Aerobic respiration bbc

VO2 Max & on the water rowing

2024.06.02 06:39 Semper--Ubi--Sub-Ubi VO2 Max & on the water rowing

VO2 Max & on the water rowing
I've read in many posts that VO2 Max estimates and workouts only occur with running and cycling (trail and ultra running on some models). Last week in our learn to row I set my 265 to "Rowing", with GPS, and paired with an HRM Pro. Upon saving the workout it showed it as a "VO2 Max" activity.
Does this contradict what I've read that only running and cycling (+ power meter) with GPS affect VO2 Max, or am I reading it wrong. (Stats from the row are attached; "Primary Benefit: VO2 Max")
submitted by Semper--Ubi--Sub-Ubi to Garmin [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 18:44 Notyourbestbritish Is my yr8 science revision good? (I used bitesize and a yellow blooket that my school gave me)

Is my yr8 science revision good? (I used bitesize and a yellow blooket that my school gave me) submitted by Notyourbestbritish to school [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 22:50 EthanMcelroy628 I have exams tomorrow and have only started studying

I have exams tomorrow and have only started studying submitted by EthanMcelroy628 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 17:51 MuchAcanthisitta1657 functions that are failing in cfs and thoughts on why they are failing

functions I observed that are failing:
  1. energy synthesis
  2. blood volume balance
  3. removal of ammonia
  4. removal of h2s
  5. immune function
  6. digestion of nutrients/nutrient malabsorption
  7. antioxidant system
If I were to make a priority list it would look like this
why did I put energy synthesis at the bottom even though it's the most apparent symptom in cfs? because energy synthesis is not failing by itself in cfs but as a result of reasons I have enumerated as
Hydrogen Sulfide and Ammonia Overload
what I noticed when I went on a low ammonia (aka low protein) diet and low sulfur diet is that my head and energy became normal within 1 or 2 days. a clear had and calm body with followed by good energy levels.
this revealed to me that ammonia and h2s detoxification is failing in cfs. these two toxic byproducts are capable of shutting down aerobic respiration due to the inhibition of enzymes in the tca cycle.
things get even better when manganese and molybdenum are added to a low sulfur and low protein diet.
Low Blood Volume
next failing function is maintaining blood volume. low blood volume in cfs is not only caused by low energy/low atp but it's a factor that causes low energy. so unless you get your atp/energy up in some way or unless you adress this low blood volume you cannot escape this cycle.
it's interesting to note why low blood volume is a problem. not only does it cause low blood pressure and sluggishness it's also causes tissue oxygen deprivation.
Low Oxygen on the other hand has several consequences:
  1. oxygen cannot be delivered and thus functional hypoxia manifests. although in a mild state it is enough to block aerobic respiration.
2) the body is forced turn to burn protein for energy without oxygen because there's not enough oxygen (anaerobic respiration)
Causes of low blood volume:
1) low energy due to H2S and Ammonia toxicity
2) burning protein for energy causes depletion of amino acids that are critical for blood volume. an important one is histidine. histidine is needed for blood volume, histamine, hemoglobin (oxygen delivery), and ph balance... all of which are needed for the maintenance of normal blood volume.
Immune Function
you cannot maintain immune function when you're low in energy because the immune system runs on energy. so h2s/ammonia toxicity and low blood volume must be addressed first. on top of that the depletion of histidine deprives the body of a critical amine in the body. histamine. without histamine a full scale immune response cannot occur. a burdened immune system that's running on low energy will deplete the little bit of energy you produce from burning protein for energy.
Digestion/Nutrient Absorption
The most valuable lesson I learned in terms of digestion/nutrient absorption is that as a cfs sufferer you are depleting bicarbonate more than normal people. the acid/base balance is off with cfs. the body compensates for this by using up all its available bicarbonate to maintain blood ph. otherwise you'll get in a state of shock and die. this leaves little bicarbonate for digestion which is why your nutrient absorption won't be good. without bicarbonate to neutralise the acid from the stomach you wont make bile and produce pancreatic enzymes. fat soluble vitamins like vitamin A and D will probably be depleted at some point and will exacerbate your cfs. Vitamin A is chiefly involved in ceruloplasmin synthesis, rbc production, iron mobilization, immunity, vision, gut mucosa and enterocytes...
to break this cycle bicarbonate can be used with fat soluble vitamins...
The Antixoidant System / Vitamins
The following enzymes must be supported:
Runs on several important enzymes...
SOD 1,2,3 that are dependent on either zinc, copper or manganese
Cytochrome P450 enzymes depend on Iron among others
Arginase for Ammonia removal
Quinone oxidoreductase to remove H2S
Ceruloplasmin depends on Vitamin A, Copper - notice that when you don't have enough bicarbonate you may take as much vitamin A as you want you will be depleted in this vitamin at some point, and when you are you won't be able to produce ceruloplasmin which is the chief transporter of copper. and if you lack ceruloplasmin the copper that you ingest will not benefit you, it will become become a poison and you'll never understand why.
So these are my insights until know. I'm better off than the overwhelming majority of cfs sufferers for many months now. I'm now working on better understanding the relationship between histidine and histamine. I might share further information in the coming weeks.
submitted by MuchAcanthisitta1657 to dismantlingcfs [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 20:21 titaniumjam Regretting going with ISSA

