Soreness of the throat

FODMAPS, IBS and related topics

2011.10.04 00:52 CanadaBlue FODMAPS, IBS and related topics

Share stories, questions and advice regarding all things FODMAP, IBS, digestive distress related to diet. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Read the pinned mod post before posting. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FODMAP Wiki: (Wiki is the same as the pinned post)

2010.02.18 13:47 mabogie Workout: in fitness we are one

All are welcome to discuss working out in all its various aspects; discuss routines, nutrition, ask for help or support, and share your success with others! Please be kind to all.

2012.02.24 00:31 TransVoice: Share, Constructively Criticize, and Have fun!

A place to share your transgender vocal training related recordings for constructive criticism by the community

2024.06.10 02:24 nsfwinter10 I just had sex with someone who has hpv

I was given my hpv vaccine at the age of 27 because I could not remember if I had gotten them as a kid. Two days ago I had sex with a guy who had not warts or signs of hpv. Well, two days later, he texts me and says he has warts on his penis and that it may be hpv. I tell him that it was probably already in his system and that there was no way I gave it to him and he has symptoms in just two days. I don’t have any symptoms aside from a sore throat which I’m wondering if that could be a sign since I had oral sex with him as well. With getting gardasil 9 two years ago protect me from the hpv that he has if let’s say I was never exposed to begin with.
submitted by nsfwinter10 to STD [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:07 burningfirelily Can endless seasonal allgeries cause vocal damage?

I live in an are with heavy pollen and this year I've had the worst allergies of my life. Congestion, sore throat, mucus, has not stopped since around February. It's been worse some weeks than others but I have not felt 100% in so long and I'm starting to worry it might cause some permanent damage. I can't properly practice the higher register because when I'm going through allergies I have too much strain to sing high. So I'm also losing range slowly. Advice welcome.
submitted by burningfirelily to singing [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:28 _Hi_how__are_you_ Phentermine 37.5

Im on day 4 of phentermine. My doctor gave me 37.5 when i was on day two the side effects were messing me up. So far the side effects are tingling in the head, my throat feels like im something is stuck( feeling like im getting a sore throat) but by end of the night it goes away, headaches, notice that my vision starting to be blurry thru out the day, sometimes i felt like my heart is having palpitation. Started weight at 204 at the moment. I address the concern to my doctor and she wanted to see me this thursday. Did it go away the side effects?
submitted by _Hi_how__are_you_ to PhentermineTopiramate [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:26 Old-Butterfly-1915 Mono? HIV?

So I was really feeling bad today was day 8 I could barely get out of bed, I’ve had muscle aches, a fever, chills, headaches nausea. I have no rash, tounge issues, sore throat, etc. I went to urgent care and they did a rapid mono test (the pricking finger blood test) and it was positive. I have been in a google hole about this because I’ve never had mono but before I was diagnosed today I was convinced I had HIV because I had unprotected sex and I guess they have similar symptoms. I’m a female- should I be concerned about HIV or could this really just be mono? Please give me your advice!!
submitted by Old-Butterfly-1915 to STD [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:21 _Hi_how__are_you_ Phentermine

Im on day 4 of phentermine. My doctor gave me 37.5 when i was on day two the side effects were messing me up. So far the side effects are tingling in the head, my throat feels like im something is stuck( feeling like im getting a sore throat) but by end of the night it goes away, headaches, notice that my vision starting to be blurry thru out the day, sometimes i felt like my heart is having palpitation. Started weight at 204 at the moment. I address the concern to my doctor and she wanted to see me this thursday. Did it go away the side effects?
submitted by _Hi_how__are_you_ to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:15 Resident_Sky_538 Could spending a lot of time in a room that has recently had and still smells like Nature's Miracle carpet cleaner be causing my sinus congestion symptoms and sudden significant change in sense of taste (salt in particular tastes very bad)?

