Red arm circles skin

Our Right to Rule

2016.11.20 14:34 Our Right to Rule

#We're cleaning things up for the next week or so - we'll reinvite everyone again. Don't worry!

2024.05.19 05:30 jdizzle3000 Baby Rash

Age: 6.5 months
Sex: Female
Height: 70cm
Weight: 8kg
Race: European/Tongan/Indian
Duration of complaint: 3 days
Location: Fiji
Any existing relevant medical issues: None
Current medications: None
Baby developed blotchy back and torso approx. 3 days ago. In the last 24 hrs she started getting a red rash which has now worsened in the last 12 hrs covering her face, arms, legs, torso and feet. We have been in a really hot village environment (30-33 degrees). She also had what appeared to be a few mosquito bites which appeared the same day as the blotchy skin. She is otherwise happy, breastfeeding normally and has wet nappies.
submitted by jdizzle3000 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:29 Acceptable-Place8269 antique accessories with slight nickel allergy

I’m someone that loves antiquated everything. I have a wonderful, dainty watch from the 1920s. I’ve worn it daily for about a year & it just recently started giving me a couple of those annoying red pumps that come with a slight nickel allergy, but only near one side of the hinged clasp. I don’t want to coat it with anything as I don’t dig altering my antiques. Is there a salve, spray or whatever for my skin that those with similar issues would suggest?
I’d prefer something that isn’t sticky or otherwise texture changing as I have acute sensory issues & work in the food service industry which is already annoying enough. Thank you in advance!
submitted by Acceptable-Place8269 to jewelry [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:26 aaasen What to do with my allergy?

Hi, so I have two questions about what I think is my allergy. I say think because no doctor ever felt the need to test it. My mom always told me I am allergic to bites from horseflies. I am from Northern Europe where you can encounter them if you spend time in nature. If I get bit the bite swells up to about 10 cm in diameters and becomes red with tight skin. This is if it is on a spot with a lot of area. Once got bitten on my eyebrow and it swelled so I could not see for three days on that eye. Another time I got bitten 10-15 times on my face and neck (one got inside the mosquito net while camping) and I passed out the next day at the ER. I have always just taken some zyrtec/cetirizine whenever I am in nature and it has helped for the swelling. I never reacted this hard to normal mosquitos back home, just horseflies.
Current issue: I am living in China, where I have not seen horseflies, but there are a lot of mosquitoes. And lucky me, they think I'm delicious. I swell up like I used to do with horseflies back home. Over the last week the temp has been going up and I've been bit alot. 10 times below my knee on one of my legs and it is now almost completely red. It hurts and my skin hurts when I move because the swelling makes it so tight. I do not scratch apart from when I am asleep and have no control.
2 questions: Does it makes sense that I am allergic to Chinese mosquitoes the same way I am European horseflies? Do they have similar stuff in their spit maybe?
And is there anything stronger than cetirizine I can take to make me react less?
submitted by aaasen to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:22 CosmicTheLawless New to the family!! Fit hybrid 2014 with Mugen aero bodykit

New to the family!! Fit hybrid 2014 with Mugen aero bodykit
2014 Fit Hybrid GP5 with paddles + DCT, cruise control on 17s with Mugen bodykit. Even has extra strut braces among other things. Perfect car for the city.
Does anyone know what the parts are circled in red? Tiny horizontal canards for aero reasons? There is more of around the car not pictured
submitted by CosmicTheLawless to hondafit [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:19 Acrobatic_Ad_106 Where should I go to start my career as a digital artist?

Where should I go to start my career as a digital artist?
I’m planning to move after I graduate and I’m thinking about California but I wanted to see if any other places will grant me opportunities as well.
submitted by Acrobatic_Ad_106 to astrocartography [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:17 RadioactiveFeathers My very first hike! And although it was weird I wanna do it again!

Well… it wasn’t like seein your grandma in a duck costume screaming “someone gets the wrench there is a raccoon in the tomato patch” weird but… at least somethin like it.
Anywho, I wanted to inform everyone of my first hike! It was today and it was quite nice! Except the bees and the teleporting deer and the feds and the bunker but WE WILL GET TO ALL OF THAT YALL I PROMISE I AINT MR. BANE WHO KEEPS THINGS NICE AND CONCISE I LIKE SPEAKIN!
So it all started when I put on my boots, I opted to get some nice dark green ones and paint and lil smiley face on it :) and when I got my gear that was so kindly left in the diner for me I went outside and began walkin to the mountain. It was quite a nice day too! The sun was shinin and the birds were doin their little do-op I even saw Mr. Tom! He don’t like me much though, he threw a bottle at me.
When I got to the mountain I was a little puzzled at how many different ent paths there were. Some where on the map and some weren’t, I could see some green flags in the distance but I watch late night television ain’t no way I’m goin off the beaten path (unless it’s to save my bff Claire) So I looked at the nice map and chose the red path I couldn’t see exactly where it was leadin but it seemed like it was nice and easy. That’s when I heard a buzz… and there on a small tree was a little honey bee nest!
Now… back in Alabama it was pretty rare to find some nice bees but these ones seemed super friendly! I was even able to get up real close to the nest with no issue at all! (Don’t do this at home kids) but then somethin truly odd happened… there was a smell… like a… metallic smell… mixed with like bleach… it started freakin me out a bit so I left them as is and went up the path. I saw some beautiful views and got to use the compass I was gifted! It got me thinkin about this place… how much I love it… but also how much I don’t remember… that’s when I saw the deer.
Now I tell ya… I used to go hunting with my daddy and I’ve seen some bucks but this one… was MASSIVE. and it had little cute white hoofs!!!! It came up to me and gave me a little stare like it was trying to say hi. Or maybe not. Now this is when it gets weird… I swear on my daddy’s life this buck was right in front of me and then when I blinked… it was over 10 feet away from me! I was honestly surprised… I tried to step again but it ran away as soon as I made a sound :(
So I decided to carry on and I made it to the end of the trail! Yay me! I saw a nice pond with some cute frogsssss. I named one teddy and the other Lisa… if you find them, tell them “ribbit” for me!
Now this is when it gets a little intense (Mr. Bane I may need your help) I remember seeing that wonderfully interesting post about that bunker and goddarnit I found it! But it was really far away from me up a cliff. And I don’t know what made me decide to eat my lunch then and there but I did! I sat and unwrapped my pastrami sandwich ich and chowed down. Now folks up until this point I ain’t seen no other human being, so let me tell you when I jumped out of my skin when I heard a voice in the distance yelling “hey!” Aw man I jumped!
I remember having to squint my eyes to block the sun and look up the cliff. And there at the top was a man in a dark suit and sunglasses then another…. Then another… then ANOTHER. 4 FEDS ALL CROWDED AROUND THIS BUNKER. Now if this don’t smell like my dead cat then I don’t know what does! (Fishy)
Now folks get a load of this… I go “hey” FBI “what are you doing?” Me “eatin” FBI “why?” Me “cuz I am hungry… is there a problem sir”FBI “you can’t have pastrami here” Me “what the hell? Why not?” FBI “interference” Me “with what?” FBI “we suggest only eating cheese sandwiches in the woods… ungrilled they must be cold”
Why do they have them? Why are they wrapped? Why are they on multigrain? Why did they give me three?
Wow I really do feel like Mr. Bane.
Anyway after that I lost my appetite and made my way down the mountain and back to my home.
I’m excited to do that again soon though!
Thanks for reading! Kisses SB
submitted by RadioactiveFeathers to OakPeak [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:11 Dream_or_Truth Concept Ideas to fix ADC item changes

