Making inference and analysing worksheets


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2024.05.26 06:54 watneg1 Prenatal depression&anxiety

Hi. I'm 11.5 weeks pregnant with my first child. I've had severe all-day sickness during my first weeks along with depression in the form of tiredness and loosing interest for anything I used to love (books, writing, tv shows, traveling, cooking ofc) so I just stopped taking Follic Acid, as I understood it worsened nausea for me. Problem is, I now have extreme anxiety over birth defects for not using follic acid. A sudden staph infection appeared in my yeast culture results (I had never found it in previous analyses) and now I'm taking a vaginal antibiotic which is worsening my mucchus and making me itchy. I am scared the baby is not going to come out healthy because I'm not able to take prenatals for him, while I fear what the staph might do. I have basically lost interest over everything and I have to admit abortion has sometimes crossed my mind. Suicide too, but only because I test myself whether I am strong enough to stay alive for this baby. By far, I would never do anything to hurt myself only because of them. Pregnancy google and talk is the only thing that interests me at the moment. But it also triggers my anxiety, as I find myself falling into those bad internet pitfalls. I am scared to get attached to this child yet, which doesn't help at all. I'm also waiting for my NIPT analysis results next week and that makes me feel desperate and anxious AF. Overall, pregnancy isn't an enjoyable experience at all for me. Everyone I speak to tells me this will end as soon as I start feeling the baby, but that doesn't help. I wish I had people who can understand what I'm going through. My mom def doesn't relate to this and comes up with some generic pep talk while my MIL is more worried as to why my husband and I don't write/call her more often. I'm to tired to explain to them what a toll this is taking to my mental health and I just skip every debate now. I just want to sleep, and sleep, and sleep. I also hate my house. I work from home and have started to despise every angle of it.
submitted by watneg1 to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 06:38 MissXaos A question for systems who were aware pre-diagnosis

If you were aware of your DID/OSDD prior to being told by a therapist/pre diagnosis, was there a time between system realisation and system access/discovery?
For example I was aware I had alters before I knew I could even have DID, and have grown more aware over the years, but have only had true access to my system in any interactive way in the last maybe 3/4 months. This has obviously this has been a very eye opening experience into just what we have experienced in our lives as well as how others have co fronted in the past/how "real" this really is.
I've been through a bit of a grief process in accepting that I am not making it up, and acceptance that we have done what we need to to survive, and previous actions we aren't proud of are part of the ptsd fron things we do not remember.
I am on the waitlist for several mental health professionals due to a bit of crisis emerging as I've had more access, but am also seeing improvements in system communication I hadn't expected to achieve without getting to a treatment and diagnosis level.
I am currently very low functioning in a day to day sense, but the leaps and bounds we as a system feel we are making in learning and cataloguing information that will probably be important once we start therapy is honestly amazing to us.
We have days where we might get lost in a softer trauma memory, but then we try out best to analyse the memory from an external view of the overall life experience and catagorise if its something to write down, or to make a voice note of, or tell a close friend so we can safely process at a time and a space where we have that capacity.
Its very much like I'm disassociated 75% of the time but its making my brain and my overall mental health safe while we wait for therapy.
I guess I just want someone to tell me if they have a similar experience, or to tell me its okay that this is how our system is running at the moment.
I can kind of tell where I disassociated during this post do others could add information lol
-404 system, Host
submitted by MissXaos to DID [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 06:25 DebonairDeistagain Although we don't have the burden of proof, atheists can still disprove god

Although most logicians and philosophers agree that it's intrinsically impossible to prove negative claims in most instances, formal logic does provide a deductive form and a rule of inference by which to prove negative claims.
Modus tollens syllogisms generally use a contrapositive to prove their statements are true. For example:
If I'm a jeweler, then I can properly assess the quality of diamonds.
I cannot properly assess the quality if diamonds.
Therefore. I'm not a jeweler.
This is a very rough syllogism and the argument I'm going to be using later in this post employs its logic slightly differently but it nonetheless clarifies what method we're working with here to make the argument.
Even though the burden of proof is on the affirmative side of the debate to demonstrate their premise is sound, I'm now going to examine why common theist definitions of god still render the concept in question incoherent
Most theists define god as a timeless spaceless immaterial mind but how can something be timeless. More fundamentally, how can something exist for no time at all? Without something existing for a certain point in time, that thing effectively doesn't exist in our reality. Additionally, how can something be spaceless. Without something occupying physical space, how can you demonstrate that it exists. Saying something has never existed in space is to effectively say it doesn't exist.
If I were to make this into a syllogism that makes use of a rule of inference, it would go something like this:
For something to exist, it must occupy spacetime.
God is a timeless spaceless immaterial mind.
Nothing can exist outside of spacetime.
Therefore, god does not exist.
I hope this clarifies how atheists can still move to disprove god without holding the burden of proof. I expect the theists to object to the premises in the replies but I'll be glad to inform them as to why I think the premises are still sound and once elucidated, the deductive argument can still be ran through.
submitted by DebonairDeistagain to DebateReligion [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 06:02 livingdeaddolls [Grade 12 Data Management] How would I structure the answer?

[Grade 12 Data Management] How would I structure the answer?
I’m lost on what equations I need to figure it out
submitted by livingdeaddolls to HomeworkHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 05:40 qwas12357 Why BPD sufferers may avoid mirrors

I still have an acute aversion to hearing or speaking my own name. I dread it when, say, I have to ring the doctor's surgery for an appointment and the receptionist asks who's calling. I can barely get out the words and sometimes feel my face flush. I have a similar response to my own reflection and will avoid looking in a mirror at all costs. I was intrigued, therefore, when I read some research casting light upon this, it seems, not altogether unheard of phenomenon.
The study I refer to was carried out by Winter et al. (2015) and involved setting up a situation in which people with BPD could freely choose to sit facing a mirror or not. The same choice was also presented to people without BPD (you can read about the experimental design here, but suffice to say here that no participants knew the study's purpose).
It was found that those with BPD were:
significantly less likely to sit facing the mirror than non-BPD individuals. significantly more likely to have consciously made the choice not to have sat facing the mirror than non-BPD individuals.
From these findings, it was inferred that those with BPD had a tendency to avoid self awareness (as seeing oneself in a mirror makes one more self aware) to a significantly greater degree than non-BPD individuals.
Why should this be?
The researchers, based on this and similar research, suggest this avoidance of becoming self aware is a mechanism to cope with anxious anticipation of social rejection. Indeed, other research has shown that shifting one's attention from self to others can be a helpful way to calm this anxiety.
To explain further, the authors of the study note that diverting focus of attention away from the self can help reduce self deprecating feelings, including feelings of shame which are all too common amongst those with BPD. They further draw attention to the fact that other research has concluded that 'people who feel socially excluded are averse to attention to the self' because 'self awareness initiates self evaluation' And, again, feelings of social alienation and negative self evaluation are very frequent amongst BPD sufferers.
In sum then, it seems reasonable to hypothesise that BPD sufferers are more likely to avoid being confronted by a reflection of themselves in a mirror as being so confronted would increase self awareness which in turn would aggravate feelings of shame and general negative self evaluation which would, in its turn, increase anxiety about being socially rejected.
I assume that my aversion to hearing my own name may be similarly accounted for.
submitted by qwas12357 to BPDarticles [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 05:18 pickleddcherries Criticism of leftist men rq

edit: I'm usually very open to criticism and still am but I am not gonna stop standing on business with this post. Leftist men should still be criticized and there is still plenty of corruption within our communities and it's not talked about enough. If you can't see how intersectional feminism and how capitalist imperialism directly fuels patriarchy and toxic masculinity then I'm not the one who needs a wake up call, you are.
I come in peace 😭 this isnt for infighting and I've def met so many leftist guys who just warm my heart and restore my faith, but we uh... we need talk abt this 💀
SOME (again I know it's not all men) leftist guys need an ego check -- the whole point of us being communists is bc we believe in the masses, we believe that the workers are smart and capable of organizing and revolting, you don't get to parade around people who you believe to be intellectually inferior and instead of helping them get educated and become aware of things make them feel beyond stupid and incapable. If they come in good faith why beat them down, take it as an opportunity for some revolutionary discussion Also, you don't get brownie points with women/leftist women bc you believe capitalism is bad and want social justice. It sure is attractive to us when guys believe in those things authentically and don't get mad when you don't find them attractive for other reasons. It's highkey uncomfortable if you get mad at us for not liking you back romantically even if "but we have the same politics! There's so many conservative guys and I'm not and you're still rejecting me??" Basically leftist "nice guys" are... not good.
I do think we need to criticize a lot of cishet white men, but I've noticed criticisms for queePOC men as well for different but uniting reasons (again I know it's not all men please please understand I'm not attacking every single cishet or white or queer or POC man I know it's not all men)
to cishet men, our struggle is directly intersectional with queer liberation. you cant pick and choose what you support, you're either a comrade to the workers (without cherry picking) or not a comrade at all. why let your politics abt being anti-capitalism fuel your toxic machismo instead of setting you free from patriarchal bs?
to white men, you only focusing on the eurocentric parts of socialist history is weird. Ofc not to automatically dismiss any European socialist history, not at fkn all, but you all know what I'm talking about. the guys who hold oddly eurocentric analyses of past and current praxis and also rarely (if ever) mentions any POC/female theorists. It's easy to tell when a leftist white man talks abt uniting all the workers but never holds any discourse or education on Black power, womanism, etc etc.
To queer men (especially queer cis men), yes I have noticed that queer guys overall tend to be kinder at surface-value comparatively, BUT your queerness does not eliminate your male privilege. Ofc you are oppressed for your queerness and I'm not denying that, but you're also capable of abusing male privilege and also being a dick. Some of the wildest stuff I've heard are from queer guys. Part of what prompted this rant was raging memories of mine of an ex who thought he was so respectful of women and likely partly bc he was queer but also fked/took advantage of a middle schooler as a 16y/o. I've met a Zionist dude who thought he was a leftist largely bc of his queerness and pro-queer views. I'm not invalidating your oppression in a homophobic society but don't lose sight of the intersectional privileges you do have.
To POC men, please please please remember that imperialism is a cancer to all. So much of the misogyny and toxic machismo I've seen among non-white men stem from years of humiliation and denial of identity and desexualization or hypersexualization (inflicted by capitalist imperialism). Also bc things like queerness and feminism have become seen as "imperial core stuff" bc of pinkwashing. We are above the colonizers, don't fall into hierarchal hegemony bs
And to all my male comrades in general who learn abt and talk abt intersectionality and unite in the struggle for all, my heart goes out for you, to all my male comrades who might've made some mistakes at times, dw you're still part of our community as long as you try to change and grow :') <3
submitted by pickleddcherries to TheDeprogram [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 05:05 5docdoc RPDR Randomized Era 4: All Stars 5, Episode 2 (I'm In Love)

