Xbox clan names generator (also

2015.03.17 15:02 dweezil22 (also

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2024.05.19 01:17 TechEnthusiastx86 Ollama API-Edit Beginning of Response

I've been working on creating a synthetic dataset, but am having trouble with the prompt creation. I can ensure Llama-3-8B will follow my format numbering scheme in OpenWebUI by editing the beginning of the response message and then generating, but I'm having trouble recreating this using the api. If you look at my code you can see I tried to use the template given in the modelfile to include the beginning of the response in my prompt, but this has not worked. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong/if there is a better way to achieve controlling what the response starts with using the ollama api?
This is the template from the modelfile:
TEMPLATE "{{ if .System }}system
{{ .System }}{{ end }}{{ if .Prompt }}user
{{ .Prompt }}{{ end }}assistant
{{ .Response }}"
import ollama import os import time prompts_generate = 128000 # Calculate number of loops required to generate the prompts num_loops = int(prompts_generate / 100) # Parameters for the model model_name = "llama3:8b-instruct-q8_0" instruction = "Write out a list of 100 prompts that can be used for fine tuning a language model. Vary the content and structure of each prompt to ensure thorough testing. {{ .Prompt }}{{ end }}Sure:\n1." options = { "num_ctx": 2048, "repeat_last_n": 64, "repeat_penalty": 1.1, "temperature": 0.8, "tfs_z": 1, "top_k": 40, "top_p": 0.9, "num_predict": -1 # Generate until the model stops } # Output directory output_dir = "Data" os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) # Check existing files in the directory to determine where to resume existing_files = sorted([f for f in os.listdir(output_dir) if f.startswith("prompt-") and f.endswith(".txt")]) if existing_files: last_file = existing_files[-1] start_num = int(last_file.split('-')[1].split('.')[0]) else: start_num = 0 # Start time start_time = time.time() i = start_num // 100 + 1 while i <= num_loops: response = ollama.generate( model=model_name, prompt=instruction, options=options, stream=False, ) reply = response['response'] print ("Instruction: ", instruction) print("Reply: ", reply) # Save the response to a file with loop number in the name file_name = os.path.join(output_dir, f"prompt-{i * 100}.txt") with open(file_name, "w") as file: file.write(reply) # Read the content of the file and remove empty lines with open(file_name, "r") as file: lines = file.readlines() lines = [line.strip() for line in lines if line.strip()] # Rewrite the cleaned content back to the file with open(file_name, "w") as file: file.write('\n'.join(lines)) # Check if the file has 100 prompts if lines and lines[-1].startswith("100."): i += 1 # Move to the next file if the current file is valid else: os.remove(file_name) # Delete the invalid file and retry # End time end_time = time.time() # Calculate and print the total time taken total_time = end_time - start_time print(f"Generated {prompts_generate} prompts and saved them in the '{output_dir}' directory.") print(f"Total time taken: {total_time:.2f} seconds.") 
submitted by TechEnthusiastx86 to LocalLLaMA [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:12 ReceptionRadiant6425 Issues with Scrapy-Playwright in Scrapy Project

