Melatonin dosage

Children of DMT

2019.10.20 09:32 AttackCh0pper Children of DMT

Teachings of the Unorthodox Scientific Spiritualist who discovered a treatment for brain cancer and elucidated the biochemical basis of schizophrenia and true autism (Yale ‘84)

2012.11.28 21:52 randumbosity Melatonin

/melatonin is a subreddit created for discussion of Melatonin.

2008.12.15 22:17 Community for Better Sleep

Good sleep is essential for our health and happiness. Find and strengthen your best habits and help others improve theirs.

2024.06.07 19:42 No-Imagination9318 Haven't slept in 5 days and I can't function

It's a week before I see a new doctor to see if they will prescribe me some medication. For now, I've tried melatonin and magnesium to sleep but I literally cannot stay asleep for more than 3-4 hours a night. I am seriously going insane and it is debilitating, I can't even function at work.
Any suggestions? I am taking the maximum dosage of melatonin (10 mg) as well as magnseium and again whenever I wake up but it doesn't help.
Meditation and deep breathing don't help either. No CBT methods that I learned help either. It takes me 3-4 hours to fall back asleep, if I'm even able to.
I've tried CBD in the past but it doesn't help at all. Melatonin and magnesium used to help but not anymore.
submitted by No-Imagination9318 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 13:29 Minute_Bear_5032 Is this n24

Hi everyone hoping you are doing well i m a 23 male who have been having serius problerms sleeping the last week and this one. I remember having problems waking up to go to school since i was 15 but nothing too serius In 2023 i started consuming different pills but nothing worked except seroquel so normally i been taking them since then Since i was 16 i never have been able to wake up early however these last days have been even worse i dont know why, generally (these year) i typically go to sleep at 3-4am but in may i started going to sleep at 4-5am no problem there but since the last week i had a class at 8 and i did not sleep the day before So as always i hoped my sleep cycle would restart so after that i went to bed at 2am however i could not sleep until 6-7am and normally i have problems sleeping but end sleeping around 10 hours( yes i need that much sleep) anyway. Now only i sleep like 7 hours so i do no know how is this possible i tried increasing the dosage but my body only sleep later ans later but also is sleeping less since i only can sleep until 5 approximately and going to sleep later and later yesterday for example i went to sleep at 9 am The day before 8am 6:30am I incorporated melatonin but i think it does nothing(2mg) How did the sleep get so bad suddenly?
My routine has not changed but i have not been able to workout, soon probably it will
submitted by Minute_Bear_5032 to N24 [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 12:41 lovingchipseater New dose and mental health

Hello! My first dose of levo was 25 mcg (TSH: 9.65, hormones were fine, weight 47 kg). After six smooth months my TSH was 6.15 and my doctor increased the dose to 50/75mcg alternated. A week later, I started having really bad insomnia (waking up in the middle of the night anxious and not sleeping even with melatonin), anxiety and sweating. My mental health was not doing so good before but I’ve never suffered insomnia; when I had a bad episode of GAD years ago I slept all the time. Now I always feel like I’m on crack, with so much energy and well, anxiety.
I called my doctor and he told me the dosage was perfect and to get blood works done: after a month my tsh is 2.81 and my hormones are normal, the only slight change was FT4, which was always 1.20/1.30 and now is 1.50 (range 0.93-1.70)
Could I be still adjusting? Could this anxiety be a mix of a new dose and stress?
submitted by lovingchipseater to Hypothyroidism [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 22:06 Haunting_Fault_2014 Supplement/Vitamins for Better Sleep?

I have been struggle with insomnia and experimenting with varying doses of Melatonin to help. But, it's just been giving me nightmares, and I wake up less rested. Anyone have any sleep recommendations? Routines or vitamins (specific dosage) that have worked well would be much appreciated. Thank you!
submitted by Haunting_Fault_2014 to sleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 21:52 Haunting_Fault_2014 Supplement/Vitamins for Better Sleep?

I have been struggle with insomnia and experimenting with varying doses of Melatonin to help. But, it's just been giving me nightmares, and I wake up less rested. Anyone have any sleep vitamin recommendations? Specific dosage that has worked well would be much appreciated. Thank you!
submitted by Haunting_Fault_2014 to vitamins [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 07:04 jenismyloml Why does melatonin causes me to have acne breakouts

Hi! So I had to take melatonin due and it causes me to have acne breakouts. I tried lowering the dosage into 500mg and sometimes even 250mg but it's still the same thing. However, when I stopped taking for almost 2 weeks my skin returns to normal but my sleeping schedule sucks.
So my question is why does melatonin makes me breakout so bad? Also, do you have any tips on what can I do abt it?
submitted by jenismyloml to melatonin [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:49 intracranialMimas Life on the slow lane

