18 SilverNEOTheYouTuber I dont know if its the perfect place to make this post, but ima let you judge me based on the games on my Desktop

I dont know if its the perfect place to make this post, but ima let you judge me based on the games on my Desktop submitted by SilverNEOTheYouTuber to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 05:42 SuspiciousAnonymous Las buenas oportunidades laborales, ¿llegan o se crean?

Tengo casi 50 años y trabajo desde hace 34, he hecho de todo y tengo una licenciatura que no ejerzo. He tenido trabajos muy buenos y experiencias culeras.
Sin embargo, creo que hay trabajos donde vale la pena poner atención y sacarles el jugo.
Por ejemplo, fui traductor 8 años para una empresa transnacional, para toda su división Latinoamericana: cubría desde México hasta Argentina/Chile. Al principio me pagaban regular pero se compensaba con los beneficios como seguros médicos, dentales, visuales, vales de despensa y fue de las primeras experiencias de trabajo remoto que tuve.
En 2015 llegó una nueva administración y la persona que quedó a cargo de mi área de verdad me hizo muy pesado el ambiente, al grado de que presenté mi renuncia dos veces pero el director comercial, que me conocía desde que entré, sabía que dejarme ir representaba gastos y costos por lo que a iniciativa de el se me aumentaba el sueldo. Y solamente tuve esos aumentos entre 2015 y 2019, año en que toda esa camada de directores y jefazos salieron huyendo (uno está preso en la India) porque una auditoría descubrió un desfalco de casi 25 millones de pesos entre 4, 5 personas.
A finales de 2019, mi nueva jefa era una chica casi 30 años menor que yo. Nos entendimos a la perfección y de verdad que el trabajo era de relojito: ella a lo suyo, yo en lo mío y todo era felicidad. Ella revisó mi historial de sueldos y en menos de 6 meses logro que se aumentara casi al 40%. Llega 2020 y el impacto fue demasiado: de 2600 empleados, quedaron solamente 350, en menos de 16 meses. Nosotros fuimos de los últimos en salir, a finales de 2021. Fue un trabajo muy bueno, que me dio muchas oportunidades, personales y laborales.
Cambio a 2022: con el dinero de la liquidacion compré un coche y lo metí a trabajar de Uber, porque muchas personas me convencieron de que era una oportunidad de oro. 6 meses duró el experimento. Para julio de ese año, se me presenta una oportunidad para traducir los materiales de una universidad española al ingles y además hacer la localización para México. Al principio la paga era buena, a secas, pero era un trabajo de Freelance y pues era a mi ritmo. Para diciembre de ese 2022, cambian las condiciones del trabajo y ya había metas fijas, con bonos alcanzables. Durante tres días a la semana trabajaba sin parar (literal) y descansaba de jueves a domingo. Además esa paga por metas era facil el triple de la paga inicial y mucho más del doble de lo que ganaba en 2020-2021. Es decir: era una chamba de sacrificio pero con tremenda recompensa. Pagué mi IMSS como independiente y le eche varito a mi afore (la que ya se van a robar... :-(...)
Pero luego esa universidad comenzó a contratar personal administrativo mexicano y ahí es donde todo valió madres: dos veces y sin previo aviso nos cambiaron de contrato, cada vez menos y menos paga. De un plumazo pasamos de ganar casi 50 mil mensuales a menos de 12 mil.
En febrero de este año, luego de un mes de un supuesto periodo de prueba de tres meses, nos corrieron a varios. El finiquito inicial ofrecido era de casi 3 mil pesos. Yo pedí que se revisara y que se me diera lo correspondiente (terminación de contrato) y termine casi con 30 mil pesitos.
La suerte me tuvo sin nada que hacer casi un mes hasta finales de marzo cuando comencé en una chamba que tiene que ver con el inglés pero como nunca lo había trabajado. Tengo mis 8 hrs diarias más comida y descanso de 90 minutitos, buena paga y al ser proveedor de un cliente norteamericano, tengo paga triple en festivos y doble en fines de semana, con opción a horas extras son límite semanal.
Mi moraleja es que va a haber trabajos donde no vas a ver la salida, trabajos que te van a dar todo lo justo y un poco más y trabajos donde tendrás mucho más de lo que te puedas imaginar. La cosa es que tienes que saber identificar las oportunidades y no soltarlas, aprovecharlas a la última gota y sobre todo, fluir: cuando se cierre una puerta, tocar otras o de plano abrirlas a patadas. No te claves ni te aferres porque no sabes: a lo mejor tu Big break está a la vuelta de la esquina.
submitted by SuspiciousAnonymous to lacamiseta [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 14:39 qwertykiwi I reached out to spenny a couple of years ago when I was going through some shit.

I reached out to spenny a couple of years ago when I was going through some shit. submitted by qwertykiwi to kennyvsspenny [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 20:00 scb- 40 [m4f] All We Ever Wanted Was Everything.

I am 40, work in the arts, and live somewhere in Canada.
I like baseball, but don't follow baseball. I don't have a favourite team, but I have had favourite experiences inside of baseball stadiums, like once in Chicago a bunch of college aged kids were really nice to the old lady that they were seated beside, and that warmed my heart a bunch to the point where I said that my favourite team was the Cubs for a while. I think what I actually like is drinking outside while something is happening around me to appease my ADHD gods. Give me something to look at so I feel less bad for not being able to focus on whatever task is at hand, and I am a happy dude.
Punk is important to me. I came up through that scene, and it taught me everything I know about friendship, love and community. I don't wear the clothes anymore, I traded those in for an astonishing amount of flannel and black to the point where if you saw my closet and had to guess on my profession, you would guess "lumberjack, but dabbles in museum heists." I don't listen to the music too too much anymore, right now I am all about the new Waxahatchee album, but generally listen to songs sung by women that are meant to break your heart. I used to go out with Food Not Bombs and serve food to the homeless, now I donate to charities that serve food to the homeless. I am not as annoyingly idealistic anymore, but I am annoying. I am left leaning politically to the point that it is not a lean. I think what I am trying to say is that punk is important to me, and I think that might seem silly to people that didn't come up in it, but would resonate with the right people.
I've had neat experiences in my job: -I witnessed a satanic ritual once, complete with blood poured through a rams horn, chanting in a foreign language that I won't pretend to know which one it was, and a "hail satan" said in unison. It was like a team huddle that smelled bad. -A country musician really wanted to drink with me, so she poured us Paloma's and mixed it with her fingers. It was icky. She then wanted me to come out on stage so she could sing songs to me, which is an idea that I quickly shut down. She then drank from every cup that she could find in the first three rows. I had never had a Paloma before, but now I would consider them amongst my favourite drinks. It doesn't even need to be mixed by the boney finger of a 70 year old to be good, it just is. -A drag queen told me that I like drag race and broadway way too much to possibly be a straight man.
I truthfully don't know what I am looking for. I like people and experiences and their history and stories. I like to talk trauma in an over-sharing TMI sort of way. I like to travel. I like coffee. I like to "yes, and." Silliness is important to me. I didn't actually recognize this earlier in my life, but the ability to be the same type of silly is important to me. Let's make each other laugh. Let's make inside jokes. Let's build monuments. Let's build worlds. Let's trade playlists. Let's talk in hushed tones. Let's meet IRL and disappoint each other. Let's break each other's hearts and never speak again. Or let's be best friends and not worry about all the heartbreak. I will have your back if you have mine. Whatever.
submitted by scb- to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 02:57 BunnyBoiEthos [BB] Bunny's Pokémon Big Brother: Mazda's House of Villains (The Season)

