Oral lamasil how to take

Full List of SARMs/PED

2022.03.16 08:16 Icy-Comfortable7535 Full List of SARMs/PED


2013.10.16 19:48 ruseweek Microdosing: sub-threshold dosing of psychedelic drugs for self-improvement, therapy or well-being

This is a community for discussion pertaining to microdosing research, experiments, regimens and experiences. The most probable candidates for microdosing are psychedelics, but we encourage dialogue on the effects of any drugs at sub-threshold dosage. No sourcing of drugs allowed! Please have a look at the microdosing Sidebar ⬇️.

2012.06.07 00:14 Billobatch Learn Useless Talents

This is a place to learn how to do cool things that have no use other than killing time and impressing strangers.

2024.05.19 00:42 rocroc00 I think I’m seeing progress.

I think I’m seeing progress.
I’ve been loosing my hair for over 10 yrs. Not too drastic so I thought it was normal with aging. But I’ve gotten more and more self conscious and hated the way I look and how it made me feel. So Feb 29,2024 I decided to get Exosome and started on 1.25 mg oral minoxidil. The dread shed came about 3 weeks later and it was bad…450-500 hairs every time I washed my hair. I went on Musely online and started taking 1mg OM and .4 mg Dutasteride a little over a month ago. The shedding pretty much slowed down…now I only count about 20 hairs during hair wash. I’m seeing baby hair along my hairline (see pics), but I haven’t noticed much improvement in my cowlick area in the back. The 2nd to last picture was from early March and the last pic was from last week.
submitted by rocroc00 to FemaleHairLoss [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:15 ThrowRAtoothache My (26F) boyfriend's (26M) abysmal oral hygiene is killing our relationship (and probably him, to some degree). How do I get him to finally go to the dentist and take his health seriously?

The title, basically. Throwaway account because I'm pretty sure he's in this sub. TLDR at bottom.
I've been with my boyfriend for coming on two years now, and he has always been EXTREMELY cagey about his teeth from the beginning. Initially, I thought it was because they were a little bugs bunny-esque, but as I spent more time with him I realised that they were pretty yellow and I could see some tartar deposits on the front of his bottom teeth. Kinda gross, but I could just about overlook it as I never really noticed his breath being that smelly since he chewed gum and didn't open his mouth that wide when he spoke.
Cut to now...oh my god. His breath is genuinely unbearable. Like, there is morning breath and then there is whatever this is. I don't even have to be particularly close to him or facing him to smell his breath if he is just talking. I've started to pay more attention to his brushing habits, and I'll admit that when I stay over at his place I'll occasionally forget to brush my teeth at night, but he almost never does.
A few months ago, I saw his electric toothbrush charging and then I saw it again the following weekend in the EXACT SAME POSITION a whole week later. I asked him why it hadn't moved and he said that he just used his other toothbrush but I'm calling BS. Even in the mornings, I'm not entirely sure that he brushes them, rather just swills a bit of mouthwash around and calls it a day and it is starting to make me feel repulsed. He's WFH most of the time, but sometimes I'll meet him in our city for lunch and it is just so clear that he hasn't brushed...it embarrasses me to think that his coworkers and friends are 100% victim to smelling it, too. In the mornings, I'll ask him to brush his teeth before he kisses me and whilst it does smell mintier, the underlying smell of grossness is still very much there and I feel awful telling him he still smells. His typical excuse is usually that he's just had a coffee or he's hungry...neither of which account for the garbage truck smell emanating from his mouth. I should probably mention that he's a glutton for energy drinks, weed, smoking (socially), and vaping.
The cherry on the cake was riding next to him in the car...as he was speaking, I caught a glimpse into his mouth and I swear I saw the biggest build-up of this yellow shit on the back of his teeth. Calculus or tartar I guess? I only saw it for a couple of seconds but it looked like it was almost as far back as going under his tongue. I have not been able to stop thinking about it, both from an "oh my god, I kiss this man and that's what's in his mouth" perspective, and an "oh my god, this poor man's teeth are going to fall out of his head". He's also got a thing for spitting in my mouth during sex which I have just had to stop altogether because the thought of it makes me gag.
I know that his teeth are a point of insecurity for him. He's explained to me that he didn't take care of them as a child, his parents never enforced healthy hygiene habits in that way, and as a teen, he went through depression and stopped looking after them altogether. He also is deathly afraid of the dentist due to negative experiences as a child and nothing I say will convince him to go. I don't think he's seen a dentist since he was around 13. He says he brushes twice a day now and has done for many years, but I just don't think that amount of build-up (and smell) can happen if that's true! I know he's embarrassed about it, he gets pretty clammy when I say his breath smells and he NEVER smiles with his teeth.
I've tried to convince him to come to the dentist with me, that I'll be in the room with him if he's feeling anxious, and that we'll find a dentist who caters to nervous patients, but I'm no closer to getting him to book that appointment. I've explained that it's not only his teeth but his wider health that he's damaging but it falls on deaf ears. He has healthcare so some of the cost would be covered, but I dread to think how much work he'll need. I think he knows the severity of the situation and is afraid of what's going to happen so is burying his head in the sand.
Ultimately, I'm becoming less and less interested in being intimate with him. Even a quick peck requires me to hold my breath, and I'm tired of timing my breathing with his when we lay together just to avoid having to smell his nasty breath. I'm also seriously concerned for his oral health...even if he did go get his teeth cleaned I'm not entirely sure he'd have any left after they scrape all the crap away since it's probably the only thing holding them in his mouth.
He is PERFECT otherwise, the sweetest, funniest, most thoughtful guy ever and he is a fantastic partner. My friends, my mom, strangers, everyone loves him. He's also extremely clean and takes his personal hygiene seriously in every other aspect so I do not know what the disconnect is here with his oral health. I don't want to break up with him over this, but I am beyond grossed out by him for this. How can I get him to take his health seriously and understand that it is going to damage our relationship long term?
TLDR: My boyfriend's teeth are covered in calculus and his breath stinks; it's making me worried for his health and our relationship is starting to really suffer because I'm disgusted. How can I get him to go to the dentist and take care of this problem?
submitted by ThrowRAtoothache to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:00 ThrowRA_NeedHelp909 A threesome went really bad between me (F28), my husband (M29), and our friend (M31). I need serious advice. Is there anything I can do to fix this situation?

Hello, I need serious advice and please don't slut-shame me.
My husband and I have been married for 2 years, and together for 5. Our sex life has been really good, and at some point, we started discussing our fantasies. His fantasy was nothing drastic (role-play), but mine was something serious, at least in his eyes.
I thought about having a threesome, and I wanted to try it at some point, so I talked to my husband about it. He wasn't really happy about it. We discussed it for weeks, figuring out how to approach it, setting rules, deciding whom to involve, and discussing our feelings about it. Long story short, he eventually agreed, but he established some ground rules:
  1. He takes priority.
  2. It doesn't start without him.
  3. Protection must be used.
  4. It's a one-time thing.
We went out with our mutual friend, and after some talk and drinks, we returned to our house, intending to proceed. I was really excited, our friend was too, but my husband not so much. Long story short, my husband didn't enter the house for at most 5-10 minutes. By the time he did, we had already started with foreplay (oral). He said, 'This is what you wanted, right?' but he sounded angry. I asked him what was wrong, and he told me that I could keep our friend and that he would be leaving. I ran after him and asked him to talk to me. He said that he had asked me to follow simple rules, and I couldn't even do that. He told me to go and enjoy my debauchery with somebody else and that I cannot be trusted, and that we would be separating from that moment.
I started crying and apologizing, and he told me that my apology is worthless. I begged him to stay so we could resolve the problem, but he didn't even look at me. He got into his car and left. I entered our home and told our friend to leave, which he did. It was two days ago, and he hasn't come home. He's staying at his sister's place. He isn't answering calls or messages. I don't know what to do.
submitted by ThrowRA_NeedHelp909 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:48 Melodic_Pin19 Personal story of BB and SIBO