I’m about half way through my ISSA courses and I’m honestly not impressed. There is a lot of incorrect information in the text book as well as info that is straight up missing.
Anytime I’ve reached out for support, I’ve gotten half-assed answers from the staff. One time when I was seeking clarification on anaerobic glycolysis they sent me a link to a YouTube video that I already found on my own, watched, and was still confused. That was whole point of reaching out to them. I can’t believe I’m paying $1,200 for an education just to be sent links to YouTube videos that I can find on my own. I wanted to ask them about anaerobic glycolysis because the textbook has a whole section on lactate that explains how great it is for the body, but doesn’t mention anything about what it actually does for the body nor how it’s metabolized. It talks about how it’s converted to energy aerobically under the section that’s titled “anaerobic respiration” 🙄
Every chapter seems to have errors. The classes are over zoom are fun but they don’t allow the students to be on camera or on mic.
The instructors have been great though and respond to the chats. They are probably the best part of ISSA. When I looked up their LinkedIn profiles, they all had NASM certs. What a joke.
I’m also coming across posts of people saying a lot of gyms they spoke with don’t accept ISSA certifications.
Overall, I’m starting to regret my investment in this and wishing I would have went with ACE, ACSM, or NASM. Does anyone feel the same way?
submitted by titaniumjam to personaltraining [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:20 Cool-Bio Facultative aerobes don’t exist, right??

I have only ever heard bacteria described as facultative anaerobes when they can grow both with oxygen and without. And because aerobic respiration is generally the most energy efficient way to grow, facultative anaerobes would prefer to use oxygen if given the “choice.”
But, a professor (not a microbiologist) in a lecture said that facultative anaerobes prefer not to use oxygen, implicating that facultative aerobes would prefer to use oxygen.
Am I going crazy? Is the professor right, are there facultative aerobes? For reference, I’m about to start a micro PhD program so I really should figure this out…
submitted by Cool-Bio to microbiology [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 20:55 BasedAfghan1 Biology combined higher last 6 marker (I know I am a bit late), would this be 6/6??

The agina restricts blood flow to the heart muscles, so less oxygen reaches the heart muscles, sk heart muscles are unable to go through as much aerobic respiration which therefore causes tiredness and weakness due to the lack of glucose and oxygen present. This also causes less muscle contraction due to lack of oxygen and build up of lactic acid. The stents(whatever they called it in the exam) open up the coronary arteries so more blood is able to flow into the heart muscles, so more oxygen reaches heart muscle and heart muscles are able to respire more frequently.
submitted by BasedAfghan1 to GCSE [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 22:49 Kineticbtw gcse biology triple paper 1 higher answers

