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Marvelsnapcomp Card of the Week: Cyclops

2024.05.16 17:13 TideRuglia Marvelsnapcomp Card of the Week: Cyclops

Sorry for the very long delay. Life has been hectic and I haven't always been in the mood to write and when I do, I want to make sure the analysis is op to snuff. So here's our continuation on card discussions -

Card of the Week: Cyclops

Card stats and text
Name: Cyclops
When powered up by High Evolutionary –
Name: (HE) Cyclops
Card of the Week has analyzed 3 of the ’97 X-Men up to this point. So following the same trajectory, a long awaited update and analysis this time on the beloved field commander of the team – Cyclops. Cyclops is a bit different than the other cards we’ve previously looked at because he actually has two forms – an abilitless form and a powered up form that he only receives when High Evolutionary is added to your deck. This is a trait he shares with 6 other cards in the game, but Cyke is the first one we are taking a look at. How does Scott fare compare to his other colleagues?

Mechanically speaking, what are the card's distinctive strengths and weaknesses?

It probably isn’t even worth much of a discussion as you would think to talk about basic Cyclops. He’s a vanilla 3-4 and sets the base line of what you’d expect for a 3 cost card to perform. It is worth pointing out that of all the cost to expected power ratios, 3 costs have the worst at just x1.33 times versus every other cost. So on an energy efficiency basis, 3 cost par value cards are pretty terrible to begin with. Nowadays, it’s probably even more underpowered as there is a growing trend of “3-5 is the new 3-4”. There is definitely some element of truth to that given most of the new 3-5s, even if they are specific to one particular archetype (such as Black Swan), often times don’t have an ability that actively hurts you. So base Cyclops still being 3-4 makes him more or less unplayable as there is always a better option. Surprisingly, this wasn’t always the case. I definitely remember roughly a year ago when people were still using basic Cyclops in decks such as Patriot where he represented an ability to go tall. You definitely don’t see that in modern SNAP; partially due to power creep and partially due to new cards introducing new abilities that change the base line.
HE Cyke though is where we can actually have some discussion regarding strengths and weaknesses. Because instead of it being all bad, HE Cyke is actually largely good. In fact, of the 7 HE modified cards, Cyke is probably amongst the strongest, in the running for probably THE best HE card. Some basics first to get out of the way. To use this version of Cyclops, you must dedicate one of your card slots to adding High Evolutionary to your deck. Hence why this version is often denoted with HE in the front. Once you do so, Cyclops will change to this modified version (or “evolved”), where he gains a new, power passive ability.
HE Cyke’s strength is two-fold. The first is his theoretical stat line. Yes, his base is still the crummy 3-4. But assuming you can proc his ability every turn and you play him as soon as possible, HE Cyke is a 3-10. That’s obviously very good. Remember how Bishop last week required a ton of cards to be played AND needing to be played early to get there? Cyke does that relatively effortlessly. You just need to play him, then float at least 1 Energy a turn to benefit. His second strength is how he is able to synergize with a lot of cards that share similar archetypes. There is the HE toxic line of course, where you play a lot of negative debuffs to cheat out a cheap Abomination while nerfing the power of your opponent’s field, but likewise, Scott is excellent with cards that want to float since you can then make 1 point of energy do a ton of work. If you play Sunspot, HE Misty Knight and have HE Hulk, that 1 point of unspent energy adds an additional 4 power on top of Cyclops’ own -2 debuff. So in contrast to his abilitless form, HE Cyke actually feels like a team leader in that he is able to slot into and work with a lot of cards. Due to his continuing threat of slapping -1s once he is played, he’s also ends up working great in lane control decks as he actively discourages your opponent from competing with his theoretical power.
As far as weaknesses go, HE Cyclops has a few. The first being one that he shares with all HE cards, which is the need to slot HE into the deck. HE is what veteran card players refer to as “a garnet”. In simple terms, this means he is a card you include due to a combo or enabling some sort of play but feels terrible when you actually draw him. You never want to draw HE because HE himself is an ability-less 4-4. Yes, he doesn’t even hit par. His “ability” is powering up the other cards, so as such when draw, he does nothing. Losing one of your deck slots to put in a card that does zilch when you pick it up is obviously terrible. To mitigate, you might consider playing multiple HE powered cards so that he feels less egregious. And to his credit as noted, Cyclops works with a good number them, so it doesn’t always feel as oppressive as you’re making HE enhance multiple cards usually alongside Scott himself.
HE Cyke’s second weakness is that he is limited by his window and loses effectiveness if he is the only card that takes advantage of float. If you play Cyke late (like Turn 5), that diminishes the amount damage he is able to do. So in that regard, he wants to come on to the field ASAP. But worse yet, like other cards that operate with float, the later you draw and play him, the worse it feels to actively have float. Imagine a scenario, where the only card that can take advantage of float you end up playing is Scott. In this scenario, Cyke may “feel” like a 3-10. But if you are actively sacrificing 1 energy for him, is he really? It would probably be more accurate to say in this case, he is a 6-10. That doesn’t seem so impressive anymore now, does it? The reason why we usually discount this is because you often have many of the other play makers already on field (or in HE Hulk’s case, in hand). When your 1 point of float is adding to 4-5 different cards, the float doesn’t feel bad. But when your float is only powering up 1 card, then it feels grossly inefficient and Scott is unfortunately a victim of this. In short, Scott’s effectiveness also depends on your other float absorbers. You should not expect him to perform any last minute miracle turnarounds.

Where does the card fit in the metagame (past or present)? What archetypes should it work with?

Cyclops has had a pretty interesting run within the game’s meta. Before HE came around, his ability-less form was still used in certain decks (Patriot / Surfer) as a means to build tall in one lane. He was, at the time, pretty much the only 3 cost that could put out decent power with little set up. Even though there were other options within that field, power creep was lower a year ago so base Cyke still saw some use in selective cases.
HE’s release was great for Scott in general. Sure, it basically killed off his base form, but his evolved form is very strong and possibly the strongest HE card in the game. It turned him from a card that was going to die eventually to power creeping to a very often picked inclusion in certain achetypes – sometimes Best-in-Slot (BiS) for your deck if you’re playing something like She-naut or Toxic HE. You still see him today hanging out with other folks that make up those decks – Sunspot, Magik, HE Hulk – and he’s gained some new friends as he remains a staple on those lists. And while these decks are not currently being on top of the meta-lists, it’s always something to keep in mind as you play.

Which cards have noteworthy interactions with it?

Cyclops has a decent number of cards that he can combo off of, which has helped Scott stay relevant even in today’s landscape:

What cards or strategies counter it? Are there other downsides to keep in mind?

Ability-less Cyclops doesn’t need much of a counter because he’s typically out-stated and power crept in today’s landscape. If your opponent plays ability-less Cyclops, you know he/she is probably early in their SNAP career and are probably running some old Patriot or Surfer variant. In which case, counters to those decks typically work.
HE Cyke is another story and the main meat of this section for obvious reasons. Unlike his base version, here, there’s an actual ability with actual threat behind it. So if you don’t check it, it typically means giving up the lane since Scott can just stack a bunch of -1 Power effects onto your board. The key to dealing with HE Cyke if you don’t carry the typical tech cards is to keep in mind his float efficiency. Decks with HE will typically want float and play other float synergistic cards such as Sunspot. If you can eliminate those cards from play or use, then that will weaken HE Cyke as well. Having 1 float power up HE Cyke, HE MK and Sunspot means your opponent gets a lot of mileage by being energy efficient. It is a completely different story if he’s giving up 1 energy just to add 2x -1 Power. For this reason, some more unusual counters include stuff like Elektra and Killmonger who can snipe out HE Cyke’s early supports.
Another tactic you can try is to forcing your opponent into not having any float at all. This is typically harder to do because there aren’t many ways to mess with your opponent’s costs. You might be tempted to play Mobius but most HE Cyclops’ decks won’t run stuff like Sera. And now that Zabu has basically been neutered, there’s even less reason for them to carry cost discounters. Iceman can work but is typically too random and you have no way of knowing what it hit. The Bounce variants that can replay him are going to be best for this since you can then slap a bunch of +1 cost modifiers, forcing the HE Cyke player into position where he is less likely to have float.
You can also choose to avoid playing in HE Cyke’s lane entirely. Indeed, HE Cyke’s ability only works if there are other cards in the lane. Specifically – he only gets full value if you have TWO cards on YOUR side of the lane. If you don’t have other cards there, then he’s fundamentally no different than his vanilla form. For this reason, the Goblins, White Widow and Viper can be good soft counters. Viper especially can be mean since you end up throwing back a debuffed card back to your opponent’s board. This isn’t always an option though due to the location effects but something to keep in mind.
If you do have his checks, then you’re in a good position. HE Cyke gets dumpstered pretty hard by certain tech cards – most notably Luke Cage. Now that Cage is back in his old form (albeit +1 cost, +2 power), he’s the premier choice for countering toxic debuff strategies. HE Cyke is of course no exception to this rule. Simply play him on a late turn and undo a bunch of your opponent’s work. If they are floating on 5 in preparation of playing a big boi like HE Hulk or Infinaut and She-Hulk, slapping Luke down undoes the previous 2 turns of work and puts you into position of nailing their big boi too. Otherwise, both Shadow King and Valkyrie deserve honorable mentions but are not as good as Luke. SK resets all the previous’ turns power debuffs, which can be big but you’ll still be at the mercy of the current round’s effect. Valkyrie is similar except she will set everything to 3 power. If you have a way to break parity with at least +3 power, then you’re in a good position to take the lane.
Being 3 cost means Cyke is also vulnerable to Magneto. But Magneto doesn’t really counter Scott because by the time old Magnetman hits the field, Cyke’s effect would have already proc’d twice. Sure, you can then move him to another location but by then the damage is done. There are times when Magneto can be the game winner (such as an opponent having a weak lane and another lane that has been Flooded and they are using Cyke + Storm to hold it), but like the locations, he’s definitely more situational.

What other cards may serve a similar role, for either replacement or redundancy?

From the HE family, HE Cyke’s closest comparison is his 4 cost companion HE Thing. Both cards slam -1 power effects to different cards in the lane. However, in Ben’s case, he’s an On Reveal and thus only triggers once and doesn’t scale with float. Otherwise, HE Misty Knight is also similar AND synergistic. In this case, you add +1 power for every additional point of float, just like how HE Cyke adds 2x -1 Power debuffs. This +1 is random though so care must be placed into deciding what you’re playing since the more cards there are, the extra float can hit cards you don’t really want.
Apart from the HE family of cards, HE Cyke shares similar abilities as Man-Thing. Both cards represent an establisher that aims to hold the lane by applying debuffs to other cards in the lane. Both cards aim to hit your opponent’s cards with a max of -8 power. The main difference here is that Man-Thing only hits cards that cost 1-3, whereas Scott can hit any card as long as you give him float. Man-Thing is also Ongoing so certain soft counters that work against Scott don’t work on Man-Thing.


Cyclops has come a long way. He went from being an ability-less, identity-less generic 3 cost to now a staple consideration in one of the game’s more competitive archetypes. Not bad for the field commander.
What are your best Cyclops plays?
What has been Cyclops’ best deck?
Did I miss anything in my assessment?
Let's discuss in the comments.

Previous topics:

Nico Minoru - MarvelSnapComp Card of the Day: Nico Minoru : marvelsnapcomp (reddit.com)
Invisible Woman - MarvelSnapComp Card of the Day: Invisible Woman : marvelsnapcomp (reddit.com)
Doctor Doom - MarvelSnapComp Card of the Day: Doctor Doom : marvelsnapcomp (reddit.com)
Leech - MarvelSnapComp Card of the Day: Leech : marvelsnapcomp (reddit.com)
Gladiator - MarvelSnapComp Card of the Day: Gladiator : marvelsnapcomp (reddit.com)
Annihilus - MarvelSnapComp Card of the Day: Annihilus : marvelsnapcomp (reddit.com)
Quake - MarvelSnapComp Card of the Day: Quake : marvelsnapcomp (reddit.com)
Magik - MarvelSnapComp Card of the Day: Magik : marvelsnapcomp (reddit.com)
Doc Ock - MarvelSnapComp Card of the Day: Doctor Octopus : marvelsnapcomp (reddit.com)
Ghost Spider - MarvelSnapComp Card of the Week: Ghost Spider : marvelsnapcomp (reddit.com)
Yondu - MarvelSnapComp Card of the Week: Yondu : marvelsnapcomp (reddit.com)
Gambit - MarvelSnapComp Card of the Week: Gambit : marvelsnapcomp (reddit.com)
Rogue- MarvelSnapComp Card of the Week: Rogue : marvelsnapcomp (reddit.com)
Bishop - MarvelSnapComp Card of the Week: Bishop : marvelsnapcomp (reddit.com)
submitted by TideRuglia to marvelsnapcomp [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:05 DanielAnakBudi Sebuah harapan dibalik orang yang tidak berduit

Di post ini, aku mau cerita bedasarkan kisah nyata dari sebagian besar orang yang pernah ngobrol sama aku (plus dengan pengalamanku pas bersama mereka) dan mungkin ini bisa menggerakkan hati atau kita makin positif sih. Ada 2 cerita yang bakalan aku bahas, dan kalian bisa pilih aja mau cerita mana yang mau kalian baca. And ofc, i make it short to save everyone's time.
The story has 2 perspective : Gojek, dan Tukang parkir (niatnya mau ada tambahan 1 lagi, yaitu cerita tentang guruku.. maybe next time i guess.)
Let's start with Gojek.
Gojek Kejadian ini terjadi pasca tahun 2021-an (kalo ga salah). Ceritanya, Sahabat jauh dari solo pulang ke sentul dan aku main sama beliau sambil ngobrol bareng kondisi-nya disana. Kami bercengkrama sampai dengan jam 8 malam, dan aku memutuskan untuk pulang (karena nyokap udah nyariin). Aku akhirnya dianterin pulang dengan mobil nyokap sahabatku yang kebetulan lagi satu jalan dari AEON. tapi, aku denger kabar kata-nya bokap-nya temen tiba-tiba sakit dan Nyokap-nya perlu beli obat. Aku nawarin untuk nemenin beli obat + nunjukin apotik terdekat, tapi akhirnya aku cukup minta diberhentiin aja di Lampu merah dekat CCM. Karena aku takut-nya mengganggu juga + takut pulang kemaleman. Cukup ucapan semoga cepat sembuh, dan akhirnya pergi ke kantor polisi perempatan CCM buat pesan Gojek.
Jujur, aku kaget ketika yang dateng ketika pesen Gojek yang dateng adalah perempuan. Aku ga permasalahin kamu kerja jadi apa... tapi dengan kondisi malem seperti ini dan beliau berani narik Gojek? oh my. That's a daring move and deserve my respect. Tapi pas aku mau naik, beliau bilang.. ini baru pertama kali dia ambil pesanan malem-malem dan kebetulan aga capek (kalo ga salah inget). Aku tawarin untuk ngendarain motornya (it was a scoopy. its has good handling but slow as snail speed. but it has good fuel economy. hehe, maaf terlalu mendiskripsikan motornya).
Kami ngobrol di jalan dong... tanya-tanya abis ngapain dan ini itu. Sampai aku nanya ke beliau "Ibu kenapa mau kerja jadi Go-Jek?". Beliau dengan lumayan santai-nya bilang something along like "Karena ada-nya ini pada saat ini, dan saya harus membiayain kedua anak saya". Aku sambil mengucapkan maaf nanya kepada beliau "Maaf bu, saya kalo boleh nanya.. Suami ibu apakah tidak kerja?". Beliau bilang "Suami saya kabur". That bring a chill on my spine... karena ini ngobrol secara langsung. Beliau bela-belain Nganter barang sampai malam, dan bahkan nyoba nge-gojek. it's somewhat shows how mother figure should always be. She wants nothing but her kids to become succeed and didnt end up like her.
And today 2024, i share her story to here... it shows that maybe even at the very rock bottom, you cannot see down but only up. and you need to keep on going whatever your situation is.
okay, Mari kita langsung aja cerita kedua.
Tukang Parkir Mixue Miksu (ga boleh nyebut merek meskipun keliatan dikit, atleast its for the sake of the funni)
Nah, ini sebenarnya kejadian yag masih baru-baru banget. Cerita-nya ini abis ngampus.. Karena lagi kepengen makan eskrim, pergilah aku ke Miksu deket Sate Tegal Laka-laka yang ada di cibinong. Kebetulan disitu ada tukang parkir (yang kebetulan sering ketemuan dan dia ramah).. ngobrol lah aku sama beliau. He give me many wise words dan saran sebelum beranjak ke dunia yang bener-bener dewasa. it was all fun and game.
But then, i ask him... "Tapi pak, dengan pemikiran dan wawasan yang luas. Kenapa bapak jadi tukang parkir?" He said ketika beliau di pelabuhan tanjung priuk, dulunya dia kerja sebagai pengangkut barang dan disukai sama bos-nya karena etos kerja-nya yang tinggi (Sambil nunjukin kertas kerja-nya, dan dokumen penting lainnya ketika kerja di pelabuhan tanjung priuk. I was surprised how did he trust me to the point to show me this). He got paid handsomely, dan dia kerja dari pagi ke pagi. Sampai ketika orang dalam plays along dan kompetisi yang ga sehat mulai masuk. Dia suka disenggol dan begitu sebagai-nya... dan bahkan sudah berfikir kalo sebagai pengangkut barang udah bukan passion dia lagi (karena terkadang dia mesti berantem pas ngangkut barang di jalan entah sama pungli, dll).
Dan dimasa dimana dia udah kepala 5 atau 6 ini (kalo ga salah). Dia hanya ingin meninggal dengan tenang aja. Dia bilang sama aku "Keinginan muda dan tau pasti berbeda. Semakin kamu tua, kamu semakin belajar kalo dalam hidup itu ga semuanya bisa kamu dapatkan. tapi kamu ga boleh nyerah, dan harus tekun".
He's respectable person... even as tukang parkir. Maybe some people doesnt have a choice and ended up like him. Bahkan orang berjasa kayak beliau aja di-injek". like damn..... Hope he's having a good day
That's the story for today folks. Have a good day !
edit : typo :b
submitted by DanielAnakBudi to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:26 Sufficientlyfun The Kibbe approach to Personal Color: A Crash Course

One of the lesser known and discussed components to David Kibbe’s approach to developing an authentic personal style is his color system.
What I think is quite unique about his approach is that it is rooted in color theory. I know that sounds kind of obvious… aren’t all personal color systems rooted in color theory? Not quite in the same way, no.
To go back to the absolute basics of color theory we start with the foundational concept of Primary Colors; Red, Yellow and Blue. Where In color theory; Yellow is Warm, Blue is Cool and Red is Neutral.
Disclaimer: Yes! There’s such thing as a Warm Blue or a Cool Yellow. David gives every season their own version of Yellow and Blue. However, we’re referencing a *pure** version of these colors - not a blend.*
So when we say “cool toned” this means the colors have a blue base since blue is cool. The same can be said for the concept of “warm toned” which means the colors have a yellow base since yellow is warm.
Now, nobody’s skin tone is literally yellow (we’re not lemons) or literally blue (we are not lizards). We are a complex blend of pigments that create a unique mix of tones within our skin, hair and eyes. What we’re looking to determine with our personal coloring here is wether we have a blue (cool) or golden (warm) undertone. With our hair and eyes providing extra clues but our undertone being the most important factor to consider.
Before we launch into the **Metamorphosis excerpt on David’s approach to personal color, I would like to pause and remind us all, that, as with all things Kibbe, it bares reminding that it is essential we leave all prior ideas on colouring aside and approach this process with a sense of playful exploration and curiosity. Our personal coloring just as our Kibbe ID is part of what makes us uniquely beautiful. So it’s not about there being a “correct” or “incorrect” answer. It’s about celebrating what is innate to us.*

Discovering the magic of your coloring

So much has been written in recent years about your coloring and "having your colors done" that I simply can't take you through this journey without a brief detour in this often confusing area.
As a firm believer in the beauty of our natural coloring, I've always felt that it should be enhanced and prized as one of our greatest gifts from Nature. Since I could be described as one of the pioneers of the modern color movement, I've worked long and hard to educate the public about the possibilities and systems that exist to make working with your coloring easy, clear, exciting, and most of all, fun!
In the past few years, I've watched many variations spring up on the basic theme of personal color analysis. As in all extremely popular fields, some of the "new" variations are simply gimmicks de- signed to cash in on the latest fad, while others bear at least some validity.
For my money, however, the basic system of the seasonal color theory originally developed by Johannes Itten of the Bauhaus School is still far and away the most effective.
This theory divides your coloring into four basic categories named after the seasons, based on two parts of your genetic makeup: (1) the undertone of your skin, which is blue or golden and functions as the "base" of your coloring; and (2) the in- tensity of your coloring, which has to do with the type of "contrast" between your hair. skin, and eyes.
Simply put, your "season" is a general description of the type of coloring you inherited and the palette of colors that will enhance it. Each "season" represents a family of colors that consists of over two million shades within the palette. Here's a brief description of each:


Blue undertone to the skin. High-contrast coloring (distinct difference between the hair, skin, eyes).
Palette: Cool, clear colors. Blue-based shades with sharp intensity. A jewel-toned palette ranging from vivid colors to very pale, icy shades.
Person: The hair is usually dark (a solid color as opposed to visibly highlighted) with an ash base, and the skin and eyes are quite clear.
Celebrities: Elizabeth Taylor, Cher, Diahann Carroll, Connie Chung.


Blue undertone to the skin. Blended contrast (the hair, skin, eyes tend to blend together).
Palette: Cool, muted colors. Blue- based shades with a saturated intensity. A dusty palette ranging from pastels to very deep shades.
Person: The hair is usually medium dark to medium light (a dense color with a very subtle highlight) with an ash base, and the skin tone is saturated while the eyes are softly muted.
Celebrities: Grace Kelly, Queen Elizabeth, Jane Fonda.


Golden undertone to the skin. Contrast is medium to high, but characterized by richness.
Palette: Warm, intense colors. Yellow based shades with a heavy saturation of richness. A fiery palette ranging from very vivid, hot shades to a few softly muted neutrals.
Person: The hair is usually a richly highlighted shade with a red base, ranging from very deep chestnut to fiery auburn to a very deep honey. The skin tone is rich and saturated (ranging from very pale to very deep) and the eyes are a mixture of marbelized color.
Celebrities: Natalie Wood, Ann-Margret, Diane Keaton, Katharine Hepburn, Shari Bela- fonte-Harper.


Golden undertone to the skin. Contrast is delicate, but sharp.
Palette: Warm and clear colors. Yellow based shades with a light, bright intensity. A vibrant pal ette ranging from very fresh, vivid shades to a few clear pales.
Person: The hair is usually a medium dense shade (with a subtle natural highlight) and a golden or red base, ranging from medium golden brown to strawberry to golden blond. The skin tone is clear and delicate, and the eyes are crisp.
Celebrities; Shirley MacLaine, Sissy Spacek, Vanessa Williams, Arlene Dahl, Eva Gabor.

Draping the Seasons

Question: How can I determine my "season"? Can I tell by just looking at myself in the mir ror? Can I tell by looking at the underside of my wrists?
Not really. The best way to objectively determine your season is with the help of three or four friends. To correctly determine your season, you've got to first determine both the undertone of your skin (blue or golden), and then the type of contrast between your hair, skin, and eyes. The only way to accurately do this is by a process called "draping," whereby you drape selected shades of fabric under your chin and compare the color of the fabric to the colors in your face. You cannot determine your undertone by simply looking at your wrist because you are merely viewing the "shade" of your skin tone, as opposed to the undertone or base coloration.
In the draping process, you discover your skin's undertone by an indirect method. The aim is to enhance the undertone of your skin by using a complementary base color from the selected fabric.
Here's how to do this: With a group of three or four friends, assemble the following large swaths of fabric:

Four shades of green:

a) a blue-based emerald green (clear and vivid)
b) a blue-based sen green (soft and dusty)
c) a yellow-based mossy green (rich and in- tense)
d) a yellow-based bright chartreuse (light and clear)

Four shades of red:

a) a blue-based scarlet (clear and vivid)
b) a blue-based dusty raspberry (soft and muted)
c) a yellow-based tomato (rich and intense)
d) a yellow-based bright poppy (light and clear)

Four shades of blue:

a) a blue-based royal (clear and vivid)
b) a blue-based cornflower (soft and dusty)
c) a yellow-based teal (rich and intense)
d) a yellow-based bright aqua (light and clear)

Four shades of pink:

a) a blue-based fuchsia (vivid and clear)
b) a blue-based dusty rose (soft and muted)
c) a yellow-based salmon (rich and intense)
d) a yellow-based bright coral (light and bright)
Now drape each other in these colors, following the order in which they're listed. As you're watching this process, be sure to focus on the person's face, not the color. (Remember, you're seeking to discover which color brings the person out, not sim- ply the color you like best.)
In the right shade, you'll watch the person's skin tone become smooth and clear; shadows will seem to miraculously disappear!
In the wrong shades, the color will reflect onto the person's face; you'll notice the color, not the person.
Have your friends vote on what they're seeing. You'll nearly always find the consensus of others to be correct. (Your own opinion may be somewhat prejudiced by color preferences and the thought of having to change your wardrobe!)
If the consensus is that the colors of group a tested best on you consistently, you are a "Winter." If the consensus is toward group b, you are a "Summer." If the consensus is toward group c, you are an "Autumn"; and if the consensus is toward group d, then you are a "Spring."
NOTE: It's very important to perform this draping ceremony in natural light, so be sure you work near a large window with good sun exposure. Also, if your hair has been artificially colored, or has any chemical processing on it such as perms or waves, be sure to cover it with a white turban or bandanna. This will prevent your altered haircolor from throwing any shadows on your face, which could result in a misanalysis. This is crucial in determining your season, so don't forgo it in the name of vanity! Since the skin tone is a much subtler color than your hair, it's very easy to simply match the shades of fabric to the hair, rather than to the complexion. Also, be sure you remove all traces of makeup before you begin!

Questions & Answers

Q. Can I be a mixture of seasons!
A. No, you cannot. It's genetically impossible! Each "season" refers to a specific type of coloring, of which there are only four. For example, you cannot have a mixture of a golden and a blue undertone. Since the undertone functions as the base of your skin tone, it determines whether the shade of skin you have is either warm or cool. A color can only have one base, whether it's skin color, haircolor, fabric, a cosmetic shade, or even the paint on your wall!
The basic law of abstract color theory states that the base of a color determines its shade. For example, a burgundy red has a blue base. It is this blue base that actually causes the shade to be burgundy instead of some other shade of red, say tomato red or rust. Likewise, a mossy green is caused by a yellow base, while an emerald green is emerald because its base is blue! Your skin tone is exactly the same. An olive skin is always caused by a blue undertone. That's why it's olive and not a tawny beige (which is caused by a golden undertone). On the other hand, an ivory skin tone has a golden base, which is what makes it ivory instead of porcelain (which is caused by a blue undertone). There isn't a single individual-dead, alive. or yet to be born who possesses a mixture of undertones. It simply can not happen!
Q. What about "intensity"? Can I be a mixture of the "cools" (WinteSummer) or the "warms" (Autumn/Spring)!
A. No, you cannot. As with the undertone, you have one type of intensity to your coloring. High contrast coloring needs clear shades to enhance and bring it out effectively. Blended coloring needs a saturation of color to allow the subtlety of your coloring to show through gracefully. Mixing the clear colors with the dusty tones only negates your particular type of coloring.
Moreover, the palettes themselves simply don't mix effectively when you translate them into clothing and cosmetics. If you were to try to create color combinations of the cool Winter and Summer palettes, for example, you would never be able to effectively combine the jewel tones of Winter with the elegantly dusty shades of Summer. Since the palettes are of opposing intensities, the shades themselves are not at all complementary. Any resulting outfits of clothing would simply be a hodgepodge of mismatched colors!
Even more disasterous would be an attempt to mix the tones in cosmetics. For a makeup to be successful, you absolutely must keep all the colors on your face in one family of color, both in terms of the base and the intensity. Mixing them is akin to wearing a shocking pink blouse with a bright orange lipstick! While the result might not always be this glaring, opposite color families do not blend together!
Q. But I've had my colors done "professionally," and I was told I'm a mixture. Why would that have happened?
A. Basically, that means one of two things. Either you were analyzed incorrectly, which is, unfortunately, becoming quite common because of improper training and a lack of experience among color consultants, or it's simply a question of semantics.
Frequently, in an effort to delineate among the specific shades that you can actually wear effectively (be cause of the variations in individual skin tone, hair, and eye colors that exist within a season), color consult ants have attempted to make your palette as specific to you as possible. This sometimes manifests in your being labeled a mixture of seasons or having a "subseason." While this is technically incorrect, since the colors within the seasonal palettes do not actually blend with the other palettes, the result is usually a way of defining the range of shades within your season that appear most exciting on you.
From my experience, based on analyzing thousands of clients over a number of years, I simply find it too inaccurate and confusing to try to suggest to my clients that they "mix" the palettes. It's not helpful in a practical sense, for it doesn't actually add any colors that they can effectively work with in clothing, cosmetics, or haircolor. And, since it's technically incorrect, as I previously stated, I find that the clients who come to our salon with a "mixture" of colors nearly always have either a diluted appearance, in terms of focus, or they have a lot of mistakes hanging in their closets! Can my "contrast" change with age?
Q. What about as my hair turns gray? Does this change my season?
A. No, your season never changes with age, or anything else! As your hair begins to gray, Nature is not only changing your haircolor, but is also changing your skin tone and eyes at the same time. The balance among these three elements always remains the same. For example, if you're a mature Vivid Winter, like actress Bea Arthur, the balance among your haiskin/eyes is best described as high contrast. You have a vivid haircolor, a fair skin, and an intense eye color. True, your haircolor is not the same as when you were twenty years old, when it was probably a deep brunette, but you've maintained the high contrast coloring you were born with. As your hair began to gray, it didn't turn a dull or mousy shade of gray, but rather went a brilliant silver, didn't it? Your skin and eyes have actually gotten lighter at the same time, even though this difference is probably imperceptible to you. Do yone that your high contrast has not changed at all! You still have a vivid haircolor, a fair skin, and an in- ten eye color. Your balance has remained the same! You are still a Vivid Winter, and the colors that focus your specific coloring are still cool and clear!
Whatever your season, Nature created your haiskin/eyes as a unit. They always change together, and the balance among them never changes That's why your season never changes!
Q. Does my season have anything to do with style? For example, I read somewhere that Winters should stick to solids and geometrics, while Autumns are very good in tweeds and textures.
A. Not in the least! Having your colors done has absolutely nothing to do with anything other than determining what your skin tone is and which palette of colors to work with to enhance it. It tells you nothing more specific than the range of colors to use. Your specific clothing choices (including fabrics and textures, as well as shapes and lines), makeup shades, and haircolor range all come from developing your personal style through discovering your Image Identity.
For example, Autumns are frequently told to concentrate on use of textures in their wardrobe. Yet Ann-Margret is a Fiery Autumn, but as a Theatrical Romantic, I'd much rather see her in silks, satins, angora, and se quins than rough textures or tweeds any day of the year!
Having your colors done can be a wonderful and exciting addition to your life, and I highly recommend it when it's properly executed. Just be careful not to give it more importance than it's worth. Your coloring is only one part of you - it's worthy of being carefully looked at, but only within the contest of your total look.
Now I’m sure for those of us who are more visual the written descriptions of these colors can be ultra confusing! Unfortunately we can not share the seasonal palettes David has created. However, the palettes as well as a wealth of additional information on the sub seasons, additional celebrities as well as the three make up palettes for each season etc. can be accessed within the Four Season Freedom Facebook Group.
My personal tip is to get a good grasp on basic color theory by understanding what blue based vs yellow based colors look like. A really creative and explorative way to approach this is by getting some paints out and mixing the tones to see how blue (cool) with added yellow (warm) transforms into a warm blue. (Please ensure you use a true Yellow, a true Blue, a true Red, a true Black and a true White).
The goal of the system isn’t to just wear the colors David has in his seasonal palettes - it’s to use these as a jumping off point. So, that you can then take the concept of your coloring and have the ability to intuitively identify colors that harmonise with you rather than pull out a palette on your phone every time you go clothes or make up shopping!
Each season can be quickly understood by what it’s characteristics evoke:

Winter (Cool) is Jewel

Spring (Warm) is Vibrant

Summer (Cool) is Lush

Autumn (Warm) is Fiery

A quick disclaimer!! No season gets boring muted colors. Everyone gets beautifully saturated colors! You won’t see the sad, drab and dull tones often seen in other seasonal color systems here! For example Summer is Lush in tone not muted and Autumn is fiery in tone, again not muted In any sense if the word.

