Songs for bridesmaids

Songs For Daniel

2018.02.09 23:17 madlee Songs For Daniel

Do you like this song? I'm gonna take a listen now, hope you'll join me... Tuesdays at 2:45 PT / 5:45 ET

2018.02.12 10:54 findebaran A musical project for all the good things in humanity

The “Songs For Humanity” Youtube channel, run by Aleksi Tuomela, is a creative project aiming to inspire people to think about stuff and to get excited about the future of humanity! Side effects might include emotions. This is the official community subreddit of Songs For Humanity. Welcome!

2011.09.14 22:59 geekgirlpartier Name That Song: For identifying and locating songs/artists/albums/genres

A subreddit for identifying a song/artist/album/genre, or locating a song/album in a legal way. May contain NSFW content. Please read the rules before posting. Thank you and good luck :)

2024.05.13 14:38 Lazy_Butterscotch857 Two weddings and two two deaths

My girlfriend and I have been to two weddings this year. The first was for my girlfriends coworker "Jane", the second was for my cousin "Tiffany". They were very different weddings. Jane's was a very chilled out, personalised wedding with lots of little nods to the couples joint interests (their favourite movies as centrepieces/table numbers, video game music for the ceremony etc etc) and we had a blast; the music wasn't for us but they provided plenty of board games and snacks to entertain us in a cosy side room with comfy sofas and a fireplace. Tiffany had what my mother likes to call a cookie cutter white wedding. It was lovely, don't get me wrong, but I've been to a number of near identical weddings over the years and there was nothing about it that stood out as unique or personalised. This about tracks with both Jane and Tiffany. Jane and her husband "Pete" are total nerds who are very passionate about all their hobbies and interests; they play D&D, have frequent cinema dates, always seem to be at festivals and concerts and have more video game consoles than I knew existed. Tiffany is a wannabe influencer type who always keeps up with the latests trends (I play football with her husband "Lance" and during our last match he mentioned she has 11 stanley cups) and has a very carefully curated life on her insta that isn't much like her real life at all.
Despite this, there was one very awful point of similarity at both weddings. A wedding guest died a few days beforehand, both so close to the day that each couple already had their seating arrangement printed and the table placements ready to go. Both incidences involved someone who was already unwell, but took a sudden turn for the worst and died unexpectedly. Jane and Pete lost a friend ("Jeff") and Tiffany and Lance lost Lance's great aunt ("Beryl"). Their responses were also very different.
Jane and Pete left Jeff's seat empty, they placed a picture of him on the table, as well as a bunch of flowers in his favourite colour and a small condolences book that other guests were able to sign (his wife still came to the wedding, I think she just needed a bit of positivity in the wake of all that had happened). They even dedicated a song to Jeff that evening and everyone came together to raise a glass for him and dance with his wife.
Tiffany however, refused to mention Beryl at all. In fact she even banned Beryl's husband from attending the wedding because she didn't want him (or any other guest) to 'bring the vibe down'. She threatened to kick out anyone that mentioned Beryl and basically acted as though she had never existed in the first place. She even reordered her seating arrangement and paid a crazy amount for expedited shipping so she could remove Beryl and her husband from it and had the caterer switch the table up from a 10 person table to an 8 person table (we were at said table, we only found out about Beryl when someone at our table mentioned her and they were shushed into submission by the person next to them - thankfully they filled us in with all the details the next morning at breakfast before Tiffany arrived). Lance and his family are all quite low key people who keep their feelings to themselves, so they went along with all this to avoid an argument. However they were able to sneak in a private toast to Beryl in the courtyard while Tiffany was doing shots with her bridesmaids. Tiffany has not found out about this, so far as I can tell. Of course, from what we've been told, she made a big show about being a grieving relative at the funeral a few weeks later, including lots of selfies of her in all black posing in the churchyard under the cherry blossoms.
While I'm here I'll also tell you all about some of Tiffany's bridezilla moments, or at least the ones I know about. I'm sure there are more.
- Tiffany had to be in every photo, because she was the bride and the 'star of the show'. Lance was not allowed pictures alone with his family or best men despite Tiffany having an insane number taken with her bridesmaids and immediate family (I was not included).
- Beyond immediate family and the bridal party, nobody else was allowed to be in a picture at all. And she banned the photographer from taking pictures of guests during the ceremony.
- One groomsman was almost banned from being in the photos because his face was badly sunburnt after a work trip to Greece. I think they ended up putting makeup on him to hide it...
- She decided to go childfree AFTER agreeing to have her niece be a flowergirl and buying the dress because she didn't like how the little girl looked in HER dress choice.
- She paid for a photobooth for the wedding using the couples savings without telling Lance. The package she paid for was a 'luxury' option, so was VERY expensive.
- No female guest was allowed to have unnatural hair or tattoos on show, and all make up (including nail colour) and hair styles had to be from a pre approved list.
- She didn't mention Lance once in her speech.
As I said, I'm sure there is more, but these are all the bridezilla moments I can think of for now. And as awful as this situation was for Lance, his family and Beryl's husband in particular, I know they really came together in the wake of the wedding and made sure that Beryl was honoured and remembered.
submitted by Lazy_Butterscotch857 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 02:23 LilyWoahh Daddy issues and wedding drama

Fellow redditors - Id like to hear your opinion and advise about the separation I've recently had to make with my dad. It was one of the hardest decisions I've had to make, it meant that I'd not be around for family events or holidays. As a result of the trauma going on with my dad, I developed PTSD, anxiety disorder and depression. It's not ALL my dad but during therapy we've found a lot of it revolves around stuff with my dad. Therapy has been a shit show but I'm really making strides. I'm older now (f30) so alot or the trauma I've honestly pushed back so far in my brain that its extremely debilitating. I'll try my best to explain what's happened
Back story on my parents -my mom is completely deaf and my dad is hearing. My honest opinion is that my dad is a predator, they met at a wedding that was for my moms cousin and my dad's cousin so it was a family wedding. He went for the weakest person in the room (aka my mom) and married her. Ended up having 3 children including me. They did not have a good marriage, he controlled her money (only gave her 20$ to go out with her friends when he could have afforded to give her more), abusive emotionally and physically and forced her to be a stay at home mom. She lost all connections with her friends. Basically isolated so that she was easier to control. I know this because my mom and I have chatted about it several times before. She is really my only support that I have in my blood family. I've got amazing bonus family that truly loves me and treats me with kindness and respect so I've got plenty of other people there for me and in my corner.
My mom and I have always been close but me and my dad NEVER got along. I always had a feeling something was off and creepy-ish about him. Idk if creepy is the right word but something was definitely off about him. He takes naps 5 times a day literally, overweight and refuses to do things that involve him to be active.. it's really sad. I've tried to encourage him to loose weight simply bc I want more time with him in life and want him to be healthy but he is stuck in his ways. The best way to describe my dad is a narcissist. He could punch you in the face and turn around 5 seconds later and be like, " I didn't punch you in the face, you're crazy.. you're the problem." Ive had a similar situation happen with him and I, it was one of the most hurtful things he has honestly ever done. I'll explain what happened later on in the thread.
My childhood was pretty intense to say the least. I lived mostly with my mom and occasional weekends with my dad. I was in intensive therapy growing up, sometimes even in mental hospitals. I was misdiagnosed with bipolar at the time which would make sense why things never got better. They were prescribing meds that weren't working and turned me into a zombie. I was a wild kid, as most kids are. Sneaking out, drugs, bad friends ect. I wanted to feel something other than numb and those things I did made me feel something. Not a good way to handle things but I grew out of it. My poor mom having to deal with me! I feel awful now that I'm grown up and see what a little sh** I was. There's trauma with my mom as well but that is mainly bc she is deaf and I can't speak to her or hear her voice. I had to be her voice when we went out, interpreting for her everywhere we went. I didn't realize at the time that was damaging at times, it also resulted in me having to feel like I need to protect her. Not having a hearing mom is not easy but I still wouldn't change it for anything. I love her the way she is, hearing aides or not. She chose not to have them and I supported her, my dad did not feel the same. He forced her to get the surgery for implants, she tried them and took it out immediately. It just wasnt for her and my dad gave her SOOO much crap for it. I remember him degrading her and making her feel less than bc she couldn't speak or hear. She can speak but it's not words, it's just whatever sounds come out of her mouth.
Now for dad- this gets sticky. He has put his hands on me more times that I can count. Child protective services has been involved a lot in my life. I remember one time CPS telling my dad if he keeps putting his hands on his kids, he will loose all of us and my mom would suffer from the decision as well. My dad even went as far as telling me I WAS THE REASON CPS got involved (crazy talk...). Like I was the one putting my hands on my kids and lying about it. My mom had taken pictures of the marks he left on us to try and fight it in Court, somehow he won. The court was involved because my mom tried to take us kids to Illinois to try and get away from him but he filed with the courts to take us back home. It ended up with us uprooting again. He was awfully to us kids, my mom did her best to try and protect us but she also failed. He had control over my mom so when he told her to do something, she did it even after their divorce. This was mainly after we were forced back home where my dad was living.
My mom's whole family lives in Illinois but my dad's in another state. I always wondered what my life would be like now if my mom won in court and we got to start our new lives in Illinois. My mom would have had a backbone AKA her family and so would I. I have cousins, aunts, uncles, even aunts/uncles from my dad's side out there. Anyway. Fast forward to about 7 years ago. Me and my dad's relationship was rocky but not broken yet, I had hope we could make some changes but that's not how this played out. I met my husband 10ish years ago who is my knight in shining armor, he has always been EXTREMELY protective over me and my feelings. The moment I start crying he will get mad and ask how did it to me or what happened. Best husband anyone could ever ask for.
Well, when we had our wedding, we had asked my dad to be in charge of the music for the ceremony and reception. He agreed and asked me to come over and add the music I wanted in the playlist. The hubs and I pulled up and walked up the driveway where my dad was already standing. I came up to him as usual and went in to give him a hug. He made a face towards me, hugged me and then said, "what's up with your face? It's so bad jamie!!" No greeting, no "how are you doing," nothing... Just an insult. I had acne at the time due to hormonal changes that I was treating with a doctor and is something I was REALLY self conscious about. My husband knew how self conscious I was and saw the tears stream down my face. Immediately he turned to my dad and said, "how would you feel if I called you a fat a?! You fat fu" That started a big fight between me, my dad and my husband so it ended with us storming off and uninviting him to our wedding.
That was the start of the worst wedding story I've heard and it happened to me. I text my dad the night of the wedding and told him he could come if he could behave like a normal functioning human and no insult me or my wedding guests. He text me back and said he would be there. The day of the wedding, my mom was tasked with making the wedding cake but things happened so she ended up having to make cupcakes (my hubs was NOT happy about this, he would have paid for a cake if he knew he was getting ordinary cupcakes for our wedding.) she did the best she could so I let that go. I had a rental car so me and the hubs could drive off to our honeymoon in Vegas the day after the wedding and my mom was driving my car. All my bridesmaids and mom got ready upstairs in the bride suite at the wedding hall, it was a beautiful moment with my mama I'll always Cherish and hold close to my heart. She made my veil the night before, help me put it on the day of the wedding and of course helped me get my dress on. I had one of my bridesmaids run down stairs to see if my dad was at the wedding hall since the ceremony started in 5 mins. He wasn't there, neither was my brothers who were also groomsmen. My mom waived me towards the stairs to wait until my grand entrance, now we are 5 mins late and holding the wedding off until my dad and brothers got there. To this day I regret waiting... 30 mins go by they still aren't there. I quit smoking but that was one of those, " give me a cig, Im loosing my shit" moments.
Once my dad and brothers arrived about 40ish minutes late, the wedding started. At this time, the wedding music should have started so the bride aka me could enter. My dad STARTS PLAYING LED ZEPPELIN!! FOR MY ENTRANCE SONG!! first of all, I don't mind Led Zeppelin but I was FURIOUS that the wedding song wasn't playing. The wedding was held of AGAIN for another 20 mins for my dad to figure out why the songs weren't playing. My blood was boiling at this point, my dad couldn't figure it out so the wedding hall set up a boom box and connected her phone so we could have the wedding music play. My dads excuse for showing up late was that my brother wouldn't get out of bed.... and was a reason to miss his daughters wedding? At this point my makeup is messed up, my hair started to get uncurled and I'm sweating profusely. I was a hot mess, my mom was rubbing my shoulder telling me it's ok and to think about the end result - marrying the man of my dreams. She had a point so throughout the wedding, my dad was completely ignored by me, the hubs and the majority of the wedding guests. My husband's family does not like my dad, he didn't prioritize his daughter on the most special day of her life. !His family was there for me every step of the way and super supportive of our marriage. His grandpa was the officiant, it was really cool!
Now, fast forward again to about 1 year ago when the breakdown of me and my dad's relationship really started. On Christmas, my dad and my family was sitting by a fire outside having a good ol time getting drunk af. It was actually fun, all the way up until my dad blurts out of the blue, "man your mom is a freaking bword she called CPS on me bc your mom said I was touching you kids." My PTSD truly kicked in and I shut down, I couldn't even comment. I was shocked and so was my husband, we made our exit shortly after that. The car ride home was me video calling my mom to get her side of the story. I guess when we were kids all the way up until our early tens, my dad would have us get in the Jacuzzi but naked and he would play the "alligator," game which entailed bitting our butts under water and pinching my brothers private parts. The really bad memories flooded in and was a lot to handle. At that point, things got worse. At least for me and my PTSD. I wasn't in counseling or on meds at this time so once all this unfolded, I forced myself back into therapy and meds. I'm now doing a ton better!
In counseling we found that I was misdiagnosed and now that we know the true diagnosis, they can treat me appropriately. EMDR therapy is the next step but my counselor is prepping me for that as it's really intense. She advised that I should disconnect from my dad as the trauma is too severe and he isn't willing to keep it positive when you're around. I needed to surround myself with positive people and avoid conflict as it's a major trigger for me. People in general are tbh but I'm working on that. I took her advice and completely disconnected, once I did that I was the happiest I've ever been for the last year. Even though I was dealing with the mental issues, they were easier to deal with when he wasn't occupying space in my brain or my life. There's a lot of things that I'm not going to list here as it's hard for me to talk about but maybe some day I can be healed enough to talk about it. My dad is no longer apart of my life, it really sucks but my therapist helped me see that he provided nothing positive in my life and it's time to choose me for once. This is all I have for you all now but hopefully I can get some good opinions and advice! Thanks reddit!
submitted by LilyWoahh to familydrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 19:55 Actual-Insurance-362 Should I cut my bridesmaids or continue?

