School bus engine diagram


2024.05.29 05:29 PathConscious179 Transfer

If I go to UOFT CS for first year and want to transfer to let’s say western for something like engineering, can I do it if I have never taken the engineering prerequisites in high school? And also how does the transferring process work? Any website for info?
submitted by PathConscious179 to OntarioUniversities [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:25 Icy-Birthday-4710 I’m really debating whether pursuing a degree in mechanical engineering or Architecture which one should I do?

I'm currently a high school student and I will be applying to colleges next year. I've always been fascinated by the built environment and just designing. I would like to take architecture however I heard it is not worth it for the amount of work and effort put it and architecture schools is expensive.I would like to also take mechanical engineering because I heard there's more opportunities and I would still be designing but it would be more technical. I really want to be financially free and not to have to worry about drowning in debt.
submitted by Icy-Birthday-4710 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:22 M1ST_SKY Chance Me: MIT, Caltech, Stanford, Purdue, Georgia Tech

Demographics: White Male, Mother has Bachelors of Science, Family income of 98k, Title 1 School, Small town (~16k residents)
Stats: 11 APs - Calc AB & BC, Bio, APUSH, Euro, Gov, Psych, Lang, Lit, Chem, Physics C I assume all scores will be a 5.
3.98 unweighted gpa 4.54 Weighted gpa (0.333 weight for honors classes & 1.0 for AP)
Currently 5th in class, hope to get 1st or 2nd next year
36 ACT Composite (36 for all sub scores)
ECs: 1) Speech & Debate - Freshman Year 2) DECA - Sophomore-Senior Year (President) 3) Community Service Club - Junior Year 4) NHS - Junior & Senior Years 5) JV Tennis - Sophomore-Senior Year 6) Supermilage - Senior Year 7) Robotics? - Maybe Senior Year 8) Private Pilot License: - received my pilots license on my 17th birthday. Less than 500 pilots are 17 in the world. This took me over a year to complete and is my passion 9) Mitchell Flight Club: Elected Club secretary by over 40 members. I manage intra club communications. This club has 2 airplanes and hangars. I help coordinate monthly meetings aswell. 10) Projects: - currently working on designing a wind tunnel, have made model rockets, worked with 3D printing, made rc planes, arduinos, some coding, plan on designing parts to make my car more fuel efficient by lowering drag coefficient.
Summer programs: 1) Missouri Scholars Academy: - Top 300 students in Missouri are selected to go to this month long program at mizzou. Every Missouri student has a chance to get in. 2) Boys State: I plan on running for governor but I have not participated in it yet 3) Naval Academy Summer Program 4) Air Force Summer Program 5) Aerospace Academy: Weeklong program in which I work alongside aerospace interns and develop spacecraft equipment.
Awards: 1) Various school recognition awards 2) 1st 2nd and 5th at DECA districts competitions 3) 3rd at DECA State 4) Did not podium but I attended DECA internationals 5) AP recognition 6) NMSQT Finalist probably* (1490 PSAT) 7) Private Pilot License
LORs: Very strong. I have a very good relationship with my teachers
Essays: Quite good, not Shakespeare but pretty good.
Intended Major: Aerospace Engineering
About me: I am a student with a total passion for space and rocketry. I love aviation and I am a pilot.
If anyone has any questions or wants me to go into more depth please let me know! -Drew
submitted by M1ST_SKY to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:17 Warbly-Luxe I didn't realize how ableist my parents are until now...