Let’s talk about the defining characteristics tied to certain seasons

I want to preface this part, by reminding us all that much like our Kibbe ID, we are born with the innate characteristics we have ; we are who we are meant to be! And so it’s never a case of being relegated to certain IDs or color seasons based on certain characteristics. But, instead we are embarking on the journey to discover what has always been there with the objective of achieving harmony with ourselves and in doing so bringing out our unique beauty.
Brown eyes Brown eyes are a feature of high contrast coloring and therefore will always be a high contrast season; Autumn or Winter.
Naturally Ginger / Red hair Ginger / Red hair is a warm color (a mix of a golden base with added red) and therefore will always be a warm season; Spring or Autumn.
An Olive undertone Olive is always caused by a blue undertone, therefore it will always be Winter.
Naturally Blonde hair Blonde hair can be any season except for Winter which requires a high level of contrast between the features; Skin/HaiEyes.
The Color Black Black is considered a cool tone that casts a shade on its surrounds, due to its depth of contrast is only given to Winters as with Winters it enhances the clarity of coloring whether-as with all other seasons it muddies their coloring.
The Color White White, on the other hand is universally given to all seasons as it is considered a neutral.
submitted by Sufficientlyfun to Kibbe [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:01 Zappingsbrew A post talking about 400 words

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layer, lead, leader, leadership, leading, leaf, league, lean, learn, learning, least, leather, leave, left, leg, legacy, legal, legend, legislation, legislative, legislator, legitimate, lemon, length, less, lesson, let, letter, level, liberal, library, license, lie, life, lifestyle, lifetime, lift, light, like, likely, limit, limitation, limited, line, link, lip, list, listen, literary, literature, little, live, living, load, loan, local, locate, location, lock, long, long-term, look, loose, lose, loss, lost, lot, lots, loud, love, lovely, lover, low, lower, luck, lucky, lunch, luxury, machine, mad, magazine, mail, main, mainly, maintain, maintenance, major, majority, make, maker, makeup, male, mall, man, manage, management, manager, manner, manufacturer, manufacturing, many, map, margin, mark, market, marketing, marriage, married, marry, mask, mass, massive, master, match, material, math, matter, may, maybe, mayor, me, meal, mean, meaning, meanwhile, measure, measurement, meat, 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porch, port, portion, portrait, portray, pose, position, positive, possess, possession, possibility, possible, possibly, post, pot, potato, potential, potentially, pound, pour, poverty, powder, power, powerful, practical, practice, prayer, preach, precisely, predict, prediction, prefer, preference, pregnancy, pregnant, preparation, prepare, prescription, presence, present, presentation, preserve, president, presidential, press, pressure, pretend, pretty, prevent, previous, previously, price, pride, priest, primarily, primary, prime, principal, principle, print, prior, priority, prison, prisoner, privacy, private, probably, problem, procedure, proceed, process, processing, processor, proclaim, produce, producer, product, production, profession, professional, professor, profile, profit, program, progress, progressive, project, prominent, promise, promote, prompt, proof, proper, properly, property, proportion, proposal, propose, prosecutor, prospect, protect, protection, protein, protest, proud, prove, provide, provider, province, provision, psychological, psychology, public, publication, publicity, publish, publisher, pull, punishment, purchase, pure, purpose, pursue, push, put, qualify, quality, quarter, quarterback, quarterly, queen, quest, question, quick, quickly, quiet, quietly, quit, quite, quote, race, racial, radiation, radical, radio, rail, rain, raise, range, rank, rapid, rapidly, rare, rarely, rate, rather, rating, ratio, raw, reach, react, reaction, reader, reading, ready, real, reality, realize, really, reason, reasonable, recall, receive, recent, recently, reception, recipe, recipient, recognition, recognize, recommend, recommendation, record, recording, recover, recovery, recruit, red, reduce, reduction, refer, reference, reflect, reflection, reform, refugee, refuse, regard, regarding, regardless, regime, region, regional, register, regular, regularly, regulate, regulation, regulator, reinforce, reject, relate, relation, relationship, relative, relatively, relax, release, relevant, relief, religion, religious, rely, remain, remaining, remarkable, remember, remind, remote, remove, repeat, repeatedly, replace, replacement, reply, report, reporter, represent, representation, representative, Republican, reputation, request, require, requirement, research, researcher, resemble, reservation, resident, residential, resign, resist, resistance, resolution, resolve, resort, resource, respect, respond, response, responsibility, responsible, rest, restaurant, restore, restriction, result, retain, retire, retirement, return, reveal, revenue, review, revolution, rhythm, rice, rich, rid, ride, rifle, right, ring, rise, risk, river, road, rock, role, roll, romantic, roof, room, root, rope, rose, rough, roughly, round, route, routine, row, rub, rubber, rude, ruin, rule, run, running, rural, rush, Russian, sacred, sad, safe, safety, sake, salad, salary, sale, sales, salt, same, sample, sanction, sand, satellite, satisfaction, satisfied, satisfy, sauce, save, saving, say, scale, scandal, scare, scatter, scenario, scene, schedule, scheme, scholar, scholarship, school, science, scientific, scientist, scope, score, scream, screen, script, sea, search, season, seat, second, secondary, secret, secretary, section, sector, secure, security, see, seed, seek, seem, segment, seize, select, selection, self, sell, Senate, senator, send, senior, sense, sensitive, sentence, separate, sequence, series, serious, seriously, servant, serve, service, session, set, setting, settle, settlement, seven, several, severe, sex, sexual, shade, shadow, shake, shall, shallow, shape, share, sharp, she, sheet, shelf, shell, shelter, shift, shine, ship, shirt, shock, shoe, shoot, shooting, shop, shopping, short, shortly, shot, should, shoulder, shout, show, shower, shrug, shut, shy, sibling, sick, side, sigh, sight, sign, signal, significant, significantly, silence, silent, silver, similar, similarly, simple, simply, sin, since, sing, singer, single, sink, sir, sister, sit, site, situation, six, size, ski, skill, skin, skirt, sky, slave, sleep, slice, slide, slight, slightly, slip, slow, slowly, small, smart, smell, smile, smoke, smooth, snap, snow, so, so-called, soccer, social, society, soft, software, soil, solar, soldier, sole, solid, solution, solve, some, somebody, somehow, someone, something, sometimes, somewhat, somewhere, son, song, soon, sophisticated, sorry, sort, soul, sound, soup, source, south, southern, Soviet, space, Spanish, speak, speaker, special, specialist, species, specific, specifically, specify, speech, speed, spend, spending, spin, spirit, spiritual, split, spoil, sponsor, sport, spot, spray, spread, spring, square, squeeze, stability, stable, staff, stage, stain, stair, stake, stand, standard, standing, star, stare, start, state, statement, station, statistical, status, stay, steady, steal, steel, steep, stem, step, stick, still, stimulate, stimulus, stir, stock, stomach, stone, stop, storage, store, storm, story, straight, strange, stranger, strategic, strategy, stream, street, strength, strengthen, stress, stretch, strike, string, strip, stroke, strong, strongly, structural, structure, struggle, student, studio, study, stuff, stupid, style, subject, submit, subsequent, substance, substantial, substitute, succeed, success, successful, successfully, such, sudden, suddenly, sue, suffer, sufficient, sugar, suggest, suggestion, suicide, suit, summer, summit, sun, super, supply, support, supporter, suppose, supposed, Supreme, sure, surely, surface, surgery, surprise, surprised, surprising, surprisingly, surround, survey, survival, survive, survivor, suspect, sustain, swear, sweep, sweet, swim, swing, switch, symbol, symptom, system, table, tactic, tail, take, tale, talent, talk, tall, tank, tap, tape, target, task, taste, tax, taxi, tea, teach, teacher, teaching, team, tear, technical, technique, technology, teen, teenager, telephone, telescope, television, tell, temperature, temporary, ten, tend, tendency, tennis, tension, tent, term, terms, terrible, territory, terror, terrorist, test, testimony, testing, text, than, thank, thanks, that, the, theater, their, them, theme, themselves, then, theory, therapy, there, therefore, these, they, thick, thin, thing, think, thinking, third, thirty, this, those, though, thought, thousand, threat, threaten, three, throat, through, throughout, throw, thus, ticket, tie, tight, time, tiny, tip, tire, tissue, title, to, tobacco, today, toe, together, toilet, token, tolerate, tomato, tomorrow, tone, tongue, tonight, too, tool, tooth, top, topic, toss, total, totally, touch, tough, tour, tourist, tournament, toward, towards, tower, town, toy, trace, track, trade, tradition, traditional, traffic, tragedy, trail, train, training, transfer, transform, transformation, transition, translate, translation, transmission, transmit, transport, transportation, travel, treat, treatment, treaty, tree, tremendous, trend, trial, tribe, trick, trip, troop, trouble, truck, true, truly, trust, truth, try, tube, tunnel, turn, TV, twelve, twenty, twice, twin, two, type, typical, typically, ugly, ultimate, ultimately, unable, uncle, undergo, understand, understanding, unfortunately, uniform, union, unique, unit, United, universal, universe, university, unknown, unless, unlike, until, unusual, up, upon, upper, urban, urge, us, use, used, useful, user, usual, usually, utility, utilize, vacation, valley, valuable, value, variable, variation, variety, various, vary, vast, vegetable, vehicle, venture, version, versus, very, vessel, veteran, via, victim, victory, video, view, viewer, village, violate, violation, violence, violent, virtually, virtue, virus, visibility, visible, vision, visit, visitor, visual, vital, voice, volume, voluntary, volunteer, vote, voter, voting, wage, wait, wake, walk, wall, wander, want, war, warm, warn, warning, wash, waste, watch, water, wave, way, we, weak, weakness, wealth, wealthy, weapon, wear, weather, web, website, wedding, week, weekend, weekly, weigh, weight, welcome, welfare, well, west, western, wet, what, whatever, wheel, when, whenever, where, whereas, whether, which, while, whisper, white, who, whole, whom, whose, why, wide, widely, widespread, wife, wild, wildlife, will, willing, win, wind, window, wine, wing, winner, winter, wipe, wire, wisdom, wise, wish, with, withdraw, within, without, witness, woman, wonder, wonderful, wood, wooden, word, work, worker, working, workout, workplace, works, workshop, world, worried, worry, worth, would, wound, wrap, write, writer, writing, wrong, yard, yeah, year, yell, yellow, yes, yesterday, yet, yield, you, young, your, yours, yourself, youth, zone.
submitted by Zappingsbrew to u/Zappingsbrew [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:12 bambaazon Logic Pro 11.0 release notes

New Features and enhancements
New AI-enhanced tools join Smart Tempo and the Pitch Correction plug-in to augment your artistry.
Bass Player and Keyboard Player join Drummer to complete a set of Session Players — all built with AI making it easy to create performances that respond to your direction.
Session Players can follow the same chord progression using Global chord track.
Add warmth to any track with ChromaGlow, an advanced plug-in with five saturation models designed to simulate the sound of vintage analog hardware.*
Separate a stereo audio file into stems for vocals, drums, bass and other parts with Stem Splitter.*
Session Players, ChromaGlow, and Stem Splitter also come to Logic Pro for iPad 2 — making it simple to move between projects created in Logic Pro for Mac.
Play any of six deeply-sampled acoustic and electric basses with Studio Bass.
Perform any of three meticulously-sampled pianos with Studio Piano.
Loops that contain chord tags will automatically populate the chord track when added to a project.
Three new Producer Packs are available: Hardwell, The Kount, and Cory Wong.
Original multi-track project of Swing! by Ellie Dixon available as in-app demo song.
Downmix and trim options allow custom mixing for non-Atmos channel configurations.
Exported ADM BWF files have been expanded beyond Dolby Atmos and can contain settings for stereo and other multi-channel formats.
Bounce in place adds automatic real-time recording for External Instrument regions or tracks that utilize external hardware using the Logic Pro I/O plug-in.
Route MIDI signals generated by supported software instruments and effects to the input of other tracks for creative layering during playback or recording.
Edit more efficiently using key commands for moving, extending, or resizing marquee selections.
The Nudge Region/Event Position key commands now also nudge Marquee selections.
The Transpose Region/Event key commands now also move or expand the Marquee selection up/down.
Pattern regions can now be created on Drummer tracks, and Drummer regions can be converted to Pattern regions.
New key commands include Trim Note End to Following Notes (Force Legato) With Overlap and Trim Note End to Selected (Force Legato) With Overlap.
Bounce in Place and Track Freeze can now be performed in real time, allowing for use of external instruments, I/O plug-ins, and external inserts.
Mastering Assistant analysis now can be performed in real time, allowing for use in projects that incorporate external I/O or instruments.
The Dolby Atmos plug-in now offers Downmix and Surround/Height Trim controls.
The Recent Projects list can now be configured to show up to 50 projects.
* Requires a Mac with Apple silicon.
Stability and reliability
Scripts with 1071 characters or more in Scripter no longer cause Logic Pro to quit unexpectedly.
Fixes an issue where creating a an event in a lane assigned to Note off in Step Sequencer could cause Logic Pro to quit unexpectedly.
Fixes an issue where Logic Pro could fail to launch with an Error Initializing Core MIDI message when the system is under heavy load performing other tasks.
Resolves an issue where Logic Pro could quit unexpectedly when a 64-bit floating point IR file is loaded into Space Designer.
Fixes an issue where Logic Pro could hang when opening a project while the Project Settings > MIDI window is displayed.
Logic Pro no longer quits unexpectedly when creating multiple Aux tracks with multiple existing Aux tracks selected.
Improves stability when bypassing control surfaces with Musical Typing open when EuControl software is installed.
Fixes an issue where Logic Pro could hang when quitting a project containing a large number of instances of Sampler.
Fixes an issue where Logic Pro could quit unexpectedly when replacing a playing Live Loops cell with another loop.
The UI is now more responsive when adjusting Flex Pitches directly on regions in Deviation mode.
Performance is improved when editing Transient Markers in Take regions with Flex enabled.
Performance is improved when making Flex Pitch edits in the Tracks area with a large number of selected regions.
Alchemy's Performance is improved.
Performance is improved when moving regions in projects with a large number of tracks and regions.
Projects containing a large number of flex-pitched regions now open more quickly.
Resolves an issue where loading a project saved with a Summing stack selected that contains Software Instruments that have no regions and/or with the tracks turned off could load the Software Instruments into memory.
VoiceOver now announces the state of Automation mode buttons on channel strips.
VoiceOver now announces the status of the Pause button in the LCD.
VoiceOver no longer announces hidden controls in the Smart Controls view.
VoiceOver no longer reads the values of pan knobs that are currently hidden in Sends on Faders mode.
VoiceOver now announces the state of the Details button and the Follow button in the Drummer Editor.
VoiceOver now announces left-click and Command-click Tool selections in the Control Bar.
VoiceOver now announces the name of the Time Quantize button in the Piano Roll.
VoiceOver now announces changes in value when the Next/Previous key commands are used to change Quantize values.
VoiceOver now announces state of key commands for Cycle, Mute, Track Solo, Input Monitoring, Track On/Off, and Lock/Unlock Track.
VoiceOver now announces the selection state of focused tracks.
Spatial Audio
Fixes an issue where adding a new 3D Object track for the first time to a Spatial Audio project could cause the Renderer to switch from the current model to the Apple renderer.
The Dolby Atmos plug-in now offers a 5.1.2 monitoring option.
Fixes an issue where setting a project to Dolby Atmos could output to 7.1.4 even when the mode defaults to Apple Renderer.
It is now possible to monitor Dolby Atmos projects directly via HDMI to a surround capable receiveamplifier.
The metering for Height channels now shows as post-fader on the Master channel as expected.
Loading a Master Bus channel strip setting in the 7.1.4 channel format now preserves the 7.1.4 channel layout as expected.
Session Players
Resolves an issue where loading a user-created Drum Machine Designer patch could set the input to a bus and fail to load the Drum Machine Designer instrument.
Using the Create Drummer Region command in a Marquee selection now creates a region that corresponds to the Marquee.
Smart Tempo
In cases where there is not an existing Smart Tempo Multitrack Set, selecting an audio file in the Smart Tempo Multitrack Set window and disabling the “Contribute to analysis” check box now causes the Update button to change to Analyze as expected.
Pressing the Space bar now immediately stops a Free Tempo recording.
Fixes an issue where projects previously open in the same Logic Pro session could unexpectedly affect “Contribute to Analysis” in the Smart Tempo editor.
Audio regions recorded to unnamed tracks now include the project name and track number in their name.
The channel strip Stereo Pan control and the Pan menu now can be adjusted when Caps Lock is enabled.
Creating a single Multi-timbral Software Instrument in the New Track Sheet no longer creates two Software Instrument instances in the All view of the Mixer.
Resolves an issue where remaining tracks in a Multitimbral Software Instrument Track Stack could unexpectedly rename the channel strip.
Adjusting the activity status of a speaker in the Surround panner no longer causes the signal to unexpectedly mute.
Groups now immediately show as inactive when switched off for a selected set of channels in the Mixer.
Metering now correctly works on individual channel strips with plug-ins that send to more than two channels and are routed to a surround bus.
Option-clicking on a send in a selected group of channel strips now sets all corresponding sends to 0 dB as expected.
Fixes an issue where performing Undo after adjusting the fader values of grouped channels with Group Clutch enabled and then disabled could cause the faders to jump up to +6 dB when one member of the group is touched.
Setting multiple selected channels to No VCA now works as expected
The oscillator section in Alchemy offers a new Wide Unison mode.
All controls for Additive Effects now accept typed-in values as expected.
Values typed into parameters related to milliseconds (MS) in Acoustic Reverb are no longer interpreted as full seconds.
Resolves an issue where performance control destinations for modulation could show as duplicated.
Sampler, Quick Sampler, and Quick Alchemy
The Playback direction button in Quick Sampler now immediately updates when clicked.
The view now scrolls correctly when dragging the Trim marker in Sample Alchemy.
It is now possible to adjust the level of a group in Sampler up to +24 dB.
The Up/Down buttons for navigating zones in Sampler now remain available after adjusting the start or end positions of samples.
The general Zoom/Scroll key commands now can be used to trim the current view in Sample Alchemy.
Handles and Trim Handles in Sample Alchemy behave correctly when click-dragged, even when the plug-in window does not have focus.
The Ancient Vocal Chop and Baily Glide plug-in settings for Quick Sampler now open in Classic mode, as expected.
The MIDI Scripter plug-in now shows in Logic Pro when running in dark mode.
Fixes an issue where clicking on Sampled IR in Space Designer could activate Synthesized IR mode unexpectedly.
Resolves an issue where repositioning the playhead could cause audio to cut out on channel strips that use Step FX.
The preset Note Repeater in Scripter now works as expected.
The wet/dry setting on Ringshifter is now always set to 100% wet when inserted on an Aux.
There's now a DI Delay Compensation switch in Bass Amp Designer to improve phase correlation when blending between Amp and Direct Box in the plug-in.
StepFX now includes presets using Sidechain.
The Beat Breaker preset called “Basic / 2 Slices, Speed 66%” no longer plays the slices at 50% speed instead of 66%.
Resolves an issue where ES2 could produce glitching sounds when using Sine Level or Poly Voice mode on Apple Silicon computers.
Mono > Stereo instances of Console EQ no longer can cause unexpected feedback.
Using the Delete all Automation key command while an Audio Unit window has key focus no longer causes the Audio Unit window to go blank.
The menu for the compression section of Phat FX can now be opened by clicking on the Up/Down arrows.
Beat Breaker now offers new default patterns divided evenly into 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 slices.
Mastering Assistant
There is no longer unexpected latency with bounces from projects that use the Clean or Clean + Excite mode in Mastering Assistant.
Mastering Assistant analysis is no longer incorrectly triggered in projects that contain no regions, but are previewing audio from Ultrabeat, etc.
Mastering Assistant no longer allows the -1 dBFS peak limit to be exceeded in certain cases.
The Consolidate Relative and Absolute for Visible / Automation menu item now only displays when automation types that support relative automation are active in the lane.
Region-based Automation is now pasted as Track-based Automation when pasted to an area of a track that does not contain regions.
Pitchbend now works as expected with zones in Sampler that do not have Flex Pitch enabled.
Selecting Region-based automation points on a region now deselects previously selected automation points on other regions
Disabling Region-Based Automation no longer dims the Power button for MIDI CC data lanes in the Piano Roll.
The movie window now updates to show the correct frame when moving Region-based automation points.
The Autoselect automation parameter now works as expected when clicking any plug-in control.
Automation of the Gain plug-in no longer exhibits unexpected latency.
Region-based automation is now drawn correctly when recorded into projects that start earlier than 1 1 1 1.
Automation lane views for all tracks are now maintained when switching into Flex view and then back to Automation view.
Flex Time and Flex Pitch
Flex Pitched notes now play as expected when clicked while Record or Input Monitoring is active on the track.
Flexed audio tracks using Monophonic or Slicing mode no longer produce clicks at tempo changes.
Takes and comping
Fade-ins are now applied when flatten and merge is performed on Comps.
Renaming a take that encompasses the entire length of an audio file no longer unexpectedly changes the file name.
Comps in Take Folders are now preserved when performing Cut Section Between Locators on a section that includes the end of one Take folder and the beginning of another, with a gap in-between.
Track Stacks
Record-arming a Track Stack now arms grouped audio tracks in a Track Stack it contains.
Dragging a subtrack out of a Track Stack that is assigned to a VCA now removes the assignment for the subtrack.
Fixes an issue where Track Stacks could sometimes be dimmed when some, but not all, subtracks are muted or off.
It's now possible to replace stacked instrument patches that are inside a Summing Stack with single track patches.
Track Alternatives
Loading a patch on a Summing Stack containing sub-tracks with Track Alternatives no longer causes inactive alternatives to be deleted.
Track Alternatives can now be created for the Stereo Output track.
Selection-Based Processing
Using Selection-Based Processing on a Marquee selected section within a Take Folder no longer creates an unexpected comp.
Selection-Based Processing on a comp now retains the comp.
The spacing of notes is improved in cases where there is a dotted note on a line with the stem is pointing upward.
Command + Z to undo now works after deleting a Score Set.
Upward bends in TAB staves now display correctly.
Importing an instrument track no longer can cause Score Sets in the current project to disappear.
Imported Score Sets can now be deleted from a project.
Live Loops
“Join Region and Fill Cell” now works as expected.
Recording a performance in Live Loops now temporarily puts all tracks into Automation: Latch mode.
Fixes an issue where changing patches for a Live Loop track could cause the length of cells to change unexpectedly.
It's now possible to paste MIDI notes into a Live Loops cell.
Step Sequencer
It's now easier to use the disclosure triangle to open sub-rows in Step Sequencer.
Pattern regions now play back correctly immediately after being nudged.
Pattern Regions now immediately play as expected after using the Slip/Rotate tool to drag their contents to the left.
The “Separate pattern region by kit piece” command on Drum Machine Designer tracks is now applied to the correct area of the Pattern Region, in cases where the left border of the region has been moved to the right.
The length and number of steps of a newly created Pattern Region accounts for Time Signature changes correctly.
The maximum possible pattern length of a Pattern region is now 4 bars of the current time signature.
Step Sequencer now allows pattern lengths to be added based on 5/4 and 7/8 time signatures.
The Step Sequencer Inc/Dec controls now work in Loop Edit mode.
Fixes an issue where Pattern Regions on frozen tracks be edited unexpectedly.
Region-based automation now displays properly on Pattern regions in tracks that have been partially frozen, and on regions that have been frozen and then unfrozen.
It's now possible to assign MIDI channels per step in a Pattern Region.
Reset messages for Software Instruments now work correctly.
Sustain messages are now sent correctly when playing back regions with Clip Length enabled in cycle mode.
There is now an “Internal MIDI in” setting in the Track Inspector to allow for recording MIDI from any other software instrument or External MIDI Instrument track.
The “Send all MIDI settings” key command now sends program changes to external devices assigned to empty tracks.
Resolves an issue where 3 bytes of random MIDI data would be sent when playing back regions containing SysEx data with MIDI 2.0 disabled
New 'internal MIDI in' feature allows recording of MIDI from other tracks, including MIDI FX plug-in output and 3rd party MIDI generators.
The “Delete MIDI events outside region boundaries" key command now correctly creates a starting CC event in the region to match the last matching CC of the same type in the track.
Fixes an issue where Chase could cut off notes that are preceded by notes of the same pitch on tracks with third-party instrument plug-ins.
The Humanize transform set now works as expected when the Randomize functions for Position, Length, or Velocity are set to very small values.
The menu item Delete and Move in the Event List is now only displayed if regions are displayed in the window.
When MIDI 2.0 is selected in the Settings, clicking on an Event in the Event List no longer plays events back with MIDI 1.0 resolution.
Fixes an issue where using the Cut command in the Audio Track Editor could switch the view to another editor.
When a region in the Project Audio window is double-clicked, the Audio Track editor now opens as expected.
The content link buttons for the Piano Roll and Score show the correct color as expected when toggled using the mouse.
The Event List correctly updates to reflect changes made by using key commands to select notes in other editors.
Resolves an issue where the Velocity tool in the Piano roll could affect the values of non-note events.
Fixes an issue where applying the Transform set Double Speed could cause the notes to disappear from the Piano Roll.
Step Input
Extending the length of note entered using Step Input now works correctly.
Global Tracks
Adding multiple audio Apple Loops of the same key to different tracks of a new project now changes the project key as expected.
Clicked in Tempo points are now placed at their correct positions in projects that start earlier than 1 1 1 1.
Share and export
When No Overlap is enabled, regions bounced onto existing regions no longer overlap them.
Audio files bounced from Logic Pro now include the proper Encoded Date in the metadata.
Fixes an issue where MIDI regions could be truncated when bounced in place.
Fixes an issue where audio files including Volume/Pan automation exported from mono tracks that use plug-ins could export as stereo files.
It is now possible to bounce sub-channels of multitimbral instrument tracks as individual files.
Resolves an issue when dragging multiple audio files into a project, choosing the “Place all files on one track” option could create a second track and places the first file on one track, and the rest on the second.
Output channels in the Mixer can now be imported from other Logic Pro projects.
Apple Loops
The Loops browser now correctly shows the same enharmonic key an Apple Loop was tagged with.
Apple Loops now preview using the Key Signature active at the current position of the playhead.
It's now possible to add Aliases to bookmarks and untagged loops.
Dragging an Apple Loop from the loop browser to an existing track no longer changes the input for the track.
Fixes an issue where MIDI Apple Loops could jump to the start of the nearest bar position when dragged from the Loop Browser to the middle of a bar.
Video Support
A secondary screen that is running a full screen video with Show Animations off will no longer remain black after closing the project.
Key Commands
The “Increase (or Decrease) last clicked parameter” key commands now work for controls in the LCD.
The “Record off for all” key command now works on Software Instrument tracks in cases where one or more audio tracks are also record-enabled.
There is now a key command to add to the current selection of regions or cells that are assigned to a toggle solo group.
The Zoom Toggle key command now works in the Step Editor.
GarageBand projects that use Pitch Correction now sound the same when opened in Logic Pro.
If Undo is used immediately after creating a project, the New Track Sheet is displayed as expected rather than leaving a project with no tracks.
Undo/Redo now works as expected with Audio Unit v3 plug-ins.
Changing the Automation Mode, or changing a Track On/Off state now creates an Undo step.
Performing Undo after adding a surround track no longer corrects Drummer tracks in the project.
Logic Remote
Logic Remote immediately updates to show time and signature changes made in Logic Pro.
Control Surfaces and MIDI controllers
Controls on Control Surface devices that use Lua scripts now provide feedback when learning assignments for them in Logic Pro.
Illuminated buttons on control surfaces now show the correct state for Show/Hide Track Editor.
The LCD now displays the Cycle start and end times in both SMPTE time and Bars/Beats when the secondary ruler is displayed.
Search in the All Files browser now finds matching items in bookmarked folders.
Fixes an issue where the visible editor in the Main window could unexpectedly switch when rubber-band selecting regions.
Audio Take folders created in Cycle mode now loop as expected after recording when Loop is enabled in the Region Inspector.
It's now possible to create external MIDI tracks when Core Audio is disabled in Logic Pro.
Resolves an issue where deleting a Flex marker from an audio region while a Marker List is visible could switch the key focus to the Marker List.
Track information pasted into a text editor now includes the TIME position when the Use Musical Grid setting for the project is not enabled.
Input monitoring buttons are now displayed on audio tracks when Logic Pro has fallen back to an alternate audio device because the selected device is not available.
Previewing an audio region in the Project Audio window no longer causes it to jump to the top of the window.
Command+Option clicking on the On/Off button of a track now toggles the button for all tracks, as expected.
Copy/paste of regions now works when Automation view is enabled.
Right-clicking on a looped segment of a region now opens the contextual menu as expected.
It's now easier to see when black keys are depressed in the Musical Typing window.
The right arrow key now reliably moves the text cursor in the Bounce > Save As file name panel.
Groove Templates created from audio regions now work in Smart Quantize mode.
Dragging multiple regions from the same audio file from the Project Audio browser to the Tracks area now works correctly.
Audio regions are no longer moved to unexpected positions when trimming, if absolute Snap mode is on, and the region anchor is moved away from the start of the region
Fixes an issue where pasting a Marquee selection with No Overlap and Snap Edits to Zero Crossings mode enabled could delete a non-overlapping part of an existing region.
Autozoom now triggers when a region's upper right corner is dragged in the Main window, or the Audio Track Editor.
The Playhead no longer may briefly appear to be in the wrong position when zooming horizontally.
The Time Ruler now immediately updates to reflect changes made to the “Bar Position [bar position] plays at SMPTE” setting.
The File browser correctly shows the full path when using Save As.
submitted by bambaazon to Logic_Studio [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 19:12 SocialDemocracies Megapost: A list of statements, press releases, and other sources reporting and expressing concern and criticism about Israel's war in Gaza and related aspects of the war. (Part 3)

Megapost: A list of statements, press releases, and other sources reporting and expressing concern and criticism about Israel's war in Gaza and related aspects of the war. (Part 3)