these are my answers. someone tell me if you got similar results 1.1) Arteries 1.2) This increases the blood pressure in the arteries so the blood flows through the fatty deposits, and more oxygen and glucose is supplied to the heart so it can respire. 1.3) This forces oxygen into the persons bloodstream which can be used for aerobic respiration 1.4) Statin 1.5) Opens up the coronary artery so more blood flow through the coronary arteries so more aerobic respiration 1.6) Smoking increases the risk of developing different cardiovascular diseases. Smoking increases the risk of developing certain diseases more than others. 1.7) Graph question 1.8) A poor diet high in saturated fats. 2.1) Nucleus 2.2) ADE 2.3) Less enzymes reaching the small intestine where the food is digested. As enzymes are biological catalysts, less food is broken down, so there are difficulties digesting food. Moreover, there is less amylase. Therefore less starch is broken down into glucose, so there is less glucose in the bloodstream available for aerobic respiration, so lipids are used instead. There are also less proteins broken down into amino acids, so less growth. 2.4) One cell thick for a short diffusion pathway. Many alveoli for a large surface area. Good blood supply to maintain a steep concentration gradient. 2.5) Less oxygen available for aerobic respiration, so less energy released. Instead, anaerobic respiration takes place, so lactic acid is produced, which leads to muscle fatigue and cramps 3.1) Grind a sample of cake using a mortal and pestle. Dissolve it into water and stir. To test for iodine add starch. If present, it turns from orange to blue black. To test for reducing sugars, add benedict's solution and heat in a water bath. If present, it turns from blue to brick red. One risk assessment is wearing gloves as iodine is an irritant. 3.2) The time taken for the bread to taste sweet in seconds 3.3) The mass of the bread sample. 3.4) The bread contained starch. The salivary glands secreted amylase which broke down into glucose, which is a sugar that tastes sweet 3.5) The time taken for it to taste sweet is subjective 4.1) Palisade mesophyll. Spongy mesophyll. Meristem. 4.2) Lignin 4.3) Translocation 4.4) Permanent vacuole 4.5) The concentration of ions in cell X is lower than the phloem. Therefore, the ions move from an area of low concentration to high concentration through active transport against the concentration gradient which is an active transport which requires energy released by aerobic respiration. Therefore, Cell X has many mitochondria for aerobic respiration 4.6) It loses most of its internal subcellular organelles 4.7) Cut 6 pieces of potato. Measure them so they have the same initial mass. Put each of them in a different salt solution concentration: 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0. Keep all of them in there for 2 hours. Then remove them and pat them dry with a paper towel to remove the excess water. Measure the new mass and calculate the mass change. Repeat and calculate a mean. Plot on a graph 4.8) The concentration inside the potato was higher than the concentration outside the potato. Therefore water moved out of the potato from a dilute to a concentrated solution through a partially permeable membrane through osmosis, so the mass of the potato decreased. 4.9) It had a steeper concentration gradient so more water moved out, so more mass was lost 5.1) Penicillin 5.2) It had a zone of inhibition around it where bacteria are not growing so it killed some bacteria 5.3) The rate of antibiotic production isn't the same as the rate of bacteria developing resistance, so less bacteria are killed so more people are likely to get sick. 5.4) Viruses divide inside of host cells 5.5) Viruses live inside of our cells so it is hard to kill them without damaging our cells 5.6) Aids 6.1) There was no starch due to no glucose production so no excess glucose. In leaf 1, this is because no light can be captured by the chlorophyll, and no carbon dioxide can enter through the stomata. Therefore photosynthesis cannot take place. In leaf 2, this is because light can be captured, but carbon dioxide cannot diffuse into the leaf through the stomata. Leaf 3 could capture light and allow carbon dioxide to diffuse in so it photosynthesised and produced glucose. Excess glucose was converted to starch. 6.2) Blue-black. Orange-brown. 6.3) The green part had chlorophyll so it can absorb sunlight so it photosynthesised and formed glucose which was converted into starch. The yellow part couldn't photosynthesise so starch was not present. 6.4) Magnesium 6.5) Chlorosis 6.6) Measure the volume of oxygen produced per unit time such as per minute 6.7) A limiting factor is something that limits the maximum rate of photosynthesis 6.9) Light intensity = 1/distance^2 7.1) The subcellular organelles are replicated. 7.2) Cell membrane 7.3) 8010 7.6) Testing the drugs on live tissues in a lab.
submitted by Kineticbtw to GCSE [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 22:48 Kineticbtw biology triple answers

