Dextro amfetamine kopen

How to stop your meds from working (sooner than the normal duration of the meds)

2023.11.14 19:20 Hefty-Draft3012 How to stop your meds from working (sooner than the normal duration of the meds)

Meds are extremely useful for me to be able to study/work, however I experience major, major side effects, mainly sleeping issues and the biggest one is my personality change. I'm not very joyful, not spontaneous at all, don't feel like myself at all, I'm like a 'zombie' and have a very hard time to interact with people in a pleasant way. When I'm off meds I'm completely different and can socialize quite well. I have taken/tried Equasym, Medikinet, Dextro-amfetamine (Adderall) and wellbutrin, with all similar side effects. I wouldn't mind too much to have these side effects during the day when I have to study/work anyways but I would like the meds not be active anymore during the evening when I usually have a social activity/moment. However even if I take eg. medikinet 10mg at 8 AM (it's supposed to last 4 hours) I still have the same extreme side effects in the evening which means I'm not able to socialize. Now I basically have to choose between: not take meds = not being able to study/work all day but I can socialize well OR take meds= I can study/work well but can not socialize or very very poorly (it has a huge effect on my relationships with friends). My family and friends tell me I'm 1000x more pleasant if I don't take meds and the difference is just ridiculous. If you would happen to know more about this problem, thank you very much for giving your input.
submitted by Hefty-Draft3012 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2023.10.14 14:43 HorrorSignificant869 ADHD Dextro-amfetamine Belgium

Hello does anyone have experience with taking Dextro-amfetamine sulfaat 2,5mg for treating ADHD symptoms? In Belgium, it seems that this is considered as a drug (similar to speed) and that you will get penalized if caught driving while having taken Dextro-amfetamine (punishments like fines of €1.600-€5.000) + a prohibition to drive for a certain time + a 'criminal record'/strafblad). Even having a medical certificate that says this medication is for ADHD is not enough to prevent being penalized. Does anyone have any experience with this/know more about this matter? (The reason I'm asking is because I experience lots of side effects from other ADHD medications like Medikinet) Thank you very much
submitted by HorrorSignificant869 to belgium [link] [comments]

2023.01.21 17:39 -Renton- Is 70mg (per day) of methylphenidate IR a lot? And would dextroamfetamine (dexedrine - amfexa) be better at controlling it at lower doses with less side effects?

Hey, so I rarely post to this subreddit as I don't have that much questions that aren't already answered but I have a question that is pretty personal I would say? IDK, maybe not, but I am on 35mg of instant release racemic methylphenidate (I don't think you get just pure dextro-methylphenidate in the UK, I think it's either if this doesn't work by the time you get to 90-120mg of this then you get put on "Amfexa or Dexedrine" which is full blown dextroamfetamine, medically we call it amfet instead of amphetamine I don't know why) in the morning and 35mg in the afternoon. I was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 7/8 years old and been on and off different types of methylphenidate over the years, when I was a kid it was XR during school days and off during weekends because I wouldn't eat and could hardly sleep good while on the XR but they thought at the time XR was best and I never had much knowledge about medication and drugs as an 8 year old, but now I study (in my spare time) some pharmacology and pharamacokinetics and hormones of the body including brain hormones like BDNF (which funnily enough sertraline aka Zoloft increases, and my psych increased that from 150 to 200mg, but still not had the change yet, hoping after 4 to 6 weeks of being on the new dose of zoloft that my mood and overall outlook on life gets a little bit better). So when I went back on my methylphenidate I did ask for an IR version and to take it 2 times a day and crash at night so I can eat and sleep, although sometimes I miss my morning dose and take it later and take it later on in the day and sleep later at night, anyway is 70mg a day of IR a lot? In the BNF (this stands for British National Formulary, which every doctor and specialist in the country uses as a guide to what to prescribe and how much to script until you need to try something different) it says that the methylphenidate for ADHD can go up to 100mg for a normal weighted person, so that would be about 60-70kg for a woman and 75-90kg for a male, but I weigh about 127 to 130kg (I know that's a lot but I used to have a food addiction before I restarted my methylphenidate and I am also on a non-sedating anti-psychotic called amisulpride for schizophrenia and that makes weight pile on even though I only have 1 to 2 meals a day and have done for a year now and still haven't lost much weight, about 4 pounds I have lost in that time) so I am guessing he (my psychiatrist) might want to push it to 120mg or more before changing me to pure dextroamfetamine aka dexedrine or amfexa which is stronger than even adderall since addy is 3:1 dextro to levo (levo is mainly para-sympathetic nervous system and dextro is Central Nervous System or CNS) so the max dose for this dexamfetamine medication on the BNF for "refractory" or badly controlled ADHD is 60mg (which even at my weight I probably would not need, most I would need is probably 30 to 35mg a day for full control but who knows, right?).
Anyway is 70mg of IR methylphenidate a lot? As you can see methylphenidate while it is working keeps me somewhat focused but I still lose track of what I am saying, I still get so so so easily bored it's unreal and it's making me turn to recreational drugs, I still have problems (although it is better than before) with boundaries, I still lose track of what I am saying, I still have problems with my executive functioning and planning etc, etc. Do you think I should go up to 90mg of IR methylphenidate and try that for a month if it's still poorly controlled should I bring up to my doc that I want to try amfexa, dexedrine, dexamfetamine whatever you wanna call it? Because I think that would control it better and give me less side effects and I live in a supported living place as I have schizophrenia (controlled very, very well with amisulpride without the sedation of most APs), severe ADHD (obviously), C-PTSD, Bipolar-like illness, depressive illness and anxiety disorders, so I would not be able to abuse the medication and methylphenidate is abusable as well so I don't see why they would hesitate to put me on this if it would control my ADHD, and I wouldn't be able to abuse it because my meds are kept in a safe and I collect them daily as I have had problems with substance use, that I am trying to recover from. Thanks for taking your time to read this and I hope it wasn't too much.
tldr: is 70mg of IR Ritalin a lot, should I go up to 90mg-100mg see how if it controls my ADHD fully but if it doesn't should I ask for dextroamfetamine? Yeah, medically it's spelled amfetamine in this country and I think all over EU. And the Ritalin doesn't last very long at even giving me a slight focus, it gives me more talkativeness than control of symptoms.
submitted by -Renton- to ADHD [link] [comments]

