Purple nurple weed

The Cannabis Seeds For Sale Community

2022.05.15 15:59 BestSeeds The Cannabis Seeds For Sale Community

Cannabis seeds for sale. Find feminized seeds, regular seeds, and autoflowering seeds for sale from trusted sources. Updated with the latest drops, restocks, and promotions. All vendors must have a storefront website and deliver to the United States.

2024.05.18 18:39 Historical_Jeweler_8 Can't identify weed and keeps coming back

Can't identify weed and keeps coming back
The weed has two leafs most of the are heart shaped. And they have stems that are brownish purple. I have KBG and mixed with Fescue but cannot eliminate them. I've use Roundup painted on as control but they keep coming back. Any ideas on what it is and how to control it?
submitted by Historical_Jeweler_8 to lawncare [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:34 thejohnblazer Is this a weed? Short creeping plant with purple flowers.

Is this a weed? Short creeping plant with purple flowers.
This low bush with purple flowers is creeping all over my mulch bed. Wondering if I should pull them all out or try to kill them.
submitted by thejohnblazer to gardening [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 13:58 YesternowWhoWhat wanderer

wanderer submitted by YesternowWhoWhat to SchizophreniaArtProj [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 13:58 YesternowWhoWhat wanderer

wanderer submitted by YesternowWhoWhat to Artisticallyill [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 13:58 YesternowWhoWhat wanderer

submitted by YesternowWhoWhat to schizophrenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 02:26 Swineservant A Weird Week for the Apes at the Launchpad

It's been such a weird week at the rocket launch pad. The apes had pitched their tents there long ago. Red tents, blue tents, green tents and others and dotted the grounds however, the many purple tents were hard to miss. To many apes, the rocket had become more-or-less, part of the landscape. Dusty and overgrown with weeds it had done little since it's flight. And then a figure not seen in ages shared some memes with the apes at the launchpad.
The second flight was unexpected...
While the memes flowed and the apes reveled in a mix of nostalgia and confusion the rocket roared to life once more. The apes rushed to the rocket with reckless abandon and were ready to finally go to the moon!
The takeoff was almost instant. It shook the apes, excited them and even scared some. Soon the apes were again flying high above the launch pad. "This is it! To the MOON!" said some apes. Although the memes continued to flow, the rocket abruptly stopped it's upward trajectory and began to land.
Soon the rocket came to a rest upon an improved launchpad and maybe even a new way to fuel the rocket. The confused apes returned to the tents around the launchpad. "Wut happen?" was muttered more than once. Many apes looked to the memes for answers and returned to their tents. Some apes looked over the improved launchpad with suspicion and even anger. And, while some apes packed up and left, some new apes have set up at the launchpad after seeing the rocket fly and the memes flow.
As the memes slow to a stop and the sun sets after a wild week at the rocket launchpad the apes have much to ponder. They know the rocket can fly. They know it can land. They also know it hasn't crashed yet. But one question still remains unanswered among the apes: "WEN MOON??"...
submitted by Swineservant to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 17:02 fgbnkcx ADREX 25/1 WM COL Octagon Kush