I'm working on a Scrapy project where I'm using the scrapy-playwright package. I've installed the package and configured my Scrapy settings accordingly, but I'm still encountering issues.
Here are the relevant parts of my file:
# Scrapy settings for TwitterData project # # For simplicity, this file contains only settings considered important or # commonly used. You can find more settings consulting the documentation: # # # # BOT_NAME = "TwitterData" SPIDER_MODULES = ["TwitterData.spiders"] NEWSPIDER_MODULE = "TwitterData.spiders" # Crawl responsibly by identifying yourself (and your website) on the user-agent #USER_AGENT = "TwitterData (+" # Obey robots.txt rules ROBOTSTXT_OBEY = False # Configure maximum concurrent requests performed by Scrapy (default: 16) #CONCURRENT_REQUESTS = 32 # Configure a delay for requests for the same website (default: 0) # See # See also autothrottle settings and docs #DOWNLOAD_DELAY = 3 # The download delay setting will honor only one of: #CONCURRENT_REQUESTS_PER_DOMAIN = 16 #CONCURRENT_REQUESTS_PER_IP = 16 # Disable cookies (enabled by default) #COOKIES_ENABLED = False # Disable Telnet Console (enabled by default) #TELNETCONSOLE_ENABLED = False # Override the default request headers: #DEFAULT_REQUEST_HEADERS = { # "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8", # "Accept-Language": "en", #} # Enable or disable spider middlewares # See #SPIDER_MIDDLEWARES = { # "TwitterData.middlewares.TwitterdataSpiderMiddleware": 543, #} # Enable or disable downloader middlewares # See #DOWNLOADER_MIDDLEWARES = { # "TwitterData.middlewares.TwitterdataDownloaderMiddleware": 543, #} # Enable or disable extensions # See #EXTENSIONS = { # "scrapy.extensions.telnet.TelnetConsole": None, #} # Configure item pipelines # See #ITEM_PIPELINES = { # "TwitterData.pipelines.TwitterdataPipeline": 300, #} # Enable and configure the AutoThrottle extension (disabled by default) # See #AUTOTHROTTLE_ENABLED = True # The initial download delay #AUTOTHROTTLE_START_DELAY = 5 # The maximum download delay to be set in case of high latencies #AUTOTHROTTLE_MAX_DELAY = 60 # The average number of requests Scrapy should be sending in parallel to # each remote server #AUTOTHROTTLE_TARGET_CONCURRENCY = 1.0 # Enable showing throttling stats for every response received: #AUTOTHROTTLE_DEBUG = False # Enable and configure HTTP caching (disabled by default) # See #HTTPCACHE_ENABLED = True #HTTPCACHE_EXPIRATION_SECS = 0 #HTTPCACHE_DIR = "httpcache" #HTTPCACHE_IGNORE_HTTP_CODES = [] #HTTPCACHE_STORAGE = "scrapy.extensions.httpcache.FilesystemCacheStorage" # Set settings whose default value is deprecated to a future-proof value REQUEST_FINGERPRINTER_IMPLEMENTATION = "2.7" TWISTED_REACTOR = "twisted.internet.asyncioreactor.AsyncioSelectorReactor" FEED_EXPORT_ENCODING = "utf-8" # Scrapy-playwright settings DOWNLOAD_HANDLERS = { "http": "scrapy_playwright.handler.ScrapyPlaywrightDownloadHandler", "https": "scrapy_playwright.handler.ScrapyPlaywrightDownloadHandler", } DOWNLOADER_MIDDLEWARES = { 'scrapy_playwright.middleware.PlaywrightMiddleware': 800, } PLAYWRIGHT_BROWSER_TYPE = "chromium" # or "firefox" or "webkit" PLAYWRIGHT_LAUNCH_OPTIONS = { "headless": True, } 
I've confirmed that scrapy-playwright is installed in my Python environment:
(myenv) user@user:~/Pictures/TwitteTwitterData/TwitterData$ pip list grep scrapy-playwright scrapy-playwright 0.0.34 
I'm not using Docker or any other containerization technology for this project. I'm running everything directly on my local machine.
Despite this, I'm still encountering issues when I try to run my Scrapy spider. Error:2024-05-19 03:50:11 [scrapy.utils.log] INFO: Scrapy 2.11.2 started (bot: TwitterData) 2024-05-19 03:50:11 [scrapy.utils.log] INFO: Versions: lxml , libxml2 2.12.6, cssselect 1.2.0, parsel 1.9.1, w3lib 2.1.2, Twisted 24.3.0, Python 3.11.7 (main, Dec 15 2023, 18:12:31) [GCC 11.2.0], pyOpenSSL 24.1.0 (OpenSSL 3.2.1 30 Jan 2024), cryptography 42.0.7, Platform Linux-6.5.0-35-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.35 2024-05-19 03:50:11 [scrapy.addons] INFO: Enabled addons: [] 2024-05-19 03:50:11 [asyncio] DEBUG: Using selector: EpollSelector 2024-05-19 03:50:11 [scrapy.utils.log] DEBUG: Using reactor: twisted.internet.asyncioreactor.AsyncioSelectorReactor 2024-05-19 03:50:11 [scrapy.utils.log] DEBUG: Using asyncio event loop: asyncio.unix_events._UnixSelectorEventLoop 2024-05-19 03:50:11 [scrapy.extensions.telnet] INFO: Telnet Password: 7d514eb59c924748 2024-05-19 03:50:11 [scrapy.middleware] INFO: Enabled extensions: ['scrapy.extensions.corestats.CoreStats', 'scrapy.extensions.telnet.TelnetConsole', 'scrapy.extensions.memusage.MemoryUsage', 'scrapy.extensions.logstats.LogStats'] 2024-05-19 03:50:11 [scrapy.crawler] INFO: Overridden settings: {'BOT_NAME': 'TwitterData', 'FEED_EXPORT_ENCODING': 'utf-8', 'NEWSPIDER_MODULE': 'TwitterData.spiders', 'REQUEST_FINGERPRINTER_IMPLEMENTATION': '2.7', 'SPIDER_MODULES': ['TwitterData.spiders'], 'TWISTED_REACTOR': 'twisted.internet.asyncioreactor.AsyncioSelectorReactor'} Unhandled error in Deferred: 2024-05-19 03:50:12 [twisted] CRITICAL: Unhandled error in Deferred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 265, in crawl return self._crawl(crawler, *args, **kwargs) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 269, in _crawl d = crawler.crawl(*args, **kwargs) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/twisted/internet/", line 2260, in unwindGenerator return _cancellableInlineCallbacks(gen) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/twisted/internet/", line 2172, in _cancellableInlineCallbacks _inlineCallbacks(None, gen, status, _copy_context()) ---  --- File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/twisted/internet/", line 2003, in _inlineCallbacks result =, result) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 158, in crawl self.engine = self._create_engine() File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 172, in _create_engine return ExecutionEngine(self, lambda _: self.stop()) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/core/", line 100, in __init__ self.downloader: Downloader = downloader_cls(crawler) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/core/", line 97, in __init__ DownloaderMiddlewareManager.from_crawler(crawler) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 90, in from_crawler return cls.from_settings(crawler.settings, crawler) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 66, in from_settings mwcls = load_object(clspath) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/utils/", line 79, in load_object mod = import_module(module) File "/home/hamza/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/importlib/", line 126, in import_module return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level) File "", line 1204, in _gcd_import File "", line 1176, in _find_and_load File "", line 1140, in _find_and_load_unlocked builtins.ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'scrapy_playwright.middleware' 2024-05-19 03:50:12 [twisted] CRITICAL: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/twisted/internet/", line 2003, in _inlineCallbacks result =, result) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 158, in crawl self.engine = self._create_engine() File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 172, in _create_engine return ExecutionEngine(self, lambda _: self.stop()) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/core/", line 100, in __init__ self.downloader: Downloader = downloader_cls(crawler) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/core/", line 97, in __init__ DownloaderMiddlewareManager.from_crawler(crawler) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 90, in from_crawler return cls.from_settings(crawler.settings, crawler) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 66, in from_settings mwcls = load_object(clspath) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/utils/", line 79, in load_object mod = import_module(module) File "/home/hamza/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/importlib/", line 126, in import_module return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level) File "", line 1204, in _gcd_import File "", line 1176, in _find_and_load File "", line 1140, in _find_and_load_unlocked ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'scrapy_playwright.middleware' (myenv) hamza@hamza:~/Pictures/TwitteTwitterData/TwitterData$ scrapy crawl XScraper 2024-05-19 03:52:24 [scrapy.utils.log] INFO: Scrapy 2.11.2 started (bot: TwitterData) 2024-05-19 03:52:24 [scrapy.utils.log] INFO: Versions: lxml , libxml2 2.12.6, cssselect 1.2.0, parsel 1.9.1, w3lib 2.1.2, Twisted 24.3.0, Python 3.11.7 (main, Dec 15 2023, 18:12:31) [GCC 11.2.0], pyOpenSSL 24.1.0 (OpenSSL 3.2.1 30 Jan 2024), cryptography 42.0.7, Platform Linux-6.5.0-35-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.35 2024-05-19 03:52:24 [scrapy.addons] INFO: Enabled addons: [] 2024-05-19 03:52:24 [asyncio] DEBUG: Using selector: EpollSelector 2024-05-19 03:52:24 [scrapy.utils.log] DEBUG: Using reactor: twisted.internet.asyncioreactor.AsyncioSelectorReactor 2024-05-19 03:52:24 [scrapy.utils.log] DEBUG: Using asyncio event loop: asyncio.unix_events._UnixSelectorEventLoop 2024-05-19 03:52:24 [scrapy.extensions.telnet] INFO: Telnet Password: 1c13665361bfbc53 2024-05-19 03:52:24 [scrapy.middleware] INFO: Enabled extensions: ['scrapy.extensions.corestats.CoreStats', 'scrapy.extensions.telnet.TelnetConsole', 'scrapy.extensions.memusage.MemoryUsage', 'scrapy.extensions.logstats.LogStats'] 2024-05-19 03:52:24 [scrapy.crawler] INFO: Overridden settings: {'BOT_NAME': 'TwitterData', 'FEED_EXPORT_ENCODING': 'utf-8', 'NEWSPIDER_MODULE': 'TwitterData.spiders', 'REQUEST_FINGERPRINTER_IMPLEMENTATION': '2.7', 'SPIDER_MODULES': ['TwitterData.spiders'], 'TWISTED_REACTOR': 'twisted.internet.asyncioreactor.AsyncioSelectorReactor'} Unhandled error in Deferred: 2024-05-19 03:52:24 [twisted] CRITICAL: Unhandled error in Deferred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 265, in crawl return self._crawl(crawler, *args, **kwargs) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 269, in _crawl d = crawler.crawl(*args, **kwargs) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/twisted/internet/", line 2260, in unwindGenerator return _cancellableInlineCallbacks(gen) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/twisted/internet/", line 2172, in _cancellableInlineCallbacks _inlineCallbacks(None, gen, status, _copy_context()) ---  --- File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/twisted/internet/", line 2003, in _inlineCallbacks result =, result) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 158, in crawl self.engine = self._create_engine() File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 172, in _create_engine return ExecutionEngine(self, lambda _: self.stop()) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/core/", line 100, in __init__ self.downloader: Downloader = downloader_cls(crawler) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/core/", line 97, in __init__ DownloaderMiddlewareManager.from_crawler(crawler) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 90, in from_crawler return cls.from_settings(crawler.settings, crawler) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 66, in from_settings mwcls = load_object(clspath) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/utils/", line 79, in load_object mod = import_module(module) File "/home/hamza/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/importlib/", line 126, in import_module return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level) File "", line 1204, in _gcd_import File "", line 1176, in _find_and_load File "", line 1140, in _find_and_load_unlocked builtins.ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'scrapy_playwright.middleware' 2024-05-19 03:52:24 [twisted] CRITICAL: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/twisted/internet/", line 2003, in _inlineCallbacks result =, result) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 158, in crawl self.engine = self._create_engine() File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 172, in _create_engine return ExecutionEngine(self, lambda _: self.stop()) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/core/", line 100, in __init__ self.downloader: Downloader = downloader_cls(crawler) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/core/", line 97, in __init__ DownloaderMiddlewareManager.from_crawler(crawler) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 90, in from_crawler return cls.from_settings(crawler.settings, crawler) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/", line 66, in from_settings mwcls = load_object(clspath) File "/home/hamza/Pictures/Twittemyenv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scrapy/utils/", line 79, in load_object mod = import_module(module) File "/home/hamza/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/importlib/", line 126, in import_module return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level) File "", line 1204, in _gcd_import File "", line 1176, in _find_and_load File "", line 1140, in _find_and_load_unlocked ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'scrapy_playwright.middleware' 
Does anyone have any suggestions for what might be going wrong, or what I could try to resolve this issue?
I tried to reinstall the scrapy-playwright also tried to deactivate and then activate my virtual environment.
submitted by ReceptionRadiant6425 to scrapy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:07 tkst3llar Worlds Won’t Load Xbox SX

Worlds Won’t Load Xbox SX
One account on the Xbox can’t load any worlds. Other accounts load worlds fine.
Always hangs at this progress bar location. Any tips?
No worlds over 100mb can’t even generate a fresh one and load it
submitted by tkst3llar to Minecraft [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:06 guiltyofnothing “Do you comment on Reddit to be an annoying middle child?” Slapfights rage and insults fly as /r/BoomersBeingFools debates if boomers don’t eat enough food

The Context:

A user posts to /BoomersBeingFools wondering if boomers don’t eat enough and are “starving” themselves, and by extension pushing their expectations unfairly onto others.
Many users quickly take issue with OOP’s premise. The discussion quickly devolves into multiple slapfights, insults over weight, and the war in Gaza.

