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2024.05.16 07:03 ahead-market VEON Q1 2024 Earnings: Steady Growth and Strong Execution

VEON reported a revenue increase of 6.6% to $942 million in Q1 2024, maintaining strong growth guidance and increasing management share ownership.
Business Highlights
Expectations: BEAT
Due to the lack of specific analysts' estimates for the current quarter and year, direct comparison is challenging. However, the reported revenue growth and positive business highlights suggest performance is likely aligned with or exceeding general market expectations.
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2024.05.16 07:01 SharkEva AITA for breaking a promise and attending my stepdaughter's graduation?

I am not the OOP. The OOP is u/Ok-Firefighter602 posting in AmItheAsshole and his user account
Concluded as per OOP
1 update - Medium
Original - 29th April 2023
Update - 22nd May 2023

AITA for breaking a promise and attending my stepdaughter's graduation?

I’ll start by explaining some backstory. I (54M) lost my first wife when my son (25M) and daughter (22F) were ages 9 and 12, Both my kids took it as hard as you would expect and to this day have a poor relationship with both my current wife "Doreen (49F)" and my stepdaughter "Amy (18F)". I started dating Doreen about 4 months after my first wife passed, as such my kids believe I cheated on their mom. Amy was 5 when we got together and as such I see her as my own daughter.
On to the actual story, 4 years ago, two days before Kay's high school graduation, Amy got very ill while visiting her grandparents and ended up needing emergency surgery. My wife and I rushed to be with Amy and admittedly I did not communicate well with Kay. At the time Kay didn't pick up my calls, so I left her a voicemail and several text messages explaining what happened and telling Kay I was sorry but I would make it up to her. A few hours go by and I get a call from Kay, she is in hysterics telling me what a terrible father I am and stated that if I did not attend her graduation I would be dead to her. I chose to support Amy.
True to her words, Kay did not contact me on the day of her graduation. And when came home Kay's things had been moved out of the house with a note explaining that we were no longer family and to never contact her again.
Luckily Kay and I were able to reconcile, however, I promised her I would give her absolutely anything in the world to make her forgive me. She said that she would forgive me as long as I refused to attend Amy's graduation as this was the only way to make it fair. I agreed at the time thinking she was just joking or angry and would soon forget.
This leads me to now. Invitations for Amy's graduation went out, and despite all the hostility Amy wanted to make sure Kay got one. Kay called Amy later that day and said she would be unable to attend as she and I would be spending the day together per our agreement. Amy broke down into tears asking me why I was missing her graduation, I assured her I was not and that I would speak to Kay. Later I explained to Kay that I simply could not miss Amy's graduation. Kay launched into a tirade about how I was a liar and an asshole and how could I do this to her again. I told her that we would talk when she calmed down and she said we would never talk again.
My son, and several of our extended family have all taken Kay's side saying I didn't see how hurt she was at graduation. My wife believes I am the asshole for even promising that in the first place as I should have known it would only upset one or both girls. And Amy is just sad and confused wondering why Kay hates her. I know keeping my promise and not attending Amy's graduation is probably the only way to salvage my relationship with Kay, but no matter how I look at it I would feel like I'm punishing Amy for having a medical issue, so am I the asshole?
EDIT to add some relevant info.
I NEVER cheated on my first wife. your accusations are honestly tiring and disgusting.
Amy's Bio father was never in her life. I am NOT Amy's Biological father, that wasn't ever even in question as we are not the same race.
Amy had appendicitis, she was staying over 4 hours away at her grandparent's house. at the time that we left the only info Doreen's mother would give us was she passed out and wouldn't wake up.
My daughter was moved out of our house for about a month and a half after which we made up and she returned to live with us for another 2 years before going away to school.
I did not believe Kay when she said she wanted me to miss Amy's graduation as it seemed like a ridiculous request. despite what you all may believe our relationship was fine after this event we were in near-daily contact and she would frequently visit us.


YTA And have been for years. You are a bad father. Kay is correct. You are a liar. You've done nothing to prioritize Kay ever since your new family rolled in. Your relationship with your daughter is dead and the blood is on your hands.

Seriously though... you never should have promised Kay that, knowing full well that you had no intention of keeping your word. And now you're being a bad father to Amy too, by trying to use her tears and guilt to dig yourself out of the grave you dug yourself with Kay.

Seems like all op cared about was getting his way in the moment. Seems like that may be a pattern

YTA - you replaced your kids mom with a new family 4 months after she died! Your kids lost their mom so young and you don’t seem like you prioritized their feelings or helped them deal with things, instead you moved on fast. Kay didn’t have a mother to attend her graduation and she needed you there. Could you not have driven to the grad then back to the hospital?

Ten to One that Amy is his daughter. That's why he favors her.

Comments from OOP
Amy ended up having to get an emergency appendectomy, but at the time was visiting her Grandparents about a 4 hour drive from where we lived. Her grandmother didn't give us too much relevant information before we left, just that she had passed out and wouldn't wake up. On the way there we didn't know her condition or anything because her grandmother is a non-native English speaker and didn't understand a lot of the medical terms. once we got there and signed off on the surgery she ended up needing an additional 2 days in the hospital and wanted both of us by her side. During this time I repeatedly called and texted both my mother and son who were planning to attend the ceremony. I had every intention of calling/ video calling so that I could still support her, but she told everyone she didn't want me to be a part of it.

I didn't immediately move in Doreen and Amy once we started dating, we dated for over 2 years before we moved in together. My wife's death was not a sudden thing she battled cancer on and off for years before she passed. My children already knew/ were comfortable with Doreen as she was my late wife's best friend so I thought they would enjoy having her around more. I offered both children grief counseling, my son took me up on it, and I took Kay to a few sessions but she would kick/ scream/ cry every time I took her finally the counselor decided that forcing her before she was ready would only worsen her grief. I offered her therapy many times over the years, but she never took me up on it.

first of all, I knew Doreen for years before I even met my late wife, in fact, Doreen introduced us. I thought my kids would like having Doreen around as before my wife passed they loved her like an aunt. I did not move her in or make her a permanent part of our daily lives until over 2 years into our relationship. four months after my wife passed we agreed to explore our romantic feelings I explained what was going on in age-appropriate terms so they wouldn't be blindsided if they caught their dad kissing their "aunt".