ADREX 25/1 WM COL Octagon Kush
THC: 25%
Genetik: Hybrid (70% Sativa, 30% Indica)
Von der Optik sind die BlĂŒten aus Kolumbien sehr harzig und kompakt. Die (easycannanis) Apotheke oder easyApotheke CityLebenstedt gab recht kleine Buds, quasi ‘vorportioniert’ als Einzeldosis. Sehr schnelle Bearbeitung und Lieferung, einwandfrei. Großes Lob an das Team und DHL. Nun bezĂŒglich des Weeds. AuffĂ€llig ist die tief grĂŒne Farbe gemischt mit orangenen HĂ€rchen und lilaner VerfĂ€rbung, purple-like. Der Geschmack ist holzig, erdig, etwas nach KrĂ€utern (steht sogar bei flowzz, habe es nach dem eigenen Review erst gelesen). GrundsĂ€tzlich eher sanft, unaufdringlich, fast schwach. Die BlĂŒte erinnert an OG Kush, typischer Kush Geschmack. Die Wirkung ist sowohl kopf- als auch körperbetont. Der Effekt tritt gleichzeitig ein, das Indica kommt stark raus, trotz ĂŒberwiegender Sativa Genetik. Es ist bei normaler Dosierung kein typischer Couch Lock, der kommt erst spĂ€ter bei höherer Dosierung. Man ist eher sehr relaxed, wenn man sich drauf einlĂ€sst, eher in sich gekehrt. Warmes GefĂŒhl im Gesicht. FĂŒr mich kein großer Fokus, aber ideal zum chillen oder einen Filmeabend. Die Wahrnehmung wird stĂ€rker, euphorisierendes Head High, aber gleichzeitig tiefe Körperwirkung. Man merkt man die 25%. Es ist beispielsweise nicht ganz so stark und lang anhaltend wie Frozen Lemon Mints, aber körperbetonter und weniger fokussierend. Hilft gegen Stress und Unwohlsein, fĂŒr mich ein Strain fĂŒr nachmittags/abends. Bekomme starken Hunger, habe das GefĂŒhl, dass die aktivierende Komponente bald verschwindet und der entspannende Teil der Wirkung dominiert. Der Strain hilft mir auch gegen Schlafprobleme, besonders beim ausklingen wird man mĂŒde und wacht entspannt auf.
Fazit: FĂŒr einen Preis von 7,50€ pro Gramm guter Smoke.
Wirkung 8/10
Geschmack 6/10
Geruch 7/1
submitted by fgbnkcx to DeutschlandCannabis [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 15:28 charlielines Struggling to get a diagnosis

To start, back in 2022 I went to an outdoor show in Vegas and stood for two hours and passed out. I started doing research to see what could have caused it and all signals point to POTs.
In 2022 before I passed out, I had covid. Fairly normal case of covid. Felt like a really bad cold and then went away. After that I never really felt the same. Always so tired. Anxiety to a new level. Shaking when I would miss a meal. Couldn’t drink or smoke anymore (had a huge panic attack while smoking weed and have never touched the stuff again. I’m fairly traumatized)
Moving to now. Everytime I eat a large meal, I feel incredibly anxious and shaky and like I could go into a panic attack. But it’s not in my brain, it’s in my body if that makes sense. I have blood pooling in my feet and hands if I stand too long, if I sit too long my hands and feet go freezing cold and look pale or purple. My heart rate goes up 40+BPM from laying down to standing and I get ringing or whooshing in my ears, dizziness and presycope. I have severe shakiness after a workout or strenuous activity resolved by salty foods. I had to cut out caffeine because it made me feel HORRIBLE.
For the longest time, I thought I had anxiety from my marijuana panic attack but with all the physical symptoms I have, I really believe it’s POTS. I scheduled a doctors appointment for July 2nd (first available) and I’m nervous they’re going to brush me off and tell me it’s just anxiety. Any suggestions? Does this sounds like your pots symptoms? Do these symptoms give me good enough cause to spend the money on going to the doctor? I don’t pass out unless I’m standing forever so it makes me belittle my own struggles. Just looking for some advice.
submitted by charlielines to POTS [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:26 colormydreams07 What is this spiky weed? Found in southeast PA, USA

What is this spiky weed? Found in southeast PA, USA
This weed has taken over my garden, and the stem and leaves are covered in tiny pokey needles. It looks like it's starting to get little purple buds.
submitted by colormydreams07 to PlantIdentification [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:52 frohardorfrohome Purple Nurple

Purple Nurple submitted by frohardorfrohome to whatisthiscar [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:20 amylynnamyyy What is this?