Notes: This is a work that is currently in progress; please check back for updates. Titles have been edited to provide details.
Part 1 is here: https://www.reddit.com/Social_Democracy/comments/1clx1uc/megapost_a_list_of_statements_press_releases_and/
Part 2 is here: https://www.reddit.com/Social_Democracy/comments/1cmjhpk/megapost_a_list_of_statements_press_releases_and/
Part 4 is here: https://www.reddit.com/Social_Democracy/comments/1crvrde/megapost_a_list_of_statements_press_releases_and/
Ayanna Pressley, Interfaith Coalition Hold Vigil for Lives Lost in Gaza and Israel, Renew Calls for Ceasefire ["Joining Rep. Pressley at the vigil was Rev. Carrie Ballenger, University Lutheran and Lutheran Chaplain at Harvard; Rabbi Rebecca Hornstein, Boston Workers Circle Executive Director; Imam Ahmad Barry of the Islamic Institute of Boston; Reverend Darrell Hamilton of the First Baptist Church in Jamaica Plain; Hadar Ahuvia, Rabbinical Student at Hebrew College; Rev. Willie Bodrick, II of the Twelfth Baptist Church; Rabbi Becky Silverstein; Rev. Otto Concannon of First Parish Malden; Rev. Elizabeth Carrier-Ladd, First Parish Dorchester; and hundreds of faith leaders and community members from across Greater Boston."] (January 25, 2024): https://pressley.house.gov/2024/01/25/pressley-interfaith-coalition-hold-vigil-for-lives-lost-in-gaza-and-israel-renew-calls-for-ceasefire/
Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EuroMed Rights): A conditional ceasefire is not sufficient – The EU must call for an unconditional, immediate and permanent ceasefire (January 25, 2024): https://euromedrights.org/publication/a-conditional-ceasefire-is-not-sufficient-the-eu-must-call-for-an-unconditional-immediate-and-permanent-ceasefire/
Communications Workers of America Executive Board Statement on the War in Gaza (January 26, 2024): https://cwa-union.org/news/releases/communications-workers-america-executive-board-statement-war-gaza
Bernie Sanders: The US must act to end the Gaza disaster (January 27, 2024): https://www.sanders.senate.gov/op-eds/the-us-must-act-to-end-the-gaza-disaste
Black Pastors Pressure Biden to Call for a Cease-Fire in Gaza: Black congregants’ dismay at President Biden’s posture on the war could imperil his re-election bid. (January 28, 2024): https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/28/us/politics/black-pastors-biden-gaza-israel.html
Right-wing Israeli ministers join thousands at event calling for the resettlement of Gaza: Several ministers within Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing government were among conference attendees, with two delivering keynote speeches. (January 28, 2024): https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/right-wing-israeli-ministers-join-thousands-event-calling-countrys-res-rcna135863
Israel and Russia Have No Place in the 2024 Paris Olympics: The International Olympic Committee has declined to curtail Israel’s involvement in the 2024 games and has placed half-hearted limits on Russia. The IOC claims it opposes the politicization of sport — but the Olympics are a historically political institution. (January 29, 2024): https://jacobin.com/2024/01/israel-russia-war-invastion-olympics
Ajith Sunghay, head of the UN Human Rights Office in the Occupied Palestinian Territory: “Gaza is a massive human rights crisis and a humanitarian disaster” (January 30, 2024): https://www.ohchr.org/en/stories/2024/01/gaza-massive-human-rights-crisis-and-humanitarian-disaster
Texas AFL-CIO becomes first state labor federation to call for ceasefire in Gaza (January 30, 2024): https://www.tpr.org/government-politics/2024-01-30/texas-afl-cio-becomes-first-state-labor-federation-to-call-for-ceasefire-in-gaza
Former U.S. Representative Andy Levin: Military action won’t solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It’s time for diplomacy. (February 1, 2024): https://www.stripes.com/opinion/2024-02-01/military-diplomacy-israel-palestinian-conflict-12863912.html
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada and Anglican Church of Canada: Church leaders urge Canadian government to support ICJ ruling (February 2, 2024): https://www.anglicanlutheran.ca/statements/church-leaders-urge-canadian-government-to-support-icj-ruling/
US city councils increasingly call for Israel-Gaza ceasefire, analysis shows (February 2, 2024): https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-city-councils-increasingly-call-israel-gaza-ceasefire-analysis-shows-2024-01-31/
Sister Nabila's appeal from Gaza: ‘We want peace, respect for human rights’ (February 3, 2024): https://www.vaticannews.va/en/church/news/2024-02/sister-nabila-gaza-holy-family-parish-appeal-peace.html
CNN staff say network’s pro-Israel slant amounts to ‘journalistic malpractice’: Insiders say pressure from the top results in credulous reporting of Israeli claims and silencing of Palestinian perspectives (February 4, 2024): https://www.theguardian.com/media/2024/feb/04/cnn-staff-pro-israel-bias
Young Taiwanese go against the tide to amplify Palestinian voices (February 4, 2024): https://www.arabnews.com/node/2453726/world
Bosnian genocide researcher warns Israel repeating ‘same patterns’ in Gaza war: ‘We are seeing a genocide unfold before our very eyes,’ says genocide researcher and war survivor Arnesa Buljusmic-Kustura (February 6, 2023): https://www.aa.com.ten/europe/bosnian-genocide-researcher-warns-israel-repeating-same-patterns-in-gaza-wa3129741
American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO): Statement on the Situation in Israel and Gaza (February 8, 2024): https://aflcio.org/press/releases/afl-cio-statement-situation-israel-and-gaza
Green Left: Rojava revolutionary leader Salih Muslim warns escalation could lead to World War III [Salih Muslim "declared his support for the Palestinian people and condemned the genocide they were being subjected to in Gaza by Israel under Benjamin Netanyahu's regime."] (February 8, 2023): https://www.greenleft.org.au/content/rojava-revolutionary-leader-warns-escalation-could-lead-world-war-iii
Human Rights Watch: How to End America’s Hypocrisy on Gaza: The Biden Administration Must Assess Israel’s Conduct—and Hold It to Account (February 8, 2024): https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/02/08/how-end-americas-hypocrisy-gaza
Carter Center Calls on Israel to Halt its Plan to Force 1.3 Million Palestinians Out of Rafah (February 9, 2024): https://www.cartercenter.org/news/p2024/israel-020924.html
International Rescue Committee: The collapse of Gaza’s health system (February 9, 2024; Last updated: May 6, 2024): https://www.rescue.org/article/collapse-gazas-health-system
J Street’s Pro-War Stance Prompts Staff Departures (February 9, 2024): https://jewishcurrents.org/j-streets-pro-war-stance-prompts-staff-departures
Bishop William Barber on the “Moral Case for a Ceasefire” in Gaza (February 12, 2024): https://www.democracynow.org/2024/2/12/rev_william_barber_gaza
CHURCHES FOR MIDDLE EAST PEACE (CMEP) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR JOINS 22 CHURCH-BASED DENOMINATIONAL LEADERS IN A LETTER TO PRESIDENT BIDEN [Signed by: Joyce Ajlouny, General Secretary, American Friends Service Committee (AFSC); Rev. Eddy Alemán, General Secretary, Reformed Church in America; Archbishop Vicken Aykazian, Ecumenical Director and Diocesan Legate Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern); The Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt, President, Unitarian Universalist Association; Rev. Bronwen Boswell, Acting Stated Clerk of the General Assembly, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A); Rev. Dr. Mae Elise Cannon, Executive Director, Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP); Rev. Emmett L. Dunn, Executive Secretary-TreasureCEO, Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission Convention; Ann Graber Hershberger, Executive Director, Mennonite Central Committee U.S.; John Hill, Interim General Secretary, The United Methodist Church - General Board of Church and Society; Sr. Teresa Hougnon, M.M., President, Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic; Rev. Dr. Gina Jacobs-Strain, General Secretary, American Baptist Churches USA; Bridget Moix, General Secretary, Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL); Rev. Teresa Hord Owens, General Minister and President, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada; The Rev. Dr. David Peoples, President, Progressive National Baptist Convention Inc.; Elvira Ramirez, Interim Executive Director, Maryknoll Lay Missioners; Richard Santos, President and CEO, Church World Service (CWS); Andrea Smith, Founder and Board Member, Evangelicals4Justice (E4J); Rev. David Steele, General Secretary, Church of the Brethren; Nikki Toyama-Szeto, Executive Director, Christians for Social Action (CSA); Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia Thompson, General Minister and President, United Church of Christ (UCC); Stephen M. Veazey, President, Community of Christ; Archpriest Thomas Zain, Vicar-General, Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America; Reverend Elijah R. Zehyoue, Ph.D., Co-Director, Alliance of Baptists] (February 13, 2024): https://cmep.salsalabs.org/pr-feb152024
Senator Peter Welch: I cannot, in good conscience, support sending billions of additional American taxpayer dollars for Prime Minister Netanyahu’s military campaign in Gaza (February 13, 2024): https://www.welch.senate.gov/welch-i-cannot-in-good-conscience-support-sending-billions-of-additional-american-taxpayer-dollars-for-prime-minister-netanyahus-military-campaign-in-gaza/
Bishops of the Church in Wales support call for Gaza ceasefire and release of hostages (February 14, 2024): https://www.churchinwales.org.uk/en/news-and-events/bishops-endorse-call-for-gaza-ceasefire-and-release-of-hostages/
‘Lead or Lose!’ Young People Arrested at Biden’s Campaign Headquarters Call for Climate Action and a Ceasefire: The youth-led Sunrise Movement warns Biden that he’ll lose the votes of the young people he needs to win the presidency without decisive action on global warming and Gaza. (February 14, 2024): https://insideclimatenews.org/news/14022024/young-people-arrested-at-biden-campaign-headquarters-call-for-climate-action-and-ceasefire/
The Council of Bishops of the African Methodist Episcopal Church Calls for Immediate Withdrawal of Financial Support from Israel (February 14, 2024): https://mailchi.mp/6640b1d7ce56/council-of-bishops-calls-for-immediate-withdrawal-of-financial-support-from-israel
Unitarian Universalist Association: UUA Condemns Violence Against Gaza, Urges Immediate and Total Ceasefire (February 14, 2024): https://www.uua.org/pressroom/press-releases/uua-condemns-violence-urges-ceasefire
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada and Anglican Church of Canada: Call for a day of prayer and fasting for Israel/Gaza and Ukraine (February 16, 2024): https://www.anglicanlutheran.ca/statements/call-for-a-day-of-prayer-and-fasting-for-israel-gaza-and-ukraine/
Mandate Trade Union donates €5,000 to UNRWA (February 16, 2024): https://mandate.ie/2024/02/mandate-donate-e5000-to-unrwa/
New national labor network formed to “end the death and devastation” in the Israel-Hamas war. National Labor Network for Ceasefire aims to further expand unprecedented ceasefire support. (February 16, 2024): https://www.laborforceasefire.org/new-national-labor-network-formed-to-end-the-death-and-devastation-in-the-israel-hamas-wa
Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association: A letter from the UUMA Board of Trustees (February 19, 2024): https://uuma.org/latest-news/a-letter-from-the-uuma-board-of-trustees/
Open Letter: Humanity & Inclusion and 61 other non-governmental organisations urge MPs to support the motion for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza [Signed by: Action Against Hunger; Action For Humanity; ActionAid UK; Age International; Amnesty International UK; Amos Trust; Bond; Council for Arab-British Understanding (Caabu); CAFOD; CARE International UK; Christian Aid; Climate Action Network UK (CAN-UK); Convivencia Alliance; Development Initiatives; Elrha; Embrace the Middle East; European Centre for the Responsibility to Protect; Gender Action for Peace and Security (GAPS); Greenpeace UK; Humanity & Inclusion UK; Inminds Human Rights Group; International Alert; International Health Partners (IHP); International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF); International Rescue Committee UK; Islamic Relief UK; Jewish Network for Palestine; Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights; Mercy Corps; Mines Advisory Group (MAG); Minority Rights Group; Muslim Aid; Muslim Community Helpline; Muslim Hands; Na’amod; Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC); Omega Research Foundation; Oxfam GB; Peace Direct; Peacemaker Trust; Penny Appeal; Plan International UK; Protection Approaches; Quakers in Britain; Resistance Kitchen; Sabeel-Kairos UK; Saferworld; Save the Children UK; Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF); Scotland’s International Development Alliance; Stamp Out Poverty; Tearfund; Trócaire; The UK Committee for UNICEF (UNICEF UK); UK-Palestine Mental Health Network; United Nations Association - UK (UNA-UK); War Child; War on Want; Welfare Association; Womankind Worldwide; Women for Women International; Women’s Platform] (February 20, 2024): https://www.humanity-inclusion.org.uk/en/open-letter-hi-and-61-other-ngos-urge-mps-to-support-the-motion-for-an-immediate-and-permanent-ceasefire-in-Gaza
Presbyterian Church USA: Calling for a stop to the destruction of Gaza (February 20, 2024): https://www.pcusa.org/news/2024/2/20/calling-for-a-stop-to-the-destruction-of-gaza/
Stand Against Genocide and Imperialism, from Palestine to Ukraine: Statement of the Ukraine Solidarity Network on the Second Anniversary of Russia’s Full-scale Invasion of Ukraine (February 20, 2024): https://newpol.org/stand-against-genocide-and-imperialism-from-palestine-to-ukraine/
National Priorities Project: United We Dream and Allies Demand Permanent Ceasefire and Immigrant Protections (February 21, 2024): https://www.nationalpriorities.org/blog/2024/02/21/united-we-dream-and-allies-demand-permanent-ceasefire-and-immigrant-protections/
The Animation Guild / IATSE Local 839: In the struggle for human rights and the protection of innocent lives, The Animation Guild stands for justice across the globe, and officially calls for a ceasefire in Israel and Palestine. (February 21, 2024): https://twitter.com/animationguild/status/1760448111611097419
‘We will not be complicit in this’: Hill staffers challenge their bosses on Gaza (February 21, 2024): https://rollcall.com/2024/02/21/we-will-not-be-complicit-in-this-hill-staffers-challenge-their-bosses-on-gaza/
Australian Catholic Bishops Conference's Office for Social Justice: End the Violence in Gaza (February 23, 2024): https://socialjustice.catholic.org.au/2024/02/23/end-the-violence-in-gaza/
Beto O’Rourke supports uncommitted campaign in Michigan’s Tuesday presidential primary (February 24, 2024): https://michiganadvance.com/2024/02/24/beto-orourke-supports-uncommitted-campaign-in-michigans-tuesday-presidential-primary/
Hindus for Human Rights: Indians For Palestine: A Call to Action for Peace (February 26, 2024): https://www.hindusforhumanrights.org/en/blog/indians-for-palestine-a-public-meeting-on-the-icj-ruling-for-palestine
‘Stop the massacre’: Hong Kong activists call for ceasefires in Russia-Ukraine, Israel-Hamas wars: Demonstrators read out a statement calling for Russia to withdraw its forces from Ukraine, and for Israel to order a ceasefire and end its blockade of Gaza. (February 26, 2024): https://hongkongfp.com/2024/02/26/stop-the-massacre-hong-kong-activists-call-for-ceasefires-in-russia-ukraine-israel-hamas-wars/
Waiting for ‘pro-life’ legislators in Kansas to call for a ceasefire in Gaza (February 26, 2024): https://kansasreflector.com/2024/02/26/waiting-for-pro-life-legislators-in-kansas-to-call-for-a-ceasefire-in-gaza/
67 Vermont lawmakers sign letter calling for Gaza cease-fire (February 27, 2024): https://www.vermontpublic.org/local-news/2024-02-27/65-vermont-lawmakers-sign-letter-calling-for-gaza-cease-fire & https://npr.brightspotcdn.com/05/b8/3d1901af417499640d96288a716a/final-draft-of-letter.pdf
Liberal Jews for Justice in Israel/Palestine: As British Jews, we call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza (February 27, 2024): https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/27/as-british-jews-we-call-for-an-immediate-ceasefire-in-gaza
Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&Ds): Palestinian lives matter! We call for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire in Gaza (February 27, 2024): https://www.socialistsanddemocrats.eu/newsroom/sds-palestinian-lives-matter-we-call-immediate-and-unconditional-ceasefire-gaza
IBEW Local 48: Resolution Against the War in Gaza (February 28, 2024): https://www.ibew48.com/sites/default/files/files/gaza_resolution.pdf
It is time for US Catholics to take significant risks for Gaza (February 29, 2024): https://www.ncronline.org/opinion/guest-voices/it-time-us-catholics-take-significant-risks-gaza
Japanese student urges Gaza cease-fire as U.S. universities quiet dissent (February 29, 2024): https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2024/02/0db05a4f79ab-japan-student-urges-gaza-ceasefire-as-us-universities-quiet-dissent.html
Malala Yousafzai: "It's heartbreaking that this school — a place for children in Gaza to learn and dream — is now home to thousands of people fleeing Israel's attacks. Every Palestinian child deserves to live in peace and be back in their schools as students. We cannot wait another day for a ceasefire." (February 29, 2024): https://twitter.com/Malala/status/1763265614985003421
Senator Jeff Merkley: U.S. “Complicit in Starvation and Humanitarian Catastrophe” in Gaza (February 29, 2024): https://www.democracynow.org/2024/2/29/jeff_merkley_gaza_ceasefire
Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights Calls for Immediate Ceasefire to Safeguard Children in Gaza (February 29, 2024): https://www.theyoungcenter.org/stories/2024/2/29/young-center-for-immigrant-childrens-rights-calls-for-immediate-ceasefire-to-safeguard-children-in-gaza
A Statement from Jewish Americans Opposing AIPAC’s Intervention in Democratic Party Politics (March 2024): https://usjewsopposingaipac.org
European Trade Union Confederation: Grave and worsening humanitarian situation in Gaza calls for more urgent EU response (March 2, 2024): https://www.etuc.org/en/node/24119
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Conference of Bishops calls for permanent bilateral cease-fire in Gaza (March 3, 2024): https://www.elca.org/News-and-Events/8217
Israel/Palestine Conflict: Over 100 Americans in Taiwan Send Letter to American Institute in Taiwan: Urgent Appeal for Ceasefire and End to Occupation in Palestine (May 3, 2024): https://newbloommag.net/2024/05/03/ait-gaza-lette
Die Linke (The Left party) MP Nicole Gohlke: Germany Should Be Supporting a Cease-Fire, Not Israel’s War (March 4, 2024): https://jacobin.com/2024/03/germany-die-linke-cease-fire-gaza
Some Black and Latino voters to back Democratic candidates who want a permanent cease-fire in Gaza: They say their solidarity with Palestinians reflects the struggles they experience every day. (March 4, 2023): https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/black-latino-voters-back-democratic-candidates-want-permanent-cease-fi-rcna141241
Brazilian Trade Union Confederation (Central Única dos Trabalhadores; CUT) demands an end to Brazil's military cooperation with Israel (March 5, 2024): https://www.workersinpalestine.org/news/brazilian-trade-union-confederation-demands
Irish Catholic Bishops' Conference: ‘Let us all say: enough … Stop the War!’ (March 5, 2024): https://www.catholicbishops.ie/2024/03/05/let-us-all-say-enough-stop-the-war-irish-bishops/
Pizzaballa, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem: Gaza ceasefire more urgent than ever (March 5, 2024): https://www.vaticannews.va/en/church/news/2024-03/patriarch-pizzaballa-gaza-ceasefire-christians-church-peace.html
PREPARED REMARKS: Senator Bernie Sanders Calls Out the Absurdity and Hypocrisy of Continued U.S. Support for Netanyahu’s Horrific War (March 6, 2024): https://www.sanders.senate.gov/press-releases/prepared-remarks-bernie-sanders-calls-out-the-absurdity-and-hypocrisy-of-continued-u-s-support-for-netanyahus-horrific-wa
‘We can no longer be silent’: New York’s Latino faith leaders call for cease-fire in Gaza (March 6, 2024): https://religionnews.com/2024/03/06/we-can-no-longer-be-silent-new-yorks-latino-faith-leaders-call-for-cease-fire-in-gaza/
Democratic former senator Patrick Leahy warns US is violating aid conditions law known as the Leahy Law by sending money to Israel (March 7, 2024): https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/patrick-leahy-israel-gaza-aid-b2509035.html
Protesters outside American Institute in Taiwan say US aiding genocide in Gaza (March 7, 2024): https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/news/5109362
Artists Call for Ceasefire Now [Including: Bryan Adams; Ben Affleck; Eric André; Christine Baranski; Jon Batiste; Cate Blanchett; Billy Bragg; Priyanka Chopra; Bradley Cooper; Brian Cox; David Cross; Alfonso Cuarón; John Cusack; Rosario Dawson; Diplo; Drake; Brian Eno; Francesca Fiorentini; Judah Friedlander; Liz Garbus; Andrew Garfield; Richard Gere; Lily Gladstone; Selena Gomez; Amanda Gorman; Tom Hardy; Simon Helberg; Oscar Isaac; Tony Kushner; Padma Lakshmi; Cindi Leive; Simu Liu; Jennifer Lopez; Macklemore; Zayn Malik; Miriam Margolyes; Ewan McGregor; Adam McKay; Alyssa Milano; Hasan Minhaj; Michael Moore; Viggo Mortensen; Ebon Moss-Bachrach; Cynthia Nixon; Frank Ocean; Rosie O'Donnell; Sandra Oh; David Oyelowo; Mandy Patinkin; Jordan Peele; Kal Penn; Joaquin Phoenix; Boots Riley; Mark Ruffalo; Susan Sarandon; Jean Smart; Noam Shuster-Eliassi; Jon Stewart; Kristen Stewart; Jeremy Strong; Wanda Sykes; Channing Tatum; Michelle Wolf; et al.] (Updated as of March 8, 2024): https://www.artists4ceasefire.org
T'ruah, the Rabbinic Call for Human Rights: U.S. Rabbis and Cantors Call on President Biden to End War in Gaza [+450 signatures] (March 8, 2024): https://truah.org/press/north-american-rabbis-and-cantors-call-on-president-biden-to-push-for-end-of-war-in-gaza/
Middle East Studies Association Board Joint Statement with Committee on Academic Freedom regarding the ongoing genocidal violence against the Palestinian people and their cultural heritage in Gaza (March 11, 2024): https://mesana.org/advocacy/letters-from-the-board/2024/03/11/mesa-board-joint-statement-with-caf-regarding-the-ongoing-genocidal-violence-against-the-palestinian-people-and-their-cultural-heritage-in-gaza
Writers Guild of America members criticize union for silence on Gaza: Some WGA members signed on to an anonymous letter criticizing the union for its silence on Israel’s genocide in Gaza (March 11, 2024): https://prismreports.org/2024/03/11/wga-members-criticize-union-silence-gaza/
Amnesty International: NGOs sue the Danish state to stop arms exports to Israel ["The organisations involved in the lawsuit are Amnesty International Denmark, Oxfam Denmark, Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke (Action Aid Denmark) and the Palestinian human rights organization Al-Haq are suing the Danish National Police and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to stop Danish arms exports to Israel."] (March 12, 2024): https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/03/denmark-ngos-sue-the-danish-state-to-stop-arms-exports-to-israel/
Gaza medics tell BBC that Israeli troops beat and humiliated them after hospital raid (March 12, 2024): https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68513408
Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EuroMed Rights): Annihilation of education: 100 European academics sign Euro-Med Monitor petition against systematic Israeli destruction of Gaza Strip’s educational system (March 12, 2024): https://euromedmonitor.org/en/article/6220/Annihilation-of-education:-100-European-academics-sign-Euro-Med-Monitor-petition-against-systematic-Israeli-destruction-of-Gaza-Strip’s-educational-system
NEWS: Senators Bernie Sanders, Chris Van Hollen, Jeff Merkley, Mazie Hirono, Peter Welch, Tina Smith, Elizabeth Warren, and Ben Ray Luján Urge President Biden to Enforce U.S. Law with Netanyahu (March 12, 2024): https://www.sanders.senate.gov/press-releases/news-sanders-van-hollen-merkley-and-five-colleagues-urge-president-biden-to-enforce-u-s-law-with-netanyahu/
Rabbis for Palestinian Rights Counter 'Warmongering' AIPAC in DC: "We refuse to be bystanders as the Israeli government wages a genocidal campaign in our name," one rabbi said. (March 13, 2024): https://www.commondreams.org/news/rabbis-dc-lobby-aipac
United Methodist Church Council of Bishops calling for ceasefire in Gaza (March 13, 2024): https://www.unitedmethodistbishops.org/newsdetail/united-methodist-bishops-call-for-ceasefire-in-gaza-18303396
Vermont progressive Senator Peter Welch warns Biden Israel-Gaza will be election issue: ‘Young people are just horrified’ (March 14, 2024): https://www.welch.senate.gov/vermont-progressive-senator-warns-biden-israel-gaza-will-be-election-issue-young-people-are-just-horrified/
Anita Nikaj: Voices in Solidarity with Palestine from Prishtina, Kosovo (March 15, 2024): https://kosovotwopointzero.com/en/voices-in-solidarity-with-palestine-from-prishtina/
Great Irish Famine historians issue St. Patrick's Day statement on Gaza: A group of historians is urging Irish Americans to use their influence to avert a Famine in Gaza as severe as the one faced by their Irish ancestors. (March 15, 2024): https://www.irishcentral.com/opinion/others/irish-american-famine-gaza
Thirteen Town Meetings in Vermont Call for Ceasefire in Gaza, No More Weapons to Israel (March 16, 2024): https://www.rakevt.org/2024/03/16/thirteen-town-meetings-call-for-ceasefire-in-gaza-no-more-weapons-to-israel/
International Labour Organization: Palestinian unemployment rate set to soar to 57 per cent during first quarter of 2024 (March 18, 2024): https://www.ilo.org/resource/news/palestinian-unemployment-rate-set-soar-57-cent-during-first-quarter-2024
Israeli Assurances to Use US Arms Legally Are Not Credible: Oxfam and Human Rights Watch provide evidence of Israel's violations of international humanitarian law in Gaza, undermining credibility of assurances for President Biden's NSM-20 arms policy (March 19, 2024): https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/03/19/israeli-assurances-use-us-arms-legally-are-not-credible
Irish National Teachers' Organisation statement on Palestine – critical action vital to prevent famine (March 20, 2024): https://www.into.ie/2024/03/20/into-statement-on-palestine-critical-action-vital-to-prevent-famine/
Right-wing media have spent months disparaging liberal and anti-Zionist Jews to undercut support for Palestinians: Trump channeled and echoed a long-running trend in conservative media when he said Jews who vote for Democrats “hate” their religion (March 20, 2024): https://www.mediamatters.org/middle-east/right-wing-media-have-spent-months-disparaging-liberal-and-anti-zionist-jews-undercut
Humanists UK: Call for ceasefire in Gaza (March 21, 2024): https://humanists.uk/2024/03/21/call-for-ceasefire-in-gaza/
Gaza Strip in maps: How life has changed (March 22, 2024): https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-20415675
Association of Legal Aid Attorneys: CONGRESSIONAL SUBPOENA OVER PRO-PALESTINIAN SPEECH VIOLATES FREE SPEECH, ALLEGES ATTORNEYS' AND LEGAL WORKERS' UNION IN ITS RESPONSE (March 25, 2024): https://www.alaa.org/media-releases/congressional-subpoena-over-pro-palestinian-speech-violates-free-speech-alleges-attorneys-and-legal-workers-union-in-its-response
Franciscan Action Network: 12 Christian leaders arrested in Senate calling for ceasefire in Gaza ["The endorsing organizations include Christians for a Free Palestine; Churches for Middle East Peace; Church of the Brethren, Office of Peacebuilding and Policy; Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd, U.S. Provinces; Dorothy Day Catholic Worker; Fellowship of Reconciliation; Festival Center; Franciscan Action Network; Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA); Georgetown University Medical Students for Palestine, Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns; National Advocacy Center of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd; National Council of Churches, USA; Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace; Pax Christi USA; Quixote Center; Sisters of Mercy of the Americas – Justice Team; Sojourners; United Church of Christ; The United Methodist Church — General Board of Church and Society; US Federation of the Sisters of St. Joseph; and the Women’s Alliance for Theology, Ethics, and Ritual (WATER)."] (March 25, 2024): https://franciscanaction.org/12-christian-leaders-arrested-in-senate-calling-for-ceasefire-in-gaza/
NEWS: Bernie Sanders on State Department’s Statement that Israel Has Not Restricted Humanitarian Aid to Gaza (March 25, 2024): https://www.sanders.senate.gov/press-releases/news-sanders-on-state-departments-statement-that-israel-has-not-restricted-humanitarian-aid-to-gaza/
Russian actions in Ukraine to pave way for Gaza war crimes case in ICC: Lawyer leading investigation draws parallels between crises facing Ukrainians and Palestinians (March 25, 2024): https://www.thenationalnews.com/world/europe/2024/03/25/russian-actions-in-ukraine-to-pave-way-for-gaza-war-crimes-case-in-icc/
United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights: A/HRC/55/73: Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967 - Advance unedited version ["After five months of military operations, Israel has destroyed Gaza. Over 30,000 Palestinians have been killed, including more than 13,000 children. Over 12,000 are presumed dead and 71,000 injured, many with life-changing mutilations. Seventy percent of residential areas have been destroyed. Eighty percent of the whole population has been forcibly displaced. Thousands of families have lost loved ones or have been wiped out. Many could not bury and mourn their relatives, forced instead to leave their bodies decomposing in homes, in the street or under the rubble. Thousands have been detained and systematically subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment. The incalculable collective trauma will be experienced for generations to come. By analysing the patterns of violence and Israel’s policies in its onslaught on Gaza, this report concludes that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the threshold indicating Israel’s commission of genocide is met. One of the key findings is that Israel's executive and military leadership and soldiers have intentionally distorted jus in bello principles, subverting their protective functions, in an attempt to legitimize genocidal violence against the Palestinian people."] (March 25, 2024): https://www.ohchr.org/en/documents/country-reports/ahrc5573-report-special-rapporteur-situation-human-rights-palestinian
In New Letter, 140+ Global Christian Leaders Call for Permanent Gaza Ceasefire, Halt of Arms Sales to Israel (March 26, 2024): https://cmep.salsalabs.org/ps-mar262024letter
Over 1,000 People Join 22-Mile Interfaith Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage (March 26, 2024): https://oaklandvoices.us/2024/03/26/over-1000-people-join-22-mile-interfaith-gaza-ceasefire-pilgrimage/
Former State Department official Annelle Sheline: Why I’m resigning from the State Department (March 28, 2024): https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/27/opinions/gaza-israel-resigning-state-department-sheline/index.html
I Could Not Stay Silent: Annelle Sheline Resigns from State Dept. over U.S. Gaza Policy (March 28, 2024): https://www.democracynow.org/2024/3/28/annelle_sheline
‘We cannot be silent’: A statement from the Jesuits on Gaza (March 28, 2024): https://www.americamagazine.org/politics-society/2024/03/28/jesuits-gaza-israel-ceasefire-247605
'I kept on saying goodbye': Gaza hospital reports rise in stillbirths and neonatal deaths: Doctors in Gaza are reporting an increase in adverse pregnancy outcomes, with staff members at a Rafah hospital saying they no longer see "normal-sized babies." (April 2, 2024): https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/gaza-hospital-stillbirths-neonatal-deaths-rcna145582
Rosa Luxemburg Foundation: The Unprecedented Destruction of Gaza Demands an Unprecedented Response (April 2, 2024): https://rosalux.nyc/the-unprecedented-destruction-of-gaza-demands-an-unprecedented-response/
'Unprecedented In Modern History': U.S. Aid Experts Warn Gaza Likely Already Experiencing Famine: The officials made the comments in a government cable sent within the Biden administration on Tuesday and obtained by HuffPost. (April 2, 2024): https://www.huffpost.com/entry/gaza-collapse-famine_n_660c96aae4b0328a72be47f5
A Former State Department Staffer on Why She Publicly Resigned Over Gaza: “There are people working very hard inside State to try to hold Israel accountable, but none of that will actually go into effect unless Biden wants it to,” says Annelle Sheline. (April 3, 2024): https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/04/former-state-department-official-regisns-joe-biden-gaza-israel-palestine-annelle-sheline/
The Independent: It’s time to stop: Editorial: The seven aid workers killed by an Israeli air strike have become symbolic of the lawless, reckless manner in which Benjamin Netanyahu has prosecuted this war. The moment has come to do whatever it takes to force the government of Israel to end it (April 3, 2024): https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/editorials/aid-workers-gaza-israel-killed-air-strike-b2522745.html
UK Judges’ and Lawyers’ Open Letter Concerning Gaza [1000+ signatures] (April 3, 2024): https://lawyersletter.uk
Former officials speak out against Biden’s Israel support after aid worker killings: ‘No one can change his mind’ (April 4, 2024): https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/joe-biden-israel-arms-gaza-b2523435.html
Trócaire: The people of Gaza are Starving; for Food and for Justice (April 4, 2024): https://www.trocaire.org/news/the-people-of-gaza-are-starving-for-food-and-for-justice/
Elizabeth Warren says she believes Israel’s war in Gaza will legally be considered a genocide: “If you want to do it as an application of law, I believe that they’ll find that it is genocide, and they have ample evidence to do so,” Warren said of the case before the ICJ. (April 8, 2024): https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/08/israel-gaza-war-elizabeth-warren-00151120
Letter to the Editor: Don’t downplay the realities in Gaza (April 8, 2024): https://baptistnews.com/article/letter-to-the-editor-dont-downplay-the-realities-in-gaza/
DENMARK: ‘Many are eager to see tangible action to address the situation in Gaza’ ["CIVICUS speaks with Vibe Klarup, Secretary General of Amnesty International Denmark, about the joint civil society lawsuit brought against the Danish state to stop Danish arms exports to Israel."] (April 9, 2024): https://www.civicus.org/index.php/media-resources/news/interviews/6954-denmark-many-are-eager-to-see-tangible-action-to-address-the-situation-in-gaza
Labour Party of Ireland Deputy Aodhán Ó Ríordáin: Words on Gaza must be matched with action (April 9, 2024): https://labour.ie/news/2024/04/09/words-on-gaza-must-be-matched-with-action/
Ex-Obama aides become Biden critics on Gaza (April 10, 2024): https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4583525-obama-allies-expose-dem-rift-over-bidens-israel-hamas-war-strategy/
Israeli strikes killed 7 humanitarian workers with World Central Kitchen. Right-wing media responded by attacking founder José Andrés. Conservative media figures have accused the WCK founder of “blood libel” and called him “self-aggrandizing,” a "swamp favorite,” and a “political radical” (April 10, 2024): https://www.mediamatters.org/middle-east/israeli-strikes-killed-7-humanitarian-workers-world-central-kitchen-right-wing-media
Los Angeles County Federation of Labor joins labor groups calling for cease-fire in Gaza (April 10, 2024): https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2024-04-10/l-a-county-fed-joins-labor-groups-calling-for-a-ceasefire
Young European Socialists (YES) calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. More than 30.000 civilians have been killed in Gaza following Israel military actions. We recall that the protection of civilian lives is a fundamental principle of international law. (April 10, 2024): https://twitter.com/YESocialists/status/1777993174654275791
Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EuroMed Rights): 13,000 Palestinians reportedly missing in the Gaza Strip (April 11, 2024): https://euromedmonitor.org/en/article/6264/13,000-Palestinians-reportedly-missing-in-the-Gaza-Strip
Feroze Sidhwa and Mark Perlmutter: As Surgeons, We Have Never Seen Cruelty Like Israel’s Genocide in Gaza: We urge anyone who reads this to publicly oppose sending weapons to Israel as long as this onslaught continues. (April 11, 2024): https://www.commondreams.org/opinion/surgeons-cruelty-israel-gaza
Former State Department official Annelle Sheline explains resignation over US support of Israel (April 11, 2024): https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/former-state-department-official-explains-resignation-us-support/story?id=109083137
Democratic Coalition Sends Biden a Demand on Military Aid to Israel: In a letter, a dozen groups and labor unions called on the president to enforce a law that bars military support from going to any nation that restricts the delivery of humanitarian aid. (April 12, 2024): https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/12/us/politics/letter-biden-israel-gaza.html
Meeting between Norwegian Prime Minister Støre and Spanish President Sánchez on the war in Gaza (April 12, 2024): https://www.regjeringen.no/en/aktuelt/meeting-between-prime-minister-store-and-president-sanchez-on-the-war-in-gaza/id3033979/
Senator Bernie Sanders Statement on the Escalation in the Middle East (April 15, 2024): https://www.sanders.senate.gov/press-releases/news-sanders-statement-on-the-escalation-in-the-middle-east/
Churches Together in Britain and Ireland: Prayers and statements on violence in Israel and Gaza (April 16, 2024): https://ctbi.org.uk/prayers-and-statements-on-violence-in-israel-and-gaza/
Amos Goldberg, professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Yes, it is genocide (April 18, 2024): https://thepalestineproject.medium.com/yes-it-is-genocide-634a07ea27d4
Georgetown University Faculty and Staff for Justice in Palestine hold second vigil for Gazan academics killed by Israel (April 18, 2024): https://georgetownvoice.com/2024/04/18/faculty-hold-second-vigil-for-gazan-academics-killed-by-israel/
New Hampshire Jews say “Not in My Name” [67 signatures] (April 20, 2024): https://www.nhgazette.com/2024/04/20/n-h-jews-say-not-in-my-name/
Statement from U.S. Representatives Pramila Jayapal, Joaquin Castro, Nydia Velázquez, Lloyd Doggett, Ro Khanna, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Becca Balint, Greg Casar, Mark Takano, Jim McGovern, Barbara Lee, Earl Blumenauer, Judy Chu, Hank Johnson, André Carson, Bonnie Watson Coleman, Jesús “Chuy” García, Jonathan Jackson, and Jill Tokuda on the Israel Security Supplemental (April 20, 2024): https://jayapal.house.gov/2024/04/20/statement-from-jayapal-castro-velazquez-doggett-khanna-ocasio-cortez-balint-casar-takano-mcgovern-barbara-lee-blumenauer-chu-johnson-carson-watson-coleman-jesus-chuy/
submitted by SocialDemocracies to Social_Democracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 20:53 SocialDemocracies Megapost: A list of statements, press releases, and other sources reporting and expressing concern and criticism about Israel's war in Gaza and related aspects of the war. (Part 2)

Megapost: A list of statements, press releases, and other sources reporting and expressing concern and criticism about Israel's war in Gaza and related aspects of the war. (Part 2)

