Restaurant employee evaluations templates

Service charge at Quince

2024.06.02 07:19 justawineguy Service charge at Quince

Question for anyone who has dined at Quince since they reopened, I haven't been in more than 5 years and felt it warranted a visit. While booking, I noticed the text that said 22% service charge is included in the deposit (which in this case is $390/person) and it further states that "Service charge is different from a gratuity or tip". Am I reading this correctly that people are expected to pay up an addition 20% in gratuity? For those that have been recently, was this the case? Did you in fact pay an additional gratuity?
This is absolutely insane if this is indeed the case... To be clear, I am not opposed to restaurants applying a service charge up front, it takes out the math and you know what your 'all in' price will be. But this is a bit predatory and unacceptable...
submitted by justawineguy to finedining [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:05 OddCauliflower6692 My mom wants me to pause my life and work for her for “free”. I don’t feel like I can have my own life, I’m just an extension of hers.

Background: I (19F) transferred to a new college closer to home because it was more affordable, but even with these changes, I can barely afford to pay for food, rent, and classes. I’m constantly sick and underweight from stress and lack of nutrition. I know people have it worse financially, and this might sound whiny, I’m just struggling atm. If I “act out” (do art, relax, be introverted, dress/talk a certain way), my finances are threatened, which stresses me out because I share ownership of my bank account with both my parents. And if I need financial support, I often have to call and beg. I don’t like doing it, and she doesn’t like it either, and tells me about how she was able to do it all back when she was in college. And my family is well off, I went to school in a good area, got multiple Christmas presents, and would always go on summer vacations growing up, so money in the family is plentiful. In contrast, my brother is having a wonderful college experience traveling across the country, going out at night with friends, and eating at nice restaurants all paid for by my parents. And since I’ve been out of the house, they travel more frequently. We got that dough! Well, they do. I might sound a bit bitter, and that's because I am, but I’m at least glad that my brother doesn’t have to feel this stress.
The Tea: Now for where this subreddit is relevant. My mom has been working to start a business for a year. It started with social media, and I think she blew up? I don’t check social media much these days. She has a loyal fanbase, and she started putting all her effort into opening up her own shop. I’ve helped her with content, aesthetics, marketing, products, a couple times a week since the start, because she seems so excited; and with her busy with this, there’s been way less of her dumping all of her problems (financial, depressive episodes, or otherwise) onto me, and our relationship has gotten a lot better, or so I thought.
She’s been really anxious recently because my dad is ready to retire and live a quieter life, away from the hustle and bustle, which means leaving behind this lavish lifestyle and live more simply, or in short: downsize. Less shopping hauls, presents, and vacations. He’s worked hard for so long and he’s tired and he gets sick often, nothing serious, but I think it would be healthy for him to stop, plus he’s lucky enough that he is able to do so; but she’s doesn’t want to lose it, and change can be pretty hard sometimes. She called me last week asking me to move across the country, to a building she purchased, not remotely close to home, and work as the manager. I would be the only employee, as she wants to only hire people she can trust. I would do all the marketing, create all the merch, learn and eventually to operate inventory, keep track of all sales, bookkeeping, and essentially run the shop.
When I heard this, I knew I didn’t want to do it. I was happy to help her this much, but all of this is so sudden and not what I’d signed up for. I want to stay in school and explore my own life, and I don’t want to put that on hold for anyone. I’m in the interview process for an internship, I work summers, overload classes so I don’t have to spend as much, plus I’m working on a business myself, but I don’t really have funds, so it’s really small now, but it’s something, and I have regular supporters that frequently purchase from me.
I told her this, and safe to say, she was quite upset, and sends me paragraphs upon paragraphs regularly, to remind me. “This is just what kids do for their parents” “You’re being selfish, only thinking about yourself, and not my dream” “This will be a good for you, this is the best job you’ll ever have, you’ll hate everything else out there” “The kids of all my friends are working harder, you’re slacking off” “Do you really want to stop traveling? I know I’m not going to give that up” (By the way, I haven’t been invited to a family vacation since high school, so that never really applied to me.)
She especially didn’t like that I had started my own business. I launched it a month ago, and I’ve made $150! It’s not much, but I’m proud of myself, especially working from nothing and no support, but she told me “I make more money than you, so this should be prioritized.” So I asked her what payment would be, because at this point we’ve been talking for 2 hours and I’m exhausted, and she said that we could “come up with a compromise that would work for the both of us.” So does that mean I don’t get paid?? I asked and she didn’t answer at first, later saying payment would come if she deemed I was working hard and putting in effort. Um…? and now she’s beginning to move my stuff, like my bed, over to the location so I can live nearby.
As for my dad, he’s gone silent, I got one email from him last week, basically saying that ‘he’s ok, he’s taking care of a lot of things right now, things are stressful, but not unexpected.’ I haven’t been able to get ahold of him since, which concerns me because I don’t know if something is wrong, and I’m so anxious. My mom tells me worse and worse things about what’s happening to him, and I could make it better if I took some responsibility and supported the family.
And no, she hasn’t asked my brother for help, she doesn’t talk to him about the serious stuff, they just kinda joke around and do fun stuff together when he’s around. I’m the oldest, so I always grew up needing to be the role model. I’ve already started rolling out her ad campaigns and logos and product design (for free), because I feel so guilty for not repaying my family for everything they’ve done for me. (Yes, I’m a doormat.) I don’t want to be selfish, or troublesome, or lazy, or mean, and I’m trying my best to balance it with my school and my work, but I want to live my own life and find what makes me happy, I have so much hope for what I can do to make a difference in this world! My way! But at the same time, it just feels so strongly like what I want to do is the wrong thing to do. I’m not exactly financially independent, and my main support system is gone, so I’m at a loss for what to do.
If you’ve made it this far, thank you for reading.<3
submitted by OddCauliflower6692 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:03 SlockyCauce Keep fucking up payments.

Idk why. Over the last five days I've been putting payments on the wrong tables. Feel like an idiot every time. Usually the payments are close enough that managers adjust and sometimes keep the same percentage on the new payment.
Got a verbal warning for it tonight. Never had one of those. I've been serving 8 years and am a noticably good worker, but I worry a fuck ton always about not being good enough - which is who I am as a person. I love this new place and have wanted to work for this owner the majority of my FOH career (he has some dope ass restaurants).
Up until today I've got nothing but high praise from managers even getting mentioned as a stand out employee the first month of business for this place, and I have the most amount of hours of any server because of my hard work.
I guess I'm just venting, now would be a bad time to get fired because everyone has hired for summer. I know better than to not double check table numbers and order numbers also tacked on to checks. I even split a 12 top today with a complicated item splitting procedure without errors.
Someone tell me it's gonna be okay. I don't want to detail my car and go back to Ubering.
submitted by SlockyCauce to Serverlife [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:07 Sillygrashopper AITAH for asking a customer to leave the restaurant bc of her repeated stiffing?

Just for some background info, I’m a server at a restaurant/bar and there’s this young woman (around mid 20s) that comes alone a couple times a week and sits in different sections. She has stiffed me before (left me $0 tip), usually on $25-35 tabs. She has never left a tip for any of my co-workers, and has been coming for the past couple of months. On top of that she is fairly rude and never says please/thank you.
She came in and I told her that I’m afraid I can’t serve her, that I am uncomfortable being her server and that she can sit at any section other than mine. She was confused as to what she did and understandably asked for my manager. My manager is aware of the situation with this woman and basically told her that his employees make their money from tips and it’s unfair to them to leave them zero every time. She responded that she simply doesn’t have the money to tip, which was a bit strange since our restaurant is not the cheapest place and she comes by a few times a week. While I think the whole tipping system is very flawed in the United States, it’s frustrating when people serve for a living and they get stiffed.
Since then I have felt conflicted about what I did. At our restaurant we have the right to refuse service to anyone, and I have never had to do this before. On one hand, I feel bad about asking someone to leave a restaurant if they like the food and want to eat there. On the other hand, I know that she comes in multiple times a week and stiffs every time; I simply don’t work for free and I’ve got bills to pay- if you are going to stiff at the very least one could be a nice person. Am I the asshole for asking her to leave? Maybe this even sparks a conversation about tipping in general. Pay servers hourly!
submitted by Sillygrashopper to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:02 MeghanGee9090 Aggressive and insubordinate employee

I am the manager at a restaurant. I am closing a lot of the time. My dishwashers are not the best and take forever to close…trying to stay on the clock as long as possible. I’m talking 2-2 1/2 hours to close.
My management team has decided it is best “to stay on them.” I decided I will allow two dishwashers 1 hour to close and 1 dishwasher an hour and a half. Today one of them gets mad because they want to clean the floors. I told them, no, I told person B to do the floors. You can finish taking out all the trash. He walks away yelling. I tell him to clock out and go home. He continues to talk yell about how he doesn’t care…it doesn’t matter what I say… he will talk to the GM. He starts calling me the devil…saying he is a man of God. Directly in my face to the point I thought he was going to hit me. I tell him to leave. He refuses. I call security and have to have them escort him out. I tell him to not come in tomorrow either.
I am the only female manager. He does not act this way with the male managers who push them and stay on top of them about their work.
What do I do from here? Part of me wants to refuse to work with him again. He ignored multiple direct commands and was very aggressive. All of this in front of other employees.
submitted by MeghanGee9090 to managers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:54 Ok-Emotion-6379 Hi, I'm 23 years old, and don't know how to face having to work for life. Maybe there's something out there that'll make it feel okay? I just want to stop saying no to everything...