My wedding is one month away and im looking for advice to deal with my toxic bridesmaids, or if i should make the hard decision of cutting them out of the bridal party.
The two bridesmaids im dealing with are sisters both that I grew a friendship with very quickly and I’ve been trying to manage their opinions since 5 months ago
  1. dress shopping (5 months ago) - everyone was allowed to choose their own style in the same color but they clearly werent content or refused to try on other styles after 2 dresses then complained about it after
  2. Makeup (1 month ago) - they recommended their friend to do our makeup. both sent in very different makeup looks for the bridal party, and were very stubborn on the style that they chose. After i told them we could combine them both and have the makeup artist adjust to our skin tones, they said nothing lol
    When it came time for my own makeup trial, the next day, one of them insisted on the colors that i chose because it looked best on them. i told them that i would be willing to change my own (with another makeup trial) if the rest of the bridal party were okay with it as well. No communication about make up after that and they scheduled a trial for themselves without me there and without any pictures
  3. Music (2 months ago) - everyone has their own music tastes for dancing but they were upset that i did not prefer the one they liked, even though i did include some songs that they did.
  4. Hair (a few days ago) - We were planning to curl eachothers hair and keep it simple with hair decor. I found out a few days ago that they hired stylists to style and braid (which we did not decide on) ONLY THEIR HAIR on the day of the wedding. I just feel like this was unfair to the rest of the bridal party and could have been communicated.
I debated if I was being unreasonable with all of this and I tried my best to keep it to myself to handle since the rest of the bridal party is completely supportive
submitted by Actual-Insurance-362 to weddingplanning [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 19:52 fairyGODparents Understanding JoJo Siwa

With the airing of the reunion bringing added traffic and old Dance Moms fans back into this subreddit, I’ve been seeing more and more negative posts and comments surrounding JoJo. Whether it’s her inclusion in the reunion, her relationship with Abby, or her actions now as a 20-year-old, she’s being thrown to the wolves on the daily. I’m someone who got into Dance Moms right when it started airing—I was a teenager who’d danced competitively for years and the girl’s experience reminded me of my own (in the beginning, at least…). When JoJo was eventually brought to the show, I had a feeling she was going to be a star one day, but I also knew she was never going to have a “regular life”, which is something I believed the other girls had a chance at, once the show would stop filming.
Back in 2015, JoJo did a mall tour and came to my area. I’d never been able to meet a Dance Moms girl before, so I grabbed my sister, convinced her to go with me, and figured if my thoughts were correct and JoJo DID make it big, we’d have a good “celebrity I met” story to tell someday. I wrote up the whole experience and posted it on Tumblr, and thought resurrecting it now might give some insight and perspective into why JoJo is the way she is now. This tour happened almost ten years ago, and JoJo had already been “working” for years. She never stopped. I understand all the girls are adults now, but when I was 20, 21, 22, 23, etc. I certainly didn’t have it all figured out. Even if I thought I did. I’m not saying the girls should be free of any and all critiques. I’m just hopeful this will remind people that our lives, in comparison to the lives of these girls who were broadcast on TV for years as they were growing up, are not the same. Sure, we wouldn’t want a relationship with Abby, we’re able to view her from an outsider’s perspective and see how cruel she was. But being in that bubble with her? And having a mom that supported your relationship with her? I’m not surprised that JoJo, at 20, still sees their relationship as a positive thing. Maybe in ten years she’ll feel differently. But, for now, here’s a copy/paste of my write-up from the meet and greet! I hope y’all enjoy some old Dance Moms lore.
“So I went to the Jojo meet and greet in my local mall today and here’s what went down if anyone is curious :)
• Jojo performed a solo to “Fight Song” after giving a speech to the audience that basically was “I love this song because it’s all about building a wall, well not actually, like, physically building a wall with the bricks and cement and stuff like that, like, a wall to just block out the haters. I’ve had to learn how to do that.”
• Her favorite Miley Cyrus song is Can’t Be Tamed, which she then started to sing and the microphone died lol.
• At one point something fell over behind the stage and made a loud crash, and Jojo got scared because she had been in a mall where there was a shooting before and she thought it was a gunshot.
• She said Maddie and Kendall are probably the closest friends on the show.
• When asked about her worst moment with Abby, she re-enacted the scene where Abby yelled at her to get out after she said “If you yell at me I’m gonna cry.” It was actually hilarious because she demonstrated it as though she ran out of the room in sad hysterics, but obviously that didn’t happen :) She said it’s funny to look back on now.
• Her favorite group dance is “Always a bridesmaid” and she still remembers the Spice Girls dance, the Moulin Rouge dance, and Selfie (which she demonstrated very cutely)
• I asked Jessalynn about the meet and greet that Jojo did with Abby in LA, and this is what she told me : basically, Jess got a random phone call from Abby’s makeup artist one day, saying that Abby wanted to do a meet and greet with Jojo. Jess didn’t buy it and said she’d only believe it once Abby got on the phone and told her herself. So Abby got on the phone and was “acting all sweet” saying that “it would be fun” and “the two divas” etc etc. Jess didn’t want to say yes at first, but she got two of her best friends to go with her in the hopes that having people with her would keep Abby from going off on her lol. In the end it wasn’t just for the show, but Jess assumes Abby only wanted to do an event with Jojo because she knows Jojo would get people into the studio.
• Jess hasn’t seen the reunion yet and was happy they portrayed her in a decent light, but wasn’t surprised that Holly looked kind of crazy. (She actually asked me if they showed Holly walking out haha)
• I was one of the last people to meet Jojo and when she was signing my photo for me she looked down and was like “Wow I really just signed this photo JoJoJo, look!” so she let me have two pictures :) I like the JoJoJo one better because it’s funny HA
So that’s basically it! She had done two meet and greets earlier in the day (along with two master classes) and then she did another master class and meet and greet after. Poor girl must be exhausted, but she kept her energy up during the question and answer and her performance. When I finally got to her she seemed a little shy and/or tired (I wouldn’t be surprised if she was shy because I’m like 20 and all the other people were small children LOL) but she was still very cute and nice :)
I also bought a bow and wore it around the mall like a fool, but it was worth it”
submitted by fairyGODparents to dancemoms [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 09:20 hellacross Need help choosing bride entrance / aisle walk song