8:30: I wake up, had approximately 12h of sleep thanks to my melatonin gummies and the sheer exhaustion.
10:00: After needing an hour to wake up and additional 30 minutes to muster up the energy I get up. I'm tired, I don't want to get up, but well.
10:30: I should probably eat something, didn't felt like dinner yesterday so I had sleep instead.... My fridge is nicely stocked, I have some fresh fruits I could eat with yoghurt. That would require standing and cutting tho... I'll have some beef jerky and my pills instead
10:40: Oh shit, yeah I have this doctor's appointment tomorrow, gotta cancel that one, I completely forgot it and now I have to work. Damnit. The call is quick and easy, no problem, I have an appointment next week now.
10:45: I begin to draw, sitting in my chair, while listening to a audiobook, but I have to turn it off, it's too much. I'm tired, I feel like I already did all my chores and duties, as if I worked 9h, as if I've been out with friends. But all I did was wake up. Exhausted already from sleep.
10:50: I put the pen down. This makes no sense, I'm yawning, my eyes feel heavy, my body yearns for the bed. I stand up and shuffle to my bed, I lay down and... Ohhh yeah, yes this is good. My eyes get heavier, I know what's about to happen, quickly I activate the 10 necessary alarms, else I'll just continue to sleep.
13:58: Missed 4 of the alarms, but that's a good quota. I accually feel somewhat alive, at least alive enough to get groceries.
14:30: Sweatpants and hoodie equipped, Headphones in and audiobook on, off I go. I yawn, when am I not yawning? Once again I shuffle my way to the grocery store.
14:42: I arrive, go in, grap a cart and start getting the things I still need for the dish I want to cook. Sage, some prosciutto, chicken.... Goddamnit, I passed the damn isle with bread four times now, I just can't fucking concentrate, I have to start to write! Everything! Down! Even when I'm walking, I just can't trust my brain not to forget something, when will I remember that?? (Maybe I should write that down) My notes are full of things, I forget pretty much everything these days, if I don't write it down.
15:30: Back home. Exhausted. Bed. Now. Just the frozen things in the freezer, then off with the street clothes and then in my BED!!
15:45: I get up again, now it's time for the other stuff. I look down at those bags. Jeez... Just two bags and I'm so exhausted... I remember when I could carry 4. Aaaaaand wouldn't you know it, I forgot the shampoo and toothpaste. Of course. Maybe I should order my groceries... But that would be yet another thing of autonomy I willfully give away and I can to it, I'm just tired afterwards. I WANT to get my groceries, I WANT to get them Myself!
16:00: Ohhh yeah I forgot to eat again, maybe I should start putting on reminders again, at least I have some savings in the form of fat lol. Been meaning to cook saltimbocca for some days now and now I have everything. I sit down at my chair and think. Already went grocery shopping... and today is just a shit day... Maybe.... I can just order something? But I ordered something yesterday and Sunday too. I sigh, I already know that I will order something.
16:10: I need to shower. In the mirror in the elevator I saw how greasy my hair looked, embarrassing. So I shower, seems like I forgot it yesterday.
16:20: Great timing, I'm done aaand my food is here! The new star wars show started today, I begin to watch the first episode. Wait, what did just happen? I lost my focus again. Who's that again? What did he say? Damnit, I can watch without my subtitles anymore. It's not like I don't understand it, my hearing is good, my brain just doesn't let it through.
16:40 I give up. 20 minutes in and I have the feeling I should start over again. Just finished my food, it was ok. It tasted the same way it always does, which is good, but after a while just ok. Food has kind of lost it's effect. I was starving tho
16:45: Aight, if I can't watch something, I'll draw.
16:55: Oooook... Forget the last entry. I want to lay down.
17:30 I write a Reddit post about how my off days usually go, now that I work. I'm in my bed, my eyes slowly begin to feel heavy again. The muscles in my arms and legs kinda ache from not being used that much anymore. The past month was honestly hell, the weather has a immediate effect on me, the barometric pressure messing with my high intracranial pressure, causing my brain to be smushed. It's hard to form thoughts, I can't wait to sleep again. Tomorrow I have to work, already brought some coffee for it, I sure as hell will need it. I'm glad to work again, I really am, I've been unable to work for 4 years now, I'm 23 and I now earn my own money again. It feels good, but I already dread it. My free days aren't freezing they are reserved for regeneration, sometimes for my family which makes things worse. I love them from the bottom of my heart, but nonetheless am I completely exhausted when I get home.
Will things ever get better? Maybe the higher dosage will help now, who knows? Or maybe I accually do have to get the shunt... What will my future bring? I already had to decide against the job I wanted to do, I just know that I won't last a year. Now I have to rethink, but what job will ever really be safe for me? They all will exhaust me.
What about a family and a partner? I've been single for such a long time now, I really would like a partner again. But for that I'd have to search, I'd have to go on dates, I'd have to break the news that I'm chronically ill and would be more of a "senior house cat" kind of boyfriend. I really wanna be a dad, but how can I even think about that, when I can't even handle working?
I don't know what is worse, the uncertainty, or the exhaustion. The need to explain everything to everyone all of the time or to feel not enough. To feel like I'm a old man, in the body of a 23 year old, to see people my age start families and start their careers?
Is it, that whenever I think about the future, all I can think of the countless questions that I have about it? That only time will tell the answer? Nothing about my future is for sure, everything is just a question and I'm tired.
17:49: I post the Post. Idk if I will have the energy to even respond to people, I'm just glad to get it out of my system. Maybe someone listens.
My energy for the day is pretty much gone, so I'll continue to live my life on the slow lane. I try to remind myself, that it's ok to live there, but it's hard to understand it, if you look at the expectations everyone has on you all the time.
I think I'll close my eyes for a second.
submitted by intracranialMimas to ChronicIllness [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:19 gillrubes 25 with low AMH/endometriosis, results and experience after 3 cycles.

