Building cad programs

CAD - Computer Aided Design

2009.04.11 16:51 amsterdamn CAD - Computer Aided Design

[ This sub is now private. Click here to find out why we have gone dark]( All requests to join will not be approved at this time. Computer-Aided Design A place to talk about anything related to CAD. Ask questions about CAD software, drawing standards or just show off your latest project.

2010.03.21 22:04 qrios Smartest and Most Beautiful People in the World

Welcome to the sub with the most beautiful and intelligent people in the world. We are the really special ones, all OCDers and anxious ones, please ask for a diagnosis in /NPD.

2009.10.16 01:45 ramsayfraser Workouts: Free Workout Videos, Images & Plans

Discover incredible workouts & programs for every situation. Largest range of FREE workout routines available! Muscle building, fat loss, strength, abs, women's fitness, yoga and more.

2024.05.02 22:57 iamacynic37 PC Update

**What will you be doing with this PC? Be as specific as possible, and include specific games or programs you will be using.**
Playing Games mostly like Warno, HD2. It is my "aming Rig"
**What is your maximum budget before rebates/shipping/taxes?**
$500-1000 (Low as I can)
**When do you plan on building/buying the PC? Note: beyond a week or two from today means any build you receive will be out of date when you want to buy.**
I own a PC, want to update pieces, I have a 1040am appointment tomorrow with Microcenter. Is just about 3pm my time currently.

**What, exactly, do you need included in the budget? (ToweOS/monitokeyboard/mouse/etc\)**

Additional HD Space and RAM

**Which country (and state/province) will you be purchasing the parts in? If you're in US, do you have access to a Microcenter location?**

Denver Colorado Micro Center

**If reusing any parts (including monitor(s)/keyboard/mouse/etc), what parts will you be reusing? Brands and models are appreciated.**

I own a PC:
Case is a NZXT H510i
**Will you be overclocking? If yes, are you interested in overclocking right away, or down the line? CPU and/or GPU?**


**Are there any specific features or items you want/need in the build? (ex: SSD, large amount of storage or a RAID setup, CUDA or OpenCL support, etc)**

I have an SSD already, so I am open to a second SSD or HDD. I am open to upgrading all the ram which I realize I might have to

**Do you have any specific case preferences (Size like ITX/microATX/mid-towefull-tower, styles, colors, window or not, LED lighting, etc), or a particular color theme preference for the components?**

Not relevant - own case.

**Do you need a copy of Windows included in the budget? If you do need one included, do you have a preference?**
Not relevant - own PC

Thank you for your consideration! This is an update project for my main PC. Microcenter will help install but I wanted to see what reddit thought was best? Thank you in advance.
submitted by iamacynic37 to buildapcforme [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:55 Cleodidit Aitah for kicking my family off my lease program?

My job gives me the opportunity to lease vehicles that we build and the car payment and insurance comes directly out of my paycheck each week. Over the years I have attempted to help family members of mine by letting them on my lease program because the payments are cheap, you get a new car almost every 6 to 12 months, and all maintenance is included at no additional charge. The insurance however is expensive and we can only use specific companies.
My step dad and mom have 1, my dad has 1, my kids have 1 and then my husband and I each have 1. My mom has been on my program for about 5 or 6 years now. It's just the 2 of them but she refuses to get a smaller or cheaper vehicle, she has to have 3 rows of seats 4wd blah blah blah. She pays me back on the first of the month but constantly complains about the insurance cost going up and car payments going up because economics. My kids were supposed to pay their payment for the car and half of their insurance. Weekly they pay their car but the insurance definitely not. They have been on the program for about a year and a half. My dad just got his first lease 5 months ago. He was trying to help my little sister and give her his car so she would have a reliable vehicle for her kids. His state coverage is way more expensive and I knew he couldn't afford it so I lied to him about how much it was so he didn't feel bad and I've been secretly eating the cost. Then he lost his job and I refused to take his money until he is stable again.
Once my son turned 18 and got on my program my insurance almost doubled for all vehicles. My step dad just turned 65 and apparently 65 is the new 20 because it went up again! It's astronomical! I pay almost $22,000 annually for car insurance alone on all the vehicles and get reimbursed only a small portion. It seems that it keeps climbing and will continue to do so. I'm tired of my paychecks being non existent, i'm tired of having to wait an entire month to be reimbursed, I'm tired of listening to others complaining about the prices like I'm not covering 75% of everything myself so I know I don't like it either.
I know my dad will not mind because he knows its expensive and he has other vehicles he can use they just aren't new and the best on gas but he's not high and dry. He also has said he doesn't think he will renew because of the cost. My kids I've already spoken to them so they know the deal. My mom has no plans or intentions of getting off my program but I feel like owell at this point. Next week when I bring her the new lease I plan on telling them that they have 1 year to get their own vehicle because I'm not renewing it. I know she is going to be livid and feel like I'm screwing her over. I don't think I'm being unreasonable but some people I've talked to said it's messed up im cutting everyone off even if they agree to reimburse me 100%. So aitah for kicking everyone off my program but giving them all a year to finish out their current lease?
submitted by Cleodidit to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:50 ThomFox436 Any future with an Associate's in Software Development?

Hello everyone 👋,
Getting right to the point: I'm going to graduate from high school soon, but I can't afford anything more than an Associate's degree in Software Development, and I was wandering if I'll ever be able to get a good job with it, and will it help to learn more programming languages and build up some kind of portfolio? I'm okay if I can only get a low-paying entry job at first, but will experience help land me better job opportunities later down the road?
Thank y'all for reading this.
(I would've posted this on softwaredevelopment , but that thing is dead)
submitted by ThomFox436 to cscareerquestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:46 omar_tobgy Looking to Upgrade PC that I got prebuilt.

My current build as a reference if needed:
  1. What will you be doing with this PC? Be as specific as possible, and include specific games or programs you will be using.*\*
  2. I will mainly be playing Warzone mainly, GTA further down the line, and other fps shooters. 1080p for now hoping to eventually switch to 1440p
  3. What is your maximum budget before rebates/shipping/taxes?*\*
  4. $1200 CAD
  5. >**When do you plan on building/buying the PC? Note: beyond a week or two from today means any build you receive will be out of date when you want to buy.*\*
  6. Slowly buy parts over the next few weeks
  7. What, exactly, do you need included in the budget? (ToweOS/monitokeyboard/mouse/etc\)*\*
  8. GPU(4070 or 7800xt preferred), CPU, Motherboard, Ram.
  9. >**Which country (and state/province) will you be purchasing the parts in? If you're in US, do you have access to a Microcenter location?*\*
  10. Ontario, Canada and no
  11. >**If reusing any parts (including monitor(s)/keyboard/mouse/etc), what parts will you be reusing? Brands and models are appreciated.*\*
  12. Case: Deepcool Matrexx 50. CPU cooler: Deepcool GAMMMAX GT Argb. Case fans: 4x black Corsair ll120. SSD: intel 660p 512gb , HD: Seagate 1TB. PSU: 600W 80+ Gold
  13. >**Will you be overclocking? If yes, are you interested in overclocking right away, or down the line? CPU and/or GPU?*\*
  14. No
  15. >**Are there any specific features or items you want/need in the build? (ex: SSD, large amount of storage or a RAID setup, CUDA or OpenCL support, etc)*\*
  16. No
  17. >**Do you have any specific case preferences (Size like ITX/microATX/mid-towefull-tower, styles, colors, window or not, LED lighting, etc), or a particular color theme preference for the components?*\*
  18. No
  19. >**Do you need a copy of Windows included in the budget? If you do need one included, do you have a preference?*\*
  20. No
Thank you in advance!
submitted by omar_tobgy to buildapcforme [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:44 Jdlongmire Temporal Asymmetry: Synthesizing Old and Young Creationism

