Team names for girls


2013.08.07 16:22 simonbeckerman Depop

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2016.09.12 04:43 Entitled People Stories from your lives about people who think the rules don't apply to them and they should get what they want. Sister subreddit of /entitledparents

2017.06.19 08:07 siouxsie_siouxv2 Lightly used

2024.05.18 20:39 vjnsparkles Need Advice

Hi! Please read
So, my friend started talking to this guy a month ago and things are a bit messed up. Let's call her A, the guy M and her best friend P.
She started talking to this guy M, he's from a neighbouring country, the same age. She's a really really sweet girl, but, she's a bit too naive. She'll trust you completely if you start talking. She has many online friends but M was the closest.
I never liked M, he was really weird and rude (and corny too). And she, never complained about it even though he'd say a lot weird stuff to her, fight with her, she'd apologise. We tried stopping her from talking to him but she didn't. P is really close to A, and she also talks to the same guy M.
So the scene is, that my friend A and the guy M had a fight, over a petty small issue. Nothing too big, but the thing was A didn't apologise. We didn't let her. Bc it was not at all her fault, M ditched her at times, then he's complain to her how she “uses” him bc she opened up about her trauma to him. Btw M himself asked her to share, he'd always try asking her and since they were good friends she did share.
M started becoming pathetic. P approached M since P is my friend's really close best friend.
M - the guy had a crsh on P, but she rejected him too. Things were heated up, so we finally got M blocked and things were completely fine for a week. M messaged P, backbitching about A btw.
Today, he put on many stories. Revealing both the girls photos and videos WO CONSENT ON HIS PUBLIC ACCOUNT. Now here's the real talk.
Most are videos of chat bw him and his some other friend (she's a fcking btch). So, firstly in their chat they share photos of P and he screenshotted from their highlights. They started laughing at P's face, then starting talking about how A was built like a brick wall.
A - she's really pretty but a bit chubby bc of a condition, she's a bit insecure of her looks BUT trust me she's the nicest girl ik.
They started making fun about how A - my friend is fcking ugly, is a brick wall, “cant even fit her in the a box” the girl says to which he replies “not even in a luggage box” and they made pretty messed up jokes about her appearance.
They start calling P Shrek, "she's so fcking ugly" loads of curses and slut shaming, posting their pics and simply laughing at them. Calling them weird names.
But the worst?
M says -
"I should rpe P and imprgnate her, then fill her up wt donuts, stuff her mouth with an apple, then tie an apple around her forehead and punch her hard, the feed her flesh to A.”
And he also says "I'm not joking, I'm being serious"
To which the bitch replies
"It'd be disgusting to touch her."
They continue with their body shaming, slut shaming contest and the girl ends it wt saying
"P looks so molestable. Yk girls sometimes get stalked and catcalled, if she has a stalker he'd take one look at her ugly ass moustache and puke. She so fcking ugly."
They've posted the girl photos wo their consent in all their stories, then M has the audacity to say
"If you want more of the brick wall's videos and the molester lesbian's vidoes(referring to P), let me know" with their pics in background.
The way they gives me an ick, they're the typical wannabe cool kids using the n word each and every time.
We don't want A to know about this, she finally got over rhim and we don't want to stir up problems for her. But I don't absolutely think it's alright for him to f/cking post pe jokes and pics and videos of the girls, boys so corny I can't even
What should I do? I don't see the guy stopping, what can I do? We have a group of friends.
Please let me know your opinions.
(Would've doxxed If I knew how)
submitted by vjnsparkles to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:39 1second2impact Help with damage calculator in HC Nuzlocke

I'm currently doing a HC Nuzlocke of Platinum and using Hzla damage calculator, but some enemy's team are missing or under another trainer name, i can manually insert the enemy's pokemon, their moves, but i don't know the ivs and nature for an exact calculation.
For me it would be okay too if there was a spreadsheet with the exact stats nature ivs and id manually insert them.
What i fear is that I might outspeed my opponent by a few points but if the enemy has a +Speed nature i might lose a valuable team member in a crucial fight, same applies for a move that would ohko by a small margin.
submitted by 1second2impact to nuzlocke [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:39 elringo_ Hard Rock Hotel Follow Up

Hard Rock Hotel Follow Up
Normally I don't do follow up posts when it comes to these things but a lot of information has since come out in regards to the Hard Rock Hotel incident. Before I continue, I would like to preface that a lot of articles within recent have been getting taken down so I'm doing my best to archive what I can from these sites as a result.
Of all the sites to be taken down, the REHAB performers list was taken down with the last couple of days. On the list itself, it included several notable names like Kendrick, Diddy & J Cole.
Looks like It was freshly removed... -
However, I kept a screenshot of the list. This can also be found on Wayback Machine:
Diddy - Sunday, May 25 - Memorial Day Weekend
With the recent camera footage of Diddy abusing Cassie that was publicized Yesterday, it's safe to say we can officially roll out Diddy as abusive & being at the hotel at the time of the reported Kendrick Article.
Alamy Photo @ REHAB 1
Alamy Photo @ REHAB 2
Alamy Photo @ REHAB 3
Another thing I noticed was a screenshot of a website article publicized on TwitteX that removes the abuse victim being Whitney completely. It reported that it was a girl working for a legal Nevada Brothel named "The Love Ranch." This brothel shut down August 2018.
The Love Ranch -
Now this is purely just based off my assessment of Kendrick's character just from being a fan of his music (& interviews) but he really does not strike me as the person to go to a brothel. Diddy, however, has a notable history with sex workers with now recent ties for abuse. Of course these things lingered already because of his existing lawsuit. All I'm saying is it looks very suspicious the links stop working when surveillance videos start being aired.
It also gives more information on the interview video as it comes from an entire livestream. The interview would've started at 57:10.
Now third and final addition starts off with the question: So, where was Kendrick on Memorial Day? It's confirmed that he was still in Las Vegas at the time BUT performing at the Haze Nightclub. With both photos & video to corroborate this.
Haze Night Club 1
Haze Night Club 2
Haze Nightclub Video Article about Performance
Haze Nightclub is also located inside of the Aria Hotel which Kendrick previously stayed at on May 3rd. No bruises were seen on his hands either.
I decided to look into May 3 as well out of curiosity and found a picture of Whitney & Kendrick from that night.
May 3rd - VIP Pre Fight
It's also important to note all articles about the alleged abuse were published in September 2014 and NOT May. Not a single article. Pretty much only after the Interview / Livestream appeared on the internet.
My theory is Diddy had seven rooms at the Hard Rock Hotel, ended up getting a sex worker from The Love Ranch after his performance at REHAB, some situation that took place where he then ended up fleeing. It's really hard for this to not have been a bigger situation considering she was found in one of the seven rooms. That is... unless she was threatened to drop charges or paid off. The Kendrick name was thrown around as a rumor just to get the heat off. Because why was there never anything that came to fruition? A court case? Security footage of the incident? Las Vegas has a shit ton of surveillance (I know, I've been there personally). Hell, even NOW someone coming out? The security guard in the video even mentioned she never personally saw Kendrick and only heard from someone some time later. The only thing she personally saw was an entourage.
I would suggest looking into the court cases of P. Diddy & Kendrick just to see how much is tied to their name. I'm not entirely sure how to go about that myself but maybe there's something there to look into as well.
submitted by elringo_ to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:38 NFSR113 Steve Scanlon and civilian witness

