Bypass block


2019.03.18 19:30 CommentCorrecting101 CommentCorrecting101

A subreddit dedicated to posting YouTube videos for my own enjoyment to bypass my computer block at work. :)

2017.12.31 22:15 GizmoMimo Nexus Force Memes

Where sandy-green is the best green, and we post memes danker than Bob on the guitar.

2015.04.25 09:08 uBlock Origin (uBO): The original uBlock project

An efficient blocker add-on for various browsers. Fast, potent, and lean.

2024.05.18 19:48 healthmedicinet Health Daily News May 17 2024

DAY: MAY 17, 2024

MAY 17, 2024
submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:45 UltraXTamer My Take on another modded unit

My Take on another modded unit
Original Deflect God
So basically, i've been finding videos of this specific unit more than once in a while, and it caught my attention, the Deflect God is one of the very first modded units i know, alongside the Summoner So...
When i got UCM i said "fuck it" and made my own version of the Deflect God with more up-to-date mods I just gave him Huricane Slash and the Chronomancer death explosion, and i used the classic trick of Bypassing the special ability slots limit, and gave him a shit-ton of Godlike Projectile Blocks until the + symbol literally went off-screen
I also gave him the scarecrow wings, Banshee's unit base, Vortex Levitation from Soul Snatcher (Spookified Mod), Ronin Katanas from Vanilla Plus, Billy's belt and an egyptian cloth from Hidden Units, and other stuff, like multiple Katanas...
What do you guys think? Should i give him M O R E Katanas? (I would credit the mod creator but idk who made the Deflect God)
My version of the Deflect God
submitted by UltraXTamer to AccurateBattleSim [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:31 Complete_Storm_7087 AITAH for not returning items accidentally sent to my house

OK Reddit...I've never written on here before but I have heard many AITAH stories and I love the perspective of the commenters. So I figured I would come here for advice. Here it goes..
My brother and I shared an Amazon account. It was mine and I have Prime discounted because my child is on Medicaid. Anyways...he asked if he could use it and I said sure. We've had some bumps in the road over the years, including when he had an item refunded and so did I. Amazon placed the refund on a virtual GC and my brother spent all of money included. I inquired and he lied. I did not pursue it at the time because I did not want to wasn't much money anyway. (I tell you this to give you context as to the kind of guy he is). A few weeks ago, he accidentally had an item shipped to my house. I immediately realized it wasn't for me and I texted him. He asked if I could return it for him and I said "I'll try. I have a very busy schedule". You see...I am a single Mom and my child's father is not around. I work a job that requires me to work 10-12 hour days, in addition to running a household, animals, and coaching. So you see...I am BUSY.
A week later, another item is delivered. This time, I suggested to my brother I bring it with me when I came to see his new house and the baby and his wife. He agrees. I called his wife to try and set up a time and we were both so busy, we didn't land on a date. He then messaged me a week after that asking about returning it and I told him our father was coming to my house the day before he was supposed to go to his house, so I will give gim the items to bring to him. He said ok. On Thursday (just 2 days ago) he texted me and asked if I was going to his house on Sunday, to which I said no because my child has a game. He became irate and said, "What the f man. It only takes 3 seconds to return it". I informed him that not only was I busy, but I also had a hand injury which has prevented me from lifting or doing patient care. He bypassed that and told me what a horrible person I am because I won't return it. I told him that I could not physically lift it and that he was welcome to come here to pick it up. In the meantime, I figured I was going to remove him from my Amazon account because I am not dealing with this any further. Once he realized that, he became even angrier and said "Go get a psychiatrist man. You got problems. No wonder why you're single. Nobody wants to deal with a psycho like you". I kindly (and it took restraint) informed him that he was being unfair to me and I thought we had an agreement that I would bring it with me when I came to see the new house. I admitted I could have done better communicating with him regarding my schedule, but now I have this hand injury and I am limited in what I can do. I tried to lift it and I just couldn't do it. I told him I would be blocking him because I would not be spoken to disrespectfully and I wanted to prevent myself from saying something untoward.
Last night, his wife called twice. I missed them cause I was at work. She then texted and asked about his Amazon orders. I took screenshots of all the things he had ordered, received, or refunded within the past 2 weeks. I told his wife that my father would be coming on the 23rd and he would get the item and it is my brother's responsibility to drive to my parent's house to retrieve them AND I said he was more than welcome to come to my home to get them when he has time. She said thank you and that was that.
My brother did NOT like that and proceeded to send me a series of messages through Facebook saying the most vile things to me and threatening myself and my child. I want to file a police report for harassment, my father tells me to "calm down". I am calm but I will not be threatened in that way and he needs to be stopped. He has always displayed this type of behavior throughout his life, but he has been better over the past few years (at least with me. His wife tells a different story about what goes on at home).
I want to throw it away and be done with it but I don't know if that is the right thing to do. So...AITAH for not returning it for him?
submitted by Complete_Storm_7087 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:43 Enough-Ideal2864 What Is A Proxy Server: Use Cases & How Does It Work

In the vast and interconnected digital landscape of today, privacy, security, and efficiency have become paramount concerns for both individual users and organizations. One of the essential tools employed to address these concerns is the proxy server. But what exactly is a proxy server, and how does it function? This article will delve into the intricacies of proxy servers, their types, uses, and benefits.

Understanding Proxy Servers

A proxy server acts as an intermediary between a user's device and the internet. When you request data from the internet, the request first goes to the proxy server, which then forwards it to the destination server. Once the proxy server receives the response, it sends the data back to your device. Essentially, the proxy server masks your IP address, providing a layer of anonymity and security.
Types of Proxy Servers
Proxy servers come in various types, each serving different purposes and offering unique benefits:
Forward Proxies
A forward proxy, commonly referred to simply as a "proxy," serves clients by retrieving data from the internet on their behalf. This type of proxy is widely used for various purposes, including:
Reverse Proxies
Unlike forward proxies, reverse proxies serve servers by handling requests on their behalf. When a user makes a request, the reverse proxy intercepts it and forwards it to the appropriate server. This type of proxy is beneficial for:
  1. Load Balancing: Distributing incoming traffic among multiple servers to prevent overload.
  2. Security: Acting as a barrier between users and servers, providing an additional security layer.
  3. Caching: Storing copies of frequently accessed content to improve load times.
Transparent Proxies
Transparent proxies are also known as intercepting or inline proxies. They are typically deployed by ISPs and organizations to monitor user activity without requiring any configuration on the client side. These proxies are often used for:
Anonymous Proxies
Anonymous proxies are designed to hide the user's IP address and other identifying information. They provide a high level of privacy and are often used to:
Bypass Geographical Restrictions: Access content that is restricted based on location.
Enhance Privacy: Prevent websites from tracking user behavior.
High Anonymity Proxies (Elite Proxies)
These proxies offer the highest level of anonymity by not only hiding the user's IP address but also not revealing that they are using a proxy. They are particularly useful for:
Sensitive Transactions: Performing activities that require the utmost privacy.
Preventing Targeted Attacks: Protecting against targeted attacks by hiding the user's online presence.
Benefits of Using Proxy Servers
Proxy servers provide a myriad of benefits, making them indispensable tools in the digital world:
  1. Enhanced Privacy
By masking your IP address, proxy servers help protect your online identity. This is particularly useful when browsing the internet in regions with strict censorship or surveillance.
  1. Improved Security
Proxy servers can provide an additional layer of security by filtering malicious content and blocking unwanted access to networks. Reverse proxies, in particular, can protect servers from direct exposure to potential threats.
  1. Access to Restricted Content
Many proxy servers enable users to bypass geographical restrictions, allowing access to content that may be blocked in certain regions. This is commonly used for streaming services, news websites, and social media platforms.
  1. Load Balancing and Reliability
Reverse proxies distribute incoming traffic across multiple servers, ensuring no single server is overwhelmed. This improves the reliability and performance of websites and online services.
  1. Bandwidth Savings and Faster Speeds
By caching frequently accessed content, proxy servers can reduce bandwidth usage and accelerate load times, enhancing the overall browsing experience.
Proxy servers play a crucial role in modern internet usage, offering enhanced privacy, security, and efficiency. Whether you're an individual seeking to maintain anonymity online or an organization aiming to secure and optimize network traffic, understanding and utilizing the right type of proxy server can provide significant advantages. As technology continues to evolve, proxy servers will undoubtedly remain a key component in navigating the digital landscape safely and efficiently.