This essay introduces a framework called "temporal asymmetry" to reconcile the apparent discrepancy between the biblical account of a young creation and the scientific evidence for an ancient universe. This framework proposes that from an Earth-based observer's perspective and using Earth standard time, the universe appears to have a genuinely old history spanning billions of years. However, this does not conflict with the idea that from the Creator's eternal, transcendent point of view, the entire cosmos was brought into existence in a literal six-day period.
Key points:
  1. Biblical texts suggest that God experiences time differently than humans, transcending our Earth-based perception of time (e.g., Psalm 90:4, 2 Peter 3:8).
  2. Scientific theories like relativity show that time is relative to the observer's frame of reference, which in our case, is an Earth-based perspective using Earth standard time.
  3. The temporal asymmetry model suggests that while we, as Earth-bound observers, perceive a universe with a truly ancient history, this is fully compatible with the idea of a recent creation from God's eternal vantage point.
  4. This framework takes scientific evidence for an old universe seriously while maintaining the truthfulness of the biblical creation and Flood accounts.
  5. Objections to this model, such as the appearance of age or ad hoc reasoning, are considered and found to be unpersuasive.
The essay concludes by emphasizing the importance of humility, reverence, and openness to mystery when exploring the complex relationship between science and faith. It acknowledges God's transcendence and sovereignty over time and creation, highlighting that from our Earth-based perspective using Earth standard time, we can affirm the genuine antiquity of the cosmos while simultaneously recognizing the validity of the biblical account of a recent creation from God's eternal point of view.
The age of the earth and universe has long been a point of tension between biblical literalists who affirm a young creation based on the Genesis account and mainstream scientists who see compelling evidence for an ancient cosmos spanning billions of years. This treatise proposes a conceptual framework for reconciling these divergent perspectives by appealing to the concept of temporal asymmetry—the idea that time can be experienced differently from different frames of reference. By exploring how a transcendent Creator might experience time in a radically different way than creatures embedded within space-time, and by examining scientific evidence and biblical accounts that lend support to this idea, we can begin to see how both a young and old creation might be simultaneously true from different vantage points.
Biblical Foundations: Creation, Flood, and Divine Temporality
The starting point for this reconciliation is the biblical testimony itself. Genesis 1-2 describes God creating the heavens and earth, along with all their inhabitants, in six literal days, culminating in the Sabbath rest on the seventh day. This orderly, structured creation week strongly implies that these were normal solar days as experienced by earthly observers. The genealogies and chronologies found throughout the Old Testament further reinforce the impression of a relatively recent creation, spanning only a few thousand years.
The Bible presents God as the sovereign Creator, bringing the universe into existence by His word and wisdom. In our modern age, it's fitting to think of Him as the Master Programmer or Cosmic Engineer, designing the laws, constants, and structures that govern the cosmos with perfect precision.
According to Genesis 1, God's "deployment" of the Creation program took place over six literal days. On Day 1, He brought forth the foundational components - space, matter, light, and time. Day 2 saw the formation of Earth's atmosphere, while Day 3 involved the emergence of dry land and vegetation.
The fourth day marked a pivotal stage in Creation. God spoke the Sun, Moon, and stars into existence ex nihilo, just as He did in days 1-3 - a direct manifestation of His omnipotence. However, rather than simply having them "wink" into being instantaneously, God appears to have utilized an accelerated process to "construct" these celestial bodies and "fast-forward" their development.
In a sense, God ran a "rapid simulation" of cosmic evolution, compressing billions of years' worth of stellar formation, nuclear fusion, and planetary accretion into a single 24-hour period. This dramatically sped-up process would have produced a universe with a coherent "virtual history" - including light trails suggesting vast distances, radioactive isotope ratios implying ancient ages, and cosmic background radiation pointing to a primordial "Big Bang.
Importantly, this "appearance of age" would not be a deceptive trick, but a purposeful design feature. It would grant the universe a realistic "backstory," providing a credible cosmic context for Earth's existence. It would also showcase God's ability to craft a cosmos of immense size and precision, with countless stars and galaxies fine-tuned to support life.
Moreover, by front-loading the universe with a "virtual history," God would be endowing it with vast potential for future development, setting the stage for billions of years' worth of stellar and biological evolution to unfold within stable, pre-designed parameters.
On Days 5 and 6, God filled the Earth with living creatures, each programmed to reproduce after its kind, with rich genetic potential for adaptive variation. The creation of mankind in God's image marked the climax of His creative work, which He declared "very good" - an elegant, error-free system, perfectly aligned with His intentions.
Viewing Day 4 as involving a "rapid formation process" offers a robust integration of the biblical Creation account with scientific evidence for an ancient universe. It affirms that God created the heavens and the Earth supernaturally and recently, while still accounting for the apparent age of the cosmos from our finite perspective.
Through this lens, scientific research becomes a means of "reverse engineering" the universe, uncovering the sophisticated algorithms and subroutines God employed in constructing the heavens and the Earth. Each discovery of a finely tuned constant or elegantly balanced force points to the ingenuity of the Creator, the Master Developer behind the cosmic code.
Ultimately, the concept of God utilizing an accelerated formation process on Day 4, while still creating ex nihilo, provides a compelling synthesis of the biblical doctrine of Creation with the scientific evidence for a universe spanning billions of years. It magnifies God's wisdom, power, and artistry, inviting us to marvel at the work of His hands. As we probe the depths of the cosmos, we are not merely analyzing inanimate matter and energy, but encountering the handiwork of the living God, in whom all things hold together.
Additionally, the account of the global Flood in Genesis 6-9 describes a cataclysmic event that reshaped the earth's surface and destroyed all terrestrial life outside the ark. The Flood is presented as a real historical event that left observable traces in the geological record, such as the deposition of vast sedimentary layers and the burial of innumerable organisms as fossils.
Modern scientific observations of the geological record provide compelling evidence for an earth that is approximately 4.5 billion years old. Radiometric dating techniques, the analysis of sedimentary layers, and the study of fossil succession all point to a planet with a vast and ancient history. At the same time, some scientific discoveries, such as the presence of DNA in fossilized dinosaur bones and the existence of polystrate fossils, seem to challenge the conventional old-earth paradigm and lend support to a young-earth perspective. This apparent discrepancy can be reconciled by appealing to the concept of temporal asymmetry, which suggests that time can flow at different rates from different frames of reference. By proposing that the historical observers of Earth's past, particularly during the biblical Flood event, experienced time at a different pace than the geological processes shaping the planet, we can begin to understand how the earth can be both "young" from a biblical perspective and "old" from a scientific perspective.
To illustrate this concept, let us engage in a thought experiment. Imagine that during the cataclysmic events of the global Flood described in Genesis, the inorganic components of the earth underwent a period of vastly accelerated change. From the perspective of an indestructible, immortal observer standing on the ocean floor, time would appear to move at its normal pace, and all the standard measurement systems used by modern science would still apply. However, from the vantage point of someone on the water's surface, the geological processes below would be unfolding at a breathtaking speed, like watching a time-lapse video in fast forward.
In this scenario, the geological aging of the earth would proceed according to the predictions of naturalistic models, but it would be compressed into a much shorter timeframe as experienced by the surface-dwelling observers. Millions of years' worth of sedimentary deposition, tectonic activity, and erosion could have occurred within the confines of the Flood year, as the inorganic earth was supernaturally accelerated to accomplish God's judgments.
One key aspect of this model is that organic material, such as living creatures and their remains, would not have been subjected to the same accelerated time flow as the inorganic components of the earth. This explains why we might find relatively intact biomolecules, such as DNA fragments, in fossils that are purportedly millions of years old based on the geological strata in which they are found. If the fossils were formed during the Flood event, when the organic remains were buried rapidly and the surrounding inorganic material was aged at an accelerated rate, it is conceivable that traces of original biological material could have survived to the present day.
Similarly, the existence of polystrate fossils, which extend through multiple sedimentary layers that are conventionally interpreted as having been deposited over long ages, becomes more explicable if those layers were laid down in rapid succession during the Flood. The organic remains would have been preserved in their original orientation as the inorganic sediments were compressed and aged around them.
Acknowledging the Supernatural
Naturalistic scientists will undoubtedly reject this scenario out of hand, as it invokes supernatural intervention in the natural world. From their perspective, any appeal to divine action is inherently unscientific and untestable. They will seek to explain away anomalies like dinosaur DNA or polystrate fossils through purely naturalistic means, even if those explanations strain credulity or require ad hoc assumptions.
However, for those who are open to the possibility of a Creator God who can act in ways that transcend the ordinary laws of nature, the idea of supernaturally accelerated geological processes becomes a viable option. If God is the author of time itself, then He is not bound by the uniform flow of time that we experience as creatures within the universe. He could easily manipulate the relative rates of temporal progression for organic and inorganic matter to accomplish His purposes, such as executing judgment on a sinful world through the Flood while preserving the remnant of life on the ark.
Interestingly, the concept of accelerated geological processes is not entirely foreign to naturalistic scientific models. Many simulations of Earth's history, such as those used to study plate tectonics or climate change, rely on compressed timescales to make the computations more manageable. These models do not attempt to replicate the full 4.5 billion years of Earth's history in real-time, but instead, artificially accelerate the relevant processes to simulate long ages within a shorter span of model time.
From a certain perspective, these simulations can be seen as analogous to the biblical view of Earth's history, where the vast ages inferred from the geological record are compressed into a much shorter timeframe as experienced by human observers. The key difference is that naturalistic models attribute the acceleration to the limitations of human computing power, while the biblical view attributes it to the sovereign power of the Creator.
The framework of temporal asymmetry provides a conceptual tool for reconciling the apparent discrepancy between the vast age of the earth inferred from the geological record and the much younger age suggested by a literal reading of biblical chronology. By proposing that the inorganic components of the earth underwent a period of supernaturally accelerated aging during the events of the global Flood, we can begin to understand how millions of years' worth of geological processes could have unfolded within the confines of a single year as experienced by the earth's inhabitants.
Ultimately, the temporal asymmetry view requires an openness to supernatural intervention in the natural world and a willingness to subordinate human reason to divine revelation. It challenges us to recognize the limitations of our creaturely perspective and to embrace the mystery and majesty of a God who transcends the very fabric of space and time. As we seek to unravel the complex history of our planet and the universe beyond, may we do so with humility, reverence, and a deep sense of awe at the eternal power and wisdom of the One who spoke all things into existence.
Biblical Evidence for Temporal Asymmetry
Intriguingly, the Bible also contains passages that suggest a more complex relationship between God and time. In Psalm 90:4, Moses declares, "For a thousand years in Your sight are like yesterday when it passes by, or as a watch in the night." This verse implies that God's perception of time is radically different from our own, with a thousand years passing like a mere day from His eternal perspective. Similarly, the Apostle Peter writes, "With the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day" (2 Peter 3:8). These passages hint at a profound temporal asymmetry between the Creator and His creation.
Another compelling biblical example of God's ability to manipulate time is found in the account of Joshua's long day (Joshua 10:12-14). During a battle against the Amorites, Joshua prayed for the sun and moon to stand still, and God miraculously prolonged the day to allow the Israelites to achieve victory. This event suggests that God can supernaturally alter the flow of time in a localized way, causing the sun to remain in the sky from an earthly perspective while time continues to pass normally on a cosmic scale.
Scientific Evidence for Temporal Asymmetry
The concept of temporal asymmetry finds support not only in biblical passages but also in certain scientific theories and observations. Einstein's theories of special and general relativity demonstrate that time is not an absolute constant but can dilate or contract depending on relative velocity and the presence of mass-energy. Clocks tick at different rates for observers in different reference frames, a phenomenon that has been confirmed through precise experiments with atomic clocks.
In the extreme environment near a black hole, gravitational time dilation becomes so severe that an outside observer would see time coming to a virtual standstill for someone falling into the event horizon. This extreme example illustrates the principle that time can flow at vastly different rates depending on the gravitational context.
