Pithur tharpan days for year 2011

Barbie Blank AKA Kelly Kelly

2013.07.09 14:57 Barbie Blank AKA Kelly Kelly

This Subreddit is devoted to Barbie Blank (AKA Kelly Kelly).

2009.10.12 18:48 krisdafish Pumpkin carving contest 2012

The place for reddit pumpkin carving

2017.02.14 09:09 nunsinnikes In 2016, God Played His Trump Card

This sub-reddit is dedicated to discussing and exploring the evidence of President Donald J. Trump being anointed by God to overthrow a Biblical Evil that has consumed the United States. Skepticism is welcome, but cynicism is not.

2024.05.18 23:09 under_saarthal "Was he SPANISH!?!?"

Reading all of these stories made me want to share this tale from 6-7 years ago about a particularly difficult baby boomer that was newly hired at my old job.
It was a call center position, but the company was business-to-business in a respectable industry so there was a slightly higher standard of professionalism/decorum expected. It paid well for what it was, and since it was B2B, the customers calling in were people who themselves were working professionals at their job so very rarely would you be subjected to the abuse that typical call center works face from the general public. It was a relaxing environment and there was a lot of opportunity to grow. There would be a few different computer systems to learn, but our training process was very patient. We didn't require that much experience and we believed that anyone could be taught. In fact, for a lot of people in our department it was their very first job in an office. We would train the new-hires for as long as it would take to get them up and running on their own, usually a full month or two. Looking back I can honestly say it was a a good place to work and a good opportunity. I owe a lot to my time there.
So anyway they hired "Beth", a woman in her mid-60s who claimed to have office experience, and was apparently very charming in her interview. I was there for a few years, was well-liked, regarded as good worker and had a few micro-promotions so I was selected to train her until she was ready to work on her own.
From the first day of training there were problems. Mainly that she had a very short fuse; she would be very pleasant and flowery on the surface, but was extremely quick to a cartoonish level anger if she felt even the smallest amount of frustration. She had also apparently oversold her technical proficiency in the interview process, and we quickly learned that she was pretty much computer-illiterate. You can imagine that this is an explosive combination.
The first sign of trouble was within the first ten minutes of me sitting with her when she started angrily grunting because she couldn't open a computer program because she was Right-Clicking the icon. I had to explain that you have to Left-Click it, and then when she left-clicked only once, highlighting the icon but not opening the program, I clarified that you had to double-left-click it, she abruptly shouted at me (on the floor) "Then why don't you just SAY that?!?!?". Oh fuck.
Similar things started to happen more and more and it was clear that this was going to be an exercise in patience. While some of our computer systems admittedly took some getting used to, she would get flustered while using them and start ranting about how complicated it was. The irritating part about this was she was directing these rants at me as if I personally programmed the computer systems. She would use that overly the personal language that boomers use when complaining about something to service workers (like "Why did you charge me X....", "You sent me a defective product!" etc)... but she was a new hire and i was her trainer. Weirdly, she would apologize for being frustrated, but would just end up snapping again.
A few weeks in, she started clashing with some of the other workers and started to interject politics into unrelated topics (Need I specify her leanings?). It got back to me that she was bad mouthing me to my co-workers/friends in the breakroom, saying that I don't know what I'm doing. She told one of my co-workers that I said something dopey (she mischaracterized what I said) and so "she slapped me on the back of my head", which did not happen. I didn't bring this up to her because the coworker she told this to asked me not to say anything. My supervisors were aware of all of this, and I was gearing up to tell my manager that I don't want to train her anymore; but on the other hand it was very clear that she was not going to last through the probationary period. I stopped trying to be friendly with her and went through the motions of training her because I wanted to look good to the bosses and knew it wouldnt be for much longer anyway.
It turns out that I was correct. One day during lunch, Beth was sitting in the breakroom on lunch and one of our co-workers was talking about a local incident where a man randomly assaulted a woman in public. It turns out the co-worker telling this story was in some way personally connected to the victim. The other employees offer condolences, comment on how horrible that is, ask how the victim is doing, etc. What Beth decides to blurt out is "Was he SPANISH!?!?"
...my co-worker telling the story was hispanic as were a few of the other workers in the room. I wasn't there for this incident but I wish I was, because apparently she was told-off in spectacular form.
As you can imagine she was let go very shortly after this for many reasons. Just every now and then I think about Beth and all the Beths of the world. The level of delusion and self-importance.
submitted by under_saarthal to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:09 steiny17 There goes my progress

I have recently (within the past few weeks) started Paxil. For the first few weeks I was actually able to enjoy something like a tv show or sporting event. Albeit it wasn’t a complete fix but it felt like a step in the right direction. Recently my girlfriend of one year and I broke up. The long and the short of it was that we wanted different things and instead of dragging it out, we decided it be better to end it now. This sucks…. I really have been feeling awful the past two days. All of my progress feels like it’s been thrown out the window. I haven’t left my bed. And my mom is worried I can’t be left alone (I don’t feel suicidal). I honestly just want to be left alone. I think I’m allowed to wallow in sadness for a little bit. But I’m just wondering if there is anyone out there who has experienced a similar thing. You’re regular run of the mill depression on top of break up depression.
submitted by steiny17 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:08 sky-builder Using OpenAi api to make $10k/month revenue building Ai apps

Hello, Idris here from indieniche. This week I want to share a summarised version of my interview with Daniel Nguyen, A Product Engineer generating $10k/month building AI apps
You can find the full case study here

Q: Hello! Who are you and what product are you working on currently?