these are my answers. someone please tell me if you got similadifferent answers 1.1) Arteries 1.2) This increases the blood pressure in the arteries so the blood flows through the fatty deposits, and more oxygen and glucose is supplied to the heart so it can respire. 1.3) This forces oxygen into the persons bloodstream which can be used for aerobic respiration 1.4) Statin 1.5) Opens up the coronary artery so more blood flow through the coronary arteries so more aerobic respiration 1.6) Smoking increases the risk of developing different cardiovascular diseases. Smoking increases the risk of developing certain diseases more than others. 1.7) Graph question 1.8) A poor diet high in saturated fats. 2.1) Nucleus 2.2) ADE 2.3) Less enzymes reaching the small intestine where the food is digested. As enzymes are biological catalysts, less food is broken down, so there are difficulties digesting food. Moreover, there is less amylase. Therefore less starch is broken down into glucose, so there is less glucose in the bloodstream available for aerobic respiration, so lipids are used instead. There are also less proteins broken down into amino acids, so less growth. 2.4) One cell thick for a short diffusion pathway. Many alveoli for a large surface area. Good blood supply to maintain a steep concentration gradient. 2.5) Less oxygen available for aerobic respiration, so less energy released. Instead, anaerobic respiration takes place, so lactic acid is produced, which leads to muscle fatigue and cramps 3.1) Grind a sample of cake using a mortal and pestle. Dissolve it into water and stir. To test for iodine add starch. If present, it turns from orange to blue black. To test for reducing sugars, add benedict's solution and heat in a water bath. If present, it turns from blue to brick red. One risk assessment is wearing gloves as iodine is an irritant. 3.2) The time taken for the bread to taste sweet in seconds 3.3) The mass of the bread sample. 3.4) The bread contained starch. The salivary glands secreted amylase which broke down into glucose, which is a sugar that tastes sweet 3.5) The time taken for it to taste sweet is subjective 4.1) Palisade mesophyll. Spongy mesophyll. Meristem. 4.2) Lignin 4.3) Translocation 4.4) Permanent vacuole 4.5) The concentration of ions in cell X is lower than the phloem. Therefore, the ions move from an area of low concentration to high concentration through active transport against the concentration gradient which is an active transport which requires energy released by aerobic respiration. Therefore, Cell X has many mitochondria for aerobic respiration 4.6) It loses most of its internal subcellular organelles 4.7) Cut 6 pieces of potato. Measure them so they have the same initial mass. Put each of them in a different salt solution concentration: 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0. Keep all of them in there for 2 hours. Then remove them and pat them dry with a paper towel to remove the excess water. Measure the new mass and calculate the mass change. Repeat and calculate a mean. Plot on a graph 4.8) The concentration inside the potato was higher than the concentration outside the potato. Therefore water moved out of the potato from a dilute to a concentrated solution through a partially permeable membrane through osmosis, so the mass of the potato decreased. 4.9) It had a steeper concentration gradient so more water moved out, so more mass was lost 5.1) Penicillin 5.2) It had a zone of inhibition around it where bacteria are not growing so it killed some bacteria 5.3) The rate of antibiotic production isn't the same as the rate of bacteria developing resistance, so less bacteria are killed so more people are likely to get sick. 5.4) Viruses divide inside of host cells 5.5) Viruses live inside of our cells so it is hard to kill them without damaging our cells 5.6) Aids 6.1) There was no starch due to no glucose production so no excess glucose. In leaf 1, this is because no light can be captured by the chlorophyll, and no carbon dioxide can enter through the stomata. Therefore photosynthesis cannot take place. In leaf 2, this is because light can be captured, but carbon dioxide cannot diffuse into the leaf through the stomata. Leaf 3 could capture light and allow carbon dioxide to diffuse in so it photosynthesised and produced glucose. Excess glucose was converted to starch. 6.2) Blue-black. Orange-brown. 6.3) The green part had chlorophyll so it can absorb sunlight so it photosynthesised and formed glucose which was converted into starch. The yellow part couldn't photosynthesise so starch was not present. 6.4) Magnesium 6.5) Chlorosis 6.6) Measure the volume of oxygen produced per unit time such as per minute 6.7) A limiting factor is something that limits the maximum rate of photosynthesis 6.9) Light intensity = 1/distance^2 7.1) The subcellular organelles are replicated. 7.2) Cell membrane 7.3) 8010 7.6) Testing the drugs on live tissues in a lab.
submitted by Kineticbtw to GCSE [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 16:48 Weary_Professional61 Phloem question bio aqa higher?

5 marker what was the answer? I said mitochondria release energy by aerobic respiration for active transport, figured that was 2 marks so defines AT for the other 3 💀
submitted by Weary_Professional61 to GCSE [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 01:54 Quick_Zoo Mako VS Marlin