Gonna be a long read, thanks for going through it.
I'm in Canada. I attended Uni for 1 year studying IT but dropped out, I did not like a single moment about it. It killed my passive mild interest in coding. I wanted to study social work but threw that idea away after feeling completely apathetic after helping homeless people in the city. During my NEET years, I fell in love with a game. Eventually, I got a full-time day job working on a computer, and at night I taught many other players how to get better at that game for free, and some were willing to pay a couple bucks. I tried to advertise myself through YouTube, but it didn't take off fast enough and I had to call it quits from stress of overworking myself after 6 months. I wasn't given the opportunity to work part time to be able to focus more on being able to make it work.
I absolutely loved every second of it. Filling in my free time with coaching sessions, building and maintaining new relationships with players, constantly brainstorming new lesson ideas for videos, working on scripts, recording and editing videos, designing the thumbnail. Every single video I released I cherish with all my heart and am very proud of myself for what I have made, and I love coaching players so much I continue to do it to this day for free, though much more sparingly than I used to.
That was a year ago. Nowadays, I pay $500 in rent to live in my parents home and just go full degenrotting whenever I am not at work. When I am at work, I miserably and quietly suffocate, begging internally to be saved by the grace of spontaneous death or a time skip to the weekend, even though its only just an hour into Monday. It is not an exaggeration when I say it feels like suffering to be at work. This is not a case of the 'I hate Mondays'. I've already used up all my sick days and vacation hours to avoid work as of last week, so that leaves me with 6 months of no paid time off remaining to use. It's only Saturday night as I type this, and I am already dreading and stressed out about how I have to go back to work soon.
The job itself is like gold compared to any other minimum wage job around I've seen for no degree. Insurance benefit, well air conditioned, I sit by a window with a view of trees and grass, work hours are 7-2:30 M-F with 30 min paid lunches, the work is easy too as it is just basic data entry, and travel takes only 5-10 mins by car. My supervisors and manager are extremely passive as well and basically completely leave me alone, not even so much as a progress evaluation or anything of the sort. Because of this, I spend at least 60% of my work time (if not more) just browsing reddit on my phone and take bathroom breaks constantly, occasionally I will get high in the middle of the work day too. I am the worst employee, no doubt about it, but I truly can't bring myself to care because I find it gratifying to think that I will be fired. I do not talk with any coworkers and have no friends both inside and outside of work.
Typing out that last paragraph and reading it back, a part of me genuinely thought, Wait, that sounds like a dream job. Yet, despite being in it... I hate it, and it sucks that I do :( At work, I often fantasize about escaping in unhinged ways, like jumping from the second floor, calling in a bomb threat, injuring myself to be admitted to a hospital, and other such ilk. I often question what's wrong with me, and wish I just could be okay with where I am in life, but I deeply feel like my life sucks. I have ADHD, I am taking meds for depression, and also seeing a therapist.
I also like to cook, but love learning new dish recipes even more. I would hate cooking if I worked in a restaurant, and I don't have the chutzpah to become a personal chef.
I appreciate you for reading this far. If I could be allowed an additional luxury, please, if you have any suggestions to help me, please make it as detailed as possible; include the exact steps or relevant resources that would take to achieve your suggestion, as well as a description of what the path you suggest looks/feels like. I need to know not only *what*, but also the *how* and *why*. I understand if not every one is willing to do this, I appreciate you all the same for even just responding.
submitted by Ok-Emotion-6379 to findapath [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:20 arvarnargul Chuck 01x04 teleplay review

Intro: In a series of reviews that will begin (or return) here; we are going to try and take a critical look at the Chuck series, especially the unfolding of the story as scene through the teleplay. In this case we are assuming multiple things about a potential watcher:
What is this all for: This started as a project to improve my critical reviewing skills for a hobby of movie script writing and analysis. Chuck happens to have published 3 original scripts and all the text of every episode has been published to a searchable database. This affords an opportunity to break from my movie writing woes and infinite revisions to just have fun enjoying Chuck and trying to deepen my understanding of the intersection of script writing with filmography and visual editing. Having said this, it should be known I have no affiliation to the show, no additional insider knowledge, and I do not write scripts for a living. So, consequently, feel free to ignore everything I say :). I do hope, however, we can go on this journey together and appreciate the excellence that is a love story called Chuck.
So, don't freak out, and lets get started.

Chuck 01x04 (Chuck vs the Wookiee): TEASER - We open with the gang playing "Know Ya!", which isn't actually a real board game, but based on the game Paddles. It's amazing that Morgan can't stand Ellie/Awesome being in love/winning, but marches triumphantly whenever he gets a question correct. I also like we see, in frame, Chuck watching Sarah pick off olives; he's beginning to notice things just like a real spy. The deep sadness and yet storied confliction on Chuck's face when he discovers Peaches 1 and Peaches 2 was great.
For those who don't know about dogs:
I find it very interesting how Sarah has "spidey sense" about potentially being watched. At no point previously did either Sarah nor Casey display this trait and I'm not totally sure how an open window was enough to do this; I wonder if Sarah's comfort being around Chuck's family is causing her to develop a "feeling of being watched" as she is comfortable with the Bartowski's? For those who missed it, Sarah talks about having a sister I think at the time this was just a throw-away line to protect her cover, but in season 5 Sarah does actually have a little sister if you count the little girl she rescues One last thing about Sarah here, when Bryce is being discussed, I really like how it was played where she acts quiet and shocked, but not saying anything. The facial expressions of Yvonne here are really special and you can tell Sarah lives a life of secrets. This is carried outside when Chuck asks Sarah about her relationship with Bryce. She is totally looking down and to the right, a classic indication of an emotional response searching for rationalization (ie. she is clearly lying)
As they end the game and exit to the courtyard, there teleplay of Chuck does something I've been wanting to see forever; they switch perspective to keep both characters in camera and follow them around from a 3rd perspective. We know this is supposed to indicate they are being watched, but I really enjoy getting to see them together reacting and talking instead of the constant close-ups and cuts. Normally Chuck will be shot with something between a medium close up (MCU) and Medium Shot (MS) to emphasize their characters and highlight their faces and expressions. This works really well because Chuck's cameras are typically either shoulder level or hip level based on the operators moving through their space. In many more modern TV shows, the technology of boom cranes and gyroscopic gimbals allows for content to be show from ground level to overhead giving directors the opportunity to tell their story through a variety of shifting profiles. If Chuck were shot today, we would see everything from full body shots all the way to extreme closeups without the need for continual jump-cuts and re-shoots because the technology is there. At least for this episode, it's nice to see the director explore more hip/knee level motion and more cowboy framed shots when having a distant observer perspective. does a fantastic breakdown of all the different shot type and camera perspectives for you want to read more!
As we transition into Sarah's hotel room, did anyone pick up on how NICE this is? She has double sinks, a king bed, a sitting mirror, free standing tub, and a great view. I doubt any agency in the "real world" would ever spring for something like this for multiple years for one of their agents, it's fancy! Enter Carina, tell me, who saw Sarah fight with a soap sock and think of iCarly and the famous "butter sock". Also during this fight, why is Sarah wearing a golden bikini? I know she is about to get into the shower, but what plausible reason is there for her to a) wear a bikini at all and b) it to be a bright golden yellow?? If you slow this fight scene way down, you will notice Yvonne's strikes actually come close to hitting Mimi as she has had a lot of training, whereas Mimi's strikes are miles from Yvonne and she just over-acts their impact. The most noticeable is the kick into her table, Sarah goes flying back, but we can tell from the angle, Carina missed her by a good 2 ft. This was just some sloppy editing and not getting the camera into position. I give it a pass because you have probably 3 camera operators wearing stabilized camera rigs trying to rotate around a room with 2 girls fighting and they just missed the angle by like 2 feet. I did really like at the end of the fight Carina had the option to go for the gun but instead went for the fish. If you didn't know they were not enemies before, this should have been a big clue! Carina calls Sarah's life in LA boring #1


Carina aka: Maria Elena Argalberdi was born Jun 16, 1978 in Alberdi Argentina with a Buenos Aires passport. Maria Elena is actually the name of a famous song in Mexico and eventually had a movie. This Chuck learns on Flash #1 and is the precursor to meeting the general for the first time. I know I've mentioned this before, but to reiterate; the pictures in Casey's apartment are all wrong; he has photos of Chuck and Morgan that don't happen until season 5 (lost footage) he has a map of Echo Park and Malibu already on display, and he has tactical information for each member of the Buy More (which he has no reason for at this time). It is interesting they talk about an opium cartel in Afghanistan as Afghanistan is known for it's huge poppy fields for heroin drug money.
The NADAN-I-NOOR diamond:
We open back to see Carina and Sarah looking at classified files within the restaurant. THIS IS AGAINST THE LAW, you do not look at classified files out in the open and especially not where there are clearly other customers around. Venturing into the BuyMore, there is a monster truck rally on the TV's showing grave digger and reaper, two famous trucks from this time period. Morgan wants to spread his wings and be the fourth wheel to the perpetual 3 wheel party and Sarah, ever the schemer, literally glows when she thinks of the plan to have Carina go on a date with Morgan. I THINK this was just to help maintain their cover, but also maybe Sarah is just needling Carina? If you look in the back of the store when Chuck is talking to Sarah and Carina, there is a really cool Nerd Herd poster that says "Bringing peace to your computer emergency". "if a yawn could yawn" is Carina calling Sarah's job boring #2. One thing I really like with the double data is the way the camera jumps between the couples: boy/girl, boy/boy, girl/girl. I think they way they try and keep private conversations via screen time is a really nice, typical, teleplay trick that really works well here. In a "real" environment, everyone could hear everything, but by splitting the camera focus or playing with perspective, the viewer clearly knows "this is a conversation between girls the boys don't hear it". We see Chuck noticing Sarah picking off olives #2 while they watch a movie about penguins: who mate for life, present their love in the form of rocks, and are pack animals. In Chuck's bedroom as he talks to Morgan, Chuck has a box of King Edward Invincible underneath bongos; for those who don't know this is a famous box for mild tobacco cigars. So I wonder what Chuck is up to in his free time :P.
On the Nerd Herd call with Carina, she opens a bottle of wine with a butter knife. This is actually a pretty famous thing that is done all over the world with everything from a key to a saber. In fact they make a specially type of knife with an extra wide blade for this it Italy. I do want to ask the question; is Carina dressed in red lingerie (Chuck's favorite color she stole from Sarah) really necessary for this scene? I know that Carina is all about improvising and she often uses her sexuality to progress her cause (Casey), but I think we could have gotten away with just the top. I can certainly see the rationalization for going this far, but I think as an artistic choice it wasn't necessary. What IS necessary however is to talk about how Chuck's world implodes when Carina tells him about Sarah and Bryce. Also the perfect act transition ending right at Chuck's jaw dropping and the work boyfriend!