Recent discoveries in quantum physics have further challenged our intuitive notions of time as a linear, unidirectional flow. Experiments with entangled particles have demonstrated apparent violations of temporal causality, with measurements on one particle instantaneously influencing the state of its entangled partner, regardless of the distance between them. Some interpretations of quantum mechanics, such as the retrocausal and transactional models, suggest that influences can propagate backward in time, blurring the distinction between past, present, and future.
While these scientific theories and observations do not directly prove the kind of radical temporal asymmetry proposed in the biblical creation account, they do challenge our conventional assumptions about the nature of time and open up conceptual space for considering more expansive possibilities. If time can be relative, variable, and even bi-directional within the constraints of known physical laws, then it seems plausible that a transcendent Creator, unconstrained by the limitations of space-time, could experience and manipulate time in ways that far surpass our current scientific understanding.
Theological Implications and Potential Objections
This proposed reconciliation of a young and old creation through temporal asymmetry has several important theological implications. First and foremost, it preserves the truthfulness and authority of the biblical creation, Flood, and long day accounts, taking seriously their historical and theological claims without reducing them to mere mythology or symbolism. It affirms that the universe is the purposeful handiwork of a personal, transcendent Creator who can supernaturally intervene in the fabric of space-time.
At the same time, this model challenges us to expand our understanding of God's relationship to time and to embrace a greater sense of epistemic humility. It reminds us that our creaturely experience of time is not absolute but relative to our finite, embedded perspective within the cosmos. It calls us to worship a God whose ways are higher than our ways and whose thoughts are higher than our thoughts (Isaiah 55:9), even as we seek to understand His self-revelation in nature and Scripture.
Of course, this model is not without its limitations and potential objections. Some may argue that it involves a measure of phenomenological language or apparent age in the creation, which could be seen as incompatible with God's perfect truthfulness. Others may object that it is too speculative or ad hoc, going beyond the plain meaning of the biblical text in an attempt to accommodate modern scientific paradigms. Still others may feel that it grants too much validity to conventional old-earth dating methods and does not sufficiently critique their underlying assumptions.
However, the objections raised against the proposed model of reconciling a young and old creation through temporal asymmetry are ultimately unfounded and fail to appreciate the explanatory power and theological coherence of this framework.
Firstly, the claim that this model involves phenomenological language or apparent age in creation, which could be seen as incompatible with God's perfect truthfulness, is misguided. The framework of temporal asymmetry does not suggest that God created the universe with a mere appearance of age, but rather that He created a genuinely ancient cosmos in a condensed timeframe from His eternal perspective. The antiquity of the universe is real, not illusory, and is a testament to God's omnipotence and transcendence over time itself. God is not deceiving us by creating a universe that bears the marks of a lengthy history; He is showcasing His ability to craft a cosmos of immense complexity and depth in a manner that defies our temporal limitations.
Moreover, Scripture itself affirms that God's relationship to time is radically different from our own. Passages like Psalm 90:4 and 2 Peter 3:8 reveal that God's experience of time is not constrained by the linear, unidirectional flow that we perceive. The Bible presents a God who is eternal, unchanging, and sovereign over the very fabric of space-time. It is entirely consistent with the biblical portrayal of God's nature to suggest that He could create a universe with a genuine history spanning billions of years from our perspective, while simultaneously accomplishing this work in a literal six-day period from His own perspective.
Secondly, the objection that this model is too speculative or ad hoc, going beyond the plain meaning of the biblical text to accommodate modern scientific paradigms, is unfair. The framework of temporal asymmetry is not a desperate attempt to force the Bible to conform to contemporary scientific theories, but rather a principled effort to take both biblical revelation and empirical evidence seriously. The model is rooted in a careful exegesis of relevant biblical passages, such as the creation account in Genesis, the Flood narrative, and texts that speak to God's eternal nature and His sovereignty over time. It also draws upon well-established scientific observations, such as the relativistic nature of time and the evidence for an ancient universe, to formulate a coherent and compelling synthesis.
Furthermore, the charge of being ad hoc or speculative could be leveled against any attempt to reconcile biblical and scientific perspectives on origins. The very endeavor of harmonizing ancient religious texts with modern scientific discoveries necessarily involves a degree of extrapolation and interpretation. The framework of temporal asymmetry is no more speculative than other proposed solutions, such as the day-age theory or the framework hypothesis, and in fact has the advantage of preserving a more straightforward reading of the biblical text while still engaging meaningfully with scientific evidence.
Finally, the criticism that this model grants too much validity to conventional old-earth dating methods and fails to sufficiently critique their underlying assumptions is misplaced. The temporal asymmetry framework does not uncritically accept all the claims of modern scientific dating techniques, but rather acknowledges the substantial empirical evidence for an ancient universe while offering a fresh perspective on how this antiquity can be reconciled with the biblical account of a recent creation. The model encourages a critical evaluation of the assumptions underlying radiometric dating methods and other techniques, recognizing that they are based on extrapolations of present-day processes into the distant past and may not account for the possibility of supernatural intervention or alternative interpretations of the data.
At the same time, the temporal asymmetry framework provides a robust explanation for why scientific dating methods consistently point to an ancient universe. If God did indeed create a cosmos with a genuine antiquity from our temporal perspective, then it is entirely expected that empirical investigations would uncover evidence of this ancient history. The model thus engages constructively with the findings of mainstream science while still maintaining a commitment to the truthfulness and authority of Scripture.
In conclusion, the framework of temporal asymmetry, supported by both biblical passages and scientific observations, provides a thought-provoking way to conceptually reconcile the affirmations of a recent, six-day creation and global Flood with the evidence for an ancient earth and universe. By recognizing the radical difference between the Creator's experience of time and our own creaturely perspective, we can begin to see how both a young and old creation might be simultaneously true from different vantage points.
This model challenges us to engage seriously with the anomalies and evidential tensions within conventional dating paradigms, even as it expands our understanding of God's transcendence and mystery. It seeks to be faithful to the truth of God's self-revelation in both Scripture and nature while acknowledging the inherent limitations and challenges of harmonizing these distinct modes of divine discourse.
The objections raised against the framework of temporal asymmetry are ultimately unpersuasive. This model offers a compelling and biblically faithful way to reconcile the apparent discrepancies between the scriptural account of creation and the scientific evidence for an ancient universe. By recognizing the radical asymmetry between God's eternal perspective and our own limited, temporal vantage point, we can affirm the genuine antiquity of the cosmos while still upholding the literal truth of the Genesis creation account. The framework of temporal asymmetry thus represents a promising approach to resolving one of the most persistent and contentious debates in the relationship between science and faith.
Ultimately, the goal of this reconciliation is to stimulate further reflection, dialogue, and reverent wonder in our exploration of the manifold mysteries of creation. As we pursue truth in both science and theology, may we do so with humility, recognizing the incomparable wisdom and power of the eternal, transcendent Creator who has graciously granted us the ability to study His handiwork. Let us approach these profound questions with a spirit of worship, marveling at the God who transcends time and space, and yet who is intimately present in every moment of our lives.
Addendum: A Framework of Progressive Revelation for Reconciling a Young and Old Creation
The concept of progressive revelation, which holds that God has gradually unveiled His truth and purposes to humanity over time, provides a helpful framework for understanding the apparent discrepancies between the biblical account of creation and the scientific evidence for an ancient universe. By recognizing that divine revelation is an ongoing process, with later revelations building upon and clarifying earlier ones, we can begin to see how the temporal asymmetry model for reconciling a young and old creation fits within the larger context of God's unfolding self-disclosure.
  1. The Accommodation of Ancient Cosmology
The early chapters of Genesis were written in a cultural context where the prevailing understanding of the cosmos was vastly different from our modern scientific perspective. The biblical authors, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, communicated divine truth in a way that was accessible and meaningful to their original audience, using the language and concepts of their time. This accommodation to ancient Near Eastern cosmology does not undermine the theological and spiritual truths conveyed by the creation account, but it does suggest that we should be cautious about interpreting it as a scientifically precise description of the universe's origins.
  1. The Focus on Theological Truths
The primary purpose of the Genesis creation narrative is to reveal fundamental theological truths about God's nature, character, and relationship to His creation. It affirms that the universe is the purposeful handiwork of a sovereign, all-powerful Creator, who brought order and beauty out of chaos and who created human beings in His own image to serve as stewards of the earth. These truths are not dependent on a particular scientific understanding of the universe's age or the specific mechanisms of creation. They transcend the limitations of human knowledge and remain valid regardless of our evolving scientific insights.
  1. The Principle of Accommodation
Throughout Scripture, we see examples of God accommodating His revelation to the limitations of human understanding and cultural contexts. Jesus Himself acknowledged this principle when He told His disciples, "I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now" (John 16:12). The apostle Paul also recognized that our present knowledge is partial and incomplete, and that we see only dimly as in a mirror (1 Corinthians 13:9-12). This suggests that God's revelation to us is not exhaustive or absolute, but is tailored to our capacity to understand and respond to it at different stages of redemptive history.
  1. The Analogy of Galileo and Heliocentrism
The tension between the biblical account of creation and modern scientific discoveries is not unprecedented in church history. In the 17th century, Galileo Galilei faced opposition from the Catholic Church for his support of the heliocentric model of the solar system, which seemed to contradict biblical passages that speak of the sun rising and setting or the earth being fixed and immovable (e.g., Psalm 93:1; Ecclesiastes 1:5). However, as scientific evidence for heliocentrism accumulated, the church gradually came to recognize that these biblical texts were not intended to teach scientific cosmology, but rather to affirm God's sovereignty and faithfulness using the language and concepts of their time. Similarly, as we grapple with the evidence for an ancient universe, we may need to reevaluate our interpretation of the creation account in light of later scientific revelations, while still upholding the essential theological truths it communicates.
  1. The Harmony of God's Two Books
The principle of progressive revelation suggests that God has disclosed Himself and His truth not only through the written words of Scripture but also through the natural world, which the psalmist declares to be "telling of the glory of God" (Psalm 19:1). As scientific discoveries shed new light on the structure and history of the universe, they can deepen our understanding and appreciation of the Creator's wisdom, power, and grandeur. The apparent discrepancies between scientific findings and traditional interpretations of Scripture may actually be an invitation to seek a higher synthesis that does justice to both divine revelation and human reason.
  1. The Temporal Asymmetry Model as a Faithful Synthesis
The model of temporal asymmetry, which proposes that God could have created a genuinely ancient universe from our perspective while completing His work in six literal days from His own eternal vantage point, represents a faithful attempt to synthesize the biblical testimony with the scientific evidence for an old cosmos. By recognizing that God's experience of time is not limited to our creaturely perspective, this model affirms the truthfulness of Scripture while also taking seriously the empirical findings of modern science. It challenges us to expand our understanding of divine temporality and to embrace the mystery and majesty of a God who transcends the very fabric of space and time.
  1. The Call to Humility and Wonder
Ultimately, the framework of progressive revelation reminds us to approach the question of the universe's origins with a spirit of humility, reverence, and openness to further divine illumination. As we seek to harmonize biblical truth with scientific discovery, we must acknowledge the limitations of our own understanding and the possibility that future revelations may shed new light on this complex issue. Rather than clinging dogmatically to a particular interpretation or model, we are called to stand in awe of the eternal, transcendent Creator who has revealed Himself in the pages of Scripture and in the marvels of His creation. As we continue to explore the mysteries of the universe, may we do so with a posture of worship, trust, and anticipation, knowing that the God who has spoken in ages past is still speaking to us today, inviting us to behold His glory and to join in His cosmic purposes.
Developed in partnership with ClaudeAI:
I used AI to critique my ideas, offer additional substantiation, and evaluate my thesis. The hypothesis, editing, and supporting arguments are totally my handiwork. I am a technologist by trade and leverage whatever tools are available to accomplish my goals. It would be foolish not to leverage appropriate capabilities.
I included the credit to be totally transparent and have no qualms addressing objections based on the content.
submitted by Jdlongmire to CreationScience [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:43 Floodop Well I guess Ksp 2 builds is also going to die RIP

