2nd grade prefix workshop

Concern About Feedback Timeliness Impacting My Grades

2024.05.19 00:50 Dekhlengetumhe Concern About Feedback Timeliness Impacting My Grades

I need some advice on a situation I'm facing regarding feedback from my TA.
I recently received my final grades. I was quite surprised to see that I received a B. The feedback from my TA indicated that I didn't follow specific guidelines, which I admit was my mistake. However, there's a bit more to the story.
After submitting my first report on March 2nd, I received feedback on May 9th, which was quite late. I had already submitted the second report by then. Before submitting the second report, I had reached out to my TA via email to understand why I received low grades on the first report. Unfortunately, I didn't get a response to make necessary improvements for the second report and I submitted my final report where in I received low grades again.
When I raised this concern with my TA, he mentioned that my email might have been filtered as spam and eventually auto-deleted. To prove that I did sent the email I also attached screen shot of the email I sent.
Here’s what I’m seeking advice on:
  1. How can I address this issue more effectively with my TA or the course staff?
  2. Is there any possibility of grade reconsideration in such cases?
I'd appreciate any insights or similar experiences you might share. Thanks for reading!
submitted by Dekhlengetumhe to UIUC [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:41 Shadow_Storm066 Hi, new to the Thread, but I'm petty, so here's my first petty post. Also, sorry in advance, this is kind of long, it's a long story.

Ok, so, I used to live in a different state during my childhood than the one I live in now (I live in the Northern US, originally born in this northern state as well). I lived in this other state from the ages of 6 until I was almost 16, and throughout the entirety of my elementary and middle school years up until the middle of 9th grade (which was at the high school, some start at 10th grade instead of 9th).
There were 2 main bullies that I dealt with starting in 1st grade/first school year after moving to this state, and as the years went on, these two girls (let's call them Marie & Clarisse) would get their friends in on bullying me. I wasn't popular by any means, but my mother always had me in sports and extracurricular activities with these girls, so I could never really escape them. It was just as bad outside of anything school related as Marie has two younger brothers that my brother was friends with, so I had to pretend to be the 'best of friends' with Marie from 1st grade up until about the end of 7th grade since our families drifted apart from being "close friends".
As far as typical bullying goes in elementary school, I dealt with constant name-calling and cruel "pranks", mostly aimed towards my weight, I wasn't fat, but I wasn't skinny either despite being in sports and was always active. However, those incidents extended to my stuff being stolen, like my notebooks I'd use for schoolwork, or my box of pencils/pens/etc., forcing me to constantly borrow from the few friends I actually had or from the teachers. I used to be in band (which started in 6th grade in that school district), and I played the clarinet, my stepdad had bought me a very nice/sturdy and somewhat expensive tote bag to put my clarinet, music stand, and music binders in for easier storage and to keep my hands free when transporting my 'equipment'. Us band kids were allowed to keep our instruments behind the curtains of the stage in the school's cafeteria (the stage was against the farthest wall from the kitchen/lunch lines), and out of the ~20 kids in band, only my expensive/sturdy tote bag was stolen within the last 2 days of 6th grade, of course suspects were Marie & Clarisse (I saw Clarisse using my tote bag that summer, as my now-smudged name had been written in permanent marker on the straps and one of the sides of the bag). I left it be because I didn't want any conflict, my stepdad bought me another one after finding out the original one was stolen in the first place.
Middle school wasn't much better as the name calling got extensively more graphic and consisted of slurs (like the F slur, as I'm proudly part of the LGBTQ+ community, specifically AgendeNon-binary), furthering the self-hurting thoughts that had started in 3rd grade. I had continuously tried to tell my mom and stepdad about it, only for my pleas for help to go unheard until one week during the winter season in 7th grade. I had gotten sick for 2 days and stayed home an extra day to recover, but during those three days, Marie, Clarisse and their friends had made an Instagram account, posting very unattractive pictures of fellow classmates (i.e. purposely taking pictures with very unflattering angles, poor lighting, etc) and blamed it on me since they put my address in the private information into that account. My mom had found the account, immediately asking about if I was the one behind it, she unfortunately didn't believe me until *after* she ripped my phone from me to look through it for "evidence" that I made the account. When I returned to school the following Thursday after recovering from the small cold, I was constantly bombarded by fellow students about the account since Marie & Clarisse were the ones that spread the obvious false rumor that I made it. By the end of the day, I had finally snapped, yelling "I didn't make that f-cking account. Why can't everyone just stop bothering me about it?" Of course, that earned plenty of attention from the teachers and students within earshot (and thanks to the tiled floors and walls, my yelling echoed throughout most of the first floor and partly into the second floor of my school), I ended up having to talk with the counselor about the whole ordeal because of my frustrated outburst, which resulted with very little help from the staff, but after a few weeks, people seemed to forget that the account even existed since it ended up deleted within a few days after my outburst.
That following school year, 8th grade, was even worse. Sure, the slurs, the other name-calling and thievery of my belongings continued (more so the slurs/name-calling), but by this year, I was almost constantly committing the self-hurting since my mother was of no help, my stepdad was sympathetic but always working and the therapist my mother found for me was basically a deadbeat with bullying situations (she didn't seem to understand or even want to actually help me with the bullying as she was more of a family therapist than anything else). For the district curriculum, we are required to take health class in 8th grade, and as we were going over the unit that encompassed depression, self-harm, and su!c!dal thoughts/actions, I constantly had to have another staff member in the back of the classroom to watch over me and take me out of the class if any of the course material triggered an episode. Thankfully the staff member was that was there for me was the school's police officer, let's call him Officer Lennox, he was like a protective older brother, especially after finding out about how consistently I was bullied. Near the end of the unit, we had to watch Ronan's Escape (it's on YouTube), and since I was going through my own version of Ronan's situation, I ended up breaking down sobbing in class, only to be laughed at by some of the boys that were close friends with Marie & Clarisse. Officer Lennox snapped at them as professionally as possible while helping me out of the classroom to go sit with the nurse to have some downtime to stop sobbing before I was allowed back to my classes.
Another situation, which is the worst of it in 8th grade, was this one girl, let's call her Ava. She thought it would be hilarious to eavesdrop into my conversations with my best friend (we'll refer to her as Raven since that was a nickname she used) throughout lunch and shared classes, only to take our conversations completely out of context in order to string up a lie that Raven and I were planning to unalive the principle. Of course, this wasn't true, the principle was an a-hole to everyone, and Raven & I would discuss that we greatly disliked him. Ava mostly got away with spreading this lie as her mom was a higher-up in the school district, forcing Raven and I to entirely change our class schedules so we weren't in any classes with Ava, as well as almost being expelled. Thanks to Officer Lennox sticking up for both of us, we only had to have in-school suspension for 3 days instead of being expelled. Sadly, Ava got very little repercussions from this, but Raven and I grew even closer as best friends after "The Incident" as we still refer to it as almost 10 years later.
Summer rolled through without a hitch, leading to 9th grade, the start of high school. I was given more freedom from my mother (she's a helicopter parent and abusive/narcissistic) to dress in clothing that I preferred in comparison to always wearing brightly colored athletic wear. I completely changed my appearance, chopped my hair from just above the small of my back to a punk pixie-styled cut, and started wearing graphic t-shirts, ripped jeans, combat boots, and leather jackets. On top of that, I started becoming more confrontational/combative towards my bullies, since they still wouldn't let up, I earned a "bad@ass/bad b!tch" reputation, made friends with other rebellious and misfit types of people in the grades above me, and just fully became more of "me" despite the disapproval from my mother of the amount of change I undergone.
Despite being 14 at the start of 9th grade, I began dating, specifically one fellow student that was a very close friend and felon, he went to jail/juvie throughout the 2nd half of 7th grade and all of 8th grade. He came to the high school 3 months after the year started, and our friendship-turned-relationship sparked right back up as if he never left. I had kept my dating life secret from my family, mostly my mother because I know how bad her reaction would've been if I told her. With him almost always by my side (excluding classes we didn't share), my brand-new appearance, and my quickly attained delinquent/rebellious reputation, most of my issues dissipated much quicker than before. In spite of that, Marie & Clarisse kept making their remarks, trying to drag down my new confidence and constantly break my felon boyfriend (let's call him Collin) and I up. They got more degrading and verbally abusive with these antics, I eventually was completely fed up with it all. In the middle of the school year, within a couple weeks after Yule (Christmas for the non-pagans) & New Years Break, Marie, Clarisse and their group of friends had stopped me in the hallway, purposely surrounding me (there was about 30 of them in total) on my way to class, continuing with their shtick as usual, I slipped the pocketknife out of my pocket, flicking it open as I finally gave in and threatened to unalive them and everyone they care for if they don't leave me the f-ck alone. They saw the opened knife and knew then & there that I was 100% serious, I turned on my heels, shoving through them only to notice the principal and school's police officer (not officer Lennox) staring at me with concerned expressions, they also noticed the knife as there was a glint from the blade due to the blindly bright lights in the hallway. Not a word was uttered as they walked away, never sending a call to my mother or stepdad about the weapon or the confrontation as they had seen my progression in attitude and the amount of f-cks I had (which was none). After that day, those girls never spoke to me again, would barely glance in my direction, would purposely take alternate routes to class if they saw me in the hallway (or would keep to the wall if they couldn't move quick enough), and if we shared any classes, they'd be on the opposite side of the room from me and would do everything they could to never be partnered/grouped with me in class projects.
Everything was smooth sailing from then on, and now I'm 22 (as of late April this year), happily living with my bio-dad, my brother and my 2-year-old kitty, Ziggy. My mother is out of the picture entirely as she refuses to change her mindset and parenting style. I'm still confrontational towards anyone that tries messing with me, especially if they're anti-LGBTQ+/racist/abusive/etc. And thanks to my continuation of my drastic change from 8th grade to 9th grade, I'm now considered both the protector and the therapist to my friends, always there for them because I grew up knowing what it was like to not have that kind of support. I hope this story of roughly half my life can provide some sort of comfort or proof that it does indeed get better, even if it doesn't seem like it in the moment.
submitted by Shadow_Storm066 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:31 Kindly-Assistance812 Should I transfer to york from western? If anyone could please help I truly appreciate it

