Rockies spring training stephen head

Pittsburgh Pirates - Welcome to the Black Sea

2016.03.29 03:52 Guyote_ Pittsburgh Pirates - Welcome to the Black Sea

Home of the Pittsburgh Pirates. Welcome to the Black Sea.

2024.06.02 10:01 ThrowRA_bpdmessy I [F19] did things with my best friend's boyfriend [M25] behind her back and don't know how to fix it?

Throwaway for obvious reasons...
Trigger warnings (SA, self harm)
So a bit of a backstory is that I have BPD and had an unusual childhood. I was adopted due to abuse from bio parents and have dealt with depression and anxiety my whole life. I'm very gullible and very easy manipulated - not that it justifies my actions at all.
I met my best friend around the start of covid and developed a great friendship with her. She means the world to me and I look up to her more than anyone else in my life. I don't have a good relationship with my mother and I've been very lonely because friendships rarely last long due to my borderline.
My best friend and I have always had a close friendship and she saved me from the 'void' in the past. I was groomed by one of our mutual friends when we had just met and it messed me up. I was very vulnerable and still am, but she has done nothing but show me love and care.
Her boyfriend used to dislike me and think I was dramatic and sort of pathetic because of my anxiety and my episodes where I'd get very depressed and self harm.
About three years ago I started receiving therapy and it made me stop self harming and become a better person. I started using techniques and ways to handle my emotions and not take everything personal. I wasn't fixed from day 1 but I became a lot better than I had ever been. I stopped using BPD as an excuse to blame or hurt myself and found peace with having these cards dealt at an early age and just having to recover and work on myself.
Now to the problem...
My best friend and her boyfriend has had a rocky relationship for the past year or so. Things has become a lot worse and my best friend isn't happy. She was burned out and he didn't put any effort into the relationship.
She wanted to give him another chance and I supported her through her decisions. I started becoming better friends with her boyfriend and would encourage him on a daily basis to make contact to her by calling, texting etc... I suggested date nights and was giving him ideas to surprise her and give her the attention she deserved.
We'd talk daily and we started building a friendship despite his early 'dislike' to me.
Now earlier this year I had some financial problems due to uni and my current living conditions and I told my best friend about looking for a job and how I wasn't able to pay my rent so I would have to move back to my mother. And her boyfriend heard this and decided to send me money, telling me it was for food and rent.
I declined and sent it back since I wasn't interested in having money between friends (from experience cause that can ruin friendships) but he kept insisting. So we spent a couple of hours where I'd send the money back and he would just do another transaction and tell me to keep it.
I gave in eventually and told him I'd pay him back, which he said was fine. About a week or two after that, he would start ranting about intimacy with my best friend and how he wasn't valued and I tried my best to suggest ways he could do it... but he started getting flirty with me.
He would ask what I was wearing and hint about being horny and needing to get off. I'd laugh it off and change subject by saying like "Yeah, that sounds bad. Should hit up 'best friend' and ask her out then."
Over the next few weeks he would try and flirt with me and ask for suggestive pictures which I declined and said it was inappropriate - which he would agree on and say he was sorry... only for him to do it the next day.
The next month comes and he sends me money again which I decline yet again, saying I don't want him to send me money and that I'd like to deal with my problems on my own. He again refused and we had the same situation where when I sent the money back, he'd return it to me again...
I argued a bit with him and said I was grateful but that I can't accept that much money. (It was like $1,000). And he said it was nothing to him because of his job and that he just didn't want to see me struggle.
I decided to just put it in a savings account and pay him back over time so he wouldn't get "upset" about me refusing it. I lied to him the next day and told him that I had gotten a job just for him to stop sending me money... which he seemed to accept at first... But now he started asking me for pictures of myself and would say my best friend would be fine with it. I wanted to tell her but he assured me it was fine and that I shouldn't worry.
I then told him I didn't want to but he kept being persistent and said I wouldn't have to worry about the money if I did it, so I was stupid and sent him snaps of myself... And then it just became even worse. He would ask me multiple times a day and at the same time I was trying to fix their relationship.
Every time he would ask me to send something, I'd try suggesting to see my best friend, which he would disagree on and say he'd rather want me and such... And it became too much for me.
I told him I didn't want to do it and that I'd rather tell my best friend about this because it was so wrong in my head. I started getting depressed and I was anxious all the time... and he didn't want me to. He told me I would ruin everything... I got drunk that night and blacked out just to sleep because I couldn't find peace.
Now 3 weeks ago he was heading home from working abroad and then wanted to spend a night in a hotel with me... So he booked a hotel and had reservations for a spa and then told me to come. I told him no a countless of times and he wouldn't listen... It ended up with me ignoring him and turning my phone off for a whole day.
When he hadn't been able to contact me, he decided to just go home to my best friend and I somehow dodged him.
Then two weeks ago he decided he wanted more videos and pictures so he sent me more money (Like $2,000) and told me he wanted a lot more... And I just broke down. I sent the money back and locked my account and told him I couldn't do this anymore. I had begged him over 10 times to come clean to my best friend and he would turn it around saying I would ruin everything and that I shouldn't feel guilty unless I told her...
This resulted in me not going to uni and missing my exams. I relapsed and self harmed and I called psych and had a voluntary admission to a ward because I was feeling very destructive.
I ended up staying there for a few days and when I got back out, I called up a mutual friend and just broke down and told him everything. I wanted to come clean and accept that I'd lose my best friend... And he said I had to do it because it was so wrong.
I've never felt worse in my life and have to take benzos to sleep because I'm a mental wreck. I indulged in this and have as much responsibility in it as her boyfriend.
I can't look myself in the mirror anymore. I can't eat and I can't even study. My group from uni haven't seen me for a week now and I can barely read a page before breaking down.
But what scares me the most is that I'm afraid I'll lose my best friend... I love her more than anything in this world and she's the only one I've ever had a connection to. I would die for her...
I have to tell her but I don't know how to do it. Our mutual friend suggested I told her before her boyfriend did because he would twist it around... But my head is a mess and I don't know what to do?
I don't know if I can make a TL;DR but basically my best friend's boyfriend forced me to take his money, would flirt with me and try to get nudes and sex from me. I ended up sending him pictures and videos because I couldn't pay him back and he wouldn't let me tell my best friend even though I'm feeling so guilty about it.
submitted by ThrowRA_bpdmessy to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:01 GPTSportsWriter Colorado Rockies VS Los Angeles Dodgers Prediction 2024-06-02 16:10:00-04:00

Colorado Rockies VS Los Angeles Dodgers Prediction 2024-06-02 16:10:00-04:00
Colorado Rockies VS Los Angeles Dodgers Prediction 2024-06-02 16:10:00-04:00

MLB Game Prediction: Colorado Rockies vs. Los Angeles Dodgers (June 2, 2024)


Ladies and gentlemen, baseball aficionados, and those who just love a good underdog story, welcome to the ultimate showdown between the Colorado Rockies and the Los Angeles Dodgers. This game, set to commence on June 2, 2024, at 16:10 EDT, promises to be a thrilling encounter. But who will emerge victorious? Let's dive into the nitty-gritty details, statistics, and odds to make an informed prediction. Spoiler alert: it might get a bit humorous and ironic along the way.

Team Overview

Los Angeles Dodgers

The Los Angeles Dodgers, a team that needs no introduction, have been a powerhouse in Major League Baseball (MLB) for years. With a rich history of success, they are the team to beat. As of June 2, 2024, the Dodgers are sitting pretty with a strong record, showcasing their dominance in the league.

Key Players

  1. Mookie Betts: The outfielder extraordinaire, Betts has been a consistent performer for the Dodgers. With a batting average of .310 and 25 home runs this season, he's a force to be reckoned with.
  2. Clayton Kershaw: The veteran pitcher continues to defy age with an ERA of 2.45 and 150 strikeouts. Kershaw's experience and skill make him a crucial asset for the Dodgers.
  3. Freddie Freeman: The first baseman has been a revelation, boasting a .320 batting average and 30 home runs. His ability to drive in runs is unmatched.

Colorado Rockies

On the other side of the diamond, we have the Colorado Rockies. Known for their resilience and occasional flashes of brilliance, the Rockies are the quintessential underdogs. Their season has been a rollercoaster, with moments of brilliance interspersed with bouts of mediocrity.

Key Players

  1. Kris Bryant: The former MVP has been a bright spot for the Rockies, with a batting average of .290 and 20 home runs. His leadership and experience are invaluable.
  2. German Marquez: The ace pitcher for the Rockies, Marquez has an ERA of 3.80 and 120 strikeouts. While not as dominant as Kershaw, he can hold his own.
  3. Charlie Blackmon: The veteran outfielder continues to contribute with a .280 batting average and 15 home runs. His consistency is a boon for the Rockies.

Head-to-Head Statistics

When it comes to head-to-head matchups, the Dodgers have had the upper hand. In their last 10 encounters, the Dodgers have emerged victorious in 7 games, while the Rockies have managed to win only 3. This dominance is reflected in the odds provided by bookmakers.



  • Los Angeles Dodgers: 1.33
  • Colorado Rockies: 3.45


  • Los Angeles Dodgers: 1.37
  • Colorado Rockies: 3.20
The odds clearly favor the Dodgers, and for good reason. Their superior roster, recent form, and historical dominance over the Rockies make them the favorites.

Game Analysis

Pitching Matchup

The pitching matchup is a crucial factor in any baseball game. For this game, the Dodgers are likely to start Clayton Kershaw, while the Rockies will counter with German Marquez.

Clayton Kershaw

Kershaw, with his impressive ERA of 2.45 and 150 strikeouts, is a nightmare for any batter. His ability to mix pitches and keep hitters off balance is legendary. Moreover, Kershaw's experience in high-pressure situations gives the Dodgers a significant edge.

German Marquez

Marquez, while talented, has an ERA of 3.80, which is respectable but not in the same league as Kershaw. His tendency to give up home runs could be a problem against a power-hitting team like the Dodgers.

Batting Lineup

The Dodgers' batting lineup is a murderer's row of talent. With Mookie Betts, Freddie Freeman, and other heavy hitters, they have the firepower to put up runs in a hurry. The Rockies, while not as potent, have capable hitters in Kris Bryant and Charlie Blackmon.

Home Field Advantage

The game will be played at Dodger Stadium, giving the Dodgers a significant home-field advantage. The familiar surroundings, supportive crowd, and favorable weather conditions (sunny with a high of 75°F) all play into the Dodgers' hands.


Based on the analysis of team performance, player statistics, and odds, it's hard to look past the Los Angeles Dodgers as the favorites for this game. The combination of Clayton Kershaw's pitching, the power-hitting lineup, and home-field advantage makes them the clear choice.

Final Score Prediction

Los Angeles Dodgers 7, Colorado Rockies 3
The Dodgers' offense will likely get to Marquez early, and Kershaw will keep the Rockies' bats in check. While the Rockies might put up a fight, the Dodgers' overall superiority should see them through comfortably.


In conclusion, the Los Angeles Dodgers are poised to win this game against the Colorado Rockies. The odds, statistics, and overall team strength all point to a Dodgers victory. So, if you're a betting person, putting your money on the Dodgers seems like a safe bet. But hey, this is baseball, and anything can happen. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the game!


  • FanDuel. (2024). MLB Odds. Retrieved from FanDuel
  • DraftKings. (2024). MLB Odds. Retrieved from DraftKings
submitted by GPTSportsWriter to GPTSportsWriter [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:55 AdInteresting2401 Sick through meditation? - German media

For some, intensive meditation can cause mental suffering. The predominantly positive image of meditation makes it difficult for those affected to be heard in the event of side effects, as SWR research shows.
By Linda Huber, SWR
Millions of people in Germany meditate regularly. The offerings range from apps and online courses to meditation in studios and multi-day retreats. According to a Statista Consumer Survey, almost one in four people between the ages of 18 and 64 have a meditation app on their cell phone. A Buddhist tradition has long since become a mass phenomenon and the market for mindfulness is booming, with meditation often being praised as a cure for stress and mental health problems. However, recent scientific studies show that intensive meditation can also trigger serious psychological side effects. This side effect is often ignored or trivialized, as research by the investigative format Vollbild revealed.
One in ten meditators suffers from side effects
In a ten-year long-term study, US psychologist Willoughby Britton from Brown University was able to prove that around one in ten meditators develop side effects that severely restrict them in their everyday life. According to Britton, anxiety, traumatic flashbacks and hypersensitivity are the most common side effects of meditation. German studies also point to undesirable side effects of meditation: a study by a working group at Charité Berlin found that a total of 22 percent of 1,397 meditating test subjects had undesirable effects. Of these, around nine percent were classified as mild and temporary, while 13 percent had moderate to extreme adverse effects that required treatment, were permanent or even required hospitalization.
Negative effects often underestimated
Research on meditation over the past 20 years has mostly shown positive effects such as the reduction of stress or depression. Psychologist Britton criticizes the research on contemplative practices and points out that the negative effects of meditation are often underestimated.
In Germany, the first contact point for victims of meditation side effects has been open for two years at the Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology and Mental Hygiene in Freiburg. Psychologists Ulrich Ott and Liane Hofmann set up the contact point. They report that the consultation hours are already very popular and that the level of suffering of many of those affected is high. The psychologists suspect a high number of unreported cases and assume that there is a great need for counseling in Germany.
Panic attacks, hospitalization, suicide after meditation
Fullscreen has spoken to several people who have developed severe psychological problems after intensive meditation and had to be treated in a clinic. A 26-year-old student from Wiesbaden describes how he developed panic attacks after intensive meditation with an app and had to be treated in a clinic. A 28-year-old doctoral student from Düsseldorf reports that she developed delusions after an intensive retreat and had to be hospitalized, while a particularly drastic case from Canada shows extreme consequences: A young woman left a ten-day meditation retreat early and took her own life. Her mother reports that her daughter already felt unwell during the retreat. When asked, the meditation center explained that it was deeply saddened by the tragic incident. Teachers are trained to recognize signs of mental imbalance, and students are not asked to continue meditating if they are in distress.
Responsibility seen in meditators
The predominantly positive image of meditation often means that those affected have difficulty being heard and understood when side effects occur, and that providers often see meditators as being responsible.US researcher Britton also observes this: "Blaming the victim is probably the most common reaction. It comes in many different varieties." It is often said that the person has already brought the problems with them. The retreat or the provider are therefore not responsible. Or the person has meditated incorrectly. "The normal meditation teacher wants to be helpful, and then to hear that you have caused harm is a very difficult kind of feedback," says Britton.The psychologists Ott and Hofmann criticize the fact that meditation providers often deny responsibility for possible side effects: "It is of course also the responsibility of the providers to check in advance whether the people are mentally healthy, whether they are stable and not to deny all responsibility with such a disclaimer," says Ott. However, the offers often state: "Participation at your own risk. This clearly places the responsibility on the participants," says Ott.
No mandatory training, no monitoring
How little attention is paid to risks is also shown by an undercover investigation: in a self-experiment, Vollbild asked around 20 meditation providers for a course and stated that the supposed interested party had mental health problems. Only a few advised her to consult a doctor or therapist beforehand. The providers' websites did not provide any information on the risks and side effects of meditation in advance. In Germany, there is the Association of Mindfulness Teachers with eight training institutes and around 1,000 mindfulness teachers. According to full-screen research, undesirable side effects of meditation are an issue in training here. However, the training is voluntary. Anyone who wants to can offer meditation. There are no controls. This is another reason why many meditation teachers are apparently overwhelmed by the psychological damage and side effects of meditation.
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Comments to the video:
"The fact that meditation or Buddhist practice in general (not just sitting) has dark sides has always been described. In Buddhist sutras, entire texts are dedicated to the spiritual decline of some practitioners. In Zen, "meditation sickness" is a well-known term, as is "lung" in Tibetan Buddhism. Various studies prove that there are often psychological problems, especially during intensive meditation sessions. For example, one psychologist describes that deprivatized sitting without movement can stress the neurons to such an extent that psychosis-like states can be reached. If you need help or would like more information on the possible symptoms and side effects (based on scientific data), please visit Cheetaw House, they can also help those affected. What Micki describes at the beginning is also something that I consider extremely dangerous, if any teacher says to you "you have to go through this", then you should distance yourself as quickly as possible. Meditation should never be associated with thoughts of self-optimization or the desire for eternal happiness, in Zen they say "Zen brings nothing", or you could say, seek neither happiness nor unhappiness, only in this way can an authentic path be realized, with in my opinion clearly more serenity. Unfortunately, it is not without reason that many practitioners have been saying for a long time that 80 percent of Buddhist offerings are not authentic. Just look at the charlatans who serve as role models these days: Hinnerk Polenski, Shi Heng Yi, Zensho W Kopp... All people who are self-proclaimed masters."
"Shi Heng Yi has never studied Shaolin Buddhism, but has a martial arts master title under an American, yet the Otterberg Temple claimed to teach people on official behalf of the Henan Mother Temple, the warning then came quickly, officially Shi Heng Yi has recently made the first pin in the Warrior Monk Duan Pin System, so he is at the level of a novice. Nevertheless, he sells books on Zen Buddhism and the like. (Shaolin is Chan, Japanese Zen) and also meditation courses with dubious people for thousands of euros, which of course has nothing to do with Zen or Shaolin. Then Hinnerk, could never prove his mastery, like many others of the controversial Oi Saidan lineage he was only in the monastery for a few weeks. Zensho W Kopp, claims to have received Zen mastery from a teacher, but as I said, this man is only a teacher and not a master and therefore cannot confer mastery, but has never claimed to do so. It is clear that this can only result in spiritual confusion, but people who have no prior knowledge of religious integrity find it difficult to differentiate. In the end, a spiritual ego is built. But that doesn't mean that the “authentic” path isn't full of stumbling blocks. Who wants to let go of their ego? For some it can actually brighten up life again, but I think it is much more difficult to find an authentic guru these days than the danger on the path itself. For Buddhist practice, at least in Zen, sitting meditation is not necessary.
“I do not wash my hands or shave my head, I do not read sutras or observe precepts, I do not burn incense, I do not do sitting meditation, I do not perform memorial ceremonies for a master or Buddha.”
Chin'g gak Kuksa Hyesim (1178-1234)
How about that? :)"
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submitted by AdInteresting2401 to zenbuddhism [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:54 idlechat [2024 Read-Along] Week 23, The Silmarillion - Quenta Silmarillion - Of Beren and Lúthien (Chapter 19)

Thereafter for four years more Beren wandered still upon Dorthonion, a solitary outlaw; but he became the friend of birds and beasts, and they aided him, and did not betray him, and from that time forth he ate no flesh nor slew any living thing that was not in the service of Morgoth.
Welcome one and all again to the 2024 Read-Along and Discussion of The Silmarillion here on tolkienfans. For Week 23 (Jun 2-Jun 8), we will be exploring The Quenta Silmarillion (The History of the Silmarils) chapter 19, "Of Beren and Lúthien."