[CW: talk of ableism and trauma]
TL;DR: My dad said to my mom when I took out my new fidget toy after a fairly traumatic day: “he’s (not my preferred pronouns) just going into ‘Autistic Mode’”. He said that he would look into group homes tomorrow again because I “treat them like shit”. I shut down around them, and have been doing so for at least a week or more. I don’t have a job, freshly graduated from college as of December, and I have been struggling to get interviews. I have been using my university’s career services and got accepted into Vocational Rehab, but my parents keep threatening to kick me out of the house and be done with me.
For reference, I am highly confident I am Autistic and ADHD, but I have not been officially diagnosed. I have a referral and am in the process. My med manager is treating me with non-stimulants which work well and have increased executive function. I have also been exploring my being queer over the last few years, but only recently tried to explain to my parents in totality last November.
I knew they are queerphobic, and I knew that I annoy / upset them when I don’t talk and engage, and that when I talk it’s too much and not about the right thing. I just wanted to believe I was wrong. I wanted to believe I was reading into things because I’ve had so many past experiences where what I felt and what I thought turned out to be false. And they say they love me, and they love me so much that they hate to see me in pain, and so I wanted to believe that it’s true.
The last few days have been hard. My parents had family friends over (that have known me since I was a baby, and they have two adult children that didn’t come this round) for memorial day weekend from out of state. Since seeing the friends last, I have been doing a lot of self-discovery and further accepting the queer parts of myself. I hadn’t been planning to change my name, until by happenstance I found one online that I wanted to be mine due to it's simplicity and androgynous nature. But my parents (and my brother, though he has trans friends) have not been supportive. I just thought they raised me and gave me a name they picked out and so didn’t want to use a new one. It doesn’t make it better, but it’s something.
But they have made it clear in past conversations that it would be unfair for me to tell family friends and extended relatives. And so I spent all of last week before the weekend trying to debate whether I should tell the family friends that were coming over in a text message before they arrived. I tried to summon the courage, but I ended up not doing that. So when I first saw them, I shut down when their first words were “Hey, ”. I decided that I would make myself scarce because I knew I would just keep shutting down and having trouble speaking with them. Literally, it would be the same as with my parents where either the words don’t come or I don’t have the energy to get them past my throat.
So, I tried to be polite when I saw them and just didn’t engage in extensive conversation. When they left, my dad told me I was rude and selfish, and that I need to write them a letter to apologize. I ended up sending them a text today to apologize (didn't explain everything), but I didn’t want to send a letter because I am tired of using my dead name, and I would need to sign it.
I have been trying to avoid my parents even though we live in the same house because I don’t have a job yet. I recently graduated from college in December, but I have not been able to get interviews. I have been making use of my university’s career services and made appointments with the head of engineering to make my resume more appealing in terms of software engineering. I graduated with Interdisciplinary Studies focusing on Computer Science, Creative Writing, and Linguistics. I just want a job right now, and computer jobs pay well. I am hoping to figure out something beneficial in Creative Writing later, maybe Ghost Writing or something that might pay better than that. I also got accepted to use Vocational Rehab, and so I have been working with them.
But, since I am avoiding my parents, they believe I am trying to make it clear that I hate them. They consistently say that I “treat them like shit” and I am “lazy and just want an easy life”. Today has been a hard day after all the turmoil over the last week, and so I have had very little energy. I thought I could be experiencing depression, but I know what that feels like and where it leads. I am not there yet. So, I think the best word to describe it is probably dejected. Like the people who are constantly in my life don’t want me. In the late afternoon, I decided I didn’t just want to sit up in my room anymore, so I drove down to my bookstore to browse, and then checked to see if I could refill my meds. I had about an hour where I started feeling happy and enjoying myself, especially being able to browse the books and look at the descriptions on the back and recording the ones I want to read for later.
When I got home for dinner so my parents didn’t get mad, it was like all that happiness disappeared the moment I saw them. I could not move my face even if I wanted to, to pretend like I was cheery and all right. We got dinner out, and then I sat down. The counselor I like seeing at career services is also an ADHDer. I saw her last week to go over more plans for jobs, and she showed me the various baskets of stim toys she keeps on her bookshelf to hand out to students. She gave me one that’s a tightly knit, long rectangle and has a small glass ball inside. You squeeze it and the ball moves back and forth.
I haven’t used stim toys much growing up because I thought I was supposed to bear all the frustration and anxiety. But I have been trying to treat myself kinder over the last few months. So, I’ve been taking that stim toy with me, and had it when I went to the bookstore. With dinner set up, my parents were trying to get me to interact and “be better”. Without thinking, I took out the stim toy. My dad said I was going into “Autistic Mode” and that they can’t do anything. He will look at group homes again tomorrow.