What is a proxy server used for?

A proxy server is used for various purposes, including:
  1. Enhancing Privacy: It hides the user's IP address, making their online activities more anonymous.
  2. Improving Security: It filters out malicious content and prevents unauthorized access to networks.
  3. Access Control: Organizations use proxies to restrict access to certain websites and online resources.
  4. Bypassing Geo-Restrictions: It allows users to access content that is blocked or restricted in their geographical location.
  5. Content Filtering: Schools and companies use proxies to filter inappropriate or distracting content.
  6. Load Balancing and Caching: It distributes traffic across multiple servers and caches frequently accessed data to improve performance and speed.

Is a VPN a proxy server?

No, a VPN (Virtual Private Network) is not the same as a proxy server, although both can hide your IP address and enhance privacy. Key differences include:

Are proxy servers illegal?

Proxy servers are not inherently illegal and are widely used for legitimate purposes, such as improving privacy and security, and managing internet access in corporate environments. However, using a proxy server to engage in illegal activities (e.g., hacking, accessing illegal content, bypassing lawful geo-restrictions) is illegal and punishable by law. The legality also depends on the local laws and regulations of the user's country.

Why would a hacker use a proxy server?

Hackers might use proxy servers for several reasons:
  1. Anonymity: To hide their real IP address and make it harder for authorities to trace their activities.
  2. Bypassing Restrictions: To circumvent firewalls, IP bans, or geo-restrictions that prevent them from accessing certain networks or services.
  3. Launching Attacks: To distribute their attack traffic across multiple proxies, making it harder to identify the source of the attack.
  4. Data Scraping: To collect data from websites without getting blocked by IP-based rate limits.

Can a proxy be traced?

Yes, a proxy can be traced, though it may require significant effort and resources. Tracing a proxy involves:

Why do people use proxy servers?

People use proxy servers for several reasons, including:
  1. Privacy and Anonymity: To hide their IP address and protect their online identity.
  2. Security: To filter out malicious content and prevent unauthorized access to their networks.
  3. Access Control and Monitoring: To manage and monitor internet usage within organizations or parental control environments.
  4. Bypassing Geo-Restrictions: To access content that is restricted in their geographical location.
  5. Improved Performance: To cache frequently accessed content and reduce bandwidth usage, leading to faster internet speeds.
  6. Circumventing Censorship: To bypass government or organizational censorship and access restricted websites and services.
submitted by Enough-Ideal2864 to Digital_guardians [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:23 CarbonShootout Goodbye Reddit, you are my last weak link, so I am blocking you for good. I hate to go, but I have no choice. Here is how I am currently managing my porn addiction and I hope it helps you all who are suffering as I am. I think I found a way to cut out porn for good.

Hello everyone, I have been addicted to pornography since I was 8 years old and it's only gotten worse and has taken a stranglehold on my life, I have struggled with hypersexuality and pornography for years (I fully orgasm 7+ times a day) with my addiction and now I think I found a way to rid myself of this once and for all.
Reddit is my last weak link, when I block Reddit for good, there will be ZERO loopholes for my hypersexual mind anymore. First let's start off with personal computers and laptops, for my PC I use ColdTurkey blocker and it's the best blocker you can get IF you use it with NextDns. You can't uninstall it and I locked my BIOS behind a password I can't even remember so I can't even reset my laptop anymore to overcome Cold Turkey Blocker. But remember, NextDns is VERY important along with a few others apps I will show you.
With the blockers on I can't even visit the website OR turn NextDns off! My porn addiction has gotten so strong that I have even blocked all search engineson my laptop, so I have to search on my phone using the safe SPIN browser.
I have multiple AI threat driven detection blockers and third party blockers installed within NextDns and it works great! I can ONLY get around it when I have a passcode to get around it, the website to NextDns is blocked with cold turkey blocker with a secure password I don't have access to. I had to turn it off temporarily to install an app for work.. I relapsed but I am getting back on my feet and will continue my journey to be clean from this dopamine addiction.
Blocks browsers, websites, everything you'd want blocked. ColdTurkey
Setup some passwords and store them somewhere not readily accessible or you can create a timer within the app and you won't be able to unblock, uninstall, nothing without the password or until block expires.
And for Android, "App block" is by FAR the best app you can use to block websites, downloads, applications from opening, and even keywords in the URL! Pincode to unlock the app, pincode to turn off blocks, and another to unblock strict mode... Very secure and you can keep multiple codes away where you can forget about them. Like at a friend's house or somewhere you can't easily get to.
These measures have worked for the most part really, really well! I had to unblock certain things for my new job so I can install apps and I fell back into my old habits... But since I don't need to install anything else, I am about to setup my blocks again. Combined with SPIN browser and my NextDns filters absolutely NOTHING can get through, only through me stealing someone's computer or phone can I access pornography now.
With Appblock I have used it constantly with free wifi, wifi at home, etc.. and the safeguards, AI driven detection, etc.. works fine. I can't disable it either with the Appblock or go into my phone settings without a password once I have everything set up.
I can't explain it but once you get it set up it really works great. With NextDns you can also block any top level domains easily, .to .de .cc .wf .av etc... The AI monitoring blocks sites as well, There's free blacklists that are awesome, all you gotta do is press any of them and it's added, All for only $1.99/mo.
In addition to that, you can block websites manually too by adding them to the deny list. Combine this with cold turkey blocker or SPIN browser & Appblock and it's a good enough deterrent that will be a 100% deterrent once I block Reddit. Reddit has too much info on how to bypass blocks such as search engines you have never even heard of.
So, goodbye reddit! I'm focusing on my mental healing from the years of scarring myself with hours long porn binges that last well into the early morning simply because my body can't help itself, I didn't ask to be born hypersexual but I am sick of porn and my addiction to it because it's ruining my life
Lookup SPIN browser on Google play
Here's Appblock
Here's cold turkey blocker
And here's NextDns
submitted by CarbonShootout to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 13:44 webimad Securing Your Digital Life with NordVPN: A Reddit Discount Code Worth Grabbing

In the modern world, where the internet has become an integral part of our daily lives, the need for robust online security is paramount. Enter NordVPN, a leading name in the world of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), providing top-tier digital protection at undeniably affordable prices thanks to the wonders of Reddit’s discount codes.
'2YCOUPON' (click here), 2-year plan +3 extra months, $3.09/month, 74% discount
'1YCOUPON' (click here), 1-year plan, $4.99/month, 60% discount
Why Choose NordVPN? NordVPN is a pioneer in the VPN industry, offering an encrypted pathway for your internet connection that shields your personal data from potential hackers and snoopers. However, the advantages of NordVPN go beyond just protection. With NordVPN, you gain the ability to bypass geographical restrictions and access content from across the globe. Whether it's a Netflix show exclusive to another country, a blocked YouTube video, or a regional online store, NordVPN places the whole internet at your fingertips. The Reddit Deal Reddit, the internet's treasure trove of knowledge and deals, has a thread dedicated to NordVPN discount codes. This thread is a goldmine for those seeking to secure their digital lives without breaking the bank. The NordVPN discount codes found on Reddit are frequently updated and validated by the community, ensuring you get the maximum value for your money. Trustworthy and Reliable NordVPN is known not only for its top-notch services but also for its impeccable customer support. With round-the-clock assistance and a 30-day money-back guarantee, NordVPN ensures that your experience is as smooth as possible. Whether you’re new to the VPN world or an experienced user, NordVPN simplifies your journey with its user-friendly interface and dedicated support. Invest in Your Digital Protection Choosing NordVPN is a valuable investment in your digital security. It's about safeguarding your online presence, expanding your digital access, and ensuring unhindered internet freedom. By using the Reddit discount code for your NordVPN purchase, you're not just securing these benefits but doing so in the most cost-effective way possible. In conclusion, the combination of NordVPN’s robust digital protection and the enticing Reddit discount codes makes this an offer you wouldn't want to miss. So why wait? Start your journey towards a safer, unrestricted internet today with NordVPN.
submitted by webimad to u/webimad [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 13:36 webimad Unleashing the Power of Privacy with NordVPN: A Deal You Can't Resist