The time has come! You have all been waiting for this moment for a while now and I can finally deliver! In just a few moments I, the luxurious Mazda, will step into the house to compete against fifteen other of the most dastardly villains known to this game. Be amazed as you watch and learn how the true contenders out play their competition. Rest assured; this will be the greatest season of reality TV show history yet! And as always before we go we have a quick refresh of the cast…
Mazda's House of Villains
Meet the Cast:
Averetta the Salazzle a.k.a. the Ringleader
Daenerys the Serperior a.k.a. the Vengeful Queen
Dread the Druddigon a.k.a. the Bully
Cyclone the Vivillon a.k.a. the Olympian
Ivana the Volcarona a.k.a. the Muckraker
Overlord the Spewpa a.k.a. the Accomplice
Lulu the Luvdisc a.k.a. the Movie Star
Mazda the Scolipede a.k.a. the Investor
Paloma the Vileplume a.k.a. the Prosecutor
Professor Bane the Crobat a.k.a. the Professor
Rockefeller the Dwebble a.k.a. the Baron
Vanity the Espathra a.k.a. the Corporate Vixen
Veena the Arbok a.k.a. the Model
Vomittar the Muk a.k.a. the Contamination
Xavi the Voltorb a.k.a. the Grifter
Zephyr the Dustox a.k.a. the Stunt Actor
Intro: H-hello? Are we…we live? Oh we are? Oh! Welcome all to Bunn—Mazda’s House of Villains! It is I, Bunny, your host for this adventure! And do not worry, there is no fine print keeping me trapped here in the studio to help while Mazda competes! Let’s go to the house and finally see our contestants enter the house! We go now to... wait what??? THEY GOT THEIR OWN PRIVATE ISLAND FOR THIS???? Um—I mean yes the Centipede Corps private island located off the coast of Undella town in Unova. Hey isn’t there an underwater ruin there? Anyways, we tune in now to see a series of jetties, helicopters, and boats settle in at the island.
Right as the get on the island, Dread goes to attack the Prof who deftly dodges. He is only stopped by Vomittar whose muck traps him. Looks like we have some tensions already. But just like tensions, some villains have some freidnships already. But will these alliances stick or does Rockefeller intend on betraying Overlord again? We will find out. Meanwhile, the first HOH is beginning! This sponsorship filled tourney is hardly recognizable but it appears to be a surfboard themed endurance competition. Veena of course does well as does Dany. Cyclone the athlete and Zephyr the Stuntman compete really well as well. But in the end, Cyclone comes out victorious.
Entering the house, Zephyr and Veena commend each other on their strong competition and decide they would be a good duo but they have to keep it secret and branch out. They agree on Lulu as a good ally too. Zephyr gets Rockefeller to join him but the Baron is wary of the easy alliance so makes a side deal with Mazda. Mazda keeps an ear on the house and realizes Lulu and Veena are in the center, so he gets in close with Veena. Cyclone puts up strong competitors on the block with Paloma and Zephyr. At the veto ceremony, Cyclone uses houseguests’ choice to choose her brother, Overlord, to compete. He fumbles the ball and the veto comes down to the two nominees. But to Zephyr’s surprise, Paloma pulls out all of the stops and wins, proving she is so much tougher than season 1.
Cyclone decides that her brother is too threatening with his brain and puts him up next to Zephyr, intending to get a strong social player out first. The week continues very affably, with all of the evildoers plotting in the shadows but being quiet up front. One notable conversation sees Dread and Dany connect the dots about their mutual benefiters who sold them out to bounty hunters but can’t figure out the exact name. Leading up to the eviction, Veena agrees to save Zephyr as do the duo of Vanity and Paloma. But Mazda did work with Lulu and Rockefeller to cut off the center of the house so they could be in control. At the first eviction ceremony, Zephyr is confident his alliance will pull through but is shocked when he is blindsided and evicted first.
** the chicken is out the nest, I repeat, the chicken has flown the coop** Why are we calling it the coop? **I did not decide on these code names, sir, I am simply the messenger** Okay… well thank you for your valuable info, poison powder. **hopefully we will get more in the coming weeks**
Week 2: Wow what a shocking blindside on week 1, it can only get better from here! The HOH becomes super important for the next round, with lines already being drawn and confused. Veena guns for it and is surprised when Lulu is going strong next to her. But it is Vanity who wins the competition and HOH. Her and Paloma reflect on the status of the house and read the pulse well with their combined intuition. Rockefeller and Vomm end up as the scapegoats and go up. The veto is a blowout with Xavi beating both nominees. Rockefeller tries to strike a deal with Xavi to save him but the orb knows all of the tricks and spins it on him, lashing out at his bad faith deals. Cyclone and Overlord reconcile after last week and realize brain and brawn together is better. Vanity tries to further her place in the house by getting in close with primadonna Lulu. Dread continues to get sources from Ave realizing she was sold out as well and it is likely Vomittar was but he needs to save Vomittar to find out. This strong push is counter to a strong push from Lulu and Mazda who want to silence Vomittar and save Rockefeller. At the eviction ceremony, it is enough of a push when they recruit Dany as well and Rockefeller is sent packing.
**moonlight here, looks like twister has reached the inner sanctum but there’s some sort of puzzle lock on the door** That’s not good. We have to find someone who can solve that. Someone who likes ruins. **affirmative, sir, our scouts may know just the bird**
Week 3: These first two weeks have been turbulent and the power structures keep losing out. This HOH is important but could see more leaders fall. Dread guns to win the HOH to continue getting info but him and Vomm are not enough when Veena sees herself against them. She finally wins her first HOH. Much to Dread’s dismay, she puts up Dany. She also puts up Paloma for being too aloof and probably smart or something. Dread and Ave decide to work towards their mystery and team up. Overlord spies this and blackmails them into an alliance with him and Cyclone. At the veto, Dany beats Ave and Veena. Though Veena gets a tip from Cyclone about the criminal’s alliance and replaces Dany with Ave. The criminals decide to pull through with operation chaos to make sure the vote stays going to Paloma. Knowing Veena finds Vanity very standoffish, Overlord flips mattresses all over the house to blame it on Vanity. Ave also steals one of Paloma’s belongings and gives it to Lulu, who breaks it thinking it’s Ave’s. Some more chaos leads to Xavi having a meltdown. At the eviction ceremony, everyone is so worn out over the chaos that no one has flipped to Ave. The hail mary is successful and Paloma is sent packing.
**poison powder here, there has been a hitch in the plan. we may need to use bird’s eye view surveillance now.** Poison Powder your efforts are commended but you must keep yourself out of harms way.
Week 4: The next HOH begins and it’s the wall comp! Doing surprisingly well, Mazda and Vomm face off to the end until Mazda finally drops. Vomm wins the HOH. Dread and Ave try to take the opportunity to get information from Vomm in the HOH room but he rebuffs them and is actually happy he got caught. As such, he has no qualms about putting up Dany on the block next to Ivana, the social butterfly. Vomm uses his houseguest choice at the veto to pick Lulu, solidifying his allegiance to her side of the house. When She wins the veto, she returns the favor by not using it and keeping his nominations. Dany lashes out at Lulu for her deception and running the house but Lulu acts like the victim and causes Dany to fly into a rage. Her anger leads to her breaking a ton of items around the house and even Dread admits keeping her would be risky. Ave tries to push for her to stay but Overlord convinces her that she has no new information. At the eviction ceremony, only Ave votes to save Dany, and the grass snake goes home.
**flamethrower, come in, ancient power has cracked the code and allowed for ttwister to make progress. we are sending in flash to survey the place** Copy that, have her send camera feeds to Calm Mind **affirmative, sir, we are looking into that now**
Week 5: The next HOH is a snow ball rolling competition and Veena continues to set herself off as a physical threat with her second HOH win. Veena puts up Ave and Vanity due to both of them being the most visible social players in the game and their potential connection from their season. Ave selects Cyclone in the veto to try and give Veena a stronger run in the veto. But as strong competition as they are together, Veena comes out and wins again. The stress of his search falling apart, Dread has a loud meltdown. Overlord and Cyclone decide they might need to jump the sinking ship and begin trying to branch out more. Overlord reaches out to Ivana and the Prof to reconnect and have a non-major side alliance. Cyclone schmoozes up to Lulu to get in the center structure of the house. Vomm finishes the push against the criminals by being another push against Ave. At the eviction ceremony, a combination of Vomm voting Ave and Overlord flipping sees Ave as the final pre-juror.
Week 6: The jury phase has started and the house is muddier than ever. Mazda is still in the house and firmly at the center so it looks like I’m stuck here hosting for a while longer. The next HOH is a knockout round where the winner eliminates others from the game. It comes down to Xavi and Bane and Bane wins the final round and the HOH. Having clued into Overlord flipping, he puts him up next to Xavi. Vanity struts around the house arrogantly which gets on everyone’s nerves. She believes herself untouchable. At the veto, Dread is selected to play and wins it. He saves his ally Overlord and Vanity is put up by Bane, who sees through her manipulative game. Veena is appalled as she was starting to want to keep Vanity. She gets in a huge fight with Bane about why they need to keep her as a jury goat. Though she is rattled, Vanity switches gears to being super sweet and kind to everyone and turning on the corporate narcissism. Due to this, and Xavi slowly crumbling under the pressure of the game, Xavi is sent to the jury shed unceremoniously.
** calm-mind I have reached another lock. but I can hear noise on the other side. The electrical currents are stronger right here** Copy that, Flash, I can sense a cavern north of where you are, looks like you can navigate through there to find another entrance. **got it, I will keep you updated**
Week 7: The next HOH is the infamous contaminated water HOH. Vomm was literally born for this competition and easily trounces it. Dread and Vanity are the easy weekly targets. Dread goes up to Lulu, who considers him an ally, to try and get another week of life in the game. She reveals that Vomm is getting too powerful and he needs to go soon. Dread wins the veto competition and saves himself. Vomm wants to narrow the pool of strong competitors and reveals his plan all along was to backdoor Veena. Veena is dejected and tries to turn to Vanity for friendship, but to her dismay, Vanity has turned her act on her, screaming at her for being an awful friend. She only has the Prof to turn to I this time of sadness. Lulu and Mazda, meanwhile, are scrambling though, as Veena helps them stay in the center of the house dynamics. They try hard to keep but with Vanity’s act, enough villains want to see the chaos and Veena is eliminated in 9th place.
Double Eviction!:>! Surprise!!!! This double eviction is happening really early this time! Isn’t that devious? In a shocking and karmic twist, Vanity wins the HOH. She puts Ivana up next to the Prof, who was Veena’s close ally and her new target. Dread wins the veto and doesn’t use it, hoping to see his old rival finally evicted from the game. But at the vote, Overlord cannot resist the urge to betray his other former ally and keep enough big dogs in the game for him to ride the coattails of and turns on his alliance and Ivana, sending her home as the second victim. !<
**moonlight, this is twister, we are making progress on the bust but we need another scout with water traveling capabilities to make it happen** Moonlight, this is Poison Powder speaking, we also need you to do something for us that you might not be happy about…
Week 9: Everyone is shocked at the rogue vote that broke a tie that should have existed and people begin to panic. One who doesn’t panic, is the Prof, who knows he survived by the skin of his teeth. He yakes advantage of the panic to win HOH. Overlord pins the rogue vote on Lulu and she loses the trust of her incredibly disloyal allies. The Prof puts Dread on the block as his former rival who he knows is gunning for him. He also puts up Overlord, who he has figured out saved him as a game move. And he wants that stupid move to be his last big game move. At the veto, Dread uses his pent-up rage to destroy the competition and win it. He saves himself and claims he will figure out just how the Prof turned on him and betrayed him outside of the game. Mazda pivots to the Professor and the two bond again. They look through their options and decide that Vomm has the next most power in the game so he goes up next to Overlord. Lulu sees her loss of power and has a monstrous tantrum throughout the week. The Professor gloats to Dread that his closest ally turned against him and voted to save the Prof. Dread is incensed but holds in his rage. At the eviction ceremony, Overlord sees his overplay bite him in the butt when Dread flips on him and sends him home.
**absolutely not** Moonlight its of major importance to the success of the plan. **I have not spoken to them in years. they broke me and are not trustworthy. is dizzy punch not enough?** If she was enough would we be asking you to find S—uh let’s call them Morning Sun. **…. fine but I am not happy about this.** We don’t need happiness, just success.
Week 10: At the next HOH, a lot of power players are gunning for this important power. But Dread uses his anger to solidify his spot in the final 6 and as the dominant power player in the game. Cyclone decides to form a side alliance with the house divas, Lulu and Vanity. But she then goes to Dread and says that Lulu tried to get her to join an alliance. She hopes that Dread will turn his anger from the Prof to Lulu, allowing the bat to last longer in the game and send Dread home. This works when Dread puts Lulu and Vomm up next to each other. Unfortunately for her, Lulu goes on to win veto. She saves herself and the Prof goes up. Cyclone goes into panic mode and goes to Dread about how the Prof is actually the one he needs to keep, with Vomm still having secrets. The Professor confirms this but won’t give any details. Meanwhile, Lulu goes on the offensive, being super sweet again and cleaning up Vomm’s mess around the house. Causing the sludge to lash out. Dread gives Vomm one more chance to tell him all he knows about the person who betrayed him and turned him in but the puddle spits in his face. At the eviction ceremony, Cyclone votes for the Professor to force a tie. Then, Dread shocks absolutely everyone by voting to evict Vomm from the game.
Double Eviction Part 2!: Oh yeah! We have a second double eviction! Isn’t that even MORE devious??? Tonight 7 goes to 5! Dread is unable to compete in the HOH but he gets to watch his best ally Cyclone win. Cyclone decides that the Prof and Dread will keep teasing each other but never send the other home quick enough she bites the bullet and puts Mazda up next to the Prof, with a secret plan to backdoor an ally if a nominee wins veto. She is lucky when Mazda ends up winning. She puts the dragon up next to the bat and the two rivals see each other on the block. Unfortunately for the dragon, Vanity and Mazda both have closer ties to the Professor (and his sponsors) so they choose to evict Dread. He refuses to leave and claws his way to stay in the house. The Professor gloats about his victory over the Bully again and says he will never beat him. Together with Cyclone, the two make a big gust to sweep away the shell-shocked Bully.
** flamethrower, this is calm mind. it looks like the plans are falling into place. finale night is when we make our move.** Excellent, every operative is in place? **yes sir. moonlight and poison powder are awaiting their deployment. ancient power and flash are in the caverns with the action team. morning sun and dizzy punch are preparing the net.** And off the coast? Did we find another operative there? ** yes sir. twister is awaiting with aurora beam** Excellent. And our target? **still in the house sir. we may have to capture every last one of them** I was hoping it would not come to this but we have a solid plan. **flamethrower, sir, we might have to be on ground duty ourselves** I feared as much, Calm Mind. This might be our last communication for a while. **we will get them sir. don’t worry.** Worrying is not in my nature.
Week 11: The five house guests left may seem friendly but they have all been trying very hard to make close ties throughout the house to succeed in this endgame. Cyclone needed Vanity or Lulu to win the HOH but Mazda goes on to win it. He recognizes Cyclone’s strong moves and puts her up next to Vanity, if only because the Prof and Lulu bring him more money. The veto is won by the Prof, who initially does not want to use it. However, he realizes that of the trio of girls, one of them has to work with him if she stays and the others do not. He saves Cyclone, forcing Mazda to put Lulu on the block. The two gals try to out nice the other all week by doing chores and cooking or acting super nice. Cyclone goes to the Prof to admit his move to keep her was very strategic and very smart because she has to work with him now, but he also has to work with her. They decide to let Mazda ruin one of his votes by forcing another tie. Mazda considers evicting Vanity but leans into his corporate Greed and evicts Lulu instead.
Week 12: the top four HOH comes down to a quiz comp that Cyclone stands no chance in. She relies on the Prof but he fumbles worse than she did, causing her to become suspicious. Vanity ends up winning it. The Prof reveals he voted Lulu to try and save Vanity and she is swayed to keep him. Cyclone and Mazda become the initial nominees. Cyclone realizes the Professor used the tie vote against her and tries desperately to win the veto. Unfortunately, Mazda wins it. The Prof is put up next to Cyclone and he smirks, knowing Mazda would keep him over her. At the eviction ceremony, he is proven correct when Mazda votes to evict Cyclone.
The Reunion: The Jurors are brought out of the Jury shed and into the finale night set, an impressive beach set full of fire and tiki torches! The jurors are sat out nice on their chairs and encouraged to speak about their experience in the house and who they think will win the game. Tensions don’t seem as high as they should be for being trapped in a shed for weeks but the eliminated houseguests do talk eventually. Veena goes first to gripe about how everyone in the house was really good at lying and playing nice for a bunch of villains. She pinpoints Lulu as someone who had a lot more power than she realized. Lulu smiles and calls her an idiot for not realizing it sooner. Vomm steps in to point out that Lulu’s allies all turned on her with a long way left in the game and she was never going to make it to the end. He claims that she left too many strong players in the game and was incapable of winning a competition herself, especially next to the big bully, Dread. Speaking of Dread, he is muzzled and tied up, but is growling angrily the whole time. Through his muzzle he growls out how the Professor and Cyclone will never see another daylight if he has his way. Cyclone, who is sitting right next to him, flutters away next to her brother. The two admit that they allied with Dread mostly to see the Professor leave but they both got outplayed by him. Veena pipes up again to say how Vanity also used her manipulation against many of them to survive the block next to them. In fact, in a game of villains, it’s the smartest and most manipulative to survive. Xavi admits that Mazda has no chance sitting next to Vanity or the Professor as they both survived off of their brains and survival instinct while Mazda simply headed a Ponzi scheme.
Final HOH: The jurors are shown part 1 of the final HOH, a log rolling competition which Vanity epically fails. After a long bout, the Professor says that he is up against two corporate overlords and, as a representative for education everywhere, he must win. Mazda laughs and sweeps him into the water. Vomm laughs, noting that the Prof was never going to win a physical endurance competition and his bold words were a bit mis-timed. Xavi hushes him as part two starts. The Prof and Vanity must complete a maze of previously evicted houseguests and competitions the fastest. The Prof, who spearheaded proper studying techniques, easily crushes Vanity in that competition. Lulu cringes when Vanity is revealed to have taken so long that the timer broke. The final 3 are then brought out of the house for part 3 of the final HOH, where they see the jury in front of them. Mazda puts on a concerned smile but the Professor stays focused. In the final jury-based competition, the Professor wins it, becoming the Final HOH. Back in the house, he gets to decide which of Mazda or vanity becomes the final juror. He goes on a preamble about how his biggest competition is already out of the house and he only won to ensure he had a bigger impact on the game. He flips a coin and it lands on heads. He evicts Mazda as the final Juror.
Reunion Part 2: As Mazda exits his house, I don’t get a rest from hosting as this is finale night. But the pre-jurors are flown in on helicopters so that’s pretty cool. Rockefeller steps off and nods at Ivana. They both send a daggering stare at Overlord, who winces having betrayed them both. Dany, Ave, and Zephyr enter the stage shortly after. Ave and Dany reveal they are actually close friends after how crazy the season was. They tell Dread that bygones can be bygones and he can still be in their little troupe if he pleases once he calms down. Zephyr is quiet the whole time, seemingly looking for something in the distance. Paloma starts to ramble about how she wasn’t given much of a chance to succeed and that she was evicted because of her ally and not herself. Ivana stops her and reminds her she is on a show about the villains, she stood no chance with a heroic mindset.
The Final 2 Face the Jury: The Prof and Vanity face the jury, both putting on their most affably evil personas. They go off claiming their moves in the game. Vanity’s big strategy involved sucking up to everyone and putting herself first all the time. She survived the block next to Ave and Xavi because of it, and turned the tables on Veena using that strategy. When Overlord asks her who she would have broken the tie for if he didn’t flip his vote, she says obviously the Professor would not be there. The Prof claims his strategy was reactionary. He waited for his opponents to make moves and then played the perfect counter to them. He cites putting Overlord on the block even though he voted to save him as not allowing Overlord to keep credit for a big move. He also points out that he used several tie votes to his favor including causing Vanity to put Cyclone up at the Final 4 because of his position in the tie. When Lulu asks him what would have happened if she won HOH instead of Vanity, the Prof says he would have lied but also, Lulu stood no chance at that HOH. Cyclone asks the Prof why he never took a shot at Dread and he says the dragon was setting up his own game to fail. Plus, he knew one of his allies would eventually want to turn on him. He gives Cyclone a wink as he says this. She shrinks a bit. Mazda asks Vanity if she truly saw him as a big asset to her game and she says that his power and strength in the game was what allowed her to get as far as she did. Xavi rolls his eyes.
The Jury Votes: Xavi says that one villain out-villained all of the rest of them and deserves the win. Veena says she has two allies up in the final two but one of them had her back all the time, which even villains need. Ivana says that both finalists would make excellent stories to write but one of them has an easier tale to tell. Overlord comes right out and says he got outplayed and recognizes it. Vomm commends the finalist who played the most chaotically. Dread grumbles through his muzzle but we can’t tell what he said. Lulu shines and sparkles as she walks to the voting booth and silently casts her vote. Cyclone flutters over and echoes her brother’s sentiment that to beat the best, you have to be the best, and she got beat. Mazda goes last and thanks the final 2 for an amazing program. He knows the rating will go through the roof and they will be picked up for a second season. And the winner is…
Winner: The Professor
Runner-Up: Vanity
Fan-Favorite: Cyclone
My Favorites: Cyclone, Overlord, the Prof, Vanity, Dread
My Thoughts: This season definitely lived up to the hype as an All-Villains season. No one played a truly loyal game and the winner was someone with no true close allies by his own volition. Everyone played viciously and backstabbed or manipulated and it was glorious. The crumbling criminal’s alliance was of course a highlight. And the revival of the Dread and Professor rivalry was fun to see happen again. But to watch as Cyclone unwittingly played into the Professor’s hand by getting Dread to keep him was amazing. Cyclone was a true power player who made a ton of strong moves in the game and could have won if she won just one more competition at the end. I think a Cyclone and Professor final 2 would have been even more epic, but he did not want to risk that and it was epic when he pulled his tie against her. Dread was not who I expected to be running the strongest alliances of the house but I guess he had a demanding presence this time around. And of course watching Lulu come back at full Lulu diva force was epic, even if her game fell apart. Overall, my personal favorite season!
What’s next?: Well that was an exciting first season of Mazda’s House of Villains and at this rate it will be picked up for a second seas—wait whats that? Is that…Stellar Guard in the Jury Shed? But how did he…? And April too??? Wait a minute it looks like Paloma is opening the doors to the house to let Pokémon Police to the stage along with Tiny and Peeps? Naomi is tugging a boat and Dayley Jane is rounding up the villains. Who is that up by the moon? Zephyr is flying with…Seraphina! The two are spreading a big ole net all over the stage with the help of Lora and they are wrangling everyone! Mazda your villainy is over! “And I would have gotten away with it too if it weren’t for you meddling kids!”
I am finally free! Admittedly Mazda is a great producer but that fine print and those NDAs really threwoff my mojo. But I have plenty of ideas for future seasons and am reinvigorated to see the next set of newbies enter the next house! But first, lets go see all of these dastardly villains sent home in cuffs!
**calm mind—er--april here, it worked out actually quite well that mazda left the house so late for story reasons, but we have checked and no riggory or cheating was detected on his part. turns out he actually was good at the game this time around. wait there's a silhouette flying towards the moon. did we miss one? oh well... it can't be that serious... i hope**
submitted by BunnyBoiEthos to BrantSteele [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 20:04 Opposite-Fill3482 Interneti pa rregulla, pa ligje që mund të bëni gjithçka.

