Glencoe spanish 2 buen viaje answers

German or Russian ?

2024.05.19 03:34 Elhemio German or Russian ?

Hi everybody, aspiring translator here, and French native.
I already speak English, and the next 5 years in uni will solidify that. However, I now have to pick 2 other languages to study , which are supposed to become part of my working roster once I graduate. I set my sights on Chinese. But when it comes to the 2nd language... I genuinely can't decide between German and Russian. I've combed through 100+ topics on Reddit and Quora, dabbled in both, and still genuinely can't decide, so I'm asking you guys for help.
TL;DR at the end of this wall of text ;)
Professional Aspects
Russian would give me the edge of knowing 4 of the 6 official UN languages at the end of my studies, and since I already have solid bases in Spanish, getting to 5 would be fairly easy.
On the other hand, European Institutions mostly seek translators for European languages, and as such Russian would be largely irrelevant. Chinese will still be somewhat useful I think, due to China being the #1 economic partner of the EU, but Russian doesn't hold quite that weight. So in regards to EU institutions, German would likely serve me much better.
Furthermore, freelance opportunities wise, German appears to be quite a bit more sought after, and pays better in terms of rate.
German speaking countries have much bigger economies, the GDP of Germany on its own is already double that of Russia. Moreover, Germany is France's top 1 business partner. Russia doesn't even make it to the top 10. Which once again suggests a bigger pool for opportunities.
Add the current politocal climate, and most indicators point to German being the better professional choice.
According to this article, Russian doesn't land in the top 10 by pay/demand, neither in the US, nor in the UK.
According to my research, since I already speak English and French, German should take moderate effort. The FSI estimates hang around 750 hours for German. That same organization puts Russian at 1100 hours.
According to my research, Russian grammar is widely considered to be an absolute nightmare to deal with (so is German grammar, but not quite to the same extent).
From my very surface level dabbling, I've found Russian immensely easier and more intuitive to pronounce. German takes a lot of conscious effort and feels very unnatural, my jaw and tongue legit feel sore after a while.
Having studied Ancient Greek, declensions aren't all that daunting. I have a pretty solid grasp of the concept, but they do take some conscious effort to use when speaking orally and due to how liberally Russian uses them, it may become an issue. German being generally easier means it'd be easier to combine with learning Chinese without damaging one or the other too bad.
Personal Affinity
I have a major love & hate dynamic with Russian. I am OBSESSED with the way Russian sounds. I'm not exaggerating whatsoever when I say it's the most elegant language I've ever heard. The only one I think could compete is Greek. I've been listening to Russian music for years, I often set some of my games in Russian just for the sake of hearing it.
But I have no interest in Russia's culture or history whatsoever. In fact, being part of a group that's actively hated by the average Russian, I have major issues with it. I've seen too much shit that completely destroyed any kind of appreciation I may have had for Russia as a country. I find little meaning in sinking so much time in learning to communicate with people who won't want to be associated with me and wouldn't care if I live or die. The russian litterature holds little appeal to me so that's not a good motivator either.
I don't see myself ever stepping foot in Russia for more than a tourist stay of 1 or 2 weeks, and I feel that such lack of engagement with native speakers has the potential to truly ruin my ability to get and maintain a good level in the language.
When it comes to Russian, my sole motivator is genuinely how cool it sounds, and how I'd love to be able to speak it. Except speaking it may even take that away from me, since finding meaning in it may ruin its melody.
As for German... I used to think it sounded horrible. Until I actually got exposed to it. Now I think it sounds badass af. Not half as cool as Russian/Greek, but cool enough that I'd enjoy learning and speaking it.
I don't feel any particular pull towards German culture, but as opposed to Russia, I could 100% picture myself living in a German speaking country for a few years. I'll also have a much easier time finding and engaging with natives.
Other aspects I'm considering
German has less speakers, and most native German speakers are competent English speakers, which limits the usefulness of German.
Russian speakers on the other hand are less proficient in English, but Russian is actively loosing influence as a language, with most of the former USSR countries completely dropping Russian. It's no longer anywhere near a Lingua Franca in Eastern Europe, and considering Russia's birthrate...
One specific thing though, is the relative lack of Russian dialects compared to the absolutely ludicrous amount of German dialects, a good chunk of which are only somewhat intelligible.
Pros of Russian: Huge fan of the language itself and how it sounds, more native speakers, more niche, easier to pronounce, I consume more Russian media, less English proficiency amongst Russian speakers, lack of dialects
Cons of Russian: More difficult, less opportunities as a whole, appears to be actively loosing influence, lack of interest in Russian culture if not outright distaste for it
Pros of German: Significantly easier, more opportunities, I'm significantly more open to German culture and values leading to more chances for interaction and stays in German speaking environments.
Cons of German: I enjoy the way it sounds less, less speakers as a whole, very high english proficiency amongst native speakers, relative lack of interest in German media production, large amounts of dialects
Writing all of this honestly made me realize I kind of already know the answer, I just have a tough time fully accepting it. Still feeling a bit of a pinch at the prospect of not learning Russian, but maybe for me it's one of those things that are best left admired from a distance.
submitted by Elhemio to thisorthatlanguage [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:49 alex_200401 Ya no se que hacer nececito que me den consejos es con un casi algo

Está historia la divire en tres partes para que la puedan entender mejor y me puedan ayudar
Primera parte Bueno conocí a una chica que llamaremos Sara a principio de 2023 la conocí a ella cuando está entrando a la universidad yo no era un chico tan agraciado tan lindo en ese momento que se pueda decir y la conocí porque éramos compañeros y nos juntamos en algunas tareas que nos habían asignado y bueno poco a poco fue hablando y conociendo con ella yo como le dije no era tan bonito era un poco obeso empezamos a hablar empecé a conocerla más y me trajo porque era una chica bastante arrecha atrevida era como la líder del grupo de sus amigas y pues bueno en ese tiempo yo le dije a ella que me gustaba en ese momento ella me respondió que no estaba disponible la sentimentalmente porque había tenido una ruptura hace 4 meses con su ex porque su ex le había engañado vale entonces yo lo acepté no hubo problema ya sabía por dónde iba esto porque obviamente no le gustaba lo suficiente y lo dejé ahí aunque más adelante seguimos hablando pero ya como amigos pero unos días pues bueno yo sea fotos y ya me los respondía llamándome lindo y yo bueno no sabía ni qué pensar así que empecé a hacer lo mismo contestar algunos estados de fotos que ya subía y yo entro al gimnasio también empecé a querer cambiar mi físico estuve durante 6 meses en los que logré bastante subiendo poco a poco digamos algunas fotos en el gimnasio y bueno ella me las contestaba dándome ánimos y diciéndome cosas bonitas en general pues hasta que un día no sé porque yo no estaba tanto comportamiento que se acercaba a mí hasta me ha puesto un apodo por un estado que había subido de que yo era bastante cambiante respecto a lo que decía o hacía me empezó a decir polarcito pues bueno yo a estas alturas ya pensaba que ella al menos yo le gustaba y pregunté por chat como no se debería hacer pero lo hice y ahí empezó un pequeño calvario porque cuando yo dije eso por el chat ella me empezó a escribir pero como si estuviera triste o algo porque lo que yo había dicho no sé por qué empezó a decir que si se alejaría que no me estaría como molestando más algo así en ese momento estábamos en la universidad entonces yo por el chat donde se escribe la que no nada de eso que no me molestabas solo quería saber si le gustaba sí le gustaba no porque ya vamos bastante tiempo ya eran alrededor de 7 meses hablando y como que si fuéramos novios y pues bueno Yo a ella la busqué en persona porque en ese momento como les dije estábamos los dos en la universidad llegué estaba con sus amigas bueno aún así no sabes que hablé con ella aunque no dijo ni una sola palabra en ese momento le expresé básicamente lo que sentía ella no dijo nada Solo miró al suelo al día siguiente me entero de que había llorado supuestamente y ella me escribió ese mismo día más en la tarde de que quería pedirme disculpas por no haberme podido ver la cara porque ella no suele darle digamos su voto de confianza a muchas personas o abrirse Yo lo único que hice fue cómo decirle que estaba bien que no se complicara por eso que yo no no me sentía ofendido ni nada todo esto que les cuento sucedió en un lapso de alrededor ya 8 meses en el 2023 estábamos en agosto ya de aquí en adelante es cuando se empiezan a complicar las cosas.
Parte 2 Después de lo que me había comentado de que a poco le daba su confianza y tenía miedo porque la volvieron a lastimar yo tomé valor y la invita a salir a la cine fue un día bastante lindo todo transcurrió bastante bien y ya llevaba yo casi un año en el gym ya me había mejorado físicamente me había bajado bastante la grasa de mi cara ya me veía mucho mejor que antes me sentía más atractivo y la cita había transcurrido muy bien la pasamos bien sentí una mente alegre ese estábamos abrazados en un punto cuando ya estamos regresando también un momento en que ya compró unas gomitas que yo no quería bueno comer en ese momento y ella lo único que hizo fue como mirarme tiernamente abrir la bolsita y empezar a tocarme el hombro como diciéndome agarra y me acercaba la bolsa porque ella no tocaría ninguna si yo no las compartía con ella entonces me decidí y empecé a comerte la gomita más adelante cuando terminamos de comer las gomitas y ella se recostó en mi hombro y se quedó dormida durante el viaje de regreso fue bastante tierna y durante ese lapso pasaron los días no estábamos hablando anualmente bien y empezaron a pasar las cosas que jamás me hubiera imaginado que pasarán ya para mí todo estaba transcurriendo bien a mi favor pero yo lo empecé a notar más triste deprimida y ella me comentó de que tenga una sobrina que era como su lugar seguro que jugaba con ella tenía 3 años y su hermana iba a emprender un viaje a ir hacia Estados Unidos en el cual se la llevaría y ella está bastante triste porque se separaría , después de que ella me contara de que su sobrina iria yo de ahí decidí invitarlo a una salida para arreglarla antes ella me había comentado de que quería bailar conmigo bachata yo tengo que admitirlo era bastante tieso para bailar pero practiqué y la llevé a un parque cerca de donde yo vivía donde le pedí que habláramos seriamente si iba o no a formalizar la relación aunque antes de eso bailamos fue muy lindo Yo la chinié un poco cuando estábamos bailando ella es una chica de baja estatura 158 cm y yo un chico de 175cm después nos sentamos estábamos hablando en un momento no sé ni cómo pasó empezamos a juguetear acercarnos alejarnos hasta que pasó lo que tenía que pasar nos besamos en ese momento pero lo que a mí me extraña fue que después del beso ella lo único que hizo fue alejar la mirada y llorar me dijo que estaba muy confundida porque ella creía que en esta plática pues terminaría todo conmigo porque no se sentía lista emocionalmente Yo lo único que hice fue abrazarla y consolarla y decirle que lo viera como un cierre de ciclo y abrir uno nuevo con nosotros dos ella me miró un poco llorosa sonrió yo limpié un poco las lágrimas con un pañuelo que tenía nos fuimos unos días más adelante ya no te extraña y en ese momento es cuando empezó ya a dejarme hablar por un lapzo de tiempo o no responder algunos mensajes con lo cual pues yo en parte entendía de por qué ella estaba así lo que hacía o bueno eso suponía para sentirme mejor hubo un punto en que un amigo que tenemos en común me envía un audio en una semana en la que no nos habíamos estado hablando con Sara y era de la canción según quién a lo que en el párrafo que ella cantó yo interpreté de que ella había tomado el teléfono de de él y me lo había enviado porque prácticamente decía que "dile al que te está informando que te informe bien" porque yo ya estaba pensando que seguramente había alguien más yo porque me he mandado el audio a través de él pensando que ya había sido ella me enoje no le pregunté y dije que ella estaba jugando prácticamente conmigo lo único que hice fue bloquearla de todos lados y eliminé y le dejé de hablar claramente ella se dio cuenta más adelante de que la había bloqueado pero ya no nos hablábamos llego en un punto no sé porque a mí me remordió la cabeza preguntar y la desbloquee y pues primero mandé un texto nada más agradeciendo por los buenos momentos y pregunté por qué ella había mandado ese audio y me salen de que no que ella no había sido de que seguramente mi amigo lo había grabado y me lo había enviado a mí y no fue capaz de decirme oye la grabé a ella cantando esto y yo solo supuse cosas y actué en base a ello ella lo reclamó de porque había hecho eso y él me había enviado eso a mí más adelante tenemos una plática en personas yo me abrí con ella y le conté porque lo había hecho ella me comprendió y todo pero me dijo que en ese momento yo la había decepcionado porque no había preguntado, y pues claro ella tenía razón quise arreglar las cosas pero me dijo que para ella una decepción si se estaba abriendo emocionalmente conmigo pues ya sé había cerrado con eso para esa fecha ya estábamos como a finales de 2023 estamos en noviembre alrededor del 10 creo y para mí fue un golpe duro sentir que por ese error ya había perdido totalmente lo que había hecho y más que anteriormente le había regalado un peluche de Stitch hace 1 mes atras y después de la plática ya subí una historia de que no confiaba en los hombres que había tenido suficiente deseccciones y que ella perdona pero nunca olvida yo lo vi fue duro llegamos a diciembre en vísperas navideñas yo a las 12 de la noche el 24 de diciembre le escribí de que había pasado muy buenos momentos con ella que a pesar de todo y bueno de los errores de lo que ella le estaba pasando pues que gracias por todo lo lindo que habíamos vivido y que pasara una feliz navidad ella me respondió con otro texto largo diciéndome que sí de que habían sido muy buenos momentos y que ella también estaba agradecida todo lo que hayan vivido en el 2023 nos deseamos mutuamente buenas noches y nos volvimos a escribir durante la siguiente semana hasta que ella el 31 de diciembre en año nuevo me escribió tu mensaje deseándole feliz año nuevo ya dice lo mismo de ahí en 2024 primera semana de enero no nos escribimos para nada y pues sí es normal porque ya nos habíamos hasta despedido aunque yo no sentía que ese fuera el cierre de todo esto.
Tercer parte Cuando iniciamos las clases en la universidad por alguna casualidad de la vida nos encontramos en el mismo autobús estuvimos hablando de todo lo que había pasado y bueno a ella la noté como un poco feliz no sé por qué bueno tal vez porque no habíamos encontrado y no volvemos a empezar a escribir como le dije yo sentía que esto no había terminado aún y como que las cosas entre ella y yo empezaban a arreglar poco a poco yo me sentía alegre porque le podría demostrar mi mejor versión ya en esos momentos se me nota bastante el gimnasio como había mejorado físicamente yo con las mejores intenciones hablándole bueno saludándola y como que la relación se estaba normalizando otra vez entre ellos como que amigo de nuevo pero siempre con ese toque de éramos algo más todo iba muy bien de nuevo hasta que llegó un punto en que me dijo algo que me dejó el lado por completo no fue ni en persona fue por chat y era de que ella se iba a casar y con quién se iba a casar me lo dijo en persona que ella no quería casarse y que era con su ex novio que la había engañado que supuestamente había arreglado había hablado con su madre hay algo que no les comenté de ella y era que su papá la abandonó cuando ella era pequeña y se había ido con otra mujer y la relación con la madre era buena aunque no tanto porque no la apoyaba algunas cosas y como que ella tenía miedo de decirle a su madre de por qué había terminado realmente con su ex anteriormente la madre de ella al parecer no sabía nada de eso y supuestamente su ex solo quería tener a alguien en su casa como para que le ayudara con los quehaceres y pues ella me comentaba que no quería casarse con él y aunque no quería no sé por qué ella tenía que fingir delante de su madre de que aún lo quería a su ex yo eso nunca lo comprendí y le dije en el momento en que estábamos hablando de que le contara a su familia que no quería que le dijera ella que no quería pero Sara no tenía la confianza de decirle a su madre o rebelarse contra ella de que no quería casarse eso fue otro momento en el cual después de terminar esa plática yo reflexioné porque la había casi llorando de que no quería y más adelante me mandó unos audios cantando unas canciones tristes de banda de eso mismo de que no quería casarse yo cuando me mandó sus audios le contesté yo le dije que que no sabía qué hacer o cómo ayudarla que si ella quería desahogarse pues ahí estaría yo para ella ahí llego en un punto en qué ya no me volvió a escribir durante varias semanas llegamos a febrero yo a ella no le había visto para nada en la universidad y de la nada un día me cae un mensaje de de voz de ella con una canción de bad Bunny supervisar la cosa de que estuvo a punto de casarse pero no sucedió no me acuerdo cuál canción era si no se las hubiera mencionado pero bueno continuando yo le escribí alegre puedo decirlo porque jamás pensé en que algo así estuviera pasando en ella anteriormente y cuando me lo dijo no lo terminé de asimilar de que ya no se casaría después de eso acordamos hablar en la universidad al día siguiente estuvimos hablando una tarea de las cosas que quería ya sabía de que se iba a casar tres semanas antes en el momento en que yo le estaba empezando a hablar y que si me lo dijo fue porque no aguantaba seguirme engañando de esa manera yo quería alejarme de ella en este momento lo aceptaría yo cuando me comentó eso no me alejé pero había estado subiendo bastantes estados depresivos ella y yo lo notaba y con más razón Yo decimos alejarme y intentar reconquistarla de nuevo ya teniendo el camino libre pues seguimos hablando por mensaje normal sin ningún problema y las cosas iban mejorando yo sentía que pues al final de cuentas podria a ver una relación formal entre ella y yo qué linda fue cuando y le dije que nos viéramos un día porque le quería comentar algo importante y era que si quería ser mi novia después de todo lo que había pasado entre ella se puso cosa nerviosa y en ese momento no me respondió y cuando se lo pensó yo dije me va a decir que no seguramente como me dijo que no me podía responder ese mismo día le dije que en una semana me respondiera y le di una carta que le había escrito paso la semana y hasta ya me habia preparado para decir mi para decir que está bien pero no puedo seguirte viendo porque yo no voy a poder verte de otra manera porque me gustas me enamoré de ti y le deje de hablar por un buen tiempo hasta que ella subió unos estados indirectas para mí en los que decía que me extrañaba y que ella sabía que había hecho mal a lo que yo le respondí que primero ella tenía que sanar y que eso lo tenía que hacer sola aunque tiempo después me vio en la universidad me pidió un abrazo yo no no me negué se lo dije hablamos y otra vez pasamos tiempo en volver a hablar hasta que me encerré de unas cosas que estuvieron pasando con el amigo que comenté anteriormente que ya no es mi amigo que me había mandado el audio con el que me había enfadado anteriormente que estaba hablando de las cosas que pasaron entre ella y yo de lo que él había hecho a otro Man que le preguntó yo me enteré de todo lo que él habló porque me enviaron un audio de eso y pues le avisé a ella de todo lo que estaba pasando y de lo que me había enterado estamos hablando de eso de qué es lo que debemos hacer y concluimos que lo mejor era ponerle un freno a lo que le estaba diciendo a raíz de eso antes de que habláramos ex amigo ella estuvo contestándome unos estados y también del tren de las Flores en tiktok me mandó mi nombre diciéndome que lo había visto y dijo que era para mí después llegó el día en que confrontamos a mi ex amigo después de la confrontación pues estuvimos hablando me comentó que ella había dejado su trabajo por un problema que había estado yendo al psicólogo porque había caído caído en depresión y ansiedad después yo me estaba yendo y antes de que me fuera de la universidad me mandó la contestación de un estado con un emoji de ojitos 👀 y yo le dije por qué ojitos a lo que ella me contestó que cuáles ojitos yo aproveché y le respondí esos ojitos chinitos que te cargas a lo que me dijo que tenía una sonrisa de oreja a oreja y me mandó un video de ella sonriéndome a lo que yo decidí no irme y acercarme a hablar con ella y eso llevó a que viéramos su tik Tok en donde prácticamente solo le salía contenido a ella de un amor que perdió de un tipo de relación que ella quería cosas de amor básicamente yo le dije que ese tiktok no le ayudaba porque aparte estaba nerviosa a la par mía y hubo un momento en qué sin yo esperarlo ella me tomó de la mano y empezó a qué sin yo esperarlo ella me tomó de la mano y empezó a acariciarme la mano unos segundos después me soltó y se puso ganas nerviosa a lo que yo después de que termináramos de hablar más tarde mismo día en la noche ella me escribe pidiéndome disculpas porque me había agarrado la mano porque me siento incómodo y yo le respondí a ella que solo me había sorprendido no era incomodidad que yo la conocía bastante que habían algunas cosas que se podían intuir, se notaba que lo hizo porque ella quería hacerlo a lo que me respondió que sí sí quería hacerlo de ahí solo le deseo buenas noches y ya no nos escribimos y el día de hoy que estoy haciendo esta publicación pues me ha escrito mandándome video de ella bailando que le comente como ella baila si bien mal pero la verdad es que no sé si es que ella quiere recuperar lo que teníamos o que hoy sí lo que teníamos solo está jugando conmigo y me tiene ahí solo para que le dé atención simplemente no lo sé por eso necesito que me dé un consejos de qué hacer porque yo ya no sé la verdad que nose.
submitted by alex_200401 to relaciones [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:09 memesforlife213 There's no fucking way way you can be this oblivious 😭🙏 (Im talking about the comments, not the video)

There's no fucking way way you can be this oblivious 😭🙏 (Im talking about the comments, not the video) submitted by memesforlife213 to boysarequirky [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:01 freddys_glasses Propspotting books

Do you like props? I like props. Saved by the Bell, being a school show, features a lot of books. Here are some of them.

American History

Of all the books in the series, this is the most heavily featured. Miss Bliss is the history teacher and this is the book she uses. This is the book that in "Practical Jokes" supposedly contains the guidelines of a criminal trial in chapters six and seven. If you're wondering, no, it doesn't have anything like that. This is also the book used for Mr. Testaverde's freshman history class. They're still using it as sophomores in Mr. Dickerson's class. The book continues to make appearances throughout the series, probably because they had so many of them. The actual book is American History by John Garraty, a middle school history textbook from 1982. You can check out the teacher's edition here.

Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare Made Easy

In "The Substitute" they use various books in the Shakespeare Made Easy series from Barron's. You're familiar with this style of book, right? Elizabethan English on the left, modern English and explanations on the right. Apparently they had a set of books for various Shakespeare plays, covered the titles, and wrote Romeo and Juliet on the covers. So when Screech is serenading Lisa, he is actually reading out of Hamlet. Note the prominent skull on the cover. Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Lisa. You can read the actual Romeo and Juliet version here. Tony Crane meanwhile has what might be an evaluation copy.

Physics Made Simple

In "Beauty and the Screech" Kelly is failing physics. Screech agrees to tutor her and they fall in love. Kind of. We've all been there. All the while they're using these slim red books that don't look like textbooks. That book is supposed to be Physics Made Simple, a title in the Made Simple Self-Teaching "Encyclopedia" series. The pretense of being part of an encyclopedia explains explains why the spine looks like that. Presumably, the production had several different books in the series and someone added the word Physics to all of the covers. The contents are simple and threadbare with crude illustrations. It is indeed not the sort of textbook you would find in a US high school in the 80s. These books appear in many other editions and you can read one here. You can spot these books in other episodes filling out some book shelves.

Geometry for Fun and Challenge

The class that drives Jesse to stimulant abuse is Geometry. Jesse spends the episode buried in and stressing out with this book. High school geometry is not hard but in her defense everything is hard when you're not getting enough sleep. Anyway, the book is called Geometry for Fun and Challenge. Here is a copy of a later edition. Despite the casual and playful name, it is a standard high school textbook.

The many books of Date Auction

In "Date Auction" we meet Brian. He is a stuck up intellectual-type who is reading the Hunchback of Notre Dame at The Max. I think it's a hardcover edition of this Signet Classics translation which you can see but not read. Lisa comes on strong multiple times and I think he makes a good case that they don't have anything in common. Unwilling to take no for an answer, Lisa pretends to get sophisticated. She shows up talking about Tolstoy and carrying an armful of random books. What books? There's the Gault-Millau Le Guide de Paris, a travel guide full of stuff that doesn't make the usual travel guides. I think her copy is in French. Here is an English version. There's another book called In The GAP, an evangelical Christian how-to book. I'm guessing it was chosen for the cover. A third book, The American Character, is a book from the 1940s exploring why Americans are the way they are. A fourth book is Alexandre Dumas: The King of Romance, a biography. I think this is the only one that is fit for purpose.

Odds and ends

Toward the end of sophomore year, the production started using book covers. You know, brown grocery bags cut up and used as a jacket. Or maybe you don't know. I think it's an American thing. No more taping over stuff or trying to change the title of a book but also basically no more bookspotting. Here are some odds and ends to fill things out. Miss Bliss usually has a couple volumes of The Illustrated Library of the World and its Peoples on her desk among other books. World Geography and You cameos in a few scenes. In "Screech's Woman", we see Zack sleeping before class starts with Spanish for Mastery 1 on the desk in front of him. In "Driver's Education" there's an unknown textbook. I was surprised to learn that driving textbooks are real (I would have assumed it was all handbooks and workbooks) but I don't think they're using one because they've taped over the cover again. In the later seasons we see a few magazines, including Wrestling Superstars and Hot Rod.
That's enough, right? Too much? Okay.
submitted by freddys_glasses to SavedByTheBell [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:27 Yurii_S_Kh Monotheism. Part 2: Judaism

Monotheism. Part 2: Judaism
Part 1
Judaism: a Retreat from Biblical Monotheism
The history of the Jewish people is clearly divided into two periods: before and after the expiatory death of Jesus Christ. As the Sacrifice for the sins of the world had not yet been carried out, Old Testament history continued, the entire meaning of which consisted in waiting and preparation to meet the coming Savior. Messianic expectations were particularly pronounced during the last decades before the arrival of the Savior into the world. People not only in Jerusalem, but also in other cities and villages of Palestine, waited for the Messiah foretold in the Holy Scripture.
Christ and the Pharisees
Time was fulfilled. The Messiah came, but Jewish leaders, Pharisees, and Sadducees condemned him to death. But why were the Pharisees, Sadducees, and scribes offended? Why was it enough for the Samaritan woman to reveal the secret side of her life for her to gladly believe that the traveler standing beside her, weary from the road and asking her for water, was Christ (see John 4:42)? Why did the Pharisees and scribes, who were witnesses to the magnificent miracles performed by Jesus and knew the Scriptures better than anyone else, stubbornly refuse to recognize Christ? Finally, one more question: why did they hate Him, despite the fact that he delivered many people from terrible disease and suffering?
The answer must be sought in the peculiarities and character of the spiritual life of the leaders of Israel. Religious life demands of a person self-attentiveness, moral sensitivity, humility, and pure intentions. Without this, the heart gradually hardens. A change inevitably occurs, the consequences of which are spiritual death.
Already before the beginning of our Savior’s Gospel of the Heavenly Kingdom, the Jews had begun to imagine the Messiah as a powerful earthly king, who would exalt them above all nations and make them wealthy and powerful. This concept of the Messiah corresponded to their spiritual and moral condition.
For a proper understanding of the prophecy inspired by the Holy Spirit, not doctrinal erudition, but pure, uncorrupted faith was necessary.
The consciousness of lawyers and scribes, corrupted by sin, did not notice the parts of the Old Testament in which the spiritual qualities of the promised Messiah are given: "behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass" (Zech. 9:9); " Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles. He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the street. A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench: he shall bring forth judgment unto truth" (Isa. 42:1-3; cf.: Matt. 12:20).
Despite all the seemingly multifaceted events preceding the trial of the Savior of the world, there is only one reason for such a grave sin to have been committed—the people were rooted in sin and loved it. They seethed with anger at He who had come to the world to conquer and destroy sin.
After Christ the Messiah, who came to save the world, was slandered, profaned, and put to death, the spiritual death of the chosen people began. The Lord Jesus Christ spoke to the Hebrews directly, "He that hateth me hateth my Father also" (John 15:23). This means that the monotheism of the Hebrew leaders became entirely formalistic.
In literature, Old Testament religion, which ends with the conclusion of the New Testament, and Judaism, are often confused. This association is completely wrong. The expectation of the Messiah, which permeated the centuries-long history of the religion of the descendants of the Prophet Moses, ended. The goals and aspirations of the Hebrews, led by the Pharisees and Sadducees, stayed on Earth. Earthly well-being, wealth, success, and power became core values. In keeping with these, they imagined the anticipated Messiah.
However, the prophets foretold the coming of another Messiah—the Suffering Messiah. The Prophet Isaiah, who is called the "Old Testament Evangelist" (see Saint Jerome, Letter to Paulinus) because of his many prophesies and the precision of their fulfillment in Jesus Christ, speaks about this with impressive clarity and precision.
What then is the true Messiah? "He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth… for the transgression of my people was he stricken. And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth. Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand" (Isa. 53:7-10).
Were the Jews familiar with this chapter of the great prophet? Not all of them. Usually during weekly readings at the synagogue this chapter is omitted. Here is an excerpt from the memoirs of Rosa Price, who survived the horrors of several Nazi concentration camps and accepted Jesus Christ. Her daughter became a follower of the Savior Jesus, but she adhered to old misconceptions. "I ran to the rabbi. He would tell me different Scriptures with which to challenge my family. In response, they would give me five more. At the urging of my family, I asked the rabbi about Isaiah 53. He said, “No Jew reads that, especially not a Jewish woman.” So I couldn’t read it. The same for Psalm 22. There are 328 prophecies of the coming of the suffering servant Messiah. I asked the rabbi about almost all of them. Finally, the rabbi told me not to come to the synagogue anymore because I had read him Isaiah 53" (Rosa Price. The Survivor // Sid Roth. They Thought for Themselves. WWP, 2007).
How did the lawyers, who knew many parts of the Old Testament Bible by heart, explain the chapter? In the period of the Talmud's formation, the scribes recognized that the 53rd chapter was a prophecy of the Messiah's coming. However, beginning with the famed Hebrew exegete Rashi (Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki; 1040 - 1105), rabbis assert that the 53rd chapter speaks of the Jewish people. A simple reference to the text can refute this belief.
  • "Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows" (Isa. 53:4). Whose grief did the Jewish people take on and whose sorrows did they carry?
  • "With his stripes we are healed" (Isa. 53:5). Who has been healed by the wounds of the Jewish people?
  • "For the transgression of my people was he stricken" (Isa. 53:8). If it is speaking of the Jewish people, then who suffered punishment for the transgressions of the Jewish people?
  • "And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death" (Isa. 53:9). When and in which grave are the Jewish people buried?
In the holy Old Testament books there are signs of the appearance of Christ (the Messiah) and in it are described his chief characteristics. Of the prophecies on the coming of Christ into the world in the Old Testament, before all else it is necessary to note the vision of the prophet Daniel, foretelling even the year of the Savior's death. “Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy. Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times. And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined" (Dan. 9:24-26). Week (seven) is understood as 7 years, and 70 sevens consists of 490 years. It is the timeframe for the "end of sin." Here, we are talking about Christ the Savior's atonement for people who have violated the will of God and fallen from grace. In the prophecy, the Messiah is directly indicated ("to anoint the most Holy"). To calculate the amount of time given here, one must turn to historical sources, noting the reconstruction of the city of Jerusalem, which fell as a result of the Babylonian destruction in 586. The count of seventy sevens begins from the date of the reconstruction of Jerusalem. The decree for the restoration was given by Artaxerxes Longimanus in the 20th year of his reign. He came to the throne between December 18, 465 and December 18, 464 BC. The seventh year of his reign, from which the countdown of weeks begins, comes in 458 or 457. From this time period to the time of the appearance of Christ our Lord, 69 weeks (483 years) should pass.
The Forerunner of the coming of the Messiah is also mentioned in the Old Testament. "Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of hosts" (Mal. 3:1). Dwellers in Palestine knew the Holy Scripture and saw in John, who preached repentance, the Angel of the Covenant predicted by the prophets. Thus, people from all of Jerusalem and all the outskirts of the Jordan came to him (see Mark 1:5).
In the holy books of the Old Testament, there are prophecies of all of the main events in the life of Jesus the Messiah. The prophet Micah identified the place of birth: "But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting" (Mic. 5:2).
The Word of God demonstrated the great spiritual gifts of the future Anointed One. "And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots: And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord" (Isa. 11:1-2). All of this was fulfilled by Jesus: "... the people were astonished at his doctrine: For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes" (Matt. 7:28-29).
Through the prophets, the Holy Spirit indicated a special distinguishing feature of the Messiah, the extraordinary power of wonderworking: "He will come and save you. Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped.
Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing: for in the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the desert" (Isa. 35:4-6). When the two men came to Jesus from John the Baptist to ask, "Art thou he that should come? or look we for another?" (Luke 7:20), the Lord before all else points to the miracles he has performed: "The blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, to the poor the gospel is preached. And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me" (Luke 7:22-23). The people knew that the Messiah would be characterized by the miracles he performed. "Then was brought unto him one possessed with a devil, blind, and dumb: and he healed him, insomuch that the blind and dumb both spake and saw. And all the people were amazed, and said, Is not this the son of David?” (Matt. 12:22-23).
A mind corrupted by sin could not notice the parts of the Old Testament in which the spiritual qualities of the promised Messiah are given: "Behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass" (Zech. 9:9).
  1. The Jews, having rejected the Messiah as the incarnate Son of God, could not remain in the scope of the Revelation given in the Old Testament. Gradually, to the Law given by God, the Pharisees and scribes added 613 commandments: 365 positive commandments and 248 negative commandments.
The Lord rebukes the Hebrew teachers of the law. "For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men" (Mark 7:8). Faith in God as a real, absolute Person—this is monotheism—is replaced by ritualism. In Judaism, the authority of the Talmud is greater than the Torah (Pentateuch). The famed rabbi Adin Steinsaltz writes, "If the Torah is the foundation of Judaism, then the Talmud is the central pillar supporting the entire spiritual and philosophical edifice. In many ways, the Talmud is the most important book in Jewish culture, the backbone of creativity and of national life. No other work has had a comparable influence on the theory and practice of Jewish life. The Jews always recognized that as a people, their preservation and development depends on the study of the Talmud" ("What is the Talmud?").
What is this "central pillar" of Judaism? I will introduce an excerpt from the Tract Sabbath, with commentary from Rabbi Pinchas Kehati: "The cripple may go out with his wooden leg; such is the decree of Rabbi Meir, but Rabbi Jose prohibits it. If the wooden leg has a receptacle for pads, it is subject to defilement. Crutches are subject to defilement by being sat or trodden upon; but one may go out with them on Sabbath and enter the outer court (of the Temple). The chair and crutches of a paralytic are subject to defilement, and one must not go out with them on the Sabbath nor enter the outer court (of the Temple). Stilts are not subject to defilement, but nevertheless one must not go out with them on Sabbath."
Commentary: "The cripple, a man with one amputated leg, may go out on the Sabbath on his wooden leg, an artificial leg, made according to the size of his shin. Such is the decree of Rabbi Meir, who believes that an artificial leg corresponds to footwear, while Rabbi Jose forbids the cripple from going out with his wooden leg on the Sabbath. According to him, it does not correspond to footwear because the cripple stands primarily with his hands on a cane, while the artificial leg is only for appearance's sake so that his physical handicap would go unnoticed. Thus, the artificial leg on Sabbath is seen as an unnecessary load, and it is prohibited to enter with it. According to the other point of view, Rabbi Jose agrees that the artificial leg equates to footwear, however he is afraid that the man will detach it and will carry over 4 cubits into the public domain, but Rabbi Meir does not have this fear.
I risk fatiguing the reader, but I will introduce one more place from the Talmud to fully portray the spiritual deadness of ritualism. “There are two acts constituting the transfer (of things which are prohibited) on the Sabbath, which are in turn subdivided into four for a man who finds himself inside a private domain (reshut hayachid). The two acts are, however, increased to four for a man who finds himself outside in the public domain (reshut harabim). How so? For example, a mendicant stands outside (in reshut harabim) and the master of a house inside (in reshut hayachid). The mendicant passes his hand into the house (through for example a window) and puts something into the hand of the master (let's say a basket, so that he might give him a piece of bread), or (another variation) the mendicant reaches out and takes something from the master's hand (a piece of bread). In these two cases, the mendicant is breaking the law of the Sabbath, but the host is not. Or, if the master of the house (being inside) passes his hand through a window and puts, say, a piece of bread, into the hand of the mendicant, or, having put out his hand, he takes an object (a basket) from the hands of the mendicant, who is standing outside on the street, and brings it into the house, the master of the house would have broken the law of the Sabbath, but not the mendicant. This is the first part of the Mishna, which has demonstrated to us what the “two acts” of transferring objects mean, from the position of one who is inside, and from the position of one who finds himself outside. Carrying out any of these acts on the Sabbath is prohibited" (Tract Sabbath).[1]
Instead of a living faith in a merciful God and love towards one’s fellow man, entire volumes of the Talmud are filled with the sophistic disputes of various rabbinical schools over what to do with an egg laid by a chicken on the Sabbath, or about a host giving bread to a beggar, so that he does not break the Sabbath.
What a huge spiritual distance there was between the prophets and the scribes! The first to shine in the faith were those who participated in the source of heavenly wisdom, while others directed their extraordinary erudition to "solving" questions irrelevant to life. The lawyers occasionally thrashed out whether one may move a ladder from one dovecote to another on feast days.
It is obvious that religious life, in which ritualism is the determining principle, will become formalistic. "Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men" (Isa. 29:13).
Falling away from the living source of Truth will inevitably lead to dissolution and barrenness. In medieval European church art, the contrast between Christianity and Judaism was allegorically represented in the form of two female figures: the Church and the Synagogue. The south portal of the transept (cross aisle) of the cathedral in Strasbourg (approx. 1230) is decorated with such sculptures. The woman representing the Church, clearly and confidently carries a cross in her right hand as if resting on it. The straight folds of her cloak, flowing down to the ground, make her figure solid and firm. Her head is crowned. Her gaze is cast into the distance. The figure of the synagogue holds to her body a spear broken in several places. The bend of the figure repeats the broken line. Scrolls fall out of her left hand. Her head is downcast. Her eyes are blindfolded, a symbol of spiritual darkness.
  1. The next phase of Judaism's retreat from Biblical monotheism was the rise and expansion among the Jews of Kabbalah (in Hebrew qabbalah means acceptance or tradition) of mystical teachings and practices. This esoteric theosophical teaching is in spirit and letter absolutely foreign to the Holy Scripture. Two books initiate an exposition of Kabbalah: Sefer Yetzirah (the Book of Creation) and Zohar (Splendor of Radiance). The former was likely written in the sixth and seventh centuries B.C. Confirmation by the Kabbalists themselves of the existence of Sefer Yetzirah already during the time of patriarch Abraham is absolutely mythical and has no evidence. On the contrary, the presence in these books of philosophical ideas of late antiquity, such as Gnosticism, Neoplatonism, and others, completely refutes this view. The author of Zohar is believed to be the Spanish Kabbalist Moshe (Moses) de Leon. It was written in approximately 1300 A.D. The desire of modern Kabbalists to make the author of Zohar the disciple of rabbi Akiva Shimon Bar Yochai (Laitman, M. The Book of Zohar. M., 2003. p. 185)[2] , who lived in the second century A.D., contradicts the view of experts. "The Aramaic language of all eighteen of these sections is throughout the same, and throughout it displays the same individual peculiarities. This is all the more important because it is not in any sense a living language which Simeon ben Yohai and his colleagues in the first half of the second century A.D. in Palestine might have conceivably spoken. The Aramaic of the Zohar is a purely artificial affair, a literary language employed by a writer who obviously knew no other Aramaic than that of certain Jewish literary documents, and who fashioned his own style in accordance with definite subjective criteria. The expectation expressed by some scholars that philological investigation would reveal the older strata of the Zohar has not been borne out by actual research. Throughout these writings, the spirit of mediaeval Hebrew, specifically the Hebrew of the thirteenth century, is transparent behind the Aramaic facade" (Scholem, G. (1954). Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism. p. 163).[3]
Kabbalah is divided into the contemplative (Kabbalah Iyunit) and practical (Kabbalah Maasit). The central aspect of the Kabbalah is Ein Sof (The Infinite). In contrast to the God of the Holy Scriptures, Ein Sof has no name because he is without person, unknowable, and incomprehensible. No attributes can be ascribed to him. Ein Sof makes himself known in his manifestations (not to all, but to Jewish mystics). Ein Sof's chief manifestation is the original man, Adam Kadmon. Through his emanations (flows) the ten sefirot come into being, which are the attributes of God. Ten sefirot represent the mystical body of Adam Kadmon (heavenly Adam). He appears as a result of emanation and has no image or form. The earthly Adam was created in the image of heavenly Adam. The tenth sefirot is called "the Kingdom" or Malkuth. It unites all ten sefirot. In Zohar, Malkuth—or Kingdom—denotes how the Knesset (assembly) of Israel is a mystical prototype of the House of Israel (Shekhinah). In The Dialectics of Myth (XIV. 3), Aleksei Losev writes, “As a very well-educated Jew and great expert of Kabbalistic and Talmudic literature (from which I, with the nasty habits of a European observer, sought to learn exclusively about the Neoplatonic influences in Kabbalah) told me, the essence of all Kabbalah does not at all consist in pantheism, as liberal scholars think, who compare the doctrine of Ein Sof and the Sephirot with Neo-Platonism, but rather with pan-Israelitism: the Kabbalistic God needs Israel for His own salvation, He was incarnated in Israel and became it. Therefore the myth of the world domination by a deified Israel, which is forever contained in God.”
Kabbalists have established a correspondence among the different sefirot with parts of the human body. Becoming familiar with this primitive mythological arrangement of the structure of the universe, it becomes difficult to ignore the question that Kabbalists themselves do not ask: What is the source of this "knowledge"? How does one manage to conclude that the sefirot of the Crown (Keter) is the brow, the Tiferet is the chest, Victory (Netzach) and Majesty (Hod) is man's hip?
The esoteric teachings of Sefer Yetzirah and the Zohar are fundamentally incompatible with the biblical teaching on God, the world, man, and humanity's path to salvation. Contemplative Kabbalah represents a combination of elements of Gnosticism of the second and third centuries A.D. and Neo-Platonism. From the Gnostics, it borrows the teaching of the 10 eons, which comprise the pleroma (universal fullness). Dualism is the link between Gnostics and Kabbalists; the idea of eternal enmity began with good (light) and evil (darkness). Kabbalah's dualistic world view finds a direct expression in Sefer Yetzirah: "Also Elohim made every object, one opposite the other: good opposite evil, evil opposite good, good from good, evil from evil, the good delineates the evil and the evil delineates the good, good is kept for the good and evil is kept for the evil.” It is evident that the teaching, which ascribes evil an ontological status, leads to the justification of evil. In contrast, according to the Holy Scripture, evil was not created by God, but arose as a result of the abuse of the gift of freedom given by God to his creatures, Angels and mankind.
Kabbalistic teaching is an obvious expression of pantheism, a complete retreat from monotheism. God and the world are understood as one complete whole. The world is only a manifestation of God. Pantheism is fraught with internal contradictions. Its logical consequence is inevitably first the derogation of God, and next, denial of him, because all of the world's imperfections are attributed to him.
Kabbalists divide the world into male and female elements. The right and left spheres are respectively male and female. The world is presented as a loving union, as the unification of male and female elements. The relationship between the spheres is interpreted with the help of gender symbolism.
Kabbalah presents itself as a fantastical mix of esoteric occultism, blended with pagan religious and philosophical ideas. It attests to a complete regression from the great and saving teachings of the Bible with its deep and sustained monotheism.
Hieromonk Job (Gumerov)
[1] This appears not to be a direct quote from Tract Sabbath, but commentary based on Tract Sabbath: —Trans.
[2] This cite may not be accurate to the English version. —Trans.
[3] Page number may not be accurate to English version.—Trans.
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:15 itsspoppyy [27F] Looking for someone to send TikToks to!