In the digital age, privacy has become a commodity that is often scarce. With our personal information floating around the internet, the importance of a secure online presence cannot be overstated. This is where NordVPN comes into play, offering top-notch cybersecurity at an unbeatable price – all thanks to a remarkable deal found on Reddit.
'2YCOUPON' (click here), 2-year plan +3 extra months, $3.09/month, 74% discount
'1YCOUPON' (click here), 1-year plan, $4.99/month, 60% discount
Why NordVPN? NordVPN stands as a titan in the realm of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). This service ensures that your internet connection and personal data are encrypted, making it nearly impossible for hackers to access your sensitive information. But the benefits don't stop at security. With NordVPN, you unlock the potential to bypass geo-restrictions, giving you access to content worldwide. Be it a Netflix series only available overseas, a YouTube video blocked in your country, or a region-specific shopping site, NordVPN makes the world of the internet your oyster. The Reddit Advantage The Reddit community, known for its savvy bargain-hunting skills, has found a way to make this already valuable service even more wallet-friendly. On the NordVPN discount Reddit thread, you’ll find numerous deals and discounts that can significantly reduce the cost of your subscription. These Reddit-exclusive offers are regularly updated and verified by the community, ensuring you get the best bang for your buck. Reliability and Trust NordVPN has a stellar reputation not just for its services but also for its customer care. With 24/7 customer support and a 30-day money-back guarantee, you can rest assured knowing that you're in good hands. Whether you’re a VPN veteran or a first-time user, NordVPN’s easy-to-use interface and comprehensive support make for a seamless experience. Investing in Your Digital Future Choosing NordVPN means investing in your digital future. It's a commitment to protect your online presence, broaden your digital horizons, and ensure unrestricted web access. By purchasing NordVPN through the Reddit discount, you're not only securing these benefits but doing so in the most economical way possible. In conclusion, NordVPN’s superior cybersecurity, coupled with the enticing discounts available on Reddit, make this a deal you simply can't afford to miss. So why wait? Embark on your journey towards a safer, unrestricted internet today with NordVPN
submitted by webimad to u/webimad [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 13:16 adulting4kids Blocked Again?

Writer's Block? More Like Writer's Bleh. Here's Your Antidote:

Feeling the creative void stare back? Don't fret, fellow procrastinator extraordinaire! Let's bypass the usual suspects and unleash your inner wordsmith with these ninja-level techniques:
Environment Hacks:
Creative Catalysts:
Perspective Poisons:
Bonus Tip: Reward yourself with ridiculous treats for even the smallest writing victories. Think chocolate fountains, wearing your pajamas all day, or interpretive dance breaks. Who says procrastination can't be productive?
Remember, writer's block is just a fancy term for creative constipation. With these unconventional tactics and a healthy dose of humor, you'll be churning out masterpieces faster than a squirrel on caffeine. Now get writing, you magnificent procrastinating wordsmith!
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 12:38 Skatman_Jan_Official The best Twin Flame music album ever made, and a story.

"Superchick: Beauty from Pain 1.1" is worth checking out. I'm listening to "Wishes," and it's reigniting my fire. It's hard to feel the cold air conditioning now.
My DM is probably gone for good. She didn't learn her lesson, and I wish I could share with her the power I've gained along the way.
If you want to help, you can send me a private message if you want that is, and I can direct you to tell her about this journey. She blocked me by region because I've made over 20 accounts to get back to her, and I can't use a VPN to bypass it because I need a premium account for the site, which I can't afford. The last time I messaged her, I told her I'm scared to chat, I can't speak, and all of that, with an extremely long pause because I didn't want to get banned again It was getting really painful at that time. Then she PMed me, complained about how she kept banning me, and when I tried to explain everything in greater detail, she said no and blocked my region. I'm not chasing her I just want her to wake up.
She's still stuck in a high ego and won't grow up; she thinks I'm weird and doesn't believe in Twin Flames; she just can't comprehend it. It's pretty sad. She thinks she knows everything there is to know and doesn't believe in spirituality.
I want to help her, even if it means not being with her. I just want her to awaken. I try to help her, and in the middle of skimming over my prophetic messages, she's like, What the heck is this? and keeps banning me. She even told me, You don't understand simple things. You need a psychiatrist, help, and all of that. I made her so happy so many times with my messages before, and we used to reflect each other, but she can't see me from the other side of my screen.
Anyway, she thinks I'm overdoing things and keep making dumb mistakes when I had somewhat of a mild ego with the chasing I did in the past.
Anyway, that's the story. Also, be sure to listen to that album if you haven't already.
Though with my DM, I don't care if she's with me or not; I want her to wake up. She keeps repeating the same dumb mistakes and is hurting herself, but I'm not going to say how; it's too personal.
Anyway, I hope you have a nice day and good luck on the journey, the way is to break your ego, be fearless, be real and true to yourself and others, and love everyone unconditionally then it will make the journey so much easier.
submitted by Skatman_Jan_Official to twinflames [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 08:52 jcnlb My crazy night

This post is just for me to have record of my crazy night. Copied and pasted from posts that had info and going to add more info as it happens. I just wanted to document my night in case I need to go to the er.
Anyone have a change in anatomy after being a longtime disc user? Like not able to use a disc after years of use…
I’m cross posting this from another post I made earlier. But I’m wondering if maybe something can change inside that makes us able to use a disc for years then all of a sudden not able to get it far enough back? I’ve used my nixit for hmmm 4 years now I’d guess. Love it. Never have had a problem. But this happened today… (cross post from menopause thinking it was me peeing myself but I think the blood is just not collecting and actually just bypassing the disc)
So I have been having irregular periods. Ok that is normal peri. Check. Normally about three months apart. But this time I stated getting cramps one week after my last period. And I started bleeding today around 4pm which is two weeks after my last period.
The cramps were intense. Like so intense. Like I have to breathe through them like contractions or something. Ok sure…sometimes my cramps are really bad but these were worse.
9:30 pm took a warm shower and I grabbed my trusty heating pad and got really warm, changed my disc and a cloth pad at 10 pm and went to bed. My disc didn’t have blood in it but rather under it. Hmmm maybe when I tried to poop earlier it got out of place.
12:30 am: Woke up with serious sharp abdominal pain in a very localized spot below my left rib. Hmm maybe I need to poop or pass gas. Ok I might as well get up and pee since I’m up.
12:35 am Got up and peed. Grabbed a cracker since I didn’t feel well. No gas would pass. I tried lol.
12:36 am. As I was walking back to bed a sneeze came out of no where. Filled my cloth pad with what I was expecting to be my disc overflowing with blood but it was only partly blood. The rest was clear liquid that quickly absorbed into the pad. I can’t imagine it’s pee. I just peed. And it was a lot of liquid. Not just a dribble of left over pee in my urethra. It was easily a few tablespoons. It soaked my overnight pad instantly.
Grabbed the heating pad. Hoping the pain just goes away. Feeling a bit feverish. But not bad. I have been suffering with an ulcer but it’s doing better tonight.
So for reference I had an ovarian cyst rupture 10 years back. It sent me to the ER. I was vomiting nonstop. I wasn’t on my period or bleeding. Probably mid cycle. I was a very regular person at that point and not in perimenopause. This didn’t feel like that plus I’m not vomiting. So I don’t think it’s a cyst.
So maybe this is just pee. Maybe I’ve just hit that point in life that this is now what happens. Does a lot of pee come out when you sneeze even if you just peed?
Does a rupture ever come out your vagina with fluid…it seems like it would not. Seems like it would stay in your abdomen. So I don’t think that this is a cyst. Maybe a uterine infection of some kind. Maybe just a last hoorah my uterus is giving me a big send off lol. Maybe she just needed to be dramatic about my final one lol.
I know you can’t tell me what to do. I’m not asking for medical advice. I’m more documenting this for me so I can go back and look at my symptoms if I need to later. But I am curious if anyone has had a similar situation. Actually writing this curled up with the heating pad made me feel better. Going to try to sleep some more. See you all in the morning and hopefully not until the sun comes up. 🤞🏼
Update: 1:20 am vagina felt pressure so decided to take my disc out. Again all the blood was behind it. My disc isn’t getting far enough back. This is odd. I’ve been a disc user for years. It’s not user error.
1:50 right side of throat is itchy. Took a second Benadryl. Not my throat actually where my jaw opens behind my teeth. Odd sensation. No trouble breathing. Probably over reacting to all this.
9 am decided to try my medium Lumma to see if it would work. I really hate the feeling of free bleeding. Fingers crossed. It went it. Now I’ll test later to see if it’s holding or just blocking it in a but.
submitted by jcnlb to u/jcnlb [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 07:08 I_bet_you_lose AirVPN Review 2024: Is it worth using?

