Couple dinner ideas

Ideas for Dinner

2012.07.10 18:00 MadViper Ideas for Dinner

A place for the people of reddit to discuss their favorite recipes. Include recipe lists as well as price.

2011.11.29 19:56 bfhancock Easy, Healthy, Reasonably Priced Dinner Ideas for Parents!


2012.06.14 05:20 allrecipesx Easy Recipes!

A community for sharing and finding your tastiest, easy recipes! Individuals of all skill levels, tastes, and talents are welcome!

2024.05.18 23:08 sky-builder Using OpenAi api to make $10k/month revenue building Ai apps

Hello, Idris here from indieniche. This week I want to share a summarised version of my interview with Daniel Nguyen, A Product Engineer generating $10k/month building AI apps
You can find the full case study here

Q: Hello! Who are you and what product are you working on currently?

I'm Daniel Nguyen. I'm an entrepreneur based in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. I've been building multiple products: KTool, BoltAI, PDF Pals

Q: What is your backstory and how did you come up with your idea? Do you have any partners?

I've been a product engineer for more than 12 years. Then one day, I discovered Indie Hacking and found it fascinating. I quit my cushy job to start building in public.
I decided to learn more about generative AI & OpenAI API and hopefully find a good freelance gig. I did land a couple of interesting gigs, but what is more interesting is I found a new product idea: BoltAI - a better way to use OpenAI & other AI services on macOS. I started it purely to learn more about SwiftUI development & OpenAI app development (the so-called "AI wrapper"). It's now my top revenue-generating product.
While building BoltAI, one customer asked about the ability to chat with PDF natively on Mac (another "AI wrapper" idea). I found it interesting and so I decided to build it. PDF Pals recently reached 700 paid customers (about 23% of my total revenue in 2023) And finally, I built ShotSolve as a lead magnet for BoltAI (engineering as marketing, or side project marketing). It was welcomed by many Mac users and so far, has brought 1500 visitors to BoltAI.

Q: Take us through the process of building the first version of your product MVP.

When I started, I didn’t expect BoltAI to be commercially viable. It comes from my pet peeve of switching back and forth between ChatGPT web UI and native Mac apps like Xcode or Apple Notes. Unlike VSCode, there is no Copilot for XCode and I have the habit of writing blog posts in Apple Notes so I figured I need a tool to invoke ChatGPT right within these apps. So I decided to build the MVP in a weekend. The app was ugly but I managed to ship it anyway.

Q: How did you get your first customers for your product (Free or paid users)

I tweeted about it, and posted it to multiple communities asking for feedback: IndieHacker, Reddit, WIP… It went semi-viral and early adopters started to use the app. I got valuable feedback and improved the product accordingly. Some of them converted to paid customers.

Q: Since you launched your product, What has worked to attract customers

Doubling down on what works mostly. That's social media (X/Reddit), email newsletters, and paid ads.

Q: How is your product performing currently, and what are your plans for the future? Can you share your current metrics and revenue figures?

BoltAI is doing great. I plan to support business customers better, and will kind of "pivot" into B2B. Currently, most customers of BoltAI are prosumers: freelancers, developers, or content writers. I believe it would be much better if I could sell directly to businesses.
Read the full case study here
We put several hours into this research and it covers mostly all aspects:
This story inspired me a lot, I love growth and building profitable businesses, so I hope you will feel the same energy from it! If you find this a lot useful , Let’s connect togetherto read more when I interview founders like this
submitted by sky-builder to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:07 Jordan-Peterson-High Rough Situation that makes me feel Powerless

Today I asked my step dad if he would co-sign for me. It would normally not be an issue, because if he were to say yes or no, no worries. But he blew up at my mom over it, because he doesn't respect our family any more.
My mom is a hard worker but she is a 50 year old with servebartender money and a lot of debt she accrued from when she supported her manipulative mother (for decades). My uncle is a former convict who can't even pay his own phone bill, and has had car and severe back issues so is unable to even work to pay back money he owes my mom.
I have been living out of my car for a couple months, however last year I was earning an average of six figures, and just recently got hired for a job where I will again be averaging as much.
My friends and I are looking for an apartment together and found something great. However, I was initially concerned about my poor credit score, something that wasn't really an issue for me until I got laid off. I didn't care if he said no, but I had no idea that it would turn into him feeling like somebody was trying to 'take advantage' of him. He yelled at my mother, brought up a bunch of shit he always does and acts like he is better than her just because he is closer to retirement, and before leaving for work early he once again told her to leave.
I feel so powerless. I frankly want to kick his ass, but that's more of a mental thing than a literal thing. He deserves an ass whooping that's for sure, but there's no use crossing that line as so much worse can go wrong.
My mom doesn't want me to 'poke the bear' any more. I feel so helpless because she will stay with him. I told her how I feel and I know she can't afford a place on her own.
i would like to try to help her if she were to make that choice, once I get my own living situation figured out of course, but for now. I just feel so powerless in being able to improve my mother's situation.
submitted by Jordan-Peterson-High to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:03 ConnectionSecret1635 Micro-wedding venues