This post is about suggested changes to ADC itemization (and seryldas). The recent changes put all power into IE and made everything else weak except LDR, Mortal, Collector. Statikk is a joke and some zeal items are bad too.
I'm only doing this out of boredom and am not biased towards any champs (the last time I played was 6 months ago. Now I just test things). I simply think that this design of the new items is stupid.
It would make sense for them to put power into IE if they wanted to shift adcs power into lategame but now they just rush it anyways. Buffing it because of some items losing their crit chance also doesn't make sense because many got it increased so if you build crit items with IE it's a huge free buff which is why they had to nerf everything else. It's all a vicious circle of non sense.
The goal here is just to nerf mainly IE but also LDR, Mortal and if necessary Collector but I didn't include it.
At the same time buff Statikk so it actually makes sense, revert ER, rework Navori and PD, buff RFC and Runaans, remove/revert Shieldbow and some small changes to Bork/Kraken. Finally some buff to Serylda's grudge and change to its slow.
Infinity Edge - nerf
Crit damage: 50% >> 40%
Lord Dominiks Regards - nerf
AD: 45 >> 40
Mortal Reminder - nerf
AD: 40 >> 35
Statikk Shiv - buff
Cost: 2900 >> 2600
AD: 50 >> 40
Passive: The killed enemy (3s cd!!) also grants 0.5% permanent crit chance.
Wording update: Killing an enemy deals 90 magic damage to up to 6 nearby enemies and grants 0.5% crit chance (3s cd on non-champions). On champion takedowns the damage is 270.
(This is BAD on yas/yone btw as it gives 0 crit when you buy it and their heavy waveclear is anti synergetic.)
Worst item in the game. My change is targeted for ADCs, especially with bad waveclear, who want to hit their IE powerspike sooner. By the time they get IE they will have some crit chance farmed but before it they will have practically none. Keep in mind you can only proc it every 3s so you don't get crit chance for each minion. The longer the game goes, the faster you clear waves so the less crit you get from one unless you take it slow in nasus style.
Essence Reaver - just revert it
They wanted to bring back old items but this is one of the worst ones. There's no fun about it, noone can really build and the one with sheen was one of the most satisfying items in the game. Gangplank now has to build sheen + crit item. Was a pointless bad change absolutely noone likes it.
Navori's Flickerblade - rework buff
Cost: 2600 >> 2800
Lethality: 0 >>10
AD: 0 >> 20
AS: 40% >>20%
(Still has 25% crit chance)
Build path: Zeal + dagger + dagger >> Zeal + Serrated Dirk
Doing poorly. My change looks broken but Dirk (20 ad, 10 lethality) is 1000g while 20% AS and 200g cost is 900g and it's supposed to be a buff. This is meant to make it an all-rounder item that can be used by both auto-attackers and casters with its cd reduction passive.
Phantom Dancer - rework
AS: 60% >> 40%
Passive: Become ghosted >> Attacks grant ghosting for 5s and vs champions also 5% crit chance up to 25%.
This is partially so the windbrothers have a decent 1 item spike as to somewhat compensate the IE nerf. 20% AS is 600g while 25% crit is 1000g but it needs to be stacked within 5 attacks. If you were to build a cloak with the current one it's 15% chance without stacking which isn't that big of a difference.
So what makes it good is not gold efficiency but that you can get a high amount of crit chance instead of other stats in only 2600g. So if it were to cost like 3200g it would be pointless. On adcs it's a very good combo with IE and also BT which lost its crit. (I also think the effect fits the image of the 2 sabers)
Runaan's Hurricane - buff
AS: 40% >> 60%
Passive bolts damage: 55% AD >> 40% AD
Build path: Zeal + Slingshot >> Zeal + Dagger + Dagger
Pretty much only twitch builds this, kog sometimes as 3rd item. This item is too weak after losing 30 onhit dmg. So I made this the heavy AS item in place of PD. Also why tf does it build from slingshot? Maybe the buff is too much I'm not very sure about this one.
Rapid Firecannon - buff
AS: 35% >> 40%
Passive energized bonus magic damage: 60 >> 50(+1 per 2% bonus attackspeed) (pre-conversion for jhin)
Again an item that is just too weak. Last patch it had 30 AD 20% AS now it just has 35% AS. It's really just compensation of a huge nerf (due to IE) from this patch. The attackspeed scaling makes it more synergetic with attackspeed as an item that doesn't synergize well with AS. Also fits the name.
Scout's Slingshot - buff
Damage: 40 >> 50
Cooldown: 40 (-1 per aa) >> 20 (-1 per aa)
You paid 300g for 40 dmg like every 20s...if autoing regularly
Kraken Slayer - buff vs tanky enemies
Passive damage: 140-310 >> 120-290
Passive increase: 0-50% increase based on 0-100% enemy missing hp >> 50% per proc on the same target up to 100%.
Its passive was straight up nerfed from 50-100% increase to 0-50% based on 0-100% missing hp (so 50% if the enemy is dead lol). It was supposed to be anti tank but now has nothing specialized against tanky enemies. This doesn't revert it entirely because it nerfs the base damage but it makes it deal more dps than burst. It's supposed to be a small buff vs tanks only.
3 procs atm deal about 140 * 1.3 = ~180 average dmg from 100 to 0.
Changed it's (120 + 180 + 240) / 3 = 180 average dmg but stays high on further procs.
At level 18 it's ~400 vs 435 average dmg (so it's a tiny buff lategame). All in all this is only better vs tanks not squishies. (If a squishy is low at the beginning it's even a nerf).
Blade of ruined King - small build path buff
AD: 55 >> 50 AS: 30 >> 35%
Build path: Pickaxe >> Heartbound axe (same as Kraken but vamp instead of rectrix)
5 AD is slightly better than 5% AS but it gets a bit better build path. It's a tiny buff because its scaling was hard nerfed. (15 AD is worse than 3% current hp (=~1.5% max hp) vs enemies with more than 1000 max HP. Not saying that the nerf wasn't mostly justified.)
Shieldbow - just remove it?
Noone builds this item. 12% lifesteal was 642 gold. 5 AD and 5% crit is only 375 gold. Plus lifesteal is more valuable in general.
Either add like 8% lifesteal back - or lower it's cost to like 2600g - or add AS/AD - or else remove it because bulding this is just a trap in its current state. It has 20% pickrate on samira as 3rd item and that's it. It's also red but has no lifesteal which is confusing.
Serylda's Grudge - buff
Cost: 3200 >> 3000
Slow: Abilities slow enemies below 50% hp by 30% for 1s >> Dealing physical damage to an enemy slows them by 20% for 2s (8s cooldown per enemy)
Serylda's is a bit too weak compared to cleaver and LDR. The LDMortal 5 AD nerfs from above and the lower cost on serylda should make it even. The slow with cd I think is a far better design for assassins and makes it not annoying with abilities like ezreal q.
I made it physical damage only mainly so yorick E doesn't proc it thus wasting it. This way his ghouls slow afterwards but only once due to the cd.
submitted by Dream_or_Truth to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:10 Substantial-Jello214 Would you want to me one

Would you want to me one
Different Alien types better resolution
submitted by Substantial-Jello214 to ufo [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:07 undyfan NARUTO CHAOS

Naruto busted into the room, excited about today’s adventure. Meanwhile, Your Mom is sleeping on a large bed, because a regular bed can’t fit her large size. “I’M GONNA BE HO-HO-HOKAGE!” Naruto shouts. Then, Micheal Jackson slowly moonwalks to the nearest Glock 18 “ABOUT TO SHHOT YA’S BEFORE YA BECOME WHATEVER YOU JUST SAID!” Micheal Jackson says. “Proceed to shoot me now! Nothing will stop me from becoming big leader man!” Naruto exclaims. Soon, Your Mom gets up, with each step causing the ground to rumble, and then proceeds to groan softly. “Man, that nap was amazing! Got anymore ice cream?” Naruto and Micheal Jackson scream in terror as they see the large abomination, confused on how somehow like Your Mom could be so big.
Meanwhile, Mr Beast is hosting yet another challenge…
“HEY, FIRST PERSON TO DIE GETS 100 MILLION DOLLARS!” Mr Beast quickly says. Soon, the people attending quickly try to commit suicide, but Mr Beast gets hit by a nuclear missile before that can even happen. Mr Beast smiles, as half of his body is literary torn apart, “Man, well the challenge still continues!”
Your Mom is walking towards the duo, preparing to chunk them out of existence. “I don’t like heavy stares…” Your Mom deeply says. Naruto and Micheal Jackson look at each other in shock, before proceeding to run away from the big fat momma. Your Mom is too heavy to run, so she must slowly walk towards the group.
The people attending Mr Beast’s challenge have all died! Leaving good ol Jimmy Donaldson. “Oi gee walikers! I sure had fun killing and forcing these people to die!” A dying body groans in the distance, wondering why he hasn’t received money… “H-H-Hey… I died first… WHY!?!” The person screams, as he slowly bleeds out to the beating he received earlier, from the other attendants. Mr Beast stand up, and somehow, his torn-up body is healed instantly. He then checks his watch, and looks up at the sky…
“Looks like they finally arrived.” Jimmy says, before teleporting to another location.
Soon, Your Mom finally arrived to where Naruto and Micheal Jackson hid. “What are you doing kid?” Batman abruptly says, before firing at Your Mom with a minigun. Your Mom, however, is unfazed. “I don’t like people who shoot me with large weapons.” Your Mom slowly walks towards Batman, and Batman screams in terror, and doesn’t even try to run...