Interneti pa rregulla, pa ligje që mund të bëni gjithçka.
Deshta sod të ju tregojë diqka që shumë pak folet dhe përdoret në Kosovë.
Që 3 vite jam përdorues i Dark Webit edhe jam ende përdorues.
Mbrenda 3 vitive qka kum perjetu ? , Shumica mendojn që Dark Web është e frikshme si gjëra Horror , gjërat aq të errëta e shume sene që frigohesh në jetë , po në realitet nuk është aspak e vërtet.
Qka ka në Dark Web edhe si duket ? Dark webi është pjesë e internetit ku kryhen shum aktivite të ndryshme në mënyre anonime si aktivitete të paligjshme por gjithashtu edhe shërbime të ligjshme.
Qka hulumtohet në Dark Web edhe cilat faqe përdoren më së shumti?
Top Hulumtimet: 1.Faqe të ndryshme të Hakerave që tregojnë se si kryhen sulmet Kibernatike.
2.Stock Market dhe Kryptovaluta qdo pagesë kryhet me Krypto.
  1. Black Market - Shitja e Armëve të ndryshme, Blerje dhe shitje të kryptovaluteve , gjithashtu edhe shitje të substancave dhe medikamenteve të ndryshme.
Cilat janë rrjetet sociale dhe qka postohet?
  • Përdorum Facebook , Reddit ,Twitter , Youtube, por faqet quhen ndryshe.
Postohen: Diskutime dhe debate: përfshihum në biseda për tema të ndryshme politikë, teknologji dhe ngjarjet aktuale. Postojm storje duke ndar mendime , histori ose gjëra personale pa e ditur se kush je ? Postohen foto dhe video që kane përmbajtje të paligjshme ose të ndaluara ,postojnë lidhje me aktivitete si trafikim , hakime të ndryshme , sjellje të tjera kriminale ose për të ekspozuar në mënyrë anonime si korrupsionin, keqbërjen ose për të mbrojtur akuzat politike ose sociale. Diskutimet në lidhje me kriptovalutat: Duke pasur parasysh njohjen e kriptomonedhave , diskutimet rreth kriptomonedhave, tregtisë dhe temave të ngjashme qe janë të zakonshme.
Si bëhet hyrja në Dark Web?
Hyrja në Dark Web zakonisht kërkon Sistem Operativ (Jo Windows apo Mac ose IOS/Android) ështe sistemi enkas që ofron konfigurime specifike të krijuara për të ofruar siguri.
A mund të hyj në Dark Web?
JO se nuk rekomandohet për përdorues të ndryshëm për shkak të gjërave të paligjshme , Viruse dhe Mashtrime , Monitorim nga qasja në faqe që kontrollohet nga Autoritetet Shtetërore , Ndikim Psikologjik dhe Pasojat Ligjore.
Mund të shihni disa shembuj të faqeve të Dark Webit që janë të postuara , Disa gjëra që janë të paligjshme nuk do të postohen.
submitted by Opposite-Fill3482 to kosovo [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 14:13 JamesTillyMatthews Ehemaliger KGB-Agent packt aus: Geheimtechniken der Gedankenkontrolle hinter dem Eisernen Vorhang // Havanna-Syndrom / Havanna Syndrom