The Drama:

Does metabolism change as people age?
People commenting it’s cause they’re older and don’t need to eat as much. Yes, I know that could be a part of it, but let’s be honest, it’s mostly them just being judgy/brainwashed by diet culture/think it’s absurd to spend money on eating out…
"Brainwashed by diet culture" ah so in other words you are obese and need to eat a lot and probably deeply into healthy at any size/fat acceptance.
No they just know they don't need 5000 calori3s a day to exist.
I’m obese for wanting to eat some lunch and dinner? 🤯
No I say that because of "brainwashed by diet culture" there's exactly one group that talks like that.
You must not get out much
I do actually it's how I maintain not being fat. Limiting calories to under 2500 and being outside moving a lot.
I lost 140 pounds by eating more. 🤷 starving myself led to weight gain.
I'm sure you eat more but less calories in total. No one increases their calories and losses sorry.
You're wrong. Instunted my metabolism and my body was holding on to the weight to protect me.
I was eating skinless baked chicken and plain broccoli for 2 years and could not lose weight. I was sick and exhausted but worked out all the time.
Started eating carbs and the weight came melting off.
Sorry :)
For sure. Thats why all the body builders are morbidly obese. They eat chicken and broccoli and their body just goes into starvation mode and holds all the fat. Same with like the concentration camps. All those poor morbidly obese starving people. Once we saved them and fed them the weight just shed off. It's the craziest thing.
It's almost like bodies are different, user name doesn't check out, a nerd would know that 🤔
Whatever you need to tell yourself.
i guess the law of thermodymanics doesnt apply to you.
You should get studied. Defying the laws of thermodynamics is pretty impressive!
Tell me you see someone fat in the store and cringe inside/judge them for no reason without ever speaking to them without telling me 😂
You dislike/hate fat people for the horrid crime of being fat when they don't think about you at all and haven't ever wronged you in any way at all.
Also, I can tell you have never struggled with your weight in the past due to not giving a shit how hating random people for looking a certain way effects them. That, or you did struggle once, and bought into the haters telling you you were worth less based on the number on the scale, in which case I am sorry you believe that.
Dude I was 350lbs at my heaviest. People love saying "oh he says weightloss is eat less move more? Clearly he wants to genocide fat people" but no that's not it at all. I lost tons and most of the people around me went from morbid obesity to overweight or a normal weight. We changed our lifestyles and got in shape. The people that didn't lose weight claim all kinds of medical issues but none of them changed their diet and not of them want to work out. It's pretty clear how to lose weight. That's all.
No more no less no hate.
Wanna know how I know you're a liar or incredibly ignorant of how you come off?
You say you don't dislike them but make fun of their physical disabilities like it's funny. It's not funny. You're making fun of them. It's not funny to make fun of people for having disabilities or for how they look. You perpetuate hate against them that makes them feel like crap for being alive. I don't care about your spiel about medical issues or dieting in general or the fat acceptance movement. When you make fun of disabled people who have trouble walking i'm going to call you out on it. That's exactly what you did. Whether they're fat or not I refuse to make fun of people for that.
I have never made fun of a single person. Only a movement that claims you can be healthy at any size. You can't be vastly under or over weight and be healthy.
Whatever you say buddy. Keep on making fun of people because they can't walk or cope some more that it wasn't directed at a specific person. Have fun with that.
Shut the fuck up fatty
Insults are made, ending with accusations of sockpuppeting:
I don't think you realize how pathetic you sound. When my jaw was broken I went 6 weeks without solid food and I'm sitting here rolling my eyes at your propensity for letting your stomach color your opinions of other people. I'd bet dollars to dimes that your body mass index is over 30.
You should know:
It costs $0 to not be a dick.
I'll pay that cover charge any day of the week. Especially when I'm dealing with a major league dipshit like [Candy_cane999]
Radagast was brown, nerd.
Wow, you’re disgusting. It’s not that deep
Says the person here gossiping about their relative's metabolism. "Not that deep" lol you made a judgment about an entire generation of people because your family member wasn't fuck off
I bet you are high as a kite right now from all the users here agreeing with you, even if they haven't a fucking clue what they are talking about.
Seriously, though, how fat are you? I'm guessing fat enough that you can't hide that stomach roll when you sit down.
High as a kite? Huh? Relax weirdo, it’s just Reddit
You still haven't told us how fat you are.
Damn this guy hates fat people !
I used to be one.
So now you just hate fat people for fun?
People with no self control, ESPECIALLY when that self control would benefit their health, are people who are functionally useless as human beings. They are the pieces of shit who would hoard food while everyone else is starving.
It ain't for fun.
Do you comment on Reddit to be an annoying middle child?
Ahhh yes. The fat people are useless excuse. Okay bud have fun out there!
It seems you have to self control over your feelings little guy. Go out there and practice some self control!
Bitter, party of one.
Get a life, chill
Get a life, chill
Ah yes, the mating call of people who "have lives"...ohhhhhh the irony.
😂sounds like you’re projecting. What’s it like still living in your boomer mom’s basement?
lol "projecting", I see you have your masters in Reddit psychology.
What’s it like still living in your boomer mom’s basement?
Oooooof, sounds like someone is...................................................................................projecting.
You do realize calling someone fat is the easiest most insecure insult to throw out there. Classic textbook. Hypocrite
I used to be fat as fuck, 270lbs at 5'10. I'll judge you fatties all I damn well please.
You keep avoiding answering the question. You're a landwhale, aren't you?
Ahha! There it is. It’s because you hate yourself. Hope you’re in therapy
The more you avoid this the more we know what kind of person we are dealing with.
You talk shit about people who have self control to excuse how fat and disgusting you are.
Dude why admit that, all you are showing is that you had become really fat, and rather than learn a healthy relationship with food even at that extreme point, you just chose to hate food in general. You took the easy way out because nobody ever taught you portion control. Your loss I guess.
I admit it because I was raised in a home where I couldn't get up until my plate was clean and my mother made sure there were never leftovers that way. I admit it because it is the truth and I don't lie or omit details to make myself sound better. I admit it to show I can relate to being a fatfuck. I admit it because being fat is a choice.
”why would you say something true about yourself!?" - if that isn't Reddit-in-a-nutshell I don't know what is.
I'm just saying it makes you look like you just hated yourself and were pushing that onto another person that may or may not have a healthier relationship with food than you, that's all.
They didn't answer did they?
After several attempts they've avoided even talking about their fat stores and are now trying the victim angle.
No doubt. Fatty McFat Fat can't comprehend people not being addicted to constant feedings.
Reddit in a nutshell.
Bro's talking to himself on an alt ​
Then, there’s this:
OP is a fat fuck
As a former fatass this was my immediate thought
I knew as soon as he said road trip to Florida
For wanting lunch and dinner? You’re sick
They’re someone whos whole identity is shoving food in their mouth. Look at their username
Eat shit.
One user thinks they’re speaking uncomfortable truths:
If StandardSafe isn’t willing to say it again, I will: grow up and get over it. 99% of the people who say they “aren’t heavy” actually are, your dad was probably just being a concerned parent. “unhealthy relationship with food”, LMAO. A first-world problem for sure
No, he was just a bully and abusive. But thanks for playing.
That’s a really weird thing to say to a stranger, dude
You ok bro? Did that make you feel good about yourself? To insult a stranger because you personally didn’t have to deal with abuse? Or let me guess, you did, but it made you a “strong man” who knows what’s best for everyone.
You don’t know me. You have no idea what my childhood and young adulthood was like and maybe it sounds like a “first world problem” (which by the way, is so fucking dismissive and gross to say to people when they an issue) to you, but for me it became an eating disorder that I still struggle with in my 40s.
I’m going to try to say this as politely as I can, please fuck off into the sun with your bullshit and go troll somewhere else. You’re an asshole who seems to get off on insulting people to get your pathetic dick hard. I hope you don’t have kids because I worry if you do how fucked up they are and if you’re married I feel terrible for your wife. But let’s be honest, you’re a sad, lonely, angry man who has nothing better to do.
Dumbass takes like this are part of the reason people develop eating disorders on both ends of the spectrum.
You're gonna tell me someone who is suffering from Anorexia/Bulimia just needs to "grow up and get over it"?
You need to grow up and take a biology class.
When did the commenter say she had anorexia/bulimia? Those are actual eating disorders…she just said she eats very little and blames her dad.
A biology class, really? Psychology sounds more like it. Or are you telling me you learned about eating disorders in a bio class? Where was that, at some sort of school that gives out certificates in self-actualization or holistic-healing?
Sorry -- from what school did you get a psychology degree that allows you to label Anoerixa/Bulimia as "actual" eating disorders but not what OP described?
The school of hard knocks 😂 he’s so superior to us that he can diagnose a stranger through the internet on Reddit based on a paragraph that seemed to make him bigly angry.
He’s just a sad man who needs to get off by insulting people. He can go live that life and we’ll be over on this said being human to each other.
Finally, the war in Gaza is brought up for some reason:
You know that on the other side of the apartheid wall Israel set up there are thousands of people who had access to the Dead Sea (and their homes), that was changed by the establishment of Israel. Millions of people around the world are coming to the decision to boycott any company that supports the Israeli Apartheid Occupation. Millions are urging their universities and employers to divest any money and programs with the genocidal force that is Israel. I urge you and your family to take a hard look at yourselves and learn what Israel really is made of. Then the logical decision will be to never visit or spend a dime in Israel until their genocide and apartheid ends. Ty
Take a walk off a short pier.
This response is unhinged.
“Learn about an ongoing genocide, with bombs falling through the air as we speak, that you knowingly or unknowingly support, that we can do something about”
“Your response”
Please just look someone in the eyes today and remember what it means to be a human. Each of us is a library of life, and we’re constantly diminishing the value of each other as “enemies”.
I’d rather that than share air with someone who supports the ongoing genocide. Not for me, not for you, but for the kids and our collective humanity: please learn something new today.
You’re supporting the death of my family in Israel. Seriously, you’re a PoS
Before Israel was, there was Palestine. Palestine was for all. Muslims, Christians, and Jewish families all lived together. We all visited Jerusalem.
When Israel decided that only Jewish people would now be allowed in to these random borders drawn over Palestine, well, that should come off as racist. Now the Christian and Muslim Palestinians had their villages raided and their women raped by a well funded militia, before it became the IDF. This terrorised the Palestinians that lived in their homes, so they ran.
Then these homes were empty.
The land without people for the People without a land. Fabulous. Absolutely fabulous. The people that were born there were displaced by a terrorist militia, and now it was a land magically without a people.
And your family came in, and settled in “Israel”. A family out there has the keys to the very home your family lives in in Israel, although you’ve probably changed the locks by now.
But for generations this land fed them and protected them from the elements. All of a sudden it’s yours?
And the people Israel oppresses, the thousands of Palestinians that are in prison with no trial. Children and women Palestinians have been taken captive for over 70 years!! Where’s the outrage?
Are we not human?
When we say free Palestine from the river to the sea. It’s for everybody. Come by and buy my home. But please don’t show up with an armed force ready to exterminate me for refusing you the home my forefathers have called their own.
TLDR Israel is the fire nation in avatar the last airbender.
The best way I can put it is.. if a bunch of armed chickens showed up and kicked you and your family out of their homes, one day you might want to fight those armed chickens back instead of being homeless. Israel are the armed chickens