What is this?
Mega embarrassing
 weed or lettuce? 😂🙈 There is a HUGE debate in the household
(The light green and purple)
submitted by amylynnamyyy to whatsthisplant [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:30 nairobbery Looking for advice on newly planted perennial garden MN Zone 5a

Looking for advice on newly planted perennial garden MN Zone 5a
Hi! My mom had a old neglected garden that I replanted yesterday.
I dug up the weeds and had to remove and chop smaller tree roots out as well.
I added about 2 inches of manure compost and mixed in bone meal.
Then I planted, watered, and topped with 1-2inches of cedar wood chip (no dye) mulch.
I think I put mulch too close to the perennials so I’m thinking I need to create like a 2 inch ring around them?? - thoughts?
These are the plants I did from right to left:
  1. Coral bells 2 varieties
  2. Blue delphinium
  3. Yellow columbine
  4. Low spreading pink flower (forgot name)
  5. Allium
  6. 2 dahlia plants - only annual
  7. Purple columbine
  8. Pink peony & already established white peony (only plant I kept in the garden)
  9. Watermelon pink coneflower
  10. Low spreading pink flower (again forgot name)
  11. Lime coral bell
  12. Ugh name has something with “beard” in it again forgot
Looking for advice on:
  1. How to care for dahlias?? My mom wanted one annual flower for cutting. How big should they get this summer. ? Do you just harvest about a third of the plant at a time? Any organic fertilizers you recommend? Do they need support cages?
  2. Did I space these plants out appropriately? I tried to create varying heights with tall plants in the back. I know they won’t reach mature size until year 3, so I’m hoping I didn’t crowd anything too close??
  3. Should I create open space around the plants from the mulch?
  4. I live in Minnesota, should I mulch over everything in the fall before winter - or other winter care advice?
  5. Any organic liquid fertilizer I should apply next month?
  6. Anything I should watch for as far as plant health with what I planted?
Whew! Okay that’s a lot, thank you for any and all advice in advance!
submitted by nairobbery to gardening [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:46 marys1001 Planted purple clover seed this am next to started low mow grass

Planted purple clover seed this am next to started low mow grass
End of last summer I planted low mow grass in a narrow strip around the house (new build) (tough big weeds were just too insane). Got it to germinate mostly. Lots of bare patches and it's very fine, like hair. Lots of weeds setting up in there not sure what to do about that if anything.
On one side of the house is a large area of...tall tough clump grasses. Not sure what the contractor used to satisfy erosion control mandates.
Anyway I weeded and tapped a strip and planted prairie moon native purple clover. The seed is pretty clu.ped which is upsetting. Most planting instructions for seed seem to be aimed for big ag types doing drill planting. I wetted it. Not sure how wet I need to keep it. Hopefully it can out tough the grasses and weeds next to it.
submitted by marys1001 to NativePlantGardening [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:17 martinsmith01 8 Incredible Beginner Cricut Projects for New Crafters

8 Incredible Beginner Cricut Projects for New Crafters
Hey there! Are you in search of beginner Cricut projects? There was a time when I was at your place😁, looking for the answer to the same questions. Then, I hardly used to get an easy design I could start with. So, I used to get references from the blog but never copied the same. Using the Cricut Design Space app, I made some simple designs by adding my creative touch.
One of the biggest takeaways from creating these easier designs was that I learned almost all the features of the Cricut app, like which tools are used for what purpose. This gave me confidence and made me an expert in crafting. Today, you will explore the top 8 Cricut projects for beginners. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get started without any further delay!
  • Heart Print Hoodie
I recently came up with an interesting idea: I would create a T-shirt with geometric graphics. Yes, adding a simple kind of design is boring now! So, I first found the design on the internet and did some modifications to it. Yes, modifications like resize and color are needed depending on your choice of color and the size of the T-shirt you are going to work on. Rest, Cricut has your back, and this is going to be one of the best beginner Cricut projects!
  • Phone Case
I love personalized phone cases. Besides, I also prefer some kind of unique pattern. If you love personalized phone cases, you can do so with Cricut. Yes, the Cricut machine can help you create or cut vinyl designs that you can place on your phone case. It will literally look great when you use your own handmade design on the case. Must give it a shot!
  • Leather Keychains
If you want something like beginner Cricut projects, you have an endless option for easy projects you can create even if you just got your new Cricut for the first time. Yes, Cricut has designed its machine and software to be easy to use so everyone can use them hassle-free. Now, you need to simply cut the leather into simple strips and add the text or anything that you want.
  • Paper Card
Want to make your loved one feel special? Try making this simple card that says everything that you want to say. I really love the font style that I selected for the word LOVE. Just imagine if you write your loved one’s name in contrast. Isn’t that going to impress your partner? Now, use Cricut to make your love life more robust than before.
  • Wooden Sign
Want to make your home more welcoming? Try this wooden home sign. Don’t worry about the material; Cricut can cut and engrave wood without hassle. All you need to do is get ready with your text design on your Cricut Design app. Modify according to the size of the blank that you have chosen. Once done, you can get started with your beginner Cricut projects in one go!
  • Pillow Cover
Why not create a pillow with a catchy quote? That one is my favorite: HOME IS WHEREVER I’M WITH YOU. It sounds romantic, doesn’t it? Add such a quote and select any font that you like. Cricut Design Space can offer you many such fonts without any issues. So, what’s the issue — you are not required to waste hours creating those intricate designs. Just type, and you are done! 😃
  • Jar Labels
If you are looking for easy-to-make beginner Cricut projects, try jar labels. Yes, that can be one of the easiest and most valuable projects. I made this for my kitchen jar as I was finding it difficult to figure out the whereabouts of the ingredients. Also, I created this using a simple paper, and you know how to create texts — it’s your Cricut Design Space. This software has an intuitive interface, making it user-friendly. So what are you waiting for? Get started today!
  • Custom Water Bottle
I love Customized bottles. Do you? If so, you should give it a try once! These types of beginner Cricut projects are always at the top of the list. If you want to work on Cricut projects for beginners, consider this. I used vinyl materials and worked on the design myself. Anyone interested in creating such a design can take a reference and try it once!