RPDR Randomized Era 4: All Stars 5, Episode 2 (I'm In Love)
The queens walk back into the werkroom after Ginger's elimination.
In her confessional, Laganja talks about how great it feels to be the first winner on All Stars but that it definitely comes with a lot of stress since you alone could possibly send a girl home.

The queens gather around on the werkroom couches to discuss the occurrences from the challenge. Luxx commends Laganja on an amazing lip sync and tells her that she knows it's not a small feat to go up against Sasha Colby in a lip sync. Laganja talks about how gagged she was when she saw Sasha as the lip sync assassin and that if she had to lose a lip sync she is honored that it was against the likes of her. Peppermint then talks about how tough those critiques were on stage and that she was happy to not have to be in Monet's position. She then asks Monet how she is feeling after all of that. Monet opens up about how honored she feels that the group was the deciding factor to keep her around and that it shows that they all saw a talent in her that was worthy to stick in the competition. Peppermint agrees with her and adds that she knows Monet from NYC and that she knows she can deliver and felt like she wanted to see more of what she can do on Drag Race since her first time around it was cut short. Symone then asks the girls if there was anyone who felt like Ginger should've been the one to stay. Laganja is the first to raise her hand and say that she actually did choose Monet's lip stick. Monet looks gagged by this
In her confessional, Monet talks about how surprised she is to hear Laganja say she chose her lip stick. She then says that if Sasha didn't destroy her in the performance that Laganja actually would've sent her home first, AGAIN.

Laganja explains that she felt like Ginger didn't actually bomb the challenge and that when she looked at the performances that all the queens put on that she would have to say that unfortunately it just wasn't Monet's night. Bendelacreme raises her hand to say that she also voted to send home Monet for many of the same reasons that Laganja said and goes on to add that she felt like it was the most fair choice to take into account the performances of all the queens to choose which of them should've been the one eliminated. Monet just silently nods but you can see that she is clearly fuming. Symone chimes in and says that she isn't going to be delusional and say that Monet didn't flub the challenge but that she still felt like Monet wasn't given as many chances as Ginger has been given to show what she can do and for that reason she felt like Monet should get another shot. Dela turns to Monet and tries to tell her that she hopes there are no hard feelings

The queens reenter the werkroom in preparation for the next challenge. The queens gather around the werkroom table and talk about the fact that there is a possible $20,000 up for grabs this week. Kylie tells them that she isn't about to play with them for that amount of money. Ra'jah asks the girls what challenge they think would be next and Luxx says they have done Snatch Game pretty early in previous seasons of All Stars so it could be that. Dela then tells the girls that she is hoping for an acting or comedy challenge but then corrects herself and says that she is actually going to kill any of the challenges so it doesn't matter. Just then the queens hear the siren for their RuMail which breaks the conversation. After watching their RuMail, they hear the werkroom door open.

RuPaul enters the werkroom
RuPaul tells the queens that for their next maxi challenge they will be debuting the newest smash hit "I'm in Love!". She goes on to tell them that they will work in groups to write and record their very own lovesick verses to a celebrity crush of their choice. Ru then tells Laganja that she is going to put her on the spot. She then asks her who she thinks are her two biggest competitors. Laganja calls out Peppermint and Kylie as her two biggest competitors
In her confessional, Luxx mentions that she thinks Laganja has a different definition of what competition is since she didn't say her name.

Ru then announces that Laganja, Peppermint, and Kylie would be the team captains for the week. The captains choose their teams as follows:
Team Laganja
-Laganja Estranja, Symone, Monet X Change
Team Peppermint
-Peppermint, Luxx Noir London, Bendelacreme
Team Kylie
-Kylie Sonique Love, Mistress Isabelle Brooks, Ra'jah O'Har
In her confessional, Ra'jah mentions that she is a little annoyed that she was the queen that was last to be chosen and goes on to say that the girls are making a mistake in underestimating her and she is going to show them all up.

Ru then leaves the teams to start preparing for their performances.

When RuPaul leaves the room, the queens separate into their groups to start listening to their backing vocals and coming up with their verses. We first see Kylie's team coming together in a section of the werkroom. We see the girls all talking about who their celebrity crush would be for the song and Kylie mentioning that she feels like she could easily lean into vulgarity. Ra'jah mentions that she thinks that they should work out how they will bring cohesiveness to their group and asks Kylie if she is thinking that should be tied into their looks or not. Mistress then asks her group if they think there is another group they should look out for. She goes on to add that she thinks their group will come out on top given what all three of them are going to bring
In her confessional, Mistress mentions that she isn't in a group with Monet or Bendelacreme so she thinks that it is going to end well for their team because they are the ones with the talent.

On the other side of the werkroom we see Laganja's team sit down to begin working on their performance. Laganja shares with Monet and Symone that she is really looking forward to this challenge because she thinks she is a talented writer. Monet agrees and adds that it is one of the challenges that she was most looking forward to being able to do on Season 6 because she felt like she would've bodied it. Symone then mentions that She wonders how the judging is going to work for this challenge and that she thinks that their group is going to be the group to really outperform the others.

Finally, we see Peppermint as she works with Bendelacreme and Luxx. Dela asks Peppermint what made her choose her over Ra'jah for their team. Before Peppermint can answer, Luxx chimes in and says that she thinks it's counterproductive to have that conversation right now and that she thinks they should all just focus on the challenge in front of them and not their egos. Dela then starts to defend herself saying that she thinks that Luxx is getting the wrong impression of her and what she was asking and it is clear that Luxx is already over the conversation as she asks Peppermint if they can move on. As Peppermint steers the conversation back to the challenge and she and Luxx talk about how they are approaching their verses, we can see that Dela is still in her head about her exchange with Luxx but doesn't address it further with her groupmates.

The teams are then shown meeting with Leland to record their verses
Peppermint's group is up first to record. Luxx serves a killer verse and Leland tells her that she was a great way to kick off their recording set. Luxx laughs as she tells him that sounds correct. Likewise, Peppermint falls into her natural performance mode as she delivers a solid verse mixed with rapping and singing much like Luxx's. Leland tells her that he can see how their verses fit together so well. Dela is shown struggling in her delivery and Leland mentions that she seems way more reserved and in her head than she usually appears. Dela is told that she has really great lyrics but that Leland feels she isn't selling it and that he knows she can bring more to a performance and that's the side he wants to see.

Kylie's group is up next to record. Ra'jah is the first to record her verse and has a great verse but has to work with Leland to get the pacing down. Mistress has a hilarious verse that Leland tells her was written well and that he wants to make sure that she really lands the jokes that she has written with the way she delivers the lyrics. Kylie's verse is quite risque where Leland asks her if she intended for it to be so 'on the nose'. Kylie assures him that it fits her brand and that she thinks it goes with the overall vibe of the song to which it's clear Leland doesn't agree but just nods along.

Laganja's group is the last shown recording their verses. Monet tells Leland that this is what she was most excited to be able to show. He tells her that he wants to see that excitement in her delivery and performance and Monet completely delivers. Symone is up next and she too has a killer verse that really shows her personality and has some camp wordplay within it. Laganja, much like her two teammates, delivers a killer verse and Leland tells her that he has no notes for her and that he really thinks she killed it
In her confessional, Symone says that the other girls need to be worried about them because they are coming for the top spot this week.

We then see the All Stars go to the main stage to come up with their choreography within their groups. Laganja takes her group to the stage first and takes the lead in coming up with the choreography for their section. The queens are hitting every beat and it looks really synchronized. There really aren't weak links in the group and Laganja even comes up with ways to ensure that each of the girls has a chance to really steal the shine in the performance. We see the queens off to the side looking along looking gagged by how smoothly their rehearsal is going
In her confessional, Dela talks about how that is going to be a tough act to follow because those girls are really nailing it.

Peppermint takes her group to the stage next and asks if Luxx or Dela want to have a bigger hand in coming up with the choreography. Luxx looks towards Dela and says she doesn't mind coming up with the moves alongside Peppermint. As they are working, Dela does struggle to keep the rhythm that Luxx and Peppermint are setting and asks for moves and steps to be simplified or slowed down. Luxx looks annoyed but allows Peppermint to chime in and work in ways to shift their movements.