I'm Daniel Nguyen. I'm an entrepreneur based in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. I've been building multiple products: KTool, BoltAI, PDF Pals

Q: What is your backstory and how did you come up with your idea? Do you have any partners?

I've been a product engineer for more than 12 years. Then one day, I discovered Indie Hacking and found it fascinating. I quit my cushy job to start building in public.
I decided to learn more about generative AI & OpenAI API and hopefully find a good freelance gig. I did land a couple of interesting gigs, but what is more interesting is I found a new product idea: BoltAI - a better way to use OpenAI & other AI services on macOS. I started it purely to learn more about SwiftUI development & OpenAI app development (the so-called "AI wrapper"). It's now my top revenue-generating product.
While building BoltAI, one customer asked about the ability to chat with PDF natively on Mac (another "AI wrapper" idea). I found it interesting and so I decided to build it. PDF Pals recently reached 700 paid customers (about 23% of my total revenue in 2023) And finally, I built ShotSolve as a lead magnet for BoltAI (engineering as marketing, or side project marketing). It was welcomed by many Mac users and so far, has brought 1500 visitors to BoltAI.

Q: Take us through the process of building the first version of your product MVP.

When I started, I didn’t expect BoltAI to be commercially viable. It comes from my pet peeve of switching back and forth between ChatGPT web UI and native Mac apps like Xcode or Apple Notes. Unlike VSCode, there is no Copilot for XCode and I have the habit of writing blog posts in Apple Notes so I figured I need a tool to invoke ChatGPT right within these apps. So I decided to build the MVP in a weekend. The app was ugly but I managed to ship it anyway.

Q: How did you get your first customers for your product (Free or paid users)

I tweeted about it, and posted it to multiple communities asking for feedback: IndieHacker, Reddit, WIP… It went semi-viral and early adopters started to use the app. I got valuable feedback and improved the product accordingly. Some of them converted to paid customers.

Q: Since you launched your product, What has worked to attract customers

Doubling down on what works mostly. That's social media (X/Reddit), email newsletters, and paid ads.

Q: How is your product performing currently, and what are your plans for the future? Can you share your current metrics and revenue figures?

BoltAI is doing great. I plan to support business customers better, and will kind of "pivot" into B2B. Currently, most customers of BoltAI are prosumers: freelancers, developers, or content writers. I believe it would be much better if I could sell directly to businesses.
Read the full case study here
We put several hours into this research and it covers mostly all aspects:
This story inspired me a lot, I love growth and building profitable businesses, so I hope you will feel the same energy from it! If you find this a lot useful , Let’s connect togetherto read more when I interview founders like this
submitted by sky-builder to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:07 biltongboy How i uncovered a hidden talent with ethical hacking

Hey everyone! I wanted to share a little story about how I stumbled upon a hidden talent of mine through ethical hacking. A few years back, I was just an average Joe working a 9-5 job, feeling pretty uninspired. One day, I decided to dive into the world of ethical hacking, purely out of curiosity. I started with some basic tutorials and gradually moved on to more advanced stuff. It was like opening a door to a whole new world. I was hooked! 🕵️‍♂️💻
I remember this one time when I was helping a friend who had been getting some suspicious emails. It was a perfect opportunity to put my new skills to the test. I traced the emails back to a sketchy source and even helped her secure her accounts. It felt amazing to use my skills for good and to actually make a difference. That experience really solidified my passion for ethical hacking.
Fast forward to today, and I’ve managed to turn this passion into a side gig. I’ve helped small businesses secure their networks and even conducted a few penetration tests for local companies. It's been a wild ride, and I’ve learned so much along the way. One of the tools that really helped me gather information efficiently was this open-source research platform I came across, which allows you to search for publicly available info on individuals. It’s super handy for gathering strategic data without breaking any laws.
If you’re just starting out or looking to sharpen your skills, I highly recommend diving into the resources available in this subreddit. There’s a wealth of knowledge here, and the community is super supportive. Keep it legal and ethical, and you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve!
Oh, and by the way, based on my journey, I actually ended up creating a project called [Effect Group](https://effectgroup.io). It’s an open-source research platform that helps users like journalists, lawyers, and private investigators gather publicly available information efficiently. Feel free to check it out if you’re interested. Happy hacking! 🚀
submitted by biltongboy to Hacking_Tutorials [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:07 Yovanns Aita for telling my ex that he looks pathetic and dramatic and just needs to get over the fact that I started to date my cheating partner?