Notes: This is a work that is currently in progress; please check back for updates. Titles have been edited to provide details.
Part 1 is here: https://www.reddit.com/Social_Democracy/comments/1clx1uc/megapost_a_list_of_statements_press_releases_and/
Part 3 is here: https://www.reddit.com/Social_Democracy/comments/1coups2/megapost_a_list_of_statements_press_releases_and/
Part 4 is here: https://www.reddit.com/Social_Democracy/comments/1crvrde/megapost_a_list_of_statements_press_releases_and/
British Association of Social Workers (BASW) and the Social Workers Union (SWU) statement on situation in Israel and Palestine/Gaza (November 15, 2023): https://swu-union.org.uk/2023/11/basw-swu-statement-on-situation-in-israel-and-palestine-gaza/
More than 50 UK Labour Party lawmakers defy leader to back Gaza ceasefire (November 15, 2023): https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/more-than-50-uk-labour-lawmakers-defy-leader-back-gaza-ceasefire-2023-11-15/
RESOLUTION: THE VERMONT PROGRESSIVE PARTY CALLS FOR A CEASEFIRE IN GAZA (November 15, 2023): https://www.progressiveparty.org/progressive-news-and-updates/resolution-the-vermont-progressive-party-calls-for-a-ceasefire-in-gaza
Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors (JHL) condemns all strikes targeting civilians: Trade Union JHL appeals to the Government of Finland: Demand a ceasefire in the Gaza war. JHL will donate EUR 5,000 to Doctors Without Borders. (November 15, 2023): https://www.jhl.fi/en/news/trade-union-jhl-condemns-all-strikes-targeting-civilians/
Humanist Society Scotland calls for ceasefire in Gaza (November 16, 2023): https://www.humanism.scot/2023/11/16/humanist-society-scotland-calls-for-ceasefire-in-gaza/
Irish Congress of Trade Unions calls for humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza (November 16, 2023): https://www.ictu.ie/news/congress-calls-humanitarian-ceasefire-gaza
Longtime Israeli policy foes are leading US protests against Israel’s action in Gaza. Who are they? (November 16, 2023): https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-war-college-protests-c94bb0cd246bcc692de86b76b9b2a8cf
Cori Bush: Calls for Ceasefire Grow in Month Following Introduction of Ceasefire Now Resolution ["A growing coalition of over 100 organizations has also endorsed H.Res 786, the Ceasefire Now Resolution. Endorsing organizations include: 350.org, About Face: Veterans Against the War, ActionAid USA, Action Center on Race & the Economy, Adalah Justice Project, American Center for Justice, American Federation of Ramallah, Palestine (AFRP), American Muslims for Palestine, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), Americans for Justice in Palestine Action, Amnesty International, Arab American Civil Rights League (ACRL), Arab American Institute, Arab Resource & Organizing Center (AROC), Avaaz, Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, Center for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC), Center for Constitutional Rights, Center for Jewish Nonviolence, Center for Popular Democracy Action, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Churches for Middle East Peace, Common Defense, Communities United for Status & Protection (CUSP), Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), Defense for Children International - Palestine, Demand Progress Action, Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN), Democratic Socialists of America, Detroit Action, Dream Defenders, Emgage Action, Freedom Forward, Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL), Gen Z For Change, Grassroots Global Justice Alliance, Highlander Research & Education, Hindus for Human Rights, The House of the Lord Churches, IfNotNow, Institute for Middle Eastern Understanding (IMEU), International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP), IRAP Osgoode Hall Law School, IRAP Rutgers, IRAP UVA Law, IRAP University of Virginia School of Law Chapter, IRAP The George Washington Law School Chapter, Institute for Policy Studies New Internationalism Project, International Refugee Assistance Project at Berkeley Law, Islamic Foundation of Greater St. Louis, The Jerusalem Fund for Education and Community Development, Jewish Voice for Peace Action, Just Foreign Policy, Justice Is Global, Leadership Conference of Women Religious, MADRE, Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns, Michigan United, Migrant Roots Media, Movement for Black Lives, Movement Law Lab, Movement Generation, MoveOn, MPower Change Action Fund, Muslim Advocates, Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), Muslims for Progress, National Campaign for Human Dignity, National Domestic Workers Alliance, National Iranian American Council Action, National Lawyers Guild, Detroit & Michigan Chapter, National Network for Arab American Communities (NNAAC), NYC-DSA, Pax Christi USA, Peace Action, Peace Action Montgomery, Peace, Justice Sustainability NOW!, Progressive Democrats of America, Progressive Jews of St. Louis (ProJoSTL), Project on Middle East Democracy (POMED), Project48, Rainbow PUSH Coalition, Refugee Council USA, ReThinking Foreign Policy, Rising Majority, RootsAction.org, Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference, Sisters of Mercy of the Americas Institute Justice Team, Southeast Asian Freedom Network, Sunrise Movement, Transgender Law Center, UndocuBlack Network, Union of Palestinian American Women, Unitarian Universalist Association, United Church of Christ, United We Dream Network, Until Freedom, US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR), US Council for Muslim Organizations, Vietlead, Women Cross DMZ, Women for Weapons Trade Transparency, Working Families Party, Zero Hour."] (November 17, 2023): https://bush.house.gov/media/press-releases/calls-for-ceasefire-grow-in-month-following-introduction-of-ceasefire-now-resolution
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada and Anglican Church of Canada: Church leaders urge Prime Minister Trudeau to call for a ceasefire and open corridor for humanitarian aid (November 17, 2023): https://www.anglicanlutheran.ca/statements/church-leaders-urge-prime-minister-trudeau-to-call-for-a-ceasefire-and-open-corridor-for-humanitarian-aid/
Jewish American Calls for a Ceasefire Highlight Divisions in the Community (November 17, 2023): https://time.com/6335528/jewish-american-ceasefire-progressive-jews/
Jews for Ceasefire holds demonstration outside Schwarzman, demands Yale divest from weapons manufacturing (November 17, 2023): https://yaledailynews.com/blog/2023/11/17/jews-for-ceasefire-holds-demonstration-outside-schwarzman-demands-yale-divest-from-weapons-manufacturing/
Josh Ruebner, adjunct professor in Justice and Peace Studies at Georgetown University: Israel is threatening a second Nakba — but it’s already happening (November 17, 2023): https://thehill.com/opinion/international/4313276-israel-is-threatening-a-second-nakba-but-its-already-happening/
I Am the Grandchild of Holocaust Survivors, and I Am Calling for Ceasefire Now (November 18, 2023): https://truthout.org/articles/i-am-the-grandchild-of-holocaust-survivors-and-i-am-calling-for-ceasefire-now/
Diseases spread in Gaza amid water and sewage crisis, cholera feared (November 19, 2023): https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/19/diseases-spread-in-gaza-amid-water-and-sewage-crisis-cholera-feared
Association of Black Anthropologists Statement on Solidarity with Palestine (November 20, 2023): https://aba.americananthro.org/aba-statement-on-solidarity-with-palestine/
With the world’s eyes on Gaza, attacks are on the rise in the West Bank, which faces its own war (November 20, 2023): https://apnews.com/article/palestinians-israel-west-bank-war-gaza-hamas-settlers-army-raid-militants-c1386ab6a633971cc18b2497169210d3
Derek Duba: Army veterans like me know that 'war is hell.' Let's push for a ceasefire in Gaza (November 21, 2023): https://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/op-ed/2023/11/21/gaza-ceasefire-only-way-forward-israel-palestine-veterans/71660423007/
Middle East Studies Association Board Letter to Biden Administration on Ceasefire in Gaza (November 21, 2023): https://mesana.org/advocacy/letters-from-the-board/2023/11/21/mesa-board-letter-to-biden-administration-on-ceasefire-in-gaza
This Union Is Famous for Opposing South African Apartheid. Now It’s Standing With Gaza. In 1984, ILWU Local 10 refused to unload goods shipped from South Africa. Today, it’s demanding a cease-fire. (November 21, 2023): https://www.thenation.com/article/activism/ilwu-unions-ceasefire-israel-gaza/
‘Not in my name’: Jews in UK take a stand against Israel’s Gaza assault (November 24, 2023): https://www.aa.com.ten/europe/-not-in-my-name-jews-in-uk-take-a-stand-against-israel-s-gaza-assault/3063568
British Sociological Association: Sociologists’ Letter on Gaza (November 27, 2023): https://es.britsoc.co.uk/sociologists-letter-on-gaza/
Opinion by Ermina Mustafic-Harambasic: As the daughter of Bosnian genocide survivors, I stand with Palestine: There are many parallels between the denial of the Srebrenica genocide and the denial of the Palestinian genocide (November 27, 2023): https://www.sltrib.com/opinion/commentary/2023/11/27/opinion-daughter-bosnian-genocide/
Changing course, Senator Peter Welch calls for ‘indefinite’ cease-fire in Gaza (November 28, 2023): https://vtdigger.org/2023/11/28/changing-course-peter-welch-calls-for-indefinite-ceasefire-in-gaza/
National Council of Churches in the Philippines: An Urgent Statement on the Situation in Gaza, Pray for Peace and Justice in Palestine and Israel (November 29, 2023): https://nccphilippines.org/2023/11/29/an-urgent-statement-on-the-situation-in-gaza-pray-for-peace-and-justice-in-palestine-and-israel/
Rae Abileah: Never Again means Never Again for Anyone, including Gazans (November 9, 2023): https://www.hmbreview.com/opinion/matters_of_opinion/never-again-means-never-again-for-anyone-including-gazans/article_a8447418-8ecb-11ee-8df5-4bb3d40e681a.html
Public Services International: International Trade Unions Urgently call for Ceasefire in Gaza amidst Ongoing Human Rights Violations (November 30, 2023): https://publicservices.international/resources/news/international-trade-unions-urgently-call-for-ceasefire-in-gaza-amidst-ongoing-human-rights-violations?id=14308⟨%3Den
Spanish prime minister Pedro Sánchez says he doubts Israel is respecting international law (November 30, 2023): https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/30/spain-pm-pedro-sanchez-israel-hamas-terror-attacks-gaza
Open Letter from Professionals at Jewish Organizations to President Biden and Congress [850+ signatures] (December 2023): https://docs.google.com/document1/d/e/2PACX-1vQ1EFVMTDvaxvWXldzbZvr60BE5o3UQeU_WfiXX3ivcUVU1SAYU13wZsBhDVbmtbXmKejMNajY1xSQ1/pub
Bubba Fish, Culver County Democratic Club: A Jewish Case for an End to the War (December 1, 2023): https://www.c-c-d-c.com/a-jewish-case-for-an-end-to-the-wa
United Auto Workers Statement on Israel and Palestine (December 1, 2023): https://uaw.org/uaw-statement-israel-palestine/
Jane Fonda: "I join with millions of others in calling for —in the words of the UN Secretary General —‘a true humanitarian ceasefire’ in Gaza." (December 2, 2023): https://www.instagram.com/janefonda/p/C0XIXkUJhI1/
Daanish Faruqi: Israel is using the same tactics in Gaza that al-Assad employed in Syria (December 3, 2023): https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2023/12/3/israel-is-using-the-same-tactics-in-gaza-that-al-assad-employed-in-syria
Catholic Workers Speak Out for Ceasefire, Peace (December 4, 2023): https://catholicworker.org/cws-speak-out-for-ceasefire-peace/
Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières: The US must call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza: An open letter to President Biden from MSF-USA executive director Avril Benoît (December 4, 2023): https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/latest/us-must-call-immediate-ceasefire-gaza
Greta Thunberg and Fridays for Future Sweden activists Alde Nilsson, Jamie Mater, and Raquel Frescia: We won’t stop speaking out about Gaza’s suffering – there is no climate justice without human rights: Young climate activists haven’t ‘been radicalised’ – solidarity with marginalised people has always been at the heart of our message (December 5, 2023): https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/dec/05/gaza-climate-justice-human-rights-greta-thunberg
National Union of Journalists condemns unprecedented death toll of journalists in Gaza (December 5, 2023): https://www.nuj.org.uk/resource/nuj-condemns-unprecedented-death-toll-of-journalists-in-gaza.html
‘These are very hard times’: Pastor of Gaza Catholic church gives update on Christians’ plight (December 6, 2023): https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/256192/these-are-very-hard-times-pastor-of-gaza-catholic-church-gives-update-on-christian-s-plight
Catholic progressives in Brazil call Gaza war a ‘true genocide’ (December 7, 2023): https://cruxnow.com/church-in-the-americas/2023/12/catholic-progressives-in-brazil-call-gaza-war-a-true-genocide
Corporate Europe Observatory: Gaza: Ceasefire now (December 7, 2023): https://corporateeurope.org/en/2023/12/gaza-ceasefire-now
Faculty and staff members in American University’s School of International Service call for ceasefire in Gaza: “We now call on our governments and campuses to bravely Wage Peace instead.” (December 8, 2023): https://www.theeagleonline.com/article/2023/12/sis-staff-and-faculty-call-for-ceasefire-in-gaza & https://sites.google.com/student.american.edu/american-university/home
International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group statement: Canada Must Oppose Genocide in Gaza and Defend Free Expression at Home (December 8, 2023): https://iclmg.ca/canada-must-oppose-genocide/
Senator Bernie Sanders: AIPAC is a right-wing organization that supports extremist Republican election-denier candidates. Now, they want to spend $100 million to defeat Progressives. Whether AIPAC likes it or not, the U.S. must not give a blank check to Netanyahu’s horrific war policies. (December 10, 2023): https://twitter.com/BernieSanders/status/1733932123357085759
Ahead of White House Hanukkah celebration, a wave of faith-led cease-fire demonstrations (December 11, 2023): https://religionnews.com/2023/12/11/jewish-christian-activists-head-up-another-wave-of-faith-led-cease-fire-demonstrations/
Edward P. Djerejian Center for the Middle East, James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy: Israel’s Mass Displacement of Gazans Fits Strategy of Using Migration as a Tool of War (December 11, 2023): https://www.bakerinstitute.org/research/israels-mass-displacement-gazans-fits-strategy-using-migration-tool-war
Letter: What 'pro-life' justification can Hoeven, Cramer and Armstrong offer for opposing a ceasefire? "Thousands of dead children in a few weeks seems like an obvious pro-life issue," writes Mercedes Saylor. (December 11, 2023): https://www.inforum.com/opinion/letters/letter-what-pro-life-justification-can-hoeven-cramer-and-armstrong-offer-for-opposing-a-ceasefire
International Federation for Human Rights (Fédération internationale des ligues des droits de l'homme): The unfolding genocide against the Palestinians must stop immediately (December 12, 2023): https://www.fidh.org/en/region/north-africa-middle-east/israel-palestine/the-unfolding-genocide-against-the-palestinians-must-stop-immediately
Unitarian Universalist Women's Federation: Statement on Gaza/Israeli conflict (December 13, 2023): https://www.uuwf.org/blog/13290680
Exclusive: Nearly half of the Israeli munitions dropped on Gaza are imprecise ‘dumb bombs,’ US intelligence assessment finds (December 14, 2023): https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/13/politics/intelligence-assessment-dumb-bombs-israel-gaza/index.html
Los Angeles Times Editorial Board: U.S. should join the world’s nations in demanding a Gaza cease-fire (December 14, 2024): https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2023-12-14/gaza-ceasefire-israel-united-states-civilian-deaths
1199SEIU, nation’s largest healthcare union, calls for Gaza ceasefire (December 15, 2023): https://www.1199seiu.org/media-cente1199seiu-nations-largest-healthcare-union-calls-gaza-ceasefire
A Long History of Antifascism Is Driving the Jewish Demand for Gaza Cease-Fire (December 15, 2023): https://inthesetimes.com/article/chanukah-jewish-antifascism-israel-palestine-jvp-ifnotnow-gaza-ceasefire
Senator Bernie Sanders Introduces Resolution to Investigate Israel’s Indiscriminate Bombing Campaign in Gaza (December 15, 2023): https://www.sanders.senate.gov/press-releases/news-sanders-introduces-resolution-to-investigate-israels-indiscriminate-bombing-campaign-in-gaza/
Union for Reform Judaism Alumni and Current Members for Ceasefire (December 16, 2023): https://urjceasefirenow.wordpress.com/2023/12/16/urj-alumni-and-current-members-for-ceasefire/
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ President Pleads for Peace as Innocent People are Killed in the Land of Jesus' Birth (December 16, 2023): https://www.usccb.org/news/2023/us-bishops-president-pleads-peace-innocent-people-are-killed-land-jesus-birth
Auschwitz Museum Decries Israeli Mayor's 'Sick' Call to 'Empty' Gaza: "We do hope that Israeli authorities will react to such shameful abuse, as terrorism can never be a response to terrorism." (December 18, 2023): https://www.commondreams.org/news/israel-genocidal-statements
Jews for Racial and Economic Justice: Stop the Bombs! Ceasefire Now! (December 18, 2023): https://www.jfrej.org/events/2023/12/stop-the-bombs-ceasefire-now
Nontombi Naomi Tutu and Nompumelelo (Mungi) Ngomane, respectively the daughter and granddaughter of Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu: We have failed in the fight for justice — we need ceasefire in Gaza now (December 18, 2023): https://thehill.com/opinion/international/4365307-we-have-failed-in-the-fight-for-justice-we-need-ceasefire-in-gaza-now/
Representative Betty McCollum: AIPAC Dangerously Trafficking in Hate Speech Amid Israel-Gaza War (December 18, 2023): https://mccollum.house.gov/media/press-releases/mccollum-aipac-dangerously-trafficking-hate-speech-amid-israel-gaza-war
Association of Legal Aid Attorneys, United Auto Workers Local 2325: Resolution Calling for a Ceasefire in Gaza, an End to the Israeli Occupation of Palestine, and Support for Workers’ Political Speech (December 19, 2023): https://www.alaa.org/media-releases/resolution-calling-for-a-ceasefire-in-gaza-an-end-to-the-israeli-occupation-of-palestine-and-support-for-workers-political-speech
Joint Statement by Current and Former Australian Elected Representatives on the Situation in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories [300+ signatures] (December 19, 2023): https://apan.org.au/joint-statement/ & https://docs.google.com/document/d/182u4eJnJUZ_Uruf1GlchLnF8XotnpnAX/
Liberal International bureau supports humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza (December 19, 2023): https://liberal-international.org/news-articles/li-bureau-supports-humanitarian-ceasefire-in-gaza/
Fox News host Mark Levin's hateful defenses of civilian casualties, calls for war crimes, and xenophobic attacks on Palestinians (December 20, 2023): https://www.mediamatters.org/mark-levin/mark-levins-hateful-defenses-civilian-casualties-calls-war-crimes-and-xenophobic-attacks
I’m a Palestinian Christian in Gaza. I want peace—for my homeland and my family. (December 20, 2023): https://www.americamagazine.org/faith/2023/12/20/christian-gaza-wartime-church-community-246754
Israel Defense Forces and Yom Kippur War veteran from Woodstock urges ceasefire in Gaza [Israeli veteran Mark Hammel on Israel's war in Gaza: “It's an unmitigated horror story ... It's literally on the cusp of genocide."] (December 21, 2023): https://spectrumlocalnews.com/nys/central-ny/news/2023/12/21/israel-defense-forces-veteran-from-woodstock-urges-ceasefire-in-gaza
Public Citizen Statement on the Violence in Gaza and Israel (December 21, 2023): https://www.citizen.org/news/statement-on-the-violence-in-gaza-and-israel/
Franciscans International: Amid rising death toll, Security Council must call for a ceasefire in Gaza (December 22, 2023): https://franciscansinternational.org/blog/amid-rising-death-toll-security-council-must-call-for-a-ceasefire-in-gaza/
Holy Land: Caritas Internationalis joins today’s Global Day of Action calling for a Ceasefire Now (December 22, 2023): https://www.caritas.org/2023/12/holy-land-caritas-internationalis-joins-todays-global-day-of-action-calling-for-a-ceasefire-now/ & https://www.change.org/p/sign-and-share-this-urgent-petition-calling-for-a-ceasefirenow-in-gaza-and-israel
Marianne Williamson on her US presidential campaign, the economy and Gaza: ‘The death of a Palestinian child is no less horrifying than the death of an Israeli child,’ author tells Al Jazeera. (December 22, 2023): https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/12/22/marianne-williamson-on-her-us-presidential-campaign-the-economy-and-gaza
The Human Rights Institute of the International Bar Association condemns the indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks on Gaza and reiterates the call for an immediate ceasefire (December 22, 2023): https://www.ibanet.org/The-Human-Rights-Institute-of-the-IBA-condemns-the-indiscriminate-and-disproportionate-attacks-on-Gaza-and-reiterates-the-call-for-an-immediate-ceasefire
Who Is Funding Canary Mission? Inside the Doxxing Operation Targeting Anti-Zionist Students and Professors (December 22, 2023): https://www.thenation.com/article/world/canary-mission-israel-covert-operations/
Rebecca Alpert, Reconstructionist Rabbi and Professor Emerita of Religion at Temple University: “Ceasefire Now!” Means Peace for All and Justice for Palestinians (December 28, 2023): https://truthout.org/articles/ceasefire-now-means-peace-for-all-and-justice-for-palestinians/
Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov appears to liken Israel’s war on Hamas in Gaza to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: FM Labrov praises Netanyahu since ‘he never dared’ to criticize Russia, says Israel’s campaign against Hamas ‘sounds like denazification,’ echoing Moscow’s justification for its war (December 28, 2023): https://www.timesofisrael.com/lavrov-appears-to-liken-israels-war-on-hamas-in-gaza-to-russias-invasion-of-ukraine/
Palestine: Intersectional Solidarity: Statements from Afghans, Iranians, Hongkongers, Tibetans, Kurds, Syrians, Taiwanese, Uyghurs, and Ukrainians (December 28, 2023): https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/anonymous-palestine-intersectional-solidarity
Physicians for Social Responsibility: Urgent Call for Ceasefire and Humanitarian Aid in Gaza (December 28, 2023): https://psr.org/urgent-call-for-ceasefire-and-humanitarian-aid-in-gaza/
World Council of Churches calls for immediate end to brutal violence in Gaza (December 30, 2023): https://www.oikoumene.org/news/wcc-calls-for-immediate-end-to-brutal-violence-in-gaza
Database of Israeli Incitement to Genocide (January-February 2023): https://law4palestine.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Database-of-Israeli-Incitement-to-Genocide-including-after-ICJ-order-27th-February-2024-.pdf
Muslims for Progressive Values: Never Again? (January 4, 2024): https://www.mpvusa.org/blog/never-again
Social workers send letters from Gaza (January 4, 2024): https://reimaginingsocialwork.nz/2024/01/04/social-workers-send-letters-from-gaza/
Anti-Defamation League staff decry ‘dishonest’ campaign against Israel critics (January 5, 2024): https://www.theguardian.com/news/2024/jan/05/adl-pro-israel-advocacy-zionism-antisemitism
"We Support South Africa's Genocide Convention Case Against Israel": Over 1,000 popular movements, political parties, unions, and other organizations call on states around the world to support South Africa's genocide case against Israel. [Including: Amazon Labor Union, USA; American Friends Service Committee - AFSC, USA; AFSCME Local 526, USA; Antipoverty Centre, Australia; Australian Unemployed Workers' Union; Black Workers for Justice (BWFJ), USA; Boycott from Within (Israeli citizens for BDS); Canadian Friends Service Committee, Canada; CGT - Confederación General del Trabajo, Spain; Church Women United in New York State, USA; Civil Engagement Group of Seanad Éireann (Senate of Ireland), Ireland; Coalition Against Fascism in India (International); CODEPINK, USA; Columbia Law Students for Palestine (CLSP), USA; Community Peacemaker Teams; Confederación Intersindical, Spain; CUNY for Palestine, USA; Defence for Children International; Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN); Democratic Socialists of America, USA; Egyptian Social Democratic Party, Egypt; Faculty for Justice in Palestine at Syracuse University, USA; GEO-UAW Local 2322, USA; GSOC-UAW Local 2110, USA; Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers, London; Harvard Jews for Palestine, USA; Hindus for Human Rights, USA; International Peace Bureau (IPB), International; Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions USA; Jewish Voice for Labour (UK); La France Insoumise, France; Labour For Palestine - Canada; Labour International, UK; Landless Workers Movement MST, Brazil; Medical Association for Prevention of War, Australia; Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC), USA; Mississippi Immigrants Rights Alliance (MIRA), USA; National Lawyers Guild, USA; National Single Payer, USA; Nonviolence International; NYC City Workers for Palestine, USA; NYU Alumni for Palestine, USA; Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace, USA; Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions, PGFTU, Palestine; Pax Christi Canada; Pax Christi USA; Physicians for Social Responsibility Kansas City (PSR-KC), USA; Physicians for Social Responsibility/Sacramento, USA; Progressive Democrats of America, Oregon Chapter, USA; Progressive International; Sarah Lawrence Faculty for Justice in Palestine; Scholars Against the War on Palestine, Canada/International; Science for the People - Canada; Science for the People, USA; Secours Catholique, France; Servicio Internacional Cristiano de Solidaridad con America Latina (SICSAL Mexico); Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Enseñanza de Cantabria (STEC), Spain; Sínodo Luterano Salvadoreño, El Salvador; Transnational Institute; Trinity Lutheran Church, Brooklyn NY, USA; Tunisian General Labor Union UGTT; UMass Amherst Faculty for Justice in Palestine, USA; UMKC Students for Justice in Palestine, USA; Union Juive Française pour la Paix (UJFP - French Jewish Peace Union); Unionists for Palestine, Australia; United Church of Christ Palestine Israel Network, USA; United Jewish People's Order, Canada; United Methodists for Kairos Response (UMKR); US Committee to End Political Repression in Egypt] (January 8, 2024): https://progressive.international/wire/2024-01-08-we-support-south-africas-genocide-convention-case-against-israel/en
Etan Nechin: The far right infiltration of Israel’s media is blinding the public to the truth about Gaza (January 9, 2024): https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/jan/09/israel-media-gaza-benjamin-netanyahu-settler-movement
Michelle Goldberg in the New York Times via U.S. Representative Lloyd Doggett: America Must Face Up to Israel’s Extremism (January 9, 2024): https://doggett.house.gov/media/in-the-news/new-york-times-america-must-face-israels-extremism
Q&A: Former Biden appointee Tariq Habash says US policy is ‘dehumanising’ Palestinians (January 9, 2024): https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/1/9/qa-former-biden-appointee-says-us-policy-is-dehumanising-palestinians
State and Local Elected Officials Open Letter to President Biden Calling for a Ceasefire [350+ signatures] (January 9, 2024): https://www.jvpaction.org/state-and-local-elected-officials-open-letter-to-president-biden-calling-for-a-ceasefire/
I led strike cells against ISIS — Israel’s strike campaign in Gaza is unacceptable (January 10, 2024): https://thehill.com/opinion/national-security/4397982-i-led-strike-cells-against-isis-israels-strike-campaign-in-gaza-is-unacceptable/
Naomi Klein: We have a tool to stop Israel’s war crimes: BDS (January 10, 2024): https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/jan/10/only-outside-pressure-can-stop-israels-war-crimes
Revealed: Congress backers of Gaza war received most from pro-Israel donors: Guardian analysis finds top recipients of pro-Israel contributions in last elections were centrist Democrats who defeated progressives in primaries (January 10, 2024): https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/jan/10/congress-member-pro-israel-donations-military-support
Why I Resigned: Meet Tariq Habash, First Biden Appointee to Quit over U.S.-Backed Israeli War on Gaza (January 10, 2024): https://www.democracynow.org/2024/1/10/tariq_habash
Robert C. Koehler: The Cry of the Wounded and the Dead: End the War! End the War! (January 13, 2024): https://www.commondreams.org/opinion/when-will-the-war-in-gaza-end
On MLK Day, Representative Ayanna Pressley and Interfaith Coalition Call for Ceasefire in Gaza ["Rep. Pressley joined over 90 leaders from the Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist and other faith traditions in signing the statement, including Rev. Nikira Hernandez, Brighton Allston Congregational Church, Rev. Darrell R. Hamilton II, The First Baptist Church in, Jamaica Plain, Imam Ahmad Barry, Rev. Aisha Ansano. Rev. Otto Concannon, First Parish in Malden, Rev. Ashlee Wiest-Laird, First Baptist Church in Jamaica Plain, Imam Abdullah Faaruuq, Mosque for Praising Allah, Rev. Elizabeth Nguyen, Community Justice Exchange, Chaplain Ylisse C. Bess, Rev. Jo Murphy, Rev. Shea Thompson, Rev. Rob Mark, Rev. Erica Rose Long, Rabbi Rebecca Zimmerman Hornstein, Boston Workers Circle, Imam Taalib Mahdee, Masjid Al Qur’an, Rev. Art J. Gordon, St. John Missionary Baptist Church, Rev. Fred Small, Rev. Heather Concannon, Rev. Miniard Culpepper, Pleasant Hill Missionary Baptist Church, Rabbi Leora Abelson, Rabbi Leah Nussbaum, Rev. Willie Bodrick, II J.D., M.Div., Twelfth Baptist Church, The Very Rev. Amy McCreath, Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Boston (Episcopal), Rev. James Harrison Jr., Southern Baptist Church, Rev. Bernadette Hickman-Maynard, Rev. Erica F Richmond, Arlington, MA, Rev. Arrington Chambliss, St Mary’s Dorchester, Rev. Dr. Michelle A. Walsh, Tuckerman Creative Ministries for Justice & Healing, Rev. Dr. Clyde Grubbs, Tuckerman Creative Ministries, Muslims for Justice, Rev. Isaac P. Martinez, The Allston Abbey, Rev. Ashley Popperson, Rev. Lindsay Popperson, Old North Church, Marblehead, Rev. Myozen Joan Amaral, Zen Center North Shore, Rev. Dr. Andre K. Bennett, Marc Fredette, UU Minister, Rev. Edmund Robinson, First Parish in Hingham/Old Ship, Chaplain Christie Towers, Rev. Kenneth Read-Brown, Rev. Martha Schick, Cassandra Montenegro, Esq., First Parish in Cambridge, Unitarian Universalist, Rev. Dr. William J. Gardiner, Rev. Wendy Page, Rev. Elizabeth Bukey Saunter, Rev. Mel Pace, Rabbi Becky Silverstein, Rev. Katie Omberg, Rev. Rali M Weaver, First Church and Parish Dedham, Rev. Anne M. Rousseau, Rev. Brett R. Johnson, Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Wakefield, MA, Rev. James Leavitt, Rev. Daryn Bunce Stylianopoulos, Mohanad Mossalam, Khateeb, Malden Islamic Center, Daniela Harrigan, Movement Chaplain, MC Miller, Candidate for Ordination in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, University Lutheran Church, Cambridge, MA, Allison N Brown, Pastoral Candidate for Ordination , The Episcopal Church, India Wood, Seminarian, Boston University Theological School, Rhea Brown-Bright, Director of Faith Formation, First Parish Dorchester, Boston University School of Theology, Linden Jenkins, St Cecilia Parish Social & Racial Justice Ministry, Vincent Ware, Director of Public Affairs & Civic Engagement, MAS Boston (Muslim American Society), Becca Heisler, Rabbinical Student, Jayce Koester, Rabbinical Student, Hadar Ahuvia, Rabbinical Student, Sam Tygiel, Rabbinical Student, Alex Bailey Dillon, Rabbinical Student, Hannah Limov, Rabbinical Student, Chaim Spaulding, Rabbinical Student, Aaron Berc, Rabbinical Student, Rivka Nechemya Thrope, Rabbinical Student, Max Davis, Rabbinical Student, Sivan Piatigorsky, Rabbinical Student, Rayden Marcum, Rabbinical Student, Rumni Saha (MDiv, MEd), Ian Evans, Clergy in training, McKayla Hoffman, Ministerial Intern, Nichole Mossalam, Muslim Activist, Elizabeth Claggett-Borne, Friends (Quakers) for Racial Justice, Carole Rein, Quaker, North Shore Friends (Quakers), Polly Attwood, Quaker, Friends Meeting Cambridge, Isabella Bates, Quaker, North Shore Quaker Meeting, Dr. Esther Ngotho, Zen Center North Shore, Nora Williams, Zen Center North Shore, Michael Carey, Peace and Social Justice Committee, Friends Meeting Cambridge, Don Gianniny, Peace and Social Justice Committee, Friends Meeting Cambridge, Holly Aloha Jaynes, Unitarian Universalist Church of Marblehead, Ehab Hilali, Community Organizer, Independent Drivers Guild, Nicole Moore, UU Church of Marblehead & Zen Center North Shore, Sarah Manasrah, Community Organizer, Salimah Adawiya, Educator, Rabbi Victor Reinstein, Dr. Jamal Carlos Saeh, Palestinian Catholic, Friend Kristina Keefe-Perry, Three Rivers Worship Group, Rev. Carrie Ballenger, University Lutheran Church, Rev. Tricia Brennan, and Rev. Dr. Christopher Ney, United Church of Christ."] (January 15, 2024): https://pressley.house.gov/2024/01/15/on-mlk-day-pressley-and-interfaith-coalition-call-for-ceasefire-in-gaza-2/
Canadian Labour Congress Executive Committee reiterates its support for International Trade Union Confederation's call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza (January 16, 2024): https://canadianlabour.ca/clc-executive-committee-reiterates-its-support-for-itucs-call-for-an-immediate-ceasefire-in-gaza/
Bosnia war, genocide survivors back ICJ Gaza genocide case against Israel (January 18, 2024): https://www.newarab.com/news/bosnia-war-genocide-survivors-back-icj-gaza-genocide-case / https://docs.google.com/document/d/1M5J0MK5LlKjlAZX4cPNNiEGMJZHLM8Qa/
Unions tell Starmer of members’ anger over Gaza ceasefire position (Members of Britain’s biggest unions used a regular meeting with Starmer this week to urge him to be more critical of Israel, following weeks of tension within the Labour party over the issue. [...] “Several people at the meeting were pretty clear with Starmer,” said one person with knowledge of what happened at the meeting. “They told him, ‘Your position on Gaza is alienating working people, you are out of step with the majority’.”] (January 18, 2024): https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2024/jan/18/unions-keir-starmer-gaza-ceasefire
Anglican Bishop Christopher calls for ceasefire ‘to end appalling suffering’ in Gaza (January 19, 2024): https://southwark.anglican.org/news-events/news/latest-news/bishop-christopher-calls-for-ceasefire-to-end-appalling-suffering-in-gaza/
Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor: Israel kills dozens of academics, destroys every university in the Gaza Strip (January 20, 2024): https://euromedmonitor.org/en/article/6108/Israel-kills-dozens-of-academics,-destroys-every-university-in-the-Gaza-Strip
Gaza activist tells of beating and abuse in Israeli detention: Human rights worker Ayman Lubbad is among the Palestinian prisoners claiming abuse in Israeli custody, where six have died (January 21, 2024): https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/21/gaza-activist-tells-of-beating-and-abuse-in-israeli-detention
Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions (SAK) calls for ceasefire in Gaza (January 22, 2024): https://www.sak.fi/en/whats-new/news/sak-calls-ceasefire-gaza
Service Employees International Union (SEIU) President Mary Kay Henry's Statement on War in Gaza (January 22, 2024): https://www.seiu.org/2024/01/seius-mary-kay-henry-statement-on-war-in-gaza
‘I just want to run’: Mental health care yet another casualty of Gaza war (January 23, 2024): https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2024-01-23/i-just-want-to-run-mental-health-care-yet-another-casualty-of-gaza-war
Progressive Baptists Call for Gaza Ceasefire (January 23, 2024): https://wordandway.org/2024/01/23/progressive-baptists-call-for-gaza-ceasefire/
Israeli police repressing anti-war protests with ‘iron fist,’ say activists: Since October 7, Israel's police have systematically banned, restricted, and attacked protests against the army's assault on Gaza, instilling a sense of fear among Jewish and Palestinian citizens alike. (January 24, 2024): https://www.972mag.com/israel-police-repression-protests-gaza/
More than 250 humanitarian and human rights organisations call to stop arms transfers to Israel and Palestinian armed groups: An open call to all UN Member States to stop fueling the crisis in Gaza and avert further humanitarian catastrophe and loss of civilian life. [Including: ActionAid France; American Baptist Churches USA; American Friends Service Committee (AFSC); Amnesty International; Anglican Church of Canada; Anglican Church of Mexico; Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development; BDS Berlin; Belgian Academics and Artists for Palestine; Cameroon Youths and Students Forum for Peace (CAMYOSFOP); Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD); Center for Jewish Nonviolence; Christian Aid; Christian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament; Christian Jewish Allies for a Just Peace in Israel/Palestine; Church and Peace – Ecumenical Peace Church Network in Europe; Colombian Campaign to Ban Landmines; Community of Christ; Danish Refugee Council; Doctors Against Genocide; Episcopal Peace Fellowship-Palestine Israel Network; Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada; Federation Handicap International – Humanity & Inclusion; Finnish-Arab Friendship Society; France Palestine Mental Health Network; International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH); Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions – UK; Japan International Volunteer Center; Jewish Network for Palestine; Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns; Mercy Corps; Muslim Delegates and Allies Coalition; Muslim Peace Fellowship; National Organization of Yemeni Reporters SADA; Norwegian Refugee Council; Oxfam; Palestinian Farmers Union; Pax Christi England and Wales; Pax Christi International; Pax Christi Italia; Pax Christi Scotland; Pax Christi USA; Presbyterian Church in Canada; Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.); Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft; Salam For Yemen; Save the Children; Socialist Movement of Ghana; Syrian Network for Human Rights; United Church of Canada; United Church of Christ; United Methodist Church – General Board of Church and Society; War on Want; Women for Peace and Democracy Nepal; Young Christian Students Movement South Africa] (January 24, 2024): https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/01/more-than-250-humanitarian-and-human-rights-organisations-call-to-stop-arms-transfers-to-israel-palestinian-armed-groups/
submitted by SocialDemocracies to Social_Democracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 12:43 HighpingPete Sory of Spanish sailor wrecked off Ireland during thr Spanish Armada and his life on the run.

Highly reccomend his journal.
Francisco de Cuéllar (Valladolid, Spain, 1562)was a Spanish sea captain who sailed with the Spanish Armada in 1588 and was wrecked on the coast of Ireland. He gave a remarkable account of his experiences in the fleet and on the run in Ireland.
Life before Ireland
Cuéllar's place and date of birth are uncertain, but undoubtedly he was of Castilian origin. The surname refers to a village in the province of Segovia called Cuéllar, and is a common Castilian family name. According to recent research ("El capitán Francisco de Cuéllar antes y después de la jornada de Inglaterra", by Rafael M. Girón Pascual), there was a captain named Francisco de Cuéllar, perhaps our man, born in the city of Valladolid, who was baptized on March, twelve, 1562 in the parish of San Miguel.
Cuéllar was a member of the army that conquered Portugal during the War of the Portuguese Succession in 1581. Following Rafael Giron, he served in the Diego Flores Valdés navy, which sailed to the Strait of Magellan, aboard the frigate Santa Catalina. He was later in Paraiba, Brazil, where he participated in expelling French settlers from the area. After that he served under the Marquis of Santa Cruz in the Azores.
Spanish Armada and hitting land.
The Armada suffered heavy losses during an extraordinary season of storms in the autumn of 1588. Cuéllar had been captain of the San Pedro, a galleon of the squadron of Castille, one of the front-line squadrons of the Spanish Armada, when the ship left its position in the Armada formation in the North Sea in order to make repairs. He was accused of disobedience and was sentenced to death by hanging by the Major General of the fleet, Francisco Arias de Bobadilla. Cuéllar was sent to the merchantman, La Lavia, for execution of sentence by the Auditor General, Martin de Aranda.
The sentence was not executed, and Cuéllar remained on board until the merchantman, a member of the Levant squadron, which suffered heavy losses on the return voyage (less than 400 survivors returned out of 4,000 who set sail), anchored in the company of two others on the Irish coast, a mile off Streedagh Strand in present-day County Sligo. On the fifth day at anchor all three ships were driven onto the beach, where they broke up. Of the 1,000 men on board, 300 survived.
Local inhabitants beat, robbed and stripped those who came ashore. But Cuéllar, having clung to a loose hatch cover, floated to shore unobserved and concealed himself among rushes. He was in poor shape, and was joined by a naked fellow survivor who was dumbstruck and soon died. Cuéllar kept drifting in and out of consciousness; at one point he and his fellow survivor were discovered by two armed men, who covered them with rushes before going to the shore to loot. At another point he saw 200 horsemen riding across the beach.
When Cuéllar crawled out he saw 800 corpses littering the sand, with ravens and wild dogs feeding on them. He moved on to the Abbey of Staad, a small church which had been torched by the English after its friars had fled. He saw twelve of his countrymen hanging from nooses tied to iron bars of the windows within the church ruins, who had been hanged by English Lutheran soldiers. A local woman who was driving cattle into hiding in the woods warned him to stay out of the road, and he then met two naked Spanish soldiers, who informed him that English soldiers had killed 100 captive survivors.
The Spaniards saw 400 corpses on another beach. When they stopped to bury the bodies of two officers they were confronted by four locals who demanded the remainder of de Cuellar's clothes. Another local ordered them to leave him alone and directed the Spaniards to his own village. They made their way there barefoot in cold weather, through a wood where they met two young men travelling with an old man and a young woman: the young men attacked de Cuéllar, and he received a leg wound from a knife-thrust, before the old man intervened.
De Cuéllar was stripped of his clothing, and a gold chain worth 1,000 ducats and 45 gold crowns were taken from him. The young woman ensured his clothes were returned, and took a locket containing relics, which she hung about her neck, before departing. Then a boy came to treat his wounds with a poultice and brought food of milk, butter and oaten bread.
Heeding the boy's warning not to approach the village, de Cuéllar limped past and went on his way alone, living off berries and watercress. He was set upon by a group of men who beat him hard and stripped him of his clothes; he covered himself with a skirt of plaited ferns and rushes. He came to a deserted settlement at the edge of a lake, where he was surprised to find three other Spaniards. Having stayed some time at the settlement, the group met a young man who spoke Latin and directed them to the territory of Sir Brian O'Rourke in present-day County Leitrim.
In O'Rourke's country they found greater safety, at "a village belonging to better people, Christian and kindly", where 70 Spaniards were enjoying refuge. Dressed in lice-infested cloak and trousers, Cuéllar set off northward in a party to meet with a Spanish ship at anchor for repairs, but was disappointed to hear the ship had already sailed. He returned to O'Rourke's country, where he was entertained by the lord's wife, who he described as "very beautiful in the extreme, and she showed me much kindness".
She took a shine to the Spaniard's ability for telling fortunes: ″One day we were sitting in the sun with some of her female friends and relatives, and they asked me about Spanish matters and of other parts, and in the end it came to be suggested that I should examine their hands and tell them their fortunes. Giving thanks to God that it had not gone even worse with me than to be gipsy among the savages, I began to look at the hands of each, and to say to them a hundred thousand absurdities, which pleased them so much that there was no other Spaniard better than I, or that was in greater favour with them. By night and by day men and women persecuted me to tell them their fortunes, so that I saw myself (continually) in such a large crowd that I was forced to beg permission of my master to go from his castle".
Cuéllar observed the society, noting that the people lived in a savage manner but that they were friendly and followed the usages of the church. The people constantly engaged in nightly raids and were harried by English garrisons. He reckoned that, were it not for their hospitality, he and his fellows would not have lived: "As to ourselves, these savages liked us well because they knew we came against (to oppose) the heretics, and were such great enemies of theirs; and if it had not been for those who guarded us as their own persons, not one of us would have been left alive. We had goodwill to them for this, although they were the first to rob us and strip to the skin those who came alive to land". He concluded: "In this country there is neither justice or right, and everybody does what he likes".
In November 1588 Cuéllar moved on to the territory of the MacClancy with 8 other Spaniards, staying at one of the lord's castles, probably at Rosclogher, on the south of Loch Melvin. News arrived that the English had sent 1,700 troops to MacClancy's country. In response, the lord opted to take to the mountains while the Spaniards resolved to defend the castle. They had 18 firearms (muskets and arquebuses) and considered the castle impregnable because of its location in bogland, which precluded the use of artillery.
The English arrived under the command of the brother of Richard Bingham, governor of Connacht, and the siege lasted 17 days. During that time they were unable to cross the boggy terrain and, having had their offer of safe passage to Spain turned down, they hanged two Spaniards in full view of the castle so as to terrorise the defenders. A storm closed in with heavy snow, and the English were forced to raise the siege and march off.
MacClancy returned and bestowed gifts on the defenders, including an offer to Cuéllar of the hand of his sister in marriage, which was declined. Against the chieftain's advice, the Spaniards secretly departed his country ten days before Christmas, bound for the north. They sought out the bishop of Derry, Redmond O'Gallagher, and found he had twelve other Spaniards in his care, whom he intended to assist in a crossing to Scotland.
After six days, Cuellar and 17 others set sail for Scotland in a pinnace. Two days later they reached the Hebrides, and soon after landed on the mainland. Cuéllar had heard the Scottish king "protected all the Spaniards who reached his kingdom, clothed them, and gave them passages to Spain". However, following his six-month ordeal within the kingdom, he concluded "the King of Scotland is nobody: nor does he possess the authority or position of a king: and he does not move a step, nor eat a mouthful, that is not by order of the Queen (Elizabeth I)".[3]
The Duke of Parma's efforts eventually procured him passage to Flanders in the Low Countries. However, the Dutch were waiting on the coast to cut off the return of Armada survivors, and Cuéllar was shipwrecked in a firefight in which many of the survivors were drowned or killed after capture. Once again he found himself clinging to flotsam as he came ashore in Flanders, where he entered the city of Dunkirk wearing only his shirt. He wrote an account of his experiences and returned to Spain some time after.
O'Rourke was hanged at London for treason in 1590; the charges against him included succouring survivors of the Armada. MacClancy was captured by Bingham's brother in 1590 and beheaded.
After Cuéllar served in the army of Philip II under Alexander Farnese, Duke of Parma, Count Fuentes and Count Mansfeld. Between 1589 and 1598 he served variously in the Siege of París, the enterprises of Laon, Corbie, Capela, Châtelet, Doullens, Cambrai, Calais, and Ardres, and in the siege of Hults. In 1599 and 1600 he served under Charles Emmanuel I, Duke of Savoy in the war of Piemonte. In 1600 he was in Naples with viceroy Lemos.
In 1601 he was commissioned to return to America. He was a pattern of infantry captain in a galleon to islas de Barlovento (Windward Islands), but did not sail in don Luis Fernández de Córdova's navy until 1602.
It was Cuéllar's last military service living in Madrid between 1603-1606 in the hopes of receiving commissioning in America.
Source is wiki , went on a dive after reading about naval tactics during the age of sail. The war being fought in the middle of the Tudor Conquest of Ireland, a very shit time to be alive.
submitted by HighpingPete to IrishHistory [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 01:46 Zoilykos Help/Info for Class