Finally we see Kylie take her group to stage and begin working on their choreography. Between Kylie, Mistress, and Ra'jah it's unclear who is taking control of the choreography as they each take turns talking through things. Mistress jokes with her team telling them not to be afraid to choreograph because she isn't like Dela and she can actually move. Dela looks shocked while Mistress just giggles along on stage.

The queens are shown reentering the werkroom excited for their performances. Peppermint is shown checking in on Dela who tells her that she definitely felt like there were a lot of queens targeting her with this performance and that it sucked having Luxx come at her that way seeing as they were supposed to be teammates. Peppermint assures her that Luxx wasn't trying to come from a negative place but instead just wanted to make sure that their team was successful. We also see Symone talking with Monet about the challenge and Monet sharing that she is feeling really good going into this challenge and feeling like she is getting the chance to really show more of her talent. Symone agrees but then also talks about how all of the girls are seeming to be really confident so it will make it tough to know just who is going to be the unfortunate queen that lands in the bottom.

RuPaul welcomes everyone to the runway and introduces the main judges for the week, Michelle Visage and Carson Kressley! She then goes on to greet this week's extra special guest judges Madison Beer and Tessa Thompson. Ru the explains that this week the All Stars were challenged to sing and dance in the name of romance

The lovey-dovey song kicks off with Laganja's team. Straight out the gate we hear Laganja's killer verse. Symone follows and nails her verse as well and we hear Ru laugh at her quips. Monet closes out their section with an amazing voice where she not only sings but also raps towards the end. All eyes are on her as she really does an amazing job. Peppermint's team follows with pillows as they prance along the stage. Luxx sounds amazing in her verse where she shows off her vocals yet again. Dela follows with a comedic verse of her own and Peppermint closes out their section and we see Ru look on in awe with how amazing Peppermint sounds and performs. Finally, Kylie's team comes out with Mistress serving her comedically shady verse to kick things off. Kylie follows and shows that she didn't edit the vulgarity from her verse but still sells it well. Ra'jah wraps their performance with a solid verse and hits the moves as well. The queens all take to the stage together to close the performance which, overall, was really entertaining

Ru announces that the runway category is 'Love the Skin Your In'. We see the girls all walk the runway in their skin toned looks and they look incredible.
RuPaul starts the judging by calling Symone, Laganja Estranja, and Ra'jah O'Hara and letting them know that they are all safe and that they may step backstage
The critiques begin.

Michelle starts with Monet and tells her she loves her runway look tonight. She adds that she thinks that she understood the brief very well. She moves on to say that her verse was her favorite of her group and that she thinks she is an amazing performer. Madison Beer agrees that she looks incredible on the runway. She goes on to add that her voice sounded great in her verse and that she thinks she made a lot of smart choices with her lyrics.

Michelle moves on to Peppermint and says that she loved seeing Peppermint back in her element this week and that this is what they wanted to see from her last week. She adds that Peppermint is a star and that there is no denying that when it comes to how she performs. Tessa Thompson tells her that she has always been a huge fan of Peppermint's and that tonight it was amazing to see her in all her glory and performing the roof off the studio.

Carson then talks to Luxx and tells her that he loves her runway look and knows that she is going to be one to watch when it comes to her fashions. He goes on to say that he also really enjoyed her verse and thought she sounded and performed so well on stage. Tessa Thompson agrees that she looks amazing and also agrees that her verse was so well written and performed.

Carson then talks to Dela and tells her that he couldn't help but feel like she was holding back this week or that there was something that got her in her head and impacted her performance. Dela opens up about her interactions with Luxx and adds that she could feel it getting to her even though she was trying to get over it. Madison Beer tells her that you will always work with people that you may not mesh with but being a professional is putting those personal feelings aside so that you can perform for your audience and that is where she feels like Dela slipped tonight.

Michelle tells Kylie that she looks beautiful. She then asks her about her verse and if she thought about being less 'on the nose' with her lyrics and that the song had more of an innocent feel to it until her verse came around. Madison Beer agrees and adds that sometimes when writing lyrics its better to let the listener infer what you may mean by an innuendo than just slapping them in the face with it.

Carson ends by telling Mistress that she is such an entertaining queen. He adds that he felt like her verse was the weakest of her group and that he knew that she could bring more but that the musicality of it seemed to be missing. Tessa Thompson disagrees that it was the weakest but does agree that it didn't flow as well as some of the other queens. She adds that she did enjoy how she seemed to deliver a crazed fan better than some of the other queens though.

Following the critiques RuPaul announces that she has made her decisions.

Ru goes on to announce that...
Peppermint is the top All Star the week! She then lets both Monet X Change and Luxx Noir London know that they are safe.

RuPaul then tells Bendelacreme, Mistress Isabelle Brooks and Kylie Sonique Love that they are in the bottom this week and are up for elimination
The queens all return to the werkroom to discuss the critiques
In her confessional, Kylie mentions that she feels like crap walking in the back knowing that her fate lies in the hands of the other queens and that she doesn't think that it is her time to go yet because she has way too much left to show.

The safe queens Symone, Ra'jah, and Laganja asks how the deliberations went because they can see by the look on some faces that it might've been rough out there. Monet tells them that Peppermint came out on top as the winner of the week and they all congratulate her. Laganja then asks who is up for elimination this week to which Dela tells the group that she, Kylie, and Mistress are the queens in the bottom. Luxx then asks Dela why she felt the need to throw her under the bus during the critiques to which all the other queens look gagged. Dela stutters through a response essentially saying that she was asked about what was going on with her so she felt the need to be honest and let the judges know. Mistress chimes in and says that it more so felt like an attempt to throw blame on someone else because she flopped and that it instead painted Luxx in a negative light in front of the judges. Peppermint then says that she wants to pull Dela and have a conversation.

After Peppermint leaves with Dela, Kylie and Mistress talk with the other queens and discuss why they should stay. Kylie mentions that she felt like her critiques were all focused on how they thought her verse was NSFW and not necessarily that they thought she flopped. She goes on to tell the group that they know what she can bring and they know she can entertain and feels like she deserves more chances to shine. Mistress admits that dancing and choreography isn't her tea but that she still felt like she went out there and wasn't defeated. She adds that while Dela struggled to be a professional and put on a show she didn't do that and that for that reason she should be kept this week. When Dela returns she tries to apologize to Luxx and tell her that she didn't intend to throw her under the bus. Luxx doesn't respond to the apology but does blatantly tell Dela that she will be choosing her lip stick this week. Dela tells the rest of the girls that she wasn't necessarily told that she did poorly this week but rather that she was holding back. She goes on to explain that she feels like if they are making a fair choice that Mistress was the queen who received the most negative critiques about her performance.

Peppermint talks to each of the girls about what they think landed them in the bottom. Dela admits that she was second-guessing things and allowed Luxx to get in her head. Peppermint tells Dela that she was there for their interactions and admits that Luxx came off a little harsh but that she feels like Dela needs to focus more on the competition and not on what other girls are thinking about her. Kylie tells Peppermint that she feels like she just made a bad call. She adds that she has a brand and felt like she delivered that and that maybe the judges felt it was a little too much but she isn't about to change who she is as a queen. Mistress shares that she thinks that she went outside her comfort zone in her drag and didn't let the challenge get the best of her
In her confessional, Peppermint talks about how it feels great to be the top queen but that she can see how difficult these decisions can be and that what she feels is that the best choice is to just be fair in who gets the chop.

We then see all the queens going to the voting booth to cast their votes for who should be eliminated. At last we see Peppermint walking up to the mirror and deciding which of the bottom queens she will eliminate if she wins her lip sync.

The queens are back on the main stage. The other queens are seated to the side while Peppermint is on stage awaiting her performance. Ru asks Peppermint if she is ready to lip sync for her legacy to which Peppermint responds by saying she is ready to take out the assassin. Ru then says it's time to meet this week's lip sync assassin...


The lip sync assassin is...
Silky Nutmeg Ganache, Season 5 and All Stars 2!!

RuPaul welcomes Silky back and to which Silky jokingly asks if she wins this lip sync if she is joining the cast. Ru cackles and tells Silky no and then explains that Silky holds the lip stick of the queen the group has chosen to get the chop. RuPaul then announces that two queens stand before her. She tells Peppermint that this is her chance to impress her, win $20,000, and earn the power to give one of the bottom queens the chop.

The time has come to lip sync for your legacy

Good luck and don't FUCK it up!

The lip sync song Neutron Dance by The Pointer Sisters then starts playing and the queens start putting on a show! The performances are high energy and just start out neck and neck. Peppermint does a reveal to a body suit which allows her to really start to move around the stage. Silky isn't intimidated by this at all and dances and bucks around the stage on her own accord as well. The All Stars are cheering off to the side screaming for Peppermint and Silky as they leave it all out there.

The lip sync ends and RuPaul announces...

Peppermint... you're a winner baby!
She goes on to announce that Peppermint has earned a cash tip of $20,000 and the power to eliminate one of the bottom queens. Ru thanks Silky for coming back and Silky let's her know that she will always be a phone call away before leaving the main stage.

RuPaul then asks the bottom queens to step forward.

She tells Peppermint that with great power comes great responsibility. She asks her which queen has she chosen to get the chop.