Age: 28
Sex: F
Height: 5'7
Weight: 150lbs
Race: White
Duration of complaint: 1.5 days
Location: Inside a room that has had
Any existing relevant medical issues: Was blackout drunk like 3 days ago and have been groggy since then
Current medications: saphris, gabapentin, propranolol, meloxicam
Symptoms: teeth and gums sore, slightly sore throat, brain fog, pressure behind left eye, some sinus pressure, lips slightly redder and swollen. some foods suddenly taste different or bad, and salt in particular tastes very bad.
I aggressively applied large amounts of Nature's Miracle Advanced stain & odor eliminator foam twice. Have aired out the room for a couple hours but the room still smells like carpet treatment. Could being in this room be what's affecting me or is it more likely I have a cold or flu or sinus infection? Will I be okay to stay in this room another day?
submitted by Resident_Sky_538 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:08 ResViv FNA came back as ACUS

Hi friends. I went to the doctor about a month ago for a few health issues I had been having, one including a lump on the base of my throat. It didn't cause me too much worry, but I noticed that sometimes I felt it hard to swallow, or I'd randomly wake up with a hoarse, sore throat when I had no other symptoms of being ill.
My mom has Hashimoto's, so my doctor immediately sent out order for blood tests and an ultrasound. Blood tests for hypothyroidism/hyperthyroidism came back relatively normal - really nothing to worry about. However, on the ultrasound it showed a 3cm complex nodule on the right side that was graded a TI-RAD 3, and two 1cm hypoechoic nodules on the left side that are TI-RAD 4s.
My doctor went ahead and sent an order off to radiology and I had the biopsy done on Tuesday of last week, 6/4. Well, today I received an email that my results were in. The only side they biopsied was the right side, an it came back with "Atypia Of Undetermined Significance."
I don't know what this really means, other than the pathologist could not confidently say whether it was malignant or not.
Can anyone hear tell me what your experience was like if you also received this result after the biopsy? I feel like I'm even further in limbo now that I was before. I'm very anxious surrounding the whole thing, and I feel like I have been waiting for this long only to still not receive answers from the only thing that should've done just that.
I imagine my doctor will give me a ring tomorrow, but my nerves are just kind kf shot right now and I'd just like to hear others experiences so I can kind of understand what might come next.
submitted by ResViv to thyroidcancer [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:04 fellissy What is this? Terrified because of bad experience

Hi! So I was just chilling before bed for like an hour or two and then hot and cold flashes suddenly went over me. I started to notice it and then I felt like my body had started to ache. I immediately started overthinking and panicking because I'm going away for a week the day after tomorrow and I seriously want/need to be healthy and fit. I went to bed but I started losing my appetite and my skin feels like it's on fire. It's not really burning, it's just really hot even though I don't feel hot at all. I know this sounds like a fever, I'm too scared to measure my temperature BUT the thing is. the last time I was feeling like that,, I went down with the sb. My mum was the same. Random body aches, fever and then v/d* (I never v* the last time I had the sb, though I had been feeling miserable for a week and had a terrible d). If only I had a stuffy nose or sore throat so I could be sure that it's that kind of infection. I'm scared to fall asleep cuz what if I wake up like an hour from now and v?. i don't have any appetite even though I feel slightly hungry ig? I'm also super tired cuz I managed to sleep for like 4-5hours during the past two days. I,, don't know. I think I just need some support. my stomach feels hotter (??) than it usually is.
submitted by fellissy to emetophobia [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:52 clichestraythrowaway Diagnosed with a TBI years after my abuse ex strangled me. Do I have a case?