Up until that moment, I had doubts. I thought that they really were trying to accept me and it was just hard, especially with all the queerness and years of mental health management (since 2019 when I broke down). But over the last month or so, I’ve had various times where I needed to record my mental health history for intake and I started talking about my parents and how I am starting to recognize the gaslighting and emotional abuse.
I have also been trying hard to remember the good moments. But I can't remember a moment where I was showing signs I am clearly Autistic or ADHD, and that they genuinely enjoyed and loved it. Especially as I've gotten older. I remember them expecting me to get good grades in school from the beginning. If it wasn't "A"s they were upset, and if I failed a test they told me to study again and took me down to school to convince the teacher to let me test again. If I couldn't prove I knew the material and the teacher didn't let me retake it, then I was shunned on the way home.
I want so much to be wrong. I want so much for them to be right and that it's me who is abusing them like they say it is. I don't know why--I don't really feel any emotional love for them and I don't think I ever did, I just don't want them to suffer--but if I am the one who's hurting them then maybe I can change and stop. Maybe I can get better and show them love and be nice to them like they deserve. I wouldn't need to make a plan to estrange myself from them when I am on my feet to better take care of myself. I wish it was me.
I don't know why I am writing all of this. You all have your own problems and don't need to load on mine, and I am not going to pretend I have it the worst even just in my own city. I also feel manipulative, like I am only writing the bad parts and that I should try to remember and describe the good parts.
I just don't have anyone I can talk to right now. I have been out of therapy for a few months. I have been on wait lists for more experienced therapists dealing with gender-affirming care, since that has become a bigger problem. I have something scheduled for the middle of next month with a more general therapist and a referral to a specialized therapist as well.
But I just want to talk to someone who understands. I don't have that in my life. When doctors ask me if I have anyone I can just vent to or trust, I can't think of anyone. I have one friend, but since graduating we only meet up once a month. I can share a lot with her and she is supportive, but then I feel like that one meeting is filled with me trying to vent and seek therapy from her. I don't really want more social interaction, but I want to feel like someone sees me, the real me, and they actually like what they see.
I plan to call the suicide hotline tomorrow. Not because I am suicidal, but because I was told I don't need to be suicidal to call. I know my parents will hear me on the phone if I call tonight, and I don't really want to spend a long time writing out the words in a text to the text number to explain everything when the person on the other end might not be able to fully understand, and so they would just tell me what they think I need to hear. But I guess I'd get the same from the phone call.
I don't know how to wrap this up, and it sounds when I read this over like I am quite lucid and therefore being petty by putting this here. I am lucid, but it doesn't really help me feel better. I can't lie to myself anymore; I've been trying so hard to not lie to myself when I spot it. I am sorry for the long rambling and various tangents. I just want to put this somewhere where people might understand.
submitted by Warbly-Luxe to AutisticWithADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:16 rudhkul 5 Day SDP on CFD atPDEU

5 Day SDP on CFD atPDEU submitted by rudhkul to ahmedabad [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:16 Federal-Report-1182 That Time I Pretended to Be a Musician in High School

Hey Reddit,
I have a funny story from my high school days that still makes me laugh every time I think about it. This happened when I was in Year 9, and it's one of those memories that sticks with you for life.
So, our school used to have these concerts for students involved in extracurricular activities like music, choir, hip hop dance, and so on. Coming from a lower-class working-poor family, I couldn't afford to join any of these activities, even though I was a super creative student. Fast forward to today, I'm actually a designer, which kind of shows where my creativity led me!
Anyway, back to the story. It was the day before the big concert, and students had the whole day off to rehearse. They even got lunch provided in the gym area. For some reason, I wasn't thinking straight that day, and I decided to join in on the fun. Without any experience or knowledge of the instruments or choir songs, I swooped into the rehearsals.
I literally moved from one rehearsal to the next in the gymnasium area, with absolutely no idea how to play the instruments or sing the songs. I chose the guitar, which I had no clue how to play, and completely lip-synced and pretended to play. To my surprise, no one suspected a thing or even realised I was an imposter. I was having so much fun that I even hopped on the bus with the other students to rehearse at the Clocktower Event Hall.
The funny part is, I didn't end up going to the actual event. I thought I'd give myself a day off from school instead. Instead, I sat in the audience area at the Clocktower, watching all the performances. My friends never questioned it and thought I was always there. I was a bit of a wallflower in high school, so I guess no one really noticed. Till today, I have no idea what possessed me to do that. It's not like me at all. I was never a rebel; I was always a compliant student.
Looking back, I still can't believe I pulled it off. I had a fantastic day and it’s a hilarious memory that I cherish to this day. Sometimes, you just have to laugh at the crazy things you did when you were young!
Has anyone else done something completely out of character like this? I'd love to hear your stories!
submitted by Federal-Report-1182 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:16 Gold_Lynx_8333 Talk me out of selling my Audi A3 and buying an MG4 EV