I (19F)met my ex ( 19M) 2 years ago and had a rocky relationship with him.I had been dealing with a very hard time in my life and he was everything I have wanted in life at that point.I was 17 who never had a proper relationship at that point,so I was intrigued. When happy phase ended after 5 months,I started to saw the red flags.He was childhish.He would just coldly broke up with me,saying that he didn’t love me anymore and next day,he would come back crawling,saying sorry,crying.At that point,I did not know any better,so I tolareted this behaviour. We dated for a year after this After the uni acceptance exam I was screwed up.İt meant I had to take again next year. He basically told me that he was going to university and didnt want to deal with a high school graduate while he was off to another city,saying he wanted to live a “uni life” and dumped me in cold blood again.I found out he met someone that day and gave his Instagram and that was why he dumped me.He even described this girl as “drop dead gorg,made me forget my gf lmao”in his groupchat I was heartbroken.Crushed all over and did not want to leave my room for a whole week and crying all day. This is when my best friend(19M)comes to story.Let’s call him Edgar. He was there for me. Edgar and I have dated back in middle school when both 14.We were kind of that silly childhood sweethearts who randomly name their imaginary child.We broke up but wanted to stay in touch,so we decided on staying friends.We quickly got comfortable and even called each other “best friend”.We never lost touch and were always close.My boyfriend knew aboout us and claimed he had no issues,said he respected our friendship and even met him on my birthday. Edgar was there for me when my boyfriend dumped me and basically dragged me outside when I did not want to leave my room.We spent time together which helped me heal a lot but I can’t deny that he was getting more touchy than ever (without being sexual and unappropriate) and always said phrases like “if we were 14 right now”or “if we were back to middle school,what would you do?” That being there,my ex reached out to me and quickly started trying to reconcile.He was trying nonstop and bombarding with me with all the apologies.I am an idiot for this but I once again took him back. But it only got worse from there. He was getting better and I was starting to notice that he was more serious about our relationship,was more warm and but I had trust issues now. We had a fight when his family didn’t want to meet me.Appearantly,his mother hadnt even met his sister’s boyfriend (40F)because she did not think marriage.I found this off since we were fresh 18 back then and barely adults and had a huge fight about it.So,I invited Edgar to my place to talk and rant to him. Drinks were involved and we ended up sleeping together that night which was my first time.I would never try to justify my cheating but I felt like he brought me back to life that night and felt an immense connection to him.Maybe,it had been there all the time? I couldn’t keep it and came clean about everything to my boyfriend.He was furious but decided to forgive me. Me and Edgar never talked about that night and had a fight over some trivial matter and hadnt speak for 9 months.Meanwhile I continued to date my boyfriend but I just felt so empty and really missed Edgar.My boyfriend always knew. 9 months later;everything started to clear up.We broke up with my ex after dating almost 2 years and we even made up with Edgar Well,we are trying to make it work.We have our problems after 5 years of being friends and suddenly getting into a relationship but it is great.I love him and he has became my everything. We had date and I decided to post it.My ex’s bff saw and ss’ed it to him. He was angry and started to roast me on his WP status,calling me names,posting edgy/angry musics and making his friends comment mean things to my post. I reached out to him and told him to get over it and he got even more angry,told me I am a cheating bed toy who deserves all the bad things in life. I just dont understand this reaction when he LİTERALLY did cheat on me too and forgave me after mine too?And even knew he knew I had never gotten over that night with Edgar Comments are getting mean but he refuses to get over it. Aita?
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submitted by Yovanns to AmIActuallyTheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:07 _Paisl3y101_ AITA for punching my ex friend in the face two months after a incident?

First off, lets note that this year has been extremly challenging and traumatic for me. It is some heavy topics that I would rather not talk about.
This go back to when I met the ex friend, we’ll call them A. They were a friend at first, I meet them last year during the end of school. I began defending A because people made fun of them for being transgender. I am very against any hate towards anyone, and will defend people with my life, even if it costs me some. Days went by and I began feeling uncomfortable due to the drama they were purposely putting me through. I also dislike drama unless its again defending someone.
Fast forward to february of this year, I was in a studyhall/win with A. There was a guy at a another table during this, we’ll call him L. A and I were working in the studyhall, note that I was dating someone else at the time. L handed A a note. It was for me, I don’t remember exactly what it wrote but it was something along the lines of ‘you’re cute’ or ‘hey baby’. I told him I was taken back on the note. A handed it back, and L wrote back again. Again, don’t remember the exact words but it went along the lines of ‘He doesn’t have to know’ or ‘You’re still cute’ again Im not sure as this whole situation was traumatic for me. Then I wrote back again I wasn’t intrested, and I thougut that was the end of it.
As the bell rings, A heard him say something extremely inappropriate and I thought I did too. We reported the incident and L got in trouble. Again, thought that would be the end of this.
The next day A gets a note that would be an extremely important part to this whole situation. Apparently L had given A a note that he had written, saying ‘Lets f in the bathroom’ then his number on it. Scared, I ran to the office to report it. I don’t remember exactly how much time passed, but as it did the most shocking thing had happened.
A had written a fake note, saying it was L. A had lied to me, betrayed me. Then A, TRIED BLAMING ME. Saying I told them too when they had no proof I did!! Thankfully, that staff there are amazing and know me well, so they know I didnt do it. And that was the end of that. We haven’t spoke since.. until a few days ago.
On may 16th, I was having a shit day. First my brother was being a butt, then all my stuff fell out of my bag, I had nausea and cramps and realized I had forgotten my pads that morning, all under thirty minutes. Then I had almost passed out, nausea got worse and other problems. Then studyhall/win came. I had win with both L and A. That whole time, my mind was saying punch A. I tried to hold myself during it but my intrusive thoughts won, and I stood up. Went up to A,
And punched him in cheek.
I had cried because I had never really did anything like that and was scared of being in trouble.
I dont regret what I did, my parents were surprisingly not angry. Nor was any of the staff. Even the detention teacher was proud of me, saying that she would but me icecream. Apparently, that was the second time he had gotten punched that week. If that doesn’t say much about A I don’t know what will.
Along with that, a different friend told me that apparently they said that they didn’t deserve being punched and that my friend wanted to punch them too, again if that doesn’t say much I don’t know what will.
There probably won’t be updating this story unless something drastic changes.
In the end, AITA for punching my ex friend?
submitted by _Paisl3y101_ to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:07 sunflowerorbital Rant with no point or cohesion