Ehemaliger KGB-Agent packt aus: Geheimtechniken der Gedankenkontrolle hinter dem Eisernen Vorhang // Havanna-Syndrom / Havanna Syndrom
Ehemaliger KGB-Agent packt aus: Geheimtechniken der Gedankenkontrolle hinter dem Eisernen Vorhang
Ein hochrangiger Offizier des Föderalen Schutzdienstes Russlands (FSO) enthüllte 2006 in der russischen Regierungszeitung „Rossiiskaya Gazeta“ sensationelle Einzelheiten über die Aktivitäten einer der geheimsten Abteilungen für Staatssicherheit.[1] General Boris Ratnikov, der in der KGB-Abteilung für Moskau und die Moskauer Region tätig war, berichtete über die seit langem praktizierten Methoden verschiedener Mächte zur Manipulation individueller Gedanken – ein Vorgehen, das im 20. Jahrhundert wissenschaftliche Grundlagen erhielt und von den Geheimdiensten adaptiert wurde. Der Schwerpunkt der Forschung lag auf der Kontrolle des öffentlichen und individuellen Bewusstseins sowie der Abwehr unautorisierten Eindringens in die später im Rahmen der Kognitiven Kriegsführung sog. "Neurosphäre". Die Enthüllungen beleuchten die geheimen Bemühungen sowjetischer und später russischer Sicherheitsdienste, das Bewusstsein sowohl der eigenen Bevölkerung als auch ausländischer Staatsführer mittels übernatürlicher und wissenschaftlich-technischer Methoden zu beeinflussen und zu kontrollieren, als Teil einer umfassenderen Strategie zum Schutz hochrangiger politischer Führungskräfte vor ähnlichen Manipulationsversuchen durch ausländische Mächte.
[1] Hackard, Mark (2016). „The Kremlin's Psychic Spies“, In: The Espionage History Archive (09.01.2016), Original: Rossiiskaya Gazeta (22.12.2006), übersetzt von ders., URL: (08.04.2024).
Geheime Forschungen und Praktiken: Ratnikov schildert die intensive Forschung und Anwendung von Fernbeeinflussungstechniken des Geistes, die in der Sowjetunion von etwa 50 Forschungsinstituten mit durch erhebliche staatliche Finanzierung untersucht wurden, doch alle diese Forschungsbemühungen seien mit dem Untergang des sowjetischen Reichs Anfang der 1990er Jahre eingestellt worden. In seiner späteren Funktion im Föderalen Schutzdienst war Ratnikov von 1991 bis 1997 als stellvertretender Leiter und dann als leitender Berater im Bundeswachdienst verantwortlich gewesen, hochrangige Beamte im postsowjetischen Russland vor jeglichem externen Einfluss auf ihr Unterbewusstsein zu schützen.
Der General unterstrich mit Nachdruck, dass weder er noch seine Teammitglieder jemals in die Gedankenwelt des damaligen Präsidenten Boris Jelzin oder des Reformers Jegor Gaidar eingriffen. Dennoch behauptete er, mithilfe der Fähigkeit zum Gedankenlesen sowohl Russlands ersten Präsidenten als auch das Land selbst vor einem möglichen Konflikt mit China bewahrt zu haben.
Im Jahr 1992 hatte Jelzin einen Besuch in Japan geplant. Die Einheit Ratnikovs jedoch deckte Versuche auf, Jelzins Bewusstsein dahingehend zu beeinflussen, dass er die Kurileninseln an Japan abtreten würde. Ein solcher Schritt hätte möglicherweise Ansprüche Chinas auf die Rückgewinnung seiner strittigen Territorien gegenüber Russland nach sich gezogen und könnte einen kriegerischen Konflikt zwischen den beiden Ländern provoziert haben. Folglich wurde Jelzins Reise abgesagt.
Insbesondere die Forschung zu „Psychogeneratoren“ und der Möglichkeit der Fernbeeinflussung des menschlichen Geistes wurde in vielen entwickelten Ländern verfolgt, insbesondere auch in Großbritannien und Deutschland, wobei die Sowjetunion angeblich erhebliche Fortschritte erzielte.
Ich habe Ihnen gesagt, dass die UdSSR ziemlich erfolgreich die Entwicklung von Technologien zum Eindringen in das Bewusstsein anderer Personen erforscht hat. Und wir haben bedeutende Fortschritte gemacht. Anfang der 1990er Jahre hatte ich ein Treffen mit einem bestimmten CIA-Offizier. Wir haben ihn gut empfangen, und als Ergebnis verkündete der Amerikaner, dass nichts über unsere nuklearen U-Boot-Raketen für die USA ein Geheimnis sei. Als ob ihre speziell ausgebildeten Psychiker jedes unserer U-Boote verfolgen würden, die Handlungen der Besatzung und den Zustand der strategischen Waffen „beobachtend“. Dazu präsentierte er uns Beweise, die, so paradox es auch klingen mag, tatsächlich die Richtigkeit seiner Worte bestätigten. Dann sagten wir ihm, dass ihr „Beobachten“ unserer nuklearen U-Boote beeindruckend sei, aber dass wir noch besser, ganz ruhig „einen Spaziergang durch die Gedanken“ des amerikanischen Präsidenten und seines engsten Kreises machen könnten. Danach gaben wir ihm Informationen, die nur einem Staatschef bekannt sein konnten. Der CIA-Offizier setzte sich mit seinen Leuten in Verbindung, und dann sagte er: „Warum sollten wir irgendetwas voreinander verbergen? Wir treten in eine offene Gesellschaft ein; lasst uns Freunde sein und Informationen austauschen.“ Wir stimmten zu, aber danach wurden alle Kontakte mit dem US-Geheimdienst im Bereich der Psychotronik eingestellt.
Internationale Bemühungen und Wettbewerb: Bemerkenswerterweise offenbart Ratnikov, dass sein Department Informationen von hochrangigen Beamten in Westeuropa und den USA erhalten konnte, indem es ihre Gedanken las, gestützt auf sowjetische wissenschaftliche Errungenschaften. Insbesondere beim neuen US-Botschafter Robert Strauss wurde festgestellt, dass das Botschaftsgebäude Ausrüstungen zur psychotronischen Beeinflussung Moskaus enthielt, die jedoch deaktiviert waren.
Ratnikov kommentierte ebenso die Existenz psychotronischer Waffen, betonte jedoch die Risiken ihres Einsatzes. Er merkte an, dass sowohl Russland als auch die USA und weitere Nationen über diese fortschrittlichen Technologien verfügten. Allerdings warnte er vor den Gefahren, die mit ihrer Anwendung einhergehen – sowohl für diejenigen, die die Waffen bedienen, als auch für die Personen, die ihren Einsatz anordnen, könnten schwerwiegende, unvorhersehbare Gesundheitsschäden oder gar der Tod folgen. Ratnikov unterstrich, dass das Eindringen in das menschliche Bewusstsein eine Grenzüberschreitung darstellt und dass der Umgang mit psychotronischen Technologien äußerste Vorsicht erfordert.
RG: Und haben Sie die Informationen, die Sie aus den Gedanken der US-Führungskräfte entnommen haben, direkt an Jelzin berichtet? BR: Natürlich nicht. Diese Informationen wurden zur Grundlage für die fortlaufende Arbeit unserer analytischen Zentren. Wenn dazu kam, was von den SVR- und GRU-Linien und diplomatischen Quellen kam, dann entstand ein vollständiges Bild, das bereits die Grundlage für analytische Berichte an die höhere Führung des Landes bildete. RG: Sie erwähnten psychotronische Waffen. Gibt es diese wirklich? BR: Zumindest gab es sie. Wir hatten sie, genauso wie die USA und andere Länder. Es stimmt, sie zu benutzen ist sehr gefährlich. Man kann das gewünschte Ergebnis erzielen, aber dabei können sowohl der Bediener der Waffe als auch der Mann, der ihren Einsatz befiehlt, ihre Gesundheit und sogar ihr Leben auf völlig unvorhersehbare Weise verlieren. Der Bereich des aktiven Eindringens in das menschliche Bewusstsein ist dennoch etwas jenseits der Grenzen, und mit Psychotronik ist nicht zu spaßen.
Diese Enthüllungen werfen Licht auf die dunklen und oft verborgenen Aspekte der psychologischen Kriegsführung und der Geheimdienstoperationen während des Kalten Krieges und danach.
Die Enthüllungen Ratnikovs über die sowjetischen und russischen Bemühungen, das Bewusstsein zu manipulieren, zusammen mit den Vermutungen um das Havanna-Syndrom, legen nahe, dass die Erforschung und Anwendung von Methoden zur Beeinflussung des menschlichen Geistes weit verbreitet und von verschiedenen Ländern über Jahrzehnte hinweg verfolgt wurde. Sowohl die historischen Enthüllungen als auch die aktuellen Fälle des Havanna-Syndroms werfen wichtige Fragen hinsichtlich der ethischen Grenzen der Geheimdienstoperationen und psychologischen Kriegsführung auf, insbesondere im Hinblick auf die Gesundheit und das Wohlergehen der betroffenen Personen.
Die Parallelen zwischen den klassischen Forschungen zur Mind-Control und den aktuellen Enthüllungen über den transnationalen Einsatz von Hochfrequenz-Waffen gegen diplomatisches Personal (und gegenüber einer Vielzahl von Zivilisten weltweit) unterstreichen die anhaltende Relevanz und das potenzielle Risiko solcher Neurotechnologien zur technischen Gedankenkontrolle im geheimdienstlichen und militärischen Kontext und offenbaren das rücksichtlose Machtstreben auf Seiten kriminell-terroristischer Geheimdienstmitarbeiteinnen, die alles umsetzen, was technisch machbar ist, unter Missachtung von Mindeststandards der Menschlichkeit wie der menschlichen Würde und persönlichen Freiheit sowie informationellen Selbstbestimmung. Bei der Regulierung von Mikrowellenwaffen und Psychogeneratoren (Neurowaffen) in internationalen Beziehungen, dem Menschenrechtsschutz und geopolitischen Auseinandersetzungen besteht dringendes Entwicklungspotenzial.
submitted by JamesTillyMatthews to u/JamesTillyMatthews [link] [comments]