**Judgement - YTA*\*

Update - 1 month later

I wasn't sure if I wanted to post an update after the reaction I got last time, I can stomach death threats against myself but directing such hatred toward my children was truly disturbing. But the graduation has come and gone and I thought I should share how it all went down. I'm sure most of you will be displeased.
Amy was mad at me for a few days, but we have a strong bond and she quickly got over it. The saint that she is said she would understand if I wanted to miss it to make it up to Kay. I told her I wouldn't do that to her and reassured her that she has done nothing wrong.
As for the elephant in the room, Kay, she and my son live in the same city and work in the same field so they're as close as ever. My son and his partner were giving her a lot of emotional support at this time. In the end, she decided not to attend Amy's graduation but sent flowers and a card with my son. There were a lot of nasty messages directed toward her, which I feel is completely unacceptable. She isn't mean or vindictive. She is a smart, very kind, very empathetic woman. She made a bizarre ultimatum as a confused and hurt teenager I certainly don't think that makes her a bad person.
I know all of you seem to think I hate my children, but the amount of pain I feel at the deterioration of my relationship with my daughter is unexplainable, I've been on and off anti-depressants since the death of my wife and at my therapist's suggestion will be going back on them. it's taking all of my willpower not to reach out to her again, but I've already disrespected her wishes enough. She can choose to reach out to me when and if she ever wants to again and I'll be waiting.
I know it's not the most impactful update and I'm sure most of you wanted to see me left miserable and alone, but I don't live my life for anyone else's entertainment. I can accept that I'm the asshole, maybe I'm an asshole in general, but I'm not some evil monster that you all want me to be. I'm a man that made the mistake of sharing his problems with the internet a mistake I won't be making again. I probably won't delete this account, but I'm not gonna be updating in the future. goodbye.


Look OP I get that you're human, just a man.
But you can't get away with the I made mistakes because you make the same ones over and over again.
I don't understand trolls and stupid people with the death threats or nasty messages about your kids it's wrong and disgusting.
The only issue here is YOU! The fact that claim to love Kay and how it is breaking your heart that she wants nothing to do with you is your own fault, every 'mistake' you made and repeated always seems to be against her. I don't actually think you care about Kay all that much as you still have Amy.
Now you've decided oh well I've fucked up again and made so many mistakes I'll just leave her alone and not confront the fact you failed her as a supportive father. OWN IT, Change your damn ways.
Believe me, you're not the worst dad out there. but you are a shitty one to Kay.
When will you wake up and realise without the self-pity that YOU have to be the one to make amends. Why on earth would she contact you?
Do you not care that one day she will get married and you won't be invited to the wedding or even to walk her down the aisle? When she has her first child and you find out through the grapevine instead of being a Grandpa?
Maybe one day she will forgive you, but not if your solution is to just give her space! seems to me she had a lot of space from you already. All she wanted was your time and sole attention for a bit, and you've never been able to give her that. I feel for both your son and daughter because it seems you have a favourite and you don't care as long as Amy is ok.
Let me guess and say your wife thinks it's best to give her the space? Amy may be a nice girl but I bet your wife has encouraged your behaviour.
It's honestly sad.

OOP: I'm giving Kay space because that's what she said she wants, I can't do anything other than that. No matter what I'm gonna still be there for her any way I can, but for the time being, I'm not going to pester her or beg for forgiveness because that's not what she wants. I HAVE made mistakes and at the top of that list is not listening to my children when they tell me exactly what they need from me.

Even in this follow up post the way you speak about Kay, the disgust you feel for her oozes out. You claim so many people spoke badly of her in your previous post but those comments were minimal compared to the people that spoke badly of YOU, YOUR WIFE AND SAINT AMY but you don’t mention that, you still want Kay to be the “bad” daughter. Saying her request was “sad and bizarre” no it wasn’t.
It’s so convenient that this is when all of a sudden you realize you need to and will listen to Kay, not when she was begging you to choose her for once since your dear saint Amy came into your life. All you had to do was not go to a High School graduation and you couldn’t even do that.
You’re a horrible father to Kay and you will continue to be one. The fact that you still made the decision to put Amy over your freaking daughter is so sad, the fact that you cared so much more over Amy being upset over letting Kay down again says a lot. Leave Kay alone, don’t ever contact her again unless it’s to say flat out to her face that you are stepping down as a father since you know you will never be able to giver her the love and attention you give your true daughter Amy, that Amy will always come first. I had peritonitis, I was in the hospital (at 8yrs old) for almost a year on and off and my mom would leave to work , she was a single mother, and I was fine. Amy was a teenager, had A MOTHER AND GRANDPARENTS, she had appendicitis a common procedure, 2 freaking days before your daughters graduation and you couldn’t leave just for a day bc “Amy wanted me by her side”. My heart aches for Kay, knowing she is pretty much an orphan. Ughh parents like you I don’t freaking understand, you should’ve given up your rights as a father the moment you decided that your new family was more important than your children. I don’t think I’ve ever had so much hate for a stranger on Reddit.
ETA— by the way you sad excuse of a man, you didn’t make a mistake you made various CHOICES and DECISIONS to deliberately hurt your daughter. You DECIDED TO PUT AMY FIRST. You’re no victim, the only victim here is your ex daughter, Kay and probably her brother as well

Oh Amy the Saint.... I got the same vibes. The Father is trying to paint Kay as the bad person that he needs to defend. Yet, can't go past without a shout out to how AMAZING Amy is... actually gives me the creeps. Feels like he has some weird obsession with her perfection.

Yeah the Amy the Saint really rubbed me the wrong way. It’s sad that despite everything, OP is still so delusional. I wish Kay a life of happiness, even if it means she would go NC with OP for life.

I am not the OOP. Please do not harass the OOP.
Please remember the No Brigading Rule and to be civil in the comments
submitted by SharkEva to BORUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:00 AdBoring7789 My story from childhood to present day (21yr old)