I've had BB since about 6/7 years ago. My symptoms are a lot of saliva, very bad taste on my mouth and BB. This is specially triggered when I dont eat anything for 1/2 hours and on. The BB is only noticeable from a short distance, and I can smell it cause my saliva smells.
Over this time I've visited probably a dozen of doctors. Gastroenterologist, stomatologist, dentists, otolaryngologist and so on.
Gastroenterologist: First I was diagnosed with hiatus hernia from an endoscopy, later on, discarded by another one done by a better doctor. During this second time I had some bile in the stomach and mild gastroenteritis. I've taken all kind of omeprazoles with no effect, except one (not sure which one it was) that kind of change the taste I felt for some time.
Stomatologist: was given an oral antibiotics with not much explanation, which I took for some time and then stopped. I was unsure how to take it, or for how long since the doctor was not very explainatory. Again, nothing changed.
Dentist: My oral hygiene was not so good when I was younger, but of course over the last year it has become better, flossing every day, visiting a very good dentist very often. Used to have a very bad one. Had three root canals done and one crown. One other symptom is that I need a clean done very often, since bacteria accumulate regardless of the hygiene. Also over time I had to learn how to take care properly. This involves using a very soft brush, floss, waterpick, etc.
Otolaryngologist: Checked on me and sent me to visit one of these "integrative doctors" (dont know the proper term) but they usually cover many aspects, not just a speciality.
This last doctor ran a lot of blood tests and suggested a SIBO test (hydrogen and methane). I didn't follow the rules prior to the test (a mistake) but since the appointments were very difficult to get, I took it anyway. I got positive for methane SIBO and a constant but high hydrogen level. I took the treatment which involved antibiotics and a very stringent diet (plus a bunch of vitamins and other things). First day into the diet and symptoms got a lot worse since the lack of food (wheat derived, specially) was making me feel "unfull" and that's usually what triggers it. Three or four days into the treatment and the BB was gone entirely. I still had the excess saliva, and the bad taste just a little bit. But at least I could last 4/5 hours without eating and feeling this horrendous taste on my mouth. The change was amazing. I already finished the treatment one week ago and its been almost one entire month without BB. I assume the excess saliva is from a different source and it was probably making things worse. Of course I'll keep an eye on things since I know SIBO can make a comeback easily. I'll also keep some things I've learn from the diet. Super low sugar and try to avoid wheat (if anything, sourdough). Also get rid of sugary snacks like oreo and stuff.
I know my symptoms are different of what people usually describe here but hopefully it could help someone.
submitted by Melodic_Pin19 to badbreath [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:37 PuzzleheadedBit6172 How I Recovered From Mono (Not A Doctor)

I went through every stage of mono and recovered in a month. This is the steps I took to do so, and hopefully they can help you too. I am not a doctor and there is a lot of stuff that could be wrong here, and/or not do anything at all. If you are dealing with issues please go get medical assistance.

1. Sore Throat

For throat pain I visited my doctor and was prescribed prednisone and unfortunately I was dealing with an infection so I had to take anti-biotics. If you are diagnosed with mono and your doctor is assuming it is strep or another type of infection communicate with them the uncertainties you have in order to be tested for strep (taking anti-biotics with mono burdens you with a high chance of a rash).
Besides prednisone. I used a humidifier in my room in order for my throat to not dry out in the back. Even if it hurt horribly I attempted to drink at least 4 glasses of water every 4 hours so I wouldn't be dehydrated.
I suggest not taking Ibuprofen during use of Prednisone as it can cause intestinal issues. Use Tylenol.
I stuck to smoothies and chicken noodle soup for food during this time. Salty broth foods help soothe the throat quite a lot and help you get some nutrients.
It was hard to sleep because of my throat pain, I ended purchasing a sitting pillow for my bed. It took a lot of the stress off my lymph nodes during rest.
Finally I made sure to brush my teeth twice a day and use Orajel hydrogen peroxide mouthwash. Oral hygiene is incredibly important during any issues with tonsils in order to keep an infection from happening and washing off pus from throat scars during mono.

2. Sleep

For me sleep was quite difficult and I unfortunately didn't have many ways to deal with it for the first couple of days.
I tried to not take naps throughout the day and rather hold in my sleep for the nights, as your body does better healing when it's in REM. Which is more difficult to have happen if you take brief short naps.
By around my third day I learned that having a humidifier in my room made it so much easier to breathe and feel a bit better.
I took one extra strength Tylenol right before bed, and 10 mg of melatonin. Keep in mind that melatonin only is going to help put you to sleep and you will need to change your diet to be heavier in magnesium in order to have a better time staying asleep. If I woke up due to the pain at the middle of the night i'd take another tylenol and wait it out until I was able to sleep again. Continue to drink water throughout the entire time.

3. Spleen Pains

I dealt with really bad spleen pain for a couple of days and my only solve for it was laying on my back and using a heatpad on the area where my pain was. I tried not to move around very much. If your pain becomes increasingly worse go in to get screened for a risk of rupture.

4. Mental Health

Out of all the things I dealt with, this was one of the worst. I felt defeated for most of my days. I tried to feel better by looking at other peoples experiences and seeing how others have it worse. It also can help to call loved ones and friends and talk with them. I also watched shows and movie continuously in order to distract myself. Eating good helped me a lot, once I started making protein smoothies my mood changed for the better. Also try to stay out of the dark for to long, if you can go into a more open room with sunlight and lay during the day it will make you happier. Try to retain your sleep for just the night, this way you feel like you still are holding to a schedule. It also helps with REM which is incredibly important for mental health and can't be done with naps. Finally, self-care was a breakthrough for me. I tried to shower daily, and clean up my face before bed. It made me feel happier and nicer.

5. The Rash

This rash was one of the worst parts of the whole thing besides my throat. It happened after I had taken my antibiotics for 5 days. It itched so badly. In order to deal with the itch I went to the ER and was prescribed hydroxyzine and another dose of prednisone. For the first day I used calamine lotion, I soon realized it was making me even more itchy as it caused my skin to dry up. I switched over to Eucerin anti-itch lotion and it helped so much. I applied when I woke up and before I went to bed. I applied ice packs to my skin, instead of itching and it works much better at stopping the itch. Also try to sleep with a fan pointed towards you. During the rash stage, it is the most important for you to drink as much fluids as possible.
I hope this can maybe help someone? Idk, i am very thankful for this subreddit as most of these posts helped me recover much faster. Thank you all.
submitted by PuzzleheadedBit6172 to Mononucleosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:02 PancakesOnMe im an ARFID who fucking loves food

food is amazing and i love eating. food tastes so good. i have an oral fixation so i love chewing. i constantly need something in my mouth to concentrate. there is always plenty of food in the house to eat. im so lucky.
and yet i can't eat fucking food. it just won't go in. i can look at these amazing delicious foods that i love eating and rather die then even look at it. if i smell food ill gag even if it's the most delicious smell. all my friends and family think im anorexic no matter how much i tell them im not. at least now i have found this label i will be able to explain better.
i look at photos of my younger self and cry when i see just how fucking skinny i was. at least now im older im better able to take care of myself, even if i can't eat.
i wish i could eat with me friends. i wish i could always enjoy food. i wish i didn't worry people so much with my weight and eating habits. and i wish i could be normal.
submitted by PancakesOnMe to ARFID [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:00 Throwinandout45 I (20M) still love this girl (20F) who rejected me, even tho I told her that I have no longer any feelings for her, and this lie is killing me