Hi everyone. I’ve been reading this page all winter and it has been so helpful (although at times I had to stop to protect my feelings), but I wanted to share my results now that I am 3 cycles in and halfwayish to my goal. Very long post coming!
Background: my mom had severe untreated endo in 90s (rural environment) but was treated with surgery and sought fertility treatment in her 30s (medication but not IVF) which was successful. I have had endo symptoms as long as I can remember but never was referred to a specialist. Inspired by my mom I pursued reproductive medicine/ObGyn as a career and was lucky to have some great mentors in the field, one who said it’s time for me to get my AMH checked just in case. In November I found out as a fresh 25 y/o my AMH was 0.76 ng/mL. Likely related to endometriosis, but tackling that issue will come later. For now the goal is freeze 20ish eggs. Also, I get to stay on my parents’ insurance until fall, so do as many cycles as I can before the insurance policy is up.
Lifestyle: I’m a 25 y/o 1st year medical student so I did not do any major lifestyle modification. I did start taking CoQ10 right away, my doc said it is the only supplement with data suggesting it could help the ovarian reserve. I also take 2.5mg melatonin nightly. I tried to be more careful about diet/exercise, but I am not a model of fitness. I drink a few weekends a month but not a ton. I walk a lot. I try to sleep well. Also found out I have celiac last year and made absolutely sure to stay gluten free (but I hate it lol).
Round 1 February: -300 follistim, 150 menopur. Random start bc I had an IUD but I did get a period still. And TERRIBLE painful cysts with ovulation. -I was so stressed about shots even though I’m not squeamish or afraid of needles. I really worked myself up playing music and stuff. Also I tried to take my shots standing up. Duh, sit down. Almost fainted. After day 3 I settled in. -cycle was cancelled on day 7. I hit a mental low at this point. I couldn’t believe this was happening to me.
Round 2 March: -got my IUD removed to time my cycles with my period. This was emotional for me, I don’t know why but being able to keep it in at first was sort of a safety blanket for me to feel still kind of normal. I got an IUD at 18 and have used one since. -started cycle with my next period -letrozole for 5 days, 150 follistim, 75 menopur. Felt weird to decrease my dosage. My estrogen levels are insanely low. -Success! 5 eggs retrieved, 4 frozen. But all from the left side. We were worried there was something bad going on with the right ovary. Also anecdotally i almost always get cysts on the left side so I was worried my right side was non-functional.
Round 3 May/June: -started cycle with period -same protocol as last time -what do you know my right side led the charge -9 retrieved, 9 frozen. Miraculous. I am so proud of those ovaries.
Med side effects: exhaustion, muscle aches (drink a lot of electrolytes), hot flashes at night sometimes
Recovery: from procedures has kind of sucked. Constipated beyond belief and very sore abdomen. I feel huge. Doc explained to me this time my endo can make the recovery harder, so I was more mentally prepared this time.
I’m at 13 frozen, going to keep going until I get to my 20. Because I’m 25 and very fortunate to have good egg quality this is hopefully predictive of 1-2 live births. But that’s a long way away, for now, just the eggs.
Extra notes: I have gained 7-8 pounds since starting. Because I’ve done 3 cycles in a few months I’m really trying not to beat myself up about this and I thank everyone for sharing their experiences with body image/weight/etc. I have had really bad hormonal acne through this process as well. Self-esteem has really taken a hit but I would sacrifice that to get this result. I also have a boyfriend of 7 months, lucky for us I found out this news right after we started dating. He has been a phenomenal support but it is a little weird to do this process with someone not knowing what your future looks like. It pains me from a medical standpoint not being able to make embryos but I know it works even with eggs frozen alone. I also did this through my first year of medical school and can’t believe I did that.
Thank you everyone for sharing your stories, tidbits of knowledge, peaks and valleys, advice, medication donations, moral support and community. I am so proud to share this experience with you. My doctor told me at our first appointment “it’s a marathon” but I only recently understood what that meant. Wishing everyone success on your individual goals. All my love!
submitted by gillrubes to eggfreezing [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:30 Sterk_Gaming Ekkovision Zs Sleep Powder with Melatonin

Has anyone tried the new Ekkovision Zs powder that contains melatonin? I've had the melatonin free formula and I love it, but the capsules with melatonin don't seem to help much for me. Dosages seems pretty solid in the new formula but I'm not sure since it is different from the melatonin free formula
submitted by Sterk_Gaming to Preworkoutsupplements [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:33 Collector_2012 Okay, so my melatonin intake is high...