Hi all
Posting here as I'm mainly interested in this as a financial decision.
I have a 6 year old Audi A3 sedan. It still runs like new and the 1.4L turbo engine is relatively fuel efficient.
However lately I keep finding myself thinking about selling it to get the MG4 EV.
I bought the Audi for 46K, and I can probably get 27K for it on the used market.
The MG4 EV starts at 39K, but I'll probably get the next trim up which is 45K.
It costs about $100 to fill up the Audi from empty, and get about 720km per tank. I spend about $1200-1500 per year on fuel.
Purely from fuel savings perspective, buying an EV doesn't seem to make sense. But seeing petrol prices routinely above $2/L, a part of me wants to make buying petrol a thing of the past, like buying Kodak film for school trips in the 1990s. I look at the EV owners getting free fuel for their cars at the shopping centres with envy.
I also keep thinking that petrol cars will lose their value as more EVs come on the market, and petrol prices take off like property prices.
So should I do it?
Thanks in advance.
submitted by Gold_Lynx_8333 to AusFinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:16 Environmental_Bee255 Questions From an Incoming Freshman

Hi everyone! I’m an incoming freshman (F17). I applied undecided into the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. I have a few questions about Villanova. If anyone can answer even one of them it would be a huge help. Reddit seems to be the best forum regarding Nova I can find.
  1. CLAS: I know CLAS is gets a bit of a bad rep compared to the business school, engineering school, and nursing school. How significantly does a student feel that on campus?
  2. ASL: I want to take American Sign Language for my language requirement. I’ve taken Spanish from elementary school to junior year, and it’s always been my worst subject. I can’t take another year of it. Has anyone here taken the ASL course? How was the professor? How difficult is it? If I end up hating it- what is a language you recommend?
  3. Professors: Please give me any / all teacher recommendations - who to stay away from , who will give me an easy grade , who makes their class borderline impossible with workload and grading , etc.
  4. Mathematics requirement: I didn’t take any AP/IB classes (my high school doesn’t offer them) but I did take Calculus in my senior year and got a 98.78 in the class (I dropped from AB Calculus and am pretty good at Math). If you are in CLAS - what math did you take? I don’t really understand what some of the options are (discrete math for the social sciences, Mathematics of Fairness, Calculus 1 for Liberal Arts, Calculus 2 for Liberal Arts, Regular Calculus 1, Regular Calculus 2, Logic something or another). First of all if anyone could give me any insights on any of these that would be amazing. Secondly, what is the difference between Calculus for Liberal Arts versus just the normal Calculus? Also, is it worth it to try Calculus 2 even though I didn’t take the AP? Does it matter at all? If I decide to transfer out of Villanova will other colleges care if I take what sounds like bs math courses? What teachers should I try to get for any of these courses?
  5. Housing: I didn’t apply for Communitas, but I was reading a lot of posts and comments here that said you want to be in the South Campus as a freshmen. I’m also not in the honors program. Which are the best buildings for a freshman. I had to rank my choices in the Housing application and said Good Counsel, St. Katharine, St. Monica’s (I think). But I really didn’t have any information and am kind of scared. Any insights?
  6. Social Scene: I’m definitely not going to join a sorority. I’ve seen posts here from like the 2000s that say if you are a girl you won’t have trouble getting into parties. Is that still applicable? Also where do people get alc? I have a fake (or should in abt 2 weeks). Are there any go-to bars or convenience stores to bring drinks back to dorms.
  7. Advice: Any specific tips/recs for succeeding at Nova besides the generic make relationships with your teachers, go to office hours, study, read the syllabus, etc.?
submitted by Environmental_Bee255 to villanova [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:13 CloudComputingHopes Junior Officers