2022.08.24 22:38 Master-Eman Lagliga och Tillgängliga RC-droger i Sverige del 6.2: Centralstimulantia - Fenmetraziner och Fenidater

OBS! Denna listan omfattar endast RC-droger som uppfyller följande krav:
  1. Finns till salu på clearnet idag (Augusti 2022)
  2. Omfattas inte av narkotikastrafflagen (1968:64), lagen (1992:860) om kontroll av narkotika eller av senare förordningar om kontroll av narkotika
Centralstimulantia är ett övergripande begrepp som som omfattar substanser som ökar aktiviteten i det centrala nervsystemet, substanser som är behagliga och uppfriskande eller substanser som har sympatomimetiska effekter. sympatomimetiska effekter betyder att en substans efterliknar effekterna av endogena agonister i det sympatiska nervsystemet. Detta resulterar i ökad energi, fokus, sällskaplighet och libido, samt eufori. Centralstimulantia kan vara mycket beroendeframkallande.
De flesta centralstimulerande substanser utövar sin effekter genom Katekolaminer. Katekolaminer är ett samlingsnamn för signalsubstanserna Epinefrin (Adrenalin), Norepinefrin (Noradrenalin) och Dopamin. Katekolaminer används i regleringsvägar som är inblandade i uppmärksamhet, upphetsning, motivation, uppgiftsförmåga och belöningssystemet. Klassiska centralstimulerande substanser blockerar återupptaget av- eller ökar frisättningen av dessa Katekolaminer. Vissa stimulanter, särskilt de med entaktogena effekter, påverkar också Serotonerg överföring. Adrenergiska agonister, som bl.a. Efedrin, verkar genom att direkt binda till och aktivera Adrenerga receptorer, vilket ger sympatomimetiska effekter.
Bruk av centralstimulantia kan orsaka biverkningar som överexaltering, paranoia, psykos, bland flera. Akut toxicitet av centralstimulantia har förknippats med aggressivt beteende, arytmi, hypertoni, stroke, hjärtstopp och krampanfall.

Vad är Fenmetrazin?
Fenmetrazin (varumärke Preludin, bl.f.) är ett centralstimulerande läkemedel som först framställdes 1952 och användes ursprungligen som aptitdämpande medel, men avregistrerades från marknaden på grund av ett utbrett missbruk.
Fenmetrazin har använts rekreationellt i många länder, inklusive Sverige. När missbruk av centralstimulantia först blev ett utbrett problem i Sverige på 1950-talet föredrog användare Fenmetrazin framför Amfetamin och Metamfetamin. Fenmetrazin narkotikaklassades i Sverige 1959 och avregistrerades helt från marknaden 1965.
Kemiskt är Fenmetrazin en substituerad Amfetamin med en Morfolinring.