I'll say it again, the back an forth with Chuck and Sarah should have been a medium close up, shoulder level straight on shot instead of the constant cuts. Seeing their reaction in real time would have been easier and it would have allowed the Weinerlicious to be maybe 15 ft smaller to not need so many cameramen rotating. "Unless talking to your boyfriend is a matter of national security, the ketchup bottles won't refill themselves". Why yes it IS a mater of national security for Sarah to talk to Chuck... also if any one of us stood up to our boss like Sarah did, I'm pretty sure we'd be fired on the spot!
Malibu is ~2hours for Echo Park with standard LA traffic. Seriously, how do girls in high heels walk down stairs; we see Carina and Sarah walking sideways so there is enough space on each step to fit their shoes. Girls, how do you do that and not fall especially with narrow staircases and 3-6inch heels! Inside the room with the stone there is a bust of Cesare, archenemies, da vinci, and biblical David. There is also some famous paintings the best of which is Vemieer's "young girl with a pearl earring" which is rather appropriate considering it's meaning. There is also a Van Gogh of man in a wheat field and a Monet in one shot too. If ANY of these paintings were real instead of reproductions, they would be worth millions, in fact the young girl with a pearl is estimated at 40million, which is 1.5x the sell value of the Nadan-I-Noor! If we take a look at the engineering drawing of Flash #2 on the pedestal, we would see this design creates a closed circuit around the tongs the diamond rests on; which might explain it's red hue. If a person were to touch the diamond, it would close the circuit on their body allowing the 4000volts to travel through their heart. A person can die with ~20volts, though it's usually more like 50 in most occurrences. 4000volts is enough to kill a herd of elephants and completely overkill for a person. Also the amount of power that would take is more than the city of Malibu... this is to say the trap is real, the numbers are complete nonsense; thinking lightning! Nice shot by Sarah with the plate (there are some great bloopers on this too where she misses badly)! A remote controlled jet ski... i'm not even going to calculate the nonsense for this; it's just total nonsense. Almost as much nonsense as Casey using his phone to track Carina's call. That would take minutes, even with today's technology to back trace like that and way more power than just pushing a button on a razer flip-phone from the 90's!
back at the house, Chuck i playing halo with the legendary skulls as his weapon; this is nice because in the BuyMore at the end of the episode there are dudes dressed as master chief! I really like the changing perspective here with Chuck and Morgan. Chuck's reactions remain in focus while Morgan tells a story behind him, then it switches as Chuck starts to move around until bringing both into focus for the final line "we still have each other and that's really sad". The side cut to Sarah picking locks to the hotel door is classic early 2000's TV and i'm all for it, even if it is super cheezy. BTW as someone who used to lock pick in college, that's .... not how that works, but good try. We get our Flash #3 on the diamond in Morgan's back nuclear explosions. I wonder if the refractive capability of a diamond this pure is enough to focus laser to induce fission or if the value of selling the diamond is enough to buy nuclear material on the black market? Either way, we end the act with... the man with the golden gun!


Chuck uses Sarah's plate move against Carina, nice inter-episode call back; he's clearly watching/learning, but his aim is terrible. This was actually clever as Sarah has perfect aim for she is a professional, while Chuck is still definitely a civilian and has no aptitude for fighting. I really like both these types of simple call backs but also how seemingly throw-away lines/actions help tell the broad story of the show. Chuck talking to Carina also shows Chuck has this weird, innate aptitude to get people to re-evaluate themselves and grow internally. You can watch Carina "grow in real-time. When we get to the hotel and Carina opens her trunk first there are a few glocks, a couple rugers, and a 1911; then she switches to blades and we see some folders, some strait blades, an illegal gravity blade (still illegal today), and a kbar... nice selection! Carina, always the flirt, gives Chuck some very insightful works about the nature of being a spy, but also maybe some way to get through to Sarah.
Inside the hotel we see Carina and Sarah speaking; Carina is speaking Swedish, while Sarah replies in Polish. "Om jag slänger nycklarna till dig, kommer du tappa dem då?" which is Swedish for "If I throw you the keys, will you drop them?" Sarah answered in Polish: "Tylko jak rzucisz jak twoja mamusia", which means "Only if you throw it like your mommy". This is just great!
I want to talk about how fast Chuck managed to find an address for DC, print a label, open a box, put the label on, and get the diamond there all before the door gets broken. Somehow on screen time this is like 10seconds, but in real life this would have to be like 3minutes minimum? Either that door is remarkably strong or... TV magic??


Even with all the flirting, as we say goodbye to Carina >! for now !< she is still joking with Casey and every the professional. I like how they show when it's "game time" it's all about the job, but spys can be people too! Carina still calls Sarah's life boring #3 (the common trifecta of episode repeats).
Sarah's face when Chuck brings the pizza with no olives is the reason I think Yvonne makes the perfect Sarah. She exudes the hidden beauty needed and has the acting to so such emotion for Chuck being sweet. The whole scene with Chuck and Sarah asking questions, then Chuck backing off, then Sarah acting stoic like she WANTS to open up but doesn't know if she can really trust Chuck, is ready to move on from Bryce, and should for the nature of her job. This was probably the most well acted 20seconds of the entire episode. Finally, we hear Sarah's middle name is Lisa. Now we never officially know if Chuck hears this or not both due to camera focus and distance, it's never officially confirmed in the entire show. When the intersect is updated in season 4 we see Sarah's picture and it lists Lisa as a middle name, so we assume it's official, but it's never confirmed at any point. Finally, I really like how they end the episode with Sarah closing her eyes as the fade to black.

Few notes: There are 5 official songs in this episode:

I think this was a great episode and really showcased what they can do when additional cast members join the team and when they are not afraid to play with perspective. Mimi as Carina is a great addition to the ensemble and I wish we saw her more, but every time she drops in, it's always a wild episode and it's fantastic. Watching Chuck learn about Sarah and seeing Sarah start to open up is a good way forward and heck Casey had some of the best humor in the episode. Overall, it was fast paced, had some nice character development, as funny in the best way, and moved the main theme along, 8/10.
submitted by arvarnargul to chuck [link] [comments]

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DAY: MAY 31 2024


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More than 300 million children a year are victims of online sexual exploitation and abuse, research indicates. Pupils in every classroom, in every school, in every country are victims of this hidden pandemic, according to researchers who have conducted the first global estimate of the scale of the crisis. The statistics, from the Childlight Global Child Safety Institute at the University of Edinburgh, amount to a clear and present danger to the world’s children, according to the crime agency Interpol. Online risks One in eight of the world’s children, about


For Malcolm and Simone Collins, declining birth rates across many developed countries are an existential threat. The solution is to have “tons of kids,” and to use a hyperrational, data-driven approach to guide everything from genetic selection to baby names and day-to-day parenting. They don’t heat their Pennsylvania home in winter, because heating is a “pointless indulgence.” Their children wear iPads around their necks. And a Guardian journalist witnessed Malcolm strike their two-year-old across the face for misbehavior, a parenting style they apparently developed based on watching “tigers


One hundred years ago, in the 1924 Paris Olympics, American Johnny Weissmuller won the men’s 100m freestyle with a time of 59 seconds. Nearly 100 years later, in the most recent Olympics, the delayed 2020 Games in Tokyo, Caeleb Dressel took home the same event with a time that was 12 seconds faster than Weissmuller’s. Swimming times across the board have become much faster over the past century, a result of several factors, including innovations


The government of British Columbia recently introduced a bill to ban people convicted of serious offenses from legally changing their name. The proposed amendment to the province’s Name Act would also prohibit those found not criminally responsible due to mental disorder from changing their name. The government announced the move after media reports that Allan Schoenborn legally changed his name to Ken Johnson. Schoenborn was found not criminally responsible for the deaths of his children in 2010 because of a delusional disorder, and was placed at a psychiatric hospital.


Silicon Valley—considered the world’s hub of technology and innovation—can breed inequality and sameness among budding entrepreneurs, according to new research. Behind the multi-million-dollar deals and tales of start-up utopia, Silicon Valley’s “uneven” investment landscape is in fact a barrier to many budding businesses, says the study from the University of Stirling and Georg-August-University Göttingen. But the researchers suggest other countries could still learn from the more discerning entrepreneurial ecosystem that bred giants such as Apple and Google, to be more selective in backing start-ups. While it is not uncommon for


Child sexual abuse is uncomfortable to think about, much less talk about. The idea of an adult engaging in sexual behaviors with a child feels sickening. It’s easiest to believe that it rarely happens, and when it does, that it’s only to children whose parents aren’t protecting them. This belief stayed with me during my early days as a parent. I kept an eye out for creepy men at the playground and was skeptical of men who worked with young children, such as teachers and coaches. When my kids were


It takes a lot to shock Kelvin Lay. My friend and colleague was responsible for setting up Africa’s first dedicated child exploitation and human trafficking units, and for many years he was a senior investigating officer for the Child Exploitation Online Protection Center at the UK’s National Crime Agency, specializing in extra territorial prosecutions on child exploitation across the globe. But what happened when he recently volunteered for a demonstration of cutting-edge identification software left him speechless. Within seconds of being fed with an image


Sexting—sending sexually suggestive or explicit messages and images—is now a widespread practice, and can be a healthy way to express and explore sexuality. However, there is a need to distinguish between consensual sexting and forms of sexual harassment like cyberflashing. Cyberflashing refers to the act of non-consensually sending sexual imagery (like nudes or “dick pics”) to another person. It is facilitated through communications technologies including text, AirDrop and social media applications like Snapchat and Tinder. Similar to flashing—when a person unexpectedly and deliberately “flashes” their genitals to others—that occurs in


Teachers and other child educators can benefit from regular professional development, but in-person training can be expensive. New research found that virtual training can be a budget-friendly alternative—and especially effective for certain groups of educators. The study—a collaboration between researchers at Penn State and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and published in the International Journal of Professional Development, Learners and Learning—found that educators who took a virtual training reported feeling more confident in their abilities to implement practices shown to support positive youth development. In particular, after-school providers who did not