(Throwaway because I don’t want this on my main)
I was in an abusive relationship with a man for over two years. It did not become physically abusive until I tried to leave.
One night when we were arguing over finances, he got physical with me and attacked me— pinning me against the refrigerator, hitting my head in the process, and began strangling me, I’m unsure for how long, but I blacked out.
The next thing I knew, I was being shaken awake by a police officer, lying on the floor by the fridge. My ex had called the police, and I had no idea how long I’d been unconscious but I felt sore and confused. I did not remember what had happened in the moments following. My head was pounding and my throat was sore.
We were both interviewed by two officers (I was interviewed within earshot of my ex). He had marks on him that appeared to be scratches and bite marks— the officer asked if I did that to him and I told them “no.” I truly still have no idea how those occurred— if he did it to himself, or it if I did it in self defense.
In the police report, it says an ambulance was called for me but “was determined not to be needed” and so was cancelled without further explanation. So, without being given any medical attention, I was arrested and spent the weekend in jail and eventually wound up with a disorderly conduct charge. In my mugshot, you can see clear bruising on my neck from the strangulation.
About two weeks later, I had two seizures in one day. I have never had a seizure before or since this. This past year, I was encouraged by my wonderful therapist to see a neurologist due to symptoms I have been experiencing for the last few years— fatigue, migraines, tinnitus, blurry vision, difficulty with cognition and memory, and even mixing up/reversing words in sentences with some difficulty reading. I used to be a very strong reader so it’s very frustrating for me.
The neurologist told me at my appointment a few days ago that while there is no way to definitively know for sure if those were post traumatic seizures, and since I also had a relatively bad head injury as a child, there could be several factors at play. I was also on medication at the time that likely was lowering my seizure threshold. However, he also said that unless I had a large dose change of my medications shortly before those seizures (which I did not), the timeline is indicative of a post traumatic seizure and my symptoms align with a post concussive/traumatic brain injury. I have been referred to occupational therapy as well as physical therapy to help with my symptoms.
I do wonder if it would be worth doing a consultation with a lawyer, though? I feel that both my abusive ex, and the police department who neglected to get me medical care at a crucial time, bare some liability for what I’ve been through and will now be going through with rehabilitation.
I never got justice in any sense for all the things my ex did to me— instead I took a charge for something I did not do out of fear after being told they would “throw the book at me” if I did not. And now learning I have a life changing brain injury that has left me unable to work for nearly five years now and will take years of rehabilitation… it makes me feel such a mix of emotions.
I guess I would just like to know my options, legally, if I have any. Is there a statute of limitations on matters like this, even if it’s civil damages sought? What would need to be proven in order to have a case (just that harm was done and the injury was caused by him or police negligence beyond a reasonable doubt, or would I need to definitively prove that their actions were the cause of my symptoms and injury?) Who would it make sense to pursue a case against if at all— the police department, my abusive ex, both?
Any advice or guidance would be so very appreciated.
This happened in the USA, MN about 7 years ago.
submitted by clichestraythrowaway to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:47 Smooth-Ad5561 Bactrim (SMZ/TMP) side effects or something else?

I was given a 2 week dose of SMZ/TMP for what I'm hoping is either a very pissed off UTI or prostate infection based on my urologists assumption after certain STI testing.
I'm 5 days in on a 14 day prescription, and about two days in I've had a slight sting to the left side of my neck. Similar to when you get a throat infection and it hurts your lymph nodes when you swallow. I've checked my lymph nodes and they're not swollen. I mean, they probably are now since I keep pressing them.
It's just on one side and it only happens when I drink cold drinks or something acidic, along with a feeling of slight tight discomfort at the lower end of my esophagus that is probably a trailing side effect of Doxycycline. It's not very painful, but more of an annoyance. The wiki says to go see a doctor if you experience a sore throat, but I imagine that's more if the throat is feeling simliar to like strep and is painful to swallow in general or just painful, right?
I've also found myself somewhat feeling like I have a fever, but have checked and temperature is perfectly fine. I don't really have chills either, it's just a feeling of exhaustion or off feeling. Also my mouth has felt super dry since I got on this stuff. Can't drink enough water to keep my mouth/throat hydrated.
I'm not gonna stop taking it , of course, but I want to know if other people have gotten weird side effects from this as the "common side effects list" online is massive haha. Apparently it's a pretty strong antibiotic.
All this to say that none of the side effects are "major" or bothering me enough to stop or go to the doctor. They're all just kind of light for the most part, but I've never felt a medication do the whole "fever" feeling. Usually I feel something similar to this when I actually have a fever and take something to kill it off.
submitted by Smooth-Ad5561 to Antibiotics [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:45 Secret-Pay-5305 Looking for help with my teen

I have a teenage son who developed a chronic cough about eight months ago from PND and we are trying to figure out if it is more likely to be allergies or LPR. The cough is wet and chronic. He literally coughs every few minutes all day long but not at night. He will wake up having to cough and clear wet stuff out of his throat. There doesn’t seem to be any correlation to when he eats. Every so often the cough will become more frequent and he will then say his throat is sore but it clears up. He also says he doesn’t have the sensation that something is ever stuck in his throat. Does this sound like LPR?
submitted by Secret-Pay-5305 to GERD [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:21 NoSafe8252 Sore throat a week after protected PIV sex?

Hey everyone last week I had protected sex. There was no oral involved from either of us (no kissing or making out either). Just PIV sex with a condom. I have a sore throat a week later to the day. Possibly also a mild feveheadache coming on, but we'll see. Could this sore throat be related to my previous encounter? Male btw
submitted by NoSafe8252 to STD [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:01 Relevant_Engineer442 Should I cancel on this volunteer event?