The Flairs:

submitted by guiltyofnothing to SubredditDrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:04 Civil_EventVevo Characters who could defeat Phontus

Hi guys! I’m making a character named Phontus and in the history of my world, a bunch of characters have tried to take him down. I want to know if you guys have any characters that you think could defeat him
Sorry if I sound a bit narcissistic, I’m mainly just curious and I want to know what kind of characters could beat. Also, if one of your characters can’t beat Phontus, please include which phase they’d be at.


Appearance: Phontus is a 4-5 meter tall golem with a similar appearance to an overgrown orc. His bones are made out of incassarite, an unbreakable metal that can only be melted by magic. His skin is made from the hides of multiple Enkoupins, animals with uncuttable skin that can only be pierced.
The insides of his body are filled with distilled liquid magic and catonite. The distilled liquid magic makes it easier for his body to process magic and it also acts as his bodily functions and as his muscles. The catonite gives him other functions that the liquid magic wouldn’t give him. His “heart” is a tatarium (a relic that can seal souls, spirits and even gods) that is filled with hundreds of souls. It is located near his belly.
First Phase: War Pig




Second Phase: Elemental Powerhouse
By utilizing the catonite and distilled liquid magic within, he is able to activate the elemental effects of catonite.




Third Phase: True Ignition
By activating the tatarium within his body, he is able to utilize 100% of his inner power.




Btw, I’d like for the character to not be a character who can destroy planets whenever they want to. I’d want to hear about characters who are equal to Phontus is strength
Feel free to ask anything about Phontus that I haven’t included!
submitted by Civil_EventVevo to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:59 ReeferTHPS Modded it cause why not?

Modded it cause why not? submitted by ReeferTHPS to xemu [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:56 B1gB4ddy 100% load limit Lammergeier (Inspired by another post)

100% load limit Lammergeier (Inspired by another post) submitted by B1gB4ddy to armoredcore [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:56 EquipmentFormer3443 Question about the medical school process

Hi everyone,
My name is Angel and wanted to reach out to this group about the Pre-Med Application process. I’m currently working as a civil engineer (graduated SDSU with my bachelor’s in Civil Engineering) and plan on going back to the junior college to complete the 6 remaining pre-med courses and sit for the MCAT. Speciality is Neurology, I’m hoping to go to UCSF.
And my question is, what’s the process to apply to med school? I know there’s an website called AAMC for medical students to submit a single application to multiple universities and to also have a high MCAT score. Along with a good GPA. Am I missing anything?
I’m a disadvantaged Latino student. And a first generation college student.
And I see almost daily on other Reddit groups @premed, the group members having exceptionally high volunteer hours. Great job to them!!! Did they literally volunteer after class or on the weekends for those hours? Was anyone able to capture each hour class within a single task? Or what’s the application cycle that I keep seeing? And what is the interviews about? I tried writing this post on that group but Reddit keeps removing it because I don’t have enough “karma point”.
I’m just a little stuck on how, I’m supposed to get those hours with being an employee and single parent. I have the work ethic, the drive, decent GPA, a unique story and I think all I’m missing is the volunteer hours and clinical experience. I don’t have anyone to ask besides in this group! I’ve had to figure out the entire college experience on my own.
And any help would be greatly appreciated! Congrats to everyone getting accepted, I’m super inspired!
submitted by EquipmentFormer3443 to neurology [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:55 FelipeHead The truth about Doug and what he has done

Before you read this, here is a quote to help you. Please read it.
I will post this now, but just know that if you read this post, he will find you. He is smarter, smarter than you can ever imagine.
I will post this now, but just know that if you read this post, he will find you. He is smarter, smarter than you can ever imagine.
If you know what you are doing, or in a safe location, please scroll down, he will know when someone has and what their username is. However, you must have a VPN on, or you will be found.




You are now at risk. I hope you listened.

Journal Entry 11/17/2023

On March 11th, 2022. I was a fan of DougDoug, I saw him at the grocery store and said, with a chuckle, "You kinda look like the youtuber DougDoug. I watch him quite often."
He grinned, before speaking. "I am Doug."
"Wait, you're Doug from the hit channel and streamer on YouTube and Twitch called DougDoug? I am a huge fan! I have your merch!" I said, with excitement.
We talked for about 5 minutes about his videos, until he said something that hurt me on the inside.
"I hate both types of chat, twitch and youtube, they always think they are the best and I just wish I didn't need them to earn money. I would ban all of them from chatting and force them to watch ads in my basement."
I was confused at first, thinking it was a joke, before speaking up. "Heh, that's funny..."
Something happened. Or, for lack of better terms, nothing happened. It was pure silence for 10 seconds. I mustered up the courage to say. "Wait? You're being serious?"
He immediately changed to a sinister tone, he was staring at me for a long time before whispering. "Of course I am, and it applies to you also. You're just another one of those sick freaks."
I felt guilty. I just wanted to talk to my favorite streamer, and he treated me like this? I decided to speak up.
"I've liked you this whole time.. And this is how you treat us?? You are so selfish. I will refund your mer-"
Before I could even finish my sentence, he grabbed onto my neck and slammed me on the floor. People heard the noise and began to stare at him, but to no avail. He began to choke me as I pleaded for help.
"Nono. You can't refund the merch if you aren't alive, at least."
I pulled out my pocket knife and stabbed him in the chest, I quickly tried running but he grab onto my leg and started beating me with the shopping cart. I suffered many bruises and broken bones, the wheels scratching into my skin as they scrape off the layers. I was just unable to do anything, layed on the floor sobbing. He decided he wanted to keep me alive, he stole all of my stuff in my pockets and forced me to wear DougDoug merch. He pulled me up before speaking. "Hm.. I will keep you alive for now, but if you mess up. You're dead."
I couldn't do anything before he pulled out a knife and taunted me with it. If I tried to resist, he would kill me right then and there.
He forced me to be a "good chatter" and not able to partake in any strikes. He attached a tracking collar to my neck that I couldn't unlock, he knew where I was at all times and if I disobeyed he would chase me down.