2-FPM (2-Fluorofenmetrazin)
2-Fluorofenmetrazin är 2-Fluoro-derivatet av Fenmetrazin. Det är mindre Serotonergt än 3-FPM (3-Fluoro-derivatet av Fenmetrazin), men det är mer Dopaminergt och Adrenergt (Norepinefrin). 2-FPM anses vara en mindre potent Fenmetrazin-analog.
Väldigt intressant artikel om fluorinerade Fenmetraziner som jag starkt rekommenderar för dem som vill fördjupa sig inom området:
Kemisk struktur:

3-CPM (3-Klorofenmetrazin)
3-Klorofenmetrazin är 3-Kloro-derivatet av Fenmetrazin. 3-CPM frisätter monoaminer med viss preferens för frisättning av Dopamin och Norepinefrin framför Serotonin. Därmed uppvisar det liknande in vitro-effekter som Amfetamin.
Rapporter beskriver upplevelsen som i princip en något mildare 3-FPM (3-Fluorofemetrazin), med något kortare verkningslängd och något mindre potent. Anmärkningsvärt är att färre hjärt-kärlrelaterade biverkningar har rapporterats.
Vid peroralt intag uppenbarar sig effekterna efter mellan 20 - 40 minuter och varar mellan 4 - 6 timmar.
Vid intranasalt intag uppenbarar sig effekterna efter 5 minuter och varar mellan 3 - 5 timmar.
Kemisk struktur:
Peroral dosering:
Storlek Mängd
Tröskeldos 15 mg
Låg 15 - 35 mg
Vanlig 35 - 70 mg
Hög 70 - 100 mg
Tung 100+ mg
Intranasal dosering:
Storlek Mängd
Tröskeldos 10 mg
Låg 10 - 35 mg
Vanlig 25 - 40 mg
Hög 40 - 55 mg
Tung 55+ mg

4-MPM (4-Metylfenmetrazin)
4-Metylfenmetrazin är 4-Metyl-derivatet av Fenmetrazin och identifierades första gången i Slovenien år 2015. 4-MPM frisätter monoaminer med viss preferens för Serotonin. På grund av detta kan det beskrivas ha entaktogena effekter.
Användare rapporterar att toleransen mot denna förening verkar öka ovanligt snabb. Den Dopaminerga och framförallt Serotonerga verkar rapporteras vara tydlig med en påtaglig brist på känsla av Adrenerg verkan.
Vid peroralt intag uppenbarar sig effekterna efter mellan 15 - 30 minuter och varar mellan 3 - 5 timmar med eftereffekter som kan vara i 1 - 8 timmar.
Vid intranasalt intag uppenbarar sig effekterna efter 5 - 10 minuter och varar mellan 2 - 3 timmar med eftereffekter som kan vara i 1 - 8 timmar.
Kemisk struktur:
Peroral dosering:
Storlek Mängd
Tröskeldos 5 mg
Låg 5 - 15 mg
Vanlig 15 - 25 mg
Hög 25 - 40 mg
Tung 40+ mg
Intranasal dosering:
Storlek Mängd
Tröskeldos 5 mg
Låg 5 - 10 mg
Vanlig 10 - 20 mg
Hög 20 - 30 mg
Tung 30+ mg

4-MeTMP (treo-4-Me-Metylfenidat)
treo-4-Me-Metylfenidat är 4-Metyl-derivatet av treo-Metylfenidat (Dextrometylfenidat). Moderna formuleringar av Metylfenidatpreparat som Ritalin och Concerta innehåller både dextro-treo-Metylfenidat och levo-treo-Metylfenidat.
Det är något mindre potent än Metylfenidat och har relativt låg effekt på att hämma återupptag av Dopamin trots sin höga bindningsaffinitet. Effekterna av 4-MeTMP beskrivs subjektivt vara mycket lika dem av Metylfenidat.
Vid peroralt intag uppenbarar sig effekterna efter mellan 15 - 35 minuter och varar mellan 4 - 6 timmar.
Vid intranasalt intag uppenbarar sig effekterna efter 5 - 20 minuter och varar mellan 2 - 5 timmar.
Kemisk struktur:
Peroral dosering:
Storlek Mängd
Tröskeldos 25 mg
Låg 25 - 40 mg
Vanlig 40 - 60 mg
Hög 60 - 90 mg
Tung 90 - 125+ mg
Intranasal dosering:
Storlek Mängd
Tröskeldos 10 mg
Låg 10 - 20 mg
Vanlig 20 - 45 mg
Hög 45 - 70 mg
Tung 70+ mg

submitted by Master-Eman to SweRC [link] [comments]