Okay, so my therapist told me that taking 40 mg melatonin a night in order to deal with my sleep issues is dangerous. I know it's high, plus I have been debating on taking less for awhile. She said it may be contributing to some of my mental health issues. I know that Melatonin can contribute to Depression and other issues. If anyone has any recommendations for any type of meds to take in place, then it would be helpful!
EDIT: 4:52 P.M.
My therapist is very well aware and admitted that she isn't a doctor so she may be wrong. But, I do understand her concerns, as the high dosage may be affecting my mental health disorders. That and I trust her judgement. She told me to talk to my primary about this and see if there are other options that don't involve me constantly over dosing.
submitted by Collector_2012 to insomnia [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 13:26 sleepcrs constantly waking up

hi everyone! i've kinda ran out of ideas of what to do so i'm posting this here for some advice.
i've struggled with my sleeping pattern and being able to fall asleep for a long time, since i was about 10 (i'm 18 now) but over the past maybe 8 months or so, it has gotten significantly worse. every time i go to sleep, i'm waking up between every 30 minutes to 2 hours every single time without fail. some nights i do struggle to fall asleep as well but other nights, i can fall asleep quite quickly, it's a mixed bag. even if i pull an all nighter or i'm running on very few sleep during the day and i sleep at night, i still have this problem, it doesn't matter how tired i am.
i have this problem even if i don't eat or drink anything before bedtime, it doesn't matter if i do or don't. i don't consume alcohol, caffeine or nicotine at all. the temperature of my room doesn't make a difference and neither does using my blackout curtains. it doesn't matter if i used my phone, watched tv, watched something on my laptop, nothing. whether i use any screens before bed doesn't make a difference, i also have the same issue if i sleep at another persons house.
i've been taking magnesium and melatonin consistently for a while and it helps me fall asleep most times but i'm still waking up all of the time, it doesn't matter how long i wait to take it, how soon i sleep afterward or the dosage. it doesn't matter if i take them at all. when i do wake up, i usually don't need to pee either, i'm waking up just for the sake of it. when i wake up, i'm also very awake like i haven't slept at all, i'm extremely aware of everything like i can sit up immediately, move myself around and i immediately think "why am i awake?". i can usually fall back asleep quickly after i do this but i always wake up again being extremely lucid but there gets to a point where i keep doing it so much where i can't go back to sleep anymore, which has happened to me today.
i'm starting to fall asleep during the day as well and even during those short naps or when i just end up laying down and passing out, i also don't sleep for long. even if i'm only asleep for about 2 hours total, i'll still wake up multiple times. i also struggle to dream now. i'm quite certain i do not have sleep apnea. i don't make any noise in my sleep (or so i've been told) and i rarely snore, when i do, it is quiet. i do not feel out of breath when i wake up either or with a dry or sore throat or anything of the sort. i am also not overweight.
sorry for the very long post. if anyone has any advice, i would appreciate it. thank you :)
submitted by sleepcrs to sleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 21:32 Lechuga666 Does anyone have good recommendations for supplements that are complexes(combine multiple supplements together)?

I was also wondering about anticoagulants/fibrinolytic enzymes, how much to take, if anyone had recommendations I'm taking 200mg nattokinase in addition to a bunch of other stuff for spike listed below. My brain & body are working very poorly & I'm not really able to look for information or process easily, so I was wondering dosages & recs for fibrinolytic enzymes, a goal for fibrinolytic units would be good too. I've taken NAC in the past & thought about adding L-Theanine, & taurine. I did want L-Citrulline, L-Arginine, ALA, & creatine as well, also have taken them in the past. I already take a decent amount of supplements & it's a pain to buy a million more individual supplements.
This is my current stack(I wasn't sure we were allowed to share or ask for other people's medications. I figure supplements are more ok so I haven't included medications):
-Pea 1300mg
-Luteolin 100mg
-Vit C 500mg
-Multi with vit d & fish oil
-75mcg selenium
-500mg black sativa extract
-175mg Irish Sea Moss powder
-150mg green tea extract
-Nattokinase 200mg
-Dandelion extract 50mg
-Bromelain 200mg
-Turmeric powder 150mg
-Magnesium 250mg
-Melatonin 1.25mg
4g sodium
400mg potassium
240mg magnesium
-Chamomile tea - mast cell stabilizer
-Dandelion tea - 1500mg dandelion extract- spike removal, antiviral, anti inflammatory, digestive health
submitted by Lechuga666 to covidlonghaulers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:07 erepresent Melatonin Gummies: A Sweet Solution for Children's Sleep