Hi, so basically I expose almost everything in the title and sorry in advance the story will be really long as I want to give as much context I can, also excuse me, if I make too many mistakes, I'm French and my English isn't that good. Also, I will begin by explaining how the medical studies works here, as it will be important for the context and some events. I will call the girl in question H, and her best friend S
The story begins in August 2022, I graduated from high school and I applied to the first year of med school, in France you have to do a year which known to be really difficult and after that you can really say that you are in medical school. As this year is known to be difficult, they are tutorial system who help students throughout the year, and even before they propose tutoring before the year during the holidays.
I went there and while I was waiting for the class to begin, I befriended S and H. We then proceed to be classmates, and talk to each other, via discord and then WhatsApp. H, S and I had really similar hobbies.
For a little bit more of context, high school was really rough for me, I loved another girl who even after rejecting me and friend zoning me, used my feelings to make me work as if I was her slave, I was in charge to explain lessons, doing homework etc... Also, some of whom I consider my friends betrayed me by also using me for money or work. This situation put me in depression and my academical prowess also declined, it was the only thing that was making me proud, so I tried to kill myself twice because of that. Needless to say, I wasn't in the best mental conditions to begin that stressful year.
The first half of the first semester was extremely harsh for me as for the majority of the time, I was alone with my unprocessed thoughts, and it was just horrific, I had no one to talk to and S and H were only comrades back then, we weren't real friends yet. So in order to do something for that situation, I tried to put more efforts in befriending H and S, for real this time, I went in the same classes with them, and we created a WhatsApp group and a discord server with 3 other friends to coordinate ourselves.
One day, as we were about to start cellular biology's class, I saw that H's computer wallpaper was Kaguya Sama Love is War, and I love that anime, so made the remark, and that day, for some reasons that are unknown to me, I fell in love with her. Maybe it was how she spoke about her hobbies, I really don't know. Since that day, I would try to be seated beside her, trying to talk to her, etc...
The second half of the first semester, I told the other members of our group that I was indeed in love with H, it wasn't a big surprise as they said that they noticed my behavioral changes around H. They told me that it was quite miraculous that H didn't notice yet, since then I tried to play it more discreet because even though, I was madly in love with her, I valued our friendship and I didn't want to destroy that.
Fast-forward to the second semester, where H and I were really good friends, and the me of that period even thought that she also had feelings for me because she was really tactical, she opened up more to me than the others. In my defense, she was typically the shy girl you would characterize in your mind, but with me, she was different. She was also kinda flirted with me and even S, (who knew everything from both side as she also became my confident during that time) called it.
Despite my efforts I failed that year, and this failure was devastating, as it's my dream to become doctor, I really thought to end it all, I thought that the disaster of High school was just a taste of this year, that I will never become doctor and my life was futile. Whenever I do some exercise I go to our discord server and I log in the voc, so I can sing while listening to my voice, and it gave me motivation. Sometimes H or S or both would come to discuss or alongside me, and if they came I just muted myself. But some days after the results, I went and as I tried to revise to maybe try to pass the retakes, I ask God for a sign (I'm really religious), and then H came to work her oral exam because she passed. The simple presence of H, gave me enough motivation and inner peace to cast away these thoughts.
I eventually failed the retakes for 0.02 points, but I was taken in the tutoring system, as I was really great in the humanities subjects and was made the chief of that and H was made the chief of the Chemistry subject. I was also good at chemistry, so I wanted to help her, and she accepted. So during the last two weeks of August 2023, I gave chemistry class with her, and we also pass time together in the local the tutors had. She was also kinda flirty and so was I, two other friends (not related to the group I talked about) saw the thing between us, and they ask if we were together, we were both embarrassed, but eventually we denied. When H went away to give a biology class, I had a discussion with them, and they told me to confess myself, because basically I was torturing myself by giving myself false hopes. So the First of September I confess to her, and she rejected me
From good friends we became strangers and went no contact through the entire month of September, but in October we become again friends, but she was kinda weird, some days we were the friends like before, some day I was a stranger and some day she won't say a word to me, but she will just stare at me, and honestly it kinda fucked me up, I was like, did I do something wrong ? Was I the bad guy ? And the first semester of my current undergrad studies took the blow and my mental health too. I directly asked her what was going in November, she assured me that she just needed time. I just told her that we shall at least stay professional (I just took a big part of her responsibilities of Chemistry chief, because she was too busy, and it would be problematic for the students). The pinnacle of absurdity came in January, we had a late Secret Santa, and because God hated me or something, I was the secret Santa, but she didn't show up the day we gave the gifts and after months of her ignoring me, I decided to block her on discord
Again an ellipse to April, another friend of mine sent a message via WhatsApp without me knowing with my phone to H, because I talked too much about her and I needed to talk to her. After she answered me, I told her that it wasn't me, but I sent a long message (even longer than this story) explaining that it wasn't cool what she did that ignoring me just fucked me up, that I don't want to pursue her or anything, that I refuse to die as sad poet (I love to write poetry, and she is a great muse) so I had to conclude this story even if she didn't answer. She said that she didn't know how to process all of this as it was new for her, and she told me that she just run away from her problems and she again apologized because she ignored me. She also said that we could go back to our friendship, and she agreed to see each other one day.
So here I am writing this gigantic post (really sorry about that) and I still love her, I can't take her out of my mind, but I know it's wrong, yet I feel it deep in my soul that I'm still in love with her. Thanks for reading me.
submitted by Throwinandout45 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:46 Sad_Brush8145 NICU, I feel like I'm a bad mom

Our baby girl is just about to celebrate her one month and is in the NICU after being born with TEF/EA type C- I feel like a bad mom because no matter how hard I try, she won't burp or take the implemented 45 ml feed without her NG tube assistance and only will orally take 30 ml.
I feel like the nurses can see I'm a bad mom and that's why they won't discharge her. I sit here ever day for hours and just scream in my head that I am a horrible parent and will never get her home. I just want to go home and bond with her and feel like she won't have a bond with me from leaving her here.
submitted by Sad_Brush8145 to NICUParents [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:23 Skytho1990 Who/what am I? (new to exploring my gender identity)

Hi everyone,
as a preface, I am currently looking for a therapist to help me with this but that takes a while and I wanted to get some input from people with lived experiences. As a heads-up, I will be talking about my personal struggle with my (male)body so if you would rather avoid confronting a similar part of yourself, please feel free to skip this one :)
So for starters I am not out to anyone (even myself). I am currently AMAB, straight, have identified as such all my life and use he/him pronouns. However, I have never felt "masculine"; neither in actions, nor my body.
After many years of slight doubts that I suppressed over and over, I want to finally figure out what I really want/am. I am posting here since, even though I am exhibiting some signs of transgenderism, I am finding it hard to entertain the thought that I really might be. It is, for now, more comfortable to slowly abandon my solely male self-identity.
As for my actual experience, I have always been the "soft" guy. I danced, sang in choirs, liked to go shopping, enjoyed nice clothes, was mostly friends with girls in high school, hated anything stereotypically "male" and it is and always has been hard for me to connect with other people on that "male" friendship level. I have never, however, had the urge to actively outwardly be more feminine either at least when it comes to anything related to mannerism or dress. It's more when I look at the kinds of social interactions my GFs/sistemother have had with their friends, that I find myself craving similar connections. My biggest inner struggle is permanently my relationship with my body. In a nutshell, I hate my exterior genitals. I will avoid looking in any mirror, only wear tight underwear that prevents me from noticing things moving around. If I'm having a good day and, say, look down while wearing swimming shorts and I see the outline, my mood sours. I cannot really enjoy receiving intimate attention where that thing is the focus (receiving oral is terrible) while I adore giving pleasure. This makes equitable sexual relations ... a struggle (also I consider myself somewhere on the demi-greysexual side). I experience pretty strong autogynephilia. Whatever sexual imagery I see, whether in real life or in media, I cannot help but imagine myself as having the other parts. Just seeing male primary genitals it just about the biggest turn-off. I don't know that I would call it gender dysphoria though ... I am generally not unhappy living life as a (soft) guy and while I wouldn't mind exploring the non-binary space some and see how I feel, I currently don't believe that living my social life as a woman is what I want. If I could choose to by reborn as a woman, sure, I would say yes but with the path I am currently on, that seems very far away.
I guess I am just confused and finally want to address it and try to do justice by myself. I would be grateful for any insights, experiences, resources, kind words, smiling faces :) Y'all are fantastic and I love the positivity here! Cheers!
edit: I realized I forgot to mention this: I have tried tucking and have had moderately decent results temporarily but have not found it useful or effective for anything more than a quick feel-good around the house and to see how I would feel when I look down and don't see him (spoiler: pretty good). I would like to be better at it.
submitted by Skytho1990 to NonBinary [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:54 Yarbles The Official Report of the April RVA Reddit (no we haven't) Bookclub