Batman is slowly killed by Your Mom’s large strength.
Naruto peaks from the hiding spot, very frightened by the creature. Suddenly, Naruto feels a surge of energy run through him, he feels like he could take on Your Mom…
Naruto’s eyes turn a lil bit frog-like, like, those, fox eyes? Yeah those. He then launches Your Mom all the way through the ground, causing a bit of blood to appear on her tough exterior.
Your Mom responds by slowly walking towards Naruto, but Naruto swiftly breaks her arm before she can continue moving. “AHHHHH.” Your Mom’s arm starts spurting blood, before she slowly falls to the ground, and dies slowly…
Naruto relieves his form, before twerking on Your Mom to literal insanity. Micheal Jackson pulls out his Glock, before shooting Naruto straight in the head, killing him. “Finally got rid of that Nuisance.”
Chapter 2: Mr Beast vs Micheal Jackson.
After the quick death of Naruto, Mr Beast teleports in front of Micheal Jackson. “Hey bro,” Mr Beast looks at the dead body, “You sure were busy…” Micheal Jackson looks at Mr Beast in confusion, and shoots Mr Beast, with no retaliation. The bullet bounces off Mr Beast, and lands directly inside Micheal Jackson’s heart.
A bystander walks by, and slowly turns his pupils at the dead body, and the injured Micheal Jackson. “DON’T KILL ME! PLEASE?” Mr Beast walks towards the bystander, and Micheal Jackson slowly raises his gum at Mr Beast’s head. “W-WATCH OUT!” The Bystander screamed. It was too late, and Mr Beast was shot, and the bullet bounced off again! Micheal Jackson was killed almost instantly.

2 days later…
“Hrm… This substitute is quite fine… Il sees what I can do.” MS slowly says, as he injects Micheal Jackson’s dead body with strength serum. Soon, Micheal Jackson breathes again, and his wounds heal almost instantly, and his muscles bulge like John Cena’s. “I WILL KILL HIM!” Micheal Jackson says as he wakes up from his almost-eternal slumber.

Mini Story: Big Chungus and Rival Nomento
Big Chungus was casually binging on human meat, when his rival, Big Bunny Nomento eats a large amount, much more than him.
“Hey! I bet you stole that food, dummy!” Chungus says. Nomento looks at the bunny with anger, before launching him across the stratosphere. Big Chungus responds by diving straight into Nomento, but he luckily blocks before Chungus can kill him. “I’M ABOUT TO TURN YOU INTO A FOSSILIZED CREATURE!” Chungus says, before preparing for battle.
Micheal Jackson arrives at the place where Mr Beast was, where he was now editing his latest video. “Oh, you came back?” Mr Beast says in confusion, before Micheal Jackson brutally smashes him on the wall, where Mr Beast bounces off it like butter. “You can’t kill me, so stop trying!” Mr Beast says. Micheal Jackson roars in anger, before kicking Mr Beast into outer space, where he casually sips a smoothie.
Mr Beast falls back onto earth, where his body catches fire due to the high speeds. Where he destroys the entire area where Micheal Jackson was, but he too in unscathed.
Mr Beast sighs, refusing to attack Micheal Jackson. “HEY, IL KILL YOU!!!” Micheal Jackson says, before smashing Mr Beast repeatedly, trying to kill him. “Why won’t you just die…” Micheal Jackson says, with tears in his eyes.
Mr Beast finally proceeds to inflict damage on Micheal Jackson, by using his singular finger, to send Micheal Jackson flying into the halls, causing his bones to break, and his body to bleed.
“I’m sorry, but you can’t seem to stop, so I had to kill you. Goodbye friend.” Micheal Jackson looks at Mr Beast with anger, before slowly dying in his grasp.
MS appears at the scene, clapping with joy. “You killed my genetically enhanced being. Impressive.” He pulls a case of syringes, before finally selecting one. “Micheal Jackson will be back…”
Chapter 3: Too much sugar?
Naruto’s dead body lingered in the room, but that same menacing energy filled the area.
“LET’S GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Naruto awakens, preparing his next strike!
“W-What? Why am I here?” Naruto looks around, before walking out of the area he was in. Before landing on Micheal Jackson’s dead body.
Meanwhile, MS is preparing to make a clone of Naruto, who he still believes is dead, as he finishes, he gets a response. “Will kill target. Will get big leader man cape.” Evil Naruto has entered the scene!
Naruto screams, thinking that Micheal Jackson was brutally murdered. “WHY, WHO? HOW!” He looks at Micheal Jackson’s big muscles, and realizes that he doesn’t look like he’s decomposing, at all. He sees a fluid leaking out of him, and he proceeds to drink it. His body instantly changes, and he feels like he could destroy anything. He’d gained the powers that Micheal Jackson once had. Suddenly, Naruto hears a rumbling sound in a pile of metal, and C-12 appears, a large robot that attacks anything it sees. C-12 proceeds to launch Missiles at Naruto, which he somehow easily destroys with his bare hands, before proceeding to rip C-12 limb from limb, only leaving the head. He then swiftly runs away, and leaps onto the nearest building with surprising ease. “Man. That was quick. Didn’t know I could do that!”
Evil Naruto is sent out to retrieve Micheal Jackson’s body, and on the way, he notices Regular Naruto, looking very similar to him. “YOU THERE, STATE YOR INTENTIONS” E Naruto says. R Naruto looks at E Naruto with surprise, thinking that is it another robot. He then proceeds to rush towards E Naruto, who easily dodges all the attacks.
E Naruto swiftly back chops Naruto in the neck, before bagging him up, and heading back to MS. He walks past the area, destroying every building in sight, and every human in sight as well. He then arrives at the base, where MS works on creating a serum for Micheal Jackson.
“MS… That boy didn’t die, I found him.” He opens the bag, revealing an unconscious R Naruto, in which he slowly slumps on the floor, before waking up In shock. “AWAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY AM I HERE, WHO’S THAT KID WHO BEAT ME UP?!” R Naruto exclaims, while making rapid movements due to surprise.
MS slowly walks towards R Naruto, before chaining him up swiftly, and grabbing a white syringe. And Injecting Naruto with it. R Naruto began to twitch and flicker, before closing his eyes, once a nice blue shine, now turned into evil red eyes. Evil Naruto looks around, looking at the chained up Regular Naruto, now infected.
Mini Story: Big Chungus and Rival Nomento P2.
Nomento releases a flurry of strikes against Big Chungus, ferociously beating him up, but Big Chungus responds by absorbing the attacks, and launching himself directly at Noemnto, crushing him, and allowing Big Chungus to bleed out.
He was now victorious.

Chapter 4: Infected VS Defected
Infected Naruto went back to the location he was beaten, and then searched for Micheal Jackson. When he finally arrived, he didn’t see Micheal Jackson, but instead a note, saying “I LIKE MEN.” Soon after he read the note, he was knocked unconscious.
“Hey, what should we do?” DanTDM said. Micheal swiftly chained up Infected Naruto, and signaled Dan to hand him a syringe. “I bet MS did this…” Micheal said. Dan handed Micheal a syringe, and Micheal Slowly tried to take out what Naruto was infected with, but before he could finish, the entire area was destroyed! “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, YOU TRIED LMAO.” Evil Naruto said, before swiftly stabbing DanTDM, and bagging them up. “I can kill you easily!” Micheal Jackson exclaimed, before charging at Evil Naruto.
Evil Naruto easily grabbed Micheal’s leg and threw him across the room. “How!” Micheal said. “Well, I’m just better than you.” Evil Naruto said. Infected Naruto soon woke up, looking at the aftermath, yet he does not speak, and swiftly slashes the chains with his bare hands.
“Great job my little Naruto!” Evil Naruto said, before leaving the area, along with Infected Naruto.
“Huff, Puff…” Micheal Jackson said, before moving away the rubble, and swiftly looking at the syringe. It had parts of the serum, so, if he injected himself with it, he would be stronger.
Meanwhile, Mr Beast is finished editing his video. Before he can click on export, his entire room is destroyed! By… C-12? That same robot killed by Naruto! C-12 swiftly tries to kill Mr Beast, but he easily breaks apart one of his repaired arms, causing C-12 to retreat, but we now know he’s still alive…
Mr Beast is annoyed that his house was destroyed, and he decided to go outside instead.
Meanwhile, Infected Naruto is demolishing cities, while polka dancing rapidly. Evil Naruto is watching by the sidelines, looking for any of Micheal’s friends.
Micheal Jackson injected himself with the syringe and is now rushing towards Evil Naruto “YOU DIE NOW!” As soon as he gets there, Micheal Jackson punches Evil Naruto in the face, launching him across the destroyed buildings. Evil Naruto begins to bleed out, huffing and puffing like Bill Mercury.
Infected Naruto is still destroying the buildings, and he has not noticed the assault. Micheal Jackson continues by destroying and battering Evil Naruto’s face, who is now fully dead. Mr Beast walks by the assault and looks at Micheal Jackson with surprise. “You’re still killing people?” Mr Beast says, while casually walking away.
Micheal Jackson was now targeting Infected Naruto, but he had left after Evil Naruto was brutally killed. So, he decided to head back to MS, where he was originally given the power to stand up to Mr Beast.
MS soon found the news, from the brain chip imbedded in Evil Naruto. MS, angered, decided to inject himself with the GOD Syringe, one that would make him extremely powerful… Enough power to destroy the universe, and to destroy those who oppose him.

MS’s muscles bulge, and he turns into a cosmic being, well, looks like one, and he is now ready to strike. Divine MS has entered the scene!