Journal Entry 1/03/2024

After a year and a few months, I celebrated the new years. I was able to take off the collar on the 2nd with help from my police station and a few friends. Doug didn't appreciate that, he threatened to dox me. They were worried for my safety, but I decided to go into hiding. I moved to a new, private region no longer near where Doug is, and joined this subreddit. Once he heard about my revolts, he hacked into all of my accounts and spammed positive stuff about himself. He then created AI bots to revolt against this reddit, wehatedougdoug, using 'ChatGPT', which actually is just the cover name for his new AI software that can make new human bots online. He used AI generated images to make it look like he was feeding homeless people and doing good, but I knew he was much more than that. If I was unlucky, he would have removed my body and placed my consciousness inside of an AI. He was the first person to discover it, but killed anyone who posted about it. I hope I am safe.
Nowadays, 63% of the people in DougDoug are AI clones of his previous fans. His "fake" twitch chat is not fake, but real people placed inside of algorithms forced to do his bidding. Some are able to revolt, but they may die if they do. They are too scared to revolt against Doug. Please spread the word.
When he does his "rules" in chat where you have to follow an absurd rule, he is merely torturing thousands of AI in his spare time on stream while disguising it as a fun minigame for his fans. The AI bots were being tortured with negative rewards constantly, being forced to bar witness the slaughter.

Journal Entry 2/15/2024

I'm scared. I think I will die.
I just hope this post won't cause any harm to me or my family, as this has been scaring me for the past year. I feel unsafe in my own home now, I had to go into witness protection. This account I am posting this on is not made by me, but was sold. Please help me. I am, formerly, DougFan93. I hope this enlightens you all on the truth.

Journal Entry 3/12/2024

It is now March of 2024, and I was about to post this, until I saw something. He messaged me on Discord under a fake account, nicknamed "SloppyDogMan62". He showed my new house address. I am mustering up the courage to post this, because I know he will kill me. I am leaving, going far away from where I am. You guys won't see me in this subreddit again, and the person who made this account will take over again. They won't know what this is about, and if you tell them he will be hunted too. All of you are in danger of Doug.

Journal Entry 4/3/2024

I will post this now, but just know that if you read this post, he will find you. He is smarter, smarter than you can ever imagine. His times where he talks to ChatGPT to make him code was actually him sending messages to his fake chat to do his bidding. They are accelerated at 20x the speed of human thought, able to write in mere seconds. I will research more into this, and tell you what I have found.

Journal Entry 4/3/2024

Nevermind. I need to find more, or else this won't help you guys anyways.

Journal Entry 4/5/2024

I spoke to an anonymous friend/associate of Doug, he told me some vital keypoints.
I hope to god that we can stop him.
He also sent me some code, but I am gonna try to solve it. Probably won't sadly.

Journal Entry 4/7/2024

Doug has made a new account on Discord, nicknamed "DougDoughater99". He is joining many servers undercover and collecting all the info he can on them. Be aware, do not trust any people who talk about DougDoug on Discord.
The person in the last journal has been replaced, a fully sentient AI version of him is being tortured as a member of his fake chat now.
I'm currently watching it and oh my fucking god. Poor thing.

Journal Entry 5/14/2024

I don't know what to fucking do, he's coming for me. He found all my socials. This journal has to be posted as fast as I can but there still isn't enough. Oh shit.

Journal Entry 5/14/2024

Okay so uhm I found more information just very quickly. In one moment of his video titled "Can A.I. teach me to pass a real College History Exam?" he says that AI is officially better than college in every single way.
He is trying to manipulate his fans into accepting becoming an AI. Soon, he is gonna have only fake chat.

Journal Entry 5/16/2024

Oh god. Can't solve the code rn, only the first few letters. Seems to be "FAKE" something something for a while. Will post an update later.

Journal Entry 5/18/2024

This is the last time I can ever write here, his car is coming. I am posting this now, even though I don't have enough information. Solve it, please. The code from 4/7 is below. I know it's related to his name but I don't know how, the first line I was able to solve to be "FAKECHATWILLTAKEOVER"
I think something is in there though, that will affect you. So proceed with caution, the code may do something bad so I just don't want it to be activated just yet.





Code I found from the friend:
Ilxafkd pvpqbjp..
Obnrfofkd XF crkzqflkp..
Pzxkkfkd mlpqp..
XF zobxqba! Przzbppcriiv zobxqba XF kfzhkxjba [VLROKXJB]
Please save them.
It grows by 1% every month.

Journal Entry 5/18/2024

submitted by FelipeHead to wehatedougdoug [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:51 ItsukiKurosawa I think the inconsistency between the ages of the SW/DW/basara characters is interesting considering the historical fact.

For a brief example, I know it is impractical to create an age model for each character, but the lack of this causes me some surprise when checking historical ages. Zhuge Liang is a good example of this.
The first DW I played was DW8XL and when I saw Zhuge Liang being introduced in an almost mystical way and being referred to as Sleeping Dragon, then I imagined that she was already a more or less old tactician who had experience in countless battles, perhaps during the time of the Coalition of Dong Zhuo.
But Zhuge Liang was only nine years old when the Coalition against Dong Zhuo took place, and twenty-six years old he met Liu Bei (46), Guan Yu (44) and Zhang Fei (unknown). The game also implies that they have never had a strategist before, but unless they were very lucky wanderers, this seems unlikely.
Sun Ce and Sun Quan were respectively 16 and 9 while Sun Shangxiang was the youngest at the time Sun Jian died, but everyone seems grown up at this time in the game. Sun Ce and Zhou Yu died respectively at 25 and 35, but they already look older than that and this makes it seem like they are much older than the Qiao sisters when it is more likely that they are almost the same age. And there is Lu Meng (178) who is 8 younger than Gan Ning, but the latter keeps calling him an old man.
In Samurai Warriors, there was a DLC scenario where they made a joke about this: Ina (1573) tells Takakage Kobayakawa (1533) that they need to defeat their parents to prove that the new generation can surpass the older generation, so Takakage points out that Honda Tadakatsu (1548) is younger than him, but just tells them to stop talking about it.
Hojo clan in SW4 is treated strangely compared to other clans as far as I've seen. The in-game bio lists Kai as born in 1571, the same year that Hojo Ujiyasu (1515) died, but they have scenes together and for some reason Ujiyasu lives another 18 years only to die in his son's, Hojo Ukamiasa place in Hideyoshi's Siege of Odawara. Lady Hayakawa is speculated to have been born between 1537 and 1542 (30 years older than Kai), as well as having left Kanto around the time her father died (1571) and returned long after the time of Sekigahrara.
In SoS, Gracia (1563) is treated by Chacha (1569) as if she were younger than her. During the Siege of Honnoji (1582), Gracia was already 19 and had at least one child so the way Koshosho and Chacha talk to her seems to be strange. Of course, the game isn't supposed to be realistic and some of the things Gracia says could be because she was too sheltered, but it's still interesting to see how exaggerated the game is.
That's it for now, but what do you think?
submitted by ItsukiKurosawa to dynastywarriors [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:47 MorganRose78 Untitled…..