Hey!, so I'm a bit lost and scared, so I'm hoping you guys can provide insight on what I should do. I currently finished my 2nd year in med sci and its been rough my cumulative GPA rn is 3.2 (1st year= 3.02, 2nd year= 3.27). I know they say it gets easier in 3rd and 4th year but idk if I should risk it and stay or not. I know I can get higher grades much easier in york as I have friends there in biomed who have shared their coursework and assessments with me, and it is significantly easier but I also know a family friend who transferred from western to york whom even with her high stats 3.96, 4th quartile CASPER, descent MCAT, and lots of extracurriculars has been waitlisted in 10th place in only one med school. I worked my butt off in 2nd year and did better (3.0, 4.0, 2.7, 3.3, 3.7, 2.3, 3.9, 3.9, 2.7) but not as good as I hoped and although I do love my program and the university I don't want to regret it in the future. I know western prefers its own student for medschool but would I even be in the running with my grades. I know western looks at your best two years but I've kind of lost my confidence in these two years and dk if I can possibly pull 4.0 in most of my classes in 3rd and 4th year. If anyone has experience from doing bad to really good in 3rd and 4th year in western, or if they have transferred, or have any advice or thoughts I would truly appreciate it and be forever grateful.
submitted by Kindly-Assistance812 to premedcanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:20 alexlovesqsmpdsmp Homophobic/Transphobic and sexist parents' rant TW: 1 mention of hitting

My parents are very homophobic, and I am Trans (FTM), and I haven't come out to them yet that I'm trans, but recently I've been refusing to wear the dresses they buy me even after I told them I don't like dresses, and they keep asking me "What do you want to be a boy now?" and I always say no because they say if anyone in our family were trans or gay they would kick us out. I remember telling my mom in 1st grade I had a crush and she said something along the lines of "Really what's his name?" and I remember telling her it was a girl, and she was so angry she hit me, and that was the last time I ever told her my crush. I didn't understand why she was so angry about it, "it's just a girl" I remember thinking. I remember learning in 2nd grade what LGBTQ was and wondering why my parents were so against it and why they tried to hide me from it. I also remember when I was around 8, I asked my dad if I could cut my hair short because I didn't like it long and my dad scolded me, and my mom called me a dyk3. I don't know how to feel about myself because my parents will hate me if I tell them who I really am but at the same time they have never cared about me and only my brothers. I really just want parents that care about me and would accept me.
submitted by alexlovesqsmpdsmp to HomophobicParents [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:46 Labmom192125 Is this a normal feeling to have coming from being an only child to having 6 younger siblings?!?

