
Why wait so long?

2024.04.23 03:10 No-Push7969 Why wait so long?

I’ve never been able to make sense of why LE didn’t mention the book and sleep shirt found in Asha’s backpack until 2017.
Seems like their use of semantics was in attempt to make it seem like the library book was found after a significant amount of time… “The school library didn’t keep records that long ago…”
I’m not particularly smart but Asha went missing February 2000 and her backpack containing the Dr Suess book and NKOTB sleep shirt was found August 2001.
So it’s not like those items were discovered in Asha’s backpack after decades.
I don’t understand why authorities waited so many years to ask for the publics help in identifying the items that weren’t Asha’s.
I can’t say for sure but if I noticed an adult male (just an example) in possession of McElliots Pool back in the early 2000’s I would likely remember that a year later.
I highly doubt I would remember almost 20 years later though.
In fact I dated a guy in HS who had the Dr Suess book “The Places You Will Go” displayed in his bedroom.
It was DEF out of place and I asked why he had it. This was the late 90’s but my BF at the time explained it had been a HS graduation “joke gift” from his older sister.
If I had not asked him about the Dr Suess book back then who knows if I would even remember?
I truly believe I would have remembered a year and a half later if LE was asking but maybe not well over a decade later.
I know Asha’s backpack was sent to an FBI lab at Quantico for analysis.
Considering the backpack was discovered within months of the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks I am sure ALL testing was very backlogged…
I highly doubt it took until 2017 for analysis though. I can’t understand why authorities waited so long to ask for assistance identifying the items.
I believe some kind of fingehand prints and DNA would have been discovered on the garbage bags, Asha’s bag and it’s contents.
Maybe some kind of DNA was found in analysis but LE doesn’t have a match in CODIS etc.?
I have a hard time believing that Asha’s abductor was sophisticated enough to avoid leaving any hairs, fibers, fluids etc. on a backpack they must have handled while disposing of it.
submitted by No-Push7969 to AshaDegree [link] [comments]

2021.08.24 15:39 Glum-Neighborhood-73 Was the book hers??

I’ve been listening to YT & podcasts on Ashas story for awhile.. it’s very saddening. I’m sure this has been asked & answered somewhere, but was the book “Mr McElliots Pool” hers? Also, was the tshirt hers?? I hope new info comes out someday that’s leads her home..
submitted by Glum-Neighborhood-73 to AshaDegree [link] [comments]

2020.11.16 01:17 TheR3alSantiago Four years ago I explored a church. Never again.