I am looking for ideas for a venue (restaurant, venue, hotel etc) for a small wedding (approximately 20-25 people). I am looking to host a dinner and drinks, not necessarily a party. Ideally some place that is cozy, pretty and preferably not too far away from Antwerp as my family will be arriving from abroad.
submitted by ConnectionSecret1635 to Antwerpen [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:03 Affectionate_rara0 Is it possible to fall sick after encountering tf?

Honestly, we stay is same place, we do see each other here and there. But yesterday we happened to see again, then I smiled and we said hi to each other. We were in lift, just us. Then I went out, and dinner (appetite is so bad, didn’t even eat well, even today).
I felt so down for some reason, obviously purging, then I started to cry and cry so bad. The same night, I could feel my throat was giving me slight sore and bad dry cough (I thought maybe due to yogurt). Then I had fever🤦🏼‍♀️ I barely get sick. I’ve no idea why I got fever.
submitted by Affectionate_rara0 to twinflames [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:02 trapphd Snake plant growing a bit diagonally — any insight?

Snake plant growing a bit diagonally — any insight?
I’ve had it for ~7 years. Watered sparingly (once every couple of weeks) and located near a wall of large floor-to-ceiling windows (but direct light for only a little while each day). Is this even an issue or is there something I can do? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated — thanks!
submitted by trapphd to houseplants [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:59 ComprehensiveDrive86 HELP please eyebrow piercing

HELP please eyebrow piercing
it’s like 3 years old and i never downsized but a couple weeks ago it got this bump and it’s been leaking pus a lot i have no idea what is happening please help
submitted by ComprehensiveDrive86 to piercing [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:58 Status_Cost8806 Marley Spoon cheap first boxes

Anyone want $230 off your first 4 marley spoon boxes? I got the same link from a friend and my first meals ended up being $4 each. I got the biggest box I could (6 meals x 4 serves) so we could do dinner plus lunch leftovers. My friend gets smaller 3 night boxes and her first whole box was $10.
Im getting boxes for a couple of weeks while we are super busy, and its ended up being so thoughtless and cheap. Im thinking Ill cycle through all the food-box companies to maximise all their discounts.
submitted by Status_Cost8806 to ReferralCodesAU [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:57 Jakabov Trying to make Sultai Desert/Crimes work

So I made a deck. It's not 100% my own idea, but I saw it listed somewhere and decided it looked interesting, so I made my own version of it. It's decidedly non-meta but I feel like it could have a place as a second-tier deck that catches people by surprise because nearly all your games will be against opponents who have no idea what they're facing.
Here's the list. Seems easier to post it this way than copy-pasting a decklist into the post.
The cool thing about it is that it's practically all OTJ cards, so it's as rotation-proof as anything can possibly be. The only cards that aren't from OTJ are the two copies of Cut Down, and they're probably the least important ones in the list. As an added bonus, the deck is fairly cheap to build.
Anyway, I'm looking for ways to improve/refine it. At first, it had 4x Hydra and Armadillo in it, but these are obviously not great to have in your starting hand, so I cut one of each in favor of a pair of Duelist of the Mind. That has worked out pretty well.
The biggest problem is, of course, the fact that half the manabase consists of lands that come into play tapped. You can somewhat counteract this with Hardbristle Bandit and ramp from Freestrider Lookout, but there are some games where you're simply a turn behind on mana because of this. The desert lands are important as they trigger my crime cards and fuel the cards that rely on deserts.
One thing I'm unsure about is Disinformation Campaign. It's really good in long games, but obviously bad against faster decks. However, I felt like I was running out of cards until I put a couple of them in there.
The deck is currently designed for BO1, because I couldn't really think of anything to put in the sideboard. It's a pretty tight package and the only things I can think to take out for sideboarding would be the removal cards against heavy-duty control decks.
Perhaps the biggest concern I have is that on one hand, it plays like a tempo deck with mana elves and countermagic and flash creatures; and on the other, you often anti-tempo yourself with taplands. I don't see a solution to this.
submitted by Jakabov to Magicdeckbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:56 Odd_Row_1088 Getting back into OMAD