I'm having a lot of trouble finding the right aisle walk song. Every time I think I've found one I've discovered reasons why it's not a good fit, either on my own or from other people writing about it online.
I know that everyone's a critic and I should do what I want, but at some level I do want a song that others think is appropriate and not too boring / overused.
I feel good about all the other pieces of the ceremony music, just not the aisle walk.
Current plan:
What do you think of the options below?
Sorry if you don't have Spotify. I tried finding the songs on Youtube but most of them weren't available on YT
Please share if you have other suggestions! (Note: I have already considered all the top 20 aisle walk songs such as Pachabel's Canon, I Can't Help Falling In Love With You, etc)
submitted by hellacross to weddingplanning [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 21:40 Mammoth_Economist327 Bridesmaids Questionnaire

Hi! I’ve been working on a bridesmaids questionnaire (included below). If you have a moment, please let me know if any of it seems unreasonable or if you have any suggestions! Thank you :)
HI!! I made this survey so you and I could be on the same page, and to clarify what sort of things to expect on both sides! I want this to be a fun experience that is as stress free as possible because I love you and would love to have you with me during my wedding <3
Questions you may have!
• Will I have to pay for my dress? Nope!
• Do I get to keep the dress? Of course!
• How much time am I expected to commit? As much as is not a burden. Ideally a day or two before the wedding, the day of, and perhaps the morning afterwards.
• What are the extra costs involved? We plan on covering lodging / food for the days you are dedicating to wedding things (i.e. day or two before, day of, day after), dresses, accessories, hair, nails, and make-up! We are not planning on covering airfare but we are happy to help if would make it possible to attend! YOU are the gift <3
• Do I have a say in what I'm wearing? Yes! There are swatches to choose from, and any floor length dress in that color is cool with me! My goal is that everyone feels great on the day :)
• Will I need to write or give a speech? Only if you would like to :)
• Are there any cultural requirements I need to adhere to? Not that I am aware of, but I will let you know if that changes!
• Will you be asking me to change anything about my appearance? Nope!
• What are my responsibilities? Attending and participating in whatever you reasonably can, humoring me sometimes when I send too many wedding related texts lol, and being present for the events! Bridesmaids are not expected to participate in set up or breakdown etc.
• What if I can't make it to pre-wedding events or the wedding? That is okay! I miss you already <3
• How much should I spend on a wedding gift? As much or as little as you would like :) As far as I am concerned, you being there is enough of a gift! Traveling so far and taking vacation is more than enough! If you feel passionately about a gift, the registry will be on the wedding website.
• Do I have to say yes? No <3 Being a bridesmaid is a big commitment, as is attending a wedding. I love you regardless, and would not think less of you or our friendship if this role is not something that fits on your plate right now.
Thank you for taking the time to read through this and fill out the survey, and I can't wait to discuss <3
The wedding is planned for Saturday May 10th, 2025! During the week prior / the week afterwards, do you have any conflicts?
How much time could you reasonably come for before / after the wedding (that is NOT) a burden? (No wrong answers <3)
What sort of budget constraints / restrictions should I be aware of? (We know were all recent grads / in grad school so the less the better!) This is useful for planning things like bachelorette activities!
Would you want to share a room / spend the night together before the big day? (plans for lodging are tbd)
Do you have any allergies and/or any dietary restrictions?
Are you comfortable making a speech at the rehearsal dinner or reception?
Are there any resources or tools you need to feel more prepared and engaged in your role as a bridesmaid?
How can I best support you inn this process to ensure you're comfortable and enjoying the experience?
Favorite songs?
Go to coffee order?
Go to dessert?
Go to snacks?
Drink of choice? (Alcoholic and non-alcoholic)
Silver or Gold jewlery?
What is your favorite memory of us?
What colors do you like to wear on your nails if any?
Would you be open to getting your nails done with the bridal party prior to the wedding? (We plan on covering this!)
Are you interested in professional hair and makeup on the wedding day, or would you prefer to do your own? (We plan on covering this!)
Are there any specific tasks or roles you would like to avoid?
These are the swatches I'm leaning towards for bridesmaid dresses! They are the matte satin fabric from Birdy Grey! We plan on covering the cost of the dress. What swatches are you okay with wearing & think you will feel beautiful in? (We plan on covering this!)
submitted by Mammoth_Economist327 to weddingplanning [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 15:34 Notrlyhavingagoodtim I hated my wedding and it’s ruining relationships

To start i know im obsessing and its wrong and people are tired of hearing it and its making everyone sad but i cant stop. I planned our wedding fast. Engaged and married in nine months. Im semi perfectionist but tried really hard not to be. I wont be too detailed but while a lot of stuff went really great the important things didnt. Our dj cut EVERY song short. First dance, father daughter dance, etc. Every single one. We had a really specific playlist i told him to ONLY play and he deviated it from it and even played songs i personally despise. Half the bridal party was mia the entire reception so are in 0 pictures. I missed my whole cocktail hour bc of pictures when i kept asking if we could be done. My wife got too drunk and was missing half the reception even tho she denies it. I was constantly looking for her. I kept trying to tell people the music was wrong or can you fix this and everyone just kept saying it ‘its ok!!! Its a great wedding!!’ It wasnt until the end when i cried that my bridesmaids fixed the music for the last three songs. The whole night i felt like i was lying about how i felt. Many other small things went wrong and now i got the pictures back and so many important moments are missing. Its spiraled to the point where i hate my wedding and i dont know what to do. The whole day was a massive pile of stress and everyone single person had a good time except for me. I even talked to my therapist and that hasnt helped. I think about it every day
submitted by Notrlyhavingagoodtim to wedding [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 01:44 stormyfuck i'm back with season 1 episode 3

I am tickled pink so many people got a kick out of my highdeas during my Bridgerton rewatch. Please enjoy Episode 3 and 4 as the edible kicks in. might not make it to 4, we’ll see
Ep 3
Thanks again for indulging me. This is fun lol. I’ll do episode 4 if people are still interested
submitted by stormyfuck to BridgertonNetflix [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 18:06 diefacingourfoes Work was stressful so I made a spreadsheet of every time they mention water, death, and drowning

Though Castaways and Her Majesty both have a lot of death and water, drowning itself isn’t really a theme until Picaresque, with five songs that feature drowning. Hazards is fairly consistent with all three themes (as one would expect given the ending and how the Rake murders Dawn.) Colin seems to have gotten a bit tired of drowning after that because The King is Dead and Terrible World both have consistent themes of death and water, but no drowning. We’re kind of back with I’ll be Your Girl (only two drowning songs, but I feel like Rusalka/Rushes should count for multiple). So far, As It Ever Was seems to be heavy on death but light on water. I’ve included the three officially released songs as well as Long White Veil and Oh No, which I heard last night (though I may be wrong on those because I don’t have the lyrics obviously). Of the EPs, Florasongs has the most watedeath and Bridesmaid has the least.
submitted by diefacingourfoes to Decemberists [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 23:11 ebriose (Rant) I just survived a bachelorette party showing up at my club

Normally Thursday night is the easy night for my residency, but there was a bachelorette party (hen party for those of you in the Commonwealth).
We have rooms. The club has rooms. They're quite cheap on Thursday. They could have reserved one. But no, they just descended on the club and decided they owned the place.
One thing I've noticed over the years is that if you don't have a booth, every guy in the club will just decide they are a DJ too, and that we should all take turns. If you do have a booth (I do here), guys respect it, but women decide it is a stage and that grinding against the DJ is the funniest thing in the world. (It's not: the funniest thing in the world is putting on vampire fangs and asking me for "Monster Mash").
There was also this really tedious period of an incredibly drunk bridesmaid asking me to play that song that goes "thump thump thump" (sigh). I actually put a lot of effort into deciphering this, and eventually she comes up with "bitch I said what I said". OK, Doja Cat's "Paint the Town Red". Absolutely great track, though more downtempo than I like to be after midnight. But I still don't understand how she got "thump thump thump" out of that (does that track even have a kick?).
Anyhoo, it's only going to get worse as June approaches, so wishing you all luck.
submitted by ebriose to DJs [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 08:55 YourHeroDontMeetMe My wedding was horrible, but I have to pretend it wasn't