2024.03.27 01:48 Content-Flamingo-210 Circulo de Crédito! SOS

Hola comunidad, espero que se encuentren muy bien!
La verdad, ando un poco inquieto con esto. Todo empezó por un credito automotriz que tenía pensado contratar, apliqué la solicitud y todo bien, me habían aprobado, al final decidí no firmar por planes personales y porque decidí que mejor ahorraría un poco mas.
Después me puse a pensar en la cantidad de información tan personal y sensible con la que se quedan los otorgantes de credito (domicilios, empleos, familiares, ingresos, identificaciones oficiales, etc)
El problema es que después, me empecé a obsesionar con el tema y descubrí que muchas personas habían tenido en algun momento problemas con creditos no reconocidos y con robo de identidad, al seguir buscando información me enteré que existe otra institución de información crediticia (además de buró) que se llama círculo de crédito en la cual reportan instituciones “financieras” mas chicas.
Decidí contratar tanto en buró como en círculo de credito alertas y bloqueos de mi historial para sentirme mas seguro, el tema es que después, investigando un poco más… la mayoría de las personas afectadas por creditos no reconocidos y por robo de identidad culpaban a círculo de crédito ya que las empresas que meten creditos fantasma lo hacen a través de ellos.
Mi mas grande preocupación es que yo abrí una cuenta con ambas instituciones (buró y círculo) y les comfirmé mis datos personales, confiando en que son empresas serias y reguladas, pero oh! sorpresa, me entero que ni siquiera estan regidas por la LFPDPPP (o sea si nuestros datos son robados, o mal usados no hay sancion alguna ya que no existe ley que los supervise en esa cuestión). Por otro lado los terminos y condiciones así como el aviso de Privacidad de circulo dice que pueden mandar tu información a aus “filiales” de su mismo grupo corporativo con varios fines. 🤯🤯🤯
Ahora estoy muy nervioso y preocupado de que ellos tengan tanta información mía de todo tipo y que puedan hacer con ella, lo que sea! Ni siquiera te dan opción de darte de baja de su portal.
Estoy asustando y preocupado de que puedan meter deudas fantasma a mi nombre a través de sus “filiales” y que puedan empezar a manchar mi historial crediticio e incluso llegar a cobrarme y/o extorsionarme por deudas que no son mías!
Alguien mas tiene experiencia checando su historial crediticio? Alguien mas tiene cuenta con ellos? Les ha pasado algo extraño sin fundamento? Si alguien tiene algún comentario les agradecería mucho!
Cabe resaltar que nunca he sido moroso y los únicos créditos que tengo hasta ahora son con bancos grandes y bien establecidos.
Me disculpo por tanto texto pero me tenía que desahogar :/
submitted by Content-Flamingo-210 to MexicoFinanciero [link] [comments]

2024.03.26 06:56 RiceandLeeks Incidences of anti-Semitism that are mentioned in Wikipedia entries are being deleted

I have noticed public figures who have made anti-semitic comments or tweets have had those deleted from their Wikipedia entries. Looking at the history I can tell that somebody once placed it but that it was removed. I find this disingenuous because other controversies involving these people that are pretty similar (such as accusations of racism, sexism or homophobia) remained. These are the people in question:
Karen Attaih
Briahna Joy Gray
Ibtihaj Muhammad
Indya Moore
Amanda Seales
Paloma Elsesser
Edit: I just checked Selma Blair's Wikipedia page and it includes a controversy section where a details for social media posts criticizing Muslims. This is insane. Jewish people who make offensive comments towards Muslims have it in their Wikipedia profile whereas other minorities who make comments that offend Jews have them removed.
submitted by RiceandLeeks to u/RiceandLeeks [link] [comments]

2024.03.26 00:46 ItachiNeithor Soyyoelmalo/a por ya no querer ser una persona comprensiva?