I’m a 28 year old female. I was adopted by my maternal grandfather and step grandma at 4 years old but I have been with them since I was 10 weeks old. They are the only parents I’ve ever known. They received custody from me because my dad’s ex-wife (who filed a dcfs case to get custody from her daughter -my biological mother). My dad and his ex wife had 2 kids, a son and my biological mother. It was an open adoption with my bio mom until a certain age when my parents stopped allowing the visits due to some concerns with the living situation I would stay in when I was there. My brother was 18 years old when I was born and he’s the only person I had in my childhood, even though he was in a much different place in life than myself due to the age difference.
I’ve suffered from some mental health struggles due to the adoption. I was in 2nd grade when I was diagnosed with severe ADHD, severe anxiety in 6th grade, and severe depression after the loss of my dad’s dad in 2009. Having been diagnosed with anxiety at such a young age and the trauma I had been through being adopted made me more likely to see situations as traumatic and more likely to develop ptsd from situations.
Now that I’ve told you the back story I’m really hoping this reaches the right people that understand or can relate to what I’m going through.
Growing up I always wanted siblings my age. But I basically grew up as an only child as my older brother was starting his own life and after I was no longer allowed to go over to my bio moms house she didn’t come around as much.
I’ve never really had my bio father in the picture but I knew who he was and that was never hidden from me. To me (despite the court case with the adoption and how he really felt about the situation) he’s always been one of the 3 people that abandoned me. I’ve struggled with personal relationships my whole life due to the trust issues from the ptsd. My biological father has 7 living children, myself being the oldest.
I had a relationship for a little while with the 2nd born. Then that ended as she had some issues with our biological father after she moved in. Then we quit talking. Well about 2 years ago now I got in touch and really close to the 3rd born who was 17 when I met her. She’s now 19 and living across the street from our biological father and our other sister lives down the street just a few houses down. And she’s now aloud to be around the “kids”, which are our 4 younger siblings still living in the house with our bio father.
My bio father and I haven’t really gotten along as I’ve always seen him as a trigger and one that abandoned me. I’ve been working on myself for some time now and was ready to work on that trigger and have a relationship with my 4 youngest siblings. But because my bio father says I need to have a relationship with him first I’m not aloud to be around the kids. I know he is the parent and doing what he thinks is right but I also don’t live across the street or down the street. It’s a 1.5 hour drive each way for me to get there. I honestly feel like I’m being replaced by my 3rd sister. The one that I’ve been closest to (and really the only person I talk to) now that she’s aloud to be around them.
I also feel like I’m being treated differently because I was raised differently than them. I also feel like I’m being left out and it hurts seeing the people you desperately need in your life to move forward and your sister your closest with is becoming more interested in them than me.
submitted by Labmom192125 to Adopted [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:44 mgcg1an Workload and getting Remote 2ND Job: your experiences?

Hi, guys, what is the workload for 2nd year? I am doing an aerospace engineering apprenticehsip Level 6, it's been tame, I've fucked about for the first year, I will fix up. Honestly, it was kinda fun. But, it ramps up apparently. FYI: I haven't been like this before, my mindset before was: study, work, sleep, and repeat. I had a goal in mind. I need your experiences.
And, getting a second job, I've had two jobs before, but not during a degree apprenticeship, it was during A-level and i was doing 4, subsequently I did get lower grades, ABBB, I do aim to get a first for this degree apprenticeship. Any advise.
But for context, this second job will be a hustle job. Many thanks
submitted by mgcg1an to degreeapprenticeships [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:40 mgcg1an Workload and getting Remote 2ND Job: your experiences?

Hi, guys, what is the workload for 2nd year? I am doing an aerospace engineering apprenticehsip Level 6, it's been tame, I've fucked about for the first year, I will fix up. Honestly, it was kinda fun. But, it ramps up apparently. I need your experiences.
And, getting a second job, I've had two jobs before, but not during a degree apprenticeship, it was during A-level and i was doing 4, subsequently I did get lower grades, I do aim to get a first. Any advise.
But for context, this second job will be a hustle job. Many thanks
submitted by mgcg1an to degreeapprenticeships [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:38 Patratacus2020 I got angry for being called a liar and untrustworthy