We met up on a rainy Sunday about a month ago and talked about some books. Our pick this month was Killers of a Certain Age by Deanna Raybourn, because Assaulty wanted to read a story from an elderly perspective. The characters in this one were not really elderly - they were maybe 60 - but that's an advanced age for an international assassin. It seemed like most people liked it, though it's not everyone's preferred genre. It did resolve itself really well. I thought there were maybe too many main characters stuffed into a shorter book. The_OG_Bert liked the cold hearted professionalism the ladies conducted their business, they really leaned on their experience to their advantage. At one point they compared notes about the best vein to open up for a discrete kill.
Asterion7 brought a bunch of books he had read to pass out including The Wolf Den by Elodie Harper Stolen Focus: Why You Can't Pay Attention—and How to Think Deeply Again by Johann Hari, and Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel. He also had The Weird: A Compendium of Strange and Dark Stories, which someone had brought to a previous meeting. Maybe that guy will get it back some time. He's finishing and really liked Menewood by Nicola Griffith, the second of the Light of the World series. He and Skyverbyver talked visiting Pompeii and going to museums there that really made The Wolf Den that much more interesting.
Assaulty did the same thing - brought a bunch of books in an attempt to declutter a bit. She shared Still Life with Bones by Alexa Hagerty, No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy, The Moor's Account by Laila Lalami, and The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison. These are all exceptionally good books. She spent the most time on Ruth Ozecki's The Book of Form and Emptiness, and it sounded interesting enough for us to add it to our list. She also talked about other Ruth Ozecki books including My Year of Meats.
The Book of Form and Emptiness is about a neurodivergent kid, and Ozecki weaves in pop references and talks about education and mental conditions. But she approaches these conditions not as tragedies, but as new opportunities for perspective. It has themes about hoarding and decluttering, and even has a positive things to say about schizophrenia. She read Hollow Kingdom by Kira Jane Buxton, Richmond's Unhealed History by Benjamin Campbell, and The Hundred Years' War on Palestine by Rashid Khalidi, saying that the Ottoman Empire part was particularly interesting; and recommends In Memorium by Alice Wynn, about a couple of gay friends who bonded over a shared love of poetry going off the fight World War Uno.
Aimee tends not to pick up a lot of Contemporary Fiction, so she was not likely to get much from Killers of a Certain Age. She talked about The Fig Tree by Goran Vojnović with Olivia Hellewell translating, and a few other books like The Power by Naomi Alderman and is reading the Silo compilation by Hugh Howley. Coconut_sorbet read the three books in the Remembrance of Earth's Past series starting with The Three-Body Problem, and said while they are incredibly heavy and hard to wade through, it's totally worth it. Apparently the fourth book is a fan fiction that someone sent the author and he supported it enough for it to be published.
The_OG_Bert read The House is on Fire by Rachel Beanland, which is about a Richmond Theater kinda near where MCV is now that apparently burned down, and has been working through The Lord of the Rings. He's finding the audiobooks to be a really good way to experiencing the story, but found that the library doesn't always provide the narrator that you like, and that can ruin the flow. Skyver read Spark of the Everflame by Penn Cole, a romantasy that leaves you hanging at book 3.
Aurora has mostly been reading award winning books and we talked bout the differences between Hugos and Nebulas. One basic difference is that fans vote for Hugos while professional panels select Nebulas. Besides Killers of a Certain Age, she knocked out The Tower at Stony Wood by Patricia A. McKillip, which she says is YA but really good. Unfortunately the author passed away and Aimee brought this one in last time. She read The Spear Cuts Through Water by Simon Jimenez unique but dense, saying it's possibly a best book she ever read candidate. The themes are more about the oral tradition and how stories are told, and includes first-, second-, and third-person narratives. What Feasts at Night by T. Kingfisher; The Saint of Bright Doors by Vajra Chandrasekera , calling it a great Sri Lankan story but a little hard to explain; Translation State by Ann Leckie; The Water Outlaws by S.L. Huang, which is like a classic Chinese novel but with LGBT characters; The Terraformers by Annalee Newitz, saying the book had great ideas, but she didn't love the execution.
She liked Some Desperate Glory by Emily Tesh, saying it was the best novel she'd read in a while, so that could be literally out of hundreds of books; and Starter Villain by John Scalzi, who is a lot more popular than I thought. Muffin and Kim both liked this one, saying it was a popcorn read, but hilarious, and none of them wanted to ruin the experience by giving away the plot. There was also Shigidi and the Brass Head of Obalufon by Wole Talabi which sounded like a lot of fun, being a heist story about deities working as independent contractors with the main character being minor nightmare god.
She told us about Palimpsest by Catherynne M. Valente which she read for a book club bingo contest, which both Skyver and Asterion loved. It's very weird, about sexually transmitted passes to parts of a city. The book has a lot of sex in it, but Skyver said it's not sexy or titillating at all, it's mostly a metaphor for addiction. We talked about In the Night Garden and several other Catherine Vallente books, like Comfort me with Apples, Space Opera, and In the Cities of Coin and Spice.
Incorrigible_Muffin read a few books: Recovery Dharma: How to Use Buddhist Practices and Principles to Heal the Suffering of Addiction, which teaches a series of quick, practical techniques; This is How You Lose the Time War by Max Gladstone and Amal El-Mohtar; two John Scalzi books: The Kaiju Preservation Society and Starter Villain; The Other Significant Others by Rhaina Cohen, a series of case studies of deep friendships and platonic soulmates, trying to refocus of what society values to community and friends. She recommended a memoir by Rachel Willis The Risk it Takes to Bloom. The last one talks about becoming a woman, but missing those most important milestones in your life like your body developing through puberty.
She told us about You Dreamed of Empires by Álvaro Enrigue with Natasha Wimmer (Translator), describing it like a Bridge to Tarabithia but with time travel about anti-colonial uprisings; The Other Valley by Scott Alexander Howard, which she said was a mindfuck, but with interesting bureaucracy; and Lilith by Nikki Marmery, calling it lush and sexy and suggested you read it in a natural environment like a garden. I had brought in The Violence by Delilah S. Dawson for Assaulty to borrow, and Muffin said it is an excellent follow-up to Brutalities: A Love Story by Margo Steines. Aimee said it reminded her of The Power by Naomi Alderman. The author of The Violence Dawson got her start by writing Star Wars novels; I thought that was pretty cool.
We talked about Friends Don't Fall in Love by Erin Hahn, which is a sizzly slow burn, but funny; and A Study in Drowning by Ava Reid. But I didn't catch who brought those up.
We talked about the new series Fallout. I thought that someone who hadn't played the game might not be able to get into the series, but Coconut hadn't played it and absolutely loved the show - some of the scenes are right out of the game, and the nostalgia of the experience was the most exciting part of it. The show was set in LA, and I played Fallout 3 and 4 and New Vegas, and the composition of the scenes in the show looked like they were right out of parts of these games. Coconut also said that the Bad Batch star wars cartoon was straight up good storytelling. I've heard really good things about it, but then I look at the art and am immediately turned off. To me it looks like complete ass. Coconut agreed, saying that's the worst part of the experience, but it still manages to impress. I definitely need to give it a try. Asterion7 said the same thing about Xmen 97. Skyver is particularly excited about it, saying that the animated series is the only media that really follows the comics, and the comics were pretty awesome. She used an example: Mystique is Nightcrawler' father in the comics, but Marvel cowardly ran away from that gender fluidity in all their other media content.
Muffin was excited about Walter Goggins being in Fallout because of his work in Righteous Gemstones. Aimee is reading the Silo compilationand respects what the show did. Of the written series, Asterion7 didn't like Dust, and Coconut didn't like either of the second or third books, but both loved the first one. Most people who have seen it have good things to say about Star Trek - Discovery. I keep confusing it with Voyager. I'm not sure why, but I've always avoided it because of that.
Coming up on May 19
Coming up on June 23
Coming up on July 21
Coming up on August 18
Coming up on September 22
submitted by Yarbles to rvaBookClub [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:03 gon1531 Min and fin question