Peppermint talks about how talented all three of the queens on stage are and that she knows that this is only going to be the beginning of what they will accomplish and show the world. Peppermint then reaches into her garment to reveal that she has chosen to send home...
"Mistress Isabelle Brooks"
Mistress smiles and nods. She gives a hug to both Kylie and Dela.
As it is written, so shall it be done....

Mistress Isabelle Brooks... sashay away.

The queens clap for Mistress as she departs the main stage.

7 Queens Remain...


submitted by 5docdoc to RPDRfantasyseason [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 03:31 Lethal_Warlock Sharing my Personal Service Treatment Records (STR) tracking sheet

Sharing my Personal Service Treatment Records (STR) tracking sheet
Below is a screen shot of a simple Excel worksheet I made up to help me track each item of work in my quest to maximize my VA ratings IAW VA regulations. It was a good thing I started doing this, because it helped me realize what my core objectives are in my quest to document each item and potentially max out all eligible compensation.
It also helped me realize my back rating DBQ missed an item. In service and post service I avoided running because it puts pressure on L5 which I crushed years ago lifting an 800-pound GP large tent. If you avoid running, that is an abnormal gait, and the VA DBQ's exam didn't catch this. I requested a new exam as a result.
The simple sheet also serves to help me organize my thoughts and write every relevant and legitimate claim I can make.
Here's an explanation of what I am doing:
  1. Column one is the medical problem list (not necessarily a formal diagnosis)
  2. Column two is where you have your evidence (is this in my medical records or not)
  3. Column three states where the evidence is located and if it was diagnosed (must have)
  4. Column four is to track Nexus Statement. (As an example, I need one for carpal tunnel because I was injured in service, but didn't develop carpal tunnel until much later, so I need to do extra leg work and get a doctors Nexus). Sometimes you have to prove things, otherwise the VA won't rate you.
  5. PTSD has its own unique requirements and ideally you should have some record of combat and scenarios. For me it was seeing people blown up and burned up, but you also need a formal diagnosis according to what I have read. If others had different experiences I would love to hear more. I am also including my military citation that reflected that event and sending that to the VA.
The other sections are pretty much self-explanatory but I added notes for myself so I can put supporting arguments for the next DBQ or any supplemental evidence tracking, etc...
The document is still a work in progress, but I help others find this helpful. If someone wants to collaborate and work on improving it, I will happily share a copy until it is super helpful.
  • Add explanations to each section
  • Break it into multiple tabs
  • Add a section in each tab to include related disabilities
  • Add linkage to external references
  • Gather feedback from others
  • Continue developing this long term
  • Help all Veterans - why, because we should!
Message me with your email if you want a copy.
Sheet last updated: 5/25/2024 at 21:42 EST
submitted by Lethal_Warlock to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 03:09 No_Medicine_8112 How I Built and Deployed a Deep Learning Model to Classify Images of Dogs and Cats, and Deployed with NextJS

I'm excited to share a project I've been working on that combines deep learning, web development, and deployment technologies. I created a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model to classify images of dogs and cats, trained on a substantial dataset, and deployed it through a multi-layered architecture. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of my journey.

Step 1: Preparing the Dataset

The first step was gathering and preparing a large dataset. I used a dataset containing over 12,000 images of dogs and 12,000 images of cats, totalling more than 24,000 images. This provided a robust foundation for training a reliable model.

Step 2: Designing the CNN Architecture

The architecture of my CNN model consisted of:

Step 3: Training the Model

Training the model on my laptop was a challenging but rewarding process. Given the size of the dataset and the complexity of the architecture, the model took over 7 hours to train. I used the following configuration for training:

Step 4: Deploying the Model

Once the model was trained and achieved satisfactory performance, the next step was deployment. I chose a multi-tiered approach to make the model accessible via a web interface.

Step 5: Connecting the Pieces

Here’s how the entire system works together:
  1. User Interaction: A user uploads an image through the Next.js frontend.
  2. Processing the Request: The image data is sent to the Node.js Express server.
  3. Model Inference: The Express server forwards the image data to the Flask API, which runs the model inference and classifies the image as either a dog or a cat.
  4. Returning the Result: The classification result is sent back through the Express server to the frontend, where it is displayed to the user.


This project was a fantastic learning experience that allowed me to integrate deep learning with web development. From training a sophisticated CNN model to deploying it across different layers of an application stack, I enjoyed the challenge of making AI accessible and interactive.
If you're interested in the technical details or have any questions, feel free to reach out or check out the project on GitHub Python Server, NodeJS server, NextJS frontend.
You can find the website here Deployed Website
Note: The website might be slow for your first classification, this is because i am using the free package of to deploy, which would spin down the server due to inactivity. This means your first request might be delayed up to 3 minutes, how ever this does not affect the functionality of the backend, and your subsequent request would be faster
Thank you for reading!

DeepLearning #MachineLearning #AI #WebDevelopment #Python #NodeJS #NextJS #DataScience

submitted by No_Medicine_8112 to learnmachinelearning [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 03:05 No_Medicine_8112 How I Built and Deployed a Deep Learning Model to Classify Images of Dogs and Cats, and Deployed with NextJS

I'm excited to share a project I've been working on that combines deep learning, web development, and deployment technologies. I created a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model to classify images of dogs and cats, trained on a substantial dataset, and deployed it through a multi-layered architecture. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of my journey.

Step 1: Preparing the Dataset

The first step was gathering and preparing a large dataset. I used a dataset containing over 12,000 images of dogs and 12,000 images of cats, totalling more than 24,000 images. This provided a robust foundation for training a reliable model.

Step 2: Designing the CNN Architecture

The architecture of my CNN model consisted of:

Step 3: Training the Model

Training the model on my laptop was a challenging but rewarding process. Given the size of the dataset and the complexity of the architecture, the model took over 7 hours to train. I used the following configuration for training:

Step 4: Deploying the Model

Once the model was trained and achieved satisfactory performance, the next step was deployment. I chose a multi-tiered approach to make the model accessible via a web interface.

Step 5: Connecting the Pieces

Here’s how the entire system works together:
  1. User Interaction: A user uploads an image through the Next.js frontend.
  2. Processing the Request: The image data is sent to the Node.js Express server.
  3. Model Inference: The Express server forwards the image data to the Flask API, which runs the model inference and classifies the image as either a dog or a cat.
  4. Returning the Result: The classification result is sent back through the Express server to the frontend, where it is displayed to the user.


This project was a fantastic learning experience that allowed me to integrate deep learning with web development. From training a sophisticated CNN model to deploying it across different layers of an application stack, I enjoyed the challenge of making AI accessible and interactive.
If you're interested in the technical details or have any questions, feel free to reach out or check out the project on GitHub Python Server, NodeJS server, NextJS frontend.
You can find the website here Deployed Website
Note: The website might be slow for your first classification, this is because i am using the free package of to deploy, which would spin down the server due to inactivity. This means your first request might be delayed up to 3 minutes, how ever this does not affect the functionality of the backend, and your subsequent request would be faster
Thank you for reading!

DeepLearning #MachineLearning #AI #WebDevelopment #Python #NodeJS #NextJS #DataScience

submitted by No_Medicine_8112 to learnmachinelearning [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 03:02 learning-machine1964 Am I doing something wrong in my code?

Hey guys, I am using langchain to generate structured output, but for some reason, the output is not properly formatted json so when I run json.loads(), it gives me an error. I tried to make a clean_response function but there are too many edge cases to consider. Am I using the wrong function to get the LLM output? Thanks in advance!
Here is my code:
from abc import ABC import os import pydantic from langchain_groq import ChatGroq from langchain.pydantic_v1 import validator from langchain.output_parsers import PydanticOutputParser from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate from langchain.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel import json from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() tags_req = ["HS Seniors Only", "Need Based", "Merit Based", "Essay Required", "US Citizen", "Arts", "STEM", "Community Service", "Leadership"] class Tags(BaseModel): tags: list[str] @validator('tags') def must_use_only_these_values(cls, v): for tag in v: if tag not in tags_req: raise ValueError(f"tag {tag} is not in {tags_req}") return v class Description(BaseModel): description: str class Generator(ABC): def __init__(self ) -> None: pass def generate(self, *args): pass class GroqGenerator(Generator): def __init__( self, ): super().__init__() self.llm = ChatGroq( temperature=0.1, groq_api_key=os.getenv("GROQ_API_KEY"), model_name="mixtral-8x7b-32768", ) def generate( self, name, available, opens, closes, details, description, need_based, merit_based, ): msg1 = ( f"Name: {name}\nAvailable: {available}\nOpens: {opens}\nCloses: {closes}\nDetails: {details}\nDescription: {description}\nNeed Based: {need_based}\nMerit Based: {merit_based}\n\n Generate Below: " ) msg2 = ( f"\nName: {name}\nAvailable: {available}\nOpens: {opens}\nCloses: {closes}\nDetails: {details}\nDescription: {description}\nNeed Based: {need_based}\nMerit Based: {merit_based}\n\n Generate Below: ", ) tags = self.inference(msg1, Tags)["tags"] desc = self.inference(msg2, Description)["description"] return tags, desc def inference(self, msg, pydantic_object): parser = PydanticOutputParser(pydantic_object=pydantic_object) if pydantic_object.__class__.__name__ == "Tags": prompt = PromptTemplate( template="Please follow the instructions of the following user query.\n{format_instructions}\n{query}\n", input_variables=["query"], partial_variables={"format_instructions": parser.get_format_instructions() + f" Make sure only generate the array from this bank of tags and no other tags: {tags_req}"}, ) else: prompt = PromptTemplate( template="Please follow the instructions of the following user query.\n{format_instructions}\n{query}\n", input_variables=["query"], partial_variables={"format_instructions": parser.get_format_instructions()}, ) _input = prompt.format_prompt(query=msg) response = self.llm.invoke(_input.to_string()).content cleaned_response = self.clean_response(response) print(cleaned_response) return json.loads(cleaned_response) def clean_response(self, response): # Replace curly quotes and other problematic characters response = response.replace('“', '"').replace('”', '"') response = response.replace("‘", "'").replace("’", "'") return response def test(self, msg): return self.inference(msg) if __name__ == "__main__": groq = GroqGenerator(["scholarship"]) print(groq.test("Q: What is a scholarship? A:")) 
submitted by learning-machine1964 to LangChain [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 02:20 existential_overkill Help! Analyzing genotype matrix values (dosages) for clonality