Am I wrong for being angry/upset for being called a liar and untrustworthy for telling my daughter that the movie popcorn has "butter" poured on top of it at the theater? The question came up from my daughter asking whether the movie popcorn has any nuts/peanuts in it because she has a nut allergy. I simply said, "No, it's just popcorn and butter and some salt." I know the liquid stuff they put on the popcorn isn't butter, even though the concession stand person asked if I wanted "butter." I grew up eating this stuff and have bought some in the past. I know it's some oil with coloring and salt. It could also be some other type of fatty substance they use, but I'm confident it doesn't contain nuts or tree nuts. The reason they even use this "butter" stuff in the first place is to keep it from going rancid if they use real butter. It's also cheap, so adding nuts would increase the cost. I know there is hazelnut flavoring (also fake and has no actual hazelnuts), and that's more expensive than "butter."
Anyway, my wife got pissed at me about lying to my daughter, and she deemed that I couldn't be trusted. My daughter has asked about whether there are nuts in pretty much everything. It's good that she's looking out for herself, but when she does this all the time, it gets pretty old. I didn't want to interrogate the concession stand staff about whether the popcorn or the fake butter stuff had any nuts/peanuts in it.
My wife kept bringing up trust a lot in the past several years because one time many years ago, I told her I wanted to get a divorce during a heated verbal argument because she was driving me nuts.
Here are some of the situations that have accumulated over the years and made me resent her more and more. I think I'm a trustworthy person, and I try my best to live with integrity. I have a high-paying professional job. I don't have any vices (alcohol, drugs, gambling, etc.). I also don't do much other than going to work and coming home. I go grocery shopping on the weekend and spend most of the time doing household chores on doing stuff on the computer.
She kept holding a grudge about all these things, and now she has us taking many marriage therapy workshops and sessions. She insisted that I'm too withdrawn and uncaring. She insisted that I needed to be a better husband.
I used to think I was a responsible person, and I tried my best to succeed in life. I try to spend as much time with my kids as possible so they know I'm there for them. My father wasn't around much when I was younger so I don't want to make the same mistake. We have been married for 15 years at this point but I'm just getting more and more sick of being in this relationship. I want my kids to have an intact family but it's just getting harder and harder. I don't have any other woman in my life so it's not even a part of the equation. I'm just not happy being questioned all the time and treated like a piece of garbage.
Anyway, I got really upset today after she called me a liar and said I was untrustworthy for telling my daughter the fake butter stuff is butter. I decided to walk home from this event we were supposed to get dinner together. I'd rather come home and cook my own dinner than be accused of something I can't even comprehend anymore.
submitted by Patratacus2020 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:33 C---D May 19, 2024, Wordle #1065 – Hazel: SHIFT

Wordle 1065 4/6* Grade: C+ (79%)
Guess Result Words Left Answers Left Skill Luck Info Gained Grade
SHIFT ⬛🟨🟨⬛🟨 41 14 82 89 67% B
WIDTH ⬛🟩⬛🟨🟩 7 2 99 56 91% C−
PITCH ⬛🟩🟩🟩🟩 6 1 99 25 100% F
HITCH 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Win! 99 100% A+
Wordlescope's guide animal: Pleasing Fungus Beetle
🏆 Golfle 1065: Par 💁‍♂️
🏌️‍♂️ ⏝◦ ⏝◦ ⏝◦ ⏝◦ ⛳️
⚪️🟡🟡⚪️🟡 ⚪️🟢⚪️🟡🟢 ⚪️🟢🟢🟢🟢 🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢
Ongoing Golfle score (Par = 4 guesses):
Time Period Number of "Holes" Score
March 2024 31 −21
April 2024 30 −24
May 2024 19 −15
What would Scoredle do?
Wordle 1065 6/6* Grade: F (52%)
Guess Result Words Left Answers Left Grade
SLATE ⬛⬛⬛🟨⬛ 302 86 D
TIGHT 🟨🟩⬛🟨⬛ 7 4 B+
PITCH ⬛🟩🟩🟩🟩 6 3 F
DITCH ⬛🟩🟩🟩🟩 5 2 F
WITCH ⬛🟩🟩🟩🟩 4 1 F
HITCH 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Win! A+
What would WordleBot do?
Regular mode analysis: Wordle 1065 4/6 Grade: B+ (88%)
Guess Result Words Left Answers Left Grade
CRANE 🟨⬛⬛⬛⬛ 268 55 D
SPOIL ⬛⬛⬛🟨⬛ 30 8 D−
WHICH ⬛🟨🟨🟩🟩 1 1 A+
HITCH 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Win! A+
Hard mode analysis: Wordle 1065 5/6* Grade: D+ (68%)
Guess Result Words Left Answers Left Grade
PLATE ⬛⬛⬛🟨⬛ 490 128 F
ROUST ⬛⬛⬛⬛🟨 35 10 D+
DITCH ⬛🟩🟩🟩🟩 7 2 C−
WITCH ⬛🟩🟩🟩🟩 6 1 F
HITCH 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Win! A+
Double-letter tracker for this month:
Days Double-Letter Answers
19 4
Was looking right at a potential _ITCH small trap (none of the possibilities are previous solutions) and went with my 2nd guess to guarantee a win in 4. Scoredle went through all the words and barely made it while WordleBot in hard mode took 5.
submitted by C---D to WordleBuddy [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:06 Affectionate_Bat5876 Am I a horrible person for just wishing my sister didn't exist?