Hi everyone
I just need to vent. Almost 6 months since my wedding, and I still harbor so much anger about my bridal party and wedding!
MOH: Maid of Honour MIL: Mother in law SIL: Sister in Law BIL: Brother in law
The bridal party, I had wanted to have a lunch with parents, aunties grannies etc and then go to a strip club (hubby approved) but my moh said she wasn't comfortable with that because she is a lesbian, I said OK no problem, it is a want, not a need, we can do something else. I even contributed money towards whatever they needed. Then they pick me up and 5 minutes in, I realize we are driving to my mom's house. I think, great the lunch will be at my mom's.
BUT NO! It's just a lunch with games that women in 1950 would have tittered and giggled at. Like tying a tennis ball on a string and seeing who could hit the most bottles over. And then my moh takes me home. Even my mother was confused, she thought there was a part 2.
I thought we would at least go to a bar after and knock back some drinks. Nope, nothing. Home time and goodbye. And then I get home and his crew had played laser tag and we're having drinks at our braai area. They even made him a shirt! I sounds silly, but I just ran to my room and burst out crying. Luckily the boys were there for me, waited for hubby to help calm me and then had lots of alcohol.
And then the wedding I may just have to do in list form.
*I had to drop a bridesmaid because she wasn't showing up, ignoring me for no reason and then pretending that she wasn't ignoring me. Thank goodness for sil, she stepped in the week before the wedding.
*A friend I met because he's a photographer insisted on doing our photos, and because we had a tiny budget, we accepted. There are no photos of me walking down the aisle without a screen full of sun flares, no photos of the wedding kiss where he dipped me, and so many blurry photos. Plus, even after waiting a month to get them back, not one was edited! I'm an estate agent, I take photos and edit them to make the colour's pop, or just make them look prettier, I know what an edited photo is. That wasn't it. *My hair was short, so I got clip in extensions. The hairdresser said she knows how to put them in so you can't tell they are extensions. TALK NONSENSE! Going through my photos for the first time yesterday (I've been so sad about the day I haven't until now) I realized how bad it looks. Had someone said something, I could have fixed it. But no, it looks like someone has clipped in a couple of dreads into shoulder length hair. They were supposed to be curls.
*My bil drove me to the wedding because we couldn't stretch the budget to include a hire car of any sort, which I appreciate, but on the drive, the people with you are supposed to dance to music, talk, laugh, joke, anything to help the bride keep calm. No, it was just the radio and my thoughts.
*I wanted a photo of my bridesmaids putting on my shoes, but when I broke my toe, I thought it would be funny to have the same photo, but with them decorating my moonboot with stickers and gems. Even got the stuff, only for my mom to lose them! And then going through the photo, and there is a photo of sil putting on mil shoes in that way!
*All my bridesmaids wakes down the aisle like they were not interested in being there.
*my niece kept duck facing in photos and nephew kept giving people bunny ears, so multiple photos are ruined.
*The dj kept asking for recommendions on what music to play a week before the wedding. I said, just the general music on (local radio station) and with some (recommended bands) in between. Nope. Awful music from 8 years ago! Plus, the song we set for my to walk down the aisle to? He forgot with one to play, so he played something else.
*The cake... Heartbreak on a board. I was very specific about what I wanted. The feature piece being a bow made of fondant. I spoke to multiple bakers, and then lady was adament she could do it. Omg, this was awful! The top tier was messy and then the bow was RIDICULOUS! the middle knot of the bow was almost as big as the sides and half the size I showed her. And the bottom ribbon bit was about half an inch wide and 2 inches long. Not the thick flowy ribbon I had shown her! Plus, the delivery guy demanded a cash payment at delivery, which was never discussed. I was waiting for a message to say I can do a bank transfer.
*My father was Drunk before we left to go to the wedding (luckily I had already said my son would walk me, not him) but he was still drunk by the time we went to photos where he got loud and belligerent.
*For our presents, we got 4 gift cards and 3 presents. My mom did later give us a lot of presents, but surely from 80 guests, it's OK to expect a bit more than that? I know it's not about the presents, but that was a slap in the face.
*There was no dancing and having fun after dinner at the reception, because the minute I threw the bouquet, 80% of guests literally lined up to say goodbye. By 7:30, it was myself hubby, my mom and dad, and like 5 friends. By 8pm it was just myself, hubby and the venue staff. No guests at all.
Now you may think, at least the honeymoon was good right? No, we went to a movie the night after and legitimately got locked in. Apparently 2 people snuck into the movie we bought for, and it was just us, so when they left, staff saw 2 people leave and didn't think to check the movie theater, so they locked up and left. I can't see in the dark, plus with a broken toe, I had to wait for the lights to turn on. So we literally got locked in the movie cinema. We only got 2 nights for our honeymoon, wedding night included, because we have kids, so that meant the honeymoon night was rightly ruined. The we go to fetch the kids and open wedding presents at my parents house. Just for my dad to be drunk again, shocker, and make the event of me and my husband opening presents about him. I have only seen him once since then and refused to speak with him because it's been 17 years of this and I can't anymore.
My son, daughter, husband, mil and sil are the only ones that tried their best to make me happy at least. But it goes to show who are in my corner.
I sound ungrateful for good people and good things that happened, but with 6 months of not taking about all the above, I needed to get it out.
But my husband keeps saying that while the above is bad, at least it was an amazing wedding. Yes there were good moments, but how can that be a successful wedding?
My husband read the post (I sent him the link) and he pointed a few things out.
* He sent the DJ roughly 40 songs that he would like played, and considering he didn't even play long enough to use 40 songs, I don't get it. No, we didn't get to meet in person, because we had to find him 2 weeks before, because our previously selected DJ had a personal life crises and couldn't do it.
* He was confused as to why people in my original post were attacking me saying I'm ungrateful. Neither of us were ungrateful, it was a beautiful day, but I needed to get the bad parts off my chest. I literally posted in the Subreddit called TrueOffMyChest. Our marriage is perfect, no, a wedding doesn't make a marriage, but it wa something we both wanted.
* Something he reminded me of is that he is the one that asked me for the big wedding. I had originally considered 40 people in our back garden. But he kept saying that he never thought he "could find love like this, especially with such a beautiful angel" so please, saying I'm (insert one of many insulting words used here) for forcing a big wedding, no, we both wanted it.
* He also suggested that I insert this too, he forgot to print his vows and speech! He only remembered as he saw the bridal party lining up. He winged it and did quite well, but it is now an inside joke anytime I forget something. I reply, at least I remembered my vows, and we both laugh.
*The baker wasn't the cheapest option, of the 3 we tasted with, she was in the middle and we chose her based off the flavour and the pictures on her Facebook page, plus we asked her to send pictures of past cakes.
*I met the DJ 4 years ago because I won a photoshoot with him, and since then I have had 8 or 9 photoshoots and over that time, we became friends. It is his profession, and clearly I knew his work, which is why this was so shocking.
* The comments that had me confused is people being nasty about me being married previously, I left ex after 6 years of DV. He hasn't even seen his son in person in almost 8 years (Note: my son is 9). So my son isn't my husband bio child, but you could never tell, they love, laugh and argue better than most fatheson duos. And have a bach is something that my MOH and Mother were excited to do, otherwise I would have organised it myself.
* We are considering having a photoshoot (by someone else) in my dress, their suits, and get a dress for my daughter that is similar to the one from the wedding, then in 5 years, renew our vows, and in 10, go on a second honeymoon.
My husband read the post (I sent him the link) and he pointed a few things out.
* He sent the DJ roughly 40 songs that he would like played, and considering he didn't even play long enough to use 40 songs, I don't get it. No, we didn't get to meet in person, because we had to find him 2 weeks before, because our previously selected DJ had a personal life crises and couldn't do it.
* He was confused as to why people in my original post were attacking me saying I'm ungrateful. Neither of us were ungrateful, it was a beautiful day, but I needed to get the bad parts off my chest. I literally posted in the Subreddit called TrueOffMyChest. Our marriage is perfect, no, a wedding doesn't make a marriage, but it was something we both wanted.
* Something he reminded me of is that he is the one that asked me for the big wedding. I had originally considered 40 people in our back garden. But he kept saying that he never thought he "could find love like this, especially with such a beautiful angel" so please, saying I'm (insert one of many insulting words used here) for forcing a big wedding, no, we both wanted it.
* He also suggested that I insert this too, he forgot to print his vows and speech! He only remembered as he saw the bridal party lining up. He winged it and did quite well, but it is now an inside joke anytime I forget something. I reply, at least I remembered my vows, and we both laugh.
*The baker wasn't the cheapest option, of the 3 we tasted with, she was in the middle and we chose her based off the flavour and the pictures on her Facebook page, plus we asked her to send pictures of past cakes.
*I met the DJ 4 years ago because I won a photoshoot with him, and since then I have had 8 or 9 photoshoots and over that time, we became friends. It is his profession, and clearly I knew his work, which is why this was so shocking.
* The comments that had me confused is people being nasty about me being married previously, I left ex after 6 years of DV. He hasn't even seen his son in person in almost 8 years (Note: my son is 9). So my son isn't my husband bio child, but you could never tell, they love, laugh and argue better than most fatheson duos. And have a bach is something that my MOH and Mother were excited to do, otherwise I would have organised it myself.
* We are considering having a photoshoot (by someone else) in my dress, their suits, and get a dress for my daughter that is similar to the one from the wedding, then in 5 years, renew our vows, and in 10, go on a second honeymoon.
* I don't feel entitled to big lavish gifts, I would have been happy with just a card from some people. Yes, I need new friends lol.
Thank you everyone who left heartfelt, comforting or empathetic comments, I really appreciate some of the suggestions. Thank you!
submitted by YourHeroDontMeetMe to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 03:05 Living_Avocado110 Reception Walk Out Song

Help! Looking for reception walk out song recommendations- I’m going to have the groomsmen/ bridesmaids all walk out together and then my (soon to be) husband and I shortly after.
We are 27 and want something that’ll get the crowd going- anything but hard core rap. I love the viral “Gimme!Gimme!Gimme!” ABBA remix but it’s too mainstream now.
Share your favs!!
submitted by Living_Avocado110 to weddingplanning [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 17:32 WhovianTraveler Entitled Pastor of the Wedding

I’m going to try not to make this too long. This happened in 2002. So, the players: the pastor (we’ll just call him EP), the bride and groom, the bride’s mom, stepdad, dad, grandpa and step grandmother, the groomsmen and we the bridesmaids. It all kicked off at the rehearsal wedding. First off, my friend, the bride, has a fairly unusual first name, however, once you have heard the pronunciation, it’s pretty easy to remember. EP mispronounced it 5 different times (during the rehearsal, that means he never pronounced it correctly at all). The bride wanted her mom and grandpa to walk her down the aisle. EP told her no, either her grandpa, her stepdad or her dad, but not her mom. The couple wanted a small snippet of a country song (just the refrain) that they both loved during the unity candle lighting. EP told them that he doesn’t allow music to be played during the unity candle lighting, so, again, the couple was told no. EP gave the couple homework: to learn their vows (fair, as they should know them). This was the 5th time he mispronounced my friend’s name. My friend gave EP that he had homework, which confused him. What homework would he have to do, he doesn’t understand. She told him to learn how to properly pronounce her name. EP said he thought he had been, she told him no, he had mispronounced her name 5 different times. He asked how, then, to pronounce it. All of the groomsmen an us bridesmaids, at the same time as the couple, pronounced her name at him.
Now for the petty.
  1. The decree from EP about who should walk the bride down the aisle. The bride got her way and more. With her grandpa and mom at her sides, her step grandma, dad and stepdad were at the train.
  2. No longer just the snippet of the country song, they played the entire song.
  3. Bonus petty: Never tell your boss (the groom, who was on the church board) how the wedding should be or where the ceremony should be (it wasn’t in a church setting) per your preference. The wedding still took place where the couple wanted their wedding.
The couple is still married and going on strong. Not sure about EP.
submitted by WhovianTraveler to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:50 AveryCallousCat My bridesmaid (Step Sister) goes crazy before, during and after my wedding