Well I guess Ksp 2 builds is also going to die RIP submitted by Floodop to KerbalSpaceProgram [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:43 Fantastic_Big8464 Should I withdraw my acceptance for a part???

Hello everyone, first time posting here but I’ve been following the subreddit for a little while. I (19M) am currently working toward my associates degree in community college. I’ve been involved with their theatre program for all of my first year, landing roles in the fall and spring productions, and now the summer Shakespeare production. I’ve been largely dissatisfied with the director at my school, and now I’m reconsidering my acceptance of the role. The director is largely tech focused and allows us actors almost no creative freedom. Even my mom, who is a CPA and has never done any acting in her life and probably never will said that the last show I was in was bland and boring and just plain uninteresting. Acting aside, my friend’s mother died of a self inflicted overdose two days before the show opened and he was easily in the top 3 best performers in the entire show. He missed a pick up rehearsal before the second round of shows because of his mom’s funeral and our director said, and I quote “we are only as strong as our weakest link”. He has also called us replaceable starting in day 1 of rehearsing and even though he isn’t directing the summer Shakespeare production, he is the head of the department and since he’s very tech involved he’ll be building sets and helping with the production process as it evolves. I’m just done working with someone who treats their actors and crew this way but I don’t know if I’m being irrational or petty by wanting to quit. Any insight or advice on how to move forward would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time everyone👍
submitted by Fantastic_Big8464 to acting [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:43 Independent-Bill-770 Best price/quality CPU for proxy server , file server PC and use of android studio