Can someone explain the purpose of having JOs in positions of relatively unimpactful roles, like WEPS when you have a GM1 and GM3 with plenty of skill and vested experience, or ANAV when you have an entire shop of BMs who know what they're doing? On top of that, they only do two years in the unimpactful roles and move on to an assignment that generally won't have any bearing on what they just learned. Like a JO going from DWO to Preventions or Response, DCA to Facilities, Civil or C5I. It just doesn't seem to make much sense to me. I'm not here to shit on all JOs and say things like, "The only thing that separates a Nonrate from an Ensign is a degree and collar device." Still, it really seems like a waste of time and money to send Ensigns to Cutters and BO school when the majority of their career wouldn't require it. Or the Coast Guard saying things like, "We only want OCS applicants with Biology and Engineering degrees," to go then and do jobs where all that is required is paperwork, logistics, and personnel tasking. Now, I admit I could be looking through a pair of salty and uninformed/ignorant goggles at everything, but I find myself questioning the usefulness of the species that is the ever-famed "JO."
submitted by CloudComputingHopes to uscg [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:11 wolfwell69 Word of caution in Curaçao

My wife and I are on the Island Princess on an 11 day repositioning cruise and our second port was Curaçao today. We took the shore excursion called Curacao Beach Tropical Express. It was raining when we left the ship but that was not the issue. This is an open air converted school bus tour so it was a bit tight and wet though. The main issue occurred when we got to the beach (no name given and I forgot what the sign said). There were tons of small flying bugs (we call them Noseeums) and they were biting. They guide said they come out in the rain, however I believe they are always there. My wife is very sensitive to bug bites so she ended up with about 30 to 40 bites that now also itch. For me I felt them bite but had no swelling or itching. We have seldom, if ever, ran into bugs in the Caribbean however it might be wise to pack some insect repellant for your trip.
submitted by wolfwell69 to PrincessCruises [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:08 theLonser I don't believe in love

This is a phrase I used to say a lot as a joke but I firmly believe this now.
So there was this girl I was talking to, I personally found her gorgeous altough some people didn't. Everytime after school she'd be waiting for me hoping we could walk together and just hangout for hours together. Oh boy, she had that smile, that voice.. anyways, I'm a musician, and we got a music competition that happens so we gotta go on a bus to go to a further city. She's there ofc because I met her through our school's music department. So we sit next to eachother with her friend behind us the entire bus ride, it was very enjoyable, I had lots of fun and everything seemed to be going great. After the few days there we go back and she seems distant slightly, we're still sitting next to eachother but she doesn't have that same glowing smile, she barely looks at me and stuff. (She does smile a lot so it was noticeable) I didn't think much of it and ruled it as tiredness.
Once we're back, for the entire week she isn't there after school waiting for me. I don't know what I did wrong. Now, just today, she finally comes waiting, but I'm there first. She's there with a random boy which i've talked to before he's super nice. Whatever, we start hanging out as usual. I receive no attention whatsoever, the guy says anything and she dies of laughter, does dirty jokes, says "You're literally perfect" while I'm right there, as if it was a big rejection in my face. I suppose she knew I was gonna ask her out and before I had the time to actuslly do it she just ditched me. Back to the hangout, the entire time they forget I'm here, I'm walking behind them or on the road(they're on the sidewalk). She never did a single eye contact with me the entire time. But I got to see her smile again, but cause by this random guy instead. I hate everything. It was going so well, but she just noticed there were many better options than me I suppose. Love is a feeling that i truly don't believe exists, it's only lust and attraction towards social status, financial status or physical traits. Since I'm a 4 on a good day and definitely not skinny, I guess I can understand her course of actions, but maybe just telling me would be better instead of acting as If nothing happened and making me feel like shit. I hate myself and she knows it, I'm trying to work on myself and she knows it, but doesn't give a shit about it.
Anyways I don't feel like writing more, thanks for reading if you actually did
submitted by theLonser to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:07 Redstrone I don’t know what to do about college