Hey guys, starting taking min and fin orally, I’m almost 2 months in. I just had a couple questions for the fellas.
  1. How long did it take for you guys to see results. I know it’s a process I’m not discouraged but more curious.
  2. Is it normal to see some more thinning before it gets better ? Right at the front of my hair line in the Center it’s gotten more thin recently and I think it’s just part of the process but I was just wanting to ask around.
  3. Have you guys seen hair grow back in places that have no hair left ? I know it’ll make my hair thicker but I’m curious for my temples if I’ll see results. I am considering doing some micro needling or whatever in those spots to help once a week but idk if it helps when I’m not doing it topically.
Please feel free to answer any or if you have time all of them lol. Thanks fellas for reading !
submitted by gon1531 to Hairloss [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:37 ButterflyFishingGirl Bec’s & Dans Bug Blasting Tips n Hacks - 5 months post initial symptoms n much more life b4bugs was so good grateful when I am all better n Bec’s Back Baby xx

there is heaps more to the Bec n Dan story
Pics are life pre infestation n to now 🙃🙃🙃
rebecca. r[mailto:rebecca.medley@pipanz.com](mailto:rebecca.medley@pipanz.com)
submitted by ButterflyFishingGirl to scabies [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:08 unafraidlemon Found disoriented and confused cat and didn't want to leave him to die that way

He was in the middle of the road, walking in circles kinda aimlessly. He seemed to clearly be, for lack of a better phrase, fucked up. I felt bad leaving him there to get hit by a car and die alone and confused and I picked him up and brought him to my house. He fell asleep immediately in my car and I put him inside of a tote when I got home. I noticed the fur on his tail and rear area were matted, I thought blood but didn't see any injury but he's infested on his bottom with I think tapeworms and maybe lice ? In addition to ticks and fleas. He's got a bad infection on what I think are his testicles, but I'm not really sure that he's even a male. The matted fur is from pus. He's very obviously in a great amount of discomfort and I have no idea how to help. I have no money to take him to a vet. I don't know how to help him on my own. He is uninterested in water, i even tried to give him water with an oral syringe and he refused to open his mouth at all. He was sleeping mostly but suddenly got restless and he made every effort he could to get out of the tub, he keeps falling and not catching himself if that makes sense like he lands with his arms bent in unnatural ways and I know this cat needs more than what I or anyone else except a vet can provide but I don't have any way at all to pay for a vet, not even a little bit. I'm wondering if a bath could help him but I think putting him in water would stress him out and I don't know how to kill any parasites and not hurt his infection worse.
I feel very helpless in this situation right now and I appreciate any help, anything at all.
submitted by unafraidlemon to cats [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:07 Brilliant_Guess_105 Worth salvaging?

I’ve dated a guy for about a month and a half. I’d say it’s been smooth sailing up until Saturday two weeks ago, when we had our fourth date. Spending time with him has been a pleasure so far and I was surprised by how much I liked this person.
For some context: I’m a graduate student pursuing my master’s degree while he’s an entrepreneur running his own company. He’s successfully launched, scaled and managed a few companies in the past, but the one he’s currently building is struggling. It’s taking a toll on his overall wellbeing and it’s been something we have had conversations about. I honestly admire his dedication to his work and it is one of the reasons I’m attracted to him, so I haven’t had an issue with dedicating time during our dates to talking about it, seeing how important it is to him.
Anyway, after our date Saturday two weeks ago, I noticed a change in his demeanour, and I thought his interest was decreasing. Towards the end of the week last week, he had sent me perhaps a text a day, and it was mostly I who had to keep the conversation going. I decided to ask him if he was feeling less interested in me or if it were something else. He sent a very long, honest message explaining that he felt like he was drowning in work. He apologised for letting it affect us and said it had nothing to do with me. He suggested that we call the day after, which we did. The phone call offered some concrete insights into his current struggles at work and also some difficult circumstances in his personal life. I did appreciate how earnest he was and told him that all I would need is communication, and that I didn’t want to assume anything because there is a lot we don’t know about each other. He said he really would want to see me after an event he was going to host Friday this week for his work (so yesterday as I’m writing this) I left that conversation feeling reassured.
Fast forward to today: the conversation really picked up and while a lot of it surrounded his work, I did appreciate the effort to share his day with me and keeping me in the loop. Yesterday, after the conclusion of his event, he had gotten some major traction in a few national newspapers due to some influencers he had been collaborating with, which I congratulated him on. He was happy, although tired, and at some point, the conversation turned sexual. We’ve slept together twice and both times have been wonderful, and he does oral sex like no one else I know, so it was easy to both let myself get carried away in the conversation and add to it. He texted me this morning telling me how hot he thought it was and that was he more aroused than usual as a result. He made it clear he wanted to continue the sexual nature of our conversation, which I didn’t mind. And he also made it clear he was using our conversation to please himself. After about an hour of intense back and forward he told me he had finished, and then he .. disappeared. After about 30 minutes, I felt slightly unappreciate. The guy had mostly been concerned with himself during our talk, which is fair enough when you’re aroused and want to get off, but I would’ve expected him to properly tell me he enjoyed it or say thank you, or anything to that effect. I was expecting some level of aftercare and affection, like you would normally express to someone after sleeping with them. Might not seem like a big deal to the people here, but it was pretty intense lol. I just wanted him to understand how it came across, and truthfully, that I felt a bit neglected afterwards.
I semi-jokingly texted him and the conversation went like this:
Me: “I feel a bit used lol - never experienced a digital cum and run before 😅” Him: “A digital cum and run? 😅” Him: “I was just in the shower, and then my birthed called 😘” Me: “That’s hard for me to know. It felt similar to someone disappearing right after you’ve helped them get off. Not super fun :)” Him: “You could not have known that, I agree with you.” Him: “Did not mean for you to get a cum and run impression ❤️” Me: “I get that- it just ruined parts of what was otherwise a very pleasant thing :)”
This clearly set him off. He possibly felt wrongfully accused of doing something he had no intrusions of doing, because he answered this:
Him: “Got it. But hear me out? I'm trying to explain now that I got a phone call, and then it was a bit difficult to answer you:) It wasn't because I gave a damn, it was just because I find it a bit difficult to continue a chat correspondence at the same time as I’m speaking on the phone :)”
Him: “This was not a cum and run situation, or so I think.”
I didn’t answer this right away. I did not want to see it escalate so I was working on ways to tell him that I was trying to get how I felt across and not accuse him of anything. It took some time, because in the meantime, he followed up with a new message saying this:
“Really didn't mean to give you that impression :(“
Me: “I didn't think you had any intentions of doing so either. Appreciate you saying that ❤️”
Him: Good ❤️
This is five hours ago. About an hour later, he sent me a video from his event yesterday. I simply hearted the message.
I’m at a bit of a loss of what to do now. He hasn’t reached out again, so I find myself wondering if we are just incompatible. I accepted that work would take priority the past few weeks (which I still think is fair, we don’t know each other that well yet), but I am also thinking that he’s either unwilling or unable to make the effort to make me a part of his life. I made it clear to him early on that I’m not looking for anything casual. I don’t know if I should reach out, what to say if I do, or just let things fade. I would appreciate any kind of perspective this forum could offer.
submitted by Brilliant_Guess_105 to Bumble [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:05 Brilliant_Guess_105 Worth salvaging?