FINALLY!!! MY TIME HAS COME!!! I have wanted to share this story with the petty potato goblin queen for SO LONG but never knew how. Also, Charlotte, I ADORE YOU!! My husband and I always watch your videos and have so much fun you’re freaking amazing!!!
This whole situation happened a few years ago; however, some context needs to be said to understand this story entirely. I’ll try to summarize it as best as possible, but it is essential to the story, so please bear with me. Now, let’s get into this shit show!
To note a few things: My stepsister and I haven’t always gotten along. I used to be an extremely aggressive person as I was undiagnosed with several behaviosevere mental illness issues that I now take care of. She has always been very sneaky and manipulative, especially when it came to her father (my stepfather), which made him and I fight all the time as he would always make excuses for her bad/inappropriate behavior. They also have a VERY interesting relationship.
For example, when my mother and I first moved in (I was around 18/19 and had just graduated high school), she would wear “long” t-shirts as pajamas with little to no underwear, and most times, it would show the bottom of her bum. When I addressed this to him and how I felt very uncomfortable, his exact words were, “Why? Are you mad that she has a cuter butt than you?”She was 13.
There’s a NUMBER of stories I can tell you about him but that context of their relationship is important.
Also, after I was finally diagnosed correctly and got the help I needed, I ended up apologizing, and I mended the relationships I played a part in breaking, including between them.

My husband and I (31m & 31f) married 3 years ago (dated for 6 years). We had a very small wedding of about 55-60 people as I only wanted to have people I knew who cared about us and our happiness. So many things went wrong on the day, but I genuinely didn’t care because I just wanted to marry the man of my dreams. Despite my anxiety, the only bridezilla moment I had was when I saw shellfish at my wedding when I told the venue not to serve any fish/shellfish because my husband is deathly allergic. Other than that, everyone in my family was so surprised that not only had I not had a panic attack but that I was so calm and put together the day of.
WITH THAT SAID, there was an entire other shit show surrounding my stepsister happening, some of which I was made aware of after the wedding and during my honeymoon and some I witnessed before the wedding, that was so bad it pushed my family into a rift that ultimately lead to me removing my stepfather and stepsister out of my life entirely.
I had a small bridal party of 4 guys and gals, including the stepsister. At the time of my bachelorette party, which was also the same day of my last bridal fitting, my stepsister was completely passive-aggressive and was more focused on a test she had waited until the last minute to take, so she was on her laptop the entire time. I shrugged it off as I assumed she was dealing with stuff, which she was as she had just finally “done the deed” with someone for the first time (EVER before), only for her to be ghosted. I had warned her and her father that this boy had ill intentions (love bombing x100), but neither listened, and I still supported her no matter what. DURING MY BACHELORETTE PARTY, she got so drunk that she sang the same Billie Eilish song 5 TIMES, HYSTERICALLY CRYING (we did karaoke for my party, and it was so awesome until that moment). Still, I shrugged it off and was supportive.
My wedding comes, and with all the shit that happened, here’s her part in it.
1 - she was extremely late to the hotel for makeup and made it very clear that she didn’t care.
2 - she was NOWHERE to be found after photos because she was so drunk she passed out, and her plus-one had to babysit her.
3 - she had a complete emotional meltdown that was almost caught on camera outside the venue but seen by several guests.
4 - after the wedding, she tried to hook up with the best man (my brother-in-law) in front of my guest in the middle of my living room, and I mean that literally as she tried to pull out his salami salamander in front of everyone.
5 - during my honeymoon, she went to a concert with my mother, and one of my bridesmaids where to stated she “no longer wanted to be on the census/wanted to leave this plane of existence” if you catch my drift, and when my mother (who works in a field where she is a mandated reporter and has serval degrees in her field) tried to help her my stepsister said that she wasn’t serious, that my mother needed to mind her fucking business and that my mother didn’t know what she was talking about.
6 - Stepsister eventually hooked up with brother-in-law and lied about whether she was seeing anyone else, so I told him the truth (she was seeing and sleeping with several different people). This is known as the family betrayal, according to my stepfather and her, because I was honest with him and outed/didn’t support her. She later contracted chlamydia, knew she had it, passed it to my brother-in-law, and tried to gaslight him into thinking she didn’t do anything and, when she was caught, told her father that she “felt she had been taken advantage of.”
The entire time this was happening, my stepfather was downplaying the severity of it and blaming ME for ruining the chances of my stepsister and brother-in-law having a “real relationship.” When addressing his daughter, he stated, "We (my mother and I) don’t understand because we didn’t have a good relationship with our fathers growing up and didn’t know that type of father-daughter unconditionally support.” He also believes that if my mother were to leave him, I would have played a part in breaking the relationship (this was later said during family therapy, where he blamed me and me only for the state of the family dynamic).
I eventually quit family therapy when I realized that I no longer wanted to be the blame for this shit show and didn’t want the relationship I thought I wanted with either of them. Honestly, leaving has been the best fucking decision of my life. I don’t speak to either of them, and while I don’t wish them ill, I don't care about either of them, especially her, which I told her as “thinking of (stepsister name) would require me to want a relationship with her, and I don’t. And she isn’t someone you want to have a relationship with since none of the many men she’s opened her seafood doors for have stayed beyond that.”
And with all the drama she created, I don’t believe she ruined my wedding as I still got what I wanted, and that was the amazing person I get to call my husband, who says hello!
submitted by AveryCallousCat to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 03:25 OkSeaworthiness4935 we couldn’t decide on eloping vs. having a wedding — so we kind of did both?? a recap of our private ceremony + 50 person reception wedding in Phoenix AZ

we couldn’t decide on eloping vs. having a wedding — so we kind of did both?? a recap of our private ceremony + 50 person reception wedding in Phoenix AZ
it has been a little over a month since our wedding, and our full photo gallery is in, so it’s recap time!
our wedding ended up being a mix of an elopement, a group trip with friends, and a dinner party-style reception. it was a BLAST!
on the day of “the main event” we had a sunrise first look/ring exchange, a semiprivate ceremony (wedding party only) in the mountains, and an intimate reception of 50 guests.
my 2 big takeaways / pieces of advice are: - the best way to make the most of your budget is to throw convention out the window. focus on the stuff that you actually care about. - find great vendors, clearly explain the vibe you’re going for — and then get outta their way. trust great people to do great work.
our top priorities were: - spend meaningful time with “our people,” especially since they’re spread across the globe. (and, since having those people travel here is a lot to ask — prioritize making it as easy as possible for them to attend, logistically and financially.) - get awesome photos that we actually want to have hanging in our home. - host an intimate reception with an “elegant dinner party” feel.
my all time fav (somewhat niche) “online celebrity” is Chelsea Fagan of The Financial Diet. I could talk about how much I adore her content forever, but that’s not the point of this post lol. for their wedding, she and her husband rented a big villa/chateau in France, and that’s where their loved ones all stayed and celebrated together.
we LOVED that idea of essentially treating our friends to a group trip — especially since it wasn’t feasible to gather our party people a separate time for a bachelor(ette).
Things I’m glad we splurged on:
1 ) the rental house. we spent about $4k on the rental house, where 13 of us (wedding party + partners) stayed. absolutely, 100% worth the splurge — it was amazing to basically have our own little micro resort for the weekend. everyone took full advantage of the pool and hot tub; the groomsmen even took a quick swim between the ceremony and reception.
the rental house is also where we did our first look / ring exchange. the house had an amazing rooftop patio with a view of the mountains, and some of my favorite pics were taken there!
2 ) really amazing photographer and videographer team, Hazel & Lace Photography. we spent $9k on one of their more substantial packages, and it was worth every penny. not only did we get AMAZING images (and fast — our first look within 24 hours, our full gallery on our 1 month anniversary), but also our photo/vid team were the ones who planned out the timing, location, and logistics for our first look and private ceremony.
we had literally never seen our ceremony spot until we got there. we were able to put our trust in the team to find the perfect spot (dependent on weather and light on that particular day) — and boy did they deliver!
they also completely understood the vibe we were going for, and made sure that our gallery had a mix of editorial-feeling + photojournalistic images. when we first started planning/when we were picking photogs, my worst nightmare was the thought of a gallery with only bright, super-saturated portraits with us staring straight at the camera, every pore on our face visible in HD 😅
3 ) our reception venue, El Chorro. we were on the South Lawn. $18k covered an incredible meal (filet and sea bass were our main entree options) for 50 people, open bar for 4 hours plus wine service at dinner, dance floor and A/V rental, portofino lighting, and all tables/chairs/linens/signage easels.
they do require that you hire one of their preferred day-of coordinators; the least expensive option, which we picked, was $3k, and our coordinator was AMAZING. every detail was taken care of, and the venue and coordination staff were incredible — including making sure that my partner and I got to try every cocktail hour appetizer, and putting our dinners under a warmer while we took sunset photos.
Things I’m glad we saved money on:
1 ) a private (no guests) ceremony. we were on the fence about eloping vs having a wedding in the first place, so this ended up being a perfect happy medium. it was more private, lower pressure, and let us tie the knot in a much more scenic location than we could have with guests.
and frankly, ceremonies are EXPENSIVE. we would have been priced out of El Chorro if we had our ceremony there — even just renting a ceremony space would be a $7k+ fee. most of the weddings at that venue are massive $100k+ events, so we were small potatoes for them 😅 having a private ceremony let us really kick the reception up a notch.
2 ) florals. we loved our florist, Stem Swag, but kept florals super minimal. I think we spent under $1400 total. I had a bouquet, each table had a beautiful arrangement. no wedding party florals. no ceremony florals. we let them have fun with it and pick whatever blooms could help us get the most bang for our buck. HUGE cost savings. and the Sonoran Desert did most of our decorations for us 😉
3 ) my dress. I absolutely love my wedding dress, and it was a total steal — $800 from an off-the-rack store. it was kindly gifted to me by my grandmother, though it would have fit nicely into our wedding budget either way. I spent $600 on alterations, and sold it afterwards for $150, so we basically “spent” a total of $450. there are amazing dress deals out there!
4 ) no DJ.we rented A/V equipment through the venue. my stepdad is a professional jazz singer, so he “introduced” us and sang our first dance song — it was absolutely lovely. we used Spotify playlists during cocktail hour, dinner, and for dancing. it worked great, especially since our reception was on the smaller side.
a few other favorite details, shown in these photos:
  • vintage postcards at each guest’s table setting. we stole this idea from a friend. each guest got a vintage postcard of somewhere they have lived / somewhere meaningful to them. it was so much fun to pick postcards for everyone, and write little “welcome notes” on each one. so many guests have commented on how much they loved this detail!
  • instead of a photo booth or digital cameras, we used the POV photo app. we absolutely LOVED using POV! we had one POV gallery set up for the whole weekend (shared with our wedding party) and another just for the reception. we got so many more photos of genuine moments than we would have if we just set up a Google Drive folder or something — cannot recommend POV highly enough.
  • absolutely LOVE how our polaroid guest book turned out. I think this setup encouraged folks to write more in the guest book, to fill the space next to their photo. we tasked a bridesmaid + her partner with taking the Polaroids of each guest as they came in, and they rocked it.
submitted by OkSeaworthiness4935 to weddingplanning [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 08:39 digital4kcollector (offer) list, sony buffs, universals, (Request) list