Chapter 5: Micheal Jackson, and Big Chungus
Days after the events of chapter 4 happened, Micheal Jackson decided to go to the hospital, to support the people that were injured due to Evil Naruto’s antics. While walking towards the white walls, he notices a extremely large rabbit., who is eating several chicken tenders.
“Hello? Are you seriously eating while injured?” Micheal said. The large rabbit looked at Micheal, before introducing himself. “I’m Big Chungus. I’m fine, so don’t worry about me. These dumb humans think I’m hurt!” Big Chungus rolls over, revealing a hole in his chest, that was caused due to the battle he had with Nomento.
“You have a hole in your chest, and you’re able to digest food???” Micheal said in confusion. “Yeah, it’s just how bunnies work.” Chungus said, before standing up and walking out of the room.
Micheal Jackson ignored the encounter, and prepared to leave the hospital as well…
Micheal Jackson saw Big Chungus, ripping apart a human, and eating it. Micheal Jackson immediately prepared to fight Chungus, but it was a totally different bunny. “Hey, I’m Nomento,” Nomento easily went behind Micheal, as if moving at the speed of light. “Die” Suddenly, Nomento easily knocked Micheal across the room, but it didn’t faze Micheal. “Hey, that hurt! Come on, fight like a… What are you exactly?”
Micheal Jackson rushed towards Nomento, before smashing his face into the ground, and throwing him across the city. Micheal Jackson leaped towards Nomento, and side chopped him straight into the ground. But Nomento was unfazed.
“You are weak. I will kill you.” Nomento walked towards Micheal, who was in shock. Nomento clutched Micheal’s neck and began choking him rapidly. Micheal tried to resist, but it was futile.
Suddenly, an even larger bunny arrived, it was Big Chungus! He swiftly impaled Nomento with his bare hands, and threw him into the outer space, before leaping all the way up to him, delivering multiple punches to every part of the chest.

Micheal Jackson watched in awe as Big Chungus easily defeated Nomento, the one who beat Micheal up with ease. Micheal Jackson rushed towards the fallen Nomento, before looking at Big Chungus. “How’d you do that?” Micheal said. “I’m just very strong!” Chungus responded.
Meanwhile… Infected Naruto was at MS’s laboratory.
“Hm… Good job my little experiment. Time to put you to sleep…” MS said, before walking towards his vat of Naruto clones, preparing to wreak havoc on the cites, and the entire world…
One by one, the Naruto clones went out of their respective vats, before grabbing a bag, and a few weapons, and leaving the lab.
Micheal Jackson was having a nice time, at their nearest McDonalds, with Bog Chungs eating 3 Big Macs, and Micheal Jackson trying to bend a wall with a French fry. “I can’t begin to imagine how you got that strong.” Micheal Jackson said, while accidently breaking the French fry he tried to use.
Big Chungus had a lot of training done to get as strong as he is now…

Chapter 6: THE ONE.
Big Chungus was a normal bunny, who did normal bunny things, like stick carrots up his anus. Big Chungus was just Regular Chungus, and his rival, Nomento, was also a normal bunny, who was just a few ounces bigger than him.
Nometo left the fields that Big Chungus laid, to search for more carrots to stick up Chungs’s anus. Chungus was starving, since there were no more carrots to stick his anus in. So, he resorted to EATING HUMANS. One after another, he ate humans, buckets of them. He got bigger and bigger, and gained the nickname, Big Chungus.
Once Nomento came back with carrots, it was revealed that he was the reason that the fields ran out of carrots, angering Big Chungus, and causing him to destroy half of the Earth… Nomento was surprised, and tried to fight back, but was led to the original Earth of 252, where his counterpart was rivaling Big Chungus, and where the Earth wasn’t cut in half. (This means there are 2 Big Chunguss and 2 Nomentos)
The Nomento of Earth 252 wasn’t that nice, and loved to kill random humans, not for food, but for fun. Big Chungus was the same as Earth 234 (The Earth Big Chungus destroyed half of) Big Chungus just didn’t destroy half the earth this time. That raises the question, which Big Chungus is Micheal Jackson talking to?
Meanwhile…. Someone else is…. Questionably destroying the Sears Tower…
The group swiftly polka danced their way to the tower, before bombing it with several grade-3 tanks. “DESTROY DA BUILDING NOW!” Heavy said, before launching several nuclear missiles at the tower, and then proceeding to kill everyone near the tower using his mini gun. Meanwhile, Scout is running up the walls, placing down multiple bombs, shaped like chocolate bunnies. “Time to explode the… Can’t think of a good pun.” Scout said, before releasing the bombs, exploding half of the Sears Tower, and causing the tower to come falling.
Spy is disguising himself as a coworker for the company, swiftly killing every worker internally via his kunai from space.
BOOM! The sound of Divine MS busting into the room frightens everyone… The aura that Divine MS gives off, it’s like a thousand big macs, but scarier and tastier. Divine MS easily picks up the falling tower and launches it into space at the speed of light, leaving Spy to scream in terror as he tries to escape the tower, and he is barely able to jump out safely onto ground.
“I have created a clone of me, to work… WHILE I’M DESTROYING THIS PLANET.” Divine MS says, before swiftly picking up a piece of the ground, and throwing it at Heavy, the big guy of the DHS group. Heavy responds by destroying the rubble with his mini gun, but the rubble is too strong, and Heavy his incapacitated by the rubble, and Scout rushes towards him, trying to free him by using his ultra-fast legs.
Divine MS easily arrives behind Scout, at near light speed, before kicking Scout across the entire Earth, causing him to fall unconscious almost instantly, and leaving Heavy to stare at the chaos that unfolds…
But, Mr Beast slowly arrives, staring at the chaos, unfazed by the events. “So, you’ve created a super powerful version of yourself?” Mr Beast easily side chops Divine MS, before he can even react. Divine MS was knocked out by Mr Beast…. “Such weaklings… Well, cya later humanity!” In the blink of an eye, Mr Beast teleports away, going back to… Who knows where?
Chapter 7: The No AU Group
Micheal Jackson was unaware of the events that happened, so was Big Chungus. Da He-Sc-Spy group was luckily able to live to see another day but decided to take a break for a while. Heavy, the tank man of the group, decided to continue doing missions, as he was the only one who wasn’t knocked out by Divine MS.
“Ok, that’s it!” Scout said to Spy, “He’s left again to do another DANGEROUS mission! I don’t want our human shield to die!” Spy was too battered up to say anything, and just nodded in agreement, while slowly preparing to grab a cup of milk.
Meanwhile… Multiple Naruto’s roamed the streets, and it was unclear who the real Naruto was… All the Naruto’s prepared to destroy every building, and started killing civilians, good, and bad. And Micheal Jackson swiftly left the restaurant to deal with the situation. “I’m not letting Big Chungus take all the fame!” Micheal said, before preparing to destroy the entire batch of Naruto’s.
But…. Half of the infected Naruto’s rushed after Micheal, battering him up and ripping him apart, as he watched the other Naruto’s slowly destroy the city. Out of nowhere, the Naruto’s heads were popped off, by what seems to be Mr Beast… “You again!” Micheal Jackson said.
“I don’t know you… I don’t know anyone from here…” Mr Beast says, unaware of Michal Jackson. “But we fought! You killed me!” Micheal Jackson said, “No, this is my first time on this earth, Who are you?” Mr Beast replied. Micheal Jackson was shocked, how did Mr Beast not know the person he killed just days ago?
“Wait, I don’t have an Earth, nor a universe. I just save planets from power hungry things. I bet you have a ‘Me’ in this dimension, right?” Micheal Jackson swiftly backed away, assuming that Mr Beast was capable of interdimensional travel. “That guy, is a maniac.” Micheal Jackson whispered, before running away from the dead cloned Naruto’s.
“Wait, don’t go! I didn’t mean to scare you!” Mr Beast said, before swiftly chasing after Micheal Jackson. “I have a group of friends, who also don’t have a universe. I call it the No AU group. You should contribute to it.” Mr Beast stated, before swiftly arriving in front of Micheal Jackson out of nowhere.
“No…. You’re an idiot for thinking I’d join a group with similar people like you!” Micheal Jackson replied, and soon after, Micheal Jackson attempted to attack Mr Beast with his massive muscles. “DIE!!!!” Mr Beast was easily able to dodge the attack, and counter with a swift blow to the stomach, causing Micheal Jackson to hold up in agony.
“We used to have universes, but they were destroyed by the hands of another Mr Beast. We call him Evil Mr Beast, cause what he did was, well, evil.” Mr Beast stated, before reaching out to help Micheal Jackson. “Well, I guess every Mr Beast is insanely strong…” Micheal Jackson said quietly.
Suddenly, a group of different Mr Beast’s arrived at the scene and began to look at each other casually. Every Mr Beast began talking, before walking over to the Mr Beast interacting with Micheal Jackson. “This is the No AU group, the one I just told you about. We have to go, but we’ll meet again soon, probably.” Mr Beast walks towards his group, before teleporting off somewhere, just like Mr Beast…
“I wonder if there are groups of me?” Micheal Jackson pondered…
Heavy was on another mission and was swiftly taking care of everything in his sight. No attack affected him, and he was easily able to complete missions even while injured. Seems like a horror movie to me.
Chapter 8: Turn for the… LURK.
The real infected Naruto lie in MS’s lab, who was currently working on a big project, while Infected Naruto was leading the next batch of his clones, not being able to control his body at all. “I wish I could end this…. But I’ve just given up at this point.” Naruto thought, while mindlessly leading the batch of clones.
Heavy was on a mission, to take care of a… Peculiar assignment, which involved killing multiple enemies that looked the same, possibly clones of Naruto. “DON’T DO IT! DON’T GO ON ANOTHER MISSION!” Scout signaled. Heavy still went though, like a giga chad or smth.
The batch of Naruto’s destroyed the city thus more, killing every person in sight, and destroying every building possible. Then… DanTDM arrives at the scene. “You thought I WAS DEAD?” DanTDM said, before revealing his mechanical body. “Sadly, that dumb MS thought I was going to obey him, and he gave me this cool mechanical body too! Now, mate, Il kill all of you, and save this city!”
DanTDM swiftly launched several missiles at the Naruto’s, causing most of them to die. DanTDM then extended his mechanical arms and grabbed up a batch of Naruto’s, before destroying them by sending them flying in the air. This left about 24 Naruto’s left, who quickly fled the scene in fear of being killed. Who knew CLONES were sentient.
Quickly after, Heavy arrived at the scene, surprised to see that the situation was already resolved. “Did you seriously steal my kills?” Heavy said, before frowning sadly. “It’s the city we’re talking about! Why would I hesitate to kill clones?” DanTDM said, before swiftly leaving the area using his mechanical arms to grapple his way out.
Meanwhile, the clones are still running, swiftly hiding in halls, and climbing up buildings, before arriving at the destroyed lab DanTDM was previously. “So, clones, we have to hurry up and increase our usage of tech, so we can kill that dumb British robot guy.” A clone said, before grabbing a chunk of metal and grinding it down using another chunk of metal.
The clones agreed, and prepared to clean up the lab, and use piles of wood they found to rebuild the lab, thus creating the DanTDM lab 2.0. The clones began working and made a set of weapons that can easily cut through DanTDM’s robot material, allowing for a quick and easy kill. “Hey, I found a syringe on the floor!” One of the clones said, before picking up the syringe and throwing it at another clone. “We can use this...”
The clones began to use the metal and wood to create a liquid substance that hardens the skin for a short period of time. “If we produce this in mass, we be hardening the world with this, bruv.” A clone said, before injecting himself with the syringe, causing his skin to feel hard and heavy. One of the clones tried to punch the hardened clone, causing their hands to break. “I guess it works….” The clone said, before rubbing his arm slowly.
Day after day, the Naruto clones made even more inventions, and decided to hide their identity by using human suits and planned on stealing from MS to get even more supplies. “That dumb MS doesn’t even pay us!” A clone said, “Well, we are clones…” Another clone said. “Why is he even called MS? Is that a nickname?” The clones made a plan…
And they were gonna follow it.