There are many different types of workplace leaders, from those who prioritize the needs of team members and the organization above their own, to authentic leaders who foster openness, trust and transparency. A recent study by the University of South Australia published in the Journal of Organizational Behavior has highlighted the significant benefits of humble leadership in the workplace. According to the study by UniSA’s Dr. Xiao Lin, humble leadership can effectively elevate the workplace status of employees by boosting their sense of respect and prominence. It also leads to


Rising food costs are squeezing Canadians around the country. Nearly everyone is feeling the pinch, and it’s not just an inconvenience—high food prices are a major threat to food security for many Canadians. Understanding why food prices are so high and why they are changing is critical to the well-being of our society. Unfortunately, consensus on why food price are so high is in short supply. Explanations given in reports like Canada’s Food Price Report and the news media range widely, from the war in Ukraine to supply chain issues


Is artificial intelligence an unprecedented opportunity, or will it rob everyone of jobs and creativity? As we debate on social media (and perhaps use ChatGPT almost daily), generative AIs have also entered the arena of university communication. These tools—based on large language models that were optimized for interactive communication—can indeed support, expand, and innovate university communication offerings. Justus Henke has analyzed the situation of German realities about six months after the launch of ChatGPT 3. “The research was conducted about a year ago when enthusiasm was high, but it was


Classification of superspreader accounts. A large portion (55.1%) of accounts are no longer active. For each class annotated with political affiliations, colors indicate the ideological split. The last group aggregates all accounts with political affiliations. Credit: PLOS ONE (2024). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0302201 A small team of social media analysts at Indiana University has found that a major portion of tweets spreading disinformation are sent by a surprisingly small percentage of a given userbase. In their study, published in PLOS ONE, the group conducted a review of 2,397,388 tweets posted on Twitter


Life-changing events like the birth of a child, the purchase of a new home, or a lottery win could threaten the survival of a new business venture, the positive family events had a comparatively greater influence, albeit negatively, on the survival of a new venture, compared with


We’ve all done it. A bad night’s sleep or a tough commute made us cranky, and we lashed out at a coworker who did nothing wrong. What can we do to make up for it? According to a new study published in the Journal of Business Ethics, embracing our guilty feelings can help us make up for our bad behavior by encouraging us to act more politely and work harder the next day. “We found that anyone can be rude at work, because anyone can


Social inclusion and having a sense of belonging with other people are key elements of a good life. However, the fate of humanity is a challenge that extends beyond our social reality. Experiences of belonging and inclusion, understood in a broader sense than before, may be crucial for a sustainable future. In an article published in the International Journal of Social Pedagogy, a team of researchers propose a new planetary inclusion scale that structures our planetary relationship three-dimensionally based on temporal, spatial and ethical orientation. The temporal element relates to


Women in leadership are often told to “Lean In,” designed to be motivational messaging demonstrating that they are more confident, strategic and resilient to setback. However, new research indicates that such “lean in” messaging can hinder women’s motivation to protest gender equality. Popularized in a book by American technology executive Sherly Sandberg, the “Lean In” solution to gender inequality advises women that demonstrating personal resilience and perseverance in the face of setbacks is key to career advancement. Now, a new study led by the University of Exeter, Bath Spa University


A new paper in the Quarterly Journal of Economics finds that replacing certain judicial decision-making functions with algorithms could improve outcomes for defendants by eliminating some of the systemic biases of judges. Decision makers make consequential choices based on predictions of unknown outcomes. Judges, in particular, make decisions about whether to grant bail to defendants or how to sentence those convicted. Companies now use machine learning based models increasingly in high-stakes decisions. There are various assumptions about human behavior underlying the deployment of such learning models that play out in


The election has commenced and the race is on—to amass as many likes, shares and comments as possible. Digital campaigning, particularly through social media, is now a key part of political candidates’ communication toolkit. In fact, every general election campaign since 1997 has at some point been lauded as the first to make effective use of digital campaigning. But it was in 2015 that David Cameron’s campaign first made strategic use of social media to drive an election victory. As political reporter Tim Ross outlines in his excellent book, Why


The TV dramatization of the UK Horizon Post Office scandal evoked outrage and disbelief. However, as another example of dysfunctional organizational behavior, it was expected rather than exceptional. The Post Office saga joins a long list of cover-ups or scandals that includes Hillsborough, Enron, Grenfell, the infected blood scandal, the Tuam babies scandal in the Republic of Ireland, Boeing 737 Max and Nasa (Columbia space shuttle). They represent what happens when there is a move within organizations and institutions to cover up the causes of


Spirituality is increasingly popular with young Australians: recent research shows 38% of Gen Z Australians identify as spiritual. It also reports 50% of them believe in karma, 29% in reincarnation and 20% in astrology. When it comes to activities equated with spirituality, 28% of Gen Z Australians practice meditation and 22% practice yoga. In Australia, spirituality is strongly, enduringly central to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and culturally and religiously diverse communities. Yet until recently, spirituality has received far less attention than religion. Spirituality may be


An interdisciplinary team of researchers from Lithuanian and Italian universities propose a tool that allows companies to assess the circularity of their future products. The self-assessment tool emphasizes the co-creation of circular design in the early (creative) stages of product development, encouraging entrepreneurs and designers to think more systematically and collaborate better by integrating related stakeholders into the product development process. The study is published in the Journal of Industrial Ecology. “The majority of existing practical tools (systems of indicators) are aimed at measuring the environmental impact of products already


New research has revealed up to a 9% increase in college first-year enrollments in US states that have legalized recreational marijuana compared with states without such legalization. The study, which is published in Economic Inquiry, found that the increase was from out-of-state enrollments, with early adopter states and public non-research institutions experiencing the most pronounced increases. Recreational marijuana legalization did not negatively impact degree completion or graduation rate, and it did not affect college prices, quality, or in?state enrollment. The findings suggest that some students perceive recreational marijuana legalization as


New research has revealed up to a 9% increase in college first-year enrollments in US states that have legalized recreational marijuana compared with states without such legalization. The study, which is published in Economic Inquiry, found that the increase was from out-of-state enrollments, with early adopter states and public non-research institutions experiencing the most pronounced increases. Recreational marijuana legalization did not negatively impact degree completion or graduation rate, and it did not affect college prices, quality, or in?state enrollment. The findings suggest that some students perceive recreational marijuana legalization as


May is Asian and Pacific American Heritage Month, a time when Americans celebrate the profound contributions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders—a group that is commonly abbreviated as AAPI—to U.S. society. It’s also a time to acknowledge the complexity of AAPI experience. And as a professor who studies equity and inclusion in business, I think the focus on AAPI communities this month provides an excellent occasion to push back against a stereotype that has long misrepresented and marginalized a diverse range of people: the myth of the “model minority.” The


The Australian government’s new campaign Consent Can’t Wait challenges us all to improve our understanding of consent. It asks a series of questions to illustrate this issue is more complex than simplistic “no means no” messaging. The campaign invites viewers to consider the nuances of consent, so we can raise these important issues with children and young people in our lives. But what is a good age to start talking about consent? How do parents tackle such conversations when this information probably wasn’t readily discussed in our own upbringing? How


The concept of cultural entrepreneurship has many facets. It encompasses both the cultural and social impact of entrepreneurial training, and the environmental factors that influence its development. Some societies, such as the U.S., have a strong entrepreneurial culture. This means that certain characteristics are celebrated and encouraged, such as the ability of individuals to assume risks, patience when confronting challenges, and innovative problem solving, especially in uncertain situations. However, not all countries have such an entrepreneurial culture. Entrepreneurship struggles to take off in Europe In general, entrepreneurship can drive economic


A graphic depicting a student coding. Credit: Carnegie Mellon University Teachers today face a bit of a conundrum, according to a new study from researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and the Rochester Institute of Technology. Their goal is to prepare young students to enter a rapidly changing world. Even basic jobs require technical proficiency, which requires computational and analytical skills. To address this need, many educators are pushing to fold these important STEM skills into elementary curriculum. Here’s the problem. Young students can lose interest and even develop an aversion


On the left, a bird’s-eye view of the virtual classroom; on the right, screenshots of each of the four gaze-visualization conditions. Teachers need to know their material, but they must also keep their students engaged and interested. Part of that involves making eye contact with their students—all of them. A multidisciplinary team of researchers tested several methods of data visualization in an immersive virtual reality (VR) classroom, to give teachers a way to gauge


Wifi-enabled washing machines. Voice-controlled microwaves. App-enabled TVs, vacuum cleaners, and even window blinds you can control from the comfort of your couch. Many of the technological features now included in everyday products are useful and accessible. But research has shown that having too many can overwhelm potential buyers, making them less likely to make a purchase. In recent research, Wayne Hoyer, marketing professor and James L. Bayless/William S. Farrish Fund Chair for Free Enterprise at Texas McCombs, digs into the phenomenon of “feature creep” and its impact on consumer sentiment.


A new paper summarizing decades of research demonstrates how social media has supported an explosion of diversity in gender and sexuality in America during the 21st century, and also how these technologies have equally enabled a cultural backlash. The paper’s authors, UC Santa Cruz Psychology Department faculty members Phil Hammack and Adriana Manago, identified five main narratives about gender and sexuality that they believe emerged through social media as people have strived to be “authentic” on these platforms. The findings, along with resulting recommendations for psychology researchers and practitioners, were


New research is examining how organizations can improve their training programs by customizing frame-of-reference training to emphasize identifying negative behaviors critical to their goals. While assessors naturally identify positive behaviors, C. Allen Gorman, Ph.D., associate professor in UAB’s Department of Management, Information Systems and Quantitative Methods, says targeted training helps them recognize harmful actions that can hinder organizational objectives. Involving assessors in defining important performance dimensions and examples of behaviors, both good and


Justin Frake is interested in cause-and-effect relationships in real-world data and the hidden dynamics that shape workplace behavior and equality—or inequality, as the case might be. His curiosity has led to research that challenges some popular beliefs as well as published studies related to women in the workforce. One study shows that firms promoting flatter hierarchies inadvertently discourage female applicants and another study counters several recent studies that claim women CEOs negatively impact career outcomes of other women. Both are published in the Strategic Management Journal. The assistant professor of


A recent series of experiments challenges the longstanding theory of motivational conflict resolution introduced by Kurt Lewin. According to Lewin, conflicts between two undesirable outcomes (avoidance–avoidance conflicts) are typically harder to resolve than those between two desirable ones (approach–approach conflicts). Lewin posited that avoidance–avoidance conflicts, where individuals must choose between two undesirable outcomes, are typically more challenging to resolve compared to approach–approach conflicts, which involve choosing between two desirable options.