It's been a weird couple of days, Thursday I was invited to one of our contractors award ceremonys / dinner dance which threw both my IF and calorie deficit. Friday I was making lots of food for today (Saturday) and although I skipped my evening meal I spent the day tasting things / snacking on odd bits which again threw me off. Today has been lots of buffet grazing, although what I made was reasonably healthy I had far too much. Over the last three days I've managed to gain around 3kg and feeling quite bloated.
Thankfully tomorrow I can get back into my normal routine, I've also treated myself to a kettlebell which should arrive tomorrow which will be fun.
It's amazing how quickly things can both get off track and spike back up!
submitted by Odd_Row_1088 to intermittentfasting [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:55 CrashBangXD Does discontinued matter?

Obligatory apology for formatting as I’m on mobile!
I’m looking to get a new car and the Arteon has caught my eye as quite frankly, it’s gorgeous.
Looking over a couple reviews I’ve stumbled across that it’s been discontinued? Does this mean it’s a bad idea to buy or will cause a component cost increase?
I know next to nothing about cars hence the (potentially) stupid question
submitted by CrashBangXD to Arteon [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:54 Weird-Requirement196 I’m (24F) feeling unsure about boyfriend (26M). Advice?

Me (24F) and my boyfriend (26M) just started living together. I’m starting to feel a bit unsure about him. I’m not sure if it’s one thing or a cluster of things. Both my boyfriend and I are pretty “innocent”, like I grew up religious and never had sex with anyone, he’s not religious but he never slept with anyone or did anything sexual other than kissing (he only briefly dated one girl on and off), the longest he dated her was 4 months and they kept breaking up, they didn’t really do anything other than kissing, he never met her parents, she never slept over, they didn’t have restaurant dates or anything, and she never had dinner with his parents either.
Him and I started dating and we did all these things, we were best friends for 2 years before dating, I was dating another guy for a while, he said he always liked me, even when I was dating that other guy. He’s very very affectionate with me and sweet and loving and caring. We dated for a bit and then separated because my ex was very mentally devastated, but then got back together after 5 months. We’ve been dating for 8 months now and moving in together. However, recently I have been having some doubts, I’m not sure if these are normal doubts or it’s just because I’m not super experienced with relationships?
Here are the reasons I have doubts: - When we started dating for the second time, I saw that he would visit pages on Reddit like jennaortegalust, madisonbeersofine, and florencepughNSFW. This made me feel weird and I asked him, and he said he used to search those when he was single and this whole relationship thing is new to him so he’s not used to not doing those, but he did stop and hasn’t looked at those in months (from what I know).
I just want to know if these are valid concerns and a reason as to why I’m unsure about him? Other than that, he’s such a loving and caring boyfriend, constantly cooking me breakfast and showering me with love and kisses. Also he basically wanted me to move in with him so bad that he kept saying he’ll do all the chores and garbage and everything. I used to feel really attracted to him and I used to think I loved him.
But because of the reasons above, I just don’t know how to feel, I do want to be with him, but I do wish he didn’t do those things, but then again it could be just me growing up conservative. I’m scared I’ll lose feelings for him and just won’t think he’s that pure (not everyone’s definition of pure but I grew up pretty conservative). My ex would barely go online and was very into the outdoors, so I don’t know if I’m comparing my bf to my ex in terms of how often they go online and just look up things. I did talk to my boyfriend about searching up his ex before, he said he did it out of curiosity and after a while you just forget about exes and stop doing that, and he told me how he was over her the second time they dated, because she was flaky and too polite with him where he didn’t know her properly and couldn’t be open with her, and did tell me multiple times he wanted to stop hanging out with her while they were hanging out but didn’t know how to say it to her (he told me this even when we were friends, not dating), as she can be quite emotional and was suicidal at one point. Anyway, not sure how to move forward, I don’t know if I’m overreacting or if these are valid reasons. I feel bad as he’s so kind to me and constantly takes care of me and looks after me, he even said I was the only girl he ever thought about saying the L word to (again, didn’t say it outright, but talked about how he wanted to say it to me). Sorry if this post is a bit long, but any advice is helpful.
TLDR: I’m feeling unsure about boyfriend because he looked up ex, and looked up NSFW celebrity pages on Reddit once or twice, and doesn’t say “I love you” directly.
submitted by Weird-Requirement196 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:53 stuckinamaze999 Ready to give up on dating