Ensuring that children get a good night's sleep is crucial for their overall health and well-being. Parents often face the challenge of helping their kids wind down and fall asleep at a reasonable hour. Enter melatonin gummies: a sweet and effective solution designed to support children's sleep naturally. These gummies are not only delicious but also packed with the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin, which helps regulate the body's internal clock and promote restful sleep. With their fruity flavors and chewable texture, melatonin gummies have become a favorite bedtime treat for many children, making the nightly routine easier and more enjoyable for both kids and parents.
One of the most appealing aspects of melatonin gummies for kids is their gentle and natural approach to improving sleep. Unlike other sleep aids, melatonin is a hormone that the body already produces, which means it's more in harmony with the body's natural processes. These gummies are specifically formulated for children, ensuring a safe and appropriate dosage that supports their sleep without causing any grogginess or dependency. By incorporating melatonin gummies into their nightly routine, parents can provide a reliable solution that helps their children fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer, leading to better mood and performance during the day.
In addition to their effectiveness, melatonin gummies are incredibly convenient and easy to use. Parents no longer have to struggle with getting their children to take pills or deal with the mess of liquid supplements. The gummies are a fun and tasty treat that kids look forward to, making bedtime a more pleasant experience for everyone. Furthermore, these gummies often come in a variety of kid-friendly flavors, such as berry and citrus, which are both appealing and enjoyable. With the combination of taste, ease of use, and effectiveness, melatonin gummies have quickly become a trusted ally for parents seeking to improve their children's sleep quality naturally and safely.
submitted by erepresent to u/erepresent [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:46 erepresent Sweet Dreams: How Melatonin Can Help Your Baby Sleep

Sleep is a crucial part of a baby's development, and every parent strives to ensure their child gets the rest they need. One of the natural solutions gaining popularity among parents is melatonin. Melatonin, a hormone naturally produced by the body, plays a significant role in regulating sleep-wake cycles. For babies struggling with sleep patterns, melatonin can be a gentle and effective aid, helping to establish a more consistent and restful sleep schedule. By incorporating melatonin, parents can provide their babies with the opportunity to enjoy longer and more restful nights.
The benefits of melatonin for babies extend beyond just helping them fall asleep. It can also improve the overall quality of their sleep. Research has shown that melatonin can help babies stay asleep longer and reduce the number of awakenings during the night. This means that both the baby and the parents can enjoy uninterrupted rest, leading to better mood and energy levels throughout the day. Parents have reported that using melatonin has helped their babies become more alert and content during waking hours, contributing to their overall well-being and development.
Incorporating melatonin for babies into their nighttime routine can be a game-changer for families. It is essential, however, to use it under the guidance of a pediatrician to ensure the correct dosage and timing. With the right approach, melatonin can create a peaceful and consistent sleep environment, fostering better sleep habits from an early age. As a result, babies wake up feeling refreshed and ready to explore the world around them. The calming effects of melatonin not only benefit the baby but also bring peace of mind to parents, knowing that their child is getting the rest they need for healthy growth and development. Embracing melatonin as a sleep aid can lead to sweet dreams and happier mornings for the entire family.
submitted by erepresent to u/erepresent [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:41 theonlineforyou Gentle Sleep Support: Melatonin for Babies

As parents, ensuring that our little ones get a good night's sleep is a top priority. Sleep is vital for their growth, development, and overall well-being. One natural solution that many parents are turning to is melatonin for babies. This gentle sleep support can help establish healthy sleep patterns, allowing both parents and babies to enjoy restful nights and happier days. Melatonin, a hormone produced naturally by the body, plays a crucial role in regulating sleep-wake cycles. By providing a safe, supplemental form, parents can help their babies fall asleep more easily and stay asleep longer.
Melatonin for babies is designed to mimic the natural melatonin that our bodies produce. This makes it an ideal choice for infants who may have difficulty falling asleep due to irregular sleep patterns or other minor disruptions. The gentle nature of melatonin ensures that it supports sleep without causing dependency or unwanted side effects. Parents can feel confident in using melatonin supplements as part of their bedtime routine, knowing that they are giving their baby a natural boost towards better sleep. The benefits of improved sleep extend beyond just the night; well-rested babies are generally more alert, happier, and healthier during the day.
Incorporating melatonin into your baby's sleep routine is simple and can be highly effective. It can be given in a small, safe dosage that aligns with the natural rhythms of your baby's sleep cycle. Many parents report seeing improvements in their baby's sleep patterns within just a few nights. The ease of use and the positive results make melatonin for babies a popular choice among caregivers looking for natural sleep support. By helping your baby achieve a more restful and consistent sleep, melatonin contributes to their overall development and well-being, allowing your family to enjoy the benefits of peaceful nights and energetic, joyful days.
submitted by theonlineforyou to u/theonlineforyou [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 19:41 theonlineforyou Melatonin Magic: Improving Children's Sleep Quality