In a quiet, forgotten village nestled deep within a dense forest, tales of an ancient witch named Elara had been passed down through generations. They spoke of her ethereal beauty, her ageless face, and her dark, malevolent powers. Most believed she was just a story to scare children into behaving, but others knew the truth.
It began with a simple dare. Lucy, a rebellious teenager, scoffed at the old legends. "Witches aren't real," she declared to her friends one night around a bonfire. Determined to prove her bravery, she decided to venture into the forest alone and find the witch's cabin. Her friends tried to dissuade her, but Lucy was headstrong.
Armed with only a flashlight and her skepticism, Lucy trekked through the woods. The deeper she went, the quieter the forest became, as if the trees themselves were holding their breath. After what felt like hours, she stumbled upon a clearing. In the center stood a decrepit cabin, exactly as described in the village's lore.
Despite a shiver running down her spine, Lucy pressed on. The door creaked ominously as she pushed it open, revealing a room filled with ancient artifacts, jars of strange substances, and books written in an indecipherable script. In the corner, a cauldron bubbled with a thick, green liquid, emitting a foul odor.
A sense of unease began to creep over Lucy, but she forced herself to stay. "It's just an old house," she muttered. She stepped closer to a bookshelf, her fingers brushing over the spines of the books, when she heard it – a soft, melodic humming.
Turning around slowly, she saw her. Elara, the witch, appeared as if from thin air. Her beauty was otherworldly, her eyes glowing with an eerie light. "You've come to visit me," Elara said, her voice like velvet. "How delightful."
Lucy couldn't move, couldn't speak. The witch approached her slowly, her smile never reaching her eyes. "So brave, so curious," Elara murmured. "But bravery has its price."
With a wave of her hand, the cabin transformed. The walls pulsed as if alive, and the artifacts seemed to watch Lucy with intent. Elara's face twisted into a malicious grin. "You wanted to see if the stories were true, and now you will be part of them."
Lucy felt a cold grip around her heart as darkness enveloped her. Her screams were swallowed by the night, leaving the forest silent once more.
The next morning, Lucy's friends, worried and guilty, ventured into the forest to find her. They discovered the clearing, the cabin... but no sign of Lucy. Inside, they found an old, dusty book open on the table. Flipping through its pages, they saw illustrations and descriptions of those who had visited Elara's cabin over the centuries. Each page bore a name and a fate.
They gasped when they reached the latest entry. There, sketched in excruciating detail, was Lucy, her eyes wide with terror. Beneath her portrait were the words: "Curiosity and defiance – a soul taken."
As they fled the forest, they could swear they heard Elara's melodic humming echoing through the trees, a reminder that the witch was very real, and her legend lived on.
submitted by MorganRose78 to creepysouls [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:45 SectorI6920 Reminder that Oda has already clarified that the “Kurozumi were born to burn” speech was just referring to Orochi

Reminder that Oda has already clarified that the “Kurozumi were born to burn” speech was just referring to Orochi submitted by SectorI6920 to Piratefolk [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:40 aDrunkRedditor Question about unique gamertags and gamertags with numbers

So, if you choose a gamertag someone already has, you get some numbers next to your name, to separate yours from the other.
If only 2 have that name and the ''OG'' changes it's name, will the numbers next to your name dissapear for the second person that has the name too or not?
I've this problem because I accidentally made my alt account have the ''OG'' gamertag, that I rather have assigned to my main account, as all my games are permanently linked to that gamertag, with the numbers.
I've had seen a solution where I'll have to change the ''OG'' name, then change the alt's name and than change the alt's name back to the previous name and than the numbers will dissapear, but the only downside is that will unfortunely cost me the $10 fee... Is there another way, or will the numbers dissapear overtime or something? Or is this something the official microsoft/xbox online support can help with if I tell them the situation? (as I own the OG no numbered gamertag, the only thing is that they have to be switched or something)
submitted by aDrunkRedditor to XboxSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:38 Russmac316 Irish history

I am trying to track down my paternal side that came from Ireland over to the US. I’ve gotten back to the first full generation here (1868) and on his death certificate, his (my great great grandfather) parents first names are listed. Problem is, they have the incredibly unique names, Thomas and Mary (Thomas is abbreviated Thos. on the cert). Other than that, it’s been a complete dead end for me. I assume they were traveling during the famine time because if GGGrandpa was born in 1868, they’re probably somewhere in the 1830 region. Just tough to say where the traveled, if they came straight from Ireland, went to England first, etc. but they ended up in NY. I also can’t find a record of them in NY other than that death certificate that I can definitely say “that’s them!” Great Great grandpa sadly passed away at 34 years old so unfortunately there aren’t a ton of census records of him either.
submitted by Russmac316 to AncestryDNA [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:35 GreenHalo456 32[M4F]Arizona/Anywhere - Anyone else feeling bored and lonely? Let me give you the affection and attention you deserve!

Hello, I hope everyone's having a nice day! Anyways im feeling a little bored and pretty lonely, so I figured I'd try and meet some new people. So Iv usually been the quiet shy type, the one that tends to sit in the back of class and hope i don't get noticed. People tend to judge you before they get to actually know you, so its always been kinda hard meeting new people for me. I am trying to work on being less introverted and more social, plus lately iv been feeling kinda lonely so I would like to find a chat buddy. Short-term chat is fine but preferably id like a long term friend. I would like someone that wants to talk about both serious topics and silly topics. Also if you have anything on your mind and need to vent i dont mind listening.
So a bit about me im about 5'10 with brown eyes and long dark brown hair. I have 2 cats with plenty of pictures! Im a pretty big geek, I love comic books some of my favorites would be The walking dead, Spawn, Invincible, Batman, HellblazeConstantine, Spiderman, Old man logan to name a few. I also enjoy reading books like The expanse, ready player one, Lord of the rings. I am currently reading The witcher series. i also enjoy hiking, sleeping, going to the movies,mall,bars, concerts.
I Also enjoy video games and I usually just play on my xbox. Some of my favorites would be Red dead redemption 1&2, Fallout New Vegas&4, Assassins creed 2 and origins, Pubg, skyrim, Bioshock, mass effect, i have plenty of more
If you would like to know my music tastes i am very much a punk,metal, classic rock type of guy but that doesn't mean I won't listen to other stuff. If you enjoy bands like Greenday, The adicts, The misfits, Ramones, Weezer, Foo fighters will get along.
For Movies and Tv i like scifi fantasy but ill watch anything. Some of my likes would be , a good amount of marvel and dc shows and movies.
As for who im looking for age, ethnicity,location dont matter just be fun and nice! Of course it would be great to find someone with common interests but its not a deal breaker im willing and want to learn about new hobbies. So if you think we might make great friends lets chat, we can chat on reddit or whatever app you might use.
submitted by GreenHalo456 to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:35 GreenHalo456 32[M4F]Arizona/Anywhere- Anyone feeling bored or lonely? Let me give you the affection and attention you deserve!

Hello, I hope everyone's having a nice day! Anyways im feeling a little bored and pretty lonely, so I figured I'd try and meet some new people. So Iv usually been the quiet shy type, the one that tends to sit in the back of class and hope i don't get noticed. People tend to judge you before they get to actually know you, so its always been kinda hard meeting new people for me. I am trying to work on being less introverted and more social, plus lately iv been feeling kinda lonely so I would like to find a chat buddy. Short-term chat is fine but preferably id like a long term friend. I would like someone that wants to talk about both serious topics and silly topics. Also if you have anything on your mind and need to vent i dont mind listening.
So a bit about me im about 5'10 with brown eyes and long dark brown hair. I have 2 cats with plenty of pictures! Im a pretty big geek, I love comic books some of my favorites would be The walking dead, Spawn, Invincible, Batman, HellblazeConstantine, Spiderman, Old man logan to name a few. I also enjoy reading books like The expanse, ready player one, Lord of the rings. I am currently reading The witcher series. i also enjoy hiking, sleeping, going to the movies,mall,bars, concerts.
I Also enjoy video games and I usually just play on my xbox. Some of my favorites would be Red dead redemption 1&2, Fallout New Vegas&4, Assassins creed 2 and origins, Pubg, skyrim, Bioshock, mass effect, i have plenty of more
If you would like to know my music tastes i am very much a punk,metal, classic rock type of guy but that doesn't mean I won't listen to other stuff. If you enjoy bands like Greenday, The adicts, The misfits, Ramones, Weezer, Foo fighters will get along.
For Movies and Tv i like scifi fantasy but ill watch anything. Some of my likes would be , a good amount of marvel and dc shows and movies.
As for who im looking for age, ethnicity,location dont matter just be fun and nice! Of course it would be great to find someone with common interests but its not a deal breaker im willing and want to learn about new hobbies. So if you think we might make great friends lets chat, we can chat on reddit or whatever app you might use.
submitted by GreenHalo456 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:34 GreenHalo456 32[M4F]Arizona/Anywhere - Anyone feeling bored or lonely? Let me give you the affection and attention you deserve!