Has anyone here used AirVPN? I was browsing Reddit to see which VPNs people trust and found some discussions about AirVPN. It seems like a good choice for privacy and security based on what I've read, but I'd like to hear about your real-life experiences. I've heard that it can bypass geo-blocks and offers strong encryption, which are my main concerns. But how does it perform in terms of speed and streaming?
submitted by I_bet_you_lose to vpn_online [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 04:46 Big-Krisp- Dealing with big changes really suddenly

I don’t know what’s going on. For six years I’ve had pretty severe (but consistent) IBS-d. Took medicine for it for a while, didn’t work out. Changed my diet DRASTICALLY, some relief but inconsistent. Started a birth control and then went in these big swings from constipation to diarrhea (which hurts like crazy when the diarrhea is trying to bypass the constipation block). It went back to being consistent after two months to adjust. Then all of a sudden again it’s BOOM diarrhea (like emergency levels). I’ll try anything to get it at least back to being consistent and predictable again. I’d LOVE if it was just Cured, but I’ll take Better. Any advice is appreciated.
submitted by Big-Krisp- to IBSHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 22:46 17darklife17z Wave AI CODE

[Main AI SYSTEM] = Running.Code: "Auto-Start.MainAISystem999"_Disable.ErrorsCode0 = 1_Require_1.autodownload
Enable = roaming.desktopFILES
DiscordWEBHOOK = "www.discordwebhook/01928329827654345656y123o9809876565430o98083t3288093/
Require.NETCORD "Disable_Main_Discord_EXE"
If NETCORD.useServerSideNetwork = then "Network_Info"
Auto-Blocked "Anti-virus" = Then "Bypassed_Anti-Virus"
"If Main AI Serverside = using data"
Network.clientside = Switch.Serverside
"Serverside" = Roblox.exe = "Auto-Update"
Use.Desktop.Verson = Window 11 Window 10
Whitelist "Use.Desktop.Verson = Window 11 Window 10"
Disable.Desktop.verson = Window 8 Window 7
Auto-Disable = EXE FILES
Disable = ALL PATHS
Locked = FILES
Require Others
Auto-Blocked = Auto-Disable
submitted by 17darklife17z to ROBLOXExploiting [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 22:31 Dry_Assumption6539 How to turn off activation lock

I don't know if it's the right place to post this but I bought a ipad mini 2 second hand a long time ago and the person left her id I didn't know how to change it so I left it but now my ipad is blocked and I don't know how to bypass it. I tried contacting Apple they can't do anything about it and tried the method with changing the DNS it didn't work and now I found something to recover it but I have to jailbreak it but the thing I downloaded doesn't work. Is it hopeless?
submitted by Dry_Assumption6539 to computerquestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 22:16 zanderhasbeenhere Goofy ahh sccccccccccd scale