This will be my first time ever openly sharing about my addiction; from the root cause to the effects and struggles that having a porn addiction has impacted my life to this day
So I just recently turned 21 and I'm beginning to look around and realize that for as long as I've acknowledged that I have a problem and need to quit, I keep feeding the addiction KNOWING that it's ruining my life. I'm going to split this post into 3 sections explaining the following stages: The root causes/early development, Progression of my addiction to current day, and Main struggles from my PA and how I go about everyday life to heal. Not exactly sure why I'm posting this but I just feel like it's something I need to let out. Hope someone can relate or give me their take on it.
The root causes/early development: So I believe that my PA manifested due to a few different reasons: Playing "doctor" with my sister as a child, early age porn exposure, and then using porn as a coping mechanism to deal with any negative emotions. So starting w/ "playing doctor", it first happened at a very young age, somewhere between elementary school to 6th grade. I think most people know what that is but to keep it short basically my sister who is a year older than me introduced my to basically role playing as doctor and patient. I wasn't sure if SHE even knew it was wrong but the point is, it happened. I genuinely don't think she was doing in an abusive way but I'll never know. I don't remember the small details of exactly how it happened but what leads me to think this was a factor that contributed to my porn addiction is that I know now as an adult that it's wrong, however as we "played doctor" I only grew to enjoy it and occasionally we took things outside of "playing doctor" - which is why I don't know what to make of it... Long story short it went from "doctor" to us making up our own games like "spy" where we pretended to fight each other as spy's, getting "knocked out" unconscious while she'd touch... and I specifically remember wanting to play these games in hopes that it led to that. But even outside of playing games I grew to wanting to touch her and act on perverted thoughts as a child that were NOT normal for my age or in general. And sometimes I would sneakily act on them - which as I'm reflecting on right now makes me think that me KNOWINGLY trying to be sneaky and act on perverted thoughts at that young of an age had to have carried on with me as I got older (contributing to my porn addiction).. And then the last thing that I vividly remember was when I was probably 10-12 years old is when again we were actually kind of aggressively play fighting, somehow ended up with each other's hands DOWN THERE mutually and we kept going on with each other until she made me.... yeah. And that was the last memory I had of what started out as us "playing doctor". Fast forward to current date since that last memory and we've never spoken about those experiences (more on that later). Going onto the actual exposure of pornography and WATCHING porn, I was exposed to it somewhere in between the same timeframe as when I'd play doctor and the last memory of us playing (somewhere between the ages of 8-12). I can vividly remember the scene that played late at night on the tv that my parents had left on (I shared a room with them). And then moving forward from there, somewhere in between I would find videos on YouTube of this "prank" channel where he'd go up to paid actors, bet that if he beat them in rock paper scissors that they'd have to make out with him. And as a young kid at the time seeing a girl in a bikini making out with a guy as he grabbed on her ass just made me horny and I learned to masturbate from there. And I cant think of a stronger dopamine hit for a 8-12 year old little me at the time than seeing those videos and pleasuring myself. After this, I'd hit middle school where I was bullied a lot, all while lacking social skills necessary to make any genuine friends or deal with the emotional turmoil of being bullied. Fast forward a few months and I think I just progressively began to normalize using porn as a coping mechanism - All the way from whenever I just got mad while dying repetitively on the videogame, to avoiding the fact that I hated my life everyday that I went to school. I'd use porn to receive that "good feeling" whenever I could. And I think my sexual addiction got worse when I began touching myself in the shower almost everyday in middle school to the imagination of the pretty girls that were at my school, even though I had neverarely talked to some of them. It was just a thing for me where every night I took a shower, I closed my eyes and fantasized about doing stuff with them. And then the cycles of me normalizing these things continued and eventually I found out about REAL porn sites.
Progression of my addiction to current day: So shortly after finding the real porn sites I entirely opted to use those as much as possible as the cycle continued. So by my freshman year of high school I was already using porn sites regularly. I remember during summer and winter breaks, sometimes I'd sleep at my grandmas and stay up all night switching from ejaculating to porn, to watching my favorite youtuber and streamers, to going back to jerking off. It was a multiple times a day/night occurrence OFTEN. Sometimes even during the middle of the day I'd pretend to use the bathroom but really I had a porn video pulled up and I watched until I was done. And as time progressed one video didn't exactly cut it for me. I don't think its that I couldn't get off to the first video, but more so that I just had the urge to see more and didn't want to nut yet. I didn't even know if I was purposely edging or not. I did not even understand that edging was a concept yet. Its just something that occurred naturally for me. And during all of this, I am still somewhere in the age range of 13-15. Consistently ejaculating to pornography, further exploring the more basic categories of porn like anal and lesbian. I think a notable memory was one of the first times I watched porn in the middle of work during summer break (extended family owns a construction company so I worked over breaks). It's crazy because in construction all we have are porta-potties that are always hot and nasty and the urge just came over me one day to pretend like I was using the bathroom and get one off before I went back... I don't think I even realized at the time that I had an addiction because this was still early high school. It was just something I looked at as a good feeling and whenever the urges came to me I took any chance I got to fulfill them. Even if I was sharing a room with a family member, I'd be as slow and quit as I could, touch myself under the covers, finish in my underwear and then showechange the next morning like it was normal. Moving forward, this type of behavior continues all the way throughout high school and the feeling of ejaculating just is not as intense as it use to be, so I look up ways to spice it up and I tried shit all the way from sitting on my own hand til it goes sort or numb so it "feels like someone else is touching you", to doing it in more risky places like my backyard outside when I was home alone and had my pants pulled down all the way, to whatever else I could try. Reflecting back, I just look at all these actions as the progressions of a sexual/porn addiction that is still developing. And this is how I rationalize the way I developed a porn addiction. Now it wasn't AWFUL in high school but it was getting bad. I realized that I had actually had a bad addiction that needed to be addressed a few months after graduating high school. From that point forward It was something that I had acknowledged was an issue but nonetheless, continued to do out of habit and as a continued coping mechanism. Whether it was from the lack of relationships, to my current life situation/direction I was headed in, or just any negative emotion - I used porn to release. Sometimes I'd even just do it out of boredom, not even because I had a dying urge to get one off. And then after that point of realization, I sat in "depression" for a few months still going about my everyday life until one day my dad mentioned that I should try therapy. He knew nothing about the addiction but I did let him know I feel depressed and the many struggles that I faced - which I believe is due to my porn addiction. So long story short, I go to therapy for about 3 sessions and end up dropping it because it just wasn't something I felt was helping or enjoyed (more on that later). From there to current day, I've gone at MOST one week periods attempting to quit porn and every time I relapse. From the age of 1 to-current day 21 years old, the progression of the categories of porn that I watch has grown and a few different fetishes like face sitting, femdom, and role play has increased. I don't NEED to watch these specific categories to get off, however these are ones I've found myself most recently watching and edging to, sometimes for 1-3 hours at a time, usually at night on weekends or before I fall asleep. And to take it a step further, I had started pouring money into camgirl sites, phone sex sites, only fans, etc.. I live with my parents still so it's not to the point that I'm broke and have no money, but still what the fuck am I doing putting my hard earned money into a porn addiction... (I'm a functioning adult on a pathway to financial freedom, more on this later).
Main struggles from my PA and how I go about everyday life to heal: So I believe that the main struggles with my porn addiction consist of: the inability/struggle to create and maintain healthy relationships, low self esteem, poor social skills, lack of motivation, and the cognitive dissonance of continuing my addiction to porn even though morally I believe it is wrong to lust over. I believe all of these struggles that come with porn are connected to each other - minus the cognitive dissonance. But everything else kind of stacks on top of each other. So my thought process is that I already dealt w/ low self esteem and confidence from a very young age, and porn just completely enhanced those problems and made it even harder to fix/work on. If you're anything like me and have watched videos on the sciences of porn on your brain, and possible struggles that we deal with, I'm assuming you know how it goes for the most part. I'd say I show symptoms of all effects of being a porn addict, however I've learned to "act normal" to an extent. Like YES I struggle to make friends and hold conversations with people in general but I can make it happen. Sure it'll be a little awkward depending on who I'm speaking to, but I feel like I act normal enough to not be a total outcast and all out weirdo around people. But I just feel like every relationship I have with anyone is extremely surface level or unfulfilling. I feel like as a person I lack so much substance and personality due to the fact that I never really put myself out there and learned social skills when I was coming up. My mindset was molded into something like "keep your head down and stay out the way" in order to avoid conflict. So I never really put myself out there to develop any type of super crazy/interesting personality. I work, play videogames, go to the gym, watch anime. I feel like there's not much else - which might also be a side affect of my porn addiction. Lack of emotion. And I refuse to call it depression. Kind of got red pilled by Andrew Tate Philosophy and it entirely HAS helped me. Maybe it's real, maybe it's not - because when I was fresh out of high school and hyper focused on the bad parts of my life, I felt depressed as shit. Legit like I couldn't do anything to fix it. And the more I identified as "depressed" the more I allowed myself to look for things in my life to confirm that belief. So eventually I went on a self improvement journey and just stopped allowing "depression" to hold power over me. Now I don't believe in it so it's not something that can hold me down in that crippling way. HOWEVER, I DO believe in just being in a shitty situation - which is what I feel like having a porn addiction along with it's effects and symptoms is. It's a shitty situation and I can either allow it to keep ruining my life OR I can get up everyday and attempt to fix it. And I refuse to play the victim card. Sure, I may have been exposed to some fucked up shit at a young age and used porn as a coping mechanism. There is no denying that it happened and that it may have been unfair and out of my control. YES, that's my problem. I may be a victim of pornography but I do not have to ALLOW it to continue to ruin my life. Easier said than done but it's definitely possible and I will not blame my lack of discipline or call it "depression" because I'm unable to quit. The way I see it is, there is a lot of shit that happened to me in the past that I have to come to terms with, and then I must come up with a plan to improve and learn how to be better. For example, struggling to hold eye contact with people, hold basic conversation with people (specifically women), find confidence within myself, become more social, etc... These are all skills that we can practice and learn. Simply by going outside and putting ourselves in uncomfortable situations that allow us to put the reps in. I believe that if I quit porn and start walking up to 10 strangers a day and try having simple conversations with them, in time I can only get better at being social and connecting with people. It's gonna suck and feel like shit at first, but I truly believe that it's a way to improve and get better. As I stand in my current situation I would say I have a lot of work to do but I'm still a functioning addict. I have friendships and relationships with family but they are very lack luster and I long for something deeper and more intimate. I know I'm not ugly and have the ability to pull a good looking girl, shit I've turned down this really pretty girl who always asks to hangout simply due to the fact that I feel like I'm gonna fuck it up and have bad social skills. And its getting to a point where friends and family are wondering why I haven't had a girlfriend in years. Overall its a lack of self esteem, which hinders me from being able to confidently put myself out there as a person who's deserving of love/companionship, which then makes me sort of self isolate and stray away from any type of connection or opportunity to be vulnerable. Which just leads me to feeling like a loser or someone that is undeserving of love because I'm just in a shitty situation. And yeah. Its kind of a self sabotaging cycle because I feel like I understand what's going on but I don't have the discipline and don't put the work in to get better. But that's just my two cents. This post was extremely long and I probably rifted off topic a few times and had my thoughts all over the place, and I still have a lot more I could give input about but this is the jist of everything
If anyone has a support group or needs someone to talk to, 1. I'd like to join the group, or 2. Feel free to message me for any support or conversation.
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2024.05.16 06:56 Own_Tower3454 Help: Want to move in with bf, how do I have that conversation with my mom?