What will you be doing with this PC? Be as specific as possible, and include specific games or programs you will be using.
What is your maximum budget before rebates/shipping/taxes?
When do you plan on building/buying the PC? Note: beyond a week or two from today means any build you receive will be out of date when you want to buy.
What, exactly, do you need included in the budget? (ToweOS/monitokeyboard/mouse/etc)
Which country (and state/province) will you be purchasing the parts in? If you're in US, do you have access to a Microcenter location?
If reusing any parts (including monitor(s)/keyboard/mouse/etc), what parts will you be reusing? Brands and models are appreciated.
I have h310 motherborad and p8h61m motherborad.
I wuold buy One of theese :
Will you be overclocking? If yes, are you interested in overclocking right away, or down the line? CPU and/or GPU?
Are there any specific features or items you want/need in the build? (ex: SSD, large amount of storage or a RAID setup, CUDA or OpenCL support, etc)
16gb 2600 MHz or more
Do you have any specific case preferences (Size like ITX/microATX/mid-towefull-tower, styles, colors, window or not, LED lighting, etc), or a particular color theme preference for the components?
Do you need a copy of Windows included in the budget? If you do need one included, do you have a preference?
Extra info or particulars:
This is also my first-ever reddit post!
submitted by Independent-Bill-770 to buildapcforme [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:42 trollzor01 Looking to optimize build

Hey everybody, I'm looking to upgrade my current PC (current PC) within a week, GPU finally went out and figured might as well upgrade it all at once.
I want to have a PC that works well for coding/programming (LLM and ML) and can run most AAA games smoothly, with some graphic heavy multiplayer shooters. This is the current part list I have picked out for what I'm looking to upgrade too. This would be my first time "building" a PC, so I'm looking to make sure I'm not missing anything, overlooking anything, or going over kill.
I guess the biggest concern I have is the CPU and GPU combo for what l'm looking to get out of it.
Note: I currently have an SSD, just want a HDD for more storage.
All help and opinions are appreciated!
submitted by trollzor01 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:39 Why_So_Sagittarius Updates to Supporting French, German & Brazilian Mods!

Hi ModSupport!
Today, I’m excited to share that we are launching Mod Support in three new languages - French, German, and Brazilian Portuguese! This non-English language support is now available in the local Mod network subs FrMods, DeutscheMods, and ModsBr, and includes both direct Admin support and the peer-to-peer Helper Program.
In these three subreddits, Mods can now send in modmail and receive direct support from Admins (via translations from English) in French, German, or Brazilian Portuguese – the same as how Admin support in English is provided in ModSupport.This will include support on safety re-escalations, banned subreddit appeals, and other support needs that Admins can help with.
In addition to offering direct Admin support in these languages, we are also excited to expand our Helper Program to our French-speaking moderators in FrMods to recognize Mods for helping answer each other's questions. This will complement our roll-out of the Helper Program late last year in DeutscheMods and ModsBr.
Similar to how it works here in ModSupport, the Helper Program recognizes helpful mods with trophies based on lifetime comment karma in these communities to empower mods to get quick answers from each other and build connections between them - all in their own language. The comment karma thresholds for trophies are slightly lower in these local mod networks than ModSupport, in recognition that these communities are still growing. We’ve also created new trophies to recognize Mod Helpers from all around the world!
If you speak French, German, or Portuguese and want to receive Admin support or connect with - and help! - other mods in that language, make sure to head over to FrMods, DeutscheMods, and ModsBr!
submitted by Why_So_Sagittarius to ModSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:38 pstout24na Career Advice - Summer Internships

Hi all,
I'm presently a 2nd year MLA student at a public program on the east coast. I am wondering what experience others had with job / internship prospects directly out of, or during school.
I did not do an internship my first summer, and have gotten rejected from every place I applied for this summer. With only one year left in this program I'm starting get worried that I may never get an internship until after school.
Has anyone else had a similar experience? I'm worried that not having any internship experience at graduation is going to put me substantially behind my peers who have, making it even more difficult to get hired.
I'm planning on spending the summer responding to design competitions in an attempt to build my portfolio, but it's difficult to escape the feeling that I'm at risk for a complete failure to launch from a career perspective.
Any advice / input would be appreciated. Thank you.
submitted by pstout24na to LandscapeArchitecture [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:32 Intelligent_Case984 Help me find program for skinny fat

Hello guys i have a skinny fat body, and i never been to the gym before, I need any suggestions for a program on the app that will help me build muscles
I work as a software engineer from home, so my daily workout is holding up the water Bottle 2 times per hour
I'm 28 yo 68 Kg 168 cm
Thank you in advance
submitted by Intelligent_Case984 to Boostcamp [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:32 ENRORMA cant join my own server

why does this happen and how do i fix it?