I (22m) have been dating around (emphasis on dating) for the past year. I have dated about 30 different women in this time and I have gotten a second date one time (for about 5 of them, not going on a second date was my choice). I’m not bad looking, I’m in a grad program with really good job prospects, and I think I am pretty charismatic. I always try to get some feedback on how the date went from their perspective so I can grow for next time. Sometimes, I get ghosted, but more often than not I get the classic “you’re great but not what Im looking for.” I took this at face value at first, but after getting this a couple times, I would press a bit, by saying I could set them up with a friend if they told me what they were looking for. Now, if I had a friend that fit their description of their ideal person, I’d have had no problem setting them up, but their responses (I thought) would be valuable to my growth. I got 6 responses on this. Each one was something superficial (I.e., 6ft+, rich, lots of followers on insta). I get that people have superficial preferences, hell even I do. But I feel so used because I buy them dinner or a drink or a coffee or access to an activity, I have fun, but if they know these are their preferences and still go on a date with me, it seems like they just want me to pay for a night out for them and give them attention, not actually pursue something real. Maybe it’s the fact that we are young still, or I’m just unlucky, but it’s super demoralizing and makes me not even want to try to date anymore. Any advice?
submitted by stuckinamaze999 to GenZ [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:53 Own-Salad1974 What would you like to see in a Jak and Daxter TPL Remake/Reboot?

I made another post about this topic a couple weeks ago but it didn't get much attention. Thought I would try again
Basically, I would love to see a remake of Jak TPL, with a slightly expanded and polished world.
Maybe increase the size or add new features to areas, such as sentinel Beach, forbidden Jungle, Sandover Village.
Finish unfinished areas, such as Rock Village and Yellow Sage's hut.
Have a secret location which can only be unlocked after fulfilling specific criteria.
Have some foreshadowing to the sequel games, where they end up in another world.
Have some minigames or side content, similair to the fishing minigame. Like a card game or like the Gun course in Jak 2
Have Jak 1 and Jak 2 be two different Jaks from different universes, not time travel. One can be a childish Jak from Sandover, the other can be the badass Jak fighting and being in the underground.
What are your thoughts?
Feel free to suggest things for a Jak 2 and 3 remake, or make a seperate post. I'd love to hear your ideas
Edit: Here's a link to my original post Some more ideas there
submitted by Own-Salad1974 to jakanddaxter [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:52 stuckinamaze999 Gen Z ready to give up on dating

I (22m) have been dating around (emphasis on dating) for the past year. I have dated about 30 different women in this time and I have gotten a second date one time (for about 5 of them, not going on a second date was my choice). I’m not bad looking, I’m in a grad program with really good job prospects, and I think I am pretty charismatic. I always try to get some feedback on how the date went from their perspective so I can grow for next time. Sometimes, I get ghosted, but more often than not I get the classic “you’re great but not what Im looking for.” I took this at face value at first, but after getting this a couple times, I would press a bit, by saying I could set them up with a friend if they told me what they were looking for. Now, if I had a friend that fit their description of their ideal person, I’d have had no problem setting them up, but their responses (I thought) would be valuable to my growth. I got 6 responses on this. Each one was something superficial (I.e., 6ft+, rich, lots of followers on insta). I get that people have superficial preferences, hell even I do. But I feel so used because I buy them dinner or a drink or a coffee or access to an activity, I have fun, but if they know these are their preferences and still go on a date with me, it seems like they just want me to pay for a night out for them and give them attention, not actually pursue something real. Maybe it’s the fact that we are young still, or I’m just unlucky, but it’s super demoralizing and makes me not even want to try to date anymore. Any advice?
submitted by stuckinamaze999 to datingadviceformen [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:52 Content-Aardvark-105 Phil Jones Bass Cub problems - any thoughts on problem?