I’ve searched this subreddit and others for what people are saying I’m surprised how little Scanlon is discussed. Now I know everything about him is all rumors, but that has never stopped people on the internet from discussing them.
In my opinion, he is the most intriguing part of this mystery and I’d like to start a discussion to share theories and ideas. And of course this is totally just theories. I would not want anyone to jump to conclusions, make accusations, harass or anyway bother these people. But there’s nothing wrong with discussing theories and sharing information. After all a man is dead, an innocent women is possibly on trial, and there’s possible massive government misconduct.
So I’ll start with what I know. And I’ll admit most of this is coming from Reading Turtleboy and Sean McDonough.
Stephen Scanlon is from Boston(south Boston I believe). He has know Brian Albert for 20 plus years- this is a fact. There are many pictures of them together. He also has a boxing background and i believe he was on the Boston police department boxing team with Brian Albert(who knew that was even a thing).
Scanlon worked for Suffolk county sheriff for sure together with Brian Albert. He also worked for Worcester county. There’s a story where he found the body of a missing child based on tip he got from a prisoner. Interestingly he got in trouble for not following correct procedure and notifying appropriate people. He just went out with his partner to search based on the tip and found him. I don’t care to find the article and link right now but this is 100% fact.
I believe he also may have worked for or with the FBI in some capacity and I would assume BPD if he was on the boxing team. He is now a private investigator. Others have said he has a somewhat controversial record and I don’t disagree based on what I read about that missing child case. I don’t think he was involved or anything, just didn’t do his investigation by the books.
Please don’t contact him or harass him, but he is public on Facebook. It appears he lives in Waltham now and I assume he’s in his 50s to early 60s.
So onto his involvement with the Karen read case. Its been reported that in the 2-3 days following Karen Read being charged, so like early Feb ‘22. He visited Read’s lawyer Yanetti to tell him he believed John was actually killed in a fight inside Brian Alberts home. This is the tip that started this entire conspiracy theory. However I cannot find any official documents that confirm this. Just Turtleboy and other internet people.
Now onto the total rumors. Scanlon specifically implicated Colin Alberts, Brian Alberts, and Brian Higgins. He was killed in a fight in the house/basement. There was a lot of blood. He may have initially been knocked out, then woke up and was vomiting and convulsing. They dumped his body outside.
Now how does Scanlon now all this? People are saying he has a daughter who went to Canton High and is friends with some of the girls in the house that night. So presumably an eye witness in the house told Scanlon’s daughter who then told him.
So who is Scanlons daughter? I’m sure some internet sleuths can find out. Who could she be friends with in the house that told her? Doubt it was Julie Nagel. Maybe Sarah Levinson? Levinson of course denied witnessing anything in court, but doesn’t totally rule her out. Or could there have been other witnesses in the house that are still being hidden. Either way if one person heard it from an eye witnesses, I find it impossible that there aren’t more people who have at least heard it second hand. Will we hear from anybody about this during the trial? I doubt it for some reason.
But anyway, all of this is unconfirmed rumors and could be totally nothing. Interested to hear from anybody else about their theories. Or specifically if there’s any more evidence that this conversation between Yanetti and Scanlon even took place. Would also be interested to hear anything about Steve Scanlon and his career in law enforcement. He is a fascinating and mysterious character in all this.
submitted by NFSR113 to justiceforKarenRead [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:37 Imaginary-Turn-4728 FRESHMAN SUMMER PROGRAM RESULTS

Hey guys!! I’m currently a freshman in high school (rising sophomore) and here are the summer programs I applied to and the results. I’m honestly happy with my results and really excited for this summer. Please note that some of these programs are local so I changed the name of my state but you guys can ping me for the state I’m actually from!
Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Program- Accepted
Kode With Klossy- Accepted
Tech Girls- Waitlisted/Alternate
Kentucky Youth Leadership Network- Accepted
Kentucky Academy of Medicine Internship- Rejected
Job at Code Differently- Accepted
submitted by Imaginary-Turn-4728 to summerprogramresults [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:37 andimuhammadrifki Lionel Messi: my icon concept (including all details)

Lionel Messi: my icon concept (including all details)
card of my Lionel Messi icon concept; design originally by futbin
Name: Lionel Messi Date of Birth: 24/06/1987 Height: 5'7" (1.70 m) Work Rate: Medium (Attacking) / Low (Defensive) Skill Moves: 4 stars Weak Foot: 4 stars
Main Position: CF Alternative Position(s): RW, CAM, ST Country: Argentina
PACE: 92 Acceleration: 88 Sprint Speed: 96
SHOOTING: 92 Attacking Position: 98 Finishing: 98 Shot Power: 84 Long Shot: 90 Volley: 88 Penalty: 80
PASSING: 87 Vision: 92 Crossing: 84 Free Kick Accuracy: 88 Short Pass: 88 Long Pass: 84 Curve: 88
DRIBBLING: 98 Agility: 98 Balance: 90 Reaction: 90 Ball Control: 98 Dribbling: 98 Composure: 92
DEFENDING: 45 Interception: 42 Header: 76 Defensive Awareness: 40 Stand Tackle: 42 Slide Tackle: 42
PHYSICALITY: 70 Jump: 76 Stamina: 82 Strength: 70 Aggression: 52
ICON PROFILE "By the end of the 2010–11 season, Lionel Messi had contributed very much in Barcelona's domestic and European dominance. He led Barcelona to the La Liga and UEFA Champions League double, scoring 53 stunning goals in all competitions. In the first half of the next season, Barcelona won the UEFA Super Cup and the FIFA Club World Cup, in which Messi provided a total of three goals in both competitions. Following that, Messi also shattered numerous records: most goals in a single La Liga season with 50 goals and most goals in a European club season with 73 goals across all competitions, helping Barcelona secure another Copa del Rey title. He maintained his stellar performances halfway through the 2012–13 season, breaking Gerd Müller's 40-year-old record for the most goals in a single calendar year by netting 91 incredible goals. His brilliant consistent form throughout the years 2011 and 2012 led him to two consecutive FIFA Ballon d'Or awards in those years."
PLAYER TRAITS Chip shot Finesse shot Long shot taker Outside foot shot Playmaker Speed dribbler Team player Technical dribbler
submitted by andimuhammadrifki to fut [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:36 andimuhammadrifki Lionel Messi: my icon concept (including all details)

card of my Lionel Messi icon concept; original card design by futbin
PLAYER BIO Name: Lionel Messi Date of Birth: 24/06/1987 Height: 5'7" (1.70 m) Work Rate: Medium (Attacking) / Low (Defensive) Skill Moves: 4 stars Weak Foot: 4 stars
PLAYER DETAILS Main Position: CF Alternative Position(s): RW, CAM, ST Country: Argentina
PACE: 92 Acceleration: 88 Sprint Speed: 96
SHOOTING: 92 Attacking Position: 98 Finishing: 98 Shot Power: 84 Long Shot: 90 Volley: 88 Penalty: 80
PASSING: 87 Vision: 92 Crossing: 84 Free Kick Accuracy: 88 Short Pass: 88 Long Pass: 84 Curve: 88
DRIBBLING: 98 Agility: 98 Balance: 90 Reaction: 90 Ball Control: 98 Dribbling: 98 Composure: 92
DEFENDING: 45 Interception: 42 Header: 76 Defensive Awareness: 40 Stand Tackle: 42 Slide Tackle: 42
PHYSICALITY: 70 Jump: 76 Stamina: 82 Strength: 70 Aggression: 52
ICON PROFILE "By the end of the 2010–11 season, Lionel Messi had contributed very much in Barcelona's domestic and European dominance. He led Barcelona to the La Liga and UEFA Champions League double, scoring 53 stunning goals in all competitions. In the first half of the next season, Barcelona won the UEFA Super Cup and the FIFA Club World Cup, in which Messi provided a total of three goals in both competitions. Following that, Messi also shattered numerous records: most goals in a single La Liga season with 50 goals and most goals in a European club season with 73 goals across all competitions, helping Barcelona secure another Copa del Rey title. He maintained his stellar performances halfway through the 2012–13 season, breaking Gerd Müller's 40-year-old record for the most goals in a single calendar year by netting 91 incredible goals. His brilliant consistent form throughout the years 2011 and 2012 led him to two consecutive FIFA Ballon d'Or awards in those years."
PLAYER TRAITS Chip shot Finesse shot Long shot taker Outside foot shot Playmaker Speed dribbler Team player Technical dribbler
submitted by andimuhammadrifki to EASportsFC [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:36 shyshylamby PC/EST/NA hi let’s be long term friends pls