No means no when it comes to sex. But what happens when a woman makes a more passive response to a sexual advance? According to new research from Binghamton University, men differ in how they interpret these types of responses, and men who display hostile masculinity, known commonly as “toxic masculinity,” tend to act on them regardless of whether or not they think it’s consensual. A team of researchers, including Binghamton psychology professor Richard Mattson and graduate student Michael Shaw asked men between the ages of 18–25 to respond to


Some of human history’s greatest atrocities—genocide, slavery, ethnic cleanings—are rooted in our ability to dehumanize people from other social, political, or cultural groups. Whereas prior research has traced dehumanization to the belief that others think or feel less than we do, new research co-authored by Haas professor Sameer Srivastava shows that our tendency to dehumanize can also be influenced by how we think others view important facets of the world. The greater the difference between our perceptions of an outgroup’s worldview


When a child peruses YouTube, the content recommended to them is not always age appropriate, a new study suggests. Researchers mimicked search behaviors of children using popular search terms, such as memes, Minecraft and Fortnite, and captured video thumbnails recommended at the end of each video. Among the 2,880 thumbnails analyzed, many contained problematic click bait, such as violence or frightening images, according to the Michigan Medicine led research in JAMA Network Open. “Children spend a significant amount of time on free video sharing platforms that include user-generated content,” said


Post-war peace processes are a dangerous period for women. Many are forced to live close to men who committed serious abuse during the war or are expected to testify in various types of truth commissions, which can be both retraumatizing and stigmatizing. These are the findings of a new study by peace researchers at Uppsala University, published in the journal PLOS ONE. “In short, peace projects can force women to live side by side with ex-combatants who committed atrocities during the war. This puts them at risk of further threat


We can all agree that dating is hard. Getting to know people can feel vulnerable, but at the same time, exciting. We can also agree that feeling rejected can be one of the worst feelings, especially after we put ourselves out there. Dating can also expose us to a lot of cringey things, maybe even something we didn’t know we’d consider cringey. Think of cringe like something that makes you uncomfortable, or something about someone else that you don’t find attractive. Before dating, most of us consider what we’re looking


New survey results from Wiley suggest people still feel connected at work despite the prevalence of hybrid and remote work environments and the rise of artificial intelligence (AI). According to the latest Wiley Workplace Intelligence report, “Human Connection: The Crucial Secret to Thriving in the Digital Age,” nearly 8 in 10 employees surveyed (78%) said they feel connected with their coworkers, and almost 7 in 10 (69%) said they also enjoy making connections with their colleagues. Around half even said they want to learn more about their coworkers by doing


A study has provided new insights into social media influencers, particularly focusing on those in the women’s fashion sector on the well-known image and video sharing platform Instagram. In a departure from the approach taken by earlier studies, Jens K. Perret of the International School of Management in Cologne, Germany, has used network statistics and centrality measures to establish a model of influencer importance within their network. Perret analyzed data from 255 influencers covering a four-year period. Influencers are loosely


Rank (X-axis) does not affect the evaluation of trustworthiness (Y-axis, mean-centered) of accurate results. This lack of relationship is robust across experiments (columns) and for clicked results (top row, red) as well as non-clicked results (bottom row, blue). The trend lines represent the predicted change in trustworthiness ratings per unit decrease in rank fitted by the linear regression models. Credit: Scientific Reports (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-61645-8 Using experiments with COVID-19 related queries, Cornell sociology and information science researchers found that in a public health emergency, most people pick out and click


Despite the greater potency of “fake news” on Facebook to discourage Americans from taking the COVID-19 vaccine, users’ greater exposure to unflagged, vaccine-skeptical content meant the latter had a much greater negative effect on vaccine uptake. Credit: Jennifer Allen, Duncan Watts, David G. Rand Since the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine in 2021, fake news on social media has been widely blamed for low vaccine uptake in the United States—but research by MIT Sloan School of Management Ph.D. candidate Jennifer Allen and Professor David Rand finds that the blame lies


Adult heterosexual men with sexist and homophobic views can potentially improve their attitudes toward gay men and women by engaging in critical dialogues that use illustrations as a springboard, according to a new University of Michigan study. The work is published in the journal Sexual and Gender Diversity in Social Services. The process by which people shift from a prejudicial stance to one of relative acceptance is a key innovation of the study. Guided by trained facilitators, critical dialogues reflect illustrations depicting different gender roles and sexual identities. The images


If you dread public speaking you are not alone. It is a leading social phobia, one that can cause a state of anxiety that reduces otherwise articulate people to nervous incoherence. A strong fear of public speaking is known as glossophobia. Academic studies estimate it affects 20% of the population, but depending on the sample and methodology, the figure could be as high as 40%. As American writer and humourist Mark Twain said, “There are two types of speakers: Those who get nervous and those who are liars.” But help


How do universities and colleges decide who to admit? Given the earnings advantage of a post-secondary degree both globally and in Canada, this is an important social mobility question. While the answer varies from one institution to the next, most focus on education criteria like exam scores and grades. However, Canada’s new intake cap on study permit applications puts increased pressure on Canadian institutions to also consider immigration criteria when admitting international undergraduate students. This is just the latest example of immigration’s growing influence on the societal roles of Canadian
submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:10 Lemon_Poppyseed_60 Closed before closing

I often do Uber eats when I get out of work – generally between 10:30 and midnight. I am so, so tired of getting orders close to closing, getting to the store 10 minutes before they are supposed to be closed, and having the store entirely shut down.
Pulled up to the drive-through this evening at a BK that supposedly closes at 11:00 at 10:50 just to see if I could at least ask if they still had the order— both employees walked by, looked me straight in the eye, and walked away.
It really ticks me off that these places don’t give their employees enough time to do their closing duties so that they have to shut down the restaurant earlier than their advertised hours.
submitted by Lemon_Poppyseed_60 to UberEatsDrivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:27 superhuemagical Anyone else's uber one membership useless on orders recently?

My past few days dealing with Uber support trying to resolve my Uber one membership being useless has been a nightmare. Here is a story...
Initially I noticed my discounts on Delivery and Taxes + Other Fees weren't applying before checkout at restaurants I've always ordered from and received discounts at. So I contacted support about it, and in my first reply the agent basically told me to put in the order, and if it still didn't apply to contact them again so they can fix it. I had a hunch it wouldn't apply since it always would show at check out that I'm receiving the discounts but went thru with it anyway.
I have since been fighting with support for the past few days as they did not try at all to help me in the slightest way possible. It seemed like they made up random reasons for the discount not working, seemingly to just finish the ticket quickly without trying to refund me in any way. They gave me complete wrong information multiple times, and I had to screenshot multiple things from the app to show them they were wrong to get to the "next step" with them.
Even though I told them that the discounts should have applied as my membership is still valid, they blamed it on that I was using the credit card with the membership. That would be cool except I only have the one card that is tied to the membership in use and have never changed it. I had to tell multiple support people this as I received this response multiple times.
Eventually after multiple rounds of this, I received $15 uber cash. The ticket responder said they were a "supervisor from Uber’s Customer Support team". I was eager to read their response until I read "Uber one requires $35/40 minimum order cost before tax in US/Canada". The store I order from clearly states "$15 minimum order cost before tax to receive the Uber one membership discounts". I know this because I have ordered from them MANY times in the past because of this, and I received the discounts all those times, even in the same week. Not sure where this agent pulled this information from.
As I'm writing this although the uber cash was something, my membership is still useless as my discounts are not working. I cancelled any future membership with them. It is kind of crazy to me how somehow their membership perks and support employee competence did a complete 180, I never had a problem like this in the past. I would consider myself a pretty loyal uber eats user too (over $250+ discount this year according to the membership) but will not be renewing my membership with them as they still cannot fix my membership for whatever reason.
submitted by superhuemagical to UberEATS [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:14 EndoPlushQuota Taking Inventory: Scott's (And Steel Wool's) Potentially Lore-Relevant Steam Posts