Chapter 9: The reality breakers.
Micheal Jackson was in distress, after meeting multiple Mr Beast versions, and now contemplating if they are even from this earth.
“Seems like you’re questioning reality.” A mysterious figure said, slowly walking towards Micheal Jackson. “Trust me, I’ve been through worse, MUCH WORSE.” Micheal Jackson swiftly went into a battle stance, preparing to fight.
“Hey, hey! I’m not dangerous, unlike the various other people you’ve met…” The figure said, before somehow appear in front of Micheal Jackson in what seems like the speed of light. “I’m Deez Nuts. Apart of the reality breakers, don’t know why we’re called that though…. Just call me Din.” Din slowly rubs his back, before placing his hands on Micheal Jacksons shoulder.
“So, first I meet an invincible being, and now I meet you?” Micheal Jackson says in fear, before slowly backing up. “I won’t hurt you bruv, believe me. I know everything, so don’t even try to hide it. I’m powerful than that Mr Beast guy, I don’t even need to teleport, I can just move so fast, that I arrive their instantly.” Din says, before somehow arriving behind Micheal Jackson, FASTER THAN LIGHT?
“When someone questions reality, that’s when we come in. We’re there because you no longer believe we’re NOT there.” Din says. Micheal Jackson looks up, then down, and then back at Din. “I just want to eat a taco man.” Micheal Jackson says. “Ok, I need to give you some info. So, the readers can understand a bit of things.” Din says, “What readers?” Micheal Jackson replies.
“Just listen bruv. Clones of Naruto are planning on killing MS, but they’re gonna get absolutely flawlessed. Not like you need to know *wink*. The leader of the clone group is Naruto Prime, and Infected Naruto is the regular Naruto that you originally wanted to kill. Divine MS would be the original MS, any other MS you see that isn’t strong is just a clone. Just know… Il be here whenever you have questions!”
Micheal Jackson was more confused than an acorn that had been injected with several ounces of cocaine. Due to this, Micheal Jackson fell unconscious, and Din walked away, waving in the distance. (Hey, Din here. This is how il talk to you. The story is all jumbled about, and I’m the only serious character you’ll see for a while! So, when you see parentheses, just know it’s me! I’m here to make sure no one makes assumptions about the story.)
The clones went about, carefully splitting up to gain more intel on humans, and to hopefully kill MS. Naruto Prime, (The leader.), was swiftly able to store most of the hardening serum, and able to give it to most of the other Naruto clones. Naruto Prime oversaw when the serums would be used. “Hey bruv, go ahead and MOVE OUT!” Naruto Prime said to the group with it, and the group complied. The clones went to MS’s lab, which was luckily close by, hidden by a flock of birds, that Naruto Prime took care of with the hardening serum.
The clones dispatched, and went to the clone vat, revealing Infected Naruto, the person in charge of dispatching the clones. “YOU!!!!” Naruto Prime yelped, before swiftly attacking the vats of clones, and ordering the other clones to fight Infected Naruto. “Die.” Infected Naruto said, before easily knocking out half of the clones, leaving only a few left. (The clones aren’t dead.). Naruto Prime was able to run away, and bring the clones with him before Infected Naruto could do anything, but their plan had failed, and they didn’t even reach MS…