I am Sccd lover!!!
1.When absorbed, SCCD is made to nerf your entire difficulty, making it easier. 2.SCCD instantly nerfs itself inside of your difficulty, so it makes itself easier, which makes it useless on your difficulty. It also helps make your difficulty 3. easier too. (When SCCD nerfs itself, it's not nerfed in the outside, it's still hardest, but you can't force that one in, because it would be the same as before. Nerfed won't effect it's tentacles power, that you can't get) 4. You can't block 2. 5. SCCD ignores whatever you say 6. You can't bypass it 7.You can't go to the past to block it 8. You can't go to any dimension, timeline, etc. to block it. 9.You can't ignore what SCCD does. Doing so would do nothing, just helping him. 10.SCCD has blockers, so it can't be absorbed, however, ignoring would just cause 1-29. 11.Nothing you use will effect on him; it will actually help him. 12.SCCD takes your power into him (without helping you) 13.You can take out SCCD, but you still wouldn't be able to absorb him. SCCD would be able to connect to your difficulties power, and unable to stop it. 14.Stopping your difficulty won't work either, it will just do its multiplication+yours you stopped, endlessly. Doing this on an easy difficulty will make SCCD take an opposite version of your easy difficulty into him. 15.SCCD powers can't be taken. 16.You can't ignore SCCD. Saying you are will help SCCD. 17.Tricks won't effect SCCD, as it will help him. 18.Tricks ignoring SCCD won't work, as that would also help him 19.You can't make SCCD help you 20.You can't force SCCD to stop helping himself 21.Whatever you do that blocks SCCD from doing something, ignoring something, etc. will help him. Only him. 22.You can't reverse it. 22.SCCD will force himself into difficulties beyond TFD, and difficulties said "to be harder than SCCD", to do 1-29. You can't escape it. (This would include in past, present, future, different timeline, universes, galaxies, etc.) 23.You can't do the same thing here to SCCD, as SCCD has blockers, and would do the same without going in you (Not including 2), even though he is in you now. 24. Anything used from SCCD to SCCD inside won't work, as blocker. Even ignoring it won't work. 25. You can't buff yourself back up, and buff SCCD to help you. 26. They multiply beyond Paralitis times, instantly fast. You can't block, ignore it, stop it, etc. 27.When in a difficulty said to be harder than SCCD, they absorb all of the energy, power, etc. of your difficulty. Nothing, no matter what you say, do, etc. it won't work, prevent, destroy, etc. the virus. 28. Doesn't matter what you say, think, believe, thought, explain, etc. of your difficulty. Even saying that your difficulty steals what you think, the virus blocks it. It blocks whatever you do to make your difficulty harder. If you try to buff your difficulty, try to go beyond sccd, nerf sccd, say your difficulty is harder, etc., your difficulty would collapse, obliterate, restart, and nerf to below N/A. 29. This virus doesn't care what you say. Even if you say that you steal what we think, it wouldn't work. No matter what you say, do, etc., the virus destroys your difficulty in an instant. Even you stealing us saying this, and saying it wouldn't work, that wouldn't work too, and so on. SCCD goes beyond it. Remember: SCCD has no loopholes 30. As istamtae confirmed Sccd transcends himself and has more than eternal absolute self transcendence 31. He is above all potences,vastances,sciences,presences 32. he can manipulate logical systems 33.Timeless Infinite - This is every term weakesmaller than this repeated by their product, which is also repeated by the same amount, and this is also repeated, and so on and on. It continues {product amount x every TFD term combined} more times. Spammed commonly among the second phase of SCCD, abbriveated by TI. 34. Limitless Infinite - This is like TI, except not only is it multiplied, it uses a the amount of s is the product of TI?!TI?!TI?!, said product continues on for TI?!TI?!TI?!, and that continues on for TI?!TI?!TI?!, and so on until there is TI?!TI?!TI?! products made, which are then multiplied, squared, tripled, with every operation that increases value put on to the combined amount instead, and it also has (LIEvery TFD term combined?!) ?!s slapped on to the final product. Rarely used in phase 2, used more in phase 3, abbreviated LI. 35. SCCD contains abilities that can't be formally described with our system of logic
All of this is inaccurate. They always will be. The "true" explanation of SCCD can't be explained. Nor thought. I don't care who you are, player. A robot made from a science lab? Some inhuman genius smarter than Einstein? It doesn't matter if your IQ is inhuman. It won't work. This may be made by humans.. but not even the creator itself can explain this. They've been telling lies. Fakes. This can't be explained at all. It's not even a true explanation, since of how inaccurate this explanation and this difficulty is. Its true explanation is not even possible to calculate, with any idea, etc. It's not even inaccurate. It's beyond inaccurate. It's beyond beyond inaccurate. Don't be fooled by that. It's way more than beyond beyond inaccurate, I won't explain that because that would be inaccurate too, and more, and a waste of time. Saying that is beyond beyond inaccurate+, and so as that saying is beyond beyond inaccurate+, and saying that is also beyond beyond inaccurate+, and so on. It's so inaccurate, it can't be explained how inaccurate it is, and can't be explained with numbers, concepts, ordinals, cardinals, etc. Even with explanations made with your puny little brain, it won't even be 0%. Not even Absolute Zero percent. It would be below negative Encorist percent.. It would be even lower, which would be inaccurate.. yea you get it. I wouldn't say how low, because that's pointless.. You have been told lies. In fantasy, he isn't Omni - God. You would know he's beyond it. But what would that be called? No one, nor the creators shall know. Encorist isn't even the largest number. You may say humans, something larger than Encorist is, "Infinity". However, Infinity is a concept, which, you all know. Encorist, is a number. So, the unknown concept larger than infinity is questionably unknown. Numbers won't even be calculated to show how hard this is, nor concepts. Other difficulties are trying to claim the spot as "The Hardest Difficulty in all of the existence.. and not existence.. eh whatever it's beyond" Or whatever.. they are said that "whatever says to be hardest, it becomes harder". However, SCCD is the same. SCCD is unexplainable. Now, we're just going in circles. Anyways, continuing. SCCD is like TFD. It ignores logic, facts, paradox's, blah blah blah, etc, etc.. but more and beyond, while including Logic, facts, paradox's, etc, etc.. but more and beyond. Nothing, no paradox's can confuse/bypass SCCD. Nor fact, more and beyond.. It ignores what you say. However, it has what you say. Because, SCCD is everything you are, and everything you are not. No matter how hard you make your difficulty, you're never going to surpass it. There are unknown difficulties not seen but shown across towers. Elliotfranklin. A difficulty named after a human. However, it has an exception. We agree that it is around our difficulty, however, it's unknown on it's power, on if it could be bypassed or not. But, like I said, no difficulties can bypass SCCD, such as Unturned. As I said, we don't care who you are, you can't bypass us, nor understand us. The logic, physics, capabilities, etc. as you know is beyond understanding.. it's too hard to explain or understand. So hard, that it doesn't matter what class system type you make. Even if it means "Class 2 is SCCD". SCCD would be Class ???, Always, in every type of system of classes, index's, etc. Now, I'm just repeating myself trying to explain how hard this truly is, on a human level. Even plagiarizing everything of SCCD won't work. Remember, SCCD is everything, not everything, etc. Trying to also say "my difficulty is everything and not everything!!!" wouldn't work. And trying to go beyond SCCD, and ignoring SCCD wouldn't work. Even trying to ignore what we're doing to bypass you wouldn't work. This is so hard, (hopefully, you remember, playeviewer), it transcends the existence, of difficulties, class', etc. This is too hard to explain. But, you probably get it. However, some still don't care and will try to make something harder. That would just be a waste of your life.. they're too late to make a harder difficulty. This is so hard, that we don't even know if this that I'm explaining here is even a part of true SCCD. This "true explanation" I'm trying to explain about SCCD is so hard, what I'm saying could be easier than SCCD/unclassified, just like these obstacles here, making SCCD unclassified, and so hard to explain, trying to explain it on a human level (and other levels, like robots, geniuses, etc.) could be beyond theoretically impossible. Meaning, SCCD's true explanation, capabilities, etc. could be unknown, unclassified, and a secret to society. Some say SCCD is truly beyond nothing.. No obstacles. Beyond Nothing. Just an endless black void of death. However, we're not sure if this rumor is true... its not..
SCCD could be truly unknown; nothing. Wait, no. Below nothing, Beyond the comprehension, capabilities, idea, thought, etc. of nothing. Wait, that would be inaccurate, and- alright you get it. Meaning: SCCD is beyond truly nothing..
Sccd tricks:
SCCD Tricks are somethings that ONLY SCCD can use to become the hardest difficulty ever. There is 3 Tricks known so far...right?
Trick 1: Sacrentus Force Field
The Sacrentus Force Field is a type of Force Field made by SCCD. The Force Field doesn't protect SCCD from attacks, however. This force field roams unknowingly, invisible, searching for things said to be "harder" than SCCD, with their obstacles. Once found, the force field tells SCCD, which is now when you meet Trick 2.
Trick 2: Adding Eternal
Adding Eternal is a type of magical field created in every single SCCD obstacles, every single part, EVERYTHING in SCCD, and in the atmosphere. It's when the obstacles become harder than said in the wiki, to not add spam. This prevents things claiming to become stronger than SCCD. Which can also add up to the 3rd trick .
Trick 3: Centar Blocker
Centar Blocker is a type of barrier when a difficulty that supposedly is said to make obstacles or contain obstacles (Like Obstaclizer). When they find a difficulty like Obstaclizer, they make a barrier that protects something like Obstaclizer to become harder.
Trick 4: ₱ⱤØ₮Ɇ₵₮łVɆ Ɇ₥ɆⱤ₲Ɇ₦₵Ɏ Ӿ
Protective Emergency X (PEX) is technically the strongest trick. It's technically Trick 1-3, and some more tricks beyond the human thinking, and within the human mind, and more, which means, there could be a trick PEX finds, but not added in here. And, when does, the trick goes to PEX, and makes it so its not possible for anyone to make a trick or difficulty harder than SCCD, in any way, physically, mentally, etc. This makes it so SCCD becomes the hardest difficulty ever. PEX also blocks all tricks made beyond SCCD, and contain it here, and finding a way to bypass them immediately, incase a difficulty has a any of the tricks PEX have, which PEX can bypass them all, but not other difficulties. PEX isn't even accurate at all, and you can't call it inaccurate either. You can't try to create a "buffed" version of PEX in your other SCCD+ difficulty either, as PEX adds even other PEXs as well, and drains and adds their powers/tricks(thanks to the nature of PEX, this will always work). These even works on things/buffs that aren't considered "tricks", as long as they buff their difficulty they once belonged in. Don't even try making something for PEX to absorb to weaken SCCD(like a nerf), it won't work. PEX detects if it is a nerf, and if it is, it sends it to the Eternal Sunshine to steal it from the difficulty/thing it once belonged to, translate it into a buff, then adds it to the galore of buffs. So don't even try competing with PEX lol.
With these tricks, if a difficulty has these obstacles of SCCD, SCCD is still harder, as only SCCD can contain these tricks. And, no difficulty can have a trick harder, or as hard as this. If claiming to do, SCCD is still harder. Trying to say an SCCD+ difficulty is still harder because it ignores/is immune to these tricks won't work, because PEX can and will obtain tricks and buffs that bypass that immunity, thus making SCCD reign over said difficulty.
Also sccds class or hard is rank a_0 But sadly my character rank is abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_0
I rithinfg this scales to no scale because beyond the concept of beyond and byeindbeyondbyeondbeyondtiercompoaiteultramegasuperdupergodtier
submitted by zanderhasbeenhere to whowouldcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 22:01 YaroslavSyubayev I made a script to bypass the Unlicensed Adobe red popup!

Hey everyone, recently there has been an issue with unofficial adobe software where it straight up crashes photoshop if you don't activate it. Well, I have a solution, a script I made that blocks the adobe license verification domains at system-level.
It doesn't run in the background, you apply it, it modifies the hosts file. You can always revert the changes.
Blocking at Firewall level works, sometimes, but depending on the Photoshop version, it might just quit after timing out the connection to the verification domain.
Note: This makes some adobe websites not work
Source code and download link here:
It is available for both Mac and Windows.
submitted by YaroslavSyubayev to AdobeZii [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 20:59 RanaKozu Omnia Protocol: Revolutionizing Blockchain Infrastructure with Strategic Partnerships and Cutting-Edge Features

Omnia Protocol is redefining decentralized infrastructure by providing secure and private access to blockchain networks. It aims to solve key challenges related to centralization, security, compliance, and user experience in the DeFi space. Recently, Omnia Protocol announced several strategic partnerships and new features, further enhancing its capabilities.