Hello everyone! I’m 27, I’m a girl in a happy relationship but I’ve noticed it’s not that easy for me to make friends so, I’m looking for people (M/F) with similar interests so we can just chat, get to know each other, get emotional support and give help… and, just share some positive emotions. I little about me:
• Reading (a lot, mainly fantasy and romance or smut) • Movies and series of all kinds, I have excel sheets to track all of my hobbies so be ready for weird stuff • I’m not very positive and my humor is a little bit like Wednesday Addams • I also speak Spanish • I love memes, TikTok, music, Pinterest, like I could be doodling about my last interest and send you an edit fangirling and then make a meme about our friendship (I am rather involved in relationships so please don’t hurt me) • I lived the Tumblr era so I was that directioner potterhead yay bookz and tea girl and now I’m just a hopeless romantic who rarely feels serotonin • I’m lazy, I’ve got 2 black cats and will probably talk about them a lot • I’m Slavic and I feel instant connection with Slavic people • I’m a sucker for geopolitics • Right now I can’t stop thinking about historical romance and the bridgertons
That’s my resume! If you want to chat, or just get to know each other that’s cool, you can introduce yourself answering your thoughts on any random topic, that may be fun.

submitted by itsspoppyy to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:06 Ninja-Titan-1427 El Filibusterismo Concern

I just want to seek answer kung sino ba talaga ang kumuha ng lamparang naglalaman ng nitroglicerina sa El Fili?
Feeling ko kasi hindi si Isagani eh base sa mga clues na binigay. Ang binasa ko ay ang buod mg novel since nasa spanish ang original copy and di ako marunong magspanish, also wala akong copy ng libro.
Clues na si Basilio ang kumuha ng lampara.
  1. ⁠Habang nasa labas ng bahay ni Don Timoteo kung saan ikakasal si PG at JP, nagdalawang-isip si Basilio sa pagpapasabog ng bahay. Kasi nakita niya ang mga mababait na taong madadamay at mamamatay dahil sa plano ni Simoun.
  2. ⁠Ang tanging dala lang ni Basilio noon ay rebolber. Nang kunin na ng ‘anino’ ang lampara ang isinigaw ng mga panauhin ay “magnanakaw, magnanakaw”. Ang isa naman ay “rebolber”.
  3. ⁠Alam ni Basilio ang pasikot-sikot sa bahay ni Don Timoteo na dating bahay ni Kapitan Tiago kaya nakapasok siya nang hindi napapansin ng mga guardia civil.
  4. ⁠Hindi nakilala ng mga panauhin kung sino ang kumuha ng lampara. Kung si Isagani ito, may makakakilala sa kaniya since nasa loob na siya ng bahay at maayos ang hitsura. Unlike Basilio, na rugged ang hitsure dahil sa pagkakakulong at di nakadamit nang maayos.
  5. ⁠Sa bahay ng mga Orenda may binitawang line si Isigani na, “Kailanman ay kasalan ang kumaha ng pag-aari ng iba. Kung nalalaman lamang mg magnanakaw ang layunin at nakapag-isip muna, tiyak na hindi niya gagawin ang gayon at PANTAYAN MAN O BAYARAN MAN NG KAHIT GAANO’Y HINDI AKO LALAGAY SA KALAGAYAN NIYA.
So meaning, kahit bayaran siya or what di niya kukunin yung lampara kasi alam niyang sasabog yun at baka mamatay siya.
Please enlighten. Hehe
submitted by Ninja-Titan-1427 to FilipinoHistory [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:09 NDC71334 Booking the 2024 AEW Men's Continental Classic

Context: I thought that AEW did a great job with the Continental Classic 6 months ago and I want to try to book the next one (as I imagine they will be doing this again). For this booking, I will be doing the men's continental classic in 2024. Now for this, we are changing one major thing for this tournament compared to what they did last year. The winner of this tournament will get a shot at the AEW World Championship at the Revolution PPV. The finals of the Continental Classic will take place at World's End. The world champion in this fantasy booking for around this time is Will Ospreay. All of these matches take place on episodes of Dynamite and Collision respectively (I won't book what match takes place on which network) , I'll just be booking the tournament week-to-week. Below are the competitors listed for each block.
EDIT: My first draft exceeded the character limit for a post so I will be trimming down match details
Gold Block:
Blue Block:
Scoring: Win=3 points, Draw=1 point, Loss=0 points
20-minute time limits for each match
Outside interference is prohibited! No one is allowed at ringside (breaking these rules result in a point deduction)
Gold Block: Week 1
Blue Block: Week 1
Gold Block: Week 2
Blue Block: Week 2
Gold Block: Week 3
Blue Block: Week 3
Gold Block: Week 4
Blue Block: Week 4
Gold Bock: Week 5
Blue Block: Week 5
Final Standings (Gold and Blue):
Gold Block Finals:
Blue Block Finals:
Continental Classic Finals: AEW World's End
(MJF goes on to be a heel from this and Kenny Omega will face Will Ospreay in the main event of Revolution for the AEW World Championship)
What did you think? Did you like it? Did you not like it? What did you specifically like or dislike about it? Let me know!
submitted by NDC71334 to fantasybooking [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 12:14 Busy-Recover-8561 Dejé a mi novia por una broma (Actualización)

No sabia como actualizar y después de mucho preguntar acá ando.
Esta actualización la hago para poder darle un buen cierre y para responder alguna preguntas inconclusas.
Después de muchos días, decidí irme un tiempo a una cabaña que tenía en Entre Ríos, Argentina. Me sentía bien en la soledad, era un hábito que tenía cuando era pequeño. Llendo al grano, muchos de mis amigos me dijeron que exageré con mi reacción, me dijeron que ella no me era infiel o algo así, qué la broma fue eso, una broma, la intención no estaba ahí. Yo respondí (todo esto fue en una llamada grupal de WhatsApp) que las bromas era algo que no me agradaba, esas bromitas siempre ocultan una intención muy en el fondo, ya sea una reacción de celos o para que la "cuidara" más, siempre hay algo oculto a en la acciones, y eso no es algo que me agrade del todo. La conversación siguió un poco más por ese hilo, pero al final no llegamos a un acuerdo y discutimos, más que nada con ese tipo Victor (el amigo de mi novia en la broma) me dijo que no tenía por qué reaccionar así, que la única lastimada era mi novia. Ya en ese momento algo raro había en mi, algo que sospechaba, le pregunté directamente qué sentía el por mi novia, y que eramos hombres después de todo, me dijo que si se sentía atraído pero que nunca se metería con una mujer con pareja, no me creí nada y le dije que adelante, qué ella ya estaba soltera y antes de colgar le dije que es bastante poco hombre hacer esa broma a sabiendas de esos sentimiento, y que no lo quería volver a ver, ni a él ni a lo que la defendían. Me quedé con solo 2 amigos, los demás no estaban de acuerdo conmigo, curiosamente esos dos amigos siempre estuvieron conmigo cuando mis negocios cayeron en ventas y fueron mis amigos más cercanos a diferencia de los otros, desde aquí digo que los quiero. La casa ya estaba en venta mucho antes, la vendí a un precio justo y me mudé en San Telmo, es un lugar más lindo de lo que imaginaba, menos ruido del qué esperaba, bastante acojedor la nueva casa también. La conversación con mis padre fue algo intensa y llena de dagas por todos lados. Mi padre no pudo hablar mucho, lo único que me dijo es que siguiera mi corazón, me dijo exactamente... "Creo que hice un buen trabajo cuidándote y enzeñandote, tu sabrás mejor que yo qué hacer en esa situación, sigue el camino y no mires atrás, solo recuerda que cuando no hay hijos de por medio la dignidad va primero" ese señor fue mi gran maestro en la adolescencia y sé que tome la decisión correcta, perdí más de lo que me hubiera gustado, pero aprendí el triple de lo que ya sabía a ciegas. Mi madre me dijo que le diera otra oportunidad, que ya estábamos con una relación larga y sana, que un error lo tiene cualquiera... Le dije que no, que si quería nietos se los daría, pero no con ella, que me dé tiempo, ya hablaríamos de eso, pero que no volvería con ella más. La conversación siguió un poco sobre ese tema, pero no pasó a más, siento que quedó algo inconclusa, pero me siento bien así, mi padre solo se preocupa por mí y mi madre no es que le haya agarrado mucho cariño a mi novia pero ella ya está algo vieja, quiere nietos y tener a un mini yo de pequeño, ay mi madre ya pronto los tendré. Con respecto a los padres de mi novia, hablé con su padre al respecto, me dijo algo que nunca pensé en escuchar, me dijo que su mujer ya lo había engañado antes, que sigue con ella por su hija nada más, pero que esa broma fue algo que tuvo que aceptar a fuerzas pero que lo terminó de aceptar cuando vio a mi novia convencida, no sabe que hacer, dice que su hija fue lo único que hizo bien el la vida y que ahora por culpa de su madre está corrompida. Eso último me tocó la curiosidad, le pregunté que pasó, me dijo que ella ya anda buscando pretendientes para Lucía, que la empuja a ir a fiesta y conseguir "experiencia" en el amor, que no se preocupara. Me dijo también que ya anda buscando abogado para el divorcio, yo le di el número del mío y ahí terminó por así decirlo ese tema, hablamos un poco más y pregunté cosas, pero nada destacable más que su estado, ánimo y su salud. Nos despedimos y tdrminó la conversación como caballeros, muy a gusto con el señor. Traté de arreglar otros asuntos más, ya tengo rutinas más sanas, voy al gym público, tengo un psicólogo bueno, mis pocos amigos y yo nos la pasamos bien, mis padres como siempre apoyándome... Salió bien después de todo, yo pensé que cosas más malas se venían pero supongo que muchas películas he visto y que no tenía por qué ser así. Con respecto a Lucía, ya no la reconozco, en una de mis salidas con mis amigos, la encontré en un boliche cerca de donde vive un amigo mío, en San Vicente, les juro que mis ojos se abrieron como platos y que mi corazón latía fuerte, la vi besándose con un tipo y dejándose tocar por otro, mis amigos captaron rápido el ambiente y me sacaron de ahí, Lucía me vio y me siguió afuera, mis amigos trataron de alejarla pero decidí darle cierre al asunto de una vez por todas, les dije que me esperaran en la pizzaría, así fue y me dejaron solo con ella en una banquito de ahí. Ella me preguntó como estaba, le dije que mucho mejor, no se podía decir lo mismo de ella, tenia el cuello marcado, una ropa de prostituta y ni hablar de su aroma, parecía un tío borracho. "Me das pena, la dignidad parece que ya no existe en tu cabeza" fueron las palabras que la hicieron llorar, me decía que lo sentía, lo repetía muchas veces, le pregunté que si era idea de sus amigas o de su madre, me sorprendió la respuesta, fueron ambas, sus padre tuvieron una discusión larga y ella decidió hacerle caso a su madre ya ahí empeoró todo, le decía como vestirse, cómo hablar con hombres, etc. Nunca volvió a ser la misma y siente que no hay marcha atrás. Sonará mal, pero acepto opiniones, le dije que no me interesaba su estado, pero que tenia una pregunta, "¿me engañaste durante la relación, lo conozco?" me dijo que Victor se le insinuaba mucho, pero que nunca fue más que eso, tenía miedo de mi reacción si me contaba eso, le dije que al final, nunca la entendería y que ojalá sea feliz, por que yo ya lo soy así, fue un gusto dentro de lo que cabe. Esas fueron mis palabras antes de irme, ella no trató de seguirme, pero escuche decir algo como "lo siento" o "no te vayas" le juro por dios que en ese momento traté de saltar de un puente o algo así, nunca en mi vida había visto algo así, ver a una persona tan espléndida como lo era ella transformada en una zorra de cuarta, vomité una vez en el camino a casa de mi amigo, les juro que no me sentía bien, sentía algo raro que no logro descifrar, sentía que podía hacer más pero que no era algo que me corresponde a mí, sentía los recuerdos pasar, sentía que estaba con una cáscara y que ese era su verdadero ser, sentía muchas cosas, me vinieron imágenes de bellos momentos, conversaciones sobre el futuro, boda, hijos, viajes, etc. Sentía que el mundo se me vino abajo, no olvidaré ese día en mi vida, por suerte fue algo solo del momento, realmente me sorprendí bastante con todo. Para terminar, su madre, aquí fue donde más bombo recibí, antes de ayer fue cuando la vi, recibí insultos y muchas cosas de su parte, me dijo que por mi culpa su matrimonio se rompió y que su hija estaba mal, después de que se callara le dije alguna cosas, le dije que es una mujer deprorable, que le deseo la mayor de las desgracias, y que si la vida no se lo daba, se lo iba a dar yo algún día, buena suerte, esas fueron mis últimas palabras, ella es una trabajadora mía en un local de ropa, la despedí y después de eso no la volví a ver. No sé que pensar, no quiero volver a refugiarme porque siento que no es la solución, siento un vacío extraño, pero pienso que el cierre a todo tenía que ser así, algo dentro de mí quería solucionar no sé que cosa, pero ya cabeza no daba más, hoy me siento más nostálgico qué nunca, siento que todo fue un sueño extraño, a veces siento que todo lo que hago desde ahora fuese en tercera persona, como que yo le digo a mi cuerpo que hacer, no siento control sobre mi ser, no sé si me explico, es como que voy en piloto automático, a veces estoy encimismado, solo a veces, pero siento que ya se me pasará. Gracias a todos los comentarios de apoyo y para la gente que me brinda sus consejos e historias de pareja, me ayudaron mucho. Trataré de responder comentarios pero en unos días, me siento nublado y como si mi cuerpo no me perteneciese, debo de meditar esta semana y ya ando en la universidad, estudiando ingeniería, algo que nunca pensé en hacer, pero es divertido. Un gusto caballeros y ojalá nunca les pase algo así. Suerte en sus vidas.
submitted by Busy-Recover-8561 to relaciones [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 08:01 SharkEva AITAH for not telling my wife about an incident with her best friend

I am not the OOP. The OOP is u/ta-wife-friend posting in AITAH
Ongoing as per OOP
1 update - Medium
Original - 15th May 2024
Update - 16th May 2024

AITAH for not telling my wife about an incident with her best friend

I want to be very sensitive when writing it here, but I have been dealing with unbearable guilt and wanted to know if what I am doing is wrong. I really do not want to trigger anyone, but I will be writing about a very sad situation.
I (33M) have been married to my wife (31F) for 6 years and we have a 3-year-old kid. We are very happy together and I am lucky to be married to a very kind and smart woman. My wife's best friend Ana (fake name for anonymity) has been living with us for the last 6 months.
I wanted to talk about Ana to give a full context of why I am making my decision. Ana is my wife's best friend since school days. Ana was living in the city with her boyfriend, and we live in the suburbs of that city. They seemed happy together and were in relationship for 2 years. However, my wife noticed bruises on Ana's hand last year and asked her about it. Initially, Ana dismissed it as work related injuries. My wife kept on probing, and we learned that Ana was in an extremely toxic and abusive relationship. Her boyfriend lost his job last year and became extremely controlling and abusive towards her. He constantly accused her of cheating (Ana denies it), made her link her phone messenger to his computer and started micromanaging finances. There was an incident of domestic violence that was the final straw and my wife, and I had to rush to the hospital to look after Ana.
Since Ana's parents are mostly absent from her life, my wife asked me if Ana can stay with us for a few days. We are three people living in a 4-bedroom house and have two spare guest rooms. I of course agreed to it and told her that Ana can stay with us as long as she wants. I think the incident completely broke Ana and she would just start crying randomly and completely shut down. It was really sad to see Ana in that state. She had to leave her job due to mental issues and stayed at home in the room all day. My wife is very kind and took care of Ana like she was family and made sure she felt loved. Ana is also thankful to my wife and I to help her in her worst time, and helps around the house and with our kid (though we never leave him alone with Ana). Ana, now is coming back to normal, smiles sometimes and has started looking for job again.
Now onto the incident. Last Friday, my wife and I went to work as normal and dropped our son at daycare. I had a doctor's appointment at noon and came straight home from there as I did not have a lot of work in office. I made some lunch, and then went to my room to sit in my bed and reply to all the emails. Ana was in her room, and I did not talk to her after I came home.
Around 2pm, I heard Ana's room door open and her walking in the hallway. Suddenly, our bedroom door opened, and Ana walked in topless and just in her underwear. I was shocked and not sure how long I was staring at her. But after a few seconds, I blurted out "I am sorry!", and she quickly covered herself with her hands. She was apologetic and started explaining herself. She said she just wanted to borrow my wife's clothes because her laundry was unwashed. It was super embarrassing to have conversation with her in that state and I looked away. She again apologized and then went out of the bedroom. The incident lasted less than 2 minutes.
After a while, she again came back into our bedroom (fully dressed) and apologized for the incident. She said it was really embarrassing and she did not know anyone will be home. I said it's ok and I should have told her I am back early from office when I came home. She asked me to not mention about the incident to my wife. She said she feels embarrassed she walked around the hallway without clothes and that I saw her in that state. I said it's ok and lets forget about it.
I have not told my wife about the incident and it's been 5 days. It was just a benign incident, but I somehow feel guilty about the whole thing. I feel more guilty that I am lying to my wife by omission of the truth. However, I feel that if my wife takes it the wrong way, it may strain her relationship with Ana, and I really feel bad for Ana what she had to go through. I also do not want to make Ana uncomfortable in our house by telling my wife about her barging into our bedroom in that state.
Am I the AH in this case for not talking about this incident to my wife. I am afraid that if Ana tells it to her first, it will make me look really bad and guilty. However, if I tell her, I do not want her to blame Ana for any of this and not help her in time of her need. Can someone please help me on how I can tell my wife about this?


YWBTA if you do not tell your wife. Never keep secrets as a team with your house guest against your wife!

If she really was just walking in to get an item of clothing (assuming she and your wife have that kind of clothes sharing friendship) and she was truly not aware that you were home, then this really doesn't sound like a big deal at all. It's a bit concerning that Ana is so worried about it, granted she is coming out of an abusive relationship. It really shouldn't have needed to be kept secret, and it's clearly bothering you to do so.
"Hey sweetie, I had an awkward moment with Ana the other day that she felt really embarrassed about and didn't want to tell you, and I tried to honor that, but I feel weird about keeping such a benign snafu quiet. I came home from work early that one day and went straight to the bedroom to hang out. I knew Ana was home, but I hadn't said anything to her to let her know I was home too. I was minding my own, when she came in to borrow an item of your clothing and she was topless because she didn't know I was home or in our bedroom. She was extremely embarrassed, I averted my eyes immediately, she explained about the clothes and apologized -- it was awkward all around -- and then she exited and got dressed. Do you have any questions or concerns?"
OOP: Thanks. This is really helpful. May be I am overthinking this, but I have read that in these situations, the victim's trust in men is very fragile. Would it be horrible if I tell my wife after I told Ana I would not mention about this incident? Should I talk about this with Ana first?

Your wife and your relationship takes priority

Update - 1 days later

I wrote a post yesterday about an embarrassing situation that happened between my wife's best friend who is currently staying at our house. I was not sure how to bring it up to my wife and you guys really helped me a lot in understanding the urgency of telling my wife. I also got some cool ideas on how to bring up the subject without making it awkward for anyone. For everyone saying Ana was doing it on purpose, I did not agree with it as I am an extremely average looking person and woman don't chase me. However, things since last night have been just crazy and I think I am spiraling a bit. Sorry for the long post.
So, I decided to tell my wife last night as soon as she came home about the incident. I liked the idea of jokingly bringing up casually so that we both can laugh about it and then forget it. Last night, when my wife came home, I made sure I stayed in our bedroom. I asked Ana if she could stay with my kid downstairs. As my wife was changing, I asked her if Ana still borrow her clothes. Ana had to borrow them regularly when she first moved (long story). My wife told me yes and she has told Ana she can take anything from her closet if she needs it. I asked my wife if Ana told her about the funny incident from Friday. My wife said no, and I told her the whole story about how I came home early, and Ana came in the room almost naked to get her clothes, and how embarrassing it was for both of us.
As my wife was listening to this, she completely froze and turned pale. She started murmuring in Spanish (which is her and Ana's native language). I don't understand Spanish really well, but I understood the words "hombre casado" and "orta vez". I asked her if she is ok, and she sat next to me and asked me to explain everything in detail. I just told her it was nothing and she must have not heard me coming in. I was trying to laugh it off, but my wife had water in her eyes. I kept on telling her it was not a big deal, but she kept on asking me for more details. She asked me how Ana talks to me. I told her that Ana barely talks to me since she moved in except few words here and there.
My wife then asked me about three weeks ago when my wife had gone to visit her parents for four days. Ana did not want to go with her and stayed back. I told her that Ana was just acting normal. She or I would cook dinner after I got home from work while the other took care of the kid. The only thing different was Ana generally spending her evening in her room. However, when I was sitting in the living room watching TV after the kids slept, Ana came and sat on the sofa next to me but did not talk to me. I asked her if she wants me to change the channel or stream something she likes, and she just said she wanted to get out of her room. However, she did not flirt with me or do anything unusual. I kept on telling my wife that it was just an accident, and I really did not understand why she reacted so emotionally to it. My wife refused to answer and just said ok and agreed with me. However, she told me I should have told her about the incident sooner and should not keep any secrets from her and gave me a big lecture. I told her that I did not think it was a big deal and thought Ana would tell her, but glad I brought it up.
After dinner, my wife messaged Ana to join us, and she came out. While talking, my wife brought up the incident and told Ana that I mentioned about the incident, and she does not need to feel embarrassed. Such things happen when we are all in the same house and is not a big deal. Ana was firstly taken by surprise, but then told my wife she was just scared to tell her because she thought my wife would judge her because of her past. My wife gave her a stare, and she quickly changed the topic.
At night, I asked my wife what the hell was going on. I told her to please not keep any secrets from me, and if she does not tell me, I will directly ask Ana about what her past has got to do with anything. My first guess was Ana might have had a thing for me before we got married or something. But my wife was very reluctant to answer and kept on trying to change the subject and cuddle. However, I kept being persistent, and she finally spilled the beans.
Apparently, when Ana was in her early 20s, she was in relationship with a married coworker who was twice her age. It was a kind of sugar daddy relationship, and he told her that he was in an open relationship (or that's what Ana told my wife) and he would leave his wife in few years once the kids go to college. This makes sense now, because Ana is very pretty (like Miss USA level), and I never understood why she was single for most of the time I knew her. She eventually ended that relationship and started dating her boyfriend Jim, who turned out to be an abusive asshole. My wife said she suspects Ana was still involved with the older guy while in relationship with Jim, which explains why he kept on accusing her of cheating. That is why my wife became emotional when I told her what Ana did because she was worried Ana has no boundaries regarding married men. My wife said that Ana always looks up to us and praises me for being such a loyal partner and how lucky my wife is. My wife was a worried initially when she brought Ana home, but her actions from the time when my wife was away clearly show that she respects the boundaries, and it must have been an accident. My wife told me she is grateful I let Ana live in our house and observe what a healthy and happy marriage looks like.
Today morning was even more weird. I got up early as I could not sleep well and went down for a cup of coffee. After 5 minutes Ana walked into the kitchen and told me she was relieved my wife did not overreact to Friday incident. She said I am a good husband and gave me a hug and peck on the cheeks. She has never hugged me in the last 6 months. She seemed to be in a happy mood and was making small talk with me while having coffee.
I cannot believe my wife did not tell me such a huge detail about Ana for all these years. It's completely possible she cheated all through the relationship with Jim, and my wife is just covering for her all along. She even kept it a secret from me (after giving me a lecture about how we should never have secrets), and I don't know what else she is hiding. Everything just seems very confusing at this point. I feel angry at my wife for lying to me all these years for Ana. I also now see Ana differently. I am also worried that me trivializing the incident to my wife might have sent wrong signals to Ana.