Me disculpo si esto es largo pero ya no se que pensar. Desde que soy una persona comprensiva, no lo digo por decir me lo han dicho y confirmado, lo que sucede es que desde niña siempre e pensado que es mejor aceptar las cosas para que hayan peleas ni mucho menos me regañen, últimamente han sucedido varias cosas que ya me hacen no querer seguir siendo amable y comprensiva. Lo que más me a sucedido es en el trabajo, soy recepcionista en una veterinaria, en esa veterinaria hay 1 dr fijo y la administradora que se supone debe venir todos los días (su casa queda aproximadamente a 45 min de distancia en auto), sucede que la administradora y yo nos llevamos bien y ella le dan crisis emocionales, de ansiedad y nervios a tal punto que cambia de personalidad aveces, el problema es que ella me está dejando toda la carga a mi no solo del trabajo, le tengo que ayudar con sus asuntos personales con documentos porque ella no comprende bien, a estudiar algunas cosas, recordarle hacer pedido de fármacos, alimentos y varias cosas, cuando se siente mal le hago una bebida caliente, le pongo música relajada y la calmo como puedo, hasta estoy aprendiendo a conducir por si algún día tengo que tomar su auto y llevarla al hospital el problema es que la carga ya está siendo demasiado, ahora estoy a cargo de todo: agendar horas, cobrar, guardar el dinero, hacer los formularios de Excel, hacer publicidad, encuestas, responder preguntas de tutores, hacer encargos, ver el almacén, ayudar en las consultas, hacer consultas y vacunas también, recepcionar las quejas y finas, hacer presupuestos de cirugías, agendar transporte de mascotas, calmar a las personas que vienen de urgencia y cuando los animalitos se van al cielo, informar a los clientes y tutores por los cambios de precios, tener todo listo para las peluquerías caninas eso incluye insumos de peluquería, la zona completamente limpia, que las personas lleguen a tiempo y si alguien se pone molesto disculparme aunque no sea mi culpa, entre muchas cosas más, aparte si en la clínica principal (ya que somos otra sede) necesitan ayuda mía por si no se saben algún precio, por si llega algún cliente que no pueden soportar, por si necesitan más manos allá, aparte todos los jefes cuando van a donde trabajó si ellos no quieren atender a alguien tengo que "adelantar la consulta" básicamente es preguntar qué tiene la mascota y todo el historial, sucede que la administradora a tenido muchas crisis de la nada y más cuando llega gente que ella no atiende, entonces tengo que irme de mi puesto para ayudarla, volver corriendo y seguir trabajando, a llegado muy tarde, le pedí 1 día para ir al banco porque solo atienden en la mañana y no e podido ir en 6 meses, pero siempre me dice "me dio la crisis anoche perdón, llegaré tarde" hoy teníamos que entregar las cenizas de una mascota (también hay un crematorio y aveces ayudó a la recepción de los clientes hay) y ella debía traerlas hoy, le dio la crisis no llego, 30 minutos antes de que la tutora llegará le pregunté por donde venía y solo me dijo "disculpa no podré ir me volvió a dar la crisis me sentí muy mal dile a tutora que perdone y que las traigo mañana" pero ya van 2 veces que hace eso, eso ya me está cansando pero tengo que sonreir porque siento que si le digo como me siento se sentirá muy mal, eso es por parte de ella, ahora mis otros 2 jefes son unos vagos que no les gusta hacer nada y básicamente me dejan todo a mi lo único es que por lo menos me dan un "extra" que es en comida pero sinceramente ya mi cuerpo no puede mas, entonces seré la mala si me vuelvo menos comprensiva y amable? Acepto consejos
submitted by ItachiNeithor to SoyElMalo [link] [comments]

2024.03.22 17:59 Yerbamatedude Why i want Devon to win

Originally this was intended to be a comment, but turned to a little rant, so i thought it would be better to post it here. I also wanted to state two things before - this is my personall opinion, and i'm not a Devon fanboy.
Devon's distinct qualities: -technical mastermind -one of the top table IQ's -versatile techniques -whole "technique + tactics + endurance vs brute strength" aspect -passionate and active in sport since like 30 years
Levan's distinct qualities: -180 kg armwrestling freak prodigy gargantuan with mitts for hands and bicepses thicker than average's man thigh -Plain, brute force and therefore almost 1 technique displayed throghout recent years (no need to utilize anything else cuz there's only 1 plan - smash with posting toproll win. It always worked) -Hulk smash mindset -curling decent gym goer's deadlift
Based on above, there's a question what one wants to win and be the creme de la creme of the sport.
Having mentioned Levan's upsides, i - by no any meaning - think that he's only "pancaked genetic freak with no brain" (as some suggest in social media)
First - he's been also dedicated AF during his career and put a ton of effort into his training, his success is by no any meaning an effect of pancakes and his genetics. Secondly - he's not a dumb guy and we can be sure, that he and his Georgian colleagues have put a lot of time to dissect Devon before that match and carefully construct a plan.
Having said that i wait for the match with great anticipation & if Devon wins it is going to be a great shock and one of biggest "wow's" in armwrestling history.
What do You guys & girls think?
submitted by Yerbamatedude to armwrestling [link] [comments]

2024.03.21 17:11 RealityIcy9442 Necesito un consejo, no se trata de nada amoroso

Tengo 23 años, terminé la carrera de contabilidad pública hace 1 año, pero la verdad dejo de convencerme la carrera desde 4 semestre. Era muy bueno cuando me interesaba, pero actualmente solo soy un contador mediocre y trabajo con mi padre que es contador y tiene un pequeño despacho, pero la verdad es que lo ha dejado bastante de lado, así que se podría decir que ambos somos mediocres. Gano poco comparado con lo que ganan compañeros que había tenido en la universidad, pero tampoco es mala la paga 9,000 al mes (al menos para lo que necesito en el momento es suficiente).
Hoy por hoy me siento estancado, sé que me gusta la música y me gustaría dedicarme a componer, actualmente mis conocimientos son bastante básicos, pero me es muy difícil ser autodidacta ya que tiendo a procrastinar mucho.
Tengo pocos amigos y soy alguien bastante introvertido, a eso tengo que sumarle que, si bien no me llevo mal con mis compañeros de trabajo, todos me evitan bastante por ser el hijo del jefe. Hace como 6 meses terminé con mi última novia por querer enfocarme más en la música, así que por ahora también estoy bastante jodido en el área social.
En diciembre en el trabajo nos topamos con un perro tipo bóxer en situación de calle, me dolió tanto verlo en esas condiciones que decidí adoptarlo, ya tengo bastantes animales adoptados, todos en su mayoría pequeños, pero este es raza grande, la verdad no pensé muy bien todo lo que conllevaba tenerlo, y ahora estoy pagando un poco las consecuencias, ya me ha mordido dos veces (nada grave y sí, no jugando, con intención), hace demasiado popo, come demasiado, es bastante desesperado y el lugar en el que está ahorita no es el óptimo para un perro, básicamente está en una tipo cochera donde hay poco espacio para sombra.
Primeramente, me gustaría buscarle otro dueño, pero sé que está bastante difícil para encontrar a alguien que quiera a un perro grande y que tenga el historial de las mordidas, así que la opción que siento más probable es que tenga que llegar a dormirlo, no me gustaría para nada, pero no sé qué más hacer, ya que, entre los problemas personales, de trabajo y el poco tiempo que me queda libre, me está entrando una pequeña depresión por no poder con todo.

submitted by RealityIcy9442 to mexico [link] [comments]