TL;DR class descriptions/info to help underclassmen know about classes thru personal experiences. Add to it with extra info or questions!
To all the incoming freshmen or other underclassmen - you’ll prolly hear it a lot, but the time really does go by so fast. Enjoy it, soak it in, and step out of your comfort zone. Someone posted their classes thru Purdue to let other students know how those classes were (in case it was a niche/high-level class or it wasn’t on RateMyProfessor). That was pretty helpful to me so Imma do it too. I’ll let u kno how the courses went and what I can remember. I’m graduating from the College of Ag with a B.S. in Animal Sciences with a concentration in Biosciences and minors in Biotechnology and Real Estate. I came into Purdue with AP and Dual Credits, so some things I didn’t take. Anyway, here are the classes I took.
Anyone who’s taken any of these, please add on/say smth else if it has changed! Underclassmen, feel free to ask about them!
AGR 101: Intro to Ag & Purdue (Multiple lecturers)
This course was THE intro course to Purdue and Ag (duh). It was a 1/2 semester course so I was done with it by week 8 and there was only a quiz. We were told the purpose of Purdue being land-grant and were just intro’d to the different parts/departments of the college of Ag + different success tips. This was also the class where u begin (already) thinking about your 4-year plan and create a LinkedIn. Easy A, just show up and learn about the college of Ag
AGR 114: Intro to ANSC Programs (Ashley York)
Also a 1/2 semester course that was done by Oct. This class just went into depth on what to expect as a student in the department. You may start work on a resumé, continue with planning or LinkedIn. Again, easy A, just show up. Also, Ashley was a saint helping me each year to make sure I was on track, even tho she wasn’t my advisor.
ANSC 102: Intro to Animal Ag (Elizabeth Karcher)
This class was the first “real” class of college. It was just an intro to different domestic species and the operations tht are part of animal ag. I think there was also a lab with the class where u were introduced to animals. Dr. Karcher also was a pretty good professor. Just pay attention - it’s sort of memorization for random facts about animals/common sense depending on what u took in high school/home life in a rural area. Should be easy A.
CHM 115: Gen Chem (Multiple lecturers)
Was never a fan of chemistry, so this class I went into with dread. I didn’t want to take AP Chem, and just dealt with it in college. Honestly, if u took honors/were a good student in hs chemistry, there should be no problem - was basically just like a high school class. There was a lab that went with this course, but because of COVID, I just had an online worksheet to do every week for pre-, in-, and post-lab so I can’t speak on it. If u aren’t inclined to chem, it might take a bit of extra studying, but I was never worried.
PHIL 110: Intro to Philosophy (Taylor Davis)
To be fair, I never exactly wanted to take this exact class. I came from a small town in the Midwest, so I wanted to be sure I wasn’t dumb or anything to the people, cultures, etc. around me. Told my advisor I wanted to take a class to give me more of a “world” perspective, so she suggested the class. It honestly was not bad at all. The professor knew what he was talking abt and very accepting of questions. We learned how to tear down an argument and build it up in several ways and talked about cool things like if we have free will, does God exist, etc. The only assignments that counted for the sem were a midterm and 2 papers - 1 small and 1 large philosophical essay over any topic from the class. Definitely changed my outlook, would recommend taking it. The first part of class was harder - making sure u understand why/how an argument does or doesn’t work - but the rest was fun/easy as the topics were just presented and talked about.
AGEC 217: Economics (Larry Deboer)
I found Econ as a topic in and of itself to be quite boring. Supply and demand, money, etc. The class kind of turned out that way. Its presented as basically supply/demand and reasons for changes to the them were slowly added throughout the semester. We had several assignments, but they were nothing terrible. Gotta give props to the professor, tho. He knew the class wasn’t great but made it fun. Also, the class is flexible for schedules as in some situations it can count for credit in place of ECON251.
POL 223: Intro to Environmental Policy (Tara Grillos)
When I first started, I thought the route I wanted was ANSC with some focus in environmental issues. That’s why I took this class. I don’t understand the “intro” part, really. The whole class was presented as just case studies for things that have happened that impacted policies from the late 1800s/early 1900s until recently. Some of the info was cool. I don’t remember much for assignments, but there was a group project/paper where u had to decide on an environmental issue, state how u plan to fix it, on what level of government, etc. It wasn’t a crazy class to be in as a freshman, but it was not what I was expecting for a POL class.
ANSC 181: Orientation to ANSC (Elizabeth Byers)
Another 1/2 semester course. This class, as far as I can remember, was just for showing u the possibilities available to u in ANSC. This was specifically ANSC. It went over every concentration and what jobs/salaries there were. This was also a class where we were assigned to create our resumés (professionally) and start networking. Just as, if not easier than the other 1/2 semester classes so far.
ANSC 221: Principles of Animal Nutrition (Dale Forsyth)
Sorry but not sorry for anyone in ANSC. The class is boring, but Dr. Dale Forsyth is such a sweet old man. This class is the intro for nutrition in ANSC. U will learn the different required nutrients, food stuffs (supplements and stuff too) that have these nutrients, what happens when animals are given too little of these, and how to balance/create rations for animals (ruminant and non-ruminant). As long as u are okay/good with algebra, there shouldn’t be a problem. U just need to solve systems of equations in Excel to get the right weight of a food stuff. Homework was balancing rations. Exams looked at that + nutrients and their deficiencies. Dr. Forsyth also talks fast and doesn’t slow down because he has a lot to get thru. Come into the class knowing it prolly isn’t going to be very fun, but u need to know it. Try to find something interesting in the whole.
BIOL 111: Fundamentals of Bio II (Sean Humphrey)
Not sure how this class really is. I came into college loving biology and being (not to sound like an ass) great at it. To me, it was easy and relearning biology from high school for a bit. To others it may be a bit more difficult. There is just a lot of memorization. The professor was nice and answered my questions when I had them and explained in great detail if I was confused. I can’t remember any assignments I turned in, or anything about exams. Overall, I thought it was an easy class, but be the judge urself.
CHM 116: Gen Chem (Multiple lecturers)
Just a continuation of CHM 115. It picked up where it left off. Got a little harder, but it was nowhere as hard as TV or anything makes it. There are definitely topics that show up from hs again, but a lot is new. Wasn’t fun for this class switching lecturers every few weeks since they each had their own lecture style. Again, there was a lab section, but because of COVID, it was a worksheet. Not the worst class, but a meh class.
MA 16020: Applied Calc II (Alexandros Kafkas)
The first and only time I had to take math here. In hs I took MA 165 and thought it was a breeze (prolly bc it was hs). To anyone wondering, MA 165 SHOULD count in place of MA 16010 in college of ag. With that in mind, I went into the course knowing what Purdue math is known for, but still keepin an open mind with my abilities. I’m really proud of the grade I got, too. I think a lot of the course depends on the lecturer - mine was good at teaching us new concepts. Learn all you can about the lecturer beforehand, find out if they are good, and see it for yourself. We had quizzes in class every week (MWF) over the previous lecture and homework thru LON-CAPA that was usually due the day aftebefore (Tues, Thurs, Sun, I think). The quizzes and homework were good starting problems. The exams were tough and harder than quizzes/hw. If u’ve done well in math, but aren’t a prodigy or someone who can put in hrs of work, don’t expect to get likely higher than mid-70s on exams. It was common to get around a 50-60%. They do curve “if it’s necessary” but it is ALWAYS necessary.
AGR 201: Communicating Across Cultures (Pamala Morris)
To start…BOO. Was not a fan of this class. Felt like it was a money grab and busy work. It was required for some international understanding credits. The content wasnt interesting but for sure important. We were taught to basically be good ppl and about the different types of hardships that groups of ppl could go thru (ageism, sexism, racism, classism, etc.). We were required to buy the book, which was $50, but written by the prof and from what I assume was her website. I don’t recall ever using it unless it was necessary for an assignment. The class helps u relate and think critically, but is done in a piss-poor way. It could hv been the COVID aftermath where lecture was done virtually but we had a class later on with other students for a “lab”. Quizzes were easy, and overall easy, but so bad too.
SPAN 201: Spanish III (Nancy Reyes)
I know I’ve said this already abt other courses, but this still applies. This course was 100% a high school class. I did a placement test into this course (after 3 years in HS Spanish - Fr. to Jr. - with a 2 year gap of not learning) and got all credit for Spanish 1 and 2. Took it for international understanding credits. This course made sure u knew the basics again, spent a lot of time in past tense, then ended w maybe a month in subjective and future tense. There were a few speaking assignments and cultural readings/lectures. Was encouraged to speak Spanish for class, but the prof knew that couldn’t happen but still helped us all. Exams included MC, writing, and listening. Not sure if this is the same for other languages, but hopefully it is.
CHM 255 + 25501: Orgo + Lab (Elizabeth Parkinson)
Dreaded this class, but went in confidently. The class sucks, no other way abt it. It was a lot of memorization and practice. A lot of the “basic” stuff started sticking about halfway thru the semester. It doesn’t help that I stopped going to lecture about 3/4 thru the sem. It wasn’t as hard as expected, but it was still quite hard. The prof was amazing at making the content interesting. Labs were ran by GTAs. Depending on the section your GTA may not kno anything. The labs also did not go along with the lecture - they are 2 separate courses that can individually be passed or failed. Exams were as you would expect with the course - a few high spots among a crowd of C’s and D’s. The lab had multiple things due every week w the semester started. It was expected to do ur pre-lab at start of week, turn in ur in-lab immediately after finishing lab, then the previous week’s post-lab/final lab was due. The lab also holds the policy that if u don’t show up dressed right or sleep late, if you don’t show up within 10/15min of start that u can’t show up and will receive a 0 for the lab.
ANSC 230: Physiology of Domestic Animals (Rod Allrich)
This class taught me a lot. Each week was a different body system and learning info regarding animals individually. Things were taught in general as overarching concepts, but then things were applied as necessary for individual species of animals. Everything was brought up from the digestive system to the endocrine system. The class met 4 days a week and had a quiz once a week. There was no lab when I took the course. The specific professor I had was also interesting to say the least. Dr. Allrich is a funny, good man, but he does not use or create slides. Instead he uses his own website to post info (usually from Merck veterinary) abt whatever it is he wanted u to learn. In class he would just ramble on about what he thought was important. ANYTHING he said could be test material - no matter what (I was told by an upperclassman to remember that his favorite pie was sour cream and raisin pie bc it was a quiz question they had). Now, there is a lab that goes with the course. Also, if u hv Cabot the course material and class are much harder than with Rod. There are expectations, lectures, and more. Regardless of the professor, the information that was taught was useful, remembered, and interesting. In any class, Rod typically will have this structure but will grade easily. Quizzes will be to write statements of fact and exams won’t exist or will be take-home with only having 5 paragraphs to write using a word bank
ABE 226: Biotech Lab I (Kari Clase)
This was the first course I took for my minor in Biotechnology. I did not know what to expect going in as I didn’t grasp the scope of biotech. The course was ran well. The whole class is a wet lab where u are in the scientific process trying to find a new species of bacteriophage. U dig in dirt, do some pipetting, use beakers, make plates, isolate DNA, and send it off. Any research u do/finding a phage gets put into a national database for phage research. U do hv lab notebooks that get checked, but hv an outline to go off. There were several quizzes and deliverables that had us learn about phage more, or aseptic technique. It was a good class. U do have to buy a lab coat (which is kinda cool). Easy class that kickstarted my interest.
CHM 256 + 25601: Orgo II + Lab (David Thompson)
This class was disastrous. It was me, the content AND the professor as to why that was the case. This was just a continuation of course and lab. The new content was harder to wrap my head around, + I stopped going to the lectures about halfway thru the sem. To make matters worse, the class was early and the prof was speaking in mach turtle. I would listen to the lectures a day later so I could 2x speed thru them and the man was sounding like a normal person talked. This class was harder than the previous course. If u didn’t like CHM 255, sorry this is worse. The lab was just the same as the previous sem, but the GTAs changed. Again, labs didn’t go with the lecture and are 2 individual courses to be passed or failed separately. I passed but the class made me rethink my life once or twice and was potentially the worst class I ever took.
STAT 301: Elementary Stat Methods (Spencer Hamrick)
I did not enjoy this course a single bit - besides the professor. The course throws, what I felt like, was the entire concept, terms, rules, designs of statistics at u. It was a lot at once for me. I felt like there was a disconnect between what I was learning and in what ways it applied to me. It wasn’t too difficult, but the class was boring. There was also a lab section that was not great either. We were forced to use SRSS. There were homework assignments on a different software/website that equally were boring. The exams were harder than expected - there were some sections with questions with such small disparities that the answer came down to a difference of 1 word in a sentence. Overall, there’s a lot to learn and it’s all pretty basic to give a general understanding, but it was done poorly. If it was done better, it likely would have been an easy course. This course tho is also one of the worst classes I took.
AGRY 320: Genetics (Joseph Anderson)
There’s not much to say about this course. It was genetics. It felt like another continuation from the end of BIOL 111. It built a foundation for DNA, chromosomes, and went from there. There was a lot of higher thinking and content that was build upon thru the semester. It was a bit of memorization, but the content was fun. There were hotseat/iclicker questions for each lecture. Prof. Anderson was also really good at presenting the info.
AGRY 321: Genetics Lab (Aneesha Kulkarni)
This was the lab that went with AGRY 320. It was separate from the lecture. I do not believe it ever followed along with the lecture. The semester was spent with Arabidopsis. From the plant, we extracted DNA, did PCR, did mutant analysis, etc. The whole semester led up to a final lab report for what had been done that semester. There were also some small lab assignments that needed done. The class was also serious about attendance which could have made a major impact on grades. It is also typically ran by a GTA. It was fun and I enjoyed it. There was never really any work that needed to be done outside of class and at times it let out early.
ANSC 333: Physiology of Reproduction (Jonathan Pasternak)
This was a good class. The content focused on female anatomy/physiology first, then male anatomy/physiology, then on interactions and changes to the body through hormones and development. I found the class to be interesting as there is a lot more that goes into reproduction that u think. It’s a lot of cool info thrown out, but in a manageable way. Notes can go fast n there is a lot of terms and items to pay attention to. There was also a lab portion to this class. The lab went with what we learned in lectures. It was hands-on learning and doing things. It might sound gross but we had a lab where we took fetuses from a pig uterus to weigh and look at. We also looked at pig semen under a microscope. The professor was obsessed with histology. Expect to look at many slides of different tissues and know how/why they differ, where they are from, etc. I don’t remember assignments, but there was a lab practical that involved many things. Overall, it was a fun class.
ABE 227: Biotech Lab II (Kari Clase)
This class was busy. There were lots of things that needed to be done often (oddly no true deadlines it felt like). This was the dry lab portion. After ABE 226, any DNA that was collected sufficiently was sequenced and the data came back. That’s essentially what the semester was for. With the DNA from a phage, u must make entries to find out the start/stop site of genes, gene function; BLAST the genes, gather evidence there is truly a gene, and more. There were some small assignments with deliverables. There was also a larger project that was put into the undergrad research symposium. From the DNA, a small group chose a gene and researched. A lot of busy work and nights up, but there was a final genome announcement and research went into real life.
HIST 33805: History of Human Rights (Rebekah Klein-Pejsova)
This class was a requirement for an upper level humanities course. This class was easy and interactive. There were some readings that had to be done outside of class, but not much else was required. U would read, then come to class, fill out a discussion, and talk. The content started back in history and moved all the way to just beyond the Holocaust. There were a couple writing assignments that were like a paragraph. The final was to write a paragraph on when u thought the history of human rights began. Again, easy and almost no work required.
BCHM 307: Biochem (Barbara Golden)
I loved this course. Dr. Golden was soft spoken but she made sure u got the info u needed. The content felt like a mix of genetics and chem. The course was biology-sided for those that hate chem. This course went back to the central dogma and such, but then included a lot of metabolism and inner workings of cells. There were parts involving the Citric acid cycle and other “basic” biology concepts that went into further explanation from a different perspective. I believe there were also hotseat/iclicker questions. If u liked biology or genetics, u should like this course, too.
BCHM 309: Biochem Lab (Orla Hart)
Just like the genetics lab, this lab did content that led up to something big at the end. The lab was spent learning basic lab technique, then focused on isolating and purifying LDH from a Bradford assay. There were lab reports/assignments, but they all help and lead to the big lab report. It was a fun time. Dr. Hart was a fantastic prof for the course as she fully knew the topic, always helped out, and had high expectations. She would also joke and talk with us. She shared about her family (she’s Irish), her cats, n more. + she would talk with you in her office, where she had Ghirardelli chocolates to eat. There was a written midterm + u are required to wear a lab coat and goggles during lab.
ANSC 311: Animal Breeding & Genetics (Donna Lofgren)
This was another class that I liked a lot. For anyone interested in this topic, it is not what u expect. The class is not punnet squares and seeing what traits u can see. This class was a lot of math. You had to find the allelic/gene frequencies, var, covariance, selection intensity, generation interval, EBV, etc. I cannot stress that this class is a lot of math (prolly 75/25 to 85/15 for math/concepts). It is, however, one of the few genetics restrictive selectives for ANSC (if I remember right). There is other content too, learning about how to breed animals, components of breeding and genetics, etc. There is a lecture and lab. The lab is when homework was intro’d and we were given time to ask questions/complete it. The lab lasted 2 hours, and usually there would be several homework problems left. There was also a large project that used a sim (mine was beef, other years used lamb/sheep). I would have to cull and breed to get better genetics, get rid of disease, etc. The better the offspring the better. This sim was paired with an arrow chart and written report. Lot of work, but a lot of fun.
ANSC 326: Applied Non-Ruminant Nutrition (John Radcliffe)
This class was boring. Unless u love animal nutrition, it’s hard for it not to be. This was like a continuation of ANSC 221, but only focused on (essentially) pigs. Once again, just learning the background/basic info for feeding animals, providing nutrients, and balancing/creating rations. Also, this class also uses a lot of Excel - more than ANSC 221. There was a final for the course, but it was only a 1/2 semester course. There may have also been a lab section, but the work typically finished quickly.
ANSC 446: Companion Animal Mgmt (Rod Allrich)
Another course with Rod. It was basically nonsense. U learned what it took to keep companion animals healthy and managed. Specific diseases/interests were looked at for animals during class + issues/problems with animal clinics, shelters, etc. There wasnt much to learn. Since it was Rod, there were no slides. Anything written could be tested. Students had to present some issue with companion animals for points twice in the semester. There was also an animal business plan due at the end of the semester. It was required to describe the location, services, employees, their benefits, etc. There were no exams, but there were his quizzes - u were provided movies to watch and write a 1-page summary/reflection on what u saw. Once u get used to Rod, his classes are some of the easiest to ever take.
MGMT 200: Intro Accounting (Terra Maienbrook)
This was my first class for my Real Estate minor. If u have taken any math class at college u should be fine. This course is an intro. U learn the accounting equation, debits, credits, depreciation, and interpreting it through balance sheets. It can get a little confusing when things are broken down further, but as long as u pay attention there shouldn’t be trouble. Just remember what debits and credits do and u should pass the course. There were assignments that helped understand what needed to be done and how the content u are learning works, but it turns into busy work later on. If u get 1 small error as ur doing ur balance sheet, then the whole problem will be wrong and it probably won’t tell u what the error is. The professor also used hotseat/iclicker for attendance, so make sure to show up. She did let u come to any section at any time and still do the attendance. Exams weren’t difficult if u pay attention and do well in lecture and homework. If u do well, the prof would even email saying that u did well.
MGMT 304: Intro to Financial Mgmt (Phil Baeza)
This class was okay. Part of it could have been it was the prof’s 2nd semester teaching here. The class was a lot of basic info for management/econ and was also a requirement for the Real Estate minor. U are taught corporate finance + the goals of it, cash flows and a bunch of math with related terms (NPV, PV, NWC, NOI, etc.) None of it was exactly difficult to figure out. The class itself wasn’t bad content-wise. Once u learned the information, it was there. There was a lot of Excel for solving problems. If u aren’t good with Excel - make that a priority. The course also had exams, but you were allowed a typed cheat sheet for each. Besides the exams, there was also a case competition (so many of these in MGMT classes). Info was gathered about a company and with a group had to decide to approve or disapprove of their loan request. Overall, not terrible, but hard to sit thru.
ANSC 303: Animal Behavior (Marisa Erasmus)
This was an interesting class to take. It was pretty fun (and I ended up as a TA, my last semester). The course is essentially psychology in animals. You learn conditioning, scientists who contributed to the study, types of interactions, and types of behaviors (maintenance, maternal, social, play, sickness, etc.) and how they are in animals. The course also has a lab section with it. The lab section is essentially to allow for time for the zoo project, although there were some labs that went to the ASREC to observe those animals. For the project u are provided an animal at the zoo to research, go to the local zoo, and observe them. When ur back you create a presentation for the research you did involving the animal and enrichment provided by the zoo. In class, there were several quizzes over lecture content plus a midterm. There were also assignments, but many of them had some involvement with the zoo. The class also had no final, but there was a final quiz. The professor did talk fast sometimes, but as long as you typed or rewrote notes later, there was no issue.
STAT 503: Stat Methods for Biology (Yan Xing)
Unsure of why, but I loved my grad level stats courses. They were much easier and fun to learn than STAT 301 (so if u hate STAT301, give 503 a try). This course basically started at the beginning. The content started with learning sample vs population, statistic vs parameter, plus sample unit, size, variables, and variable types. The course became harder as time went on, but nothing was super difficult. The topics included basic stats (mean, stdev, var, types of distributions, unions/intersection), marginal probability, tree diagrams, binomial distributions, chi-square, ANOVA, hypothesis testing, and multiple comparisons (like bonferonni). The information was always presented in a way catered to life sciences (crazy). The lectures not presented in class, but expected to be watched beforehand. I did not go to lecture, but watched the lecture videos on my own. That was enough understanding to easily pass. There were homework assignments that were due every other week. Start them sooner than later, you’ll need the time! This class was also my introduction to coding in R. I had no experience in any coding beforehand but easily got the hang of it, especially since the professor provided tutorials. It was used for every homework, basically. There were also quizzes that weren’t too difficult. The class was not easy, but it was fun.
ABE 512: Good Regulatory Practices (Keri Clase/Stephen Byrn)
This was the final class I needed to get my Biotechnology minor. It was terrible. The professors were nice, but there was no structure. The lectures were about regulatory science and dealt a lot with information from the FDA. The course went over the good and required practices required for the creation, testing, passing, and distribution of medical equipment and/or drugs. Every small detail and information that was not in lectures was required to be known. There were quizzes and assignments that all got turned in through Gradescope. The quizzes are where random information was expected to be known. The assignments were deliverables which asked some question or inquired about a part of the process and write about them. The final was a final deliverable that had to effectively be a conglomeration of the other deliverables (but not just copying and pasting). The class wasn’t hard, but very poorly set up.
CSR 103: Intro to Personal Finance (Wookjae Heo)
I just needed a filler class in my schedule. I figured it could help learn some “real world” stuff that maybe I wasn’t sure about. The class was completely online with provided lecture videos. It was very easy and what would be expected. Topics went from how to manage debt and make sure you can get loans, to being informed about credit cards and insurance. All the information was easy to get through. There were writing assignments to be done basically every week. The professor would have you read a paper that 50/50 he had a part in writing, and answer questions. Some things were interactives that just needed to be completed (regardless of how well). Not a bad class. It will definitely pad your GPA - everything taught should be common knowledge.
MGMT 370: Real Estate Fundamentals (Lindsay Relihan)
This course was quite informative. It was an average level of difficulty. There was a lot of information that went into it - I mean it is a fundamentals class. Topics that were talked about included foundations of real estate, what is real estate, valuation of property, lending, time value of money, multiple financial ratios, and taxation. There were multiple assignments - some writing and others math. The writing was for discussions (5 of them) about certain papers provided or certain book chapters. The math assignments were problem sets to get done for what we had learned. They gave plenty of time to finish them. Beyond that, there was also another case study/competition. For this a company was selected and given potential locations to move to. You had to decide if it was worth it for the company to move locations.
ANSC 345: Animal Health Management (Rod Allrich)
For this class, I just needed to take another ANSC course. This class was practically the same as any other Rod Allrich course. We learned how to keep animals healthy and basically many different common diseases of animals. From his website, we would get brought to a page talking about some disease or medical problem that could potentially happen and have to write a 1-page summary/reflection. This happened each week. He still did in person quizzes with statements of fact. Once again, students had to make videos/presentations for the class to present on some problem. There was no final exam. Did not learn too much from this one, but it was a great space filler and GPA booster.
ANSC 481: Contemporary Issues in ANSC (Barry Delks)
This is essentially the final push for ANSC students. As seniors, you take this course to prepare you for the real world. Lectures were given by guests who the professor brought in. They would talk about their specific company, career, or niche and any issues they were seeing there plus how to stop them. The professor would then have groups get together to discuss ways to fix the problems and have the guest comment on what was said. There were also assignments to be done, but they were very easy. They were just things to make sure you were on track for a job and/or graduation (having a 30-sec intro, making a cover letter, redoing your resumé). Part of the class was also just attending the career fair.
STAT 512: Applied Regression Analysis (Tiantian Qin)
Like my other grad level stat course, I absolutely loved this one, too. This class was a DIST course. This class solely focused on regressions (simple linear and multiple linear regressions). Topics for the course started with the basics (terms of regression like betas, Xs, SSE, SSR, SST, and diagnostics) and moved to more difficult content (lack-of-fit-testing, global f-testing, transformations, ANOVA, marginal effect, coefficient of partial determination, multicollinearity, and more). I found the content interesting and it was fun to learn about. Nothing was too difficult and could always be asked about through office hours. There were homework assignments that corresponded with the lectures that were due every other week. Again, take the time. The course also used R coding for everything that was done. The course also had a couple exams to do. But the biggest thing was the regression project. This required a group of students to get together, find a set of data, and use it to form a regression analysis. There was a lot of coding involved, but it was fun parsing through and wrangling data.
MGMT 375: Real Estate Law (Cecelia Harper)
This course has been super personal and fun to take. This is one of my last courses for the Real Estate minor and I am glad to have taken it. The course goes over any and all laws that relate to real estate in some way. The course talked about property rights, subsurface rights, common laws, easements on land, financing/lending, prenuptial agreements and other contracts. Most grades come from exams, though. There were 3 during the semester plus the final. All exams (except the final) were open note and book. The final we were allowed a 1-page cheat sheet that was front and back. The only grades that did not come from exams were from the contracts we drafted. You create your own lease agreement and purchase agreement, then pair with someone to mesh them together for a new one of each. I think the course is particularly made tho by the professor. She is a practicing real estate lawyer who knows what she is talking about. She would set it up so the class was very personal and we each asked her questions. It was interesting because she could have stories about clients to connect things from class. She would always entertain questions. There was no extra credit, except for when she would randomly do attendance. The course structure could be changing quite a bit now, tho.
MGMT 43901: Real Estate Investment & Development (Michael Eriksen)
The other last course for my real estate minor. This class was a step away from what I thought it was going to be. This course is geared toward commercial development and the business side, as I felt. There was nothing really said about personal/residential property. The course topics included an overview of real estate, ways/types of investment, estimation of cash flows for commercial real estate and finance terms associated, providing loans/financing, the roles of a developer, and taxes. The course didn’t have many plain assignments. These were Excel files with attached questions and instructions. If you could follow the instructions you did well, plus the assignments built on each other, except the last one - this one used ARGUS software. The majority of the work was spent on a case competition (go figure lol). Students were put into groups to select a plot of land to develop for some commercial purpose and provide the financials, timeline, and reasoning for the decision. There were several required tasks to be done for this assignment, plus a presentation at the end. There was no final exam, but there were 2 midterms. You could use an excel sheet with notes throughout, tho. The professor was good. He catered to his students and asked questions about how we thought the class was going. A good class to take.
BCHM 421: R For Molecular Biosciences (Pete Pascuzzi)
I took this class because my previous classes had made me really like working in R. I took the class to continue on with that. If you do not have a basic understanding of R, it may be a slight learning curve. The class only met on Wednesday and Friday for 2 hours. There wasn’t a lecture every class, but there was usually some work to be done. All assignments were done through R and could typically be finished in the class period. If this wasn’t possible, it could usually be finished the next class. The class just showed different things in R, from graphics and data wrangling to how to process gene ontology. There were homeworks and labs, with labs being more involved. There was a midterm that was open resource and a project. The project was done at the very end with groups who put together code from previous lectures/labs to create an RShiny document. The class did have a final, again open resource, but any graduating seniors did not have to take the final. There was an opportunity for extra credit by creating an R notebook for all your notes for functions and lines of code. The professor was also nice, helpful, and willing to put in effort to match you.
ANSC 351: Meat Science (Yuan Kim)
This class is basically just biology plus some extra info for meat processing. If you have taken muscle biology (or just bio) you will do well. The class does have some busy work, tho. The first part of the class was solely muscle biology. After this, the class went into meat quality (including analysis, factors affecting quality, etc.), parts of production (packaging, freezing, heating), slaughter and that process, then into meat safety. The content was interesting to learn and easy to take in. The class did have several assignments. After every class was a lecture quiz, each week there was a reflection, and every so often there was a case study. Case studies involved reading a case and providing a response to address the cause of a problem and fix it. The whole semester, there was a project involving some topic in meat science (novel tech, meat in diet, lab-grown meat, alternatives, etc.). Groups got together at the beginning of the semester to make a decision on the topic. Then, throughout the semester, groups met with TAs, wrote drafts of a paper, critiqued other student papers, and made a presentation to show the class. Throughout the semester, you have to work 2 shifts at the butcher block or write a giant essay on a book, too. The class also required 4 exams and a final. If you showed up to every class, you were able to skip the final. Dr. Kim loves the topic and wants you to learn, but most of the grading will be done by TAs.
submitted by Zoilykos to Purdue [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 22:44 Glad_Consequence_386 Just got the Aurora R16 - Specs/Benchmarks/Questions -- Intel Core i9 14900F, 32GB DDR5, NVIDIA RTX 4070Ti SUPER, 1TB NVMe SSD, Liquid-Cooled, 1000W PSU

Just got the Aurora R16 - Specs/Benchmarks/Questions -- Intel Core i9 14900F, 32GB DDR5, NVIDIA RTX 4070Ti SUPER, 1TB NVMe SSD, Liquid-Cooled, 1000W PSU
I just got a new gaming PC and I'm super excited to share my initial setup experience and specs with you all. It's been a while since I've invested this much in a PC, and I'm eager to see if it lives up to the hype around high-end gaming rigs like Alienware. Here’s a quick rundown of what I've installed and noticed so far:
Installed Apps:
  • Windows Updates (ran automatically)
  • Google Chrome
  • Microsoft PowerToys
  • Steam (with CS2, though I haven’t launched it yet)
  • Spotify
  • Speedtest by Ookla
  • PC Mark (Demo)
  • 3D Mark (Demo)
Initial Observations:
  • Windows Updates: Started immediately, before I could even set preferences.
  • Microsoft Store: Downloads often hang on "Calculating Download" – slow for apps like Steam and Spotify.
  • Mouse Lag: Noticed some mouse lag initially. Restarting the mouse helped, but it's still not perfect. Mouse Lag Issue
  • Steam Memory Usage: The Steam helper process is a memory hog and can’t be killed.
  • Intermittent Fan Noise: The fan kicks in for about 10 seconds every few minutes even while the PC is in sleep mode or inactive, possibly due to Windows update checks.
PC Specs:
  • Chassis: 1000W Platinum PSU, Dark, Liquid-Cooled CPU, Clear Side Panel (321-BKFQ)
  • Cooling: No top fan required (321-BHCL)
  • Processor: Intel Core i9 14900F, 24-Core, up to 5.8GHz with Turbo Boost (338-CNHH)
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070Ti SUPER 16GB GDDR6X (490-BKHP)
  • Memory: 32GB (2x16GB) DDR5, 5600MHz (370-BBJN)
  • Storage: 1TB NVMe M.2 PCIe SSD (400-BQDT)
  • Wireless: Intel Wi-Fi 6E AX210 (555-BKCT)


My Background:
  • Grew up using CMD but switched to Mac for iOS development (and a bit of Android too), so I’m well-versed in Terminal and Homebrew.
  • I’ve struggled with removing bloatware and optimizing systems to focus solely on performance across any OS.
  • Recently returned to PC gaming, aiming for a seamless high-performance setup.
Games & Apps I Enjoy:
  • PC Games: Quake II, Counter Strike, Starcraft, and exploring high-performance games.
  • Apps: MS Suite, Photoshop, Android Studio, Notepad++, and others for development and productivity.
  • Console Favorites: COD, Fifa, and I also dabble in VR with games like Golf and Poker on Occulus.
Looking for:
  • Performance Tips: How can I optimize my new rig for smooth gaming and application performance?
  • Benchmark Analysis: Insights on tools or benchmarks to truly measure and tune performance.
  • Community Recommendations: Must-have apps for power users and exciting games that leverage my GPU and CPU.
  • New Gaming Friends: Anyone interested in teaming up for some gaming sessions?
Main Gaming Frustration: Despite many setups, I’ve never achieved the smooth, high FPS experience I know is possible. From console to PC, I’ve faced lags and inefficiencies. Hoping this rig will be the game changer!!
Thanks for your time and any recommendations you might have!
submitted by Glad_Consequence_386 to Alienware [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 22:38 Glad_Consequence_386 Just got the Aurora R16 - Specs/Benchmarks/Questions -- Intel Core i9 14900F, 32GB DDR5, NVIDIA RTX 4070Ti SUPER, 1TB NVMe SSD, Liquid-Cooled, 1000W PSU