here is the server log
0.000 2024-05-02 22:16:49; Factorio 1.1.107 (build 62234, linux64, headless) 0.074 Operating system: Linux (Linuxmint 21.2) 0.074 Program arguments: "./bin/x64/factorio" "--start-server-load-latest" "--server-settings" "/opt/Factorio/data/server-settings.json" 0.074 Config path: /opt/Factorio/config/config.ini 0.074 Read data path: /opt/Factorio/data 0.074 Write data path: /opt/Factorio [357643/479116MB] 0.074 Binaries path: /opt/Factorio/bin 0.095 System info: [CPU: AMD FX(tm)-4300 Quad-Core Processor, 4 cores, RAM: 15973 MB] 0.095 Environment: DISPLAY= WAYLAND_DISPLAY= DESKTOP_SESSION= XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP= XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP= __GL_FSAA_MODE= __GL_LOG_MAX_ANISO= __GL_SYNC_TO_VBLANK= __GL_SORT_FBCONFIGS= __GL_YIELD= 0.095 Running in headless mode 0.165 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua) 0.242 Loading mod base 1.1.107 (data.lua) 0.496 Loading mod base 1.1.107 (data-updates.lua) 0.618 Checksum for core: 607699937 0.618 Checksum of base: 1054619811 0.916 Prototype list checksum: 3034860339 0.979 Info PlayerData.cpp:76: Local player-data.json available, timestamp 1714680983 0.979 Info PlayerData.cpp:83: Cloud player-data.json unavailable 0.981 Factorio initialised 0.981 Info ServerSynchronizer.cpp:29: nextHeartbeatSequenceNumber(0) initialized Synchronizer nextTickClosureTick(0). 0.981 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:814: updateTick(4294967295) changing state from(Ready) to(PreparedToHostGame) 0.981 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:814: updateTick(4294967295) changing state from(PreparedToHostGame) to(CreatingGame) 0.982 Loading map /opt/Factorio/saves/ 709413 bytes. 0.997 Loading level.dat: 1285509 bytes. 1.013 Info Scenario.cpp:204: Map version 1.1.107-0 1.049 Loading script.dat: 1182 bytes. 1.052 Checksum for script /opt/Factorio/temp/currently-playing/control.lua: 3702463597 1.054 Info UDPSocket.cpp:33: Opening socket at (IP ADDR:({IP})) 1.054 Hosting game at IP ADDR:({IP}) 1.054 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:58: Downloading 2.091 Info AuthServerConnector.cpp:95: Obtained serverPadlock for serverHash (cwGRV9LmyrcGKv6yVxt4ohVgNK0j3bhG) from the auth server. 2.091 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:814: updateTick(5658) changing state from(CreatingGame) to(InGame) 2.091 Info UDPSocket.cpp:45: Opening socket for broadcast 2.091 Info CommandLineMultiplayer.cpp:297: Maximum segment size = 100; minimum segment size = 25; maximum-segment-size peer count = 10; minimum-segment-size peer count = 20 3.258 ConnectionRequestReplyConfirm (type(ConnectionRequestReplyConfirm) ) from(IP ADDR:({IP})) 3.258 Info ServerRouter.cpp:630: Generated hmac(fPY0NUXkWLqxTs3eyeofkw==) and serverKey(mr3ZiSBhcIZcqRKAi2atLw==) for username(ENRORMA) differ. Generated from message(ENRORMA_uyTL5S7UBUxKAljG0mS6vwye6o+snl+84ptFhZCq+Zg=_240502201542). 3.258 Refusing connection for address (IP ADDR:({IP})), username (ENRORMA). UserVerificationMismatch 3.742 ConnectionRequestReplyConfirm (type(ConnectionRequestReplyConfirm) ) from(IP ADDR:({IP})) 3.742 Info ServerRouter.cpp:465: Replying to connectionRequest for address(IP ADDR:({IP})). 3.742 Info ServerSynchronizer.cpp:604: nextHeartbeatSequenceNumber(98) adding peer(1) 3.760 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:814: updateTick(5658) changing state from(InGame) to(InGameSavingMap) 3.825 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:963: updateTick(5658) received stateChanged peerID(1) oldState(Ready) newState(ConnectedWaitingForMap) 3.878 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:1024: UpdateTick(5658) Serving map(/opt/Factorio/temp/ for peer(1) size(709869) auxiliary(198) crc(2635994787) 3.878 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:814: updateTick(5658) changing state from(InGameSavingMap) to(InGame) 13.058 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:963: updateTick(5658) received stateChanged peerID(1) oldState(ConnectedWaitingForMap) newState(ConnectedDownloadingMap) 16.725 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:963: updateTick(5658) received stateChanged peerID(1) oldState(ConnectedDownloadingMap) newState(ConnectedLoadingMap) 16.792 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:963: updateTick(5661) received stateChanged peerID(1) oldState(ConnectedLoadingMap) newState(TryingToCatchUp) 16.792 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:963: updateTick(5661) received stateChanged peerID(1) oldState(TryingToCatchUp) newState(WaitingForCommandToStartSendingTickClosures) 16.792 Info GameActionHandler.cpp:5084: UpdateTick (5661) processed PlayerJoinGame peerID(1) playerIndex(0) mode(connect) 26.992 Warning ServerSynchronizer.cpp:112: nextHeartbeatSequenceNumber(1493) peer(1) wants a heartbeat(279) that we don't have. 42.125 Warning ServerSynchronizer.cpp:112: nextHeartbeatSequenceNumber(2401) peer(1) wants a heartbeat(336) that we don't have. 42.125 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:1077: Disconnect notification for peer (1) 42.125 Info ServerSynchronizer.cpp:623: nextHeartbeatSequenceNumber(2402) removing peer(1). 43.125 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:1224: Auto saving map as /opt/Factorio/saves/ 43.142 Info AppManager.cpp:440: Saving game as /opt/Factorio/saves/ 43.259 Info AppManagerStates.cpp:2007: Saving finished 

submitted by ENRORMA to factorio [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:30 enoumen A Daily chronicle of AI Innovations May 02 2024: 👀Sam Altman: "GPT-4 is the dumbest AI you'll ever have to use" 🎵TikTok and UMG strike new licensing deal including AI protections 📲 Anthropic's ChatGPT rival Claude is now available on iOS 🤖Atlassian launches Rovo, its new AI teammate. AI Jobs❗

A Daily chronicle of AI Innovations May 02 2024: 👀Sam Altman:
A Daily chronicle of AI Innovations May 02nd 2024: 👀 Sam Altman: "GPT-4 is the dumbest AI you'll ever have to use" 🎵 TikTok and UMG strike new licensing deal including AI protections 📲 Anthropic's ChatGPT rival Claude is now available on iOS 🤖 Atlassian launches Rovo, its new AI teammate 🤖 Better and faster LLMs via multi-token prediction: New research 💸 Google's AI advancements urged Microsoft's billion-dollar OpenAI investment 🤖 Sanctuary AI teams up with Microsoft to advance general-purpose robot AI 🗣️ Nvidia's ChatRTX now supports voice queries and Google's Gemma model 🤝 Atlassian launches Rovo: An AI assistant for enhanced teamwork 📊 MongoDB launches an AI app-building toolkit to help businesses use gen AI 🎨 Ideogram introduces Pro Tier: 12,000 fast AI image generations monthly AI Training: 🎨 Create infinite styles with Midjourney AI RESEARCH 💊 AI model predicts drug effectiveness Trending AI Tools 📱 Claude iOS App - The powerful AI assistant by Anthropic, now on your iPhone 🎵 Udio New Features - Generate AI music longer than 2 minutes and extend tracks up to 15 minutes ✨ Loom AI workflow - Turn any loom video into share-ready docs in a click 🧠 Atlassian Rovo - AI Teammate for data-driven business decisions 📊 Kratful - AI-driven feedback analysis for product optimization 🎨 Stability Matrix - Simplify Stable Diffusion UIs and models management New AI Job Opportunities 👩‍💻 Perplexity AI - Program Manager - Community 🏙️ Metropolis - Senior Director of Sales Engineering 💻 Luma AI - Senior Backend Software Engineer ✍️ Cohere - Copywriter / Copy Editor (part-time, contractor) 

Enjoying these updates? Support us by visiting our App at Read Aloud For Me - AI Dashboard - AI Hub - AI Tools Catalog - Top GPTs - Best LLMs - All AI Tools in One Place

👀 Sam Altman: "GPT-4 is the dumbest AI you'll ever have to use"

  • OpenAI CEO Sam Altman described GPT-4 as the "dumbest" AI model users will have to interact with, anticipating significantly smarter versions in the future.
  • Altman emphasized that OpenAI's AI models, including GPT-4, have considerable potential for improvement, with successive models like GPT-5 and GPT-6 expected to be significantly smarter.
  • Despite the high cost of development, which could range from $500 million to $50 billion annually, Altman is confident in the future value these advanced AI systems will bring to society.
  • Source

🎵 TikTok and UMG strike new licensing deal including AI protections

  • UMG has reached a "multi-dimensional" agreement with TikTok to bring back its artists, including Taylor Swift, Drake, and Olivia Rodrigo, to the platform's over one billion users.
  • The deal includes provisions to collaborate on ensuring AI development in the music industry protects artists' rights and addresses unauthorized AI-generated music on TikTok.
  • Additionally, the agreement will introduce new monetization opportunities for artists through TikTok's expanding e-commerce capabilities and enhance tools for artist promotion, including analytics and integrated ticketing.
  • Source