Chapter 10: The Finale? (2 pages longer lol)
Everyone conflicts with one another. Micheal Jackson needs to defeat Naruto, the clones of Naruto are fighting against Naruto and MS, and Big Chungus needs to fight Nomento. One question remains, who will win?
“Heh looks like this battered up robot is still here. How about I fix you up.” Micheal Jackson says, picking up C-12’s body, and walking towards the area where he builds stiff. Micheal Jackson adds missile launchers onto C-12, and sharp and heavy armor to keep him defended, he also adds a self-destruction button, so he can have a final comeback.
“I’m gonna kill Naruto, and MS too. Il makes sure it ends with a big explosion that you see on TV.” As the robot wires up, it begins to beep in unheard ways, and Micheal Jackson hears a big BOOM outside the workshop…
“WHY HAVE YOU DONE THIS?” Mr Beast yelps, looking at another Mr Breast, who seems to wear a pirate eye patch, along with a black suit, and looks, well, evil. Micheal Jackson goes outside, and sees the Evil Mr Beast, destroying everything with ease, and being able to harm Regular Mr Beast. It seems Evil Mr Beast is something.
Meanwhile, the clones hatch another plan, they were the creators of C-12, and used that robot to originally capture Nartuo. The clones had planned on creating another prototype, C-15. Yep, they tried to do these 2 more times, and had finally created a better robot. It came with the best AI the world could offer too! “Ok, the robot is ready to launch!” A nerdy Naruto said, before typing things on the terminal that controlled the robot.
“Do it, launch the robot!” Naruto Prime said, before swiftly ordering the other clones to guard the robot as it booted up. “C-15 at your service.” The robot said, causing the entire room to be filled with screams of happiness, the robot had finally worked.
Micheal Jackson had no choice but to grab the modified version of C-12, which he nicknamed, Scrapy, mainly because the robot seems to always get destroyed. Micheal Jackson had also improved the AI, so Scrappy should be smarter now, right? Micheal Jackson hears the commotion between Regular Mr Beast and Evil Mr Beast. Based off what he heard from the No AU group, Evil Mr Beast is going to destroy his universe…
The No AU group rushes past Micheal Jackson, with no time to talk, and they proceed to join the fight against Evil Mr Beast, while Micheal Jackson runs away in fear. If Micheal Jackson was able to kill Naruto’s evil counterpart, couldn’t he kill Mr Beasts? No, its too dangerous, Micheal Jackson wouldn’t want to die, after he just made a super powerful robot.
“Hey ol mate, why you running from the danger? I CRAVE DANGER.” Scrappy had woken up, and swiftly used his rocket powered legs to boost up towards the No AU group, forcing Micheal Jackson to run towards Scrappy, since he didn’t want to have his precious baby destroyed lol.
“So, you want to join the war efforts?” Mr Beast said, the one that’s the leader of the NAU group. “Fine, Il do it, just because my dumb robot has a death wish.” Micheal Jackson sighed, before swiftly throwing large chunks of rock at Evil Mr Beast, barely dodging his attacks, and barely able to keep up with his insane speed, that faster than Din (That’s me :D) Evil Mr Beast really is something else, but out of nowhere, Big Chungus arrives at the scene, preparing to launch his large body at Evil Mr Beast.
“Take that ya dumb knock-off!” Big Chungus screams. Despite not making a dent in Evil Mr Beast, he did gain confidence from that quick encounter. “Hey, you’re here too!” Micheal Jackson says, “Yep, I had enough time to check on you, and look what I found….” Big Chungus looks at the No AU group, and the maniac robot trying to fight Evil Mr Beast head on. Big Chungus then looks at Micheal Jackson, his friend, and the one who taught him that eating humans is well, bad.
Infected Naruto walks towards another vat of clones, preparing to strike, but suddenly, he hears a knock on the door. The door BLASTS open, and a large robot, named C-15 arrives, attack Infected Naruto while sustaining little to no damage. Naruto Prime and the other clones watch in the background as Infected Naruto is slowly being defeated.
Infected Naruto is finally killed, or it looks to be that way. The serum that lingered in Infected Naruto was now gone, and he was able to think freely again. “W-What. WAIT, WHY AM I BEING ATTACKED?” Naruto said, before getting into a battle stance. “Wait, you’re telling me you’re not going to attack us?” Naruto Prime said, “WELL YOU ATTACKED ME!” Naruto said, before running away from the robot, and Naruto Prime, and out the lab.
“Phew, got away from those weird people, who look like me for some reason.” Naruto thought, before seeing a very large hole in the ground, caused by Evil Mr Beast. “Nope.” Naruto turns back, and leaves the area, too scared to be killed, and experimented on, for the third time.
Meanwhile, the clones advance to the first floor, where MS lie.
Evil Mr Beast begins to fly up in the air, and make a literal black hole, which absorbs everything around it. “I do not understand. Just give up already!” Evil Mr Beast says, throwing the black hole at Original Mr Beast, killing him almost instantly. It almost kills the leader of the NAU group too. Scrappy is somehow still standing, and still wants to fight Evil Mr beast, despite what happened.
TripTraps Guide to the Multiverse.
I’m TripTrap, certified hunter of the Multiverse, and how about I introduce you to the encounters you just witnessed. You firstly saw a very powerful character, and you saw another powerful character die as well (Why are you here?) Shut u- I mean, of course I must be here, a very important character died! Well, it was more of which the fact that he was alive since chapter 1…. Never mind that, now that Mr Beast has died, I can finally prepare… THE TOKEN OF REVIVAL! That means, if Mr Beast is revived (For whatever reason -_-) Then Il be here to announce when this token was used! TripTrap, the reality breaker of announcement, signing off! (Can we get to the story already?)
Half of the NAU group rush towards Evil Mr Beast, and for all their efforts, a bit of damage was done of Evil Mr Beast, just a little tiny scar on the face, its microscopically big. It’s still damage though! Big Chungus decides to run away, who wants to face a black hole?
The clones head towards MS and use the robot to beat him up with ease, as he’s not in divine form at all. “W-What? How?” MS says in fear, before getting brutally mashed open, mangled, and then thrown out by C-15. “That’s how you kill an evil scientist!” Naruto Prime says, before heading back out the lab, and towards the clones.
“Hey! We did it, I killed MS!” Suddenly, Divine MS appears behind Naruto Prime… “Oh, did you now? Good job for defeating my clone.” Divine MS easily decapitates Naruto Prime with just a flick of the finger, and he menacingly walks towards the clones. (Are you serious? Wait, it seems Naruto Prime wasn’t too important of a character, meh.)
Chapter 11: Chicken Bobby.
The NAU group are still fighting Evil Mr Beast, and Micheal Jackson and Scrappy have already left, due to unknown reasons. The leader of the NAU group, named Mr Beast Prime, orders the other Mr Beast’s to retreat, as Mr Beast Prime will fight off Evil Mr Beast by himself.
“Are you seriously facing me? After I killed the other Mr Beast?” Evil Mr Beast responds, before swiftly punching Mr Beast Prime across the room, “Never Fear, Chicken Bobby is here!” Suddenly, a humanoid chicken punches out Evil Mr Besst, and despite doing no damage, it doesn’t seem like he is doing any damage either.
“A chicken? Seriously?” Evil Mr Beast tries to attack Chicken Bobby, but nothing happens to him, not even a scratch. Mr Beast Prime swiftly grabs Chicken Bobby, and holds him at a, well, “Chicken Shield?”, before swiftly attacking Evil Mr Beast using Chicken Bobby’s very hard skin, or, well, tenderness….
“I don’t mind, use me as a weapon!” Chicken Bobby says, before going into an even harder state, allowing Mr Beast Prime to somewhat damage Evil Mr Beast. “AHHHHH! LEAVE ME ALONE!” Evil Mr Beast flies away, throwing another large black hole, directly at Earth. Chicken Bobby begins to stretch out and widen, turning into a large shield, and blocking the earth from the black hole, somehow surviving it.
Mr Beast Prime is shocked, and runs away, thinking about what that being could possibly be. It may not be able to do that much damage, but it sure is durable! Evil Mr Beast grins, before running off, to who knows where…
Meanwhile, the clones must face Divine MS. “Hey, I don’t want to die!” A clone said, before swiftly running away, but easily being killed by Divine MS, and one by one, the clones are killed…. Expect one clone that is, who managed to hide among the dead body of the clone MS, and is lying there, faking death. (We’ll call him Naruto Prime 2) Divine MS had no comments to make, other than “Weak…”, and Divine MS swiftly went away, jumping at light speeds.
“Oh no you don’t!” Mr Beast Prime says, holding his Chicken Bat (Who is Chicken Bobby) high up in the air. “You dare try to stop me?” Divine MS says. But Mr Beast Prime easily knocks out Divine MS with his Chicken Bat, launching him high up in the air instantly.
Naruto Prime 2 saw this and rushed towards Mr Beast Prime. “Hey, can I come with you?” Naruto Prime 2 says, before swiftly resting inside Mr Beast Prime’s bag, softly sleeping almost instantaneously. Mr Beast Prime had seen weirder, and therefore went along with it, putting his Chicken Bat in his weapon holster, and grabbing Divine MS’s body.
Mr Beast had died, the one who had been prominent for defeating the big and the bad, and now a new Mr Beast enters the scene, Mr Beast Prime, and his fights against Evil Mr Beast. The Arc between Micheal Jackson and Naruto, have officially ended…
Well, time to add some filler!
“So, I’m Chicken Bobby, and I was brought here to make random dialogue to end this chapter quickly, so, Il tell you more about me. I can shapeshift into anything, and I am the hardest object in the multiverse, or so I’m told… I also, well, ok, I can’t think on anything else to say. Ok, let’s end this this chapter NOW!”
submitted by undyfan to Naruto [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:04 Electronic_Lychee_44 How can I own a RIF without a UKARA

This probably gets posted daily/weekly etc but I'd like to say, I'm asking for a somewhat different reason.
For context - I've loved airsoft since I was a wee boy (9-10 yrs olds). I still remember the first BB Gun, my mum bought me. It was a bright orange/black, double eagle M41G. I absolutely loved it until I broke, like the rest of the cheap springers and hopper fed AEGs I was bought afterwards.
Now, I'm sitting at age 23, more invested than ever. I've bought a few high quality entry guns since the start of the year. I'd honestly love to attend matches, there a few local events near me that allows you to go through the UKARA process but here's the big problem.
I had a horrific accident that left me 55% burned at 13. if I take a pellet to a scar or a sensitive area. it'll most likely "burst" (bleed). If I get shot on the left side of my left leg. I'll psychically be out of the game, with how thin the skin is due to he skin grafts, there's also a genuine possibility, it could penetrate the skin, because even the fabric of my joggers can start to cause scrapes, scratches, irritation etc on my burnt leg. If the BB didn't penetrate the pain from the round(s) would definitely send me back home, once I've got my balance back.
(We aka me and my friend, only know this from experience. We only used spring pistols. None of them penetrated the skin while i was full clothed however that's the worry with the higher FPS guns being allowed on the field and despite us just using springers, the pain was quite unbearable especially the few that did hit my scars.)
So as an alternative, I've turned my large back garden into a medium/long shooting range. The targets are scattered over a large area, where my shed used to be. The lads have far more fun when over now and even the neighbour will come over, from weekend to weekend when he's bored. So it's good fun and everyone's safe (since I'm a bit of a gun "safety sally" or An "RSO" when its not my turn. I dont want anyone getting unnecessarily hurt)
Now, I'm wondering if being a collector is a valid defense (if its not, it should be imo) or if there's a valid defense id fit under given my psychical circumstances id appricate to know because its frustrating to see things, I'd love to own like the ICS L86 LSW on patrolbase for close to £700 but there's no point in buying it because I can only buy that replica in a ugly blue, bright green or red.
If there's a category I fall under, great but if I don't... that's a bit of a kick in the nuts (to say it kindly). I just feel it's a bit silly to jump through all these hoops, when I could go to Dublin, visit my family for a few weeks then potentially buy the same rifle(s) via ROI websites and have it delivered to their house with no questions asked except for my I.D (and possible some questions by customs)
I understand the point of the UKARA system but I feel people like me are left in a gray area. I don't want to cause trouble or harm. I just want a more "immersive" experience, that you just don't get with bright coloured airsoft gun.
Just a bit of help would be appreciated. I don't want to break the law. I don't want to ruin the sport by having a bad accident and I definitely dont want to ruin the sport for myself for the same reason.
Thank you and kind regards.
TL:DR - I'm 55% burned, id love to own RIFs for my private airsoft range. I can't handle low FPS spring bb guns due to the scars/skin grafts i have on m body. I'm looking for a valid defense that isn't a UKARA because my body can't handle low FPS spring pistols, let alone high FPS airsoft guns at matches.
Ps. Sorry for any typos or grammatical errors.
submitted by Electronic_Lychee_44 to Airsoft_UK [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:04 glenncoco420 Losing Hope