Just got the Aurora R16 - Specs/Benchmarks/Questions -- Intel Core i9 14900F, 32GB DDR5, NVIDIA RTX 4070Ti SUPER, 1TB NVMe SSD, Liquid-Cooled, 1000W PSU
I just got a new gaming PC and I'm super excited to share my initial setup experience and specs with you all. It's been a while since I've invested this much in a PC, and I'm eager to see if it lives up to the hype around high-end gaming rigs like Alienware. Here’s a quick rundown of what I've installed and noticed so far:
Installed Apps:
  • Windows Updates (ran automatically)
  • Google Chrome
  • Microsoft PowerToys
  • Steam (with CS2, though I haven’t launched it yet)
  • Spotify
  • Speedtest by Ookla
  • PC Mark (Demo)
  • 3D Mark (Demo)
Initial Observations:
  • Windows Updates: Started immediately, before I could even set preferences.
  • Microsoft Store: Downloads often hang on "Calculating Download" – slow for apps like Steam and Spotify.
  • Mouse Lag: Noticed some mouse lag initially. Restarting the mouse helped, but it's still not perfect. Mouse Lag Issue
  • Steam Memory Usage: The Steam helper process is a memory hog and can’t be killed.
  • Intermittent Fan Noise: The fan kicks in for about 10 seconds every few minutes even while the PC is in sleep mode or inactive, possibly due to Windows update checks.
PC Specs:
  • Chassis: 1000W Platinum PSU, Dark, Liquid-Cooled CPU, Clear Side Panel (321-BKFQ)
  • Cooling: No top fan required (321-BHCL)
  • Processor: Intel Core i9 14900F, 24-Core, up to 5.8GHz with Turbo Boost (338-CNHH)
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070Ti SUPER 16GB GDDR6X (490-BKHP)
  • Memory: 32GB (2x16GB) DDR5, 5600MHz (370-BBJN)
  • Storage: 1TB NVMe M.2 PCIe SSD (400-BQDT)
  • Wireless: Intel Wi-Fi 6E AX210 (555-BKCT)


My Background:
  • Grew up using CMD but switched to Mac for iOS development (and a bit of Android too), so I’m well-versed in Terminal and Homebrew.
  • I’ve struggled with removing bloatware and optimizing systems to focus solely on performance across any OS.
  • Recently returned to PC gaming, aiming for a seamless high-performance setup.
Games & Apps I Enjoy:
  • PC Games: Quake II, Counter Strike, Starcraft, and exploring high-performance games.
  • Apps: MS Suite, Photoshop, Android Studio, Notepad++, and others for development and productivity.
  • Console Favorites: COD, Fifa, and I also dabble in VR with games like Golf and Poker on Occulus.
Looking for:
  • Performance Tips: How can I optimize my new rig for smooth gaming and application performance?
  • Benchmark Analysis: Insights on tools or benchmarks to truly measure and tune performance.
  • Community Recommendations: Must-have apps for power users and exciting games that leverage my GPU and CPU.
  • New Gaming Friends: Anyone interested in teaming up for some gaming sessions?
Main Gaming Frustration: Despite many setups, I’ve never achieved the smooth, high FPS experience I know is possible. From console to PC, I’ve faced lags and inefficiencies. Hoping this rig will be the game changer!
submitted by Glad_Consequence_386 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.04.13 14:19 hallach_halil Halil's top 10 safeties of the 2024 NFL Draft:

Halil's top 10 safeties of the 2024 NFL Draft:

We’ve arrived at the final defensive edition of our positional draft breakdown series. Earlier this week, we discussed the tight-end class, so now it’s time to look at their counterpart – the safeties. With nickel being the most common personnel grouping these days, the body/player type you choose in the slot is crucial for how you can structure the rest of your defense, which I’ll reference the term “big nickel” for, meaning what on paper is a safety being put in that spot, whether that’s for matchup purposes or more importantly run defense on early downs in particular. The labels “strong” and “free safety” are inadequate for today’s game, since barely any teams use them in anymore. More common now is to split the field into boundary (short side) and field/wide side.
This safety group lacks big names at the top, where the two that were commonly found in way too early mock drafts have since slid down the board and it seems highly unlikely we’ll see one selected in the first round. I do still believe there is one that belongs in the early second range at least and this class is surprisingly deep I’d argue, where altogether I believe we see eight or nine taken on day two and then there’s a bunch of package/role players and designated special teamers with plenty of experience on defense, to some degree with pretty diverse roles.
Here’s how I have them stacked up:

1. Tyler Nubin, Minnesota

6’1”, 205 pounds; RS SR
A four-star recruit in 2019, Nubin appeared sparingly in 12 games as a true freshman, recording six tackles and two pass break-ups. After playing more regularly in year two, recording 41 stops along with his first interception and fumble forced, he became a starter in 2021. Over the following two seasons, he combined for 105 tackles, seven INTs and five PBUs. As a redshirt senior, he picked off five passes and broke up another four, while putting up almost identical tackling numbers, which earned him first-team All-Big Ten and second-team All-American recognition.
Run defense & blitzing:
+ Well-proportioned frame with broad jump and a physical play style to match
+ Urgently approaches the line of scrimmage from two-high alignments and creates plenty of stops for little yardage in the run game
+ Tracks the ball and adjusts his angles on the fly tremendously well from center-field alignments
+ Makes sure the ball-carrier needs to actively go around or through him as the last line of defense
+ When he’s lined up in the box and becomes responsible for a gap, he’s quick to fill and drop the shoulder on a tight-end/H-back wrapping around
+ Is aware of offenses creating a +1 in blocking count and when he needs to be more aggressive with involving himself in the fit
+ Aggressively squeezes down space when on the front in goal-line situations but can also chase plays down the line if unaccounted for
+ Was brought on some blitzes through the interior from depth, with the aggressively mindset to run through RBs in protection
Zone coverage:
+ Jumped out to me quite a bit when I watched his running mate at safety in Jordan Howden for the 2023 draft, with the way his presence on the back-end was felt
+ Follows the quarterbacks eyes and trusts what he sees in order to take him to the football, aggressively breakung on the football and looking to disrupt the catch-point
+ The ability to close the gap to threats down the seams in cover-two or wipe out receivers at the sideline on vertical routes from those alignments to negate the potential for big plays through the air stood out on several occasions to save the Gophers
+ Drives upfield and creates a bunch of key stops in the open field without hesitation, yet he’ll slow his feet when guys are trying to put a move on him and you see so many tackles where he’s just able to get guys to the ground thanks to those long arms
+ Does not look uncomfortable when he has to flip and run with the backside X receiver on post routes in quarters
+ Showcases excellent hand-eye coordination when the ball goes past or over the intended target and he suddenly has a chance to come down with it himself
+ Came up with two excellent interceptions in the 2023 season-opener against Nebraska, where on the latter one he undercut a bang-eight route from a single-high alignment, to set up his team for the game-winning field goal
Man coverage:
+ Spent a career-high 84 snaps in the slot last season and opposing quarterbacks actively avoided him, intercepting the only two targets in man-coverage
+ Put up several impressive isolated reps on tape against tight-ends flexed out or working from in-line, where he’s 8-10 yards off and has to stay patient
+ Ready to bring the fight as guys aim right at him, with enough force in his hands to dictate reps
+ Has the mental reactionary quickness and sudden burst to stick with tight-ends working across the formation on mesh concepts and not get hung up in traffic
+ His confidence will be key if used extensively as a matchup player, to not get down on himself for one lost rep
+ On 20 targets in 2022, Nubin allowed just seven completions for 158 yards and one touchdown, while intercepting and breaking up four passes each, for a passer rating of just 41.3
+ Earned the highest PFF coverage grade for any safety in the FBS last season (90.1), only allowing six of 20 targets with him as the closest defender to be completed for 90 yards and two TDs compared to his five picks
– Lacks the make-up burst where if he’s out of phase in isolated situations, to re-enter the picture
– Doesn’t reduce his height in his back-pedal and there can be a slight delay coming out of it in the process, without top-tier click-and-close ability
– Very unproven in man-coverage, with just 163 such snaps and 12 total targets across his five years with the Gophers, according to PFF
– On late rotations caused by motion, his angles can be too steep rather than diagonal, which can allow speedy ball-carriers who get touches with a head-start to get to the sideline
– While he was an effective tackler in college, NFL athletes may be able to slip off more of his loose wraps, where he’s only just able to trip guys up with how aggressively he attacks upfield initially
I came out of last summer with Nubin as my top-ranked safety and while Minnesota didn’t have a great year overall, that gap between him and the rest of the group has only widened. His instincts, the ability to attack the ball in the air, separate targets from it when closing in on routes and how he squares up runners are all tops of the class. Now, we don’t have that final piece of the puzzle, since we didn’t get any timed speed on him at the combine or his pro day and that’ll be the key question when considered how early he may come off the board. I don’t think he would’ve necessarily helped himself if he did run a 40 coming off the meniscus surgery he had after the season. However, because of the way he sees the game, that anticipation expands his range as one of the top play-makers at the position. It’s tough to speak on his man-coverage skills because he was asked to do it so infrequently and his redirections could’ve been more dynamic, but if you want him to match tight-ends from off-alignments, I didn’t see any issues with that on tape. To maximize his play however, I want him to play top-down and let his eyes carry him to the football. If someone took him in the late first round, I’d be totally fine with it, although I think top of the second seems more realistic.

2. Javon Bullard, Georgia

5’11”, 195 pounds; JR
One of the top-1000 overall recruits in 2021, Bullard saw action in all but one of 15 games as a true freshman (138 total snaps), but didn’t defend any passes and recorded just 12 tackles. He started 10 of 14 contests played the following season – all in the slot – recording 46 tackles, seven for loss, 3.5 sacks, two interceptions and three passes broken up. While Georgia couldn’t accomplish a three-peat of national titles, Bullard did help them get to a third straight SEC Championship game undefeated, with him setting career-highs in tackles (56) and PBUs (five), along with two more picks. Yet, weirdly only the SEC named him second-team All-SEC.
Run defense & blitzing:
+ Has plenty of experience stacking and shedding slot receivers to support vs. the run when he was almost exclusively deployed in the slot in 2022
+ Yet when he was playing a more traditional safety spot last season, you saw him take excellent angles downhill from two-high alignments
+ Actively reduces the space towards the closest man at the line when he becomes the overhang or force defender by shuffling inside and will flatten down the line when he sees an opportunity to shut down plays hitting inside
+ Doesn’t shy away from attacking a pulling lineman low and funneling the ball back inside to the rest of the troop
+ Georgia blitzed him off the edge quite a bit and he was able to ride running backs into the quarterback regularly on those
+ Deceptive and times up the snap very well when he’s rushing off the slot
+ Missed just 9.2% of the attempted tackles in his career (12 of 130)
Zone coverage:
+ Excelled in a versatile, pro-oriented coverage scheme, where he was asked to cover all areas of the field for stretches
+ After spending the majority of snaps in the slot in his first season as a starter, Bullard actually improved his level of play whilst having to operate further away from the ball with a lot of deep zone responsibilities
+ Identifies when offenses try to hit leverage throws or rubs and drives down in a hurry to stop those, lowering the pads on guys as soon as they secure the grab at times
+ Rapidly closes ground when motion leads to a rotation of the safeties, to not get out-leveraged into the flats and be able to shut easy completions down before they can really get going
+ When he’s covering the deep half and sees quarterbacks set up quickly for a backside slant route, there are times where Bullard arrives at the receiver just as his hands touch the ball, in order to jar it loose
+ Georgia asked him to bail out of the slot into invert cover-two occasionally, where he showed the appropriate feel for spacing and even got an interception on a badly thrown ball down the post in the 2022/23 Natty vs. TCU
+ After only surrendered 0.88 yards per coverage snap from the slot in 2022, Bullard was the highest-graded FBS safety in zone coverage by PFF in 2023 (88.8), while spending 47.1% of snaps in deep alignment
Man coverage:
+ Uses his hands well and has the loose hips to take charge of reps when receivers release inside of his shade in press-alignment
+ Understands when he’s in control of the route as a man-defender and he can look back at the quarterback, in order to attack the ball himself
+ Showcases the twitch to stay square and widen guys on inside fades, before nailing down the near-arm to slow them down and not be able to reach out for the ball optimally
+ Not worried about tight-ends pushing up the field when he flexed out wide with them, almost in a side-bail position and ready for the break on hitches/square-ins, etc.
+ Has some perfect reps in off-man coverage against slot receivers on square breaks, staying patient, undercutting and wrapping around for PBUs
+ So comfortable with reaching around targets that split-second early, where because he plays he ball he doesn’t get flagged for it
+ Allowed just 14 of 26 targets against him to be completed last season for 119 yards and no touchdowns compared to his two picks (34.0 passer rating)
– Tends to cover grass a lot as a deep middle safety, continuing to drift just to not have somebody run by him
– You also see it at times playing cover-two, where he doesn’t take advantage of opportunities to angle over towards sideline shots, to disrupt the catch-point
– Needs to do a better job of maintaining and using leverage to his advantage against crossing routes coming towards him or not overrunning plays out to the perimeter the other way
– In man-coverage, he lacks the make-up burst to recover from a mis-step or receivers getting him to freeze for a split-second on double-moves
– Wasn’t as consistent a tackler rallying from depth, too often diving for the ankles of ball-carriers, leading to seven missed attempts (still a solid 10.8% miss rate)
Bullard doesn’t have the elite range of a center-fielder or the size you typically covet for guys playing extensively in the box, but if you’re looking for a combo-safety who can fit in a split-safety structured defense and then drop down into the slot on longer downs, this is your guy. There are still some intricacies at the position that he’ll need to learn – which is understandable since he only transitioned from nickel a year ago – but you’re drafting a player who has performed as well as pretty anybody in two different roles for college football’s top defense over the last couple of years. Bullard lacks that extra gear to recover when caught in bad positions for man-assignments and maybe I wouldn’t want to stick him on a 4.3 guy with a lot of space consistently, but it’s rare that he actually gets himself out of position in the first place. You saw that throughout Senior Bowl week, where he made receivers go through his chest and forced them to round off routes flatter back towards the quarterback, so even when they did catch the ball it was for minimal yardage. His competitiveness and assignment-oriented style really shined as he was working with a new coaching staff and I think he’ll acclimate himself to his future team in a hurry. This is a second-round pick all day long.

3. Kamren Kinchens, Miami

5’11”, 200 pounds; JR
A four-star recruit in 2021, Kitchens immediately got major playing time as a true freshman with the Hurricanes (44 tackles and four PBUs), before ascending to a first-team All-American in year two, when he tacked up 59 tackles, six interceptions (one returned for a TD) and pass break-ups each, along with a fumble forced and recovered each. This past season he put basically identical numbers, if you take off one pick, PBU and forced fumble each, which still made him a first-team all-conference selection.
Run defense & blitzing:
+ Races up the alley with reckless abandon from split-safety looks to create quick stops in the run game
+ From single-high alignments, he works under more control, but tracks the ball well and places himself into cutback lanes to limit those plays
+ Rapidly erases the space to the slot receiver on bubble alerts off RPOs and breaking down for the tackle
+ Happily drops down into the box and shoots or blitzes through gaps to disrupt the offensive backfield
+ Capable of creating TFLs when blitzing off the edge and dipping underneath pullers to his side with good flexibility
+ Has some true maniac tendencies, where he’ll launch himself into an offensive lineman in the open field and send those guys airborne if they don’t really see him
+ Provides impressive stopping power against guys who have 20-30 pounds on him and doesn’t mind sticking his face in the fan if he’s taking the worst of the collision
Zone coverage:
+ Led all safeties in the country with a 90.0 overall PFF grade and a 90.7 coverage grade in 2022
+ The step frequency and ground he cover in a straight back-pedal after showing down low initially is impressive
+ His closing burst and ability to put his helmet at the ball against seam routes and benders as a single-high safety really pops a few times
+ You see receivers break towards the middle of the field or curl up in front of him and Kinchens’ awareness for the defense being vulnerable there from two-high looks, to barrel down and deliver shots onto their backside that challenge them holding onto the ball
+ Displays high-end ball-skills to make sideline picks, haul in deflected passes and rarely allowing the ball to hit his chest – only failed to haul in two of 13 potential interceptions over the past two years
+ Takes excellent angles against completions in front of him and adjusting them accordingly as the recipient makes his moves on the run
+ When pursuing guys turning up the sideline, Kinchens does a good job of using the sideline as a 12th defender and not allowing himself to get crossed up
+ Had an awesome game-sealing tackle against N.C. State in 2022, when he brought down the slot receiver on a quick out route on fourth down, where it looked like that guy would be able to get to the sticks, but was immediately brought to the turf
Man coverage:
+ Balanced in his back-pedal and is locked in on the hips of the receiver when covering the one-on-one
+ Does well to ID route stems and anticipate breaks in off-man assignments
+ Has some impressive plays where he’s responsible for a tight-ends, who leaks underneath the formation (off play-action) and he chases them down for minimal yardage at the opposite side of the field
+ Manages the catch-point exceptionally well when playing off, where he times it just right to initiate contact when the ball arrives at the target and swipes through the hands in order to force incompletions without drawing flags – only penalized twice on 1064 career coverage snaps
+ Takes optimal paths behind the hip of fellow receivers blocking when he triggers on his man running screen passes
+ In 2022, he held opposing quarterbacks to 12-of-21 for 221 yards and two TDs, compared to his six INTs, and while the numbers were a little bit worse, he still picked off five, broke up two passes and created stops on eight that were completed of the 34 targets his way (44.1% of those leading to positive plays for the defense)
– For somebody who ends up as the last line of defense quite regularly, Kinchens doesn’t square up the ball-carrier and make sure he’s not vulnerable to getting turned around well enough
– Looked a bit more reserved involving himself in the run fit this past season, with an average depth of tackle at 8.89 yards
– Leaves his feet a lot trying to bring down the ball-carrier – missed 14 of 71 attempted tackles in 2022 (19.7%) and still 13.7% last year
– Gambles on some plays, where the offense has a double-move built in or the quarterback is locked in on one of his targets and Kinchens flies over there blindly, voiding his landmarks
– His overall PFF grade plummeted last season, down from 90.0 in 2022 to 67.8, allowing a 82.4% completion percentage and double the touchdowns (four, compared to still five INTs)
Since the end of the 2022 college football season, it felt like a two-man race for the title of first safety selected in this draft between Kinchens and Minnesota’s Tyler Nubin. Some people certainly fell out of love with him, at the very least once he tested at the combine, where he was tied with Miami teammate James Williams for the worst time in the 40-yard dash among safeties (4.65) and the 10-yard split (1.59), along with finishing bottom-five in both the jumps. That doesn’t pair well with already being slightly undersized. With that being said, the apparent fall is a little exaggerated. I do believe he’ll need to work on his eye-balance between the quarterback and receivers, along with staying on his feet as a tackler. However, he moves a lot better than the timed speed would indicate, he has rare ball-hawking skills and quickly eliminates weaknesses within his defense, whether he actually gets his hands on the ball or separates the intended target from it. Because of that, I prefer him in a split-safety based defensive structure – at least early on – which also enables him to be more ferocious in run support. I still think he belongs in the second round, even if closer towards the back-end.

4. Kitan Oladapo, Oregon State

6’2”, 215 pounds; RS SR
Not being ranked by the recruiting services back in 2018, Oladapo only saw action in one game across his first two years with the Beavers and utilizing a redshirt. In 2020, he did start one of six games and showed his value, with 26 tackles, 2.5 of those for loss, two sacks, one forced fumble and passes broken up each. That earned him a starting gig in all but one game overall of the 13 each these last three years. Over that time, he combined for 223 tackles, 12.5 TFLs, 4.5 sacks, three picks and 22 PBUs, being named honorable mention All-Pac-12 twice and then second-team in 2023.
Run defense & blitzing:
+ Does a great job of involving himself in the run fit, as his man is motioned in tight or the C-gap opens up playing on the edge of the box
+ Shows some sudden hands to evade slot receivers trying to occupy him in the run game and has a real knack for shooting the lane between bodies working out to the perimeter
+ Races up against screen passes and perimeter runs with conviction once the picture clears up and he knows that’s definitely where the ball is going
+ Takes excellent angles from depth and delivers some pop on quite a few hits at the end of those – Lays the wood on running backs hitting cutbacks towards him
+ Highly effective open-field tackler, who clutches the legs of ball-carriers and rarely allows them to get away from him anymore, missing a solid 10.3% of attempted stops since 2022
+ Earned the highest run-defense grade of any safety with 100+ snaps last season (91.3)
+ Forced a massive fumble in the 2023 Washington, when RB Dillon Johnson was about to finish off a long run in the end-zone and Oladapo swiped it out from behind
+ Turns a tight corner when blitzing off the edge, often times after they dropped him down onto the edge of the box
Zone coverage:
+ Has quality experience in a split-safety structured defense, where he was asked to cone, bracket, cloud or match receivers down the field
+ Displays plus awareness for route patterns and where his eyes should be/progress towards in accordance to his responsibility
+ Positions himself well in-between routes when offenses try to put him in conflict as a deep half or post defender
+ Leverages the ball exceptionally well to hold completions to limited yardage
+ Absolutely smacks down some receivers when he has a runway to build after seeing the pass get completed
+ Times the arrival of the ball extremely well and is able to swipe it down just as the intended target gets his fingertips on it
+ Also showcases impressive ball-skills to high-point passes and win at the catch-point
Man coverage:
+ Looks comfortable sitting back patiently in off-man coverage against tight-ends particularly
+ Yet if he recognizes altered stems on routes across the field, he’ll shuffle inside and engage, in order to not provide a step on him
+ Sturdy frame to deal with guys trying to push off or swipe by him, not losing phase typically because of that
+ Does a nice job of trailing motion and not get lost in traffic caught out of position as he’s forced to recover
+ Comfortable flexing out wide for stretches of games when offenses spread them out
+ Showcases tremendous hand-eye coordination when he’s a step behind his man but somehow is still able to locate and get a finger on the ball, rather than trying to play the hands
+ Had several highly impressive one-on-one reps against tight-ends throughout Senior Bowl, in particular blanketing them on corner routes
– Lacks the high-end range to make plays on the ball outside the numbers starting from the deep post
– Can be had as a deep half defender towards the field and he has somebody breaking in front of him, whilst another receiver goes vertical
– Far lass comfortable covering guys one-on-one when he actually has to move backwards as a more traditional slot defender
– Lacks the twitchiness when he’s isolated with a receiver down the field and opens up the wrong way, to recover and close that gap before the ball arrives there
– While he’s a fundamentally sound tackler, dynamic ball-carrier can make him miss in the open field at times, because he lacks that type of quick-twitch that matches up
I’m not going to talk around this here – this is my favorite safety in the draft. I just broke down Oladapo as one of “my guys” last week and after going through the names from this class once more, I actually moved him up a little bit further. Seeing him listed as a fifth-round pick on consensus boards is unfathomable to me. Sure, his ability to turn and run with speedy receivers could be a little better, but the 4.58 he ran at the combine isn’t representative of what you actually see on the field. However, reading and attacking plays from depth – which is exactly how modern NFL defenses want their safeties to operate – I’m not sure there’s anybody better in both facets of the game combined than this dude, plus then he can come down and be your dime linebacker in certain packages. This kind of feels like evaluators wanting to go away from these bigger-bodied types, who would’ve been defined as “strong safeties”, without realizing he excelled in a scheme that uses a lot more pro principles. Oladapo is who people wanted Miami’s James Williams to become and I’d happily select him in the middle of day two.

5. Cole Bishop, Utah

6’2”, 205 pounds; JR
One of the top-1000 overall recruits in 2021, Bishop filled the stat sheet in a major way in his debut campaign with the Utes despite only starting the final six of ten games played, racking up 54 tackles, six for loss, three pass break-ups, an interception and fumble forced each. He started all but one of 14 contests in year two, upping his tackle total to 83 (six for loss), three PBUs and again one INT and FF each. He was named honorable mention All-Pac-12 in both. This past season, he improved to second-team all-conference, thanks to career-highs in sacks (three), picks (two), PBUs (four), fumbles forced (one) and recovered (two).
Run defense:
+ Charges up the alley with a purpose and is able to shut down toss or speed-option plays before they can really get going if he’s unaccounted for
+ Was put down into the box quite a bit and looked comfortable locking out against tight-ends in order to set the edge in the run game
+ Also, his lateral mobility on lead plays the opposite way and then being able to open up, allows him to push ball-carriers out of bounds that could otherwise be turned up the sideline for massive gains
+ Works downhill under control against screen passes and plays where he’s the one responsible to make the tackle, keeping an open chest and staying balanced
+ Tracks and angles towards the ball on the opposite side of the field very well, to not get beat across the grain and be in position to limit explosives
+ Confident, effective open-field stopper, who arrives low and wraps tightly as a tackler, but will also lower the boom from the side on guys when he sees an opportunity
+ The sophomore’s 35 run-defense stops and 14 tackles for loss/no-gain over the last two years were also top-five marks among that same group
Zone coverage:
+ Has experience covering tight-ends in man, playing split-field and single-high safety coverages, while being an active communicator and directing traffic for a strong Utes defense
+ Consistently stays over the top of vertical routes in deep zone assignments
+ Is alert of where the defense in vulnerable squeezes towards routes trying to split two-high looks for example, to spook quarterbacks out of attempting those throws
+ Shuts down glances and other stuff over the middle where the second level is drawn up in a hurry, when by their single-high alignment the defense could be vulnerable to big YAC plays
+ Quick to close and undercut throws to the tight-end or receivers sitting down in the holes of zone coverage when working the shallow areas
+ Displays excellent peripheral vision and may just decapitate crossing receivers when he has a runway up to them
+ You see him blow through the up-field shoulder and put his helmet right on the ball to dislodge receivers from the ball late breaking towards the middle of the field
+ He’s a real YAC eliminator for the Utes, clutching and putting guys on the ground as soon as they bring the ball in a lot of times
Man coverage & blitzing:
+ Understands when he’s in control of the route and he can peak back at the quarterback in man-/match-coverage
+ Showcases tremendous awareness for the “play-clock” and when to close down or attach to routes that are still on the table for the quarterback
+ Does an excellent job of efficiently maneuvering around bodies as he’s trying to stick to his guy on screen passes, even on RBs/TEs coming across the formation
+ Officially was only targeted four times in man-coverage last season (according to PFF) but was only charged with one completion for three yards, across 111 such snaps
+ Has some wiggle to him in order to get around the back in protection when blitzed, yet he can also press those guys off, force quarterbacks to move and chase after them
+ Gets those arms up and forces the QB to float passes way over his head when trying to throw hot to the back
+ In 2022, he led all Power Five safeties with 21 pressures on just 63(!) pass-rush snaps, and he actually had the exact same rate on fewer opportunities last season (12 pressures on 36 PR snaps)
– Has room to improve his take-on technique and ability to play through blocks with extension, to be able to track the ball simultaneously
– There’s no special burst or long-speed to be hang with speedy slot receivers in man-coverage
– More so just floats deep and is looking to not get run by instead of managing that space when asked to cover the deep middle
– Occasionally gets tunnel-vision for the quarterback and can be at fault for vacating his area for the purpose of “making plays”
– When forced to actually turn and run with vertical threats playing more flat-footed, there’s stiffness that can show up and delay the process slightly
When you study this safety class, Bishop’s tape is about as clean as anybody’s. The question was how athletic he truly is, in part due to being a white DB playing in Mormon country – if we’re being honest. Yet, showing up at 206 pounds for the combine, he ran a 4.45 and tested above the 90th percentile in both the jumps, along with showing loose hips, efficiently changing directions and at one point making a beautiful over-the-shoulder grab during the positional workout. Now, do I believe he quite plays up to those numbers when you watch him turn and run with people? I’d be lying if I said I did. However, he’s going to give you that top speed at all times, pursuing the ball with unwavering hustle on every single snap. I love the way he angles down against the run, his awareness as a zone defender, his secure tackling skills and what he adds on top as a blitzer. I’m not sure if I want him to match legit vertical threats from 10-15 yards off, where he’ll probably allow guys to gain a step or two on him if he doesn’t want to commit prematurely, but playing shell coverage, defending the deep post, dropping down into the slot with tight-ends and involving him in your pressure packages, I think he can take care of all those tasks. I’d take him in the third round.

6. Dadrion Taylor-Demerson, Texas Tech

5’10”, 195 pounds; RS SR
A three-star running back recruit in 2019, “Rabbit” Taylor-Demerson appeared in 11 games as a regular on special teams and to some degree on defense (16 tackles). As a sophomore, he started the final three of ten contests and then broke out in 2021, when he took over one of the starting safetiey spots mid-way through the year. Over his final three seasons, he combined for 208 total stops, 8.5 for loss, two sacks, ten interceptions, 23(!) pass break-ups, two fumbles forced and three recovered. He was recognized as a second-team All-Big 12 performer in 2023.

The rest of the analysis can be found here!


7. Jaden Hicks, Washington State

6’2”, 215 pounds; RS SO

8. Malik Mustapha, Wake Forest

5’10”, 210 pounds; RS JR

9. Calen Bullock, USC

6’2”, 185 pounds; JR

10. Tykee Smith, Georgia

5’10”, 200 pounds; RS SR

Just missed the cut:


Evan Williams, Oregon

6’0”, 200 pounds; RS SR

Sione Vaki, Utah

5’11”, 210 pounds; RS SR

The next names up:

Jaylon Carlies (Missouri), Trey Taylor (Air Force), Dominique Hampton (Washington), Josh Proctor (Ohio State), Beau Brade (Maryland), Tyler Owens (Texas Tech), James Williams (Miami), Jaylin Simpson (Auburn) & Millard “Nook” Bradford (TCU)
If you enjoyed this article, please visit the original piece & feel free to check out my video on the biggest risers and fallers coming out of the NFL combine!
Twitter: @ halilsfbtalk
Instagram: @ halilsrealfootballtalk
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2024.04.07 23:36 QuestionsAboutSCJ History of the Deity of Christ, the Trinity, and the Council of Nicaea

In this document, I aim to demonstrate that the Deity of Jesus and the concept of the Trinity were not established by the Council of Nicaea in AD 325. Despite claims made by various groups, historical evidence from early church writings and documents suggest that these beliefs were already well-established within Christianity long before the Council.
This video from Inspiring Philosophy did a great job at explaining the context of the Council of Nicaea:
This is in response to one of the claims from the following SCJ podcast:
And below are the many quotes from early church Fathers who affirmed the Deity of Christ and even used Trinitarian language.
1. The Deity of Jesus:
Early Church Fathers' Beliefs:
The Deity of Jesus was not a novel concept introduced by the Council of Nicaea. As evidenced by the writings of early church figures like Polycarp, Ignatius of Antioch, Justin Martyr, and Irenaeus of Lyons, the belief that Jesus is God was already firmly held within the Christian community before the Council.
To quote a few historic figures:
  1. Polycarp (AD 69-155) Disciple of John the Apostle:
    1. Now may the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the eternal high priest himself, the Son of God Jesus Christ, build you up in faith and truth...and to us with you, and to all those under heaven who will yet believe in our Lord and God Jesus Christ and in his Father who raised him from the dead. (Polycarp 12:2)
      1. http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/polycarp-lightfoot.html
      2. https://www.str.org/w/nine-early-church-fathers-who-taught-jesus-is-god
  2. Ignatius of Antioch (AD 50-117) Disciple of John the Apostle:
    1. There is only one physician, who is both flesh and spirit, born and unborn, God in man, true life in death, both from Mary and from God, first subject to suffering and then beyond it, Jesus Christ our Lord.
      1. Ignatius of Antioch, Ephesians, Lightfoot
    2. For our God, Jesus the Christ, was conceived by Mary according to God’s plan, both from the seed of David and of the Holy Spirit. (Ignatius, Letter to the Ephesians, 18.2. Translation from Michael Holmes, Apostolic Fathers, 197)
      1. Ignatius of Antioch, Ephesians, Lightfoot
    3. From that time forward every sorcery and every spell was dissolved, the ignorance of wickedness vanished away, the ancient kingdom was pulled down, when God appeared in the likeness of man unto _newness of_ everlasting _life;_ and that which had been perfected in the counsels of God began to take effect. Thence all things were perturbed, because the abolishing of death was taken in hand.
      1. Ignatius of Antioch, Ephesians, Lightfoot
    4. Nothing visible is good. For our God Jesus Christ, being in the Father, is the more plainly visible. The Work is not of persuasiveness, but Christianity is a thing of might, whensoever it is hated by the world.
      1. Ignatius of Antioch, Romans, Lightfoot
    5. I give glory to Jesus Christ the God who bestowed such wisdom upon you;
      1. Ignatius of Antioch, Smyrnaeans, Lightfoot
  3. Epistle of Barnabas (written c. 70–130)
    1. There is yet this also, my brethren; if the Lord endured to suffer for our souls, though He was Lord of the whole world, unto whom God said from the foundation of the world, Let us make man after our image and likeness, how then did He endure to suffer at the hand of men?
      1. Epistle of Barnabas, Lightfoot
  4. Justin Martyr (AD 100-165)
    1. Permit me first to recount the prophecies, which I wish to do in order to prove that Christ is called both God and Lord of hosts. (Chapter 36)
      1. Dialogue with Trypho
    2. "And that Christ being Lord, and God the Son of God, and appearing formerly in power as Man, and Angel, and in the glory of fire as at the bush, so also was manifested at the judgment executed on Sodom, (Chapter 128)
      1. Dialogue with Trypho
    3. Therefore these words testify explicitly that He [Jesus] is witnessed to by Him [the Father] who established these things, as deserving to be worshiped, as God and as Christ. Chapter 63
      1. Dialogue with Trypho
  5. Tatian the Assyrian (110–172):
    1. We do not act as fools, O Greeks, nor utter idle tales when we announce that God was born in the form of man.
      1. Tatian's Address to the Greeks
  6. Irenaeus of Lyons (AD 130-202):
    1. He received testimony from all that He was very man, and that He was very God, from the Father, from the Spirit, from angels, from the creation itself, from men, from apostate spirits and demons.
      1. Against the Heresies, Irenaeus Book 4
    2. “For I have shown from the Scriptures, that no one of the sons of Adam is as to everything, and absolutely, called God, or named Lord. But that He is Himself in His own right, beyond all men who ever lived, God, and Lord, and King Eternal, and the Incarnate Word, proclaimed by all the prophets, the apostles, and by the Spirit Himself, may be seen by all who have attained to even a small portion of the truth. Now, the Scriptures would not have testified to these things of Him, if, like others, He had been a mere man. . . . He is the holy Lord, the Wonderful, the Counselor, the Beautiful in appearance, and the Mighty God, coming on the clouds as the Judge of all men; — all these things did the Scriptures prophesy of Him.”
      1. Against the Heresies, Irenaeus Book 4
  7. Melito of Sardis (d. c. 180)
    1. “He that hung up the earth in space was Himself hanged up; He that fixed the heavens was fixed with nails; He that bore up the earth was born up on a tree; the Lord of all was subjected to ignominy in a naked body – God put to death! . . . [I]n order that He might not be seen, the luminaries turned away, and the day became darkened—because they slew God, who hung naked on the tree. . . . This is He who made the heaven and the earth, and in the beginning, together with the Father, fashioned man; who was announced by means of the law and the prophets; who put on a bodily form in the Virgin; who was hanged upon the tree; who was buried in the earth; who rose from the place of the dead, and ascended to the height of heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of the Father.”
      1. Fragments of Melito of Sardis
  8. Clement of Alexandria (AD 150-215)
    1. This Word, then, the Christ, the cause of both our being at first (for He was in God) and of our well-being, this very Word has now appeared as man, He alone being both, both God and man
      1. Clement, Exhortation
It is apparent that the idea that the Deity of Jesus was established at the Council of Nicaea is not accurate based on these early writings. The belief in Jesus' Divinity was already part of Christian orthodoxy prior to the Council.
2. Development of the Trinity:
The concept of the Trinity was present in the early church, even before the Council of Nicaea. While the term "Trinity" itself may not have been coined until later, the idea of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit being distinct yet unified was evident in early Christian writings.
  1. Saint Dionysius (Direct Disciple of Saint Paul, Acts 17:34) (1st Century D):
    1. We speak of the All-Transcendent Godhead as a Unity and Trinity
    2. "This is why the revelation of the Holy Trinity, which is the summit of cataphatic theology, belongs also to apophatic theology, for ‘if we learn from the Scriptures that the Father is the source of divinity, and Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the divine progeny, the divine seeds, so to say, and flowers and lights that transcend being, we can neither say nor understand what that is."
    3. This aspect of distinctness is manifested in the fact that the Emanation of Absolute Life, etc., is distinct from the Persons of the Trinity, the aspect of identity is manifested in the fact that They possess Absolute Life antecedently to the act of Emanation.
      1. https://biblehub.com/library/rolt/dionysius_the_areopagite/chapter_xiii_concerning_perfect_and.htm
  2. Thaddeus, one of the 70 Disciples in Matthew, and a disciple of Thomas:
    1. Adored, glorified, lauded, celebrated, exalted, and blessed in heaven and on earth, be the adorable and glorious name of Thine ever-glorious Trinity, O Lord of all.
      1. https://www.liturgies.net/Liturgies/Historical/LiturgyOfBlessedApostles.htm
  3. Athenagoras
    1. ...they (the Christians) know God and His Logos, what is the oneness of the Son with the Father, what the communion of the Father with the Son, what is the Spirit, what is the unity of these three, the Spirit, the Son, the Father, and their distinction in unity.
      1. https://www.copticchurch.net/patrology/schoolofalex/III-Athenagoras-aftechapter4.html#:~:text=Athenagoras%20holds%20that%20the%20Logos,out%20the%20meaning%20of%20Col.
      2. Athenagoras is one of the first Christians to attempt to explain the Trinity in a philosophical way, and already we can see how the 3 persons are co-eternal, co-equal, and etc.
  4. Ignatius
    1. ye are stones of a temple, which were prepared beforehand for a building of God the Father, being hoisted up to the heights through the engine of Jesus Christ, which is the Cross, and using for a rope the Holy Spirit
      1. Ignatius Ephesians 9:1
    2. “Study, therefore, to be established in the doctrines of the Lord and the apostles, that so all things, whatsoever you do, may prosper both in the flesh and spirit; in faith and love; in the Son, and in the Father, and in the Spirit; in the beginning and in the end”
      1. The Epistle of Ignatius to the Magnesians Chapter XIII
  5. Irenaeus
    1. And for this reason the baptism of our regeneration proceeds through these three points: God the Father bestowing on us regeneration through His Son by the Holy Spirit.
      1. Irenaeus The Demonstration of the Apostolic Preaching, Chapter 5
  6. Justin Martyr
    1. "I shall give you another testimony, my friends," said I, "from the Scriptures, that God begat before all creatures a Beginning,[who was] a certain rational power[proceeding] from Himself, who is called by the Holy Spirit, now the Glory of the Lord, now the Son, again Wisdom, (Dialogue with Trypho the Jew 61).
      1. Trypho Chapter 61
  7. Clement of Alexandria (190 AD)
    1. I understand nothing else than the Holy Trinity to be meant; for the third is the Holy Spirit, and the Son is the second, by whom all things were made according to the will of the Father.
      1. Clement Somatra Book 5 Chapter 14
  8. Tertullian (200 AD)
    1. Still, in these few quotations the distinction of Persons in the Trinity is clearly set forth. For there is the Spirit Himself who speaks, and the Father to whom He speaks, and the Son of whom He speaks.
      1. Against Praxeas Chapter 11
And many, many more. To see more examples of the Trinity before the Council of Nicaea, visit:
The concept of the Trinity was present in the early church, even before the Council of Nicaea. While the term "Trinity" itself may not have been coined until later, the idea of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit being distinct yet unified was evident in early Christian writings.
3. Purpose of the Council of Nicaea
The Council of Nicaea did not establish the Trinity but rather sought to clarify the understanding of Jesus' divinity in light of his humanity. It addressed the question of how Jesus' divinity should be comprehended, as the belief in his Deity was already prevalent.
The Council of Nicaea was not convened to establish the Deity of Jesus or the Trinity but to address the Arian controversy. The majority of Christians already held the belief in Jesus' divinity, and the Council aimed to clarify the orthodox position.
Contrary to claims made by certain groups, the Council of Nicaea did not establish the Deity of Jesus or the Trinity. Early church writings and documents demonstrate that these beliefs were firmly rooted in Christian tradition long before the Council. The Council's purpose was to address the Arian controversy and reaffirm the already established orthodox view of Jesus' divinity.
In this section, we'll explore Constantine's stance on the Arian controversy and the events surrounding the Council of Nicaea. Contrary to the notion that Constantine used the Council for political power and enforced the Trinitarian viewpoint, historical evidence suggests that his aim was unity within his kingdom and Christianity, even at the cost of accommodating differing beliefs.
  1. Constantine’s perspective:
Constantine, a recent convert to Christianity, aimed for unity among his subjects and within the Christian community. He perceived the theological debates surrounding the nature of Christ as trivial in comparison to the broader goal of a united empire.
Despite his own conversion and the Council of Nicaea, Constantine did not resort to suppressing the Arian viewpoint using political power. He allowed Arius to live in exile, indicating a tolerance for differing beliefs within the Christian sphere.
In fact, towards the end of his life, he was baptized by an Arian Priest / Bishop, and the next 2 succeeding emperors of Rome were Arian.
  1. Parties involved in the Council of Nicaea
The Council of Nicaea featured three main parties with differing perspectives on the nature of Christ: Arian, Orthodox, and Eusebian.
  1. Arian beliefs:
    1. Arian (Arius) believed that Jesus was a "divine" creature but not co-equal to the Father. His view presented Jesus as a lesser god, distinct from the Father and not eternal.
  2. Orthodox and Eusebian Agreement:
    1. The Orthodox and Eusebian parties already concurred on Jesus' full divinity. Their disagreement stemmed from wording rather than core beliefs. The Eusebians were cautious about using the term "homoousios" due to its prior association with modalism, but both groups agreed on Jesus' divine nature.
4. Outcome of the Council of Nicaea
Contrary to misconceptions, the Council did not invent the concept of the Trinity or make Jesus divine. Instead, it reconfirmed the already established orthodox belief through scriptural analysis.
After careful consideration of the Arian and Orthodox viewpoints, the Council voted, with only two members siding with Arius. The majority upheld the established orthodox view, emphasizing Jesus' full divinity and co-equality with the Father.
To re-emphasize: Constantine did not use the Council to enforce the Trinitarian viewpoint. Instead, he demonstrated compassion toward the Arians. He allowed Arianism to persist and even flourish, with Arians gaining political influence.
The Arians eventually tried to use their political influence to stamp out the Trinitarian view; and while there were Christians who succumbed to the Arian perspective, Athanses didn’t. Instead, he kept fighting the Arians with scripture, and the Orthodox Church yet again re-confirmed their beliefs in the Trinity in the Council of Constantinople.
submitted by QuestionsAboutSCJ to Shincheonji [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 18:15 BananowyJE The true meaning of the Hanged Man pathway