Hi guys! As a part of my university's final year project, my group is investigating Carpinus betulus (European hornbeam trees) in a certain forest to gain a deeper understanding of the population genetic structure. We're all looking at different aspects which we decided on in December so I'm investigating the extent to which C. betulus displays clonality.
We were not expected to sequence the data since we are only undergraduates so our university did this for us and ran into a few technical roadblocks. Basically they could only recover nuclear genome data which they aligned to Chinese Hornbeams (bc no reference for European Hornbeams was available!). They took care of SNP calling, imputation and QC and shared the final data with us.
We were originally supposed to be receiving vcf files which we had planned our entire analyses around but unfortunately all we got was a sort of incomplete file that resembled a vcf file but was missing the header and a lot of the columns. I have attached a snippet of the file below- as u can see it only has CHROM, POS, REF, ALT! so software isn't compatible with it :(
I was initially planning to convert the vcf to genind and conduct analyses using adegenet and poppr but can't do that anymore. All we have left to work with are 5-end genotype matrix values (dosages) for each sample at that SNP. Our university is very apologetic about the situation so they expect a very basic level analysis, honestly anything at all on our final poster is a huge W.
Could you please let me know if my new approach to investigate clonality is correct?
I compared each of the 77 samples individually with one another on excel to determine if they had the same dosages at the same SNP sites. I assumed that if 2 columns were identical, it would mean that the samples are genetic clones. Does this make sense? I have never worked with genome data before so I would really appreciate any feedback. If you think my interpretation is wrong and have any other ideas that would really help out too. Thank you so much! :)
TLDR; Can 2 samples be considered genetic clones if they have the same 5-end genotype matrix values (dosages) at the same SNP sites?
submitted by existential_overkill to bioinformatics [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 02:17 existential_overkill Help! Analyzing genotype matrix values (dosages) for clonality

Help! Analyzing genotype matrix values (dosages) for clonality
Hi guys! As a part of my university's final year project, my group is investigating Carpinus betulus (European hornbeam trees) in a certain forest to gain a deeper understanding of the population genetic structure. We're all looking at different aspects which we decided on in December so I'm investigating the extent to which C. betulus displays clonality.
We were not expected to sequence the data since we are only undergraduates so our university did this for us and ran into a few technical roadblocks. Basically they could only recover nuclear genome data which they aligned to Chinese Hornbeams (bc no reference for European Hornbeams was available!). They took care of SNP calling, imputation and QC and shared the final data with us.
We were originally supposed to be receiving vcf files which we had planned our entire analyses around but unfortunately all we got was a sort of incomplete file that resembled a vcf file but was missing the header and a lot of the columns. I have attached a snippet of the file below- as u can see it only has CHROM, POS, REF, ALT! so software isn't compatible with it :(
I was initially planning to convert the vcf to genind and conduct analyses using adegenet and poppr but can't do that anymore. All we have left to work with are 5-end genotype matrix values (dosages) for each sample at that SNP. Our university is very apologetic about the situation so they expect a very basic level analysis, honestly anything at all on our final poster is a huge W.
Could you please let me know if my new approach to investigate clonality is correct?
I compared each of the 77 samples individually with one another on excel to determine if they had the same dosages at the same SNP sites. I assumed that if 2 columns were identical, it would mean that the samples are genetic clones. Does this make sense? I have never worked with genome data before so I would really appreciate any feedback. If you think my interpretation is wrong and have any other ideas that would really help out too. Thank you so much! :)
TLDR; Can 2 samples be considered genetic clones if they have the same 5-end genotype matrix values (dosages) at the same SNP sites?
submitted by existential_overkill to genetics [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 01:47 Soffy21 My thoughts on the WUWA character designs

In WUWA, I think certain character designs have a lot of potential, but they are held back due to spesific flaws; and certain others (mainly the designs of female characters) lack personality and characterization. I like to do art myself and analyse character designs in various media, so I wanted to share my honest thoughts with the sub and see whether you guys agree with me or disagree.
My first criticism is that many designs fail to give us hints about the characters. Good cjaracter designs tend to give us ideas about the character such as their occupation, social standing and personality through color schemes, outfit choices and visual symbolism. Of course, all of these don’t have to be spelled out to us, but these kinds of hints can help us distinguish a character from the rest, and act as visual storytelling.
I think that Scar’s design is good at this, as the dominant red and white colors correlate with his impulsive, exantric and aggressive personality, while also looking very easy to distinguish. The scars on his face give us certain clues about his character and what he could have been through to get them, and also make him more unique.
However, the designs of characters like Yangyang tell us nothing about their personality, profession, skills, backstory… It feels very generic and lacks character. This is combined with the colors they used for her feeling very bland. I really enjoy Scar and the General’s colors, but many of the other characters don’t stand out in that way.
I think that Genshin is very good at choosing visually engaging colors for their characters, which make them stand out and give us himts about what region they’re from, their proffession, and have many motifs and symbols integrated into these designs. WUWA could incorporate similar elements into their designs to make them more distinct.
Another problem I have with WUWA is that some of the characters’ outfits make no sense, where I don’t know how they could ever wear their clothes and take them off. Examples for this problem are Jiyan and Baizhi, where their outfits would be impossible to wear. This isn’t a huge problem, but I think it does damage the quality designs (at least for me). Meanwhile, certain other characters’ outfits feel very out of place, such as Yangyang wearing a dress, despite being an outrider.
And for some characters who do wear appropriate clothes like Mortefi, it feels bland, since the colors and the design in general are uninteresting. And this is amplified by 3 other characters having the same shade of red hair as him, making it feel less unique. As an example, red hair is the main identifier of Diluc from Genshin. While he’s not one of the best designs from the game, the red hair feels unique and distinguishes him from the rest, while highlighting the contrast between his cold personality and his fire element. It also creates a contrast between the blue color scheme of his brother, who’s the exact opposite of him. On top of this, it shows that he may be ethnically connected to the Murata tribe, who all have red hair. This way, the red hair serves many purposes on its own. However, if 3 other characters from the same region had the shame shade of hair as him, he’d feel a lot more bland. I also have the same problem with the female MC, Yangyang and Bailian having the same tone and similar styles of hair, since it makes them feel very repetitive (especially when all 3 are in certain scenes together).
My next critique is that certain designs feel too crowded, with many unnecessary details on them. This makes them feel tiring to look at, and you don’t know where to focus on the design. I beleive that if unnecessary details were removed and the number of colors used were reduced to increase the design’s coherence, characters like Lingyang would look a lot better. Similarly, the number of unncessary accessories on Yinlin could be reduced and the number of colors could be decreased to 3-4 to make her feel better. I think that Kafka from HSR is a good example, as she has only 3 dominant colors and a relatively simpler design, yet is very iconic and recognizable, compared to the WUWA characters.
Another issue I have is that the female characters feel very bland and look like generic anime girls in comparison to the male characters, whose designs seem to have a lot more thought put into it. Yinlin is an upgrade compared to the female characters we have right now, but she still doesn’t feel super unique or anything. And unrelated, but the jiggle physics feel so uncanny.
I think that’s all of my thoughts. For clearance, my intention was not to bash the game, but instead to share my genuine criticisms and see whether the community agreed or not. My references to Hoyo games was more intended to point out good examples of character designs, and not to directly compare the quality of the two games. I’m also curious if anyone has additional criticisms of the designs that I didn’t point out.
submitted by Soffy21 to WutheringWaves [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 01:09 SetitheRedcap The Ethics of Nature