Any and all perspectives help more than you know. I don’t have anybody to really talk about this with so any and all guidance or help is appreciated. It’s a lot to read, I might yap but it isn’t without reason lmao.
CONTEXT IS IMPORTANT for the sake of understanding. Sorry if it’s long but any advice/help/opinions would be greatly appreciated, really anything helps. I’m 19 years old and have just finished my spring semester of college. Sort of. I went to a big college first out of town, my main financial aid fucked me over (& didn’t let me know until a week after classes started), so I had to switch at semester to my home state’s university. Anyway, this year was kind of tough for me lost a couple family members & my boyfriend had it rough, lost his best friend and dad within a few months of each other. Then we find out I’m pregnant. I wasn’t sure what I really wanted to do but didn’t get to make that choice either because I miscarried sometime later. The whole situation was hard & my life felt like a fuckfest that came crashing down so I went back to my hometown & figured out stuff with school, finished everything mostly online and passed. While back in my hometown, I stayed with my boyfriend.
My boyfriend is 19 and we’ve been together a year & a half but known and been friends with each other since middle school. We actually dated in the 8th grade until he had to move out of state, then when he came back we started hanging out and here we are. My circle is small & I don’t ever really make or have any friends but he’s my absolute best friend. Even if we wouldn’t have chose to date after he came back to town, I’m convinced we would’ve been good friends. That’s just the type of person he is and we were great friends before (with acknowledgment that we’re not 14 anymore ofc). My family liked him or seemed to at least put on a really good front that they liked him, especially my mom.
It’s a well known fact in my family that my mom and I just don’t get along. She kept me quite literally locked away as the Cinderella child, especially in high school I was kept on a very tight leash when I did go out and do stuff. Yeah I had my fun still when she wasn’t in a bad mood/something didn’t need cleaned/ a child didn’t need to be picked up/dropped off. My friends in high school never invited me ANYWHERE lmao but after a while I just kinda dealt w it to avoid her taking my whole life away. I didn’t know how to use a crosswalk like in intersections until I was 15 lmao I was so sheltered sorry ANYWAYS, I turned 18 and it was like I had a brand new mother for a bit until the fear of me leaving wore off.
Long story short, the summer before I left for college (last summer) I didn’t have anywhere else to go & my only friend wasn’t in any position to help me out so I moved in with boyfriend. My mom did the absolute most, almost got me fired from my job & ambulance ended up being called from how much of a tantrum she threw. It was so ridiculous that she refused to tell anybody what happened when people asked because she said it’s too embarrassing for her.
Just like that, she flipped and was saying some terrible stuff about my boyfriend. He had a VERY rough upbringing which I was honest about when she asked me questions about him & his parents NOT for sympathy but for the sake of understanding just cause he comes & walks from a different line of people. She took that and twisted the narrative to make him seem like some sort of charity case that took advantage of her such generous & good graces. She’s called him the hungry kid who hung out w her daughter. She said he’s no longer allowed at the house just out of spite. He never ever said a word to her or anybody or about her when she had the worst to say about him, he never was disrespectful or like even showed up to the house idrk what that was for. Even when I moved out & she drained my entire savings I had worked for since I was 15, he never said anything bad about her just that i was going to be okay and he’s gonna help me figure it out. Not only that but she shunned me for a long long time & refused to talk and look at me after I moved out, which made me feel incredibly guilty and like I had to see her and my siblings every single day to compensate. My little brother is 5 and doesn’t really understand, but my mom didn’t try to enlighten him or kid proof it and just let him scream and cry and claw at my legs whenever I’d leave the house.
If you’re still reading thank you sm. Fast forward to today, I went to college, I was pregnant & miscarried, finished my semester and am back in my hometown. Over the breaks in college, I’ve stayed at my moms cause she expected me to and our relationship has gotten so much better with distance. Between her and boyfriend, they were my biggest support especially with recent event. The only conversation they’ve had is when him and I went to talk to my mom in person when I found out I was pregnant. Not sure where she stands with him, I’m sure she doesn’t like him still and probably hates him more since we did technically make her worst fear as a mother come true at age 19. Im living with her again mainly cause I don’t want to be shunned again and i physically cant deal with the debilitating anxiety and guilt every single day, I wanted to try to focus my energy on healing from my miscarriage with other stuff before I have to start classes at the community college here. Boyfriends house family is getting very challenging for him and is deteriorating his mental health, so he wants to get a place regardless. I really just want my own space where I’m not feeling constantly overstimulated and I miss living with him a lot if I’m being honest. We make the best team and it’s so easy with him. I catch myself getting so excited looking at furniture even from the thrift or cooking meals with him or decorating with our fkn forest of plants combined lmao. I miss him making breakfast for me before I wake up and folding laundry together and grocery shopping with him. He’s paying 6 months rent in advance so I don’t have to worry about getting enough hours & can enjoy my summer and actually rest, both of us have a pretty thick cushion to fall back on too just in case. So finances aren’t a problem I don’t think tell me if I’m wrong please. My mom isn’t too keen on the idea I think she just doesn’t want me to make the same mistakes she made, which I understand all too well because I was also there and she was left with half of every pair of shoes she owned, I mean he took literally half of everything. Even in the case that we do break up and then I’m stuck with an apartment with my ex and have completely fucked myself over, at least I was able to make my own mistake for the first time and learned from it? I don’t know what to tell my mom or how the conversation should go. I don’t wanna be shunned again but then again I’ve never once been able to just do something and justify it with “it’s my life”. Idk, advice/thoughts/bullshit/opinions please please please help. Have a blessed day, thank you. I appreciate your time & input more than you know, I don’t have anybody to bounce ideas around with.
submitted by Own_Tower3454 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:56 Careless-Wish-4563 Type her