I volunteered to work at a lunch event where I’ll be serving food to around fifty elderly people in my community. The event is in two days, but my sister has come down with some sort of mild respiratory illness (cough, sneezing, sore throat though that went away a day or so ago, fatigue). I don’t think I should go anymore even though I myself feel fine and have no symptoms just in the off chance that I’m contagious. But my family really wants me to go and is upset at the idea of me quitting when I’m not even sick. Should I wait until the last second to see if I get sick? Or just cancel now? Or just go?
submitted by Relevant_Engineer442 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:00 SonicDooscar Just found out my step dad’s cancer came back..

8 years ago, my step dad had stage 4 throat cancer and through radiation and other treatments he made an incredible recovery. He was completely cancer free after that. At that time though, unknowingly the biggest mistake was how much radiation they actually did give him.
Well, today, my mom told me that the cancer came back. He has a tumor in/on the back of his tongue I wasn’t given that level of detail and then it’s in his back. If he has surgery he won’t be able to swallow again..and he doesn’t want that quality of life living with feeding tubes. So the surgery isn’t an option for him. He’s going to be going through a lot of trials and immunotherapy. He and my mom are hopeful, and my mom told me not to be nervous or sad, but I’m obviously going to be very sad and stressed if anyone tells me that anyone I love has cancer. He was told that his previous radiation is the reason it came back again. He had gone to the doctors office on Friday because he had been having an ear ache and a mild sore throat - and with his history it was best he get it checked out. He and my mom went and that’s when he got testing and was told.
I’m very close to both my dad and step dad. My parents were incredible at co-parenting after their divorce and did such an amazing job they are all so great to each other. My dad and step dad both get along. You could say I am super blessed with a loving mom and 2 loving dads. My step dad is honestly my Mothers soulmate and I’m not sure what’s going to happen to her if she loses him. Heck, I’m sad but I’m worried even more for my mom and my heart is really with my mom right now despite caring for my own sadness. They are best friends, share the same interests, have the same hobbies, share the same views, never raise their voices at each other, they even do cute things like order takeout and watch their favorite Netflix shows all of the time. They read the same books together. They also both have their own healthy social lives and honestly have the most balanced, healthy, happy, loving relationship you’ll ever see. My entire extended family loves both my dad and step dad. As was my dad in the beginning, my step dad has also been accepted as forever family by all of my extended family since day 1. He is a really great man and doesn’t deserve this. I am deeply saddened and worried. So many people who never ever deserve cancer, get cancer. It’s cruel. He had a scope in August and was perfectly fine, but I guess a ton can happen in 10 months.
I’ve experienced family members having cancer before and they all made incredible recoveries but for some reason this time just feels different. Before the year even started I had a feeling that some sort of health ball was going to drop in 2024, and that mid to late this year something big was going to happen. I just didn’t know who or what. I know it sounds a bit out there but I always get these premonitions. Everything I feel is going to happen always comes true, good or bad. I was not looking forward to whatever it was. Well, here it is. It was this. :(
We are staying hopeful and strong, and there’s quite a journey ahead…but seriously, fuck you cancer!! You piece it of shit!🖕🏻<- this felt good.
submitted by SonicDooscar to cancer [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:54 GraMs_12 ED

Hey all, off service year 2 resident finishing with emerg in Canada. All rotations have been good with good feedbacks and readiness for independence. I dont know what it is about ED/workflow but am having a hard time reconciling with what I am "supposed to do" and what my preceptor "wants" to be done. Excluding the ACLs algorithms, run of the mill UTI/sore throats, there are patients with gray areas of presentations and challenging because say they dont have a pcp for follow up. I find myself walking on eggshells when ordering any kind of bloodwork or imaging or med orders and cautiously running it by my attending who also changes every shift (have had 2-3 so far). Some would want to choose wisely and d/c, others would want a comprehensive bloodwork done anyway, rest wouldn't. Others are more consult IM right away.
As an extreme example; pt. with knee pain from injury. + for Ottawa knee rule and xray within reason so am happy to order it and can justify doing so. I can see one attending saying ok yup while another may be like ehh, xray is gonna take 30+ mins, theres other ppl waiting, knee doesnt look bad, do some RICE and return if worsening... I find myself paralyzed with which step to take independently because it varies by attending, am scared of preceptor judgment, being chewed out for ordering unnecessary things. On reverse end, am also nervous about them thinking I dont know how to make decisions if I approach them with questions like this which isnt the case- I just dont know what am supposed to do and I want to be done with this rotation after 10 shifts #ShrugsInExasperation
submitted by GraMs_12 to Residency [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:29 macattack2402 Arms and chest hurt

So my symptoms have been changing very rapidly but the one that’s bothering me the most rn is upper arm/ chest pain. It’s like a sore throat kind of feeling. It really freaks me out. What could this be? Treating for babesia and Lyme rn but not sure it’s working. I’m also getting hot flashes where I swear like a pig. All together it’s very scary and miserable and I feel like I’m dying
submitted by macattack2402 to Lyme [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:23 623g How long is Hand Foot Mouth?