Both Marlins and Mako sharks are some of the fastest if not THE fastest predators in the ocean these underwater speed demons make the ocean look like a children's playground. As apex predators, they are always contesting for food. But Who would reign supreme in mortal kombat? Will the Marlin's lethal bill outmaneuver the Mako's relentless jaws? Or will the Mako's ferocious bite prove too much for the Marlin to handle? Lets dive in and find out!
The ‘Mako Shark Genus’ is spilt into two species, ‘Isurus Oxyrinchus’ and ‘Isurus paucus.’ or the Short finned and Long finned mako sharks.’ Both are known for their extremely aggressive nature and demon-like speed despite being slightly smaller than average compared to most other large predatory sharks, (SHOW IMAGE). Mako sharks are without a doubt apex predators. They have been recorded hunting Sea Lions, Tuna, Dolphins, Turtles and even Billfish. However, they have no natural predators but this does not mean they don't have competition. Other large sharks such as Tiger Sharks, Great Whites and other ocean predators including Marlin, Bluefin Tuna and Orcas all hunt similar prey and often fight with Mako sharks when they meet. One thing that makes mako sharks extremely unique amongst sharks is the fact that While most sharks are cold-blooded, Mako Sharks are warm blooded, this allows them to generate and maintain a higher body temperature to reach insane speeds.
Marlins are a type of Billfish and are also endothermic, having warm blood, to heat up muscles making them significantly faster and more energetic predators. Marlins belong to the ‘Istiophoriform Family’ or Marlins. are split into 5 unique species, the largest and most powerful being the ‘Blue Marlin’ and the black marlin which we will focus on for this video. Both the Blue and black marlin are exceptionally fast and the black marlin, is the fastest fish being even faster then sailfish which were once thought to be the fastest fish The Sailfish reached recorded speeds of 110km/hr. But the black marlin is now known to be able to reach 130km/h which smashes this record both of these marlins are is highly migratory. Following warm ocean currents for 1000’s of kilometers. They typically feed on Tuna, Mackerel, Dolphinfish and even dive deep to hunt squid. weirdly There have also been recorded cases of Blue Marlins and Mako sharks working together to hunt small whale sharks. Like the mako, marlins are also considered as Apex predators, few creatures can match a fully-grown marlin's strength, speed, aggressiveness, and their lethal bill serves as a dangerous weapon.
One known fact is that, Gravity does not have the same effect on land as in water, allowing marine creatures to grow to absurd sizes without consequences. The largest Mako Shark recorded was off the coast of California in 2013. Reaching 4.45m or 14.6ft in length, weighing 600 kg or 1300 lbs. However the largest recorded Marlin was a black marlin that reached a length of 4.4m or 14.5ft long and weighed 707 kg or 1560 lbs. Also these underwater missiles are hefty with a girth of 2m or 6.7ft.
Off the coast of New Zealand in 2020, a Shortfinned Mako’s bite force was recorded at 13,000 Newtons or 3,000 Pounds-of-force. The bite force of marlins is controversial and somewhat subjective as their, Biteforce has never been directly recorded. However a study from the University of South Florida suggests they can generate 306 Pounds-of-force. Now this is somewhat weak. But since Billfish only have very small teeth and swallow prey whole, they have no need for strong jaws.
Both of the torpedoes have fast-twitch fiber muscles and a streamlined body that allows them to power through water. Additionally they both have specialized blood vessels that allow them to keep their body temperatures higher than surrounding water giving them both insane amounts of stamina. The mako has been recorded jumping 20 feet above the surface and going from a dead still to 100 feet in less than two seconds. For reference, the Human world record is 3.81seconds. Meaning the mako can easily reach speeds of 100 km/hr or 60mph. Yet this is still no match for the Billfish family. The BBC has reported Marlin reaching speeds of 130 km/hr or 80mph. In other words this is 36m per second or 120 feet. Many of you don’t realize how impressive both of these speeds are as water is at least 830 times more dense than air. when it comes to agility, the Marlin also beats the Mako. Due to its more streamlined body and larger fins which can extend for turning and braking and subdue for speed.
Having the one of the highest brain to body ratios among all shark species, makos are highly intelligent, being observed using their own body to ram prey before eating it. On the other side, Marlins are not incredibly smart. Having an extremely high prey drive, they would much rather chase a fish down then feed on an already dead one, the hunting strategies of these two animals are also much different. The Mako uses its 5 senses, sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch, plus two special senses which are electroreceptors and lateral lines. These two allow the Mako to detect electric fields in their environment, similar to a 3D sonar. As well as sense vibrations and movement all around them. Abusing this Makos exploit their speed and charge any prey with intentions of a devastating bite . Where as, Marlins do not have electroreceptors, giving them a huge disadvantage. Using a similar tactic to Makos, they also exploit their speed and use their Bill to rather slashing or stabbing prey.
Shark skin is an underwater masterpiece. Being incredibly rough, tough, and streamline, (SHOW IMAGE). Armored with tiny, overlapping scales called dermal denticles. These denticles are exceptionally hard and provide protection against abrasions and potential injuries. Whereas, the marlin's skin is coated in small, thin, overlapping scales, the Mako sharks number one weapon, their jaws have sharply pointed and curved teeth, perfect for catching and holding onto fast-moving fish and other prey. A completely different style of weaponry is the marlins spear like bill. Reaching just over a meter or 3.5 feet. Marlins can use this to stab or slash at prey, stunning and impaling them.
A weakness for both creatures is their inability to stay still or swim backwards. As they need constant flow of oxygen over their gills for respiration. If the marlin was to get suck and impale an animal, it must thrash vigorously side to side to escape, dealing immense damage, yet ultimately vulnerable from everything else. Another weakness is its soft skin, which makes the marlin one shot or nothing.
Don’t forget, you might be listening and not subscribed. The next few weeks we have a lot of major and interesting topics planned. And you don’t want to miss those, along with everything else. So the only way to ensure you don’t is by clicking the subscribe button, it's free, it supports the channel and it makes me happy. So please go and do it, Thank you.
So who will win Between a Mako shark and a Marlin? Well not gonna lie, it's a tough call. However, the two factors which give us a clear winner relate to their intelligence and weaknesses. Here at QuickZoo, we truly believe that 9 times out of 10, the Mako Shark would easily subdue a Marlin. This is because of its clear advantage of jaws, its electroreceptors which give it greater perception ability and its incredibly tough skin. The Marlin does have the speed and agility advantage, however people underestimate the strength and durability of shark skin.
if you agree, like the video? And if you don’t dislike it? Actually don't do that, anyways Let me know what you think in the comments!
submitted by Quick_Zoo to QuickZoo [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 20:06 Bolt245 Predicted stuff for the AQA Triple Biology paper