2022.05.24 16:49 Paxatlar Dextro-amfetamine / Ashwagandha / Ginseng / Ginkgo

I’m using Dextro-amfetamine for 6 months now and recently started taking Ashwagandha/ Ginseng / Ginkgo for a variety of reasons such as anxiety, memory, more focus and better sleep. While Dextro-amphetamine works ok during the day, I’m not completely satisfied but can’t go any higher due to increased side effects.. My sleeping is terrible, also before I started adhd meds, I’m sleeping around 5 hours a night.
I started 2 weeks ago supplementing with the herbs and since 3/4 days I’m starting to feel more anxious during the day and sleeping is still terrible. Im starting to think maybe this combo is an overkill. Does anyone else have experience taking this combo and what is your experience? I can’t really find anything online suggesting they have a bad interaction with the adhd meds
submitted by Paxatlar to Supplements [link] [comments]

2021.04.17 09:14 Kopen2222 N/A

3-mmc kopen
3-MMC is een NPS, wat staat voor Nieuwe Psychoactieve Stof. Het is een amfetamine-achtige stof die qua werking lijkt op 4-MMC (ook wel bekend als mephedrone of miauw miauw en nu ook poes).
Over NPS-en, ook wel bekend als research chemicals, is erg weinig bekend. Er is vaak weinig tot geen onderzoek naar gedaan en de langetermijneffecten zijn vaak nog niet bekend. Gebruikers zijn hun eigen proefkonijn als ze toch besluiten te gebruiken.
Uit studies en op websites zoals Psychonautwiki over 3-MMC vertellen mensen over hun ervaring met 3-MMC. Het werkt stimulerend en licht bewustzijnsveranderend. Gebruikers voelen zich alert, eufoor en energiek en ze hebben de behoefte om meer contact te maken en te praten. Ook ervaren ze meer zelfvertrouwen. Het effect wordt wel omschreven als een combinatie tussen MDMA en cocaïne.
submitted by Kopen2222 to u/Kopen2222 [link] [comments]

2018.03.24 16:12 throwayahshfghsd I[26M] cannot cope with my girlfriend's [27F] need for ADD medication and it's ruining our relationship of two years. Because of me.

TL;DR: Girlfriend takes meds for her ADD. I hate the fact that they make her 'feel good' and feel drugged. I want to change this about myself but I have no idea how.
Hello reddit.
Me and my GF have been together for over 2 years now and I'm going to marry this girl. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever met, the love of my life. However, there is one thing that's always been an issue in our relationship and that's her medication.
My GF has been diagnosed with ADD a little over a year ago. She was prescribed dextro-amfetamin, a more severe treatment than ritalin or concerta is. It helps her a lot; it calms her, makes her focus and has the added benefit of being a upper, so it makes her happy as well.
I have a big problem with that last part. I come from a family of abuse. My dad died due to a drinking problem and my uncle had a severe cocaine addiction. I dabbled in the world of amphetamins for a while, but after a year or so I decided to stop everything and ended with a severe hostility towards drugs. I have a deep rooted fear against them, despite using them myself for years.
When my GF first started taking it, she was bordering on abuse. She took it all day long with another ADD-friend, had troubles sleeping in and usually ran out of medicine before the day was over. She changed that behaviour. She stopped taking them over the weekends and days off. I feel I am supportive of her for using it during workdays, I am happy that there is something that helps her, although I have no idea how she's actually feeling, since i'm not suffering from ADD myself. I would probably understand more if I was suffering from the condition.
Now, the issue is that my GF experiences severe drawbacks when she isn't using it. She mostly takes the pills during work, and never when she has the day off. Most of the times, these days consist of an awful headache, severe sleepiness and a general grumpiness that she contributes to not taking dex that day. I do not mind this. I love comforting her. She thinks I hate it, but I really don't.
However, last night I discovered she took them again during a day off, conveniently while I was away at work (evening shift). I came home, noticed she was up and about and talkative and asked her. She said yes. I instantly ticked off. Didn't want to speak to her or even put myself in her shoes, to actually understand why she did it.
Her excuse is that she takes it to not feel terrible in the morning. To get things done like groceries, cleaning and taking care of our new pupper. I understand that. I want to cheer her on for feeling good. For having something that helps her cope with her daily schedule.
However, she said one thing that really angered me: I need it to feel better
In my mind, I'm torn between two sides. On one side I feel like I need to shut the fuck up. She has prescribed medication to help alleviate an condition that has an impact on everything she does. On the other side I feel like she's a junkie that needs her dose to 'feel better'.
I talked about this and she got very angry. Instantly told me that I didn't understand and that my dissapointment in her was uncalled for and that this is none of my business. She's right.
I hate myself for not being able to just stick to being the supportive partner, that supports her every move she makes. I just feel so conflicted. I feel like I'm judging her for something she needs, but I also want that she's healthy and not dependent of a chemical substance that makes her 'different.'
Reddit, do you have any insights to make me understand? I want to be the very best for her, but this is something so deeply rooted inside of me that I need help.
submitted by throwayahshfghsd to relationships [link] [comments]