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, ensuring that children get a good night's sleep can sometimes feel like an impossible task. However, with the magic of melatonin, parents have found a natural and effective way to help their little ones drift off to dreamland. Melatonin, a hormone naturally produced by the pineal gland, plays a crucial role in regulating the sleep-wake cycle. By supplementing this hormone, children who struggle with sleep issues can enjoy more restful nights and wake up refreshed and ready to tackle the day.
One of the remarkable aspects of melatonin for kids is its ability to work harmoniously with their natural sleep patterns. Unlike some sleep aids that can leave a child feeling groggy the next morning, melatonin helps to fine-tune the body's internal clock, promoting a more natural sleep onset. Parents have observed that with the proper dosage, melatonin can significantly reduce the time it takes for their children to fall asleep. This improvement not only enhances the child's mood and energy levels during the day but also contributes to better overall health and well-being.
Moreover, melatonin is easy to incorporate into a child's bedtime routine. Available in various forms such as chewable tablets, gummies, and liquid drops, it can be tailored to suit each child's preferences and needs. With the right approach and dosage, melatonin can become a trusted ally in the quest for better sleep quality. As more families discover the benefits of melatonin for kids, they are finding that bedtime no longer has to be a battle. Instead, it can be a peaceful and soothing experience, paving the way for a restful night and a brighter, more energetic day ahead. Embrace the magic of melatonin and watch as it transforms bedtime into a cherished part of your child's daily routine.
submitted by theonlineforyou to u/theonlineforyou [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 17:52 theonlineforyou Unlock Better Sleep: The Benefits of Melatonin for Kids

Good sleep is essential for children's growth and development. A consistent sleep routine helps children maintain their physical health, emotional well-being, and cognitive functions. However, many children struggle with sleep disorders, often resulting in restless nights and tired days. Parents seeking a natural solution to improve their children's sleep patterns can consider melatonin supplements. Melatonin is a hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle, and its supplementation can be particularly beneficial for children facing sleep challenges.
Melatonin for kids has gained popularity as a safe and effective way to help children fall asleep faster and enjoy a more restful night. This supplement mimics the body's natural production of melatonin, signaling to the brain that it is time to sleep. Children who have irregular sleep patterns due to ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, or other conditions may find melatonin especially helpful. Studies have shown that melatonin can reduce the time it takes for children to fall asleep and increase the duration of their sleep, allowing them to wake up refreshed and ready to take on the day.
Parents interested in using melatonin for their children should consult with a healthcare professional to determine the appropriate dosage and ensure it is the right choice for their child's specific needs. Incorporating melatonin supplements into a bedtime routine, alongside other sleep hygiene practices such as a consistent sleep schedule and a calming pre-sleep environment, can significantly improve sleep quality. By promoting better sleep, melatonin for kids not only enhances their nightly rest but also supports their overall health and well-being, leading to happier and more energetic days.
submitted by theonlineforyou to u/theonlineforyou [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 05:55 Mundane_Yak1993 Vitamins and Supplements to prevent and treat demotivation, stress, and burnout

Vitamins and supplements can play a supportive role in preventing and treating demotivation, stress, and burnout. While they are not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle and other preventive measures, certain nutrients can help manage stress levels and improve overall well-being. Here are some commonly recommended vitamins and supplements:

Vitamins and Supplements

  1. B Vitamins:
    • B12 (Cobalamin): Essential for energy production and neurological function. Deficiency can lead to fatigue and mood disturbances.
    • B6 (Pyridoxine): Important for brain health and helps in the production of neurotransmitters that regulate mood.
    • B9 (Folate): Supports mood regulation and cognitive function.
  2. Vitamin D:
    • Supports mood and cognitive health.
    • Deficiency is linked to depression and fatigue.
  3. Magnesium:
    • Helps manage stress and anxiety by regulating the nervous system.
    • Supports muscle relaxation and sleep quality.
  4. Omega-3 Fatty Acids:
    • Found in fish oil, these support brain health and reduce inflammation.
    • May help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.
  5. Vitamin C:
    • Supports the immune system and acts as an antioxidant.
    • Helps manage stress by reducing the levels of cortisol, the stress hormone.
  6. Adaptogens:
    • Ashwagandha: Known for reducing stress and anxiety.
    • Rhodiola Rosea: Helps combat fatigue and improve mental performance.
  7. L-Theanine:
    • An amino acid found in green tea that promotes relaxation without drowsiness.
    • Helps reduce stress and improve focus.
  8. Probiotics:
    • Support gut health, which is linked to mood regulation.
    • May help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  9. Melatonin:
    • Helps regulate sleep patterns.
    • Beneficial for improving sleep quality, which is crucial for managing stress.


While vitamins and supplements can aid in managing stress and preventing burnout, they are most effective when combined with a holistic approach that includes a healthy lifestyle, regular physical activity, adequate sleep, and stress management techniques.
submitted by Mundane_Yak1993 to u/Mundane_Yak1993 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:52 Legitimate_Price7437 Experiences increasing from 60-70mg Vyvanse and adding clonidine?