Girl gamer looking only for other girl gamers !! 24, my name is Anya :)
looking for friends to play valorant with. I’m only really on there to play swiftplay/unrated/spike rush. I love to be silly, I’m very talkative, I like to think I’m funny and I really just want someone who I can play with that won’t ghost me :c
aside from valorant I also play league (emerald 4) I play stardew and sunhaven alot rn.
I love anime, i love music, I listen to pretty much all genres fr, and I love to just talk/help ppl!
pls feel free to message me on here so we can exchange discords/ign !
submitted by shyshylamby to GamerPals [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:36 AdamLuyan 1 Children Marriage Contract

1 Children Marriage Contract
🔗 Catalog of Layan’s Memoirs:1 Children Marriage Contract;2 Revelation;3 Flesh Eye Through;4 Youngster;5 Liaoning Branch;6 SYHP Housekeeping Bureau;7 Northeastern University;8 Death with Eyes Open;9 Middle Age;10 Fate Through;11 Tree of Life;12 Meditation;13 Bitter Crux;14 Aggregate Crux;15 Salvation Crux;16 Path Crux;17 Translation of Heart Sutra and Diamond Sutra;18 The Sun Stone
My name is Luyan, I was born in April 1970, in the village of Qingtaipao, Jinzhou City, China. My father was an electrical technician in a nearby brick factory. Mom was a farmer.
One day in September 1971, A guest came to our home, whom my father called Old Brother Liu from Shenyang (1). Dad said to mom: “Troupe Leader Liu knows physiognomy, and I want him to have a look our Luyan." Mom was impatient. Dad added: "Troupe Leader Liu is not a stranger, you should be more enthusiastic! he said, ‘He should not have Luyan seen him, otherwise it won't work'.” Mom and Dad went out of the bedroom. The three of them were whispering in the kitchen. Troupe Leader Liu asked about my birth date.
Note 1, at this time, he was the deputy chief of the Northeast Military Region's Cultural Troupe, about 40 years old, a division officer. He is commonly referred to in this book as Troupe Leader Liu. Before and after this story, I couldn't hear his voice. He spoke in ancient Han; I heard what they were doing from my father's explanation to my mother.
Troupe Leader Liu said he wanted to see me and wrinkled the curtain between the kitchen and the bedroom. I didn't see him. Dad explained to mom what he said, "That wantonness he's sitting on, the high beam nose to forehead, is a monk's fate, no marriage life."
"What does that mean, no marriage? He can't get married for the rest of his life?" Mom asked.
After dad inquired with Troupe Leader Liu, explained to mom: "It is possible to get married, but the marriage is not happy or long-lasting."
Mom got upset after hearing that and came inside. My dad and Troupe Leader Liu were talking outside. After a while, Dad came into the bedroom and said to mom, "Why did you just leave!"
Mom replied: "He's godly! Who believes that nowadays."
Dad said: "People can see that, and you're not happy to hear it! He also told me that he was just speaking straight from his heart according to what the ancient books say, just directly speaking what he deemed truth. You shouldn’t be like that! If you don't believe, it's okay to just listen! You come out and talk together!"
Mom followed Dad out, asking as she walked: "What is it again?"
In the kitchen, Dad said to Mom: "Troupe Leader Liu said that his eldest daughter, Jianjun Liu (Eve Liu), is a sky fate (Goddess fate), gifted and smart, but also has a destined bad marriage life. He wants to betroth her to our Luyan; says the two are quite compatible. By tying them together as a pair (2), both of their bad marriage destinies will be broken."
Note 2, Illustrations 1-2 are Ometeotl, the god of world creation, from Chapter 18 “The Sun Stone” of this book; they are Tlaloc, the Mexican god of rain, and Chalchiuhtlicue, the mother of all living beings. The red thread around their ankles indicates that they are bound as husband and wife by Huitzilopochtli, the father of Mexico. How is the Huitzilopochtli tied? This is a big project that takes three generations to spend 100 years on; the blindfolding below is the first step in transferring it to the third generation.
Mom replied: "Look at his appearance! What can his daughter look like!"
Dad said: "That's just saying, his family is well off. Besides, his appearance is not good, his wife might be pretty!"
Mom said: "His family is doing well now. In this society, twenty years later, who knows what will happen!"
Dad said: "It's not good to refuse someone's offer. Besides, this is just a saying, in the future, the two children will become a couple or not, is the matter of the two of them. Now, we are trying to break Luyan’s bad marriage fate!"
3 Blindfolding
A little later, Dad and Troupe Leader Liu returned to the kitchen. Troupe Leader Liu said, "If I'm right, the boy will cry as soon as he sees me; however, he can only see me this one time."
Mom was in the back, and when she heard that, said, "There's that! Let's try it then! It won't hurt to see him once anyway."
They arranged the subsequent experiment in a whisper. Troupe Leader Liu added, “Then I'll blindfold him.”
Dad and mom both said they didn't understand.
Troupe Leader Liu said, “Oops! I just remembered that I can't let him see me again in the future!” After thinking for a while, he added, “It's okay! I'll arrange for someone to uncover the blindfold later.”
Mom said unhappily, "Why it doesn't matter!"
Dad smiled and said, "We don't understand, but if Troupe Leader Liu said it doesn't matter, then it doesn't matter!"
At that time, I was sitting on the bed in the bedroom; a man came in and walked straight into the inner room. Soon I forgot about it. Suddenly, he came out and walked directly toward me face to face, his face bloodless and expressionless. My mind exploded at the sight, before I could react. He floated back to the center of the house floor, and quickly turned toward the kitchen and out. Frightened, I crawled desperately toward the southeast of the bed, howling!
Note 3, this paragraph describes the first step of the “Flesh Eye Through”: He approached me quickly, and as I watched, I felt as if the camera lens were focusing quickly, and my head felt as if it were going to explode. The shock caused me to fall in “children neurodevelopmental disorder”. One symptom of this disorder is visual impairment, which the ancients said blindfolded the eyes. The process of Revelation is in section 2.8; chapter 3 discussed more about the process of making “Flesh Eye Through”. Illustrations 1-3, left, are of ancient Mexican origin and represent the third step of the Flesh Eye Through practice, which Huitzilopochtli is lecturing to his godson. Figure 2 shows Tlaloc, whose eyes, in author my own opinion, are the ancient Mexican description of "non-dazzle" feature of the eyes. Figure 3 is a bronze mask unearthed at Sanxingdui in China, in author my own opinion, that is a description of the eyes of the “Flesh Eye Through” as “touching eyes”, i.e., the person who sees it may have the feeling of "being touched”, "being electrocuted".