📲 Anthropic's ChatGPT rival Claude is now available on iOS
  • Anthropic has launched an iOS app for its AI model Claude 3, which has been anticipated due to the company's recent hiring of iOS engineers.
  • The app offers both free and premium access to Claude 3's features, including its vision capabilities for real-time image analysis and summarization.
  • Anthropic also launched a new "Team" plan, priced at $30 per user per month, offers advanced administrative controls and collaboration features, aiming to secure a stronger foothold in the enterprise AI market.
  • Source

🤖 Atlassian launches Rovo, its new AI teammate

  • Atlassian launched Rovo, an AI assistant designed to integrate with its products, making data from various tools easily accessible and enabling automation of workflows in applications like Jira and Confluence.
  • Rovo is based on Atlassian's "cloud teamwork graph" and aims to simplify tasks for knowledge workers by assisting in finding, understanding, and taking action on work-related information.
  • The AI features Rovo Agents that can automate complex tasks and workflows, offering customization through natural language interface without the need for programming skills.
  • Source

🤖Better and faster LLMs via multi-token prediction: New research

New research, apparently from Meta, has proposed a novel approach to training language models (LMs). It suggests that training LMs to predict multiple future tokens at once instead of predicting only the next token in a sequence results in higher sample efficiency. The architecture is simple, with no train time or memory overhead.
Figure: Overview of multi-token prediction
The research also provides experimental evidence that this training paradigm is increasingly useful for larger models and in particular, shows strong improvements for code tasks. Multi-token prediction also enables self-speculative decoding, making models up to 3 times faster at inference time across a wide range of batch sizes.
Why does it matter?
LLMs such as GPT and Llama rely on next-token prediction. Despite their recent impressive achievements, next-token prediction remains an inefficient way of acquiring language, world knowledge, and reasoning capabilities. It latches on local patterns and overlooks “hard” decisions.
Perhaps, multi-token prediction could bring a shift in how LMs learn. It could equip LLMs with deeper understanding and complex problem-solving capabilities. (or Meta just wasted their compute.)

Anthropic launches an iOS app and a new plan for teams

Anthropic, the creator of the Claude 3 AI models, released a new iOS app named Claude. The app enables users to access AI models, chat with them, and analyze images by uploading them.
Anthropic also introduced a paid team plan, offering enhanced features like more chat queries and admin control for groups of five or more. The app is free for all users of Claude AI models, including free users, Claude Pro subscribers, and team plan members. The company will also roll out an Android version soon.
Why does it matter?
Though a little late with its mobile app, Anthropic has caught up with its competitors like OpenAI and Google, who have apps running for quite a while. The company decided to offer an app version because many users have been accessing its AI models through the web.

Google's AI advancements may have urged Microsoft's billion-dollar OpenAI investment

Internal emails have revealed that Microsoft invested $1 billion in OpenAI in 2019 out of fear that Google was significantly ahead in its AI efforts.
Microsoft CTO Kevin Scott sent a lengthy email to CEO Satya Nadella and Bill Gates stating Google’s AI-powered “auto complete in Gmail” was getting “scarily good” and added that Microsoft was years behind in terms of ML scale.
The emails, with the subject line “Thoughts on OpenAI,” were made public on Tuesday as part of the Department of Justice's antitrust case against Google. A large section of Scott's email was redacted. Check out the email here.
Why does it matter?
While some might call it paranoia, the well-timed move has undeniably paid off– the initial $1 billion has now turned into a multi-billion-dollar partnership with OpenAI.
While the email-surfacing highlights the growing scrutiny of competition in the tech industry, it also makes me wonder if Microsoft's investment in OpenAI could have influenced the overall direction of AI research and development.

What Else Is Happening in AI on May 02nd 2024❗

🤖 Sanctuary AI teams up with Microsoft to advance general-purpose robot AI
Sanctuary AI has announced a collaboration with Microsoft to develop AI models for general-purpose humanoid robots. The partnership will leverage Microsoft's Azure cloud computing platform and AI technologies to enhance the capabilities of Sanctuary AI's robots. (Link)
🗣️ Nvidia's ChatRTX now supports voice queries and Google's Gemma model
Nvidia has updated its ChatRTX chatbot to support Google's Gemma model, voice queries, and additional AI models. The chatbot, which runs locally on a PC, enables users to search personal documents and YouTube videos using various AI models, including ChatGLM3 and OpenAI's CLIP model. (Link)
🤝 Atlassian launches Rovo: An AI assistant for enhanced teamwork
Atlassian has launched Rovo, an AI assistant designed to improve teamwork and productivity. Rovo integrates with Atlassian's products and offers features such as AI-powered search, workflow automation, and integration with third-party tools like Google Drive, Microsoft SharePoint, and Slack. (Link)
MongoDB launches an AI app-building toolkit to help businesses use gen AI
It has launched the MongoDB AI Applications Program, or MAAP, to help companies accelerate building and deployment of AI-powered applications. It brings consultancies and foundation models providers, cloud infrastructure, generative AI frameworks, and model hosting together with MongoDB Atlas to develop solutions for business problems. (Link)
🎨 Ideogram introduces Pro Tier: 12,000 fast AI image generations monthly
Ideogram has launched a paid Pro tier for its AI image generation platform, allowing users to generate up to 12,000 images per month at faster speeds. The platform utilizes AI algorithms to create high-quality images for various applications, including design, marketing, and content creation. (Link)

Google Chrome gets Gemini shortcut

The details:
  • Users will be able to type '@gemini' followed by a prompt in Chrome’s desktop address bar to get responses from the AI without navigating to a separate site.
  • The feature builds on existing shortcuts like '@bookmarks' and '@history', making AI chat as seamless as other browser functions.
  • Gemini’s Extensions feature now also connects the chatbot to Maps, YouTube, Hotels, and Workspace.
  • The features are only being rolled out to supported languages and countries.
Why it matters: Gemini just got a whole lot more accessible — with the shortcut and integrations not only boosting the chatbot’s reach, but also introducing a wave of non-AI users to the tech. Subtle but impactful changes like these are what drive serious shifts in user habits.

AI Training:

Create infinite styles with Midjourney
Midjourney’s new parameter feature called --sref random lets users generate images in completely random styles to help spark creativity.
  1. Visit Midjourney’s Discord. You will need a paid subscription to use this feature.
  2. Type -sref random after your prompt to grab a completely random style.
  3. To create a new image based on a previous style, grab the URL of the image, and type -sref [URL]
Example prompt: “Portrait of a woman smiling –sref https://www....”


AI model predicts drug effectiveness
Image source: DALL-E 3
Ohio State University researchers just developed CURE, an AI model that can accurately estimate drug treatment effects and effectiveness without clinical trials.
The details:
  • The model is trained on de-identified health records of over 3M patients, allowing it to gain a deep understanding of patient characteristics.
  • CURE outperformed seven other leading AI models in treatment effectiveness predictions, with improvements of 7-8% on key benchmarks.
  • The AI predictions are closely aligned with clinical trial findings in tests, showcasing the potential to generate insights that streamline drug testing.
Why it matters: With the ability to crunch massive medical datasets, CURE represents a significant step towards systems that can reliably estimate real-world drug effectiveness — potentially accelerating the discovery of new treatments without the cost and long timeframes of traditional clinical trials.