She is the adoptive mother of my former best friend. In spite of the fact that she is a white woman, she adopted my former best friend, who is a black girl much like myself.
I remember that in middle school, she gave off the impression to me of being fake (which doesn’t mean that I disliked her, exactly. She was just one of those people who seemed noticeably fake in regards to facial expressions, the way she spoke.) She didn’t seem like someone who had actively ill will or anything like that, though I obviously knew her only as my friend’s parent. She was the kind of parent who had her child around other people a lot/raised her child around people (my former best friend has better social skills than I do, and I do think that that is a factor.) She was not married and didn’t seem to be dating anyone, even though as I said, she looked normal for a woman in her age group.
I remember her as being what I considered to be average looking. She had a gap between her teeth, was not overweight, I seem to remember she had blonde hair when younger (it seems she’s started to grey a bit more which makes sense.) I realized recently that she is actually in her early sixties, even though I had thought she was in her fifties in middle school (well, I suppose she was, but I still didn’t expect that she is sixty-two years old. She started college in 1978, so unless she graduated early and it was never mentioned to me, it seems that she is.)
She suggested on her therapy page that she has practiced “personal therapy” to cope with anxiety from moving around frequently as a child, in addition to having had a family member who was addicted to substances in order to help themselves cope with childhood trauma. My former best friend had once implied/suggested that she herself was promiscuous in high school, which I wouldn’t have been able to guess.
I remember that she wasn’t (isn’t) well off - they had a house, which is more than my family has (my family has always lived in an apartment complex) but I remember she encouraged my former best friend to start at community college as she mentioned that they didn’t have the money.
She is now a licensed marriage and family therapist (I remember she was going back to school for her degree in psychology when I was in middle school.) She was simply a therapist around 2021-summer 2022. She has been a paralegal for most of her life.
I remember that she didn’t seem extremely sad after her mother died. I think that it was part of the reason as to why my former best friend changed so much around eighth grade, but she never looked especially depressed, even out in public (but I remember she was helping care for her mother.) Since her mother was very old, it is possible that she had simply been expecting it. However, I also understand that everyone has different ways of grieving.
I remember we were once gossiping about this INTJ girl in middle school and I mentioned the INTJ had a strong stare and the mom actually agreed with this instead of just shutting it down
I do think that something was off about her parenting at some point, even though it’s hard to pinpoint what exactly. I say this because as I mentioned, my former best friend changed a lot in 8th grade and actually became more toxic. I also remember my former best friend would let our friend group talk badly about her mother behind her mother’s back. I believe my former best friend may have undiagnosed depression (I remember in 8th grade she and this girl we hung out with mentioned that they remember being very angry at points in elementary school and throwing things - I heavily had the impression that both were struggling with depression even back then, but my former best friend never mentioned being in therapy.) And in 9th grade my former best friend’s behavior toward me was still quite toxic and unacceptable (I actually remember the mom encouraged us to hang out again, I think she noticed my former best friend’s had changed for the worst.)
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2024.05.16 06:56 EDH8900 24 [M4F] #HoChiMinhCity - Looking for FWB in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

I'm currently 24 years old, living in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. I'm 163cm tall, weigh 70kg, and I'm a bit chubby. Looking for a female FWB around the same age (around 5 years above or below). I don't care much for appearance so is anyone interested?
Vietnamese: Mình năm nay 24 tuổi, hiện sống ở TP. Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam. Mình cao 1m63, nặng 70kg và dáng người hơi béo. Mình muốn tìm kiếm bạn nữ FWB cỡ tuổi mình (lớn hơn hoặc bé hơn 5 tuổi). Mình ko quan tâm ngoại hình lắm nên có ai hứng thú ko?
submitted by EDH8900 to MakeNewFWBHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:56 ChampionPositive9269 Laparoscopy cancellation a blessing in disguise!