In the kitchen, mom was surprised and said: "Oops! Really crying! What to do!"
Dad said, "We agreed, you go in and comfort him!"
Mom ran into the house and shouted, "What's wrong? What's wrong?"
I crawled to the edge of the bed and hugged mom, crying. Dad also came in.
Mom said angrily, "He was scared! We were both away and suddenly he saw a stranger. Look! Oh! My God! His hairs are standing on end! He scared the kid!"
Dad said, "Troupe Leader Liu asked you to ask."
Mom asked, "What? Ah! What's wrong? Tell mom, what's going on?"
I just, “Woo, woo!” gesticulated and couldn't speak.
Mom muttered angrily, "Just scared! This can't even speak anymore!” Mom stroked my head, and continually said, “All right! Ok! Tell mom, what did you see?”
I replied, "Man! Woo! Woo!”, gesturing with my hands.
Mom said to me, "Ah! A man came in and then went out again. It's okay, your dad and I know about it!"
4 Marriage Contract is sealed.
Dad went to the kitchen, came back a while later, and said to mom, "Troupe Leader Liu went out and asked us to discuss the two children's affairs."
Mom said, "Like you said, it's not a big deal. How much does he want?"
Dad said, “He didn't say anything about money! It isn’t about money, is it?”
Mom said, "It's better to ask."
The three of them were talking in the kitchen. Troupe Leader Liu said, "Then the marriage is settled! There's no need for any money. This matter also concerns my girl! It's also my business, so I'll make the law (do the magic)."
Dad asked, "What should we do then?"
Troupe Leader Liu said, "I'll tell you later. While you were discussing this matter, I did something outside. Now, half of their Fates have been broken. The rest of the “Making Laws” (western similar words: to do magic) will be done outside somewhere in the future, might not in your house."
Dad said, "It's great that little Luyan will be able to get married in the future! Good Job! It’s all thanks to big brother's hard work!”
5 Vision Test
Some days later, my dad had just returned from work and was talking to my mom. The bedroom opening in my house is about 6.5 meters by 3.3 meters; however, I was surrounded by white fog and couldn't see them. Mom said: "Eve Liu gives gift to Luyan! Quickly let him have a look!”.
When I crawled very close to my dad, saw the two toys he brought back: a yellow plastic gyro and a red ornate stick with spots of various colors. As I recall now, at that time, I could see a place 0.5m away and 0.9m in diameter, surrounded by white fog (note 5, this is a symptom of children neurodevelopmental disorder). I could only see half the width of my dad's body, not my mom. It is now estimated that I can't be more than 1.4m away from mom.
Mom said to Dad, "Looks like the kid has an eye problem! Getting down that close to see!"
6 Eve Liu
Another day, I was sitting on the bed in our bedroom, and my father said to my mother with a smile, “The other guy, that who, went to Shenyang and saw the Troupe Leader Liu. His family is doing well. I even asked him about his big girl (i.e., Eve Liu). How old is she!? She runs around, is not afraid of strangers, talks to people when she sees them, recites poems, sings songs, and can-do arithmetic within 100.”
Mom replied, “You still remember! She goes to a daycare center or kindergarten! I've heard that's where people are taught. What does that kid look like?”
Dad replied, "That I didn't ask."
Mom laughed and said, “You hid it from me!" Turning to me and said, "This little man, has a wife in the big city. In the future, after we go to school, we'll study hard and be better than her, we look down her! We're not going to climb up that high branch!”
Dad said, “Why don't you know? I couldn't ask. All he said was that the little girl was so smart, not afraid of strangers, and ran around the front and back yards. Such a little girl! Who can say she looks ugly!?”
Mom went into the inner room and stopped talking. At that time, I really wanted to listen. Mom noticed and said to Dad, “Little Luyan probably understands this! As soon as we talked Eve Liu, he stared and concentrated, listening very carefully!"
It seems that by this time, my eyesight had returned to near normal.
submitted by AdamLuyan to LifeTree [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:36 decoparts Personal Hodling story- Trigger Warning; cancer

It's been a hell of a week.
I've been holding this story to myself for my entire stonks adventure. I've written it up a few times and deleted before I posted it, but I had a few drinks last night and typed it up again, and the return of the hype has me introspective.
I lost my little brother to cancer in the late '90s. Leukemia, or to be more specific cascading organ failure due to the side effects of chemo.
I was a sophomore in college when he died. He was 18.
Growing up, I was a car guy, but he was a console gamer and an artist, a pokemon collector and anime fan. From the time I was in middle school and he was in 5th grade my parents would let us walk together to the mall about 2-1/2 miles away on the weekends or during school breaks. We were supposed to stick together, but we'd usually split up and hang out with our friends.
Our usual spot to meet up for the walk home was GameStop. It was his favorite place to go. I'm pretty sure there were a lot of times he just hung out there for a few hours browsing games and playing demos. The cashiers knew him by name.
After spending the afternoon at the mall we'd meet up at GameStop, grab a slice or two for dinner at Sbarro's in the food court, and walk home before it got TOO dark out. A lot of times we'd swing over to Blockbuster across from the mall if it was summer and we still had light. When my parents were having a hard time financially I'd use some of the money I got from mowing lawns and working at the gas station and tell him it was our allowance from mom. I'm not sure if he ever caught on.
"I'll meet you at GameStop at 6". I can't even imagine how many times I said that. He liked to talk with hands, so a lot of times I'd end up holding his games as well as my bag with a model car from Kay-Bee or some Testors model paint from the Hobby store, sometimes a Lambo poster or supermodel poster or techno-junk trinket from Hot Topic. He'd usually want to see what I got, and then he would ramble all the way home about some new game he was excited about, or tips he got on how to beat the most recent Nintendo game we had.
He was a little bit of a budding entrepreneur- he'd reserve every game they released and sell the ones he didn't want to his friends at school. He really loved drawing, especially anime, and we found out later he was also supplementing his income drawing titty pics for his friends for a few bucks. Good Lord, the fallout from that!
I was in college out of state when he got sick. The summer after my Freshman year. I ditched my summer internship before it started and came home to be a bone marrow donor. By the time fall semester rolled around it seemed like he was getting better. When I came home for Christmas break I got to take him to GameStop in the mall to spend his giftcards and the cash he got. He was in a mask (way before Covid) because his immune system wasn't working right but he wanted to go in person so bad that my parents gave the OK. It was the last place I went with him that wasn't the hospital. The last time I had a meaningful conversation with him was on the drive back from the mall. We talked about where he wanted to go to college, about how he felt about graduating high school next year, and about the girl he liked. We drove around aimlessly for a while talking before we finally headed home.
I went back to college a few days later. Worked a summer internship away from home that year and then started my Sophomore year. Just before Thanksgiving, he suddenly got very sick and went into a coma, which he never came out of. We never did get a satisfactory explanation for it, just "these things sometimes happen after chemo."
I stumbled across the DFV saga on the WaSaBi sub in the early days of the sneeze and it set off something in me. It was a perfect storm of emotions reading through the DD and stories- Not only were these Hedgie bastards going after my little bro's favorite hangout, there was also the same flavor of corruption that we all gagged on in the '08 housing crisis. All the soulless corporate raiding and underhanded crap, all the sleaze and outright cheating.
I bought in with all the cash I could afford to lose. I haven't sold. I used to have other hobbies but now I buy GME and shop at my local GameStop stores. I have found a few things I enjoy, and I have kids to shop for, so I plan to support as best I can for a long time to come.
Here's what I don't think the Hedgies got at first, maybe they still can't comprehend. For some of us Apes, maybe even a majority, it isn't really just about the money. I think for maybe a whole a lot of us, it's not about the money at all anymore, even if it started out that way.
And the Hedgies can't win because we are not playing the same game.
I'll keep Hodling for you.
I'll meet you at GameStop, Bro.
submitted by decoparts to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:35 blue_butter_357 my coworkers are the most negative and exhausting people

I work in an all girls team (except for one guy who works in our stock room) in a makeup store. At first I thought everyone was nice, but everyone turned out to be fake. People will come up to me and shit talk another girl and then go to her and shit talk about me.
Today was the final straw. I saw them make fun of the way some customers dress and slut shamed them. They were also judging so many couples saying the girl was too ugly for the guy/they don't look like a good fit and other stuff like that. These customers weren't even mean (most of them were actually super nice and complimented my makeup).
A group of my coworkers who are very close wanted to go on break together so I had to delay my break by an hour to cover them even through I started my shift 2 hours before them. They didn't even cross check with management and just left. They came back 30mins late meaning I went 6h 30m without any food thanks to them.
I was so excited to finally have an all girls team as I tend not to get along with men very well, but I'm so disappointed with this experience. I genuinely though we all had each others back but I don't think I can trust anyone there anymore.
Our job isn't the greatest so it is easy to get moody and be bitchy, but we're all adults and I wouldn't expect a bunch of people in their 20s-30s to act like a bunch of high-schoolers.
submitted by blue_butter_357 to retailhell [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:33 jakedageek127 Valorie: A Discord Bot for Valorant Esports

Valorie: A Discord Bot for Valorant Esports
Hi all, I want to share a personal project I've been working on for the past few months! This is Valorie, a simple bot I built to keep on top of the Valorant competitive scene.
Invite URL:
  • Get notifications about upcoming matches (and their results afterwards) for your favorite leagues and teams
  • Automatically create events and voice channels to have watch parties for notified games
  • Get a list of upcoming matches and recent results
I initially thought of this because I've had situations where I'll join a voice channel to discover I missed watching map 1 of aspas dropping 47 kills on Sentinels with my friends (jk <3 sen). Now, you'll know exactly when you can watch matches with your friends.
Disclaimer, I'm a data scientist not an app dev, I've used this on like two servers max, and it's running on the smallest droplet size on Digital Ocean, so thank you for your patience as I fix any bugs and scale up for demand :)
Please comment if you have any issues or suggestions, or DM request me at jdg on Discord. Thx!
Screenshots below, ignore Deleted User I reset the bot account a week ago oops
Match notifications before they start

Upcoming matches

Events and voice channels for upcoming matches



Subscribe to Challengers Americas (MxS wooooooo)
  1. Invite the bot to your server
  2. Create a new text channel #vct
  3. /vlr config notif_channel #vct - This is where Valorie will talk
  4. /vlr event vcl Subscribe Americas Add a subscription for Challengers Americas
  5. /vlr watch_party Enable Enable watch parties
  6. ???
  7. Profit!!!