Phil Jones Bass Cub problems - any thoughts on problem?
Turns on but sound comes and goes and sounds corrupted like this. I plugged into 2nd input instead and it sounded great for a couple minutes, then did the same (1st channel doesn't always make any sound).
Speakers look intact and I see no swollen/leaky caps or charred areas, though I did not pull it apart into separate boards to get a full and complete look. I figured I would ask first in case it's obvious to someone.
I suspect a solid state amp like this will cost more than it's worth to have repaired, though I can replace components if I can identify which. (and it's not like I need to worry about breaking it).
Also, any recommendations re solid state amp repair in CA Bay Area?
Thanks for any ideas.
submitted by Content-Aardvark-105 to GuitarAmps [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:52 rick_falen35 Bleeding nonstop

Hi f(22) i have been bleeding for 37 days had a week off but it started back so much heavier with blood clots size of a quarter and even wearing the thick pads i have to change them every 2 hours. I have had this happen before but it went on in a span of 6 months and after that I did a lot of tests and everything came back normal. I did have to go to the ER and i had low iron and blood levels that i needed a iron transfusion. I went and got the IUD which helped a little bit but it was monitored correctly so it was in a weird position. i’ve been so tired physically and mentally. i’m just so tired of leaving like this i breakdown almost every day. My close family is not taking this seriously which is really hurtful. I did get birth control and i’ve only been taking it for a couple of days but they are like you didn’t give it enough time to work. I can’t rely on birth control for the rest of my life i need to know what is actually going on with my body and get the right help. Idk if i should go to the ER or make a doctors appointment. if anyone has advice or ideas please please help me.
submitted by rick_falen35 to WomensHealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:50 stuckinamaze999 Gen Z ready to give up on dating

I (22m) have been dating around (emphasis on dating) for the past year. I have dated about 30 different women in this time and I have gotten a second date one time (for about 5 of them, not going on a second date was my choice). I’m not bad looking, I’m in a grad program with really good job prospects, and I think I am pretty charismatic. I always try to get some feedback on how the date went from their perspective so I can grow for next time. Sometimes, I get ghosted, but more often than not I get the classic “you’re great but not what Im looking for.” I took this at face value at first, but after getting this a couple times, I would press a bit, by saying I could set them up with a friend if they told me what they were looking for. Now, if I had a friend that fit their description of their ideal person, I’d have had no problem setting them up, but their responses (I thought) would be valuable to my growth. I got 6 responses on this. Each one was something superficial (I.e., 6ft+, rich, lots of followers on insta). I get that people have superficial preferences, hell even I do. But I feel so used because I buy them dinner or a drink or a coffee or access to an activity, I have fun, but if they know these are their preferences and still go on a date with me, it seems like they just want me to pay for a night out for them and give them attention, not actually pursue something real. Maybe it’s the fact that we are young still, or I’m just unlucky, but it’s super demoralizing and makes me not even want to try to date anymore. Any advice?
submitted by stuckinamaze999 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:50 Fair_Inevitable_9451 Bizarre response to stimulants that makes no biological sense

I doubt anyone will see this or even know what is causing this strange issue, but I figured I'd try posting just in case. The post is a bit lengthy so that I can include the necessary details, sorry in advance.
I have developed some medical issues that I suspect could be related somehow to why the stimulants aren't working as they should, but there is nothing obvious that should affect it (though I do have some stuff going on that doesn't yet have a clear diagnosis to explain it), and this happened practically overnight.
Extended release stimulants don't work properly for me anymore because they have a ton of side effects, and without going into too much detail and making this longer, they have weird effects - for example, having a therapeutic effect for 20 minutes, then it being gone and making me extremely irritable, anhedonic, and upset for a couple hours - then going back to normal.
So recently, I tried instant release. First, zenzedi (instant release dextroamphetamine). I then wanted to try the methylphenidate to see if it would last longer for me and have less physical side effects. Well.. it did physically, but it made me so angry and depressed, I couldn't tolerate it, plus it stopped working after an hour and a half. I asked to try focalin, on the off chance it was any better. In the meantime I tried the zenzedi again. To my surprise, all the physical side effects had disappeared. But so had the therapeutic effects. So I tried the full tablet (I had been taking half before).. it had some effect for about 20 minutes, then it was gone.
Then, I tried the focalin. It lasted less than one hour, and I did have some physical side effects. I initially wondered if it was something with the specific generic because the other two were brand name, and didn't make me feel so weird.
So I tried the zenzedi again (Ritalin was a no go because it made me extremely irritable and depressed), but this time at a tablet and a half to see if my body had just adjusted to stimulants, hence the lack of side effects and not responding to the initial tiny dose I took. Somehow no physical side effects despite having had them at half of one tablet before, and any therapeutic effect wore off after 20-30 minutes, replaced by a rising feeling of irritability and agitation that got more and more intense. I used to get irritable sometimes when a dose wore off, but only mildly. It was not intolerable or intense. I tried again, with the same result. One dose used to last about 2 hours.
I can't think of any common reason this would happen with both methylphenidate and amphetamine. Or any likely reason for any of them. I was wondering if anyone here might have an ideas on why this might be happening.
submitted by Fair_Inevitable_9451 to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:50 Space-Punk Does anyone know if/when the Dead Boy Detectives show will be available on disc?