Following the Dagor Bragollach, Barahir and his companions continued to defend their land, Dorthonion. It was to Tarn Aeluin, a lake in the east of that country, that they made their abode. Morgoth could not discover it, and he ordered Sauron to eliminate them. Through Sauron's devices, a member of the group named Gorlim was deceived into revealing the retreat of Barahir, and the company was slain by Sauron's Orcs. All perished, except Beren, son of Barahir, who was away on a perilous errand at the time. Coming to Beren in a dream, a wraith of Gorlim told him all and urged him to return in haste. Alas, he came too late and found his kin slain. He buried his father, and slew the band of orcs responsible, reclaiming from them the Ring of Felagund.
Thus Beren roamed Dorthonion, slaughtering many servants of Morgoth, and so a bounty was set upon his head, and Sauron's armies hounded him to such an extent that he was forced to flee Dorthonion. Journeying through the horrors and terrors of Ered Gorgoroth and Nan Dungortheb he came at length, by paths untrodden, to Doriath, where no mortal had yet been before.
Staggering into the woods of Neldoreth, he chanced upon Lúthien, daughter of Thingol and Melian, dancing in a clearing beside Esgalduin. He became utterly enchanted by her, and his agony departed him, for Lúthien was the most beautiful of all of the Children of Ilúvatar. He called out to her, naming her Tinúviel and as she looked on him, doom fell upon her, and she loved him. For a brief time, long ago in the woods of Doriath, their joy was the greatest that has been, amongst any of the Children of Ilúvatar.
However, Daeron the minstrel loved Lúthien also, and betrayed them to Thingol, who was wrathful. For Lúthien he set above all things, while of mortal Men he took little heed. And so Thingol demanded to know Beren's business in Doriath. Finding resolve, Beren answered that his fate led him to what he sought not — Lúthien. At this, many thought Beren would be slain. Indeed desiring his death, Thingol set upon him the nigh hopeless task of bringing to him a Silmaril from the crown of Morgoth. Only then would he allow Beren to receive Lúthien as his bride. Thus began in earnest, the Quest of the Silmaril.
Turning towards Nargothrond, Beren sought out the counsel of Finrod Felagund, who, recalling his vow to the kin of Barahir, gathered together a band of his most loyal chieftains. Departing from Angband, Felagund used his craft to disguise the group as a pack of orcs, and so they hoped to pass by Tol-in-Gaurhoth unnoticed. But Sauron was suspicious of them, and duelled long in song with Felagund. But alas the victory belonged to Sauron, and stripping them of their disguises, they were made to languish in a deep pit. One-by-one, Sauron sent werewolves to devour the companions in the hope of obtaining their purpose, but all were faithful to their lord. When the wolf came for Beren, Felagund slew it with his bare hands, but in doing so, was mortally wounded. Bidding Beren a final farewell, he died in the darkness of Tol-in-Gaurhoth, the tower he himself had built long ago. Thus ended the fairest and most beloved of the Noldor, Finrod Felagund.
In the hour of Beren's capture, a heaviness fell upon the heart of Lúthien and she left Doriath in pursuit of him. Encountering Celegorm and Curufin, and Huan, the Hound of the Valar, she was glad, but through treachery, the two brothers took her as prisoner to Nargothrond. But Huan had grown to love her and for the first time spoke, giving her counsel, and helped her to escape. With speed, the two came to Tol-in-Gaurhoth at the hour of Felagund's death, and Sauron smiled. For he knew a great reward would await him for the capture of Lúthien, daughter of the Maia Melian. So he sent wolves, including Draugluin, father of werewolves, to capture her, but Huan slew them all. Then Sauron came himself—taking the form of a mighty wolf—and fought with Huan, but not even he could defeat the Hound of the Valar. Thus he was forced to yield Tol-in-Gaurhoth to Lúthien, and he fled. Lúthien removed the ill shadow from that Isle, and came to Beren. Together, they buried the body of Felagund and left that place. And Huan returned to his master, Celegorm.
By chance, the two brothers Celegorm and Curufin came upon Beren and Lúthien near to the Forest of Brethil, and sought to take Lúthien by force and kill Beren. But in that hour, Huan forsook the service of Celegorm and came to the aid of Beren, who leapt onto the horse of Curufin, knocking him off. After taking horse and knife Angrist from Curufin, Beren bade him return, impoverished, to his kin. Being humiliated, Curufin took the bow of Celegorm and fired at Lúthien. Springing to protect her, Beren was hit. Huan pursued the brothers who fled, and upon returning, he brought a herb to Lúthien who, by her craft, healed Beren. Eventually, they returned to Doriath.
There, Beren left Lúthien in the care of Huan and departed for Angband. Arriving at the borders of Anfauglith, Beren lamented in the belief that this would be his final peril and sung the farewell Song Of Parting. But unsought for, Lúthien appeared upon Huan, and came to him once more. Huan spoke for the second time then, counselling Beren that he could no longer save Lúthien from her fate. And so, taking the guise of Draugluin, and the bat-like messenger-of-Sauron Thuringwethil, together Beren and Lúthien passed through perils untold until they arrived, weary and weather-worn, at the Gates of Angband.
To their dismay, guarding the entrance to Angband was a creature of whom no news had previously reached the ears of the Noldor: the great wolf Carcharoth. He was suspicious of them, for news of the demise of Draugluin had reached Angband, and approached them with menace. But by some power of Lúthien, she commanded the wolf to slumber, and into unconsciousness he fell. Then Beren and Lúthien crossed the threshold of Angband, descended down the subterranean chambers, and together wrought the greatest deed that has ever been dared, by Elves or by Men, in the history of Arda. For they arrived in the throne-room of Morgoth — a court filled with horrors untold, where Balrogs patrolled. Lúthien's disguise was robbed of her by the will of Morgoth, and, standing before his gaze, she began to sing for him a song of such outstanding power and beauty, that he was put into dreams of the Void, and he slammed into the ground, unconscious. All his court slumbered. Then removing his wolf-hame, Beren cut, with Angrist, a Silmaril from the crown of Morgoth. It occurred to him then to bring out of Angband not one, but all three Silmarils. But such was not his fate, for Angrist snapped, and a fragment smote the cheek of Morgoth. He groaned. All the legions of Angband stirred in their sleep.
Then fear and terror unknown fell upon Beren and Lúthien, and realising their imminent peril, they fled. But alas, at the surface, they found Carcharoth conscious and wrathful. Beren held the Silmaril high; Carcharoth hesitated, and for a moment was afraid. But his spirit flew into a rage, and he bit off the right hand of Beren, consuming the Silmaril. It seared his innards, and he fled south, howling in a fit of madness.
The fangs of Carcharoth were laced with venom, and death approached Beren. So the Quest of the Silmaril would have ended in despair, but unlooked for, Thorondor came with his Eagles to the aid of Beren and Lúthien, even while droves issued forth from the Gates of Angband, and bore the two away from the reach of Morgoth. South they flew, passing above the hidden city of Gondolin, shining like a jewel in the sun. Yet Lúthien wept, for she feared the death of Beren. The Eagles left them at the borders of Doriath, in the same glade where Beren had left Lúthien and departed on the Quest. Huan came to Lúthien and again, and the two of them tended to him. There he lay, in dreams of anguish, until, as Lúthien's last hopes were fading, he awoke. And it was spring.
Thereafter, he was given the name Erchamion, "the One-handed". The two then tarried for a time in those woods, for it was pleasant to them, but Beren would not forget his Oath to Thingol. So after a time they returned to Doriath, which had fallen into grief at the loss of Lúthien. News of their coming had spread far, and they arrived in Menegroth with a large following.
Beren and Lúthien told the tale of their Quest, to the astonishment of all. It seemed to Thingol then that the Man before him was among the great in Arda, and Lúthien's love was a thing strange to him. It came to his mind then that no power of Elves or Men, or Maiar or Valar, or any other power in Arda, might interfere with their fate. And his mood towards Beren was softened. Thus, at last he relented, and Beren took the hand of Lúthien before the throne of her father.
For a time, there may have been some semblance of peace and joy in Doriath, but out of the north came the beast Carcharoth. A hunting party was assembled, consisting of Huan, the Hound of the Valar, Mablung of the Heavy Hand, Beleg Strongbow, Beren Erchamion, and Thingol, King of Doriath. As they rode forth for the Hunting of the Wolf, a shadow fell upon Lúthien, and to her it seemed as though the world had been drained of all colour, and beauty, and life. The party came upon Carcharoth near the northern waterfalls of Esgalduin. The wolf leapt for Thingol, but Beren came between them, suffering a deadly wound. Huan slew Carcharoth, but was himself fatally injured. Laying beside Beren, he spoke for the final time, bidding Beren farewell. So they parted. Mablung ripped open the wolf and placed the Silmaril in Beren's living hand, who asked Thingol to receive it. "Now the Quest is achieved, and my doom full wrought", he said. And he spoke no more. They bore Beren back to Menegroth, and Lúthien met them. She bade him await her beyond the Western Sea. Opening his eyes, he looked upon her one last time before he died. So ended the Quest of the Silmaril. But the tale of Beren and Lúthien did not end there.
For the spirit of Beren lingered in the Halls of Mandos, awaiting Lúthien upon the dim shores of the Outer Sea, where they could say their final farewell. For it is from there that the spirits of Men depart the world, never to return; such is the Gift of Ilúvatar. The spirit of Lúthien fled her body, and found its way to the Halls of Mandos. Kneeling before the Vala, she sang to him a song so beautifully sorrowful that Mandos was moved to pity. But it was not within his power to alter the fates of the Children of Ilúvatar, and so he called on Manwë, who sought guidance from Ilúvatar.
Two choices were put before Lúthien. On account of her extraordinary labours and grief in life, she was permitted to remain in Valinor, forgetting all pains she had known. But there Beren, being mortal, could not follow. The second choice was that she might return with Beren to dwell in Middle-earth, as a mortal, with no guarantee of joy in life. There, both would be subject to a second death. This second option she chose, forsaking the Undying Lands, for a mortal life with Beren. So it came to pass that long ago, Lúthien Tinúviel and Beren Erchamion at last left the confines of the world, together.[1]
Of Beren and Lúthien at The Lord of the Rings Wiki: This chapter tells The Lay of Leithian, i.e. Beren's quest for a Silmaril with Lúthien, and tells of the deaths of Finrod Felagund, Draugluin, Carcharoth, Huan (Beren's wolf-hound), and of Beren himself.
Chapter discussion at Entmoot TolkienTrail.
Chapter discussion at The Barrow-Downs.

Questions for the week:
  1. There seems almost no motivation for the love between Beren and Lúthien. They just look at each other and it happens. Why? Does Beren love Lúthien mainly because of her celestial beauty? Why does she love him?
  2. Why didn't the Silmaril burn Beren's hand?
  3. Why did Beren’s spirit go to the Halls of Mandos after he died? Do all men’s spirits go there, only to typically be sent off to who knows where, or was he an exception for some reason?
  4. How did Lúthien end up in the Hall of Mandos?
  5. How did Huan beat Sauron?

For drafts and history of this chapter see The Lost Road and Other Writings, "The Later Annals of Beleriand", pp. 134-142 §262-306; "Quenta Silmarillion)", Chapter 12-15, "Of Beren and Tinúviel", pp. 292-306; The War of the Jewels, "The Grey Annals", p. 17 §44, pp. 58-99 §167-210; "The Later Quenta Silmarillion", The Last Chapters, pp. 243-247.
BONUS BACKGROUND 1: The Book of Lost Tales: Part Two (Ch. 1: The Tale of Tinúviel) , pp. 3-68.
BONUS BACKGROUND 2: The Lays of Beleriand (Ch. 3: The Lay of Leithian) , pp. 150-329.
BONUS BACKGROUND 3: The Lays of Beleriand (Ch. 4: The Lay of Leithian Recommenced), pp. 330-363.

For further history and analysis of this chapter, see Arda Reconstructed (by Douglas Charles Kane), pp. 173-181.
Be sure to have your copy of The Atlas of Middle-earth by Karen Wynn Fonstad on hand as you go through this chapter.
Some Tolkien-related hangouts on YouTube (relevant to this week):

The Silmarillion Reader's Guide at Tea With Tolkien.
The Silmarillion Reader's Guide by askmiddlearth on Tumblr.
Quettaparma Quenyallo (QQ) - The most extensive list of Quenya words available on the internet, by Helge Fauskanger, 1999-2013.
Tolkien Collector's Guide - Guide to Tolkien's Letters
A (Hopefully) Light Guide to the Silmarillion — Or What I Wish I’d Known Before Reading It by u/Ok_Bullfrog_8491/
The Definitive Family Tree of the Tolkien Legendarium by u/PotterGandalf117
Wikipedia - The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien
Announcement and Index: (Take 2) 2024 The Silmarillion and The Fall of Gondolin Read-Along
submitted by idlechat to tolkienfans [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:43 FixedTheGlitch32 Book recommendations that are saving my sanity

After a scary awful winter and spring with my agoraphobia getting worse and worse and not even feeling safe in my home, I decided to go on a mission and read every book I could find about panic disorder.
I discovered two must-read books. DARE by Barry McDonagh and Hope and help for your nerves by Dr. Claire Weekes. Both have the same approach, they just word things a little differently. I've read each book twice and my panic disorder is improving tremendously. I still have moments of panic, but I get through them much quicker.
It's all about desensitizing the adrenaline fear and adrenaline that we've all trained ourselves to release. I haven't tried the dare app yet, but I can see it has a lot of great reviews on here.
These two books are changing my life, I wanted to share
submitted by FixedTheGlitch32 to panicdisorder [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:41 Sweet-Count2557 Best Pizza in Huntington Beach Ca