I feel like I truly and deeply do not know myself or what I want in life. I have a lot of young siblings that I’ve been pushed into taking care of for as long as I can remember. Like even caring for them over night when they were crying or needed to eat as baby’s. Because of this I slept through most of my middle school and high school lectures barely passing by. I didn’t really get to progress and grow personality wise as a kid/ teenager. Like yes I have hobbies but like what makes me ME. I find it hard to let people get to know me because I don’t k ow what’s there to get to know. I never got to figure out what I liked in school I didn’t go to college because after high school I was promoted to sibling nanny for like 2 entire yes 2 years. Now that I am out of that situation I just work. And then distract myself when I get home until the next day and the cycle repeats. I feel like I’m in a point of my life where I’d like to start dating but I’ve literally never had a girlfriend or boyfriend before. So I’m going off of no experience at an age where people have already been dating for years and already know what they want in a relationship and in their careers. I know I’m not asexual or aromatic because the desire for those things are there but when I like someone I have this deep feeling in my pit and become super weird and awkward around them and completely blow it. Like I feel like a middle schooler having their first crush and am to embarrassed to tell them. Or even worse if I did tell them and they like me back what do I do then. I don’t have a good example or experience of what a healthy relationship looks like. And I’m so god damn tired of being perceived as this quiet chill person when my mind is going 100 miles per hour 24/7. I just don’t have the ability to express myself so I stay quiet.
submitted by sunflowerorbital to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:07 SweetBabyBlues Screen time

I want to get better control over the amount of time my kids spend on screens this summer. I have 2 kids, a 10 year old and a 6 year old. I'm trying to limit screens to 2 hours per day across all devices. The kids just fight it so hard. They are convinced there is nothing else to do and don't understand why I limit screens when their friends parents don't limit theirs. Do I just stay the course and hope their attitude improves? We have a large swing set, trampoline, no shortage of Legos, art supplies, plenty of things for them to do outside of screens. Any advice on how to make this transition smoother? When they had unlimited time my 10 year old would often spend 6 to 8 hours on a weekend and my 6 year old maybe spends 3 to 4.
submitted by SweetBabyBlues to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:06 Leather_Arrival7598 I (F26) started to dislike my own boyfriend (M24). What would I do?

Me (F26) with my boyfriend (M24) almost have a constant short arguments about things everyday. Our relationship is literally just 2 months now. Here are the things he did that make me mad and started to dislike.
(Note: He is single for 6 years before he met me and he has a situationship last year and got cheated on sort of. His friend describe him as nonchalant and he admit tht he always will put himself first. Thats why he is not interested in having relationship as much before he met me. He said he like me so much that he determined that he want me as his gf)
  1. Never use condom. I BEG him to buy condom for months (even before relationship) and his reason is "IM LAZY" all the time. "im just lazy". He will hangout with friends and he said he dont hve time to buy. Everytime we had sex my genital area feel itchy and now i have yeast infection due to unprotected sex. (this really scares me)
  2. Constantly ask me to blow him. He said he also fantasize me blowing him while him driving. Honestly I hve no prob but bcs he constantly ask me to blow him, it turns me off.
  3. Whenever i said i felt hurt bout certain things he said or do, he will said he is hurting too bc i said it. Im not the only one. & sometimes he being so mean that i felt so hurt. When i ask why is he being so mean, he said thts a form of self-respect. He wanted to protect himself.
  4. Did not actually make it up to me after arguments. He just woke up the next day and act like nothing happen.
All arguments usually lasted not more than a day and he always say he want to work this out and that he really wanted me. I saw somewhere says that men always just lusted u and not really liking u. Im really scared if this statement is referring to my relationship right now. Btw, we re not staying together. His house is 20 mins away. What should i do?
submitted by Leather_Arrival7598 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:06 EntertainerPure4428 Latitude and longitude are not recognized (Mapbox + Power BI 3D Maps)

Latitude and longitude are not recognized (Mapbox + Power BI 3D Maps)
Absolute beginner, need it for my uni project. I am using this dataset as an example to specifically have latitude and longitude to display data on 3D Map as they say. https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/camnugent/california-housing-prices/data?select=housing.csv
However, they are displayed in "color" instead and also as a sum, not a globe. How could I make it work?
submitted by EntertainerPure4428 to PowerBI [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:06 SOAL_14 Any reviews of the Game day tour?

I'm going to my second home game this year. Last year I did a tour that showed the stadium, and field. They were supposed to do the locker room but they weren't available. All that for about $30 I'm seeing the Game day tour thay pretty nuch offers the same thing but for $300. Anyone have any reviews if its worth it or why it might be so much more?
submitted by SOAL_14 to steelers [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:06 SweetMoses99 Do i really need 3100 calories a day to maintain weight?

I am 196 cm tall and 102 kg. I walk total about 5000-7000 steps a day and do crosstrainer work for 40 minutes 3-5 times a week, including strength training 3 times a week.
I am 24 years old btw.
According to pretty much all online caluclators I've tried they say that i need 3100 calories to maintain weight. If this is correct i am thinking of eating around 2000-2300 calories a day and hopefully lose 3-4 kg a month.
submitted by SweetMoses99 to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:06 Affectionate_Bat5876 Am I a horrible person for just wishing my sister didn't exist?