I split all splitable titles
​ *Disney hd unless marked* ​
​ *hd unless marked* ​
​ *HD unless marked* ​
submitted by digital4kcollector to uvtrade [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 07:02 Remarkable_Ostrich16 AITA for wanting to give up on a relationship with my older sister?

I ( 22 F ) have had a very distant, almost radio silent relationship with my older sister ( 28 F ) over the last 7-8 years. Most of my family has in all honesty ..
To give some context, me and my sister are half related through my dad with different moms. She is a few years older than me but that never really got in the way of our relationship when we were kids. My mom married our dad when my sister was 2 years old, they started dating when my sister was a year old so she has know my mom since she was a baby. My dad and her mom got divorced after my sister was a year old and did split custody of my sister until she was 18 years old, going from one house to another, 2 weeks at a time. Growing up, me and my sister were really close, best friends practically. I looked up to her and thought we had a special relationship / bond since I was her only sister ( she has 2 brothers on my side and 5 on her moms side so a lot of brothers ). We were so close, always doing projects together, teaching me a lot of things that still do to this day such as art and even playing the piano. She inspired me a lot growing up and I can't tell you how much I looked up to my older sister. We shared a room until I was about 10-11 but even with us being in separate rooms, we would spend the night in her room, staying up late to talk about boys and watch shows together. It was the best and I loved spending time with her. All of this to say; we were very close.
Well, when she graduated high school, she moved out and shortly after she decided to go on a LDS mission. This was hard for me being only 13 when she left. I was going through my rough teen years without my big sister, the person I talked to about everything, shared a lot of my experiences with, someone I could trust with all of my secrets! I felt very lonely after she left and at this time, the rules were a lot stricter about contact so we got to facetime for holidays ( as a family ) and that was about it but it was mostly about my parents talking to her. After she came home, things didn't feel the same. Things felt distant but I had missed her so much. I didn't blame her, 1 1/2 years is a long time!
Things never seemed to go back to the way they were before. I was 14 or so by the time she got back and a lot had changed. I'd decided I didn't believe in the LDS teachings anymore and that it wasn't for me anymore. What was weird to me is that before she had left, we'd talked about how she hadn't wanted to. I honestly thought we felt the same way about a lot of things. We used to joke about tattoos we wanted to get, always doodling on ourselves with pens and that just sticks out to me now. We used to talk about our dreams together and I know people change but it's like I don't even know her anymore. She came home and I thought our contact would start up again, we would be hanging out, she would make an effort to want to be with family again but it was silence. She barely reached out, we barely hung out .. I felt the distance.
I graduated high school, went through a couple of different relationships and it wasn't until after my worst break up that my sister made an effort for me. She could tell that I was struggling and took me shopping to get my mind off of things. ( I forgot to mention this but in this time, my sister had also gotten married. I was one of her bridesmaids but wasn't invited to any of the bridesmaid related things since I was only 15 ) My sister even took me on a double date with her and her husband and her husbands brother. It was a nice gesture and when I started dating again, the four of us went another double date which I appreciated. I thought maybe we were getting close again.
Things ended with my ex and I didn't hear much from them. I would reach out to ask her a couple of things here and there but it felt like most of the communication was coming from my end. I met someone new, we moved in together and got engaged! I asked her to be one of my bridesmaids and hoped this would bring us closer. She offered to record our wedding video for us since she had done professional photography and videography in her past so I trusted her. I offered to pay her or make something for her as a trade for her work. ( for more context, at this time she had a 3 yo and a 1 yo so I told her I was more than happy to hire someone because she was going to be in the wedding and she had 2 babies to watch but she assured me she wanted to do it for me as my sister ).
Even though I thought my wedding would bring us together, it almost did the opposite ... She'd also offered to do our engagement photos and bridal photos since again, she is a professional photographer. Well .. This is where things started to go down hill. I know my sisters style and I was okay with it; in the past me and my sister used to do photoshoots together all of the time when we were younger so I was confident things would be smooth and comfortable but it felt quiet again ... It becomes a recurring theme. We got our engagement photos done to send our wedding announcements and though we'd spent quite a bit of time taking photos, she sent back only a handful of options that were usable. There may have been 30 or so pictures with many duplicates for black and white. I could tell there were photos missing since the ones I remembered posing for were missing. I asked if she had more and she did add a few but only a few. Me and my parents felt that she wasn't giving us everything / was giving us bare minimum. As a reminder, I didn't ask her to take our photos, I offered to pay her as well but the communication began to fall short. I told her that if it was going to be an issue, the photographer I had hired for our day of wedding could do the bridals since I knew she had 2 kids to take care of. She again insisted and reassured that she wanted to do that and it wasn't an issue.
A couple of weeks before the wedding we went to do the bridal photos. Me and my fiance, now husband decided we wanted to do pictures together but "no look" photos since our first look would be on our wedding day. My husband had requested that we get photos of him as well rather than just bridals. We drove about an hour to meet up with her, ready to go and my sister worked with my husband while I got changed into my dress. After she took his photos, she worked with me to get some bridals. My wedding attire was in multiple pieces and I had 2 different bouquets I would be using. Instead of me switching between all of the options, posing me and getting a bunch of different options with my different pieces, I felt very rushed. We were there for maybe 20-30 mins and I felt very rushed to get the photos done, asking "anything else?" with every other photo. And before we left, she handed me the camera and had me take a couple photos of her, I was a bit shocked .. By the time we were "done", my sisters husband and kids were there waiting for her as if they were planning on being out of there quickly. I think I might've even said "did you have other plans today?"
After our photos, me and my husband got in the car and said "did that feel fast for you too?" and he informed me that she took only a couple of photos of him and moved onto me. I had explicitly told her that we wanted bride AND groom photos because my husband really wanted photos of himself as well, as he should and deserves to. It made me pretty upset after hearing that. I told him I'd felt rushed as well. I then became the middle man for my mom and my sister since my mom needed to print the photos for the day of and my sister was taking a long time to reply to either of us which just began stressing me out more. She did finally send over the photos and I sent them straight to my mom and her reply was "is this all?" I hadn't looked through it myself but after looking, there were only a couple of my husband, a couple of my and only a couple of us together and again, I felt that there were some missing. I had my mom reach out this time to ask for additional pictures since again, a lot of the photos were duplicates of black and white photos which I had not asked for ..
By the time wedding day came, I was just focused on being with the man of my dreams. The day itself went smoothly and I really didn't give it a second thought. Our hired photographer was great and as my sister had offered to do, she videoed our wedding day .. Or so I thought.
Me and my husband went on our honeymoon for a week and a half and when we came back, radio silence from my sister. I decided I would just wait for her to reach out regarding the video because I didn't want to bother her about it since I knew it would probably take a while to edit and get back to me on it. We got our wedding photos back and they were amazing and we were so happy with them; everything we asked for.
Well, eventually my sister did reach out to me. She sent me the link to our wedding video and after watching it, I felt numb. I cried my eyes out. I sent it to my husband with no explanation and he said "is that the whole thing?" ... Our hearts absolutely broke. I didn't have the energy to confront my sister so I just thumbs up-ed the message and said thank you.
Our wedding video was only 3 minutes long, maybe shorter. You might be asking, how long are her videos usually? The ones I've seen on her website have been over 6 minutes and I guess I'd hoped that since I was her sister, it would be LONGER. The video cut out so much important stuff, the speeches were missing, there was a whole long speech I gave to my husband before our first dance and that wasn't on there. It starts really good with nice slow motion bits but after the ceremony part, it just starts jumping and cutting all out of order chronologically. The beginning was nice and slow with long meaningful clips but afterwards it just jumped from second clips from our first dance, daddy daughter dance and the majority of the video was just the dance party with long clips of the dancing instead of putting in long parts of me dancing with my dad, mine and my husbands emotional first dance .. It broke my heart that the person I'd trusted to capture one of the most important days of my life just missed everything. I felt betrayed honestly, I felt very numb about the whole thing and it felt like there was nothing I could do to ever get that footage back ...
We had "phone free" ceremony but luckily one of my uncles ignored that rule and recorded our whole ceremony and now that is the only video of my ceremony I have and it was very heartfelt since my husbands grandfather married us and I know how special it's going to be to rewatch that someday when he isn't around and only because of a "rule break" do I have that video. My dad also recorded my whole first dance speech and first dance with my husband and gave me those memories that I thought my sister was going to provide for me. I didn't get the option to choose the music, she never asked what I wanted included in the video, I trusted her since she'd done this so many times in the past. She didn't even include the exit my mom spent so much time on and after the wedding, they just left without helping any of us, we cleaned up our own wedding and maybe that's not such a big deal but she did the same thing at my bachelorette party, leaving as soon as the activity was done not realizing that my in laws wanted to take photos with everyone, she just bounced.
I didn't want to believe she wouldn't have taken care and made such an effort to preserve such a special day for me, her younger and only sister. I just know that for me, I would take soo much care for my siblings if I promised them something like that .. Ultimately I was heart broken and felt very betrayed. I kept the video to myself until one day my parents asked about it and I showed them and they were appalled which just validated our feelings about the whole thing. They were so confused about the length of the video, the pace, why I hadn't been able to choose the song I wanted, I wasn't sent the original video that I could save, I had to screen record it to save it to my phone .. The whole situation was just so painful, I have a hard time watching it without crying because not only as those moments not captured properly on the video, but it's a reminder that this was my sisters doing. I never reached out to her about it, I never confronted her, I just decided that maybe that was a step away moment for our relationship ..
Here I am almost a year later and I've got a new mindset and am going into 2024 wanting to mend and work on relationships with people. I had decided that enough was enough and I would reach out to my sister to try and work on things. I sent her this long heartfelt message that I missed her and remembering how close we used to be makes me sad because we are so distant now days. I told her that she's my big sister and I want to work on that relationship with her. It was a long text basically just explaining that it's been long enough and I want to work on being closer. She replied ... hours and hours later, I think she's just a bad texter so benefit of the doubt, but she basically responded saying she felt the same way and that she felt like she missed out on some important years of my life and we just grew distant. I replied back saying I was happy to hear that and that I was looking forward to becoming closer. I told her what a relief it was to know that felt how I did too but she never ended up responding .. I gave it a couple days and then a couple of weeks and nothing. It felt like betrayal again, she had NOTHING to say after what I'd said. I was in tears because I was so happy with her response and to get nothing back, no check in, NOTHING .. The next time I saw her, things were quiet. It feels like nothing has changed and I feel like I've done my part in trying to put out an olive branch, just asking for a relationship with my older sister and I feel like at this point, I need to move on and accept that things aren't going to go back to how they used to be as much as that hurts.
It makes me sad because the times I needed her most, she wasn't there. She never came to visit me after she moved out, got married, had kids .. She seemed to really distance herself from me and my family though I see her posting about her moms family more frequently. It makes me feel like she doesn't like me or is ashamed of me since I am not the same faith as her. She got married in the temple, went on a mission and is super faithful in her religion. I just feel like she's changed, she isn't the same person I knew when I was a kid, she feels like a stranger to me and I guess in my mind, if you're the older sibling, it is your responsibility to stay in contact with your younger siblings, at least until they're old enough to be on their own and make their own choices. After I moved out, I made and continue to make efforts to visit my youngest brother, check in on him every now and then because I remember what being a teenager is like and it can feel lonely. I make the effort because I don't want him to feel like he's being left behind like I did ..
AITA for finally giving up on a relationship with my older sister?
submitted by Remarkable_Ostrich16 to family [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 16:59 michesmuse96 AITA for feeling that my sister(sister like friend) tried to grab attention at my engagement party and my wedding dress shopping?