Steam Search (
Scott doesn't really do much lore in his Steam posts, so I also included direct game descriptions and Steel Wool's Descriptions
FNAF 1 About:
Welcome to your new summer job at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, where kids and parents alike come for entertainment and food as far as the eye can see! The main attraction is Freddy Fazbear, of course; and his two friends. They are animatronic robots, programmed to please the crowds! The robots' behavior has become somewhat unpredictable at night however, and it was much cheaper to hire you as a security guard than to find a repairman.
From your small office you must watch the security cameras carefully. You have a very limited amount of electricity that you're allowed to use per night (corporate budget cuts, you know). That means when you run out of power for the night- no more security doors and no more lights! If something isn't right- namely if Freddybear or his friends aren't in their proper places, you must find them on the monitors and protect yourself if needed!
Can you survive five nights at Freddy's?
Five Nights at Freddy's on Steam (
FNAF 2 About:
Welcome back to the new and improved Freddy Fazbear's Pizza!
In Five Nights at Freddy's 2, the old and aging animatronics are joined by a new cast of characters. They are kid-friendly, updated with the latest in facial recognition technology, tied into local criminal databases, and promise to put on a safe and entertaining show for kids and grown-ups alike!
What could go wrong?
As the new security guard working nights, your job is to monitor cameras and make sure nothing goes wrong after-hours. The previous guard has complained about the characters trying to get into the office (he has since been moved to day-shift). So to make your job easier, you've been provided with your very own empty Freddy Fazbear head, which should fool the animatronic characters into leaving you alone if they should accidentally enter your office.
As always, Fazbear Entertainment is not responsible for death or dismemberment.
Five Nights at Freddy's 2 on Steam (
FNAF 3 About:
Thirty years after Freddy Fazbear's Pizza closed it's doors, the events that took place there have become nothing more than a rumor and a childhood memory, but the owners of "Fazbear's Fright: The Horror Attraction" are determined to revive the legend and make the experience as authentic as possible for patrons, going to great lengths to find anything that might have survived decades of neglect and ruin.
At first there were only empty shells, a hand, a hook, an old paper-plate doll, but then a remarkable discovery was made...
The attraction now has one animatronic.
Five Nights at Freddy's 3 on Steam (
Multiple Springtraps are Hallucinations, not Glitches:
For those wondering what the new update is all about; I added a fourth star to the game for those who beat Aggressive Nightmare mode!
Also, there is some confusion about Springtrap appearing on multiple cameras and people thinking it's a glitch. It's not a glitch, even though I should have explained this better when I released the game. As long as the red light is flashing after a ventilation error, you may see multiple Springtraps. These are hallucinations.
FNAF 4 About:
This time, the terror has followed you home.
In this last chapter of the Five Nights at Freddy's original story, you must once again defend yourself against Freddy Fazbear, Chica, Bonnie, Foxy, and even worse things that lurk in the shadows. Playing as a child whose role is yet unknown, you must safeguard yourself until 6am by watching the doors, as well as warding off unwanted creatures that may venture into your closet or onto the bed behind you.
You have only a flashlight to protect yourself. It will scare away things that may be creeping at the far end of the hallways, but be careful, and listen. If something has crept too close, then shining lights in its eyes will be your end.
Five Nights at Freddy's 4 on Steam (
The Box Post (The actual piece of lore relegated to Steam):
Hi guys! I wanted to post some information about the upcoming Halloween update. I started off a few months ago with several ideas in mind for what I wanted to release; ranging from DLC, to a new game, to opening the box (more on that later), but now I've been working steadily and have a pretty clear vision going forward.
The October 31st content will be an automatic update, not DLC. It will update the game to 1.1 and will include lots of goodies on the extras menu (for those who have beaten night 6), including a cheat menu, a challenge menu, and a twist on a familiar minigame that provides a boost when playing challenge modes. This also means that there will be a whole new set of stars to earn for those who are up to the challenge!
That part will be released for certain, and I'm hoping to have something else in addition to it, but it may not be ready. I have something fun in mind, a new game (not FNaF5), but it will be a real challenge to have even a small playable portion by Oct 31st. If a playable demo isn't ready by then, then at the very least there will be some sneak-peak content.
Now I want to talk about what WON'T be included... the box.
You know, when I released the first game over a year ago, I was amazed at how quickly everyone found every bit of lore and story. Then the same happened with part 2, fans and youtubers dug in and found everything. Game Theory did an incredible video on part 2; getting almost everything right. Then part 3 came out, and once again the story was uncovered by the community. It seemed that there was nothing I could hide!
But then I released part 4, and somehow.... no one, not a single person, found the pieces. The story remains completely hidden. I guess most people assumed that I filled the game with random easter eggs this time. I didn't. What's in the box? It's the pieces put together. But the bigger question is- would the community accept it that way? The fact that the pieces have remained elusive this time strikes me as incredible, and special, a fitting conclusion in some ways, and because of that, I've decided that maybe some things are best left forgotten, forever.
FNAF World:
Hi everyone, this is a big update! :)
I wanted to keep my plans for a new game secret until Halloween, but while my teasers have created excitement for some people, they have created some confusion as well, mainly because people don't know if the Five Nights at Freddy's story is over or not.
It's very important for me to say again that there will NOT be a Five Nights at Freddy's 5. The story is complete, and the Halloween update and new game will not add to it.
That being said, I wanted to use these characters in a new and fun way because they are so near and dear to my heart, and I was excited to work on a type of game that I hadn't made in a long time.
The new game that I'm working on will be called FNAF World. It will not be a horror game, but a role playing game where you create a party using the huge selection of characters from the FNaF games, including the classic, withered, toy, phantom, and nightmare versions. I've been working steadily on characters and hope to start on enemy models next week.
The bad news is that it's unlikely that a demo will be ready for Halloween like I had hoped, since this game's scope is significantly larger than previous games in the series. However, I will release a free demo, as promised, as soon as it's ready!
FNAF World will be released on PC, Android, and iOS. I don't have an estimated release date yet since the game is still early in development.
I hope you enjoy the new designs of the "adventure" characters, as I call them.
UPDATE: The teaser is complete and includes every character that you can have in your party! Stay tuned in the coming months for more updates as the game progresses!
Halloween Update is Non-Canon:
Hi guys!
I wanted to make a quick announcement for everyone about what to expect with the Halloween update. I got myself into a tricky situation because I wanted to release an update but not change the basic game or lore. That limited me as to what I could change, so I announced that I would created a cheat menu, a challenge menu, and an updated minigame. I thought I was done. But no. ;)
It became clear to me that the community's expectations demanded more than just a cheat menu, so I was faced with my sticky situation yet again. But then I solved it:
On Halloween there will be TWO releases. One will be the content update for the official game, updating it to 1.1. This version is canon, as it always has been. This update will include the features originally promised such as the new challenges and cheats.
The second release will be a special Halloween edition of FNaF4, with a few changed characters and other cosmetic changes. This game is not canon, and is only for fun for the holidays. (this version will be free as well)
If everything works correctly, then players should have two launch choices on Halloween- the Standard Edition and the Halloween Edition.
If it doesn't work for some reason, then the Halloween Edition will be available on GameJolt instead.
FNAF Sister Location About:
Welcome to Circus Baby's Pizza World, where family fun and interactivity go beyond anything you've seen at those *other* pizza places! With cutting-edge animatronic entertainers that will knock your kids' socks off, as well as customized pizza catering, no party is complete without Circus Baby and the gang!
Now hiring: Late night technician. Must enjoy cramped spaces and be comfortable around active machinery. Not responsible for death or dismemberment.
Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location on Steam (
Custom Night is Non-Canon:
Hey guys! I wanted to let you all know that I'll be working on an update for the game that will add a "Custom Night" to the Extras menu.
To answer a few questions about it:
1) Yes, it will be FREE. When the update is ready, your games will automatically update to include this feature.
2) It will NOT be canon. (otherwise it would screw up the entire plotline!)
3) It will be unlocked only when you have 3-stars, so you'd better get to work!
4) Since it's not part of the game's "Story Mode", you will be able to jump right into the action from the Extras menu and restart as many times as you like.
5) It would have been awesome to have this ready for Halloween, but there's no way that will be possible. Be looking for this in December!
But Cutscenes are Canon:
Hey guys, the new update is live (v1.12). It gives a little additional power for Golden Freddy Mode on Very Hard, and also adds the final cutscene!
(By the way- Cutscenes are canon.)
Pizza Sim About:
Presenting a fun Five Nights at Freddy's adventure with a lighter touch for the holidays, Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator puts you in charge of developing your own restaurant! Design pizzas, feed kids, and get high scores!
Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator on Steam (
UCN All Character Descriptions:
[Had to cut it because of Reddit's Post Length Limitations]
(I'm sure there's some lore in there somewhere)
Death Coin:
There is a new item available at the prize counter! For a lean 10 Faz-coins (price subject to change) you can purchase the Death Coin. You can only buy it once per night, and you can use it to eliminate one character from the roster, although only certain characters are susceptible to deletion.
Although this means that you can potentially eliminate a character who has been giving you trouble, it also means that you will have fewer coins to defend against characters who demand them, such as Rockstar Freddy, Baby, Nightmare Bonnie, and Nightmare Mangle. So if you choose to buy the coin, it can potentially put you in danger until you build up your coin count again.
The characters that are susceptible to deletion by Death Coin are:
The way this feature will work is that once you have purchased the Death Coin from the Prize Counter, there will be a Death Coin icon in the top left. Then when you are viewing a cam showing a vulnerable target, the icon will light up. If you click the Death Coin icon at that point, it will eliminate the target animatronic from the game.
Although this may seem pointless at first (after all, if you didn't want a certain character in the game, then why add them in the first place, right?), eliminating them in this way still gives you credit for beating that character. It isn't a freebie, it's a calculated risk. Spending ten Faz-Coins puts you at risk from other Faz-Coin hungry characters, so it's a choice that players must make depending on the circumstances, similar to how Rockstar Foxy comes with risk, despite the potential benefits.
UCN Description:
Welcome to the ultimate FNAF mashup, where you will once again be trapped alone in an office fending off killer animatronics! Featuring 50 selectable animatronic characters spanning seven Five Nights at Freddy's games, the options for customization are nearly endless. Mix and match any assortment of characters that you like, set their difficulty from 0-20, then jump right into the action! From your office desk, you will need to manage two side doors, two vents, as well as two air hoses, all of which lead directly into your office.
This time you will have to master other tools as well if you want to complete the ultimate challenges, tools such as the heater, A/C, a global music box, a power generator, and more. As if all of that weren't enough, you'll also need to set up laser traps in the vents, collect Faz-Coins, purchase items from the prize counter, and as always, keep a close eye on not one, but two, Pirate Cove curtains!
Other features include:
Ultimate Custom Night on Steam (
Steam Developer: Steel Wool Studios (
FNAF VR About:
Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted is a collection of classic and original mini-games set in the Five Nights universe. Survive terrifying encounters with your favorite killer animatronics in a collection of new and classic FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY’S™ experiences. “Where fantasy and fun come to life!”
A VR headset is NOT required to play.
YOU’RE HIRED - Time to get your hands dirty. Repair claustrophobic ventilation systems, troubleshoot broken animatronics that could activate at any moment, or spend your evenings cowering in the nighttime security guard office.
CELEBRATE - Confront your favorite killer animatronics including; Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Springtrap, The Mangle, Funtime Foxy, and Circus Baby.
FUN FUN PRIZES - Toys, Plushies, Bobbleheads, and candy candy candy! Earn super fun prizes you can play with at the interactive Prize Counter! Collect well hidden Faz-Tokens to unlock even more rare collectibles for more SUPER FUN FUN FUN.
PIZZA PARTY - Scenes from classic titles have been updated and remade for a fully immersive experience including; Five Nights at Freddy’s, Five Nights at Freddy’s 2, Five Nights at Freddy’s 3, Five Nights at Freddy’s 4, and Five Nights at Freddy’s: Sister Location.
TWO WAYS TO PLAY - Experience the horror in flat (non-VR) mode or VR. Oculus Rift and HTC Vive are supported.
Curse of Deadbear About:
The Curse of Dreadbear DLC unlocks a new Halloween themed hub packed with spooky new mini-games and prizes.
* New spine-tingling mini-games include; Trick or Treat, Mangle Repair, Corn Maze, the Plushkin-Patch, “Cap’n Foxy’s Pirate Adventure” dark ride and many more!
* Featured frightening animatronics include; Nightmare Bonnie, Nightmare Chica, Nightmare Freddy, Jack-o-Chica, Jack-o-Bonnie and a few... surprises.
This content requires the base game Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted in order to play.
Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted - Curse of Dreadbear on Steam (
Security Breach About:
Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach is the latest installment of the family-friendly horror games loved by millions of players from all over the globe. Play as Gregory, a young boy trapped overnight in Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex. With the help of Freddy Fazbear himself, Gregory must survive the near-unstoppable hunt of reimagined Five Nights at Freddy’s characters - as well as new, horrific threats.
THE HUNTERS AND THE HUNTED - Once nighttime protocols are initiated, the animatronics at Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex will relentlessly pursue all intruders. Glamrock Chica, Roxanne Wolf, Montgomery Gator, and the Pizzaplex’s security guard, Vanessa, will turn over every Cotton Candy Pizza Stand if they have to - it’s not wise to stay in one place for too long.
ADAPT TO SURVIVE - Access the building’s security cameras to survey the environment and plan your route through danger. Distract enemies by knocking over paint cans and toys - just slip away before enemies are drawn to your location. Hop into hiding spots and allow danger to pass, or try to outrun your pursuers. Play your way, but be prepared to adapt.
EXPLORE AND DISCOVER - Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex offers a variety of attractions for guests to enjoy - Monty Golf, Roxy Raceway, Bonnie Bowl, the sewers, and… Sewers? The Pizzaplex is vast and has no shortage of goodies to discover.
Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach on Steam (
Ruin About:
You can run, but you can’t hide…
Enter the ruins of Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex in the FREE story DLC for Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach!
Gregory is once again trapped in the now abandoned Pizzaplex, and he needs your help! Play as Cassie, Gregory’s best friend, Faz-fanatic, and would-be savior as she braves the dark, dreary, and dilapidated pizzeria. Armed with only a Faz-Wrench, a Roxy-Talky, and this weird bunny mask, you will have to help Cassie find her friend, free him, and safely escape the ruins.
Can you save your friend, yourself, and the Pizzaplex? Find out in the 100% free DLC, Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach – Ruin.
Help Wanted 2 About:
Find out if you have what it takes to be a Fazbear Entertainment Superstar!
Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted 2 is the sequel to the terrifying VR experience that brought new life to the iconic horror franchise. As a brand new Fazbear employee you’ll have to prove you have what it takes to excel in all aspects of Pizzeria management and maintenance.
Go Backstage as a VIP to help Roxanne Wolf & the S.T.A.F.F Bots get ready for their performances in the Pizzaplex Salon!
Head into the Fazcade and enjoy classic games like Bonk-a-Bon and Fazerblast! See if you can top all the high scores!
Take care of things behind the scenes in the Staff Only section of the Pizzeria. Deliver First Aid to patients who aren’t quite feeling themselves, and help animatronics perform routine diagnostics & maintenance.
Our Food Prep courses will help you get the federally mandated amount of value preparing food in the Pizzaplex. Experience all the joys of high-speed food service & get ready to feed some hungry bots!
Head over to the Ticket Booth to test out our E-ticket attractions, such as Captain Foxy’s Cowboy Adventure! On this lighthearted log ride, you’ll float through the old West as a gunslinger in search of booty!
And finally, if you’re short on dread, dive into the world of our Sister Location! These special minigames are VR versions of classic experiences from Five Nights at Freddy’s: Sister Location. These fan-favorites brought to life promise to be as fun as they are terrifying!
So what are you waiting for?!? Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted 2 is now accepting applicants for all positions, effective immediately.
Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted 2 on Steam (
submitted by EndoPlushQuota to u/EndoPlushQuota [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:54 Quartz87 Osborne Village Starbucks permanently closed