My sister seems like the worst person in the world to me and I need some outside opinions on this. Right now, I'm a minor in middle school, I would not like to specify my age, and the sister mentioned in the title is 24. My oldest sister is currently 26. I'll call the sister I really hate Sarah (24), and the other one that I really love Katie (26). As more context, Katie works a great job in a big city, she's super independent, and she treats the family to lots of nice things. Sarah lives at home and freeloads off my parents. Sarah has diagnosed ADHD, depression, OCD, anxiety, and probably more that I don't know about. I understand that when she was little my parents had very different parenting styles and I know that lots of things traumatized her mostly parents and teachers. The thing is, ever since I was little, she's been the one traumatizing me. I remember very clearly there was this one time where she had locked me in her room again (she did this multiple times a week to me) so she could yell at me about things I didn't understand. I was probably between the ages of 3-5 at that time. I remember that one specific time I was crying really really hard and as a child if I cried too hard I would have this feeling like I would need to puke. This specific time I remember my mom was banging on my sisters door to tell her to let me out, and I remember thinking if I could just throw up on her bed them she could definitely let me out, so I forced myself to cry harder until I threw up, and she let me out. Even after that, she would still always shut me in a room with her, and since my parents told her that she wasn't allowed to lock the door with only me and her inside a room, she would just hold the door shut and I couldn't open it because she was 10+ years older than me. Even today I hate being in the same room as her alone even with the door open for that reason. From when I was in preschool to probably 2nd grade in elementary school, she would always argue super loudly with my parents, specifically my dad, and she would always scream at him to divorce my mom and I just remember it was really scary. In recent years, her depression has been bad, so I've been trying to help out. When she needs food to be cooked, I cook for her, and when she moved back to our house from her apartment, she didn't do any work and it was just me my parents and my oldest sister moving her stuff for her. This is important because of an argument we had today. My mom was helping me clean out my room because my cat had been sick so we decided to deep clean my room to have a better environment for her, and while my mom was wiping stuff down, I was fixing a waterbottle, which was a task I had put off for months. She walked to me, told me to help my mom, and then got mad at me when I told her I wanted to finish fixing my water bottle first. For context for the next part, she always yells at me about things I do wrong and how I'm so entitled all the time. I understand that the way I'm raised is very different than the way she was because my parents have changed a lot in 10 years. I hate it when she yells at me, I can't even defend myself or say anything back, and if I ever say something mean to her she can't take it because she's struggling with mental health and it impacts her so badly. I don't get it, she always tells me to tell her what she can fix, and when I do, I admit I say those things at not the best times like during argument and stuff, she gets so pressed about what I say. Apparently its ok for her to insult every family member, but they can't say anything back to her. (mostly me and my dad, she always yells at him about how my mom always does all the work around the house, which is mostly true, but I also see him putting in an effort to take on chores. He does work until 6-8pm every day, but my mom is almost the only one taking care of me. My sister acts so proud of herself when she drives me to class, which I'm grateful for, but then she insults my dad for not doing it. As a literal freeloader, I don't get why she thinks she gets to insult him so so much. I am a feminist, I get what she's saying, but my dad is far from the horrible man she probably sees him as.) I've been struggling with suicide ideation for around 4 years, I've always hated school because it kills my creativity and it makes my life feel like a never ending cycle, and I always use home as my safe space. Sarah ruins the safe space and makes me unable to enjoy my own home. She is a huge part of why I literally don't want to live. The argument today escalated because when she called me entitled and lazy for not helping my mom with cleaning my room, which I did previously, I had just stopped to fix my water bottle when she had started talking at me, and so I said she can't speak on that because when she was moving back to our house everyone in the family helped move furniture except for her. She got so angry, told me that I was throwing her depressive episode in her face, and told me I was demonizing her mental health. I understand that depression is hard to handle, I've had two friends go to both hospitals and recovery places for depression and attempts. I completely understand that depression stops you from doing things, but I don't think that those things should just be ignored either. It's ok for her to not be able to move her own things because of depression, but I don't think its ok for her to preach about it to me and call me a horrible person when I bring it up. I'm not blaming her for having depression, I'm just calling her out for being a hypocrite. Another problem I have with her is that she's always trying to parent me. When I was little, whenever she was crying and sobbing and screaming I always brought her water and tissue paper, but she did nothing for me. I remember Katie always taking care of me when my parents were to busy with Sarah. I love Katie so so much, she does so much for me, she inspires me so much, and whenever she raises her voice at me it's because I'm in danger and whenever she lectures me its because I actually did something wrong. I always listen to Katie because I always feel like she's qualified to tell me things, because she's a great person and I know she will never tell me to do something that she herself cannot do. I don't think Sarah is qualified to take care of me. I hate how she tries to act like a big sister to me when I'm literally ashamed to have the same last name as her. I don't know what to do, I can't get away from Sarah because she still lives in my parent's house, has no job, and has not shown any sign of a plan for her future. Please help, I just want to stop letting my life be this impacted by her.
submitted by Affectionate_Bat5876 to FamilyIssues [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:06 MasterpieceGuilty665 nMother ruined my vacation