My sister seems like the worst person in the world to me and I need some outside opinions on this. Right now, I'm a minor in middle school, I would not like to specify my age, and the sister mentioned in the title is 24. My oldest sister is currently 26. I'll call the sister I really hate Sarah (24), and the other one that I really love Katie (26). As more context, Katie works a great job in a big city, she's super independent, and she treats the family to lots of nice things. Sarah lives at home and freeloads off my parents. Sarah has diagnosed ADHD, depression, OCD, anxiety, and probably more that I don't know about. I understand that when she was little my parents had very different parenting styles and I know that lots of things traumatized her mostly parents and teachers. The thing is, ever since I was little, she's been the one traumatizing me. I remember very clearly there was this one time where she had locked me in her room again (she did this multiple times a week to me) so she could yell at me about things I didn't understand. I was probably between the ages of 3-5 at that time. I remember that one specific time I was crying really really hard and as a child if I cried too hard I would have this feeling like I would need to puke. This specific time I remember my mom was banging on my sisters door to tell her to let me out, and I remember thinking if I could just throw up on her bed them she could definitely let me out, so I forced myself to cry harder until I threw up, and she let me out. Even after that, she would still always shut me in a room with her, and since my parents told her that she wasn't allowed to lock the door with only me and her inside a room, she would just hold the door shut and I couldn't open it because she was 10+ years older than me. Even today I hate being in the same room as her alone even with the door open for that reason. From when I was in preschool to probably 2nd grade in elementary school, she would always argue super loudly with my parents, specifically my dad, and she would always scream at him to divorce my mom and I just remember it was really scary. In recent years, her depression has been bad, so I've been trying to help out. When she needs food to be cooked, I cook for her, and when she moved back to our house from her apartment, she didn't do any work and it was just me my parents and my oldest sister moving her stuff for her. This is important because of an argument we had today. My mom was helping me clean out my room because my cat had been sick so we decided to deep clean my room to have a better environment for her, and while my mom was wiping stuff down, I was fixing a waterbottle, which was a task I had put off for months. She walked to me, told me to help my mom, and then got mad at me when I told her I wanted to finish fixing my water bottle first. For context for the next part, she always yells at me about things I do wrong and how I'm so entitled all the time. I understand that the way I'm raised is very different than the way she was because my parents have changed a lot in 10 years. I hate it when she yells at me, I can't even defend myself or say anything back, and if I ever say something mean to her she can't take it because she's struggling with mental health and it impacts her so badly. I don't get it, she always tells me to tell her what she can fix, and when I do, I admit I say those things at not the best times like during argument and stuff, she gets so pressed about what I say. Apparently its ok for her to insult every family member, but they can't say anything back to her. (mostly me and my dad, she always yells at him about how my mom always does all the work around the house, which is mostly true, but I also see him putting in an effort to take on chores. He does work until 6-8pm every day, but my mom is almost the only one taking care of me. My sister acts so proud of herself when she drives me to class, which I'm grateful for, but then she insults my dad for not doing it. As a literal freeloader, I don't get why she thinks she gets to insult him so so much. I am a feminist, I get what she's saying, but my dad is far from the horrible man she probably sees him as.) I've been struggling with suicide ideation for around 4 years, I've always hated school because it kills my creativity and it makes my life feel like a never ending cycle, and I always use home as my safe space. Sarah ruins the safe space and makes me unable to enjoy my own home. She is a huge part of why I literally don't want to live. The argument today escalated because when she called me entitled and lazy for not helping my mom with cleaning my room, which I did previously, I had just stopped to fix my water bottle when she had started talking at me, and so I said she can't speak on that because when she was moving back to our house everyone in the family helped move furniture except for her. She got so angry, told me that I was throwing her depressive episode in her face, and told me I was demonizing her mental health. I understand that depression is hard to handle, I've had two friends go to both hospitals and recovery places for depression and attempts. I completely understand that depression stops you from doing things, but I don't think that those things should just be ignored either. It's ok for her to not be able to move her own things because of depression, but I don't think its ok for her to preach about it to me and call me a horrible person when I bring it up. I'm not blaming her for having depression, I'm just calling her out for being a hypocrite. Another problem I have with her is that she's always trying to parent me. When I was little, whenever she was crying and sobbing and screaming I always brought her water and tissue paper, but she did nothing for me. I remember Katie always taking care of me when my parents were to busy with Sarah. I love Katie so so much, she does so much for me, she inspires me so much, and whenever she raises her voice at me it's because I'm in danger and whenever she lectures me its because I actually did something wrong. I always listen to Katie because I always feel like she's qualified to tell me things, because she's a great person and I know she will never tell me to do something that she herself cannot do. I don't think Sarah is qualified to take care of me. I hate how she tries to act like a big sister to me when I'm literally ashamed to have the same last name as her. I don't know what to do, I can't get away from Sarah because she still lives in my parent's house, has no job, and has not shown any sign of a plan for her future. Please help, I just want to stop letting my life be this impacted by her.
submitted by Affectionate_Bat5876 to FamilyIssues [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:59 Educational_Mud_9228 PECT EXAM

I need guidance for the Pennsylvania Education Certification Test (PECT EXAM) which is grades pre-K - 4. I’ve been studying for months through books, practice tests, online, flash cards, I even bought practice test through the PA official website and I still failed my 1st attempt. My 2nd attempt is at the end of May and I only have until August, 2024 to pass all 3 modules if I want to start student teaching by January, 2025. Any additional advice would be greatly appreciated! Are there any secret study hacks?
PS: Module 2 is my lowest scoring so I do give myself extra study time with literacy and development.

PECTEXAM #teaching #teachingcertification #PECT

submitted by Educational_Mud_9228 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:55 Educational_Mud_9228 PECT EXAM

I need guidance for the Pennsylvania Education Certification Test (PECT EXAM) which is grades pre-K - 4. I’ve been studying for months through books, practice tests, online, flash cards, I even bought practice test through the PA official website and I still failed my 1st attempt. My 2nd attempt is at the end of May and I only have until August, 2024 to pass all 3 modules if I want to start student teaching by January, 2025. Any additional advice would be greatly appreciated! Are there any secret study hacks?
PS: Module 2 is my lowest scoring so I do give myself extra study time with literacy and development.

PECTEXAM #teaching #teachingcertification #PECT

submitted by Educational_Mud_9228 to u/Educational_Mud_9228 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:12 Spiritual-Arm-8724 I feel like a failure

This is just to vent but if someone has actually helpful advice pls leave it too.
For context in my country instead of a bachelor's then mact and med school here after high school (12th) grade u give mcat and go to college for mbbs (5 years of study+1 year of working as house officers in the affiliated hospital and with clinical rotations for the 3,4,5 year )
All government colleges have a set number of merit and self fiance seats. On merit u basically pay half or less of what self fiance pay if u score high enough on mcat and have the necessary grades from 10 and 12 grade board exams. I got in on merit. Now my college has a few big issues and only mine has these ones none of these others.
classes in heat of over 37 to even 40 at times we wouldn't have ACs in lecture halls just those fans mounted on the walls half of which don't work. But thankfully that's fixed now when I'm done with 4th year. although it frequently breaks (just the lecture ones none in teachers or even fiance department etc)
we find out 1-2 week or if we're lucky a month before that are exams are happening the next week or month. Bc our affiliated university is the City university not a medical one. So our exams are upto them and whenever the college asks them too, college gives us a estimate and it's always later than that. This year's estimate was January for 4th year exams, and we are currently having our vivas the theory exams are in June. And we had to go multiple times to them to remind them that we exist and protest to even get them done. All other years were done by March, we asked and we're told soon. No estimate of when, yelled at when we asked for one.(We finally got it after the protest the date was 2 weeks away, got shit from other years bc we ruined their students week while we couldn't even participate 😒)
We also have not been given our elective leaves, which are supposed to be given to 4th and 5th years but, bc our years start late they don't give us the leave or vacation time (summer off etc other years get them) to do the electives in bc "they already made the schedule" and when they did give them last year after months of begging, for the month of December, they held the finals evaluation exams (which counts in final grade) after giving us the ok knowing we wouldn't be able to go.
I've studied by myself, stayed on task for my whole academic life even through 9-12 board years as long as I had a structured system. I managed till 2nd year but in year 3 my brother got and later died, mom was sick after that (bed rest for months) I barely passed that year but understandable. But since the start of 4th year I tired to get back to my studies but idk why (maybe lack of structure or just me being lazy) I couldn't. I did all nighters to basically learn everything (bc I didn't even pay attention in class the whole year) 2 days before each exams. I feel like a failure now, bc I'm wasting not just my parent's hard earned money all the hopes they have of their "brilliant daughter" and my potential. I'm aware I'm wasting time, that I'm no where near ready to graduate in a year and help ppl, but i can't. I make up excuses in my head but there's ppl who have it so much worse and they're doing. Why can't I? Why can't I be like I was?
submitted by Spiritual-Arm-8724 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:37 mother_trucker_dude [FOR SALE] Last post before I take these to the store for trade. Open to offers, great stuff!