Trending AI Tools

  • Claude iOS App - The powerful AI assistant by Anthropic, now on your iPhone
  • Udio New Features - Generate AI music longer than 2 minutes and extend tracks up to 15 minutes
  • Loom AI workflow - Turn any loom video into share-ready docs in a click
  • Atlassian Rovo - AI Teammate for data-driven business decisions
  • Kratful - AI-driven feedback analysis for product optimization
  • Stability Matrix - Simplify Stable Diffusion UIs and models management

New AI Job Opportunities

  • Perplexity AI - Program Manager - Community
  • Metropolis - Senior Director of Sales Engineering
  • Luma AI - Senior Backend Software Engineer
  • Cohere - Copywriter / Copy Editor (part-time, contractor)

Enjoying these updates? Support us by visiting our App at
submitted by enoumen to u/enoumen [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:14 PIGORR Building a pc, with bioinformatics in mind

A bit of an odd question, I will most likely study bioinformatics as my master's degree. I'm planning to build a PC this year that will be mainly for gaming, some light 3d modeling on blender and hopefully some programing work on Bionfomatics! I don't know if I should mind for things like an Nvidia gpu since it's better for productivity Other things like storage for data.. should I extra HDD? cpu most likely will be an ryzen 5 7600
submitted by PIGORR to bioinformatics [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:14 golangprojects [Hiring] Remote Golang job: Senior Software Engineer at Monad Labs (NYC, New York, United States) Salary: $200,000

Salary: $200,000 Founded by Jump Trading alums, Monad Labs is a tech startup using low-latency programming, compiler optimization, and multithreaded computing to build an ultra-high-performance smart contract platform. The work entails building an optimal stack-based VM that supports multithreaded computation, as well as developing and implementing an efficient Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) algorithm enabling a network of nodes to come to consensus. We recently raised $225M in series A funding to scale our team in bringing the Monad blockchain to production.
About the Role
We are hiring a Senior Software Engineer to research, design, and build core improvements to the blockchain protocol. Your work will involve distributed algorithms, cryptography, and consensus mechanisms. You will draw on previous experience in distributed systems or blockchain engineering, and will work as a vital member of a small, high-performing team.
What you'll do
You’ll research, design, and build core improvements to the consensus mechanism, gossip protocol, state synchronization algorithm, leader election protocol, etc. You’ll devise experiments to test worst-case scenarios, and iterate on your design based on the results. You’ll design components while taking into account the behavior of other blockchain systems such as rollups, bridges, or staking systems. You’ll build performant system components from scratch in Rust. 
Who you are
You have at least 4 years of software engineering experience. You have backend engineering experience in Rust, Go, or C++/C You have excellent instincts for software architecture You value communication and collaboration 
Why work with us
You’ll work on extremely challenging problems with massive impact You’ll work with and learn from a small, exceptional team (bios here: You’ll receive a competitive salary, along with equity You’ll shape the culture as an early employee and make impactful contributions from day one You’ll be part of a flat, results-driven organization Your work will be deeply impactful 
Salary and benefits
Minimum full-time salary of $200,000. (**This is not a guarantee of compensation or salary; a final offer amount may vary based on factors including but not limited to experience and geographic location.)
Monad Labs’ benefits include unlimited and encouraged paid time off; insurance coverage; home office equipment stipend; monthly wellness/fitness stipend; and 10 company-observed holidays.
The majority of our team is in NYC and works together three days a week. We are open to remote candidates, with a strong preference for candidates based in NYC.
Read more / apply:
submitted by golangprojects to jobbit [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:07 ahead-market CLFD Q1 2024 Earnings: Significant Revenue and EPS Decline

CLFD reported a substantial decline in total revenue to $36.9 million, a 49% decrease, and a net loss of $5.9 million with EPS at -0.4, indicating significant underperformance.

Key Metrics

Revenue $36.9M -49%
Gross Profit $2.8M
Operating Expenses $12.6M
Operating Expenses Growth 9.3%
Net Income $-5.9M
Earnings Per Share $-0.4 -160%
Cash and Cash Equivalents $15818M
Business Highlights
Guidance: Decreased
Additional Notes
Expectations: MISS
CLFD's reported revenue of $36.9 million and EPS of -0.4 fell below analysts' expectations, which estimated an average revenue of $31.25 million and EPS of -0.52 for the current quarter. Despite surpassing the revenue forecast, the significant year-over-year decline and negative EPS growth of -160% highlight major operational challenges.
submitted by ahead-market to ahead_market [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:06 PerkyDreamin CS summer project idea?

Current freshmen in CompEng, this summer I want to start working on personal projects.
I will be working as a camp counselor, and I plan to use the GPT API to essentially build a GPT wrapper that is tailored to my camps needs, and then house it in a website or discord bot. Is this works out I might try to build a simple game in Unreal Engine and house it there, but this seems a lot more complicated so probably not.
Having almost no independent programming experience, how much work would this be? Is it realistic? Would it be helpful to work with friends or is this something I could complete on my own? What resources are available for a project like this, and what topics should I research/practice before?
Relevant experiences/coursework:
Intro to Machine Learning
submitted by PerkyDreamin to ComputerEngineering [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:05 PerkyDreamin CS freshmen project idea?

Current freshmen in CompEng, this summer I want to start working on personal projects.
I will be working as a camp counselor, and I plan to use the GPT API to essentially build a GPT wrapper that is tailored to my camps needs, and then house it in a website or discord bot. Is this works out I might try to build a simple game in Unreal Engine and house it there, but this seems a lot more complicated so probably not.
Having almost no independent programming experience, how much work would this be? Is it realistic? Would it be helpful to work with friends or is this something I could complete on my own? What resources are available for a project like this, and what topics should I research/practice before?
Relevant experiences/coursework:
Intro to Machine Learning
submitted by PerkyDreamin to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:03 PerkyDreamin Freshmen CS Project Idea?

Current freshmen in CompEng, this summer I want to start working on personal projects.
I will be working as a camp counselor, and I plan to use the GPT API to essentially build a GPT wrapper that is tailored to my camps needs, and then house it in a website or discord bot. Is this works out I might try to build a simple game in Unreal Engine and house it there, but this seems a lot more complicated so probably not.
Having almost no independent programming experience, how much work would this be? Is it realistic? Would it be helpful to work with friends or is this something I could complete on my own? What resources are available for a project like this, and what topics should I research/practice before?
Relevant experiences/coursework:
Intro to Machine Learning
submitted by PerkyDreamin to csMajors [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:03 Substantial_Rise_184 Good laptop for stem college major?!

I was looking into a macbook air with upgraded ram/storage, but my friend is now advising me to not go with a MacBook. Does anybody have suggestions for the best stem major laptop/how much storage/ram it should have??!
USD: $1000-$1600
Yes but not first choice
Would like a pretty decent battery life and high performance to be able to run all the necessary programs
Would like something not super heavy
13 inch or higher preferably
Maybe touch-screen if possible?
Utilizing the computer for STEM major and small other personal activities
submitted by Substantial_Rise_184 to SuggestALaptop [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:03 KSBXJ New to pc tbh 🦖🦔🔥

1) What will you be doing with this PC? Be as specific as possible, and include specific games or programs you will be using?
Running basic needs for college however more on playing games such as… Jurassic World Evolution 2 (kinda want to mod it) • Overwatch 2 (I don't play the game often toh) • Jurassic Park Operation Genesis • Planet Zoo • Prehistoric Kingdom • Apex Legends (play the game fairly) • Star Wars Battlefront I (kinda want to mod it too)
2) What is your maximum budget before rebates/shipping/taxes?
less then $3000 (IF possible)
3) When do you plan on building/buying the PC? Note: beyond a week or two from today means any build you receive will be out of date when you want to buy.
I don’t know when I just want to have an idea 💡
4) What, exactly, do you need included in the budget? (ToweOS/monitokeyboard/mouse/etc)
Don’t need a monitor, keyboard and mouse just need the Tower .
5) Which country (and state/province) will you be purchasing the parts in? If you're in US, do you have access to a Microcenter location?
US 😩 but fr yes there’s is Microcenter
6) If reusing any parts (including monitor(s)/keyboard/mouse/etc), what parts will you be reusing?
Got a ASUS monitor, a razer mouse and a Royal Kludge Keyboard.
7) Will you be overclocking? If yes, are you interested in overclocking right away, or down the line? CPU and/or GPU?
8) Are there any specific features or items you want/need in the build? (ex: SSD, large amount of storage or a RAID setup, CUDA or OpenCL support, etc)
Tbh idk
9) Do you have any specific case preferences (Size like ITX/microATX/mid-towefull-tower, styles, colors, window or not, LED lighting, etc), or a particular color theme preference for the components?
I like the color green.
10) Do you need a copy of Windows included in the budget? If you do need one included, do you have a preference?
submitted by KSBXJ to buildapcforme [link] [comments]