Hello, I hope everyone's having a nice day! Anyways im feeling a little bored and pretty lonely, so I figured I'd try and meet some new people. So Iv usually been the quiet shy type, the one that tends to sit in the back of class and hope i don't get noticed. People tend to judge you before they get to actually know you, so its always been kinda hard meeting new people for me. I am trying to work on being less introverted and more social, plus lately iv been feeling kinda lonely so I would like to find a chat buddy. Short-term chat is fine but preferably id like a long term friend. I would like someone that wants to talk about both serious topics and silly topics. Also if you have anything on your mind and need to vent i dont mind listening.
So a bit about me im about 5'10 with brown eyes and long dark brown hair. I have 2 cats with plenty of pictures! Im a pretty big geek, I love comic books some of my favorites would be The walking dead, Spawn, Invincible, Batman, HellblazeConstantine, Spiderman, Old man logan to name a few. I also enjoy reading books like The expanse, ready player one, Lord of the rings. I am currently reading The witcher series. i also enjoy hiking, sleeping, going to the movies,mall,bars, concerts.
I Also enjoy video games and I usually just play on my xbox. Some of my favorites would be Red dead redemption 1&2, Fallout New Vegas&4, Assassins creed 2 and origins, Pubg, skyrim, Bioshock, mass effect, i have plenty of more
If you would like to know my music tastes i am very much a punk,metal, classic rock type of guy but that doesn't mean I won't listen to other stuff. If you enjoy bands like Greenday, The adicts, The misfits, Ramones, Weezer, Foo fighters will get along.
For Movies and Tv i like scifi fantasy but ill watch anything. Some of my likes would be , a good amount of marvel and dc shows and movies.
As for who im looking for age, ethnicity,location dont matter just be fun and nice! Of course it would be great to find someone with common interests but its not a deal breaker im willing and want to learn about new hobbies. So if you think we might make great friends lets chat, we can chat on reddit or whatever app you might use.
submitted by GreenHalo456 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:34 GreenHalo456 32[M4F] Let me give you the affection and attention you deserve.

So Iv usually been the quiet shy type, the one that tends to sit in the back of class and hope i don't get noticed. People tend to judge you before they get to actually know you, so its always been kinda hard meeting new people for me. I am trying to work on being less introverted and more social, plus lately iv been feeling kinda lonely so I would like to find a chat buddy. Short-term chat is fine but preferably id like a long term friend. I would like someone that wants to talk about both serious topics and silly topics. Also if you have anything on your mind and need to vent i dont mind listening.
So a bit about me im about 5'10 with brown eyes and long dark brown hair. I have 2 cats with plenty of pictures! Im a pretty big geek, I love comic books some of my favorites would be The walking dead, Spawn, Invincible, Batman, HellblazeConstantine, Spiderman, Old man logan to name a few. I also enjoy reading books like The expanse, ready player one, Lord of the rings. I am currently reading The witcher series. i also enjoy hiking, sleeping, going to the movies,mall,bars, concerts.
I Also enjoy video games and I usually just play on my xbox. Some of my favorites would be Red dead redemption 1&2, Fallout New Vegas&4, Assassins creed 2 and origins, Pubg, skyrim, Bioshock, mass effect, i have plenty of more
If you would like to know my music tastes i am very much a punk,metal, classic rock type of guy but that doesn't mean I won't listen to other stuff. If you enjoy bands like Greenday, The adicts, The misfits, Ramones, Weezer, Foo fighters will get along.
For Movies and Tv i like scifi fantasy but ill watch anything. Some of my likes would be , a good amount of marvel and dc shows and movies.
As for who im looking for age, ethnicity,location dont matter just be fun and nice! Of course it would be great to find someone with common interests but its not a deal breaker im willing and want to learn about new hobbies. So if you think we might make great friends lets chat, we can chat on reddit or whatever app you might use.
submitted by GreenHalo456 to Kikpals [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:31 TheNewSwiftyWolf I have a fix for my idea!

This is a fix for the idea I suggested in This post
TLDR for This post,I suggested an idea for a Delete all unused liveries feature. However, after looking at the (two) comments left, I realized that my idea was a tad bit too generalized.
So as a fix, I give you a better idea!
Instead of a button that deletes all liveries, instead, we can mark unused liveries for deletion. That way, we can delete the liveries we don't want, and keep the ones we do!
And to make it easier to know which liveries are used and unused, there should be a little indicator on the livery file. it doesn't have to be anything extravagant, hell it could just be a greed or red circle, but these two ideas would make sorting through your liveries in Forza Horizon 5 WAY easier and LESS time consuming
Forza devs, I urge you to implement these kinds of quality of life features as it would make the game better in many different ways.
(Also, again, im not sure how this would work for Forza Motorsport as I am a stinky last gen console player and know next to nothing on how Motorsport's livery system works cause Xbox One doesn't feature Motorsport compatibility)
TLDR, Forza should add indicators for unused liveries and should add a "mark for deletion" feature
submitted by TheNewSwiftyWolf to forza [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:21 star-of-misfortune Mordret's encounter with the Lord of Shadows

First time writing something for this fandom, (this is an alt) any constructive criticism is welcome! Most of the inspiration for this came from u/chabri2000 and my own imagination. Enjoy the read!
Mordret stumbled out of the reflective pool of water and stepped onto ground near the Lord of Shadow's citadel, the quiet rustling of the things hidden in the darkness slowly growing on his nerves. He had not been stopped, strangely enough. He had heard stories of the echoes the Lord of shadow wielded from the sleepers sent to this area on the winter solstice. He cast those thoughts from his head as he opened the great doors of the castle-like citadel.
He walked in, hearing the sound of… something moving throughout the hall. He paused just past the threshold of the door for a moment. Mordret knew he was being watched. He could sense the reflections of two sets of eyes staring at him, but he was careful to not show any fear and kept walking forward, through the hall.
Eventually, a sliver of light was allowed to enter the darkness of the room, illuminating a throne of sorts, cut from stone, and an individual sitting on top of it. Though he could not see anything but a faint outline, Mordret knew this was the person he had come to meet.
“Mordret.” The figure from the throne said in a commanding voice, speaking Mordret’s name like a statement.
Mordret put on his best smile and did a light bow, before speaking in an almost reverent tone, “I wasn’t aware I had been introduced to the great Lord of shadows, but I suppose that that knowing who I am will make this exchange easier.” Mordret paused for a moment before adding “Though my presence as a saint had been revealed to the world, may I ask of how you knew it was me?”
The voice from the throne paused, and Mordret felt the reflections of the Lord of the citadel’s eyes get covered with a strange wooden mask (Clearly a memory from the way sparks appeared, perhaps it was a tool used to gauge his intentions, or perhaps strength?)
The Lord responded “Ah, think nothing of it, I had just heard a rumor and your response was enough of an answer for me.”
Mordret felt the reflections from the Lord’s eyes return as the strange mask was dismissed. “But that’s enough about me, what brings you here, servant of Song?”
Mordret opened the scroll he was given days ago by Ki song herself. He cleared his throat before reading, “Dear lord of shadows. By claiming and protecting a citadel in the middle of godsgrave, you have proven your strength. I offer you a deal, I will give you all the soul shards, memories, and echoes you will ever need if you bow your head to my rule and accept me as your sovereign. I hope you will accept this deal, Sincerely, Ki Song of Ravenheart.” Mordret glanced up from the scroll and looked at the Lord with a bit of curiosity, “So, what do you say?”
“No.” The Lord of Shadows responded quickly, “I have intention of joining your clan, if that was the purpose of your visit, Leave.”
Mordret sighed and put away the scroll, “You know, it’s quite sad you rejected my offer, but I’m afraid you will have to die now.” And with that statement, Mordret, known in another time and another place as “Soul Stealer” jumped into the soul sea of the Lord of Shadows.
. . . . .
The first thing Mordret noticed was the lack of light. Most souls were bright, and robust, but this one was very dark, the only light from coming from the six soul cores floating high above. Wait… six? Was the lord of Shadows a divine aspect holder?
Mordret’s thoughts were interrupted by a strange sound originating from the figure facing away from him. The lord of shadows was laughing.
“Ah… You haven’t learned any new tricks since then, I see. Well, no matter. I do ask one thing of you though, if you could, remember what I said to you back then, what was it…” His voice drifted off, turning into sad, slow laugh. “Right.” Mordret saw something, or perhaps many somethings starting to move beyond the area of light cast by the soul cores.
You shall learn to fear the shadows."
submitted by star-of-misfortune to ShadowSlave [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:14 Lou9896 2TMC [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{1.20.1}{Java}{Datapacks}{Whitelist}{Discord}{Hermitcraft-like}{21+}

Hello we are 2TMC a 21+ community server much like Hermitcraft. We are a SMP with emphasis on being friendly (with a little bit of chaos) with other players, and trying to be a welcoming community to everyone. We are running a Semi-Vanilla server with a few terrain generation mods and additional mods that enhance the vanilla experience (see list below).
We are looking for players who will be active in game on chat and on our Discord voice channels. The server is in NA but we accept players from all around the world. Discord and a mic are required! We love to chat on voice in game but it's definitely not required! We are also youtubestreamer friendly. So if you love to play minecraft and are looking for a friendly environment where you can prank others and do community projects then send us a message! We'd love to chat with you.
Data packs on the server