Heyo, 26F from South Australia here, suffer from Endometriosis, Adenomyosis, PCOS, Vaginismus, Vulvodynia, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I've been on a wild ride of emotions this past week, thought the curious turn of events might entertain someone!
I was booked in for an Endoscopy/Colonoscopy last Thursday the 9th of May, and booked for a Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy, Cystoscopy & Endo Excision (possible laparoscopic hysterectomy also depending on development/progression of Adenomyosis) on Monday the 13th of May.
I imagine there's quite a few uterus having people in this group that have had to go through the increasingly grotesque waterfall of hell that is colonoscopy prep. Not surprisingly this was stupidly painful due to the Endometriosis surrounding my bowels and the Adenomyosis deciding to flare - also the fact that I didn't absorb my pill properly because of the 'clean out'. The pain from this alone was just horrific and by the time I walked into the hospital to be admitted for day surgery I was doubled over and in tears from the pain. A gentleman in a walker actually moved chairs so I could sit down asap so I must have looked a right mess.
Had the scopes done, woke up from the sedation and pretty quickly ended up crying and wailing in the fetal position from the pain. The hospital pharmacy took 45 minutes to get me any pain relief because "people don't normally have this reaction to a colonoscopy/endoscopy" - a lot of people don't have Endo & cysts around the affected area, mate. I figured it was all just Endo/Adeno flare from the scopes pushing things about.
Once on top of the pain, I was told there was very little found in the scopes, some inflammation in my stomach (gastritis) which has been biopsied just in case, but luckily no indication of Endo being inside the bowels & stomach. Got released that day, told there might be some minor rectal bleeding and some 'gassy' feelings. Mum drove me home (live 2 hours away from the hospital that they did the procedure). The next few days were interesting. Increasing stomach pain and twisting/writing feeling all through my abdomen, plus severe rectal pain, pretty inline with regular old Endo.
About 4:00pm on Friday afternoon, I received a phone call from the hospital that had my laparoscopy booked for Monday - they have no anesthetist available. The next available date with my surgeon is the 8th of July. I have spent weeks preparing myself for this operation, booking time off work, prepping meals, organizing contractors to replace me at work for recovery, organizing accomodation closer to the hospital, organising house sitters, pet sitters, my partner and parents booking time off work and accomodation to be near me and help me. I was ropable, I was so upset and beside myself. Felt hopeless and like I'd never get help or relief, it will just keep getting postponed and no one cares, since when do 26 year old women need to be able to walk and function anyway?? Plus have a possible POTS diagnosis on its way that needs to wait till after the operation.
The pain and rectal bleeding got worse over the weekend, I was getting nervous and nearly passing out from the spasming pain. Thought maybe it was constipation but no. I was taken along to the doctor yesterday for an interesting update. Because the Endometriosis on the outside of my bowels & colon is so prevalent that it's basically 'tacked' and stuck the outside of the colon together, so every time the colonoscope went around a corner, I was left with tiny little splits in the innermost layer of my colon. Hence the pain and bleeding.
This means, had I gone in for my laparoscopy on Monday, apparently they would have done initial incisions and camera insertion, seen all the inflammation and refused to do the operation, likely meaning I would be back on another 12-24 month wait list. Now I have 7 weeks to let things heal before having the bigger operation. Spending the remainder of this week under my electric heated throw rug with the cats.
Something I thought was the worst thing in the world 3 days ago, is now a massive relief. God this disease and it's comorbidities are a fucking rollercoaster!
submitted by ChampionPositive9269 to endometriosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:56 jackrabbit9091 19M - Cali/any looking to make friends!

Hey there! I'm a 19-year-old aspiring software engineer and self-proclaimed geek from California. In my free time, I love exploring the great outdoors—whether it's boating on the weekends, hiking scenic trails, or playing sports with friends. I'm also fascinated by true crime and can spend hours engrossed in documentaries or podcasts on the subject. Additionally, I'm passionate about giving back to my community through volunteering. Described as a fun-loving individual, I enjoy spending time with my close-knit group of friends, but I'm always eager to expand my social circle. If you're looking for an engaging conversation, tech advice, or just a friendly chat, don't hesitate to reach out. I'm also infatuated with tattoos so if you have any feel free to share, Let's skip the small talk and build some meaningful connections!
submitted by jackrabbit9091 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:55 Secret_Process_7910 I (23F) think my boyfriend (25M) is cheating on me again - what do I do?