/vlr config notif_channel <#channel> - Set the channel where match notifications will be sent. (do this first!)
/vlr config notif_time - Set how many minutes before the match the notifications and watch parties should be sent.
/vlr config reset - Reset configurations to the default.
/vlr config sync - Bot owner only.


/vlr event vct - Subscribe to notifications from a VCT region.
/vlr event vcl - Subscribe to notifications from a Challengers region.
/vlr event gc - Subscribe to notifications from a Game Changers region.
/vlr team - Subscribe to notifications for a specific team.
/vlr subs - List the current subscriptions.

Watch Parties

/vlr watch_party - Enable or disable automatic voice channels and server events for notified matches.


/vlr matches - Get the next 5 matches for all matches, or just VCT/Challengers/Game Changers.
/vlr results - Get the last 5 results for all matches, or just VCT/Challengers/Game Changers.
submitted by jakedageek127 to ValorantCompetitive [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:27 ReportsStack Albendazole Market Size, Key Trends & Projected Growth Report from 2024 to 2030

The global albendazole market is expected to witness a noteworthy Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 3.6% during the forecast period reaching an estimated value of 781 million by 2027. This growth is primarily driven by a significant rise in soil-transmitted helminth infections worldwide. Additionally, the effective implementation of treatment guidelines for parasitic infections by healthcare agencies globally further amplifies the growth of the albendazole market.
To know more about this study, request a free sample report @
Market Trends:
Rising Prevalence of Soil-Transmitted Helminth Infections: Soil-transmitted helminth infections, such as roundworm, hookworm, and whipworm infections, continue to be a significant public health concern, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. The increasing prevalence of these infections is driving the demand for albendazole, which is widely used for the treatment of parasitic worm infestations.
Expansion of Mass Drug Administration Programs: Mass drug administration (MDA) programs, aimed at treating entire communities or populations at risk of parasitic infections, are being expanded in many regions. Albendazole is commonly used in MDA programs targeting soil-transmitted helminth infections, contributing to its steady demand and market growth.
Growing Awareness and Screening Initiatives: Increasing awareness about parasitic infections and the importance of regular deworming treatments is leading to greater screening and treatment initiatives in both healthcare facilities and community settings. This trend is expected to drive the demand for albendazole as a key treatment option for parasitic infections.
Preference for Oral Anthelmintic Drugs: Albendazole's oral formulation offers convenience and ease of administration compared to other anthelmintic drugs, particularly in mass treatment programs and pediatric populations. This preference for oral medications contributes to the sustained demand for albendazole in the treatment of parasitic infections.
Emergence of Drug Resistance: Despite its efficacy, there have been reports of emerging drug resistance to albendazole in certain parasitic populations. This trend highlights the need for continued surveillance, monitoring, and research to address drug resistance and ensure the ongoing effectiveness of albendazole in combating parasitic infections.
Market Opportunities:
The albendazole market presents several opportunities for growth and advancement. With the persistent prevalence of soil-transmitted helminth infections globally, there is a significant opportunity for manufacturers and healthcare providers to expand the reach of albendazole-based treatment interventions, particularly in regions with high disease burden. The expansion of mass drug administration programs and increasing awareness about parasitic infections create avenues for market penetration and increased demand for albendazole. Moreover, ongoing research and development initiatives aimed at developing improved formulations, addressing drug resistance, and enhancing patient compliance offer opportunities for innovation and product differentiation. Additionally, collaborations between governments, international organizations, and pharmaceutical companies to improve access to essential medicines, including albendazole, in low-resource settings present opportunities for market expansion and social impact.
According to the recent report published by RC Market Analytics, the Global Albendazole Market is expected to provide sustainable growth opportunities during the forecast period from 2024 to 2030. This latest industry research study analyzes the albendazole market by various product segments, applications, regions and countries while assessing regional performances of numerous leading market participants. The report offers a holistic view of the albendazole industry encompassing numerous stakeholders including raw material suppliers, providers, distributors, consumers and government agencies, among others. Furthermore, the report includes detailed quantitative and qualitative analysis of the global market considering market history, product development, regional dynamics, competitive landscape, and key success factors (KSFs) in the industry.
Browse the Full Report Discretion @
Geographically, the albendazole market report comprises dedicated sections centering on the regional market revenue and trends. The albendazole market has been segmented on the basis of geographic regions into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. Albendazole market estimates have also been provided for the historical years 2020 to 2023 along with forecast for the period from 2024 - 2030.The report includes a deep-dive analysis of key countries including the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Germany, France, Italy, China, Japan, India, Australia, Mexico, Brazil and South Africa, among others. Thereby, the report identifies unique growth opportunities across the world based on trends occurring in various developed and developing economies.
The Albendazole Market Segmentation:
By Clinical Application:
By Distribution Channel:
By Region:
Key players in the global albendazole market include Cadila Healthcare Limited, Actavis Pharma, Inc., Cipla Limited, GlaxoSmithKline Plc., and Mankind Pharma. These companies are strategically navigating the market landscape through expansion, new investments, service innovations, and collaborative ventures. By expanding into new geographic regions and engaging in strategic acquisitions, they aim to establish a competitive advantage and leverage synergies for mutual growth and success.
To know more about this study, request a free sample report @
Key Questions Answered by Albendazole Market Report:
About Us:RC Market Analytics is a global market research firm. Our insightful analysis is focused on developed and emerging markets. We identify trends and forecast markets with a view to aid businesses identify market opportunities to optimize strategies. Our expert’s team of analysts’ provides enterprises with strategic insights. RC Market Analytics works to help enterprises grow through strategic insights and actionable solutions. Feel free to contact us for any report customization at
Media Contact:
Company Name: RC Market Analytics Pvt. Ltd. Contact Person: Vijendra Singh Email: Visit us:
submitted by ReportsStack to u/ReportsStack [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:21 ReportsStack Flat Glass Coating Market Size, Industry Trends & Growth Analysis from 2024 to 2030