Question 1: How to make a DIY home sign using Cricut?

Answer: In order to make your DIY home sign using Cricut, you have to follow the steps described below:
  1. Gather your important supplies.
  2. Create a design or add text you like.
  3. Choose the material and place it on a cutting mat.
  4. Cut the design using your Cricut cutting machine.
  5. Weed out the design.
  6. Transfer the design to your blank.

Question 2: What supplies do I need to make beginner Cricut projects?

Answer: It generally depends on what sorts of projects you are working on. However, I can tell you about some standard supplies used for almost every type of project. To know what those supplies are, have a look at the list below:
  • Cricut cutting machine
  • Cricut mat
  • Cricut basic tool set
  • Scissors
  • Cricut software installed on your device

Question 3: What to use for making a personalized water bottle with Cricut?

Answer: Creating a personalized water bottle with Cricut is always fun. However, you will need the following items in order to create a customized water bottle:
  • Cricut smart cutting machine
  • Cricut Scraper
  • Cricut Smart Vinyl Permanent (Choose colors like Purple & Champagne)
  • Hand towel
  • Cutting mat
  • Cricut Weeding Tool
  • Cricut Transfer Tape
  • Water bottle (Black)
  • Scissors

Question 3: Which Cricut machine is the best for beginner crafters?

Answer: Cricut Explore 3 is your answer! Yes, you heard that right. This machine is a mid-range model available in Cricut’s lineup. Anyone who is a beginner can start with Cricut Explore 3, as it is the latest in the Explore family and offers almost all the features that beginner crafters need in their projects.
Source: beginner Cricut projects
Visit here For More Information: Cricut.com/setup
submitted by martinsmith01 to u/martinsmith01 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:43 Milady_Chils_0421 An invisible shirt... It's crunchay... Purple Nurple!

An invisible shirt... It's crunchay... Purple Nurple!
When Jess "used her body" to get a parking space, I mean who wouldn't give in to this. But purple Nurple is hilarious. One of their best scenes for sure.
submitted by Milady_Chils_0421 to NewGirl [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:40 MNMamaDuck Dug a LOT of holes this weekend

Dug a LOT of holes this weekend
Didn’t count the holes dug or plants moved in the slope garden. But it was a lot. Still have about 12 mini holes to dig to add some grasses to the edge, but darn close to done.
I’ll take the woodchips off this fall and seed it with some native grasses to help stitch the plants together and provide additional habitat for the birds and bugs.
Plants include: Aromatic aster Butterfly weed Bluestar Showy goldenrod Purple yarrow Prairie blazing star Pale purple coneflower Rattlesnake master Pearly everlasting Golden Alexanders Coreopsis Anise hyssop Black-eyed Susan Native foxglove Royal catchfly
And a few others that were planted on the slope two years ago that I forgot their names.
Overall, the garden is about 12’x15’.
submitted by MNMamaDuck to NativePlantGardening [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:14 c0mbucha Farming related decoration item IDEAS