2024.03.21 11:08 Sweet-Count2557 Best Brunch in Baltimore Md

Best Brunch in Baltimore Md
Best Brunch in Baltimore Md Are you ready to embark on a culinary journey through the vibrant city of Baltimore? Join us as we delve into the world of brunch and discover the best spots that this city has to offer.From iconic diners with a rich history to trendy farm-to-table eateries, there is something for everyone's taste buds. So grab your friends and get ready to indulge in a delightful brunch adventure.Let's explore the eclectic and diverse brunch options that Baltimore has in store for us.Key TakeawaysBlue Moon Cafe and The Corner Pantry are both iconic and highly rated brunch spots in Baltimore, known for their delicious food and excellent service.Clavel is a family-operated mezcaleria in Remington that offers a wide variety of tasty dishes and has a great atmosphere.Brunch House at R. House is a casual and affordable option with a diverse selection of brunch options and bottomless brunch drinks.Bygone, located at the Four Seasons Hotel Baltimore, offers a sophisticated and refined Sunday brunch buffet with a variety of upscale dishes.Blue Moon Cafe: Fells Point IconWe've heard that the Blue Moon Cafe in Fells Point is an iconic spot with a long history of serving delicious brunch options. Located in Baltimore, Maryland, this old-fashioned diner has been a favorite among locals and visitors alike for over 20 years. When it comes to bottomless brunch in Baltimore, Blue Moon Cafe is definitely a top contender.Rated 4.5 out of 5 for taste and variety, this brunch spot offers a wide range of options to satisfy any craving. From classic dishes like pancakes, omelettes, and French toast to unique creations like their famous Cap'n Crunch French Toast or their Crab Benedict, Blue Moon Cafe has something for everyone.Not only is the food at Blue Moon Cafe exceptional, but the service is also highly rated, earning them a 4.5 out of 5. The friendly and attentive staff make sure that every customer feels welcome and taken care of. The atmosphere of the cafe is cozy and inviting, with a nostalgic charm that adds to the overall dining experience.Now, let's move on to another fantastic brunch spot in Baltimore, The Corner Pantry, where Chef Neill Howell serves up British brunch delights.The Corner Pantry: British Brunch DelightsWhile enjoying the best brunch in Baltimore, we can't wait to try the British brunch delights at The Corner Pantry, where Chef Neill Howell serves up mouthwatering dishes. Located on Falls Road, The Corner Pantry is a British joint that offers a unique and flavorful brunch experience. With a rating of 4/5 for taste and variety, and 4.5/5 for service and atmosphere, The Corner Pantry is a must-visit spot for brunch enthusiasts.Chef Neill Howell brings his expertise and passion for British cuisine to the table, creating dishes that are both traditional and innovative. From classic favorites like the full English breakfast, complete with bacon, sausage, eggs, baked beans, and grilled tomato, to more creative options like the smoked salmon and scrambled eggs on a homemade English muffin, the menu at The Corner Pantry offers something for everyone.The atmosphere at The Corner Pantry is cozy and inviting, making it the perfect place to relax and enjoy a leisurely brunch. The friendly and attentive staff ensures that every guest feels welcome and well taken care of.Whether you're craving a taste of Britain or simply looking for a delicious and satisfying brunch experience, The Corner Pantry is the place to be. With its mouthwatering dishes, excellent service, and charming atmosphere, it's no wonder that The Corner Pantry is a favorite among locals and visitors alike.Clavel: Mezcaleria Brunch ExperienceClavel: Mezcaleria Brunch Experience is a vibrant and lively Mexican restaurant in Remington, Baltimore. They offer a unique brunch experience with their mezcal-based brunch cocktails and authentic Mexican dishes.With their extensive selection of mezcal, you can enjoy a refreshing and flavorful brunch while immersing yourself in the rich culture and flavors of Mexico.Mezcal-Based Brunch CocktailsOne of the brunch spots in Baltimore that offers a mezcal-based brunch experience is Clavel. They have a variety of unique cocktails to choose from, making for a truly one-of-a-kind brunch experience. Clavel specializes in mezcal, a smoky and complex spirit that adds a unique twist to their brunch cocktails. Each cocktail is carefully crafted to showcase the flavors of mezcal, from their famous Mezcal Bloody Mary to their refreshing Mezcal Paloma. Whether you prefer bold and spicy flavors or something light and citrusy, Clavel has a mezcal-based cocktail that will cater to your taste buds. The combination of mezcal and brunch is a match made in heaven, and Clavel is leading the way in offering this innovative and exciting brunch experience.Authentic Mexican Brunch DishesWe are excited to explore the variety of authentic Mexican brunch dishes available at Clavel's mezcaleria brunch experience. Clavel, located in Remington, Baltimore, offers a unique and flavorful twist on traditional brunch options.From their savory chilaquiles to their delectable huevos rancheros, every dish is crafted with care and attention to detail. The use of fresh ingredients and traditional Mexican flavors truly sets Clavel apart.The atmosphere at Clavel is warm and inviting, making it the perfect place to gather with friends and family for a memorable brunch experience. The service is friendly and knowledgeable, ensuring that every guest feels well taken care of.Whether you're a fan of spicy chiles or prefer the rich flavors of mole, Clavel's authentic Mexican brunch dishes are sure to satisfy your cravings and leave you wanting more.Brunch House at R. House: Communal Hall of Culinary DelightsBrunch House at R. House is an industrial-chic communal hall that brings together the best of Baltimore's brunch scene. With its ten chef-driven counters, it offers a wide variety of brunch options, satisfying every palate.What sets it apart is the affordable bottomless brunch at R.Bar, where you can sip on unlimited mimosas, sangria, and bloody Marys while enjoying the vibrant atmosphere of this culinary delight.Chef-Driven Brunch CountersAt Brunch House in R. House, we can indulge in a variety of chef-driven brunch options served at communal counters. The bustling atmosphere and industrial-chic setting create a vibrant backdrop for our culinary adventure.Here are five reasons why Brunch House is a must-visit spot for brunch enthusiasts:Wide variety of brunch options: From classic dishes with a twist to innovative creations, Brunch House offers a diverse menu that caters to all taste preferences.Casual setting with affordable prices: Brunch House provides a laid-back and approachable dining experience without breaking the bank.Communal counters: The communal setup encourages interaction and fosters a sense of community among brunch-goers.Chef-driven cuisine: Each dish at Brunch House is carefully crafted by talented chefs who prioritize quality and flavor.Bottomless brunch: R.Bar, located within R. House, serves delightful bottomless mimosas, sangria, and bloody Marys, adding an extra touch of indulgence to our brunch experience.Now, let's dive into the next section and explore the world of affordable bottomless brunch options.Affordable Bottomless BrunchThere are several enticing options for an affordable bottomless brunch at Brunch House, including bottomless mimosas, sangria, and bloody Marys. This popular brunch destination offers a casual setting with a wide variety of delicious brunch options.Whether you're craving a classic mimosa, a refreshing sangria, or a bold bloody Mary, Brunch House has got you covered. The bottomless option allows you to enjoy unlimited refills of your favorite brunch drink, making it a great choice for those looking to indulge without breaking the bank.The relaxed and inviting atmosphere of Brunch House sets the stage for a perfect brunch experience. As we transition into the next section, let's explore the unique dining concept of industrial-chic communal dining at Brunch House.Industrial-Chic Communal DiningWe can enjoy a unique dining experience with our friends at Brunch House, where we can indulge in the culinary delights of the industrial-chic communal hall. Here are five reasons why Brunch House is a must-visit spot:Wide variety of brunch options: From classic favorites like pancakes and eggs benedict to creative dishes with a twist, Brunch House has something for everyone.Casual setting with affordable prices: Brunch House offers a relaxed atmosphere where we can enjoy a delicious meal without breaking the bank.R.Bar serves bottomless brunch mimosas, sangria, and bloody Marys: We can sip on our favorite brunch cocktails while enjoying the vibrant atmosphere.Chef-driven counters: With 10 different counters, each offering a unique culinary experience, we can explore a variety of flavors and cuisines.Communal dining: Brunch House's communal hall allows us to connect with other food lovers and create a sense of community while enjoying our meal.By experiencing the industrial-chic communal dining at Brunch House, we can embark on a gastronomic journey unlike any other.Now, let's move on to the next section and explore the bygone era of rooftop sophistication and Sunday buffets at 'Bygone'.Bygone: Rooftop Sophistication and Sunday BuffetsBygone offers a rooftop dining experience with a 1920s flair, serving a sophisticated Sunday brunch buffet with refined cuisine and a variety of stations. Situated in the Four Seasons Hotel Baltimore, this ritzy rooftop spot provides a unique and elegant brunch experience. With a nod to the glamorous era of the 1920s, Bygone transports diners to a bygone era of style and sophistication.The Sunday brunch buffet at Bygone showcases a variety of sophisticated dishes and stations, ensuring there's something to please every palate. From fresh seafood and charcuterie to made-to-order omelets and decadent desserts, the menu offers a wide range of options. Guests can savor the flavors of carefully crafted dishes while enjoying the stunning views of the city skyline from the rooftop terrace.The ambiance at Bygone is equally as impressive as the cuisine. The 1920s-inspired decor, complete with plush velvet seating and art deco accents, creates an atmosphere of elegance and glamour. The attentive and knowledgeable staff further enhances the dining experience, providing impeccable service that's both professional and friendly.Whether you're looking for a special occasion brunch or simply want to indulge in a luxurious dining experience, Bygone is the perfect choice. With its rooftop setting, refined cuisine, and sophisticated ambiance, this restaurant truly brings the essence of the 1920s to life.Gertrudes Chesapeake Kitchen: Artful Brunch at the MuseumWe should definitely try Gertrudes Chesapeake Kitchen for their artful brunch at the museum. This upscale restaurant, housed inside the Baltimore Museum of Art, offers a unique brunch experience that combines delicious food with a sophisticated dining atmosphere. Here are five reasons why Gertrudes Chesapeake Kitchen should be at the top of your brunch list:Fantastic Food: The brunch menu at Gertrudes Chesapeake Kitchen is filled with delectable dishes that showcase the flavors of the Chesapeake region. From their famous crab cakes benedict to their mouthwatering cornmeal pancakes, every bite is a culinary delight.Elegant Ambiance: The restaurant's classy and upscale atmosphere adds to the overall brunch experience. With its stylish decor and stunning views of the museum, Gertrudes Chesapeake Kitchen provides a refined setting for a leisurely brunch.Artistic Surroundings: Being located inside the Baltimore Museum of Art, Gertrudes Chesapeake Kitchen offers the unique opportunity to enjoy a delicious meal while surrounded by beautiful works of art. It's the perfect way to combine food and culture in one outing.Impeccable Service: The attentive and knowledgeable staff at Gertrudes Chesapeake Kitchen ensures that every guest has a memorable dining experience. From the moment you step foot in the restaurant until the time you leave, you can expect top-notch service.Special Occasions: Gertrudes Chesapeake Kitchen isn't only a great spot for a regular brunch, but it's also an excellent choice for special occasions. Whether you're celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or simply want to treat yourself to something special, this restaurant will make the day unforgettable.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre Reservations Required for Brunch at Any of These Restaurants?Reservations aren't required for brunch at any of these restaurants.Brunch is available on a first-come, first-served basis at all of these establishments.So, you can simply walk in and enjoy a delicious meal without having to book in advance.This makes it convenient for those who prefer spontaneity or don't have a specific time in mind.Whether you're looking for a cozy cafe, a trendy brunch spot, or a family-friendly restaurant, you'll be able to find a place to have brunch without the need for a reservation.Do Any of These Brunch Spots Offer Outdoor Seating?Sure, we'll talk about outdoor seating at these brunch spots.Now, let's dive into the brunch scene in Baltimore. When it comes to finding the best brunch in Baltimore, there are plenty of options to satisfy your cravings. From iconic diners like Blue Moon Cafe to upscale spots like Bygone, there's something for everyone.But the burning question is, do any of these brunch spots offer outdoor seating? Stay tuned to find out!Are There Any Vegetarian or Vegan Options Available at These Brunch Places?There are several brunch places in Baltimore that offer vegetarian or vegan options.Some notable options include Water for Chocolate, which offers creative dishes with unique flavors and specifically caters to vegans and vegetarians.The Land of Kush is another great choice, known for its vegan-friendly soul food.Additionally, Artifact Coffee serves simple and delicious brunch options, including options for vegetarians.These brunch spots provide a variety of flavorful and satisfying options for those with dietary restrictions or preferences.Are There Any Gluten-Free Options on the Brunch Menus?There are various brunch spots in Baltimore that offer gluten-free options on their menus. These options cater to individuals who follow a gluten-free diet or have gluten intolerances.With a wide variety of dishes to choose from, you can enjoy a delicious and satisfying brunch without worrying about gluten. From classic American cuisine to vegan-friendly soul food, there are plenty of choices available that will accommodate your dietary needs.Do Any of These Restaurants Offer Bottomless Brunch Drink Specials?Yes, some of these restaurants do offer bottomless brunch drink specials.It's like diving into a sea of unlimited refreshment.Places like Brunch House at R. House and The Blue Door on Baltimore serve bottomless mimosas, sangria, and bloody Marys to accompany their delicious brunch options.So, you can sip on your favorite brunch libations while savoring the flavors of their delectable dishes.It's the perfect way to indulge in a leisurely brunch experience.ConclusionIn conclusion, Baltimore, Maryland is a brunch lover's paradise with its diverse range of culinary options. Whether you're craving classic American dishes or looking to explore international flavors, the city has something to offer everyone.From iconic diners to trendy farm-to-table eateries, each brunch spot on our list offers a unique and delightful dining experience.So grab your friends and embark on a brunch adventure in the vibrant city of Baltimore, where your taste buds are sure to be satisfied. Read More :
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.03.20 15:20 miarrial The Shpilkin method, or how math reveals electoral fraud in Russia

The first independent media estimates of the extent of vote tampering in the Russian presidential election have just been published. They are all based on the Shpilkin method, which for over ten years has sought to quantify ballot-box stuffing in Russia.An emptied ballot box in Russia, on the last day of the presidential election that saw Vladimir Putin re-elected for a fifth term.
An emptied ballot box in Russia, on the final day of the presidential election that saw Vladimir Putin re-elected for a fifth term.
Twenty million falsified ballots? Thirty million? The first estimates from independent Russian media on the scale of electoral fraud in the presidential election, which ran from Friday March 15 to Sunday March 17, are starting to come in.