When I was in high school, a sophomore to be exact, I was somewhat of a problem child. The principal’s office was a normal place for me. The thing that landed me here this time was a race through the halls with my normal accomplice; Rowan.
Mr. McElliot looked at me. “Nathan Booker, why are you here this time?”
“Well, mister McElliot, I saw a bunch of wolves down the hall near the library so I ran down the hallway and I bumped into Miss Kelly and she sent me here.” I explained.
“This is downtown Denver. There are no wolves. And bumped is an understatement. You knocked her over. And when Kelly asked why you were running in the hall you response was “You wouldnt understand.” and you ran off. And to make it worse, Rowan was chasing you with a meter stick.” He interrupted.
I shook my head and looked over to Rowan. He looked back at me and he stood up. “Ima wait outside for you.” He said and he walked off out of the office and down the hall.
“Rowan Decker, get back here now.” The principal commanded. Rowan just kept walking.
“Mister Principal, I don't think he’s coming back.” I said with a smirk.
“Expelled… You and Rowan are expelled. I see you two at least once a week.” He closed his office door. “You two are the worst students I've ever met in my nine years of being principal. And I don't even know why! You both make decent grades but all you two do is act up. You and Rowan are both smart but you guys are the most stupid students I’ve met!! Now get out of my office and I'll call your parents soon” He pointed to the door out of breath. I stood up from my chair to my lanky height of six three and walked out.
My phone buzzed. It was a text from Rowan. “I'm out the front door sitting on the wall out there.” Put my phone back into my pocket and walked to my locker to get my coat first.
I undid the lock and grabbed my bag and jacket. I put on the maroon windbreaker and slung my black bag over my shoulder and walked out of the school.
I quickly found Rowan and he hopped off the brick wall. “Wanna go to the gas station or something?” He asked.
“Sure bro. By the way, we are both expelled.” I said.
“Well fuck man, I mean its about time, but still.” He said. He walked onto the sidewalk in front of me and turned around as he walked backwards. “Well, we can swing by my house and grab some liquor or something if you wanna.”
“Yeah okay sure, but let's swing by the gas station first real quick.” We walked over to the nearest gas station and stepped inside. We grabbed a couple energy drinks, we paid and we walked out.
We sat on the curb and we talked. “What's your dad gonna do man?” I mean now that we’re expelled?” I asked.
“I dont fucking know man, beat me I guess?” He responded. We drank our energy drinks, crushed the cans, and threw them away.
“How we gonna get to your house?” I asked. Rowan’s head perked up and he looked around. His eyes locked onto two bikes. He looked over to me with a devious grin. Long story short after breaking the locks we stole the bikes.
We rode the half hour over to his home and as Rowan didn't have a key we had to break in. It wasn't really that hard seeing as all we needed was a stick to pry open the garage door. We parked the stolen bikes and walked into his home. I went to the liquor cabinet first and he went up to his room. I heard items being moved around and I grabbed a bottle of Jaeger. While I was at it I figured a bottle of rum would be good too. I went over to the stairs and looked up. Rowan had his bag on his shoulder and had an orange sweatshirt on. He slid down the banister and yelled “Boy, we’re going to go exploring tonight!!” He grabbed a flashlight from his pocket and threw it over to me. “You're gonna need that later.” he said.
“Where we going now?” I asked.
“To the abandoned church down the road.” He responded. Down the road was a bit of an understatement, but I was always up for an adventure. Even if it would take forty five minutes by bike.
We stepped out of the house and got back onto the bikes. It was about five now, but oh well, I wasn't afraid to stay out late. We rode our bikes on the side of the road with more and more trees coming into view every so often. When we finally reached the church it looked like nature had tried to reclaim it. We tried the front door but it was locked. I looked over to Rowan and looked back at me. “Watch this.” He said. He grabbed his wallet out of his pocket and picked his student ID out which he had cut a semi circle into. He slid the ID into the door jam and jimmied it open. The door lock clicked and he looked at me and smiled “See?” He asked. The inside of the church was dark despite the windows, and it smelled of rotten wood. I turned on my flashlight and looked around. Rowan did the same. We looked around the empty foyer and took a few more steps into the room. The church was cold.
“This place is fucking creepy man.” I said out loud.
“Hey, I mean, we can go whenever you want. But just remember that we planned on going here.” He said.
In the room that we were in we could go into one of the rooms, one went downstairs and the other was at ground level. To our left was another ground level room, and to the right was a staircase leading upward. I looked over to Rowan. “Which room you wanna go to?” I asked.
“Huh?” He asked.
“We can go up, down, to the room with the stage, or whatever is over there.” I pointed over to the room to the left with my light.
“Lets go to that room” He pointed to the room to the left “Then let's go downstairs, then the auditorium, then upstairs.”
“Let's do it.” I said. Then we walked into the room on the left. Immediately shivered. Rowan looked over to me and asked “What the fuck?”
The room was a kitchen, and all of the cabinets were open, all of the chairs at the table were pulled out, and there was a single knife stuck into the floor in the center of the room. I walked over to the knife and pulled it out. I held it up and looked at it with my light. It was a long and thin blade. A carving knife. I looked over to Rowan and he smiled an uncomfortable smile. I walked over to the counter and shone my light through the cabinets. They were empty.
“Dude, the cabinets are empty.” I said.
“Well I guess, now it's the auditorium.” He said. We walked to the auditorium and shone our lights around. Chairs were still stood up, but the stage was empty. And then I heard a noise. It was glass. Glass breaking. I looked over to Rowan, and he looked shocked. He hadn’t made the noise as it sounded like it came from downstairs.
“What was that?” asked Rowan.
“I don't know, probably nothing.” I said. We continued looking around the room until we finally decided to brave the stairs. Before we headed down Rowan grabbed my shoulder.
“You really wanna do this?” He asked.
“Look, if we see anything weird we go. Alright?” I asked.
“Okay, yeah, sure.” He said. And we descended down the stairs.
At the bottom of the stairs a hall opened up. There was a room to the left and one straight forward. The door on the left was locked. I looked over to Rowan, and he said “Just leave it.”
We started to walk into the room in front of us, but Rowan grabbed my shoulder. “Wait.” He said.
“What is it Rowan?” I asked him.
“I don't know, it's just. I have a bad feeling.” He said. He decided he would take the lead after that comment. He walked into the room and froze. His light was fixed into the corner and Rowan was still. I looked over and it was a man. He was tied up, and dead.
“Dude, Rowan, we, w,w” I stuttered. And from the corner of my eye I saw somebody shoot from the other corner over and on top of Rowan. He screamed and I tried to pull the man off of Rowan. My light glittered off an object in the man’s hand. It was a knife. The man pushed me away, and I got back up just to see Rowan get stabbed in the abdomen. Rowan screamed again but this time louder, the man got up and ran after me. I ran out of the room and as one of the track runners of the school I was able to outrun him. All the while Rowan was crying downstairs. I went out of the church and cowered in the woods. The man followed me out and looked for me.
“Boy, I know you are here.” He said as he clutched the knife and scoured the treeline. I quietly unzipped my bag as I had an idea. The man was progressively getting close to me. I carefully grabbed the bottle of Jaeger and when I did he looked in my direction. He looked away for a split second and I threw the bottle as hard as I possibly could. The man heard it and chased after the noise as fast as he could. As he ran I got up and made a beeline for the road. To my luck a truck was making its way down and I flagged it down frantically.
“Hey, hey, what is it?” A man with a southern accent asked.
“There is a man, and he killed my friend. Just please let me in. Please!” I explained half sobbing. “Okay son, just get in, I'll help you.” He said.
“Thank you so much, thank you.” I said, still half sobbing.
I got into the truck and called 911.
“911, state your emergency.” The woman said.
“My friend, he's dead, a man killed him. Just, the man chased me, and I got away, just please help my friend.” I cried into the phone.
“Okay, where are you?” the woman asked.
“My friend is in the abandoned church right outside of town. It's called Star of Christ. Please help him. There was another body there.” I explained but still distraught.
“We are sending police and an ambulance right now. Just stay where you are, help will be there soon.” The woman said.
“I am in a truck with a man, he let me in he saw me running-” I started.
“My name is Richard Wilkes, I picked up this teenage boy he said his friend had been killed, I let him in my truck. We are still by the church.” The southern man explained.
“Okay sir, Help is on the way.” Then the woman hung up.
I looked up with tears still in my eyes. I looked over to the man.
“It's going to be alright.” He said.
My eyes flicked over to the tree across the street and I saw the man who stabbed Rowan.
“Richard, that's him, that's the man!” I yelled as I pointed to him. Richard’s eyes went to where I was pointing.
“Just calm down. Don't get out. Just stay here with me.” He said. He opened up his center console and picked up a revolver. “If he comes near us, I shoot him” Richard said.
The police arrived about ten minutes later and captured the man. Rowan had not died, he was just injured. But badly. After talking to the police in the station later that night they revealed to me that they had also arrested Richard. When I asked why they explained that Richard’s name wasn't richard. It was Gill Ravets. Gill and the other man were partners, and the only thing that saved mine and Rowan’s lives was that Gill was running late to meet with his partner, and when I stepped into the truck I had called 911 too fast for Gill to attack me without it being suspicious. My haste is what saved me and Rowan. The two men had killed 3 other people before they were caught. Gill had never given a reason as to why he and his partner attacked those people. His partner said the "Skeleton man" told him to. He said that the "Skeleton Man" was controlling him.
But thinking back on it, Rowan saved my life that day when he decided to go first after he got that feeling. I think he had a feeling something bad was going to happen, and he didn't want me to be the victim. And as it turns out we were almost numbers four and five.
A few days later I looked up Star of Christ on the internet and I found out that it was left because the priest couldn't purge the “Demons” from the church. Even the pastor said that the rooms at the bottom of the stairs had it the worst.
Never again. Never will I go into any church.
submitted by TheR3alSantiago to nosleep [link] [comments]