Hiii, first time poster. I'm really hoping to hear about some other experiences.
I've been on Vyvanse 60mg for about 2 years (31F). Recently I moved states so I had to get reassessed and my new psychiatrist said he'd like to increase my dosage to 70mg because the 60mg was effective in some aspects but not at all in others. Also basically as soon as the vyvanse wore off at night I'd slip back into bad behaviours eg drinking, playing games on my phone, online shopping and staying up really late.
So he increased my dosage and also prescribed clonidine (just half a tablet) to help me get to sleep which I was SUPER grateful for. This was to help combat the late night impulse control and help me get more sleep to help with my anxiety and general scatteredness during the days.
It's only day 1 but I am feeling really weird. My understanding of clonidine is that it brings your blood pressure down so it shouldn't have any residual effects the next day. I have tried melatonin before and that made me so unbelievably depressed the next day I'll never take it ever ever again. But the clonidine worked SO well last night - I saw in another post here that someone said it just made them sleepy in a way that it just makes sense to sleep and that's exactly how it felt. It was incredible.
But today, I don't know if it's the dosage increase or the clonidine (or potentially neither!) but I am feeling foggy and flat. I'm maybe feeling a bit calmer and less anxious but the fog makes it hard to think properly (not good for work!).
Does anyone have any experience they can share about increasing dosage and adding clonidine? I'm fully aware it's only day 1 and I should just wait and see what happens but yknow. Impatient haha.
submitted by Legitimate_Price7437 to ausadhd [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 21:44 Bettyeggwhitess Experience with chronic insomnia & generic vs name brand quetiapine (Seroquel) that saved me

Hey guys, I just wanted to share my story with insomnia and medication to help me sleep.
TL;DR The following is my back story. If not interested school down to "Here is when things started to improve over the last few weeks:"
""Backstory, it's lengthy:** My insomnia started when I was around 23 years old. I used to be able to sleep well with 25mg of quetiapine but I noticed I had to keep going up to even get tired from the meds. I am 28 now so it feels like years of my life has been negatively impacted from my chronic sleep issues. The only times I was able to get relief in between is when I was able to get benzodiazepines and zoplocone temporarily from a psychiatrist several years ago who ended up moving away. I went years without a psychiatrist until I finally got one in May of 2022. From age 23-25 I ended up down a slippery slope with alcohol consumption in the evening as I was able to feel relaxed and sleep. As time went on the alcohol use increased, I ended up binge drinking almost daily after work every day so I could literally get to the point of passing out just to sleep. Over time the alcohol had a negative impact on my sleep too because it does actually cause sleep issues in itself. I have been sober from alcohol after my 26th birthday. Even though the sleep issues were still prevalent it definitely improved my mental health and improved some of my anxiety issues leaving that poison behind.
Even if I wasn't able to sleep for almost 2 days, my insomnia would be so bad that taking upwards of 300mg of quetiapine just wasn't working. I know they recommend lower doses 25-50mg for sleep issues but that dose just stopped taking effect. I would be physically sedated but still unable to sleep on 300 mg and when I was at my lowest I was taking even more. Not even considering how a significant increase of dosage quickly could be dangerous.
On that high dose of quetiapine I was struggling to walk and barely stand up to try and get snacks from the quetiapine induced munching. I would lay in bed shoving shoving potato chips in my face day and night. Couldn't watch tv. Couldn't scroll on my phone. Couldn't think happy thoughts I would lay there crying in so much discomfort. Couldn't go outside for a walk to try and tire myself out. My life was slipping away from me.
It would make me totally dysfunctional onwards to the next day and I felt like I was in hell laying in bed not able to get comfortable, then moving to the couch to see if it would help and back to the bed again. For a while I believe it was even causing symptoms of restless leg syndrome. It was a nightmare and caused me complete mental turmoil where I was feeling hopeless, depressed and even faced suicidal thoughts.
There were times where I was incapable of caring for my dog which broke my heart. I was even unable to care for myself but my dog took precedence. Sometimes I was so unable to function I would only be able to take her out to use the bathroom only once to twice a day at my lowest during my depressive episodes from my sleep deprivation and I had no help or support to care for her so I had to send her home with my parents so she could be properly looked after.
I was starting to struggle academically while trying to get my degree as I couldn't attend class, complete assignments, study for tests and unable to perform well during exams because my brain was drawing blanks memorizing content I had a handle on the day prior. School got so bad that I couldn't even make sense of the content or follow instructions. I would cry in frustration and just break down because I couldn't even read properly, I would re read paragraphs over and over which felt like I was trying to understand a foreign language. My grades took a plunge and I was put on academic probation so if I dropped to an average below 60 I would be required to discontinue from my program.
I had also dumped a significant amount of money in natural and herbal sleep remedies from naturopath stores. Teas, tinctures, capsules, topicals, essential oils, melatonin, I tryptophan, gaba, magnesium, st johns wart, valerian root, 5-htp, Epsom salt baths, bedtime yoga, sleep podcasts, binerial and sleep music, meditation, exercise, reading, no screen time, warm milk, weighted blankets, even the comfort of having my partner next to me in bed when we could spend time together on weekends offered no benefit.
This horror of insomnia impacted me so significantly that I failed 3 classes and am currently on a year leave from school so I can get my mental health back to baseline.
My psychiatrist also tried me on clonidine, respiradone and mirtazapine to which had no impact on my ability to sleep and caused even more negative side effects, heck my friend even gave me her olanzapine to try and one time I even found a trazedone to try out of despiration and to no avail I felt like I exhausted all options.
The clonidine took all my strength I was basically crawling to try and go up the stairs in my apartment and my vision would go almost completely white, ears would ring, my legs and feet would go purple and I felt like I was going to die. They lower your blood pressure and I was taking more of the reccomended dose because I thought the more I took the better it would work because at one point it was helping me sleep on .3 mg. That didn't last.
My psych also increased my lamotrigine to 200mg before bed to see if that would aid in my sleep issues. My citalipram which is taken in the morning is maxed out at 40mg. 200mg of the lamotrigine provided no change and my mood was stable at 100mg so I went back down to my normal dose and discontinued the 200mg.
However, after the unsuccessful trials with those meds he was adement on pushing and pushing with the quetapine and had me taking a combination of quick and extended release.
I asked for Ativan or zoplicone because I had been on it before for insomnia and panic attacks from a my family doctor in the past but my psychiatrist wouldn't budge and did not want me on benzos. I was feeling hopeless. I used those medications only when absolutely necessary in the past and I found if I was able to get a couple nights of good rest with those, I could benefit from having a normal active day which ultimately left me in a better sleep routine because even just a couple days of good rest was able to reset me for a while until the insomnia started up again.
I opted to speak to smother family doctor because I had to take a plane so I asked for Ativan again as I have an extreme fear of flying so he prescribed me 4 .5 mg of sublingual Ativan and wrote on my file to never prescribe them to me again. Like what?? I don't even drink alcohol anymore or use drugs, not even weed and no previous benzo abuse.
I even reached out to another physician to ask for sleeping meds and a second opinion to which he told me he doesn't want to trump a psychiatrists advice, and I should be lucky to even have a psychiatrist. So there was no hope there.
Here is when things started to improve over the last few weeks:
I take dextrogen for ADHD (I've only been on it for about 6 months so it could have been an antagonist to the insomnia but since it has gone on prior to stimulants I don't think it's fully to blame thus far) and one day my pharmacy was out of genetic so they gave me name brand. I noticed that my side affects were almost completely relieved after switching. They were way easier on my guts and I wasn't having profuse diariah all day as I would with the generic, my appetite was stable and I had less feelings of agitation and nervousness and I did notice when it wore off it was a clean transition and I was even feeling sleepy and could nap if I was able to when on them so I asked them to permanently switch me to name brand.
They ended up making ALL my meds name brand (citalipram, lamotrigine, dextrogen and quetiapine). So I tried 150 mg of the name brand quetiapine one night and it worked like a charm! I was able to fall asleep effortlessly and had a solid sound sleep without waking in the night. Also did not experience the lingering sedation and lethargy the morning after as I would with the generic quetapine. Surprisingly the intense urge to snack also improved because I simply slept after taking It, not half dead and mindlessly munching all night.
I'm not sure if it is a placebo or perhaps whatever was causing my prolonged bout of insomnia is temporarily lifted, but I just wanted to share my experience so if anyone is in the same boat with quetapine and the inability to fall asleep even after taking it! It has literally saved my life and I feel like I'm human again. It's only been a few weeks but I feel great.
I'm also curious if anyone has the same experience so maybe it's not a placebo after all!
Maybe generic or name brand both don't work for your insomnia, but I feel like with the right medication there is hope. I'm also curious if anyone has tried other alternatives for their insomnia and which medication is working for them.
submitted by Bettyeggwhitess to insomnia [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 14:55 Swedishgrowler Lowest effective dosage