i’m on a “girls trip” vacation to French Polynesia with my mother and my younger sister (we’re both in college but still live at home). anyway things weren’t going as planned after arriving (missed our ferry, broken suitcase that we had to drag all through the town, couldn’t find our airbnb/got lost, and then my mother (in her anger) drove the rental car over a massive rock and it got stuck lmfao so we were dealing with that for several hours. like i get it i know the situation sucks but the thing is she was throwing a tantrum over literally everything. it’s embarrassing really bc other ppl were there for some of the tantrums lol where she’s talking about how she’s had the worst day of her life and how the island doesn’t have its shit together, blaming locals for not being able to help even though they literally don’t understand english. last night i had enough; we went to the grocery store and she was just so negative and clearly angry the whole time and it really dropped my mood. she was getting upset with me for giving her the recommendations i was told by locals (ie to go to a specific grocery store) but it really upset her when i tried to tell her that. anyway, me and my sister were planning on drinking and having fun to enjoy our first night here but my mom killed my mood. i told my sister i wasn’t in the mood and my mom kept asking why so i finally caved and just told her honestly that was bc of her negativity and bitterness. well yeah she blew a gasket over that saying oh i’ll just go to bed and stay inside while u to go out and party bc i don’t wanna be negative! i ended up staying inside while my mom and sister hung out all night. now i’m receiving the silent treatment and don’t know what to do. i’m trying to grey rock but that’s only resulted in me being left behind at the house while they go out and explore the island.
i’m so sorry for this long rant. i just had to get it off my chest. i can’t stop crying and just want to go home. i feel so sad bc this whole trip was my idea from like a year and a half ago so now i feel like i’m wasting my time and money but i guess that’s life…
submitted by MasterpieceGuilty665 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:06 yego4 Grindr Hookups

Curious if anyone struggles finding hot sex on grindr nowadays. About a year ago was the first time I used the app and literally the first guy I talked to, we ended up meeting up that night. It was everything I imagined it would be. We stayed up for practically 2 days straight breeding each other relentlessly. It was filthy and raw and we couldn’t get enough of it.
Ever since that first hookup I haven’t been able to find a guy who wants that type of thing. Either they want a relationship or they bail out on me. I just want a guy who wants to breed and have hot man sex for hours on end. Is there anyone else who feels this way? I guess I’m the only one who wants a weekend of sloppy creampies and reckless raw love making. Feel free to DM me.
submitted by yego4 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:06 Womak2034 Honeymoon in Italy for our love of travel

Hello everyone, my fiancé and I are getting married in September and are planning on going to Italy for our honeymoon. We are planning everything ourselves and are very excited, but are looking for some ideas of an itinerary for our trip. We love traveling and have been to a few different countries since we started dating 5 years ago.
We will be flying in on a Wednesday and leaving the following Friday. We know we are going to fly into and out of Rome, and will be spending the first three days (Wed-Fri) in Rome. On the back end we will be coming back to Rome on the following Thursday and leaving that Friday.
We were thinking of heading to the Amalfi coast and spending 2 days near Vesuvius and Pompeii (Friday and Saturday, not sure where to stay around here), and going further down to Sorrento or Positano for the remainder of our trip (Sunday-Wednesday).
Does this make sense? Does anyone have any suggestions or recommendations on where to stay or what else to do? There is a cool trail called "Path of the Gods" that we wanted to hike when we are closer to Amalfi.
submitted by Womak2034 to wanderlust [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:06 Karflowe Someone is trying to ruin my marriage

Someone is trying to ruin my marriage
A couple days ago my husband got a text from a person claiming im cheating with them. My husband has been texting this person for 2 days now. He wont show me the messages or give me details. I think because he’s believing them.
The little tidbits my husband has let slip is the phone number (it’s a TextNow number-I tried calling it), that this person told him I said he’s a bad dad, and that this person has sent “evidence” or “proof.” I also know they called me by name.
I can’t even begin to imagine what this person has said. Me and my husband are both active duty military. The number has the area code of where we live, so this person is most likely local. We don’t have friends really outside our units so it’s someone one of us works with. I suspect someone I work with more than my husbands coworkers because I’ve had issues with some higher ups at work in the last year. I think it’s probably someone with kids because I don’t think someone without kids would think to make up the “bad dad” lie. The other alternative in my mind is that there’s some crazy woman who is secretly obsessed with my husband and trying to ruin our marriage. Whoever it is obviously has something wrong with them mentally.
Another reason I suspect someone I work with is because they would know all the times my husband is gone (he’s gone often) and in my mind that’s the only logical “evidence” they could have is mentioning times I would have been cheating. That and the fact that this is obviously an attack on me and not him. This is meant to hurt me. And I have people in my work center who don’t like me. Never thought any of them would do something this deranged though.
Im frustrated with my husband and freaking out because of the situation. Adultery is against the UCMJ and this accusation could ruin my career. If this person is ballsy enough to message my husband lies with a clear intent to break us up or cause issues between us. And is dedicated enough to use a fake number and continue on talking to him, they are absolutely capable of making a report to my commander. Even if it’s found not to be true it will still negatively effect my career. You can’t do damage control after an accusation like that.
Without knowing the context of the messages I’m speculating a lot. I know my husband stayed up all night messaging this person and he made a comment about how he was obviously drunk and then this morning he suddenly didn’t have a lot to say.
My husband is trying to find out who it is and says he’ll share the identity if he finds out, but that’s it. Im also trying to find out who it is but have been wildly unsuccessful because of the use of a texting app. I’ve thought about filing a police report for defamation and seeing if they’ll trace the number, but I don’t have any proof because my husband won’t share the messages.
To be clear I have never cheated on my husband, messaged another man, anything. We’ve been rocky for a good bit of our marriage which may explain why he’s not believing me, but I love the hell out of him and things were just starting to get better in the last couple months.
All that to ask, does anyone have any advice? Know of a way to trace this person? Anything?
Also is you know a better place to post this please tell me. Im struggling to figure out where to post
submitted by Karflowe to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:05 Imbuyingdrugs Who do I muster the self-confidence to apply for a job?