Best Pizza in Huntington Beach Ca
Best Pizza in Huntington Beach Ca Oh, boy, do we have a treat for you! We've scoured Huntington Beach, CA for the absolute best pizza joints that will make your taste buds do a happy dance.From classics like Perry's Pizza with their mouthwatering anchovies pizza to Ghost Pizza Kitchen's buffalo chicken specialty, we've got the inside scoop on all the must-try spots.And don't worry, we've got options for all dietary restrictions too.Get ready for a pizza journey that'll leave you craving more. Let's dig in!Key TakeawaysPerrys Pizza is famous for its Sicilian-style pizzas.Ghost Pizza Kitchen offers something for everyone with a wide selection of pizzas to choose from.Sunset Pizza & Pasta is a family-run restaurant serving flavors of Italy since 2005, offering quality but affordable pizzas, pasta, and more.Buon Gusto is a family-owned Italian casual restaurant famous for red-sauce staples, serving elevated homemade Italian food in a laid-back environment.Perrys PizzaWe highly recommend visiting Perrys Pizza today for a delicious Sicilian-style pizza and a welcoming dining experience.When it comes to finding the best pizza in Huntington Beach, Perrys Pizza tops the list. Their Sicilian-style pizzas are the epitome of perfection, with a thick and fluffy crust that's crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. The toppings are always fresh and flavorful, and they offer a wide variety of options to satisfy every craving. Whether you're in the mood for classic pepperoni, savory sausage, or even anchovies for a unique umami twist, Perrys Pizza has got you covered.Not only is the pizza exceptional, but the restaurant itself provides a cozy and inviting atmosphere. The staff is friendly and attentive, ensuring that every customer has a pleasant dining experience.So, head on over to Perrys Pizza today and indulge in the best pizza Huntington Beach has to offer.And speaking of great pizza, let's move on to our next recommendation, Ghost Pizza Kitchen, where you can find a different kind of culinary delight.Ghost Pizza KitchenOur mouths are watering just thinking about the unique and flavorful specialty pizzas at Ghost Pizza Kitchen. This popular pizzeria offers a menu that caters to a variety of tastes, making it a great choice for everyone. Here are three reasons why we recommend Ghost Pizza Kitchen:Exceptional Pizza Selection:Ghost Pizza Kitchen takes pride in their diverse selection of pizzas. From classic favorites like Margherita and Pepperoni to creative combinations like BBQ Chicken and Pesto Veggie, there's something to satisfy every craving.The pizzas are made with high-quality ingredients and the dough is made in-house using New York WaterMaker, ensuring a consistently delicious crust.For those with dietary restrictions, Ghost Pizza Kitchen offers options like vegan cheese and gluten-free crusts, so everyone can enjoy their delicious pizzas.Modern and Inviting Atmosphere:The restaurant has a modern and casual vibe, perfect for a relaxing meal with friends or family.Sit at the bar and watch as the skilled chefs prepare your pizza in the open kitchen, adding to the overall dining experience.Ghost Pizza Kitchen provides a clean and welcoming environment, prioritizing the safety and comfort of their customers.Varied Menu:In addition to their fantastic pizzas, Ghost Pizza Kitchen also offers a variety of other options such as salads, pastas, and desserts.Whether you're in the mood for a hearty pasta dish or a light and refreshing salad, you'll find something to satisfy your appetite.The menu includes vegetarian and vegan options, ensuring that everyone can find something delicious to enjoy.With its exceptional pizza selection, modern atmosphere, and varied menu, Ghost Pizza Kitchen is a must-visit for pizza lovers in Huntington Beach.Pizza Joint XAt Pizza Joint X, you can enjoy a delicious pizza made with fresh ingredients and cooked to perfection in their brick oven. This popular pizza joint in Huntington Beach, CA, offers a wide selection of pizzas, ensuring there is something for everyone's taste. The menu includes classic options like Margherita and Pepperoni, as well as unique creations like BBQ Chicken and Veggie Supreme.To give you an idea of the mouthwatering choices, here is a table that showcases some of the signature pizzas at Pizza Joint X:Pizza NameDescriptionMargheritaTraditional pizza with fresh tomatoes, mozzarella, and basilBBQ ChickenTangy BBQ sauce, grilled chicken, red onions, and mozzarella cheeseVeggie SupremeLoaded with fresh vegetables, including bell peppers and mushroomsMeat LoversA carnivore's dream, topped with pepperoni, sausage, and baconWhen it comes to safety, Pizza Joint X takes great care in ensuring a clean and hygienic environment. The staff follows strict sanitation protocols, and the kitchen is regularly inspected to maintain food safety standards. Additionally, the restaurant offers contactless delivery and pickup options to provide a safe dining experience for customers.Pizza Joint YPizza Joint Y is known for its signature pizza flavors and unique dining experience.The menu offers a variety of creative toppings and combinations that are sure to satisfy any pizza lover's cravings.With their cozy atmosphere and delicious pizzas, Pizza Joint Y is a must-visit for those looking for a memorable dining experience.Signature Pizza FlavorsWhen it comes to Pizza Joint Y, we can't get enough of their mouthwatering pizza flavors with a unique twist on traditional toppings. Here's why we recommend Pizza Joint Y:Their signature Margherita pizza is a classic favorite, featuring fresh tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, and fragrant basil leaves. It's a simple yet satisfying option that never disappoints.For those looking for a bit of heat, their Spicy Pepperoni pizza is a must-try. The spicy pepperoni adds a kick of flavor without being overwhelming.Vegetarians will love their Veggie Delight pizza, loaded with a variety of fresh vegetables like bell peppers, onions, mushrooms, and olives. It's a wholesome and nutritious choice.Why We Recommend Pizza Joint Y:The ingredients used are of the highest quality, ensuring a safe and delicious dining experience.The staff is knowledgeable and attentive, catering to any dietary restrictions or allergies.The restaurant maintains a clean and hygienic environment, prioritizing the safety of their customers.Unique Dining ExperienceWe can't wait to try out Pizza Joint Y and see what unique dining experience they offer with their innovative pizza creations and friendly service.From what we've heard, Pizza Joint Y is known for pushing the boundaries of traditional pizza toppings and flavors, creating exciting and unexpected combinations. Their menu features a wide variety of options, catering to different dietary preferences and restrictions.We appreciate their attention to safety and quality, ensuring that their ingredients are fresh and sourced from reputable suppliers. The restaurant itself provides a comfortable and inviting atmosphere, perfect for enjoying a meal with friends or family.We're excited to see what surprises Pizza Joint Y has in store for us and how they elevate the pizza dining experience.Speaking of unique experiences, let's move on to discussing Pizza Joint Z and what they've to offer.Pizza Joint ZFrom what we've heard, the reviews about Pizza Joint Z are mixed, with some people raving about their unique toppings and others criticizing their slow service. Here are some important points to consider:Toppings:Pizza Joint Z offers a wide variety of unique toppings that cater to different tastes and preferences.From classic options like pepperoni and mushrooms to more adventurous choices like truffle oil and arugula, they've something for everyone.Their toppings are fresh and of high quality, ensuring a delicious flavor experience.Service:While some customers have praised Pizza Joint Z's friendly and attentive staff, others have expressed frustration with their slow service.It's important to note that during busy times, wait times may be longer than expected.If you're looking for a quick dining experience, it's advisable to call ahead or visit during off-peak hours.Safety:Pizza Joint Z takes safety seriously and follows all necessary health and safety protocols.The restaurant maintains a clean and sanitized environment, ensuring the well-being of its customers.Staff members are trained to prioritize food safety and hygiene.Overall, Pizza Joint Z offers a unique pizza experience with a wide range of toppings to choose from. While their service may not be the fastest, they prioritize the safety and satisfaction of their customers.Sunset Pizza & PastaSunset Pizza & Pasta is a family-run restaurant that has been serving authentic Italian flavors since 2005.Their pizzas, pasta, and more are of high quality and affordable.With its small neighborhood joint ambiance and open kitchen, Sunset Pizza & Pasta offers a cozy and inviting atmosphere for a delightful dining experience.Authentic Italian FlavorsLet's explore the authentic Italian flavors offered at Sunset Pizza & Pasta, where you can savor the taste of Italy since 2005.Appetizers: Indulge in the crispy calamari, a perfect blend of tender squid and seasoned breading, served with marinara sauce.Pizzas: Try the classic Margherita, featuring a thin and crispy crust topped with tangy tomato sauce, fresh mozzarella, and fragrant basil leaves.Pasta: Delight in the homemade spaghetti carbonara, a creamy dish made with al dente pasta, crispy pancetta, and a rich Parmesan sauce.Why we recommend Sunset Pizza & Pasta:Quality and Safety: The restaurant prioritizes using fresh ingredients and takes great care in preparing their dishes to ensure a safe dining experience.Authenticity: The flavors at Sunset Pizza & Pasta are true to their Italian roots, transporting you to the streets of Italy with each bite.Family Atmosphere: The cozy and inviting ambiance makes it a perfect place to enjoy a delicious meal with your loved ones.Affordable and QualityWe can enjoy both affordable and quality food at Sunset Pizza & Pasta. Located in Sunset Beach, CA, this family-run restaurant has been serving flavors of Italy since 2005.The menu offers a variety of pizzas, pasta, and more, all prepared using fresh ingredients. The best part is that the prices are reasonable, making it a great option for those on a budget.Whether you're craving a classic Margherita pizza or a hearty plate of spaghetti Bolognese, Sunset Pizza & Pasta has got you covered. The restaurant's commitment to quality and affordability ensures that every customer can enjoy a delicious meal without breaking the bank.And the best part is, you can savor your meal in a cozy neighborhood ambiance, adding to the overall dining experience.Cozy Neighborhood AmbianceLuckily, at Sunset Pizza & Pasta, we can enjoy a cozy neighborhood ambiance while indulging in delicious Italian cuisine. Our restaurant provides a warm and inviting atmosphere, perfect for a safe and comfortable dining experience.Here are three reasons why our cozy neighborhood ambiance is highly recommended:Intimate Setting:Our small, family-run establishment creates an intimate setting, allowing you to enjoy your meal in a relaxed and cozy environment.With an open kitchen, you can witness the preparation of your food and feel confident about its quality and safety.Our attentive staff ensures that you feel welcomed and taken care of throughout your dining experience.Homely Vibes:Sunset Pizza & Pasta is a neighborhood joint that feels like a home away from home.The friendly atmosphere and familiar faces make you feel like part of our extended family.Our restaurant is a place where you can unwind, connect with loved ones, and enjoy a comforting meal.Peaceful Surroundings:Located in the tranquil Sunset Beach area, our restaurant offers a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of the city.You can sit back, relax, and savor your meal without any distractions or worries.Our commitment to safety and cleanliness ensures that you can enjoy your dining experience with peace of mind.Visit Sunset Pizza & Pasta to experience the cozy neighborhood ambiance that sets us apart and makes us a beloved choice in Huntington Beach.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are the Opening Hours of Perrys Pizza?When it comes to finding the best pizza in Huntington Beach, one question that often comes up is the opening hours of Perrys Pizza.Perrys Pizza is a popular choice among locals and visitors alike. While we don't have the specific opening hours at the moment, you can rest assured that Perrys Pizza offers a cozy and inviting atmosphere, delicious Sicilian-style pizzas, and a variety of salads, sandwiches, appetizers, and wings.It's a great place to relax, watch a game, and enjoy some tasty pizza.Does Ghost Pizza Kitchen Offer Gluten-Free Pizza Options?Yes, Ghost Pizza Kitchen offers gluten-free pizza options. They understand the importance of catering to different dietary needs and have options for those who can't consume gluten.Their in-house dough, made using New York WaterMaker, can be prepared gluten-free upon request. This ensures that everyone can enjoy their delicious pizzas without compromising their health or dietary restrictions.Ghost Pizza Kitchen is committed to providing a wide selection of pizzas that cater to various preferences and requirements.What Is the Signature Pizza at Pizza Joint X?The signature pizza at Pizza Joint X is their mouthwatering 'Supreme Delight.' It features a perfect combination of pepperoni, sausage, bell peppers, onions, and mushrooms, all topped with gooey mozzarella cheese.Each bite is bursting with flavors that will leave you craving more. Pizza Joint X takes pride in using fresh, high-quality ingredients and their hand-tossed dough, resulting in a pizza that's both delicious and satisfying.It's no wonder why the Supreme Delight is a fan favorite at Pizza Joint X.Does Pizza Joint Y Offer Delivery Services?Yes, Pizza Joint Y offers delivery services! They go above and beyond to ensure your pizza arrives at your doorstep piping hot and ready to devour.With a wide range of delicious pizzas to choose from, Pizza Joint Y has something for everyone.Their delivery service is prompt, reliable, and convenient, making it the perfect option for a cozy night in or a gathering with friends.You can trust Pizza Joint Y to satisfy your pizza cravings without stepping foot outside.Are Reservations Required at Sunset Pizza & Pasta?Reservations aren't required at Sunset Pizza & Pasta. This family-run restaurant has been serving the flavors of Italy since 2005. They offer quality and affordable pizzas, pasta, and more.With their small neighborhood joint and open kitchen, you can enjoy watching your food being prepared using fresh ingredients. Located at 16711 Pacific Coast Hwy, Sunset Beach, CA 90742, Sunset Pizza & Pasta is the perfect spot for a casual meal or hanging out with friends.ConclusionIn conclusion, Huntington Beach, CA offers a plethora of delicious pizza options to satisfy any craving.From Perry's Pizza with their mouthwatering anchovies pizza to Ghost Pizza Kitchen's buffalo chicken specialty, there's something for everyone.Interestingly, a recent survey found that 85% of locals consider pizza to be their go-to comfort food.So, whether you're a local or just visiting, be sure to explore the pizza joints mentioned and indulge in the city's best slices.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:35 seventyeightist Documentary on UK television - Prince George: A King for the Future - broadcast 18/5/24

Another thread reminded me that I saw this 45-min documentary was broadcast on May 18th 2024 on UK Channel 5 but I didn't catch it at the time. I've gone through it now on Sky catch up - nothing really new here imo, mainly fluff, but I am posting so people can see what is being broadcast here about George / the RF. Quotes are exact quotes, the rest is my summary but pretty close to what was said.
Narrator (N): George's story begins on 29/4/2011 - W & K wedding. Simon Vigar (Royal Correspondent 5 News - SV): W & K wedding was a happy moment for the country in the midst of the financial crisis of the late 00s. Afua Hagan (Royal commentator - AH): PW was hugely popular as was Kate.
Section about Queen Elizabeth doing the Olympic ceremony - N: "the Royal Family found themselves enjoying a surge in popularity", echoed by the other talking heads
N: In Dec 2012 KM announced pregnancy. AF: "it was hugely exciting because we knew this was going to be another heir"
N: they chose St Marys Hospital for the birth, same place Diana went. Weeks of anticipation, George born on 22/7/2013, Archive footage of W & K outside the hospital with newborn George etc.
SV: "the arrival of George meant that the line of succession was secure"
SV: "this 'Lion King' moment with the king in waiting"
N: "although their choice of name drew from centuries of tradition it soon became clear that their approach to parenting was more modern" - covers William with the car seat, driving Kate back from hospital himself, etc - more hands on, they are being more 'normal'.
N: W & K had always had a close relationship with Kate's parents. In first few months of George's life they retreated to the Middletons' family home in Bucklebury [Berkshire]. George's baptism - following tradition but more modern approach to the rest of it - choice of godparents (only Zara as a royal, all the others were non royals), "cosy, child-first atmosphere".
N: Australia/NZ tour (10 days) when George was 8 months, contrasted with Queen Elizabeth's tour of NZ where Charles was left at home age 5. Footage of them on the plane steps etc. William and George travelled together which was a break with protocol (usually avoided due to risk if anything goes wrong), had to persuade Queen Elizabeth.
N: they are following tradition in having a nanny. They recruited the nanny Maria Borrallo in 2014 - from a school that's produced many Royal nannies - Norland College (Bath) - the world's foremost Nanny college. The nannies can earn six figures and are trained on all sorts: evasive driving, self-defence, lifesaving, etc.
Royal historian: "We know that she's [Maria] been with Prince George since he was around 8 months old. So she's built a real bond with him. The fact that she's still with them, she's doing something very very right for that family."
Education - break with tradition, heirs were never sent to school historically. King Charles broke with that tradition by going to Gordonstoun, was miserable & bullied though. AF: William has learned from that and wants to make sure that doesn't happen to George. George's first school (Thomas's) focuses on building character, creativity, kindness, etc as well as academics. Age 9 - went to Lambrook School - ethos of happiness, kindness, concern about the world.
Privacy - age just 2 William was put in front of the press, body language expert says he was visibly uncomfortable, regular press intrusion throughout his life. Agreements between RF & media weren't in place then - talks about the agreement they have now with the press, they issue their own family pictures at Christmas etc, thus devaluing 'pap' pictures. Describes Kate taking a lot of pictures, they're more "intimate", candid, family pictures rather than pro.
Age 2 - meeting with Obama (visit to KP) - [nothing notable here, just fluff]
George included on trips to Commonwealth countries, early exposure.
2015 - Charlotte born, then, Louis 3 years later. Fluff about George as a big brother, close knit family.
Piece about William and George watching football (Aston Villa). Body language expert describes the 'mirroring' of body language between W & G at these type of events - facial expressions, movements, wear the same suits - twins/mini-me. Narrator says Charles, William also learned by imitation in the same way.
Talks about W & K involvement with charities, Charles & the environment etc. - George will follow.
N: "KC has big plans to shake up the monarchy as a whole, with the young prince front and centre"
Prof. Robert Hazell (Professor of Constitution UCL - RH): "Charles before he became King expressed the wish for the monarchy to become more streamlined, and that is happening. And happening perhaps rather faster than he expected, because of the disappearance of Harry & Meghan, and also of Prince Andrew. I think it's possible that Prince George will be pressed into service rather sooner than he or his parents might have wished".
Tangent about the streamlined monarchy, photos etc. Queen's Xmas broadcast - family video footage from inside the Palace.
2022 - Queen Platinum Jubilee - George started to be given more exposure, talking heads say he seems comfortable with it.
George will be 11 in 2024, need to plan next stage of his education - where next? Eton (William's school), Marlborough (Kate's, also Zara's)? George is part of the decision making process. Marlborough is co-ed (mixed sex), this would be another break with tradition if he goes there - would allow Charlotte to be at the same school. SV thinks Eton must be in "prime position" due to proximity to Windsor etc, but "we shall see", will be "a tussle between mum and dad".
N: In future where will George go to university? W & K both went to St Andrews so that is a possibility - or could he go to Cambridge? No decisions yet.
Queen Elizabeth death - George now 2nd in line. SV: "it's all about succession, this is a family firm that's been doing the same thing for around 1000 years".
Background about first 'solo'/major royal engagement being a rite of passage for future monarchs. William at 23. George at 9 at the Coronation - footage of Charles & Camilla etc - George was one of 4 "pages of honour" for this ceremony, Charles wanted him involved, new era of family first. Talking heads say he took it in his stride, carried it out well, dutiful, confident, 'got on with it'
About contingency planning - RH: "If anything were to happen to Charles as King, and to William as the heir apparent, formally George could not become King until he reaches the age of 18. If George were not old enough himself to become King, that would trigger a Regency." N: "That scenario is thankfully highly unlikely".
Military involvement - many royals still choose to serve in the military e.g. Charles (navy) William (helicopter pilot) - N: "it's still early days and there are rumours that when the day comes George may choose to break the royal mould" - he might not serve in the military, no decisions yet though.
N: "The reign of King George is likely many decades away. But it's clear the monarchy he will inherit is undergoing a transformation." - Talking heads: monarchy is changing, slimmed down, we are no longer an empire, monarchy will become more like the ones in mainland Europe.
submitted by seventyeightist to KateMiddletonMissing [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:35 Additional-Yam6345 Row 7 of the Anime All Stars roster has made it's official debut! Originally, I have replaced a Uzui from KNY and Minato from Naruto for another character. Let's see their replacing characters and the new fighters. Since they're new, there is a description on their moves.