I’ve dated a guy for about a month and a half. I’d say it’s been smooth sailing up until Saturday two weeks ago, when we had our fourth date. Spending time with him has been a pleasure so far and I was surprised by how much I liked this person.
For some context: I’m a graduate student pursuing my master’s degree while he’s an entrepreneur running his own company. He’s successfully launched, scaled and managed a few companies in the past, but the one he’s currently building is struggling. It’s taking a toll on his overall wellbeing and it’s been something we have had conversations about. I honestly admire his dedication to his work and it is one of the reasons I’m attracted to him, so I haven’t had an issue with dedicating time during our dates to talking about it, seeing how important it is to him.
Anyway, after our date Saturday two weeks ago, I noticed a change in his demeanour, and I thought his interest was decreasing. Towards the end of the week last week, he had sent me perhaps a text a day, and it was mostly I who had to keep the conversation going. I decided to ask him if he was feeling less interested in me or if it were something else. He sent a very long, honest message explaining that he felt like he was drowning in work. He apologised for letting it affect us and said it had nothing to do with me. He suggested that we call the day after, which we did. The phone call offered some concrete insights into his current struggles at work and also some difficult circumstances in his personal life. I did appreciate how earnest he was and told him that all I would need is communication, and that I didn’t want to assume anything because there is a lot we don’t know about each other. He said he really would want to see me after an event he was going to host Friday this week for his work (so yesterday as I’m writing this) I left that conversation feeling reassured.
Fast forward to today: the conversation really picked up and while a lot of it surrounded his work, I did appreciate the effort to share his day with me and keeping me in the loop. Yesterday, after the conclusion of his event, he had gotten some major traction in a few national newspapers due to some influencers he had been collaborating with, which I congratulated him on. He was happy, although tired, and at some point, the conversation turned sexual. We’ve slept together twice and both times have been wonderful, and he does oral sex like no one else I know, so it was easy to both let myself get carried away in the conversation and add to it. He texted me this morning telling me how hot he thought it was and that was he more aroused than usual as a result. He made it clear he wanted to continue the sexual nature of our conversation, which I didn’t mind. And he also made it clear he was using our conversation to please himself. After about an hour of intense back and forward he told me he had finished, and then he .. disappeared. After about 30 minutes, I felt slightly unappreciate. The guy had mostly been concerned with himself during our talk, which is fair enough when you’re aroused and want to get off, but I would’ve expected him to properly tell me he enjoyed it or say thank you, or anything to that effect. I was expecting some level of aftercare and affection, like you would normally express to someone after sleeping with them. Might not seem like a big deal to the people here, but it was pretty intense lol. I just wanted him to understand how it came across, and truthfully, that I felt a bit neglected afterwards.
I semi-jokingly texted him and the conversation went like this:
Me: “I feel a bit used lol - never experienced a digital cum and run before 😅” Him: “A digital cum and run? 😅” Him: “I was just in the shower, and then my birthed called 😘” Me: “That’s hard for me to know. It felt similar to someone disappearing right after you’ve helped them get off. Not super fun :)” Him: “You could not have known that, I agree with you.” Him: “Did not mean for you to get a cum and run impression ❤️” Me: “I get that- it just ruined parts of what was otherwise a very pleasant thing :)”
This clearly set him off. He possibly felt wrongfully accused of doing something he had no intrusions of doing, because he answered this:
Him: “Got it. But hear me out? I'm trying to explain now that I got a phone call, and then it was a bit difficult to answer you:) It wasn't because I gave a damn, it was just because I find it a bit difficult to continue a chat correspondence at the same time as I’m speaking on the phone :)”
Him: “This was not a cum and run situation, or so I think.”
I didn’t answer this right away. I did not want to see it escalate so I was working on ways to tell him that I was trying to get how I felt across and not accuse him of anything. It took some time, because in the meantime, he followed up with a new message saying this:
“Really didn't mean to give you that impression :(“
Me: “I didn't think you had any intentions of doing so either. Appreciate you saying that ❤️”
Him: Good ❤️
This is five hours ago. About an hour later, he sent me a video from his event yesterday. I simply hearted the message.
I’m at a bit of a loss of what to do now. He hasn’t reached out again, so I find myself wondering if we are just incompatible. I accepted that work would take priority the past few weeks (which I still think is fair, we don’t know each other that well yet), but I am also thinking that he’s either unwilling or unable to make the effort to make me a part of his life. I made it clear to him early on that I’m not looking for anything casual. I don’t know if I should reach out, what to say if I do, or just let things fade. I would appreciate any kind of perspective this forum could offer.
submitted by Brilliant_Guess_105 to datingadvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:04 Brilliant_Guess_105 Worth salvaging?

’ve dated a guy for about a month and a half. I’d say it’s been smooth sailing up until Saturday two weeks ago, when we had our fourth date. Spending time with him has been a pleasure so far and I was surprised by how much I liked this person.
For some context: I’m a graduate student pursuing my master’s degree while he’s an entrepreneur running his own company. He’s successfully launched, scaled and managed a few companies in the past, but the one he’s currently building is struggling. It’s taking a toll on his overall wellbeing and it’s been something we have had conversations about. I honestly admire his dedication to his work and it is one of the reasons I’m attracted to him, so I haven’t had an issue with dedicating time during our dates to talking about it, seeing how important it is to him.
Anyway, after our date Saturday two weeks ago, I noticed a change in his demeanour, and I thought his interest was decreasing. Towards the end of the week last week, he had sent me perhaps a text a day, and it was mostly I who had to keep the conversation going. I decided to ask him if he was feeling less interested in me or if it were something else. He sent a very long, honest message explaining that he felt like he was drowning in work. He apologised for letting it affect us and said it had nothing to do with me. He suggested that we call the day after, which we did. The phone call offered some concrete insights into his current struggles at work and also some difficult circumstances in his personal life. I did appreciate how earnest he was and told him that all I would need is communication, and that I didn’t want to assume anything because there is a lot we don’t know about each other. He said he really would want to see me after an event he was going to host Friday this week for his work (so yesterday as I’m writing this) I left that conversation feeling reassured.
Fast forward to today: the conversation really picked up and while a lot of it surrounded his work, I did appreciate the effort to share his day with me and keeping me in the loop. Yesterday, after the conclusion of his event, he had gotten some major traction in a few national newspapers due to some influencers he had been collaborating with, which I congratulated him on. He was happy, although tired, and at some point, the conversation turned sexual. We’ve slept together twice and both times have been wonderful, and he does oral sex like no one else I know, so it was easy to both let myself get carried away in the conversation and add to it. He texted me this morning telling me how hot he thought it was and that was he more aroused than usual as a result. He made it clear he wanted to continue the sexual nature of our conversation, which I didn’t mind. And he also made it clear he was using our conversation to please himself. After about an hour of intense back and forward he told me he had finished, and then he .. disappeared. After about 30 minutes, I felt slightly unappreciate. The guy had mostly been concerned with himself during our talk, which is fair enough when you’re aroused and want to get off, but I would’ve expected him to properly tell me he enjoyed it or say thank you, or anything to that effect. I was expecting some level of aftercare and affection, like you would normally express to someone after sleeping with them. Might not seem like a big deal to the people here, but it was pretty intense lol. I just wanted him to understand how it came across, and truthfully, that I felt a bit neglected afterwards.
I semi-jokingly texted him and the conversation went like this:
Me: “I feel a bit used lol - never experienced a digital cum and run before 😅” Him: “A digital cum and run? 😅” Him: “I was just in the shower, and then my birthed called 😘” Me: “That’s hard for me to know. It felt similar to someone disappearing right after you’ve helped them get off. Not super fun :)” Him: “You could not have known that, I agree with you.” Him: “Did not mean for you to get a cum and run impression ❤️” Me: “I get that- it just ruined parts of what was otherwise a very pleasant thing :)”
This clearly set him off. He possibly felt wrongfully accused of doing something he had no intrusions of doing, because he answered this:
Him: “Got it. But hear me out? I'm trying to explain now that I got a phone call, and then it was a bit difficult to answer you:) It wasn't because I gave a damn, it was just because I find it a bit difficult to continue a chat correspondence at the same time as I’m speaking on the phone :)”
Him: “This was not a cum and run situation, or so I think.”
I didn’t answer this right away. I did not want to see it escalate so I was working on ways to tell him that I was trying to get how I felt across and not accuse him of anything. It took some time, because in the meantime, he followed up with a new message saying this:
“Really didn't mean to give you that impression :(“
Me: “I didn't think you had any intentions of doing so either. Appreciate you saying that ❤️”
Him: Good ❤️
This is five hours ago. About an hour later, he sent me a video from his event yesterday. I simply hearted the message.
I’m at a bit of a loss of what to do now. He hasn’t reached out again, so I find myself wondering if we are just incompatible. I accepted that work would take priority the past few weeks (which I still think is fair, we don’t know each other that well yet), but I am also thinking that he’s either unwilling or unable to make the effort to make me a part of his life. I made it clear to him early on that I’m not looking for anything casual. I don’t know if I should reach out, what to say if I do, or just let things fade. I would appreciate any kind of perspective this forum could offer.
submitted by Brilliant_Guess_105 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:57 Brilliant_Guess_105 Should I just end things?