I(30F) am with my fiance(29M) for the last two years and a month back, he proposed which I have gladly accepted. We have started the wedding preparations and also have started shopping for the gown, accessories, checking out make up artists, venues, etc.
Everything is going on good, except for Jane(fake name) who has proclaimed herself to be my soul sister. Now, Jane is not exactly a bad person(as far as I have seen), but, she has a tendency to try to be the center of attention of any gathering, she has an outgoing personality and is a social media influencer. I, on the other hand, am mostly an introvert and have a maximum of 5 constant friends, who are with me through thick and thin. My small parties have never been complete without them. Now, Jane is a social media influencer and has close to half a million followers, and she tends to post every aspect of her life on instagram. During the engagement party, my fiance decided to go down on his knees again to propose since when he initially proposed, it was just us, and he wanted to propose again in front of our families and get their blessing again. I find this sweet, and I wanted to be the first to post the official proposal to my social media.
However, Jane, decided to capture it and post it first since she felt so happy about us finding each other and was excited to be the "bridesmaid at her sister's wedding". However, I had already decided that I wanted 3 of my male friends as my "bridesmen" and my sorrority sister as the maid of honour. They have been through thick and thin and never let go of me even during the worst phase of my life. So, I called Jane aside, and told her that I love her, but, I have already decided on my bridal party. My fiance who did not wanto upset her, told her that she could be one of the groomsmen if she wanted. Jane agreed and I had thought this was the end of it.
Fastforward to the day of bridal dress shopping: We, the bridal party, along with my mom, decided to shop for my wedding dress, and invited Jane along since she was so happy about the wedding. However, I specifically told her that I did not wish for my dress shopping to be one of her vlogs. She assured me that she would not post my wedding shopping experience and would just click a couple of pictures before we started to the bridal boutique, just as her "memory". I found my dress of my dreams and I noticed Jane clicking a few pictures of me in my dress, I thought it was for her memory again, and in the excitement of shopping, I did not realize that she was capturing the entire shopping spree as a video!
We gave my measurements for the dress and once I reached home, I decided to surf my social media before I hit the bed. I noticed Jane had tagged me in some post of hers, and without any thought, I accpted the tag request! Lo behold.. There was a full fledged video with the caption "Let's go wedding shopping". It took a moment for me to realize that Jane had captured the entire shopping! Right from our journey, to me saying yes to the dress! She had practially revealed my bridal dress! I felt betrayed and used. Strangers started sending me connection requests and started commenting on her post saying that they were happy for me, and I should be happy to have a sister like her! In the video, she had also kept a couple of bridal gowns against her body and asked "how do I look? Which one do you think suits me teh most? Oh, don't worry guys, I'm not the one getting married, it's just my sister over there". I was numb, and did not know how to react. When I asked her about why she had posted the video, her response was "Oh, I thought you might like it since the song I added to the video made the whole experience come together". I really feel let down and I feel spineless. I shared this with my mom, and my fiance, who are furious about her attitude towards the entire situation.
I, for a fact know that life hasn't been kind on Jane, but, I've been through worse, trust me when I say this. Often, when Jane and I went out with friends, I have noticed her turning all the conversation towards her life and her struggles. She never listened to any advice that anybody offered. So, I used to remain silent when we went out. I really wanted this wedding to be a silent, happy celebration of love. But, she has started turning this into one of her social media promos, which I am not comfortable with.
But, I am a non confrontational person, and I still love Jane. I don't know what I should do.
What do I do now?
submitted by michesmuse96 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 14:50 Smoothasurbuttwhole (i Only Miss One

(reposting this as it kinda flew under the radar last time and i really wanna know if anyone can relate to this feeling
i 28 F, don’t have the best track record with close friendships, i can do acquaintances just fine but when im really close to someone i get cut off with no real explanation apart from “We just grew apart”. i’ve had 5 close friends in my lifetime, i am still relatively close with one of them which is nice and the other i am now simply acquaintances with which is fine with me, we’re older now and doing our own thing and besides, that friendship was kinda complicated anyway.
i don’t really miss any of them, it is what it is, accept for this one girl, lets call her Emma, she was definitely the one i was closest to out of all of them, we met at a summer camp when we were 11 and 12 and were inseparable for about 5 years. we talked on the phone for hours almost every day, had sleepovers, made up crazy dances and parodies to songs, all the usual bff crap, we even said we’d live together and be each other’s bridesmaids. in 2011 she started to become distant, not even throughout the whole year, just a few weeks in the summer. i went to Jamaica for my 16th and when i got back we had an argument because she didn’t wish me happy birthday, a couple months later she cut me off and said we “grew apart”. i always think its an excuse when people say that, i’ve had friendships that have genuinely “grown apart” and in my opinion it’s something you both feel due to life carrying you i. different directions its not one party dumping the other without explanation.
Anyway, between 2012 and 2014 she’s been in and out of my life, she’s reached out to me, i’ve reached out to her, she even sent me a happy birthday on my 17th which was weird because we weren’t even talking then. After her stint in my life in 2014 i actually didn’t think about her for ages and finally thought i was over everything until she messaged me randomly in 2019 and it was like being knocked back about a hundred steps, how did she even still have my number? only for her to stop messaging me again the next day. from then kn i’ve been thinking about her a lot on and off, i used to try not to think about her but that only made things worse, i embrace it now and it’s manageable, it definitely hurts less and i can accept the fact that she’s not in my life anymore (until she decides she wants to be again lol, i keep waiting for the next random message to come, but hopefully it won’t and i can actually move on).
its kinda nice to still think of her though, like she’s still a part of my life somehow, i saw a post about her getting married and i was so happy for her and yet so sad that i wasn’t by her side like we said we’d be. i’m not sure why she’s the one that stuck, maybe it’s because i valued her more than any other friend, maybe its because she keeps popping back up. There’s a part of me that wishes we were close again but it wouldn’t be the same so... but i wish we could at least be acquaintances and talk once in a while, i wish i could ask her why if she felt we “grew apart” she kept picking me back up and dropping me again, i wish i could hug her one last time and have one last conversation, as much as i want to move on, part of me likes the feeling of missing her, its there every time i think about her, even writing this there’s something so familiar and warm inside me, its almost become a friend in and of itself, i don’t know how id feel or what id do without it, if i only saw Emma as part of my past like all my other ex friends. i’ve never really seen her like that, even in the years between 2015 and 2018 even though i was starting to get over it all, i still thought about her, i still talked about how much it hurt, since june 2011 when she started pulling away in the first place, that feeling has been a companion i used to try to avoid but now accept, i’ll probably always miss her and maybe thats ok, trying to get rid of it just makes it harder, at least this way i can get on with life with it in the background lol and its not like its a constant everyday thing, just a fase that lasts a days or a coupple weeks at a time and then im ok again ungil the next time it randomly happens lol.
i wish i could tell Emma how i feel, i wish i could tell her how much i love her and hate her and miss her all at the same time, i wish i never met her in the first place, that would’ve been simpler , anyway i’ve never posted on here before and thought this would be fun and theroputic, thanks to anyone that red this :)
submitted by Smoothasurbuttwhole to lostafriend [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 18:27 dollyfart0n Post wedding two cents- Liberty Warehouse and vendors