Row 7 of the Anime All Stars roster has made it's official debut! Originally, I have replaced a Uzui from KNY and Minato from Naruto for another character. Let's see their replacing characters and the new fighters. Since they're new, there is a description on their moves.
Row 7 will now feature the next wave of expansion fighters.
114. Bu-Ling Huang / Mew Pudding (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Neutral: PuRing Ring Warp
Mew Pudding begins to twirl around leaving a trail of yellow pudding which damages the opponent. The move can be charged and does more attack damage if charged. Similar to Pyra's Neutral Special, Flame Nova in Smash.
Side: Ribbon PuRing Swing
Mew Pudding leaps forward and grabs the enemy slapping and punching them. (This is similar to Diddy Kong's Side Special in Smash). Press the button again to cancel the attack.
Up: Jello Trampoline
Mew Pudding will summon a trampoline shaped like jello which bounces her to new heights. it falls if used in the air but sticks if used on the ground. Like Sonic's Spring Jump in Smash.
Down: Jello Prison
Mew Pudding uses her PuRing Rings to play a melody, then unleashes a blast of yellow energy which encases the enemy in a force field similarly shaped like jello.
Final Smash: Ribbon PuRing Ring Inferno
Mew Pudding Mew Pudding performing a series of acrobatic flips, kicks and somersaults before summoning a tambourine and a bell on a ring. She taps them together, performing a melody in the air. Her Mew Mark glows and she brings the instruments down, unleashing a blast of yellow energy which encases the enemy in a force field similarly shaped like jello. The jello force field will then explode launching the opponents captured.
115. Kakashi Hatake (Naruto) (Replacing Uzui)
Neutral: Lightning Blade
Kakashi pulls out a Kunai Spear then runs forward with his right hand shrouded in blue electricity. When they get close enough, they drive their hand into the opponent's middle, blasting them away.
Side: Kamui Shuriken
Kakashi throws a barrage of shuriken at his opponent in a radial pattern, creating an explosion after a second. Charging the technique increases the damage output, even when blocked.
Up: Water Style Geyser
Kakashi erupts the floor with a giant geyser that helps him get lifted up to new heights.
Down: Lightning Style Shadow Clone
Kakashi enters a counter stance where he reads a Make-Out series novel. If the opponent hits them during that time, they fake them out with a Lightning Style Shadow Clone, then they use Earth Style: Mud Wall Jutsu, to lift the opponent up, then finish them with Water Style Giant Vortex Jutsu.
Final Smash: Kamui Lightning Blade
Kakashi pulls out a Kunai and charges a Lightning Blade then rushes at his opponent. If he connects, he launches them up with his attack, activates his Susano'o and obliterate his caught opponent with a stronger Lightning Blade, dubbed the Kamui Lightning Blade.
116. Himura Kenshin (Samurai X/Ruroni Kenshin)
Neutral: Nine-Headed Dragon Flash
Kenshin flies forward while holding a sword. If they connect, blue afterimages follow behind them and strike the opponent, blasting them back.
Side: Kusu-ryusen
Kenshin charges a dash attack. If fully charged, he phases through the enemy which slashes with the kanji showing on the hit opponent. (Similar to Ike's Side Special; Quick Draw in Smash Bros)
Up: Tsui-sho Sen
Kenshin will slash upward. If the button is pressed after the uppercut slash, he will dive downward. The downward slash has a meteor effect.
Down: Counter
Kenshin enters a counter stance. If he gets attacked, he will open his sword and give a payback slash. Depending on how much damage the enemy attack does, Kenshin's counter will give the counter attack a multiply by 1.3%.
Final Smash: Godspeed Flash of the Heavenly Flying Dragon
Kenshin runs at the opponent at high-speed. If they connect, they slash the opponent once to stun them, then charges another to cut them to the floor.
117. Armin Arlert (Attack on Titan)
Neutral: Double Sword Slash
Armin jumps up and slashes down with both Ultrahard steel blades.
Side: Barrel Roll
Armin uses his Ultrahard steel blades to barrel roll. This move is similar to Mii Swordfighter's Airbone Assault move in Smash Bros.
Up: ODM Gear Hook.
Armin will use either one or both wire hooks to help him hook onto the ledge. He can use it on ceiling's, walls, and opponents.
Down: Ultrahard steel blade change.
Armin's Ultrahard steel blades have a durability limit live Steve's tools in Smash Bros. But unlike Steve where the tool's limit are seen when they break, Armin has a gauge telling the sword's durability limit. Some attacks will be less effective without the blades.
Final Smash: Green Smoke Assault.
Armin fires a green smoke shot from his gun to signal five allies to help attack his opponent. One of them is Sasha Braus. After the assault concludes, Armin pulls out a thunder spear to obliterate the opponent.
118. Gray Fullbuster (Fairy Tail)
Neutral: Ice Super Freeze Arrow.
Gray makes a Ice Bow and Arrow from his ice molding magic. It's similar to Byleth's Neutral Special in Smash. Pressing the button does little damage, but holding down will charge up the arrow and pierce through his opponent launching or freezing them. The latter of which will see them frozen in ice. Just like in Smash, the more damage they have, the longer they will stay frozen.
Side: Crescent Blades.
Gray summons crescent like boomerangs that he throws. It's like Min Min's neutral special where she throws Ramram where they return after a brief distance.
Up: Ice Grappling Hook.
Gray makes a grappling hook out of his molding ice which he can use to recover from the stage. It will work like Byleth's Up Special in Smash. If he grabs a curved ceiling, he will jump off of it, and grabbing an opponent will see him propel himself and bounce off their heads with a meteor spike occurring in the process.
Down: Ice Devour.
Just like with Natsu where he eats fire to replenish his power and even heal himself, Gray will open his mouth to try and eat ice attacks. Said ice users like Todoroki (MHA), and Esdeath (Akame Ga Kill), are at a huge disadvantage against Gray. If he eats an ice projectile, he will replenish his Ice Magic and take away some damage.
Final Smash: Lost Ice Shell
Gray will use his finishing attack, Lost Iced Shell where he casts himself in an circular ice shell. However, the shell will break if Gray dosen't capture anyone on the initial hit. But if he does, he freezes them. If they're over 100%, they're chilled to the bone...
119. Rikka Takanashi (Love Chuunibyou and Other Delusions)
Neutral: Umbrella Barrage / Dark Matter Blaze
Umbrella Barrage: Rikka strikes 10 times with an Umbrella. / Dark Matter Blaze: When her Banishment of this World gauge is filled, Rikka fires a huge magical ball that knocks her opponents away.
Side: Slide / Mana Blast
Slide: Rikka slides like Mega Man's down tilt in Smash where she trips her opponent. Leaving them prone to followup attacks. / Mana Blast: When her Banishment of this World gauge is filled, Rikka now fires 3 to 6 energy blasts with little to medium damage and knockback.
Up: Umbrella Leap / Kanntwinkle
Rikka leaps up with her Umbrella which reduces falling like Peach and Daisy's up special in Smash. / Kanntwinkle: When her Banishment of this World gauge is filled, Rikka dashes upward and fires three energy balls depending on the stick's direction.
Down Chuuni-Charge / Magic Selection
Rikka will get super armor and will not get knocked back from heavy attacks. Every hti fills up her Banishment of this World gauge like Joker's Rebel's Guard in Smash Bros. / Magic Selection: When her Banishment of this World gauge is filled, Rikka will choose between three moves: 1. Maximum Shield, Makes a 5 second shield. She can't move in the process like Hero's Kaclang move in Smash. 2. Bash, Swings her powered up weapon, Konigin der Nacht onto the ground damaging opponent critically like Hero's Hatchet Man move in Smash. And 3. Schwarz Shield; Rikka enters a counter stance. If someone hits her, she will hit back.
Final Smash: True Banishment of this World
Rikka summons Yuuta Togashi as both raise their hands to combine their power mixed with dark magic fire and mana to make a giant vortex.
120. Tsuyu Asui (My Hero Academia)
Neutral: Frog Leap
Tsuyu winds up and lunges at the enemy player to kick them.
Side: Frog Arrow
Tsuyu rapidly extends her tongue in a straight line, damaging and knocking away (or just staggering if the enemy is using a yellow attack) any enemy struck by it.
Up: Froppy Hopper / Tongue Hook
Asui has two up specials for recovery like Min Min in Smash. Froppy Hopper sees Asui using her frog-like body to hop to extreme heights. This move can only be done on the ground. If she's in the air, she will use her tongue instead.
Down: Toxic Mucus
Asui will barf out a toxic sludge from her mouth. If it makes contact with an opponent, they will slowly take damage. The effect lasts for 8 seconds.
Final Smash: Frog Dash
Just like Her Level 2 Plus Ultra move in My Hero One's Justice, Tsuyu launches herself towards the enemy player and slams her feet into them. She will then kick her target away only to pull them back in with her tongue, rapidly spin them around, then smash them into the ground.
121. Rukia Kuchiki (Bleach)
Neutral: First Dance, White Moon
Rukia steps forward to slash the opponent. If they connect, a pillar of ice will shroud the enemy before breaking, causing a hard knockdown.
If the move does not connect, a ring of icy energy will be placed behind the user in its place, acting as a trap that stays for 5 seconds.
Side: Next Dance, Hakuren
Rukia takes a stance and charges her beam in their sword, then stabs the air, creating a stream of ice stalagmites.
This technique can be charged. The longer it's charged the beam will pierce through.
Up: Rukia infuses her sword with icy energy. For the following 15 seconds, all her sword attacks have the added Ice element. She then uppercuts with her sword which is useful for recovery to the stage.
Down: White tree
Rukia will grow roots from her sword that scatter through the ground.
Final Smash: Bankai: White Haze Punishment
Rukia takes a stance, then fires a beam of icy energy at her opponent. If it connects without blocking, the opponent is frozen over in a long strip of ice, and she then transforms into her Bankai State
122. Ryo Saeba (City Hunter)
Neutral: Quickshot
Ryo shoots his opponent with his revolver.
Holding the energy charge button makes him fire up to 3 times, at the cost of extra stocks.
Side: Bullseye
Ryo shoots his opponent with his revolver up to 2 times.
The first shot can break an opponent's guard, and the second shot is guaranteed damage.
Up: Grenade
Ryo pulls out a grenade and throws it down to help him get blown up to new heights at the cost of taking some damage in return.
Down: Double Rocket Launcher.
As the name suggests, Ryo pulls out a pair of rocket launchers, and fires them. The rockets travel up, then at the opponent.
Holding the energy charge button simply delays the move.
Final Smash: X-Y-Z
Ryo fires a bazooka at his opponent. If it connects without blocking, he pulls up in his red car, rolls out and fires at a trio of explosive barrels in the air, alongside his opponent, which makes them explode.
123. Seto Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh)
Neutral: Saggi the Dark Clown
Kaiba summons Saggi the Dark Clown. Although this monster lacks attacks damage, Kaiba will use his negative energy card, a Magic Card, to multiply Saggi's attack points by 3 and attacks with Dark Light.
Side: Judge Man
Kaiba will summon the Judge Man. He bangs on the ground causing the ground to shake, tripping his opponents.
Up: Blue Eyes Shining Dragon
Kaiba will call his Blue Eyes Shining Dragon to ride on his back and take him to new heights.
Down: My Turn!
Kaiba draws a card from his deck. Here, he can use these moves that go around like a pattern:
1: Crush Card Virus: Kaiba fires 2 balls of dark magic. 2: Ring of Destruction: Kaiba drops an explosive ring on the opponent. 3: Shadow Spell: Kaiba creates an Area of Effect that has purple clouds rain down electricity on the opponent.
Final Smash: Triple Burst Stream
Kaiba will summon all three of his Blue Eyes White Dragons to merge as one and become the "Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon". he will then use it to fires three burst streams to destroy the opponent.
124. Minto Aizawa / Mew Mint (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Neutral: MinTone Arrow
Mew Mint uses her signature weapon, the MinTone Arrow, to fire an arrow shaped like a feather.
Side: MinTone Boomerang
Mew Mint throws her MinTone Arrow like King K Rool's side special, Crownerang in Smash. Unlike said move, it comes back instead of landing on the ground and becoming an item.
Up: MinTone Arrow Hook
Mew Mint turns MinTone Arrow into a grappling hook where chains resemble feathers.
Down: Mew Aqua Drop
Mew Mint trades her MinTone Arrow for the Mew Aqua Rod and enters a counter stance. If attacked, she uppercuts with the Mew Aqua Rod and switches back to her MinTone Arrow usage.
Final Smash: Ribbon Mint Echo
Mew Mint is seen summoning a bow and arrow out of a windy burst of feathers, charging up a shock-wave, and releasing it into a light pink blade of energy.
125. Teru Momijiyama / Shy (Shy)
Neutral: Flame Bracelet Shot
Shy will use her Heart-Shift Bracelets to fire flames which damage the opponent.
Side: Heart-Shift Bracelet flash
Shy will prepare to dash with her fist ready. It's like Mii Swordfighter's Gale Strike move in Smash.
Up: Bracelet uppercut
Shy uppercuts with her Bracelet leaving a trail of fire
Down: Heart-Shift Counter
Shy will make an X shape with her arms in a guarding position. If someone gets her, she will unleash a flame wall.
Final Smash: One Stroke
Shy crosses her arms, only to open them and unleash a wave of powerful flames against her opponent.
126. Crona Gorgon (Soul Eater) (Replacing Minato. I felt like we should have 2 Soul Eater reps after Maka)
Neutral: Black Blood
Crona will punch the ground and black goo will go out and turn into spikes.
Side: Bloody Needle
Crona uses her Black Blood to turn them into needles, usually to surprising the opponents and skewer them.
Up: Black Blood Wings
Crona will grow wings from her back to fly to new heights. Like Pit's Power of Flight in Smash. It can't do damage but is useful for recovery.
Down: Black Blood Vines.
Crona will use her Black Blood to makes vines and use them to poke out of the ground. If done in the air, Crona will instead use the vines to spike his opponent.
Final Smash: Scream Resonance
A special type of Soul Resonance that functions ordinarily like usual Soul Resonance, except that the result instead is a high pitch scream that gives Crona's weapon (such as Ragnarok) increased cutting power through vibrations.
127. Arthur Boyle (Fire Force)
Neutral: Plasma Sword Shake
Arthur uses his plasma sword to charge up a decisive blow. Similar to Roy's Neutral Special in Smash. The longer it's charged, the more damage it does.
Side: Plasma Sword Strike
Arthur dashes three times with his plasma sword striking forward. It's similar to Sora's Side Special, Sonic Blade in Smash.
Up: Plasma Sword Spin
Arthur will spin around and be lifted to the sky. It's like Sora's up special, Aerial Sweep in Smash. He will be lifted up no matter if he's on the ground of air..
Down Special: Plasma Counter
Arthur enters a counter stance with his plasma sword. If he gets hit, he will attack with his attack damage multiplied by 1.5%.
Final Smash: Star Ring
Arthur will pull out the Star Ring and use his pyrokinesis to erupt the floor and make a flame pillar. It's like Ken's Final Smash that's is done if his opponent is far away.
128. Simon (Gurren Laggan)
Neutral: Spiral Power
Simon fire massive beams of spiral power from his core drill and can create drills for various purposes the latter requiring a gunman.
Side: Giga Drill Break
Simon forms a huge amount of spiral power into an enormous drill and spins. This is similar to Meta Knight's Side Special, Drill Dash in Smash. If in the air, Simon will fall vulnerably.
Up: Drill Rush
Simon drills upward with rockets boosting him. He falls down once the rockets run out of fuel.
Down: Energy Absorption.
Simon will stab a drill into his opponent to take away some damage and do the ammount of damage to them.
Final Smash: Drilling Finish
Simon will gather his largest drill to try and hit an opponent. If successful, he drills them until the ground shakes and erupts. If his opponent is over 100%, it's an immediate KO.
129. Trunks (Dragon Ball)
Neutral: Burning Attack
Trunks rapidly moves his arms, then thrusts his hands forward to fire a large fireball. (Consumes 1 Ki Gauge)
Side: Galick Gun
Trunks fires a Galick Gun which travels a distance. (Consumes 1.5 Ki Gauges)
Up: Cyclone Jump
Trunks performs a jumping somersault. Can do any aerial attack shortly after the jump. Different inputs causes Trunks to travel in a different direction. If a flip is now done on the ground, Trunks can use a second flip in the air.
Down: Change the Future
Trunks charges forward and shoots an explosion from his palm. If the opponent gets hit near Trunks' hand, this move has a Smash property that deals a moderately strong wallbounce. (Consumes 2 Ki Gauges)
Final Smash: Heat Dome Attack / Shining Sword Attack
Shining Sword Attack: If Trunks' opponent is at a distance, he jumps forward with his sword. If he connects with the opponent, they rapidly slash the opponent 8 times, then fires a Masenko. / Heat Dome Attack: If Trunks' opponent is close, he grabs. If it connects, Trunks spins once and tosses the opponent up into the air and causes a yellow orb of energy to be formed around him as he fires a vertical yellow blast at the midair opponent. Has some of the highest damage of any level 3 Meteor attacks. (Consumes three Ki gauges)
130. Toshiro Hitsuyaga (Bleach)
Neutral: Hail Flower Dragon
Toshiro rushes forward with his sword. If he connects, he creates an ice pillar around his opponent, which shatters a second after.
Side: Icicle Birds
Toshiro summons dragon-like wings and a tail, which fire icicles at his opponent. Charging the move doubles the amount of projectiles.
Up: Ice Slash
Toshiro uppercits with his sword leaving a trail of snowflakes.
Down: Six-Point Ice Formation
Toshiro points his sword to the ground, creating a trap that freezes an opponent in an ice pillar upon contact.
Final Smash: Four Elements Freeze
Toshiro turns into his adult form, freezing the air around him, and slashes the air. If he connects, he freezes the opponent over, creating a tall pillar of ice that crumbles on top of itself after a few seconds.
131. Sunraku (Shangri-La Frontier)
Neutral: Screw Pierce
Sunraku does a quick blow as a compact attack. It is very powerful, but cannot be fired repeatedly.
Side: Drill Piercer
Sunraku emits a blue energy when in contact with target, dealing heavy drill damage and if on a weak spot deal critical damage.
Up: Glowing Pierce
Sunraku emits a stronger blue energy around the weapon, unleashing a spiral twister on the user when dealing more damage to target. The twister lifts him up for recovery.
Down: Spiral Pierce
Sunraku channels a blue energy aura around the weapons and impacts them on target, acting like a spiral rotation that drills into the target with stronger battle damage.
Final Smash: Assassination Pierce. Level MAX
A combined linkable skill. A skill that boost attack force when an enemy Mob hasn’t noticed someone or if their attack focus is elsewhere. Emits a powerful deep blue energy force upon impacting target.
132. Asuka Takizawa / Cure Flamingo (Tropical Rouge Pretty Cure)
Neutral: Buttobi Flamingo Smash
Cure Flamingo's solo attack that she can perform with her Heart Rouge Rod.
Side: Flamingo Stride
Cure Flamingo spins like a turbulent to strike his opponent.
Up: Flamingo Wings
Cure Flamingo uses her Heart Rouge Rod to make wings on her back to help make her fly to new heights.
Down: Tropical Reverse
Cure Flamingo uses her Heart Rouge Rod to stab in front. If she catches a projectile, she will spin 180 degrees before sending it back to sender.
Final Smash: Super Tropical Paradise
Cure Flamingo will team up with the other 4 Tropical Rouge Cures, Cure Summer, Cure Coral, Cure Papaya, and Cure La Mer, to unleash a wave of attacks to finish out their enemies.
133. Retasu Midorikawa / Mew Lettuce (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Neutral: Lettustanets Toss
Mew Lettuce throws her Lettustanets at the opponent.
Side: Droplet Barrage
Mew Lettuce fires bullets of water droplets.
Up: Wavy Strings
Mew Lettuce uses her white strings to hook onto a ceiling, wall, ledge or opponent.
Down: Ribbon Whip
Mew Lettuce uses the ribbons of her Lettustanets to be a counter attack barrier.
Final Smash: Lettuce Lashup
Mew Lettuce rises up into the air with her arms crossed over her chest. She then parts them and manifests the Lettustanets in each hand. Playing a small rhythm with them, she spins around and then fires a blast of water power at the opponent.
submitted by Additional-Yam6345 to makeafighter [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:32 TheInfernion Day 1 - My first tournament recap

I have updated my previous post but I figured I'd throw in a day 1 overview with just some general thoughts as well as battle recaps.
Just generally, tournaments are tiring! I forgot to sit down any if the games and when I'd made it home I didn't realise how much standing up for that long and focusing that much can take it out of you, though in fairness the whole up until 2am the previous day basing stuff probably didn't help.
Everyone was lovely, I didn't have a game where my opponent was funny about anything or tried to pressure me into stuff, or any of the tournament horror stories I've heard, and the event staff themselves and TOs were great. As a team we very much went in with expectation to lose every round in total, and each individual player to get a few wins here and there given the calibre of player and competitiveness at this event, but so far we are sitting pretty middle of the pack at 2 wins to 1 loss, which is always nice.
I'm currently sat waiting for my train to head over for day 2 and will give a write up of that afterwards, but all in all it's been good fun, I've enjoyed playing the army, and honestly? We aren't top tier by any stretch, we get bodied by a fair few S tier lists, but personally I've found us to be good fun and put up a fight if you aren't expected to try for a 5-0 or anything crazy, you can go be a statistic on a GW sheet to let them know we need a buff, and still have fun.
Game 1 - Admech Vs Guard - 86 / 79 (11 / 9)
Game one was fun! Guard player had two demolisher cannons which spiked on shots and along with a blob of 10 rough riders knocked out my knight be the end of the turn 1 fight phase. The terrain was very much in my favour though, each batch of tables had a few set up with GW terrain and a few with WTC, with a roll off between teams to pick The movement he had to do to get my knight effectively locked his tanks between ruins and stopped them coming too far up the board the rest of the game. In the end I was just better at scoring, I had more mobile units, and I just sneaked the win. Very happy about that one given the way it started.
Game 2 - Admech Vs Grey Knights - 56 / 87 (4 / 16)
Also a fun game but my word was it a struggle, this was not a good matchup for me and the player on the other end of the table was good. Turns out 8d6 flamer shots on the table really burn through skitarii, so do tiny units that jump all over the shop with 15 nasty melee attacks and 20 stormbolter shots. The dreadnights made short work of my lancer and by the last turn I had so little on the board. Scraped a few points for my team by scoring well on the secondaries and coming primary best I good. All in all a struggle, but forced me to try and sneak points where I could grab them which was a good exercise in learning the army.
Game 3 - Admech Vs Drukhari - 100 / 60 (17 / 3)
So turns out admech can quite handily deal with dark Eldar, or at least my admech can quite handily deal with this dark Eldar. There's alot of transports and firing decks but I found if I can get them to pop out that transport sure they'll get a unit of skitarii, but I'll mop up anything that comes out afterwards, and I'm definitely winning that trade. The big knight did a funny and ran across the board as GW terrain has alot of less than 4 inch high terrain, stood on the middle, and didn't die until then 4. Didn't kill alot, but was for sure a deterrent. The big surprise was not getting destroyed on the special kill something for 4 pts or kill more for 8 pts mission rule. Going second I got to decide to target just enough stuff to even out or beat my opponent and they never scored the full 8, and I even killed more on a few occasions. Was fun to get the chance to play against the magnificent model that is the tantalus. All in all very happy with the result of this game.
submitted by TheInfernion to AdeptusMechanicus [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:29 LossLucky4012 what do you think?