I noticed you can buy season 1 of The Sandman on blu-ray and wanted to get DBD as well, but can't find it except a couple random e-bay listings that are scams (I tried to purchase one and they deleted their account after I paid, luckily e-bay refunded me.)
I was just curious if anyone had an idea on if season 1 of DBD will eventually be available on dvd or blu-ray because I'd like it for my collection. Thanks!
submitted by Space-Punk to Sandman [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:49 mykvr0mi I feel like my boyfriend puts the car above me

My mom gave me a car a while back, it belonged to my dead stepdad so meant a lot to me. I can’t drive so my bf took it since he could, but it was my car in the end.
He, although I didn’t want him to, sold it for a 20 y/o BMW. It’s even older by a couple months than us (F20 M20). He did it without my permission and I’m pissed at that. The only thing I had from my stepdad gone in a flash.
It’s been a while since and I feel like he puts more effort into this car he bought than our relationship. On the weekends, he works on it. When he comes home from work, he either sleeps or works on it. Just today, I told him “I know you’ll work on it until 9pm” and he told me it would be different. He worked on it until 9pm.
Most times we go out it’s to get car parts. His friend is a car fanatic too, so I know that if he is going out with him, it’s for car purposes. All he does with me is either play a game once a week for 2 hours or such, or watch a show HE wants to watch. I go along just to spend time with him.
I’m utterly pissed off at this car existing. He keeps doing things to it that make it absolutely unusable. He lowered it, for example, meaning that he can’t go over fucking speed bumps. I can’t even learn to drive in this car, so I’m personally fucked getting-a-license-wise.
I don’t want to leave him so I have to just fucking deal with it, but I have no idea how. I have no friends, I have no hobbies, and he is the only reason I wake up. I just sleep until he gets home, and knowing that when he gets home he chooses the car… it hurts.
submitted by mykvr0mi to venting [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:47 Suspicious_Bat2488 A strange event

I was having dinner with my boyfriend last night. We had come to the end of our dinner and were just chatting. I am not someone who notices surroundings, so I was attentive to my boyfriend. Suddenly I hear a small “hello Lucy”. I look up and hear it again from a second person - it is a JW couple I knew reasonably well. I look up and say hello. They look sheepish, awkward and even a little scared.
This is the first encounter I have had with JDubs since I left. I try to explain to my boyfriend how unusual and strange it is just to get a mere hello. What’s more is that they could have walked past and said nothing, I hadn’t seen them or caught their eye until they extended a hello to catch my attention.
I don’t know why but I just felt sorry for them. Here I was enjoying time with my boyfriend, free, on the outside - while they were fearfully saying hello to someone who has only ever been kind to them and no threat.
Has anyone else experienced this? I wonder if they were confused about the whole “you can say hi to DF’d people” thing.
I am a highly disgraced person to - I could not have been ejected more shamefully than I was.
submitted by Suspicious_Bat2488 to exjw [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:47 HistoricalAd8790 My cat’s toenail has something wrong with it- is this an emergency?
5yo male, neutered, messed up toenail on back paw
We just noticed this on his paw- I couldn’t get a better picture.
He has an e-collar on anyways for a healing cornea scratch, so he can’t mess with it. He’s eating fine, not limping, and there’s no discharge. His behavior is hard to judge since he’s less energetic anyways due to the cone. He didn’t seem to be excessively trying to bite it the couple times his cone was off, but also hard to say.
I’m going out of town today (Saturday) for my brother’s graduation and won’t get back until Monday evening. Can this wait until Tuesday or Wednesday? A vet tech is coming to my house to briefly check in with him on Sunday.
I’m also curious as to whether anyone has any ideas as to what it may be.
Thank you so much. My poor little guy has had a really tough week.
submitted by HistoricalAd8790 to AskVet [link] [comments]