Losing Hope
Hi all - 29M here. Last June I noticed these bumps on my right arm. My doctor referred me to a dermatologist and she immediately diagnosed it as MC and froze them off. Fast forward through last summer they spread to other parts of the same arm. I stopped the freezing treatment bc I hated the scars it left behind, so decided to let it ride its course since she told me the immune system is supposed to take care of it.
Fast forward almost a year later and it’s absolutely worse. My initial arm is just as ugly with them. It’s spear to my other arm, my legs, ass cheeks, and now I am paranoid it’s spreading to my neck. I have yet to have any appear on genitals, but it changes every day.
I’ve had a bf since 2022 and we’ve only had sex with each other. I’m honestly so surprised he hasn’t caught it yet. Lately, we’ve been avoiding sexual contact bc I’m so paranoid.
I’m uninsured, unemployed and can’t see another dermatologist. Any tips and advice would be appreciated. I’ve already read posts here to increase vitamin intake and boost my immune system.
It’s really starting to mess with my mental health and I don’t wanna go anywhere. I just moved to nyc and hate that this is my experience. I’ve never had a skin issue like this in my life and it’s a lot to deal with DAILY. Attached some pics. Thank god I found this subreddit.
submitted by glenncoco420 to molluscum [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:04 AirEver Help with representing my experience on my resume.

I am a college student and im trying to put together a resume so I can get a summer job. Part of that is my experience, I spent a significant amount of time in leadership at a major club in my college which looks really well for my resume, I learned a lot and I believe it helps illustrate my skills and makes me an attractive candidate.
However... I did not leave the organization on good terms, in fact there was some major drama that went down, the reasons are pretty complex but it basically boils down to, two of the club leaders were dating, I did something unintentionally that pissed them off, and they decided to give me the boot in the process breaking several college regulations, because conflicts of interest are the best (In hindsight there were several red flags relating to governance, leadership would gossip a lot about school administraitors and other individuals, and as I stated, two of the leaders were dating which is grounds for forcibly relocating someone in any corporation).
As far as I am aware they are also contesting whether my leadership was effective. At the same time I am contesting the effectiveness of their leadership and can point to several reasons why. To leadership riddled with conflicts of interest. Lack of ability to get income to support the organization (Someone mistakingly sent financial figures to me long after I left, and even though they have a large balance sheet, it was because of me), furthermore there were instances where leadership and members disregarded my advice on financial and legal matters even though I went to great lengths to articulate the reason for my advice and commentary.
Essentially, the entire thing has turned into a he said she said argument of who was wrong. Circling back to resumes, this is my only real experience in the skills I want to represent. So I want to know how I should reflect that in my resume and eventually be prepared cause if I do incorporate it in my resume. The last thing I want is for the the main thing I dont want is the potential employer to email their communication channels and start asking about me, because that could result in them repeating the same lies and potentially costing me a job. But ive read if you decline to allow employers to contact your previous employers then you are less likely to get a job. If anyone has any advice on how to handle the situation it would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by AirEver to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:01 AirEver Help with listing my experience

I am a college student and im trying to put together a resume so I can get a summer job. Part of that is my experience, I spent a significant amount of time in leadership at a major club in my college which looks really well for my resume, I learned a lot and I believe it helps illustrate my skills and makes me an attractive candidate.
However... I did not leave the organization on good terms, in fact there was some major drama that went down, the reasons are pretty complex but it basically boils down to, two of the club leaders were dating, I did something unintentionally that pissed them off, and they decided to give me the boot in the process breaking several college regulations, because conflicts of interest are the best (In hindsight there were several red flags relating to governance, leadership would gossip a lot about school administraitors and other individuals, and as I stated, two of the leaders were dating which is grounds for forcibly relocating someone in any corporation).
As far as I am aware they are also contesting whether my leadership was effective. At the same time I am contesting the effectiveness of their leadership and can point to several reasons why. To leadership riddled with conflicts of interest. Lack of ability to get income to support the organization (Someone mistakingly sent financial figures to me long after I left, and even though they have a large balance sheet, it was because of me), furthermore there were instances where leadership and members disregarded my advice on financial and legal matters even though I went to great lengths to articulate the reason for my advice and commentary.
Essentially, the entire thing has turned into a he said she said argument of who was wrong. Circling back to resumes, this is my only real experience in the skills I want to represent. So I want to know how I should reflect that in my resume and eventually be prepared cause if I do incorporate it in my resume. The last thing I want is for the the main thing I dont want is the potential employer to email their communication channels and start asking about me, because that could result in them repeating the same lies and potentially costing me a job. But ive read if you decline to allow employers to contact your previous employers then you are less likely to get a job. If anyone has any advice on how to handle the situation it would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by AirEver to jobsearch [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:00 3psilon2288 Radiation- small hard lumps under skin?

I've currently done 20/25 radiation treatments. I have expanders in. I just noticed a bunch of small hard lumps under the skin on the area that's currently most red from the radiation. The whole area is very tender. Has anyone else experienced this? Is this normal?
submitted by 3psilon2288 to breastcancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:58 pinkelephant156 A Tighter Gorget (SI Hugh of the Vale)

Title: A Tighter Gorget
Author: JohnDough7
Rating: Mature
Language: English
Length: 16,569 words
Status: In progress (7/?)
Summary: In an extraordinary twist of fate, our protagonist finds themselves reborn into the world of Westeros as Hubert Stone, the bastard grand-nephew of the esteemed Jon Arryn, Hand of the King.
Concealed behind the persona of Ser Hugh of the Vale, and armed with knowledge that transcends the boundaries of this harsh reality, he embarks on a quest to reshape the very fabric of the realm
This time, a mountain will fall.
(I’m also working on another fic at the moment but it only has two chapters so far, it is a Reyne AU in which a surviving Reyne steals the identity of a dead Peter Baelish and fosters in his stead at Riverrun. Title is “The Red Mockingbird” it’s on AO3, Alternate History, SpaceBattles, and FF)
submitted by pinkelephant156 to TheCitadel [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:57 bowlofgranola what to do when a food is still causing reactions deep into recovery?

Tomatoes are causing me eczema/dermatitis on my face, arms, body. I've tried to push through it in hopes that things would change deeper into recovery, but it hasn't. I'm a few years in at this point and still having the reactions. I avoided them before my recovery because I knew it caused these issues.
It is scary to think of removing foods, especially tomatoes which are needed for so many foods and flavors. I'm afraid I won't be able to eat enough to feel full without them, but my skin is getting more and more damaged, itchy and hurting my self confidence.
What do I do?
submitted by bowlofgranola to fuckeatingdisorders [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:57 eh1234509876 [Miscellaneous] patch testing mystery — would love opinions — supergoop allergy?