I had been rejected or waitlisted from most of all the colleges I had applied to so I had decided that I would go to a state school and get some general education done through chemistry and then transfer to Cal Poly to go into Biochemical Engineering after 2 years so I could save money. And by me staying g where I live, I can accumulate some money for when I go to where I don’t live and have no connections to. I’d like to have some money and I want to train for a bike race and the Boston marathon which I can do in Fresno (where I live). A few days ago I was accepted into the University of Tennessee but I have already registered and made a plan to save money and go into the college I want to go into most (Cal Poly). However, my parents are pretty mad at me because they would rather I go to Tennessee and just do all my years there versus “gamble” on a transfer. They don’t really see a CSU school as prestigious and would be super mad if I went to community. I have some family near Knoxville so I wouldn’t be completely destitute but I’d have no friends, connections, job, girlfriend nearby, and I couldn’t train cycling like I do now. I’m not sure if saving money via CSU is the best choice now and I still have time to decide. I want to know if maybe a relationship is blinding me from a great opportunity or if my plan is fiscally responsible and transferring is a good idea.
submitted by Redstrone to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:04 Greedy_Drink_2377 3 months and 200+ applications. Still no callbacks or anything. What am i doing wrong?

Please help
submitted by Greedy_Drink_2377 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:00 Environmental-Fun113 Mcmaster free choice ENG 1 VS Queens ENG

Hey so I've been accepted to Mac Engineering 1 (guarantee free choice) and queens eng and I'm very stuck. Im not 100% what stream but I'm leaning towards mechanical. My family is moving back to Egypt so i'll be alone in Canada. I love Queens' campus, Eng community, and social life (I'm very outgoing) but I know Mac has a better program/co-op and I know so many of my friends going to mac. Im also worried about the diversity in queens since I'm arab while mac has a stronger arab community. Going to Macs campus though, i didn't like it at all, but overall i know with friends anything is enjoyable. Mac is also closer to other unis and places and way closer to "home" (even though my parents are leaving my brother will stay) Kingston just feels unnecessarily far, (especially because id have to bus 4 hours to go to the airport and i travel a lot) but I'm more drawn to queens and their more fun tight-knit eng community. Is there a better edge to a school? Does anyone know anyone who can speak on the life/program? I want a good social life/ work balance which is mainly why i didn't apply to waterloo or u of t, but i also want a good program that will set me up better (and defeintly do co op or year abroad). I know queens has an internship program but my parents most definitely would want me to spend most my summers in egypt so I'm not sure if the long 12 month one at queens would be more suitable while mac it's shorter. Can someone give me advice?
I've also been accepted to university of manchester 3 year program (no general) and my parents want me to do that very bad but i want a general year to make sure that's what i want and i feel like its unnecessary to move (even though its closer to Egypt)
submitted by Environmental-Fun113 to McMaster [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:00 Final_Travel_9344 Slave Lake RCMP: Man arrested for exposing himself to children in school bus

Slave Lake RCMP: Man arrested for exposing himself to children in school bus submitted by Final_Travel_9344 to AltaCurrent [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:58 CupBackground6385 ChanceMe: (Junior) First Gen, Journalism & Education- Howard, UHManoa, NYU, Spelman, UMiami, etc!!!