After years of research and hours of listening I finally completed my analysis of the true abilities of Hanged Man pathway. They called me a madman, they said that it won't be possible. But here I am, Straight Outta Research Lab and this is the fruit of my labour!
Sequence 9: Secrets Supplicant
Their high Musicality allows them to detect aura from strong rappers. They use their Rhythm-ualistic magic to learn the basics of melody, rhythm and rhymes. Some even call them Mystic Stylez
Sequence 8: Listener (Whispered)
Every Listener has the ability to listen to the mad raps of others and pick up useful parts for their own verses. One must be careful though - if you listen to hidden, unknown artist, your taste may irrevocably change to some alternative electro retro-futuristic Mongolian throat singing or some other crazy shit. Basically you try to Get Rich or Die Tryin'
Sequence 7: Shadow Ascetic
You are lurking in the shadows between the bigger players. You get to say a verse or two at the clubs, slowly preparing for the true start of your career. You don't earn much so you stay pretty Slim and since you are constantly behind the crowd, in the shadows, some call you Shady. You get the sensation of being watched, but those are the producers looking at the next big thing in the industry. With a bit of luck you can bind them to yourself, singing the contract for your first album!
Sequence 6: Rose Bishop
You finally start putting out your own raps on big stage. They are BLOODY good and skilfully manipulate F(L)ESH ideas. Some are so fresh that they hit like a bomb. You are also quite resistant, enough to get a few shots on you and use them for inspiration for the next album!
Sequence 5: Shepherd
You devour parts of other styles of music and musicians and incorporate it all into your own mad raps. The versatility of inserting your verses into different music styles means that It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold You Back from achieving that #1 spot on the list.
Sequence 4: Black Knight
Qualitative change of your career. Your verses are so hot that even black community applauds you and welcomes you into their ranks. Each time you hold a mic, it's like a great-sword that cuts through the other songs.
Sequence 3: Trinity Templar
Have you ever liked a song so much that you wanted to sing both the verses, the music and the choir? Now it is possible! Your insane rap speed allows you to simultaneously sing all of them, making it sounds like you have three heads or something. Your verses are so good that you corrode the music taste of fans of other types of music.
Sequence 2: Profane Presbyter
Nobody can beat you in a verbal combat, not even Clarence. Your words also are truer than truth and hurt more than a bullet. Whatever your enemy says you can perfectly use against them. Some call your verses "Evil Words", but they are just jelly of your talents!
Sequence 1: Dark Angel
This is Your Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. Your raps are so good that some call you a Yeezus. And is it all good now? Hell no! You are literally Suffering From Success! (like daddy TC!) You also kinda grow one wing and call yourself Sephiroth, you are just that cool.
Sequence 0: Hanged Man
There is a common mistranslation of this sequence name. The proper translation should be "Rap God". You are the one who knocks, you are the one who drops the mic since your mere presence disses everybody around you. They also drop their Mom's spaghetti, even if they don't like spaghetti. Also - TC? Yep, that is also a mistranslation, they really meant MC!

So yeah, If You're Reading This Is Too Late. At least for me, that is.
submitted by BananowyJE to LordofTheMysteries [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 21:42 IceJD Recommended Emoji Analysis - By Power Type - 61.0.0

Bold is new/changed info thru V61.2.0 (Mar. 27th)

By Power Type

The power type occurs at ALL levels.....unless specific levels are noted!

Add time

Aladdin, Angel Chip, Asha, Blanche Devereaux, Briar Rose, Bruno, Captain Lightyear, Captain Pan, Celebration Jasmine, Celia, Cogsworth, Dapper Mickey, Dorothy Zbornak, Dr. Lily Houghton, Ebenezer Scrooge McDuck, Electrical Parade Minnie, Ember, Enchantress, Flash, Frozone, Grandmother Willow, Jack, Mary Sanderson, Nani Pelekai, Pacha, Pink Dress Cinderella, Platinum Grogu, Platinum Miguel, Platinum Tiana, Pretty Flower, Prison Dog, Shock, Tiny Tim, Tod, Wedding Cinderella, White Rabbit, Winter Belle, Witch Minnie, Young Mim


Alma Madrigal (triggers), Almost There Tiana (triggers), Angel (blitz meter fill bonus), Baby Simba (blitz meter fill bonus; extends blitz), Barley (blitz meter fill bonus; extends blitz), C1-10P "Chopper" (triggers), Captain Lightyear (triggers), Chernabog (triggers), Cave of Wonders (triggers), Charlotte La Bouff (blitz meter fill bonus), Dapper Minnie (triggers), Ember (blitz meter fill bonus; extends blitz), Headphones Dug (blitz meter fill bonus; extends blitz), Holiday Tinker Bell (triggers), Iolite Fairy Godmother (blitz meter fill bonus; extends blitz), Jedi Anakin (blitz meter fill bonus; extends blitz), Mama Coco (blitz meter fill bonus; extends blitz), Opal Olaf (error as he doesn't actually have a blitz effect), Pixel Ralph (triggers), Platinum Donald (blitz meter fill bonus; extends blitz), Platinum Jiminy Cricket (triggers), Platinum Mickey (triggers), Platinum Nemo (triggers), Queen Elinor (blitz meter fill bonus), Rainbow Mickey (triggers), Rosetta (blitz meter fill bonus; extends blitz); Ruby Mushu (triggers), Scuttle (blitz meter fill bonus; extends blitz); Te Fiti (blitz meter fill bonus; extends blitz), The Emperor (triggers), Vacation Genie (triggers), Wedding Ariel (blitz meter fill bonus), Willow (blitz meter fill bonus; extends blitz)


Abby Park, Ariel (live-action), Diamond Elsa, Ember, Honey Lemon, March Hare, K-2SO, King Triton (live-action), Pine Cone Pluto, Platinum Baymax, Platinum Mickey, Spring Flute Mickey, Spring Sprite, The Witch, Topaz Tinker Bell, Voyager Moana

Clear emoji (A-G)

1969 Indiana Jones, 22, 8-Bit Mickey, Abby Park, Abominable Snowman, Auguste Gusteau, Alberto, Alfredo Linguini, Alice, Alien, Alien Pluto, Alpha, Amethyst Ursula, Anakin Skywalker, Anastasia, Anastasia Romanov, Angel, Angel Chip, Anger, Anna, Aqua, Archimedes, Ariel (cartoon), Ashoka Tano, Astronaut Donald, Astronaut Mickey, Baby Dory, Baby Moana, Bagheera, Bailey, Bambi, Bao, Barbossa, Barney, Barrel, Baymax, BB-8, Belle, Bernard the Elf, Bert, Bianca, Billy Butcherson, Birthday Baby Pluto, Blue Fairy, Bo Peep, Bo-Katan, Bob Cratchit Kermit, Bob Cratchit Mickey, Boba Fett, Bolt, Briar Rose, Bronx, Bruce, Bullseye, Bunny, Bunny Tigger, Buzz Lightyear, C1-10P "Chopper", C-3PO, Cad Bane, Calhoun, Camilo, Cassian Andor, Captain Goofy, Captain Hook, Captain Pan, Carl, Chernabog, Cheshire Cat, Chewbacca, Chip (BatB), Christmas Clarabelle Cow, Christmas Sally, Citrine Anna, Colors of the Wind Pocahontas, Constance, Crab Donald, Cri-Kee, Cruella de Vil, Crush, Cruz Ramirez, Daisy Duck, Dale, Dante, Dapper Minnie, Darla, Darth Maul, Darth Vader, Dash, Davy Jones, Death Trooper, Deep Sea Mickey, Demona, Destiny, Dewey (only if Overcharge used), Diego, Disguised Jasmine, Disguised Miguel, Disgust, Dolores, Donald Duck, Doorknob, Dopey, Dory, Dr. Finkelstein, Dragon Maleficent, Drizella, Duke Caboom, Dumbo, Ebenezer Scrooge McDuck, Edna, Eeyore, Electrical Parade Blue Fairy, Elephant Abu, Elizabeth Swann, Elsa, Elsa the Snow Queen, Ember, Emperor Palpatine, Ernesto, Esmeralda, EVE, Fauna, Fawn, Fear, Fennec Shand, Figaro, Finn, Finnick, Flik, Flit, Floral Miss Bunny, Flotsam, Flounder, Fluorite Buzz, Flynn Rider, Frank, Frollo, Forky, Fozzie Bear, Gadget, Gardener Mickey, Gaston, General Grievous, Ghost of Jacob Marley, Giselle, Gizmoduck, Goliath, Gonzo, Grand Inquisitor, Grand Moff Tarkin, Grand Pabbie, Grumpy, Gus

Clear emoji (H-O)

Hades, Hamm, Han Solo, Hank, Héctor, Hei Hei, Heimlich, Helena, Hercules, Hiro, Hitchhiker Ghost Phineas, Holiday Wall-E, Hondo, Honey Bee Pooh, Honey Lemon, House Alice, Huey, Hugo, Iago, Ian, Imperial Stormtooper, Indiana Jones, Isabela, Jabba the Hutt, Jack Skellington, Jack-Jack, Jackson Storm, Jafar, Jar Jar Binks, Jasmine, Jedi Anakin, Jedi Master Luke, Jessie, Joe, John Silver, Jose, Judy Hopps, Jumba, K-2SO, Kaa, Kakamora Chief, Kermit the Frog, Kevin, Kim Possible, King of Hearts, King Louie, King Triton (cartoon), King Triton (live-action), Kristoff, Kronk, Kuzco, Kylo Ren, Lady Kluck, Lando Calrissian, Launchpad McQuack, Lightning McQueen, Li Shang, Lilo, Little John, Little Oysters, Lotso, Louie (only if Overcharge used), Louis, Luisa, Luke Skywalker, Lumière, Lumpy Heffalump, Mace Windu, Madam Mim, Madame Leota, Madame Medusa, Magic Carpet, Mal, Maleficent, Man-Eating Wreath, Manny, March Hare, Marion Ravenwood, Marshmallow, Mary Poppins, Mary Sanderson, Mater, Maui, Max, Maximus, Meeko, Meg, Meilin Lee, Merida, Merryweather, Mike, Miss Piggy, Miss Piggy Emily Cratchit, Moana, Moff Gideon, Monterey Jack, Mother Gothel, Mowgli, Mr. Incredible, Mrs. Incredible, Mr. Toad, Mrs. Nesbit, Mufasa, Mulan, Mushu, Nala, Namaari, Nana, Nani Pelekai, Nick Wilde, Oogie Boogie, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit

Clear emoji (P-Z)

Pacha, Pancake Goofy, Patch, Pearl Daisy, Pegasus, Penny Proud, Pepita, Percy, Perdita, Peridot Maleficent, Peter Pan, Phil, Piglet, Ping, Pine Cone Pluto, Pinocchio, Pirate Peg-Leg Pete, Pixel Ralph, PJ, Platinum Baymax, Platinum Grogu, Platinum Mickey, Platinum Miguel, Platinum Minnie, Platinum Simba, Platinum Snow White, Platinum Sorcerer's Apprentice Mickey, Platinum Stitch, Platinum Woody, Pluto, Powerline, Pretty Flower, Prince Ali, Prince Charming, Prince Phillip, Princess Atta, Princess Aurora, Princess Leia, Prison Dog, Professor Ratigan, Pua, Pumbaa, Pumpkin Mickey, Quasimodo, Queen Elinor, Rabbit, Rainbow Stitch, Rainbow Unicorn, Rajah, Ralph, Rancor, Rapunzel, Rasputin, Raya, Red Panda Mei, Red Panda Ming Lee, Remy, Retro Minnie, Rex, Rey, Robin Hood, Rose, Rose (DeWitt), Rose Gold Minnie, Rose Nylund, Roxanne, Royal Magician Donald, Roz, Ruby Ariel, Ruby Mushu, Russell, Sadness, Santa Jack, Santa Pooh, Scar, Scrat, Scrooge McDuck, Scrump, Seashell Daisy, Shan Yu, Shaved Ice Stitch, Shenzi, Shere Khan, Shock, Sid, Simba, Sir Hiss, Sleepy, Slightly, Smee, Snake Jafar, Sophia Petrillo, Sora, Sorcerer's Apprentice Mickey, Sox, Spirit Mufasa, Spring Flute Mickey, Spring Sprite, Steamboat Willie Mickey, Stinky Pete, Stitch, Sulley, Sven, Swedish Chef, Te Ka, The Beast, The Book, The Bride, The Child, The Evil Queen, The Fire Spirit, The Horned King, The Mandalorian, The Manticore, The Mayor, The Prince, The Queen of Hearts, Thumper, Tia Dalma, Tiara Rapunzel, Tigger, Timon, Timothy Mouse, Tramp, Tuk Tuk, Tweedle Dee, Ursula, Vacation Genie, Vacation Goofy, Vampire Mickey, Vanellope, Vanessa, Violet, Voyager Moana, Wade, Watermelon Minnie, Waternoose, WALL-E, Webby, Wedding Cinderella, Wedding Giselle, Wedding Maximus, Wendy, Willow, Winnie the Pooh, Winter Belle, Winter Cruella, Winter Snow White, Winter Pete, Witch Minnie, Woody, Yen Sid, Yesss, Yoda, Young Anna, Young Merida, Young Mim, Young Winifred, Yzma Kitty, Yzma, Zero, Zummi Gummi, Zurg

Create lightning (A to L)

1969 Indiana Jones (note he doesn't actually add lightning at L5), Abu, Admiral Ackbar (1, 2, 3), Aladdin, Alberto, Alpha (1, 2, 3, 4), Amethyst Ursula, Anton Ego, April Shower Bambi, Aquamarine Jasmine (1, 2, 3, 4), Arthur, Baby Hercules, Baby Rapunzel (1, 2, 3, 4), Bailey (1, 2), Baloo, Barrel (1, 2, 3, 4), Bing Bong, Bo-Katan, Boo, Bookworm Belle (1, 2, 3, 4), Boushh Disguise Leia (1, 2, 3, 4), Caballero Donald (1, 2), Cara Dune, Carl (1, 3, 5), Cave of Wonders, Celebration Jasmine, Chip (RR), Cobra Bubbles (1, 2, 3), Copper, Darth Maul (2, 3, 4, 5), Deep Sea Mickey (1, 2), Devil Dale, Doc, Doorknob (1, 3, 5), Dr. Finkelstein, Duke Caboom, Ebenezer Scrooge McDuck, Electrical Parade Cheshire Cat (1, 2, 3, 4), Electrical Parade Elliott, Emperor Palpatine, Fairy Minnie, Fix-It Felix, Jr. (2, 3, 4, 5), Flash, Flora, Flower Piglet (1, 2, 3), Fluorite Buzz (1, 2, 3, 4), Gardener Mickey, Garnet Minnie, Gauzey the Hatbox Bear, Genie Jafar, Ghost of Christmas Future Pete (1, 2, 3), Gingerbread Mickey (1, 2, 3), Governor Ratcliffe, Grandmother Willow (1, 2, 4), Han Solo, **Hera Syndulla (1, 2, 3, 4),**Holiday Mickey (2, 3, 4, 5), Holiday Minnie, Holiday Pluto, Holiday Tinker Bell (1, 2, 3, 4), Hondo (1, 2, 3, 4), Ice Cream Mickey, Jedi Anakin, John Darling, Jyn Erso, King Candy (1, 2, 4), Kronk, Lightning McQueen, Lucifer (1, 2),

Create lightning (M to Z)

Madame Pigota, Magic Carpet (1, 2), Magic Mirror, Magica de Spell (1, 2, 4), Maid Marian (1, 2), Mater, Mickey Mouse, Mirabel (1,2), Mr. Walrus, Nala (1, 2), Obsidian Snow White (1, 2, 3, 4), Oliver (1, 2, 3), Pearl Daisy, Ping (1), Platinum Genie, Platinum Minnie 1, 2, 3), Platinum Mirabel, Platinum Sorcerer's Apprentice Mickey (1, 2, 3, 4), Platinum Stitch, Platinum Tiana (1, 2, 3, 4), Platinum Woody, Prince Naveen, Poe Dameron, Powerline, Pumpkin Mickey (1, 2), Rainbow Mickey (2, 3, 4, 5), Rainbow Stitch, Ray (2, 3, 4, 5), Ron, Royal Magician Donald (1, 2), Sabine Wren (1, 3, 4), Santa Goofy (1, 2, 3, 4), Santa Jack, Santa Pooh (1, 2), Sapphire Joy, Scrat (1, 2, 3, 4), Scuttle (1, 2, 3), Seashell Daisy (2, 3), Sea Creature Goofy, Sisu, Stinky Pete (1), Suga Mama, Tamatoa, Te Fiti (1, 2, 4), The Book, The Fairy Godmother, The Horned King, The Mayor, Tinker Bell, Tod (1), Vacation Goofy (1, 2, 3, 4), Valentino (1, 2 ,3, 4), Vampire Mickey (2, 3, 4, 5), Vanessa, Waternoose, Wedding Maximus (1, 2), Winifred Sanderson, Witch Minnie (2, 4), Yoda (1, 2), Young Anna (1, 2, 3), Young Winifred, Zazu, Zeus, Zurg

Create stars (A to L)

Abu, Admiral Ackbar (5), Alfredo Linguini (3,4,5), Amethyst Ursula, Animal (5) (only if Overcharge used), Anton Ego (3, 4, 5), April Shower Bambi, Arthur (5), Baby Rapunzel (2, 3, 4, 5), Bailey (4, 5), Baloo (4, 5), Bing Bong (3, 4, 5), Blue Fairy, Bob Cratchit Mickey (3, 4, 5), Bookworm Belle (2, 3, 4, 5), Boushh Disguise Leia (5), Caballero Donald (4, 5), Cara Dune (2, 3, 4, 5), Celebration Jasmine (5), Cobra Bubbles (5), Copper (5), Darth Maul (5), Darth Vader, Deep Sea Mickey (3, 4, 5), Devil Dale, Doc (2, 3, 4, 5), Dragon Maleficent, Ebenezer Scrooge McDuck, Electrical Parade Cheshire Cat (4, 5) Electrical Parade Elliott (5), Electrical Parade Minnie (note she doesn't actually add stars at L1-L3 and instead adds suns), Emily Cratchit Minnie, Enchantress, Fix-It Felix, Jr. (2, 3, 4, 5), Flora, Flower Piglet (5), Gardener Mickey, Garnet Minnie (5), Gauzey the Hatbox Bear (5), Genie Jafar (5), Ghost of Christmas Future Pete (4, 5), Gingerbread Mickey (3, 4, 5), Governor Ratcliffe, Grandmother Willow (4, 5), Han Solo, Holiday Cinderella, Holiday Minnie (2, 3, 4, 5), Holiday Tinker Bell, Holiday Wall-E, Hondo, Honey Cake Pooh, Ice Cream Mickey, Indiana Jones, Jar Jar Binks (5), Jedi Anakin, Jiminy Cricket, Jyn Erso (2, 3, 4, 5), King of Hearts, Kronk, Lucifer (5), Luke Skywalker (2, 3, 4, 5)

Create stars (M to Z)

Magic Mirror, Maid Marian, Mirabel (3,4), Mr. Walrus (4, 5), Miss Piggy, Obsidian Snow White, Oliver (5), Pancake Goofy, Pearl Daisy (5), Pepita, Peppermint Minnie (4, 5), Ping (4, 5), Platinum Mirabel (3, 4, 5), Platinum Woody, Poe Dameron (4, 5), Prince Naveen, Pumpkin Mickey (5), Platinum Minnie (5), Platinum Sorcerer's Apprentice Mickey, Platinum Stitch (4, 5), Platinum Tiana, Queen Anna, Rainbow Mickey, Rainbow Stitch, Rainbow Unicorn, Ray, Ron (2, 3, 4, 5), Sabine Wren (3, 4, 5), Santa Goofy (5), Santa Pooh (5), Sapphire Joy, Scrat (4, 5), Scrump, Sea Creature Goofy (2, 3, 4, 5), Sisu (2, 3, 4, 5), Snake Jafar, Stinky Pete (5), Suga Mama (5), Tamatoa (4, 5), The Fairy Godmother, Tinker Bell, Tod (4, 5), Vacation Goofy (2, 3, 4, 5), Vampire Mickey, Wade, Waternoose (3, 4, 5), Wedding Ariel, Wedding Maximus (4, 5), Wendy, Wicket (5), Winifred Sanderson, Witch Minnie (5), Yoda (4, 5), Young Anna (5), Zircon Belle

Create suns (A to M)

1969 Indiana Jones (2 ,3, 4, 5), Abu, Admiral Ackbar (2, 3, 4, 5), Aladdin, Alfredo Linguini, Alpha (4, 5), Amethyst Ursula, Animal (only if Overcharge used), Anton Ego, April Shower Bambi (2, 3, 4, 5), Aquamarine Jasmine (3, 4, 5), Arthur, Baby Chick Eeyore, Baby Hercules (4, 5), Baby Rapunzel, Baby Simba, Bailey (2, 3, 4, 5), Baloo, Barrel, Bing Bong (2), Blanche Devereaux, Bo-Katan (2, 3, 4, 5), Bob Cratchit Mickey, Boba Fett (5), Bookworm Belle, Boushh Disguise Leia (2, 3, 4), Caballero Donald, Cara Dune, Carl (2, 3, 4, 5), Celebration Jasmine (3, 4, 5), Chip (RR) (2, 3, 4, 5), Cinderella, Cobra Bubbles (2, 3, 4, 5), Copper (3, 4, 5), Darth Maul, Deep Sea Mickey (2, 3, 4, 5), Devil Dale, Doc, Doorknob (2, 3, 4, 5), Dr. Lily Houghton (2, 3, 4, 5), Ebenezer Scrooge McDuck, Electrical Parade Cheshire Cat, Electrical Parade Elliott (2, 3, 4, 5), Enchantress, Fix-It Felix, Jr., Flora, Flower Piglet (3, 4), Fluorite Buzz, Gardener Mickey, Garnet Minnie, Gauzey the Hatbox Bear, Genie Jafar (3, 4, 5), Ghost of Christmas Future Pete, Gingerbread Mickey, Governor Ratcliffe, Grandmother Willow (2, 3, 5), Hera Syndulla (2, 3, 4, 5), Holiday Mickey (2, 3, 4, 5), Holiday Minnie (1, 3, 4, 5), Holiday Tinker Bell, Hondo, Ice Cream Mickey, Iridessa, Jack, Jar Jar Binks (2, 3, 4), Jedi Anakin, Jolly Holiday Mary Poppins, Joy, Jyn Erso, King Candy (2, 3, 4, 5), Kronk, Lilo, Lucifer, Luke Skywalker (1, 2, 3, 4), Madame Pigota, Magic Carpet (2, 3, 4, 5), Magic Mirror, Magica de Spell (2, 3, 4, 5), Magical Enchantress, Maid Marian, Mama Coco, Mirabel (5), Mother Gothel, Mr. Walrus (2, 3, 4, 5)

Create suns (N to Z)

Nala (2, 3), Obsidian Snow White (4, 5), Olaf, Oliver (2, 3, 4), Opal Olaf, Pearl Daisy, Peppermint Minnie, Ping (2, 3), Platinum Genie (3, 4, 5), Platinum Minnie (2, 3, 4, 5), Platinum Mirabel (1, 2, 3, 4), Platinum Sorcerer's Apprentice Mickey (2, 3, 4, 5), Platinum Stitch, Platinum Tiana, Platinum Woody, Poe Dameron, Prince Naveen, Pumpkin Mickey (3, 4), Rabbit, Rainbow Mickey (2, 3, 4, 5), Rainbow Stitch, Ray (2, 3, 4, 5), Ron, Rosetta, Royal Magician Donald (3, 4, 5), Sabine Wren, Santa Goofy (2, 3, 4, 5), Santa Pooh, Sapphire Joy, Scrat (2, 3, 4, 5), Scuttle (2, 3, 4, 5), Sea Creature Goofy, Seashell Daisy (4, 5), Smee, Snow White, Spring Flute Mickey, Stinky Pete (2, 3, 4), Suga Mama (2, 3, 4, 5), Tamatoa (2, 3, 4, 5), Te Fiti (2, 3, 4, 5), The Book, The Emperor, The Fairy Godmother, Tinker Bell, Tod (2, 3), Vacation Goofy, Valentino (4, 5), Vampire Mickey, Waternoose (3, 4, 5), Wedding Maximus (2, 3, 4, 5), Wicket, Winifred Sanderson, Witch Minnie, Yoda (2, 3, 4), Young Anna, Zazu, Zircon Belle, Zurg (3, 4, 5)

Drop items

22, Auguste Gusteau, Amethyst Ursula, Animal (only if Overcharge used), Anton Ego, Baby Moana, Baby Rapunzel, Bao, Billy Butcherson, Bob Cratchit Mickey, Bookworm Belle, Caballero Donald, Cad Bane, Chip (RR), Citrine Anna, Cobra Bubbles, Copper, Devil Dale, Doc, Ebenezer Scrooge McDuck, Electrical Parade Elliott, Fennec Shand, Gazelle, Grandmother Willow, Gus, Hera Syndulla, Holiday Cinderella, Holiday Mickey, Jedi Anakin, Jedi Master Luke, John Silver, Jolly Holiday Mary Poppins, Kim Possible, Lucifer, Luisa, Mace Windu, Magic Mirror, Mr. Walrus, Mufasa, Namaari, Patch, Pink Dress Cinderella, Platinum Donald, Platinum Grogu, Platinum Stitch, Rancor, Red Carpet Genie, Reflection Mulan, Rose (DeWitt), Rose Nylund, Sabine Wren, Scrat, Sid, Silvermist, Sea Creature Goofy, Sophia Petrillo, Stinky Pete, Suga Mama (note she doesn't actually drop items), Tiny Tim, Valentino, Vampire Mickey, Watermelon Minnie, Young Merida, Zazu, Zummi Gummi

Generate coins

Aladdin, Alma Madrigal, Almost There Tiana, Aquamarine Jasmine, Baby Chick Eeyore, Bernard, Bing Bong (3, 4, 5), Boushh Disguise Leia, Camilo, Captain Jack Sparrow, Cara Dune, Cave of Wonders, Constance, Cri-Kee, Dewey (only if Overcharge used), Dug, Elizabeth Swann, Emily Cratchit Minnie, Enchantress, Ernesto, Fashion Minnie, Finnick, Flora, Ghost of Jacob Marley, Giselle, Gizmoduck, Governor Ratcliffe, Hamm, Holiday Cinderella, Huey (only if Overcharge used), Jabba the Hutt, Little John, Louie, Lumpy Heffalump, Magica de Spell, Minnie Mouse, Mirabel, Oogie Boogie, Platinum Donald, Platinum Mickey, Platinum Miguel, Platinum Minnie, Prince Ali, Prince John, Prison Dog, Robin Hood, Rose (DeWitt), Rose Nylund, Sarah Sanderson, Scrooge McDuck, Sultan, Tamatoa, The Prince, Witch Minnie, Zeus

Generate score

Baby Dory, Bruce, Deep Sea Mickey, Enchantress, Forky, Frozone, Gaston, Iridessa, Lady, Madame Pigota, Marie, Max, Mrs. Potts, Oliver, Prince Eric, Princess Aurora, Queen Anna, Rainy Day Donald, Roo, Salacious Crumb, Sebastian, The Child, The Mayor, Tiara Rapunzel, Winter Aurora, Witch Minnie


Animal (adds powerups and drops item), Dewey (adds clears and generate coins), Electrical Parade Blue Fairy (overcharge transforms), Huey (adds transform and generate coins), Louie (adds clears and transform), Platinum Simba (overcharge clears), Sapphire Joy (overcharge creates lightning/sun combos! & suns & stars)

Random emoji


Rearrange emoji

Alebrije Dante, Clawhauser, Genie Jafar, Goofy, Gramma Tala, Imelda, Jaq, Kit, Little Oysters, Mermaid Minnie, Nana, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Pearl, Poe Dameron, R2-D2, Rafiki, Salacious Crumb, Sarah Sanderson, Shere Khan, Syndrome, The Mad Hatter, Yzma Kitty

Transforms emoji

Adult Simba, Alebrije Dante, Alma Madrigal, Animal, Antonio, Ariel (live-action), Asha, Baby Pegasus, Baby Rajah, Bernard, Bing Bong, Binx, Blueberry Muffin Donald, Bruno, Camilo, Charlotte La Bouff, Clawhauser, Colors of the Wind Pocahontas, Dapper Mickey, Darkwing Duck, Dewey, Diamond Elsa, Dr. Facilier, Electrical Parade Tinker Bell, Elsa the Snow Queen, Ember, Fashion Minnie, Fancy Beast, First Order Stormtrooper, Flower Minnie, Gazelle, Hatbox Ghost, Headphones Dug, Honey Cake Pooh, House Alice, Huey (only if Overcharge used), Human Sisu, Ian, Iolite Fairy Godmother, John Darling, Joy, King Candy, Kuzco, Lady Tremaine, Lock, Louie (only if Overcharge used), Luca, Madam Mim, Magic Mirror, Magical Enchantress, Masquerade Cruella, Merlin, Miguel, Nemo, Panchito, Pascal, Pearl, Peppermint Minnie, Peridot Maleficent, Pink Dress Cinderella, Platinum Genie, Platinum Grogu, Platinum Jiminy Cricket, Platinum Nemo, Platinum Snow White, Pocahontas, Prince Hans, Princess Aurora, Pumpkin Minnie, Queen Amidala, Queen Elinor, R2-D2, Rainy Day Donald, Randall, Red Carpet Genie, Reflection Mulan, Roo, Ruby Ariel, Sally, Scott Calvin, Silvermist, Soft Serve Donald, Sketch Figment, Spring Sprite (note she doesn't actually transform emojis), Sugar Bowl, The Book, The Caterpillar, The Genie, The Horned King, The Witch, Tiana, Topaz Tinker Bell, Topiary Daisy, Winter Pete, Yzma
submitted by IceJD to disneyemojiblitz [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 21:42 IceJD Recommended Emoji Analysis - By Emoji - 61.0.0

Bold is new/changed info in V61.2.0 (Mar. 27th)