The global flat glass coatings market is poised to achieve a substantial Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of over 20% from 2024 to 2030. This growth is primarily propelled by the rapid expansion of infrastructural activities in developing economies. The escalating adoption of glass in building construction for residential and commercial purposes is anticipated to further bolster market growth throughout the forecast period. Additionally, the swift pace of urbanization and augmented expenditure on decoration and architectural design in emerging economies are significant contributors expected to drive market expansion.
To know more about this study, request a free sample report @
Market Trends:
Growing Demand for Energy-Efficient Coatings: There is a rising demand for energy-efficient coatings that enhance the thermal insulation properties of flat glass, reducing heat transfer and improving energy efficiency in buildings. Manufacturers are developing advanced low-emissivity (Low-E) coatings and solar control coatings to meet the increasing demand for sustainable building solutions.
Focus on Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly Coatings: With increasing environmental awareness, there is a growing emphasis on sustainable and environmentally friendly coating solutions. Manufacturers are developing water-based and solvent-free coatings with reduced volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions to meet regulatory requirements and cater to environmentally conscious consumers.
Advancements in Self-Cleaning Coatings: Self-cleaning coatings for flat glass surfaces are gaining popularity due to their ability to repel dirt, dust, and water, reducing the need for frequent cleaning and maintenance. Innovations in nano-coating technologies are driving the development of highly effective self-cleaning coatings with long-lasting performance.
Emergence of Anti-Reflective Coatings: Anti-reflective coatings are becoming increasingly prevalent in applications where glare reduction and enhanced visibility are desired, such as architectural glass, automotive windshields, and electronic displays. The development of advanced anti-reflective coatings with improved durability and optical clarity is a key trend in the flat glass coating market.
Demand for Decorative and Aesthetic Coatings: There is a growing demand for decorative and aesthetic coatings that enhance the visual appeal of flat glass surfaces in architectural and interior design applications. Manufacturers are offering a wide range of decorative coatings, including tinted, frosted, patterned, and textured coatings, to meet diverse aesthetic preferences and design requirements.
Market Opportunities:
The flat glass coating market presents several opportunities for growth and innovation. With the increasing focus on energy efficiency and sustainability in the construction industry, there is a growing demand for advanced coatings that improve the thermal performance of flat glass windows and facades. Manufacturers have the opportunity to develop innovative low-emissivity (Low-E) and solar control coatings that meet stringent energy efficiency standards and contribute to green building certifications. Additionally, the rising adoption of smart coatings with self-cleaning, anti-fogging, and anti-microbial properties presents opportunities for manufacturers to differentiate their products and cater to evolving customer needs. Moreover, the expanding use of decorative and aesthetic coatings in architectural and interior design applications offers opportunities for the development of customized coating solutions that enhance the visual appeal of flat glass surfaces.
According to the recent report published by RC Market Analytics, the Global Flat Glass Coating Market is expected to provide sustainable growth opportunities during the forecast period from 2024 to 2030. This latest industry research study analyzes the flat glass coating market by various product segments, applications, regions and countries while assessing regional performances of numerous leading market participants. The report offers a holistic view of the flat glass coating industry encompassing numerous stakeholders including raw material suppliers, providers, distributors, consumers and government agencies, among others. Furthermore, the report includes detailed quantitative and qualitative analysis of the global market considering market history, product development, regional dynamics, competitive landscape, and key success factors (KSFs) in the industry.
Browse the Full Report Discretion @
Geographically, the flat glass coating market report comprises dedicated sections centering on the regional market revenue and trends. The flat glass coating market has been segmented on the basis of geographic regions into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. Flat glass coating market estimates have also been provided for the historical years 2020 to 2023 along with forecast for the period from 2024 - 2030.The report includes a deep-dive analysis of key countries including the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Germany, France, Italy, China, Japan, India, Australia, Mexico, Brazil and South Africa, among others. Thereby, the report identifies unique growth opportunities across the world based on trends occurring in various developed and developing economies.
The Flat Glass Coating Market Segmentation:
By Resin:
By Technology:
By Application:
By Region:
Key players in the global flat glass coatings market include Arkema, Inc., Fenzi Spa, Ferro Corp., Hesse Gmbh & Co. KG, and The Sherwin-Williams Company. These companies are pursuing market growth through strategies such as expansion, new investments, service innovation, and collaborative ventures. By expanding into new geographic regions and engaging in strategic acquisitions, they aim to establish a competitive advantage and leverage synergies for mutual benefit.
To know more about this study, request a free sample report @
Key Questions Answered by Flat Glass Coating Market Report:
About Us:RC Market Analytics is a global market research firm. Our insightful analysis is focused on developed and emerging markets. We identify trends and forecast markets with a view to aid businesses identify market opportunities to optimize strategies. Our expert’s team of analysts’ provides enterprises with strategic insights. RC Market Analytics works to help enterprises grow through strategic insights and actionable solutions. Feel free to contact us for any report customization at
Media Contact:
Company Name: RC Market Analytics Pvt. Ltd. Contact Person: Vijendra Singh Email: Visit us:
submitted by ReportsStack to u/ReportsStack [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:15 AutoModerator Bloxburg Roleplay!<3

Hii! I'm doing a bloxburg rp ( my house ) and the roles are:
Mum ( AKA me,35yrs,named Sophie but Soph for short )
Dad( maybe,aged 37,named Alex or any other boys names )
1 teen ( called Olivia but Liv for short, 16yrs)
2 kids ( can be boy and girl, aged 11,named Alison or Ali for short and Jake )
1 baby or toddler ( boy or girl idm, if boy then namd either Hudson,Teddy,Max,Leo or Louis , 1yr , can't walk and can kind of talk ) If girl then named: Riley,Milley or Carly ( again, 1yr,can't walk but can kind of talk )
Sophie-Loves going to the gym,loves to be fun but still strict,single (if no one wants to be dad but other wise married),kind
Alex-Works a lot in the evenings,brunet,always takes the kids to the beach on Saterdays,very kind
Liv- Brunet,loves hanging out with friends and sneaks out sometimes,addicted to ticktock,eldest sibling,doing her GCSE's
Alison-Blonde,kind,loves to go to ballet and swimming,loves playing with friends and going on the trampoline,twins with Jake but is the elder twin
Jake-Brunet,kind,loves football,loves gaming with his friends,twins with Alison but is the younger twin
If you would like to be the baby or toddler pls comment as well as with all of the other characters and if I should do a post doing the other characters for example friends or family ext and type your roblox user name and your display name if you have one,my roblox user name is Limebelle20 and my display name is IH3ARTGLOSSY
*REMEMBER: Please do not get up set if you don't get in the rp there is many more characters i need for my rp that you can maybe have a chance to be!*
submitted by AutoModerator to Bloxburg_r0leplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:14 ForeverAloneBurrito Pointless to date until my mom passes away right?

I am 30.
I love my mom. I’m very lucky to have her and her accepting that I was a lazy teen and young adult and still supporting me. Now I’m in university but I still live with her and she covers food/rent. I assist if needed financially but she makes above average so that’s quite rare.
She’s for the most part a good person but she’s stuck in her ways. She leans towards liking guys like Peterson, Trump, sometimes Tate, Shapiro, Rogan… we’re not even in the USA.
She constantly watches those type of guys and some misogynistic/incel type videos. “wHaT dO wOmEn HaVe tO oFfEr hIgH vALuE men?”
Me moving out is very unlikely. Plus we have a plan of her getting a work buyout then her buying me a home under my name. She plans to live in a backyard house or one of those modular homes placed in the backyard. Or if it’s not possible the basement.
“I can be your free babysitter when you have kids”
But I truly have no belief a girl will want a guy like me now or later.
I believe when she passes away and I’m truly independent then I will be able to begin dating. I could be 45 by then and dating doesn’t seem fun at that age.
And because I’m a loser with no backbonee no I will not just leave.
I’ve accepted that I failed miserably at life.
Please just be honest and agree that dating is pointless for me. No more details after that.
And again, I know I’m a loser. No need to tell me why.
submitted by ForeverAloneBurrito to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:12 anAardman How I started with worldbuilding

I created a Discord server and invited some friends and cool people to join. I wasn't interested in worldbuilding before, but with that, it all began. The characters there are based on these people in the Discord server. The best part is they acknowledge it and enjoy it. They are like players in a game, roleplaying. The story of my world is community-driven (although I still have full control of the story) with some random events thrown in by me. Watching them react and how they act is much fun. There are also NPC characters interacting with people, controlled by me, making them feel part of the world. I entertain them from time to time with some images I draw of their characters or lore-related scenes.
Unfortunately, it is impossible for me to include all the people who have joined me on this journey, so I have picked the more active members of the community that I have gotten to know well. If I meet a new person and get to know them, I pick the most unique or silly personality trait to base their character on.
The world we're living in is Crazyland. The previously mentioned Discord server is just a small part of the whole Crazyland world. The Discord server takes place in one part of Crazyland, namely Crazyland Asylum. Therefore, the members of the community are called "patients." Cool NPCs like The Doctor (there is no other doctor) and its very own guard team (since the Discord server is available to everyone on the internet, it is good to have some moderators as well).
It's now been two years since I started Project Crazyland, and it's been amazing. Two years and I'm still working on this one project! It can be hard sometimes when I lack motivation and can't just leave the other people wondering what happened. It's like a full-time job. It is an endless story, and thanks for your attention!
Perhaps this help someone oand gives ideas for their projects.
Here's a question if anybody else have a world built similarly as mine, if so I would like to hear more!
submitted by anAardman to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:11 Bellis1985 Hank aka Princess Prissy Pants