I, 16M, have HFM as it was going around my school. I had a fever 2 days ago, and a sore throat that was really bad for the last 2 days, but I can tell is definitely getting better. I started getting the little red bumps, but they aren‘t really in large quantities. I have 1 bump on each hand, and 9 bumps on my right foot and 3 on my left. The bumps started appearing around 24 hours ago so I don’t really think too many more of them are going to appear. The problem is, I have a trip to a different state that I leave for in 9 days, is there any chance I’m fully healed and non contagious by then? How long does this thing last? I really don’t want this to muck up the start of my summer. Are there any lasting effects?
submitted by 623g to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:23 Reynsm I gave my ex a blood job and he bled in my mouth

He was super rough with me and after I spit him out blood came out. He cut his shaft on my teeth. I got on about 45 hours later. I am now feeling achy throat in the mornings and sore groin. Can this be HIV? Also, I’m not sure of how much blood got on my mouth as the lights were turned off and it lasted about 5 minutes.
submitted by Reynsm to pep [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:16 throwaway_losttime Daughter and I both lost 11 minutes while driving together

TL:DR - My daughter and I were driving together on a well-known route, somehow traveled 2.5 miles in the blink of an eye, and lost 11 minutes.
I'm still wrapping my head around this, and I'm not even sure how to describe what happened to us, but I need to write this down in detail so that I can remind myself later that I didn't imagine it. Or maybe to remind myself that I'm not crazy and that it actually happened? I need to write this out because if I just keep going over and over it in my head, I'm going to wear myself out. This happened today, just about seven hours ago, and I'm still not sure how to process it. I hope that by writing this out I can stop torturing myself with questions.
I'm a woman in my mid-40s, I am mentally healthy, and while I believe that there are things humans can't explain, I don't experience things like this ever. (Like, if you tell me you saw a ghost, I'd believe that you are telling me your truth, but I don't experience a lot of weird shit myself, you know?) If I had been driving alone this morning and this happened, I honestly would have just been all, "Nope, that didn't happen," and I probably would just convince myself that nothing weird happened at all. All this to say that I don't normally have this kind of thing happen, and I have also been sober for over a decade. My daughter is 16 and is young and healthy. We weren't drunk, high, impaired, or otherwise experiencing non-reality.
This was around 6:30 a.m., and neither one of us was mentally altered, we were both a little bit tired from waking up early. My daughter has a job at a children's summer camp about an hour from our house, and she was home this weekend to do laundry and relax. She was supposed to be back at camp on Sunday (today) at 7 a.m. to get ready for campers arriving in the afternoon.
She told me she wanted to be there a little earlier than 7, so I set my alarm for 4:45 a.m., and in total I got about 4.5 hours of sleep. I woke her up at 5:00 a.m. and she took a shower and finished packing her bags. We left our house around 5:40, and when we were about 10 minutes away, we had to turn around because she had forgotten something important. No biggie, I turned around, she got her stuff, we headed to go get coffee. My coffee receipt says 5:58 a.m. The GPS estimated that we would get from the coffee shop to camp at 6:44, totally normal for this early in the morning. If it was afternoon and there was traffic it could possibly take an hour or an hour-ten.
The route to camp is very straightforward, and I have driven this route six times already just this summer (to drop her off or pick her up, and also because I work for the organization that runs the camp, so I have also had to go out there twice to do paperwork). Not to mention the dozens of times I've made this trip in previous years, either for work or to take my daughter to camp when she was little.
From our neighborhood, you can take two different routes for about the first 6 miles of the trip, but the next 26 miles are always the same. There is only one route to this camp, and I know my way there and back like the back of my hand. (I use the GPS because I like knowing how much time is left on my drive. Like if I need to stop and use the restroom or can I make it the final 15 minutes or whatever, you know?)
So basically, take route A or route B the first 6 miles, take a right turn onto State Highway and head west, drive another 19 miles, turn right onto Rural Road and head north (there's a huge convenience store and a stoplight at that intersection, you can't miss it), and then about 7 miles later you're at camp.
We started an album on Spotify by a band that we both enjoy, and while I was tired, I wasn't "fall asleep at the wheel and drive off the road tired" - I was sipping my coffee, we were both kind of just listening to the music and not talking much. It was dark when we left, but by the time we got to the 2/3 point of the drive, the sky was lightening up a bit.