Uh, also tell your wife about the hug and kiss on the cheeks.

This might be normal for some cultures but right after what just happened? That's a red flag.

This!! Ana is playing the long game. She has gotten away with everything so far. Now she will just keep pushing the boundaries. Of course, she will do it slowly so OP will think it was all unintentional.

She is def testing the boundaries, working the edges.... To see how much she can get and how far she can go. Can't believe OP didn't straight arm her across the kitchen...unless??
OOP: I have not told my wife yet. Things were a bit icy between us since yesterday as I am still upset at her for keeping secrets from me for all these years. I know its Ana's personal life, but I feel a bit betrayed that for all these years, she knew Ana was with a married man and never even mentioned it to me. We had a talk in the evening, and she apologized, but then we both dropped the subject and took our son to the playground as the weather was finally nice and had an amazing time.
However, I plan to tell her as soon as we both are alone at night. As I said in the comments, I do not think she will mind since it's not uncommon for her friends to give a quick peck on cheeks when saying hello. Infact, I was not comfortable with it at the start, and now am used to it. Her mom, cousins, friends, everyone kisses me. There are also weird rules, where married women like my wife just hug, but non-married friends give a kiss (unless you family). Also, only girls give a kiss, but men don't kiss girls on cheeks (I learned that the hard way). I am not Latino (Columbian to be exact) and may be someone who is familiar can explain the rules here so people who don't know the tradition won't misinterpret it as anything sexual.
Also, I never keep anything from my wife, and hence I felt so guilty about my actions over the last week. I am sure I will mention it to her before the end of the day.

I am not the OOP. Please do not harass the OOP.
Please remember the No Brigading Rule and to be civil in the comments
submitted by SharkEva to BORUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 03:11 TheSpace81 A stranger in strange lands - 13 (Part 2) [English]

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Spanish Version (OG Version)
Credits to u/SpacePaladin15 for creating this universe.
And thanks to u/Signal-Chicken559 for proof-reading and the feedback, seriously, thank you.
Also available on Archive of Our Own
Note: There's a post on the Discord of this subreddit, so if you wanna discuss something about my story, that should be the place to go
Memory Transcription Subject: Syra, Universal History Student at Brightspire and Member of the Human-Venlil Exchange Program
Date [standardized human date]: September 17, 2136
Maybe this "therapy" wouldn't be so bad after all. Perhaps they just wanted to make sure Daniel felt comfortable and supported during his stay here. I hoped that was the case, because otherwise, I wouldn't hesitate to bare my claws if necessary to protect him.
For now, I would let things flow naturally. But I would keep a close eye out, just in case. Daniel wasn't alone in this, I was here to look out for him.
[Time advancement: 10 minutes]
"...and that's more or less how I ended up here, details more, details less," Daniel finished recounting how he had arrived.
He seems satisfied with what Daniel has told so far. Good sign, I suppose. Although I still wonder what exactly this "therapy" is about.
At that, the "psychologist" gets up and walks to the back of the room. He takes some kind of portable whiteboard and places it in front of us. He then takes out a couple of markers and begins to draw a simple diagram.
"Well, Daniel, I think I have a general idea of who you are," he says as he scribbles on the whiteboard. "Now I'd like to explain my approach a bit in this session."
I frown slightly, intrigued. The Doctor draws a large circle in the center of the whiteboard and writes the word "Communication" inside it.
"You see, for me communication is the key to everything," he continues. "It's the medium through which we can express our needs and obtain what we need or desire."
I nod slowly, contemplating the diagram. It makes sense so far. The Doctor continues tracing more elements, listing some steps:
  1. Describe observable facts
  2. Emotions + Thoughts → Feelings
  3. NEEDS
  4. Expressed in the form of a request
Thank the stars I downloaded the new translation packages a while ago, otherwise I wouldn't be able to read this.
"The first thing is to describe the observable facts objectively," he explains while pointing to step 1. "Then, express the emotions and thoughts that arise in relation to those facts. But most importantly, identify the underlying need that those emotions and thoughts reflect."
He takes another color and draws an arrow that goes from the "Needs" circle to another where he writes "Finds the common ground with the other person."
"Once the needs are identified, we can express them in the form of a request to the other person," he says. "In this way, both parties can work together to satisfy those needs in a collaborative and empathetic way."
I nod again, beginning to understand his approach. It's... interesting, to be honest. Very different from the more authoritarian and repressive approach I experienced with my sister's case. The Doctor takes a moment to study our reactions.
"I know this may seem a bit foreign to your customs, Syra," he admits in an understanding tone. "But on Earth we have learned (or we're supposed to) that repressing or denying emotions only leads to more conflicts and suffering. It's better to express them in a healthy way and seek solutions that benefit everyone."
He turns back to the whiteboard and draws another more elaborate diagram. This time, there is a kind of circle, with elongated triangles inside, Daniel explained to me in my previous chats with him, that this was called a "compass" and was used for guidance at sea (By the stars, what's wrong with these humans? Don't they see that the sea is extremely dangerous?!). This compass seemed to be surrounded by several sectors, each with the name of an emotion: joy, sadness, fear, anger, boredom, disgust, surprise.
I look at the diagram with curiosity, it's an interesting concept, although very different from what I've learned on Venlil Prime.
The Doctor points to the central circle with the word "Communication."
"As you can see, for me everything revolves around effective communication," he continues calmly. "First, we must describe the facts objectively, without judging."
I nod slowly, following his explanation. So far it makes sense.
"Then, it is crucial to identify the emotions and thoughts that those facts generate in us. We should not repress or deny them," he continues, tracing more elements on the diagram. "Those emotions and thoughts lead us to identify an underlying need."
I frown a little when I hear that. Needs... my mind goes back to the situation with my sister. Could it be that she just needed to express herself better? No, I can't think about that now.
"Once the need is identified, we can express it as a request to the other person," the Doctor draws an arrow pointing to the words "Finds the common ground." "Thus, both parties can work together to satisfy those needs in an empathetic and collaborative way."
I open my eyes in surprise. Is he suggesting that we can simply... ask for what we need? Without fear, without reprisals. It's such a foreign idea from what I experienced... But at the same time, it makes a certain sense.
The Doctor turns towards us, studying our reactions.
"I know this approach may seem strange to you Venlil," he admits with understanding. "But on Earth we learned that repressing or denying emotions only brings more conflicts. It's better to express them in a healthy way."
I swallow hard with discomfort. It's true that on Venlil Prime we are taught to keep certain emotions under control. Especially those that could be seen as... "predatory."
"Um... Excuse me, Doctor," I interject cautiously. "I understand your point, but... What about those emotions or behaviors that are considered harmful or problematic?"
The Doctor looks at me intently before responding.
"It's a very valid question, Syra. But you see, no emotion is inherently 'good' or 'bad'," he explains patiently. "Even emotions like anger or fear have a purpose and meaning. The important thing is to learn to identify them, understand them and express them appropriately."
I frown thoughtfully. Is he suggesting that even the darkest emotions have a place? It's certainly... different from what I've been taught.
"But... What if those emotions endanger others?" I insist, unable to avoid thinking of my sister. "In my culture, certain behaviors, though emotional, are seen as a 'disease'."
A heavy silence settles in the room. I can sense Daniel's discomfort by my side, though he doesn't say a word. The Doctor remains silent for a moment, did I say something wrong?
"I understand your concern, and I'm sorry for that, Syra," he finally responds. "I understand that each culture may have its own norms and values. But at least on Earth, we have learned that pathologizing or repressing certain emotions only increases suffering."
He takes a breath before continuing.
"The important thing is to find healthy ways to express and channel those intense emotions. With support, understanding and appropriate tools, no one has to resort to harm or violence."
I ponder his words carefully. It's such a different perspective... But I can't help the doubts that assail me. If my sister had had that "support" and "understanding"... would she still be alive?
At that moment, I remember what Thomas mentioned about Daniel's "diagnosis." I glance sideways at my human companion sitting beside me, who remains silent.
"Um... Doctor, if you don't mind me asking," I begin cautiously. "What exactly does that 'diagnosis' you mentioned before mean? The 'Autism Spectrum Disorder'?"
Daniel tenses visibly by my side, as if he wants to avoid that conversation. But the Doctor simply nods calmly.
"Well it's not a bad question, Syra," he responds. "Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurodivergent condition that primarily affects the development of social skills and communication. People on the spectrum can have difficulties interpreting social cues, maintaining eye contact or understanding figurative language."
I look at Daniel with renewed interest, trying to better understand his situation. Maybe that's why it's so hard for him to socialize...
"But that doesn't mean they are 'sick' or 'deficient' people," the Doctor is quick to clarify. "They simply have a neurodivergent processing of social information. With the right supports, they can develop fully."
My gaze softens as I observe Daniel. I feel a wave of understanding toward him. All this time he has been dealing with these challenges and yet he still strives to establish bonds and learn about my culture.
"There's no need to be alarmed. As I said, the intention is not to judge or label anyone. We simply want to understand and provide the appropriate support."
I nod slowly, feeling the tension dissipate a little. Then, the Doctor takes out a deck of cards from a small briefcase he had at his side.
"In fact, would you like to play a little game? It could help us get to know each other in a more relaxed way."
I glance sideways at Daniel, not quite sure what to expect. He shrugs indifferently, as if letting me decide. Well, why not? A game could be a more pleasant way to get through this "therapy."
"Sure, let's play," I respond, giving a slight smile and gesturing with my tail.
The Doctor nods and proceeds to explain the rules of the game called "Sussed?". It doesn't seem too complicated: basically, we have to read some cards with 3 questions and 3 answer options each, choose the one that best represents us and try to guess which answer to that question the player who asked it chose.
"Sounds good," I comment as the Doctor deals the cards to each of us. "Do you want to start?"
This was the kind of board games I liked the most.
"Sure, why not?" the Doctor replied as he takes the first card. "Let's see..."
After a few moments, he chooses the card, looks at it for another moment, and the psychologist says:
"This question says: 'If you could swap bodies with anyone for a day, who would you choose?'"
I frown thoughtfully. It's an interesting question, to be honest. Who would a human want to swap bodies with?
If I were human, who would I swap bodies with?
I glance sideways at Daniel and a mischievous idea crosses my mind. What if...? No, no, that would be too daring.
But I return to the objective, to guess who the therapist would become, and then he says the options:
"And the options are:
He paused.
"What do you say? Who do you think I would choose?"
I narrowed my eyes suspiciously and made a new gesture with my ears. My ideal partner? That option seemed too suggestive for a human like him. Or would it be too obvious? And what if he chose his idol to get to know them better? I didn't completely rule out the last option either.
"Hmm..." I murmured, scratching my chin. "I'd say... C? He'd swap with one of us for a day?"
Daniel shifted beside me, seeming just as intrigued by the question as I was. Doctor Calderón simply shook his head.
"Good theory, but no. My answer was B," he revealed calmly.
Well! It made sense, I suppose. Humans really do seem obsessed with their celebrities and public figures, Daniel told me they had many, many celebrations of the historical figures of each of their countries, so each "paw" or "whatever" of their year celebrated something or someone.
"I see," I nodded. "Interesting choice."
"Alright, I guess it's my turn now," Daniel cleared his throat through his mask. "Let's see... 'If you could travel through time, what era would you choose to visit?'"
That was a fairly typical question for a game like this, but it still made me think. What era would Daniel like to visit? So many possibilities...
The options Daniel mentioned were:
What era would Daniel like to visit?
Honestly, I'm not too sure which one he might choose. Knowing his fascination with space exploration, he might choose the future to see how civilizations evolve. But he could also be interested in some golden age from his species' remote past.
Determined to guess his answer, I risk my hunch:
"Hmm, I think you'd say... option C? A golden age or key historical period?" I suggest, moving my tail inquisitively. "That's the impression I get considering your interest in history."
Daniel takes a few moments before responding with a slight nod.
"Good intuition, Syra. I chose option C, a golden age. More specifically, the European Renaissance I told you about before, don't you remember?" he reveals in a calm tone. "It was a period of great scientific and cultural advancement for my species."
I nod, pleased to have guessed right. It's interesting how Daniel seems to value the periods of intellectual and artistic progress of his civilization, despite its apparently violent background.
"Ah, yes, you told me it was a transcendental moment for humans in areas like philosophy, the arts and knowledge in general."
"Exactly. Figures like Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo, Michelangelo and so many others laid the foundations of modern science and thought. Although there were shadows too, of course."
Doctor Calderón nods and takes notes in a small notebook he has by his side. I feel curious to learn more about this "golden age" that Daniel mentions, so I decide to ask:
"If it's okay with you, could you tell me a little more about that 'Renaissance'?" I inquire, my ears slightly raised. "I'm interested in knowing what made it so important for your species."
Daniel settles into his seat, as if preparing for a more extensive explanation. I notice how his hands, make some gestures as he speaks, something I've noticed humans often do.
"Well, the Renaissance was a cultural movement that emerged in the European region during the 15th and 16th centuries, mainly in cities like Florence, Rome and Venice," he begins to explain. "After a period known as the Middle Ages, where a somewhat more rigid and dogmatic thought predominated, the Renaissance brought a resurgence of interest in the classical ideals of ancient Greece and Rome."
I nod, trying to follow his line of thought. Humans seem to have a special fascination with those ancient cultures from their past.
"Renaissance artists and thinkers promoted a more humanistic and rational approach," Daniel continues. "Figures like Leonardo da Vinci embodied the idea of the 'Renaissance man', one who sought knowledge in various areas: art, science, engineering, philosophy, and blah, blah, blah."
"Wow, that sounds really interesting," I comment sincerely. "Could you give me some more concrete examples of the achievements of that period?"
Daniel nods and proceeds to mention some Renaissance milestones: Da Vinci's advances in anatomy and his studies on the human body, the astronomical discoveries of Galileo Galilei, artworks like the Sistine Chapel and Michelangelo's David, and the rediscovery of his species' literary classics.
"In summary, it was an era of great creative and intellectual effervescence," Daniel concludes. "Though of course there was still a long way to go."
I nod, fascinated by Daniel's description. It's admirable how his species managed to propel itself forward in those key periods, despite the difficulties and limitations they faced back then. I can't help but wonder if the Venlil will ever experience a similar awakening, at least, of thought...
At that moment, I remember we're playing "Sussed?", grab one of the cards and choose one of its questions, taking advantage of Daniel's enthusiasm for history and culture.
"Alright, my turn," I announce, taking a new card. "If you could choose one supernatural ability, what would it be?' And the options are:
I pause, observing Daniel and Doctor Calderón's reactions. This question certainly lets the imagination fly.
"What do you say? What do you think I would choose?"
Now that I think about it, what would I choose?
I would definitely choose to be able to fly.
The idea of soaring through the skies with total freedom seems incredibly appealing to me. I imagine how exciting it would be to explore Venlil Prime's landscapes from the heights, without restrictions.
Daniel remains silent for a few moments, as if carefully analyzing the options. I can imagine the gears turning inside that peculiar human head of his. Finally, he responds:
"Time travel."
Time travel? I didn't expect that. I suppose it makes sense coming from a being so fascinated by the vast universe and its unsolved mysteries.
"Ohhh, interesting choice," I comment with curiosity. "May I ask why you think I would choose that ability?"
Daniel shrugs and responds in a casual tone:
"Well, I think time travel would open up infinite possibilities for knowledge and adventure," he explains. "Imagine being able to witness historical events firsthand or catch a glimpse of the future to guide us better. It would be amazing."
I nod slowly, surprised by his reasoning. Humans certainly have an overflowing imagination.
"Woah, I hadn't seen it that way," I admit. "Although it could also be risky, don't you think? Messing with the past or knowing too much about the future."
Daniel laughs through his mask, a metallic and distorted sound.
"Good point. I guess we'd have to be really careful with that," he concedes.
"Although it would just be a small glimpse, nothing major like changing history. What do you think, Dr. Calderón? What ability do you think Syra would choose?"
Dr. Calderón takes a moment to think about it.
"Hmm, I think you would choose to read minds," he finally responds. "It would be very useful for better understanding people in general."
My ears twitch strangely at his response.
"Wouldn't that be an invasion of privacy?"
"It depends on how the power works, I would set certain limits so it only activates in specific situations or places, for example."
I guess that makes sense, but I'm still not sure I'd want to read minds in general, knowing what people really think of you all the time doesn't seem like the best idea.
Anyway, it's time to reveal the answer I chose.
"Well, you're wrong, because I would choose to fly."
"But why?" Daniel asks me.
"Well, the idea of flying seems interesting to me, being able to move at full speed without ground traffic or gravity's obstacles seems appealing."
"That's an interesting answer," Calderón responds.
I guess I should take it well that he says it's an interesting answer.
"Alright, my turn again," I announced, taking a new card. "If you could have a supernatural ability, which would it be: flying, teleporting or mind control?"
And so we continued playing successively, for a good while.
[Time advancement: 50 minutes]
Dr. Calderón collects the game cards and carefully puts them away in his briefcase. Then, he turns towards us with a friendly smile.
"Well, I think that's it for today," he announces in a calm voice. "How was it? I hope it was a constructive experience and helped you get to know each other a little better."
I nod slowly, feeling a mix of emotions. On one hand, this "therapy" has been extremely revealing about how humans think. But on the other, I can't help but still feel some apprehension.
"It was... interesting, no doubt," I respond frankly. "I admit that some of your ideas seem quite foreign to what I'm used to. But I also recognize that it makes sense, at least from your perspective."
The Doctor nods in understanding.
"It's normal for them to seem strange at first, Syra," he says patiently. "Cultural differences run deep. But that doesn't mean they're incompatible, right? It simply requires effort from both sides to find common ground."
I ponder his words, turning to look at Daniel. He remains silent, but I notice how he watches me through the mask, as if evaluating my reaction. I can almost imagine the gears turning inside his head... peculiar, but endearing in a way.
"You're right," I finally admit. "It's just a matter of continuing to learn and understand. And for that, both sides have to keep an open mind."
I smile slightly and, in an impulsive gesture, bring my tail towards Daniel, gently coiling it around his arm. He tenses briefly but doesn't pull away.
"Don't worry," I tell him softly. "We'll get to understanding each other, you'll see."
Daniel nods stiffly, saying nothing. I can imagine his discomfort, but I hope that in time he'll understand that he doesn't have to be ashamed of his "peculiarity." At least, not with me.
At that moment, Dr. Calderón stands up from his seat.
"Well, I think that concludes today's session," he announces in an affable tone. "You can return to your rest area. And please, don't hesitate to request me if you need anything."
We nod and stand up to leave the therapy room. Once in the hallway, I give Daniel a friendly tail gesture.
We walk back to our little "suite", already familiar to us after the therapy session with Dr. Calderón. An awkward silence hangs between Daniel and me as we make our way through the station's hallways.
I feel relieved that therapy didn't turn out as terrifying as I initially feared. But at the same time, I can't help but dwell on some of the things the Doctor said. That about "letting emotions flow" and not repressing them... It's so alien to what I've experienced.
I glance sideways at Daniel, with his mask and that characteristically rigid body language. I wonder what he's thinking about it all. Does he feel comfortable with that idea of emotional and social "openness"? From what I could tell, he seems somewhat reluctant, although I suppose it's natural given his... peculiarity.
I shake my head, brushing those thoughts aside. I shouldn't judge so harshly. I'm just seeing things from my limited perspective. Maybe for humans that "openness" works better. Or maybe not. I still have a lot to learn, at least about them.
We finally reach our little "suite" and go inside. It's a cozy space, with a common living room and our two individual bedrooms on either side as always. Nothing luxurious, but at least it's private and comfortable.
I plop down heavily on the couch, letting out a slight sigh. Daniel sits at the other end, keeping his distance as usual.
"So... what do you think about all this?" I ask cautiously, moving my ears in his direction.
He shrugs, his body language denoting some discomfort.
"I don't know what to think, really," he responds frankly. "It's all so... different from what I'm used to."
I nod, fully understanding that feeling. It's like we're both exploring completely uncharted territory.
"Yeah, I get it. It's very foreign to me too," I admit. "But... do you think it could have some value? You know, that whole 'expressing emotions' thing and all that."
Daniel remains silent for a moment, as if meditating on his answer. I can almost picture the gears turning inside his human head.
"Maybe..." he finally mutters. "Although I don't know if I'm ready for something like that. It's... complicated for me, I've had therapies before, but they never really worked out, it makes me uncomfortable because it's more of a routine than anything else, a routine I thought I'd at least get a break from here, but it wasn't the case, although it makes sense, they have a neurodivergent among the program members, so I guess they wanted to make sure I'd behave."
My ears droop slightly as I sense his discomfort. I don't want to push him too much, especially on topics that seem sensitive to him.
"Hey, it's okay," I say in a softer tone. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to. We'll go at your own pace, alright?"
He nods stiffly, though I notice his shoulders relaxing a little. I'm glad I can convey some reassurance.
If someone had told me I'd be reassuring a predator about his own discomfort by being so close a few months ago, I would have laughed in their faces and told them they were crazy, but here I am, telling him everything will be okay.
After a few moments of awkward silence, I decide to break the ice again.
"Hey, Daniel..." I begin slowly. "Can I ask you a question about what the Doctor said?"
He nods stiffly, barely a slight movement of his masked head.
"Sure, what do you want to know?"
I hesitate for a moment, not quite sure how to approach this without seeming intrusive.
"Well, he mentioned something about that 'diagnosis' of yours...a disorder, I think he said. Could you explain a bit more about that?" I ask cautiously. "O-only if you're comfortable with it, of course."
Daniel tenses up even more, I can almost feel his discomfort radiating from his body language. For a moment I fear I've crossed a line, but then he responds in a muted voice:
"It's... complicated to explain. Basically, my brain processes certain information differently than most people's. That makes social interactions, non-verbal language, that kind of thing difficult for me."
I nod slowly, trying to better understand his condition.
"And is that... bad?" I ask with genuine curiosity. "I mean, does it cause you problems or anything?"
He siffly shrugs.
"Sometimes yes, sometimes no. It depends on the situation. In academics and work it's usually an advantage, because I can focus really well on logical, repetitive tasks. But socially... well, let's just say it's not my strong suit."
I observe him closely, noticing how he averts his masked gaze. I can imagine the discomfort and vulnerability he must be feeling opening up like this.
"Hey, you don't have to be ashamed, okay?" I say softly. "I think it's admirable that you can be so honest about it. Most pred- I mean, humans, would probably do everything possible to hide it, right?"
Daniel lets out a slight huff through the mask, a metallic and distorted sound that could almost be mistaken for a bitter laugh.
"Now, I guess not, but it's ironic, don't you think?" he comments with a tinge of bitterness. "In prehistoric times, someone like me might have been abandoned or devoured for not fitting in with the tribe or group.
"But now... well, it seems I might not fit in anywhere at this rate, or maybe I'm exaggerating, but sometimes I don't know what to think. Because I don't want people to see me with pity or as someone who can't fend for themselves. It's messed up, because sometimes they see you in a condescending way, like you need help with everything all the time, when that's not always the case. I want to show the world, or the universe, that I can be myself without needing anyone's help to be me, that I can make it on my own without depending on anyone..."
After an awkward silence, I decide to break the ice again.
"Hey Daniel, I understand you don't like talking much about your... peculiarity," I say carefully. "But I want you to know you don't have to be ashamed of it with me, okay? I don't think any less of you for being... well, different."
Daniel shifts in his seat, his body language still slightly rigid and tense. I can imagine the discomfort he must be feeling, and I don't like it.
"It's not that I'm ashamed, exactly," he responds with apparent caution. "It's just that... sometimes I feel like people look at me with pity, you know? Like I need help with everything, when really most of the time I can fend for myself."
I nod slowly, trying to understand his perspective. I suppose for someone like him, who's probably used to dealing with prejudices and misunderstandings about his peculiarity, it must be frustrating to be treated in a condescending way.
But this time, he breaks the silence.
"Hey... there's something that's been on my mind," he admits hesitantly. "When you said you wouldn't let anyone hurt me, it sounded like you'd gone through a similar experience."
I swallow hard, feeling a lump in my throat. So he noticed. Well, I suppose it was inevitable he'd figure it out sooner or later, considering how perceptive he seems to be.
I guess it's time for me to tell my truth.
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submitted by TheSpace81 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 03:08 TheSpace81 A stranger in strange lands - 13 (Part 1) [English]