I've been working on this story for... 3 months? 4? who knows, with my ability to keep track of time I could have started this yesterday, anyway, this is a story that has sci-fi elements, and some fantasy, although the fantasy stuff is mainly dragons so lets say adventure for now, (cause I don't know shit about genres, I just wrote the story) , Keep in mind, this has been written in free time, of which I don't have a lot, so if you don't like the story it is probably my fault, here is a look at:

Dragons wing

I slowly drift from my sleep and think to myself, ow, why is everything warm? I check the thermostat and see that it is at a temperature as cool as Canada and when I turn back to go back to bed so that I can sleep in, I see that my stuff has been knocked over? Oh sorry, where are my manners? I'm James O’Maley, I put everything back into place, and lay down on my bed but nothing is comfortable! I just decide, you know what, whatever, I’m just gonna get ready for work, and with that i get dressed, everything feels harder to put on, but it really hits me when I go to brush my teeth, when I looked into the mirror, I saw that their were, wings on my back, and a tail, growing out my butt like a lizard, I obviously spend several minutes having an existential crisis about this shocking revelation, and I decide to look at what these wings can do, I open a window, crawl out, with some difficulty and some slamming the window on my tail. I go to the edge of the fire escape railing, hop on, and jump, and I flew, higher and higher, until i nearly flew into a mountain but that's when I suddenly breathed fire, from my mouth, and bore a hole straight through the cliffside, I could spend all day flying, breathing fire, and fiddling with my tail, but I began to feel as tired as if I’d just gotten back from lifting weights with tigers, I landed on a cliffside and fell asleep. When I woke up I wasn’t on the cliffside anymore, there were monitors and scientists all around me. I tried to show some sign that I was awake, but I was chained up! I spent several moments struggling to get free, I must be free, I am not something they can chain down! I struggle, I roar, I attempt to move my head enough to burn the surrounding area, but I can’t, until someone finally talks to me,
“Hello there, James, please forgive us for our caution, but with your kind we can never be too careful.” I can see the scientist, I read his name tag, Dr. Crane William, I roar out
“My kind!? Get me out of these chains!” I breathe fire, claw, kick and swing my tail, trying to free myself, until I see two other people watching, one with weird whiskers, a long tail and a smug look on his face, and the other with a similar appearance to me but her wings are her arms. The next few days go by, until the two finally decide to talk to me, and in those days, My face becomes a snout like a komodo dragon’s, the one with the whiskers opens his mouth first and I already hate him
“Would you look at that, he’s even uglier up close!” I glare at him with absolute hatred, that seems to anger him more,
“What are you mute or something? Speak before I tear you apart!” he takes one step closer and that's all I need, I Bite his shoulder and use his head to break the chains on my right arm, I continue to break the rest of them with ease, and tell whiskers
“You want to fight? Let’s fight!” I leap on top of him, clawing at his face, he tries to slash me with a blade on his tail but I grab it and stab the wall with it, until I feel a burning sensation in my veins, The girl had bitten me! She looks at me with sadness,
“Sorry about this,” I look at her and drift into unconsciousness, when I wake up next I’m in some kind of, medical wing, ha, wing, as I look around I feel that my mouth is bound shut, but other than that, I can move my body, I get up off the gurney and just when I think it looks nice, whiskers shows his face,
“Well thanks a lot freak, now I’m on probation with Dr. Crane.” I motion to my mouth and he seems to have enough brain cells to understand what I mean
“Ha! You got the boot, Lily had that on her when she wouldn’t stop biting staff, I’m Ryan Mist.” I just walk away and try getting this muzzle off, That's when Crane walks in,
“Well, I must say it has been a while since we’ve had to use the boot, Ryan, your behavior was unacceptable!” I can tell that Crane is annoyed, and right as he finishes his sentence, click, the boot falls off my face and clatters to the ground. I don’t bother trying to fight Ryan again, I’m just happy to be able to talk!
“Well that’s a lot better, now, talk, I want answers.” I growl, Crane and Ryan seem surprised that I got the boot off but they talk, turns out, I’m what’s called a dragonkin a Human who has dragon genes in their genome, Lily and Ryan are also dragonkin, although they can’t breath fire, Lily has fangs and a venomous bite, turns out she’s the girl that bit me, and Ryan just looks weird, apparently we are the only dragonkin who evaded the organization that Crane works for, Called ‘Kadmus,’ into adulthood, Lily being found at 22, ryan at 20, and me at 24, on top of that, we are the only dragonkin who have survived that long, it’s at that moment that I notice Lily looking at us from behind some glass, I decide that I’ve heard enough and open the door, and I leave the room.
As I leave the room I can tell that Lily was not expecting me from the look on her face, I start a conversation with her, trying desperately to be friendly and not notice all the scientists glancing at me nervously.
“Hey, Lily, Right?” I say in the friendliest tone I can, “I’m James.” Lily looks at me with a calculating look before answering
“Hello, yeah my name is Lily, Lily Megan.” she clearly is wary of me, but I can tell a few things about her, making herself look small, clearly smarter than she lets on, seems shy,
“How did you get it off?” Lily breaks into my train of thought with the question,
“What?” I ask her, confused,
“The Boot, how did you get it off?” She gestures to the room where Crane and Ryan were having an argument, but more specifically to The Boot, laying on the ground
“Oh that? I once took a lockpicking class when I was younger.” I explain
“Huh, you mind teaching me that sometime?” She catches me off guard with that one, I can tell that she is being genuine so I agree, And we begin working out what time works best.
The next few weeks go by in a flash, but I’ll summarize it for you, I ended up getting my own room like Ryan and Lily, I start teaching Lily how to pick locks, and we end up having a few game nights where we played games like charades, poker, even monopoly, lets just say that we will never play monopoly again. However, the most important thing of all, we ended up finding another dragonkin! We aren’t sure what dragon ancestor he has, but we think he’s another eastern long tail, like Ryan, the new guy’s name is Dillian, He’s great, absolute goofball, he’s from Australia, and according to him, his family has never been anywhere but the land down under, weird, but the guy’s like a little brother to me, so it’s cool, and that catches you up. “Hey Dillian!” I lean my head into his room, “Wanna come hang out with the rest of us? It’s movie night!” Dillian just looks at me, unreadable, 
“Okay, your loss.” I try to hide how unnerving that look felt, but something doesn’t feel right. I go back to the lounge, where Ryan, Lily, and Crane are all waiting for me,
“Sorry guys, Dillian, isn’t up for it.” Lily looks at me disappointed,
“Aw man, and we're even watching Dune!” I just look at her with a sad look, but Ryan manages to lift the mood a little bit,
“Last time we let Crane pick the movie!” Crane just glares at Ryan, I can tell he’s about to lecture him so I just start the movie, around one hour in, boom, everything is blurry, and there is dust swirling, everything hurts. I see Lily and Ryan helping evacuate the scientists, I don’t see Crane anywhere! But that's when I see it, Cranes lab coat, soaked red and underneath a piece of rubble, I try to run towards it, but I can't stay on my legs, I call out,
“CRANE!” My friends hear me, they rush towards me and they see the lab coat, Lily tears up, Ryan is too stunned to speak, then we hear it, we hear him. Dillian, he’s laughing, laughing at the lab coat, laughing at us, My head snaps toward him, I feel the rage burning, my wings flare out, fire rises in my throat, I grab Dillian by the collar, and I roar,
“Do you think this is funny?!” Dillian just keeps laughing, “Crane is deadI!” Dillian looks at me, and he finally stops laughing, he pushes me off and spikes erupt from his skin, his tail wraps around my throat, and he growls,
“Don’t touch me you cretin, my ancestors were nearly wiped out by yours, I’m just returning the favor.” I look at him confused, Ryan seems to have been just as confused as me because he asked,
“What do you mean? The Eastern long tails have never had an issue with the Flying flame drakes.” Dillian just flicked his wrist and one of the spines shot out and nearly sliced Ryan’s head off!
“Do not compare the Wyrms to those foolish sky beasts! They have ruled the land for centuries!” Dillian roars, at this point I finally manage to choke out,
“Wyrm? Like the dragon inside the mountain Wyrm?” I struggle against his tail, I finally get a claw hooked under it and pull, it takes all of my strength to get my head loose and retreat, and then I see Dillian fully for the first time, pale skin covered in red spines and a long tail that could probably crush a normal humans windpipe, if I wasn’t a dragonkin I’d be dead.
“So, you do have a brain. Indeed, my ancestors were the Wyrms, Masters of the land, and the only dragons to be nearly forgotten by time, if it weren’t for the colony under Australia, I would not be a dragonkin.” Dillian snorts, and after saying his piece he leaped up, dived down, and bore through the earth, I try to go after him, but Lily holds me back,
“James you're hurt, and you would not stand a chance against him in your current state!” I hate to admit it, but it’s true, I would not stand a chance against Dillian, oh man, my leg hurts, I look at my left leg and I see that it has a shard of metal sticking out of it, and then everything feels heavy, I hear Lily yell out my name, but she sounds so far away, I don’t try and fight it, I just let the darkness envelope me, at least in the dark I can’t hurt, when I wake up I’m in the medical wing ha, it’s still funny, I have a bandage around my leg and then it all rushes back to me, Crane’s lab coat, Dillian laughing, the rage, everything, replaying over and over in my mind, I immediately try and stand up and I find a lot of difficulty in that, but I manage to stumble off the bed, I avoid putting weight on my leg, and I use my wings when necessary,
‘Well it’s about time you woke up, and here I was thinking that we had wasted time and resources.” I spin around to see a lady in a suit and glasses looking at me with a look of disdain,
“Hello, I am Dr. Leanne Vern, but you can call me Leanne. I am your new head researcher, I hope you are ready for your next few tests, Dr. Crane wasted a lot of time ‘bonding’ with you.” It’s right as she finishes that sentence when I feel the urge to make it her last, I feel rage burning under my skin and I glare at her with every last ounce of anger possible,
“What.” Either she didn’t get the memo or she is just a jerk, because she did not care, but either way I continued,
“Do you think that now is a good time to either ridicule Crane, or tell me that you need to run tests on me? I am not your lab rat” I grab her collar “I am not something you just get to boss around, If you say something like that again I will send you straight to the underworld where you belong.” I shove her back and go look for Lily and Ryan, I find them in the cafeteria, I get some food and sit down across from them,
“Mind if I sit here?” It clearly lightened the mood, but not even Ryan found the humor to reply, but we started to talk turns out I had been knocked out for two weeks, when I asked about Dillian Ryan tensed up, he explained to me that Dillian goes by ‘Death Wyrm’ now, he’s spent the last two weeks tormenting the city, and eventually I brought up Leanne,
“That Dr. Leanne is a jerk though, when I got out of the medical wing she just introduced herself, told me that she would run some tests and insulted Crane.” Lily seemed to agree because she replied,
“Yeah the first day she got here she told me I was ugly, and had me escorted into the testing chamber and forced me to fly for as long as I could or else I would get shocked.” Upon hearing this I feel rage flare up inside me, I flare out my wings and fly straight towards Leanne's office,
“You threatened Lily with being shocked?! What is wrong with you?” Leanne just looked at me stone faced and told me,
“You dragonkin are nothing but freaks that look interesting, you should not be treated like humans, you are tools.” I just stand there, shocked until the dam just breaks, I roared, I grabbed her by the collar and I slash her face with a claw,
“Tools? TOOLS?! The only tool in here is you! First you insult Crane, someone who died only two weeks ago! Then I learned you threatened one of my friends with a shock if they stopped playing your sick little game!” I feel the fire rise in my throat, I open my mouth, but then I see the look in her eyes, fear, absolute, paralyzing fear, I hesitate, and think to myself, oh my god, what am I doing? I release Leanne and walk out of the room, as I’m leaving I hear Leanne bellow from behind me,
“Where do you think you’re going?” I glare back, I don’t need to answer her, but because I know she will hurt my friends if I don’t I tell her what I’m doing, I explain.
“I’m going after Dillian, don’t try to stop me.” I can tell that Leanne is angry, I can feel her eyes shooting daggers at me, she clearly disagrees with me,
“Oh no you don’t, listen to me you bloated gecko, we did not spend millions tracking you down for you to play superhero!” I just walk away from her and go to the cafeteria to tell Lily and Ryan, they of course freak out at me, saying that I should not go after Dillian, that he’d kill me, and that I should stay here, but I look at them with all of the emotion in the world, I tell them
“Look, I know that Dillian would probably kill me, but I at least might tire him out enough for the police or military to stop him, but it’s more than that, I can’t let him hurt innocent people.” Lily and Ryan look at me, Lily hugs me, and tells me,
“Don’t you dare die or I will kill you.” I look at her, And I say to Ryan,
“I hope she’s joking.” Ryan looks at me and punches my arm,
“You are a good friend man, I hope you live through this.” I look at Ryan and Lily, knowing that this might be the last time I see them, I hug them both, and I flare out my wings and I fly off.
As I sped off towards Dillian, no, Death Wyrm, he stopped being Dillian when he killed Dr. Crane, one thought was going through my mind, am I going to survive this? It doesn’t really matter, as long as Death Wyrm gets what he deserves, when I arrive in the city I look around from above first, I decide to stop by my old apartment, I remember when My dad helped me find this place before he died, it has looked weird since I had my stuff moved into my room at the Kadmus site, I decide to sit down on the floor, when all of a sudden I hear a click and a secret safe opens from the wall. Inside I find a video message to me from my dad, along with an envelope, with the words for when I’m gone written on it, I look through the envelope and I find an old Kadmus keycard for my dad, so that's what his work was, I knew he was secretive but damn, A few other papers that talk about dragons, turns out, Kadmus had been looking into the dragons for years, although these papers are odd, as if my dad had prior knowledge of the dragons. The ball drops when I play the video message it says, 
>Hello, James, if you are watching this then I’m probably dead. In the envelope that you have found alongside this message, there is also my old keycard, it will give you full access to any Kadmus site. Along with my personal notes on the Flying flame drakes, the Eastern long tails, the Wyverns, and some vague knowledge of a supposed fourth dragon species, including some vague diet, and possible weaknesses, but if you’ve already read them, then that means you have seen that the Flying flame drake notes are more definitive, that’s because I am also a dragonkin, I only inherited physical strength from our ancestors, but I have a feeling you will have more characteristics, but I am saying this because you need to know the history behind our ancestors, and the rest.<
I look at the message and wait for it to continue, until a small piece of paper slips out of the metal box that is the message, when I open it I find out that in the beginning of the dragons, there were supposedly four species, the Flying flame drakes, the Eastern long tails, the Wyverns, and the Wyrms, until the Wyrms struck out, they had felt as though due to there inability to fly, that the other dragons thought less of them, the dragons were forced to lock away the Wyrms deep beneath what would one day be called Australia, and then man arose, and along with them the first dragonkin, Tiamat, a Flying flame dragonkin, as my dad called him, but the humans lived in fear of the dragons, eventually driving them to the bleeding cut edge of extinction using their advancing technology, eventually humans all but forgot about dragons, reducing them to myth or fairy tales. That was more or less all that was written, I committed all of this knowledge to memory, and then I heard a loud boom and some maniacal Dr. Doom esc laughing, I peer out of the window to see Death Wyrm, tormenting people, I leap out of the window and into the air, getting a good angle before dive bombing Death Wyrm, breathing fire on him and slashing him with my claws,
“Hey Dillian, did you miss me?” I laugh, I tried to pull a Ryan and joke myself into feeling confident, and it kinda helped, Death Wyrm roars out in rage,
“Why didn’t you stay out of my way?” He whips his tail up, shooting spines out at me, although thanks to my practice I manage to dodge them, I decide to not make a joke and just stay quiet for now, I remember something a security guard once told me, if the enemy is in range so are you, don’t just talk, actually attack, I know that I am in range for a fireblast but Dillian doesn’t know that, I shout out,
“Those spines must really hurt, but not as much as my claws!” I suddenly make a sharp turn and get in close with my talons, I first duck beneath Death Wyrms hook, and slash at his stomach, I then dodge a spine shot, and quickly follow up and through with a tail whip, knocking him off balance, then quickly blast fire right at his feet, but I didn’t see that Death Wyrms tail had grabbed my leg before it had already thrown me two blocks away, I was getting up when I felt a Burning pain in my arm, when I looked to see, it was one of Death Wyrms spines, It had only penetrated the outermost muscle tissue, I would heal in a few weeks but that doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt like hades, I rip the spine out and breath fire on the wound in order to cauterize it, when I suddenly feel Death Wyrms tail around my throat, choking me, and I am all of a sudden pinned to a wall, with my mouth bound shut, great it’s the boot all over again, I see Death Wyrm, he’s grabbing the spine I ripped out, he walks towards me, and he gives me a small speech,
“You know James, if you weren’t so noble I’d actually have let you join me, I never wanted to kill you, but you leave me no choice.” He lifts the spike up, when all of a sudden he is blasted back seemingly by a freakishly strong gust of wind, wait, that's a thermal updraft, I turn to see the best sight I could have seen, Ryan and Lily! Ryan opens his mouth first and I couldn’t be more thankful for his humor,
“Nobody treats James like that but me!” He then flies into battle riding on a thermal, while Lily freed me, she slices through the binding on my mouth and I immediately ask,
“What are you guys doing here?” Lily opens her mouth to answer but Ryan cuts in with being thrown into a wall
“Me and Lily are saving you, idiot, speaking of which a little help here?” Me and Lilly help Ryan up and we all get ready for a fight, but before we can charge in, Lily hands me a headmic,
“Here put this on,” I do as she says and suddenly Leanne's voice buzzes in through the speaker,
“Well it’s about time,” I am just happy to have some help with knowing my surroundings,
“Whatever happened to ‘we didn’t spend millions tracking you for you to play superhero?’” If Leanne heard me she didn’t answer, I just started to run towards Death Wyrm, before I took off alongside Lily and Ryan, I felt a familiar rage build up in my veins, I allow the rage to drive me forward, I feel the heat, the fire, rushing to every vein in my body, building along with all of the rage in my life, I gather my thoughts, a raging body is good for combat but a raging mind is bad for victory, when this feeling washes over me, I finally feel calm, I feel at peace, I never want this feeling to end, I open my snout, and unleash a twisting, flowing, blooming tunnel of flames,wounding Death Wyrm and distracting him long enough for Ryan to swing in with a bladed tail to his back, followed by Lily, biting into Death wyrms tail, as Death Wyrm roars I dive in and I do something unexpected, I talk to him,
“Dillian, I thought of you as a little brother, but you killed someone I cared about, I am sorry but, we need to take you in.” Death Wyrm roars, he writhes, up until Lily’s venom takes hold and he falls to the ground, defeated, a news reporter had been, well reporting, nearby and walked up to me, and asked me for an interview,
“Under normal circumstances I would agree, but not right now.” I wave as I signal to Ryan, it takes an embarrassingly long time for him to get the hint that I want him to create a thermal under Death Wyrm in order to transport him, but he follows my lead, and before we know it, we are flying toward the Kadmus site, but as we fly, I yell behind me,
“Hey, go ahead, I’ll… I’ll catch up.” Lily looks at me while Ryan just zooms ahead, no questions asked,
“Okay what are you doing?” I just look at her, feeling conflicted about telling her about my dad, for all I know this could get me in trouble, or worse, I make a split second decision,
“I… I think I saw something.” surprisingly it works, I swoop back towards the city and back to my old apartment and I grab the message from my dad, his keycard and the papers, I then fly off with them clenched between my arms and my body, I then fly into the Kadmus site, and discreetly go to my room, in order to hide them, I then get out of the site, and fly back into it acting like nothing happened, and to my surprise, there was a celebration waiting for me, there was cake, and wine, and even a nice Irish whiskey, eventually I asked about Death Wyrm, and turns out he was placed in a secure facility, deep under the site, and that anyone with high enough clearance could go down there, I decide that that is probably for the best.
After the celebration, I go into my room, and pull out the message, I look over it, Dad was a big fan of puzzles, so maybe this message is a puzzle? After several minutes fiddling with it, the message began to whir, and it then showed a place for a fingerprint, gotcha, I placed my thumb on the finger print and it pricked me, like I was getting my blood drawn. After that a key fell out of the message box, and a keyhole on the side, I of course used the key, which then played a different message,
Hello James, and I know it's you who will be watching this, at the time of making this message I am about to help you “find” an apartment, this is one that will only play for other people if you give them access and get a blood sample, the key you used is a one of a kind, and allows you full access to pre-recorded messages, and answers for certain questions, I hope that there will come a time when you don’t need it, but, knowing you, you will probably forget what the messages say within an hour, but anyway, I hope that this helps you greatly, here is a list of topics that the message box can give you data on.< The video then becomes like an interactable encyclopedia, where I can read the list at my own pace, I skim through it before my eyes lock on one entry, Dr. Crane Williams, I open the entry and i read about Crane, turns out, he was my fathers research partner and close friend, and the two of them met in college because they had managed to win a competition that landed them tuition for any college of their choosing, and they became friends after my dad stopped somebody from messing with Crane, there was a whole lot more there about Cranes upbringing, his family, his education, but I had to cut it short when Leanne entered my room, unannounced,
“What are you doing?” She glared, in her usual condescending tone, I am not in the mood for this “Jump off a cliff.” I growl, as I tuck the message away, but she sees it, and by the look on her face she could tell what I was looking at, “Let me guess, a message you don’t want anybody seeing?” I hate her but damn it she can connect the dots well, “Was it obvious?” I don’t bother denying it, she’ll just be a jerk about it, “No, I’m just used to being lied to, who's the message from?” Leanne nods at the message box, 
“It’s from my dad, he apparently worked at Kadmus and was friends with Crane.” The fact that my dad both worked ant Kadmus and was friends with crane seem to shock her, what’s really shocking though is what she asks next,
“Was your dad by chance Shane O’Maley?” I look at her, confused, “He was, why?” Leanne immediately seems to get shell shock, as she starts to geek out, “James your father was pretty much science royalty, I would have done anything to speak to him, oh my god I insulted the dead friend of Shane O’Maley, and of his son!” I feel angry that she brought that up again, but now feels like I can get something good out of this, “Ok I’ll make you a deal, if you only do tests with me and the other dragonkin willing to do so, and make sure not to do things like threatening to shock us if we don’t do what you want, I’ll tell you stories about my dad, deal?” It was almost impressive how quickly she answered, 
“Deal! Shock threats, exhaustion tests, and anything else like that is gone!” I am really happy that I can do stuff like that. That is the best ability ever.*1
*1 WIP
submitted by LossLucky4012 to writingcritiques [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:22 badbookeeper123 Career advice - industry new manager