The last song of the band's album came on, then when it ended another song by the same band started. I hadn't heard it before, I didn't like it very much, and I assumed that Spotify had just finished the album and then started up a different album by the same band. But when I looked at my car's dashboard screen, it showed that the song was part of the album I had chosen. I hadn't heard this song at the end of the album the other twenty times I've listened to it, so that's weird, but maybe it's an extended edition album or something on Spotify. No biggie. I asked my daughter to take my phone and go ahead and put on what she wanted to listen to next.
She chose a lady singer who had opened for the first band at their concert we saw earlier this year in January, and she queued up four songs she liked. She put my phone back on the dashboard phone mount, and the first song started to play. We were both still just kind of bobbing our heads and waking up, and we turned around a bend of the highway. The first song by the lady ends and the second song starts.
At this point we're just about 1.5 miles to the final turn, where we turn right from the State Highway onto Rural Road. We had just passed a restaurant/landmark that I always know means we're about to make that final turn, so I'm glad that my drive is almost over. I'm eager to stop at camp and pee, drop my daughter and her luggage off, chat with some folks I know from work, and then go home. I sipped my coffee, and there was about an inch of coffee left in the paper cup. The upcoming last leg of the drive, from turning onto Rural Road to the camp gates should take about 12 minutes.
We come around the final little curve of the highway before the intersection, and I'm keeping an eye out for the convenience store that marks the turn onto Rural Road. We're pretty much the only car on the four-lane State Highway going our direction. I'm in the left lane, and there's a dark-color little station wagon/mini-SUV in the right lane just about 4-5 car lengths ahead of me. That car puts on its breaks, not hard like there's an emergency, but a little bit sudden, and then pulls over onto the shoulder of the highway.
It doesn't look like they're in trouble, the little navy blue Subaru isn't smoking or busted a tire or anything, so I don't think much of it. As we pass it my daughter turns her head to look out her window at the car, and I proceed west toward the final little bend in the highway before we get to the stoplight to turn onto Rural Road.
Suddenly there are big orange construction barrels lining the highway. They've got the 4-lane highway down to just two lanes, one in each direction. I knew they had been doing construction, but the last time I drove to camp on Friday evening to pick up my daughter, the construction had been farther down the highway, on the west side of the intersection at Rural Road where the State Highway continues going West. Guess the construction is now extending up this far, okay, no problem.
The sky is even lighter, and then I see a big stone/brick sign on the right hand side of the road marking the entrance to a subdivision I've never seen before. That's weird.
I glance at the GPS to see it telling me to turn right onto a little road I've never seen before, and I remark to my daughter, "Is it taking me to a shortcut? I've literally never seen this road before." At this point, the convenience store should be in sight just ahead. I have no idea what this road is.
She shrugs, we turn right and drive north onto the little paved road where the GPS told us to turn, but we're both really confused. There isn't any "shortcut" to camp, it's only Rural Road. There's only one way in or out of camp. We frown and start saying, "This is weird."
There's not much on this little paved road, we've been driving for about a minute, maybe minute-and-a-half. On our right we pass a small brick sign marking an events hall, like the kind of place you could rent out for a wedding or something. Then I see a power substation ahead on the left, so I gesture to the grassy fields on both sides of the road, and I joke, "Oh look, the GPS is taking us on a shortcut with a very scenic view of the power station, check out these beautiful views." LOL, I'm a riot.
I slow down on the little 2-lane paved road, there's no cars behind us that would care, and I tap my phone screen and zoom the GPS map out, to get a bigger view of where I'm supposed to be going. About a mile ahead is a Y-intersection/fork in the road, and the GPS is telling me to make a U-turn at the fork, head back south, and then turn left to drive eastward on State Highway, then turn left/north onto Rural Road. WTF? This isn't right. It's very much... wrong. This is wrong.
So instead of going another half-mile to the fork in the road, I decide to just U-turn in the gravel driveway of the power substation. So I pull into the power substation, U-turn, and go back up the little road, frowning at the GPS and looking at my daughter all, "What the fuck? Where are we? What is going on?" I can't concentrate with the music playing (the third song she had queued up), so I turn the volume all the way down.
We drive another minute or so to get back to the top of the little paved road where it T-intersects with State Highway and wait for a green light so we can turn left, and the whole time we're freaking out. Where are we, why are we here? And my daughter is so nervous/upset that she's laughing, like uncontrollable nervous laughter. Suddenly she goes, "What the fuck?" and points to the GPS, and now our estimated time of arrival at camp is no longer 6:44, it's 6:55 a.m.... WTF WTF WTF. We "lost" 11 minutes? How?