By Emojis

Mickey Mouse
Donald Duck, Pluto
Minnie Mouse
Daisy Duck
Ariel (cartoon), Flounder
Sebastian, Prince Eric
Sulley, Mike
Simba, Timon, Pumbaa
Bambi, Thumper
Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, Eeyore, Tigger
Jiminy Cricket
Pinocchio, Figaro, Dumbo
Timothy Mouse
8-Bit Mickey
Tinker Bell
Peter Pan
John Darling
The Genie
Iago, Rajah, Alice, Cheshire Cat
White Rabbit
The Mad Hatter
The Caterpillar
Little Oysters
March Hare
Mr. Walrus
Tweedle Dee, Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Alien, Bullseye, Jessie
Bo Peep
Duke Caboom
Bunny, Kermit the Frog, Fozzie Bear, Swedish Chef
Miss Piggy
Prince Charming
Anastasia, Drizella, Elsa, Anna
Sven, Kristoff, Grand Pabbie, Marshmallow, WALL-E, EVE
Stitch, Jumba
Nani Pelekai
Cobra Bubble
Nick Wilde, Judy Hopps
Dory, Crush
Hank, Destiny
Baby Dory
The Beast, Belle, Lumière
Mrs. Potts
Chip (BatB), Moana, Maui, Pua, Hei Hei, Mulan, Mushu
Li Shang, Rapunzel
Flynn Rider, Maximus
Lightning McQueen
Cruz Ramirez, Jackson Storm
Sadness, Anger, Disgust, Fear
Bing Bong
Steamboat Willie Mickey, Retro Minnie, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit
Princess Aurora
Prince Phillip
Fauna, Merryweather
Flit, Meeko, Percy
Kaa, King Louie, Mowgli, Jack Skellington
Dr. Finkelstein
The Mayor
Héctor, Dante
Hiro, Baymax, Vanellope, Ralph, Yesss
Fix-It Felix, Jr.
Charlotte La Bouff
Tramp, Hercules, Meg, Pegasus, Phil, Merida, Remy
Alfredo Linguini
Flik, Princes Atta, Heimlich, Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, Jack-Jack, Violet, Dash
Snow White
Dopey, Grumpy, Sleepy
The Prince
Robin Hood
Maid Marian
Lady Kluck
Little John
Sir Hiss, Esmeralda, Quasimodo, Hugo, Russell
Sugar Bowl
The Manticore
Roxanne, PJ, Joe
Tuk Tuk
Panchito, Luca
Alma Madrigal
Barney, Penny Proud, Meilin Lee
Abby Park
Captain Lightyear
Anastasia Romanov
Kim Possible
Scrooge McDuck
Webby, Launchpad McQuack
Darkwing Duck
Manny, Diego
Chip (RR)
Dale, Gadget, Monterey Jack, Goliath, Bronx
Hatbox Ghost
Hitchhiker Ghost Phineas, Madame Leota, The Bride, Abominable Snowman, Mr. Toad
Captain Jack Sparrow
Barbossa, Davy Jones
Elizabeth Swann
Prison Dog
Rey, Finn, BB-8
Poe Dameron
Luke Skywalker
Princess Leia, Chewbacca
Han Solo
Boba Fett
The Mandalorian
Cara Dune
Fennec Shand
Lando Calrissian
Jyn Erso
Cassian Andor, Mal
Salacious Crumb
Jar Jar Binks
Sabine Wren
C1-10P "Chopper"
Hera Syndulla
Winifred Sanderson
Mary Sanderson
Sarah Sanderson
Billy Butcherson
Dr. Lily Houghton
Indiana Jones
Marion Ravenwood
Helena (Shaw)
Rose (DeWitt)
Jack (Dawson)
Scott Calvin
Bernard the Elf
Sora, Aqua, Captain Goofy
Royal Magician Donald
Spirit Mufasa
Baby Simba
Adult Simba
Santa Jack
Winter Belle
Fancy Beast
Bookworm Belle
Magical Enchantress
Yzma Kitty
Reflection Mulan
Tiara Rapunzel
Wedding Maximus
Baby Rapunzel
Mrs. Nesbit
Vacation Goofy
Alebrije Dante
Disguised Miguel
Disguised Jasmine
Vacation Genie
Snake Jafar
Prince Ali
Elephant Abu
Baby Rajah
Genie Jafar
Celebration Jasmine
Wedding Ariel
Wedding Cinderella
Pink Dress Cinderella
Baby Moana
Voyager Moana
Te Ka
Caballero Donald
Almost There Tiana
Prince Naveen
Baby Pegasus
Baby Hercules
Headphones Dug
Young Mim
Elsa the Snow Queen
Queen Anna
Young Anna
Winter Cruella
Masquerade Cruella
Young Merida
Queen Elinor
House Alice
Red Panda Mei, Red Panda Ming Lee
Pretty Flower
The Witch
Dragon Maleficent
Briar Rose
Human Sisu
Spring Flute Mickey
Captain Pan
Colors of the Wind Pocahontas
Wedding Giselle
Anakin Skywalker
Jedi Anakin
Queen Amidala
Boushh Disguise Leia
Jolly Holiday Mary Poppins
Young Winifred
Madame Pigota
Gauzey the Hatbox Bear
1969 Indiana Jones
Holiday Mickey
Holiday Minnie
Holiday Pluto
Christmas Clarabelle Cow
Santa Goofy
Rose Gold Minnie
Rainbow Mickey
Vampire Mickey
Witch Minnie
Pumpkin Mickey
Pumpkin Minnie
Mermaid Minnie
Deep Sea Mickey
Crab Donald
Seashell Daisy
Sea Creature Goofy
Fairy Minnie
Birthday Baby Pluto
Peppermint Minnie
Gingerbread Mickey
Gardener Mickey
Flower Minnie
Rainy Day Donald
Watermelon Minnie
Ice Cream Mickey
Soft Serve Donald
Astronaut Mickey, Alien Pluto, Astronaut Donald
Pine Cone Pluto
Pancake Goofy
Blueberry Muffin Donald
Fashion Minnie
Topiary Daisy
Dapper Mickey
Dapper Minnie
Kevin, Sorcerer's Apprentice Mickey, Yen Sid
Spring Sprite
The Fairy Godmother
Holiday Cinderella
King Triton (cartoon)
King Triton (live-action)
Ariel (live-action)
Magic Mirror
Blue Fairy
Magic Carpet
Red Carpet Genie
Cave of Wonders
Rainbow Unicorn
Gramma Tala
Te Fiti
Sketch Figment
Mama Coco
The Fire Spirit
Bob Cratchit Mickey
Ghost of Jacob Marley
Ebenezer Scrooge McDuck
Tiny Tim
Emily Cratchit Minnie
Ghost of Christmas Future Pete
Honey Bee Pooh
Flower Piglet
Bunny Tigger
Baby Chick Eeyore
Honey Cake Pooh
Santa Pooh
Lumpy Heffalump
Devil Dale
Angel Chip
King of Hearts
Shaved Ice Stitch
Rainbow Stitch
Grandmother Willow
Christmas Sally, Man-Eating Wreath
Holiday Tinker Bell
Winter Aurora
Winter Snow White
The Emperor
Suga Mama
Pixel Ralph
April Shower Bambi
Floral Miss Bunny, Bolt, Bagheera
Mufasa, Bao
Auguste Gusteau
Honey Lemon
Zummi Gummi
Holiday Wall-E
Electrical Parade Elliott
Electrical Parade Minnie
Electrical Parade Tinker Bell
Electrical Parade Cheshire Cat
Electrical Parade Blue Fairy
Mary Poppins
The Child
Ahsoka Tano
Ob-Wan Kenobi
Jedi Master Luke, Rancor
Mace Windu
Admiral Ackbar
Tia Dalma, Bob Cratchit Kermit, Miss Piggy Emily Cratchit
The Book
Rose Nylund
Blanche Devereaux
Dorothy Zbornak
Sophia Petrillo
Ursula, Flotsam, Maleficent, Jafar, Captain Hook, Scar, Shenzi, Cruella de Vil, Queen of Hears, Hades
The Evil Queen
Magica de Spell
Oogie Boogie
Dr. Facilier
Madam Mim
King Candy
Shan Yu
Mother Gothel
Lady Tremaine
Stinky Pete
Pirate Peg-Leg Pete
Winter Pete
Prince John
Madame Medusa
Kakamora Chief
Governor Ratcliffe
Shere Khan
Professor Ratigan
Anton Ego
Rasputin, Darla
John Silver
The Horned King
Prince Hans
Kylo Ren
Darth Vader
Jabba the Hutt
First Order Stormtrooper
Moff Gideon, Death Trooper
Darth Maul
General Grievous
Emperor Palpatine
Grand Moff Tarkin, Grand Inquisitor, Imperial Stormtrooper
Cad Bane
Garnet Minnie
Pearl Daisy
Amethyst Ursula
Ruby Ariel
Aquamarine Jasmine
Diamond Elsa
Citrine Anna
Opal Olaf
Peridot Maleficent
Topaz Tinker Bell
Sapphire Joy
Iolite Fairy Godmother
Obsidian Snow White
Fluorite Buzz
Zircon Belle
Ruby Mushu
Platinum Mickey
Platinum Donald
Platinum Minnie
Platinum Sorcerer's Apprentice Mickey
Platinum Mirabel
Platinum Woody
Platinum Simba
Platinum Nemo
Platinum Tiana
Platinum Snow White
Platinum Baymax
Platinum Stitch
Platinum Miguel
Platinum Jiminy Cricket
Platinum Genie
Platinum Grogu
submitted by IceJD to disneyemojiblitz [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 17:22 B_Three Upcoming Community & Player Onboarding Changes

Edit: This was an April Fools' joke. If you like any of the suggestions, let OWI know :)
Attention Squaddies,
Squad has changed a lot since our launch in early access in late 2015 and so has the player base and the surrounding community. We must sadly admit that as Community Team, we have not been able to keep up with the needs of this ever-growing and evolving community, especially with the onboarding of new players.
At the beginning of March our Director of Community SgtRoss listed some of the pain points we had identified and back in 2022 we wrote about our commitment to improve new player onboarding. With all the great feedback we have received since then, we are now prepared to share with you some of the specific changes with which we aim to improve the new player onboarding and the community experience as a whole:

In-game Improvements:

- Tutorial Rework: we are working on a series of short tutorials that introduce new players to different game aspects. Currently planned are: Infantry Basics, Vehicle Basics, Logistics, Gamemodes, Squadleading, Advanced Tools. All tutorials are open-ended, encouraging players to test everything they've learned in a safe environment.
- Downed Screen: when you are downed, there is little to do until being picked up by a teammate or respawning. We are compiling a series of tips and game mechanics explanations to show during this period. We also decided to disable giving up for the first 15 seconds, as you will not be able to respawn anyway.
- Team Selection Screen: We will include gameplay relevant information about the specific units picked for each faction. We have also replaced the static faction images with interactive 3D-Models to help you distinguish friend from foe. You can cycle through the different models for each faction.
- End of Match Screen: teamwork and coordination are pillars of the Squad experience and major ingredients to achieve victory. Our current end of match screen does not reflect that well, presenting an inaccurate image of players' performance during the match. This rework will still take some time, as there is a lot of work we need to do on our backend (more to this further below) to realize our vision.
- Map POI: you can currently only see the names of the discovered flags. We are adding a new toggable map layer that shows the name of all POIs in order to improve communication and coordination.
- Jensen's Range Expansion: Jensen's Range has not kept up with everything we have added to Squad over the years. We have expanded the camp: it now includes a shooting range with moving targets and a special Anti-Tank shooting range* in which you will be able to spawn moving vehicles. We have also included a real size "armor view" display of the vehicles.
*PLEASE NOTE that damage models will still differ from live servers, but this should help you practice hitting critical components.
- Jensen's Seeding: seeding is a critical part of server communities and a good way to practice some infantry gameplay or just hang out with other squaddies. We have made a special Jensen's Range version for multiplayer, that includes a separated 1 Flag AAS HAB vs. HAB arena. You will now be able to improve your flying skills or try new weapons at the shooting range while your squadmate fights in the arena. Once the server "goes live" all spawns outside the AAS arena will be disabled.
- Key Bindings Layout: every person is different and the number of key binds in Squad may seem overwhelming at first. We are launching a new screen that shows you your key bind layout*, to provide you with a better overview. *Only Mouse and Keyboard will be supported on launch. Joystick support may be added with a later update.

Back-end Improvements:

- Server Logging: there are still some small inconsistencies between what happens in game and what the server registers. We are committed to fixing these inconsistencies and are in contact with server owners and admins to expand server logging, to provide further functionality.
- Gameplay Metadata: some of you may have seen Moidawg's interview with our lead designer BaronVonBoyce last year in which, amongst many interesting insights around ICO, he explained how we monitor gameplay changes to make sure we achieve the desired effects. We are greatly expanding the gameplay metadata we collect and improving our analysis tools to be able to provide faster and more granular gameplay tweaks.
- Match Replay: watching and analyzing replays is a major part of any competitive team sport training regime. We strongly believe that it will also help improve squaddies across the board, in addition to providing content creators with a great tool. Replays will only be accessible at the end of the match and be active for all servers. Replay is coming back!

Community Improvements:

Squad has been continuously growing since 2015: we have introduced and reworked many new maps, factions, vehicles, assets and mechanics. While we have always tried to streamline all these new elements, it is undeniable that Squad is a more complex game today, than it was years ago. This is why we are launching the Squad Educational Offensive later this year. We want to condense all the Squad knowledge that is now scrambled all over the place to help players of all skill levels to better understand the game.
- Upgraded Wiki: wikis are a great source of educational material. We are currently working with the wiki team on setting up the rules and infrastructure necessary for a new, updated and upgraded wiki.
- Reworked Discord: we are creating the infrastructure to provide a more individualized experience (e.g. only showing events and clans in your region). We intend on using threads to better evaluate and refine your feedback. Furthermore, we are introducing an extensive FAQ and did you know we already have a Squad Community Bot that provides you with technical info regarding vehicles, weapons, factions and maps?
- Communicating Gameplay Changes: in hindsight, sharing critical information about the faction rework in a 23 page spreadsheet linked in some +1500 words long patch notes was not the best solution. We have contacted some content creators that going forward will produce explanatory videos and shorts regarding upcoming gameplay changes. A video with an in depth explanation of the new systems, as well as a series of shorts covering the basics, will be released later this month. - Informational Videos: there is also a series of informational videos being produced that delve into the intricacies of each infantry and vehicle role, as well as explaining some of the more unintuitive mechanics.
- Q&A: written Q&A take a lot of time and en up feeling rather impersonal, while live Q&A-Streams can quickly turn into chaos. We want to test a hybrid format in which you can send your questions beforehand and the Community Team arranges a stream with 2 or 3 devs to go through the desired topics. This will allow us to quickly react to misunderstandings or clarify misconceptions, better communicate our vision for the game, and show you that we're actual humans at Offworld.
- JoinSquad Forums: we've quietly killed the squad forums, apparently none of you noticed so...
We hope this gave a good overview of our intentions and that you are as excited as we are for the future of Squad! Next year we will show you our concrete plans to reduce SL burnout, Happy April 1st.
OFFWORLD Easter Bunny out.
submitted by B_Three to joinsquad [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 17:22 B_Three Upcoming Community & Player Onboarding Changes

Edit: This was an April Fools' joke. If you like any of the suggestions, let OWI know :)
Attention Squaddies,
Squad has changed a lot since our launch in early access in late 2015 and so has the player base and the surrounding community. We must sadly admit that as Community Team, we have not been able to keep up with the needs of this ever-growing and evolving community, especially with the onboarding of new players.
At the beginning of March our Director of Community SgtRoss listed some of the pain points we had identified and back in 2022 we wrote about our commitment to improve new player onboarding. With all the great feedback we have received since then, we are now prepared to share with you some of the specific changes with which we aim to improve the new player onboarding and the community experience as a whole:

In-game Improvements:

- Tutorial Rework: we are working on a series of short tutorials that introduce new players to different game aspects. Currently planned are: Infantry Basics, Vehicle Basics, Logistics, Gamemodes, Squadleading, Advanced Tools. All tutorials are open-ended, encouraging players to test everything they've learned in a safe environment.
- Downed Screen: when you are downed, there is little to do until being picked up by a teammate or respawning. We are compiling a series of tips and game mechanics explanations to show during this period. We also decided to disable giving up for the first 15 seconds, as you will not be able to respawn anyway.
- Team Selection Screen: We will include gameplay relevant information about the specific units picked for each faction. We have also replaced the static faction images with interactive 3D-Models to help you distinguish friend from foe. You can cycle through the different models for each faction.
- End of Match Screen: teamwork and coordination are pillars of the Squad experience and major ingredients to achieve victory. Our current end of match screen does not reflect that well, presenting an inaccurate image of players' performance during the match. This rework will still take some time, as there is a lot of work we need to do on our backend (more to this further below) to realize our vision.
- Map POI: you can currently only see the names of the discovered flags. We are adding a new toggable map layer that shows the name of all POIs in order to improve communication and coordination.
- Jensen's Range Expansion: Jensen's Range has not kept up with everything we have added to Squad over the years. We have expanded the camp: it now includes a shooting range with moving targets and a special Anti-Tank shooting range* in which you will be able to spawn moving vehicles. We have also included a real size "armor view" display of the vehicles.
*PLEASE NOTE that damage models will still differ from live servers, but this should help you practice hitting critical components.
- Jensen's Seeding: seeding is a critical part of server communities and a good way to practice some infantry gameplay or just hang out with other squaddies. We have made a special Jensen's Range version for multiplayer, that includes a separated 1 Flag AAS HAB vs. HAB arena. You will now be able to improve your flying skills or try new weapons at the shooting range while your squadmate fights in the arena. Once the server "goes live" all spawns outside the AAS arena will be disabled.
- Key Bindings Layout: every person is different and the number of key binds in Squad may seem overwhelming at first. We are launching a new screen that shows you your key bind layout*, to provide you with a better overview. *Only Mouse and Keyboard will be supported on launch. Joystick support may be added with a later update.

Back-end Improvements:

- Server Logging: there are still some small inconsistencies between what happens in game and what the server registers. We are committed to fixing these inconsistencies and are in contact with server owners and admins to expand server logging, to provide further functionality.
- Gameplay Metadata: some of you may have seen Moidawg's interview with our lead designer BaronVonBoyce last year in which, amongst many interesting insights around ICO, he explained how we monitor gameplay changes to make sure we achieve the desired effects. We are greatly expanding the gameplay metadata we collect and improving our analysis tools to be able to provide faster and more granular gameplay tweaks.
- Match Replay: watching and analyzing replays is a major part of any competitive team sport training regime. We strongly believe that it will also help improve squaddies across the board, in addition to providing content creators with a great tool. Replays will only be accessible at the end of the match and be active for all servers. Replay is coming back!

Community Improvements:

Squad has been continuously growing since 2015: we have introduced and reworked many new maps, factions, vehicles, assets and mechanics. While we have always tried to streamline all these new elements, it is undeniable that Squad is a more complex game today, than it was years ago. This is why we are launching the Squad Educational Offensive later this year. We want to condense all the Squad knowledge that is now scrambled all over the place to help players of all skill levels to better understand the game.
- Upgraded Wiki: wikis are a great source of educational material. We are currently working with the wiki team on setting up the rules and infrastructure necessary for a new, updated and upgraded wiki.
- Reworked Discord: we are creating the infrastructure to provide a more individualized experience (e.g. only showing events and clans in your region). We intend on using threads to better evaluate and refine your feedback. Furthermore, we are introducing an extensive FAQ and did you know we already have a Squad Community Bot that provides you with technical info regarding vehicles, weapons, factions and maps?
- Communicating Gameplay Changes: in hindsight, sharing critical information about the faction rework in a 23 page spreadsheet linked in some +1500 words long patch notes was not the best solution. We have contacted some content creators that going forward will produce explanatory videos and shorts regarding upcoming gameplay changes. A video with an in depth explanation of the new systems, as well as a series of shorts covering the basics, will be released later this month. - Informational Videos: there is also a series of informational videos being produced that delve into the intricacies of each infantry and vehicle role, as well as explaining some of the more unintuitive mechanics.
- Q&A: written Q&A take a lot of time and en up feeling rather impersonal, while live Q&A-Streams can quickly turn into chaos. We want to test a hybrid format in which you can send your questions beforehand and the Community Team arranges a stream with 2 or 3 devs to go through the desired topics. This will allow us to quickly react to misunderstandings or clarify misconceptions, better communicate our vision for the game, and show you that we're actual humans at Offworld.
- JoinSquad Forums: we've quietly killed the squad forums, apparently none of you noticed so...
We hope this gave a good overview of our intentions and that you are as excited as we are for the future of Squad! Next year we will show you our concrete plans to reduce SL burnout, Happy April 1st.
OFFWORLD Easter Bunny out.
submitted by B_Three to PlaySquad [link] [comments]

2024.03.27 02:30 AntiZoom Poem writing level: Found hidden massages

These poems were made possible thanks to screen rant on DDLC’s poem word guides. This is the selection decoded in poem format. Throughout the game, players are tasked with writing poems to present at the next Literature Club meeting. In these sections, there is a list of words we, as players, are alluding to to choose from to write the poem. When players begin creating their first poem, it may seem as though the words on the page are random, but in fact they are not. Each word word on the page is worth between 1 and 3 "brownie points" which indicates how much each character favors each word. Every chosen word will earn at least 1 point with each character, but when certain words are selected, the mini representations of the game’s characters may jump up and down excitedly, letting the player know they earned the most points with that character (hence how the words were chosen for each poem to run through Editpad Ai poem generator.) In order to write a perfect poem and have one of the girls favor the player, 45 or more brownie points have to be earned with a specific character. When I ran through the Editpad AI generator, it came out with the following results: (Note that Natsuki’s is a rough translation, as some of it doesn’t really make sense, but all the others, such as Monika, Sayori, and Yuri, seem to be the ones that have the most reasonable and desired result, especially when it comes to what we already know, lore-wise.) I think it’s very interesting, as they held a hidden message no one thought about, so here is what I found.
credit u/chrislaf and u/TacticalCupcakes for the words needed for Moninka which are as follows: advice, activity, affettuoso, amoroso, articulation, ballad, binary, cafe, computer, desolation, different, dissonance, dolce, emerald, envy, epiphany, final, future, giocoso, gravioso, help, just, load, longing, loquacious, mellifluous, metacognition, movie, organize, piano, pine, president, pulchritude, python, rap, reality, regret, remorse, saudade, scene, self-aware, soliloquy, squid, stockings, strings, sublime, sunrise, thick, tragic, valentine, vivacious, wish.
Monika: In the cafe of life, where reality meets regret, I seek advice in the emerald eyes of the president, who organize my thoughts with a gravioso touch. The piano plays a ballad of soliloquies and epiphanies, as I navigate the dissonance of love and longing. The dolce melody of metacognition whispers of a future filled with pulchritude and promise. But in the binary world of computer screens and Python code, I am lost in the desolation of my own remorse and envy. The squid of my self-awareness entangles me in loquacious thoughts, as I search for a final scene to release me from this thick darkness. Yet in the midst of my torment, a vivacious sunrise breaks through the clouds of despair, filling me with an affettuoso warmth that melts my icy heart. I find solace in the strings of a mellifluous melody, as I dance with the stockings of my own desires. In this moment of sublime beauty, I make a wish to the heavens for a valentine of grace and forgiveness. And as I embrace the tragic beauty of my own existence, I am filled with a sense of gratitude for the pulchritude of this journey.
Natsuki prefers sweet and cutesy words, so it should be easy to weed out which words she’ll like most. Here are all the words in the game that Natsuki favors: Anger, Anime, Blanket, Boop, Bouncy, Bubbles, Bunny, Candy, Cheeks, Chocolate, Clouds, Cute, Doki-Doki, Email, Fantasy, Fluffy, Games, Giggle, Hair, Hop, Headphones, Heartbeat, Jump, Jumpy, Lipstick, Kawaii, Kiss, Kitty, Lollipop, Marshmallow, Melody, Milk, Mouse, Nibble, Nightgown, Papa, Parfait, Peace, Pink, Playground, Poof, Pout, Pure, Puppy, Ribbon, Swimsuit, Shiny, Shopping, Skipping, Socks, Spinning, Sticky, Strawberry, Sugar, Summer, Twirl, Waterfall, Whisper, Whistle, Valentine, Vanilla.
Natsuki: In a world of anger and anime, I find solace in my cozy blanket, a boop on the nose from my bouncing bunny, surrounded by sweet candy and chocolate. My cheeks flush with cute admiration, as fluffy clouds drift by, doki-doki feelings fill my chest, like bubbles ready to burst in the sky. I receive a playful email from a fantasy land, where games and giggles abound, my hair hops with joy, as headphones play a melodic sound. My heartbeat quickens with each jump, I feel jumpy and alive, lipstick kisses on my kawaii lips, as I cuddle with my lollipop and marshmallow thrive. A melody of milk and sugar, soothes my soul like a gentle waterfall, a mouse nibbles on a nightgown ribbon, as I dance with papa at the playground ball. A parfait of peace and pink, I pout with pure delight, my puppy snuggles close, in a world that feels just right. Ribbon swimsuits shine in the summer sun, as I twirl in the sticky strawberry sugar, skipping through the shopping streets, spinning in socks that whisper and whisper. I taste the sweetness of vanilla, in a whirlwind of Valentine dreams, while a shiny kitty plays with a shiny whistle, and whispers of love in a vanilla scream. In this world of pure fantasy, where everything is cute and pure, I find joy in the little things, that make my heart skip and soar.
Picking words for a poem for Yuri is generally easy, as her words tend to be stronger or darker in tone compared to the favored words of the other members. Here are all the words Yuri favors in the game: Afterimage, Agonizing, Ambient, Analysis, Anxiety, Atone, Aura, Breathe, Cage, Captive, Climax, Contamination, Covet, Crimson, Desire, Destiny, Determination, Disarray, Disaster, Disoriented, Despise, Disown, Dream, Effulgent, Electricity, Entropy, Essence, Eternity, Existence, Explode, Extreme, Fester, Fickle, Flee, Frightening, Graveyard, Heavensent, Horror, Imagination, Incapable, Incongruent, Infallible, Inferno, Infinite, Insight, Intellectual, Journey, Judgment, Lust, Landscape, Massacre, Meager, Melancholy, Philosophy, Pleasure, Portrait, Question, Raindrops, Secretive, Sensation, Starscape, Suicide, Tenacious, Time, Uncontrollable, Uncanny, Unending, Universe, Unrestrained, Unstable, Variance, Vertigo, Vibrant, Vitality, Vivacious, Vivid, Whirlwind, Wrath.
Yuri: In the aftermath of chaos, the afterimage lingers, agonizing in its persistence, an ambient analysis of anxiety. I try to atone for my sins, but the aura of my past actions breathes down my neck, a cage of guilt keeping me captive. I reach for a climax that always seems out of reach, contaminated by my own covetous desires, crimson with shame and regret. I despise the destiny that lies before me, but my determination wavers, a disaster of disarray in my mind, leaving me disoriented and lost. I try to disown my dream, but its effulgent electricity pulls me in, a prisoner to my own imagination. I am incapable of escaping the inferno of my own making, an infinite loop of intellectual insight, judgement clouding my thoughts. In the landscape of my lust, I massacre my morals, left with only meager pleasures and a lingering sense of melancholy. Philosophy becomes my portrait, a question mark hanging over my head, raindrops of uncertainty falling around me, sensations of secrecy and fear haunting me. In the starscape of my mind, I contemplate suicide, but something senacious within me holds me back. Time is uncanny, uncontrollable and unending, an unending universe of unrest, an unstable variance in my reality. I am caught in a whirlwind of wrath, a vibrant vitality fading to black, vivacious dreams turning to dust, a vivid nightmare of my own making. I am lost in the whirlwind of my own making, fleeing from the horrors of my own imagination, an unstable soul in a world of uncertainty, wrathful and unrepentant.
In the case of Sayori, she prefers words with bittersweet implications. Her word choices aren't as brooding and intellectual as Yuri's and they aren't as basely cute as Natsuki's, but they often have some romantic connotations to them. A good rule of thumb is to look for words one might find in an emotional romance novel. However, for players who don't want to rely on guesswork, Sayori's most appealing words will also be listed plainly below: Adventure, Amazing, Awesome, Alone, Bliss, Beauty, Bed, Broken, Comfort, Calm, Color, Charm, Cheer, Childhood, Clumsy, Cry, Dance, Dark, Daydream, Dazzle, Death, Defeat, Depression, Embrace, Excitement, Extraordinary, Empty, Family, Friends, Fireworks, Fear, Feather, Fireflies, Flower, Flying, Forgive, Fun, Grief, Happiness, Hope, Holiday, Heart, Hopeless, Hurt, Joy, Laugh, Love, Loud, Love, Lucky, Lazy, Marriage, Memories, Music, Misery, Misfortune, Nature, Ocean, Passion, Peaceful, Pain, Party, Play, Prayer, Precious, Promise, Rainbow, Romance, Rose, Raincloud, Silly, Sing, Smile, Sparkle, Special, Sunny, Sunset, Sweet, Sadness, Scars, Shame, Together, Treasure, Tragedy, Tears, Unrequited, Vacation, Warm, Wonderful.
Sayori: In the darkness of the night, a sense of adventure takes flight. Alone, yet filled with bliss, exploring a world of enchanting beauty and mystery. As I lay in my broken bed, seeking comfort in the calm, I am surrounded by colors and charms, that cheer my soul and bring back childhood memories. I may be clumsy in my ways, but I dance through life with grace, daydreaming of the dazzling possibilities, and embracing both life and death with open arms. Defeat may come knocking, and depression may cloud my mind, but I find excitement in the extraordinary, and fill the empty spaces with family and friends. Like fireworks in the night sky, fear fades away like a feather, replaced by the flickering fireflies, and the beauty of a blooming flower. I feel as though I am flying, high above the clouds of grief, forgiving past hurts and embracing joy, as I laugh and love with a loud, lucky heart. In the lazy days of marriage, we cherish precious memories, surrounded by music and nature, our hearts filled with passion and peace. Through the pain and the partying, we play and pray for better days, promising to always cherish the rainbow, and finding romance in the simplest rose. Rainclouds may gather above us, but we sing and smile through the storm, sparkling like special stars in the sky, and basking in the warmth of a sweet, sunny sunset. The ocean of emotions may run deep, but together we navigate its waters, treasuring every moment, both tragic and triumphant, sharing tears and unrequited love, yet finding moments of pure vacation. In the warm embrace of each other, we find comfort in the wonderful, and in the end, we know that we are truly blessed, to have found a love that is as pure as gold.
submitted by AntiZoom to DDLCGame [link] [comments]

2024.03.24 19:57 Revolutionary_Key325 The Highgate Vampire

In 1965, reports started of alleged paranormal entities haunted the old, disrepaired, and abandoned Highgate Cemetery in London. An elderly lady who wandered the tombs looking for the grave of her murdered children, a skeleton that guarded the main gate, sightings of the dead rising from their graves, and a tall man in a hat that was seen to vanish through the walls.
But the most nefarious figure was a tall dark, shadowy figure with red eyes. After several animals were found drained of blood with lacerations in their neck, people began to suspect the entity of being the Highgate Vampire. In 1970, as people attempted to break into the cemetery to catch a glimpse of the mysterious spectre, two self-proclaimed vampire hunters, David Farrant of the British Psychic and Occult Society and Sean Manchester, a bishop in the Old Catholic Church both began to hunt the vampire. Their different beliefs and views on the entity as they hunted, and competition for to be the authority on the subject, triggered a decades-long rivalry that would end with David Farrant finally disavowing the whole vampire angle before he passed away in April 2019.
While Farrant claimed to see the vampire first, Sean Manchester claimed to know that it was a Medieval noble named Waltheof who dabbled in black magic. Their hunt for the vampire led to the "Great Vampire Hunt" on Friday the 13nth of March 1970, when both men claimed that they would have a "showdown" with the creature, leading to a mob of people swarming the cemetery.
1985 book
Sean Manchester David Farrant
People didn't have the internet back then...
A row of crypts in Highgate Cemetery
Egyptian Avenue in Highgate cemetery
I actually did read Sean Manchester's book which I had purchased from the author directly years ago, unfortunately, it was years ago that I read it and I lost the book in a move a long time ago. I marked this as a spoiler for the rules, but truth be told, the book is out of print and the copies that you do find are expensive, so I am not sure how many of you will ever have the chance to read it.
I kind of find the book to be like a version of Dracula if Van Helsing were the hero and it was told from his point of view. Although the writing style is nothing like Bram Stoker's. It starts off with Manchester being called in to investigate after the incident where the two teenage girls encounter the rising dead. One of the girls, Elizabeth Wojdyla, apparently began having nightmares in which she was attacked by a shriveled, corpse-like entity and would wake up with bruises on her. She became very pale and emaciated, experiencing episodes of sleepwalking with dizziness, nausea, and headaches. She also had two pin-prick punctures in her neck and the treatments from her doctors were not working. \Having examined the girl's wound and interviewing her parents, Manchester concluded that Wojdyla’s experience was a vampire attack, giving her a silver cross to wear, sprinkling holy water, and hanging a crucifix and garlic in her bedroom, as well as giving her a linen necklace filled with salt. Afterwards, according to Manchester, Wojdyla got better.
After this, he met another woman he called "Luisa" that was also under the vampire's spell. She also had puncture wounds and was hypnotized to the point that she was apparently lured to the cemetery in the middle of the night, during which Manchester followed her and heard a "booming noise" before the woman tore off her crucifix and collapsed. Later in the book, poor Sean fails to save the woman (who I think the book was suggesting he was falling in love with) and she winds up becoming a vampire, he meets her vamiric form in the graveyard and is forced to deal with her like Lucy Westenra . After she turns into a huge spider.
I liked the book, it was a fun and entertaining read. I would recommend for any serious vampire fan if you could ever get ahold of a copy.
For more details: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zehP0P4yUT8
submitted by Revolutionary_Key325 to CoffinbaitClub [link] [comments]

2024.03.20 20:26 Area51Resident Plex server stone dead after update

I ran an Plex update yesterday and my Win 10 system I use for Plex server locked up during the update. By locked up I mean unresponsive to mouse or keyboard input, Task Manager showed no activity. I gave it over 30 minutes to complete before hitting reset and rebooting. I can't be sure if the Plex update caused the system hang or it was something else that affected the PMS update.
After reboot Plex Media Server will not start. If I run the .EXE manually I get two messages in Event Log (See below).
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get PMS running again? The Plex support help files don't cover this kind of problem.
Would a reinstall of PMS fix this?
Open to suggestions.

Level: Error Source: Application Error
Faulting application name: Plex Media Server.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x65f2ef05 Faulting module name: KERNELBASE.dll, version: 10.0.19041.3996, time stamp: 0xb756c9ff Exception code: 0xc0dedead Fault offset: 0x000000000002cf19 Faulting process id: 0x2964 Faulting application start time: 0x01da7af8c9e8bdbf Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\Plex\Plex Media Server\Plex Media Server.exe Faulting module path: C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll Report Id: 0849e6e7-329a-4f9c-b175-df7b1d2ea1ed Faulting package full name: Faulting package-relative application ID: 
Level :Information Source: Windows Application
Fault bucket 2194771581440945166, type 4 Event Name: APPCRASH Response: Not available Cab Id: 0 Problem signature: P1: Plex Media Server.exe P2: P3: 65f2ef05 P4: KERNELBASE.dll P5: 10.0.19041.3996 P6: b756c9ff P7: c0dedead P8: 000000000002cf19 P9: P10: Attached files: \\?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\Temp\WER5338.tmp.dmp \\?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\Temp\WER53C6.tmp.WERInternalMetadata.xml \\?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\Temp\WER53D7.tmp.xml \\?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\Temp\WER53E4.tmp.csv \\?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\Temp\WER5405.tmp.txt These files may be available here: \\?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportArchive\AppCrash_Plex Media Serve_23ff989542aaa60ecee61c0ea6c6962246d66ce_b8ad1379_7ba20715-8f56-47b7-a885-ab4eee0e3ca4 Analysis symbol: Rechecking for solution: 0 Report Id: 0849e6e7-329a-4f9c-b175-df7b1d2ea1ed Report Status: 268435456 Hashed bucket: b155cb1672807746ee75651ffae8ec0e Cab Guid: 0 

submitted by Area51Resident to PleX [link] [comments]