I was thinking about right and wrong, in its broadest sense, in an attempt to understand deeper about my nature as a magician and a spiritual person. This is quite a long one, so buckle up! I would love any insight ✨️ I have reposted this here for a much broader set of opinions from all walks of life.
. . .
We know that "good" and "bad," are heavily subjective; these concepts vary from person to person, influenced by societal and psychological standards, but I think a general cognition of these is accepted internally and intuitively. A mix of logic and empathy. Even animals, though at fluctuatiating contrast in cognitive ability to the homosapien, have shown surprising interactions with ethical thinking. If anything it is likely the humans higher ability to self-reflect and think so intensively and abstractly, makes morals such a focus that lessens further down the food-chain.
One of the popular understandings of Gods is that they are representative of forces of nature, here before we even had understanding of them, and due to our need for breaking things down to a humanised image -- they are beyond our comprehension -- we translated them into myths and artwork, paving their futures, like tulpas, as they took on that belief. But what where they like before that?
A warrior knows when to use his blade; when to lay it down, when to hinder and when to kill. Their shield (metaphorically) is to protect that and those which they hold dear. This survival instinct is still there to this day, under all the cheeseburgers and vanity, where we would kill to protect our loved ones without guilt or shame. This is easy. But if we take it back to more ancient times, where warriors r@ped and plundered after battle, and took off the limbs of those that got in the way, the lines between ethics and survival begin to blur. We can look back and apply them, sure, but from a divine point how do we understand modern-day morality within ourselves?
I don't want to cause any more misery in this world, which is why I focus so hard on forgiveness, understanding and intellectual perspective. But this idea that we must love -- which is in many cultures-- is starting to feel less like natural balance. I'm not talking throwing curses around like tictacs or judging others, nor much of other magical and physical cruelties we see in this reality. Many of us lightworkers force ourselves to hold or tongues, to be stoic in the face of rudeness, to heal not harm, unite not divide, no matter what -- that is a noble effort. But we are animals. Do we not have a sting or tooth or defense mechanism in our survival cortex.
They say a true spiritualist operates as a conduit for both polarities. Balance. To be all one or the other is equally as volatile.
But why is there not room to teach a narcissist who gaslit and emotionally abused you, a well-deserved lesson? A medieval version of me may have poisoned their wine, or taken them for ransom. Why not swing your sword to take down oppressors? I think it should be very controlled and calculated, meeting the right force needed, but is it not an innate, biological drive within us to protect what's important and take out any threats?
All of this seeks to understand where the warrior energy, in the frenzy of passion and hate and everything else which drives us, can act in opposition to our mercy, grace, virtues. I value all human life, so I'm not promoting physical harm (they where just examples) but I do get sick of being the one who is always grounded and holding myself back. I have been wanting primality in my craft for long time, but with that I need to figure out how that conflicts with my personal ethics.
"I am not perfect," I monologue in the mirror. "As much as I try to choose good, I think there is a much darker nature to us as mortals, that while it can be suppressed, will always be there. If I am nature and all of the natural world works in unbiased harmony, then is the human or magician not the same?"
. . .
I was thinking, perhaps of looking into survival situations under a microscope, as well as horror movies, next to my psychology research, and analysing warriors from different myths and cultures for deeper insight. I operate with a specific code, but something old is telling me to scribble outside the lines. Find out where I can be fierce or animalistic to go hand in hand with my desire to love and care.
submitted by SetitheRedcap to starseeds [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 01:00 SetitheRedcap Morality & The Warrior Energy

I was thinking about right and wrong, in its broadest sense, in an attempt to understand deeper about my nature as a magician and a spiritual person. This is quite a long one, so buckle up! I would love any insight ✨️
. . .
We know that "good" and "bad," are heavily subjective; these concepts vary from person to person, influenced by societal and psychological standards, but I think a general cognition of these is accepted internally and intuitively. A mix of logic and empathy. Even animals, though at fluctuatiating contrast in cognitive ability to the homosapien, have shown surprising interactions with ethical thinking. If anything it is likely the humans higher ability to self-reflect and think so intensively and abstractly, makes morals such a focus that lessens further down the food-chain.
One of the popular understandings of Gods is that they are representative of forces of nature, here before we even had understanding of them, and due to our need for breaking things down to a humanised image -- they are beyond our comprehension -- we translated them into myths and artwork, paving their futures, like tulpas, as they took on that belief. But what where they like before that?
A warrior knows when to use his blade; when to lay it down, when to hinder and when to kill. Their shield (metaphorically) is to protect that and those which they hold dear. This survival instinct is still there to this day, under all the cheeseburgers and vanity, where we would kill to protect our loved ones without guilt or shame. This is easy. But if we take it back to more ancient times, where warriors r@ped and plundered after battle, and took off the limbs of those that got in the way, the lines between ethics and survival begin to blur. We can look back and apply them, sure, but from a divine point how do we understand modern-day morality within ourselves?
I don't want to cause any more misery in this world, which is why I focus so hard on forgiveness, understanding and intellectual perspective. But this idea that we must love -- which is in many cultures-- is starting to feel less like natural balance. I'm not talking throwing curses around like tictacs or judging others, nor much of other magical and physical cruelties we see in this reality.
But why is there not room to teach a narcissist who gaslit and emotionally abused you, a well-deserved lesson? A medieval version of me may have poisoned their wine, or taken them for ransom. Why not swing your sword to take down oppressors? I think it should be very controlled and calculated, meeting the right force needed, but is it not an innate, biological drive within us to protect what's important and take out any threats?
All of this seeks to understand where the warrior energy, in the frenzy of passion and hate and everything else which drives us, can act in opposition to our mercy, grace, virtues. I value all human life, so I'm not promoting physical harm (they where just examples) but I do get sick of being the one who is always grounded and holding myself back. I have been wanting primality in my craft for long time, but with that I need to figure out how that conflicts with my personal ethics.
"I am not perfect," I monologue in the mirror. "As much as I try to choose good, I think there is a much darker nature to us as mortals, that while it can be suppressed, will always be there. If I am nature and all of the natural world works in unbiased harmony, then is the human or magician not the same?"
. . .
I was thinking, perhaps of looking into survival situations under a microscope, as well as horror movies, next to my psychology research, and analysing warriors from different myths and cultures for deeper insight. I operate with a specific code, but something old is telling me to scribble outside the lines. Find out where I can be fierce of animalistic to go hand in hand with my desire to love and care.
submitted by SetitheRedcap to chaosmagick [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 00:49 tootsie_4 I've bottled up so much I think I need advice from 3 communities, or 4