She's still laughing, putting her hand on my shoulder, like, "Mom, what just happened? What the fuck? We lost time?"
I'm trying to figure out what the fuck just happened, we're now going east on State Highway back toward the intersection to Rural Road, and I'm just... I don't know what's happening.
We come back to the big sign for the subdivision (passing it on our left), and then we go over a bridge that we don't remember going over at all the first time. We never drove over this bridge while we were heading west. We were less than a mile from the turn onto Rural Road, and we blinked, and suddenly we were passing the construction barrels and the subdivision sign.
We approach the intersection to turn left onto Rural Road, and we realize that the construction barrels do NOT go past that intersection. There are zero orange barrels on the east side of the convenience store. There are zero construction barrels where we saw the other car pull over.
We turn onto Rural Road and start trying to piece this together. What the fuck just happened? We were both on the lookout for the convenience store that we know so well, that we've stopped at dozens of times on our way to camp, that we KNOW marks the north/east corner of the intersection to turn right onto Rural Road, but it's like we both blinked and suddenly we were on the west side of the intersection.
She's still laughing, unsettled as all hell, we still have another ten minutes to drive down Rural Road to the camp gates, we're both talking over each other, and piecing it together. And it's like, no. This is not possible, it's not right. Something happened. Because from where we last remember (being on the east side of that intersection and seeing that car put its brakes on and pull over) to where we saw the subdivision sign and where the GPS told us to turn onto the little paved road, is just 2.5 miles, it would only take 2 minutes to drive. Where did a full 9 more minutes go? How did this happen? What the fuck happened?
I'm all, "That was fucked up."
"No, Mom, that was more than fucked up."
"Well, I don't have a word for 'more than fucked up,' so give me a little credit here. I don't know what the fuck just happened."
She's like, "How do we explain this to anyone?"
"You don't. You can't talk to anyone about this, they'll think you're crazy. I'm tempted to say it didn't happen and we both imagined it and we should never talk about it again."
She goes, "You know, when the GPS told us to turn onto that little road it felt wrong."
"I know, like something was wrong? That's not the way to camp?"
"No, Mom. Like wrong wrong. I just felt wrong. Everything in my body was screaming that it was wrong."
"I know, I know... I felt weird, too. But I don't know what happened."
"Okay, but..." She starts talking, and I pick up my coffee cup to find it's empty. There had been a good sip or two left just before the convenience store, and now it's gone. That freaks me out. My daughter is still going back over what happened, talking about the last "normal" part of the drive while we were heading west and looking for the convenience store turnoff.
"We were driving toward the turnoff to camp, and the second song came on, and I remember seeing that gray Tesla brake hard and pull over, and I was like-"
"Wait, a gray Tesla? No, it was a blue Suburban. I remember thinking it was a Mom car."
She's like, "Noooo, it was a gray Tesla. I swear it was a gray Tesla."
"But it was kind of light outside by that time. How did we both see a different car?"
She's still laughing really nervously, "Okaaay, so... Did this just happen? We were driving to the intersection, the second song came on, we lost 11 minutes, we both saw a different car, we have never missed the turn to camp, we've never driven past that subdivision before... what the fuck?"
"Yeah, the second song ended, the third song came on, and what song is it on now?" (Because I'm thinking we can estimate how long the four songs should have taken.)
She picks up my phone, and it's playing the second song she queued up. I shivered, and she's like, "Nope nope nope. Not happening, this is not happening."
We just... we can't wrap our heads around this. We pulled up at camp, and I checked my Google Maps history but I don't have it turned on. I can't think of any other way to try to see what happened during those 11 minutes/2.5 miles. I'm stumped.
If you read this far, congratulations, you have earned my respect. I can barely understand it myself. If you know why or how or what the fuck is going on, I'd appreciate it.
Neither of us felt... damaged, you know? We didn't feel physically harmed, we didn't feel like we had crashed or been probed or anything. In fact, halfway through my drive home I realized my sore throat from seasonal allergies was completely gone, and my sinuses were clear instead of clogged. Did we get abducted by aliens and they healed my sore throat? Did we crash and quantum leap into a different universe? Did we drive through a wormhole that transported us 2.5 miles to the west for some reason? Was the gray Tesla/blue Suburban an alien vehicle and my daughter wasn't supposed to look directly at it?
I want to know what happened, but just reading through everything I've written makes my eyes water with fear. I kind of want to ignore it, chalk it up to us both being tired, and then never talk about it again.
submitted by throwaway_losttime to u/throwaway_losttime [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:11 SwimmingBig9006 Allergic reaction?