Demographics: * Gender: Female * race/ethnicity: African American * state: Missouri * First-gen * type of school: Large public school with ~1,600 students (no class rank) * Hooks: First-gen, Extremely Low Income, (hopefully) filing FAFSA as independent, lives in single guardian (sibling) household
Intended Major(s): * Major in Journalism * Minor in Elementary Education * (possibly minor in Spanish)
ACT/SAT/SAT II: * Not to self-deprecate but the scores are pretty bad. * ACT * 26 Composite * Math : 22 * Science : 25 * English : 28 * Reading : 30 * Will take SAT * PSAT=1210, English strengths
UW/W GPA and Rank: * GPA * 3.7 weighted , N/A unweighted
APS * World History - 5 * U.S. Gov & Poli (junior) - ? * English Lang & Comp (junior) - ? * Human Geography (next year)
Awards: * nothing really * ‘Superstar’ award (best student) from math teacher. * Cheerleading: 3rd place (in our division) in the state. * (Hopefully certificate of bi-literacy next year 🤞🏽 )
Sports * Varsity Cheer (2 years) * JV Cheer (1 year) * Varsity Girls Track & Field (1-2yrs) * Varsity Girls Wrestling (1 year)
Other Extracurriculars * Varsity Scholar Bowl (2 years) * Student Council (3 years) * Yearbook Staff (2 years) * 4 years of Spanish Courses
Leadership Roles * NHS (National Honors Society : 1-2 yrs) * Student Council Chair * Student Rep Chair (2 yrs) * Social Media Chair (1 yr) * Quill & Scroll (Journalism Honors Society) * 1-2 yrs * Black Student Honor Society (3 yrs) * Social Media Advisor (1yr) * Scholar Bowl Social Media Advisor (1yr) * (Attempting to create a Spanish club during senior year, will be the president)
Summer (educational) Programs: * ~ 10-day long educational trip to Australia during summer before junior year (through school district) * (Applying for NSIL-Y for the 2nd time this coming fall with the hopes of getting into the Korean or Indonesian summer programs) * (Fall) Yearly HBCU college fair in Virginia (attempting to apply in person to Howard & Spelman there next year). * (probably doesn't count) UCA Cheer camp over the summer (2 yrs)
Essays: N/A (honors student yet I suck at writing about myself)
Recommendation Letters: Haven’t requested them yet, but planning on… * Math Teacher :) - Have him currently, he’s a thorough writer (theater kid), chose me as his student of the year, also my scholar bowl coach. * Journalism/Yearbook Teacher - Love him, teacher for 3 years, has worked with him through yearbook camps & college visits, connections at MIZZOU. * 1 of my school’s 5 principals - Known her for 3 years, Black Honors Society & BSU sponsor (I’m in both & she’s a fellow black woman), she’s currently going to an HBCU (would be good for Howard & Spelman), will most likely go on an HBCU trip with her next spring.
Schools: * University of Hawaii, Manoa (DREAM) * Howard (HBCU DREAM!!) * Spelman College * Mizzou * NYU (extreme reach but dream reach) * UCLA (reach)
Schools (I haven't researched thoroughly): Richmond American University (London), NYU (Bueno Aires Campus), Saint Louis University (Spain Campus)
I know I'm not doing any cool/exceptionally competitive majors (like comp sci or engineering), so with college I'm more interested in the environment. Help me out! 🤍
submitted by CupBackground6385 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:58 Environmental-Fun113 Mcmaster Free Choice Engineering Vs Queens

Hey so I've been accepted to Mac Engineering 1 (free choice) and queens eng and I'm very stuck. Im not 100% what stream but I'm leaning towards mechanical. My family is moving back to Egypt so i'll be alone in Canada. I love Queens' campus, Eng community, and social life (I'm very outgoing) but I know Mac has a better program/co-op and I know so many of my friends going to mac. Im also worried about the diversity in queens since I'm arab while mac has a stronger arab community. Going to Macs campus though, i didn't like it at all, but overall i know with friends anything is enjoyable. Mac is also closer to other unis and places and way closer to "home" (even though my parents are leaving my brother will stay) Kingston just feels unnecessarily far, (especially because id have to bus 4 hours to go to the airport and i travel a lot) but I'm more drawn to queens and their more fun tight-knit eng community. Is there a better edge to a school? Does anyone know anyone who can speak on the life/program? I want a good social life/ work balance which is mainly why i didn't apply to waterloo or u of t, but i also want a good program that will set me up better (and defeintly do co op or year abroad). I know queens has an internship program but my parents most definitely would want me to spend most my summers in egypt so I'm not sure if the long 12 month one at queens would be more suitable while mac it's shorter. Can someone give me advice?
I've also been accepted to university of manchester 3 year program (no general) and my parents want me to do that very bad but i want a general year to make sure that's what i want and i feel like its unnecessary to move (even though its closer to Egypt)
submitted by Environmental-Fun113 to queensuniversity [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:57 confusedgraphite 2006 manual EX stalls on idle

Cross posting from Facebook for a family member who doesn’t use Reddit:
2006 manual EX, when first started up, will sit idling around 1k for a good 5 - 10 minutes if left alone, no problem. Once you start driving it, and putting the engine under load, it drops the idle down to like 400, and then stalls. You can have it up at highway speeds, doing 70 ish, and if you put the clutch in, it drops the revs and stalls - at which point you pop the clutch in 5th gear, and you are happily running again. Until you come to a stop sign, or get behind a school bus, or any number of valid reasons where you might like to just idle, it will stall. I replaced the throttle body. I have run the "idle re-learn" process multiple times. Highly frustrating. Thoughts?
submitted by confusedgraphite to HondaElement [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:47 Great-Palpitation308 An open letter to incoming freshmen