I've bottled up so much I think I need advice from 3 communities, or 4
First of all let me start with thanking for Reddit that exists and it's so raw and genuine in helping and understanding that everyone's lives, experiences, kinks, perspectives etc are different while taking time to empathize and leave a piece of advice for anyone. It's cheaper and more genuine than any therapy session.
I am trying hard to be practical in storytelling the experience I'm going through right now and I will start with the main issue that pushed me to write this in the first place: my experience after cutting contact for 6 months with my narcissistic mother; following 2 other topics that I'm addressing representing my "tools" that I use to deal with the reality I'm living now meaning -astrology (to connect the dots behind my psyche and understanding my pattern here on earth) and - LSD as a subsequent tool to heal for which I am not sure yet to use in this case, and I will tell you why anyway and all about it now. I'll just break it down in 3 big chunks named by the community I'm interested receiving advice from to be easier to follow and adviced on. They're interconnected so I'm kinda sorry for the /LSD and /astrology communities for having to go through all of that but it is what it takes. Please don't refrain from giving advice if you have knowledge or experience with more than one community, like give me advice from both combined if it makes sense? Anyway I'll let my soul free and I'll ask a series of questions for each community at the end.
/Raisedbynarcissists community here
Alright so basically I cut contact with my narcissistic mom for 6 months after she had a tantrum after I broke the key of my door in the door because she came after me to yell and stuff, never respecting my privacy I had to lock the door to calm down and keep her away and then she threw me out of the house basically on the reason that's her house and I am not allowed to break anything..pretty good start huh? Haha and I am in this period of my life where I'm floating and I am trying to understand if this is a good path to healing or just another ego death that I'm not aware of it happening. I'm 26F mother is 70 now, I'm just me and her no siblings, father passed away 4 yrs ago. It always been that household full of fights because of my dad drinking alcohol since I was 6 and money and proving who has the strongest point between their rock heads. Mom been through a lot when young, that's what she would tell me to make me forgive for all the shitty character she would have. I empathized with her, A LOT, I've been her puppet. "Listen to me, act nice, have manners, don't speak when I speak, better not speak at all and give me all the credit for what a wonderful mom I am because I deserve cuz I've been through such hard childhood and "sacrificing" myself not breaking up with your alcoholic dad for you to have a dad because mine left me at 2 yrs old" - kinda sums her up. Dad was just a quiet guy that I regret for not getting to know him more because I wished him death ..and it happened as I've pictured few years a car accident in the front of my house.. because my mom turned me so bad against him victimizing herself and all that stuff that I had to feel mercy on her and go all against him for being such an alcoholic and make us feel like shit (at least he never beat us) but since I was 6yrs till 6 months before he passed away, he drinked all day all night and fought with mom and everything. I regret so fucking much he dying and actually with few months in before happening , I was getting along very well with him. Both of them had cancer, mom breast, dad prostate and exactly in that period one of my biggest dreams was about to become true. Been accepted with Erasmus in Belgium (failed 2ice in before) experience which I've accepted so happily and being so bad ashamed of afterwards by my mom because "I left both of them sick home". But what could I have done?? they were under treatment going well. Anyway, in the middle of my Erasmus experience, a drunk guy crashed in their car parked in the front of our house. Dad died after one month, mom had multiple injuries and such but she escaped from everything including cancer but not narcissism, the irony. I had to quit my experience and come back home, stay with her and everything. Would be more to storytell but from here her narcissist character took over me without realizing. Because I lived with an narcissistic mother and and alcoholic dad of course I've been In toxic relationships where I've been manipulated and had all sorts of narcissistic partners, I gave my everything I ever wanted to receive back, they took advantage and left. I've also had my drugs period, experiencing and everything but clean now for about 2 years. I felt like if I was about to use few more months, I'd go down the rabbit hole without return ticket. I liked to experience, a little bit of each, to drift away from reality. Of course I developed the people pleaser syndrome, feeling hard to say no, being always open and vulnerable thinking I'll receive the same back and everything, the typical aftermath of this household abuse. I've read a lot about narcissist parents when I cut contact with her few months ago, I was in such a dark period at that time that I was ready and assumed to set the world on fire just because I had to go through this. Breaking up with narcissistic parents who make you mentality dependable on them for 25yrs, is fucking hard. Harder is to clean your blurry lenses and see the ugly behind and cope with the reality, that's what I did after moving out alone and having a new job far from home. I'm not strange from this, I can manage easily on my own but this issue put a lot of weight on my shoulders and I had to disecate it so much in the past months to get the best and heal the f out of myself. Mentally I did the work but I still transit that period when I'm still coping with accepting the reality of being in such trauma for 20+ yrs. I feel stuck and I need to get out of this with a routine, the permanent healthy way. I've had this in the past and kept me on the verge but I feel like this time besides the fact that it's so hard to reinforce, something still keeps me down in this mental turmoil to analyze and over analyze ways of getting out, before actually getting out. Before concluding that the idea of routine would be the healthiest way to keep me on track I will storytell you a bit about my little BDSM - domme period of 3 months earlier this year. Nice and healing way, somehow, to cope with the idea of narcissist abuse rather thank killing someone out of anger, now that I look back haha. So I moved out in December and in January I've randomly got this urge to get interested into dominant women, dominatrix and making men submissive eventually pegging them would've been my biggest revenge. Why? Because going backwards a bit, moving out in such anger and rush made all my traumas, when I've been in relationships with narcissistic partners, explode on top of that the current one with my mom. Not saying that the last job I've had, the boss was again a fucking narcissist taking advantage of my hardworking and overachieving nature, fucking me up with money and everything . Instead of praise, I've never been good enough no matter how hard I'd try. He read me, he used me, that's it, another one but now in a profesionall framework. Anyway, all of these made me step on the idea of narcisist with my heels and PVC dresses and floggers in my hands. I joined in a kink community, been to workshops, did my research and study A LOT, took part in my 1st play as a submissive with the promise that it's going to be the last time in this position just to know how my future slaves would feel haha (a good dome should have empathy though haha) and the 2nd play where I've been dominant from A to Z and I could release all my anger and turmoil but in a nice way. Everything's been safe and with consensus, in the front of dozens of people under the eyes of organizers (and let me show respect here for all of my BDSM fellows and communities for trying so hard to remove the stigma in such educational manner) but guess what, it was just a phase and after that I've got so sick physically, been on antibiotics and I've recovered but I can't feel going back even if I want to, nothing drags me back in that state of mind to be a domme but I really thought at that point I'll make out a career out of this and low-key I am angry that I couldn't hold that determination that I've had at that point up to present moment. (Here's a question though..why? Why I couldn't hold onto that power anymore? It gave me power it helped me so much bringing all my pieces together and etc..) Somehow this sickness felt like cleaned me for good of that phase. Fast forward back to our routine, I feel like being a domme wasn't for me and I need to stick to a routine and find the motivation to not lose myself in such harsh extremes. Guys, I never knew how hard is the lesson of balance and patience. Like .. balance the extremes girl.. and now, that BDSM moment of mine healed me in a safe way, somehow build up on my character and slowly strengthened me, now I can cut you with my sight if you do me wrong or you don't understand my fucking boundaries or you disrespect me in any way, I don't have fear of public anymore and I can cut of men easily when they're getting too close in a way that I feel threatening, I still miss the power I've had.. The problem is I kinda lost social skills in these 6 months and I was working for the first time full night shifts (23-7) and this shifted me mentally, made me isolate from the world outside and inside. It's so peaceful though to go out when the city goes to sleep and come back home and sleep when the city wakes up, it's something different that helped my introspection. Today is going to be my last day, I mean night at this current job I've had since I've moved out and I said to myself "no more night shifts", it became very difficult to manage the sleeping, the eating, the thinking.. I'm proud I did it so well though and in 7 days I'll start a new job elsewhere, same thing but day shift. I felt the need to change, to shift, to implement all these lessons on the daylight if you understand haha, to reintegrate into the society after 6 dark months of.. everything. Now I have a feeling of 2 choices, in these 7 days I want to take my time to rest and recharge but somehow do something meaningful to close some cheapers and here is where I am not decided and I need your help.
  1. Go home for few days under the pretext that I want to change some clothes from winter to summer and see how's going to be the interaction with my mom after no contact, and stay strong and gray rock and not reacting and just analysing how's she like after all this time and see if there's anything to be "saved" from the relationship or just move on and keep the distance. And another reason to go is because someone told me recently that "you'd better go and see her sooner than later when you'll regret, who knows what's happening. Don't make it too late, go and face it". The thing is.. I feel like I betrayed my dad for going against him and I didn't get to see him ever again to make peace or to chat with him before leaving with Erasmus so.. I don't know, even though I'm so raged up against my mom, I can't have this feeling too on my shoulders I'm barely moving on and healing from the rest of the things.
/LSD community here
  1. Do acid and contemplate about everything with the risk of melting my ego away and making me forgive her and going back into the phase of accepting and everything because in the end "we're all one in a big cosmic dance and Love's what's healing" - I haven't mastered the control of my thoughts on the aftereffect of the acid and I hope it won't ruin all my healing. But as I am aware of the fact I don't want that and I need to hold my horses, you know, acid is... just let yourself go. I have to say that in my past trips I've had 4 of them, and 1/4 of tab each time, still pretty afraid to do more considering the traumas I've been through and who knows why it's bringing to the surface. Now, I have an orange star microdot that I want to take alone. As for the feeling, everytime I took acid I had this wholesome feeling as described above, we're all one and love is thriving and I'd daydream to live in such utopian world but unfortunately duality is real and reality is harsh, we have to accept and to live the both sides of the coin; as I said, hard to master coming off acid and keeps me still in this utopian vibe and easy to be vulnerable in this fucked up world. My purpose and intention is to integrate the lessons though taking acid and building on my development I've had so far without letting it make me too permissive again nor the other extreme, lose my mind. I somehow want to learn how and when is a good time to put and take out my pink heart colored glasses.
And now, I'll wrap it all up under my astrological analysis because lately I feel such a strong pull towards this tool to understand my life better and I will tell you why now.
/Astrology community here
Lately, in these 6 moths when I get my period I have such intense feelings and epiphanies during the PMS for 2weeks. It's like coming down into my body and feeling everything, all the pain of this world, relieving my past over and over again, whining and crying for it feeling like I've never healed and guilty for everything I've did and so on. These are periods guys, and they're harsh. Lately I've got a feeling to get interested in a particular topic of astrology, North Node and South Node and after some research and following my bleeding gut in this period (is like I'm connected with my Higher self and I'll tell you why) I've discovered that I have North Node in Virgo in the 12th house and South Node in Pisces in the 6th house which is, Jesus Christ, completely fucked up, I have to basically master the both worlds, to bring balance by rationalizing the spiritual into material while still being on service to others and loving everything. ( For the ones that don't know, the North Node sign is supposed to be your mission here on earth taking on the characteristics of that particular zodiac sign and the South Node is supposed to be the gifts you've been entering this life with from your previous life but also a comfort zone. The thing is that they'll slow your development here but no need to get rid of them, but that's the comfort zone and it's what should be overcomed with the help of North Node to achieve your mission). For me, I'm living it right now, I'm going into my psyche and sub/unconsciousness and analyze, clean, order and understand like a Virgo would do and try not to sacrifice myself and get lost all over the place with escape tendencies as Pisces would do, being very hard for me to implement routine and understand and go with the flow of the mundane. All for this to understand myself and through healing, be at service for myself first , and others in a healthy way. Basically this sums up coming into this world like a Pisces: being in my own little word since I was a kid and so loving with everyone. I've always wanted to help people and this would made me so happy, donated money, helped friends with money, bought many things for mom and so on. Seems that made me very appealing for narcissistic abuse later on. I've always loved animals and nature. My forest was my second home, I've loved art and beauty and I still do, I've been into spirituality and occult concepts since teenage hood. I've felt keep coming all these ancestral informations, even now when I get my periods is like a sudden download of epiphanies and realizations, things that I've been feeling that I know for ages. I've also had my escape period through drugs, alcohol and narcs relationships but in the same time guys, I was so determined to achieve whatever I've put my mind to. I've finished college with almost 10 or A, I've checked on 9 countries up till now, of which 5 visited (2 alone), 1 studied in, 3 worked in. I've met so many cultures, connected so deep with each of these people abroad, I've worked my head, heart and body off on every job I've had in the end quitting because of burnout, very f time , I've successfully managed on my own in this weird world with 0 friends.. each person I would've consider friend would fade away when he/she couldn't take something from me so yeah..look at me now trying to organize and make sense of my life and navigate through the hard times and pick me up and make a life for myself like I've never had. 
I'm ♉ sun, ♌ moon, ♍ ascendant, ♈ Mercury, ♈Venus, ♉ Mars, ♓ Jupiter, ♈ Saturn, ♒ Uranus, ♒ Neptune, ♐ Pluto.. NN in ♍ and SN in ♓, A Stellium in ♈, Chiron in ♏, a 0.68° or something Venus which explain a lot. Mom is ♑ sun and ♓ moon and Dad was ♏ sun and ♎ moon. In my chart, I don't have planets in the 1, 2, 4, 6, 10, 11 house. Couldn't get much info on the missing houses and what does it mean but I'll die to know.. I'm going to ask a series of questions anyway at the end. I'm not an expert in astrology, I'm still learning about all the planets in the signs and houses, in relation with each other, aspects and so on. But feel free like never to make whatever interpretation comes to your mind based on all this chunk of life I've thrown up here. I love to learn from analysis and others perspectives and points of view.
Now coming the questions...
  1. /Raisedbynarcissistscommunity
How do I cope with the fact that she might not be aware of her narcissism and will continue like this even after this break? I've had tried to explain the things and tell her stuff but no chance, she's in her world not accepting and of course gaslighting, after reading lots of material on narcissism I realize was a wrong thing to confront her like that.
What techniques can be used to stand my ground, to face any criticism or whatever she'll throw at me?
How to get over the fact that I might talk to a wall and I'll never get her compassion and move on mentally from this place?
How to get in a good routine without being too hard on myself and eventually loosing it and trying to escape again?
Just drop any advice you consider useful in regard with this.
  1. /LSD community
How do you ground yourself after a trip and try to apply the lessons, especially if you did it with a purpose, with an intention?
How to enjoy acid and keep the wholesome, accepting feeling of loving everyone without actually becoming a martyr?
I have to be honest, I feel like I want to escape the idea of confronting the reality with taking on that microdot but in the same time I'm still afraid of getting out of the hole straight to my mom. I really need to control my self cuz I grew some darkness inside and I'm impulsive by nature. But in the same time I have the urge to confront her like that without searching help in acid.
Just drop any advice you consider useful info regard with my intention of taking it in this situation..
  1. /Astrology community
What's up with the empty houses? Feel free to ask me any houses you're interested for making any connections.
How is should make use of better of my Virgo qualities of the North Node and how I should make a better use of my gifts from the Pisces in South Node?
On what other aspects in my chart I should keep my eye on and are key for personal development?
P.S. I couldn't post it in the main /Astrology because of a somewhat rule of not asking for birth charts interpretations.. so I think I will stay in this one. ////
Everything I wrote here guys is so heavy and difficult for me to balance. Also I've listened to Beach House - Bloom album for 7 times since I'm writing this, damn time flies. Found it while surfing through reddit in/LSD community, I strongly recommend it, never been moved so strong by such random music. Usually I'm listening to hard techno or hard psytrance, the only genre that keeps my racing thoughts in place. Felt so good to take it off my chest and thank you in advance for any piece of advice.
submitted by tootsie_4 to AstrologyCharts [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 00:24 Crybaby_Kaiden rewatching vcg