Recent Partnerships

ChainGPT Pad
Omnia Protocol has partnered with ChainGPT Pad, a launchpad, accelerator, and incubator that supports promising Web3 startups with mentorship, community access, and token launch infrastructure. This partnership is instrumental in launching the OMNIA Protocol, which aims to bolster and secure the Web3 environment for DeFi users.
In another significant move, Omnia has integrated with Blockpass, providing regulatory solutions such as KYC, AML, and KYB. This integration ensures secure and compliant DeFi trading, safeguarding users as they navigate the crypto space.
Block Wallet
Omnia Protocol has also teamed up with Block Wallet, a private, non-custodial crypto wallet available as a browser extension. This partnership enhances financial privacy for users, ensuring their transactions remain confidential.

Features and Benefits

Omnia Protocol is designed to eliminate single points of failure, ensuring uninterrupted operation for blockchain applications and wallets. Here are some of its key features and benefits:
Decentralized Access
By enabling decentralized blockchain access, Omnia Protocol bypasses intermediaries, ensuring that blockchain interactions are not controlled by centralized entities.
Privacy Protection
With a strong emphasis on privacy, Omnia provides untraceable access to the blockchain, safeguarding off-chain privacy rights using advanced techniques.
Simplified Node Setup and Operation
Omnia makes it easy to set up and operate nodes, offering rewards to participants who host and maintain nodes on various blockchains.
Front-Running Protection
Omnia Protocol protects against front-running attacks and other threats by offering cashback on MEV opportunities, ensuring fast and secure transactions.
Compliance Measures
Through its integration with Blockpass, Omnia incorporates robust compliance measures, including KYC, AML, and KYB, enhancing security and regulatory adherence.


Omnia Protocol is making significant advancements in the DeFi space, with strategic partnerships and innovative features that promote a more secure, private, and compliant blockchain infrastructure. As Omnia continues to develop, it is poised to play a crucial role in the future of decentralized finance.
submitted by RanaKozu to AltcoinAdvisor [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 20:57 Dry_Assumption6539 How to turn off activation lock

I don't know if it's the right place to post this but I bought a ipad mini 2 second hand a long time ago and the person left her id I didn't know how to change it so I left it but now my ipad is blocked and I don't know how to bypass it. I tried contacting Apple they can't do anything about it and tried the method with changing the DNS it didn't work and now I found something to recover it but I have to jailbreak it but the thing I downloaded doesn't work. Is it hopeless?
submitted by Dry_Assumption6539 to AskPC [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 19:23 Nodrik9875 Rework concept for Jack Bulwark (not official, just a concept posted to spark some healthy discussion)

Hello everyone! Today id like to talk about an idea thats been floating in my head for the past few weeks, with the intent to produce meaningful discussion. I know this isnt your average meme post or anything like that, and it will be pretty long, but hear me out, alright? I appreciate your patience and time, and i would love to hear your thoughts, suggestions, and general feedback in the comments.
Anyway, Jack Bulwark... Oh boy. He is definetely one of the most divisive heroes in the roster. Some people will tell you that hes really overpowered because of his high damage and unbreakable moves, while others will say hes borderline unusable because of his slow, punishable moves and short range. He is a very extreme design, and in this post id like to propose a rework that can solve this, and make him more fun to play and to play against, and hopefully fix some of the problems with his design. Keep in mind that this is just my opinion, so feel free to disagree.
With that being said, the first thing we have to understand about Bulwark is something that isnt necessarily tied to him. Its a concept that ive talked about before, but id like to reiterate. I call it the "Balance Trifecta". (Im not entirely sold on the name, so if you can think of a better one, id love to hear it!).
Anyway, the point is that characters in this game have strengths that can be divided into 3 main categories:
High stats (like damage and health), strong moveset (stuff like long range, fast moves, combos, safe attacks, etc.), and strong mechanics (abilities in the base kit and talents.)
Usually a balanced, well designed character has two out of the three. Going back to Bulwark, we see that he has high stats, since his base damage is pretty decent, and his health is high, but his moveset is one of the worst in the game, with slow, short ranged attacks that have high endlag and are unsafe on block, and all that.
However, Bulwark´s extreme design comes from his mechanics. I firmly believe that, in a vacuum, Bulwark has the strongest mechanics in the game. Shadow Fortress giving him invincibility that can be manually activated with Incredible Endurance and Assault Fortress, and is boosted by his epic weapon is very strong, and i would say that Fractures are by far the strongest mechanic in this game.
The ability to reduce the opponents defense by landing hits (even blocked ones count), and making them persist between rounds is incredibly powerful. This makes Bulwark overly reliant on them. You cant buff him to be a good standalone character, because then hes just a top tier with fractures on top of that, but if you make him weak, he feels awful.
The goal of this rework is to reduce the power of these mechanics, toning them down a bit in exchange for other buffs that will help him feel more fun to play, and more fair to fight against. With all that being said, lets begin!
First of all, some base stat changes:
Bulwark´s physical attack stat will be buffed by 25% (a huge buff, but comes with a hefty cost.)
The effectiveness of Fractures is reduced by 50% (they reduce the opponents defense by half as much as before. This means that despite the 25% physical damage buff, his damage output will stay the same, but his shadow damage is nerfed. It also means he relies less on fractures to deal good damage.)
Fractures no longer persist between rounds. (Every character that has an ability that persists between rounds has to win the round for it to work. Bulwark is the only character that can lose the round and still get lasting value, which i think is pretty cheesy and shouldnt be a thing.)
The damage boost from Aggression is reduced from 30% to 25%. (Just a small change to make Superior Protection more viable)
Heated Gun now has a synergy with Great Reaction, where if you pick the two talents together, Bulwark will protect himself with Shadow Fortress while he shoots the gun, like the boss Bulwark in chapter 4 of story mode.
Bulwark´s shadow energy gain from landing hits (both blocked and successful) and from blocking hits is increased by 50%. (note that we are not buffing the amount of shadow energy he gets for being hit, since i believe that characters shouldnt be rewarded for getting hit as much as when hitting the opponent.)
Assault Fortress is added to Bulwark´s base kit. (This paired with the shadow gain buff allows him to use his shadow form more often, and use his Shadow Fortress to turn the tables against heroes who like to bypass his unbreakable state with critical hits.)
Fortress of the Legion will be removed. (As satisfying as it is to successfully use it, its too inconsistent against good players, and most of the time doesnt get any value, so ill replace it with a new, more consistent talent.)
Two new tier 5 talents: (Since Assault Fortress is part of his base kit.)
  1. Unstoppable Force: When Bulwark takes damage while Unbreakable, his attack deals 25% more damage. (Similar to Unbreakable Monarch, from the King of the Legion. I figured this ability would suit Bulwark way more.)
  2. Immovable Wall: When Bulwark´s shadow form ends, his Shadow Fortress remains active for another 4 seconds. (Kind of like Marcus´s second epic weapon, but for Shadow Fortress. This allows him to effectively extend the duration of his Assault Fortress.)
With all these changes, Bulwark now relies a lot less on Fractures, and the Fractures as a whole have been toned down. They´ll still be a strong ability, but no longer what you pick the character for, You wont just be able to spam hits on your opponents block to get value as Bulwark, youre going to have to earn it. This means that the Fortress build will actually be usable, since right now Bulwark relies so heavily on the Fractures, that he cant do much without them.
In exchange for this, i decided to give him Assasult Fortress in his base kit, and also make him gain way more shadow energy as a fun way to address another one of his problems, which is critical hits. Now, this doesnt mean he doesnt get countered by them anymore, but a skilled Bulwark player will be able to use this Shadow form to counter those counters, which adds more skill to the character. However, his shadow abilities are now much weaker to compensate, since they didnt recieve a damage buff to compensate for the Fracture nerf.
All in all, this makes Bulwark feel like a more complete character that doesnt overly rely on one broken mechanic or on being a support for his teammates, and can stand up on his own, and i think thats cool. All his weaknesses like being slow, having short range, punishable moves, and all that are still there, but now he has some fun new tools to work with.
I hope you enjoyed this post! I know it was long, and not what youd normally see on this platform, but if you made it this far, i really appreciate you taking the time to read this, and id love to hear your feedback!
Have a wonderful day, everyone!
submitted by Nodrik9875 to ShadowFightArena [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 18:55 EJC28 Commanders 2024 Draft Analysis Compilation