Going on a long trip soon, honestly I wouldn't mind selling them all in one go at a fair price. With that said, I'm open to offers on everything. Please message me if you need to verify pressing info, or check my Discogs page (Ryan-brio) to find all these albums listed under the correct pressings, as well as many more listings for cassette and CD. Also feel free to message me if you need photos or any other questions, etc. I respond fast and ship quick! Shipping is $9 + 2 for each add on, shipping from Montreal, QC. Thanks for looking!
Pink Floyd - The Wall (2xLP, Album) NM/VG+ Amazing copy with inserts. $45
Pink Floyd - The Dark Side Of The Moon (LP, Album, RE, Gat) NM/VG+ 2nd pressing, amazing shape, no inserts. $35
The Allman Brothers Band - Beginnings (2xLP, Comp) VG+/VG+ Great copy. $15
Genesis - The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway (2xLP, Album, Gat) VG/VG $10
The Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour (LP, Album, RE, Win) VG+/VG+ Vinyl is in excellent condition. Inlucdes booklet. Early reissue, great copy $22
The Beatles - Meet The Beatles! (LP, Album) VG+/VG+ 1967 pressing from Canada, which was the first time it was released here. In great shape, on rainbow label. $24
The Beatles - Beatles VI (LP, Album, RE) EX/VG+ Early reissue from the "Red Target" label series. In very nice shape. $20
The Beatles - The Beatles Again (LP, Comp, Mod) VG+/VG There is one shallow mark on side 2 but it plays great front to back. $20
The Beatles - Help! (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (LP, Album, RE) VG+/VG Early reissue on red Capitol label. Disc is in great shape, but the cover has some ring wear and a label on the top left corner with some writing. $10
George Harrison - All Things Must Pass (3xLP, Album + Box) VG+/G The six sides range from VG to EX, it plays great throughout. the original owner has cut the right side of the box open and taped the other sides together so they could take the LPs out of it like a normal record, hence the G grade $26
The Beatles - Something New (LP, Album, RE) VG++/VG+ "Red Target" series reissue. In excellent condition. $20
The Beatles - Beatles '65 (LP, Album, RE, Red) EX/VG "Red Target" label series. Disc is in amazing shape. Sleeve is nice but has a label on the top left corner with some writing. $22
The Beatles - Yesterday And Today (LP, Album, Comp, RE) VG+/VG Late 60's reissue, green label. No, this is not the Butcher cover, lol. Great shape. $20
The Beatles - The Beatles' Story (2xLP, Album, Mono) NM/VG discs are in stellar condition, almost look unplayed. $20
Harry Belafonte - Belafonte At Carnegie Hall - The Complete Concert (2xLP, Album) VG+/VG+ A few very light hairlines here and there, still a great copy that retains most of it's gloss. Cover is intact, a small bit of wear around the edges but very nice. Has a name tag on the top left corner. $20
Tim Buckley - Lorca (LP, Album, RE) Australian reissue NM/NM. $20
Shuggie Otis - Freedom Flight (LP, Album, Pit) P/VG Plays VG but please read. Has minor heat damage but is not warped. This results in a consistent hissing noise throughout the playback that doesn't overpower the music. Still quite an enjoyable listen, sounds good and doesn't really have any marks otherwise. Ask for a video! Great starter copy for a decent price if you just want the album. First US Pitman pressing. $50
Caravan - In The Land Of Grey And Pink (LP, Album, ffr) EX/EX Quintessential prog rock classic. First Canadian press on Blue London label. So close to NM $26
The Impressions - People Get Ready (LP, Album, Mono) VG/VG Rare first Canadian mono pressing! Plays fantastic. $25
John Martyn - The Tumbler (LP, Album, RE, Pin) NM/VG+. A perfect NM. Early UK repress on pink rim Island label. $45
John Martyn - Live At Leeds (LP, Album, Ltd) EX/VG. Disc is in amazing shape, cover has some wear. No autograph. $35
The Zombies - The Zombies (LP, Album, RP) VG/VG 1967 repress on Parrot, the Zombies debut album. Very hard to find. Plays amazing. $40
Steely Dan - Can't Buy A Thrill (LP, Album, Club, Cap) EX/VG Sleeve downgraded due to some wear on the corner of the cover, barely noticeable. Album plays excellent. $30
Anthony Braxton - New York, Fall 1974 (LP, Album, Gat) NM/VG++ Amazing copy, first Canadian pressing. Amazing free jazz album. $24
Bob Dylan - Oh Mercy (LP, Album) VG/VG Strong VG copy. Plays great with light surface noise in certain parts. 1989 US $22
Eric Clapton - Eric Clapton (LP, Album) EX/VG+ $6
Eric Clapton - E.C. Was Here (LP, Album) EX/VG+ $6
Van Morrison - Beautiful Vision (LP, Album) NM/NM Perfect copy $8
Janis Joplin - Janis Joplin's Greatest Hits (LP, Comp) EX/VG+ Excellent copy $10
George Thorogood And The Destroyers* - Move It On Over (LP, Album) NM/VG+ Great shape! $10
Alice Cooper - Alice Cooper's Greatest Hits (LP, Comp, RE) VG+/VG+ $8
Aphrodite's Child - Rain And Tears (LP, Comp) VG+/VG+ Great compilation. This was Vangelis' first group and the songs are great. First Canadian issue. $8
Frank Sinatra - In The Wee Small Hours (LP, Album, RE) 70's reissue from Holland. Would be Nm except for one light mark on side 2. plays great. $10
The Plastic Ono Band - Live Peace In Toronto 1969 (LP, Album) VG/VG Strong VG, first pressing $10
Stan Getz / Charlie Byrd - Jazz Samba (LP, Album, Gat) VG-/EX First pressing on Verve, plays with surface noise. Cover excellent $10
Keith Jarrett - The Köln Concert (2xLP, Album, Pit) VG+/VG+ First US press on ECM with catalog. $10
Todd Rundgren - Hermit Of Mink Hollow (LP, Album, Gol) VG+/VG+ In very nice shape $5
Captain Beefheart And The Magic Band - Bluejeans & Moonbeams (LP, Album) VG/VG Solid VG, great player copy ~$16~ $10
Sandy Bull - Demolition Derby (LP, Album) VG/VG Solid VG copy $10
The B-52's - The B-52's (LP, Album) First Canadian pressing. Strong VG copy with light marks but plays great. Cover VG+. ~$12~ $10
Renaissance (4) - Prologue (LP, Album, Jac) VG+/VG+ Fine copy. $6
submitted by mother_trucker_dude to VinylCollectors [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:34 vorstin 4 days and counting