"Some 22 million ballots officially in favor of Vladimir Putin were falsified", assures Meduza, the Russian investigative journalism website, which interviewed Ivan Shukshin, a Russian election analyst, on the subject.

Massive fraud
The same result was obtained by the news website Important Stories. It found 21.9 million false votes for the incumbent president, whose re-election with more than 87% of the vote is widely criticized outside Russia.

For its part, the opposition media Novaya Gazeta Europe concludes that the fraud was even more massive. According to their estimate, 31.6 million ballots were falsified in favor of Vladimir Putin. A total that "corresponds to almost 50% of all the votes cast for the President, according to the Central Electoral Commission [64.7 million votes for Vladimir Putin, editor's note]", sums up Jeff Hawn, Russia specialist at the London School of Economics.

All three estimates suggest "fraud on a scale unprecedented in Russian electoral history", points out Matthew Wyman, a specialist in Russian politics at Keele University (UK).

They also have something else in common: they all use the same algorithmic method to discover the best possible estimate of the number of false votes cast in favor of the master of the Kremlin. It's called the "Shpilkin method", after the statistician Sergey Shpilkin who developed it some ten years ago. His work analyzing Russian elections, which began in 2007, has won him several prestigious awards in Russia, including the PolitProsvet prize for electoral research, awarded in 2012 by the NGO Liberal Mission.

But he has also made powerful enemies by denouncing electoral fraud. In February 2023, Sergey Shpilkin found himself on the list of "foreign agents".

Shady turnout figures
His method "offers a simple way of quantitatively assessing electoral fraud in Russia, whereas most other approaches focus on detecting whether or not fraud is taking place", points out Dmitry Kogan, a statistician based in Estonia who has worked with Sergey Shpilkin and others to develop tools for analyzing election results.

This approach, adopted by Meduza, Important Stories and Novaya Gazeta, is based "on the turnout rate in each polling station", explains Dmitry Kogan.

The aim is to identify polling stations where turnout does not appear abnormally high. They can then be used as a reference to get an idea of the actual distribution of votes between the various candidates. In theory, the proportion of votes in favor of each candidate does not change - or only marginally - according to the turnout rate. In other words, the Shpilkin method was able to determine that in Russia, candidate A always has on average X% of the vote and candidate B around Y%, whether there are 100, 200 or more voters in an "honest" polling station.

The problem is that where voter turnout explodes, "we've realized that this proportional evolution in the distribution of votes completely disappears, and that Vladimir Putin is the main beneficiary of the additional votes cast", points out Alexander Shen, mathematician and statistician at the CNRS's Laboratoire d'informatique, de robotique et de microélectronique de Montpellier (LIRMM).

To quantify fraud, simply compare Vladimir Putin's score with what the result would have been if the distribution of votes had been the same as in an "honest" polling station. The difference with his official score gives an idea of the extent of the manipulation of the results in his favor.

The Shpilkin method makes it possible to quantify the "ballot box stuffing and handwriting games to add votes to Vladimir Putin", summarizes Alexander Shen.

The limits of the Shpilkin method
However, "this procedure would be useless if the authorities used more subtle methods to rig the results", admits Dmitry Kogan. For example, if the "fraudsters" took votes away from one of the candidates and added them to Vladimir Putin, the Shpilkin method would no longer work. "The fact that the authorities seem to be continuing to use the most basic methods shows that they don't mind if people find out about the manipulation," notes Dmitry Kogan.

Another weakness of the Shpilkin method is that "you have to have at least a few polling stations where you can be reasonably sure that there is no fraud", says Dmitry Kogan. For him, this is not obvious in the case of the last presidential election. "I'm not sure we can really reconstruct a realistic distribution of votes between the candidates, because I don't know if there's enough usable data," confirms Alexander Shen.

Is this enough to deny the validity of the estimates put forward by the independent Russian media? Dmitry Kogan stopped trying to quantify electoral fraud in Russia in 2021. "At the time, I estimated that nearly 20 million votes in the Duma election had been falsified. Then, I said to myself, why bother if the ballots were completely rigged?

Nevertheless, he considers it important to have the estimates based on the Shpilkin method, because even if it's difficult to get a precise idea, "the order of magnitude is probably right".

These estimates are also "an important political weapon", says Matthew Wyman. They help "to undermine the Russian government's narrative that the high turnout and the vote in favor of Putin demonstrate that the country is united", he explains.

It's also an important message for the international public. "There's this cliché that Russians naturally vote for authoritarian figures. By showing how inflated the figures are, it's a way of proving that the reality is far more nuanced," judges Jeff Hawn.
submitted by miarrial to International [link] [comments]

2024.03.20 06:08 Otherwise-Produce-90 I just realized Alanah Pearce has her own Wikipedia page... in spanish! But there is nowhere listed that she was once my employee under GamesHQMedia lol. Congrats on your career as a writer over Sony Santa Monica ;) Cheers Alanah

I just realized Alanah Pearce has her own Wikipedia page... in spanish! But there is nowhere listed that she was once my employee under GamesHQMedia lol. Congrats on your career as a writer over Sony Santa Monica ;) Cheers Alanah submitted by Otherwise-Produce-90 to LettertoStella [link] [comments]

2024.03.20 03:32 NickTheJanitor So, you're moving to Las Cruces (the big guide)

It feels like we get a lot of these sorts of posts and they tend to gravitate around the same basic questions. So, I'm thinking we make a single thread here where we can just post/comment on it all once. Mods, if you're up for it and this post seems worthy, this might be good for the sidebar. Let me know of edits you'd like to see too. And comment if I'm missing something.
We get a lot of snowbird retirees, college students, and tech dudes. Las Cruces has a large Spanish speaking population but you'll do fine if you only know English.
Cost of Living:
Pretty reasonable. There's a lot of old houses, condos, and townhouses here. And there's a Mexican supermarket with deals like you wouldn't believe. You can get basic healthcare in Mexico too. New Mexico in general is pretty affordable unless you're trying to live that rich retiree life. Of course, you'll get a better deal in smaller NM towns but then you're in a smaller NM town.
It happens in pockets, it's not some war-torn town. Mostly, be mindful to lock your car. And if you're in a rough neighborhood, keep the patio furniture out back. As for hard drug users, yep. Breaking Bad was a documentary.
How to get around in Las Cruces:
East to West's major highway is I-10 going out towards Deming and Route 70 going out towards Alamogordo. North to South's major highway is I-25. I-10 which mostly goes East to West also has a section that goes North to South as you get closer to the city. Traffic is not bad outside of rush hour. You're about 15 minutes away from everything all the time, often without having to get on the highway.
Public transportation is mid at best. Biking is possible, there are bike paths, but we have a lot of the Southwestern town makeup to us where cars are what's planned for. So, YMMV.
There are some intercity buses, but realistically going from city to city necessitates a car. The biggest cities you'll be considering for weekend trips are El Paso (~1 hour away), Albuquerque (~3 hours away), and Tucson (~4 hours away). Albuquerque has a nice train to Santa Fe.
What neighborhoods are in Las Cruces and what are they like?
This is an inexhaustive, generalized list but it has most of what people talk about:
Outdoors and Vacation Spots:
What's it like living in New Mexico?
What to do in Las Cruces:
Edits: added some suggestions from the comments and learned I am functionally illiterate.
submitted by NickTheJanitor to LasCruces [link] [comments]

2024.03.19 20:43 KotiasCamorra GOSP Exchange gift - Though This Be Madness

Happy Gift Day to @ therainbowsaltsblog (tumblr) !!
In the context of the GOSP exchange event, I have received the following prompts:
Broken Crown by Mumford & Sons
the fruits by Paris Paloma
It's Alright by Mother Mother

And have written a songfic based on Mumford & Sons' Broken Crown!
Title: Though this be madness
(from Hamlet's line "Though this be madness, yet there is method in it")
Rating: Mature
Word count: 8,596 words
Beta shout-out:
Many thanks to DaneeCastle, Olfactory_Ventriloquism and MISinformation, Naty and Contritecactite , who have all been excellent beta-readers on the piece!

Crowley and Aziraphale split up; Aziraphale went to Heaven, and Crowley drove away after that godforsaken kiss. Muriel takes over the bookshop, and discovers a world that they had never been aware of before.
Something is afoot, something is brewing; the world is coming to an end, and They Are Not Talking.

Muriel had gleefully accepted the keys that Aziraphale gave them as they crossed paths. But their greatest joy at the moment was continuing The Crow Road, which had them fully invested. They would have plenty of time to discover the bookshop later on, after all. And they were a fast reader, they would be done with this one in no time.
And indeed a fast reader they were; by the time the humans were leaving their jobs for the midday break, they had reached the last page. They raised their head from the book and smiled.
The bookshop was absolutely lovely. It was overflowing with novels, short story collections, history books, notepads, disks, manuals and atlases. It felt ancient, and yet welcoming like the smile of an infant. Their fingers roamed across a single bookshelf, brushed the spines, felt for each crease that had formed into them and how many times they had been touched, opened, cherished. They noticed the nonsense categorisation, and took note of it as their first project for the place.
There was no dust settling, no trace of decay. Each record present in the bookshop was in near-perfect shape.
It felt lived in.
It felt like a collection of humanity.
It felt like a home.
But most of all, it felt loved.
Muriel beamed. This was a staggering experience. Each book they touched sang to them. Each disk that grazed their fingers whispered the story of an angel who adored them so much he would never part from any of them.
They chose a novel, A Tale of Two Cities. It grumbled about never being left alone. They chuckled. So beloved indeed. They plopped into one of the armchairs and opened it.

Continue reading on AO3!
submitted by KotiasCamorra to GoodOmensAfterDark [link] [comments]