Hi everyone, this is my first time posting one reddit and it's a quite of a long question, but I just don't know what to do.
My boyfriend and I have been together 3 years and we've lived together almost all of that time. Almost a year (11 months) ago I found out he was cheating on me (kinda? idk, I'll explain). He had been using reddit to find snapchat accounts for girls to exchange nudes with. He'd been doing it for about 2 months and with about 10 girls (that I know of). They would normally sext a bit and then not talk again. I confronted him and he admitted to me that he had/has a porn addition, and that he'd been doing this type of thing on and off since he was about 15. He said he never really saw it as cheating because to him it was kinda like "interactive porn". He said that it almost felt like a seperate part of his life and he couldn't connect with the part of himself that did it. He said it was only when he actually saw the effect it had on me that what he was doing became real to him.
Anyway, we decided to work through it and he started going to therapy to work on himself/his porn addition. It took a bit of time to get back to normal, but eventually our relationship returned to normal and we've been pretty good recently. Here's the thing: most of his bad behaviours/actions are due to low self esteem. He struggles to accept good things in his life and so tends to self-sabotage them (which was part of the reason the cheating happened in the first place). It also kinda follows a cycle - every 6(ish) months he'll do something really bad that we need to heal from (e.g. the cheating, getting super drunk and doing something dumb, etc). It's gotten a lot better since he's started therapy, but the cycle is basically like this: we're doing really well, he does something to self-sabotage, the relationship struggles and we have to heal/build up trust again for 1 or 2 months, the relationship recovers and we do well for 4 or 5 months, the cycle repeats.
I'm worried because it's been almost 6 months since the last incident. Our relationship has been pretty good recently, but the last time he cheated we were in such a good place and that's why he sabotaged it, so us doing well doesn't really put my mind at ease.
I've noticed recently that he's started being a bit more secretive with his phone again. For example, he'll tell me about some funny shit he saw on reddit, but when I ask to see the post he doesn't show me and says he'll send it to me. It doesn't matter how many times I ask to see it, it won't give me his phone. Another example: the other night I was in our bedroom and he was in the kitchen. I didn't have my phone but I needed a calculator, so I asked to use his because it was on the bed. He said yes, but then immediately came into the bedroom, watched me use the calculator and then asked for his phone so he could watch a YouTube video.
When he first cheated, to regain/build up trust in our relationship he gave me the passwords to all his social media and we had a deal I could go through his phone anytime I wanted. As soon as I felt like things were back on track, I logged out of everything (and deleted the passwords so I couldn't log in again). I also stopped going through his phone a few months back, and we've been really good at communicating - I'll normally just ask him outright how he's doing with the porn addiction and if there's anything I should know (he always says no). I don't want to ask to go through his phone again because that feels like a huge step backwards and I know it'll make our relationship feel tense/weird for a few days, but something just feels off. I just don't want to do anything rash because I do have quite severe anxiety and it might just be projection, but it's around the point in the cycle where something bad happens, I've noticed a bit of a disconnect between us (more unnecessary fights and stuff) and then there's the phone secrecy too.
What should I do? I love him endlessly and I know he loves me, but I don't want to ignore warning signs and brush them off as me being paranoid if they're not, ya know?
Sorry it's so long...thank you! :)
submitted by Secret_Process_7910 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:53 Aggressive-Jelly-180 Changes I'd make for the Super Smash Bros. Playable Fighters part 1: Smash 64

Welcome to the series of Changes to be Made to the Super Smash Bros. Playable Fighters. First, we are going with the playable fighters of the original game, Smash 64. Now this topic has been done before, though it'd to make my own version. Plus, while some did get some proper changes, the original 12 are still the biggest offenders when it comes to bad or outdated choices of Movesets, animations, aesthetics, etc. Here is a list of them.
Donkey Kong:
Power Suit Samus:
Captain Falcon:
And, there you go. This took a little while, though i hope to hear your feelings about these changes (as long as your reasons for your feelings are good). Any changes that you want to see to the original 12 that i didn't mention and did i misplace some moves? or did i add a change that was unnecessary? It'd be cool to see what other people can come up with.
submitted by Aggressive-Jelly-180 to smashbros [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:52 Spellinf_errord I was someone’s side piece and it’s eating me inside

I want to start this off by saying that I am in no way looking for sympathy for what I did. While I am aware I was not fully at fault due to being extremely mentally unwell, taken advantage of, and lied too, given the chance to go back i time I would have never have done what I did.
To make a long fucking story short after nearly making a “permanent stage exit” (if you catch my drift) in 2021 I got back in touch with a friend from high school who used the knowledge that I was extremely mentally unwell to lovebomb and manipulate me into doing things I wish I hadn’t. Because he was the only person I was talking to at the time I believed him when he said he loved me and I began to change my entire life to try and do anything I could to keep him with me when the lovebombing ended and he got what he wanted out of me.
Before we hooked up I was aware of two things. One, he was polyamorous (which in hindsight was a very obvious lie to coverup the fact he was cheating on his partner with me). And two: he had a partner who agreed to being in an open relationship. However, he fessed up about this being a lie about one month into us being together because I kept asking when he was going to tell his partner about me and he couldn’t take it anymore. (I know I’m fucking stupid for not seeing the red flags earlier - also no shade to people who are actually polyamorous).
I would have left but he had me truly convinced that no one else in my life loved me and that he was going to eventually tell his partner. What a shocking twist that he kept pushing it off and that his partner started to catch wind of what was happening. I was over at this dude’s house so much and he wouldn’t let me leave the room when they would call and his partner at some point stopped buying the “just a friend” line so my ex would lock me in his bathroom sometimes for hours on end because he didn’t want me to go home while they called.
We were about 4 months in when my ex dropped another bombshell on me - him and his partner were planning on getting engaged in less then a year. This finally snapped some sense (not all of it though unfortunately) into me and I gave him an ultimatum: come clean to his partner so that he could actually attempt to be polyamorous or I was leaving. So in an attempt to do the first he set up a phone call between his partner, himself, and me so we could kind of talk things out. In retrospect what this actually was was a conversation where he made me lie to his partner on the spot about not being anything more than friends.
Flash forward two months and I finally got my shit together and left. But I still feel awful for lying to his partner.
My ex had painted his partner to be a narcissistic sociopath but I’m not sure that’s true because nothing he told me (or anyone else for that matter) ever was. I feel I was complicit in gaslighting his partner and I feel his partner deserves an apology.
I don’t think that they are still together because I found out that I wasn’t the first “friend” my ex had and that he slept with at least four other girls during the 6 months we were together. (He also low key stalked a guy he thought was cute for a couple of months).
Regardless though, I feel like I should reach out and offer an apology. His partner does not need to forgive me nor do I expect them to but the fact that I may be able to give his partner peace of mind by telling them that they weren’t crazy is something I’ve been thinking about.
I’m open to suggestions on what to do and I’m open to criticism too (I know I deserve it). I don’t ever want to make someone feel that way again and I feel sick inside knowing that someone may be actively suffering the consequences of my poor past decision making skills. They really don’t deserve to bear the brunt of my selfishness and even though it’s been three years it worries me still. I want to be better.
There’s more to this story and I have left out some details for simplicity’s sake but also for the sake of not shifting the blame away from me. There were other reasons I had for staying but I’m afraid if I talk about them they will overshadow the fact that I am still partially at fault. However, I’m happy to answer anything that clarifies things.
submitted by Spellinf_errord to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:50 Memphistopheles901 Gen 2 roof trim warping

Any information on this? Noticed it today on my '22 BE - the plastic trim along the rear of the roof above the back window is warped on the left side. Not sure how long it's been that way, but I think it's recent. My pics aren't great but it's very noticeable.
I found a couple of old forum threads about early gen 2's having this problem and the answer seems to be to replace the trim piece. Annoying on a near 50k 2 year old vehicle with 20k miles on it. Guess I'll harass the dealer over it.
submitted by Memphistopheles901 to hondaridgeline [link] [comments]