Heres what my teacher and various predicted papers have told me will come up so revise these while you can
-Enzymes, where they are, what they do -Food tests, any of them are likely to come up -Remember bile exists -Enzyme required practical, most likely how to carry it out -Osmosis required practical, most likely questions about results like percentage change, why it went up or down etc -Culturing micro-organisms, antibiotics, that sort of stuff -Aerobic and Anaerobic respiration, oxygen debt and the heartrate -The heart, sections, valves (mechanical and biological), coronary heart disease -Probably some questions about one of the diseases, how its treated, vaccines, drug development -Xylem/Phloem -Monoclonal antibodies, how they’re made, what they do -Photosynthesis, make sure you remember the word and symbol equation -Photosynthesis required practical, remember inverse square law, how light intensity, temperature, CO2 concentration, disease affects growth, that sort of stuff
I think thats everything I’ve been told, now don’t take my word as gospel but this is what various sources have told me
I hope this has helped and good luck to all of you!! 👍
submitted by Bolt245 to GCSE [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 19:56 Izal20077 Don’t be caught of guard by this guys!

Don’t be caught of guard by this guys! submitted by Izal20077 to GCSE [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 07:05 thanadexh Aerobic prokaryote?

I learned that mitochondria originated from aerobic prokaryote, this organelle makes organism an aerobic organism
But how aerobic prokaryote works? How they can respire via O2 eventhough they didn't have the organelle for kreb cycles or electron transport chain yet?
Thank you in advance
submitted by thanadexh to biology [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 16:31 monday-afternoon-fun Giving humans the ability to (temporarily) survive without oxygen through symbiosis with GMO anaerobes

I've had this idea recently, while thinking about ways to make humans easier to keep alive with minimal life support so that us fleshlings aren't so completely outclassed by machines.
I started thinking about how there are creatures that, in the absence of gaseous oxygen, can choose a different chemical to act as an electron acceptor. Preferably one that contains oxygen, so that the pathways for its respiration isn't too different from regular aerobic respiration.
Usually, these creatures use oxygen-containing salts, like nitrates or perchlorates, as electron acceptors. That's actually a pretty good choice of chemicals, seeing as they're very stable, highly water-soluble, easy to store, and not too toxic, yet they're also powerful oxidizers at the same time. We use them all the time in solid rocket boosters and chemical oxygen generators.
I've been thinking how one would go about setting up a partnership between salt-breathing microbes and the human body, so that they provide us with energy the same way our mitochondria already do. And if that fails, we could simply get them to break down these salts into oxygen our mitochondria could use
Obviously we would first need to find a way to store lots of salt in our bodies. Ammonium nitrate and sodium perchlorate have an acute lethal dose of just over 2000mg/kg, which is not too different from table salt. That means we should only have a couple dozen grams dissolved in the blood and in your cells.
You consume 0.8kg of O2 per day, and ammonium nitrate and sodium perchlorate are worth roughly 20% and 50% of their weight in O2 gas respectively, so you'd need at least couple killograms to keep you alive for a day or two. This salt would have to be stored in an isolated location, where it can't interfere with normal human metabolism.
Could the bacteria we're using as symbiotes do this storage job for us, or would we need to somehow engineer and implant some kind of artificial organ to do that job?
And then there's the matter of waste. Ammonium nitrate and sodium perchlorate can be broken down to form 2*H2O + 2*N2 + O2 and NaCl + 2*O2 respectively.
NaCl is a salt, so you can just shove it back on the same storage you were keeping the oxidizers - or something similar, at least. N2 makes me concerned, though. It's a gas, not very soluble in water, can't be transported by the blood, can't be stored easily, and if allowed to build up, it can lead to gas bubbles forming, which can prove lethal.
How could you transport N2 from tissues and into the lungs, where it can be expelled into the environment?
submitted by monday-afternoon-fun to IsaacArthur [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 21:28 ActualYear2269 Here is my level two! Could this be CV?