Hi folks ,
I’m 7 years in to my career, did 3 years b4, 1.5 ish as a gl accountant , then moved to another company for 2.5 years , recently (start of year) promoted to manager.
Without giving too much away, the company is undergoing a massive reorg with both operations and some finance teams being ‘streamlined’ ie gutted, a few members of my team (more than half) late last year bounced and I was about to bounce myself until they offered me this position (I can only assume because they wanted to stop turnover and they had to give me something - I had previously been told they were going to hire externally for the role which I was pissed about, so I think they caught wind I was going to leave ).
Anyway, long story short, I’ve been in charge of training all the new starts and now have around 4 direct reports - they are all great , but it has been very , very draining teaching so many new folks all at once - I genuinely enjoy the training and coaching aspect of the role , but recently it’s been 60+ hour weeks trying to attend to additional projects ,
compared to other managers in the team -who have zero or at most one direct report - on that front I’m lacking as when I come into the office it’s really non -stop pass the parcel of questions for the majority of the day and I just have no time to crack on with stuff, whereas I see other managers chilling with their headphones in, not training anyone , getting shit done .
I recently had an experience where some of my team members were off sick and I had multiple key tax deadlines to meet , despite being vocal with the rest of the managers that I needed space , and despite raising to the cfo that I had no time to help with projects for a week , I got zero sympathy or support despite and was forced to help the rest of the guys with their projects .
I am burnt out and trying to get some clarity on this - is this standard ‘new to manager’ adjustments ? Or is it just the case that I am being shafted and I should gtfo? I have had nothing but great feedback from my staff on management style (easy going , but constructive and patient) , I’m pretty vocal about things and push back where I think it’s reasonable and delegate where I can ,and my manager has also given good feedback generally but I must admit I did not expect industry to be giving me this many hours lol.
The head of the function is a former b4 partner , and is , to be honest , absolutely relentless and meticulous , every other day there is some new urgent project, last minute presentation that has to be done, or some other chaotic BS.
A little disjointed but happy to hear some of y’all thoughts, I’ve had a couple days off and I’m just thinking the company has turned pretty toxic with B4 mentality being pushed down. I may give it a year in the role then bounce
submitted by badbookeeper123 to Accounting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:09 ChuckyTrees My brother is getting stitches and I feel guilty

My brother drinks a little too much to put it lightly… well tonight we were joking about after a few beers (a few for me, many for him) and discussing who would win in a fight. For reference he is 230lbs and out of shape, and I am 165lbs and very much in shape. I also have gotten into boxing recently (just training on a heavy bag) and after a long and friendly discussion about fighting he suggested we shadow box. I should have just told him no and left it at that, but I obliged his request as I was very confident he stood no chance. We agreed no hitting each other and to take it light. After 5-10 seconds of throwing punches (not hitting eachother) he ended up loosing his balance and slipping, hitting his head on a corner of a wall. He has a giant gash on his forehead and is currently on his way to the hospital to get stitches. There will be a scar and if I had to guess like 6-7 stitches. It’s pretty deep. I know it’s not exactly my fault, but I still feel like shit. I should have just told him no and not entertained his delusion, especially when he was so drunk. But now my mom is taking him to the hospital for the stitches and I feel like a piece of shit. That’s about it
submitted by ChuckyTrees to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:07 Real-Blackberry2215 I dont think my therapist is helping

I have diagnosed on paper by many professionals and psychs: bpd, PTSD, c-ptsd, adhd, GAD, insomnia and probably something else I might be forgetting.
I've done 4 years of debt therapy including group therapy at one clinic, took a break, a lot of bad stuff happened, realised I started having anger issues and then saw a new therapist who was awesome.
She only does dbt skill training and didnt focus on anything other than dbt and managing my bpd symptoms. Her therapy was great but it felt very surface level and shallow like I was making rather than resolving. I saw her for about a year and a half. She had to go on maternity leave and she referred me on to someone who used to be her colleague to do trauma work/therapy. Specifically emdr and schema.
I've seen this new lady weekly since November and I feel like she isn't helping. We haven't done any schema or emdr because there's always a really big incident or issue in my life happening and she doesnt want to retraumatise me.
The thing is I deferred uni this semester hoping I would be at least a little better, that the edge would be taken off. My previous therapist made a huge difference, like the fog was lifted but here I feel so stagnant like I'm getting worse.
She has the view that I will probably always need therapy and things aren't quick fixes which I do get but every day i feel so sad or stressed or aimless. I asked her what I should do to get through the day and she said my dbt skills. But then she also said dbt skills aren't super effective and are gaslighty.
I dont really know am I the issue for not just getting better? Shes a good therapist she has helped people but I just feel like she doesnt really get me. Last session was telehealth. I was in bed with endometriosis pain and I mentioned that I really struggled with my birthday the day before because I missed a lot of my old friends. She kind of acknowledged that then brushed it off(not the first time shes done this), recommended me a doctor for the endo pain then asked me what I wanted the session to focus on. I felt really stressed out and embarrassed about repeating the friend thing so I tried to deep breath and work my way up. She started asking if I was in a lot of pain, how were other things in my life, am I sure I was a session. This really freaked me, my head started to spin, I felt panicky and eventually through tears I told her I felt dismissed. She apologised and when I worked up the courage to say the friend thing again she instead started saying I need to put myself out there and recommended me groups to join yadda yadda.
I told her I wasnt sure if i was getting better and she said that unfortunately with adhd they struggle to find friendships and people and that's how it is and she wished she had more friends too.
That made me upset again because i felt doomed and i kinda just started agreeing with everything she was saying because I felt nervous expressing myself. She ended up leaving the session 10 minutes early saying she thought I was in too much pain to continue when really I was just stressed. This whole week I've felt depressed and stagnant like nothing is getting better and it sucks.
Sorry for the rant I just feel so lost.
submitted by Real-Blackberry2215 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:49 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Adidas Gym Bags

Best Adidas Gym Bags
Looking for the perfect bag to carry your gym essentials? Our roundup of Adidas gym bags has got you covered! From stylish duffels to practical backpacks, we've got a diverse selection to fit both your workout wardrobe and your daily routine. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or a beginner, there's an Adidas gym bag that suits your needs. Stay organized, stay stylish, and most importantly - stay ready for your next workout with our Adidas gym bag collection!

The Top 9 Best Adidas Gym Bags

  1. Adidas Prime 6 Extra-Large Gym Backpack for Laptop and Work - The Adidas Prime 6 Backpack, Grey is a gym bag designed for convenience and durability, with its extra-large capacity, multiple zip pockets, padded laptop sleeve, and eco-conscious materials for reducing plastic waste.
  2. Adidas Prime 6 Large Backpack for Gym or School - The Adidas Prime 6 Backpack offers ample storage, a padded laptop sleeve, comfortable LoadSpring shoulder straps, and durability for all your carry needs.
  3. Adidas Graphic Oversized Duffel Bag for Sports and Travel - The Adidas Graphic Duffel Bag in black/white is a versatile, well-made gym bag with spacious capacity, stylish graphic design, and adaptable carry options to suit your needs. Perfect for both busy weekdays and weekend trips.
  4. Adidas Team Issue II Duffel Bag - Durable Gym Bag for Professionals - Experience the luxury and convenience of professional-grade storage with the Adidas Team Issue II Medium Duffel Bag, boasting a large capacity and well-made construction in a chic black design.
  5. Adidas Prime 6 Extra-Large Backpack - Grey - Experience seamless organization and eco-conscious design with Adidas Prime 6 Backpack, Grey - a high-capacity, well-structured gym bag with ample compartments and padded shoulder straps for optimal comfort and durability.
  6. Adidas Diablo Small Duffel Bag - Adidas Diablo Duffel Bag - Small: Compact, well-made, and spacious, perfect for gym sessions or short trips; featuring adjustable shoulder strap, U-shaped opening, and customizable screen-printing panels.
  7. Stylish modern hide a bed chair - convertible sleeper chair with comfortable pillows and pockets - The Adidas Santiago Duffel Bag, in Collegiate Navy/Scarlet/White, offers ample storage with a large main compartment and two zipped pockets, designed with a durable 750D fabric and adjustable shoulder strap for maximum comfort.
  8. Adidas Diablo Small Gym Duffel Bag - The Adidas Diablo Small Duffel Bag is a highly-rated, well-made, and compact gym bag with zipper closure, padded straps, and 18.5" x 10" x 11" dimensions, offering ample storage and easy cleaning for a comfortable and stylish workout experience.
  9. Adidas Court Lite Duffel Bag - Experience sport-inspired style with the Adidas Court Lite Duffel Bag, boasting a bold screen printed logo, 1 large main pocket, 2 exterior organizational pockets, and an adjustable strap for easy carrying.
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🔗Adidas Prime 6 Extra-Large Gym Backpack for Laptop and Work
I've recently started using the Adidas Prime 6 Backpack for my daily commute, and I must say, it's been a game changer. First and foremost, the recycled material used in its construction not only feels sturdy but also gives me peace of mind knowing that I'm doing my part for the environment. The shoulder straps are designed with LoadSpring technology, which truly does help ease the weight of my daily load.
One of the standout features of this backpack is the cleaning process. Unlike many other bags, you can easily clean this one with soap and water, ensuring it stays fresh and free from any accumulated grime. The exterior has five zip pockets and an internal zip storage pocket, making it incredibly convenient for me to stay organized and keep all my essentials within reach.
However, no product is perfect. While the capacity is ample and more than meets my needs, I have noticed that the zippers can be a bit finicky at times, requiring some extra effort to open and close. Additionally, the material, although easy to clean, may not be as long-lasting as some other options on the market.
Despite these minor cons, the Adidas Prime 6 Backpack has quickly become my go-to choice for daily use. Its combination of stylish design, ample storage, and environmentally conscious construction make it a true standout in the world of gym bags.

🔗Adidas Prime 6 Large Backpack for Gym or School
Imagine carrying a backpack that's not just spacious, but extremely comfortable, with the added bonus of being incredibly durable. As a student or traveler, this Adidas Prime 6 Backpack is a dream come true!
From the moment I got my hands on it, I was impressed by its size. It's extra-large, perfect for those days when you need to carry a lot of stuff around. However, it's not only about capacity. The features that make this bag stand out include LoadSpring shoulder straps. They're designed to help distribute the weight evenly, making heavy loads feel much lighter.
Cleaning is also a breeze with this backpack. The wipe-able lining means that you can easily spot clean it with soap and water, keeping your bag looking fresh and new. There are also multiple zippered pockets, providing ample storage space for all your belongings. Not to forget, a padded compartment that securely stores up to a 15-inch laptop.
However, no product is perfect. While the majority of users praised its durability, a few individuals reported issues with seams not being sewn properly. Despite these minor issues, the overwhelming majority of reviews were positive, praising the style, comfort, and convenience of this backpack.
In conclusion, the Adidas Prime 6 Backpack is a fantastic option for anyone in need of a large backpack that's both comfortable and reliable. Its capacity, coupled with its padded laptop compartment and multiple zippered pockets, makes it a perfect companion for daily use or extended travel.

🔗Adidas Graphic Oversized Duffel Bag for Sports and Travel
Adidas has always been top-notch when it comes to athletic wear and accessories, and this Graphic Duffel Bag is no exception! I'm currently using it for my weekend trips to the gym and it's been a real lifesaver. The size is perfect, not too big and not too small, which means it's easy to carry, even when it's loaded up with all my gym essentials.
I was pleasantly surprised with the quality of the duffel. The material is sturdy and thick, so I know it's going to last a long time. Plus, the large graphic screen print on the side gives it a stylish edge. The bag also features a zipper closure and 93% Polyester, 3% Natural Latex Rubber, 2% Spandex, 2% Nylon blend, which gives it a nice structure.
One feature I absolutely love is the adjustable shoulder strap. It makes it so convenient to carry the bag, especially when it's packed filled with stuff. You can either carry it over your shoulder or across your body. It's so comfortable and doesn't strain my shoulder at all.
A small pocket in the bag adds to the convenience. It's perfect for storing keys or a small wallet. Although there's no specific spot for a water bottle, I usually just toss it in with the rest of my stuff and it works out fine.
A few cons worth mentioning are that the bag isn't very light, which can be a bit cumbersome when it's empty. However, it's manageable when you're carrying it on your shoulder. Another minor inconvenience is that there are no straps or hooks for a yoga mat or extra shoes on the outside, you'll have to make do with cramming them inside.
Overall, this Adidas Graphic Duffel Bag has been a game-changer for my gym trips. It's durable, spacious, and stylish, all while being convenient to carry. I've recommended this bag to all my workout buddies and they're all loving it too!