Osborne Village residents will have to find a new spot to get their caffeine fix, as the River Avenue Starbucks location is closing up shop for good.
According to a notice on the front door, the store has “permanently closed.”
“We would like to thank you for being part of our store community,” it says.
“You are the very heart of who we are at Starbucks. It has been a great pleasure to connect with you every day.”


CTV News Winnipeg previously reported a temporary closure of this Starbucks location. Though a spokesperson did not provide a reason for the closure, area residents believe it has to a string of violent incidents in the community.
In an email, a Starbucks spokesperson confirmed the River Avenue Starbucks will remain closed.
"Starbucks routinely evaluates its store portfolio to determine how and where we can best meet the needs of our partners (employees), customers, and the communities we serve," the spokesperson wrote. "This includes reviewing the partner and customer experience to ensure partners are supported in crafting beverages in a warm and welcoming environment, and that we can provide our customers with the best Starbucks Experience."
Those who were previously working at the River Avenue Starbucks have been offered the opportunity to transfer to another nearby location, the email reads.
- With files from CTV’s Taylor Brock.
submitted by Quartz87 to Winnipeg [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:21 Icy-Initiative653 Fair warning to avoid the Grand Sirenis Riviera Maya

Please read this first before booking your stay at the Grand Sirenis. My hope is to save you some similar difficulties and disappointments. There are great resorts in the Cancun area, this isn’t one of them. Keep reading to understand why this place deserves half a star, at best.
  1. At check-in, I was “greeted” by a rude and dismissive employee. She gave me no information about the hotel and was clearly annoyed at my questions. She scanned my passports, gave me my room keys, my arm band, and gave a brief gesture toward a map on the counter to show where my room was located. No other info was provided and she quickly dismissed me away. This was the first time I had the thought that I was not a guest here, I was a nuisance. This continued with nearly every staff interaction I had during my vacation (to be fair, there were a few exceptions).
  2. Within minutes of getting to our room, we discovered that our toilet wouldn’t flush. Since it was already late, we waited until first thing the next morning to notify the staff. They brushed us off by saying someone was on their way (this was also a recurring pattern throughout our stay). It would be several hours before our toilet was fixed. We had to use the toilet at the pool instead.
  3. Restaurant reservations are required, which is very normal. I typically check with concierge the evening of my arrival to arrange reservations for my whole stay, so that’s exactly what I did. I was promptly told that there weren’t any reservations available for our group size, but he would check with his supervisor and let me know in the morning. So first thing the next morning, I checked in again because I understand the importance of reservations. He told me that he checked with his supervisor and was told there were no reservations available. I pressed further (as did others in my group with difference concierge staff), saying we were happy to split up our group and even do different times. We told them we were available for any restaurant on any day. In other words, we weren’t trying to be picky. Over the next day and a half, we were told multiple times that there were no reservations available. We finally secured a reservation for our last night, but that’s the only restaurant they would give us for a whole week. Their website says they guarantee 3 a la carte restaurants per week. Somehow they had no space available for anyone in my group and we only got one restaurant meal.
  4. Another question I had for the concierge was concerning refilling the minibar. We had run out of water and coffee. I was promptly told that it would be an extra charge to get these things so I again walked away frustrated. After looking again at the website and booking confirmation email, I found where it says that they would refill the minibar daily. So I went back to the same concierge and asked why he told me it would be an extra charge and he said, “Yes, it’s complimentary between 9am-3pm.” I had asked at 3:30pm the day before. Why wouldn’t he simply explain that to me when I asked instead of rudely telling me it’s an extra charge and letting me walk away frustrated?
  5. There are some exceptions, but for the most part, the food is bad. Most all inclusive resort food isn’t anything to write home about, but this was extra bad.
  6. Our room wasn’t cleaned for the first 2.5 days because we didn’t know to put some obscure sign on our door indicating we wanted it cleaned. Again, no one bothered to give us a basic rundown of how the hotel works. Again, we were treated like a nuisance, not a valued guest.
  7. One positive note to end on: The pool was big and fun. My two year old had a great time and he’s too young to notice or care about all the bad things. But it’s worth noting that the kid pool area is currently closed (not sure when it will re-open, but if my notes above haven’t deterred you and you have kids, it’s worth at least calling and asking before you book).
Go at your own risk. As for me and my family, this is one that we will not return to nor refer our friends to. There are plenty of resorts to choose from in the Cancun area.
submitted by Icy-Initiative653 to cancun [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:41 the_biggest_fool [SF / RO] Yesterday and Today