Hank aka Princess Prissy Pants
This was Hank named after the octopus from Finding Dory. He chose his own name in the car on the way home from the shelter. Brought him home July 1st 2016 at undetermined age (18mo.- 3yrs). He was my soul dog. He has been gone a few years now but I was missing him extra today so I thought I'd share him with everybody.
All the pics are of him being a blanket baby since that's when I could get good pictures. He was also a digging machine and loved teaching new pups to dig as well. He was the most social and lovable diva. He loved all people and puppies (worst guard dog ever). He was mommas baby though. He was pretty vocal and threw tantrums like a teenage girl he would woo woo and stomp his front paw.
He went by Hank, hanky baby, princess prissy pants, hankstopher robin, drama dog, mouthy brat, James Brown (he would walk around with his blanky on until it fell off).
For the first 2 months we had him he just wanted to lay in the summer sun outside. He was happy to be out of shelter. It took about 5mo. to realize momma was the greatest thing on earth but once he did he loved momma above all.
He came home with kennel cough we thought he was gonna die. He recovered. He had bad joint genetics. He had CCL (ACL) surgery on both back legs over the years with great outcomes. In nov. 2021 he slipped a disc in his back and we tried anti-inflammatorys and pain meds. We even considered surgery but 10000 surgery with a "maybe" as the outcome didn't seem fair to him. And it would probably have just happened again on a different disc. He couldn't control his bowels and could barely stand and would yipe and cry in pain.
We sent him over the rainbow bridge Monday Nov. 29, 2021. He had his blanky and all the snacks and momma and papa. He was smothered with hugs and kisses and tears as he fell asleep. I only had 5 yrs with him.
I don't think I will ever find another baby that loves momma as much as he did. He was the greatest dog ever. He was just a shelter pit mix (I joked he was a pit mixed with a pit). He was on the reduced adoption fee list for being there so long. I was afraid they were gonna euthanize him. He was the first dog that was truly mine, I adopted him, I paid his bills, and I loved him. He was the best thing I ever bought for 30$ and even knowing how much he cost me over the years (knee surgeries are expensive) I would do it all again.
Hug your babies for me. Don't worry I have puppies to love and hug. But I don't have a pittie baby right now to love on.
submitted by Bellis1985 to pitbulls [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:06 ReportsStack Chloroprene Rubber Market Size, Growth & Statistics Report from 2024 to 2030

The global chloroprene rubber market is projected to experience a notable Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of over 4% during the forecast period, with a market value reaching approximately USD 1 billion in 2020. The burgeoning automotive and construction sectors worldwide are key drivers propelling market expansion. Additionally, the rising demand for chloroprene rubber in the construction industry, particularly in reinforced concrete structures, is poised to further stimulate market growth. Furthermore, the product's advantageous properties, including lightweightness, temperature resistance, and dielectric capability, are expected to fuel demand within the electric and electronics sector, thereby contributing to overall market growth.
To know more about this study, request a free sample report @
Market Trends:
Growing Demand from Automotive Sector: The automotive industry is a significant consumer of chloroprene rubber, particularly for the manufacturing of automotive hoses, belts, and seals. With the increasing production of vehicles globally and the growing demand for lightweight, durable, and fuel-efficient materials, there is a rising demand for chloroprene rubber in the automotive sector.
Expansion in Construction Industry: The construction industry is another major end-user of chloroprene rubber, where it is used in various applications such as roofing membranes, adhesives, and sealants. As construction activities continue to increase globally, driven by urbanization, infrastructure development, and housing projects, the demand for chloroprene rubber in this sector is expected to rise.
Shift towards Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Solutions: There is a growing emphasis on sustainability and environmental consciousness across industries, including the rubber sector. Manufacturers are increasingly focusing on developing eco-friendly chloroprene rubber products, such as those with reduced carbon footprint, recyclable materials, and fewer harmful emissions during production processes, in response to changing consumer preferences and regulatory requirements.
Technological Advancements: Continuous research and development efforts in the field of rubber chemistry and polymer engineering are leading to advancements in chloroprene rubber formulations. These advancements result in improved product performance, enhanced durability, and expanded application possibilities, driving market growth and innovation.
Rising Demand in Electrical and Electronics Industry: Chloroprene rubber's unique properties, including excellent resistance to temperature, weathering, and electrical insulation, make it suitable for various applications in the electrical and electronics industry. As the demand for consumer electronics, electrical appliances, and telecommunications equipment continues to grow, so does the demand for chloroprene rubber in this sector.
Market Opportunities:
The chloroprene rubber market presents several opportunities for growth and development. With the increasing demand from key sectors such as automotive, construction, and electrical/electronics industries, there is a growing need for innovative chloroprene rubber products that meet stringent performance requirements. Manufacturers have the opportunity to capitalize on this demand by investing in research and development to develop advanced formulations with enhanced properties such as improved durability, weather resistance, and eco-friendliness. Additionally, the shift towards sustainable and eco-friendly solutions presents opportunities for the development of bio-based chloroprene rubber alternatives that reduce environmental impact. Furthermore, the expansion of construction activities, especially in emerging economies, offers opportunities for market expansion by supplying chloroprene rubber for various construction applications such as roofing membranes and adhesives.
According to the recent report published by RC Market Analytics, the Global Chloroprene Rubber Market is expected to provide sustainable growth opportunities during the forecast period from 2024 to 2030. This latest industry research study analyzes the chloroprene rubber market by various product segments, applications, regions and countries while assessing regional performances of numerous leading market participants. The report offers a holistic view of the chloroprene rubber industry encompassing numerous stakeholders including raw material suppliers, providers, distributors, consumers and government agencies, among others. Furthermore, the report includes detailed quantitative and qualitative analysis of the global market considering market history, product development, regional dynamics, competitive landscape, and key success factors (KSFs) in the industry.
Browse the Full Report Discretion @
Geographically, the chloroprene rubber market report comprises dedicated sections centering on the regional market revenue and trends. The chloroprene rubber market has been segmented on the basis of geographic regions into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. Chloroprene rubber market estimates have also been provided for the historical years 2020 to 2023 along with forecast for the period from 2024 - 2030.The report includes a deep-dive analysis of key countries including the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Germany, France, Italy, China, Japan, India, Australia, Mexico, Brazil and South Africa, among others. Thereby, the report identifies unique growth opportunities across the world based on trends occurring in various developed and developing economies.
The Chloroprene Rubber Market Segmentation:
By Grade:
By Application:
By End-Use Industry:
By Region:
Leading players in the global chloroprene rubber market include Tosoh Corp., Denka Company Ltd., ARLANXEO, Sedo Chemicals Neoprene GmbH, and QingDao Nova Rubber. These companies are actively pursuing market growth through strategies such as expansion, new investments, service innovation, and collaborative ventures. By expanding into new geographic regions and engaging in strategic acquisitions, they aim to establish a competitive advantage and leverage synergies for mutual benefit.
To know more about this study, request a free sample report @
Key Questions Answered by Chloroprene Rubber Market Report:
About Us:RC Market Analytics is a global market research firm. Our insightful analysis is focused on developed and emerging markets. We identify trends and forecast markets with a view to aid businesses identify market opportunities to optimize strategies. Our expert’s team of analysts’ provides enterprises with strategic insights. RC Market Analytics works to help enterprises grow through strategic insights and actionable solutions. Feel free to contact us for any report customization at
Media Contact:
Company Name: RC Market Analytics Pvt. Ltd. Contact Person: Vijendra Singh Email: Visit us:
submitted by ReportsStack to u/ReportsStack [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:05 Hereibe Post Mortem Breakdown Of the Lore.Fm Debacle