So I saw the devs asked for ideas for decoration items.
Which must be pretty hard to come up with new stuff since Ft1 had so many already.
So here in this (real life) video is some awesome stuff in my opinion, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnF5Anlf8Ss
Like a fish feeder (even just cosmetic) with some effect maybe in the water (if there is fish)
Also Yurts and Container homes would be great as many people do now in Portugal and other places.
Some vegetation as decorative items? Like scrubs and even weed-type like fields, water plants, giant 4x4 old ancient trees (like olive, https://www.surinenglish.com/lifestyle/food-drink/malagas-extra-virgin-20220218092148-ntvo.html ) and GIGANTIC palm trees - maybe even 2x2 and 3x3 trees , just like more huge old wood logs and rotten tree stumps just for decoration
Chicken tractors (used to move chicken around on grass fields (great for decoration))
Some stuff from organic/regenerative farming like different soil types with mulch on it (woodchips, straw, could even be a gameplay element where players could put a new item they pick up from a compost bin over crops?).
Signs maybe even with some text elements like "Please plant " here where * is the crop icon you choose (maybe there is other text elements that would be useful like "Welcome to *your farm name), and huge 6-9 tile gates that have players farm name on them?
Worm bin (used in farming), compost, electricity poles (just for decoration), wind-farm/solar decoration, items for like a "tree-school" (like little pots with different crops/flowers/tiny plants and stacks of pots both vertically and horizontally).
Bonsai trees.
Also compost again, like giant stacks of mud/compost (maybe with flies over it and a buzzing sound)/woodchip piles just for decoration purposes
Wheelbarrows (always used on a farm). I think these could have so many uses even acting as a planter, which would look so cool with the player being able to put different crops in it just as with raised beds/garden containers/old truck wheels)
Also different types/variations of sprinklers maybe, like I love these giant grass fields where a sprinkler just shoots water all around, maybe this would be possible and look great on our farms even just as decoration? Plus eventually a watering effect
(even)Tall(er) grass, Wild Flower field soil type (possibly with little bonus effect for bees) or just in general different looks to the default plot (examples https://www.bostonseeds.com/products/wildflowers-seed/wildflower-seed-mixtures-20/ or just do google image search for bee field seeds)
Insect hotels https://www.urbanrevolution.com.au/products/small-insect-hotels
Raised garden beds (planters) out of wood, metal, recycled container, old truck wheels...
Ideas for trees: Cork Oak (where is an animation of harvesting the bark from the tree and the color of the wood changes)
Pomegranate bushes and trees (they can be grown in both ways) and theres dark purple, yellow, red pomegranate in general i think more bushes and berry hedges would be great as they are more convienent to farm than large trees (and you have brought a lot already in the first EA which is awesome!!). Generally i think it would be great if they often looked more unique like the Prickly Pear Cactus over just a round "bush").
Generally more unique looking fruit trees would be great (I understand its probably a lot more work)
Actually for tree ideas you might want to look at this small youtuber who goes around the world identifying rare fruit trees https://www.youtube.com/@allthefruit there is some places in the world where people just are super creative and have such an amazing variety.
Some worker tools, rubber boots on the ground (used a lot in some countries as costa rica), small 1 tile poly tunnels that connect (good for decoration next to fields), watering cans, irrigation lines, rainwater collectors (like barrels with water in them, IBC containers), garden hoes (maybe as fence type?)
(Also just having an idea for a feature maybe some day, where you could create a guided tractor tour if people click it, the tractor will keep following a certain path around the farm (kinda like the train of course, but maybe at the same time watering/plowing fields just by people "activating it" so following a line maybe set up with a tile seperatofence type of item?)
Rollercoaster instead of train going all over your farm (haha kinda meant as a joke but would surely be fun), same as some dinosaurs, elephants and other more "exotic" animals.
Boxes/crates of all the different/some mixed crops/fruit. Wheelbarrows and boxes with produce/plants/fruit/crops in them so you can make your farm look more like a production site.
Starlink satellite, different camper vans, more bonfires
Maybe (some day?) an "ancient tractor", or even like a cow/horse/donkey carriage acting like a tractor. This could be fun!
Different SMALL one tile water fountains (used often in backyard gardening), different Water Pumps.
More varieties of bird feeders. Maybe a tree that has a squirrel on it.
Some more varied wooden benches, chairs, tables as often used in garden areas around the world. Maybe with some garden pots on them.
Maybe some pools and more deluxe items like parasols, sunbeds/deckchairs, sunchairs, so people can decorate a special garden at the player house as in a lounge area (as the farmhands do all the "work" lol)
Also maybe for more posh gardens some white gravel type of soil with some green scrubs in them.
Shovels and other tools sticking in the ground/soil (or on piles as is already in the game with the beautiful hay fork).
Hope this helps this is what I could come up with an hour or so and would love to see tho I realize not all is possible to do or really necessary! And I am happy even with the EA just like its now lol.
Hope we see some other good ideas posted here now! I realized its pretty hard to come up with this stuff!
submitted by c0mbucha to FarmTogether [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:08 eebaym Weight Gain Off of Birth Control