To start, here is my background: I went to public school in Alabama and attended Vanderbilt, engineering school, from 2011 to 2016 (I was a 5th year because I'm a fuck up). I was the first, and as far as I know the only person, from my school admitted during my tenure at Vandy. I was arrested, and subsequently suspended, spring of my sophomore year on 5 felony drug charges. I beat the charges (I was guilty af) and came back fall 3rd year fully committed to my education.
I am now 31, the head of my department, and am comfortably in the 6 figures.
My advice:
I'm sure there's more I could add, but that's what I got at the moment.
submitted by Great-Palpitation308 to Vanderbilt [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:40 kadoop-234 Aspiring for top B-schools like LBS, HEC, INSEAD, Oxford and Cambridge

Indian Male: 28 years
Can anyone tell me my chances for getting top B-schools like LBS, HEC Paris, INSEAD, Oxford, Cambridge Judge? I have been wondering what to do after the round admissions are here
submitted by kadoop-234 to InternationalMBA [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:38 gnit0 Audio volume cutting in and out (Muting) Dynaudio

My Dynaudio audio keeps ?Muting? at random, sometimes constant and sometimes every few seconds. Volume level does not matter, source does not matter. I cannot figure this out for the life of me. Even with Stock Radio this happens.
I've inspected the amps electronics and everything seems fine, nothing blown. I've replaced every single internal and external Fuse (Prev owner did not maintain the vehicle well) but not the relays, New battery (Costco H6 AGM), Tried every radio configuration settings on the Android head unit (built in amp on and off). I ordered a replacement BCM off ebay today in hopes that its just dying because of other faults I've seen (image below)
does anyone have any idea what could cause this and how I may be able to fix it? I have OBDEleven Pro if that helps.
Please help :(
2012 GTI MK6 Autobahn w/ 8 channel Dynaudio
OBDeleven vehicle history log Date: 2024-05-28 22:04:52 VIN: WVWFD7AJ6CW325171 Car: Volkswagen Year: 2012 Body type: D3 Hatchback Engine: CBFA kW ( hp) l Mileage: 237570 km --------------------------------------------------------------- 09 Central Electrics System description: BCM PQ35 M Software number: 1K0937086P Software version: 0651 Hardware number: 1K0937086P Hardware version: 110 Faults: 00461 - Frt. pass. memory seat control module static priority - 6 frequencyCounter - 1 drivingCycle - 157 km-Mileage - 237566 km 03266 - Activation relay for signal horn Intermittent priority - 2 frequencyCounter - 1 drivingCycle - 198 km-Mileage - 237578 km 00984 - Left Tail Light Lamp static priority - 2 frequencyCounter - 15 drivingCycle - 158 km-Mileage - 237566 km 00985 - Right Tail Light Lamp static priority - 2 frequencyCounter - 15 drivingCycle - 158 km-Mileage - 237566 km 00380 - Special purpose vehicle control module static priority - 6 frequencyCounter - 1 drivingCycle - 157 km-Mileage - 237566 km 00975 - Rear window defogger static priority - 5 frequencyCounter - 1 drivingCycle - 158 km-Mileage - 237568 km --------------------------------------------------------------- 16 Steering Column System description: LENKS.MODUL Software number: 5K0953569AL Software version: 0180 Hardware number: 5K0953569AL Hardware version: 016 Faults: B114829 - Terminal 15 Implausible signal static B114913 - Windshield wiper intermittent mode switch Open circuit static B114A13 - Activation of ignition switch key lock solenoid Open circuit static B116229 - Selector lever park position lock switch Implausible signal Intermittent U001000 - Medium Speed CAN Communication Bus Intermittent 
submitted by gnit0 to Volkswagen [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:34 Technical_Froyo2979 I just wanna die

I wake up everyday doing the same stuff and it’s honestly depressing I wake up get in a shower go to school cry on the bus come home from school do homework and cry I have no meaning to my life I wish someone would just keep me company..
submitted by Technical_Froyo2979 to lonely [link] [comments]