Here is my level two! Could this be CV? submitted by ActualYear2269 to CytolyticVaginosis [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 17:42 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Business] - Philips pays $1.1bn to settle respirator case BBC

[Business] - Philips pays $1.1bn to settle respirator case BBC submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 16:23 Careful_Orange_3063 BIOLOGY PAPER-4

Can someone help me with questions where you have to describe the graph? like for example this question- how would you know what points to write. pls give tips
submitted by Careful_Orange_3063 to igcse [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 15:37 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Business] - Philips pays $1.1bn to settle respirator case BBC

[Business] - Philips pays $1.1bn to settle respirator case BBC submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 01:48 monday-afternoon-fun How do you store a lot - and I mean A LOT - of oxygen within the body of an animal?

I'm working on a project which involves an engineered creature that is designed to maintain activity for long periods of time without breathing. Longer than even diving animals like whales and penguins do. Think 6 hours to a day as opposed to 30 minutes to an hour that these divers can pull off.
One problem which I've run into is that, when you're holding your breath for this long, simply adding more heme group proteins to the blood and muscles won't work. They're great as a short-term storage of oxygen, don't get me wrong, but they only hold about a 1000th of their mass in O2 molecules. We need something better for a long-term solution.
So far, I've managed to come up with 3 potential candidates:
Of these three options, which seems more promising and/or more plausible for an engineered organism? Or better yet, is there an option I haven't considered here that could prove even more effective?
submitted by monday-afternoon-fun to SpeculativeEvolution [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 22:28 Standard_of_Care Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic exercise is physical exercise of low to high intensity that depends primarily on the aerobic energy-generating process.
Aerobic and refers to the use of oxygen to meet energy demands during exercise via aerobic metabolism.
Aerobic exercise is performed by repeating sequences of light-to-moderate intensity activities for extended periods of time.
Examples of cardiovascular or aerobic exercise are medium- to long-distance running or jogging, swimming, cycling, stair climbing and walking.
To reduce the risk of health issues, 2.5 hours of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week is recommended.
Doing an hour and a quarter a week (11 minutes/day) of exercise can reduce the risk of early death, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and cancer.
Solely aerobic exercise is low-intensity enough that all carbohydrates are aerobically turned into energy via mitochondrial ATP production.
Mitochondria are organelles that rely on oxygen for the metabolism of carbs, proteins, and fats.
Aerobic exercise causes a remodeling of mitochondrial cells within the tissues of the liver and heart.
Aerobic exercise comprises innumerable forms, performed at a moderate level of intensity over a relatively long period of time.
Running a long distance at a moderate pace is an aerobic exercise, but sprinting is not.
Activities with brief bursts of energetic movement within longer periods of casual movement may not be aerobic.
Aerobic dance classes, are designed specifically to improve aerobic capacity and fitness.
It is most common for aerobic exercises to involve the leg muscles, primarily or exclusively: exceptions-rowing .
Moderate activities
Hiking on flat ground
Bicycling at less than 10 miles per hour (16 km/h)
Moderate walking (about 3.5 miles per hour (5.6 km/h))
Downhill skiing
Light yard work
Vigorous activities
Brisk walking (about 4.5 miles per hour (7.2 km/h))
Bicycling at more than 10 miles per hour (16 km/h)
Hiking uphill
Cross-country skiing
Stair climbing
Jumping rope
Tennis (singles)
Heavy yard work
Aerobic exercise and fitness can be contrasted with anaerobic exercise, of which strength training and short-distance running are the most prominent examples.
The two types of exercise differ by the duration and intensity of muscular contractions involved, as well as by how energy is generated within the muscle.
Both aerobic and anaerobic exercise promote the secretion of myokines, with attendant benefits including growth of new tissue, tissue repair, and various anti-inflammatory functions, which in turn reduce the risk of developing various inflammatory diseases.
Myokine secretion in turn is dependent on the amount of muscle contracted, and the duration and intensity of contraction.
As such, both types of exercise produce endocrine benefits.
Anaerobic exercise is almost always accompanied by aerobic exercises because the less efficient anaerobic metabolism must supplement the aerobic system due to energy demands that exceed the aerobic system’s capacity.
During anaerobic exercise, the body must generate energy through other processes than aerobic metabolism.
These processes include glycolysis paired with lactic acid fermentation, and the phosphocreatine system to generate energy in the form of ATP.
Allowing 24 hours of recovery between aerobic and strength exercise leads to greater fitness.
The body preferentially utilizes certain fuel forms depending on the intensity of exercise to meet energy demands.