2014.06.22 01:36 pjt37 Truck Driver Looking for Preventative Advice

Hey guys, posting looking for some advice, those who read the title can see where this is going. I drive a truck roughly 10-14 hours a day 6 days a week. I'm sure many of you have seen this image before and while I doubt I will be in this job for as long as Bill McElliot was, I'm not going to pretend I'm not concerned. My drivng tan was noticably uneven by mid April and I live in New England - those there can vouch for an incredibly cloudy spring. The tan line from my watch on my left arm is the difference between my being mistaken for someone of Latino descent and my being mistakes for someone of Nordic descent.
So I'm looking for some advice/product suggestions on helping protect my skin from sun damage. Specifically I'm looking for a good sunscreen that is not super oily/filmy/residue-y/whatever. I can deal with it once in a while at the beach but I'm not putting up with it every day if theres a reasonable alternative. Second, while my arms tan pretty well, my face/neck/ears most certainly do not and I'm wondering if theres any post-exposure advice/products for skin protection. I'm not looking for like pain relief, there is no pain, I'm just looking to make sure this bloated red face of mine doesn't stay bloated and red until October.
For those of you that advise avoiding exposure through long sleeves, I'll head you off here - none of the trucks my company owns have air conditioning, and while I'm not opposed to sweating out some water weight now and then, manual labor + 80(+) degree days with crazy humidity = far too much to endure regularly. For the record, I start sweating without activity at about 72 degrees, so a good 90 degree day is more than I can stand even when I'm not stuck in the sun and moving heavy objects for prolonged periods of time.
Thanks guys!
submitted by pjt37 to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2014.01.10 00:51 repohx1 Everyday Hype Man- Harmony McElliot

Everyday Hype Man- Harmony McElliot submitted by repohx1 to StandUpComedy [link] [comments]