Saw a recent bride do a post wedding two cents- this sub helped me find several vendors and i want to give some feedback!!!!
For context this was a 200 person Sunday kosher wedding at Liberty Warehouse. It was an insanely expensive wedding lol. Some things were outrageous that i wish i had asked to negotiate but i planned the whole thing myself so hindsight is 2020!
The venue was about $52,000… each person after 150 guests was an extra $150 per person. This is obviously insanely expensive but their service was UNBELIEVABLE. The whole day was seamless. I can’t do it justice how quick, professional, prepared, and just amazing everyone on the staff. Bridal attendants, waiter captains, the director were all truly top tier professionals. Alexandra, my bridal attendant was an absolute stand out angel. They know how to run a seamless event. Several vendors even mentioned they love to do events here because Liberty takes care of it all. My and the grooms families felt the this as well as several guests commented. Drinks refilled before they could be set down, napkins fluffed. 11/10
Catering we used Above and Beyond kosher catering. Total was about 44k for cocktail hour, tisch, 3 course meal, tasting and cake. Can’t recommend them enough. Jill, the owner was an absolute gem and gave us the most reasonable price per plate for kosher caterers and best tasting. Soooo many guests complemented the quality of food. We opted for short rib and chicken duet (my mom insisted lol). We also had amazing sushi and NY deli stations. 11/10
Lighting unfortunately doesn’t come with the venue. We used Pegasus Production, the only lighting company Liberty uses. They claim it’s because everyone wants custom and do different things which is true but annoying lol. We paid about $9,000 ish for mainly fairy lights just over the dance floor and whatever else was recommend (pin lighting over the tables, highlighting stations). On the day of, someone from Pegasus asked me if it’s okay to leave up the lights from last nights wedding- they had paid an extra $4,000 for fairy lights over the whole room. Obviously we said YES, we wanted the fairy lights over the whole room but the price was just outrageous. We got lucky but maybe it’s a hack to get married Sunday. 10/10
Band we used Hank Lane music and hired the band Brooklyn Sound, an 8 piece band. They were like $12,000. They were SO FUN and guests also loved them. Great engagement, super talented singers and went with my vibe of song choices. Many of the older guests complained they were too loud but it was a band, what do you want. 10/10
Florist we used Olga from Snowdrop Flowers. I actually found her from this sub! SHE WAS AMAZING!!!! Gorgeous and beautiful work at the most reasonable price. We paid about $7,700 for a gorgeous baby’s breath chuppah (it blew me away), 20 low table arrangements, sweetheart table, many candles down our aisle and on windows. Super flexible at the last minute with a misunderstanding and was super gracious as well to my MIL who overpaid by a couple hundred dollars haha. I had a “recommended” florist from the Liberty Warehouse quote us $16,000 and then $12,000 for someone else’s florals that could be repurposed, yikes. 11/10
Hair I used FaceTime beauty. Total cost for me and 5 bridesmaids/moms and 2 kids was about $2,000. They were very nice and pleasant to work with. Unfortunately they canceled my hair trial at 10AM when it was scheduled for like 4pm. The stylist was sick which of course, life happens, but still frustrating. They also had no weekend availability. When we rescheduled they emailed me like an hour before saying they were running more than an hour late bc someone else came late. Again not their fault but frustrating. Everyone was on time and good on the actual wedding day which matters most. My hair was a little more voluminous than I showed in pics and it didn’t really last until the end of the reception buuuut I was dancing and sweating. I felt beautiful! 9/10
For makeup I used Kayla Strachan Beauty based out New Jersey. It cost about $1,600 for me and 7 bridesmaids/moms and 2 kids. I had to travel to NJ for the trial and she did a great job, it was flawless! The day of was amazing, Kayla was so sweet and calming. She stayed through photos for touch ups which was so worth it. She was an absolutely dream to work with and a total sweetie. She wasn’t shy about helping with my hair or dress when needed which was so appreciated. My makeup lasted perfectly through the night and I felt amazing. 11/10
For photobooth we used Their website looks terrible but the pictures were exactly what I was looking for- vintage photobooth. It was about $2,700. It feels like everyone does glam booth and this still made everyone look hawt while being cool. They were very professional and loved the pics! 10/10
Photographer we used Joseph Lin Photography. He had actually photographed my sister’s wedding 6 years ago I knew I wanted him. He gives great overall advice on flow of the night or different photo ops. His amazing work speaks for itself. He also included an engagement shoot since we traveled a little upstate to him. Super expensive at $9,400 in total. 10/10!!
Videographer I went kind of rogue and couldn’t decide on someone. All the videos look the same to me lol. I went with Treehouse Creative who is based in Miami but he had two local videographers shoot. Not always super responsive to emails but they were having portal issues and everything day of went smoothly. They did seem a little tentative maaaybe inexperienced but maybe that’s just a personality trait, they were super friendly and I’m sure the video will be great, about $4,000. 9/10
I think this mostly covers it…. best of luck to everyone planning!!!
submitted by dollyfart0n to WedditNYC [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 13:29 sex_onthe_bleach Dracula - Act One, Scene Ten

A composite scene, simultaneously, Heartwood House, Stoneyfields (Bedlam) and the Castle. In Bedlam now, though, RENFIELD’s song will stitch together all the mostly wordless strands of JONATHAN deciding to flee and disappearing from our ken and the static anguish of MINA’s wait.
RENFIELD is singing ‘Loving Mad Tom’ in the moonlight. In his cell. Very sweetly.
RENFIELD (singing).
From the hag and the hungry goblin That into rags would rend ye. The spirits that stand by the naked man In the Book of Moons defend ye. That of your five sound senses You will never be forsaken.
MINA in Heartwood, in a hell of anxiety, enters.
JONATHAN (walking into his hell). Those… women… My God. Help me, I… Mina! Mina has nothing in common with them.
MINA, in her underwear and barefoot and in her indolence and impotence, wanders round Heartwood.
RENFIELD (singing).
Nor wander from yourselves, with Tom Abroad to beg your bacon.
JONATHAN. I had the key in my hand and I traded it for a hint of a kiss from that…
He sobs.
MINA. Where oh where are you, my darling…
RENFIELD (singing).
While I do sing, ‘Any food, any feeding Feeding, drink or clothing? Come dame or maid, be not afraid: Poor Tom will injure nothing.’
MINA. Please be safe…
JONATHAN. The devil and the devil’s brides.
MINA. Please, please, please…
A MAID and FLORRIE carry on MINA’s half-finished wedding dress as, simultaneously, two NURSES and DRINKWATER carry bindings and straitjacket to RENFIELD.
No, Florrie, don’t make me.
RENFIELD. Bastard. Bastards try tie a man up, he only sing a sweet song out loud, clear and pure in their fat faces.
But MINA gets tape-measured and poked and pinned and, sure enough, RENFIELD gets straitjacketed.
JONATHAN. I will get free or die trying!
Terrifies, he goes out of the window, disappears.
RENFIELD, chained and straitjacketed, sings.
RENFIELD (singing).
With a host of furious fancies Whereof I am commander With my burning spear on a horse of air Through the wilderness I wander…
MINA. It’s still foggy.
FLORRIE. I honestly do think another layer of the Brussels lace, miss, just peepin’ out from under… A brool, that’s what we call such a fog. A real pea-souper. Spoilin’ for a storm, I suppose. Can’t see where sea ends and sky begin…
MINA. Can’t see a blind thing. Nothing.
FLORRIE. All grey, except the grass standin’ out that hectic green and all creation bristlin’. Them foul rags of cloud just hangin’ down, that do always be a sign. (Pause.) But I do think just the hint of another flounce’ll do it, without we get too fancy.
RENFIELD (singing).
In the lordy lofts of Bedlam On stubble sweet and dainty…
FLORRIE. Miss Mina, you’ll get five letters all at once, you wait and see. It’ll be the fog delayin’ the shipping.
LUCY enters.
LUCY. Done my darts yet, Florrie? Fine bridesmaid I’ll be.
LUCY sees MINA’s acute anxiety.
Mina, you’re not worrying again? Mr Hawkins said not to. He’s not. I’m sure Jonathan is fine. And look at your lovely dress! I do envy you.
MINA. It’s a dress.
LUCY. Your wedding dress. It’s beautiful.
MINA. Oh, Lucy, I don’t think I’ll ever wear it.
She sobs, Lucy and FLORRIE try and hush her. It begins to get really dark as the girls go off, comforting MINA, very much afraid she might be right.
RENFIELD (singing).
Brave bracelets strong, Sweet whips ding-dong And wholesome hunger plenty, But the moon’s my constant mistress And the lovely owl my… (Speaks.) master.
Master master master master master master. Faster. Faster. Faster. Faster. Faster. Faster. Faster-master. Faster-master. Master-faster. Faster. Fasterfasterfasterfasterfasterfaster faster-fasterfasterfasterfasterfaster.
(Breathes.) He is coming.
But at Heartwood, in the storm that RENFIELD, on behalf od DRACULA, has been brewing up, re-enter a now night-shirted LUCY, sleepwalking, MINA after her.
MINA (whispering). Lucy, Lucy, back to bed, my love, it’s not morning yet…
LUCY. Coming, coming, coming, coming, coming.
MINA. Come, Lucy. Come on.
A sudden streak of lightning and the wind bashes the window open with a frightening crash. Lucy shrieks, waking up. MINA hugs her.
LUCY. What happened, Mina? What’s happening?
MINA. You’ve been sleepwalking again, sweetheart. Nothing to be frightened of. Come back to bed. Mina’s here. Ssh! It’s only thunder rumbling, it’s all right.
Storm starts in earnest. LUCY and MINA looking out, terrified. Thunder, lightning, wind. And louder.
LUCY. Mina! Oh, Mina, look!
RENFIELD. Fasterfasterfasterfasterfaster. Master!
Huge bang (of ship slamming ashore). Whiteout then black.
submitted by sex_onthe_bleach to u/sex_onthe_bleach [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 00:39 Firm-Recording-9039 Songs for bridesmaids / groomsmen?

We can't figure out a song for our bridesmaids and groomsmen to walk out to. They're doing fun entrances and haven't had any ideas either. We have to pick the instrumental / karaoke so our DJ can announce names.
What songs are you picking? Do you have any ideas?
submitted by Firm-Recording-9039 to wedding [link] [comments]