I'm located in Europe where it's difficult to obtain high dosage melatonin due to regulations. It's possible to take a lot of 1-5mg tablets, but it will come with a high cost.
What would you estimate the lowest effective dosage to prevent cancer? I've seen anything from 20mg to several grams per day.
Im aware there isn't a clear answer to my question, I'm only looking for your guidance.
submitted by Swedishgrowler to HighdoseMelatonin [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 17:23 Choice_Way8029 Great results with Ashwagandha extract but is it safe long term?

45 y/o male; I've been struggling with insomnia for many long years, having difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep as well. I've been taking melatonin, P5P, Zinc and Magnesium L-Threonate for many years now, all helpful but still waking up twice a night and sleeping no more than 5-6 hours. Two days ago I started taking Ashwagandha capsules 500mg extract, 20:1 potency, equivalent to 10000mg of powder. Took it one hour before sleep and I am thrilled with the results. Fell asleep much faster than usual, woke up only once and slept approx. 7 hours. Woke up rested and in good mood. Feeling less anxious and happier during day time. No side effects of any sort. I am so ecstatic about this supplement that I would love to take it every single day. I am worried though about the long term safety of Ashwagandha, especially when it comes to liver health. I am also scared that this super concentrated extract might be too high of a dose and dangerous but it's working so well that a lower dose might not be as effective. What do you guys think? Please share your experiences with long term use, dosages and results.
submitted by Choice_Way8029 to ASHWAGANDHA [link] [comments]