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Spanish Version (OG Version)
Credits to u/SpacePaladin15 for creating this universe.
Let's just say I've been busy with exams and other personal matters.
And thanks to u/Signal-Chicken559 for proof-reading and the feedback, seriously, thank you.
Also available on Archive of Our Own
Note: There's a post on the Discord of this subreddit, so if you wanna discuss something about my story, that should be the place to go
Memory Transcription Subject: Syra, Universal History Student at Brightspire and Member of the Human-Venlil Exchange Program
Date [standardized human date]: September 17, 2136
I don't know what to say, what to think...
I mean, it seems like your species has done so many things that it's impossible for me to not have a certain primal fear of them. When I first heard all this, my instincts told me to run, to run for my life, to rush to the terminal and grab the first ship I saw back to the surface of Venlil Prime and return to Brightspire with my family, to be safe with them, with the herd.
But on the other hand...
My reason tells me something else, it tells me to listen to him, to at least try to understand what's going through Daniel's head when he says those things so calmly, and why his species has gone through so many horrible things, and why despite that, they managed to get here.
Those were the words he said when he told me why they ended up here. His species' fear... their terror of loneliness was so great that they decided it was worth inventing superluminal travel themselves instead of finishing colonizing their own system or waiting for the Federation to "elevate" them, just to try to find not even friends, but people, people they could reason with, talk to, think with... or in the worst case, fight.
A lump forms in my throat as I remember all the atrocities Daniel has told me about his history. Devastating wars, genocides, destruction between their own species on unimaginable scales for me... And yet, when I look at him, I don't see a bloodthirsty monster, but a being ashamed and confused due to the actions of his own species.
I hesitate for a moment in silence, undecided on how to proceed. My emotions are a whirlwind and I don't know what to say or do. I look at Daniel and notice how his shoulders tense up, as if he's restraining himself.
On an impulse, I get up from my seat and walk around the table towards him. Daniel watches me cautiously, but doesn't back away. Slowly, I extend my arms and envelop him in a comforting hug.
"You're not alone anymore," I murmur with a trembling voice. "Humanity will never be alone again, I promise."
I feel him initially tense up at my gesture, but then he relaxes and slowly returns the hug. His body feels tense, as if he's struggling to contain his emotions.
We stay like that for a moment, in a silence loaded with mutual understanding. I can feel his quickened heartbeats and notice his shoulders trembling slightly. I think he's trying to hold back tears.
I can't blame him. After everything his species has been through, all the hardships and suffering, it might be natural for him to feel overwhelmed by this display of affection.
Slowly, I raise my head a bit (without stopping the hug) to look at what should be his face through that mask. I wish I could see his features, his expression, but I'll have to make do with what I can perceive from his body language, at least for now.
"Daniel," I say in a soft but firm voice, "listen to me carefully. You've made mistakes, your species has made atrocious mistakes throughout its history. But that doesn't define who you are. Here and now, I see that you long for peace and understanding, and I'm sure you'll find it."
I feel him relax a little more as he listens to me intently. I take the opportunity to continue:
"Our peoples have suffered the horrors of war against the Arxur, we've seen our homes destroyed, our loved ones..." I swallow hard, remembering my sister. "I hate them, and I'm afraid of them... but it would be unfair to hate you or hate you, and if I did, how would I be better than you, if I only respond with hate towards you?"
I pause, making sure he catches every one of my words.
"You are the living proof that, despite adversities, beings can evolve, learn, change. Your species has shown that it can commit the worst acts of cruelty... but it is also here, seeking knowledge, seeking allies, seeking a future."
My ears droop a little as I remember the horrors that this Eternal War against the Arxur has caused, 63 devastated planets, billions of lives cut short.
A thought crossed my mind and I frowned slightly.
"Hey, speaking of that... do you really think there's a risk of another conflict like that?" I ask cautiously. "You know, one of those that almost exterminated your species?"
Daniel remains silent for a moment, his posture tensing up again. Maybe I shouldn't have asked about that topic so soon... Dammit, Syra! Why do you mess it up?
But to my surprise, Daniel responds frankly:
"I hope not, to be honest. After what happened in the Satellite Wars, humanity was left in a very bad state. I think we finally understood that we can't keep destroying ourselves like that."
"Although there's always a risk, you know? Humans tend to forget the lessons of the past too easily. Our fears, our prejudices, our desire for power... all that can derail even the best intentions."
I purse my lips, feeling a knot in my stomach. His words remind me too much of the current situation with the Arxur. The endless war, the continuous attacks and suffering... What if one day humans find themselves embroiled in something similar?
From what I've heard, they're already involved in a war against the Arxur on the Gojid's homeworld. And it seems the humans are winning...
What if they become what they swear they're not?
What if they become predators, real predators?
No, no, no, NO! Daniel won't give in to that, I'm sure of it.
He's not like the Arxur, even if the rest of humanity becomes mass murderers, I'm sure Daniel won't give in to that, he just proved it to me.
He showed vulnerability with me, and I can't allow my hatred to blind me once again.
I have to be strong, maybe this is what my sister would have wanted.
I take a deep breath and look at Daniel with determination once more.
"I don't know if all of humanity will, but I trust that you won't fall into that darkness, and that you'll keep getting better and better."
At that, I notice Daniel start to slide his "hands" down my back while still hugging me.
"What are you doing?" I ask with a mixture of curiosity and insecurity.
"Sorry, it's just that... your fur feels so soft and fluffy. It's a pleasant sensation, almost addictive. S-sorry, did I overstep? I'll let go and it's no problem," Daniel responds in a slightly embarrassed tone through his mask.
I frown a little at his comment, not sure how to take it. On the one hand, I understand that my fur is novel for him. But on the other, I have to remind myself that Daniel is still a predator, no matter how kind he seems.
But I can't deny that it also doesn't seem like too alien a gesture, and that maybe I like it?
"No, it's okay. It's just... different from what I'm used to," I admit. "But you can keep going, if you wish."
Daniel nods and continues to gently slide his paw. Little by little, I start to get used to the sensation. It's... comforting, in a strange way. Nothing like the displays of affection from my parents or my sister with their tighter hugs, or the usual snout caresses or licks among my species. This is more subtle, more restrained.
At that moment, the doorbell rang. Someone was calling at the door. Daniel tensed as if we'd been caught in the middle of an improper act. Then he abruptly pulled away from me, left the room and walked towards the door of our "apartment".
"Who is it?" he asked cautiously.
"It's Thomas, one of the station assistants," a male voice responded from the other side. "I have a notice."
Daniel looked at me briefly before opening the door. There was a human dressed in a blue uniform with the space station's logo. He was wearing a mask similar to Daniel's.
"What's going on?" Daniel asked in a respectful but slightly annoyed tone.
"Good afternoon, Mr. Fernandez, sorry to interrupt you," Thomas said calmly. "I'm here to remind you that you have an appointment scheduled with the station's therapist in half an hour."
Daniel let out a slight growl of frustration. From his reaction, it was evident that he wasn't expecting this.
"An appointment with the therapist? No one told me about that."
"Yes, it's part of the standard protocol for members of the exchange program with special conditions like yours," Thomas explained professionally. "We were informed about your High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis and it was considered appropriate to provide you with additional therapeutic support."
Upon hearing those words, I swallowed hard. Daniel had a condition like that? He had never mentioned it to me in our previous conversations. I mean, he had mentioned not having many friends and struggling with socializing, was that why? On the one hand, I felt a bit upset that he hadn't trusted me enough to tell me something like that. But on the other, I understood. It was probably a sensitive topic for him.
Although I was also a bit worried, how was the "therapy" or standard procedure for treating creatures like him? Just imagining that they could do to him what they did to my sister, or worse, given his nature, after everything we talked about...
No, I won't allow that again. I have to find some way to help him.
The mere idea that something like that could happen to Daniel almost caused me panic.
"Excuse me," I interjected, my voice higher pitched due to nerves. "Can I accompany Daniel to that... therapy? Just to make sure everything is okay."
Thomas, the human employee, looked at me doubtfully through his mask. Perhaps my request sounded inappropriate considering the customs of his species. By the stars, what if I offended him? I should have been more cautious.
Just as I was about to apologize, Thomas nodded.
"Well, if that is your wish, you can accompany your human companion to the door of the room where this therapy will take place, since whether or not you enter therapy with him is no longer up to me, but up to the therapist who will be treating him," he responded calmly.
I felt a great relief upon hearing those words. I wouldn't be alone, and I could keep a close eye to make sure they didn't do anything bad to Daniel.
"Thank you, I really appreciate it," I responded in a better tone, allowing my shoulders to relax a bit.
Daniel, however, didn't seem too pleased with the situation.
"You haven't answered me," he said in a tone of annoyance. "No one told me about this."
Thomas shrugged.
"Excuse me, Mr. Fernandez. We were informed of your diagnosis and it was considered appropriate to provide you with additional therapeutic support as part of the protocol," he explained patiently. "We should have notified you in advance, but the details may have gotten lost in the whirlwind of preparations. In any case, it's just a routine evaluation session. If you don't feel comfortable, we can postpone it."
I noticed Daniel's discomfort at having his "diagnosis" referred to. It was evident that he did not enjoy having his condition referred to in that manner. In a condescending way.
"No, no, it's fine," Daniel muttered with some resignation. "Let's just get this over with. Where will the therapy be?"
Thomas looked at both of us and then nodded curtly.
"It will be in Wing 4, please follow me," he indicated as he turned around.
We followed him in silence through the corridors of the station. Daniel walked stiffly by my side, with tense shoulders and clenched fists. I could sense his discomfort with this whole "therapy" situation. I don't blame him, if I were surprised like that out of the blue, I'd be upset too.
As we moved forward, I couldn't help but think about Thomas's comments about Daniel's "diagnosis." What exactly did that "Autism Spectrum Disorder" mean? It sounded like some kind of medical condition. Would it be something serious? Were they forcing him into some kind of "treatment" against his will?
No, I shouldn't jump to conclusions. I know Daniel and I know he's a rational, curious, and friendly being. There must be a logical explanation for this, yes, there has to be one*.*
Still, I couldn't help but worry about him. I had to stay alert in case this "therapy" turned out to be some kind of torture in disguise. I would not allow them to harm my new human friend, not after all the atrocities his species had already lived through and committed.
As we walked through the corridors of the station, I moved a little closer to Daniel, and wrapped my tail around his arm in a friendly gesture.
"Everything will be okay," I whispered softly. "I won't let them hurt you. We're in this together, alright?"
We kept walking in silence until Thomas stopped in front of a door.
"This is it. The therapy room is at the end of this hallway," he indicated with a gesture. "You can wait there until they call you."
I nodded seriously and took the lead, advancing determinedly down the corridor. I had to be prepared in case something went wrong. My heart was pounding, fear coursing through my veins. I feared the worst, but I was also determined to protect Daniel from any danger, even if they diagnosed me with "Predator's Disease" myself, I was not going to allow the same thing to happen to him as to her.
Finally we reached the door that Thomas had pointed out. I took a deep breath and strode forward decisively, placing myself in front of Daniel in a protective gesture. I was prepared for whatever it was, as long as I could defend my new friend.
The door opened and we found ourselves in a large, bright room. There was some kind of elongated couch in the center and a few chairs arranged around it. Everything seemed quite... normal? Harmless? Well, better not to let my guard down just yet.
A human approached to greet us. He seemed to be a middle-aged man, without fur (not even on his head), and wearing another mask similar to Daniel's. Had he foreseen my arrival, or had they told him that I was going to come?
Although now that I see him, if human beings made me uneasy because of their lack of fur except on their heads. Now this guy even more so, since he doesn't seem to have been healthy at all.
This doesn't seem good, although I'll have to see how this develops before getting Daniel out of here.
"Welcome, I am psychologist Ramón Calderón, one of the therapists assigned to this integration program," he introduced himself with a slight nod of his head. "Please, take a seat wherever you like."
Daniel hesitated for an instant and then stepped forward to sit on one of the sofas. I followed him closely, not letting go of his arm. The human, Doctor Calderón, took one of the chairs in front of us.
"Very well, Daniel, first of all I would like to reassure you," he began to say in a measured tone. "This is not some kind of interrogation, test or experiment, unless you voluntarily accept it, of course. I simply want to talk to you, get to know you a little and evaluate if you need any additional support during your stay here."
I could feel Daniel relax a little more by my side. Good, it seems the preda-, no, human, had no hostile intentions... for the moment.
"I know you're probably feeling a little uncomfortable with this situation," the Doctor continued. "No one warned you in advance and you might think they're taking too many liberties with you. But I want you to know that everything I do is with the intention of ensuring your well-being."
Daniel remained silent, listening intently. I noticed how he nodded slightly every now and then. Good sign, I guess.
"Now, if you don't mind, I'd like you to tell me a little about yourself," the Doctor asked kindly. "Your interests, your goals, whatever you want to share. There are no pressures or right or wrong answers."
There was a moment of silence as Daniel seemed to be organizing his thoughts. Finally, he shrugged and began to speak with his voice distorted by the mask:
"Well, I'm a computer engineering student. I really like programming and technology in general..."
As Daniel spoke, I watched him closely, ready to intervene if things got strange. But for now, everything seemed to be going well. Doctor Calderón nodded and made some notes from time to time, maintaining an apparently calm body language.
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2024.05.18 02:58 TheSpace81 Un extraño en tierras extrañas - 13 (Parte 2) [Spanish]