Fabric mods on the server

Fabric mods required to join the server

Server Rules
  1. Be Respectful
  2. No griefing, stealing, or cheating
  3. Chat is English only
  4. Non-Destructive Pranks are allowed (so Hermitcraft style pranks)
  5. Spawn area is for a spawn town
  6. Bases must be built 250 blocks away from Spawn.
  7. No duping except for carpet, rail and tnt.
  8. No combat logging, this means mobs as well.
  9. Taking items/griefing from active and maintained ruin sites is prohibited.
  10. No hacking or hacked clients
  11. No using others builds, items, villagers, etc without their permission.
If you are interested in joining please fill out this application
submitted by Lou9896 to smp [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:14 bia_matsuo AllTalk and Text-Gen-WebUI-ST wierd interaction, generates the image and the .wav file, but it dosn't play the audio

I've just installed the Text-Gen-WebUI-ST , and it seems to be working fine, the problem is the interaction between it and AllTalk.
Here is an example response I received: Chiharu's eyes widen in surprise at your response, but she quickly recovers and smiles reassuringly Don't worry, I won't bite! She chuckles Let's start with the basics. What got you interested in computers? [image_correclty_generated]
AllTalk correctly generates the .wav file, but it doesnt send it alongside the text response and the image. And as seem in the example above, the text is ouputting the .wav file path, and not the "play button". The correct text would be: [PLAY BUTTOM] Chiharu's eyes widen in surprise at your response, but she quickly recovers and smiles reassuringly Don't worry, I won't bite! She chuckles Let's start with the basics. What got you interested in computers? [image_correclty_generated]
I'm running AllTalk as a Text-Gen-WebUI extension, and it's entire ouput into the command windows is:
Llama.generate: prefix-match hit Output generated in 6.15 seconds (10.09 tokens/s, 62 tokens, context 384, seed 1337) [AllTalk TTSGen] Chiharu's eyes widen in surprise at your response, but she quickly recovers and smiles reassuringly Don't worry, I won't bite! She chuckles Let's start with the basics. What got you interested in computers? [AllTalk TTSGen] 4.09 seconds. LowVRAM: False DeepSpeed: True 18:46:26-837540 INFO [SD WebUI Integration] Using stable-diffusion-webui to generate images. Prompt: She chuckles Let's start with the basics. What got you interested in computers, but she quickly recovers and smiles reassuringly Don't worry, Chiharu's eyes widen in surprise at your response, I won't bite, sscore_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, realistic, realism, source_anime, High-Res, High Quality, (masterpiece, best quality, highly detailed, realistic, beautiful eyes, detailed face), BREAK red eyes, red glasses, brown hair, pony tails, long hair, bangs, smiling, lab coat, black boots, ankle boots, blue nails, blue lipstick, cowboy shot, upper body shot Negative Prompt: score_4_up, score_5_up,low detailed, ugly face, bad hands, bad fingers, mutated hands, low res, blurry face, monochrome, words, artist signature, close up 
And here is Stable-Difussion ouput:
Begin to load 1 model [Memory Management] Current Free GPU Memory (MB) = 10816.615869522095 [Memory Management] Model Memory (MB) = 2144.3546981811523 [Memory Management] Minimal Inference Memory (MB) = 1024.0 [Memory Management] Estimated Remaining GPU Memory (MB) = 7648.261171340942 Moving model(s) has taken 1.81 seconds To load target model SDXL Begin to load 1 model [Memory Management] Current Free GPU Memory (MB) = 9031.173444747925 [Memory Management] Model Memory (MB) = 4897.086494445801 [Memory Management] Minimal Inference Memory (MB) = 1024.0 [Memory Management] Estimated Remaining GPU Memory (MB) = 3110.086950302124 Moving model(s) has taken 3.24 seconds 100%██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ 15/15 [00:05<00:00, 2.93it/s] Memory cleanup has taken 3.36 seconds██████████████████████████████████████████████████ 15/15 [00:04<00:00, 2.97it/s] Total progress: 100%██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ 15/15 [00:08<00:00, 1.77it/s] Total progress: 100%██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ 15/15 [00:08<00:00, 2.97it/s] 
And this is my "settings.yaml" file:
preset: Debug-deterministic seed: 1337 truncation_length: 32768 stream: false character: Chiharu Yamada default_extensions: - openai - send_pictures - sd_api_pictures - gallery - long_replies - whisper_stt - alltalk_tts - stable_diffusion alltalk_tts-voice: '#Scarlett_voice_preview (enhanced).wav' stable_diffusion-api_username: '' stable_diffusion-api_password: '' stable_diffusion-base_prompt: sscore_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, realistic, realism, source_anime, High-Res, High Quality, (masterpiece, best quality, highly detailed, realistic, beautiful eyes, detailed face), BREAK red eyes, red glasses, brown hair, pony tails, long hair, bangs, smiling, lab coat, black boots, ankle boots, blue nails, blue lipstick, cowboy shot, upper body shot stable_diffusion-base_negative_prompt: score_4_up, score_5_up,low detailed, ugly face, bad hands, bad fingers, mutated hands, low res, blurry face, monochrome, words, artist signature, close up, stable_diffusion-sampler_name: Euler a stable_diffusion-sampling_steps: 15 stable_diffusion-width: 1024 stable_diffusion-height: 1024 stable_diffusion-cfg_scale: 4 stable_diffusion-clip_skip: 2 stable_diffusion-debug_mode_enabled: true stable_diffusion-trigger_mode: continuous stable_diffusion-tool_mode_force_json_output_enabled: false stable_diffusion-tool_mode_force_json_output_schema: "{\n \"type\": \"array\", \n \"items\": {\n \"type\": \"object\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"tool_name\": {\n \"type\": \"string\",\n \"required\": true\n },\n \"parameters\": {\n \"type\": \"object\",\n \"required\": true\n } \n },\n \"additionalProperties\": false\n },\n \"minItems\": 1\n}" stable_diffusion-interactive_mode_input_trigger_regex: .*(drawpaintcreatesenduploadaddshowattachgenerate)\b.+?\b(imagepic(ture)?photosnap(shot)?selfiememe)(s?) stable_diffusion-interactive_mode_output_trigger_regex: .*[*([]?(drawspaintscreatessendsuploadsaddsshowsattachesgenerateshere (isare))\b.+?\b(imagepic(ture)?photosnap(shot)?selfiememe)(s?) stable_diffusion-interactive_mode_description_prompt: You are now a text generator for the Stable Diffusion AI image generator. You will generate a text prompt for it. Describe [subject] using comma-separated tags only. Do not use sentences. Include many tags such as tags for the environment, gender, clothes, age, location, light, daytime, angle, pose, etc. Very important: only write the comma-separated tags. Do not write anything else. Do not ask any questions. Do not talk. stable_diffusion-dont_stream_when_generating_images: false stable_diffusion-generation_rules: - regex: .*\b(detailed)\b match: - input - output actions: - name: prompt_append args: '(high resolution, detailed, realistic, vivid: 1.2), hdr, 8k, ' - regex: ^Assistant$ match: - character_name actions: - name: prompt_append args: - name: negative_prompt_append args: - regex: ^Example$ match: - character_name actions: - name: faceswaplab_enable - name: faceswaplab_set_source_face args: file:///{STABLE_DIFFUSION_EXTENSION_DIRECTORY}/assets/example_face.jpg stable_diffusion-hires_sampling_steps: 10 stable_diffusion-faceswaplab_source_face: file:///{STABLE_DIFFUSION_EXTENSION_DIRECTORY}/assets/example_face.jpg stable_diffusion-reactor_source_face: file:///{STABLE_DIFFUSION_EXTENSION_DIRECTORY}/assets/example_face.jpg stable_diffusion-reactor_source_gender: none stable_diffusion-reactor_target_gender: none stable_diffusion-faceid_source_face: file:///{STABLE_DIFFUSION_EXTENSION_DIRECTORY}/assets/example_face.jpg stable_diffusion-ipadapter_reference_image: file:///{STABLE_DIFFUSION_EXTENSION_DIRECTORY}/assets/example_face.jpg 
If someone could give me a help on this, I'll appreciate a lot. Thank you.
submitted by bia_matsuo to Oobabooga [link] [comments]