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submitted by AutoModerator to globalpromo [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:46 ajmata2 Tire Recommendations

Hi all!
I've got a 2005 Toyota RAV4 (215/70R16). I acquired this car from my parents a couple years ago, and I've been trying to keep up with maintenance now that the title was officially signed over to my name. (unimportant context) I had a problem with the driver-side, front wheel assembly in which the shock, spindle, and ball socket were dented, which caused the wheel alignment to pull right. This pretty much made my right tire bald. See the attached picture:
Now that I've got my issues with the assembly fixed, I want to replace the tires immediately so I don't throw away all the work and money I put into the car.
I currently have the Bridgestone Dueler H/L on my vehicle, and I drive in Chicago and Southern Illinois mostly. I'm going to opt with Costco because I appreciate the free installation, maintenance, and warranty - but I'm undecided on which tire to actually go with. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. My four options, which are all all-season tires, are:
Michelin - Defender LTX M/S - $221.99 per tire, warranty 70k
BFGoodrich - Advantage Control - $151.99 per tire, warranty 75k
Bridgestone - Weatherpeak - $202.99 per tire, warranty 70k
Bridgestone - ECOPIA H/L 422 PLUS - $196.99 per tire, warranty 70k
I've checked tirerack reviews for each, but I'm still unsure on which one to go forward with. Michelin seems like the highest quality option, but a little out of price range given that it's a fairly old car. BFGoodrich seems too good to be true with that price. I would also buy an extra for the spare that hangs on the back of the Toyota - so 5 wheels in total. I'm truthfully just looking for something comparable to what I have now.
Thank you in advance for any advice that you can offer.
submitted by ajmata2 to tires [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:44 Tarvats 19F - Looking for someone who understands...

Hello everyone, my name is Grace, i am a 19 year old blonde girl from Utah, America, the thing that i cannot admit irl and would like to admit here is that i am a proud lesbian
So yea if you are cool with that i would love to be friends with you, i love gaming, i have a switch oled that i love, i am a mormon christian by religion and i am practicing, i really love flowers too, i love travelling but i have never travelled
If you want we could discuss politics too however its a bit weird with me since i grew up in a conservative state so i have some right wing views yet i happen to love girls lol
So if you think i am a good person to be friends with, do message me on reddit chat!!
submitted by Tarvats to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:44 anacrucix Tempering - "+Lightning Bolt Damage %"

I love the idea of simplifying the item system, and tempering seems like a cool addition.
I'm running a druid, I'm level 25, trying to exploit the new tempering system to just make my own build and do my own thing, so far so good.
I got a tempering manual for movement speed and rolled it onto 2 items. +7.5% on both, nice! That's +15% movement speed!
I use a lot of lightning skills so decided I would roll the lightning bolt damage onto as many items as possible, I've got it on 4 now!
+85%, +95%, +75%, +80% - not perfect rolls but we are early in the game and that adds up to what, +300% lightning bolt damage.
I'm excited to head out of town and zap some stuff, butmy damage doesn't feel increased at all. I check the damage on my lightning strike skill - 230-260. I remove my gloves with +80% and check my damage again - 224-253.
Is there a cap to the +%age increase that I just can't see mentioned anywhere?
submitted by anacrucix to Diablo [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:44 AutoNewspaperAdmin [ZA] - Teenager in police custody after a three-year-old boy was raped in a Limpopo village IOL

[ZA] - Teenager in police custody after a three-year-old boy was raped in a Limpopo village IOL submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:44 SageDaffodil What is your dream card to own?

My personal dream card would be an artist proof, sketched - Hanna, Ships Navigator.
I know, this is certainly a pet card for many people, but for me it's my grail. I have had my Hanna, Ships Navigator EDH deck together for almost 20 years, though it has went through several changes and designs, it has never come apart. It is the only deck I have had for so long, and it will forever hold a special place in my heart as it was the very first EDH deck I built by myself.
Now, my original deck did feature the Dave Dorman art, and I keep a foil copy of that version with my Signed Copy of Therese Nielsen's art in the command zone. They both mean a lot to me, one representing my introduction to EDH and the other representing my renewed love for the old characters and lore; something I find myself growing more and more fond of as time passes.
Anyway, what are some of you all's dream cards to own?
submitted by SageDaffodil to mtg [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:40 CommonPresentGames CommonPresent Games: Five Nights at Bingo's

Bingo's Chicken has opened up! Meet their dog animatronic mascot Bingo, or stop in for a burger!
NIGHT 1 - Citrus The Toucan and Blossom The Cat are now active.
NIGHT 2 - Buttercup The Cat, their old scrapped mascot design being used for parts, is now active.
NIGHT 3 - Bingo The Dog is now active.
Your office has a door on the left side, and a door on the right side. It also has an air vent on the ceiling.
There are 6 main cameras. They are all the Show Stage, Dining Area, Left Hallway, Right Hallway, Lobby, and the Kitchen.
There are 4 vent cameras. They are all the Left Hallway Vent, Right Hallway Vent, Lobby Vent, and the Kitchen Vent. If you hear a banging sound, check the vents and quickly seal the one that the animatronic is banging on. Only Blossom, Bingo, and Buttercup will do this, though.
You will unlock the Overtime mode after completing Night 5. This will unlock you Night 6 and Night 7. During these nights, there will be a 7th camera, which is Toucan's Corner. This allows for you to check up on the toucan easier, but on Night 7, it will get replaced with Shadow Buttercup.
submitted by CommonPresentGames to u/CommonPresentGames [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:40 kimagureprince I Quit The Day Job For My Dream - Want a Free Website Designed?

Hey everyone!
So I've finally pulled the trigger—handed in my notice and I'm prepping to dive full-time into my own enterprise. It’s been a long time coming, probably should've made the move a couple of years ago, but better late than never, right?
I’m shifting gears and taking charge of my professional life. As a web designer, I've always been more of a behind-the-scenes guy. Now, I'm aiming to change that by stepping out and making some meaningful connections.
My game plan? To create 25 high-quality websites over the upcoming quarter. I'm banking on this not only to establish myself but also to expand my network.
Let's be real, it's a big endeavor but anything's better than spending another few decades in my old job. So I'm casting a wide net here. While I'd love to collaborate with other entrepreneurs, I'm open to just about anyone who needs web help.
If you’re in the market for a new website, a revamp, or anything in between, let’s connect and see how I can add value to your project. What do you say?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by kimagureprince to sonomacounty [link] [comments]