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English Version
Créditos a u/SpacePaladin15 por crear este universo.
También disponible en Archive of Our Own, por si desean una experiencia mas ininterrumpida.
Por si acaso, hay una publicación en el discord, por si quieren discutir algo de la historia, pues ahí esta.
Transcripción de Memoría de Sujeto: Syra, Estudiante de Historia Universal en Brightspire y Miembro del Programa de Intercambio Humano-Venlil
Fecha [calendario humano estandarizado]: 17 de Septiembre de 2136
Quizás esta "terapia" no sería tan mala después de todo. Tal vez solo querían asegurarse de que Daniel se sintiera cómodo y apoyado durante su estancia aquí. Esperaba que así fuera, porque de lo contrario, no dudaría en sacar las garras si era necesario para protegerlo.
Por ahora, dejaría que las cosas fluyeran con naturalidad. Pero mantendría un ojo bien abierto, por si acaso. Daniel no estaba solo en esto, yo estaba aquí para cuidar de él.
[Avance temporal: 10 minutos]
—... y así es como acabé aquí, más o menos, detalles menos, detalles más—. Daniel terminó de contar cómo había llegado aquí.
Parece estar conforme con lo que Daniel ha contado hasta ahora. Buena señal, supongo. Aunque aún me pregunto de qué va exactamente esta "terapia".
En eso, el “psicólogo” se levanta y camina hacia el fondo de la sala. Toma una especie de pizarra portátil y la coloca frente a nosotros. Acto seguido, saca un par de marcadores y comienza a dibujar un diagrama simple.
—Bien, Daniel, creo que ya tengo una idea general de quién eres —dice mientras garabatea en la pizarra—. Ahora me gustaría explicarte un poco sobre mi enfoque en esta sesión.
Frunzo ligeramente el ceño, intrigada. El Doctor traza un círculo grande en el centro de la pizarra y escribe la palabra "Comunicación" dentro de él.
—Verás, para mí la comunicación es la clave de todo —prosigue—. Es el medio por el cual podemos expresar nuestras necesidades y obtener aquello que necesitamos o deseamos.
Asiento despacio, contemplando el diagrama. Tiene sentido hasta ahora. El Doctor continúa trazando más elementos, enumerando algunos pasos:
  1. Describir hechos observables
  2. Emociones + Pensamientos → Sentimientos
  4. Expresado en forma de petición
Gracias a las estrellas que descargué los nuevos paquetes de traducción hace unas patas, si no, no podría leer esto.
—Lo primero es describir los hechos observables de manera objetiva —explica mientras señala el punto 1—. Luego, expresar las emociones y pensamientos que surgen en relación a esos hechos. Pero lo más importante es identificar la necesidad subyacente que esas emociones y pensamientos reflejan.
Toma otro color y dibuja una flecha que va del círculo "Necesidades" hacia otro donde escribe "Termina el mundo común con la otra persona".
—Una vez identificadas las necesidades, podemos expresarlas en forma de petición a la otra persona —dice—. De este modo, ambas partes pueden trabajar juntas para satisfacer esas necesidades de manera colaborativa y empática.
Asiento de nuevo, comenzando a comprender su planteamiento. Es... interesante, la verdad. Muy distinto al enfoque más autoritario y represivo que conocí con el caso de mi hermana. El Doctor se toma un momento para estudiar nuestras reacciones.
—Sé que tal vez esto les parezca un poco ajeno a sus costumbres, Syra —admite con tono comprensivo—. Pero en la Tierra hemos aprendido (o eso se supone) que reprimir o negar las emociones sólo lleva a más conflictos y sufrimiento. Es mejor expresarlas de manera saludable y buscar soluciones que beneficien a todos.
Se vuelve hacia la pizarra y dibuja otro diagrama más elaborado. Esta vez, hay una especie de círculo, con una especie de triángulos alargados dentro, Daniel me explicó en mis chats anteriores con el, que eso se llamaban “brújulas” y servía para guiarse en el mar (¡Por las estrellas!, ¿¡Pero que les pasa a estos humanos?, ¿¡Qué acaso no ven que el mar es peligrosísimo!?), esta brújula parecía estar rodeada de varios sectores, cada uno con el nombre de una emoción: alegría, tristeza, miedo, enfado, aburrimiento, asco, sorpresa.
Miro el diagrama con curiosidad, es un concepto interesante, aunque muy distinto a lo que he aprendido en Venlil Prime.
El Doctor señala el círculo central con la palabra "Comunicación".
—Como ven, para mí todo gira en torno a la comunicación efectiva —prosigue con calma—. Primero, debemos describir los hechos de forma objetiva, sin juzgar.
Asiento despacio, siguiendo su explicación. Hasta ahora tiene sentido.
—Luego, es crucial identificar las emociones y pensamientos que esos hechos nos generan. No hay que reprimirlos ni negarlos —continúa, trazando más elementos en el diagrama—. Esas emociones y pensamientos nos llevan a identificar una necesidad subyacente.
Frunzo un poco el ceño al escuchar eso. Necesidades... mi mente vuelve a la situación con mi hermana. ¿Acaso ella solo necesitaba expresarse mejor? No, no puedo pensar en eso ahora.
—Una vez identificada la necesidad, podemos expresarla como una petición hacia la otra persona —el Doctor dibuja una flecha apuntando a las palabras "Termina el mundo común"—. Así, ambas partes pueden trabajar juntas para satisfacer esas necesidades de manera empática y colaborativa.
Abro los ojos con sorpresa. ¿Acaso está sugiriendo que podemos simplemente... pedir lo que necesitamos? Sin temor, sin represalias. Es una idea tan ajena a lo que viví... Pero al mismo tiempo, tiene cierto sentido.
El Doctor se gira hacia nosotros, estudiando nuestras reacciones.
—Sé que este enfoque podría parecer extraño para ustedes los Venlil —admite con comprensión—. Pero en la Tierra aprendimos que reprimir o negar las emociones sólo trae más conflictos. Es mejor expresarlas de manera saludable.
Trago saliva con incomodidad. Es cierto que en Venlil Prime nos enseñan a mantener ciertas emociones bajo control. Especialmente aquellas que podrían ser vistas como... "depredadoras".
—Ehmm... Disculpe, Doctor —intervengo con cautela—. Entiendo su punto, pero... ¿Qué pasa con aquellas emociones o comportamientos que se consideran dañinos o problemáticos?
El Doctor me mira con atención antes de responder.
—Es una pregunta muy válida, Syra. Pero verás, ninguna emoción es inherentemente "buena" o "mala" —explica con paciencia—. Incluso emociones como la ira o el miedo tienen un propósito y un significado. Lo importante es aprender a identificarlas, entenderlas y expresarlas de manera apropiada.
Frunzo el ceño, pensativa. ¿Acaso está sugiriendo que hasta las emociones más oscuras tienen cabida? Es ciertamente... distinto a lo que me han enseñado.
—Pero... ¿Y si esas emociones ponen en peligro a otros? —insisto, sin poder evitar pensar en mi hermana—. En mi cultura, ciertos comportamientos, aunque emocionales, son vistos como una “enfermedad”.
Un pesado silencio se instala en la habitación. Puedo sentir la incomodidad de Daniel a mi lado, aunque no dice nada. El Doctor se queda observando en silenció por un momento, ¿acaso habré dicho algo malo?.
—Comprendo tu preocupación y lamento eso, Syra—responde al fin—. Entiendo que cada cultura podría tener sus propias normas y valores. Pero al menos en la Tierra, hemos aprendido que patologizar o reprimir ciertas emociones solo aumenta el sufrimiento.
Toma un respiro antes de continuar.
—Lo importante es encontrar maneras saludables de expresar y canalizar esas emociones intensas. Con apoyo, comprensión y herramientas adecuadas, nadie tiene por qué recurrir al daño o la violencia.
Medito sus palabras con atención. Es una perspectiva tan distinta... Pero no puedo evitar las dudas que me asaltan. Si mi hermana hubiera tenido ese "apoyo" y "comprensión"... ¿Seguiría con vida?
En ese momento, recuerdo lo que Thomas mencionó sobre el "diagnóstico" de Daniel. Miro de reojo a mi compañero humano junto a mí, que permanece en silencio.
—Ehh... Doctor, si no le molesta que pregunte —comienzo con cautela—. ¿Qué significa exactamente ese "diagnóstico" que mencionaron antes? ¿El “Trastorno del Espectro Autista”?
Daniel se tensa visiblemente a mi lado, como si quisiera evitar esa conversación. Pero el Doctor simplemente asiente con tranquilidad.
—Pues no es una mala pregunta, Syra —responde—. El Trastorno del Espectro Autista es una condición neurodivergente que afecta principalmente el desarrollo de habilidades sociales y de comunicación. Las personas en el espectro pueden tener dificultades para interpretar señales sociales, mantener contacto visual o comprender el lenguaje figurativo.
Miro a Daniel con renovado interés, tratando de comprender mejor su situación. Tal vez por eso le cuesta tanto socializar...
—Pero eso no significa que sean personas "enfermas" o "deficientes" —se apresura a aclarar el Doctor—. Simplemente tienen un procesamiento neurodiverso de la información social. Con los apoyos adecuados, pueden desarrollarse plenamente.
Mi mirada se suaviza al observar a Daniel. Siento una oleada de comprensión hacia él. Todo este tiempo ha estado lidiando con esos desafíos y aun así, se esfuerza por establecer vínculos y aprender sobre mi cultura.
—No tienen por qué alarmarse. Como les dije, la intención no es juzgar ni catalogar a nadie. Solo queremos entender y brindar el apoyo adecuado.
Asiento despacio, sintiendo cómo la tensión se disipa un poco. Luego, el Doctor saca un mazo de cartas de un pequeño maletín que tenía a un lado.
—De hecho, ¿les gustaría jugar un pequeño juego? Podría ayudarnos a conocernos mejor de una manera más relajada.
Miro a Daniel de reojo, no muy segura de qué esperar. Él se encoge de hombros con indiferencia, como dejando que yo decida. Bueno, ¿por qué no? Un juego podría ser una forma más amena de pasar esta "terapia".
—Claro, juguemos —respondo, esbozando una leve sonrisa y haciendo un gesto con mi cola.
El Doctor asiente y procede a explicar las reglas del juego llamado "Sussed?". No parece muy complicado: básicamente, tenemos que leer unas cartas con 3 preguntas y con 3 opciones de respuesta cada una, elegir la que más nos represente y tratar de adivinar cuál respuesta a esa pregunta eligió la del jugador que la planteó.
—Suena bien —comento mientras el Doctor baraja las cartas a cada uno de nosotros—. ¿Empieza usted?
Esta era la clase de juegos que más me gustaban, los de mesa.
—Si, ¿por qué no?—respondió el Doctor mientras toma la primera carta—. Veamos…
Después de unos momentos, escoge la carta, la mira por otro momento, y el psicólogo dice:
—Esta pregunta dice: "Si pudieras intercambiar cuerpos con cualquier persona por un día, ¿a quién elegirías?".
Frunzo el ceño, pensativa. Es una pregunta interesante, la verdad. ¿En quién querría cambiar cuerpos un ser humano?
Si yo fuera un humano, ¿con quien cambiaría de cuerpos?
Miro a Daniel de reojo y una idea traviesa cruza por mi mente. ¿Y si...? No, no, eso sería demasiado atrevido.
Pero vuelvo al objetivo, adivinar en que se convertiría el terapeuta, y luego, este dice las opciones:
—Y las opciones son:
Hizo una pausa.
—¿Qué me dicen? ¿Cuál creen que elegiría yo?
Entrecerré los ojos con suspicacia e hice un nuevo gesto con mis orejas. ¿Mi pareja ideal? Esa opción me resultaba muy sugerente para un humano como él. ¿O sería demasiado obvio? ¿Y si elegía a su ídolo para conocerla mejor? Tampoco descartaba por completo la última opción.
—Mmm... —murmuré, rascándome la barbilla—. Diría que... ¿C? ¿Intercambiaría con uno de nosotros por un día?
Daniel se removió a mi lado, parecía igual de intrigado que yo por la pregunta. El Doctor Calderón simplemente negó con la cabeza.
—Buena teoría, pero no. Mi respuesta fue la B —reveló con tranquilidad.
¡Vaya! Tenía sentido, supongo. Los humanos realmente parecen obsesionados con sus celebridades y figuras públicas, Daniel me dijo que tenían muchas, muchísimas celebraciones a las figuras históricas de cada uno de sus países, así que cada “pata” o “como se diga” de su año se celebraba algo o a alguien.
—Ya veo —asentí—. Interesante elección.
—Bien, supongo que ahora es mi turno —Daniel se aclaró la garganta a través de su máscara—. Veamos... "Si pudieras viajar en el tiempo, ¿qué época elegirías visitar?"
Esa era una pregunta bastante típica para un juego como este, pero aún así me hizo pensar. ¿Qué época le gustaría visitar a Daniel? Tantas posibilidades...
Las opciones que Daniel mencionó fueron:
¿Qué época le gustaría visitar a Daniel?
La verdad, no estoy muy segura de cuál podría ser su elección. Conociendo su fascinación por la exploración espacial, tal vez elegiría el futuro para ver cómo evolucionan las civilizaciones. Pero también podría interesarse por alguna época dorada del pasado remoto de su especie.
Decidida a adivinar su respuesta, me arriesgo con mi corazonada:
—Mmm, creo que dirías... ¿la opción C? ¿Una época dorada o período histórico clave? —sugiero, moviendo la cola de manera inquisitiva—. Me da esa impresión considerando tu interés en la historia.
Daniel se toma unos instantes antes de responder con un leve asentimiento.
—Buena intuición, Syra. Elegí la opción C, una época dorada. Más específicamente, el Renacimiento europeo del que te hablé antes, ¿no recuerdas? —revela con tono calmado—. Fue un período de gran avance científico y cultural para mi especie.
Asiento, complacida de haber acertado. Es interesante cómo Daniel parece valorar los períodos de progreso intelectual y artístico de su civilización, a pesar de su trasfondo aparentemente violento.
—Ah, claro, me dijiste que fue un momento trascendental para los humanos en áreas como la filosofía, las artes y el conocimiento en general.
—Así es. Personajes como Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo, Miguel Ángel y tantos otros sentaron las bases de la ciencia y el pensamiento modernos. Aunque también hubo sus sombras, por supuesto.
El Doctor Calderón asiente y toma notas en una pequeña libreta que tiene a su lado. Siento curiosidad por saber más sobre esa "época dorada" que Daniel menciona, así que decido preguntar:
—Si te parece bien, ¿podrías contarme un poco más sobre ese "Renacimiento"? —inquiero, con mis orejas ligeramente erguidas—. Me interesa conocer qué fue lo que lo hizo tan importante para tu especie.
Daniel se acomoda en su asiento, como preparándose para una explicación más extensa. Noto cómo sus manos, aunque distorsionadas por la máscara, hacen algunos gestos mientras habla, algo que he notado que los humanos hacen con frecuencia.
—Bueno, el Renacimiento fue un movimiento cultural que se gestó en la región de Europa durante los siglos XV y XVI, principalmente en ciudades como Florencia, Roma y Venecia —comienza a explicar—. Tras un período conocido como la Edad Media, donde predominaba un pensamiento algo más rígido y dogmático, el Renacimiento trajo un resurgir del interés por los ideales clásicos de las antiguas Grecia y Roma.
Asiento, tratando de seguir su línea de pensamiento. Los humanos parecen tener una fascinación especial por esas antiguas culturas de su pasado.
—Los artistas y pensadores del Renacimiento promovieron un enfoque más humanista y racional —prosigue Daniel—. Figuras como Leonardo da Vinci encarnaban la idea del "hombre renacentista", aquel que buscaba el conocimiento en diversas áreas: arte, ciencia, ingeniería, filosofía, y blah, blah, blah.
—Vaya, eso suena muy interesante —comento con sinceridad—. ¿Podrías darme algunos ejemplos más concretos de los logros de ese período?
Daniel asiente y procede a mencionar algunos hitos renacentistas: los avances en anatomía de Da Vinci y sus estudios sobre el cuerpo humano, los descubrimientos astronómicos de Galileo Galilei, las obras de arte como la Capilla Sixtina y el David de Miguel Ángel, y el redescubrimiento de los clásicos literarios de su especie.
—En resumen, fue una época de gran efervescencia creativa e intelectual —concluye Daniel—. Aunque claro que todavía quedaba mucho camino por recorrer.
Asiento, fascinada por la descripción de Daniel. Es admirable cómo su especie logró impulsarse hacia adelante en esos períodos clave, a pesar de las dificultades y limitaciones que enfrentaban entonces. No puedo evitar preguntarme si los Venlil algún día experimentaremos un despertar similar, al menos, de pensamiento...
En ese momento, recuerdo que estamos jugando "Sussed?", agarrar una de las cartas y escogiendo la pregunta de una de ellas, aprovechando el entusiasmo de Daniel por la historia y la cultura.
—Muy bien, mi turno —anuncio, tomando una nueva carta—. "Si pudieras elegir una habilidad sobrenatural, ¿cuál sería?". Y las opciones son:
Hago una pausa, observando las reacciones de Daniel y el Doctor Calderón. Esta pregunta ciertamente deja volar la imaginación.
—¿Qué me dicen? ¿Qué creen que elegiría yo?
Ahora que lo pienso, ¿qué cosa elegiría yo?
Definitivamente elegiría poder volar.
La idea de surcar los cielos con total libertad me resulta increíblemente atractiva. Imagino lo emocionante que sería explorar los paisajes de Venlil Prime desde las alturas, sin restricciones.
Daniel permanece en silencio por unos momentos, como analizando las opciones con cuidado. Puedo imaginar los engranajes girando dentro de esa cabeza humana tan peculiar. Finalmente, responde:
—Viajar en el tiempo.
¿Viajar en el tiempo? Eso sí que no me lo esperaba. Supongo que tiene sentido viniendo de un ser tan fascinado por el vasto universo y sus misterios sin resolver.
—Ohhh, interesante elección —comento con curiosidad—. ¿Puedo preguntar por qué crees que yo elegiría esa habilidad?
Daniel se encoge de hombros y responde con tono casual:
—Bueno, creo que viajar en el tiempo abriría infinitas posibilidades de conocimiento y aventuras —explica—. Imagina poder presenciar eventos históricos de primera mano o echar un vistazo al futuro para orientarnos mejor. Sería increíble.
Asiento lentamente, sorprendida por su razonamiento. Los humanos ciertamente tienen una imaginación desbordante.
—Vaya, no lo había visto de esa forma —admito—. Aunque también podría ser arriesgado, ¿no crees? Alterar el pasado o conocer demasiado del futuro.
Daniel se ríe a través de su máscara, un sonido metálico y distorsionado.
—Buen punto. Supongo que tendríamos que ser muy cuidadosos con eso —concede—. Aunque sólo sería un pequeño vistazo, nada de cambiar la historia. ¿Qué opina usted, Calderón? ¿Qué habilidad cree que elegiría Syra?
El Doctor Calderón se toma un momento para reflexionar.
—Mmm, creo que tu elegirías leer mentes —responde al fin—. Sería muy útil para comprender mejor a las personas en general.
Mis orejas se agitan con extrañeza ante su respuesta.
—¿Eso no sería violación a la privacidad?
—Depende de cómo funcione el poder, yo pondría ciertos límites para que solo se active en ciertas situaciones o lugares, por ejemplo.
Supongo que tiene sentido, pero aun así, no se si me gustaría leer mentes en general, saber que cosa piensan de ti las personas por siempre, no parece la mejor idea.
De todos modos, ya es hora de revelar la respuesta que yo elegí.
—Bueno, se equivocaron, porque yo elegiría volar.
—Pero, ¿por qué?—Me pregunta Daniel.
—Bueno, la idea de volar me parece interesante a decir verdad, poder trasladarme a toda velocidad sin del tráfico del suelo o los impedimentos de la gravedad me resulta atractivo.
—Esa es una respuesta interesante—. Responde Calderon.
Supongo que debería tomarme bien el hecho de que me diga de que es una respuesta interesante.
—Muy bien, mi turno otra vez —anunció, tomando una nueva carta—. "Si pudieras tener una habilidad sobrenatural, ¿cuál sería: volar, teletransportarte o controlar las mentes?"
Y así continuamos jugando sucesivamente, por un buen rato.
[Avance temporal: 50 minutos]
El Doctor Calderón recoge las cartas del juego y las guarda con cuidado en su maletín. Luego, se vuelve hacia nosotros con una sonrisa amistosa.
—Bueno, creo que eso es todo por hoy —anuncia con voz calmada—. ¿Qué les ha parecido? Espero que haya sido una experiencia constructiva y les haya ayudado a conocernos un poco mejor.
Asiento lentamente, sintiendo una mezcla de emociones. Por un lado, esta "terapia" ha sido sumamente reveladora sobre la forma de pensar de los humanos. Pero por otro, no puedo evitar seguir sintiendo cierta aprensión.
—Ha sido... interesante, sin duda —respondo con franqueza—. Admito que algunas de sus ideas resultan bastante ajenas a lo que estoy acostumbrada. Pero también reconozco que tiene sentido, al menos desde su perspectiva.
El Doctor asiente con comprensión.
—Es normal que parezcan extrañas al principio, Syra —dice con paciencia—. Las diferencias culturales son profundas. Pero eso no significa que sean incompatibles, ¿verdad? Simplemente requiere un esfuerzo de ambas partes para encontrar puntos en común.
Medito sus palabras, girándome para mirar a Daniel. Él se mantiene callado, pero noto cómo me observa a través de la máscara, como evaluando mi reacción. Casi puedo imaginar los engranajes girando dentro de su cabeza... peculiar, pero de alguna manera entrañable.
—Tienes razón —admito finalmente—. Es sólo cuestión de seguir aprendiendo y comprendiendo. Y para eso, ambas partes deben mantener la mente abierta.
Sonrío ligeramente y, en un gesto impulsivo, acerco mi cola hacia Daniel, enroscándola con suavidad alrededor de su brazo. Él se tensa brevemente, pero no se aparta.
—No te preocupes —le digo en voz baja—. Llegaremos a entendernos, ya lo verás.
Daniel asiente con rigidez, sin decir palabra. Puedo imaginar su incomodidad, pero espero que con el tiempo comprenda que no tiene que avergonzarse de su "peculiaridad". Al menos, no conmigo.
En ese momento, el Doctor Calderón se levanta de su asiento.
—Muy bien, creo que con esto damos por concluida la sesión de hoy —anuncia con tono afable—. Pueden regresar a su área de descanso. Y por favor, no duden en solicitarme si necesitan cualquier cosa.
Asentimos y nos ponemos de pie para salir de la sala de terapia. Una vez en el pasillo, le doy un leve gesto de cola amistoso a Daniel.
Caminamos de regreso a nuestra pequeña "suite", ya habitual para nosotros, después de la sesión de terapia con el Doctor Calderón. Un silencio incómodo se cierne entre Daniel y yo mientras recorremos los pasillos de la estación.
Me siento aliviada de que la terapia no haya resultado tan aterradora como temía al principio. Pero al mismo tiempo, no puedo evitar darle vueltas a algunas de las cosas que dijo el Doctor. Eso de "permitir que las emociones fluyan" y no reprimirlas... Es tan ajeno a lo que he experimentado.
Miro de reojo a Daniel, con su máscara y ese lenguaje corporal rígido tan característico de él. Me pregunto qué estará pensando al respecto. ¿Se sentirá cómodo con esa idea de "abrirse" emocional y socialmente? Por lo que pude notar, parece un tanto reacio, aunque supongo que es natural dada su... peculiaridad.
Niego con la cabeza, sacudiendo esos pensamientos. No debo juzgar con tanta dureza. Solo estoy viendo las cosas desde mi perspectiva limitada. Quizás para los humanos esa "apertura" funcione mejor. O quizás no. Todavía tengo mucho que aprender, al menos de ellos.
Finalmente llegamos a nuestra pequeña "suite" y entramos. Es un espacio acogedor, con una sala de estar común y nuestras dos habitaciones individuales de siempre a cada lado. Nada lujoso, pero al menos es privado y confortable.
Me dejo caer pesadamente sobre el sofá, soltando un leve suspiro. Daniel se sienta en el otro extremo, manteniendo las distancias como suele hacer.
—Entonces... ¿qué piensas de todo esto? —pregunto con cautela, moviendo mis orejas en su dirección.
Él se encoge de hombros, su lenguaje corporal denotando cierta incomodidad.
—No sé qué pensar, la verdad —responde con franqueza—. Es todo tan... diferente a lo que estoy acostumbrado.
Asiento, comprendiendo a la perfección esa sensación. Es como si ambos estuviéramos explorando un territorio totalmente desconocido.
—Sí, lo entiendo. Para mí también es muy ajeno —admito—. Pero... ¿crees que podría tener algún valor? Ya sabes, eso de "expresar las emociones" y esas cosas.
Daniel permanece en silencio por un momento, como meditando su respuesta. Puedo imaginar los engranajes girando dentro de su cabeza humana.
—Tal vez... —musita al fin—. Aunque no sé si esté preparado para algo así. Es... complicado para mí, ya he tenido terapias antes, pero nunca han tenido mucho éxito, me es incomodo porque es más una rutina que otra cosa, rutina de la que creí que me libraría al menos por [unas patas] aquí, pero no fue así, aunque tiene sentido, tienen a un neurodivergente entre los miembros del programa, así que supongo que querían asegurarse de que me comportara bien.
Mis orejas se agachan ligeramente al percibir su incomodidad. No quiero presionarlo demasiado, especialmente con temas que parecen ser sensibles para él.
—Oye, está bien —digo en un tono más suave—. No tienes que hacer nada que no quieras. Iremos a tu propio ritmo, ¿de acuerdo?
Él asiente con rigidez, aunque noto cómo sus hombros se relajan un poco. Me alegro de poder transmitirle algo de tranquilidad.
Si me hubieran dicho que estaría tranquilizando a un depredador de su propia incomodidad teniéndolo tan de cerca hace [unos meses], me habría reído en sus caras y les habría dicho que estaban locos, pero heme aquí, diciéndole que todo va a estar bien.
Tras unos momentos de silencio incómodo, decido romper el hielo.
—Oye, Daniel... —comienzo despacio—. ¿Puedo hacerte una pregunta sobre lo que dijo el Doctor?
Él asiente con rigidez, apenas un leve movimiento de su cabeza cubierta por la máscara.
—Claro, ¿qué quieres saber?
Vacilo un instante, no estoy segura de cómo plantear esto sin parecer entrometida.
—Bueno, mencionó algo sobre ese "diagnóstico" tuyo...un trastorno, creo que dijo. ¿Podrías explicarme un poco más sobre eso? —pregunto con cautela—. S-sólo si te sientes cómodo, claro.
Daniel se tensa aún más, casi puedo sentir su incomodidad irradiando desde su lenguaje corporal. Por un momento temo haber cruzado una línea, pero entonces responde con voz apagada:
—Es algo... complicado de explicar. Básicamente, mi cerebro procesa cierta información de forma diferente a la mayoría. Eso me dificulta las interacciones sociales, el lenguaje no verbal, ese tipo de cosas.
Asiento despacio, tratando de comprender mejor su condición.
—¿Y eso es... malo? —pregunto con genuina curiosidad—. Es decir, ¿te causa problemas o algo así?
Él se encoge de hombros con rigidez.
—A veces sí, a veces no. Depende de la situación. En el ámbito académico y laboral suele ser una ventaja, porque puedo concentrarme muy bien en tareas lógicas y repetitivas. Pero en lo social... bueno, digamos que no es mi fuerte.
Lo observo atentamente, notando cómo desvía su mirada enmascarada. Puedo imaginar la incomodidad y la vulnerabilidad que debe estar sintiendo al abrirse así.
—Oye, no tienes que avergonzarte, ¿de acuerdo? —digo con tono suave—. Creo que es admirable que puedas ser tan honesto al respecto. La mayoría de los depredador- quiero decir, humanos, probablemente harían lo posible por ocultarlo, ¿o no?.
Daniel deja escapar un leve resoplido a través de la máscara, un sonido metálico y distorsionado que casi podría confundirse con una risa amarga.
—Ahora, supongo que no, pero es irónico, ¿no crees? —comenta con un deje de amargura—. En la prehistoria, alguien como yo puede que hubiese sido abandonado o devorado por no encajar en la tribu o grupo.
»Pero ahora... pues resulta que puede que no encaje en ninguna parte a este paso, o quizá estoy exagerando, pero a veces no se que pensar. Porque no quiero que me vean con lástima o como alguien que no puede valerse por sí mismo. Es jodido, porque a veces te ven de manera condescendiente, como si necesitases ayuda para todo siempre, cuando no siempre es así, quiero demostrarle al mundo, o al universo, que puedo ser yo mismo sin necesidad de que me ayude nadie para serlo, que puedo valerme por mi cuenta sin estar dependiendo de nadie…
Después de unos instantes de silencio incómodo, decido romper el hielo una vez más.
—Oye, Daniel, entiendo que no te guste hablar mucho de tu... peculiaridad —digo con cuidado—. Pero quiero que sepas que no tienes que avergonzarte de eso conmigo, ¿de acuerdo? No pienso menos de ti por ser... bueno, diferente.
Daniel se remueve en su asiento, su lenguaje corporal aún ligeramente rígido y tenso. Puedo imaginar la incomodidad que debe estar sintiendo, y no me gusta.
—No es que me avergüence, exactamente —responde con aparente cautela—. Es solo que... a veces siento que me ven con lástima, ¿entiendes? Como si necesitara ayuda para todo, cuando en realidad la mayor parte del tiempo puedo valerme por mí mismo.
Asiento despacio, tratando de comprender su perspectiva. Supongo que para alguien como él, quién probablemente está acostumbrado a lidiar con prejuicios y malentendidos con respecto a su peculiaridad, debe ser frustrante que lo traten de manera condescendiente.
Pero esta vez, el silencio lo rompe el.
—Oye... hay algo que me está rondando la cabeza —admite con voz dubitativa—. Cuando dijiste que no permitirías que me hicieran daño, sonó como si hubieras pasado por una experiencia similar.
Trago saliva, sintiendo un nudo en la garganta. Así que lo notó. Bueno, supongo que era inevitable que lo dedujera tarde o temprano, considerando lo perspicaz que parece ser.
Supongo que es hora de que cuente mi verdad.
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English Version
submitted by TheSpace81 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 02:58 TheSpace81 Un extraño en tierras extrañas - 13 (Parte 1) [Spanish]