For context I have been working with student 62 (2nd grade) since the beginning of the school year. 62 has gone from knowing few letters and sounds to struggling to read at a beginning first grade level and we're not going to talk about the math.
I have been doing everything I can to get parents to agree to retain her (my district will not without parent approval). Mom is very adamant that her daughter doesn't need it. Ok fine I've moved on and am please with the growth we've made.
Yesterday, I ran into dad at the gas station and he asked "do you think 62 will be ok in 3rd grade"
"It's a bit late to change our minds now" and I walked away.
4 more days
submitted by vorstin to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:26 JitenMahajan69 Hey fellow redditors, I fuc*ed up and need your help

So just one hour ago I got a call from an unknown number and it was a random girl just asking normal things I thought it was a recruiter hr by the way she was beautiful talking but then she said that I got to know you from (mutual friend), then I thought maybe my mutual friend was pranking me so I cut the call in that instance and then I confirmed with mutual friend that she was not pranking and she got my number from her like 8-10 months ago, what should I message her now to know if she's interested in me or not ? Or was that a prank call because I got asked second time in my 22 years (first was on 2nd grade when I rejected her 🥲)
submitted by JitenMahajan69 to Indiangirlsontinder [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:23 spicyc0okies How to cope with the possibility that I (18F) might not be able to pursue a specific STEM career I’ve been considering?

I’m (18F) a student who just finished my first year of university. Growing up, I was never 100% sure of what I wanted to do at all, but I knew I was decent at the sciences and stuck with it throughout high school. I got very good grades in chemistry, biology, and math, but never took physics which is something I now regret. I tried to take it in Grade 11 but had to drop out almost immediately because the physics teacher I was assigned to was not good at explaining concepts and very hard to follow.
Presently, I’m retaking physics for the 2nd time in my university after dropping it in my first semester after failing a midterm for the first time in my life (like, grade in the single digits terrible). While the instructor is approachable and understandable, it seems like I just can’t seem to get physics… like at all. I feel so bad because it seems like everyone around me has background from taking physics in high school. I can’t even go to office hours because I literally don’t know what I don’t understand and cannot form any questions. I get stuck on every problem that isn’t just plugging numbers into a formula.
This experience has been very frustrating for me considering the success I’ve had with the other sciences. I’ve taken a recent interest in doing chemical engineering or something in the chemistry industry but I feel like there is no point if I can’t even do high-school level physics. I am starting to regret trying to major in chemistry and biology as the job prospects are so bleak with just a BSc. I wish I had taken physics in high school so I could have just applied to an engineering program right from high school. I feel stuck.
submitted by spicyc0okies to LadiesofScience [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:15 caedusWrit My Biggest Issue w/ the Pokemon Formula

Gotta Catch Em All, it's the famous slogan for the franchise. Gotta Catch Em All, it's the first mission you're given before undertaking the gym challenges. But the Pokémon formula has always been you Catch like 90% of the pokedex and have to trade for the rest. Trade for trade based evolutions, and trade for version exclusives.
I do understand this was to promote social interactions and such, but look at it from my and many others perspectives.
You're a ten year old kid, you have one of the latest Pokémon games to come out, you're excited to play and you want to fill your pokedex, but, upon talking to all your friends at school, you all have the same version. The game was expensive. The other version was sold out. Most parents aren't going to buy you the exact same game just because it has 3 Pokémon in it that your game doesn't. It's extremely limiting and we as children didn't have the resources to trade with strangers, nor would it have been safe to find other fans to trade with.
Then the handheld get an upgrade, wifi. Now you can trade with random strangers online, risk free. But uh oh, new problem, there's no actual communication. You have to get creative. You have to either name a pair of Pokémon "Do you have" "A Machoke" or you had to play a game of charades by picking your version exclusives/trade evolution Pokémon and hope the other person gets it. In my experience, they usually don't.
Then Pokémon X and Y came out and suddenly you had this non personal, non direct drop box for trading, where you could specify:
And you could leave the same Pokémon for a mutual trade evolution or post your version exclusive so that ANYONE who is looking for what you have can find you.
Suddenly all was right in the world, I had a national dex that was ALMOST complete. But once more I was limited on who would actually trade. Damn shame. And the concept was gone after that, trading went back to one on one charade sessions.
Which brings me to my final point, the light side of this rant if you will. Pokémon Legends. In just about every sense, it's like any other mainline pokemon game. It wasn't that different from every other gen. But upon finishing the game, it occurred to, despite its flaws, despite its clunkiness, I actually sat back and realized, I had just 100% completed a pokemon game, on my own, no muss or fuss.
20 years...It took 20 years to make a pokemon game where you, me, anyone, everyone, could finally Catch Em All.
I'm in my late 20's, I've been a fan of pokemon since 2nd grade, but this was the only time I played a pokemon game, finished it, and felt satisfied.
I had my pokemon adventure, I got to customize my character and his clothes from head to toe, got to ride around and glide. I got to sneak up on pokemon like in the show. I got to decide whether or not I attack twice focusing on speed or aim for one hard hit and hope for a knockout like I saw on the show as a kid. And after ALL that, i got to complete a pokedex on my own. It felt good. Really good.
If this continues with the Legends series, I'm sold. I began drifting from the games because of how gradually they began to make things more child friendly and refused to explore new concepts, but pokemon Legends brought me back. It restored my faith in the franchise.
Anyways, that's my rant. I'm well aware how many people enjoy trading and I'm glad if you do, but for me, it's the one thing that really held me back, and I'm glad I can finally play games and complete them at my leisure without relying on anyone else.
Have a nice day, and good luck catching em all...
submitted by caedusWrit to pokemon [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:13 No_Pollution_1312 how should one proceed for APS certificate with International A Level exams as their school board