Hey guys! I know this is a topic that’s commonly talked about but I wanted to share my experience. For context, I grew up chubbier and lost my weight at 14 through diet changes before starting birth control, I went from 200 to about 135 at the end of it. From 14-15 I was on combined bc pills (since May 2019) and I didn’t notice anything major beyond weight maintenance and bigger boobs despite being skinnier. Then, I stopped the pills (March 2020) because my boyfriend broke up with me at 15 hahaha. So about a year I was on the pill for. Anyway, a few months went by before I got in another relationship so I didn’t take anything. I gained weight, felt puffy, etc. but nothing too too bad and my clothes still fit. Once I got in a relationship in October 2020, I decided to try the Kyleena IUD, because I liked the idea of not needing to take pills. I was on it for 3 and a half years and stopped it this January 2024. When on both kinds of birth control I never exceeded 145 pounds. And even when I gained weight after initially stopping the pills, I didn’t exceed 160. When I got on the IUD i regulated once again and lost weight. Lowest I was on kyleena was 126 but I have a theory it’s because weed was anti inflammatory for me because I used for two years on IUD before quitting. I’ll admit, I do eat junk but nothing could’ve prepared me for the weight gain since January 2024. I’ve gained almost 50 pounds. No major changes to diet. I even go to the gym now and eat high protein and have definitely maintained a caloric deficit. My boobs are purple and I have stretch marks everywhere. I know it’s silly but I can’t even look at myself let alone prepare for summer clothes this year. I don’t want to go back on birth control but there’s no sign of this changing. I know it’s been 4 months but it just seems like everything is plummeting. I take thyroid and cycle supplements, and prenatals solely because they contain more of what you need than regular ones. Does anyone have this iud experience? My doctor thinks my panels will come back normal. I want to try to balance my hormones naturally but idk.
submitted by eebaym to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:46 eebaym Weight Gain After Stopping Hormonal IUD?

Hey guys! I know this is a topic that’s commonly talked about but I wanted to share my experience. For context, I grew up chubbier and lost my weight at 14 through diet changes before starting birth control, I went from 200 to about 135 at the end of it. From 14-15 I was on combined bc pills (since May 2019) and I didn’t notice anything major beyond weight maintenance and bigger boobs despite being skinnier. Then, I stopped the pills (March 2020) because my boyfriend broke up with me at 15 hahaha. So about a year I was on the pill for. Anyway, a few months went by before I got in another relationship so I didn’t take anything. I gained weight, felt puffy, etc. but nothing too too bad and my clothes still fit. Once I got in a relationship in October 2020, I decided to try the Kyleena IUD, because I liked the idea of not needing to take pills. I was on it for 3 and a half years and stopped it this January 2024. When on both kinds of birth control I never exceeded 145 pounds. And even when I gained weight after initially stopping the pills, I didn’t exceed 160. When I got on the IUD i regulated once again and lost weight. Lowest I was on kyleena was 126 but I have a theory it’s because weed was anti inflammatory for me because I used for two years on IUD before quitting. I’ll admit, I do eat junk but nothing could’ve prepared me for the weight gain since January 2024. I’ve gained almost 50 pounds. No major changes to diet. I even go to the gym now and eat high protein and have definitely maintained a caloric deficit. My boobs are purple and I have stretch marks everywhere. I know it’s silly but I can’t even look at myself let alone prepare for summer clothes this year. I don’t want to go back on birth control but there’s no sign of this changing. I know it’s been 4 months but it just seems like everything is plummeting. I take thyroid and cycle supplements, and prenatals solely because they contain more of what you need than regular ones. Does anyone have this iud experience? My doctor thinks my panels will come back normal. I want to try to balance my hormones naturally but idk.
submitted by eebaym to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:41 Over_Construction295 Vietnam Veteran PTSD Denied