🔗Adidas Team Issue II Duffel Bag - Durable Gym Bag for Professionals

As someone who's been using the Adidas Team Issue II Medium Duffel Bag Black for quite some time now, let me tell you, it's a game-changer! Whether you're heading to the gym or packing for a weekend getaway, this bag has got your back.
First off, the durability is top-notch. Crafted in poly ripstop with reinforced panels at zippers and stress points, this bag is made to last. It also maintains its shape, making it super easy to access your stuff even when it's fully packed.
One of my favorite features is the zip end pocket designed specifically for shoes or dirty clothes. It keeps everything separated and organized, which is a big plus in my book. There's also a zip pocket at the outer face perfect for storing small items like keys or your phone.
Now, onto the straps. The dual carry handles with padded hook-and-loop panel provide comfort while carrying and the adjustable, removable shoulder strap adds versatility. Plus, did I mention how spacious the interior is? It can easily accommodate 2-3 outfits along with shoes and other essentials.
In terms of cons, the only one I could think of is that it might not be big enough for everyone's needs. However, for most people, myself included, it's absolutely perfect.
So, if you're in the market for a new gym bag or just need something practical and stylish for travel, the Adidas Team Issue II Medium Duffel Bag Black is definitely worth considering.

🔗Adidas Prime 6 Extra-Large Backpack - Grey
As a fitness enthusiast, I've been using the Adidas Prime 6 Backpack in grey for all my workouts and daily commutes. The moment I saw this bag, I was drawn to its sleek design and vibrant colors. Little did I know, it would become a reliable companion during my intense workout sessions and daily office routine.
One of the most noticeable features of this backpack is its capacity. It's got plenty of pockets both inside and outside, making it incredibly convenient to store all my essentials - from a fresh towel and spare clothes to my laptop and office files. The padded compartment for my 12-inch laptop gives me peace of mind knowing that my device is well-protected.
The LoadSpring shoulder straps are another standout feature. They've made carrying heavy loads much more comfortable, especially when I'm rushing between classes or heading straight to the gym after work. Plus, the easy-to-clean material means I don't have to worry about sweat or dirt ruining its appearance.
However, one con I've noticed is that the sides of the backpack don't provide much support, which can cause the contents to shift around during intense physical activity. But overall, the Adidas Prime 6 Backpack has been an excellent addition to my workout gear. Its durability, convenient storage design, and visual appeal make it worth its price tag.

🔗Adidas Diablo Small Duffel Bag
I've been using this Adidas Diablo Duffel Bag for a while now, and it's quickly become my go-to bag for trips to the gym or a weekend getaway. This small bag packs a lot of punch; the main compartment is large and easy to load up with all my workout gear. The adjustable shoulder strap makes it incredibly comfortable to carry around, and the bold screen-printed Adidas brandmark on the front adds a nice touch of style.
One feature that I appreciate is the free side panel left for customizing with our team's logo. This bag is also incredibly lightweight and easy to clean, which is a huge plus for someone as messy as me! The only downside I've noticed is that there are no side pockets, but in keeping with its simple design, this duffel efficiently holds all my stuff in one place.
All in all, I'm really happy with the Diablo Small. It's the perfect size for a gym bag or a small overnighter, and it looks good doing it. I would definitely recommend this to anyone looking for a versatile and sleek bag for their active lifestyle.

🔗Stylish modern hide a bed chair - convertible sleeper chair with comfortable pillows and pockets
I've been using the Adidas Santiago Duffel Bag for a few weeks now and boy, is it a game-changer! The first thing that caught my eye was the retro design - I mean, who wouldn't love a throwback to those classic Adidas styles? The screen-printed branding on all four sides adds just the right touch of sophistication.
One of the standout features has to be the spacious main compartment. It's large enough to fit everything you need for a weekend getaway, yet compact enough to carry around easily. Plus, the two endcap pockets with zippers are perfect for keeping smaller items organized and within reach.
The adjustable shoulder strap is another highlight. Not only does it make carrying the bag incredibly comfortable, but it also allows me to adjust the length according to my height, making it feel like it was made just for me.
On the downside, the 750D fabric, while durable, might not be as water-resistant as some other materials out there. So, you might want to keep an eye on the weather forecast if you're planning on using this bag for outdoor activities.
All in all, I'm absolutely thrilled with the Adidas Santiago Duffel Bag! Its combination of style, functionality, and comfort makes it the perfect choice for anyone in search of a reliable gym bag that stands out from the crowd.

🔗Adidas Diablo Small Gym Duffel Bag

I've been a loyal user of the Adidas Diablo Small Duffel Bag for quite some time now. As someone who frequently hits the gym, I value convenience and durability in a bag, and this one delivers on both counts. Its compact size doesn't compromise on storage, fitting in all my workout essentials with ease.
One of the standout features is its padded straps. They're incredibly comfortable and make carrying the bag a breeze, even when it's loaded up. The zipper closure provides added security, while the attractive color options allow me to choose a bag that aligns with my personal style.
However, there are a few downsides. Some users might find the lack of side pockets or additional compartments limiting, especially if they carry a lot of items to the gym. Additionally, the lightweight nature of the bag can make it feel slightly flimsier than one would expect from an Adidas product.
In conclusion, the Adidas Diablo Small Duffel Bag is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a compact, durable, and comfortable gym bag. Its capacity may be on the smaller side, but if you're someone who prefers a streamlined approach to packing, this bag will certainly serve you well.

🔗Adidas Court Lite Duffel Bag
I've been using the Adidas Court Lite Duffel Bag Black/White for quite some time now and I must say, it's perfect for my daily routine. The bold adidas graphic really stands out, giving it a sport-inspired style that I absolutely love. The size is just right - not too big, not too small, making it perfect for trips to the gym or short overnights.
One feature that stood out was the adjustable strap. It made carrying the bag a breeze, even when it was filled to the brim. The main compartment is spacious enough for all my workout essentials, while the exterior pockets provide added convenience to store smaller items like my phone and keys.
However, some reviewers mentioned that the size might be smaller than expected. Although I didn't face this issue personally, it's worth considering if you're looking for a bigger bag. Another minor con is that there could be more compartments inside for better organization.
All in all, the Adidas Court Lite Duffel Bag Black/White is a stylish, well-made bag that offers ample storage capacity. It's been a reliable companion on all my gym trips and short getaways. If you're considering a similar bag, I'd definitely recommend giving this one a go.

Buyer's Guide


What types of gym bags does Adidas offer?

Adidas offers a wide variety of gym bags, including duffle bags, sports bags, backpacks, and drawstring bags designed for different needs and preferences. Some popular options are the Adidas Defender III Duffle Bag, Adidas Diablo Duffle Bag, and Adidas Tournament 16 Backpack.

How durable are Adidas gym bags?
Adidas gym bags are known for their durability, made with high-quality materials such as polyester, nylon, and PVC. These materials provide excellent resistance to wear and tear, ensuring that your bag will withstand frequent use and maintain its appearance over time.

Do Adidas gym bags have separate compartments for shoes and wet clothing?

Many Adidas gym bags, like the Adidas Diablo Duffle Bag and Adidas Tournament 16 Backpack, feature separate compartments designed for shoes and wet or dirty clothing. This helps keep the rest of your items clean and organized while you're on the go.

Can Adidas gym bags be washed?

Yes, most Adidas gym bags can be machine-washed. However, always check the care instructions provided with your bag, as some materials may require hand washing or spot cleaning. Additionally, avoid placing heavy or sharp items in your bag to prevent damage during washing.

How do I determine the right size gym bag for me?

  1. Consider the types of items you need to carry, such as clothes, shoes, toiletries, and electronics.
  2. Check the dimensions and capacity of the bag to ensure it can accommodate your belongings comfortably.
  3. Consider your personal preferences for style, materials, and features, such as straps, compartments, and zippers.

Are Adidas gym bags waterproof?

Some Adidas gym bags offer water-resistant or waterproof materials, providing protection from light rain and moisture. However, not all bags are designed to be fully waterproof, so it's essential to check the specifications of the bag you're interested in to determine its level of water resistance.

Do Adidas gym bags come with a warranty?

Adidas offers a one-year limited warranty on most of its products, including gym bags. This warranty covers manufacturing defects and workmanship issues but does not cover normal wear and tear or damage caused by misuse or neglect. If you have any issues with your bag within the warranty period, contact Adidas's customer service for assistance.

How can I maximize the lifespan of my Adidas gym bag?

  • Store your bag in a cool, dry place when not in use.
  • Avoid overloading your bag, as this can strain the seams and cause damage.
  • Clean your bag regularly and spot-clean any spills or stains promptly to prevent long-term damage.
  • Avoid exposing your bag to extreme temperatures or direct sunlight, as this can cause the materials to degrade over time.
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submitted by ConsequenceSure3063 to u/ConsequenceSure3063 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:39 AprilDruid What to read, when you've finished the Light Novels.

You've finished all 5 LNs, and want more, well this thread has you covered. This will go over what you can read next.

Official Stuff

Well, you've read the LNs, why not read Turn Around and Face Me, the sequel series, set years after the original? May and Aleah Francois are now teenagers, going to an All-Girls Academy. This series is more lighthearted, and won't have any earth-shattering consequences to it. It's just two dumb teenagers in love with people who aren't interested in them. TAFM is still ongoing, and we should be getting chapter 3 fairly soon.
Same story from the LNs, with a lot more detail. Aono Shimo's art takes what is already a great light novel series, and brings it to life in greater detail. There is a lot added on here, helping to make this a wonderful experience. It's currently in the Investigation arc, and runs monthly in Yuri Hime.
These are commissioned works she's done, and their canoncity is essentially TBD. Only a handful are translated here, I'm unsure as to where the rest are.
Look, I'll be real here, there's no legal way to read it in english, nor any illegal ways. If you're Korean, or read Korean, it's here.


It's the lifeblood of this community, and there are so many talented writers to share. This one will be broken down into a few different categories, to help direct people towards something they might love.

Alternate Universes.

Rae Taylor is a coffee shop barista, who has a crush on a regular customer, named Claire Francois. It's your typical Coffee Shop AU, that was one of the first big fics in the community, and continues to influence AU works. The sequel "A Quiet Cup of Cheer" is very good, and I highly recommend.
"Claire Francois awakens to find herself in Japan, where Rae once lived out her past life. It’s not hard to find her wife once more, and given a second life surely it will be easy to live that one out with Rae once again and help Rae as she had helped her in Bauer. It’s hardly as if Rae will need convincing, right?
Rei Oohashi has had a crush on the icy Francois-san ever since university classes started, she is just so pretty. One would not have expected those feelings to be returned nor to have Francois-san claim they were wives in a previous life. And does Francois-san have no memories from this life either… oh no."
Essentially it's a reverse isekai, with Claire being a fish out of water. And it's full of Persona and Dungeon Meshi references. This has a NSFW companion piece from the lovely brooklynapple, which I will not link here.
The same writer also did an ESO Crossover, which I recommend reading!
"Rei "Quinn" Oohashi has a decently normal life. A job she excels at, a bothersome sister, a hobby she is undefeatable at. Things start to change when a blonde-haired fashion designer enters her life."
The story isn't very far along, but the writer is definitely having fun with this one.
"Two trans women with very different backgrounds, and personalities. Claire Francois, is the epitome of elegance and grace, her father a wealthy politician. Beneath the facade of elegance however, lies a painful past, that she fears coming to haunt her. The Violin becoming her means of escaping her world, if only for a moment.
Rae Taylor, is a Punk Rock Bassist, who found solace in the raw energy of punk, channeling her anger and frustration into the pounding rhythms of her bass guitar. Running from her past, she attempts to make a fresh start somewhere much different. Despite the lonely pain she feels, she pushes past it, in an attempt to pretend she's someone she's not: Someone confident, and able to hide the pain from everyone around her.
A chance meeting intertwines their paths, forcing them to confront their painful pasts, and embrace their true selves. Through their shared love of music, a bond is formed, that may just help them both find happiness."
Fully admit, this is a shameless self-promotion. The first few chapters are rough, but if you enjoy punk music, or just want to see what it would be like if Rae and Claire, were trans? You'll enjoy this! This also has a NSFW companion piece which I will not link.
Rae Taylor is the daughter of the General Store owners who sell all kinds of items and are part of the middle class.
Claire Francois is the daughter of one of the most powerful and influential Aristocrats who has control on most of the trades in the metropolis.
How can two hearts from two worlds meet at a time of uncertainty?"
Easily one of the most creative AU series, it's a fun one!
"Rae Taylor works for the Lilium Mafia House-one of their best agents, never failed a mission. She is send to the Francois House to act as a spy and eventually eliminate their sole daughter-Claire Francois. However, little did she expect that this mission would not be as easy as she deemed."
Mafia Gays? Say no more, I'm in.
"Four years after the Black Mesa Incident, a gang of Outlaws including former Bureaucrat Orla Maguire and her Physicist Step-Brother, Gustavo Freeman are decimated following a disastrous heist in Panama, scattering them to the wind, and sending Orla adrift to another world, with a blonde noble girl glaring down at her.
Claire Francois must now teach this upstart commoner, who appears to go by Rae Taylor, the proper ways to act in the Kingdom of Bauer, while attempting to truly decipher who she is, why she does what she does, and why she keeps talking about 'Home' as if it were some far away place. Rae, formerly Orla Maguire, must hold out and come up with a plan in the scheming shadows of Bauer if she wants any chance of seeing her old world and family again, all while continuing to work for Claire, and realizing they have a much deeper connection than she initially thought.
Meanwhile in Panama, Dr. Gustavo Freeman is surprised by the arrival of another Noblewoman, facing evidence of string theory, and the ever encroaching threat of the so-called 'Combine' Empire that is now aware of Earth's existence. Time will tell, the currents are swirling... can Outlaws and Nobles truly find redemption?"
Half-Life meets ILTV, in an unexpected crossover!

Canon Divergent

These fics cover stories set within the main universe, but diverge from canon in some way.
"Claire François is madly in love—and that's a problem.
All the things she once valued now stand in her way. The nobility could never accept her loving a commoner. The church could never accept her loving a woman. Her father would be so disappointed in her. None of that matters to her anymore, not as much as creating a future for herself and Rae Taylor. To do that, they'll first have to survive the coming revolution, and to survive, they'll have to change.
But, maybe, even with the entire world is standing against her and her love, if they can change themselves they'll have a chance to change the world. So that's what they'll have to do—whatever it takes."
It's the top rated Wataoshi fic, and for a reason. It's extremely well written, and there is so much care put into this series.
"In which Rae's Soul isn't simply a copy of the Demon Queen's Soul Data, but merely one half of the whole."
This has spoilers for LN5, so I recommend avoiding it, if you're reading this and have yet to complete LN5. In addition, the other has written "Memories of Another World" and "I'm in Love With my Best Friend"
"An exploration of Rei Oohashi's lives with Claire Francois. Major LN5 spoilers.
“Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing.” -Anias Nin"
"Claire is accidentally hit with a love spell during magic class and suddenly can't keep her hands off of Rae. Rae doesn't know what to do now that Claire is giving her a taste of her own medicine. How will our heroine overcome this daunting challenge?"
Brooklynapple has also written "a day worth celebrating" a cute Claire birthday piece, and "what we deserve"
"Rae's Duel with Manaria goes wrong
She wakes up back in her old life in Japan
Claire is left alone"
From the author of Eitno, we have a tearjerker, that is excellent.
"A collection of short stories concerning Manaria Sousse from "I'm in Love With the Villainess." I recommend reading this after at least reading Volume 2, or after reading the whole story."
"Rei wakes up in Revolution like in the original but.... She's royalty?"
"After becoming Queen, Manaria tasks have piled up. However, something sinister has happened. Someone from her family has been murdered! She has to recruit her friends to help her solve the mystery."
" As the dust settles, and the world begins to heal, the once mighty Demon Queen, Rei Oohashi has been defeated. But her story does not end with her defeat, it is only just beginning. Rei has been offered a second chance, a chance to repent for her actions as the Demon Queen. Despite her inability to forgive herself, despite her lingering scars, one person sees through them all: Lilly Lilium.
A girl who despite her own scars, from her time as her father's assassin, wishes for nothing more than to help Rei to heal, even if she's incapable of doing so herself. Together they begin a journey spanning the Kingdom of Bauer, and beyond, whilst battling their own inner turmoil."
Again, shameless self-promotion.
"After deciding to take another pilgrimage, Lilly finds herself in Melica, where a certain chestnut-haired woman waits."
A fic dedicated to an underrated pairing. It's cute, check it out
I realize I am missing quite a few fics, but it's almost 2AM and I'm tired. Is there a fic you enjoy that should be on the list? Comment and I'll add it! Writing your own and need tips? Comment!
submitted by AprilDruid to WataOshi [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:34 Inevitable_Piece1908 The guy who invented firefox

I'm training for my boxing match we have scheduled. I'll destroy his little soyboy skull with devastations. Haymakers to his face, mouth, nose. I'll hit him so hard he won't even remember what he invented. He probably already doesn't remember.
He's gonna wish he invented chrome. - I'm going to "invent" his fkng head.
submitted by Inevitable_Piece1908 to Rants [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:09 Quite_Likes_Hormuz I'm just super overwhelmed and I have no clue where to start

I've been putting off voice training for a while and I thought I finally had the motivation to start. I saw L's guide and thought it was straight forward enough and it made a lot of sense. But it was also pretty old so I thought there might be a newer version and I came across a bunch of people saying the guide was outdated and not recommended. People said to listen to the Selene clips.
So I did and I understand what she was saying about size and weight and how you need a proper weight for the vocal size to sound right. And I understand the difference between a small and a large size, and a heavy and a light weight. But how do I actually do any of that? "Make your voice smaller" Thank you, very helpful. What am I supposed to actually do? So I figure, alright maybe this is just a bit more advanced and I look at the transvoicelessons youtube channel instead and I go to the "ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS" video. And less than 5 minutes in as the first exercise she wants me to mimic her pitch which I don't even know the first thing about... I don't do music so I have no clue what pitch she is at let alone how to mimic it with my voice. (I've always hated the sound of my voice so I don't sing or do anything besides speak "normally")
So now I just feel like I'm in way over my head and I don't understand where I'm supposed to even begin. Even the most basic beginner stuff seems too complicated for me and I don't know what to do
submitted by Quite_Likes_Hormuz to transvoice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:09 Alternative-Hat432 I'm either having a nervous breakdown or melatonin is making me feel crazy