I’ve dated a guy for about a month and a half. I’d say it’s been smooth sailing up until Saturday two weeks ago, when we had our fourth date. Spending time with him has been a pleasure so far and I was surprised by how much I liked this person.
For some context: I’m a graduate student pursuing my master’s degree while he’s an entrepreneur running his own company. He’s successfully launched, scaled and managed a few companies in the past, but the one he’s currently building is struggling. It’s taking a toll on his overall wellbeing and it’s been something we have had conversations about. I honestly admire his dedication to his work and it is one of the reasons I’m attracted to him, so I haven’t had an issue with dedicating time during our dates to talking about it, seeing how important it is to him.
Anyway, after our date Saturday two weeks ago, I noticed a change in his demeanour, and I thought his interest was decreasing. Towards the end of the week last week, he had sent me perhaps a text a day, and it was mostly I who had to keep the conversation going. I decided to ask him if he was feeling less interested in me or if it were something else. He sent a very long, honest message explaining that he felt like he was drowning in work. He apologised for letting it affect us and said it had nothing to do with me. He suggested that we call the day after, which we did. The phone call offered some concrete insights into his current struggles at work and also some difficult circumstances in his personal life. I did appreciate how earnest he was and told him that all I would need is communication, and that I didn’t want to assume anything because there is a lot we don’t know about each other. He said he really would want to see me after an event he was going to host Friday this week for his work (so yesterday as I’m writing this) I left that conversation feeling reassured.
Fast forward to today: the conversation really picked up and while a lot of it surrounded his work, I did appreciate the effort to share his day with me and keeping me in the loop. Yesterday, after the conclusion of his event, he had gotten some major traction in a few national newspapers due to some influencers he had been collaborating with, which I congratulated him on. He was happy, although tired, and at some point, the conversation turned sexual. We’ve slept together twice and both times have been wonderful, and he does oral sex like no one else I know, so it was easy to both let myself get carried away in the conversation and add to it. He texted me this morning telling me how hot he thought it was and that was he more aroused than usual as a result. He made it clear he wanted to continue the sexual nature of our conversation, which I didn’t mind. And he also made it clear he was using our conversation to please himself. After about an hour of intense back and forward he told me he had finished, and then he .. disappeared. After about 30 minutes, I felt slightly unappreciate. The guy had mostly been concerned with himself during our talk, which is fair enough when you’re aroused and want to get off, but I would’ve expected him to properly tell me he enjoyed it or say thank you, or anything to that effect. I was expecting some level of aftercare and affection, like you would normally express to someone after sleeping with them. Might not seem like a big deal to the people here, but it was pretty intense lol. I just wanted him to understand how it came across, and truthfully, that I felt a bit neglected afterwards.
I semi-jokingly texted him and the conversation went like this:
Me: “I feel a bit used lol - never experienced a digital cum and run before 😅” Him: “A digital cum and run? 😅” Him: “I was just in the shower, and then my birthed called 😘” Me: “That’s hard for me to know. It felt similar to someone disappearing right after you’ve helped them get off. Not super fun :)” Him: “You could not have known that, I agree with you.” Him: “Did not mean for you to get a cum and run impression ❤️” Me: “I get that- it just ruined parts of what was otherwise a very pleasant thing :)”
This clearly set him off. He possibly felt wrongfully accused of doing something he had no intrusions of doing, because he answered this:
Him: “Got it. But hear me out? I'm trying to explain now that I got a phone call, and then it was a bit difficult to answer you:) It wasn't because I gave a damn, it was just because I find it a bit difficult to continue a chat correspondence at the same time as I’m speaking on the phone :)”
Him: “This was not a cum and run situation, or so I think.”
I didn’t answer this right away. I did not want to see it escalate so I was working on ways to tell him that I was trying to get how I felt across and not accuse him of anything. It took some time, because in the meantime, he followed up with a new message saying this:
“Really didn't mean to give you that impression :(“
Me: “I didn't think you had any intentions of doing so either. Appreciate you saying that ❤️”
Him: Good ❤️
This is five hours ago. About an hour later, he sent me a video from his event yesterday. I simply hearted the message.
I’m at a bit of a loss of what to do now. He hasn’t reached out again, so I find myself wondering if we are just incompatible. I accepted that work would take priority the past few weeks (which I still think is fair, we don’t know each other that well yet), but I am also thinking that he’s either unwilling or unable to make the effort to make me a part of his life. I made it clear to him early on that I’m not looking for anything casual. I don’t know if I should reach out, what to say if I do, or just let things fade. I would appreciate any kind of perspective this forum could offer.
submitted by Brilliant_Guess_105 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:53 abdehakim2222 there are no stupid questions when it comes to sex

Here are just some of the questions mentioned, but expect many more:

Are you ready to become the best lover she has ever had?

Now, bear with me, and ask yourselves these questions honestly:
How much would overcoming the feeling of inadequacy, the feeling of not being attractive or good enough to pick a chick up be worth to you? How about losing the anxiety of your girlfriend breaking up with you? What if there is a way for you to become totally confident, to get and keep any girl you want, when you want?
How much would it be worth to know how to mesmerize any girl into craving more of you, wanting you, bragging about you, telling you that you are so amazing that you make her feel like she has never felt before?
How much would it be worth to you to never again hear that voice in the back of your head that she might find a better lover, and never again fear that she might just look for some strange? I hear you. No one but a cuckold would want any of these scenarios and there’s no “safe word” in real life.
You, however, could easily cheat-proof your relationship and have peace of mind as a cunnilingus sexpert. Whether you are cunnilingus illiterate or proficient, exploring this collection of advice, tips, and tricks will provide you with what you need to make her come again and again and again.
Here’s how:
I’m offering you the complete cunnilingus “Learn2Lick” illustrated course package – with the additional audio book and all the three bonuses. The total value of the package is $297, but, since I am certain that I can help a guy like you and make you satisfied with sexual-self, I am offering this for a one-time payment of $47 – the price of a night out with your buddies.
As a specialist in working with others, I know how important it is to make a commitment if you want to take something seriously. We all tend to value what we have invested ourselves into, but you shouldn’t have to break the bank to better yourself. With the price of $47, this course can reach more of you who need it, so you can immediately use what you have learned and see ACTUAL results today and not have to waste time waiting for later which never comes. My wish is for you to you commit to the course, taking in all the facts, tips and tricks it has to offer. This “Learn2Lick” course is the most complete cunnilingus course, unique and as down-to-earth as possible. click here https://www.learn2lick.com/ultimate-oral-sex-lessons/?shield=7acd15h6mah6pf94254j281r43
submitted by abdehakim2222 to psychologyofsex [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:52 StinaRDH Do you have 4mm pocket depths?