I was helping my 75 year old neighbor with his VA claim for PTSD. He is currently rated for Eyes (30%) and Tinnitus (10%). He has the Vietnam Service Medal and spent 60 days in country while stationed in the Philippines. I encouraged him to apply for PTSD and other claims via the PACT/Vietnam. I also had him submit a private DBQ from a respectable PHD who helped me with my own personal claim. I just found out yesterday, his claim was denied as "not service connected". I'm heartbroken for him as he likely will not appeal. He clearly wants to put the "stressors' behind him and move on. I will try to get him to fight for it as he clearly has PTSD. But I just wanted to share my story so that others can perhaps learn from this. I will post more as I get the denial letter. I did talk with the PHD who did the DBQ and he suggested he lawyer up as he agrees he should have been rated.
Edit: all of you that have supportive comments thanks. This was not intended for help. As you can see I was sharing what I witnessed and helped with. He does have a VSO who worked with him on the claims. The VSO submitted the DBQ and told him he was good to go.
All you haters and naysayers can go back under the rock you crawled out from. đŸ‘ŒđŸŒ
Edit 2: I drink beer and hang out with my neighbor. Being we are both AF veterans we get along great. We don't talk about our deployments much, which is understood. My dad was in Vietnam (Army Platoon Sgt, Purple Heart, CIB) and he never wanted to talk about his time in 'Nam either. It was me who encouraged him to apply. It was me he talked to about the process since it had changed from his time in service. Hell my first claim I filed in 2018 (26 years post active duty) was denied. Will I encourage him to fight this? Yes. Will he? Probably not. I imagine it will be his wife of 50 years who will eventually send me the denial letter, not him. He will put this all behind him, drink beer and smoke more weed. In the meantime, it's me who sees him stressed, not eating, not talking, etc. His wife says he will get better and this will pass. Does this make me feel better? No, it's me who is carrying the guilt of encouraging him to file. It's me and the crappy VSO who told him he "could put this all behind him". Well, he will, but not with the outcome I had hoped for. I'm done responding to comments. Take what you will from this thread and filing a PTSD claim.
submitted by Over_Construction295 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:20 callmethebard Plant seedlings in planters?

Plant seedlings in planters?
I am planting a variety of native flowers around my yard in the Twin Cities region of MN.
I bought a tray of seedlings, but they're pretty small. I would like to make sure they succeed and/or that they are not eaten by rabbits.
Would it help planting seedlings in larger planters for now until they get more established, and then transplant them into the yard or should I just plant them in the yard right away?
The plants I have are: - Black eyed susans - Aromatic aster - Purple coneflower - Prairie coreopsis - Butterfly weed
submitted by callmethebard to gardening [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:21 callmethebard Planting seedlings in planters? (MN/Twin Cities region)

Planting seedlings in planters? (MN/Twin Cities region)
I recently bought some seedlings for native plantings around the yard. They're pretty small, and I want to make sure they succeed and/or aren't eaten by rabbits.
Is it alright to plant seedlings in planters for the beginning of the season and transplant them into the soil when they are more established? If so, when would I know when they are ready to be transplanted?
The plants I have are: - Aromatic aster - Black eyed Susan - Purple coneflower - Butterfly weed - Prairie coreopsis
submitted by callmethebard to NativePlantGardening [link] [comments]