idk if yall do the same thing ever since the "drama" (if there even is any) but ive been binge watching vcg again as i usually do every couple months and i just try and analyse if there is any visible tension. for a series to end so suddenly and for brittany and sarah splitting after what, 3 years of content together? i get such a sinking feeling realising they could either hate each other or just be taking a break and not being able to know the answer makes me feel like spongebob in that one episode where hes rocking back and forth going insane 😭😭
submitted by Crybaby_Kaiden to violatingcommunitygls [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 00:11 Awaismax This is just the start

I have been noticeably away from sub since a long time and I have been here on and off in between. But such is life. I sacrificed my time on socials to focus on my career which is by far still my priority. And I would advise the same to every guy who earns to prioritise career over anything. This sub became a part time for me and now I try to take out time to interact with you people as much as I can. So I at least feel connected with you all. I just believe that too much of something is never nice so going by that I have to divide my schedule.
Secondly since we hit 45k I just wanted to say it's just the start. The mod team has decided alot of things for the future and I am clearly seeing the vision we have for this sub ! You all will notice it too because the direction we are taking this sub on will definitely be liked by everyone.
If anyone ever has any concerns to address you can refer to mods and even me too. I ll listen and address. One more thing I want to repeatedly say is that don't ever text me with "why my post isn't approved" and all. I don't respond to those messages. You all can read the sub rules and you have to analyse yourself whether your post fits the criteria for the sub or not. If it doesn't no need to even submit it for approval. I know the mods are doing their job well and it would make their life easier if members here would also post according to rules of community
Rest assured this should always be a safe space for both genders. Me being the top mod, I have to oversee all of this.
Happy confessing. Stay blessed you all
submitted by Awaismax to PakistaniiConfessions [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 00:04 watneg1 Prenatal depression and anxiety

Hi. I'm 11.5 weeks pregnant with my first child. I've had severe all-day sickness during my first weeks along with depression in the form of tiredness and loosing interest for anything I used to love (books, writing, tv shows, traveling, cooking ofc) so I just stopped taking Follic Acid, as I understood it worsened nausea for me. Problem is, I now have extreme anxiety over birth defects for not using follic acid. A sudden staph infection appeared in my yeast culture results (I had never found it in previous analyses) and now I'm taking a vaginal antibiotic which is worsening my mucchus and making me itchy. I am scared the baby is not going to come out healthy because I'm not able to take prenatals for him, while I fear what the staph might do. I have basically lost interest over everything and I have to admit abortion has sometimes crossed my mind. Suicide too, but only because I test myself whether I am strong enough to stay alive for this baby. By far, I would never do anything to hurt myself only because of them. Pregnancy google and talk is the only thing that interests me at the moment. But it also triggers my anxiety, as I find myself falling into those bad internet pitfalls. I am scared to get attached to this child yet, which doesn't help at all. I'm also waiting for my NIPT analysis results next week and that makes me feel desperate and anxious AF. Overall, pregnancy isn't an enjoyable experience at all for me. Everyone I speak to tells me this will end as soon as I start feeling the baby, but that doesn't help. I wish I had people who can understand what I'm going through. My mom def doesn't relate to this and comes up with some generic pep talk while my MIL is more worried as to why I and my husband don't write/call her more often. I'm to tired to explain to them what a toll this is taking to my mental health and I just skip every debate now. I just want to sleep, and sleep, and sleep. I also hate my house. I work from home and have started to despise every angle of it.
submitted by watneg1 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 23:50 TomasVrboda So I had a thought about the connection between James Sunderland and Silent Hill 4.

Obviously this is going to include spoilers for both games, but I don't want to redact the text. So I will be using a spoiler tag. Consider yourself warned and proceed at your own peril.
So because Frank Sunderland has Walter's umbilical cord, I think it can be inferred that he has known Walter since he was born. I think we can assume that Frank has been the superintendent of South Ashfield heights since he was at least in his late 20's. So there is a good chance he raised his family there and James may have even worked there as an office clerk.
That would mean that James probably knew Walter when he was a kid before he was sent to the orphanage. It's even possible that they were friends. So while young Walter was appearing to Joseph all those years, it's also possible that he was keeping tabs on and appearing to James. Obviously with the three mentions at least (I might be missing some) of Walter Sullivan in Silent Hill 2, there was some connection.
It's possible that ghost Walter is also the one who sent James the letter. Perhaps it was even Walter using the power of Silent Hill to make James see things and give him a second shot at love. He may even have been the devil on the shoulder that convinced James to do what he did.
It's all just a thought I had kicking around the old brain pan that I felt like sharing. It's just an idea and I won't be offended and an am more than happy to be wrong. Like I said, I just wanted to share something new besides asking about the remake or begging for info about the other new games.
Thank you all in advance for taking the time to read this and for providing feedback. I wish all of you the very best of health and happiness and hope you can stay out of the fog. Cheers to a long and enjoyable weekend for everyone.
submitted by TomasVrboda to silenthill [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 23:49 jungandjung Tell yourself your own story, create your own myth, with tragedy, drama, heroism and hope for awakening of the authentic you.

I came up with the idea of imagining that there is another smaller, primitive (but not redundant) version of you inside of you, and you tell it your story, an origin story or a personal myth. Try it yourself and see what you will come up with, how will it make you feel. I would love to analyse it in Jungian terms, but I hesitate to just 'explain away' and objectify it. I am not sure if it is active imagination but it is coming out of my imagination, specifically my feelings, both past and present.
Imagine that there is a tiny person in all of us, try and feel it somewhere in the back of your mind. By nature the external world of this tiny person is bound to our internal world, so we influence its ‘external word’ with our actions, including our mental actions, our beliefs. We will call this tiny person Aum, and we will define him as tiny from our own perspective. Imagine that Aum has always been bound to the body and could never grow out of it, so something had to be done, a compromise. After a while another entity appeared and it could grow seemingly indefinitely, but at the expense of not having as intimate a bond with the body, that body we will call the realm.
For a while the two of them were grounded to the realm, but then one day the inevitable happened and this other entity has grown too great in size and ventured out to explore the outside. More and more the giant distanced himself from the realm, while Aum had to live in the shadow of the giant and the walls that were built around the realm. Aum was bound to the realm, it was his natural habitat, but being walled off from the outside he grew more and more estranged and afraid. The giant has long lost awareness of Aum, and it was unbeknownst to the giant that the realm had an inextricable link with Aum.
One day an earthquake struck the realm and the heavy walls began to shake and crack. It was the last gasp of a dying land. Naturally it woke up the giant who was at the time dozing at the gates. Ever since the realm was not the same, the giant was not the same, great doubt and unrest has creeped into his very being. But let us imagine that in the end the giant remembered his origins and the realm did not face oblivion. The story is not finished, ever, but we would like to imagine he has returned to the realm and found Aum.
Do you think this story is archetypal? In general life does not torture you to completely break your spirit but it does risk coming too close to get your attention, it seems life has great aversion for innocence.
submitted by jungandjung to u/jungandjung [link] [comments]