Hey friends, your friendly neighborhood dental hygienist here!
I wanted to check in with those people who have 4mm pocket depths according to their perdiontal assessment. Some people hear this news and go full blown panic mode! Some people hear this news and don't care at all. I'm here to say let's meet in the middle of those two extremes.
First, don't panic! I always tell my patients that 4mm pocket depths are NOT the end of the world or your life. We should be discussing that this is a sign of inflammation which is not a sign of health. The next best discussion is game plan: home care tools and techniques + professional dental cleanings = healthy foundation moving forward.
I always remind myself that I can only help people who want the help. I do my best to help people understand that the goal is to either have 4mm pockets *without\* bleeding or to reduce the pocket depth to 3mm or less...\without bleeding.\**
So, you have 4mm pocket depths...what can you do? Here's a step by step game plan:
Remember that stannous fluoride and arginine bicarbonate toothpastes have the greatest antisensitvity effect and still reduce gum disease causing bacteria. Cetylpyridinium chloride mouth wash helps kill bacteria that cause gum disease. Oral probiotics help increase good bacteria to crowd out the bad bacteria. Multivitamins help with gum and bone health. Xylitol helps increase saliva while killing some germs and cutting down on plaque buildup. Brushing, flossing, and cleaning your tongue daily will reduce bacteria which cause cavities and gum disease. There's always a reason and a research article for the products I recommend.
Before I am a dental hygienist I am a regular person just like you. If I don't brush and floss well enough then I too get deeper pocketing & inflammation especially around my molars. My Daily routine has become second nature, it doesn't take me a long time to do these things now, and I know you can do this too. It takes 21 days to make a habit. If you are struggling then I would encourage you to either find an accountability partner, keep a journal, or build yourself a reward system (I have a chart on my refrigerator with stickers).
Make SMART, achievable goals. Start small and build up. Every great thing in this world starts with a solid foundation, and your gum health is the healthy foundation you need for a healthy mouth, mind, and body.
As always I am around if you have any questions or just need some encouragement. Comment here with your routine that is working for you! We love a good success story around here too.
Good luck, friends!
Stay healthy!
Stina, M.S.Ed., RDA, CDA, RDH 🫧🪥🦷
Subscribe to StinaRDH YouTube
Visit my LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/StinaRDH
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ichbinStina/
submitted by StinaRDH to DentalHygieneHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:48 StinaRDH You have 4mm pockets...is this cause for concern?

Hey friends, your friendly neighborhood dental hygienist here!
I wanted to check in with those people who have 4mm pocket depths according to their perdiontal assessment. Some people hear this news and go full blown panic mode! Some people hear this news and don't care at all. I'm here to say let's meet in the middle of those two extremes.
First, don't panic! I always tell my patients that 4mm pocket depths are NOT the end of the world or your life. We should be discussing that this is a sign of inflammation which is not a sign of health. The next best discussion is game plan: home care tools and techniques + professional dental cleanings = healthy foundation moving forward.
I always remind myself that I can only help people who want the help. I do my best to help people understand that the goal is to either have 4mm pockets *without\* bleeding or to reduce the pocket depth to 3mm or less...\without bleeding.\**
So, you have 4mm pocket depths...what can you do? Here's a step by step game plan:
Remember that stannous fluoride and arginine bicarbonate toothpastes have the greatest antisensitvity effect and still reduce gum disease causing bacteria. Cetylpyridinium chloride mouth wash helps kill bacteria that cause gum disease. Oral probiotics help increase good bacteria to crowd out the bad bacteria. Multivitamins help with gum and bone health. Xylitol helps increase saliva while killing some germs and cutting down on plaque buildup. Brushing, flossing, and cleaning your tongue daily will reduce bacteria which cause cavities and gum disease. There's always a reason and a research article for the products I recommend.
Before I am a dental hygienist I am a regular person just like you. If I don't brush and floss well enough then I too get deeper pocketing & inflammation especially around my molars. My Daily routine has become second nature, it doesn't take me a long time to do these things now, and I know you can do this too. It takes 21 days to make a habit. If you are struggling then I would encourage you to either find an accountability partner, keep a journal, or build yourself a reward system (I have a chart on my refrigerator with stickers).
Make SMART, achievable goals. Start small and build up. Every great thing in this world starts with a solid foundation, and your gum health is the healthy foundation you need for a healthy mouth, mind, and body.
As always I am around if you have any questions or just need some encouragement. Comment here with your routine that is working for you! We love a good success story around here too.
Good luck, friends!
Stay healthy!
Stina, M.S.Ed., RDA, CDA, RDH 🫧🪥🦷
Subscribe to StinaRDH YouTube
Visit my LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/StinaRDH
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ichbinStina/
submitted by StinaRDH to u/StinaRDH [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:11 in-need-of-hope New here, need guidance COMT slow

Hi all, I'm new here. Feeling awful and could use some guidance on where to go from here. Sorry for the long post.
47M no prior history of issues.
Back in January I started having neuropathy, insomnia, all the issues after starting a PPI for reflux. I thought it was a B12 deficiency, so I bought some B12 and started taking it orally (cyanocobalamin). I knew nothing of B12 and thought it would help. It didn't. Symptoms got worse. Had B12 blood checked by PCP and it was 1300, so I was told my issues were not B12 related bu anxiety (by multiple Dr's including a neurologist). This was BS, but it was me against the world.
I stopped the PPI after 2 months and in the 3 months following the neurological, insomnia issues slowly started improving and I was able to be calm and sleep.
Until last week. I went to a new Functional Med Dr for my reflux and he started me on IV infusions with supplements which included B complex.
Immediately I started feeling terrible. Shaky, tremors, pins/needles in hands and feet, insomnia, extreme agitation, extreme anxiety. I did 3 treatments and now I keep getting worse. Last treatmemt was 4 days ago.
I just learned I have COMT ++ slow gene and should Not take Methylcobalamin and the nurse just informed me that I had 3 infusions of Methylcobalamin B12. Not sure how much.
I just had my serum levels checked yesterday and now they are over 2000 and I feel horrible - maybe the worst I've ever felt in my life. Can't thinks, weak, buzzing inside, shaky, agitated, Pins needles, insomnia.... The opposite of calm.
My questions for you more knowledgeable.
What other bloodwork should I request? What type of Dr or specialist is best for this? How long will it take for these issues to resolve if it is just me taking the wrong B12 for my gene type?
I was feeling well before I had the IV so I believe that was the issue. I have terrible reactions to all meds and supplements now so I'm hesitant to start any other supplements....
Any advice.... Learning as I go.
submitted by in-need-of-hope to B12_Deficiency [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:39 Kooky_Increase_6888 Can anyone clarify how exactly Cerebrolysin works for a newbie?

I am aware Cerebrolysin is neuroprotective/neuroregenerative/neuroplastic and neurotrophic and it's something I've only just heard about really, the benefits of such a thing sounds astounding but is there any risks?
Forgive me right now the brain fog and cognitive impairment I'm dealing with which has been going on for just over a year now, is quite influential over my psyche. It effects my reading speed, analytical abilities, ability to convey and memorize and recall any information. I've tried alot but thus far I haven't really had much luck. This unfortunate situation is due to a functional brain injury from last year which I am pretty sure is some level of TBI which was chemically induced by this bleach bath incident last year when I was attempting to resolve an issue with my ezcema and I was too hasty with it and it resulted in something quite unfortunate which I was just described in the prior section of text. I struggle to even verbalise my own thoughts and think properly and even my coordination has been effected to extent with my dexterity of manual handling tasks. I struggle with scan reading any text now and I just feel a former shell of myself cognitively I am still functioning yet it's not the same, so I am seriously at a point now where I want to try something else as prior things haven't helped. I've been in quite the bout of depression because of it. I've spent thousands with doctors trying to get to the bottom of this very issue but alas no fix. Anyway I want to be cautious about anything I try as I know it's my own risk and I am not looking for medical advice. I am currently trying to live my healthiest life but this brain fog and cognitive impairment element to things doesn't seem to be clearing up and it's inhibiting me working and getting back to the things I used to excel at. I am currently doing a keto diet and I am intermittent fasting.
I want to just currently gather any information on this topic to learn more about it.
What pathway is this activated on?
I have various supplements I currently take will I have to curtail the use of any other substance including supplements if look into Crebrolysin ? ( lithium aspartate, nattokinase, Quercetin, Magnesium Glycinate and few others)
How much is required to see any benefit and over what duration, I've seen on the subreddit it's done over cycles
Is the oral form inferior? Cebroprep.
submitted by Kooky_Increase_6888 to Cerebrolysin [link] [comments]