My speech is very disorderly and others usually have trouble understanding, I’ve had speech therapy for the past 12 years so I’ve come a long way since then at least. All the positions I want to apply for have a large percentage of tasks I know I’ll be terrible at. I’ve been very harshly judged in past environments or not being able to follow instructions, speak coherently or move things with grace.
The jobs available near me are working in a pub or grocery store. Im 20 and desperately want to feel like a contributing member of society But I can’t get over the issues I have, especially when I compare myself to others. I just feel so incapable and dumb In comparison. If I’m speaking to customers all day and stacking shelves I know there’ll be multiple problems.
How can I get over this? I’d be fine if others weren’t so judgemental, I have no problem with the jobs themselves But i know it’ll take 10x longer to learn what they teach.
submitted by Imbuyingdrugs to dyspraxia [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:05 dinojack1000 Fnaf theory about the Mimic and Glitchtrap

So we all thought that Glitchtrap was the digital consciousness of Afton, then the Mimic came along and threw everything off. Now we think that Glitchtrap is just the Mimic mimicking Afton’s behavior. However, I think that Glitchtrap could still be Afton’s consciousness hooked up to Help Wanted. Now I’m going to pull a Candy Cadet and tell you a story.
Vanessa was working for Fazbear Entertainment on their new VR game. She knew this really was just a big cover up, but she was powerless to do anything about it. She had an inexplicable interest in the history of Freddy’s. More specifically the mysterious killings and the unidentified murderer that ruined Fazbear’s brand. One day, when she was testing the game, she noticed something strange in the corner of her eye. A purple tape on the track in the introduction section. Once she collected it, she entered the main hub and saw it. The green figure of a humanoid rabbit costume was standing in the doorway. It didn’t look like Bonnie. She wanted to notify management, but once she listened to the tape, she wanted to take matters into her own hands. And besides, it’s not like management was going to do anything about it anyway. Vanessa continued to collect tapes. As she collected them, she learned what had actually happened to one of her coworkers Jeremey. Management just said that he had an accident and had to be put out of work. But it was so much worse than that. He cut off his own face with a paper cutter! She needed to find out why he would do that. But each tape she collected, the rabbit would come closer and closer. She noticed more details as it came closer. The costume looked hand sewn and very low tech. And that smile. It was so unnerving, yet somewhat comforting to Vanessa. Once she gathered 15 tapes, the woman on the other side told her to stop collecting them. But she came this far and her curiosity got the best of her. She found the last one and was surprised by the switch of mood the person on the tape had. She said that bring the tapes together was the only way to get rid of whatever this virus was. But that was not correct. Venessa unknowingly brought together all of the parts that this thing needed. She tried to manually face this virus, and it seemed to have worked. The game ran nominally, minus the weird green rabbit plush in the hub. But as the days passed, Vanessa began to hear voices in her head. She would spend more and more time in the game. Coworkers said that on occasions, she would be found talking to herself when the headset was on. She had the ability to communicate with this virus. It told her to make an in-game rabbit mask, and she obeyed. She didn’t know why, but it was like she couldn’t help but obey. She had the mask and the plush, so now she could have an actual conversation with this being. It explained that it was William Afton, and that he was trapped in this game to escape death. But that was impossible! Mr. Afton died many years ago. Fazbear’s higher ups said that he retired and lived the rest of his life in his house on a hill. But he told her his fate was much, much worse. He was so close to death, but he had a safety measure. He figured out how to copy part of his consciousness into a circuit board so that his memories, thoughts, his very essence can live on in case anything happened to his physical body. Vanessa remembered that the game scanned old circuit boards to expedite the process of making the VR game. That must have been how he appeared in the game. He also explained that he was the one that killed all of those kids back in the day. Vanessa couldn’t believe it. The co-founder of Fazbear Entertainment was the man behind all of these slaughters? At first she was horrified, but then she felt a sort of happiness. In some sort of twisted way, she found it funny that a man so bent on making children happy was the one that took the lives of so many of them. She knew in the back of her mind that it was wrong, but she couldn’t help but laugh. Over time, Vanessa, now given the new name of Vanny by Afton, continued to complete tasks for Afton, because he couldn’t do them in his predicament. She was reluctant to say the least about doing these things, but Afton’s influence was so strong that she couldn’t say no. One day, she quit being a beta tester for the VR game, and instead was hired on to be a security guard for the new Mega Pizza Plex. In this position, she would have access to areas that were of importance to Afton. More specifically, under the Pizza Plex. The entire building was built over an old Freddy’s location. The one where Afton’s body still is. Vanny was tasked with finally freeing Afton from his digital prison and creating a new body for him. While this was happening, Vanessa’s coworkers took notice of her odd behavior. From her spending a lot of time in the basement, to her incriminating search history, it was clear that she needed help. So management sent her to therapy. There, she was always so distracted by that voice in her head. She would talk and answer questions, but if the therapist ever got too close to knowing the truth, Afton made sure that they were silenced. Vanessa didn’t want to do it, she just wanted a way out. But she was in too deep. It was finally time to put Afton’s plan into action. To do this, Vanny needed some way to create a new body for Afton. She read through old files and eventually stumbled across the solution. Deep under the Pizza Plex, in the storage section, held the key. An endoskeleton that was specifically designed to mimic things. It has the ability to mold into any animatronic costume. All Vanny needed to do was activate the robot, and transfer Afton’s consciousness into the robot, which will be in Afton’s old burnt costume. But after she turned on the robot, she got a bit preoccupied with Freddy and a small child. They could hinder her plans, so she had to go and stop them. But when the kid stepped out of Vanny’s hideout, she could feel a weight come off of her shoulders and the voice’s suddenly stopped. Vanessa was unknowingly freed for Afton’s control. Without Afton’s puppet, he is stuck in VR indefinitely. However, the robot that was supposed to be Afton’s new body is now freed under the pizza plex. The program that was inside it initially is still there and still dangerous. Vanessa knowing this, goes back with the help of Gregory and Freddy to trap the Mimic in the basement. But the Mimic heard Gregory’s voice, so now it has a tool to escape. Vanessa now feels like she is finally free from this horrible nightmare.
That was my interpretation of the Glitchtrap/Mimic/Vanny story so far. Sorry it was a long read but I think it’s worth it. I’d like to know your thoughts.
submitted by dinojack1000 to GameTheorists [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:05 Ohio_gal I love my mom. I hate when she comes to visit