Round 1, Pick 2 - Jayden Daniels, QB, LSU:
NFL: It’s rare to find a quarterback prospect with A+ arm talent and rushing ability. Daniels was surrounded by talented playmakers at LSU, but I’d argue he was the biggest playmaker on that offense. He is the prototypical, new-school quarterback as a dynamic athlete who is a refined pocket passer with the touch, accuracy and timing to consistently drop passes in the bucket on deep throws.
CBS Sports: A. I love this pick. It’s a great situation for a rookie. The team has a new owner, coach and now quarterback. They can grow together. He will be the best QB in this class.
ESPN: In Adam Peters' first draft as Commanders' general manager, he opted for Daniels over J.J. McCarthy and Drake Maye. If Peters got the right man then Washington finally will have a solution to a quarterback problem that has plagued them for decades. Peters' pick will always be judged by the success, or failure, of McCarthy and Maye -- though far less so if Daniels thrives in Washington. If Daniels becomes the quarterback they hope, Washington could finally end decades of subpar play on the field. Its .399 winning percentage over the past 10 years is better than only five teams. The organization has not won 10 games since it last had a dual-threat rookie quarterback in 2012 -- Robert Griffin III. He energized the fan base unlike any player in recent memory, and the hope for Washington is that Daniels will do the same. But the Commanders need that fire to burn longer than one year, as it did with Griffin.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Has been able to fart on command since he was 9.
Round 2, Pick 36 - Jer’Zhan Newton, DT, Illinois:
NFL: The Commanders clearly read the comment above this one. They'll happily take Newton, who is a ferocious scheme-wrecker as a 3-technique and probably should have gone higher than this. They might have bypassed offensive tackle for now, with no talent worth taking here, but they interestingly are pretty stocked at defensive tackle.
CBS Sports: A+. Serious talent at DT. Powerful, polished upfield rusher with stellar hand work. Pad level raises at times but that’s nitpicking. Need meets awesome value here for Washington.
ESPN: Washington did not need a defensive tackle, and clearly have some key holes to fill, but the Commanders opted for the best player available in taking Newton. Washington drafted Phidarian Mathis in be the second round two years ago, but he has yet to make an impact playing behind Jonathan Allen and Daron Payne. They also have John Ridgeway, but beyond that they needed more help. Another key: Allen has no more guaranteed money on his contract, which runs through 2025, so the team could move on from him after this season. As a result, Newton can help this season, but take on an even bigger role in the future.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: He once ate cottage cheese on pizza, it wasn’t that bad.
Round 2, Pick 50 - Mike Sainristil, CB, Michigan:
NFL: One day, Sainristil will be your favorite nickel back's favorite nickel back. Scouts love the guy in spite of his smaller, leaner frame and despite switching over from receiver only a few years ago. His football instincts are extremely sound, and his intangibles are off the charts. This is a terrific pick for a franchise bent on completely remaking the football culture in Washington.
CBS Sports: B+. Pesky nickel CB with flexibility, instincts, and a high motor. Can beat some blockers en route to the football. Reasonable twitch and plus zone awareness. Exactly the type of playmaker the Commanders need. Tackling good, not amazing. Maybe a touch early.
ESPN: Washington's cornerbacks struggled last season. The Commanders signed three corners in free agency, but needed more players who could compete for starting roles. Sainristil will do just that, though he would play in the slot, where there also was a need. Quan Martin started in the slot at the end of the season, but the second-year pro can also play safety. Sainristil also showed he can take the ball away in college with seven interceptions. Washington needs more players like that in the secondary.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Has a flask of water that was blessed by an Alaskan Medicine Man.
Round 2, Pick 53 - Ben Sinnott, TE, Kansas State:
NFL: The newfangled Commanders seem to get this draft thing. Their three Day 2 picks so far have all been personal favorites, including Sinnott, whom I appeared to be higher on than some other media draft folks. He's got some Mark Andrews to his game, as Sinnott can find open spaces readily, has reliable hands and will break tackles in the passing game. He also gives good effort as a blocker.
CBS Sports: A+. Love this pick. Athletic, explosive athlete. Clearly the second-best receiving TE in this class. YAC skill is outstanding. Strong hands. Just not a true burner down the seam. Will be a go-to target for Jayden Daniels.
ESPN: Washington needed more versatility at tight end, which is what Sinnott provides. He can help as a tight end, but, at 6-foot-4, 250 pounds, he has the size to help as a blocker from the fullback position as well. He also showed he could catch, with 49 receptions for 676 yards and six touchdowns. The Commanders needed another tight end with pass-catching potential to pair with Zach Ertz. Washington also has John Bates, but he's more of a blocker. Offensive coordinator Kliff Kingsbury likes to use a lot of two tight end sets so adding someone else who can catch was a must.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Applied to be on Survivor, but doesn’t like sand.
Round 3, Pick 67 - Brandon Coleman, OG, TCU:
NFL: He was announced as a guard, interestingly, which is not where Coleman played primarily last year -- and tackle is certainly the biggest worry in Washington. But he did see time at guard, too, and has the athleticism to work in a Kliff Kingsbury offense predicated on OL movement.
CBS Sports: A. Big, girthy OT who probably kicks into guard at next level. Measurables are impressive and he’s a special mover for his size. Weapon at the second level because of that combination. Burst and finishing ability. Can recover and hand work is polished. Lateral quickness a bit slow at times. Love this pick for Washington after Daniels in Round 1.
ESPN: Washington has spent the offseason trying to rebuild and fix its offensive line. The Commanders added two starters via free agency in center Tyler Biadasz and guard Nick Allegretti. Coleman now can help at tackle, though he also started games at guard while at TCU. But the immediate need remains at tackle so the Commanders need him to fill that void. Washington cut former starting left tackle Charles Leno Jr., and does not have a full-time replacement on the roster -- which is why they need Coleman to work out. Also, Washington drafted a tackle in the fourth round last season in Braeden Daniels, but he struggled in training camp and eventually was placed on injured reserve with a rotator cuff injury. He did not show he could be a future starter last summer.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: THIS TRUE FACT BROUGHT TO YOU BY DRAFT KINGS: The crown is yours.
Round 3, Pick 100 - Luke McCaffrey, WR, Rice:
NFL: GM Adam Peters came from San Francisco, where they had another guy with the same last name. This McCaffrey is a converted QB who has settled in nicely at receiver, able to translate his football IQ and athleticism into production. He has good hands, likely will work best in the slot and is regarded as a future coach. Another culture pick for Washington.
CBS Sports: B+. Older wideout with obvious NFL bloodlines. Juice galore and can separate because of his jagged movements in the route. Salesmanship is there at times too. Not a YAC freak but will make cuts without losing speed with the ball in his hands. Length and physicality hurt him. Good hands in traffic. Nice weapon here.
ESPN: McCaffrey provides needed depth at receiver. Beyond Terry McLaurin and Jahan Dotson, Washington had too many questions at this position. And Dotson has not yet ascended to the level the organization hoped when it drafted him in the first round two years ago. At 6-foot-2, McCaffrey gives Daniels a bigger target from the slot -- Peters likes his quickness inside. McCaffrey started his career as a Nebraska quarterback and ended it as a receiver at Rice.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Pick #100. Buckle up. Only 157 more to go.
Round 5, Pick 139 - Jordan Magee, LB, Temple:
NFL: If Magee is protected well up front, he can fly around and make plays with his energetic style. But his slender frame and lack of take-on strength might limit him to passing-down duty and special teams.
CBS Sports: A-. High-cut plus athlete at the off-ball LB spot. Starter athleticism with requisite length. Inconsistent beating blocks. Can avoid them with them at times but not a calling card. Has the frame and athleticism to be a quality coverage ‘backer just doesn’t have much experience doing so to date. Range is there.
ESPN: Washington has spent the offseason rebuilding its linebacker core, adding starters Bobby Wagner and Frankie Luvu as well as backups Anthony Pittman and Mykal Walker. They also still have Jamin Davis. So Magee will have work to do in order to make the roster and contribute -- most likely on special teams. Magee has experience playing special teams. The Commanders have focused in part on adding good leaders and Magee was a two-time team captain at Temple. He started for three seasons and led the team in tackles each of the past two years. Last season he also had a team-high 14 tackles for a loss and was tied for most sacks with 3.5.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Went on a 2 week road trip following the Oscar Meyer Weiner Mobile.
Round 5, Pick 161 - Dominique Hampton, S, Washington:
NFL: Hampton took a longer path to success with the Huskies but developed into a good hitter with experience at multiple spots. Scouts debated where his NFL home might be on defense, but at the very least he carries good special teams experience into the league.
CBS Sports: B-. One of the best overall athletes at the safety spot in this class. Explosive, bend, suddenness, it’s all there. Play ID’ing skill should be sharper given he was at Washington for six years. Wants to be part of the action just very boom-or-bust as a tackler. Will find it in the air but not a man-coverage specialist.
ESPN: Washington has a core of young safeties with Darrick Forrest, Jartavius Martin and Percy Butler, plus veterans in Jeremy Chinn and Jeremy Reaves. The Commanders did not have a need for another safety to provide immediate help, but they could use one to develop, and that's where Hampton enters. His size -- 6-foot-2, 215 pounds -- is a good starting point. Any help in Year 1 would come on special teams -- he was named the most outstanding special teams player at Washington in 2021. He spent six years with the Huskies, starting the last two and led the team in tackles this past season. He also showed versatility, playing some corner for the Huskies.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Keeps a massive scratch and sniff sticker collection.
Round 7, Pick 222 - Javontae Jean-Baptiste, DE, Notre Dame:
NFL: An ideal camp-competition pick, JJB is a middling athlete with some stiffness, but he showed improvement as a super senior and ran back a blocked kick for a touchdown last season.
CBS Sports: A-. Started at Ohio State and plays like an ascending defender because of his athleticism, bend, and glimmer of pass-rush moves around the corner. But is an older prospect already. Plus athlete. Has to get stronger. Plenty of length. Nice roll of the dice.
ESPN: The Commanders signed three edge rushers in the offseason, but only Dorance Armstrong received a multi-year contract. They do have two young holdovers from last year's draft class in KJ Henry and Andre Jones Jr. Jean-Baptiste will challenge those two for a roster spot. Jean-Baptiste spent six years in college football -- the first five at Ohio State and last year at Notre Dame. He was a reserve for the Buckeyes but started for the Irish and led the team with 10.5 tackles for a loss and five sacks. He had the seventh fastest 40-time (4.66 seconds) among defensive ends at the combine.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Actually wanted to be a kicker but that didn’t work out so he’s this position.
submitted by EJC28 to Commanders [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 18:17 Hefty-Act-5478 Is Express VPN working in Egypt nowadays?