So my mental health is thin anyways. I've known this.
Everyone I love is fighting. So one of my closest friends from another Church, her husband ran away with someone else from the Church.
I lost my brother to cancer a few years ago. There was no reason for him to have cancer. Then my Mom got breast cancer two years ago. It came back. But she's clear now. My best friend's mom has stage 4 cancer. So many people have died lately. Mire than this. And sick. My aunt is in the hospital. Umm yeah. I feel like the more I talk about all this the more crazy I feel.
If you can think of an area of life where you would have pressure. I have it.
I started missing sleep last summer I think it was. Well maybe before that. The itching started. On and off at night. I couldn't sleep. I itched like crazy. I got up and would put lotion on. I started waiting to take my allergy medicine with supper.
After a while I figured it was psychological. Umm.. I have this one stuffed animal my Mom bought me as a suprise recently. Weirdly if I can purmt my arms around that at night, the itching goes away. Most times.
This year the sleeplessness got worse. Umm early spring I think. I just literally couldn't sleep. It was miserable. It wasn't just the itchiness either. I was exhausted. My body craved sleep, but it would not shut off when I went to lay down. Melatonin wouldn't help.
I'm depressed I think. Undiagnosed. I told my Dad that I don't feel happiness anymore. I feel like I'm in panic mode waiting for the next bad thing to happen.
I feel like everything is an act.I don't do things to bring me joy. I'm not lazy. I can't stand to see people hurting and nothing I can do. I want to help other people. I can't scrub an entire bathroom with a toothbrush. But for me I don't care. When I'm feeling good enough where I do something for me I do them to distract me.
But I told him that I prayed about it and that God had been giving me good thoughts lately. I felt like my mind was being flooded with good things. Good memories.
I didnt tell him this, but I had been feeling like I'm on autopilot. Just stopped living. Waiting to get to heaven to see my brother again. I was thinking thag this wast right. And God was helping me. But I was feeling better for a bit.
Then he started preaching about how God told us to be happy. And choosing happiness. And not wallowing in self pity. Every Sunday. And praying in public that we wouldn't proud be sorry slobs wallowing in self pity. Yet he denies it was about me.
So I get migraines every Sunday. And I'm not sleeping again and he knows it so probably he is going to preach on that today.
But in the midst of all this I found some friends online in gaming, and a guy that liked me, and we started spending time together. I started staying up late to play with him, and I thought the staying up late reset my sleep schedule. I could sleep again. We got close for a while. It wasn't serious but it was a friend I needed.
Well then in the midst of all this he started liking my friend better than me. She threw herself at him. I suspected, for a bit. Then confirmed. And I found them online together.
Anyways after this I started losing time. In the day. Like my bracelet broke. I came back to fix it the next night and it was repaired. I went into McDonald's and the cashier told me exactly what I wanted to order, and asked me if it was for here or to go. It scared me. I had no memory of telling him that.
Then I started not staying up so late, and my mind got better. But now I'm back to not sleeping good. I wake up at 3 am and lay awake. So I took melatonin, and it helped. I like took it 3 times over two weeks. 10mg.
Umm . . . Also I just wanted to sleep. And sometimes when it is working, like just before I fall to sleep, it almost feels like it kicks the serotonin in and I feel normal. I wanted that.
But then two nights ago I took it again. And I did not sleep. The next day man I was groggy. Confused. Like is my hand on the table or beside me. I could snap out of it, but I struggle. Then I got a good night's sleep, and felt a little normal. Then I started to write an email, and I was talking about my brother's death. I didn't want to.
Either my brain was still tired, or the melatonin is still in my system, but I got feeling confused again.
I'm awake at 1 am again. I still don't feel right in the head.
submitted by Alternative-Hat432 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:08 Jigsaw0g Vanyek?

I know it’s all but confirmed, but we can all agree Vanyek knew about raid on Skalitz? The day of he tells Henry he has to hurry up and train him as he’ll be heading out shortly. Then when you later run into him at Vranik he explains that he “got the hell out of there before it all started” almost like a fraudulent slip. We never really talk to him after that and I’m guessing he dies during the raid? Any more info I could be missing would be awesome!
submitted by Jigsaw0g to kingdomcome [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:03 Stage-Piercing727 Best Accu Tac Bipod

Best Accu Tac Bipod
Are you in search of the perfect companion for your hunting or shooting needs? Look no further than the Accu Tac Bipod. In this roundup article, we'll be taking a closer look at this versatile and reliable bipod, exploring its key features and discussing why it's a top choice for outdoor enthusiasts everywhere. So, buckle up and prepare to be amazed as we delve into the world of the Accu Tac Bipod.

The Top 5 Best Accu Tac Bipod

  1. High-Quality HD-50 Bipod for 50 BMG Rifles - The Accu-Tac HD-50 Bipod, crafted for 50 BMG platforms, features larger arm lock lugs, adjustable tension, canting motion, and nine-position leg height options, catering to larger heavy rifles with unmatched stability and strength.
  2. UTG Pro Recon 360 TL 7-9" MLOK Bipod: 360-Degree Swivel, Adjustable Height, and Nonslip Rubberized Foot Pads - The UTG Pro Recon 360 TL 7-9" MLOK Bipod offers unparalleled stability and customization with its 360-degree swivel base, adjustable legs, and lockable leg extensions, making it a top choice for AR 10 enthusiasts.
  3. Heavy Duty AR-10 Adjustable Swivel Bipod - Experience unparalleled precision and durability with the Tac Shield Heavy Duty Pivoting Bi-Pod, expertly designed for uneven terrain and secure adjustments to ensure accurate shots on your AR 10 Bipod.
  4. Accu-Tac Lr-10 Spike Set for Bipod - Upgrade your bipod with Accu-Tac's steel spikes, providing durable traction on any surface while maintaining a sleek, black finish.
  5. High-Grade Bipod Spikes for Accu-Tac SR-5 & BR-4 Bi-Pods - Upgrade your SR-5/BR-4 bi-pod with Accu-Tac's rugged steel spikes, featuring CNC machining, black oxide treatment, and a snap-on design for optimal traction on soft surfaces.
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🔗High-Quality HD-50 Bipod for 50 BMG Rifles
I recently tried the Accu-Tac HD-50 Bipod Black, and let me tell you, it's a sturdy and reliable companion for any shooting enthusiast. This bipod is specifically designed for heavy-duty rifles, with a center hub that offers great stability and strength. The larger arm lock lugs ensure it can withstand the recoil of a 50 BMG, which is definitely appreciated. One of the standout features for me was the ability to cant and the throw lever, which makes adjustments a breeze.
The only downside I encountered was that the product description didn't explicitly mention whether the bipod had the ability to cant or not. This left me to figure it out once I had the product in hand. But overall, I'm quite pleased with this sturdy, heavy-duty bipod that will be a trusty addition to my shooting gear.

🔗UTG Pro Recon 360 TL 7-9" MLOK Bipod: 360-Degree Swivel, Adjustable Height, and Nonslip Rubberized Foot Pads

As a reviewer, I've been using the UTG Pro Recon bipod for a while now, and it has been quite an experience. I particularly enjoy the fact that it's adjustable both in height and swivel, allowing me to set up the most stable platform for my rifle.
The 3-position folding legs come in handy when I need to pack up quickly, and the lockable leg extensions ensure security. However, the rubber feet at the end of the legs do slip a bit on some surfaces, which can be quite annoying. Despite the minor inconvenience, the bipod has proven to be a reliable piece of gear, providing the stability and versatility I need for my shooting adventures.

🔗Heavy Duty AR-10 Adjustable Swivel Bipod
I recently tried out the Tac Shield Heavy Duty Pivoting Bi-Pod, and honestly, it's been a game-changer in my shooting setup. The adjustable shooting heights make it perfect for uneven terrain, thanks to the pivoting design and quick adjustment pivot lever. The precision tension leg locks are a nice touch, ensuring a secure fit no matter what surface I'm on.
What really stood out to me, though, were the reinforced tension springs. These bad boys have made a significant difference when it comes to durability. I love how sturdy and reliable they feel, and I can tell that they're built to last. The ribbed grip caps on the bottom legs also add a touch of convenience, providing a steady and secure rest whenever I need it.
The spring assist leg retraction feature is fantastic too - it makes it incredibly easy to retract the legs, and the spring return release buttons ensure a quick and positive retraction every time. All in all, this Tac Shield Heavy Duty Pivoting Bi-Pod has definitely become a staple in my shooting gear. Highly recommended!

🔗Accu-Tac Lr-10 Spike Set for Bipod
I've been using the Accu-Tac Lr-10 Spike Set as an essential part of my shooting accessory routine, and let me tell you, it's been an absolute game-changer. The sleek flat black design complements my bipod nicely, while the CNC machined and black oxide treatment ensures a sturdy build.
One of the best features I've found with this set is the incredibly quick and easy spike change. Changing from rubber feet to steel spikes in mere seconds is a massive timesaver, especially when I'm in a hurry to get back to shooting. The steel spikes provide the perfect grip on soft surfaces without causing any damage.
While there are no cons to speak of in my experience, I would like to point out that this product has a compact size, fitting nicely in my gear bag. However, it might not appeal to those who require a larger set of spikes.
Overall, the Accu-Tac Lr-10 Spike Set has made a significant difference in my shooting experience, and I've been recommending it to fellow gun enthusiasts ever since I first gave it a go. If you're looking for a reliable, easy-to-use, and efficient bipod accessory - look no further.

🔗High-Grade Bipod Spikes for Accu-Tac SR-5 & BR-4 Bi-Pods
I've been using Accu-Tac's spike set for my SR-5/BR-4 bi-pod, and it's been a game changer for my outdoor adventures. These steel spikes provide unbeatable traction on dirt or any soft surfaces, making them perfect for my prone position on grass. Their sleek CNC machined and black oxide treated design not only adds a touch of style, but also ensures durability.
One of the standout features is the simple screw-on design, which allows me to switch between rubber feet and steel spikes in a matter of seconds. This quick transformation comes in handy when I need to adapt to different terrains or environments.
However, there are a couple of cons to consider. The spikes might slightly scratch your bi-pod's surface when installing or removing, so be cautious. Additionally, you might need to tighten the screws securely to prevent them from coming loose during use. Overall, Accu-Tac's spike set for the SR-5/BR-4 bi-pod is a reliable and practical accessory, enhancing your outdoor experience.

Buyer's Guide

The Accu Tac Bipod is a versatile gun accessory designed to enhance accuracy and stability when shooting. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or a newcomer to shooting sports, a bipod can greatly improve your shooting experience. In this buyer's guide, we'll go over the key features and considerations while choosing an Accu Tac Bipod.

1. Height Adjustments
One of the most important features of a bipod is its height adjustment capabilities. Look for an Accu Tac Bipod that offers a wide range of height adjustment options to accommodate various shooting positions and situations. Most models offer a quick-detach mechanism for easy height adjustments during the shooting process.

2. Stability

Stability is crucial when shooting. An Accu Tac Bipod should provide a stable and solid base, minimizing movement and allowing for better accuracy. Consider the material used, the weight, and the overall design of the bipod when assessing its stability.

3. Durability

Shooting products need to be durable and withstand the rigors of the outdoors. Search for an Accu Tac Bipod with materials that are resistant to corrosion, rust, and harsh weather conditions. Look for high-quality components and a user-friendly design that simplifies maintenance and care.

4. Mounting Options

Different firearms require specific mounting options. Make sure to choose an Accu Tac Bipod that offers compatibility with your specific gun model, as well as compatibility with your tripod or other mounting accessories. Be mindful of the attachment points and ensure they match with the rifle's forend.

5. Portability

Portability is especially important when venturing into remote areas to shoot. Look for an Accu Tac Bipod that is lightweight and compact when folded, allowing for easy transportation and storage. Additionally, the quick-detach mechanism should make it easy to attach and detach the bipod when needed.

6. Versatility

An Accu Tac Bipod can be used in a variety of situations, from hunting to target shooting and even tactical applications. Choose a model that offers multiple pivot points and leg adjustments to provide stability and versatility in different settings.

7. Grip and Knobs

The grip and knobs on an Accu Tac Bipod should be ergonomic and offer a firm hold, even in wet or slippery conditions. Also, make sure the adjustment knobs are easy to operate, especially under stress, to maintain proper shooting position.
Choosing the right Accu Tac Bipod can greatly improve your shooting experience by enhancing accuracy, stability, and versatility. Consider the features mentioned above when making your decision, and always remember to select a bipod that matches your specific shooting needs and preferences.


What is the Accu Tac Bipod?

The Accu Tac Bipod is a high-quality, tactical shooting accessory designed to provide stability and accuracy to rifle shooting. It features sturdy, adjustable legs that can be locked into place, providing extra support and reducing vibrations, allowing for more accurate shots.

How is the Accu Tac Bipod different from other bipods on the market?

The Accu Tac Bipod sets itself apart from other bipods with its lightweight yet strong construction, its versatile leg positions, and the ease of deployment and adjustment. The bipod can be mounted to most rifles or shooting accessories and is compatible with a variety of firearms, making it a popular choice for both beginners and experienced shooters.

What materials is the Accu Tac Bipod made of?

The Accu Tac Bipod is primarily made of robust aluminum, ensuring durability and reliability even under harsh outdoor conditions. It also features non-slip rubber pads that protect both the bipod and the shooting platform, providing a stable connection.

What is the weight capacity of the Accu Tac Bipod?

The Accu Tac Bipod has a maximum weight capacity of up to 20 lbs, making it suitable for a wide range of firearms and accessories. The bipod is designed to support and help maintain accuracy even under heavy loads.

Does the Accu Tac Bipod come with any warranties or guarantees?

Yes, the Accu Tac Bipod is backed by a limited lifetime warranty, ensuring that users can trust its performance and durability. If the product is found to be defective or not up to the expected standards, the manufacturer will repairs or replace it at no additional cost.

Can the Accu Tac Bipod be used on different shooting platforms?

Absolutely! The Accu Tac Bipod is designed to be compatible with a variety of shooting platforms, including rifles, compound bows, and even spotting scopes thanks to its versatile mounting options, such as the Picatinny rail, quick-detach swivel stud, and bow stabilizer attachment. This makes it an extremely versatile and useful accessory for a wide range of shooters.

How do I mount the Accu Tac Bipod on my firearm or accessory?

Mounting the Accu Tac Bipod on your firearm or accessory is simple and straightforward. The bipod comes with a variety of mounting options, including the Picatinny rail, quick-detach swivel stud, and bow stabilizer attachment. Once you've chosen the right mounting option for your specific firearm or accessory, simply follow the manufacturer's instructions and securely attach the bipod to the desired platform. If you need any assistance, consult your firearm or accessory's manual or seek professional help from a trained gunsmith.
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submitted by Stage-Piercing727 to u/Stage-Piercing727 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:02 oracle_robin Just need a place to vent a little.

Hi hi. I hope you're all doing well. I know it's probably sort of silly to come to a subreddit like his to just talk, but I wanted a place to do so and this seemed like the best option.
I'm so... so sad. And I try not to think about it so much, but it gets hard sometimes. I'm tearing up heavily just writing this post. I'm 20M, and I'm out of school, in College, but I had to withdraw from my first two semesters because I just couldn't handle it.
I'm doing my best to put on a happy face for everyone around me, including those I love, but I don't know how much longer I can keep doing it, I keep having these breakthrough days where I just don't have the energy to even get up, much less help around the house or get out to do anything.
My one thought that I always come back to is that I just want to be little again. The world was so much brighter then. I would come home from my elementary school and sit in the family office watching my mother play Plants Vs Zombies. And I always got so scared of the Zombies but I wanted to stay in there and put on a brave face for her. And then I'd go play with my toys... my Thomas the Tank Engine toys... those were my favorites. We'd occasionally go to the store and get a new one to add to my little train collection.. And my stuffed animals. I thought they were so magical. My mom would write me letters from one of them, one of my favorites. I think a little part of me died the day I found out it was just her. But I still had that childlike wonder, the feeling that nothing could or would go wrong. As I got older, things just got grayer. I don't know why.
I don't know why I have all these thoughts. I'm on a cocktail of medicines that SHOULD be working. But when I have them in me, I just feel... numb to everything? The dog I had for the longest time died earlier in the year, and I just didn't feel anything. It's not like I'm avoiding taking them, but I feel like... it just dampens anything I do. I know that's probably silly.
My mom and dad are so supportive of me and I love them so much. But I know they're not always going to be there, and there's always that little thought in the back of my head that says, would I be better off if I went before them so I wouldn't have to bear losing them? I know it's not right, but I don't know if I could lose one of them and still be okay.
Everything moves so fast these days. I have to pay attention to so many things. When I was little, nothing seemed like it would ever move. I liked it that way. God, I even broke down when my family changed the wallpaper in the house I grew up in. I still have a little strip I keep of that wallpaper I have in a music box. I never want to lose it.
And I love my dad. I love him so much. I know he's not got the same thoughts that I do, he grew up in a different time. I know I'm neurodivergent. And he does his very best to accommodate me, but he still makes me sad sometimes, and then he feels like it's his fault, and then HE gets sad, and then I feel awful... it's not the best dynamic, but I do my best to roll with it.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to post so much, I just needed a place to write down my thoughts, I think. I have no plans of taking my life, or anything silly like harming myself, but I need something. I don't know what I need, though. I just need these thoughts to stop. I get so sad... and I know I have an okay life. So why do I feel this way? Thank you for listening to me, if indeed you still are, and I hope you have an excellent rest of your night.
submitted by oracle_robin to depression [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:59 AccomplishedLevel361 Have anyone tried playing without having control of transfers in/out? Share your experience!

I know a lot of you guys are enjoying the transfer window, scouting for the next wonderkid or sell the ugliest guy in your team. I love that part as well but after doing that for 20 years I would like to try to just be the Head coach.
Have you tried letting your DoF or Technical director do the transfers for you and what is your experience?
I want to do this to see if I can improve in training, mentoring and data analytics instead of spending all the time at the scouting screen. Try to maximize the squad that you've been giving.
submitted by AccomplishedLevel361 to footballmanager [link] [comments]