The two main fuel sources for aerobic exercise: fat in the form of adipose tissue and glycogen.
At lower intensity aerobic exercise, the body preferentially uses fat as its main fuel source for cellular respiration.
As exercise intensity increases the body preferentially uses glycogen stored in the muscles and liver or other carbohydrates, as it is a quicker source of energy.
Aerobic exercise at low or moderate intensity, and is not a very efficient way to lose fat in comparison to high intensity aerobic exercise.
Lipolysis, or the hydrolysis of triglyceride into fatty acids, not fat burning by the conversion of fatty acid to carbon dioxide explains the intensity-dependent fat mass reduction.
The size of adipose tissue is determined by the magnitude of nutrient competition from muscle and lungs for cell regeneration and energy replenishment after exercise.
The health benefits of regular aerobic exercise are:
Aerobic exercise increases the production of neurotrophic factors that promote growth or survival of neurons, such as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF).
Long-term effects of aerobic exercise may include increased neuron growth, increased neurological activity and signaling of Fos and BDNF, improved stress coping, enhanced cognitive control of behavior, improved declarative, spatial, and working memory, and structural and functional improvements in brain structures and pathways associated with cognitive control and memory.
Aerobic exercise increases the production of neurotrophic factors-BDNF, IGF-1, VEGF, which mediate improvements in cognitive functions and various forms of memory by promoting blood vessel formation in the brain, adult neurogenesis, and other forms of neuroplasticity.
Engaging in moderate-high intensity aerobic exercise such as running, swimming, and cycling increases BDNF biosynthesis through myokine signaling, resulting in up to a threefold increase in blood plasma and BDNF levels; exercise intensity is positively correlated with the magnitude of increased BDNF biosynthesis and expression.
Consistent aerobic exercise over a period of several months induces marked clinically significant improvements in executive function, the cognitive control of behavior, and increases gray matter volume in multiple brain regions, particularly those that give rise to cognitive control.
Consistent aerobic exercise over a period of several months induces improvements in executive functions and increased gray matter volume in nearly all regions of the brain,, with the most marked increases occurring in brain regions that give rise to executive functions.
Aerobic exercise affects both self-esteem and overall well-being including sleep patterns, with consistent, long term participation.
Regular aerobic exercise may improve symptoms associated with central nervous system disorders and may be used as adjunct therapy.
Evidence exists that exercise treatment efficacy for major depressive disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
The brain structures that show the greatest improvements in gray matter volume in response to aerobic exercise are the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus; moderate improvements are seen in the anterior cingulate cortex, parietal cortex, cerebellum, caudate nucleus, and nucleus accumbens.
Aerobic exercise may improve mood, and slightly reduced depression
Aerobic exercise has both short and long term effects on mood and emotional states by promoting positive affect, inhibiting negative affect, and decreasing the biological response to acute psychological stress.
Aerobic exercise strengthens and enlarges the heart muscle, to improve its pumping efficiency and reduce the resting heart rate (aerobic conditioning).
May improve circulation efficiency and reduce blood pressure.
May help maintain independence in later life.
Increases the total number of red blood cells in the body, facilitating transport of oxygen.
Improves mental health, including reducing stress and lowering the incidence of depression, as well as increased cognitive capacity.
Reduces the risk for diabetes, and aerobic exercise does help lower Hb A1Clevels for type 2 diabetics.
Moderates the risk of death due to cardiovascular problems.
Promotes weight loss.
Reduces the risk of osteoporosis.
May improve episodic memory.
Risks and disadvantages of aerobic exercise:
Overuse injuries of the musculoskeletal system because of repetitive exercise, with young athletes particularly at risk.
Overtraining syndrome may lead to persistent dysfunction of a number of body systems.
High volumes of training with insufficient calorie intake puts athletes—particularly female ones—at risk for relatively deficient energy.
High-intensity interval training has been shown to provide similar benefits in a fraction of the time spent exercising per week.
Most authorities suggest at least twenty minutes of aerobic exercise be performed at least three times per week.
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2024.04.23 13:48 Still-Seaweed-6707 Mitochondrial tests results back - can anyone help me interpret whilst I wait for Dr appt?

Mitochondrial tests results back - can anyone help me interpret whilst I wait for Dr appt?
I’ve been long hauling with CFS symptoms - Cushing fatigue and TERRIBLE PEM for 2. 5 years now. Housebound… Just got these Armin lab results (inspired by another post on here), would love any interpretation ahead of my dr’s call. Thank you
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