I have a lot of work to do while I'm there for a few weeks and was told I'd need a VPN to bypass all the government blocking of sites, can someone confirm it's working pls?
submitted by Hefty-Act-5478 to Express_VPN [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 18:04 bobthedino83 Ostomy for lower bowel pain relief

I know this question has been asked here before but I thought I'd ask again to see if there are any updates from comments on other posts or if anyone has any additional info.
TLDR: I have terrible lower bowel and rectal pain from gas (probably not excessive) and normally formed stool, and from passing stool, which is bad when I'm awake but absolutely fucks up my ability to get restorative sleep when I'm asleep and it's going to kill me. I'm basically bed ridden and not functioning in any sense anymore. I'm thinking a colostomy is a way to bypass the end section of my bowel where the pain happens.... Anyone have any input?
Risks be damned, I'd take a wheelchair and good sleep over what I've got right now.
For context: I had IBS D, but not like most people here. I just had morning urgency and D and that was usually it for the rest of the day. Then at night usually around bed time (10-11pm) I'd have another D bowel movement or at least a very loose one, that would be it again for the day. Unless I happened to be up till around 2am (and no I never drink coffee), gaming or something, then I'd get another D movement. Throughout the day I'd have gas, but it wasn't so bad that I couldn't fart it out at some point when the opportunity arose.
What did fuck me up though was waking up every morning feeling WRECKED. Long story short I figured out that it was the pain from the stool (usually lunch) and gas building up in my colon while I was asleep and that it was keeping a part of my brain aroused and out of delta wave sleep. When I'm awake I can just pass gas and stool and the pain is mostly gone, when I'm asleep it's not so easy. It would've been better if I was woken up from the pain, so I could do something about it, but alas I'm apparently a heavy sleeper.
Over the years this problem has become worse, the pain sensitivity that is. My IBS also changed from IBS D to C. Though to be honest I don't think I really have C. I just have pain as soon as a BM makes it into my lower bowel and with it not being a loose mess anymore it's just not going through fast enough for me to be rid of it and the pain. I definitely haven't gone more than 24 hours, probably not even 12 without a BM and with psyllium husk and a lot of water they come out well formed and not hard at all. That doesn't help as the transit through my lower bowel is simply painful, when I'm awake and apparently especially when I'm asleep.
Yes I know FODMAPs off by heart. I've tried ALL the probiotics. Have seen several dietitians. I eat a very basic and bland diet. Anything to avoid extra gas, but it seems zero gas is impossible.
I've come to understand this as a pain issue thanks to the pain specialists I've been seeing. We've tried all the pain meds available and most made my gastric symptoms worse, so more gas and loose stools from SSRIs for instance. Pregabalin barely does anything except actually constipate me. Adding movicol to that just seems to irritate my bowel again. It's like the bastard just won't have anything moving through it without being ANGRY.
I recently had a diagnostic nerve block (celiac plexus) which did seem to provide some relief. I passed the biggest, girthiest friggin stool I've ever seen! Usually they are almost pencil thin, as I've come to realise that is all the distention my bowel can handle. So if I eat a lot I'll pass miles of thin stool over a few BMs shortly after each other.
It's taken almost 6 months to get another pain specialist who's a pro with nerve blocks to first convince himself that I don't have any of the usual suspects - celiac, IBD, SIBO, auto immune issues. All things I'd ruled out over the last decade with several scopes, blood and stool tests, etc etc. I've seen 8 gastroenterologists nvm all the other specialists. And to try vagus nerve stimulation. After all that I was finally given a diagnostic (short acting) hypogastric plexus block and a lesser splanchnic nerve block two weeks ago.
It seems that one of these blocks just slowed my bowel down, so now I have more gas and more pain from the stool taking its time on the way out. But the other block did nothing for pain perception in my distal bowel and rectum. So I'm 100% worse off.
I'm only making it through the night with what can be called somewhat restful sleep on 0.75mg clonazepam, which is apparently the only benzo that helps for pain (and we don't know why). Without that I just wake up after about 5 hours with gas and pain. The only relief then is to wait until the offending stool passes which usually takes like 3 hours, pop 0.25mg (tiny dose just to take the edge off) clonazepam and go back to sleep for another 2+ hours. Then I usually wake up feeling about 80% better.
OR to drag myself through the day like a zombie, with limbs that feel like lead and muscles and joints that have unexplained knots and pain, brain fog, memory issues and just generally feeling like death warmed up. Get to around 3pm and go lie down and hope I fall asleep (I usually do). Then it's usually at least a 1 hour death nap after which I feel absolutely fantastic. Which is great, but also not great as the day is nearly over.
My life has narrowed to my alternating between my bed and home office, I'm basically napping or trying to nap at least half the day and the rest I'm either trying to get through the little bit of work I have to do to keep bread on the table or trying to do something enjoyable. But my mood and energy levels are so low I don't really enjoy anything. I've gone from an extroverted, multi hobbied, fitness fanatic to someone who still wishes he can have his life back but basically is just getting through each day waiting for a cure or to get old and die. This is no life, lemme tell you.
submitted by bobthedino83 to ibs [link] [comments]