Allergic reaction?
Hi you guys so I took a bath because I’ve had a sore throat for a couple days. I used epson salt, is this an allergic reaction. I also have some on the top of my feet. They are just red dots all over and they aren’t too itchy
submitted by SwimmingBig9006 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:51 Guys_RS Former instructor won't refund correct amount

So, I've been with my (former) instructor now for just over 50 hours. After such a long time, I've decided today that I was going to switch instructors and try someone new. He is always late, doesn't give me the full 2 hours I pay for a lesson, runs his personal errands during the hours I've booked and today he didn't show up at all. I should have changed instructors far sooner, I know. Anyway, I paid for the next block of 10 hours 2 days ago as I usually do as I was hopeful that the next lesson I would learn something and things would change.
My previous block booking was 20 hours which I managed to complete 9 2 hour lessons and the other 2 hours was due to a cancellation (through which he still charged me because it was at his discretion or so the T&Cs say (another thing which he hasn't sent me the screenshots of)). I argued this and we compromised to reduce it to a 1 hour deduction for this "cancellation" leaving me with 19/20 hours completed. The next lesson after this cancellation I had booked was 3 days ago for 2 hours which is when he mentioned about this cancellation and that I now owe him for this lesson. I paid him part via bank transfer to someone he owed money to (not his account) and cash at the next lesson which was the next day. This 2 hour lesson would then fill the 19/20 to 20/20 and 1 hour over which was paid for the following day with the 10 hour block leaving me with 9 hours. He works in 2 hour lessons and so asked if I would pay extra to make it 10 hours again at a reduced price to which I agreed.
I had the next lesson on the day I paid the rest of the 10 hour block in cash (2 days ago) which leaves me with 8 hours remaining. He booked me for this morning at 7am and he didn't show up so I decided to ask for a refund of the remaining balance and switch instructors. He gave me an excuse saying his throat was sore and he overslept and woke up to another learner ringing his doorbell as he was also 30 minutes late for them. After all todays conversation with him, he kept asking for clarification which I deduced the same refund amount two different ways and he understood but still kept getting to some other conclusion. I've asked him to deposit the refund amount within 24 hours otherwise I would look into the small claims court and edit the reviews he left for his driving company on my phone. He responded with "I can also put your test on hold and block your license number by reporting you to the appropriate authorities if you are threatening me...".
My question is if he can actually do that? Do I need to be worried or should I go through with it? Any advice would be appreciated. I can also reveal figures and dates to make this easier to follow if it is allowed in this subreddit.
Instructor can't do simple math. Doesn't show up for my lesson. I dropped him and asked for a refund. Instructor deduces different numbers and threatens to block my license number and put my test on hold.
submitted by Guys_RS to LearnerDriverUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:37 thatonegirlandherdog Small painful lymph nodes under both armpits… Not asking for medical advice/diagnosis

21 F I have a scheduled Urgent care appointment at 2:30pm. I’ve been having a fever and sore throat and woke up this morning with both of my armpits hurting SO BAD. I went to the restroom and looked in the mirror and both of my armpits are bumpy and tender to touch. Have not used any new deodorant and have not shaved recently. The bumps go down my under arm a bit. They are very tiny but extremely painful and you can see the bumpiness I have like 4-7 on each armpit but still very tiny. I’m wondering if anyone has ever gotten this while being sick? I usually get sick a lot and have never had this happen. Looked up on Google (I know I shouldn’t but I still do being a hypochondriac) and fell down a rabbit hole again.
submitted by thatonegirlandherdog to Anxiety [link] [comments]