I dont know if many of you on here know about A Levels or not. but it is basically a 12th exam only
difference is that International A Levels are recognised globally and in India too. for Germany they A Levels are direct pathway to a bachelors degree (with no Studienkolleg, 1st year or JEE)
but the APS certification has no mention on whether International A Levels or IB Diploma students require APS certificate or not
I had read one post saying if you did your school from a international board like IB or A Levels. you will not require APS. but I have no idea if this is true
There is also no way to contact APS india about this as well (they don't reply back i've tried it on their email) so I don't know what else to do now
if anyone of you did this process pls help me out
I am also applying to German unis in Bachelors of Physics and its unrestricted so basically no grade requirement other than just passing this
my condition is actually little confusing as well. I have right now completed my class 12th from Indian state board but due to no JEE and all. I don't want to take studienkolleg route nor the college 1st year as the latter is very tough due to college results being late and all. thus I will take up the International A Levels as private candidate in oct-nov 2024 and the results are out by jan 2025 2nd week. so very good amount of time for processing everything and all
less tension
if anyone can help and suggest some ways for this APS situation, it will be very helpful
before anyone says this is low quality post, i actually tried talking to APS and all, also talked to few international students who also took A levels because their school education was not enough to get into German bachelors
all those 3 study in germany currently. so yeah, this is possible but APS is my doubt mainly and if there can be VISA complications as I will have 12th marks and also International A Levels (this will be used for admission into germany)
submitted by No_Pollution_1312 to Indians_StudyAbroad [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:58 Strange_Salamander27 IPC144

So I missed to submit my workshop 1 p2work will this affect my grade?
submitted by Strange_Salamander27 to Seneca [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:49 Neuveville Honors College admission rescinded?

Does anyone know of actual cases where Morehead rescinded admission to an incoming freshman based on 2nd semester senior grades? Not worried about UGA generally but Honors College specifically.
submitted by Neuveville to UGA [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:49 MentalUniversity Trip report - The Ocean

I took a quick turn around trip on the Ocean last month. Because I do so much research before taking trips, I thought it might be helpful to others if I posted a trip report. Lots of people compare the Ocean to the Canadian, but I honestly feel that they shouldn't. It's an entirely different feel/type of trip, from the shorter distance (less than a day), a different consist, different dining car, route, etc.
That said, I'm glad I took the trip so that I could explore the differences. Having WiFi on a long distance trip felt odd and for me, I don't think it was a good thing. Part of my train travel is leaving behind some of the connectivity and enjoying the social interactions. Now, it could be because it was a shorter trip, but it could also be because so many people are on their phones, but the train definitely didn't feel as "social" (and yes, I realize I'm comparing that to the Canadian).
The cabin: Having a cabin for 2 was kind of amazing. I usually get a berth on the Canadian. The bathroom was more spacious than I thought it would be. I didn't try the shower. The bed was not so great. It's hard and there's a definite lean to the bunk. My return car attendant gave me the tip to pull the mattress away from the wall (over the front lip) and that helped, but the mattress would often slide back down during the night. Again, I shouldn't compare to the Canadian, but the berth mattress is so comfortable...the Ocean is not. For 1 night each way, though, it was fine.
Staff: Awesome as usual!
Food: Better than I thought it'd be (based upon other reviews). The funniest part about the food is that we were about 3 hrs late getting back to Montreal, so they had sandwiches for us for a dinner. No kidding...the sandwich was 2 pieces of white bread, a slice of cheese, and a slice of deli turkey. lolol No condiments, no lettuce, etc, and they were obviously right out of the cooler because they were COLD. At least it was something, but I felt like I was 8 yrs old back in grade school. ;) I loved the look of the dining car with the fold up seats. Oh, and a minor complaint. The dining staff would wait until everyone for the first seating was in place, then go around taking orders. That meant that it often took quite a while to get our food, so much so that, by the time we were finishing our main course, they were asking us to leave for the 2nd sitting. They need to take food orders as a table fills up, not only to spread out the orders with the kitchen, but to empty the car more efficiently.
Scenery: As other people have said...trees. Lots and lots of trees. I'm ok with that. Weather was actually gorgeous the entire trip.
Overall, would I travel on the Ocean again? No, not unless I had a specific reason to go to Halifax. I wouldn't do it just for the experience or scenery. I'd much rather spend my money on any portion of the Canadian, however, I DID enjoy the trip. It meant I traveled a different train, a different route, stayed in different accommodations, etc.
Oh, one other part to this review. In Montreal, I stayed at the Hotel Bonaventure. The plan was to stay there on my return trip, but I canceled the 2nd reservation. The hotel feels very shabby (carpet held down by tape), the hallways were dark and dirty (the room itself was ok), and I just didn't enjoy being there. The Westin Nova Scotian in Halifax was really good...would stay there again for sure.
submitted by MentalUniversity to ViaRail [link] [comments]