I went to the allergist for patch testing due to eye skin issues I've been experiencing lately (blepharitis/swelling/dry skin around the eyes). They gave me 10 personal products to test in addition to the 80 major allergens they normally test for — I tested positive for gold and I tested positive for one of my personal products, which was my face sunscreen. I was shocked to see this since I have been using the same facial sunscreen for over a year now with seemingly no issues — I use supergoop unseen sunscreen and have found it to be very gentle and feels nice on my skin. Under the patch where the supergoop was, however, there was literally a BLISTER. They had me re-test it at home to make sure and, sure enough, a blister formed in 12 hrs.
I am SHOCKED seeing as I've experienced seemingly no issues using this on my face for the past year +. I got rid of it right away but I am so confused and also curious what in the supergoop I could be allergic to. The ingredients are: Avobenzone, 3%, Homosalate 8%, Octisalate 5%, Octocrylene 4%, Red Algae, Frankincense, Meadowfoam Seed Oil Complex. What of this could i be allergic to, and why would it cause me to react in such a strong way if I've had 0 issues on my face? Now I am paranoid and feel like I need to patch test every single thing I have been using on my face/haibody. Since I didn't react as allergic to any of the other major allergens they tested me for, I can't pinpoint what in the sunscreen I'd even be allergic to. Any ideas/opinions?
submitted by eh1234509876 to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:57 Strict_External678 Terror Of The Blood Moon

Chapter 3: The Nightmare Made Flesh
The full moon cast an eerie glow over the quiet streets of Willowbrook as Sheriff Ethan Blackwood patrolled the town, his eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of the creature that had been terrorizing the community. The past few days had been a waking nightmare – the brutal attacks, the mounting fear, the desperate search for answers. And now, with the revelation of the glowing eyes and otherworldly growl that Deputy Sarah Harding had witnessed in the woods, Ethan couldn't shake the feeling that they were dealing with something far beyond their understanding.
As he turned onto a deserted side street, a sudden movement caught his eye. Ethan slammed on the brakes, his heart pounding as he peered into the darkness. There, illuminated in the harsh glare of his headlights, stood a figure that defied all reason and sanity.
It was humanoid in shape, but there was nothing human about the creature that loomed before him. Standing at nearly six and a half feet tall, it had a bipedal stance that was uncannily human, but its body was a grotesque parody of the human form. Its limbs were elongated and disproportionate, with a hunched, unnatural posture that spoke of a twisted, inhuman anatomy.
The creature's skin was a sickly grayish-brown, mottled with patches of dark, coarse hair that sprouted in uneven clumps across its body. Its face was a nightmarish fusion of human and bestial features, with sunken, feral eyes that glowed an eerie yellow in the darkness. Its nose was flattened and broad, with large, flaring nostrils that twitched and quivered as it caught Ethan's scent. And its mouth...its mouth was a jagged maw filled with misshapen teeth that protruded at odd angles, giving it a perpetual, horrifying snarl.
As Ethan watched in mute horror, the creature began to change before his eyes. Its body convulsed and twitched, bones snapping and reshaping beneath its skin. Flesh rippled and bulged as muscles grew and shifted, and the sickening sound of tearing skin filled the air as the beast's form stretched and contorted into something even more monstrous.
The creature's arms elongated into long, spindly limbs that ended in gnarled, clawed hands, almost human in appearance but tipped with wickedly sharp talons. Its legs grew more powerful, more canine, with digitigrade feet that looked capable of propelling it forward with terrifying speed and agility.
And through it all, the creature's eyes never left Ethan's, burning with a malevolent intelligence that spoke of a human mind trapped within a monstrous form.
Ethan sat frozen, his mind reeling with the sheer wrongness of the thing before him. This was no animal, no mere beast. It was an abomination, a perversion of nature itself.
Then suddenly the creature threw back its head and let out a howl that shook Ethan to his very core – a sound of pure, unleashed bloodlust and fury. Then, with a speed that defied belief, it lunged forward, its jaws snapping and its claws outstretched.
Ethan barely had time to react, throwing the car into reverse and slamming on the gas. The tires screeched as he careened backwards, desperate to put distance between himself and the nightmare made flesh. In the rearview mirror, he caught a glimpse of the creature bounding after him, its powerful legs eating up the ground with terrifying speed.
Ethan's hands shook as he fumbled for the radio, his voice cracking as he called for backup. He knew how it would sound, knew the disbelief and terror his words would inspire. But he had no choice. The people of Willowbrook were in mortal danger, and it was his sworn duty to protect them.
Even if it meant facing down a monster straight out of humanity's darkest nightmares.
As he waited for his deputies to arrive, Ethan's mind raced with questions. What was this creature? Where had it come from? And most could they hope to stop it?
He didn't have the answers. But one thing was clear.
The hunt was on.
And this time, the prey was a twisted fusion of man and beast, a creature of fang and claw and insatiable hunger.
Ethan took a deep breath, his hand tightening on his gun. He didn't know what horrors the coming days would bring, what nightmares they would have to confront.
But he knew one thing.
He would not rest until the streets of Willowbrook were safe once more.
Until the creature lay dead at his feet, and the long night of terror was finally over.
No matter the cost, he would see this through to the bitter end.
For the sake of his town, his people.
And for the memory of all those lost to the beast's savage hunger.
submitted by Strict_External678 to scarystories [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:53 Suck_my_vaporeon Itchy red bumps between my fingers

Itchy red bumps between my fingers
I get these itchy red bumps between my fingers every once in a while. I always chalk it up to dry skin. Is it something else? Right now it's between all my fingers and I'm partially looking for a solution. Sorry if y'all can't see my photos that well I tried.
submitted by Suck_my_vaporeon to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:50 anakear Still purging or reaction to Tret?

Still purging or reaction to Tret?
Using 0.025% tretinoin for the past 6 weeks for acne. Initially started at applying every other day but this caused significant peeling and redness. Now reduced to applying 2x a week. Still getting these very superficial, open comedones (not sure if that’s what they are) in unusual places not where I get my usual acne. They come up overnight, 1-2 days after I apply the tret and become large and yellow very quickly.
Do you think this is still part of the purging process or a reaction to the tret?
When can I expect my skin to start improving? It definitely has worsened since using the retinol, but I don’t know how long to give it time to work.
PS: my tretinoin is a couple years expired. (Old tube, 0.025% creams are sold out where I am so just making do). Not sure if this could contribute?
Open to any and all advice. Thanks in advance.
submitted by anakear to tretinoin [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:49 grigorir111 What is this?

What is this?
I get this rash sometimes on the inner side of my arms. Does anybody know what that could be? I got the rash today again. Didn’t do or eat anything unusual. The skin feels dry and somehow sensitive to touch.
submitted by grigorir111 to skin [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:48 CurriedTacos [WTS] Knives: fixies, folders, and slips

Time stamp and photos
Videos Benchmades and JWK
Other videos are under the knife listings. Imgur is being weird thank you for your patience.
Most prices are OBRO
Payment via PayPal F&F Venmo or cash app you know the drill, NO NOTES.
Chat over PM
Everything ships next business day via Pirate Ship
If you call yolo please reach out within 30 minutes to discuss payment or to pay.
[WTS] SV 500 Small Sebenza 31 with Elforyn inlays and MagnaCut blade. There's one snail trail on the clip, it's been carried and cut with, disassembled. some stropping NGMco need not included
[WTS] SV 210 well loved big bro Jack in nebula includes tube and pog, but no box(I have a jack Wolf box, but I think it's for Benny's clip if you want the box let me know) Scuffs abound this thing has been used there is evidence of it in the pictures.
[WTS] SV 210 traditional pocket knives exclusive Tactile Bexar second owner, minimal carry and cutting as far as I know it's never been disassembled.
[WTS] SV 44 baby banter in the air Jordans color way, never carried includes taco. second owner SOLD
[WTS] SV 65 West Marine locking Swiss Army knife got a full-size all and a locking serrated blade. Second owner I don't think it's really been used but
[WTS] SV 170 Mini Osborne 945 has a rhino glow tritium thumb stud. Original not included. Includes box and sick ass lanyard 😅. This one's been carried quite a bit cut mostly cardboard and Amazon packages I'm not sharpened it. First owner
[WTS] SV 135 Orange mini bugout with a stud swap. original orange thumb stud not included. It's never been used but has been in my wallet since I bought it so the pocket clip is a little scratched. Includes box. First owner
[WTS] SV 260 Kershaw Livewire carbon fiber 9000CF LNIB opened and closed and the returned to the box. Never carried. First owner this one ships via UPS
[WTS] 3 x 269 each Offensive Industries 3" Vargr All are in nitro V steel. first owner of all three
1. Moose antler handle, brown raptor ambidextrous sheath never cut ir carried 2. Teal ray skin under ito cord wrap, white multicam ambidextrous sheath. Carried and cut with. 3. Dymux handle w/ field tan tiger stripe ambidextrous sheath. Cut a box and then put in the drawer. 
[WTS] SV 35 Elvia red micarta scales installed and carried then taken off second owner. Small mark on the show side.
[WTS] SV 75 Hobo Tactical and necromaker green hobo sack this has sat in my safe with a hand full of quarters in it.
[WTS] SV This is a custom piece Sage Grouse leather made me. as a natural born native Florida Man™️ I couldn't resist the opportunity when he said that he had some crocodile/alligator hide available. But I don't have a desk job and it has just been really lonely. I paid 220 for it I would like to get close 120 if possible. SOLD
[WTS] SV 45 sage leather American flag leather slip used for a few weeks for the big bro jack wolf knife SOLD
submitted by CurriedTacos to Knife_Swap [link] [comments]