I never had a breakup as strange as I had with Zack Smithers. We've met in 1966 in a record store. I saw him wildly searching for a specific record, which made me very curious. He kept calling the store clerk:
— “Yesterday and Today”, by The Beatles! Do you have it?, for which the poor employee who looked like a fusion between Bob Dylan and Keith Richard kept saying "No. They're all sold out."
— I have one. If you really want it, you can come to my place so we can hear it together. — I said. Obviously, not in the first day. After three and a half weeks, when I was buying the new The Who album and a bunch of gum, I saw that sad figure asking for that album for the 100th time and couldn't help feeling sorry for him. It's obviously a great record, but I wouldn't spend all this time looking for it. “He is a real nowhere man" , I thought.
When he saw that vynil at my apartment, his reaction was to look it like it was made of pure gold, like he was an archeologist who've discovered real traces of the lost city of Atlantis.
—I know you will think I'm a mad man, but do you have a kettle? — he said.
I couldn't believe when he used the steam of the kettle to remove the cover of the album, replacing the image of the four Beatles posing with a large suitcase for one much more sinister: the four dressed like butchers, smiling like psychopaths, with meat and dolls all over them. “This is the craziest thing I've ever seen! How did you know that?", I said. He did not answer until 6 years later.
What I loved about Zack was his musical taste and how he seemed to know exactly what I'd like. In the New Year's Eve of 1969 he said two new rock genres would come out that year and bought me the debut albums of two unknown bands: Black Sabbath and King Crimson. In the January of that same year he convinced me to travel to London and wait in front of a building to watch a supposed concert by The Beatles, and they actually appeared and played on the rooftop! Strangely, he seemed to cry whenever Paul said "get back! Get back to where you once belonged".
Unfortunately, his great knowledge of music wasn't a great match with his mysterious personality. I didn't know where he came from, where his parents lived or any information that was not about rock n'roll records. “What goes on in you heart? What goes on in your mind? You are tearing me apart, when you treat me so unkind", I used to think. He was very elusive and even though he seemed to like me, I was always the one taking the first step. I kissed him first, asked him to be my boyfriend and even asked him to marry me.
I will always remember that day. The romantic dinner at a local restaurant. The half eaten cheesecake at his plate. His mouth with a small red spot of cool cherry cream and nice apple tart. He took 2 minutes to think of an answer and then opened his mouth. That's when he told me everything:
— I am from the future. Specifically from 2374. Me and four other scientists received a mission from the government to travel back time to solve science's greatest mysteries. I was supposed to go to Rome at the year 33 AD to witness the crucification of Christ. But I saw this as an opportunity to make money. I arranged with one of those responsible for the trip to send me back to the United States in 1966, where I would buy Yesterday and Today, the rarest album of all. We agreed to sell it to collectors and split the money. I can't explain what, but something went wrong. I couldn't return to my original timeline, I was condemned to live here, where I met you. I do not deserve you. You are much better than me. Guilt eats away at me every day. If only I hadn't been so greedy, if only I had followed the original plan. I just...I just... — He started to cry and just hummed "you took your luck break and broke it in two. Now what can be done for you?".
submitted by the_biggest_fool to shortstories [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:28 savannahkellen Season 3 Spoiler Round-Up

With so many little filming updates available to us, I've been thinking for a while that we should have a post for a spoiler round-up for anyone who wants a quick reference or doesn't feel like sifting through the extra casting calls and previous threads to see what has been filmed already. I'm trying to only include sourceable material here - so mainly details from casting calls or location notices, set content, or sightings of the actors themselves.
I'm sure that I've missed *something*, so if you know, you can drop it into the comments and I'll edit or add it to this post! I'll try to keep this ongoing if there's interest. ♾️
“First week of June”
submitted by savannahkellen to TheSummerITurnedPrett [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:09 FoxTenson Was told to post here. First time working in a restaurant. Walked out after being yelled at for the second time. This time for making too many tips. Is this normal?

So this isn't the first time I got yelled at Important note I'm over 40 here. I am, or was a float at a restaurant and disabled with a bad back. I could do everything from making the food to dishes to delivery to tables. I was mostly front of house and tables. I was put at 50-60 hours a week without being asked if I could and came in despite hurting really bad. Before I got yelled at before because the boss got drunk and started ranting about tips. I didn't walk out with the others because I didn't want the other employees not there I liked to get screwed over. The boss apologized and told me if they did it again to walk out and they should not have done that.
Today they came in to close the register and was making a joke because they changed the system so we couldn't see out tips. About how they gave everyone a heart attack. They blew up on me and I got yelled at for....making too many tips. I make like two to three times more than others are front of house and waiting tables and somehow this was wrong? I was told nobody else pays takeout tips from credit cards and I should only get tips from running tables and they would stop paying tips for CC.
We never used to get CC tips because they kept them all. I went from $40-80 a week in tips to $300-500 or so after it changed suddenly to us getting them. I just have to ask if this is normal? To me making way more tips than others as a front of house seems to be...a good thing? I was told I wasn't focusing enough on the restaurant and growing business but instead was focusing on tips. Also that I ask about the tips too much (I'm owed like $300+ in tips that I haven't been paid yet). Also that nobody else pays takeout or CC tips and to leave if I'm not happy about it, and that they would remove CC tips again. So I did as asked, I walked out, after evening shift got in and after prepping the entire place for dinner because I didn't want to screw my co workers over.
I was told I was wrong for not giving notice, but also that this is normal. I'm torn because I don't want my co workers to suffer and they said they may quit too if I do and it may wreck the place but...I...really don't know. I didn't give two weeks because the last person who did was fired on the spot and I'd rather have a quit on my record then fired.
To note, this all happened in front of customers too. I've been around long enough to see red flags. I had a paycheck bounce but they claimed it was payroll error. Last week it took till tuesday instead of friday to get our checks because "payroll was closed early". To me these are huge red flags around with not getting our tips. I just...I feel lost right now because few people give me a chance with my disability and they did, but at the same time I just cannot stand this sort of thing. They called to apologize again but I kind of want to hold firm to leaving. Is it normal to withhold CC tips, or to get mad at front of house/waiter for making too many tips? It seems bonkers to me.
Sorry for the TLDR I'm old school so write essays. TLDR: I've been yelled at for tips before and got yelled at again for making too many tips over others. Walked out for it. Is this normal and am I wrong? Should I suck it up for my co workers? -
Edit: This just happened to day so sorry if rambling, I'm really a wreck and torn about if what I did is right or not. I was told to post here by co workers and others for clarity. I feel really guilty and just wanted clarity. I did float, both front and back of house stuff all the time every day, often at the same time.
submitted by FoxTenson to KitchenConfidential [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:16 SquareTree7757 My employer stopped paying me.

So about 3 months back I started working at a local, established, full service restaurant. The owner was kind of loose with a lot of things, one including taxing taxes out of my checks or even having me fill out any tax forms at all. At first he framed it as a short “trial period” but after a couple of pay periods with nothing but personally written paper checks, I asked about it. They said that they would get on it soon, but nothing ever came of it. Eventually, a couple months go by and the restaurant started slowing down and as the new guy, my hours were getting cut dramatically.
Now, he hasn’t scheduled me the last two weeks, I still haven’t paid any taxes or filled out forms, AND he is ghosting me and not picking up my calls even though I have 37 hours of unpaid work that he has not given me. Oh, and I found out that he doesn’t pay any extra money (1.5x) for any of his employees…
I know there’s a lot of legal/illegal stuff going on here, but how do I at least get the money I’m owed?
submitted by SquareTree7757 to tax [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:15 SquareTree7757 Employer stopped paying me.

So about 3 months back I started working at a local, established, full service restaurant. The owner was kind of loose with a lot of things, one including taxing taxes out of my checks or even having me fill out any tax forms at all. At first he framed it as a short “trial period” but after a couple of pay periods with nothing but personally written paper checks, I asked about it. They said that they would get on it soon, but nothing ever came of it. Eventually, a couple months go by and the restaurant started slowing down and as the new guy, my hours were getting cut dramatically.
Now, he hasn’t scheduled me the last two weeks, I still haven’t paid any taxes or filled out forms, AND he is ghosting me and not picking up my calls even though I have 37 hours of unpaid work that he has not given me. Oh, and I found out that he doesn’t pay any extra money (1.5x) for any of his employees…
I know there’s a lot of legal/illegal stuff going on here, but how do I at least get the money I’m owed?
submitted by SquareTree7757 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:12 Able-Connection9445 You just murdered someone in the AA universe,the location is your birth month,you are forced to testify,what will you do to get away with your crime?

And i will try to find a way to make you guilty
January:a theme park with utility tunnels belos the park
February:a old khurainese temple with no illumination beyond torches
March:a cave with multiple passageways and elevators
April:a mansion
May:a famous restaurant with three floors
June:a hospital,a restaurant and a mansion,they are all connected by a alleyway
July:a rock show with multiple hotels
August:a film studio with machines for special effects
September:a luxury cruise with multiple sections and a employees-only stairway,all the windows and doors to the balconies are closed because its night time
October:a forest with multiple houses that belong to the forest watchers,their watchtowers are by the side of the houses
November:a mansion that is in a island isolated by a big river in the shape of a circle,with it only being accessible by two bridges,one in the front and other in the back that goes to another mansion
December:the house of the president
submitted by Able-Connection9445 to AceAttorney [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:47 Pasco08 Show up to work for my second shift store is closed call GM says it’s temporary then got this email today.

Lmaoooo, Offered me a spot at a store an hour away. Told them to go pound sand. No warning or anything. This is why giving two weeks notice is just a joke because they will do this with no warning.
submitted by Pasco08 to wendys [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:33 sriharsha-sv Roast my Resume please

I am planning to move back to an ML role after working as an SDE (without any ML contributions) for a little less than 2 years. That's why I thought it might make sense to keep the education section at the top to highlight my relevant education.
submitted by sriharsha-sv to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:32 Big-Dentist-809 Please risk your life to deliver my chic fil a

I was heading to Chic Fil A yesterday to pick up an order. I was literally 3 traffic lights away from arriving at Chic Fil A when I get a text. The girl says , in quote
“If you could drive fast, that would be appreciated”
I dunno, but it triggered tf out of me & I cancelled the trip so fast!
Then the day prior I had a customer order something from Sweet Green. I deliver the order, pull down her street and receive a call. It’s the customer telling me the restaurant forgot her salad dressing and she paid extra for that. So I’m like, “okay did you call the restaurant?” She’s like “yeah there is nothing they can do about it they told me the dressing is sitting on the counter and to call you” Logically speaking, if the dressing is on the counter, that proves it was never put in your bag. Essentially the restaurant dropped the ball NOT ME! I am not an investigator nor do I open or inspect peoples food once it has been bagged. So I kindly explain to her, my job is to pick up and deliver. When I’m picking up an order, I’m expecting all contents of the order to be in your bag. She goes “well I paid extra for the dressing”… So I’m like “are you requesting for me to drive back and get your salad dressing” and she goes “YEP” Girl go h3// The entitlement of people who can’t go get their own food is insane. Doing UE really opens your eyes to the ins and outs of the food industry and from what I can gather, the employees really hate their jobs.
submitted by Big-Dentist-809 to UberEATS [link] [comments]