Post Mortem Breakdown Of the Lore.Fm Debacle

People Involved

  • TikTok user, face of and sole person appearing in all the official TikToks
  • WishRoll, the company behind that has previously made an AI-story-generating app, and was on Forbes 30 Under 30 for their music-sharing app Kiwi


  • May 6 24 TikTok user posted a TikTok titled "pov: you built a personal app for yourself that turns any ao3 fic into an audiobook but your mom is asking you what you're listening to when you're washing the dishes (it's a 90k word gojo x reader angsty slowburn).
  • From May 6 - May 16 the account continues to upload videos where the app allegedly goes from a personal project to a fully completed app called calling for Betas and eventually fully launching on May 16 2024 posting invite links & puzzle videos to guess the invite code of the day to generate buzz. The videos with the invite code puzzles have since been deleted since the screenshot below.
  • Throughout May 6 - May 18 (the time of posting for this write up) any negative comments or comments that expressed concerns were deleted by Any comments that contained polite questions deemed too difficult to answer were also deleted.
  • People with experience in creating and launching an app noticed that it is highly unlikely this was a simple personal project considering how fast it got everything together for launch. Later people began to research the creators of this app, but at this time any comments expressing suspicion this was a simple personal project striking lightning were deleted.
  • Each video marketed the app as "Audible for Ao3". Unlike Audible, which uses voice actors and gains full rights and permission from authors, used AI generated voices (created with voice actors who consented to their voices being used for AI) and did not ask for any permission.
  • The way the app was intended to work according to the Apple Store was that users could add any link they wanted and the app would generate an audiobook with the voice they selected. This data would be stored both locally and on's servers.
  • On TikTok, was saying that eventually the app would have even more capabilities. Eventually the app developers wanted a "Spotify Wrapped" experience. They wanted a top charts list with most listened to fics on the platform.
  • In's TOS it explicitly bans using the app to circulate and disseminate various things like scams, solicitations, etc. This implies the app was always intended NOT to be only a personal library.
  • May 16 2024 officially launches in the Apple Store and the Google Play Store. It uses Archive of Our Own's urls in it's demo pictures. According to the opening paragraphs of the TOS there was no data scraping for AI learning nor was there any third party selling of data. According to Privacy Policy they work with third-party partners and services to obtain data about their users.
  • May 16 2024 The Privacy Policy on confirmed that despite conflicting comments by on TikTok, the app WOULD store a copy on the users device and on's servers. Their policies stated that it was the users granting them permission, despite knowing for a fact their users would not be uploading material with a clear copyright in their name. "Information submitted to will be transferred to, processed, and stored in the United States. When you use the Software on your computing device, User Content you save will be stored locally on that device and synced with our servers. If you post or transfer any Information to or through our App, Software, and/or Services, you are agreeing to such Information, including Personal Data and User Content, being hosted and accessed in the United States."
  • May 16 2024 u/totallymandy posts a reddit thread titled "Audible for Ao3 :/" which brings attention to this app from people who do not use TikTok.
  • Redditors find one of the rare times answers a question, confirming that cannot access locked fanfiction (fanfiction on Archive of Our Own that has been set to be viewable only by people who are logged into an AO3 account). See screenshot section below.
  • This quickly spirals into multiple threads all over Ao3, Tumblr, and Twitter. There were posts on Tumblr prior to this one, but the post that ended up traveling wildly through Tumblr was posted by creativitycache on May 16th
  • May 16-17 Authors begin massively flooding into the []( email inbox to Opt Out. The team is unprepared for this, and begins responding with wildly unprofessional and guilt tripping responses. Eventually as the flood continued the responses became standardized. Ex 1, Ex 2, Ex 3
  • May 17 It became clear the team is monitoring both Tumblr and Reddit, as they are linking directly to reddit threads in their replies and are addressing Tumblr posts in response to private dms. rivkae-winters on Tumblr got some of the first replies showing they were actively reading threads on other websites. It was just as unprofessional as you'd expect.
  • May 16 Users became aware that previously the team that worked on produced a story-generating AI app that has gotten terrible reviews. This deepens the distrust that data uploaded to will not be later used for furthering AI stories, despite the current TOS. Redditors, Tumblrites, and whatever Twitter users call themselves now all began to speculate just how the app was planning on running. Where were they getting the funds? Where were funds projected to come from in the future?
  • May 17 A TikTok is posted by stating they are pausing release of This TikTok does NOT state they are shutting down entirely, but that they are considering it and are opening a discussion. They continue to delete any critical comments on their TikToks. Other users pointed out that this TikTok contains language accusing any detractors of ableism, not mentioning the main reasons people are upset/not actually addressing the concerns people have, calling other screen readers poor products, and using auto-generated captions that were not edited and have multiple errors in them despite touting themselves as an accessibility company.
  • May 18 is finally pulled from the app stores. The main website remains online, as does their TikTok account.

Problems With The App

  • Copyright laws are a nightmare, and I'm not touching the legalese breakdown here. Just in general, that. AO3 doesn't have an official app for deliberate reasons, due to the app store's policies.
  • Using AO3 as a content-generator for an app. If it were a screen reader, or one of the other various apps that read things in a pleasant voice for accessibility reasons, there would be no problem. But this was a separate app that did not link back to AO3 or allow its users to give AO3 writers any interaction/feedback. This app essentially billed itself as a way to package free fan work provided to AO3 as content it controlled.
  • Suspicion of intent. How were the developers going to recoup their costs? Why wasn't the data encrypted? Why were they marketing this as specifically for AO3 instead of a general accessibility tool? Why were they not addressing any concerns brought to them before or after launch? Why were they marketing this as a small personal project that implied it was a fan-created app, instead of putting their company name big and bold on it? What were their intentions regarding their other story AI app?
  • Opt Out/Consent Since this app was in a legal quagmire, clearly not designed primarily as an accessibility tool, and was hiding all criticism, authors did not feel comfortable with their work being used for this app. They were especially furious that they had to reach out to the team and ask to be taken off- they had nothing to do with this project and yet were being told it was their responsibility to refuse instead of's responsibility to ask. Authors were also upset on behalf of all the works marked Anonymous, Orphaned Worked, works where the Author's didn't have a way of even hearing about this app's existence, and deceased Authors who never could have predicted an app like this.
Let me know if I missed anything!

submitted by Hereibe to Lore_Fm [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:02 shydave16 I feel like Kiki's that one kind to stand on a line, wait and when it's her turn, she leaves and doesn't buy anyway. (Idk anymore)

I feel like Kiki's that one kind to stand on a line, wait and when it's her turn, she leaves and doesn't buy anyway. (Idk anymore)
She's just that abnormal y'all guys. Anyways, cute Kurumi chapter. 🙏❗👆
submitted by shydave16 to 100Kanojo [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:02 Bashinme My [25M] wife [24F] talks to her mother about our upcoming baby instead of me. How do I tell its an issue without her feeling like I'm trying to separate her an her mother?

My wife and I have been married for 5 years. From the beginning she has been overly attached to her mother calling her multiple times a day for hours. I have tried to work around it because I don't have a great relationship with my mother (its not bad, we just aren't close) and I don't want to hinder their relationship. It has gotten to the point where I try to talk to my wife about something and her mother will chime in. I tried explaining to my MIL that I do not want her input and that I am trying to have a conversation with my wife, and she will snap back that I interrupted her conversation.
The big problem is, we are due for our first baby in October. My wife has been talking to her mother about everything to do with the baby from baby names, parenting styles, car seats, cribs, etc. I don't think talking to her mother about these thinks is bad, but she is asking for advice and trying to make decisions with her mother instead of me. It feels as if my wife and her mother are planning to raise our baby and I have no say. I want to feel like my wife and I are raising our child together. It has gotten to the point where my wife and MIL are referring to our baby as Emerson, and I have made it clear to my wife that I do not want this name for our baby girl.
How do I talk to my wife about this without her feeling like I am trying to cut her mother out of our lives?
submitted by Bashinme to relationship_advice [link] [comments]