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Créditos a u/SpacePaladin15 por crear este universo.
Solo digamos que estuve ocupado entre exámenes y demás asuntos personales.
También disponible en Archive of Our Own, por si desean una experiencia mas ininterrumpida.
Por si acaso, hay una publicación en el discord, por si quieren discutir algo de la historia, pues ahí esta.
Transcripción de Memoría de Sujeto: Syra, Estudiante de Historia Universal en Brightspire y Miembro del Programa de Intercambio Humano-Venlil
Fecha [calendario humano estandarizado]: 17 de Septiembre de 2136
No se que decir, no se que pensar…
Quiero decir, parece que su especie ha cometido tantas cosas que me es imposible no tenerles cierto miedo primario. Mis instintos una vez que oí todo esto, me dijeron que huya, que corra por mi vida, que fuese a la terminal a toda velocidad y que agarrase la primer nave que viera de regreso a la superficie de Venlil Prime y volviera a Brightspire con mi familia, a estar segura con ellos, con la manada.
Pero por otro lado…
Mi razón dice otra cosa, me dice que lo escuche, que al menos intente entender qué es lo que pasa por la cabeza de Daniel al decir esas cosas tan tranquilamente, y porque su especie ha pasado por tantas cosas horribles, y porque a pesar de aquello, lograron llegar hasta aquí.
Esas fueron las palabras que él dijo cuando me contó porqué es que llegaron hasta aquí. El miedo de su especie… su terror a la soledad era tanto que decidieron que valía la pena inventar por sí mismos el viaje superlumínico en vez de terminar de colonizar su propio sistema o esperar a que la Federación los “elevase” solo para intentar buscar ya ni siquiera amigos, solo gente, gente con la que pudieran razonar, hablar, pensar… o en el peor de los casos, pelear.
Un nudo se forma en mi garganta al recordar todas las atrocidades que Daniel me ha relatado sobre su historia. Guerras devastadoras, genocidios, destrucción entre su propia especie a escalas inimaginables para mi... Y sin embargo, cuando lo veo, no veo a un monstruo sediento de sangre, sino a un ser avergonzado y confundido por las acciones de su propia especie.
Dudo un momento en silencio, indecisa sobre cómo proceder. Mis emociones son un torbellino y no sé qué decir o hacer. Miro a Daniel y noto cómo sus hombros se tensan, como si estuviera conteniéndose.
En un impulso, me levanto de mi asiento y rodeo la mesa para acercarme a él. Daniel me observa con cautela, pero no retrocede. Lentamente, extiendo mis brazos y lo envuelvo en un abrazo reconfortante.
—Ya no están solos —murmuro con voz temblorosa—. La humanidad nunca más estará sola, lo prometo.
Percibo cómo se tensa inicialmente ante mi gesto, pero luego se relaja y corresponde el abrazo con lentitud. Su cuerpo se siente tenso, como si luchara por contener sus emociones.
Nos quedamos así por un momento, en un silencio cargado de comprensión mutua. Puedo sentir los latidos acelerados de su corazón y noto cómo sus hombros tiemblan ligeramente. Creo que intenta contener las lágrimas.
No lo puedo culpar. Después de todo lo que ha pasado su especie, de todas las penurias y sufrimientos, tal vez sea natural que se sienta abrumado por esta muestra de afecto.
Lentamente, subo un poco la cabeza (sin dejar de abrazarlo) para mirar lo que debería ser su rostro a través de esa máscara. Desearía poder ver sus facciones, su expresión, pero tendré que conformarme con lo que pueda percibir de su lenguaje corporal, al menos por ahora.
—Daniel —digo con voz suave pero firme—. Escúchame bien. Has cometido errores, tu especie ha cometido errores atroces a lo largo de su historia. Pero eso no define quién eres tú. Aquí y ahora, veo que anhelas paz y comprensión, y estoy seguro que las encontrarás.
Siento cómo se relaja un poco más mientras me escucha atentamente. Aprovecho para continuar:
—Nuestros pueblos han sufrido los horrores de la guerra contra los Arxur, hemos visto nuestros hogares destruidos, a nuestros seres queridos... —trago saliva, recordando a mi hermana—. Los odio, y les temo… pero sería injusto odiarlos a ustedes u odiarte a ti, y si lo hiciera ¿cómo sería mejor que ustedes, o que tu, si solo respondo con odio hacia ti?
Hago una pausa, asegurándome de que capte cada una de mis palabras.
—Tú eres la prueba viviente de que, a pesar de las adversidades, los seres pueden evolucionar, aprender, cambiar. Tu especie ha demostrado que puede cometer los peores actos de crueldad... pero también está aquí, buscando conocimiento, buscando aliados, buscando un futuro.
Mis orejas se agachan un poco al recordar los horrores que esta Guerra Eterna contra los Arxur ha provocado, 63 planetas devastados, miles de millones de vidas segadas.Un pensamiento cruzó mi mente y frunzo el ceño ligeramente.
—Oye, hablando de eso... ¿De verdad crees que haya riesgo de otro conflicto así? —pregunto con cautela—. Ya sabes, de esos que casi exterminan a tu especie.
Daniel se queda en silencio por un momento, su postura se tensa de nuevo. Quizás no debí preguntar sobre ese tema tan pronto... ¡Maldita sea, Syra! ¿Por qué metes la pata?
Pero para mi sorpresa, Daniel responde con franqueza:
—Espero que no, la verdad. Después de lo ocurrido en la Guerra de los Satélites, la humanidad quedó muy mal parada. Creo que finalmente entendimos que no podemos seguir destruyéndonos a nosotros mismos de esa forma.
»Aunque siempre existe el riesgo, ¿sabes? Los humanos tendemos a olvidar las lecciones del pasado con demasiada facilidad. Nuestro miedo, nuestros prejuicios, nuestro afán de poder... todo eso puede descarrilar incluso a las mejores intenciones.
Frunzo los labios, sintiendo un nudo en el estómago. Sus palabras me recuerdan demasiado a la situación actual con los Arxur. La guerra interminable, los continuos ataques y sufrimientos... ¿Y si un día los humanos se ven envueltos en algo similar?
Por lo que he oído, ya están involucrados en una guerra contra los Arxur en el planeta natal de los Gojid. Y parece que los humanos están ganando…
¿Y si se convierten en lo que juran que no son?
¿Y si se convierten en depredadores, en depredadores de verdad?
No, no, no, ¡NO!, Daniel no cederá a eso, estoy segura de ello.
El no es como los Arxur, incluso si el resto de la humanidad se convirtiera en asesinos en masa, estoy segura de que Daniel no cederá a eso, me lo acaba de demostrar.
Se mostró vulnerable conmigo, y no puedo permitir que mi odio me ciegue una vez más.
Debo ser fuerte, tal vez mi hermana lo habría querido así.
Respiro hondo y miro a Daniel con determinación una vez más.
—No se si toda la humanidad lo hará, pero confió en que tú no caerás en esa oscuridad, y que serás cada vez mejor.
En eso, noto que Daniel empieza a deslizar por mi espalda sus “manos” mientras aún está abrazándome.
—¿Qué estás haciendo? —pregunto con una mezcla de curiosidad e inseguridad.
—Disculpa, es solo que... tu pelaje se siente muy suave y esponjoso. Es una sensación agradable, casi adictiva. L-lo siento, ¿me sobrepasé?, te suelto y no hay problema—. Responde Daniel con un tono un poco avergonzado a través de su máscara.
Frunzo un poco el ceño ante su comentario, sin saber cómo tomarlo. Por un lado, entiendo que mi pelaje es algo novedoso para él. Pero por otro, tengo que recordarme que Daniel sigue siendo un depredador, por mucha amabilidad que demuestre.
Pero no puedo negar que tampoco me parece un gesto demasiado alienígena, y que tal vez ¿me gusta?
—No, está bien. Es sólo... diferente a lo que estoy acostumbrada —admito—. Pero puedes continuar, si así lo deseas.
Daniel asiente y sigue deslizando su pata con delicadeza. Poco a poco, comienzo a acostumbrarme a la sensación. Es... reconfortante, de una manera extraña. Nada que ver con las muestras de afecto de mis padres o mi hermana con sus abrazos más fuertes, o como las caricias de hocico o las lamidas usuales entre mi especie. Esto es más sutil, más contenido.
En ese momento, el timbre sonó. Estaban llamando a la puerta. Daniel se tensó como si nos hubieran atrapado en medio de un acto indebido. Luego, se apartó repentinamente de mí, salió de la habitación y caminó hacia la puerta de nuestro “apartamento”.
—¿Quién es?— preguntó con cautela.
—Soy Thomas, uno de los asistentes de la estación - respondió una voz masculina del otro lado— Tengo un aviso.
Daniel me miró brevemente antes de abrir la puerta. Allí había un humano vestido con un uniforme azul con el logotipo de la estación espacial. Llevaba una máscara similar a la de Daniel.
—¿Qué sucede?—preguntó Daniel con tono respetuoso aunque con un poco de hartazgo.
—Buenas tardes señor Fernández, lamento interrumpirlo — dijo Thomas con calma —. Vengo a recordarle que tiene una cita programada con el terapeuta de la estación en media hora.
Daniel dejó escapar un leve gruñido de frustración. Por su reacción, era evidente que no esperaba esto.
—¿Una cita con el terapeuta? Nadie me avisó sobre eso.
—Así es, es parte del protocolo estándar para los miembros del programa de intercambio con condiciones especiales como la suya— explicó Thomas con profesionalismo—. Se nos informó sobre su diagnóstico de Trastorno del Espectro Autista de Alto Funcionamiento y se consideró oportuno brindarle apoyo terapéutico adicional.
Al escuchar esas palabras, tragué saliva. ¿Daniel tenía una condición así? Nunca me lo había mencionado en nuestras conversaciones previas, quiero decir, si me había mencionado que no tenía muchos amigos y que le costaba socializar, ¿era por eso?. Por un lado, me sentí un poco molesta de que no hubiese confiado en mí para contarme algo así. Pero por otro, lo comprendía. Probablemente era un tema delicado para él.
Aunque también me preocupé un poco, ¿cómo era la “terapia” o procedimiento estándar para tratar a criaturas como él?, el solo imaginar que le podrían hacer a él lo que le hicieron a mi hermana, o peor, dada su naturaleza, después de todo lo que hablamos…
No, no lo permitiré otra vez. Tengo que hallar alguna manera de ayudarlo.
La sola idea de que algo así le ocurriese a Daniel casi me provocó pánico.
—Espere, disculpe —intervine, con un tono de voz más agudo debido a los nervios—. ¿Puedo acompañar a Daniel a esa... terapia? Solo para asegurarme de que todo esté bien.
Thomas, el empleado humano, me miró con duda a través de su máscara. Quizás mi petición sonaba inapropiada considerando las costumbres de su especie. Por las estrellas, ¿y si lo ofendía? Debí ser más cautelosa.
Justo cuando pensaba disculparme, Thomas asintió.
—Bueno, si ese es su deseo, puede acompañar a su compañero humano hasta la puerta de la sala donde se realizará dicha terapia, ya que el hecho de que entre a terapia con él ya no es cuestión mía, si no del terapeuta que lo tratará—. Respondió con calma.
Sentí un gran alivio al escuchar esas palabras. No estaría sola, y podría vigilar de cerca y asegurarme de que no le hicieran nada malo a Daniel.
—Gracias, lo aprecio mucho —respondí en un mejor tono, permitiéndome relajar un poco los hombros.
Daniel, sin embargo, no parecía muy complacido con la situación.
—No me ha respondido—. Dijo con un tono de molestia—. Nadie me avisó sobre esto.
Thomas se encogió de hombros.
—Discúlpeme, señor Fernández. Se nos informó sobre su diagnóstico y se consideró oportuno brindarle apoyo terapéutico adicional como parte del protocolo —explicó con paciencia—. Debimos haberle notificado con anticipación, pero los detalles tal vez se perdieron en la vorágine de preparativos. De todos modos, es sólo una sesión de evaluación rutinaria. Si no se siente cómodo, podemos posponerla.
Noté la incomodidad de Daniel al oír mencionar su "diagnóstico". Era evidente que no disfrutaba que se refirieran a su condición de esa manera. De una manera condescendiente.
—No, no, está bien —murmuró Daniel con cierta resignación—. Vamos a hacer esto de una vez. ¿Dónde será la terapia?
Thomas nos miró a ambos y luego asintió con sequedad.
—Será en el ala 4, acompáñenme por favor —indicó mientras se daba la vuelta.
Lo seguimos en silencio por los pasillos de la estación. Daniel caminaba con rigidez a mi lado, con los hombros tensos y los puños apretados. Podía percibir su incomodidad con toda esta situación de la "terapia". No lo culpo, si a mí me sorprendieran así de repente, también estaría molesta.
Mientras avanzábamos, no pude evitar pensar en los comentarios de Thomas sobre el "diagnóstico" de Daniel. ¿Qué significaba exactamente eso de "Trastorno del Espectro Autista"? Sonaba como algún tipo de condición médica. ¿Sería algo grave? ¿Lo estarían forzando a una especie de "tratamiento" en contra de su voluntad?
No, no debo sacar conclusiones apresuradas. Conozco a Daniel y sé que es un ser racional, curioso y amigable. Debe haber una explicación lógica para esto, si, debe de haberla, tiene que haberla.
Aun así, no pude evitar preocuparme por él. Tenía que estar alerta por si acaso esta "terapia" resultaba ser alguna especie de tortura disfrazada. No permitiría que dañaran a mi nuevo amigo humano, no después de todas las atrocidades que ya había vivido y cometido su especie.
Mientras caminábamos por los pasillos de la estación, me acerqué un poco más a Daniel, y envolví mi cola en su brazo en un gesto amistoso.
—Todo va a estar bien—le susurré con suavidad—. No dejaré que te hagan daño. Estamos juntos en esto, ¿de acuerdo?
Seguimos caminando en silencio hasta que Thomas se detuvo frente a una puerta.
—Aquí es. La sala de terapia está al final de este pasillo —indicó con un gesto—. Pueden esperar allí hasta que los llamen.
Asentí con seriedad y tomé la delantera, avanzando con determinación por el corredor. Tenía que estar preparada por si algo salía mal. Mi corazón latía con fuerza, el miedo corría por mis venas. Temía lo peor, pero también estaba decidida a proteger a Daniel de cualquier peligro, incluso si me diagnosticaban “Enfermedad de los depredadores” a mí, no iba a permitir que le sucediese lo mismo que a ella.
Finalmente llegamos a la puerta que el tal Thomas había señalado. Respiré hondo y avancé con decisión, colocándome delante de Daniel en un gesto protector. Estaba preparada para lo que fuera, con tal de defender a mi nuevo amigo.
La puerta se abrió y nos encontramos con una habitación amplia y luminosa. Había una especie de sofá alargado en el centro y algunas sillas dispuestas alrededor. Todo parecía bastante... ¿normal? ¿Inofensivo? Bueno, mejor no bajar la guardia todavía.
Un humano se acercó a recibirnos. Era un hombre de mediana edad, sin pelaje (ni siquiera en la cabeza), y con otra máscara parecida a la de Daniel. ¿Acaso había previsto mi llegada, o le habían avisado de que yo iba a venir?
Aunque ahora que lo veo, si los seres humanos me inquietaban por su falta de pelaje salvo en su cabeza. Ahora este tipo aún más, ya que no parece que estuviera sano para nada.
Esto no parece bueno, aunque tendré que observar cómo se desarrolla esto antes de sacar a Daniel de aquí*.*
—Bienvenidos, soy el psicólogo Ramón Calderón, uno de los terapeutas asignados para este programa de integración—se presentó con una leve inclinación de cabeza—. Por favor, tomen asiento donde gusten.
Daniel vaciló un instante y luego se adelantó para sentarse en uno de los sofás. Yo lo seguí de cerca, sin soltar su brazo. El humano, el Doctor Calderón, tomó una de las sillas frente a nosotros.
—Muy bien, Daniel, antes que nada me gustaría tranquilizarte —comenzó a decir con un tono pausado—. Esta no es ninguna especie de interrogatorio, prueba ni experimento, a menos que aceptes voluntariamente, claro está. Simplemente quiero conversar contigo, conocerte un poco y evaluar si necesitas algún tipo de apoyo adicional durante tu estancia aquí.
Pude sentir cómo Daniel se relajaba un poco más a mi lado. Bien, al parecer el depreda-, no, humano, no tenía intenciones hostiles... de momento.
—Sé que probablemente te sientas un poco incómodo con esta situación—continuó el Doctor—. Nadie te avisó con anticipación y tal vez pienses que se están tomando demasiadas libertades contigo. Pero quiero que sepas que todo lo que hago es con la intención de asegurar tu bienestar.
Daniel permaneció en silencio, escuchando atentamente. Pude notar cómo asentía levemente con la cabeza de vez en cuando. Buena señal, supongo.
—Ahora, si no te molesta, me gustaría que me hablaras un poco sobre ti mismo —pidió el Doctor con amabilidad—. Tus intereses, tus metas, lo que sea que quieras compartir. No hay presiones ni respuestas correctas o incorrectas.
Hubo un momento de silencio mientras Daniel parecía estar organizando sus pensamientos. Finalmente, se encogió de hombros y comenzó a hablar con su voz distorsionada por la máscara:
—Bueno, soy estudiante de ingeniería de computadores. Me gustan mucho la programación y la tecnología en general...
Mientras Daniel hablaba, yo lo observaba con atención, lista para intervenir si las cosas se tornaban extrañas. Pero por ahora, todo parecía estar yendo bien. El Doctor Calderón asentía y hacía algunas anotaciones de vez en cuando, manteniendo un lenguaje corporal aparentemente sereno.
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submitted by TheSpace81 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

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2024.05.17 17:00 Ok_Camp_3224 Needing Advice