First let me say I love my mom. She’s awesome. I hate when comes to visit because she has no boundaries.
Background: I am a fully functional middle aged adult a special needs kid. I own my home, pay my own bills and I work 60 hours a week. On any given day I am sleep deprived, and stressed out. My home is my safe space.
She retired 20 years ago but is still younger. She has her own home (not the one I grew up in)and is not in danger of being homeless or abused.
When my mom visits it immediately goes to a weird place. She parks in my one car driveway, sits in my recliner even though there are other chairs including other recliners. She rummages through the cupboards and eats whatever she wants and then I feel bad if whatever she’s eaten was earmarked for something else like a class/work party the next day. (Leaving me with not enough time to replace). She regularly unplugs whatever she wants, moving my chargers, computers, whatever at a whim and of course doesn’t move them back. She goes through my medicine cabinets and if she decides to spend the night she expects my bed (and her visits used to be for an indeterminate numbers of days). All these things make me feel like it’s not my home. She certainly does behave like this at my brother (and sister in law’s) home.
But ya’ll, she’s my mom. I can’t say anything because she’s my mom. But I would never go to someone’s house, even hers and act like that. She feels the tension too. I want her to be a comfortable guest not a comfortable house mate.
I welcome all advice and even mean comments telling me to get over it. Thank you.
submitted by Ohio_gal to blackladies [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:05 breadsticksass Accidentally broke window of neighbor’s car parked in front of our driveway

Hi! So I own an empty lot in UT (working on building plans). The next door neighbor keeps his van permanently parked in front of the driveway. Which is fine since the lot is literally just plants and the driveway right now - the previous house there burned down. Anyway, I had someone there doing landscaping last week and the neighbor called a couple days later to say the weed whacker they used had thrown a rock through the window of his van that was sitting in front of the property. It’s an old creepy camper van with windows that are of course very expensive to replace. The landscaper said he had checked before he left and there was no broken glass anywhere and he didn’t notice any broken windows. The neighbor said he didn’t have any footage or anything and when we went to talk to him about it the entire window was broken out except the frame, so I didn’t see evidence of a rock or anything but it is possible. That weed wacker broke one of our own car windows last year. Are we liable? Or since he was parked in front of our driveway and has no proof should we try to fight this? Currently we’ve said we’ll pay for it and are waiting for a repair quote but it could be a couple thousand to fix.
submitted by breadsticksass to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:05 Strict_Structure2461 Have been having sharp right sided abdominal pain

21F, idk my exact weight but I am overweight. Nowhere near obesity tho. I’ve also recently got my blood drawn and nothing was out of the ordinary. I also recently started taking adhd meds, but the pain started a lot earlier.
It’s the third time I’ve had this in two years. It always lasts a few days. Usually the first few days it’s bearable and then it gets worse in waves. It’ll build up for a second, become unbearable, and die down again. This doesn’t last longer than a minute. Eventually it fades away.
I’ve been to the hospital twice because I thought it might be appendicitis and each time they couldn’t find anything. They did some blood work and an ultrasound. The person doing the ultrasound did say something about something being too deep to be visible? I can’t exactly remember. Atp I don’t think it’s worth the trip to the ER.
Forgot to mention: it does seem to always come up shortly before my period. The docs also just kinda blamed my period each time and dismissed me after not being able to find anything despite it being my second time at the ER for the same problem. It does not feel like period pain. I do get very intense cramps, but they’re not sharp but rather dull. I know the difference. It’s not period pain.
submitted by Strict_Structure2461 to AskDocs [link] [comments]