Need Some Advice & Feedback
Hey everyone. So my live-in boyfriend and I (40M & 44F) have had a rocky start to our relationship but things eventually settled down up until this past Tuesday. My boyfriend was in a 10 year relationship before me in which after dealing with the toxicity of that relationship, finally broke it off. Him and I have been together for around 5 months. Two-two and half months later, he moves in fully. (I've known him for almost 2.5 years). It just became more convenient and since he was living with his ex and then moved out to stay with his aunt and didn't want to stay with his aunt anymore, why not just live with me full time.
Prior to him moving in and us working on establishing a relationship, him, his ex and I were getting these random phone calls and text messages. He addressed her and he addressed me. We didn't know who it was doing this but it lead to him not speaking to me for over a week. Hardest time for me since I thought we were working on building something together. We eventually worked past it, obviously, because we are now together.
Fast forward to this past Tuesday. Him and I had a great Mother's Day at his mom's with his sister and Tuesday we took his aunt furniture shopping and even put her new bedroom together. He didn't tell me anything about what he was dealing with but I started noticing he was becoming distant. He wasn't being his stubborn affectionate self. Tuesday night I was next to him on the couch and noticed that his ex is still friends with him on Facebook. It bothered me some and I mentioned something to him about it and he said he never deleted her. I tried hard to recall that in the past I thought he had told me she blocked him. I ended up walking out of the room.
He then recalls in the early hours of Wednesday, the morning after, that i was awaken to him being on his phone. I supposedly asked him what he was doing and must have fallen right back asleep. I don't recall even waking up nor the conversation we had.
Then Thursday morning I addressed him being distant and he kept asking me how has he been acting distant. I replied that he doesn't touch me, he doesn't want to cook or make breakfast or dinner. Not even coffee. That he isn't being his normal self. I asked him is he going through anything or is there a situation that's bothering him. He completely flipped my wording and replied something along the lines of another female. I never once addressed me not trusting him or questioned about another female. He said well it seems like I am accusing him and that there isn't anyone else. Also, he used to call me a few times a day to check in and see how my day has been going and that stopped Wednesday. I had to call him throughout the day on Thursday since he wasn't reaching out to me like he used to.
So last night....he confesses that the phone calls and texts from random numbers was hitting him up again. He claims it's me through an app or website but states that the calls are from his exes phone number and when he calls her back she claims she didn't call him.
He states that he knows it's me because the calls and texts starting coming in after I found out he was still friends with his ex on Facebook on Tuesday. (Same day the random mysterious texts and calls started up again) He showed me the texts, in Spanish, ( I don't speak Spanish but he says the person used AI translator) and showed the texts without showing me the phone number. I translated the messages and it pretty much just says that my boyfriend is watching his exes lives and then mentions my name (it was a misspelling of my full name) and how he isn't happy with me like he was with his ex. And he states that he thinks when I was awoken to him being on his phone in the early hours of Wednesday that he was watching his exes lives. But I never asked him what he was watching or mentioned that he was watching his exes lives on Facebook according to his recollecrion since I don't even remember that conversation since I was still very much half asleep. I asked him why would I need to hide behind a phone number for and he replied to get answers to see what info i can get. I told him why do I need to hide to get info when I can just ask you and he replied he doesn't know.
He told me he doesn't want to go back to her because of how toxic their relationship was at times and he doesn't want to be with me because he thinks I'm behind these calls and texts and it's childish behavior.
After that conversation he then tells me his ex asked him for a favor and that he'll be helping her tomorrow (today)....for at least 10 hours!!! So they used to have a cooking catering business together and supposedly someone was supposed to come through to help her prep the pork but that person bailed and she asked my boyfriend and he said yes. He kept assuring me that he won't go back with her and that he is just helping her. I do trust him but I have my doubts.
TL: DR---My question is what's your take of all of this and two, how can I prove that I'm not behind these anonymous texts and calls?
submitted by Ok_Camp_3224 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 16:27 IDGAF_69__ We have lost some good things from the 60s

Lately, I have been thinking about the world where my parents spent their childhood and my grandparents spent their youth. A couple of disclaimers: first, I know that not everything in the '60s was good. I am well aware and thankful that we have had so much social and technological progress, and I wouldn't want to go back in every aspect. Second, I am a Spanish person living in Spain, and my whole family is Spanish.
Despite all the technological progress, I think some things have been lost along the way. These are:
  1. Relatively low cost of living. Remember when people could feed a whole family on one person's salary? I believe couples should pay 50/50, but I already work 40+ hours a week, and I believe I should be able to support myself and not live paycheck to paycheck.
  2. Affordable housing. Why do I need to spend more or less half my salary on rent or take a mortgage that my kids will most likely end up paying?
  3. Long-lasting appliances. My grandma recently changed her fridge. It was from the '60s-'70s and lasted until 2024. She was shocked to find out that the new one will only last her 8-10 years!
  4. Better customer service. Boomers are used to being able to ask questions about items bought in the store because the people in the store used to be able to answer all kinds of questions. I am not saying that your average store employee should be able to answer any question to the level of the engineer who designed it, but most employees do not know much about the products they are selling, and if you have done your research, you can notice this.
  5. Way different job market. My parents are shocked to find out that you must be fully independent in most roles within the first 3-4 months of starting a job. They told me that when they were younger, the expectation was to be the apprentice of someone for a year before starting to take on responsibilities on your own. Now, you are most likely to hit the ground running and assume (not always, though) a small number of tasks independently, with more being added as you go.
  6. Different rhythm in the workplace. My father tells me that in the past, if you weren't in a job where emergencies happened (healthcare, police, natural disaster control, the stock market...), jobs used to be fully staffed, and the workload was manageable.
These are some of the things that came to my mind. I am not saying life in the '60s was easy, but I believe that the world has become colder and faster, and I see why a lot of us suffer from anxiety.
submitted by IDGAF_69__ to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 16:00 sharewithme Word of The Hour: competent

English: competent
  1. answering to all requirements
  2. adequate; sufficient
  3. suitable; capable
See previous words @
submitted by sharewithme to Word_of_The_Hour [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:42 dannick223 I 23M started dating a 22f muslim girl long distance. She lied to me after we met, should i forgive her?

So one random day about 2 years ago a random Turkish Facebook account messaged me and started calling me, at first i thought it was some scammer but turned out to be just 2 chicks messing around and i just played along with it. With one of them i just started talking and we kind of clicked, but I've never taken it too seriously, this is the main girl, we'll call her H. To be completely honest i was just a trash guy that felt nothing towards H, however she fell for me and really started caring about me. H sent me nudes, as she said for the first time in her life and she was the initiator of all conversations. Looking back it feels like H always was head over heels in love with me without ever seeing me.
Fast forward about a year and a half, i started gaining a liking towards H as well, we started video calling like every evening. She would get mad when i chose gaming with the boys or going out and not gave time to her, it was really wholesome and one evening she surprised me, she told me that she got accepted into an Erasmus program in Italy, she was finally coming to Europe and we can meet each other. Honestly - I didn't believe that we would ever meet at first, but i started asking her around about her past relationships just feeling out her.
So allegedly H had one past relationship with a Spanish guy it was long distance as well, we'll call him M. She was madly in love with him, they've met in Istanbul once, only had two "very romantical kisses" and nothing else, yes she's still a virgin. That relationship ended abruptly when M's brother found out about that and apparently M was engaged and had a fiancé. H was absolutely heart broken, M's brother called her, started calling her names and told her the full story. She felt betrayed, lost and fell into a deep depression. This is a year before me and her started talking at all.
She came to Italy, everything was fine, she'd tell me about all the people she would meet, tell me about guys that were into her, honestly nothing out of the ordinary, because she is really beautiful and has this calm and collected aura around her. But what bothered me - she would tell me when she found guys handsome. The weird things started happening from then on, since she was Muslim in Italy was the first time she tried alcohol and there were a couple of club nights where she got so wasted she couldn't remember the night before, but she was always with a friend of hers that i trusted and that knew about our relationship, lets call her B.
There was one time that she went out to the club with her student friends and an incident happened - a guy left a hickey on her neck. She told me that while crying the next morning and she told me that it was abrupt and she didn't realize that that was happening, allegedly she was just dancing in the club with him, not romantically she said and he just went in for it from behind her. Allegedly she pulled him off with B and B told him "she's not a girl like that". H came out to me, told me everything about it, i trusted in her that that was a dumb mistake.(Remembering this now kind of makes me feel mad for not giving this that much thought)
Everything turned out ok, we continued talking, no more incidents happened, i didn't shit on her for that incident and i was happy that she was honest and actually as a person that has been more years in relationships in my life than not - i communicated from the beginning that honesty and truthfulness is my top priority in a partner. Honestly i was even a little snake in terms of that i never told her anything i didn't like that she said from the fear that she would close up. So i don't think i created an atmosphere where there would be a motive to keep any secrets, no matter what happened.
We continued talking and H kept pushing me to come to Italy and i will admit - that was way beyond my comfort zone, i told her that i would and that i need time to organize things. Things took a while and eventually she said "i'm sick of waiting, i'm coming to Lithuania myself". And guess what, she bought the tickets with a weeks notice for me. She was coming with her friend B that i had to drive to Latvia for her to meet up with her other friends. Basically after day 2 there would only be the 2 of us left, just me and H.
The day comes and i drive to pick them up from the airport i was anxious and nervous as shit. She comes out of the airport running to me, hugged me for a long time and it felt good. That's when i realized that i really like this girl. But i still have my doubts, i still think of the different cultures, how would she talk to my mother if we ever get married, what culture would our children be, how would i talk to her parents? Basically i didn't see long term viable at that point, in this i'm a piece of shit, because she was in this state of delusion that i'm her everything and i'm her last man ever.
So we live together for that week, we have good adventures, i show her and her friend around the city, outside of the city, they love everything, they're super happy. At night me and H are in the same bed, we kiss and it gets naughty, but at the back of my head i have this guilt of not seeing a future with H, so i don't commit to taking her virginity and we play around with everything around it and she was passionate as shit.
The time i spent with her was very lovely, it was honestly so refreshing and it kind of brought a new light for me, i started imagining the future together but still with many doubts. It is time for her to leave, she's clinged on to me, doesn't want to let me go, is really sad that she has to leave, but eventually she does and she has to leave to Berlin to live there.
Everything was fine, one night i went to play pool with a buddy that lives in the UK, for context he used to date a Chinese girl, we got a little drunk and high and i started talking about H, told him all my doubts and he kind of debunked them with his prior relationship. He basically left me feeling like maybe i should commit to H. He outlined that i do have a lot of prior trauma due to having so many relationships, having been cheated on, having been left for other men and basically i have a very thick shield and never let anyone close. That is very true and i knew the answer was to try to commit and so quietly i did.
H went to Germany, first she went to a city where her friend lives, they both had a good time, she sent me snaps and kept me updated, it was really nice, we continued calling each other. Now this is where the situation started, when she took the train to Berlin, she came in on Monday. She lived in some sort of camp seemed like, she disappeared for that day, in the evening she tried calling me and i called back in an hour. She looked normal to me and i tried asking her what did you do that day. At first she changed the topic, then i asked again - she said they went on a group trip, it was super fun. Then i asked again what happened, she told me this strange story about a guy that she called handsome to her friend in Turkish and was talking about him a lot. After a while the guy turned around and answered to them in Turkish, which made her feel really bad. Then i asked another time, what happened next - she said she got blackout drunk and doesn't remember anything....
Hmmmm. You got blackout drunk like a couple hours ago and now you seem normal talking to me... Alright, i got my suspicions up and reminded her that honesty is number one for me, she said she understands and is 100% honest with me.
Alright, the next day rolls around, LITERALLY THE NEXT DAY AFTER HONESTY CONVERSATION, she sends me a snap of her having lunch with her friend and some guy. I don't think much of it and in the evening we video call, i ask her about the day and she doesn't say anything about no guy, that is pretty weird knowing her past honesty. I directly confront her about it and tell her "What are you talking about, you sent me a snap with you and him at the table", she starts pulling all sorts of bullshit and says she only took pictures of food and sent me those pictures. Lo and behold the tables are black glass and there's a reflection of a dude sitting on his phone at the table. At first she start pulling more shit "I don't see anyone, maybe it's a waiter, i don't know what you're talking about" and i tell her stop acting stupid.
She then starts crying and says that she promised a friend to keep that guy's presence there a secret. Allegedly he's getting an unlawful marriage with his fiancé that neither his nor his fiancé's parents can know about. Wow, what the actual fuck? Who would've i told, going to lunch with guys in secret is normal? Anyway, i told her that she broke my trust and i'm not sure if there's possibility of recovering this. She started begging while crying and said she'd do anything to fix it and that it was a stupid mistake. Alright, i tell her that it will need time, but that she will have to be 100% honest with me. Another talk about honesty.
Next day rolls around and i'm suspicious, i started checking her instagram activity and snap location(very not healthy, i know). i see instragram last active 7h ago and same in snap, all gucci - she asleep. Next time i check - instagram activity has been turned off and snap last active 9 hours ago? I confront her as soon as she gets on snap, which is about 6 hours from the first check. We call and she says she wasn't on insta and she didn't turn off shit. I asked her to share screen and show me - she was messaging B 5 hours ago :)
So i told her that the first mistake i was willing to work through, even though we had a convo literally a day before it. But now this.... I told her that i can't see me trusting her ever again and now she's crying and begging me for days, she gave me all her social media passwords unasked, she said she can delete everything and disappear from everyone's lives except mine. She's basically non stop begging me for forgiveness and saying she'll do anything to fix it and that she will never forget me if she looses me.
She then proceeded to trauma dump me how her father was never present in her life, she never even touched his hand, how she would get beaten by her father side aunts and grandmother, they allegedly kept her starving while her father was not present. They had to hide food because that would get taken away from them and shit. And call me whatever, but at that point, i heard that voice lying though it's teeth, i just did not know what to trust and if this is a manipulation tactic to become a victim.
So this is the part where i need advice, i left it off by saying we'll be friends from now on, we can keep contact and if you ever earn back my trust maybe something will come of it. But I'm very conflicted, i don't know if i can ever trust her again, her behavior after we met turned really shady. What would you do in this situation? AITAH if i leave her?
I left some context out because it turned out way longer as is, ask in the comments if any questions arise.
submitted by dannick223 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:41 dannick223 I 23M started dating a 22f muslim girl long distance. She lied to me after we met, should i forgive her?

So one random day about 2 years ago a random Turkish Facebook account messaged me and started calling me, at first i thought it was some scammer but turned out to be just 2 chicks messing around and i just played along with it. With one of them i just started talking and we kind of clicked, but I've never taken it too seriously, this is the main girl, we'll call her H. To be completely honest i was just a trash guy that felt nothing towards H, however she fell for me and really started caring about me. H sent me nudes, as she said for the first time in her life and she was the initiator of all conversations. Looking back it feels like H always was head over heels in love with me without ever seeing me.
Fast forward about a year and a half, i started gaining a liking towards H as well, we started video calling like every evening. She would get mad when i chose gaming with the boys or going out and not gave time to her, it was really wholesome and one evening she surprised me, she told me that she got accepted into an Erasmus program in Italy, she was finally coming to Europe and we can meet each other. Honestly - I didn't believe that we would ever meet at first, but i started asking her around about her past relationships just feeling out her.
So allegedly H had one past relationship with a Spanish guy it was long distance as well, we'll call him M. She was madly in love with him, they've met in Istanbul once, only had two "very romantical kisses" and nothing else, yes she's still a virgin. That relationship ended abruptly when M's brother found out about that and apparently M was engaged and had a fiancé. H was absolutely heart broken, M's brother called her, started calling her names and told her the full story. She felt betrayed, lost and fell into a deep depression. This is a year before me and her started talking at all.
She came to Italy, everything was fine, she'd tell me about all the people she would meet, tell me about guys that were into her, honestly nothing out of the ordinary, because she is really beautiful and has this calm and collected aura around her. But what bothered me - she would tell me when she found guys handsome. The weird things started happening from then on, since she was Muslim in Italy was the first time she tried alcohol and there were a couple of club nights where she got so wasted she couldn't remember the night before, but she was always with a friend of hers that i trusted and that knew about our relationship, lets call her B.
There was one time that she went out to the club with her student friends and an incident happened - a guy left a hickey on her neck. She told me that while crying the next morning and she told me that it was abrupt and she didn't realize that that was happening, allegedly she was just dancing in the club with him, not romantically she said and he just went in for it from behind her. Allegedly she pulled him off with B and B told him "she's not a girl like that". H came out to me, told me everything about it, i trusted in her that that was a dumb mistake.(Remembering this now kind of makes me feel mad for not giving this that much thought)
Everything turned out ok, we continued talking, no more incidents happened, i didn't shit on her for that incident and i was happy that she was honest and actually as a person that has been more years in relationships in my life than not - i communicated from the beginning that honesty and truthfulness is my top priority in a partner. Honestly i was even a little snake in terms of that i never told her anything i didn't like that she said from the fear that she would close up. So i don't think i created an atmosphere where there would be a motive to keep any secrets, no matter what happened.
We continued talking and H kept pushing me to come to Italy and i will admit - that was way beyond my comfort zone, i told her that i would and that i need time to organize things. Things took a while and eventually she said "i'm sick of waiting, i'm coming to Lithuania myself". And guess what, she bought the tickets with a weeks notice for me. She was coming with her friend B that i had to drive to Latvia for her to meet up with her other friends. Basically after day 2 there would only be the 2 of us left, just me and H.
The day comes and i drive to pick them up from the airport i was anxious and nervous as shit. She comes out of the airport running to me, hugged me for a long time and it felt good. That's when i realized that i really like this girl. But i still have my doubts, i still think of the different cultures, how would she talk to my mother if we ever get married, what culture would our children be, how would i talk to her parents? Basically i didn't see long term viable at that point, in this i'm a piece of shit, because she was in this state of delusion that i'm her everything and i'm her last man ever.
So we live together for that week, we have good adventures, i show her and her friend around the city, outside of the city, they love everything, they're super happy. At night me and H are in the same bed, we kiss and it gets naughty, but at the back of my head i have this guilt of not seeing a future with H, so i don't commit to taking her virginity and we play around with everything around it and she was passionate as shit.
The time i spent with her was very lovely, it was honestly so refreshing and it kind of brought a new light for me, i started imagining the future together but still with many doubts. It is time for her to leave, she's clinged on to me, doesn't want to let me go, is really sad that she has to leave, but eventually she does and she has to leave to Berlin to live there.
Everything was fine, one night i went to play pool with a buddy that lives in the UK, for context he used to date a Chinese girl, we got a little drunk and high and i started talking about H, told him all my doubts and he kind of debunked them with his prior relationship. He basically left me feeling like maybe i should commit to H. He outlined that i do have a lot of prior trauma due to having so many relationships, having been cheated on, having been left for other men and basically i have a very thick shield and never let anyone close. That is very true and i knew the answer was to try to commit and so quietly i did.
H went to Germany, first she went to a city where her friend lives, they both had a good time, she sent me snaps and kept me updated, it was really nice, we continued calling each other. Now this is where the situation started, when she took the train to Berlin, she came in on Monday. She lived in some sort of camp seemed like, she disappeared for that day, in the evening she tried calling me and i called back in an hour. She looked normal to me and i tried asking her what did you do that day. At first she changed the topic, then i asked again - she said they went on a group trip, it was super fun. Then i asked again what happened, she told me this strange story about a guy that she called handsome to her friend in Turkish and was talking about him a lot. After a while the guy turned around and answered to them in Turkish, which made her feel really bad. Then i asked another time, what happened next - she said she got blackout drunk and doesn't remember anything....
Hmmmm. You got blackout drunk like a couple hours ago and now you seem normal talking to me... Alright, i got my suspicions up and reminded her that honesty is number one for me, she said she understands and is 100% honest with me.
Alright, the next day rolls around, LITERALLY THE NEXT DAY AFTER HONESTY CONVERSATION, she sends me a snap of her having lunch with her friend and some guy. I don't think much of it and in the evening we video call, i ask her about the day and she doesn't say anything about no guy, that is pretty weird knowing her past honesty. I directly confront her about it and tell her "What are you talking about, you sent me a snap with you and him at the table", she starts pulling all sorts of bullshit and says she only took pictures of food and sent me those pictures. Lo and behold the tables are black glass and there's a reflection of a dude sitting on his phone at the table. At first she start pulling more shit "I don't see anyone, maybe it's a waiter, i don't know what you're talking about" and i tell her stop acting stupid.
She then starts crying and says that she promised a friend to keep that guy's presence there a secret. Allegedly he's getting an unlawful marriage with his fiancé that neither his nor his fiancé's parents can know about. Wow, what the actual fuck? Who would've i told, going to lunch with guys in secret is normal? Anyway, i told her that she broke my trust and i'm not sure if there's possibility of recovering this. She started begging while crying and said she'd do anything to fix it and that it was a stupid mistake. Alright, i tell her that it will need time, but that she will have to be 100% honest with me. Another talk about honesty.
Next day rolls around and i'm suspicious, i started checking her instagram activity and snap location(very not healthy, i know). i see instragram last active 7h ago and same in snap, all gucci - she asleep. Next time i check - instagram activity has been turned off and snap last active 9 hours ago? I confront her as soon as she gets on snap, which is about 6 hours from the first check. We call and she says she wasn't on insta and she didn't turn off shit. I asked her to share screen and show me - she was messaging B 5 hours ago :)
So i told her that the first mistake i was willing to work through, even though we had a convo literally a day before it. But now this.... I told her that i can't see me trusting her ever again and now she's crying and begging me for days, she gave me all her social media passwords unasked, she said she can delete everything and disappear from everyone's lives except mine. She's basically non stop begging me for forgiveness and saying she'll do anything to fix it and that she will never forget me if she looses me.
She then proceeded to trauma dump me how her father was never present in her life, she never even touched his hand, how she would get beaten by her father side aunts and grandmother, they allegedly kept her starving while her father was not present. They had to hide food because that would get taken away from them and shit. And call me whatever, but at that point, i heard that voice lying though it's teeth, i just did not know what to trust and if this is a manipulation tactic to become a victim.
So this is the part where i need advice, i left it off by saying we'll be friends from now on, we can keep contact and if you ever earn back my trust maybe something will come of it. But I'm very conflicted, i don't know if i can ever trust her again, her behavior after we met turned really shady. What would you do in this situation?
I left some context out because it turned out way longer as is, ask in the comments if any questions arise.
submitted by dannick223 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]